10:38pm MDST
Understanding Cowen Institute’s Botched VAM Effort
We are in an age of so-called “data-driven” education reform. Numbers and
analyses are being worshiped as the end-all, be-all evidence of education
quality. Student standardized test scores are at the center of the majority
of such analyses. Moreover, in order to “drive” the privatization of public
education using quantitative data analysis, corporate-reform-bent
philanthropies and […]
Musical Interlude: Cusco, "Flying Condor"
Cusco, "Flying Condor"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kdIWpSvBSU
Lebanese Christian Villages in the Bekaa Valley Take Up Arms in Anticipation of Terrorist Attacks
*"These villages' men have been stationed in that position for a
while...work during the day, guarding during the night, and a little
sleep." *
*An excerpt from, "Christians in eastern Lebanon prepare for worst" by
Saada Ouloua, Al-Monitor, July 29, 2014: *
"George, a resident of the town of al-Fakha in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley,
takes out a rifle he inherited from his father 20 years after he acquired
it. "I oiled it, then inspected its bullets," he said. He only had nine
bullets, but he bought 200 additional ones and placed them with the rifle
in a cupboard near his bed. "Whoever d... more »
The Far Right Is Rising Again-- In The U.K.

Before Sir Oswald Mosley founded the British Union of Fascists (BUF) in
1932, he had already served in Parliament between 1918 and 1931 first as a
member of the Conservative Party, then as an independent and later as a
member of Labour. Mosley’s fascist party, which was also blatantly
anti-Semitic, had the support of the *Daily Mail* and the *Daily Mirror *.
Mosely was eventually rounded up and thrown in prison and his party
abolished but after the war, fascist parties started up in Britain again,
primarily organized around racism and anti-immigrant extremism. The
National Front a... more »
Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - October - Save Energy, Save Money

to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green
[image: A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints]
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or
of ... more »

Grounding Principle
*Video* – This video demonstrates the powerful principle called grounding
and its relevance in one's daily life.
The post Grounding Principle appeared first on Waking Times.
The New Ebola Scare: Again, Are We Being Played As Suckers? - Report From Ghana Shows Strong Evidence This Ebola Outbreak Is NOT Real!
Yes, the Jew spew media continues to put out daily reports about this
"Ebola Outbreak" in America. Yet there are so many things wrong with these
reports, including how the Center for Disease Control has been both
handling patients and giving factual reports about the disease itself to
the public... I for one have long wondered if this entire "Ebola virus"
outbreak is a massive hoax and if we are all being played as suckers or
being subjected to a horrific new false flag that will see millions of
panic stricken people line up like dumb ass sheep to take poisonous brain
destroying va... more »
Ebola Has a COUSIN

If you are not scared yet, don't read below...The EBOLA Virus is ready to
mutate It already has a cousin in Africa, 80% mortality rate.
But that is not all, If ENTERO Virus and EBOLA meet EBOLA will become
The Mayans were right the KATUN OF CHANGE has started with full force and
[image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marburg_virus]EBOLA'S Cousin*Kampala,
Uganda -- (CNN)* -- Three days after a fatal case of Marburg hemorrhagic
fever was diagnosed in Uganda, 99 people have been quarantined in four
different locations across the East African country, as field
epidem... more »
RIP Kenny, my friend and fellow blogger
*"Immortality" by the Bee Gees, sung with Celine Dion*
Copied from the Blog "Aanirfan":
The top blogger *Kenneth Ray Kirkham (*kenny's sideshow*)*, 62, passed away
suddenly, Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014 at Stones River Hospital.
Kenneth Ray Kirkham on The Cannon Courier
Kenny will always be loved and respected by people around the world.
*Kenny has moved*. / *Kenneth Ray Kirkham*. / *RIP KENNY*
Kenny was someone I considered a friend. I visited his blog, Kenny's
sideshow almost daily for several years now. Many times I added a comment
an... more »
Disruptive business: Paypal's Peter Thiel on technology entrepreneurs
I haven’t watched it myself yet, but our friend *Suzuki Samurai* reckons
once you get through the intro blather, this is definitely worth a look:
PayPal and Facebook investor Peter Thiel drawing lessons from his
experiences as a startup investor about successful entrepreneurship and
Thiel argues that successful people find value in unexpected places. and
that entrepreneurs and society benefit most when businesses create
something new rather than copy existing models.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for
permission to republish: (organon a... more »
While "Selfie" looks at a woman getting a first glimpse of herself, a restaurant views a glut of patrons gawking obsessively at themselves

*An ABC trailer for Selfie, starring Karen Gillan and John Cho, created by
Suburgatory creator Emily Kapnek*
*by Ken*
It would never have occurred to me to watcha TV show called *Selfie*, for
reasons that I hope are obvious, but I heard tell, from someone who's not
much of a TV-watcher, that it's not cashing in on the "selfie" craze but is
targeting it. So I glanced at the first couple of episodes -- not really
watching them yet, but just trying to get a feel for what the show is doing.
The first thing that struck me is that the show was created by Emily
Kapnek, who also created *... more »
Aspire Education Theory: All Theory is Irrelevant Except Ours
Doug Lemov is the CEO of Aspire charter schools and author of the teaching
bible that is used at Aspire, KIPP, Match, and other total compliance
charter schools that segregate and culturally sterilize the children of the
poor. The name of Lemov's book is *Teach Like a Champion*, and it provides
a list of 49 "techiques" that will make you a "champion" teacher, as
defined by the paternalistic and authoritarian segregated corporate reform
school ideology (theory) that treats children like inmates.
I have seen some good reporting from Rich at the NYTimes, but this
infomercial for Asp... more »
The Capitalist Cure for Terrorism
If that sounds like an unusual headline, then consider that the ideas of
Hernando De Soto have been credited not just with helping turn around
Peruvian poverty, but also to putting an end to the Marxist guerrilla
movements like Shining Path that plagued the place.
As he explains in one book, two TV documentaries, and countless speeches,
lectures and articles, the two are not unconnected.
His weapons in this struggle: capitalism, and property rights – and he says
the recipe can work just as well for the Middle East. Indeed, he says, it
is how the Arab Spring began:
Deploy capitali... more »
Musical Interlude: Jonn Serrie, “Thousand Star”
Jonn Serrie, “Thousand Star”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DetIKApUnY
The Poet: Paul Fisher, "The Boat"
*"The Boat"*
"Maybe the eyes of a dragon or goddess
glare from its prow.
More likely it leaks, loses an oar,
and reeks of rainbows awash on a sheen
of gutted salmon and gasoline.
If it’s a liner, we lash ourselves
to whatever will float or sell.
No matter which. We choose. We’re aboard,
icebergs or no, as we plow
through the songs of the siren stars-
one boat, black water, dark whispering below."
- Paul Fisher,
"Rumors of Shore"
"A Look to the Heavens"
"In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, "This is but a little
Patch, but it shews itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the
Moon absent." Of course, M13 is now modestly recognized as the Great
Globular Cluster in Hercules, one of the brightest globular star clusters
in the northern sky.
*Click image for larger size.*
Telescopic views reveal the spectacular cluster's hundreds of thousands of
stars. At a distance of 25,000 light-years, the cluster stars crowd into a
region 150 light-years in diameter, but approaching the cluster core
upwards of 100 stars could ... more »
"The Glitter Of The Sun..."
“I am part of the sun as my eye is part of me. That I am part of the earth
my feet know perfectly, and my blood is part of the sea. There is not any
part of me that is alone and absolute except my mind, and we shall find
that the mind has no existence by itself, it is only the glitter of the sun
on the surfaces of the water.”
- D. H. Lawrence
Chet Raymo, “Telling Stories”
*“Telling Stories”*
by Chet Raymo
"When the pulse of the first day carried it to the rim of night, First
Woman said to First Man, "The people need to know the laws. To help them we
must write the laws for all to see"...And so she began, slowly, first one
and then the next, placing her jewels across the dome of night, carefully
designing her pattern so all could read it. But Coyote grew bored watching
First Woman carefully arranging the stars in the sky: Impatiently he
gathered two corners of First Woman's blanket, and before she could stop
him he flung the remaining stars out into ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Heredia, Costa Rica. Thanks for stopping by.
"If You Have Come To Help Me..."
"If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time.
But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine,
then let us work together."
- 1970s Aboriginal activists group, Queensland
The Poet: Thomas Centolella, "Splendor"
One day it's the clouds,
one day the mountains.
One day the latest bloom of roses-
the pure monochromes, the dazzling hybrids-
inspiration for the cathedral's round windows.
Every now and then there's the splendor of thought:
the singular idea and its brilliant retinue-
words, cadence, point of view,
little gold arrows flitting between the lines.
And too the splendor of no thought at all:
hands lying calmly in the lap,
or swinging a six iron with effortless tempo.
More often than not splendor is the star we orbit
without a second thought,
especially as it arrives and de... more »
The Hurtful Darkness
*Soren Dreier* - "Spirituality kicks in, when the deception of 3D reality
crumbles simply because there is no 3D left to trust..."
The post The Hurtful Darkness appeared first on Waking Times.
"We Like To Think..."
"We like to think that we are rational beings; humane, conscientious,
civilized, thoughtful. But when things fall apart, even just a little, it
becomes clear we are not better than animals. We have opposable thumbs, we
think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream, but deep down we are still
routing around in the primordial ooze; biting, clawing, scratching out an
existence in the cold, dark world like the rest of the tree-toads and
- "Grey's Anatomy"
"Before our white brothers arrived to make us civilized men, we didn't have
any kind of prison. Because of this, we had no delinquents. Without a
prison, there can be no delinquents. We had no locks nor keys and therefore
among us there were no thieves. When someone was so poor that he couldn't
afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, he would, in that case, receive it all
as a gift. We were too uncivilized to give great importance to private
property. We didn't know any kind of money and consequently, the value of a
human being was not determined by his wealth. We had no written laws l... more »
Columbus Day: "The Native Population of the Americas in 1492"
*"The Native Population of the Americas in 1492"*
by William M. Denevan
"How many people inhabited the New World when Columbus landed on Hispaniola
in 1492? How did the arrival of Europeans spark the population decline of
aboriginal people in the New World? William M. Denevan writes that, "The
discovery of America was followed by possibly the greatest demographic
disaster in the history of the world." Research by some scholars provides
population estimates of the pre-contact Americas to be as high as 112
million in 1492, while others estimate the population to have been as low
as e... more »
Not every silver lining has a cloud in it

*stream of consciousness*... * In literary criticism, a narrative mode, or
device, that seeks "to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which
pass through the mind." Another term for it is 'interior monologue'."*
Doctor, I spent quite a few years bashing Paddy O'Connell and Radio 4's *Broadcasting
House *for left-wing bias.
Looking back at the evidence I gathered from around 2009 onwards I think it
holds up well; hence, I'm at something of a loss to explain why I just
don't find the same amount of bias these days.
'Something' is the key word because, thinking positively... more »
Fort Itaipu and Footnotes
I’ve been working on my new book, which is sort of a follow up to *Government
UFO Secrets* (notice that I’ve slipped the name of my last book into this)
and I have been doing something that I don’t think is being done very much.
I’ve been chasing footnotes again. This means as I research a case, looking
for all the information available on it, I attempt to return to the
original source as much as possible. One way of doing that is look at the
footnotes in other books to see where they gathered the information.
The case in question here is the attack on Fort Itaipu, Brazel on Novembe... more »
Adventures in Canning: Butternut Squash...
*enough for a winter and spring worth of butternut soup.*
We love butternut squash soup. I make some with apples and ginger, and
some with curry. An addition of some cream cheese makes it extra special
creamy. Before serving a splash of extra dry sherry is nice.
Butternut squash can be cured and successfully stored for up to 6 months in
a cool dark place like a basement. We don't have a basement and the barn
would be too cold, so canning is my only real choice.
The store had a great deal at 25 cents per pound on winter squash. Not
sure exactly how much to buy, I bought way too... more »
What science makes possible
Science and technology making human life greater: watch a man see for the
first time in 33 years, thanks to his new bionic eye.
[Hat tip Julian D.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
The Sacrifice of Kobane
Independent notes that US allies #Turkey #Qatar #KSA want #ISIS to kill off
Shia'a/Kurds ... so does US. http://t.co/GTXgqVLvLR #Syria #Iraq
— Tony Cartalucci (@TonyCartalucci) October 12, 2014
Let's call a spade a spade. Everybody in the Middle East and the world
wants the ISIL/ISIS terror gangs to hammer the PKK/PYD/YPG in Kobane and
make their presence on the northern Syrian battlefields as well as the
surrounding countries, such as Turkey, Iraq, and Iran, irrelevant.
The PKK is facing a blockade and fighting with shitty weapons made decades
ago while ISIL is armed with 21st cen... more »
GOP Staffer Accuses Boehner's San Diego Candidate, Carl DeMaio, Of Predator Sexual Behavior

Scott Peters is a conservative San Diego New Dem, a multimillionaire (8th
richest Member of Congress) who bought himself a seat in Congress in 2012
by writing his campaign a $2,757,452 check and outspending his Republican
opponent, incumbent Brian Bilbray $4,352,737 to $2,772,270. Newly
redistricted, CA-52 is way bluer than it’s ever been before, a D+2 district
that takes in most of the city of San Diego before heading north to La
Jolla along the coast and out to Poway and Rancho Bernardo inland. Under
these line, Obama won the district 55-43% against McCain and 52-46% against
Ro... more »
Obama's Airstrike Campaign On Syria Equals 'Epic Fail'
*Video Title: Obama's Airstrike Campaign On Syria Equals 'Epic Fail.'
Source: DAHBOO77. Date Published: October 11, 2014.*
Second Day of Peace Walk
Our second day of the peace walk took us from Rangeley to Phillips where
local hosts have organized a three-soup pot luck for us. It is more than
amazing to see the beauty of the Rangeley lakes area and I can't wait to
come back to enjoy the nature in this place.
Three peace women from Farmington found us mid-day and walked the remaining
distance to Phillips. We walked a total of 12 miles today. It's 19 miles
to Farmington from Phillips but we will only walk 16 miles tomorrow - got
to break ourselves in easy as we go.
The weather today more than fantastic. Lots of honks from ... more »
Mark Mardell and the Poujadistes of UKIP

Mark Mardell certainly tried to stamp his mark on today's *The World This
Weekend. *He tried to go large, intellectually-speaking, seeking an
overarching explanation for the rise of UKIP by setting it in a global,
indeed globalised, context.
The fascinating central discussion between Conservative MEP Dan Hannan and
Labour's Lord Glasman was preceded by a report from Mark Mardell himself
where this attempt was made most clearly.
His chosen experts were former Labour advisor (now pro-European think
tanker) Mark Leonard and Prof Montserrat Guibernau of Queen Mary's, London.
Their... more »
on October 12, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 12, 2014. Genocide is planned! It’s predictable and
Wisconsin Weasel: “Welcome to the Commission on legalizing genocide!”
Victims are divided into haves and have-nots. The Vatican played a major
role in the eradication of Indigenous in the Western Hemisphere. Today
states make
Tokyo court orders Google to delete data linking man to crime he did not commit

*Tokyo court orders Google to delete data linking man to crime*
NATIONAL OCT. 11, 2014 - 12:30PM JST ( 14 )
Tokyo court orders Google to delete data linking man to crime. A Japanese
court has ordered Google to delete search results linking the claimant to a
crime he did not commit
A Japanese court has ordered Google to delete search results linking the
claimant to a crime he did not commit, the latest in a series of rulings
around the world on what search engines ... more »
Love that knows no limits....

by American Kabuki
This is dedicated to my friend Jean who has nursed a husband suffering with
narcolepsy/cataplexy since a 2002 automobile accident. She probably
doesn't read this blog, but she deserves recognition. While not
Alzheimer's, and slower to kill - narcolepsy/cataplexy just goes on and on
and there is no cure. She still doesn't have her man and her sons don't
have their father and there is no end in sight of the ordeal. The
politically savvy sharp witted man and soccer athlete she knew is gone.
But the love is still there. Sometimes its hard to understand why some... more »
QUOTE OF THE DAY: On Education
*"Credentialing, not education, has become the primary business of North
American universities. … One wonders at the docility of the students who
evidently must be satisfied enough with the credentials to be uncaring
about the lack of education."*
- Jane Jacobs, author of *The Death and Life of Great American Cities*
[Hat tip Lawrence Reed]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
"Ebola" ..... Soooooo transparent!
The "Ebola" scam is reaching epic proportions. BUT... the truth is so
glaringly apparent that people are seriously questioning all the
ridiculousness of "their" ever changing story. I will be posting a few
things in the next Transpicuous News Update (currently uploading now....
for the 9th time. *sigh*) and tomorrow I will be recording TN episode 3 and
will have more information to share with you in that show as well.
For this moment I will leave you with some articles that I've been reading
this past week on this whole "Ebola" idiocy.
West African Ebola Outbreak is a Hoax
Other ... more »
Cold fusion: science which is not a science
*A warning at the very beginning. The comment section below this blog post
isn't meant to be a platform for believers in Rossi's fraud to promote
their religion. I don't consider these people worthy to comment on this
blog and I will blacklist them if they are try to do such a thing. This is
a physics blog but cold fusion isn't physics. Deal.*
Andrea Rossi is not only a crackpot but a convicted crook who has so far
spent four years in prison. His newest generation of "cold fusion" gadgets,
E-Cat, has been hyped at least since 2011. This blog contains many articles
with the name of... more »
GLENDALE, Ariz: Protest Racist NFL Team Name Oct. 12, 2014
Over Racist NFL Team Name Comes to Glendale, ArizonaIndigenous
Organizations to Hold March, News Conference and Rally for Respect
PHOENIX, AZ – A march, news conference an rally for respectful
representation of Indigenous Peoples will be held in Glendale, Arizona
on Sunday, October 12, 2014. The events will coincide with an NFL game
at University of Phoenix
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 12th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Yes, it is Sunday again, and it is time for my usual weekly rant about what
I see is really happening in the world today, and not the crap that the
liars in our media and governments continue to promote...
First, I should apologize for my absence over the last few days and not
posting any new material at this blog.. I was very busy with work projects
earlier in the week and family business. I decided to actually take a few
days to recharge my batteries, and get back to this blog as of today,
Sunday... The only article that I decided to get through was the one t... more »
Psy-ops whistleblower: “I worked with 9/11 suspects Rumsfeld, Myers, Zakheim”
an exclusive interview with Truth Jihad Radio, Bennett described how he was
recruited as a counter-terror specialist by former SecDef Donald Rumsfeld
and I5th Joint Chiefs Chair Richard Myers – both of whom are suspected of
treason and conspiracy to mass murder in connection with the false flag
attack of September 11th, 2001."
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/10/12/psy-ops-whistleblower-i-worked-with-911-suspects-rumsfeld-myers-zakheim/ [image:
696b49_b577f6c2a8c549fa884add97f8b58200.jpg_srz_p_1... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Last scherzo with Anton
*The prince of symphonic scherzos?* *Leonard Bernstein conducts the Scherzo
of the Beethoven Ninth Symphony, with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
augmented by players from numerous other international orchestra, in this
Christmas Day 1989 performance of the symphony in celebration of the fall
of the Berlin Wall.*
*by Ken*
Last week we got (eventually) to the first movement of the Bruckner Ninth
Symphony -- a massive report, I'm arguing, that all is far from well in our
world. Next week we will get to the last movement that Bruckner composed, a
crowning Adagio that, I will ar... more »
Russian President Putin Orders Troops Withdrawn From The Ukraine Border

Putin ordered Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to launch the process
of returning troops to regular station after drills in Russia's southern
Rostov region. © Photo: Russia's Ministry of Defense Press Service
*Putin Orders Russian Troops Withdrawal From Ukrainian Border: Reports --
(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian troops to
withdraw to their permanent bases after military exercises in Rostov region
near the border with Ukraine, Russian news agencies reported late on
Saturday, citing Kremlin spokesman.
The troops pullout came before an... more »
VIDEO: Protest against Columbus Day in Houston 2014
Click arrow below to watch video
By Cheryl and Steve Melendez
American Indian Genocide Museum
Censored News
HOUSTON -- Indigenous activists and supporters came together in Houston
for an educational protest against Columbus day. The group of brave
souls gathered for a walk (some wearing shackles and bound together with
chains) in the refreshing rain to Bell Park in the Texas Medical
Photos: Dine' awarded Justin Willie Humanitarian Award
by Shannon Francis, Dine'
Censored News
Congratulations to Aretta Begay, Shannon Francis and Roberto Nutlouis,
awarded the Justin B. Willie Humanitarian Awards, honoring traditional
LEUPP, Navajo Nation -- Honoring the legacy of traditional Dine'
agriculture and human rights, Aretta Begay, Shannon Francis and Roberto
Nutlouis were awarded the
*N.O. lawyer transforms Whitney Plantation into powerful slavery museum
~Mimi Read, New Orleans Advocate *~*“Who in the hell built this house?”*
Cummings thundered recently while ferrying a couple of visitors around
Whitney’s 250 acres in a golf cart through the rain. *“Who built this son
of a bitch? We have to own our history.” *
Supai Waters 'Time to feed your spirits'
Supai Waters
Havasupai land
Censored News
Good morning Brenda,
Sending success at front line in the morning. Three stars appear each
day. Those are the ancient elders gathered again to send honor and
triumphant, success. The north node represents accomplishment now that
the three feather nations have united. In unison to honor the winged
ones in the center star. It's time to retreat and
How Does Fear Work?

*Video:* How does fear actually work? What happens when we become afraid?
The post How Does Fear Work? appeared first on Waking Times.
A Star-Spangled Nation of Rats and Snitches

*"Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats"*
*Mr. French (The Departed)*
The post September 11, 2001 era of fear and loathing in *The Homeland* will
go down as one of the most dismal periods in American history when examined
by future scribes and historians. The attacks on the World Trade Center and
Pentagon led in turn to an unprecedented siege on the U.S. Constitution,
civil liberties and the national character itself. It was easy to use fear
as a tool to get the people to meekly submit to a massive and ongoing power
grab by a government run amok and hellbent at destroying freedom... more »
First Confirmed Case Of Ebola Transmission In The U.S.
*Texas Health Worker Is Positive For Ebola, Would Be 1st Ebola Transmission
In U.S. -- CNN*
(CNN) -- A health care worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in
Dallas has tested positive for Ebola after a preliminary test, the state's
health agency said.
Confirmatory testing will be conducted by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention in Atlanta.
The employee helped care for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person ever
diagnosed with Ebola in the United States. Duncan died Wednesday.
"We knew a second case could be a reality, and we've been preparing for
this possibility,... more »
Free Trade 39: Advantages of Unilateral Trade Liberalization

Free trade is part of human nature. People may oppose it philosophically
but consciously or unconsciously, they are engaged in it. Even militant
protectionism crusaders are still humans, they need to eat, and they want
free choice where to eat. Do not go to restaurants that are too expensive
for their budget, never go back to a resto which may be cheap but the
service is too annoying. They want to be served well given their budget, or
they may endure bad service in exchange for really cheap food. That is the
beauty of voluntary exchange, no one is forced and coerced to give his/her ... more »
4am in a bar - the leaders of the *free world*
*Steve* : Just say "I stand with Saudi Arabia" a bunch of times, wait for
the press to repeat it, and there ya go. *Canada! Fuck Yeah! Comin' again
to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah ...*
*Barry, Tony, Dave*: No. No. No.
*Barry *: Look, Steve, I know that 'I stand with whoever ' line works for
you up there in Canada but picture me going home and saying : "You know
that country that 15 out of 19 hijackers that bombed the WTO on 9/11 came
from? Remember them? Well, funny thing - they've gone and got themselves
into a bit of a jam by funding ISIS, another made-in-Al Qaeda group, so
w... more »
Ebola Fear Mongering
*Problem, Reaction, Solution*
*Press For Truth*
*Problem: Ebola VirusReaction: My symptoms could be Ebola so do something
about this for me!Solution: Vaccines, government control and military
*Visit PressForTruth.ca*
*Related: Gnostic Healing: Revealing the Hidden Power of God*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Iraq Pleads For U.S. Ground Troops As Islamic State Militants Threaten Baghdad
*Leaders of Iraq's Anbar Province Call For U.S. Ground Forces To Stop ISIS
-- CNN*
Baghdad (CNN) -- ISIS fighters stood Saturday on the verge of taking not
just a key Syrian town along the Turkish border, but also an entire
province on Baghdad's doorstep -- spurring leaders of that province to
urgently plead for U.S. ground troops to halt the Islamist extremist
group's rapid, relentless assault.
The situation in Anbar, just to the west of Baghdad, is "very bad," said
Sabah Al-Karhout, the president of Anbar Provincial Council.
ISIS, the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" which also ... more »
Islamic State War -- News Updates October 12, 2014
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Car Bombs Kill 25 Near Iraq's Baquba, Anbar Police Chief Killed On Patrol
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Three car bombs killed 25 people at a government compound near
Baquba city in Iraq on Sunday and the Anbar province police chief died on
patrol when suspected Islamic State militants blew up his convoy, hospital
and security sources said.
Insurgents have been carrying out a wave of bombings as the government
continues to fight against IS jihadists who four months ago seized major
cities in northern Iraq.
The death toll at the compound in Qa... more »
And They Call That Brilliance

Last month, Finance Minister Joe Oliver announced the Conservatives job
creation plan -- to cut Employment Insurance contributions to small
businesses. Tom Walkom writes that the "plan" represented yet another
attack on the Employment Insurance regime in Canada:
Under Oliver’s plan, small-business owners will see their employment
insurance premiums cut by about 15 per cent over the next two years.
Lower payroll taxes, the finance minister said then, would encourage these
small businesses to hire more worker... more »
Two thirds of corporate profits since the 1980s have come from keeping wages down
KJ, Fee and Chris discover how...
SOURCE HIGH PAY CENTRE: One Law For Them - The runaway growth of executive pay
Leading economist Gavyn Davies has
argued that low wage growth accounts for more than two thirds of corporate
profits since the 1980s. As a substantial proportion of these profits have
been used to pay dividends to shareholders, executives (who are directly paid in
It's the West wot done it!

Just a thought on Alan's latest piece at *Biased BBC*, *Peston's
There does seem to be something of a trend emerging in the BBC's coverage
of Ebola to 'blame the West', just as Robert Peston is doing in his latest
blogpost (whilst also pushing the need for greater global governance and a
reduction in national sovereignty, plus the primacy of the public sector
over the private sector when confronting issues like Ebola "and, yes, many
would say climate change too"). The opening question on this morning's *Sunday
Morning Live *- see previous post - is a case in point.
... more »
British Forces Are Now In Iraq Training Kurdish Forces

Kurdish peshmerga forces, who are set to receive training in firing weapons
by British forces being sent to Iraq
*UK Troops Training Kurdish Forces In Iraq, Says MoD -- BBC*
A "specialist team" of 12 UK soldiers is training Kurdish forces fighting
Islamic State militants in Iraq, the Ministry of Defence has said.
It said troops from the Yorkshire Regiment were training Iraqi Kurds to use
UK-supplied heavy machine guns.
The soldiers are expected to spend a week in Irbil, in Kurdish-controlled
northern Iraq.
Royal Air Force Tornado jets based in Cyprus have been flying combat
miss... more »
Teenage Austrian Poster Girls For ISIS Who Moved To Syria To Live With Jihadis Are Now Pregnant And Want To Come Home

A photo posted on the girls' social media accounts. Doubts have now been
cast regarding the authenticity of the picture - it's thought pictures of
other people have been posted to their social media pages
*'We Made A Big Mistake': Teenage Austrian Poster Girls For ISIS Who Moved
To Syria To Live With Jihadis Are Now Pregnant And Want To Come Home... But
Officials Say That Will Be 'Impossible' -- Daily Mail*
* Two teenage girls vanished from homes in Austrian capital Vienna in April
* Pair began to post pictures of themselves online with guns and armed men
* Now it's believed the two ... more »
Labour's Whipped Palestine Vote
Picking a fight with one of your party's most powerful lobbies is a risky
affair. When so doing having a clear objective in mind helps, as well as a
strategy that shows off your leadership virtues. Think Tony Blair and the
unions. Think - yes - Dave and equal marriage. Which brings us to the
curious case of the vote for Palestinian recognition due to come before the
Commons tomorrow afternoon.
Originally, Ed Miliband had instructed the whips office to issue a
three-liner commanding Labour MPs to turn out and support Britain's
acceptance of Palestinian statehood. Unfortunately, thin... more »
ZEROHEDGE: As Monday Looms, Experts Warn Japan's Half-Trillion Dollar Fat-Finger-Trade "Could Absolutely Happen" In The US

As Monday Looms, Experts Warn Japan's Half-Trillion Dollar Fat-Finger-Trade
"Could Absolutely Happen" In The US
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/11/2014 14:46 -0400
Just over a week ago, the Japanese stock market participants were stunned
when stock orders amounting to a whopping $617 billion (yes Billion with a
B) - more than the size of Sweden’s economy - were canceled for reasons
still unknown in what was one of the biggest ... more »
In case you didn't think everything around you was a business plan....

*Thanks to Whitney for this url. -AK*
Parking meter 'Robin Hooders' facing NH Supreme Court
Posted: Oct 06, 2014 12:05 PM WEST
Updated: Oct 06, 2014 12:21 PM WEST
KEENE, N.H. (MyFoxBoston.com) -- New Hampshire's highest court will decide
a battle over the actions of activists upset at meter maids in Keene.
According to the union leader, the state Supreme Court will hear arguments
next week in the case of the so-called "Robin Hooders".
They are six people accused of walking around Keene with... more »
Another Corollary Of The Steve Israel Effect: Discouraged Democratic Voters Stay Home

All cycle we’ve been talking about The Steve Israel Effect— even before we
named it. The Steve Israel Effect is when his grotesquely corrupt DCCC
targets the wrong districts with awful conservative recruits, gets them to
alienate grassroots Democrats with mealy-mouthed mystery meat positions by
promising huge independent expenditures in their races— and then leaves
them high and dry at the end of the campaign by withdrawing all the
financial support and transferring it to even worse and more conservative
(and corrupt) candidates. One of over a dozen examples in the last few
weeks:... more »
*British Grammar (selective) schools have rediscovered IQ testing*
*They don't seem to know they have but that is what the innovations below
seem to amount to*
Rising numbers of grammar schools are using restyled 11-plus exams to
prevent wealthy families getting an unfair advantage from expensive private
They are introducing tests designed to assess a wider range of abilities
learnt at primary schools rather than just the skills that can be drilled
through costly private tuition.
Children in areas including Buckinghamshire, Kent, Gloucestershire,
Warwickshire and Shropshi... more »
*The documentary "Merchants of Doubt"*
*Below is a review of a Warmist film based on the work of an old hag named
Naomi Oreskes -- who some years ago did a literature survey that showed
100% agreement in the academic journals on the reality of global warming.
The test of any scientific claim, however, is replication and when Benny
Peiser attempted to repeat the Oreskes results using her methods, he found
radically different results. For instance: "Of all 1117 abstracts, only
13 (or 0.1%) explicitly endorse the 'consensus view'". Oreskes is just an
ugly old lady seeking att... more »
Evan and The Gatekeepers
I stayed up way past my bedtime last night to watch Newsnight’s take on the
controversial Oscar nominated film ‘The Gatekeepers’.
This film was first shown in April 2013, and it caused a stir then. Why,
one might wonder, did the BBC see fit to air it now, and why, one might
ask, did they choose to bring along one hostile critic of the Israeli
government, one left-wing Israeli writer, chief BBC correspondent Lyse
Doucet, one Palestinian and only one overtly pro-Israel spokesperson, Col.
Miri Eisin, to discuss it?
This film has already been argued over by the good and the great. So... more »
And so it starts......
The first volleys in the election war to come that is, we have our
'fearless leader' “protecting Canadians” by sending a few planes and a
handful of personnel over to Iran to drop a few bombs on the terrorist
hordes. We have the first of many more to come promises designed to buy
your votes next year with an increase in the 'sports deduction' for kids
and an indication of *where the advertising campaign is going to go. *
*The Harper government is preparing to alter copyright law in Canada so
politicians can use news footage and other journalistic content for attack
ads and campaign ... more »
CITIZENFOUR - the Edward Snowden documentary - official trailer
that's the official poster, now here's the official trailer, for the new
Edward Snowden documentary CITIZENFOUR by Laura Poitras and Steven
*At the end of the Laura Poitras doc, the famed informant registers shock
over another who outranks him. A second National Security Agency
whistleblower exists within the ranks of government intelligence...*
[source THR] to be continued(?)
AIG Sues Gov't Calling Bail-out Terms Unfair

From: http://goo.gl/yDEKHY
*...The lawsuit alleges the government’s $184.6 billion bailout was an
illegal “taking” of sorts, exceeding the government’s authority. Greenberg
believes that bailout money, which bought 92% of the company, was an
unfairly low valuation. Even though Stewart pointed out that, at the time
of the bailout, AIG was only valued at $15.4 billion, the CEO’s lawyer
alleged that the government’s actions were tantamount to “extortion.”*
*“As a general rule, your better extortionists, your better kidnappers
extract money from their victim,” Stewart mocked. “You nev... more »
Bunfight at the BBC Corral

I've not watched *Sunday Morning Live* for a while but, after a brief
flowering under Samira Ahmed, it now seems to have reverted to type.
I arrived just in time for the debate about whether Pope Francis is a
revolutionary or not [a typical BBC question] and thought, "Hmm, I might
stick around and watch this."
Then I then saw the panel and thought, "Oh no! Not Bonnie Greer, Kate
Smurthwaite and Nick Ferrari (much as I like Nick Ferrari)!"
I then knew what was coming. And it came...
A couple of nice liberal Catholics, Mark Dowd and Paul Vallely, duly
appeared to say nice things... more »
Graphs at a glance: Is NHS spending really being protected? The data shows this is not true.
Our politicians have got into the habit of pulling off
shabby tricks to deceive the voters. Even when we don’t know we are being tricked, we suspect we
probably are. This is true of Labour, Conservative, Liberal-Democrat, and the rest.
For example, is David Cameron’s promise to protect the NHS budget all it seems to be? If you thought it
'Just money', Bob Fu, Catholic family values, Top 10 Christian books, jihadis and the internet & an Anglican row

My old spiel about the sort of features you'd usually get on a typical
edition of Radio 4's *Sunday.*..
*"the usual diet of breaking news from the Arab world, Christian-related
abuse stories, bad news about the Catholic Church, something about human
rights, the usual airing of Muslim grievances, a call for something or
other by a left-wing campaign group, an Anglican row over something, that
sort of thing"*
...sprang to mind again during this morning's edition of the programme.
Four out of the six features today were picked from that standard menu.
Still, there were other, less ... more »
Why the F-35 is a sitting duck for the Flankers

[image: Su-35 Flanker-E]Built to be the deadliest hunter killer aircraft of
all time, the F-35 has quite literally become the hunted.
In every scenario that the F-35 has been wargamed against Su-30 Flankers,
the Russian aircraft have emerged winners.
America’s newest stealth aircraft – costing $191 million per unit – is
riddled with such critical design flaws that it’s likely to get blown away
in a shootout with the super-maneuverable Sukhois.
Read more
Secret space plane X-37B to touch-down after 667 days in space

[image: X-37B]The US Air Force is preparing to land X-37B, a kind of
robotic space plane that has spent a record 665 consecutive days in space.
Its real purpose is a complete mystery, but it’s finally set to land after
a ‘successful’ mission.
Tuesday, US time, is the date set by the US military for the return of
X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle, known as the third landing of the secret
unmanned space vehicle. Currently, X-37B is orbiting at 28,044km/h, at a
distance of around 350km in the sky.
The plane will land at Vandenberg Air Force Base, after orbiting the Earth
since Dec. 11, 2012,... more »
Navy Environmental Impact Statement to include up to 36 Growlers at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station

[image: E/A-18G Growler]The Navy says it is revising its Environmental
Impact Statement on the EA-18G Growlers to include up to 36 additional
aircraft based at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.
Public meetings to gather comment will be held in late October.
The additional scoping period, which is Oct. 10 through Nov. 24, will push
the completion of the draft EIS to spring 2016 with a published decision
planned for spring 2017.
Read more
Navy Commissions USS America During Fleet Week
The Navy commissioned its newest amphibious assault ship, USS America, in
an official ceremony in San Francisco Saturday.
Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, delivered the commission ceremony’s
principal address. while Lynne Pace, wife of former chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Peter Pace, served as the ship’s sponsor. Pace gave the
traditional order to “man our ship and bring her to life.”
USS America is the first ship of its class, replacing the Tarawa class of
amphibious assault ships. The new class will be capable of supporting
current and future aircraft such as the tilt-r... more »
Defence Minister: Russia must be held accountable for harassment in international waters

[image: Aranda kuvatriptyykki]Finland’s Minister of Defence Carl Haglund
says news of Russian Navy interference with a Finnish marine research
vessel on international waters is unfortunate.
He says he will demand a full report from Russia on the reasons for the
illegal disturbance. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also commented
that it is prepared to take the appropriate diplomatic steps, if necessary.
Minister of Defence Carl Haglund says the reasons for the harassment of the
Finnish marine research vessel Aranda must be investigated. The incidents
occurred in international wa... more »
Bangladesh Navy to get 2 submarines by next year

[image: Ming (Romeo) class SSK]Bangladesh Navy is going to have two
submarines in its fleet by 2015, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced
“Inshaallah, two submarines will be added to the naval force by next year,”
she said while awarding National Standard to BNS Osman at Naval Berth in
Besides, two new corvettes will be added to the Navy fleet to strengthen
the capability of the force to protect the maritime boundary and sea
resources, Hasina said adding that a process is on to set up the biggest
naval base at Rabanabad in Patuakhali with facilities for sub... more »
Thunderbolts Project - Rosetta/Osiris orbiter - water and mass of Comet 67P
*10km orbiting radius of 67P achieved 10/10/14*
Thunderbolts Project proposes that our universe is not a matter universe,
driven by gravity, but an Electric Universe driven by charge and the
properties of bodies moving through electric fields like those generated by
our electric sun... obviously, it's getting stiff opposition from the
standard-universe atomic-modellers keen to keep their research grants but
it's kinda interesting to see this debate taking place, pseudo-live.
No surface water (yet) on the 4 kilometre dirty snowball rock that is
67P... but how dense is that rock?
*"W... more »
SERCO - the biggest company you've never heard of
very interesting Aussie editorial about the company SERCO, the biggest
company you've never heard of. Sure, this short video is a little old
already but it aptly illustrated how the private infiltration of public
services was rampant even then. God only knows how much more infiltrated it
all is today.
As long as there's (amoral (fascist (gov-given))) PROFIT to be made,
this'll keep getting worse and worse, "Free Planet."
Czech elections: evaporation of political thought
Between Friday 2 pm and Saturday 2 pm, Czechs were voting their local
representatives and 1/3 of the senate, the upper chamber of the Parliament.
It's simple to describe whom I voted for. In Pilsen as well as the city
part Pilsen 4, Klaus-founded center-right ODS, the Civic Democratic Party,
received my votes "without further detailed refinements of the candidates",
and I also voted the ODS' candidate for the senate. Well, more precisely,
he is a shared candidate of ODS and Czech Crown, a party trying to restore
the monarchy. ;-) This sounds extremely colorful but the candidate and h... more »
The "Islamic State" is Neither Islamic nor a State

*October 12, 2014* (Ekaterina Ryzhkova - NEO) In recent months, the world
shudders as the militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) carry on their violent spree. Originally this group was created by
the US after the fall of Saddam Hussein, as a part of a project of
establishing a “new democratic Iraq”. This project was doomed to fail, just
like all the previous attempts by Washington of redrawing the Middle East
map. From the very start the White House has been unable to recognize the
potential danger of its “political formula” that was both inaccurate and
explos... more »
Is the BBC biased against the Green Party?

Now that's a startling title on a blog like this to start a quiet Sunday
morning, isn't it?!
Curiously enough, even though I'm pretty right-wing (as you may have
guessed) and can't abide most of what the Green Party stands for, I'm not
unaware of the fact that many Green Party supporters are not at all happy
with the BBC these days. Their complaints are all over Twitter, for
Yes, you might very well think that Green Party supporters *should* be
falling over themselves to praise the BBC for its services to matters
environmental, especially the corporation's vigorous repo... more »
Some Talk, Some Act: I'll Go With Those Who Act
from United Opt Out:
*“The revolution I want is ‘proceed until apprehended.’ Whether they
[reformers] have sinister motives or misguided honest motives, we should
say, ‘We are not going to listen to you anymore. We are going to do what’s
right.’” * -NEA President Lily Eskelson Garcia
We at UOO agree.
Recently the CEA legal services center wrote an opinion piece about Opt Out
in the October issue of the CEA Journal. The legal team reviewed state law
and Supreme Court cases and ended the piece with a recommendation that
teachers should not directly encourage parents or students to op... more »
Tim Conway and Harvey Korman: Geniuses of comedy...
*remember when humor was funny?*
The Supreme Court Made A Catastrophic Mistake— The Failure Of Citizens United

Friday, Nick Confessore wrote in the *NY Times* how secret, dark money from
undisclosed sources is dominating the elections and that it will be even
worse in 2016. Although several corporate whores were elevated to the
Supreme Court to specifically accomplish these kinds of virulently
anti-democracy stratagems— think Bush I and II nominees Clarence Thomas,
Sammy Alito and John Roberts plus Reagan holdover Antonin Scalia— the Court
framed their *Citizens United* decision in a very different way.
The dominance of secretly funded advertising defies one of the underlying
assumptions... more »
Rabbis urge ICE not to deport illegal aliens

According to a report published by the *Jewish Telegraph Agency*, a number
of rabbis in America are currently lobbying Immigration and Customs
Enforcement officials to either cancel or delay deporting criminals who
have illegally migrated to the United States because doing so would be "an
injustice" that infringes upon the "human rights" of the illegal invaders.
I wonder what these rabbis have to say about Israeli immigration policy,
where *illegal immigrants are arrested, interned in concentration camps,
and deported en mass*?
Reform rabbis are contacting Immigration and Customs En... more »
Mucking about in the print shop

New rollers arrived, necessary because the old ones were thirty years old
and past saving. I remember what those cost, and I can tell you they've
gone up about two hundred percent. They also arrived without roller trucks.
Trucks are the rubber-tired wheels at the ends of the rollers, whose job is
to roll on tracks on either side of the bed of the press. I could see that
the ones I had might fit the new rollers, but they were fused onto the old
rollers by bimetallic corrosion. I could order new ones, or ...
... several hours later, having banged on every tool in the shop with every
o... more »
Dodging the Tuition Debt Bullet
*Anna Hunt* - Student tuition debt is astronomical in the US, and Germany
announces free higher ed for all...
The post Dodging the Tuition Debt Bullet appeared first on Waking Times.
Childhood Leukemia and Nuclear Plant Releases
Children are vulnerable to environmental harms, especially radionuclides
from nuclear power plan plumes - 500X typical background - produced
Radioactive spikes from nuclear plants - a likely cause of childhood
leukemia. Dr Ian Fairlie 29th September 2014. The Ecologist
nuclear reactors are refueled, a 12-hour spike in radioactive
emissions exposes local people to levels of radioactivity up to 500
greater than during no... more »
a hero of freedom
The People vs. Larry Flynt - Larry Flynt's speech
Documentary Film Claims That There Is Another NSA Leaker with Higher Rank Than Snowden

Documentary Film Claims That There Is Another NSA Leaker with Higher Rank
Than Snowden
October 11th, 2014
Via: The Hollywood Reporter:
A second National Security Agency whistleblower exists within the ranks of
government intelligence.
That bombshell comes toward the end of Citizenfour, a new documentary from
filmmaker Laura Poitras about NSA informant Edward Snowden that had its
world premiere on Friday at the New York Film Festival.
In the key scene, journalist Glenn Greenwald visits Snowden at a hotel room
in Moscow. Fearing they are being taped, Greenwald communicates with
... more »
TV Watch: It's surely not enough to say that "The Good Wife" is "the smartest drama currently on the air"
*In this Season 6 preview, Good Wife cast members talk about the new
*"Six seasons in, however, I've become weary of evangelizing for [The Good
Wife]. Recently, I had lunch with an entirely charming TV maker, who was
educated and intelligent about many forms of television but had never
watched The Good Wife, because, he admitted with a shrug, he perceived it
as being 'for women.' Although he was a fantastic lunch companion, he's
dead now."*
-- New Yorker *TV critic Emily Nussbaum, in* "Shedding
Her Skin: *The Good Wife*'s thrilling transformation"
*by Ken*
When I say in t... more »
Kurt Vonnegut, "Requiem"
by Kurt Vonnegut
“The crucified planet Earth,
should it find a voice and a sense of irony,
might now well say of our abuse of it,
"Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."
The irony would be that we know what we are doing.
When the last living thing has died on account of us,
how poetical it would be if Earth could say,
in a voice floating up perhaps
from the floor of the Grand Canyon,
"It is done. People did not like it here.”
Fukushima: "Gov’t Models Show Typhoon Making Direct Hit On Fukushima"; A Comment
*"Gov’t Models Show Typhoon Making Direct Hit On Fukushima"*
Center of Vongfong expected over nuclear plant Tuesday
by ENENews.com
*"Japan Times, Oct. 9, 2014:* "A supertyphoon is on course to hit Japan
over the weekend, meteorologists said Wednesday. The monstrous storm
“strength is very much similar to Haiyan,”said a meteorologist at the
Meteorological Agency. Vongfong was registering gusts of the same strength.
Its present course will see it smash into Japan some time over the weekend,
just days after another typhoon."
*Washington Post, Oct. 9, 2014:* "Imagery from satellite (and ... more »
The Round City Concept

This idea of a round city may not be the answer to all the problems but
this can build a far better environment...
The post The Round City Concept appeared first on Waking Times.
Re-Greening The Deserts
This film should be an inspiration to everyone to not give up and save the
deserts of the earth.
The post Re-Greening The Deserts appeared first on Waking Times.
Proclamation 2914 - Proclaiming the Existence of a National Emergency -December 16, 1950

*By the President of the United States of America*
*A Proclamation**Whereas* recent events in Korea and elsewhere constitute a
grave threat to the peace of the world and imperil the efforts of this
country and those of the United Nations to prevent aggression and armed
conflict; and
*Whereas* world conquest by communist imperialism is the goal of the forces
of aggression that have been loosed upon the world; and
*Whereas*, if the goal of communist imperialism were to be achieved, the
people of this country would no longer enjoy the full and rich life they
have with God's help buil... more »
The Lying Bastards at Tulane's Cowen Institute
Tulane's Cowen Institute has been CorpEd's hothouse of dissembling and lies
in New Orleans for a long time. Some years back it became obvious to
anyone looking at their annual celebrations of the privatization of NOLA
schools that they were making it up.
Now finally, they have stepped beyond the bounds that Tulane University's
enablers can stomach. They just withdrew the last propaganda piece from
their website and issued an apology. Wonder if they will do the same for
the other crap they have been posting for years. Here is a clip from
In a high-profile embar... more »
*Festival Acadiens, showcase for Cajun culture, underway in Lafayette
~Kevin Thibodeaux, The Advocate *
Great Start in Rangeley
Made it to Rangeley, Maine to start our Walk for Peace & A Sustainable
Future...... invited to a turkey supper with more than a hundred people at
the local UCC church where we are sleeping on the floor - they just had Br.
Senji Kanaeda sing an old Negro spiritual to the assembled ....beautiful
start to our peace walk!
The reception has been fantastic.
An eye for freckles

And talking about programmes I enjoyed....
When I was about 20 I had the idea of fusing science with poetry (as you
do) and I remember writing a love poem that used imagery drawn from X-ray
crystallography. I recall comparing the diffraction pattern of regularly
spaced spots produced by the process to the freckles of a young lady I
particularly admired at the time. It was a god-awful poem (most of them
were), but I had vivid flashbacks to it whilst listening to *An Eye for
Pattern: The Letters of Dorothy Hodgkin *over five day this past week on
Radio 4.
Dorothy Hodgkin won the N... more »
Your Money or Your Life?

October 11, 2014 There’s an old joke (I remember it as part of Jack
Benny’s comedy routine back in the 1950s) about the wealthy penny pincher
who was confronted by an armed robber saying, “Your money or your life?”
The … Continue reading →
Mike Huckabee Wants To Start A Third Party Even More Reactionary Than The GOP

A right-wing propaganda site reported Thursday that Mike Huckabee fears the
Republican Party is getting too liberal. In poll after poll, the vast
majority of normal Americans think the Republican Party has drifted way too
far to the right. But Huckabee is now whining publicly about starting a
third, more reactionary political party.
Two days after threatening to leave the Republican Party and run for the
White House in 2016 as an independent because the GOP has "abdicated" on
same-sex marriage, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Newsmax that the
GOP would be walking away fro... more »
11 Ways Volunteering Can Change Your Life
*Christian Stolle* - In virtually every corner of this planet there is a
place where you can volunteer...
The post 11 Ways Volunteering Can Change Your Life appeared first on Waking
Here below (second re-post of the day) is Paul Craig Roberts' reply to his followers concerning reports that the CIA was active in West Africa just prior to the ebola outbreak. It's a sufficiently important and short enough read that I have decided to reproduce it in larger print than usual. Otherwise, please note that the pair of videos in the first re-post of the day (below this one) shift to another video every 20 to 25 minutes. I strongly advise that you stop after watching the lead-off episode of each. The host of those videos, Alex Jones, has been rooting out evidence of the descent of the U.S. toward a police state for perhaps the entire 21st century. Indeed, Paul Craig Roberts has honored him by consenting to be interviewed by him 88 times!

*Ebola Update — Paul Craig Roberts*
October 11, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Ebola Update
Paul Craig Roberts
A number of readers have read reports that the CIA was active in West
Africa just prior to the ebola outbreak, and some have read reports that
the ebola strain is a weaponized version engineered to spread by air and
surface contact. Some readers ask me to confirm or refute these reports,
and others want to know if the... more »
Satellites Detect 'Thousands' of New Ocean-Bottom Mountains
[image: Ocean floor]
Ocean bottom viewing is now increasing rapidly and we can expect an
excellent view in the next twenty years or so. Yet we already have a
surprise. The ocean floor is peppered with volcanoes that are not so
apparent in continental geology. The instant take home is that the handful
we see are the scant above water reps of a massive population. The sea
floor turns out to be hugely active.
That actually put a niggling question sitting there in the back of my mind
to rest. The process is ongoing, and very active and extremely common. We
have just see... more »
Why Wheat is One of the Worst Carbs for Your Health

This is another round on the wheat problem which is clearly serious as it
can be handed most of the blame for the outbreak of obesity.
More work is needed on alternatives as well as we might expect. We also
need to know if any form of wheat is viable in some way.
Regardless the solution itself is simple enough and that is to limit
yourself to a rare serving. That is certainly less than every day. At least
then it is a treat only.
*Why Wheat is One of the Worst Carbs for Your Health*
*September 3, 201*
*Natasha Longo,*
*http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/09/03/wheat-one-worst... more »
DNA Analysis Shows That Native American Genealogy Is One of the Most Unique in the World

This is obviously important and cleanly proves the existence of a
single founder population. We still had ample hybridization coming off
that founder population but only much later when it would remain a minority
effect. That founder population did come out of the Bering area and off
course migrated along the sea coast and then eventually inland until all
the continents of North and South America was populated.This certainly
took place as early as 20,000 BP and possibly and plausibly much sooner.
Much later other came and that includes a substantial injection of
Europeans duri... more »
8 Food Myths I Learned at Nutrition School

It is about common sense after all, however this is directly from a
licensed nutritionist who was taught incorrect doctrine. She corrected
herself, but most others may never go there. Thus it is common to find
a nutritionist still promoting nonsense. Change has not come easily and
just how regulated is this industry.
The food industry is mired in scientific controversy and self serving
commercial misinformation. There is no truly safe source of information
for the consumer at all.
The only positive is that the long term trend is good.
*8 Food Myths I Learned at Nutriti... more »
Oct. 11: rock bottom
The Friday and Saturday edition of the TandT for this week are the worst I
have yet seen in that whole, wretched Irving press.
For Wednesday, the section A news is not just trivial; some is downright
bizarre. On A2, there is a story that there's no need for an Ebola panic in
NB. Okay. That's a reasonable story to report on. But the big picture to
illustrate the story is of parking lot construction at the Dumont hospital.
A photo, like a story, should tell us something. What the hell does this
photo tell us about Ebola?
Below it is a story about roadwork in Moncton wrapping up. And... more »
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