9:36pm MDST
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Connecting the Pipe Nebula to the colorful region near bright star Antares
is a dark cloud dubbed the Dark River, flowing from the picture's left
edge. Murky looking, the Dark River's appearance is caused by dust
obscuring background starlight, although the dark nebula contains mostly
hydrogen and molecular gas.
*Click image for larger size.*
Surrounded by dust, Antares, a red supergiant star, creates an unusual
bright yellowish reflection nebula. Above it, bright blue double star Rho
Ophiuchi is embedded in one of the more typical bluish reflection nebulae,
while red emission neb... more »
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from
experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination
to do so."
- Douglas Adams
The House that Jack Built - The Highest in the Land
Barlow and Watt - The Highest in the Land (1973)
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Left to Right : *The Duke of Connaught, The Prince of Wales*, and *The Duke
of Clarence.*
* “LONDON, Nov. 1, 1970 (AP)* – The Sunday Times expressed belief today
that Jack the Ripper, infamous London murderer of nearly 100 years ago, was
Edward, Duke of Clarence, grandson of Queen Victoria and older brother of
George V. The Times was commenting on the statement of an eminent British
surgeon who said that the Ripper ‘was the heir to power and wealth.’ The
surgeon, Thomas E.A. Stowell, while claiming to know ... more »
The Poet: Kuroda Saburo, "I Am Completely Different"
*"I Am Completely Different"*
"I am completely different.
Though I am wearing the same tie as yesterday,
am as poor as yesterday,
as good for nothing as yesterday,
I am completely different.
Though I am wearing the same clothes,
am as drunk as yesterday,
living as clumsily as yesterday, nevertheless
I am completely different.
I patiently close my eyes
on all the grins and smirks,
on all the twisted smiles and horse laughs-
and glimpse then, inside me
one beautiful white butterfly
fluttering towards tomorrow."
- Kuroda Saburo
"A Wise Man Once Said..."
“A wise man once said you can have anything in life if you will sacrifice
everything else for it. What he meant is nothing comes without a price. So
before you go into battle, you better decide how much you’re willing to
lose. Too often, going after what feels good means letting go of what you
know is right, and letting someone in means abandoning the walls you’ve
spent a lifetime building. Of course, the toughest sacrifices are the ones
we don’t see coming, when we don’t have time to come up with a strategy to
pick a side or to measure the potential loss. When that happens, when th... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Things Celtic”
*“Things Celtic”*
by Paulo Coelho
*"A Celtic Prayer"*
"May God give you…
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer."
*"An Old Celtic Blessing"*
"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."
*"History of The Claddagh Ring"*
"The C... more »
Chet Raymo, "Knowledge and Mystery"
*"Knowledge and Mystery"*
by Chet Raymo
"Science takes the mystery out of life." How often have I heard that
complaint from someone too stubborn to learn a bit of science. Nothing, it
seems to me, could be further from the truth. An article in a recent issue
of "Science" recounts progress on the protein-folding problem. Proteins are
long sequences of amino acids, which are themselves rather simple
molecules, just twenty types of which account for the chemistry of life.
DNA specifies the sequence- three steps on the double helix code for each
of the amino acids- and through the inte... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Anderson, S. Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Changing Roles As We Ebb and Flow Through Life"
*"Changing Roles As We Ebb and Flow Through Life"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"We all change throughout life trying new and different things, but the
core of who we really are remains the same. As we bob and weave with the
ebb and flow of life our roles change, but our true self remains constant.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we go through many aspects
of humanity in one lifetime. Living in the material world of opposites,
labels, and classifications, we often identify ourselves by the roles we
play, forgetting that these aspects shift and change throughout our ... more »
"Only Sure Of Today..."
“Do not look back on happiness or dream of it in the future.
You are only sure of today; do not let yourself be cheated out of it.”
- Henry Ward Beecher
what i'm reading: how i live now, excellent (youth) novel by meg rosoff
Last year, I wrote about an excellent, unusual youth novel called *There Is
No Dog*, by Meg Rosoff. I recently read the author's 2004 debut novel, *How
I Live Now*, and I'm here to lay down a flat-out rave review.
Most of *How I Live Now* is told from the point of view of a teenaged
narrator, in a present-tense first-person stream of thought, with long,
rambling sentences and minimal punctuation. I often have problems with
quirky or immature narrators as the voice feels forced and inauthentic to
me. I found some famous and popular novels unreadable because of this. In
this book, ho... more »
A Plan On How To Fight The Islamic State?
*ISIS Withstanding U.S. Counteroffensive -- Max Boot, Commentary*
The limited bombing that President Obama has unleashed against ISIS is,
predictably, having little impact. As one would expect, ISIS has adjusted
its tactics to make itself a hard target to hit from the air–there will be
fewer columns of vehicles flying the black flag and fewer chances to see
ISIS leaders in the open. The Wall Street Journal notes, “Islamic State
appears to have largely withstood the airstrikes so far and with scant
pressure on the ground in Iraq and Syria, the militants have given up
little of the ... more »
Syria's Grand Mufti: Erdogan & Davutoglu behind Abduction of Two Aleppo Archbishops [June 2014]
*Erdogan should be the one apologizing. . . to the Syrian people, Assad,
the Kurds in Syria, the victims of ISIL kidnappings and beheadings, and the
families of the victims.*
*Video Title: Syria's Grand Mufti: Erdogan & Davutoglu behind Abduction of
Two Aleppo Archbishops. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published: June 27, 2014.
The Grand Sunni Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, discusses on
camera the circumstances that led to the infamous abduction of the two
Archbishops of Aleppo, Yohanna Ibrahim for the Syriac Orthodox and Boulos
Yazigi for the Greek Orthodox. He... more »
Caution: AFT Has made a Deal with inBloom-like Clever
On October 3, 2014, EdWeek reported that Randi Weingarten, president of the
American Federation of Teachers (AFT), has announced its intention to
“partner” with “ed-tech startup” Clever. I first wrote about Clever in
January 2014. Like inBloom, Clever is a “data cloud.” As such, Clever
offers an inBloom-like means of accessing and sharing student data. Uh, oh.
Richard the Lionheart and the Knights Templar

*"The Arabian Peninsula has never -- since God made it flat, created its
desert, and encircled it with seas -- been stormed by any forces like the
crusader armies spreading in it like locusts, eating its riches and wiping
out its plantations. All this is happening at a time in which nations are
attacking Muslims like people fighting over a plate of food. In the light
of the grave situation and the lack of support, we and you are obliged to
discuss current events, and we should all agree on how to settle the
*- Usama Bin Laden,*
*Second Fatwah, 1998*
*Richard the Lionhea... more »
Bonus quote of the day: On local bureaucracy
Auckland architect Jack Manning, asked about retiring …
*“You’re still working, you said…?” *“Well, it depends. Work now has to be
interesting. I'm finding the bureaucracy is getting so over-bearing. The
amount of time you have getting delight from what you do diminishes when
you're mucking round with councils all the time.
”It used to be so easy. You used to take some scruffy drawings and get a
permit in a week. Nowadays you've got resource consents and building
consents and you've got to get a consent at the end for the thing as well.
It just takes so long…”
Content is copyrig... more »
The iPads were literally sitting untouched on the play table, next to the play cutlery, plates, and a giant wedge of plastic cheese. #edtech
It’s easy to fascinate and receive kudos from the broader education
community when you can do something interesting with technology. Before
this school year started, I was asked to lead a technology club after
school for fourth and fifth grade students. After brainstorming what was
possible, what I wanted to do, what students might want […]
Which of the Supreme Court thug-justices finked out on God's own homo-haters?

*The Washington Post's "Changing landscape of same-sex marriage" map (click
to enlarge). Not "flipped" on the map are some "pending appeal" states in
two of the three appeals-court circuits where the Supreme Court today let
pro-marriage-equality rulings stand: in the Fourth Circuit, West Virginia,
North Carolina, and South Carolina; and in the Tenth Circuit, Kansas and
Wyoming. Assuming all of these states are added to the "same-sex marriage
OK" group, that will make 30.*
*by Ken*
By now I assume everyone has heard about what the Supreme Court did today
in its strange stealthy way... more »
Geopolitics: “The Real Status of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq”
*“The Real Status of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq”*
by Dr. Ron Paul
“After 13 years of war in Afghanistan - the longest in US history - the US
government has achieved no victory. Afghanistan is in chaos and would
collapse completely without regular infusions of US money. The war has been
a failure, but Washington will not admit it. More than 2,000 US fighters
have been killed in the 13 year Afghan war. More than 20,000 Afghan
civilians were also killed. According to a study last year by a Harvard
University researcher, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost in total
betw... more »
Spectators To A Slaughter

Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Kobani, seen from near the Mursitpinar
border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of
Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 6, 2014. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
*'A Terrible Slaughter Is Coming' -- Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic*
On the Turkish border, the world stands idly by as ISIS threatens a
massacre in a Syrian town.
The theme of the week in the Syria conflict—that airstrikes are of only
limited use in the struggle to degrade and destroy the Islamic State terror
group—is about to be underscored in terrible fashion in the be... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 6, 2014

Still image from an ISIS YouTube video
*The Real Ideology Driving ISIS Isn't Islam Or Caliphate Revivalism: It's
Ultraviolence -- Max Fisher, VOX*
So much has been written about ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
Where it comes from, what it wants, what drives its extremist ideology, why
it has overtaken so much of the Middle East, what the world and the United
States can and cannot do stop it. These are all complex and important
topics worthy of intensive examination.
But when ISIS released its third beheading video on Friday, of the British
aid worker Alan Henning, and t... more »
Benjamin Fulford - October 6, 2014: The white hats control the weather, now it is time to control the rest

*This is Benjamin Fulford in his role as message bearer of Asia to the
West. Views below are solely those of Benjamin Fulford and not necessarily
of this blog. -AK*
Benjamin Fulford - October 6, 2014: The white hats control the weather, now
it is time to control the rest
As this article goes to press in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, October 6th, 2014,
the night skies above are clear, following a sunny day of idyllic mild
autumn weather. The problem was the Japanese meteorological agency (JMA)
and all the corporate news outlets were saying Tokyo was supposed to be hit
by a monster typho... more »
The Kafkaesque Trial Going on in Atlanta
*“This conspiracy was cleverly, cleverly disguised and the purpose of the
conspiracy was this – to illegally inflate test scores and create a false,
false impression of academic success for many students in the Atlanta
Public School system,” prosecutor Fani Willis said. “It was done to those
students’ detriment.”*
Too bad the corporate television networks don't find this trial in Atlanta
as juicy as O.J. or the last murder victim story. Perhaps The Ed Show will
pick up the story. Meanwhile, a Kafkaesque scene that embodies everything
wrong with NCLB, RTtT and Common Core, is play... more »
Inflation's Not the Only Way Easy Money Destroys Wealth
*Guest post by Frank Shostak*
The US Federal Reserve can keep stimulating the American economy because
inflation is posing little threat, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
President Kocherlakota says. “I am expecting an inflation rate to run below
two percent for the next four years, through 2018,” he says. “That means
there is more room for monetary policy to be helpful in terms of … boosting
demand without running up against generating too much inflation.”
On the face of it, he’s right. The yearly rate of growth of the official
consumer price index (CPI) stood at 1.7 percent i... more »
Roswell, Nathan Twining and the Mini-EOTS
There is a misunderstanding about the Twining letter and it is about what
caused it to be written. To understand it in the context of the time, it is
necessary to understand why the letter was written.
In July 1947, an officer who worked for Brigadier General George Schulgen
put together an Estimate of the Situation, which is not to be confused with
the big one that was written later. This mini-EOTS covered a number of
sightings that had been made early in 1947, including a few that had
preceded Arnold. LTC George Garrett was the officer who wrote this EOTS
that was sent to LTG Nat... more »
Khorosan Group Was a Scam: “You Haven’t Heard of the Khorosan Group Because There Isn’t One." (Administration Invented It, Calculating It Had A Better Jihadist Propaganda Connection)
You remember that the FBI/NSA spokespeople reported in 2001 that Osama bin
Ladin stated clearly in public that he had nothing to do with the 9/11
attacks, right? And he was never on the Most Wanted lists easily checked at
any post office because they had no proof he was involved, right? Seems
that no one at any of the major news organizations picked up on these
facts. Or remember them if you
World News Briefs -- October 6, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Spanish Nurse Who Treated Ebola Victim In Madrid Becomes First Person In
The World To Contract Virus Outside Of Africa -- Daily Mail*
* Unnamed nurse believed to be part of team that treated Manuel Garcia Viejo
* First test on the woman has come back positive after going to hospital
* Spanish missionary was brought back from Africa last month for treatment
* He died on 26 September at Madrid's Carlos III Hospital from deadly virus
A Spanish nurse who treated an Ebola victim in Madrid has become the first
person in the world to contract the deadly virus outside of Africa.
The... more »
Has Turkey Abandoned The Kurds In Syria?

Turkish army tanks take up position on the Turkish-Syrian border near the
southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 6, 2014.
REUTERS/Umit Bektas
*ISIS Is About To Take A City Called Kobane. Will It Drag Turkey Into War?
-- Zack Beauchamp, VOX*
After several failed invasion attempts, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
appears on the verge of taking the Syrian town Kobane. This is the
culmination of an assault that began in early September, has sent thousands
of refugees fleeing across the border, and has big implications for the
larger conflict.
Yes, ISIS has seize... more »
A terribble Tytphoon hit Fukushima

Nothing to see here folks its all good. Situation totally under control.
Nuclear is not a bad thing.
I am not a smart person but I see
and to me Tokyo
is toast
and for the most part
Tokyo is Japan
the other regions
will likely rejoice
at the final end
of Medieval tribute
Recomposing Labour
Oblivion is a shuffle, lurch, and crawl away for the Conservative Party.
Even if by some dark miracle they are returned to power next year, the terminal
crisis enveloping them cannot be sidestepped. Either the hard right
lunatics decamp to an ever-so-pure and ever-so-irrelevant electoral lash up
with the purple people bleaters, or they don't. And for as long as they lay
claim to Toryism, so the Conservative Party will be permanently hobbled.
Yet things aren't too great for Labour either. Demographics, economics, and
culture are chewing up the Tories. But they're doing the same for L... more »
What is my solution to ISIS
Cut off thier CIA funneled funding. What should be obious by now is that we
spend billions training forces to fight on on side, and every time a battle
come up we just give all our weapons away to a bunch of cave men. I call
Fin de siècle . . .
ACCRUES UNEVENLY. Always has, probably always will, as history shows.
But things can get distorted and then there's a market 're-adjustment'.
Sometimes such a re-adjustment turns revolutionary.
When I was a child, there were Rolls, Bentley, Mercedes Lincoln and
Cadillac plus the rare Ferrari or Maserati or Aston or Bristol or Alvis,
and that was about it. Today, there are around
Trying to be the architect of your life: A tale of two cities.
Affordable housing? In many cities, that’s illegal.
[Hat tip S O’B]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Washington Post Pays George Will To Write Fantasies: “Bell Might Be Hot On Booker’s Heels”

Jeff Bell and fan club
Disclosure: None of us at *DWT* are fans of Wall Street whore Cory Booker.
That said, we’re probably more grounded in reality than delusional Villager
George Will. The last time New Jersey elected a Republican to the U.S.
Senate was 1972 when *very* liberal Republican Clifford Case, first elected
in 1954, was reelected to his 4th term. A right-wing anti-tax nut, Jeffrey
Bell, beat him in the 1978 Republican primary. Bell was then trounced in
the general election by Democrat Bill Bradley and no Republican has ever
been elected to the Senate from New Jersey again... more »
With The Islamic State On The Verge Of Victory In Kobani US Strategy Lies In Ruins

A Islamic State fighter walks near a black flag belonging to the Islamic
State near the Syrian town of Kobani, pictured from the Turkish-Syrian
border near the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October
6, 2014. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
*Isis On The Verge Of Victory In Kobani As US Strategy Lies In Ruins:
Jihadists Close To Taking City Near Turkish Border -- The Independent*
Syria’s Kurds are unable to do a political deal with neighbouring Turkey,
while US air strikes are failing to make much impact, Patrick Cockburn
Isis is close to capturing the Syrian Kurdish ... more »
Starting this week: The Way We Are!
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014Our latest award-winning series:* In this morning’s
principal post, we started our latest award-winning series.
We’re calling this series The Way We Are. In the series, we plan to
describe the way our public discourse actually works, as compared to the
representations found in our civics textbooks.
This week, we’ll be discussing “story lines”—narratives, Standard Group
Stories, scripts. In future weeks, we’ll look at other dispiriting aspects
of our Potemkin discourse.
That said, we still have one week to go on our previous award-winning
series, The Houses... more »
Urban Warfare Underway Between Kurdish And Islamic State Fighters In The Syrian Border Town Of Kobane (Updated)

*ISIL Penetrates Syrian Town Of Kobane -- Al Jazeera*
Kurdish forces order civilians to flee as ISIL reportedly enters
Kurdish-Syrian town, sparking heavy street fighting.
Fighters from ISIL have penetrated the Syrian town Kobane for the first
time, sparking street-to-street fighting and an order from its Kurdish
defenders for all civilians to flee.
Two black ISIL flags were seen flying on Kobane's eastern side on Monday,
according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, while there were
reports of ISIL fighters entering the town from the east.
"Urban guerrilla warfare... more »
Ukraine Crisis -- News Updates October 6, 2014

Pro-Russian rebels on a tank get ready to take position near the Sergey
Prokofiev International Airport during fighting with Ukrainian government
forces in the town of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, October 4, 2014.
REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov
*NATO Concerned Over E. Ukraine Cease-fire Violations -- Voice of America*
The new head of NATO said the Western military alliance is concerned about
the large number of violations of the cease-fire in eastern Ukraine, which
he indirectly blamed on pro-Russian separatists.
Speaking in Poland Monday on his first foreign trip as NATO
secretary-general,... more »
Supplemental: Can we believe anything these people say?
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014Amanda Bennett edition:* In recent weeks, we’ve
listed some puzzling statements and claims by major journalists.
Was Lawrence O’Donnell really suckled by ferrets in a den near the
Dorchester Yacht Club? We weren’t sure we completely believed his claim!
Did Meredith Vieira really cry about a mop she saw a family abandon in a TV
ad? Was Daisy Hernandez, at age 25, really unaware of what an editorial
was? Those claims seemed implausible too.
That said, can we believe *anything* these people say? The analysts have
started to ask.
Can we believe *anything* fr... more »
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The most urgent necessity is not that the State should teach …”

Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Imágenes para el Día Internacional de la Lucha contra el Cáncer de Mama - Únete y Comparte

[image: Imágenes Gratis para el Día Internacional del Cáncer]
Ebola Epidemic: Spain Has 1st Known Case Of Contracting Ebola Outside Of Africa

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Spain Has Outbreak's 1st Known Case Of Contracting Ebola Outside Of Africa
-- CNN*
(CNN) -- A nurse's assistant in Spain is the first person known to have
contracted Ebola outside of Africa in the current outbreak.
Spanish Health Minister Ana Mato announced Monday that a test confirmed the
assistant has the virus.
The woman had helped treat a Spanish missionary and a Spanish priest, both
of whom had contracted Ebola in West Africa.
Both died after returning to Spain.
Health officials said she developed symptoms on September 30. She was
hospitalized... more »
"The Collapse of the American Economy Has Begun"
*"The Collapse of the American Economy Has Begun"*
by Dave Hodges
"Susan Duclos and Stefan Stanford recently interviewed “V” the Guerrilla
Economist and the following information was revealed in this landmark
interview: “The process of undermining the US dollar is well on schedule as
well; more than 105 countries have decided that the dollar no longer works
for them, joining Russia, China and other BRICS nations in leaving the
dollar as the entire world comes to the realization that America’s leaders
are insane. Their recklessness and evil ways have left tremendous shame
upon our n... more »
“Goodbye Gun Control: The $1,200 Machine For 3D-Printing Guns Has Sold Out In 36 Hours”
*“Goodbye Gun Control: *
*The $1,200 Machine For 3D-Printing Guns Has Sold Out In 36 Hours”*
by Mike Krieger
"Last May, I covered the work of Defense Distributed with regard to its
building of tools for individuals to 3D-print their own firearms in the
post. Meet “'The Liberator': The World’s First Fully 3D-Printed Firearm."
In it, I noted: "3D-printing, like decentralized crypto currencies, have
the potential to change the world in which we live in extraordinary ways.
Ways that are almost inconceivable at this point given we are so early in
the game. More than anything else, these ... more »
No Turbulent Times Show Today
I am tied up this evening with some personal business, and therefore there
will be no Turbulent Times show today at its usual 6PM CDT time slot...
Whitewraithe and I are working on plans to move our show to another time
slot during the week due to her busy work schedule on Mondays as
well...... We will let everyone know well in advance when a new time slot
can be worked out...
I apologize to our listeners, and we are also working at trying to get a
"special" show going sometime later on this week that will of course be
live and allow for everyone to call in....
Thanks everyone fo... more »
女超人: 睜大你的眼睛前面和中心,先生

Satire: “Shocking Allegation: G.O.P. Leader- Five Million Forced Back to Work Under Obama”
*“Shocking Allegation: G.O.P. Leader- *
*Five Million Forced Back to Work Under Obama”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "In a blistering indictment of the
Administration’s economic policies, the chairman of the Republican National
Committee has accused President Obama of forcing five million Americans
back to work since he took office, in 2009. “When President Obama took
office, there were five million Americans at home all day who are now,
sadly, not at home,” said Reince Priebus, on Sunday’s edition of “Meet the
Press.” “They have to go to work five days a week ... more »
Canada Is Jewish Occupied Territory: The Jewish Takeover Of Canada -The Case Of Arthur Topham
I will state it again as I have said many times before... Canada is most
definitely Jewish occupied territory... This nation of Canada, where its
people once prided themselves on being probably the most free people on
planet Earth has now slipped into tyranny and total control of Jewish
interests... The criminal Federal Government on Parliament Hill in Ottawa
Ontario is now nothing more than mouthpieces for Jewish interests and will
stop at nothing to please their Jewish masters... It is beyond disgusting...
Right now, I want to present an excellent article that comes from Lasha
Dar... more »
3D Metallic Pumpkin Art

I was given the ribbon to create this project, all other supplies and
opinions are my own.
Last year, I got rid of most of my Halloween decor, I just didn't love it
and I didn't feel like it fit my personality. It was all too goofy or too
scary. I wanted classic pieces in browns and golds that could work for
Halloween and then with a few swaps, work great for Thanksgiving too.
My husband absolutely loved the way the metallic pumpkin turned out and he
is the one who sat down and helped me finish this piece. I love the way it
turned out. I love the different, fun patterns in the ribb... more »
Two More Protest Stories

*RAF Croughton, England on Oct 4 for rally at U.S. satellite communication
base by Oxfordshire Peace Campaign*
*Protest against drones in front of Home Depot on island of Hilo, Hawai'i*. *
Click on photo for better view*
- I love the idea of holding a protest in front of Home Depot. Go where
the people are and god knows that the big box corporate stores are a huge
part of the problem when it comes to corporate domination of our society.
The oligarchy is making it harder on all of us to be able to have true
dialogue with the masses. They fear honest discussion and ... more »
On the Official Israeli Reaction to Sweden's Plans to Recognize Palestine As A Sovereign State
My country has just gotten itself a new government, a rather frail
coalition between Social Democrats and the Greens. It will be very
dependent on compromises both with the Left party (which had hoped to be in
the government, but were kept out by the new PM Stefan Löfvén) and the
center-right parties, especially the Center party and the classic liberal
Folkpartiet. In view of that, it perhaps came as a surprise (although the
intention had been revealed well beforehand, in 2012) that Löfvén in his
installation speech declared that the new government aims to recognise
Palestine as a ... more »
Black Lives Matter
Attendees at Saturday night’s performance of the St. Louis [Missouri]
Symphony were treated to an addition to the evening’s scheduled program
when a flash mob of protestors serenaded the audience with a civil rights
song dedicated to slain Ferguson teen Michael Brown.
According to the St. Louis Dispatch, as the symphony musicians and chorus
prepared to perform Johannes Brahms’ Requiem following intermission, two
audience members stood up and began singing “Which Side Are You On?” to the
stunned attendees.
Fellow protestors stood up throughout Powell Symphony Hall and joined in
th... more »
When Every Leaf is a Flower

*Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.*
~ Albert Camus
That certainly was once true...but no longer. The leaves pictured here are
typical right now in New Jersey, still weeks before "peak" fall color is
traditionally expected nearer the end of this month. Every autumn the
leaves have had less vibrant color, displayed more egregious injury, and
dropped sooner. This year their condition is so dreadful, it is nothing
short of shocking.
The leaves above, from the day before yesterday (October 4) belong to a
tulip tree I planted which is now about ten years old. Ea... more »
"And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: will he remain a witting servant of the lies, or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries?" -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Dr Udo Ulfkotte, journalist and author, on RT
*RTQuestionMore *
*Uploaded on Sep 29, 2014*
*Category* News & Politics
*License* Standard YouTube License
Cherchez la Verite
Some Amazing Research by TREE
Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence has done its homework on the
Nashville pols who are lined up against public education in the state. Check
it out.
Based on these findings, TEA might want to rethink how much more in teacher
dues it wants to pour into the coffers of Tennessee Republicans.
Climate Tricks 34: Watermelon Movement, Green Outside, Red Inside

The People’s Climate March in NYC last September 21, 2014, has further
shown that the climate alarmism movement is a watermelon movement. Green
outside, red inside. Well, at least some of these groups are more frank,
more honest of what they really want, global ecological and economic
socialism. Modernization and cheaper energy by capitalism is evil.
Governments and the UN should keep expanding and regulate everything.
Source: WUWT, ‘*Paid volunteers’ forthe NYC climate march*, September 21,
And more frank calls, "Capitalism destroys the planet. We need revolution,
nothing... more »
Posted on October 4, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 4, 2014. Two related incidents. The orchestrated attack on
selected Mohawks by Canada’s band council of Kahnawake MCK inc.
Corporate band council meetings in Kahnawake.
And an attempted murder of a young driver by the Surete du Quebec SQ.
Both are part of the “ordo ab chao” conflict strategy
Mohawk Nation News 'Ebola Blankets, Anyone?'
Posted on October 3, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 3, 2014. The first and largest germ warfare in mankind was in
the Western Hemisphere. Small pox were given to us through blankets and
other means to murder over 150 million Indigenous people. Small pox was a
European invention. The government, military and the people all took
part in the
MBDA’s Naval Cruise Missile Production Started and Program is Progressing Well

[image: 0]As part of the EURONAVAL Press Tour, Navy Recognition had the
chance to visit the MBDA site of Selles Saint Denis last week. This
“missile factory” is the European Missile Integration Center.
During our tour, we got the chance to see the production lines of the
Exocet family of anti-ship missiles, Mica and Aster anti-air missiles and
Scalp cruise missiles.
But the highlight of the visit was by far when MBDA showed us two freshly
assembled Naval Cruise Missile (NCM or MdCN in French).
Navy Recognition
There's No Nice Way To Say This: John Kline Takes Bribes From Crooked For-Profit "Colleges"

We’ve talked a lot about how DCCC chairman Steve Israel refuses to target
any Republican leaders or policy makers, including GOP committee chairs,
even ones in vulnerable blue-leaning districts. MN-02 south of
Minneapolis/St Paul is a good example. In 2008, Obama beat McCain there by
10,000 votes. Four years later it was much closer but he still beat Romney
in the district, which had also voted for Amy Klobuchar in 2006 and 2012
and for Al Franken in 2008. All those blue victories don’t *guarantee* a
Democrat can beat John Kline— not even this poll showing Mike Obermueller
leading... more »
Breaking News!!! Massive Explosion Reported At Suspected Iran Nuclear Site

One report says an explosion near the Parchin complex south of Tehran could
be heard for miles
*'Deadly Fire' At Iran Military Explosives Facility -- BBC*
*A fire and explosion at a military explosives facility near the Iranian
capital Tehran has left at least two people dead, reports say.*
The semi-official Iranian Students News Agency (Isna) said the fire was in
an "explosive materials production unit".
A pro-opposition website reported a huge blast near the Parchin military
site, south-east of the capital, but this was not confirmed.
Parchin has been linked to Iran's controvers... more »
Indian-Pakistan Fighting In The Kashmir Region Has Killed Nine, Wounded 50, Causing Thousands To Flee

*Indian-Pakistan Fighting Kills Nine Civilians, Three Militants -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Nine civilians were killed and at least 25 wounded on Monday in
fighting along a stretch of the disputed border between India and Pakistan
in the Kashmir region, the heaviest toll since India called off a round of
peace talks last month.
The Himalayan region of Kashmir has been a bone of contention between India
and Pakistan since they became independent in 1947. They have fought three
wars and came close to a fourth in 2001 and there have been regular clashes
along the de facto border, known a... more »
FBI Director James Comey On 60 Minutes
*FBI Director On Threat Of ISIS, Cybercrime -- CBS 60 Minutes*
In his first major television interview, FBI Director James Comey speaks
with Scott Pelley about the threat of Americans joining ISIS and the
dangers posed by cybercrime and cyber espionage
The following is a script of "The Director" which aired on Oct. 5, 2014.
Scott Pelley is the correspondent. Robert Anderson and Pat Milton,
Do you know the name of the director of the FBI? Probably not. James Comey
has been America's top cop for just one year and he hasn't done a major
television interview until tonight.... more »
How Many Fighters Can The Islamic State Recruit?

Fighters of al-Qaeda linked Islamic State of Iraq and Syria carry their
weapons during a parade at the Syrian town of Tel Abyad, near the border
with Turkey January 2, 2014. Reuters
*Counter-Terrorism: A Million Potential Recruits For ISIL -- Strategy Page*
In late September 2014 American officials admitted that at least a hundred
American Moslems had gone off to fight for ISIL (al Qaeda in Iraq and the
Levant). Apparently only about a dozen Americans are there now and most of
the hundred identified American Moslems have not made it to Syria yet. Some
have returned and a few have ... more »
The Zombie Democracy Shuffle

Paul Krugman's latest column takes issue with Paul Ryan's proposal to have
the Congressional Budget Office use something called "dynamic scoring"
(Alice in Wonderland math) to justify more tax cuts for the rich. Despite
the sound debunking of "voodoo economics," it's an idea that refuses to die
a good death. As a result, Krugman fears, the very credibility of the CBO
(not to mention that of the august 15% approval rating Congress) might be
in jeopardy if Ryan's dream bill squeaks through a GOP senate! What a shock.
The CBO has already taken quite a few hits for being politicized, mo... more »
U.S.-Led Airstrikes Are Not Stopping The Islamic State (Updated)

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
*U.S.-Led Airstrikes Disrupt Islamic State, But Extremists Hold Territory
-- Wall Street Journal*
*Islamic State Fighters Taking Precautions to Evade Detection*
U.S.-led airstrikes designed to serve notice on Islamist extremists in Iraq
and Syria have also delivered a sobering message to Washington and its
allies: Breaking the militants’ grip will be every bit as difficult as they
As the U.S. prepares to launch a ground war by proxy forces in Syria and
Iraq, there are signs that the air campaign is disrupting militant group
Islamic State. Fight... more »
THE WAY WE ARE: President Clinton said it, not us!
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014Part 1—Like Shipp and Krugman before him:* Bill
Clinton said it. Not us!
It seems he said it back in April, although his remarks went undiscussed. In
a recent blog post for the Washington Post, Chris Cillizza reported the
former president’s deeply unpleasant comments:
CILLIZZA (9/25/14): “If a policymaker is a political leader and is covered
primarily by the political press, there is a craving that borders on
addictive to have a storyline," Bill Clinton said in a speech at Georgetown
University back in April. “And then *once people settle on the storyline, ... more »
Another Pop Quiz
Follow this link to take Pew Research's annual test of world events. As my
9th grade world history teacher Mr. Albanese used to say before every
multiple-guess treat, "Do as good as you could, boys and girls. Do as good
as you could."
Full disclosure: I did as good as I could, and I still got one answer
wrong, which I partially blame on what I consider to be a faulty question
with a built-in supposition. More on that later, because I don't want to
spoil your fun while the day is so fresh, new, and Panglossian.
*Update*: O.K., it is now dinnertime and time to confess my wrong answer ... more »
Perros Enanos - Los Perros Toy Más Tiernos - 20 fotos

Disfruta esta colección de *perros enanos*. *Los famosos perros toy más
adorables de la web*. Lindos animalitos de compañía que por su tamaño, los
puedes transportar con facilidad en tu bolso de mano. La variedad de *ropa
y accesorios para este tipo de perritos* es tanta que te divertirás a lo
grande *vistiendo a tu mascota con un estilo propio y muy original*. Las
fotos te darán muchas ideas sobre cómo arreglar a tu animalito para que
vaya de paseo contigo a todas partes. No olvides que su alimentación y
cuidados de higiene son muy importantes para que siempre luzca hermoso,
fresc... more »
Battle of the Dukla pass: 70 years

Exactly 70 years ago, on October 6th, 1944, the Soviet and Czechoslovak
troops finally reached the Dukla pass on the Slovak-Polish border. That was
the most optimistic point of the battle of the Dukla pass, one of the
toughest battles of the World War II in Central Europe. This battle may be
mentioned as a part of the reason why so many Czechs and Slovaks, including
your humble correspondent, think of the Russians as their natural allies of
a sort.
You can study the history elsewhere but let me write down just a few
comments. The "pass" is an interruption in a mountain range, a sadd... more »
*PASSION: Saints Refuse to Quit with Fiery Finish ~Barry Hirstius, Who Dat
~Editilla whodatellas~ If Aaaah had a dolla for every time Our New Orleans
Saints pulled a rabbit outta they ass Ah'd be rich as Tom Benson!
*Offiicals ill-prepared to help those outside of levee system, Tulane study
finds ~Tom Marshall. The Lens*
*Legal battle over coastal-erosion lawsuit to be fought in two courts ~Jeff
Adelson, New Orleans Advocate *
*Sting Ring: 5 New Cases of West Nile Confirmed ~NOLA DEFENDER *
Iraq’s Security Forces Collapse As The Islamic State Takes Control of Most of Anbar Province

The Islamic State (IS) has been on the offensive in Anbar since August and
their effort has finally paid off with another collapse by the Iraqi
Security Forces (ISF). In August the insurgents began attacks upon Haditha
in the western section of the province and in Ramadi in the center at the
same time. Haditha was successfully defended, but then in September leading
into October the militants had one victory after another. They successfully
took Camp Saqlawiya outside of Fallujah, followed by the seizure of Hit,
Kubaisa, Muhammadawi, and then Ramadi itself making a successful sweep... more »
The Battle Between The Islamic State And Kurds For The Syrian Border Town Of Kobani Intensifies

*Islamic State Raises Flag In Eastern Kobani, Kurds Say Town Has Not Fallen
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Islamic State militants raised their flag on a building on the
eastern outskirts of the Syrian border town of Kobani on Monday after an
assault of almost three weeks, but the town's Kurdish defenders said they
had not reached the city centre.
A black flag belonging to Islamic State was visible from across the Turkish
border atop a four-storey building close to the scene of some of the most
intense clashes in recent days.
Local sources inside Kobani confirmed the group had planted i... more »
World News Briefs -- October 6, 2014
*Brazil's Rousseff, Neves Race For Support In Tight Election Runoff --
(Reuters) - An unexpectedly competitive runoff campaign for Brazil's
presidency kicked off on Monday with leftist incumbent Dilma Rousseff and
her pro-business rival Aecio Neves racing to lock up supporters of an
ousted third-place candidate and others frustrated with a stagnant economy.
Neves, a former two-term state governor and senator who had been widely
written off until the last few days of the campaign, rode a late surge in
support to second place with 33.6 percent support in Sunday's first roun... more »
Suicide blast hits Grozny, predominately Chechen, Southern Russia- 5 dead
*Often times events that seem random, aren't.* *2- Turkey and Russia:
Geostrategy, Trade and the Big Picture *
*1- *Kurds/Turkey collude and ISIS releases kidnapped Kurdish children?
*Flashback: **A very NATO/US sounding ISIS threatens Putin- God Willing-
*"And we will liberate Chechnya and the entire Caucasus, **God willing*,"
said the militant.
*"According to the latest data, the blast killed five policemen, twelve
others received wounds,"* a police spokesman said. Four police officers
died at the scene, while the fifth later died of wounds at a local hospi... more »
Alan Grayson-- Progressives' Cosmic Thing
Alan Grayson was 30 when the B-52’s were recording “Love Shack,” “Channel
Z,” “Roam” and the other classic songs that were released on their most
beloved and successful album, *Cosmic Thing*. He had graduated from
Harvard, where he had written his masters thesis on gerontology, done some
law clerking for both Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia and founded
the non-profit Alliance for Aging Research. While the rest of us were
trying to figure out which voice was Cindy’s and which voice was Kate’s,
Grayson was trying to figure out how to improve the human experience of
aging for ... more »
American Airstrikes & the Universal Language of Force
his speech before the meeting of the 69th session of the United Nations
General Assembly on September 24, U.S. President Barack Obama
resurrected yet another turn of phrase used most often by those wishing
to make the case for dropping bombs on people and things.
In an effort to justify U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria, Obama declared
that the militant organization known as ISIS (or ISIL or IS
A Foolish Mission From A Foolish Prime Minister

After the Conservatives vote this afternoon to go to war, we will enter the
annals of historical folly. Dishonesty and folly are Stephen Harper's
hallmarks. They are present in everything he does. But his entry into Iraq
is truly foolish, for several reasons. Michael Harris writes:
When Steve made his war announcement against the beheaders, there was a
strange addendum.
Although Canada would join the noble bomb-fest in Iraq, there would be no
bombing in Syria without the permission of the leader of that co... more »
*Education Incentives can Help End Low Expectations*
Behavioral psychologists and economists long have considered incentives to
be a normal part of human nature, but applying them to education still
stokes controversy.
For example, some people recoil at the idea of paying kids and their
teachers for high scores on advanced-placement tests that get students
college credit in high school, as some schools in Northern Virginia are
It sounds so … mercenary. Exchanging money for good performance? Handing
out filthy lucre to reward a personally fulfilling and enriching
achi... more »
Turkey and Russia: Geostrategy, Trade and the Big Picture
*Continuing on with our bigger picture news day *
*Want Turkey’s support on ISIS- Think Russia- Al Jazeera*
Read in full at the link
“It took Washington four years to wake up from the dream to realise that
replacing Ankara with Erbil was much like replacing Britain with Malta as
the main ally in the Mediterranean”
It wasn’t going to work out?
“How does this translate into Turkey's withdrawn role against the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)? Yes, Ankara is worried about its
self-inflicted vulnerability against ISIL; it has little idea about the
operations of the sleeper c... more »

*The time's up, boys*
*A lineup of global warming heavyweights said in 2011 that a 17 year period
in the temperature record was needed to evaluate the theory. That time has
now passed with no warming -- so the theory is plainly wrong. Journal
abstract below*
Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The
importance of timescale
B. D. Santer, C. Mears, C. Doutriaux, P. Caldwell, P. J. Gleckler, T. M. L.
Wigley, S. Solomon, N. P. Gillett, D. Ivanova, T. R. Karl, J. R. Lanzante,
G. A. Meehl, P. A. Stott, K. E. Taylor, P. W. Thorne, M. F. Wehner, and F.
J. Went... more »
Hong Kong: Beware of Staged Violence

*Image: US-backed unrest in Ukraine featured gunmen killing protesters
andsecurity forces alike. Covert, staged, and false flag violence is a
documented component of US meddling beyond its borders. **October 6, 2014*
(Tony Cartalucci - LD) - As momentum in Hong Kong's US-backed so-called
"Occupy Central" protest falters, attempts to escalate chaos and provoke or
perpetuate violence is generally the next step in any given US-engineered
"color revolution." Not only is this a matter of simple observation, but a
matter of documented fact as well. As such, observers must remain vigilan... more »
Kiev Won't Stop Shelling
Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine remains in a high state of alert, despite the
ceasefire that's been in place since September 5th.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 6, 2014

AH-64 Apache helicopters, assigned to the U.S. Army's 82nd Combat Aviation
Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Task Force Saber, prepare to take off from
the flight line at Forward Operating Base Fenty, Afghanistan, Feb. 22,
2012. Eric Pahon/U.S. Army
*‘Boots In The Air’: U.S. Helicopters Return To Combat In Iraq For First
Time -- Stars and Stripes/McClatchy Foreign Staff (MCT)*
IRBIL, Iraq — The United States sent helicopters into combat against
Islamic State targets west of Baghdad on Sunday, the first time low-flying
Army aircraft have been committed to fighting in an engagement th... more »
Kurds/Turkey collude and ISIS releases kidnapped Kurdish children?
*Two news items:*
*-Iraq’s Kurds are boosting crude output threefold by the end of 2015 *
-The Kurds will increase production to 1 million barrels a day by the end
of 2015 from a current level of 320,000, said Sherko Jawdat, head of the
natural resources committee in the Kurdish region’s parliament. Output will
rise to 500,000 barrels a day by year-end, he said in an interview in
Irbil, the seat of the Kurdistan Regional Government. Exports are currently
200,000 barrels a day, Jawdat said, without providing a forecast.
- The Kurds’ efforts to export their own crude has provoked lega... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( October 6 , 2014 ) -- Airstrikes showing limits of effectiveness as ISIS advances in Anbar ( Iraq ) and Kobane ( Syria ) ....... FBI Director Warns of ‘Khorasan’ Threat Group Could Attack 'Very, Very Soon' ....... Dozens Killed as Hezbollah Battles Nusra Along Lebanon-Syria Border Hezbollah Clashes With Syrian Rebels Along Border ...... Female Kurdish Fighter Suicide Bombs ISIS, Killing Several Attacker Was Commander of Female YPG Unit ..... Tweets of the Day ( Kobane in focus )
Anti War.....
FBI Director Warns of ‘Khorasan’ ThreatGroup Could Attack 'Very, Very Soon'
by Jason Ditz, October 05, 2014
Print This | Share This
In comments on today’s “60 Minutes” program, FBI Director James Comey
warned that the Khorasan group is “serious people, bent of destruction” who
plan to attack the US “very, very soon.”
Comey insisted the US had to act as if the Khorasan strike was “coming
tomorrow,” but conceded that they don’t know whether they plan to attack
“tomorrow or three weeks or three months from now.”
Khorasan, as a distinct faction, doesn’t actually exist, and an... more »
Russian fleet to receive secret new cruise missile Source

[image: P-800 Onyx (Yakhont)]In September 2014, state testing was completed
on Russia’s newest cruise missile, which has been developed by NPO
Mashinostroyenia, part of the Tactical Missiles Corporation.
According to the general director of NPO Mashinostroyenia, Alexander
Leonov, the new missile was designed for the Russian Navy and, in addition
to the completion of state testing of the rocket itself, two sets of
ground-based and sea-based missiles have also successfully passed state
Nothing is currently known about the name, index, or even any of the
tactical and techni... more »
Army Swore Vengeance For Beheaded Pilot, Issues New Order

[image: Beheaded Pilot]The Defence Headquarters, Abuja, has sworn to avenge
the death of a pilot of the Nigeria Air Force who was claimed to have been
beheaded in a new video released by Boko Haram.
The Nation reports that DHQ in a reaction to the incident ordered massive
air strikes on the Boko Haram sect, as well as take delivery of Cobra
gunships soonest.
The order was given after the DHQ had earlier on Friday debunked the claims
of the pilot being killed by theterrorists, but friends of the pilot on
Saturday, took the social media and made clarifications that it was indeed
the ... more »
Indonesia to co-develop $8 bln South Korea fighter jet project

[image: KFX-E Korean Aerospace Industries]South Korea's arms procurement
agency said on Monday that Indonesia had agreed to pay 20 percent of the
development costs of a mid-level fighter jet programme that some analysts
said could cost up to $8 billion.
The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said in a statement
that it signed a basic agreement to develop the "KF-X" or "Boramae" fighter
jet with the Indonesian defense ministry.
The jets, to be delivered from 2025, are expected to be developed with the
help of Lockheed Martin as part of an offset agreement.
Read more
This Clumsy Freighter Is a Game Changer for the Chinese Military

[image: Y-20]China’s new Y-20 heavy freighter aircraft is a hodgepodge of
counterfeits that the regime is touting as a landmark of Chinese
innovation. Yet, writing off the new plane as merely another Chinese
counterfeit could be a dire mistake.
By itself, the massive plane could extend the reach of China’s military
into the deep west of the country, or far south and east onto disputed
islands. Taken in a broader context, China plans to both export and create
variants of the Y-20, which could include Chinese models of some of the
most feared aircraft on the modern battlefield.
The r... more »
RAF Reaper drones 'bound for Iraq'
Britain’s heavily armed Reaper drones could soon be sent to spy on Isil
militants in Iraq according to plans being drawn up by the RAF.
Defence planners are considering sending the remotely-piloted aircraft to
the Middle East once they have finished watching over the withdrawal of
British troops from Afghanistan.
If the plan is given the go-ahead, the aircraft could be in place around
the end of the year, joining American drones already flying over Isil
Read more
Army Apache helos used in strikes against Islamic State

[image: AH-64E Apache Guardian helicopter]Army pilots for the first time
used an Apache attack helicopter to strike Islamist militant targets in
Iraq over the weekend, according to a statement by CENTCOM.
On Oct. 4, “U.S. military forces used attack bomber, fighter and helicopter
aircraft to conduct six airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq” the command said
in a Sunday morning release, and a CENTCOM official confirmed to Defense
News that the helicopter was an Army Apache attack helicopter, but would
not specify where it flew from or what munitions it used.
Apaches can fire Hellfire miss... more »
China flexing muscle more after launching 1st aircraft

[image: J-11 Flanker B]Since commissioning its first aircraft carrier,
China's navy has conducted more exercises farther away from its shores and
flexing its muscle by closely patrolling areas in disputed waters where
Chinese companies are drilling for oil, a top US Air Force commander has
Air Force General Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, the head of US Pacific Air
Forces, said China's naval and air forces in particular are "very much
continuing to push" and becoming more active in international waters and
airspace in Asia.
"They still talk about the century of humiliation in the ... more »
Air force, maritime enforcers join hunt for missing Navy boat

[image: KD Paus]The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has deployed four vessels
and a helicopter to locate one of its combat boats which went missing off
Pulau Mengalum near Semporna, Sabah yesterday.
The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) has reinforced the search
and rescue (SAR) operation with three assets, while the Royal Malaysian Air
Force (RMAF), one.
The navy's assets comprised the KD Lekiu, KD Paus, KD Serang and KD Ganas,
and a Super Lynx helicopter.
Read more
Beijing objects to US decision to lift arms ban against Vietnam

[image: Hanoi (Kilo) class SSK]The US decision to lift its ban on arms
sales to Vietnam will cause serious trouble to China's national security,
the Xinhua-published Reference News reported on Oct. 5.
John Kerry, the US secretary of state, informed Vietnamese deputy prime
minister Pham Binh Minh on Oct. 2 that Washington has decided to partially
lift its ban on sale of arms to Hanoi.
State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said Washington will now allow the
sale of lethal maritime security capabilities and for surveillance on a
case-by-case basis to Hanoi. This includes both boats a... more »
Sweden To Shutter Arms Export Agency

[image: Prime Minister Stefan Löfven]The planned closure of the Swedish
Defence and Security Export Agency (FXM) is expected to trigger a major
overhaul of the country’s arms export rules and infrastructure.
Operating as a division of the Defense Ministry, FXM’s primary defense
industry export promotion role came under the spotlight during government
formation negotiations between the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the
Green Party, following parliamentary elections held on Sept. 14.
FXM’s fate was sealed when the Greens questioned the need for a state arms
export promotion agency... more »
Third Barrow built super-sub put through paces

[image: HMS Artful]The third super-sub to be built in Barrow has travelled
to the depths of the docks for the first time.
Artful, the third Astute-class submarine, undertook a trim dive on Friday.
The dive represents the first time the boat has been fully submerged and is
a key moment for the submarine and the team of naval architects behind the
The trim dive allows Artful’s project team to prove the sub’s safety and
stability in the water and will involve a team of up to 80 shipyard
Read more
HMCS Chicoutimi begins sea acceptance trials

[image: Victoria class SSK]The Royal Canadian Navy’s leadership has sent a
“Bravo Zulu” to the members of HMCS Chicoutimi for commencing sea
acceptance trials on September 28 near Esquimalt, B.C.
More from the RCN:
The trials are expected to last seven to eight weeks and will test the
Victoria-class submarine’s engineering systems and capabilities, as well as
its crew, to ensure that all are performing within required parameters.
These trials are an important step as the submarine nears the end of its
maintenance and refit period, a phase called the Extended Docking Work
Period, or ... more »
Iran’s Quds Force Have Been Ordered To Leave The Americans Alone In Iraq

Iran’s Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei (Reuters)
*Iran Orders Elite Troops: Lay Off U.S. Troops In Iraq -- Eli Lake, Daily
The last time Iranian and American forces were in Iraq, the two sides
quietly fought each other. Now Iran’s Quds Force officers in Iraq are
purposely leaving the Americans alone.
Pay no attention to the Shi'ite militias threatening to kill U.S. troops in
Iraq. The elite Iranian forces backing those militias have been ordered not
to attack the Americans.
That’s the conclusion of the latest U.S. intelligence assessment for Iraq.
And it represents a stunning t... more »
Edward Snowden Exposed as Fraud
*Discovered this little gem today. Shocking (NOT) the video has been
available for more than a year has only been viewed by 5700+ beautiful
spirits. Enjoy!*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
UK & Ireland Winter Weather Forecast 2014-15 - Cold & Snowy/Big Freeze
*UK & Ireland Winter Weather Forecast 2014-15 - Cold & Snowy/Big Freeze*
James Madden - Exacta Weather
Some Poor Egyptian Girls Have Been Married 60 Times By The Time They Turn 18
The reality of child sex abuse in Egypt.
' some girls who grow up in Egypt's poor rural communities face an even
scarier sort of child marriage: the temporary kind. Sex tourism to Egypt
tends to spike in the summer, when wealthy men from Gulf countries flood
into Egypt and thousands of underage girls are sold by their parents into
temporary "marriages," according to a story by Inter Press Service.
Child sex tourism is difficult to track, but the United Nations estimates
that it affects two million children every year, often in countries that
are poor but have preexisting tourism ... more »
Hong Kong's Politics: If not Beijing's Business, Surely not Washington's

*October 6, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The so-called "Occupy Central"
movement has been so utterly exposed as foreign meddling, that even
stalwart supporters of the protests have had to admit US-cash, political,
and media support is irrefutably driving the unrest. As is the nature of
humanity, pride has overridden the many good intentions, principles, and
ideals of ordinary "Occupy Central" supporters, transforming the movement
from idealistic but misled, to spiteful and vindictive.
While these protesters were brave enough to stand up to injustices they
perceived Beijing was i... more »
The Five Most Decisive Naval Battles Of All Time

*Top Five Naval Battles of All Time -- James Holmes, National Journal*
Ranking battles by their importance has been a bloodsport among military
historians as long as there have been military historians. Creasy's classic
Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World(1851) set the standard for the genre.
But what makes a battle decisive? And what makes one such test of arms more
important than another?
Defining the term too loosely produces howlers like a recent US News
catalogue of decisive battles of the American Civil War. By the US News
count, 45 engagements qualified as decisive during ... more »
The Universe
“A Paradoxical Perspective from your friend, the Universe: On earth, it
seems that most people fret, worry, and lose sleep over some of the
silliest things they've done. But what's funny is that later on, from here,
more often than not, it's the things they didn't do that they still think
about. Which of course sends them back. Go for it, we're cheering you on!”
“Tallyho, ho, ho-”
The Universe
“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”
- www.tut.com
The Islamic State's Ammunition Is 'Made In The U.S.'

A cache of weapons seized by Isis from Brigade 93. Zaid Al Fares/Business
*ISIS’ Ammunition Is Shown to Have Origins in U.S. and China -- New York
In its campaign across northern Syria and Iraq, the jihadist group Islamic
State has been using ammunition from the United States and other countries
that have been supporting the regional security forces fighting the group,
according to new field data gathered by a private arms-tracking
The data, part of a larger sample of captured arms and cartridges in Syria
and Iraq, carries an implicit warning for poli... more »
Taiwanese Swooning at latest ECFA Success

My man Ben of Letters from Taiwan remarked to me in chat today:
Good job the diplomatic truce and ECFA totally stopped Beijing blocking TW
on international stage and getting in the way of signing FTAs with Malaysia
and Australia. Oh wait... Beijing meddling in Taiwan's trade pacts...
Readers will recall those heady days of 2009 and 2010, when the Ma
government was promising that the ECFA trade agreement would enable Taiwan
to sign FTAs with other countries. As recently as 2013 the WTO came out
with a book in favor of ECFA, saying it would help Taiwan sign FTAs. Of
course, the failu... more »
Reasons to build higher-energy colliders
Sabine Hossenfelder thinks that it is a bad investment to build particle
colliders that boast higher energies than their predecessors. The high
precision frontier is better, she thinks. Physicists should be ashamed when
they explain that a collider could access some decay channels, get a higher
signal yield, or a better precision. In her opinion, to talk about
supersymmetry is a downright blasphemy for them. And they are also
"disappointing" if they dare to mention that the colliders have been a
better investment than the wars in Afghanistan and that the World Wide Web
was born at C... more »
US Marine Gives A Raw Account Of Being Shot In Combat

Matt McElhinney holds the rifle round that wounded him in Afghanistan.
*'First You Feel The Round Hit' — US Marine Gives A Raw Account Of Being
Shot In Combat -- Business Insider*
It was during the battle for Marjah, Afghanistan, on March 10, 2010, that
US Marine Lance Cpl. Matt McElhinney was shot by a Taliban insurgent just
below his body armor.
"I was pretty sure I was going to die," McElhinney told Business Insider.
In a gripping narrative the former infantry machine-gunner with Lima Co.,
3rd Battalion, 6th Marines, posted to the website Reddit on Wednesday, he
explained in g... more »
American Sniper: First Trailer
*American Sniper: First Trailer For Clint Eastwood's Real-Life Drama Hits
The Web -- The Guardian*
*Harrowing clip shows Bradley Cooper as navy marksman Chris Kyle staring
down the barrel of his rifle at a child who may be a suicide bomber*
The first trailer for Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper, starring Bradley
Cooper as a navy seal dubbed the deadliest gunman in US military history,
has hit the web.
The true-life drama, based on US soldier Chris Kyle’s bestselling 2012
autobiography, also stars Sienna Miller as Kyle’s wife, Taya Renae Kyle.
The trailer comprises a harrowing cli... more »
3 Women Have Passed The U.S. Marine Corps Combat Endurance Test

Marines practice marksmanship at Camp Geiger, N.C., during infantry
training Sept. 26, 2013. For the 1st time, female Marines were included in
the rigorous training process because of the opening of combat-related
positions. Tyler L. Main/U.S. Marine Corps
*In A First, 3 Women Pass Marines Combat Endurance Test, Toting 80-lb.
Packs -- CSM*
A Monitor exclusive: Marines training to be infantry officers must pass a
grueling physical test to lead Marines into combat. This week, that
included three women – the most ever.
QUANTICO, Va. — For the first time, three women have passed the ... more »
Picture Of The Day
U.S. Army Pvt. 1st Class Jacob Frey, right, cuts a protective covering free
from its anchors while other soldiers disassemble other sections of a tent
on Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, Oct. 2, 2014. Disassembling old tents is
part of the downsizing efforts to prepare for Resolute Support Mission,
which officially begins Jan. 1, 2015. Frey is an engineer assigned to the
220th Engineer Company, 315th Eng. Battalion, Missouri National Guard.
Missouri Nation Guard photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Whitney Houston

"A rich source of wrong beliefs is the prolific activity of
imagination....by filling up voids of knowledge with fictions and theories,
its quick and easy working is a striking contrast with the slow and
toilsome work of observation and reasoning. Being the productive force in
mind, it has, like the productive forces in nature, three marked qualities:
it is prolific, it is pleasant, it is prophetic."
Henry Maudsley (1886)
*Natural Causes and Supernatural Seemings*.
*" Paranoid schizophrenic Tennyson Obih who was sectioned twice before
being released into care in the community w... more »
Telling The Truth Is Undiplomatic
*An excerpt from, "Vice President Joe Biden apologizes to Turkey, UAE" by
Chelsea J. Carter, Ben Brumfield and Sara Mazloumsaki, CNN, October 5,
2014: *
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has apologized to the United Arab Emirates
and Turkey for comments he made last week that Middle Eastern allies are
partly to blame for the strengthening of ISIS.
"They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of
weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people
who were being supplied were al-Nusra and al-Qaeda and the extremist
elements of jihadis coming fr... more »
Pentagon Estimate In 1945: 204 Atomic Bombs Could Destroy The Soviet Union

Restricted Data
*In 1945, The Pentagon Estimated That 204 Atomic Bombs Could Destroy The
Soviet Union -- Business Insider*
"My God, what have we done," Enola Gay copilot Robert Lewis reportedly said
as the Superfortress was making its way back to base on August 6, 1945,
after dropping an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
World War II had ended with grisly evidence of what atomic warfare actually
was. But just weeks after its end, the Pentagon was already hypothesizing
about what an entire wave of nuclear attacks could achieve.
American defense planners came up with th... more »
A Look At The CH-47G Chinook Helicopter
*The Stealthy Chopper That Sneaks Special Forces Behind Enemy Lines --
Blackhawks and Apaches may be the poster-choppers of America's Special
Forces but much of the heavy lifting that makes those missions possible is
handled by the venerable CH-47G Chinook. And with the most recent round of
modernizations, this Vietnam-era workhorse is ready for the 21st century.
Chinooks first entered service in 1962 as troop transports and heavy-lift
cargo carriers, immediately proving their worth and quickly becoming a
logistical backbone of the US military (not to mention the 19 count... more »
The Sikorsky S-97 RAIDER Unveiled
*Behold The Newest, Fastest, Most Badass Attack Helicopter In The World --
The S-97 Raider—Sikorsky new attack helicopter—is out and it is not only
gorgeous. It's absolutely badass. It is based in the same technology as
their X2 technology demonstrator, which broke the world helicopter speed
record in 2010: 260 knots—that's 299.2mph (481.5km/h) vs the 172mph of
conventional helicopters.
According to Sikorsky's Mike Miller, it "is an all-new helicopter, all-new
configuration. We haven't seen something this new in 30 years." The Raider
uses counter-rotating rotor bl... more »
Tweets of the week #4
This was another busy week in global politics and I’m going to highlight
some of the best tweets in my Twitter feed. Before starting, however, I
will acknowledge that this post is late. I believe my excuse is pretty good
as it involves lots of late night baseball. I grew up in Kansas rooting for
Continue reading
Increasing Number Of Close Calls Between U.S. And Chinese/Russian Aircraft

The Russian Jet. Photo: Sweden's National Defence Radio Establishment. The
*China, Russia Flex Muscles In Increasing Number Of Close Calls With U.S.
Aircraft -- Washington Post*
A recent spate of dangerous midair encounters between American military
aircraft and Chinese and Russian planes in the Pacific is the result of
increasingly assertive strategies by both U.S. adversaries to project power
far beyond their borders, according to the top U.S. Air Force commander in
the region.
Air Force Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, the head of U.S. Pacific Air
Forces, said China’s naval... more »
US Navy To Deploy Armed Unmanned 'Drone' Boats Within A Year
*Navy Will Deploy Swarms of Autonomous Robots To Protect Warships At Sea --
National Defense*
Robots in combat are no longer a novelty in the U.S. military. Dangerous
jobs such as explosives detection, warzone surveillance and
precision-guided airstrikes already have been handed off to robots.
The Navy is taking the technology a step further.
Researchers believe robots are now smart enough that they can be trusted to
take on tougher jobs like escorting and protecting billion-dollar warships.
Robotic patrol boats could keep sailors out of harm’s way and ease the
burden on overwork... more »
Good News For The GOP: People Have Forgotten About Gun Violence As An Election Issue
So far this cycle, the NRA has handed out direct checks to congressional
campaigns to the tune of $540,612. $20,450 went to Democrats and $520,162
went to Republicans. Virtually every Republican gets a piece— and the only
Democrats who get anything from them are a handful of the worst of the
reactionary Democratic gun shills— John Barrow (Blue Dog-GA), Nick Rahall
(Blue Dog-WV), Kurt Shrader (Blue Dog-OR), Tim Walz (MN), Sanford Bishop
(Blue Dog-GA), Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX), Collin Peterson (Blue Dog-MN).
*All* their biggest bets, however, were on Republicans like Mitch McConn... more »
Tehran truthfest panics Zionist thought police
[image: The conference the ADL loves to hate]
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called it a “hatefest.”
They were referring to the second annual New Horizon Conference in Tehran,
which brought together dozens of the world’s most notable activists,
scholars, pundits, filmmakers and writers – all of whom have contributed to
dismantling or questioning hegemonic narratives peddled in mainstream
Western institutions.
Read the full article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/10/05/truthfest/
[image: The conference the ADL loves to hate]
New NATO Secretary-General: NATO Can Put Troops Wherever It Wants
*NATO Can Put Troops Wherever It Wants, New Secretary-General Says --
(Reuters) - New NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday that
the Western alliance could deploy its forces wherever it wants, apparently
calling into question post-Cold War agreements that have been shaken by
Russia's actions in Crimea and Ukraine.
Stoltenberg was visiting NATO member Poland to reassure it that NATO would
provide the protection it sought against its former communist master,
Russia, which in recent months has annexed the Crimean Peninsula from
Ukraine, and been accused by ... more »
"Nestle" rhymes with "Nazi"
Back in the 1970's, there was an international outcry against Nestle's
sickeningly cynical, profit-driven, economics-based, inhuman policy of
getting new mothers in poor countries to abandon feeding their infants with
breast milk and convincing them to switch to formula.
They would send women dressed as nurses into hospitals to "counsel" these
women; telling them that breast-feeding was fine but infant formula added
necessary vitamins and minerals, telling them that infant formula was
superior to breast-feeding entirely, telling them that mothers and babies
in the rich countries use... more »
A Former French Intelligence Officer Who Defected To al Qaida Was A Priority Target In The First Wave Of U.S. Air Strikes In Syria Last Month

*Sources: U.S. Air Strikes In Syria Targeted French Agent Who Defected To
al Qaida -- McClatchy News*
IRBIL, Iraq — A former French intelligence officer who defected to al Qaida
was among the targets of the first wave of U.S. air strikes in Syria last
month, according to people familiar with the defector’s movements and
Two European intelligence officials described the former French officer as
the highest ranking defector ever to go over to the terrorist group and
called his defection one of the most dangerous developments in the West’s
long confrontation with al Qaida.... more »
Bertrand Russell and the Scientific Dictatorship

"Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which
still await development. Two great men, Pavlov and Freud, have laid the
foundation. I do not accept the view that they are in any essential
conflict, but what structure will be built on their foundations is still in
doubt. I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is
mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the
growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is
what is called "education."
Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; t... more »
Is The World On The Brink Of An Oil Price War?

*World On The Brink Of Oil War As OPEC Bickers Over Price -- Andrew
Critchlow, The Telegraph*
*Oil prices ended last week in freefall as the world’s largest group of
producers from petro-states in the Middle East dithered over whether to cut
output *
A secretive group of the world’s most powerful oil ministers will soon
gather in Vienna to take arguably one of the most important decisions that
could affect the still fragile world economy: whether to cut production of
crude to defend prices at $100 per barrel, or keep open the spigots as
winter looms among the biggest energy-consum... more »
(If One More Conspiracy Theory Can Be Told) The Hidden Government Group Linking JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra and 9/11 (The Doomsday Project)
Think it's possible that there's a war conspiracy going on? Many people do.
And the documentation for this so-called new "conspiracy theory" is pretty
tight. We've been told this tale several times before, but because not many
people could believe it previously (and who, in their right mind, could?),
I think it's time to consider it seriously again. Or maybe for the first
time. And this
Economics for Real People: Competing Ideas of Competition
*[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]*
*Here’s what’s happening this Thursday evening at the Auckland Uni
Economics Group:*
Competition is one of the most important ideas in economics. But what is
competition? And how have economists defined it? Is it a certain state of a
market or is it the behaviour of people within a market?
This week, we bring you a presentation by one of New Zealand's leading
thinkers, Dr. Oliver Hartwich, the Executive Director of The New Zealand
Initiative, on the fundamental economic concept of competition – and how so
many economists get it so wro... more »
Brazil Presidential Election: A News Roundup

Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff approaches a voting booth in Port Alegre,
Oct. 5, 2014.
*Rousseff To Face Neves In Run-Off Vote After Dramatic Collapse Of Silva --
Globe and Mail*
It was a volatile election campaign all the way through, and the results in
Brazil’s national vote on Sunday stayed true to form. President Dilma
Rousseff finished first, but the one-time leading candidate Marina Silva,
an outsider environmentalist promising dramatic change, saw her support
collapse and finished a distant third.
Ms. Rousseff, whose left-wing Workers’ Party has held power for 12 years, ... more »
U.S Military Forces Have Invaded Or Attacked 14 Muslim Nations Since 1980

Residents of Syria’s Idlib province examine building damaged in air strikes
on September 24. The United States and its Arab allies have opened a new
front in the battle against Islamic State militants. (Ammar
Even If We Defeat The Islamic State, We’ll Still Lose The Bigger War --
Andrew J. Bacevich, Washington Post
As America’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State
militants extend into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into
Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the
14th country in the Islamic world t... more »
*Studies fault warming in much of 2013 wild weather*
*The article below is just an example of people living inside a little
bubble of belief and operating only on its assumptions. How COULD global
warming be responsible for wild weather when there has been NO global
warming for many years? Something that doesn't exist can't be responsible
for anything, can it? *
And the report is based on very limited data anyway. I was amused by this:
"The influence on Australia's hottest year in more than a century is
glaring". That may be true of the limited time-frame they used but what i... more »
Is Dickie "Oink! Slurp! Gobble!" Shelby high-living, self-important garbage? Sure, but what's your point?

*Oink! Slurp! Gobble!* *Dickie Shelby has an important role to play -- to
make the world safe for even lowlier right-wing scum.*
*by Ken*
So why *shouldn't* Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby be chairman of the Banking
Committee? Just because he's an ideologically scumbag who spends his
available time stuffing his maw with deluxe eats paid for either by gummint
or campaign contributors? I guess the argument for surrendering control of
the Senate to Republicans would go something like:
*"It's Time to Let the Other Crooks Slop Their Gizards"*
Surely the banksters Dickie Oink could become r... more »
Another Apology From U.S.Vice President Biden

Vice President of the U.S. Joe Biden addresses a high-level summit on
strengthening international peace operations during the 69th session of the
United Nations General Assembly at United Nations headquarters in New York
September 26, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Andrew Gombert/Pool
*Biden Issues Second Apology, To United Arab Emirates, Over Comments --
Washington Post*
SANLIURFA, Turkey — Vice President Biden apologized on Sunday for the
second time in two days, in this instance to the United Arab Emirates, for
comments he made suggesting that the United States’ Arab allies armed and
fu... more »
Reaper Drones Have Spotted Jihadi John And Western Hostages Held By The Islamic State. But No Mission To Rescue Them Has Been Launched

Drones spot ISIS slayer ‘Jihadi John’ in Syria. Al Arabiya
*Reaper Drones Pinpoint Jihadi John: Terrorist Has Been Tracked By British
Forces But Security Chiefs Fear 'Kill Or Capture' Mission Would End In
Failure -- Daily Mail*
* Drones flying over Syrian city of Raqqa have tracked Jihadi John
* Also believed to have identified hostages wearing orange jumpsuits
* Top brass have ruled out rescue mission because IS defences are too strong
The Islamic State terrorist known as Jihadi John has been tracked by drones
flying over the Syrian city of Raqqa – but British Special Forces chiefs ... more »
More roll-eye moments from Chinese in Taiwan

A group of students from China was out there this week showing the
greatness of 5,000 years...
A recent incident in which a *Chinese exchange student made a rude gesture
at a speaker who addressed the Chinese students at National Chenchi
University’s (NCCU) student orientation as “overseas students from China
(中國的留學生)” *has prompted heated discussion online and among university staff
and students.
Along with several other Chinese exchange students, the student in question
reportedly complained to the university after the moderator at last month’s
student orientation gree... more »
Bonus quote of the day:
*“Education was limited to a special ‘Blacks’ year 4 … yet the community
flourished in its attraction to education through the study of theology,
and the words and books from the missionaries. Upon reflection I often
wonder what would have been our history had those books been books of
science, maths or an encyclopaedia of ideas.” *- Arabella Douglas, ‘Glory
Glory to South Sydney,’ FOOTY ALMANAC
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Vigil at Bath Iron Works

*Click on photos for better view*
Fifteen folks held a midday vigil yesterday at Bath Iron Works in Maine
where destroyers are made for the Navy and are being outfitted with
'missile offense' systems. These war ships are being deployed by the
Pentagon to the coastal regions near China and Russia.
We timed our vigil for when the Saturday shift let out and hundreds of
workers walked and drove right past us as we stood near the south gate of
the shipyard. Increasingly we are getting positive reactions from the
workers who see our signs with wind turbines and rail systems on them and... more »
How Many Hostages Are Being Held By The Islamic State?
I*SIS Is Holding At Least FOUR MORE AMERICAN HOSTAGES (Video) -- Gateway
*ISIS Is Holding At Least Four More American Hostages*
The ISIS (ISIL) terrorist group released video of Alan Henning’s beheading
beheading on Friday. Henning was a British aide worker in Syria.
At the end of the video ISIS promises to behead American Peter Kassig.
The ISIS beheader says in the video:
“Obama you have started your aerial bombardment of the Sham which keeps on
striking our people. So, it is only right that we continue to strike the
necks of your people.”
*Read more* ....
*My Comment:*... more »
Air Strikes Against The Islamic State Are Not Stopping Them

A US Navy F-18E Super Hornet receives fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker over
northern Iraq after conducting air strikes in Syria. (Staff Sgt. Shawn
Nickel/US Air Force)
*Air Strikes Against Isis Are Not Working, Say Syrian Kurds -- The Guardian*
Isis fighters have pushed to the edge of Kobani and evade western strikes,
says spokesman for Kurdish fighters
US-led air strikes in northern Syria have failed to interrupt the advance
of Islamic State (Isis) fighters closing in on a key city on the Turkish
border, raising questions about the western strategy for defeating the
jihadi movemen... more »
Your eating my cum piss or snot along with your plaet killing paid resonse

You think you could harness a human to be a robot
and not get cum all over the screen.
Islamic State Plotting To Wage War Against Iran And To Seize It's Nuclear Secrets

Anti-aircraft guns guarding the Natanz Nuclear Facility in Iran. (Photo: Hamed
Saber/ Wiki Commons)
*Islamic State Eyes Nuclear Secrets As It Gears For War With Iran -- The
Australian/Sunday Times*
ISLAMIC State is urging its members to plan for war with Iran and has
ambitions to seize Tehran’s nuclear secrets, according to a manifesto
attributed to one of its most senior members.
The document is believed to have been written by Abdullah Ahmed
al-Meshedani, a member of Islamic State’s highly secretive six-man war
It was picked up by an Iraqi special forces unit during a ... more »
Germany Is Considering Sending Troops To Eastern Ukraine

Germany is poised for its first deployment of troops in Ukraine amid the
crumbling ceasefire between pro-Russian rebels and the Ukrainian
government. Pictured: Donetsk International Airport damaged during fighting
*Germany Ponders Troops For Ukraine Monitor Mission -- Deutsche Welle*
Germany is mulling the deployment of 200 soldiers to Ukraine to help and
protect monitors overseeing a shaky truce in the east of the country.
Despite the ceasefire, fighting has continued around Donetsk and Luhansk.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Berlin is considering deploying soldiers to monitor the
ceasefire ... more »
‘Ra Ra Ra Ra’: Lindsay's Eloquent Elocution Lessons
[image: image]
The main title of this post is something Lindsay Perigo would have me
Many times!
For the past couple of months I have been taking weekly elocution lessons
with Lindsay via Skype. I cannot speak highly enough of the exceptional
experience I have had thus far being his pupil, and so I want to share a
few details in case anyone reading this thinks that they or someone they
know might benefit as have from receiving professional instruction on how
to be more clearly understood.
And by professional, it is no exaggeration to say that when it comes to
being an... more »
Corporate video talk
This is considered a master class on bullshit.
The story goes that, many years ago, Rockwell International decided to get
into the heavy duty automatic transmission business.
They were preparing to tape their first introductory video and, as a
warmup, one of the stage crew began a monologue that has become legend
within the training industry.
This man should have won an academy award for his performance. Now keep in
mind, this was a rehearsal for camera, lighting, and stage crew, and he had
no script! This is all strictly off the cuff, nothing is written down,
and nothing he s... more »
Shit Happens in the Middle East

Truly in the former Yugo humanity showed its shame.
Why this happened you do not need to be a history major
to pertian.
Divide and conquer predates Judo Christian live phenomenon
So what will the rules do when they
this is never part of the by line
I really know having travel mostly there
that all humans want to live in peace
and as for our difference
could a great lab
not make us friends
Yes we would all be friends
if special interserst
did not profit
so much
at keeping us apart.
If you want to wear a rag on your head
and I do not want one to cover my balls
is this something a... more »
ADL, top Internet companies work together to combat "cyberhate"

In yet another brazen display of the stranglehold organized Jewry has over
American society, the Anti-Defamation League recently announced "the
release of “Best Practices for Responding to Cyberhate,” a new initiative
that establishes guideposts for the industry and the Internet community to
help prevent the spread of online hate speech," according to *a press
release*. The press release continues:
The *Best Practices* initiative is the outcome of months of discussions and
deliberations by *an industry Working Group on Cyberhate convened by ADL in
an effort to develop a coordinated ... more »
Go Fly A Kite - No Drones

*Wales and the World in Drones Protests*
On October 4th groups of Welsh (UK) peace campaigners met on Poppit Sands
in Pembrokeshire and in The Hayes, Cardiff to mark the first Global Action
Day Against the Use of Drones for Surveillance and Killing.
Campaigners in over 40 countries across the world were taking part in
simultaneous creative direct actions. They were demanding that governments
stop producing and acquiring military drones, stop enabling them through
infrastructure 'investment' - as has the Welsh Government at ParcAberporth,
calling for a halt in military drone resea... more »
Ebola strikes at Texas

Worse than everything on this earth is the governance of Texas. We might
find some expctions in the Ukraine or other third world thugoricties. Texas
in the American experience remains unique. I had some difficulty in putting
the image I desired in place. That is my fault.
My Canada does not kill people without reason
Harper et all is evil, not that I believe in Evil.
Do I have to spell it out for you
is this Canada's trail of tears in the sand
Its a complex situation
and bomb is not the answer
let them govern
let them rule
it may be painful
to watch
but as observers
we have a well worn
track record of failure
that should govern
any instinct to intervene
in a family situation
where we might save
a family member from death
on Monday
and Tuesday they slit our throat.
As I see it democracy has hit a peak.
The world conditions are far to complex
for self seeking agrarians
to make significant impact.
We ... more »
Ukraine Truce Exists In Name Only
*One Month In, Ukraine Truce Exists In Name Only -- AFP*
Donetsk (Ukraine) (AFP) - Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels marked a
month since the signing of a Kremlin-backed truce on Sunday by engaging in
one of the most heated battles of their six-month war over the ex-Soviet
state's eastern rustbelt.
The artillery blasts that rocked the frontline city of Donetsk were yet
another blow to the 12-point peace agreement signed on September 5, and
which is officially still in force.
"There is no ceasefire. You hear?" 31-year-old resident Yekaterina
Manannikova said, pointing in the... more »
We got enough brains to catch a fire

Some people want something more than what you want
and a few percentage of them have been fantastically successful
they did things you would not
I am not saying legal or both
just that's why they got
to raise the toast
The fantastically rich
are both our albatross
and our great wing of salvation
so how to design a society
based upon this aerodynamic?
To those that made the billions
I say they probably have the brains
but we got to render this down to
sidewalks and sewers
and waste treatment
and all the base upon
which we all live
regardless if we never shit
My Colleague Sandra Marshall Reviews A Chronicle of Echoes
One of my colleagues at the Louisiana high school where I teach, veteran
social studies teacher Sandra Marshall, read my book, A Chronicle of
Echoes. She wrote the following review of my book, which includes her
reaction to learning about the corporate reform drive to privatize public
education. Marshall has 39 years in the public school […]
Decomposing Tories
It's tempting. You see the insurmountable difficulties besetting the
Tories, and their feeble firefighting efforts, and all you want to do is
point and laugh. Heaven knows how much fun I've had doing it these last
couple of years. Unfortunately, there is something spoiling the sport. The
Grim Reaper is busy hacking chunks off British Conservatism, but if you
look in his pocket in his notebook you'll find that Labour is next in line.
That's right. The remorseless grind of long term economic, cultural and
political change is just as surely against the Labour Party too.
More of that a... more »
Suicide Blast Rocks Grozny, Southern Russia
*Grozny: Suicide Bombing Hits Chechen Capital -- BBC*
*Five police officers have been killed and at least eight other people hurt
in a suicide attack in the Chechen capital Grozny, Russian officials say.*
The attack took place outside a hall where a concert marking Grozny's City
Day was about to take place.
An interior ministry statement said police were searching a "suspicious"
young man when he detonated a device.
Grozny was ravaged by two wars between Russia and Chechen separatists but
has been relatively calm in recent years.The Russian statement said that police officers on... more »
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