Thursday, May 02, 2013

2 May - Blogs I'm Following

Maureen Dowd at Democratic Debate in Philadelp...Maureen Dowd at Democratic Debate in Philadelphia, PA April 16, 2008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
[New York Bank Note Co. notice]  (LOC)[New York Bank Note Co. notice] (LOC) (Photo credit: The Library of Congress)
The Nasutitermes corniger termite ... Savage t...The Nasutitermes corniger termite ... Savage termites are the latest species to plague Florida (8 May 2012) ...item 3.. No big storms, but Florida property insurance costs still rise (12:03 AM, Jan 2, 2013) ... (Photo credit: marsmet526)
Nuclear weapon test Mike (yield 10.4 Mt) on En...Nuclear weapon test Mike (yield 10.4 Mt) on Enewetak Atoll. The test was part of the Operation Ivy. Mike was the first hydrogen bomb ever tested, an experimental device not appropriate for use as a weapon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ufoufo (Photo credit: leggion)
10:48am MDST

Mohawk Nation News 'Indigenous Preparedness' at CENSORED NEWS - 1 minute ago
INDIGENOUS PREPAREDNESS Posted on May 2, 2013 MNN. May 1, 2013. Theft of our Indigenous resources is the cause of war. Some of us are standing up to it. All of us resisting together will end war. A big danger for the bankers is that the people will come to the Indigenous way and support the protection of natural resources. In the bankers’ pursuit of world domination the

Top Secret Memo: U.S. Govt Admits UFO Subject is Most Highly Classified in U.S. Rated Higher Than the Hydrogen Bomb

Brian Kelly at AMERICAN KABUKI - 17 minutes ago
*Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Day 4: U.S. Govt Admits UFO Subject is Most Highly Classified in US Rated Higher Than the Hydrogen Bomb* May 2, 2013 This is some of the best testimony I've seen so far. *"UFOs to be "the most highly classified subject in the United States. Flying saucers exist." *It doesn't get much more in your face than that! ~BK Link to Huffington Post article here. It's international day at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD), in Washington, D.C., in which several individuals, including military personnel, will present testimony of UFO encounters in ... more »

Two Random Things

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 18 minutes ago
Almost a decade ago, I spoke to a group of socialist academics and activists. I said that if we were to move forward we needed to come up with something big but nevertheless doable with the political system as we know it. I proposed utilizing small-l liberal values about democracy and human rights to begin campaigning for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing liberal rights of citizenship (including freedom of speech, assembly) of workers within their workplaces. It's rather developed and I've discussed it elsewhere (to no effect!) so you're free to read about it here or at enm... more »

We’ve been right about this too!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 22 minutes ago
*THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2013* *We’ll grant you, it does no good:* Right from the start, for many years, we’ve warned you about Maureen Dowd. Make no mistake! Dowd has been very influential over the past twenty years. Back in 1992, Katherine Boo warned the world about the insipid trend she described as “Creeping Dowdism.” Boo’s detailed warning was ignored. The simpering dumbness Boo denounced has very much taken hold in the mainstream press. This has been a disaster for modern pseudo-journalism. We’ve endlessly warned you about this matter. We’ll grant you, it does no good. Public edi... more »

UFO Sighting Moon Caught by Amateur Astronomer

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 28 minutes ago

Stephanie Miller avoided the truth!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 33 minutes ago
*THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2013* *This is the way the guild works:* Over at the New York Times, Gail Collins had been off for three weeks. This morning, she returned with her first column since April 13. Needless to say, she wrote her column about “The Luv Guv.” With three full weeks to dream up a topic, she wrote her column about Mark Sanford, his fiancĂ©e and his wife. The Times has insulted you in this way for a great many years. This brings us to a striking segment we saw on CNN. Not that many people were watching, but a problem was clearly defined. Erin Burnett teased last night’s seg... more »

FILM / Michael Simmons : How Bob Fass Revolutionized Late-Night Radio

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 33 minutes ago
Bob Fass in the WBAI studios in New York. Photo by, yes, Bob Fass. Photos courtesy Radio Unnameable. Radio Unnameable: Bob Fass revolutionized late-night radio Fass and 'Cabal' changed history and deserve the credit and Lovelace and Wolfson have provided the first in-depth cinematic look. It resonates like an epic tale with the hero emerging as a long-shot survivor. By Michael Simmons /

sweet dreams

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 46 minutes ago

Dirty coal wants Navajo water, and reporters are helping the cause at CENSORED NEWS - 57 minutes ago
By Brenda Norrell Power lines on Navajoland take electricity to the Southwest Censored News  May 2, 2013 The Salt River Project has not signed the Navajo Generating Station lease signed by the Navajo Nation. SRP wants the Navajo rights to the Little Colorado River water for the future, and SRP does not want to pay the amounts in the lease to the Navajo Nation to

Why Democrats Lost the FAA Fight, and What They Should Do Next Time

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 1 hour ago
I have a new column out over at TAP on the FAA fight: Here’s what Democrats should have done, and should be ready to do next time that a Republicans object to a specific program cut...Democrats should collect all of their sequestration complaints: Head Start, Meals on Wheels, and on and on. Next time Republicans squawk about a terrible spending cut (maybe to defense contracts?), Senate Democrats should immediately rush a bill to the floor to satisfy the Republican complaint along with a similar-sized Democratic objection. And they should satisfy those complaints, but not by giving a... more »

Iraq’s Protest Movement And Insurgency Split About Response To Hawija Raid

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 hour ago
Iraq has been beset by a new wave of violence following the raid upon protesters in Hawija in Tamim province. On April 23, 2013, security forces entered the protest camp in the town looking for the assailants who attacked a checkpoint four days beforehand that left one soldier dead and three wounded. That resulted in 30 people being killed, and dozens more wounded. Immediately afterward there were retaliatory attacks across northern and western Iraq. The Baathist Naqshibandi group took responsibility for many of these operations. That insurgent movement and others have been trying... more »

Kristin Moe : Polluted Houston Neighborhood Draws the Line at Tar Sands

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 hour ago
Children from the Manchester neighborhood in Houston with oil refinery smokestack in the background. Photo by Tar Sands Blockade. Photo by Tar Sands Blockade / YES! Magazine. Houston's most polluted neighborhood draws the line at Alberta Tar Sands East Texas is the belly of the beast: the heart of America’s oil country and the seat of power for the fossil fuels industry. By Kristin Moe /

Belief in biblical end-times stifling climate change action in U.S. – ‘The Earth will end only when God declares it to be over’

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 hour ago
[image: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1887. Graphic: via] By Eric W. Dolan 1 May 2013 (The Raw Story) – The United States has failed to take action to mitigate climate change thanks in part to the large number of religious Americans who believe the world has a set expiration date. Research by David C. Barker of the University of Pittsburgh and David H. Bearce of the University of Colorado uncovered that belief in the biblical end-times was a motivating factor behind resistance to curbing climate change. “[T]he fact ... more »

5/2 Protest ALEC TODAY - Education on ALEC Tomorrow

2old2care at Because I Can - 1 hour ago
From TeamsterNationThursday, May 2, 2013Stand up to ALEC in Oklahoma Working families in Oklahomaare standing up to ALEC and their state lawmakers today to march for the middle class. ALEC(the American Legislative Exchange Council) will hold its annual meeting today and tomorrow in the Oklahoma capitol. Teamsters, other unions, working families, politicians and labor leaders will be there to tell Oklahomans what ALEC is really about. . March info: What: March for the Middle Class and Working Family Rally *When: 4-8 p.m., Thursday, May 2, 2013* Where: Coca-Cola Event Center, 425... more »

Occupy Tarsands Pipeline Routes at CENSORED NEWS - 1 hour ago
Click image to enlarge The oil moguls don't care if there are a few leaks, spills, ruptures, fires and explosions along the tar sands pipeline routes. Why should they care, as long as they are getting huge subsidies from the USA and Canada? When that horrible tar sands rupture occurred in Mayflower, Arkansas, Exxon didn't even stop transporting that poisonous stuff through the


Anon at aangirfan - 1 hour ago
*Syria * Paul Wood has talked to Syrian revolutionaries who have deserted the Free Syrian Army in outrage at the atrocities the rebels are committing against ordinary people. *Syria* According to the BBC's Paul Wood, in the UK's Spectator magazine, *the Free Syrian Army has fallen prey to gangsters and fanatics* * * *The Fxxx Syria Army* Douglas Murray in the Spectator writes that *if there was ever a time to intervene in Syria, it has passed* "What good opposition elements there were have been killed, have fallen away or otherwise become insignificant... *Syria.* "By now eve... more »

WSJ: "Norway Orders BP to Review Safety"

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 hour ago
By K. M. Hovland (2013, April 30) The Wall Street Journal, p. B6 [Excerpted] Norway's Petroleum Safety Authority ordered BP PLC to review its management systems for the second time in two years after concluding that serious safety breaches caused a North Sea leak that could have turned into a major accident.... [end] Majia here: BP has an incredibly bad track record of safety, lies, and assaults against public health: 1. *Majia's Blog*: *BP* Trying to Avoid All Future Liabilities from Gulf Oil Spill *majiasblog*.*blogspot*.com/2011/07/*bp*-trying-to-avoid-all-future.html‎ ... more »

The Human Costs of School “Reform”

John Thompson at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 1 hour ago
A study by Elaine Weiss and Don Long of the Bolder Broader Approach shows that the corporate school “reform” experiment has claimed to have raised student achievement but that those gains evaporate upon close examination. A previous post, “The Benefits (and Costs) of ‘Reform’ in Three Cities,” discussed their “Market-Oriented Education Reforms’ Rhetoric Trumps Reality,” [...]

THE PROFESSORIATE FAILS US AGAIN: What made Reinhart and Rogoff tick?

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 hour ago
*THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2013* *Part 3— Three unflattering portraits:* Why didn’t *other* ranking professors check Reinhart and Rogoff’s work? Beats us! In early 2010, the Harvard professors unveiled a study which “instantly became famous.” According to Paul Krugman, “it was, and is, surely the most influential economic analysis of recent years.” Gack! Reinhart and Rogoff’s famous paper was widely used to promote economic austerity policies. Meanwhile, some people had doubts, right from the start, about the professors’ findings. But doggone it! No one asked the professors to share their ... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 2 hours ago
*Six members of the newly created Green Shadow Cabinet gathered at the anti-drone conference in Syracuse, New York last weekend. Front row from left: Howie Hawkins, Dr. Margaret Flowers, Col. Ann Wright, David Swanson. Back row: Keven Zeese, and Bruce Gagnon* **It was a real surprise and honor for me to be invited to serve as Secretary of Space in the Green Shadow Cabinet. (I joked that I will have the largest area of responsibility and travel to deep space will take years at a time.) Dr. Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala, the 2012 Green Party presidential and vice-presidential nominee... more »

Props thundering away

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 2 hours ago
Off from the airstrip in Repulse Bay and on to Coral Harbour:

Testing Crashes in Indiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Minnesota

Jim Horn at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 2 hours ago
If Common Core Corporate Standards are to survive and thus fulfill their function as defining what is thinkable and unthinkable in school, then more tests, many more tests, will be required to assure everyone is keeping his thoughts inside the bubbles. I am gratified to see the system already breaking down before it can even [...]

Iraq’s Women’s Weight Lifting Team Prepares For Championship in Qatar, April 2013

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 2 hours ago
Amidst all the violence taking place in Iraq recently, many citizens are still able to go about their business. These pictures show the Iraqi female weight lifting team preparing in a gym in Baghdad’s Sadr City for the Asian Championship scheduled to take place in Qatar in May 2013. All photos by Reuters.

Wonky Wankers

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 2 hours ago
Oh, no! A randomized controlled trial reveals that when a small group of poor people get medical insurance because they won a lottery, they don't instantaneously shed their ravaged, neglected bodies and become pictures of robust good health overnight. The wonkosphere is going nuts. Pseudoliberals worry that the "bombshell" results of an Oregon controlled study on insured and uninsured poor people could put a damper on Obamacare's Medicaid expansion. Republican nihilists are crowing "we told you so" -- you give a bunch of takers gummint health care and they still get sick, so why wa... more »

ALEC Legislators: Manipulating of the Free-market

2old2care at Because I Can - 2 hours ago
All morining I have been thinking - - - Today in OKC at the ALEC meeting MONEY IS SPEECH and CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE LAWMAKERS/LEGISLATORS Whenever you think of American Legislative Exchange Council legislative members, envision them as pirates, plundering public tax dollars doing whatever they deem necessary for their for-profit ALEC corporate buddies. The corporate buddies that they are meeting with today - secretly, behind closed doors in OKC - both of them, legislators *&* corporations - writing and voting on new ALEC legislation. The corporate buddies that they a... more »

National Day of Prayer, Political Science Edition

amurdie at Duck of Minerva - 2 hours ago
Of the 6 churches I passed on my way to the office this morning, 3 reminded me that today is National Day of Prayer. In the spirit of the day, I’m following my Grandmother-in-Law’s advice and suggesting that we all pray for our enemies.[1] Here’s my list: Reviewer 2. Thanks for the suggestions! XOXO Continue reading

Highlights from At the Chalk Face, 6PM EST every Sunday, #blogtalkradio

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 2 hours ago
To the reader and listener out there. When we bring you the radio show every Sunday at 6PM EST, know that we work hard to bring you the stories and people in education that mainstream sources ignore. We call all of the people with whom we speak friends. They fight with all of us to [...]

Nazis ‘shipped arms to Palestinians’ - Israel News, Ynetnews

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 3 hours ago
If anyone is surprised by this then they really haven't been paying much attention...,7340,L-3248081,00.html

Sub-Criticalities in Daiichi Water Storage Pools?

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 3 hours ago
Are sub-criticalities occurring in Tepco Daiichi's water storage pools or at some other location at the plant? Major steam/smoke release Black tendrils FROM THE GROUND envelope the plant For though I walk through the darkest valley Majia here: I know Tepco’s been having trouble with the spent fuel pool cooling *Fukushima nuclear plant's cooling system g... more »

Read Stuff, You Should

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 3 hours ago
Happy Birthday to Jo Ann Pflug, 73. To the good stuff: 1. Aaron Carroll and Austin Frakt go in depth on yesterday's Oregon Medicaid study. I screwed this up in the Roundup at Greg's place last night, and I shouldn't have. The initial spin was that the study showed no health benefits (while also showing substantial financial benefits) from Medicaid, but that's an incorrect reading. It does show some benefits, but mainly the evidence is inconclusive -- and it's not clear, Carroll and Frakt explain, that the study was able to actually reach conclusions on health outcomes. And at any r... more »

Someone said it again, school closures are racist

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 3 hours ago
And folks are going to keep saying it. Filed under: CHALK FACE: General News & Commentary Tagged: closures, Duncan, racism, usde

ALEC Eviscerates FoIA / Open Records

2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
Since ALEC, through their most current actions, has effectively destroyed the presumption that ALEC's records/correspondence with OUR state legislators are public - we can therefore surmise that ALEC state legislators now believe that they WORK FOR ALEC. First of all – let me put this out there. * * *Elected officials serve at the will of the people.* That being said – any elected official – in fact, any employee in the US - has no reasonable expectation of privacy – while in the workplace. AND That being said – any elected official – has no reasonable expectation of privacy – whe... more »

Doctor Who "The Silence" Shirt

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 3 hours ago
[image: The Silence Shirt] I have a confession to make. I am a huge Doctor Who fan. If you know me in person, it isn't much of a secret. As I sit here typing this I am wearing a Tardis sweatshirt over a t-shirt that proclaims that "Bow Ties are Cool." All of this is being watched over by the army of Doctor Who Lego figures that sit by my computer. It is a little bit of an obsession, that involves slipping into a British accent and wishing I had Converse to wear. My husband doesn't understand the Whovian side of me, but he politely tolerates it and only slightly rolls his eyes when ... more »

When Democrats Go Bad

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
Are you getting dozens of donor letters from Democrats again? Another phony-baloney deadline plea... do they come every other week now? They're starting to clog up my e-mail box. I delete most of them without looking but Tuesday I got one from a freshman I had contributed to in the past. She's been a lousy representative-- with a dismal ProgressivePunch crucial vote score of 40.0-- tied with a handful of conservatives down in Blue Dog territory. But she-- unlike any of them-- ran as a progressive. 40.0 is unbelievably bad. Boehner's biggest Democratic supporters in the House, John... more »

Scientists In Chains

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 3 hours ago
Melissa Mancini, over at the Huffington Post, has documented Stephen Harper's war on science. Consider the record: - Environment Canada put out 71 news releases in 2012, compared with 110 in 2005, a decrease of more than 35 per cent. - The Department of Fisheries and Oceans put out 128 news releases in 2012, compared with 243 in 2005, a decrease of 47 per cent - The National Research Council put out 14 news releases in 2012, versus 33 in 2005, a decrease of 58 per cent - Natural Resources Canada put out 154 news releases in 2012, compared with 176 in 2005, a... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 4 hours ago
*Third time no charm as Bill to repeal Louisiana's 'Faith-in-God Science Act' FAILS* *"Restoration" Projects Announced: BP Boondoggles Beginning? ~Aaron Viles* *Ransomware virus impersonates FBI, locks up computers across New Orleans ~Jennifer Hale* *Mayor Landrieu vetoes food truck ordinance, citing legal concerns ~Dominic Massa* *~Vendors still have hope despite veto of new food truck ordinance ~Tania Dall* *Where To Eat Fries in New Orleans, Reader Decided ~Gwendolyn Knapp* *New Orleans Puppet Festival This Sunday ~Katie Walenter* *Review: Hugh Laurie proves his musical w... more »

That figures.....staged bombing, fake bomb detector and crisis actors faking as severed limbs bomb victims

Jason Leewig at Our Manmade Disasters - 4 hours ago
20130212 (drafted) 20130502 (updated) For years we had been warning about fake safety first policies aka SAFETY FRAUD. We had seen safety in form but not safety in practices in many industries all over the world. Selling safety is a much better business than ENRON selling energy which they don't have. If the accident or disaster did not happen, well fine and good. Nothing tested and the vendor of the fake "safety" device such fake bomb detector, continues to rake in millions in unscrupulous profits, thousands of times over the actual production cost. The customers feel happy not... more »

Innovative smart RFID-enabled paper

*US scientists have developed a method to embed radio frequency detection chips on to paper that they say is faster, cheaper and offers wider applications than current methods. *The patent-pending technology uses laser beams energy to exactly move the ultra-thin chips. Antennas are also fixed with the same method. The method could be used to prevent fraud as well as supply a new sense to the term paper trail. The findings are presented at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers conference on RFID in Orlando, Florida... more »

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 4 hours ago
The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure being held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. is now half order and I’m astonished at the abuse thrown by those not in attendance and the press seeking out the few who are members of the lunatic fringe. I have heard, repeatedly, about two who showed up wearing headbands with crystals but I never saw them (other than in a newspaper photo), and I have seen references to tinfoil hats which are not in evidence. On the flip side, I see people smeared by association, called out because their views don’t match those of others, or something... more »

OR Charter School Terrorizes Teachers - Should be Sued

2old2care at Because I Can - 4 hours ago
Charter School Terror .... Charter School - For profit Entity Would this have happened in a REAL PUBLIC School - not on your life. Cammie DeCastro, principal of the Pine Eagle Charter School in Halfway, Ore., admits that the plan she had to protect her school from an armed gunman is in tatters after two masked men stormed in and appeared to open fire on a meeting room full of teachers last Friday, The Oregonian reports. Luckily, the bullets were rubber, the gunmen were school staffers, students were not in the building that day, and the whole thing was a drill. But the teachers we... more »

ALEC - Parasite Sucking Democracy Out of the US

2old2care at Because I Can - 4 hours ago
The ALEC Annual Task Force Summit starts today in Oklahoma City. Found an excellent entry this morning that is well worth your time to read and enjoy. The whole thing is found *>>>HERE<<<* *ALEC Holds Annual Meeting in OKC, Looms Menacingly Over Flyover Country* By Pearl On May 1, 2013 · Leave a Comment This Machine Kills The Poor Tomorrow and Friday, the overpowered copy-machine known as ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) will hold their large annual task force meeting in Oklahoma City. You might expect that such legislation would be mostly fiscal in nature, dealing w... more »

Bo SingDong

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 8 hours ago
It appears that this purge in the Chinese Communist Party will be in slow motion as they systematically round up those who matter and put them through an actual trial. Such a process working its way down will stiffen Chinese morality for a long time. It is actually a huge reformation that will ultimately cleanse Chinese society itself in quite the same way Nazism was scoured out of Germany. That Bo has abandoned false hope and actively working to save his life is a huge victory for the present leadership. In the meantime, his faction can surely be blamed for the aggres... more »

Prowling Deposit Confiscation with Ellen Brown

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 8 hours ago
The problem is simple. Deposit taking institutions must not carry a significant derivative portfolio whatsoever and that portfolio must be publicly disclosed as to exposure. This allows depositors to judge their real exposure which is the second problem. Banks today have abandoned their risk adverse position and now present real depositor risk. During the present clean up phase we have been going through, these rules have been set aside. This must now end if we are to expect independent depositors to be comfortable again. The good news is that mortgage lending is now ... more »

Man With Hole in Stomach Revolutionized Medicine

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 8 hours ago
This reminds us of the power of one carefully documented case study. This is a nice bit of historical research now been seen in perspective that informs us of its importance. In the same way, recent survival of CPR assisted heart attack victims are now changing all our protocols for that particular event. Both inform doctors to not give up quite so quickly, however tempting. I suspect that the stomach wall finally grew back together over time and actually closed of the wound as he made it into old age and heavy work. *Man With Hole in Stomach Revolutionized Medici... more »

Blocking HIV Reservoirs

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 8 hours ago
This is a huge step closer to eliminating the HIV virus. We know the key protein and we know that we have to turn it of to win. This is at least a clear pathway. The disease itself is now well controlled but certainly not cured. Eliminating these reservoirs opens the door to an outright cure. This will ultimately be described as one of the greatest battles in medical science but also one of the most productive in terms of new science. I do think that we are in the homestretch with HIV. This is not the only route now. *Discovery may help prevent HIV 'reservoirs' f... more »

texas photos may 2013

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 8 hours ago

Labor Econ 12: Wallace, Lenin, Stalin, Mao

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 8 hours ago
No, no, no. Peter Wallace does not advocate the same things as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. Peter of the Wallace Business Forum, is an Australian businessman and consultant who has lived in the Philippines for nearly four decades now, has a Filipino wife and kids, and advocates market-oriented reforms in the economy. I did not feel like writing another paper on Labor Day yesterday as I have written several papers on labor economics already. So I am reposting Peter's article in the Inquirer today. I share his ideas on this subject. ---------- *Like It Is* *May Day... more »

Euro Collapse Update: 'Get out if you still can'... (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 8 hours ago
Link: The slow-motion implosion of Europe and its Euro-Zone still continuous. *"The Pantheon of Idiots"* (see clip) that tries to 'govern' this tiny area of the globe (ever noticed?) still follows the German Kanzler Mrs. Angela Merkel into the mutual abyss. The German "System", a worn out decadent politico-industrial master-slave system that doesn't fit any other country on this planet, should be applied to all Europea nation-states? Even if it is corrupt? German euro-imperialism isn't going to make it, Farage believes and so do I. But even in Germany a ... more »

Two dark matter papers

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 9 hours ago
When it comes to the existence of dark matter, I have two news – good and bad. Let me begin with the bad news. We often discuss provoking statements by some of the dark matter direct search experiments that claim that they see evidence of a dark matter particle under the ground. But there's still one staunch experiment in the "Dark Matter Is Not Seen" axis of the dark matter wars that refuses all these claims, XENON100 (soon to be upgraded to XENON1T: yes, the numbers stand for 100 kilograms and 1 ton of liquid xenon). The latest exclusion plot described in this paper (click) is rat... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 9 hours ago
*Chechnyans* * * The 'Boston Bombers' are from a part of Russia called Chechnya. The CIA used the bank called BCCI to fund the Islamic terrorists in the Russian regions of Chechnya and Dagestan. On the board of directors of BCCI were the CIA's William Casey and the CIA's Richard Helms On the board of directors of BCCI was Adnan Khashoggi, the representative of Saudi Bin Laden Group in the USA. *Ricin, Diamonds, and Stingers - Dissident Voice-30 Apr 2013* *DUDAYEV, former Chechen president. The CIA is reported to have used bin Laden and al Qaeda against the Russians in Chechnya.* ... more »

May Day 2013

Batocchio at Vagabond Scholar - 10 hours ago
Happy May Day! A couple of links: Democracy Now covers the Bangladesh factory collapse that killed over 400 people. A demonstration was held today. Erik Loomis weighs in on Bangladesh and the Texas factory explosion, and also passes on some useful links.

EU Lifts Oil Embargo on Syria - Buys Directly from Al Qaeda

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 10 hours ago
Western media hails EU oil deal as potential game changer, despite admitting Al Qaeda holds oil fields. *May 2, 2013* (LD) - It was recently reported that the European Union would be lifting its oil embargo on Syria, in an effort to help fund what it calls "rebels" operating there. In the Associated Press article, "EU lifts Syria oil embargo to bolster rebels," it states: The European Union on Monday lifted its oil embargo on Syria to provide more economic support to the forces fighting to oust President Bashar Assad's regime. The decision will allow for crude exports from rebel-... more »

$3.1-billion : Now is the time to commit accounting

Alison at Creekside - 11 hours ago
*The Sixth Estate : Who is the Auditor General Protecting on $3 Billion Boondoggle?* * *Auditor General Michael Ferguson on As It Happens yesterday : "... or maybe in fact it was spent on things other than the public, uh, the anti-terrorism-type initiatives. Now there was also the ability for government, for departments, to get approval to re-allocate some of the funding so that could have been part of the story as well." So $3.1-billion, nearly 25% of the Public Security and Anti-Terrorism Initiative, was perhaps re-allocated and spent on "things other than the anti-terrorism ini... more »

Your moment of Zen

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 11 hours ago
Here there be dragon trees.

May 1, 1973

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 12 hours ago
Two pieces of news on this day, the day after Nixon finally let his top two staff members and his Attorney General go and fired John Dean. The Senate unanimously adopted a resolution, sponsored by liberal Republican Charles Percy calling for a special prosecutor. And Nixon was shocked to find the FBI had sealed off the offices of Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, at the orders of new White House Counsel Leonard Garment. Haldeman, Ambrose tells us, had comes to his old office to start preparing for his appearances before the grand jury and the Senate Watergate Committee, but an FBI ... more »

The Realist Report with John Friend

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 12 hours ago
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Mike Delaney of ** and *TruTube.TV* and Scott Roberts of **. We'll be discussing a variety of topics in what will be a fairly laid back informal conversation. Calls will be taken throughout the program. You can download the entire program *here*, or subscribe to the American Nationalist Network via iTunes *here*. Thanks for listening everyone!

Thursday Morning Linkage

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 12 hours ago
Here is your Thursday Morning Linkage. Back on the Africa theme from a couple of weeks ago, here are some good reads from the week: More reports on the elephant poaching crisis in CAR Last rhinos in Mozambique killed by poachers with the help of park rangers; time for Kruger fences to come back up Alex Continue reading

It’s called a constitution

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 12 hours ago
Already, in the first 100 days of his second term, the Prez is discovering that even in its current state a constitutional republic is not quite yet a dictatorship. Which is the real point of having a written constitution, right? Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at

Time to sleep

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 12 hours ago

Tick, Tick, Tick... Will The GOP Actually Lose A South Carolina House Seat In Less Than A Week?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
I suspect that Rand Paul was less reluctant about following Papa Paul in endorsing habitually dishonest South Carolina philanderer Mark Sanford than I was in endorsing Elizabeth Colbert Busch. After all, he's more of a party hack than I am and, after all again, the Tea Party Establishment has rallied 'round Sanford after opposing him in the primary. Tuesday the Koch brothers' FreedomWorks, one of the groups Rand is dependent on, got on board. GOP congressional candidate Mark Sanford was formally endorsed Tuesday by Sen. Rand Paul, a Tea Party favorite whose support could help in... more »

Art Transforms “Failing” School in Roxbury MA

freetoteach at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 12 hours ago
There’s always so much talk about what can we do to replace the high stakes standardized tests. I am so tired of hearing the same old conversation about what might replace this disastrous policy. Yet, once again, a school proves that children can be motivated, inspired and ready to learn by introducing them to the [...]

Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago Wednesday, May 1, 2013 *Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius* Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta While a purging of grief and a breakdown of old, restrictive, beliefs and systems is underway, simultaneously, beams of energy are being sent in to not only support, but also replenish the structure as a whole. This goes for everything - the world at large and ourselves as individuals. Picture it this way: An implosion is underway inside of us and energetic pieces are flying off. But at the precise moment a piece leaves, a beam of light is shot ... more »

One gay rainbow does not a mayoralty make

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 14 hours ago
It’s astonishing how quickly Maurice Wimpianson’s star has risen. From a bumbling politician sacked by his leader and unsure which way is up to a man everyone wants to talk up. It seems one big gay rainbow and the charming inability to pronounce the word “celibacy” was enough to give him delusions of adequacy, catapulting him to international fame and, now, a tilt at the Auckland mayoralty. The only good thing about that is that i she he won he would leave parliament. That’s the *only* good thing. Why do I say that? Well, as I see it the biggest problem facing Auckland is not ma... more »

New York Field Testing- the madness is not over.

Chris Cerrone at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 15 hours ago
New York Parents, Field testing is coming to your child’s school soon. If your child is in grades 3-8 they just finished 6 days of grueling assessments, yet NYSED and Pearson expect your child to waste more time in test mode. High School students are also impacted with field testing, taking away valuable time as [...]

RAG RADIO / Thorne Dreyer : Pedro Gatos and Val Liveoak on Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Global South

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 15 hours ago
From left, Pedro Gatos, Rag Radio's Thorne Dreyer, and Val Liveoak, in the studios of KOOP-FM in Austin, Texas, Friday, April 26, 2013. Photo by Roger Baker / The Rag Blog. Rag Radio podcast: Pedro Gatos and Val Liveoak on changes in Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Global South We discuss the legacy of Hugo Chavez, the state of the Cuban revolution, the landmark genocide trials in Guatemala, and the

Documentary: GODSPEED TAIWAN, Friday 3 pm

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago
This was passed around... *++++++++++++++++++++* The new documentary GODSPEED TAIWAN pursues the complicated -- and often controversial -- issue of Taiwanese politics through interviews with top politicians in Taiwan, the US and Japan. Los Angeles-based production company Gatling Pictures has created the first international documentary in more than a decade to look Taiwan’s history of martial law and its uncertain political future. Interviewees include former Taiwanese president Lee Teng-hui, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, US congressional representatives, media mogul Jimmy Lai, filmmake... more »

Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Alpha”; "Where We Make Our Stand" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
Vangelis, “Alpha” - • *"Where We Make Our Stand"* "Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor... more »

Another Message from Off World

Sophia at AMERICAN KABUKI - 15 hours ago
Another message today, with some more information about disclosure and this weeks hearing: *“Sophia, here is a deeper understanding of this event. * *What is always interesting is how "the most sacred wish when fulfilled is unnoticed". But this is the way the Universe was created;) * *Much Peace and Love to You!” * ... more »

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
“This huge ball of stars predates our Sun. Long before humankind evolved, before dinosaurs roamed, and even before our Earth existed, ancient globs of stars condensed and orbited a young Milky Way Galaxy. Of the 200 or so globular clusters that survive today, Omega Centauri is the largest, containing over ten million stars. Omega Centauri is also the brightest globular cluster, at apparent visual magnitude 3.9 it is visible to southern observers with the unaided eye. * Click image for larger size.* Cataloged as NGC 5139, Omega Centauri is about 18,000 light-years away and 150 ... more »

More than Technology

John Carroll at Dying in Haiti - 15 hours ago
Our View: A life-saving moment for Hannah, and a landmark for Peoria - Peoria, IL -… — John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) May 1, 2013

The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Have You Ever Tried to Enter the Long Black Branches?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
* "Have You Ever Tried to Enter the Long Black Branches?"* "Have you ever tried to enter the long black branches of other lives- tried to imagine what the crisp fringes, full of honey, hanging from the branches of the young locust trees, in early morning, feel like? Do you think this world was only an entertainment for you? Never to enter the sea and notice how the water divides with perfect courtesy, to let you in! Never to lie down on the grass, as though you were the grass! Never to leap to the air as you open your wings over the dark acorn of your heart! No wonder we hear,... more »

More REAL History Revealed: The TRUTH About The Origins Of World War II - The Unexpected Views Of Four Key Diplomats Who Were Close To The Events

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 15 hours ago
As a student of true history, I have long said that the so called "History" that has been shoved down into our brains in the false and fraudulent so called "education system" is nothing more than a pack of lies... These lies have been done on purpose by criminals who want to keep us unaware of our real history, and as a method of giving us a false history to believe in. The purpose of the false history is only to help these same criminals as they now push for their ultimate aim of world domination... And our enslavement as a result! I have long studied the facts behind the greatest... more »

Man, these wacko VA Republicrooks should be easy pickings for . . . oh, Terry McAuliffe -- never mind!

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
*Is Cuckoo Ken trying to tank this election?* What spell was cast by businessman Jonnie R. Williams Sr. to induce forgetfulness and truth-shading from Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell and the man who would succeed him, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II? What powers of alchemy does Mr. Williams, a major campaign donor, possess that prompted those two officials, the state's most powerful elected Republicans, to flagrantly disregard Virginia's already flimsy disclosure laws? *-- the start of a Washington Post editorial,* "Virginia's deepening scandal" *by Ken* You don't normally l... more »

Paulo Coelho, "The Seagull and the Mouse" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
*"The Seagull and the Mouse"* by Paulo Coelho "A seagull was flying over a beach in the Black Sea when it saw a mouse. It swooped down from the skies and asked the rodent, “Where are your wings?” Each of them spoke a different language, and the mouse did not understand what the seagull said, but did notice that the animal standing before it had two big strange things emerging from its body. “It must suffer from some disease,” whispered the mouse. The seagull noticed that the mouse was staring at its wings and said quietly, “Poor thing! It was attacked by monsters that left i... more »

Chet Raymo, “The End of Vernaculars” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
*“The End of Vernaculars”* by Chet Raymo “In the early 1770s, East Tennessee was a tinderbox waiting to explode into warfare. Settlers and traders from the Carolinas and Virginia were moving into the country of the Cherokees. Some leaders of the tribe had been invited to Charleston, and had even visited London. They were well aware of the overwhelming material and technological superiority of the Europeans. For these tribal elders, resistance to the whites seemed futile; better to make the best deals one could manage and get on with it. The young warriors, however, were not so... more »

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Know your history

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 16 hours ago
“Australian Football is the oldest football code in the world. The first set of rules were writ in May 1859, predating soccer and rugby by four years.” - Earl O’Neill, The Footy Almanac Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at

The Most Honest And Truthful Video I Have Seen In A While... Believe It Or Not, It Comes From The Mainstream Media!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 16 hours ago
I am on the road to recovery... I have been taking some extra time off recently to fight off this horrendous virus that has been knocking me for a loop.... I have missed work, been at home sick, and have been listless and coughing up a storm.... But it does appear that finally it is beginning to vacate my body, and I can safely say (now) that I am getting better... I sincerely want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding... I came across this video just today, thanks to my great friend, Noor, who writes the blog: Snippits And Snappits at more »

FILM / Jonah Raskin : Robert Redford 'Keeps Company' with the Sixties Underground

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 16 hours ago
'The Company You Keep': Robert Redford's overambitious take on the Sixties underground He clearly wanted to make an epic about then and now, about Sixties radicals and their kids, and he couldn’t pull it off. By Jonah Raskin / The Rag Blog / May 1, 2013 The Company You Keep, released in December 2012, was directed by Robert Redford with a screenplay by Lem Dobbs based on the novel of the

"Singing To The Deer" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
* * *"Singing To The Deer"* by Patricia Monaghan “At solstice, the woods were bright in a snowy way, the sky pearl gray above the stately maples and gnarled burr oaks. An Alaskan marooned in the urban Midwest, it took me years to find this nearby patch of relatively undisturbed land where I can sense the power of wildness. Now I go there often, watching the seasons unfold their changeful unchanging patterns in the increasingly familiar forest. I especially like to walk among the sleeping trees in the half-lit silence of winter dawns. The trail I follow winds and twists, new patc... more »

"No Mercy..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
“People don’t have any mercy. They tear you limb from limb, in the name of love. Then, when you’re dead, when they’ve killed you by what they made you go through, they say you didn’t have any character. They weep big, bitter tears– not for you. For themselves, because they’ve lost their toy.” - James Baldwin, “Another Country”

Just one of those crazy accidents

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 16 hours ago
Story got such wide play, I wasn't going to talk about the five year old kid who killed his two year sister with his very own gun. Then I saw the marketing stats for "My First Rifle." They are available with different barrel and stock designs, including some made in hot pink to appeal to young girls. Business has boomed since the company's inception in 1996, according to its website. In its first year, it had four employees and produced 4,000 rifles for kids; by 2008 it had greatly expanded its operations, with 70 employees and an output of 60,000 rifles a year. Seriously. Sixty ... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
Loveland, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

"The Pig Farmer" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
* * *"The Pig Farmer"* by John Robbins "One day in Iowa I met a particular gentleman—and I use that term, gentleman, frankly, only because I am trying to be polite, for that is certainly not how I saw him at the time. He owned and ran what he called a “pork production facility.” I, on the other hand, would have called it a pig Auschwitz. The conditions were brutal. The pigs were confined in cages that were barely larger than their own bodies, with the cages stacked on top of each other in tiers, three high. The sides and the bottoms of the cages were steel slats, so that excremen... more »

Kierkegaard On Individualism [Plus Commentary By Abraham Joshua Heschel]

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 17 hours ago
Related: * * *Kierkegaard On Socratic Ignorance*. *Kierkegaard On "Man."** * *Kierkegaard On Socrates And The Immortality of The Soul.* *Kierkegaard On God's Love.* *Kierkegaard On Passion.* * Kierkegaard On Martyrs of Truth.* *Kierkegaard On Truth*. *Kierkegaard On The Difference Between "Popular" And "Philosophical."* *Kierkegaard On Religion And Doubt.* * Kierkegaard On Imagination.* *Kierkegaard On Objectivity And Subjectivity.** * *Kierkegaard - God Is Love.* *Kierkegaard On Man's Relation To God*. Below is an excerpt from, *"The Soul of Kierkegaard: Selections f... more »

"I'm Sure..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." "I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here." - Arthur C. Clarke

Our precious Bunni has crossed the Rainbow Bridge...w/ Update's 1 and 2

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 17 hours ago
*may God bless her and keep her in his loving arms. * *Update: * *Carol, proprietor of Amusing Bunni's Musings blog, passed away last Sunday from an aggressive cancer that was only diagnosed shortly before last Thanksgiving.* *I apologize to anyone who thought "Bunni" was, well - a bunny. On the other hand, Carol would find it amusing. ;-)* *Update 2:* *Opus, of American Perspective, has pictures given to her by Carol to be posted after her death. Our Bunni was not only beautiful on the inside, she was beautiful on the outside. * *RIP Bunni! * *You brought great joy, laug... more »

“Klingon Worlds” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*“Klingon Worlds”* by Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer, SETI Institute “The latest planets turned up by NASA's Kepler telescope are- like the kids in Lake Wobegon- gratifyingly above average. These new worlds offer both promise and insights, because they've got traits that are both appealing and mildly disconcerting. In the four years since its launch, Kepler has chalked up 122 new and confirmed planets. It's also caught the scent of nearly three thousand additional objects, of which probably 80 percent or more will turn out to be other-worldly orbs. Compare this track record... more »

Dine' Louise Benally: Greed, climate change and the dirty coal industry at CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
Louise Benally/Photo by Brenda Norrell By Brenda Norrell Censored News May 1, 2013 BIG MOUNTAIN, Ariz. -- The lease extension continuing the dirty coal industry on Navajoland comes as no surprise to Louise Benally, whose family has been resisting forced relocation and the genocide of Peabody Coal on Black Mesa since Peabody began destroying the earth and the health

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago

Here’s what separatism looks like up close

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 18 hours ago
*Iwi are taking the pot of taxpayers’ gold given them by Chris Finlayson et al and are now “exploring long-term autonomy”—Tuhoe for example, after their $170 million settlement, are looking at "**the possibilities that 'Mana Motuhake' opens up … to develop as its own nation in the decades to come**," or at least to “**eventually achieve something close to independence**."* *But what would this look like? And since Maori separatists with the ear of Government have been talking up ideas like iwi “self-rule” and “self-governance” for some time, isn’t it worth looking at how these th... more »

"Google’s Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*"Google’s Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets"* by Robert Scheer "A recent article in The Wall Street Journal by Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, “The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution,” makes for very scary reading. It is not so much because of what he and co-author Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, have to say about how dictators can use new information technology to suppress dissent; we know those guys are evil. What is truly frightening is that the techniques of the totalitarian state are the same ones pioneered by so-called democracies where co... more »

The Many Faces of NYSUT

antiqueteacher60 at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 18 hours ago
Reblogged from An Antique Teacher: I am really confused by NYSUT these days. A letter was printed in the Albany Times Union by the TEACHER OF THE YEAR whose face graces the cover of NYSUT UNITED. You can read his letter using this link: But, wait........isn't NYSUT planning a RALLY on June 8? Why yes, [...]

Bomb explodes in Dagestan. Russia. You know Boston Bombings???

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 18 hours ago
*Bomb explodes in busy shopping area of Dagestan* . Interesting timing? Considering the Boston false flag? Considering allegations of links between Boston patsy and Dagestan? Considering Russian round ups? Considering ‘resets’? Early warnings? Considering the already dead ( for nearly a year) Canadian man who is today being linked to Tsarnaev. He,William Plotnikov, who allegedly who went to Dagestan but was killed by Russian Security Forces while there? Considering Georgia and the fighters from Dagestan? Etc., Payback? Continued destabilization? Narrative Creation? You want options? We... more »

Obama Derangement Syndrome is destroying us

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 18 hours ago
The only surprise here is Sen. Pat Toomey was so explicit in admitting his fellow GOP Senators suffer from terminal ODS. He explains why the Manchin-Toomey admendment failed. "In the end it didn't pass because we're so politicized. There were some on my side who did not want to be seen helping the president do something he wanted to get done, just because the president wanted to do it," Toomey admitted on Tuesday in an interview with Digital First Media editors in the offices of the Times Herald newspaper in Norristown, Pa. This is not exactly news. It's been the publicly announced... more »

ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: The never-ending Euro crisis - Anatomy of an economic policy disaster

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 18 hours ago
[image: The never-ending Euro crisis - Anatomy of an economic...] *Here’s this week’s note from our friends at the **University of Auckland Economics Group** who are proud tonight to bring you a presentation by one of New Zealand's leading thinkers, Dr Oliver Hartwich of The New Zealand Initiative.* *About the event:* As the Euro crisis is now in its fourth year, policies to keep the common currency alive have become increasingly complex. The European Financial Stability Facility, the European Stability Mechanism, Longer Term Refinancing Operations, Fiscal Compacts and Banking Un... more »

the spinning dancer

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 18 hours ago
The Spinning Dancer appears to move both clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Yes, Ted Cruz Could Win the Presidency

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 18 hours ago
This morning's big story was Robert Costa's report that Ted Cruz is actively running for president. Well, no one says it that way, but it's how I think of it. In Josh Putnam's formulation, whether or not Cruz will be running *in* 2016, he is currently running *for* 2016 by doing all the things that he has to do right now to be a viable candidate going forward. At any rate, the early prognostication is that his chances are somewhere between slim and none. Jonathan Chait Dan Amira*, for example: What are Cruz's prospects for winning the GOP nomination in 2016, and then the presidency?... more »

Yellow Thunder Camp -- First Hand, First Year at CENSORED NEWS - 19 hours ago
Yellow Thunder Camp -- First Hand, First Year Copyright Scott Barta, Dakota Posted with permission at Censored News On April 4th, 1981 my favorite cousin, Ihanktunwan Hoksina "Yankton Boy" Greg Zephier, Sr., brought three Tipis (borrowed from brother Al who was on the Pierre Indian School Board) to Porcupine, SD on the Pine Ridge Lakota Sioux Reservation to take on

BBC News - Gatwick Airport: Controlled explosions carried out

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
Testing security systems? Trying to disrupt Gatwick without actually planting any explosives?

Stay of prosecution only proper to stop continuing or future abuse

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 19 hours ago
Antorisa Investments Ltd. v. Vaughan (City), 2013 ONCA 287 provides: The issue, however, was whether a stay of proceedings was the only remedy to address that abuse in accordance with the test set out by the Supreme Court of Canada most recently in *R. v. Nixon*, 2011 S.C.C. 34 at para. 42. As has repeatedly been said by the Supreme Court of Canada, a stay of proceedings is a prospective remedy; it is to protect against the abuse continuing to be manifest, perpetuated or aggravated through the conduct of the trial or by its outcome and when no other remedy is reasonably capable of... more »

Do The Millions Of Dollars In Bribes To Afghan Warlords Get Sequestered Too?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 19 hours ago
What do you know... the same cheerleaders for the disastrous war in Iraq, the endless, draining occupation of Afghanistan and the intervention in Libya are the very same people and special interests urging-- demanding-- that we attack Syria. Israeli dreams coming true! And believe me, Lindsey Graham and John McCain don't give a rat's ass that the new CBS/*NY Times*pollshows that the majority of Americans-- across the political spectrum-- don't want *anything* to do with the mess in Syria. Sixty-two percent of Americans continue to say the United States does not have a responsibili... more »

Holland has a new King and Queen - how they won our hearts (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 19 hours ago
link: During the evening of inauguration day (30 April 2013) with many festivities in Amsterdam a surprise took place: Link: Well-known DJ *Armin van Buuren*, performing with the likewise famous Dutch "Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra", unexpectedly got royal visitors on the royal inauguration day. The new Dutch *King William Alexander, Queen Maxima*and their children entered stage! Both King and Queen are very popular in The Netherlands. They are "close to the people" in a modernized monarchy. What you'll see in that movie can v... more »

Phil space

Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 19 hours ago
The latest from Cassini mission. Its spring in Saturn's northern hemisphere.

Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 19 hours ago
* * * * *Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin* by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. The recent opening of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity was a watershed moment in American history. There has never been anything quite like it. Ideologically diverse, the Ron Paul Institute reaches out to all Americans, and indeed to people all over the world, who find the spectrum of foreign-policy opinion in the United States to be unreasonably narrow. Until Ron Paul and his new institute, there was no resolutely anti-interventionist foreign-policy organization to be found. Neoconservati... more »

Hey Hamas supporters, do you support this?

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 20 hours ago
National Post reports this rather nasty news. News that the usual Hamas supporters and apologists that I debate with would rather wasn't made public as it rather queers their claim that Hamas are misunderstood and really rather cuddly, not Islamist terrorists. 'It is three weeks since his arrest, but Ismail Halou still has streaks of purple bruising on the soles of his feet. The 22-year-old was filling cars at his family’s petrol station in Gaza City at 5 p.m. on April 4 when a black jeep pulled into the forecourt and police stepped out to order him into the car. He was blindfolded ... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 20 hours ago
Pistol Packing Pandas | Facebook. The internet has been used to expose false flag operations. The internet has been used by the CIA to promote its propaganda. *Google's Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen.* CIA Money Launched Google What happens next? *Google's Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen* have written* "The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business." * *Engine of humanity: 'The New Digital Age' - - Financial Times* Pistol Packing Pandas | Facebook. *According to Schmidt and Cohen:* 1. Most people are moderates and the internet allows moderates to w... more »

to thine own self be true

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 20 hours ago
"To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." - William Shakespeare

The Daily Beast Takes the Bait on Anti-Iran Propaganda

Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 21 hours ago
Over at The Daily Beast's Cheat Sheet, which serves as a news aggregator, a post went up today with the eye-catching headline: "Iranian President Ahmadinejad Arrested." The blurb accompanying the post claims: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was arrested Monday while on a visit to a book fair in Tehran, where he was held for seven hours and questioned by the Revolutionary Guards'

Way of the Future: Medical Abortion, Private, Safe, Cheap (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 21 hours ago
This TIME writer has the right idea (my bold). As both pro-choice and pro-life forces attempt to put Kermit Gosnell to use to argue the moral rectitude of their position, and the jury in his trial continues to deliberate, there is a danger that we will lose sight of what Kermit Gosnell really is — an *anachronism*. . . . Gosnell was a stop of last resort for woman late in their pregnancies. They sought an abortion past the point of fetal viability — a choice illegal in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. For these women, Gosnell and his ilk are their only option. But reg... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 21 hours ago
*What’s gonna happen to Chess Piece Face? ~moosedenied*

Duncan (ALEC-ALUM) - Legislating "The Market"

2old2care at Because I Can - 21 hours ago
Snips *from HuffPo* this morning - *GOP Census Bill Would Eliminate America's Economic Indicators* Posted: 05/01/2013 7:31 am EDT | Updated: 05/01/2013 9:06 am EDT Rep. Jeff Duncan has introduced a bill to stop nearly all U.S. Census surveys. , WASHINGTON -- The bill, introduced last week by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), would bar the U.S. Census Bureau from conducting nearly all surveys except for a decennial population count. Such a step that would end the government's ability to provide reliable estimates of the employment rate. *Indeed, the government would not be able to... more »

Look at all the hungry people

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 21 hours ago
Think Progress looks at real world effects of Meals on Wheels cuts brought to you by the GOP sequester clown car. Directors of Meals on Wheels programs across the country spoke with ThinkProgress about how they are coping with decreased funding. Some, like Meals on Wheels of Western Broome in New York, are private nonprofits that don’t rely on government funding and will therefore be shielded. But by and large, the heads of these programs described facing deep cuts after having already slimmed down in response to lean times over the past few years. The list is depressing but olds g... more »

Best and worst jokes from the weekend’s big dinner!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 21 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2013* *Obama, O’Brien both score:* We’re sorry to return to Maureen Dowd, but we were struck by the joke she chose to belittle in this morning’s column: DOWD (5/1/13): How can the president star in a White House Correspondents’ Association dinner satirical film pretending to be Daniel Day-Lewis playing Barack Obama in Steven Spielberg’s movie “Obama,” and not have absorbed the lessons of “Lincoln”? “Some folks still don’t think I spend enough time with Congress,” *he said in an alleged joke at the dinner Saturday night.* “Why don’t you get a drink with Mitch McCo... more »

Toronto Maple Leafs - 2013 Playoffs | Shake It Out

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 21 hours ago
Toronto Maple Leafs - 2013 Playoffs | Shake It Out. Source: AMANJOTROCKS.

Bedroom Tax Bedroom Definition

Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 21 hours ago
The bedroom tax. An entirely punitive policy allegedly designed to shove “under-occupying” social housing tenants into size-appropriate properties when there is a massive shortage of one bedroom homes. Not that it matters to the Tories, of course. Very few people hammered by this policy are likely to place their cross against the blue party anyway come election time. But there has been something of a black hole in the rules governing the bedroom tax. It boggles the mind, really. If you are creating legislation designed to punish those who do not use all the bedrooms in their house ... more »

Michael James : Hope Springs Eternal

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 22 hours ago
Comiskey Park, Chicago, 1990. Photo by Michael James from his forthcoming book, Michael Gaylord James' Pictures from the Long Haul. Pictures from the Long Haul: Hope springs eternal on opening day at Comiskey Park By Michael James / The Rag Blog / May 1, 2013 [In this series, Michael James is sharing images from the past, accompanied by reflections about -- and inspired by -- those images

She's so sorry

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 22 hours ago
I'm sure you heard retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor issued a sort of pseudo-mea culpa the other day. She didn't apologize for inflicting the Bush years on us by voting to appoint him president, but she was very sorry SCOTUS took the case at all because, in retrospect, it made the court look like a gaggle of politicking assclowns. Today Linda Hirschman at TNR unearths a tasty bit of historical trivia making it rather clear Justice O'Connor voted her personal politics in Bush v. Gore. Although most of O’Connor’s papers are private, her legendary secrecy could not p... more »

Telewarrants not to be granted merely as a convenience

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 22 hours ago
R. v. Lao, 2013 ONCA 285 holds: [65] It will be recalled that s. 487.1 of the *Criminal Code *permits an application for a search warrant application to be made by telecommunication where it would be "impracticable" to attend personally. The trial judge found that while it would have been inconvenient for DC Wallace to attend in person to apply for the warrant, it was not impracticable. Having found that the standard of impracticability had not been met, use of the telewarrant procedure was in breach of s. 8 of the * Charter*. [66] In reaching this conclusion, the t... more »

Dog in Repulse Bay

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 22 hours ago

Dirty Coal on Navajoland: Hold the media responsible at CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News Navajo horseback ride to protect Black Mesa The media, like the Navajo Nation Council, is responsible for that vote for more dirty coal energy from the Navajo Generating Station. The media has refused to tell the real story. Reporters that could have been out on Black Mesa all these years talking to the people, never bothered to


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 22 hours ago
My workshop at the weekend conference in Syracuse.....

@teachingquality, please tell me this is a joke. It has to be. @edushyster?

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 23 hours ago
Am I missing something? Teacherpreneurs, this sounds like a joke. Is this author serious? Exhibit A: I know what you’re thinking. You want to make an impact beyond your classroom while feeding your creative passions (which probably drove you into teaching in the first place). Thirty years of teaching in a silo might not sustain [...]

Harry Targ : Speaking Truth About Violence

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 23 hours ago
Window into violence: A boy and his bird in Gaza. Image from chemicalcollisions / Tumblr. Towards a just society: Speaking truth about violence Violence engendered by the rich and powerful and responses from the poor and powerless are embedded in the system of structural violence. By Harry Targ / The Rag Blog / May 1, 2013 Establishing causal connections between “variables” and violence is a

ALEC, Legislation Without Representation

2old2care at Because I Can - 23 hours ago
*TODAY - on the floor of the Ohio House and Senate s pushing the ALEC right-to-work language. The projection is that Ohio will be a right-to-work-for-less state BY THIS FRIDAY. By Friday - Ohio will be Michigan #2. * *They are limiting the debate. They are limiting public input. * AND THEN this *From Greenpeace today on the ALEC “Electricity Freedom Act” –which previously HAD BEEN seen as a possible victory against ALEC in NC.* Bitter from a lack of support for his attacks on clean energy incentives, North Carolina *Representative Mike Hager is promising some new, dirty tricks to r... more »

Into The Lair Of The Beast... Bula Journeys To A Paul Ryan Town Hall In Elkhorn

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 23 hours ago
Yesterday our Wisconsin correspondent, Bula, covered Paul Ryan's town hall meeting at the Monte Carlo Room in Elkhorn the Walworth county seat. Last November it was heavy big margin Ryan had rolled up in Walworth County that helped him overcome Rob Zerban's big win in Kenosha County. *Has The Shine Worn Off Paul Ryan In The Conservative Heart Of WI-01? - by Bula* That was the question I wanted to find out at a Paul Ryan town hall meeting in Elkhorn, WI. This is not an election year for the Congressman, so I was curious to see the turnout. The parking lot was only half full, but th... more »

ALEC Legislators Subsidizing Private Education Profit with Taxpayer $$$'s

2old2care at Because I Can - 23 hours ago
*EXCELLENT* article this morning, brought to my attention at Crooks & Liars Almost a month old and missed the mainstream somehow. Here's only two snips - an excellent read *>>>HERE<<< * *The Corporations Colonizing our Public Schools* April 10, 2013 - Culture Brew, News Brew - Tagged: April 15-May 15 Issue, Brooklyn, Charter School, education, Impact Schools, Michael Bloomberg, poverty, Queens, Restart School, schools In an era of corporate aggression into the public sphere, not even the classroom is safe. As the corporate reach extends into public schools, our kids are increasin... more »

I don't think I'll be doing either today...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*sigh.* H/T *Jon Acuff*

Watergate and Conspiracy Theories

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 1 day ago
For those who don't read the Watergate posts, I want to draw your attention to a terrific comment from the April 30 edition. I'm just going to make a post of it...this is all commenter Adam: I'll come back and add a bit more at the end: -- One of the key things this retrospective has taught me is not just the limitations of Presidents, but the limitations of *conspiracies*. These posts should be required reading for anyone tempted to believe in a conspiracy theory. Which isn’t to say conspiracies don’t happen. This is, after all, an actual criminal conspiracy at the highest levels... more »

Ottawa "loses track" of 3.1 billion dollars meant "to fight terror"

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
Muddying the waters Between 2001 and 2009, Ottawa awarded $12.9-billion to 35 departments and agencies charged with ensuring the safety of Canadians to use for public security and fighting terrorism. The money was allocated through the Public Security and Anti-Terrorism Initiative...... But Auditor-General Michael Ferguson said only $9.8-billion of that money was identified in reports to the Treasury Board as having been spent specifically on anti-terrorism measures by the departments and agencies. *The rest was not recorded as being used for that purpose. * * "The rest was not ... more »

3 More People in Custody in Boston Bombing Case -

Eduardo Cantoral at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago
3 More People in Custody in Boston Bombing Case - "BOSTON — Three additional people were taken into custody Wednesday in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings last month, according to Boston police and a federal law enforcement official." 'via Blog this'

Chief Arvol Looking Horse's Message May 2013 at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Reposted with permission from Raven Redbone 'Make No Bones About It' Photo by Mark Johns Colson Hec'el oinipikte (that we shall live) Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Pipe Mitakuye Oyasin! My Grandmother shared with me a powerful time when the people

Aaronson's anthropic dilemmas

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 day ago
*This text has been expanded and covers the rest of the book...* If you read my previous observations on Scott Aaronson's book including all the comments, you will see my remarks about all the chapters up to Chapter 15 about the quantum computation skeptics – where I agree with almost everything Aaronson writes although he seems to focus on the dumb criticisms and writes too little about the more intelligent ones (and e.g. about the error-correcting codes). Chapter 16 is about learning; perhaps too much formalism if we compare it with the relatively modest implications for our under... more »

Climate change compounds rising threats to koala – ‘The koalas are highly susceptible to heat stress and dehydration’

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago
[image: A koala and its baby. Koalas are susceptible to heat stress, and recent Australia temperatures have been beyond their 'climatic threshold'. Photo: John Giustina / Getty Images] Australia's iconic marsupial is at risk from shrinking habitats, road traffic and dog attacks – and increasingly, global warming By Neena Bhandari for IPS, part of the Guardian Environment Network 30 April 2013 SYDNEY ( – Australia's iconic marsupial is under threat. Formerly hunted almost to extinction for their woolly coats, koalas are now struggling to survive as habitat dest... more »

Policy-Relevant Research, Redux

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
e-International Relations asked me to write a piece about doing policy-relevant research. I thought I’d cross-post it here, especially timely given recent posts on this blog along with Ronald Rogowski’s screed that our work is too policy-relevant but policymakers just don’t want to hear what we are saying (HT: The Monkey Cage). Here is the Continue reading

Why not support the site which is right!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2013* *We’ve been right since 1972 and since 1999:* In this morning’s major post,we blow our own horn about the statewide test-score scam we uncovered a few years ago. Of course, when it comes to education issues, we’ve been right since 1972! In that year, we first approached the Baltimore Sun about the problem of cheating in Baltimore schools on the city’s standardized tests. In February 1981, we wrote an op-ed column about some Baltimore schools which had impossibly strange scoring patterns. To peruse the text of that ancient column, just click here. The nation... more »

Your government at work: Terrifying video...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*let's make it go viral.* H/T *Cold Fury*

An open admission from a “scholar.” #highered #AERA13

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 1 day ago
I am not a writer. I am not an author. I’ve written. I’ve authored. But I am not a writer. I am not an author. I’ve written many papers. I’ve authored book chapters and articles. Being halfway decent at writing these documents is likely what set me up to pursue a PhD. It’s not as [...]
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