5:02pm MDST
Fighting for Power or Building Bridges

Posted on August 23, 2014 by theozarker
July 23, 2014
We can argue “’til the cows come home” about whether, percentage wise, per
capita, blah, blah, blah more blacks than whites are on welfare, in prison,
commit more crimes and so forth. Truth is, white power is the dominant (and
pretty much only) power in the United States. And the wealthier the white,
the more powerful the white. It is also true, that white power structure
has worked mightily – from small town governments to the halls of Imperial
power that rule us all – to keep it that way while maintaining an outward
appear... more »
August 23: let's be nice....
,,,,just for the start.
Friday's regular Whatever section with columns written by high school and
university students always has some of the best writing in the paper. All
of those students have loads of potential; and it must be a pleasure to
teach any of them. But today's columns blew my socks off. ....especially
two of them who not only have potential but are already writing to
excellent journalism standards.
One of them is Aureli Pare who writes on general health. The other is
Isabelle Agnew who, particularly for this week, wrote a WOW! column. It was
on the death of Robin Will... more »
"The Grapes of Wrath" (Excerpts)
"The Grapes of Wrath" (Excerpts)
by John Steinbeck
"They breathe profits; they eat the interest on money. If they don't get
it, they die the way you die without air, without side-meat." [referring to
the banks- CP]
"The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It's the monster. Men
made it, but they can't control it."
"It ain't that big. The whole United States ain't that big. It ain't that
big. It ain't big enough. There ain't room enough for you an' me, for your
kind an' my kind, for rich and poor together all in one country, for
thieves and honest men. For hunger and fat."
... more »
Fighting for Power or Building Bridges
July 23, 2014 We can argue “’til the cows come home” about whether,
percentage wise, per capita, blah, blah, blah more blacks than whites are
on welfare, in prison, commit more crimes and so forth. Truth is, white
power is … Continue reading →
“How the Ultra-Rich .01% Have Sucked Up Even More of America's Wealth Than You Think”
*“How the Ultra-Rich .01% Have Sucked Up Even *
*More of America's Wealth Than You Think”*
By David DeGraw
"You know, I've been around the ruling class all my life, and I've been
quite aware of their total contempt for the people of the country."
- Gore Vidal
“An extensive analysis of economic conditions and government policy reveals
that the need for significant systemic change is now a mathematical fact.
Corruption, greed and economic inequality have reached a peak tipping
point. Due to the consolidation of wealth, the majority of the population
cannot generate enough income to k... more »
Critiquing Doctor Who: Deep Breath
Before sitting down to watch the new *Doctor Who* with Peter Capaldi, there
are two things reasons to be optimistically cheerful about. Mr Malcolm
Tucker has said no to flirtatious banter with his co-stars. Second, Jenna
Coleman might exit at Christmas. This is no reflection on Coleman, she's
only playing a part after all. Unfortunately, Clara is a highly
problematic: an object that exists solely as a story line, from the get-go
she was a wise-cracking, ass-kicking, bum-pinching get-up-and-go-girl; a
walking, talking female sonic screw-driver whose sole reason for being was
to get ... more »
(Chump Goldman-Suks Change?) MS Admits $100B Offshore (Most Ever) Untaxed Profits (Anti-Zionist NOT Anti-Semitic) A Country of Lone Gunmen: One Nation Under SWAT (Plea For Ukraine Inquiry By Millions Urging No WWIII, Please!)
Goldman Sachs to Pay $1.2 Billion for Selling Faulty Mortgages to Fannie
and FreddieReuters Goldman Sachs has agreed to a settlement worth $1.2bn
(£723m) to resolve a US regulator's claims the bank sold Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac faulty mortgage bonds, the regulator announced on Friday. READ
MORE Comments: # A P 2014-08-23 07:23 If this is like the CITI and JP
Morgan settlements, the

Lots of comings and goings at the Addams-Melman House these days.
Housemate Karen has moved to North Berwick to be with her artist man friend
through the winter. Into her space has just moved one of MB's friends and
her son. Then downstairs in an empty room a young man who is teaching math
and science in a nearby middle school has moved in.
For two weeks we have three college student guests from Malaysia, Israel,
and England visiting. The kitchen has been humming non-stop and this
morning I made a big pot of pasta sauce from all the tomatoes we have grown
and been given by fri... more »
Will Their Opposition To Obamacare Help Defeat Any Of The Last Wretched Blue Dogs In Congress?

Georgia Blue Dog John Barrow has one of the most reactionary voting records
of any Democrat in Congress-- to the point where he defines the term
"DINO," Democrat in Name Only. For 2013-14, ProgressivePunch has scored him
a dismal 27.73, just fractionally worse from Utah Blue Dog, Jim Matheson
who decided to retire rather than face certain defeat in November. Three
principled conservative *Republicans* have more progressive scores than
Barrow: Justin Amash (MI-29.09), Chris Gibson (NY-40.00) and Walter Jones
(NC-41.23). His overall voting record, for a Democrat is putrid.
That hasn... more »
Hamas is to Israel as IS is to us

I happened to have the television tuned to BBC News 24 in the afternoon
when some breaking news came through. I think the presenter was Nicholas
Owen. He did look a little perplexed while announcing that Hamas had
executed eighteen suspected collaborators.
I thought that news was very important. Evidently the BBC thinks otherwise,
because it hasn’t made many headlines.
It’s important because it clearly puts Hamas alongside IS. You know,
ruthless and barbaric with no moral equivocation. No human shields to be
seen. No sacrificial lambs. No input from Israel. Just violent and
reckle... more »
U.S. Wants to Bomb ISIS In Syria ... Maybe We Should (cough) First Stop ARMING THEM?

*Sometimes the obvious is so easily missed by those with complicated mind
syndrome commonly found in intelligence circles and governments.... -AK*
*U.S. Wants to Bomb ISIS In Syria ... Maybe We Should (cough) First Stop
Submitted by George Washington on 08/22/2014 17:59 -0400
U.S. foreign policy is schizophrenic.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says we need to attack the Sunni
militants in Syria.
The deputy national security adviser to President Obama says we should go... more »
The new Doctor Who
A fascinating episode: some nice interplay, some interesting back
references and a nice touch that even the dumbest viewer worked out where
the Doctor had seen the villain before, before the Doctor did.
As for Peter Capaldi, he may be fine but following Matt Smith is a tall
order. Will he be a Tom Baker following Jon Pertwee (in other words a
triumph) or a Peter Davison following Tom Baker (in other words a
disappointment). I suppose in a triumph of timey wimeyness, he could be a
Matt Smith replacing David Tennant (could we be that lucky again?
But then again, and this might sto... more »
“The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls”
*“The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls”*
by Washington’s Blog
"Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name.
What’s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game..."
- The Rolling Stones,
"Sympathy For The Devil"*
"The reason that Internet trolls are effective is that people still don’t
understand their game. There are 15 commonly-used trolling tactics to disrupt,
misdirect and control internet discussions. As one interesting example,
trolls start flame wars because – according to two professors – swearing
and name-calling shut down our ability to think and focus. And trolls will
often spe... more »
ISIS Is A Fake US/Israeli Created "Terrorist" Group: Government Fear Factory - "ISIS Is In The United States" Just In Time For Another 9-11 Anniversary!
Lets get the facts straight here for everyone…. This "ISIS", or "IS" , or
"Islamic State" group of "terrorists" is as PHONEY as a 3 dollar bill.
This latest and greatest creation by the criminals in the US and the
psychotic state of Israel was created and is right now doing its dirty work
in trying to scare the hell out of the gullible American public and to make
the American sheep wrongly believe that an "invasion" of SYRIA is required
to squash this phoney-balognie "Terrorist" group. Sadly, again, most
Americans are now nothing more than dumb-ass mutton brained sheep and will... more »
Whistling about Corruption in the DOJ

Wordgeezer August 23, 2014
I was watching Book TV on C-span this morning and imediately made a pot of
coffee, just to make sure that I was awake. This beautiful person was
talking about the US Department of Justice, from the viewpoint of Truth &
Justice, which struck a harmonius chord with me when I was a contributor on
Suzie-Q's Truth & Justice blog. This is where I cut my teeth on writing
about the inequities that were being experienced, in these years, following
the election of George Duhhbya Bu$h. I have been Bu$h Bashing ever since,
but, of course, discovered, just like all... more »
Editor's Note
For the past few weeks we have been receiving visitors and family at our
home. Playing host while doing the work that I do .... coupled with this
blog .... has been a challenge. Fortunately .... the last person is leaving
tomorrow night and I do not expect any visitors till the next vacation
cycle .... which is next year. So ... blogging is going to be light for the
next 24-36 hours .... but everything should return to normal by Monday
What CDC whistleblower William Thompson needs to do now

Jon Rappoport
*(Note: All posts related to this story are archived here under
I’m putting this together from bits and pieces of information I’m getting
from various sources.
William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, who apparently can torpedo the CDC
with his inside information about a falsified vaccine study, is cut off
from outside help—except for his lawyer.
I hope that lawyer knows the kind of danger his client is in.
If the CDC’s position that the MMR vaccine has no connection to autism is
shredded, the whole corrupt vaccine empire experiences an earthquak... more »
'More or Less'
I was going to do a piece on *More or Less'*s take on the BBC's coverage of
the Gaza casualty statistics. It would have involved lots of transcribing
and taken lots of time.
Thankfully Hadar at *BBC Watch *has already done it, including all the
transcribing. Her piece is well worth reading. Its focus lies less in
confronting *More or Less*'s statistical findings than in undermining the
integrity of the three organisations consulted by the programme [the
United Nations High Commission of Human Rights, the Al Mezan Centre for
Human Rights in Gaza and the Israeli human rights group B... more »
What's It Worth to Jesse Register to Corporatize Nashville's Public Schools?
In June a corporate reform school outfit called STRIVE, which is headed by
a former TFA cult member, had its application rejected unanimously by
Metro's school board. With the help of CorpEd crony superintendent, Jesse
Register, that all changed last week. From Joey Garrison at the Tennessean:
. . . .STRIVE, a middle school, is cleared to open next fall, joining five
other new charters already approved.
Board members Elissa Kim, Michael Hayes, Jo Ann Brannon, Anna Shepherd and
Chairwoman Cheryl Mayes voted for the school. Pinkston, Amy Frogge and Jill
Speering voted against it.
P... more »
A Game Changer In Amphibious Warfare?
*Star Wars At Sea! The $10m 'X-Wing' Stealth Speedboat That Could Fly
Across The Water To Deliver Troops Into Battle -- Daily Mail*
38-foot long main cabin rests on top of a pair of 12-foot tall struts
At high speeds they raise cabin above the water like a hydrofoil
It looks uncannily like the X-Wing fighter from the sci-fi blockbuster Star
However, in fact this is the Ghost - a $10m ship designed to 'fly' above
the water on legs and deliver marines into battle.
Invented by a Maine medical tech millionaire, the US Navy is already
considering buying the craft.
*Read more* ..... more »
America's Police State . . .
AMERICAN REPUBLIC has mutated into something ugly and carnivorous, not
just in its policies with the rest of the world, but in the way it has
turned on its poor. It's become a ghastly distortion according to
Charles Stross*, who commented on his blog that American police have
abandoned Sir Robert Peel's Principles of Policing. As you may know, the
London Metropolitan Police was the first
The Grocery Store Rebellion: Here’s What We Ate During Week 2

Daisy Luther
We had some setbacks this week, but we’re hanging in there with our Grocery
Store Rebellion.
At the end of Week 2, we ran out of milk. After choking down coffee
without fresh cream, I finally broke down and went to our local co-op and
purchased milk. Yuck. I really hope that our dairy farmer gets another cow
soon, because this pasteurized stuff is for the birds. According to the
sign at the co-op, it’s from a dairy that is not a factory farm type of
place, so I went with the best option I could find.
In other news, a sudden heat wave one afternoon may have wiped ... more »
Supplemental: Long ago, Lawrence told Matthews the truth!
*Concerning the work of the Times:* In our view, Lawrence O’Donnell won the
week with some good press analysis.
Along the way, he sometimes overstated and erred. But he won his basic
The New York Times hasn't established the fact that “witnesses have given
investigators sharply conflicting accounts of the killing” of Michael Brown.
Let’s be clear. It’s possible that witnesses *have* provided “sharply
conflicting accounts.” But in its Wednesday front-page report, the Times
offered no examples.
As usual, America’s most hapless newspaper didn’t com... more »
Hands Up, Don't Shoot

Grayson's amendment to stop funding the over-militarization of local police
forces never made it to the Senate. The House Republican leaders-- Boehner,
Cantor and McCarthy-- teamed up with the House Democratic leaders-- Pelosi,
Hoyer, Clyburn (along with Wasserman Schultz, Israel and Crowley)-- to urge
their caucuses to vote against it. Only 62 Members of Congress had the
wisdom and the guts to vote for it. Members who serve the interests of the
Military-Industrial Complex Dwight Eisenhower warned the national about
about over 6 decades ago, were the ones who killed the amendment. ... more »
A Look At The Russian Arms Buildup (Video)
*My Comment*: This Russian arms buildup still does not match what the U.S.
and China have done during this same time frame .... but with the crisis in
Ukraine continuing .... and tensions with the West escalating .... I do not
expect this Russian arms buildup to be curtailed anytime soon.
What To Make of Corporate Tax Inversions
Click here to read my column in Sunday's *NY Times*.
Fukushima Updates ( August 23 , 2014 ) Items to consider relating to ongoing debacle at Fukushima with global implications ....... Decay of Futaba - Machi as metaphor for Japan .

Energy news......
10:25 AM EST on August 23rd, 2014 | 9 comments
Japan Newspaper: “The seriousness of the current situation at Fukushima
can’t be understated” — Report: Unmitigated radiation is pouring into
Pacific Ocean — Video: They don’t know how to stop the radioactive leaks…
we’ll never know how to stop this
08:10 PM EST on August 22nd, 2014 | 100 comments
Scientist holds press conference in Tokyo: Urgent need to share new
developments from Fukushima — Very, very striking results show radiation
injury to whole ecosystems — Significant implications for Japan (VIDEO)
02:05 PM EST ... more »
The Ripening of a Sewer Socialist

I guess it could have been worse. Bernie Sanders could have totally lost it
and hurled an imported Ferguson hand grenade at his Town Hall protesters
last weekend instead of just hurling some pretty harsh invective at them. I
guess it's easy to tell hecklers to shut up when you also have an armed
Vermont state trooper firmly planted between them and you.
You can watch the clip here.
The protesters, from Occupy and the Code Pink anti-war group, were upset
that their senator, along with every single one of his 99 compatriots, had
voted to send more financial aid to Israel to support it... more »
Intel Community Now Zeroing In On Those Responsible For The Beheading Of U.S. Journalist James Foley

Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, a British man who rapped under the name "L Jinny,"
is a suspect in the beheading murder of journalist James Foley.
*The Rapper, The Hacker And The Terror Travel Guide Writer. Is One Of These
British Extremists Jihadi John? Three Potential Islamic State 'Beatles'
Emerge As MI5 'Zeroes In' On Murderer Who Beheaded U.S. Journalist James
Foley -- Daily Mail*
* Intelligence agencies hunting for identity of jihadist who murdered
* Reports have suggested Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, a 23-year-old from London
* Abu Hussain al-Britani, 20, and Abu Abdullah al-Bri... more »
Europe's support for the Islamic State
"The Islamic State" terrorists are so cruel that at one point, Osama bin
Laden had ruled out any collaboration with them.
*Off-topic*: Czech readers may listen to an episode of Planetarium where
they interviewed me about string theory. The program (archive) was aired on Czech
Public Radio North on Saturday 18:05 Czech Summer Time.
*Volcano*: Bárðarbunga began to erupt, so far subglacially, but you may
watch the webcam and it may get more interesting.
These überjerks show that when you calibrate your moral sense to the
situation of Syria, Bashar Assad i... more »
Breaking news: Eruption has started in Dyngjujökull glacier on August 23 , 2014 ! Badarbunga begins to erupt - aviation warnings for ash cloud ( red alert )

*DAILY SABAH* @DailySabah 20m
Small subglacial eruption underway at #Bardarbunga volcano in #Iceland
http://goo.gl/6OT71k pic.twitter.com/dmSmkY6d3p
[image: Embedded image permalink]
Breaking news: Eruption has started in Dyngjujökull glacier!August 23, 2014
Photo is from the 2010 eruption in Eyjafjallajökull.
An eruption has occurred at the site of the volcano Badarbunga. At the
moment, it is still a sub-glacial eruption, meaning that there is no
visible evide... more »
Go Fund Racism

Over the last several days, Go Fund Me has proven that, regardless of
its official Terms of Service and mealy-mouthing about not promoting hate
speech, racism or anything of the sort, all that gets defenestrated pretty
quickly when there's money to be made.
And, as with any crowd-sourcing corporation, GFM takes a healthy cut
out of campaigns. As with Kickstarter, they take 5%.
Now, if you do a Google search for Go Fund Me, one of the first six
hits you'll get is the first campaign for Officer Darren Wilson, the brave
white cop who gunned down an unarmed African America... more »
KIPP Memphis Collegiate $230,000 In Debt to Shelby County As State Test Scores Crater

Today's Commercial Appeal reported in the print edition that KIPP
Collegiate Schools owe Shelby County Schools $229,443.42 for overpayment
based on KIPP's projected enrollment or for failure to pay teacher
retirement benefits, utility bills, etc. to the County. There is no link
because the story has been scrubbed from the *Commercial Appeal *website.
Shelby County is asking the State "to allow it to reduce payments to the
schools to cover the shortage."
Judging by KIPP Memphis state test scores below, there is reason to keep
researchers off the premises. The state website's 2014... more »
NBC News: Current U.S. Military Policy Against ISIL Is Not Working
*My Comment*: The interesting part of this report is the admission that the
Syrian regime may welcome U.S. intervention in their war against the
Islamic State/ISIS.

*Mourning Rubble*
*For Gaza*
When darkness overcomes us
And Hope lies in the past
What in our hearts sustains us?
How do we make love last?
When our weakness overwhelms us,
And we watch as children die,
How can we breathe this still foul air?
What makes us even try?
We see grief upon a father’s face.
We hear a mother’s scream.
How do we find another place
For tortured hearts to dream?
With darkness all around us
Where do we find a light?
What makes us wake another day
To strive to set things right?
What makes us dare to toil and sweat?
What ma... more »
St. Louis Cop Suspended After Radical Views Are Exposed by YouTuber
*Guilt by Association:*
Now, the U.S. government via the corporate media is attempting to demonize Oath
Keepers, a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving
military, police, and first responders who pledge to fulfill the oath all
military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies,
foreign and domestic", by associating the organization with Sgt. Dan Page
(most likely a paid government agent). The Oath Keepers recently published
an open letter to Governor Jay Nixon.
Similarly, government agents have developed a new terror narrative which associa... more »
At War With Reality

In a recent speech to the Canadian Medical Association, Health Minister
Rona Ambrose told her audience:
“At the end of the day, for policymakers like me, it’s the medical science
and data-based evidence that must guide our decisions on health sector
regulation and allocation of resources.”
It was a remarkable statement. In October, she announced that her
government would no longer allow doctors to prescribe medical heroin
There is no evidence at this point that heroin … giving he... more »
Rapper Talib Kweli Calls Out Corporate Media Coverage of Ferguson on Live TV
*Nick Bernabe | The Anti-Media*
Rapper Talib Kweli takes CNN reporter Don Lemon to task over the lopsided
and superficial coverage that CNN is doing on the Ferguson civil unrest.
The town of Ferguson, MO has become a national media sensation following
the shooting death of 18 year old Michael Brown, the subsequent civil
disobedience and massive militarized police reaction.
Here’s the clip:
The corporate media’s notoriously pro-government slant is coming under
increased scrutiny following the incredible citizen journalism coverage
showing the unadulterated situation on the gro... more »
The Special Ops Mission To Rescue Amercian Hostages In Syria Was Bigger Than The Bin Laden Raid
*The Operation To Rescue American Hostages In Syria Was Much Larger Than We
Realised -- Business Insider*
The failed U.S. mission to rescue a number of hostages being held by the
Islamic State (IS) militant group in Syria earlier this summer was a much
larger operation than previously realised, according to new reporting by
James Gordon Meek and Lee Ferran at ABC News.
The mission, carried out by U.S. Special Operations soldiers flown to the
target location near Raqqah, Syria by the 160th Special Operations Air
Regiment (SOAR), involved at least 24 soldiers and was supported by
h... more »
Saturday Interview: Marshajane Thompson
Marshajane Thompson is, in her own words, a "Unison activist and general
lefty type". She lives in London with her family and used to blog at Union
Futures many moons ago. Inbetween work and her union responsibilities,
Marshajane tweets here.
- You used to blog at Union Futures. Why did you stop?
Life, work and twitter got in the way!
- What would be your main blogging advice to a novice blogger?
That choosing your blog theme will take longer than you think :) But also
to update it often and not be afraid to engage when you're called out or
disagreed with.
- Is blogging diffe... more »
Israel changes name to Judaic State (JS)
[image: With the stroke of a pen, Bibi changed "Israel" to "Judaic State" -
and appointed himself Caliph][image: With the stroke of a pen, Bibi changed
"Israel" to "Judaic State" - and appointed himself Caliph]Former Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the Zionist entity
formerly known as Israel will henceforth be known as Judaic State (JS), and
that he has appointed itself as its Caliph. Netanyahu added that he will
also assume the titles “Commander of the Zionist Faithful,” “Grand Poobah
of all Jews, Freemasons, and Luciferians,” and “Child-Killer-in-Chief.”
N... more »
A few links

*This macro shot with my Sony DSC RX100 II turned out to be really nice.*
I've begun work on a book on biking here with a couple of well known local
expat riders. So expect blogging to take a hit. Exhausted today, enjoy some
*Daily Links*:
- Foreign Policy notices the Hong Kong-Taiwan connection against China.
A good review of the events. Don't miss comment from TECO in the comments
- Why the F-35 is ideal for Taiwan. It's nice to imagine, but the
purpose of the discussion of F-22, F-35, etc, is to derail the whole idea
of get... more »
Alternative Medicine Is.......

*Note:* * If one looks clearly and honestly at these two words, Alternative
Medicine, one will come to realize that all forms or methods or schools of
medicine are alternatives to choose among. All traditions are valid and
options for treatment. It is only because of marketing or public
relations or politics that certain traditons are acceptable and certain
ones demonized in the public eye.*
NATO: Silly Proposals and Enduring Realities
I was going to post about my talk in Toronto on NATO , but now I have a
slightly different NATO post to write: a response to this piece by Anne
Applebaum proposing that Obama magically fix NATO. Given that the title of
my talk was “The Present and Future of NATO: More of the
Continue reading
Was Putin's Assessment On Syria Correct?

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
*Was Putin Right About Syria? -- Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post*
What a difference a year makes. Around this time last year, the West was
gearing up for military action against the regime of Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad, who was accused of carrying out chemical weapons attacks
on his own people. That intervention never came to pass, not least because
domestic public opinion in countries such as Britain and the United States
was opposed to further entanglements in the Middle East.
Now, the U.S... more »
Tons of food, water and medicine have finally reached the struggling
citizens of Lugansk in eastern Ukraine. The aid column is now back in
Russia - after unloading its vital cargo in less than 24 hours. RT's Maria
Finoshina traveled with the convoy through the war-torn region.
Corporations like Monsanto want control of the rich fertile land of eastern
Ukraine to grow their GMO products for European markets that have been
reluctant to accept them. Oil companies have already begun fracking
operations under the cover of Kiev's shelling of the eastern region. NATO
hopes for military... more »
South Korea Found Guilty Of Illegal Dumping In U.S. Markets-- Who Could Have Guessed!

Last week, we looked at the continuing saga of NAFTA and other so-called
"free trade" agreements on America's deteriorating standard of living. One
of the most recent of those new agreements-- October, 2011-- was the Korea
Trade Agreement. For all the knee-jerk obstructionism offered by
congressional Republicans for any and all Obama proposals, the vote on this
bill was very different. It passed 278-151, 219 Republicans and 59 mostly
Big Business-owned conservative Dems voted for it, and 130 Democrats and 21
Republicans voting against it. The roster of Democrats on board for this
... more »
Weapon of Mass Distraction: More Ridiculous Redskins Team Name Hogwash
With the NFL season less than two weeks from the official opening games,
the political circus over the Washington Redskins team nickname is back in
the news. After all, it isn’t as though there are more pressing issues like
wars and rumors of wars, a dismal economy teetering on the brink of
collapse, the militarizing of the American police, spiking food prices,
rampant political corruption and any number of other problems. The
political class - especially the worthless swine in the U.S. Congress who
are on their latest taxpayer funded vacation - see opportunity in pimping
racism... more »
*Organizations Sign Statement Against Assault on a Student at Temple
SPME joined 11 other groups in issuing a statement condemning the
antisemitic attack against a pro-Israel Jewish student at Temple
University. The student was punched in the face and called “baby-killer,
racist, Zionist pig” and “kike” as he stood next to a table run by the
Students for Justice in Palestine. The groups called on Temple University
to publicly condemn this attack and to carefully monitor SJP because of its
history of intimidation, harassment, and incitement against pro-Israel
students... more »
Will The U.S. Launch Airstrikes Against ISIS Targets In Syria?
*Obama Considering Airstrikes In Syria Against Islamic State -- Washington
President Obama is considering U.S. airstrikes in Syria against militants
of the Islamic State, the White House said Friday.
“We’re not going to be restricted by borders,” said Ben Rhodes, a national
security adviser to the president. “We’re actively considering what’s going
to be necessary to deal with that threat.”
The bombing of targets in Syria would mark a significant expansion of Mr.
Obama’s three-week-old air war against the Islamic State, which has been
limited to targets of the militant gro... more »
United Nations: Syria Death Toll Tops 191,000

*Syria Death Toll 'More Than 191,000' -- BBC*
More than 191,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict up to
April, the UN human rights chief says.
Navi Pillay said the figure was "probably an underestimate" and criticised
what she called "international paralysis" on the issue.
The figure is more than double the UN estimate given a year ago.
Opposition groups in Syria have been fighting President Bashar al-Assad for
over three years, but have lost ground in recent months.
The UN report was based on data from four different monitoring groups and
the Syrian government which... more »
The Growing Humanitarian Crisis In Eastern Ukraine

People who have fled fighting in eastern Ukraine find temporary
accommodations at a summer camp for children in the Stavropol region of
southern Russia. (Eduard Korniyenko/Reuters)
*With Thousands Now Dead, Ukraine Refugees Say Aid Is Welcome But Peace Is
Better -- Washington Post*
SHCHASTYA, Ukraine – Zhanna Sologub doesn’t know if the rocket that struck
the courtyard of her house this month was fired by pro-Russian rebels or
Ukrainian government forces.
What she does know, she said, is that the biggest humanitarian gesture
either side could make right now is to stop the fighting... more »
The End of the Alliance - The Kennedy Family vs. The House of Windsor

*President John F. Kennedy meets with Chief of the Defense Staff of the
British Armed Forces Lord Louis Mountbatten, First Earl Mountbatten of
Burma (center) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Lyman
Lemnitzer (right) in the Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C., 1961.*
*Chapter V - In 1961, European and U.S. Publications Revealed the
Defense Intelligence Agency's Support of the Revolting French Generals.*
Before the attempted assassination on DeGaulle by Thiery of *Permindex* and
even before Maurice Gatlin, the New Orleans business associate of Guy
Bannister, ... more »
NSW Heat Waves, Christchurch Quakes & Pike Mine Explosion - Kabal's plan to make NZ as their exclusive safe haven

- FASEI et al.
On 24 Nov 2010, we suggested that both the Pike River Mine Disaster (PRMD)
and the BP Gulf Oil Disaster (BPGOD) were no accidental mishaps but MIHOP
disasters planned and funded by the one and same KZB (Khazarian Zionist
Banksters) global organisation.
Part of BPGOD objectives was to depopulate and evacuate the Gulf coast.
Why? There are richer (and more economical) oil reserves beneath the old
depleted shallow reservoirs near shore and on-shore. But to exploit these
vast hidden deeper reservoirs, costly and extensive 3-D seismic exploration
are needed to cover every... more »
On land and sea, China’s nuclear capability growing

[image: Jin class SSBN]Earlier this month, a minor Chinese environmental
office broke some of the biggest news in nuclear missile technology since
the end of the Cold War.
The Shaanxi Province Environmental Monitoring Center posted a work summary
of its projects, which included site monitoring for research into the Dong
Feng-41 missile.
The Department of Defense told Congress earlier this year that China was
developing the DF-41, a road-mobile, next-generation intercontinental
ballistic missile capable of launching multiple nuclear warheads.
Raed more
Singapore quietly expanding F-15 fleet
[image: RSAF F-15 Eagle]Singapore appears to have quietly boosted the size
of its F-15SG fleet from 24 aircraft to 40, according to Boeing financial
statements, aircraft registration filings, and US congressional reports.
Singapore originally bought 12 F-15SGs - with an option for eight more -
under a contract signed in December 2005. In October 2007 the city-state
modified this option by buying 12 more to give it a total of 24.
These aircraft have all been confirmed as delivered and have US-type serial
numbers running from 05-0001 to 05-0024. Several remain in the United
States wit... more »
Norman Finkelstein - "Israel Mowing the Lawn in Gaza"
Norman Finkelstein speaking on August 17th, 2014 in Princeton, NJ. at the
"A Peaceful March and Rally for the People of Gaza", at the rally located
at the 'Fountain of Freedom' in front of Woodrow Wilson Library, Princeton
[image: (2014) "Norman Finkelstein Israel Mowing the Lawn in Gaza"]
Over 400,000 flee homes in east Ukraine: UNHCR
The UN refugee agency says over 400,000 people have fled their homes due to
the fighting in eastern Ukraine.
De facto martial law in Ferguson, Missouri
The state of Missouri, with the full backing of the Obama administration,
has responded to continuing protests against the police murder of Michael
Brown, an unarmed African American teenager, by imposing de facto martial
law on the largely working class city of Ferguson.
Official: 22 killed by Israeli strikes since truce collapsed
Renewed Israeli attacks on Gaza have killed 22 Palestinians since a
temporary ceasefire collapsed on Tuesday, a health ministry spokesman said
Ukrainian warplane shot down over rebel-held territory
A Ukrainian warplane was blown out of the sky over rebel-held territory on
Wednesday (Aug 20) as fierce clashes between government troops and
pro-Russian insurgents left dozens of civilians dead.
South Stream ‘Plan B’ opts for route through Greece and Turkey
A Russian newspaper has published an article suggesting that the
Kremlin-favoured South Stream gas pipeline could drop Bulgaria, Serbia,
Hungary, and Slovenia for its route, and instead reach its final
destinations, Italy and Austria, through Turkey and Greece.
Energy ballet: Iran, Russia and 'Pipelineistan'
A fascinating nuclear/energy ballet involving Iran, Russia, the US and the
EU is bound to determine much of what happens next in the new great game in
Ukraine Crisis Continues
Washington is interested in fomenting crises, not in resolving them.
Thousands flee Donetsk as Ukrainian army closes in
Eastern Ukraine has sustained another day of heavy shelling. At least 5
people were killed in an army assault on a village near Donetsk, while the
city itself was also hit. Inside the city, people are struggling with a
dire humanitarian situation.
[image: Ghost Town: Thousands flee Donetsk as Ukrainian army closes in]
Crisis in the eastern Ukraine unlikely to be solved exclusively by force - Poroshenko
Ukrainian leaders understand that the crisis in Donetsk and Lugansk regions
cannot be settled only by force, Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko said
at a meeting with Jeffrey Feltman, the visiting U.N.
Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, on Wednesday.
U.S. Air Force tests Raytheon's upgraded High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile

[image: F-16C Fighting Falcon]Raytheon Company and the U.S. Air Force
successfully flight tested an upgraded High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile
(HARM). The HARM Control Section Modification (HCSM) is more precise and
accurate, which reduces potential collateral damage.
During this test mission, an F-16 aircraft fired an HCSM, AGM-88F, against
an emitter located outside of a zone of exclusion, which contained a
similar radiating emitter.
The HCSM used its new global positioning system (GPS)/inertial measurement
unit (IMU) capability and successfully impacted the correct target.
Rea... more »
Denmark to join Nato's missile defense system

[image: HDMS Iver Huitfeldt]Denmark has decided to join NATO's missile
defence system, local media reported Friday.
Denmark will contribute at least one frigate to NATO's missile defense
shield, the country's Foreign Minister Martin Lidegaard said after a
meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday afternoon.
"We will offer that one and more of our frigates can be outfitted with a
radar that can be part of the missile defence. There was wide support for
that (in the Foreign Affairs Committee)," Lidegaard was cited as saying by
Denmark's newspaper Berlingske Tidende.
Read more
Incredible Ghost boat is perfect Bond villain runabout
It looks like a half-submerged X-Wing, or maybe a Star Trek Shuttle, but
it's actually Ghost, one American start-up's vision for what an attack
helicopter designed for the navy might look like.
Mustering 4,000 HP from two engines on the end of powered legs, Ghost
promises to whip across the ocean in a supercavitation bubble, avoiding
radar and with a silky smooth ride for the crew inside.
What makes the boat special is how it improves on hydroplane technology,
more commonly used in racing boats.
Read more
Fighting Back Against Western Sanction

*August 23, 2014* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - While the impact of sanctions
leveled against Russia is being debated, one fact is perfectly clear; the
dangerous interdependence cultivated by the concept of “globalization”
leaves nations vulnerable amid a global order dominated by hegemonic
special interests that use such interdependence as a weapon.
Two rounds of sanctions have been leveled against Russia targeting Russian
banking, arms manufacturing, and oil industries. Even as the sanctions are
marketed to the world as Russia “paying a price” for its role in
“destabilizing” Ukraine, Ru... more »
King Mohammed VI urges Maghreb integration

[AFP/Ho/Moroccan Royal Palace] Morocco's King Mohammed VI
prepares to deliver a speech marking the 15th anniversary of his
coronation on July 30th in Rabat.
*King Mohammed VI urges Maghreb integration*
By Siham Ali in Rabat for Magharebia – 01/08/2014
King Mohammed VI used his Throne Day speech Wednesday (July 30th) to give
another push for Maghreb integration.
"With regard to the Maghreb, we reaffirm our determination to build a
strong union based on solid bilateral relations and inclusive economic
projects," the Moroccan monarch underlined on the 15th anniversary of his ... more »
A 'Ukrainian Missile' Or A Failed Russian Space Launch?
Backers of pro-Russian separatists have recently accused Ukraine's armed
forces of using powerful ballistic missiles against civilian populations in
eastern Ukraine.
But Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) says it can
prove that a report on a TV station run by Russia's Defense Ministry, which
claimed to show a Tochka-U missile strike, was actually old footage of a
failed Russian Proton-M satellite launch in Kazakhstan.
The August 20 report on Zvezda, the Russian channel, shows footage it
claims was shot in eastern Ukraine.
Read more
China's Chengdu J-20 fighter to compete with Russia's T-50

[image: J-20 Powerful Dragon]China would have undisputed first-strike
superiority throughout a region where tensions are on the rise.
Exact details of the aircraft's fuel capacity and range are unknown, but
estimates give the J-20 a striking range of 1,000 nautical miles, which
would place Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Philippines airfields within
reach of China.
And China has simmering economic and territorial disputes with each of
these countries
Read more
NAVAIR Orders Electronic Support Measures for French Navy E-2Cs
[image: E-2C Hawkeye]Northrop Grumman has been awarded a Naval Air Systems
Command contract for engineering and development of five ALQ-217 electronic
support measures (ESM) systems for the French Navy’s three E-2C Hawkeye
radar early warning aircraft.
Airborne Early Warning & Electronic Warfare Systems, Bethpage, N.Y., a unit
of Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., has been awarded a $47.6 million
cost-plus-fixed-fee delivery order for non-recurring engineering and
development of five AN/ALQ-217 ESM sets under the Foreign Military Sales
Under the order, Northrop Grumman will p... more »
Import-dependence impacting Indian forces' combat-readiness

[image: INS Kolkata]The commissioning of INS Kolkata in Mazagon Docks Ltd
(MDL) Mumbai, with due pomp and circumstance, on Aug 16 by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi was an event of considerable significance for both the Indian
Navy (IN) and the nation.
So far the biggest Indian-built warship to join the navy, the size,
firepower and advanced technologies incorporated in this 7,500-tonne
guided-missile destroyer make it a formidable weapon platform.
What places the Kolkata many notches above most of its contemporaries is
the advanced multi-function radar embedded in its mast and a long... more »
Russia's Nuclear Revival And Its Challenges – Analysis

[image: Yuri Dolgoruky]Although attention is naturally focused on the role
of Russia’s conventional forces in the Ukraine conflict , we should not
overlook the modernization of the country’s nuclear forces.
The last few years has seen Moscow make great progress in stabilizing
Russia’s decaying nuclear arsenal.
The Russian government considers its nuclear weapons as its best tool of
defense, deterrence, and global influence– essential for protecting Russia
against external aggression and for preserving its great power status.
Read more
Australia's military innovation to be driven by Tasmanian maritime college
[image: SEA 1000 future submarine concept]Tasmania will be the home of a
new training centre for highly qualified Navy engineers, as Australia
embarks on a multi-billion dollar naval shipbuilding program.
The Training Centre for Transforming Australia's Naval Manufacturing
Industry will be based at the University of Tasmania's Australian Maritime
College in Launceston.
It will partner with the University of Wollongong and Flinders University
to train 10 PhD students and 3 postdoctoral fellows to drive the research
and development required by the Defence Force.
Read more
INS Kamorta, India's first indigenously built anti-submarine warship, inducted
India's first indigenously built submarine hunting ship, INS Kamorta was
handed over to the Navy by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd.
(GRSE) here Saturday, a defence statement said.
The super-sophisticated frontline warship will be formally handed over by
GRSE chairman and managing director, Rear Admiral (retd) A.K. Verma to the
Indian Navy at a brief ceremony at GRSE's fitting-out jetty.
INS Kamorta, first in its class of four ASW corvettes being built by GRSE
for the Indian Navy, is the first Indian naval warship ever built in the
country with almost 90 percent of indi... more »
Enström: Sweden Must Keep Sub-building Know-how

[image: Swedish Defense Minister Karin Enström]Sweden’s parliament, the
Riksdag, has endorsed a government plan to increase defense spending by
more than 10 percent in 2015-2024.
To a great degree, this level of investment is in response to regional
tensions over Russian aggression in Ukraine, and Sweden’s need to
strengthen its military organization and defense capability, with an
emphasis on reinforcing its presence in the Baltic.
The crisis in Ukraine also has re-opened debate on Sweden’s traditional
position of military neutrality and its long-term relationship with NATO.
Rea... more »
Submarine Novorossiysk delivered to Russian Navy

[image: Novorossiysk SSK]On August 22, 2014, RF Navy flag raising ceremony
was held at the Admiralty Shipyards (Saint-Petersburg) for the
diesel-electric submarine Novorossiysk (Or 636.3 Varshavyanka), IAA
PortNews reporter says.
The Novorossiysk, the first submarine of project 636.3 in the series being
built by Admiralty Shipyards for RF Navy was laid down in August 2010.
All submarines of the series are named after Hero-Cities or Cities of
Military Glory The second submarine, Rostov-on-Don, was laid in November
2011; the third, Stary Oskol, - in August 2012.
Read more
Marshall Tuck's staunchest supporters are unabashed Ayn Rand votaries

*"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life:
The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that
often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading
to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with
the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." — John Rogers*
I'm frequently accused of hyperbole. The charge might merit some
consideration in a context other than the struggle against neoliberal
corporate education reform. The truth is that these reformers often exceed
my imagin... more »
Ebola - The French Disease

Ebola - The French Disease from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"People that don't watch the news and don't read newspapers know a darn
sight more than those that do..."*
*- Ian R. Crane*
*Ebola:* a virus causing severe hemorrhagic fevers.
Ebola virus first emerged in two major disease outbreaks which occurred
almost simultaneously in Zaire and Sudan in 1976.
Over 500 cases were reported, with mortality rates of* 88% in Zaire* and*
53% in Sudan. *
*[Control Group..? **Testing a new vaccine..? Gulf War Syndrome?]*
Following incubation periods of *4-16 days [Evolutionarily disadvantageo... more »
The Absolute Worst People in the World

*"Jesus! And all I wanted to do here was make a pitch for going to South
Africa, where TV cameras have suddenly become useless and print journalism
has been elevated, by default, to a bizarre and critical level.*
*I assume you've been following these ominous developments on TV — (as I
have, thanks to my recently installed TVRO "Earth Station") — which have
effectively shut down all coverage of public violence in South Africa by
our colleagues in the video press. The South African government has made it
punishable by up to 19 years in prison (that's PRISON, in SOUTH AFRICA) for
us... more »
Asteroid Risk 2880?
As usual it will miss us. As well, the technology will exist to move it
about by then anyway if the threat is significant.
In fact I have seen sufficient evidence of prior movements to have little
doubt that it is possible even if we are restricted to Newtonian methods.
As well the extreme spin suggests that the object is solid enough for
actual workings.
As usual this is headline silliness.
*Human life could be wiped out on March 16, 2880 because a huge asteroid is
hurtling ... more »
The Healing Power of Probiotics Impresses Researchers
[image: (Shutterstock*)]
We used to have this all together through traditional eating practises.
Now we are rediscovering it all, sometimes one ingredient at a time. What
it all calls for is adding raw sauerkraut, raw yogurt and raw milk to our
diets. It likely does not have to be every day either because all the good
stuff dwells nicely in the gut and works on everything else.
It certainly was not everyday traditionally.
This is a rapidly expanding line of research and will become much expanded.
In the mentime, it is possible to buy kimchee and to eat it raw. They have
some... more »
Circle in the Sky

Here is a real oddity. We can speculate on the expansion of the spirit to
alter the atmosphere. Or perhaps this is a way to provide confirmation that
the physicality of our spirit is real and can easily affect the physical
around us.
We have already understood that the information content of our spirit is
orders of magnitude greater than the information content of our physical
reality Thus i now have a far deeper respect for my own spirit and no
longer dismiss it out of hand simply because i cannot touch it with my
fingers. how blind we can be.
For all that, without direc... more »
9 Signs You’re an Old Soul

If this were a test, then I have nailed it nine for nine. Yet it is the
patience that stands out. Our life is transient yet our best is sifted
through the maze of short term needs. If truth advances it is often when
abject failure has chased all else from the field. In the face of that we
must be patient and return to the fray again and again.
It is my doom to speak wisely to the future and place ideas out there for
others to absorb, then forget and then remember in the face of need. I know
today how to create heaven on earth in fine and excellent detail and those
details are sca... more »
Slavery’s Modern Face in the Middle East with Robert Fulford
The harsh reality is that we have demanded an end to slavery and the Middle
East in particular, but also less so elsewhere, have chosen to write in the
laws and have then paid lip service to any form of proactive enforcement
and actual protection of human rights.
This will end when poverty itself is ended and that is not too far away
either. In the meantime human exploitation abounds and far beyound the
numbers I ever imagined.
What I find bizarre is the sense of entitlement that pervades the Arab
w... more »
Finding the Fountain of Youth in an Ancient Irish Bog
[image: The Tollund Man. (Photo by Boleyn/Flickr)]
The important take home is that a mask of this fluid can heal second
degree burns without the agony. I suspect some advanced chemistry at work
here but this needs to be in every burn unit. The cosmetic angle is
typical of the industry and pretty meaningless as wrinkles are unlikely
affected.* The fluid is an effective concentrate that needs plenty of
attention as wounds and burns all could use better solutions.**Finding the
Fountain of Youth in an Ancient Irish Bog*
*By Audrey McGlinchy *
*The peat found in some anti-oxidant-ri... more »
Dinosaurs 'Shrank' Regularly to Become Birds
[image: Dinosaur lineage] Think of it as an arms race. Mammals
love to eat eggs and it became progressively more difficult to protect
nests. This drove adaptation to avoid mammal predation that ultimately
drove them into the trees, into the air and largely out onto the islands.
They have actually done quite well at this. What is useful here is the fact
that it all took so long to mature and we have to view the marsupial suite
in Australia as part of the same pathway. Gigantism is useful only so long
as one can protect your young That was the real Achilles heel even to ... more »
Re-Examining the Out of Africa Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy

The role of the Neanderthal genome just leapt into serious prominence.
The African component provided the naked skin. We have that much right.
The neanderthal was fur covered and I have a recent original sighting of a
remote village which conforms to both the body hair and the red fur color
as well as the robust stature. This evidence was reported before recent
work which confirms all that.
Thus European man is a fairly recent, in the last 60,000 years, hybrid of
Nenderthal and the naked African with all the implied hybrid vigor
The actual genesis of the Neanderthal a... more »
Quebec Tribalism Fades
[image: During Pauline Marois' 18-month reign, even the most petty ethnic
or linguistic dispute became grist for widespread anxiety and bitterness —
because the PQ was desperate to seize on any pretext to fire up the
nativists and separatists who comprised its core supporters.]
Most of my readers are barely aware of the tribalism promoted by
politically driven individuals in the Canadian province of Quebec for the
past two generations. I suspect that streak had now completely run its
course with the demise a few months past of the eighteen month long
minority government of Ms ... more »
Alzheimer's Cognitive Decline Shown Reversable

The critical news is that the cognitive problem is even reversable. I
suspect that the physical changes observed are not altered here and may
well be neutral on their own. The brain is quite amazing in its ability to
do work arounds.
For now it is a good start because it promises the return of coherancy ro
victims of alzheimers. As that vis the most suignificant problem it is an
excellent protocol. We still however have little idea of actual
causation. Speculation runs the usual gamet but nothing definitive has
been discovered.
In the meantime, even if one is been slowl... more »
Bp Oil Spill Much Worse
[image: Article image]
This gives us a snippet of information regarding the impact on the ocean
floor. I presume then that the brown goo has disappeared. If true, then
that is good news and suggests that full reef recovery is likely rather
We have no further data regarding the muds which may be able to postpone
breakdown for a long time.
The trruth is that this is not very helpful except to confirm that no one
looked too hard.
* Bp Oil Spill Much Worse?*
*Published: Wednesday 30 July 2014*
* http://www.nationofchange.org/bp-oil-spill-much-worse-people-think-sci... more »
Megadrought: Huge Surge of Pacific Heat Fails to Start El Nino, Heats Planet to 3 Warmest Months
[image: Strongest Kelvin wave ever recorded in equatorial Pacific fails to
start an El Nino. Ocean heat moves out of equatorial region.]
What we are seeing is a heat build up that is certainly capable opf
producing a huge drought throughout the western States. Add to that the
pending collapse of the *ogallala* aquifer and we have a complete collapse
of irrigation and agriculture generally in the West. The prognosis was
dire anyway and they are now becoming far worse.
The solution to this crisis which is not recognised yet will be either the
Eden machine described by myself as ... more »
NASA Tests ‘Impossible’ no-fuel Quantum Space Engine – and it Actually Works
[image: emdrive head]
That nicely ruined NASA's classical models. I no longer think that we are
dealing with a Vacuum in space at all. We have dark matter instead that
will decay into more complex particles from time to time. I am just
beginning to query this core discovery so i do not yet wish to say more
about this thruster except that producing a high powered thruster using
dark matter now appears feasible.
The photon torpedo is likely coming also.
The key point is that all these tests and unusual hardware is challenging
our current knowledge. Again these results do f... more »
Too Little Too Late With Krauthammer

[image: Cover photo]
One wonders if Mr Obama has ever read a single book on history. Unschooled
is the only way to describe his whole decission making process. That his
academic qualifications were seriously suspect was always obvious merely
because he was in sociology, particularly in his time and place.
He acts like a hand picked cipher of what we may call liberal interests who
needed to protect the massive amounts of wealth that had been looted from
the USA treasury in one of the most breath taking acts of treason ever
completed. These same interests see little advantage for... more »
Emergency Stem Cell Protocol Works on Stroke

Quite bluntly, the take home is that the immediate infusion of the bodies
stem cells hugely augments what the body is doing anyway and allows a rapid
response to counter the damage long before scar tissue interferes and the
like. This is a major discovery that will also obviously apply to all heart
attack victims as well.
We know immediately were the damage is taking place and supercharging it
witl stem cells is surely the best possible emeergency protocol.
This can also be applied to trauma victims as indicated, particularly to
those suffering concussions although isolating... more »
Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent

What this brings home with a thud is that the Arab regimes are at war with
radical Islam as much as Israel is and that the best solution is to allow
Israel to liquidate this enclave and add the land strip back into Israel.
We can also be sure that Israel will have a plan to handle the population
displacement as well.
Egypt then ends up with a completely secure Eastern border which has almost
never been true in thousands of years of Egyptian history except perhaps
during the time of Herod. That completely eliminates any risk of conflict
for Egypt and cleanly disentangles it fro... more »
Dark Matter Identified and Described
I will not share all the details yet, but this weekend I was able to
clarify the nature of so called dark matter. It is not the neutral neutrino
either, though that was my first conjecture. The neutral neutrino has no
gravitational effect on its own and this limits its effect except to been
part of the content of the universe, but not one measured readily through
our means.
A simple experiment revealed the truth and will now lead to important
devices. Thus there will be no disclosure yet. I am reporting this here to
establish time and place.
It turns out to be very surpris... more »
Okanagan salmon is back
[image: It takes a community: Despite the odds, Okanagan salmon is back]
Several years ago I wrote that fesh water salmon at least need to be
introduced into our lake systems including the Great Lakes and ultimately
throughout the boreal forest. This steruck me as the best and easiest as
thanks to the recent retreat of the Ice Age much of our lake system had as
yet been fully optimised.
Now we discover just how rapidly this can happen. The clear next step is to
stock all those lakes in the Okanagon which thanks to advanced hatchery
technology is now laughibly efficient.
Obviou... more »
Alien Abduction Thoughts

This is remarkable in that it is unambiguously a physical intervention
confirmed by removal of the kidney confirmed by a third party. From that we
can also presume that hybrid babies are been placed with us. They surely
did not stop here.
What is also clear and apparent is that this is a pattern of intervention
that has direction and long term intent. Our observations are reported in
the thousands and that likely implies a head count in the tens of thousands
easily. Most folks are not remembering at all, or suppressing the memory or
simply do not know who to approach.
Yet we ... more »
Iraq is Already Splitting into Three States
[image: AFP_531639366]
It is rather simple. Neither the the Kurds, nor the Shiites, nor the Sunnis
have the slightest will to organize a government able to fairly accommodate
each other. It is not going to happen. Thus we are faced with the reality
of a three party state in which the Shiite portion is a natural extension
of southern Iran at least while the Sunni portion is a natural extension of
a larger non Levant Syria. The Kurds also have disputed territorial
ambitions but those involve Turkey and Iran.
That is the historical imperative only overcome through a successful
... more »
The Real Reason Pot Is Still Illegal

It is a fiscal racket that is underwriting a rising police state . No more
and no less. Thay is why not only pot, but all drugs need to be
decriminalized forthwith. In fact all behavior, however egregious between
two consenting adults and or self applied needs to be decriminalized to
just get them cleanly out of the criminal procurement system. As we have
learned, the criminal procurement system soon becomes laviously self funded
and literally out of control.
Yet we have ample tools to adress all the real problems if we treat it all
as a non criminal event.
The crime is impos... more »
Improving the Bathroom

* Yes, we have to do way better with this problem. Yet the long term
solution may well be to integrate effective night soil into all our
lifeways once and for all and separate out the grey water system to a
different application. **Again this is something readily accomplished in a
natural community system were we are managing 150 people and using land as
well. Then there is ample use for both the night soils and the grey
water. The night soils are immediately useful as an additive to *cellulose *rich
composts to correctly break them down. The grey water carries soap whi... more »
Potential 'Universal' Blood Test for Cancer Discovered
[image: Potential 'universal' blood test for cancer discovered]
Just a blood test that rules out cancer will be very important and very
welcome. Far too much of the disease systems we encounter need to become
obvious and often dangerous before we actually intervene. Been able every
five years to actually check on this will be a revolution in medicine.
Far better, if one is positive, benign interventions are then available to
suppress the tendency then and there to prevent actual emergence.
Thus even without a cure for cancer it is practical to hugely reduce the
number of vi... more »
Scientists Have Located the Brain's On/Off Switch for Consciousness

It does sound as if turning oneself off will become a viable option and
taking this further, we cannot be too far from allowing parts of the brain
to simply sleep while the rest continues to operate. This remains an
accidental first step but it is powerfully indicative.
Right now we operate under nature's own programing and that was for
radically different conditions. There is plenty of obvious improvements we
will want to test out. Plenty here to consider.
In the meantime there must be a way to tap this effect without those
*Scientists Have Located the Brain'... more »
Arrested Sexual Progress

Add in the revelations of Swedenborg regarding the existence of a spiritual
marriage that transcends physical release and this lifetime and we have a
rather compelling proposition or challenge rather. It is to work with one's
partner to achieve a spiritual realization of ones marriage. Such a goal
certainly can replace the demands of parenthood as that phase of ones life
Regrettably that is surely harder to sustain even than a lifetime of mutual
love and respect. Worse, failure is also a greater disappointment because
it also represents a setback spiritually for this pa... more »
Friday Beaver - dead beaver edition

This is getting uglier than a dead beaver.
Here we are fighting ISIS in Iraq an admirable mission considering they
murdered entire villages for not converting to their way of thinking. The
irony in all this is that by doing so we are doing the will of Syrian
leader Assad as well as the wishes of the Iranian leadership. While Assad
may be pleased that we are doing much of his dirty work for him by thinning
the ranks of ISIS in Iraq, it's doubtful he'd be pleased to have the U.S.
enter his airspace. And what of the innocents caught in the crossfire where
three armies to clash in nor... more »
What Has Happened To Our Pensions?
the 'pensions crisis' really our own fault? Caused by us not saving
enough, and not dropping dead soon enough? Is it because we fail to
build up our pension pots in the good times, when we are working, to
fund our modestly comfortable retirements?
This post by our guest author, Dr. Ros Altmann CBE, explains how our
pension funds have been raided since the 1980s by successive governments
Iraq / Syria War Updates ( August 23 , 2014 ) As the line rapidly become " blurred " in the side by side fighting in both Iraq and Syria , an examination of items of the day from the Iraqi Battlefield , items of note from the Iraq political front and the impact of both on the Syria War front ....

Wing* @JoelWing2 · 7h
Trans MIn Hadi Ameri of Badr involved in investigation of mosque
Means if militias involved nothing substantive will come of it
*Joel Wing* @JoelWing2 · 7h
Mujahadeen Army & IS come to a ceasefire after fighting each
other in Anbar
*Memlik Pasha* @MemlikPasha · 8h
Following t... more »
Ukraine situation ( August 23 , 2014 ) -- Russia humanitarian aid trucks reach Donetsk Friday Evening ......... UN Security Council discussion on Ukraine looked like Kingdom of Curved Mirrors - Churkin ...... The significance of the Russian decision to move the humanitarian convoy into Novorussia ...... Ukraine Cries ‘Invasion’ as Russian Humanitarian Aid Trucks Reach Luhansk US Denounces Humanitarian Aid as 'Flagrant' Violation of Sovereignty
All Russian aid vehicles 'leave' Ukraine
European monitors say all trucks crossed into Russia as German Chancellor
Merkel arrives in Kiev for crisis talks.
Last updated: 23 Aug 2014 11:39
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Over 200 vehicles said to be loaded with tinned food and bottle water
crossed into Ukraine on Friday [Reuters]
A Russian aid convoy, which has escalated further tensions between the West
and... more »
The Universe
“A little known secret concerning life in the jungles of time and space is
that however far you reach, you will go farther. However great your dreams,
they will be grander. And however much you love, you will be loved much
more. We call it the Law of Increasing Returns. Reach, dream, love.”
“Love you much more,”
The Universe
“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”
- www.tut.com
China’s Second Hypersonic Glider Test Fails On It's Second Attempt

*China’s Second Hypersonic Glider Test Fails As PLA Trials Nuclear Weapons
Delivery System -- South China Morning Post*
The People's Liberation Army has carried out a second, albeit unsuccessful
test of a hypersonic vehicle, two sources close to the military said, as
China attempts to find a way to deliver nuclear weapons at immense speed to
evade defence systems.
The test was carried out on August 7 at a missile and satellite launching
centre in Shanxi province, about 300 kilometres from its capital Taiyuan,
said the sources, who asked not be named.
The vehicle broke up soon aft... more »
“Reframing” California Common Core for a Better Public Sale
The Frameworks Institute is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting the images
of other nonprofits with the goal of hooking the public regarding the
target nonprofit’s agenda: Changing the conversation on social issues
FrameWorks designs, conducts and publishes communications research to
prepare nonprofit organizations to expand their constituency base, to build
public will, and to further public understanding of […]
"A good day"? If it happened to Dilbert, it could happen to you! (But maybe not to me, I think?)

*Plus Cartoon Alert: Duck Amuck this weekend!*
*DILBERT by Scott Adams -- August 13*
*Click to enlarge. And wait, there's more!*
*by Ken*
Yesterday morning, I think it was, yes I'm pretty sure it was yesterday, or
almost sure (it seems somehow longer ago), I had the strange but
unmistakable sensation of having a good day. Felt OK, work was OK, no
personal disasters that I was aware of were impending. (Non-personal
disasters didn't count. That was maybe kind of the point.) So naturally I
flashed back to Dilbert's recent good day.
Today I don't remember much more than what I just to... more »
Washington Created ISIS In Iraq, As It Created Al-Qaeda In Afghanistan, To Pose As The Saviour
*"The lesson of the rise of the IS is that sustained U.S. engagement in the
Middle East is essential to stability and progress.* Many may wish to turn
their backs on the region, but the costs of doing so have already proven
higher than those of a smart engagement strategy. This lesson implies that
we should keep a residual force in Afghanistan beyond 2016 and that shaping
the region in positive ways will require presence and active management of
partnerships across the region." - *Zalmay Khalilzad, "A Five-Step Plan to
Destroy the Islamic State" The National Interest, August 22, 20... more »
Meaningful Punishment
Seeing reports in the New York Times today on further Russian aggression in
Ukraine has me thinking about Ely Ratner and Elizabeth Rosenberg’s recent
article entitled “Pointless Punishment?” where they argue that Western
sanctions on Russia are at best pointless and at worst counterproductive. I
think Ratner and Rosenberg (R&R henceforth) have a valid point
Continue reading
Civil Summary Judgment
Density Group Limited v. HK Hotels LLC, 2014 ONCA 605:(1) SUMMARY
[53] As noted above, the Supreme Court's decision in* Hryniak* greatly
expands the use of the summary judgment process for the resolution of civil
[54] The decision makes it clear that the new fact-finding powers
available to judges under Rules 20.04 (2.1) and (2.2) are discretionary and
presumptively available: para. 45.
[55] The Court directs that deference is owed to motion judges on
summary judgment motions:
[81] In my view, absent an error of law, the... more »
Will IS Strike Willis?
The global 9/11 truth and justice community has been warning the world for
over five years that a future false flag terror target in the United States
to be blamed on a radical Islamist group is the Willis Tower in Chicago,
formerly known as the Sears Tower.
MetLife Inc. sold the Willis tower to personalities connected to Larry
Silverstein and the ownership of the WTC. A more disturbing fact is that
the company responsible for Willis Tower's security is the same company
that was in charge of the WTC's security on 9/11. So, there are enough
reasons to be suspicious and on guard.
R... more »
Catching up with: Openly gay NBA center Jason Collins -- since coming out, his life is "exponentially better"

*And we catch up with the St. Louis Rams' Michael Sam*
*Brooklyn Nets center Jason Collins, now 35, says he doesn't know yet
what's in store for next season.*
*"[New York] is where the Stonewall riots happened. Flash-forward to when I
entered a game and got a standing ovation when I took the court for my
team. As a society we're on the right path."*
*-- Brooklyn Nets center Jason Collins,*
to the *Washington Blade*'s Michael K. Lavers
*by Ken*
In April 2013, I wrote a post called "Still-active NBA center Jason Collins
comes out -- is this the 'breakthrough' we've been waiting for?"... more »
It seems that a full-on invasion of the Gaza Strip, Israel’s ultimate
endgame plan for the Palestinian enclave, is moving inexorably closer to
Israel again has called up thousands of reservists and Israel’s
Communications Minister and security cabinet member, Gilad Erdan, has
announced that Israel is close to being in a position to launch a full
invasion. Erdan asked that Israelis be patient.
Erdan also made it clear that Israel will not be conceding to any of
Hamas’s demands inferring that Israel had no even considered any of Hamas’s
demands which were put forward ... more »
"Assad Policies Aided the Rise of ISIS"- Narrative Creation at work!
*We're going long boys & girls- But, it's going to be worth it!*
*Seriously, I cannot begin to describe how furious this lie filled piece of
propaganda masquerading as fact, from Wall Street Journal, made me feel.*
I have written and read so much about Syria that, yes indeed, I feel
confident in saying that WSJ has published garbage.
*WSJ- Islamic State, or ISIS, Gained Momentum Early On From Calculated
Decision by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Go Easy on It*
*First paragraph from this narrative creating article*
*The Islamic State, which metastasized from a group of militan... more »
Christian Patriarchs of the East Visit Kurdistan, Appeal to International Community for Help
*Title: Christian Patriarchs of the East Visit Kurdistan, Appeal to
International Community for Help. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published: August
21, 2014. Description:*
Patriarchs of several eastern churches in the Middle East traveled to the
Kurdistan region and met with Iraqi Christian refugees from Mosul and the
Nineveh Plain in the town of Ankawah. They also visited Erbil and gave a
press conference in which they appealed to the international community for
help in protecting the Iraqi Christians and other minorities and preventing
them from leaving their land, thereby bringing ... more »
Musical Interlude: Roger Waters, “The Tide Is Turning”
Roger Waters, “The Tide Is Turning”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66nqhVtq6xo
"A Look to the Heavens"
“From an altitude of over 5,000 meters, the night sky view from Chajnantor
Plateau in the Chilean Andes is breathtaking in more ways than one. The
dark site's rarefied atmosphere, at about 50 percent sea level pressure, is
also extremely dry. That makes it ideal for the Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) designed to explore the universe at
wavelengths over 1,000 times longer than visible light.
* Click image for larger size.*
Near the center of the the panoramic scene, ALMA's 7 and 12 meter wide dish
antennas are illuminated by a young Moon nestled in the arc of the ... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Fishy Tale”
*“A Fishy Tale”*
by Chet Raymo
"As dumb as a goldfish. I mean, what could be dumber than swimming around
in murky water all day - glassy eyed, slimy scaled, cold blooded - waiting
for someone to sprinkle food flakes into the pond or tank. On a scale of
smarts, goldfish would seem to fall somewhere between a limpet and a stone.
Conventional wisdom has it that fish have a memory span of about a second.
But conventional wisdom, it turns out, is wrong. Goldfish are not the
dummies they are made out to be. Scientists at Plymouth University in
England have successfully trained goldfish t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Neptune, New Jersey, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Human Condition"
*"The Human Condition"*
by Meanings of Life
"Man remains largely unknown of himself. What are we, in our innermost
recesses, behind our names and our conventional opinions? What are we
behind the things we do in our lives, behind what we see in others and what
others see in us, or even behind things science says we are? Is man the
crazy being about whom Carl Gustav Jung spoke ironically, when he demanded
a man to treat? Is man the Dr. Jerkyll that contains in himself a criminal
Mister Hyde, and more than a personality, and contradictory feelings?
Are we the result of our dreams, as... more »
"Sons Of The Cosmos..."
“We are sons of the cosmos, but our conscience, our soul, make us strangers
in that same cosmos, from which we were produced, and which still remains
secretly intimate to us. Earth life is unique, or at least particularly
rare in the cosmos, and our conscience is perhaps solitary in the living
world. Man is a marginal creation in the animal world, the development of
which has increased his marginality. We are alone on the Earth, among the
known living beings. Our thought, our conscience, gives us knowledge of the
physical world, but simultaneously drives it away from us.”
- E. Morin... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “The Leaf and the Cloud"
* “The Leaf and the Cloud"*
"When loneliness comes stalking, go into the fields,
consider the orderliness of the world.
Notice something you have never noticed before,
like the tambourine sound of the snow-cricket
whose pale green body is no longer than your thumb.
Stare hard at the hummingbird, in the summer rain,
shaking the water-sparks from its wings.
Let grief be your sister, she will whether or no.
Rise up from the stump of sorrow, and be green also,
like the diligent leaves.
A lifetime isn't long enough for the beauty of this world
and the responsibilities of your life.
Sc... more »
"I remember my youth and the feeling that will never come back any more –
the feeling that I could last for ever, outlast the sea, the earth, and all
men; the deceitful feeling that lures us on to joys, to perils, to love, to
vain effort – to death; the triumphant conviction of strength, the heat of
life in the handful of dust, the glow in the heart that with every year
grows dim, grows cold, grows small, and expires – and expires, too soon,
too soon – before life itself."
- Joseph Conrad,
1857-1924, English writer, "Youth"
“How to Be Brave in 8 Steps”
*“How to Be Brave in 8 Steps”*
by Jamie Lauren Zimmerman, MD
"Jack Canfield said: "Everything we want is on the other side of our fear."
In my life thus far, I've been fortunate enough to live many of my
dreams... and survive a few hair-raising experiences (a lion attack,
robbery at gunpoint, and more). Many people ask how I've gotten the chance
to travel the world, act on national television, make a documentary film in
Congolese refugee camps, blog on HuffPost, etc.- and honestly, a lot of it
comes down to constantly making the choice to feel my fears and take action
in spite of ... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Sink The Bismarck' (1960)
*My Comment:* I have always enjoyed these old British war/navy films. "Sink
The Bismark" is one of those classics.
Ferguson Updates ( August 18 , 2014 ) -Governor Nixon calls in the National Guard after another night of chaos in Ferguson with Police ( Local PDs and State Police ) attempting to run peaceful protesters and the media off the street hours before the curfew of midnight ( with predictable bad results ) ....... Autopsy reports released by the family show Mike Brown struck six times by police fire ( twice in the head ) .....
Catharsis Ours - 23 hours ago

Evening tweets.... A far Different Night !
Retweeted by VICE News
*Nathan Grant* @NathanBGrant 2h
Man says when police shut down roads, it's sorta like "Being kidnapped"
LIVE via @vicenews; https://news.vice.com/article/live-f
rom-ferguson-missouri … pic.twitter.com/gUiYW1BO4P
[image: Embedded image permalink]
<a cl
"What Americans must understand, what we have chosen to ignore, what we have fearfully turned a blind eye to lest the reality prove too jarring is the fact that we no longer live in the “city on the hill,” a beacon of freedom for all the world." Instead, "[w]e live in a state of undeclared martial law. We have become the enemy." -- John W. Whitehead

*America Is a War Zone where the People Are the Enemy — John W. Whitehead*
August 22, 2014 | Original Here
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Guest Column by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute
Turning America Into a War Zone, Where ‘We the People’ Are the Enemy
By John W. Whitehead
August 20, 2014
“If you don’t want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton
or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you. Don’t argue with me,
don’... more »
Is Russia Invading Ukraine?

Alexander Demianchuk/Reuters
*Has Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Begun? -- Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast*
*The white-painted military trucks that have been stopped at the Ukraine
border for more than a week are rolling across it. The war begins a new
YEVPATORIA, Crimea — Hundreds of Russian military trucks painted white
began driving across the Ukrainian border on Friday.
NATO was quick to condemn the move: “This is a blatant breach of Russia’s
international commitments, including those made recently in Berlin and
Geneva, and a further violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty by Russ... more »
U.S. And NATO Condemn Russia For Sending It's Aid Convoy Into Ukraine
*U.S. Says Russia Must Pull Convoy From Ukraine Or Face More Sanctions --
(Reuters) - The United States demanded Moscow remove an aid convoy it sent
into rebel-held eastern Ukraine without permission on Friday, accusing
Russia of a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of its former Soviet
neighbor and threatening more sanctions.
Moscow, which has thousands of troops close to the Russian side of the
border, warned against any attempt to "disrupt" the convoy, which it said
was purely humanitarian; it did not say what action it might take if the
Ukrainian military interven... more »
Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Invading The Eastern Part Of The Country
*Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Invasion After Aid Convoy Crosses Border --
(Reuters) - Ukraine declared on Friday that Russia had launched a "direct
invasion" of its territory after Moscow sent a convoy of aid trucks across
the border into eastern Ukraine where pro-Russian rebels are fighting
government forces.
Moscow, which has thousands of troops close to the Russian side of the
border, warned against any attempt to "disrupt" the convoy it said was a
purely humanitarian operation; but it did not say what action it might take
if Kiev's military intervened.
The European Uni... more »
" With the passage of time the wrongful police and government behavior become institutionalized as the young are born into the system and know no different [while] the old who remember accountable government and liberty pass away. This is how liberty and freedom die, citizens become serfs, and the rise of tyranny is accomplished." -- Paul Craig Roberts

*How Tyranny Arises — Paul Craig Roberts*
August 22, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*How Tyranny Arises*
Paul Craig Roberts
Law & Order Conservatives continue to shill for police as goon thugs
continue to
violate constitutional protections and abuse the public:
http://www.campaignforliberty.org/national-blog/think-third-amendmen... more »
The BBC and less than half the story
This may take a little time and reading but it may be worth the effort to
compare and contrast the reporting of the BBC and the *New York Times *regarding
today's murders by Hamas.
Here's the BBC website's take [note in particular the sub-headline and the
paragraphs that follow it]:
*Gaza: Hamas says 18 suspected informants executed*
Hamas sources in Gaza say 18 people suspected of collaborating with Israel
have been executed.
The killings came after an Israeli air strike killed three senior Hamas
leaders on Thursday. Two more Palestinians died in overnight strikes.
Israel says ... more »
Dumber and Then Huffman
Is dumberer a word? TN's state ed chief and TFA cult member, Kevin
Huffman, told the New York Times yesterday that TN would not back down on
using invalid, unreliable, and unfair methods to evaluate teachers in
Tennessee. Do "the best interests of children" really require us to ignore
science, common sense, and public opinion?
Some states will continue to use test results in teacher evaluations. In
Tennessee, for example, Kevin Huffman, the commissioner of education, said
the scores would remain a part of performance reviews. In an email, he
added that he hoped states would make... more »
The real-life missile silo setting really helps make this short film
something special. A nuclear engineer lets his art hobby get in the way of
his job—but when something goes awry, it may just save him.
Writer and director David Soll, who produces political ads as his day job,
funded *Silo* through a successful Kickstarter campaign and got the rights
to film in a decommissioned Cold War-era missile silo in the Adirondacks.
The new series of Doctor Who starts tomorrow, here's a sneak preview - NSFW links
OK that's from a Brazzers parody porn film and not a particularly good one,
although I have obviously only seen the above preview.
For a more realistic parody porn Doctor Who, there is a film by Woodrocket
that nails the look rather better. The following links to the four parts of
the film Doctor Whore are obviously very NSFW
Part 1 has the Matt Smith Doctor and a worryingly convincing Amy
Part 2 has the Matt Smith Doctor and a not quite so convincing River Song
Part 3 has the David Tennant Doctor and a fairly convincing Rose Tyler
Part 4 has a rather disappointing female Doctor,... more »
'Newsnight' and the 'Laughing Jihadi'
*Should Newsnight have given a platform to the depraved British-Pakistani
'laughing jihadi'?*
On Wednesday night *Newsnight *featured a report from BBC reporter Secunder
Kermani ("Disillusioned revolutionary, serial daydreamer, sporadic
narcissist, @SecKermani") during which the views of a British-born IS
fighter were broadcast to a sleepy BBC Two audience.
This vicious Islam-besotted prat (whose 'alias' was given in honour of some
dead al-Qaeda pervert) said that Islam allows the kind of atrocities IS
commits, that he'd only return to the UK to plant a bomb, and [indirectly]
tha... more »
Are You Prepared for Civil Unrest and Martial Law?...

*watching the happenings in Ferguson should be a wake-up call.*
*From: Daisy Luther: *
*Lessons From Ferguson: Prepping For Civil Unrest And Martial Law*
Any prepared and informed person knows that the threat isn’t always the
event itself, which could be anything from a natural disaster to a rioting
spree after a sporting event to an economic collapse. It’s the chaos during
the aftermath of the event.
If you ever had any doubts about that statement, you need look no further
than Ferguson, Missouri.
A few days ago, Governor Jay Nixon called in the National Guard.
Martial law has... more »
Sometimes Bipartisanship Leads To A Plot Against The People Of This Country By The Beltway Political Elites

This diagram shows the ideological spectrum of the Members who supported
the Grayson amendment on police demilitarization
George Bush demanded-- hysterically-- that Congress pass the TARP giveaway
to banksters that came close to wrecking the economy. But it can't only be
pinned on Bush; both Establishment Beltway parties were complicit in that
catastrophic vote. Boehner voted for it and he was rewarded with the
Speakership. Three Republicans were elected U.S. Senators: Blunt (MO), Kirk
(IL) and Boozman (AR) and Mary Fallin was elected governor of Oklahoma. I
bet virtually none of the... more »
CDC whistleblower William Thompson in grave danger now

Jon Rappoport
From a previous report: The Autism Media Channel has posted a short video
in which the whistleblower is named: William W. Thompson, PhD.
He was in fact one of the authors of the 2004 De Stefano study that has
been accused of hiding true data linking the MMR vaccine to autism.
Thompson once worked for Merck.
Questions abound. Does Thompson know his name has been released? Was it
done with his permission? Is he going come forward and make a statement?
*The latest:*
William W Thompson, PhD…the CDC whistleblower…was escorted off the premises
of the CDC campus yesterd... more »
New Terror Narrative Emerging: ISIS Supports American Resistance

Dees Illustration
Daniel Taylor
In the ongoing effort by the establishment to demonize the Tea Party and
resistance to an expanding federal government, a new narrative is emerging
that could provide justification for a nation-wide crackdown on dissent.
The riots in Ferguson, Missouri are a focal point for an unfolding
historical drama that could further divide the nation. Tribal passions are
being stirred across the world by outside manipulators.
Members of The Islamic State (ISIS) are announcing their support for
protesters in Ferguson, with one member saying on Twitter “It’s tim... more »
Russia - Ukraine Border Is Buzzing With Russian Miltiary Activity

*Rebels Falter, but Russian Border Buzzes With Military Activity -- New
York Times*
DONETSK, Russia — They arrive every day, carloads of young men and women in
camouflage who pass through this Russian border checkpoint before heading
for the battlefields of eastern Ukraine.
Although patches sewn into their uniforms identify them as separatists,
their passports are routinely stamped by Russian officials. After passing
by a monitoring station from the Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe and a Ukrainian border post now operated by the separatists, they
disappear into... more »
Supplemental: Another day, another onslaught!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 2014*
*Peter Baker plays golf:* For those who are keeping score, this was the
third morning out of four when the New York Times went after the feckless,
uncaring Obama on its hard-copy front page.
On Wednesday, Peter Baker wrote a “News Analysis” helping us see that Obama
doesn’t care if black kids get shot and killed.
Today, Baker wrote a “Political Memo.” It’s built around the callous
indifference displayed when Obama played golf. Headline:
“A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics.”
In theory, a person could write an intelligent piece a... more »
World News Briefs -- August 22, 2014

Diyala province has been heavy fighting in recent weeks between government
troops and IS
*Scores Dead In Attack On Sunni Mosque In Iraq -- Al Jazeera*
Shia armed group kills at least 73 people inside place of worship in the
city of Baquba in eastern Diyala province.
At least 73 people have been killed after a Shia Muslim armed group opened
fired inside an Iraqi Sunni mosque in the country's eastern Diyala
province, medical sources have said.
A security source said bodies had been arriving at the hospital in the city
of Baquba in Diyala province on Friday.
Al Jazeera's Jane Arraf,... more »
The Library is Now Open
Just for amusement (and possible utility) I have created an Apocalypsi
Library...a Map of the Doomosphere...which is now open to the public for
reading, borrowing, browsing, commenting and contributions (not monetary -
ideas and links). Enjoy! And no need to keep your voices down. Make all
the noise you like!
Portal HERE.
Human Rights and Justice Committee Calls for Boycott

*"Boycott Now! We Demand our Human Rights!"*
*by Mark Daniels*
The Human Rights and Justice Committee (HRJC), a grassroots organization in
Missouri, is calling for a boycott of corporations and corporate media
beginning Monday, August 25, 2014 until specific demands related to the
shooting death of Michael Brown are satisfied.
In a Press Release made public via the HRJC Facebook event page, the
grassroots organization says: "BOYCOTT NOW! WE DEMAND OUR HUMAN RIGHTS!",
announcing a "National Day of Boycott against Banks, Businesses, and Retail
stores as an act of solidarity and ... more »
UKIP's General Election Prospects
Our Nige is standing in South Thanet (at last!). The party's pledged to
take minimum wage earners out of income tax (and, whisper it, cutting the
top rate for the very richest too). Prominent kippers gaffe, gaffe, and
gaffe again. Admiring Hitler's demagoguery? Calling a Thai supporter
"ting-tong"? It's so much water off a racist duck's back. Yet whatever they
try, this silly season just isn't *that interested* in the doings of UKIP.
With a low profile, some might be tempted to rule them out of contention
for next year completely. After all, it's a rule of electoral gravity that
pr... more »
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