Nagasaki, the 9th August - TV screen (4) (Photo credit: nofrills)
English: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hiroshima model (before the bomb) (Photo credit: JaviC)
Nagasaki, Japan, before and after the atomic bombing of August 9, 1945. Adjusted version of File:Nagasaki 1945 - Before and after.jpg (rotation and scaling). Français : Nagasaki (Japon) avant et après le bombardement atomique du 09 aout 1945. Version ajustée de File:Nagasaki 1945 - Before and after.jpg (rotation et changement d'échelle). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ground Zero marker in Nagasaki, Japan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Nagasaki, the 9th August - TV screen (3) (Photo credit: nofrills)
3:06pm MDSTWhite Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (HBO, 2007)
*Wikipedia:* White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an HBO documentary film that was directed and produced by Steven Okazaki and was released on August 6, 2007 on HBO, marking the 62nd anniversary of the first atomic bombing. The film features interviews with fourteen Japanese survivors and four Americans involved in the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. *IMDb:* As global tensions rise, the unthinkable now seems possible. The threat of nuclear weapons of mass destruction has become frighteningly real. White Light/Black Rain: The Destr... more »
Ted Yoho (R-FL)-- Perfect Match For Clay County
Ted Yoho was a back-country veterinarian, more the kind who work with cattle and horses rather than dogs and cats, when he ran against longtime Establishment incumbent Cliff Stearns, a wealthy Republican who imagined his seat was impregnable. In a 4-way contest, Yoho, a Tea Party extremist with backing from Michele Bachmann, Allen West and Paul Ryan, beat Stearns by a razor thin 1.1% in the Republican primary. The DCCC didn't bother running anyone and the local grassroots candidate had no money, no support and no chance. FL-03 has a PVI of R+14, redder than any district Democrats ... more »
(Philanthropy Kills!) You Gotta Watch the Rich Closely As They Spread Their $$$$$$ Around (Nyet To Top-Down Change) Koch Proposes, Then the Rattler (Amazon) Strikes (Again)!
Alison's Garden I was thinking the other day, who'd have believed before Dubya was "elected" President that you didn't have to be at least a little bit smart to be President? Even Mitters passes that test. But when I read that Obama said that Amazon should be everybody's business model, I started to feel a whole different way about his erudition (see essay at bottom). Yes, you already saw
Why Nigel Farage is no fan of 'Today'
Talking about UKIP, here's an extract from an interview Nigel Farage gave to *Public Service Europe*. I think it's fair to say he's not a great fan of the *Today *programme. *In terms of media appearances, you have appeared on the BBC's Question Time more than anybody else in recent times. So what in your view is the explanation for this phenomenon – do you have some sort of special relationship with the producers? * "No, I mean the BBC has to provide an alternative view. When you have three political parties in England, all of whom believe in EU membership and support mass immig... more »
Russia Today:$700k windfall: Russian man outwits bank with hand-written credit contract
Oleg Tinkov, head of Tinkoff Group (RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov) *This is probably one of those moments when a corporation really wishes it wasn't a "person" in a contract.... LOL!!! I don't recommend trying this, but this is very funny... -Bill* * * *$700k windfall: Russian man outwits bank with hand-written credit contract* Published time: August 08, 2013 11:59 Edited time: August 08, 2013 15:55 A Russian man who decided to write his own small print in a credit card contract has had his changes upheld in court. He's now suing the country's leading online b... more »
Changes in NAEP scores under Bloomberg!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2013* *Let’s take a look at the record:* Buried under all the confusion, there was some intriguing information in this morning’s report about New York City’s new test scores. On their face, the passing rates for New York City didn’t look bad when compared with scores from around the state: HERNANDEZ AND GEBELOFF (8/8/13): *Even with the drop in scores, New York City still outperformed the state’s other large school districts*—in Rochester, for example, only 5 percent of students passed in reading and math. And despite its large number of disadvantaged students,... more »
Hold your nose touting
How embarrassing for Mitch McConnell. Somebody managed to get a recording of a private telephone call made by his campaign manager. In the recording, obtained by Economic Policy Journal, Jesse Benton — who ran Paul's successful 2010 campaign before joining McConnell's team — told conservative activist Dennis Fusaro that he has an ulterior motive in working the GOP leader's 2014 campaign. "Between you an me, I'm sorta holding my nose for two years," Benton said in the recording, "'cause what we're doing here is gonna be a big benefit to Rand in '16." And yes, it's real: Benton c... more »
The laziness of the New York Times!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2013* *Adam Nagourney, lounging around in L.A.:* Very few women hold office in Los Angeles city and county government. By “very few,” we seem to mean two, according to Adam Nagourney’s front-page report in Monday’s New York Times. At present, there is one woman on the 15-member Los Angeles city council, an elective office. There is one woman on the five-member Board of Supervisors for Los Angeles County, a much larger jurisdiction. According to Nagourney, that’s it! The mayor, city attorney and city controller of Los Angeles are all men. That isn’t a whole lot... more »
The Protest Plate
*Personally I think he should sell a model with "Your corporation has been foreclosed!" :) - BILL* Visit Steve's website at: *Short Summary* My name is Steve Zarpas. I am a creative problem solver. I am a risk taker. I am a very passionate man and willing to stand up for what I believe even if it may cause me pain. I believe that the United States was created against all odds and that the Constitution was divinely inspired to promote human rights. At no time in the history of our country have our freedoms been under greater atta... more »
Gril on Gril: Babs Spanks Gwen
More for the novelty than anything else, herewith a column by Babs Kay that isn't stupendously stupid. Taking on Gwen Landolt's latest moronic brain-fart (that deBeauxOs critiqued yesterday), Babs first maunders on about how much she respects REAL Women. I found this amusing though. In one paragraph she says 'since, unlike most feminist organizations that wouldn’t exist without some form of government subsidy, they are self-funding' and in the next she gauges the actual size of the gang with 'their president, Gwen Landolt (who effectively *is* REAL Women)'. Then Babs proceeds to... more »
Bye, bye black sheep
The only reason I'm mentioning this nothingburger of an anti-Obama protestin Arizona is because it's a perfect illustration of how click-bait journalism is destroying the former profession of news gathering. The deceptive headline at the link screams -- "Hundreds protest Obama" -- but not all of them were crackpots singing "Bye, Bye, Black Sheep" or hollering about impeaching the 47% Negro. Which by the way, is not at all racist because somebody had a Mexican grandson there. And "hundreds" would be stretching the description of the turnout. The TV cameramen are good at framing the s... more »
*The bin Laden family* reportedly owned a house in Houston - in the *River Oaks* area. *The bin Laden family has ties to Texas | Houston* *River Oaks * Also living in River Oaks was Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, who allegedly gave money to the CIA's al Qaeda organisation. Bin Mahfouz was a director of the CIA-linked Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a bank later convicted of money laundering, bribery, support of terrorism, and arms trafficking.[9] *Mahfouz* Mahfouz invested $50,000 in the George W Bush's first company, Arbusto Energy, through his U.S. representative Jam... more »
Entertainment News!
Here is Justin Bieber doing us all a favour by denuding the Guy Fawkes Mask of all radical connotations. Thank you, Justin, you may go back to your penis now (which I understand is called Jerry).
Books on Film
When my wife’s Bibliophile book business started its YouTube video reviews some two years ago, we all questioned whether the effort would be worth the reward. Some 500 videos later, we know the answer and like its library of over 100K unique and individual book reviews, the effort was worth the reward. Imagine being show an expensive art book by the person who bought the stock, not on ‘sale or return’, but firm and hearing them enthuse about what turned their head. The bonus is that you don’t get a head shot of a person, but get to see inside the book at the pages and the look an... more »
On Santorum, Next Time Around
Byron York had an column on Rick Santorum yesterday, featuring an interview, and asserting that "Santorum will again be underestimated" as a presidential candidate in 2016. Now, for one thing, he repeats the "runner-up" nonsense. But we can put that aside, I think. A more interesting question is whether Santorum qualifies as a viable candidate. Could he actually win a nomination? My two-step test (hey, I have a column up today about Christie which goes through that again) says that all viable candidates must have conventional qualifications and positions on public policy within the... more »
Costa Rica News: Flying high with 24 tons of Cocaine
* * * ** Flying high with 24 tons of Cocaine. I did a quick calculation at $30,000 per kilo on the street that's $680.4 billion dollars of blow in one plane. Some bank somewhere needing some quick cash? - Bill* * * *Costa Rica Will Stop Sending Cocaine to Miami* Posted by Jaime Lopez on August 5, 2013 in Costa Rica News, Politics News According to an official press release from the Organization of Judicial Investigations (OIJ in Spanish), Costa Rica will no longer send cocaine or other controlled substances to the United States, at least for the time being. *The announcement comes ... more »
Post on State and Local Subsidies at AlterNet
I've written a piece for AlterNet that gives an overview of the issues at play with state and local subsidies, from the opportunity cost (less spending on infrastructure, education, and health) to the price tag to the major efficiency, equity, and environmental issues involved. Naturally, I discuss possible solutions, too. Of course, the material will be familiar to regular readers, but it is a good one-stop look at the problem. You can find it here.
Another Reason Why School Reformers Should Listen to Students
Most of the big education stories this month have been rooted in the situational ethics of school “reformers.” Common Core testing is essentially an experiment being imposed on children without the consent of their parents. This week we’ve see what happens when New York does something that no ethical teacher would do – impose tests […]
Top 100 Worst Blogs Poll 2013
Silly season. Westminster waddles off to the Copacabana, leaving the commentariat and their hangers-on - like me - bereft of sensible stories to write about. Or so our mainstream political culture has it for this time of year. As I suppose I'm a little bit of an establishment figure these days (see tomorrow), who am I to swim against conventional wisdom? This in mind I've plunged into the archive and have - against my better judgment - decided to resurrect something I did three years ago. Yes, I'm afraid so, the UK's Top 100 Worst Political Blogs™ is back for another outing. A lot ... more »
Hawaii Senate Race Highlights The Difference Between Progressives And Conservatives In Terms Of Social Security
Today a number of progressive groups are doing a press conference in Honolulu to formally announce the introduction of the Harkin-Schatz Enhancing Social Security Bill. Interestingly, Senator Schatz in being challenged for reelection by conservative Democrat Colleen Hanabusa whose positions are more corporate-friendly and less family-friendly. Earlier this year she voted for a budget incorporating the Bowles-Simpson budget principals, which encapsulate the failed European Austerity Agenda that's being pushed by the GOP. She is also in the middle of a serious and growing scandal, w... more »
Cogito Ergo Sum of All Fears
For all you cynics out there who think Barack Obama was lying to Jay Leno the other night when he said he doesn't spy on Americans, the government megaphone known as the *New York Times* wants everybody to just calm the hell down. Obama was parsing, is all, counting on the possibility that most people glued to *The* *Tonight Show* were too stupid to read between his philosopher-king lines. The fact that the government is collecting all your information cannot be equated with snooping. Here, according to Charlie Savage in a controlled leak disguised as an exposé, is what they are r... more »
moment of death
When the Angel of Death comes for you... smile at him.
Bob Wing : The Battlelines Are Drawn in the South
Demonstrator at Moral Monday protest, Raleigh, N.C. Image from The battlelines are drawn: Right-wing neo-secession or a third Reconstruction? In this war for the heart and soul of the U.S., the battle for the South stands front and center. By Bob Wing / The Rag Blog / August 8, 2013 DURHAM, North Carolina -- The heartless combination of the Supreme Court’s gutting of the
Jack A. Smith : What's Up With the Egyptian Coup?
A man in Tahrir Square with his face painted in Egyptian colors. Image from CNN. Egypt's coup: Progressive or regressive? It is ironic that the military -- formerly loathed for upholding the dictatorship for decades, then further reviled during its controversial 17-month governance until Morsi took office -- is now supported by nearly the entire opposition. By Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog /
The Rise Of The Bear: 18 Signs That Russia Is Rapidly Catching Up To The United States
Michael Snyder The Russian Bear is stronger and more powerful than it has ever been before. Sadly, most Americans don't understand this. They still think of Russia as an "ex-superpower" that was rendered almost irrelevant when the Cold War ended. And yes, when the Cold War ended Russia was in rough shape. I got the chance to go over there in the early nineties, and at the time Russia was an economic disaster zone. Russian currency was so worthless that I joked that I could go exchange a 20 dollar bill and buy the Kremlin. But since that time Russia has roared back to life. Onc... more »
Lower Income Grocery Store Features Items with Even More GMOs
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *Are GMOs being deliberately pushed on the lower class?* Aaron Dykes In large retail and grocery store shelves, end caps often give a great snapshot into the character of the store and the targeted audience. The product I used as an example in this short video is, truly, widely available in many stores. But it was only when we visited a lower income grocery store that we noticed it on display and prominently featured with a promotional discount. Ironically, or appropriately, sold under the brand name “Klass,” this powered Ho... more »
Where I Have Loved You Canvases (State Canvases)
[image: State Canvases] One of the best things we ever did for our family was move thousands of miles away from anybody we knew. It was difficult and frustrating, but it really solidified us as our own family, who makes their own decisions. Three years later, one of the best things we ever did was move back to live close to our families again. I love that my daughter has something I never had, grandparents who live close. Living in Texas and in Northern Utah (where we met), are such big parts of who we are now, that I wanted to create something that remembered them. This is w... more »
Russian Arms Deal Follows Pattern Of Corrupt Purchases By Iraq
Iraq is in the midst of finalizing a multi-million dollar arms deal with Russia. The contract was surrounded in controversy when it was originally announced in late-2012 with accusations of corruption. Now Baghdad is moving ahead with it claiming that it was re-negotiated, but the same claims of kickbacks and commissions for officials and businessmen have resurfaced. This follows a pattern started when Iraq first regained control of its government in 2004 using middlemen in weapons procurement contracts that skim off millions of dollars. It is deals like these that make the countr... more »
Pentagon training states that a person unhappy with U.S. foreign policy may be a ‘high threat’
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] image credit: Department of Defense via Huffington Post Madison Ruppert According to Pentagon training materials, individuals working for federal agencies should consider their co-workers a potential “high threat” if they speak “openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy,” regularly visit family overseas and experience money troubles. The government’s so-called “Insider Threat Program” has been criticized for equating leakers, spies and terroristsand is aimed squarely at preventing future Edward Snowden or Bradley Mannin... more »
Major Hasan Was a “Jolly” Man
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Dave Hodges Major Nidal Hasan, age 39 at the time of his heinous crime, had a well-documented of history of deep-rooted psychological problems. He was not married, had very few friends, his parents are dead, he was estranged from his brothers, he was a self-professed loner and he had experienced psychological problems in his previous psychological training programs. Hasan fits the classic Psyops profile of a mass murderer that we have seen so many times before in such false flag event shooters such as Loughner, et al. We al... more »
Timeline to Veterans For Peace's Vote to Impeach Obama (2009-2013)
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] By Philip C. Restino, Jr. - *Central Florida Veterans For Peace* The July 22, 2013 broadcast of the radio program "Peace Talk" hosted by Phil Smith of the Southeast Alaska Veterans For Peace Chapter 100 on ktoo Alaska Public Radio in Juneau, AK featured guest Phil Restino of the Central Florida chapter of Veterans For Peace to tell the story behind Veteran For Peace Resolution 2011-7 calling on the U.S. Congress to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against the Democrat President Obama for war crimes ... the same war c... more »
1974 PSA Warned of High Tech Surveillance State for Behavior Control
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *A tormenting thought: as of a certain point, history was no longer real. Without noticing it, all mankind suddenly left reality*. - Elias Canetti, Nobel Laureate in literature Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton As more and more information is released via National Security Administration whistleblower Edward Snowden, many Americans drifting through each day blissfully unaware of what country they really live in have had the curtain pulled back just enough to be fed their first spoonful of reality…it’s a bitter taste. The clip ... more »
First Case of H7N9 Human To Human Transmission Reported; Scientists Warn Of Pandemic Potential
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Chris Carrington The *British Medical Journal *is reporting today that a 32-year-old woman became infected with H7N9, while caring for her father. Both have since died. This is the first confirmed case of human to human transmission of the disease. Prior to this case, there was no evidence to confirm contact spread, and it was thought to be caught only from contact with diseased birds. So far there have been 133 cases of H7N9 and 43 deaths, all of them in Eastern China. Tests have shown that the strain of virus taken from t... more »
Obamacare Will be the Reason That You Will Never Retire
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Dave Hodges The elephant in the room is healthcare. The American middle class is in extreme danger because of Obamacare. Obamacare will be the reason that many will never be able to retire or even to live to a ripe old age. *Will Obamacare Be Repealed?* Millions hold out hope that Obamacare will just go away. Could that happen? The big challenge to Obamacare was the constitutional issue of making participation mandatory. The Supreme Court voted 5-4 in favor of the mandate to force people to pay a penalty for non-payment. As ... more »
*Beard Science -or- Fuzzy Logic ~moosedenied * *~"My creation… is it real?" ~Rob Ryan. * *And so it begins. So, what would you little maniacs like to do first? Friday night should give us our first somewhat "real" hint as to whether or not the hard-sell they've been putting on us the last couple weeks re: this new-and-theoretically-improved defense has any basis in reality whatsoever, as our old pals Chunky Chase and Terrance Copper return to the Benz™ for some good old fashioned pushing and shoving against Our Heroes (and Patrick Robinson.) Fingers crossed.*
RAG RADIO / Thorne Dreyer : ChannelAustin's 40 Years of Groundbreaking Free Speech TV
Linda Litowsky, Executive Director of ChannelAustin, in the studios of KOOP-FM, Austin, Texas, August 2, 2013. Photo by Roger Baker / The Rag Blog. Rag Radio podcast: Linda Litowsky, Stefan Wray & Anita Stech on Austin's pioneering free speech cable TV "Austin access is the organization to which other cities have always looked to learn how to build their own." -- Austin Chronicle By Rag
Destabilization Expert Robert Ford Possible Choice for Ambassador to Egypt
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Robert Stephen Ford Wikimedia Commons Image Brandon Turbeville Amid the growing tension in Egypt after the military counter-coup removing former President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood from their posts, the U.S. State Department is considering naming former U.S. Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, as the new Ambassador to Egypt. With the geographic size of Egypt, its geopolitical importance, and both its historic and contemporary influence in the Middle East, the post of Ambassador to Egypt is an immensely important positio... more »
Pump and pray: Tepco might have to pour water on Fukushima wreckage forever
Professor Christopher Busby Russia Today Fukushima is a nightmare disaster area, and no one has the slightest idea what to do. The game is to prevent the crippled nuclear plant from turning into an “open-air super reactor spectacular” which would result in a hazardous, melted catastrophe. On April 25, 2011 – one month after the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear plant and the anniversary of Chernobyl - I was interviewed by RT and asked to compare Chernobyl and Fukushima. The clip, which you can find on YouTube, was entitled, “Can’t seal Fukushima like Chernobyl - it all goes into ... more »
Catch of the Day
Yes, you all know I'm an easy mark for a little Newt-bashing. And Ed Kilgore delivers very nicely, with a great history lesson about the snake-oil salesman. Very nice: The example they offer is the conservative battle against the Panama Canal Treaty, which failed to stop the “giveaway” in the U.S. Senate, but led (say Shirley and Gingrich without a single shred of empirical evidence) to GOP gains in 1978 and then to Reagan’s victory in 1980. I think there’s a bit of projection going on in this column, at least for the Newtster. While Reagan’s visibility in the Panama fight did kee... more »
Out: What about your gaffes? In: What gaffes? Bush flashback exposes Obama’s MSM lapdogs | Twitchy
The difference between a media opposed to George W Bush and one so on love with Barack Hussein Obama that they just can't bring themselves to criticise him. The media pilloried George W Bush for his 'mission accomplished' comments but have given Barack Hussein Obama a free ride over his equally, or worse, remarks that the USA 'have al Qaeda on the run'. The bias and double standards are tangible. More here
GREAT NEWS!! - CRTC Rules AGAINST SunNewsNetwork Mandatory Inclusion In Basic Cable Packages
*Sanity has prevailed at the Canadian Radio & Television Commission. They have ruled that Sun News Network does not require inclusion in basic cable packages. Anyone wishing to be inundated with SunNewsNetwork's extremist Right Wing program content can still subscribe to it as a paid specialty channel.* *CRTC Ruling* ** *As Canadians watched the funeral for Leader of the Official Opposition, Jack Layton, here is what was appearing on SunNewsNetwork.*
Gail Collins, straight outta Joyce!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2013* *Come let us smother the living together:* Question! How does a reader finish a column if it has started like this? COLLINS (8/8/13): *Let’s talk about Gov. Chris Christie. Everybody is; *he’s the politician of the hour. At the top of the latest poll of likely Republican presidential primary voters in New Hampshire. (Just two-and-a-half years to go until the Iowa caucuses!) How does somebody force himself to read to the end of that column? Just for starters, Christie *isn’t* the politician of the hour. Everybody *isn’t* discussing him. In fact, almost no... more »
*Bath Iron Works in Maine where only Navy destroyers are built* Last night Mary Beth Sullivan and I went to the Bath, Maine city councilmeeting. We had read in the local newspaper that Bath Iron Works (BIW), owned by General Dynamics, was going to ask for another round of public subsidy as they undertake expansion and modernization of the ship yard. We learned that this item would not come up in the city council meeting until 9:00 pm after the regular business was handled. We also learned that public comments would not be allowed in this "workshop". Recognizing that we'd not be all... more »
How and Why Adam Kokesh was Framed
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]*We Are Change* Subscribe to WeAreChange's Channel Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.
What Is Love? - A Poem by Paramahansa Yogananda
What is Love? *Love is the scent with the lotus born.* *It is the silent choirs of petals* *Singing the winter’s harmony of uniform beauty.* *Love is the song of the soul, singing to God.* *It is the balanced rhythmic dance of planets -* * sun and moon lit* *In the skyey hall festooned with fleecy clouds -* *Around the sovereign Silent Will.* *It is the thirst of the rose to drink the sunrays* *And blush red with life.* *‘Tis the promptings of the mother earth* *To feed her milk to the tender, thirsty roots,* *And to nurse all life.* *It is the urge of the sun* *To keep all things aliv... more »
BBC News - UK birth rate highest since 1972, says ONS
The BBC report on Labour's most lasting legacy, a massively increasing population, especially in London and its environs. Mostly due to immigration. Labour's plan to import a new community of Labour voters whilst also rubbing the right's noses in diversity has worked, it's just a shame that as a result civil strife and maybe even open warfare on the streets of Britain looks like being our future. More BBC crap here
Staged Terror Attacks Planned After NSA Scandal
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *Youtube* Subscribe to AMTV Channel Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.
What Breaking Bad REALLY Tells Us About the War on Drugs
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *Vimeo* What Breaking Bad REALLY Tells Us about the War on Drugs from Brave New Foundation onVimeo. Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.
"Eid Al-Fitr 2013: A Celebration At The End Of Ramadan"
* "Eid Al-Fitr 2013: A Celebration At The End Of Ramadan" * by HuffPost Live "One of the most joyous days in the Islamic calendar, Eid al-Fitr, also known as Eid ul-Fitr or Eid, is a celebration that marks the end of Ramadan (a holy month of fasting observed by Muslims). This year Eid al-Fitr will most likely be observed on Thursday, August 8, 2013 in the United States. It is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Traditionally, the observance begins with the sighting of the new moon. While many will wait to see the moon or an announ... more »
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Pump And Pray - TEPCO Might (Will) Have To Pour Water On Fukushima Wreckage Forever!
I am continuing my reports on the horrendous Fukushima nuclear disaster that is still out of control to this very day... I have been astounded that for over two years now, our Jewish controlled media has primarily ignored this disaster and has been lying to everyone by saying that the situation is "under control".. When in fact it is absolutely NOT, and seems with recent developments going from bad to worse.... I came across the following article from the Aletho News website, at, that I certainly want to share with all of my own readers...It is entitled:... more »
Farting in a Hurricane
Just pointing out that Canadian progressives have been "mobilized" against the Alberta Tar Sands for over a decade now. To zero effect. Just like successive Liberal and Conservative governments managed to defile our democracy and our reputation in Afghanistan for over a decade while we were completely ineffectual in getting them out. Just for the record, the next time somebody blames an isolated violent act somewhere for derailing all the work being done by genuine non-violent activists blah, blah, blah, blah.
"Trying To Stay Sane In An Insane World - Part 2"
* * *"Trying To Stay Sane In An Insane World - Part 2"* by Jim Quinn "In Part 1 of this article I detailed the insane solutions proposed and executed since 2008 by our owners as they attempt to retain and further expand their ill-gotten wealth, acquired through fraud, deceit, swindles, and the brilliant manipulation and exploitation of the masses through Bernaysian propaganda techniques. Madness has engulfed the entire world, with a concentration of power in the hands of a few psychopathic financial elite wielding an inordinate and dangerous expanse of power over the lives of the... more »
The Wisdom Of Julian of Norwich
God’s creation *For a man regards some deeds as well done and some as evil, and our Lord does not regard them so, for everything which exists in nature is of God’s creation, so that everything which is done has the property of being God’s doing.* Julian of Norwich (1342 -1416) English mystic of the fourteenth century, author or recipient of the vision contained in the book known as the "Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love".
NYT Editorial Sinks to New Low
Dear Mr. Rosenthal, This is why I have decided to cancel my subscription to your paper today. Many people I know have already done so, but I’ve been holding out because of my love for the good journalism that goes on at the paper. As a teacher, parent and thinking individual, this editorial today about […]
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Mike Ivie, 61. The list of guys with a 152 OPS+ at age 26 who never exceeded 300 PA/year again (OK, 306) can't be all that long, can it? The bullpen article says that he had a hand injury before that 27 year old season. Maybe that was it. Plenty of good stuff today: 1. Abby Rapoport's case for why Wendy Davis should run for governor. 2. First-term Members running for the Senate? Aaron Blake looks at the history. 3. Brian Beutler is largely correct about media bias and the ACA rollout. 4. The GOP shortage of women in Congress, from Sarah Mimms. She doesn't mentio... more »
Drills, Props and Propaganda Predicting Large Scale False Flag Events
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] image source Jack Mullen A government-created fear designed to enlist public support for controls, legislation, rules and regulation increasing government power, while reducing individual rights, is called a False Flag Event (FFE). The fear is usually something quite dramatic, like the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the decimation of the World Trade Centers. But, fear can also be insidious, fanning out slowly like carbon monoxide filling an unventilated garage while a motor vehicle is running. Slow FFEs include promotional agen... more »
Some hysteria about Czech politics in the media
The Czech media hype some articles, especially in the German-speaking media such as Die Presse, as evidence that everyone thinks that we have become a banana republic. The president has become a king, we're becoming a Putin-style democracy, and so on. A new Bloomberg article talks about a paralysis and other dramatic words. I just don't understand what they're talking about. What happened? Recall that in June, plasma physicist Petr Nečas' center-right government was forced to resign after a bizarre police raid against various powerful people who were linked to the (then) prime mi... more »
Answers to Questions On Veterans' Rights, Right To Copy of Handbook
This week I'm answering questions posted on VOW to Hire Heroes Act Fixes Stupid Legal Loophole for Military and Stupid HR Stuff: Can Anyone Tell Me the Point In Not Giving Copies of Contracts and Policies? *Targeting Veterans For Drug Testing * *What if an employeer gives an disabled veteran more than one urine test a month and then marks the last form as possible suspesion/cause. Does a disabled veteran have any recourse for legal action? this employer also has me under a arbutrary agreement for employment.* *David * Hi David. If you're being targeted for more tests than coworker... more »
SOURCES OF PARALYSIS: The New York Times fails the latest tests!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2013* *Interlude—Death in life:* Intellectual paralysis grips the heart of our nation’s upper-end “press corps.” You might think of this state as “death-in-life.” The New York Times announces this paralytic condition with the headline which banners page A19 in today’s hard-copy Washington Edition: “Scores on Math and English Tests Plummet After State Adopts New Standards” The headline serves to create excitement, a condition typically sought by the dead-in-life. They obsess about sex to make dead blood flow. They seek the enervation of “scandal.” Sadly, this ... more »
Fake Terror Alert Extended
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] image credit: genome4hire/Flickr Stephen Lendman Announced embassy and consulate closures continue all week. Perhaps longer if ordered. Doing so facilitates deception. It reflects duplicitous fearmongering. It's to fool people. It serves America's hidden agenda. It targets dissent. It subverts civil liberties. It's to silence lawless NSA spying critics. On Sunday TV talk shows, Republicans and Democrats agreed. Terror threats justify NSA surveillance, they claim. According to Senator Saxby Chambliss (R. GA), there's "an aw... more »
"Official: Tepco Plan Could Cause Fukushima Reactor Buildings to 'Topple'”
* * *"Official: Tepco Plan Could Cause Fukushima Reactor Buildings to 'Topple'” * Japan’s Nuclear Accident Response Director Warns that Tepco’s Actions Might Cause Reactor Buildings to Collapse by WashingtonsBlog "Tepco’s ill-considered efforts to change soil permeability and water flow have caused severe problems at the site … including highly radioactive groundwater bubbling up to the surface. NHK notes: "The vice governor of Fukushima Prefecture has asked the government to take the lead in handling the matter and stop the leakage. Masao Uchibori told an official from the N... more »
TFA: “It’s just one unverifiable anecdote after the next”
While it may be overly optimistic (which I am rarely accused of being) to suggest that the shine is wearing off the Teach for America brand, it is clear that credible challenges to TFA are being acknowledged more often, including resistance from within the organization itself. Some evidence-based challenges have come from Gary Rubinstein, Katie […]
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: News You Don't Want To Read About Fukushima! It Is Much Worse Than What We Are Told...
For the last two years, I felt that I was one of the only people out here in the so called "Blogosphere" that was trying to keep up with the dismal news coming out of Fukushima Japan about the horrific nuclear disaster that is still ongoing to this very day..... It troubled me immensely that so many people ignored this horrible situation and the fact that this is STILL a world threatening situation.... But recently, the reports coming out of Fukushima seemed to go from bad to worse... There have been multiple reports over the last week at least about higher than "normal" radiation l... more »
Knocking off the citizens, one at a time: "Murder by Cop"
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Ruth Hull In some jurisdictions, police solve crimes and try to protect the public. In Santa Ana, California, the fastest growing hobby for the police is shooting unarmed civilians. On 8/5, residents packed the city hall to demand that police stop shooting people. The Santa Ana Police Department has shot at least five unarmed people since the start of the year. The identified victims include Binh Van Nguyen, Jason Erling Hallstrom, Gerardo Diego Ayala, Jessica Gonzalez, and the latest victim, 22-year-old Kevin Arellano, who ... more »
Victim Disarmament Zone: Apartment Management Firm Prohibits Residents From Owning Firearms and Weapons
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Mac Slavo Imagine you’ve been living in your home or apartment for several years. You’re an avid hunter, sports shooter, or simply someone who wants to protect their family should an individual with criminal intent coming breaking down your door. You own a handgun, rifle, crossbow, or other self defense weapon. All of a sudden you receive a memo from your management company or Homeowners Association advising you of a policy change that you can no longer own a weapon if you live on the property. As an American you’d likely b... more »
State-Sponsored Drug Awareness Seminars Spin the Truth
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Actually, prohibition creates government jobs which they fight to keep with propaganda Sally Oh Last week, “Man-Made Mayhem,” a state-sponsored Synthetic Drugs Awareness seminar was presented at a local library. Without a reservation but spotting a few empty chairs, I asked for and was given a seat. Judging by the sign-in sheet, almost all attendees were state employees, including the Mayor, the Police Chief and social workers employed by the War On Drugs (WOD). Candy, the seminar leader, was young, adorable, great smile, an... more »
The New York Emperor Has No Clothes
The parents of NY’s students will have to put an end to the testing regime once and for all, the teachers can no longer protect themselves or the children in their classrooms from this Common Core testing insanity masquerading as education reform. From NYC Public Schools Parents: Shock Doctrine: five reasons not to trust the […]
Joint submissions on sentence
R. v. A.B., 2013 NUCJ 15 deals with joint sentencing submissions: [49] The Court's discretion on sentence is constrained by the terms of a joint submission. Jurisprudence from the Court of Appeal provides that a sentencing court must not lightly interfere with the terms of a negotiated settlement that has resulted in the entry of guilty pleas. The Court cannot exceed the joint recommendation made by the lawyers in this case unless the proposed sentence brings the administration of the criminal justice system into disrepute. [50] For sound public policy reasons, the criminal justice... more »
New Death Squad Massacre Reported in Syria
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] image source Brandon Turbeville In what has become commonplace, yet another report has now surfaced regarding a massacre of innocent civilians by al-Qaeda death squads in Syria. According to reports from Al-Alam News, an Iranian news agency, approximately 330 men and women have been murdered along with 120 children in Tal Abyad, a district of northern Syria. The majority of the victims appear to have been Kurdish. The perpetrators of the attack were allegedly members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, a terrorist organization wh... more »
Global surveillance Watch - Pentagon paranoia brands everyone a terror threat or traitor - even if you just question a foreign policy ? Mass surveillance doesn't even serve the stated purpose of allegedly keeping citizens safe .... but it does serve the unstated policy of spying on everyone 24 - 7 ! Germany revealed to be major NSA spying partner- Merkel caught lying , do germans care though ?
Global surveillance watch..... Unhappy With U.S. Foreign Policy? Pentagon Says You Might Be A 'High Threat'August 7, 2013 Print Version *Source:* Huffington Post Watch out for "Hema." A security training test created by a Defense Department agency warns federal workers that they should consider the hypothetical Indian-American woman a "high threat" because she frequently visits family abroad, has money troubles and "speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy." That slide, from the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), is a startling demonstration of the Obama adminis... more »
Amidst the unprecedented spate of US Embassy closing as well as a global travel advisory , the focus on Yemen yields interesting events and news . Initially , note the US has launched another drone attack today ( fourth drone attack in ten days ) , allegedly killing four militants. Further clarification as to the gist of the Al Qaeda threats ( note the threats focus on potential targets within Yemen) ..... Despite the clarification from Yemeni officials , both the US and UK have withdrawn personnel from Yemen , in addition to the Embassy closures - which has sparked loud criticism from Yemen officials that both the US and UK are giving Al Qaeda a victory in the perceptions war and of course undermines Yemen ( as being unable to provide security in Yemen for foreign Embassies and interests ! Promptly thereafter , Islamists shoot down a military helicopter killing all 8 Yemeni military personnel onboard....BTW , does our view of the US reactions change if this " intel " is actually months old ? Well , guess what - it is ! .
Catharsis Ours - 8 hours ago
Yemen blowback after over- hyped Terror reaction by the US...... MILITANTS SHOOT DOWN ARMY HELICOPTER IN YEMEN; 8 KILLED By AHMED AL-HAJ Associated Press SANAA, Yemen A suspected U.S. drone killed four alleged al-Qaida members Tuesday in Yemen, as the U.S. and British embassies evacuated staff amid reports of a threatened attack by the terrorist group. As Yemen bolstered security by sending tanks and troops into the streets of Sanaa, the capital of the impoverished country, militants sho... more »
The Failure Of Identity Politics-- And It's Not Just Wall Street Shill Cory Booker
Yesterday we noted the endorsement of Rush Holt, who is white, by African-American civil rights leader Edith Savage-Jennings. In her OpEd at the *Times* of Trenton, she wrote that "The decision to answer the call to service was never easy. Often, it was terrifying. I faced the very real possibility of imprisonment or violence for standing up for civil rights. But I could not abide the idea that some human beings were less equal than others. As much as I valued my safety, I valued my principles even more highly. When I look at Rush Holt, I see someone who feels equally called to se... more »
*Lawsuit over destroyed wetlands to face first tests ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate* *Flood insurance chief visits La.* *Exquisite Corps Awards B and K Underground Drainage Canals Project ~Dredging Today* *Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola ~KnowLA* *Clinic in New Orleans' Bywater gets $550K grant* Read more here: *Hunting could return to parts of New Orleans* *Artist transforms New Orleans housing project into exhibit* *Today in New Orleans: Little Freddie King at Ogden Museum, th... more »
More IRS and DEA Secrets and Cover-ups Revealed
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Lily Dane The existence of an IRS manual that detailed a program used by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has been revealed. The manual funneled tips to federal agents and then instructed them on how to scrub the investigative trail clean. Reuters reports: A 350-word entry in the Internal Revenue Manual instructed agents of the U.S. tax agency to omit any reference to tips supplied by the DEA’s Special Operations Division, especially from affidavits, court proceedings or investigative files. The entry was published ... more »
The SECRET War on Truth
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Judge Napolitano Calls BS on Obama's Leno Lies
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Greece sets overall unemployment approach 28 percent ( 27.6 ) , youth unemployment hit 65 percent ... meanwhile PM Samaras heads to US to seek support from broke USA..... Good luck with that one..... Greek Youth Unemployment Soars To Record 65% [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/08/2013 08:13 -0400 - recovery - Unemployment *RIP Greekovery.* What little hope there may have been that bad and/or deteriorating Greek economic data had peaked in the early part of 2013 and the country was set for a long overdue "recovery" was promptly extinguished following today's latest release of the Greek May labor force survey. The headline news for the broader population was u... more »
Who’s Lying to Whom? Duncan, Bloomberg, and the Rotted Common Core
Yesterday Mike Bloomberg called the new test score basement that all NY schools have rushed into “very good news,” and he blamed the media for noticing that it was happening. With State and City schools–at least the ones with poor kids–once more crushed under the boot (Rochester had 5% of kids passing reading and math) […]
Is US terrorized by Terror threats ? Closing 22 Embassies worldwide for a terror threat in Yemen seems like a petrified heart to me .... " Experts calling US Terror Alert " Crazy Pants " Syria ambushes and wipes out islamist rebel troops...... Israel issues threats despite " Pro - Diplomacy " Iran President.... Obama: Al-Qaeda ‘On the Way to Defeat’Insists US 'Not Terrorized' by Terrorists by Jason Ditz, August 07, 2013 Print This | Share This While reiterating that al-Qaeda remains a threat “to the homeland,” President Obama insisted today that his military offensives have decimated the group’s leadership and it is “on the way to defeat.” Obama went on to insist that “those who cowardly attack civilians” don’t understand his position that the US “do not get terrorized” by terrorism and will keep up its current foreign p... more »
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Apologizes For Misleading People About Medical Marijuana
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REAL Women supports Russian "family values"
Harper campaigns to his cheering anti-gay base in Ottawa, April 2005 : "Your beliefs, your values, our values, are the real Canadian values. And you know my position. You know the position of the Conservative Party of Canada. When elected Prime Minister at the next election, whenever that may be, we'll bring in legislation that will define marriage as the union of one man and one woman." Well that was then, huh, Gwen? Problem for you is Steve really really likes being PM. So he's cool with you helping him get elected and in return you got to help give out some medals and make the ... more »
"Running's" 5 Years Old, Thanks For Stopping By!
This blog began on August 8, 2008, 5 years old today. To date we've had 1,475,784 unique viewers from all over the world, 22,931 posts, and an all time history of 2,189,490 Pageviews. Incredible... I know, get a life! lol Thank you all, sincerely, for sharing your time and stopping by. - CP • Dire Straits, “Private Investigations” -
Let The Ladies Have At It
The by-election in Toronto Centre promises to be very interesting. Chrystia Freeland and Linda McQuaig -- women with strong media profiles -- will go head to head for Bob Rae's old seat. The riding will eventually be bifurcated by seat redistribution. John Ibbiston writes: Toronto will get two of those ridings. One of them is in suburban Don Mills. The other essentially bifurcates the existing riding of Toronto Centre. Whoever wins the by-election will get to choose next time out between staying in Toronto Centre, which will encompass part of the lower downtown, or running in th... more »
Rethinking Marketing and Discoverability for Today
‘Digital publishing is publishing’ and the news this week from Bowker that online sales have reached 44% of total sales should not come as a shock to anyone. The question is what are we doing to exploit this, the rise in digital titles and sales and other cultural changes? We hear lots of talk about who is the retailer, publishers going direct and of course digital, but how are we planning up to service this? Finding and valuing anything on an every increasing virtual shelf is becoming harder, when in fact it should be easier? Search and discovery in a digital era is very differ... more »
*Orleans Public Defender Clarifies Laws Surrounding Shooting of Unarmed Teen Trespasser ~M.D. Dupuy*
Does a Global Climate Agreement Require National Action?
At least since the Copenhagen summit of 2009, global climate negotiations have stalled. Both academic researchers and policy analysts have recently emphasized the need to develop innovative strategies to break the negotiation gridlock. One such argument is that if major emitters show ‘leadership’ by adopting ambitious national policies, they can build trust and move the Continue reading
What the Palestinian Authority means by a two-state solution
'The impression that Israel is occupying "Palestinian" lands is incorrect. A Palestinian country did not exist in these lands, prior to its coming under Israel's control. As a result of the 1967 Six Day War, Israel did capture Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea – not from Palestine, but rather, from Jordan. It is true that the PLO was established in Jerusalem in 1964, some three years before Israel's defensive acquisition of these lands in 1967. Obviously, the agenda of the PLO was not to free lands from Israel which it did not even possess. Its mission then, as now, is to replace Israel... more »
Listen to what Palestinian leaders say
Michal Zach (@MichalZach1) tweeted at 7:45 AM on Thu, Aug 08, 2013: For all those diehard #PALLYWOOD believers. Please believe them... When they speak in Arabic, not English doubletalk ( It's important that the facts of what Palestinian leaders say is reported. Just don't expect the rabidly anti Israel BBC to report such words.
Palestine: History of a Name | Simcha Jacobovici | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
A history lesson for those idiots whose knowledge of the history of the Middle East comes from a hatred of Jews rather than facts. 'In Jesus' day, his country was called Judea, and the overall designation for the land was "Israel" – as it is today. You can argue about politics, but let's not change history to suit our views.' More here
Letters: Profile of an immigration campaign creating a climate of fear
I see the 'usual suspects' are upset that illegal immigrants might actually be deported. More idiocy here It's a letter to the Guardian from the sort of people I wouldn't choose to break bread with.
"William Sargant had a voracious sexual appetite that could not be satisfied by a normal relationship... "He regularly disappeared for a weekend. "His destinations were mansions in the depths of the English countryside where those recovering from the dull gray years of World War II had found a new way to satisfy themselves at 'swinger' parties. *"Many were out-and-out orgies - often attended by doctors, lawyers and pillars of their churches."* EPISPASM : Message: Inside the Sl * * *Elizabeth Reed.* 'Mind control activities' have taken place at hospitals in the UK and elsewhere... more »
Another example of Israeli apartheid as a Muslim IDF Soldier Keeps Watch Over Gaza Border
Goats are the go-to in historic Congressional Cemetery's eco-cleanup quest | Fox News
My brethren are being exploited for human gain... More here
Musical Interlude: Michael Jackson, "Earth Song"
Michael Jackson, "Earth Song" -
SUSY, a scapegoat: different kinds of belief
*...much of the anti-SUSY propaganda is unbelievable...* One week ago, I argued that it is totally inappropriate to use the adjective "speculative" for theoretical frameworks such as supersymmetry. It's a topic that's being discussed at many places which is why now, one week later, I will reopen these issues. Two days ago, Alok Jha of the Guardian wrote his text One year on from the Higgs boson find, has physics hit the buffers? and it was discussed at a leading HEP crackpots' website where Giotis, Urs Schreiber, and others kindly debate some nasty and stupid physics haters. Incide... more »
Lilou Mace: You are the Change,an interview with Dr. Dain Heer
I got the link to this video from YouTube. Never got a Lilou Mace video notice before although I have watched her videos for a few years. This interview with Dr Dain Heer is particular pertinent to my quest this month of releasing my personal limits. Funny how when you look for information it just shows up! I think you might enjoy it too. Dr Dain Hain's web site is: - BILL PS: I am dropping the use of "AK" and using my real first name, Bill. Another limit I am releasing.
Praying for my friend...
*please join me.* Posted by her daughter, Kelly, on Kalona's blog, Knocking Everywhere. Arrangements have been made for Sharon/Kalona. Please see this link at the Porter Loring Mortuary website if you'd like to read her Memorial Page: In Memory of Sharon. Also included is the information for the service schedule. We loved the black and white photo of Mom and Dad that Karen took recently. Mom posted the original picture here when she was chatting about "This and That.". It is a beautiful picture of Mom and one of the most recent we have of her so I wanted to give my heartfelt... more »
Several Israel government officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz and a senior Israeli spokesperson have all expressed an opinion that leans toward Israel considering a pre-emptive unilateral strike against Iran. The consensus in Israel – and backed by neoconservatives in the US – seems to be that the recently elected new president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, despite being a far more conciliatory and far less confronting leader than the previous president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is nonetheless as dangerous as Ahmadinejad inasmuch that he is sti... more »
The reality behind climate change policy?
That might be it.
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran - Illusions, delusions and the brain (Gifford Lectures)
*"The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human"*by Vilayanur S. Ramachandran. *Wikipedia: * Vilayanur Subramanian Ramachandran (born 1951) is a neuroscientist known for his work in the fields of behavioral neurology and visual psychophysics. He is the Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition, and is currently a Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Neurosciences Graduate Program at the University of California, San Diego. Ramachandran is noted for his use of experimental methods that rely relatively little on complex technologies such a... more »
Has Putin Ruined The Olympics For The Civilized World?
Although Stephen Fry is best known in the U.S. for his role as Melchett in * Blackadder* and as Gordon Deitrich in *V For Vendetta*, in the U.K. he's a major celebrity-- an actor, screenwriter, director, author, playwright, journalist, comedian, television and radio personality and... an activist. He's also gay. This week he wrote an open letter to David Cameron and the International Olympic Committee calling for the Olympics to pull out of the 2014 Winter games because of Vladimir Putin "is making scapegoats of gay people, just as Hitler did Jew." Russia's new anti-gay laws are bei... more »
Musical Interlude: Metallica, “Nothing Else Matters”
Metallica, “Nothing Else Matters” -
Raymundo Velázquez; ¿quién sigue? - La Jornada Guerrero
Raymundo Velázquez; ¿quién sigue? - La Jornada Guerrero: Acaba de ser asesinado el luchador social Raymundo Velázquez Flores, dirigente de la Liga Agraria Revolucionaria del Sur Emiliano Zapata (Larsez), fundada por Genaro Vázquez Rojas y Antonio Sotelo Pérez; asesinato que se suma al del compañero Arturo Hernández Carmona y de muchos otros luchadores sociales de quienes la justicia se vuelve sorda, muda y ciega; conducta que evidencia la responsabilidad del Estado en esos crímenes. Y ahora ¿quién sigue? 'via Blog this'
Last week the US and some of their allies shut up diplomatic shop in various places through North Africa and the Middle East due to a threat heard on the ‘al Qaeda’ grapevine that a big attack was being planned for the end Ramadan. It seems now that the panic is over. The *Guardian* reports that the US on Wednesday carried out a number of drone strikes that apparently killed seven ‘al Qaeda’ operatives of the ‘al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’ (AQAP) franchise who had reportedly been planning to attack various towns and oil installations in south Yemen. Meanwhile, US officials a... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Miami, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Strange shapes and textures can be found in neighborhood of the Cone Nebula. The unusual shapes originate from fine interstellar dust reacting in complex ways with the energetic light and hot gas being expelled by the young stars. The brightest star on the right of the above picture is S Mon, while the region just below it has been nicknamed the Fox Fur Nebula for its color and structure. *Click image for larger size.* The blue glow directly surrounding S Mon results from reflection, where neighboring dust reflects light from the bright star. The red glow that encompasses t... more »
"The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Nothing is Insurmountable"
* * *"The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Nothing is Insurmountable"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "There is nothing in your life that cannot be overcome; whatever the situation or problem, there is always a solution. When our next best course of action seems unclear, any dilemmas we face can appear insurmountable. Yet there is nothing we cannot overcome with time, persistence, focused thought, help, and faith. Whatever the situation or problem, there is always a solution. And if you remember to look within, even as you search around you for the “right” course of action, you wil... more »
Night 3: Nez Perce Tarsands Mega-Monster Blockade Aug. 7, 2013
TONIGHT! NIGHT 3! Blockade the Tarsands Megaload on Sovereign Nez Perce Nation By Idaho Wild Rising Tide August 7 at 8 pm until August 9 at 5:30 am MDT Gather at: Friends of the Clearwater office and Highway 12 The Nez Perce Tribe has vowed that it will continue nightly protests until it rids its reservation and ancestral homeland from the ravages of tar sands/industrial equipment and
27th Day of Ramadan " Night of Power " arrives on August 4 , 2013 and is one explanation as to why attacks in the Middle East / North Africa and portions of Asia with strong islamic influences could occur....... War watch - August 4, 2013 - US Embassy closed and looks like it could be longer than for just a day - especially with a global travel advisory in place for the month of August , Deputy PM quits citing dysfunctional government , Libya Special Forces deployed to impose order in Benghazi and more prisoners freed by radicals....... Pakistan learns US plans to keep droning their country until morale improves ........ Secretary Kerry gets embarrassed regarding Egypt remarks , Egypt new strong man leader blast US .....Iraq sees another bloody day ..... Syria sees another day without western intervention...... Yemen awaits Al Qaeda attack - Sunday thought as being a day when attack could occur due to the day being the 27th of Ramadan " Night of Power - seen as a good day to die as a martyr by islamists .......
Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago
Global Terror threat no threat to a golf outing and weekend party with the boys ?????? US Extends Most Embassy Closures Until August 10 [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/04/2013 16:52 -0400 - Abu Dhabi - Afghanistan - Don't Panic - Dubai - Kuwait - Middle East - national security - Obama Administration - White House The latest subjunctive paraphrase, just released by the US State Department: "*Please don't panic... well, a... more »
What does it mean when "The Fix" says not to underestimate Elizabeth Warren?
*Seriously, have the Villagers seriously started to take Elizabeth Warren seriously?* *by Ken* As I mentioned last night, I was taken aback yesterday by a posting on's "The Fix" blog. Not so much for the story it purported to report, but for a dramatic shift in Village perception which the fact of such a report from such a source. Backing up a bit, once upon a time -- oh, say back in the days before Nixon Went to China -- the vast and tumultuous expanse of the People's Republic was a cypher to us, and as old-timers will recall, American obsevers were largely re... more »
US Air Force transport 24 tons of coke from Costa Rica to Miami - now hears where it gets strange : Why did the Air Force plane fly out of Costa Rica - and then make stops in Nicaragua and Honduras , why not a direct flight with all of that coke ; if this was legit , why did Costa Rica authorities state they wouldn't allow transports like this again : why were the two magistrates at the Judicial Branch completely in the dark that the Air Force plane was even coming to pick up those 24 tons , why no proof od permission for the plane to enter Costa Rican air space , why was the identity of the plane kept hidden ; why the mystery in Miami - were the drugs destroyed or did something else happen ; why isn't " War on Drugs Politicians and Law Enforcement now going nuts over this ; does this incident validate allegations of Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla concerning Drug Cartel and US government " cooperation in coke smuggling into the US abetted by so called law enforcement ; is the US government and banking TBTFs the biggest drug dealers / money launderers in the world ? Additional truly insane clown posse aka us gov moments of the day ! US Air Force Transports 24 Tons of Cocaine to Miami - [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image: Prison Planet TV][image: Twitter][image: Alex Jones' Facebook][image: Infowars store] Airlift destined for ‘Cocaine Capital of the World’ “shrouded in secrecy” *Paul Joseph Watson* August 7, 2013 The US Air Force recently airlifted nearly 24 tons of cocaine from Costa Rica to Miami, the cocaine capital of the world, in a program described as being ... more »
Lac Megantic Survivors Get Victimized Again By Edward Burkhardt And MM&A Railway
Well here we go again, I wrote a post called Canada`s Cold Blank Stare, it was about how Canada let, how Canada allowed the criminals at MM&A railway to carry on, no company searches, no records confiscated, no search warrants executed on company records, on banking numbers, nothing at all, MM&A Railway just bombed a Canadian city and committed mass murder and the criminal were free to ......Free to hide their money, and documents.... I was particularly upset on how Edward Burkhardt changed his and his company`s story everyday, first he blamed environmentalists for the disaster, th... more »
Syria updates - August 7 , 2013 - Did FSA rebels down an Iranian cargo plane ? Did the Syrian army ambush and kill 60 or more rebel soldiers near Damascus ? Syrian war inflaming regional , sectarian and religious wounds ? US-Supported Free Syrian Army Downs Iranian Cargo Plane At Damascus Airport [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2013 16:04 -0400 Has the long-awaited "kinetic strike" catalyst finally arrived? Al Arabiya English *✔* @*AlArabiya_Eng* #*BreakingNews* - Activists: #*FSA* downs Iranian cargo plane at #*Damascus*International Airport. #*Syria* 3:49 PM - 7 Aug 2013 more »
Yemen drone wars continue - second strike today follows yesterday strike ( 11 militants allegedly killed in the two drone attacks ) , Yemen declares Al Qaeda plot foiled - said plot being Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's ( aka AQAP ) alleged plan to take over several cities in southeastern Yemen ( including port towns and major cities in Hadramaut Province ) , blowing up pipelines and basically causing mayhem - this was the plot set for Sunday August 4 , 2013 solely in Yemen ! So is Yemen right - is the plot hatched by Al Qaeda foiled by the combined efforts of US and Yemeni authorities and if so , when do the 19 - 21 unaffected Embassies get reopened ? And since the State has whupped Al Qaeda in Pakistan , drone war there should be over , we should be able to say when we call a wrap there , right ? Or , wrong again ? US Drone Strikes Kill 11, Yemen Says Plot ‘Foiled’Yemen: AQAP Planned to Conquer Multiple Eastern Cities by Jason Ditz, August 07, 2013 Print This | Share This Another US drone strike hit Yemen’s Shabwa Province today, killing at least seven people who were described as “suspects.” It is the second strike in less than 24 hours, with a hit yesterday killing four others. It is also the fifth US strike in less than two weeks. None of the slain were identified, but the US strikes are reportedly part of an... more »
The Lure of German Capitalism
During the 1980s and early 90s there was a fad for all things Japanese. Reflecting the then growing strength of Japan's economy, bits of what some would now call J-culture dribbled into the West's popular consciousness. Video games were the most obvious - Nintendo, Sega and then Sony pretty much cleared out American games consoles and European home micros. Anime, and Manga specifically became a whole new hobby/obsession for teenagers of a geeky bent. But the tsunami of all things Japanese did not confine itself to popular (youth) culture. It exercised the imagination of managerialis... more »
Chet Raymo, "Mowing"
* "Mowing"* by Chet Raymo "Robert Frost has a poem about mowing a field with a scythe. It is a warm, still day. There is no sound but the almost inaudible swish, swish of the blade as it lays the grass in rows. "What was it it whispered?" he asked of the scythe. Not the gift of idle hours or riches, he decides, but the sweetness of honest labor. When we first came here 41 years ago, our neighbors still cut hay with a scythe, raked it with hand-made wooden rakes, piked it into cocks. Many a hot summer day I helped, although I never mastered the scythe. To lay the grass in long ... more »
Gold and Silver reports - August 7 , 2013 - Data for the day , news and views ..... good articles and reports from Zero Hedge , Harvey Organ , Jesse's Crossroads Cafe blogspot..... ( So , HSBC only provided 6,444.96 ounces - how much does JP Morgan need to cover this month's urgent delivery demands ? ) "Hello HSBC, This Is JPMorgan - We Urgently Need Some Of Your Gold" [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2013 18:21 -0400 - None What happens when 63.5K ounces of registered gold in your warehouse (16% of total) just has their warrants detached and the vault is about to finds itself 63.5k ounces of gold emptier? If you are JPM you cal... more »
[image:] That was the MASSIVE sound produced, one might call it a "dis-sonic boom", as R.E.A.L.women's home-schooled fundamentalist christian homophobia collides with the Harper government's Foreign Affairs Minister's efforts to counter homophobia in foreign countries. From here: Real Women of Canada, a privately funded socially conservative group, says Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is imposing his own views on Uganda, Kenya and Russia when he criticizes those countries for passing legislation targeting homosexuals. The group, wh... more »
New York Is Freaking Out Over Test Scores
Yikes, it was on the CBS evening news!!! NY city test scores went down!!! OMG, the sky is falling. Meanwhile, the new Common Core standards and the new version of standardized multiple choice bubble in tests has NYC parents with their panties in a wad. State test scores expected to drop dramatically from tougher reading […]
Egypt, Syria, Propaganda and more Propaganda, Eid Aid/IHH and weapons
*This is one of those tying up loose ends kind of posts... Or following up, if you please?* *Going long. Grab a beverage of your choice and settle in.....* *Following up on: **Very Ominous for Egypt: Robert S Ford, the next Ambassador to Egypt.* It appears the Egyptians are less them impressed with this appointee*.* [image: Egypt rages against likely US ambassador on Twitter] * ** Egypt Rages against likely US Amabassador* This article is from france24. Yet another NATO news outlet. *First paragraph “US media reports that Robert Ford,... more »
Lamar W. Hankins : Slipping Creationism into Texas Textbooks
Political cartoon by Kirk Anderson. Image from The Skeptical Teacher. How Texas' Board of Education will slip creationism into textbooks Since a majority of the reviewers of the science texts are 'creationists' or proponents of 'intelligent design,' there can be little doubt that science education in Texas is under attack and our children will suffer... By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog /
Real Women Don't Fancy John Baird
I never thought I'd wind up sympathizing with John Baird but I do now. *Real Women of Canada* has their 'size wholesome' knickers in a bunch over Baird's criticism of countries such as Russia and Uganda for passing laws targeting homosexuals. RWoC accuses Baird of abusing his office in pursuit - wait for it - of "*his own special interests.*" (wink, wink/nudge, nudge) Oh, poor John. He finally stands up for principle and winds up getting his leg gnawed off by a pack of social conservative tire biters. *It is a fact, that homosexual activists in Canada are intolerant of any resi... more »
MM&A Pulls the Pin
The Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway has filed for bankruptcy protection from its creditors (read "victims"). MM&A went Chapter 11 in the U.S. and its Canadian division filed under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act. *“It has become apparent that the obligations of both companies now exceed the value of their assets, including prospective insurance recoveries," chairman Edward Burkhardt said in a statement.* *Filing for bankruptcy is "the best way to ensure fairness of treatment to all in these tragic circumstances," he said.* So what does this mean for the families and d... more »
PunditPAC Signing Up To Contribute... a possible Louie Gohmert primary challenge to John Cornyn. Seriously, this would be pretty much the best thing since Christine O'Donnell. Gohmert would be certain to say nutty things Monday through Saturday and twice on Sundays, and he'd drive plenty of traffic to both Tea Party and liberal media. Hey, he'd probably even have his buddy Michele Bachmann campaign with him! I don't really have anything else to say about it...well, only that I suppose one can't rule out the possibility that Gohmert could actually defeat Cornyn. At least there's probably some real differentiation b... more »
UPR Dr. Richard Geldard: Emerson & Universal Mind
"Geldard is the author of ten books, including studies of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Greek philosophy and culture. He is also a frequent lecturer. In June, 2003, and September, 2003, he was a featured speaker at Faneuil Hall in Boston as part of the Emerson Bicentennial Celebrations. In June, 2005, he was the Keynote speaker at the re-instatement of the Delphic Games in Delphi, Greece. In September, 2009 he gave the Flora Levy Lecture in the Humanities at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette." [*Source: Huffington Post*]. *Video Title: UPR Dr. Richard Geldard: Emerson & Universa... more »
The Unraveling
What we feel is not so much a sense of discomfort, as different. As with anything new, this requires adjustment. This place we are living is being reformed at our command. With the energetic contribution of 7 billion+ beings, a new reality is being birthed. None of you can say precisely what it’ll look like as its something else again. All of our contributions are equally represented. This is the unraveling. Think of a rope. There are many strands interwoven to reinforce the ONE. It is actually made that way on purpose, for strength. It is ONE rope, yet within it... more »
Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches :: Gatestone Institute
' This anti-Christian fury has taken on genocidal proportions. "Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again tread the ground of Egypt -- and no churches. We will no longer allow churches to exist."' More here But nothing on the pro Islamist BBC.
Savile, Sutcliffe and the Yorkshire Ripper(s)
This was a billboard poster - with retrospect, I can't imagine how WYMP took over half a decade of such tactics to NOT track down the Yorkshire Ripper(s). Clearly, they were doing everything in their power that whole time... Programmed To Kill Satanic Cover-Up Part 71 (Peter Sutcliffe - The Yorkshire Ripper ) from Spike1138 on Vimeo. Ah, the Daily Express..... Richard Desmond is indeed barking mad and almost totally devoid of any journalistic standards of ethics..... But he has no fear of libel law or writ neither and apparently, he clearly hates pædos and apparently, he isn't ... more »
Harry Targ : Academic Freedom and the Mitch Daniels/Howard Zinn Kerfuffle
Political cartoon by Gary Varvel / Indianapolis Star Academic freedom under fire: The Mitch Daniels/Howard Zinn kerfuffle If education at any level is to be shaped by the principle of academic freedom it must encourage student exposure to varieties of theories, perspectives, and points of view. By Harry Targ / The Rag Blog / August 7, 2013 WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana -- On July 17, 2013, an
Catholic Schools Against the Common Core
What exactly is in the Common Core Standards and which standards are a deal breaker for states or Catholic schools when taking money from the federal government? I’d like to know the amount of money the federal government sends to Catholic schools across the country. But looks like the largest Catholic teacher organization (NCEA) has […]
"Where Is King Henry Now That We Need Him?"
"In this year, before Christmas, King Henry sent from Normandy to England, and commanded that all the moneyers that were in England should be deprived of their members; that was the right hand of each, and their testicles beneath. That was because the man that had a pound could not buy for a penny at a market. And the bishop Roger of Salisbury sent over all England, and commanded them all that they should come to Winchester at Christmas. When they came thither they were taken one by one, and each deprived of the right hand and the testicles beneath. All this was done within the t... more »
Salem Radio: Bringing Hate And Death To America For A Tidy Profit
Headquartered in Camarillo, California (near an infamous mental institution), the Salem Radio Network syndicates their right-wing "Christian" talk shows to a couple thousand stations, above and beyond the 100 they actually own. They also own a chain of Republican Party propaganda websites like and and stream their hate-and-poison-for-profit to another hundred right-wing websites. They became well-known in California after they contributed $780,000 to the viciously homophobic "California Defense of Marriage Act" ballot measure in 2000. The two principals, St... more »
I'll ask this only once: What has Israel ever done to us? -
A must read article, especially for Irish anti Israel protesters. Read here
“Trying To Stay Sane In An Insane World”, Part 1
*“Trying To Stay Sane In An Insane World”, Part 1* by Jim Quinn “I mean—hell, I been surprised how sane you guys all are. As near as I can tell you’re not any crazier than the average asshole on the street.” – R.P. McMurphy, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” “Years ago, it meant something to be crazy. Now everyone’s crazy.” – Charles Manson “In America, the criminally insane rule and the rest of us, or the vast majority of the rest of us, either do not care, do not know, or are distracted and properly brainwashed into acquiescence.” - Kurt Nimmo "I have to admit to b... more »
North West Tonight
My local BBC news programme *North West Tonight* tonight featured as one of its lead stories the visit of David Cameron to a mosque in Bolton, in the wake of the murder of Lee Rigby. The report, by the programme's political editor Arif Ansari, was introduced by the programme's presenters as being about the feelings of local Muslims in the wake of the "backlash" against them in the wake of the killing: "Some members of the community have criticised David Cameron for not speaking out more strongly." Arif reported from outside a local mosque, talking to some local Muslims, including... more »
"Is the BBC a friend or foe of Catholics?"
Here's an interesting discussion on the question 'Is the BBC a friend or foe of Catholics?', courtesy of the *Catholic Herald*. The debate, hosted by associate editor Madeleine Teehan, involved the magazine's deputy editor Ed West and Jack Valero of Catholic Voices. For a flavour of where* Is the BBC Biased? *stands on this subject, please take a read through some of these past posts: Take one 'Tablet' three times a day Double Standards? I Have Two Lists...(One is More Little Than the Other) Triple Standards? This coming 'Sunday'... If you're In Search of the Real Pope Benedict, per... more »
Linoleic Acid (Omega 6 PUFA) promotes hepatic cholesterol accumulation - Bigtime.
Deeply deranged, they said. From this paper: "Hepatic cholesterol accumulation is driven by a deeply deranged cellular cholesterol homeostasis, characterized by elevated cholesterol synthesis and uptake from circulating lipoproteins and by a reduced cholesterol excretion." This is what happens when simple fatty liver becomes NASH, with progression of fibrosis and cirrhosis. I commented at the time "elevated cholesterol synthesis = high PUFA diet lowering serum cholesterol and upregulating LDL receptors (lower serum cholesterol= more intracellular cholesterol), also excess sugars > T... more »
This year marks 68 years since the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9). The US is the only country to ever use an atomic bomb against another country. The US talks alot (both Republicans and Democrats) about how evil nuclear weapons are. Who could ever argue with that? But the US practices the height of hypocrisy as our nation has more nuclear weapons than any other country. The US has also assisted other nations such as Israel, UK and now recently India in building their nuclear weapons. Accordingly the US only judges some nations like Iran, Nor... more »
Women Just Don't Like Drones
A Pew Research study has found a big gap between men and women in their outlook on U.S. drone strikes so popular with Barack Obama. In six of the twelve countries surveyed, more than half of male respondents approved of drone strikes although only the United States (at 70% approval) got past the 60% mark. The numbers were far lower for female respondents. Only in the United States was there even a small majority of women (53%) who approved of drone strikes. In Japan, men were four times more likely than women to support drone warfare. In Canada, it was closer to two to one.
Greg Hunter, “Dr. Jim Willie: Chain Reaction of Breakdowns in Progress”
*“Dr. Jim Willie: Chain Reaction of Breakdowns in Progress”* By Greg Hunter’s "Dr. Jim Willie, Publisher of “The Hat Trick Letter,” says, “We’re leading up to a big event. We are having breakdowns in numerous structural elements of the financial system. We’re seeing a chain reaction of breakdown events in progress.” Fed Chief Ben Bernanke talked about tapering the money printing to buy bonds two months ago. Dr Willie contends, “The ‘taper talk’ was a stress test to find out what in the world would break down, and the answer was everything!” Dr. Willie predicts, “I... more »
Cash Crunch Offers New Insights Into the F-35.
The United States Air Force is scrambling to protect the F-35 light attack bomber from the threat of cancellation. There has been talk over the past week that the F-35, in the era of budget sequestration, could be a goner. It's funny how a cash crunch can shake out straight talk. This time it's coming from Major General Steve Kwast who headed the USAF Quadrenniel Defense Review. General Kwast said the air force has a compelling reason for protecting the F-35 from cost cutters: "*We must be able to project power in contested environments (A2/AD) and the Joint Strike fighter is ... more »
The Realist Report with John Friend
On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Tom in Connecticut. Tom and I will be discussing information warfare and psychological operations. Please visit *The Realist Report* on TalkeShoe to download this and past episodes. Please see my blog post *Understanding false flags, PSYOPS, and media fakery *, in addition to the videos below:
Enduring values of the Times!
*WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2013* *We add up the Weinergate columns:* Yesterday, we said what the heck! How many columns *have* appeared concerning the Weinergate problem? How many columns has the New York Times published about Anthony Weiner’s recent exciting problem? We decided to disaggregate our review (hard-copy columns only): *Number of columns about Anthony Weiner’s recent exciting problem:* Frank Bruni: 4 Gail Collins: 3 Maureen Dowd: 3 In fairness, Dowd could have done more, but she was also writing columns about Irish Catholic mobster Whitey Bulger, mixed in with a free trip to ... more »
Photos! Nez Perce Rolling Roadblock of Tarsands Megaload Night 2
. Photos by Brett Haverstick! Thanks for sharing with Censored News! By Brenda Norrell Censored News Nez Perce and supporters maintained a two and one-half hour rolling roadblock of the tarsands megaload on Tuesday night and during the predawn of Wednesday, during the second night of human blockades at the Clearwater River in Idaho on sovereign Nez Perce Nation.
What Helps End Minority Discrimination? Recent Cool Research
Yesterday, four Neo-Nazis were finally sentenced for their roles in a series of brutal killings of Roma families in Hungary in 2008 and 2009. Although the convictions have been applauded as a human rights victory, advocates are still demanding that Hungary steps up to the plate and protects the rights of Roma, a historically at-risk Continue reading
FOX News - Fair and Balanced Misinformation 24/7 - And It Works!
You don't have to be stupid and gullible to watch FOX News but they're hoping you are. A new study finds that FOX News is an effective tool in spreading and reinforcing climate change denialism. It's remarkably similar to how FOX News audiences were so misinformed about the conquest of Iraq and the presence of (non-existent) WMDs for years after the fact. The role of rightwing media in misleading the American people on science generally and fostering distrust of science has been documented by the journal, *Public Understanding of Science.* The conclusion of the latest study is su... more »
While You Weren't Looking
Backwoods, western Alberta. Here's a montage of images taken from one of those motion-sensing game cameras hunters sometimes use to scout game. It's pretty funny.
How Do You Like Your Frog Legs? Boiled?
Proof that the Boiling Frog Syndrome is as powerful as ever was plentiful from the release, yesterday, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's report on the state of climate change in 2012. The 260-page, peer reviewed report, was compiled by a global team of 384 scientists who digested and analyzed masses of data accumulated last year. *“It’s critically important to compile a big picture,” National Climatic Data Center director Tom Karl says. “The signs that we see are of a warming world.”* *Sullivan says what is noticeable “are remarkable changes in key climate ... more »
Early August 2013
We've headed into August here much hotter than many of our friends back east -- yesterday, for example, we reached 96.2F. Watering has occupied much of my attention, as has hiding -- we have a room on the north end of the house where we can go if the rest of the place reaches 85. So there has been correspondingly little harvesting or processing. Green beans are doing well. We'll eat some raw, but as this is a presumed rare heirloom (known to us as Ron's Grandmother's Bean) most will be saved for seed. To keep cooking or canning from adding to the heat burden of the house, we h... more »
'Unfettered Free Market' Capitalists UPSET When Price Fixing Cartels Face Some Actual 'Competition'
** *The phoniest people who walk planet Earth are the so-called 'unfettered free market' capitalists who repeat ad nauseum that they embrace competition in the world of business. HUMBUG! * * **I'm not even going to touch on the price fixing / gouging that takes place amongst Canada's gasoline retailers or Telecom industry. No, I want to use the global Potash industry as a prime example of how huge cartels inflate and keep prices artificially high but then whine like little babies when some actual competition lowers the inflated price of their commodity:* * **"... when Uralkali sudde... more »
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