10:34pm MDST
"The Land Of Dreams..."
“Father, O father! what do we here
In this land of unbelief and fear?
The Land of Dreams is better far,
Above the light of the morning star.”
- William Blake, “The Land of Dreams”
"Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda..."
"It is what it is, and it was what it was.
Don’t fret the could-haves because if it should-have, it would-have."
- Unknown
Chet Raymo, "Know Thyself"
*"Know Thyself"*
by Chet Raymo
"The ancient Greek aphorism, attributed to Socrates and others. Good
advice, I'm sure. If only we knew what it means. Is it the same as the
"examination of conscience" we were asked to perform as young Catholics?
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." Well, yes, it is good to ask
ourselves if we have lived up to our highest moral aspirations. But surely
"Know thyself" means more than that.
Does it mean to be aware of our self-awareness? That is to say, not to act
impulsively, but reflectively. Thoreau's "I went to the woods because I
wished to live d... more »
Survey says that "greenies" will conserve ...

[image: Survey says that "greenies" will conserve ...]
Earlier this month, I asked you about solar power.
The question came up because someone told me that rather than conserve,
they would just add additional solar panels to their home.
So I wanted to know what dedicated "greenies" would do if all of their
power came from the sun.
The answers are interesting and complex:
Survey Results
[image: Survey says that "greenies" will conserve ...]
Survey Comments
- Of course I would still conserve if I were getting all my energy from
solar. To do otherwise would mean I had used mor... more »
The Poet: T.S. Eliot, "The Four Quartets"
*"The Four Quartets"*
by T.S. Eliot
"I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.
Unharmed Dreaming
*Ida Lawrence* - "Information about the control system, consciousness,
metaphysics, the divinity within and so on, has little influence on people
who are fearful or hateful..."
The post Unharmed Dreaming appeared first on Waking Times.
Watch ABCs of Death 2 Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*ABCs of Death 2 (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.3
Release : 02 Oct 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Horror
Director : Rodney Ascher, Julian Barratt, Robert Boocheck, Alejandro
Brugués, Kristina Buozyte, Alexandre Bustillo, Larry Fessenden, Julian
Gilbey, Spencer Hawken, Jim Hosking, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen, E.L. Katz,
Aharon Keshales, Steven Kostanski, Marvin Kren, Juan Martínez Moreno, Erik
Matti, Julien Maury, Robert Morgan, Chris Nash, Vincenzo Natali, Hajime
Ohata, Navot Papushado, Bill Plympton, Dennison Ramalho, Todd Rohal, Jerome
Sable, Bruno Samper, Shion Sono, Jen Soska... more »
Watch Men 2014 Full Movie Online

*Men (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 8.3
Release : 23 May 2014
Duration : 131 min
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Director : Bryan Singer
Writer : Simon Kinberg (screenplay), Jane Goldman (story), Simon Kinberg
(story), Matthew Vaughn (story)
Cast : Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence
Synopsis MenSentinels, robots that were created for the purpose of hunting
down mutants were released in 1973. 50 years later the Sentinels would also
hunt humans who aid mutants. Charles Xavier and his X-Men try their best to
deal with the Sentinels but the... more »
How Did Cordova Middle School Avoid the ASD Hit List?

Is Cordova Middle too white to be handed over to a corporate reform charter
chain gang operator? With just 51 percent African-American, is ASD
avoiding the more politically perilous territory of putting a more white
poor school on the hit list? Look at South Side scores, American Way, or
Wooddale. Do any of these black schools have lower scores than Cordova
Can you get any lower than all 1s, with only a single exception??
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 30th October)
Osborne realise? Probably! Ipsos Mori poll shows 1 in 8 will cash in
pension pot under reforms
More than 200,000 people will cash their entire pension pot when the
government reforms take effect next year, with one in five planning to
use their savings to fund a holiday, a study has found. From April,
workers over 55 will be able to use their pensions like bank accounts
and withdraw
Watch Buddha 2: Tezuka Osamu no Budda - Owarinaki tabi 2014 Full Movie Online

*Buddha 2: Tezuka Osamu no Budda - Owarinaki tabi (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.2
Release : 08 Feb 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Animation
Director : Toshiaki Komura
Writer : Osamu Tezuka (manga), Reiko Yoshida (screenplay)
Cast : Kiyokazu Kanze, Ken'ichi Matsuyama, Nana Mizuki, Tetsuo Nakanishi
Synopsis Buddha 2: Tezuka Osamu no Budda - Owarinaki tabi2500 years ago, in
India, Siddhartha was born as a prince of the Shakya clan, but he gives up
his position as a prince to see the world. He meets a strange boy named
Assaji, who can predict the future, a monk with only one ... more »
Watch $50K and a Call Girl: A Love Story 2014 Full Movie Online

*$50K and a Call Girl: A Love Story (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 7.2
Release : 14 Jan 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Seth Grossman
Writer : Seth Grossman, Ross Patterson
Cast : Ross Patterson, Jessie Wiseman, Seth Grossman, Lauren Aboulafia
Synopsis $50K and a Call Girl: A Love StoryWhen Ross is diagnosed with
terminal brain cancer and given six weeks to live, his newly engaged older
brother Seth offers to spend his $50,000 wedding fund on a final trip of a
lifetime. Their plans are complicated when Ross invites a call girl to join
the group and Seth's u... more »
Nobel Winner Jean Tirole’s Faulty Views on Monopoly
*This guest post by Frank Shostak explains that Nobel Prize-winning
economist Jean Tirole comes from that school of economists who consider
when reality doesn’t fit their faulty models of the economic system, they
demand laws written to change the reality.*
Frenchman Jean Tirole of the University of Toulouse won the 2014 Nobel
Prize in Economic Sciences for devising methods to improve regulation of
industries dominated by a few large firms. According to Tirole, large firms
undermine the efficient functioning of the market economy by being able to
influence the prices and the quant... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Barkerville, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.
“Guess How Much America's War Against Isis Costs Every Single Day?”
*“Guess How Much America's War Against Isis Costs Every Single Day?”*
by AFP
“The Pentagon has revised its estimate of the cost of the US air war in
Iraq and Syria, saying the price tag for the campaign against the Islamic
State group comes to about $8.3 million a day. Since air strikes began on
August 8, the campaign — which has involved about 6,600 sorties by US and
allied aircraft — has cost $580 million, said Pentagon spokesman Commander
Bill Urban.
The Defense Department had previously put the average daily cost of the
military operation at more than $7 million a day. The high... more »
40,000 votes here, 40,000 votes there, after a while it could start to add up -- or could it?

*ThinkProgress caption: "Dr. Francys Johnson with the NAACP leads an
occupation of the Georgia State Capitol to protest voter suppression."*
*by Ken*
Howie has been manning the 2014 voter-suppression beat, which following
recent custom has been one of the big stories of the election campaign, or
at least it should have been. It matters even more in an election with so
many races that are looking so close in states that are so polarized that
each side's voter turnout could be the deciding factor.
Nevertheless, despite occasional minor setbacks to the Republican
voter-suppression ju... more »
How to deal with the growing incentives competition
This article was originally published in the *Columbia FDI Perspectives*
series of the Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment, #131, September
29. I have left it largely unchanged, except for adding a link and a
comment, and correcting a grammatical error.
As I discussed in an earlier *Perspective*,[1] the use of investment
incentives is pervasive and growing. The most recent example [this was
completed prior to the Tesla auction] of a big bidding war was when Boeing
threatened to move production of its 777-X aircraft out of Washington
state, prompting some 20 states to offer ... more »
Editor's Note
This is just a reminder to all of my regular readers that I am busy
finishing up on a web-project .... so blogging is going to be light for the
next few days (I should be finished by this Sunday). As for right now ....
alas .... blogging will return tomorrow morning.
The Anatomy of Compromise

It’s supposed to be a virtue to compromise.
Most of the time people say this, they don’t mean compromise: they often
just mean recognising what’s most important, and not losing it to what’s
least important.
Compromise isn’t always wrong though. “A compromise is an adjustment of
conflicting claims by mutual concessions. This means that both parties to a
compromise have some valid claim and some value to offer each other. And
*this* means that both parties agree upon some fundamental principle which
serves as a base for their deal.”1
Simple enough.
But so often compromise sacrif... more »
Eisenhower Remembered (No Labels Scam) Upon Winning This Election, Republicans Target Rest of Consumer Protections (Why You Must Vote Against It Once You Understand The Deep State's Implications) Supporting Slave Labor
Has the U.S. Republican party (and associated Blue Dog Democrats) truly
lost their minds since Eisenhower's presidency? The original passage, from
a letter Eisenhower wrote to his brother Edgar on Nov. 8, 1954, went as
follows: Should any political party attempt to abolish social security,
unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you
would not hear of that party
The Maldives are Turning into Something Truly Shocking

*Video - *A truly shocking video about something you wouldn't ever imagine
about the Maldives!
The post The Maldives are Turning into Something Truly Shocking appeared
first on Waking Times.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 29, 2014
*Wishful Thinking In The U.S. Plans Against The Islamic State -- David
Ignatius, Washington Post*
A glimpse of the anxiety sweeping the Arab world surfaced last week when an
Arab woman complained during a talk in Amman at the Columbia Global Center
for the Middle East. She said my speech’s title about the “crisis” in the
region wasn’t accurate. The correct word was “disintegration.” The audience
cheered loudly.
The Arab world is suffering a sense of vertigo these days. Extremists from
the Islamic State, who have seemingly arisen out of nowhere, have burst
through the gates of pow... more »
Guest Post By Mikel Weisser, A Progressive Running In Arizona's Back Country

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Cliven Bundy and crackpot state Senator Kelli Ward
Let me introduce you to a new name, a new candidate you probably never
heard of, not even if you're live in the district he's running in, AZ-04,
Arizona's reddest (R+20) district-- Prescott and almost everything between
Phoenix and California. The Democrat taking on right-wing ideologue Paul
Gosar this year is Mikel Weisser. He's not going to win in 7 days. But he
is doing something the DCCC would never dream of-- building towards a
future Democratic take-over of the district. Meet Mikel:
Howdy, my n... more »
Why westerners are joining jihadis

It’s been widely noted that recruits to jihad and Islamic State come
overwhelmingly not from the poor and downtrodden struggling under
Middle-East dictatorships, but are often well-fed, well-educated
middle-class citizens who have grown up in western countries – suggesting
something lacking in what these well-fed folk absorbed in their western
education, and maybe what they see from the west’s alleged “leaders.”
US Secretary of State John Kerry for example seems to want to outdo his
predecessor in the competition for being the least informed Secretary of
State this decade, claimin... more »
David Parker had a dream!
Once upon a time, Labour-leader wannabe David Parker had a dream.
It’s a dream he’s still reluctant to abandon. The problem is not his tax,
he claims, just the “glitches” he had in selling it. In other words, the
problem with the tax was the sales pitch, not that it was “soak the rich.”
He – or at least those contemplating voting for him – might care to read
some recent research from the Canadian Fraser Institute: saying Canada's
capital gains taxes hurt economy…
“While capital gains taxes raise a small amount of revenues for government,
they do so at considerable economic cost ... more »
World News Briefs -- October 29, 2014 (Evening Edition)

Convoy of peshmerga vehicles is escorted by Turkish Kurds on their way to
the Turkish-Syrian border, in Kiziltepe, near the southeastern city of
Mardin, Oct. 29, 2014.
*Kurds Welcome Backup to End ISIS Siege of Syrian Border Town -- Time*
Turkey allows Kurdish troops to cross into Kobani.
Foreign Fighters Pouring into Syria Faster Than Ever, Officials
SayAustralia’s Top ISIS Militant Killed: SourcesEric Holder Says Only
Denzel Could Play Him in Movie NBC NewsForeign Fighters Are Pouring Into
Syria Faster Than Ever: Officials NBC NewsSkin Cancer U? Students Tan on
Campus at Top Col... more »
The Monstrosity of Management Speak
I'm writing a wee piece about the sociology of management speak, which
should arrive tomorrow. To help me out, I asked Facebook folk if they could
give me some examples. A few came in but chief among them all was this,
this ... abomination. I don't know if thanks is the right word, but props
to @gareth_snell nonetheless.
I can sense the synergy of your post but you probably ought to drill down
into the real nuts 'n' bolts of the issue to pick the low hanging fruit.
Once you've done that, we can touch base offline and reassess your
strategic staircase to ensure that you're reaching ... more »
TFA Memo Details Positivized Propaganda Strategy
*The Nation* has acquired a lengthy memo (see below) detailing how TFA's
Tier 1 temps are prepared to deal with the growing resistance to their
fascist agenda. The article is a must read.
Case Study: TFA Responding to Bad PR
NYPD Expressing Their Concerns That Terrorists May Use Drones
*NYPD Scanning The Sky For New Terrorism Threat -- CBS*
For the last year, the country's largest police force has been increasingly
concerned about a potential terror attack from the air by a drone armed
with a deadly weapon.
Now, they are far along in planning a response to that possible security
threat, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues.
"We look at it as something that could be a terrorist's tool," New York
Police Department Deputy Chief Salvatore DiPace said.
For the first time, he is publicly acknowledging why the NYPD is paying
close attention to America's fascinat... more »
"Straining" Kuwait? Really Canadian Press?
a Canadian Press piece on CBC announcing the arrival of RCAF
fighter-bombers in Kuwait tonight.
Canadian warplanes have taken up position in Kuwait, a country straining
to hold back the tide of Islamic extremism from its borders.
"[S]training"? A few lines later we learn it is actually more of a
"debate" in Kuwait about something happening a very long way away on the
other side of a
“There is little evidence in existence … of being engaged in criminal sexual offending”
Boast-trusters around the country are angry this morning, say the papers,
because the police have found themselves unable to prosecute teenagers
boasting about raping drunk teenagers.
The anger was universal. The presumption of innocence, not at all. And the
evidence? After a year’s long investigation, not so much, it seems. Police
have investigated, but officer in charge Karyn Malthus, a child sexual
abuse specialist, has concluded there is insufficient evidence to confirm
the boasts.
This investigation began based on boasts on social media, beaten up and
fanned by mainstream m... more »
Uproar In Italy Over U.S. Troops Being ' Ebola Quarantine' At An Amercain Base Near Venice Rather Than In The U.S.

The United States, Britain and France have all sent resources to West
Africa to combat the spread of Ebola after the disease infected more than
10,000 people and killed more than 5,000. Daily Mail
*Uproar Over US Troops' Ebola Quarantine In Italy -- The Local*
The decision to put a dozen American soldiers returning from Liberia into
quarantine for Ebola at their base near Venice rather than in the United
States sparked controversy in Italy on Wednesday.
"They shouldn't have been sent here, they should do their quarantine for
Ebola at home," said the president of the region's assemb... more »
A U.S. - Iran Detente?
*U.S., Iran Relations Move To Détente -- Wall Street Journal*
Interests Align Over Fight Against Islamic State, Other Policies
The Obama administration and Iran, engaged in direct nuclear negotiations
and facing a common threat from Islamic State militants, have moved into an
effective state of détente over the past year, according to senior U.S. and
Arab officials.
The shift could drastically alter the balance of power in the region, and
risks alienating key U.S. allies such as Saudi Arabia and United Arab
Emirates who are central to the coalition fighting Islamic State. Sunni
A... more »
Watch Drive Hard Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Drive Hard (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 4.3
Release : 03 Oct 2014
Duration : 92 min
Genre : Action, Comedy, Crime
Director : Brian Trenchard-Smith
Writer : Brigitte Jean Allen, Chad Law, Evan Law, Brian Trenchard-Smith
Cast : John Cusack, Thomas Jane, Zoe Ventoura, Christopher Morris
Synopsis Drive HardA former race car driver turned driver's training
instructor (Jane) is abducted by a mysterious thief (Cusack) and forced to
be the wheel-man for a crime that puts both in the sights of the cops and
the mob and leads them all on a chase across Australia's Gold Coast.
Des... more »
Watch Classroom 6 Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Classroom 6 (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.6
Release : 08 Apr 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Horror
Director : Jonas Odenheimer
Writer : Jonas Odenheimer
Cast : Valentina Kolaric, Mike McLaughlin, Maurice Mejia, Vince Major
Synopsis Classroom 6A local reporter and her assembled TV crew go into a
school haunted by a horrific past. The team spends the night locked inside
the building, capturing any and everything they find.
Description Classroom 6This is the official web site for the Waltrip High
School Class Of 1964,Universal Class is the place to continue your
education ... more »
Manufacturing Food in the Lab
*SynBio Explained *
*Video Animation Explores Risks of Treating Life as a Machine*
29 Oct. 2014–On the eve of the largest annual gathering of synthetic
biologists in the world, ETC Group and the Bioeconomies Media Project are
launching a new animated explanation of the workings of this emerging
“SynBio” industry, often dubbed extreme genetic engineering. Thousands of
scientists, students and vendors will converge at the International
Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) Jamboree in Boston to share the
latest advancements in what has become a multi billion dollar indu... more »
"The Trouble Is..."
"The trouble is that the stupid people- who constitute the grand
overwhelming majority of this and all other nations- do believe and are
moulded and convinced by what they get out of a newspaper."
- Mark Twain, 1873
“Why Would You Support This Government?”
*“Why Would You Support This Government?”*
by Karl Denninger
“Ready to withdraw your consent yet? There are times when it becomes
absolutely impossible to support the remarkably bad judgment often
displayed by federal agencies under the control of the current
administration- even for those of us who are typically viewed as backers of
many of this administration’s policies. The latest installment of
frightfully unacceptable government behavior involves a law created in
2000- the “Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000”- granting the IRS the
power to seize the bank accounts of th... more »
“Zombies Are Us: The Walking Dead in the American Police State”
*“Zombies Are Us: *
*The Walking Dead in the American Police State”*
By John W. Whitehead
“Fear is a primitive impulse, brainless as hunger, and because the aim of
horror fiction is the production of the deepest kinds of fears, the genre
tends to reinforce some remarkably uncivilized ideas about self-protection.
In the current crop of zombie stories, the prevailing value for the
beleaguered survivors is a sort of siege mentality, a vigilance so constant
and unremitting that it’s indistinguishable from the purest paranoia." -
Terrence Rafferty, "New York Times"
"Fear and paranoia h... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2JtNQublQ
Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Tells Frontline That 'Everyone' Warned The Obama Administration About ISIS But The White House Did Nothing
*My Comment:* There are two things about this story that surprises me ....
former U.S. ambassador to Iraq James Jeffrey is from this administration
.... was appointed by President Obama (he served from 2010 to 2012), but he
has decided to now openly criticize the White House narrative on the rise
of the Islamic State. Second .... it is the media organization
Frontline/PBS that is reimporting this story .... not a conservative based
news outlet.
The full Frontline Documentary on "The Rise Of Isis" *can be seen here*. It
is a must see.
"Once We Believe..."
"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals
that deep inside us something is valuable,
worth listening to, worthy of our touch, sacred to our touch.
Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder,
spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."
- e.e. cummings, (1894-1962)
Northerntruthseeker MIA For A Few Days
I will be out of action for a few days while I fight off a wicked case of
either a cold or the flu, and to take care of some personal business…
In the meantime, I do hope that everyone takes the time as usual to check
out the great work by other bloggers that I have listed in the left hand
column of this blog… It is indeed worth your while…
I will return shortly, and as usual…
More to come
Lebanon’s Pot Farmers Declare War Against The Islamic State
*Lebanon’s Pot Farmers Gear Up For A Fight With Islamic State -- Washington
The cultivation of marijuana is illegal in Lebanon, but that doesn't mean
people don't grow it. The industry boomed during the country's lengthy
civil war, earning millions for the impoverished yet fertile Bekaa Valley
province, and Lebanese authorities have struggled to control it ever since.
In 2012, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime listed Lebanon as one of the
five "main countries producing cannabis resin," yielding an amount similar
to Pakistan's production.
Political instability in Lebanon ha... more »
"Look To This Day!"
“Look to this day! For it is the very life of life.
In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth, the glory of action, the splendor of beauty;
Today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.”
- Kalidasa
"The Ripe Olive..."
"Mark how fleeting and paltry is the estate of man- yesterday in embryo,
tomorrow a mummy or ashes. So for the hairsbreadth of time assigned to
thee, live rationally, and part with life cheerfully, as drops the ripe
olive, extolling the season that bore it and the tree that matured it."
- Marcus Antoninus Aurelius
"Be Like The Bird..."
"What matter if this base, unjust life
Cast you naked and disarmed?
If the ground breaks beneath your step,
Have you not your soul?
Your soul! You fly away,
Escape to realms refined,
Beyond all sadness and whimpering.
Be like the bird which on frail branches balanced
A moment sits and sings;
He feels them tremble, but he sings unshaken,
Knowing he has wings."
– Victor Hugo
Elections & Voting Almost Over

Most eligible voters
don't vote
it's hard to argue
with them
their reasons
are based on
their graduation
from the school
of hard knocks
People feel betrayed
by the system
where the human
is free to get crushed
in the grinders
of greed
Nature is only
a tool
a commodity
to make *$$$$*
which always comes
and in the middle
My first vote
in '72
I take pride
in never voting
for Bush dynasty
Clinton dynasty
or Obama
but I still go
to the polls
I believe in the idea
that the people rule
but the problem
is the people
can't decide on
what they don't... more »
Eloba Vaccine Testing - Do You Wish To Be A Lab Rat For Pharma?

Living With Common Sense Facebok, 27 October 2014
*WOW! Please read! This is the craziness we are dealing with!!*
*Just had a very scary phone call when inquiring about the ebola vaccine
trials. First, this trial is full and injections have already been given.
Despite this being a live vaccine (which in animal studies showed shedding
to be a problem) they have decided NOT to quarrentine recipients because
they felt this would make it harder to find volunteers. They will only be
following trial subjects for 4-8 weeks, with "quick non invasive check ins
no more than once a week". Wh... more »
Supplemental: Ways to get Joni Ernst elected!
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014Some Iowa activists help:* In Iowa, some
activists are trying to get hog-castrating Republican Joni Ernst elected to
the United States senate.
Actually, we’re trafficking in a tiny bit of snark. The activists in
question are liberals. In this morning’s New York Times, Sheryl Gay
Stolberg described their recent efforts:
STOLBERG (10/29/14): *At the University of Iowa last week, Ms. Ernst was
just four minutes into her stump speech promoting her “Iowa values,” when
several young women began shouting her down*. The scene grew so raucous
that the candidate... more »
Relocation Resisters: Navajo elders victims of domestic terrorism
Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Censored News
Clarence and Mary Lou Blackrock of Cactus Valley are sitting up all
night by the fire, unable to sleep for fear of their sheep being taken.
This distress endangers the elders health. This family wanted these
pictures shared so that the world can see the suffering at the hands of
the federal government
Education Policy In California-- Guest Post By Ellen Lubic

Now that the billionaires such as Eli Broad and the Walton Family, and
their cohorts working to privatize America's public schools for their own
profit, have zeroed in on self appointed and self identifying education
expert, Marshall Tuck, and have poured multi millions of dollars into his
campaign for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction
(reportedly up to $8 Million), it behooves us to examine closely his
bragging and his mendacious statements about his successes. With fraternity
boyish looks, he dashes around the state and announces himself as the man
who will ... more »
Break Time
Last night I dreamed I was abducted by aliens – little old grays, in fact.
Lately, I've been been thinking a lot about how I sort of want to meet some
aliens, and maybe talk with them about a diplomatic, friendly, and
productive way to introduce them to the world. I think we could work out a
way to live together, harmoniously and with respect for everyone’s free
will, here on earth. I think I'm the kind of person who should be involved
in that movement, helping shape that type of partnership. My mind was sort
of whirling when I fell asleep.
It started with an impression, rather... more »
The Battle For Kobani -- News Updates October 29, 2014
*Kurdish Convoy Heads To Syria To Take On Islamic State -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - A convoy of Iraqi peshmerga fighters and weaponry made its way
across southeastern Turkey on Wednesday en route for the Syrian town of
Kobani to try to help fellow Kurds break an Islamic State siege which has
defied U.S.-led air strikes.
Kobani, on the border with Turkey, has been under assault from Islamic
State militants for more than a month and its fate has become a test of the
U.S.-led coalition's ability to combat the Sunni insurgents.
Weeks of air strikes on Islamic State positions around Kobani... more »
Asia Calls
Her name was Asia
and I was North America
and we were at war together with Europe
I have an Inca everywhere
and pyramid upon which
to stand
when I slay straw-men
to find the truth
below the agriculture
of which we feed
the youth
Media Pimps: Hollywood isn't the only place where people sleep their way to the top
isn't the only place where people sleep their way to the top
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
With the creation of the Internet, new forms of fraud and crime were
created by reporters who never leave their homes. These armchair
journalists have joined the world of other corporate criminals. They
steal with impunity.
They steal from the good hearts who spend their last dimes to be
Most Americans believe that Russia has attacked Ukraine. This is because the despicable “mainstream” media have reported solely the lies coming out of the White House, totally disregarding what may be the actual truth. At the insistence of President Vladimir Putin, Russia has NOT attacked Ukraine. (If Russia had attacked, its large well equipped and trained army would have won the war in three days.) The truth of the matter is that the U.S. has been financing the corrupt Ukrainian government to attack its Russian-speaking eastern provinces with troops including neo-Nazis bent on exterminating all Russian speakers and Jews. These killers have been shelling Donetsk and Lugansk with heavy artillery and ballistic missiles, killing civilians and destroying vital infrastructure. Still, the militias of these provinces had won the war, leading to a mutually agreed 3-month ceasefire …which has been promptly broken by U.S. puppet Poroshenko. Win or lose, Russian intervention or not, the result will lead to more funding for Washington’s “military-industrial complex.” I urge the reader to click on some of the links in Michael Collins’ important post below.

*OpEdNews Op Eds 10/25/2014 at 04:38:24 *
*Ukraine Restarts War on Eastern Regions Sources Say*
*By Michael Collins (about the author)* Permalink
to H2 10/25/14*
Novorussia Military Rapid Response Force
(image by Colonel Cassad - English)The Kiev government of U.S. puppet
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is about to restart the failed attempt
to subdue the southeastern region of the country known as Novorussia
according to highly credible ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 29, 2014

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the U.S. response to Ebola from
the South Lawn of the White House in Washington October 28, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
*Obama Sees Different Ebola Rules For U.S. Military Than For Civilians --
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday appeared to back more
rigorous procedures for dealing with soldiers returning from missions to
Ebola-hit West African countries, even as he criticized moves by some U.S.
states to quarantine returning civilian health workers.
Obama said that American military personnel were in a "differe... more »
Senior White House Official Calls Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu 'Chickenshit'
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*The Crisis In U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here -- Jeffrey
Goldberg, The Atlantic*
*The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement
policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for
Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the
relationship may be coming. *
The other day I was talking to a senior Obama administration official about
the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State
Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” ... more »
Ancient Egypt Documentary
Don't have anything to say. I've been watching this. It's pretty good.
Again, Public Funding Given to Religious Anti-Abortion Group
Back in January 2009, DJ! reported on public funding -- in the form of a
Trillium Foundation grant -- being given to a crisis pregnancy centre, aka
a Christian slut-shaming organization. I wrote to the foundation to ask its
justification for this largesse but never heard back. (In truth, I didn't
follow up.)
That was a rather minor grant of $8,600.
In April this year, a far larger grant was made to another fake clinic in
From the Foundation's website:
Lambton Crisis Pregnancy Centre
$83,800 over two years to operate a satellite office in rural Lambton
County that educat... more »
World News Briefs -- October 29, 2014
*Hagel Orders 21-Day Ebola Quarantine for Returning U.S. Troops -- Time*
Military commanders had recommended that Hagel implement a quarantine.
U.S. troops who are returning from Ebola missions in West Africa will be
kept in supervised isolation for 21 days upon their return home, Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday.
Military leaders recommended the 21-day quarantine, which goes beyond
precautions advised by the Obama administration for civilians, the
Associated Press reports. President Obama has said that the military’s
situation is different, however, partly because the... more »
Fake News and Naked Subjects
The CIA has been caught lying again:
FBI lured suspect with fake Web page, but may have leveraged media
credibility (2014,October 28). The Washington Post,
News outlets and privacy advocates reacted sharply Tuesday to the
revelation that the FBI in 2007 [tricked a school-bombing suspect into
revealing his whereabouts by getting him to click on a link to a fa... more »
The Rise of Empathic Consciousness
*Kingsley L. Dennis* - The accelerating changes occurring across our planet
right now will have no alternative but to force a mind-change on a global
and individual level...
The post The Rise of Empathic Consciousness appeared first on Waking Times.
Cui Bono: Drugmakers bet on Ebola vaccines, treatments
*Drug makers* are racing to develop vaccines and drugs to address the worst
outbreak of Ebola in history. *It's unclear who will pay for their
products, but companies are betting that governments and aid groups will
foot the bill.*
The Ebola breakout. Who is set to benefit? Drug makers, are setting
themselves up to be the biggest beneficiaries and you and I will foot that
bill! There is no lack of clarity to this fact. It's already known who
will pay because big pharma and government have been down this road time
and time again! I can't even believe this article contains an intro... more »
SILLIEST TALES OF THE MSM: Salty language and other folks’ lies!
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014Part 3—How smart is the Washington press corps:*
How sharp—if you must, how “smart”—is the mainstream Washington press corps?
Quite often we think, not real smart. Again and again, the men and women
within that guild just don’t seem especially sharp.
Many people have a hard time coming to terms with that assessment, which
may seem counterintuitive. Let’s start with a trivial example.
In this morning’s Washington Post, Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein share
their recollections of the late Ben Bradlee, who died last week at 93.
Bradlee had an enormousl... more »
Space Launch Privatization Costing Taxpayers Dearly

An Orbital Sciences Corp. rocket carrying a cargo spacecraft on a mission
to the International Space Station (ISS) exploded seconds after liftoff on
October 28. The Antares rocket lifted off from the Mid-Atlantic Regional
Spaceport at Wallops Island, Virginia. Approximately ten seconds after
liftoff, however, an explosion took place at the base of the rocket’s first
stage. The rocket fell back to the ground near the launch pad, triggering a
second, larger explosion.
Reports from Orbital were that the cargo module was carrying hazardous
materials and they warned residents to avoid ... more »
New Evidence in the Case Against Pasteurized Milk
*Natasha Longo* - Among other things wrong with pasteurized milk, a new
study finds that drinking it increases your likelihood of early death.
Here's why...
The post New Evidence in the Case Against Pasteurized Milk appeared first
on Waking Times.
Comments on ASD Takeover Plans in Memphis
*I had planned to read sections of this piece last evening at the SCS
School Board meeting, but with 90 seconds to present, nothing really got
said. So . . . *
Since 2009 when Bill Gates bought his way into Memphis with $90 million,
the business plan for Memphis schools has been based on public school
closures and corporate charter start-ups and takeovers to replace them. A
dozen schoolsare on the hit list for the coming year, and the charter
operators are lined up waiting for the buildings to become empty. Parents
and teachers, however, are not nearly as uninformed as county ... more »
White House Computers Breached By Suspected Russian Hackers
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Hackers Breach Some White House Computers -- Washington Post*
Hackers thought to be working for the Russian government breached the
unclassified White House computer networks in recent weeks, sources said,
resulting in temporary disruptions to some services while cybersecurity
teams worked to contain the intrusion.
White House officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss an
ongoing investigation, said that the intruders did not damage any of the
systems and that, to date, there is no evidence the classified network was
ha... more »
A consumer and producer of brilliance, shield policy!

Just when you think your safe
in your world
a random click
brings you to
my living word
Do not despair
you can survive
without me
but if you really
want to live
ride my rollarcoaster
of freedom
from the Man
and predestined productivity]
like you are
a gears
in a plan.
The greatest advance
The little people no longer believe every lie. They know that God did not
put you in power. They know they have the power to decide. Albion exercised
with caution.
Iraq To Finally Get Rid Of Fake Bomb Detectors

New Prime Minister Haider Abadi is making some small steps towards
reforming Iraq’s dysfunctional government. In the middle of October 2014 he
announced a small, but important move in that direction. The premier said
that the fake bomb detectors that were purchased back in 2007 and had been
proven not to work over and over again would finally be replaced. New
devices from the U.S. are supposed to arrive soon to be installed in
Karbala to protect the shrine cities, and then another alternative is
supposed to be found for the rest of the country. These detectors, known as
the ADE-65... more »
Cumming down on Jian Gomish
A sexual partner is rare. A sexual partner that likes to be punched hard is
not part of the normal universe. If hurting a partner is considered
mainstream I am going to say its obvious there is some kind of sick
Have ASD Know Nothings Explain How They Chose American Way Middle for Hit List

Here is another grand example of another school, American Way Middle, that
cannot be in the bottom five percent of schools in Tennessee. Note the
overall score of "5" on the Composite 3 year average!
Are these schools chosen to make it easier for the corporate reform schools
to look better in their new building when the takeover is complete. Can't
happen here!
Media vita in morte sumus
By Capt. Fogg
In the midst of life, we are in death, and for weeks of blazing heat and
tropical humidity the front porches and Ficus hedges in this manicured
neighborhood have been festooned with gigantic fake cobwebs and plastic
tombstones and ghosts like tattered laundry sodden in the hot air. There's
nothing intrinsically spooky about an October evening in Florida. No bite
to the air, no naked tree limbs groping at the sky like bony fingers. It's
still a midsummer evening and it smells of flowers and often there's a
faint sweet incense of burning cane fields far away.
We br... more »
Why Is The Pentagon's Ebola Protocols Different From Those Being Applied To Civilians?

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is expected to soon decide whether to
subject all U.S. troops returning from Ebola response efforts to a
"quarantine-like" period.
*WH: Army Ebola Policy Not Needed For Civilians -- The Hill*
The Army's decision to quarantine soldiers returning from West Africa is
related to logistical concerns, meaning that the same protocols would not
be appropriate for civilian doctors traveling back to the United States
from the region, the White House said Tuesday.
"The science would not back that up," press secretary Josh Earnest said.
"In fact, implementin... more »
Russian President Putin's Popularity Is Declining In The Latest Poll

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (Reuters / Alexei Nikolsky / RIA Novosti
/ Kremlin)
*Putin’s Rating Falls Below 50 Percent In September - Poll -- RT*
After reaching an all-time high in August President Putin’s approval rating
has fallen in September according to the latest research. The Kremlin says
it is a natural fluctuation.
According to the influential independent pollster Levada, 49 percent of
Russians said they were ready to vote for Putin should a presidential
election be held next weekend. In August he was polling 57 percent – the
highest in history. Regardless of the sh... more »
Peru: Unreleased Recordings of Strange Lights over Arequipa

*Source: Planeta UFO and Nuevo Mundo OVNIDate: October 28, 2014*
*Peru: Unnreleased Recordings of Strange Lights over Arequipa*
According to Peruvian ufologist Anthony Choy, Peru is among the world's top
five countries when it comes to the most UFO sightings recorded in the past
To Rafael Mercado, a ufologist from Arequipa, who visited the location and
was able to access videos, take photos and hold conversations with the
area's inhabitants, the sighting would have gone unnoticed had it not been
for some locals who claimed seeing strange objects flying over great Mount ... more »
On Mortal combat and deployment

In the movie the battle of the bulge one scene sticks in my mind as if I
was some kind of Napoleon. The awful Nazi realizes the Americans are eating
American warriors overfed on cake have lost three wars. Vietnam, Iraq and
Afghanistan. Despite the fact the wealth of a great power was poured
without question into these salads and desserts.
So now we know tech weapons and firepower are useless against an enemy who
does not buy into the Broadway show. Yes our lethal gaze keeps real enemies
away. But for the people living on a few dollars a day, we exhaust
ourselves with a bulle... more »
Pope confirms Bible is full of bullshit

Evolution is the evidence that Caesar Constantine wrote a best seller. If
only Islam had such a current leader, we could move forward smartly.
Its pretty clear that Christianity is moving forward and Islam is moving
backwards. Blame the Saudis for their Wahhabi. Historically Islam was in
the lead.
SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Messages From Higher Self - Answers Come When Tou Least Expect......
Ranking The Military Powers In The Middle East

Turkish Land Forces Commander General Hulusi Aker and other officers gather
around an army tank on the Turkish-Syrian border near the southeastern town
of Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 6, 2014.
*The Most Powerful Militaries In The Middle East (Ranked) -- Armin Rosen,
Jeremy Bender and Amanda Macias, Business Insider*
The balance of power in the Middle East is in disarray: A three-year civil
war has torn apart Syria and opened up a vacuum for the rise of the Islamic
State group; Sunni powers led by Saudi Arabia continue to face off against
Shi'ite powers led by Iran; other cou... more »
U.N. Envoy: Libya Near 'Point Of No Return'

A fighter from armed group Operation Dawn fires a mortar during clashes
with rival group the Zintan brigade, on the outskirts of the city of Kklh,
southwest of Tripoli October 21, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Ismail Zitouny
*Libya Near 'Point Of No Return', U.N. Says As Fighting Toll Rises --
(Reuters) - Factional warfare in Libya is pushing the oil producer "very
close to the point of no return", the U.N. special envoy to the country
said on Tuesday with efforts to bring about a ceasefire and political
dialogue showing no result.
The death toll from two weeks of street fighting... more »
Free Printable Pennant and Washi Tape Party Invitation

The fun of putting together a party starts with the invitations, right? Or
am I the only one who wants to host parties just to send out cute
invitations...? :) BUT, I always like things to be simple and inexpensive,
too -- no elaborate scrapbooked cards for me! So when I saw this glitter-edged
menu via Style Me Pretty, I thought it would be the perfect inspiration for
a pennant-shaped invitation for an upcoming event I was planning.
I work with the 8-11 year old girls at my church, and this year we decided
to have a recognition night where we celebrate the things that each girl
h... more »
Islamic State Prisoners Talk About Life Inside The Terror Group
*'They Would Torture You': ISIS Prisoners Reveal Life Inside Terror Group
-- Ivan Watson, CNN*
Jazir Cantonment, Kurdish-controlled Syria (CNN) -- The blindfolded
prisoners are brought into the dank gray room, one by one, and begin to
tell us their stories.
We're in a prison run by Kurdish militants here in northern Syria. The
Kurds won't allow us to see the cells where the prisoners are being held.
Their prisoners, they say, are members of ISIS.
When the first detainee sits down, I ask the guard to please remove his
blindfold. He blinks in the bright light and clearly looks surp... more »
James Bond (Bankster) & the Killer Bag Lady? CIA/Bankers/Mkultra
* CIA/Bankers/Mkultra*
Those three things belong together. Those three things are kinda' the same
... and now it's time to play the game! What do these three things have in
*Answer*: Together they form the basis for much of the
Military/Industrial/Terror/ Banking Complex
State sponsored terror, patsies dupes and useful idiots, lots of graft, war
and big profits.
Of course we are supposed to believe that the mkultra program went away...
Personally, it would seem to me that it never did. Too useful to the
elites, gaining necessary info to control the human herd, so much as th... more »
Mark Pocan Guest Post: Wisconsin’s Governor Election Has National Consequences

*Mark Pocan was elected to Congress from Madison, Wisconsin when Tammy
Baldwin went on to the U.S. Senate. He beat his Republican rival 265,422
(68%) to 124,683 (32%). Since being elected he's had the best lifetime
ProgressivePunch crucial vote score of any Member of Congress, 98.68. With
George Miller retiring, Pocan is generally viewed as organized labor's
go-to guy in Congress. He's accrued a lot of respect and admiration from
his colleagues, especially for a freshman. He's widely considered a shoe-in
for reelection and he's been spending his time and energy on helping other
De... more »
How Yoga Transforms Your Body
*Infographic - *Here are some of the ways that yoga transforms the human
body and mind.
The post How Yoga Transforms Your Body appeared first on Waking Times.
Anthony Cody’s The Educator and the Oligarch: Part I, Sweeping the Series when Debating the Gates Foundation
I should start my review of Anthony Cody’s The Educator and the Oligarch by
acknowledging that I blog for Anthony and we’ve had many, often extended,
editorial discussions. There has been a clear pattern with our
discussions/debates. My first thoughts on corporate reform have been
consistently more moderate than Anthony’s. When we’ve disagreed, Anthony
has […]
*UK: Hey, teacher, leave those parents alone*
In our recently published book, Parenting Culture Studies, my co-authors
and I argue that parental determinism – the belief that social problems are
directly caused by the inadequacies of parents – has come to dominate UK
public policy. So it comes as no great surprise to read the following, in
the latest report from the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, on
what should be done about ‘child poverty’ and ‘social mobility’: ‘The
starting point should be parenting. Effective parenting has a bigger
influence on a child’s life tha... more »
*Lack of wind or nuclear problems 'could wipe out UK's spare power
A cold and windless day could result in households’ lights being dimmed
this winter, despite new emergency measures to prevent blackouts, experts
have warned.
Britain’s spare capacity – the safety buffer between electricity supplies
and peak demand – has fallen to just 4 per cent, the lowest level in seven
years, following a series of power plant fires and closures, analysis from
National Grid revealed.
Ministers on Tuesday insisted there would be no blackouts, thanks to
emergency measures to bolster t... more »
Cobwebs vs. Conciousness: Spring Cleaning in the Autumn
This "resignation" by Kathryn May I believe will be followed by many more.
As we are moving through these new energies and awakening ourselves to what
IS, we are breaking through the veils that have clouded our consciousness
and the controls that have been programed into our very psyche. As we
awaken to our inner voice and to what truly resonates within our heart
minds, we are breaking the shackles of control of the old systems.
A few months ago, I wrote a series of articles about the templates that
have been used to control and manipulate us for eons. (the tab at the top
of thi... more »
National Economists Club
If you are in the DC area, you can hear me speak on November 13. Click
here for more information.
Matrix Code HINT --- for whomever needs it....
On Oct 28, 2014, at 9:38 PM, A reader who sends me dreams wrote:
I had this same sentence all night long, but I didn't understand it.
Forgot about it, because we had a big funeral today where I work (St.
Luke's Lutheran) anyway, forgot all about it until an hour ago.
I have been alone in the house for a bit, and relaxing while I make some
soup. I heard it again and again just now, so I am sending it on. You
might know who needs to hear/see it.
*"Siouan is the matrix code"*
Siouan is the native language for many tribes -- east and west
*Following D's post today -- I now unders... more »
Leading from the cupboard
and I don't know precisely what went on in the Conservative's caucus
room last week. That said, the information we do hvae suggests that when
the gunfire was heard, a good number of Tory MPs acted swiftly to
barricade the doors and create makeshift weapons to defend against
whatever lethal violence might come through them. Gunfire indicates a
very real risk to life and those who took action

*SUPER-SUNSPOT PREPARES TO DEPART: *The biggest sunspot in nearly 25 years
is about to leave the solar disk. This picture from Sergio Castillo of
Corona CA shows AR2192 approaching the western limb on Oct. 27th:
"For its final trick, AR2192 is going to treat us by mimicking a Giant
Skull," says Castillo, one of many readers who has noted the resemblance
between the sunspot and a skeletal face. "Say Happy Halloween as it gets
ready to turn away from us. "
As AR2192 approaches the sun's horizon, it is no longer facing Earth. *However,
the odds of an Earth-d... more »
It’s about time we talked about immigration . . . - Telegraph
'The most thorough economic analysis was conducted by the House of Lords
Select Committee on Economic Affairs in 2008. The panel included two former
chancellors of the Exchequer, a former governor of the Bank of England, an
eminent labour market economist and a former head of the Financial Services
Authority. You would think that, between them, they might know a thing or
two. They concluded, evidently somewhat to their surprise, that "we have
found no evidence for the argument, made by the government, business and
many others, that net migration generates significant economic benef... more »
Stephen Harper`s Corporate Canada
*Written by Grant G*
Let me first say that I am Canadian, a proud Canadian but as of late a
disgruntled Canadian, I`m troubled seeing our values slowly eroded,
disgusted with the corporate takeover and consolidation of Canada`s main
stream media, even the CBC seems to have lost it`s wide analytical lens,
cowtowing to a corporate controlled Conservative government, perhaps
fearing financial retribution, perhaps waiting for a change of government,
one can only pray that fear has only temporarily trumped journalistic
Chest pumping bravado circumvented facts and I do... more »
Shedding the Old, SEEing the NEW
And again, it feels almost as if I am writing these articles myself. As if
Karen took so many of my thoughts yesterday, as I wrote my article "Looking
into the mirrors and eating the Truth" in response to her message from the
day before, and filled in the momentary gaps that I missed as I focused on
my own experience, and illuminated the inner thoughts and kNOWing that was
the driving force behind my NEEDING to write it out yesterday.
For me, it is a thankful reminder that we ARE moving forward, and not to
get caught in the mired muddied muddled thoughts and emotions of
yesterday. ... more »
The Hearing Clinic v. 866073, 2014 ONSC 5831
"Sincerely believed memories that are innocently incorrect become more
problematic for the court than do intentional lies."
F-35C Lightning Aircraft lands at NAS Oceana
Local Navy pilots got a chance to check out one of the military’s newest
planes, Tuesday.
An F-35C “Lightning II” Joint Strike Fighter landed at Naval Air Station
Oceana to provide fleet aviators an opportunity to view the aircraft and
receive a brief from the flight crew and maintainers.
This visit is the first time an operational F-35C has landed at NAS Oceana.
Read more
A new stealth corvette from France

[image: C Sword 90 stealthy corvette]Cherbourg based CMN (Constructions
Mecaniques de Normandie) has unveiled the C Sword 90 stealthy corvette at
the Euronaval naval expo in Paris this week.
The stealth vessel is one of three new ship designs the company is
launching, all positioned to address the growing needs of world navies to
support increasingly demanding missions encountered at the high sea and
littoral waters.
The distinctive shape of the C Sword 90 depicts an innovative hull
formation and superstructure design with sloped surfaces, developed in
collaboration with naval arc... more »
Sagem seeker chosen for MBDA’s new light antiship missile

[image: ANL/Sea Venom]Sagem (Safran) announced today a contract with
long-standing partner MBDA to develop and produce the infrared seeker for
the upcoming light antiship missile, the ANL/Sea Venom, a joint
French-British program launched within the scope of the Lancaster House
treaty signed in November 2010.
Developed by MBDA, this new-generation tactical missile will be deployed by
a number of different helicopters, including the Royal Navy’s AW159
Wildcat, and the French navy’s Panther Marine and NH90. It will replace
current missiles such as the Sea Skua and AS15TT.
Sagem, as... more »
China to buy 5,000 Russian air-to-air missiles: Japanese report
[image: R-73 (AA-11 Archer)]China is likely to purchase 5,000 R-73 and R-77
air-to-air missiles from Russia, writes Toshiyuki Roku, retired commander
of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force's Air Development and Test Command, in
an article for the Tokyo-based Japan Military Review.
Since China's domestic air-to-air missiles such as the PL-12, the SD-10A
and the PL-9C were designed based on technology from Ukraine and are still
unable to compete against US counterparts, the People's Liberation Army
realizes that it needs the more advanced Russian missiles to go head to
head against the U... more »
Waves of Energy - Aurora Borealis in Abisko National Park. October 24th 2014
Aurora Borealis in Abisko National Park. October 24th 2014 from Lights Over
Lapland on Vimeo.
Aurora Borealis in Abisko National Park. October 24th 2014
from Lights Over Lapland PLUS 2 days ago / via Final Cut Pro NOT YET RATED
It has been an amazing Autumn in Abisko National Park! Lights Over Lapland
is out in the National Park chasing the northern lights almost every single
night between September and April so we have grown accustomed to watching
powerful auroras dance overhead. While we have seen thousands of auroras
during the last several years we can honestly say that was ... more »
Euronaval: Thales introduces France's new maritime patrol radar

[image: ATL2 with Seamaster radar]Thales has introduced its new
Searchmaster airborne multirole surveillance radar, which will be supplied
to the French navy for its Atlantique 2 (ATL2) maritime patrol aircraft
upgrade programme.
The active electronically scanned array radar will be integrated into 15 of
the Dassault-built aircraft. French defence procurement agency DGA
announced the upgrade programme in October 2013, with the aim of extending
the life of the aircraft out to the 2030s.
“The surveillance radar is part of the upgrade package,” armament chief
engineer Patrick Aufort, ... more »
Britain gives F-35 jets deal permission to take off

[image: F-35 BK-1 Lightning II]Britain has agreed the purchase of the first
four of its F35s, the fighter jets designed to fly on new aircraft carriers
by the end of the decade.
Ministers said on Tuesday that they had reached an agreement in principle
to buy four Lightning II stealth combat aircraft, which will fly from the
next generation of carriers as well as air force bases.
Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, said: “Today’s announcement is a
major step forward. The Lightning II will equip the Royal Navy and the
Royal Air Force with a highly advanced multi-role stealth comba... more »
Thales to develop Sea Fire 500, a new multifunction fixed-array radar

[image: Sea Fire 500 radar]At Euronaval 2014, Thales is announcing the
development of its new multifunction naval radar, Sea Fire 500. With a
fully solid-state four-panel phased-array antenna, Sea Fire 500 is designed
for large surface combatants.
This new radar concept is the culmination of three years of advanced
research into new radar technologies and architectures, conducted with the
support from the French defence procurement agency (DGA). Sea Fire 500 is
tailored to evolving naval requirements and the new threats faced by
national navies.
The new radar will be effective in ... more »
Vietnam to buy naval vessels from India to patrol disputed South China Sea

[image: Nguyen Tan Dung with Narendra Modi]In a first overt gesture of
strengthening defence ties with Vietnam, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on
Tuesday told Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung that New Delhi will
be selling “new naval vessels” to Vietnam under the recently-announced $100
million Line of Credit.
Modi and Tan held bilateral talks during the latter’s third visit to India
as the PM. This is the first significant military hardware supply between
India and Vietnam, ever since the South China Sea issue came to the fore.
“We will quickly operationalise the $100 millio... more »
North Korea: Test Stand for Vertical Launch of Sea-Based Ballistic Missiles Spotted

[image: Satellite imagery]Recent press reports have raised the possibility
that North Korea is developing the capability to launch ballistic missiles
from submarines.
A review of commercial satellite imagery since 2010 covering submarine
bases and submarine shipyards has identified a new test stand at the
North’s Sinpo South Shipyard, probably intended to explore the possibility
of launching ballistic missiles from submarines or of a shipboard vertical
launch ballistic missile capability.
The new installation is the right size and design to be used for the
research, development, a... more »
Heather's final post to her web page...

[10/29/14, 2:48:50 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: Bill, as this next bit is
done, and before it gets really wild....I just wanted to say thank you for
everything...including, and, especially, helping me to do the website... I
just posted the final bit...Source Fource......and, when this next bit is
done... the website can be retired (and if we forget to retire it due to
all the cool, magical and fantastical "stuff" we are all doing... it can
just naturally expire ).
....I wanted to let you know so that there are no automatic renewals of the
website or questions in that regard in ... more »
In Case You Don't See Today's L.A. Times...

This is the full page ad Blue America is running today in *The Times*, a
response to over half a million dollars of garbage ads Sheldon Adelson and
his family and cronies have thrown into CA-33 against Ted Lieu and on
behalf of a random Republican they're running.
If you'd like to help Ted's Get Out The Vote efforts, you can do that here.
If you'd like to help Blue America re-run the ad on Monday... you can do
*that* here. More important than either action-- vote next Tuesday... or
U.S. Navy Impressed with New Russian Attack Boat

[image: Project 885 (Severodvinsk) SSGN]One of the U.S. Navy’s top
submarine officers was so impressed with Russia’s new Project 885 nuclear
attack boats that he had a model of K-329 Severodvinsk built for his office.
Rear Adm. Dave Johnson, Naval Sea Systems Command’s (NAVSEA) program
executive officer (PEO) submarines said he had the model of Severodvinsk
placed outside his office in a common area so that he could look at it
every day on his way to his office.
“We’ll be facing tough potential opponents. One only has to look at the
Severodvinsk, Russia’s version of a [nuclear guide... more »
Free Planet - GRM or Global Resource Management - What Are We Gonna Do Without Money?
The world no longer has money in it.
Patents have been freed up from Private Control.
Borders to human creativity have been dragged down.
The earth is our ally in the war against slavery.
There's a whole world of ideas no longer restrained by COMMERCIAL PROFIT
"But what about the real jobs that need doing, around the world?"
What, like being a sewage worker? There'll be no sewers on Free Planet.
Sewers are a throw-back to EMPIRE and CITIES. What about being a City
Administrator, Business man, Receptionist? There are no cities on Free
Planet. Cities are a throwback to I... more »
China-built Naval Vessel for Nigeria Completes Sea Tests

[image: Offshore Patrol Vessel]The first of two China-built offshore patrol
vessels ordered by Nigeria has completed its sea tests and is ready to be
delivered to Nigeria's navy.
China hopes that the export of the two OPV vessels can help open the West
African market.
The vessel has a displacement of 1,800 tons and can sail as fast as 21
knots for up to 20 days.
A special ship-borne spilled oil recovery device could quickly respond to
any oil spill emergency.
Read more
Separate elections in Ukraine speed up the dissolution of the country
The bulk of Ukraine held parliamentary elections on Sunday.
On Wednesday, we still don't know what the final results are. But we're
very close and it seems that six parties will surpass the 5% threshold get
into the Parliament:
1. Yatsenyuk's Scientological People's Front (22+%)
2. Poroshenko-Klitschko Bloc (22-%)
3. Self-Reliance (11%)
4. Opposition Bloc (Party of Regions artifacts) (9.5%)
5. Lyashko's Radical Clown Party (7.5%)
6. Yulia Tymoshenko's Fatherland (5.5%)
First, let me mention that the results differ from the pre-election
estimates in many respects.
... more »
Maldacena's fairy-tale on exchange rates, gauge theories, and the Higgs

Juan Maldacena wrote a popular essay on gauge symmetries and their breaking:
The symmetry and simplicity of the laws of physics and the Higgs boson (PDF
It's sometimes being said that Einstein's discovery of the special theory
of relativity was helped by Einstein's work with the patents dealing with
the train synchronization. I think that it's not really true (Einstein was
stunned by the apparent contradiction between Maxwell's field theory and
Newtonian mechanics long before he worked with the patents: sorry, Peter
Galison) but it's good enough as a fairy-tale.
*The next Malda... more »
High Achievement NY: Common Core Must Work Because We Don’t Want to Face Arne
Yet another group has established itself as promoters of the Common Core
State Standards (CCSS), and, of course, the group has a catchy, test-driven
name: High Achievement New York (HANY). HANY offered a press release on
October 28, 2014. And marvel 0f all marvels, HANY has found that it is best
for CCSS to stick around […]
Paul Krugman's Powerful Indictment Of The Republican Party's War Against Working Families

The Republicans love it when feeble-minded or low-info independents and
moderates blame "both sides" for governmental dysfunction instead of
focusing, for example, on the conservative ideology and GOP mania to shrink
government so that they can drown it in a bathtub... in the poetic words of
Republican crooked lobbyist and power monger Grover Norquist. Sunday, Paul
Krugamn, sitting in for Charles Blow, devoted a column to blasting that
pathetic Beltway concept so cherished by former *Washington Post* political
columnist David Broder and other evangelists of a conservative consensus... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Comfort Zones
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Watch About Mom and Dad... 2014 Full Movie Online

*About Mom and Dad... (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.0
Release : 04 Apr 2014
Duration : 95 min
Genre : Drama, Romance
Director : Rachel Shepherd
Writer : Rachel Shepherd
Cast : Brent Anderson, Sawyer Bell, Madison Gilbert, Chad Halbrook
Synopsis About Mom and Dad...About Mom and Dad... is an ensemble dramedy
about Teri and Eddie, a couple who've been married for over 25 years. About
to see their youngest daughter be married off, life seems to be moving as
it always has, their small-town life uninterrupted; that is, until Eddie
does something unforgivable, and Teri deci... more »
Some fancy A7 postcards (yes, I suppose this is an ad)
It's fall and it's raining and I'm old and don't feel like mucking about on
th' farm. This is where having something to do in the garage really shines.
Here's a one minute video of the press in action.
I ordered blank A7 notecards with matching envelopes; what I got was A7
blank *postcards *with matching envelopes. Oh, well. It's kinda for
practice anyway.
I'm also using two shades of green ink, mixed, one of which isn't really
tacky enough for letterpress, especially in this weather. So the job came
out lighter in "color" (too much paper showing through the ink, which with
bla... more »
Eggplants, Vampires and Us

[image: Picture]
We're having an identity crisis. “Who are you?” has been the perpetual
question this week. It is sort of like being a vampire. I am surrounded
by mirrors that offer no reflection. People and problems used to keep
popping up like springing targets in an arcade game, needing removal. They
were handy excuses, blames and faults for what was wrong. With me. Each
health crisis, relationship breakdown or financial hardship had different
*non-me* pop up culprits. They’ve vanished. There is only me.
This comes as a surprise. We are sort of like eggplants. These t... more »
Watch Boyhood 2014 Full Movie Online

*Boyhood (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 8.8
Release : 15 Aug 2014
Duration : 165 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Richard Linklater
Writer : Richard Linklater
Cast : Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Elijah Smith
Synopsis BoyhoodFilmed over 12 years with the same cast, Richard
Linklater's BOYHOOD is a groundbreaking story of growing up as seen through
the eyes of a child named Mason (a breakthrough performance by Ellar
Coltrane), who literally grows up on screen before our eyes. Starring Ethan
Hawke and Patricia Arquette as Mason's parents and newcomer Lorelei
L... more »
Substitution of conviction for acquittal
R. v. Riesberry, 2014 ONCA 744:
[35] Where this court allows a Crown appeal from an acquittal entered
by a judge sitting alone, s. 686(4) of the *Criminal Code* authorizes this
court to set aside the verdict and either order a new trial or enter a
guilty verdict. The Crown asks that we enter guilty verdicts on all
charges, or, in the alternative, order a new trial.
[36] To obtain an order setting aside an acquittal and directing a
new trial, the Crown must demonstrate that the trial judge committed an
error of law, and that the outcome of the trial might reasonably hav... more »
the Rosetta Mission - Ambition film - Tomek Bagiński
the Rosetta Mission website and the ESA are sponsoring this weird Ambition
*Ambition is a collaboration between Platige Image and ESA. Directed by
Tomek Bagiński and starring Aiden Gillen and Aisling Franciosi, Ambition
was shot on location in Iceland, and screened on 24 October 2014 during the
British Film Institute’s celebration of Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder, at
the Southbank, London.*
*but, wouldn't 'liquid water' have boiled off during re-entry/impact of
these water-laden comets?*
Watch 13 Sins Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*13 Sins (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 6.2
Release : 11 Apr 2014
Duration : 93 min
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Director : Daniel Stamm
Writer : David Birke (screenplay), Daniel Stamm (screenplay), Chookiat
Sakveerakul (source Material: '13: Game of Death' by), Eakasit Thairatana
(source material: '13: Game of Death' by)
Cast : Mark Webber, Devon Graye, Tom Bower, Rutina Wesley
Synopsis 13 SinsElliot Brindle is a bright, meek salesman, drowning in debt
- and desperate as he's about to marry the love of his life. Upon receiving
a phone call informing him that he's on a hidden ... more »
Watch The Wilderness of James 2014 Full Movie Online

*The Wilderness of James (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.6
Release : 09 Mar 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Drama
Director : Michael Johnson
Writer : Michael Johnson
Cast : Virginia Madsen, Danny DeVito, Isabelle Fuhrman, Kodi Smit-McPhee
Synopsis The Wilderness of JamesA restless teenager explores the wilderness
of his city while struggling with the absence of his father.
Description The Wilderness of JamesBest of the Web Today: James Taranto on
global warming, delicious if true.,http://thegirlwho.net/,"It's the law of
the land" was the incantation of ObamaCare supporters, ... more »
October Tax-Cast Highlights Corporate Subsidies
This month's Tax-Cast from the Tax Justice Network highlights several
issues covered here recently. There is an interview with Greg LeRoy of Good
Jobs First on corporate subsidies in general and on the proposed changes by
the Government Accounting Standards Board that would require state and
local governments to disclose the incentives they give. In addition, John
Christensen of TJN discusses the case of Irish state aid to Apple.
You can hear the entire podcast here:
The Sacred Science – A Journey of 8 People in Search of Healing

*Film - *A film that follows 8 people with serious health problems into the
depths of the Amazon rainforest as they seek healing.
The post The Sacred Science – A Journey of 8 People in Search of Healing
appeared first on Waking Times.
Musical Interlude: Suzanne Ciani, "Go Gently"
Suzanne Ciani, "Go Gently"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_rwMA1YVEA
Ebola " hard news " round up - October 28 , 2014 ...... Africa , US in focus ......Big picture / small picture ....... treatment / quarantine issues in focus !

*Ebola Deeply* @Eboladeeply · 37m37 minutes ago
Ebola: The Executive Summary 10/28 http://bit.ly/1wbxdcr
*Ebola Deeply* @Eboladeeply · 41m41 minutes ago
The Man Who Tackled Ebola in Nigeria Says it All Came Down to Boots on The
Ground: Isha Sesay interviews Dr. Schauib http://bit.ly/1sBxuiC
*zerohedge* @zerohedge · 5h5 hours ago
Ebola Discoverer Warns Deadly Virus Will Hit China http://www.
8/ebola-discoverer-warns-deadly-virus-will-hit-china …
[image: View this content on zerohedge's website]
Ebola Discoverer Warns Dea... more »
Corruption Out in the Open on Shelby County Board of Education
Citizens came with their signs and their speeches tonight, pleading for
their community schools. Sitting on the School Board was a smug employee
of Green Dot Charter Schools, one of the corrupt outfits scheduled to take
over at least two Memphis schools. Her name is Miska Clay Bibbs, and she
got her start working for the ethically challenged Harold Ford in the late
Not only was Bibbs endorsed in her School Board race by the enemy of public
education, Stand on Children, but she is employed by Green Dot Charter
Schools as Director of Community Engagement. Conflict of interes... more »
The Real Costs Behind Cheap Clothing

*Video - *A video that takes a look at the clothing industry and the real
price of low-cost clothing.
The post The Real Costs Behind Cheap Clothing appeared first on Waking Times
Ben Bradlee "made you understand that journalism was not a career but a mission" (Eugene Robinson)

*Maybe you could resist a pitch like this, from this morning's *Washington
Post* "Today's Headlines" e-mail, but I couldn't. (If you're tempted,
you'll find Gene Robinson's column here.)*
*by Ken*
If you've been living in this world and reading for any length of time, and
you see that so-and-so has written about such-and-such, you learn some
tricks of mental triage for what you will and won't devote precious,
irrecoverable time to. In my own case, for example, I would need one
heckuva reason to venture beyond the headline of anything George Will or
Davy Brooks has written -- in... more »
Update on Big Mountain impoundments
October 28, 2014 by BMIS By Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Hopi Rangers arrested two individuals and impounded 120 sheep this
morning at the homesite of Tom and Etta Begay in Red Willow Springs.
Heavily armed rangers guarded and blocked nearby dirt road entrances as
“The Hopi Rangers came
Musical Interlude: Amethystium, “Tinuviel”
Amethystium, “Tinuviel”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnLImUVeNFM
Watch Field of Lost Shoes Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Field of Lost Shoes (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 6.1
Release : 26 Sep 2014
Duration : 96 min
Genre : Action, Drama, War
Director : Sean McNamara
Writer : Thomas Farrell, Thomas Farrell, Dave Kennedy, Dave Kennedy
Cast : Nolan Gould, Lauren Holly, Jason Isaacs, Keith David
Synopsis Field of Lost ShoesBased on a true story of the American Civil
War, culminating at the Battle of New Market, May 1864. A group of teenage
cadets sheltered from war at the Virginia Military Institute must confront
the horrors of an adult world when they are called upon to defend the
Shenand... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Almost every object in the above photograph is a galaxy. The Coma Cluster
of Galaxies pictured above is one of the densest clusters known - it
contains thousands of galaxies. Each of these galaxies houses billions of
stars - just as our own Milky Way Galaxy does. Although nearby when
compared to most other clusters, light from the Coma Cluster still takes
hundreds of millions of years to reach us.
*Click image for larger size.*
In fact, the Coma Cluster is so big it takes light millions of years just
to go from one side to the other! Most galaxies in Coma and other clusters
are ell... more »
"The Time Will Pass..."
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something
stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway;
we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”
- Earl Nightingale
Chet Raymo, "Dust"
by Chet Raymo
"In Chekhov's play "The Three Sisters" sister Masha refuses "to live and
not know why the cranes fly, why children are born, why the stars are in
the sky. Either you know and you're alive or its all nonsense, all dust in
the wind." Why? Why? The striving to know is what frees us from the bonds
of self, said Einstein. It's the striving, rather than our knowledge -
which is always tentative and partial - that is important.
I've been living with grandchildren for the past few weeks. They seem to me
to spend an inordinate amount of time with smart phones, iPads, ... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "Do You Remember?"
"Do you remember still the falling stars
that like swift horses through the heavens raced
and suddenly leaped across the hurdles
of our wishes - do you recall?
And we did make so many!
For there were countless numbers of stars:
each time we looked above we were
astounded by the swiftness of their daring play,
while in our hearts we felt safe and secure
watching these brilliant bodies disintegrate,
knowing somehow we had survived their fall."
- Rainer Maria Rilke
"A Journey, Not A Destination..."
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination. For a long time it seemed to me
that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some
obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished
business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on
me that these obstacles *were* my life. This perspective has helped me to
see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every
moment you have and remember that time waits for no one."
~ Souza
The Daily "Near You?"
Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Derrick Jensen, "Beyond Hope"
*"Beyond Hope"*
by Derrick Jensen
"The most common words I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are,
We’re f****d. Most of these environmentalists are fighting desperately,
using whatever tools they have—or rather whatever legal tools they have,
which means whatever tools those in power grant them the right to use,
which means whatever tools will be ultimately ineffective—to try to protect
some piece of ground, to try to stop the manufacture or release of poisons,
to try to stop civilized humans from tormenting some group of plants or
animals. Sometimes they’re reduced to ... more »
"An Exquisite Balance..."
"It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance between two
conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are
served up to us and at the same time a great openness to new ideas. If you
are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you. On the other
hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of
skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish the useful ideas from
the worthless ones."
- Carl Sagan, "The Burden of Skepticism"
Sheep Dog Nation Rocks' Aggressive confiscation of Navajo sheep'
Sheep Dog Nation Rocks
Big Mountain: Aggressive Confiscation of Dineh Resisters' Herds
By NaBahe Katenay, Big Mountain Dineh
French translation by Christine Prat
U.S. Homeland Security: Security At Some Federal Buildings To Be Increased
A sign is posted on a fence outside the White House in Washington October
23, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
*U.S. Steps Up Security At Federal Buildings -- Politico*
The U.S. government is stepping up security at federal buildings in
response to the recent killing of a Canadian soldier near that country’s
parliament and continuing threats from groups like the Islamic State in
Iraq and the Levant, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said.
“I have directed the Federal Protective Service to enhance its presence and
security at various U.S. government buildings in Washington... more »
NATO Intercepts Huge Formation Of Russian Military Jets Over The Baltics
A Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter (top) is seen with a British Royal Air Force
(RAF) Typhoon fighter as they fly in international airspace near the Baltic
States on June 17, 2014. Reuters
*German Typhoons Have Intercepted 7 Russian Air Force Combat Planes Over
The Baltic Sea Today -- Aviationist*
According to the Latvian military, on Oct. 28, the German Air Force
Eurofighter jets on QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) at Amari, Estonia, to
provide NATO Baltic Air Policing were scrambled to intercept seven Russian
Air Force planes flying in international airspace over the Baltic Sea.
The Germa... more »
Watch Detective Conan: The Sniper from Another Dimension 2014 Full Movie Online

*Detective Conan: The Sniper from Another Dimension (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.9
Release : 19 Apr 2014
Duration : 110 min
Genre : Animation, Action, Adventure
Director : Kôbun Shizuno
Writer : Gôshô Aoyama (creator), Kazunari Kouchi (screenplay)
Cast : Minami Takayama, Kappei Yamaguchi, Wakana Yamazaki, Rikiya Koyama
Synopsis Detective Conan: The Sniper from Another DimensionA sniper targets
Shuichi Akai and shoots Masumi Sera. The citizens of Tokyo panic. Nothing
is known about the mysterious sniper. Why was Masumi targeted? Will Shuichi
survive? Will Conan be able... more »
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