The primary media outlets in every country are dominated by collectivists who believe it is their duty to filter or alter the news so the common man will have a “correct” opinion. Even those of us who are aware of this bias can fall victim to it if we have no access to the raw facts.
Institute for Historical Review
In recent years prominent American politicians and other influential public figures have spoken repeatedly of the alleged danger of Iran’s nuclear program, and have again and again threatened war against this Middle East nation of 75 million ... How real is this “threat”? How dangerous is Iran? What’s behind the campaign for war? And what does all this mean for Americans? In fact, the so-called Iran “crisis” is artificial ... Often ignored amid the clamor for war are the sober warnings of informed scholars, historians, specialists, analysts, and military leaders, who point out some basic, key facts: Iran is not building nuclear weapons, Iran is not a threat to the US ... War is not the answer. What’s needed instead is a bold new reality-based approach toward Iran.
... [In August 1953] the United States carried out a secret operation to overthrow the Iranian prime minister, Muhammad Mosaddeq, and restore the shah to his throne. Iranians were aware of this "secret" at the time, and its basic facts have been well known since the 1960s. The story, however, is worth retelling: its repercussions are felt to this day. [In this book] Kinzer deftly uses scholarly accounts, memoirs, and official records (including the CIA's once-classified internal history of the coup, written by the late Donald Wilber) to produce a crisp, readable narrative ... By concentrating on those Americans, British, and Iranians who hatched and carried out the plot, All the Shah's Men reads like a morality play or a le Carre spy story.
Angels - gifs
Remove 'Shockwave Flash has crashed' virus
The Communization of Russia
Alliance of Bankers and Revolution
Assessing the grim legacy of Soviet communism
7 ways our children are being brainwashed
20 Medications That Cause Memory Loss
Prescription drugs cause over 100,000 deaths per year and cause another 1.5 million people to experience side effects so severe they must be hospitalized.
Adverse drug reactions are now the fourth leading cause of death in the US. (1)

Culprits of Autism Identified: Toxins, Gut Bacteria, Nutritional Deficiencies, and Vaccines Made with Human Fetal Cell Lines
Three decades ago, when I was still in medical school, autism affected one in 10,000 children.1, 2 Today, autism is estimated to afflict as many as one in 50 children.3
Mounting research indicates that brain disorders are the result of excessive exposure to … More
Growing List Of NorCal Communities Running Out Of Water In Just 60 Days
September 27, 2014
Food Freedom News - Links
Here are sites worth checking out:
Food & Farm Warriors
Food & Farm Warriors
- 100 Mile Diet
- Abolish the FDA
- Agriculture Defense Coalition
- Agrigirl
- Alliance for Natural Health
- American Community Gardening Assn
- American Naturopathic Medical Assn
- Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance
- Beacon Food Forest (Beacon Hill, Washington)
- Beginning Farmers
- Biopolitical Times
- Bloomin Thyme
- California Food & Justice
- Canadian Biotechnology Action Network
- Canadian Organic Growers
- Carnicom Institute (Morgellons/Chemtrails)
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Food Safety
- City Farmer News (Vancouver BC)
- City Harvest Co-op (Victoria BC)
- Civil Eats
- Coalition Against Geo-Engineering
- Codex Alimentarius per USDA
- Colorado Independent CattleGrowers Assn
- Common Sense Canadian
- Cookus Interruptus
- Co-op Directory
- Compassion in World Farming
- Cornucopia Institute
- Dairy Direct 2U
- Down to Earth (Hawaii)
- Dr. Rath Health Foundation
- Earth Island Institute
- Earth Open Source
- Ecological Farming Assn
- Enviro & Food Justice
- Family Farm Defenders
- Farm Aid
- Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
- Farm Food Freedom Fighters
- Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
- Farmland Grab
- Federal Food ‘Safety’ Working Group
- Fluoride Action Network
- Food Clubs and Co-ops
- Food Democracy Now!
- Food First
- Food for Maine’s Future
- Food Freedom (blog)
- Food Freedom News (new site)
- Food Matters TV
- Food Not Bombs
- Food Renegade
- Food Sleuth Radio
- Food Spring
- Food Truth & Freedom
- Food World Order
- Geoengineering Watch
- Georgians for Pastured Poultry
- GM Contamination Events
- GM Free Churches
- GMO Free USA
- GreenMedInfo
- Ground Reality (Devinder Sharma)
- Grow Your Own Groceries
- Guerrilla Gardening Los Angeles
- Guerrilla Gardening UK
- Hawaii Seed
- Health Impact News
- Health Maven
- Herb Prof, Paul Blake, ND
- Home Food Preservation
- Hungry for Change TV
- Incredible Edible Todmorden
- Institute of Organic Training & Advice
- Institute of Science in Society (on GMOs)
- Journal of Living Food and Healing
- Just Label It
- Keep Food Legal
- La Via Campesina
- Label GMOs
- Local Harvest
- Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners
- Mercola.com
- Michigan Organic Food & Farm Alliance
- Midwest Organic & Sustainable Edu Srvc
- Millennium Seed Bank Project (UK)
- Millions Against Monsanto
- Moms Across America
- Moms for Safe Food
- Mother Earth News
- National Family Farm Coalition
- National Health Federation
- National Home Gardening
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- Natural News
- Natural Solutions Foundation
- NE Organic Dairy Producers
- NE Organic Farming Assn
- Non GMO Project
- Northern Plains Sustainable Ag
- Off-Grid
- Off the Grid News
- Ohio Ecological Food & Farm
- Organic and Non-GMO Report
- Organic Consumers Assn
- Organic Crop Improvement Assn
- Organic Nation
- Organic Pastures
- Organic Seed Co-op
- Organic Seed Growers & Trade Assn
- Peoples Coalition on Food Sovereignty
- Pesticide Action Network
- Pick-A-Pepper
- Project Agent Orange info and action site
- Project Agent Orange Poetry Blog for Agent Orange Victims
- RAW – working to end factory farming
- Raw Food Freedom
- Raw for 30 Days
- Raw Milk Party
- Raw Milk Retailers
- Rawesome Real Food Rights
- Real Bread Campaign
- Real Food Channel
- Real Food University
- Real Time Farms
- Rural America MRCC
- Rural Vermont
- Save New Mexico Seeds
- Save Our Seeds (EU)
- Savvy Organic Shopper
- Say No to GMOs
- Seattle Local Food
- Seattle Tilth
- Seed Lady Network (open source seed sharing)
- Seed Living
- Seed Savers Exchange
- Slow Food
- Slow Food USA
- So Far From Heaven
- South Central (LA) Farmers
- Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
- Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
- Spin Farming
- SRNC fights Agenda 21
- Stop GE Trees
- Sugar Mountain Farm
- Superfood Living
- Survival International
- Sustainable Living Systems
- Texas Real Milk
- The Backyard Provider
- The Bovine
- The Complete Patient
- The Food Project
- The Organic Prepper
- The Peoples Amendment
- The Urban Farming Guys
- The Xerces Society
- Tuberose
- Urban Farm Hub
- Urban Garden Share
- Urban Honey Collective
- Vaccine Research Library (Dr. Sherry Tenpenny)
- Vandana Shiva – Navdanya
- Vermont Food Sovereignty
- Virginia Food Freedom
- Volatility – cerebral discussion of food rights, among other items
- Well Fed Neighbor Alliance
- Weston A Price Foundation
- World’s Healthiest Foods
- Wyoming Food Freedom
- Yup Farming
- A People’s History
- Activist Post
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- Alan Watt
- Alexander Higgins
- Amicus Down Under
- Anon: What Is The Plan?
- AnonOps
- Anti-Empire Report
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- Antiwar Casualty Count
- AntiWar.com
- Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
- Ascension 101
- BC Chemtrail Alert
- Beat the Chip
- Before It’s News
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- Big Brother Watch UK
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- Bradley Manning Support Network
- BuildingWhat.org
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- CasaZaza Art
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- Chomsky.info
- Citizens for Legitimate Government
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- Haaretz.com
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- Iceland Review
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- Interface: a journal for and about social movements
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17 mins ·
Philadelphia teachers have been using their own money to buy basic school supplies and textbooks after Republican Governor Tom Corbett gutted the education budget by $1.5 billion. Their sacrifice was rewarded last night after a state panel abruptly canceled their health benefits. Meanwhile, Governor Corbett is aggressively promoting a $1.7 tax break for Shell Oil--the largest corporate giveaway in the state's history.
Can someone explain how this makes any sense?
Police Make 11 Arrests And Seize 190 Pounds Of Unlicensed Ginseng Plus $30,000 In Cash
Police Make 11 Arrests And Seize 190 Pounds Of Unlicensed Ginseng Plus $30,000 In Cash
1 hr ·
As Eric Holder resigns, he leaves behind a series of scandals.
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