4:35pm MDST
World News Briefs -- August 25, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Slim Chance Of Progress As Russian And Ukrainian Leaders Prepare To Meet
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Divided by mistrust and mutual recriminations, the Russian and
Ukrainian leaders will hold rare talks on Tuesday that offer only a slim
hope of progress towards ending five months of separatist war in Ukraine.
Since Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko last met on June 6 in France,
Ukraine has turned the tide of the conflict and largely encircled
pro-Russian rebels holding out in two cities in the east of the former
Soviet republic.
*Read more* ....
Hundreds dead as I... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "Washington’s lies echoed by the presstitute media that serves Washington are destroying Washington’s credibility and that of the Western media among Europeans, especially Germans who understand that the threat to peace comes from across the Atlantic, not from east of the Oder River." Roman Baudzus: "...alert and intelligent Europeans have caught on to Washington’s campaign to demonize Russia. A Dutch group of professors sent an open letter to Russian president Vladimir Putin on August 12 in which the signatories officially apologized for the propaganda lies sprewed by Western media." Blogger: "I hope that alert and intellegent Americans catch on before our depraved government starts a nuclear war that will kill us all."

*Guest Column from Germany — America Frightens Us — by Roman Baudzus*
August 25, 2014 | Original Here
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Guest Column from Germany — America Frightens Us — by Roman Baudzus
Dear Friends: I am pleased to be able to share with you this revealing
article written for our website by the editor of an important website in
Washington’s lies echoed by the presstitute media that serves Washington
are destroying Washingt... more »
The Day Michael Hutchence Died

Interview with Bob Geldof November 23rd 1997 - The Day Michael Hutchence
Died from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*Description from original source: *
"In 1997, we made a documentary on the 30th anniversary of the Georgia
Straight newspaper, *"The Last Streetfighter".**
This is the uncut interview we did with Bob Geldof KBE for the doc.
The interview happened the day after Michael Hutchence of INXS killed
himself. Bob was very gracious to continue with our plans to do the
interview in his home."
** - Suspected British Intelligence Front - See Below:*
Bob Geldof's Early History with ... more »
SAS And US Special Forces Are Teaming Up To Form A New Unit To Be Called 'Task Force Black' That Will Target The Leadership Of The Islamic State

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
The Islamic State cabinet and the men who will be targeted by U.K./U.S.
Special forces
*SAS And US Special Forces Forming Hunter Killer Unit To 'Smash Islamic
State' -- Mirror*
Task Force Black will aim to “cut the head off the snake” by hitting the
command structure of the Islamist terror group responsible for a trail of
Elite British and US special forces troops are forming a hunter killer unit
called Task Force Black – its orders: “Smash the Islamic State.”
The undercover warriors will aim to “cut the head off the snake” by hitting
the... more »
Stopping Militarization Of Local Police Departments

Below is a copy of the letter Blue America sent out to all members letter
last night. We were eager to make sure everyone was aware that most
Democrats joined the Republicans in voting against the amendment Grayson
offered to just the brakes on excessive militarization of local police
departments but that congressmembers who Blue America has helped get
elected-- from Grayson himself, right up through last year's two big
success stories, Matt Cartwright and Beto O'Rourke-- defied the leadership
and voted *for* the amendment.
Our candidates this year are cut from the same stock. She... more »
We all need a good laugh from time to time, what with the state of the
world being as it is at the moment, and what could be funnier than a post
about Islamic State?
Well, the Twitter hashtag #AskIslamicState has been trending in spectacular
fashion since Saturday. Here's a flavour of what people have been asking
RT @Ozvaldinho: #Askislamicstate What do you think about Scottish
Independence? 1) yes 2) no 3) kill them all (it's 3 isn't it?)
— Chris Owen (@Ozvaldinho) August 25, 2014
When are Sunni and Shia going to re-release "I got you babe".
— Steve Hayle... more »
US Special Ops: ISIS An 'Incredible' Fighting Force

PHOTO: Islamic State Flag at Mosul Dam
*ISIS An 'Incredible' Fighting Force, US Special Ops Sources Say -- ABC
With the Obama White House left reeling from the "savage" slaughter of an
American journalist held hostage by ISIS terrorists, military options are
being considered against an adversary who officials say is growing in
strength and is much more capable than the one faced when the group was
called "al Qaeda-Iraq" during the U.S. war from 2003-2011.
ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has been making a "tactical
withdrawal" in recent days in the face of witherin... more »
H.L. Mencken, "Liberty and Democracy"
*"Liberty and Democracy"*
by H.L. Mencken
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want,
and deserve to get it good and hard.”
- “A Little Book in C Major “, (1916)
“Liberty and democracy are eternal enemies, and every one knows it who has
ever given any sober reflection to the matter. A democratic state may
profess to venerate the name, and even pass laws making it officially
sacred, but it simply cannot tolerate the thing. In order to keep any
coherence in the governmental process, to prevent the wildest anarchy in
thought and act, the government must put li... more »
“A Call For Peaceful, Revolutionary Change”
*“A Call For Peaceful, Revolutionary Change”*
by William Wallace, modern version
“Income inequality on a massive scale is well discussed on this site
regularily. Taxes and regulations have increased diabolically during this
"recovery" making it almost impossible to independently create wealth
through your own hard work and enterprise. Incomes are stagnant and
declining, industry is lost to Asia, debt has accumulated at every level to
try to keep things going, and companies with access to cheap fed funny
money are gobbling up competition causing rationalization and further
concentra... more »
Why Feinberg's Kids Will Never Go to KIPP

Corporate cult leaders, Mike Feinberg and David Levin, are their own
biggest fans, and to prove it, they gave themselves 80 minutes onstage at
the recent million dollar summit in Houston to answer some puffball
questions for the KIPPnotized KIPPsters in the auditorium.
Oops, someone got this embarrassing question through:
*Will you send your own kids to KIPP?*
At about 54:00 on the video, Levin begins to scramble with how to answer.
He passes the baton to Feinberg, who delivers this priceless one and a half
choice minutes of fabrications and dissembling:
*Feinberg*: Gus and A... more »
Supplemental: Three stages of human evolution!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2014*
*Also, all this week, new voices in the press:* In this morning’s New York
Times, Kramer and Higgins present a portrait of ourselves at a slightly
different time, in a slightly different culture.
Their profile comes from Russkie-loving eastern Ukraine. Yesterday, locals
staged a little parade with captured Ukrainian scum.
In eastern Ukraine, it's just like cable. An attractive blonde woman shall
lead them!
KRAMER AND HIGGINS (8/25/14): Leading the procession was an attractive
young blond woman carrying an assault rifle,
*followed by several dozen capture... more »
America's Top General: The U.S. Will Act If ISIS Threatens America Or Europe (But Iraq And Syria Will Have To Defeat Them On The Ground)
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*America's Top General: We Will Act If ISIS Threatens America or Europe -
But Syria's And Iraq's Neighbours Will Have To Quash Fanatics Themselves --
Daily Mail*
* General Martin Dempsey said he still believes insurgent group is more of
a regional threat and is not planning attacks against U.S. or Europe
* The Joint Chiefs of Staff said he believes allies in region will join
battle against militants
* He said he will recommend military action if group threatens U.S.
America's top general has said he will only recommend military a... more »
Supplemental: The stories we need and the facts we create!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2014Same story told two different ways:* Before the
week is done, we’re going to talk about metaphor.
Joe Klein used the term last week. Live and direct from Nerdland, the
professor shot him down! For transcript and tape, click here.
Whatever! In this morning’s post, did you notice the way our own
“progressive” tribe keeps creating the story we need? Did you notice the
way we invent the facts we need to create the needed story?
Remember when we hated the Sanford police? We made up the claim that they
didn’t tell the Martins that their son had been killed for th... more »
The Economy: "The Fatal Flaw That Will Bankrupt Our Democracy"
*"The Fatal Flaw That Will Bankrupt Our Democracy" *
by Bill Bonner
"We’re still in the lazy days of August, with little going on in the stock
market. So let’s use this time to look at deeper trends. We left off last
week with discouraging words. We noted that, according to Washington’s own
budget people, Social Security is going broke 20 years sooner than
forecast. It’s already $15 trillion in the hole, with a deficit that’s up
300% (mistakenly reported as 400%) in the last five years. It must be
difficult coming into a conversation that has been going on for so long.
Especially w... more »
“A Point To Consider”
*“A Point To Consider”*
by Karl Denninger
“Consider this rather-broad topic: How close to perfect does your life have
to be for you to be happy? It sounds like a rather odd question, but it
isn't. Think of your daily life and how many decisions in this general
vein you take.
How close to perfectly-manicured does your lawn have to be? There is an
enormous difference in personal cost, whether you spend the time or you
spend money, between a "perfect" (or nearly-so) lawn and one that is a
couple of inches too long and somewhat ragged for three or four days out of
every couple of wee... more »
Want to know what's wrong with the black community?...
*here's three "men" to sum it up for you.*
It seems they're tired of "being looked at another species." How about not
acting like another species?
The money quote (I translated into English for you):
"If they don't come and restore these neighborhoods for these people when
you got to travel miles to go to WalMart and to get gas and stuff like that
when we should be right here...unintelligible...there's going to be hell to
Exactly who is "they" in this case? How about you get off *your* lazy
black ass and restore the neighborhood your friends, or at least "friends"
of your... more »
Are Iranian Military Forces Fighting In Iraq?

Roadside bombs planted by the Islamic State group are making it difficult
for Kurdish forces to advance [Reuters]
*Iran 'Sent Soldiers To Fight In Iraq' -- Al Jazeera*
Hundreds of Iranian troops crossed border to join battle against Islamic
State group, sources tell Al Jazeera.
Hundreds of Iranian soldiers have taken part in a joint operation inside
Iraq with Kurdish forces to retake a town held by the Islamic State group,
security sources have told Al Jazeera.
It is believed to be the first time that Iranian troops have been directly
involved in the fighting against the Sunni reb... more »
Michael Brown's Memorial Service

Friends, family and a host of celebrities gather in St. Louis at *Friendly
Temple Missionary Baptist Church* to remember *Michael Brown*, the unarmed
teen who was shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9,
Watch a live stream of the funeral below (*now a full length recording*).
*You can also watch a highlighted recording below.*
*Memorial Service Highlights (featuring Al Sharpton, TD Jakes and Jamal
There is a brief glitch in the video from about 25:35 to 31:36*.*
Hundreds of mourners gathered at a St. Louis chur... more »
On The Front Lines In Iraq's War Against The Islamic State
*Iraq: On The Frontline With The Shia Fighters Taking The War To Isis --
The Guardian*
*Special report In the first of a two-part series on the forces ranged
against Isis in Iraq, meet the controversial Shia militia keeping the
Islamists from moving on Baghdad*
The new Iraqi "border" is marked by a two-metre-high wall of earth. The
berm, as it is known, cuts through farmland and orchards, separating the
shrinking lands of the Iraqi state as it has existed for 95 years from the
expanding territory of the new Islamic caliphate.
On the northern side, the black flags of Islamic State... more »
Iraq Calls For An International War Against Islamic State
*Iraq Calls For International War Against Islamic State; Iran Vows
Solidarity -- Newsweek/Reuters*
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi said on
Sunday during talks with Iran's foreign minister that international efforts
would be necessary to destroy Islamic State Sunni militants who have seized
swathes of his country and of Syria.
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif of Iran, a Shi'ite Muslim regional
power likely to wield influence over the formation of Abadi's new cabinet,
reaffirmed Tehran's support for Iraq's territorial unity and its fight
aga... more »
Mapping The Conflict In Eastern Ukraine

*(Click on Image to Enlarge) *
*WNU Editor*: The link to the above info-graph can be* found here*.
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 25, 2015

*Ukraine Says Russian Convoy Has Entered Southeast -- Voice of America*
A top Ukrainian official said Monday Russian tanks and armored vehicles
have crossed into southeastern Ukraine.
A spokesman for Ukraine's National Security Council, Andriy Lysenko, said
the column of 10 tanks, two armored vehicles and two trucks crossed the
border near Shcherbak. He said the Russian military vehicles were bearing
flags of separatist Donetsk rebels.
Lysenko said the convoy could be trying to open a front to the south of
areas where most fighting has occurred. He said the convoy could be h... more »
Michael Brown's racist funeral is being live streamed?? Are you kidding me?...
*dear Lord in heaven - this is nuts.*
Al Sharpton is introducing the dignitaries who represent Obama and all the
other "important" people and the crowd is stomping and cheering.
No link on purpose.
A bunch of racist black people yowling.
I must turn this off.
Expect more riots in Ferguson tonight.
A convicted accused cannot sue a former lawyer to show a wrongful conviction
Harris v. Levine, 2014 ONCA 608:
[10] Where there has been a finding of guilt that has been
undisturbed on appeal, allegations of ineffective representation generally
should be made by way of a direct attack in the context of the criminal
proceeding, (*Folland v. Reardon* (2005) 74 O.R. (3d) 688 (C.A.) at
para.100) and not by way of a separate civil proceeding. The abuse of
process in particularly pronounced in the present case where the conviction
has not been overturned and Mr. Harris raised but did not pursue the issue
of competence of counsel on appeal.
Is Hillary Really A War Hawk? Is Rand Paul An Isolationist? And What's Tony Blair?

Tony Blair, Hilary Clinton, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel-- most elderly "left"
of center politicians come from a period when it was requisite to prove
your manhood-- and whatever Hillary is trying to prove-- by being "tough"
on… Communists, anti-colonialists, Muslims or whomever was playing the role
of Eurasia or Eastasia that year. It's fascinating to read Rick Perlstein's
account of the Ronald Reagan transition from superficially liberal Democrat
to right-wing corporate shill in his new book, The Invisible Bridge. Tony
Blair's transition is just plain ugly.
Tony Blair gave Kazakh... more »
Disturbing Trend: Jihadists' Children Mimic Beheadings on Social Media
' "Teach your children to cut necks, tomorrow there
will be a lot of rotten
This will not end well, Drummer Lee Rigby was not a one-off, but the
of many kufr to be beheaded by Islamists. It's a war...
Why The Earthquake Near San Francisco Is Just The Start Of The Shaking In California

Michael Snyder
If you thought that the earthquake that struck northern California on
Sunday was something, just wait until you see what is coming in the years
ahead. As you will read about below, we live at a time when earthquake
activity is dramatically increasing. This is especially true of the "Ring
of Fire" which runs roughly along the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.
Approximately 81 percent of all big earthquakes occur along the Ring of
Fire, and the entire west coast of the United States falls within the
danger zone. Over the past few years, we have seen huge earthquak... more »
Robots Receive Internet Brain For Machine Learning

*A new system called Robo Brain is being funded by the usual suspects in
the military-industrial-surveillance complex. *Nicholas West
The initiative to merge robotics with artificial intelligence continues to
expand its vision. I recently wrote about an internal cloud network program
which enables robots to do their own research, communicate with one
another, and collectively increase their intelligence in a full simulation of
human interaction. It has been dubbed "Wikipedia for Robots."
A parallel project in Germany went further by seeking to translate the
*open *Internet into a ... more »
New York Times: Egypt And United Arab Emirates Have Secretly Carried Out Libya Airstrikes
*Egypt And United Arab Emirates Said To Have Secretly Carried Out Libya
Airstrikes -- New York Times*
CAIRO — Twice in the last seven days, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates
have secretly teamed up to launch airstrikes against Islamist-allied
militias battling for control of Tripoli, Libya, four senior American
officials said, in a major escalation between the supporters and opponents
of political Islam.
The United States, the officials said, was caught by surprise: Egypt and
the Emirates, both close allies and military partners, acted without
informing Washington or seeking its... more »
CDC whistleblower, watch out; here come the mothers

Jon Rappoport
I have it on good authority that over 200 mothers of autistic children are
readying a class-action suit. They already have an attorney.
They will sue, at the very least, the authors of the 2004 DeStefano study
that claimed there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
CDC whistleblower William Thompson, who was one of the authors of that
study—and then exposed it as a fraud—should take notice.
He can become a witness for these mothers, or if he goes into seclusion and
refuses to make a clear, complete, and definitive public statement, he
could wind up bei... more »
Lockdown Lifted At Fort Lee After U.S. Soldier Shoots Herself

*Photo:* Army Recruiting via Flickr
*Female Soldier Shoots Self, Sparks Lockdown At Fort Lee, Virginia --
Chicago Tribune*
A female soldier shot and wounded herself at Fort Lee, Virginia, on Monday,
sparking a lockdown of the Army installation, the base said on its Facebook
The soldier turned the weapon on herself inside the Combined Arms Support
Command Headquarters and fired one shot, the statement said. Her condition
was unknown.
The base, about 100 miles south of Washington, was locked down at about 9
a.m. EDT after a report of a shooter, the base said. An all clear was... more »
World News Briefs -- August 25, 2014

Outgoing U.N. Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay talks during an
interview to Reuters in her office in Geneva August 19, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Ruben Sprich
*U.N. Accuses Islamic State Of Mass Killings -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The United Nations condemned on Monday "appalling, widespread"
crimes by Islamic State forces in Iraq, including mass executions of
prisoners that could amount to war crimes.
U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay condemned "grave, horrific human rights
violations" being committed by Islamic State, a Sunni Muslim group which
has seized large areas of Iraq and ... more »
MODERN SOUNDS IN JOURNALISM: Once again, the Times tries to report!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2014*
*Part 1—Producing the same old crap:* In our view, Van Jones has been
terrific on CNN’s new version of Crossfire.
Jones is very smart—and he’s also comfortable being fair. He knows how to
state his own view while letting others state theirs.
(Ironically, the new Crossfire features unusually long sound-bites, along
with deliberate attempts to find the points on which the warring parties
agree. For that reason, the program has produced zero buzz.)
Van Jones is very smart. For that reason, the fact that he made an apparent
mistake seems especially noteworthy ... more »
What sort of Doctor Who fan are you?
Me 6 x b and 4 x a.
Harper's Rangers
Not sure what this says or its accuracy... Via @DesConrad:
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 25, 2014

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas
*America's Top Military Officer Explained The Big ISIS Problem In One
Sentence -- Business Insider*
*“This is an organization that has an apocalyptic end-of-days strategic
vision that will eventually have to be defeated.” -General Martin E.
Dempsey, U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff *
Gen. Martin Dempsey, America's top military officer, told a press briefing
this week that the mere existence of ISIS is clearly a problem that had to
be addressed.
The question now is how.
*Read more* ....
*Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 25, 2014*
Demp... more »
Is Big Brother spying on your computer – with your own cell phone?

As you know if you’ve been reading my blog for a while, I’ve written several
articles on OPSEC. This one hits a lot closer to home.
In order to live in a technological society, you have to give up certain
expectation of privacy from those who have the technology to tap into
certain systems. If you email someone, you have to expect that someone
could read those emails. If you talk on your cell phone, you have to expect
that someone could overhear your conversation if they had the tech and
chose to use it.
I’m not saying that you should stop using tech, because tech is ver... more »
Ukraine to Ferguson: America Reaping What it Sows
*August 25, 2014 *(NEO Journal) - What is happening now in Ferguson was
inevitable. You cannot allow the killing of civilians across the globe by
those you've elected and then go home and watch TV. If such barbaric acts
are allowed somewhere else, they will be allowed everywhere.
People are saying: "how could this have happened, is it even real?" Surely
certain German citizens were feeling the same when Hitler turned out to be
a monster. It was coming, everybody knew that, but nobody cared enough to
actually do something about it.
You can't leave politics alone, since it has no in... more »
Nazis Splitting With Kiev Regime?

*August 25, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - After months of denying the new
regime in Kiev installed in the wake of the so-called "Euromaidan" had any
significant ties to Nazism and regiments of Neo-Nazi militants found
fighting in eastern Ukraine, the BBC in an article titled, "Ukraine crisis:
Russian aid convoy arrives at border," reported that:
*...the leader of the ultra-nationalist Right Sector threatened to withdraw
volunteers fighting on the government side. *
* Dmytro Yarosh said Right Sector would launch a "campaign in Kiev" if its
demands, including the release of detaine... more »
New Social Media Surveillance Program Violates Privacy to Keep You Safe

Joe Wright
The latest press release from Virginia Tech University, posted in full
below, uses a familiar sales pitch which asserts that the only way to keep
the public safe is through pervasive surveillance.
Even amid the public outrage and pushback in the wake of the Snowden
revelations, the establishment continues to push forward with
justifications about why it is in our best interest to be under their
constant watch.
Now, as Ebola has taken center stage as the latest threat to humanity,
"ChatterGrabber" is being rolled out - a "machine-learning algorithm" that
will theoret... more »
A curious traffic accident
Sunday, a day of playing e.g. with my 5-year-old nephew and niece, was
probably more likely a day than Monday for such an injury. But I classified
an event in which I was injured an hour ago to be a traffic accident.
A curious one, indeed. Some people who drive cars or bikes hit other cars.
In 1999, a friend of mine from Prague and Rutgers, mathematician Petr
Čížek, was killed by a truck that they had crashed into while his lively
Russian female friend was driving on a seemingly empty road in Minnesota (I
didn't go to that expedition, mostly due to the qualifying exams).
*The und... more »
*Rob Ryan: A New Orleans cult hero ~Garland Gillen, WVUE*
*NFL pulls plug on Slap Ya Mama ads appearing to be on field in Saints
games ~WWLTV*
*Voodoo Is Rebounding in New Orleans After Federal Flood and Hurricane
Katrina ~Stacey Anderson, Newsweek *
Italy to arm Iraqis with previously seized weapons- Gladio Flashback
This recent news story is a ‘blast from the past’ fast forwarded to the
Past or present, where shall we begin?
*For today, let’s read the present day news- “Italy to arm Iraqis with
weapons seized during Yugoslavia’s break up”** This story certainly rang a
*Italy intends to use a stockpile of weapons it seized during the bloody
breakup of Yugoslavia two decades ago to help supply Iraq with machine guns
and tank-destroying rockets to combat Islamic State militants.*
The Italian government was granted broad authority over the use of the
confiscated weapons under a 2009... more »
The Islamic State Is Now Using Drones To Plan Battlefield Tactics
*New Video Shows ISIS Using Drones to Plan Battles -- Vocativ*
Latest footage surfaces in ISIS forum
The beheading video that ISIS released last week was a vivid illustration
of not only the group’s ruthlessness but also its growing media
sophistication. The video, with its slick production values, spread rapidly
on Twitter and YouTube.
ISIS, which now controls large stretches of Syria and Iraq, uses an
elaborate web of social media accounts to recruit new members, mock the
West in unusual ways and showcase its military and tech know-how.
In the latest example of this, a new vide... more »
We Have WON This Battle Against The Criminal "Elite": Liars In Our "Media" Finally Admit Foley "Beheading" Was A HOAX!

The Foley "beheading" was a sham, and those with true critical thinking
skills saw through the facade from the very beginning.... We knew that we
had an uphill battle against the LIARS in our own government and especially
the LIARS in the Jew spew Media. We did stick to our guns and we
continued to show how the "video" was a complete fraud and a laughable
ridiculous hoax.
FINALLY we can all take solace in knowing that we have won at least one
major battle against these psychopaths that were wanting to use this BS
"Foley Beheading" as a means of again falsely vilifying Muslims in... more »
Moderate Syrian Rebels Are Not Impressed With U.S. Talk On Launching Airstrikes Against The Islamic State
*Syrian Rebels to Obama: Airstrikes Will Never Stop ISIS -- Josh Rogin,
Daily Beast*
The Free Syrian Army is not impressed with President Obama’s new threat to
attack ISIS inside Syria. That’s like ‘tickling’ the terror group, the FSA
says—and is too little, too late.
U.S. airstrikes against ISIS, even if they extend into Syria as several
Obama administration officials are signaling, don’t have a chance of
destroying the terror group, moderate political and rebel leaders inside
the country are cautioning. They have told The Daily Beast that air strikes
will only make things worse... more »
The Magic of the Multiplier
The multiplier is a macro-economic concept that states that a government
tax cut, or government stimulus spending might boost the economy by much
more that the lost tax revenue or the initial government expenditure. It
is possible to calculate the multiplier knowing prevailing economic
conditions. But since its discovery, right-wing economists (perhaps even
those at the link, which is the right-wing "Economist" after all) have been
doing their best to minimize the theoretical potential of the multiplier.
It would be inconvenient if everyone agreed that all a government would
have t... more »
Northerntruthseeker/Whitewraithe Turbulent Times Show Is Finally On The Air!
Whitewraithe and I have long been working on our own project and our own
show, called "Turbulent Times". We FINALLY after months of delays and
troubles, have the first show up and running...
For those who want to listen to our premiere show, here is the audio link:
NTS Notes: Yes, our first show was a little bit "rough around the edges"
(I thought I sounded a bit terrible, honestly..But I can be my worst
critic.) and we will work at making improvements as time goes on.... We
hope to h... more »
Syria Would Welcome U.S. Military Strikes Against ISIS On Their Territory (With Conditions)

Muallem said Syria must be involved in co-ordinating any air strikes
against the Islamic State in Syria [Reuters]
*Syria Welcomes U.S. Strikes Against ISIS There, With Conditions -- CBS*
Syria's foreign minister said on Monday his country welcomed any potential
military strikes by by the U.S. in Syria targeting the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria's terrorist bases, but warned that the government of Syrian
President Bashar Assad should be warned first.
The Assad regime is mired in a three-year-old civil war, and has been
losing ground to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) milita... more »
Will Scottish Independence Mean The End Of Britain's Nuclear Deterrent?

Nuclear submarine HMS Vanguard arrives back at the naval base in Faslane,
Scotland following a patrol. (Courtesy of Ministry of Defense)
*Britain’s Trident Nuclear Program At Stake In Scottish Independence Vote
-- Washington Post*
HELENSBURGH, Scotland — For decades, Britain’s contribution to the threat
of global Armageddon has found a home on the tranquil shores of Gare Loch,
where soaring green mountains plunge into murky gray waters plied by sporty
kayakers, weekend yachtsmen — and nuclear-armed submarines.
The subs slip past this garrison town as quietly as sea monsters. Their ... more »
Corntamination — Edible GMO Hepatitis B Vaccines Coming Soon!

*Truthstream Media* and *Nutritional Anarchy*
*Special Report*
"Just one mistake by a biotech company, we’ll be eating other people’s
prescription drugs in our cornflakes."* — Larry Bohlen, Health and
Environment Programs Director at Friends of the Earth*
Do you remember the biotech firm Prodigene?
In a special investigative report, we followed the trail of biopharming,
where science is using genetically engineered crops to grow pharmaceutical
and vaccine components. Some of these treatments are developed to be eaten
directly as food.
One firm, Prodigene, was caught in a major sc... more »
Cop Hits Man in the Head 20 Times as Onlookers Plead 'Don't Punch Him No More'

*by Robby Soave*
Shay Kilgore / Facebook Once the cops have pinned a non-violent suspect
to the ground, how many times are they allowed to punch him in the head? Is
it fewer than 20? I would say so, but I'm not a Greenville County, South
Carolina, deputy.
Greenville officers approached a man at a Walmart parking lot on Saturday.
The man appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and didn't
respond to police questions or instructions. Eventually, the officers
followed the man inside the store, where they attempted to detain him. The
deputies claim the man resisted, ... more »
‘Islamic State’ head-choppers: Best enemy money can buy
[image: A frame grab of a graphic video showing American freelance
journalist James Foley (seen on the left) being decapitated by a terrorist.]
"The video purporting to show the decapitation of James Foley is a classic
example of neocon hate propaganda. It is the sort of 'Two Minutes Hate'
event satirized in George Orwell's book 1984, in which citizens are whipped
into such a frenzy of loathing by enemy images that they sometimes
physically assault their telescreen."
Full story: http://presstv.com/detail/2014/08/21/376059/isil-headchoppers-serving-zionists/
Palm Beach School Board Member: "Sometimes It Takes An Act of Civil Disobedience to Move Forward--We Cannot Allow Fear to Hold Us Back"
Edited by Dr. Rich Swier, from Palm Beach School Board Meeting August 20,

Portugal is now showing all the signs of a bank confiscation. FED is
pushing the idea that the economy is very close to recovery, and are
targeting October to end the stimulus package. Obamacare has made firms
raise premiums, deductibles and they have seen employment decrease. Police
lobbies are putting pressure to keep the Pentagon 1033 program to get
military assets. Ukraine, Nato and US are using propaganda that Russia
invaded Ukraine. Most of the government officials are using fear mongering
tactics to convince the US people that ISIS is ready to attack. They are ... more »
Hamas Leader Calls On Obama To Stop 'Holocaust' In Gaza
*In Personal Plea, Top Hamas Leader Calls On Obama To Stop 'Holocaust' In
Gaza -- Michael Isikoff, Yahoo News*
*Meshaal compares Israeli prime minister to Hitler, criticizes Hillary
Clinton in Yahoo News exclusive*
The political chief of Hamas has called on President Barack Obama to
intervene with the Israeli government to "lift the siege" of Gaza and push
for a cease-fire in the conflict to stop a "holocaust" against the
"You as the leader of the most powerful state in the world, I ask you to
call [on] Israel to stop its aggression on Gaza — and to lift the siege a... more »
Russell Brand on Ferguson Unrest: There’ll Be a Lot More of This as Society Becomes More Unequal

The way comedian Russell Brand sees it, the two options the society is
facing, not just in Ferguson but globally, are:
“Shall we have a more equal society or shall we fortify and bolster our
means for oppressing people?”
To Brand, the current “disturbances” in the Missouri town are an
“inevitable” result of the years of racism and poverty that make up
American history, despite certain right-wing pundits’ attempts to
de-contextualize the conflict and “apply” compassion selectively to the
police force and not the African-American community.
Watch as Brand continues his wa... more »
Our Essential Illness

Murray Dobbins' analysis is never superficial. He looks for root causes. In his
latest column, he notes that two television shows --* House of Cards* and *Breaking
Bad* -- were tremendously popular. He suspects that, just as science
fiction movies of the 1950's were about Cold War paranoia, these two shows
were really about the psychopathy of 21st century capitalism. He quotes
Canadian author Patricia Pearson:
The celebration of remorselessness is everywhere. Friends on Facebook have
lately b... more »
Kathy Hochul-- Unmasked

As you probably know, Blue America endorsed Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu for
Governor and Lt. Governor of New York. They are both extraordinary
candidates, not politicians per se, but values-driven leaders. When we
decided to back them, it wasn't only because of how amazing-- even, dare I
say, transformative-- a Teachout/Wu administration would be. I've been
growing increasingly concerned about Cuomo's tendency towards corruption,
his increasingly conservative posture on every important issue and on his
lack of judgment.
One instance of his lack of judgment was his selection of rea... more »
Germany Has Been Spying On Turkey For Almost 38 Years

File photo of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkey's Prime Minister
Tayyip Erdogan addressing the media after talks in Berlin February 4, 2014.
Credit: REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz
*Germany Has Spied On Turkey Since 1976: Focus Magazine -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Germany's foreign intelligence agency has been spying on Turkey
for nearly four decades, Focus magazine said on Saturday in a report which
could raise tensions further between the NATO allies.
The details about the duration of possible surveillance and on the
decision-making surrounding it go further than first reports earlie... more »
Every Government Can Now Track Where Cellphone Users Go Around The Globe

Dado Ruvic, Reuters
*For Sale: Systems That Can Secretly Track Where Cellphone Users Go Around
The Globe -- Washington Post*
Makers of surveillance systems are offering governments across the world
the ability to track the movements of almost anybody who carries a
cellphone, whether they are blocks away or on another continent.
The technology works by exploiting an essential fact of all cellular
networks: They must keep detailed, up-to-the-minute records on the
locations of their customers to deliver calls and other services to them.
Surveillance systems are secretly collecting th... more »
Trust Yourself....by Saker Saloum
Sunday Times issue...
According to the Sunday Times, 'Britain's Tom Daley took the silver medal
in the 100m platform final at the European Aquatic Championship in Berlin.'
100m platform final? That sounds a little high to dive from...
Smartphones hampering kids' human emotion reading skills
First, no less an important story then the ongoing situation in the ME. I
often say humanity is in dire straights
Though there are a large number of us- we are an endangered species.
And many willingly participate in the destruction of our humanity as we are
increasingly corralled.
Does destroying the ability of children, future generations, to develop
emotional reading skills benefit the human family? Or the powers that
shouldn't be?
Clearly the answer is this hampering of human development emotional and
otherwise benefits the elite classes of tyrannical assess. So, you can keep
mo... more »
Philippine Construction Boom

I shared this story from Quartz (posted August 21, 2014) in my facebook
wall a few days ago with a note, *"Magagalit ang mga anti-government groups
dito. They will not believe this news."* Today it has 23 shares, wow. This
means that many people like to hear positive news too, not just the
The article showed these 3 charts.
And one more chart.
SM North Edsa in Quezon City is the 3rd biggest mall in the world I think.
This SM Seaside Mall in Cebu will be the 4th largest, to be opened next
year. A friend who saw it says it is "massive". From the other photos I
saw, th... more »
No Ice Bucket Challenge For 'U.S. Diplomats, Military, House Members'
*Diplomats, Military, House Members Are Barred From #IceBucketChallenge --
Washington Post*
The State Department, the Pentagon and the U.S. House informed their
diplomats, soldiers and lawmakers respectively this week that they may not
participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS research.
The Associated Press obtained a cable sent to embassies around the world
alerting them that accepting the challenge was against ethics rules, which
do not allow government officials to use their taxpayer-funded office for
private gain “no matter how worthy a cause.”
The AP tweeted a copy of ... more »
Cross-Border Firing Is Intensifying Between India And Pakistan
*India, Pakistan Intensify Cross-Border Firing As Ties Sour -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Indian and Pakistani troops intensified firing across the
border over the weekend killing at least four, an Indian official said on
Sunday, straining ties between the arch rivals who recently called off
top-level diplomatic talks.
Last week India said its foreign secretary would not meet with her
Pakistani counterpart as scheduled on Monday because of plans by Pakistan
to consult separatists from the border state of Jammu and Kashmir ahead of
the meeting.
The cancellation dashed any hopes of near-... more »
Lazy Susan Homework Station

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with
Pollinate Media Group® and Office Depot, but all my opinions are my own.
#pmedia #inspirestudents http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV
School is back in session this week and with it comes the mess of projects,
homework and markers and scissors everywhere. When I was in school, I was
always good about keeping track of my new school supplies for the first
couple of weeks and then that went out the window and I was always
scrambling for supplies when I had a project. In order to prevent the
chaos from descending on us a co... more »
Iraq / Syria War ( August 25 , 2015 ) -- Should one just call the War Theatre SYRAQ ? US broadens Iraq War ambitions as now Syria welcomes overt US cooperation with Syrian Government forces against ISIS ..... Shi'a vs Sunni / Peshmerga vs Arab divisions becoming as visible and common as the fight against ISIS ......Syria shaken by loss of Tabqa Airbase to ISIS - but still demands coordination for any attacks against ISIS ( whether at Raqqa Province or anywhere else in Syria ) .......... Turkey blasted by Syria as facilitating the rise of ISIS .....
War Theatre......
[image: syria iraq isis]
Mike Nudelman/Business Insider
Anti War........
America’s War in Iraq: Broad Ambitions, Few DetailsOfficials Haven't Even
Settled on a Public Name for War
by Jason Ditz, August 24, 2014
Print This | Share This
The Obama Administration’s newest war on Iraq has been going for only a
portion of the current month, but has already been expanded repeatedly and
dramatically in scope, initially presented to the public as a “humanitarian
intervention” and since becoming a full-scale air war, with ground troops
seemingly only a matter of time.... more »
Ebola Updates ( August 20 , 2014 ) - As Ebola plague villages pop up , as countries close borders - how is the UN Food Programme possibly going to feed a million on more Ebola victims in so called plague villages ( with two heilcopters ? )
Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
"Isolation Procedures Put In Place" After Ebola Suspect Dies In Ireland;
Ebola-Like Disease Claims 70 In Congo
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/21/2014 15:03 -0400
- Google
- Ireland
- Reuters
Last week Ireland rushed to deny that a man with Ebola-like symptoms who
was being tested in Dublin, did not have the disease. It may find such a
refutation more difficult this time after Irish Times reported that ... more »
Cop Kills Wyoming Police Department's Own Dog

Chalk up yet another dead dog onto the scoreboard of animals killed by
police in this sick new era of search and destroy law enforcement. Usually
the furry, four-legged victims are shot and killed execution style, often
in front of the owners in overly aggressive raids. Some times at the wrong
address and others during trespassing as in a recent incident in Chicago.
This time however, it was just plain stupidity as a police officer from a
hick Wyoming town called Mills left the department's own K9 animal locked
in a police vehicle to suffocate on a summer day.
Details are provided... more »
Human trafficking, persecuted Baha'is, Ferguson riots, Mormons, Methodism, Oscar Romero and John Sentamu's prayer vigil

So here's what happened on this week's edition of *Sunday* and my reactions
to it:
*Human trafficking*
It began with the issue of human trafficking, and the question: "Should
businesses be legislated to ensure they take more of an active role in
stopping human trafficking?" The Rev Steve Chalke [*Sunday*'s Christian
evangelical of choice] said "yes," that companies *should* be made more
accountable for their involvement in the trade. He felt the government
wasn't living up to its own pledges to tackle the issue firmly enough by
failing to enshrine in law that companies will be he... more »

We went blackberry picking yesterday morning. We go to the same place every
year - a headland near the village of Silverdale called Jack Scout which
not only offers a huge expanse of brambles but also provides panoramic
views over the world's most beautiful bay, Morecambe Bay (as they say in
the brochures), with Morecambe and Heysham to our left, the Furness
peninsula to our right, and the Lakeland Hills beyond (plus spectacular
views of our local nuclear power station.) We watched a couple of oil rigs
moving apart on the horizon, before drawing the fairly obvious conclusion
(after... more »
Business 360 18: Innovation, Inequality and Inclusive Growth

* This is my article for August 2014 in a business paper in Kathmandu,
Social and economic inequality is a political and emotional issue that
continues to chase mankind from its most primitive state to its current
modern and information-driven lifestyle. Inequality has been seen to be
undesirable, and thousands, if not millions, of different policy measures
have been tried by various local, national and international or
multilateral government bodies to solve or bridge inequality. And many if
not all of them have been failures.
What creates inequality? Or better yet... more »
Scotland ‘should not take on UK debt’ unless it can keep the pound

Sir James said Scotland could continue to use the pound as legal tender
inside the country if necessary, whatever London decides Photo: PA
*Scotland ‘should not take on UK debt’ unless it can keep the pound*
*Yes campaign’s economist plots way ahead if Westminster refuses to share
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
9:24PM BST 24 Aug 2014
An independent Scotland should walk away from its share of the UK’s
national debt if Westminster continues to refuse a sterl... more »
Russian Troops Hit Targets With Precision Missiles During Peace Mission-2014 in China

[image: Peace Mission-2014]Artillery units from Russia’s Eastern Military
District have held their first live-fire training drills with the use of
Krasnopol laser-guided projectiles during the Peace Mission 2014 exercise
in China, a Russian military spokesman told RIA Novosti on Monday.
The main stage of the Peace Mission joint anti-terrorist exercises of the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) armed forces is held August 24-29
in China.
Troops from Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are
participating in the exercise.
Read more
*The Wunsch/Lloyd controversy and the ocean deeps*
*A month ago, "The Australian" published a summary by Graham Lloyd of a
forthcoming paper by Carl Wunsch which found cooling, not the warming
predicted by Warmists, in the ocean deeps. This embarrassed Wunsch, who
wrote a "corrective" letter which was published in "The Australian" shortly
thereafter. A warmist blog then piled onto the action in an attempt to
rubbish the Lloyd article but added little to what Wunsch had said. I have
now had time to read all three documents and can see nothing wrong with the
Lloyd article. I... more »
Top 100 Dance Songs of the 70s
The 1970s. A time of social dislocation, strife, dodgy fashions, and
brilliant music. As it is August bank holiday, for your consideration here
is the greatest *dance* songs of the 1970s. So you rock dinosaurs out there
that means no Bowie, Sweet, Eagles or Bay City Rollers. In is soul, disco,
and electronica. And perhaps the odd bit of bubblegum too. As is usually
the case, there's bound to be a glaring oversight on my part somewhere. If
there is, do let me know.
If you want more (of course you will), here are my top 100 dance tunes of the
1980s, the 1990s, and the 00s. Play them ... more »
The Foreign Policy Essay: China’s ADIZ in the East China Sea

[image: China’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)]Reporting on China’s
Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea, which it
rolled out in November 2013, has been highly (if understandably) skewed.
(ADIZs are unilaterally declared areas that stretch beyond territorial
airspace within which states impose reporting requirements on aircraft for
purposes of national defense.)
China’s ADIZ stretches into the East China Sea, beyond Japan’s designated
“mid-point line,” towards the Ryukyu Islands, and covers the contested
Senkaku Islands (known as the Diaoyu Islands i... more »
China's WZ-10, WZ-19 armed helicopters join in anti-terror drill

[image: WZ-10 Fiery Thunderbolt]China's WZ-10 and WZ-19 armed helicopters
took part in a multinational anti-terror drill in north China's Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region on Sunday.
The WZ-10--"the fiery thunderbolt"--is China's first generation of home
grown armed helicopters for special purpose while the WZ-19--"the black
whirlwind"--is an upgraded version of the WZ-9 .
The two are tasked with reconnaissance and rocket barrages during "Peace
Mission 2014" anti-terror drill from Sunday to next Friday.
Read more
Iran Says it is Examining Alleged Israeli Drone
Natanz uranium enrichment site
Hours after Iran claimed it had brought down an Israeli stealth drone above
the Natanz uranium enrichment site, a senior Iranian official said on
Sunday that parts of the drone remained intact.
General Ramazan Sharif, a spokesman for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards,
was quoted by The Associated Press (AP) as having told Iranian state
television that officials believed the drone to be a "new generation" drone
used by Israel.
"Major parts of the devices of the drone are intact and have been received
by our friends that can be used for further informati... more »
Navy's under-equipped warships serve little purpose

[image: INS Vikramaditya]The confidence that the Navy must gain in its own
capabilities following the acquisition of three new vessels - the
"induction" of the Vikramaditya aircraft carrier in June, the commissioning
of the Kolkata destroyer two weeks ago, and of the Kamorta corvette last
week - would be entirely justified.
These are impressive vessels, each one of them. Each also represents a
significant upgrade when compared to the vessel(s) it will replace or
The Vikramaditya, at 44,500 tonnes, is in an altogether different class
from the virtually superannuated Vi... more »
Israel turning to other arms sources amid uncertainty of U.S., EU sales
[image: Igla-S (SA-24 Grinch)]With the recent halt of a U.S. shipment of
Hellfire missiles, and Spain and Britain announcing they were reconsidering
their arms sales to Israel, are Israeli weapons supplies in danger?
A probe by Haaretz shows that most of Israel’s arms imports are from the
United States and a few other states. In recent years, however, Israel
acquired hundreds of Russian-made shoulder-fired missiles.
Defense experts warn that Washington held up the Hellfire shipment in order
to send a warning to Jerusalem, which depends on U.S. weapons and munitions
for its militar... more »
Rudderless control could bring supersonic submarines from sci-fi to reality

[image: Skval torpedo]Chinese scientists are studying the applications of
supercavitation to propel large bodies underwater at high speed. A team of
scientists at the Harbin institute of Technology’s Complex Flow and Heat
Transfer lab headed by Prof. Li Fengchen has come up with a new approach to
create an ‘air bubble’ required for rapid underwater travel.
“We are very excited by its potential” Prof. Fengchen said, explaining that
the unique attributes of the team’s new concept is the ability to control
the vessel within the air bubble, without a rudder.
Lack of steering and contro... more »
Exoplanet Size Precission at One Percent
[image: splash]
This is really interesting. I would love to correlate this methodology
into our distance measurement methods as it almost seems that this could
provide a correction tool. Distace measurement has certain assumptions
embedded that I am uncomfortable with to the extent that other work
collapses near Earth distances in half and much more besides. Could this
be used to confirm or change our distance measures for nearby stars?
I have heard of no improvement on that problem to date.
In the meantime, we can accurately discover planets and properly size them
without l... more »
Natural Approach to Weight Loss
*S*ome important information here. We need to pay more attention to oxygen
and our breathing to facilitate a higher metabolism. This is not obvious
and it provide a biological feedback loop that increased fat load actually
worsens. You simply need more oxygen.
As you may be aware, I applied the Arclein diet and still do to remove a
natural one third of my body weight. This obviously facilitates better
oxygen efficiency as well and a superior food utilization system as well. ... more »
The Value of Nightmares

The clear take home is that a nightmare is simply a message from your
subconscious or whatever to address some aspect of your life and to take it
seriously. I think that is actually true although I cannot seriously vouch
for all that.
The only memorable nightmare I ever had was to wake up thinking that is had
to write an exam. This went on long after the need had passed. Those are
obviously stress dreams.
It is certainly important to at least pay attention and use them as a tool
to understand any underlying problem.
*July 31, 2014 *
*Jeremy Taylor,*
*Waking Ti... more »
Citrus Growers Manufacture Huge Amounts of DMT
[image: kumquats1]
This is mostly a cute satire of the absurdity of our drug laws and how they
are written. fortunately for citizens and lawmakers, intent weighs in and
such absurdity never happens. I do suggest that we never allow a robot to
manage law however.
Yet it brings us back to an important concept in legal discourse and
actually even science and the operation of our lives and the universe. It
is that intent matters far more than most of us perceive or ever
I have even discovered it as part of the first movement in the creation of
the universe ... more »
QUOTE OF THE DAY: On ‘planning,’ and compulsion
“What is politically defined as economic planning is the forcible
superseding of other people’s plans by government officials.”
-Thomas Sowell
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
School breakfasts?
These days, everything is political. Even breakfast.
"Thousands of children are getting a healthy start in the morning thanks to
[National’s taxpayer-funded] programme which is growing across schools
throughout the country each week," says Paula Bennett.
The only evidence Paula cares about is votes. Because there is no other.
"We have little information about adolescents, little information about the
benefits of breakfast in well-nourished kids, and little information about
how variation in the composition of breakfast figures into the mix," says
David Katz, director of Yale Unive... more »
Imagining Toronto bombed like Gaza
Click *Full Screen* to render the script visible.
Via Electronic Intifada : Gazonto
"In his compelling new video *Gazonto*, Canadian filmmaker John Greyson reimagines
Israel’s massive bombardment of the Israeli-occupied and besieged Gaza
Strip as if it were an attack on his home city Toronto.
Greyson imagines specific attacks on Palestinian homes, schools, mosques,
hospitals and other institutions that Israel perpetrated since 7 July as if
they had occurred on real-life Toronto sites including a well-known café,
CBC TV, the University of Toronto and the Scarborough Injury Rehab Cen... more »
Reactionary And Corrupt DCCC Chairman Steve Israel Opposes An Independent Scotland

Don't bet on an independent Scotland next month. Scottish residents--
anyone over 16 years old-- go to the polls September 18 for a referendum
that asks one simple question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?"
Before 1603, when King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England,
Scotland was a fully independent kingdom. In 1707 the two countries were
formally joined to form the United Kingdom. Although Scotland kind of *did*
vote for independence in 1979, the referendum failed because not enough
people participated. Since 1998 Scotland has had its own Parliament wit... more »
Boko Haram's Leader Declares An 'Islamic Caliphate' In Northern Nigeria
*Now Nigeria's Jihadis Feclare An 'Islamic Caliphate': Boko Haram Release
Video Proclamation That Shows Massacre Of Prisoners -- Daily Mail*
* Abubakar Shekau recorded video in Gwoza, a town seized earlier this month
* Claims community in Borno State now has 'nothing to do with Nigeria'
* Made statement alongside footage of prisoners being shot while on the
* Were told to lie in a ditch before assault rifles were aimed at their
* Shekau has now been designated a global terrorist by the United States
Boko Haram's leader has declared an Islamic caliphate in a northeast
N... more »
Teachers Must Have Parents' Help to Protect Children from Testing Abuse
Read this if you are a parent or grandparent. And then act.
Sunday Times: Presdient Obama Delayed James Foley Rescue For Almost A Month

A masked Islamic State militant holding a knife speaks next to man
purported to be U.S. journalist James Foley at an unknown location in this
still image from an undated video posted on a social media website. Credit:
Reuters/Social Media Website via REUTERS TV
*Report: Obama Delayed James Foley Rescue a Month, Fretting Over His Image
And Golfing -- Breitbart*
According to a new Sunday Times report by Toby Harden, "Pentagon sources
said Foley and the others might well have been rescued but Obama, concerned
about the ramifications of US troops being killed or captured in Syria,
too... more »
Ukrainian Prisoners Of War Paraded In Rebel Controlled Donetsk
*Chilling Scene As Pro-Moscow Rebels Brand Ukrainian PoWs 'Fascists' And
Parade Them Through Streets Of Donetsk*
* Around 80 soldiers were tied, slapped and doused in water in eastern city
* Donetsk remains in rebels' grip despite pressure from Kiev-controlled
* Ukraine's President has pledged another £1.8billion to fight the
Pro-Moscow rebels in Ukraine paraded dozens of prisoners of war through the
streets today with shouts of 'Fascists! Fascists!' as the conflict plunged
new depths.
Around 80 detained Kiev troops were marched through Donetsk followed by
road... more »
Seattle Times’ Gates-funded Education Lab Blog Experiment
Bill Gates lives in Seattle. His money buys experiments there, too. In
October 2013, the Seattle Times announced that it had “sought” a grant from
the Gates Foundation for a year-long “project” in partnership with
Solutions Journalism Network– a blog called the “Education Lab”: Education
Lab, a partnership between The Seattle Times and Solutions Journalism
Network, will […]
Astonishingly, an early-warning system at UC Berkeley was able to give a
10-second alert before the Napa earthquake struck this morning.
That might not sound like much, but that is precisely 10 seconds more
warning of destruction than anyone has been able to enjoy before. Even
California is working to complete a statewide system, which could be
unveiled in the next few years.
[image: An earthquake early warning system in California would be like one
now operating in Japan, providing valuable seconds to prepare for the
Once fully developed, the system could give... more »
Editor's Note
After entertaining guests and family at my home for the past month .... the
last one has just left. The last one also so happens to brother .... who
lives in San Mateo and who is now rushing home to find out how much damage
was done to his home after this mornings quake in Napa .... but was felt
throughout the Bay Area. His wife told us this morning that it was the
worse quake that she has ever felt ... and she has been living in the Bay
Area for almost 20 years. They are all OK .... they are too far away from
the epicenter .... but she had a good scare. As for my brother kids (my 8 ... more »
The Powers Behind The Islamic State (Follow The Money)
*Title: The Powers Behind The Islamic State. Source: The Real News. Date
Published: August 24, 2014. Description:*
Investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed gives specific examples of how Saudi,
Qatari, and American interests have supported the group formerly known as
ISIS, and what the global community can do now to reign them in
Excerpt from the interview:
"And what makes it more murky is how these groups really became as kind of
virulent and kind of influential as they have, which is really the kind
of--you know, you follow the money. And you follow the money, we're looking
at the... more »
Is John The Beatle really Michael Adebolajo?

*Well, why not...?*
False-Flag war provocations - Just ignore them. Eventually, they'll get
bored and go home.
Islamic State Seizes Major Syrian Air Base After Days Of Heavy Fighting That Resulted In Over 500 Killed
*Hundreds Dead As Islamic State Seizes Syrian Air Base: Monitor -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Islamic State militants stormed an air base in northeast Syria
on Sunday, capturing it from government forces after days of fighting that
cost more than 500 lives, a monitoring group said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 346 Islamic State
fighters were killed and more than 170 members of government forces had
died since Tuesday in the fight over Tabqa base, making it one of the
deadliest confrontations between the two groups since the start of Syria's
The Observatory... more »
The Invisibles - Dan Aykroyd

*"It means, basically, that some movies are clearly being made by
Invisibles and they contain messages for other Invisibles. *
*Invisibles talking to each other in ther own secret language… the movies
are signals, they let us know that others are out there…”*
*"...When Dan came to audition for Saturday Night Live, he regularly met
with John and listened to blues records. One time, Dan showed John the
cover of an album by John Lee Hooker, which showed him wearing the hat and
shades that would later become the Blues Brothers trademark look. *
*John said 'If we ever put this together... more »
Libyan Civil War -- News Updates August 24, 2014
*Libya Crisis: Tensions Rise As Tripoli Airport Seized -- BBC*
An armed militia alliance in Libya has captured Tripoli's international
airport after a battle lasting nearly a month.
Islamist-affiliated forces from Misrata and other cities took over the
airport from the Zintan militia, which has held it for three years.
Libya's new parliament, largely opposed to the Islamists, condemned the
Violence in Libya has surged recently between the rival groups who
overthrew Muammar Gaddafi in the 2011 uprising.
The airport, Libya's largest, has been closed for over a month because o... more »
(Letterman On Williams!) Thomas Frank and Cornel West Compare Obama's Promise and Rewards (Firing Professors for Their Speech Is a Throwback To the Bad Old Days of the Red Scare) Corporatization of the University Continues Apace (We Are the Enemy?) Ukraine's Victims
(Editor's Note: If you can make a small donation to Pottersville2, it
will be hugely appreciated as we've come under vast financial pressure
recently and need to ask for some aid. Thanks so much for your support!)
David Letterman knew Robin Williams for 38 years as a fellow comedian,
friend and mentor. His tribute to him is irrepressible (by me at least). Do
yourself a favor an watch it.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
Russia's ban on western food products, in response to sanctions from the EU
may deal a nearly 7 billion euro blow to the European Union every year.
That's according to new survey by a Dutch banking corporation. RT's Peter
Oliver reports.
You'd think that Europe would wise up and stop following the US over the
'E. Ukraine independence vote could be a compromise' - Sir Richard Branson
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The Future Of Gun Control - "It's In The Internet Forever"
*Press For Truth*
Technology in the marketplace is overriding state control faster than the
politicians can grasp the concepts. Just as the internet ended the
corporate oligopoly of information, the invention of the 3D printer may
revolutionize society once again. Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews
Cody Wilson, one of the major players in creating 3D printed guns.
Visit PressForTruth.ca
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Progressive Music Classics. The Mekons: "This Funeral is for the Wrong Corpse"
Welcome to another edition of Progressive Music Classics, a salute to
left-leaning music that champions the cause of working-class people around
the world.
The narrative of the Rich & Powerful and the corporate media was simple
back in the day. When the Soviet Union died, we were told, socialism died.
End of story.
In 1991, it was clearly time to bury *Das Kapital* in the landfill and
embrace capitalism. *The End of History,* as Francis Fukuyama put it, was
upon us.
However, a strange thing happened along the way to socialism's funeral.
First of all, decad... more »
Amir Taaki "We are the custodians of life's meaning"
*Brave the World*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Pediatricians Recommend Poisoning Newborns in the Womb
*Experimental Vaccines*
All Pregnant Women Need Flu Shot: Ob/Gyn Group
FDA Vaccine Insert Lists Autism as Adverse Reaction
Pregnant? Get a Flu Shot, Doctors Urge
Aborted Fetal Cells Used In Vaccines?
Flu Shot Recommended For All Pregnant Women
Flu Shot Causing Fetal Deaths
CDC Children, the Flu, and the Flu Vaccine
Vaccine Induced Narcolepsy Court Awards Millions
FDA Flumist Vaccine Insert
The Flu Shot What you should Know
Vaccine Exemption Forms
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Doonesbury Watch: When Blondie fell for Rick

*Red Rascal, (self-created) mythic scourge of the Taliban*
*Where do future self-mythologizing CIA-intern-washout anti-Taliban
fighters come from? Doonesbury's Jeff Redfern, a legend in his own mind
(and on his blog, of course, which as any blogger knows is almost the same
thing), is the son of Joanie Caucus and Rick Redfern.*
*by Ken*
As Mr. Trudeau continues his TV toils, and *Doonesbury* lives on in Weekday
Archival Mode ("They're both full-time jobs," our Mr. T explained in
February), we've been plucking out Great Moments in the History of Joanie
Caucus, who (as I've noted I've... more »
Followers of Paul Craig Roberts and others who have abandoned the presstitute mainstream media are aware of what has really been going on in Ukraine. No, it's not an invasion by Russia. Au contre, President Putin has tried valiently to show Russia's good will by not annexing the Russian-speaking eastern provences of Donetsk and Lugansk. But the despicable mainstream media instead repeats our government's lie that Russia has attacked. In fact, those provences were long-ago parts of Russia before Lenin gave them to Ukraine in 1919. Currently those peaceful people are being brutally slaughtered by russophobes and bloodthirsty neo-Nazis armed by the U.S. This video shows you some of the grim results.

*If America has a free press, why don’t you know about the Obama regime’s
atrocities in Ukraine?*
August 22, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
If America has a free press, why don’t you know about the Obama regime’s
atrocities in Ukraine?
It might not be possible for most Americans ever to understand the criminal
nature of the Obama regime and the presstitute media that protects the
criminal regime by keeping the American people... more »
Malthus explains the problem with #TeamKey’s first-home buyer subsidy [update 2]
National launched their election campaign over the weekend, the headline
grabber being a $20,000 taxpayer subsidy to first-home buyers.
Even Hard Labour knows this is risible electioneering, but they have no
more real answers to fix housing than the Nats. Not that long ago, socialist
Venezuela experienced the same problems with toilet paper as NZ has with
housing, and for similar reasons. Eric Crampton summarises how NZ’s two
main parties would be dealing with it:
[image: Eric Crampton]Labour would put capital gains tax on toilet paper.
National would subsidise first-time toilet... more »
A trailer or not

If I was bugging out big time would I want a tailor or a single breast.
Discuss amongst yourselves. Whimsy Me? Tabernac!
Musical Interlude: Constance Demby, “Eternal Return”
Constance Demby, “Eternal Return”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coM0a0ool-M
Fantino lashes out at veterans ... once again.
hard to believe Julian Fantino's role is to champion Canadian Forces
veterans at the Harper cabinet table. You can imagine how he describes
those he represents to the national control-freak.
Deveryn Ross finishes him off. Fantino, whose service as a cop has
always come with some questions, should be tossed in the gutter.
GAIA PORTAL: Energetic “transitions of grace” are enabled from all levels of being
*Energetic “transitions of grace” are enabled from all levels of being *
by ÉirePort
Energetic "transitions of grace" are enabled from all levels of being.
Such transitions preclude what some would call "aggressive" aspects and
encourage direct conclaves of Light bodies.
"self"-aggrandizings are re-directed to "Self"-awakenings.
Higher Light potentials, aligned with Higher Cosmics, are re-tapped to
enable these transitions.
Formularies are re-written.
ÉirePort | August 24, 2014 at 22:55 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Musical Interlude: Constance Demby, “Ocean Without Shores”
Constance Demby, “Ocean Without Shores”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl1Pn-KrvGA
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Across the heart of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies lies a striking string
of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain. The chain, pictured above, is
highlighted on the upper right with two large but featureless lenticular
galaxies, M84 and M86. Prominent to their lower left is a pair of
interacting galaxies known as The Eyes.
*Click image for larger size.*
The home Virgo Cluster is the nearest cluster of galaxies, contains over
2000 galaxies, and has a noticeable gravitational pull on the galaxies of
the Local Group of Galaxies surrounding our Milky Way Galaxy. The center of
the Virgo C... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Evidence"
"Where do I live?
If I had no address, as many people do not,
I could nevertheless say that I lived in the same town as the lilies of
the field,
and the still waters.
Spring, and all through the neighborhood now there are
strong men tending flowers.
Beauty without purpose is beauty without virtue.
But all beautiful things, inherently, have this function -
to excite the viewers toward sublime thought.
Glory to the world, that good teacher.
Among the swans there is none called the least,
or the greatest.
I believe in kindness. Also in mischief.
Also in singing, especi... more »
Paulo Coelho, “The Cycle of Nature”
*“The Cycle of Nature”*
by Paulo Coelho
“In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat: there
is only movement. The winter struggles to reign supreme, but, in the end,
is obliged to accept spring’s victory, which brings with it flowers and
happiness. The summer would like to make its warm days last for ever,
because it believes that warmth is good for the earth, but, finally, it has
to accept the arrival of autumn, which will allow the earth to rest.
The gazelle eats the grass and is devoured by the lion. It isn’t a matter
of who is the strongest, but God’s way... more »
Take ISIS for relief

ISIS like foes are not among stist
those we have in the West
come up against
Al Queda was bad
and for Osama to hide
we must decide
if it was Allah
or the CIA
that gave him such astounding
that allowed him to abide
like the worlds baddest dude
with a world class bad attitude
for more than a decade
is a safe mansion in Pakistan
located not a stones throw
from the garden city
that was one of the few
places in that troubled
shithouse poorly planned
nation built on sand
where gardens grew
and the streets were not full
of sewage filled
If you our me
was to live Paki (Pakistan Pekoe n... more »
"The Road to New Beginnings: Completion"
*"The Road to New Beginnings: Completion"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Just as new beginnings are important, so is honoring the experience of
closure. Life is a collage of beginnings and endings that run together like
still-wet paint. Yet before we can begin any new phase in life, we must
sometimes first achieve closure to the current stage we are in. That’s
because many of life’s experiences call for closure. Often, we cannot see
the significance of an event or importance of a lesson until we have
reached closure. Or, we may have completed a certain phase in life or path
of le... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Spokane, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
#TeamKey: the best left-wing team since the last one [update 2]
#TeamKey and #TeamCorkery agree on one thing at least: they both want talk
to be about policies, not dirty politics.
#TeamCorkery’s wish didn’t come true however because her Sugar Daddy wanted
to talk about hacking. So, thought the media, hacking it is. [UPDATE 1:
Curiously, the story, which was all over the news yesterday, is in the
process of disappearing down the memory hole. UPDATE 2: Or is the story’s
disappearance ‘round the net just a correction, all having previously said
DotCon had “admit[ted] to hacking.”]
Hard to complain about their subsequent questions when they were... more »
"That One Reason..."
“Man gives every reason for his conduct save one, every excuse
for his crimes save one, every plea for his safety save one;
and that one is his cowardice.”
- George Bernard Shaw
Chet Raymo, "Rules for Thinking And Believing"
*"Seven Rules for Believing"*
by Chet Raymo
"I was reading again recently Richard Dawkins' letter to his daughter Juliet on
her tenth birthday, urging her to avoid tradition, authority and revelation
as reasons for believing. Ask for evidence, he writes - evidence that is at
least potentially available to all. Good advice, and I wouldn't mind
passing on Dawkins' letter to my own children or grandchildren. But there
is further advice I would add.
Awile ago I proposed here Four Rules of Rational Thinking, and had some
savvy comments by readers. Let me now propose Seven Rules of Belie... more »
"What A Paradox..."
“What a curious picture it is to find man, homo sapiens, of divine origin,
we are told, seriously considering going underground to escape the
consequences of his own folly. With a little wisdom and foresight, surely
it is not yet necessary to forsake life in the fresh air and in the warmth
of the sunlight. What a paradox if our own cleverness in science should
force us to live underground with the moles.”
- J. William Fulbright
An early meeting of the Greens’s “brains trust”:
[image: image]
[Cartoon by Alex Gregory from the *New Yorker*, hat tip Chris Les]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Hilarion's Weekly Message - August 24, 2014

*This is a very timely channeling for me. The energies I am feeling are
very very strong. And I am finding I am speaking my truth in ways I have
not done before with friends...and sometimes that comes off as angry, it
even feels angry - so its confusing even to me - but I think Hiliarion is
onto something as to why it feels that way. I am a finding a daily swim in
the Med. Sea diffuses the agitating side of these new energies in few short
minutes (thanks KP for suggesting that in your blog). I think this
"agitation" is temporary, as whatever needs to get cleaned out of me
lea... more »
Normalized US Earthquake Damage
*UPDATE:* Early damage estimate in neighborhood of $1 billion (NYT).
With news of a 6.0 magnitude earthquake today in San Francisco, I thought
I'd provide a perspective on historical damage, The data in the table below
are estimates of normalized damage for the top 15 14 events in our dataset
-- from Vranes and Pielke 2009 (PDF), which I have quickly updated to 2014
values. A normalization seeks to estimate how much damage would occur if a
past event occurred with today's level of wealth and development.
There are a lot of uncertainties in earthquake normalization methods, and
thos... more »
Symbolic of Europe?
I hear that two satellites launched by the European Space Agency as part of
its pointless vanity project, the Galileo satellite navigation system, have
deployed into incorrect orbits.
A European satellite navigation system lost?
Ohio Will Never Be A Congressional Battleground Until The House Dems Dump DCCC Chair Steve Israel

Incapable of learning from past mistakes; doomed to endlessly repeat them
Jessica Wehrman's analysis of Ohio's congressional election for the *Columbus
Dispatch* this morning, could have been in almost any newspaper anywhere in
America. Beltway conventional wisdom has it that none of the 16 seats are
in jeopardy-- and the DCCC isn't competent enough to understand a two-cycle
strategy for winning a district-- but the incumbents "have raised a
combined $32 million for their re-election bids-- 15 times what their
upstart challengers have this election season. You’ve heard the tale of
Da... more »
"Human Folly..."
“Human folly does not impede the turning of the stars.”
- Tom Robbins
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer : Hip-hop duo Riders Against the Storm, Austin Band of the Year
Austin’s acclaimed husband-and-wife hip-hoppers, Riders Against the Storm,
performed on Rag Radio and rapped with us about their unique vision.
Interview by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | August 24, 2014 Our guests on
Rag Radio are the hip-duo, … finish reading *METRO PODCAST* | Thorne Dreyer
: Hip-hop duo Riders Against the Storm, Austin Band of the Year
Fukushima: “Our Legacy: A Dead Pacific Ocean”
* “Our Legacy: A Dead Pacific Ocean”*
by Jeff Rense and Dana Durnford
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoBGBYDjxQc
*"Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation"*
by Dana Durnford and Terry Daniels
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1FrscZBjhc&feature=youtu.be
What's all this mean, or matter? This...
*“Fukushima Equals 6,000 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow; *
*There is No Place On Earth to Escape the Rad”*
- http://coyoteprime-runningcauseicantfly.blogspot.com/
Maybe it’s not “fidelity,” it’s just your crappy program.
I have eight different bosses now. Well, not bosses, per se, but several
persons of various titles that will potentially give me feedback and
suggestions this school year. You might think this is a tremendous boon to
us teachers to have a team of talented people working with myself and
others for the benefit of […]
libraries and ebooks: a good fit, but a very bad deal, or why library users should just say no to ebooks
Do you ever borrow ebooks from your public library? Do you have any idea
how your library adds ebooks to its collection, or at what cost?
The number of library customers who borrow ebooks is growing all the time.
How many of them, I wonder, are aware of how their library gets *screwed*
every time they do.
Even some library staff is unaware of the raw deal libraries are getting
when it comes to ebooks. Library-themed journals, blogs, and conferences
are filled with talk about digital technology and resources. Yet in this
deluge of discussion, there is too little exposing - and oppos... more »
Adriano Raeli - Ferrari F80 concept car - sex on wheels

*no words, just enjoy*
CNN iReport on CDC whistleblower spreads like wildfire, then censored
*Editor's Note: *Please visit CNN iReport on Facebook and write a review.
Jon Rappoport
On August 22, a user named Bobby Dee posted a CNN iReport about the CDC
whistleblower who states he cooked data to hide a vaccine-autism
CNN iReports aren’t official CNN stories. They’re “user generated
news…opinions belong to the submitter.”
Well, Bobby’s submission, as Celia Farber reports at truthbarrier.com,
rocketed to 45,232 views in a matter of hours. 178 comments, 17 thousand
http://truthbarrier.com/2014/08/23/cnn-complicit-in-media-coverup-of-cdc-whistleblowe... more »

A new group
has been created
'Support Darren Wilson'
the cop
who made the
fatal shot
in Ferguson
a public relations
'Strategy of Tension'
in full view
It was like this
back in 1877
Crazy Horse surrendered
confined to the rez
in South Dakota
no horse
no gun
to his name
weapons industry
not happy
Civil War over
Indian wars
grinding to a halt
huge drop in profits
new enemy needed
Writers and artists
commissioned to
fabricate story
Crazy Horse
back on warpath
raping white women
killing children
burning houses
across nation
carried the
false flag
sto... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: "Baton Bunny" music with and without the Bunny, plus a treasure trove of overtures and, oh yes, "Gaudeamus igitur"

*In which we watch part of a cartoon, then listento an overture, and then
another overture, and then --can you imagine? -- drift off into other, er,
*A nice chunk of Chuck Jones's Baton Bunny (1959) -- from the
confident-looking start, things deteriorate pretty quickly.*
*by Ken*
As I mentioned most recently Friday night, New York City's Museum of the
Moving Image in Astoria, Queens, is currently hosting a grand exhibition
devoted to one of the giants of animated film, Chuck Jones. And as I
mentioned Friday night, this afternoon I hope to get to MoMI for this
week's "Chu... more »
Orlando Jones Modifies the Bucket Challenge to Raise Awareness for Another ‘Very Serious Disease’
*“It all seems to stem from a militarized police force threatening the
rights of people to assemble.”*
Actor, NRA member, and special member of the Louisiana sheriff’s reserve
force, Orlando Jones, has put a new spin on the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Instead of donning a bucket of ice and water, he grabs a bucket of bullets
to raise awareness to the rising militarized police state and the lack of
concern by citizens in the US.
Jones does not make light of ALS and in fact says he will donate to the
cause. However, in this video he speaks of another serious disease, apathy.
*"My heart ... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 24th 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Yes, another Sunday, and of course another rant… It has indeed been an
amazing and troubling week around the world, so lets get right to it…
I have again been under attack for putting up the post this last week where
I came out and called the "beheading" of Journalist James Wright Foley a
massive hoax. It does seem that every time I post factual evidence that
goes against the so called Jew spew media and what our crooked governments
state, I come under attack by fools that rather than debate the issue at
hand just use ad-hominems and other slurs…. I laugh at t... more »
The Answer to Everything
What sort of world do we want to create and how do we intend to get there?
There are about seven billion human beings on the planet. The scientific
consensus is that the present levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
are going to be joined by many more tonnes over the next few decades and
that this is going to raise the average temperature of the earth by 5
degrees Celsius, producing radical transformations of climate patterns.
Croplands will shift and shrink. Coastal areas will be flooded. Local
species will go extinct. Overpopulation will bring wars for basic
resources. Gove... more »
Israel, ISIL have a lot in common
"The self-styled Jewish State and Islamic State have so much in common –
including sectarianism, atrocities, destabilization of neighbors, and
squatting on stolen land."
Full article:
A Holy Balloon Bursts

I wanted to believe.
I hoped that Pope Francis was the real deal, that he was the true enemy of
predatory capitalism, the true champion of poor people. But it seems that
he's just another protector of predators.
From Laurie Goodstein of the *New York Times* comes this shocker graphically
detailing the unspeakable crimes of one of the pope's own high-ranking
personal envoys:
*SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — He was a familiar figure to the skinny
shoeshine boys who work along the oceanfront promenade here. Wearing black
track pants and a baseball cap pulled low over his balding h... more »
Ferguson: Ten Days That Shook the Country

*How the tactics of occupation came home*
by Justin Raimondo
The facts surrounding the murder of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old
resident of Ferguson, Missouri, gunned down by Darren Wilson, a Ferguson
police officer, are not entirely known – but enough is known that it’s
quite justified to characterize it as cold-blooded murder. Thanks to
Brown’s family, an autopsy has revealed that of the six shots fired by
Wilson, five were survivable, but the sixth – which entered through the top
of his head – was not. Although the evidence is not yet conclusive, the
forensics – ... more »
Bloomberg's Impoverished Poverty Eradication Plan
Since finally leaving his New York mayor's throne to someone far less
princely, Mike Bloomberg is spending his time jetting around the world
playing big shot with his bags of cash and, like all bullies, an unhealthy
disdain for anyone who disagrees with him. These days he claims to be all
about giving away all his dough before he dies, but if Forbes is right,
Bloomberg obviously plans to live on in perpetuity: last year he gave away
$465 million and his wealth grew $6 billion to top out at over $32 billion.
But then not many of our 401Ks average have the kind of inside track to
"ea... more »
France blasts Germany for "austerity policy"
French Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg on Saturday criticised German
austerity measures and warned France would no longer "be pushed around" by
the EU's economic powerhouse.
Texas police chief shot to death during traffic stop
The police chief of a small south Texas town was shot dead during a traffic
stop on Saturday, a county sheriff said.
US accuses Israel of targeting relatives of kidnapped and murdered Palestinian 16-year-old
The United States on Wednesday charged Israel had targeted members of a
Palestinian family whose teenaged son was kidnapped and killed in July
along with two cousins, who are US citizens.
Ukraine Crisis: Donbass. Chronicle of Genocide
Extensive war crimes in Donbass committed by Poroshenko and his army of
murderers from July 27 to August 14, 2014. Kiev's warmongers/Zionists
continue genocide of civilian population of Donetsk and Luhansk People's
Republics. Most of the footage and interviews you will see in this
documentary film have never been shown on mainstream media of any country
including Russia and Ukraine.
[image: Ukraine Crisis: Donbass. Chronicle of Genocide. Banned on TV /
Донбасс. Хроника геноцида. [ENG SUB]]
DPR army encircles large Kiev military grouping
The army of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has blocked
completely a large grouping of Kiev military forces in six republican
settlements on Sunday.
Clashes in Chile, as thousands of students march demanding education reform
Police in Chile used water cannons and tear gas in Santiago as they clashed
with outraged students demanding the government to speed up the process of
national education reform. Tens of thousands took to the streets to join
the largely peaceful protest.
[image: Clashes in Chile, as thousands of students march demanding
education reform]
Irish soccer team face fine for Palestine flag flown during Europa League qualifier
Dundalk have been fined €18,000 by UEFA because a Palestine flag was flown
at Oriel Park during their match against Hajduk Split.
You didn’t expect me, did you? #highered
No one expects the Inquisition. That’s how I feel a lot of the time because
I ask a lot of questions. Is that not an educator’s job? College professors
looking to do research in our schools: I’m onto you. As a former graduate
student and faculty member in higher education, I’ve written numerous human
subjects […]
Sunday night Short Shorts

*She's classic.*
Deputy MAC minister Chang is out this week:
The Presidential Office confirmed yesterday that the president received a
letter from former Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) deputy minister Chang
Hsien-yao (張顯耀) defending himself against an accusation that he had leaked
national secrets, before Chang issued a statement on Sunday last week that
suggested he had been forced to resign.
The removal caused the People's First Party (PFP), little more than the
faction of former KMT heavyweight and former important politician James
Soong, to make furious noises, since Chang was... more »
Real-Time Community News App in Development for Citizen Journalists

*Making the unique freedom of speech and privacy laws of Finland available
to the rest of the world.*
*Activist Post*
The decentralization of technology is a key component in overcoming
restrictions imposed by governments upon independent media. Recently, we
all have witnessed the heavy-handed approach law enforcement has taken
again the citizens of Ferguson, even going so far as to apparently use a
kill-switch during one particularly chaotic moment.
We also see how social media is often used by the establishment to gather
data and predict behavior, while our smart gadgets have ... more »
Iran Says It Shot Down Israeli Drone Over Its Natanz Nuclaer Plant
*Israeli Spy Drone Downed Near Iran’s Natanz Nuclear Plant – Report -- RT*
Iran says their Revolutionary Guards have shot down an Israeli spy drone
trying to penetrate the "nuclear off-limits area" of the Natanz nuclear
site, the ISNA news agency reported.
"The downed aircraft was of the stealth, radar-evasive type and it intended
to penetrate the off-limit nuclear area in Natanz... but was targeted by a
ground-to-air missile before it managed to enter the area," ISNA said,
citing a statement by the Revolutionary Guards.
Iran's forces fired a missile at the drone as it neared its ... more »
Ice Bucket Challenge: causes of ALS already known

*by Sayer Ji*
*Let’s stop pretending like pouring ice on ourselves means anything until
we can acknowledge the research that some of the causes and cures for ALS
already exist — none of them involving pharmaceutical intervention.*
The ALS Association’s ‘Ice Bucket Challenge,’ as of the writing of this
article, has grossed over 41 million dollars in donations, which “has
driven hundreds of thousands to join the fight against ALS,” according to a
recent Huffington Post blog written by Jose Costa.
The perpetual meme of ‘fighting’ idiopathic diseases — meaning, diseases
‘with no kno... more »
Israeli Airstrike Levels 12-Story Building In Gaza
*Netanyahu Warns Gaza Civilians After Israel Destroys 13-Storey Building --
(Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Palestinian civilians
on Sunday to leave immediately any site where militants are operating, one
day after Israel took the Gaza war to a new level by flattening a 13-storey
apartment tower.
Israeli aircraft first fired a non-explosive rocket at the building, a sign
to residents to get out, before attacking it on Saturday. Seventeen people
were wounded in the strike on the structure, which Israel said had housed a
Hamas command centre.
"I call ... more »
With U.S. - Chinese Tensions Increasing, U.S. Sends Second Carrier Group To Asia
*U.S. Sends Second Carrier to Asia Amid Tensions with China -- Washington
Free Beacon*
China demands end to U.S. surveillance flights.
The Navy is sending a second aircraft carrier strike group to the Asia
Pacific region amid new tensions with China over a dangerous aerial
encounter between a Chinese interceptor and Navy P-8 surveillance craft.
The strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson departed San Diego for the
Pacific on Friday, the Navy said in an announcement of what it terms a
“planned” deployment.
China’s military on Saturday, meanwhile, demanded an end to all U.S.
monit... more »
What happened was. . .
By Capt. Fogg
It's been said so often we might as well attribute it to everyone:* "we
don't see things the way they are, we see them the way we are."* So much in
life hinges on tiny details. Things nearly identical can be seen in such
enormously different fashion and we rarely seem to ask ourselves what the
difference is. Sometimes the only difference is the way we are.
In a small Texas town yesterday, the Sheriff pulled 24-year-old Joshua
Manuel Lopez's car over in a suburban neighborhood. Lopez had an
outstanding warrant for graffiti. There was a scuffle, Sheriff Michael
Pimentel... more »
*Drew Brees throws two touchdown passes to lead the Saints over the Colts,
23-17 ~Gary Estwick, The Advocate*
*Tropical Depression 4 becomes Cristobal *
*St. Roch Market to reopen as fresh-food retailer, restaurant ~Jaquetta
The Protests May Be Winding Down, But Ferguson's Fight Is Not Over

*by Alice Speri*
An out-of-towner driving through Ferguson, Missouri on West Florissant
Avenue on Friday morning might easily have missed the signs of the protests
and clashes that have dominated this stretch of suburbs for the past two
In fact, the signs are there: most stores are boarded up, with "open" signs
sprayed over the wooden panels that used to be glass windows. The burnt
down shell of the Quiktrip gas station — which is at once Ferguson's
"Ground Zero" and its "Maidan" — is still there, surrounded by a metal
fence that was not there a few days ago.
The area got... more »
Ditching It

Stephen Harper spent the week wandering around the North, crowd testing his
stump speech for the 2015 election. Chantal Hebert writes that, before
decides to take the plunge, Harper faces two challenges.
The first is Michael Chong's parliamentary reform bill -- which would put
significant curbs on his power. Because Chong and former Conservative M.P.
Brent Rathgeber seem to be the only Harper M.P.'s courageous enough to
think for themselves, the prime minister will probably swat aside that
po... more »
Can Students Save The Democrats' Asses In November? Should They Bother?

The 26th Amendment to the Constitution is a simple one: "The right of
citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to
vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State
on account of age." After being ratified by the 38th state legislature,
North Carolina's, on July 1, 1971, it became part of the Constitution 4
days later on July 5. It has passed the Senate on March 10, 1971, 94-0, and
the House March 23, 401-19. The same day it passed the House, it was
ratified by the state legislatures of Connecticut, Delaware, Minnesota,
Tenness... more »
*UK: Public school teacher accused of sex act with pupil is CLEARED in just
90 minutes and says teachers have no power when allegations are made*
A PUBLIC school teacher accused of engaging in sexual activity with a
‘flirty’ female pupil spoke of his frustration yesterday after he was
cleared of any wrongdoing.
Russell Woolwright, 30, said the false allegations had forced him to resign
from his job as an economics teacher at £30,000-a-year Canford School in
Dorset, where he had worked for five years.
The girl, who was 17 at the time, sent Mr Woolwright a series of
inappropriate e... more »
China Demands The U.S. To Stop Spy Flights Near It's Borders. Rejects Critciticms That One Of Their Fighter Jets Menaced A U.S. Spy plane

A U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft takes off from Perth International
Airport in this April 16, 2014 file photo. Credit: Reuters/Greg
*China Urges U.S. To Halt Close Air Surveillance After Encounter --
China urged the U.S. to stop close reconnaissance after a Chinese fighter
jet had an encounter with U.S. surveillance aircraft last week.
A U.S. navy P-3 anti-submarine plane and a P-8 patrol aircraft conducted a
reconnaissance flight within 220 kilometers (137 miles) of Hainan Island
and on Aug. 19, Yang Yujun, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of National ... more »
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