The Revolution with Claudette Babineau and 2 others
95.7 KJR
Like any good intelligence agency, the CIA learned from its mistakes upon being exposed, and has since adjusted tactics. This is where the concept of “non-official cover” comes into play. The term was recently described by German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, in a blistering RT interview. Mr. Ulfkotte was previously the editor for one of Germany’s main dailies, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), so he is no small fry.
“Non-official cover” occurs when a journalist is essentially working for the CIA, but it’s not in an official capacity. This allows both parties to reap the rewards of the partnership, while at the same time giving both sides plausible deniability. The CIA will find young journalists and mentor them. Suddenly doors will open up, rewards will be given, and before you know it, you owe your entire career to them. That’s essentially how it works. But don’t take it from me…
Bill has spoken to military historian Andrew Bacevich a number of times about America's foreign policy. In the Washington Post
Bacevich writes: "US military power has never offered an appropriate
response to whatever ails the Islamic world. We’ve committed our troops
to a fool’s errand." Wondering what people think of his comment?
Why the campaign in Syria won’t end better than any of the others.
“I was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans to report…not exactly the truth.” - Udo...
Like any good intelligence agency, the CIA learned from its mistakes upon being exposed, and has since adjusted tactics. This is where the concept of “non-official cover” comes into play. The term was recently described by German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, in a blistering RT interview. Mr. Ulfkotte was previously the editor for one of Germany’s main dailies, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), so he is no small fry.
“Non-official cover” occurs when a journalist is essentially working for the CIA, but it’s not in an official capacity. This allows both parties to reap the rewards of the partnership, while at the same time giving both sides plausible deniability. The CIA will find young journalists and mentor them. Suddenly doors will open up, rewards will be given, and before you know it, you owe your entire career to them. That’s essentially how it works. But don’t take it from me…
Slavery Today- Page shared Amnesty International's photo.
Congratulations to Malala Yousafzai & Kailash Satyarthi who have won the Nobel peace prize 2014.
** Reader Supported News **
Hysteric POTUS Channels Bushist War Shtick before UN

The U.S. without a war is like an apple pie without apples
A Nobel Peace Prize recipient is among the loudest voices for war nowadays. Better, this Nobel Peace prize recipient has unchecked power to wage war and uses it willfully in a variety of nations. Perhaps best, this prize-winning peace president has set out to a plan to make a desert and call it peace, for which a grateful power structure might well give him yet another prize.
Continue reading American War Cries
Hysteric POTUS Channels Bushist War Shtick before UN
The U.S. without a war is like an apple pie without apples
A Nobel Peace Prize recipient is among the loudest voices for war nowadays. Better, this Nobel Peace prize recipient has unchecked power to wage war and uses it willfully in a variety of nations. Perhaps best, this prize-winning peace president has set out to a plan to make a desert and call it peace, for which a grateful power structure might well give him yet another prize.
Continue reading American War Cries
was speaking with a fellow with the onset of Parkinson's. Recently
seeing charts that show mirrored rates of glyphosate (Roundup) use and
neurological disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Autism, I
read it takes only 7 days to detox 90% of the pesticides from our bodies
by switching to organics. He showed interest in the ability to leach
the toxins from our fruits and veggies by soaking in a sink full of
water & a cup of vinegar for 20 mins. I got back to painting
and he inquired about glyphosate / GMO in the 50s when he first heard
of Parkinson's. I knew the same company made DDT at the time. Got me
wondering about the polio epidemic back then and stumbled on this:
Seems these chemical "food" "medicine" profits from the sick have been at this for a very long time.
See modern glyphosate v.s. neurological disorder charts:
Seems these chemical "food" "medicine" profits from the sick have been at this for a very long time.
See modern glyphosate v.s. neurological disorder charts:
nervous system diseases such as polio are actually the physiological
and symptomatic manifestations of the ongoing government and industry
sponsored inundation of the world's populace with central nervous system
definition, government by the people; a form of government in which the
supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or
by their elected agents under a free electoral system. See more.
An off-duty St. Louis police officer fatally shot 18-year-old Vonderrick Myers Jr. 12 miles from #Ferguson late Wednesday evening. Multiple witnesses report Myers was unarmed and holding a sandwich when the officer shot him 16 times.
The officer alleges Myers drew a gun, but the credibility of the St.
Louis Police Department is below zero at this point. All we know now is
an off-duty officer stopped a group of teenagers (illegally), chased
them, and now a family is mourning. We will keep you updated LIVE from #FergsuonOctober all weekend.
#ShawShooting #16times #MikeBrown #FergusonOctober
#ShawShooting #16times #MikeBrown #FergusonOctober
Can someone explain how this makes any sense?
Police Make 11 Arrests And Seize 190 Pounds Of Unlicensed Ginseng Plus $30,000 In Cash
Learn more >>
- Jb of - Police the Police - (A Community Project)
Police Make 11 Arrests And Seize 190 Pounds Of Unlicensed Ginseng Plus $30,000 In Cash
Learn more >>
- Jb of - Police the Police - (A Community Project)
Greg Cook SjNew Brunswick is NOT for sale
office responsible for investigating allegations of police actions
causing harm confirmed Thursday that it is looking into an incident in
Terrace, B.C.
Cop Block with Mike Nguyen and 3 others
police services (not protection services) were desired, wouldn't people
voluntarily pay for them instead of being forced to and have to suffer
with the results?
We don’t need police. Here’s how we can do without them.
Read more:
This Is Why We Will Never Have “Good Cops” (under coercion)
Read more:
(Jb of
Read more:
This Is Why We Will Never Have “Good Cops” (under coercion)
Read more:
(Jb of
1995, the US government tried – and failed – to categorise encryption
as a weapon. Today, the same lines are being drawn and the same tactics
repeated as the FBI wants to do the same. Here’s why they are wrong, and
why they must fail again.
The Guardian, By Cory Doctorow, October 9
Eric Holder, the outgoing US attorney general, has joined the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in calling for the security of all computer systems to be fatally weakened. This isn’t a new project – the idea has been around since the early 1990s, when the NSA classed all strong cryptography as a “munition” and regulated civilian use of it to ensure that they had the keys to unlock any technological countermeasures you put around your data.
Continue reading Crypto wars redux: why the FBI’s desire to unlock your private life must be resisted
The Guardian, By Cory Doctorow, October 9
Eric Holder, the outgoing US attorney general, has joined the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in calling for the security of all computer systems to be fatally weakened. This isn’t a new project – the idea has been around since the early 1990s, when the NSA classed all strong cryptography as a “munition” and regulated civilian use of it to ensure that they had the keys to unlock any technological countermeasures you put around your data.
Continue reading Crypto wars redux: why the FBI’s desire to unlock your private life must be resisted
From Ian’s October 2 blog entry:
I will be starting a new series on technology and its effect on
society. Before I do so I want to take readers through some of my
previous writing on ideology and character, and how they help form the
societies we live in. Taking the time to read these articles (a short
book’s worth), should vastly improve your understanding of the world and
the articles to come. It should be worth your time even if you read
the articles when they were published, as at the time they lacked both
context and commentary, and were not collated to be read together so
that the connections were obvious.
more at the link
Sue Fitzmaurice, Author
more at the link
Sue Fitzmaurice, Author
-- In September, Rep. Trey Radel voted for Republican legislation that
would allow states to make food stamp recipients pee in cups to prove...
you can believe in. OBAMA'S AMERICA - According to a new report by the
International Monetary Fund, China just overtook the U.S. to
Map Shows Abortion Access In Texas Now Only For Wealthy
A series of draconian anti-abortion laws in Texas has closed all but eight of the 44 clinics that operated across the state in 2013. The remaining clinics are all concentrated in urban, high-income areas of the state, leaving poor women unable to reach them easily.
A new Huffington Post map of abortion access in Texas shows the locations of the remaining clinics crossed with the median household income in that area. The eight clinics are all in the Dallas, Austin, Houston and San Antonio metro areas, home to most of the highest earners in the state.Ruth Bader Ginsburg Blames One Justice For Halting Abortion Access
Texas Legislature, along with Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General (and
current Republican candidate for governor) Greg Abbott, imposed laws in
2013 creating two significant barriers to the operation of clinics in
Texas that perform abortions: First, doctors in the clinics were
required to have admitting privileges in nearby hospitals. Second, a
series of architectural standards were devised, applicable only to
abortion clinics, mandating massive renovations to facilities in order to stay open.
Pro-choice activists call these regulations “TRAP laws,” for “Targeted
Regulation of Abortion Providers.” The nonpartisan Guttmacher Institute,
a research organization that focuses on reproductive-health issues,
reported recently that “26 states have laws or policies that regulate
abortion providers and go beyond what is necessary to ensure patients’
safety; all apply to clinics that perform surgical abortion.”
In Texas, how far women have come can be measured by how far they have to go. - 2014/10/08
The Rachel Maddow Show
Texas Legislature, along with Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General (and
current Republican candidate for governor) Greg Abbott, imposed laws in
2013 creating two significant barriers to the operation of clinics in
Texas that perform abortions: First, doctors in the clinics were
required to have admitting privileges in nearby hospitals. Second, a
series of architectural standards were devised, applicable only to
abortion clinics, mandating massive renovations to facilities in order to stay open.
Pro-choice activists call these regulations “TRAP laws,” for “Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers.” The nonpartisan Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that focuses on reproductive-health issues, reported recently that “26 states have laws or policies that regulate abortion providers and go beyond what is necessary to ensure patients’ safety; all apply to clinics that perform surgical abortion.”
Pro-choice activists call these regulations “TRAP laws,” for “Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers.” The nonpartisan Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that focuses on reproductive-health issues, reported recently that “26 states have laws or policies that regulate abortion providers and go beyond what is necessary to ensure patients’ safety; all apply to clinics that perform surgical abortion.”
In Texas, how far women have come can be measured by how far they have to go. - 2014/10/08
The Rachel Maddow Show
One Republican candidate for U.S. Senate thinks he knows why he's losing: it's single women's fault.
"Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits," he said. "They need benefits to survive, and so that kind of weds them to the Democratic Party."
"Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits," he said. "They need benefits to survive, and so that kind of weds them to the Democratic Party."
Between this and the wedding-dress campaign, Republicans probably shouldn't count on shrinking the gender gap anytime soon.
International Labour Organization (ILO)
McCurry photographed women who left their villages with dreams of a
better life. Instead, they found themselves physically abused while in
virtual servitude...|By Kim Barker
of artificial micro-humans, or ‘mini GM humans,’ are hoping to release
their technology on the market by 2017. No this isn’t a sci-fi joke.
Scientists are developing artificial humans in the same vein as GM
plants with the hope that these creations will replace the need for
using animals…
was speaking with a fellow with the onset of Parkinson's. Recently
seeing charts that show mirrored rates of glyphosate (Roundup) use and
neurological disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Autism, I
read it takes only 7 days to detox 90% of the pesticides from our bodies
by switching to organics. He showed interest in the ability to leach
the toxins from our fruits and veggies by soaking in a sink full of
water & a cup of vinegar for 20 mins. I got back to painting
and he inquired about glyphosate / GMO in the 50s when he first heard
of Parkinson's. I knew the same company made DDT at the time. Got me
wondering about the polio epidemic back then and stumbled on this:
Seems these chemical "food" "medicine" profits from the sick have been at this for a very long time.
See modern glyphosate v.s. neurological disorder charts:
Seems these chemical "food" "medicine" profits from the sick have been at this for a very long time.
See modern glyphosate v.s. neurological disorder charts:
nervous system diseases such as polio are actually the physiological
and symptomatic manifestations of the ongoing government and industry
sponsored inundation of the world's populace with central nervous system
is spread through direct contact with bodily fluids of a sick person or
exposure to objects such as needles that have been contaminated.
Nelson Porfirio
People In the Western World Need to Know What's Happening Here in West Africa.
"Ebola" as a Virus Does NOT Exist and Is NOT "Spread".
The Red Cross Has Brought a Disease to 4 Specific Countries for 4 Specific Reasons and It Is Only Contracted By Those Who Receive Treatments and Injections From the Red Cross.
That is Why Liberians and Nigerians Have Begun Kicking the Red Cross Out of Their Countries and Reporting In the News the Truth.
Nelson Porfirio
People In the Western World Need to Know What's Happening Here in West Africa.
"Ebola" as a Virus Does NOT Exist and Is NOT "Spread".
The Red Cross Has Brought a Disease to 4 Specific Countries for 4 Specific Reasons and It Is Only Contracted By Those Who Receive Treatments and Injections From the Red Cross.
That is Why Liberians and Nigerians Have Begun Kicking the Red Cross Out of Their Countries and Reporting In the News the Truth.
Now Bear With Me:
Most People Jump to "Depopulation" Which is No Doubt Always on the Mind of the West When It Comes to Africa.
But I Assure You Africa Can NEVER Be Depopulated By Killing 160 People a Day When Thousands are Born Per Day. So the real Reasons Are Much More Tangible.
Reason 1:
This Vaccine Implemented Sickness Being "Called" Ebola Was Introduced Into West Africa for the End Goal of Getting Troops on the Ground In Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
If You Remember We Were Just Trying to Get Into Nigeria for "Boko Haram" #BULLSHIT
But That Fell Apart When Nigerians Started Telling the Truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING.
Global Support Fell Through the Floor, and a New Reason Was Needed to Get Troops Into Nigeria and Steal the New Oil Reserves They Have Discovered.
Reason 2:
Sierra Leone is the World's Largest Supplier of Diamonds.
For the Past 4 Months They Have Been on Strike, Refusing to Provide Diamonds Due to Horrible Working Conditions and Slave Pay.
The West Will Not Pay a Fair Wage for the Resources Because the Idea is to Keep These People Surviving on Rice Bags and Foreign AID So That They Remain a Source of Cheap Slave Labor Forever. A Reason Was Also Needed to Get Troops On the Ground In Sierra Leone to Force an End to the Diamond Miners Strikes.
This is Not the First Time This Has Been Done. When Miners Refuse to Work Troops Are Sent In and Even If They Have to Kill and Replace Them All, the Only Desire is to Get Diamonds Back Flowing Out of the Country.
Of Course to Launch Multiple Campaigns to Invade These Countries Separately Would Be WAY Too Fishy. But Something Like "Ebola" Allows Access to an Entire Area Simultaneously...
Reason 3:
In Addition to Stealing Nigerian Oil, and Forcing Sierra Leone Back to Mining, Troops Have Also Been Sent In to FORCE Vaccinations (Deadly "Ebola" Poison) Onto Those Africans Who Are Not Foolish Enough to Take The Willingly.
3000 Troops Are Being Sent In to Make Sure That This "Poison" Continues to Spread, Because Again It Is Only Spread Through Vaccination.
As More and More News Articles Are Released Like the One Above From Liberia, Informing the Populous of the US Lies and Manipulation, More and More Africans Are Refusing to Visit the Red Cross.
Troops Will Force These Vaccinations Upon the People to Ensure the Visible Appearance of an Ebola Pandemic. In Addition to This They Will Protect the Red Cross From the Liberians and Nigerians Who Have Been Rightfully Ejecting Them From Their Countries.
Reason 4:
3000 Troops..... Is Ebola Susceptible to Bullets?? Ridiculous.
Last But Not Least the APPEARANCE of This Ebola "Pandemic" (Should Americans Not Catch On) Will Be Used to Scare Countless Millions Into Taking the "Ebola Vaccine" Which in Reality IS THE PANDEMIC.
Already They Have Started With Stories of How It Has Been Brought Back to the US and Has Appeared in Dallas, How White Doctors Were Cured But Black Infected Are Not Being Allowed to Be Treated Etc.
ALL That Will Do Is Make Blacks STRIVE to Get the Vaccine, Because It Appears That the "Cure" is Being Held Back From Blacks. They Will Run Out In Droves to Get It and Then There Will Be Serious Problems.
With All We Have Seen Revealed About Vaccines This Year You Would Think We Learned Our Lesson.
All I Can Do Is Hope So, Because They Depend Highly On Our Ignorance to Complete Their Agendas.
Ask Yourself If Ebola Was Really Spread From Person to Person, Instead of Controlled Spread Through Vaccination - Then WHY Would the CDC and the US Government Continue to Allow Flights In and Out of These Countries With Absolutely No Regulation, Or At All?
We Have Got to Start Thinking and Sharing Information Globally Because They Do Not Give the True Perspective of the People Who Live Here in West Africa.
They Are Lying for Their Own Benefit and There Aren't Enough Voices Out There With a Platform to Help Share Our Reality.
Hundreds of Thousands Have Been Killed, Paralyzed and Disabled By These and Other "New" Vaccines All Over the World and We Are Finally Becoming Aware of It.
Now What Will We DO With All This Information?
Most People Jump to "Depopulation" Which is No Doubt Always on the Mind of the West When It Comes to Africa.
But I Assure You Africa Can NEVER Be Depopulated By Killing 160 People a Day When Thousands are Born Per Day. So the real Reasons Are Much More Tangible.
Reason 1:
This Vaccine Implemented Sickness Being "Called" Ebola Was Introduced Into West Africa for the End Goal of Getting Troops on the Ground In Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
If You Remember We Were Just Trying to Get Into Nigeria for "Boko Haram" #BULLSHIT
But That Fell Apart When Nigerians Started Telling the Truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING.
Global Support Fell Through the Floor, and a New Reason Was Needed to Get Troops Into Nigeria and Steal the New Oil Reserves They Have Discovered.
Reason 2:
Sierra Leone is the World's Largest Supplier of Diamonds.
For the Past 4 Months They Have Been on Strike, Refusing to Provide Diamonds Due to Horrible Working Conditions and Slave Pay.
The West Will Not Pay a Fair Wage for the Resources Because the Idea is to Keep These People Surviving on Rice Bags and Foreign AID So That They Remain a Source of Cheap Slave Labor Forever. A Reason Was Also Needed to Get Troops On the Ground In Sierra Leone to Force an End to the Diamond Miners Strikes.
This is Not the First Time This Has Been Done. When Miners Refuse to Work Troops Are Sent In and Even If They Have to Kill and Replace Them All, the Only Desire is to Get Diamonds Back Flowing Out of the Country.
Of Course to Launch Multiple Campaigns to Invade These Countries Separately Would Be WAY Too Fishy. But Something Like "Ebola" Allows Access to an Entire Area Simultaneously...
Reason 3:
In Addition to Stealing Nigerian Oil, and Forcing Sierra Leone Back to Mining, Troops Have Also Been Sent In to FORCE Vaccinations (Deadly "Ebola" Poison) Onto Those Africans Who Are Not Foolish Enough to Take The Willingly.
3000 Troops Are Being Sent In to Make Sure That This "Poison" Continues to Spread, Because Again It Is Only Spread Through Vaccination.
As More and More News Articles Are Released Like the One Above From Liberia, Informing the Populous of the US Lies and Manipulation, More and More Africans Are Refusing to Visit the Red Cross.
Troops Will Force These Vaccinations Upon the People to Ensure the Visible Appearance of an Ebola Pandemic. In Addition to This They Will Protect the Red Cross From the Liberians and Nigerians Who Have Been Rightfully Ejecting Them From Their Countries.
Reason 4:
3000 Troops..... Is Ebola Susceptible to Bullets?? Ridiculous.
Last But Not Least the APPEARANCE of This Ebola "Pandemic" (Should Americans Not Catch On) Will Be Used to Scare Countless Millions Into Taking the "Ebola Vaccine" Which in Reality IS THE PANDEMIC.
Already They Have Started With Stories of How It Has Been Brought Back to the US and Has Appeared in Dallas, How White Doctors Were Cured But Black Infected Are Not Being Allowed to Be Treated Etc.
ALL That Will Do Is Make Blacks STRIVE to Get the Vaccine, Because It Appears That the "Cure" is Being Held Back From Blacks. They Will Run Out In Droves to Get It and Then There Will Be Serious Problems.
With All We Have Seen Revealed About Vaccines This Year You Would Think We Learned Our Lesson.
All I Can Do Is Hope So, Because They Depend Highly On Our Ignorance to Complete Their Agendas.
Ask Yourself If Ebola Was Really Spread From Person to Person, Instead of Controlled Spread Through Vaccination - Then WHY Would the CDC and the US Government Continue to Allow Flights In and Out of These Countries With Absolutely No Regulation, Or At All?
We Have Got to Start Thinking and Sharing Information Globally Because They Do Not Give the True Perspective of the People Who Live Here in West Africa.
They Are Lying for Their Own Benefit and There Aren't Enough Voices Out There With a Platform to Help Share Our Reality.
Hundreds of Thousands Have Been Killed, Paralyzed and Disabled By These and Other "New" Vaccines All Over the World and We Are Finally Becoming Aware of It.
Now What Will We DO With All This Information?
Alright let's give these two M16s, and send them into Fallujah.
Perhaps they are playing make-believe and dressing up like soldiers because they are childlike morons.
Listen to more liberty talk radio here:
This poor bastard was the patsy for the desire of Australian and State political desire to steal the ability of people on the island that some call Australia to defend themselves with a gun.
This poor bastard was the patsy for the desire of Australian and State political desire to steal the ability of people on the island that some call Australia to defend themselves with a gun.
Share this about because this bloke has no one to help him. This is an Australian False flag that too many don't know about.
Faith In Humanity Is Restored.
Daily life in West Bank...
Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Eleven Palestinians In The Occupied West Bank.
Soldiers Invade Jenin, Install Roadblock At Its Eastern Entrance.
d Free Talk Live's photo.
Free Talk Live with Semra Aust
Aren't they supposed to pray towards Mecca? What the Hell is this?
have been here so many times before," writes Sonali Kolhatkar, "a war
against a people overseas and the accompanying 'otherizing' of their kin
at home."
It "is a cynical ploy designed to distract us from inequities and drum up support for an endless war," and it's got to end.
It "is a cynical ploy designed to distract us from inequities and drum up support for an endless war," and it's got to end.
recent television kerfuffle involving “Real Time” host Bill Maher and
guest Sam Harris over whether Muslims are bad people because their
religion is, in the words of Harris, “the mother lode of bad ideas,” is
symbolic of the new American...
Daily life in West Bank...
Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Eleven Palestinians In The Occupied West Bank.
Soldiers Invade Jenin, Install Roadblock At Its Eastern Entrance.
Several Palestinians Injured By Israeli Army Fire, East Of Bethlehem.
Israeli Imposes Tighter Measures, Restrictions, On The Palestinian Political Prisoners.
Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Farouq Ashour, Member Of The Hebron City Council, At A Roadblock Near Jericho.
. Israeli Imposes Tighter Measures, Restrictions, On The Palestinian Political Prisoners.
Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Farouq Ashour, Member Of The Hebron City Council, At A Roadblock Near Jericho.
Simply horrifying.
WTF Facts with Rangiita Govindarajoo and 12 others
incident occurred in the Indian state of Punjab. Two puppies fell into a
well. Their mother ran near the well and started barking, and attracted
the attention of the owner, who looked
inside and to his surprise there was a king cobra at the bottom, which
didn't pose any threat to the puppies. Moreover, the reptile, looked
after the puppies, by not allowing them to cross to the other side,
where they could possibly drown, when the well is filled with water.
In general, they spent around 48 hours together at the bottom and in
these 48 hours the cobra sat quietly next to them. When help finally
arrived from the forest department, the cobra slithered to the other end
of the well. The puppies were not injured at all and the reptile was
immediately taken into the woods and was released into the wild.
Even the most deadly and dangerous creatures on earth know what Co-existence and mutual assistance is. The human race is in this respect far behind, and this is our biggest drawback.
Even the most deadly and dangerous creatures on earth know what Co-existence and mutual assistance is. The human race is in this respect far behind, and this is our biggest drawback.
Deep Green Resistance added 4 new photos.
NEWS - Blockade in progress at Mauna Kea, indigenous Hawaiian people
and allies are protesting and blocking the construction of a massive
facility on sacred grounds of the mountain.
Please share and spread the word! Protect the sacred! #blockade #MaunaKea #Hawaii #resistance

Real Coastal Warriors shared's photo.
Pretty sure California needs that water...
Read more here:
Photo: Brooke Anderson Photography: Stills of Our Stories & Struggles
Read more here:
Photo: Brooke Anderson Photography: Stills of Our Stories & Struggles
West Virginia lab technician, John W. Shelton, pleaded guilty to faking
water samples taken for coal mining companies to show the EPA they
weren't polluting...
David Suzuki
October 8, 2014 by tom Feds Amend Own Patent Bill Agriculture Canada
will amend its own omnibus farm bill amid complaints that new patent
rules would limit farmers’ traditional ability to save and replant
seeds. Agriculture...
Resource Defense Council In Mexico, Exploraciones Oceanicas, a Mexican
subsidiary of a the US Company, Odyssey Marine Explorations, has
submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) fo...
Watch our open debate online for free at 7pm MDT:
According to the Financial Times,
the average size of new single family homes in the US grew from 1,780
square feet in 1978 to 2,479 square feet in 2007, despite a decrease in
the size of the average family.
The tiny house movement is about homes that are less than 1,000 square feet. Do you think you could live in a tiny house? Discuss.
The tiny house movement is about homes that are less than 1,000 square feet. Do you think you could live in a tiny house? Discuss.
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