10:29pm MDST
Why Does The FBI Still Refuse To Release Their Investigation Of David Joyce's Cocaine Abuse?

Andrew Rayburn (r) bought some sports teams, a jet and a crooked
congressman (l)
Some people say Ohio Congressman David Joyce has kicked his cocaine
addiction and is no longer a substance abuser. But not everyone who knows
Joyce agrees. Joyce became so obsessed with 2 Live Crew when he was on a
jihad against their music that started... living the life. He's become a
notorious corporate whore in Washington and everyone on K Street-- which is salivating
at the prospect that Republican congressional gains next week will bring
them more David Joyces-- knows he'll roll over if the price i... more »
She's Comin' Down Fast : South Africa Threatened with Helter Skelter

*"Look out... Helter Skelter... She's coming down fast... Yes she is."*
*Meaning: The upcoming explosion of race-based violence is imminent. These
are the "last few months, weeks, perhaps days, of the old order."*
*"To be honest with you, I don't recall ever saying 'Get a knife and a
change of clothes and go do what Tex says.' " - Manson*
Even to someone unaware that helter-skelter is the name of a slide, the
song's mention of a slide might have indicated that the "she" in this part
of the lyrics is someone who, literally or otherwise, is riding on a slide
and "coming down f... more »
Sir Ian and The Brotherhoods

Isn't it rather odd to be honoured by an ancient collection of medieval
Masonic guilds occupying an area of land that is not part of England, which
pays almost no tax and where practically almost no-one lives...? I would
find that rather sinister and wonder what they might want from me in the
*It's a Sin.*
U.S. Secretary of Defense Hagel Talks About The Threats And Long Term Challenges Facing The United States
*Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Get Used to Endless War -- David A. Graham,
The Atlantic*
From ISIS to climate change, the Pentagon chief says, the threats that face
the United States are long-term challenges. Sometimes it feels like what's
happening now, at any given moment, is bigger, more important, worse, and
more dangerous than before.
Luckily, that often turns out to be incorrect: Today's news is tomorrow's
hazy memory, and what once seemed like an existential threat is now nothing
more than an unpleasant recollection. It sure seems like there are
frightening events happ... more »
Teacher Poses as Student and is Shocked by What She Discovers
*Sigmund Fraud* - An experiment helped this teacher to quickly figure out
these 3 painfully obvious truths about modern school and how we treat
The post Teacher Poses as Student and is Shocked by What She Discovers
appeared first on Waking Times.
Friday Afternoon Ramble: ‘Halloween’ Edition
*For years now Halloween has been eclipsing Guy Fawkes night in popularity,
and it’s not just because of creeping Americanism: it’s because for years
now we've been banned from buying anything that goes BANG! These days
–if you can get them -- they all, by law, just let out a gentle 'poof.'
No wonder kids would rather dress up and celebrate an age-old pagan ritual
by heading out and bludging sweets and chocolate instead. Enjoy it
before that’s banned too. And in the meantime…*
The lowdown on…
*Tolling Auckland motorways* – LIBERTY SCOTT
May I again recommend to Auc... more »
Time Ran Out For President Obama On Syria

© Stringer/ Reuters
*Time Is Running Out For Obama On Syria -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast*
The idea that U.S.-backed Syrian rebels defeat ISIS and force Assad to the
negotiating table has absolutely nothing to do with what’s happening on the
Only three days ago, President Barack Obama’s envoy to the Syrian rebels,
retired Marine Gen. John Allen, explained confidently that the U.S. would
help to train and equip Western-backed fighters to become a credible force
that would compel the Assad regime to negotiate a political deal and end
the four-year-long civil war.
Yeah. Righ... more »
Watch In the Blood Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*In the Blood (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 5.8
Release : 18 Apr 2014
Duration : 108 min
Genre : Action, Crime, Thriller
Director : John Stockwell
Writer : James Robert Johnston, Bennett Yellin
Cast : Gina Carano, Cam Gigandet, Danny Trejo, Luis Guzmán
Synopsis In the BloodWhen her husband goes missing during their Caribbean
vacation, a woman sets off on her own to take down the men she thinks are
Description In the BloodSlayer performing Raining Blood!,The opening
credits for HBO's new TV series, True Blood staring Anna Paquin. The song
is Jace Everett, "Bad... more »
Delusional Christian Zionists proclaim blind love for Jews, Israel

An article recently appearing in *The Jerusalem Post* described the
heretical and completely absurd Christian Zionist movement as gaining
strength and momentum as a result of alleged rising "anti-Semitism" and
"threats to Israel." Millions of mostly White Americans fanatically support
and even worship the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel, despite
the fact that the Jews killed Jesus Christ and are actively seeking to
destroy traditional Western Christian civilization. The Christian Zionist
phenomenon is yet another example of the completely Orwellian, entirely
backwards w... more »
It's when we Americans are put to the test that we show what we're really made of -- say howdy to ebola lawyers

*Yes, the tireless David Sipress is still manning The New Yorker's "Daily
Cartoon" beat. (You can click on today's offering to enlarge it.)*
*by Ken*
I know I'm taking a certain liberty in tacking David Sipress's *New Yorker*
"Daily Cartoon" for today onto a post that's actually concerned with
getting tough on ebola. But really, terrorism, ebola, it's all the same
thing, isn't it? It's all those things that present tough Americans with a
need and an opportunity to, you know, *be tough*, to be the loud-mouthing,
fist-packing, gut-toting blowhards God put us on this earth to be.
Act... more »
In The Eyes Of The Kurds The Battle For Kobane Is Today's Stalingrad
*The War Against Islamic State: The Kurdish Stalingrad -- The Economist*
Kobane has acquired huge symbolic significance for all those fighting for it
“WE WILL resist to our last drop of blood together… if necessary we will
repeat the Stalingrad resistance in Kobane.” The words of Polat Can, a
Syrian Kurdish commander, to describe the fight against Islamic State (IS)
jihadists for the town on the Syrian-Turkish border may exaggerate the
scale of the fighting, but makes plain the emotional and strategic
symbolism now attached to Kobane.
On October 29th about 150 Iraqi Kurdish fighte... more »
Media and Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother

* Q & A by The Tucson Weekly
* and 30 minutes with Amanda Shauger
KCXI interview: http://kxci.org/2014/10/sacred-maiz-mother/
* Truthout Review:
The Baltics And Poland Prepare For A Russian Invasion

A U.S. Army soldier trains with the Javelin (U.S. Army)
*To Beat Russian Tanks, the Baltic States Are Studying the Georgia War --
Robert Beckhusen, Real Clear Defense/War Is Boring*
*2008 conflict with Russia proves that anti-tank missiles rule*
It was more than six years ago when a tank force from the Georgian army’s
42nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion fought its way overnight through
Tskhinvali, South Ossetia.
The tanks were in trouble. They were moving too fast, outrunning their
infantry support and taking losses to South Ossetian irregulars scattered
throughout the city. Only h... more »
Zombies: American as Apple Pie in Obamastan

Just in time for Halloween comes an interesting take on the zombie
phenomenon in America. Pop culture seems to be saturated with zombies in
movies, video games and on television with the smash hit AMC series The
Walking Dead. The genre had seemingly died years ago after the umpteenth
Dawn of the Dead sequel but is back and more popular than ever in 2014
John Whitehead of the civil rights organization The Rutherford Institute has
a new piece out on the allure of zombies in America. The piece is entitled “Zombies
Are Us: The Walking Dead in the American Police State” from w... more »
Russia And Ukraine Agree To A Natural Gas Supply Deal

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak shakes hands with Ukraine's Energy
Minister Yuri Prodan (R) after gas talks between the European Union, Russia
and Ukraine at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels October 30,
2014. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
*Ukraine, Russia, EU Agree To Natural Gas Supply Deal -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukraine, Russia and the European Union signed a deal on
Thursday on the resumption of Russian natural gas supplies to Ukraine for
winter after several months of delay during the conflict in Ukraine.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who... more »
Disaster Politics and the American Red Cross
This is a guest post by Wendy Wong, Associate Professor at University of
Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, Director of the Trudeau Center for
Peace, Conflict and Justice, and author of Internal Affairs: How the
Structure of NGOs Transforms Human Rights. When the great fall from grace
(especially those who have built their reputations on
Continue reading
Russia And Ukraine Agree To A Natural Gas Supply Deal

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak shakes hands with Ukraine's Energy
Minister Yuri Prodan (R) after gas talks between the European Union, Russia
and Ukraine at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels October 30,
2014. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
*Ukraine, Russia, EU Agree To Natural Gas Supply Deal -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukraine, Russia and the European Union signed a deal on
Thursday on the resumption of Russian natural gas supplies to Ukraine for
winter after several months of delay during the conflict in Ukraine.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who... more »
Time Ran Out For President Obama On Syria

© Stringer/ Reuters
*Time Is Running Out For Obama On Syria -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast*
The idea that U.S.-backed Syrian rebels defeat ISIS and force Assad to the
negotiating table has absolutely nothing to do with what’s happening on the
Only three days ago, President Barack Obama’s envoy to the Syrian rebels,
retired Marine Gen. John Allen, explained confidently that the U.S. would
help to train and equip Western-backed fighters to become a credible force
that would compel the Assad regime to negotiate a political deal and end
the four-year-long civil war.
Yeah. Righ... more »
Sociology and Management Speak
Step change. Across the piece. A suite of options. Front-loaded.
Back-filled. Game-changer. A few phrases from the managerialist's lexicon.
Funny old language. Funny old culture. Quite rightly, these freakish
deviations from the anglophone norm action antipathy and mockery in equal
measure. Anyone peppering their speech with 'matrices of opportunity' and
'not fit for purpose' are sniggered at and lampooned. Their use does not
inspire confidence among stakeholders managers must reach out to. The
language does not offer bespoke solutions to the credibility deficit
authority faces. Th... more »
Harper's Perps with Perks #12

Please welcome former citizenship judge Philip Gaynor to Harper's Perps
with Perks for stealing and selling copies of citizenship tests to two
immigration consultants for cash. The papers were then given to the
consultants' citizenship applicants.
In sentencing Gaynor to three years, the Ontario judge was not convinced by
the explanation that Gaynor didn’t want to see “good people” be denied
citizenship because they failed the multiple-choice test.
A volunteer on the election campaign of late FinMin Jim Flaherty, Gaynor
was first appointed by Monte Solberg and reappointed to a seco... more »
Why Might Extraterrestrials Live on Earth

*Video - *Dr. Steven Greer ot The Disclosure Project explains why
extraterrestrial beings might be here on Earth.
The post Why Might Extraterrestrials Live on Earth appeared first on Waking
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 30, 2014
*Could Burkina Faso Protests Signal End Of President's 27-Year Rule? --
Jason Patinkin, CSM*
*With parts of the military joining the uprising, the protests against
President Blaise Compaore running for a fifth term are likely to bring to a
rocky close the tenure of one of Africa’s longest-standing rulers.*
A week of escalating protests in Burkina Faso exploded into violence
Thursday as tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets against
an attempt by longstanding President Blaise Campaore to extend his 27-year
Demonstrators in the capital Ouagadougou broke throug... more »
Watch Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard Egg 2014 Full Movie Online

*Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard Egg (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.3
Release : 09 Jun 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Animation
Director : Zoltán Miklósy
Writer : Zoltán Miklósy
Cast : N/A
Synopsis Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard EggN/A
Description Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard EggDownload Game | Dysan: The
Shapeshifter Full Game For Pc | There is no better disguise than to look
exactly like your enemies! Dysan: The Shapeshifter is a RPG that ...,Star
Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Epilogue:,Poultry Fact Sheet No. 32 Cooperative Extension - ... more »
Oct. 30: October thirty, part two....
Nothing changes. The TandT is still running "news stories" (ads) about the
wine expo on page 1. Page A2 still has ads for itself disguised as news
stories. A6 has a story "Refinery benefits of Energy East project
questioned". It's about a report from the Council of Canadians and
Greenpeace which says the oil industry is lying about the benefits that
Canadians will get from the pipeline. It looked promising.
Then I noticed that the greater part of the article was about the oil
industry responses. Well, I guarantee that the Council of Canadian and
Greenpeace are already on our Gestap... more »
Breakng News: Government Of Burkina Faso Has Collapsed. Army Has Seized Power
*Government of Burkina Faso Collapses -- New York Times*
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso — The government of Burkina Faso collapsed on
Thursday as demonstrators protesting the president’s plans to stay in
office after 27 years surged through the streets of Ouagadougou, the
capital, overrunning state broadcasters, setting fire to the Parliament
building and torching the homes of the president’s relatives.
After several hours of increasingly violent protests, a government
spokesman announced that a bill to extend the term of President Blaise
Compaoré had been dropped, or at least delayed.... more »
Harper tax cuts over 6 years would pay for a Maglev train between Montreal and Toronto

Do you think all those individual people will put their cash to a better
Sure east west north south Canada makes no sense. Is there anything in the
world that makes more sense than Canada? Well lets magleve this lever!
Watch Like a Country Song 2014 Full Movie Online

*Like a Country Song (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 7.5
Release : 06 Jun 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Drama
Director : Johnny Remo
Writer : Daniel Backman, Tammy Hyler (song), Johnny Remo
Cast : Deborah Allen, Shane Almgren, Daniel Backman, Taylor Blunt
Synopsis Like a Country Song'Like a Country Song' is a story about JAKE
REESON, an up and coming country singer who has the whole world in his
hands until his ego gets in the way. With nothing but partying and music on
his mind, Jake is forced to take a hard look at himself and the ashes
around him after life slowly fall... more »
Watch It Follows Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*It Follows (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.4
Release : N/A
Duration : 107 min
Genre : Horror
Director : David Robert Mitchell
Writer : David Robert Mitchell
Cast : Linda Boston, Caitlin Burt, Heather Fairbanks, Aldante Foster
Synopsis It FollowsFor 19-year-old Jay, fall should be about school, boys
and weekends out at the lake. But after a seemingly innocent sexual
encounter, she finds herself plagued by strange visions and the inescapable
sense that someone, or something, is following her. Faced with this burden,
Jay and her teenage friends must find a way to escape t... more »
World News Briefs -- October 30, 2014
*Burkina Faso Declares State Of Emergency -- Al Jazeera*
President scraps plans for vote to extend term in office as tens of
thousands take to streets and parliament set ablaze.
Burkina Faso's president has declared a state of emergency and dissolved
the government according to local media reports, after tens of thousands of
people took the streets, setting parliament ablaze and leaving at least one
person dead.
Some of the protesters, who are opposed to constitutional amendments that
would allow President Blaise Compaore to stay in power for another term,
ransacked state televis... more »
Jeb Bush Could Never Defeat Ted Cruz In A Primary

I'm on record: the crazy extremist base of the Republican Party will not be
denied again-- no more McCains or Romneys, not in 2016. They will settle
for nothing less than an unapologetic, loud'n'proud fascist. And the folks
who set their agendas have decided: Ted Cruz, the senator further right
than Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, Hideki Tojo, Augusto Pinochet,
Vidkun Quisling, Pat Robertson or anyone else I might have left out. They
will not be denied. Ted Cruz will be the Republican nominee for president
and he will lose-- and lose very, very big, dragging down as many as 10... more »
British Spies Allowed to Access U.S. Data Without a Warrant

*British Spies Allowed to Access U.S. Data Without a Warrant*
October 28th, 2014
Via: National Journal:
British authorities are capable of tapping into bulk communications data
collected by other countries’ intelligence services—including the National
Security Agency—without a warrant, according to secret government documents
released Tuesday.
The agreement between the NSA and Britain’s spy agency, known as Government
Communications Headquarters or GCHQ, potentially puts the Internet and
phone data of Americans in the hands of another country wit... more »
"Time Is Running Out" - Syria Edition
tower in Al-Qusayr in western Syria (Photo: Lyse Doucet/BBC/Twitpic)
In mainstream political commentary, urgency is key. When crises arise -
or linger - those in the media, in tandem with politicians and think
tank apparatchiks, urge the government to do something, to act,
oftentimes by military means. Drop bombs here! Send weapons to those
groups there!
In his latest column for The
Jian Gomish
Maybe I spelled the name wrong on purpose, is that not a punch to the face.
Maybe I dont know who I am talking about
and just cant get over the fact
that somebody might have scored
except he was fighting the Taliban internally.
I know nothing about sex
and nothing about picking up chicks
I know that chocking them and punching them
repeatedly in the face is not a great way to get
to second base.
Now I could be wrong and culture
has escaped me
like Kim Kardashian
considered a great face.
I was never one who could play
the ladies
I was always shut out
for a guy who
could score at will
he ce... more »
False Flag Weekly News: Truthers are the new terrorists!
Links to stories at:
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 30, 2014

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg speaks at the German Marshall Fund
in Brussels, Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014. Courtesy of NATO
*New NATO Chief Plots Course For 28-Nation Military Pact -- Stars and
STUTTGART, Germany — As NATO’s first secretary-general to hail from a
country that shares a border with Russia, Jens Stoltenberg says today’s
tensions with Moscow conjure memories from a Cold War childhood when “NATO
was there to protect us.”
“I remember visiting that border when it was completely closed back in the
days of the Soviet Union. When looking across was like starin... more »
Satire: “Obama Urged to Apologize for Anti-Fear Remark”
*“Obama Urged to Apologize for Anti-Fear Remark”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “President Obama is coming under
increasing pressure to apologize for a controversial remark that he made on
Tuesday, in which he said that the nation’s Ebola policy should be based on
facts rather than fear. While the anti-fear tenor of Mr. Obama’s comment
was offensive enough to some, the President made matters worse by
suggesting that science would play the leading role in guiding the nation’s
Ebola protocols—a role that many Americans believe should be played by fear.
Across the... more »
Dog Poet: Those Dancing Hypocrites on Invisible Wires of Compliance

*Dog Poet: Those Dancing Hypocrites on Invisible Wires of Compliance*
Thursday, 30-Oct-2014 13:34:34
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
I'm guessing this Tuesday is Election Day. That should make this weekend
significant, It is truly an experience for me to watch The Last Empire
crumble into ruin. There are any number of factors which makes the
occurrence memorable. Not the least of these occurrences is the level of
maintained ignorance that attends it and without w... more »
30 fotos de hermosos autos deportivos en las calles

Bonita colección de autos deportivos en las calles de diversas ciudades en
el mundo. Disfruta...
Pistorius is a (Knowing) Patsy

"The housekeeper has been referred to in several profiles of Pistorius, a
world-famous Paralympic athlete, written before the shooting.
*In one, written in October 2011, he is reported to be asked by Pistorius,
who addresses him as “brother”, to bring him his prosthetic legs.* In
another, written the following year, he is referred to as a “live-in
caretaker who keeps his home spotless”.
A policeman who arrived at the scene an hour after the shooting confirmed
Mr Chiziweni had been sleeping in a room off the kitchen and was awake when
they arrived.
He said the man spoke good Engl... more »
Norman Rockwell - images of a stolen America - the illustrations

I should have done this a long time ago, featured some of the voluminous
political/societal art of the great American pipe smoker Norman Rockwell.
Well, *no pun intended*, here are a few of my favourite Rockwell pieces
from his Illustrations series. These stylised graphic pieces have an honest
life and immediacy to them that's just properly alluring...
U.S. Secretary Of Defense Hagel Critical Of White House Syrian Policy
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks at the 2014 USO Gala in Washington,
D.C., Oct. 17, 2014. DoD Photo by Glenn Fawcett
*Hagel Wrote Memo To White House Criticizing Syria Strategy -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- Earlier this month, while on an trip to Latin America
to discuss climate change, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel sat down and wrote
a highly private, and very blunt memo to National Security Advisor Susan
Rice about U.S. policy toward Syria.
It was a detailed analysis, crafted directly by Hagel "expressing concern
about overall Syria strategy," a senior U.S. official tells CNN. ... more »
Has The Islamic State's Miltitary Advances Been Stopped?

(Institute for the Study of War)
*A Month Ago, ISIS’s Advance Looked Unstoppable. Now It’s Been Stopped. --
Zack Beauchamp, VOX*
Watching the news, you could be forgiven for thinking that ISIS is an
unstoppable juggernaut, sweeping Iraq and Syria in an unending,
unstoppable, terrible blitzkrieg.
But you'd be wrong. The truth is that ISIS's momentum is stalled: in both
Iraq and Syria, the group is being beaten back at key points. There are
initial signs — uncertain, sketchy, but hopeful — that the group is hurting
more than you may think, and has stalled out in the war it was for s... more »
Supplemental: Vastly misstating what Varney said!
*THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014Maddow’s strange meltdown continues:* In our
view, it’s understandable, though not especially wise—many liberals are
displeased by criticism of Rachel Maddow.
The reaction is understandable. That said, Maddow continues to spiral
downward, in her manic presentation and in her basic facts. Consider her
ginormous misrepresentation of fact on last evening’s eponymous show,
accompanied by the standard doses of clowning, snark and snide.
Fairly late in last night’s program, Maddow teased her final segment. She
said that Fox had been confronted with some “uncom... more »
Oct. 30: You made me what I am today---
---I hope you're satisfied.
You dragged and dragged me down until
The soul within me died.
You shattered every hope and dream.
You fooled me from the start.
And though you're not through
May God bless you.
That's the curse of an aching heart.
That's an old, old song from the days music halls and melodrama. (I was
planning on singing it for the opening concert at the new events centre,
the one we're building on polluted land.) It's a lovely melody; and it came
to mind as I was preparing for this blog, partly because I like to sing
while I type, and partly because that song is a key to ... more »
Krill Oil Penetrates Nervous System to Heal
Chronic back pain and many other conditions add up as we all get older.
The take home is that DHA is been best supplied by squid oil and krill oil
and in a form that penetrates the nervous system and even the brain.
Thus we have a helpful protocol to add to our war chest.
Increase dosage over two weeks until the issue resolves or until it is
plainly not going to work.
* October 23, 2014*
*Dear Reader,*
* http://content.alsearsmd.com/?y9O9TblyGAzUTwtHKyf.lJrN9tWoZfAQy*
*I’ve been studying health and nutrition almost my entire life, and even I
didn’t know about the power of the t... more »
The brightening Light of Victory Over Diabetes

Essentially the big problem has been overcome and clumps of insulin
producing cells will become generally available in as soon as five years.
It has been expected and it was a first expectation when stem cells first
emerged. It is really happening now and we can soon end diabetes.
It appears that type 2 can be handled much quicker as well. This is good
news for the many elderly hanging on and facing a serious degenerative
diagnosis. It may well be too late to help those already seriously engaged
with the disease, but all those merely at risk now have a bright future. We
are tal... more »
Rethinking DNA's Role

The remarkable idea here is that the DNA is not a real blueprint but a
supply system of proteins to a self organizing biology. This has been
emerging and this comes closer to an understanding.
How about another astounding idea. Our biology is guided to conform to the
perfect pattern provided by the 'soul' and is mediated by the spirit or
consciousness in an ongoing manner. This applies for all biology. This is a
natural operator within the biological logic of all life.
The internal logic of life continuously manages the pattern that describes
the output range while dealing with the ... more »
Hidden Government Group Linking JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra And 9/11 with PD Scott

This is something to carefully consider. What is set up is a government
sponsored cabal that has no particular duty but to be available in the
event that the USA is decapitated. That is convincing and valid. The
problem lies in that you must allow these folks to mostly stand by and
scheme and hope they do not do something stupid.
It is not consistent but it can act and therein we have difficulty
particularly if it is in conflict with the president or creates conflict
for him. The chance of mistakes is naturally amplified.
Yet what we have here is the natural genisis of our curi... more »
8 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer
[image: (Shuttertsock*)]
If you live a healthy live then you will minimize your risk. This is not a
disease that is necessarily caused by some unobserved agent either. I
think that the organ is simply the most vulnerable part of the body to any
biological insult. So minimize such insults and that is the central
message here.
I will add one extra bit of advice. a chip slice of natural ginseng will
recenter your hormone system and naturally counteract the effects of
Menopause. It is likely beneficial well beyond this. I just know that my
wife completely eliminated all such ... more »
Agriculture's Neurological Epidemic

What must be remarked upon is the extraordinary lack of curiosity. This
alone points to the influence of money simply because the question is
blindingly obvious. The impact is visible and creditable.
Twenty years ago I visited with a family of brothers working their land in
Saskatchewan. There was a multiple year spread in their ages and they did
well and were all robust. Five years later most were gone already and a
couple were both succumbing to odd cancers. It really was that quick.
In the normal course of events I could have expected to see some of them
this past summer whe... more »
Inflatable Room Launching
[image: Artist's Interpretation of Bigelow Expandable Activity Module]
This is an important first step that informs us what the problems will be
in terms of protection from the external environment. I have long posted
that we need to build huge bubbles by beginning with a simple inflatable
skin. This alone allows safe zero gravity construction.
Then with simple expedients such as spray on foams, a serious solid
structure can be built. What makes this really exciting is that building
out to a scales of miles becomes possible including multiple layers all
supported by suspe... more »
White Sabre Tooth Tiger in China?

This has to come under the heading of a forlorn hope, yet it is a first
sighting with local confirmation confirming the existence of a large cat
like creature that should not exist. Just enough to pay attention and yes
it may well be gone now. Yet persistence of large carnivores is no longer
unexpected in this blog.
They are all intelligent, nocturnal as well and all know better than to
ever engage us. Since any wood skilled human could avoid humanity forever
if desired, it is no trick for such creature.
Sightings are thus pure luck and until we provide massive vdrone covera... more »
The Magic of Free Trade
This is an excellent reminder of why free trade works and the fight for it
never really ends. The reason for that is very simple. Capital needs
secure pricing in order to pay out originating capital costs. Yet it also
ends there and the problem is that capital loves to create manufactured
capital costs in order to sustain the money stream.
We live in what is largely an artificial debt matrix that works only to
secure a long term interest flow with far too little subsidiary wealth
production. All this wastage is paid for by inflating the currency.
With this though you will be... more »
Tesla's Science of Energy with Thomas Valone

This is a valuable resource on Tesla's work for the many now walking in his
footsteps. It is a review of the text 'harnessing the wheelwork of nature'
publshed a decade ago. That ready availability has allowed much of Tesla's
experiments to be rerun many times and a deeper understanding of what he
was doing to emerge.
I am also actively following up on his theories and we already understand
how he massively triggered a multilication of usuable power. I want you to
think of something. Dark Matter which I now can exactly simulate using
approximately 5000 vertices presents no res... more »
New Crystal Could Let Divers Breathe Underwater

This is seriously important as it can make subsea operations completely
viable. We can add in a wet suit lined with an oxygen rich gel as well and
long term operations become viable. The skin itself would continue to
breathe allowing hours of work to be undertaken.
Thus subsea infrastructure can be built with housing for a long term
presence only attempted sketchily at the moment.
In short I now see a viable development road with known solutions and the
subsea can be easily opened up. It is not a priority so development will be
slow and methodical but then I know that as I was... more »
Native Americans Have West Eurasian Origins 24000BP

We too easily forget that modern east asians are all local varients that
had population booms because of really good luck and local agricultural
success. The bad news is that all our speculation regarding an european
influx in the last three thousand years has just become more speculatative.
All such overlays were ultimately onto a first population that likely is
best described as Ice Age steppe eurasian from which sucessor populations
arose including european, chinese and all other asian tribal groups that
may be identified.
We still have cultural sources and better DNA resol... more »
Edward Snowden Speaks: A Sneak Peek at an Exclusive Interview

The Edward Snowden affair has seriously cooled down now and that is a good
thing. After all, the content is long stale and no longer relevant as
secrecy if much of it ever was. What was outed was the illegal collection
of all data by the NSA. We needed to know that. The data itself is
naturally so massive that it is massivily inaccessible unless you can
target what you know already. You must miss what you do not know.
There is a reason wire taps are rarely used in crime work. Just who wants
to listen attentively to a couple hundred hours of anyone's banal
conversations to pick up... more »
Concealed Information Protocol

I hate to say this but this is tailor made for designed testing aimed at
precluding attempts to prevaricate. Circimstances will need to line up but
some practice and i thinik that this can be completely convincing. It is an
excellent and practical protocol for criminal invesrtigations if it can be
applied properly. We can look forward to some well wrought cases and also
some obvious turkeys.*New Brain Tech Reveals Past Thoughts and Memories**Friday,
September 26, 2014*
*Nicholas West*
*Activist Post*
*http://www.activistpost.com/2014/09/new-brain-tech-reveals-past-thoughts.htm... more »
Metal-Based Graphene Alternative "Shines"

We have only begun the long process of producing single layered substates
of the many prospective material available. The surprises produced by
graphene has shown us that this can be a very profitable endeavor.
Long before graphene, I considered this to be the great natural research
frontier of chemistry and physics and to be extremely important. Things
hinted at in the test tube blossom on the etching surface. Today momentum
continues to build and makes a bright future for empirical science.
Here we now have a light emitting substate that will find applications.
*Metal-ba... more »
Free Energy is Both Fact and Fiction

This is more on Tesla's work and it touches the important questions. We am
approaching the whole field of Tesla's experiments with a theroetical model
that precisely understands the nature of so calloed 'dark matter' and
recognizes its role. So real progess is been made.
This is quite empirical at the moment but we are gating huge amounts of
brake horse power without having to test extremas which is very good news.
It is going to turn out easier than even tesla imagined. Constructing an
explanation after will be a bigger challenge. I do expect it to succumb to
elementary metho... more »
Evidence of Asian Carp Found in Michigan river

At the end of the day, i do not think we can win this one. At the same
time i would like to see several salmon species also introduced into the
lake. We have the fresh water adapted species out west and the potential
of the Great lakes is huge. It all feeds into a massive Great Lakes
Restoration program.
Until now the great lakes have been fished out and also used as an
industrial dumping pond. Thjis depleted environment is now home to a
number of discordant invasives who all need a massive healthy ecosystem to
keep them in check.
Many will howl over this prescription bu... more »
How WHOLE Turmeric Heals The Damaged Brain

This is a total surprise and we can expect strong potions based on this as
a treatment for all cases of brain injury and PTSD in particular. Otherwise
it appears to be a safe protocol as well.
I suspect that cases of dementia will also see a benefit as this all
encourages a more vigorous natural recovery.
At least we now have something that can help however modestly rather than
nothing at all.
*How WHOLE Turmeric Heals The Damaged Brain*
*October 3, 2014*
*Sayer Ji,*
*Long considered impossible to accomp... more »
The Origins of the Southeast's "Doctored" Colonial Era History

This is an interesting snapshot of the chicanery underway in the process
of land occupation then underway. It informs us that serious scholarship
is badly needed along with a proper authority who can authenticate all the
work in place and that needs to be created.
This was a world in which inconvenient facts were altered without the
victims having any knowledge or understanding. We also see the ease in
which an area was depopulated by slaving. We already knew this but it is
well illustrated here in a very matter of fact manner.
It is time to be a little less proud of t... more »
Monsanto's Roundup Linked to Cancer - Again

This is a a compendium of the science linking Roundup to epidemic levels of
cancer in exposed individuals. Add in the collapse of the amphibian
population and we can describe this as one of the worse biological impact
crisis ever.
I will go further. All pasticides that are not naturally localized and
normallyy part of the environment as well need to be withdrawn as soon as
possible. Organic methods are our future regardless and fast forward is an
This has become a man made disaster and it has only truly accelerated to
catastrophic levels in the past two decades. ... more »
Obama has 'given up' on the United States
Washington was never kind to the ill prepared and certainly not to
someone unable to rise to the challenge. Yet we have Mr Obama who must be
forced to do the right thing even when there is no other choice possible.
It is going to take a very successful presidency to undo the damage and
much of that damage is due to inaction.
History will be unkind to this president. He needed to do better and I do
not see how he could now.
*Obama has 'given up' on the United States*
*Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, doing the rounds to tout his new
memoir, suggested that President O... more »
Diabetes Diet
There is nothing new here but what remains frustrating is not the
information but that victims of this horrid disease ignore all this and
insist on staying with much of the diet that got them there. If you have
to take needles, then perhaps drinking a quart of soda pop is really
stupid. Yet i have seen just that. He is still with us only because he is
in a care facility and been managed.
It is bizarre the lengths to which folks ignore their particular death
sentence and fail to take proactive step to save themselves. Whatever
happened to adult judgement?
The take... more »
Water Shortage
For the past century we have pumped water out of the ground to irrigate and
otherwise use. We did this because alternatives were not available.
Unsurprisingly those alternatives still do not exist. What is happening
now is that our water mines are finally running dry. That means an
unpleasant retreat or an alternative investment in water technology.
I am not sure how this will work out simply because it is difficult to get
folks onside to do the right thing.
The simplest available solution is the use the circular humidity nets
developed on the cheap in Africa. They can be... more »
Cannabis Cures Cancer
What will save cannabis from its embrace with legality is raw consumable
cannabis. The most die hard non user can get over consuming this stuff as
a beverage or tablet. The benefits are now becoming well known and if it
ends up as the go to for all cancer victims as it should then opposition
will become ludicrous.
I do not expect cannabis to be a cure all but i expect to see superior
outcomes across the board. That itself will be a huge blessing. Just
dying comfortably is a positive outcome against the alternative. what
matters is ending the present barbarous protoc... more »
Coptic Christians compelled to pay Islamic head-tax

This tax never had any place in properly balanced rule of law or any form
of ethical governance and is insulting. That it is still cranked out
speaks highly regarding the continuing malaise of Egyptian society which
has never recovered it principal status as economic powerhouse under the
Worse, Egypt continues to be a hotbed of rabid Islamism. Until that all
changes and that means education of women and the criminalization of the
Islamic Brotherhood and their fellow running dogs, this all cannot change.
Egypt is a 100,000,000 people in which 50,000,000 are effect... more »
Should We Fear or Embrace Brain Wave Sensing Technology?

*Video - *These videos show two novel products that use brain wave sensing
technology, but should we be concerned about mental surveillance?
The post Should We Fear or Embrace Brain Wave Sensing Technology? appeared
first on Waking Times.
Watch Time to Kill Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Time to Kill (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.3
Release : 21 Mar 2014
Duration : 71 min
Genre : Action, Horror, Thriller
Director : Brian Williams
Writer : Brian Williams, Brian Williams
Cast : Paul Arnone, Cassandra Baun, Christine Carollo, Ellie Church
Synopsis Time to KillN/A
Description Time to KillMusic video by Thirty Seconds To Mars performing
The Kill (Bury Me). Pre VEVO play counts 47,587,509. (P) 2006 Virgin
Records America, Inc.. All rights ...,Writer's Call to Kill Feral Cats
Sparks Outcry Newspaper op-ed suggests euthanizing free-roaming cats.,The
other day... more »
Nuclear False Flag in North America?

*Nuclear False Flag - Illustration copied from thetruthseeker*
*"We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And
while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act
again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s
how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you,
will be left to just study what we do."*
*- Often attributed to Carl Rove*
Rixon Stewart, publisher of thetruthseeker has come out with a prediction
that another false flag will happen in the near future...likely in the form
of a ... more »
The Ecuadoran "War of the Worlds" Transmission Remembered

*The Ecuadoran "War of the Worlds" Transmission Remembered*
*By Scott Corrales*
Every October 30th, UFO and science fiction enthusiasts alike remember
Orson Welles' history-making broadcast of H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds on
the Mercury Theater of the Air and the resulting confusion caused by the
alleged Martian invasion - a panic that has been called into question
recently by skeptics, but whose legacy will forever loom large. Large
enough, a decade after its transmission, to have caused true panic and
death in South America.
*"We are interrupting our transmission to make you ... more »
Free? 5 Things Sovereign Beings Do

[image: Picture]
This again, is a time of Awakening. There are states of “wakefulness” if
you can call it that, and what has been brewing within for several years
now, perhaps many years, is coming to fruition.
Long have you felt an intellectual understanding and agreement with “new”
alternative philosophies around life, love, leadership, prosperity and
independence. Yet the daily living of such seemed a “pipe dream”; more
fantasy than practical. You've adapted in your ways – either dropping out
of main stream or maintaining one foot in two worlds. Neither choice has
been comforta... more »
The Pope Smokes Dope!

I have/had a friend who had/has this album. Both my friend and the album
where so far ahead of their time they never thought it would be a reality.
Today it is. This Pope is a crazy motherfucker. Crazy following in the
footsteps of the Archbishop of Canterbury. I dont know much about the
Torah. As I understand it Constantine copied it to the best of his
manipulative ability to make the first testament. Then it was translated
over centuries and shaped and formed to give us the King James Version
which we accept as Gods word if we are intellectually suspect. There is a
caveat to thi... more »
The Mayor Who Governed With His Feet

To see and hear him, Tom Menino was all wrong for the job. Constantly
compared to Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble and stigmatized by the
nickname "Mumbles", Boston's longest-serving mayor looked as if he
should've been toiling as a stevedore long ago before Boston's famed
waterfront became dilapidated and irrelevant. When Mayor Raymond Flynn got
tapped in 1993 to be our Ambassador to the Vatican by President Bill
Clinton, Tom Menino was looked upon as a seat-warmer, a transitional Mayor
until a *real* Boston Irishman would continue the line and be installed in
the Mayor's Of... more »
Our Rotting Soul

The word is jobs
on the tongue
of politicians
the 'job creators'
we can't cut
military *$$$$*
it will hurt
the economy
Few say it
out loud
or in public
'we are a
killing culture
we can kill 'em
or we can kill 'em
We do the bidding
of the military
industrial complex
keeps wall st. stocks
and control of
planetary resources
Luxury living for
the execs
big pickup trucks
for the workers
investors happy
everybody happy
It's well past time
for a frank
public discussion
about our
rotting soul
What Did Pelosi See In Steve Israel? The DCCC Chairman Shows What He's Worth

In the final week of the midterm election cycle, House Republicans are on
the offensive and an abysmally-led DCCC is retreating almost everywhere.
Boehner is on the attack against Democratic incumbents while the DCCC--
which bragged all cycle about they have out raised the Republicans-- now
says it doesn't have the resources to spend on its recruits and has
abandoned almost all of them to their fates and the hands of surging
The DCCC has been reduced to spending millions in districts that were "in
the bag," like NY-11, where Michael Grimm was indicted on 20 criminal
... more »
Pentagon Warns All Personnel That They Are Islamic State Targets

*Pentagon Warns Employees About Islamic State Threats -- USA Today*
Military personnel and civilians who work in the Pentagon could be targeted
by the Islamic State group or other terrorists, the building's internal
security agency is warning employees in a memo distributed late last week.
The Pentagon Force Protection Agency directed security managers to remind
Pentagon employees about how they can avoid standing out to terrorists,
said agency spokesman Christopher Layman.
"We disseminated this advisory, not because of a specific threat, but as a
reminder for Pentagon employees to... more »
Iraq’s Government Failing The Displaced Corruption Within Aid Groups
Iraq is facing another huge refugee crisis. This started when fighting
broke out in Anbar at the end of December 2013 and has only gotten worse
since then. Many of the major urban centers in Anbar, Ninewa, and
Salahaddin such as Fallujah, Mosul, and Tikrit have seen mass displacement,
as well as smaller towns like Hit, which recently fell to the Islamic
State. There are now an estimated 1.8 million internal refugees. The Iraqi
government has promised aid to these people through the Migration and
Displacement Ministry as well as a special committee run by Deputy Premier
Salah al-Mu... more »
The Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Is Going To Reveal Himself To The World On May 1

*The Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Is Reportedly Going To Reveal Himself
To The World -- Business Insider*
Fox News will broadcast an exclusive interview with the Navy SEAL who shot
dead Osama Bin Laden during the raid on Bin Laden's Pakistan compound on
May 1, 2011.
The SEAL, commonly referred to as "The Shooter," will reveal himself for
the first time almost two and a half years after the stealth Abbottabad
mission that killed the man behind the 9/11 attacks and leader of the
international terrorist network Al Qaeda.
According to the network's press release, Fox’s Peter Doocy ... more »
Is Afgahnistan Going 'Off The Rails'?
U.S. Marines prepare to board a KC-130 Hercules aircraft to depart the
Bastion-Leatherneck complex in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Oct. 27,
2014. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Benn Bar
*Afghanistan Going Off The Rails As U.S. Withdrawal Speeds Up -- Foreign
Insurgent attacks rise as poppy cultivation reaches a post-Taliban high in
While the world's eyes are trained on Iraq, Syria, and the fight against
the Islamic State, a new report to Congress by the government's
reconstruction watchdog warns that Afghanistan, where U.S. troops have b... more »
The True State Of The Afghan Military Has Now Been Classified As 'Top Secret'

Recruits get ready to become members of the Afghan National Police force in
Kandahar province. DoD photo / TSgt Adrienne Brammer
*The Capabilities Of The Afghan Military Are Suddenly a Secret -- Time*
Watchdog says U.S. taxpayers can’t know if investment is paying off.
For years, American taxpayers have been able to chart how well the
Afghanistan security forces they’re funding are faring, because “capability
assessments” detailing their progress have been routinely released.
Not anymore.
As the U.S. military prepares to withdraw most of its 34,000 troops still
in Afghanistan by ... more »
First Iraqi-Kurd Peshmerga Reinforcements Enter Kobane To Fight Against The Islamic State
*Iraqi Kurdish Forces Enter Syria To Fight Islamic State -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - A first group of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters entered the
besieged Syrian town of Kobani on Thursday to help push back Islamic State
militants who have defied U.S. air strikes and threatened to massacre its
Kurdish defenders.
Kobani, on the border with Turkey, has been encircled by the Sunni Muslim
insurgents for more than 40 days. Weeks of U.S.-led air strikes have failed
to break their stranglehold, and Kurds are hoping the arrival of the
peshmerga will turn the tide.
The siege of Kobani - know... more »
La. BESE Member Lottie Beebe Tired of the Public Records Request Runaround
Ironically, a hallmark of the so-called “accountability” movement in
corporate-reform-bolstered “public” education is the refusal to readily
respond to public records requests in a timely fashion. Here are links to
some examples of the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) records
request dodge as faced by Louisiana Voice journalist Tom Aswell; Louisiana
Educator writer Mike Deshotels; the American […]
That Hideous Strength

Maybe you haven't heard the news. Not only does The Homeland now have its
very own Ebola Czar, it has spawned yet another shadowy government agency.
It's called N.I.C.E. -- the National Institute for the Co-Option of Ebola.
In C.S. Lewis's dystopian novel *That Hideous Strength*, N.I.C.E, stood for
the National Institute for Controlled Experiments -- a shadowy government
agency designed to exploit and destroy everything it touches through the
copious use of propaganda. Torture and prison are in store for the few
malcontents refusing to get with the program. The novel, the finale of ... more »
Iran Claims To Have Foiled A Bid To Sabotage Its Nuclear Heavy-Water Tanks

A general view of the Arak heavy-water project, 190 km (120 miles)
southwest of Tehran January 15, 2011. Credit: Reuters/ISNA/Hamid Forootan
*Iran Says Foils Bid To Sabotage Nuclear Heavy-Water Tanks: Newspaper --
(Reuters) - Iran has foiled an attempt to sabotage tanks used for
transporting heavy water, which is needed to run some nuclear reactors, and
blames a "foreign country" for the incident, a senior official was quoted
by local media as saying.
The Islamic Republic is at odds with the West over suspicions it is
covertly using its declared civilian atomic energy pro... more »
Fukushima Plume from March 2011 Approximately 200PBq from Iodine131, Cesium134, and Cesium137 Alone
Majia's Blog - 13 hours ago
Giuseppe A. Marzo (2014) Atmospheric transport and deposition of
radionuclides released after the Fukushima Dai-chi accident and resulting
effective dose. Atmospheric EnvironmentVolume 94, September 2014, Pages
[Asbstract] On 11 March 2011 an earthquake off the Pacific coast of the
Fukushima prefecture generated a tsunami that hit Fukushima Dai-ichi and
Fukushima Da-ini Nuclear Power Plants.From 12 March a significant amount of
radioactive material was released into the atmosphere and dispersed
Among the most abundant radioactive species released were iodine... more »
An Iran - China Alliance?

The Chinese frigate Changchun during a visit last month to Bandar Abbas in
Iran. (Fars)
*Iran And China Deepen A ‘Blue Water’ Friendship -- Brian Murphy,
Washington Post*
Last month, visitors to Bandar Abbas on Iran’s southern coast gathered to
witness a never-seen-before event: two Chinese warships pulling into port.
It could be just the start of a budding naval alliance stretching from the
Pacific to the Persian Gulf.
Iranian and Chinese commanders last week announced plans for greater
maritime cooperation. While the details are vague, it clearly touches
ambitions on both sides... more »
Africa- Past and Present: AIDS, Banksters, CIA, CULTS, EBOLA & Hollywood
*Ebola*- It's been in the news lately In case you haven't noticed?
*AIDS *- Also originated in Africa. Allegedly?
*CIA *- A continuing evil in the world
*CULTS: *make me think of CIA/MKultra
*Banksters*- Same as the CIA
*Hollyweird*- Managing your perception. Always. In cahoots with CIA and
Using Glenn Close, the actress, as our starting point and going full steam
from there !
*Recall William T Close?- We met William T Close in this post- Glenn Close
raised in a cult?! The Moral re-armament cult?In her own words...*
William T Close, member of the Moral Rearmament Cult lin... more »
Russia lives in an Alternative Reality?- CNN (provider of alternative reality for the masses)
*A follow up to this post:*
*Wednesday, October 15, 2014 : Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/Iran*
*It's as if the US is wanting to drag the entire globe down even further
then they did already with their mortgage backed security scam?*
[image: Russian oil pipe Putin]More than half of Russia's revenue comes
from oil.
Finance minister Anton Siluanov calls that an "alternative economic
Oil currently trades around $80 a barrel.
Siluanov warned that cuts will be needed since the budget doesn't reflect
the hits Russia's economy has taken from the st... more »
Carl Rowan

*"... In a speech before the American Foreign Service Association in
Washington, Carl Rowan, Director of the United States Information Agency,
characterized Malcolm X as only "an ex-convict," "ex-dope peddler," and a
"racial fanatic." *
*This Negro, Rowan, expressed his amazement that many Africans respected
and admired Malcolm X. *
*He stressed that his agency-the United States Information Agency in every
country-must "correct" this lack of understanding by zealously
disseminating the vilification and slanders of the U.S. press, designed to
obliterate every memory of our slain br... more »
20 To 30 Former Guantanamo Bay Detainees Released Within The Last 2 - 3 Years Are Suspected Of Joining The Islamic State

Detainees participate in an early morning prayer session at Camp IV at the
detention facility in Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base August 5, 2009.
Credit: Reuters/Deborah Gembara
*Sources: Former Guantanamo Detainees Suspected Of Joining ISIS, Other
Groups In Syria -- FOX News*
As many as 20 to 30 former Guantanamo Bay detainees released within the
last two to three years are suspected by intelligence and Defense officials
of having joined forces with the Islamic State and other militant groups
inside Syria, Fox News has learned.
The development has cemented fears that the U.S. mili... more »
Islamic State Gunmen 'Committed Massacre' Of 150 Sunnis In Iraq's Anbar Province
الله اكبر تم القصاص من ٤٦ مرتد من صحوه البونمر امام جمع من الناس في #هيت
#الدولة_الإسلامية @aboomar19921992 pic.twitter.com/O6vSVZUuFH
— ترجمان الفلوجة#خلافة (@IsIs_omar22) October 29, 2014
*Reports: 150 Bodies Found In Iraq Mass Grave -- SKY News*
The victims are among more than 300 men aged between 18 and 55 seized by
Islamic State this week, tribal sheikhs say.
The bodies of 150 members of an Iraqi Sunni tribe opposed to Islamic State
(IS) have reportedly been found in a mass grave.
The Reuters news agency quoted a security official saying 150 men from the
Albu Nimr tribe had ... more »
New, More Toxic Breed of Genetically Engineered Crops Gain Approval
*Dr. Mercola* - Instead of taking a proactive approach to save the
environment and human life, the USDA has decided to deregulate Dow
Chemical’s next-generation GE crops...
The post New, More Toxic Breed of Genetically Engineered Crops Gain Approval
appeared first on Waking Times.
*Top Louisiana health official to those fighting Ebola: Don’t come to
Sunday’s conference in New Orleans *
Cost of War on ISIS- 1 Billion dollars and counting, expanding, consuming, growing!
This has just gotta have the military industrial complex/banking scum
These are the numbers for the US. When I get a hold of some Canadian
figures I will put them here too!
Bankrupting a nation- debt enslaving it's people
The cost of the military campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and
Syria (ISIS) is crossing the $1 billion mark, according to a group that
tracks federal spending.
The National Priorities Project has a fast-ticking clock that documents the
estimated cost of the U.S. operations against ISIS, which now involves
advisers and airstrikes. As of Monday mo... more »
SILLIEST TALES OF THE MSM: Low-IQ work of the insider press!
*THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014Interlude—Show us the wine list:* How sharp—how
“smart”—is the mainstream press corps?
Consider a current example.
In a recent on-line report, the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple described a
set of charges by major journalists against the Obama White House.
Most dramatically, USA Today’s Susan Page “called the current White
House...‘more dangerous’ to the press than any other in history,” according
to Wemple’s report. The statement was made at a recent seminar conducted by
the White House Correspondents Association.
At one time, Page was president of the... more »
Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas Describe Closure Of Jerusalem Holy Site As A "Declaration Of War"

Palestinians are seen during clashes with Israeli police forces in the Abu
Tor neighbourhood of east Jerusalem October 30, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Ammar
*Jerusalem Holy Site Closure 'Declaration Of War' - Abbas -- BBC*
A spokesman for Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has described the closure
of a disputed Jerusalem holy site as a "declaration of war".
The move came amid tension after the shooting of a Jewish activist.
Israel's PM called for calm, saying Mr Abbas was responsible for escalating
Yehuda Glick, a campaigner for greater Jewish prayer rights at the Temple
... more »
Ric-Rac Diaper Basket

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central for
Huggies and Target. I received product samples to facilitate my review as
well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
When our first child was a baby, we lived in a tiny two bedroom apartment.
Our little home was so small that it didn't even have a full sized oven. I
had to bake everything in cake pan instead of on cookie sheets. Since our
space was so small, it never seemed like a big deal to grab a diaper from
the changing station in our bedroom before sitting down to change the baby.
I kept a ... more »
The Inspiring Wisdom of the Awakening – An Interview With Zen Gardner

*Video* - Author, blogger, and info-activist Zen Gardner talks a bit about
transformation, the state of our world, and your role in it.
The post The Inspiring Wisdom of the Awakening – An Interview With Zen
Gardner appeared first on Waking Times.
Burkina Faso's Parliament Set On Fire As Chaos Spreads Throughout The Capital
*Torching The Heart Of Power: Protesters In Burkina Faso Set Fire To
PARLIAMENT Amid Violent Demonstrations Against President's Bid To Extend
His Rule -- Daily Mail*
* Crowds of demonstrators smashed through heavy security cordon to storm
National Assembly building in the capital
* Black smoke billowed from smashed windows at the parliament building
where several offices were ravaged by flames
* One man killed in violence which forced government to call off
controversial vote to extend the President's 27-year rule
* EU has warned that extending President Blaise Compaore's leadership... more »
NATO Reports 'Unusual High Level' Of Russian Air Activity
*Nato Reports Rise In Russia Military Flights Over Europe -- BBC*
*Nato has reported an "unusual" increase in Russian military aircraft
conducting manoeuvres over European airspace over the last two days.*
A Nato statement said four groups of aircraft, including Tu-95 Bear bombers
and MiG-31 fighters, were tracked over seas and the Atlantic Ocean.
Fighter aircraft from Norway, Britain, Portugal, Germany and Turkey were
scrambled in response.
Tensions between Russia and Nato states have soared over the Ukraine crisis.
The US and EU imposed sanctions on Russia after its annexation o... more »
Lies and Deception by Jesse Register
Update from East Nashville United:
In light of the recent news that MNPS administrators had already cut a back
room deal to convert Inglewood Elementary School to a charter school
operated by KIPP-Nashville, we have been reviewing what we've been told
along the way by MNPS leaders, like Alan Coverstone, Office of Innovation.
On September 13, 2014, in Inglewood, Mr. Coverstone was gracious enough to
travel to East Nashville to address parents who assembled after learning
for the 1st time on September, 9, 2014 that Dr. Jesse Register intended to
turn all East Nashville schools into... more »
RAF Jets Intercept And Threaten To Shoot Down A Latvian Cargo Plane Over Southern England

*'You Will Be Shot Down': What RAF Typhoon Pilot Told Latvian Cargo Plane
After It Sparked Terror Alert By Veering Off Course Over London Forcing
Fighter Jets To Scramble -- Daily Mail*
* Typhoons were scrambled from RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, this afternoon
* A Latvian-registered plane was intercepted over Kent after 'causing
* Flight mapping specialists said plane took unexpected detour over London
* Fighters escorted Russian made Antonov An-26 cargo airliner into Stansted
* Audio emerged afterwards appearing to show RAF pilot speaking to crew
* It said: ‘If you do not r... more »
Hopson's Next Bad Idea
[image: American Way Middle School students protested during Tuesday
night's Shelby County School Board business meeting. More than 20 people
signed up for public comment with the majority opting to speak against the
Achievement School District's takeover process.]
PHOTO: Tajuana Cheshier/Chalkbeat TN
Look at what happened in Memphis this week, and then tell me that teachers,
students, and parents standing up together doesn't matter.
Within minutes after parents and teachers lined up to express their disgust
with the planned corporate takeover of their schools, Hopson came up w... more »
The Educator and the Oligarch’s Spin, Post # 2
Anthony Cody begins The Educator and the Oligarch with the words of the
Gates Foundation’s Irvin Scott that could have come from Joseph Heller’s
Catch 22: “We’re trying to start a movement. A movement started by you.”
Ok, Scott might have misspoke, and his boss may have also done so in 2008
when saying, “There’s […]
John Kline-- Congress' Worst Enemy Of Public Education

John Kline's constituents are reading about their crooked congressman this
Earlier this month we looked into the astounding legalistic bribes John
Kline takes from the for-profit college industry, *far* more than any other
Member of Congress. So far this cycle the for-profit education business has
spent $1,488,432 in congressional races. Kline got $179,849 by himself. He
wasn't just the biggest recipient of their bribes, he took in quite a bit
more than the next two biggest recipients combined, Virginia Foxx ($88,380)
and Senator Lamar Alexander ($51,500). Kline has been the in... more »
Ukraine / Russia Situation ( October 30 , 2014 ) - Natural Gas Situation close to resolution ? Or not solved ?

*RT* @RT_com 4m4 minutes ago
‘If there is something to discuss we’ll return’ Gazprom spox on exit from
Brussels gas talks http://on.rt.com/9tq8p6
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*RIA Novosti* @ria_novosti 4m4 minutes ago
BREAKING: Ukrainian government approves trilateral protocol on Russian gas
deliveries during winter period - Deputy Energy Minister
Retweeted 14 times
*Ian56* @Ian56789 2h2 hours ago
*Protests* in the streets of *Kiev*There's no heat for houses as the
temperature dial moves to freezing http://en.itar-tass.com/world/757259 #
Ukra... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( October 30 , 2014 ) -- Despite hundreds of Air Strikes in both Iraq and Syria since the bombing campaigns began this past summer , ISIS still causing havoc in both countries..... Tweets of the day covering hard news on Iraq and Syria....
Anti War.....
ISIS Executes Dozens; 350 Killed Across Iraq
by Margaret Griffis, October 29, 2014
Print This | Share This
Across Iraq on Wednesday at least *350 people were killed*. Most of them
were Islamic State militants, but the militants also executed several dozen
men in Anbar province. At least *67 were wounded* in bombings and shelling.
The U.S. Army and Navy separately announced that the government would
improve the monitoring of troops exposed to chemical weapons in Iraq. The
New York Times discovered that the troops were inadequately treated and
their exposure was even kept... more »
*Afghan cleric jailed for raping 11-year-old girl at mosque school*
KABUL: An Afghan cleric has been jailed for 20 years for raping an 11-year
old girl, officials said Sunday, after the child confronted her attacker in
court despite fierce family opposition.
Activists said the girl appeared in court after being taken to a women’s
shelter for safety from her own family, who had threatened to kill her for
bringing “dishonour” on them.
The sentence, passed by a court in Kabul on Saturday, came just weeks after
five men were hanged for the gang-rape of four adult women.
Hasina Sarwari... more »
VOA: Forwarding the Propaganda

*This is why you should avoid Jiufen on the weekends.*
Over at VOA Ralph Jennings handed in a piece which simply forwarded the
ruling party's framework of neoliberal propaganda in which it has embedded
its sellout trade agreements with China, to make them more palatable,
rather like the poisoned cannoli from the *Godfather III*. This one
generated a mix of anger and laughter among those of us who have observed
Taiwan long. The piece, which discussed entrepreneurship among the young
but interviewed no young entrepreneurs, was dismissed by a friend of mine
who is an actual young Tai... more »
*British forecaster Piers Corbyn denounces MetOffice New computer as
'getting the wrong answers more quickly'*
"The New Met Office computer, that has cost the taxpayer £97 million, will
just give the wrong answers quicker!", he said.
"The fact is that Standard Meteorology has reached its limits and no amount
of extra computing power of a hundred million pounds, a billion or a
trillion can overcome its limitations. The rule is Rubbish in Rubbish out.
"Their claim that this shameful theft from the public purse will help them
make better long range forecasts is self-serving delusiona... more »
Slate. Missing the Point
a video of woman experiencing street harassment went viral. When I
watched it all I saw were men treating a woman like an object. An object
they desired and existed for their own pleasure.
And I was disgusted. I had heard about street harassment, but never
witnessed it. To say this video opened my eyes is like saying a kick to
the nuts is painful. And based on the viral nature of that
Katherine May Resigns from Channeling after "the divines" fail to deliver on RV promises...

Date: Wednesday, 29-Oct-2014 13:55:27
Dear Friends,
I have decided today to resign from my position as *"The Voice of
Mother/Father God"* and *"The Voice of Sananda."* I will not be channeling
messages from the Ascended Masters for the foreseeable future. I will
explain why.
For several years, I have kept my promise to channel the voices of *the
Company of Heaven* with absolute fidelity. I have changed not a word, not
an inflection, not a bit of what they have give... more »
Put a fork in Japan its done!

If you were culturally aware during the 90's it was reasonable to wonder if
Japan would buy America.
I absolutely love Japan. I remain faithful to Sony and Honda. Tokyo in
particular is the most remarkable city in the world. So what went wrong?
I do not know which came first, the people (women in particular) going on
strike or Japanese manufactures loosing their manufacturing monopoly. These
two paradigm shifts account for the economic tsunami that now threatens to
wash over Japan in a way the world has never experienced.
For comparison the basket case that is Greece has 136% of ... more »
Ebola Updates ( October 30 , 2014 ) - As progress appears to be made in Africa ( Liberia cases might be slowing down ) , however in the US , policy still seems ham handed !
Zero Hedge .....
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Is It About To Get Worse? Lakeland Hazmat Suit Orders Go Exponential,
Surpass 1 MillionSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 10/29/2014 - 22:26
Almost exactly a month ago, long before the Texas Ebola fiasco, when
virtually nobody had heard of a small company out of Ronkonkoma, NY called
Lakeland Industries and whose only product is "*industrial protective
clothing for industry, municipalities, healthcare and to first responders*"
i.e., Hazmat suits, we asked "i) who will get sick next and ii) how bad
could it get?" For the answer we focused o... more »
Antares Rocket Explosion Predicted Day before... hmmmm

*Eagle1* [image: Offline]
Elder, DF1
[image: *][image: *][image: *][image: *][image: *][image: *][image: *]
Posts: 406
Threads: 125
Joined: Sep 2014
Reputation: *84*
10-28-2014, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2014, 04:38 PM by
Never before seen in DreamBot history:
Dual-dynamo clusters. Let’s start at the top….our threshold for alert has
been exceeded by not just one meme but two (or, depending on one’s
interpretation skills…three memes all within the highest rung of surges…see ... more »
Honduras: Alleged UFOs Unleash Controversy Among Readers of Diario Tiempo

Source: Planeta UFO and Diario TIEMPO (Honduras)
Date: 28 October 2014
Honduras: Alleged UFOs Unleash Controversy Among Readers of Diario TIEMPO
SAN PEDRO SULA - A considerable number of readers of www.tiempo.hn who
looked at photographs of seemingly mysterious objects flying over San Pedro
Sula claim having been witnesses to Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
along various parts of the northern and western coasts of Honduras.
Their stories emerged yesterday on Facebook and DIARIO TIEMPO's website,
following publication of two photographs taken by a journalist of this
communicatio... more »
Taxes on Information Technologies Threatening Economic Growth, Report Says

*Taxes on Information Technologies Threatening Economic Growth, Report Says*
OCTOBER 27, 2014 12:01 AM
Governments around the world, *particularly in emerging markets, are
raising taxes on information technologies*, threatening to impede economic
growth and slow consumers’ adoption of smartphones and broadband Internet
access, a report to be released on Monday warns.
At least 31 countries, most of which are in the developing world, are
imposing the damaging high taxes on top of other sales or value-added
taxes, according to the report by the... more »
Raytheon awarded $205 million Phalanx upgrade contract

[image: Phalanx CIWS]Raytheon Company was awarded a multi-year bulk buy
contract totaling over $200 million to provide Phalanx Close-in Weapon
Systems (CIWS) upgrade kits, support equipment and hardware spares to the
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). The CIWS is an integral element
of Japan's Ship Self-Defense Program.
"Phalanx provides the critical inner-layer of protection to sailors around
the globe against threats that are continually evolving," said Rick Nelson,
vice president of Raytheon Missile Systems' Naval and Area Mission Defense
product line.
"Thanks to its a... more »
Russia to Deliver Four S-300 Missile Complexes to Belarus by Year's End: Defense Minister

[image: S-300 Giant]Russia will deliver four S-300 surface-to-air missile
systems to Belarus by the end of this year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei
Shoigu said Wednesday.
"If we speak about the summary for 2014, then this year we will finalize
the delivery of four S-300 Zenit missile systems that will be handed over
[to Belarus]. I think they'll enter into the Belarus military service in
2015," Shoigu said during a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart in
The contract for the supply of four S-300 systems to Belarus was signed in
Read more
Taiwan to take delivery of first batch of Black Hawks in December

[image: UH-60M Black Hawk]Taiwan will begin taking delivery of UH-60 Black
Hawk helicopters from the United States by the end of this year, with the
first batch of six of the 60 aircraft set to arrive in mid-December, an
Army official said Wednesday.
The helicopters will be shipped to Taiwan in seven batches, with the final
batch scheduled to arrive in 2018, the official told reporters on the
sidelines of a legislative committee hearing.
The U.S. government announced in early 2010 that it was selling Taiwan the
60 choppers, worth a total of US$3.1 billion.
Read more
NPR releases another anti-SUSY rant
Exactly half a year ago, Joe Lykken and Maria Spiropulu printed an unwise anti-physics
diatribe in Scientific American. In order to prove that it's not weaker in
similar fashionable attacks, NPR published its own rant written by a
professional critic of science named Marcelo Gleiser:
Are Physicists Ready To Give Up The Chase For SUSY?
It was at the end of April 2014. Now it's the end of October 2014 and NPR
printed an anti-SUSY article written by a man named Marcelo Gleiser:
Can Scientific Belief Go Too Far?
If your child couldn't understand what "deja vu" means, maybe you could use... more »
China Sees First Female Attack Helicopter Pilots

[image: China’s first batch of five female attack helicopter pilots]China's
first five female attack helicopter pilots recently took part in a drill in
the hinterland of north China's Yan Mountains.
The five pilots, who last year transferred to the People's Liberation Army
Aviation from the People's Liberation Army Air Force, have been capable of
performing combat tasks and have added to the aviation battle sequence.
"As women are meticulous and sensitive, female pilots have their advantages
in flying attack helicopters, especially in operating precision instruments
and distinguishi... more »
Park hails deployment of S. Korea's FA-50 aircraft
President Park Geun-hye called on the military Thursday to remain in full
readiness as she hailed the operational deployment of South Korea's FA-50
"Now, our security situation is very grave," Park, wearing an Air Force
jacket, said in a ceremony marking the deployment of the fighter jets built
by Korea Aerospace Industries, South Korea's sole aircraft manufacturer.
Park's comments came a day after North Korea rejected South Korea's offer
of high-level talks in protest of anti-Pyongyang leaflets.
Read more
North Korean leader oversees flying squads exercise — paper

[image: Kim Jong-Un]North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has commanded a
training exercise of flying squads of air defense and air force units, the
Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Thursday.
Pilots were practicing takeoffs and landings of military aircraft,
interception of air targets and aerobatic maneuvers.
The supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army hailed the exercise and
promoted some pilots right at the site “for high professionalism they have
demonstrated,” the paper said.
Read more
Pilot Killed in Crash of Fighter Jet During Training Mission Near Point Mugu
Federal aviation investigators were at the scene Wednesday night of the
fiery crash of a fighter jet during a training mission near Point Mugu
Naval Air Station that killed the pilot.
The jet came down around 5:13 p.m. in an agricultural field near Hueneme
Road at Highway 1, according to the Ventura County Fire Department.
“I just saw this jet going down really fast … and all I saw was a big cloud
of smoke,” said witness Brian Rivera.
Read more
Boeing, U.S. Air Force Demonstrate Minuteman III Readiness in Flight Test
Boeing supported the U.S. Air Force’s successful flight test of a Minuteman
III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which demonstrated the
readiness of that system to deter nuclear threats.
The unarmed ICBM launched Sept. 23, 2014, from Vandenberg Air Force Base
and reached a target in the Kwajalein Atoll during the test.
“Regular flight tests validate the accuracy, safety and reliability of the
Minuteman system,” said Peggy Morse, vice president, Boeing Directed Energy
& Strategic Systems.
Read more
Nato jets intercept Russian warplanes following 'unusual level of air activity'
[image: A Norwegian F-16 shadows a Russian air force Tupolev Tu-95]Nato
aircraft have been scrambled to shadow Russian strategic bombers over the
Atlantic and Black Sea and fighter planes over the Baltic in what the
western alliance called an unusual burst of activity as tensions remain
elevated because of the situation in Ukraine.
In all, Nato said, its jets intercepted four groups of Russian aircraft in
about 24 hours since Tuesday and some were still on manoeuvres late on
Wednesday afternoon.
“These sizeable Russian flights represent an unusual level of air activity
over Europea... more »
NUSHIP Canberra on its way from Melbourne to Sydney

[image: NUSHIP Canberra]NUSHIP Canberra, the largest vessel to ever bear
the name of our city, is on its way en route from Melbourne to Sydney,
where she is due to be commissioned into the Royal Australian Navy on
November 28.
Work on her sister ship, the Adelaide, is still in progress at the BAE
Systems Dockyard at Williamstown.
The two "landing helicopter docks" (LHDs), which have a combined cost well
in excess of $2 billion, represent a major escalation in the amphibious
lift capability of the Australian Defence Force.
Read more
Project 11356 lead frigate Admiral Grigorovich to join Russian Navy in early November

[image: Project 11356M class FFG]The lead frigate of Project 11356, the
Admiral Grigorovich, is to be handed over to the Russian Navy on November
7, a delegation of the Baltic shipyard Yantar, manufacturing the ships of
the series, told TASS at the Euronaval 2014 exhibition in Paris on
“On November 7, we will hand over the lead frigate to the Russian Fleet at
a solemn ceremony to be attended by Commander-in-Chief (Viktor) Chirkov,”
the representative of the Kaliningrad-based Yantar shipyard said.
The Admiral Grigorovich was laid down in mid-December 2010 and was set
aflo... more »
French DGA successfully completes final qualification firing of MdCN missile system
[image: Missile de Croisière Naval (MdCN)]The French Direction Générale
d'Armement (DGA) has successfully completed the final qualification firing
of the Missile de Croisière Naval (MdCN) system, also called the naval
cruise missile (NCM), from the DGA Missile Test Centre in Biscarrosse,
The launch, which was executed from a frigate, was mainly aimed at
determining the missile's range performance, while satisfying overall
flight objectives.
Built by MBDA as part of the DGA contract in 2006, the MdCN missile system
will be installed on the French Navy's Frégate Européen mult... more »
Russia Test Fires Bulava Sea-Based Ballistic Missile
Russia has successfully test-fired a Bulava submarine-launched ballistic
missile (SLBM) from the Borey-class Yury Dolgoruky nuclear-powered
submarine, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.
The missile was launched from the submerged submarine at a location in the
Barents Sea and hit a designated target at the Kura test range on Russia’s
Kamchatka peninsula, the ministry said in a statement.
According to the statement, it was the first operational test launch of
Bulava in line with the program of combat training. All previous launches
were part of development testing.
Read more
India, Russia to export BrahMos

[image: Submarine launched BrahMos]The governments of India and Russia have
agreed that BrahMos missile will be exported to a list of mutually
agreeable countries for defensive purposes. There is also a negative list
to which exports are barred.
The missile has been showcased in several countries to apprise the
potential customers of its capabilities.
“If any country approaches us we will look into it on a case by case basis.
BrahMos Aerospace has the production capacity, game plan and skilled labour
to supply. I would like to state that we are ready and waiting. It is for
the gov... more »
DCNS announces new concept submarine SMX-Ocean
French shipbuilder DCNS has taken the wraps off a new concept submarine
that combines conventional power with a nuclear-powered attack submarine
The vessel, named the long SMX-Ocean, was unveiled at the Euronaval 2014
exhibition in Paris. It would be 328 feet long, displace more than 4,000
tons, dive deeper than 1,000 feet and have a submerged speed of 20 knots.
"This innovative concept ship promises submerged endurance and deployment
capabilities that are unprecedented for a conventional-propulsion
submarine," DCNS said.
Read more
PLA shows off sub power sending Changzheng 2 to Persian Gulf

[image: Type-091 (Han) class SSN]By sending the Changzheng 2, a Type 091
Han-class nuclear-powered submarine to Sri Lanka and the Persian Gulf last
month, the People's Liberation Army Navy of China is demonstrating its
force projection capability to the United States, according to the
Moscow-based Nezavisimaya Gazeta.
China is believed by Western observers to have a total of 71 submarines in
service or in development, including obsolete conventional-powered
submarines and advanced nuclear-powered submarines which are able to launch
anti-ship missiles.
Among them, the most powerful... more »
Saab Confident in Its Kockums Submarine Builders

[image: Gunilla Fransson]The return last summer of the Kockums shipbuilding
firm to Swedish ownership and control marked a rare moment when the public,
government and industry all joined in approval.
“I think this is one of the first times we have seen a very positive
reception from everyone in the country,” said Gunilla Fransson, head of the
Saab Kockums Security and Defense Solutions unit. “Now we have a way
Fransson spoke to reporters Wednesday here at the Euronaval exposition just
outside Paris, where Saab and its new Kockums acquisition are
re-establishing their iden... more »
Improved Russian Nuclear Attack Submarine Kazan to Deliver in 2016
[image: Yasen class SSGN]The Russian Navy is set to take delivery of an
improved Project 885M Yasen-class attack submarine in 2016 according to
Russian state media. The new vessel, named after the city of Kazan,
incorporates many improvements to the lead Project 855 boat, K-329
Severodvinsk, which was commissioned earlier in 2014.
“The first improved Project 885M submarine, the Kazan, will be delivered to
the Russian Navy in 2016,” Nikolai Novoselov, deputy general director of
the Malakhit design bureau told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.
Kazan will have improved sensors and weapon systems... more »
Watch Young Bodies Heal Quickly 2014 Full Movie Online

*Young Bodies Heal Quickly (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : Unrated
Score : 6.7
Release : 19 Apr 2014
Duration : 102 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : Andrew T. Betzer
Writer : Andrew T. Betzer
Cast : Gabriel Croft, Jay Featherstone, Johnathan Frasier, Sandra L. Hale
Synopsis Young Bodies Heal QuicklyTwo brothers are fleeing arrest for the
'accidental' killing of a young girl. Their destination is their estranged
father's desolate compound on the sea shore.
Description Young Bodies Heal QuicklyPurchase the TriDerma MD Eczema Fast
Healing Face and Body Lotion, 4.2 oz at an always low... more »
The History Of Oklahoma's Democratic Party And The Future Of Progressivism

*Tom Guild, the progressive candidate who ran for the Oklahoma City
congressional seat that was abandoned by James Lanksford, who's taking Tom
Coburn's Senate seat, lost out, narrowly, to a sad sack Blue Dog-type, Al
McAffrey, who offers virtually no choice and has virtually no chance to
win. Not even fellow Blue Dogs like him. The 2010 Blue Dog nominee, Billy
Coyle, endorsed Republican Steve Russell. This morning he sent us the guest
post below, The History Of Oklahoma's Democratic Party And The Future Of
*Part I*
Why is Oklahoma currently a very conservative Rep... more »
Musical Interlude: Afshin, “Prayer of Change”
Afshin, “Prayer of Change”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75SGQ65QhaU
"A Look to the Heavens"; "Why Do We Look to the Stars?"
"Distorted galaxy NGC 2442 can be found in the southern constellation of
the flying fish, (Piscis) Volans. Located about 50 million light-years
away, the galaxy's two spiral arms extending from a pronounced central bar
give it a hook-shaped appearance. This deep color image also shows the
arms' obscuring dust lanes, young blue star clusters and reddish star
forming regions surrounding a core of yellowish light from an older
population of stars.
But the star forming regions seem more concentrated along the drawn-out
(right side) spiral arm. The distorted structure is likely the resul... more »
History: “The Charge of the Light Brigade"
*“The Charge of the Light Brigade"*
Compiled By CP
“All the talk of history is of nothing almost but fighting and killing, and
the honor and renown which are bestowed on conquerors, who, for the most
part, are mere butchers of mankind, mislead growing youth, who, by these
means, come to think slaughter the most laudable business of mankind, and
the most heroic of virtue.” - John Locke
“The Charge of the Light Brigade was a charge of British cavalry led by
Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25
October 1854 in the Crimean War. The charge was the ... more »
Subconscious Manipulators: Take Your Life Off Autopilot
*Nick Parkins* - Do laws, rules and the governing norms of behaviour really
cause more problems than they solve?
The post Subconscious Manipulators: Take Your Life Off Autopilot appeared
first on Waking Times.
"The Land Of Dreams..."
“Father, O father! what do we here
In this land of unbelief and fear?
The Land of Dreams is better far,
Above the light of the morning star.”
- William Blake, “The Land of Dreams”
"Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda..."
"It is what it is, and it was what it was.
Don’t fret the could-haves because if it should-have, it would-have."
- Unknown
Chet Raymo, "Know Thyself"
*"Know Thyself"*
by Chet Raymo
"The ancient Greek aphorism, attributed to Socrates and others. Good
advice, I'm sure. If only we knew what it means. Is it the same as the
"examination of conscience" we were asked to perform as young Catholics?
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." Well, yes, it is good to ask
ourselves if we have lived up to our highest moral aspirations. But surely
"Know thyself" means more than that.
Does it mean to be aware of our self-awareness? That is to say, not to act
impulsively, but reflectively. Thoreau's "I went to the woods because I
wished to live d... more »
Survey says that "greenies" will conserve ...

[image: Survey says that "greenies" will conserve ...]
Earlier this month, I asked you about solar power.
The question came up because someone told me that rather than conserve,
they would just add additional solar panels to their home.
So I wanted to know what dedicated "greenies" would do if all of their
power came from the sun.
The answers are interesting and complex:
Survey Results
[image: Survey says that "greenies" will conserve ...]
Survey Comments
- Of course I would still conserve if I were getting all my energy from
solar. To do otherwise would mean I had used mor... more »
The Poet: T.S. Eliot, "The Four Quartets"
*"The Four Quartets"*
by T.S. Eliot
"I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.
Unharmed Dreaming
*Ida Lawrence* - "Information about the control system, consciousness,
metaphysics, the divinity within and so on, has little influence on people
who are fearful or hateful..."
The post Unharmed Dreaming appeared first on Waking Times.
Watch ABCs of Death 2 Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*ABCs of Death 2 (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.3
Release : 02 Oct 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Horror
Director : Rodney Ascher, Julian Barratt, Robert Boocheck, Alejandro
Brugués, Kristina Buozyte, Alexandre Bustillo, Larry Fessenden, Julian
Gilbey, Spencer Hawken, Jim Hosking, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen, E.L. Katz,
Aharon Keshales, Steven Kostanski, Marvin Kren, Juan Martínez Moreno, Erik
Matti, Julien Maury, Robert Morgan, Chris Nash, Vincenzo Natali, Hajime
Ohata, Navot Papushado, Bill Plympton, Dennison Ramalho, Todd Rohal, Jerome
Sable, Bruno Samper, Shion Sono, Jen Soska... more »
Watch Men 2014 Full Movie Online

*Men (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 8.3
Release : 23 May 2014
Duration : 131 min
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Director : Bryan Singer
Writer : Simon Kinberg (screenplay), Jane Goldman (story), Simon Kinberg
(story), Matthew Vaughn (story)
Cast : Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence
Synopsis MenSentinels, robots that were created for the purpose of hunting
down mutants were released in 1973. 50 years later the Sentinels would also
hunt humans who aid mutants. Charles Xavier and his X-Men try their best to
deal with the Sentinels but the... more »
How Did Cordova Middle School Avoid the ASD Hit List?

Is Cordova Middle too white to be handed over to a corporate reform charter
chain gang operator? With just 51 percent African-American, is ASD
avoiding the more politically perilous territory of putting a more white
poor school on the hit list? Look at South Side scores, American Way, or
Wooddale. Do any of these black schools have lower scores than Cordova
Can you get any lower than all 1s, with only a single exception??
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 30th October)
Osborne realise? Probably! Ipsos Mori poll shows 1 in 8 will cash in
pension pot under reforms
More than 200,000 people will cash their entire pension pot when the
government reforms take effect next year, with one in five planning to
use their savings to fund a holiday, a study has found. From April,
workers over 55 will be able to use their pensions like bank accounts
and withdraw
Watch Buddha 2: Tezuka Osamu no Budda - Owarinaki tabi 2014 Full Movie Online

*Buddha 2: Tezuka Osamu no Budda - Owarinaki tabi (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.2
Release : 08 Feb 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Animation
Director : Toshiaki Komura
Writer : Osamu Tezuka (manga), Reiko Yoshida (screenplay)
Cast : Kiyokazu Kanze, Ken'ichi Matsuyama, Nana Mizuki, Tetsuo Nakanishi
Synopsis Buddha 2: Tezuka Osamu no Budda - Owarinaki tabi2500 years ago, in
India, Siddhartha was born as a prince of the Shakya clan, but he gives up
his position as a prince to see the world. He meets a strange boy named
Assaji, who can predict the future, a monk with only one ... more »
Watch $50K and a Call Girl: A Love Story 2014 Full Movie Online

*$50K and a Call Girl: A Love Story (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 7.2
Release : 14 Jan 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Seth Grossman
Writer : Seth Grossman, Ross Patterson
Cast : Ross Patterson, Jessie Wiseman, Seth Grossman, Lauren Aboulafia
Synopsis $50K and a Call Girl: A Love StoryWhen Ross is diagnosed with
terminal brain cancer and given six weeks to live, his newly engaged older
brother Seth offers to spend his $50,000 wedding fund on a final trip of a
lifetime. Their plans are complicated when Ross invites a call girl to join
the group and Seth's u... more »
Nobel Winner Jean Tirole’s Faulty Views on Monopoly
*This guest post by Frank Shostak explains that Nobel Prize-winning
economist Jean Tirole comes from that school of economists who consider
when reality doesn’t fit their faulty models of the economic system, they
demand laws written to change the reality.*
Frenchman Jean Tirole of the University of Toulouse won the 2014 Nobel
Prize in Economic Sciences for devising methods to improve regulation of
industries dominated by a few large firms. According to Tirole, large firms
undermine the efficient functioning of the market economy by being able to
influence the prices and the quant... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Barkerville, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.
“Guess How Much America's War Against Isis Costs Every Single Day?”
*“Guess How Much America's War Against Isis Costs Every Single Day?”*
by AFP
“The Pentagon has revised its estimate of the cost of the US air war in
Iraq and Syria, saying the price tag for the campaign against the Islamic
State group comes to about $8.3 million a day. Since air strikes began on
August 8, the campaign — which has involved about 6,600 sorties by US and
allied aircraft — has cost $580 million, said Pentagon spokesman Commander
Bill Urban.
The Defense Department had previously put the average daily cost of the
military operation at more than $7 million a day. The high... more »
40,000 votes here, 40,000 votes there, after a while it could start to add up -- or could it?

*ThinkProgress caption: "Dr. Francys Johnson with the NAACP leads an
occupation of the Georgia State Capitol to protest voter suppression."*
*by Ken*
Howie has been manning the 2014 voter-suppression beat, which following
recent custom has been one of the big stories of the election campaign, or
at least it should have been. It matters even more in an election with so
many races that are looking so close in states that are so polarized that
each side's voter turnout could be the deciding factor.
Nevertheless, despite occasional minor setbacks to the Republican
voter-suppression ju... more »
How to deal with the growing incentives competition
This article was originally published in the *Columbia FDI Perspectives*
series of the Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment, #131, September
29. I have left it largely unchanged, except for adding a link and a
comment, and correcting a grammatical error.
As I discussed in an earlier *Perspective*,[1] the use of investment
incentives is pervasive and growing. The most recent example [this was
completed prior to the Tesla auction] of a big bidding war was when Boeing
threatened to move production of its 777-X aircraft out of Washington
state, prompting some 20 states to offer ... more »
Editor's Note
This is just a reminder to all of my regular readers that I am busy
finishing up on a web-project .... so blogging is going to be light for the
next few days (I should be finished by this Sunday). As for right now ....
alas .... blogging will return tomorrow morning.
The Anatomy of Compromise

It’s supposed to be a virtue to compromise.
Most of the time people say this, they don’t mean compromise: they often
just mean recognising what’s most important, and not losing it to what’s
least important.
Compromise isn’t always wrong though. “A compromise is an adjustment of
conflicting claims by mutual concessions. This means that both parties to a
compromise have some valid claim and some value to offer each other. And
*this* means that both parties agree upon some fundamental principle which
serves as a base for their deal.”1
Simple enough.
But so often compromise sacrif... more »
Eisenhower Remembered (No Labels Scam) Upon Winning This Election, Republicans Target Rest of Consumer Protections (Why You Must Vote Against It Once You Understand The Deep State's Implications) Supporting Slave Labor
Has the U.S. Republican party (and associated Blue Dog Democrats) truly
lost their minds since Eisenhower's presidency? The original passage, from
a letter Eisenhower wrote to his brother Edgar on Nov. 8, 1954, went as
follows: Should any political party attempt to abolish social security,
unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you
would not hear of that party
The Maldives are Turning into Something Truly Shocking

*Video - *A truly shocking video about something you wouldn't ever imagine
about the Maldives!
The post The Maldives are Turning into Something Truly Shocking appeared
first on Waking Times.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 29, 2014
*Wishful Thinking In The U.S. Plans Against The Islamic State -- David
Ignatius, Washington Post*
A glimpse of the anxiety sweeping the Arab world surfaced last week when an
Arab woman complained during a talk in Amman at the Columbia Global Center
for the Middle East. She said my speech’s title about the “crisis” in the
region wasn’t accurate. The correct word was “disintegration.” The audience
cheered loudly.
The Arab world is suffering a sense of vertigo these days. Extremists from
the Islamic State, who have seemingly arisen out of nowhere, have burst
through the gates of pow... more »
Guest Post By Mikel Weisser, A Progressive Running In Arizona's Back Country

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Cliven Bundy and crackpot state Senator Kelli Ward
Let me introduce you to a new name, a new candidate you probably never
heard of, not even if you're live in the district he's running in, AZ-04,
Arizona's reddest (R+20) district-- Prescott and almost everything between
Phoenix and California. The Democrat taking on right-wing ideologue Paul
Gosar this year is Mikel Weisser. He's not going to win in 7 days. But he
is doing something the DCCC would never dream of-- building towards a
future Democratic take-over of the district. Meet Mikel:
Howdy, my n... more »
Why westerners are joining jihadis

It’s been widely noted that recruits to jihad and Islamic State come
overwhelmingly not from the poor and downtrodden struggling under
Middle-East dictatorships, but are often well-fed, well-educated
middle-class citizens who have grown up in western countries – suggesting
something lacking in what these well-fed folk absorbed in their western
education, and maybe what they see from the west’s alleged “leaders.”
US Secretary of State John Kerry for example seems to want to outdo his
predecessor in the competition for being the least informed Secretary of
State this decade, claimin... more »
David Parker had a dream!
Once upon a time, Labour-leader wannabe David Parker had a dream.
It’s a dream he’s still reluctant to abandon. The problem is not his tax,
he claims, just the “glitches” he had in selling it. In other words, the
problem with the tax was the sales pitch, not that it was “soak the rich.”
He – or at least those contemplating voting for him – might care to read
some recent research from the Canadian Fraser Institute: saying Canada's
capital gains taxes hurt economy…
“While capital gains taxes raise a small amount of revenues for government,
they do so at considerable economic cost ... more »
World News Briefs -- October 29, 2014 (Evening Edition)

Convoy of peshmerga vehicles is escorted by Turkish Kurds on their way to
the Turkish-Syrian border, in Kiziltepe, near the southeastern city of
Mardin, Oct. 29, 2014.
*Kurds Welcome Backup to End ISIS Siege of Syrian Border Town -- Time*
Turkey allows Kurdish troops to cross into Kobani.
Foreign Fighters Pouring into Syria Faster Than Ever, Officials
SayAustralia’s Top ISIS Militant Killed: SourcesEric Holder Says Only
Denzel Could Play Him in Movie NBC NewsForeign Fighters Are Pouring Into
Syria Faster Than Ever: Officials NBC NewsSkin Cancer U? Students Tan on
Campus at Top Col... more »
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