10:15pm MDST
Sandra Fluke Comes To Town... With The EMILY's List Smear Machine

*-by Dorothy Reik*
President, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
The bizarrely Californian Dem v Dem California state Senatorial contest
between the DCCC’s sweetheart, 33 year old married “co-ed” Sandra Fluke and
grassroots activist and native son Ben Allen was going along it’s
predictable course with sneak attacks and hushed innuendos, when Fluke
decided to go really dirty. While her surrogates had been circulating
attacks on Ben and his supporters by e-mail and button-holing
confrontations at various events, Fluke’s campaign decided to take a couple
of pages fro... more »
Musical Interlude: Gandalf, “Mystical Morning”
Gandalf, “Mystical Morning”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOpZ_DFneYQ
A ‘Minarchist’ Environmentalism
*Guest post by **Nick Sorrentino** from the blog **Against Crony Capitalism*
[image: Socialist_Wildlife]
This essay has little (directly) to do with crony capitalism, however I
wanted to post it here for our readerss consideration. People who read *Against
Crony Capitalism* regularly know that we care about the environment. We
love the ocean, and hiking, and clear skies on a moonless night. We are
saddened by the clear cutting of rain forest, (usually due to a wilful lack
of property rights) and by plastic floating in our seas; we care about
“sustainability” generally. However we d... more »
Ties to Cut – Ties to Mend
*Ida Lawrence* - "When we go within and restore ourselves, we do increase
and strengthen the Light. This is prayer… I Am..."
The post Ties to Cut – Ties to Mend appeared first on Waking Times.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The Sleeping Beauty galaxy may appear peaceful at first sight but it is
actually tossing and turning. In an unexpected twist, recent observations
have shown that the gas in the outer regions of this photogenic spiral is
rotating in the opposite direction from all of the stars! Collisions
between gas in the inner and outer regions are creating many hot blue stars
and pink emission nebula.
*Click image for larger size.*
The above image was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2001 and
released in 2004. The fascinating internal motions of M64, also cataloged
as NGC 4826, are thought... more »
"The Biggest Questions"
"*The Biggest Questions"*
Compilation by CP
"When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the
eternity before and after, the little space which I fill and even can see,
engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant and
which know me not, I am frightened and am astonished at being here rather
than there; for there is no reason why here rather than there, why now
rather than then. Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have
this place and time been allotted to me? 'The remembrance of a guest that
tarries but a day.'”
- Blaise Pascal
... more »
The Realist Report - Nicholas Kollerstrom
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by *Dr. Nicholas
Kollerstrom* from the United Kingdom. Dr. Kollerstrom has investigated and
written about a number of subjects covered on The Realist Report, including
the events of 9/11, the alleged Jewish "Holocaust" narrative of WWII, and a
variety of other related topics. He is the author of numerous books,
including *Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7, an Investigation*,
which critically analyzes the July 7th, 2005 terrorist bombings in London
purportedly carried out by radical Islamic fundamentalists. You can
dow... more »
U.S. Troops Will Be Quarantined At A Special Facility In The U.S. If They Are Exposed To Ebola
*U.S. Troops Assisting In Ebola Mission May Be Quarantined -- Barbara
Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent*
Washington (CNN) -- In an unprecedented move to protect U.S. troops that
might be exposed to Ebola, U.S. military commanders are being given the
authority to quarantine troops for 21 days at a Defense Department facility
where they will be monitored for signs of the disease and treated if they
do contract the virus, a Defense Department memo explained.
The memo, which was obtained by CNN, spells out the details of the
military's plan for the first time.
It does not reveal the ... more »
Paulo Coelho, “The Fire of Friendship”
*“The Fire of Friendship”*
by Paulo Coelho
“A man called Ali is in need of money and asks his boss to help him out.
His boss sets him a challenge: if he can spend all night on the top of a
mountain, he will receive a great reward; if he fails, he will have to work
for free. When he left the shop, Ali noticed that an icy wind was blowing.
He felt afraid and decided to ask his best friend, Aydi, if he thought he
was mad to accept the wager.
After considering the matter for a moment, Aydi answered: ‘Don’t worry,
I’ll help you. Tomorrow night, when you’re sitting on top of the mountain... more »
“20 Quotes on Dealing with Button-Pushers”
*“20 Quotes on Dealing with Button-Pushers”*
by Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D.
"We all know the type. The people that seem to instinctively know just how
to irritate and anger us. Everyone has buttons that get pushed, and
everyone has at least one button-pusher in his or her life. Read on for
quotes on how to deal with those people that just know how to drive you up
a wall.
"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the
darknesses of other people." - Carl Jung
"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of
logic, but with creatures of em... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
San Salvador, El Salvador. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, "On Miracles"
*"On Miracles"*
by Chet Raymo
"Saint Augustine was a complex fellow, both loving the world and hating it,
and he bequeathed something of that love/hate to Roman Catholicism in
particular and to Christianity in general. I have seldom had good words for
him in these posts, preferring instead the more enthusiastic embrace of
nature that characterized his Celtic nemesis Pelagius. But then there are
these words from Augustine's City of God: "Nor are those to be listened to
who say that the invisible God does not perform visible miracles; for even
according to them he made the world, whi... more »
The Universe
"Of course there are exceptions, but all-in-all it seems to me that
those who are religious, cling, whereas those who are spiritual, seek.
But to be really honest, it's the happy folks who know how to live.
Decide to be happy and the world will beat a path to your door."
The Universe
“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”
"Emerging Courageous: Walking through Your Fear"
*"Emerging Courageous: Walking through Your Fear"*
by The DailyOm
"Frequently, in walking through our fear, we discover that the strength of
our fright was out of sync with reality. The situations, activities, and
individuals that frighten us remain static. Their relative intensity does
not change. Fear, on the other hand, self-magnifies. It is when you are
afraid and envisioning all that might go wrong that the energy underlying
your fear grows. A tiny flicker of anxiety can easily develop into a terror
that manifests itself physically and eventually paralyzes you into
inaction. T... more »
"You Would Think..."
"We are all hurling through space on a rock and we're all going to die.
You would think we would be holding hands and singing."
- John Bradshaw
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
For people of a certain age and background Bob Dylan's early song "The
Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll" (1963) is life altering.
It tells of a wealthy man who kills a servant and, through his power and
wealth, escapes justice. The song tells a true story - or that's what I
believed until quiet recently.
The song shaped my thinking about power inequality and the law for as long
as I can remember.
The lyrics are:
"William Zanzinger killed poor Hattie Carroll
With a cane that he twirled around his diamond ring finger
At a Baltimore hotel society gath'rin'
And the cops were called in... more »
Is The U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan A 'Disaster In The Making'

Planes carrying Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's delegation leave Forward
Operating Base Shukvani in Afghanistan. (Reuters)
*The Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Potential Disaster In The Making -- Peter
Beinart, The Atlantic*
*Disputes over Iraq have distracted Americans from a more important debate.
For weeks now, the media has been gleefully recounting what former Defense
Secretary Leon Panetta thinks about the decision by his old boss, President
Obama, to withdraw American troops from Iraq. “Panetta unloads on White
House for pulling US forces out of Iraq,” read a recent Fox News ... more »
Libya Updates ( October 15 - 16 , 2014 ) -- Benghazi in focus ( although and tensions abound across Libya ) as Egypt tosses its weight around against Libya Militias deemed foes ....

*The Daily Star *@DailyStarLeb · 4h4 hours ago
The Daily Star's front page for Thursday, October 16:
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Al Arabiya English* @AlArabiya_Eng 21m21 minutes ago
Libya turmoil: Benghazi hit by air strikes and clashes http://ara.tv/nbytd
Al Arabiya English
[image: View this content on Al Arabiya English's website]
Libya: 12 killed as army advances in Benghazi
By Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
At least 12 people were killed in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on
Wednesday as Forces loyal
View on web
*libyaherald* @libyaherald · ... more »
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs Special Issue on Taiwan

*On the 193 in Hualien.*
Continuity and Change in Policies in Taiwan
Table of contents: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 3/2014
Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley
The Impacts of Changing Ruling Parties in the Twenty-First Century
Research Articles
Dafydd Fell and Charles Chen
Lessons of Defeat and Success: Taiwan’s 2012 Elections in Comparative
Lee Chun-Yi
Learning a Lesson from Taiwan? A Comparison of Changes and Con... more »
“Ebola Catches Fire”; “2nd Dallas Health Care Worker Infected”
*“Ebola Catches Fire”*
by Charles R. Larson
“Well, we’ve let it scare the hell out of us. In total ethnocentric,
self-serving fashion, Americans didn’t worry about Ebola until a man died
from it in the United States. Now people are reacting as if Ebola will
bring about the end of the world by next Tuesday (or is it Thursday?)
It ought not to have happened this way. We’ve known what it is from earlier
outbreaks; we even waited and watched as it spread beyond the usual limited
areas, until the numbers should have told us that, this time, it could
mushroom into something huge and have... more »
"Police Pleasantly Surprised To Learn Man They Shot Was Armed" (The Onion)

*Police Pleasantly Surprised To Learn Man They Shot Was Armed*
NEWS IN BRIEF • Local • Crime • Police • Violence •
Issue 50•41 • Oct 14, 2014
LEXINGTON, KY—Following a pedestrian stop Monday night during which they
fired their weapons on a suspicious individual, patrol officers for the
Fayette County Police Department were pleasantly surprised to discover the
man they shot was armed, sources confirmed. “Well, what do you know—he
really was carrying a gun,” said officer Dustin Hayes, smiling upon finding
a 9mm pistol on the body of the 23-year-old individual shortly after the ... more »
Does CIA Covert Aid Ever Work?

*C.I.A. Study of Covert Aid Fueled Skepticism About Helping Syrian Rebels
-- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency has run guns to insurgencies
across the world during its 67-year history — from Angola to Nicaragua to
Cuba. The continuing C.I.A. effort to train Syrian rebels is just the
latest example of an American president becoming enticed by the prospect of
using the spy agency to covertly arm and train rebel groups.
An internal C.I.A. study has found that it rarely works.
The still-classified review, one of several C.I.A. studies commissioned in
2012 an... more »
Secwepemc Ts’ka7 Warriors burn down Imperial Metals Ruddock Creek Mine Bridge
Ts’ka7 Warriors deactivate Imperial Metals Ruddock Creek mine
roadInternational Statement, October 14, 2014Censored News
With much discussion with Elders Councils and around Sacred fires and
ceremonies the Secwepemc Ts’ka7 Warriors have acted out their collective
responsibility and jurisdiction to and in the Ts’ka7 area by
deactivating the Imperial Metals Ruddock Creek mine
Gas Attacks Against Kurds: From Churchill To Saddam To Baghdadi
*The Monsters Who Gassed The Kurds: Winston Churchill - Saddam Hussein -
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. *
*Video Title: ISIS Butchers Attacked Kurds Around Kobane with Poison Gas in
July-Mustard Gas Seen as Likely Agent. Source: Webster Tarpley Fan Channel.
Date Published: October 14, 2014. Description:*
Tarpley details recent report from GLORIA Think Tank of Herzliya Israel on
how ISIS used chemical weapons of mass destruction.
Appeal route determined by entire Order and not merely parts appealed
The route an appeal takes depends critically on the nature of the order
appealed. So appeals may, or may not, go to Divisional Court depending on
whether they are for specific payments of money. What is an order would go
to the Court of Appeal if the order was appealed in full but the parts
appealed would, standing alone, go to Divisional Court?
Hanisch v. McKean, 2014 ONCA 698 holds the entire order, not just the
passages appealed, determines the appeal route:
[19] The specific question raised by the respondent concerns the
meaning of "final order" as it appears in ss. 6 an... more »
Watch Autonagar Surya Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Autonagar Surya (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.8
Release : 27 Jun 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama
Director : Katta Deva
Writer : Katta Deva (dialogue), Katta Deva (story)
Cast : Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Sai Kumar,
Jayaprakash Reddy
Synopsis Autonagar SuryaN/A
Description Autonagar SuryaAutonagar Surya (2014) DVDScr Telugu Full Movie
Watch Br Rip Watch Stream HD Autonagar surya dvd full video hd film video
free good film hd new latest film ...,Autonagar Surya full Movie ,Autonagar
Surya Telugu Movie DVDRip torrent download free 20... more »
Watch Trophy Heads Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Trophy Heads (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : Unrated
Score : 8.3
Release : 04 Jun 2014
Duration : 110 min
Genre : Horror
Director : Charles Band
Writer : Charles Band (story), Roger Barron
Cast : Michelle Bauer, Christopher Clausi, Kristine DeBell, David DeCoteau
Synopsis Trophy HeadsIt's the present day, and our heroines, real life
Scream Queens who starred in those infamous movies back in the 80's and
90's, have gone on with their lives since those days, some still acting or
in new businesses of their own. What none of them suspect is that
somewhere, down in the basement of an old... more »
Cyber Letters of Marque and Reprisal: “Hacking Back”
In the thirteenth century, before the rise of the “modern” state, private
enforcement mechanisms reigned supreme. In fact, because monarchs of the
time had difficulties enforcing laws within their jurisdictions, the
practice of private individuals enforcing their rights was so widespread
that for the sovereign to be able to “reign supreme” while his subjects
Continue reading
The Battle For Kobane Continues

The area shaded purple shows the areas of Kobane currently under Kurdish
control. The red dotted line shows the extent of their control on October
10, revealing exactly how much territory the YPG has reclaimed in the west
of the city over the past five days. Despite the gains, ISIS is continuing
to advance into eastern Kobane. The black arrows show where the militants
are focussing the bulk of their attacks on the Kurds
*The Great Kobane Fightback: After Symbolic Recapture Of Hill With Black
Flag Of ISIS, Kurdish Fighters Take Back Swathes Of City As US Step Up
Airstrikes -- Daily ... more »
Governments Need Inflation, Economies Don't
*Guest post by Peter Schiff*
In an article in the UK's *Telegraph* on October 10, veteran economic
correspondent and central bank shill Ambrose Evans-Pritchard laid bare the
essential truth of the nearly universal current embrace of monetary
inflation as an economic panacea. While politicians, CEOs and economists
talk about demand stimulus and the avoidance of a deflationary trap,
Evans-Pritchard reminds us that monetary inflation is all, and always,
about debt management.
Most especially *government*’s debt management.
Every year the levels of government debt as a percentage of ... more »
Ron Jacobs : BOOKS | Redefining urban renewal: Squatting in Europe
‘The City is Ours’ examines both politically and socially the squatters’
movement in Europe over the past 40 years and provides a template for the
movement’s future. By Ron Jacobs | The Rag Blog | October 15, 2014 [The
City … finish reading Ron Jacobs :
*BOOKS* | Redefining urban renewal: Squatting
in Europe
"Who Rules Over You..."
"To learn who rules over you,
simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
- Voltaire
Islamic State Is Making Rapid Gains In Iraq's Anbar Province

*The Fight Goes on in Anbar: ISIL vs the World -- Daveed Gartenstein-Ross,
War On The Rocks *
Over the past week, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has
been able to build on its previous gains in Iraq’s Anbar province. The
situation in the province has rapidly deteriorated. At this point, the
districts of al-Qa’im, Anah, Hit, Fallujah, and Karmah are all under the
control of anti-government forces—which amounts to about 80% of the
province. As was the case for last week’s report, this new contribution
draws heavily on regional Arabic-language reporting to chronicle IS... more »
Banker Marshall Tuck put student lives at risk by terminating Health Education
“To reduce sexual risk behaviors and related health problems among youth,
schools and other youth-serving organizations can help young people adopt
lifelong attitudes and behaviors that support their health and
well-being—including behaviors that reduce their risk for HIV, other STDs,
and unintended pregnancy.” — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Eli
Broad-trained neoliberal operative Marshall […]
Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/Iran

Before we discuss the* ‘global oil war’*, we need to get some basics down-
Bear with me on this, ok? I’ve been thinking about this for most of the
[image: Think about this: four oil producers - Libya, Iraq, Nigeria and
Syria - are in turmoil today, and Iran is hobbled by sanctions.]Oil Wars* The
US dollar is on the rise*. What affect does the increasing US dollar have
on oil prices? How does the increasing US dollar value make it easier for
the US, aided by Saudi Arabia, to wage a global oil price war?
The Rise of the US Dollar
*“Anti-dollar central bank policies have cau... more »
Test Prep U. Will Run U of Memphis Program for Segregated Teacher Preparation
From the Memphis Corporate Appeal:
. . . .The program is scheduled to start next fall in classes taught by
Relay Graduate School of Education, a New York nonprofit organization that
offers master’s degrees to meet “today’s urgent demand for effective
teachers,” according to its website.
Relay was founded by a group of charter schools and is funded by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation and Carnegie Corp. and others. Neither The New
Teacher Project nor Relay would respond to a reporter’s questions. . . .
Well, that's part of the story. Per usual, Gates' reporter on the scene,
Jane... more »
Stony Run Farm garden year 2014
Our worst garden year ever -- drought played a part, despite our throwing a
lot of well water into the breach, and old age -- I can't weed like once
did, and throwing mulch around takes some oomph too -- but a decent fruit
year. All the canning jars are in use. So, gratitude. __()__
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 15, 2014
*Obama Faces Growing Pressure To Escalate In Iraq And Syria -- David
Ignatius, Washington Post*
As fighters from the Islamic State surge in Iraq toward control of Anbar
province in the west and the town of Kobane on the Syrian border , U.S.
commanders and diplomats are signaling that the United States must expand
its military operations before the extremists control even more territory.
“Too few and too slow,” is the way one official characterizes efforts so
far. Supporters of an expanded American role appear to include Secretary of
State John F. Kerry and Gen. Martin Dempsey, cha... more »
New Report Exposes Mexico's Dirty War
of students massacred by police as they were coming from Iguala to
collect funds.
By Frontera NorteSur
Censored NewsNew Report Exposes Mexican Dirty WarAfter more than two
years of painstaking work, a revealing report on the Mexican
government’s dirty war against opponents in the state of Guerrero
decades ago will be delivered Wed. Oct, 15, 2014, even as new human
rights and political
stephen harper Surprises Me
I've long held that stephen harper is a psychopath. The only thing he
really cares about is himself. (he doesn't know why.) I also happen to
think he's a very shallow and superficial man. As a young man in Ontario,
he was a Liberal. The callow youth then heads off to Calgary to study
economics, and (wonder of wonders!) becomes a right-wing extremist.
It's no doubt that harper's mind has calcified and is therefore not going
to be as easily molded as it was when he was a youngster. Were he to be
immersed in the culture of some British Columbia hippy commune, he would
become, first, a ... more »
Peace Walk Truckin into Lewiston
We arrived in Lewiston about 4:30 pm today - a hard 18 miles. The first
half was through the rural rolling hills and was lovely walking. Many
truckers flying by waved or blasted their horns. It seemed like today we
had more responses from truckers than usual. The last half of the walk was
city with much traffic, noise, impatient drivers and all that goes with
it. A man on a motorcyle had an accident right by us at one point and
seemed to have been quite injured. A traffic jam caused many cars to stop
and he tried to change lanes and clipped another car and then crashed onto
... more »
New Pesticide for GM Crops Approved for Market Despite Public Outcry
*Heather Callaghan* - Despite the efforts of citizens and activists, Enlist
Duo, a new GM pesticide has been approved by the EPA and is heading to
The post New Pesticide for GM Crops Approved for Market Despite Public
Outcry appeared first on Waking Times.
Supplemental: Jay Leno and the average person!
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014An instructive profile:* Long ago, in October
1986, we spent a few hours with Jay Leno.
We were performing with two friends at the Comic Strip in Fort Lauderdale.
At the time, Jay was the king of the comedy clubs. He was in town for one
of his first comedy concerts, in a small Fort Lauderdale venue.
Our friends were also friends with Jay. We trouped over to his hotel when
our late show was over and spent a few hours talking.
According to Nexis, the date in question was 10/25/85. Possibly 10/26.
Starting in 1982, we spent a lot of time talking to a lot o... more »
“Avoid , remedy or mitigate”

As minister in charge of housing, building and National’s Resource
Management Act, Nick Smith can really do whatever he likes to fix the
hosing affordability crisis.
Now he has his feet under the cabinet table again, he says that as a matter
of urgency he will be amending the Resource Management Act to “address” the
housing affordability issue.
Nick Smith was in charge of the Resource Management before, back in the
nineties, for around three years. He did nothing. He told me it was “a
wonderful piece of legislation,” bequeathing it to a generation (upon his
then departure) as th... more »
The Worst Of The Worst-- Next Year's Most Horrible Members Of Congress

Without Steve Israel's incompetence, Glenn Grothman wouldn't be on his way
to becoming a Member of Congress
There are some close House races that may not be decided until 3 weeks from
today. But the vast majority of the 435 elections have already been
decided. Because of gerrymandering, some districts are so red or so blue
that the incumbents don’t have electoral opponents. Of Texas’ 36 seats,
there are no Democrats running against right-wing extremists Sam Johnson
(TX-03), John Ratcliffe (the TX-04 open seat), Jeb Hensarling (TX-05),
Kevin Brady (TX-08), Mike Conaway (TX-11), and La... more »
What Could U.S. Combat Troops Do In Iraq And Syria?

Soldiers with the 101st Airborne Division run to UH-60 Blackhawk
helicopters after conducting a search for weapons caches in Albu Issa,
Iraq. DoD photo by Spc. Luke Thornberry
*What Could US Boots On The Ground Do In Iraq And Syria? -- Brian Jenkins,
Defense One*
“These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do. One of
these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.” Nancy Sinatra’s 1966
hit song, “These Boots Are Made for Walking,” became wildly popular with
GIs during the Vietnam War, where the lyrics took on a more bellicose
In discussions of Am... more »
How Big Is The Islamic State 'Coalition'?

Militant Islamist fighters parade on military vehicles along the streets of
northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014. (Reuters)
*ISIS Has a Bigger Coalition Than We Do -- Michael Daly, Daily Beast*
In the ’30s, Spain attracted the world’s romantic idealists. Now the
‘caliphate’ is drawing psychopathic losers from countless countries—and
they’ll risk all to feel like winners.
As President Obama met Tuesday with the defense ministers of 21 nations to
strategize against ISIS, the terror state in the making extended its murder
spree with jihadis from that many countries and more.
The sam... more »
UKIP, Symbolism, and Image
This tweet by Ellie Mae O'Hagan planted a seed. Strip away the populist
politics for a moment, what is it that UKIP's chosen symbol - the pound
sign - says about their party? Or, to be more accurate, what is it about
the logo that resonates. What about Nigel Farage. Is his appeal solely down
to his cigarette quaffing, pint-smoking persona? Let's play with the signs
that feature prominently in kipper material and prise them apart like so
much mouldy pulled pork. What does it say about message and audience?
The first thing, perhaps what one might be tempted to overlook are the
party ... more »
Arabic speaker required to translate a Yusuf Islam track
Tonight's BBC Radio 4 Front Row interview with Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat
Stevens, was the sort of gushy interview that one would expect from the BBC
when faced with an anti Imperialist Muslim 'artist'.
But one part struck me as rather odd. The interviewer, Samira Ahmed, asked
about his reworking of "You are my sunshine", and made reference to the
Arabic added in his version of this 'all American folk-song'.
Yusuf Islam says about his Malian group "They tried to mirror the words,
you know, "You are my sunshine" but they did it in a slightly more personal
way." Then Samira Ahmed m... more »
10+ Signs of Love~Love Quest~Day 3

This switch to Agape will not just happen. Well, it *is happening* within
us, yet what is meant by that first statement is this: It will take
conscious effort to convince you of it.
This earth life is mesmerizing. Our days are filled with stimulation on all
fronts; each vying for our attention. Within these “business as usual”
moments you'll feel moments of love. You'll have to look for them.
While the news media screams at you to “Be afraid, be very afraid”, Agape
whispers - “just love”. Listen.
As a species, we learn by association. These “Agape Moments” are new. They
stand al... more »
Supplemental: The truth about our American schools!
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014And about our non-journalism:* As we mentioned
yesterday, Libby Nelson’s recent report at Vox is one of the worst reports
we’ve ever read.
We aren’t entirely sure whose fault that is. Nelson transcribed an
interview with Jack Schneider, an assistant professor of education at Holy
Their conversation “has been edited slightly for clarity and length.” For
that reason, we can’t necessarily pinpoint the blame for what is a
god-awful discussion of American schools.
Did Schneider really say those things? Or did Nelson perhaps omit some of
the things... more »
Was Daesh (aka ISIL) a psychop™ ...?
My tweeted response to that sincere yet naive statement was that it could
also be vile thuggery and violence tactically branded with religious
symbols to appeal to a demographic.
Or later, when @jamynott suggested that it might also be a psyop, I agreed
and refined the term, noting that given its brutal propaganda strategy, it
should be dubbed a psychop™: a shortened version of *psychotic* operations,
thereby highlighting the word 'chop' found therein ...
Some useful reading with regard to Daesh - how I prefer to call this horde
of murderous, rapacious, greedy, patriarchal thugs. ... more »
Watch The Legend of Hercules Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*The Legend of Hercules (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 4.2
Release : 10 Jan 2014
Duration : 99 min
Genre : Action, Adventure
Director : Renny Harlin
Writer : Sean Hood, Daniel Giat, Renny Harlin, Giulio Steve
Cast : Kellan Lutz, Gaia Weiss, Scott Adkins, Roxanne McKee
Synopsis The Legend of HerculesIn Ancient Greece 1200 B.C., a queen
succumbs to the lust of Zeus to bear a son promised to overthrow the
tyrannical rule of the king and restore peace to a land in hardship. But
this prince, Hercules, knows nothing of his real identity or his destiny.
He desires only one th... more »
Watch Tusk Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Tusk (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 6.7
Release : 19 Sep 2014
Duration : 102 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Horror
Director : Kevin Smith
Writer : Kevin Smith
Cast : Michael Parks, Justin Long, Genesis Rodriguez, Haley Joel Osment
Synopsis TuskWhen podcaster Wallace Bryton goes missing in the backwoods of
Manitoba while interviewing a mysterious seafarer named Howard Howe, his
best friend Teddy and girlfriend Allison team with an ex-cop to look for
Description TuskOur spacious and extensive Designer premises house several
display islands, each containing piping-hot Tradi... more »
Map: A Look At The Areas Under Islamic State Control

Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in
Syria and Iraq. France 24
*Map: Areas Under IS Group Control In Iraq And Syria -- France 24*
In the past few months, the jihadists of the Islamic State group (IS) have
seized swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria. Click on the map below to
find out which areas are under IS control.
Since their successful offensive in Iraq mid-June, IS fighters have set up
camp in large parts of northeastern Syria, the neighbouring war-torn
nation. All the while, they have battled Kurdish militias (YPG), anti-Assad
rebels – ... more »
Musical Interlude: Enya, "Cursum Perficio"
Enya, "Cursum Perficio"
"Cursum Perficio" Lyrics:
“Cursum perficio.
Verbum sapienti:
Quo plus habent,
Eo plus cupiunt.
Post nubila, Phoebus
“I finish the course.
A word to the wise:
The more people have,
The more they want.
After the clouds, Phoebus.”
Deprogramming Can Change Humanity’s Course

*Video - *Max Igan questions where humanity is heading and what will happen
to our freedoms if we don't pay attention.
The post Deprogramming Can Change Humanity’s Course appeared first on Waking
World News Briefs -- October 15, 2014

Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Kobani, seen from near the Mursitpinar
border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of
Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 14, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Umit Bektas
*U.S.-Led Air Strikes Intensify As Syria Conflict Destabilizes Turkey --
(Reuters) - American-led forces have sharply intensified air strikes in the
past two days against Islamic State fighters threatening Kurds on Syria's
Turkish border after the jihadists' advance began to destabilize Turkey.
The coalition had conducted 21 attacks on the militants near ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 15, 2014

President Barack Obama meets with U.S. military leaders and representatives
from 21 foreign nations to discuss strategy employed against Islamic State
of Iraq and the Levant terrorists during a conference at Joint Base
Andrews, Md., Oct 14, 2014. DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen
*Anti-ISIS Military Operation Now Has A Name — Inherent Resolve -- The Hill*
The U.S.-led military mission against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
(ISIS) now has a name, the Pentagon announced Wednesday: Operation Inherent
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey announced the name on CNN, ending... more »
Lockheed Martin promises fusion plants by 2024
Just in the last week, three self-confident reports on progress in fusion
were published – and be sure that I don't count the new "independent test"
of Rossi's cold fusion miracle.
What I do count is the dynomak, the Z-machine improvement, and... a today's
intriguing announcement by a major aerospace and defense company:
Lockheed Martin Pursuing Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor Concept (press
...Google News...
We're told that they bet that their compact nuclear fusion reactor (CFR) –
see the diagram above – will power the mankind within ten y... more »
And the Cuso volunteers ride off in search of new adventures in Nicaragua....
Almost seven months have slipped by since my partner Paul and I
returned to B.C. from our two-plus years in Honduras. That should have been
enough time to do all the things that I thought were important when we were
planning our return - enough time to see all the people I wanted to see and
jam in loads of family time.
Yet Oct. 25 approaches, the date of our departure for our next Cuso
International stint in Managua, Nicaragua. And I never did tick off
everything on that to-do list. There are numerous friends I still haven’t
seen. Walks I didn't go on. Favourite foods I d... more »
Dr Jean-Claude Worms of the European Science Foundation Threatens Critics of ESF Policy: He Should Resign or Be Sacked - Effective Immediately.
Obviously the European basic science funding flagship, the European Science
Foundation (ESF) is in a sorry state if anything even akin to this can
happen. I have the story from my math colleague here in Gothenburg, Olle
Häggström's blog, and he refers further to *Retraction Watch*.
In short, astrophysicist Amaya Moro-Martin published an opinion piece in
*Nature*, criticising current European and EU science policies (in
particular funding cuts), among many other things mentioning the ESF as an
peripheral actor in the dismantling of Portuguese science institutions:
There are too ma... more »
*Can Saints Coach Sean Payton Find His "Mojo" in Motown? ~Barry Hirstius,
Who Dat Dish*
*Oil & Water Documentary examines impact of BP spill on Cajun culture ~Phil
McCausland *
White House Wants NATO To Help In The Retraining Of The Iraqi Military

Iraqi soldiers take part in a shooting training course supervised by the
U.S. army at a military base in Nassiriya, 300 km (185 miles) southeast of
Baghdad, February 19, 2011. Picture taken February 19, 2011. Credit:
Reuters/Atef Hassan
*Exclusive: Washington Wants NATO To Help Retrain The Iraqi Military --
Gopal Ratnam, Foreign Policy*
With the Islamic State pulling ever closer to Baghdad, the Obama
administration believes rebuilding the shattered Iraqi military could
require up to 1,000 foreign trainers from the United States and its top
European allies.
The difficult and dang... more »
Disabled Labour delegate asked to move to make way for party's 'bright young things'
The caring side of the Labour Party on show...
' A disabled Labour Party member claims she and others were ejected from
their reserved seats in order to make room for "bright young things" at the
party's conference in Manchester on Tuesday.
Bernadette Horton, a 47-year-old Labour Party member who cannot walk
without crutches, fell over after conference organisers made her and two
other partially disabled individuals move from their reserved seats.
Ms Horton, who has been a Labour Party member for three years, said: "The
way we were treated by a party that sets itself up for the m... more »
How Bonnie Watson Coleman Overcame The Odds And Won Her Primary Using Microtargeting

Bonnie Watson Coleman and Alan Grayson
Barbara Buono, the stalwart progressive who took on Chris Christie— and the
corrupt New Jersey Democratic Machine— introduced me to Bonnie
Watson-Coleman, a stalwart, principled and courageous legislator who stood
strong for Barbara when other Democrats were hiding under their desks,
afraid of Christie and afraid of the slimy Democratic bosses. I met Bonnie
at an Alan Grayson rally in New York and Blue America endorsed her and
helped her raise some money. After she overcame consider odds against a the
“other” kind of Democrat, one who wouldn’t h... more »
Pentagon: Islamic State Has ‘Tactical Momentum’ But The Coalition Has The 'Strategic Momentum'

Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Kobani, seen from near the Mursitpinar
border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of
Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 15, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Kai
*Military Chiefs: ISIL Has ‘Tactical Momentum’ -- Politico*
The terrorists of the Islamic State have “tactical momentum on several
fronts,” but the U.S. and its allies believe they have “strategic
momentum,” the nations’ defense chiefs agreed Tuesday.
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and 21 of his senior counterparts
from the coalition fighting the I... more »
The Best Way to Help Your Body Protect Itself Against Ebola or Other Viruses and Bacteria
*Derek Henry* - The best ways to support your immune system and strengthen
your natural defenses against Ebola and other viruses or bacteria...
The post The Best Way to Help Your Body Protect Itself Against Ebola or
Other Viruses and Bacteria appeared first on Waking Times.
As The Islamic State Continues To Win On The Battlefield, Is The Coalition Starting To Panic?

A U.S.-led coalition aircraft flying over Kobanii, as seen from near the
Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the
southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 15, 2014.
REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
*Coalition In Urgent Push As Jihadis Threaten Key Positions In Iraq, Syria
-- The Australian/AP/AFP*
THE US-led coalition bombarded Islamic State targets in the Syrian town of
Kobane overnight and Washington put plans into place to send an army
headquarters to Iraq in an increasingly urgent push to defeat the militants
on two crucial fronts.
As the jihadis... more »
THE WAY WE ARGUE: Ben Affleck just kept repeating his script!
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014Part 3—Fundamentalists, here and abroad:* The
bombs were dropping, thick and fast, on the October 3 Real Time with Bill
For yesterday’s post, click here.
Maher and Sam Harris were trying to lodge some sort of complaint about
liberals’ reaction, or lack of same, to “illiberal” behavior and belief in
the Muslim world.
Before they’d spoken for two minutes, the bombs had started to fall.
In the course of a ten-minute segment, Maher and Harris were compared to
white racists on two or three occasions. They were also compared to the
ugliest kind of h... more »
The U.S. And Its Middle Eastern Allies Do Not See 'Eye-To-Eye' On How To Combat The Islamic State
*The US Remains Focused On IS In Syria And Iraq. Local 'Allies?' Not So
Much. -- Dan Murphy, CSM*
It's hard to put together a successful coalition when the partners don't
agree on priorities and objectives.
An American acquaintance of mine who lives and works in Kabul calls
Afghanistan "the graveyard of common sense." But the welter of priorities,
contradictions, and claims emanating from the anti-Islamic State coalition
the US is trying to lead is already giving the Hindu Khush conflict a run
for its money when it comes to head-scratchers.
One of the central difficulties is illu... more »
US Holocaust Museum displays Qatar PR Campaign Presenting Aspersion as Fact
* This is not the post I had wanted to do today. **Sadly the lying war
mongering media forced my hand! A Qatar PR firm created psyop, bolstered
by a show at the US Holocaust museum,** is still equivalent to putting
lipstick on a pig! *
*"Images of emaciated and mangled bodies from recent history in Syria are
going on public display for the first time Wednesday at the U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum"*
[image: Bartolo Colon] *As I said yesterday...*
PennyOctober 14, 2014 at 3:40 AM
NO! What garbage. Those photos don't prove anything. I have done two posts
or more on "Caesar" and his... more »
Editor's Note
Was stuck in meetings this morning .... so I am behind in my blogging. Rest
assure .... Military And Intelligence News Briefs and World News Briefs
will be posted within an hour.
Something Happened in Miami
Giant traffict incident...Lots of cops ambulances....
Air trafict over miami stopped or diverted...
Homestead, oppalocka and miami airport traffict stopped or diverted... 1
hour and going
Update from Miami....No airplanes taking off from Oppalock airport since 10
this morning something big really big is going on...
Seed Newsvine
U.S. Public Starting To Support Having 'Boots On The Ground' In The War Against The Islamic State

*Increasing Number Of Americans Back 'Boots On The Ground' Against IS: Poll
-- i24 News*
Jihadists make gains in Syria's Kobane, Iraqi town close to Baghdad as
Washington warns of long fight
A rising number of Americans think the battle against the Islamic State
group should broaden to include US ground troops, according to a poll
published Wednesday
Forty-one percent of those surveyed believe the fight should include both
airstrikes and ground troops, up from 34% in September, according to the
NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll.
A total of 35% back just airstrikes against the mil... more »
What if Money Was No Object?
*Video* - Philosopher Alan Watts reminds us that life is invaluable. What
would you with yours if money was no object?
The post What if Money Was No Object? appeared first on Waking Times.
What is the price to be better, cause if we wanted we could pay it today
we have reached a point where even the best poll
can not hold up the tent
when non reality collapses
it is better than the real thing
because an imaginary hurt
is not going to change
Life today is so radical
yet when the princess
appears on the pages
of the Daily Mail
billons of people prey
for her child
are we silly or
Today we got all
these really smart
people capable of
solving everything
but with a cost
a cost the powers that be
say is not worthwhile
speaking through
their mouthpiece
for you and me.
I used to wonder
about the future
but to my surprise
I am glad to b... more »
Fotografías de mascotas, perros, gatos, becerros y caballos.

Si a usted como a mi le gustan las mascotas de cualquier especie, creo que
la *colección de fotos que MaryJ_G1 tiene en su página de Flickr*, le va a
encantar. Se trata de una serie de *imágenes de perros, gatos, becerros y
caballos en su hábitat natural*. Esta colección de *fotografías* incluyen *hermosos
paisajes naturales* y un claro ejemplo de la *vida rural*. Si usted se
siente atraído por este tipo de fotografías, puede usted hacer click aquí
para ver su colección completa. No está de mas recordarle a usted que uno
de nuestros grandes objetivos es promover el trabajo artístico... more »
President Obama Meets With The Top Military Commanders From 21 Countries Allied With The U.S. In The War Against The Islamic State

President Barack Obama, center, meets with Secretary of Defense Chuck
Hagel, left, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Army Gen. Martin E.
Dempsey, right, and combatant commanders Oct. 8 at the Pentagon. (Glenn
Fawcett / DoD)
*No 'Quick Fixes' In Battle With Islamic State, Obama Says -- L.A. Times*
Amid growing signs of the limits of the U.S.-led air campaign against
Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, President Obama appealed for the
public's patience Tuesday as he met with more than 20 defense chiefs of
nations he enlisted in the struggling campaign.
Speaking to re... more »
Which Foods Are Irradiated and Sterilized For Claims of Safety?
*Marco Torres* - Did you know that many of the foods we consider to be
natural and healthy have been irradiated, robbing them of nutritional
The post Which Foods Are Irradiated and Sterilized For Claims of Safety?
appeared first on Waking Times.
Head Section Leader in Ec 10
Love teaching introductory economics? Want to live in the Boston area?
Well, then, I have a job for you.
Update On Security In Iraq’s Anbar Province
Since the Islamic State’s (IS) gains in central Anbar at the beginning of
October 2014 it has continued its campaign to take the entire province. It
has seized another army base, several small towns, and is now assaulting
Ramadi, Haditha, Baghdadi, which is the home to several major Iraqi
Security Forces bases, and a couple other areas. The Iraqi Security Forces
(ISF) and allied tribes are fighting back, but they find themselves outside
looking in on many of Anbar’s urban centers.
After the fall of Hit in western Anbar it looked like the Iraqi Security
Forces were collapsing acro... more »
Report: Islamic State Using Chemical Weapons

Mangled and rusted chemical munition shells found near the Muthanna
chemical weapons complex. CIA
*Saddam-Era Chemical Weapons Now Under ISIS Control: Reports -- IBTimes*
According to a recent report published in the journal Middle East Review of
International Affairs, or MERIA, militants of the Islamic State group used
chemical weapons, including mustard gas, against Kurdish fighters in the
Syrian border town of Kobani during their first attempt to capture the town
in July.
The report, which is based on testimonies from eyewitnesses on the ground,
said that the chemical weapons h... more »
MI-06-- Lawrence Lessig Steps Into The Breach Left By An Incompetent DCCC

The most likely House seat in Michigan to go from Red to Blue is the 6th
district in the southwest corner of the state, Fred Upton’s district. *The
PVI is R+1*. Obama won the district against McCain 184,186 (53%) to 156,835
(45%) in 2008. Senator Debbie Stabenow won the district. Senator Carl Levin
won the district. Today polling shows that Democratic senatorial candidate
Gary Peters is beating GOP nut job Terri Lynn Land in MI-06 by double
digits. Another poll— this one commissioned by MoveOn from PPP— showed
voters in the district eager to get rid of Upton… and by a *very* wide ... more »
Business 360 19: Investments and Inequality in Asia

* This is my article for this business magazine in Kathmandu, Nepal,
October 2014 issue.
Accumulated savings become investments. And these in turn expand economic
output and create new jobs, or expand the productivity of those who
already have jobs. Such is the beauty of continued investments and savings
In many recent social literatures though, including those coming from the
multilateral institutions and foreign aid bodies, there is growing
disapproval if not outright contempt, of rising inequality within and
among nations as they grow faster, as they ... more »
Pentagon Kept Secret The Discovery Of 5,000 Chemical Warheads And Shells In Iraq. On At Least Six Occasions 17 U.S. Soldiers Were Injured Handling These Weapons
*US Troops DID Find Chemical Weapons In Iraq - But Pentagon Kept It Secret:
Discovery Of 5,000 Warheads And Shells 'Was Hushed Up Because They Were Not
Weapons Of Mass Destruction' -- Daily Mail*
* An estimated 5,000 chemical weapons were found in Iraq between 2004 and
2011, it has been revealed
* Pentagon chose not to release the information to the general public for
several embarrassing reasons
* The weapons did not meet George W. Bush's rationale that Saddam Hussein
had a program of 'mass destruction'
* Most had been developed by Saddam's forces during the 1980s and had been
bui... more »
I want to be lead
So does everyone. We want to follow someone who knows better than us.
The problem is no one knows better. We need to acknowledge that our leaders
are just facilitators, and we should elect people based upon that. How can
goverment keep the people safe, encourage invocation and stay out of your
Some people like to control others. I would say this is a defect. Lets
screen that trait out of politics as a law.
Diseased Politics
Only in the fevered little minds of the corporate media could a small but
scary domestic outbreak of Ebola be trumpeted as an "October surprise."
It's not so much that this disease is killing thousands of people in
Africa, or that stupid cuts in basic domestic public health programs have
exposed the most expensive health care system in the entire world as a
gigantic slab of Swiss cheese. *It's how Ebola will affect the
congressional mid-terms*.
From *The Hill*:
*The mounting anxiety has made politicians extra attentive to Ebola, with
candidates seizing on the spread of the virus t... more »
Networking “Toxic Remnants of War” on the Disarmament Agenda
With the United Nations First Committee on Disarmament and International
Security convening in New York this month, one point of debate will be the
potential health risks of depleted uranium weapons in post-conflict zones.
And rightly so: depleted uranium is a byproduct of nuclear enrichment
processes used in armor-piercing incendiary projectiles to penetrate tanks,
and correspondingly to
Continue reading
Freeze your eggs and sperm!

This is a modern response to an age old biology. Good DNA has an expiry
The best DNA is in teenagers. In a world full of problems what a solution.
All be it a little Aldus Huxley. At puberty every citizen is harvested for
eggs and sperm. Some of this life will be personal, others will belong to
the goverment. Yes the goverment will use eggs and sperm to create super
citizens. Some would say this is a slippery slope to genetic manipulation.
No its natural selection on steroids.
These super kinder will be raised by super nannies, like Enders Game. If we
want to be competitive... more »
The Vatican says No Mas
They surrender to family planning, Gay people and divorce. Wow!
Hope for the world.
President Obama And The Photo-op
*White House Aims To Show Obama At Work -- Kevin Liptak, CNN White House
Washington (CNN) -- He may not be zipping into a flight suit on the deck of
an aircraft carrier, but President Barack Obama is embracing the set pieces
of a commander at war weeks into his campaign against Islamic terrorists in
Syria and Iraq.
His advisers have similarly been keen to demonstrate his grasp of the
global Ebola crisis, orchestrating two photo-ops in 24 hours — on a Sunday
and a federal holiday — that showed Obama consulting with health officials
about the outbreak.
Neither instance f... more »
President Ribbon Cutter deals with second hospital worker to get Ebola...
*by going to fund raisers.*
*Odumbo's Schedule for Wed. Oct. 15 *
*10:00 am || *Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
*11:00 am || *Participates in a video conference with his British, French,
German, and Italian counterparts; The Situation Room
*3:05 pm || *Departs White House
*4:10 pm || *Arrives Newark, New Jersey
*5:00 pm || *Appears at a fundraiser for Senate Democrats; Union, New Jersey
*6:05 pm || *Departs Newark
*6:40 pm || *Arrives Bridgeport, Connecticut
*8:05 pm || *Delivers remarks at a campaign rally with Connecticut
Democrats featuring Governor Dan Malloy; Central High ... more »
Why is Oil Crashing?

First supply has been well ahead of demand for years. So its been a game of
musical chairs for some time. The straw the broke the camels back was the
Saudi decision to let the chips fall where they may. They hoping it breaks
Russia's back. Overall its the invisible hand giving the masters of the
universe the finger.
*Teacher Indoctrination*
Students at several Jefferson County, Colorado, high schools walked out to
protest the school board's recently proposed curriculum review committee
that seeks to promote patriotism, respect for authority, free enterprise,
plus the positive aspects of U.S. history.
The teachers union, whose members forced two high schools to close by
calling in sick, is against the implementation of performance-based pay.
The union has encouraged and applauded student protests against what it's
calling academic censorship.
The average parent and taxpayer has little idea of... more »
*Those moving goalposts again*
Warmists are good at moving the goalposts. Catastrophe (runaway warming)
was once slated to strike once atmospheric CO2 levels reached 400 ppm. We
are now there with NO change in the temperature. So do they say "Sorry. We
were wrong"? No way. They are just more vague about when warming will
strike. And there were LOTS of bad things that were supposed to happen by
2014 which have not happened. Still no sign of penitence. They just don't
name dates much anymore.
So rather a lot of laughs in the report below. The authors claim to have
shown that... more »
A good popular text on gravitons and its limitations
In recent 24 hours, I saw a couple of news reports and popular articles
about particle physics that were at least fine. For example, Physics World
wrote about an experiment looking for WISP dark matter (it's like WIMP but
"massive" is replaced by "sub-eV", and axions are the most famous WISPs). The
Wall Street Journal wrote something about the RHIC experiment –
unfortunately, the text only attracted one comment. The lack of interest in
such situations is mostly due to the missing "controversy" and thanks to
the technical character of the information.
But I want to mention a text by ... more »
Steve And Bashar

Paul Adams writes that Stephen Harper is now Bashar Assad's newest ally.
The coalition he has joined strengthens Assad's hand:
- Most obviously, it strikes directly at the most potent rebel force
that rose up in opposition to his regime — the one that has acquired the
most territory and has the strongest fighting force.
- By targeting Islamic State, it allows Assad to divert military
resources to fight other rebel groups, including the al-Qaida linked
Al-Nusra Front and the so-called ‘moder... more »
Text from YouTube below:
*Published on Oct 12, 2014*
please "like" and share if you think the world should know. thanks!
"They say that mathematics is the language of God.... but until now, nobody
has been speaking God's language" - Marko Rodin
Vortex Based Mathematics, THE SOURCE of the non decaying spin of the
electron. Harnessing the energy of the universe and mapping it in three
dimensional space.
*"If you only KNEW the MAGNIFICENCE of the 3, 6, and 9, you would hold a
key to the universe...."* - Nikola Tesla..... WELL NOW WE HOLD THAT KEY!!
This summarizes all 3 of Randy Pow... more »
ZEROHEDGE: On The Precipice Of A Breakdown In Confidence

On The Precipice Of A Breakdown In Confidence
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2014 20:01 -0400
*Submitted by Ben Hunt via Salient Partners' Epsilon Theory blog,*
*People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.*
*- Bill Watterson, “Calvin And Hobbes”*
Here is the most fundamental idea behind game theory, the one concept you
MUST understand to be an effective game player. Ready?
*You are not a super genius, and we are not idiots.* The people you are
playing with... more »
ZEROHEDGE: Crude Oil Prices Crashing....

Crude Crashing: Brent Is Most. Oversold. EVER
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2014 20:00 -0400
Yesterday we lamented the ridiculously oversold levels in West Texas
Intermediate, which as BofA calculated, has hit "oversold" levels for only
the third time in six years. We assumed that this could be the basis for a
short-term rebound. We were wrong, because we clearly had no idea just how
determined the Saudis are to crush Putin into the ground courtesy of
plunging oil ... more »
Canadian carbon bubble
Carney, present Bank of England governor, former Bank of Canada
governor thinks we're in a fossil energy price bubble. If the world
reaches a global climate deal, fossil fuel reserves are "unburnable" and
therefore pretty much valueless. Indeed, divestment is already fast
catching on.If this happens, the Tar Sands, Canada's single economic
bet, becomes nothing more than icky oily sand of use
The people we meet on the journey...

*By American Kabuki*
*A reader sent me this last night. I've met many amazing people in the
last year who have come and gone on to their own amazing journeys... -AK*
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime to fulfill
a purpose/a need. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because
your turn has come to share something(s), to grow or learn for the next
step in your life plan that you must fulfill. They bring you an
experience(s) of peace or make you laugh.They may teach you something(s)
you need to know or have never done. They usually give you an... more »
Giveaway: $300 Paypal Cash
The Giveaways for this week are just heating up. This week Alli from Cupcake
Diaries is turning 30. And to celebrate, I’m teaming up with her and some
of my other blogger friends to give away $300 PayPal cash! [image: $300
PayPal Cash Giveaway] I’m so excited about this giveaway!! There's nothing
quite like getting free cash. And just in time for holiday shopping! Check
out the amazing group of bloggers participating in this giveaway! I’m so
excited to be collaborating with such a fun group of ladies. You will love
their blogs! [image: PayPal Giveaway Logos] Cupcake Diaries - Homemad... more »
Giveaway: Graco Playard

We absolutely love our Playard! It is one of my must haves for a new baby.
Enter to win one of your own below!
Welcome to the Graco Playard with Nuzzle Nest Sway Seat giveaway, sponsored
by Gracoand hosted by Thrifty Nifty Mommy and Viva Veltoro.
The Graco Pack 'n Play Playard with Nuzzle Nest Sway Seat is the first
playard that offers motion to keep your precious little one content. The
cozy seat sways, vibrates and rocks for endless hours of relaxation and
entertainment for baby. The portable seat can be used both in and out of
the playard, for soothing in any room. It's a comple... more »
Vaccines: Penalizing the Unvaccinated?
*October 15, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - LocalOrg) - Slate has
enthusiastically supported vaccinations and in particular, establishment
talking points and narratives regarding them, as well as a particular focus
on dismembering mainstream anti-vaccine views. In a recent article titled, "Endangering
the Herd," Slate argues that those refusing to receive vaccines should be
penalized, and the act of refusing to be vaccinated be criminalized.
The article would claim:
* Parents who don’t vaccinate their kids may have the most heartfelt reason
in the world: fear for their own children’s saf... more »
Obama, Malala and the Militants America Put into Power

*October 15, 2014 *(Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - It would seem only natural that
the presumed arbiters of the world would see their greetings and
congratulations as the natural pinnacle of success for any they deem a
global hero. And such is the case of now Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala
Yousafzai who has been given an audience with US President Barack Obama
(also a Nobel Peace Prize recipient) to be congratulated on for having
"inspired people around the world with her determined efforts for girls'
right to education."
Malala Yousafzai was thrust into headlines when she was attacked... more »
The First U.S. Air Force One (Video)
*Hat Tip:* Theo Spark
Education Post’s Selective Concern with “Belittling”
There’s a new blog in town, and it is fortified by millions in
corporate-reformer cash in order to spread the message that “the reforms
are working.” It’s called Education Post. I first wrote about it in this
September 3, 2014, post. EdPost is keen on US Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan. (More discussion on that point in in this September […]
How Close Is 1984 Today?
When I think back to high school and recall the books I read that have had
the most impact on my thinking since then, certainly the dystopian novels
*1984* (1949) by George Orwell and *Brave New World* (1932) by Aldous
Huxley ranked high among them. Our world must never turn into the world’s
created by Huxley and Orwell. This afternoon we looked at a reason to cast
a vote to reelect Colorado Senator Mark Udall based on his role in
preventing *1984* encroachment by the CIA and the rest of the U.S.
Military-Industrial-Intellegence Complex on our society and our democracy.
Will Colo... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Monitors

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Is President Obama Facing A Pentagon Backlash?

President Barack Obama meets with Gen. Raymond Odierno, Commanding General,
United States Forces-Iraq, in the Oval Office, June 2, 2010. (Official
White House Photo by Pete Souza)
*Pentagon Backlash: Why Are Top Military Leaders Attacking Obama’s Foreign
Policy? -- Husna Haq, Christian Science Monitor*
*Gen. Ray Odierno, the US Army Chief of Staff, is the latest Pentagon
official to criticize President Obama's foreign policy. Is that unusual? *
On Tuesday, Gen. Ray Odierno, the US Army Chief of Staff, publicly
questioned President Obama’s plan to reduce the size of America’s
groun... more »
Ukraine / Russia situation ( October 14 , 2014 ) - As West not successful in persuading russia from backing off ( Syria , Iran , Ukraine ) , brent being crushed to try to break Russian will ? Meanwhile in Kiev. rumbling beginning .......
Published October 14, 2014 by VineyardSaker
Two important sources of statistical data
Dear friends,
I want to share with you two very interesting articles.
The first one was originally posted in the Oceania Saker Blog. Written by
Alexander Latsa, a Russian analyst, and entitled “Russian Demographics:
Winter or Spring, depending on whether the analysis comes from the West or
from Russia itself“, it takes a close look into the topic of Russian
The second one was posted on the website No Bread and Circuses for You.
Written by NoBC4U, a person with first hand knowledge of t... more »
The Great Game Updates - October 10 , 2014 ( Connecting Dots - Russia , Oil , China , BRICS , SCO , De-Dollarization , GCC appeasement , Syria / Iraq Regional War impact , Ukraine payback )
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Cause and Effect.....
"De-Dollarizing" Russia Pays Down Near-Record $53 Billion In Debt In Third
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/10/2014 17:23 -0400
- Lehman
- Reality
- Trade Balance
- Ukraine
in<span id="li_ui_li_gen_1412983575399_0-title" style="background-color:
rgb(236, 236, 236) !important; background-image:
-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(254, 254, 254) 0%, rgb(236, 236, 236)
100%) !important; border-b... more »
Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave
Censored News Begins 9th Year!
3.5 million pageviews, we begin our 9th year!
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
We celebrate the beginning of the ninth year of Censored News!
In 2006, after being censored, then terminated, as a staff writer for
Indian Country Today, I began Censored News to expose what is being
censored, and as a platform for grassroots Indigenous Peoples. It was
launched at the Indigenous Border
Is Israel About To Use It's Natural Gas Reserves To Shape Mideast Relations?

*Israel Sees Gas as Key to Transforming Mideast Relations -- Bloomberg*
After this summer’s war in Gaza battered Israel’s international reputation,
the country’s leaders say they have a new foreign policy tool to build
relations with its neighbors: natural gas.
By the the end of the year, Israel may have binding agreements to sell
billions of dollars of gas to Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.
Preliminary talks are taking place with customers in Turkey, even though
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is among Israel’s fiercest critics. Gas may
even help improve relationships... more »
RIP, Leonard Liggio

Rest in Peace, Prof. Leonard P. Liggio, Executive Vice President of
Academics at Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Washington DC, USA. He
passed away October 14, 2014, he was 81.
I met Leonard first time in April 2004 when Atlas granted me an
international fellowship for one month to the US, along with Ellen Cain of
the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEF). First in Chicago for the Atlas
Liberty Forum, then at the Atlas office in Fairfax, Virginia then. It was
my first exposure to other free market-oriented groups, think tanks and
individuals from many parts of the world.
Atlas... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Valley Of Healing Waters"
2002, "Valley Of Healing Waters"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IWFKmI-3oo
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This sharp cosmic portrait features NGC 891. The spiral galaxy spans about
100 thousand light-years and is seen almost exactly edge-on from our
perspective. In fact, about 30 million light-years distant in the
constellation Andromeda, NGC 891 looks a lot like our Milky Way. At first
glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk and a central bulge cut along
the middle by regions of dark obscuring dust.
*Click image for larger size.*
The combined image data also reveal the galaxy's young blue star clusters
and telltale pinkish star forming regions. And remarkably apparent in NGC
891's e... more »
Chet Raymo, “All Men Have The Stars”
*“All Men Have The Stars”*
by Chet Raymo
"At the end of his big-bang book "The First Three Minutes", physicist
Steven Weinberg famously wrote: "The more the universe seems
comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless." His point is this: We
have discovered in this century that the human species is just one of
billions of species of life on a typical planet near a star that is just
one of a trillion stars in a galaxy among hundreds of billions of galaxies.
It is no longer possible, he implies, to think that the universe was made
for us or that our existence is in any way importa... more »
"The Whole Of Life..."
"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That
is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why
you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for all
that is life."
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
The Giza Pyramids – Unravelling the Mystery
*Robert Carson* - "Egyptologists had come to believe that the pyramids at
Giza had been constructed as mausoleums... they seemed unconcerned that
many of these internal spaces seemed unsuited to the purpose."
The post The Giza Pyramids – Unravelling the Mystery appeared first on Waking
Crude Oil Prices Are Collapsing
*Oil Prices Plunge As Production Rises, Fueling Concern In OPEC --
Washington Post*
The rollercoaster ride of oil prices is speeding downward, carrying with it
bickering members of OPEC, anxious U.S. shale oil producers and a Russia
that relies heavily on petroleum revenues.
With a weak global economy, the customary swing producer of oil — Saudi
Arabia — has cut prices instead of cutting production, setting off a
scramble on world markets. Crude oil prices have tumbled more than 23
percent since June, including a more than 4 percent drop Tuesday. Prices
fell below four-year lows ... more »
Lucid Dreaming: "Silent Lucidity"
"Silent Lucidity"
by Jason Bellows
"There was a time that I could fly. I jutted my right fist into the air,
and launched into the sky. My stomach dropped with the sensation of
breaking gravity’s bond, and the summer air cooled as I reached higher.
When the roads were so far below as to be an indistinct ashen blur, I
halted and curled my legs under me as I was pelted by icy crystals of
clouds, and surveyed all below. There was a moment of idle indecision, but
in the end it mattered not at all. I picked a direction and dove.
The experience was one of my many brushes with Lucid Dreami... more »
Dine' Traditional Harvest Recipes
these popular traditional recipes, most of the Dine' recipes were
collected while I was food editor of Navajo Times Today many years ago.
There's also mesquite and nopalito (cactus pad) recipes from Tohono
O'odham, and others from Sonora. Enjoy! Thanks for reading, Brenda
Dine’ Traditional Harvest Recipes
Article and photo by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Foods for Health
Throwing in the towel on the 2014 campaign, and while we're at it the 2016 campaign as well

*"I get 'The Temple will be rebuilt' and 'The Messiahwill come.' But what
does 'Hillary will run' mean?"*
*by Ken*
Just as I was about to make the official announcement that I'm officially
sick of the 2014 election campaign, along comes *The New Yorker*'s David
Sipress, on his current stint as newyorker.com "Daily Cartoon"-ist, with the
above cartoon, to remind me that I'm actually already officially sick of
the 2016 election campaign. Is this what they mean by early voting?
In case you're wondering, the moment when I decided it was time to pull my
personal plug on the 2014 hoote... more »
Pakistan's Taliban Leaders Pledge Allegiance To The Islamic State

TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid. PHOTO: INP
*Pakistani Taliban Leaders Pledge Allegiance to Islamic State -- Wall
Street Journal*
PESHAWAR, Pakistan—Six senior members of the Pakistani Taliban, including
prominent regional leaders, Tuesday pledged allegiance to the Islamic State
and its head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a potentially explosive rift within
militant circles here that could lead to new violence.
“I pledge allegiance to the Caliph of Muslims…Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” said
the spokesman Shahidullah Shahid. “I will listen to and obey his every
order, even if the situation is... more »
The Daily "Near You?
Pompano Beach, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"What Is Hope?"
*"What Is Hope?"*
by Ruben Alves
"What is hope? It is the pre-sentiment that imagination is more real and
reality is less real than it looks. It is the hunch that the overwhelming
brutality of facts that oppress and repress us is not the last word. It is
the suspicion that reality is more complex than the realists want us to
That the frontiers of the possible are not determined by the limits of the
actual; and in a miraculous and unexplained way, life is opening creative
events which will light the way to freedom and resurrection. But the two —
suffering and hope — must l... more »
Come to the Bard and Banker Thursday for my book launch

It’s been a long time between posts.
Lots of good reasons. We’ve had two weddings in October, two daughters
marrying two great guys. They’ve been fun and inspiring, and a chance to
re-connect with people who matter.
I’ve been doing interesting work for The Tyee, BC Business and Douglas
We - Jody Paterson and I - have been looking ahead to new Cuso
International placements in Nicaragua.
And there has been ‘the book.’ The real title is Dead Ends: BC Crime
Stories, but for a long time, as I laboured away, it was just ‘the book.’
It’s my first, published by the team at the Un... more »
President Obama Acknowledged Setbacks Tuesday In The War Against The Islamic State

*Photo:* Analysts have said it is very important Obama shows that he is
committed to fighting ISIS
*Obama Acknowledges Setbacks In ISIS Fight -- FOX News*
President Obama acknowledged setbacks Tuesday in the war against the
Islamic State, to the backdrop of fierce fighting for control of a Syrian
border town and fresh concerns over Turkey’s cooperation.
The president spoke as he met just outside Washington with military chiefs
from more than 20 nations.
He noted negative developments in the fight against the Islamic State,
saying there will be days of progress but also “periods of... more »
Probability Theory: “Chances Are”
“Chances Are”
by Steven Strogatz
"Have you ever had that anxiety dream where you suddenly realize you have
to take the final exam in some course you’ve never attended? For
professors, it works the other way around — you dream you’re giving a
lecture for a class you know nothing about. That’s what it’s like for me
whenever I teach probability theory. It was never part of my own education,
so having to lecture about it now is scary and fun, in an amusement park,
thrill-house sort of way.
Perhaps the most pulse-quickening topic of all is “conditional probability”
— the probability th... more »
Watch Closer to God Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Closer to God (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.0
Release : 24 Apr 2014
Duration : 81 min
Genre : Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director : Billy Senese
Writer : Billy Senese
Cast : Jeremy Childs, Shelean Newman, Shannon Hoppe, David Alford
Synopsis Closer to GodA genetic scientist successfully clones the first
human being, a baby girl named Elizabeth, but his work is soon threatened
by a dark secret, a secret that threatens to destroy everything and
everyone precious to him.
Description Closer to GodLooking Closer at Left Behind The Movie! October
2, 2014 By Jeffrey Overstree... more »
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