United States Senate candidate Rand Paul arriving at the Bowling Green Regional Airport on the final day of campaigning, in Bowling Green, Kentucky, along with his family and a campaign staffer. Please attribute to Gage Skidmore if used elsewhere. Unauthorized use by any candidate or candidate's committee is strictly prohibited without approval. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:23pm MDSTA Chart is Worth a Million Words
Removing The Shackles - 2 minutes ago
With huge thanx to the research team.... who are having an absolute blast asking "What do I know?" and then clicking on a link and discovering all sorts of fun stuff!!! I dont' even know if it's possible to formulate an article around all that they have dug up and discovered and dragged out from under the carpet. I might just have to post an article that is entirely made up of links and say "Have fun with this!!". A picture may be worth a thousand words.... but a chart is worth a million!!! This first set of charts is from here: http://fairwhistleblower.ca/content/revolving-door... more »
Rand Paul Vs Chris Christie-- Pass The Popcorn
Rand Paul was the only senator who voted against confirming James Comey as the new head of the FBI. Good for Rand! I'm glad he's got his wits about him despite the barrage of attacks and smears aimed at him by Establishment slob Chris Christie who's dead set on being the anti-libertarian Republican presidential nominee in 2016. Rand called Christie out for trying to make voters think he's somehow Rudy Giuliani or George W Bush. He's doing his best to paint Christie as the greedy, self-serving pig that he's always been. And he went on Sean Hannity's Fox TV show to do it. “It’s re... more »
Military Judge Acquits Bradley Manning of Aiding the Enemy
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Full page NY Times ad placed by Bradleymanning.org July 25, 2013 - click to enlarge *Activist Post* Nathan Fuller at Bradleymanning.org has given us gracious permission to reprint his daily firsthand reports, which you can find below highlighted by date. Summaries, commentary, and videos provide a comprehensive chronicle of events from start to finish. Pfc. Bradley Manning has been acquitted of the most serious charge against him: aiding the enemy. After over 1,000 days in confinement, some of which was tantamount to torture... more »
Kingston Penitentiary no longer housing prisoners in 60 days - Paul Bernardo Needs To Move!
*After 18 years in an isolated cell like this in the Kingston Penitentiary, Paul Bernardo is requesting a change to a Medium Security facility.* * * *KINGSTON - Schoolgirl killer Paul Bernardo feels he has suffered enough in maximum security and has applied to be transferred to the medium-security comforts of condo-style prison housing.* ***It’s not a slam dunk but, much to the disgust of the father of the slain Kristen French, the 48-year-old has still asked to be granted just that.* ***With Kingston Penitentiary no longer housing prisoners in 60 days, its most notorious inmate i... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Is this what our own Milky Way Galaxy looks like from far away? Similar in size and grand design to our home Galaxy (although without the central bar ), spiral galaxy NGC 3370 lies about 100 million light-years away toward the constellation of the Lion (Leo). Recorded below in exquisite detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys , the big, beautiful face-on spiral is not only photogenic, but has proven sharp enough to study individual stars known as Cepheids. *Click image for larger size.* These pulsating stars have been used to accurately dete... more »
"Unknowingly, we plow the dust of stars, blown about us by the wind, and drink the universe in a glass of rain." - Ihab Hassan
“Synchronicity and Magical Thinking”
* * *“Synchronicity and Magical Thinking”* By Synchrosecrets.com “Synchronicity and magical thinking are close friends. They may even be Siamese twins who share a common heart. But what is magical thinking? Elias Howe had an idea about a machine with a needle that would penetrate cloth. He fiddled around with various ideas – a hole through the middle of the needle, for instance – but nothing worked. One night, he dreamed he was taken prisoner by a group of cannibals who danced around him with spears. Howe noticed that the spears all had holes near the tip. When he woke up, he rea... more »
"The Emblem of Eternity"
“Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time, effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.” - Anne Louise Germaine de Stae
"What Is Hope?"
* "What Is Hope?"* by Rubin Alves "What is hope? It is the pre-sentiment that imagination is more real and reality is less real than it looks. It is the hunch that the overwhelming brutality of facts that oppress and repress us is not the last word. It is the suspicion that reality is more complex than the realists want us to believe. That the frontiers of the possible are not determined by the limits of the actual; and in a miraculous and unexplained way, life is opening creative events which will light the way to freedom and resurrection. But the two — suffering and hope — mu... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Louisa, Virginia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Will Rouhani bring a tectonic shift to Iran's political landscape?
* * *Nile Bowie discusses the challenges and controversies of recent Iranian political developments with award-winning journalist Kourosh Ziabari:* * **NB: Hassan Rouhani, a reform-minded moderate cleric and former nuclear negotiator under President Khatami, will be Iran's new president. There is talk in Washington of direct US-Iran talks in light of Rouhani coming to power. Rouhani campaigned on a platform of trying to “normalize” relations with the West, and he even made statements like, “It is good to have centrifuges running, provided people's lives and livelihoods are also run... more »
Lake Fubar updates - H/T Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle and Energy News
Unsettled Lake FUBAR – Thursday News – BONUS! Fly Over Video AUGUST 1, 2013 A whole lot of *parish blog* ‘news’ put out in the last few days including a water pipeline break. Now they say a gas pipeline is being attended to. Keep an eye out for the next shoe to drop! *2:00 p.m. Activity Update from the Office of Conservation* July 31st *DNR Inspection Report *out. *New* Fly Over VIDEO*S!* LINK - http://youtu.be/Yz9Gy97gkDI LINK - http://youtu.be/eOjo-1dgrUk 07:43 PM EST on August 1st, 2013 | 2 comments Newspaper: Giant Louisiana sinkhole now over 20 times larger than last year — It... more »
Control for this!
Last night my wife had a totally different idea than I about how to handle a parenting situation. I insisted that my “Dad way” was needed. My wife simply looked at me (the wrong way) and I decided to loudly (yell) say that I “was sick of being undermined when it comes to being a […]
In a real dog-bites-man story, it seems Republicans want to see their party become (gasp) MORE CONSERVATIVE!
*To hear *Washington Post* political reporter Dan Balz (right) tell Fix-master Chris Cillizza the story of the big push made by party bigwigs (knowing how bad Willard Romney sucked) to persuade NJ Gov. Chris Christie to jump into the 2012 GOP presidential sweepstakes, go here.* *"[E]ven in the face of calls for more moderation, it should come as no surprise if Republicans actually move in the other direction, sharpening their conservative positions."* *-- Sean Sullivan, in a washingtonpost.com blogpost today,* "Republicans want their party to change -- just not the way you think" *b... more »
Tennessee based Community Health Systems has layoffs at two Pennsylvania Hospitals - Phoenixville Hospital and Pottstown Memorial
http://www.dailylocal.com/article/20130730/NEWS01/130739957/pottstown-memorial-medical-center-furloughs-30-workers-for-90-days Pottstown Memorial Medical Center furloughs 30 workers for 90 days - By Evan Brandt ebrandt@21st-centurymedia.com - Posted: Tuesday, 07/30/13 08:25 pm Updated: Tuesday, 07/30/13 08:26 pm - - - - - - - 21st Century Media photo by John Strickler Pottstown Memorial Medical Center. - CONTRIBUTE - - Story Ideas - Send Corrections POTTSTOWN — Pottstown Memorial Medical Center...more »
Wait. Police lawyers write up officers' notes for them?
From a partial transcript of Ontario Ombudsman and former Special Investigation Unit Director Andre Marin's interview on CBC yesterday regarding how systemic obstruction from the police will affect the Sammy Yatiminvestigation: "The director of the SIU has written 82 times to the Chief of Toronto Police, reporting issues of evidence tampering on the scene, failure to notify the SIU of an incident, *one police lawye**r representing multiple officers, police lawyers writing the notes for the officers *- you know the police lawyer wasn't on scene." Although Mr. Marin was talking about... more »
Call of Duty: Heroes of the SS
"Why don’t you just enjoy the fantasy? Games are a special medium, completely separate from our wider culture and any attempt to put them in context is just insulting." So begins a spoof article from last month's *New Statesman*, but like all good parodies it sends up the kind of reaction anyone - not just feminist comrades - receives when they burrow into the cultural artefacts we produce and enjoy. Some might moan that cultural criticism "spoils" a film, a TV programme, a piece of music; that they're on a hiding to nothing and fighting shy of the deeper implications some of their... more »
when it rains, it pours, or, welcome to my roller coaster
Tala is not doing well. You may recall, she has a chronic and degenerative spine condition. After a long rest and rehab process, she has been doing wonderfully - truly better than I ever expected. But this week she took a downturn. She was suddenly not able to sit. She can only stand or lie down. When she tries to sit, she is in obvious pain. She tries repeatedly, then gives up and lies down. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow, but my heart is already breaking. * * * * This spring, everything was going our way. We had so much good news, I kept thinking of the phrase "an embarr... more »
Public interest considerations for bail pending appeal
R. v. J.P., 2013 ONCA 505 holds: [6] I must also consider the public interest, taking into account the fact that the appellant was convicted of a serious crime against the person. I am obliged to weigh the values of reviewability and enforceability. As Arbour J.A. said in *R. v. Farinacci* (1993), 67 O.A.C. 197, at paras. 41-43: The concerns reflecting public interest, as expressed in the case-law, relate both to the protection and safety of the public and to the need to maintain a balance between the competing dictates of enforceability and reviewability. It is the need... more »
Friday Morning Ramble: The ‘still being surveilled’ edition
*Here’s a few things I found around the interweb:* Welcome, Leighton’s listeners. You can find all I’ve said about the #SurveillanceState here, starting with… *#SurveillanceState: When acts of honour are made illegal* – NOT PC In which The Double Standard is right about the effect of a Prime Minister disinterested in constitutional niceties. (But where were they when a former PM was using PM’s funds on electioneering?) *John Key trashes the Constitution* – THE STANDARD “There appears little plausible economic justification for Labour's proposed ban on foreigners' buying houses.”... more »
"The Ants of Gaia"
"The Ants of Gaia" by Joe Bageant "The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction, and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still inc... more »
Chet Raymo, “Cosmic View”
* “Cosmic View”* by Chet Raymo “When writing about Philip and Phylis Morrison's “Powers of Ten” the other day I found I had made the following notation in the flyleaf, perhaps a dozen or more years ago: ․ *Britannica* *32 volumes* *1000 pages per vol* *1200 words per page* *5 letters/wd* *=200 million letters* So, 200 million letters in the 32 volume set of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Why was I making that estimate? I can think of several possibilities. Perhaps… *1.* I was making a comparison with the number of nucleotide pairs in the human DNA; that is, the numbe... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "There Is Time Left"
"Well, there is time left – fields everywhere invite you into them. And who will care, who will chide you if you wander away from wherever you are, to look for your soul? Quickly, then, get up, put on your coat, leave your desk! To put one's foot into the door of the grass, which is the mystery, which is death as well as life, and not be afraid! To set one's foot in the door of death, and be overcome with amazement!” ~ Mary Oliver
Ontario Ombudsman and former SIU Director on Sammy Yatim investigation
Yesterday on CBC Metro Morning, Ontario Ombudsman and former Director of the Special Investigations Unit Andre Marin spoke about the SIU investigation into the Toronto Police shooting death of 18 year old Sammy Yatim on an empty streetcar and the systemic lack of police co-operation with the SIU. Excerpted transcript : CBC : The Chief of Police has said that he and his officers will cooperate fully with the SIU. Yesterday Mike McCormick the head of the police union said that his offices always cooperate and collaborate with the SIU. Marin : The cooperation of the police with an S... more »
*No easy task to prepare flood protection system if hurricane approaches~Bob Marshall, The Lens * *Citrus Disease Infects New Orleans Trees*
Mel Ve Interviews Heather and D
Last night Mel Ve interviewed Heather and I for a little over an hour. My internet sucked so I had to run over to Heather's house and share her computer, lol. For full transparency the following are the Skype notes exchanged before and after the Interview. **************************************************************************** [31/07/2013 10:00:15 PM] HEATHER : D is not back yet...Mel...a lot of data is coming in right now...funny...some of it is SI...plus other big shifts... do you want to do the call now or wait until I get that data all ferreted out for real time update? ev... more »
The Republican Party Seems Mighty Fractious, But How Much Does That Matter?
Mike Lee threatens to shut down the government if he's not put in the picture Republicans are tearing each other apart over a number of issues. In the last few days that's been personified by the increasingly bitter personal exchanges between domestic spying advocate and Establishment whore Chris Christie and Kentucky libertarian/Tea Party isolationist Rand Paul. But an even bigger battle is brewing over a vote-- the "continuing resolution"-- to fund government operations. Neo-fascist Utah freshman Mike Lee sees a noisy nihilistic battle over this as a way to pump up his name recogn... more »
*Ontario** v. Criminal Lawyers' Association ofOntario *(O.N.C.A., April 19, 2011)(34317) "In three cases arising in the context of criminal proceedings in Ontario, trial judges appointed *amici curiae* to assist the accused, who had discharged counsel of their choice. The judges did so in order to maintain the orderly conduct of the trials or to avoid delay in these complex, lengthy proceedings. The cases were not decided under the *Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms* and did not proceed on the basis that the accused could not have fair trials without the assistance of coun... more »
All in the Republican family
By Capt. Fogg Remember Richard Nixon? Who? You know, the guy they tried to rehabilitate after he fled the White House ahead of the prosecutors, the guy they built a museum about with fake exhibits showing how he really was a great guy who was victimized by the Liberal Press? Well as long as we have Dick Nixon's words on tape we don't have to kick him around any more, since his unique talent for kicking himself in the ass with both feet in his mouth relieves us of the burden. Watching All in the Family and completely failing to get what it was about, all the trickster could g... more »
When Counterfactuals Go Bad
Larry Sabato, Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley started off with a good idea: illustrate the regularities of Congressional and down-ballot elections with a counterfactual. But, oh, it just goes so horribly wrong. Imagine, for a moment, if Sen. John McCain (R) had somehow won the presidency in 2008. How might the country be different? See, there's the thing. John McCain was clobbered in 2008. We're not talking Bush/Gore, where we can easily imagine the outcome of the presidential race changing on its own; McCain lost by seven percentage points, and a 365-173 electoral college margin... more »
Chris Matthews is having an episode!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2013* *Terrorists, Dog Day Afternoon and the great way Hillary looks:* Through the end of the Clinton-Gore years, Chris Matthews was one of the two or three most influential broadcasters in the country. He was also barely sane, but all hands agreed not to notice. He savaged Candidate Gore for twenty months, helping script the rest of the children in the ways to defeat Clinton’s veep. For quite a few years, he was also the capital city’s most unhinged Hillary-hater. At the time, he was being paid $5 million per year by his owner and CEO, the conservative Repub... more »
"What’s America’s No. 1 Export?"
* "What’s America’s No. 1 Export?"* by Bill Bonner "Another day of piddly trading, with piddly losses for both stocks and gold. So let’s turn back to our thoughts. First, we looked at money. We saw that the US now operates on a type of money better suited to the Paleolithic Age. A credit-backed money system has never worked in the modern world… and none has ever survived a full credit cycle. The credits expand until the debt is far too heavy. Then, when interest rates rise, the cost of carrying the debt goes up until the system falls apart. Second, we considered the plight of t... more »
Great, Just Great. Global Warming Might Make Cops (And Maybe You) Even More Trigger Happy.
A new study chronicles the link between warming and violence of all sorts at all levels from individuals to entire nations. And that goes for cops too. *The Syrian conflict [triggered in part by severe drought] is just one recent example of the connection between climate and conflict, a field that is increasingly piquing the interest of criminologists, economists, historians, and political scientists. Studies have begun to crop up in leading journals examining this connection in everything from the collapse of the Mayan civilization to modern police training in the Netherlands. ... more »
*Real fun is no one's monopoly* ~Library Chronicles* *About the shooting of the 14 year old professional thief in the Marigny ~Slabbed *
Stopping Light or Stopping Time?
I don't get it but apparently German scientists managed to stop, or I suppose "arrest", light for one full minute. In light speed, that's about 18-million kilometres. *While light normally travels at just under 300 million metres per second in a vacuum, physicists managed to slow it down to just 17 metres per second in 1999 and then halt it completely two years later, though only for a fraction of a second. Earlier this year, researchers kept it still for 16 seconds using cold atoms.* *To break the minute barrier, George Heinze and colleagues at the University of Darmstadt, Germa... more »
Thursday Midmorning Linkage
Here is your Thursday late morning linkage. Let’s start with a couple of stories about getting out to the field. Kim Yi Dionne writes about the challenges of taking her toddler to Malawi during field work (on second thought, maybe not!) U.S. diplomats confined to Kabul and can’t visit aid projects as military drawdown deprives Continue reading
That Cold Lake Bitumen Spill - It Just Keeps Rollin' Along
The 10-week old Cold Lake bitumen spill is expected to stop - basically whenever it stops itself. The company, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., says there's nothing it can do to staunch the leak other than collect whatever bitumen it can from the surface and haul out the dead animals. *On Wednesday morning, the company said in a conference call that it had identified a few older, inactive wells—one of which dates back to 1997—as probable culprits. At least one of the suspect wells were drilled by a prior operator, the company said. When a well casing failed, according to the com... more »
Why Can’t DFER Deal Will Education Evidence?
Mac LeBuhn, of Democrats for Education Reform (DFER), started his six-part book club series on Jal Mehta’s The Allure of Order with the solid statement on its conclusion that the standards-based accountability policy paradigm “is an ill-conceived and inadequate response to America’s domestic and international achievement gaps.” But, LeBuhn downplays Mehta’s findings. Mehta, for instance, […]
'Evil bankers' unless they're a Labour supporting banker
Imagine the furore is David Cameron had made a banker a peer in the recent list of appointments. The Labour party and their propaganda arm, the BBC would be screaming about the Tory party being in the pay of bankers and the city fatcats who caused the economic crash. Now have you noticed any such complaining about the peerage given by the Labour party to Sir Charles Allen? The BBC's report on the peerages manages this: 'Doreen Lawrence, the mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, leads five Labour nominations for peerages, which also include businessmen Sir William Haughey and... more »
“Track and Improve Your School Culture”
LiveSchool is a start-up in the total surveillance urban school business that offers a tech tool for meting out rewards and punishments. It is unapologetically based on the “banking model” of education, and it has been embraced by Bloomberg and other Wall Street hustlers as a way to make a dirty buck on the backs […]
On our knees
As we dance through our days, the unexpected and potentially shocking can emerge. It is not just the landscape that is changing. The life within the backdrop is taking on a different hue. These may not be colors or shades you knew were there, yet their effect is not to be missed. This is you. The feelings erupting now appear raw and unfamiliar, maybe welcome, yet strange. This time will proceed and change all of us. How we weather these alterations is up to us. We are all moving or being forcibly moved. Every day this week I’ve witnessed major life changing eve... more »
VIDEOS: Oakland protest supporting CA prisoner hunger strike (featuring Danny Murillo, Janetta Louise Johnson and Paige Kumm)
At lunchtime on Wednesday July 31, Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza in downtown Oakland hosted a protest rally in support of the CA prisoner hunger strike that began on July 8. The rally was followed by a spirited march through downtown Oakland (view event photos here). This event was held in conjunction with other solidarity events around the world. The rally’s MC, Jerry Elster from All of Us or None, announced the upcoming protest outside the west gate of San Quentin Prison at 2pm on August 3, and introduced a wide range of anti-prison activists who spoke in support of the curre... more »
What The Bradley Manning Verdict Tells Us About America
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *Youtube* Subscribe to StormCloudsGathering's Channel StormCloudsGathering.com Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.
Just thought I'd give you a brief update on plans for the *October 10-19*drone walk. Please note dates on your calendar. *Maine Drone Walk in October* * *Japanese Buddhist nun Jun-san from the order Nipponzan Myohoji (Grafton, NY) has agreed to lead our drone peace walk in Maine in October and will bring 4-5 others from Japan with her. It is likely that a few from the Nipponzan Myohoji temple in Western Massachusetts will join us as well. One Veterans for Peace member from New Jersey is also coming. For several months some of us worked with the ACLU in Maine on a bill in the sta... more »
A Look at How Extremists Have the Republican Party in a Death Grip
Two prominent Democrats have decided to dig into the rotting corpse of the Republican movement to get a look at what lurks inside. *Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg and political strategist James Carville have announced what they plan to do about that pressing problem: namely, “The Republican Party Project,” which will provide extensive survey research devoted to “exposing, monitoring, and confronting” the Republicans while helping Democrats and progressives to regain the political offensive.* *To begin advancing these ambitious goals, Carville and Greenberg released the first in ... more »
If you, like me, have never before heard Julian Assange speak, I highly recomend that you listen to his thoughts on the trial of Bradley Manning.
------------------------------ *WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2013 Original Here* *EXCLUSIVE: "Bradley Manning Has Become a Martyr"–WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange on Guilty Verdict* The sentencing hearing for Army whistleblower Bradley Manning begins today following his acquittal on the most serious charge he faced, aiding the enemy, but conviction on 20 other counts. On Tuesday, Manning was found guilty of violating the Espionage Act and other charges for leaking hundreds of thousands of government documents to WikiLeak... more »
Russia Grants Snowden Temporary Asylum
Edward Snowden gets to leave Moscow airport, finally. The Russkies have given Snowden a one-year temporary asylum to their country. *Anatoly Kucherena, Snowden’s Russian lawyer, told the media he handed Snowden asylum papers Thursday and that Snowden’s whereabouts would be kept secret for reasons of security. Snowden would choose his own place of residence, but it would not be an embassy, the lawyer said. Russia Today tweeted that Kucherena said Snowden “is ready to talk to press, but he needs a day for adaptation.”*
Bystanders to Calamity
Once while visiting remote Rivers Inlet I took shelter an old logging cabin that was apparently undergoing renovation. The inner walls had been stripped bare to reveal newspapers that had once formed the cabin's insulation. They were old copies of the *Vancouver Sun *from the 30's. As I waited for the weather to break so a seaplane could get in to fly me home I went through some of those papers. There was a tension in the news back then that remained palpable six decades later. News stories reported the latest advances in the brutal Japanese war on China. They chronicled th... more »
We Emit, These People Get the Tab
Across south Asia there are more than a billion people whose livelihood and lives are utterly dependent on the annual Monsoon rains. The severe impacts of climate change on their hydrological lifeline has left them reeling. This week Pakistan was hit by massive flooding that took their own weather services by surprise. *“We kept quivering with fear the whole night and could not sleep even a wink,” recalled Salma Zehra, a mother of five teenage children. The family trembled to think that the roof of their mud house could cave in at any time, as the rain lashed down in a huge thu... more »
Christy Clark's Giant Methane Fart - Part Deux
British Columbia premier Christy Clark has visions of our province becoming an energy superpower in its own right thanks to massive reserves of shale natural gas, methane, in northern B.C. just waiting to be fracked. The stuff's not worth much in Canada. North America has a glut of methane thanks to fracking in the U.S. Asia, however, is still paying top dollar for natural gas so Clark sees an opportunity to market LNG, highly-compressed, liquified natural gas to the far side of the Pacific. Not so fast, say the folks at the University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre. They... more »
Is supersymmetry a "speculative idea"?
Matt Strassler wrote a mostly sensible text A Couple of Rare Events on the media's reaction to the LHCb and CMS' measurement of the decay rate of the rare process \(B_{(s)}^0\to \mu^+\mu^-\). For the first time, the decay rate was measured to be nonzero and it agrees with the Standard Model within something like a 30% error margin. Matt correctly says that some media sell it as a breathtaking success of the Standard Model that nearly kills all the competitors. And he correctly points out that the media apparently think that the supersymmetry is the only competitor of the Standard ... more »
"The Most Important Number In The Entire U.S. Economy"
* * *"The Most Important Number In The Entire U.S. Economy"* by Michael Snyder There is one vitally important number that everyone needs to be watching right now, and it doesn’t have anything to do with unemployment, inflation or housing. If this number gets too high, it will collapse the entire U.S. financial system. The number that I am talking about is the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries. When that number goes up, long-term interest rates all across the financial system start increasing. When long-term interest rates rise, it becomes more expensive for the federal governme... more »
#TFA neophytes will now get to adopt wards of the state. No joke.
You too can become a surrogate for any child who is a ward of the state of IL. It’s just that easy. See here to “join.” Submit your own proposal to be a surrogate parent. Why would we let TFA do this? Because poor kids, that’s why. Tagged: Illinois, surrogate, TFA
I had to try the DCSD school choice selector.
Edushyster brought me to this and I had to try it out for myself. This has to be one of the most inane ideas I’ve seen a while, and I want to know what bonehead earning six figures came up with this: the School Choice Selector. Here’s the opening image: First, you have to sort […]
Republican Obstructionist Caucus Forced To Eat Their Own Feces On NLRB Confirmation Votes
anger and frustration from the peanut gallery I don't know much about the Obama nominees-- not the new ones and not the discarded ones (Sharon Block and Richard Griffin)-- to the empty seats on the National Labor Relations Board. But I do know that the mindless Republican filibusters against their confirmations were all shut down Tuesday and all the nominees were confirmed. It's the first time there has been a full board since Bush was president. The status of two of President Obama’s choices for the panel, which is charged with hearing disputes between unionized private-sector work... more »
Video Longest Walk 1978
Watch 1978 video at: http://vimeo.com/71469948 The Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz departed from DC and is now in Pennsylvania, walking to Alcatraz! Share the love with a camping place, food or water! http://www.returntoalcatraz.com
Those Hard-Hearted, Charitable Americans: Keeping the Herd Bewildered (Thumbs Up For The Rich!)
Did you know that the reason that the Rethugs play the food card so hard is that it's really the race card? Let's cut those food stamp benefits for those shiftless ungratefuls! They just don't want to get a job and work hard like the rest of us! Crowds are forming with pitchforks and blazing torches. And these are the well-fed enemies of the poor. You'd never know that the vast majority of
Desperate people, Canadian dreams and the lowest kind of predators
Backpacks ready for a trip to Canada that won't happen Heartbreaking photo in La Prensa this week of devastated campesinos who had showed up in Santa Rosa de Copan expecting to start a trip that would end with legit Canadian jobs. The best way to change your future in Honduras is to find a way to work in North America for a few years. You can send money home and save enough to buy some land or start a little business. (The second fastest way to change your future, I suppose, is the drug transport business.) But when the would-be migrant workers showed up to board the buses that were t... more »
Beverly Baker Moore : May Day Memories, or Consciousness-Raising Through Vegetables
Rally during May Day demonstrations, Washington, D.C., 1971. Image from Waging Nonviolence. May Day memories, or Consciousness-raising through vegetables The cop riding shotgun stayed behind the wheel while his out-of-control buddy leapt out screaming. He was all blown up, beet-red in the face and (literally) spitting mad. By Beverly Baker Moore / The Rag Blog / August 1, 2013 Not counting
Despite Increasing Violence Iraq Still Far More Deadlier Than Afghanistan In 2013
Iraq and Afghanistan are both in the news, but for all the wrong reasons. The United Nations recently released a paper noting increased civilian casualties in Afghanistan. In Iraq, the insurgency is seeing a re-birth carrying out almost daily bombings. When comparing the two, Iraq is still more than twice as deadly as Afghanistan. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) held a press conference on July 31, 2013 warning of a jump in violence in the first half of the year. UNAMA reported 1,319 dead civilians in Afghanistan from January to June 2013. That was a 2... more »
When Athabasca Came to Windsor
There's a small mountain of Athabasca bitumen byproduct, petcoke, being amassed on the American bank of the Detroit River by - the Koch brothers, of course. And now, clouds of this toxic crap are being aerially repatriated to Canada - to Windsor, Ontario to be exact, carried on the winds as petcoke clouds.
Robert Jensen : Peace Talks Are New Chapter in an Old Book
Peace talks: the players. Image from AP Graphics Bank. Peace talks: A new chapter in an old book Discussions about the issue, whether among citizens or by officials at the negotiating table, must begin with an acknowledgement of the power wielded by Israel, backed by the United States. By Robert Jensen / The Rag Blog / August 1, 2013 New negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians may
DUBLINERS TOO: The liberals this time!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2013* *Part 4—Why bother having professors:* Yesterday, we received an email from The Nation, a famous journal of the alleged left. To be honest, the email was a fund-raising pitch. It was written by Mychal Denzel Smith, a smart, involved young Nation blogger. It started out like this: Dear Friend of The Nation, There isn’t a good reason for me to be as angry as I am over the “not guilty” verdict handed down for George Zimmerman in the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. I always knew that would be the outcome. And yet there I was, crying rage-filled tear... more »
5 Ideas for Kids with Eczema
I was given a sample of Nature's Baby Organics in exchange for trying them out. They have completely changed our skin routine and are now the only products we use for my child with Eczema. All opinions are 100% my own. Eczema has been one of the most frustrating problems I have faced as a mom. Trying to ease the pain of sore skin, that is extremely sensitive, can be pretty challenging. Most lotions and washes burn my little girl's skin instead of helping. Her skin has become infected from scratching before and absolutely nothing is worse than trying to medically treat fragile s... more »
House Budget Crack-Up
There's a lot of excellent commentary out there about the latest House Republican fiasco -- they had to pull an appropriations bill from the floor at the last minute yesterday because they didn't have the votes. As several have pointed out, the problem is that they were happy to vote for huge cuts in the abstract (in the House budget resolution) but not in the specific, in the actual appropriations bills. As I said, good analysis from several, including Brian Beutler, Greg Sargent, and Matt Yglesias. I'll just add one bit that I don't think is getting quite enough emphasis. Remember... more »
Zapatistas Marcos 'Votan II The Guardians'
VOTÁN II. The Guardians. VOTÁN II. The Guardians. July of 2013. .http://enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx/2013/07/31/votan-ii-the-guardians/ Now we want to explain to you how the little school will work (the list of school items you’ll need, the methodology, the teachers, the course subjects, the schedules, etc.), so the first thing is… What you will need. The only thing that you need,
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
It Can't Happen Here (Documentary)
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *Youtube* Subscribe to Larken Rose's Channel Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia and is allowed to enter the country's territory. The whistleblower has been granted temporary political asylum in Russia, Snowden's legal representative Anatoly Kucherena said.
Breaking News!: Unverified footage of large explosion in Homs, Syria
*3 UPDATEs BELOW* Source A huge explosion blasted a fireball hundreds of metres into the air in the Syrian city of Homs, a video posted on the Internet showed. Activists claimed the explosion, which appeared to be significantly larger than most bombs used daily by either side in the two-year-old Syrian conflict, ripped through the southeastern neighbourhood of al-Nozha. * Can anyone tell us what is being said?* *Has anyone seen any other news? * *1st update: CBC- Rocket attacks, explosions kill at least 40 in Syria* Looks as if the NATO backed mercs launched multiple rocket attac... more »
Zapatistas Marcos 'A Beetle in the Network'
Votán I. A Beetle in the Network (Durito version freeware). http://enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx/2013/08/01/votan-i-a-beetle-in-the-network-durito-version-freeware/ Votán I. A Beetle in the Network (Durito version freeware). July of 2013. Before we explain how the Little School is going to work (at which point we’ll send a kind of “route manual” or “manual of bad manners” or “survival
*BREAKING LEVEE NEWS: Wife of ex-Gov. Edwin Edwards, 85, gives birth to “Louisiana’s royal baby” ~The New Orleans Levee* *~Trina Scott Edwards, 34, assured everyone that Edwin will be a “great, great, grand father” and that he may issue a public statement after both he and the newborn “wake from their morning naps, are fed, their mouths and booties are wiped, they’re changed and both are dressed.”*
Tim & Eric Describe the Wonders of the Universe
I've started listening to trippy documentaries about outer-space to help me drift off to sleep. For that reason, I really appreciate the efforts of weirdos Tim and Eric to parody these sorts of films ...
Chief Clearsky: Canada Sanitizing First Nations Genocide
Chief Clearsky Winnipeg Sub-Office 105-1555 St. James St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 1B5 Phone: (204) 946-1869 Fax: (204) 946-1871 Toll Free: 1-866-876-9701 www.scoinc.mb.ca Head Office P.O. Box 998 Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 0P0 (Long Plain First Nation) July 31, 2013Stuart MurrayChief Executive OfficerCanadian Museum of Human
'London Taliban' is targeting women and gays in bid to impose sharia law per Daily Mail
'Women who do not wear headscarves are being threatened with violence and even death by Islamic extremists intent on imposing sharia law on parts of Britain, it was claimed today. Other targets of the 'Talibanesque thugs', being investigated by police in the Tower Hamlets area of London, include homosexuals. Stickers have been plastered on public walls stating: 'Gay free zone. Verily Allah is severe in punishment'.' More here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1377780/London-Taliban-targeting-women-gays-bid-impose-sharia-law.html
From St. Louis’s Leafy Suburbs: Equal Education for All Unless You’re Black or Poor
“I think that any time you disturb a culture — you’re bringing in a variable that is unknown — I think it has the ability to create some unrest because you don’t know how the variable’s going to play out in the culture you already have.” No, that wasn’t George Wallace in 1963–that was Pam […]
1,700 U.S. cities partially underwater by 2100
Some climate alarmists were celebrating a transmutation they have never seen in their lives: melting of ice. The ice around the North Pole melted and created a small lake. So wonderful! Mother Nature abruptly stopped the celebrations when it did something else that the climate alarmists couldn't have possibly expected: it refroze the water and the lake disappeared again. *As soon as Alexander Ač sees this picture, he will be re-energized and will run a long story on his blog about a U.S. city that was finally devoured by the ocean.* Shockingly enough, the Earth, the Solar System, ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Injun Summer'
INJUN SUMMER Posted on August 1, 2013 Mohawk Nation News MNN. July 31, 2013. Settlers’ version: As John T. McCutcheon wrote: Injun summer is when all the homesick Injuns come back to play; long ago there used to be millions around here. Reg’lar —not cigar store Injuns. Don’t be skeered—hain’t none around here now. They all went away and died. Every year, their sperrits come back
*Jindal looks for ways to intervene in levee lawsuit ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate*
John Merrow, Welcome to Our World of the Ignored
At his Taking Note blog, John Merrow laments: “The op-ed below has been rejected by four newspapers, three of them national publications. One editor’s rejection note said that Michelle Rhee was not a national story.” On Twitter, Rachel Levy, though, noted: “That @John_Merrow story that no one will print? I did so 2.5 yrs ago.” Her […]
What Should You Read on Cyber Security?
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Brandon Valeriano of the University of Glasgow and Ryan C. Manes of the University of Chicago, Illinois. Brandon asked if we could run a bibliography on Cyber Security, and we happily agreed. If anyone else is interested in submitting bibliographies to be archived at the Duck of Continue reading
Services Pact, Protests, Democracy: Eternally Abraded by Gold
*The cycle path through the wind machines along the coast in Miaoli. An enjoyable stretch, one I do regularly.* The protests in Taipei over the services pact finally made the international news. AFP reported on it in its usual slanted way, characterizing the protesters as "pro-independence activists" (of course some of them actually were). Dozens of Taiwanese pro-independence activists clashed with police during a protest Tuesday against an agreement to further open up service sector trade with China as lawmakers debated the pact. ....no mention of the students who have played a ... more »
Choctaw Ben Carnes new Eaglemanz Blogtalk Radio
Eaglemanz Inaugural program Eaglemanz next Thursday at 5:30 pm http://www.blogtalkradio.com/eaglemanz/2013/08/09/eaglemanz-inaugural-program This first episode will mark the beginning of what I hope will be a long and productive endeavor. My foremost hopes is that I will reach other Choctaws/Chahta's from around the world to share our history, and to bring news about what is
War watch - Syria rebel arms votes " classified " by Senate ? House pushes latest Iranian sanctions through - why not wait until the new Iranian President is sworn in and participates in nuclear talks before trying to drop the hammer on Iran again ? More bloodshed seems inevitable in Egypt as both the Government and the Muslim Brotherhood stand their ground.....White House refuses to release report on an alleged massacre of perhaps thousands of Taliban fighters by Afghan allied fighters in 2001 - as we supposedly are talking to the Taliban , such lack of transparency and the appearance of covering up potential war crimes by some actor allied with the US , just smells and looks bad ...
Senate classifies a vote on arming syrian rebels ? Transparency ? Senate Committee Classifies Votes on Approved Syrian Rebel Arms Plan John Glaser, July 31, 2013 Print This | Share This | Comment Here’s a riddle: How do you make it easier to push through legislation in Congress that is overwhelmingly opposed in the public without any political consequences? [image: Secrecy]Answer: Keep the votes secret. That’s exactly what’s happened to an Obama administration plan to provide weapons directly to the Syrian rebels. The Senate committee that approved the plan was, unusually, allowed ... more »
10 Reasons Why Obamacare Is Going to Ruin Your Medical Care… and Your Life
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Dees Illustration Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D * **Of course you've heard of "liar loans"—in the heyday of subprime mortgages, unscrupulous lenders handed out mortgages to practically everyone with a pulse. "So you're saying you make $100,000 a year? Great, check this box titled 'McMansion.'" * * **We all know how this charade ended. Now Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., an acclaimed expert on the subject of Obamacare, warns that the delay of the employer mandate by one year will force Americans into a single-payer system, raising i... more »
Uruguay Marijuana Legalization Approved in House of Representatives
*Activist Post* According to the *El Observador*, Uruguay's Lower House of Representatives voted to approve a marijuana legalization bill to include regulation for its sale in pharmacies and personal cultivation of the plant. The House of Representatives approved the regulation of the marijuana market, which can enable its sale in pharmacies and legalize self-cultivation... ...Today, with the bars of the House of Representatives filled with activists for the legalization of marijuana, the government will seek to turn a page. The reporting member, Sebastian Sabini (MPP), said t... more »
FDA Issues "Black Box" Warning on Drug Linked to Mass Killings
Lily Dane The FDA has issued a public safety announcement for mefloquine, an anti-malarial drug also known by the brand name Lariam. The drug will now carry a “black box” warning – the most serious warning the FDA issues. Mefloquine has been used by U.S. troops for years, and is also available to civilians traveling to “hot spots”. It was developed by the US Army and became available on the commercial market in 1989. It is one of the most commonly prescribed anti-malarial drugs in the U.S., with about 119,000 prescriptions written in the first half of 2013. The FDA warning about t... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Madison Bumgarner, 24. Want some good stuff? 1. More on the Iraq War, from Erik Voeten. My position, again: the instability and costs of the status quo were real...but good presidenting would have revealed that the costs, including downside risks, of invasion and occupation were far, far, higher. 2. Good crankiness about the current scandals (and stupid things being said about them) from Irin Carmon. 3. And speaking of cranky: Greg opens up on lazy punditry.
ALEC Begs - PLS Come Back, We Need Members!
ALEC never ceases to amuse. New to their webpage this morning is a page named *Alumni Program Overview* Oh, my............. Just a remember that term "ALUMNI" in the ALEC sense also includes CONGRESSIONAL MEMBERS. AT the bottom of the page it says this: Note: To participate in the Alumni Program, you have to be a former member in good standing and no longer involved in government relations. How can you be a "former member in good standing" Is that a former member who was in good standing - then or Is that a former member who is still in good standing - and if so how would they k... more »
The ALEC Book of Days - Week Four - Rapture
*This Weeks * *Meditations for the ALEC Member* to help you prepare for the American Legislative Exchange Council meeting in Chicago, August 7 - 9 at the Palmer hotel. *August 2* If nothing else, I’ve realized who I can count on. The lobbyists who can read my mind and finish my sentence. The lobbyists who call me in the middle of a text message, or answer my question before I ask it. The lobbyists who tell me what’s going on in my crazy head. *August 3* Good lobbyists are those who care without hesitation, remember without limitation, and love even without communication. *August 4* ...more »
EMP Threat Panel Assembles 2 Weeks After Near Miss
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *Activist Post* On July 29th, former Director of Central Intelligence, R. James Woolsey, led a panel discussion on the growing -- and perhaps imminent -- threat of a natural or nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to the U.S. electric grid and other critical infrastructures that sustain modern civilization and the lives of millions of Americans. Other participants were Ambassador Henry Cooper and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry. "There had been a near miss about two weeks ago, a Carrington-class coronal mass ejection crossed the orbit... more »
If you are a member of the American Economic Association, you probably received an email this morning about the election of AEA officers. Please vote. It is your patriotic duty, or something like that. Information about the candidates is available here.
Neighbors Unhappy with Superfund Cleanup
Rachel Rindfleisch at Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, Land Pollution & Hazardous Waste locations - 15 hours ago
By: Nathan Lamb A plan to corral contaminants at an old wood treatment plant has been approved by federal regulators, but the solution is unpopular with neighbors, according to this story from the Gainesville Sun. The Koppers wood treatment plant operated from 1919 to 2009, but soil and groundwater contamination at the 90-acre site landed the Gainesville business on the federal Superfund cleanup list in 1984. The contaminants include the carcinogen dioxin, which has been found in soil at the site and neighboring properties. According to the EPA, the contamination stemmed from waste... more »
JPMorgan Executives Caught Stealing Millions From California Electricity Users
If you watched the History Channel series, *The Men Who Built America* you may recall that JP Morgan backed Thomas Edison and made a bid to control the electric industry in America. The clip above is just an introduction and doesn't go into Morgan's ruthlessness. Today JP Morgan is an even more powerful Wall Street firm than the founder could have ever imagined-- and, once again, ruthless in its quest to make money from electricity. Like Enron before them, the Morgan criminal banksters are manipulating California's electricity markets to enrich themselves while rate payers are fl... more »
*Sideways attacking SLFPA-E lawsuit, Bobby Jindal is now saying new levee system 'changed the water flow'* *Massive African Dust Storm Cooling Atlantic Hurricane Odds for Early August ~Dr. Jeff Masters, Weather Underground* *Many rally around Merritt Landry to raise money for legal expenses * *Honestly, we thought they were kidding about this one: NOPD postpones criticized proposed ban on visible tattoos* *Five years later, Bywater murder victim's family still searching for answers* *Aug. 1 brings changes to state's child-relinquish / safe haven law * *Cadet works to impress Payto... more »
Hillary Clinton Receives the American Patriot Award…No, Really
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Kimberly Paxton In a move that could only be topped in irony by President Barack “Drone-the-Children” Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize,Hillary Rodham Clinton has been honored with the American Patriot Award from the National Defense University Foundation. Lest you think that this is a joke, please check your calendars and note that the date is NOT April 1. This is for real. Clinton was chosen . . . take a deep breath . . . for her defense of our nation. The former Secretary of State, who resigned in a flurry of scandal after her ... more »
BBC Pushing Lies and Propaganda For The Royal Family
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] *Mick Meaney * I had to record this for you, it's the BBC Breakfast show and demonstrates that, even when they attempt to appear balanced, the BBC ridicule, lie and distort the truth on behalf of the British Monarchy. Disgusting display of "journalism". *Please visit RINF.com for more from Mick Meaney -- based in the UK.* Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.
Μολὼν λαβέ
Μολὼν λαβέ is translated from the ancient Greek as "come and take them", made famous as the response of the Spartans to the Persians when asked to lay down their weapons. It's a belligerant and confrontational and defiant laconic phrase, and what I say to all those people who ask for peer-reviewed research showing that ozone is toxic to trees, and then won't read it. This is the second summer that my little farm, Wit's End, has remained untended by motorized grooming. I just couldn't afford the lawn service anymore and besides, I always hated the noise, the smell and of course the... more »
Congress: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on … Americans?" Clapper: "No, sir…not wittingly."
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Lily Dane At a March 12, 2103 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) asked Director James Clapper, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Director Clapper responded, “No, sir…not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps, but not, not wittingly.” Here is a clip of that exchange: In early June 2013, whistleblower Edward Snowden began leaking information that revealed that the NSA does, in fact, collect private... more »
"Syrian" Fighters (?) Tell Northern Caucasus Muslims "Wage Jihad at Home"
*My bad!* Yesterday, I had swore off blogging for one day. Gotta take a break ya know? Yet, here I am. What was it that pushed me here today? An article too relevant, too timely, for me to take a pass on. *First, a brief rehash.* I had given readers a *‘heads up’* on the upcoming Sochi Olympics and the potential for terror attacks in Russia about two weeks back, *July 17/13 in this post. *Which was followed up with *further clarification here* Yesterday, I posted two related posts. Hope you took the time to read them both? If you didn’t....... , why not? ... more »
Brain-to-Brain Control Established Between Humans and Animals at Harvard
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...] Coming Soon image source *Activist Post* Every day seems to bring new revelations in the area of neuroscience. Based on the recent whistleblower release of a secret DARPA mind control program at Arizona State University, and the subsequent takedown of those documents, it appears that ethical concerns in this field are indeed justified. Obama's BRAIN project appears to being paying dividends, as other recently leaked documents reveal a"nudge squad" program being developed to employ new, sophisticated narrative propaganda ai... more »
Edward Snowden granted one year temporary asylum in Russia and has left the Airport Terminal for an undisclosed location within Russia ............. Obama , the White House and NSA Ilosing face as Russia shows who calls the shots - interesting coincidence of timing Snowden received temporary asylum right after the Bradley Manning conviction on multiple counts of espionage !
http://rt.com/news/snowden-entry-papers-russia-902/ Snowden granted 1-year asylum in Russia, leaves airport Published time: August 01, 2013 11:45 Edited time: August 01, 2013 12:16 Get short URL [image: Ex CIA employee Edward Snowden (RIA Novosti)] Ex CIA employee Edward Snowden (RIA Novosti) Share on tumblr Trends NSA leaks Tags Russia, Snowden, USA NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia and is allowed to enter the country’s territory. The whistleblower has been granted temporary political asylum in Russia, Snowden's legal representative Anatoly... more »
Pipelines And Pipe Dreams
Barack Obama has been signalling that the Keystone Pipeline is not all it's cracked up to be. In a recent interview in the New York Times, he said that the argument that Keystone will be a big job creator is a myth. In reality, it may only produce 2,000 immediate jobs and 50 to 100 long term ones. Tasha Kheiriddin writes that, if Keystone goes down, the dream of a Conservative political hegemony will go down with it: Pipelines represent the key to a Western Canadian century – and the Tories’ dreams of political hegemony. Just like opening up the St. Lawrence Seaway boosted Centra... more »
CIA warning for Threats from Outerspace
Summertime always offers highly speculative or sheer nonsense 'news'. Man bites dog news, as I use to call it. A few examples? Ice melts in the Arctic. Reality is here. Massive solar flare just missed the earth. There wasn't one. Reality is in the film that you might want to see below. Ex-CIA director *Jim Woolsey* warns in it for the occurrence of threats from space. A panel of important experts on security issues contribute to it. In fact the list with frivolous journalistic Summer-nonsense and exaggerations could go on. Yet, between all ridiculous presentations the reverse holds ... more »
Old times: Chunghwa Market (中華商場)
*Is there any better way to spend an afternoon?* A video of the Chunghwa Market on Facebook ...with additional photos here on Facebook. It was demolished in the early 1990s. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Five Most Popular Posts for July
The five most read posts of the month were: 1. Martin Smith Resigns from the SWP 2. Islam and the New Atheists 3. MPs on Twitter 4. Rape Threats, Twitter, and Masculinity 5. Owen Jones is Worse than Hitler You can pretty much guarantee that when the SWP are having a spot of bother, thousands of people come charging this way in search of a bit of commentary and/or gossip. Now it appears the Socialist Party too are having difficulties, it will be interesting to see if my planned post on that this month will attract similar numbers. Or is it that "popular" sectology is confined to the ... more »
Barbara Yaffe Lied, Why? Corporate Controlled Media?
Meet another media personality who is either lazy, unintelligent or a deliberate liar.....Barbara Yaffe joins Enbridge at the hip and blatantly lies her face off.....Let`s start with the Enbridge hearings...1,159 opposed to Enbridge and 2 speakers in favour....Details below.. _________ * ** ** After more than a year of hearings, the National Energy Board panel reviewing Enbridge’s oil tanker and pipeline proposal completed the community hearings phase of its review in Vancouver on Friday.**The final tally in the largest National Energy Board hearings in history was 1,159 speakers ... more »
600,000 FBI Employment Background Checks Contain ErrorsFBI Can't Be Sued...
Did you know the FBI sells employment background checks to the States and private companies? If they make a mistake you can't sue, there is no redress. 600,000 people had inaccurate information in their background checks!
Welcome To 2001, Christy Clark Redux
I do recall Christy Clark stating during the 2013 election writ period that a fall(2013) legislative session would be held, in fact Christy Clark said fall sessions would be a regular occurrence in British Columbia, and now that the electorate has granted the BC Liberals another term in power those fall session promises made by Christy have been tossed aside, thrown into the gutter, ....and if one asks the Liberals about their statements confirming fall sessions will be held..all that can be heard is banter like this.. "*what, who, me, you mean us, the ruling Government holding fa... more »
Neoconservative writers at *Commentary* are today pushing hard for an ‘imminent’ attack against Iran and its nuclear facilities. Evelyn Gordon, an extremist Greater Israel Zionist, says in her piece entitled “There’s No More Time to Waste on Iran” that: *The best argument I’ve yet seen for bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities imminently is a chilling new report from the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security *(ISIS) *saying that by the middle of next year, Iran will have reached “critical capability”–the ability to build a nuclear bomb completely undetected.... more »
A Soldier Cannot Be A Rebel
"IMO the case was overcharged in the matters of "aiding the enemy" and the espionage statute. I think Manning is too trivial a person for that to have been his goal. Nevertheless, the BBC and other unfriendly propaganda organizations are drooling over the chance to bash the US for prosecuting a sworn member of the US Army for having massively broken his oath of enlistment and all the undertakings that he made to safeguard classified information. He felt the army reveled in its role of killing? What did he think he was joining when he voluntarily enlisted, the Boy Scouts? I think ... more »
Iran Alarmism and the "Time is Running Out" Canard
The following is the 76th update to my comprehensive, ongoing compendium of constant predictions and prognostications regarding the supposed inevitability and imminence of an alleged Iranian nuclear weapon, hysterical allegations that have been made repeatedly for the past three decades. Citing the latest hysterical analysis of Iran's nuclear program by the Institute for Science and
Spain - crumbling housing sector and continuing corruption scandals in focus !
Spain's housing market - another five years of declines in home sales and prices loom ? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-07-31/save-spains-housing-market-it-must-first-be-destroyed To Save Spain's Housing Market, It Must First Be Destroyed [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2013 23:00 -0400 - Bad Bank - Gross Domestic Product - Housing Bubble - Housing Market - Japan - Real estate - Unemployment About a decade ago, Spain set off to "grow" its economy by launching an unprecedented homebuilding campaign. Several yea... more »
Bernanke: A Tenure of Failure
*If stock market’s took a dive when US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke hinted his psuedo golden shower of monetary stimulus might come to an end, just what might happen when the Great Stimulator leaves the building altogether, asks this guest post by John Cochran.* Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s term as chairman of the Fed expires at the end of the year and President Obama has quite ungraciously indicated his intent to replace him, remarking that he had, “already stayed a lot longer than he wanted or he was supposed to.” Despite what Mort Zukerman has argued in his column title... more »
Nick Ruiz for Congress: Endless Summer
As you probably know, Blue America has endorsed Nick Ruiz, a professor, a surfer and a former Green Party candidate running as a progressive Democrat now, against anti-environmental corporate stooge John Mica in a central Florida district next to Alan Grayson's. Grayson should be able to fly back and forth between Orlando and DC with Nick rather than Mica and his weird wig. Nick has a contest for the month of August-- Nick Ruiz for Congress: Endless Summer-- and we want to make sure you know about it. From Nick: "I'd like to announce a a very special contest for NRIII 2014 suppor... more »
NSA 's XKeyscore - one click real time access to basically every internet activity....
http://rt.com/news/xkeyscore-nsa-snowden-prism-858/ NSA's XKeyscore gives one-click real-time access to almost any internet activity Published time: July 31, 2013 16:31 Edited time: July 31, 2013 20:34 Get short URL [image: The map of XKeyscore servers from a 2008 presentation (Image from theguardian.com)] The map of XKeyscore servers from a 2008 presentation (Image from theguardian.com) Share on tumblr Trends NSA leaks Tags Law, Scandal, SciTech, Security,Snowden, USA New revelations about NSA surveillance systems show that it was enough to fill in a short ‘justification’ form bef... more »
Obamacare Exchange subsidies possibly illegal ? How much of the law can withstand legal challenges that inevitably will keep coming ? It would appear this whole mishmash blows up but probably not until after the Mid - term elections in 2014 ! In the interim , as the implementation flounders along with the promises folks bought into , Affordable Care becomes about as popular as the average Congress Critter....
Congress, Experts Question Legality of Obamacare Exchange Subsidies IRS, Democrats defend administration’s decision to extend subsidies to all exchanges [image: AP] AP BY: Andrew Evans July 31, 2013 4:40 pm The Obama administration cannot legally offer federal subsidies to help people buy insurance on federally run health insurance exchanges, legal experts and Congressional Republicans argued Wednesday, potentially threatening the central feature of Obamacare. Obamacare mandates that each state have a health insurance exchange where people can buy insurance, and the federal g... more »
So , when the US is not " fighting " Al Qaeda ( really just mainly talking about fighting a War on Terror mainly during campaign stumpers , speeches in Congress or Television posings ) , the US Military is contracting in Afghanistan ...... with Al Qaeda ?
recall this post - where US Protection of Al Qaeda was discussed ... On the day Bradley Manning gets convicted for espionage , isn't it ironic to look at and consider who gets put on trial for aiding the enemy and who doesn't ? Id aiding Al Qaeda isn'r aiding the enemy , then just what is happening there ? Peter Dale Scott blows the doors wide open with his missive on US protection of Alqaeda and the dirty political / geoplotical gamemanship going on - even to this day ! http://japanfocus.org/-Peter_Dale-Scott/3971 *The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 29, No. 1, July 29, ... more »
Lamar W. Hankins : Alcoholics Anonymous, Nonbelievers, and the Constitution
Alcoholics Anonymous "praying hands" medallion. Image from Alternatives in Treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous, nonbelievers, and the Constitution AA proponents argue that the 'higher power' found in its steps can be whatever one wants it to be. Yet plainly religious practices go on at AA meetings, such as prayer, scripture-quoting, and the crediting of a supernatural 'higher power.' By Lamar W.
For those of us numbed by the realities of climate change, a warm welcome to the new ClimateProgress
*Royal Thai Navy personnel work to clean up the oil spill on Ao Phrao Beach on the island of Koh Samet on July 30.* -- from CNN.com (see below) *by Ken* The other day ThinkProgress announced, in addition to a revamping of the thinkprogress.org website, "a major expansion of its coverage of climate change" with the introduction of ClimateProgress, a "hub for all things climate, energy, and environment-related." (Actually it's a *re*-introduction of ClimateProgress, which had a run from 2006 to 2011, when it was merged into ThinkProgress.) I confess that I devote far too little atte... more »
A Kid With a Utility Knife Gets Mowed Down. In Montreal, a Guy With 182 Firearms Who Shoots at Cops Gets a Non-Lethal Rubber Bullet.
Isidore Havis is a lucky man. He's especially lucky that he lives in the Montreal burbs, not in Toronto. 71-year old Havis is in a Montreal hospital with a possible broken bone received when Quebec police decided to take him down with rubber bullets. 18-year old Sammy Yatim lies in a funeral parlour after a Toronto cop went after him with nine, 40 mm. hollow-point bullets. Havis was armed and actually fired a round at the cops who surrounded his house. Yatim waved around a 3-inch knife but actually attacked no one, least of all the cop who unleashed a fusillade of fire into his ... more »
Greece items of the day - first the politically correct media , then the view from the greek street......
Greece news of note..... *IMF urges more debt relief, reforms and financing* The International Monetary Fund attempted to focus Greek and European minds on Wednesday as it argued that Greece faces an 11-billion-euro funding gap and will need further debt relief, while warning Athens that a failure to overhaul its public sector will force the government to adopt more austerity measures. In its 207-page report of the fourth review of the Greek adjustment program, the Washington-based fund raised serious questions about the scheme’s sustainability. IMF staff, led by the Fund’s repres... more »
Define "Democratic Reform"
You knew when Harper appointed Pierre Pepperpot to his cabinet as minister for democratic reform, something remarkably undemocratic was bound to follow. And so it has. Pipsqueak Pollivre has struck, opining that the very provinces that forged our confederation need not approve of the most undemocratic government in Canada's history's plans to remake the Senate. Anything short of abolishing the Senate can be done, in house, by the federal government without provincial consent claims the miniscule member for Kanata. No need to re-open the constitution, claims Pollivre. Steve can d... more »
TEPCO is " sorry " that SARRY doesn't work .... joining Kurion cesium absorption system and AREVA co - precipitation system on the failure scrap heap soon ? BTW , if there is only seven days left of storage capacity , where does highly contaminated water go on the eighth day ? If you guess the Pacific Ocean , you win the booby prize ! Unless Tepco is immediately removed from being in charge of whatever reduction of contamination - let alone moving forward to shutting down the ongoing debacle , Japan will be destroyed slowly and methodically ....
TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2013 One Thing or Another at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant Series No. N: SARRY (Cesium Absorption System) Stopped What's more worrisome than SARRY being stopped (TEPCO does have backups - Kurion's cesium absorption towers and AREVA's decontamination system if they really need treatment) is how little capacity left in storing the highly contaminated water (7 days worth). According to TEPCO's email notice for the press (7/31/2013): 7月30日、「ブースターポンプ停止/漏えい検知」の警報が発生し、第二セシウム吸着装置(サリー)が停止したことについての続報です。 SARRY (cesium absorption system) stopped after an alarm sounded on July 30 si... more »
#SurveillanceState: When acts of honour are made illegal
*"When robbery is done in open daylight by sanction of the law, as it is done |today, then any act of honour or restitution has to be hidden underground." *-Ragnar Danneskjold The government wants to spy on your communications and harvest your private details. Actually, they already consider they have the power to do that—and have done it to some—now they just want to do it legally. Their argument is they need to spy on you to protect you. But this argument falls at the first hurdle. If the “war” they are engaged in involves warding off terrorists, then that war requires naming... more »
Fifty shades of Theft ( not gray ) ? Chinese interests looting Detroit on the cheap - where is the outrage or has that deal been quietly worked out ? Kleptocracy update - our financial system doesn't enable theft , it is theft says Charles Hugh - Smith ......Speaking of theft - even the poor are gaming the taxpayers - look at the welfare fraud in play in NY ! At the end of the day , when everything is being stolen from the taxpayer - by the chinese , by the financial system , by con people hustling welfare benefits , what does the taxpayer call himself / herself - the new poor ?
http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/why-are-the-chinese-gobbling-up-real-estate-and-businesses-in-detroit Why Are The Chinese Gobbling Up Real Estate And Businesses In Detroit? By Michael Snyder, on July 30th, 2013 [image: Detroit Michigan at Milwaukee Junction looking southwest at Russell Industrial Complex - Photo by no body atoll]Something very strange is happening to Detroit. Once upon a time, it was the center of American manufacturing and it had the highest per capita income in the United States. But now the city is dying and the Chinese are moving in to pick up... more »
Time to go, Billy . . .
THE TORONTO POLICE ARE MORALLY CORRUPT — and Chief Bill Blair is responsible. On his watch, the police have committed the most egregious of acts: conspiracy to violate the Police Act. Starting with the G20 debacle, where officers conspired to remove any identification to link them to the crimes they gleefully committed on the citizens of Toronto. Const. James "Killer" Forcillo Now,
ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: Something happened in England. Why? [updated]
*Here’s the news on tonight’s meeting from our friends at the Auckland Uni Economics Group:* Three-hundred years ago, something unprecedented happened in Britain. For thousands of years of human history, production had barely if ever risen above subsistence levels. Then all of a sudden, in late-eighteenth century Britain, production and prosperity took off--and population with it. Why? This is the question we’ll look at tonight—the answer to which has enormous implications for why some places are rich, while others just suck. Along the way we’ll discuss some other related questi... more »
Elsewhere: Senate Deal, more
Lots of stuff to pass along, including one on the Senate deal still holding on today's ATF vote. One quick addition to that: it's worth remembering that the Senate deal is important, and that the potential instability in the tag-team approach is important, because Republicans are still filibustering everything. So it still takes 60 to defeat all these filibusters; all that's happened is that some Republicans are willing to help the Democrats defeat those filibusters in order to avoid a nuclear confrontation. But the filibusters are still going on. Here's the other recent ones, begin... more »
*Jindal looks for ways to intervene in levee lawsuit ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate*
An impressive story you might have missed. Music by Choi Sung Bong...
Link: http://youtu.be/BewknNW2b8Y - click in picture to start this film! Link: http://youtu.be/VPfwY8TLGJ4 - click in picture to start this film! *The story* behind *Choi Sung-Bong* is *heart-breaking*... Just listen to it. Some believed it was a hoax! It wasn't. From a simple young man without *anything* -except his music- to a star in a few seconds. It happened in "Korea has Talent", 2011. An example of the extra-ordinary. These things do happen. He didn't win the contest, but came to fame. I lost track of Sung-Bong on April 17th, 2013. On his bike he was hit by cars... His agent ... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Softening of outer Earth and “surface-only” oriented beings occurs at this time
* * *Softening of outer Earth and “surface-only” oriented beings occurs at this time* by ÉirePort Softening of outer Earth and "surface-only" oriented beings occurs at this time. This may be reflected and/or caused by various weather and surface-crustal shiftings, as well as personal/individual shifts of the so-called "unexpected" nature. Higher Guidance and Higher Level Beings assist with this softening, as individual soul contracts must be honored. Paradigms formerly "unyielding" to all human efforts to remedy, will find softening, resolution, and revolution. ÉirePort | July 3... more »
Joseph W. Martin, Jr., "MOPE, Blythe and a Derivatives Dreams"
* * * "MOPE, Blythe and a Derivatives Dreams"* by Joseph W. Martin, Jr. "Ok so let's get this straight, the dirtbags in Washington don't like the way the economic numbers are coming in so they revise the way the numbers are calculated (all the way back to 1929!) to make them stink less and so they can claim that the (non-existent) recovery is even better than the last batch of lies they told about it. Have we reached the point that all this MOPE (management of perception economics, i.e "the new normal") has finally over estimated the stupidity and naïveté of the American public? ... more »
Humility: A Lesson Most Needed and Least Often Acknowledged | the becoming radical
The list of what public schools need in the US is long and complex, but a great starting point would be lessons in humility for those who have decided they know best when all the evidence suggests otherwise. READ FULL POST HERE: Humility: A Lesson Most Needed and Least Often Acknowledged | the becoming radical.
(It's Everyone For Her/Himself!) Talk About Something Else We Can't Afford (Investigative Journalism?), America's Real Subversives: FBI and NSA, and Heart-Stopping Painter
The end of investigative journalism? I thought that happened during the election of 2000? But what do I know. NEWSFLASH! Glenn Greenwald to Jeffrey Toobin: You’re “Calling for the End of Investigative Journalism”By Prachi Gupta Toobin agreed with the Bradley Manning verdict, saying that the WikiLeaks source "should be going to prison" VIDEO Corporate sell-outs? Get me my fainting salts!
Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Amendment to Eliminate Aid to Egypt - 7/31/13
"Foreign aid is more likely to buy a lavish chateau in Paris than it is to buy bread in Egypt." - Senator Rand Paul. "Over the past 30 years Americans have been forced to finance the Mubarak family living large. So when you see pictures of depression in Detroit, when you see abandoned housing in Detroit, when you see boarded up housing, when you see 50,000 dogs running through the streets of Detroit, when you see a once great nation, once great city lying in decay, you think about your politicians who chose to send that money to Egypt and not keep it here at home. As Detroit decays,...more »
Top 10 George Zimmerman Excuses for Speeding
Earlier today, George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Florida man found not guilty in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin two and a half weeks ago, was pulled over in North Texas for speeding. In the Ford pickup he was driving was a gun. When asked by Texas law enforcement officers where he was going in such a hurry, Zimmerman reportedly replied, "Nowhere in particular" then asked the deputy if he recognized him from television. Zimmerman was eventually sent on his way with just a verbal warning. But that was just the first thing Mr. Zimmerman said to the officers when asked where he... more »
Slides to Two Recent Talks Connecting the Themes of Ethics, Crime and Psychiatry are Now Online
Just to inform that the slides to my two talks at the 33rd International Congress of Law and Mental Health, held in Amsterdam earlier this summer, are now available online for viewing, download and sharing via my Academia.edu site. Both talks represent work in progress, where I am in the beginning of combining thinking on different topics that I have been touching on in isolation before, but which are nevertheless related through their connection to certain aspects of criminal law policy connecting to medical views of human nature. They are: *1. The Return of Lombroso? Ethical and ... more »
Obama Turning Over A New Leaf On Austerity?
The American face of Europe's failed Austerity Agenda Michael Tomasky is a pretty sharp guy-- and not some kind of Beltway shill. So when he professes that Obama might be going in a progressive direction, I thought it would be worth at least hearing him out. In the Daily Beast Monday he warned Obama not to blow his moment. "The president," he writes, "is at last sounding aggressive about progressive policies-- namely, that to save the country, we need to save the middle class." I have to admit, when I read Tomasky's tweet-- "Finally, Obama Gets in the Face of the Austerity Caucus!"--... more »
July 31 Update: "Nothing is happening".... *snort* buhahhahahah!!! Oh, and more info about Iraq
http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com/2013/07/july-31-update-nothing-is-happening.html Wednesday, 31 July 2013 July 31 Update: "Nothing is happening".... *snort* buhahhahahah!!! Oh, and more info about Iraq As I mentioned yesterday in the Charts article, the most awesome research team in the world have dragged some brilliant pieces of information and links into the spot light. I haven't been able to even remotely get the info/links put together in any semblance of organization, but a few of these pieces just absolutely needed to be put out here now. Edited about 3 minu... more »
EXTRA : Rag Blog Editor Dreyer Does it in Public this Friday!
Poster art by James Retherford / The Rag Blog. The banner, designed by famed comix artist Gilbert Shelton, is from the original Rag, Austin's legendary underground newspaper published from 1966-1977. Rag Blog editor Thorne Dreyer just keeps getting older! "Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional." -- Chili Davis, hitting coach, Oakland Athletics From the Rag Blog Society Desk /
Kindergarten CCSS madness? Buckle up Robin!
My recent post of first grade vocabulary from the New York State Education Department’s EngageNY website created a tremendous discussion. Is Common Core curriculum produced by Core Knowledge© age appropriate? Is this a symptom of the Common Core in general? Does the Common Core address the cognitive development of primary aged students? Once again the […]
What Caused the Iraq War? David Lake Replies to Debs and Monteiro
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by David Lake, who is the Jerri-Ann and Gary E. Jacobs Professor of Social Sciences and Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego. It responds to an article published in International Organization by Alex Debs and Nuno Monteiro. Their post on the subject appeared yesterday. Continue reading
Gennifer Flowers gets dragged out again!
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2013* *Along with Daisy Buchanan:* As she starts her latest column, Maureen Dowd is in crackpot heaven. She gets *everything* into her first four grafs, including Howard Stern: DOWD (7/31/13): *The cruelly misunderstood Anthony Weiner has “no idea” if he’s about to be stabbed by another stiletto heel.* “These are people who I thought were friends, people I trusted when I communicated with them,” he told Denis Hamill of The Daily News. “But who knows what they might do now?” Yes, who knows? Free-spirited young women having digital sex with a well-known politici... more »
Racist anti-White Hater, Doreen Lawrence, rewarded with seat in UK Government
Doreen Lawrence - the mother of the dead Stephen Lawrence - is to be rewarded by the enemies of the nation for her services in dæmonising indigenous Britons, with a seat in the House of Lords. The House of Lords is the highest court in the UK. It is also the upper chamber of parliament, and thus the tier of government with the power to overturn any and all legislation. In the faux democracy of the UK, the House of Commons is nothing but a front for the Establishment, which is used to give the impression that the people have a voice. The House of Lords, on the other hand, more r... more »
The crowd assembly of logic
We live both mythically and integrally, so said Marshall McLuhan in 1964. The bourgeois-scientific method (valuable though it is) consists of isolating elements in time and space to understand them. The way of understanding irrupting into our modern world is pattern building and integral. I’d argue it is consistent with a working-class-as-universal-class way of thinking. Granted, for the moment, it remains shackled to the prerogative of capital accumulation, but it is an example of the future concealed within the present. Two examples – the crowd assembly of logic: 1) Corners ... more »
The crowd assembly of logic
We live both mythically and integrally, so said Marshall McLuhan in 1964. The bourgeois-scientific method (valuable though it is) consists of isolating elements in time and space to understand them. The way of understanding irrupting into our modern world is pattern building and integral. I’d argue it is consistent with a working-class-as-universal-class way of thinking. Granted, for the moment, it remains shackled to the prerogative of capital accumulation, but it is an example of the future concealed within the present. Two examples – the crowd assembly of logic: 1) Corners ... more »
“Old Man Rothschild Was Right…”
* “Old Man Rothschild Was Right…”* by Bill Bonner “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws.” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild “When we left you yesterday we were lamenting how the American working classes have lost ground. Today, the typical working stiff has a lower real income than he had in 1950. Wait… Is that possible? Yes. As we showed yesterday, he has to work longer today to pay for a family car and a house than did six decades ago. In 1950, he could support a family. Today, he can barely support himself. Almost everyone misunderstands why. They ...more »
An illustration...
Here’s a small illustration of the problem with the argument that you debate fascists to defeat them. Fascist mass murder Anders Breivik has applied to study a module of a degree course (although it will not lead to a degree) in political science at the University of Oslo. It’s in keeping with his intellectual megalomania, but the issue is the rector of the university said his application will have to be judged on its merits. While there’s probably nothing legally to stop Breivik from studying it is totally galling that this is even possible. One of the survivors of the Utoya massa... more »
*Peggy McMartin* "As is clear in *Dave McGowan*'s *Pedophocracy*: * **"Every single one of the six cases he looked into involved women as child abusers. * "In no small numbers either. *"In the most famous case, the McMartin scandal, all but one of the seven teachers involved were women.* "And sure, in each of these cases the media concentrated on the men and pretty much left the women out of the picture... *Hollida Wakefield.* "Ralph Underwager's wife, Hollida Wakefield, who co-founded the *False Memory Syndrome Foundation* with him, was accused of paedophilia by their daughter... more »
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