Over at Icecap
Independent Living News
Brought Down By Good Intentions
12:28am MDST
Sep 26, 2014
Obama to Shut Down 40% of U.S. Power ProductionIndependent Living News
Brought Down By Good Intentions
12:28am MDST
Obama, Malala and the Militants America Put into Power

*October 15, 2014 *(Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - It would seem only natural that
the presumed arbiters of the world would see their greetings and
congratulations as the natural pinnacle of success for any they deem a
global hero. And such is the case of now Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala
Yousafzai who has been given an audience with US President Barack Obama
(also a Nobel Peace Prize recipient) to be congratulated on for having
"inspired people around the world with her determined efforts for girls'
right to education."
Malala Yousafzai was thrust into headlines when she was attacked... more »
The First U.S. Air Force One (Video)
*Hat Tip:* Theo Spark
Education Post’s Selective Concern with “Belittling”
There’s a new blog in town, and it is fortified by millions in
corporate-reformer cash in order to spread the message that “the reforms
are working.” It’s called Education Post. I first wrote about it in this
September 3, 2014, post. EdPost is keen on US Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan. (More discussion on that point in in this September […]
How Close Is 1984 Today?
When I think back to high school and recall the books I read that have had
the most impact on my thinking since then, certainly the dystopian novels
*1984* (1949) by George Orwell and *Brave New World* (1932) by Aldous
Huxley ranked high among them. Our world must never turn into the world’s
created by Huxley and Orwell. This afternoon we looked at a reason to cast
a vote to reelect Colorado Senator Mark Udall based on his role in
preventing *1984* encroachment by the CIA and the rest of the U.S.
Military-Industrial-Intellegence Complex on our society and our democracy.
After wrt... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Monitors

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Is President Obama Facing A Pentagon Backlash?

President Barack Obama meets with Gen. Raymond Odierno, Commanding General,
United States Forces-Iraq, in the Oval Office, June 2, 2010. (Official
White House Photo by Pete Souza)
*Pentagon Backlash: Why Are Top Military Leaders Attacking Obama’s Foreign
Policy? -- Husna Haq, Christian Science Monitor*
*Gen. Ray Odierno, the US Army Chief of Staff, is the latest Pentagon
official to criticize President Obama's foreign policy. Is that unusual? *
On Tuesday, Gen. Ray Odierno, the US Army Chief of Staff, publicly
questioned President Obama’s plan to reduce the size of America’s
groun... more »
Ukraine / Russia situation ( October 14 , 2014 ) - As West not successful in persuading russia from backing off ( Syria , Iran , Ukraine ) , brent being crushed to try to break Russian will ? Meanwhile in Kiev. rumbling beginning .......
Published October 14, 2014 by VineyardSaker
Two important sources of statistical data
Dear friends,
I want to share with you two very interesting articles.
The first one was originally posted in the Oceania Saker Blog. Written by
Alexander Latsa, a Russian analyst, and entitled “Russian Demographics:
Winter or Spring, depending on whether the analysis comes from the West or
from Russia itself“, it takes a close look into the topic of Russian
The second one was posted on the website No Bread and Circuses for You.
Written by NoBC4U, a person with first hand knowledge of th... more »
The Great Game Updates - October 10 , 2014 ( Connecting Dots - Russia , Oil , China , BRICS , SCO , De-Dollarization , GCC appeasement , Syria / Iraq Regional War impact , Ukraine payback )
Catharsis Ours - 2 hours ago
Cause and Effect.....
"De-Dollarizing" Russia Pays Down Near-Record $53 Billion In Debt In Third
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/10/2014 17:23 -0400
- Lehman
- Reality
- Trade Balance
- Ukraine
Despite the reassuring narrative from The West that Russia faces "costs"
and is increasingly "isolated" due to sanctions for its actions in Ukraine,
the most recent data suggests reality is quite different. Fir... more »
Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave
Censored News Begins 9th Year!
3.5 million pageviews, we begin our 9th year!
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
We celebrate the beginning of the ninth year of Censored News!
In 2006, after being censored, then terminated, as a staff writer for
Indian Country Today, I began Censored News to expose what is being
censored, and as a platform for grassroots Indigenous Peoples. It was
launched at the Indigenous Border
Is Israel About To Use It's Natural Gas Reserves To Shape Mideast Relations?

*Israel Sees Gas as Key to Transforming Mideast Relations -- Bloomberg*
After this summer’s war in Gaza battered Israel’s international reputation,
the country’s leaders say they have a new foreign policy tool to build
relations with its neighbors: natural gas.
By the the end of the year, Israel may have binding agreements to sell
billions of dollars of gas to Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.
Preliminary talks are taking place with customers in Turkey, even though
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is among Israel’s fiercest critics. Gas may
even help improve relationships... more »
RIP, Leonard Liggio

Rest in Peace, Prof. Leonard P. Liggio, Executive Vice President of
Academics at Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Washington DC, USA. He
passed away October 14, 2014, he was 81.
I met Leonard first time in April 2004 when Atlas granted me an
international fellowship for one month to the US, along with Ellen Cain of
the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEF). First in Chicago for the Atlas
Liberty Forum, then at the Atlas office in Fairfax, Virginia then. It was
my first exposure to other free market-oriented groups, think tanks and
individuals from many parts of the world.
Atlas... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Valley Of Healing Waters"
2002, "Valley Of Healing Waters"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IWFKmI-3oo
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This sharp cosmic portrait features NGC 891. The spiral galaxy spans about
100 thousand light-years and is seen almost exactly edge-on from our
perspective. In fact, about 30 million light-years distant in the
constellation Andromeda, NGC 891 looks a lot like our Milky Way. At first
glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk and a central bulge cut along
the middle by regions of dark obscuring dust.
*Click image for larger size.*
The combined image data also reveal the galaxy's young blue star clusters
and telltale pinkish star forming regions. And remarkably apparent in NGC
891's e... more »
Chet Raymo, “All Men Have The Stars”
*“All Men Have The Stars”*
by Chet Raymo
"At the end of his big-bang book "The First Three Minutes", physicist
Steven Weinberg famously wrote: "The more the universe seems
comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless." His point is this: We
have discovered in this century that the human species is just one of
billions of species of life on a typical planet near a star that is just
one of a trillion stars in a galaxy among hundreds of billions of galaxies.
It is no longer possible, he implies, to think that the universe was made
for us or that our existence is in any way importa... more »
"The Whole Of Life..."
"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That
is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why
you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for all
that is life."
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
The Giza Pyramids – Unravelling the Mystery
*Robert Carson* - "Egyptologists had come to believe that the pyramids at
Giza had been constructed as mausoleums... they seemed unconcerned that
many of these internal spaces seemed unsuited to the purpose."
The post The Giza Pyramids – Unravelling the Mystery appeared first on Waking
Crude Oil Prices Are Collapsing
*Oil Prices Plunge As Production Rises, Fueling Concern In OPEC --
Washington Post*
The rollercoaster ride of oil prices is speeding downward, carrying with it
bickering members of OPEC, anxious U.S. shale oil producers and a Russia
that relies heavily on petroleum revenues.
With a weak global economy, the customary swing producer of oil — Saudi
Arabia — has cut prices instead of cutting production, setting off a
scramble on world markets. Crude oil prices have tumbled more than 23
percent since June, including a more than 4 percent drop Tuesday. Prices
fell below four-year lows ... more »
Lucid Dreaming: "Silent Lucidity"
"Silent Lucidity"
by Jason Bellows
"There was a time that I could fly. I jutted my right fist into the air,
and launched into the sky. My stomach dropped with the sensation of
breaking gravity’s bond, and the summer air cooled as I reached higher.
When the roads were so far below as to be an indistinct ashen blur, I
halted and curled my legs under me as I was pelted by icy crystals of
clouds, and surveyed all below. There was a moment of idle indecision, but
in the end it mattered not at all. I picked a direction and dove.
The experience was one of my many brushes with Lucid Dreami... more »
Dine' Traditional Harvest Recipes
these popular traditional recipes, most of the Dine' recipes were
collected while I was food editor of Navajo Times Today many years ago.
There's also mesquite and nopalito (cactus pad) recipes from Tohono
O'odham, and others from Sonora. Enjoy! Thanks for reading, Brenda
Dine’ Traditional Harvest Recipes
Article and photo by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Foods for Health
Throwing in the towel on the 2014 campaign, and while we're at it the 2016 campaign as well

*"I get 'The Temple will be rebuilt' and 'The Messiahwill come.' But what
does 'Hillary will run' mean?"*
*by Ken*
Just as I was about to make the official announcement that I'm officially
sick of the 2014 election campaign, along comes *The New Yorker*'s David
Sipress, on his current stint as newyorker.com "Daily Cartoon"-ist, with the
above cartoon, to remind me that I'm actually already officially sick of
the 2016 election campaign. Is this what they mean by early voting?
In case you're wondering, the moment when I decided it was time to pull my
personal plug on the 2014 hoote... more »
Pakistan's Taliban Leaders Pledge Allegiance To The Islamic State

TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid. PHOTO: INP
*Pakistani Taliban Leaders Pledge Allegiance to Islamic State -- Wall
Street Journal*
PESHAWAR, Pakistan—Six senior members of the Pakistani Taliban, including
prominent regional leaders, Tuesday pledged allegiance to the Islamic State
and its head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a potentially explosive rift within
militant circles here that could lead to new violence.
“I pledge allegiance to the Caliph of Muslims…Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” said
the spokesman Shahidullah Shahid. “I will listen to and obey his every
order, even if the situation is... more »
The Daily "Near You?
Pompano Beach, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"What Is Hope?"
*"What Is Hope?"*
by Ruben Alves
"What is hope? It is the pre-sentiment that imagination is more real and
reality is less real than it looks. It is the hunch that the overwhelming
brutality of facts that oppress and repress us is not the last word. It is
the suspicion that reality is more complex than the realists want us to
That the frontiers of the possible are not determined by the limits of the
actual; and in a miraculous and unexplained way, life is opening creative
events which will light the way to freedom and resurrection. But the two —
suffering and hope — must l... more »
Come to the Bard and Banker Thursday for my book launch

It’s been a long time between posts.
Lots of good reasons. We’ve had two weddings in October, two daughters
marrying two great guys. They’ve been fun and inspiring, and a chance to
re-connect with people who matter.
I’ve been doing interesting work for The Tyee, BC Business and Douglas
We - Jody Paterson and I - have been looking ahead to new Cuso
International placements in Nicaragua.
And there has been ‘the book.’ The real title is Dead Ends: BC Crime
Stories, but for a long time, as I laboured away, it was just ‘the book.’
It’s my first, published by the team at the Un... more »
President Obama Acknowledged Setbacks Tuesday In The War Against The Islamic State

*Photo:* Analysts have said it is very important Obama shows that he is
committed to fighting ISIS
*Obama Acknowledges Setbacks In ISIS Fight -- FOX News*
President Obama acknowledged setbacks Tuesday in the war against the
Islamic State, to the backdrop of fierce fighting for control of a Syrian
border town and fresh concerns over Turkey’s cooperation.
The president spoke as he met just outside Washington with military chiefs
from more than 20 nations.
He noted negative developments in the fight against the Islamic State,
saying there will be days of progress but also “periods of... more »
Probability Theory: “Chances Are”
“Chances Are”
by Steven Strogatz
"Have you ever had that anxiety dream where you suddenly realize you have
to take the final exam in some course you’ve never attended? For
professors, it works the other way around — you dream you’re giving a
lecture for a class you know nothing about. That’s what it’s like for me
whenever I teach probability theory. It was never part of my own education,
so having to lecture about it now is scary and fun, in an amusement park,
thrill-house sort of way.
Perhaps the most pulse-quickening topic of all is “conditional probability”
— the probability th... more »
Watch Closer to God Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Closer to God (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.0
Release : 24 Apr 2014
Duration : 81 min
Genre : Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director : Billy Senese
Writer : Billy Senese
Cast : Jeremy Childs, Shelean Newman, Shannon Hoppe, David Alford
Synopsis Closer to GodA genetic scientist successfully clones the first
human being, a baby girl named Elizabeth, but his work is soon threatened
by a dark secret, a secret that threatens to destroy everything and
everyone precious to him.
Description Closer to GodLooking Closer at Left Behind The Movie! October
2, 2014 By Jeffrey Overstree... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 14, 2014
*The Worsening Ebola Crisis -- New York Times editorial*
Recent days have brought two alarming developments in the struggle to
contain Ebola. The campaign against the epidemic in West Africa, the only
sure way to prevent the spread of the virus to the United States and other
countries, fell even further behind. And the discovery that a nurse
treating an Ebola patient in Dallas had herself become infected despite
wearing protective gear raised questions about the readiness of American
hospitals to deal with Ebola patients.
Reassuring statements by health officials that virtually an... more »
US-Backed Hazzm Movement is Touted as a Secular and Model Rebel Group by Washington
*Washington is giving away high-tech weapons to ISIL cavemen like it's
candy. *
*Video Title: US-Backed Hazzm Movement is Touted as a Secular and Model
Rebel Group by Washington. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published: October 14,
2014. Description:*
This video shows excerpts from videos belonging to Harakat Hazm (Hazzm
Movement or Steadfastness Movement), which operates with US-backing and
whose formation was announced in January 2014 in the presence of the leader
of the Supreme Military Council of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA), General
Salim Idris. The group has been touted by Washing... more »
The Magic of the Peace Walk in Livermore Falls
*The group this morning as we began walking from Farmington to Livermore
Falls - an 18 mile day**During our lunch break this local old timer, a WW
II vet, came over and talked with us about the insanity of war*
*During a break just outside of Livermore Falls Veterans For Peace founding
member Doug Rawlings rests and holds the VFP flag*
*Students from University of Maine-Farmington*
We made it to Livermore Falls by about 4:00 pm - after our 8:30 am start
this morning in Farmington. Several students from the University of
Maine-Farmington Amnesty International club joined us for the fir... more »
*“Rune Charms For Warriors And For Peace”*
by Sunnyway
"I've been asked numerous times by soldiers and family members for magical
charms to aid and protect our soldiers and news corps in the Middle East
and elsewhere. I've put together a collection of Galdrastafir - Viking era
"magical staves." Most of these talismans are very ancient and effective.
According to tradition, the Aegishjalmur "helm of awe" should be worn over
the forehead, perhaps scratched or drawn on the inside of one's helmet. Its
purpose is protection and "irresistibility" in battle (as in the Borg's,
"Resistance... more »
NZ Housing Crisis: Local Government Still Confused
*Guest post by Hugh Pavletich*
Early 2007, soon after the release of Demographia’s housing affordability
survey showing NZ’s housing beccoming increasingly unaffordable, Local
Government New Zealand® and the New Zealand Planning Institute® expressed
concern about housing affordability, stating:
The New Zealand Planning Institute® strongly supports Demographia’s call
for planners, local councils and developers to collaborate more proactively
and effectively on the provision of an adequate supply of affordable new
residential housing.
Now, some seven-and-a-half years later, 10th Oc... more »
World News Briefs -- October 14, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*W.H.O. Forecast For Ebola Worsens As Mortality Rate Rises -- New York
The World Health Organization reported sobering new figures Tuesday about
the Ebola outbreak ravaging West Africa, saying the mortality rate had
risen to 70 percent and that the number of new cases could reach 10,000 per
week by December.
The organization had been saying that the number of new cases was about
1,000 per week for the past four weeks, and that the mortality rate for
Ebola had been around 50 percent.
*Read more* ....
US-led strikes on ISIL *intensify in Kobane*.
Coalition h... more »
Planned Obsolescence, Perceived Obsolescence

*Video - *Are people being herded along in a desired direction by a greater
power to constantly buy more stuff, when they don't really need it?
The post Planned Obsolescence, Perceived Obsolescence appeared first on Waking
*The Myth of Carbon Pollution *
On October 15, 2014, Dr. William Happer, Chairman of the George C. Marshall
Institute, will discuss "The Myth of Carbon Pollution."
"Carbon pollution" is a propaganda slogan for the campaign against carbon
dioxide (CO2). It is not science. Atmospheric CO2 is not a pollutant but is
essential for plant growth. Current CO2 levels are far below optimum for
most plants, and far below norms of geological history, when CO2
concentrations averaged several times higher than present values. A
substantial fraction, about 15%, of current world food producti... more »
Calaveritas con Nombres de Personas - Pide el tuyo en Facebook

Click sobre las imágenes para ampliar su tamaño
Click sobre las imágenes para ampliar su tamaño
Click sobre las imágenes para ampliar su tamaño
Si tu nombre no está en esta lista, puedes pedirlo en los comentarios de
Facebook aquí abajito y en breve lo pondremos. Agrega esta página a tus
favoritos (CONTROL D) para regresar por tu imagen cuando tengas tiempo. Si
deseas ver nuestra colección especial de Imágenes para el Día de Muertos,
haz click aquí. Para conocer y unirte a nuestra página en Facebook, haz
click aquí. *NOTA:* Los nuevos nombres solicitados, serán agregados al
final de ... more »
Oct. 14: Wow! A page and a half of people......
....picking apples. (Actually only one photo is of a person who is actually
picking an apple.) Also in the Monday edition, a big story that the Fundy
lobster season is ready to start, and fishermen are hoping for good prices.
Gee! Who would have guessed? And, in a world that is on the brink of the
biggest war it has ever seen, the edition has not a single story about
foreign news. In more exciting news, ace reporter Dale Hobson breaks the
big news that a Pita Pit restaurant will be opening in Riverview.- Page
A1, and continued on P. A4. (Paris will be so jealous.) I bet it took so... more »
Goffman and the Sociology of Video Games
Erving Goffman. Certainly a sociologist who hasn't had much of an airing
round these parts. Not that I have anything against him or his body of
work, it's more that we have very different problematics. He was interested
in the micro level, of the practices, stratagems and conventions of
interaction between individuals. And me? You know what this blog is all
about. But on occasion, I like a straight foray into things sociological
and this is one of those moments.
Goffman was interested in developing analytical frameworks for the study of
face-to-face interaction. While he did devel... more »
Red To Blue Has Now Become A Democratic Candidate Death Sentence

We’ve been talking a lot about the very predictable catastrophic impact the
Steve Israel Effect has been having on Democratic campaigns from coast to
coast. Although a staffer in one of Israel’s victims’ campaigns was willing
to tell us that his candidate has basically stopped making donor calls and
just chops wood now, cursing Israel with every swing of his ax, most of the
candidates and staffers don’t want to go on the record about how they feel
about the DCCC wrecking their campaigns at the last minute. Bitterness is
rampant and *every* campaign told me that Israel never called ... more »
U.S. And Russia Agree To Share Intel On The Islamic State

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (right) and US Secretary of State
John Kerry discussed the Ukrainian crisis during three-hour talks in Paris.
© RIA Novosti. Eduard Pesov
Lavrov: Russia, US Could Be More Effective in Joint Efforts to Fight
Terrorism, Ebola -- RIA Novosti
PARIS, October 14 (RIA Novosti) – Russia and the United States could be
more effective in their joint efforts on a number of global issues,
including the fight against terrorism and the Ebola virus, Russian Foreign
Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday, following the talks with US Secretary
of State John Kerry... more »
war on peace
the "war on drugs" got us more drugs
the "war on poverty" brings us more poverty
the "war on terror" brought us more terror
maybe we should have a "war on peace" !
Utah Giveaway: Disney On Ice

I have been given tickets to Disney on Ice in exchange this post and
giveaway. All opinions are 100% my own.
Who is ready for a giveaway? Disney on Ice is headed back into Salt Lake
City this coming November with scenes from Cars, The Little Mermaid, Toy
Story 3 and Tinkerbell and you have the opportunity to win a family 4 pack
of tickets! Ticket information and the giveaway are below.
*Rev up for non-stop fun with four of your favorite Disney stories when
Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy - Presented by Stonyfield YoKids
Organic Yogurt, comes to Salt Lake City playing the E... more »
5 Steps to Agape ~ Love Quest ~ Day 2

[image: Picture]
Let's talk about who you are, for you are so much more than you know. This
person, the one looking at you from the bathroom mirror this morning is
akin to a god. This is not said lightly or in jest. This is truth. The
Source of life that propels you forward each day is the energy of creation
itself. The definition of “soul” is your local connection to that energy.
This energy doesn't diminish as it localizes, it becomes a specific point
of focus. As such, it can experience its surroundings at a local level. You
are the face of that local level.
We are speaking abou... more »
"Shielded from Justice: The High Cost of Living in a Police State"
*"Shielded from Justice: *
*The High Cost of Living in a Police State"*
By John W. Whitehead
“It’s been over five months since the night a SWAT team broke into the
house in which we were staying…We were staying with relatives and my whole
family was sleeping in one room. My husband and I, our three daughters and
our baby (nicknamed “Baby Bou Bou”) in his crib. Dressed like soldiers,
they broke down the door. The SWAT officers tossed a flashbang grenade into
the room. It landed in Baby Bou Bou’s crib, blowing a hole in his face and
chest that took months to heal and covering his enti... more »
"Enter, Stranger..."
"Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there. "
- J.K. Rowling, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
Ebola: “Most US Hospitals Cannot Safely Handle Ebola Patients”
*“Most US Hospitals Cannot Safely Handle Ebola Patients”*
by Michael Snyder
“This Ebola outbreak is being called the “most severe, acute health
emergency seen in modern times“, and the U.S. health care system is
completely and totally unprepared for it. The truth is that most U.S.
hospitals are simply not equipped to safely handle Ebola patients, and most
hospital staff members have received little or no training on Ebola. And
the fact that Barack Obama and our top public health officials are running
around proclaiming that Ebola is “difficult to catch” is giving doctors and
nurs... more »
Jesse Rothstein’s Refutation of Chetty et. al’s Longterm Impacts of Teachers
Lacking the expertise to critique the specifics of the methodology of “The
Long-Term Impacts of Teachers” by Raj Chetty, John Friedman, and Jonah
Rockoff, I have focused on becoming a good consumer of their study’s
findings. I could not test the validity of their specific regression
methods, but repeated rereadings and diverse email communications allowed
How does it taste?

This is from Oliver Troll's blog....
Had enough yet?
Watch Rage Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Rage (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.0
Release : 09 May 2014
Duration : 92 min
Genre : Action, Crime, Thriller
Director : Paco Cabezas
Writer : Jim Agnew, Sean Keller
Cast : Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Max Ryan, Michael McGrady
Synopsis RageWhen the daughter of a reformed criminal is kidnapped, he
rounds up his old crew and seeks his own brand of justice.
Description RageThe Academy of American Poets is the largest
membership-based nonprofit organization fostering an appreciation for
contemporary poetry and supporting American poets.,Site dedicated to Rage
Pro\Rage 1... more »
India-Pakistan Border Fighting Tapers Off But Tensions Remain High

*India-Pakistan Border Firing Tapers Off, But Diplomatic Tempers Continue
to Flare -- Wall Street Journal*
After nearly a week of heavy cross-border firing, the boundary between
India and Pakistan largely fell quiet over the weekend, though diplomatic
tempers continued to flare.
There was no exchange of fire Sunday night, a spokesman for India’s Border
Security Force said, raising hopes of an end to the current round of
hostilities, which has left at least 17 people dead and displaced hundreds
of thousands of people on both sides.
But the intense fighting and the strong polit... more »
Releasing the FEAR of the “unknown”

*Oh man are the energies shifting! Felt very strongly here, its all
changing. The winds in North Africa the last 24 hours are perhaps
indicative of the exponentially changing energies of the planet as a whole
- I've never seen them so strong. -AK*
*Releasing the FEAR of the “unknown”*
October 13, 2014
by Karen Dover
For many of you at this time it may be a time of utter chaos, as the old 3D
earth created constructs begin to dissolve there are no reference points
that your human logical mind can reach in this frequency and so the human
logical mind goes into a panic. Many of you... more »
Inequality and Parenting
Click on graphic to enlarge. Source.
Ebola: “So, About That Nurse...”
*“So, About That Nurse...”*
by Karl Denninger
“So now we have a nurse that has contracted ebola while treating the Dallas
patient- and apparently only treated him after it was known he had ebola,
and thus was following protocol. The CDC says: “As the head of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention blames a "protocol breach" for the
infection of a Dallas nurse with Ebola...”
Ok, then if you assert that a "protocol breach" was responsible please
identify it. Because if you can't then you're speculating that it was a
protocol breach- which is very different from knowing there ... more »
u.s. war resisters in canada are at serious risk. here's how you can help.
The War Resisters Support Campaign is facing an unprecedented crisis. Since
war resister Kimberly Rivera was forced out of the country in September
2012, there had been no movement on any war resister’s case.
Then, within one month, five war resisters received notices that decisions
have been made in their cases. Two of these have been given removal dates (
*i.e.* they have been told to leave the country by a certain date). We
expect similar negative outcomes in the other cases – and we don’t know who
else will receive a notice tomorrow or next week.
The Campaign has shifted into hig... more »
Supplemental: Last thoughts on campaign storylines!
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014Analysts scold favorite uncles:* The Des Moines
Register has conducted its latest poll for the upcoming election.
We refer to the upcoming *2016* election. In our view, the numbers look bad
for a possible Candidate Clinton.
We’re discussing voters in Iowa only. But Mitt Romney is outpolling Clinton
in the state, 44 to 43. Clinton beats Paul Ryan by one point, Rand Paul by
only three.
Those numbers don’t look real good to us. When Clinton left the State
Department, the tools at MSNBC guffawed and haw-hawed for a few weeks about
what a shoo-in she was goin... more »
U.S. Media Starting To Accept The Reality That President Obama's Policy To Defeat The Islamic State Is Failing

Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Kobani, seen from near the Mursitpinar
border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of
Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 14, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Umit Bektas
*Zakaria: Iraq's Army Has Collapsed -- CNN*
*CNN speaks with Fareed Zakaria about reports over new advances by the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. This is an edited version of the
*There is reportedly one base remaining in Anbar Province under Iraqi
control. Talking to a general, he said it isn't so significant. You
It's very significant... more »
Gratitude – The Key That Opens the Gateway to Abundance
*Randi G. Fine* - "When we show gratitude to life, life shows gratitude to
us. When we are grateful for what we have, we have more to be grateful
The post Gratitude – The Key That Opens the Gateway to Abundance appeared
first on Waking Times.
Watch Itirazim var Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Itirazim var (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 8.3
Release : 18 Apr 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Action, Drama
Director : Onur Ünlü
Writer : Onur Ünlü
Cast : Serkan Keskin, Hazal Kaya, Öner Erkan, Osman Sonant
Synopsis Itirazim varThere is a murder while at prayer. Selman Bulut, the
imam of mosque, starts to investigate the murder and faces with people in
the neighborhood.
Description Itirazim var
Itirazim var Trailer on Youtube
*Watch Itirazim var Full Movie*
Search Result Related Itirazim var
The Inside Story On Why The Iraqi City Of Mosul Fell So Quickly To The Islamic State

Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) stand guard at
a checkpoint in the northern Iraq city of Mosul, in this June 11, 2014 file
photo. Credit: REUTERS/Stringer
*Special Report: How Mosul Fell - An Iraqi General Disputes Baghdad's Story
-- Ned Parker, Isabel Coles and Raheem Salman, Reuters*
(Reuters) - Lieutenant General Mahdi Gharawi knew an attack was coming.
In late May, Iraqi security forces arrested seven members of militant group
Islamic State in Mosul and learned the group planned an offensive on the
city in early June. Gharawi, the operational command... more »
Amnesty International: Iraq's Shiite Militias Are Committing War Crimes

A fighter from the Shi'ite Badr Brigade militia holds his gun at a mobile
checkpoint in Suleiman Beg, northern Iraq September 9, 2014. Business
*Iraq: Shia Militias 'Killing Sunnis In Reprisal Attacks' -- BBC*
Shia militias in Iraq have kidnapped and killed scores of Sunni civilians
in recent months, a report by campaign group Amnesty International has said.
The killings were in apparent revenge for attacks by Islamic State (IS).
Amnesty said the militias had been supported and armed by the Iraqi
government and operated with impunity.
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who to... more »
The Islamic State Continues It's Conquest Of Iraq
*Iraq Crisis: 180,000 Flee IS Advance In Anbar, UN Says -- BBC*
As many as 180,000 people have fled fighting between Iraqi forces and
Islamic State (IS) militants in and around the city of Hit in western Anbar
province, the UN says.
The civilians - many of whom were already displaced - have headed east
towards the war-torn city of Ramadi.
The UN says the refugees are in need of food, blankets and medical supplies.
IS captured Hit earlier this month in an advance across Anbar that has
alarmed Iraqi leaders.
Analysts say seizing Anbar would enable IS to establish a supply line to
... more »
William Catton’s book, *Overshoot*, describes the process by which most
modern societies have achieved *overshoot* — a population in excess of the
permanent carrying capacity of the habitat. It examines the long human
saga, and reveals embarrassing failures of foresight that make our big
brains wince and blush. Catton drives an iron stake through the heart of
our goofy worldview — the myths, fantasies, and illusions of progress. Readers
are served a generous full strength dose of ecological reality with no
sugar coating.
Humans evolved to thrive in a tropical wilderness. In the... more »
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution "prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances" Nowadays, the presstitute media prefer to keep their lucrative jobs by reporting what the government wishes to be reported (usually lies). Only true patriots like James Risen risk imprisonment to stay the course that our Founding Fathers laid out for us.

James Risen Prepared to “Pay Any Price” to Report on War on Terror Amid
Crackdown on Whistleblowers
*democracynow *
*Published on Oct 14, 2014*
http://democracynow.org - We spend the hour with veteran New York Times
investigative reporter James Risen, the journalist at the center of one of
the most significant press freedom cases in decades. In 2006, Risen won a
Pulitzer Prize for his reporting about warrantless wiretapping of Americans
by the National Security Agency. He has since been pursued by both the Bush
and Ob... more »
Eavesdropping, Reasonable Search & Seizure and The "Right to Privacy"

*Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967)*, is a United States Supreme
Court case discussing the nature of the "right to privacy" and the legal
definition of a "search".
The Court's ruling refined previous interpretations of the unreasonable
search and seizure clause of the Fourth Amendment to count immaterial
intrusion with technology as a search, overruling Olmstead v. United States
and Goldman v. United States.
Katz also extended Fourth Amendment protection to all areas where a person
has a* "reasonable expectation of privacy".*
*"The Government's activities in electronic... more »
Drowning in the Tidal Wave of Energy: Riding the Surf to BEing

Once again, this has been a week of incredibly intense energetic tidal
waves, sweeping in almost non-stop, leaving exhaustion and for many of us,
even confusion it their wake.
And once again, I waited to see who would be the first to pop up with an
update on this next wave of high energy that has crashed onto our shores.
I had been waiting and checking into Gaias Portal every few hours since
sometime Sunday afternoon- KNOWing that the update would happen any
WELLA! All three of the sites I have been closely watching posted within
hours of each other, and the message w... more »
The CIA Wouldn't Try To Undermine Mark Udall's Reelection... Would They?
In 2006, Blue America backed Tom Udall, a congressman from New Mexico when
he ran for the Senate. He was an excellent congressman and he's been a
good, solid, progressive senator. We didn't back his less progressive
cousin, Mark Udall, a congressman from Colorado running the same year, also
for the Senate. We weren't against him and we hoped he'd been right-wing
extremist Bob Schaffer-- which he did, 1,230,994 (53%) to 990,755 (42%). 3
weeks from today, both are up for reelection. Tom doesn't have much of a
contest against Republican Allen Weh. It's unlikely Weh will even crack
4... more »
Turkey Launches Air Strikes Against Kurdish PKK Fighters
*Turkish Warplanes Bomb Kurdish PKK -- Wall Street Journal*
Strikes Jeopardize On-Going Peace Talks to End Insurgency in Turkey
ISTANBUL—Turkey’s warplanes and artillery repeatedly bombed camps of the
Kurdistan Workers’ Party in the country’s southeast on Monday, marking the
military’s first significant offensive against the PKK since peace talks
started two years ago.
Attacks in the Hakkari province, on Turkey’s borders with Iran and Iraq,
came in retaliation to repeated PKK harassment of military outposts, which
have been drawing fire since Saturday, according to Turkey’s privat... more »
$3 Pumpkin Centerpieces

With every party I throw, I find myself always stressing about the
centerpieces. I want the tables to look amazing, but I want to be able to
spend the majority of my budget on the food and entertainment, not the
centerpieces. These simple centerpieces were a smash hit at my last get
together, and they came together for about $3 each.
You will need:
- Small carvable pumpkins (available at dollar stores)
- Bunches of leafs, I found it was way easier to buy the sprigs of
leaves than strands
- wire cutters or scissors
I started to carve my first pumpkin, when I realized... more »
The Battle For Kobani -- News Updates October 14, 2014
*The Black Flag Is Torn Down: US Airstrikes Help Kurdish Fighters Scale
Hill Outside Battle-Torn Town Of Kobane To Remove Sinister ISIS Flag That
Had Flown Above Them For A Week -- Daily Mail*
* Islamic State militants show hastily abandoned Kurdish trenches in Kobane
* Comes as ISIS push the Kurdish resistance ever deeper into city centre
* Despite ISIS advances, Kurdish fighters claim to have recaptured key hill
* Tall Shair hill-top in west Kobane was seized by ISIS militants 10 days
* News comes as Turkey contradicts U.S. officials by denying it has granted
America permissio... more »
15 Ton Shark Captured off Pakistan
Everyone misses the rather obvious detail that giants have huge hunting
ranges and must never be too numerous. At the same time, on death their
chances of been fossilized are much greater as well simply because they are
so slow to decompose.
Just as obvious, no one is out with the right tackle either. Thus we have
a fluke capture scenario. At leasdt we now know these still exist.
As well it takes us back to the unexplored deep were huge creatures can
hang out forever and never be discovered.
In another generation we will have the hardware for plenty of deep
penetration... more »
Humans Glow in Visible Light
An alternative explanation or at least an augmentation is that our light
bodies absorb solar energy of some form and this leads to reemmission in
wavelengths we observe. The time periods support this.
Our present problem is that we know that short wavelength energy is
persuasive and used by our chemistry in particular to transmit information
Thus this observation is fully expected.
The light problem is major and it is not going away. It is also integral
to our understanding of consciousness as well. In the meantime we are
stumbling around the edges.
*Schematic illust... more »
The God of War

Well maybe not. A rag tag army of killers has been allowed to run amok
against a badly demoralized foe. The surprise led to a serious delay,
mostly because no independent force in place had been established. This led
to the obvious recognition that such a force is necessary and it is
probably better that it will not now be totally American.
In fact that is the solution here. Have the Arabs establish exactly that
and combine it with the long reach of the USA war machine. An effective
Arab regiment is just as good as American in combat and infinately better
at handling locals. Thi... more »
It's Not 2008 For Chinese Companies — It's Worse

What this tells us is that demand has broadly collapsed somehow and while
failing firms will be recapped or merged, there is no clear reason to
understand if demand will recover.
This appears to be the expected long stagnation period that China needs to
pass through as the population base strengthens and accumulates wealth
sufficient to end this natural consolidation.
The State really cannot do much else as stimulus is merely sucked into
unproductive real estate.
The economy can now transition to a natural consumption based system that
spends heavily on services. This is ha... more »
Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Confirmed!
This report finally bells the cat on the reality of what was discovered
two decades ago by Pons et all and instantly labeled cold fusion. This is
full and formal demonstrable production of nuclear energy in a real world
working device that establishes method and byproducts and even real fuel
consumption. It is also a powerful reminder of just how long it takes to
get here. Five years have gone by since Rossi opened up and almost thirty
since the original discoverers were hounded out of their positions. It
remains disgusting how belief systems dominate science. What we learn h... more »
Sacred Symbols of the Stone Age
[image: Sacred Symbols of the Stone Age]
This is a rather welcome item along with the known occurrences. We have
here thirty symbols that shared common usage during the stone age. That
the distribution is also largely global is also important and supports my
contention that information migrated back and forth globally and what was
helpful soon was global as well. My estimate is that it would take about
one thousand years.
The mature symbol kit made the jump to other continents when shipping could
handle it.
Otherwise this kit is designed for cutting into rock. Thus we c... more »
Fed Not Funding Munis with Ellen Brown

Now I understand what is wrong with the Eurozone. The individual countries
cannot borrow from their own public banks. This naturally impedes their
capacity. No wonder london has declined to play.
In the meantime, the Fed has just proven why we must establish serious
public banks in every State and even every large city. This is the natural
market for munis and it has to be created. Do you really think a broker is
Brooklyn cares about a muni from Bakersfield when he has a thousand other
to choose from. Your local public bank has multiple reasons to support the
local muni market ... more »
Why Zhou Yongkang Will Be Charged With Murder

We continue to monitor the slow march of Zhou Yongkang to his ultimate
elimination. As this makes out, what he really participated in was certain
to see him hung anywhere. The other crimes, and they are not few, made him
a made member of the 'bloody hands' faction whose end we are witnessing.
I do not know if China is becoming better for any of this. It is clear that
the guilty were unable to hold an inconvenient hard line on ideology while
they held power and that opened the door to much which is now been pulled
back somewhat.
Present signals are actually disconcerting and tha... more »
Nationalist Protests Turn Violent Outside Ukraine Parliament

Radical protesters (R) clash with Interior Ministry and law enforcement
members on the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks, marked by activists and
supporters of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda (Freedom) Party and far-right
activists and nationalists to honour the role of the movement in the
history of Ukraine, during a rally near the parliament building in Kiev,
October 14, 2014. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
*Ukraine Far Right Battles Police At Parliament In Kiev -- BBC*
Ukrainian nationalists have hurled smoke canisters and stones at riot
police during clashes outside the parliament in Kiev.
... more »
World News Briefs -- October 14, 2014
*Obama, Military Leaders to Discuss Islamic State Strategy -- Voice of
President Barack Obama and American military commanders are to meet Tuesday
with foreign defense chiefs to discuss their coalition efforts to combat
Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.
A spokesman for General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff, said the upcoming talks at Andrews Air Force Base just
outside Washington will cover the challenges of the operation and a vision
for the way forward.
Representatives from about 20 countries, including Turkey, are expected to... more »

*Click on to enlarge*
*Jesus knew that a state of loving soul consciousness that he had
surrendered to, as an adult, was innately there in children and that they
already knew what he knew. That they all had a part to play in a slowly
evolving loving plan as 16 year old Pakistani** Nobel Prize winner Malala
Yousafzai is now most certainly doing: Allen L Roland, Ph.D*
At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, *"Who is greatest in the
kingdom of heaven?" *Then He called a child to Him and had him stand among
them. *"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become ... more »
University of Memphis Plans to Establish Teacher Preparation Caste System
In the first decades of the 20th Century, the differentiated curriculum
came into existence as a way to sort, segregate, and direct education
programs that would ready the children of the most northern European and
the richest for societal leadership roles, while preparing a docile
workforce for the rest who could be contained, segregated, trained, and
taught to value labor. An efficient sorting machine was constructed by
using primitive intelligence and achievement tests to undergird a
long-established social darwinist ideology and a eugenics agenda aimed at
maximizing social hygi... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Ebola Crisis Set-up'
Posted on October 13, 2014
Please post and distribute.
MNN. OCT. 14, 2014. “Crisis actors” are hired by government agencies and
mainstream media to portray trauma and suffering. They play victims or
witnesses in staged false flags, like school shootings or hoax terrorist
attacks to promote totalitarianism.
Watch the following video on the New York Times and CNN
For Jamie

For the last several decades of my life, October 14th was a day of
celebration. It happens to be the birthday of my first girlfriend and
mother of my oldest child, someone whom I still count as my oldest and
dearest friend. But three years ago today, Jamie Hubley of Kanata, Ontario,
Canada changed all that.
Jamie, as you may or not recall from the pages of this blog, stole a
bottle of sleeping pills and did away with himself one Saturday morning
while his father, a local politician, was smiling for pictures a short
distance away for the dedication of a new field. Jamie's s... more »
Massive dumping of wastewater into aquifers shows Big Oil's power in California
dumping of wastewater into aquifers shows Big Oil's power in
Oil industry illegally injected nearly 3 billion gallons of wastewater
by Dan Bacher
Censored News
As the oil industry spent record amounts on lobbying in Sacramento and
made record profits, documents obtained by the Center for Biological
Diversity reveal that almost 3
So Where Are We Now?
*Zen Gardner* - Where are we now? Things are getting weirder by the day...
The post So Where Are We Now? appeared first on Waking Times.
WHO Predicts 10,000 New Ebola Cases Per Week In West Africa By December 1

Note: figures have occasionally been revised down as suspect or probable
cases are found to be unrelated to Ebola. This does not include one death
in the US recorded on 8 October. BBC
*New Ebola Cases Seen at 10,000 a Week by Dec. 1, WHO Says -- Bloomberg*
The number of Ebola cases in three West African nations may jump to between
5,000 and 10,000 a week by Dec. 1 as the deadly viral infection spreads,
the World Health Organization said.
The outbreak is still expanding geographically in Guinea, Sierra Leone and
Liberia and accelerating in capital cities, Bruce Aylward, the WHO’s
a... more »
Supplemental: A Vox on American public schools!
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014Bad report, gloomy conclusion:* In the sixteen
years we’ve been doing this site, we’ve learned one major lesson.
We expect to announce our key finding next week. Yesterday, on a visit to
Vox, we were reminded of this depressing finding.
When we clicked to Vox, we found this report by Libby Nelson. It sat
beneath an intriguing headline:
“US public schools are better than they've ever been”
Is that claim true? Such sweeping claims are hard to assess. But we were
eager to see how Nelson supported the claim.
How did Nelson support that claim? Very poorly! In... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 14, 2014

James Knight of US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
helps a soldier fit a protective suit
*US Troops Prepare To Go To War With Ebola: 101st Airborne Receives Safety
Training Before Being Deployed To Liberia -- Daily Mail*
* Soldiers from 101st Airborne Division took part in a course at Fort
* Families are desperate to know how military can keep their loved ones safe
* Ebola is a different threat to what troops are used to in Afghanistan and
* There are already more than 350 US troops on the ground in West Africa
* Number is set to grow and could ev... more »
Who is a more visceral hater of fundamental physics: skeptics or alarmists?
*It's a tie: both groups largely despise pure science and modern physics*
A month ago, I mentioned that an interview with Edward Witten had occurred
at a very strange place, namely John Horgan's blog hosted by Scientific
John "End Of Science" Horgan is a loon and one does expect a completely
different kind of people to be interviewed over there. And do you know who
was the next interviewee who was interrogated on the same blog?
Naomi “Merchants of Doubt” Oreskes Slams “Corrosive” Climate Change
Yes, it's Naomi Oreskes, a hardcore left-wing ideologue who would
... more »
10 Food Facts That May Surprise You
*Karen Foster* - From the color of foods to their fat content and
nutritional value, there are facts about what we consume, their origin and
manufacture which is not common knowledge and rarely promoted as truth.
Here are 10 food facts that still surprise the majority.
The post 10 Food Facts That May Surprise You appeared first on Waking Times.
Peddling Snake Oil

Stephen Harper has been traveling the country, announcing tax breaks. So
you know the election campaign is on. But the real proof that Mr. Harper is
in campaign mode, Michael Harris writes, is that the three cornerstones of
Harperism are now firmly in place - fable, fear and smear:
Fables are comforting tales with few details. And, if there is one thing
Mr. Harper doesn't want Canadians to look at, it's the devil in the details:
With the Canada-Europe CETA deal — which remains a work in progress, ... more »
THE WAY WE ARGUE: Ben Affleck’s trio of bombs!
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014Part 2—Listening can be hard:* When he went to
the plate for the Cleveland Indians, Mike Hargrove wasted so much time
between each pitch that he earned a comical nickname: The Human Rain Delay.
On Friday evening, October 3, Ben Affleck earned a different moniker: The
(All Too) Human Two-Minute Warning.
Poor Affleck! On that evening’s Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher and Sam
Harris were trying to make some sort of claim about the way liberals react,
or fail to react, to “illiberal” conduct and belief in the Muslim world.
At the 87-second mark, Affleck int... more »
Syrian Air Defences and the Implications of Expanding Airstrikes into Syria
Info packed post!
I’ve talked Syrian air defences, more then once. Recently, in relation to
the appearance of the F-22
Took some time to find some info on the Syrian systems- all publicly
available information
*Two sources*
*1- Strategic SAM deployment in Syria- 20102- The Implications of Expanding
ISIS Airstrikes Into Syria*
*I highly doubt the 2010 information is complete or comprehensive, *but, it
should give us a generally good idea that *Syria does indeed have robust
air defences*- Hence the F22. And the reluctance, to date, on the part of
the coalition of the killing to bomb... more »
Wise words for changing times....

[image: “Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know
countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag.” ― Aleksandr
“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere
insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate
them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and
evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to
destroy a piece of his own heart?”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
“Own only what you can always carry wi... more »
Sad about the HoC; mad about the BBC
Having cut our blogging teeth (blogging teeth?) on the well-trodden website
Biased-BBC in the days when there were several above-the-line contributors
when no sooner had one hit the ‘publish’ button than responses would start
flying in to the comments section, our decision to isolate ourselves here,
on our own little venture was not taken lightly.
We ummed and ahhed over it for a while, but finally took a leap in the dark
with gay abandon. This is not a hate site, (not that B-BBC is, but it has
been regarded as such by the pro-BBC lobby) and both of us (Craig more
than me) enjoy a ... more »
Bring in the McClowns
By Capt. Fogg
It seems I write the same things over and over again because the Republican
pattern repeats indefinitely. It's OK when we do it or say it or demand
it, it's anti-American, tyrannical, too little, too late, too much, too
soon when they do it. Even if Republicans invented it or pioneered it or
used it until yesterday it's different when "they" do it.
How long ago was it that John McCain and Fox News and the rest of the
merry bunch made a circus act with all three rings full of how Obama is a
"tyrant" for appointing all those Czars? "More Czars than the Romanovs,"
twe... more »
Russian Hackers Attacking NATO And Ukraine In A Cyber-Spy Campaign

Microsoft says it will release a patch on Oct. 14 for the vulnerability
that the Russian hackers group has exploited. (KACPER PEMPEL/REUTERS)
*Russian Hackers Use ‘Zero-Day’ To Hack NATO, Ukraine in Cyber-Spy Campaign
-- Washington Post*
A Russian hacking group probably working for the government has been
exploiting a previously unknown flaw in Microsoft’s Windows operating
system to spy on NATO, the Ukrainian government, a U.S. university
researcher and other national security targets, according to a new report.
The group has been active since at least 2009, according to research ... more »
ZEROHEDGE: Mortgage Application Pipeline At America's Largest Mortgage Lender Drops To Lowest Since Lehman

*Mortgage Application Pipeline At America's Largest Mortgage Lender Drops
To Lowest Since Lehman*
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2014 09:17 -0400
So much for the much hyped, if quite negligible, second quarter rebound in
mortgage activity. After rates tumbled, and continued to tumble, there was
some hope that at least the offset to the bond market screaming contraction
and deflation (something even stocks have realized in recent days), would
be more American's buying homes, which naturally means applying for
mortgages. Well, that dead cat bounce has come and gone. As America... more »
US. Army Says It Is Facing A Budget Crisis

U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno (L) speaks during a meeting
with Fang Fenghui (not pictured), Chief of General Staff of the People's
Liberation Army, at Bayi Building in Beijing February 21, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Lintao Zhang/Pool
*U.S. Army Says It Faces Huge Equipment, Training Risks With Budget Cuts --
(Reuters) - The U.S. Army warned on Monday that mandatory budget cuts due
to resume in fiscal 2016 would be devastating to a service that is already
facing huge risks as it tries to keep forces ready for battle, replace
aging equipment and respond to crises ... more »
Contrary To Media Reports The U.S. Army Will Release Its Findings On Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl waits in a pick-up truck before he is
freed at the Afghan border, in this still image from video released June 4,
2014. Credit: REUTERS/Al-Emara via Reuters TV
*Army Will Release Findings of Bergdahl Investigation After 'Lengthy'
Review Process -- Breitbart*
The U.S. Army will make public the results of its investigation into Sgt.
Bowe Bergdahl’s alleged desertion of a base in Afghanistan and subsequent
capture by Taliban militants in 2009.
A Pentagon spokesperson clarified that, contrary to various media reports,
the U.S. Army will release a repo... more »
Abraham Lincoln : Conspiracy Theorist

"It will throw additional light on the latter, to go back, and run the mind
over the string of historical facts already stated. Several things will
*now* appear less *dark* and *mysterious* than they did *when* they were
transpiring. The people were to be left "perfectly free" "subject only to
the Constitution." What the Constitution had to do with it, outsiders could
not *then* see. Plainly enough *now*, it was an exactly fitted *niche*, for
the Dred Scott decision to afterward come in, and declare the *perfect
freedom* of the people, to be just no freedom at all.
Why was the ame... more »
Lonely life of a truth warrior
No one want to hear the truth. Everyone clings to the hope. Not saying that
optimism is a bad thing. In fact it is the best thing about the human race.
We are not discouraged, we bow down to nothing and nobody and we keep
seeking advancement despite all odds of discovery.
Today in October 2014 there are two tracks going forward into infinity.
Nihilism or best practices. Thats the hard divide every thinking unit must
come to choose. There is no perfection in humanity. We are way more wrong
than right. We collectively have all these monkey genes that make us
humanity in a barrel.
How... more »
Argentina: Are "They" Here?
*Source: CEUFO (ceufo.blogspot.com)Date: 10/14/2014*
*Argentina: Are "They" Here?*
*By Quique Mario, CEUFO*
Unidentified craft continue making their presence felt throughout the
region, according to accounts from dozens of eyewitnesses who claim having
seen them in broad daylight and under various circumstances. Not merely
one, but several of them flying over the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, and
several localities of this region.
In many cases, this was confirmed by dozens of photographs submitted to the *Centro
de Estudios UFO (CEUFO)*. These reports were also received from suc... more »
Transpicous News: Episode 2 - The Zombie Apocalypse 101

Dani has a new episode of Transpicuous News out, The Zombie Apocalypse, its
a good read! The full article that accompanies the video is HERE:
I've included the video below:
Gia strikes back global warming is just the icing on the cake
gia strikes back
its just like Avatar
but on our own planet
It has been infected
with a killer parasite
that respects no boundary
Yes that is us
us humans
the homo sapiens
who gather in groups
and sometimes
fuck each other up the ass
I am not anti Gay or the whole
alphabet of what people feel
as their sexual identity.
I say its just one more symptom
of a planet sick of human
There was a garden of Eden
and it lasted in human terms
for at least a million years
Humans lived as animals
as part of the food chain
life was good
there was no stress
Look at the Greeks
and wonder
desp... more »
U.S. Congressional Report: China Altering The Military Balance Of Power In The Asia Pacific
Beijing's military planners know they cannot rely on China's size alone as
a deterrent
*China Military Buildup Shifts Balance of Power in Asia in Beijing’s Favor
-- Washington Free Beacon*
*Congressional report warns the danger of U.S.-China conflict is rising*
China’s decades-long buildup of strategic and conventional military forces
is shifting the balance of power in Asia in Beijing’s favor and increasing
the risk of a conflict, according to a forthcoming report by a
congressional China commission.
China’s military has greatly expanded its air and naval forces a... more »
Ann Kuster May Have An Ugly Voting Record But New Hampshire Republican’s Vicious Comments On Her Appearance Is Part Of Their Cruel War Against Women

Blue America helped raise money and awareness for Annie Kuster when she ran
last cycle. We’re not supporting her again, not because she doesn’t have a
horrible opponent— she does— but because she also has a horrible voting
record. Soon after getting elected, Kuster quit the Congressional
Progressive Caucus and joined the Wall Street-owned New Dems. He voting
record is UGLY— really ugly, and we’re ashamed that we got taken in by her.
Because of Kuster, we’ve tightened up our vetting of candidates to exclude
phony opportunists. That said, she was unfairly attacked this week for a
di... more »
Is NATO's New Secretary General A Former KGB Spy?

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. © REUTERS/ Stringer
*NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg And His Top-Secret KGB Past -- RIA Novosti*
MOSCOW, October 11 (RIA Novosti), Ekaterina Blinova - The newly-appointed
Norwegian NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had ties with the KGB,
the main Soviet security agency, under the code-name "Steklov" during the
Cold War, according to former KGB officer Mikhail Butkov.
"In the early 1990's, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg had contacts with a
Soviet Committee for State Security (KGB) officer, who established a file
with personal and political... more »
*Obama Is Deploying 'Gainful Employment' Regulations To Threaten For-Profit
The Obama administration claims its latest college crusade will help
students. On the contrary, its “gainful employment” regulations amount to a
hostile takeover attempt by government of the fastest growing higher
education sector in the country that will hurt students, taxpayers, and the
Education Secretary Arne Duncan acknowledges that most career colleges make
a vital contribution to American global competitiveness. The few that don’t
leave students with crushing debt and no degree to... more »
Battle for Kobani- Sideshow for broader war
Kobane(i) A sideshow. I've used those same words, here. How interesting?
*Flashback to Wed. Oct. 08/14: US carries out 90 percent of attacks on
ISIS- Turkey not complying and much more*
“The ISIS 'attack' on Kobane? Doesn't seem to be anything bu*t a very half
hearted attempt* to take over a town. First question, Is this just *some
sort of sideshow *for the cameras? Oh we have a* flag on a rooftop! *So
what? Did some media outlet go a put it there then take a pic of it? Did
they have one of their ISIS cohorts put the flag in place for the photo
shoot? A flag stuck in the middle of s... more »
*Climate change is being slowed by plants far more than expected,
researchers reveal*
*So much for "settled science". But this is a report of CO2 effects, not
climate change. The two have been unrelated for at least 18 years and
probably millennia*
Plants are slowing the effects of climate change far more than expected,
researchers have found. They said the impact of rising CO2 levels on plant
growth has been underestimated by 16 per cent, as they thrive with more of
the gas in the atmosphere.
And as plants absorb CO2, this has led to overestimates of how much of the
greenhous... more »
Ebola and the Danger of Globalization

Whatever the cause - conspiracy or incompetence - the recent Ebola outbreak
illustrates the dangers of centralized globalization, and opens the door to
possible solutions.
*October 13, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) has
surfaced in West Africa in an unprecedented outbreak infecting and killing
thousands according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC). The epicenter appears to be centered between Guinea,
Sierra Leone, and Liberia - the former being where the first case was
reported, the latter being hit the hardest. Other n... more »
The Death of a Democracy: Greece and the American Conscience by Stephen Rousseas

*Chapter 1*The "New" Politics in Greece
On the afternoon of April 20, 1967, in the Old Psychico section of Athens,
Andreas Papandreou, a deputy in the Greek Parliament and former minister in
the Center Union government of 1964-65, was entertaining a member of the
the central committee of the Danish Social-Democratic Party. Greek
elections had been scheduled for May 28 and, in anticipation of a major
Center Union victory, part of the discussion that afternoon concerned the
implementation of an agreement for the training of Center Union politicians
in Denmark. Later in the eveni... more »
Jon Rappoport: Hypnotic data: 4 essential features

*Hypnotic data: 4 essential features*
by Jon Rappoport
October 13, 2014
Television news needs to create a hypnotic effect. Otherwise it would fall
apart and shatter into a million nonsensical pieces.
One: the presented data must be repeated, of course. This is the
time-honored strategy. When the viewer sees and hears the same nugget many
times, he accepts it because—“how can they say it so often if it isn’t
Close on the heels of this: “everybody else must be accepting it, who am I
to make an objection?”
And then, finally, there is the after-image ef... more »
Poll Eye

[image: PingtungAquarium63]
*Pingtung Aquarium.*
A friend and astute observer of things Taiwan flipped me some poll info
today from TISR and TVBS on the local elections....
TISR does a periodic Taiwan mood barometer. Ma Ying-jeou's dissatisfaction
ratings are at 73.6% with Premier Jiang at 66% dissatisfaction. Jiang
killed his presidential shot when he became Premier. The public view of the
DPP is 31 (positive) to 35 (negative) but the negative fell from the last
poll, while for the KMT the numbers are 20 and 54 and the negative is
rising from the last poll.
TISR also gives numbers... more »
"Our Thing" : Why the FBI is the Mafia in Cheaper Suits

*"Charlie the Crook-Catcher" - Attorney General Charles Bonnaparte*
*The Young Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) meeting Pasquale Paoli
(1725-1807) in 1789, from a book on Corsica by J.A. Galetti, Paris*
*Map of the Anglo-Corsican Protectorate, 1796*
*"I have a presentiment that this little island will one day astonish
Europe."Rousseau,The Social Contract*
*Amici e non di ventura*
(English: *Friends, and not by mere accident*)
If ever you might need to refresh your memory and dispel some of the most
pompous, self-righteous mythologies that have been built up around the
Hist... more »
Large Interior 175 (Richard), by Jude Rae
[image: image]
*Large Interior 175 (Richard),* 2005, Oil on linen,
1800mm x 1200mm, James Wallace Collection, Auckland, NZ.
No, this isn’t a Vermeer or Caravaggio – you can tell by the watch and
T-short it’s not an old master – this is the work of NZ artist Jude Rae,
now living in Canberra.
Can you see why I was so excited when I discovered it over the weekend?
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Peru: Greenish, Shapeshifting Object Over Peru Seen Two Days Earlier in Canada?

*Source: El Intransigente (Perú)Date: 10/09/2014*
*Peru: Greenish, Shapeshifting Object Over Peru Seen Two Days Earlier in
PERU - A few days ago, on October 5th, a woman witnessed an incredible
sighting: a mysterious object hovering voer the skies of the Peruvian
capital, Lima.
The UFO was greenish and changed shape. Sometimes it resembled a saucer,
and at other moments it had an aspect similar to a "boomerang". The witness
thought she was seeing the maneuvers of a remotely guided airplane, but it
had no intermittent lighting. Furthermore, a remotely-controlled airplan... more »
Representing Global Network in India

Global Network board member Tamara Lorincz went to Nagpur, India on behalf
of our organization to speak at a Keep Space for Peace Week conference
organized by another one of our board members J. Narayana Rao. Tamara is
from Halifax, Nova Scotia and is living in Yorkshire, England for a year
doing a peace studies fellowship.
Rao wrote from India:
The National Youth Conference has come to an end at 3 PM to day. Tamara
will send you a report. But I would like state how correct the decision to
send Tamara to our Conference. She has won the hearts of the young people
here. The narr... more »
Big Win! Monsanto Reports $156 Million Loss in Q4 as Farmers Abandon GM Crops
*Christina Sarich - *Monsanto experiences significant losses, attributed to
farmers in major agricultural zones favoring soy over GMO corn because of
falling crop prices.
The post Big Win! Monsanto Reports $156 Million Loss in Q4 as Farmers
Abandon GM Crops appeared first on Waking Times.
Hong Kong's Effect on Taiwan is major media moment

*A hiking trail*
Cindy Sui of the BBC sent around a piece today on the effect of the Hong
Kong protests on Taiwan's desire to annex itself to China. It's mostly
good, and its the first major media piece I've seen that refers to the
ghostly deadlines of 2021 and 2049 for annexation of Taiwan that some in
the Chinese media have talked about.
As several of us have been remarking recently, one ironic effect of the
Hong Kong protests is that everyone is now noticing Taiwan. Yay! Normally
the international media hedges when it talks about Taiwan's rejection of
annexation speaking of "so... more »
Peru: Strange Object Startles Residents of San Isidro

*Source: Peru.comDate: 10/13/2014*
*Peru: Strange Object Startles Residents of San Isidro*
****UFOs over San Isidro? Residents of the boardwalks on the border between
San Isidro and Magdalena are alarmed by the presence of strange objects in
the sky***
LIMA - On October 5th, while most citizens of Lima watched the election
returns attentively, Melina Silva, a public relations instructor recorded
the presence of an odd green light in the skies over Costa Verde.
Her images, broadcast on the *Al Sexto Dia* show, clearly display green
oval object in the sky for a few minutes before ... more »
Shame for Schama

A couple of says ago I read this in the Times. It’s behind a pay-wall, so I
thought I’d bring it to you for fun.
*Simon Schama struggles to put good spin on Jews’ story. *(£)
“Simon Schama has revealed that despite attempting to accentuate the
positive in telling the story of the Jewish people, the continual rearing
of anti-semitism keeps forcing him back to the “death star of the
Holocaust”.Schama said that the “gathering drum roll of antisemitism” after
the recent Gaza conflict had forced him to reassess his conclusions about
the journey of the Jewish people.
The historian, who... more »
Osborne changes pension fund withdrawal rules again! Instead of a 25% tax-free lump sum, you will be able to withdraw as much as you like of which 25% will be tax free. What does it mean?
We point out repeatedly: Our politicians have got into the habit of pulling off
shabby tricks to deceive the voters. Even when we don’t know we are being tricked, we suspect we
probably are.
On the day it was announced in October 2014 even the BBC breathlessly reported this as "More pension freedoms":
"The Treasury is to give savers
Hong Kong Democracy Vs. China Dictatorship, Part 3

An Indian friend, Barun Mitra, posted this interesting article from Live
Mint, October 8, 2014.
*"Wang Zang is a Chinese poet who was taken into custody in Beijing on 1
October because he posted a photograph of himself holding an umbrella on
the Internet. The umbrella has emerged as the unlikely icon of
demonstrations in Hong Kong...*
*… each year on 4 June, when thousands of Hong Kong residents unfailingly
congregate at Victoria Park and hold a candle-light vigil, remembering
Tiananmen. China doesn’t like it but doesn’t do anything about it. This is
partly due to that Basic Law, ... more »
Why Regime Change Won't Stop ISIS in Syria...

Because it didn't stop ISIS terrorists in Iraq or Libya. Try Washington
*Image: Libya's Tripoli International Airport in flames - the product of
USregime change and the predictable, genocidal chaos that followed. The
airport is no longer in use. **October 14, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) -
US corporate-financier funded policy think tanks have been taking turns in
recent weeks floating the narrative that the next logical step to stopping
so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) terrorists in Syria is removing the Syrian
government from power - this despite the fact that the on... more »
U.S. Officials Blame The News Media On Why America's War Strategy Against The Islamic State Is Failing

Reuters / Ammar Awad
*US Blames Journalists For Failure of Air Strike Strategy in Syria --
*American intelligence officials blaming news reports for failed military
attacks against ISIS, arguing that the articles alerted a new terror group
to dodge air strikes. *
(Newswire.net -- October 12, 2014) -- Despite lunching 46 cruise missiles
last month on eight locations in northern Syria to destroy the Khorasan
group’s training camps, there were only one or two key militants killed, US
officials told the Associated Press.
The officials said US-led airstrikes were ineffective... more »
Ukrainian soldiers among top victims of the fascist terror
Last night, hundreds of soldiers from the Ukrainian National Guard – which
was founded (again) half a year ago – gathered in front of the president's
office in Kiev. Russia Today.
*I have watched the rally for some time. Some of the bitches who would
scream at the soldiers that they are obliged to risk their lives for her
bogus pride were disgusting. Why doesn't the fascist lady go to fight over
there instead?*
They demanded demobilization, compensation, and winter gear, among other
things. Many of them protested that they have to work long after their
contracts have expired. It ... more »
The Light and Love in Your Heart Shine so Brightly Now it Resembles the Light of the Sun

*The Light and Love in Your Heart Shine so Brightly Now it Resembles the
Light of the Sun*
channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff
October 12, 2014,
Beloved Ones,
Going with the flow of energy as it comes through is most helpful in the
coming days.
Whatever comes to the surface of your consciousness should be met with
love, compassion and understanding, patience and tolerance.
Your loved ones are also in the process of awakening to their higher light
and they need your patient and loving support as they begin to see the
world with more clarity than before.
You might have to take sever... more »
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Mades His First Public Appearance In Six Weeks (With A Cane)
*North Korea Shows Kim With Cane In 1st Sighting In Weeks -- Bloomberg*
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made his first public appearance in six
weeks, walking with a cane during a visit to a new residential block as he
ended a period of seclusion that prompted speculation about his grip on
Kim commended workers who built the Wisong Scientists Residential District
and was accompanied by senior officials including Vice Marshal Hwang Pyong
So and Workers’ Party secretary Choe Ryong Hae, the official Korean Central
News Agency reported today. Photographs on the website of the R... more »
Giveaway: Baby Brezza One Step Baby Food Maker

If you have ever wanted to make your own baby food, then this giveaway is
for you! Check out all of the information below.
Have you ever thought about making your own baby food? Baby Brezza makes it
EASY with their One Step Baby Food Maker!
Here is a little more information about the Baby Brezza One Step Baby Food
Maker from Amazon:
Bring healthy, homemade baby food to your table in just minutes with the
Baby Brezza One Step Baby Food Maker. This patented, multi functional baby
food maker allows you to steam and blend fruits, vegetables, meats and fish
all in one bowl quickly and... more »
An Interview With Former Vice President Dick Cheney
*Cheney: 'Very Dangerous Period … More Threatening Than The Period Before
9/11' -- Weekly Standard*
'9/11 will turn out to be not nearly as bad as the next mass casualty
attack against the United States'
Vice President Dick Cheney opened up for a nearly two hour interview with
Bill Kristol, as part of the latest installment of Conversations With Bill
The two discussed Cheney's time as secretary of defense, the Gulf War, the
Nixon and Ford Years, the Reagan years, 9/11, and the threats we face today.
On the last point, Cheney surveyed the world -- particulary the Middle E... more »
The Codename For The U.S. War Against The Islamic State Is 'Top Scret' (Until Later This Week)

*Pentagon To Release Secret Anti-ISIS Codename -- WPTZ5-NBC/CNN*
*Official says military has made sure name is acceptable in languages other
than English*
WASHINGTON (CNN) —The military operation against ISIS now does have a name
but the Pentagon is not expected to reveal it until later this week, a U.S.
official confirms to CNN. The name will not be made public until a formal
"execution order" covering the entire mission against ISIS is published by
the Defense Department's Joint Staff, perhaps as soon as Wednesday.
Naming the operation is a fairly bureaucratic matter, but it is t... more »
Housewife Eclectic: Current Giveaways!

Petunia Pickle Bottom Ergo Baby Carrier, go to this post to enter.
Giveaway begins 10/13 and will end 10/27 at 10pm MST
A Kitchen Aid Mixer, with the winner choosing the color. Go to this post to
enter. Giveaway begins 10/13 and will end 10/20 at 10pm MST
$50 to BuyCostumes.Com. Go to this post to enter. Giveaway begins 10/10 and
will end 10/17 at 12 am MST.
Baby Brezza Baby Food Maker. Go to this post to enter. Giveaway begins
10/14 and will end 10/28 at 12 am MST.
Disney on Ice Giveaway. Go to this post to enter. Giveaway begins 10/14 and
will end 10/21 at 12 am MST.
[image: p... more »
Musical Interlude: Mythos, “Solstice”
Mythos, “Solstice”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFvCI2Zao-8
METRO | Beverly Baker Moore : Doulas in Austin have the life cycle covered
People intent on taking back control of welcoming a child or saying goodbye
to a loved one often find they don’t have the skills or information they
need. By Beverly Baker Moore | The Rag Blog | October 13, 2014 …
finish reading *METRO* | Beverly Baker Moore : Doulas in Austin have the
life cycle covered
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, the star factory known as Messier
17 lies some 5,500 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation
Sagittarius. At that distance, this degree wide field of view spans almost
100 light-years, courtesy of the European Southern Observatory's new VLT
Survey Telescope and OmegaCAM.
*Click image for larger size.*
The sharp, false color image includes both optical and infrared data,
following faint details of the region's gas and dust clouds against a
backdrop of central Milky Way stars. Stellar winds and energetic light from
hot, massive stars... more »
Chet Raymo, “Seal of Approval”
*“Seal of Approval”*
by Chet Raymo
“What you see above is one of James Thurber's most famous drawings. (He
called them drawings, not cartoons.) Why so famous? It's not exactly a
knee-slapper. It appeals rather, I suppose, to something in us that is
sardonic, oblique. It clearly fits in with Thurber's body of work on the
taut relations between men and women. This poor fellow who hears (or thinks
he hears) a seal bark is your typical Thurberesque milquetoast, Mr. Mitty
harassed by Mrs. Mitty. The drawing is a comment on the mysteries of
matrimony by someone who never quite figured ou... more »
The Poet: Czeslaw Milosz, "Hope"
"Hope is with you when you believe
The earth is not a dream but living flesh,
That sight, touch, and hearing do not lie,
That all things you have ever seen here
Are like a garden looked at from a gate.
You cannot enter. But you're sure it's there.
Could we but look more clearly and wisely
We might discover somewhere in the garden
A strange new flower and an unnamed star.
Some people say we should not trust our eyes,
That there is nothing, just a seeming,
These are the ones who have no hope.
They think that the moment we turn away,
The world, behind our backs, ceases to exist,
A... more »
"We Learn..."
“We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success.
We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do;
and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.”
- Samuel Smiles
"Silent Spring for Us?"
*"Silent Spring for Us?"*
by Paul Craig Roberts
"With her 1962 book, "Silent Spring," Rachel Carson got DDT and other
synthetic pesticides banned and saved bird life. Today it is humans who are
directly threatened by technologies designed to extract the maximum profit
at the lowest private cost and the maximum social cost from natural
resources. Once abundant clean water has become a scarce resource. Yet, in
the US ground water and surface water are being polluted and made unusable
by mountain top removal mining, fracking and other such “new technologies.”
Ranchers in eastern Mont... more »
"Whatever Begins..."
“Whatever begins, also ends.”
- Seneca
The Daily "Near You?"
Sagle, Idaho, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"We, However..."
“Most people come to know only one corner of their room, one spot near the
window, one narrow strip on which they keep walking back and forth. In this
way they have a certain security... We, however, are not prisoners.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke
"Better Not To..."
"Better not to search for who you are until
you decide who it is you want to find."
- Robert Brault
Larry Pressler-- A Relentless Warrior In The Republican War Against Women

It took long enough— and let’s hope it isn’t too little/too late— but Harry
Reid and Guy Cecil finally responded to the growing anger, primarily from
Democratic senators and donors, and have let the DSCC get to work in South
Dakota. Above is their first ad against one of the three Republicans, Mike
Rounds (the GOP Establishment favorite), being going up against Rick
Weiland. DSCC polling shows its a winnable race. We’ve been subtly nudging
them in that direction since the beginning of the year.
South Dakotans know how corrupt Mike Rounds is— which is why the former
governor can’t... more »
Cartoon For Today

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
*My Comment*: Its been one of those weeks.
"Tearing Down to Rebuild: Rethinking Complaining"
*"Tearing Down to Rebuild: Rethinking Complaining"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"When we spend all of our time complaining, we are in essence in constant
destroy mode rather than building mode. We all know someone who has
elevated the process of complaining to a high art. Sometimes funny,
sometimes exhausting, these people have the ability to find a problem just
about anywhere. In its more evolved form, complaining is simply the ability
to see what’s not working, in one’s own life or in the external world, and
it can be quite useful if followed to its natural conclusion—finding a... more »
The Poet: Maya Angelou, "When Great Trees Fall"
*"When Great Trees Fall"*
"When great trees fall,
rocks on distant hills shudder,
lions hunker down in tall grasses,
and even elephants lumber after safety.
When great trees fall in forests,
small things recoil into silence,
their senses eroded beyond fear.
When great souls die,
the air around us becomes
light, rare, sterile.
We breathe, briefly.
Our eyes, briefly,
see with a hurtful clarity.
Our memory, suddenly sharpened,
examines, gnaws on kind words unsaid,
promised walks never taken.
Great souls die and our reality,
bound to them, takes leave of us.
Our souls, dependent upon their... more »
Watch Manja Pai Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Manja Pai (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.4
Release : 06 Jun 2014
Duration : 130 min
Genre : Action, Comedy, Drama
Director : Raghavan
Writer : N/A
Cast : Vimal, Lakshmi Menon, Raj Kiran, Ashwin Raja
Synopsis Manja PaiTamil (Vimal) was raised by his grandfather (Raj Kiran)
single handedly in a village and 25 years later the boy is working in an IT
company, Chennai staying in an upmarket posh apartment. Tamil meets
Karthika( Lakshmi Menon) a medical student at a traffic signal and it is
love-at-first-sight for him. He follows her and in no time she
reciprocates. Tamil ... more »
Pentagon: Global Warming Is The Immediate Security Threat

*Pentagon Says Global Warming Presents Immediate Security Threat -- New
York Times*
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon released a report Monday asserting decisively
that climate change poses an immediate threat to national security, with
increased risks from terrorism, infectious disease, global poverty and food
shortages. It also predicted rising demand for military disaster response
as extreme weather creates more global humanitarian crises.
The report lays out a road map for how the military will adapt to rising
sea levels, more violent storms and widespread droughts. The Defense
Depart... more »
On poverty
[image: image]
The other day one of this blog’s regular trolls expressed amazement that
I’d linked to a post on poverty in good faith. Surely, reasoned the troll,
the only reason a blog promoting “capitalist acts” would link to the story
of a woman living in poverty would be to point and laugh.
The troll doesn’t get it.
Because it is capitalist acts that are lifting people out of poverty all
the time. And that’s one of the things this blog was created to celebrate.
Consider this: capitalism inherited millennia of poverty, and (despite
battling statism all the way) delivered two c... more »
An Iranian Nuclear Deal In The Works?

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani smiles while replying to a question during
a news conference on the sidelines of the 69th United Nations General
Assembly at United Nations Headquarters in New York September 26, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Adrees Latif
*Iran's President Says Nuclear Deal With West 'Certain' -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday a nuclear deal
with the West was bound to happen and he believed it could be achieved by a
November 24 deadline.
"We have reached consensus on generalities and there are only the fine
details to be worked out: whe... more »
Syria And The Middle East: Genocide On Their Minds
ISIL/ISIS is a genocidal force sweeping across the Middle East. Let's not
sugarcoat the reality. And it isn't a coincidence that at least three of
the countries and states that are backing ISIL with money, weapons,
training, propaganda, and other forms of support have a historical record
of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Turkey committed genocide against the Armenians in the beginning of the
last century; America committed genocide against Native peoples in the
beginning of the modern era; Israel has been practicing a continuous
campaign of genocide against Palestinians since the e... more »
The New Ebola Scare: Again, Are We Being Conned? Important Article - Ebola: How To Stage A Fake Epidemic
I have come under fire (nothing new for me) for the last article I put up
linking to Jim Stone's important revealing information that this new "Ebola
outbreak" is a massive fraud…. I have been looking over so many websites
over the last few days that show increasing evidence that we are all being
played as fools for the sick goal of having us subjected to new "vaccines"
that will do NOTHING to fight this fraud "Ebola pandemic" that the
criminals in our governments have been planning. The real goal is to get
the deadly chemicals and DNA altering viruses within these "vaccines" into... more »
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