Cover of DailyOM: Learning to Live
10:25pm MDSTItaly Is Buzzing About Berlusconi's Sentence... But That's All, Just Buzzing
Maybe it's because I'm in Italy so often-- or maybe because my all fresh
vegetables tomato sauce is so amazing-- but everyone has been asking me
what's going on with neo-fascist multi-billionaire Silvio Berlusconi. First
the good news: Thursday, the court of last resort for the old crook said
his conviction for tax fraud and sentence (four years, already reduced to
one) will stand. He can't participate in electoral politics for the next
six years. Now the bad news: the 76 year old Berlusconi will never see the
inside of a prison. He'll probably be confined to his sumptuous palace i... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - CO2 Levels
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
BOOKS / Ron Jacobs : Incarceration Complex: 'Beyond Walls and Cages'
The desire to imprison
Walls and Cages provides example after example of how central the
business of incarceration is to the U.S. power elites in the
twenty-first century.
By Ron Jacobs / The Rag Blog / August 7, 2013
[Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Border, and Global Crisis, edited by
Jenna M. Loyd, Matt Mitchelson, and Andrew Burridge (2012: University of
"Avoiding Negative Vibrations: Taking on the Energy of Others"
* *
*"Avoiding Negative Vibrations: Taking on the Energy of Others"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"In order to protect ourselves from taking on any negative energy from
other people or situations, we can learn to shield. There are times when
you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people
leaves you with feelings of discomfort. It may be that spending time with a
particular friend feels draining or that dealing with a specific coworker
exhausts you. Being around toxic or angry people is also draining. And you
may even find that being surrounded by a crowd... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Werribee, Victoria, Australia. Thanks for stopping by.
Michael James : 'El Triumph' in Tamaulipas, Mexico, 1962
Point, Tamaulipas, Mexico, June 16, 1962. Photo by Michael James from
his forthcoming book, Michael Gaylord James' Pictures from the Long
Pictures from the Long Haul:
El Triumph in Mexico,
Check Point, Tamaulipas, 1962
I’m working hard to keep the Triumph on the road through the flat, arid,
brown, dry and desolate terrain. Its new, different, and I’m digging
it, taking it all in.
Ever wondered why Murdoch’s Australian minion, Andrew Bolt, is so
anti-renewable energy? Have you wondered why he’s so anti-Carbon tax and
why he’s a climate change denialist? We all know why he’s anti-boatpeople
and against respecting the rights and heritage of Aboriginal people and
demeaning of African and Islamic people – it’s because he’s a racist, but
do you know why he’s so anti-green energy and generally such an avid
The problem with non-renewable energy resources – apart from polluting our
atmosphere as it gets used and being… well, non-renewable, as ... more »
China making Greece an outpost - converting those dollars into hard assets ! Meanwhile Greece faces further austerity and misery as the Troika works its magic .....
Greece on sale........
China runs half of Greece’s ports, now ready to take over rest; along with
roads and airports
Posted on August 6, 2013 by maxkeiser — 2 Comments ↓
How do you know more austerity is coming ?
*Talk of new austerity measures dispelled*
There are no plans for a fresh reduction to the minimum wage or for the
13th and 14th monthly wages in the private sector to be reduced imminently,
the government said on Tuesday as it stressed ahead of a new troika visit
next month Greece’s inability ... more »
"Japan Finally Admits The Truth: 'Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima'”
* *
*"Japan Finally Admits The Truth: *
*'Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima'”*
by Tyler Durden
"Tepco is struggling to contain the highly radioactive water that is
seeping into the ocean near Fukushima. The head of Japan's NRA, Shinji
Kinjo exclaimed, "right now, we have an emergency," as he noted the
contaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier and is rising
toward the surface - exceeding the limits of radioactive discharge. In a
rather outspoken comment for the typically stoic Japanese, Kinjo said
Tepco's "sense of crisis was weak," adding that "this ... more »
Do you think the accountability hacks get sexual gratification from pummeling teachers?
Seriously. There has to be some kind of fetish with this stuff, some kind
of sexual fantasy. This from The Answer Sheet. Do you have any idea how
humiliating this poor woman does any good whatsoever? This kind of public
display of humiliation of an educated person does absolutely no good, I’m
serious. I think that’s […]
Hegemonic Warfare Watch: Taiwan, pivotal or not?
*Catholic facility in Tanzih, probably aimed at the large population of
Filipino workers in the nearby export processing zone. With what's coming
in Asia in a few years, we'll need all the help we can get.*
Typing this on my new Nexus 7 tablet with a mobile Bluetooth keyboard. Got
it so I'd have a light computer solution for biking and travel. The two
together weigh roughly 750 grams....
The resignation of Andrew Yang after only six days as Minister of Defense
for plagiarism has rocked the nation. The local media and several longtime
observers who know Yang personally are saying i... more »
Ineffective assistance of counsel
R. v. R.L., 2013 ONCA 504:
[5] The governing test for a claim of ineffective assistance of
counsel is an exacting one. As indicated by the Supreme Court in *R. v.
G.D.B.*, 2000 SCC 22, [2000] 1 S.C.R. 520, at para. 26, for an appeal to
succeed on this ground it must be shown, first, that trial counsel's
conduct constituted incompetence and, second, that a miscarriage of justice
[6] With respect to the first requirement, the Supreme Court
explained in *G.D.B.*,at para. 27:
Incompetence is determined by a reasonableness standard. The analysis
proceeds... more »
Twas the Night Before Scores
Twas the night before scores And all across the state Teachers waited to
hear their fate The scores will be lower Was predicted long ago Now we all
wait to see just how low NYSUT says the scores are a baseline For informing
instruction When in reality The scores mean destruction For teachers and
students […]
Was Jeff Bezos's purchase of the Washington Post really just a gigantic "online shopping error"?
*Close your eyes and make a wish, Chris*: *Here is's
Chris Cillizza's view of "The future of the Washington Post -- in 2
Well, this is one view.*
*by Ken*
I really intended to write about, and share, a piece from the poltical blog "The Fix," "Why you shouldn't
underestimate Elizabeth Warren." But once the subject of the *Washington
Post* came up, I felt I couldn't let it pass without saying
*something*about yesterday's stunning development, the announcement that
the Graham
family is sellilng the paper, along with its smaller regional ... more »
Climate Change, British Columbia Style
*Giant Sunfish or 'Mola'* British Columbians don't need to be persuaded
that climate change is real and its impacts are coming on hard and fast.
The evidence is inescapable: changes to the mountain snowpack; premature
snowpack melting; the relentless spread of the lodgepole and mountain pine
beetle infestations; species migration and so on.
But the face of climate change is especially prominent along the coast.
Marine ecosystems are changing and moving at rates that far outpace changes
on land.
*"...researchers have discovered that the warmer temperatures are causing
marine spec... more »
Gold and Silver report for August 6 , 2013 - Fun with gold delivery charts ( Feb / April / June and Aug COMEX delivery months ) , news and views from GATA , Turd Feg , Harvey Organ .....
Fun with charts....... focus on closing pm fix...
Feb high 1679 on 2/5.... Feb low of 1580 on 2/21
April high on April 1- 1580 ... April low - 1380 on 4/16
June high on June 3 at 1400 ... June low on June 27 at about 1190....
August high ( so far ) ... 8/1 at 1315....... and the low will be what
????If the trend for delivery months continues , we should see june low
taken out.....and note the difference between the high and low is about 200
! Let's see if this holds up ! If it does , a London pm fix of 1115 is in
the cards.....
news and views......
From NSA sur... more »
Three interesting economic factoids connected to 40 percent ! Minimum wage adjusted for inflation - 40 percent of 1968 minimum wage.....BLS vs JOLTS - misrepresentation of BLS---- over 40 percent ........How many student loans are being repaid - you got it ----forty percent !
Only 40% Of Federal Student Loan Borrowers Are Currently Making A Payment
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/06/2013 20:04 -0400
- default
- Student Loans
While it is relatively well-known that there are about 28 million federal
student loan borrowers in the US, and as we first covered a year ago, about
15% of these are deeply delinquent, what may not be known is that of the
total borrowers, a tiny 40%, or 10.8 million of lenders are act... more »
“It Will Be Madness In America Soon, Out Of Control”
* *
*“It Will Be Madness In America Soon, Out Of Control”*
By Michael T. Bucci
"I bought a copy of USA Today Weekend at the supermarket and wanted to gag.
A front-page lead story showing a picture of Edward Snowden's Russian
permit was titled: "Welcome, Comrade Snowden" (Is John McCain now writing
their headlines?). To read American mainstream news is to collide with an
illusory but impenetrable wall of rigid propaganda (rah, rah, America #1;
rah, rah, S&P 1700; rah, rah, Washington vs. a world of enemies). In short,
the paper's almost one-million readers were encouraged. In so ma... more »
Improvements . . .
THINGS DO get better. In a Stevie world, it's hard to believe, but just
check out the video. Sure is a lot safer to see
the-yoooo-esssss-ayyyyy-in-yer-shevrolay these days, in spite of the
road rage and the drive-by ordnance.
Below, Dina Shore, sixty years ago. The boys were home from the Korean
war, and Eisenhower was getting the Interstate highway system completed,
and it was time
Detroit - is Rothbard's pronouncement on deficit spending and public debt ( " a growing and intolerable burden on the society and economy ” ) the chicken coming home to roost ? In other news from Detroit , ineptitude being rooted out at the Pontiac School district !
Detroit - An "Austrian Moment" In The Making
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/06/2013 19:36 -0400
- Austrian School of Economics
- Creditors
- Deficit Spending
- Detroit
- Mark Spitznagel
- Michigan
- University Of Michigan
*Authored by Mark Spitznagel, originally posted at Project Syndicate,*
As Detroit begins to sort through the ill-begotten public liabilities that
have driven it to bankruptcy, an important opportunity is at hand to
revitalize the... more »
Porn Filters are Also Ideas Filters: Government Regulation of Fantasy, Approved Bt the State
"You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost
sadly. ’Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read
some of those pieces that you write in The Times occasionally.
They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer
to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of
You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that
Newspeak is the only languagein the world whose vocabulary gets smaller
every year?"
Winston did know that, of course. He smiled, sympathetically he... more »
Elections in Mali: Francophile A vs. Francophile B
While many citizens long for stability as Mali holds its first presidential
elections since the 2012 coup, France and others are positioning themselves
to reap the rewards of military intervention from the impoverished
resource-rich nation.
As one of the world’s poorest countries, day-to-day life in Mali has never
been easy for the vast majority of the people, but the situation has
significantly deteriorated since the March 2012 military-coup that deposed
democratically elected President Amadou Toumani Touré just weeks before
scheduled elections. The borders of Mali, once known as ... more »
America's War on the People of Korea
*In this speech, delivered at the International Symposium on Concluding a
Peace Treaty on the Korean Peninsula in Seoul, South Korea on July 26,
2013, Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on
Globalization outlines the truth about the threat to peace and stability on
the Korean peninsula and discusses what needs to happen in order to realize
a peace treaty. Filmed and produced by James Corbett for Global Research TV*
"How It Really Is"
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
- Juvenal
"What Do You Call Government CONCEALMENT?"
* *
*"What Do You Call Government CONCEALMENT?"*
by Karl Denninger
"Let's play a little game...
(Reuters) - "A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is
funneling information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants
and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the
nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans. Although
these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents reviewed by
Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to conceal how
such investigations truly begin- not only from de... more »
Distilling His Own Kool-Aid: NSA Director Keith Alexander
Meet Dr. Strangelove:
Flynt Leverett Talks About Iran's New President
*Obaaama and Rouhani are not moderates. They are new faces on unpopular
regimes. And Rouhani played a key role during the origins of the
revolution, he's an old hand there, so to expect change is a sign of
delusion. The selection of both presidents represents the same desperate
attempt at preserving crumbling political orders in Washington and Tehran. *
Read: *America’s Iran Policy, the Undermining of International Order, and
the Bankruptcy of Washington’s Approach to Nuclear Diplomacy*.
Iran's New Leadership: Renwed Hope for Western Relations? Skip to the 4:30
mark. (Source: CCT... more »
Lists - various...
*Those Crazy Christians*
The Book of Esther is the only book in the Bible that doesn't mention god.
The church has always frowned on adultery but didn't get round to banning
sex with animals until the year 314.
The early Christian church held that Mary was impregnated through the ear -
hence wimples.
The Bible is full of lepers. In ancient times a leper was anyone with a
skin defect.
In the 12th and 13th century the church led a holy war on cats.
St Denis is the patron saint of syphilis.
Blessed William of Fenoli was a monk who defended himself from robbers by
tearing off a limb ... more »
Al Qaeda Makes A Move In Yemen
Yemen seems like an interesting place to visit. So far the closest I've
come is listening to Ofra Haza's music and sitting around a kitchen table
in Los Angeles and talking with her before she passed away. In 2009 we
looked into how safe it is to visit Yemen-- short answer: it's one of the
world's 10 least safe countries--and in 2011 we suggested postponing your
trip to see the mud skyscrapers until after the revolution. I think I
better update that; wait til your next lifetime. Back in 2011, the State
Department was very clear:
The Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the... more »
Oy, PolitiFact
I basically ignore everything PolitiFact has to say at this point, and today's
pathetic episode is exactly why. I mean, I was going to ignore this, as
I've been trying to ignore everything about them, but really, PolitiFact --
if you not only make bonehead mistakes but refuse to correct them...well,
as I said, I ignore everything they say.
Here's the thing. Eric Cantor said somewhere that the deficit was
"growing." He probably actually meant the debt, which is in fact growing;
he said the deficit.
Is it worth getting all fact-checky about? Probably not. But PolitiFact
did, in fact,... more »
Elsewhere: Senate Reform, Budget, More
My TAP column this week is about Senate reform, looking at two questions:
why did the deal on exec branch nominations take so long (answer: Obama's
fault), and does it mean we're in for similar deals on other filibusters
(answer: nope).
At PP today, I look at the strange place of House conservatives in the fall
budget showdown.
And from Friday, I'm still pushing the idea that conservative organization
leaders who are pushing young healthies to boycott health insurance should
be asked if they have health insurance themselves.
And also in the last few days:
Politicians’ paranoia is ... more »
The Humans Who Went Extinct
Clive Finlayson is an evolutionary ecologist and a champion skeptic. He
routinely rejects theories based on no evidence, even if they are solidly
supported by popular whims, like the widely held belief in the inferiority
of Neanderthals. What science now knows about human evolution is something
like finding 100 pieces of a 10,000-piece puzzle.
Experts have a strong urge to fill in the blanks with their opinionated
imaginations, an approach that is far from trusty. The mindset of
mainstream modern science worships *Homo sapiens*like Hitler worshipped
Aryans — the master race — whi... more »
Musical Interlude: Jethro Tull, "Locomotive Breath"
The previous deliriously uplifting and optimistic economic post initially
made me remember the words of the all-wise Mogambo Guru: "We're so freakin'
doomed!" Further consideration brought this little tune to mind as well...
enjoy! - CP
Jethro Tull, "Locomotive Breath"
The Obama administration has announced it will keep 19 diplomatic posts in
North Africa and the Middle East closed for up to a week, due to fears of a
possible militant threat. On Sunday, Senator Saxby Chambliss, the top
Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the decision to close
the embassies was based on information collected by the National Security
Agency. "If we did not have these programs, we simply would not be able to
listen in on the bad guys," Chambliss said, in a direct reference to
increasing debate over widespread spying of all Americans revealed by Gle... more »
The values of the New York Times!
*They’re as simple as S-E-X:* Is our nation in a state of moral and
intellectual paralysis?
Yesterday, we spent some time on the latest drivel from Maureen Dowd, queen
of the Bulger trial and Paris. She *defines* the New York Times’ fatuous
But she isn’t alone.
On Sunday, Dowd devoted her column to the Gotham mayoral race. Her piece
sat on page one of the Sunday Review. This was her sad stupid headline:
“Who’s That Candidate in the Teal Toenail Polish?”
Dowd’s column was so fatuous that many commenters complained. But the Times
ran two other colu... more »
Unhelpful Variations
Following on from the earlier *Panorama *posts, it's fascinating - and not
a little disturbing - to read the differing accounts of the opening day of
the court martial of Maj. Nidal Hasan, the suspect in the Foot Hood
massacre of 2009 which saw 13 U.S. soldiers killed and many others injured.
I read the *Daily Telegraph*'s take first:
Fort Hood trial: US soldier Nidal Hasan says 'evidence will show I was the
Nidal Hassan, a US army major and self-styled "soldier of Allah", has
spoken publicly for the first time since shooting dead 13 of his comrades
in a gun rampage at... more »
*Bayou Corne-type disaster could happen elsewhere ~Lt. Gen. Russel Honore *
Explaining the silence of the logicians!
*We may be better off:* Progressives are in a world of hurt with ranking
professors like Patricia Williams, whose recent work we reviewed in this
earlier post.
Conservatives get dumb listening to Rush. We progressives have folk like
Williams to perform that service.
That said, we recommend the recent flap about another ranking professor. We
refer to philosophy professor Colin McGinn, who hit the front page of the
New York Times this weekend.
We don’t know how to judge the matter which brought McGinn his front-page
placement. Nor do we really recommend the... more »
"Real US Debt $211 TRILLION?"
* "Real US Debt $211 TRILLION?"*
New Study Shows US Debt 6 Times Greater Than Officially Declared.
Its Not $12 Trillion, Its $70 Trillion
By Robert Bridge and Mort Amsel
"The United States has accumulated over $70 trillion in unreported debt, an
amount nearly six times the declared figure, according to a new study by
University of California-San Diego economics Professor James Hamilton. The
unique aspect of Hamilton’s study is that he examines federal debt that has
not been publicly released, specifically the federal government’s support
for “housing, other loan guarantees, d... more »
Eight year old Ralph was in tears when his little friend Charlie left
Glasgow and went off to live in Russia.
The Russia of 1927 was supposed to be some kind of Utopia.
*Russia 1927*
But Ralph was not a believer in Utopias.
Ralph's mother had died of cancer.
*Shared toilets in the Gorbals often overflowed. *"Rats and mice moved
about freely, seeming to share the accomodation with us grudgingly..."
Ralph lived in the Gorbals, a slum of the sort that can be found in
In the Gorbals many children suffered from rickets and went about barefoot.
*Gorbals by Bert Ha... more »
Alan Waldman : 'Inspector Lynley Mysteries' Feature Aristocratic Police Detective
film and TV
treasures you may have missed:
Nathaniel Parker and Sharon Small are excellent as the
mismatched-but-successful crime-fighting pair.
By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / August 6, 2013
[In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films
and TV series that readers may have missed, including TV dramas,
mysteries, and comedies from Canada, England, Ireland,
Philippines President Benigno Aquino has welcomed the arrival of the
country's newest warship. It will be used in territorial disputes in the
South China Sea. Al Jazeera's Marga Ortigas reports from Subic Bay, where
the ship is docked.
In this clip the reporter mentions that the Navy would look into fitting
the ship with a "missile defense" system when they could "afford" to do
so. That's the big question as the Filipino people are in need of jobs,
health care, education and more and exorbitant spending on "modern" US
weapons technology aimed at China is not exactly a good way to... more »
Tiwesdæg: the Left-hand of Linkage
Tuesday on Lake Champlain In comments, Assaf Moghadam notes that
his Studies in Conflict and Terrorism critique of Bob Pape’s work is free
to download (PDF). In light of the 5 August 40-year anniversary of the
LTBT, the National Security Archive notes its 2003 collection, “The Making
of the Limited Test Ban Treaty, 1958-1963.” Erin Jenne
Continue reading
Learning From The Best POP-UP Bookshop Experience
Merely handing over the business to the digitally enlightened is not the
answer, just as pretending digital will not happen was not the answer. We
spend far too much time trying to disintermediate and disrupt and maybe not
enough realising time that the present can have a place in the future.
Having spent a week last month, preparing and manning the Bibliophile stand
at the Queen’s Coronation Festival at Buckingham Palace, I was encouraged
by the power of the physical book. There are only two booksellers with a
perstigious Royal Warrant and being the only one selected to be on show... more »
Apple Inc. Patents Technology to aid the Fascist Police State.
*One bad apple rots the rest*
*Just as bad as Microsoft: *
*Apple has patented a piece of technology which would allow government and
police to block transmission of information, including video and
photographs, from any public gathering or venue they deem “sensitive”, and
“protected from externalities.”*
In other words, these powers will have control over what can and cannot be
documented on wireless devices during any public event.
And while the company says the affe... more »
Duncan: Heading off disaster?
Two back to back items from New York City based media appeared in my
twitter feed today from a press call with Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan. Duncan was talking about the new Common Core state assessment
scores in New York which will be released to the general public tomorrow.
School administrators already have the […]
The New York Times is a real piece of work!
*What, them issue corrections:* The New York Times is a real piece of work.
Here’s why:
Yesterday, Paul Krugman made a very rare mistake in his column. The error
didn’t contradict the basic thrust of the column, but it was a large
mistake, and it came early on in the piece:
KRUGMAN (8/5/13): Consider what went down in Congress last week.
First, House leaders had to cancel planned voting on a transportation bill,
because not enough representatives were willing to vote for the bill’s
steep spending cuts. Now, just a few months ago House Republicans approved ... more »
HISTORY / Bob Feldman : A People's History of Egypt, Part 5, 1879-1890
Evelyn Baring, later Lord Cromer, coined the term "Veiled
Protectorate." Painting by John Singer Sargent / National Portrait
Gallery, London / Wikimedia Commons.
A people's history:
The movement to democratize Egypt
Part 5: 1879-1890 period -- Britain rules Egypt under 'Veiled
By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / August 6, 2013
[With all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob
Nights from the Alhambra - Loreena Mckennitt (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 9 hours ago
For my Islamic friends Ramadan comes to an end when Eid ul Fitr, the Sweet
Festival with the Breaking of the Fast is celebrated on Wednesday upon/or
Thursday. The rising New Moon will mark the end of Ramadan everywhere on
our planet.
What is better than contributing to it with a stylish concert from Loreena
Mckennitt, the Canadian musical talent: *Nights from The Alhambra*, from
the Moorish jewel in Granada and pride of ancient Spain, not so far from
the place where I live. *Eid Mubarak, Eid Sa'id to all of you!
Many thanks to my dear My Opera-frien... more »
(Ferrari Shortage) These Guys Are Funny? No Mistakes Have Been Made (Disappearing the Bad News (10 Million Jobs Lost) : The “New Economy” Is The No-Jobs Economy) Iceberg Rescues Titanic? (RICH Poisoned!)
Don't relax just yet. Summer's almost gone (no, not Summers - ever it
seems) and it's time to get to work. Cleaning out the (Augean) stables.
Newsflash! When I saw this item yesterday my first comment on Twitter was
along the lines of "Do you think he and the Koch Brothers can just divide
up what's left of print?" The Iceberg Just Rescued the TitanicBy Andrew
LeonardJeff Bezos' shocking
It's a copy, right?
The original 1959 dry toner Xerox —
COPIERS USED TO BE ANALOG, now they are digital. Faster, better,
cheaper. Well, ARS TECHNICA has an interesting report, “Confused
photocopiers randomly rewriting scanned documents” that shows that
sometimes, you might not get copies that are identical to the original.
Photocopiers exist to produce close enough replicas of original
Taking care of Bezos
By now you've heard that the gazillionaire owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos,
bought the WaPo. (Moment of silence for the untimely end of Kaplan test
prep daily jokes.) This is of course will be a topic of endless fascination
among the insider media types for the duration of the summer.
Henry Blodget at Business Insider has already been living life under a
Bezos investment at his publication and tells us it's not a bad thing. He
offers up his own speculation on why Bezos decided to make the purchase.
Over at The Week, Peter Weber surveys the internets and collects the five
best reasons ... more »
Your moment of Zen
Hadrian's Wall, Great Britain. [photo via Pam Leavey]
Politifact still useless after all these years
I stopped reading (and especially linking to) Politifact years ago. After
they gave the Dems "Lie of the Year" for something that was absolutely
true, I was hoping the very serious important people would do the same.
They didn't but maybe today's Politifact idiocy will do the trick. Steve
Benen catches us up:
Cantor said that the federal deficit is "growing." Annual federal deficits
are not growing right now, and they are not projected to grow through 2015,
a point at which the deficit will have shrunk by three-quarters since 2009.
By this standard, Cantor is wrong. However, unless... more »
A New Job for Raghu Rajan
He's becoming a central banker.
True Priests: The Smiling Pope and The Supreme Leader
Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khameni, is likely to die with the next few
He had no obvious successor to safeguard the Revolution.
*This is what the assumption of absolute temporal and political power looks
Ali Khameni reacts in the Iranian Paliament to the unanimous floor vote
confirming his late mentor's nomination to the position of being only the
second ever Surpeme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
"One day, in the Vatican, a Venetian who worked in the security services
said to him as their paths crossed, «Eminence, allow me to offer you my
best wi... more »
A Constitution for the Few: The Masonic So-Called Founding Fathers
A Constitution for the Few: Looking Back to the BeginningBy *Michael Parenti
To understand the U.S. political system, it would help to investigate its
origins and fundamental structure, beginning with the Constitution. The men
who gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 strove to erect a strong central
government. They agreed with Adam Smith that government was "instituted for
the defense of the rich against the poor" and "grows up with the
acquisition of valuable property."
*Class Power in Early America
Early American society has been described as egalitarian, free from the
extremes... more »
*Part 2—Paralysis from the professors:* Is our nation trapped in a type of
moral and intellectual paralysis? As Joyce thought his Dublin was?
We liberals noticed this problem when it appeared among our rival
conservative tribe. Starting in the 1980s, we rolled our eyes at the
“ditto-heads” who proclaimed their fealty to a tribal priest, Father Rush
Yesterday, in a column in which he himself made an error, Paul Krugman
described a problem which can plague a tribalized nation. Speaking of
Republican voters, Krugman correctly said this:
*“Base vote... more »
Anonymous Republican Senator Preventing A Vote To Protect E-mail Privacy
Ken and I-- along with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bernie Sanders and Chuck
Schumer-- went to James Madison High School in Brooklyn. Maybe that's why
the 5 of us are all committed to the 4th Amendment to the Constitution, a
crucial part of the Bill of Rights. It was Madison, who was later elected
president, who wrote and proposed the simple one-sentence amendment:
*The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or... more »
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, And The Big Historical Lie
Every year on this day, I pay homage to the 250,000 victims that were
massacred by the American military at Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, Japan.
Yes, it was a massacre, and again I want to present material that
absolutely shows that these atomic bombings were unnecessary and an act of
cold blooded murder!
For this article, I want to present a most interesting new article that
comes from the "Beyond The Mainstream" website, at, entitled: "Hiroshima, Nagasaki, And The Big
Historical Lie". In this article, that I have here in its entirety, you
will again see mo... more »
My Enduring Rivalry Endures: What is a Credible Signal Anyhow?
Previously, on Rathbun’s Enduring Rivalry: Brian is locked in an enduring
rivalry with this neighbors in which he does not really understand why they
are mad at him and why they won’t take yes for an answer, which makes him
really, really mad and inclined to do anything possible to drive them crazy
and make
Continue reading
CotD Opportunity!
Democrats have been all worked up about the stunning GOP hypocrisy of
blocking a conference on the budget after spending years pretending that
the failure of the Democratic Senate to pass a budget resolution was
extraordinarily important. Regular readers will know that I think Democrats
are wrong now, after having been correct before, and that I don't really
care much about the hypocrisy.
However, there is one thing that I'm curious about. After being so invested
in the (supposed) importance of budget resolutions, it's sort of surprising
to me that a little thing like the Senate hav... more »
What Caused the Iraq War? Debs and Monteiro reply to Lake
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Alexandre Debs and Nuno P. Monteiro,
both of Yale University. In it, they discuss the causes of the Iraq War, a
subject of some recent discussion at The Duck of Minerva. This (surprise)
third installment responds to David Lake’s post, which itself was an
engagement with Debs’ and Monteiro’s article–and its summary post at The
Continue reading
The Charitable-Industrial Complex
Peter Buffett
New York Times
I HAD spent much of my life writing music for commercials, film and
television and knew little about the world of philanthropy as practiced by
the very wealthy until what I call the big bang happened in 2006. That
year, my father, Warren Buffett, made good on his commitment to give nearly
all of his accumulated wealth back to society. In addition to making
several large donations, he added generously to the three foundations that
my parents had created years earlier, one for each of their children to run.
Early on in our philanthropic journey, my wife an... more »
Jared Diamond on How We Can Avert Collapse
A funny-looking little man delivers a decidedly unfunny little talk.
If you want the short talk, you can skip to 10:35 where Diamond discusses
how elites can undermine and collapse their own societies. He describes
what is going on today within our governments and our boardrooms and how
little time remains for us to reclaim our future from them.
The type of person Diamond describes seems to match people like Harper and
Joe Oliver. They're convinced they are acting rationally and, from a
narrow, short-term perspective, that's arguable. Yet it also makes them
seem so alien to an... more »
William Hill, here I come
Someone somewhere will doubtless be running a sweepstake on who'll replace
Paul Mason as* Newsnight*'s economics editor.
My money's on Larry Elliott, economics editor of the *Guardian*, though it
may well also be worth a punt on the somewhat darker horse, Phillip Inman
of the *Guardian*.
They could, however, go well beyond the confines of the BBC (and the *
Guardian*) and grab David (Danny) Blanchflower from his academic position
across the pond.
Danny is no stranger to the *Newsnight *studio and his powers of predictive
insight are at least as Paul Mason's.
Y... more »
Hey! It's Eric Margolis!
A while ago, I wrote a post about state-sanctioned thuggery and murder in
Canada and Iran. Essentially my point was that letting Robert Dziekanski's
RCMP murder-squad avoid penalties for his death was going to put us on the
fast downhill slide to our becoming like countries such as Iran, where,
fairly recently, Canadian (of Iranian birth) photojournalist Zahra Kazemi
had been tortured, raped and murdered by torturers within Iran's official
repression apparatus. That when state-paid killers enjoy immunity from
prosecution ... well, it's so obvious a truth that it doesn't need
elabora... more »
RIP Sharon...
My long time blogger friend, known on her blog "Knocking Everywhere" as
Kalona, *has just passed away. * Please keep her in your prayers. Thank
Nez Perce Executive Council Arrested Blocking Tarsands Megaload
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Nez Perce leaders were arrested blocking a tarsands megaload in the
predawn hours of Tuesday morning.
"We were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct," Brooklyn Baptiste
told Censored News.
"Eight of the nine members were arrested," Baptiste said of the Nez Perce Executive Council.
"Most of us are
Learning the Piano from Your Home (Piano Lesson Giveaway)
Is there something from your childhood that you wish you would have stuck
with? For me it is the piano. I took for a little while, but the second my
mom would let me quit in favor of the violin, I did. It has something I
have regretted many times in the years since, especially every time we have
sung A Capella in church because there was no one who could play the piano.
After we were married for a few years, we inherited a hand-me-down
keyboard, whose keys only sometimes worked, I tried piano lessons again and
made some progress before life got in the way. Fast forward to this year... more »
Today In Kafka
One of the great traumas of early parenthood is the very first time you
hear adorable little Susie or Johnny uttering the *F* word. Since the
standard ritual of the washing-out of the mouth with soap is now considered child
abuse in some locales (and for good reason -- have you read the ingredients
on a bar of Irish Spring lately?) the most that Mom and Dad can do is a
time-out, loss of privileges, and of course taking a good hard look at our
own potty mouths.
But how would you feel if your child was under official court order to
never, ever utter one particular *F* word again for t... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Peter Bonerz, 75.
A bit of good stuff:
1. Brad DeLong: honest, classy. A mensch.
2. Stuart Rothenberg takes an early look at 2014 primary challenges.
3. Josh Marshall on the sale of the Washington Post to Jeff Bezos. I'm
still mostly critical of the reporting of the sale because there wasn't
enough emphasis on What It All Means for non-staff contributors to WaPo
4. And Scott Lemieux is absolutely correct about Alex Rodriguez in Texas.
REVEALED: The NSA's Data Is Being Used Against You, Really
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*Wasn't Warrantless Spying Only Approved to Stop Imminent Terrorist Attacks?
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Wasn't Warrantless Spying Only Approved to Stop Imminent Terrorist Attacks?
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*Why does the IRS and DEA have the same access to your private info as the
Eric Blair
*Activist Post*
Remember the good old days when the PATRIOT Act and warrantless spying were
just used to stop imminent Al Qaeda attacks overseas?
After 9/11, the Bush government said "trust us, we'll only use these powers
on Al Qaeda". Yet, the concern for abuse was still so large it forced a
sunset clause into the PATRIOT Act. Even the ultra-hawks agreed that
suspending privacy rights should only be temporary to get through a crisis... more »
Legalising fourth trimester abortion?
Campus Reform have the details, scary they are too.
America's Ruling Elites Are Screwing The Rest Of Us Out Of Selfishness And Greed
"We can't have a prosperous economy," explains former Secretary of Labor
Robert Reich in the video above, "without a large and growing middle
class." Over the weekend, his column dealt with the Republican Party's
systematic sabotage of the economy. They're opposing policies that grow and
sustain the middle class and they're pushing an agenda that pushes more
ordinary working families into economic distress and poverty. Reich focuses
on the GOP's obstruction of every attempt to improve the jobs situation.
They're not just not doing anything to help in the House, they're using
thei... more »
Be Afraid. Give Up Your Rights. The Bad Guys 'er Coming For Ya.
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NSA's XKeyscore Explained
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1984 Day: Why People Are Protesting The NSA
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*We Are Change*
August 4th, 2013 was declared 1984 Day by many people around the country
who went out in their cities to protest the NSA spying program. In NYC,
people protested the NSA spying program among other government violations
of the 4th amendment such as Stop and Frisk and the NYPD's surveillance of
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Glenn Greenwald on How Secretive DEA Unit Illegally Spies On Americans, Covers Up Actions
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*Democracy Now*
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Very Ominous for Egypt: Robert S Ford, the next Ambassador to Egypt.
*This is BAD news for Egypt.* *Very BAD news.* *My stomache turned when I
read this.*
*Very dark clouds appeared in the sky. The winds whipped up. The rain
poured down*
*A rancid smell filled the air. **The appointment of Robert S Ford as
ambassador to Egypt can mean one thing and one thing only*.* Evil*
*NYT’s- *Original published as *"Kerry picks former Syrian envoy as
Ambassador to Egypt"*
Title later changed. Perhaps, the first headline gave away the fact that
this selection is a done deal despite the show/psy -op of needing approval ?
Secretary of State John Kerry has recomme... more »
Republican Delusions
Paul Krugman wrote in yesterday's *New York Times* that the Republican
Party is fleeing from reality:
Last week House Republicans voted for the 40th time to repeal Obamacare.
Like the previous 39 votes, this action will have no effect whatsoever. But
it was a stand-in for what Republicans really want to do: repeal reality,
and the laws of arithmetic in particular. The sad truth is that the modern
G.O.P. is lost in fantasy, unable to participate in actual governing.
Election defeats should act as splashes of cold water, arousing political
parties from their slumber and forcing t... more »
Mental Health and American Children Who Are in Chronic Poverty
Cynthia Lamy’s American Children in Chronic Poverty is a must-read for all
service providers, as well as educators. A first post reviewed synthesis
of an amazing body of social science research in a way that informs
comprehensive planning for all sorts of anti-poverty efforts. This post
will focus on her findings that are most important […]
US Special Forces prepare preemptive strikes over unspecified ( implanted explosives ? ? ) terror threat . Are these preemptive strikes going to be just in Yemen or elsewhere ? What are the targets ? Are Embassies targets and if not , why did we close 22 in the Middle East , North Africa and Asia - and will some Embassies be closed for another month ? US a target itself - why won't the White House say yes or no ? MANY , MANY unanswered questions swirling over the latest terror scare ..... War watch - Syria , Egypt , Iraq , Afghanistan in focus ...
US reacting like the proverbial chicken with its head off regarding
unspecified terror chatter ?
US Special Forces Prepare ‘Preemptive Strikes’ Over Terror ThreatUnits
Located in CENTCOM, AFRICOM Areas
by Jason Ditz, August 05, 2013
Print This | Share This
As speculation continues to fly about the “imminent” threat of a terror
attack, apparently centering on al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri ordering
an attack by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the US is preparing
to strik... more »
Secretary of State Kerry scrambles to remove foot from mouth after stating Egypt's Military was " restoring democracy " by way of the non coup - coup......Muslim Brotherhood spokesman's great question to Kerry " Does Secretary Kerry accept Defense Secretary ( Chuck ) Hagel to step in and remove ( U.S President Barack ) Obama if large protests take place in America ? " .
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
Kerry backpedals on controversial comment on Egypt
By DEB RIECHMANN / Associated Press / August 2, 2013
<tbody style="background-attachment: initial; background-clip: initial;
background-color: initial; background-image: none; background-origin:
initial; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial
initial; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px 0px; border-bottom-right-radius:
0px 0px; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-color:
initial... more »
Why Won’t They Tell Us the Truth About NSA Spying?
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Dr. Ron Paul
In 2001, the Patriot Act opened the door to US government monitoring of
Americans without a warrant. It was unconstitutional, but most in Congress
over my strong objection were so determined to do something after the
attacks of 9/11 that they did not seem to give it too much thought. Civil
liberties groups were concerned, and some of us in Congress warned about
giving up our liberties even in the post-9/11 panic. But at the time most
Americans did not seem too worried about the intrusion.
This complacency has s... more »
Billionaire Issues Chilling Warning About Interest Rate Derivatives
image source Michael Snyder
Will rapidly rising interest rates rip through the U.S. financial system
like a giant lawnmower blade? Yes, the U.S. economy survived much higher
interest rates in the past, but at that time there were not hundreds of
trillions of dollars worth of interest rate derivatives hanging over our
financial system like a Sword of Damocles. This is something that I have
been talking about for quite some time, and now a Mexican billionaire has
come forward with a similar warning.
Hugo Salinas Price was the founder of the Elektra retail chain down in
Mexico, and... more »
Dave's Big Squeeze
The Conservatives were supposed to cut the deficit, not incomes. But hats
off to Dave and his toffee-nosed rabble, he has slashed on average £1,350
from household income. In the West Midlands it's £1,550/year, or just shy
of 30 quid every week. An achievement only equalled by Dave's presiding
over 35 consecutive months of falling wages - a feat unmatched by any other
Prime Minister. Take a look:
Please note the spike in April 2013, that brief moment when real wages
outstripped prices was actually the coincidence of the 50p tax cut windfall
for the very richest and the paying out of... more »
*Judge hammers at city, sheriff over jail fixes ~John Simerman, New Orleans
*Ferry riders concerned with limited service and possible rate hikes ~WWLTV
*Heat Advisory Today...Not Much Rain*
*Cleanup, containment continue at overturned train*
*Letter: Why shouldn’t oil and gas companies pay? ~Alfred Sunseri, P&J
Oyster Co. Inc*
*Environmental Groups Seek Stronger Storm Guidelines For Oil And Gas Plants
*Doctors, agriculture officials on guard after third confirmed cyclospora
case in LA ~Scott Satchfield, WVUE*
*Privatization deal set for north La. LSU hospita... more »
Peter Capaldi will be the 12th Doctor - sweary version - NSFW (language)
Peter Capaldi will become the twelfth Doctor, earlier I asked what sort of
Doctor Who he will he be.
I see that someone thinks he might be *very very sweary...*
Hmm, the first post watershed Doctor Who!
*Thanks to Guido Fawkes for the spot.*
Walter Russell Mead Defends, Badly, the NSF cuts to Political Science
I’ve defended Mead before on this site. I think he is a bright conservative
who stands out in a sea of Fox News ideological bleh, like NewsMax or
Drudge. He has a far better sense of the importance of religion in many
people’s lives than academics do, and he has a good feel for western
Continue reading
R. J. Zwi Werblowsky On Prometheus
*"Lucifer and Prometheus: A Study of Milton's Satan" by R. J. Zwi
Werblowsky (1952).*
* Related: Henry Geiger - The Chains Of Prometheus (1959).*
Lucifer and Prometheus is the title of a classic work of psychological
literary criticism written by R.J. Zwi Werblowsky and published in 1952. In
it, Werblowsky argues that the Satan of John Milton's Paradise Lost became
a disproportionately appealing character because of attributes he shares
with the Greek Titan Prometheus. It has been called "most illuminating" for
its historical and typological perspective on Milto... more »
The Myth of "Settled Sciences" - what to learn from their mistakes before it's too late (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 19 hours ago
How "settled" is science? My annual health check-up made me ask that
question. What happened?
"John, I want you to see a cardiologist," my physician told me,
"blood-pressure is high and the electro-cardiogram reveals there might be a
hidden infarct at play." A moment I was surprised. "You must be mistaken,"
I answered. "Not at all, the e.c.g. is made with high tech, it doesn't make
Of course I got some medicines to bring my blood-pressure down (and sleep a
few hours longer), but it concerned me to have to visit a cardiologist.
I'd never had problems of that sort. New lab-te... more »
Feel Not Disappointed - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
*Feel not disappointed*
*You cannot see all*
*So far ahead*
*Just be content*
*In the knowing*
*That you are one with Life*
*That you are one with Love*
*Love is one with you*
*Let it be*
*Will it be*
*M.N. Hopkins*
*Note: *This poem was written on August 3, 2013 and first published on
my blog today as part of the 3rd Annual Inspirational August.
Peter Capaldi will be the 12th Doctor
Peter Capaldi will be the 12th Doctor but what sort of a Doctor will he be?
Slightly camp...
Maybe a combination of the three.
My biggest shock when the announcement was made was that I am older than
Peter Capaldi, I don't think I look it. I am however much younger than
Doctor Who himself.
*(Left) Colonel Sir Archibald David Stirling who founded the SAS - special
forces). (Right) Stirling's cousin Gavin Maxwell. The Stirlings, the
Frasers (Lovat) and the Maxwells are all related. Website for this image*
What links Jimmy Savile, Gavin Maxwell and Terry Nutkins?
"The abuse at Loch Ness based Catholic boarding school, Fort Augustus
Abbey... ties in with occultist Aleister Crowley, Boleskin House, disgraced
Cardinal O'Brien, and ubiquitous deviant, Jimmy Savile OBE."
*Animal magick*
*Maddow: Something's Very Rotten w/ FBI Tsarnaev-Todash... more »
Bezos Enters Newsprint World
Jeff Bezos has thrown down the gauntlet to the newsprint world and is
acquiring the Washington Post for $250million.
The questions as to why and what he intends to do with the newspaper are
speculation today but the news itself is a significant step to expand
Amazon’s reach to all and potentially change the way newsprint operates.
Does this mean Bezos intends to be the new Murdoch and build a media
empire? Probably but we would suggest that unlike Murdoch he will not need
to buy up the individual presses but merely exploit and expand the one he
now has and build a brand that is l... more »
Mining 29: On Open Pit Extraction, Tampakan and SDMP
A friend, Arcy Garcia, posted this poster in facebook soliciting
anti-Tampakan mining signatures from the public. It says that "Almost 4,000
hectares of lush rainforest will be cleared and dug."
I commented on it saying that this is misinformation. If you have a 4,000
hectares mining permit area, you don't clear cut and dig a hole in all of
it in one year. Usually you clear only 100 hectares or less, dig and dig
for 10 years or so, then close it with top soil, plant trees as stipulated
in the contract with MGB-DENR, then you clear and dig again on another 100
hectares or so.
I che... more »
CATO: against all public funding of science
Terence Kealey, a clinical biochemist at a private university (of
Buckingham), wrote the lead essay for the new issue of the libertarian CATO
Institute's magazine,
The Case against Public Science (CATO Unbound)
His text is deeply provocative yet insightful but ultimately wrong at many
levels. While I have enough libertarian DNA in my blood so that I can
imagine a better, more efficient world in which there is no public funding
of science, I am also conservative enough to appreciate that the complete
abolition of the public funding of science would represent a dramatic
revolution an... more »
Nez Perce prepare to block tarsands megaload
Nez Perce singers as megaload approaches Monday night, August 5, 2013 Photo by Brooklyn Baptiste
Nez Perce Executive Council members arrested blocking tarsands megaload!
See update:
Monday night via phone:
At midnight, the tarsands megaload was about an hour away from the Nez Perce
*Encore: The Faces of America’s Hungry*
July 31, 2013
Kristi Jacobson and Mariana Chilton reveal tragic truths about hunger and
food insecurity in America.
*Encore: The Faces of America’s Hungry*
July 31,
Original and transcript here
Here in the richest country on earth, 50 million of us — one in six
Americans — go hungry. More than a third of them are children. Debates on
how to address hunger – in both Congress and the media —... more »
Terrance Nelson: Dakota Unity Ride in Spirit of Dakotas Massacred
Unity Riders photo by Stephanie Santagada
Terrance Nelson: "Crazy Horse and many Dakota who fought back did
nothing wrong. They fought in their own lands against invaders,
professional soldiers, including the Black Buffalo Soldiers. History
cannot be forgotten. Maybe a black president can remember that Buffalo
soldiers also hunted down Dakotas."
By Terrance Nelson
First Nation
United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, England, And France
Those are the governments and nations that I hold responsible for the
barbarity and inhumanity in the video below.
The whole world knows Obaaama and the CIA arm and fund Al-Qaeda. Stop
issuing ridiculous travel alerts, putting out fake videos, etc. You're not
tricking anybody with your lies.
USrael and Al-Qaeda are plagues upon the earth, acting in union against
peace, security, and the best interests of all. The sooner mankind is done
with these terrorists, the happier everyone will be.
SYRIA Gruesome Video: Jihadist Rebels Throw Three Kurds Into Fire
(Handcuffed & Blindfolded)
Guest Post - Go Green with a Virtual Office
Thanks to the internet, smartphones and all the many gadgets and gizmos
that allow us to work remotely, many companies are now allowing and
encouraging their employees to work from home. There are many advantages to
the virtual office, including financial and practical benefits; however,
the most impressive difference made by the growing emphasis on remote
working is likely to be seen on an environmental level. Large international
enterprises are now focusing on running their businesses virtually where
possible, citing the ecological benefits of remote working as a major
considerati... more »
My Top Books I Wish Had Sequels
*Want to learn to play the piano? You can enter to win a set of DVD
lessons here. *
Anytime I finish a great book, I wish there had been a little more. Here
are some of my favorite books that I wish had sequels. Linking up with The
Broke and the Bookish.
Parallel- Honestly, this is a great stand alone book. One morning Abby
Barnes wakes up and she is living in a parallel world where she is no
longer a movie star, but a normal college girl. Every day she wakes up and
her life is different. This story jumps around a lot, but it isn't
confusing. I am not sure how a sequel would work... more »
Fukushima and Japan - with the inevitable massive releases of highly contaminated water to the Pacific Ocean - we now are on Godzilla watch !
[Column] Accident calendar of Fukushima nuclear plant
Posted by *Mochizuki* on August 5th, 2013 · 1 Comment
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I’m not psychic but it’s easy to calculate what is going to happen and when.
It’s simply a physical matter. So much easier than forecasting weather or
stock market.
I hope it will turn to be false. However, if Tepco doesn’t take any
prevention, it would be as it is.
Because nobody else does this in the world, I ... more »
I just returned this afternoon from several days in Washington DC attending
the 90th anniversary conference of War Resisters League. The event was
held at Georgetown University where I was asked by conference organizer
Leslie Cagan to speak in a workshop and a plenary panel. (In 1987 when I
worked for the Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice we organized the
largest peace protest in Florida history at Cape Canaveral when more than
5,000 people protested against the first flight test launch of the Trident
II nuclear missile. Leslie Cagan then was national coordinator of
Mobiliza... more »
Firearm fixations . . .
Original issue, milled receiver. —
IT'S NOT JUST THE N.R.A. and American trailer park slobs who salivate
over guns. Guys from other cultures obsess too, which is explored by a
post on Tablet,
“How Sweet, Smart Kids Under Occupation Come To Worship Militants” by
Haroon Shah who states, “In the heart of Kashmir, where happiness was a
warm AK-47, the weapon was my voice, and my dream”.
Splits and the Socialist Party
The Socialist Party has recently run into some difficulties. There was the
dispute of a few months back over allegations of sexual impropriety,
assault and the apparent lack of tact with which it was handled. There's
been a parting of the ways in Ireland after senior members left. And there
is the nonsense about the party's inability to manage a critical debate
about its rehashing of *FT* articles contributions to Marx's critique of
economics. So, as Howard Fuller puts it, are the Socialist Party heading
for a split?
When I was first interested in the *Weekly Worker* crew about 15 ... more »
TV Watch: Special "Food Network Star" Election Guide -- Everything you need to know before casting your vote
*Who to vote for? Damaris, Rodney, or Russell? Um, no, thanks.*
*by Ken*
Actually, the post title is a little misleading, with that "everything you
need to know before casting your vote." For those who haven't heard, this
year the choice among the final three candidates is being made by viewers.
And since, as I understand it (which isn't very well), voters can only cast
10 votes a day from any particular e-mail address or mobile phone, you can
be sure it will be a meaningfully representative vote. Votes have to be
cast by sometime Wednesday. I don't remember when, because as you'll... more »
News from Homelandia
There was a bit of a stink in the media a few days ago after US Senate
Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein tabled this map "produced by
the NSA" purporting to show "the disruption of potential terrorist events
at home and abroad" due to its vacuuming up of phone call logs.
At issue is the designation "Homeland" which includes Canada, Mexico,
Central America, Cuba and Greenland.
Commenters were quick to point out that the NSA was in fact using a pretty
standard map of the seven continents here, but I notice that Europe,
Africa, and Asia got to keep their continental desig... more »
*Residents want low fees for Canal Street ferry ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans
"A Look to the Heavens"
“A careful look at this colorful cosmic snapshot reveals a surprising
number of galaxies both near and far toward the constellation Ursa Major.
The most striking is NGC 3718, the warped spiral galaxy near picture
center. NGC 3718's spiral arms look twisted and extended, mottled with
young blue star clusters. Drawn out dust lanes obscure its yellowish
central regions. A mere 150 thousand light-years to the right is another
large spiral galaxy, NGC 3729. The two are likely interacting
gravitationally, accounting for the peculiar appearance of NGC 3718.
*Click image for larger s... more »
"Be What You Are..."
"Be what you are.
This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.”
– Julius Hare
When HSBC thrown the money changers out of the Temple ( throwing out money laundering States and diplomats ) , you now we are heading into strange and trying times ( HSBC clearly doesn't want to be bitten twice by money laundering fines when the next inevitable bust occurs and clearly States are going to be part of the next rapture ! August calm will change to Fall turmoil - just give it some time - Greece , Cyprus gives no reasons to believe things are getting better in Europe ...... Banks give no reason to trust them - who woke up Rip Van Chilton ? Get ready for Roller Currency - China , Fed ECB gearing up for the games to come......
HSBC cutting down on money laundering and applying same rules to Foreign
States as private individuals ? What a novel concept ? ?
*from Daily Mail:*
Diplomats in London have been thrown into chaos after Britain’s biggest
bank, HSBC, sacked them as customers and gave them 60 days to move their
Their situation has been made far worse because other banks have been
closing ranks and refusing to take their business. More than 40 embassies,
consulates and High Commission... more »
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