11:02pm MDST
The problem with goverment is that it went from being all authoritarian all
the time to Laissez-faire and corrupt, and now its Laissez-faire, corrupt
and authoritarian.
H/T The Burning Platform
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. Macbeth 5th scene of Act 5
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Temple Of Silence”
Deuter, “Temple Of Silence”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZqOROWMf7Q
6 Unbelievable Facts About Water Fluoridation
*Infographic - *Here are six basic facts you need to know about water
The post 6 Unbelievable Facts About Water Fluoridation appeared first on Waking
Musical Interlude, 1968: Mason Williams, “Classical Gas”; Paul Mauriat, "Love Is Blue"
Mason Williams, “Classical Gas”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhMuCiAe6vA
Paul Mauriat, "Love Is Blue"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6cPXvTqasg
Guest Post - Three Reasons Why We Should Still Be Talking about Solar Power
Solar power seems to have been around for ages now, and in fact its
beginnings can actually be traced back to the 7th Century B.C. Everyone is
aware of its merits by providing cleaner, cheaper energy, and those fully
in favour of solar power will probably already have panels installed in
their homes and businesses.
So do we really still need to be talking about it if all the information is
already out there? With the world an ever-changing place, solar power may
be even more important than ever right now. Here are three reasons why.
1. Solar Power is Closer to Home than Ever
The e... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"A gorgeous spiral galaxy some 100 million light-years distant, NGC 1309
lies on the banks of the constellation of the River (Eridanus). NGC 1309
spans about 30,000 light-years, making it about one third the size of our
larger Milky Way galaxy. Bluish clusters of young stars and dust lanes are
seen to trace out NGC 1309's spiral arms as they wind around an older
yellowish star population at its core.
*Click image for larger size.*
Not just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy, observations of NGC 1309's
recent supernova and Cepheid variable stars contribute to the calibration
of the... more »
"A Logical Explanation..."
"There is a logical explanation for everything,
often mistaken for the reason it happened."
- Robert Brault
“10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Your Age”
* “10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Your Age”*
by Marc
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
–Mae West
“Over the years my dad has contributed some truly inspiring content to our
blog. His two posts, “18 Things My Dad Was Right About” and “10 Timeless
Lessons from a Life Well Lived”, were well received by the majority of you,
and he absolutely loved reading the comments and emails you all sent to us
in response to each post. Today I’m happy to report that your kindness has
paid off. My dad was so inspired by your positive feedback that he
surprised me this ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Sky High”
*“Sky High”*
by Chet Raymo
“As upright primates, the sky is half of our visual field, but we give it
only a tiny fraction of our attention. Food, drink, sex and shelter are all
to be found close to the ground. What goes on above our heads is mostly
Here in Ireland the sky is much more than half our visual field; we
couldn't ignore it if we wanted to. Our cottage is perched on a hill above
Dingle Bay, and beyond the garden wall the land slopes to the sea, as if
trying to get out of the way, surrendering the view to- air. Insistent,
in-your-face, not-to-be-ignored nitrog... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Lexington, Massachusetts, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Watch A Haunted House 2 Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*A Haunted House 2 (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 4.7
Release : 18 Apr 2014
Duration : 86 min
Genre : Comedy, Horror
Director : Michael Tiddes
Writer : Marlon Wayans, Rick Alvarez, Marlon Wayans (characters), Rick
Alvarez (characters)
Cast : Marlon Wayans, Jaime Pressly, Essence Atkins, Gabriel Iglesias
Synopsis A Haunted House 2After losing his beloved Kisha in a car accident,
Malcolm starts anew, by remarrying Megan, a mother of two. When things
begin to get back into their paranormal ways, targeting both the children
and the property, things complicate even more when hi... more »
"I Don't Pretend..."
“I don't pretend we have all the answers.
But the questions are certainly worth thinking about.”
- Arthur C. Clarke
“Are Humans Getting Dumber?”
*“Are Humans Getting Dumber?”*
by Tom Purcell
“The report said people are getting dumber— at least I think that’s what it
said, but the big words kept throwing me off.”
“Ah, yes, you speak of a recent study by Stanford University researcher and
geneticist Dr. Gerald Crabtree. He believes human beings are undergoing
intellectual decline.”
“We are?”
“Writing about the study in the Natural Society Newsletter, Mike Barrett
says that, according to Crabtree, our cognitive abilities are the result of
‘the combined effort of thousands of genes.’ If a mutation were to happen
to anyone, it co... more »
Kate Braun : Samhain, aka Halloween, is a time of transformation
Shorter days and longer nights prompt us to turn our focus inward, to
reflect and ponder. By Kate Braun | The Rag Blog | October 28, 2014 “Cat
monsters on the sidewalk / Cat witches in the air / Those … finish reading Kate
Braun :
Samhain, aka Halloween, is a time of transformation
Watch Hunting the Legend Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Hunting the Legend (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 3.4
Release : 08 Jul 2014
Duration : 95 min
Genre : Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director : Justin Steeley
Writer : Justin Steeley
Cast : Christopher Copeland, Hannah Wallace, Jeff Causey, Justin Steeley
Synopsis Hunting the LegendIn 2008, a deer hunter was taken by something in
the Alabama woods. Only his rifle, blood and a 16' footprint were left
behind... Five years later, his son seeks revenge.
Description Hunting the LegendMining is an ancient profession and along
with the back breaking work and dangers of working in th... more »
Guest Commentary on Marshall Tuck by Joining Forces for Education’s Ellen Lubic
Joining Forces for Education was formed in response to Ben Austin’s public
school bulldozer outfit, the Walton Family Foundation funded Parent
Revolution. Ellen Lubic occasionally contributes to Professor Ravitch’s
site. The Real Marshall Tuck, and Why He Insures My Vote for Tom Torlakson
for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Now that the
billionaires such as […]
Asia's Nightmare: A China-Japan War

*Asia's Worst Nightmare: A China-Japan War -- James Holmes, National
Is it possible?
Let's not understate the likelihood of war in East Asia or kid ourselves
that the United States can remain aloof should China and Japan enter the
lists. It's tough for Westerners to fathom the nature of the competition or
the passions it stokes. From an intellectual standpoint, we have little
trouble comprehending the disputes pitting the Asian rivals against each
other. For example, both Tokyo and Beijing claim sovereignty over the
Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, a tiny archipelago near Taiwan... more »
U.S. Focus On The Battle for Kobani Means That The Islamic State Can Attack Elsewhere

Smoke and flames rise over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, as
seen from the Mursitpinar crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the
southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October, 2014. Credit:
REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
*What The Failure Of ISIS To Take Kobani Means -- Mark Thompson, Time*
*The Kurdish struggle to hold on to Syrian border town isn't all good news *
Coming back after two weeks away, it’s surprising that the Syrian town of
Kobani hasn’t fallen to the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria.
Pentagon officials were predicting earlier this month tha... more »
Watch Spirits War 2014 Full Movie Online

*Spirits War (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.1
Release : 24 Apr 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Animation, Fantasy
Director : Pisut Praesangeam
Writer : N/A
Cast : Akara Amarttayakul, Sa-Ard Piempongsan, Phutharit Prombandal, Somlek
Synopsis Spirits WarN/A
Description Spirits WarFree Bible quizzes including spiritual gifts test,
salvation, heaven, hell, free IQ tests, apostasy, cults, evangelism and
false teachers quiz.,Canadian Living is the ultimate food and women's
lifestyle resource, and the official website of Canadian Living magazine.
Our website offers idea... more »
Sahlins with new book on Confucius Institutes

[image: IMG_9035]
Marshall Sahlins with new book out called Confucius Institutes: Academic
Malware, on these Chinese propaganda and intelligence units within US
universities. The blurb says:
In recent years, Confucius Institutes have sprung up on more than four
hundred and fifty campuses worldwide, including nearly one hundred across
the United States. At first glance, this seems like a benefit for everyone
concerned. The colleges and universities receive considerable contributions
from the Confucius Institutes’ head office in Beijing, including funds to
cover the cost of set-up, t... more »
ASD Backs Off Southside Middle

I was getting ready to go to a meeting at South Side Middle School this
afternoon to advocate against Shelby County's school board decision to hand
over SSMS to the KIPP cultists when I got an email that South Side had been
removed from the ASD hit list for next year. Congratulations to the
hard-working teachers and parents at South Side!
If there is reason to doubt the sanity of closing South Side Middle for a
worse KIPP school, then there is every reason to take Wooddale Middle off
the list as well. Presently Wooddale is scheduled to be turned over to the
Green Dot charter profi... more »
This year's New Yorker Festival videos spotlight global troublemakers from Edward Snowden to Kim Dotcom to Larry David
*"Edward Snowden: The game plan for the NSA leak"*
*New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer talks to the NSA leaker, somewhere in
*by Ken*
As *New Yorker* features director Daniel Zalewski explains in his
introduction to the interview with Kim Dotcom below, when he learned that
this year's *New Yorker* Festival would attempt remotely connected virtual
interviews with subjects unable to be onsite, he immediately thought of two
people: former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, from somewhere in Russia; and
Internet ultra-entrepreneur Kim Dotcom, from his compound in Auckland, New
Zeala... more »
“Humanity Accelerating to What Exactly?”
*“Humanity Accelerating to What Exactly?”*
By Richard Mills
"We humans have been changing the world around us for tens of thousands of
years. It's pretty much what we do, we shape and we change the existing
environment through design and then indifference to the results of our
actions. The sheer scale and lightning fast speed of change since the 1950s
has been almost unbelievable. So incredible and so sweeping are the changes
scientists call the last 65 or so years the 'Great Acceleration'.
*Click image for larger size.*
Our exploding population, our accelerating demand for the wor... more »
"How It Really Is"
The Economy: "Meat, Fruit, Milk And Butter Prices Skyrocket"
*"Meat, Fruit, Milk And Btter Prices Skyrocket"*
By Kate Briquelet
"New Yorkers are bringing home the bacon — but can’t afford the beef. The
prices of supermarket staples such as meat, milk and butter are
skyrocketing. US Labor Department data show the bill for butter surged 23.7
percent over the last 12 months. Meat rose 13 percent in the last year,
with beef jumping 17.8 percent — the biggest boost since January 2004.
Meanwhile, fresh fruits other than apples, bananas and oranges increased
9.5 percent and whole milk rose 8.7 percent.
“Our paychecks stay the same, but the food pr... more »
The Economy: "George W. Obama"
*"George W. Obama" *
by Bill Bonner
"Among the many things still to be discovered is the effect of QE and ZIRP
on the markets and the economy. We can't wait to find out. The Fed has
bought nearly $4 trillion of bonds over the last five years. You're bound
to get some kind of reaction to that kind of money. But what? Higher
stocks? More GDP growth? Higher incomes? More inflation?
Washington was hoping for a little more of everything. But all we see are
higher stock and bond prices. And if QE helped prices to go up, they should
go back down when QE ends this week. Unless the Fed cha... more »
Iran Reasserts Its Infleunce In Iraq

*Iran's Shadow War in Iraq -- Paul D. Shinkman, US News and World Report*
The U.S.-backed fight against Sunni extremists is doing the work of Iran in
When Army Gen. Lloyd Austin left Iraq in 2011, as the last U.S. combat
troops withdrew themselves from almost a decade of war, he offered a somber
warning to the local forces who would stay behind.
Iraq was then under the leadership of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a
Shiite Muslim. Austin observed that the country’s leaders "don't see an
enormous threat from Iran at this point,” despite what he considered a
"stream of leth... more »
Breaking the Chain of Obedience
*Gary 'Z' McGee* - "The problem isn’t the chain of command. The problem is
the chain of obedience..."
The post Breaking the Chain of Obedience appeared first on Waking Times.
*Saints Are In Highlander Mode: There can Be Only One ~Saints Tailgate*
*Is New Orleans Trying to Deport Undocumented Workers Now That the
Rebuilding Is Over? ~National Journal*
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 27, 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama meets with military leaders from 21 nations to
discuss strategy in the Middle East during a conference at Joint Base
Andrews, Md., Oct 14, 2014. The discussion was part of an ongoing effort to
build a coalition and integrate capabilities. DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen
*Mr. Obama’s Half-Hearted Fight Against The Islamic State -- Washington
Post editorial*
AN UNLIKELY consensus is emerging across the ideological spectrum about the
war against the Islamic State: President Obama’s strategy to “degrade and
eventually destroy” the terrorist entity is unworkable... more »
The Great High Speed White Elephant
High Speed Rail 2 is a massive white elephant, a £50bn boondoggle of a
project as out of time as it is over priced. Yet, despite this I am a
little sore that the bid Stoke-on-Trent put forward for a station got dismissed
out of hand. Were it on the basis of a competition in which its projections
got weighed up against those of a rival's and found wanting, then fair
enough. That didn't happen, and what we have been left with - the 'Crewe
hub' - is the worst of all possible worlds.
I've never been sold on the economic benefits HS2 will bring. Sure,
construction, engineering, and rai... more »
The Dangers of Everyday Chemicals Revealed

*Dr. Mercola* - A number of common household chemicals are endocrine
disruptors, meaning, they disrupt your hormone function. Do you know what
they are?
The post The Dangers of Everyday Chemicals Revealed appeared first on Waking
The Responsibility to Protect & Fear of Foreign Policy Failure
Last week I had the opportunity to partake in a workshop on the
Responsibility to Protect (R2P) at The Hague Institute of Global Justice
(the Institute). The Institute is preparing to launch a project on R2P,
seeking to bring academics, civil society and government/policy makers
together to formulate insightful and policy relevant findings on R2P.
Continue reading
World News Briefs -- October 27, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Rights Group: More Than 800 Killed in Kobani Ground Fight -- Voice of
Syrian activists said more than 800 people have been killed in ground
fighting in Kobani in the six-week battle between Islamic State militants
and Kurdish fighters for control of the Syrian town just south of the
Turkish border.
The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Sunday that
nearly 500 jihadists and more than 300 Kurds have been killed. That total
is in addition to another 550 or more killed by U.S.-led airstrikes in the
last month, most of them Islamic State fighters.
*Read ... more »
A Republican Wave Election? Not For GOP Extremists Scott Walker And Sam Brownback

Scott Walker family portrait
Two of the worst governors in America are extremist ideologues Scott Walker
of Wisconsin and San Brownback of Kansas. Both will face the voters a week
from tomorrow. Both are being opposed by moderate Democrats, rather than by
the kinds of progressives Blue America endorses. However, Walker and
Brownback are *so* extreme that we want to make it clear that progressives
in Wisconsin and Kansas need to go to the polls next Tuesday to vote them
both out. The latest polling in Kansas shows that most voters want to end
the disastrous Brownback experiment. GOP p... more »
U.S. Urging An Online War Against The Islamic State

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) meets with retired Marine Corps General
John Allen in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington September
16, 2014. REUTERS/Gary Cameron
*U.S. Unveils Coalition To Fight Islamic State In Cyberspace -- Reuters*
KUWAIT (Reuters) - The United States on Monday unveiled what it called an
information coalition with Muslim and Western nations to combat efforts by
Islamic State to recruit online and stoke sectarian hatred through a "cult
of violence".
U.S. officials told delegates from European and Arab countries at a meeting
in Kuwait that this shou... more »
The War Against The Islamic State -- News Updates October 27, 2014

Shi'ite fighters pose with a black flag belonging to the Islamic State,
which they pulled down after capturing the town of Jurf al-Sakhar from the
Islamic State militants, south of Baghdad October 26, 2014. Credit:
*U.S., Partners Conduct 11 More Strikes In Syria, Iraq Against Islamic
State: CENTCOM -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The United States led nearly a dozen air strikes against
Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq on Sunday and Monday, according
to the U.S. military.
U.S. forces conducted four strikes in Syria near the town of Kobani near
the border with Tu... more »
U.S. Green Berets: Afghan National Army Is Incompetent
Afghan Maj. Gen. Sayed Malouk, commander of the Afghan National Army’s
215th Corps, looks beyond the perimeter on Camp Leatherneck in Helmand
Province, Afghanistan, Oct. 27, 2014. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Staff Sgt.
John Jackson
*Green Berets Reveal Afghan National Army soldiers’ incompetence --
Washington Times*
Reports say ANA troops hide from battle, can’t lead or fight at night
Elite Army Green Berets are knocking the performance of the Afghan National
Army, telling war tales of its soldiers hiding and quitting the fight.
The Green Beret criticisms, contained in a U.S. Centr... more »
National are “seeking to undermine collective bargaining” aka the strike-threat system
National are “seeking to undermine collective bargaining,” say unionists.
Even if that were true, which is arguable, would that be a bad thing?
In his tightly-argued classic *The Theory of Collective Bargaining*,
William Hutt argued otherwise.
[image: The Theory of Collective Bargaining]In 1930, W.H. Hutt demonstrated
several spectacular points: labour unions cannot lift wages overall; their
earnings come at the expense of the consumer; their effect is to cartelize
business and reduce free competition to the detriment of everyone. He
demonstrated these points with intricate logic ... more »
Watch Revenge of the Green Dragons Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 5.9
Release : 11 Sep 2014
Duration : 94 min
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama
Director : Wai-keung Lau, Andrew Loo
Writer : Michael Di Jiacomo, Andrew Loo
Cast : Justin Chon, Kevin Wu, Harry Shum Jr., Ray Liotta
Synopsis Revenge of the Green DragonsREVENGE OF THE GREEN DRAGONS follows
two immigrant brothers Sonny (Justin Chon) and Steven (Kevin Wu) who
survive the impoverished despair of New York in the 1980s by joining
Chinatown gang 'The Green Dragons'. The brothers quickly rise up the ranks,
drawing the unwanted at... more »
I'm A Bad Person
the majority(?) of Canadians, I am unable to share in the outpouring of
grief over the death of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. Many have used the word
"hero" to describe his actions, which amounted to being the victim of a
coward shooting him in the back. This incident was horrifying, but to
call the victim a hero? If he is one, then it is true that the word hero
has lost all meaning.
I am struck
Dr Rowan Williams on Poet Dylan Thomas
Dr Rowan Williams on Poet Dylan Thomas. Source: freewayprod. Date
Published: August 15, 2012. Description:
An interview with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams,
regarding the Swansea-born poet Dylan Thomas. Produced by
Freeway-Productions ( www.freeway-productions.co.uk ) on behalf of Geoff
Haden, www.5cwmdonkindrive.com.
Watch Menthol 2014 Full Movie Online

*Menthol (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.8
Release : 01 Feb 2014
Duration : 84 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Micah Van Hove
Writer : Sam Jones, Micah Van Hove
Cast : Lucas Elliot Eberl, Johnny Wactor, James Wilson, Jacob King
Synopsis MentholFrom the producer of 'Boyz N The Hood': When four friends
reunite for a night of fun in their hometown, a crisis forces them to
confront the consequences of their lifestyles.
Description MentholProbleme mit der bayrischen Sprache? Die
Lösung....:D.,SNUS World : Makla El Kantara Menthol ... You must be of
legal age in your country (mi... more »
Watch Lyle 2014 Full Movie Online

*Lyle (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.4
Release : 28 Jul 2014
Duration : 65 min
Genre : Drama, Horror
Director : Stewart Thorndike
Writer : Stewart Thorndike
Cast : Gaby Hoffmann, Michael Che, Ashlie Atkinson, Kim Allen
Synopsis LyleA mother's grief over the death of her toddler leads to horror.
Description Lylea masculine name. Origin of Lyle; from British place name
and amp; surname. Link/Cite,The official Lyle and Scott online store. Buy
Lyle and Scott polo shirts, T shirts, jackets, sweaters, shoes, accessories
and more.,Lyle Lovett, Soundtrack: Toy Story. A singer-s... more »
As Coalition Forces Leave, The Taliban Are Reasserting Their Control In Afghanistan

Taliban fighters pose with weapons in an undisclosed location in
Afghanistan in this October 30, 2009 file photo. Credit:
*Taliban Return To Afghan Town That Rose Up And Drove Out Its Leaders --
The Guardian*
Insurgents now control about 80% of Gizab district in Uruzgan province four
years after successful revolt, sources say
When the people of Gizab district rose up and ousted their Taliban rulers
four years ago, international forces touted the district as a success story
of civil courage and a milestone in the decade-long war. But now the
district in Uruz... more »
Was The British Military Effort In Afghansitan Worth It?

Wing Commander Matt Radnall, Officer Commanding 7 Force Protection Wing, as
the very last British troops leave Camp Bastion, Helmand province. Daily
*Did UK Intervention In Afghanistan Have Any Value? -- John Simpson, BBC
As the union jack came down at Camp Bastion in Helmand Province on the UK's
13-year involvement in Afghanistan, there was an unusual amount of
introspection in Britain itself.
Was there any real cause for pride? Or had the death of 453 British service
personnel been in vain? Had there, indeed, been any value whatever in the
British intervention?
The ... more »
If space were a material - what would it be - universe of atoms?
Why is space so big?
Have you ever looked at it? I mean, above, that's just our galaxy, the
so-called Milky Way. And there are millions of galaxies within range, and
millions more in clusters outside that.
Why does 'space' have to be so enormously enormous aka BIG?
And it got me to thinking, "You know that most of the stuff, most of the
phenomenon we call MATTER, is just space," or the distance between cores.
For example: if the electron shell of atom were the size of a football
field, the proton/neutron nucleus would be the size of a flea on the
50-yard line! And that's a lot of... more »
Johnny Hazard : Government evasion continues in Guerrero massacre case
Parents of the ‘disappeared’ warn of more drastic actions if no results in
48 hours. By Johnny Hazard | The Rag Blog | October 27, 2014 MEXICO CITY —
On Wednesday, October 23, after a day of marches including one …
finish reading Johnny Hazard :
Government evasion continues in Guerrero massacre case
London's British Museum - Japanese metalworker - Junko Mori
We had a lovely family day out in London, took in some of the tourist
sights AND then the British Museum. We ended up in the Witches and Wicked
Bodies exhibition of drawing and sketches. Upstairs from that was the
Japanese exhibition where I discovered an artist I'd never seen before,
Junko Mori.
*Junko Mori is a Japanese metalworker. She was born in Yokohama, Japan in
1974. She graduated in from Musashino Art University in Tokyo in 1997 with
her first BA in three-dimensional design. Mori then worked as a welder in a
factory for one year.*
Here is some of Junko's amazing art, scu... more »
Self-Image-Incongruence Theory of Individual Health
Denis G. Rancourt
Here, I propose a unifying model of individual health [1]. My other
exploratory reports about the causes of ill-health include:
This article was first published on October 26, 2014, at Dissident Voice
Introductory background: Dominance-aggression-stress model of individual
One of the most satisfying and penetrating models of
Pistorious - The Home Invasion was an Inside Job

*This is a lie.*
*It's a mind-bogglingly whopping criminal lie, uttered in total surety of
never being challenged on it or asked to account for having made this
knowingly false statement in open court, during a murder trial.*
*Counsel know it is a lie, the court knows it is a lie, Frank was never
considered as either a potential suspect or a potential witness, and to
this day, Frank has NEVER been formally interviewed, or asked to provide a
formal statement, all concerned KNOW that Pistorious is innocent and the
entire televised court process is just an absolute complete charade.... more »
Ubuntu Liberation Movement

*No Money*
*No Barter*
*No Trade*
*No Value Added*
1. *You know there’s no meaningful difference between major political
parties (Democrats and Republicans)*: OR - ANC & DA: It’s so easy to get
caught up the left-right debate and believe there’s a difference between
the two major political parties. However, debate is one thing, while
actions are another. By their deeds you shall know them, and it is
indisputable that there is no significant difference between political
parties when it comes to action on the most important issues. Even hardened
ideologues like John Cusack a... more »
Last British Soldiers And U.S. Marines Withdraw From The Taliban Stronghold In Helmand Province, Afghanistan
*U.S. Marines, British Troops End Mission In Restive Afghan Province --
Washington Post*
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan — U.S. Marines and British forces pulled out
of Afghanistan’s Helmand province Monday, ending their engagement in a
13-year-old war that tested both militaries' ability to fight in a
landlocked nation.
In a secret 20-hour pullout from one of coalition’s largest bases in
Afghanistan, the last of the 873 Marines and 350 British soldiers arrived
in Kandahar from Helmand. The southwestern province has been the site of
some of the war’s bloodiest combat, but large ar... more »
Ebola Fears Grow In Asia
*As Ebola Spreads, Asia Senses Vulnerability -- New York Times*
HONG KONG — With hundreds of advanced infection-control hospital rooms left
over from the fight against SARS, and with some medical professionals
suggesting that the Ebola virus was inherently fragile and unlikely to
spread in places with modern medical facilities, many doctors in Asia paid
little attention to the disease until very recently.
But that confidence — some say complacency — was punctured two weeks ago
when two nurses in Dallas and another in Madrid fell ill while treating
patients who had contracted the E... more »
U.S. Troops Returning From Liberia Are Being Put Into Ebola Quarantine
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Army Isolates Troops Returning From Liberia, Joint Chiefs Urge Broad Ebola
Quarantine -- FOX News*
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have recommended that all U.S. troops returning
from West Africa undergo a mandatory 21-day quarantine, senior Defense
officials told Fox News -- a step the Army already is taking.
Even as the White House fights such mandatory quarantine policies in New
York and New Jersey, the U.S. military is moving in that direction as a
precautionary measure.
On its own, the Department of the Army has issued guidelines orderi... more »
Elections In Brazil -- News Roundup
*Dilma Rousseff Pledges Unity After Narrow Brazil Election Victory -- The
Rouseff says she wants to be a ‘better president’ after fighting off strong
challenge by Aécio Neves
President Dilma Rousseff has struck a conciliatory tone after her victory
in the closest Brazilian election in generations.
Rousseff was re-elected by a narrow margin on Sunday, ensuring that Latin
America’s biggest nation will remain under the control of a Workers party
(PT) committed to tackling inequality.
She won 51.6% of the valid votes cast to secure a much reduced mandate,
having fought off... more »
World News Briefs -- October 27, 2014

Kaci Hickox speaks to her lawyer Norman Siegel from a hospital quarantine
tent in Newark, New Jersey, October 26, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Steve
Hyman/Handout via Reuters
*White House Warns Cuomo And Christie Over Ebola Quarantine Rules -- The
* New York governor says medics could be quarantined at home
* De Blasio blasts treatment of nurse isolated in New Jersey
White House officials warned the governors of New York and New Jersey of
the “unintended consequences” of quarantining all medical workers returning
from west Africa, as a political crisis deepened on Sunday over ho... more »
While waiting for Ben and/or Jerry!
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014We detail our plans for the week:* We hope you’ll
make it a point to read “Silliest Tales of the MSM,” our main series this
For part 1, just click here.
We’re going to review the silly ways our White House campaigns have been
covered by the mainstream press, going back to Kennedy/Nixon in 1960 and
the bizarre demise of Candidate Muskie in 1972.
We plan to review the silly ways our mainstream press corps has covered
these White House campaigns. In the process, we’ll show you which of the
two major parties has been more badly hurt by all the silly far... more »
I See Witches

I have been reminded again of how different my world is from the one most
people inhabit. Months after listing a spare bedroom on airbnb, I finally
had my first guests stay over on Saturday, a delightful young couple from
Ukraine with one enormous German Shephard, a tiny Pomeranian, and an even
tinier infant in tow. I didn't get much sleep with various forms of
commotion, but it was fun anyway.
Over breakfast our talk turned to the life of an expat, and the husband
mentioned he loves California and might one day like to move there. So
being the doomer I am, I laughed and said a f... more »
Supplemental: Public school propaganda again!
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014The Post manufactures consent:* Over at the
Washington Post, the disinformation about public schools pretty much never
A piece in yesterday’s Outlook section just kept pouring it on.
James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley touched all the mandated bases.
They talked up Teach for America, charter schools in general and the KIPP
charter network in particular. They complained about “the dumbing down of
academic standards and an overemphasis on political correctness.”
As they closed their piece, they blasted “the shameful state of our primary
and seco... more »
Economic Slavery and Policy of Using Money

*Video - *The International Monetary System has been called modern day
slavery. This video deals with how paper money is created, the policy of
using it, about debt, inflation and interest.
The post Economic Slavery and Policy of Using Money appeared first on Waking
Over 1,100 Casualties In Iraq 1st Week of October 2014
MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 11 hours ago
Attacks and casualties have gone down since the height of the insurgent
summer offensive. They were still extremely high with just over 1,100 dead
and wounded from October 1-7, 2014. There has been intense fighting in
Anbar and Salahaddin where the Islamic State is on the offensive with the
former largely falling under its control during the week. Baghdad is
feeling more threatened as a result and the government is carrying out more
security sweeps in the belts as a result. The Kurdish peshmerga are also
trying to cut into the Islamic State’s hold in Diyala and Ninewa, but has
on... more »
Area 51, ET’s, UFO’s & Anti-Gravity – Dying Senior Scientist Shares Insider Truths
*Joe Martino* - Retired senior scientist for Lockheed Martin, Boyd Bushman,
shares fascinating evidence of UFO's, ET's as well as information on
The post Area 51, ET’s, UFO’s & Anti-Gravity – Dying Senior Scientist
Shares Insider Truths appeared first on Waking Times.
False-flag attacks on women: From Malala to Isfahan

Like the lying "Nurse Nayirah," Malala is a PR op pushing the mass murder
of Muslims
"If you study Malala’s history, and you can’t see that she was selected and
groomed by an intelligence agency for a false flag op, you are dumber than
a doorknob."
Full story:
Elections In Ukraine -- News Roundup
*Ukraine Leader Wins Pro-West Mandate But Wary Of Russia -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Pro-Western parties will dominate Ukraine's parliament after an
election handed President Petro Poroshenko a mandate to end a separatist
conflict and steer the country further out of Russia's orbit into Europe's
Poroshenko held preliminary power-sharing talks with Prime Minister Arseny
Yatseniuk on Monday after their political groups led other pro-Western
forces committed to democratic reforms in sweeping pro-Russian forces out
of parliament.
"The main task is to quickly form a pro-Europe... more »
The House Republican Extremists And Ebola

Tea Party extremist Frank Guinta voted to cut the Center for Disease
Control budget-- and now he's whining about inadequate response to ebola
On February 19, 2011 the Republican Party decided to cut funding for the
Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2011. Although Ron Paul didn't vote
that day, only 3 Republicans recognized the folly of what the House
Republicans were doing: John Campbell (R-CA), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Walter
Jones (R-NC). Although every single Democrat-- even the most corrupt
reactionary Blue Dogs and New Dems-- voted NO, the bill passed 235-189.
When asked what the... more »
Notes from the Techo-Utopianism Conference

We are on the train heading north to Maine. The 22-hour marathon of
speeches ended last night at 8:00 pm at the Techno Utopianism conference.
MB and I faithfully sat through all but two hours when we had to take a
break. The mind, and rear end, can only take so much.
I took lots of notes and won't bother writing up a full report. Instead I
think I'll just post some of the more interesting bits that various
speakers had to say. I'll not try to remember which speaker said what -
it's the content that counts anyway. They are in no particular order
- Last year Monsa... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 27, 2014

Kurdish refugees from Kobani watch as thick smoke covers the Syrian town of
Kobani during fighting between Islamic State and Kurdish Peshmerga forces,
as seen from the Mursitpinar crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in
Sanliurfa province October 26, 2014. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis
*US Struggles to Turn the Tide in War Against Islamic State -- NDTV/AFP*
Washington: After more than two months of air strikes, a US-led coalition
has prevented the fall of a northern Syrian town to Islamic State jihadists
but is still struggling to halt the group's advances on other fronts,
experts say.
... more »
Tiny dark energy from co-existence of phases
There are some interesting hep-ph articles on the arXiv today. I will
mention two of them – both papers are available on sciencedirect.com owned
by Elsevier (so their title pages are almost identical). First, there is
the paper
SUSY fits with full LHC Run I data
by the MasterCode Collaboration (represented by Kees Jan de Vries). They
present the state-of-the-art fits on simple supersymmetric models. Unless
one relies on a significant amount of good luck, the anomalous value of the
muon magnetic moment can only be satisfactorily explained by the
superpartners – without contradicting... more »
Chemtrails as Seen from Around the Globe, a Satellite View
*Christina Sarich* - Chemtrails are seen the world over, but why are some
nations acknowledging them for what they are, while other nations seem to
be in the dark?
The post Chemtrails as Seen from Around the Globe, a Satellite View
appeared first on Waking Times.
*Government preschool waste*
While 15 states this week begged the Obama administration to direct
programs for their youngest children, Indiana decided to chart its own
course, with Gov. Mike Pence (R) refusing to sign off on an expensive,
intrusive federal preschool grant application. Concurrently, the Cato
Institute issued a highly useful review of the major and highest-quality
research on government preschool, which continues to show such programs, at
best, don’t benefit kids beyond first grade. Here’s a summary:
"Before considering expanding preschool offerings--especially maki... more »
All Flash, No Bang.
*edited 7:14pm UTC to add:*
*well, apparently 20 minutes after I pressed publish, Sol threw another
bangless party:X-Flare # 6 DetectedA strong X2.0 solar flare, now the sixth
X-Class event around region 2192, was detected at 14:47 UTC. The event
triggered a strong R3 radio black on the sunlit side of Earth. So far the
event does not appear to be eruptive, meaning a noteworthy CME is not
expected. More details to follow. Click HERE f*
*or an updated event log.http://www.solarham.net/.... and again, no CME.
Good morning ... more »
SILLIEST TALES OF THE MSM: Sunday, muddy Sunday!
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014Part 1—Ben Bradlee’s important address:* Yesterday
morning, the New York Times and the Washington Post put on quite a show.
In the New York Times Sunday Review, Frank Bruni donned Maureen Dowd’s
familiar raiment, ruminating about recent presidents’ various “Daddy
In his own piece in that high-profile section, Nicholas Kristof said, once
again, that we must “provide great schools” for “inner-city children who
desperately need a helping and”—that “we owe all children a fair start in
life in the form of access to an education escalator.”
We agree! ... more »
Are These China’s Latest Military Aircraft?

A Y-20 prototype during a test flight. Photo: cjdby.net
*Are These China’s Latest Military Aircraft? Photos Claim To Reveal New
Generation Pf PLA Jets -- South China Morning Post*
A new generation of aircraft expected to form the backbone of the Chinese
air force have purportedly been captured on film and posted online by
military enthusiasts.
The photos of the fourth-generation stealth fighter J20, Airborne Early
Warning and Control System (AEW&CS) aircraft KJ-500 and Y-20 large military
transporter, reportedly conducting tests flights, were published on a
popular military forum ... more »
Quarantine This

In the spirit of austerity, and with memories of the Sequester and
shut-downs still fresh in their craven little minds, the ruling
establishment has now decreed that human beings as well as the programs
that help human beings must now be quarantined in the interests of Homeland
Whether the possibly unconstitutional sequester of people against their
will is humane (Democrats' house arrest) or inhumane (Republicans' unheated
tents in late October) is a matter of fevered debate.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who never met a public employee or
teacher he didn't hate, ha... more »
When Stress Tests Fail - Italian Banks Are Collapsing

When Stress Tests Fail - Italian Banks Are Collapsing
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/27/2014 09:28 -0400
Despite the ban on short-sales - which has never worked in the past to do
anything but instil fear in traders' holding long positions - Italian banks
are in free-fall following the utter failure of Draghi's stress tests to
encourage confidence in the European banking system.
Given ... more »
Report: Drones Can Be Used By Terrorists To Take Down Passenger Planes
*Drone Deliberately Flown At Plane Above Essex Sparking Terror Fears --
Airliner narrowly avoided a collision with a remote controlled quadcopter
which the pilot states was purposely being flown at the plane
A passenger plane was just 75ft from a mid-air crash with an unmanned
drone, an official report has revealed.
The quadcopter drone was deliberately flown towards the turbo-prop plane as
it came into land, according to the co-pilot. He feared there was a high
risk of a collision with the plane, which holds up to 74 passengers.
It is thought to be the first reported UK ... more »
10 Candy Corn Ideas

Whether you hate it or love it, you have to admit, that few things
represent fall and Halloween more than Candy Corn. This festive little
candy is used to decorate, fill vases, and of course as a snack. Here are
10 of my favorite Candy Corn ideas. Some use the candy itself, some just
use the general idea of candy corn, but all are perfect for this time of
year. So what about you? Do you love it? Or hate it?
Candy Corn Cookies on PBS.
Candy Corn Wreath by the Trendy Tree,
Candy Corn Drink on Raining Hot Coupons.
Candy Corn Button Art by Repeat Crafter Me
Homemade Butterfingers by ... more »

GIANT SUNSPOT CRACKLING WITH FLARES: AR2192 is the biggest sunspot in
nearly 25 years, and it is still growing. The active region now covers 2750
millionths of the solar disk, an area equivalent to 33 planet Earths
skinned and spread out flat. It is so large that sky watchers are seeing it
with the naked eye when the sun is dimmed by low-hanging clouds or, in this
case, dense fog:
Barry Freas took the picture on October 26th from Red Hill, Kentucky. "It
was a very foggy morning," he says. "AR2192 was remarkable."
Big sunspots tend to produce strong flare... more »
Is CBS News Corrupt?

*Ex-CBS Reporter’s Book Reveals How Liberal Media Protects Obama -- New
York Post*
*Sharyl Attkisson is an unreasonable woman. Important people have told her
When the longtime CBS reporter asked for details about reinforcements sent
to the Benghazi compound during the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack, White
House national security spokesman Tommy Vietor replied, “I give up, Sharyl
. . . I’ll work with more reasonable folks that follow up, I guess.”
Another White House flack, Eric Schultz, didn’t like being pressed for
answers about the Fast and Furious scandal in which America... more »
Argentina: Alleged UFO Photographed at Rosario del Tala

*Source: UNO - Entre Rios (Argentina) and Planeta UFODate: 10.27.2014*
*Argentina: Alleged UFO Photographed at Rosario del Tala*
Amateur photographer captures a strange object in the skies over Plaza
Libertad in this community of Entre Rios Province
A strange object can be seen in an image captured this afternoon (Monday,
Oct. 21) at Plaza Libertad in Rosario del Tala. Some believe it may be a
Journalist Ivan Rodríguez, a native of Rosario del Tala and a fan of
photography for some years, took some photos of the Libertad gardens in the
locality, but he was truly surprised w... more »
Egypt Blames Hamas For The Recent String Of Deadly Attacks In Sinai

Palestinian members of the al-Qassam brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas
movement, stand guard as they wait for the arrival of Hamas chief Khaled
Meshaal in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip in this December 7, 2012 file
photograph. Credit: Reuters/Mohammed Salem/Files
*Egypt Cancels Hamas-Israel Talks Following Sinai Attack -- Times of Israel*
Cairo bars Islamist delegation, points finger at Palestinians for deadly
bombings; ‘Stop blaming Gaza, you failed leaders,’ Hamas chief retorts
Dashing Hamas hopes of a détente with the Egyptian regime of Abdel Fattah
el-Sissi, Egypt closed... more »
Islamic State Now Possess Sophisticated Heat-Seeking Anti-Aircraft Missiles

A jet from the U.S.-led coalition flies in the sky over the Syrian town of
Kobani as seen from a hill in Tal-Hajeb village that overlooks Kobani,
October 7, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Stringer
*Missiles of ISIS May Pose Peril for Aircrews -- New York Times*
BAGHDAD — From the battlefield near Baiji, an Islamic State jihadist fired
a heat-seeking missile and blew an Iraqi Army Mi-35M attack helicopter out
of the sky this month, killing its two crew members.
Days later, the Islamic State released a chilling series of images from a
video purporting to capture the attack in northern Iraq: a... more »
SAS Forces In Kobane Directing U.S. Air Strikes Against Islamic State Fighters

Smoke rises over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, as seen from the
Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the
southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 18, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach
*SAS Named Heroes Of Kobane In Fight Against IS -- Daily Star*
*THE SAS has been hailed the heroes of Kobane after helping to prevent the
Syrian town being overrun by bloodthirsty jihadis.*
A team of British special forces were dispatched to the Turkish- Syrian
border to help brave Kurdish fighters battle against Islamic State (IS)
The ... more »
Ottawa Parliament Hill False Flag Shooting: BOMBSHELL! - RCMP Forces At Parliament Hill And In Place BEFORE Shooter Arrives
It is surprising that now a full 5 days after the "shooting" on Parliament
Hill in Ottawa Ontario Canada that the Jew spew media up here in Jewish
occupied Canada is still going hog wild with reports about that shooting
and the alleged "Muslim Extremist ISIS Supporting" gunman..... I find it
disturbing that the Jew spew media and all media outlets, especially the
Talmudvision, continues to ram this constant message into Canadian brains
that our country is now "under attack" by the FRAUD "ISIS" group, and that
we as Canadians must now support the criminal Harper regime in their fraud ... more »
Can Paul Clements And His Grassroots Army Beat The Sick Fred Upton-Steve Israel Beltway Establishment?

everything that's wrong with American politics in one little picture
Steve Israel, Chairman of the DCCC, had managed to keep Fred Upton's
blue-leaning district off the radar for years. Even after Obama won the
district 184,186 (53%) to 156,835 (45%), Israel stepped in to make sure
Upton would have an easy rise to reelection. Even after polling showed a
Democrat could beat Upton by double digits, Israel refused to let the DCCC
engage in the race and Israel continued calling Democratic organizations
and donors and demanding they not help fund Democratic candidate Paul
There ... more »
Argentina: Bizarre "Crop Imprints" Befuddle Local Residents

*Source: Diario Registrado (Argentina)Date: 24 October 2014*
*Argentina: Bizarre "Crop Imprints" Befuddle Local Residents*
There are no traces, dogs did not bark, there was no noise - but marks have
appeared in a Cordoba field that have left local residents disconcerted.
Are we witnessing a paranormal phenomenon?
There is no explanation. The fact is that in the middle of a field located
in Villa María, a locality in Cordoba province, large marks appeared which
left local growers astonished.
According to comments by local residents, no strange noises were heard, no
dogs barked, ... more »
US/OMAN Alliance: Pipelines, Pragmatism and Peace?
Had this saved for last week, but, I got sidetracked with the whole
Parliament Hill psychological operation......I'm over that, for now.
*US/OMAN Alliance: Pragmatism, Peace and Pipelines- Jewish Press*
*Pay attention to the pipeline mentioned in this article? *It's one that
has been discussed on numerous previous occasions here. The last time, just
last week, in this post: US planning to bomb Syrian infrastructure (oil
pipelines) to halt jihadists' funding
Keep in mind the BRICS alliance when reading this piece below
BRICS and the "Arab" Pipeline loom large here
*The U.S., and Sau... more »
That's weird, just weird - The Automatic Cat Petter
The automatic cat petter, 'does exactly what it says on the tin'!
Miracles, My New Life unfolding that I have desired and put positive energy into is happening
I have written about positive energies for awhile now. I have written about
how I have really been learning and understanding, besides applying only
putting positive energy out. Last May 2013, I published this about my
desiring Freedom. I wrote how I desired to sell everything and move onto
a boat. Last year, I went back and forth with my intention and desire. I
wasn't really ready to
*Revising Southern hemisphere ocean heat*
*The article below has excited some Warmists (e.g. "Scientists Say Global
Warming Has Been "Hugely Underestimated"), offering, as it does, another
explanation for the "missing" heat that Warmists believe to be "hiding"
somewhere that normal thermometers cannot reach. The starting point of the
article is that measured Southern hemisphere temperatures are even more at
variance with Warmist models than are Northern hemisphere temperatures.
Hemispheric differences are not inherently surprising considering that
there is less land in the South... more »
Second alarming explosive in Doubravka in 10 days
The greenest neighborhood of Pilsen where I live, Doubravka (Pilsen 4, the
Eastern neighborhood; the name is a "little" variation of "Doubrava", an
archaic Czech word for an oak forest), would also be viewed as the most
peaceful one, despite an occassional acid attack. However, that image may
have changed in this month.
*The renovated interiors of the "Centrum" department store and sports and
cultural center*
While we are nowhere close to Donetsk, Ottawa, or Marysville, the
inhabitants and especially the local police have had some fun with
explosives here in the recent 10 days.
... more »
Shiite Militia Fighters Execute Islamic State Fighters After Capture Of Key Town Outside Of Baghdad

Shi'ite fighters participate in an intensive security deployment against
Islamic State militants in Jurf al-Sakhar October 26, 2014. Credit:
REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani
*After Victory In Key Iraqi Town, Time For Revenge -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - After helping government forces break Islamic State's grip over
a strategic town just south of Baghdad on Saturday, Shi'ite militias
decided it was time for payback.
A Reuters witness saw the fighters in green camouflage uniforms scream and
swear at members of the Islamist group as they kicked and struck them with
rifle butts in Jurf al-Sakhar.
... more »
Dana Bieber vs. Ray Seidler - Who Do You Believe?

[image: Foto: In a recent debate on Oregon's GMO labeling ballot
initiative, Dana Bieber, Biotech mouthpiece, stated that "every farmer and
every scientist in this state knows that's nothing more than a colored dye
that's on a seed to identify it." She was referring to the seed
"treatment", made of neurotoxic systemic insecticides known as
neonicotinoids, which have been scientifically linked to the collapse of
our honey bee colonies and were recently deemed by the EPA to be
ineffective and unnecessary. The agrichemical industry creates every
opportunity they can to pump out more p... more »
Rochon and Rossi: Endogenous money: the evolutionary versus revolutionary
views (PDF, 20 pages), page 3:
For this reason, within post-Keynesian literature we can identify two
overall approaches to this question, which we label here the ‘evolutionary’
and ‘revolutionary’ views respectively.
Maybe I have this wrong, but my impression is that "respectively" is used
to match up the elements of one set to the elements of a second set.
Specifically, the word implies that the two sets are ordered in such a way
that the *i*th element of the first set corresponds to the *i*th element of
t... more »
Adjournment because of the absence of witnesses
The test to adjourn a trial because of the absence of a witness or
witnesses is set out in *Darville v. The Queen,* [1956] SCJ No. 82.
Unfortunately *Darville *is getting old and some Courts, esepcially in
Ontario, hesitate to apply an older case. *R. v. Evic*, 2014 NUCA 1, a
decision of Justice Ronald Berger of the Alberta Court of Appeal is,
accordingly, helpful. Justice Berger writes:
There was no disagreement before us as to what conditions must ordinarily
be established by affidavit in order to entitle a party to an adjournment
on the ground of the absence of witnesses, these... more »
Rafael extends Iron Dome C-RAM to the naval domain

[image: Rafael C-Dome]RAFAEL is extending the Iron Dome Counter-Rocket,
Artillery and Mortar defense system to the maritime domain, to protect
surface vessels from a wide range of threats, including ballistic
trajectory and direct attack weapons.
The navalized system dubbed ‘C-Dome’ is a Point Defense System designed to
handle saturation attacks in both blue and littoral waters, by engaging
multiple targets simultaneously.
Similar to C-RAM scenario, saturation attacks at sea would require very
short reaction time thus requiring the employment of automatic and
semi-automatic engag... more »
Saab and Brazil Sign Contract for Gripen NG

[image: Saab Gripen NG]Defence and security company Saab has signed a
contract with the Brazilian Federal Government (Ministry of Defense through
the Aeronautics Command, COMAER) covering the development and production of
36 Gripen NG fighter aircraft for the Brazilian Air Force.
The total order value is approximately SEK 39.3 billion. Saab and COMAER
have also signed an Industrial Co-operation contract to deliver substantial
technology transfer from Saab to Brazilian industry.
On 18 December 2013 Brazil selected the Gripen NG to be its next-generation
fighter aircraft, through the... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War ( October 27 , 2014 ) - An analysis of how ISIS could cause the fall of Baghdad ......Shi'a Militias summarily execute captives ( ostensibly ISIS members ) after capturing Sunni town in Iraq .... Kobani in focus ( battle rages on as do Kurdish rivalries )
Anti War.....
ISIS Expulsion From Iraq Town Leads to Revenge KillingsShi'ite Militias
Summarily Execute Captives
by Jason Ditz, October 26, 2014
Print This | Share This
The ISIS ouster from Jurf al-Sakhar, just south of Baghdad, was much less
of the “liberation” that officials presented it as and rather another
sectarian conquest, with the Shi’ite militias pushing into the
overwhelmingly Sunni town.
We’ve heard that story a few times already, and what came next should
surprise nobody, as militias captured putative ISIS members and carried out
summary executions in broad daylight.
“T... more »
RAAF Orion drawdown begins

[image: AP-3C Orion]A Royal Australian Air Force Orion has been scrapped
and two more are scheduled for disposal by the end of 2014, Defence has
The first aircraft, A9-663, which was the only aircraft in the RAAF’s
19-strong Orion fleet not upgraded under the AP-3C program, was scrapped on
October 20. All 19 Orions are due to be progressively drawn-down through to
June 2019.
“The first stage of the disposal activity is the reduction of the fleet
from 19 to 16 aircraft,” a spokesperson for Defence told Australian
Read more
Nuclear power not the best option for China's next aircraft carrier: expert

[image: Liaoning CV]Cao Weidong, a Chinese military expert told state-run
Beijing Television that China should not build its first domestic aircraft
carrier as a nuclear-powered vessel since the nation does not have the
technology to operate it.
During the interview, Cao said that it is better for China to construct an
aircraft carrier for the People's Liberation Army Navy with a displacement
of 60,000 tons.
Since a light aircraft carrier cannot carry as many aircraft, Cao suggested
that China's new aircraft carrier should at least be a medium-sized vessel
like the Liaoning, China... more »
Taiwan eyes homegrown submarines after 13-year wait on U.S. deal

[image: Hai Lung class SSK]Taiwan is moving ahead with plans to build its
own submarines, with an initial design to be completed by the year-end,
after lengthy delays in getting eight vessels under a 2001 U.S. defense
deal and as China's navy expands rapidly.
While major obstacles remain, such as overcoming significant technical
challenges and what would almost certainly be strenuous objections from
Beijing, a political consensus has emerged in Taiwan in recent months that
it can wait no longer, officials and lawmakers said.
China is Taiwan's largest trading partner and economic tie... more »
AWD's $800 million blowout

[image: Hobart class DDG]The projected cost of Australia’s troubled Air
Warfare Destroyer (AWD) program has risen to about $800 million more than
its $8.5 billion budget, informed sources have told IHS-Jane’s.
This figure is nearly $500 million more than an overrun forecast by an
Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report in March, although the ANAO
warned that the situation was likely to deteriorate significantly.
The first of the three 7,000 tonne Hobart class AWDs is not scheduled to be
delivered to the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) until March 2016, with the
second delivery sc... more »
B.C. Liberals Corrupt LNG PLOT, .........Exposed
*Written by Grant G*
A couple of months on Vancouver island, no internet, no cable, merely AM
radio, .....What the hell is going on around here, !!!!!!!
*Houston, we have a problem*...,....Actually British Columbia has a
problem, we have no media, fully complicit in accepting, regurgitating and
passing on to a sheepish public pure bafflegab, that is no understatement,
....Where to start..
GHG emissions, .....1 LNG plant emitting green house gasses at the lowest
level, at the level of the most efficient LNG plant in the world 1 LNG
plant will emit the GHGs equivalent to the emiss... more »
Watch Vampire Academy Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Vampire Academy (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 5.6
Release : 07 Feb 2014
Duration : 104 min
Genre : Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Director : Mark Waters
Writer : Richelle Mead (novel), Daniel Waters (screenplay)
Cast : Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky, Gabriel Byrne
Synopsis Vampire AcademyRose Hathaway is a dhampir, half-vampire and
half-human, who is training to be a guardian at St Vladimir's Academy along
with many others like her. There are good and bad vampires in their world:
Moroi, who co-exist peacefully among the humans and only take blood from
donors, and a... more »
Extended Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Liquid Mind IV: Unity" (Full Album)
Liquid Mind, "Liquid Mind IV: Unity" (Full Album)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXYu7k-O4iw
Dim the lights, sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply several
Relax... Feel the music...
let your mind and heart create whatever images or emotions the music
Let go, go with it... feel it in your soul, feel your spirit rise...
Nicaragua versus Honduras: One survived violent past, other still living in it

On the malecon in Managua There's nothing quite like the smell of
tropical air. We got off the plane in Managua, Nicaragua last night and
there it was, that delicious aroma of heat and humidity that I have come to
associate with our new life in Central America.
My partner and I are back here for our second round of Cuso
International placements, having completed two-plus years in Honduras in
April and eager to do it all over again in Nicaragua. On the rainy ride to
our hotel last night, Managua looked much like Honduras's two big cities
where we passed a lot of time during o... more »
Review - Zabada Kitchen Glove and Marvel

Awhile back I introduced you to several Zabada products including a
bathroom cleaning system. You can read that review HERE.
I recently had the opportunity to try out Zabada's kitchen cleaning system,
the kitchen glove and marvel.
[image: Review - Zabada Kitchen Glove and Marvel]*These two items eliminate
the need for cleaning solutions!*
[image: Review - Zabada Kitchen Glove and Marvel]*Fried veggies are yummy,*
*but make a mess!*What's your biggest kitchen clean-up headache?
For me, it's oil splatter.
I don't fry foods often but ohhhh ... sometimes there's nothing better than
hom... more »
TV Watch: More on how long should a TV season be -- British-style

*Annie and Martin Bryce (Penelope Wilton, Richard Briers) with unflappable
neighbor Paul Ryland (Peter Egan) in Ever Decreasing Circles (1985-89)*
*by Ken*
In my post earlier this evening, I stumbled into the bottomless-pit
question of how long a TV show's "season" should be. Maybe 39, as in the
good old days of American TV? Allowing just that 13-week pause for "summer
replacement" shows before the new season started up. Or the slimmed-down
standard of 22, on which the U.S. networks have generally settled?
As I pointed out, one TV creator who grew up in that system, David Chase,
r... more »
Metro Event Thursday! The Rag Blog presents ‘City of Quartz‘ author Mike
Davis on ‘Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster.’
METRO EVENT | The Rag Blog : Celebrated Author & Urban Theorist Mike Davis in Austin this Thursday
Marxist Scholar Davis, author of ‘City of Quartz,’ will speak on ‘Texas vs.
California: Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster’ at 5604 Manor in Austin. “If
it’s apocalypse you want — and frankly who doesn’t, because how else to
explain the … finish reading *METRO EVENT* | The Rag Blog : Celebrated
Author & Urban Theorist Mike Davis in Austin this Thursday
Watch Sequoia 2014 Full Movie Online

*Sequoia (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.0
Release : 09 Mar 2014
Duration : 86 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director : Andy Landen
Writer : Andrew Rothschild
Cast : Aly Michalka, Joey Lauren Adams, Lou Diamond Phillips, Corbin Frost
Synopsis SequoiaA very lively woman with a very deadly cancer visits a
national park with the intention of ending her life there-- but her suicide
plans are continually thwarted, not least of all by her family, which finds
itself unamused with her death wish.
Description SequoiaSequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endlicher 1847. Common
names... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Moment of Grace Part 1"
Liquid Mind, "Moment of Grace Part 1"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I61vm_nLNYg
Musical Interlude: Marvin Gaye, “Inner City Blues”
Marvin Gaye, “Inner City Blues”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI9SKuCIMpc
"Make me wanna holler, throw up both my hands..."
"No One In The World..."
“No one in the world was ever you before, with your particular gifts and
and possibilities. It’s a shame to waste those by doing what someone else
has done.”
- Joseph Campbell
Lion Rock 14: Reading Club Salon 2014, on Class and Inequality

Next week, I will attend the Reading Club Salon 2014, the 3rd annual round
table discussion sponsored by the Lion Rock Institute (LRI), Hong Kong's
free market think tank. The theme of this year's discussion will be *"New
Class, New Inequality?"*
The theme of the EFN Asia Conference 2014, to be held also next week in the
same hotel will be on Liberalism and Inequality. So the LRI event provides
additional theoretical discussions to the EFN conference.
Unlike in the previous two Reading Club Salon in 2012 and 2013 where there
were many reading materials, this year, there will be only... more »
rotd: this changes everything
Revolutionary thought of the day:
...if there is a reason for social movements to exist, it is not to accept
dominant values as fixed and unchangeable but to offer other ways to live -
to wage, and win, a battle of cultural worldviews. That means laying out a
vision of the world that competes directly with the one on harrowing
display at the Heartland conference and in so many other parts of our
culture, one that resonates with the majority of the people on the planet
because it is true: That we are not apart from nature but of it. That
acting collectively for a great good is not su... more »
TV Watch: Further thoughts on the short final season of "Parenthood" -- and the question of how long a TV season should be
*A promo for last week's episode (No. 5 of Season 6) of Parenthood*
*by Ken*
Almost exactly a month ago I voiced mixed feelings about the launch of
*Parenthood*'s sixth and final season, in a 13-episode format. The good
feelings had an obvious cause: the return of a show I'd joined well into
its run but come to value a lot. And the not-so-good feelings had equally
obvious causes: the "final season" part, and the "13-episode format" part.
Although he show in fact launched in 2010 with a 13-episode season, Seasons
2-5 contained 22, 18, 15, and 22 episodes.
I did note, however, that ... more »
The Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox, “Solitude”
“Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone.
For this brave old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.
Sing, and the hills will answer;
Sigh, it is lost on the air.
The echoes bound to a joyful sound,
But shrink from voicing care.
Rejoice, and men will seek you;
Grieve, and they turn and go.
They want full measure of all your pleasure,
But they do not need your woe.
Be glad, and your friends are many;
Be sad, and you lose them all.
There are none to decline your nectared wine,
But alone you must drink life's gall.
Feast, and your... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"At the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, a mere 27,000 light-years away,
lies a black hole with 4 million times the mass of the Sun. Fondly known as
Sagittarius A* (pronounced A-star), the Milky Way's black hole is
fortunately mild-mannered compared to the central black holes in distant
active galaxies, much more calmly consuming material around it. From time
to time it does flare-up, though. An outburst lasting several hours is
captured in this series of premier X-ray images from the orbiting Nuclear
Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR).
*Click image for larger size.*
Launched la... more »
"Human Existence: Our Story in One Minute"
“Could you tell the story of human existence in a minute? This thrilling
video culls together multiple teasing snippets in an attempt to do just
that. And sets it to music. Briefly depicted, from start to finish, is an
artistic animation of the Big Bang, a trip across the early universe, the
formation of the Earth and Moon, the emergence of multi-celled life and
plants, the rise of reptiles and dinosaurs, a devastating meteor strike,
the rise of mammals and humans, and finally the rise of modern
civilization. The minute movie ends with a flyover of the modern skyscraper
and a human... more »
Chet Raymo, “Charybdis”
by Chet Raymo
"To my mind, there is no more spiritually fulfilling experience than lying
on one's back under a crystal clear late-summer sky unpolluted by
artificial light and seeing the Milky Way arching across the dome of night
from Sagittarius in the south to Cassiopeia in the north. Those of you who
live in the southern hemisphere will have a different perspective,
including a loftier view of the brilliant luminosity near the galactic
center in Sagittarius, but you know what I mean. One has a sense of falling
into infinity, of becoming a born-again child of cosmic ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Hyrum, Utah, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Tom Hayden : Battling Ebola: Cuba leads while U.S. lags
The U.S. has 550 military personnel in Africa on counterterrorism missions
while over 5,000 Africans have succumbed to the non-military threat of
Ebola. By Tom Hayden | The Rag Blog | October 26, 2014 In what a New York
Times … finish reading Tom Hayden :
Battling Ebola: Cuba leads while U.S. lags
A Revelation Regarding the Common Core Sale: Evidence is needed.
On October 22, 2014, the corporate-reform-friendly think tank, American
Enterprise Institute (AEI), hosted a panel discussion entitled, What Now
for the Common Core? Below is the description of the panel participants and
the *implementation-focused* conclusion is actually what should have
happened before the Common Core (CCSS) was adopted by any state and
certainly before CCSS was ever proclaimed […]
Vince Dementri was at WTC 7 a Half Hour Before it Fell
"Fully Committed to Now: Why We Are Not Shown the Big Picture"
*"Fully Committed to Now:Why We Are Not Shown the Big Picture"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Often we want to be shown the big picture but it is not always in our best
interest as we can easily become overwhelmed. Sometimes, we may find
ourselves wishing we knew what our lives are going to look like or what
gifts and challenges are going to be presented to us in the coming months
or years. We may want to know if the relationship we’re in now will go the
distance or if our goals will be realized. Perhaps we feel like we need
help making a decision and we want to know which choice... more »
(Flood of Dem Voting Paramount To Middle-Class Survival) Kill the Economics Jester? (David F. Brooks: They're Coming for You Ha Ha!) Delaware Court Allows Companies to Write By-Laws that Make Shareholders Pay Company's Legal Cost If They Lose Case Filed Against Company (Net Positive of QE)
It seems rather obvious at this time in U.S. history that if there's not a
flood of Democrats elected (especially in the Senate) during this next
election (North Carolina being one of the GOP-Koch-ad-imperiled), that the
downward-trajectory spiral being endured by the middle class will be
heading into Depression territory. Vote like your life depends on it. The
Republican Party’s Electoral
A3 Newsletter: Albert Woodfox's Courtroom Battles Continue; Oct. 29 and Beyond

(PHOTO: A3 supporters gather in support of Albert Woodfox)
Please join us on the morning of Wednesday, October 29th, at the US Court
of Appeals for the 5th Circuit (600 Camp St.) in New Orleans for oral
arguments about whether or not to uphold Judge Brady's January 2014 ruling
that put an end to the invasive, dehumanizing strip and cavity searches
Albert had been tortured by since May of 2013.
As you may remember, this is the second of two outstanding appeals of
rulings in A3's favor that have frozen progress towards the final trial
prep stages of the decade long A3 civil case, whi... more »
The Century of Humiliation is Expansionist Baloney

This post takes a look at China's claim to the South China Sea and what it
teaches us about the whole idea of national humiliation that even
foreigners who should know better still use as if it explained something
about Chinese government policy. It is actually expansionist propaganda,
which presents Chinese expansionism as redress of victimization, as is
common among expansionists of all political stripes and nations.
I've shamelessly stolen a bunch of slides from Bill Hayton's presentation,
which is online here. As he introduces in another piece on the South China
Sea mess:
At t... more »
What Canadien Kids Want for Christmas?

The Sweater as a t shirt.
Collapse of The Post-WWI Middle East State System: Audio of New Yorker Panel
An excerpt from, *"The Political Scene: A Panel on the Middle East"* by The
New Yorker, October 16, 2014:
“The Middle East is coming apart in a way that, I think, is unprecedented,” Dexter
Filkins says on this week’s Political Scene, which was recorded live at The
New Yorker Festival last Sunday. Filkins was joined by Steve Coll, Robin
Wright, and Jon Lee Anderson for a panel discussion moderated by Evan Osnos
about their experiences covering the Middle East and the rise of extremism
in the region. ISIS represents a great threat to stability in Iraq and
Syria, but the panelists agre... more »
Musical Interlude: Graham Nash and David Crosby, “Wind On The Water”
*“Wind On The Water”*
by Graham Nash and David Crosby
"Over the years you have been hunted
by the men who threw harpoons,
And in the long run he will kill you
just to feed the pets we raise,
put the flowers in your vase,
and make the lipstick for your face.
Over the years you swam the ocean
Following feelings of your own,
Now you are washed up on the shoreline,
I can see your body lie,
It's a shame you have to die
to put the shadow on our eye.
Maybe we'll go,
Maybe we'll disappear,
It's not that we don't know,
It's just that we don't want to care.
Under the bridges,
Over the foam,
Wind on... more »
Exchange of letters in FT on status of Taiwan

*Burning off the fields*
This exchange of letters involves a couple of people I know spanking the
Chinese representative in the UK for promulgating annexation propaganda.
Nice work, people!
October 24, 2014
*It’s time for a bullying regime to step into the 21st century*
Sir, The letter about Taiwan (October 18) from Chinese embassy spokesman
Miao Deyu is textbook Chinese Communist party propaganda that cannot pass
First, the false assertion that Taiwan is “an inalienable part of China”.
It is clear from China’s own historical maps and ... more »
harper's cynical use of "terrorism"
First of all, if you haven't seen it already, I think Sabina Becker's take
on the recent murders of Canadian soldiers by mentally disturbed
individuals is bang-on:
Like this week. These past few days saw us “attacked” by two “terrorists”
who, it turns out, were something else altogether. One was a paranoid
schizophrenic; the other, a drug addict. But since both were Muslims, and
chose to attack and kill soldiers of the Canadian army, with a confused
mess of ISIL propaganda and madness roaring through their heads, they just
automatically got labelled as terrorists. As if they had flo... more »
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