Dead bodies of Syrian rebels, killed by the French Army (before 1916), and placed in Marjeh Square. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: President Bashar al-Assad, Aleppo, Abbarah square (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:49am MDSTHow the CIA vets "Syrian Rebels"
This came to us from one of the Anonymous commenters here.
AnonymousAugust 9, 2013 at 3:51 AM
*SATIRE* via
I am completely unfamiliar with this place, myself. But, did enjoy the
dialogue presented.
The absurdity of the so called 'vetting process' You know weapons going
only go to the good guys ???
"So the decision has been taken, and the US will start training and arming
the Syrian rebels after vetting them in Jordan. Now we all know what a
capable organisation the CIA is so we should a... more »
Ezra Klein refuses to stop!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 2013*
*Professions must be made:* On Monday night, the analysts screamed, then
explained what Ezra had done.
He was guest-hosting for Chris Hayes. He had started the program like this:
KLEIN (8/5/13): Good evening from New York. I’m Ezra Klein, *sitting in for
the great Chris Hayes.*
Gack! We’ve warned you to check your wallets when you see the children do
that. This is part of a marketing campaign designed to convince you that
they and their colleagues are “great.”
Confidentially, they and their colleagues *aren’t *great. If they were,
they shouldn’t be in char... more »
AP outdoes itself on Syria
Today's AP news headline: "Syrian rebels shell neighborhood close to
Assad." But did they?
The first paragraph is certainly frightening news for the Syrian government:
Rockets and mortar shells hit an upscale Damascus neighborhood Thursday
where Syrian President Bashar Assad was visiting a nearby mosque, laying
bare the ability of rebels to strike one of the most secure areas of the
capital despite an ongoing government offensive.
And the next paragraph gets even worse, telling us "At least two rebel
brigades claimed to have hit Assad's motorcade on its way to the mosque."
But the... more »
Gold Markets Get Strange – Is Economic Danger Near?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image source Brandon Smith
Traditionally, metals markets are supposed to be a solid fundamental signal
of the physical and psychological health of our overall economy. Steady but
uneventful commodities trade meant a generally healthy industrial base and
consumption base. An extreme devaluation was a signal of deflation in
consumer demand and a flight to currencies. Extreme price hikes meant a
flight from normal assets and currencies in the wake of possible
This is how gold and silver markets were originally ... more »
*Brees can join elite fraternity this season ~Scott Walker, WDSU*
Why Have Police In America Turned Into Such Ruthless Thugs?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Michael Snyder
Once upon a time, the police were one of the most respected institutions in
America, but now most Americans fear them. Almost every single day there
are multiple stories of police brutality or misconduct that make the
national news.
Just this week, there have been stories about police killing a baby deer at
an animal shelter, about police killing a 95-year-old World War II veteran in
a retirement home, and about police using legal technicalities to “legally”
stealmassive amounts of money from innocent citizen... more »
What It Means to Be An NSA "Target"
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*New Information Shows Why We Need Immediate FISA Amendments Act Reform*
image source
Mark Rumold
An important New York Times investigation from today reporting that the NSA
"is searching the contents of vast amounts of Americans’ e-mail and text
communications into and out of the country," coupled with leaked documents
published by the Guardian, seriously calls into question the accuracy of
crucial statements made by government officials about NSA surveillance.
The government has previously tried to reassure the publi... more »
Globalist Agenda Rolling At Super Highway Speed Forcing Conscious Revolution to Accelerate
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Bernie Suarez
There is a strange feeling in the air. It’s happening all across America,
no really! People everywhere are being pushed to make critical decisions
about their perception of the world they now live in. The speed of events
is being artificially manipulated by the globalists; who evidently realize
that time is running out and are seeking control and are going for it all.
They are doing the obvious, like now introducing the North American Union, denying
NSA spying exposed by whistleblowers and even creating world-wi... more »
During The Best Period Of Economic Growth In U.S. History There Was No Income Tax And No Federal Reserve
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Dees Illustration Michael Snyder
How would America ever survive without the central planners in the Obama
administration and at the Federal Reserve? What in the world would we do
if there was no income tax and no IRS? Could the U.S. economy possibly
keep from collapsing under such circumstances?
The mainstream media would have us believe that unless we have someone "to
pull the levers" our economy would descend into utter chaos, but the truth
is that the best period of economic growth in U.S. history occurred during
a tim... more »
SOURCES OF PARALYSIS: The fiery liberals this time!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 2013*
*Part 4—Paralyzed by our own people:* In the fall of 1997, we started
trying to create this site.
In those days, the nation boasted two major sources of intellectual
paralysis. You could get paralyzed from “the right” or by the mainstream
“press corps.”
On the right, Fox News wasn’t a big deal yet, but talk radio had been going
strong for more than a decade. The think tanks had been churning the
bullroar since the 1960s.
More and more, the mainstream press corps was taking its cues from these
paralytic sources. Silly claims were repeated, without objection... more »
A Debate over Obamacare
Casey Mulligan versus David Cutler
APSA Aerobics
It’s almost APSA time and it seems all my friends are busy planning really
wonderful sporting engagements for times they aren’t in panels. This
always puts me in a bind – I thought we became academics because we were
bad at sports! I can’t throw a Frisbee and soccer requires too much
coordination. So, I’ve
Continue reading
Austin, Texas Terror Alert Coincides with Homeland Security Drill
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*Law enforcement ‘on alert’ for ‘unconfirmed’ and ‘random’ potential
terrorist attacks in Austin, while failing to warn the public of the threat.
Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
While U.S. embassies around the globe have been shut down and travelers
cautioned over a vague terror threat officials claim resembles pre-9/11
activity, law enforcement and counter-terrorism authorities in Austin,
Texas did not issue a warning of terror threats to residents, despite a
city-specific threat sent only to law enforcement.
A Homeland... more »
*N.O. area housing prices steadily rising ~Jaquetta White, New Orleans
Offending Activists
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*YouTube - Larken Rose*
*Editor's Note*: "Activism" is a broad term. Larken Rose addresses a
particular form of it and calls into question how effective group efforts,
protests and petitions may be, while those efforts often avoid the heart of
the problem. *Personal *activism on the other hand, wherein one transforms
their own understanding of self-determination and becomes *active* to make
necessary changes, remains a key goal.
From the video description: Time to be a total party-pooper, and annoy and
offend lots of people ... more »
Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War
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image source Paul Craig Roberts
It was five years ago that the president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvilli,
who was installed in power by the Washington supported “Rose Revolution,”
launched a military invasion of South Ossetia, a break-away province under
its own government. The Georgian attack killed Russian peace-keeping troops
and numerous Ossetians.
The Russian military response overwhelmed the US trained and equipped
Georgian army in 5 days to the embarrassment of Saakashvilli and his
Washington sponsors.
Washington b... more »
Former NSA Director Refers to Privacy Activists as Al Qaeda Terrorists
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Innocence or Guilt?: Looking Beyond the Individual | the becoming radical
How does Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader inform the many scandals in the
education reform era? READ: Innocence or Guilt?: Looking Beyond the
Individual | the becoming radical.
*The Muslim Brotherhood: The Best YouTube Actors *
The Bankers financed Hitler
US air force chief ends secret week-long visit to Israel *
**Exposed: Factory chicken slaughterhouses using super-strength chemicals
to cover up extreme salmonella contamination*
What will happen when Bilderberger Jeff Bezos takes over the Washington Post?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Patrick Henningsen founder and Bilderberg member Jeff Bezos is all set to take
control of the Washington Post from the Graham family who have owned the
media publication for four generations.
Bezos paid $250 million for the Washington Post, along with the Express
newspaper and several local weeklies bundled in.
Interestingly, the Bezos deal comes on the heals of another major media
move, with the New York Times announcing that it’s selling its ownership in
The Boston Globe. When the NYT purchased The Boston Globe... more »
Silly season
Pandering to attention-seekers is a very annoying trait of the BBC. Putting
people like Owen Jones, Mehdi Hasan and Tim Stanley on our screens at every
opportunity is a ratings-grasping ploy, the equivalent of an internet
phenomenon I keep coming across, called ‘click-bait.’
Then there’s the Bongo Bongo Land thing, which Ed West has nailed, and the
‘is a 13-year-old too young to be called a sexual predator’ question, which
is another multi-faceted issue rather than a suitable topic for knee-jerk
politically correct outrage.
We all know that the BBC’s charter obliges them to appear ... more »
Topsy Turvy World
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Redmond Weissenberger
Sometimes seems like we live in a topsy-turvy world. NSA whistleblower
Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in the former home of the
Proletariat Revolution, while the Home of the Brave's government
desperately wants his scalp. Three decades ago, this was unheard of.
Communist Russia was supposed to be a place of tyranny and surveillance.
Uncle Sam was supposed to leave his citizens in peace. Now the roles have
been flipped as Putin's Russia is taking in political refugees attempting
to outr... more »
Some have claimed that Americans don't care about the revelations that the
NSA is conducting massive surveillance on our private communications. But
Oliver Stone isn't buying it.
In a video produced with the ACLU, Director Oliver Stone shares some of his
reflections on the NSA spying program and the disastrous legacy of
unchecked government abuse of power. All Americans should stand up for our
civil liberties at this critical moment in history, he says-- by asking our
representatives in Congress to roll back the surveillance state.
Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary)
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*James Corbett*
Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 1 *by corbettreport*
More info visit:
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NSA officials admit to widespread collection of emails, other text communications sent to people overseas
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image credit:
frederic.jacobs/Flickr Madison Ruppert
Anonymous National Security Agency (NSA) officials have revealed that the
agency collects emails and other text communications when they are received
from foreign sources, sent internationally or when they mention a
particular person or something related to that person.
The fact that the NSA conducts widespread surveillance of people communicating
with foreign individuals has been known for quite some time, but this is
the first time that officials have admitted that the s... more »
Carbon Fraud Deniers
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Dees Ilustration Jon David Miller
Those who try to expose the falsehood of blaming carbon dioxide emissions
from common human activities as the cause of climate change, are commonly
dismissed as “climate change deniers”. If you are under that misconception,
you should dig deeper to understand what is really happening, rather than
accepting conclusions from false data and assuming the fraud alerts are
just “conspiracy theory”.
I urge you not to ignore what I present because I am not a scientist.
Rather, please discover that ... more »
Colorado Apartment's Gun Ban Thrown Out
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Image *Activist Post*
The question of what is reasonable under HOA regulations seems to have been
answered, at least in the case of The Douglas County Housing Partnership
and their reversal of a policy that was set to be imposed by Ross
Management Group.
An emergency meeting of the housing authority was called in the wake of the
outcry following a new notice to Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock,
Colorado which stipulated that owners would no longer be permitted to have
guns in their residence as of October 1, 2013. (Source)... more »
"The Human Spirit Can Never Be Vanquished!"
Well, to the extent that "the human spirit" is just a concept, that
statement is true. Obviously though, since it's just a concept, it can't do
much of anything.
The individual human spirit? I can get a handle on that. It's somebody's
optimism and will to survive and triumph. That can be broken. It's been
broken countless times in the past. Countless individuals have committed
suicide or been tortured into compliance. Renouncing their beliefs.
Betraying their comrades. It's nonsense to say that the human spirit can
never be vanquished.
"The people united can never be defeated... more »
A Closer Look At The Minimum Wage
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Wag The Dog : An NSA Production
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*Plot:* Illegal NSA spying has been exposed and people are pissed. Fake
terror plots are hyped to justify spying, and drone strikes. Give up your
rights happily, or you're with the terrorists.
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Hardware and Software Combining to Replicate the Human Brain
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Nicholas West
The goal to create a computer brain every bit the equal to its human
counterpart is nearing reality . . . if the researchers involved can be
believed. These are the same researchers, after all, who have made disingenuous
claims in the past.
On one hand it has been stated that mapping the vast structure of the human
brain - particularly true cognition, not only computational power - is
nearly insurmountable:
Using today’s state of the art technology, it takes an AI-assisted
researcher almost 50 hours to reconst... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Amanda Bearse, 55.
And with that, I'm off on a long vacation weekend. Off to Vegas with my
dad. I should get the normal weekend posts up at some point, I'll have a
Salon column as usual, and it's possible I'll wind up doing another item at
some point, but today and Monday should be fairly quiet around here.
Some good stuff heading into the weekend:
1. Garance Franke-Ruta on living the, I don't know how to pitch
2. This is fun: how old were they on July 4, 1776? Todd Andrlik has the
3. And more fun: scouting reports on...presidents! From Dav... more »
US Gov't Forces Snowden's Encrypted Email Service to Shut Down
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*Activist Post*
NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden famously used an encrypted email account
to communicate privately with Glenn Greenwald and other reporters.
Shortly after it was revealed that Snowden used Lavabit, the U.S.
government pressured them to close down after ten years of service.
Lavabit's owner, Ladar Levison, received a court order to turn over all
users' private email data. He refused, and said he would not "become
complicit in crimes against the American people."
Levison claims he was given two choices: coope... more »
Muslim Brotherhood Propaganda Film Exposed
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Brandon Turbeville
Taking a cue from the foreign-backed death squads currently wreaking havoc
in Syria, Muslim Brotherhood supporters have been caught attempting to
stage both a demonstration and a violent repression of that demonstration
by government forces.
Incredibly, Muslim Brotherhood supporters literally organized a fake
demonstration complete with camera crews whose purpose was to photograph
the “demonstrators” pretending to march on the streets of Egypt and portray
this demonstration as real. What’s more, the “demon... more »
Can Steve Israel's Beloved Blue Dogs Derail Immigration Reform By Siding With The GOP Again?
John Barrow-- anti-immigrant Blue Dog (GA)
Politically, the battle over immigration reform in pretty black and white,
right? The Democrats want to reform the system. The Republicans don't. If
only it could break down that neatly! The genesis of the immigration
problem is tied up in wealthy corporate interests-- primarily backers of
the GOP-- who want cheap labor and lots of immigration to drive the cost of
labor down and dilute the power of unions. But the other half of the
Republican coalition is made of of racists, xenophobes and bigots filled
with fear and hatred for immigrants. T... more »
The European Union VERY QUIETLY passes an EU Bail IN scheme on August 1 , 2013 - EU denizens , you are now officially on notice your money in Banks is at risk !
GLOBAL LOOTING: The new EU bailin law was passed 8 days ago….did you notice?
Revealed: official details on how the EU will steal from us
[image: lobs]*Are you a citizen with rights, or just a helpless crustacean?*
*Three beaming eurocrats – Barroso, Van Rompuy and Lithuanian Dalia
Grybauskaite – emerged triumphant from a session two days ago, in which
they mapped out the biggest bank heist in world history. This is to put
flesh on the eurozone law hastily passed on August 1st (while EU citizens
were on holiday) to deal with theinevitability event of a bank collapse.
Under this draft p... more »
State Assessment Results: "It Just Doesn't Matter"
Reblogged from SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: Even though we opted our
oldest out of the third grade state assessments last year, an error
occurred and her blank math test answer form was scanned and sent on to the
New York State Education Department. As a result, we received a Parent
Report from NYSED […]
Japan total debt crosses one quadrillion yen ! That number translates to 10.5 trillion dollars - an amount larger than the combined economies of the UK , Germany and France ! An amount which 230 percent of Japan's GDP ! Imagine where this numbers soars to as Japan continues QE and at some point in time issues debt to deal with the Fukushima debacle !
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Japan Enters The Keynesian Twilight Zone As Total Debt Crosses
¥1,000,000,000,000,000.00.Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/09/2013 - 08:04
Back in May 2011, together with forecasting Japan's most epic case of
quantitative easing ever unleashed, we presented the absurd, if inevitable,
thought experiment of a country that would soon cross into the twilight
zone of total sovereign debt numbers that no longer even fit on a simple
pocket calculator. The country of course is Japan, *and the debt number is
one quadrillion*. As of last night, the absurd has beco... more »
The Next Terrorist Attack - What The Mainstream Media Isn't Telling You
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Maybe It's Time For Mike Duffy And Pamela Wallin To Throw Stephen Harper 'Under The Bus' And Come Clean On This Whole Sorry Affair!
*When Stephen Harper decided to add Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy to
Canada's unelected, undemocratic Senate, he started in motion a series of
events that has ultimately become an ugly, nasty political scandal.
For starters, neither Duffy nor Wallin qualified for senate appointment as
representatives of their respective native provinces.
While Ms. Wallin is originally from Saskatchewan, she has lived away for
most of her adult life and Saskatchewan was no longer her principle
residence. ** Saskatchewan's right leaning corporate MSM came running to
Harper's defence and tried to ... more »
DOJ Admits "Unintended Consequences" in Drug War, May Reduce Sentences
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"The war on drugs is now 30, 40 years old," Holder says. "There have been a
lot of unintended consequences. There's been a decimation of certain
communities, in particular communities of color."
Listen to the full story below:
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Uneasy Lies the Head
The knives are out.Tim Hudak's days as leader of the Ontario Progressive
Conservative Party are numbered. Bob Hepburn writes in *The Toronto Star:*
In the wake of disappointing losses in four of the five byelections last
week, now comes news that Hudak is facing a new open revolt within his
party, with two separate calls for a leadership review by groups of Tory
activists furious over the party’s poor showing.
If the calls succeed, Hudak could be dumped as leader at the party’s
convention set for Sept. 20-22.
Such an outcome is unlikely because it’s almost impossible to rewrite p... more »
Abuse of civil forfeiture laws allow the theft of literally billions each year from innocent americans - that these laws use " forfeited " funds to cover police salaries and bonuses really sets up a conflict for the police to enforce the law equitable rather than abusively ! Civil forfeiture just an aspect of the militarization of the police as we devolve to a Stasi style state here in the " Homeland "
Civil forfeiture scam lets police collect billions from innocent Americans
Published time: August 08, 2013 19:36
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AFP Photo
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Crime, Police, USA
Police agencies across the United States are seizing billions of dollars
annually in assets and money from people never convicted of crimes, and
they’ve been getting away with it for decades.
Law enforcement uses civil forfeiture to make fortunes in towns around the
US, and only a select few of the innocent parties impacted by the practice
are lucky enough to have their cash and other goodies ... more »
*FEMA adminstrator gets look at local levees ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans
*Fight heats up against potential huge flood insurance rate hikes ~Scott
Satchfield, WVUE*
*New Orleans to Host Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Meeting ~Dredging
*Exquisite Corps to Consider Elevating Entire Jersey Shore *Seasonal
Get-A-Way* Town of Highland? Well, Yeyuuuh???*
*~"The good news is the proposal we put forth after Sandy to consider
raising the town is now being considered by the Corp."*
*Real estate frenzy near soon-to-be biomedical district ~WWLTV *
*Barbie celebrates M... more »
Municipal debt issuance in Michigan hits turbulence after Detroit bankruptcy forcing three local governments to pull offerings - will Oakland County actually move forward with its 300 million bond offering next month or also be forced to pull its deal ?
SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) — Three governments in Michigan have pulled planned
municipal bond sales off the market since Detroit filed for bankruptcy
protection last month.
On Thursday, Saginaw County withdrew a roughly $61 million sale to cover
pension obligations. Ahead of that decision, Genesee County withdrew a $54
million sale to finance a water and sewer work. And Battle Creek delayed a
$16 million general obligation bond issue.
The decisions come amid concern that Detroit's bankruptcy... more »
Fukushima - Radioactive " Water World " news - August 6 , 2013 ...... Japan with tepco handling the Fukushima debacle is a clear and presnt danger to the world , more dangerous than a Terrorist Groups - WHY THE SILENCE FROM THE WORLD ?
Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
[Column] Rising groundwater – 2 reasons why Tepco’s countermeasures may
cause further disaster
Posted by *Mochizuki* on August 7th, 2013 · 2 Comments
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The groundwater is estimated to reach the ground surface on 8/19/2013,
which is the very urging problem.
On 8/7/2013, Tepco announced they are going to start pumping up the rising
groundwater from 8/9/2013.
After pumping up the wa... more »
Following the pulling of Embassy personnel in Yemen , the US pulls staff from a consulate in Lahore , Pakistan ..... Note the uptick in the Af - Pak theatre over the past month !
US pulls staff from consulate in Pakistan
Non-essential personnel ordered to leave Lahore diplomatic mission on basis
of "credible threat information".
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2013 11:44
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The shift of some consulate personnel from Lahore is a precautionary
measure, US officials say [AFP]
The US government has ordered all non-essential staff to leave its
consulate in Pakistan's Lahore after receiving threats of attack, with the
State Department also ... more »
Darwin had it all wrong; missing the Killshot...? (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 5 hours ago
"Knowing where to go with your last tank of gas is so important!" That
claims *Maj. Ed Dames*, ret. US Army, involved in Remote Viewing tests for
a.o. the CIA. Archaeologist *Peter M. Jupp* from Australia says it
differently. He claims that Darwin, from the natural evolution theory, had
it all wrong. He overlooked peculiar "jumps", shocks in 'evolution', that
go back to some kind of Killshot, that Maj. Dames introduced. These shocks
rule out a natural evolution, but a cosmic involvement.
*Ben Davidson* from "Suspicious-Observers" explains what cosmic event could
have triggered the de... more »
Working for a Member of Parliament
Bright young things swanning around with their sharp suits and lattes.
Having the most powerful people in the land hanging off your advice and
earning megabucks - it's a nice fantasy. Except for the majority of people
working in politics, the unacknowledged and overlooked battalions beavering
away in MPs' parliamentary and constituency offices, this is a far cry from
what they do. Except for the suits. And the hot drinks. I know because for
the last two-and-a-half years, I've been a caseworker for Tristram Hunt,
the Member of Parliament for Stoke-on-Trent Central. And as today is my... more »
My Day at the Chicago Protest Against ALEC
It's been an interesting day.
First to get this out of the way -
If you would like to look at some of the demonstrators signs
*>>>GO HERE<<<*
If you woudl like to see two good vids of the protest
*>>>GO HERE<<<*
*>>>>GO HERE<<< *
Onward and Forward
When I scoped out the area around the Palmer - I said to myself, "where in
the hell are they going to put the people who are supposed to be here"?
Having been at the Scottsdale protest against ALEC - there were about 200
of us - it was gonna be tight if 600 showed up in Chicago, in front of the
Palmer (there were 600 at the protest i... more »
Bill Whittle: We have logic, history, reason, data, and truth...(video)
*if you do nothing else today, please watch this. Forget the sound bites.
Sit back, listen, and ponder. *
Seriously powerful!!
"Barack Obama is not the problem. He is the symptom of the problem"
Medicine for the People - Link To 63 Music Videos
*YouTube link:*
Update Aug 9th: More Data, spying, and transparency
*Goooooood Morning!! (or evening for my ozzie friends!)*
**I've been away from the computer for the most part this week, although I
did take a few hours to try to catch up on the over 800 emails in my in
box- (if you emailed me before July 28.... I'm afraid that your email most
likely got deleted- it was an act of desperation), and catching up with the
on going conversations in the various skype rooms, and reading reading
**More transparency coming out this week from all sorts of sources and a
couple of these articles are very pointed in the data that they are
outing... more »
In 2005, The Sunday Mirror had a front page story about an orgy held in
Among those attending the orgy was the director of an international charity.
"The international charity director had sex with a female TV production
company boss."
Sir Stephen Bubb is head of the UK's *Association of Chief Executives of
Voluntary Organisations* (Acevo)
* Sir Stephen Bubb is a defender of charity boardroom excess.*
Sir Stephen earns £100,000 per year.
*Sir Stephen Bubb, who defended six-figure salaries for bosses of
charities, had his... more »
Beyond Robopocalypticism
In all the media frenzy over “killer robots,” Terminator imagery comes up a
lot. So do references to Battlestar Galactica. So does a specific scene
from Robocop, soon to be remade to resonate with public fears of domestic
drones. These iconic narratives invoke a recurrent theme in American
science fiction about lethal robot malfunctions or
Continue reading
Skyrmions could make hard disks 100 times smaller
*Remotely related: sci-fi gets real:* tech junkies should look at 27
science-fiction concepts that morphed into reality in 2012.
Nature's Ron Cowen reviewed a technical paper in Nature that is one month
Writing and Deleting Single Magnetic Skyrmions (Niklas Romming and 7
co-authors from Hamburg).
See also reviews in Gizmodo and those via Google News. Thanks to Viktor K.
for the link.
Skyrmions, some topologically non-trivial solutions of non-linear
sigma-models first described by Tony Skyrme in the 1960s, may be thought of
as tiny vortices of atoms. Because in this very r... more »
Meet Donald E. Westlake
The 1999 film 'Payback' is based on the *Parker series by Donald E.
*Wikipedia: *
Donald Edwin Westlake (July 12, 1933 – December 31, 2008) was an American
writer, with over a hundred novels and non-fiction books to his credit. He
specialized in crime fiction, especially comic capers, with an occasional
foray into science fiction or other genres. He was a three-time Edgar Award
winner, one of only three writers (the others are Joe Gores and William L.
DeAndrea) to win Edgars in three different categories (1968, Best Novel,
God Save the Mark; 1990, Best Short Story, "... more »
Phils/Taiwan fisherman killing mess links
*Temple procession in Tainan*
Not much time for blogging today, in Kinmen enjoying that island's
wonderful atmosphere and old buildings, but Manila has put out its official
report on the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman.
Meanwhile Taipei is responding quid pro quo by announcing that it is
lifting the sanctions on Manila. Good news. An emissary came to apologize
-- something that had already occurred -- and Manila announced it was
prosecuting the sailors, obvious sacrifices to Manila-Taipei relations.
When asked to elaborate on dissatisfaction, Hung Tzu-chien said she felt it
was ... more »
Greg Hunter, Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.9.13
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.9.13*"
By Greg Hunter’s
"I am coming to you from the Midwest, and I have some good news to report
on the crop front. This year looks like it’s going to go much better than
last year. The corn is 10 feet tall in some places, and the soybeans are
looking pretty good. Last year, we had extreme drought conditions across
most of the country. This year, at least half the country has had plenty of
rain. That said, about forty percent of the west is still extremely dry.
Also, even though there has been plenty of water, crops were planted late
becau... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Sea of Dreams”
2002, “Sea of Dreams”
Ghada Shbeir: Traditional Maronite Chants
*Source of photo.*
*Brief Bio of Ghada Shbeir (Source: her official website):*
Specialist and professional performer of traditional Middle Eastern folks
and Arabo Andalusian songs, Syriac and Ancient Maronite chants, Ghada
Shbeir has an exquisite talent and the ability to move easily and with
professionalism from traditional folk songs to religious chants. She has
earned frequent comparison to some of the best Middle Eastern singers.
Born in Lebanon, after graduation from high school, Ghada Shbeir moved to
the USEK ... more »
"A look to the Heavens"
“Medieval Albrechtsberg castle is nestled in trees near the northern bank
of the river Pielach and the town of Melk, Austria. In clearing night skies
on August 12, 2012 it stood under constellations of the northern summer,
including Aquarius, Aquila, and faint, compact Delphinus (above and right
of center) in this west-looking skyview.
* Click image for larger size.*
The scene also captures a bright meteor above the castle walls. Part of
the annual perseid meteor shower, its trail points back toward the heroic
constellation Perseus high above the horizon in the early morning ho... more »
"Why You're Always Right: The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind"
* *
*"Why You're Always Right: The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind"*
by Rith
"Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have
drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you."
- Richard Bach
"No. I'm not talking about indignant righteousness that usually happens
when you have to be right because you can't stand losing an argument and
want to stand your ground (hey it happens to the best of us). I'm talking
about something profoundly powerful…
You see, the job of our subconscious mind is to obey the directions of what
the conscious mind repeatedl... more »
Chet Raymo, "Silk Dawn"
*"Silk Dawn" *
by Chet Raymo
"A magical morning. Warm and still. The hillside is cloaked in a fine,
soft mist that will burn away by ten. I walk down the drive to open the
gate. The field is carpeted with silk. Silk made visible by dew. (Click to
The spiders were there all along, of course. Their webs too. Everyday as I
walked through the grass, they were there, unseen. Unknowingly, I crushed
them with my footfalls. A field full of snares, each silken net flung
across the grass, each net with its tunnel lair where the predator waits,
patiently, for dinner. And now t... more »
Washington Creates Al-Qaeda Safe Haven In Syria, Then Warns of Its Threat To Global Security
[image: Cee Lo Green Has Seen Some Things In Music Video Gif]
Washington's three-step policy towards Syria:
Step 1. Create Al-Qaeda Safe Haven In Syria.
Step 2. Warn The World of Al-Qaeda Safe Have In Syria To Global Security.
Step 3. Bomb Bomb Bomb?
An excerpt from, *"As Foreign Fighters Flood Syria, Fears of a New
Extremist Haven"* (The New York Times, August 8):
As foreign fighters pour into Syria at an increasing clip, extremist groups
are carving out pockets of territory that are becoming havens for Islamist
militants, posing what United States and Western intelligence official... more »
Paulo Coelho, “The Meaning of Life”
Paulo Coelho, “The Meaning of Life”
*James Gill: Coastal suit muddies waters*
Ryan Adams Is Now On The Sean Hannity Enemies List-- Why Aren't You?
Hannity took a little time out from Obama-bashing to demonize the new enemy
of American fascism, North Carolina singer-songwriter Ryan Adams.
Apparently the think-skinned Hannity, who loves dishing it out, can't stand
when the barrages are incoming. Wednesday *Rolling Stone* reported that Hannity
took on his most comfortable role: dickhead in desperate search for
Last night, Ryan Adams found himself the involuntary topic of Fox News’ *
Hannity* after he got into a Twitter spat with the show’s eponymous host,
Sean Hannity.
After Hannity tweeted about the lack of role mod... more »
In my garden ...
[image: Small Footprints' 2013 Garden.]
Have a nice weekend, everyone!
Thought Dreams
I’ve nearly completely extricated myself from my daily reading and
commenting on Facebook and Twitter. I’m a retired public school teacher.
I’ve virtually stopped writing about education and the continuing
destruction of our public schools. I live it everyday now as a consultant
in the classrooms. I’ve been traveling a lot over the last few […]
Every Person is a Person
"Every Person is a Person"
— John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) August 8, 2013
Detroit: This is what decades of corrupt liberal rule looks like...(video)
*this is so sad and a warning for all of us.*
From YouTube:
*Uploaded on Oct 21, 2010*
Let's go for a ride starting in Highland Park (first few buildings), and
then into Detroit . Witness the destruction of once Great industrial
American cities turning them into ghost towns. Even in downtown Detroit,
there are empty skyscrapers.... This video is just a TINY fraction of
insane amount of buildings destroyed in Detroit . Historical buildings are
falling apart leaving nothing for the next generations to admire. I urge
viewers to research the true reasons of why this happened to this c... more »
Vital Interview: GalacticU Radio w/Sierra Neblina Interviews Brian & Bob -- Archive of Today's Show
*Copied from Brian Kelly's Blog *
*GalacticU Radio w/Sierra Neblina Interviews Brian & Bob at 2:30 pst Today*
August 8, 2013
Bob and I just finished the recording with Sierra a couple of hours ago.
For anyone who feels like they need a deeper understanding of how our
monetary system works, how all loans are fraud, the strawman account and
where we believe the new value system is headed, I highly suggest giving
this a listen. I also think this would be a good dialogue to share with
those who still may need some convincing. I'll probably go back and listen
to it again myself ;) ~BK
... more »
Richard Sennett: Brutal Simplifiers (March 2011 Lecture)
*"Beware the terrible simplifiers." - Historian Jacob Burckhardt (May 25,
1818-August 8, 1897).*
*"Together: The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation"* by
Richard Sennett (2012).
Richard Sennett (born 1 January 1943) is the Centennial Professor of
Sociology at the London School of Economics and University Professor of the
Humanities at New York University. Sennett has studied social ties in
cities, and the effects of urban living on individuals in the modern world.
He has been a Fellow of The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Sciences, of th... more »
"Hello Scotia Mocatta, This Is JPMorgan - We Urgently Need Some Of Your Gold"
* *Thanks to Dan for finding this one... -AK*
* *"Hello Scotia Mocatta, This Is JPMorgan - We Urgently Need Some Of Your
Tyler Durden's pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 08/08/2013 16:27 -0400
Yesterday, it was HSBC. Today, the lucky respondent to JPM's polite gold
'procurement' request, is the second "fullest" New York commercial gold
vault: Scotia Mocatta.
As ZH reported previously, following the announcement of an imminent
withdrawal of 63.5k ounces of its gold (1... more »
After many months of ignoring Ahmed Abu Khatala , suddenly sealed charges have filed against him regarding Benghazi - of course , he denies involvement ! And naturally he has not been questioned by Libyan authorities , just living a normal life in his city ! Meanwhile in forgotten Libya , the usual blend of political intrigue , oil industry strikes and mayhem fill out the scorecard for another MENA success story ....
Another embarrassment in the making for the O Team ? Benghazi rears its
head ...
Suspect denies involvement in Chris Stevens killing
*Tripoli, 8 August 2013*:
A Libyan man wanted by the US authorities on charges related to the killing
of US ambassador Chris Stevens has denied involvement.
Reports in the US media yesterday said that Ahmed Abu Khatala, along with a
number of as yet unnamed suspects, was facing criminal charges in the case
of the attack on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi on 11 September
Khatala, however, told the *Associated Press* yesterday that he had not... more »
Lost in Mistranslation:Before Inauguration, Rouhani Gets the Ahmadinejad Treatment
look, an Iranian president said something about oppression and
occupation in Palestine and his words were mistranslated,
misinterpreted, widely condemned and proliferated by warmongers as
evidence of hatred and aggression. Obviously, this comes as no surprise
as we've all been here before.
And yet again, the accusations are not true.
Speaking to reporters during a rally on Quds Day,
Hasta la vista, Testing?
The dust has not settled yet from the release of the first year scores from
New York State’s Common Core aligned assessments for Grades 3-8. The media
talking heads, bureaucrats, and public are trying to frame what the results
mean for New York’s schools. Read here for some excellent commentaries
about the scores from […]
As the anti-choice crusaders pile on the hypocrisy and irony of their pro-death crusade, my old pal Milt Shook reposts a must-read from 1997
*"Pro-choice is not the same as 'pro-abortion.' Most pro-choicers would
agree that it would be a good thing if no one had an abortion. If we could
eliminate most or all of the reasons why women have abortions, we could
practically eliminate abortion, without having to ban it."*
*-- Milt Shook, in a 1997 post, "Pro-Choice Is the Essence of*
*Liberty," that he recently reposted on his "PCTC* Blog"*
*by Ken*
With attention focused on the anti-abortion jihads in Texas and Carolina,
writes ThinkProgrss's Tara Culp-Ressler (whose post I read via Nation of
Change), in Iowa's Board of Medi... more »
The neoconservatives are going to extraordinary lengths to try and convince
the world (and probably themselves) that ‘al Qaeda’ is a huge complex
homogeneous business organisation that deals in ‘terrorism’ through various
franchise organisations scattered throughout the Middle East, Central Asia
and Africa.
In a recent article by neocon writers Josh Rogin and Eli Lake in *The Daily
Beast* it was actually claimed that the leaders of the various ‘franchises’
around the world held a conference call to plan acts of terrorism.
According to the report from Rogin and Lake we are supposed t... more »
Could the F-35 Be the Biggest Blunder in Canadian Military History?
A timely warning about "locking in" to novel technologies such as the over
budget, overdue and under-performing F-35 from Brookings Institution senior
fellow Peter Singer. His advice - learn from the mistakes of the past,
just don't repeat them.
*In 1934, the British Air Ministry poured money into a new aircraft meant
to advance past the World War I generation of planes. The metal-clad
Gloster Gladiator could fly almost 250 miles per hour and carry four
machine guns. Unfortunately, this biplane was quickly outmatched by new
monoplanes such as the Spitfire and the German BF-109. An... more »
Court officially declares Bitcoin a real currency
* *
* *Court officially declares Bitcoin a real currency*
Published time: August 08, 2013 15:54 Get short URL
* *A federal judge has for the first time ruled that Bitcoin is a
legitimate currency, opening up the possibility for the digital crypto-cash
to soon be regulated by governmental overseers.*
United States Magistrate Judge Amos Mazzant for the Eastern District of
Texas ruled Tuesday that the US Securities and Exchange Commission can
proceed with a lawsuit against the operator of a Bitcoin-based hedge fund
because, despite e... more »
Snowden's email server shutdown following government pressure ( what a shocker ! ) ..... An explanation as to how NSA collects Americans cross border emails ..... Will we have explanations Friday from the White House as to what the frick is going on with Yemen or what is the status of the 22 Embassy closings cut and run - is the Terror scare over as Yemen has repeatedly said ? In the meantime , Jihadists around the globe are basking in the glow of their perceived victory in making the US scurry around like chickens without heads , droning any cars driving on Yemeni roads - note none of the 25 Yemeni top targets have been killed !
Jay Carney on CNN’s big CIA/Benghazi scoop: I don’t know nothing ’bout
Via Ace, consider this post an apology to our readership. A few days ago I
led you to believe that it was somehow important for the White House press
corps to ask the press secretary about one of the biggest foreign policy
scoops in weeks. That was obviously in error, as I suspected at the time.
It wasn’t important; this guy wouldn’t give you a straight answer on what
his favorite color is (“I would refer you to my kindergarten
finger-paintings on that... more »
At the state capitol in Madison, Wisconsin
A cavalcade of Kafka . . .
IS OFF-LINE FOR NOW. They are-were a pro-privacy email service long
used by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. The owner of Lavabit published a
letter you should read, in a WIRED article by Kevin Poulson, “Edward
Snowden’s Email Provider Shuts Down Amid Secret Court Battle”. From the
standpoint of civil rights, this well and truly sucks. America, I mourn
for your Republic. Justice for the
Ohanian on Achieve, Inc. and the Common Core
A clip from Susan writing at The Daily Censored–see the rest here: Reading
the press release, I wonder: HOW to get people to raise up against the
oppressive phraseknowledge-based economy, a term rolling off the tongues of
the “haves” as an excuse for their refusal to acknowledge the vital skills
possessed by people making things work […]
Chinese media praises Russia over restricting US' abuses of power
*Editors Note: This editorial from the Global Times, a nationalist Chinese
media outlet that is said to reflect the opinions of the upper echelons of
leadership in Beijing, provides a telling account of the Chinese
perspective on the Snowden case, the nature of US-China relations, and
Beijing's stance vis-Ã -vis unchecked US power more generally. *
US President Barack Obama has announced he will attend the G20 summit in
St. Petersburg this September. A meeting between Russian and US defense and
foreign ministers will also be scheduled for later this week in Washington.
Although Obam... more »
Seyyed Hossein Nasr On The Absence of Prometheus In Iranian Thought And Mythology
* Henry Geiger - The Chains Of Prometheus (1959).*
*R. J. Zwi Werblowsky On Prometheus.*
*Below is an excerpt from, "In Search of the Sacred: A Conversation with
Seyyed Hossein Nasr on His Life and Thought" by Seyyed Hossein Nasr and
Ramin Jahanbegloo, introduction by Terry Moore. 2010. Praeger Publishers:
Santa Barbara, California. Pg. 146-48. [Source].*
Ramin Jahanbegloo: It is interesting, because in your book *Persia, Bridge
of Turquoise* you state that there is nothing of a Promethean nature in the
Persian concept of the *anthropos*, especially in Islamic Persia,... more »
Set against the backdrop of modern life in the city of Los Angeles, the
poem "LA is Full of Pigs" weaves together a narrative that touches upon
growing fears and anxieties of working people around such pressing issues
as housing, healthcare and police brutality. It is a poem born of the anger
these times demand.
Matt Sedillo is the author of For What I Might Do Tomorrow (Caza De Poesia
2010), a member of the Inland Empire Lionlike Mindstate national slam team
of 2009, member and Grand Slam Champion of the Damn Slam Los Angeles
national slam team of 2011 (of which a story appeared ... more »
Fukushima updates - August 8 , 2013 .... Nuclide removal systems = epic fails ( ALPS should be YELPS ) ... Meanwhile now we learn that 600 tons of radioactive contaminated water entering Pacific every day ....Yes , Fukushima is out of control - hasn't anyone been following this ? Yes , Virginia - something has broken......Two harebrain schemes from TEPCO / Japan to solve debacle .... including MR FREEZE comes to Japan Plan !
Serious deterioration found in absorption tower of multiple nuclide
removing system ALPS
Posted by *Mochizuki* on August 8th, 2013 · No Comments
Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing
Following up this article..*Multiple nuclide removing system ALPS had
leakage due to “corrosion” / Only 2 months after test operation started* [
While ALPS is suspended, Tepco inspected the inside of the absorption tower
(6A). In the inspection, Tepco found the access door and the part around
the welding line *severely deteriorated*. The color is changed ... more »
Michael Hasting mystery death update - so , some federal agency did visit Hastings the day before his death ( were these government kill list hitmen posing as FBI Agents ? Who knows , we just know Hastings is dead. ) Boston bombing update - former alleged muslim extremist Tamerlan Tsarnaev now supposedly a right wing extremist ? Yeah , well that makes sense ( Sarc Off ) ...........FEMA just getting for Hurricane Season I'm sure when demanding 24 hour delivery of emergency food reserves.....Father of slain young man allegedly a witness ( or pressured to be a false witness ) on Temerlan Tsarnaev , comes to US to sue FBI - He wants to know why his son was killed ........Laws apply to thee but not to me ( Elites above draconian laws imposed on the rest of us ) ...... Police State updates......
Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
( I wonder who got to the wife to shut her up ? )
Hastings mystery death....Feds Visited Michael Hastings’ House Day Before
His Death
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
Agents were pursuing Rolling Stone journalist prior to suspicious crash
*Paul Joseph Watson*
August 6, 2013
Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings, who was killed in a s... more »
"Far Better..."
"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than
to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
- Carl Sagan
Book Review - The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program
*"The greatest means of control is not actualized through military might,
physical subjugation, or brute force. The greatest means of control is
actualized through the manipulation of the psychological condition of the
human species." - Lenon Honor*
Lenon Honor's *The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program* is simply a
must-read for anyone interested in truly healing from the deep
psychological trauma that was inflicted upon the global population on
September 11th, 2001. The events that unfolded on September 11th, 2001
truly were traumatic - perhaps the most traumatic single series of ... more »
Koch's quiet coup
do Ryan and Cantor have to hide? It's not like they're the first
bright lights of the GOP to speak at one of the Koch Brothers' periodic
ultra-exclusive confabs. So why are Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor so
secretiveabout their star turn at the podium of this prestigious event?
Neither Ryan nor Cantor were willing to talk about the appearance,
or after attending, and when a reporter from the NBC affiliate in
Albuquerque tried to cover the event where the New Mexico governor was
speaking, he was turned away at a checkpoint -- a mile from the resort.
Good to remember while ever... more »
Back To School
With the end of summer classes last week was Summer Vacation. It went by
fast and was spent mostly playing with Teen Daughter. She and a truckload
of furniture went back to her mom on Saturday, which was uneventful except
for the blowout on the Interstate. Sunday Southern Man and The Titan helped
a friend move. The first part of this week was spent cursing at the lawn
mower and doing yard work and other outdoor projects and today kicks off
three days of eight-to-five meetings. That is all for now. Normal
photo-shooting and blogging may resume this weekend, maybe.
The Question Is Etiquette, Not "Racism"
Slate today said they wouldn't use "Redskins" any more for the Washington
football team. Good choice!
Which is as good an excuse as any to make my argument again that the
question here shouldn't be whether this particular term is offensive, much
less racist. Those are interesting questions, I suppose, but they're not
necessary to the argument.
Instead, this should be thought of very simply as a question of etiquette.
Basically: it's polite to call people by the name they want to go by.
That pretty much solves it. If my brother doesn't want to be called Eddie
Baby, then don't call h... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Friday Morning Ramble: The ‘Failures of Modern Mercantilism’ Edition
The Dangers of Modern Mercantilism, 1: “It is critical to understand that
the issues for the NZ economy arising from the current Fonterra debacle
(as opposed to dairy farmers and Fonterra directors and managers) is
assuredly not a "public relations" issue or one of "reputational
management". The best PR firm in the world cannot resolve such issues
through spin - nor should it try. Calling for better "PR" is simply a form
of denial.”
*Economy Wide Lessons as the lustre of white gold loses its shine* – EYE 2
*Answering the Ws* – HOME PADDOCK
*“The Chinese don’t see ... more »
Met Police's fraud squad investigate BBC pay-offs scandal
Not bias-related but certainly BBC-related, the *Daily Telegraph *has an
exclusive tonight:
*Met Police's fraud squad investigate BBC pay-offs scandal*
Detectives from Scotland Yard’s fraud squad are investigating senior
members of the BBC’s leadership over allegations of misconduct in public
office, The Telegraph can disclose.
According to the paper, the Metropolitan Police are investigating whether
the pay-offs amounted to fraud, given that "a quarter of senior managers
received more than they were entitled to in the past three years...leaving
the taxpayer with an unnecessary bil... more »
*Remembering the unforgettable: a salute to the late, very great Greg
Peters ~Mark Moseley*
White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (HBO, 2007)
White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an HBO
documentary film that was directed and produced by Steven Okazaki and was
released on August 6, 2007 on HBO, marking the 62nd anniversary of the
first atomic bombing. The film features interviews with fourteen Japanese
survivors and four Americans involved in the 1945 atomic bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
As global tensions rise, the unthinkable now seems possible. The threat of
nuclear weapons of mass destruction has become frighteningly real. White
Light/Black Rain: The Destr... more »
Ted Yoho (R-FL)-- Perfect Match For Clay County
Ted Yoho was a back-country veterinarian, more the kind who work with
cattle and horses rather than dogs and cats, when he ran against longtime
Establishment incumbent Cliff Stearns, a wealthy Republican who imagined
his seat was impregnable. In a 4-way contest, Yoho, a Tea Party extremist
with backing from Michele Bachmann, Allen West and Paul Ryan, beat Stearns
by a razor thin 1.1% in the Republican primary. The DCCC didn't bother
running anyone and the local grassroots candidate had no money, no support
and no chance. FL-03 has a PVI of R+14, redder than any district Democrats
... more »
(Philanthropy Kills!) You Gotta Watch the Rich Closely As They Spread Their $$$$$$ Around (Nyet To Top-Down Change) Koch Proposes, Then the Rattler (Amazon) Strikes (Again)!
Alison's Garden I was thinking the other day, who'd have believed before
Dubya was "elected" President that you didn't have to be at least a little
bit smart to be President? Even Mitters passes that test. But when I read
that Obama said that Amazon should be everybody's business model, I started
to feel a whole different way about his erudition (see essay at bottom).
Yes, you already saw
Why Nigel Farage is no fan of 'Today'
Talking about UKIP, here's an extract from an interview Nigel Farage gave
to *Public Service Europe*. I think it's fair to say he's not a great fan
of the *Today *programme.
*In terms of media appearances, you have appeared on the BBC's Question
Time more than anybody else in recent times. So what in your view is the
explanation for this phenomenon – do you have some sort of special
relationship with the producers? *
"No, I mean the BBC has to provide an alternative view. When you have three
political parties in England, all of whom believe in EU membership and
support mass immig... more »
$700k windfall: Russian man outwits bankwith hand-written credit contract
Oleg Tinkov, head of Tinkoff Group
(RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov)
*This is probably one of those moments when a corporation really wishes it
wasn't a "person" in a contract.... LOL!!! I don't recommend trying this,
but this is very funny... -Bill*
* *$700k windfall: Russian man outwits bank with hand-written credit
Published time: August 08, 2013 11:59
Edited time: August 08, 2013 15:55
A Russian man who decided to write his own small print in a credit card
contract has had his changes upheld in court. He's now suing the country's
leading online b... more »
Changes in NAEP scores under Bloomberg!
*Let’s take a look at the record:* Buried under all the confusion, there
was some intriguing information in this morning’s report about New York
City’s new test scores.
On their face, the passing rates for New York City didn’t look bad when
compared with scores from around the state:
HERNANDEZ AND GEBELOFF (8/8/13): *Even with the drop in scores, New York
City still outperformed the state’s other large school districts*—in
Rochester, for example, only 5 percent of students passed in reading and
math. And despite its large number of disadvantaged students,... more »
Hold your nose touting
How embarrassing for Mitch McConnell. Somebody managed to get a recording
of a private telephone call made by his campaign manager.
In the recording, obtained by Economic Policy Journal, Jesse Benton — who
ran Paul's successful 2010 campaign before joining McConnell's team — told
conservative activist Dennis Fusaro that he has an ulterior motive in
working the GOP leader's 2014 campaign.
"Between you an me, I'm sorta holding my nose for two years," Benton said
in the recording, "'cause what we're doing here is gonna be a big benefit
to Rand in '16."
And yes, it's real:
Benton c... more »
The laziness of the New York Times!
*Adam Nagourney, lounging around in L.A.:* Very few women hold office in
Los Angeles city and county government.
By “very few,” we seem to mean two, according to Adam Nagourney’s
front-page report in Monday’s New York Times. At present, there is one
woman on the 15-member Los Angeles city council, an elective office. There
is one woman on the five-member Board of Supervisors for Los Angeles
County, a much larger jurisdiction.
According to Nagourney, that’s it! The mayor, city attorney and city
controller of Los Angeles are all men.
That isn’t a whole lot... more »
The Protest Plate
*Personally I think he should sell a model with "Your corporation has been
foreclosed!" :) - BILL*
Visit Steve's website at:
*Short Summary*
My name is Steve Zarpas. I am a creative problem solver. I am a risk taker.
I am a very passionate man and willing to stand up for what I believe even
if it may cause me pain. I believe that the United States was created
against all odds and that the Constitution was divinely inspired to promote
human rights.
At no time in the history of our country have our freedoms been under
greater atta... more »
Gril on Gril: Babs Spanks Gwen
More for the novelty than anything else, herewith a column by Babs Kay that
isn't stupendously stupid.
Taking on Gwen Landolt's latest moronic brain-fart (that deBeauxOs
critiqued yesterday), Babs first maunders on about how much she respects
REAL Women.
I found this amusing though. In one paragraph she says 'since, unlike most
feminist organizations that wouldn’t exist without some form of government
subsidy, they are self-funding' and in the next she gauges the actual size
of the gang with 'their president, Gwen Landolt (who effectively *is* REAL
Then Babs proceeds to... more »
Bye, bye black sheep
only reason I'm mentioning this nothingburger of an anti-Obama
protestin Arizona is because it's a perfect illustration of how
journalism is destroying the former profession of news gathering. The
deceptive headline at the link screams -- "Hundreds protest Obama" --
not all of them were crackpots singing "Bye, Bye, Black Sheep" or
about impeaching the 47% Negro. Which by the way, is not at all racist
because somebody had a Mexican grandson there.
And "hundreds" would be stretching the description of the turnout. The
cameramen are good at framing the s... more »
*The bin Laden family* reportedly owned a house in Houston - in the *River
Oaks* area.
*The bin Laden family has ties to Texas | Houston*
*River Oaks *
Also living in River Oaks was Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, who allegedly gave
money to the CIA's al Qaeda organisation.
Bin Mahfouz was a director of the CIA-linked Bank of Credit and Commerce
International, a bank later convicted of money laundering, bribery, support
of terrorism, and arms trafficking.[9]
Mahfouz invested $50,000 in the George W Bush's first company, Arbusto
Energy, through his U.S. representative Jam... more »
Entertainment News!
Here is Justin Bieber doing us all a favour by denuding the Guy Fawkes Mask
of all radical connotations. Thank you, Justin, you may go back to your
penis now (which I understand is called Jerry).
Books on Film
When my wife’s Bibliophile book business started its YouTube video reviews
some two years ago, we all questioned whether the effort would be worth the
reward. Some 500 videos later, we know the answer and like its library of
over 100K unique and individual book reviews, the effort was worth the
Imagine being show an expensive art book by the person who bought the
stock, not on ‘sale or return’, but firm and hearing them enthuse about
what turned their head. The bonus is that you don’t get a head shot of a
person, but get to see inside the book at the pages and the look an... more »
On Santorum, Next Time Around
Byron York had an column on Rick Santorum yesterday, featuring an
interview, and asserting that "Santorum will again be underestimated" as a
presidential candidate in 2016.
Now, for one thing, he repeats the "runner-up" nonsense. But we can put
that aside, I think.
A more interesting question is whether Santorum qualifies as a viable
candidate. Could he actually win a nomination?
My two-step test (hey, I have a column up today about Christie which goes
through that again) says that all viable candidates must have conventional
qualifications and positions on public policy within the... more »
Costa Rica News: Flying high with 24 tons of Cocaine
* *
** Flying high with 24 tons of Cocaine. I did a quick calculation at
$30,000 per kilo on the street that's $680.4 billion dollars of blow in one
plane. Some bank somewhere needing some quick cash? - Bill*
* *Costa Rica Will Stop Sending Cocaine to Miami*
Posted by Jaime Lopez on August 5, 2013 in Costa Rica News, Politics News
According to an official press release from the Organization of Judicial
Investigations (OIJ in Spanish), Costa Rica will no longer send cocaine or
other controlled substances to the United States, at least for the time
being. *The announcement comes ... more »
Post on State and Local Subsidies at AlterNet
I've written a piece for AlterNet that gives an overview of the issues at
play with state and local subsidies, from the opportunity cost (less
spending on infrastructure, education, and health) to the price tag to the
major efficiency, equity, and environmental issues involved. Naturally, I
discuss possible solutions, too.
Of course, the material will be familiar to regular readers, but it is a
good one-stop look at the problem. You can find it here.
Another Reason Why School Reformers Should Listen to Students
Most of the big education stories this month have been rooted in the
situational ethics of school “reformers.” Common Core testing is
essentially an experiment being imposed on children without the consent of
their parents. This week we’ve see what happens when New York does
something that no ethical teacher would do – impose tests […]
Top 100 Worst Blogs Poll 2013
Silly season. Westminster waddles off to the Copacabana, leaving the
commentariat and their hangers-on - like me - bereft of sensible stories to
write about. Or so our mainstream political culture has it for this time of
year. As I suppose I'm a little bit of an establishment figure these days
(see tomorrow), who am I to swim against conventional wisdom? This in mind
I've plunged into the archive and have - against my better judgment -
decided to resurrect something I did three years ago. Yes, I'm afraid so,
the UK's Top 100 Worst Political Blogs™ is back for another outing. A lot
... more »
Hawaii Senate Race Highlights The Difference Between Progressives And Conservatives In Terms Of Social Security
Today a number of progressive groups are doing a press conference in
Honolulu to formally announce the introduction of the Harkin-Schatz
Enhancing Social Security Bill. Interestingly, Senator Schatz in being
challenged for reelection by conservative Democrat Colleen Hanabusa whose
positions are more corporate-friendly and less family-friendly. Earlier
this year she voted for a budget incorporating the Bowles-Simpson budget
principals, which encapsulate the failed European Austerity Agenda that's
being pushed by the GOP. She is also in the middle of a serious and growing
scandal, w... more »
Cogito Ergo Sum of All Fears
For all you cynics out there who think Barack Obama was lying to Jay Leno
the other night when he said he doesn't spy on Americans, the
government megaphone known as the *New York Times* wants everybody to just
calm the hell down.
Obama was parsing, is all, counting on the possibility that most people
glued to *The* *Tonight Show* were too stupid to read between his
philosopher-king lines. The fact that the government is collecting all your
information cannot be equated with snooping. Here, according to Charlie
Savage in a controlled leak disguised as an exposé, is what they are
r... more »
moment of death
When the Angel of Death
comes for you...
smile at him.
Bob Wing : The Battlelines Are Drawn in the South
Demonstrator at Moral Monday protest, Raleigh, N.C. Image from
The battlelines are drawn:
Right-wing neo-secession or a third Reconstruction?
In this war for the heart and soul of the U.S., the battle for the South stands front and center.
By Bob Wing / The Rag Blog / August 8, 2013
DURHAM, North Carolina -- The heartless combination of the Supreme Court’s gutting of the
Jack A. Smith : What's Up With the Egyptian Coup?
man in Tahrir Square with his face painted in Egyptian colors. Image
from CNN.
Egypt's coup:
Progressive or regressive?
It is ironic that the military -- formerly loathed for upholding the
dictatorship for decades, then further reviled during its controversial
17-month governance until Morsi took office -- is now supported by
nearly the entire opposition.
By Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog /
The Rise Of The Bear: 18 Signs That Russia Is Rapidly Catching Up To The United States
Michael Snyder
The Russian Bear is stronger and more powerful than it has ever been
before. Sadly, most Americans don't understand this. They still think of
Russia as an "ex-superpower" that was rendered almost irrelevant when the
Cold War ended. And yes, when the Cold War ended Russia was in rough shape.
I got the chance to go over there in the early nineties, and at the time
Russia was an economic disaster zone. Russian currency was so worthless
that I joked that I could go exchange a 20 dollar bill and buy the
Kremlin. But since that time Russia has roared back to life.
Onc... more »
Lower Income Grocery Store Features Items with Even More GMOs
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*Are GMOs being deliberately pushed on the lower class?*
Aaron Dykes
In large retail and grocery store shelves, end caps often give a great
snapshot into the character of the store and the targeted audience.
The product I used as an example in this short video is, truly, widely
available in many stores. But it was only when we visited a lower income
grocery store that we noticed it on display and prominently featured with a
promotional discount. Ironically, or appropriately, sold under the brand
name “Klass,” this powered Ho... more »
Where I Have Loved You Canvases (State Canvases)
[image: State Canvases]
One of the best things we ever did for our family was move thousands of
miles away from anybody we knew. It was difficult and frustrating, but it
really solidified us as our own family, who makes their own decisions.
Three years later, one of the best things we ever did was move back to live
close to our families again. I love that my daughter has something I never
had, grandparents who live close.
Living in Texas and in Northern Utah (where we met), are such big parts of
who we are now, that I wanted to create something that remembered them.
This is w... more »
Russian Arms Deal Follows Pattern Of Corrupt Purchases By Iraq
Iraq is in the midst of finalizing a multi-million dollar arms deal with
Russia. The contract was surrounded in controversy when it was originally
announced in late-2012 with accusations of corruption. Now Baghdad is
moving ahead with it claiming that it was re-negotiated, but the same
claims of kickbacks and commissions for officials and businessmen have
resurfaced. This follows a pattern started when Iraq first regained control
of its government in 2004 using middlemen in weapons procurement contracts
that skim off millions of dollars. It is deals like these that make the
countr... more »
Pentagon training states that a person unhappy with U.S. foreign policy may be a ‘high threat’
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
image credit:
Department of Defense
via Huffington Post Madison Ruppert
According to Pentagon training materials, individuals working for federal
agencies should consider their co-workers a potential “high threat” if they
speak “openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy,” regularly visit
family overseas and experience money troubles.
The government’s so-called “Insider Threat Program” has been criticized for
equating leakers, spies and terroristsand is aimed squarely at preventing
future Edward Snowden or Bradley Mannin... more »
Major Hasan Was a “Jolly” Man
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Dave Hodges
Major Nidal Hasan, age 39 at the time of his heinous crime, had a
well-documented of history of deep-rooted psychological problems. He was
not married, had very few friends, his parents are dead, he was estranged
from his brothers, he was a self-professed loner and he had experienced
psychological problems in his previous psychological training programs.
Hasan fits the classic Psyops profile of a mass murderer that we have seen
so many times before in such false flag event shooters such as Loughner, et
We al... more »
Timeline to Veterans For Peace's Vote to Impeach Obama (2009-2013)
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By Philip C. Restino, Jr. - *Central Florida Veterans For Peace*
The July 22, 2013 broadcast of the radio program "Peace Talk" hosted by
Phil Smith of the Southeast Alaska Veterans For Peace Chapter 100 on ktoo
Alaska Public Radio in Juneau, AK featured guest Phil Restino of the
Central Florida chapter of Veterans For Peace to tell the story behind
Veteran For Peace Resolution 2011-7 calling on the U.S. Congress to
immediately begin impeachment proceedings against the Democrat President
Obama for war crimes ... the same war c... more »
1974 PSA Warned of High Tech Surveillance State for Behavior Control
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*A tormenting thought: as of a certain point, history was no longer real.
Without noticing it, all mankind suddenly left reality*. - Elias Canetti,
Nobel Laureate in literature
Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
As more and more information is released via National Security
Administration whistleblower Edward Snowden, many Americans drifting
through each day blissfully unaware of what country they really live in
have had the curtain pulled back just enough to be fed their first spoonful
of reality…it’s a bitter taste.
The clip ... more »
First Case of H7N9 Human To Human Transmission Reported; Scientists Warn Of Pandemic Potential
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Chris Carrington
The *British Medical Journal *is reporting today that a 32-year-old woman
became infected with H7N9, while caring for her father. Both have since
died. This is the first confirmed case of human to human transmission of
the disease.
Prior to this case, there was no evidence to confirm contact spread, and it
was thought to be caught only from contact with diseased birds. So far
there have been 133 cases of H7N9 and 43 deaths, all of them in Eastern
Tests have shown that the strain of virus taken from t... more »
Obamacare Will be the Reason That You Will Never Retire
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Dave Hodges
The elephant in the room is healthcare. The American middle class is in
extreme danger because of Obamacare. Obamacare will be the reason that many
will never be able to retire or even to live to a ripe old age.
*Will Obamacare Be Repealed?*
Millions hold out hope that Obamacare will just go away. Could that happen?
The big challenge to Obamacare was the constitutional issue of making
participation mandatory. The Supreme Court voted 5-4 in favor of the
mandate to force people to pay a penalty for non-payment. As ... more »
*Beard Science -or- Fuzzy Logic ~moosedenied *
*~"My creation… is it real?" ~Rob Ryan. *
*And so it begins. So, what would you little maniacs like to do first?
Friday night should give us our first somewhat "real" hint as to whether or
not the hard-sell they've been putting on us the last couple weeks re: this
new-and-theoretically-improved defense has any basis in reality whatsoever,
as our old pals Chunky Chase and Terrance Copper return to the Benz™ for
some good old fashioned pushing and shoving against Our Heroes (and Patrick
Robinson.) Fingers crossed.*
*NOAA believes hurrican... more »
RAG RADIO / Thorne Dreyer : ChannelAustin's 40 Years of Groundbreaking Free Speech TV
Litowsky, Executive Director of ChannelAustin, in the studios of
KOOP-FM, Austin, Texas, August 2, 2013. Photo by Roger Baker / The Rag
Rag Radio podcast:
Linda Litowsky, Stefan Wray & Anita Stech
on Austin's pioneering free speech cable TV
"Austin access is the organization to which other cities have
always looked to learn how to build their own." -- Austin
By Rag
Destabilization Expert Robert Ford Possible Choice for Ambassador to Egypt
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
Robert Stephen Ford
Wikimedia Commons Image Brandon Turbeville
Amid the growing tension in Egypt after the military counter-coup removing
former President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood from their posts, the
U.S. State Department is considering naming former U.S. Ambassador to
Syria, Robert Ford, as the new Ambassador to Egypt.
With the geographic size of Egypt, its geopolitical importance, and both
its historic and contemporary influence in the Middle East, the post of
Ambassador to Egypt is an immensely important positio... more »
Pump and pray: Tepco might have to pour water on Fukushima wreckage forever
Professor Christopher Busby
Russia Today
Fukushima is a nightmare disaster area, and no one has the slightest idea
what to do. The game is to prevent the crippled nuclear plant from turning
into an “open-air super reactor spectacular” which would result in a
hazardous, melted catastrophe. On April 25, 2011 – one month after the
explosions at the Fukushima nuclear plant and the anniversary of Chernobyl
- I was interviewed by RT and asked to compare Chernobyl and Fukushima. The
clip, which you can find on YouTube, was entitled, “Can’t seal Fukushima
like Chernobyl - it all goes into ... more »
Catch of the Day
Yes, you all know I'm an easy mark for a little Newt-bashing. And Ed
Kilgore delivers very nicely, with a great history lesson about the
snake-oil salesman.
Very nice:
The example they offer is the conservative battle against the Panama Canal
Treaty, which failed to stop the “giveaway” in the U.S. Senate, but led
(say Shirley and Gingrich without a single shred of empirical evidence) to
GOP gains in 1978 and then to Reagan’s victory in 1980.
I think there’s a bit of projection going on in this column, at least for
the Newtster. While Reagan’s visibility in the Panama fight did kee... more »
Out: What about your gaffes? In: What gaffes? Bush flashback exposes Obama’s MSM lapdogs | Twitchy
The difference between a media opposed to George W Bush and one so on
with Barack Hussein Obama that they just can't bring themselves
criticise him.
The media pilloried George W Bush for his 'mission
accomplished' comments
but have given Barack Hussein Obama a free ride over his equally, or
remarks that the USA 'have al Qaeda on the run'. The
bias and double
standards are tangible.
More here
GREAT NEWS!! - CRTC Rules AGAINST SunNewsNetwork Mandatory Inclusion In Basic Cable Packages
*Sanity has prevailed at the Canadian Radio & Television Commission. They
have ruled that Sun News Network does not require inclusion in basic cable
packages. Anyone wishing to be inundated with SunNewsNetwork's extremist
Right Wing program content can still subscribe to it as a paid specialty
*CRTC Ruling*
*As Canadians watched the funeral for Leader of the Official Opposition,
Jack Layton, here is what was appearing on SunNewsNetwork.*
Gail Collins, straight outta Joyce!
*Come let us smother the living together:* Question! How does a reader
finish a column if it has started like this?
COLLINS (8/8/13): *Let’s talk about Gov. Chris Christie. Everybody is; *he’s
the politician of the hour. At the top of the latest poll of likely
Republican presidential primary voters in New Hampshire. (Just
two-and-a-half years to go until the Iowa caucuses!)
How does somebody force himself to read to the end of that column? Just for
starters, Christie *isn’t* the politician of the hour.
Everybody *isn’t* discussing him. In fact, almost no... more »
Iron Works in Maine where only Navy destroyers are built*
Last night Mary Beth Sullivan and I went to the Bath, Maine city
councilmeeting. We had read in the local newspaper that Bath Iron Works
owned by General Dynamics, was going to ask for another round of public
subsidy as they undertake expansion and modernization of the ship yard.
learned that this item would not come up in the city council meeting
9:00 pm after the regular business was handled. We also learned that
public comments would not be allowed in this "workshop".
Recognizing that we'd not be all... more »
How and Why Adam Kokesh was Framed
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What Is Love? - A Poem by Paramahansa Yogananda
What is Love?
*Love is the scent with the lotus born.*
*It is the silent choirs of petals*
*Singing the winter’s harmony of uniform beauty.*
*Love is the song of the soul, singing to God.*
*It is the balanced rhythmic dance of planets -*
* sun and moon lit*
*In the skyey hall festooned with fleecy clouds -*
*Around the sovereign Silent Will.*
*It is the thirst of the rose to drink the sunrays*
*And blush red with life.*
*‘Tis the promptings of the mother earth*
*To feed her milk to the tender, thirsty roots,*
*And to nurse all life.*
*It is the urge of the sun*
*To keep all things aliv... more »
BBC News - UK birth rate highest since 1972, says ONS
The BBC report on Labour's most lasting legacy, a massively increasing
population, especially in London and its environs. Mostly due to
Labour's plan to import a new community of Labour voters whilst also
rubbing the right's noses in diversity has worked, it's just a shame that
as a result civil strife and maybe even open warfare on the streets of
Britain looks like being our future.
More BBC crap here
Staged Terror Attacks Planned After NSA Scandal
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What Breaking Bad REALLY Tells Us About the War on Drugs
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What Breaking Bad REALLY Tells Us about the War on Drugs from Brave New
Foundation onVimeo.
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"Eid Al-Fitr 2013: A Celebration At The End Of Ramadan"
* "Eid Al-Fitr 2013: A Celebration At The End Of Ramadan" *
by HuffPost Live
"One of the most joyous days in the Islamic calendar, Eid al-Fitr, also
known as Eid ul-Fitr or Eid, is a celebration that marks the end of Ramadan
(a holy month of fasting observed by Muslims). This year Eid al-Fitr will
most likely be observed on Thursday, August 8, 2013 in the United States.
It is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic
lunar calendar. Traditionally, the observance begins with the sighting of
the new moon. While many will wait to see the moon or an announ... more »
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