Cartoon about the conflict between Isreal and the Hamas in 2008/2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Israeli woman injured from Hamas Grad rocket fired at Beer Sheva civilian area from Gaza (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Jaune Turner...!!! (Photo credit: Denis Collette...!!!) |
Finnish TV Reporter at Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital: 'It's True That Rockets Are Launched Here From the Gazan Side Into Israel' (VIDEO)
Something that you won't read on the institutionally anti Israel BBC or
Channel 4.
The Ebola Outbreak: The "Pandemic" that isn't.
There have been many many moments over the past few years that have made me
ponder my past and the experiences and knowledge that I have gathered along
the way. I cannot tell you how many times in the last two years alone that
I have had major personal revelations about things that I have gone through
or learned in the past that are suddenly so relevant in the NOW. Last
night was one of those moments.
For almost 20 years I have had an almost morbid facination with the Ebola
virus, and Haemoragic fevers such as Marlburg and Lassa, in general. It
started when I read the book "Th... more »
We need to talk about Jon Donnison
Jon Donnison's use of Twitter as an important arm of his reporting puts his
tweets well beyond being merely "views mine". It's clearly meant as public
BBC reporting.
His Twitter feed over the last 24 hours has been highly active. This is
what he's been telling the world through it:
He begins with tweets about last night's airstrikes on Gaza, interspersed
with two tweets reporting Hamas' statements saying (a) Hamas knows nothing
about the missing Israeli soldier and (b) that "it was Israel that violated
[the] ceasefire." (*Ed: Israel to blame, says Hamas. And the Israeli view,
Jon... more »
Eric Turner's Corporate School Handouts
by Doug Martin
Nursing home crusader and Cicero, Indiana’s Republican Eric Turner loves
the corporate school crowd in Indiana. Here are a few of his funders.
To add to the $1000 it gave him in 2013 (page 9), the $1000 (page 13) in
2011, the $500 in 2010 (page 6), and the $1,000 in 2009 (page 8), recently
the corporate school pushers at Eli Lilly handed Turner $1,000*. *
Then, on April 21, 2014, Walmart and DeVos’ Hoosiers for Economic Growth
PAC, better known as the “13 Filthy Rich Who Bought Indiana Public
Education,” wrote a $5000check for Turner’s campai... more »
The Continuing Israeli Genocide Of Gaza: THIS Shows The Insanity Of Israel - Sick Article Entitled: "When Genocide Is Permissible"
I am indeed playing catchup today on some major articles that I missed over
the last few days.. Many people have been asking why I do not place
articles in a more quicker fashion, or post comments as soon as they are
sent… I do have a life and personal and family business does take priority…
Yesterday, I came across a most sickening article that was put out in the
Times Of Israel website, at, that I found one of the
most sickening and vile pieces of hatred imaginable… It was actually yanked
from the internet within minutes, but luckily many bloggers and research... more »
This Is Hillarious: "Public Service Announcement: Thanks Jews!"
A close ally of mine in this, the real "truth movement" sent me the
following video that I want to share with my own readers… It is called "A
Public Service Announcement:: Thanks Jews!" and is a must see by everyone…
I have it right here, and of course my usual thoughts and comments to
NTS Notes: This was hysterical… And I found it so true about how much
these criminals do indeed control so many facets of our lives..
And for those that somehow think this video is to somehow honestly "thank"
these criminals for what they have done to humanity… Think again… It is
indeed a ... more »
Brilliant Idea! Ebola Victims Brought to U.S.

Just when you thought that the corporate scam that is Obamacare was the
greatest healthcare related disaster of the modern era the news has broken
that two victims of the deadly Ebola Virus are coming to the USA. The
American aid workers who contacted the virus in Liberia are being flown to
Atlanta for treatment. Despite the humanitarian idea to treat the duo - Dr.
Kent Brantly and missionary Nancy Writebol - at a highly advanced medical
facility, it is apparent that any serious consideration of the risk of the
virus getting out of containment didn't cross the minds of our politica... more »
The New Ebola Virus Scare: Is It Ebola, Or Is It Psychological Warfare?
I put out an article just two days ago that has questioned whether or not
the United States government has been working on weaponizing the Ebola
Virus in west Africa, in particular a "research" facility located in the
nation of Sierra Leone. I did not expect the firestorm of negative
comments (most of which I did not publish due to the language and slurs)
that I received from this one article… My purpose put forward by the entire
article is to try to get everyone to question their own governments and
particularly to get Americans aware of the situation with this "epidemic"
in west ... more »
August 2: As my father would say,...
"'s enough to make a saint swear."
The Friday edition of the TandT has a page one story on the party leaders
of New Brunswick,and their views on job creation. It's not a very bright
question as the opener of a series. I would certainly prefer a story
telling us what their sense is of what a society should be, what we should
be striving for, what the role of government should be....
There was a time when we were told that sort of thing. The Liberals stood
for individual rights above all. That's what led them down the path to
individual rights for corporations - as if each corpo... more »
Weird Al, My Hero
He's back to help us understand the missions of CorpEd, CorpMed, CorpRead,
CorpFed, CorpTED, and even CorpDead. More at Alternet.
Comparing Obama's, Putin's 10-minute monologues
I was just listening to two recent monologues, a speech by Obama and
answers by Putin during a press conference:
President Obama announces expanded sanctions on Russia in Uk
Vladimir Putin on US Sanctions and Ukraine – English Subs
The differences are striking. Putin is a calm, extraordinarily rational and
pragmatic professional who doesn't really contribute anything to the
escalation of the emotions and who seems aware of the major principles that
underlie the Western values and the Western understanding of justice, too.
That's very different from Ob... more »
"A distinguished writer on Arab affairs". Who could that be then?
Catching up time...
Having found a couple of consecutive editions of *Dateline London* to be
unusually full of genuine debate and *not* tilted against Israel in their
discussions of the present Gaza conflict, I missed last week's edition
which shifted the balance firmly back towards the familiar *Dateline *
In the two previous editions, pro-Israeli guests had actually outnumbered
pro-Palestinians guests. Last week's edition reversed that trend and had
two pro-Palestinian guests - extremist left-wing Palestinian writer Abdel
Barri Atwan and far-left Greek writer Maria Marg... more »
This is Genocide
Israel is committing genocide against Palestinian civilians. This policy
will corrupt the soul of Israel, destroying the nation and its future far
more than any external enemy could ever accomplish. Read about it at
I am not anti-semitic, nor do I stand against Israel's existence as a
However, I am sickened by the hate that appeared in *The Times of Israel*
in the blog post titled, "Genocide is Permissible," which argued that
genocide against the Palestinian people is acceptable. The author of this
hat... more »
Bigger Better more hair Kabuki dance
Its time for us to deal with all the certainties
like the native people
will never own the USA
or in Canada we
will fight those ancestors
to keep Canada a way.
Now defending what is right
is never wrong
in our modern socitety
we take shortcuts
every day
that tell the general populace
you need to behave in
the same way
but if you should behave so
and have no government backer
your going to prison
and we who are not in jail
will make hay
Elections are predictions
and is seems they
all align the same way
there is no democracy
just a struggle of interests
who all behave in a universal way.... more »
Wall Street Journal: "A Party Whose Preoccupation Is Deporting Children Is Going To Alienate Many Conservatives"

For the rest of this election cycle-- probably for the rest of a couple of
election cycles-- all congressional Republicans are Steve King. The House
Republican Caucus never elected him to a leadership position, but the
deranged, sometimes delusional, racist fanatic was handed the reins of
power by the de facto head of the Republican Party, Ted Cruz, their likely
2016 presidential nominee. Cruz will be the most catastrophic presidential
nominee since the radical right got their way in 1964, when Republicans won
Goldwater's home state of Arizona plus South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,... more »
Are you missing out in restaurants too? Definitely NSFW Diner flashing
Flashing at a Diner *by miketru*
David Greene Reports on the Excitement of the BAT Rally in D.C.
David Greene Reports on the Excitement of the BAT Rally in D.C..Filed
under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Thank God for Elboa, its taken the focus off the Israeli Palestine confict
Is it Sunday or Saturday
are the Jews crushing
some babies
Crushed baby food filled
with the bones and flesh
of those Islam children
filling a disputed neighborhood
They thought or maybe not allot
bit the parents would know
if you launch a rocket attack
its you kid that will line up perfectly
for the cameras
on death row
Hit me twice and I will
hit you back
but I think
I never want
a mortar attack.
A dream of Palestine is now dead
there is no reason for Israeli
to sanction a missile platform
that will fill all citizens with dread/
Israeli newspaper removes blog post openly calling for Palestinian genocide

*The Times of Israel*, a popular online Israeli news outlet, featured a
blog post the other day entitled, "When Genocide is Permissible," which, as
you can imagine, openly called for the genocide of the Christian and Muslim
Palestinians under Israeli occupation. Anyone who is even slightly familiar
with the brutal Jewish occupation of Palestine knows that what the Jewish
state of "Israel" has done and continues to do to the indigenous
Palestinian people amounts to genocide. The Jewish state was founded on
murder, terrorism, and genocide, and what we are seeing it do today to Gaza
an... more »
How would you like a nuclear war with Russia? Your president and Congress can hardly wait. Well, their bomb shelters are already prepared, so it's the rest of us who will be incinerated. Most Americans don’t understand this due to propaganda put out by the U.S. “mainstream media.” And so the American public accepts as the God’s truth the notions that the Russian government is evil (whereas it may be the most benevolent in the world today) and that an American nuclear first strike on Russia is justified and would even avert nuclear retaliation (whereas there are limits to anyone’s benevolence). In fact, U.S. government lying goes back at least to the run-up of the second gulf war, when Colin Powell told the UN that Saddam Husain was amassing weapons of mass destruction. Back then there were still a few newspapers like the Washington Post whose analysts proved that Powel was lying, but few Americans took the time to read that far. Now the despicable mainstream media reports nothing but U.S. government lies.

The West's Reckless Rush Towards War with Russia
We're taking big risks for unclear reasons
by Chris Martenson
Original Here Thursday, July
31, 2014, 10:54 AM
For reasons that have no rational explanations at this time, the US and
Europe have embarked on a concerted program to demonize Putin, ostracize
Russia, and bring the world as close to a major confli... more »
Russian Oligarchs Wave Goodbye To Visa, Switch To Chinese Credit Card

*The speed of which this changes are occurring is amazing to watch... -AK*
Russian Oligarchs Wave Goodbye To Visa, Switch To Chinese Credit Card
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/01/2014 22:17 -0400
So much for the "Russia is becoming increasingly isolated" meme that the
West would like many to believe. As Russia continues to sign
de-dollarization deals and trade agreements with its BRICS allies while
pushing ahead with retaliatory actions against the US and Europe, it
appears the ... more »
First Rule of Security, Deny Your Enemies Information
Canadian Government alleged this week that the Chinese Government
hacked into NRC computer systems, and China's response has been "prove
On the surface, this request for proof makes sense, as what we have is a
game of "we said" "they said." But when it comes to IT security,
publicly disclosing the proof is the last thing you want to do. And yes,
it would have to be a public disclosure.
A President Bares His Teeth

"We tortured some folks," President Obama casually remarked as a kind of
afterthought at the end of his Friday afternoon press conference.
Obama Lightens Up on Torture (Aug. 1 Press Con)
Let those brutally cavalier words be chiseled deep into the door of his
soon-to-be-built shrine to himself so that visitors can be warned to
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."
"Folks" should also be advised to bring their own barf bags, because they
probably won't be on sale in the gift shop alongside Barack's (TM) golf
bags.... and the sweatshop-produced Bo and Sunny plushies and Michelle's
... more »
India Slams US Global Hegemony By Scuttling Global Trade Deal, Puts Future Of WTO In Doubt

India Slams US Global Hegemony By Scuttling Global Trade Deal, Puts Future
Of WTO In Doubt
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/01/2014 15:44 -0400
Yesterday we reported that with the Russia-China axis firmly secured, the
scramble was on to assure the alliance of that last, and critical, Eurasian
powerhouse: India. It was here that Russia had taken the first symbolic
step when earlier in the week its central bank announced it *had started
negotiations to use national currencies in settlements*, a process which
would culminate with the elimination of the US currency from bilateral
se... more »
Doesn't Israel Have a Right to Defend Itself?
*What would you do if terrorists were firing missiles at your people? No
country in the world would tolerate that!*
Goodness gracious me! Who is firing missiles at you?
*Hamas! They've sworn themselves to our destruction! It's in their Charter!*
Why that's awful! Are they capable of destroying you?
*Happily, no. They're really just a nuisance. A deadly nuisance if you
So, these people, who you could easily smash, just fire rockets at you for
no reason?
*Well, ... it's complicated. But we could smash them. Only we don't. We
show forbearance and, with typical Arab ingratitude... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Searchings are finished at this moment…
*Searchings are finished at this moment…*
by ÉirePort
Searchings are finished at this moment, and can no longer be used as
Guidance rods.
Energetics of the Higher Gaia dimensions are unsuited for traditional
"searchings" protocols. Those attempting to follow such find great
Moderation of Higher Incomings is not possible, thus "acceptance" and
"riding the rising wave" is more appropriate.
"Culminations" and "downhills" are no more, as Cosmic Energetic
vibrationals continue to rise.
Prepare for being "not prepared"... and Embrace the moment.
ÉirePort | August 2,... more »
... pass me the tinfoil please.
... pass me the tinfoil please.
welllllllll......... this is just too funny!!!!!
Further to the article I published and edited this morning.
I tried to add another edited section and blogger refused to allow the
edit. Then it refused to let me post a new article... then it refused to
allow me to sign into blogger on Heather's computer.....
I finally managed to get into my site.... Here is what I was... more »
Iron Dome Fake - A Massive Hoax - Missiles Blowing Up in the Air

Israeli expert says Iron Dome defence is a hoax
Iron Dome firing an interceptor missle
An Israeli scientist and award-winning security expert has called the Iron
Dome missile defence system "the biggest hoax the world has seen",
*Addustour* news website has reported.
According to Dr Motty Scheffer, "Today, there is no missile which can
intercept other missiles or rocket-propelled grenades, and the Iron Dome is
a light audio system which blocks Israeli public opinion and, of course,
itself. In fact, all the explosions that we have seen in the atmosphere are
self-destruction. The... more »
*New Orleans Saints draw fans, dollars to West Virginia ~The State Journal*
*Gusman’s proposed new jail could house hundreds, cost $97 million ~Jim
Mustian, New Orleans Advocate*
*Trombone Shorty to replace 14-year-old's instrument stolen at gunpoint
*'Take a ride on the H train': 3 suspected of selling heroin on
Craigslist~Chris Finch, WVUE*
*Louisiana Food Service & Hospitality EXPO*
*NJ chefs take their scallop BLT to New Orleans for national seafood
*British Art, International Flavors Behind Cellar Door ~Liz Davas, NOLA
I wish this was my wife
*The date is August first 2014*
*this marks more decades of living the dream*
*of having the love of Maureen*
*I still remember the first time I saw*
*her in my room numbered 572*
*She was wearing a Hungarian peasant top*
*and blue jeans*
*She smiled at me but I was to shy to respond*
*later that week we were on a corner*
*raising funds for frosh weak*
*somehow we mysticalicaly bound*
*She and Mauve and some other guy whose*
*name I forget*
*But we started to fall in love on the corner*
*of Wellington and Direct*
*Neither of us moved on this bond*
*It was a night at the Stork club*
*that... more »
Supplemental: We the people, wrong on our facts!
*Also, Paul Krugman on “experts:”* It’s often surprising to see the things
we the people believe.
A few weeks ago, we noted this fact: We the people have little idea who is
in charge of the Congress. Based upon the survey in question, we’d guess
that maybe one third of the public actually knows which party controls the
House and which party controls the Senate.
We the people don’t follow such matters closely. This morning, we were
struck by a similar factoid in the Washington Post.
The factoid appears in a news report about a major survey. The survey foun... more »
The importance of being Paddy
*“Good Morning Sarah. Paddy will do.”* came the chummy greeting from ‘Lord
*“Do you share Clegg’s view that Israel must talk to Hamas?”*
*“Yes. The one thing we know now - after three weeks and over a thousand
dead - is that neither side can blast their way to victory.”*
Well, Paddy, that depends what either side considers victory. Israel might
consider it a victory to be left in peace. To exist. Hamas would consider
that a defeat. Maybe “blasting” is the only way, for at least one side, to
achieve a victory.
*“Peace is a process, not an event, and you have to get ... more »
Removing the Shackles: D's Update: Contagious Conspiracy, Currency, & Consciousness Good morning my friends!

D's Update: Contagious Conspiracy, Currency, & Consciousness
Good morning my friends!
Please ignore the "\" *[I removed them in this reblogging -AK] *that
appears at the end of every strike of the enter key.... my computer died,
has been resurrected, lost half it's keys, had an external keyboard
added.... and now it adds an "\" every time I hit enter. Go figure. I
might steal someone elses computer to try to clean this all up before
I am currently working on three very different articles. Until yesterday
it was just two articles, the... more »
Natural Treatments for Ebola Virus Exist, Research Suggests

Sayer Ji
Fear of infection with the Ebola virus is becoming as contagious as the
virus itself, with mainstream media outlets like CNN reporting, *'Ebola
outbreak could have 'catastrophic' consequences.'*
Given the prevailing mortality statistics, perhaps the fear is, at least
partially, justified, with the most virulent form of the virus – the Zaire
Ebola virus – observed to have a fatality rate of about 83%,[1] and with no
officially recognized conventional or natural therapy found capable of
mitigating morbidity and mortality associated with infection from it.
There are actuall... more »
Is It Really a False Flag? Well, It Certainly Could Be

Melissa Melton
We live in uncertain times. The term “false flag” gets thrown around a lot
these days, perhaps often enough to confuse casual observers into thinking
that false flags never happen or are merely “conspiracy theories” (as if
there just simply can’t be a theory that a conspiracy took place).
Nothing could be further from the truth.
All one has to do is look no further than a government document dated 13
March 1962 from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to then-Secretary of Defense
Robert McNamara with the subject line “Justification for US Military
Intervention in Cuba”.
The... more »
For Surviving Ebola, medical care is better in Africa contrary to media due to available blood transfusions. My Personal Story how Hospital ignored "Nightmare Bacteria" last month, no precautions taken.
I have found out, contrary to what the media and government is putting out
about medical care in Africa for Ebola is not as good as the U.S., is not
true. In fact U.S. medical treatment will not be able to save Ebola
victims as African treatment. WHY? Those that have survived Ebola are able
to give blood and save people who have come down with it. The cure is the
blood of surviving
Sleeping beauty in Guantánamo Bay
*If Alice could have been to Wonderland, why shouldn't the Sleeping Beauty
visit Gitmo?*
I've concluded that the elementary mistakes that lead some people to say
that the correct answer to the Sleeping Beauty Problem is \(P=1/3\) is the
primary cause of these people's totally invalid claims about the arrow of
time as well as the anthropic principle as well as their irrational fear of
the Boltzmann Brains.
When I was a kid and as recently as 15 years ago, I wouldn't feel that
there exist similar controversies about similarly trivial issues. I swear
that various mathematical olympi... more »
We Tortured Some Folks: Obama Defends Brennan and Admits War Crimes

Four words uttered during President Barack Obama's Friday White House press
conference sum everything up: *"we tortured some folks"*. It was an
admission of how far that America has fallen since the dawn of the twenty
first century, the phony war on terror, the real wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan and the coming ones in Europe and the Middle East. The days of
America always being the "good guys" is over. Gone forever is the
tremendous amount of global goodwill that came after our fathers and
grandfathers saved the world from totalitarianism and suffering under the
yoke of Nazi Germa... more »
The cost of spying
As my first official post as a guest contributor to the Duck, I would like
to take a moment to thank Charli, Jon, and the gang. This really is an
honor and a priviledge for me, and hopefully my posts will live up to the
Duck’s high standard! There has been no lack of coverage
Continue reading
Great Fools
Jeffrey Simpson has an interesting piece this morning on Canada's bullhorn
Today, without exaggerating Canada’s influence anywhere, it is instructive
how offside Canada is on various issues with traditional allies.
For example, every country with which Canada has been traditionally allied
has been calling for a ceasefire in the Israeli-Hamas “conflict” (or “war”
if you prefer). The Obama administration has been using whatever diplomatic
leverage it could to bring one about. Canada, by... more »
... pass me the tinfoil please.
welllllllll......... this is just too funny!!!!!|
Further to the article I published and edited this morning.\
I tried to add another edited section and blogger refused to allow the
edit. Then it refused to let me post a new article... then it refused to
allow me to sign into blogger on Heather's computer.....|
I finally managed to get into my site.... Here is what I was trying to post
as an update to the previous article I published this morning. I think
you'll find it amusing considering th... more »
School Board Says No to Lily-White Charter
Fayette County, Georgia is over 70 percent white and its median household
income is almost twice the state average. But that is still not white
enough or rich enough to suit some Fayette Countians who want their
home-schooled or privately-educated children now supported with state funds
intended children who choose public education.
The only vote for the segregated charter came from Tea Party favorite on
the Board, Dr. Barry Marchman.
Photo and story from The Citizen:
Republican Illegal Gerrymander Throws Florida Congressional Politics Into Chaos

John Mica, the other Republican most likely to lose his House seat besides
Taliban Dan Webster
Yesterday, the Florida Supreme Court recommended that Tallahassee Judge
Judith Hawkins be removed from the bench because she has exhibited a
"disdain for the rule of the law." She was found guilty of running a side
business, Gaza Road Ministries, from her judicial chambers, something about
Ethiopian eunuchs in the courthouse. I don't expect the Supreme Court to
respond the same way to Terry Lewis, the judge of Florida’s Second Judicial
Circuit, who issued a confusing ruling on Florida's ger... more »
Who Broke The Ceasfire? The Truth About Cease-fire Violations Between Israel and Gaza

A Palestinian woman reacts upon seeing her destroyed home after it was hit
by Israeli shelling in Gaza. Photograph: Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters As
reported by theguardian on Friday:
The humanitarian truce in Gaza has collapsed after two hours with fierce
fighting in the south of the enclave, reports of a missing Israeli soldier
and a formal Israeli announcement that it would resume its military
Israeli tank fire on the southern town of Rafah was reported to have
killed at least 40 Palestinians on Friday, turning what was intended to be
the first day of calm into one o... more »
Coal2nuclear revisited

*This document and its accompyning comments, remain a valid proposal for
the reuse of old coal fired power plant sites as housing sites for new
Nuclwar power generation facilities. The idea is not original, as I note,
and received previous attention on Nuclear Green.*
Jim Holm has made an important contribution to the discussion of the future
of nuclear power in the United States. I believe that Jim was the first
person to publicly advocate the recycling of coal fired power plant sites,
as nuclear sites. Holm correctly noted advantages for doing so. Practically
everyone who is inter... more »
Links and Break Time

[image: IMG_8628]
*A damselfly hides in the darkness*
I'm taking an extended break from the blog for a couple of weeks. Enjoy
- Kaohsiung Gas Explosion: LCY Chemical says wasn't their pipes, but
inquiry says it appears to be.
- Sean Lien video patiently RIPPED. This one is excellent, don't miss.
- Market solutions should be solution to Taiwan's economic problems with
China. Lots of great numbers.
- ROC clownishly protests Japan's naming of Senkaku islets.
- Economic growth picking up?
- Fourth Nuke plant to be mothballed.
- A million pangolins sac... more »
*Guidance on Shutting Down "I-20 Mills"*
*How to spot questionable educational institutions*
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has published a brief, informal
guide to aid U.S. consular officers in properly assessing educational
institutions when issuing visas for foreign students. These officers
currently lack key information, such as on schools that are not accredited
by any entity recognized by the U.S. Department of Education but which
nonetheless are certified by the Department of Homeland Security to issue
the I-20 form, which leads to the issuance of foreign student v... more »
Canadian Ambassador: "Abortion = Terrorism"
What kind of maroon would compare the terrorist attacks of 9/11 to a common
medical procedure?
The next Canadian ambassador to the Vatican Taliban, that's who.
Mr. [Dennis] Savoie, once a senior executive at New Brunswick Power and a
former top official with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic service
organization, was tapped Friday to represent Canada to the Holy See, the
government of the Roman Catholic Church in Vatican City.
As if Canada's international reputation needed any further mockery
criticism, now we've got one of these jackasses representing us.
Not only does he ha... more »
Facebook Censors Author Naomi Wolf On Gaza

Counter Current
Jews, Muslims and citizens of the world in general have been following
author Naomi Wolf and her comments about the War on Gaza. Since she walked
out of her synagogue recently, when they refused to denounce the killing of
civilians in Gaza, as a result of recent IDF operations, she has gained a
lot of support from fellow dissidents who want to hear what she has to say.
Today, Naomi revealed that Facebook sent her a warning, suggesting her
account could be removed, and explaining that they had censored images she
posted from her sources in Gaza.
“We received a wa... more »
Editor's Note
Saturday is my day for chores and spending time with the family and
girlfriend. Blogging will return late Saturday night.
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Starwalkers"
2002, "Starwalkers"
"Let Others..."
"Let others lead small lives, but not you.
Let others argue over small things, but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you."
- Jim Rohn
D's Update: Contagious Conspiracy, Currency, & Consciousness
Good morning my friends! \
Please ignore the "\" that appears at the end of every strike of the enter
key.... my computer died, has been resurrected, lost half it's keys, had an
external keyboard added.... and now it adds an "\" every time I hit enter.
Go figure. I might steal someone elses computer to try to clean this all
up before publishing.....|
I am currently working on three very different articles. Until yesterday
it was just two articles, then one of my wonderful friends dropped me a
link that was a time bomb in my brain, and I was immediately off and
running resear... more »
Saturday Interview: Rowan Draper
Rowan Draper is a Labour Councillor on Stafford Borough Council, Secretary
of the Constituency Party, and a founder member of the Young Labour
Councillors Network. He was shortlisted for the LGiU's Young Councillor of
the Year 2014 Award. Rowan blogs here and is an active tweeter.
- Why do you blog?
When I was a Students’ Union Officer in 2008 I believed that having a blog
would enable me to communicate with a larger audience and to put across my
message of what I was doing and how I was working.
When I left I took up topical writing and wrote pieces on TV, football and
life. Not... more »
MH17 Missile Can't Hide From This Sleuth

Over the last two weeks I’ve documented the various open source information
that has revealed key pieces of information about the Buk Missile Launcher
linked to the downing of flight MH17.
Now, using that information, I believe it’s possible to construct a
timeline of events on the ground in Ukraine on July 17th that can be
evidenced using a variety of open source information.
To begin with, lets review the photographs and videos of the Buk Missile
Launcher which appear to have been taken on the day of the attack, in
chronological order. All times are approximate.
Read more
NATO Has No Confirmation of Ballistic Missile Use by Ukrainian Army

[image: NATO Flag]NATO cannot officially confirm that the Ukrainian troops
used a ballistic missile in the country's east, a representative of the
alliance told RIA Novosti on Friday.
"As of now, NATO has no official confirmation of a ballistic missile use by
Ukrainian forces," NATO's military officer said.
The statement followed a Deutsche Welle report, saying that NATO had
confirmed Ukraine's usage of the weapon.
Read more
New Fighter Jet Debuts at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort
An F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter performed a short
takeoff/vertical landing for the first time Friday at Marine Corps Air
Station Beaufort.
The new fighter jet is replacing the Marine Corp’s aging legacy tactical
fleet. Military officials say the aircraft’s ability to land in austere
environments and remote locations where few airfields are available for
conventional aircraft will increase the Marine Corp’s expeditionary
capabilities including the ability to operate from amphibious ships, a
capability no other tactical aircraft possesses.
The landing was executed by Mar... more »
Writing in *Commentary *today, Israeli apologist and neocon propagandist
Jonathan Tobin said: “…the Netanyahu government decided to accede to the
[ceasefire] proposal put forward by the United States and the United
Nations. But that decision has been rendered moot by the decision of Hamas
to use the cover of the cease-fire to launch a suicide attack on Israeli
forces that led to the possible kidnapping of a soldier.”
Not mentioned by Tobin was the ‘kidnapping’ of almost 300 Palestinians who
had been taken by the Israelis during the first days of their invasion of
the Strip, and nor... more »
IAF's Jaguar plane crashes near Bhuj, pilot safe

[image: IAF Jaguar]A Jaguar combat aircraft of Indian Air Force on Friday
crashed near Bibber village in Kutch while on a routine sortie from Bhuj
air base but the pilot ejected safely.
"A Jaguar fighter jet which had taken off from Bhuj air base for a routine
sortie crashed near Bibber village, which is 30kms from the base," an IAF
official said.
"The pilot ejected safely and is not hurt in the mishap," he said.
Read more
Flight Tech gets contract in Africa

[image: Horus FT-100 UAV]Flight Tech company has been contracted for
supplying Horus FT-100 Mini-UAV and associated logistics support to a
country in Africa.
The first units will be delivered by the second half 2014, with the
possibility for new orders in 2015. The contract is the first Brazilian
export of defense Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
The company’s light tactical UAS technologies are originally designed in
cooperation with Brazilian Army, Navy and Air Force.
Read more
Japan gives Vietnam six ships to boost maritime patrol

[image: Fumio Kishida & Pham Binh Minh]Japan said on Friday it would give
Vietnam six vessels to boost the communist country’s capacity to patrol its
territorial waters, amid a bitter maritime dispute with Beijing in the
South China Sea.
The deal for the six used vessels, worth $5 million, was announced in Hanoi
during a two-day visit by Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida aimed at
deepening bilateral ties.
“We hope this will help strengthen the maritime law enforcement capability
of Vietnam,” Kishida said at a press briefing with his Vietnamese
counterpart Pham Binh Minh.
Rea... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The great variety of star colors in this open cluster underlies its name:
The Jewel Box. One of the bright central stars is a red supergiant, in
contrast to the many blue stars that surround it. The cluster, also known
as Kappa Crucis contains just over 100 stars, and is about 10 million years
*Click image for larger size.*
Open clusters are younger, contain few stars, and contain a much higher
fraction of blue stars than do globular clusters. This Jewel Box lies about
6,400 light-years away, so the light that we see today was emitted from the
cluster before even the Great Pyr... more »
HII Awarded $49.6 Million Contract to Begin Planning for Work on USS George Washington (CVN 73)

[image: USS George Washington (CVN 73)]Huntington Ingalls Industries
announced today that its Newport News Shipbuilding division has received a
$49.6 million contract to begin planning for work on the nuclear-powered
aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73).
The contract is for 12 months and includes planning, engineering and
shipboard inspections for work associated with the defueling of the ship.
"We are pleased to be able to begin planning for the defueling of CVN 73,"
said Chris Miner, Newport News Shipbuilding's vice president, in-service
aircraft carrier programs. "We ... more »
Sunk Costs: New Carriers Commit UK To Buy Escorts & F-35Bs, Says 1st Sea Lord

[image: HMS Queen Elizabeth]65,000-ton ships are hard to turn around, and
they can drag a lot else in their wake. That’s the $10.4 billion (£6.2
billion) bet the Royal Navy has placed on its controversial program to
build two new aircraft carriers.
While a third smaller than American nuclear carriers, the ships’ costs have
grown so much that the British government is considering temporarily
mothballing the second ship, HMS Prince of Wales, as soon as it’s complete,
while the first ship, HMS Queen Elizabeth, was christened July 4th but
won’t get its F-35B fighters for years.
But Fi... more »
Trent Jaklitsch - Alyssa Monks - TONE
Free Planet has featured the photorealism gone painterly works of Alyssa
Monks before. Now, film maker Trent Jaklitsch has created an indulgent
sensual lingering piece called TONE that reinforces Alyssa's claim that
it's, "All about the paint," and not necessarily just about the
photo-realistic depiction of a moment.
TONE is mesmerising stuff that demonstrates the vast range of painterly
techniques involved in Alyssa's emotiono-realistic paintings.
You like my new word: *Emotionorealistic*?
and then Jaklitsch's earlier piece on Alyssa herself, and her newer work.
The incidenta... more »
Energy Econ 24: NPC Debt, PSALM and Universal Charges

This report is confusing. It says, *"Psalm said Napocor incurred stranded
contract costs (SCC) amounting to P4.1 billion in 2013... Last year, Psalm
proposed a P0.13 per kilowatt-hour increase in the SCC after Napocor
incurred P17.69 billion in obligations from 2011 to 2012."*
I checked with the National Power Corp. (NPC), it already has net income
since 2012. Its 2013 net income is P500+ M. The Power Sector Assets and
Liabilities Management Corp. (PSALM) is referring to old NPC loans
especially during the power crisis of the early 90s when the Independent
Power Producers (IPPs) pu... more »
Did The Israeli Military Implement The 'Hannibal Protocol' Upon Learning That IDF Soldier Hadar Goldin Was Kidnapped?
#Hamas: Missing #IDF officer probably killed by Israeli shelling together
with his captors #Gaza RT @haaretzcom
— Anshel Pfeffer (@AnshelPfeffer) August 1, 2014
*The Hannibal Directive: Did Givati Battalion Second Lieutenant Hadar
Goldin Blow Himself Up? -- American Power*
Israel's "Hannibal Directive" indicates that if an Israeli soldier is
abducted he should blow himself up, rather than be taken into captivity.
Considering the case of Gilad Shalit, it's not clear if or when the
directive is operational.
But with the developments today of Hamas rejecting t... more »
How To Survive A War Zone With Little If Any Military Training

U.S. Army Sgt. Jerry D. White (left), Royal Thai Master Sgt. Satit
Sitparsert (center) and U.S. Army Spc. James M. Lupo hold their fighting
stance during hand-to-hand combat training as part of Exercise Cobra Gold
'97 in Tak, Thailand, on May 15, 1997. Cobra Gold '97 is the latest in a
continuing series of U.S. /Thai military exercises designed to ensure
regional peace and strengthen the ability of the Royal Thai Armed Forces to
defend Thailand. The training will include joint combined air, land and sea
operations. Cobra Gold is the largest strategic mobility exercise involving
the... more »
The Reasons Why President Obama Will Not Fire CIA Director John Brennan

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters
*Does John Brennan Know Too Much for Obama to Fire Him? -- Conor
Friedersdorf, The Atlantic*
It's difficult to cross man with details on every secret drone strike
you've authorized—especially the legally dubious ones.
When John Brennan assured the country that the CIA hadn't improperly
monitored the Senate team that compiled a report on Bush-era torture, he
fed us false information. That much is clear from Thursday's news that "the
C.I.A. secretly monitored a congressional committee charged with
supervising its activities." Either the CIA director was lying... more »
[Videos] Kevin Sites on his new book, The Things They Cannot Say (Washington, D.C.)
*"The Things They Cannot Say: Stories Soldiers Won't Tell You About What
They've Seen, Done or Failed to Do in War" by Kevin Sites (2013).*
Kevin Sites on his new book, The Things They Cannot Say (Washington, D.C.).
Source: Kevin Sites. Date Published: May 30, 2013. Description:
Kevin Sites talks about his book, The Things They Cannot Say: Stories
Soldiers Won't Tell You About What They've Seen, Done, or Failed to Do in
War, at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism (Washington,
Kevin Sites talks conflict, recovery, and storytelling. Source:
HalftheBattle20... more »
The CIA's 'Dirty Laundry' Is About To Be Revealed

Larry Downing/Reuters
*The CIA's Dirty Playbook Is About To Be Opened -- Eli Lake & Josh Rogin,
The Daily Beast*
A long-awaited Senate report won’t use the word ‘torture’ to describe the
CIA’s interrogations. But it will show abuse that is horrific, systematic,
and widespread.
The White House is set to give Congress on Friday the final, declassified
version of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s majority report on CIA
interrogation. And according to one person who has reviewed the document
and three people who were briefed on its contents, the committee’s report
will reveal new a... more »
President Obama: After 9/11, 'We Tortured Some Folks'
*Obama Says That After 9/11, 'We Tortured Some Folks -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday the CIA "tortured some
folks" after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and that the White House had
handed over to Congress a report about an investigation into "enhanced
interrogation techniques."
"We did a whole lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks.
We did some things that were contrary to our values," Obama told a White
House news conference.
Obama's comment was a reaffirmation of his decision to ban the use of
interrogation techniques such as water... more »
Living on a $77-a-week minimum-wage budget: Lessons of the "Live the Wage" Challenge

*Here's the link for the Live the Wage Challenge PDF. The challenge, which
invited everyone to try living on a minimum-wage budget of $77 a week, took
place July 24030, but it's never too late to try it.*
*by Ken*
It's a point that Howie keeps coming back to in this space: that our
political world -- our Congress, to pick a hardly random example -- is
populated by way too many way too rich people. Of course, like any other
group in our society, rich people are entitled to represent and advocate
for their interests. But we have developed a political system where, to an
eerie extent... more »
Jon Stewart nails corporate tax inversions
Last night Jon Stewart (h/t BruinKid) went after tax inversion with style,
showing up Republican hypocrisy on welfare programs vs. "corporate
welfare," all the subsidies one company has received from multiple levels
of government, government contracts, and government-funded research. His
primary target was Mylan, a Pennsylvania-based generic drugmaker. Mylan, as Ron
Fournier recently pointed out, has as its chief executive officer Heather
Bresch, the daughter of West Virgina Senator Joe Manchin. Manchin now says
inversions should be illegal, according to Fournier in a follow-up artic... more »
"All of us have been dying, hour by hour, since the moment we were born.
Realizing this, let all things be placed in their proper perspective...
Remember, it is always later than you think."
- Og Mandino
On "Kidnapped" Israeli Soldiers: Their Shit Stinks, Too
*Photo Source: Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters.*
The USrahelli media is insane. The amount of totalitarian propaganda about
the war against Gaza that is coming out of the US media and the President's
own mouth is sickening.
Since when is taking prisoners of war on a battlefield a shocking
development and a serious breach of international law? This is normal stuff
that goes on in war. ISIS rounds up and executes Iraqi soldiers like it's
nothing. Members of different rebel factions, groups, and the Syrian army
are regularly taken in Syria. The capture of soldiers is only news when the
... more »
"The word 'belief' is a difficult thing for me. I don't believe.
I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis.
Either I know a thing, and then I know it - I don't need to believe it."
- Carl Jung
"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at
least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things."
- Rene Descartes
The Poet: Clarice Lispector, "Change"
by Clarice Lispector
But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed.
Sit in another chair, on the other side of the table.
Later on, change tables.
When you go out, try to walk on the other side of the street. Then change
your route,
walk calmly down other streets, observing closely the places you pass by.
Take other buses. Change your wardrobe for a while;
give away your old shoes and try to walk barefoot for a few days– even if
only at home.
Take off a whole afternoon to stroll about freely, listening to the birds
or the noise of the cars.
Open a... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Sacred Depths of Nature”
*“The Sacred Depths of Nature”*
by Chet Raymo
“NASA has released the latest and deepest look into space ever, revealing
galaxies as they were 13.2 billion years ago, only 500 million years after
the big bang. You will remember the Hubble Deep Field and the Ultra Deep
Field. This new compilation of all the previous data is called the XDF, the
Extreme Deep Field. Do this. Go to the Hubble XDF web site, download the
highest resolution version and fill your screen with it. And while you're
there, look at the little video below showing the tiny part of the sky
imaged by the XDF. I see on... more »
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt”
Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt”
Pretty Campbell Brown and Her Ugly, Misguided Anti-Due-Process Crusade
Over the past several weeks, I have read only a little on the situation of
former CNN news anchor Campbell Brown’s sudden interest in forming a
nonprofit in order to advance a lawsuit in New York purportedly to “save”
public school students of the (surely) inept teachers currently protected
behind “tenure” (i.e., due process rights). […]
Entire Park District Board Placed Under Citizen's Arrest
Group objects to board's failure to allow public comment at meeting
In a highly unusual move, the leader of a Downstate watchdog group placed
an entire park district board under a citizen's arrest for failing to allow
public comment and violating a state disclosure law.
Public boards are used to facing angry crowds, but most have never dealt
with what happened at one recent meeting in central Illinois.
Around 30 people showed up at a Clark County Park District Board meeting in
May, hoping to speak openly about recent park-related controversies. After
most sat through a 2-1/2 ho... more »
Those behind the scenes who did the work to feed the hundreds of people
during the Grand March for Life & Peace on Jeju Island, South Korea. The
event concluded just as a major typhoon is heading toward the island.
Panikhida - A Panikhida is a memorial service which is a liturgical solemn
service for the repose of the departed, in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Dedicated to all those killed in Eastern Ukraine (Novorossiya): Children,
women, old people, men, militia and soldiers.

You're really stompin' on the numbers around here, people!
Fucking GOLDEN!!!
Thanks for coming out.
And, as always-
Welcome to a liberal
glimpse of Canada.
Now. About those BILLS.
If the Trumpster gets ownership of da Bills...
Me and Wolf Blitzer are gonna kick some ass.
Rather Bon Jovi did- and Buffalo doesn't want THAT either.
I say we go 51% fan ownership.
See what you can do, k?
Thanks again.
Peace, and Grace be upon us all!
50 Members of Congress Urge EPA and USDA to Reject New GMO Crops

*GE Crops Would Lead to Dramatic Increase in Use of Toxic, War-era
Herbicide 2,4-D*
GMO farmer *Activist Post*
Fifty Members of Congress led by Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR-04)
and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME-01) wrote today to the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
expressing “grave concerns” over Dow Chemical's Enlist Duo™ herbicide and
new varieties of genetically engineered (GE) corn and soy the herbicide
mixture would be used with.
“In the absence of leadership from the agencies tasked to protect our
health, our food... more »
What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?

Jon Rappoport
This is a call for an immediate, thorough, and independent investigation of
Tulane University researchers and their Fort Detrick associates in the US
biowarfare research community, who have been operating in West Africa
during the past several years.
What exactly have they been doing?
Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of
Sierra Leone?
Why do we have reports that the government of Sierra Leone has recently
told Tulane researchers to stop this testing?
Have Tulane researchers and their associates attempted any experimental
treatment... more »
Military Drills Surround MH17 Disaster

Brandon Turbeville
In November of 2013, I wrote an article entitled 11 Signs of a False Flag.
In this article, I described at least 11 red flags that indicate the fact
that an event was orchestrated for political purposes by a ruling
government or otherwise controlling elite. One of the points that were
detailed in this article was the issue of simultaneous drills.
One hallmark of the false flag operation is the running of drills shortly
before or during the actual attack. Many times, these drills will involve
the actual sequence of events that takes place during the real-life att... more »
"How It Really Is"
If you're unfortunately one of the one-in-three, consider the following:
*"Learning How to Fight the Bill Collector"*
Know your rights, Good Citizen:
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: http://
Wikipedia information on FDCPA: http://
Sue the Bastards: "15 FDCPA Violations You Can Sue Them For, And Win"
Free Attorneys:
*... more »
Left behind by Obamacare? Bob Mankoff speaks up for the ranks of poor, downtrodden hypochondriac

*"But if you cure my hypochondriaI won't have any hobbies."*
*by Ken*
"I was at my doctor the other day for my annual physical exam," writes our
pal *New Yorker* cartoon editor Bob Mankoff, in Hypochondria, My Faithful
Muse, then quickly qualifies that "actually, for me, it’s more like a
As a lifelong hypochondriac, I see no reason to wait a whole year, or even
a whole month, to find out if that fizzy feeling in my fingers, the
occasional twitching in my right (or is it my left?) eye, or the inability
to remember the last name of the comedy duo of Peter Cook and Dudle... more »
Movie For Tonight: MacArthur (1977)
*My Comment:* This movie never gets old for me.
Free Download: University of Adelaide, “Essays of Schopenhauer”
“Certainly one of the greatest philosophers of the 19th century,
Schopenhauer seems to have had more impact on literature (e.g. Thomas Mann)
and on people in general than on academic philosophy. Perhaps that is
because, first, he wrote very well, simply and intelligibly (unusual, we
might say, for a German philosopher, and unusual now for any philosopher),
second, he was the first Western philosopher to have access to translations
of philosophical material from India, both Vedic and Buddhist, by which he
was profoundly affected, to the great interest of many, and, third, his
concer... more »
Expanding US Drone Facility- Egyptian/Pakistan/Saudi Troops at Iraqi border
*Starting from early July and bringing this right up to date*
* Drone Facility Irbil, Iraq*The presence of this drone facility tells me
there was no way in hell that the ISIS "surprise" invasion of Mosul went
unnoticed and unaided by the US/Israel/UK/NATO global tyranny. The presence
of this ever expanding drone base verifies that my disbelief in the spin
was correct and that the US is prepping for a wider war.
Check our Irbil- In Kurdish run territory- Check out Mosul- Location?I will
highlight the interesting bits-
A supposedly secret but* locally well-known CIA station on the ou... more »
Hey, Obama Has Faith in Patriotic U. S. Torturers
“Israeli Officer's Insane Justification for Killing a 13-Year-Old Girl”
*“Israeli Officer's Insane Justification for Killing a 13-Year-Old Girl”*
By Chris McGreal
“An Israeli army officer who repeatedly shot a 13-year-old Palestinian girl
in Gaza dismissed a warning from another soldier that she was a child by
saying he would have killed her even if she was three years old. The
officer, identified by the army only as Captain R, was charged this week
with illegal use of his weapon, conduct unbecoming an officer and other
relatively minor infractions after emptying all 10 bullets from his gun's
magazine into Iman al-Hams when she walked into a "security a... more »
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Mocks President Obama In A Tweet
У нас разные ценности и союзники
— Dmitry Rogozin (@Rogozin) July 31, 2014
*Russian Deputy PM Mocks Obama By Tweeting ‘Unmanly’ Photo Of President --
The Telegraph*
Days after announcement of US sanctions on Russia, the country's deputy
prime minister challenges US president's masculinty by tweeting picture of
Putin with a leopard and Obama with a poodle
One Russian leader has made it very clear what the Kremlin thinks of the US
in a tweet mocking their president’s masculinity.
In a strange display of one upmanship, deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozi... more »
On the ground in Gaza: Gazans speak out
"We feel there is a lot of complacency from the Egyptian government. If
there are any political conflicts between Egypt and the Hamas leadership,
Gaza is not only Hamas. It is all of the Palestinian people. There are many
people who are independent and not affiliated to Fatah or to Hamas." - A
resident of Gaza. The quote is from the video below.
On the ground in Gaza: Gazans speak out. Source: Middle East Eye. Date
Published: August 1, 2014. Description:
The people of Gaza speak their minds on Egypt, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen),
the blockade, Israel and the resistance.
Signs of us

As we discard the ego-self, a process of deep discovery emerges. It
arrives unbidden and in unexpected moments. It is heralded by feelings of
comfort and joy. You have touched, if only for a nano-second, the truth. Who
you are is not afraid, anxious, controlling, demanding or confused. Who
you are is truth. You are love. You resonate inside a field of freedom.
These glimpses of the real you can’t help but peek out now – they are
finding a welcome atmosphere inside the current vibration on the planet. Like
moths to the flame, they cannot resist. It is time.
What you can d... more »
Aw Shucks, Gosh Golly Gee Willikers. . . "We Tortured Some Folks"
Immediately thought of Bugs Bunny when President Obama said the words
"torture" and "folks" in the same sentence today on television. Those two
words should never be uttered in the same sentence unless you're intention
is to trivialize torture, in which case, bravo Obama!
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 1, 2014
*Attack On Gaza: The Truce That Was Not -- Inside Story/Al Jazeera*
Fighting resumes in the Gaza Strip after yet another ceasefire collapses.
A three-day truce in Gaza collapsed almost immediately after it started,
with the Israelis and Palestinians blaming each other.
The planned break in the fighting was announced by US Secretary of State
John Kerry and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. It was the most ambitious
attempt yet to end more than three weeks of fighting, and followed mounting
international alarm over the number of Palestinian civilians killed.
That truce was supposed ... more »
Ritz's Attacker and the School Privatizers

by Doug Martin
*UPDATE: THIS **JUST IN** FROM THE INDY STAR: "Indiana was not one of the
five states awarded a waiver extension Thursday from strict federal rules
administered by the U.S. Department of Education....It is possible Indiana
could lose its waiver or be placed on a "high risk" status, according to
education policy experts."*
CECI front-woman Claire Fiddian-Green’s latest assault against Indiana
supt. of public ed. Glenda Ritz was her response to the Associated Press
recently concerning the “memo” CECI sent to Arne Duncan’s office.
In the “memo,” CECI members criticize... more »
Mike's Story Part 72: The Beginning
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
I first met Mike at a symposium to observe the third anniversary of
September 11. I'd been invited to speak on the environmental disaster that
had ensued from the collapse of the buildings and which I'd come to know
intimately because at the time, my son had been a student at Stuyvesant
High School, located four blocks north of Ground Zero.
Through attending, and often testifying, at hearings at all levels of
government as well as at blue-ribbon scientific panels, I'd become familiar
with the infinitely inventive, mercurial ways in which the government
... more »
“The Shadow Banking System is a Great Big Ticking Time Bomb”
*“The Shadow Banking System is a Great Big Ticking Time Bomb”*
By Ellen Brown
“One thing to be said for the women now heading the Federal Reserve and the
IMF: compared to some of their predecessors, they are refreshingly honest.
The Wall Street Journal reported on July 2nd: "Two of the world’s most
powerful women of finance sat down for a lengthy discussion Wednesday on
the future of monetary policy in a post-crisis world: U.S. Federal Reserve
Chairwoman Janet Yellen and International Monetary Fund Managing Director
Christine Lagarde. Before a veritable who’s-who in international ec... more »
“The Making of a Modern Debt Slave”
*“The Making of a Modern Debt Slave”*
by Bill Bonner
“In the ancient world, when people got themselves into debt, they were
often forced to sell their daughters into prostitution and their sons into
slavery. Sometimes, the weight of debt broke up families... Sometimes,
families fought back. Writes anthropologist David Graeber in his book
“Debt: The First 5,000 Years”: “For thousands of years, the struggle
between rich and poor has largely taken the form of conflicts between
creditors and debtors – of arguments about the rights and wrongs of
interest payment, debt peonage, amnesty, ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 1, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Gaza Truce Over, Israel Soldier Captured, 50 Dead In Rafah Shelling --
(Reuters) - Israel declared a Gaza ceasefire over on Friday, saying Hamas
militants breached the truce soon after it came into effect and apparently
captured an Israeli officer while killing two other soldiers.
Renewed Israeli shelling killed more than 50 Palestinians and wounded some
220, hospital officials said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called his
security cabinet into special session and publicly warned Hamas and other
militant groups they would "bear the consequences of their actions".
... more »
The talk by Eran Efrati was filmed in Denver, Colorado on March 3, 2014 as
part of The Soldier and the Refusenik U.S. tour with Maya Wind. Eran talk
about his experiences in the IDF and then more broadly discusses Israel,
its relationship to the U.S. and the global expansion of militarism.
Eran Efrati, 28, was born and raised in Jerusalem. After graduating high
school he enlisted in the IDF, where he served as a combat soldier and
company sergeant in Battalion 50 of the Nachal Division. He spent most of
his service in Hebron and throughout the West Bank. In 2009, he was
discharged... more »
Government's $40-a-day payment to parents bad news for teachers' union
The government’s promise of $40-a-day payments to parents if schools are
closed in September is an astute tactical move.
The plan, announced by Finance Minister Mike de Jong Wednesday, is a triple
threat to the teachers’ union efforts to make gains in a new contract.
First, the payment - $400 a week for a family with two children in school
and under 13 - will mute, at least a little, parent protests if schools are
closed in the fall.
Second, the money government saves when schools are closed - about $60
million a week - will be taken off the table. The BC Teachers’ Federation
won’t be... more »
Is The KKK The Tip Of The Spear For House Republicans On Immigration Policy?

Ted Cruz has gotten most of the blame for making the House Republicans look
like a bunch of monkeys in the immigration debate-- and especially in the
debate about how to handle the Central American refugees on our southern
border. But a House GOP whip gave equal blame to Alabama KKK-sympathizer
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. The House leadership's plans weren't
racist or punitive enough for Sessions and, like Cruz, he worked right-wing
extremists in the House to oppose it.
You may not remember that in 1986 Sessions was rejected by the Senate for a
federal judgeship because o... more »
John Kerry Pressures Qatar And Turkey To Gain Release Of Israeli Soldier From Hamas

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks on his phone while his plane
refuels at Ramstein Air Base in Ramstein-Miesenbach August 1, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Lucas Jackson
*Kerry Calls On Qatar And Turkey To Gain Release Of Israeli Soldier -- New
York Times*
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany — Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday urged
Qatar and Turkey to use their influence to secure the release of an Israeli
soldier who apparently was captured in Gaza shortly after an announced
cease-fire went into effect.
“Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately
and un... more »
The Collapse of Western Civilization
Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway are science historians, and they are hopping
mad at folks who deny that humans are the primary cause of climate change. Their
outrage inspired them to write *The Collapse of Western Civilization*,
which has been selling furiously in its first month on the market. It’s a
112-page science fiction rant.
The story is a discourse on the Penumbral Age (1988-2093), written in 2393
by a Chinese historian. The Penumbral Age was a time of paralyzing
anti-intellectualism, when humankind failed to take action on an emerging
climate catastrophe, which ended up s... more »
11 countries near bankruptcy
Fri, Aug 1, 2014, 3:28 PM EDT
*11 countries near bankruptcy*
24/7 Wall St. By Alexander E.M. Hess and Alexander Kent
6 hours ago
After years of bitter court battles with creditors, Argentina has defaulted
on its debt, according to rating agency Standard & Poor’s. After failing to
come to an agreement with creditors from its previous default in 2001, the
country missed necessary bond payments on July 31, triggering the default
announcement. As of publication, other organizations, most notably the
rating agenc... more »
President Obama And Russian President Putin Discuss Sanctions, Ukraine, And Missile Tests

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L), (AFP Photo / RIA Novosti / Pool /
Alexey Nikolsky) and U.S. President Barack Obama (Reuters / Yuri Gripas)
*Obama Talks To Putin About Sanctions -- USA Today*
WASHINGTON -- President Obama spoke Friday with Russian President Vladimir
Putin for the first time since the United States and the European Union hit
Russia with new sanctions over its activities in Ukraine.
Obama "reiterated his deep concerns about Russia's increased support for
the separatists in Ukraine," said a brief statement from the White House.
"The President reinforced his prefe... more »
NSA Friendly Judge Sucker Punches Microsoft in Email Privacy Ruling

The lasting damage inflicted upon American tech companies by the out of
control NSA surveillance machine never gets the attention that it deserves.
While the ongoing trashing of civil liberties, the gutting of the
constitution and the complete elimination of all rights to privacy have
turned this once great country into a borderline totalitarian state, the
effects of government spying have been nothing short of devastating to
business. The inability to protect privacy along with the ongoing NSA
efforts to crack encryption and lack of NSA oversight are putting American
business at ... more »
President Obama Delivers A Statement (Live)
*Update:* President Obama's remarks and statement have concluded.
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 1, 2014
*Ukraine Reports Losses After Pro-Russian Ambush Near Malaysia Airlines
Flight 17 Crash Area -- Wall Street Journal*
*Fighting Continues as Forensic Investigators Reach MH17 Site*
Ukraine said Friday it had lost at least 10 of its troops in an ambush by
pro-Russian separatists not far from where Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
crashed, as a team of forensic investigators reached the site and said they
were beginning work immediately.
A convoy with 70 Dutch and Australian experts had arrived to begin
recovering any human remains and personal effects still there, the Dutch
government s... more »
California Drought Spreading

Chris Carrington
The US Drought Monitor is reporting that 58% of California is now affected
by a crippling drought, and that it is spreading at an unprecedented rate.
The agency has five levels of alert with ‘exceptional drought,’ the current
level in California, listed as the most serious.
The LA Times reports:
This is the first year that any part of California has seen that level of
drought, let alone more than half of it, said Mark Svoboda, a climatologist
with the National Drought Mitigation Center, which issued the report.
“You keep beating the record, which are still all f... more »
Are you missing out when you're flying? NSFW
We know what happens on the flight deck, I've posted the videos before.
However there's all sots of shenanigans going on in the cabin as well...
2 Girls Flash on Airplane and Airport *by miketru*
*naughty on flight by Medelisss*
* Girl flash tits on the airplane by Medelisss*
Un plan a 3 avec des hôtesses de l'air pris en... *by VideoBuzzActu*
Long Established Mideast Powers Are Now Being Threatened By The Islamist Surge

*Islamist Surge Threatens Mideast Powers -- Wall Street Journal*
*U.S. Officials Hope Egypt, Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia Find Common
Ground in Fight Against Extremist Groups *
The eruptions of Islamist violence in the Gaza Strip, Syria and Iraq have
begun shaking the Middle East to its core, increasing the likelihood that a
new order will emerge when the dust starts to settle.
The region's traditional power centers—Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and
Israel—are all threatened by the surge of Islamist forces that aim to
disrupt the status quo. Even Shiite Iran, which often stokes Islam... more »
Is The Conflict Between Israel And Hamas A 'Proxy War' For The Entire Middle East?
*This Time, Gaza Fighting Is 'Proxy War' For Entire Mideast -- Josh Levs,
(CNN) -- The conflict raging in Gaza is different this time.
While Hamas' rocket attacks and Israel's military actions may look
familiar, they're taking place against a whole new backdrop.
"This is unprecedented in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict," says
CNN's Ali Younes, an analyst who has covered the region for decades. "Most
Arab states are actively supporting Israel against the Palestinians -- and
not even shy about it or doing it discreetly."
It's a "joint Arab-Israeli war consisting of Eg... more »
When Genocide is Permissible
Never. Well, sometimes. Or at least thinking aloud about it is okay. Why
else would *The Times of Israel* publish such a thing? They may have
removed it in short order, but as we know once things get on the internet
Yochanan Gordon's execrable screed shits on the memory of his ancestors. I
am loathe to bring up history, but someone else once justified the
extermination of Europe's Jews in terms of securing the national well-being
of his people. Yet Gordon has done the world a service. By putting his
thoughts down on paper, as it were, he has distilled the barbarism
consuming I... more »
U.N. High Commissioner For Human Rights Condemns Israel, U.S. For Not Sharing Iron Dome With Hamas

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay speaks during a news
conference for a report on ''the right to privacy in the digital age'' at
the United Nations in Geneva, July 16, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Pierre Albouy
*U.N. Condemns Israel, U.S. For Not Sharing Iron Dome With Hamas --
Washington Times*
The United Nations slammed Israel for possibly committing war crimes in its
fight against Hamas — and then backed that accusation by suggesting the
Jewish nation ought to be sharing its Iron Dome defensive technology with
the very terror group it’s fighting.
U.N. High Commissioner... more »
Jon Stewart on Israel, Hamas cease-fire - "We cannot be Israel's rehab sponsor and its drug dealer "
On Thursday night’s Daily Show, host Jon Stewart continued to try and make
heads or tails of America’s actions in Israel. Despite the fact that
Secretary of State John Kerry has repeatedly tried to broker a peace deal
between Israel and Hamas, Stewart finds the nation’s actions a little
Moments after a 72-hour ceasefire was announced between the two countries,
Israel asked the United States for more weapons, which the United State was
ready to provide.
“Maybe they’re just running out of sh*t to blow up…maybe it’s the
opportunity for peace that as we heard earlier, the... more »

Left to their
own devices
the thugs
are always problematic
their power though
is limited
but when Mr. Big
gives them
and face time
on TV
they gain
undue influence
The thugs attract
other sad characters,
likely deeply wounded
when young,
need to
take revenge
on someone
or the bullies
just do it for cash
egos fanned
by ideological
The thugs are
at work
in many places now
like the ones
the CIA
planted in Ukraine
directing their
against those
near a certain
Our 'friends'
in Gaza,
better to call them
in crime,
are testing
the tactics... more »
Supplemental: Same as it ever was!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014*
*Same con games, fifteen years back:* Major pundits are rarely forced to
discuss their own conduct.
Last week, it happened on Morning Joe—twice! All this week, we’ve discussed
the faux discussions which ensued among those Morning Joe panels.
On several occasions, we’ve mentioned a bit of journalistic history. Back
in 1999, when the press corps’ War Against Gore was taking shape, the same
discussions happened, twice, on CNN’s Reliable Sources.
To his credit, Howard Kurtz had started discussing the coverage of Gore in
June of that year. At that time, he wro... more »
Robert D. Skeels and Doug Martin on War Report on Public Ed Sunday
by Doug Martin
I will be joining fellow *Schools Matter* blogger Robert D. Skeels and BATS
member Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. this Sunday, August 3, on the War
Report on Public Education.
Robert will be speaking about the upcoming LAUSD school board election (he
ran against a billionaire-funded candidate for a board seat in 2013) on the
first segment of the radio show, starting at 2 pm Pacific California Time
and 5 pm Indiana Time.
My segment will begin around 2:45 pm (or a bit later) California Time or
5:45 (or a bit later) Indiana Time. I will be discussing Evan Bayh's
inv... more »
THE RIGHT THING: A Teacher SpeaksFiled under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings
from the Chalk Face
Two Jewish Voices Fiercely Debate Gaza Siege | Max Blumenthal vs. ZOA’s Morton Klein
Abby Martin Features a debate on Israel-Palestine you won’t hear on the
corporate media.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on the latest news
regarding the conflict in Gaza, highlighting Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu’s call for 16,000 additional reserve troops as well as
the announcement of a 72-hour ceasefire. Abby then features an exclusive
debate on the issue between Journalist and Author Max Blumenthal and
President of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein asking both
guests their opinions on everything from what the appropriate I... more »
Obama Hasn't Fired John Brennan Yet-- Let Alone Had Him Arrested

We've been suggesting that it is past due to disband the CIA for many
years. And that includes the NSA (which has illegally intercepted virtually
every e-mail ever sent by every American citizen). Most senators don't care
*who* the CIA spies on-- other than… senators. Then they get a little riled
up. Yesterday the CIA finally admitted they had indeed hacked into Senate
computers to spy on senators. Caught like a rat, John Brennan said... he is
One senator who actually *does* care about unconstitutional domestic spying
on Americans is Mark Udall (D-CO). He's a member of the... more »
When Is A Company A Joint Employer With Its Franchise Operators?
The National Labor Relations Board made a finding that has caused
management-side employment lawyers to blow several gaskets, namely, that McDonald's
is a joint employer with a franchise owner and is thus responsible for
labor law violations that occurred in a McDonald's workplace. And you're
thinking, "duh," right? I mean, why wouldn't McDonald's be responsible for
what happens in a McDonald's?
As with everything else in my chosen profession, it's not that simple. For
many years, corporations have escaped liability for discrimination, labor
law issues, overtime and unpaid wages by ... more »
IsraelÍs Peculiar Position by Eric Hoffer
As true today as it was in 1968.
'The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are
forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of
people, and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and
Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks and Algeria a
million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese and no
one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel displaced Arabs
have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back
every single Arab.
Arnold Toynbee calls the d... more »
Incredible Photographs Capture Israeli Missiles A Split Second Before Impact

(*Click on Image to Enlarge*)
Incoming: Palestinians brace themselves as an Israeli missile falls from
the sky towards an apartment block a few hundred metres away
*Incredible Photographs Capture Israeli Missiles A Split Second Before They
Reduce Gaza Buildings To Rubble In Front Of Palestinians -- Daily Mail*
* Young men and children cower in street as four missiles smash into
apartment block a few hundred yards away
* Family of 35 fled the building moments earlier after being warned by the
Israeli military of the impending strike
Gazing skywards with their hands over their ears, ... more »
Israel - Hamas War News Updates -- August 1, 2014
*'If We Don't Get Our Soldier Back, We Should Start Leveling Gaza':
Palestinians Face New Wave Of Bloodshed As Ceasefire Breaks Down After
British-Israeli Soldier Is 'Kidnapped By Hamas' -- Daily Mail*
* Lt Hadar Goldin, 23, believed to be from family of British Jewish
immigrants and cousin of Israeli defence minister
* 'Abduction took place when militants emerged from tunnel and detonated
bomb vest, killing two other soldiers'
* Israel resumed shelling in Gaza just two hours after start of ceasefire
after accusing Hamas of snatching soldier
* Military wing of Hamas claims kidnappin... more »
World News Briefs -- August 1, 2014
Watch the latest video at
*72-Hour Cease-Fire Fails In 90 Minutes -- CNN*
(CNN) -- The latest attempt at an Israel-Hamas cease-fire disintegrated
Friday. After the capture of an Israeli soldier, the conflict edged closer
to escalation than to peace.
The soldier was "abducted" by Palestinian militants during an attack in
Gaza in which two other Israeli soldiers died, Israeli military Lt. Col.
Peter Lerner told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. The soldiers were decommissioning a
tunnel at the time, Lerner said.
The Israel Defense Forces earlier identified soldier as 2nd Lt. Hada... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 1, 2014

President Vladimir Putin. © RIA Novosti. Mikhail Klimentiev
*EU Arms Embargo Against Russia Begins Aug. 1 -- Defense News*
BRUSSELS — The European Union’s embargo on the import and export of arms
and related material with Russia, which covers all items on the EU’s common
military list, will come into force Friday.
“Exports of dual use goods and technology for military use in Russia or to
Russian military end users will also be prohibited, with all items on the
EU list of dual use goods included,” said an EU press release. “The
measures will apply to new contracts,” it adds.
The EU... more »
Off to work...

*see you later.*
*Coming soon:*
- Hugelkultur (*F*or Kathleen. Check out this* post of hers*. It's
- Lasagna gardening
- Francis Porretto (who doesn't garden, but *does *write fabulous
Excellent Report From Whitewraithe: The Tyrannical State Of Israel Should Be Vanquished From The Pages Of History
Right now, the Israeli assault and slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza has
momentarily "halted" supposedly under the guise of a 72 hour cease fire..
But this morning, I was alerted to a report that an Israeli fighter jet
violated that ceasefire and has bombed a home in south Gaza killing some 10
innocent women and children... It shows again that these monsters can never
ever be trusted and their so called "cease fires" are a sham... The goal of
these psychos from the criminal state of Israel should be obvious by now,
and that is to wipe out and exterminate every living person holed up ... more »
“DESTINED TO GET HORRIBLE COVERAGE:” Julie Pace earns her stripes!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014*
*Part 4—Young scribe showered with praise:* When pundits are forced to
discuss their own conduct, they rarely try to say what they actually know
or believe.
Instead, they throw the gorilla dust, attempting to obscure the behavior of
their colleagues and friends. This helps explain what happened last week on
two different Morning Joe programs.
Breaking the rules of pundit decorum, Mark Halperin offered a stinging
portrait of the way the press covers Hillary Clinton.
You aren’t supposed to do such things. Halperin did it twice!
“She has a lot of positive... more »
Is War Coming to Europe?

*James Corbett*
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DOW Loses All Yearly Gains On GDP Number & Fed Tapering

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FBI Scandal: Flawed Forensics Rampant, Impacted Many Cases

Lily Dane
Over two years ago, the Justice Department and the FBI began a review of
thousands of criminal cases to determine if any defendants were wrongfully
convicted based on flawed forensic testimony.
The review included 2,600 convictions and 45 death-row cases from the 1980s
and 1990s in which the FBI’s hair and fiber unit reported a match to a
crime-scene sample before DNA testing of hair became common.
On July 10, 2012, Spencer S. Hsu of The Washington Post broke the story:
The undertaking is the largest post-conviction review ever done by the FBI.
It will include cases co... more »
Biological Fallout of Fracking Still Largely Unknown: Scientists

Photo courtesy of EcoFlight *Activist Post*
In the United States, natural-gas production from shale rock has increased
by more than 700 percent since 2007. Yet scientists still do not fully
understand the industry's effects on nature and wildlife, according to a
report in the journal *Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment*.
As gas extraction continues to vastly outpace scientific examination, a
team of eight conservation biologists from various organizations and
institutions, including Princeton University, concluded that determining
the environmental impact of gas-drilling s... more »
Scientist Warns 'Solar Super-Storms' Are Inevitable and a Significant Threat

*Activist Post*
Solar flare NASA gif In this month's issue of *Physics World*, Ashley
Dale from the University of Bristol warns of the "catastrophic" and
"long-lasting" impacts of "solar super-storms" and the dangers we face if
the threat continues to go unnoticed.
Dale, who was a member of an international task force – dubbed SolarMAX –
set up to identify the risks of a solar storm and how its impact could be
minimized, explains how it is only a matter of time before an exceptionally
violent solar storm is propelled towards Earth. Such a storm would wreak
havoc with our communica... more »

The Copper was broken.
A rare;
My best birthday gift, almost ever?
ONTARIO CHIEFS (and their allies) PROCLAIM-
This is what happens
those of us
have little to lose but
broke-ass poor, starvin', thirsty, lean 'n' mean
have had enough.
BONO- 'when a people become willing to
To which I would add-
Keep kickin' at the DARKNESS 'til it BLEEDS DAYLIGHT!! -Bruce Cockburn
And H O N O U R T H E T R ... more »
Rosemary and Lavender Oils Affect Cognition and Mood Differently
Heather Callaghan
Ancient Greeks held essential oils in the highest esteem, believing that
rosemary oil in particular could improve memory. In the 15th century,
rosemary was believed to be a disinfectant. The documented clinical use of
essential oils for mood-disorders goes back to 1920s Europe. Throughout the
centuries, people have reported the same effects for the same oils.
In the last decade, researchers who hadn't often officially studied
essential oils, wanted to know - Is this just a belief? Or do these claimed
far-reaching complex oils produce an actual biological shift?
... more »
Do stringy electrons spin faster than light?

*No. String theory's resolution of the old paradox is a sign of the hidden
cleverness of string theory.*
After he read some of my essays on the electron's spin, Tom W. Larkin asked
an interesting question:
Does string theory resolve the paradox of (post-)classical physics that the
electron, if imagined as a spinning ball of a very small radius, has to
rotate faster than the speed of light for its spin to be \(\hbar/2\)?
One natural, fast, legitimate, but cheap reaction is to say: the electron
isn't really a rotating ball. The spin may be carried even by a point-like
particle, with... more »
Why Do Our Elites Keep Behaving Like Criminals And Sociopaths?

I've always been a law-and-order kind of guy. And yesterday I was
horrified-- though not surprised-- when CIA Director John Brennan admitted
the CIA had hacked Senate computers. Government officials do these kinds of
things with alacrity because they know that even in the unlikely chance
that they get caught, nothing happens to them anyway. Has Brennan been
fired? Indicted? Jailed? Anything? Maybe given an award by Obama?
Our elites don't suffer the consequences of their criminal behavior. Oh,
maybe .0001% of the time but, basically, never. This week the *NY Times*
clutched its wo... more »
Walmart Must Tell Us Why Their Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

Source Heather Callaghan
For at least one week, the World Wide Web has been in an uproar about
Walmart's Great Value ice cream sandwiches that won't melt after 12 hours
in 80-degree heat. The issue was raised in this WPCO report when a
Cincinnati mother, Christie Watson, saw that her child's ice cream sandwich
simply wouldn't melt.
Then, Dan Collins of KIKN 100.5 in Sioux Falls also put the sandwiches to
the test:
Some consumers are freaking out, while others are trying to quell the
"alarmism." Is there a cause to be worried about this everlasting
gobstopping creation?
An... more »
World inverted

You can see an example of the Palestinian approach to public relations in
this video over at Elder of Ziyon. (wait for second video) Blunt
questioning from a canny interviewer from ABC in Australia turned her
interview with Mustafa Barghouti into a farce. Barghouti was dumbfounded by
her forthright questioning. “When will Hamas stop firing rockets and
inviting the wrath of Israel upon the Palestinian people? All he could do
was splutter: “You’re asking the wrong question.”
We’ve heard the same tactic, (deflect, parry, attack the Israelis) so
many times that you have to ask why the... more »
10 Command Centers for Back to School

With Back To School just around the corner, I am scrambling to get ready. I
want mornings to go as smoothly as possible in our house, so I have been
looking at putting together a command center. I want a place for a
calendar, mail and a hook for my daughter's back packs. Here are some of
the places I have found inspiration!
Chalkboard Command Center by SAS Interiors
Command Center by The Caldwell Project
Family Command Center by The Homes I Have Made.
Kitchen Command Center by Ciburbanity.
How to Create a Command Center that Works for Your Family by Unoriginal Mom
Giant Wall Com... more »
Happy Birthday to us! *~*~*~*~*~* Here's To Another 24, KIDS!!
I would like to thank Professor Morton of Morton's Musings,
whom also, I believe, is a LPOC candidate in the next race;
for posting the most beautiful, interesting, photos;
(as well as relevant to the times- information on law)
which I have borrowed and re-posted here for our enjoyment.
I hope I haven't broken laws or stepped on toes.
Many of the other photos, I borrowed from
and photobucket.
I haven't yet learned linkage;
or copy and paste;
but for some unknown reason-
I can post phot... more »
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