10:17pm MDST
US Navy To Deploy Armed Unmanned 'Drone' Boats Within A Year
*Navy Will Deploy Swarms of Autonomous Robots To Protect Warships At Sea --
National Defense*
Robots in combat are no longer a novelty in the U.S. military. Dangerous
jobs such as explosives detection, warzone surveillance and
precision-guided airstrikes already have been handed off to robots.
The Navy is taking the technology a step further.
Researchers believe robots are now smart enough that they can be trusted to
take on tougher jobs like escorting and protecting billion-dollar warships.
Robotic patrol boats could keep sailors out of harm’s way and ease the
burden on overwork... more »
Good News For The GOP: People Have Forgotten About Gun Violence As An Election Issue
So far this cycle, the NRA has handed out direct checks to congressional
campaigns to the tune of $540,612. $20,450 went to Democrats and $520,162
went to Republicans. Virtually every Republican gets a piece— and the only
Democrats who get anything from them are a handful of the worst of the
reactionary Democratic gun shills— John Barrow (Blue Dog-GA), Nick Rahall
(Blue Dog-WV), Kurt Shrader (Blue Dog-OR), Tim Walz (MN), Sanford Bishop
(Blue Dog-GA), Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX), Collin Peterson (Blue Dog-MN).
*All* their biggest bets, however, were on Republicans like Mitch McConn... more »
Tehran truthfest panics Zionist thought police
[image: The conference the ADL loves to hate]
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called it a “hatefest.”
They were referring to the second annual New Horizon Conference in Tehran,
which brought together dozens of the world’s most notable activists,
scholars, pundits, filmmakers and writers – all of whom have contributed to
dismantling or questioning hegemonic narratives peddled in mainstream
Western institutions.
Read the full article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/10/05/truthfest/
[image: The conference the ADL loves to hate]
New NATO Secretary-General: NATO Can Put Troops Wherever It Wants
*NATO Can Put Troops Wherever It Wants, New Secretary-General Says --
(Reuters) - New NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday that
the Western alliance could deploy its forces wherever it wants, apparently
calling into question post-Cold War agreements that have been shaken by
Russia's actions in Crimea and Ukraine.
Stoltenberg was visiting NATO member Poland to reassure it that NATO would
provide the protection it sought against its former communist master,
Russia, which in recent months has annexed the Crimean Peninsula from
Ukraine, and been accused by ... more »
"Nestle" rhymes with "Nazi"
Back in the 1970's, there was an international outcry against Nestle's
sickeningly cynical, profit-driven, economics-based, inhuman policy of
getting new mothers in poor countries to abandon feeding their infants with
breast milk and convincing them to switch to formula.
They would send women dressed as nurses into hospitals to "counsel" these
women; telling them that breast-feeding was fine but infant formula added
necessary vitamins and minerals, telling them that infant formula was
superior to breast-feeding entirely, telling them that mothers and babies
in the rich countries use... more »
A Former French Intelligence Officer Who Defected To al Qaida Was A Priority Target In The First Wave Of U.S. Air Strikes In Syria Last Month

*Sources: U.S. Air Strikes In Syria Targeted French Agent Who Defected To
al Qaida -- McClatchy News*
IRBIL, Iraq — A former French intelligence officer who defected to al Qaida
was among the targets of the first wave of U.S. air strikes in Syria last
month, according to people familiar with the defector’s movements and
Two European intelligence officials described the former French officer as
the highest ranking defector ever to go over to the terrorist group and
called his defection one of the most dangerous developments in the West’s
long confrontation with al Qaida.... more »
Bertrand Russell and the Scientific Dictatorship

"Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which
still await development. Two great men, Pavlov and Freud, have laid the
foundation. I do not accept the view that they are in any essential
conflict, but what structure will be built on their foundations is still in
doubt. I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is
mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the
growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is
what is called "education."
Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; t... more »
Is The World On The Brink Of An Oil Price War?

*World On The Brink Of Oil War As OPEC Bickers Over Price -- Andrew
Critchlow, The Telegraph*
*Oil prices ended last week in freefall as the world’s largest group of
producers from petro-states in the Middle East dithered over whether to cut
output *
A secretive group of the world’s most powerful oil ministers will soon
gather in Vienna to take arguably one of the most important decisions that
could affect the still fragile world economy: whether to cut production of
crude to defend prices at $100 per barrel, or keep open the spigots as
winter looms among the biggest energy-consum... more »
(If One More Conspiracy Theory Can Be Told) The Hidden Government Group Linking JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra and 9/11 (The Doomsday Project)
Think it's possible that there's a war conspiracy going on? Many people do.
And the documentation for this so-called new "conspiracy theory" is pretty
tight. We've been told this tale several times before, but because not many
people could believe it previously (and who, in their right mind, could?),
I think it's time to consider it seriously again. Or maybe for the first
time. And this
Economics for Real People: Competing Ideas of Competition
*[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]*
*Here’s what’s happening this Thursday evening at the Auckland Uni
Economics Group:*
Competition is one of the most important ideas in economics. But what is
competition? And how have economists defined it? Is it a certain state of a
market or is it the behaviour of people within a market?
This week, we bring you a presentation by one of New Zealand's leading
thinkers, Dr. Oliver Hartwich, the Executive Director of The New Zealand
Initiative, on the fundamental economic concept of competition – and how so
many economists get it so wro... more »
Brazil Presidential Election: A News Roundup

Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff approaches a voting booth in Port Alegre,
Oct. 5, 2014.
*Rousseff To Face Neves In Run-Off Vote After Dramatic Collapse Of Silva --
Globe and Mail*
It was a volatile election campaign all the way through, and the results in
Brazil’s national vote on Sunday stayed true to form. President Dilma
Rousseff finished first, but the one-time leading candidate Marina Silva,
an outsider environmentalist promising dramatic change, saw her support
collapse and finished a distant third.
Ms. Rousseff, whose left-wing Workers’ Party has held power for 12 years, ... more »
U.S Military Forces Have Invaded Or Attacked 14 Muslim Nations Since 1980

Residents of Syria’s Idlib province examine building damaged in air strikes
on September 24. The United States and its Arab allies have opened a new
front in the battle against Islamic State militants. (Ammar
Even If We Defeat The Islamic State, We’ll Still Lose The Bigger War --
Andrew J. Bacevich, Washington Post
As America’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State
militants extend into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into
Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the
14th country in the Islamic world t... more »
*Studies fault warming in much of 2013 wild weather*
*The article below is just an example of people living inside a little
bubble of belief and operating only on its assumptions. How COULD global
warming be responsible for wild weather when there has been NO global
warming for many years? Something that doesn't exist can't be responsible
for anything, can it? *
And the report is based on very limited data anyway. I was amused by this:
"The influence on Australia's hottest year in more than a century is
glaring". That may be true of the limited time-frame they used but what i... more »
Is Dickie "Oink! Slurp! Gobble!" Shelby high-living, self-important garbage? Sure, but what's your point?

*Oink! Slurp! Gobble!* *Dickie Shelby has an important role to play -- to
make the world safe for even lowlier right-wing scum.*
*by Ken*
So why *shouldn't* Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby be chairman of the Banking
Committee? Just because he's an ideologically scumbag who spends his
available time stuffing his maw with deluxe eats paid for either by gummint
or campaign contributors? I guess the argument for surrendering control of
the Senate to Republicans would go something like:
*"It's Time to Let the Other Crooks Slop Their Gizards"*
Surely the banksters Dickie Oink could become r... more »
Another Apology From U.S.Vice President Biden

Vice President of the U.S. Joe Biden addresses a high-level summit on
strengthening international peace operations during the 69th session of the
United Nations General Assembly at United Nations headquarters in New York
September 26, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Andrew Gombert/Pool
*Biden Issues Second Apology, To United Arab Emirates, Over Comments --
Washington Post*
SANLIURFA, Turkey — Vice President Biden apologized on Sunday for the
second time in two days, in this instance to the United Arab Emirates, for
comments he made suggesting that the United States’ Arab allies armed and
fu... more »
Reaper Drones Have Spotted Jihadi John And Western Hostages Held By The Islamic State. But No Mission To Rescue Them Has Been Launched

Drones spot ISIS slayer ‘Jihadi John’ in Syria. Al Arabiya
*Reaper Drones Pinpoint Jihadi John: Terrorist Has Been Tracked By British
Forces But Security Chiefs Fear 'Kill Or Capture' Mission Would End In
Failure -- Daily Mail*
* Drones flying over Syrian city of Raqqa have tracked Jihadi John
* Also believed to have identified hostages wearing orange jumpsuits
* Top brass have ruled out rescue mission because IS defences are too strong
The Islamic State terrorist known as Jihadi John has been tracked by drones
flying over the Syrian city of Raqqa – but British Special Forces chiefs ... more »
More roll-eye moments from Chinese in Taiwan

A group of students from China was out there this week showing the
greatness of 5,000 years...
A recent incident in which a *Chinese exchange student made a rude gesture
at a speaker who addressed the Chinese students at National Chenchi
University’s (NCCU) student orientation as “overseas students from China
(中國的留學生)” *has prompted heated discussion online and among university staff
and students.
Along with several other Chinese exchange students, the student in question
reportedly complained to the university after the moderator at last month’s
student orientation gree... more »
Bonus quote of the day:
*“Education was limited to a special ‘Blacks’ year 4 … yet the community
flourished in its attraction to education through the study of theology,
and the words and books from the missionaries. Upon reflection I often
wonder what would have been our history had those books been books of
science, maths or an encyclopaedia of ideas.” *- Arabella Douglas, ‘Glory
Glory to South Sydney,’ FOOTY ALMANAC
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Vigil at Bath Iron Works

*Click on photos for better view*
Fifteen folks held a midday vigil yesterday at Bath Iron Works in Maine
where destroyers are made for the Navy and are being outfitted with
'missile offense' systems. These war ships are being deployed by the
Pentagon to the coastal regions near China and Russia.
We timed our vigil for when the Saturday shift let out and hundreds of
workers walked and drove right past us as we stood near the south gate of
the shipyard. Increasingly we are getting positive reactions from the
workers who see our signs with wind turbines and rail systems on them and... more »
How Many Hostages Are Being Held By The Islamic State?
I*SIS Is Holding At Least FOUR MORE AMERICAN HOSTAGES (Video) -- Gateway
*ISIS Is Holding At Least Four More American Hostages*
The ISIS (ISIL) terrorist group released video of Alan Henning’s beheading
beheading on Friday. Henning was a British aide worker in Syria.
At the end of the video ISIS promises to behead American Peter Kassig.
The ISIS beheader says in the video:
“Obama you have started your aerial bombardment of the Sham which keeps on
striking our people. So, it is only right that we continue to strike the
necks of your people.”
*Read more* ....
*My Comment:*... more »
Air Strikes Against The Islamic State Are Not Stopping Them

A US Navy F-18E Super Hornet receives fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker over
northern Iraq after conducting air strikes in Syria. (Staff Sgt. Shawn
Nickel/US Air Force)
*Air Strikes Against Isis Are Not Working, Say Syrian Kurds -- The Guardian*
Isis fighters have pushed to the edge of Kobani and evade western strikes,
says spokesman for Kurdish fighters
US-led air strikes in northern Syria have failed to interrupt the advance
of Islamic State (Isis) fighters closing in on a key city on the Turkish
border, raising questions about the western strategy for defeating the
jihadi movemen... more »
Your eating my cum piss or snot along with your plaet killing paid resonse

You think you could harness a human to be a robot
and not get cum all over the screen.
Islamic State Plotting To Wage War Against Iran And To Seize It's Nuclear Secrets

Anti-aircraft guns guarding the Natanz Nuclear Facility in Iran. (Photo: Hamed
Saber/ Wiki Commons)
*Islamic State Eyes Nuclear Secrets As It Gears For War With Iran -- The
Australian/Sunday Times*
ISLAMIC State is urging its members to plan for war with Iran and has
ambitions to seize Tehran’s nuclear secrets, according to a manifesto
attributed to one of its most senior members.
The document is believed to have been written by Abdullah Ahmed
al-Meshedani, a member of Islamic State’s highly secretive six-man war
It was picked up by an Iraqi special forces unit during a ... more »
Germany Is Considering Sending Troops To Eastern Ukraine

Germany is poised for its first deployment of troops in Ukraine amid the
crumbling ceasefire between pro-Russian rebels and the Ukrainian
government. Pictured: Donetsk International Airport damaged during fighting
*Germany Ponders Troops For Ukraine Monitor Mission -- Deutsche Welle*
Germany is mulling the deployment of 200 soldiers to Ukraine to help and
protect monitors overseeing a shaky truce in the east of the country.
Despite the ceasefire, fighting has continued around Donetsk and Luhansk.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Berlin is considering deploying soldiers to monitor the
ceasefire ... more »
‘Ra Ra Ra Ra’: Lindsay's Eloquent Elocution Lessons
[image: image]
The main title of this post is something Lindsay Perigo would have me
Many times!
For the past couple of months I have been taking weekly elocution lessons
with Lindsay via Skype. I cannot speak highly enough of the exceptional
experience I have had thus far being his pupil, and so I want to share a
few details in case anyone reading this thinks that they or someone they
know might benefit as have from receiving professional instruction on how
to be more clearly understood.
And by professional, it is no exaggeration to say that when it comes to
being an... more »
Corporate video talk
This is considered a master class on bullshit.
The story goes that, many years ago, Rockwell International decided to get
into the heavy duty automatic transmission business.
They were preparing to tape their first introductory video and, as a
warmup, one of the stage crew began a monologue that has become legend
within the training industry.
This man should have won an academy award for his performance. Now keep in
mind, this was a rehearsal for camera, lighting, and stage crew, and he had
no script! This is all strictly off the cuff, nothing is written down,
and nothing he s... more »
Shit Happens in the Middle East

Truly in the former Yugo humanity showed its shame.
Why this happened you do not need to be a history major
to pertian.
Divide and conquer predates Judo Christian live phenomenon
So what will the rules do when they
this is never part of the by line
I really know having travel mostly there
that all humans want to live in peace
and as for our difference
could a great lab
not make us friends
Yes we would all be friends
if special interserst
did not profit
so much
at keeping us apart.
If you want to wear a rag on your head
and I do not want one to cover my balls
is this something a... more »
ADL, top Internet companies work together to combat "cyberhate"

In yet another brazen display of the stranglehold organized Jewry has over
American society, the Anti-Defamation League recently announced "the
release of “Best Practices for Responding to Cyberhate,” a new initiative
that establishes guideposts for the industry and the Internet community to
help prevent the spread of online hate speech," according to *a press
release*. The press release continues:
The *Best Practices* initiative is the outcome of months of discussions and
deliberations by *an industry Working Group on Cyberhate convened by ADL in
an effort to develop a coordinated ... more »
Go Fly A Kite - No Drones

*Wales and the World in Drones Protests*
On October 4th groups of Welsh (UK) peace campaigners met on Poppit Sands
in Pembrokeshire and in The Hayes, Cardiff to mark the first Global Action
Day Against the Use of Drones for Surveillance and Killing.
Campaigners in over 40 countries across the world were taking part in
simultaneous creative direct actions. They were demanding that governments
stop producing and acquiring military drones, stop enabling them through
infrastructure 'investment' - as has the Welsh Government at ParcAberporth,
calling for a halt in military drone resea... more »
Ebola strikes at Texas

Worse than everything on this earth is the governance of Texas. We might
find some expctions in the Ukraine or other third world thugoricties. Texas
in the American experience remains unique. I had some difficulty in putting
the image I desired in place. That is my fault.
My Canada does not kill people without reason
Harper et all is evil, not that I believe in Evil.
Do I have to spell it out for you
is this Canada's trail of tears in the sand
Its a complex situation
and bomb is not the answer
let them govern
let them rule
it may be painful
to watch
but as observers
we have a well worn
track record of failure
that should govern
any instinct to intervene
in a family situation
where we might save
a family member from death
on Monday
and Tuesday they slit our throat.
As I see it democracy has hit a peak.
The world conditions are far to complex
for self seeking agrarians
to make significant impact.
We ... more »
Ukraine Truce Exists In Name Only
*One Month In, Ukraine Truce Exists In Name Only -- AFP*
Donetsk (Ukraine) (AFP) - Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels marked a
month since the signing of a Kremlin-backed truce on Sunday by engaging in
one of the most heated battles of their six-month war over the ex-Soviet
state's eastern rustbelt.
The artillery blasts that rocked the frontline city of Donetsk were yet
another blow to the 12-point peace agreement signed on September 5, and
which is officially still in force.
"There is no ceasefire. You hear?" 31-year-old resident Yekaterina
Manannikova said, pointing in the... more »
We got enough brains to catch a fire

Some people want something more than what you want
and a few percentage of them have been fantastically successful
they did things you would not
I am not saying legal or both
just that's why they got
to raise the toast
The fantastically rich
are both our albatross
and our great wing of salvation
so how to design a society
based upon this aerodynamic?
To those that made the billions
I say they probably have the brains
but we got to render this down to
sidewalks and sewers
and waste treatment
and all the base upon
which we all live
regardless if we never shit
My Colleague Sandra Marshall Reviews A Chronicle of Echoes
One of my colleagues at the Louisiana high school where I teach, veteran
social studies teacher Sandra Marshall, read my book, A Chronicle of
Echoes. She wrote the following review of my book, which includes her
reaction to learning about the corporate reform drive to privatize public
education. Marshall has 39 years in the public school […]
Decomposing Tories
It's tempting. You see the insurmountable difficulties besetting the
Tories, and their feeble firefighting efforts, and all you want to do is
point and laugh. Heaven knows how much fun I've had doing it these last
couple of years. Unfortunately, there is something spoiling the sport. The
Grim Reaper is busy hacking chunks off British Conservatism, but if you
look in his pocket in his notebook you'll find that Labour is next in line.
That's right. The remorseless grind of long term economic, cultural and
political change is just as surely against the Labour Party too.
More of that a... more »
Suicide Blast Rocks Grozny, Southern Russia
*Grozny: Suicide Bombing Hits Chechen Capital -- BBC*
*Five police officers have been killed and at least eight other people hurt
in a suicide attack in the Chechen capital Grozny, Russian officials say.*
The attack took place outside a hall where a concert marking Grozny's City
Day was about to take place.
An interior ministry statement said police were searching a "suspicious"
young man when he detonated a device.
Grozny was ravaged by two wars between Russia and Chechen separatists but
has been relatively calm in recent years.
The Russian statement said that police officers on... more »
Why Have Generic Drug Prices Increased Two And Three Times Over The Last Year?

I used to have a firm policy— no drugs: grin and bear it. As I got older,
my body laughed in my face. One of the drugs I take regularly now is
Nystatin (oral suspension). Nystatin was discovered by two doctors working
at the Division of Laboratories and Research of the New York State
Department of Health; the “n-y-s” in Nystatin comes from that— and this
drug hasn’t fallen into the avaricious hands of the big pharmaceutical
predators. Although CVS sells it for $46/bottle and Walgreens charges $34,
with my Medicare insurance I paid $2.55 yesterday. It varies slightly
between $2 an... more »
How we live

I have lived beautiful, wonderful and cow country. As humans what makes us
tick at our best is social interaction. We need to experience things
quickly within a one hour radius of transportation to meet that expression.
Cities are great things for humans. New York City designed by the Dutch
proves that despite everything the design works.
I have traveled to every continent. I have lived in great cities and to me
Hong Kong was the best. The sole reason was that you could take transit
anywhere important. Tokyo and Singapore are both excellent but they do not
measure up to the degree... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 5, 2014
*VP Biden Apologizes for Telling Truth About Turkey, Saudi and ISIS --
Christopher Dickey, Daily Beast*
*The vice president’s remarks last week provoked a diplomatic firestorm
among key Sunni allies in the region. But he was just telling it like it
Vice President Joe Biden is apologizing again for speaking the truth. After
talking for an hour and a half at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy Forum last
Thursday, he took a question from a student who asked a wise question: “In
retrospect do you believe the United States should have acted earlier in
Syria, and if not, why is now the rig... more »
World News Briefs -- October 5, 2014
*Brazil Election: Voters Choosing Next President -- BBC*
More than 142 million Brazilians are voting to choose the country's next
president, following a dramatic election campaign.
Early on, incumbent Dilma Rousseff had been expected to win outright.
However, the death of one of the main candidates and the popularity of his
replacement, environmentalist Marina Silva, means the vote is now likely go
to a second round.
Ms Rousseff's other main rival is Aecio Neves, a centrist, pro-business
Voting began at 0800 (11:00 GMT), and voters will also select a federal
parliament a... more »
Weird things I saw today
Both Benji Netanyahoo and Fat Steve warming up to Assad. Those are some
huge tea leaves to read. ISIS remains a puzzle in a land of shifting sands.
Another 'Point of View'
There was a comment today at *Biased BBC*:
Rufus McDufus
October 5, 2014 at 11:27 am
One of these idiotic stories that makes me want to punch a BBC journalist –
“why short men make better husbands”:
Can you imagine the outcry if the story was “why short women make better
Well, Mr McDufus, there would be an angst-ridden discussion about it on
*Newsnight* for starters. But...it's not "a BBC journalist" who wrote that
piece. The would-be target of Rufus's violent impulses is an American
writer who Radio 4 invites to present *A Point o... more »
Quote of the Day: On the hostility to property and ownership
*“The Progressives’ hostility to ownership is neither well-founded nor
consistent. While they have a visceral distaste for private ownership (and
busy themselves taxing, regulating, seizing, and redistributing it), they
have few problems with state ownership. It’s as if men are devilish with
what’s theirs but angelic with what belongs to someone else.” *- Lawrence
Reed, ‘To Own or Be Owned: That Is the Question,’
[Hat tip On Liberty Street]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at i... more »
A VoxEU Course Companion
Teachers of intermediate macroeconomics will find this new book of interest:
This Vox EU Course Companion, the first in the series, is a collection of
carefully selected Vox columns designed to supplement Mankiw’s
Macroeconomics textbook. Vox Course Companions provide relevant examples of
economic theory in action and offer thought-provoking perspectives on
arguments that come up time and again in exam-style questions. They bring
together analyses of economic phenomena by leading economists as they
happened, while applying and comparing the suitability of competing
economic theories.

*Ingsoc is the ideology of the totalitarian government of Oceania and Obama
is the President of Oceania. We are all being watched, notes are being
taken and dossiers are being completed as we speak. **Oceania's nominal
leader Obama is also Big Brother**, believed by the masses to have been the
leader of the revolution and still used as an icon by the party. The
Personality Cult **is maintained through Big Brother's function as a focal
point for love, fear, and reverence, more easily felt towards an individual
than towards a party or organization ~ and many are still drinking the
Ob... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 5, 2014
*Marine Lost In Persian Gulf Believed To Be First U.S. Casualty In ISIS
Campaign -- CNN*
(CNN) -- A Marine lost at sea after bailing out of a MV-22 Osprey when it
appeared it might crash in the Persian Gulf is believed to be the first
American military casualty in support of U.S. operations against ISIS in
Iraq and Syria.
Cpl. Jordan L. Spears, 21, was declared dead after search and rescue
efforts to locate him were unsuccessful, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command
said in a statement released Saturday.
Asked how Spears death will be classified, Pentagon spokesman Navy Rear
Adm. J... more »
Japanese Typhoon Has Claimed The Life Os A U.S. Airman, 2 Are Still Missing
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*One US Airman Dead, Two Missing After Japan Typhoon -- FOX News*
One U.S. Air Force member is dead and two are missing after being swept
away in a typhoon that hit Okinawa, Japan, Sunday, Fox News confirmed.
"One Airman is confirmed deceased and two more are missing after they were
washed out to sea from the northwest coast of Okinawa at about 3:45 p.m.
Oct. 5," the Kadena Air Base said in a statement Sunday.
One of the Airman was found by the Japanese Coast Guard and pulled from the
sea, and was later pronounced dead at a local hospita... more »
Who I was Born To Be!
Susan Boyle Song: WHO I WAS BORN TO BE I am Being Who I was Born to Be....
through my energy of Love and Forgiveness to myself and all others. I
invite everyone to begin Loving and Forgiving themselves. Together We can
All be Who we were born to Be and our lives and world will reflect the Love
we have for ourselves and each other. These words are beautiful and the
song is sung
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Bruckner 9 -- what "cathedrals of sound"? With a detour through Wagner's "Ring" cycle

*BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9 in D minor:*
*i. Feierlich, misterioso (Solemn, mysterious) -- opening*
*Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Carlo Maria Giulini, cond. EMI, recorded Dec.
1-2, 1976*
*Vienna Philharmonic, Carlo Maria Giulini, cond. DG, recorded live, June
*by Ken*
Yes, these are the "A" and "B" performances of the opening of the Bruckner
Ninth Symphony we heard in last night's preview ("We said it wasn't over
till we heard Bruckner 9"), which I described as "very different (but
significantly related)." Longtime readers will probably have guessed,
because I've used this tri... more »
Unrest In Hong Kong -- News Updates October 5, 2014
*Hong Kong Protesters Pull Back From Some Areas, Fear Crackdown In City
Centre -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Some Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters, many in tears, began
leaving the Mong Kok area of the city late on Sunday, pulling back from the
scene of recent clashes with those who back the pro-Beijing government.
Fearing a police crackdown may come within hours, other protesters who have
paralysed parts of the Asian financial hub with mass sit-ins also pulled
back from outside Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's office, with
police removing barricades nearby.
*Read more* ..... more »
Mass Grave Discovered Near Mexico Town Where 43 Students Vanished
*Charred Bodies Found In Mexico Mass Grave -- Voice of America*
Police in southern Mexico have found a mass grave in an area where more
than 40 students are missing following a rash of violence last week.
Authorities say they have so far discovered the charred bodies of about 20
people on the edge of Iguala, in the restive state of Guerrero, 200
kilometers south of Mexico City.
Tomas Zeron, Mexican Federal Chief of Investigations, said, "A group of
investigators and federal public prosecutor specialized agents are on their
way to the site. The Mexican state cannot permit such an i... more »
It's Sunday...

*time for:*
*Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES*
Feedback loop

The first episode of the new series of *Feedback* on Radio 4 followed up on comments
by *Today *editor Jamie Angus arguing that the programme needed to change
the way it reports foreign news and that it also needs to introduce more
lighter stories.
If you remember (as I'm sure you do), *Today *lost a lot of listeners over
the summer. Jamie Angus said that this had mainly come about because they
couldn't face listening to so much depressing news, mostly from the Middle
East - news which they felt powerless to do anything about.
He said that listeners were also being put off by peo... more »
steve mahoney for mayor of mississauga
We're having a historic election here in Mississauga: it will be the first
time in the city's existence that Hazel McCallion is not running, the first
mayor other than McCallion that Mississauga has ever had. Twelve candidates
are on the ballot, but the race comes down to two people: Steve Mahoney and Bonnie
Crombie tries to project an image as a business person who "gets things
done," but running a city like a business is a failing proposition.
Businesses are designed for profit. Transit, education, libraries,
sanitation, daycare, parks, recreation centres, and other publ... more »
Why The Khorasan Group Is A Threat
*Al-Qaida Reasserts Itself With Khorasan Group -- Dina Temple-Raston, NPR*
One of the first targets of U.S. airstrikes in Syria was an al-Qaida unit
that American officials call the Khorasan Group. Because few outside the
intelligence community had ever heard of it, some critics have said
Khorasan was created out of whole cloth to give the U.S. an excuse to bomb
They aren't alone: Rebel fighters on the ground say they have never heard
of Khorasan. Others claim it's just another name for what's been known for
years as Core al-Qaida, the branch of the terrorist group led by A... more »
Duncan Sacrifices Student Welfare to Preserve Corporate Agenda
During the summer of 2001, as NCLB was moving toward its final mark-up,
testing experts were waving a red flag over the 100 percent testing
proficiency target for 2014. Thomas Kane and Douglas Staiger published
their red flag as an op-ed in the New York Times that pointed to what was
about to happen if the bill proceeded with the the insane proficiency
target intact--the poorest schools and the most diverse schools would
receive the most punishment before anyone else.
Both [Senate and House] bills would be particularly harsh on racially
diverse schools. Each school would be expected... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 5, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday … And time again for my weekly rant….
First, I want to say that this weekend is "Yom Kippur" for the criminal
Jewish cult… Last Friday was of course their "Day Of Atonement" when they
go into their synagogues of evil, and stand up and pray to their god
"Yahweh" that all of their crimes, especially against the Gentiles, are
somehow absolved for the upcoming year… It is their way of somehow making
all of their crimes against humanity somehow be forgiven and gives them
their "out" to lie, cheat, and steal, for at least a whole year…. To me
this is one of t... more »
Fatalities as suicide bomber sets off explosive outside concert hall in Russia’s Chechnya
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Fatalities as suicide bomber sets off explosive outside concert hall in
Russia’s Chechnya
Published time: October 05, 2014 14:10
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[image: Grozny, Chechnya (RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov)]
Grozny, Chechnya (RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov)
Blast, Russia
Four police officers have been killed and another four sustained injuries
in Russia’s Republic of Chechnya as they attempted to detain a suspected
suicide bomber. The man detonated an explosive when police attempted to
search him.
The incident happened ahead of a concert dedicated to City D... more »
Canada in Iraq: Suppressing fire
Harper announces that he's sending six very old fighter airframes to
Iraq (the desert is very hard on advanced fighter aircraft and takes
years off airframe life), along with Aurora surveillance and other
assets. These are essentially providing air support for local forces:
(Kurdish, anti-Assad Syrian militia, Syrian army, Iraqi army, Iranian
military, and whatever western and Gulf state
Al Shabaab Is Losing The War In Somalia
*Somali Troops Recapture Major Port -- RTE*
Somali troops, backed by African peacekeepers, have recaptured the last
major port held by al-Shabaab, Somali officials have said.
"The army is in full control" of the port of Barawe, Somali military
official Abdi Mire said.
The port, 200km southwest of Mogadishu, was a key source of revenue for the
Islamist militia.
Al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda's main affiliate in Africa, exported charcoal through
Barawe to Gulf countries earning at least $25m (€19m) a year from the
trade, according to UN estimates.
The fall of Barawe is a major blow to al-Sh... more »
The delicate art of stacking interventions
Economically impoverished or Title I schools are forcefully engaged in the
delicate art of “intervention stacking.” And by delicate, I really mean
clumsy and thoughtless. Leadership in many “struggling” schools, both
within the school and without, are under the mistaken impression that more
is more. Or, that we should flail our arms about and accept […]
Prince on "intellectual property", indentured servitude, chemtrails, and manganese toxicity
The effects of Manganese toxity:
Climate Science and The Darkness of Dogmatic Thought
Steven Goddard has a post today on "the definitive data on the global
warming/climate change scam", with his first graph showing the high
correlation between the official adjustments to US temperatures (not the
temperatures themselves, but the adjustments made to them) and the level of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, I first pointed out that
definitive evidence, and called it definitive, exactly 2 years ago, in the
post "US Temperatures Have Been Fraudulently Adjusted According to the
Level of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere". The rest of Goddard's post is
superfluous, ... more »
Notes on a co-location
Overheard from a fifth grade charter school student: You know we’re taking
over this building, right? Indeed.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings
from the Chalk Face Tagged: charter schoo, co-location, public school
NASA spots million-mile-long filament across the sun

*NASA spots million-mile-long filament across the sun*
A cloud of solar material stretching across the sun has caught NASA's
attention, and it's a wonder to behold.
by Amanda Kooser @akooser
October 3, 2014 12:02 PM PDT
Our sun is a wild and fascinating place. While a big, fluffy, horizon-long
set of clouds is an impressive sight here on Earth, the sun can handily top
that with a single filament of solar material. Filaments appear on the sun
from time to time. These unstable gaseous clo... more »
Initial U.S. Airstrikes On al-Qaeda-Linked Khorasan Group in Syria 'Failed'

Strike: In September a US-led coalition launched air strikes in Syria
against members of ISIS - the extremist Islamic group occupying territory
in Iraq and Syria - but also went after a little-know group called Khorasan
*U.S. Airstrikes On al-Qaeda-linked Khorasan Group 'Failed' Because Leaders
Managed To Escape With Dangerous Explosives, Officials Say -- Daily Mail*
* The Khorasan Group is an al-Qaeda cell in northern Syria
* U.S.-led coalition bombed key Khorosan facilities during an airstrike
mission that was targeting ISIS in September
* The Pentagon said at the time they were '... more »
Party Doesn’t Matter— Not When Our Political System And The Elites It Supports Are Crooked

A few days ago we looked at the seamier side of Eric Holder’s very mixed
record, his (and Obama’s) refusal to hold the banksters, who finance the
political careers of both parties’ politicians (including Obama’s),
accountable to the law. This week Bill Moyers did the same thing on his TV
show (above). Moyers also wants us to remember that “No banking executives
have been criminally prosecuted for their role in causing the biggest
financial disaster since the Great Depression.” His guest was William K.
Black, the veteran bank regulator. who exposed the Keating Five.
Black is clear... more »
*University Admits 'Sex Week' Workshops Were ‘Sensational and
The University of New Mexico issued a statement on Wednesday after its
strategy to fight sexual assaults on campus by offering workshops on group
and oral sex and getting “laid” during Sex Week garnered national media
Local television station KRQE in Albuquerque reported the school issued a
statement saying the activities planned this week were “sensational and
“The initiative didn’t have close enough supervision to prevent the
inclusion of topics that are sensational and co... more »
North Korea's Kim Jong-Un Overthrown?

Kim Jong-Un lost control of North Korea? Pyongyang is on lockdown and
nation's former intelligence officer says Kim has ALREADY been
overthrown *
*An elite exile from North Korea said Kim Jong-Un was ousted in 2013
Jin-sung made the sensational assertion at a conference in Holland. The
former propaganda officer said he's now just a 'puppet leader'. He
the Organization and Guidance Department hold t... more »
*WHO should now declare a public health emergency (?)*
*The boilerplate article below by Fiona Godlee writing in the BMJ is no
great surprise. BMJ is only partly an academic medical journal and has
long been Left-leaning. And her "bold" call for a declaration by WHO won't
frighten the horses either. The WHO is often wrong and often ignored.
Godly FiFi is basically a twit. Her tame and ill-informed declaration is
a quite strange foundation for the claim by Warmists that Climate Change is
a Bigger Health Emergency Than Ebola*
When The BMJ started publishing articles on climate ch... more »
Severe Meglomania

A month ago, Brian Mulroney took Stephen Harper apart on national
television. This weekend, writing in the *National Post*, Conrad Black told
Harper his fifteen minutes were up:
If Harper really, seriously, wants his government re-elected, he should let
it change leaders. That does not appear to be his pleasure and I can’t
blame a man for wanting to keep his job, but he must know that if he
doesn’t, his countrymen will be profoundly tempted to do it for him. The
only federal leaders in Canadian history to win four straight elections
were Macdonald and Laurier; the only person in ... more »
A Look At How The 'Islamic State' Is Run, From Oil To Beheadings
*The Anatomy Of ISIS: How The 'Islamic State' Is Run, From Oil To
Beheadings -- Nick Thompson and Atika Shubert, CNN*
(CNN) -- Put yourself in the shoes (and seventh-century black robes) of
ISIS' Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the mysterious boss of the terror group that is
striking fear into the hearts of leaders around the world.
In the past couple of years you've managed to avoid drone attacks and
survive civil wars, unify militant groups in two different countries under
your banner, raise an army of jihadis from across the globe, and seize a
chunk of land stretching from northern Syria... more »
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Apologizes To Turkey Over Claims That They Have Assisted The Islamic State
*Vice President Joe Biden Apologizes To Turkey; UAE Mad, Too -- CNN*
(CNN) -- U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has apologized to Turkey for
comments he made last week that Middle Eastern allies are partly to blame
for the strengthening of ISIS.
The United Arab Emirates have also asked Biden for a "clarification" of his
The problem appears to have originated during an appearance last week at
the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University when Biden
spoke about Turkey, the UAE, other Middle Eastern allies, and the threat
posed by the so-called Islamic State te... more »
Britain Has A New MI6 Chief

Alex Younger will bring "a wealth of relevant experience" to the role, the
foreign secretary said
*Meet The New C: Our Man In Afghanistan Becomes Britain's Top Spy After
Taking Over As New MI6 Boss -- Daily Mail*
* Mr Younger has been overseeing MI6's global spy network for last two years
* Married father and former army officer was Britain's top spy in
* He becomes 'C' of the Secret Intelligence Services, taking over John
* Role made famous by Ian Fleming as 'M', most recently played by Judi Dench
The former secret service chief in Afghanistan Alex Younger has ... more »
ISIS WAR Updates ( Syria and Iraq in focus ) October 1 , 2014 --Turkey plans safe haven in Syria to deal with its syrian refugee situation..... White House Presents Failed Yemen Intervention as ‘Model’ for ISIS War Insists US 'Mitigated' Threat of Terrorism From Yemen ........ 3,790 Killed Across Iraq in September ....... US Loosens Standards on Killing Civilians Promises Not to Kill Civilians 'Don't Apply' to ISIS War ....... East Syria Economy in Ruins as US Destroys Privately-Owned Refineries Officials Presented Attacks as Cutting Off 'ISIS Funding' ( Assad removal campaign still afoot , as is campaign to destroy Syria itself ) Tweets of the day !
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
Turkey plans safe haven in areas controlled by Free Syrian Army and Islamic
Sevil ErkuşANKARA
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[image: The safe haven will not include any region in northern Syria that
is under the control of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) or Islamic State
of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). AA Photo]
The safe haven will not include any region in northern Syria that is under
the control of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) or Islamic State of Iraq
and Levant (ISIL). AA Photo
Turkey is drawing up plans for a safe hav... more »
USS Enterprise Gives Up Its 30 Ton Anchor To USS Lincoln
*Carrier Turns Donor: USS Enterprise Gives Anchor To USS Lincoln -- CNN*
(CNN) -- The U.S. Navy's oldest nuclear aircraft carrier has given a piece
of itself to one of the younger carriers in the fleet.
Huntington Ingalls Newport News Shipbuilding said this week that its
workers had transferred an anchor from the USS Enterprise (CVN-65), the
Navy's first and oldest nuclear carrier, to the USS Abraham Lincoln
(CVN-72), a Nimitz-class carrier launched in 1988.
The Enterprise, which was launched in 1960, was inactivated in 2012 and is
scheduled to be decommissioned in 2016. Once its ... more »
Hong Kong Protests for Democracy ( October 5 , 2014 ) - The themes at present seem to include : what are the present goals and agenda of the protesters ; the growing counter protests from mainland supporters , retailers and businesses facing ongoing disruption ; gauging whether the Government and Police warnings that the protests have to end this evening are serious and just how far will they go to clear the streets and regain some sense of order ?

Links ....
Protesters to lift Hong Kong government blockade, vow to stay in Central
Hong Kong Protests 2014: Students Agree To Reopen Talks With Government,
Under Conditions International Business Times
Hong Kong protests: CY Leung says police will take ‘all actions necessary’
to ensure city reopens ABC
Firmly safeguard rule of law in HK: People’s Daily Xinhua
Stark choices face Beijing over any PLA on Hong Kong streets Reuters
Hong Kong legislator says government using triads against protesters
Hong Kong Backpack Brigade Makes Plans Amid Takeout Boxes Bloomberg
Rev... more »
Introducing S-CIS
After ISIL, ISIS and IS, the new acronym for the murderous group carrying
about barbarities in Syria and Iraq now appears to be S-CIS.
I've learned this from listening to and watching the BBC this weekend where
most presenters (from William Crawley to Andrew Marr) have been using the
phrased "the So-Called Islamic State" to refer to the organisation. They've
been using it so consistently that a directive must surely have gone out
from the top of the BBC settling on that particular form of words.
Radio 4's *Sunday* began by immediately broadcasting a denunciation of the
S-CIS fro... more »
The Future Is Now: Navy’s Autonomous Swarmboats Can Overwhelm Adversaries
As autonomy and unmanned systems grow in importance for naval operations,
officials at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) announced today a
technological breakthrough that will allow any unmanned surface vehicle
(USV) to not only protect Navy ships, but also, for the first time,
autonomously “swarm” offensively on hostile vessels.
The first-of-its-kind technology—successfully demonstrated over two weeks
in August on the James River in Virginia—allows unmanned Navy vessels to
overwhelm an adversary. Its sensors and software enable swarming
capability, giving naval warfighters a deci... more »
German defence minister wants to revive Euro Hawk-media report

[image: Eurohawk]German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen wants to
revive the high-altitude reconnaissance drone Euro Hawk after the
government backed away from plans to buy some last year, a German newspaper
said on Saturday.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) said it had learnt from the
defence ministry that it wanted "to get the Euro Hawk drone out of the
garage" to be able to test a reconnaissance system for it.
In an advance copy of a report due to be published on Sunday, the newspaper
said that was the result of a defence assessment due to be handed to the
minis... more »

*Chili farm*
Enjoy some links.
*Daily Links*:
- Thinking Taiwan: China's influence on Taiwan's media
- Thousands in Taiwan protest housing rights, prices. Meanwhile housing
transactions in north Taiwan fell 20%.
- Construction firm of Taipei Twin Towers, one of the capital's more
idiotic projects, is now accusing Mayor Hau of graft.
- Foreign investors pulled out of Taiwan stock market in Sept, leading
to net outflow of funds
- Another suspect picked up in brutal killing of detective at club
- Taiwan mourns death of its greatest historian
- ... more »
Cabinet hides even more secrets.
A stealthy Treasury Board directive in the summer of 2013 required
bureaucrats to ask departmental lawyers to decide what constitutes a
secret, a decision that used to be made by the Privy Council Office, which
oversees cabinet matters resulting in many more documents being exempted
from Freedom of Information requests.
There is a growing list of seemingly routine reports, memos and documents
caught up in an enhanced dragnet of so-called cabinet confidences. *The
Canadian Press has found dozens of cases *from various departments in which
reports, briefing materials and emails have be... more »
James Corbett: When False Flags Don't Fly
more Global Economy False Flag boogey-man-ism from TPTB, outlined by the
ever-pertinent James Corbett: crack on sheoplezzz -- keep funding your own
*Those who have studied history know that nothing invigorates and empowers
an authoritarian regime more than a spectacular act of violence, some
sudden and senseless loss of life that allows the autocrat to stand on the
smoking rubble and identify himself as the hero. It is at moments like this
that the public—still in shock from the horror of the tragedy that has just
unfolded before them—can be led into the most ruthless despo... more »
Dwindling jet power worries IAF Chief

[image: MiG-21 Bison]Indian Air Force Chief Arup Raha today warned that
older aircraft were on their last leg and with new acquisitions running
behind schedule, the IAF’s fighting capability might be blunted.
The existing Soviet-era fighter jets of the IAF are scheduled to be phased
out over the next eight years.
The IAF presently has 34 fighter jet squadrons (16-18 planes in each)
against the need of 45 squadrons to tackle a simultaneous two-front war
scenario with China and Pakistan.
Read more
China's carriers may carry modified J-20 stealth fighter

[image: Chengdu J-20]China is likely to complete the construction of its
second and third aircraft carriers with the ability to carry J-20
fifth-generation stealth fighters, although a carrier-friendly model may
need to be designed first, reports the PLA-run China National Defense News.
China's domestic aircraft carriers will look very similar to the Liaoning,
the country's first aircraft carrier bought from Ukraine and refitted. They
are most likely to be equipped with a ski-jump ramp, said Admiral Jonathan
W Greenert, the US chief of naval operations. The displacement of each
vess... more »
Welfarism 29: Is Poverty Government Corruption-Created or Self-Inflicted?

This photo was posted by ANC last July this year, and a friend reposted
this in his fb wall. My comments below, plus some comments at the ANC fb
page. This is mostly in Filipino, so sorry non-Filipino readers, this is
too long to be translated. Nonetheless, the man's t-shirt says, *"We are
poor, because... they are thieves, Senator, Congressman, Governor, Mayor,
Barangay Captain..." *
Eh bakit naman hingi ng kung ano ano sa gobyerno ang marami sa inyo? Kayo
mismo may sabi kawatan halos sila lahat, tapos maski condoms and pills
hingi pa sa gobyerno?
Ibang mahihirap, maram... more »
Freemasons Exposed - seven part accusatory dialectic - PronStarKilluminati
welcome to this Superior Megapost from Ulterior Paranoid World, and today's
topic is Freemasons.
The thing that sticks out (if any of this shit is true) is the number of
so-called *sworn enemies* sharing the Freemasonic Goodies of this raped and
starved and over-worked world.
Watch who handshakes who, and how...
Competition Policy 4: Paradox of Anti-Trust and Fair Competition Legislation

A good friend and academic from UP Political Science Department, Prof. Bong
Mendoza, wrote this article last week.
Good article from Bong, as usual.
But there is the paradox of Fair Competition or Anti-Trust legislation.
If your price is higher than your competitors, you can be accused of price
gouging the consumers.
If your price is the same as your competitors, you can be accused of price
collusion and/or cartel.
And if your price is lower than your competitors, you can be accused of
predatory pricing.
Any pricing that one will take can be a ground for harassment by corrupt,
ext... more »
Deep conceptual questions are rarely solved "directly"
Someone just posted an interesting old conversation between a younger
Witten and his colleagues particle physicist Abdus Salam, astrophysicist
Dennis Sciama, and local physicist Paolo Budinich
At the same moment, I was just planning to explain what's wrong about the
whole attitude to research that is exemplified e.g. by Sean Carroll's text
Ten Questions for the Philosophy of Cosmology
Carroll writes down 10 "big questions" – usually not very good ones, I will
answer most of them below. But independently of the precise choice of the
questions, there exists something more important ... more »
Entire "Occupy Central" Protest Scripted in Washington
Protest co-organizer Martin Lee sets stage, introduces "Occupy Central"
characters in April 2014 talk before US State Department's National
Endowment for Democracy.
*October 5, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The slogans, leaders, and agenda
of the "Occupy Central" movement are supposedly the manifestations of Hong
Kong's desire for "total democracy," "universal suffrage," and "freedom."
In reality, *the leaders of "Occupy Central" are verified to be directly
backed, funded, and directed by the US State Department*, its National
Endowment for Democracy (NED), and its subsidiary, the... more »
Is Now The Time To Panic?

*The Case For Panic -- Matthew Continetti, Washington Free Beacon*
Column: Incompetent government + corrupt elite = disaster
Deadly, irrational, and determined, the intruder snuck across a weakened
perimeter. Eluding capture, the intruder was detained only after missteps
and close calls. The spin began soon after the threat was isolated.
Information was selectively leaked. Half-truths and untruths were uttered.
Responsibility was avoided; privileges and credentials asserted; authority
reasserted. Trust us. Remain calm. Don’t panic.
This is the template of recent events. A mental ca... more »
I'll Be Back -- Vacation, And Computer Issues
A couple of people who follow this blog have contacted me. Let me assure
everyone that I'm still alive and intend to post again, but a few things
have gotten in the way lately.
*1. Life*
Believe it or not, even lowly bloggers have lives, and mine has been
nothing short of insane for a couple of years now. I haven't forgotten that
the blog is here, but I've been so busy with other things that every day of
my life lately has been spoken for.
*2. Computer issues*
There are apparently people in the world who have two things to do: Jack
off, and sit behind a computer for 8 hours a day,... more »
Weingarten Gets Teacher Union on the Tech Bandwagon
Data mining is big business and your children will be fueling profits for
your use of "free ware." Lesson number 1: nothing is free about freeware.
This email just arrived in my inbox:
Leonie Haimson warns us that a new business that will provide a portal to
on-line lessons will be able to data-mine the children's responses:
On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Leonie Haimson wrote:
I’d like to contact Randi W. about this; please all of you express your
concerns and propose questions. The reality is that most “free-ware” that
will this will encourage teacher to use in the... more »
McConnell on China: “You Wake Up One Day And Look Around And You Can’t Find A Communist With A Flashlight”

The *Cincinnati Enquirer* is the dominant newspaper for northern Kentucky
and publishes a Kentucky edition every day. This morning’s Mitch McConnell
exposé by Curtis Ellis and Harry Wu isn’t only going to be read by folks in
Ohio. And the basic premise that Ellis and Wu are making— that McConnell
has enriched himself while in the U.S. Senate through his dealings with
Communist China— aren’t new to Kentuckians. Even here at *DWT* we’ve been covering
McConnell’s funny business with China regularly since 2007.
China has funneled immense sums of money into McConnell’s career through
... more »
what i'm reading: the juggler's children by carolyn abraham
Unlike most people I know, I have little or no interest in my family's
genealogy. I know the general outlines of my family background - where some
of my forebears hailed from, and where they settled and what work they did
when they emigrated to North America - and that's enough for me. Despite
this, I very much enjoyed *The Juggler's Children: A Journey into Family,
Legend and the Genes that Bind Us* by Carolyn Abraham. If you have a keen
interest in family-history searches, you are sure to enjoy this book.
*The Juggler's Children* is part travelogue, part quest, and part science
l... more »
From Ukraine to Syria: UN's Selective Defense of Human Rights

*October 5, 2014* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - For the past several years, the
United Nations has served as a platform for Syria's enemies to air
allegations of human rights abuses and even attempts to use such
allegations to justify military aggression against Syria itself. Tales of
"barrel bombs" being used against civilians, the bombardment of enemy
positions at the cost of civilian lives and the destruction of vital
infrastructure have all been constructs in the West's narrative against the
Syrian government.
Now that the US is itself bombing Syria, killing Syrians including innocen... more »
We Live in a Beautiful World
This week I will be showing my 7th graders this video. They are working on
a climate change project and it will be up to them to clean up this mess. I
have faith in them.
After A Week Of Victories Islamic State Forces Reportedly On Baghdad's Outskirts
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Islamic State Reportedly On Baghdad's Outskirts After Week Of Victories --
Sydney Morning Herald*
Irbil, Iraq: Islamic State militants have taken control of key cities in
Iraq's western province of Anbar and have begun to besiege one of the
country's largest military bases in a weeklong offensive that's brought
them within artillery range of Baghdad.
IS, also known as ISIS, and its tribal allies have dominated Anbar since a
surprise offensive last December, but this week's push was particularly
worrisome, because for the first time this ... more »
Weingarten, Broad, and *Collaborative* Privatization
This is a post about two individuals whose actions contribute to the
privatization of American public education: billionaire Eli Broad and
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten.
Weingarten is working in tandem with corporate-driven “reform.” I wish it
were not so. However, the evidence of Weingarten’s pro-privatization bent
is profound. This post […]
The Ebola Crisis Keeps On Growing
*As U.S. Ebola Fears Widen, Reports of Possible Cases Grow -- New York
DALLAS — In Washington, a patient who had traveled to Nigeria and who was
suspected of having Ebola was placed in isolation at Howard University
Hospital on Thursday. In New Haven, two Yale University graduate students
plan to sequester themselves when they return this weekend from Liberia,
where they have helped the government develop a system to track the Ebola
And at Newark Liberty International Airport on Saturday, a sick man who had
just arrived from Brussels was rushed to a hospital amid... more »
Is The Russian Government Responsible For The Cyber Attack On JP Morgan?
*'Russian Hackers' Behind Massive Cyberattack On JP Morgan That Hit
83Million Accounts - And NINE Other Banks Could Have Been Targeted -- Daily
* Names, addresses, phone numbers and emails may have been compromised
* Breach affected 76million personal and 7million small business accounts
* Sources briefed on attacks say that hackers thought to be Russian
* Also said JP Morgan Chase was just one of ten institutions targeted
Russian hackers with links to Vladimir Putin's government were behind an
enormous cyberattack on JP Morgan Chase this summer, security officials
believe - a... more »
ZEROHEDGE: Violence Erupts As Hong Kong's Leader Threatens To Use "All Necessary Measures To Restore Social Order"

Violence Erupts As Hong Kong's Leader Threatens To Use "All Necessary
Measures To Restore Social Order"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/04/2014 17:00 -0400
Having tried (unsuccessfully) to break up the pro-democracy protesters in
the heart of Hong Kong using *local triad gangs* (as opposed to the optics
of actual police), it appears the Chinese government is rolling back from
its "wait-and-see" approach and becoming more aggressive once again. Hong
Kong's Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, as DPA reports, *demanded
protesters end their blockade of majo... more »
Eye of Horus now on the National Mall in Washington....

*Perhaps there's some creative artists out there will give this a black
eye? How'd that be for symbolism? -AK*
*Must See- 'ALL SEEING EYE' Engraved into the land on the National Mall,
D.C. (6 Acres) *
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Saturday, 4-Oct-2014 20:46:04
How much more blatant can you get?? Think of all the one eyed stances
singers use on album covers etc..
6-acre face looks out from National Mall
October 3rd, 2014
(Illuminati All Seeing Eye)
WASHINGTON — A new face has appeared on the National Mall.
Renowned Cuban-Americ... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics preview: We said it wasn't over till we heard Bruckner 9

*by Ken*
It's going to be pretty much a quick in and out tonight -- an actual, you
know, *preview*. Sunday, as you may have guessed, we finally tackle the
Bruckner Ninth Symphony. I still haven't decided whether we're going to do
the whole thing in one fell swoop, which is going to make for an extremely
large and unwieldy post, because there are any number of issues that come
up, or we're going to work our way through the piece in pieces. Either way,
here's a preview of what we're going to hear.
*BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9 ... more »
Sweden Just Recognized Palestine, So Will There Be A Mossad "Lone Nut Gunman" False Flag Soon In Sweden?

Sweden just became the first major European country that is going to
recognize the state of Palestine:
*Huffington Post: Sweden To Recognize State Of Palestine*
Let me refresh your memory on what happened the last time a *Scandinavian*
country began getting vocal about being pro-Palestinian:
*Massacre In Norway: Mossad Strikes Again Under ‘Lone Gunman’ Cover*
*BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG July 23, 2011 - The Norway "terror" attack: another
FALSE FLAG? Analyzing a current "terror" story in the... more »
Rumors Persist That North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Been Deposed In A Coup

North Korea has agreed to high-level talks with its southern neighbor. ©
*Top North Korean Officials Meet With South Korean Officials Amid Reports
of Internal Coup In The North -- HNGN*
In light of Kim Jong-un's month-long reclusiveness and rumors of
governmental infighting, three top North Korean leaders made a last-minute
visit South Korea on Saturday.
It's the highest level face-to-face talks the rival countries have held in
five years and, though no major breakthroughs seem to have come out of the
meeting which occurred in the South Korean port city of Incheon - ... more »
Three Top North Korean Leaders Pay A Snap Visit To South Korea
*With Kim Out Of Sight, North Korean Top Brass Pay Snap Visit To South --
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- With Kim Jong Un out of sight for a month,
three North Korean officials popped down to South Korea for a last-minute
visit Saturday.
And they delivered a diplomatic bonbon.
The three officials told South Korea that Pyongyang is willing to hold a
new round of high-level meetings between late October and early November,
South Korea's Unification Ministry said in a statement Saturday.
"Within my memory ... there was never ever such a high-level visit. Never,"
said North Korea ... more »
Expert Doctor: CDC Is Asleep At The Wheel Or Lying
*Expert Doctor: CDC Is Asleep At The Wheel Or Lying. Source:
TheAlexJonesChannel. Date Published: October 3, 2014. Description: *
Paul Joseph Watson and David Knight take the studio for Alex Jones and talk
with Dr. Gil Mobley about the continued failures of the CDC.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“In this crowded starfield covering over 2 degrees within the high flying
constellation Cygnus, the eye is drawn to the Cocoon Nebula. A compact star
forming region, the cosmic Cocoon punctuates a long trail of obscuring
interstellar dust clouds. Cataloged as IC 5146, the nebula is nearly 15
light-years wide, located some 4,000 light years away.
*Click image for larger size.*
Like other star forming regions, it stands out in red, glowing, hydrogen
gas excited by the young, hot stars and blue, dust-reflected starlight at
the edge of an otherwise invisible molecular cloud. In fact, th... more »
"Only This Moment..."
"Begin doing what you want to do now.
We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand- and melting like a snowflake..."
- Marie Beyon Ray
"Being Human: The Todd Huston Story"
"Amazing Story! Todd Huston broke the world record for climbing the highest
points in all 50 United States. At 14 years old his legs were severely
mangled in a boating accident and Todd died twice on the operating table.
At 21 he had his right leg amputated. He is the only leg-amputee to hold an
able-bodied world record and this is his inspiring story of how he overcame
adversity to set the world record, and he is a really big fan of the Moody
Blues. We hope you are inspired! If you want to learn more about Todd
Huston, check out his website, www.toddhuston.com." -YouTube.
Song: “T... more »
Buzz, Buzz
October 4, 2014 After reading the blog post, “The Buffalo Wind”, over at
the Archdruid Report http://thearchdruidreport.blogspot.com/ last Wednesday
evening, I reread it over at Resilience.org, while I was there on Thursday,
and again (twice) on Friday. No, I have … Continue reading →
Are Russian President Putin's Days Limited?

'I promised you we would win. We have won. Glory to Russia,” Vladimir Putin
said Sunday after a landslide victory in the Russia's presidential
*Russian Tycoon: We Must Prepare For Putin’s Inevitable Downfall -- Josh
Rogin, Daily Beast*
The man who spent 10 years in prison for crossing Putin says the Russian
regime will fall, one way or the other, and those who want a democracy to
replace it need to get organized now.
In December 2013, when Vladimir Putin released Mikhail Khodorkovsky from
prison after 10 years, the... more »
A Metaphor is not a hoe you met before

Just finished watching Catching Fire. Very subversive. The movie of my
youth that most informed me was Billy Jack. Catching fire was way better in
every way. I got hope for the UTES of today.
Oct. 5: Canada's outstanding photo of war...
....hangs in the War Museum in Ottawa. It never fails to move me. It
appeared yesterday in Toronto's Globe - and in the National Post and the
Star because it's being memorialized this weekend in British Columbia.
(Google 'Famous New Westminister war photo to be memorialized' to see it.)
It's early in the war, and a long column of Canadian soldiers is marching
to training camp. A mother and her five year old son watch them pass, and
the boy breaks away to reach a hand out to his father, who shifts his rifle
to his left hand so he can reach back with his right hand to his son. You
rea... more »
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