10:36pm MDST
"Stop Being Perfect..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 minutes ago
“It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything.
The things you own end up owning you. We are defined by the choices we
make. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you
wake up as a different person? I say, never be complete. I say, stop being
perfect. I say, let’s evolve and let the chips fall where they may…"
~ Chuck Palahniuk, "Fight Club"
Chet Raymo, “Finding It Where You Are”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 minutes ago
*“Finding It Where You Are”*
by Chet Raymo
“Yes, I've been to Walden. Been there several times, in fact. With
students. We sat on the earth at the site of the cabin and read from the
book. And the wind stirred the pines, and the hickories, and the oaks, and
rippled the pond that shone like silver in the early morning sun. And then,
to honor the spirit of the man we came to visit, we sat silently, as if on
the stoop of his cabin with friends, knowing that any words, even his own,
intruded on the haunting beauty of the place itself.
Walden Pond
Mary Oliver has a poem called "Going To... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 minutes ago
St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 minutes ago
"Life... is not about how fast you run or even with what degree of grace.
It's about perseverance, about staying on your feet and slogging forward no
matter what."
- Dean Koontz
“Once When We Were Free”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 minutes ago
*“Once When We Were Free”*
By Jon Rappoport
"We’re so much more sensible now. We don’t live our lives as much as we
arrange them and organize them. B follows A. D follows C. We take our
medicine and our shots because the doctor says so. We’re careful, because
accidents happen. We don’t say what’s on our minds a lot of the time,
because other people might pass that on, and who knows? We might get into
But once upon a time, when we were young, we were free. We didn’t take any
shots and when we got sick we recovered. We were stronger than kids are
now. We didn’t ask for much... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet- On Laws"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 minutes ago
*"The Prophet- On Laws"*
"You delight in laying down laws,
Yet you delight more in breaking them.
Like children playing by the ocean who build sand-towers with
constancy and then destroy them with laughter.
But while you build your sand-towers the ocean brings more sand to the
And when you destroy them the ocean laughs with you.
Verily the ocean laughs always with the innocent.
But what of those to whom life is not an ocean,
and man-made laws are not sandtowers,
But to whom life is a rock, and the law a chisel with which
they would carve it in their own likeness?
What of the crip... more »
Ebola: “Top Scientist Warns This Version Of Ebola Looks Like ‘A Very Different Bug’"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 32 minutes ago
*“Top Scientist Warns This Version Of Ebola *
*Looks Like ‘A Very Different Bug’"*
by Michael Snyder
“Barack Obama and the head of the CDC need to quit saying that we know
exactly how Ebola spreads. Because the truth is that there is much about
this virus that we simply do not know. For example, a top Ebola scientist
that is working in the heart of the outbreak in Liberia says that this
version of Ebola looks like it could be "a very different bug" from past
versions. Other leading scientists are echoing his concerns. And yet
Barack Obama and Thomas Frieden continue to publicly ... more »
Accepting Money From Lobbyists Is A Form Of Legalistic Bribery— And Everyone Knows It
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 34 minutes ago

This week PolitiFact asked a direct, simple question: Does Mitch McConnell
receive more money from lobbyists than any other member of Congress?. It
was based an the ascertain by Alison Lundergan Grimes on March 27— and
disputed by McConnell operatives— that he does. What she said, precisely,
is that McConnell is “the number one recipient of contributions from
lobbyists this cycle.” There can be little dispute that he is, but that
didn’t stop Team Mitch from disputing it. McConnell took $281,301 from
lobbyists this cycle and the second most corrupt man in Congress, John
Boehner (R-... more »
Murray Polner : Silent rabbis
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 41 minutes ago
Arthur Hertzberg believed that the quasi-religious reverence for Israel,
right or wrong, tainted the beauty and grandeur of Judaism. By Murray
Polner | The Rag Blog |October 21, 2014 One of the smartest, most
courageous and provocative rabbis I ever … finish reading Murray Polner :
Silent rabbis
Could Mysterious Engravings of Ancient Egyptians in Autrialia Rewrite our History?
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 43 minutes ago
*Steve Strong* - Do the Gosford Glyphs in Australia offer evidence that the
continent was populated long before we think the human race inhabited
The post Could Mysterious Engravings of Ancient Egyptians in Autrialia
Rewrite our History? appeared first on Waking Times.
Watch Tamako Love Story 2014 Full Movie Online
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 52 minutes ago

*Tamako Love Story (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 8.2
Release : 26 Apr 2014
Duration : 83 min
Genre : Animation, Comedy, Romance
Director : Naoko Yamada
Writer : Reiko Yoshida (screenplay)
Cast : Yuki Kaneko, Juri Nagatsuma, Aya Suzaki, Atsushi Tamaru
Synopsis Tamako Love StoryN/A
Description Tamako Love Storytvtokyo mxkbsbs11BS20131,Tamako Market () is
an original anime TV series produced by Kyoto Animation and directed by
Naoko Yamada, with Reiko Yoshida serving as head ...,20141002
104()Blu-rayDVD,The structure follows a episodic layout, and it's not
surprising as it'... more »
Watch Call Girl of Cthulhu Full Movie 2014 Streaming
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 52 minutes ago

*Call Girl of Cthulhu (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.8
Release : 01 May 2014
Duration : 92 min
Genre : Comedy, Horror
Director : Chris LaMartina
Writer : Jimmy George, Chris LaMartina, H.P. Lovecraft (inspired by the
works of), Chris LaMartina, Jimmy George
Cast : David Phillip Carollo, Melissa O'Brien, Nicolette le Faye, Dave
Synopsis Call Girl of CthulhuWhen a virginal artist falls in love with a
call girl, she turns out to be the chosen bride of the alien god Cthulhu.
To save her, he must stop an ancient cult from summoning their god and
destroying mankind.
... more »
The Economy: “Poor Ron Paul...”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*“Poor Ron Paul...”*
by Bill Bonner
“Over the weekend, we were down in Nashville at the Stansberry Conference
Series event, along with Ron Paul, Porter Stansberry, Jim Rickards and
others. The question on the table: What's ahead for the US?
Ron Paul took up the question from a geopolitical angle. He told the crowd
that the military-security industry had Congress in its pocket. As a
result, we can expect more borrowing, more spending and more pointless and
futile wars. They may be bad for the country and its citizens, says Paul,
but they are good for the people who make fighter jet... more »
Watch Ready 2 Die 2014 Full Movie Online
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 1 hour ago

*Ready 2 Die (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.0
Release : 18 Mar 2014
Duration : 80 min
Genre : Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director : John Azpilicueta
Writer : John Azpilicueta, Ted Grau
Cast : Pablo Santiago, Jacob Martinez, John Azpilicueta, Bless May
Synopsis Ready 2 DieAfter a violent bank robbery, the trio of hoods make
their way across East L.A. carrying a blood-soaked bag of money. When word
gets out, they must fend off gangs and crooked cops alike as they strive to
keep the loot and stay alive.
Description Ready 2 DieDownload the Magento Community Edition, our free
o... more »
Images of the People
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 hour ago
*The core walkers*
*One of our best lunch spots during the walk *
I am home now after our big finish at Pratt-Whitney in North Berwick. We
walked from the UCC church in Saco where we were hosted last night in a
supper of more than 50 people....music by church members, great food, words
and music from walkers. Then this morning the church minister and his
staff (about 7 in all) walked nine miles with us. Walking with us too were
a good bunch of Veterans For Peace (VFP) members from Massachusetts so our
walking line was impressive - particularly with the white VFP flags.
As we w... more »
Watch: Every Planet And Star In The Known Galaxy Shown In One Video
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
*American Museum of Natural History*
The Digital Universe, developed by the American Museum of Natural History’s
Hayden Planetarium, incorporates data from dozens of organizations
worldwide to create the most complete and accurate 3-D atlas of the
Universe from the local solar neighborhood out to the edge of the
observable Universe.
The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere
and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star,
planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world's most
complete four-dimensional ... more »
PEI: Still Lubing up for the Catlick Church
noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 1 hour ago
It seems the CBC got its hands on a leaked business plan to bring abortion
to the "Gentle Island."
A leaked business plan for a twice-monthly clinic prepared by Health PEI
shows the province could have saved $37,000 a year providing abortions on
the Island, rather than paying for them to be performed at the Queen
Elizabeth II Health Science Centre in Halifax.
In addition, women using the service would also save tens of thousands of
Currently, PEI is the only province that has zip zero nada abortion
services and forces women to travel at their own expense.
So, while sensi... more »
Let Coakley Lose
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 1 hour ago
Some of us are done with "Democrats" who support corporate education
agendas. I say let Coakley's incompetence take her where it will.
* Posted Oct. 20, 2014 @ 5:49 am * * MALDEN *
*BOSTON, OCT. 19, 2014.....Democratic gubernatorial nominee Martha Coakley
spent part of her weekend trying to patch up her campaign's relationship
with a key constituency after her recent comments about charter schools
left members of the state's largest teachers union feeling "deep anger and
disappointment" with their candidate .*
*The Massachusetts Teachers... more »
What Is Russian President Putin's Next Move?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago

Russia's President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the
government at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow.
*Putin's Next Move Could Make Eastern Europe Explode -- Brett LoGiurato,
Business Insider*
What is going on in Vladimir Putin's mind?
That's the question a panel of Russia experts was trying to answer Tuesday
morning. Attention on Russia and the crisis in Ukraine has dwindled as the
press has focused more on the West's fight against the extremist group
calling itself the Islamic State.
US Secretary of State John Kerry also announced Tuesday increa... more »
Ukraine Separatist Leader Declares That The Ceasefire Is Over
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*Separatist 'Prime Minister': The Ceasefire In Ukraine Is Over -- Business
The self-declared "prime minister" of the breakaway Donetsk People's
Republic (DNR) has declared on Twitter that the month-old ceasefire between
Ukraine and the separatist republic has ended.
Granted, this was the sort of cease-fire during which heavy combat was
frequent, including fighting that destroyed much of the Donetsk airport.
But on Monday, DNR leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko admitted what has been
obvious for some time, and tweeted the following after a period of
particularly heavy fightin... more »
Don't be so sure that Pope Francis lost this round of squabbling with the bishops
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

*The pope at the now-concluded Vatican synod on the family.*
*by Ken*
On Friday I poked around the pushback being felt within and without the
special synod of bishops gathered in the Vatican to ponder family issues.
The synod seems clearly an initiative of Pope Francis to see where the boys
in the hierarchi he inherited are standing on his initiatives to imbue
Catholic family values with some measure of humanity.
By then the vocal and power-grubbing coterie of scumbag bishops had already
begun watering down the draft document circulated on Monday, and the
power-grubbers in the hi... more »
Nigeria's Ceasefire With The Boko Haram Is 'Falling Apart'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago

*Cease-Fire Falling Apart Amid Renewed Fighting In Northeast Nigeria --
Voice of America*
The cease-fire deal announced by the Nigerian government on Friday appears
to be unraveling as fresh clashes between soldiers and Boko Haram militants
are reported in the northeastern town of Damboa.
The news comes as the government prepares for more regionally mediated
talks in Chad to discuss the release of 219 schoolgirls still held by the
Residents of Borno state said that since the cease-fire was announced
Friday, militants have attacked several communities - killing at least ... more »
The Failure of The International Community And Islamic Leaders To Protect Minorities In Iraq And Across The Middle East
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 4 hours ago
*An excerpt from, "The international community is failing its obligation to
protect Iraq’s persecuted minorities" by Lord Alton of Liverpool, Catholic
Herald, August 12, 2014:*
Almost 75 per cent of the world’s population live in countries with high
levels of government restrictions on freedom of religion or belief.
Christian minorities, Mandeans, Yazidis, Baha’is, Jews and Ahmadis are
among those who face unspeakable persecution. And so do Muslims.
The head of Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs, Professor Dr Mehmet
Gormez, told the World Islamic Scholars Peace, Moderation an... more »
Weather Derivatives ??
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 5 hours ago

*I've speculated privately this was going on with HAARP weather
manipulations after watching the TV series Rubicon which has a plot in
which a cabal of highly placed military-industrial-think-tank types trigger
and plan terrorist attacks worldwide to speculate in high frequency trading
of market swings in energy and other commodities. Volitily makes HFT
profitable. Death can come by many means including weather... but it
still terrorism. I think its also the reason for the high secrecy
surrounding HAARP and "Geo-Engineering"... that and the liability were it
known to be an esta... more »
NASA Confirms A 2,500-Square-Mile Cloud Of Methane Floating Over US Southwest
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 5 hours ago
*Mike G* - NASA confirms that there is a giant methane gas cloud forming
over the Western US, and it is the result of the oil and gas industry...
The post NASA Confirms A 2,500-Square-Mile Cloud Of Methane Floating Over
US Southwest appeared first on Waking Times.
Thorne Dreyer : PODCAST | Author Michael Harris on the Digital Revolution and ‘The End of Absence’
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 5 hours ago
Journalist and editor Harris, our guest on Rag Radio, discusses ‘Reclaiming
What We’ve Lost in a World of Constant Connection.’ Interview by Thorne
Dreyer | The Rag Blog | October 20, 2014 Our guest on Rag Radio, journalist
Michael Harris, … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*PODCAST* | Author Michael Harris on the Digital Revolution and ‘The End of
Creating False Reality with the Green Screen
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 5 hours ago

*Heather Callaghan* - Chroma Key or 'Green Screening' is the tool that
filmmakers use to make fiction come to life on the screen....
The post Creating False Reality with the Green Screen appeared first on Waking
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 20, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*What Does It Mean For An Ebola Outbreak To End? -- Alexandra Sifferlin,
*And how does the World Health Organization decide when that happens?*
*Nigeria’s most recent outbreak of Ebola is over, the nation’s government
and World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Monday.*
But — with fear of Ebola continuing to grip the world — what does that even
mean? How does the WHO know that Nigeria is in the clear?
The answer, it turns out, is very specific: The WHO says a country can
declare their outbreak to be over when it makes it through 42 days without
a new case. That’s two i... more »
When the answer is Bryan Gould…
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 5 hours ago
[image: image]
Bryan Gould has been selected to run the post-election review of Labour’s
He is a man fully qualified for the job.
What he doesn’t know about failing Labour parties isn’t worth knowing.
After all, that’s where he spent a whole lifetime.
[image: image]
[image: _BryanGould]Gould was a senior part of the British Labour Party
that made themselves unelectable for virtually a generation. Leaders Neil
Kinnock and Michael Foot were Labour’s gifts to Margaret Thatcher and John
Major – making even the sub-mediocre Major look good enough to bring home
the elector... more »
World News Briefs -- October 20, 2014 (Evening Edition)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Turkey To Let Iraqi Kurds Reinforce Kobani As U.S. Drops Arms To Defenders
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Turkey said on Monday it would allow Iraqi Kurdish fighters to
reinforce fellow Kurds in the Syrian town of Kobani, while the United
States air-dropped arms for the first time to help the defenders resist an
Islamic State assault.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Washington had asked Ankara to help
"get the peshmerga or other groups" into Kobani so that they could help
defend the town on the Turkish frontier, adding that he hoped the Kurds
would "take this fight on".
*Read ... more »
Whoever Wins In Mississippi, It Will Be A Victory For The NRA And For Anti-Choice, Anti-Immigrant And Anti-Gay Fanatics
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago
The bitterly divisive Republican Party primary in Kansas has endangered the
Republicans’ ability to hold that red, red state’s Senate seat. The
Republican Party primary in Mississippi was even more bitter and more
divisive. But Thad Cochran, the senile 76 year old incumbent who was first
sent to Washington in 1973 (as a congressman) and who has been in the
Senate since 1978, is probably going to hold on. He spent almost $6,000,000
in the primary and squeaked by teabagger Chris McDaniel 157,733 to 156,315
in the first round and 194,932 to 187,265 in the runoff.
Two weeks from tomo... more »
Watch The Father's Love 2014 Full Movie Online
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 6 hours ago

*The Father's Love (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : N/A
Release : 20 Aug 2014
Duration : 86 min
Genre : Drama, Romance
Director : Sharon Kon
Writer : Sharon Kon, Mara Measor
Cast : Angela Lin, Erik McKay, Raushanah Simmons, Jordan Turchin
Synopsis The Father's LoveSarah, an aspiring filmmaker meets the man of her
dreams. Charming, handsome, and wealthy, Reece becomes her world. As their
story unfolds, Sarah is taken on a journey of heartbreak and forgiveness,
exploring the meaning of her relationships both past and present.
Description The Father's LoveFather Gruner & The M... more »
Windfall profits for some at the expense of affordable housing for others
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
Here is how the housing market works under John Key’s crony capitalism: he
and his housing minister and the council’s planners have between them just
made around half-a-dozen land-owners around Auckland rich beyond their
wildest dreams.*
In announcing the “Housing Accord” with the Greater Auckland Council,
planners and politicians failed to understand the power of Mr Market.
Announcing out of the blue some land allowed to slip through the council’s
zoning net, the land-owners quickly discovered their land formerly zoned
rural by planners now had the politicians’ and planners’ tick... more »
Social Pollution or Social Control?
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 7 hours ago
Ajit Pai (2014, October 17) The government wants to study ‘social
pollution’ on Twitter. The Washington Post
Pai is a member of the Federal Communications Commission.*
[excerpt] If you take to Twitter to express your views on a hot-button
issue, does the government have an interest in deciding whether you are
spreading “misinformation’’? If you tweet your support for a candidate
the November elections, should... more »
coming full circle: my sixth-grade obsession meets my teen book club
laura k at wmtc - 7 hours ago
Continuing on the young-adult fiction theme, it's been about six months
since I blathered about my absolute favourite part of my job: teen book club.
Our monthly gathering is still going strong, a small but dedicated group of
young readers who love books, and love to talk about books. My posters for
TBC invite teens to "hang out, eat snacks, talk about books, talk about
life," and that pretty much sums up what we do.
Every few months, the group votes on the next four titles, chosen from a
selection that I gather, as well as their own suggestions. Most young
readers gravitate towards... more »
the so-called "y.a. debate" rages on, but doesn't a debate have two sides?
laura k at wmtc - 7 hours ago
In June of this year, *Slate* ran a now-infamous piece called "Against YA,"
in which Ruth Graham argued that adults shouldn't read young-adult fiction,
and should be embarrassed if they do. A flood of posts and essays were
written in response; my own response is here. In the short term, as far as
I can tell, not a single writer agreed with Graham.
Despite this lopsided showing, some headline writer (possibly here) dubbed
this "The Great Y.A. Debate," and the name stuck. There must be people out
there who agree with Graham - surely hers was not an original idea - but
one cranky artic... more »
Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe That Events In The U.S. Are 'Out Of Control'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago

*POLITICO Poll: Alarm, Anxiety As Election Looms -- Politico*
An overwhelming majority of voters in the most competitive 2014 elections
say it feels as if events in the United States are “out of control” and
expressed mounting alarm about terrorism, anxiety about Ebola and harsh
skepticism of both political parties only three weeks before the Nov. 4
In a POLITICO poll testing the hardest-fought states and congressional
districts of the year, two-thirds of likely voters said they feel that the
United States has lost control of its major challenges. Only 36 percent
said t... more »
Big Oil Company Donates $250,000 to Yes on Proposition 1 campaign
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
of Jerry Brown courtesy of Red, Green and Blue.
Big Oil Company Donates $250,000 to Yes on Proposition 1 campaign Top
contributors to water bond donated over $9.9 million! by Dan Bacher
Censored NewsThe California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
revealed on October 17 that Aera Energy LLC, a company jointly owned by
affiliates of Shell and
UKIP Calypso
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 7 hours ago
Words do not yet exist that adequately sum up what an ear-bleeding travesty
this cacophonous cack is.
Get your apostrophes right
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
It’s never the wrong time to get apostrophes right.
Apostrophes are the difference between a supermarket that knows its shit
and one that knows it's shit; between feeling you're nuts and feeling your
nuts; between "Hell mend them" (an old-fashioned curse) and "He'll mend
them" (a bloke's coming round to fix your tiles).
If you can't use an apostrophe, you don't know your shit.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Kiev Missile(s) Fire on Chemical Plant in Donetsk ? Ceasefire breach
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 8 hours ago

*“I was approaching my apartment building, when I heard a strong
explosion,”* another local resident, Irina, told RT. *“Thing is that for
the past two weeks there has been non-stop shelling day and night – we are
used to that. But today there was that was such a strong blast that I have
not heard before. I even sat down on the ground, probably, because of the
blast power and from fright.”*
* RT*
A huge blast has rocked a chemical factory in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine,
the city council says on its website. The blast wave reportedly shattered
windows in houses in a radiu... more »
Russian Foreign Minister -- US-Russian Relations ‘Close To Bottom, To Remain Low A Long Time’
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey
Lavrov (Reuters / Carolyn Kaster / Pool)
*US-Russian Relations ‘Close To Bottom, To Remain Low A Long Time’ – Lavrov*
Moscow does not expect its relations with Washington to get better anytime
soon, but on the other hand they won’t plunge any deeper, Russian Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov believes.
“We have gone down pretty deep. I really hope this downward movement of the
level of our cooperation has reached some kind of a bottom,” he said on
Monday in Moscow in an open lecture on Russia’s foreign relations... more »
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago

A physics professor at the University of Oklahoma who often spends his time
studying smashed subatomic particles at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
laboratory in Switzerland has another hobby – smashing the notion that all
scientists believe the universe was created by some sort of cosmic accident.
Dr. Michael Strauss has given some iteration of a lecture he’s titled
“Scientific ... more »
Wall Street and Marshall Tuck - TuckForWallStreet.com
Robert D. Skeels * rdsathene at Schools Matter - 8 hours ago
Our public schools should be places where kids want to learn and teachers
want to teach. Marshall Tuck has the wrong vision for California schools.
He’s spent years working on Wall Street. Tuck's education is in bringing in
profits on Wall Street — and so he wants to increase high-stakes testing
and expand corporate charter schools. Is there any doubt Tuck will put the
bottom line for his friends on Wall Street above what our kids need?
“Me Thinks You Doth Protest Too Much”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*“Me Thinks You Doth Protest Too Much”*
by Karl Denninger
“Sigh... I wrote the other day on a bestselling author who had written an
op-ed on a person who sideswiped his parked car. He was lamenting that the
police observed that "People just aren't honest anymore." His challenge was
to ask the person who hit his vehicle to prove that wrong. I went after
him, and I believe justly so, pointing out just a handful of the myriad
scams and frauds (that is, dishonesty) that permeates literally every nook
and cranny of our society today.
“Jason has written some pretty decent little puff p... more »
Turbulent Times Show Today At 6PM CDT (7PM For Those On The American East Coast)
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 9 hours ago
Whitewraithe and I are going to do a Turbulent Times show tonight at 6PM
Central Daylight Time…
The subject for tonight's show will be a discussion on this so called
'Truth Movement". We will discuss who the real seekers of truth are in
this so called "Truth Movement", and who exactly the shills and agents that
have been out to ruin our efforts are...
It will be a LIVE broadcast, and is of course available over at Outside
Radio at www.outsideradio.blogspot.com.
We will of course have our chat room open for those who want to discuss
this topic and to ask questions… It is availabl... more »
United Native Americans Entire History of Alcatraz Take Over
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 9 hours ago
Parker with his father Lehman Brightman, Lakota and founder
of United Native Americans
By Quanah Parker
United Native Americans
Censored News
Dr.LehmanBrightman -Interview on the Alcatraz Take Over &
Founding of the Red Power
Movement https://soundcloud.com/united-native-americans
I would like to share the below e-mail conversation we as United Native
Americans had
Private prosecution maybe stayed without review save for proved abuse of process
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 9 hours ago
R. v. Olumide, 2014 ONCA 712:
[2] Section 579 of the *Criminal Code* gives the Attorney General
the authority to direct a stay of proceedings at any time. The discretion
to do so is reviewable only in the event of abuse of process. There is a
presumption of prosecutorial good faith: see *Krieger v. Law Society
(Alberta)* 2002 SCC 65 and *R. v. Nixon* 2011 SCC 34. The appellant has
the onus of proving an abuse of process in the exercise of prosecutorial
[3] Mr. Olumide alleged that the Attorney General is in an
inherent conflict of interest and t... more »
Russia Denies Having A Submarine In Swedish Waters. Speculates That it May Be A Dutch Sub
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*Mysterious ‘Russian Sub’ Off Sweden May Be Dutch – Defense Ministry Source
-- RT*
Swedish authorities reportedly searching for a Russian submarine in its
waters are probably looking in the wrong direction. The sub is probably
Dutch, a source in the Russian Defense Ministry told RT.
Earlier Swedish media reported that the nation’s navy is looking for a
submarine in the Baltic Sea, possibly belonging to Russia.
Russia said there was no substance in reports of the Russian connection in
the story.
“On Sunday the Russian Defense Ministry provided whatever aid it could to
the Swedes ... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 9 hours ago
*Science Meets Voodoo In A New Orleans Festival Of Water ~Kathy Finn,
*’12 Years a Slave’ Actor, Jay Huguley talks New Orleans Film Fest ~WGNO*
Free Planet - touched by the hand of - show your Ancient God
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 9 hours ago
*of course there is no God.*
Why can't you'all see this?
Oh, because you're'all afraid.
Afraid there'll be no REDEMPTION without that glowing wonderful end moment
where 'your god' takes you in his arms and forgives you (mankind) your
sins, and everything is all kinds of fake-ass hunky-dory again and again
until infinity wears down like an old record or tatters like a favourite
party dress worn too many times.
Fake-ass Religious-Redemption means YOU WILL NEVER DO ANYTHING with your
one life - you will be forever waiting that perfect moment you've been
promised by writers and come... more »
Watch Honeymoon Full Movie 2014 Streaming
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 10 hours ago

*Honeymoon (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 5.9
Release : 12 Sep 2014
Duration : 87 min
Genre : Horror
Director : Leigh Janiak
Writer : Phil Graziadei, Leigh Janiak
Cast : Rose Leslie, Harry Treadaway, Ben Huber, Hanna Brown
Synopsis HoneymoonYoung newlyweds Paul and Bea travel to remote lake
country for their honeymoon. Shortly after arriving, Paul finds Bea
wandering and disoriented in the middle of the night. As she becomes more
distant and her behavior increasingly peculiar, Paul begins to suspect
something more sinister than sleepwalking took place in the woods.
Descrip... more »
Links to all posts: The Way We Are!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 10 hours ago
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014Read each thrilling installment:* In our
award-winning series, The Way We Are, we explore the way our national
discourse actually works, as opposed to what schoolchildren read in their
civics books.
Be sure to read each thrilling installment! We’ll post all links below:
*Week One—The Way We Are*
Part 1: Bill Clinton discussed those “storylines,” like Krugman and Shipp
before him
Part 2: When Cillizza failed to respond, it was classic press behavior
Part 3: Breaking (almost) all the rules, the New York Times discussed the
sexist trashing of Hillary Clinton
... more »
Watch '71 Full Movie 2014 Streaming
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 10 hours ago

*'71 (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.8
Release : 10 Oct 2014
Duration : 99 min
Genre : Action, Drama, War
Director : Yann Demange
Writer : Gregory Burke (screenplay)
Cast : Jack O'Connell, Sam Reid, Sean Harris, Charlie Murphy
Synopsis '71A young and disoriented British soldier is accidentally
abandoned by his unit following a riot on the deadly streets of Belfast in
Description '71
'71 Trailer on Youtube
*Watch '71 Full Movie*
Search Result Related '71
East Nashville United Parents Shut Out of Board Meeting by Astroturf Charter Group
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 10 hours ago
From East Nashville United:
*At last Tuesday’s school board meeting, our members showed up in force to
signal their opposition of Dr. Register’s Third-Way Proposal because it was
not created with genuine and earnest community input. There, we met a new
community group wearing blue t-shirts that said “East Nashville Believes.”
Primarily made up of parents and teachers from charter schools in East
and–according to some of the parents in attendance–North Nashville, these
parents, students, and charter school teachers and operators made their
opinions on choice felt—and then... more »
Sweden Widens Its Search For A Foreign Submarine In Its Territorial Waters
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Sweden Widens 'Mystery Sub' Hunt Off Stockholm Waters -- BBC*
*The Swedish navy has widened its search in the waters off Stockholm amid
suspicions that a Russian submarine might be in trouble there.*
The military has asked civilian vessels to evacuate the area between
Nattaro island and Danzinger Gatt.
A Swedish source told the BBC an underwater vessel was spotted in waters
about 25km (16 miles) from Stockholm.
Russia's defence ministry denied any "irregular situation" involving its
It said a Dutch submarine might have triggered Sweden's alert after
carrying out exercise... more »
Good work City of Coeur d'Alene for making us the center of attention...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
*and it's not the good kind of attention.*
The one exception is that now everyone knows how to spell Coeur d'Alene -
which isn't easy. Even after 27 years I still have to slow down and
mentally say, "C, o, e, u, r, space, little d, no space, big A, lene. The
"lene" part is easy.
In June of last year, the Coeur d'Alene city council *passed an
anti-discrimination bill making homosexuals a protected class against the
will of the majority of the citizens.*
They worried about homosexuals being denied access to restaurants or
housing. Really? When the hell have they ever been denie... more »
Huge Object next to Mars. Recorded Slooh cutting feed and going to break. Silence from all today
Sherrie at Sherrie Questioning All - 10 hours ago
In this video you will hear the Slooh people go to break immediately after
the closest approach of Comet Siding Spring to Mars. They cut the feed
afterwards. They couldn't explain what it was at the bottom of Mars. Today
there is silence from everyone. Slooh, Nasa and Spaceweather don't have any
replays of yesterday. Not a single word about the event and what we all see
in the live video.
Turkey sends a warship to Cyprus... the EU admonishes Turkey
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 11 hours ago
* Following up on this posting-*
Russian navy to conduct rocket fire off Cyprus while Ankara sniffs for oil I
really doubt that the EU wants Cyprus aided by Russia? Considering the
campaign against Russia?
Yet, Turkey keeps pushing the energy issue- As in, Turkey wants the
resources in the waters around Cyprus- How is this playing into the bigger
picture in that area?
*As Turkey encroaches on Cyprus the EU tells Turkey "New chapters won't be
opened until the Cyprus issue resolved"*
NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) Cyprus says it's considering additional ways to
respond to Turkey's planned gas... more »
Supplemental: Concerning a powerful photograph!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014Post reader gets it right:* Each Saturday, the
hard-copy Washington Post includes a full page of letters from its readers.
The page is called Free for All. This Saturday, a Post reader from suburban
Gaithersburg, Maryland got something very right.
She had written in praise of a photograph which ran ten days before. This
is what she wrote:
LETTER TO THE WASHINGTON POST (10/18/14): *Michel du Cille’s photo of
Esther Tokpah, the 11-year-old Liberian whose parents died of Ebola* [“A
new generation of orphans,” front page, Oct. 8], *deserves the highest
award... more »
Chinese And Russian Aircraft Are Testing Japanese Air Defenses
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

A Japanese F-15J allegedly buzzing a Chinese Tu-154 in June.
*Japan Intercepted Record Number of Chinese and Russian Military Aircraft
-- USNI*
Japan intercepted a record number of Russian and Chinese aircraft close to
its territorial waters over the past six months.
The country’s military flew 533 intercepts during the first half of fiscal
year 2014, according to a Jane’s Defence Weekly report. Compared to that
same period in 2013, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF), as the
Japanese air force is known, flew 308 sorties.
The increasing number of intercepts is part of a growi... more »
A Look At Libya's Decline
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

(*Click on Image to Enlarge*)
*Libya On The Edge -- The Economist*
*North Africa's top oil producer is dangerously divided*
ON THE third anniversary of the death of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, Libya’s
former ruler, the country is violently split. It has two governments and
two parliaments. Both the capital, Tripoli, and the second city, Benghazi,
are controlled by Islamist militia groups of various stripes. The
internationally recognised government has fled to Tobruk, in the east of
the country, and is operating from a hotel. Libyan Dawn, a militia now in
control of Tripoli, has esta... more »
Libya Continues Its Slide To Another Civil War
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Three Years After Gadhafi's Death, Libya Slides Into Civil War As Death
Toll Rises In Benghazi -- IBTimes*
Three years ago on Monday, Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi was captured and
killed by a rebel militia in his hometown of Sirte, an event that was
supposed to mark the beginning of a new, democratic era in the country. But
today, Libya is far from stable. The country is sliding further and further
into all-out civil war, with pro-government forces battling Islamist
militias for power in the eastern city of Benghazi, where the revolution
that ousted Gadhafi started in 2011.
... more »
The Impeachment Of Barack Obama Is On The Ballot November 4
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago

Republicans aren’t campaigning on it— and there are certainly some
Republicans who want nothing to do with it— but radical right Republicans
in the House have every intention of trying to impeach President Obama
after the midterms, particularly if the GOP manages to get control of the
Senate. After the1998 midterms, Gingrich pushed forward with impeachment
against President Clinton during the lame duck session. The first article
of impeachment (perjury) passed the House 228-206 on December 19. Although
all 5 Democrats who voted for it were subsequently defeated or driven to
join t... more »
Heavy Fighting Reported Throughout Yemen As Sectarian Conflict Spreads
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Scores Of Rebels Killed In Yemen Fighting -- Al Jazeera*
Fighting between Houthi rebels and Sunni tribesman leaves 67 Houthis dead,
as clashes rage for control of territory.
Renewed fighting between Sunni tribesmen and Shia Houthi rebels advancing
into a town in central Yemen has killed dozens of people, as part of a
growing struggle over territory and influence between the two sides.
Sources told Al Jazeera on Monday that clashes between Houthi fighters and
Sunni tribes backed by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) killed 67
Houthis in the Radaa district of Bayda province, ... more »
Princess Peach Mario Kart Costume
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 11 hours ago

The costume in this post came from BuyCostumes.
My daughter is always really specific with her costume choices. When she
dresses up from movies, she dresses like the character from this specific
scene and the accessories have to be just right. When she asked for a
Princess Peach dress, I wasn't too surprised when she started asking for a
Mario Kart car right after. She didn't just want to be Peach, she wanted to
be Mario Kart Peach. Luckily it was an easy costume to pull together.
You will need:
- Cardboard Box
- Knife or Scissors
- Pink, Yellow and White Construction Pape... more »
monkey swinging bandits
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 12 hours ago
Yes this much is clear humanity
is full of monkey
EU Stepping Up Sanctions against the Assad Government
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
LUXEMBOURG—The European Union stepped-up its sanctions against Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad ’s regime on Monday as the bloc’s foreign
ministers discussed the latest in the international campaign to defeat
Islamic State, the Sunni extremist group that is also fighting Syrian
Details of the new sanctions weren’t immediately available but an EU
official said 16 people and two entities will be targeted.
Most of the people are being targeted with an asset freeze and travel ban
because *the bloc believes they have been involved in repression of
civilians*, the official... more »
Violence Reported Throughout Iraq
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*At Least 15 Die In Baghdad Suicide Blast -- Deutsche Welle*
*A suicide bomber has killed at least 15 people and injured many more at a
funeral in Baghdad. Separately, Iraqi forces are fighting for control of a
key town near a major oil refinery. *
A suicide bomber has killed at least 15 people and wounded 30 others
outside a Shiite mosque in western Baghdad where people were attending a
funeral service, according to security and health officials.
"The attacker approached the entrance of the mosque and blew himself up
among the crowd," a police officer said about the attack in the... more »
Learn To Grovel Gracefully
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 12 hours ago

With wages flat and jobs scarce, what's a serf to do to get ahead while
barely surviving? Where are all those ladders of opportunity that the
politicians keep blathering about?
The bosses at Marriott Hotels have come up with a real nifty public
relations gimmick to give the appearance of caring about their minimum wage
employees while continuing to despise them with all the utter contempt at
their disposal. It might be called the Neoliberal Two-Step.
*Step One*: the Marriott suits are inveigling hotel *customers* to
supplement the low wages of The Help through tasteful "tip envel... more »
jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 12 hours ago
#cheneysgotagun #gunsense #Repealthe2ndAmendment #FucktheNRA
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) October 19, 2014
Q: Why does Walmart sell so many pants?
A: Because we keep pissing ours.
Seriously, when the fuck did we become such a nation of wet-legged
twats, ready to piss ourselves like an abused stray dog meeting a stranger?
Did our grandparents act this way after Pearl Harbor? No, the men went to
war, the women became WACS, nurses, made planes, tanks and ships. The
middle aged and elderly formed civil defense organizations and held sc... more »
Has Ghana Become the World’s Toxic Dumping Ground?
Waking Times at Waking Times - 12 hours ago

*Video - *A new study has identified the Agbobloshie dumping yard in
Ghana's capital Accra as the place which poses the highest toxic threat to
human life.
The post Has Ghana Become the World’s Toxic Dumping Ground? appeared first
on Waking Times.
Turkey To Let Iraqi Kurds Reinforce Kobani. U.S. Continues Air Strikes And Supply Air Drops For Kurdish Forces In The City
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Islamic State: Turkey To Let Iraq Kurds Join Kobane Fight -- BBC*
Turkey is to allow Iraqi Kurdish fighters to cross the Syrian border to
fight Islamic State (IS) militants in Kobane, in what is being seen as a
policy reversal.
Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said talks on the subject were continuing.
Tens of thousands of people have fled months of fighting in Kobane between
IS forces and Syrian Kurd defenders.
The announcement came shortly after the US carried out air drops of weapons
to the town's Kurdish fighters.
Meanwhile the US-led coalition has carried out its first air... more »
World News Briefs -- October 20, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*2 African Countries Freed Of Ebola; Monitoring Period Over For 43 Texans
-- CNN*
(CNN) -- Forty-three people who came into contact with Ebola patient Thomas
Eric Duncan are now officially cleared after not demonstrating any symptoms
during a 21-day monitoring period, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said
One more will be cleared later Monday, and four others will complete their
21-day monitoring period soon, he said.
"Thankfully, they are all asymptomatic, and it looks like none of them will
get Ebola," said Jenkins, who is overseeing response efforts in Dallas.
*Read m... more »
Good foggy Monday morning...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*to all.*
I love fog in the morning. We don't get nearly enough (IMO.) The whole
world disappears around you. Lovely!
Photo bombed by a neighbor's car. We're on a private road so the chances
of that happening at 7am are not real high and I'm too lazy and hungry to
retake the pic. Sigh
Ladder and clippers left in picture on purpose, I'm in the throes of
hacking, clipping, cutting, and sawing just about everything. Keeping it
A message from Mother and a message from me
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago

*A message from Mother and a message from me*
by Aisha North
October 17, 2014
*Beloved family of light!Once again it is as if everything is speeding up,
and to quote Otmn ” i feel like a brand new person again and again. the
images, the insights, and all, is flowing in so fast that by the time i
understand one there are more, it is mind boggling, but in a good way.”
After reading through what you have all shared here during the last 24
hours or so, I could not agree more, it IS mind boggling, and in a very
good way! *
*If you have not yet seen the latest comment posted by IAMys... more »
12 Animales extraños convertidos en frutas y verduras con Photoshop
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FOTOFRONTERA - 13 hours ago

Que tengan cuidado los vegetarianos porque estamos a punto de arruinar sus
comidas favoritas, incluyendo los ahuacates.
Mashups e híbridos no son ajenos a la Internet, y sin embargo, todavía
estamos encontrando a nosotros mismos diciendo "WTF?" a algunos de los
combos espeluznantes que nunca deben ser cocidos juntos.
La Artista Sarah DeRemer intensificó la extraña creación de esta extraña
serie de criaturas cruzadas con frutas y verduras con el nombre "La comida
de los animales."
No estamos seguros de si realmente podríamos soportar comer una banasnake.
De cualquier manera, nos enc... more »
GATEKEEPERS GONE: The doctor was IN—and was out of his mind!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014Part 1—No dimwit need not apply:* At one time, it
couldn’t have happened.
Or so the theory goes.
At one point, the theory says, we had competent gatekeepers. They kept our
discourse on track.
They kept The Crazy out of the discourse—The Crazy and The Big Dumb.
They restricted the things we the people could hear—the ideas we were
allowed to ponder. It was hard to hear crazy shit at that time, thanks to
the work of our gatekeepers. It was highly unlikely that you would get
scripted by people who were well-intentioned but basically dumb.
Did such a golde... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 20, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago

An F-22 Raptor taxis in the Middle East prior to strike operations in Syria
on Sept. 23. Concern over possible civilian casualties has limited the
airstrikes approved over Iraq and Syria. (Tech. Sgt. Russ Scalf / US Air
*California-Based Military Units Take Lead In U.S. Airstrikes On Islamic
State -- L.A. Times*
Military units based in California have now been given the lead in the
U.S.-led campaign of bombing Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria.
On Saturday, the Navy announced that the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson,
based at North Island Naval Air Station in Coronado, h... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 13 hours ago
I was quoted in "Will ISIS March On Baghdad?" in the Daily Dish, in “Iraqi
plea for US troops as Islamic State advances in key province” by Paul
McGeough in the Sydney Morning Herald, and also by Patrick Cockburn in “War
against Isis: US strategy in tatters as militants march on,” in the
Independent. One of my articles on Shiite militia mobilization was cited by
Amnesty International in its "Absolute Impunity: Militia Rule In Iraq" report,
my piece on the security situation in Anbar was reprinted by Business
Insider, and I was interviewed by EPIC for its latest podcast.
Yellow people problems
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 14 hours ago

This is a view of castration upon which the Chinese built a six thousand
year empire by taking smart people and cutting their balls off.
White people problems is a racist view of the world that does not recognize
the secondary place of white people to yellow people. I have no idea how
Asians in general and Chinese in particular became identified as yellow. I
have spent decades in this region and never seen a yellow person. In fact
many Chinese are whiter than porcelain, I would be the yellow one in a
portrait. One would have to be less than observant to see that the Native
peoples ... more »
Benjamin Fulford – 10/19/2014 Did the dragon family take control of the Federal Reserve Board?
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 14 hours ago

*The views below are solely Benjamin Fulford's, as with all posts use your
own inner discernment. There is much data in this message from Ben. You
gotta wonder though about people who would hold hostage the entire planet
with a disease like Ebola as a negotiating tactic... sheesh! Commentary by
David Wilcock follows... -AK*
*Did the dragon family take control of the Federal Reserve Board?*
Posted by Benjamin Fulford
October 20, 2014
Multiple sources are reporting that as of October 17th, 2014, the Dragon
family has taken over control of the international operations of the
Fede... more »
The Witness
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 15 hours ago
"Who am I? I am NO-BODY because a body is the FORM-AT-ION/formation of
duality, whereby in this paradox, one can only gain life by losing it.
Truth can never die, and since the body can die, it is not the truth ~
likewise; a lie can never gain life, and since I am living I must be the
truth, and the truth is of me and within me."
*Chiron Last*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Paul Dirac on dimensionless constants and the "large number hypothesis"
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 15 hours ago
Paul Dirac (see TRF biography) died exactly 30 years ago, on October 20th,
He was an eminent physicist, a co-father of quantum mechanics, the author
of the Dirac equation, and a man who was convinced that the
Physical law should have mathematical beauty.
He wrote down this important sentence in capital letters on a blackboard
during his 1955 lecture in Moscow. ;-)
Later, the English physicist would move to Florida where he was sort of
happy – the place reminded him of England.
The video (well, picture+audio) at the top boasts Paul Dirac who describes
how special phy... more »
How Yoga Heals The Diseased Heart
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 15 hours ago
*Sayer Ji* - The simple practice of Yoga is proven to heal the body, mind
and spirit, and new evidence suggests that it also does wonders for heart
The post How Yoga Heals The Diseased Heart appeared first on Waking Times.
Man flies by airplane and Manchester Airport
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 15 hours ago

man whizzed within 100 metres of the plane over Macclesfield and left
pilots baffled (stock image)
it a bird, is it a plane? No - it's a mystery man flying past an Airbus
full of passengers as it flew over Macclesfield at 3,500ft*
*Pilots of Airbus 320 left stunned when a 'flying man' passed their
*The man flew within 100 metres of the plane as it made its descent into
Manchester Airport*
*There was no sign of him on the radar and neith... more »
An Analysis On The Ukraine Military
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago

Ukraine soldiers put tape on their arms to identify themselves as comrades
in the fight against pro-Russia separatists. (Sergei L. Loiko / Los Angeles
*Ukraine Troops Struggle With Nation's Longtime Neglect Of Military -- L.A.
Militia commander Yuri Bereza and his 150 Ukrainian irregulars were closing
in on pro-Moscow separatists in their last stronghold in this eastern city
when Russian troops and armor thundered in out of nowhere to cut them off
in the suburb of Ilovaisk.
No satellite or drone surveillance detected the sudden movement of the
Russian columns. No wo... more »
The Taliban Prepares The Next Generation For War
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago

Indoctrinated: The boy (right) lives in the Tangi Valley, just an hour's
drive from the Afghan capital Kabul
*The Taliban Boy Aged Just THREE Being Trained For War Who Says He's 'Going
To Shoot People' -- Daily Mail*
* Film obtained by BBC shows young child playing with gun in Afghanistan
* Boy lives in Tangi Valley, where Taliban has grip on schools and courts
* Another pupil says of hopes for future: 'To serve my country and Islam'
Barely three years old and holding a gun, this little boy is terrifying
proof of how the Taliban is reasserting its grip on Afghanistan.
As Western tro... more »
Is India-Pakistan Heading For A Nuclear Confrontation?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago

*ICYMI: India-Pakistan Head For Nuke War -- Bruce Riedel, Daily Beast*
A crisis is brewing between nuclear armed India and Pakistan that could be
their most dangerous ever.
India and Pakistan have fought four wars since 1947 and had several crises
that went to the brink of war. Both tested nuclear weapons in 1998. Now
tensions are escalating between the two again.
It began in May, when a heavily armed squad of Pakistani terrorists from
Lashkar e Tayyiba (Army of the Pure) attacked India’s consulate in Herat,
in western Afghanistan. They planned to massacre Indian diplomats on the ... more »
Secret Project Created Weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 15 hours ago
*“No records are available to confirm that the biological agents were
image source
Daniel Taylor
Operating out of South Africa during the apartheid era in the early 1980s,
Dr. Wouter Basson launched a secret bioweapons project called Project
Coast. The goal of the project was to develop biological and chemical
agents that would either kill or sterilize the black population and
assassinate political enemies. Among the agents developed were Marburg and
Ebola viruses.
Basson is surrounded by cloak-and-dagger intrigue, as he told Pretoria High
court in South Africa tha... more »
Sheldon Adelson Sneak Attack Comes To Los Angeles House Race
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago

Garbage politics comes to Los Angeles, financed by the Mob
Vegas-Macau gambling kingpin Sheldon Adelson, who fronts for organized
crime and launders money from China into America's politics, has decided to
try to win Henry Waxman’s congressional seat on Los Angeles’ west side—
from Malibu down through Santa Monica, Venice, El Segundo and Manhattan
Beach to Redondo Beach, Torrance, Rancho Palos Verdes and Harbor City— for
a Republican stooge he can easily control, Elan Carr. First the good news:
the last publicly-available polling— by Democratic firm, GarinHartYang
Research— showed Li... more »
Daily Links
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago

Links... plus an event! Too busy to blog tonight....
- Don't miss: Tairadical's rip of the Lien Family
- Ben's analysis of Taipei City District 2
- AmCham has piece on making Taiwan into a Silicon Valley in Asia. Nope,
won't happen.
- Commonwealth is featuring Hong Kong this month with another set of
articles. Enjoy this on one Hong Kongers moving to Taiwan.
- Vietnam firm sent 43,000 tons of oil to Taiwan over the years.
- Great letter from David Pendery in TT on student happiness in Taiwan
- You've been following the big protests in Hong Kong Mexico, right?
... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
*UK: Christian school 'downgraded for failing to invite an imam to lead
A successful Christian school has been warned it is to be downgraded by
inspectors and could even face closure after failing to invite a leader
from another religion, such as an imam, to lead assemblies, it is claimed.
The small independent school in the Home Counties was told it is in breach
of new rules intended to promote “British values” such as individual
liberty and tolerance in the wake of the Trojan Horse scandal, involving
infiltration by hard-line Muslim groups in Birmingham.
Details of t... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 15 hours ago

*Climate change 'prophets, and projectors, and half-instructed
meteorologists': the press found them amusing back in 1871*
THREE consecutive years of drought, while they have stimulated the
inventive resources of practical agriculturalists, have had the natural
effect of calling forth a plentiful crop of speculation from weather
prophets, and projectors, and half-instructed meteorologists, and all the
philosophic tribe of Laputa in general, to whom the periodical press now
affords such fatal facilities. We have often noticed that in the tabular
statements of those compilers of ... more »
How the 7 Chakras Influence Our Lives
Waking Times at Waking Times - 17 hours ago
*Meme - *There are 7 energy centers called chakras in the human body, with
each corresponding to a specific aspect of human behavior and development.
The post How the 7 Chakras Influence Our Lives appeared first on Waking
U.S. entry bans for Hungarian officials are abuses of power
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 18 hours ago
Everyone who knows my long-term views on the history and politics of
Central Europe must know very well that I am pretty unlikely to defend some
"political idiosyncrasies" of Hungary, especially those that are flavored
with nationalism.
Our Slovak brothers would sometimes have problems with Hungary, partly due
to the large Hungarian minority that stayed on the Slovak territory,
despite Hungary's losing status after the Second World War. I think that
when Czechoslovakia was created in 1918, it was wise for the Western powers
to incorporate the "potentially controversial" territories ... more »
Taiwan takes final delivery of Apache helicopters
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
Taiwan has taken the delivery of six more AH-64E Apache attack helicopters
from the United States, the fifth and final batch of a NT$59.31 billion
(US$1.95 billion) order for 30 of the newest Apache model.
They flew to an Army Aviation Special Forces base in Tainan Sunday evening
after being unloaded and assembled in the southern port city a day earlier,
the Army said.
The final shipment came nearly six months after one of the delivered
Apaches crashed into the top of a three-story residential building in
Taoyuan County's Longtan Township April 25, damaging four homes but causing
... more »
Did China Just Render America's $1 Trillion Stealth Fighter Program Obsolete?
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago

[image: F-35 Lightning II]Over-budget, behind schedule, and -- reportedly
-- not a particularly good fighter jet, Lockheed Martin's ultramodern Joint
Strike Fighter may be destined for the scrap heap.
In a 2013 RAND Corporation report, one of the nation's foremost military
analysts, blasted the F-35 for being a fighter that "can't turn, can't
climb, can't run." Proponents of the F-35 reply that because it's stealthy,
it shouldn't have to do any of those things -- lobbing missiles at its foes
from over the horizon, and long before they can even see it.
Unfortunately, it turns out tha... more »
Iraq's Third-Largest Military Base Is In Danger Of Falling To The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago

*Iraqis Desperate For Air Cover As U.S. Moves Warplanes To Kobani --
McClatchy News*
IRBIL, Iraq — With the U.S. seemingly focused on helping Kurdish militias
fight off an Islamic State advance at Kobani on the Turkey-Syria border,
Islamist militants this week have seized one key military base in Iraq’s
Anbar province and have laid siege to another, with no major increase in
U.S. air support for the beleaguered Iraqi security forces.
Reports from Kobani indicate that intense U.S. airstrikes there have driven
back Islamic State fighters, while in Anbar the militants’ advance has bee... more »
Cold War spy plane isn’t ready to retire
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: U-2 Dragon Lady]The iconic U-2 spy plane, with its long, sagging
wings and a reputation for being challenging to fly and harder to land, is
one of the oldest aircraft in the U.S. fleet, with a storied history to
match: The downing of Francis Gary Powers is a touchstone moment in the
Cold War, and many a UFO rumor can be attributed to the plane's early
flight tests at the government's secret Area 51 in the Nevada desert.
One year before the 60th anniversary of its first flight in 1955, the U-2
is on the chopping block, where it has been many times before.
President Barack Ob... more »
Royal Canadian Air Force squadron returns to RAF Leeming to take part in exercise for first time since it was based there in WWII
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: CP140 Aurora]A Royal Canadian Air Force squadron has returned to
RAF Leeming more than 70 years after using it as a base during World War
A crew from 405 Squadron (RCAF) flew in to the base to take part in
Exercise Joint Warrior – a multinational operation involving the Navy, Air
Force and Army from the UK and visiting units from Allied nations.
Ships, submarines, aircraft and ground troops simulated battles at sea, in
the air and on land in an area which stretches from the Irish Sea, north to
Cape Wrath and east to the Moray Firth.
Read more
New Izumo-class carriers to greatly boost Japan's force projection
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: JS Izumo]Japan's new Izumo-class aircraft carriers will make the
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force one of the most lethal offensive forces
in the world, reports the Beijing-based China Youth Daily.
The JDS Izumo helicopter carrier has been undergoing intensive sea trials
since late September as Japan prepares to launch two Izumo-class destroyers
over the next two years, the report said.
Once commissioned, these Izumo-class vessels will greatly enhance Japan's
anti-submarine, anti-ship, air combat and amphibious assault capabilities,
giving the Japan Maritime Self-Defense For... more »
NATO seeks more U.S. ships
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Road to Trident Juncture 2015]NATO’s sea boss wants to see more of
the U.S. Navy in Europe.
Royal Navy Vice Adm. Peter Hudson, who leads NATO Allied Maritime Command,
said Oct. 7 that he was trying to lay the groundwork for more large-scale
exercises to build cooperation between NATO powers, which would mean more
time in 6th Fleet for sailors looking forward to sunny Mediterranean ports.
Hudson said tensions with Russia have prompted the renewed push, and that
he’d like to “re-energize complex, joint, integrated training, so whether
that’s frigates and destroyers in my warfa... more »
Iran mass-produces “Hafez” radar system
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
Iran launched production lines for three radar systems including “Hafez” in
the southern city of Shiraz, the country’s official IRNA news agency
reported Oct. 19.
The production lines were inaugurated at a ceremony attended by Iran’s
Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami and Brigadier General
Farzad Esmaili, commander of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base.
The advanced phased array, 3-dimensional Hafez radar is being used in
“Mersad” air defense system, Hatami said, adding the medium range radar
system is able to discover various air targets including fighters, unmann... more »
MoD rules out nuclear submarine waste dump site at Devonport
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Decomissioned Resolution class SSBN]An MoD decision to rule out
storing radioactive waste from old nuclear submarines in Devonport will
“clean up” the image of the region, says a campaigner.
Devonport in Plymouth had been on the long list of sites to keep
intermediate level nuclear waste until a long-term storage solution comes
into operation after 2040.
The MoD has now named a shortlist of five sites – all outside the
Read more
CMN Unveils the Innovative OCEAN EAGLE 43 Mine Hunter for Euronaval 2014
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: OCEAN EAGLE 43]Following the innovative ship concepts unveiled in
the past few years (such as the Ocean Eagle 43, the Combattante SWAO 53 and
FS56) CMN, the Cherbourg based shipyard, unveils for Euronaval 2014 yet
another innovation: The OCEAN EAGLE 43 MH.
Building on the experience gained during the development of the OCEAN EAGLE
43, whose first units will be put in the water at the end of 2014, CMN has
declined its iconic trimaran design in mine warfare version with strong
multirole capabilities.
The OCEAN EAGLE 43 MH is a high-performance compact mine warfare trimaran
v... more »
Kurdish Fighters Near Kobani Are Now Receiving U.S. Air-Drops Of Weapons
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago

Smoke and flames rise over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, as
seen from the Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in
the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 18,
2014.Credit: Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach
*U.S. Military Says Air-Drops Weapons For Kurdish Fighters Near Kobani --
(Reuters) - U.S. military aircraft air-dropped weapons, ammunition and
medical supplies for Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State militants near
the Syrian border town of Kobani on Sunday night, the U.S. Central Command
In multiple airdrops, U.S. A... more »
Austal lays final Cape Class keel
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Cape Class Patrol Boat - Cape Jervis]Austal Limited has recently
celebrated another milestone with the keel laying for the eighth and final
Cape Class Patrol Boat at Austal’s Defence Facility in Henderson, Western
The vessel, Cape York, named after the northernmost point on the Australian
continent, is the last of eight vessels being designed, constructed and
sustained by Austal for the Australian Customs and Border Protection
Service under a contract valued at approximately $330 million awarded in
August 2011.
The first three Cape Class Patrol Boats, Cape St Geo... more »
Why Is U.S. Aid Going Directly To The Islamic State?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago

Workers load humanitarian aid from United Nations onto a plane for Syrian
families, in Arbil airport, about 350 km (220 miles) north of Baghdad,
December 15, 2013. Credit: REUTERS/Stringer
*U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast*
Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the
distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on
their payrolls.
GAZIANTEP, Turkey — While U.S. warplanes strike at the militants of the
so-called Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq, truckloads of U.S. and
Western aid has been flo... more »
Watch Life After Beth Full Movie 2014 Streaming
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 23 hours ago

*Life After Beth (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 6.0
Release : 15 Jul 2014
Duration : 89 min
Genre : Comedy, Horror, Romance
Director : Jeff Baena
Writer : Jeff Baena
Cast : Aubrey Plaza, Dane DeHaan, John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon
Synopsis Life After BethA hike alone in the woods ends tragically for Beth
Slocum with a fatal snake bite. Her death leaves her parents and boyfriend
Zach reeling. After the funeral, Zach tries to make friends with Mr. and
Mrs. Slocum, but even they reject him, and he's determined to figure out
why. Then he sees Beth. Her parents are trying to kee... more »
Is This The Future Of Battlefield Robotics?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

*This Could Be the Future of Battlefield Robotics -- Patrick Tucker,
Defense One*
The floor of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington,
D.C., was an obstacle course this week, as the Association of the United
States Army convention brought together, among other defense contractors,
various robot makers from around to demo their goods to military leaders
and the curious.
Piloting systems were a big draw.
Despite the drawdown in Afghanistan and the end of the war in Iraq, the
military still needs robotic systems to detect improvised explosive devices
as w... more »
An Argument For CIA Covert Aid
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

*The CIA’s Wrong: Arming Rebels Works -- Christopher Dickey, Daily Beast*
President Obama has weighed the options and concluded America does more
harm than good when it sets out to topple regimes. OK. But don’t pretend
that’s the CIA’s fault.
PARIS, France—What could be more cynical than a covert operation? Sure,
there’s always a lot of talk about fighting for freedom, defeating tyranny.
What was it Ronald Reagan called the Contras and the Afghan mujahedin?
“They are the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers.”
Actually some of the Contras whom I knew were the moral equivalent of... more »
Peace Walk Arrives in Saco
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

We walked 17 miles today from downtown Portland to Saco where the UCC
church will host a pot luck supper and provide home stays for all of us.
Bob Klotz, a leader of Maine 350.org, did the first three miles with us and
took this photo. and some others that he posted on Facebook.
Also this morning, just as we were starting from Monument Square in
Portland, a woman from Montana saw us and walked two miles with us. She is
in Maine on vacation. Surprisingly she just turned up at the church here
in Saco and is going to walk with us tomorrow.
We are expecting a large group of Vetera... more »
Why Are Democratic Elected Officials Selling Out Monterey County?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Scott 'n WaltShenanigans abound in a central California Sheriff’s race.
Beautiful Monterey County, otherwise known as the salad bowl for it’s 4
billion dollar a year Agriculture Industry is also the youth homicide
capital of California. For several years Monterey has led the State in
youth homicides and violence. Most people say it is those pesky “gangs.”
But by using the word “gangs” they are really saying ‘who cares it is just
brown kids killing brown kids.’
Dems like Jerry Brown, Bill Monning, and Luis Alejo are backing the current
Sheriff, Scott Miller against Deputy Steve Bern... more »
Review - Save the planet & stuff
Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 1 day ago

[image: Review of "Save the planet & stuff" by Gail Gauthier]
I recently had the pleasure of reading *Save the planet & stuff* by Gail
*Save the planet & stuff* is an environmental fiction. It's geared toward
young adults and offers readers a delightful comedy about a typical teenage
boy from the city who accepts a summer job in Maine with two of his
grandparents' elderly, Eco-dedicated friends.
Let's take a look at the book's trailer:
The clash between generations and lifestyles gives the book a solid
premise. It's hilarious when Michael has to endure the absence o... more »
Don’t steal
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
A would-be purse snatcher in Chile gets some instant justice.
In Chile, the bus driver is a hero.
In New Zealand? It’d probably be him who was arrested.
[Hat tip Julian D.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Watch The Fault in Our Stars 2014 Full Movie Online
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 1 day ago

*The Fault in Our Stars (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 8.1
Release : 06 Jun 2014
Duration : 126 min
Genre : Drama, Romance
Director : Josh Boone
Writer : Scott Neustadter (screenplay), Michael H. Weber (screenplay), John
Green (book)
Cast : Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff, Laura Dern
Synopsis The Fault in Our StarsHazel and Augustus are two teenagers who
share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional, and a love that
sweeps them on a journey. Their relationship is all the more miraculous,
given that Hazel's other constant companion is an oxygen tank, Gu... more »
A Look At 5 Places Where World War Three Can Start
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*5 Places Where World War Three Could Break Out -- James Hardy, National
*Where the unthinkable could happen.*
It seems these days the world is literally on fire. Conflict continues on
and off in Ukraine, there are tensions throughout the Asia-Pacific, Ebola
is on the rampage, ISIS continues its bloody war of attrition throughout
Syria, into Iraq and on and on. Yet, could something even worse be on the
horizon—a conflict with more-severe global ramifications?
Before we begin this foray into the five places where World War Three could
break out, I should note a few qualif... more »
Watch Imperial Dreams 2014 Full Movie Online
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 1 day ago

*Imperial Dreams (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 8.2
Release : 20 Jan 2014
Duration : 87 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Malik Vitthal
Writer : Ismet Prcic, Malik Vitthal
Cast : John Boyega, Rotimi, Glenn Plummer, De'aundre Bonds
Synopsis Imperial DreamsA 21-year-old reformed gangster's devotion to his
family and his future is put to the test when he is released from prison
and returns to his old stomping grounds in Watts, Los Angeles.
Description Imperial DreamsImperial Iron Wall ()()()() English Imperial
Iron WallChinese () Check...,Chrysler Imperials For Sale ... More Stre... more »
Iranian Nuclear Talks Are Now At A 'Critical Stage'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Obama Sees an Iran Deal That Could Avoid Congress -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — No one knows if the Obama administration will manage in the
next five weeks to strike what many in the White House consider the most
important foreign policy deal of his presidency: an accord with Iran that
would forestall its ability to make a nuclear weapon. But the White House
has made one significant decision: If agreement is reached, President Obama
will do everything in his power to avoid letting Congress vote on it.
Even while negotiators argue over the number of centrifuges Iran would be
all... more »
Important New Article By Lasha Darkmoon: Tel Aviv, City Of A Thousand Thrills
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I am sick and tired of all the "Ebola pandemic" hype that is all over the
Jew spew media these days...Therefore I want to continue to present very
interesting and important articles here that are not related to this "Ebola
crisis" which to me is very suspect and could indeed be a very elaborate
For this article, I want to present a very interesting article that was
just released by Lasha Darkmoon through her website "Darkmoon" at
www.darkmoon.me. It is entitled: "Tel Aviv, City Of A Thousand Thrills"
and shows exactly what Tel Aviv is truly all about... It paints a pictur... more »
Watch Frankenstein Full Movie 2014 Streaming
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 1 day ago

* Frankenstein (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 5.2
Release : 24 Jan 2014
Duration : 92 min
Genre : Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Director : Stuart Beattie
Writer : Stuart Beattie (screenplay), Kevin Grevioux (screen story), Stuart
Beattie (screen story), Kevin Grevioux (Darkstorm Studios graphic novel),
Mary Shelley (characters)
Cast : Aaron Eckhart, Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Bill Nighy
Synopsis FrankensteinDr Victor Frankenstein dies frozen to death and the
creature buries him at the cemetery of his family. However he is attacked
by demons but he kills one of them and... more »
Watch The Morningside Monster Full Movie 2014 Streaming
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 1 day ago

*The Morningside Monster (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.3
Release : 14 Jan 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Director : Chris Ethridge
Writer : Jayson Palmer, Michael H. Harper (script consultant)
Cast : Nicholas Brendon, Tiffany Shepis, Catherine Taber, Amber Chaney
Synopsis The Morningside MonsterWhen a body is found in the woods outside
the quiet town of Morningside, NJ, Sheriff Tom Haulk and Deputy Klara
Austin embark on a desperate race against time to catch the killer, pitting
them against friends, enemies and even each other.
Description The Morning... more »
Watch Brugato 2014 Full Movie Online
Vance Lindsey at MegaCinema HD Stream - 1 day ago

*Brugato (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 8.6
Release : 08 Aug 2014
Duration : 107 min
Genre : Action, Drama, Romance
Director : Rahul Verma
Writer : Aj Rascon (original idea), Rahul Verma
Cast : Aj Rascon, Camille Amend, Lyndsay Irwin, Terry Groves
Synopsis BrugatoA 1932 corruption riddled man dreams of living a great life
in the future. He must soon foil a large drug scandal in 2014 through a
wild time switch, but lets a girl get in his way, and must decide which
type of life he'd like to live.
Description BrugatoArticles "Chinas Approval Process for Inbound Foreign
Dire... more »
Turkey Will Not Cooperate With The U.S. In Aiding The Kurds Who Are Fighting The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Turkey Will Not Cooperate In US Support For Kurds In Syria, Says Erdogan
-- The Guardian*
* President calls Syrian Kurdish group ‘a terrorist organisation’
* US launches further air strikes against Isis at Kobani
Turkey would not agree to any US arms transfers to Kurdish fighters who are
battling Islamic State (Isis) militants in Syria, President Recep Tayyip
Erdogan was quoted as saying on Sunday, as the extremist group fired more
mortar rounds near the Syrian-Turkish border and fighting around the
besieged town of Kobani intensified.
Turkey views the main Syrian Kurdish group, ... more »
Whoa! According to Reuters people walked out of a rally today while Odumbo was speaking...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*in Maryland, no less.*
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign
trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for
governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke
underscored his continuing unpopularity.
[...]"You've got to vote," Obama repeated over and over at a rally for
Brown in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, near Washington.
Democrats have a history of not turning up to vote in midterm elections.
"There are no excuses. The future is up to us," Obama said.
A steady stream of people walked out of the audit... more »
This line from "Ever Decreasing Circles" almost made me feel sorry for brain-locked right-wingers
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*Until eerily close to air time, the show didn't have theme music, or even
a name. Then somebody, or probably somebodies, thought of (a) Ever
Decreasing Circles and (b) No. 15 of Shostakovich's 24 Preludes for Piano,
Op. 34 (played by pianist Ronnie Lane). In Part 1 of the pilot episode,
"The New Neighbour" (Part 2 is here), Richard Briars is Martin Bryce;
Penelope Wilton is Ann Bryce; Peter Egan is Paul Ryman, the new neighbour;
and Stanley Lebor is old neighbor Howard Hughes (no, a different Howard
*"No, no, what we mustn't do, Martin, is deprive ourselves of the sheer ... more »
A Look At How News Organziations Are Trying To Cover The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

A photographer takes pictures of U.S.-led coalition aircraft over Kobani,
Syria, where airstrikes are intended to give residents time to organize
against Islamic State militants. (Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters)
*How To Cover The Islamic State — And Survive -- Joel Simon, Washington
Sometime in 2013, as Islamic State militants expanded the territory under
their control, an order came down to the local brigades: Grab any
non-Muslim foreigner you can find. Western journalists became prime
targets, and over the next few months dozens were captured by local
International new... more »
Honest Trailer for Fight Club
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago
Fight Club is a triumph but was it the truth?
R.I.P. Serena Shim, Who Was Killed For Informing The World About Erdogan's Negative Role In Kobani
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Serena Shim did many stories on how Turkey opened border for armed fighters
to enter Syria. Did she pay ultimate price for her journalism?
— Roshan M Salih (@RmSalih) October 19, 2014
#RIP @PressTV correspondent Serena Shim. Make no mistake about it, the
Turkish government killed her. pic.twitter.com/uRjti34VSQ
— Serge (@Zinvor) October 19, 2014
Earlier this year, when the Islamic Republic of Iran illegally arrested
Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian and his wife, and falsely charged
him of spying, the U.S. government and mainstream media were all over it,
and rightfully ... more »
Mensajes para compartir con tulipanes color fucsia
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FOTOFRONTERA - 1 day ago

Send in your horror stories
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
I fear it’s simply a ruse to absorb dissatisfaction rather than the blunt
instrument it should be to hit councils around the head, but new Local
Government minister Paula Bennett has now
formally launched her Rules Reduction Taskforce aimed at finding 'loopy'
property rules and regulations, naming the heads of the new body and
setting up a website to solicit examples.
"People can now head to this *rules reduction website*, to start
telling us what bugs them when it comes to loopy rules and regulations,"
Bennett said.
The “Taskforce” is headed by National MP Jacqui Dean, wit... more »
Your Data Will Lie To You If You Let It
Chris Cerrone at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
Here is a guest post from Western New York Parent Advocate Eric
Mihelbergel: One of the great flaws of human nature is that our ego makes
us suddenly believe that things magically become more important if we
measure them. Data does not exist naturally in the universe. It is a
human invention, and thus it […]
BASE Jump reality!
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago
Crazy persons jump from Petronas tower into rooftop pool of local hotel.
H/T Twistedsifter
[Video] Where's Allah, ISIS? Kobani Their Pit Of Hell, Courtesy Of The Kurds
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Every warrior that falls in battle, regardless of the army he/she belongs
to or the cause he/she fights for, is a martyr in the sight of God and
deserves to be honoured. But the beliefs and values of ISIL fighters being
what they are, it is obviously hard to like and respect them, so they're
the exception to the rule.
It's one thing to be taking on the Iraqi government that is ruled by
Iranian-backed Shia militias, and another thing to be attacking Kurdish
female fighters who are only interested in defending their land and freedom
from outsiders. And it's hard to sell the message to... more »
Using left-over salad for a special breakfast...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago

*it's easy and fast.*
An Idaho version of Frisée Salad
I never dress my salads before serving. Left-over salad with dressing
becomes a gooey mess by the next day.
I make up one salad and everyone (in our case that's hubby and me) can
serve themselves and add dressing.
I make a fairly large salad because I plan on having salad left-over for
either the next day's breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Yesterday's salad was green leaf lettuce, onions, green pepper, fresh
orange chunks, green peas, and cauliflower. The dressing was a combo
Italian and Asian type - olive oil, a bit of sesame ... more »
Recent Fighting And U.S. Led Air Strikes Are Taking A Heavy Toll Of Islamic State Fighters In Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*At Least 70 ISIS Bodies Dropped Off At Syrian Hospital, Opposition Says --
(CNN) -- ISIS has apparently taken a heavy hit over the past several days.
The bodies of at least 70 fighters for the terror group have been dropped
off over four days at a hospital in the Syrian town of Tal Abyad, a Syrian
opposition group told CNN. Tal Abyad is on the Turkish border and about 80
kilometers (50 miles) from Raqqa.
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria took control of Raqqa last year. ISIS
uses the once-liberal city as a kind of headquarters where it applies its
hardline interpretation ... more »
Aurora Borealis Northern Lights from Space
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Video - *Amazing images from space of the "aurora borelias" - the northern
lights created by collisions between electrically charged particles from
the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere.
The post Aurora Borealis Northern Lights from Space appeared first on Waking
German Intelligence: Flight MH17 Was Shot Down By Rebels In Ukraine
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

People talk near the remains of fuselage of the downed Malaysia Airlines
flight MH17, near the village of Hrabove (Grabovo) in Donetsk region,
eastern Ukraine September 9, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Marko Djurica
*Spiegel: Review Finds Rebels Shot Down MH17 In Ukraine -- Deutsche Welle*
*A review by Germany's foreign intelligence agency has found that MH17 was
brought down by a missile fired by separatists. Russia and Ukraine have
blamed each other for the plane's downing. *
A detailed analysis conducted by Germany's federal intelligence service
(BND) concluded that separatists near Don... more »
Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko: Russia Has Agreed to Supply Gas
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko speaks to journalists as he leaves
after a multilateral meeting on Ukraine's crisis on the sidelines of the
10th ASEM summit in Milan on October 17.
*Poroshenko Says Ukraine Will Have Gas This Winter -- Radio Free Europe*
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says the country will have natural gas
from Russia this winter.
Poroshenko said in an interview on Ukrainian television on October 18 that
Russia and Ukraine must only agree on the price for that gas.
He said the two sides have agreed that Ukraine will pay $385 per 1,000
cubic meters for ga... more »
The Poet: Wendell Berry, "The Circles Of Our Lives"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The Circles Of Our Lives"*
"Within the circles of our lives
we dance the circles of the years,
the circles of the seasons
within the circles of the years,
the cycles of the moon,
within the circles of the seasons,
the circles of our reasons
within the cycles of the moon.
Again, again we come and go,
changed, changing. Hands
join, unjoin in love and fear,
grief and joy. The circles turn,
each giving into each, into all.
Only music keeps us here,
each by all the others held.
In the hold of hands and eyes
we turn in pairs, that joining
joining each to all again.
And then we turn aside, ... more »
Is Ebola The Real ‘World War Z?’
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Is Ebola The Real ‘World War Z?’ (Spoiler Alert: It’s Not) -- Max Brooks,
In 2006, I released a novel about a global zombie plague that drives
humanity to the brink of extinction. While the zombies may have been fake,
I tried to anchor the human response (political-military-economic-cultural)
in reality. I studied the history of pandemics, natural disasters and
industrialized warfare. I interviewed doctors, soldiers, journalists and
someone who “has never gotten a check from the CIA” in an attempt to
illustrate the fragile global systems that shield our species from the ... more »
Pentagon Preparing Quick-Strike Teams For Ebola Response In United States
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Military Preps Quick-Strike Team For Ebola Response In United States --
(CNN) -- The U.S. military is forming a 30-person "quick-strike team"
equipped to provide direct treatment to Ebola patients inside the United
States, a Defense Department official told CNN's Barbara Starr on Sunday.
A Pentagon spokesman later confirmed portions of the official's information.
The team will be under orders to deploy within 72 hours at any time over
the next month, the official said.
The Department of Health and Human Services requested the military team,
and the Pentagon has given verbal... more »
Sweden Steps Up Search For 'Foreign' Submarine
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Sweden Steps Up Search For 'Crippled Russian Submarine' Making Mayday
Distress Call Off Its coast -- Daily Mail*
* Swedish ships, helicopters and troops are scouring waters off Stockholm
* Follows reports a Russian submarine ran into difficulties on secret
* Sources say a distress signal in Russian was intercepted
* Soviet submarine sightings caused security alerts in Sweden in the 1980s
* The Russian defence ministry denied the reports today
Sweden has beefed up its military presence amid reports of 'a crippled
Russian submarine' off its coast.
In a throw back to the Col... more »
Canada's CBC is adamant on being worthless -- Canada's war against the Syrian people
Denis Rancourt at Activist Teacher - 1 day ago
is engaged in a new war in Syria and Iraq, in addition to its war in
Afghanistan, and the CBC simply will not provide the Canadian public
with any balanced reporting about facts on the ground, or any actual
reporting. Just look at the retarded headlines being featured in this
time of war: CBC-link.
The whole World can see what is immediately obvious to any objective
reader of the
Pentagon Announces Domestic Emergency Ebola Response Team
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 day ago

Living in the America of the post-September 11, 2001 era one must
understand that the answer to pretty much everything is to call in the
military. The ongoing wars in the volatile Middle East are one thing but
such ideas are beginning to bleed over into the domestic realm. We already
have the Pentagon underwriting the militarizing of the American police and
the intelligence services working with locals law enforcement to set up Fusion
Centers. Now the feds are kicking around the idea of a military response to
an Ebola outbreak. Can an excuse for martial law be far behind?
Accordin... more »
Orwell 101: Obama Downplays Ebola as Elections Loom
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 day ago

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength and 2+2=5. Those
all come from George Orwell’s enduring classic novel of a totalitarian
dystopia "1984" but could easily be adapted for Obama’s America in 2014. A
critical component of Orwell’s book is the perversion of language and the
triumph of the lies of the state in enhancing its own power. It is called
“newspeak” and is an indispensable item in big toolbox of the American
political establishment. The government now lies as a first resort, no
longer even bothering with the truth. The corrupt state media – long in bed
w... more »
Investigation Opened After Sadistic Texas Cop Lures and Executes Dog
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 day ago

In yet another sick story of a law enforcement officer shooting a beloved
family pet another investigation is being conducted by authorities over an
alleged dog murder. The incident took place back in August in Cleburne,
Texas and was captured on video by a police body cam. That video is now
going viral on the internet. This particular incident is bizarre in that
the shooter was apparently making sounds of a non-threatening and even
accommodating nature in order to draw the animal closer before he pulled
the trigger.
According to a story from the website of the Fort Worth Star-T... more »
A Look At The Men and Women Who Help Rule North Korea
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, accompanied by his wife Ri Sol-Ju, greets
athletes who won gold medals at the recent Asian Games, in this photo
released on Sunday, October 19, 2014.[Photo: Imagine China]
*Meet The Men and Women Who Help Rule North Korea From the Shadows --
Keegan Hamilton, VICE News*
*They are the world's most fearsome bureaucrats.*
One is a cyber warfare expert and counterfeiter described by one expert as
the "North Korean version of Dick Cheney." Another is the former chairman
of the country's youth soccer and taekwondo associations. One is a thuggish
enforcer,... more »
Satan’s Man In The Vatican— Demoted Again
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
American fascist Raymond Burke, the satanic cardinal, loses his power over
Church law
We’ve been covering slimy little neo-Nazi Raymond Cardinal Burke for years.
He’s the far right’s and Satan’s representative in the Vatican and, before
Pope Francis came along, seemed destined to turn the hands of time back on
the Catholic Church to the 15th Century, which is where his worldview comes
from. He’s the Ayn Rand of Catholicism, just more primitive and more
partisan. Pope Francis has finally tossed him out on his ass.
Predictably, Burke had gone against the Pope at the Synod, claiming P... more »
Four Reasons the Bernanke-Yellen Asset-Price Inflation May Be Nearing Its End
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
*The American central bank – the Fed – has exported asset-price inflation
to the world. But in recent times there are signs this asset bubble is
beginning to burst. In this guest post, Joseph Salerno offers four reasons
the Federal Reserve’s asset-price inflation may be nearing its end.*
There are strong indications that the remarkable run up of asset prices in
the last few years is beginning to run out of steam and may be on the verge
of collapse. (We will leave aside the question of whether the asset
inflation is symptomatic of a garden-variety inflationary boom or is a more
vi... more »
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

*"Let's refer to the US marines we see in the foreground as
'sharpshooters,' not snipers, which carries a negative connotation" *
*Fox News Senior Vice-President for News John Moody,*
*Message-of-the-Day Internal Memo*
*April 24th 2004*
*Unknown Snipers and Western backed “Regime Change”- A Historical Review
and Analysis*
*By Gearóid Ó Colmáin*
*Unknown snipers played a pivotal role throughout the so-called « Arab
Spring Revolutions » yet, in spite of reports of their presence in the
mainstr... more »
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