The Cat's Eye Nebula, a planetary nebula formed by the death of a star with about the same mass as the Sun. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Emblem of Hong Kong (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
A 26 segment × 3 exposure (78 frames in total) panoramic view of the Hong Kong skyline taken from a path around Victoria Peak. Français : Vue panoramique de Hong Kong depuis un sentier de Victoria Peak. Image construite en assemblant 78 clichés (26 visées × 3 expositions) réalisés avecun appareil Canon 5D et un objectif 85mm f/1.8 réglé sur f/5.6. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”
“Pamela and Randy Copus are the duo known as 2002. Randy Copus plays piano,
electric cello, guitar, bass and keyboards. Pamela Copus plays flutes,
harp, keyboards and a wind instrument called a WX5. Both musicians also
provide all of the vocals on their albums, recording their voices many,
many times and layering them to create a "virtual choir" with a celestial,
angelic quality.”
2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”
Will GOP Extremists Be Able to Dislodge Boehner From The Speaker's Chair?
Yesterday Boehner was boasting that he hadn't talked to Ted Cruz, the man
who would like to name the next Speaker of the House, since Cruz was first
elected to the Senate 2 years ago. A little bravado from the man who knows
he has a struggle to keep the top job in the House. The extremists and
radicals inside the House Republican caucus-- Team Cruz-- are determined to
depose Boehner… and *Roll Call*'s Matt Fuller took a look at their chances
yesterday. A couple weeks ago, we listed 17 Republicans who had either flat
out pledged to vote for someone other than Boehner or who had refu... more »
China Tells The U.S. And Other Countries To Not Meddle In Hong Kong
*China Tells Foreign Countries Not To Meddle In Hong Kong -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi responded on Wednesday to
comments by the United States and others on pro-democracy protests in Hong
Kong, saying foreign countries should not meddle in China's domestic
Wang, the most senior Chinese official to speak publicly about the
protests, said Beijing had "very formally and clearly stated its position:
Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs. All countries should
respect China's sovereignty."
He was speaking at the U.S. State Department before... more »
U.S. Secret Service In Utter Disarray
*Pierson Failed To Provide Fresh Start For Secret Service That
Administration Wanted -- Washington Post*
The resignation of Secret Service Director Julia Pierson and the launch of
a top-to-bottom review of the agency Wednesday are an acknowledgment by
President Obama of what he has long denied: that the force charged with
protecting him is in deep turmoil and struggling to fulfill its sacred
The 6,700-member agency, long an elite class of skilled professionals who
prized their jobs, now suffers from diminished luster and historically high
turnover rates. Officers in char... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Beautiful emission nebula NGC 6164 was created by a rare, hot, luminous
O-type star, some 40 times as massive as the Sun. Seen at the center of the
cosmic cloud, the star is a mere 3 to 4 million years old. In another three
to four million years the massive star will end its life in a supernova
*Click image for larger size.*
Spanning around 4 light-years, the nebula itself has a bipolar symmetry.
That makes it similar in appearance to more familiar planetary nebulae -
the gaseous shrouds surrounding dying sun-like stars. Also like many
planetary nebulae, NGC 6164 has bee... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet- On Pain"
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell
that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its
heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder
at the daily miracles of your life, your pain
would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your
heart, even as you have always accepted
the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity
through the winters of your grief.
Pain is the bitter potion by which the
physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust... more »
A Pueblo Indian Prayer
"Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do, even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand, even if someday I'll be gone away from you."
~ A Pueblo Indian Prayer
"Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."
- Kurt Vonnegut
"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"
- Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel
Chet Raymo, “Mind Over Matter?”
*“Mind Over Matter?”*
by Chet Raymo
“Musing about the Oxford maths kit yesterday brings to mind an age-old
question: Are those mathematical instruments a product of philosophy or
empirical science? That is to say: Do we invent mathematics, or do we
discover it in nature? The question came up in a book I've been reading,
Rachel Hewitt's “Map of a Nation,” a history of the early days of the
Ordnance Survey, the British mapping agency.
In the 1820s, the Survey came to Ireland, then a British colony, to map the
country on the unprecedented scale of six-inches to the mile. The first
st... more »
The Poet: William Wordsworth, “Lines Written in Early Spring”
*“Lines Written in Early Spring”*
"I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sat reclined;
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.
To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think,
What man has made of man."
- William Wordsworth
The Daily "Near You?"
Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 2nd Oct)
“Google Tax”: George Osborne tells tech giants
'We will make you pay your taxes'
In an ardent speech before the Conservative
party conference, George Osborne said that some multinational technology firms
go to "extraordinary lengths" not to pay tax in the UK. "You are
welcome here in Britain with open arms," said the Chancellor to those
firms. "While we offer some of the lowest business taxes
U.S. Made Plans To Attack Cuba In 1976

Jan. 24, 2013: Henry Kissinger, chairman of Kissinger Associates, speaks
during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.
*Kissinger Drew Up Plans To Attack Cuba, Records Show -- New York Times*
MIAMI — Nearly 40 years ago, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger mapped
out secret contingency plans to launch airstrikes against Havana and “smash
Cuba,” newly disclosed government documents show.
Mr. Kissinger was so irked by Cuba’s military incursion into Angola that in
1976 he convened a top-secret group of senior officials to work out
possible retaliat... more »
Latest Interview
The latest edition of *This Issue* features Jason Rawn from Hope, Maine.
Jason is a war tax resister and is helping to organize the upcoming Maine
Walk for Peace & A Sustainable Future being sponsored by Maine Veterans For
Peace. You can find more information about the walk *here*
In response to Cameron’s U.N. General Assembly remarks equating people who question 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in the US and UK and those who question the West’s policy towards the Middle East as just as dangerous as violent ISIS terrorists, a British truth activist and author hands himself in to UK’s counter terrorism police for the new crime of "non-violent extremism". Read more at
In response to Cameron’s U.N. General Assembly remarks equating people who
question 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in the US and UK and those who question the
West’s policy towards the Middle East as just as dangerous as violent ISIS
terrorists, a British truth activist and author hands himself in to UK’s
counter terrorism police for the new crime of "non-violent extremism".
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
On the trail of Batman at home in Long Island City (Queens)

*Top Chef: Duos -- surprisingly not-terrible! --is on Bravo tonight (we'll
talk about it soon)*
*Any sign of Batman? (photo by Mitch Waxman; click to enlarge)*
*by Ken*
I was thinking I might write about Bravo's *Top Chef: Duos* this evening,
in time for tonight's new episode, having finally looked at a couple of
episodes and discovered that it's surprisingly not-terrible. We got to
watch how a couple of chefs, going head to head, approach the given
challenges -- starting with a pair set by the episode's contenders -- and
execute them, which is kind of fun as long as we don't pre... more »
One U.S. Marine Rescued Another Is Missing After Bailing Out Of An MV-22 Osprey In The Arabian Gulf

In this October 2009 photo, an MV-22 Osprey lands on an amphibious
transport dock ship. The Navy is searching for a missing Osprey crew member
in the North Arabian Gulf. Corey Lewis/U.S. Navy/Reuters/File
*Navy Searches For Missing MV-22 Osprey Crew Member -- CSM*
Two crew members jumped out of a Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey aircraft that
had experienced engine difficulties while operating in the North Arabian
Gulf. One crew member was rescued. A search is underway for the second.
Washington — US Navy ships, aircraft, and boats are conducting a
search-and-rescue mission in the North A... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Jar"
*"The Jar"*
by Idea Champions
"A college professor stood before his philosophy class at the start of a
new semester. Silently, he picked up a very large jar and filled it with
golf balls. Then he asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed
that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them
into the jar. He shook the jar lightly, pebbles settling into the open
areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar
was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. He
asked once... more »
"High Up..."
”When we are high up, everything looks very small. Our glories and our
sadnesses cease to be important. We have left whatever we won or lost down
below. From the top of a mountain you can see how large the world is and
how wide the horizon.”
- Paulo Coelho, "The Fifth Mountain"
Hong Kong Occupy Central ( Day 5 - October 2 , 2014 ) Protesters gather at chief executive’s offices in Tamar ahead of ultimatum to resign ( chinese censorship has never been higher ) ........ Hundreds demonstrate at Chinese embassy in London in support Hong Kong protests ( more pepper spray , tear gas , rubber bullets and perhaps other deterrents planned by the Hong Kong Authorities following Mainland orders ? ) Alternative thoughts as to whom or what may be driving the protests ....

Fireworks looming ?
*RT* @RT_com · 57m57 minutes ago
#HongKong protesters threaten to occupy buildings if city chief doesn’t
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*SCMP News* @SCMP_News · 2h2 hours ago
Protesters gather at chief executive’s offices in Tamar ahead of ultimatum
to resign
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*SCMP News* @SCMP_News · 5h5 hours ago
Hundreds demonstrate at Chinese embassy in London in support Hong Kong
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*SCMP News* @SCMP_News · 8h8 hours ago
Dialogue ‘m... more »
“Everyone Has a Story: Interesting People Everywhere”
*“Everyone Has a Story: Interesting People Everywhere”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Every person on this planet has a story to tell, something that makes them
unique adding to the whole. It’s easy to forget sometimes that everyone has
a story to tell if we take the time to listen. We are so accustomed to
hearing the stories of people in the news that we sometimes lose track of
the fact that the random stranger on the bus also has a fascinating story
about where they came from and how they got to be where they are. The sheer
variety of paths taken in this world, from farmers to C... more »
“The War of the Heads”
*“The War of the Heads”*
by John Grant
“I like to call it ‘The War of the Heads.’ ISIS beheads people one-on-one,
up-close-and-personal on YouTube while the United States of America and its
coalition of cautious or secret partners prefers “decapitation,” as in
using powerful F16 bombs and drone rockets to whack off metaphoric heads.
It’s easy to work up a vengeful frenzy sitting on our couches watching the
medieval slicing off of heads. Especially when it’s heads we recognize!
It’s harder to get worked up about people we don’t know who die much more
horrible deaths in the buildings... more »
How Bad Could The Ebola Epidemic Get? U.S. Government Purchases 160,000 HazMat Suits Specifically For Ebola Conditions

*How Bad Could It Get? US Government Order Of 160,000 HazMat Suits Gives A
Clue -- Zero Hedge*
Now that Ebola is officially in the US on an uncontrolled basis, the two
questions on everyone's lips are i) who will get sick next and ii) how bad
could it get?
We don't know the answer to question #1 just yet, but when it comes to the
second one, a press release three weeks ago from Lakeland Industries, a
manufacturer and seller of a "comprehensive line of safety garments and
accessories for the industrial protective clothing market" may provide some
insight into just how bad the US S... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- October 1, 2014

A farmer loads wheat grains onto a truck near the town of Makhmur, August
27, 2014. Picture taken August 27, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal
*Special Report: Islamic State Uses Grain To Tighten Grip In Iraq -- Maggie
Fick, Reuters*
(Reuters) - For Salah Paulis, it came down to a choice between his faith
and his crop.
A wheat farmer from outside Mosul, Paulis and his family fled the militant
group Islamic State early last month. The group overran the family farm as
part of its offensive that captured vast swathes of territory in northern
Iraq. Two weeks later, Paulis, who is ... more »
“Everyone Has a Story: Interesting People Everywhere”
*“Everyone Has a Story: Interesting People Everywhere”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Every person on this planet has a story to tell, something that makes them
unique adding to the whole. It’s easy to forget sometimes that everyone has
a story to tell if we take the time to listen. We are so accustomed to
hearing the stories of people in the news that we sometimes lose track of
the fact that the random stranger on the bus also has a fascinating story
about where they came from and how they got to be where they are. The sheer
variety of paths taken in this world, from farmers to C... more »
“Congress Cuts $8.7 Billion in Food Stamps, But Finds $22 Billion to Fight ISIS”
*“Congress Cuts $8.7 Billion in Food Stamps, *
*But Finds $22 Billion to Fight ISIS”*
by Juan Cole
“It was all the way back in February, so the memory of this headline has
“Congress Passes $8.7 Billion Food Stamp Cut”
By Ned Resnikoff
“It’s official: 850,000 households across the country are set to lose an
average of $90 per month in food stamp benefits. The Senate on Tuesday
voted 68-32 to send the 2014 Farm Bill – which includes an $8.7 billion cut
to food stamps – to President Obama’s desk. Nine Democrats opposed the
bill, and 46 members of the Democratic caucus voted for... more »
World News Briefs -- October 1, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Schoolchildren Exposed In US Ebola Scare: Texas Governor Rick Perry
Reveals Fears For Kids And Says 18 Americans May Have Virus After Hospital
Sent Infected Man Home -- Daily Mail*
* Five students attended four different Dallas schools this week after
possibly being in close contact with the Ebola patient over the weekend
* The Ebola patient was named today as Thomas Eric Duncan, who had traveled
to the U.S. from Liberia on September 20 to visit family
* Mr Duncan, a Liberian national, quarantined at Texas Health Presbyterian
Hospital since Sunday
* The children who came in contact... more »
Report: Kim Jong-Un's Younger Sister Has Taken Control Of North Korea

Kim Yo Jong has been generating much attention after she made her first
public appearance. Photo: CHANNEL NEWSASIA
*Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control In North Korea -- Tae-jun Kang, The
According to a new report by a Seoul think tank, Kim Jong-un’s younger
sister is in charge during his absence.
Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, might
be leading the hermit kingdom instead of her brother, a recent report from
Seoul-based think tank, North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity (NKIS)
According to NKIS on October 1, Kim Jong-un — who ... more »
Jeremy Hardy's handy template

“Dull-witted and lazily obvious political artist” is a perfect description
of the wag who provided the inspiration for My Address To The Nation. (H/T
Ed West) see below.
Please don’t feel obliged read it all in one go. I know I wouldn’t.
I wanted to Speak to The Nation with a scintillating address about the BBC
in which my actual message would come across subliminally, (below the
threshold of conscious perception) but cloaked in enough satyrical wit and
humour to seduce the audience into thinking I was brilliant. But I didn’t
know how to start.
Imagine my delight when I c... more »
How can I sleep soundly
I am ajust like youe and mne
we share security
but its an illusion
if you put a spotlight
on lifes directions
we are all preteliy all
fucked financially
intensest in yourself
and canning
and just about any
food you can keep.
Someone is killing the planet
MRs Gia is not down
with that.
Ebola floods and drought
this is a message to you
do not fuck with mother earth,
What we need is Colombo.
Time To Remove the Blinders? (Secret Agendas In the Land of the Free) How the Word Communist (and Socialist) Is Used By Greedy Propagandists To Acquire Power and Money (What/Who Did In JFK) The Invisible Rich?
The Agent Orange Revolution? White House - Kill Syrian/Iraqi Civilians -
Exemption for Airstrikes There is so much truth within the following essay
about the United States' history of secret agendas influencing/making
foreign policy that it leaves me speechless. But not surprised. Some
important (or formerly important) people are not afraid to speak the truth
to power - what should be the
Pelosi's Worst Mistake Comes Back To Plague House Democrats

From the moment Nancy Pelosi announced she was reappointing failed Blue Dog
Steve Israel to be DCCC Chairman again, it was apparent to anyone who pays
attention that the Republicans had nothing to worry about in regard to
losing the House majority. Once Israel started announcing his recruits--
garbage conservative Democrats in unwinnable red districts like
anti-Choice, antigay,/pro-NRA, pro-fracking Jennifer Garrison in OH-06 and
a trio of CIA stooges from Michigan and Pennsylvania the agency is trying
to use to infiltrate Congress.
Now, one month before election day, many of Isra... more »
Jews and Muslims I have knon
Yep they were all men
thinkaboot that
We shared something special
thinkaboot that
I would never go down there
if you want to fight with
us on the street.
We are all bros
and only want
more romance
not with each other
with the femmess.
Mohawk Nation News 'Mossad Animal Farm'
Posted on October 1, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 30. 2014. Who is the real terrorist? It seems ISIS is helping
to set up a worldwide dictatorship. It’s no coincidence ISIS has the
same acronym as the ‘Israeli Security Intelligence Service’, which is
created, funded, trained and militarily armed by the CIA and Mossad.
Canada has CSIS that
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Is Having Ankle Surgery
*North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Not Missing, Just Having Ankle Surgery --
Sydney Morning Herald*
Tokyo: Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader who has mysteriously been
missing from the public eye for almost a month, sparking rumours ranging
from a stroke to a coup d'etat, is apparently just recovering from ankle
Mr Kim had fractured both of his ankles and had surgery in Pyongyang in the
middle of September to treat them, the Chosun Ilbo, South Korea's largest
newspaper, reported on Tuesday, citing an unnamed source.
"I heard that Kim Jong-un injured his right ankle in Ju... more »
Fracking company warns Dutch citizens to expect more "serious earthquakes"
People living in Groningen province will have to expect more and possibly
more severe earthquakes because of natural gas extraction, the head of gas
company NAM has told the NRC.
First US Ebola patient was in contact with school-aged children - Texas governor
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has confirmed that the first US diagnosed Ebola
patient, who is now in serious but stable condition in Dallas, had contact
with children before he showed symptoms of the virus.
Isis an hour away from Baghdad - with no sign of Iraq army being able to make a successful counter-attack
The Iraqi army, plagued by corruption, absenteeism and supply failures, has
little chance against Islamist fanatics using suicide bombings and fluid
tactics. And US air strikes are making little difference.
German ex-leader criticizes EU Russia sanctions
Germany’s former chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, has called for an end to
spiraling sanctions between the European Union and Russia over the Ukraine
Ukrainian authorities do not control their military units — Donetsk Republic PM
Ukrainian authorities do not control all their military units, the prime
minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Alexander
Zakharchenko, said Wednesday.
No trust in the truce: E.Ukraine militia on high alert despite ceasefire
Authorities in Donetsk are saying the city is on high alert despite a truce
between the army and local militias.
[image: In Truce No Trust: E.Ukraine militia on high alert despite
EU Failed Again to Break 'Vicious' Sanctions Circle: Russia's EU Envoy
The European Union has failed again to break the vicious circle of sanction
mentality by refusing to lift the current sanctions against Russia over
Ukraine, Russia's Ambassador to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov said
You Have Depression
Are you depressed? Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy? Are
you eating or sleeping too much? Big Pharma hopes so! The push to convince
people who are dealing with job, family, relationship and money problems
that they actually have “depression” has resulted in almost one in four
American women in their 40s and 50s taking antidepressants. Ka-ching.
Palestinian Authority Has No Legitimacy to Govern in Gaza
Electronic Intifada co-founder Ali Abunimah says Palestinians need to be
able to rebuild independently of the neoliberal government in Ramallah
[image: Palestinian Authority Has No Legitimacy to Govern in Gaza]
UK jets launch first attacks against ISIS in Iraq
Tornado bombers from Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) have carried out their
first attacks against the Islamic State in Iraq, according to the Ministry
of Defense (MoD).
Jane Says
Its all rock and roll, Its just IMHO the most perfect song ever.
Running from or to Office
I sit so meeningless at my keyboard
I plan in the sky all the things
I know to be the truth
that make me like
So how do our castles in the sky
fall down to idiots
who are only working
on a gold plated pension
or something worse
Banging the drum
It has marginal returns so far. I just hope I keep the Tiger away.
Argentina President de Kirchner Is Accusing The U.S. Of Plotting To Overthrow And Kill Her

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. (Press TV)
*Argentina President Claims US Plotting To Oust Her -- The Guardian*
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner alludes to alleged plot against her by local
businessmen and ‘foreign help’ in televised speech
Argentinian opposition politicians have accused the country’s president,
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, of being “completely out of touch with
reality” after she gave a rambling televised address in which she claimed
the US may be behind a plot to overthrow her government and possibly even
assassinate her.
“If something sho... more »
Is The White House Safe?

Secret Service agents await the arrival of then Democratic presidential
candidate Barack Obama alongside his SUV at Raleigh-Durham airport in North
Carolina, May 5, 2008. REUTERS/Jason Reed
*Can The White House Really Be Protected? -- David Wise, Reuters*
When an armed intruder jumped the fence and penetrated deep into the White
House, it provided a field day for cartoonists and some members of the
House of Representatives — who turned Julia Pierson, the hapless Secret
Service director, into a piñata at a hearing Tuesday.
President Barack Obama and his family, fortunately, had left... more »
Jugglers Juggling
There are so many balls in the air it takes a corporate block of offices to
manage trajectory. In a few days the balls will drop. Madness pertains.
We got Ebola
Insane, we are insane and now its the Walking Dead.
Supplemental: Twenty-eight days in O-hi-o!
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014Our own side, sounding strange:* What follows
isn’t exactly about the press. It’s about the way the liberal world can
perhaps sometimes sound strange to pretty much everyone else.
(To ponder the general principle, read this report about declining ratings
at MSNBC. For better or worse, we the dogs don’t seem to be gulping the dog
food at this time.)
This isn’t about what approach would be best in some particular
situation—in this case, with respect to early voting in the state of Ohio.
It’s about the way certain kinds of “liberal thinking” can possibly se... more »
Economics for Real People: Economic inequality: A problem in need of a solution?
[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]
*Here’s what’s on this evening at the Auckland Uni Economics Group. Why not
head along?*
On Monday the* NZ Herald* revealed that ANZ New Zealand's David Hisco is
NZ’s top-paid chief executive with a total pay package worth $4.1 million.
That's a lot of money! It's cases like this that fuel the debate about
income inequality, about whether someone should earn so much more than the
average worker.
- How can economics inform this debate?
- Is economic inequality something to be concerned about?
- Or something to embrace!?
- An... more »
Greg Hunter: “ISIS Only Understands Gunfire- Karl Denninger"
*“ISIS Only Understands Gunfire- Karl Denninger"*
By Greg Hunter’s
“Financial analyst and writer Karl Denninger says forget about President
Obama’s promise of “no boots on the ground” in the fight with the Islamic
State. There will be boots, and Denninger explains, “Air power has never
won a war, and it never will. You can bomb people until you think you bomb
them back into the Stone Age, and they just go hide. You destroy their
infrastructure, and they just come back out. The only way you take
territory is to go and take territory. The real problem is we, as a natio... more »
Breaking News: U.S. Secret Service Director Resigns
*Secret Service Director Resigns -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — Julia Pierson, the director of the Secret Service, is
resigning in the wake of several security breaches.
The resignation came less than a day after lawmakers from both parties
assailed Ms. Pierson’s leadership and said they feared for the lives of the
president and others in the protection of the agency.
On Wednesday morning, Ms. Pierson met with Jeh C. Johnson, the secretary of
Homeland Security, the department that oversees the Secret Service. In a
statement, Mr. Johnson said that he had accepted Ms. Pierson’s res... more »
Satire: “Citing Security Concerns, Iraq’s Prime Minister Cancels Visit to White House”
*“Citing Security Concerns, *
*Iraq’s Prime Minister Cancels Visit to White House”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Iraq’s new Prime Minister, Haider
al-Abadi, has cancelled a scheduled visit to the White House, citing
“concerns about the security situation there.” Speaking to reporters in
Baghdad on Wednesday, Abadi said that he had been looking forward to
visiting the White House but that recent reports had “given me the
willies.” “They really need to get on top of things there,” he said. “Until
they do, I’m better off staying in Iraq.”
The Prime Minister’s de... more »
Ebola in Texas
Is that not so ironic. The one state of the Union determined to destroy the
other 51. Rick Perry is such a joke that even Republicans cant laugh at his
Jesus Joseph and Mary protect us from his rule.
Kiev Continues to Violate Cease Fire
Prisoner swaps in Ukraine are in danger of stalling as rebels say they will
no longer tolerate Kiev’s practice of producing random people for exchange
instead of actual members of militia and political prisoners.
Amazing Catholic Solidarity on Jeju Island

Catholic priests and nuns blocked the entrance yesterday to the Navy base
now being built in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea. The
occasion was the 3rd anniversary of Catholic solidarity in the village to
oppose base construction.
Father Mun Jeong-hyon crawled under a cement truck during the ceremony.
In addition a ground breaking ceremony was held for the new Gangjeong Life
and Peace Pastoral Center that will be built in the village. About 100
people attended the ceremony which was blessed by Bishop Kang U-il of Jeju
diocese. The pastoral center will be located ju... more »
The Tory Party's 15% Strategy
Thankfully conference speeches don't win general elections. There is no
denying that Dave's final performance at the Tory party's annual gathering
was masterful. It oozed the prime ministerial, that much exalted but
seldom-attained quality. His speech was passionate, confident, coherent.
Apart from an untimely Freudian ("... these are the people we resent"),
Dave acted the part well. He did what he is genuinely good at: *putting on
a show*.
As delegates pack their bags and fish forgotten prawn vol-au-vents from
their pockets, those not thinking forbidden UKIP thoughts might have a... more »
Supplemental: Do you believe this story or claim?
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014Meredith Vieira edition:* Do you believe the
recent claim by Daisy Hernandez, who is now 39?
In a new book excerpted at Salon, Hernandez tells a story about the way she
got her first big job as a writer. The story goes something like this:
Back in 2001, Hernandez completed a master’s in journalism at NYU. She was
already working as a writer for Ms. magazine.
That spring, Hernandez was approached to do background research for a book
by the New York Times’ Gail Collins. Before long, Collins suggested that
she apply for a paid intern job with the Times edi... more »
Dollar Store Halloween Mantel

I don't know about you, but I don't really have a budget for holiday
decorating. I see all of these amazing mantels on Pinterest and sigh
because even if I bought the pieces on clearance after the holiday each
year, it would still take me 5 or 6 years for my mantel to start to look
like I wanted. I needed something fun and cute, without a huge price tag. I
went to my local dollar store, and found some fantastic pieces, added a few
other pieces and ended up with a mantel that I LOVE all for about $20. So
here is the break down of what was from the dollar store and what wasn't.
From... more »
Fondos de Paisajes Naturales con Lagos, Montañas, Ríos, Bosques y Playas. - 12 Imágenes Gratis.
*Quizás también le interese ver; Cáncer de Mama - 19 de Octubre - Día
Internacional - Únete y Hazte la Prueba - 12 Imágenes para crear
Finally a useful font... The Sarcastic Font
The Realist Report - Veronica Clark
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by
Veronica Clark. Veronica and I will be discussing her book *Warwolves of
the Iron Cross: Albion & Zion United*, which details the Jewish
infiltration and subversion of the British aristocracy and high society,
banking establishment, and politics. You can download the entire program
Is The U.S. Secret Service Failing To Protect President Obama?
*Seems $1.7 Billion Can’t Make The White House Safe: Opening Line --
During all that weeping and gnashing of teeth when the moment of
sequestration arrived, we heard about myriad areas of the government and
the U.S. economy that were headed for some pain, but we don’t remember
hearing about the Secret Service.
We must have missed it, because surely someone would have hollered if we
knew that its effect would lead directly or indirectly to the House
Oversight Committee’s hearing yesterday. We came across this BGOV summary
of the fiscal 2014 budget, which, conversely, sh... more »
President Obama Meets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) meets with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu at the Oval Office of the White House in Washington October 1,
2014. Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
*Obama Meets With Netanyahu At White House For First Time Since Gaza War
Began -- Washington Post*
President Obama is meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on
Wednesday, the first sit-down between the two since the war in Gaza began
and the start of a U.S.-led offensive against the Islamic State in Iraq and
The two leaders last met at the White House only seven months ago, but they ... more »
US Now Admits it is Funding "Occupy Central"

*October 1, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Just as the US admitted shortly
after the so-called "Arab Spring" began spreading chaos across the Middle
East that it had fully funded, trained, and equipped both mob leaders and
heavily armed terrorists years in advance, it is now admitted that the US
State Department through a myriad of organizations and NGOs is behind the
so-called "Occupy Central" protests in Hong Kong.
The Washington Post would report in an article titled, "Hong Kong erupts
even as China tightens screws on civil society," that:
*Chinese leaders unnerved by protests... more »
Banksy gets the bird

Post this under 'It's a mad, mad world'....
Just before 4 o'clock this afternoon the BBC News website published an
article about a new Banksy, which it doubtless considered germane to the
Clacton-on-Sea by-election:
*Banksy tackles immigration in Clacton 'birds' mural *
A new Banksy mural showing a group of pigeons holding anti-immigration
banners has appeared in Essex.
The mysterious artist posted two photos of the work on his website, stating
that it is in Clacton-on-Sea.
Four pigeons are shown holding signs including "Go Back to Africa", while a
more exotic-looking bird looks o... more »
Don't Be Surprised That The NRCC Is Just As Incompetent And Lame As The DCCC
I don't know why the NRCC is wasting money on TV ads against Lower
Manhattan multimillionaire Sean Eldridge in the Hudson Valley. You can
watch it above. Eldridge will be lucky if he breaks 40% in November, very
lucky. Although the district is blue and Obama won it against McCain in
2008 and against Romney in 2012, Eldridge has run a sappy, messageless
campaign that's accomplishing nothing but making a bunch of slimy political
consultants richer. The only publicly available polls show mediocre
Republican backbencher Chris Gibson absolutely creaming him. In 2012,
Julian Schreibman... more »
NYC Schools May Be Leading Us Back to Real Education Policy
NYC Schools May Be Leading Us Back to Real Education Policy. via NYC
Schools May Be Leading Us Back to Real Education Policy.Filed under: SHAUN
JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Is President Obama Lying To America About The Islamic State And Past U.S. Intelligence Assessments On The Threat?
*Pentagon Official: The President Is Lying To America — About Us, And About
ISIS -- Joseph Miller, Daily Caller*
Joseph Miller is the pen name for a ranking Department of Defense official
with a background in U.S. special operations and combat experience in Iraq
and Afghanistan. He has worked in strategic planning.
President Barack Obama has taken a lot of flak since his Sunday night “60
Minutes” interview, in which he blamed the intelligence community for his
failure to tackle the threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
And that is right and proper. Because not only ... more »
Ebola Does Dallas
Now that the Ebola virus is in their backyard, the obscenely wealthy are
expected to finally start prying open their wallets to fight a plague that
heretofore had only been afflicting "the other."
*A combination of factors that include a lack of a cataclysmic event,
slow-building media coverage, and significant government intervention had
tempered the philanthropic community’s response during the first several
months of the outbreak, according to Mr. Ottenhoff and other experts.*
*"When you read stories that the American government is sending 3,000
military workers and spending hun... more »
Islamic State Post Photos Detailing The Rout Of The Iraqi Army At Camp Saqlawiya

An Islamic State fighter stands on top of a US-made M1 Abrams tank.
*Islamic State Photos Detail Rout Of Iraqi Army At Camp Saqlawiya -- Long
War Journal*
The Islamic State released photographs of last week's rout of an Iraqi Army
unit in the Saqwaliya area north of Fallujah in Anbar province. More than
300 Iraqi troops are reported to have been killed in the attack.
The pictures from the assault on Camp Saqwaliya were released on Twitter by
fighters and supporters of the Islamic State. Recently the Islamic State
has begun to release its propaganda on Twitter via its supporters. Tw... more »
Islamic State Fighter: U.S. Airstrikes Aren't Effective
*CNN Exclusive: ISIS Fighter Says U.S. Airstrikes Aren't Effective -- CNN*
*Gaziantep, Turkey (CNN) -- The United States may be touting its strikes on
ISIS targets in Syria, but one of the terror group's fighters says the hits
are trivial at best.*
In an exclusive interview with CNN, a Syrian ISIS fighter using the
pseudonym Abu Talha said the militant group has been preparing for such
"We've been ready for this for some time," Abu Talha said. "We know that
our bases are known because they're tracking us with radars and satellites,
so we had backup locations."
He taunte... more »
U.S. Air Strikes In Syria Are Being Done Based On Intelligence Gaps
Watch the latest video at
*US Cannot Tell How Effective Airstrikes Against ISIS Have Been Because Of
Huge Gaps In Intelligence, Officials Claim -- Daily Mail*
* President Obama has loosened the rule of engagement for bombing ISIS
* Air Force Major General Jeffrey L Harrigan said: 'They're a smart
* Human rights activists claim US airstrikes have already claimed civilian
* Pentagon officials admit they are hampered by the lack local intelligence
* US aircraft are relying on target information from drones and satellites
* Officials unsure whether ISIS ... more »
World News Briefs -- October 1, 2014
*U.S. Officials: Second Person Being Monitored For Ebola -- USA Today*
DALLAS — Health officials are closely monitoring a possible second Ebola
patient who had close contact with the first person to be diagnosed in the
U.S., the director of Dallas County's health department said Wednesday.
All who have been in close contact with the man diagnosed are being
monitored as a precaution, Zachary Thompson, director of Dallas County
Health and Human Services, said in a morning interview with WFAA-TV.
"Let me be real frank to the Dallas County residents: The fact that we have
one confirme... more »
“and Elinor?”: when winning a Nobel Prize isn’t enough…
This is a guest post from Leslie Johns, an Assistant Professor of political
science at UCLA. The Public Choice Society—an academic organization of
scholars who study the interaction of politics and economics—recently
announced that it has created a new award for scholarly research: the
Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize. The announcement of this prize is
Continue reading
ZEROHEDGE: Singapore Becoming Global Gold Hub - Launches Kilo Bar Contract And Gold ATMs

Launching of SGX Gold Futures Contract: (from left) Harshika Patel,
Managing Director, JP Morgan; Sunil Kashyap, Managing Director, Bank of
Nova Scotia; Aram Shishmaniam, CEO, World Gold Council; Ng Cheng Thye,
President, Singapore Bullion Market Association; Seah Moon Ming, Chairman,
International Enterprise (IE) Singapore; Muthukrishnan Ramaswami,
President, Singapore Exchange; Philip Hurley, CEO (South East Asia),
Standard Merchant Bank; Jeremy East, Managing Director (Global Head of
Metal Trading), Standard Chartered Bank.
Singapore Becoming Global Gold Hub - Launches Kilo Bar C... more »
Canada's Corporate Welfare Bums Sitting On $575 BILLION Hoard Thanks To Harper Conservatives Tax Cuts ....

*Corporate tax freedom day continues to get earlier with each passing year
thanks to generous government tax cuts, the Canadian Labour Congress says
in a report issued Tuesday.*
*While most individual Canadians don't earn enough to pay off their taxes
until sometime in late June, the labour group says the country's businesses
will have reaped sufficient revenue to pay their year's share by Jan. 30.*
*The calculation is for 2011, but the CLC says that was two days earlier
than in 2010 when it came on Feb. 1, and notes that it was not long ago
when so-called "corporate tax freedom day"... more »
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014Interlude—Matthews at war:* As late as February
1999, Chris Matthews was still defending the character of his friend, Al
For all previous posts in this award-winning series, click here.
On February 12, 1999, President Clinton was acquitted in his impeachment
trial. Three days later, Matthews conducted two conversations about the
likely effects of the year-long mess on the aforementioned Gore.
In a segment with Bill Kristol, Matthews defended Gore’s honesty, comparing
him favorably to the loathed figure whose journalistic nickname had been
“Slick W... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 1, 2014

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey participates in a
press briefing at the Pentagon in Washington on Friday. Larry Downing
*Islamic State Fighting Strains Pentagon Budget -- Wall Street Journal*
*President, Congress Pressed to Join Forces to Reconsider Spending Caps*
WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama's expansion of airstrikes in the Middle
East is creating new strains on Pentagon planners who thought the days of
costly military operations in that region were over—at least for now.
The U.S. military campaign is expected to cost tens of billions of dol... more »
Ebola Has Arrived In America: Should We Be Scared?
Yes, I read the reports this morning that the long awaited Ebola virus has
indeed arrived on America's shores.. There has indeed been a "Patient 0"
as speculated that has been confirmed at a hospital in Texas... For the
first part of my report, I want to present the link to an important article
from Investment Watch blog, from yesterday, at
where the Center For Disease Control in America had a press conference
yesterday that confirmed that a patient in Texas was confirmed in having
the (newly manufactured) Ebola strain... Here is that link:
http://invest... more »
METRO EVENT | The Rag Blog : Actress Cindy Pickett is special guest at Rag Blog Happy Hour!
Join the Rag Blog/Rag Radio family at Maria’s in Austin this Friday, and
visit with the lovely and talented (and our dear old friend!) Cindy
Pickett. Event: Rag Blog/Rag Radio Happy Hour Guest: Actress Cindy Pickett
When: Friday, Oct. 3, … finish reading *METRO EVENT* | The Rag Blog :
Actress Cindy Pickett is special guest at Rag Blog Happy Hour!
Islamic State Continues Mass Killings In Northern Iraq 2nd Week of September 2014
MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 13 hours ago
Security incidents reported in the press continued their downward trend in
the second week of September 2014. At the same time casualties have stayed
at a high level because of on going massacres by the Islamic State in the
sections of northern Iraq that they control. It seems that this is part of
the organization’s consolidation of power as it seeks to eliminate its
opponents and those it feels have no place in its caliphate.
From September 8-14, 2014 there were only 150 security incidents. That tied
August 15-21 for the lowest amount for any week this year. That follows a
stea... more »
Air Force KC-135 Refuels F-22 Raptors In Mid-Air (Video)
*How An Eisenhower-Era Jet Refuels An F-22 -- Stars and Stripes*
ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam — The F-22 Raptor may be the most
technologically sophisticated fighter plane ever to serve in combat. But
when it gets thirsty, it relies on a plane that has been doing its job
since the Eisenhower administration.
In September, the Air Force KC-135 tankers deployed to Guam for the Valiant
Shield exercise stayed busy, meeting the mid-air refueling needs of Air
Force, Navy and Marine aircraft.
The eight-day exercise included 18,000 servicemembers on land, sea and in
the air. U.S. pilots ... more »
Pentagon: We Can't Continue To Police The World

SUPPLY LINE: A line of Lockheed C-130 Hercules waiting for take-off at
Balad Air Base in Iraq. (Photo: James Gordon/Flickr)
*Pentagon Warns It Can't Continue To Police The World -- Sandra I. Erwin,
National Defense*
The Defense Department has concluded it can no longer afford to satisfy
current demands for military forces from overseas commanders. As a result,
it is considering cutting back on forward-stationed forces and deployments,
said Deputy Defense Secretary Robert O. Work.
"We are really taking a hard look at our whole global posture," Work said
Sept. 30 at the Council on F... more »
RT Sends A TV Crew To The ISIS-Kurdish Frontline
*Driving Through Ghost Town: RT's Risky Ride Deep Into ISIS-Kurdish
Frontline -- RT*
Kurdish fighters have driven ISIS from key town of Rabia on the Iraqi
border, with 120,000 Kurds currently on the frontier. RT’s Paula Slier made
a hazardous journey to the border to find out what’s happening.
Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters took control of Rabia, “the most important
strategic point for crossing” the border, in a battle that began before
dawn, an Iraqi Kurdish political source told Reuters. Earlier, the IS
fighters had the possibility to cross the border without any interference.... more »
Aisha North: A short update on the energies - September 30, 2014
*A short update on the energies*
September 30, 2014
by Aisha North
As the days continue to shift in length and the darkness seems to linger on
a little bit more each day in one half of your planet, know that there is
indeed another kind of rebalancing going on, one that is far more profound
than the regular shifts of the seasons. You see, this incoming light has
once again managed to break through another line of defense, and when we
say defense it is actually one that is found within you all. Or rather, ... more »
No Biz Like War Biz
The Pentagon says its bombing campaign in Iraq is costing taxpayers up to
10 million dollars a day. But according to a leading Washington-based think
tank, the bill is even higher. RT's Egor Piskunov reports.
You can hear Tom Neilson's great song *No Business Like War Business* *here
Iraq's Military Accidentally Dropped Supplies For Islamic State Terrorists

Tech. Sgt. Lynn Morelly, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, C-17
Globemaster III loadmaster, watches bundles of halal meals parachute to the
ground during a humanitarian airdrop mission over Iraq in this August 9,
2014 photo (Reuters / Vernon Young Jr. / U.S. Air Force / Handout)
*Iraq’s Bumbling Military Accidentally Gave ISIS Supplies -- NYMag*
President Obama’s line in Iraq has been “We can’t do it for them” when it
comes to fighting ISIS and fixing the country, stressing the need for Iraqi
forces to step up and defend themselves, too. But the problem is that they
can’t do i... more »
Post-socialist EU members find climate alarmist policies undesirable
Websites focusing on policies inspired by the climate hysteria have noticed
Six EU states cast doubt on proposed 2030 climate goals (RTCC)
Visegrad Group dissatisfied with EU climate policy (Hungary Today)
Poland on course for battle on new EU climate change targets (Financial
Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland (so far, you may call it the Visegrad
Group), as well as Bulgaria and Romania (now you may call it the Warsaw
Pact, too) have protested against the "renewable energy targets" that some
of the EU apparat... more »
Ingalls Shipbuilding Begins Fabrication for Aegis Destroyer Paul Ignatius (DDG 117)

[image: Paul Ignatius Start of Fabrication Ceremony]Huntington Ingalls
Industries' Ingalls Shipbuilding division today marked the start of
fabrication for the future Aegis-guided missile destroyer Paul Ignatius
(DDG 117). Paul Ignatius, the ship's namesake, and his wife, Nancy
Ignatius, the ship's sponsor, visited the shipyard to see steel cut for the
Paul Ignatius is the 31st Aegis destroyer to be built at Ingalls. The start
of fabrication signifies the first 100 tons of steel cut. From this point,
shipbuilders will assemble the destroyer using modular construction, wher... more »
The Power of the Propaganda System and the Status-Quo
So, right now, Canadian support seems to be roughly one-third for the
appalling stephen harper and one-third for the appalling (but dreamy)
Justin Trudeau. With one-fifth going for the Liberal-lite NDP and one-tenth
going for the Greens.
In Toronto, the race for mayor appears to be between John Tory (who doesn't
have a clue about most important things) and Rob Ford's less "charismatic"
(which is to say that he's just a bullying thug with none of Rob's
endearing "I'm a total fuck-up" charm) brother, Doug.
Signs of a debased and diseased political culture if you ask me.
How does this... more »
The US War On Syria: The Target Has ALWAYS Been Syria - US Targets Syrian Infrastructure Rather Than Militants!
The US bombing of "ISIS/ISIL targets" within the peaceful and innocent
nation of Syria continues... We have been inundated by fraud reports
through the Jew spew media that these "bombings" have hit "ISIS/ISIL"
targets ONLY, and that Syria itself is not the target (!). However,
factual reports coming out all over the alternative media have come out
that shows that this bombing campaign has been in fact aimed directly at
the Syrian government and especially Syria's infrastructure!
To show evidence that the target of this entire fraud air war in Syria has
always been the overthrow of ... more »
Urban Spiders Scaling Up
[image: Lowe-orb weaver]
This is a topic rarely commented on, but the surrounding biome is adjusting
to the urban environment and often surprisingly well. Birds in particular
have often taken to the urban lifestyle. The big surprise to myself was how
well raptors have adjusted. Yet the prey birds have certainly blossomed and
thev raptors have simply followed.
This integration will only become deeper and more successful as time
The unexpected here is the swift improvement in size for spiders even if it
is completely understood.
*Cities Are Making Spiders Grow Bi... more »
East Ukraine Facing A 'Long And Frozen Conflict'
*'Frozen Conflict' Looming In East Ukraine, EU Diplomats Say -- EU Observer*
BRUSSELS - EU countries have decided to uphold Russia sanctions for now,
despite a “weakening appetite” for the measures.
The EU foreign service on Tuesday (30 September) said that “while
encouraging developments have been registered in the political process and
in the implementation of some aspects of the Minsk protocol, relevant parts
of the same protocol will need to be properly implemented” before sanctions
are lifted.
It added that if things go well, the EU will in future consider proposals
“to amen... more »
Ukraine Ceasefire On The Verge Of Collapsing. Fighting Is Intensifying Over Control Of Donetsk Airport
*Ukrainian Truce Frays as Rebels Step Up Airport Attacks -- Bloomberg
The cease-fire in Ukraine that curtailed casualties for four weeks is
starting to fray as the military said pro-Russian insurgents intensified
their efforts to take control of the airport in Donetsk.
Government forces still hold the airport of the biggest city in the combat
zone after repelling a one-hour separatist assault this morning, the army
said on Facebook. Ten civilians were killed and nine wounded today in
Donetsk, the local council said on its website. A shell exploded meters
from a scho... more »
REPORT: U.S. Navy Sailors Harbor Widespread Distrust Of Senior Leadership. Many Cite Excessive Political Correctness
The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan travels through the Pacific Ocean
with other ships assigned to the Rim of the Pacific 2010 exercise, north of
Hawaii, July 24, 2010. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Dylan
*Navy Sailors Mistrust Leaders, 90 Percent See Admirals As ‘Risk Averse’ --
Washington Post*
Complain of zero-tolerance disciplinary environment, excessive political
Navy sailors harbor “widespread mistrust” in the admirals who command them,
complaining of poor leadership and a disciplinary environment that
tolerates absolutely no mistakes, say... more »
Dana Goldstein and New Insights into Why Teachers Are Targeted
Before reading Dana Goldstein’s The Teacher Wars, I mostly believed that it
was bad luck that turned teaching into America’s “most embattled
profession.” Primarily, teachers were in the wrong place at the wrong time
when a self-righteous movement of inexperienced neo-liberals chose us as
their enemy. I still believe that the best explanation of how […]
Insincere Sincerity
Michael den Tandt writes that the apology Sun News issued this week to
Justin Trudeau will go down in history as a superb example of insincere
Having first suggested last week that Levant is not really a Sun News
journalist, but rather a mere comment contributor, the network saw fit to
broadcast its mea culpa via a voiced segment, in vintage
newscaster baritone, that aired just before Levant’s regular Monday evening
spot. The host himself did not apologize, or acknowledge the apology in any
w... more »
Eric Holder's Legacy
In a USAToday OpEd yesterday, University of Tennessee law professor Glenn
Harlan Reynolds, urged Obama to reach across the aisle for his next
Attorney General. He may be a law professor but he's also a deranged
crackpot claiming Obama needs to pick a Republican because other crackpots
like himself-- particularly in states like Tennessee filled with
crackpots-- don't trust Obama because of the GOP-manufactured scandals
propagated by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and other partisan Republican
propaganda outlets that apparently are the only sources of Professor
Crackpot's vast array of kn... more »
*Academic freedom is a big deal*
I am continually surprised by the casual, almost irresponsible way with
which academic freedom is dismissed as no big deal by sections of the
academic community. As a former radical undergraduate at McGill University
who fought for academic freedom in the late 1960s, I was saddened to read
an article published in the Harvard Crimson earlier this year that praises
students in the 1970s who sought to silence faculty members. Apparently,
silencing the voices of those whose ideas offend is a small price to pay
for upholding what the author characterised... more »
U.S. And Coalition Airstrikes Continue To Escalate In Iraq And Syria

A U.S Air Force KC-10 refuels an F-22 Raptor fighter jet after strike
operations in Syria, Sept. 23, 2014. The United States and partner nations
launched the largest combined single day of airstrikes on Iraq and Syria on
Tuesday, striking 13 times in Iraq and 11 more in Syria. (U.S. Air Force
photo by Maj. Jefferson S. Heiland)
*U.S. And Britain Combine To Launch The Largest Day Yet For Airstrikes In
Iraq And Syria -- Washington Post*
The United States and Great Britain launched 24 more airstrikes in Iraq and
Syria, defense officials said on Tuesday, making it the biggest day yet i... more »
*The persistent perchlorate panic*
*The Greenies have been struggling for some time to produce evidence of
harm from the ingestion of small quantities of perchlorate. But various
official enquiries have found nothing convincing. Below however we have a
new study which does indeed show a strong effect. But it is not a study of
normal people. It is a study of people who already have serious thyroid
dysfunction. How that generalizes to normal people is therefore anyone's
guess. As the authors of the original journal article themselves conclude:
"These results require replication... more »
Donetsk airport swap canard
Like most wars in the modern era, the Ukrainian civil war is a war between
propaganda machines, too. I think that one of the sides of this conflict is
more excited about the fabrication of misintepretations and downright lies
and I don't need to tell you which side I mean.
The story about the "swap negotiations" involving the Donetsk airport is a
rather incredible example of the propaganda war that sometimes reaches
ludicrous proportions. Around 10 a.m. Czech Summer Time, some Ukrainian
media would report that the pro-Kiev de iure governor of the Donetsk Region
Mr Serhij Taruta in... more »
The IMF on Infrastructure
The IMF endorses the free-lunch view of infrastructure spending. That is,
an IMF study suggests that the expansionary effects are sufficiently large
that debt-financed infrastructure spending could reduce the debt-GDP ratio
over time.
Certainly this outcome is theoretically possible (just like self-financing
tax cuts), but you can count me as skeptical about how often it will occur
in practice (just like self-financing tax cuts). The human tendency for
wishful thinking and the desire to avoid hard tradeoffs are so common that
it is dangerous for a prominent institution like the I... more »
German ZDF TV Satire of the Ukraine Information war (subtitled in English)

Found this at:
Ebola Watch ( October 1 , 2014 ) --CDC Confirms First Ebola Case Diagnosed In The US, In Dallas Hospital ...... Tweets of note !
CDC Confirms First Ebola Case Diagnosed In The US, In Dallas Hospital -
Press Conference Live Feed
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/30/2014 16:45 -0400
- President Obama
As experts (as opposed to President Obama) *had warned, the probability of
Ebola coming to the US is around 20% by year-end*. So it should not be a
total surprise that:
Future USNS Trenton Launches
[image: USNS Trenton]Austal USA launched the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV)
the future USNS Trenton from its shipyard Sept. 30.
Launch is a major milestone for a ship and its class, signifying that the
vessel is ready to enter the final stages of construction. USNS Trenton
will be the U.S. Navy's fifth Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV 5).
"The JHSV program is benefitting from serial production," said Capt. Henry
Stevens, Strategic and Theater Sealift Program Manager, Program Executive
Office, Ships.
Read more
Raytheon awarded $149 million contract by Rafael for Iron Dome interceptor components

[image: Iron Dome]Raytheon Company has received a contract award from
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. valued at $149.3 million to provide
products for the Tamir interceptor used in the defensive Iron Dome Weapon
Raytheon will utilize its extensive technology resources and supplier
network to provide a second source of supply for essential Iron Dome
interceptor components.
With more than 1,000 successful intercepts, Tamir is the only combat proven
counter rocket, artillery, and mortar interceptor available for U.S. and
coalition partners today.
Read more
The BBC letting slip why social cohesion is better in Japan than in Europe and other Western countries
In an article about Japanese autumnal oddities, comes this paragraph:
'It's often been said that Japan operates via strict social norms to
achieve its remarkable social cohesion and that this is largely responsible
for making Japan such a pleasant place to live. There are no bins at the
beaches, nor on the streets. By and large, Japanese people take their
rubbish home with them. Just one example of the positive benefits of this
That and very limited third world immigration...
More here
Alice Gross

That's a Sarcen Stone.
And it's PRECISELY here:
6 Days ago, they cordoned the whole area off, having discovered what looked
like a shallow grave, with fresh earth.
5 Days ago they said *"False Alarm, the dogs were all wrong, there was
absolutely nothing there - badgers."*
This morning, they pulled her out the river.
Which tells *me* - the Police are systematically destroying the evidence
and moved the body.
This fits a pattern - they did this with *Soham*, they did this with *Tia
Sharp* two years ago.
*They moved the body while they set up the patsy.*
They are loudl... more »
Thai air force to order reconnaissance-roled Avanti II

[image: P180 Avanti II]The Royal Thai Air Force’s deputy chief of air
staff, Air Chief Marshal Sutthiphan Kritsanakhup and Piaggio Aero
Industries’ government sales director Francescomaria Tuccillo on 29
September reached an agreement in Rome for the delivery of one P180 Avanti
II in a new photographic reconnaissance configuration.
Reached in the presence of Italian air force chief of staff Gen Pasquale
Preziosa, the agreement will lead to a contract signing on 30 September.
This will coincide with a Royal Thai Air Force delegation visiting Piaggio
Aero’s new main facility in Villa... more »
Thales & Bharat Electronics form a joint venture in India

[image: BEL-THALES Systems Limited]Navratna Defence Public Sector
Undertaking Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and Thales announce that the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, has approved the
incorporation of their joint venture company, BEL-THALES Systems Limited,
in late August this year.
This joint venture (JV) Company will primarily focus on the design,
development, marketing, supply and support of civilian and select defence
radars for India and the global markets.
The first board meeting of BEL-THALES Systems Limited took place on Friday
26 September.
Read... more »
Russian Army to Deploy Three More Iskander Missile Brigades by 2016

[image: Iskander-M]The Russian army will bring the number of brigades armed
with Iskander-M theater ballistic missile systems to seven by 2016,
Commander-in-Chief of the Land Force, Col.Gen. Oleg Salyukov, said
"There are four Iskander-M brigades in service with the army," Salyukov
told reporters.
"One more brigade in the Central Military District will be equipped with
Iskander systems by the end of 2014, while the Southern and Eastern
military districts will each receive an Iskander brigade in 2015," the
general said.
Read more
Tejas Production Variant Makes First Flight
The Indian Air Force got a step closer to inducting a home-grown fighter
jet into its squadron when the first Tejas series production (SP-1)
aircraft kissed the skies on Tuesday.
Military sources confirmed to Express that during the 25-minute flight,
Tejas SP-1 touched a maximum speed of 0.6 Mach, copying textbook manoeuvres
befitting a maiden outing.
The sole take-away from this flight was the fact that there was no
telemetry support to the pilot.
Read more
Is The U.S. Prepared For An Ebola Pandemic
*After First Ebola Case, Red Flags Emerge That U.S. Unprepared For Pandemic
-- Washington Times*
Federal reports raise concerns US defenses stagnated, waning
The confirmation Tuesday of the first Ebola case on U.S. soil emerges
against a backdrop of increasing concern in America’s medical community
that preparedness for a pandemic has stagnated or slipped in recent years
because of tough economic times and increasing malaise since the 2001
anthrax threat.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, America’s premier disease
fighter, offered an air of confidence Tuesday in dec... more »
Joint Strike Fighters: Australia's first F-35 jet takes inaugural flight in United States
The first of Australia's F-35 Joint Strike Fighters has been put through
its paces in its inaugural flight in the United States.
In a statement, manufacturer Lockheed Martin said its chief test pilot took
the aircraft through "a series of functional checks" in a two-hour flight
The first of the Joint Strike Fighters (JSF) is scheduled for delivery to
the Royal Australian Air Force later this year and will be assigned to an
Arizona Air Force base where it will be used for pilot training.
Read more
U.S. Army Awards AeroVironment $27.2 Million for RQ-11B Raven and RQ-20A Puma Spare Parts

[image: RQ-11B Raven®]AeroVironment, Inc. today announced it received three
firm fixed-price orders from the United States Army totaling $27,178,075
for RQ-11B Raven® and RQ-20A Puma AE™ unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) spare
The company received two orders on August 29, 2014 and one on September 18,
2014. Delivery is anticipated within 12 months.
The latest orders increase the total value of orders for Raven and Puma AE
UAS spare parts and Raven upgrades received since May 2014 to $77.6 million.
Read more
NATO Air Forces Begin Exercises in Baltic Region

[image: E-3D Sentry]Air forces of NATO and the alliance partners will
conduct exercises on Tuesday and Wednesday, practicing techniques of
airspace protection in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with the headquarters
of the drills located at Amari Air Base near Tallinn, the General Staff of
Estonian Defense Forces stated.
The exercise will involve fighter pilots of Portuguese, German, Canadian
and Dutch Air Forces, which are now patrolling in rotation the skies over
the Baltic countries and Poland. Pilots from Finland and Sweden will also
participate in the drills.
Air operations will... more »
J-15 fighters conduct finger-four formation flight

[image: Four PLA Navy J-15 fighters conducted a finger-four formation
flight]Four PLA Navy J-15 fighters conducted a finger-four formation flight
over a carrier-based fighter test center at Xincheng in Liaoning in
northeastern China on Aug. 28, according to the state-run Global Times.
An image of these four carrier-based fighters was uploaded to a Chinese
military website by an unknown internet user. The state newswire Xinhua
reported previously that President Xi Jinping, who also heads the Central
Military Commission, was visiting the base when the flight took place.
Xi met the pi... more »
Five Most Popular Posts for September
Most read this month were:
1. British Trotskyism and Scottish Independence
2. An Open Letter to Yes-Voting Socialists
3. The UK's Would-Be Assassins
4. Seven Leftwing Reasons for Staying With Us
5. The Spectrum of Misogyny
For the umpteenth time, a post about that most relevant of movements,
British Trotskyism, emerges victorious in the page view wars. It never
ceases to surprise me how much of a market, if it could be described as
such, exists for ruminations on its comings and goings. Well, I suppose
there's an argument to be made for regarding ex-Trots as Britain's biggest
politi... more »
Cuts see Royal Navy turning to USA for help

[image: US Coast Guard Commandant Adml Paul Zumunft and First Sea Lord Aml
Sir George Zambellas]Defence cuts have left the Royal Navy so short of
engineers it has had to borrow some from the US Coast Guard.
From this month, American servicemen will work as engineering technicians
on board Type 23 frigates based in Portsmouth.
If it is a success, there will be a total of 36 American coastguard
personnel working in the positions in Portsmouth by the end of 2016.
Read more
Germany under fire over military mishaps
[image: C-160 Transall]The German government has been working hard to
persuade a reluctant public to back a bigger role on the world stage for
its military.
But – as a recent string of embarrassing equipment failures has highlighted
– even when Berlin does win political backing for military interventions,
it is struggling to fulfil its commitments.
In the latest setback in deploying the military in response to a global
crisis, a German transport plane en route to Senegal to assist the battle
against the rapidly spreading outbreak of Ebola in west Africa has been
stranded on the Ca... more »
Rolls-Royce Fined as Workers Exposed to Radiation 32 Times Limit

[image: Ytterbium-169]A Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc (RR/) unit must pay more
than 375,000 pounds ($607,000) in fines and costs after a screw-sized
radioactive capsule exposed workers to radiation 32 times legal levels.
Rolls-Royce Marine Power Operations, which manufactures components for
submarines, was fined yesterday for breaching safety regulations at a court
in Leicester, England, the U.K.’s Health and Safety Executive said. The
capsule containing Ytterbium-169 used to test welding was lost for about
five hours at a Rolls-Royce plant in Derby, the HSE said.
“Gamma radiation emitte... more »
Babcock secures £2.6bn MoD contract

[image: Astute class SSN]Babcock, which manages Her Majesty’s Naval Bases
at Devonport and Clyde, has been awarded a multibillion-pound contract to
repair and maintain the Royal Navy's warships and submarines.
The group was awarded the £2.6bn contract by the Ministry of Defence (MoD)
along with BAE Systems, which manages Portsmouth Naval Base and secured a
£600m contract.
The agreement has safeguarded 4,000 jobs at Devonport Naval Base, with
1,500 and 2,000 at Clyde and Portsmouth respectively.
Read more
Naval Submarine Jangbogo III to Be Built with Homegrown Technology

[image: Jangbogo III class SSK]It is likely the next-generation submarine
for the Republic of Korea Navy will be Jangbogo III (Batch I) based on
homegrown technology.
The Defense Acquisition Program Administration said on September 29 that
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, the shipbuilder to assemble two
3,000-ton class conventional submarines, has sufficient capabilities to
build such ships in a critical design review sessions held for five days
between September 25 and 29 with 150 experts from the navy, industry, and
The 3,000-ton Jangbogo III is Korea’s first s... more »
Mabus: Review of women joining SEALs on track

[image: SEAL training course]A U.S. Special Operations Command report on
integrating women into the elite Navy SEAL community was due back in July,
but officials aren’t able to confirm whether it’s been completed or when
leadership will be briefed. Still, the the service is on track to make a
final decision about admitting women to the teams by 2016, said the
service’s top civilian. And it’s an effort he supports.
“In my opinion, if people meet the qualifications, I don’t think gender
should matter,” Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said in a meeting with reporters
on Tuesday.
Mabus, who h... more »
Taiwan to present indigenous submarine plan to U.S.

[image: Hai Lung (Zwaardvis) class SSK]Taiwan will present a plan to build
indigenous submarines at the upcoming United States-Taiwan Defense Industry
Conference and reaffirm its resolution in self-defense, Defense Minister
Yen Ming said Wednesday.
Responding to questions at the Legislature's committee on foreign affairs
and national defense, Yen said a Taiwanese delegation to the U.S., to be
led by Deputy Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng, will also touch on defense
procurement from the U.S. during closed-door meetings.
Taiwan's state-owned aerospace company, Aerospace Industrial Dev... more »
Mark Pritchard MP

*"You are not fucking royalty, Mr Speaker!" *
Pritchard was brought up and educated in Herefordshire. He remarked on BBC
Radio 4 that he comes from an "unorthodox background" for a Conservative
Member of Parliament. For the first five years of his life he was brought
up in an orphanage in Hereford, and later grew up in foster care living in
a council house. He told his local newspaper that his early years were
years of "love and warmth" and that he did not have "a single bad memory"
of his time in the orphanage.
Pritchard is a member of the UK's Joint Committee on the National... more »
Sept. 30: Go to Chapters at the Mall.....
Go in the front doors, and immediately take 7 or 8 steps to the right, then
look right to the shelves devoted to New Brunswick books. You will see one
in a white slipcover with red print, "Irving vs. Irving:: Canada's family
billionaires and the stories they won't tell.
Funny the Irving press hasn't mentioned that book. I mean, you know,
they're so keen on improving literacy in the province. Judging from their
columns, the editors and columnists of the TandT all read the book on how
the New Brunswick economy is going off a cliff. You'd think a book about
the boss would be required ... more »
Chinese Submarine Headed to Gulf of Aden For Counter Piracy Operations

[image: Type 039 (Song) class SSK]China has sent a submarine to the Gulf of
Aden to help in counter piracy operations — a first for the People’s
Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN) submarine fleet, according to the Chinese
Ministry of National Defense.
In a press briefing last week, ministry spokesman Col. Geng Yansheng
confirmed a PLAN submarine was headed off the coast of Somalia to join a
Chinese task force effort to piracy in the region.
News of the submarine emerged earlier this month when what appeared to be a
Song-class diesel attack submarine (SSK) took on fuel and provisions in ... more »
$500 Fabulous Fall Cash Giveaway

I have gotten together with some fantastic bloggers to offer one reader a
huge prize of $500! All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter below!
Welcome to the $500 Fabulous Fall Cash Giveaway!
We have joined forces with a fantastic group of bloggers to bring you this
great giveaway. One lucky person will win $500 cash.
Enter to win $500 cash via PayPal.
Complete the tasks below to earn entries into this giveaway.
Refer your friends using your unique link to earn even more chances to win.
*Open Worldwide.*
*Ends at 11:59pm ET on October 14th, 2014.*
a ... more »
Army Special Forces Soldier Delivers Jaw Dropping Letter to US Politicians

It saddens me that this must ever be said. The USA has created the
greatest military force on Earth. And so far as the Earth is ruled under
hiarchial structures, then the temptation to contest control with guns will
continue. The only solution is cooperative local military power and when
that fails, real deployment of USA military power.
There are superior solutions but not from the mouths of the the global
political class. Nor should they be expected. What is clearly needed is
leadership and decissive action and not been afraid to leave a force in
place to support rebuilding a... more »
Does DMT Open the Door to Afterlife?

It is also the safest psychedelic as well. Our difficulty is that we
percieve the world around us through our eyeballs and this presently limits
us to a narrow range of perception. In the meantime we are surrounded by
dark matter in particular which is physically present but operating way
down the spectrum and is thus invisible. As well ambient light generally
passes easily through all this or at best is slightly absorbed.
We are it appears to be residing in such an ocean of dark matter that
modulates much around us. I consider this to be the most important
discovery in physics ... more »

This is a fabulous program that becomes a nartural appreniship in organic
agriculture and allows you to access as many teachers as you wish and in
the process share knowledge between venders. The economics are natural as
well and could be integrated easily into resolving homelessness as well.
The only cash outlay comes from simply getting there and that in a
generally small area is fairly simple to work out. For someone with a few
months on his hands and perhaps a bit of cash he does not wish to waste, it
is ideal.
Every young adult needs to do this anyway simply to pick up a s... more »
Roger Baker : America: You’ve got three more years to drive normally!, Part 2
The estimate of three years of easily affordable driving depends primarily
on how long the current fracking boom, which is holding down the global oil
price, can be sustained. By Roger Baker | The Rag Blog | October 1, 2014 …
finish reading Roger Baker :
America: You’ve got three more years to drive normally!, Part 2
The Ebola Epidemic Is About to Get Worse
*The Ebola Epidemic Is About to Get Worse. Much Worse. -- Michael T.
Osterholm, Politico*
As in: We need to order 500 million vaccines. Now.
Ebola is spreading faster than anyone would like to admit, and the current,
slow international response to the deadly disease is morphing into a modern
tragedy. On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
in Atlanta confirmed the first case in the United States, in Dallas. If
Ebola has already arrived on these shores, imagine how quickly it could be
spreading in Africa.
Ebola’s dispersion on the African continent must be... more »
First Confirmed Case Of Ebola In The United States
*Ebola Is in America: Dallas Man Is Diagnosed With Disease AFTER Return
From Africa In First Case Found On U.S. Soil. Now In Isolation But He MAY
Have Infected Others -- Daily Mail/AP*
* An isolated patient inside Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas is
sick with Ebola, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said
* CDC Director Tom Frieden said the patient traveled from Liberia to the
United States earlier this month and was visiting his family
* The man was reportedly given antibiotics before he was critically ill and
admitted two days later
* The misdiagnosis is repor... more »
Hong Kong's "Occupy Central" is US-backed Sedition

The goal of the US in Hong Kong is clear - to turn the island into an
epicenter of foreign-funded subversion with which to infect China's
mainland more directly.
*October 1, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Protesters of the "Occupy
Central" movement in Hong Kong shout familiar slogans and adopt familiar
tactics seen across the globe as part of the United States' immense
political destabilization and regime change enterprise. Identifying the
leaders, following the money, and examining Western coverage of these
events reveal with certainty that yet again, Washington and Wall Street ar... more »
(The New Improved Perfectly Uneducated U.S. Employee) Who Hates the U.S. Enough To Pursue Victory Over Shadows? (The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria) How ISIS Actually Works (Boy (Holder) Gone)
Sorry, friends, that I got behind in my essay publishing due to trying to
scratch a few pennies together to maintain my already meager lifestyle.
Here's one I've been putting together for a few days. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What
most of the educated have to look forward to in the USA! USA! USA! (H/t to
WhoWhatWhy!) Or not re-hired. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Terrific history here: "What
We’d Done in Iraq Had
Syrian FM: US Approach in Arming Syrian Rebels will Create Another ISIL Once Again
*President Barack Bullshit Obama: "They were eating the livers and hearts
of dead bodies like wild cannibals, and we called them moderate rebels"
Title: Syrian FM: US Approach in Arming Syrian Rebels will Create Another
ISIL Once Again. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published: September 30, 2014.
Syria's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Walid Muallem, stated
in an interview with al-Mayadeen TV, that the approach the US and its
allies are continuing to take in Syria by arming terrorist groups,
otherwise referred to by the Obama administration as "modera... more »
David Cameron's Conservative Party Is Drip, Drip, Dripping Away

Historically, mainstream conservative parties always devolve into fascism
John Boehner is always crying how hard it is for him to control the
teabaggers and libertarians inside his own caucus. David Cameron knows just
what he means-- in spades. As we mentioned in the last few weeks, two
prominent Members of Parliament, Douglas Carswell and Mark Reckless, quit
his party, blamed him and joined the racist and fascist-oriented UKIP,
which seeks to replace the Conservatives as the British party of the right.
Here we are, right in the middle of the big Conservative Party conference
that ki... more »
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Eye of the Wolf”
Medwyn Goodall, “Eye of the Wolf”
Idiotic Soccer Fans In Morocco Cheer On The Genocidal Killers of Daesh/ISIS
*Title: Moroccan Soccer Fans Root for ISIS. Source: MEMRI TV. Date
Published: Sept 29, 2014. Description:*
A week after Algerian militants kidnapped and slaughtered a French tourist,
a video has surfaced on the Internet in which Moroccan soccer fans sing
pro-ISIS chants. In the video, posted on September 29, 2014, the fans of
the Raja Club Athletic from Casablanca, Morocco, can be heard chanting:
"ISIS! ISIS!" and "Let's go on Jihad!"
How else can you explain this stupidity than by saying like attracts like?
It's like NASCAR fans voting for the GOP. You can't expect anything else.
... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“These two spiral galaxies make a photogenic pair, found within the
boundaries of the northern constellation Draco. Contrasting in color and
orientation, NGC 5965 is nearly edge-on to our line of sight and dominated
by yellow hues, while bluish NGC 5963 is closer to face-on. Of course, even
in this well-framed cosmic snapshot the scene is invaded by other galaxies,
including small elliptical NGC 5969 at the lower left.
* Click image for larger size.*
Brighter, spiky stars in our own Milky Way are scattered through the
foreground. Though they seem to be close and of similar size, gala... more »
"Life is never easy for those who dream."
- Robert James Waller
Reader comment about “The Unbearable Lightness of Neo-Liberal Historical
Revisionism in Education:”
Regarding this last sentence of the article:
Booker T. Washington spent his life never bothering to ask that question,
and it appears that Dana Goldstein’s book, which no doubt will earn the
seal of approval from Bill Gates and Randi Weingarten, has charted a
similar track.
Apparently there is an ongoing mentoring of Ms. Goldstein by Randi
Weingarten and Bill Gates.
This interview from March 16, 2012 by Ms. Goldstein shows Randi Weingarten
at her best, expressing common ground wit... more »
Mary Oliver, "The Poet Dreams of the Mountain"
*"The Poet Dreams of the Mountain"*
by Mary Oliver
"Sometimes I grow weary of the days with all their fits and starts.
I want to climb some old grey mountain, slowly, taking
the rest of my life to do it, resting often, sleeping
under the pines or, above them, on the unclothed rocks.
I want to see how many stars are still in the sky
that we have smothered for years now, forgiving it all,
and peaceful, knowing the last thing there is to know.
All that urgency! Not what the earth is about!
How silent the trees, their poetry being of themselves only.
I want to take slow steps, and think appr... more »
"Ironic, huh?"
“Thought is real. Physical is the illusion. Ironic, huh?”
- Robin Williams, “What Dreams May Come”
Conservative blogger, Mandy Nagy (aka Liberty Chick) needs our help...

*please donate.*
On September 6th, Mandy Nagy also known as Liberty Chick, had a very
serious stroke. She has had surgery and as of today's update is headed to
She was to start as editor of Legal Insurrection on September 8th. William
Jacobson has been *keeping us updated as to her condition *via Mandy's
*From Legal Insurrection:*
On September 6, Mandy suffered a serious stroke, and has been in the
hospital ever since. The details and her progress are in my prior post, Pray
for Mandy Nagy.
It is hoped that Mandy will move to a rehab facility soon.
The most rec... more »
"The Otters Of The Universe"
“We are game-playing, fun-having creatures, we are the otters of the
universe. We cannot die, we cannot hurt ourselves any more than illusions
on the screen can be hurt. But we can believe we’re hurt, in whatever
agonizing detail we want. We can believe we’re victims, killed and killing,
shuddered around by good luck and bad luck.”
“Many lifetimes?” I asked.
“How many movies have you seen?”
“Films about living on this planet, about living on other planets; anything
that’s got space and time is all movie and all illusion,” he said. “But for
a while we can learn a huge amount and... more »
Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

Rosetta UFO
The Daily "Near You?"
Munich, Bayern, Germany. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, "The Imperfect Is Our Paradise"
*"The Imperfect Is Our Paradise"*
by Chet Raymo
"'The Anecdote of the Jar' by Wallace Stevens:
"I placed a jar in Tennessee,
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.
The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.
It took dominion every where.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in Tennessee."
It is reasonable to ask, why, in a cyberspace teeming with millions of
blogs, I... more »
"Life Transitions: The Death and Rebirth of Self"
*"Life Transitions: The Death and Rebirth of Self"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life.
Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life. Even
though this is a natural and necessary part of our growth, it is often
painful or, if we don’t realize what’s happening, confusing and
disorienting. In fact, confusion and disorientation are often the
messengers that tell us a shift is taking place within us. These shifts
happen throughout the lives of all humans, as we move from infancy to
childhood to ado... more »
Al-Moallem of Syria

Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Syrian Arab Republic, SYRIAN – steeped in history for
seven thousand years. ARAB – proud of its steadfast pan-Arab heritage
despite the deliberate acts of aggression of supposed brotherly Arabs.
REPUBLIC – a civil state that some, sitting in this room, have tried to
return to medieval times. Never have I been in a more difficult position;
my delegation and I carry the weight of three years of hardship endured by
my fellow countrymen – the blood of our martyrs, the tears of our bereaved,
the anguish of families waiting for news of a loved on... more »
Urban Gadabout:The schedule for OHNY Weekend (Oct. 11-12) is out today, and registration begins tomorrow!

*"Overview" from the Open House New York website*: *"For two days every
October, OHNY Weekend unlocks the doors to New York’s most important
buildings, offering an extraordinary opportunity to experience the city and
meet the people who design, build, and preserve New York. From historic to
contemporary, residential to industrial, hundreds of sites across the five
boroughs are open to visit, with tours, talks, performances and other
special events taking place over the course of the Weekend. Through the
unparalleled access that it enables, OHNY Weekend deepens our understanding
of ... more »
Here Are 6 Reasons On Why One Soldier Was Happy That He Went To War

Photo courtesy of the Marines
*Why ’6 Reasons I’m Happier Because I Went To War’ Went Viral -- Washington
It’s counter-intuitive: Why would combat veterans who risk their lives
repeatedly, experience gruesome events and witness their fellow service
members die be happy that they went to war?
And yet that’s exactly what Marine veteran John Walters reflects on in a
new post on LinkedIn that has gone viral. Tens of thousands of readers have
shared the piece, titled “6 Reasons I’m Happier Because I Went to War.”
Many of them say they also served in the military and relate to wha... more »
The (Agent) Orange Revolution

NATO Puppet President of Ukraine, Yushenko, who was brought to power in a
stolen election in 2004 (the "Orange Revolution") was "poisoned" and nearly
died, the night after he dined with the head of Ukrainan intelligence.
Putin was instantly blamed - not that there weren't 60 million OTHER
Russians who didn't wish him dead.
He was rushed to Austria, where it was pronounced that he was suffering
from Dioxin poisoning - specifically TCDD.
TCDD is Agent Orange. And the Soviet Union did not use it.
The CIA have a sense of humour.
White House- Kill Syrian/Iraqi Civilians- Exemption for airstrikes

Well, isn't Obama a real peacemaker, humanity saver, democracy bringer and
freedom lover?
NOT! I am being completely facetious.
Read on-
White House exempts Syria airstrikes from tight standards on civilian deaths
* Not that the US was ever very careful when it came to civilians deaths
however they at least talked as if they cared. Even that pretense will not
apply for Syria and Iraq*
*The White House has acknowledged for the first time that strict standards
President Obama imposed last year to prevent civilian deaths from U.S.
drone strikes will not apply to U.S. military operatio... more »
An Analysis On The Many Missteps In Assessing The ISIS Threat

*Many Missteps In Assessment of ISIS Threat -- Peter Baker and Eric
Schmittsept, NYT*
WASHINGTON — By late last year, classified American intelligence reports
painted an increasingly ominous picture of a growing threat from Sunni
extremists in Syria, according to senior intelligence and military
officials. Just as worrisome, they said, were reports of deteriorating
readiness and morale among troops next door in Iraq.
But the reports, they said, generated little attention in a White House
consumed with multiple brush fires and reluctant to be drawn back into
Iraq. “Some of us were... more »
It's election time! Watch as Cameron cosies up to the NHS
access seven days a week by 2020 ‘guaranteed’ under Tories – Cameron
Access to a GP seven days a week by 2020 would be guaranteed
under a Tory government, David Cameron will announce on Tuesday, backing the
measure with a £100m fund. Labour has made a separate commitment to guarantee
GP access within 48 hours. The prime minister’s announcement is designed to
give a
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 30, 2014
*Is Obama Passing The Buck On Underestimating Islamic State? -- Peter
Grier, CSM*
Some don't like how President Obama handled a question about the Islamic
State during a '60 Minutes' interview. Some think he threw his Director of
National Intelligence under a bus.
Washington — Is President Obama blaming everyone but himself for missing
the danger posed by the Islamic State (IS), allowing it to grab a big slice
of territory in Syria and Iraq?
That’s what critics are claiming Monday in the wake of Mr. Obama’s
appearance on CBS's “60 Minutes” Sunday night.
Here’s the underpinning o... more »
Truth always moves on
That is so Tom Clancy, I think of my cock the same way. My tip has
mcspooged in an uneventiful way to date. My only hope is that some of those
swimmers link up with a great hope.
Allen I know that you are Jewish
complete disclours here is
this Jew is not manipulating
my mind.
Okay he has done all this hockey
stuff and used his advanced degrees
to be accurate
other than that we should
expect the holocust
Thats were i ream far
from the disbelief
ya man that happened\
fuck you fuck you
fuck you
that do not relie
this is the truth,
The holocuat was just sideshwow
in the current ... more »
Did Russia Threaten To Retaliate Against The U.S. Military If They Should Bomb Assad's Forces In Syria?

MIG-29 fighters. © RIA Novosti. Vladimir Rodionov
*Russia Threatens To Retaliate Against U.S. Military -- WND*
Warns airspace over Syria under protection of Moscow
TEL AVIV – Russia has delivered a behind-the-scenes threat to retaliate if
airstrikes carried out by the U.S. or its allies target the regime of
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Middle Eastern security officials told
The security officials said Russia complained Sunday in quiet talks with
United Nations representatives that the Obama administration’s current
aerial campaign against Islamic State fighters in Syria ... more »
Hong Kong Protests: Water, food, masks & medical supplies materialize

"Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong have been receiving donations of
food, water, masks and other medical supplies as they continue their
demonstration that has brought large parts of the territory to a standstill"
"The supplies have been set out in an exceptionally organised way. There
are even buckets with water-soaked paper towels in them, in case the
authorities start to use tear gas and pepper spray again."
That's the entire BBC article- Those two quoted paragraphs
From who or where are these donations originating? It's not mentioned. All
those goods cost money?
Wasn'... more »
Did The Democrats Learn Anything From The Alex Sink Disaster In Florida?

Alex Sink may have been a mediocre candidate but Republican David Jolly
wasn't any better. And Sink had the advantage of running in a blue-leaning
district that Obama won against McCain in 2008 and against Romney in 2012…
and that Bill Nelson won against Connie Mack in the 2012 Senate race. On
top of that, Sink spent way more money-- $3,195,638 to his $1,616,137.
Outside allies spent heavily on both sides-- the DCCC put in $2,234,959,
the biggest single outside expenditure of the campaign, Pelosi's House
Majority PAC put in another $988,769, and EMILY's List spent $177,869. The
mo... more »
Speaking from the reality of flames

Kurts message was way more complex than than that and one of his daughters
was married to Jerry Rivers. You know him as Heraolo Rivara. Yep the Fox
asshole. You could see in his eyes he was sad about that. Kurts message was
essentially why the fuck as a species do we want to conquer the world?
Pinky and the Brain hopefully taught our UTES its an enterprise doomed to
failure or worse.
All the great people, will you be one. I thought I was then I got realized.
This was fortunate me for me because I could have run my clown circuses
railway a long way if I had not quit. Yes Allen I quit... more »
Horrible Histories, A BBC patriot and Evan Davis

Just a few random thoughts tonight, as I seem to be capable of little else
today. (It's been a bad day. Please don't take my picture).....
Let me start by saying that I've rarely watched *Horrible Histories*, the
popular CBBC history programme, but I have listened to/read a number of
interviews with its guiding spirit - children's author Terry Deary, so that
makes me an expert.
Mr Deary is a self-declared "anarchist" who regards school as a "waste of
time" and openly rejoices in being able to plant "subversive" and "radical"
messages in children's minds and, by the sounds of it, CB... more »
Documentary: Militarization of Space
Three Global Network leaders interviewed in the award-winning documentary
film about the militarization of space.
The RAF Does Not have The Means To Sustain An Air Campaign Against The Islamic State

Photo: Heathcliff O'Malley/The Telegraph
*The RAF Is Too Run-Down For The Campaign Against Islamic State -- Con
Coughlin, The Telegraph*
Britain had 30 combat squadrons at the start of the 1991 war in Iraq –
today it has only seven.
So here we go again: we’re counting the RAF Tornado GR4 warplanes as they
take off from Cyprus to attack Islamic fighters in Iraq; and then we’re
counting them safely back to base. Only this time, our main interest is
focused not so much on the number of warplanes flying back from their
combat missions, but whether any of them have actually managed to ... more »
Just so glad to be alive
Thinkaboot it. Be glad to be alive and healthy
I live in Canada
but there are
so may places
I would not like
to vist they
do not feel fully
the same way.
This was my soft app arch
kill the Muslims extremists
my friends
or you will
be the last pig
on a pig roast,.
Facebook: "What You Don't Care About (But Damn Well Should)"
*"What You Don't Care About (But Damn Well Should)"*
by Karl Denninger
"Damn you're either ignorant or stupid. After reading this article you can
no longer claim ignorance, and whether or not Faceburgler still has a
customer base remaining after this piece of information goes into that
vacuum between your ears that should have a decent amount of density will
tell me whether or not you're collectively stupid!
SAN FRANCISCO — "Facebook built itself into the No. 2 digital advertising
platform in the world by analyzing the vast amount of data it had on each
of its 1.3 billion users to... more »
“The Trouble with Wealth”
*“The Trouble with Wealth”*
by Bill Bonner
“We have been writing a series titled "Homage to Poverty." Our mission was
not to encourage readers to give away their worldly goods and wander the
globe, depending on the kindness and alms of strangers. We are just trying
to put wealth in perspective. We wanted readers to know what they were
getting into.
We've already addressed two of the three most important questions in life:
What do you do? And where do you do it? Does having money help you do what
you want? Sometimes. Other times, it just gets in the way. Does it help you
live wher... more »
One Graph Shows The Rise In U.S.-Led Airstrikes In Iraq And Syria

*The Rise In U.S.-Led Airstrikes In Iraq And Syria, In One Graphic --
Washington Post*
As outlined a short time ago on Checkpoint, the cost of the U.S. military
campaign against the Islamic State is likely closing in on $1 billion, and
could rise at a cost of between $200 million and $320 million per month as
it continues.
This graphic was produced by colleagues at The Washington Post with
information released by U.S. Central Command and compiled in this
spreadsheet I posted on Google Docs. It shows that the pace of U.S.-led
airstrikes in Iraq and Syria have increased rapidly, es... more »
Supplemental: Rachel eliminates all Hispanics!
*TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014Trust her—it's for a good cause:* In this
morning’s New York Times, Joe Nocera writes an actual column. In this
column, he criticizes major aspects of Eric Holder's tenure.
In our view, Nocera has been a big disappointment since joining the op-ed
page. He wastes enormous amounts of time writing about various aspects of
college athletics, a rather marginal set of concerns as the nation
In today’s column, he wrote about a serious topic in his general field, the
world of business and economics.
Last Thursday, Rachel Maddow also scanned, or... more »
Harper lost in Space

Canada a country
which many or most
patriotic Canadians
would proudly admit
stands for nothing
but good wishes
Our current Tea Party goverment
elected in the medieval
first past the post election
has lost its head
with the latest
space related visa
that make ones
brain scream with dread
at the absolute of
six gravity stupidity.
Canada was privileged
to host such a prestigious
future building event
and we should be proud
to host the esteemed
international astronautical symposium
Space is thankfully in our history
a mostly non political place
All nation depend upon R... more »
Keep Space for Peace Week Actions List

*October 4-11, 2014*
* Keep Space for Peace Week*
*International Week of Protest to*
Stop the Militarization of Space
*Stop Drones Surveillance & Killing*
*No Missile Defense*
*No to NATO *
*End Corporate Domination of Foreign/Military Policy*
*Convert the Military Industrial Complex*
*Deal with climate change and global poverty*
- *Aarhus, Denmark* (Oct 4) Peace festival will discuss militarization
of space and other urgent issues. Contact: Helge Ratzer at 45 20479699
- *Aberporth, West Wales* (Sept 21) CND Cymru has a demonstration at the
drones testing centr... more »
The Business Model

Capitalism, the business model, has occupied most of our minds and souls.
Many of our global communities, once oriented toward cooperation, have been
reduced to dog-eat-dog competition that pits one against the other.
Humanity is adrift in this system of selfish indulgence, greed, careless
consumption and militarism.
How do we regain our way on this beautiful but challenged spinning
satellite in space? One suggestion is that we begin to define the problem,
recognize the scale of our own mental colonization, and begin the lifelong
process of taking back our minds, our dignity, ... more »
Quotes of the day: On economics as prophylactic
*“Economics is primarily useful, both to the student and to the political
leader, as a prophylactic against popular fallacies.”*
- Henry Calvert Simons, *The Simons’ Syllabus,* ed. Gordon Tullock
*“Not because he knows so much, but because he knows how much he would have
to know in order to interfere successfully, and because he knows that he
will never know all the relevant circumstances, it would seem that the
economist should refrain from recommending isolated acts of interference
even in conditions in which the theory tells him that they may sometimes be
beneficial.... more »
“25 Life Lessons By An Old Greek Shepherd”
*“25 Life Lessons By An Old Greek Shepherd”*
by George Giotis, Greece by Greeks
*“The road to the destination is never straight.* To reach out to the
winter shelter someone must take a lot of turns, travel along rough roads,
suffer losses. You have to make sure that you always take food supplies
with you.
*Leave the past behind.* If a wolf eats your goat, you can't do anything
about it. Just make sure that next time you will be more careful. *Don't live just for saving money and don't be stingy.* Don't postpone the
tasting of joy for future times. Do it now, while you are still ... more »
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