Bob Corker (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Supplemental: The tribal hatred just keeps on coming!
*In today's Times, the Yazidis are us:* In today’s paper, the New York
Times describes the tribal hatred aimed at the Yazidis.
Azam Ahmed did the reporting. We thought of conduct which was described in
Nazi-occupied Poland, then in the Balkans and in Rwanda. Ever so briefly,
we also thought about us:
AHMED (8/27/14): The afternoon before his family fled the onslaught of
Sunni militants, Dakhil Habash was visited by three of his Arab neighbors. *Over
tea, his trusted friend Matlul Mare told him not to worry about the
advancing fighters and that no harm ... more »
Republican Senator Bob Corker’s “Russian Aggression Prevention Act” by consequence or design is driving Russia toward a first-strike nuclear war. It is certain that any major nuclear war would destroy the human race. Yet the U.S. Senate is cool with Corker’s idiotic bill, as are most Americans who believe whatever the despicable mainstream media tells them. At least the Germans are getting the message and may yet buck the role that the insane neocons have assigned to them...

*Guest Article by Steven Starr – Senator Corker’s Path to Nuclear War*
August 23, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Guest Article by Steven Starr – Senator Corker’s Path to Nuclear War
Steven Starr explained to us the lethality of Nuclear Weapons on May 30,
2014 .
In the article below, Starr explains how Republican Senator Bob Corker’s
“Russian Aggression Preve... more »
Most Americans believe that U.S. government lies when repeated by the despicable mainstream media must therefore be true. Thankfully the Germans are catching on...

*Guest Interview with former German Defense Ministry Official*
August 26, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Former official of the German Ministry of Defense says the world has heard
enough of
EU lies.
“People here in Germany are fed up with NATO lies.”
It is a 5 minute interview:
Blogger's Note: PCR's blog does not accommodate attaching videos, so in
th... more »
A Look At How The Islamic State Uses Suicide Squads To Achieve Battlefield Victories
*Islamic State Relying More On Suicide Squads -- Defense News*
DUBAI — Militants with the Islamic State (IS) are increasingly relying on
terror tactics and suicide squads, and the method was key in their recent
capture of one of Syria’s largest air bases, experts say.
IS fighters captured the strategic Tabqa air base in the Raqqa province
after raging battles since Aug. 19, tallying more than 170 members of
government forces and over 360 IS fighters, according to the Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights.
The weeks of fighting for control of Tabqa air base has featured a terror
str... more »
Royal Malaysian Navy Releases First Official Image of its LCS-SGPV Corvette

[image: Royal Malaysian Navy LCS]The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) unveiled
for the first time an official rendering of its future Littoral Combat Ship
(LCS) - Second Generation Patrol Vessel (SGPV).
The vessel is based on DCNS' Gowind Combat corvette design. DCNS is the
warship design authority while local shipyard Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn
will be in charge of buidling the vessels locally.
The RMN's LCS will have a length of 111 meters and a displacement of 3,100
Read more
The Islamic State Is Learning From The U.S. On How To Fight Wars

Militant Islamist fighters in military vehicles parade along the streets of
Syria's northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014. (Reuters)
*What The Islamic State Learned From The U.S. About Fighting A War -- Brian
Castner, Washington Post*
We’re caught in a revenge cycle with a death cult, and it’s redefining
modern warfare.
The horrific murder of journalist James Foley is case in point. Once,
hitting targets of opportunity or instituting a propaganda campaign were
peripheral to massed armies killing each other in trenches and cities and
jungles. To win, one country crushed another’s w... more »
Elizabeth Green Asks Whether True Believers in “No Excuses” Can Learn
The first rule of teachers in schools that serve every child who walks
through the door is “pick your battles.” A teacher’s key skill, we’re often
told from day #1, is “learn what to ignore.” A charter school teacher who
does not understand the essential nature of such survival skills may claim
to teach the “same […]
METAPHORS AND FACTS: Simplified stories and Michael Brown’s death!
*WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2014Part 3—What Joe Klein wrote:* Full disclosure.
We used to do a comedy bit on the subject of “simple solutions.”
(One such “simple solution:” “We’re going to send it all back to the
states! We’ll let the *states* run the government, those magnificent
states!” That was one premise in that bit. You can fashion the punch-lines.)
We used to try to make people laugh at the existence of “simple solutions.”
Perhaps for the reason, we were drawn to Joe Klein’s essay concerning
Michael Brown’s death.
Klein’s brief essay appeared at Time. These are the headlines o... more »
NATO holds its annual war making confab in Wales on August 30 - September
5. It's evident to me that NATO is the global military arm of corporate
capital - with the US running it all through their massive satellite war
fighting infrastructure. Protests and a 'counter summit' are being
organized by a coalition of peace groups worldwide. See more *here*
Under the pretext of an 'overt' Russian threat, NATO is pushing for a
‘readiness action plan’ that will bring the Cold War military bloc closer
to Russian borders than ever - even despite objections from some NATO
members. James C... more »
Iraqi Govt Adviser: ISIS/Islamic State Has 100,000 Fighters

Militant Islamist fighters parade on military vehicles along the streets of
northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014. (Reuters)
*ISIS Has 100,000 Fighters, Growing Fast - Iraqi Govt Adviser -- RT*
The number of Islamic State recruits is much higher than that estimated by
foreign observers – around 100,000, says one of Iraq’s foremost security
experts with unique access to intelligence. The terrorists are swallowing
up other insurgent groups.
Foreign estimates put the figure between 20,000 and 50,000.
“[The] Islamic State didn’t come from nowhere,” according to Hisham
al-Hashimi, who ... more »
Double Agent Doubletalk

I had to read this McClatchy piece twice, just to make sure I wasn't seeing
Here's the gist: a criminal lawyer who used to defend CIA agents, and who
was confirmed to a government post in 2009 only upon his solemn oath that
he'd recuse himself from any investigations having to do with the CIA, has
been given the go-ahead by the Obama administration to censor the Senate
report on CIA torture and other crimes against "folks."
Senate CIA Moll Dianne Feinstein (D-Surveillance State) has no problem with
this, while Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) is reprising his role as vocal but
imp... more »
"TeacherTown" Now Paying Charters Over $80 Million Per Year in Projected Enrollment Cash

Not only is Shelby County and the State coughing up over $80 million each
year for corporate reform schools whose test scores are, for the most part,
the same or worse than the schools they replaced, but almost $20 million of
that is for enrollment that never materialized.
In 2013-14, the profiteering charters over-estimated their enrollment to
collect millions they use to make more. When they do not pay it all back,
as in the case with KIPP Memphis and Willie Herenton's crumbling charter
empire, the County has to go to the State to get its money back.
Here is a chart from the ... more »
Rally at the Justice Department for Mike Brown and Against Police Brutality and Militarization
*Green Shadow Cabinet* *Washington, DC – *On Wednesday, August 27 at 4pm,
activists will rally outside the Justice Department to call on the Attorney
General to help secure justice for Michael Brown and the people of
Ferguson, Missouri, as well as an overhaul of US law enforcement tactics in
order to stop police brutality and the militarization of our police forces.
Speakers include legal experts and organizers:
- Green Shadow Cabinet Director of Government Transparency and
Accountability, *Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo*
- Institute of the Black World President *Ron Daniels... more »
Truth - A Quote from Larry Winget

I have seen the future
Or the *selfie* of the future, that is.
By Capt. Fogg
Selfie of the day, selfies of the week -- we can hardly breathe with the
effort of working *selfie* into every page, every story, every moment of
6 uses of the word in a 15 second news spot and it's hardly unique. They're
*trending* on Twitter and I effort to litter every page with SELFIES!
How did we ever get along without that word in those dull, crepuscular days
without hashtags when only birds would tweet and that picture you took of
yourself was a picture you took of yourself? No, selfie is here to stay
and there ... more »
President Obama Wants A War Plan Against The Islamic State By The End Of This Week

Pete Souza/White House
*Obama Wants New ISIS War Plan ASAP -- Eli Lake & Josh Rogin, Daily Beast*
*Leading U.S. officials now believe that America has to expand its air war
against ISIS into Syria, but nobody knows yet how we can do it… or what
will happen next.*
President Obama wants to decide by the end of the week whether or not his
war in Iraq against the Islamic State will expand to the group’s haven in
eastern Syria. But nearly everything about the potential military campaign
is still in flux, administration officials tell The Daily Beast—from the
goals of the effort to the ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 27, 2014
*Israel, Gaza Quiet As Cease-fire Takes Hold -- Voice of America*
Israel and the Gaza Strip were calm Wednesday on the first full day of a
new "open-ended" cease-fire.
The Israeli military reported no rocket attacks from Gaza and no airstrikes
by its forces on the Palestinian territory.
The truce took effect Tuesday evening, 50 days after tensions between the
two sides erupted into a war that has killed more than 2,100 Palestinians,
mostly civilians. Sixty-nine Israelis have died, all but five of them
*Read more* ....
Gaza truce holding but Israel's Neta... more »
On a Budget? Pink Slime is Back to Save You Money!

Daisy Luther
Remember how horrified people were to learn of the ammonia-soaked pink
slime in their ground beef and fast-food burgers?
It was so bad that one company, Beef Products Inc., was forced to close
several plants and file for bankruptcy after the backlash in 2012.
Incidentally, BPI filed a 1.2 billion dollar lawsuit is pending against ABC
for breaking the story that more than 70% of grocery store ground beef
contained pink slime.
Well, in response to rising meat costs, it’s back. (Did it ever actually
leave?) BPI will be manufacturing the slaughterhouse remnant product at... more »
Simple Solutions Come From Simple Minds
What is behind Stephen Harper's war on sociology? Jakeet Sing writes:
So what does Harper have against sociology? First, Harper is clearly
trumpeting a standard component of neo-liberal ideology: that there are no
social phenomena, only individual incidents. (This ideology traces back to
Margaret Thatcher’s famous claim that “there is no such thing as society.”)
Neo-liberalism paints all social problems as individual problems. The
benefit of this for those who share Harper’s agenda, of c... more »
CDC whistleblower is just the tip of the iceberg

image source Jon Rappoport
William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, has yet to step into the light and
make a full and definitive statement about the CDC concealing MMR-vaccine
Mothers of autistic children are now preparing a class-action suit against
the CDC for covering up the MMR vaccine-autism connection. They will
undoubtedly want Thompson as a witness.
He can talk now or talk later.
The public at large still has blind faith in “medical experts” and the
truth of published studies.
Fraud at the CDC? A study that was intentionally distorted to give a pass
to a tox... more »
Identification Evidence
R. v. MacDonald, 2014 ONCA 610:
[11] The sole issue at this trial was identification and the only
evidence linking the appellant to the alleged offences was that of the
witness Reeves. In these circumstances, a careful instruction on
identification evidence was required. In my view there were several
significant deficiencies in the trial judge's instruction to the jury on
the issue of identification and the cumulative effect of those errors is
fatal to the convictions.
[12] First, the trial judge failed to warn the jury of the limited
weight to be accorded to the in-d... more »
Iraq Suffers Through New Car Bomb Wave

As part of the Islamic State’s (IS) summer offensive it has launched more
and more car bombs across the country. In the past, these series of bombs
would be separated by several days lasting sometimes up to a week. In
August there have been five car bombs waves so far with only one day in
between them showing that IS is ramping up its operations.
Aftermath of car bombing in Kirkuk Aug 23 part of the most intense VBIED
waves seen in Iraq for years (*EPA*)
IS has used car bombs for two purposes in recent months. Before they were
just an instrument of terror aimed mostly at civilia... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 27, 2014
*US Weighs Risks Of Attacking Jihadists In Syria -- Stars and
Stripes/McClatchy Washington Bureau*
WASHINGTON — Amid growing pressure to act, President Barack Obama on
Tuesday cautioned that defeating the Islamic State would take time, even as
some Pentagon officials expressed frustration with what they decried as
White House foot-dragging on striking the militant group’s Syria
With U.S. aircraft pressing attacks on Islamic State fighters in Iraq, the
administration confronted mounting questions about how it would deal with
al-Qaida’s spinoff’s presence on Syria’s si... more »
The Flagrantly Fabricated Ferguson Phenomenon

by Zen Gardner
I’ve avoided getting into this because it’s so goddamn obvious, but I’ve
had some requests regarding how I see this “news”. There’s nothing new
about it – a convenient ignition point sparked by a lone incident,
resulting in expected protest and deliberately inflamed chaos and media
mind-pumping. Same old, same old. When will humanity wake up, I don’t know.
I understand the outrage. Not only was there another example of the
mindless cop killer meme we see played out daily “subduing” an unarmed
suspect by outright killin... more »
A Victory for Palestine
[image: Palestinians celebrating their victory in the Israeli war on Gaza,
August 26, 2014]
Everyone - Palestinians, realists, and even Zionists - is admitting
Palestine won this summer's Gaza War.
Full story:
$645 in Giftcards Giveaway!
t's a special day today! We're celebrating blogger birthdays this week with The
Cards We Drew and we've rounded up a great group of bloggers and vendors to
throw the ultimate birthday bash and party like it's YOUR birthday! We're
giving away over $950 worth of prizes for three lucky winner (U.S.
residents only--sorry). You can enter the giveaway via Rafflecopter below,
but first check out the great prizes and bloggers involved and please be
sure to read the fine print! [image: abbey logo]
*Each blogger picked their own gift card to here's what's up
for grabs!!*
Someday ... more »
METRO | Steve Russell : Voting for change
I guess my attitude towards elections could be taken as evidence that my
purity has been compromised. Maybe the old cat has been belled. By Steve
Russell | The Rag Blog | August 27, 2014 “Would you rather vote for …
finish reading *METRO* | Steve Russell : Voting for change

*Speaking at Kennedy Space Center protest in Florida in 1990*
- I had a beer with Regis Tremblay yesterday at our usual spot here in
Bath. He lives just over the bridge on the other side of the Kennebec
River that separates our two towns. He handed me back the photo above that
he had scanned for inclusion in an interview he recently filmed. He'd
doing a series of short video spots with veterans talking about how their
experiences in the military turned them into peaceniks.
- This photo was taken at a protest I organized in 1990 while working
with the... more »
*Politics and flood control ~N.O. Advocate*
*What will tailgating be like for Tulane home games? ~Robert Morris, Uptown
*Experts find little progress, little commitment to changes by Gusman at
OPP ~Jim Mustian *
*Heart of Louisiana: Masonic Jewels ~Dave McNamara, WVUE*
*White Buffalo Day! ~NOLA DEFENDER *
Black Hawk Helicopters Buried In Fire Suppression FOAM At Oklahoma Army Base (Video)
*Black Hawk Drowned! Alarm Test Gone Wrong Leaves Helicopters Buried In
Fire Suppression FOAM At Army Base -- Daily Mail*
* Ten Black Hawk helicopters were buried Tuesday morning at the Tulsa,
Oklahoma Army National Guard base
* At one point, cyclonic winds created a foam-devil on the base
* Officials say none of the aircraft were damaged
A fire alarm test gone awry left a fleet of Black Hawk military choppers
buried in fire suppression foam at an Oklahoma base Tuesday.
An outside contractor at the Oklahoma Army National Guard base was testing
the safety system when the foam was ac... more »
Shooting instructor dies after being accidentally shot by girl
Live Leak
A shooting instructor has died after a nine-year-old girl accidentally
shot him in the head as he taught her how to use a sub-machine gun.
Charles Vacca, a father and veteran from Lake Havasu City, Arizona, was
airlifted to hospital on Monday morning after the little girl shot him with
a Uzi at an outdoor shooting range in Dolan Springs.
'Vacca was standing next to the girl while he was instructing her how to
use the weapon when the accident happened,' a Mohave County Sheriff’s
Office spokesperson told *BNO News*.
'Further investigations determined [that when] the gir... more »
Last Night's Primaries

Last night saw primary results come in for Florida, Vermont and Arizona and
for primary-runoffs in Oklahoma. The only thing that interests me in
Republican results is if the right-wing punters pick an extremist or
criminal type who will be easier for a Democrat to beat. Otherwise, their
races don't interest me. Let's look at Florida first: no surprises. The two
districts Democrats have the best chance to win-- FL-27 (where Obama beat
Romney 53-47%) and FL-13 (where Obama beat Romney 50-49%)-- don't have
Democrats running. How is that possible? Easy-- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
prote... more »
*Pediatricians’ group: School should not start before 8:30 a.m.*
Pediatricians have a new prescription for schools: later start
times for teens.
Delaying the start of the school day until at least 8:30 a.m. would help
curb their lack of sleep, which has been linked with poor health, bad
grades, car crashes and other problems, the American Academy of Pediatrics
says in a new policy.
The influential group says teens are especially at risk; for them, "chronic
sleep loss has increasingly become the norm."
Studies have found that most U.S. students in middle school and high school
don... more »
What Will It Take For Either The U.S. Or China To Decide To Go To War With The Other?

*Photo Credit*: Reuters/Hyungwon Kang
*When Might a Great Power War Make Sense? -- Ankit Panda, The Diplomat*
What will it take for either the U.S. or China to decide to go to war with
the other?
Last week, Alex Ward discussed the potential for a great power war between
the United States and China. He framed his argument in terms of prominent
international relations scholar Robert Gilpin’s “three preconditions,” as
presented in his book War and Change in World Politics. Ward convincingly
demonstrates that each of Gilpin’s preconditions is either close to being
met in today’s world... more »
A Look At The Russian Military Tactic Of ‘Maskirovka’

Image from the Revolution Spirit
*‘Maskirovka’ Is Russian Secret War -- Paul Huard, War Is Boring*
*Sneaky tactics are an old Russian tradition*
Armed men with their faces covered by balaclavas who say they are
pro-Russian Ukrainian separatists but who possess weapons and equipment
used to equip Russian special forces.
A convoy of more than 200 vehicles that the Russian government said carried
humanitarian relief for people in war-ravaged eastern Ukraine, yet many of
the vehicles inspected by customs officials at the Russian-Ukrainian border
were nearly empty.
Earlier in August, ... more »
A Cat Named Peaches
A Cat Named Peaches from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*Peaches Geldof inquest told she hid heroin in sweet box Peaches Geldof's
husband Tom Cohen says the 25-year-old presenter had started using heroin
again in February this year as inquest hears there was no evidence she
intended to take her own life*
The fatal heroin dose that killed Peaches Geldof was discovered in a box
containing sweets, an inquest has heard.
The 25-year-old mother of two was found dead in April in the spare bedroom
of her home in Kent, with her 11-month old son Phaedra, close by in another
Having successfully ... more »
Bob Geldof and African Depopulation
African Depopulation - The True Reason for Bob Geldof's Knighthood from Spike
EP on Vimeo.
Ethiopian charity scam. Millions of dollars in Western aid for victims of
the Ethiopian famine of 1984-85 was siphoned off by rebels to buy weapons,
a BBC investigation finds. Former rebel leaders told the BBC that they
posed as merchants in meetings with charity workers to get aid money. They
used the cash to fund attempts to overthrow the government of the time. One
rebel leader estimated $95m (£63m) - from Western governments and charities
including Band Aid - was channelled into the rebe... more »
The US is further ramping up its involvement in the Levant as the Islamic
State threat grows. On Tuesday, the Obama administration revealed it will
conduct surveillance flights over Syria to monitor the radical jihadists
that have taken control of large portions of the country. Longtime foes,
the US and Syria both announced they are not working together on the
operation, and Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem warned that while
surveillance is acceptable, unilateral strikes will be viewed as acts of
aggression. Matt Southworth of the Friends Committee on National
Legislation speaks ... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( August 27 , 2014 ) - Mission Sprint underway ----From R2P of Yazidi( until finding there weren't thousands trapped on a mountain ) , to bombing areas around Erbil and Mosul Dam ( to protect Embassy in Erbil and retake Mosul Dam ) , potential creep to bombiing in Anbar and plotting to bomb in Syria --- US Surveillance Flights A Step Toward Expanding War Into Syria Pretext for Strike Remains Unclear......
Anti War.....
US Surveillance Flights A Step Toward Expanding War Into SyriaPretext for
Strike Remains Unclear
by Jason Ditz, August 26, 2014
Print This | Share This
Officials confirmed the move toward surveillance flights over ISIS targets
in Syria, leaving somewhat open the question of when the US is going to
start launching airstrikes against targets inside Syria, expanding the Iraq
War across the border.
Yet it’s not really a question of if, but when, as the surveillance flights
are clearly the first step toward such attacks. The primary question is how
to start launching such at... more »
How Not to Write About Rotherham
Sexual violence against women and girls comes in all skin colours, all
languages, all forms of religious belief. One would hope its tacit
acceptance by institutions laying claim to the protection of the most
vulnerable lies in the distant past. But the report into the institutional
silence, if not *silencing* of the victims of a Pakistani-descent
paedophile gang shows this appalling abuse is not part of our uncomfortable
yesterdays. It's contemporary, it's here, and lives are still being broken
by sexual predators who rape children with seeming impunity.
Evidently, a lot of serious... more »
Amazon Gets All Twitchy

We have long argued about the logic of joining up the media dots. Some see
this as merging the technology and using one technology architecture to
deliver all services. Others see the services as remaining separate and
simply offering a ‘one stop’ consumer umbrella, which collectively makes it
difficult to compete with.
This week Amazon has acquired games streaming service Twitchfor a cool $1
billion ($973 million). Twitch claims to be the fourth largest generator of
peak load Internet traffic, which is greater than Hulu, Facebook and
Amazon. According to Twitch it has quickly b... more »
Leveraging Laureen: Part 2
So, how's that "leveraging Laureen" strategy going for the heartless,
soulless CONservative government of Canada?
Judging from this piece from APTN (video), not well.
Herr Harper made his annual pilgrimage to the North, taking the First Cat
Lady with him, and while he declined to answer any questions atall atall,
Laureen deigned to answer a question about hungry children in the North
with a word salad on corporate wonderfulness.
Really, watch the video at the APTN link, and more importantly, listen to
the tone of it.
Wouldn't it be grand if other media outlets turned a similar crit... more »
Pentagon's top-secret hypersonic weapon explodes in mystery Alaska fireball: Flaming missile that can hit anywhere on Earth in an hour lights up the sky

Kodiak photographer Scott Wight watched the launch from Cape Greville in
Weapon able to travel at speeds of up to 3,500mph and strike anywhere on
Earth in hours
*Me thinks it can't strike anywhere if some force keeps it from leaving the
launch pad...just sayin'.... *
*Pentagon's top-secret hypersonic weapon explodes in mystery Alaska
fireball: Flaming missile that can hit anywhere on Earth in an hour lights
up the sky*
*Rocket carrying an experimental Army strike weapon exploded early Monday
after taking off from a launch pad in Alaska*
Kodiak photographer Scott Wigh... more »
Ebola - The Military Connection (The New African, No. 339, December 17, 1996)
Ebola - The Military Connection (The New African, No. 339, December 17,
1996) from Spike EP on Vimeo.
This segment sets forth information indicating that the deadly Ebola virus
that has emerged in Africa may be a man-made virus that was developed in
Western biological warfare programs. Relying on information presented in a
German television documentary and accessed in a magazine called The New
African, the broadcast notes that the epidemiology of the disease makes
little sense and that the institutions dealing with the disease are
intimately connected to Western BW institutions. A... more »
The Future of British Defence

[image: HMS Diamond]The 2010 British Strategic Security and Defence Review
(SDSR) begun with an unambiguous statement of intent; ‘Our country has
always had global responsibilities and global ambitions.
We have a proud history of standing up for the values we believe in and we
should have no less ambition for our country in the decades to come’. It
then goes on to outline how this might be achieved.
Britain must be ‘more thoughtful, more strategic and more coordinated in
the way we advance our interests and protect our national security’. But
since 2010 the record has not reflecte... more »
StarWhackers Inc. - Dirk Benedict
StarWhackers Inc. - Dirk Benedict of The A-Team Describes Having Lunch with
a StarWhacker
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Dirk Benedict (born March 1, 1945) is an American movie, television and
stage actor who played the characters Lieutenant Templeton "Faceman" Peck
in The A-Team television series and Lieutenant Starbuck in the original
Battlestar Galactica film and television series. He is the author of
Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy.
"Female terrorist does not regret murder of 15 civilians" including 8 children
Partners in peace? Love life as much as Jews and Christians?
For The Earth Suffers - by M.N. Hopkins

*For the Earth suffers as do all life forms on Earth. Balance must be
regained. More of the Heavenly knowledge and wisdom must be filtered
through your learning systems so that a renewal of energy occurs. *
*The ancients still had this knowledge of how to bridge the gap between
life and death or Heaven and Earth. The old ones could open a hole in the
veil that separates the worlds and gain useful information or knowledge
that would benefit the many. *
*This information was freely shared and expected from the others in the
tribe or clan or whatever name you have given these s... more »
Cristobal, Marie on animated global wind map
Finally, one may see some exciting realtime pictures on the global wind map
(click here to get the interactive app; TRF instructions are available,
Yes, the hurricane approaching the Bermudas (East of Florida) is called
Cristobal. The Pacific hurricane West of California is called Marie.
By clicking around, I was only able to find a spot with 83 km/h in
Cristobal while the same number I achieved inside Marie after a minute was
91 km/h. Marie is a stronger, more destructive hurricane because she is
Look how boring the hurricanes look on the U.S. National Hurric... more »
Who Is To Blame For The Rise Of The Islamic State?

Screenshot from Islamic State video
*How The US, Its Allies, And Its Enemies All Made ISIS Possible -- Zack
Beauchamp, VOX*
Who is to blame for the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)? The
group's stunning military advances in Iraq and Syria have, together, built
the most important safe haven for Islamic extremists since Taliban-held
Afghanistan, and possibly ever. So it is important to understand where ISIS
came from — and how it got so strong.
The truth, as usual, isn't simple. No one person or group can be blamed for
ISIS's rise. The Iraqi and Syrian governments play... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Listen

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Chaos Is....A Quote from Jose Saramago

*“Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered”*
Jose Saramago
About this author
*José de Sousa Saramago* (pronounced [ʒuˈzɛ sɐɾɐˈmagu]) is a Nobel-laureate
Portuguese novelist, playwright and journalist. He was a member of the
Portuguese Communist Party.
His works, some of which can be seen as allegories, commonly present
subversive perspectives on historic events, emphasizing the human factor
rather than the officially sanctioned story. Saramago was awarded the Nobel
Prize for literature in 1998. He founded the National Front for the Defense
of Culture (Li... more »
Test missile fired at QF-16
On a dry, clear summer morning, Michael Macwilliam readied the QF-16 aerial
target for its first live fire test.
Macwilliam is no stranger to the F-16. “I flew F-16s my whole career, since
1985,” said Macwilliam. He now works for Boeing on the QF-16 program, which
modified six F-16s to fly unmanned as aerial targets.
Macwilliam is responsible for getting the jet ready to fly unmanned, and
this time ground-to-air missiles were fired at the jet.
Read more
Picture Of The Day
Air Force Capts. Andrew Glowa, left, and William Piepenbring launch flares
from two A-10C Thunderbolt IIs, Aug. 18, 2014, over southern Georgia. The
pilots are with the 74th Fighter Squadron, Moody Air Force Base, Ga. U.S.
Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Jamal D. Sutter
China unveils most advanced drone at 2014 Peace Mission drill
China's military drones participated in the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) anti-terror drills in Inner Mongolia for the first time
on Tuesday.
Participating in the live fire drills, the drone, who's model was
unidentified, shot off several missiles during the rehearsal, said Shen
Jinke, spokesman of China Air force.
"The drone, tasked with surveillance, reconnaissance and ground attacks,
will play a vital role in fighting against terrorism," he said.
Read more
Russia to upgrade radar in Kazakhstan involved in testing Moscow’s missile defense
Neman-P radar
Russia is upgrading the experimental radar Neman-P, located in Kazakhstan
at the Sary-Shagan test site, which is part of the Kapustin Yar proving
The work is to be completed by 2016, Defense Ministry’s strategic missile
force spokesman, Major Dmitry Andreyev, has told ITAR-TASS.
“The Neman radar was used to monitor the air space situation and confirm
flight parameters of target missiles in testing the missile defencse system
A-135,” Andreyev recalled.
Read more
'I was scared of being called a racist.'
Time after time in the coverage of the Rotherham sex abuse cases I've heard
people say that they or others had been put off investigating these claims
because of fear of being called a racist.
That's what the politically correct forces in this country have done.
They've made people scared to defend innocent young girls from paedophile
gangs because to be branded a racist is considered the worst thing that
could happen.
So too few people were brave enough to point out that most of the victims
were white or of mixed race, while all too often the perpetrators came from
Britain's P... more »
Turkey delays missile defense decision until end of year

[image: FD2000 (HQ-9)]The Defense Industry Undersecretariat announced that
the tender process for the Long-Range Missile Defense System Project, one
of the biggest projects of the defense industry, which Chinese, American
and Italian-French companies have entered, has been postponed for the third
time to Dec. 31.
According to information compiled by an Anadolu Agency (AA) correspondent,
the project carried out in order to ensure air defense at low/middle/high
altitudes and at long-ranges, was initiated with the decision of Defense
Industry Executive Board (SSİK) chaired by Prime Mi... more »
China Will Sell HJ-12 Missiles That Can Destroy America’s Best Tanks
The Chinese regime is putting the finishing touches on its new HJ-12
anti-tank missiles. Its soldiers will be toting around the new weapons,
which can destroy modern third-generation tanks, and China is also planning
to sell the portable missile systems.
The HJ-12 is an anti-tank weapon. It’s able to target tanks close to 2.5
miles away, according to China Daily, the English edition of China’s
state-owned People’s Daily.
China’s previous-generation anti-tank weapons have shown up in the hands of
rebel groups around the world, including with ISIS. The video shows Islamic
combatants... more »
'Condom to fuck more advertising of all times' According to the Portuguese to English translation anyway!
Devon warship seizes £21 million cocaine after boat pursuit

[image: HMS Argyll]A Devon-based Royal Navy warship has seized nearly 600
kilos of cocaine with a UK street value of £21million after a 12-hour
pursuit across the Caribbean.
After receiving information that a suspicious-looking vessel had been
spotted by a maritime patrol aircraft, Plymouth-based HMS Argyll, which is
on counter-narcotic operations in the region, deployed to intercept it.
Once she closed on the boat, the ship launched her onboard Lynx helicopter
to confirm it was acting in a way typical of drug smugglers, before sending
her sea boats across to capture the crew and co... more »
Working Towards F-22s for the Canadian Air Force

[image: F-22 Raptor]As a longtime advocate for Canada’s acquisition of the
F-22 Raptor, I fine it disappointing to see little real progress being made
towards a more mature view of Canada’s national defense policies.
Indeed, we appear to going backwards, thereby making the acquisition of
truly world-class military hardware even further away than it was back in
2011 when hopes were high soon after the Conservative Party took office
with a majority government. One fears the influence of too many
libertarians, and not enough conservatives, in the current right-of-center
political mili... more »
Chopper Scam: Italian Firm Barred from Future Defence Contracts, But Will Continue Current Deals

[image: Future INS Vikrant]India will continue to buy weapon systems and
hardware from Italian defence equipment firm Finmeccannica, which, along
with its subsidiaries, has been accused of paying huge kickbacks to clinch
a Rs. 3650-crore defence deal to supply VVIP helicopters.
But the defence ministry has clarified that Finmeccannica won't be
considered for any new projects or acquisitions.
The 12 helicopters, meant to ferry VVIPs like the Prime Minister and the
President, were made by Britain-based company AugustaWestland, a subsidiary
of Finmeccannica. India had put on hold all p... more »
Walter Cronkite - Conspiracy Theorist

*"Before I begin, I say to you that security is an indispensable pillar of
human life and that free men do not forfeit their security, contrary to
Bush's claim that we hate freedom.*
*If so, then let him explain to us why we don't strike for example -
Sweden? "*
M̶i̶c̶h̶a̶e̶l̶ ̶M̶o̶o̶r̶e̶
"Usama Bin Laden",
October 2004
*CRONKITE, on October Surprise 2004: *
*"So now the question is basically, right now, how will this affect the
election? And I have a feeling that it could tilt the election a bit. *
*In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political
manager a... more »
Minister chides public, calls “barefoot scientist’” achievements modest

[image: Truong Sa SSM]While the public and the media have showered praise
on “barefoot scientists”, or farmers who have made new machinery, the
Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Quan has called their
achievements “modest”, and chided the public and media for describing them
as “inventions”.
Not all of these inventors are farmers; some are businesspeople. For
example, a story about the first made-in-Vietnam combatant submarine
appeared in local newspapers four months ago.
Phan Boi Tran, a composite material engineer, is the inventor of the Yet
Kieu 1 mini submarine. It runs o... more »
Arun Jaitley to review Scorpene submarine project in Mumbai today

[image: Scorpene class SSK]Defence Minister Arun Jaitley will on Monday
review Scorpene submarine project here.
The six Scorpenes are being constructed at the Mazagon Dockyards Limited
(MDL) in Mumbai under Project-75 under technology transfer from French firm
The first of the six Scorpene submarines ordered by the Indian Navy from
DCNS in 2005, as part of the technology transfer between the two countries,
will be rolled out by 2014.
Read more
Russia Playing Politics With Alleged Submarine Confrontations
[image: Virginia class SSN]Confrontations—and alleged
confrontations—between the Russian armed forces and those of the United
States, Europe and Japan have been on the uptick in recent weeks. The
encounters have paced a general decline in relations between Russia and the
West over events in the Ukraine.
This month Russian media have reported two alleged anti-submarine warfare
operations undertaken against American and Japanese submarines. The
confrontations are reminiscent of similar events during the Cold War, in
which submarines of the Soviet Union, the United States and her allie... more »
Japanese submarine experts visit Adelaide, sparking fears for shipbuilding future

[image: Soryu class SSK]The South Australian Government wants an
explanation from Canberra about the visit of Japanese submarine experts to
The group toured shipbuilding company ASC's base in Osborne yesterday,
heightening fears the Federal Government may build the next generation of
submarines overseas.
South Australian Defence Industries Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith said he
knew nothing of the trip.
Read more
Is The U.S. Entering An Age Of Small And 'Dirty' Wars?
U.S. Marines Corps Cpl. David Calle, left, Cpl. Kevin Midgley, center, and
1st Lt. Patrick Ford, right, observe surrounding compounds during a
security patrol in Nad Ali district in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Aug.
11, 2014. Patrols are conducted to disrupt enemy operations against the
Bastion-Leatherneck Complex. Ford is the platoon commander, Midgley is a
machine gunner and Calle is a vehicle commander assigned to Bravo Company,
1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. John A.
Martinez Jr.
*US Entering New Era Of Dirty Wars? -- Russell Crandall, Amer... more »
Reforming Drug, Alcohol Offenders: 2 Promising Programs
Essentially this is managed parole which engages the offender rapidly
with a clear set of rules and penalties that are stiff enough to encourage
compliance and quick enough that there is no desire to engage the whole
legal system itself. The sentence is active and not simply forgotten and
parked somewhere.Better folks are responding well to the program and that
alone suggests that this needs to become universal. It will not solve all
problems but it could well resolve the majority of the cases and that is
huge At some point the war on drugs will end and the statistics will
subs... more »
North Korea Building Missile Submarine

[image: Kim Jong Un]U.S. intelligence agencies believe North Korea is
building a submarine capable of launching ballistic missiles, potentially
increasing the threat posed by the nuclear-armed rogue state.
A missile launch tube on a North Korean submarine was observed recently by
U.S. intelligence agencies and is raising new concerns about the missile
and nuclear threat from the communist regime in Pyongyang, according to two
defense officials familiar with reports of the development.
Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment on the North
Korean missile submarine ... more »
*We're running out of food!*
*So says the gullible Justin Gillis of the NYT -- completely ignoring all
the facts. Take for instance the current situation in icy Canada: “In
Western Canada, we’re moving from a huge glut of wheat to still a pretty
big carry-over, but by no means the kind of over-supply we had in the last
year. And in 2013: “Canola - Nationally, canola production increased 29.5%
from 2012 to a record 18.0 million tonnes; “Wheat: Farmers reported record
wheat production of 37.5 million tonnes, a 38.0% increase from 2012.". The
only crop not a record in 2013 was Ba... more »
The U.S. Military Celebrates National Dog Day

Today the #DoD celebrates the courage of canines and thanks them for
serving beside our troops #NationalDogDay
— U.S. Dept of Defense (@DeptofDefense) August 26, 2014
*National Dog Day Turns Into Military Canine Lovefest On Twitter --
Washington Post*
Perhaps you’ve heard that today is National Dog Day. According to the
website devoted to the occasion, it was founded in 2004 to honor dogs for
“their endearing patience, unquestioning loyalty, for their work protecting
our streets, homes and families.”
The holiday sparked the hash tag #NationalDogDay, in ... more »
That's what happens when earth fu*ks with space..."

*"Jimi Hendrix was given a tab of acid just before his show at Madison
Square Garden where he was playing with Buddy Miles and Bill Cox. *
*The audience, as well as Hendrix, were completely freaked out by his
irrational behavior. *
*The result was that Hendrix was discredited."*
- Mae Brussell,
Helter Skelter, Gimme Shelter
"The aborted 1/70 BOG show at MSG is one if the strangest chapters in Jimi
history. Exactly what went down is shrouded in mystery. All we know for
certain is Jimi's condition was dubious and after two songs he refused to
continue closing the BOG.
Buddy Mil... more »
The Growing U.S. - China Submarine Rivalry

Photo: Via
*U.S.-China Rivalry Simmers Underseas -- Wall Street Journal*
Pentagon Concerned About Beijing's Expanded Submarine Forces
SHANGHAI—A close midair encounter between U.S. and Chinese military planes
last week reflected long-running tensions in the skies—a rivalry that is
building under the waters below, as well.
The Defense Department didn't explain the mission for the U.S. Navy P-8
aircraft—a plane designed to track submarines—that was intercepted by a
Chinese J-11 fighter over the South China Sea to the east of China's Hainan
Island on Aug. 19. U.S. off... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Through My Eyes (Nebulae)”
Liquid Mind, “Through My Eyes (Nebulae)”
U.S. And Chinese Military Officials Meet To Discuss Rules Of Behavior After Last Weeks Jet Intercept

A Chinese J-11 fighter jet is seen flying near a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon
about 215 km (135 miles) east of China's Hainan Island in this U.S.
Department of Defense handout photo taken August 19, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/U.S. Navy/Handout
*U.S., Chinese Officials To Meet At Pentagon After Jet Intercept -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - U.S. and Chinese military officials will hold talks on rules of
behavior at the Pentagon on Tuesday and Wednesday, a U.S. official said,
days after the United States denounced a "dangerous" Chinese jet intercept
of a U.S. Navy patrol plane.
Last Tuesday, a Chinese ... more »
Rickie Lee Jones Helped Alan Grayson Win His Primary Today
Rickie Lee Jones has been working on her next album in New Orleans. Over
the weekend she took some time off to travel to Orlando to help Alan
Grayson turn out the vote for today's primary-- which he won with 75% of
the vote. At a musical event in downtown Orlando, Grayson introduced her to
his supporters and staff by reading the lyrics to one of his favorite songs
from *The Evening of my Best Day*, her 2003 album. The song (below), "Ugly
Man" questions what George W. Bush was doing to America and it was not a
sentiment most artists were brave enough to express… at least not for
an... more »
Northrop Grumman Unveils The XS-1 Military Space Plane

Artist's concept of the space plane being designed by Northrop Grumman,
with help from Scaled Composites and Virgin Galactic, for DARPA's XS-1
program.Northrop Grumman
*Northrop Grumman Unveils Concept For XS-1 Military Space Plane -- FOX
The world is starting to get a better idea of what the U.S. military's
proposed new space plane might look like.
Last week, aerospace firm Northrop Grumman released artwork depicting its
conception of the XS-1 space plane, which it's designing under a $3.9
million contract from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(... more »
"Being Human: A Personal Credo"
"Being Human: A Personal Credo"
by John Robbins
"There is so much pain and death in our times. This is not an easy time to
be a person of conscience and feeling. It can be terribly hard today to
stay in touch with your deep soul. It can seem all but impossible to keep
your love alive. The world has a way of blowing relentless hurricane winds
at our little flickering candles of faith.
This is what I have to say at this time in history. I stand here in the
face of the anguish of our time, and I affirm that it is possible to see it
all, to gaze fully into the abyss, and yet not becom... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Here is one of the largest objects that anyone will ever see on the sky.
Each of these fuzzy blobs is a galaxy, together making up the Perseus
Cluster, one of the closest clusters of galaxies. The cluster is seen
through a foreground of faint stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy.
*Click image for larger size.*
Near the cluster center, roughly 250 million light-years away, is the
cluster's dominant galaxy NGC 1275, seen above as a large galaxy on the
image left. A prodigious source of x-rays and radio emission, NGC 1275
accretes matter as gas and galaxies fall into it. The Perseus Clus... more »
The Arab Gulf Alliance Is On The Verge Of Breaking Up And Threatening Some Of The World's Largest Oil Fields

*Fractures In Arab Gulf Alliance A Greater Threat To Oil Security Than
Islamic State -- Andrew Critchlow, The Telegraph*
*Break up of the Gulf Co-operation Council could threaten world's largest
oil fields as Saudi Arabia and Qatar lock horns over alleged support for
In 1981 six Arab monarchies, which today control about a fifth of the
world’s oil supply, formed the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC).
As the war between Iraq and Iran intensified, the Sunni Arab sheikhdoms of
the Gulf peninsula - Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates (UAE),
Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar - ... more »
"Where They Went..."
"If there are no dogs in Heaven,
then when I die I want to go where they went."
- Will Rogers
"How Could You? A Dog's Story"
*"How Could You? A Dog's Story"*
by Jim Willis
"When I was a puppy I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh.
You called me your child and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple
of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad,"
you'd shake your finger at me and ask "How could you?" - but then you'd
relent and roll me over for a bellyrub.
My housetraining took a little longer than expected, because you were
terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of
nuzzling you in bed, listening to your confidences and secre... more »
The Poet: David Wagoner, "Getting There"
* "Getting There"*
"You take a final step and, look, suddenly
You're there. You've arrived
At the one place all your drudgery was aimed for:
This common ground
Where you stretch out, pressing your cheek to sandstone.
What did you want to be?
You'll remember soon.
You feel like tinder under a burning glass,
A luminous point of change.
The sky is pulsing against the cracked horizon,
Holding it firm till the arrival of stars
In time with your heartbeats.
Like wind etching rock, you've made a lasting impression
On the self you were,
By having come all this way through all this welter
Unde... more »
Chet Raymo, "That Cottage of Darkness"
*"That Cottage of Darkness"*
by Chet Raymo
"Theresa asked those of us who count ourselves agnostic to comment on
Julian Barnes' new book "Nothing To Be Frightened Of," reviewed by Garrison
Keillor in the New York Times Book Review. Barnes, a professed agnostic,
writes about his obsessive preoccupation with death at age sixty-two.
Apparently (according to Keillor) it is a rather gloomy book, redeemed by
affectionate family reminiscences. Since I have not read the book, I cannot
comment on it, but I think what Theresa wants from us is testimony as to
how agnostics deal with the prosp... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Grays, Thurrock, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
"You Ever Wonder?"
“Centuries ago, sailors on long voyages used to leave a pair of pigs on
every deserted island. Or they'd leave a pair of goats. Either way, on any
future visit, the island would be a source of meat. These islands, they
were pristine. These were home to breeds of birds with no natural
predators. Breeds of birds that lived nowhere else on earth. The plants
there, without enemies, they evolved without thorns or poisons. Without
predators and enemies, these islands, they were paradise. The sailors, the
next time they visited these islands, the only things still there would be
herds of ... more »
Paulo Coelho, “What’s The Price?”
*“What’s The Price?”*
by Paulo Coelho
“Is the price of living a dream much higher than the price of living
without daring to dream?” asked the disciple. The master took him to a
clothes store. There, he asked him to try on a suit in exactly his size.
The disciple obeyed, and was very amazed at the quality of the clothes.
Then the master asked him to try on the same suit – but this time a size
much bigger than his own. The disciple did as he was asked. “This one is no
use. It’s too big.” “How much are these suits?” the master asked the shop
attendant. “They both cost the same price.... more »
Moffat Acredits the Memes - Did Anyone Notice the Floor...?

Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry discusses the symbol of the the mosaic
*“The mosaic pavement in an old symbol of the Order. It is met with in the
earliest rituals of the last century. It is classed among the ornaments of
the lodge along with the indented tessel and the blazing star. Its
party-colored stones of black and white have been readily and appropriately
interpreted as symbols of the evil and good of human life.”*
*!kcoR s'teL*
*.mooR gnitiaW eht si sihT*
There's also BIG overtones there, commenting on the fact that very soon,
the Doctor essenti... more »
U.S. Enlisting The Help of Allies To Widen The War Against The Islamic State
*U.S. Mobilizes Allies To Widen Assault On ISIS -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — The United States has begun to mobilize a broad coalition of
allies behind potential American military action in Syria and is moving
toward expanded airstrikes in northern Iraq, administration officials said
on Tuesday.
President Obama, the officials said, was broadening his campaign against
the Sunni militants of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and nearing a
decision to authorize airstrikes and airdrops of food and water around the
northern Iraqi town of Amerli, home to members of Iraq’s Turkmen m... more »
[Videos] Unintended consequences from US foreign policy threatening Iraq turmoil + Importance of Mosul Dam for Iraq's economy
*Unintended consequences from US foreign policy threatening Iraq turmoil.
Source: CCTV America. Date Published: August 26, 2014. Description:*
When looking at what's happening in the current turmoil in Iraq, U.S.
foreign policies play an important role.For more on this topic of
unintended consequences of how they might play in the U.S.' current mission
in Iraq and what we can learn from previous conflicts, here is an interview
with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, the senior fellow at the Foundation for
Defense of Democracies.
*Importance of Mosul Dam for Iraq's economy. Source: CCTV Am... more »
7 Nations Have Agreed To Arm The Kurds Against The Islamic State
*US: 7 European States To Arm Kurds In Iraq -- Voice of America*
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says seven European governments have
agreed to join the United States in supplying weaponry to Kurdish forces
battling Islamic State extremists in northern Iraq.
A Pentagon statement Tuesday said Britain, Canada, Albania and Croatia will
join Denmark, Italy and France in providing "urgently needed" arms and
equipment to the Kurds.
Islamic State jihadists overran large areas of northern and western Iraq in
June. Earlier this month, they pushed Kurdish forces back toward their
region... more »
Bob Geldof: My Children Think I'm a Tiresome Loser

*[And so sometimes, I have them killed...]*
Justin Burglar will not do time
How appropriate that the misguide UTE who
wandered into Justin's kitchen
will not be cooking
in the big house
In fact he got a carte blanche
for being a UTE and
under the influence
Which is the way everything used to be
a crime was something
that hurt somebody
not just wandering around
getting high
making a sensible mistake
in that state
There was nothing wrong with that world
making little events crimes
moves us one step closer
to the all seeing mind
Proof That People Are Reversing ALS, Lou Gehrig's

Steve Shackel, diagnosed 1994 Heather Callaghan
I mentioned the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in a recent article highlighting
the social guiding that came with all the "disease awareness" we've been
involuntarily immersed in via the media in the last few weeks. ALS meaning
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s
Disease,” meaning in short, a progressive neurodegenerative disease. Those
challenged during the campaign were compelled to dump a bucket of ice water
on their heads while video recording and challenging three more people to
do the same, or el... more »
A Summary On Today's Talks Between Russian President Putin And Ukrainian President Poroshenko
*Vladimir Putin And Petro Poroshenko In Late Night Talks Agree On Need To
End Bloodshed -- The Telegraph*
Presidents of Russia and Ukraine appear divided over interpretation of
negotiation outcome
Ukraine's president said Wednesday that Vladimir Putin accepts the
principles of a peace plan for Ukraine but the Russian leader insisted that
only Kiev can reach a ceasefire deal with the pro-Moscow separatists.
Following meetings between Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
that included a one-on-one session that stretched into the night, there was
no indication of a quick ... more »
Mercedes Lynn de Uriarte : Ferguson: Living through the replay
We seem repeatedly surprised by the anger generated by educational
inequity, vanished jobs, income disparities, lost affordable housing, and
racial and ethnic profiling. By Mercedes Lynn de Uriarte | The Rag Blog |
August 26, 2014 Like many other Americans, … finish reading Mercedes Lynn
de Uriarte :
Ferguson: Living through the replay
US Launches Surveillance Flights Over Syria: ISIS Eliminates Syrian Air Defenses

Brandon Turbeville
Right on schedule and as many researchers, including myself, predicted, the
Western-backed and engineered rise of ISIS across Iraq and the most likely
staged Foley beheading video is now being used as justification for the
violation of Syrian airspace, itself only the precursor to “targeted
airstrikes” inside Syria.
According to the New York Times, the Obama administration authorized
surveillance flights over Syrian airspace over the weekend. Defense
officials stated Monday evening that the US military is sending both manned
and unmanned (drones) surveillance ... more »
MH17 Fully Exposed! You Won't Believe the Shocking Truth
*James Corbett*
When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down on July 17, 2014, we were
immediately inundated with base propaganda trying to convince us that the
shootdown could be traced back to the Kremlin. But what was this rush to
judgement based on? What have we learned about the crash since then? Why
has MH17 completely disappeared from the news cycle? And who really stood
to benefit from the disaster? Find out the answers to these questions and
more in this week's edition of The Corbett Report.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Subscri... more »
In an extraordinary and surprising move, Netanyahu has all but unilaterally
agreed to a ceasefire in his war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza
Strip. By ‘unilateral’ I mean without the support of the extreme right–wing
of his cabinet including Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman,
Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett, Minister of Internal Security
Yitzhak Aharonovich and Minister of Communications Gilad Erdan; all of whom
were intent on destroying Hamas completely and fully occupying the Gaza
Strip permanently and ultimately annexing the territory to Israel.
Hamas... more »
“Why We Don’t Remember: The Gift of this Journey’
*“Why We Don’t Remember: The Gift of this Journey’*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“There is a gift in not remember who we are when we are born into this
lifetime; the gift is the journey. Many of us wonder why we do not remember
who we were before we were born. We wonder what it was like to be a soul
without a body and what it will be like to be one again. Many of us have a
strange sense that we do remember, as if we did experience a bodiless
existence, but we can’t quite recall the details. We may remember feeling
as if we were flying, or as if we were just incredibly light and
u... more »
QUOTE OF THE DAY: On the political and social rights of Palestinians
“Many Arabs don’t know that the life expectancy of the Palestinians living
in Israel is far longer
than many Arab states and they
*enjoy far better political and social freedom than many of their Arab
brothers*. Even the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in the
West Bank
and Gaza Strip enjoy more political and social rights than some places in
the Arab World.”
- Abdulateef Al-Mulhim, retired Royal Saudi Navy Commodore,
writing a couple of years ago in Arab News, and quoted this morning on
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permis... more »
American Killed In Syria Fighting For ISIS
*American Fighting for ISIS Is Killed in Syria -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — Like many teenage boys who grew up in the Midwest in the
1990s, Douglas McAuthur McCain was a fan of Michael Jordan and the Chicago
Bulls and played basketball himself as he shuttled between two high schools
in suburban Minneapolis.
It was a rootless existence, and in the next 10 years, he was arrested or
received citations eight times on charges including theft, marijuana
possession and driving without a license.
Mr. McCain moved back and forth from Minneapolis to San Diego and then
abroad, where reco... more »
Michael Jackson and the AIDS Question
*Was Michael Jackson stricken by falsified Child Molestation charges
because he wanted to put hundreds of millions of dollars (not via NIH) into
searching for a cure to AIDS..?*
*In 1992, Michael Jackson was single biggest thing on the face of planet
Earth, following his split from Quincey Jones...*
*Then the whole world fell apart...*
* "The only reason **[my emphasis] **I am going on tour is to raise funds
for the newly formed Heal the World Foundation, an international children's
charity, that I am spearheading to assist children and the ecology. *
*My goal is to gross $100 m... more »
Special Report: Ferguson Police Profiling of Blacks a Major Funding Source for City Budget
*The Real News*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Feds creating database to track hate speech on Twitter

*Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies*
The federal government is spending nearly $1 million to create an online
database that will track “misinformation” and hate speech on Twitter. Those
behind the grant say: “This service could mitigate the diffusion of false
and misleading ideas, detect hate speech and subversive propaganda, and *assist
in the preservation of open debate*.”
*George Orwell was right all along. #doublespeak*
This caged bird will be told what to sing.
The National Science Foundation is financing the creation of a web service
that will ... more »
Little Countries in big Need
We should all be Finland
long before NATO
and the Soviet Union
they lived with Russia
and it was not
a place to be
Yet Finland has prospered
and how many youth
on both sides have not died
was any ideliogical statement
worth more than that/
touching the nutters forge ting the future
A camel wealth of stupidity
has carried humanity
to this dessert
we now inhabit
Do we want dry or wet
or do with think we
can have any play
in the weather game
as it comes more and more
to stay
I just have to say
formally one more time
Stephen Harper
is not on step out of time
he is a whole footrace
from dealing
with the twenty first century
weather crime
If you fuel his race
sure I will want you
to wallow in his
dry bed or flooded plain
of disgrace
But that would be a waste of time
and another wasted opportunity to fight
on the taxpayer dime
We need to pull together left and ... more »
The Experts Are Split On What Should Be The Long-Term Role For The U.S. In Afghanistan

U.S. troops assess damage to an armored vehicle in a NATO-led international
security force in Afghanistan's Jalalabad province, Aug. 24, 2014.
*Pundits Split Over Long-Term US Role in Afghanistan -- Voice of America*
While auditors rush to finish reviewing ballots in Afghanistan’s disputed
June 14 presidential runoff election before incumbent Hamid Karzai leaves
office, some American foreign policy experts are looking beyond the
political standoff to a deadline that will end U.S. military involvement in
the war-torn country.
That, they say, could further complicate Afghanistan’s s... more »
Shades of Grey - Sir Edward Grey Turned Sarajevo Crisis Into War

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
Printed in The American Almanac, March, 1995
Even after decades of British geopolitical machinations, it still required
all of Sir Edward Grey’s perfidy and cunning to detonate the greatest
conflagration in world history by exploiting the diplomatic crisis
surrounding the assassination of the Austrian heir apparent Archduke Franz
Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
Sir Edward Grey had learned an important lesson in the Moroccan crisis of
1911, when Germany sent the warship {Panther} to Agadir to secure German
interests there, which were in c... more »
Iron Man Wags the Dog

From *The Times* in London:
A film purporting to show the beheading of James Foley was probably staged,
according to a forensic science company, which suggests the American
journalist's execution may have been carried out off-camera... The analysis
suggested that the militant, who speaks with a London accent and is believed
to be British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, may have been a frontman for
the execution, and not necessarily the killer.
Seriously? As if it's not confusing enough being told al Qaeda and ISIS
itself doesn't actually exist (which would, you know, compl... more »
Kan slams TEPCO over request to "withdraw" from crippled plant
August 26, 2014 by Melanie
Another piece of the March 2011 puzzle:
” An official of Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s nuclear power division wept at
the prime minister’s office in Tokyo as the utility felt it had exhausted
all options to prevent the worst from happening at the crisis-hit Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011.
“I’m sorry. We’ve tried many things, but we are in a situation beyond our
control,” Susumu Kawamata, the 54-year-old head of the Nuclear... more »
Afghan Presidential Candidate Abdullah Threatens To Withdraw From Presidential Vote Audit

Afghanistan's presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah (L) addresses a news
conference with rival Ashraf Ghani (R) at this side as they announced a
deal for the auditing of all Afghan election votes at the United Nations
Compound in Kabul, late July 12, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Jim Bourg/Files
*Abdullah Threatens To Pull Out Of Afghan Presidential Vote Audit -- Voice
of America*
Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah has threatened to pull out
of the U.N.-supervised auditing process of June's disputed runoff election,
further complicating efforts to resolve the standoff.
A s... more »
Let's listen to madcap prankster Oliver Wendell Holmes sing the praises of "more complex and intense intellectual efforts"

*You said a mouthful, Ollie!* *Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841-1935) served
for 29 years (December 1902-January 1932) on the bench of the U.S. Supreme
*"When Robert Moses received a copy of Death and Life from the publisher he
replied, 'Dear Bennett [Cerf]: I am returning the book that you sent me.
Aside from the fact that it is intemperate it is also libelous. . . .Sell
this junk to someone else.*
*Cordially, Robert Moses' "*
*-- the conclusion of Jason Epstein's Introductionto the 50th Anniversary
Edition of Jane Jacobs'sThe Death and Life of Great American Cities*
... more »
U.S. Bail-Ins - Fed Vice Chair Fischer Says "Preparing A Proposal"
BETTER PAY ATTENTION HERE! This is hardly being talked about AT ALL . .
You do realize what a 'bail-in' is, right?
Tue, Aug 12 2014, 12:04 GMT
by Mark O'Byrne |
Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer delivered his first speech on
the U.S. and global economy in Stockholm, Sweden yesterday.
Fischer headed Israel’s central bank from 2005 through 2013 and is now
number two at the Federal Reserve in the U.S. after Janet Yellen.
In a speech entitled, The Great Recession: Moving Ahead, given at an event
sponsored by the Swedish Ministry of Finance, Fischer sa... more »
Will the Jews defend our foreskins
When ISIS occupies Canada
I fear its the Jew that will
have betrayed us
they are circumcised
for them submission
is only mental
But for real Canadian men
raised in the sheeplands
we would be losing in
many cases
an imposing flap of skin
and that has to hurt like
hell and not a wound
you would want to tend
I am all for backing up the Jews
in Israeli
but when ISIS comes for
my foreskin
will I hear their voice
or just been there
done that
my erstwhile friend
Did You Know? 1 in 6 Children Now Has a Developmental Disability in the U.S.

Melissa Melton
*Activist Post*
Something is very wrong here.
Shell Tzorfas on YouTube pointed us to this U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) paper “Trends in the Prevalence of
Developmental Disabilities in U.S. Children, 1997–2008” and what are some
pretty astonishing figures.
The joint CDC—Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) paper not
only revealed that *one in six* children across America suffered from a
developmental disability in 2006-2008, but the rate of parent-reported
developmental disabilities in their children had increased 17.1% from 1... more »
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Fires Warning Shot At Iranian Sailboat In The Persian Gulf
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Monomoy. Wikipedia
*Coast Guard Cutter Fires Warning Shot At Iranian Sailboat In Brief
Altercation -- Washington Post*
If things weren’t already tense enough in the Middle East, a U.S. Coast
Guard patrol boat got into an altercation Tuesday with an Iranian sailboat
in the Persian Gulf, the Pentagon announced.
U.S. military officials said the trouble started when the U.S. Coast Guard
Cutter Monomoy, which regularly patrols international waters in the Gulf,
approached an Iranian dhow, a traditional sailing vessel used by fisherman
and traders. According to th... more »
The Only Email System DotCon and the NSA Can’t Access
*Guest post by Hollie Slade*
When the NSA surveillance news broke last year it sent shockwaves through
CERN, the particle physics laboratory in Switzerland. Andy Yen, a PhD
student, took to the Young at CERN Facebook group with a simple message: “I
am very concerned about the privacy issue, and I was wondering what I could
do about it.”
There was a massive response, and of the 40 or so active in the discussion,
six started meeting at CERN’s Restaurant Number 1, pooling their deep
knowledge of computing and physics to found ProtonMail, a gmail-like email
system which uses end-to-e... more »
The Faculty of Public Health says rickets has returned as malnutrition rises
SOURCE BBC NEWS: Food poverty: Faculty
of Public Health issues malnutrition health warning
More people are suffering from malnutrition as a result of
worsening food poverty, experts have warned. The Faculty of Public Health said
conditions like rickets were becoming more apparent because people could not
afford quality food in their diet. Data from the Health and Social Care
Iranian General Threatens A Surprise Attack Against Israel For Sending An Israeli Drone Into Iranian Air Space

*Photo: *Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Lieutenant Commander
Brigadier General Hossein Salami. Tasnim News Agency
*Iranian General Threatens Surprise Attack on Israel -- Washington Free
*IRGC general: Iran 'will not give a diplomatic response'*
Iranian military leaders on Tuesday vowed that Tehran would take military
action against Israel in response to an alleged Israeli drone that was shot
down in Iran on Sunday.
Iran “will not give a diplomatic response,” but will air its grievances
with Israel on the “battlefield,” senior Iranian generals were quoted as
saying... more »
Bad Headlines
Yes they are very prominent every day
I have no way to measure
if it was worse yesterday
but I know WW2 was way way worse
and the threat of Nuclear Holocaust
makes ISIS
look like a one hit wonder
So do not despair my patrons
we are going to get along
for a long while
despite the noise
and the rush
of bimbos
to the camera.
ISIS recuiting explained
If your best chance at sex is with a camel you might just want to go out an
kill someone.
Horrified Wal-Mart Shoppers Watch Cops Beat the Living Crap Out of Man

With the exception of the annual Black Friday door-buster sales, Wal-Mart
stores normally aren't the venue for beatings so it was a shock to shoppers
watching police pummel a man in the middle of an aisle on Saturday. In yet
another display of escalating police violence, cops in Greenville, South
Carolina pursued a man into the friendly neighborhood Wally World over the
weekend and then after chasing him down commenced to pummel him - before
they Tasered him. The victim, who by accounts as well as in video footage appeared
to be intoxicated, was pursued into the big box store whe... more »
The Moral Case for Self-Driving Cars
*Guest post by Ronald Bailey*
Tesla, Nissan, Google, and several carmakers have declared that they will
have commercial self-driving cars on the highways before the end of this
decade. Experts at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
predict that 75% of cars will be self-driving by 2040. So far California,
Nevada, Florida, Michigan, and the District of Columbia have passed laws
explicitly legalizing self-driving vehicles, and many other states are
looking to do so.
The coming era of autonomous autos raises concerns about legal liability
and safety, but there are g... more »
The Experts Are Split On What Should Be The Long-Term Role For The U.S. In Afghanistan

U.S. troops assess damage to an armored vehicle in a NATO-led international
security force in Afghanistan's Jalalabad province, Aug. 24, 2014.
*Pundits Split Over Long-Term US Role in Afghanistan -- Voice of America*
While auditors rush to finish reviewing ballots in Afghanistan’s disputed
June 14 presidential runoff election before incumbent Hamid Karzai leaves
office, some American foreign policy experts are looking beyond the
political standoff to a deadline that will end U.S. military involvement in
the war-torn country.
That, they say, could further complicate Afghanistan’s s... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 26, 2014
*Wide Gaps Remain As Putin And Poroshenko Discuss Ukraine Crisis -- Fred
Weir, CSM*
The two presidents, feeling pressure on both sides of the Ukrainian-Russian
border, met on the sidelines of a regional summit today in Minsk.
Moscow — There was a tense handshake and a suggestion of future talks. But
Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko's one-on-one face-off across a
bargaining table in Minsk on Tuesday produced no deal to resolve the
steadily worsening situation in Ukraine.
The Minsk meeting was originally intended as a venue for the Moscow-led
Eurasian Customs Union, the European... more »
The Economy: "Print, Dupe and Transfer"
*"Print, Dupe and Transfer"*
by Bill Bonner
"Still in those lazy, not-so-hazy days of summer. August 15 marked the 43rd
anniversary of that fateful decision by the Nixon administration to end the
direct convertibility of the US dollar to gold. It came and went without
much fanfare. Nobody cares. Thanks largely to this new easy-money regime,
credit creation replaced capital accumulation as the main driver of
economic growth. Credit in the US expanded 50 times between 1964 and 2007,
far more than the economy that supports it.
Today, few people have any real money. But almost everyon... more »
Amylin - the "root cause" of diabetes?
When this story broke, I had to look up amylin in my biochemistry (Mathews,
Van Holde, Aherne 2000) and physiology (Best and Taylor, 1984) texbooks.
Neither has amylin indexed. Nor do I remember any insightful blogs about
amylin from the usual suspects recently. Flyin' blind here. Thank God for
This news story linking amylin build up to diabetes, based on new research
conducted jointly in Auckland, New Zealand and Manchester England, makes
the case reasonably clearly:
What does it mean?
Diabet... more »
"Traditional family values" ?

*Conservatives tout traditional family values in message to party members*
OTTAWA - The federal Conservatives are telling core supporters that
"traditional family values" are a party stance, a phrase that so far has
not entered the prime minister's public speeches or official Tory documents.
Well not quite and not for some time ...
"A survey was circulated Tuesday to Conservative donors and "grassroots
supporters," to "hear what issues matter to you the most."
The party's policy declaration does not use the term traditional family
values, but talks about the family unit as "essen... more »
Like John Prine my
grandpa was real carpenter
he hammered nails in things
and my Dad
copied all of his
best lines
I learned a little bit by osmosis
but it was only
after I had screwed
the blue devils
after wrestling
with concrete
and no budget
for a hammer drill.
I would have bought one
if I thought like ISIS
or if I was not qualified
to drill six holes
with my old drill
yes it goes back and forwards
and yes you can feather it still
but the stinking thing
needs an extension cord
how can any modern person
work with such
encumbering things
Making this deck has been a battle
but I have l... more »
Feeding Jews to the crocodiles

Austria’s foremost claim to fame may be that it is the birthplace of many
major classical composers, but it also happens to be a well-known snake-pit
of antisemitism.
It seems there is a Chechen problem in Austria in the shape of radicalised
Muslim immigrants, some of whom are off to Syria for a first-hand dose of
According to an analysis published by the newspaper *Der Standard*, Austria
has emerged as a central hub for jihadists seeking to fight in Syria
because Austria's geographic location provides easy access to land routes
through the Balkans.
The current president ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 26, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Putin And Poroshenko Extend 'Difficult' Ukraine Talks One-On-One --
(Reuters) - The leaders of Russia and Ukraine agreed on Tuesday on the need
to "de-escalate" the conflict in eastern Ukraine but fundamental
differences remain, the Belarussian president who hosted the talks said.
After about six hours of negotiations with their Belarussian and Kazakhstan
counterparts and top European Union officials, presidents Vladimir Putin of
Russia and Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine began a one-on-one meeting,
officials on both sides said.
The talks were aimed at defusing a separatis... more »
Venezuela proves Hayek right again
Writing in the *Road to Serfdom*, Hayek pointed out that socialism
inevitably ends up in tyranny. In his book, *Government Against the Economy*,
George Reisman outlined the process in detail.
Socialist controls creates higher costs and partial shortages, which
inspire partial price controls and/or rationing, which creates more
shortages and more controls, which creates even greater chaos in the
production and distribution of goods, which leads to more shortages and
universal controls, which leads to the seizure of production and
distribution and even greater shortages and more a... more »
Libya Updates ( August 26 , 2014 ) -- What is amazing isn't that Libya is a mess political with apparently two separate attempts to organize a Government underway presently - not with the clear political / religious outlook / tribal / regional and different Militia formations abounding....... What amazing is the view expresses by the US / UK / France and Germany concerning " outside interference " exacerbating Divisions and undermining democratic transition ( have they arrogantly forgotten they bombed Libya to hell and back already ? )
Germany, Italy, UK and US: outside interference will exacerbate
divisions and undermine democratic transition
*By Libya Herald staff.*
*Tripoli, 26 August 2014*:
The governments of France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US have said
outside interference in Libya would only exacerbate the current
within the country and undermine Libya’s democratic transition.
In a joint statement on Monday, the weste... more »
Does That Hillary "Inevitability" Thing Stand Up When You Look At The Issues?
In 2008, "no one" (i.e., Beltway Establishment conventional wisdom) thought
a half-term Illinois senator, Barack Obama, had a shot at beating out
Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential race. But he did. Although
her voting record was slightly more progressive than his-- her
ProgressivePunch crucial vote score was smack dang in the center of the
Senate Democrats and his was at the bootom of the Democrats and in the
center of the Senate as a whole-- she had voted for Bush's Iraq war. He was
lucky enough to have not taken that vote. He claimed he would have voted NO
(althou... more »
As The U.S. And Iran Continue Their Attacks Against The Islamic State In Iraq, They Also Continue To Ignore Each Other

*U.S. And Iran Hit ISIS, Ignore Each Other -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast*
With ISIS over-running Syrian bases, the time might seem right for a grand
alliance against the Islamic State. But so far, the U.S. isn’t talking to
Iran or Syria’s armies.
U.S. warplanes striking targets in Iraq. Iranian tanks are reportedly
moving into the northern part of the country. But the two foreign
militaries fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) are not
talking to one another.
U.S. and Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that, for now, there is no
direct channel to coordinate military... more »
“ALERT: Malware 'Meteoroids'”
*“ALERT: Malware 'Meteoroids'”*
by Karl Denninger
"Be careful out there. I found a particularly-pernicious bit of spyware
today and had some fun getting rid of it. It's called Meteoroids and when
loaded (usually as part of a bundle with some sort of free utility or other
legitimate package) it displays a "cute" rendition of the game Asteroids on
top of all your browser windows. The theory is that it brings you great
Needless to say that display is damned annoying and if you manage to
accidentally load it you will instantly head over to the Program window and
uninstall i... more »
A Growing Realization That No One In The Middle East Can Defeat The Islamic State

Youssef Boudlal/Reuters
*Obama's Iraq-Syria Dilemma: No Force Now On The Ground Can Beat ISIS --
Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast*
If Washington is counting on the Kurds to defeat the terrorist caliphate
with a little support from American drones and warplanes, it had better
think again.
Back when the Obama administration was contemplating retaliation against
the Syrian government for using chemical weapons, Secretary of State John
Kerry sought to assuage worries that America would become ensnared in
Syria’s civil war by promising that any reprisals would be “unbelievably
small”—a matt... more »
Time to Remember

By American Kabuki
I found this card in my Picassa image directory on my tablet. I don't
really know how it got there, I think Picassa uploaded it from a Skype
image download. I don't even know who created it, but it appears to be an
addition to the fabled "Illuminati Board Game" (which is increasing an
"Illuminati *Bored *Game" as we are all weary of watching them play out on
Play the card. Remember *WHO YOU REALLY ARE*. LET'S MOVE ON!
John Tory finds the tracks to common sense
People got to move. Forever in Toronto our leaders have let perfection
stand in the way of the possible. Tracks and corridors do not grow in the
Urban world. Take what we got and do the best possible use. Look at the map
and see the little Shepard Spur, remember that useless pink appendage when
you vote next time, its not as bad as the 407 but lots of people got rich
and never paid a dime. Its not a useless asset, it is a landing strip
between Pickering and Pearson that should prompt the best practice John
Tory to say, the Pickering Airport dies I will make this horror go away. We ... more »
Murray Polner : SPORT | Former Dodger GM’s exile from baseball: Was justice done?
Despite Al Campanis’ historic racist remark, he was a proud and honorable
man who was mistreated by pro baseball’s self-righteous moral guardians. By
Murray Polner | The Rag Blog | August 26, 2014 I often think of Al
Campanis, a … finish reading Murray Polner :
*SPORT* | Former Dodger GM’s exile from baseball: Was justice done?
A Billionaire's Pledge to the Lowly
The one and only reason that Sean Eldridge will stay honest if you elect
him to Congress is because he's already got so much money that he is
virtually bribe-proof. Since he is married to the privacy-destroying
cofounder of Facebook, he has your interests at heart. Yes. He actually
does come right out and basically say that to a group of "folks" who are
either nodding in agreement or just nodding off in a political hack-induced
stupor. You decide:
I've written about Sean before. (I actually made a mistake in that other
piece: he is a billionaire, not a mere multimillionaire.) He's... more »
Spanish Lake and Its Connection to Unrest in Ferguson

*controversial. political. racial.*
*Spanish Lake is an unflinching look at economic oppression and racism in
the unincorporated township of Spanish Lake, Missouri.*
ST. LOUIS COUNTY - A local theater franchise has canceled plans to show a
new documentary about race in St. Louis County. According to Riverfront
Times, Wehrenberg Theaters has decided not show the film "Spanish Lake" at
local theaters when it's released this year. The film chronicles the
decline of the North St. Louis County town, "Spanish Lake," situated just 8
miles from Ferguson, MO. Ferguson is the city cu... more »
Victory for Whom? (Sweet Sucking Sound of Vanished Iraq War $$$$$$$: Taxpayers Eviscerated At Both Ends) NeoCons Proudly Rule: They Achieved Permanent War In MidEast (Disappearing Dollars Without Fireworks? New York Fed’s Answer to Cartels Rigging Markets – Form Another Cartel!)
(Editor's Note: If you can make a small donation to Pottersville2, it
will be hugely appreciated as we've come under vast financial pressure
recently and need to ask for some aid. Thanks so much for your support!)
Was Foley’s head really cut off? Hard to tell. We have been fed so much
fake government war propaganda in recent decades – from Kuwaiti babies
thrown from incubators to
Supplemental: The culture of cartooning!
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2014Looking ahead to the next unbearable race:*
Hillary Clinton has too much money! Mitt Romney strapped his dog to the
roof of his car!
Candidate Gore is the world’s biggest liar! He perspires too much, like
It’s official! Next Tuesday, we’ll be starting our award-winning series,
“The Houses of Journalist County.” The series represents our reaction to
the press corps’ deep concern, expressed in June and July, that the
Clintons 1) get paid too much for speeches and 2) own way too many houses,
more specifically two.
Back in June, Diane Sawyer kick-star... more »
A Look At U.S. Military Operations And Options Over Iraq

Graphic courtesy The Washington Post
*Here Are The Bases The U.S. Can Use For Airstrikes In Iraq -- Washington
The Washington Post’s Craig Whitlock went into great detail Tuesday
explaining how the United States is likely flying most of its fighter jets
targeting militants in Iraq from bases in Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab
Emirates. Drones involved in airstrikes also are likely flying from Turkey,
which borders both Iraq and Syria.
Above is a map of all the locations the United States can launch aircraft
to strike in Iraq. The United States hasn’t specified which kind o... more »
The Realist Report - Mark Elsis: American Exceptionalism
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Mark
Elsis Mark and I will be discussing his recent essay and website, *American
Exceptionalism: Fifty Ways The American Dream Has Become the American
Nightmare*. You can download the entire program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *American exceptionalism - Wikipedia*
- *Inside Job (full film)*
Economic Performance and Its Zero Correlation to Test Scores

The next time you hear one of the pencil-necked corporatists like Kevin
Carey spew about our low test scores and competing economically, point him to
this one chart and explain it to him.
As Arab States Step Up To Assist Libya In Its War Against Islamists The U.S. Condemns Their Intervention
*Libya Says It Needs Foreign Help To Defeat Islamists After US Is Caught
'Off Guard' By Secret Airstrikes In The Country Carried Out By UAE -- Daily
* Emirati warplanes secretly bombed Islamist targets in Libya's capital
* U.S. officials say they were not told about strikes, which left them
* UAE attacks seemingly a move towards direct action in Libya by Arab states
* Along with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, UAE sees Islamists as a threat to
* Islamist dominated General National Congress named rival premier last week
* Interim government - holed up 1,000 m... more »
The "elderly" and prepping...
*depends on your definition of "elderly."*
A few weeks ago one of my co-workers used the word "elderly" and sort of
included me in the definition.
I started to laugh and said, "Whoa, did you just call me elderly?"
He's 59, but looks much younger. I'll soon to be 69 and look much
younger. So exactly how did I qualify as "elderly."
Way too often we see people referred to as elderly who certainly don't
qualify because when all is said and done, "elderly", in my opinion, is a
state of mind, not a chronological age.
I see people in the store where I work who are in their nineties an... more »
Is Google Experiencing A Cyber Attack?

Routine searches on Google in some cases yielded results that included a
repeating image of a wrecked car and a “stop” sign in Russian. Google
*Google Search Results Are Disrupted by Repeating Image -- WSJ*
Google was hit with a disruption Tuesday where some searches yielded
results that included a repeating image of what appeared to be a car crash
somewhere in Russia.
The image appeared to show a photo of a badly mangled car near a sign that
says “stop” in Russian. It wasn’t clear if the image was an authentic photo
or altered in any way. The repeating image wasn’t affecting every... more »
Pentagon laying ground work for strike on (ISIS in) Syria
I have more to say on this subject, the beheading of Foley, but, am short
on time
So, we'll just lay the foundation with this
WASHINGTON: The US military is seeking to fly drones over Syria to gather
intelligence information about the* Islamic State *militant group, laying
the groundwork for a possible expansion of its limited air campaign beyond
Iraq, according to a media report.
*The Pentagon i*s preparing to* send surveillance aircraft*, including
drones, i*nto Syrian airspace *to gather intelligence on Islamic State
While the White House insisted that President Barack ... more »
August 26:
Foreword - Something has been left out of this election. We've heard a bit
either for or against shale gas. But there's a towering set of questions to
be answered - and we don't have long to ask them.
1. Will SWN be returning to test for gas? I think it almost certain it will
- no matter what. Large corporations operate with no reference to morality
at all. They have invested money here. They will certainly defend that
investment no matter what any report says.
2. Would either Gallant or Alward set up an honest testing system for the
safety of shale gas? Given the record of their pa... more »
The BBC more bias by omission
The BBC article about the Rotherham sex abuse scandal manages not to
mention which party ran the council, not even once.
The article starts thus:
'At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in
Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted,
trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had
been three previous inquiries.
Council leader Roger Stone said he would step down with immediate... more »
There's A Winnable Seat In Ohio-- If The DCCC Does Its Job

Hard core right-wing GOP voters, particularly in the former Confederate
states-- something between a quarter and a third of all voters-- are pretty
gung-ho on shutting down the government. Normal voters, on the other hand,
just hate it. Last week, when first McConnell and then Paul Ryan let it
slip that the Republicans plan to stay quiet about triggering more
government shut-downs until after the election-- and then move in for the
kill. (And by "kill," of course, they mean you, your family, the American
economy and democracy itself.)
Alison Lundergan Grimes responded to McConnel... more »
NATO Wants To Establish New Bases In Eastern Europe

*Nato Plans East European Bases To Counter Russian Threat -- The Guardian*
*Nato chief announces move in response to Ukraine crisis and says alliance
is dealing with a new Russian military approach.*
Nato is to deploy its forces permanently at new bases in eastern Europe for
the first time, in response to the Ukraine crisis and in an attempt to
deter Vladimir Putin from causing trouble in the former Soviet Baltic
republics, according to its chief.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former prime minister of Denmark, said that next
week's Nato summit in Cardiff would overcome divisions withi... more »
Suck On This

Two months after the Obama administration, in a cave to Big Tobacco,
weakened its own proposed rules on the sales and advertising of
e-cigarettes, the World Health Organization is now urging a complete
"Vaping" is dangerous:
*(Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) stepped up its war on "Big
Tobacco" on Tuesday, calling for stiff regulation of electronic cigarettes
as well as bans on indoor use, advertising and sales to minors.*
*In a long-awaited report that will be debated by member states at a
meeting in October in Moscow, the United Nations health agency a... more »
Heavily Armed SWAT Team Swarms Cal State … Because of an Umbrella

Mac Slavo
These days you never know what could be used as a deadly weapon of mass
destruction requiring a militarized SWAT response.
In San Marcos, California, where students and staff members are always
looking out for potential domestic terrorists, a call to 9-1-1 prompted a
full university lockdown and brought elite members of the police department
out in force.
The incident began when someone called police to report a gunman on campus
carrying an assault rifle.
It turns out, it was only an umbrella. Late Wednesday, 10News spoke
with Bill Craig, who has been a staff member at ... more »
California’s Drought Has Reached a Grave New Milestone

Joshua Krause
The residents of the San Joaquin Valley are facing an ominous crises due to
California’s drought. Unlike most communities in the drought stricken
state, the unincorporated town of East Porterville isn’t just running low
on water. For some residents, they’ve completely run out.
At least 182 of the 1400 households in the town have run out of well water,
prompting the county to provide 12 gallons of water for each resident that
is facing water scarcity. With the help of the Red Cross, the bottled water
was supplied at the cost of 30,000 dollars, and is expected to last ... more »
Yo! Nanny Staters: Fuck Off
I am a smoker. Over the years, I've been vilified, demonized, ostracized,
pitied, hectored, shunned, and shamed.
OK. Sure. I'm an addict. All addicts deserve this treatment, I guess.
But what I -- and most other addicts I'd wager -- most object to is being
treated like idiots.
We know.
We know smoking is bad.
It's expensive. It stinks. It burns holes in our clothes. It stains our
It makes us sick and if it doesn't kill us, will probably contribute to our
deaths or long-term ill-health.
It may harm people around us, hence self-ostracization.
We know all that.
But we a... more »
Did You Know? 1 in 6 Children Now Has a Developmental Disability in the U.S.

Melissa Melton
Something is very wrong here.
Shell Tzorfas on YouTube pointed us to this U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) paper “Trends in the Prevalence of
Developmental Disabilities in U.S. Children, 1997–2008” and what are some
pretty astonishing figures.
The joint CDC—Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) paper not
only revealed that*one in six* children across America suffered from a
developmental disability in 2006-2008, but the rate of parent-reported
developmental disabilities in their children had increased 17.1% from 1997
to 2008.
Wo... more »
Putin And Poroshenko Displayed Widly Opposing Views In Today's Meeting

Leaders: Vladimir Putin (left), Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko
(centre) and Petro Poroshenko (right) pose for photographs ahead of their
high-stakes talks in Minsk today
*Putin And Poroshenko Come Face To Face For The First Time Since Fighting
Broke Out In Ukraine… But A Fresh War Of Words Has Now Begun -- Daily Mail*
* Presidents of Russia and Ukraine met for talks in Belarusian capital Minsk
* Men sat down for discussions on fighting that has engulfed east Ukraine
* Despite staging handshake for cameras pair displayed wildly opposing views
* Poroshenko said 'the fate of pea... more »
Observant readers may have noticed a small change round these parts. If
you're not among them, let your eyes float the the top of this page. There,
nestling along with Home and About are seven new buttons; Sociology,
Economics & Politics, Far Left, Gender, Sex, Books, and Games. Now, we know
how unwieldy search and archiving functions are on blogs. If you're trying
to find a half-remembered blog post either the search buggers up, or you
have to wade through dozens and dozens of posts via the archive or label
cloud. Not ideal. So I've grouped together a sort of 'greatest hits' by
th... more »
Russia's Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko Shake Hands Before The Minsk Talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin (2nd L) shakes hands with his Ukrainian
counterpart Petro Poroshenko, as European Union foreign policy chief
Catherine Ashton (L) and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev (C) stand
nearby, in Minsk August 26, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Sergei Bondarenko/Kazakh
Presidential Office/Pool
*Putin, Poroshenko Shake Hands At Minsk Talks -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russia's Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko greeted
each other with a handshake at the start of talks in Belarus on Tuesday on
the Ukraine crisis, the first time the two presidents have met si... more »
Oh dear, what does this mean - Doctor Who related
For years I've told people, in a slightly supercilious way, that the Time
Lord isn't called Dr. Who but The Doctor, only the programme is called
Doctor Who.
However I've just watched 'The 3 Doctors' on The Horror Channel: lots of
rubber suited lobster clawed villains and set in a quarry. The final
credits clearly say for Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton and William Hartnell
- Dr. Who.
So when was this changed?Am I wrong?
Supplemental: Additional late-summer fun in Ukraine!
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2014We’ll always have Donetsk:* Travel writers have
always praised late summer in eastern Ukraine.
In this morning’s New York Times, Kramer and Roth describe another of the
region’s seasonal festivals. In today’s episode, a traitor is tied by the
side of the road and motorists stop to abuse her.
For yesterday’s episode, just click here. Hard-copy headline included:
KRAMER AND ROTH (8/25/14):
*With Peace Talks Near, Prisoners in Ukraine Are AbusedOn the sidewalk of a
busy street beside a checkpoint, a bearded gunman wrapped a woman in a
Ukrainian flag and for... more »
U.S. Prepares Military Options Against The Islamic State
Watch the latest video at
*U.S. Prepares Military Options In Syria Against Islamic State -- Reuters*
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is preparing military options,
including surveillance flights, to pressure Islamic State in Syria, U.S.
officials said on Monday, but they cautioned no decision had been made to
expand U.S. action beyond the limited airstrikes under way in Iraq.
Related Stories
President Barack Obama has so far sought a limited military campaign in
Iraq focused on protecting American diplomats and civilians under direct
threat. Still, officia... more »
Elizabeth Green’s Building a Better Teacher, the Rabbi, and the Chicken
The first half of Elizabeth Green’s Building a Better Teacher recounts the
rise and fall of modern academic teacher improvement efforts, as well as
the way that Japanese elementary schools, at least, learned from this
(seemingly) quintessential American movement. I am not qualified to comment
on Green’s discussion of Japanese schools, but this is the […]
The High Cost of Resegregation: Charters Cost PA Taxpayers Billions for Worse Test Results

Erica Frankenberg has some fascinating research on charter enrollement
costs and resegregation via charter schools in Pennsylvania. Below are a
three charts worth spending a few minutes on letting the data soak in.
Bottom line:
1) charter schools are more segregative than traditional public schools
2) charter schools have cost Pennsylvania taxpayer over $4 billion over 6
years (that's more than the entire amount of cash included in Race to the
3) a large majority of charter schools have lower test scores than their
public sending schools.
What a deal! But wait--... more »
President Obama Authorizes Spy Flights Over Syria
*US Official: Obama Approves Surveillance Flights Over Syria -- VOA*
A senior White House official says President Barack Obama has authorized
surveillance flights over Syria.
The official said late Monday that Obama has not approved any military
action, but that the U.S. is preparing military options for combating the
Islamic State fighters who have taken over large areas in eastern Syria and
northern and western Iraq.
U.S. planes have been carrying out airstrikes in Iraq, helping Iraqi and
Kurdish forces take back territory from the militants, including a dam in
Mosul that is ke... more »
Visiting Triton
In the most recent week, the American, European, as well as Russian space
programs suffered from bummers.
Elon Musk's new SpaceX F9R rocket self-detonated over Texas. Something went
wrong and we're told that this rocket's suicide was their mundane Plan B.
It's sort of hard to believe that they really planned such a "maneuver" but
maybe it's right. One can't get rid of the feeling that these attempts to
privatize the space research are perhaps "too cheap" for them to succeed.
*Triton, to be discussed later*
The second bummer is linked to the unAmerican competitors of the GPS
syste... more »
METAPHORS AND FACTS: Wilson wasn’t riding alone!
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2014*
*Part 2—Eleanor Clift’s false fact:* Especially at times like this, our
discourse will often be driven by false or unfounded facts.
These bogus facts are often transformed into “narratives”—selective stories
designed to promote a preferred view of some incident.
Our discourse is often clogged with bogus facts. Often, these facts are put
to partisan use—but where do those bogus facts come from?
Uh-oh! All too often, our bogus facts come from our major journalists.
Consider one small example:
On Sunday, C-Span presented a lengthy program which it called a “... more »
Hamas Spokeman: Long-Term Truce Agreed With Israel
*Gaza Truce Reached, Hamas Says -- CNN*
(CNN) -- Hamas officials said Tuesday that a truce has been reached that
would end the fighting between Israel and militants in Gaza.
But Mark Regev, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
said word of a deal was "just reports."
A senior Egyptian government official told CNN on Tuesday that there was no
ceasefire deal, but added, "We may have an announcement later today or
Tuesday marks the 50th day of Israel's Operation Protective Edge. The
Israel Defense Forces reported that militants destroyed a home in Ash... more »
Debt, Vaccines and Food as a Weapon: When International Aid is Used for Population Control

*No strings attached? Yeah, right. Here’s a rundown of some of the major
ways that international loans are used to control entire populations.*
By Aaron Dykes
Those seeking dominance wield control in modern society largely through
the manipulation of finance and economics. Power over entire countries
comes not only through the debts themselves, but through the
conditionalities tied to the financial agreement, as is done regularly by
the IMF, World Bank and other aid programs. Notoriously, many locales –
free in name – have been brought under the yoke of... more »
The Israeli Genocide Of Gaza Continues: Why Is THIS Not A War Crime? - Israel AGAIN Targets A UN Run School In Gaza!
I am so sick by what I am still seeing happening in Gaza... On the first
inaugural Turbulent Times show, I laid it out clearly that the so called
"official" number of deaths from this Israeli massacre of innocent and
unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip is absolutely greater than the reported
"2100+" as of today. It is simple logic because some 1.8 million people
are locked up in an open air concentration camp that is barely the size of
Manhattan Island in New York City..... And considering that part of that
land has to be used for agriculture and other parts are taken up by the
Gaz... more »
Klein Doing Damage Control for Deasy While Selling His Own Tablet Solution
Ole McChoakumchild, himself, Joel Klein, had his media mothballs removed
long enough this morning to go on CBS to pretend to defend "Dr." John
Deasy's slimeware that he provided for Apple hardware and Pearson software
to complete the Los Angeles IPad fiasco deal. What he was really for is to
get Murdoch's Amplify tablets under the national spotlight.
And what a salesman Klein is! A rather feisty report on the panel at CBS
told Klein she had read that much of what kids "learned" on screen was
retained for a very short time. How do you make sure that is not
Klein's a... more »
World News Briefs -- August 26, 2014

(L-R) Russia's President Vladimir Putin, European Union foreign policy
chief Catherine Ashton, Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko and
Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko walk together after a posing for a
photo during their meeting in Minsk, August 26, 2014. Russia and Ukraine
said on August 19 their presidents would meet together with top European
Union officials in Belarus's capital of Minsk on August 26 to discuss their
confrontation over Ukraine which has plunged relations to an all-time low.
Credit: Reuters/Grigory Dukor
*Russian Soldiers' Capture Clouds Putin-Poroshenko... more »
Royal Saudi Navy would be interested to procure 6 FREMM Frigates from France

[image: FS Normandie]According to French financial newspaper La Tribune
Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, could sign a
letter of intent (LOI) with the French Government for 6 FREMMs during his
visit in Paris in early September.
French Navy's FREMM multi-mission frigates are designed and built by DCNS.
Five hulls have already been launched, with three Frigates delivered to the
French Navy and one to the Royal Moroccan Navy.
Contacted by Navy Recognition, no DCNS representatives were available to
comment the information at the time of publishing.
Read more
F-35 Flight Test Program Milestones Maturing Combat Capabilities

[image: F-35B aircraft BF-1 and BF-4]The Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter (JSF) program continued a steady path of flight test milestones in
August, including weapons separation, software compatibility and flight
hours, all demonstrating program maturity.
“The test milestones are a direct result of the detailed planning,
coordination and execution between various government teams and the
integrated test force,” said J.D. McFarlan, Lockheed Martin's Vice
President for F-35 Test & Verification.
“Every testing milestone demonstrates the development of the F-35 in
successive ... more »
Dutch gov't not to extend Patriot missiles in Turkey

[image: Patriot PAC-2 system]The Dutch government has decided not extend
the Patriot missiles mission in Turkey, the Dutch House of Representatives
announced Monday.
Originally a one-year mission, it had been extended once and will end in
January 2015.
The Dutch government, noting that the threat of attacks from Syria to
Turkey is not completely over, also said NATO would continue to support its
efforts to protect Turkey.
Read more
How Northern Iraq Fell To The Insurgency

When Mosul and Tikrit fell in early June 2014 there were plenty of
conspiracy theories to explain why it happened. One was that Prime Minister
Nouri al-Maliki let the cities be taken to make an excuse for him to hold
onto power. Another was that the Kurds and Sunni politicians worked with
the insurgents to push out the federal government forces so that they could
seize territory. The truth of the matter was much simpler and depressing.
Baghdad did not take the attack upon Mosul seriously. It turned down offers
to reinforce the city, while the commanders of the security forces ther... more »
The Conundrum of Memory
By Capt. Fogg
Sometimes I get to wondering, sometimes I get confused about what our
conservative brethren are trying to tell us. I was reminded recently that
my former Republican congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL) amongst others,
vociferously threatened to impeach the president for having provided air
traffic control for the UN incursions into Libya; for having exceeded his
constitutional authority by arming Syrian rebels. Rep. Walter Jones
(R-N.C.) back in June of 2013 threatened to impeach President Obama if any
U.S. troops are killed in Syria. Is there a relationship between
rhe... more »
A Letter to My Kindergartner and Our Favorite After School Snacks

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.
All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias
I have always thought it was a little silly when parents cry when they drop
of their brand new kindergartners. It is only a few hours, why all the
tears? Last week, as I was getting her backpack, clothes and after school
snacks ready for school to start, the realization that my little girl was
going to kindergarten hit me full force. I stood in the doorway of her
room, watching her sleep while I sobbed. Times seem so different now then
they were when I was a kinder... more »
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced
While it has not been verified, an alleged audio recording of the shooting
of Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager shot down by a police officer in
Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9, has surfaced:
A man who lives near the scene of the shooting says he inadvertently
recorded the shots that killed Brown, his lawyer, Lopa Blumenthal, told
CNN. The man, who wished to remain unidentified, was recording a video chat
with a friend when gunfire rang out in the background. Blumenthal said her
client has already been interviewed by the FBI about the recording.
On the tape, you can hear ... more »
Bullies Don't Like it When People Fight Back
There are martial people who respect opponents who can give them a good
fight. And then there are bullies. Insecure people who see every challenge
as a threat to their very lives or at least everything they are. No matter
how small the challenge, it could lead to more challenges and more threats
to the bullies' fragile worlds.
Thus, Hamas and Hezbollah are presented as mortal threats to Israel's
Canada's First Nations send right-wing racists and the Canadian state into
paroxysms of fear.
Black US-Americans threaten to expose the whole racist structure of the
white, mal... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 26, 2014
*U.S. Lays Groundwork for Syria Strike -- Wall Street Journal*
*Pentagon Seeks to Gather Intelligence on Islamic State Targets With
Surveillance Flights*
The Pentagon is preparing to send surveillance aircraft, including drones,
into Syrian airspace to gather intelligence on Islamist targets, laying the
groundwork for a possible expansion of the limited U.S. military air
campaign beyond Iraq, senior U.S. officials said.
The decision amounts to an acknowledgment that U.S. intelligence-collection
efforts must be expanded to provide a better picture of the threat posed by
the group ... more »
MERS-CoV and OFWs, Part 2

As I posted On MERS CoV and OFWs last May 08, 2014, my sister in law, Gemma
B. Oplas, died last May 6, 2014 of the disease. She was an ER nurse at King
Fahad Medical City (KFMC) in Riyadh, the biggest Saudi government hospital
in that city. She was attending to a MERS patient, and within days, she
herself was infected. Death was fast, only 6 1/2 days after she was
It is now 3 months and 3 weeks since she died and her body is not flown
home yet, it is still in a freezer in Riyadh. That is one of the hard
travails of OFWs who died of infectious diseases abroad.
I am not aw... more »
.@EngageNY Modules: Out of Alignment
A year ago I criticized the ELA curriculum modules found on NYSED’s
EngageNY website and their “random” nature of content. I expressed concern
that many elementary schools have reduced or even eliminated instruction in
Science and Social Studies in favor of the tested subjects of ELA and Math
in this era of accountability via test […]
My Story, Experiment of positive vibrations. How I believe it has made a difference displayed through physical reality at park events.
I am relating my story, experiment of what I have done for the last 2 years
at park concerts/fireworks. I believe our vibrations make a difference in
physical reality. I have seen a physical difference when I vibrate out
positive thoughts and love to everyone at the event. There has been a
marked change in the trash left afterwards. We all do make a difference....
Remember we can have an
There Are No Mistakes, Only Love
*Garden planned at site of Katrina levee breach ~Kevin McGill, AP via The
*Swipe the photos and see Federal Flood / Hurricane Katrina disaster
dissolve into present-day recovery ~Ted Jackson*
*Dog owners fuming over closure of unofficial dog park in French Quarter
~Monica Hernandez, WWLTV*
*USACE Awards SELA Contract to Boh Bros (USA) ~Dredging Today *
*Maj. Gen. Leslie J. Carroll articulates 377th TSC way forward ~DVIDS*
*Fair Grounds officials say they got the message ~Rob Masson, WVUE*
DesJarlais Won His Primary By 38 Votes-- But That Hasn't Gotten The DCCC's Attention
Monday morning, Tennessee state Senator Jim Tracy conceded the August 7
Republican primary that had left Scott DesJarlais ahead by by 38 votes;
Tracy won't be asking for a recount. So DesJarlais, a doctor whose
reputation has been harmed because of a series of scandals involving women
patients who he drugged up and had sexual affairs with-- even forcing one
to have an abortion (which as a far right Republican zombie he loudly
opposes… at least for other women. So the Republicans couldn't quite knock
off the wounded and bleeding DesJarlais. Will a Democrat take him to
pieces? Stev... more »
*A Closer Look at the Botched Common Core Results*
Misleading title aside, the Buffalo News report was not good. “Students in
Buffalo statewide make modest gains in math,” declared an article in the
New York newspaper detailing the results from the second year of Common
Core implementation. Well yes, math scores did overall improve. But, the
rest of the report was not quite so rosy:
Despite another full year of preparation by schools after the rollout of
state Common Core tests in 2013, there were no dramatic, across-the-board
gains in English this year. Large-city districts saw sl... more »
Miami Mayor Wants Bodycams On All Cops

*Written by Justin King | The Anti-Media*
The Mayor of Miami-Dade is calling for cameras to be worn by hundreds of
officers while they are on duty. Mayor Carlos Giménez is calling for the
cameras in the wake of the massive civil unrest caused by the shooting of
an unarmed teen in Ferguson, Missouri.
Giménez included the funds to purchase 500 of the cameras in this year’s
proposed budget. That would be enough to issue cameras to roughly half of
the department’s patrol officers. It is expected that the program would be
ex... more »
Russian Paratroopers Captured In Ukraine
*Russian Soldiers' Capture Clouds Putin-Poroshenko Talks -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukraine released a video of captured Russian soldiers on
Tuesday, sharply escalating a dispute over Moscow's alleged backing for
separatist rebels in the east of the former Soviet republic.
The footage was released only hours before the two countries' presidents
were due to meet for the first time since June to discuss the conflict,
which has killed more than 2,000 people and provoked Western sanctions
against Russia.
In Moscow, a military source told Russian news agencies that a group of
soldiers ha... more »
Michael Brown laid to rest with recollections and calls to action

Lesley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown is held by an unidentified
woman as she approaches the casket of her son at the beginning of Brown's
funeral at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church on Monday, Aug. 25,
2014. Photo by Robert Cohen,
*ST. LOUIS •* Shortly before Michael Brown died, his stepmother was
admitted to the hospital. He became convinced she wasn’t going to make it.
“Because I’ve been dreaming about death,” Cal Brown recalled her stepson
saying, recounting a conversation at his funeral Monday that t... more »
New at Indigenous Resistance, carrying forward work of Censored News!
New at Indigenous Resistance, carrying forward the work of Censored News, our eight
year labor of love that continues to be read around the world.
National Indian News Owned by US Patriots and Spie...
Leaked doc exposed Missouri's bizarre targeting of...
Words of Zapatistas SubGaleano on Palestine, Israe...
Jump on the Climate Train to New York
Iran Vows To Arms The Palestinians In The West Bank After Shooting Down An Israeli Drone Near The Natanz Uranium Enrichment Site

The Revolutionary Guards said its forces shot down the stealth drone as it
approached the Natanz nuclear enrichment site, 50 miles south of the
capital, Tehran. Daily Mail
*Iran 'Will Arm Palestinians' After Israeli Drone Downed -- The Telegraph*
*Tehran pledges to "accelerate" arming Palestinians in West Bank after
airing footage of 'Israeli drone' it claims to have shot down over Iran.*
Tehran will "accelerate" arming Palestinians in the occupied West Bank in
retaliation for Israel deploying a spy drone over Iran, which was shot
down, a military commander said on Monday.
"We wil... more »
Iran Shows Off The Israeli Drone That They Claim They Shot Down Near A Key Nuclear Enrichment Site
*Iran Shows Off 'Israeli Drone' That It Claims It Shot Down Near Nuclear
Site -- Daily Mail*
* The stealth drone was shot down as it approached Natanz nuclear site
* Comes as Iran negotiates with world powers over its nuclear programme
* Israel hasn't ruled out taking military action against Iran's nuclear
Iran claims to have shot down an Israeli drone near a nuclear site.
The Revolutionary Guards said its forces shot down the stealth drone as it
approached the Natanz nuclear enrichment site, 50 miles south of the
capital, Tehran.
A statement released by the Guards sai... more »
CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like

image source Jon Rappoport
Here’s a clue: victory doesn’t look like a trickle of hidden data
occasionally seeping out of a cavern.
This is all about making a case. An explosive case.
Most (honest) scientists don’t have a clue. They don’t know how or why a
story explodes. They tend to favor the “trickle theory” of releasing
information because it fits their notion of order and pattern.
Order and pattern have nothing to do with the asymmetrical way a story
Maybe CDC whistleblower William Thompson eventually comes forward with a
definitive public statement about egregiou... more »
The Chinese Navy Is Claiming That They Have Designed The World's First Supersonic Submarine

A supercavitating submarine creates a bubble of air that encompasses the
whole vehicle by ejecting gas through the nose with enough force that it
forms water vapor. This greatly reduces drag and allows it to travel at
high speeds not possible by standard submarines. (Sources: Defense Update,
Popular Science, South China Morning Post. Graphic: Tobey – The Washington
*The Chinese Are Reportedly Working On Submarine That Would ‘Fly’ In An
‘Air Bubble’ -- Washington Post*
In the annals of vehicular locomotion, the submarine is the equivalent of
the Walkman. It dazzled the masses... more »
Lies Exposed: DOJ Admits “Missing” IRS Emails DO Exist

Lily Dane
In a stunning turn of events, Department of Justice attorneys for the IRS
admitted that Lois Lerner’s emails DO exist on a backup server, but said
they would be hard to find.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton broke the news today:
Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told
Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government
computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a
government-wide catastrophe. The Obama administration attorneys said that
this back-up system would be too onerous to search. ... more »
The Shrinking U.S. Submarine Fleet

YOKOSUKA, Japan (Sept. 3, 2010) The Virginia-class attack submarine USS
Hawaii (SSN 776) transits Tokyo Bay on the way to Fleet Activities
Yokosuka, marking the first time in the history of the U.S. 7th Fleet that
a Virginia-class submarine visited the region. This is Hawaii's first
scheduled deployment to the western Pacific Ocean. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt.
Lara Bollinger)
*Amid US Plans For Continued Asia Presence, A Shrinking Submarine Fleet --
Stars and Stripes*
YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan — The U.S. Navy bills its submarine fleet as the
world’s most advanced, a boast that few in... more »
Picture Of The Day
U.S. Army Spc. Jon Sweatt pulls security during evening hours in Morghan
Kachah village in Afghanistan's Kandahar province, Aug. 18, 2014. Sweatt,
an infantryman, is assigned to the 4th Infantry Division's Company C, 1st
Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. U.S.
Army photo by Staff Sgt. Whitney Houston
The Chinese Invest Big To Spy On Their Own Citizens

China launched the second-generation Gaofen-2 satellite on Tuesday, 19
August 2014. (Credit: China Great Wall Industry Corporation)
*China Shows Off Surveillance Prowess Of New Satellite -- SBS/L.A. Times*
Chinese authorities says the country’s extensive terrestrial surveillance
network helps to deter crime and maintain “social stability,” though
critics say it constitutes an invasion of privacy and is often deployed to
monitor dissidents.
China has spent billions of dollars to build a nationwide surveillance
network - by one 2013 estimate, the country had 30 million surveillance
... more »
News from Amazon
To users of my favorite textbooks: Thank you! Have a great semester.
Afghanistan Election Update ( August 26 , 2014 ) - Abdullah threatens to pull out of poll audit One of two Afghan presidential candidates questions handling of alleged fraudulent votes during UN-supervised recount. .......... If Karzai actually leaves the Presidency on September 2 , 2014 , who will be in charge ? Could Afghanistan devolve into another Libya ?
Abdullah threatens to pull out of poll audit
One of two Afghan presidential candidates questions handling of alleged
fraudulent votes during UN-supervised recount.
Last updated: 26 Aug 2014 09:18
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Afghanistan has been in paralysis due to the polls to choose the successor
to President Hamid Karzai [Reuters]
One of two candidates competing to succeed Afghan leader Ham... more »
Iraq / Syria War Theatre Updates ( August 26 , 2014 ) --Assad: No US Airstrikes Without Syrian Coordination Syria Eager for Aid, But Not Unilateral US Attacks ........ US, British Special Forces on the Ground in Iraq Trying to Find ISIS Leaders Not Much Known About ISIS Leadership ...... Bombers Return to Baghdad; 212 Killed, 184 Wounded ........ UN Slams ISIS for Mass Executing Prisoners, Mum on Iraq Doing It Ethnic Cleansing When ISIS Does It, But Not When Iraq Does?
Anti War....
Assad: No US Airstrikes Without Syrian CoordinationSyria Eager for Aid, But
Not Unilateral US Attacks
by Jason Ditz, August 25, 2014
Print This | Share This
The US has put itself in a difficult position, having for days hyped the
idea that they need to expand the current Iraq air war into neighboring
Syria, but now facing the difficulty of Syria’s government having a mind of
its own.
The Assad government, which only a year ago the US was preparing to invade
Syria to remove, has said they welcomeany coordination with the US on their
ongoing war with ISIS.
The problem is, ... more »
Replace Your Fear...... by M.N. Hopkins

*Replace your fear of the false words of tyrants. Let not the thieves and
liars rule your communities, poison and sicken yourselves and your
children. Say no to there lies and expose them for the weaklings and
cowards that they truly are.*
*M.N. Hopkins*
Messages From Higher Self - Follow It.
BBC bias by omission again
Imagine that a political aide to David Cameron had said that 'Northerners
are backward' in a storm over replacing elderly male MPs with young women.
How much coverage would the BBC devote to the story? How many aggrieved
female radio presenters would emote on the subject? How many times would
Harriet Harman be given the time to spout her usual sanctimonious rubbish
on the matter, ignoring at all times the fact that her husband was selected
for a Parliamentary seat that had an all women's shortlist.
However this time the story, as reported by The Mail, is about Ed
Miliband's senior a... more »
Army Hypersonic Missile Fails in Second Test

[image: HTV-2]The Army’s test of an advanced hypersonic weapon failed
shortly after takeoff early Monday, the Pentagon said in a statement.
The failure is a setback for a key part of the Pentagon’s strategic weapon
program of building arms that can attack any point on earth in 30 minutes.
The missile carrying the weapon was intentionally blown up shortly after
launch, the Pentagon said.
Read more
Dutch F16 flying again after Russian bomber intercept

[image: RNLAF F-16 Fighting Falcon]Residents in the Zuid-Holland province
reported being startled by a loud blast Monday morning that turned out to
be a sonic boom. The sound has been traced to an F16 fighter jet, which at
11 a.m. flew through the sound barrier.
Monday’s military exercise comes in the wake of a weekend incident where
Dutch F16s were twice called upon to intercept two Russian TU-95 bombers in
violation of Netherlands airspace at 9:50 a.m. Saturday.
The sonic boom from Monday’s flight was accompanied by a pressure wave
which was felt at street level. Many people repor... more »
IAF Challenges Russian A-50 Purchase Claim

[image: Il-76 (A-50) Phalcon]The Indian Air Force has refused the Russian
Officials’ claim that it is set to order three more A-50 PHALCON Airborne
Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft.
The claim was made during the three-day Oboronexpo 2014 trade show Sunday.
The IAF confirmed that the talks are still in place on following an offer
from Russia but no final decision has been taken in the regard. The IAF is
looking for options from different aircraft platform for the AWACS role.
Read more
Christy Clark Wants Your Teenage Children Walking The Streets
Picture is of Christy Clark pandering and politicking at Seaspan Shipyards
in 2011...remember Stephen Harper`s grand ship building contract, all that was is now 2014..still no ships under construction,
same con job at the Irving shipyards in Halifax.....I`ll gladly pay you
Tuesday for a hamburger today, or a vote...sigh!
*Written by Grant G*
*I`m not sure what has disgraced our province more, Christy Clark as the
leader and face of British Columbia or a corporate media that cheerleads
Would you eat at a restaurant(again) where you previous... more »
Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, “To Where You Are”
Josh Groban, “To Where You Are”
Iran reveals footage of alleged Israeli spy drone
Al Alam shows footage of alleged Israeli spy plane, which Iran says was
downed on a mission to spy on its Natanz nuclear enrichment plant; Israeli
specialist says UAV looks like a kind used by Israel's military.
Iranian experts are decoding the intelligence devices of what it says is an
Israeli spy drone that was shot down over central Iran on Sunday, the
Islamic Revolution Guards Corps announced Sunday night.
The corps' aerospace force shot down the drone before it could reach the
Natanz nuclear enrichment facility, according to Iran. Israeli officials
have declined to comment whe... more »
Taiwan says China patrol aircraft entered its airspace

[image: Y-8 Chipmunk]Taiwan's air force scrambled fighter jets to track two
Chinese Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft which intruded into the island's
airspace, a senior air force officer said on Tuesday.
One plane entered Taiwan's ADIZ (air defence identification zone) at 8:33am
on Monday and another at 2:31 pm, en route to a disputed area in the South
China Sea.
The planes had taken off from the mainland's southeastern province of
Guangdong. Taiwan scrambled Mirage 2000-5s and Indigenous Defence Fighters.
Read more
Second US aircraft carrier sent to China amid seething tension

[image: J-11 Flanker B+]The United States Navy is reportedly sending a
second aircraft carrier strike group to the Asia Pacific region following a
dangerous aerial intercept between a Chinese jet and one of its P-8
surveillance craft.
The U.S. navy said that the strike group, led by the USS Carl Vinson, left
San Diego for the Pacific on Friday as part of a "planned" deployment.
While Chinese Defense Spokesperson Yang Yujun maintained that the Chinese
interceptor was just making a "regular identification and verification" of
the Navy P-8 aircraft, Pentagon termed it "a dangerous and ... more »
Gregorio Del Pilar-class frigates programmed for upgrades

[image: BRP Gregorio Del Pilar]The two Gregorio Del Pilar frigates in the
Philippine Navy service are programmed for upgrades to restore the ships to
their original US Coast Guard configurations.
This was revealed by Navy public affairs office chief Lt. Cmdr. Marineth
Domingo in a message to the PNA.
“Both vessels are programmed for upgrades in terms of sensors and firepower
to revive their original capabilities,” she added.
Read more
Like Nothing Ever Seen Before
I don't know why, but I never heard of Natalie Merchant until today when
this song was posted on Facebook. It is perhaps the most mournfully
prophetic song imaginable, and beautiful. It evokes the tragic
inevitability of what we can see but cannot stop. Apparently, there's much
more. Lyrics below.
It’s a-coming.
Wild fires, dying lakes,
landslides, hurricanes,
apocalypse in store
like nothing ever seen before.
It’s a-coming.
Third-generation refugees,
street mob burning effigies,
revolution, civil war
like nothing ever seen before.
It’s a-coming.
Pale-horse rider come,
blistered b... more »
South Korean shipyard launches new frigate

[image: Incheon class FFG]A fourth guided missile frigate for the South
Korean Navy has been launched by STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, the Ministry
of National Defense announced.
The ship, "Gangwon Ham," is one of 20 new frigates planned for the Navy by
the mid-2020s and will be delivered to the service next year.
Gangwon Ham displaces 2,300-tons and 374 feet in length. It carries 120
sailors, has a maximum speed of as much as 30 knots and will carry a full
complement of anti-ship and air defense weapons. Among them: the Haeseong
ship-to-ship guided missile, Chung Sang Eo light torpe... more »
Bath Iron Works lands contract potentially worth more than $100 million

[image: USS Independence (LCS-2)]Bath Iron Works has been awarded a
contract potentially worth more than $100 million to provide planning yard
services for the littoral combat ship program.
“Bath Iron Works will be the single planning yard, providing engineering,
planning, ship configuration, material and logistics support to maintain
and modernize both variants of the [littoral combat ship] class,” according
to a news release from the U.S. Department of Defense.
The contract will be worth $100,418,069 if all options are exercised by the
Read more
Astronauts Just Found Life In Outer Space — And Scientists Aren't Sure How It Got There
This is actually remarkable because they appear to be doing better than we
do. Getting there is no serious trick as that is a simple matter of
hitching a ride up. Wind blown sea spray really explains it quite that
they actually survive is the huge surprise.
it also tells us that when we hit liquid water anywhere else, that
transport and introduction of useful organisms is not a problem at all..
It is important news.
As*tronauts Just Found Life In Outer Space — And Scientists Aren't Sure How
It Got There*
* more »
Financial Crisis Made in China
I personally think that we have entered a calming period in terms of all
our financial markets. Ample capacity exists, resources need to be better
applied and thirty years of growth in china must be absorbed and
consolidated with superior solutions.
After all if we can see the problems, the leaders everywhere are facing
those same problems in the boardrooms and now have planning time to repair
China's growth was led by State capital spending and must also now be
replaced by internal capital and consumer demand driven by rising wages.
This model works well, if you ca... more »
The Mysterious Plain of Megalithic Stone Jars
[image: Megalithic Jars]
Yes this was surely all about funuralry practices and it even follows
naturally from traditional practice. One can see a family paying to produce
a better family urn than ususal and perhaps using smaller urns for ashes ot
bones. In the event exposure to the elements would have reduced all that
even if they had been sealed.
It is a neat collection and like such sites everywhere they become huge
over decades and centuries of use.
Actual long lasting funery tools are more the exception than the rule but
their pervasive presence make them loo... more »
Monsanto Ordered to Pay $93 Million to Small Town for Poisoning Citizens

Dioxin happens to be the Royal Road to liver cancer. I actually know
two victims of agent orange and both contracted terminal liver cancer.
Their escape is foundational to understanding how to cure cancer and a
number of other serious ailments. What is more loathsome is how a
corporate culture have arisen to exploit these diseases and toxins without
ever actually working at curing them Right now readers of this blog have
solutions to all these insults to human health. It is challenging and
takes active participation on the part of the patient but it is clearly
doable. Ye... more »
Canada Concerned About Russia’s Military Expansion in Arctic

[image: Il-76 Candid]Canada has expressed its concerns about the growing
military presence of Russia in the Arctic region. The reaction of Canada
came out, after Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently conducted his annual
northern tour in the Northwest Territories with initiatives to promote
fresh food production.
During the Arctic visit, the Canadian prime minister also took part in a
series of military manoeuvres in the Northwest Passage, asserting Canada's
Arctic sovereignty.
According to Yahoo! News Canada, the Prime Minister noted that activity of
Russia in Arctic is relativel... more »
Russia Prepares to Launch Third Varshavyanka-Class Submarine

[image: Varshavyanka-class (Project 636.3) SSK]Another Varshavyanka-class
diesel-electric submarine, built for the Crimea-based Black Sea Fleet, will
be launched on Thursday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported Monday.
"The third in the series of six Varshavyanka-class diesel-electric
submarines will be launched at Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg on
August 28," according to the official statement.
Six submarines from the project are to be constructed prior to 2016,
according Russian Navy General Staff plans and become part of the submarine
forces of the Black Sea Fleet.
Rea... more »
*Study: Cutting Emissions Pays for Itself*
*This is just another model-driven fantasy. There is NO WAY less CO2 in
the air would be healthier. We breathe CO2 out every minute of our day.
We are totally used to it. And it would be a WARMER world, not a cooler
one that is more healthy. Cold weather (winter) is the time of our great
dying. Just ask any hospital administrator.The only scintilla of sense in
the article is that burning fossil fuel tends to give off particulate
matter, which can be a health hazard in large quantities. But such health
hazards mainly exist in third... more »
U.S. Furious That Egypt And The UAE Did Not Notify The White House That They Were Launching Airstrikes Against Islamists In Libya
*US Furious After Source Of "Mystery" Libya Bombing Raids Revealed -- Zero
Over the past week a new geopolitical mystery emerged: an "unknown" party
was launching airstrikes against Libya, which is already reeling in its
latest political crisis where headlines such as this have become the norm:
The strikes puzzled all media outlets, including Reuters which just over
the weekend reported that "Unidentified war planes attacked po... more »
The U.S. Navy's Littoral Combat Ship Is A 'Turkey'

USS Independence (LCS 2) of the General Dynamics Independence Class (front
right) and USS Freedom (LCS 1) of the Lockheed Martin Freedom Class
littoral combat ships.
*It’s Time To Sink The Littoral Combat Ship -- William D. Hartung and Jacob
Marx, Defense One*
It is more important than ever that the Department of Defense spend
taxpayer money wisely as the United States economy struggles and the
Pentagon budget comes down from its post-World War II peak. This is
particularly true for the Navy, which many strategists see assuming an
expanded role in protecting U... more »
Israel And Hamas Are Now Fighting A War Of Attrition

Smoke and flames are seen following what police said was an Israeli air
strike in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip July 8, 2014.(Reuters / Ibraheem
Abu Mustafa)
*Israel And Hamas Appear To Have Run Out Of Ideas, But Not Bombs --
Washington Post*
JERUSALEM — After 49 days of war, the armies of Israel and Hamas appear to
have run out of new ideas — but not bombs. They are now slugging it out in
a lopsided war of attrition.
As rumors fly that another cease-fire could be imminent, Hamas and Israel
are groping for a diplomatic solution that could allow both to declare
victory — or in ... more »
Israel Received Signal Intelligence On Determining Where Hamas Military Chief Deif Was Hiding, And Not On the Men That Hamas Had Executed For Spying
*Israel Reportedly Knew Hamas Chief’s Location Days Before It Struck --
Times of Israel*
*Jerusalem had intel on where Deif was hiding out, but waited for Hamas to
breach truce before attacking, TV report says*
Israel knew the whereabouts of Hamas terror chief Muhammad Deif last
weekend, but waited to target his hideout until Hamas breached a temporary
truce on Tuesday, local media reported.
According to a report Sunday on Israel’s Channel 10, Jerusalem received
intelligence last weekend that the Hamas military wing head had emerged
from his bunker during what was then a five-day... more »
White House Sends More Officials To Michael Brown’s Funeral Than Thatcher’s, And None For Beheaded Journalist James Foley

*More White House Officials At Michael Brown’s Funeral Than Thatcher’s --
FOX News*
The White House sent three officials to attend Monday's funeral for Michael
Brown in St. Louis -- three more than it sent for former British Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher's funeral last year.
The administration's handling of the Brown funeral already has started to
raise comparisons between the two.
For Monday's funeral, the White House sent two officials with the White
House Office of Public Engagement as well as Broderick Johnson, chairman of
the My Brother's Keeper Task Force.
*Read more... more »
An Interview With Russian Foreign Minister Sergie Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. Source: Photoshot / Vostock Photo
*Sergei Lavrov: The Truth Must Be Revealed -- Russia Beyond The Headlines*
In an exclusive interview with RBTH on the Ukraine crisis, Russian Foreign
Minister Sergei Lavrov says the highest priority must be an unconditional
ceasefire to end the suffering of civilians. He also warns that trying to
settle disputes by imposing unilateral sanctions threatens international
peace and stability.
*Russia Beyond the Headlines*: There has been repeated speculation,
particularly in the Western media, that Russian troop... more »
Putin To Meet Poroshenko As Ukraine - Russian Tensions Escalate

Ukraine president-elect Petro Poroshenko (2nd L), German Chancellor Angela
Merkel (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin talk after a group photo
during the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Benouville, France
June 6, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
*Putin To Meet Poroshenko As Ukraine Tensions Escalate -- Bloomberg*
Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to meet his Ukrainian counterpart,
Petro Poroshenko, as tensions flare on the two nations’ border.
The leaders will attend talks today with European Union representatives in
Minsk, Belarus, during a summit of the C... more »
EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB Did
Education Next is a journal that strongly promotes the privatization of
public education based upon standardized-test-driven outcomes. The folks at
EdNext really love charters and vouchers that drain *authentic* public
schools of their funding all the while escaping the “accountability”
so-called “reform” demands of those flunky, traditional public schools.
The EdNext editor-in-chief is Paul Peterson. He happens to be […]
Why Hasn't Obama Fired John Brennan Yet?
We've been going through Michael Gurnow's book, The Edward Snowden Affair
and finding some pretty awful facts about domestic spying. Basically,
Cheney put a system in place they allowed for no privacy from government
snooping for anyone for any reason at any time. Neither Bush nor Obama was
completely comfortable with it-- but comfortable enough to leave it in
Microsoft, Yahoo and Google, for example, accounted for 98% of PRISM data
intake. They and all the commercial internet firms were facilitating the
government to spy-- unconstitutionally-- on their own customers. And ... more »
Now, these are what I call doors!
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Musical Interlude: David Arkenstone, “Magic Forest”
David Arkenstone, “Magic Forest”
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre bravely breaks from the pack to stand in solidarity with sex workers

Draw close to the debate about decriminalizing the sex industry in Canada
and you will quickly learn that while sex workers' organizations are
working hard to move this issue forward, they don't enjoy much support from
most women's groups.
At least on the surface, the problem seems to boil down to a
fundamental divide between those who see all sex work as exploitation and
victimization, and those who support Canada's adult sex workers in making a
free choice to work in the industry and in safe circumstance. Many women's
groups have tended to align themselves with the exploit... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Bright spiral galaxy NGC 3169 appears to be unraveling in this cosmic
scene, played out some 70 million light-years away just below bright star
Regulus toward the faint constellation Sextans. Its beautiful spiral arms
are distorted into sweeping tidal tails as NGC 3169 (left) and neighboring
NGC 3166 interact gravitationally, a common fate even for bright galaxies
in the local universe. In fact, drawn out stellar arcs and plumes,
indications of gravitational interactions, seem rampant in the deep and
colorful galaxy group photo.
*Click image for larger size.*
The picture spans 20 ar... more »
"The Most Beautiful People..."
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat,
known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out
of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an
understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a
deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy"
*"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"When we view the lives of others and think they have it easy, we are not
seeing the whole of their life or the story they are presenting. Our lives
are an exercise in facing challenges. We dream the grandest of dreams as
youngsters only to discover that we must cultivate copious inner strength
and determination in order to meet our goals. Our hard work does not always
yield the results we expect. And it is when we find ourselves frustrated by
the trials we face or unable to meet our own expectations that we... more »
Jim Valvano, "Three Things..."
“To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do
this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every
day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number
three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness
or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a
full day. That’s a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you’re
going to have something special. I just got one last thing... I urge all of
you, all of you, to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have.”
-... more »
“How to Keep Your Focus Razor Sharp”
*“How to Keep Your Focus Razor Sharp”*
by Jan Bruce
“There's a woman I know, a writer and consultant, who says she's more
stressed out by what she's not doing than what she is doing. When she's in
the flow of work, she's consumed by it, productive, engaged. But when she's
not and instead worrying about what she has to get done, she says she
"hovers like a gnat around her work, not landing on anything, not getting
anything done, and completely stressed out about it." This isn't a workload
problem. This is a focus problem. And it's something you're struggling
with, too. Challenge you... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Anadarko, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Georgia County Refuses to Pay Medical Costs for Toddler Injured by SWAT Flash Grenade

In an outrageous example of adding insult to injury, officials of
Georgia's Habersham County have refused to pay the medical costs for a
toddler maimed during a no-knock police raid. 19 month old Bounkham
Phonesavah was severely injured and suffered life-threatening burns when a
police goon squad chucked a military style flash grenade into his crib during
a no-knock raid back in May. The story drew national attention and is
another reason why the militarized police in this country need to be
disarmed and have a serious legal choke chain applied to them.
These type of tactics may ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Examination Of Conscience”
*“Examination Of Conscience”*
by Chet Raymo
“I have been reading Stephanie Smallwood's “Saltwater Slavery”, a close
examination of the trade in human beings between the coast of West Africa
and the Americas in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is a sobering read, but
if there is one thing I came away with, it was this: We have an enormous
capacity to rationalize the most horrendous crimes.
Everyone involved in the slave trade- the European owners of the ships, the
masters of the trading companies, the ship captains and crews, the
plantation owners in the West Indies and the Chesapea... more »
"Except for totally impulsive or psychotic behavior, every human
decision comes down to the choice between two alternatives."
- Jeff Duntemann
U.S. Army’s Experimental Hypersonic Missile Test Exploded Four Seconds After Takeoff

The U.S. Army’s Advanced Hypersonic Weapon took off for the first time in
November 2011 from the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii, pictured
above. A second test of it Monday from the military’s Kodiak Launch Complex
in Alaska took an unexpected turn when the weapon exploded four seconds
after takeoff. (Courtesy of the U.S. Army)
*The Army’s Experimental Hypersonic Missile Just Exploded Four Seconds
After Takeoff -- Washington Post*
The U.S. Army is in the process of developing something it calls the
Advanced Hypersonic Weapon to strike targets anywhere on Earth within hours... more »
1 down, 179 to go!
Inasmuch as we have so much to resist, there’s still much to feel good
about. And much to feel terrified of as well. I’m still nervous. Happy
First Day!Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Tagged: first day, kindergarten, school
One question for the (female) school sup't who likes to make female students bend over

*Superintendent Bass is said to have said, "If you’re not comfortable with
bending over, we might have a problem." She doesn't think she did anything
*by Ken*
You know how sometimes you wish you could ask someone in the news *just one
question*? That's how I felt when I read this report by ThinkProgress's
Igor Volsky (links onsite):
School Superintendent Asks Female Students To Bend Over During Dress Code
A school superintendent in Noble, Oklahoma allegedly asked female students
to bend over during a dress code check on the first week of school and
claimed,... more »
Ukraine President Calls A Snap Vote For Parliament As Fighting Intensifies In The Eastern Part Of The Country
*Ukraine Crisis: President Calls Snap Vote Amid Fighting -- BBC*
Ukraine's president has dissolved parliament and called snap elections, as
government forces continue to fight pro-Russian rebel forces in the east.
Petro Poroshenko said many current MPs were backers of ousted President
Viktor Yanukovych and that the majority of Ukrainians wanted a new
Elections would be held on 26 October, he said in a TV address.
Separately, Ukraine's military says it clashed with rebel armoured vehicles
that entered the country from Russia.
More than 2,000 people have died in months ... more »
“How the Brutalized Become Brutal”
*“How the Brutalized Become Brutal”*
by Chris Hedges
“The horrific pictures of the beheading of American reporter James Foley,
the images of executions of alleged collaborators in Gaza and the
bullet-ridden bodies left behind in Iraq by the Islamic State of Iraq and
the Levant are the end of a story, not the beginning. They are the result
of years, at times decades, of the random violence, brutal repression and
collective humiliation the United States has inflicted on others.
Our terror is delivered to the wretched of the earth with industrial
weapons. It is, to us, invisible. We d... more »
Ferguson Updates ( August 25 , 2014 ) -- NATIONAL GUARD REMAINS IN FERGUSON DAYS AFTER WITHDRAWAL ANNOUNCEMENT Residents given no timeline for troop "drawdown" ....... RETIRED COP RAY LEWIS ( Philadelphia PD ) BLAMES CORPORATE AMERICA FOR THE SITUATION IN FERGUSON ....... US mourns Ferguson teenager killed by police Thousands attend funeral of black teenager whose killing by white policeman triggered days of unrest in St.Louis suburb.
given no timeline for troop "drawdown"
[image: National Guard Remains in Ferguson Days After Withdrawal
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A promise to remove National Guard troops from Ferguson, Mo. has yet to ... more »
The Present Strategy Of The Islamic State Is To Consolidate The Regions That They Control While Waging War Against Their Neighbors

Despite the group's notoriety across the globe following its formation last
year, its workings and structure has been difficult to pin down
*Islamic State Uses Brutality, Threats In Effort To Entrench Without
Interference -- Washington Post*
James Foley beheading video a calculated effort to deter U.S. intervention
in Iraq, Syria: analysts
The Islamic State terrorist army’s brutality and threats against America on
Aug. 19 are signs it’s focusing on entrenching its so-called Muslim
caliphate — without interference.
Analysts believe that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has... more »
*Fracking boom leaves southwest Miss. with no vacancies for evacuees ~WWLTV
"War On Terror" Is A Fraud - It Is Not Meant To Be Won, It Is Meant To Be Perpetual
Author and historian Webster Tarpley exposes the Orwellian lie known as the
"War On Terror" before Orwell's 1984 provides a glimpse into our own age.
Webster Tarpley is the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Police Steal $455,000 from Medical Marijuana Patient Through Civil Asset Forfeiture
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
More U.S. Hospitals Using Organic Produce Gardens for Recovery

Heather Callaghan
In an age where food is thought of as "filler" and of little importance in
the recovery process, some hospitals are turning that idea on its head by
embracing local organic food for recovery and beyond.
Recently, Rodale Institute partnered up with St. Luke's University Health
Network in Pennsylvania to bring the local organic farm to the hospital
Perhaps the term "hospital cuisine" will now take on a truer, less
sarcastic meaning. Like, maybe it will be easier to "stomach" by not
appearing already digested. But seriously folks...
St Luke's Anderson Ca... more »
*The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum*
Imagine if the only thing you were taught by Advanced Placement curriculum
about Thomas Jefferson, the author of the single most important document in
our country’s history, was that he was a wealthy landowner.
CollegeBoard, the issuer of Advanced Placement Exams has been condemned by
the Republic National Committee for their newly revised Advanced Placement
U.S. History exam and framework for “reflect[ing] a radically revisionist
view of American history that emphasizes negative aspects of our nation's
history while omitt... more »
Media Damage Control On James Foley Video: "Experts Now Conclude Video Is Staged"
*Red Pill Revolution*
Is the Foley video becoming a more believable conspiracy theory?
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
How to Opt-Out Of "Mandatory" Vaccinations
Kids CAN go to school WITHOUT vaccines. For many years, especially while
many of these vaccinations were still being developed, the majority of the
population relied solely on the CDC for their information about vaccines.
In recent years, large groups of people have started to question the
overall benefit of vaccinations. With so many people objecting to the
mandatory shots, we turn to Dr Mayer Eisenstein.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Experts: Foley Beheading Video Is Staged
Brandon Turbeville
In my recent article “NATO Using Foley and ISIS As A Pretext For Bombing
Syria – Ultimate Target Is Russia,” I wrote about three aspects of the
Foley beheading video which indicated that the video is not what it is
being portrayed as to the American people.
While beheadings are by no means unbelievable or foreign to the Syrian
destabilization crisis, the alleged beheading of journalist James Foley is
one that should be viewed with some amount of healthy skepticism. Indeed,
there are a number of anomalies associated with this particular video that
set it apart... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 25, 2014

White House press secretary Josh Earnest took questions about ISIS, Iraq,
and Syria during the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington,
Aug. 25, 2014.
*US: Military Force Not Only Tool to Confront Islamic State -- Voice of
U.S. President Barack Obama has not yet made a decision to pursue military
options in Syria against Islamic State extremists.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest Monday said that while the U.S. was
serious about confronting the Islamic State threat, military force was not
the "only tool in the toolbox."
He added that the only sustainable s... more »
Home-grown horror [updated]
*“The Duke of Wellington famously said that the Battle of Waterloo was won
on the playing-fields of Eton: and if that is the case, then the advance of
the Islamic State was begun in the nice, tolerant, liberal academies of
Britain and other parts of western Europe.”*
Mary Kenny, - 'Isis will never be defeated until Western societies
stand up for their own values,' – IRISH INDEPENDENT
Many folk otherwise supportive of allowing peaceful people to cross borders
freely (a policy well-articulated here) argue this policy can’t survive
Muslim immigration; they argue the policy is unten... more »
World News Briefs -- August 25, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Slim Chance Of Progress As Russian And Ukrainian Leaders Prepare To Meet
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Divided by mistrust and mutual recriminations, the Russian and
Ukrainian leaders will hold rare talks on Tuesday that offer only a slim
hope of progress towards ending five months of separatist war in Ukraine.
Since Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko last met on June 6 in France,
Ukraine has turned the tide of the conflict and largely encircled
pro-Russian rebels holding out in two cities in the east of the former
Soviet republic.
*Read more* ....
Hundreds dead as I... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "Washington’s lies echoed by the presstitute media that serves Washington are destroying Washington’s credibility and that of the Western media among Europeans, especially Germans who understand that the threat to peace comes from across the Atlantic, not from east of the Oder River." Roman Baudzus: "...alert and intelligent Europeans have caught on to Washington’s campaign to demonize Russia. A Dutch group of professors sent an open letter to Russian president Vladimir Putin on August 12 in which the signatories officially apologized for the propaganda lies sprewed by Western media." Blogger: "I hope that alert and intellegent Americans catch on before our depraved government starts a nuclear war that will kill us all."

*Guest Column from Germany — America Frightens Us — by Roman Baudzus*
August 25, 2014 | Original Here
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Guest Column from Germany — America Frightens Us — by Roman Baudzus
Dear Friends: I am pleased to be able to share with you this revealing
article written for our website by the editor of an important website in
Washington’s lies echoed by the presstitute media that serves Washington
are destroying Washingt... more »
The Day Michael Hutchence Died

" *"Tell the girls I love them very much and I love you. I have to get off
the 'phone. I am going to ring Bob and beg in my knees for Bob to let me
see my babies." *He sounded desperate.
Throughout the three years of fighting Bob GELDOF, he would repeatedly say
*"Don't forget I'm above the law."*
This sort of behaviour intimidated us because* he truly believes* he is
above the law and has acquired substantial influence and power since Live
The Geldof Murders from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Michael wanted to see us all. He didn't sound like he had much more than a
drink. After ... more »
SAS And US Special Forces Are Teaming Up To Form A New Unit To Be Called 'Task Force Black' That Will Target The Leadership Of The Islamic State

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
The Islamic State cabinet and the men who will be targeted by U.K./U.S.
Special forces
*SAS And US Special Forces Forming Hunter Killer Unit To 'Smash Islamic
State' -- Mirror*
Task Force Black will aim to “cut the head off the snake” by hitting the
command structure of the Islamist terror group responsible for a trail of
Elite British and US special forces troops are forming a hunter killer unit
called Task Force Black – its orders: “Smash the Islamic State.”
The undercover warriors will aim to “cut the head off the snake” by hitting
the... more »
Stopping Militarization Of Local Police Departments

Below is a copy of the letter Blue America sent out to all members letter
last night. We were eager to make sure everyone was aware that most
Democrats joined the Republicans in voting against the amendment Grayson
offered to just the brakes on excessive militarization of local police
departments but that congressmembers who Blue America has helped get
elected-- from Grayson himself, right up through last year's two big
success stories, Matt Cartwright and Beto O'Rourke-- defied the leadership
and voted *for* the amendment.Our candidates this year are cut from the same stock. She... more »
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