3:28pm MDST
Paisaje en otoño con hojas caídas

[image: Paisaje en otoño con hojas caídas]
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Elected Governor of Nevada Warns Against False-Flag Attack on Americans by Federal Government.
David Lory VanDerBeek speaks out. An important moment in history here:
Pajarillos hermosos en los árboles

[image: Pajarillos hermosos en los árboles]
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Paisaje natural con árboles y pasto verde

[image: Paisaje natural con árboles y pasto verde]
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Thoughts from Readers
I am very frustrated by the lack of collective response to Fukushima. If
the plant is lost in flames then we will see nuclear dominoes fall in an
unprecedented nuclear extinction event. Yet it seems as if no one is doing
anything or paying attention to the most pressing crisis humanity has ever
confronted (in written history, at least).
Many of my readers have similar feelings.
Nick Thabit May 25, 2013 at 4:40 PM
After fighting for a year and a half to bring Fukushima to more public
attention, I am deeply pessimistic, or more probably, disillusioned. I
shudder to think of the futur... more »
Siluetas de caballos en las grandes montañas

[image: Siluetas de caballos en las montañas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de caballos*
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Grant Williams insists " Do The Math ! ..... Lance Roberts " The Fed's Real Worry - A Pick Up In Deflation " ...... Gold And The Fiat End Game....
Grant Williams: "Do The Math!"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/26/2013 13:56 -0400
- Aussie
- Bob Pisani
- China
- Equity Markets
- France
- Global Economy
- Gross Domestic Product
- Krugman
- Paul Krugman
- Recession
- Volatility
In a masterclass of what is 'really' going on in the world (as opposed to
what we are told/spoon-fed on a daily basis), Grant Williams (of Things
That Make You Go Hhhmm infamy) provides a must-watch presentatio... more »
Buck McKeon's Family Opens A Defense Industry Lobbying Firm To Enrich Itself At Taxpayers' Expense

The other day it was revealed that three stooges named Steve McKeon, Daniel
McKeon & Joe McKeon opened up a new shoppe-- a war industries lobbying
shop. Joe is Buck's failed businessman brother who's gone bankrupt at
everything he's tried. Steve and Daniel are Buck's nephews. Buck himself
was appointed Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee by Boehner
and, despite, a serious national security breach connected to McKeon's
overt corruption, has refused to make him give up the chair, despite
demands from other Republican committee members. And, keep in the back of
your mind t... more »
There's Only One Way for the Ford Bros. to Fight Back
With everything that has come at them from the *Toronto Star* and the *Globe
& Mail*, bare denials won't begin to clear the cloud that hangs over the
heads of Toronto mayor Rob Ford and his brother, Councillor Doug Ford.
They'll have to look to a court of law to clear their names. They will
have to sue the newspapers. Fortunately both are reasonably well off guys
so retaining legal counsel shouldn't be a problem and, if they win, they'll
get costs and damages a'plenty.
That nutty pair may think that denial will work but the time for that has
long passed. So, boys, lawyer up, is... more »
We Wallow in Affluence While Others Don't
See this post by Maria.
Oniste Needs Your Help
Oniste needs your help now please....blogs.pjstar.com/haiti/2013/05/…
— John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) May 26, 2013
How big is media surveillance under Obama
I'm as unhappy as the next guy about government surveillance on journalists
*and* private citizens but I sure wish the media had been this focused when
the Bush administration was doing it illegally. Even the NYT is verging on
scaremongering about Obama's DoJ. I mean the hed screams US Leaks Inquiries
Show How Wide a Net is Cast. About midway through the article it admits,
"It is not clear how often the government has obtained reporters’
communications records."
The only person they could get on record for the story is one government
guy whose life was ruined under the Bush adminis... more »
'Sunday' reflections

Maybe it's being a Northerner but, despite the BBC's relocation to Salford,
I can't help feeling that there's a massive disconnect between the BBC's
London elite way of thinking and that of most of the people I know - a
feeling amplified by this week's horrific murder in Woolwich.
A piece by Trevor Barnes on this morning's *Sunday* reported on how faith
communities in Greenwich are responding to the murder. The report was
strongly insistent in its projection of the message that they are all
united in mutual regard for each other, and in opposition to the extremists
- *on both sid... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
At this point: how much, if any, do you trust Barack Obama on national
security issues? I'm talking here about trust, not about whether you
support or oppose his stated policies...in other words, if there's
incomplete information, do you give him the benefit of the doubt, or not?
Jason Stanford rightly states “Time to Stop Waiting for Superman”
“According to Whitmire, Rhee and Fenty should have paid heed to the “fears”
of African Americans, but not because there were any actual race issues
during Rhee’s tenure. Racism in DC is all done now–all that racism and
“experimentation” is history and happened 1960s and 1970s. According to
Whitmire, black people in DC perceived racism under Rhee, […]
Sunday Question for Conservatives
I've said that the fate of the immigration bill depends on whether
mainstream conservatives in the House Republican conference want it to pass
or not. Most of them won't have to vote for it (ultimately, Democrats are
going to vote for any comprehensive immigration that can get through the
Senate), but John Boehner won't put something on the floor if they don't
want him to.
So: first, what do you think they'll choose to do? And, what should they do?
Moderate Democrat Congressman preps Bill to End the Endless War on Terror ! A Hint of sanity ?
Exclusive: Congressman Preps Bill to End Terror War Authority
- 05.23.13
- 5:35 PM
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), shown in this 2009 photo with his wife Eve, is
working on a bill that would bring the president’s post-9/11 war powers to
an end. *Photo: Cliff1066/Flickr*
In the wake of President Obama’s big speech about restraining the war on
terrorism, a member of the House intelligence committee is working on a
bill to undo the basic authorities to wage it.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is prepar... more »
Voice of Russia interview 'The Mohawk: Keepers of the Eastern Door of Great Turtle Island'
The Mohawk: Keepers of the Eastern Door of Great Turtle Island - interview
Download audio file
Many of the indigenous peoples of
North America called the continent “Great Turtle Island.” A part of
their advanced philosophy and culture included a
I feel the bridge fall under my feet

Austerity maniacs are literally going to kill us. When you have a major
political party which is effectively one half (or sometimes more) of our
government refusing to spend a red hot penny on the public commons while
they bleed our national treasury to wantonly pass out tax breaks to the
obscenely wealthy, this is what you get.
[RJ Matson cartoon]
This is not a joke. Cutting government funding for infrastructure projects
verges on criminal negligence. Our bridges are falling down and it will
only get worse. [via]
...The 607,380 bridges in the U.S. are 42 years old on average, ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Poor House'
Posted on May 26, 2013
MNN. May 25, 2013. Canada’s Prime Minister Harper
admits his corporate government should fall. Before he became the new
CEO of the Corporation of Canada, he condemned the liberals and demanded
the Prime Minister’s resignation over a less corrupt scandal than the
one he is dealing with now. Senators oversee the officers of the
Paleontologist Neil Shubin - The Universe Within
*"The Universe Within: Discovering the Common History of Rocks, Planets,
and People"* By Neil Shubin.
Neil Shubin (born December 22, 1960) is an American paleontologist,
evolutionary biologist and popular science writer. He is the Robert R.
Bensley Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, Associate Dean of
Organismal Biology and Anatomy and Professor on the Committee of
Evolutionary Biology at the University of Chicago along with being the
Provost of the Field Museum of Natural History. He is well known for his
discovery of Tiktaalik roseae.
Title: Paleonto... more »
Sunday Classics: The young Colin Davis gets off to a running start

*The early-career Colin Davis*
* *MOZART: The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384: Overture (with concert
*Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Colin Davis, cond. EMI, recorded c1961*
*by Ken*
In this week's preview, I took a stab at describing the "happy traits" of
Colin Davis's early career: a natural sense of musical flow coupled with a
preference for having the music play with determination and make its points
naturally. By way of illustration, I offered the vivid performances of
Mozart's *Idomeneo* and *Clemenza di Tito* Overtures from CD's c1961 EMI LP
of nine Mozart ove... more »
Doug Noland's essay - Kuroda's Gambit ...... Mizuho's Chief Economist Yasunari Ueno discusses Abe's Gambit
Kuroda's GambitMay 24, 2013 posted by Doug Noland
Air leaks from Japanese stocks and bonds and global Bubbles suddenly appear
more vulnerable
For centuries, economic thinkers have grappled with money and Credit.
Invariably, analytical interest ebbs and flows right along with boom and
bust cycles. And during periods of keenest interest, there’s a common
recurring question that’s been asked through the ages: “How could a period
of economic advancement and prosperity that looked so promising and
enduring come to such a dreadful en... more »
GMO's - NOT Just a Food Issue
Yesterday at teh March on Monsanto I found out something that I thought was
worth sharing.
No supplier of corn syrup in the USA can guarantee that their product is
GMO free.
In other countries they can ceritfy that the corn used in corn syrup is GMO
So when you think of GMO's - don't just think of the food you eat, think of
every pahramaceutical you use and every nutraceutical you put in your
mmouth also - cause they probalby contain GMO's.
A list from a producer of “maltodextrins and corn syrup solids”
“maltodextrins and corn syrup solids” are used in the following
pharame... more »
Tea Party Nation - Theocratic Fascism: Future of the Movement

From Right Wing Watch
According to Tea Party Nation, “the future of conservative movement” is
found in a candidate who believes gay people are “sick” and “degenerate”
and that Planned Parenthood is worse than the Ku Klux Klan.
“the 2013 ticket for the Republicans in Virginia represents the victory of
the Tea Party over the establishment.”
2013 Virginia ticket
Ken Cuccinelli and E.W. Jackson
Ken Cuccinelli - ALEC member serving his ALEC corporate members - nuff said
E.W. Jackson –“the conservative minister”
From HuffPo
"Obama clearly has Muslim sensibilities,"
“President Obam... more »
Memorial Day - A Question
*Did every soldier who has died for our country *
*lose their life*
*so today's *
*Republican Party/Tea Party *
*and the corporations they serve*
*could control our government*
*to the exclusion of everyone elses political beliefs?*
*The politics of exclusion means everyone loses. *
That is why we have government programs

Two stories came together on Common Dreams this morning – that pissed me
The first one written by one of my favorite writers/speakers Jim Hightower
about a veteran arrested for dumpster diving in the great red state of
In March, James Kelly, a 44-year-old Navy veteran, was passing through
Houston on his way to connect with family in California. Homeless,
destitute, and hungry, he chose to check out the dining delicacies in a
trash bin near City Hall. Spotted by police, Kelly was promptly charged
with “disturbing the contents of a garbage can in the [central] business ... more »
Creative Showcase: A Creative Link-Up with Features

This weekend has been fabulous so far! Picnics, gardening, walking through
the cemetery. It has been pretty much perfect. We are capping it off with a
marathon of the new Arrested Development episodes later. What about you?
Are you excited for the new Arrested Development?
Here are some of my favorite link-ups from last week!
I am completely in love with this DIY Dahlia Flower Decor from The Happy
Scraps. So pretty. It would look amazing in my little girls room!
This gorgeous Shrimp Tacos from Warfield look absolutely delicious!
I love this Jellyfish Craft from Rae Gun Rambl... more »
Your moment of Zen

Lovely downtown Northampton, MA. [Sophie Theroux painting]
Bill Whittle: Who are the real people?...
*Bill Whittle at his absolute best.*

*Here's a normal human being, just a young German soldier really, in ‘war’
~ terrified and seemingly broken by it. He probably saw his best friend's
head blown off right next to him in the trench. Look at his hands,
clenching in the panic of a child, his bladder releasing in the terror of
war as an officer screams at him to toughen up. As you see, war is not
natural; it is not ‘normal’ for human beings to slaughter each other at the
bidding of psychopathic leaders~ yet generations later, psychopathic
leaders send boys to ‘other’ lands to kill and die; all for lies and... more »
Weekend Waterfowl
What’s worth reading this weekend? Lots of stuff. Here’s a list of a few
things, from analytic to oddities. No drones, machetes, or tornados. But it
would be silly if none of our resident experts weighed in on recent
developments in these domains. Right? If the market expects climate change,
why don’t those who profess
Continue reading
*Crews prepare for hurricane season by participating in lifesaving skills
drills ~Allison Braxton*
*Corps works barge gate once ~Bob Marshall*
*Texas Brine offers settlements for sinkhole*
*Graduates continue positive work in negative community ~WDSU*
*Susan Cowsill: The Sound of Happy ~Gwen Thompkins, WWNO*
*Jennifer Hudson and John Fogerty Record "Proud Mary" *
Why the Dakotas?
Slate’s new history vault published a gem from the Cold War last week. This
map from January 1955 shows the areas in the United States that Soviet
citizens could not travel. This map shows where Soviet citizens, who were
required to have a detailed itinerary approved before obtaining a visa,
could and could not go
Continue reading
Obama: Defending the Indefensible

*Anthony Freda Art* Stephen Lendman
His doublespeak duplicity reflects the last refuge of a scoundrel. He's the
worst in recent memory. Perhaps the worst ever. Forked tongue rhetoric
can't disguise it.
Throughout his tenure, he governed lawlessly. He's done so at home and
abroad. He spurns rule of law principles and other democratic values.
Nothing suggests change. Business as usual continues. War on humanity is
policy. Rogue leaders govern that way. Obama threatens everyone.
On May 23, he spoke at Washington's National Defense University. He
defended what he urged changing four... more »
Rand Paul introduces bill to extend Fourth Amendment protection to electronic communications

image source:
Gage Skidmore/Flickr Madison Ruppert
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has introduced legislation that seeks to extend
Fourth Amendment protection to electronic communications, which if
successful would be a major move to protect online privacy.
This comes after it was revealed that both the IRS and the FBI claimed they
did not need a warrant to spy on the electronic communications of Americans.
However, some might be skeptical given Paul’s much-criticized apparent flip-flop
on the drone issue.
Nonetheless, Paul has made some much needed statements about the lack of
protection... more »
CDC Declares 1/5 of U.S. Kids Have Mental Disorders

Melissa Melton
A fresh report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) says that 20 percent of American children now have mental health
Here are some of the report’s highlights:
- The most prevalent mental health diagnosis of children studied between
the ages of three and 17 was Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD), followed by depression, behavioral issues, and anxiety.
- Anxiety rates were considerably higher in this new study than data
collected on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
from 200... more »
Obama Expands Militarization of Police
Among items transferred to local law enforcement agencies have been assault
rifles and grenade launchers, even Blackhawk helicopters and .50 caliber
machine guns; In fiscal year 2011 alone, the Pentagon transferred almost
$500 million worth of materials to domestic law enforcement -- near double
the previous year's total.
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Media Responses to Obama's Speech

*Anthony Freda Art* Stephen Lendman
They didn't surprise. Media scoundrels support his worst policies. His
neoliberal harshness is endorsed. His alliance with monied interests gets
no coverage.
His crimes of war, against humanity and genocide go unmentioned.
His partnership with Israel against Palestine isn't explained. His
systematic disdain for rule of law principles gets ignored.
Responses to his Thursday speech were largely positive. Challenging them
follows below.
New York Times editors headlined "The End of the Perpetual War," saying:
For the first time, a president stat... more »
Obama Heckler: "I think killing innocent people with drones is rude"
*Activist Post*
A CNN host called peace activist, Medea Benjamin, "rude" for interrupting
the president's foreign policy speech.
Benjamin responded, "I think killing innocent people with drones is rude,"
Benjamin replied. "I think keeping innocent people in detention for 11
years is rude. I think not respecting the lives of Muslim people who are
killed is rude. There are a lot of rude things about our policies. Speaking
out is actually not rude."
Read other articles by *Activist Post Here*
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Corporate Commerical Selling Standards?
Every day that passes we get more proof that the Common Core is really a
corporate money grab. From Barnes and Noble: Thank you to Kristen G from
the NYS Opt Out group! Filed under: CHRIS CERRONE: The "Parentucator"
Mainstream Republican Conservatives Battle Tea Party Nihilists In The U.S. Senate

McConnell lays down with the GOP's 3 nihilist psychopaths
A few days ago, television personality Bill Maher was musing about the
of Texas teabagger Ted Cruz running for president. Maher is certain that
it's inevitable, pointing out that Cruz has "Newt Gingrich's ambition
ego mixed with the steely-eyed focus of a serial killer." Good
And he added that Cruz has been "totally unwilling to compromise with
liberals on anything, including eating with a knife and fork." *NY
Times*political reporter Jonathan Weisman, might agree, but he takes
Cruz more
seriously and... more »
Hershberger Verdict In After Judge Orders Jury NOT to Vote With Conscience

Heather Callaghan
Into the wee hours of last night, after about 16 hours of deliberating, the
Baraboo, Wisconsin court decided not to wait until Tuesday for a verdict.
Four criminal misdemeanor charges are aimed at Vernon Hershberger for
providing fresh food to his community through a contractual agreement with
members. Paraphrased by Derrick J Freeman the "crimes" include:
1. distributing milk from his “Grazin’ Acres” dairy farm without a milk
producer’s license,
2. operating a retail food establishment without a state license,
3. operating a dairy plant without a st... more »
Teacher Resigns Over Curriculum Mandates and Disrespect
A veteran teacher explains why the "No Child Left Behind" mandates are
killing creative learning in schools and how teachers have been diminished.
This is formidable resignation letter and a damning example of what schools
are being forced to become.
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Indoctrination Revealed in Utah School Curriculum
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Unnamed Source Claims Unconfirmed Cyber Attacks are from Iran

*"American officials have not offered any technical evidence to back up
their assertions of Iranian authorship of the latest attacks."* - The New
York Times
Eric Blair
The New York Times ran a story Friday from an unnamed source about an
unconfirmed story with unnamed victims. Why would the paper of record run
such a story? Propaganda of course.
Any chance the officialdom can demonize Iran while simultaneously inflating
the fear of cyber attacks, they'll take it, even if it's completely
The NYT article New Computer Attacks Traced to Iran, Officials Say is pure
prop... more »
What Privacy? CISPA Passes in Closed Door Vote
*Youtube - TYT*
CISPA, the controversial bill that greatly threatens the privacy of anyone
online, is making its way to Congress after passing in a closed-door vote
by the House Intelligence Committee by a huge margin. There were no changes
to the language to protect personal privacy. How is this happening after
the internet so loudly cried foul, and why is it being ignored in the press?
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Selling Their Souls

The Harperites have always pushed the envelopes of campaigning and
governance. The Wright-Duffy Affair has provided us yet another example of
how they govern. But, last week, Mr. Justice Richard Mosley reminded us yet
again of how they campaign. Tom Walkom writes:
A federal court judgment on the so-called robocall affair provides an even
more telling example of the blurred border between hardball partisanship
and outright illegality.
In its broadest sense, the May 23 ruling by Justice Richard Mosley went
against the eight citizens who brought the case.
But a careful reading of ... more »
Isn't multicultural Britain simply lovely?
Questioning the London "beheading"

The following commentary, video, and photos were sent to me via email by a
good friend and very knowledgeable individual who blogs at *
www.gasskammer.blogspot.com*. Minor edits have been made by me, John Friend.
Turn off audio. In the beginning: watch carefully. The woman sitting by the
soldier on the street is *stroking/caressing his back*. Like a mother would
do to a hurt/sad child. (To "woo" somebody?) But to do this with a
corpse??? (And a corpse that's maybe or maybe not missing a head.)
Also: If he was *not* dead - these women would have screamed an... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Hymn”
Vangelis, “Hymn”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB7fnZ-AQNE
"The Limit Of Our Sight..."
"Life is eternal and love is immortal; And death is only a horizon,
And a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight."
- Rossiter W. Raymond

*Michael Adebolajo released from Kenya, with the help of MI5?*
Michael Adebolajo, one of the alleged 'Woolwich terrorists', is reported to
have become a father just days before the Woolwich attack.
*In 2010, Michael Adebolajo may have been sent by the UK security services
to work for al Qaeda in Somalia.*
(Al Qaeda is now being used to try to topple President Assad of Syria)
Reportedly, Michael Adebolajo was among a group arrested in Kenya en route
to Somalia in 2010.
*Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya under suspicion of being at the
centre of a CIA-a... more »
The Poet: Octavio Paz, “Brotherhood"
* *
"I am a man: little do I last
and the night is enormous.
But I look up:
the stars write.
Unknowing I understand:
I too am written,
and at this very moment
someone spells me out."
- Octavio Paz
"Ten Rules For Being Human"
* "Ten Rules For Being Human"*
by Cherie Carter-Scott
*Rule One:*
You will receive a body. You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours
for the duration
of your life on Earth.
*Rule Two:*
You will be presented with lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time
informal school called 'life.'
Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You
may like the lessons
or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.
*Rule Three:*
There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of
a series of trials, errors, and occa... more »
Poundmaker, "It Would Be So Much Easier..."
"It would be so much easier just to fold our hands and not make this
fight... to say, I, one man, I can do nothing. I grow afraid only when I
see people thinking and acting like this. We all know the story about the
man who sat beside the trail too long, and then it grew over and he could
never find his way again. We can never forget what has happened, but we
cannot go back nor can we just sit beside the trail".
- Poundmaker, Plains Cree Chief, 1842-1886.
His dying words.
“The 13th Warrior: Prayers Before Final Battle”
*“The 13th Warrior: Prayers Before Final Battle”*
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: “Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans
of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to
live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have
not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to
have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness.”
“Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning.
Lo, they do cal... more »
Thor News Presents - Ceres is a Planet in our inner Sol system & probably has LIFE.

Ceres is a Planet in our inner Sol system & probably has LIFE.
Quite a bold statement, but let's look at the cold, hard facts.
Diameter of Moon: 3,474 km
Diameter of Pluto: 2,300 km
Diameter of Ceres: 940 km
As we all know, Pluto was recently relegated from the Big Boy League and is
no longer designated a planet: it's just a VERY BIG ROCK out at the
farthest,chilliest regions of our rather expansive Solar System. But Ceres
is in the asteroid belt, just past Mars. It's an asteroid with an
atmosphere. An asteroid that's within the habitable zone of our Sun. Plus,... more »
May 23, 1973
One upshot from Nixon's May 22 statement was that Silber and Glanzer
advised the new Watergate special prosecutor, Archibald Cox, that Richard
Nixon should be on the list of witnesses to be questioned.
Meanwhile, a rare break in the tone of Watergate: Tony Ulasewicz, the
bagman of the hush money payoffs, testifies to the Ervin Committee and breaks
everyone up. In a story which produced more than it's fair share of
characters, Ulasewicz, the former New York City cop who Nixon's White House
had hired as in-house private investigator, was the most comical.
Inside the White House, Nixon... more »
Great Article By John Friend: London "Beheading" - Responding To Critics!

I have known John Friend now for several years now, and I have watched his
work at his blog: "John Friend's Blog" at www.john-friend.net, grow by
leaps and bounds over that time.... Recently however, I have watched as
John has been associating more with the so called "Christian Identity"
crowd who also can sometimes be labeled as "White Supremacists".... I had
warned John before to be careful of these groups and his association with
them.... He understands that we have our differences in opinions when it
comes to what they stand for. But in spite of these differences, I have
said ... more »
It Begins... Communist Indoctrination Included In Common Core Literature For FIRST Graders!
It has saddened me for years to see the massive failings in our so called
"education" system... I have long said that today's schools are a fraud and
that they fail miserably to teach children the basic fundamentals of
"Reading, Writing, and Arithmatic" and instead teach only material that
programs them to be nothing more than automatons or "cogs" for
corporations..... Critical Thinking, which is essential for our future, is
no longer being emphasized at all!
I came across a most disturbing article today, that I knew had to be shared
here with my own readers to view for themselves..... more »
Conversations with History - Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett
*Title: Conversations with History - Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett.
YouTube Video Description - [Channel: UCtelevision. Published on May 24,
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes
Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett for a discussion of their new book, Going
to Tehran. In the conversation, the Leveretts analyze the Islamic Republic
of Iran's strategic goals and domestic politics. After analyzing the biases
embedded in U.S. perceptions of Iran, they conclude with a proposal for
changing U.S. relations with Iran by emulating Nixon's breakthr... more »
May continued.........

Kurt and I went to two more games in May. Both of them, the Tigers lost
and we are beginning to think we are cursed. LOL. Both were fun days
w/gorgeous weather though, and we had a really nice time regardless of the
losses. Both times we had great seats. During the first game against
Houston, we were in Row 2, and I got some amazing shots of the players.
Today we were in row 26 and behind the net, so I did not even try to
attempt pics.
We had an adorable visitor to our home. A mama raccoon chose my chimney to
have babies in, and the other day, one of the babies fell into th... more »
Important Health News: This Is Alarming - Researchers Say Western IQs Dropped 14 POINTS Over Last Century!
Is it just me, or have others noticed that people today tend to be less
intelligent than in previous generations? This is not to be insulting to
anyone with intelligence, but honestly it does seem to me that more and
more people are less smart today than even those from my "older"
generation... It does indeed trouble me immensely and I have wondered if
there are any researchers investigating this fall in human intelligence...
Well, lo and behold, there does appear that someone else has indeed noticed
this slide in human intelligence... For according to the following article
that c... more »
TV Watch: A weary nation wonders, "Is 'Mr. Selfridge' really over?" Well, yes and no

*Jeremy Piven as Harry Selfridge*
*by Ken*
It was a little nerve-wracking approaching last week's double installment
of *Masterpiece Classic*'s *Mr. Selfridge*. For weeks I had been assuming
that the week's episode would be the last, but this time, what with the
scheduling of that double episode -- Episode 47 (or 47-48, if you count it
as double) by my unofficial count -- the prospects seemed hopeful. The
thing was, to have hope of being home free, you had to wade through the
whole thing (which I was able to do without pausing the thing more than 16
or 20 times) to find out whethe... more »
May 2013

Almost the end of May and I have not posted once! Whoops!
May has been pretty busy, but good.
I turned 36, which was kinda odd for me. I think 36 sounds so much more
close to 40 than 35 did! But, I am OK with it, it is just kinda odd. I
think I will simply stick with 25. I got carded in Canada at the casino
(you only have to be 19), so I am going to go with I am not looking even
close to my actual age. Thanks Mom and dad for fabulous genetics!
My bday weekend we traveled to St Pete Beach, FL, for my friend Katie's
wedding. It was at the Postcard Inn right on the beach, so... more »
Tom Cheetham - Reading the Wilderness
*"Green Man, Earth Angel: The Prophetic Tradition and the Battle for the
Soul of the World"* By Tom Cheetham (2004).
*Tom Cheetham - "On the edge of chaos"* * *
*"The World And Society In 1913."*
*Source: Within This Darkness: Incarnation, Theophany and the Primordial
Revelationby Tom Cheetham. Section: Reading the Wilderness. Website:
Note: The parts highlighted in bold are what I find most interesting. But I
recommend you read the whole thing at the link above.
*Reading the Wilderness*
*By Tom Cheetham*
We have lived too long within a world of o... more »
Uncanny resemblance

My friend Simels asks: "Did you ever notice that Rand Paul looks just like
Donald Duck's n'eer do well cousin Gladstone Gander?"
Actually I hadn't, but now that he mentioned it -- well -- judge for
[photo via]
BEAR Report 1956
I've been looking once again at the text of a 49 page report issued by the
National Academy of Sciences in (1956):
The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation: A Report to the Public from a
Study by The National Academies of Science. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences-National Research Council. Available at the Babel Haith Trust,
Majia here: The report is a summary of findings by six committees:
genetics, pathology, fisheries, agriculture and food supplies, meteorology,
oceanography and fisheries and dis... more »
Dear Paul
My Harvard colleagues Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff have written an open
letter to Paul Krugman. (pdf version)
Sean Patrick Maloney: Pond Scum Of The Week
A GOP ad that was inadvertently correct about Sean Patrick Maloney
Every now and then David Feldman, originally a San Francisco standup
comedian, more recently a TV script writer, interviews me for his radio
show on one of the public stations here in L.A. I've never heard it but
everyone now and then I'll get an e-mail from someone who heard it, usually
as a podcast they listened to in Sweden or Germany or Australia. We did
another one on Thursday and David asked me if there was a political villain
of the week. There were so many but the one I was focused on at the moment
was rotten ... more »
cantabria, day two
We've had another outstanding day of seeing cave paintings, an entirely
different experience that complemented the other two cave tours.
We left Santillana del Mar early and drove on back-country roads to the
town of Puente Viesgo, to see the caves known as El Castillo and Las
Monedas. The countryside here is beautiful - lush green hills dotted with
red-roofed stone houses, groups of cows and sheep and horses grazing here
and there. The rural routes wind through little town centres with the usual
shops. I know Spain is suffering under severe unemployment, but we see no
evidence of i... more »
Syria sends report to WHO accusing Israel of torture and more
Israel. Torturing and human experimentation.
I am not surprised.
Human trafficking.
Organ trafficking.
Israel seems to be involved in the most depraved acts against humankind..
They are not alone in this brutality, of course. But no other country
claims to be filled with those *chosen by God, *as is claimed by Israel's
inhabitants.* *
Certainly, not Kosovo... Israel's sometime partner in crime
In the United Nations, Syria has slammed Israel over what they described as
the deterioration of health conditions in the Golan Heights.
Syria, which is constantly accused of violating its own c... more »
King of Haiti
Dr. Carroll as king of Haiti bit.ly/137kIxU
— John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) May 25, 2013
Moby Dick, Existentialism, Heroic Nihilism, Polytheism - Herman Melville (Hubert Dreyfus lecture)
The Guardian - Gregory Peck in John Huston's Moby Dick (1956). Photo:
Stephen Kinzer - *"Call me Bush: Moby Dick is an eerily prophetic allegory
of 21st-century America. It should be named as the nation's epic novel"*(December 8, 2008, The Guardian).
*Wikipedia - Hubert Dreyfus:*
Hubert Lederer Dreyfus (born October 15, 1929) is an American philosopher.
He is a professor of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley.
His main interests include phenomenology, existentialism and the philosophy
of both psychology and literature, as well as the philosophical
imp... more »
Memorial Day
Have a safe, peaceful and thoughtful Memorial Day, folks.
Posting sporadic until Tuesday.
- CP
Scandals of Steve Harper - An Album

One of the first things Stephen Harper did upon becoming prime minister was
to redecorate the foyer of the House of Commons, replacing portraits of
former Canadian prime ministers with photos of himself.
Maybe it's time to refresh that gallery. Here are a few shots to update
Steve's portfolio:
Harper with Tom Flanagan
Harper with fugitive Nathan Jacobsen
Harper with fugitive Arthur Porter
Harper with Bev Oda
Harper with Jaffer
Harper with Duffy
Harper with Nigel WrightHarper BrazeauBruce Carson with Harper Stand-In,
Ian BrodieHarper with Maxime Bernier (absent Julie Couillard... more »
As the Empire Crumbles
May 25, 2013 The last couple of days, I’ve been out in the backyard trying
to bring order out of the chaos of weeds and tall grasses from which I
wrestled my garden, this year. Because what we’ve had of … Continue
reading →
Someone Needs To Tell Obama There's A Great Democratic Candidate Running For Governor Of New Jersey

Last year Obama beat Romney in New Jersey 2,117,175 (58%) to 1,472,709
(41%). In 2008 he had beaten McCain with 57%. Yesterday Obama supporters in
the Beltway media were touting how the Republican plans to sabotage the
Affordable Care Act could well backfire on GOP governors and legislators
who are obstructing it. Jonathan Cohn was all over the success in
California, where the ACA is driving the cost of health care down. "Based
on the premiums that insurers have submitted for final regulatory
approval," he wrote, "the majority of Californians buying coverage on the
state's new ins... more »
Siddhartha Mukherjee - The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer

Siddhartha Mukherjee (born 1970) is an Indian-born American physician,
scientist and author. He wrote the 2010 book, The Emperor of All Maladies:
A Biography of Cancer, which won the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction
and the Guardian Prize, was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle
Award and was described by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential
books of the last 100 years, and by The New York Times Magazine as among
the 100 best works of non-fiction.
Title: Siddhartha Mukherjee - The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of
Cancer. YouTube ... more »
Breaking news...
And on the story goes...
The Daily Telegraph (online) is now leading with a story it first reported
an hour ago:
*French soldier stabbed in neck while patrolling Paris business district*
Man of North African origin flees scene after soldier patrolling area of
Paris stabbed, raising fears of a Woolwich copycat attack.
The Daily Mail has the same story:
*French anti-terror soldier has throat slashed in Paris by 'jihab-wearing
man of North African origin in Woolwich copy-cat attack'*
The Sky News website has it as one of its top stories:
*French Soldier Stabbed In Neck In Paris*
The ... more »
A preliminary taste: #optout #refusal map based on survey data
Click below to view the map. This includes only the first 250 respondents
because the tool requires payment for more data points. Good job Long
Island, good job. View UOO DATA MAP in a full screen map Filed under: CHALK
FACE: General News & Commentary Tagged: map, optout, test refusal, uoo
The Cost of Wind Part III
To understand more of why wind generated electricity is so costly, I would
like to explain a little about wind and electrical demand. Some electrical
demand is constant. That means that electricity is expected in the middle
of the night as well as in the middle of the day. Take, for example, a
refrigerator, some cooling is required in the middle of the night as well
as during the daytime. Some businesses operate both day and night and use
electricity all around the clock. For example, my neighborhood grocery may
stay open all night. As evening progresses, people who have been awake
... more »
Why I don't defend Rosen or the government
It seems my friend Dan at Pruning Shears and I are having a disagreement. I
don't think we're actually as far apart on the government surveillance of
the media as he does. I think I made rather clear in my earlier post on James
Rosen and also on the AP records grab that I don't condone secret
government surveillance on the media -- or anyone. Unfortunately it doesn't
appear that the government conducted these investigations illegally. The
laws that make it possible have been creeping into our judicial system long
before the Obama administration arrived. And let's not lose sight of th... more »
(Does Anyone (Smart) Listen to TV News Anymore?) Oh No They Didn't! Dead Guy Went Crazy - Had To Be Killed - In Police Dept. (Best Responses To Nonsense News - EVER!)
Watch this (if you dare). Or continue to be unpleasantly surprised (if
you're not already a member of the thug gang and are thusly "pleasantly"
surprised - as I'm sure none of my readers are). We are well beyond the
Keystone Cops here. This is like if the Trailer Park Boys were in charge of
our Justice Department. It’s a farce. That’s all I can say about it. I've
heard about time warps (
*Our other yacht.*
Why are we here and not in heaven?
*London Soldier Killing Hoax Plus Sandy Hoax News *
The Matrix - How to Know that You're Living in the Matrix.
After the brutal murder of the soldier in London , another soldier attacked in France ? Are we seeing a trend develop ?
French soldier on duty stabbed by man 'of North African origin' in Paris,
manhunt ongoing
Get short URL
Published time: May 25, 2013 17:38
Edited time: May 25, 2013 19:03
[image: A French soldier stands guard on May 23, 2013, as part of France's
national security alert system "Plan Vigipirate". (AFP Photo / Remy
A French soldier stands guard on May 23, 2013, as part of France's national
security alert system "Plan Vigipirate". (AFP Photo / Remy Gabalda)
Share on tumblr
A French soldier patrolling a business area of west... more »
Why do so many people believe the official story on the Woolwich plot?
It's because such plots are *designed* by the government to appeal to our
fears, hates and prejudices.
*Dr Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury*
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has explained* **why so many people believe the
government lies*.
It's all about hating Moslems...
Let us remember that ABU QATADA is an MI5 ASSET
*Dr Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury... more »

It's in the nature of blogs to be both personal and topical. My posts tend
to be neither, but this one will be both...
The savage murder of Drummer Lee Rigby by two British-born, second
generation immigrant Muslim converts, one of whom spouted religious
(Islamic) and political (Islamist) justifications for their sick killing of
a young British soldier, has shocked, disgusted, depressed and confused me.
From discussions with friends, family and work colleagues I know that I'm
far from being alone in feeling this way. Acts of sectarian murder aren't
exactly new to the British Isles... more »
@rweingarten fantastic at one key thing: triangulation #AFT
It’s something I could never do: talk out of multiple sides of my mouth. I
try not to have it many ways, but one, the way I know and feel is right.
Granted, we all do things that run counter or contrary to that of our
employers. We seek a balance. Many of us do […]
Excellent Report: Late Lessons from Chernobyl, Early Warnings from Fukushima
I highly recommend this excellent review and analysis available here.
Very glad to see @chrislhayes inviting Karen Lewis onto his show #inners
Here’s a link to the video. Now, catch her again on At the Chalk Face, this
Sunday, at 6PM EST, for the rest of the story. Filed under: CHALK FACE:
General News & Commentary Tagged: at the chalk face, chicago, chris hayes,
ctu, inners, rahm emanuel, school closings
Activist arrested prior to press conference regarding Whiteclay abuses
TR McKenzie of DGR Great Plains Arrested
Activist Arrested Prior to Press Conference Regarding Whiteclay Abuses
DGR News Service
Posted at Censored News
LINCOLN, Nebraska (May 24, 2013) – Activist T.R. McKenzie was
arrested this morning prior to his scheduled appearance at a press
conference at the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. McKenzie was
planning to speak about the most
What Mattered This Week?
There's a new judge on the DC Circuit, the first one nominated by Barack
Obama. That's going to matter. I'll add that the developments over
nominations and Senate reform matter more generally, although it's still
too early to know how they will turn out.
I'm inclined to think that the McCain/Cruz feud won't turn out to matter
much. I certainly don't think it matters whether or not Congress goes to a
formal conference committee on the budget.
That's what I have. What about you? What do you think mattered this week?
Mohawk Nation News 'TEWARATON'
May 25, 2013
MNN. May 25, 2013. Lacrosse [TEWARATON] was created
before the people arrived on Mother Earth. The first game was played
between the winged ones and the four-legged ones. In the end the winged
ones won because they understood that every mind is important to the
whole, no matter how small. When a final decision in the consensus
process is at a
Comandante Huertas Revisited

Since few here seem to understand research on their own and seem incapable
of finding things on their own, and since they seem annoyed by the posting
about the Peruvian pilot, Comandante Oscar Santa Maria Huertas (Ret), let
me add additional information.
For those interested, I spoke to the man in front of the National Press
Club in Washington, D. C. on the afternoon of May 1, 2013. He showed me a
copy of the Department of Defense document that recounted, very briefly,
the events of his chase of a UFO. That document has been scanned and added
here for those who seem to have no Inte... more »
Hissing Sid and what we’re told to think

Why do we have to have our news filtered through the weirdest prism, day in
day out. Is it because of this?
I mean, this morning we were treated to the news of an increase in
Islamophobic incidents. A spike, no less. No-one was beheaded in the course
of announcing those incidents, nor in the incidents themselves.
Mind you, I do understand the urge to point out such spikes, as I
appreciate that antisemitic incidents are occasionally pointed out too,
usually after some particularly egregious anti-Israel reportage.
You can always tell when the announcer is taking care not to sound
I... more »
Room 335 & Night of Change - finest guitar weekend
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 1 day ago
Link: http://youtu.be/aRTD12fl6Mo Link: http://youtu.be/NSxTlpxaTpU
Ignazio Di Salvo represents the "Italian super-fingered style", whereas Jess
Lewis and Alex Hutchings come out with a jazzy style from Britain. Feel
free to play along. Enjoy!
SAC loses Blackstone's investment ! A sign that SAC will be closing down to outside investors sooner rather than later ?
With The Unwind Approaching, Here Are $18.6 Billion SAC Capital's Largest
Stock Positions
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2013 16:46 -0400
- Cohen
- DE Shaw
- Expert Networks
- Fund of Funds
- Insider Trading
- Institutional Investors
- Pershing Square
- Private Equity
- Reuters
- Steve Cohen
Nearly three years ago, following the publishing of "Is The SEC's Insider
Trading Case... more »
Your moment of Zen

Gate to the Summerland. [via Old Moss Woman artist unknown]
Global warming is here to stay
Kevin Trenberth wrote the following text:
Global warming is here to stay, whichever way you look at it
So it must be a spherical global warming! Before I will mention every
sentence of Trenberth's musings, let me offer you a quiz.
*Click the image above to zoom in.*
You see a graph that seems to be a graph of some temperatures. You see that
the maximum that the temperature has reached on this graph is slightly
above 0.7 °C. On the horizontal axis, you see 8 cells. Your task is to
guess the value of the temperature now, pretty much in the middle of the
next, 9th cell (the first on... more »
The Future is Staring Us in the Face. We Must Stop Looking Away.
As a civilization we're having enormous difficulty coming to grips with
climate change in its full dimension and all of its aspects. Part of that
is because, while it truly is a global problem, its impacts are not
globally uniform and the impetus to deal with it even less so.
The scope of the problem poses its own problems. Science tells us that
even best efforts solutions won't really fix the problem for centuries. At
three to four generations per century times three to four centuries, you
get the idea. What reality is there in the notion of your family sixteen
generations he... more »
Flying the flag on Memorial Day...

*On Memorial Day, the flag should be hung at half-staff until noon, when it
should be raised to the top of the staff.*
*More Flag Etiquette:*
**When and How to Display the U.S. Flag*
Charles Taylor on Explaining Society
Whether you like to think sociology is a science or not, it does provide
competing theories and tools for understanding societies and explaining
human action. As I'm feeling a bit lazy, here's the Canadian philosopher
Charles Taylor expounding at length on reductionist approaches to human
behaviour and the possibility of social explanation.
Can The Democrats Retake The House Next Year?

Steve Israel's talking point is "problem solvers." He repeats it like a
mantra. But there's something else interesting that he said in his
interview with USA Today, in response to a question about what it means
that the DCCC spent so lavishly in South Carolina a few weeks ago, only to
lose-- and by a wide margin-- to one of the most flawed Republican
candidates ever, Mark Sanford. Israel pointed out the SC-01 "is one of the
100 most Republican districts in the country (which isn't exactly true. The
PVI is R+11 and it's ranked the 118th most Republican): "I made a decision
that we'... more »
This is maiz story on the Acapulco tortillas in ELA.
Es quienes somos. Es de donde vinimos y de lo que estamos hechos.
Es nuestro sustento sagrado. Forma parte de nuestra memoria antigua de más
de 7,000 años a las Américas. Es lo que nos conecta con nuestra madre
Centli: Nin tujuan. Ninkampa tihualehua uan ekatechijke. Nintechyoltilitika.
Tuan kanin toueuenemiliz. Ojkachi nin 7000 xijme ipan América. Ijua nintech nelua kanin tonantzin tlalli.
(traduccion: Paula Domingo Olivares, Cuentepec, Morelos)
Maíz: it is who we are. It is where we come from and what we are made of.
It is our sacred sustenance. It forms part of our an... more »
Prologue of Tatterdemalion

While I understand it, it troubles me that, historically, my
so-called readers have been at best apathetic on the relatively rare
occasions I post my fiction to this blog. I understand it because this is
primarily a political blog and perhaps I'm overestimating the size of my
dwindling readership who may actually care about other things I'm doing.
In what's necessarily my spare time, in between job hunting,
bill-paying, shopping, laundry, trips to the garage and all the quotidian
minutia comprising a human life, I've been piecing together 1000-2000 words ... more »
Saskatchewan Premier Wall No Longer Believes Senate Can Be Reformed

*On this site, I give credit where credit is due.**
*"I think it is time to abolish the Senate. I think it is reflective of
what Canadians are saying," "I don't think reform is possible. I think
abolition is also difficult, but it is ... more doable than reform. I guess
we all had hoped in Western Canada that it might be reformed — that would
be the first preference. I just don't think it can be."*
*Brad Wall*
*Premier of Saskatchewan*
*-Saskatchewan premier Wall no longer believes Senate can be reformed *
*-Sask Premier Brad Wall ahead of PM on abolishing Senate*
[image: Prog... more »
Lee Rigby. Father, Husband, Human Being. Murdered by Scum

The above picture is of murdered soldier, Lee Rigby, from Middleton,
Lancashire, married to a woman from Halifax, Yorkshire. He was crushed by
a car of hate-filled immigrants and then set about in the street. It is
highly likely that those who murdered him were state assets. Contra to the
lies of the Islamophiles, his death has been greeted with joy by Muslims.
Living in the same county as Lee had family in, I can tell you first hand
that the 'British' Muslims have not condemned his murder. Regardless of
whether he was really beheaded, it remains a fact that he was murdered.
... more »
We failed to capture the depth of the problem!
*SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2013*
*Rachel Maddow’s bungled reports about Jonathan Karl*: We’ll admit it!
In yesterday’s main report, we failed to capture the depth of the problem
with Rachel Maddow’s gruesome reports concerning Jonathan Karl.
On May 15 and May 17, Maddow devoted lengthy segments to Karl’s now-famous
May 10 report about the Benghazi talking points. In our view, her reports
were appallingly inaccurate—so much so that we couldn’t convey the sweep of
the offense in just one post.
In those segments, Maddow misstated what Karl had said in his report. In
the process, she committe... more »
Niger claims attackers came from Libya - Libya updates as blowback from Libya upheaval continues to widen....
Niger attackers came from Libya, president says
[image: Niger attackers came from Libya, president says]
© FRANCE 24 screen grab
Nigerien President Mahamadou Issoufou told FRANCE 24 on Saturday that the
suicide bombers responsible for deadly twin attacks on a military base and
a French uranium mine in Niger came from Libya.
By FRANCE 24 (text)
Niger President Mahamadou Issoufou told FRANCE 24 on Saturday that the
suicide bombers behind twin attacks on a military base and a
French-operated uranium mine in the c... more »
*A year after Times-Picayune announced cutbacks, news habits changing in
New Orleans ~Eve Troeh and Bevil Knapp, The Lens*
*Readership, alliances up at other New Orleans news outlets in last year ~Andrew
Beaujon, Pointer.*
*NOCVB must respond to public records requests regarding public funds
expenditures ~lunanola*
*Sweet Ass New Orleans Saints defense getting back to aggressive mentality
under Ryan*
*Storm Fest 2013!*
*Local groups collecting supplies for tornado victims ~Bob Capo, WWLTV*
*New online course scaled back to fund Jindal's pre-evolution SkyGod School
*Rev... more »
Obama's "pivot" of 60% of military forces into Asia-Pacific is well
underway. We are talking big *$$$$* here. New aggressive war fighting
technologies are being rolled out almost daily. Here is a video about one
of the latest.
Strange troop movements , foreign troops and armored vehicles on the move ? Something to try to keep an eye on , if credible , might this be a harbinger for some type of " other event " looming ?
Foreign Troops and Armored Vehicles Spotted in NH, FL, WV
[image: Print Friendly]
As Nashua, NH, residents witness armored vehicles patrolling the streets of
their usually peaceful town, blogger Pamela Rae Schuffert reports getting
numerous phone calls from West Virginia, Florida, and Georgia regarding
military transport jets landing in numerous cities across the country. Is
America preparing for a military operation within its borders?
[image: Photo: New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition]
Photo: ... more »
Oregon Woman Told by 911 ‘There are no cops available…Just ask him to go away’ Right Before Sexual Assault
Kimberly Paxton
The saying goes, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.”
If you live in Josephine County, Oregon, apparently they’re only minutes
away on weekdays. Budget cuts have reduced department coverage to only 5
days per week.
An unidentified woman was physically and sexually assaulted by her
ex-boyfriend, Michael Bellah, after calling 911, only to be told that it
was “unfortunate” that there were no officers to help her that day.
“Uh, I don’t have anybody to send out there,” the 911 dispatcher told the
woman. “You know, obviously, if he comes inside the re... more »
Rep. Adam Schiff preparing legislation that could end AUMF, remove authority for war on terror

Rep. Adam Schiff Madison Ruppert
According to a report, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is preparing legislation
that would end the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) and
in doing so would remove much of the authority for the war on terror and
all that comes with it.
The AUMF has been used to justify everything from indefinite detention of
Americans to assassinations carried out by drones so legislation that would
“sunset” the AUMF would bring about many changes.
“The current AUMF is outdated and straining at the edges to justify the use
of force outside the war thea... more »
The Fords Hit The Fan
The day after Rob Ford publicly denied using crack cocaine, *The Globe and
Mail *runs a story claiming that his brother Doug used to traffic in hash:
Ten people who grew up with Doug Ford – a group that includes two former
hashish suppliers, three street-level drug dealers and a number of casual
users of hash – have described in a series of interviews how for several
years Mr. Ford was a go-to dealer of hash. These sources had varying
degrees of knowledge of his activities: Some said they purchased hash
directly from him, some said they supplied him, while others said they
observ... more »
The Colorado River, The High Plains Aquifer And The Entire Western Half Of The U.S. Are Rapidly Drying Up

Michael Snyder
What is life going to look like as our precious water resources become
increasingly strained and the western half of the United States becomes
bone dry? Scientists tell us that the 20th century was the wettest century
in the western half of the country in 1000 years, and now things appear to
be reverting to their normal historical patterns. But we have built
teeming cities in the desert such as Phoenix and Las Vegas that support
millions of people. Cities all over the Southwest continue to grow even as
the Colorado River, Lake Mead and the High Plains Aquifer sys... more »
Stockholm police ticket white victims as Muslim immigrants burn the city down
' The Stockholm police say it is to dangerous to fight the rioting Muslim
immigrants. However, they are issuing revenue generating parking tickets to
victims of destroyed automobiles.'
More here
Police are the same all over, ticket the law abiding and let the evil get
away with everything.
Kicking Rich Freeloaders Off Agricultural Welfare

Stephen Lee Fincher (R-TN), one of the most dishonest crooks in Congress
Thursday, Dick Durbin's amendment to the Farm Bill passed, rather
miraculously, 59-33. The amendment is meant "to limit the amount of premium
subsidy provided by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation on behalf of any
person or legal entity with an average adjusted gross income in excess of
$750,000, with a delayed application of the limitation until completion of
a study on the effects of the limitation." I was kind of hoping he would
have named it the Congressman Stephen Lee Fincher Amendment. More about
why, ... more »
Question of the day and for the weekend - Did Eric Holder commit perjury in his testimony before Congress regarding potential prosecution of the press pursuant to the Espionage Act of 1917 ? In light of current uproar , will Holder still be Attorney General or will he resign before July 12 , 2013 due date for Holder to report back to President Obama regarding reviews of DOJ guidelines governing investigations involving reporters ?

Did Eric Holder lie in Congressional testimony last week?
That’s the question asked by Katie Pavlich and Jim Hoft after the
revelation that Attorney General Eric Holder personally approved the
application for a warrant on Fox News’ James Rosen as a potential
co-conspirator in espionage. Last week, under relatively friendly
questioning from Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) about the Department of Justice
seizure of Associated Press phone recor... more »
It's Airborne: Human Transmission of Deadly H7N9 Virus Now Confirmed

Mac Slavo
In April of this year researchers studying the H7N9 bird flu virus in China
advised global governments to get prepared for the worst-case scenario.
According to the World Health Organization, H7N9 is one the most lethal
influenza strains ever identified because it mutates eight times faster
than a normal flu virus, and, according to official records, has a
death-to-infection ratio of about 25%.
It was initially believed that the virus could only be transmitted to
humans who have had direct contact with poultry. After 36 H7N9 deaths and
131 of infections officially repor... more »
The individual vs. the collective in the Matrix

Dees Illustration Jon Rappoport
In the 1950s, before television had numbed minds and turned them into
jelly, there was a growing sense of: the Individual versus the Corporate
Something needed to be done. People were fitting into slots. They were
surrendering their lives in increasing numbers. They were carving away
their own idiosyncrasies and their independent ideas.
Collectivism wasn’t merely a Soviet paradigm. It was spreading like a
fungus at every level of American life. It might fly a political banner
here and there, but on the whole it was a social phenomenon and ni... more »
Anarchy Explained in Under 10 Minutes
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Hershberger Trial: List of Things You Can't Say and Wear Gets Bigger

Heather Callaghan
Hopefully, you already know what's going down in Baraboo, Wisconsin. It's
one of the biggest, precedent-setting food freedom cases in history that's
got even conventional dairy industries watching. Raw milk is the smallest
part of this trial - Vernon is fighting for you and he didn't have to. A
large, mostly eclectic group has been gathering since Monday and a verdict
is expected Friday.
The judge, Guy Reynolds, is essentially directing the jury how to vote and
what they are allowed to hear....*The whole case hinges on these words that
are banned.*
Vernon Hersh... more »
The Digital Crossover: How is Technology Changing our Society?

Daniel Taylor
In a recent article, Old-Thinker News reported on the Google-Bilderberg
partnership and the likely strategy this group will pursue into the future.
To summarize; The global elite are pushing the globe toward a dystopic
future in which all aspects of life are in some way managed by their
interests. Future urban development of computerized “U-cities” will reflect
this goal. Mega corporations will provide advanced technology to their
constituents and thus gain loyalty.
*How will this technology impact our society? How has it already impacted
our lives?*
The wider tren... more »
New Joe Rogan Experience with Graham Hancock
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The People's Movement Against Monsanto
Monsanto is a company feared and reviled by the public in equal measure.
But whatever cases Monsanto has lost in the court of public opinion it has
made up for in the courts of justice thanks to its revolving door with the
upper reaches of Washington. Now, a new movement is seeking to galvanize
grassroots resistance to the corporation, and derail its agenda.
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Simple Vision Test Predicts IQ

This establishes that the tool itself is capable of high level training.
From that starting point, we have observed a vast distribution of mental
development and results. We really do a poor job on the rest of it. It is
enough to say that I have met many who could have developed a high level of
functional intelligence because of their intrinsic intelligence.
IQ tests actually measure functional intelligence rather well enough. This
test looks to show up intrinsic intelligence. This means that it will
become possible to measure one against the other and use that informat... more »
Grey Whale Enters Walvis Bay

It appears that as the whale populations recover, that they are reaching
out to expand their range. This is great news and sort of expected but not
so quickly. Hunting pressure has disappeared and the natural pressure to
find greener pastures will have also intensified.
It still makes good sense to speed it all up with the movement of a pod
into the Irish Sea. We are otherwise talking decades here.
The complete restoration of the oceanic ecology is still some ways off but
it is pretty clear that the wild catch has cleanly plateaued. Now the
increasingly valid farmed fis... more »
Expanding Agriculture in Amazon is ‘No-win’ scenario

One of the things that industrial agriculture does well is clear cut a
forest to take out all the seed trees and leave a barren landscape behind
to weather away. It just happens to be bone stupid. The only good thing
that I can say about it is that it is a temporary phase in the life of the
All forests need to be managed. To start with that means packing a hand
saw to knock down obstructing branches in the ground story as one makes
passage about the forest. That leads pretty quickly to taking ownership of
the life and vitality of the forest. A managed forest will ... more »
The Penny Scam

There are a lot of things horribly wrong about the US Securities system.
It barely works at all and is continuously preyed upon by independents and
dealers alike. Tools that could work if applied are in fact blocked to the
advantage of the lowest common denominator.
Worse, it is effectively unregulated by the SEC from top to bottom. They
show up only to close the barn door and put out an obituary. Anything other
than that is complaint driven and a small fraction of real traffic which
means that perps operate with almost impunity as long as he settles his own
complaints. ... more »
Turmeric's Cardiovascular Benefits Found To Be As Powerful As Exercise

Sayer Ji
Nothing can replace exercise, but turmeric extract does a pretty good job
of producing some of the same cardiovascular health benefits, most notably
in women undergoing age-associated adverse changes in arterial health.
Despite the general lack of interest by conventional medical practitioners
in turmeric's role in preventing heart disease, there is a robust body of
published research on its remarkable cardioprotective properties, with
three dozen study abstracts on the topic available to view on our database
alone: turmeric's cardioprective properties.
Last year, we rep... more »
No More KINGS!
Over the last few weeks, my first graders have watched this Schoolhouse
Rock video at least a dozen times. They would excitedly request a viewing
nearly every day. Why did they like it so much? Honestly, they LOVED the
part where the colonist sticks his tongue out at the King! Of course they
did-they are […]
Renault cars now with added Va Va Boom button
Renault's new Clio has a Va va Boom button.
And for the ladies...
800 Scientists Demand Global GMO “Experiment” End by Elizabeth Renter

Source: http://www.setyoufreenews.com/category/news/800 Scientists Demand
Global GMO “Experiment” End
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 24 May 2014
Did you hear about the 800 esteemed scientists who came together and *demanded
the production of genetically modified crops and products be stopped*?
Scientists* *who called on world powers to re-evaluate the future of
agriculture and seek *sustainability rather than corporate profits*? Don’t
be surprised if you haven’t, as the mainstream media won’t touch this one.
Eight-hundred scientists did make such a demand. They *made it* ... more »
London "beheading" - Responding to critics

I have received some criticism after publishing a brief blog post the other
day contending that the London "beheading" may have been yet another hoax
or fake event, similar to Sandy Hook and the recent Boston "bombing." Let
me say for the record that at this point, I am 100% convinced the London
"beheading" was indeed another hoax, a fake event portrayed in the mass
media as real which is being used to perpetuate the fraudulent "Global War
on Terror" meme and the idea of *"lone-wolf Islamic terrorists," *in
addition *to justifying the crackdown on the internet and expanding
governme... more »

*Michael Adebolajo released from Kenya, with the help of MI5?*
Michael Adebolajo, one of the alleged 'Woolwich terrorists', is reported to
have become a father just days before the Woolwich attack.
*In 2010, Michael Adebolajo may have been sent by the UK security services
to work for al Qaeda in Somalia.*
(Al Qaeda is now being used to try to topple President Assad of Syria)
Reportedly, Michael Adebolajo was among a group arrested in Kenya en route
to Somalia in 2010.
*Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya under suspicion of being at the
centre of a CIA-a... more »
Are There No more Honourable Men, Hari Kari Is In Order
*Written by Grant G*
Many have awaited my analysis of BC`s 2013 election, the mainstream media
have weighed in, bloggers and pundits too..
No one is happy with the result, pollsters led us astray, or did they, I am
of the belief that pollsters posted results with deliberate guile, had
anyone known that in fact at the beginning of the writ period the two big
parties were actually tied in support levels the campaign would have taken
a drastically different direction, the BC Liberal record would have been
front and center, the scandals and lies would have been highlighted..
The ma... more »

London Mayor Boris Johnson (whose father was a spook) and Jaden Smith
*ArmeriCares*, George Bush’s Favorite Charity, Dispenses Bitter Medicine.
*RussBaker.com - A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)*
*Boris and some worried looking boys.*
**Kal Dani's Oracle: Prince William's Occulted Numbers*
*Refuse collector*
Whistleblowers Reveal Stevens Was In Libya To Buy Back Missiles From
*18 Year Old Looking at 20 Years for Anti-Government Lyrics On Facebook*
May 22, 1973
(Sorry, behind again, that kind of week...)
Nixon issues a statement:
RECENT news accounts growing out of testimony in the Watergate
investigations have given grossly misleading impressions of many of the
facts, as they relate both to my own role and to certain unrelated
activities involving national security.
Already, on the basis of second- and third-hand hearsay testimony by
persons either convicted or themselves under investigation in the case, I
have found myself accused of involvement in activities I never heard of
until I read about them in news accounts.
These impress... more »
Eric Weinstein's invisible theory of nothing
On Friday, I received an irritated message from Mel B. who had read
articles in the Guardian claiming that Eric Weinstein found a theory of
everything or something close:
Roll over Einstein: meet Weinstein (by Alok Jha)
Eric Weinstein may have found the answer to physics' biggest problems (by
Marcus du Sautoy)
Geometric Unity (a lecture at Oxford that no physicist attended)
First, the puns involving names emulating Einstein are extremely far from
being new to me because as the most successful Czechoslovak debunker of
these... more »
Musical Interlude: Era, “Divano”
Era, “Divano”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnaL2_oCr9s
And The Emmy For The Worst Acting In A False Flag Goes To: The Woolwich England Machete Guy

*None of you are safe.....except the camera guy interviewing me, the
onlookers that aren't running away that are talking to us, the woman who
almost whacked me with a cart, the guy who put fake blood on my hand,
*.......oh! And David Cameron and all the politicians are safe!!!!!*
Let me recap: a "Muslim terrorist" waving around a bloody machete with
which he just decapitated a nearby body still laying there and running
around yelling "NONE OF YOU ARE SAFE"..........and not one person runs away
(they even are *talking to *the "machete beheaders"), a woman even almost
wh... more »
Sunday Classics preview: Memorable Mozart from the no-nonsense younger Colin Davis

*The Seraphim LP issue of the c1961 Colin Davis disc of Mozart overtures I
keep going on about, as in this July 2012 preview*
*by Ken*
I've spent a lot of time and effort trying to find a path into Mozart's two
mature efforts to resurrect the *opera seria*, *Ideomeneo* and *La Clemenza
di Tito*. Though the operas themselves remain for me massive expenditures
of genius effort which came to not a whole lot, I love both overtures with
an abiding passion. What's more, in the case of the *Clemenza* Overture in
particular, when I finally saw the opera in the flesh for the first time, I
... more »
Shake your hair out and come and dance with me
Grim reaper ripped my heart out today. I lost my best friend. Oh, but the
times we had and William Topley played the soundtrack of our wild nights
that lingered til dawn and beyond. RIP Jamie.
*A year after Times-Picayune announced cutbacks, news habits changing in
New Orleans ~Eve Troeh and Bevil Knapp, The Lens*
*NOCVB must respond to public records requests regarding public funds
expenditures ~lunanola*
*Storm Fest 2013!*
5/25 - March Against Monsanto

*March Against Monsanto*
Codifying Experiences, Knowledge, Reflections
I started this blog in 2009 to express my concerns about the condition of
humanity at that point in time. I have chronicled my reactions and research
on the pressing issues: financial crisis; endless war; declining health;
and environmental catastrophes.
I have described my fears about growing fascism and dispossession and the
dangers these pose for our collective survival given the scope of the
problems we face, having now destroyed our eco-system.
I wrote this blog to express these concerns and I found so many people
across the world who share them also and who are motivated by t... more »
Satire: “Scalia Resigns Post as Scoutmaster”
* “Scalia Resigns Post as Scoutmaster”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia,
who for the past forty-seven years has served as a weekend scoutmaster for
the Boy Scouts of America, angrily resigned from that position yesterday,
effective immediately. Justice Scalia quit his post in a terse resignation
letter that read, in part: “Some of the happiest memories of my adult life
have been as a scoutmaster. Huddling under blankets around the campfire,
and so forth. But now, all of that has been ruined. Ruined.”
Shortly after sending ... more »
Re. the Boy Scouts' "compromise": Compromise with crackpots isn't compromise, it's capitulation

*Lord Baden-Powell*, *inventor of the Boy Scouts: Would you entrust your
burgeoning lad to this man? Would you want your burgeoning lad anywhere nearthis man?
*"President Obama praised the Boy Scouts of America's decision to lift its
ban on openly gay youth, but added he hopes the organization will take
further action to allow openly gay Scout leaders, according to the White
*-- the lead of* Chris Johnson's Washington Blade report
*"Allowing gay scouts but not adult scout leaders . . . was a step
backward, because it reinforced the most vile stereotypes and
misconception... more »
"How It Really Is"
IQ 95? The artist is too kind, lol...
Kijiji Follow Up - A note sent to me as worth posting
Kijiji has confirmed to the police that the ad posted by Mr. Bosma on
Kijiji did not feature personal contact information, nor did it receive any
replies, which determines* the incident did not occur as result of his ad
posting on Kijiji.*
You can read more of Kijiji's statement at the following link: *
What is this?
Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
timestamp is May 22 22:49. The phenomenon I'm focusing on is
visible on the Tepco cam. It is only visible on the TBS cam. Look to the
right of the third red-and-white crane on the corner of building 3
to building 4:
<img alt=""
src="... more »
Crumbling infrastructure is our national shame

Miraculously no one was killed when that bridge went down in Washington
state this week. It's unlikely we'll be so lucky the next time and there
will be a next time because we can't get the funding out of DC. The chart
shows our national neglect of our critical infrastructure.
You might have thought the horrifying bridge collapse on I-35W in
Minneapolis in 2007 would have been a wake up call, but no. At a time when one
in nine of our bridges are deficient in some way, Republicans continue to
block all infrastructure spending simply because they see it as win for
Obama and they're... more »
Pledge Your Support to the Common Core!
New York Education Commissioner, John King, has partnered with Education
Reform Now! to start getting private businesses on board with the Common
Core State Standards. Nobody in education really buys any of this garbage,
so King has decided to start getting businesses to sign on and wrap a huge
media campaign around it. Hey, Exxon-Mobil […]
“So Where Are We?”
* *
*“So Where Are We?”*
by Zen Gardner
"We’re in the thick of it. My biggest concern? So many have been warned and
so few have heeded. You can’t even count how many seriously weird things
are going down, practically all of them carefully designed, and an
intoxicated world dutifully falls into line robotically. That’s the
weirdest thing of all.
The engineers we’re up against are in a very powerful position and are not
afraid to use it. Besides the other idiocies transpiring in full frontal
view, the MSM now joins the asteroid meme saying, “Get canned food, the
asteroid is approa... more »
"You Can't Buy Prosperity"
* *
*"You Can't Buy Prosperity"*
by Bill Bonner
"Gold rose $24 per ounce yesterday. The Dow fell 12 points. The smart money
is using this dip to buy gold. Why? Because the world's major stock
markets... currencies... and economies all depend on reckless measures by
central banks. In the short run, the central banks can make things appear
safe and stable. How? By making lending money at ultra-low rates the norm.
It's hard for major players to go broke; they can just refinance. But in
the long run, those same policies can lead to instability, bubbles... and
Too bad, but... more »
Weekend Fun 41: Nancy Binay, Grace Poe, Other Politicians

Newly elected Sen. Nancy Binay ranked 5th out of 12 Senators recently
proclaimed by the Comelec. Being a never-heard political personality
nationwide until November 2012, she suddenly shot up in the top 15
candidates when she was drafted by UNA in December 2012. The rest is
history. Below is her political pedigree.
Some political cartoons during the campaign period, below.
Well, the joke is now on the voters, you and me included.
On the part of #1, Sen. Grace Poe who got 20.15 million votes, almost two
million higher than the 2nd placer Loren Legarda who got 18.48 million,
there ... more »
cantabria and asturias, day one
Today we fulfilled a travel wish we've harboured for many, many years. We
saw two sets of paleolithic cave paintings.
* * * *
The day started out a bit interesting, with an early-morning phone call
that appeared to be from our dogsitter, scaring me (although it turned out
to be a mistake), and a non-working shower. While we ate breakfast, the
desk clerk wanted to tell us the shower was fixed, so she wrote this on a
scrap of paper: "The bath this one are repaired. Forgives the
inconvenience." I have no doubt my Spanish sounds equally amusing.
We had to wait for the tourist informati... more »
madrid to segovia to cantabria
Getting out of Madrid was a whole lot easier than getting in. We found our
way to the highway easily, and had a short drive to the town of Segovia, to
see its famous Roman aqueduct. It's pretty amazing to see a gigantic,
completely intact stone aqueduct right in the middle of a town: see here.
It's about 32 kilometres (20 miles) long, 28.5 metres (93.5 feet) tall at
its highest point, and made of more than 20,000 stones, and not a drop of
Years ago, we saw the Pont du Gard, a famous three-tiered Roman aqueduct in
France. We went way out of our way to see it, and were well r... more »
Harper's Parade of Perps with Perks - Part 4

Please welcome Senators David Tkachuk, Marjory LeBreton and Carolyn Stewart
Olsen to the growing family scandal of Steve's Parade of Perps with Perks.
Click to enjoy.
While Steve is still going with the lone topgun chief of staff on the Duffy
knoll with the chequebook story from his temporary hideout in South
America, his perps at home are busy fucking that up for him.
We were most relieved to hear from Senator Tkachuk that even though he was
soliciting advice from the Prime Minister's Office on how to do his audit
of Duffy, and Nigel Wright was calling him up wanting to know "W... more »
How Many More Teachers Have to Quit Before Things Change?
Another teacher leaving the profession she loves because she says it no
longer exists under the current high stakes testing regime. Filed under:
CHALK FACE: General News & Commentary, JUDY RABIN: Schools Matter Tagged:
education reform, high stakes testing, insanity, Teachers Quit
Activist arrested delivering complaint on White Clay liquor stores
Deep Green Resistance activist T.R.
McKenzie arrested, while delivering this complaint on White Clay liquor stores bordering Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Update: Deep Green Resistance press statement:
Jefferson, South DakotaMay 24, 2013Nebraska Liquor Control CommissionRobert Batt, Chairman301 Centennial Mall SouthP.O.
All the world is a stage
One of the (relatively) recent innovations in the horror/thriller genres
has been found footage[1]. The appeal of the horror genre is, if it’s
effective, it takes you inside a terrifying scenario but leaves you
completely safe. The result is not terror but exhilaration. Found footage
removes another barrier to the suspension of disbelief. The genre’s
weakness is, of course, when it goes beyond the stage any believable
character simply drop the camera and run.
But what is that stage?
The vital element in reports of the Woolwich murder has been
citizen-gathered footage. Harvested m... more »
John W. Whitehead, “The Age of Authoritarianism"
* *
*“The Age of Authoritarianism: *
*Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations”*
By John W. Whitehead
“Force alone cannot make us safe. We cannot use force everywhere that a
radical ideology takes root; and in the absence of a strategy that reduces
the well-spring of extremism, a perpetual war– through drones or Special
Forces or troop deployments– will prove self-defeating, and alter our
country in troubling ways.” - Barack Obama, May 23, 2013
“President Obama’s declaration that “America is at a crossroads” in the
fight against terror, a fight that i... more »
Rebranding? No. But Get Ready to Govern
Paul Waldman has a nice post today about GOP "rebranding." He's quite
right: ideological shifts, real or perceived, do far less to explain
electoral results than basic economic performance and other "retrospective
voting" things.
In particular: I think it's very likely that a Democrat would have won in
1992 even if there had been no DLC. And I think that at best Democrats have
a very narrow national advantage based on perceived Republican extremism,
almost certainly smaller than the presidential vote margin in 2008 and 2012.
However, as I've said before: that doesn't mean that party... more »
Tesla-- I wonder What Libertarians Think Of The Authoritarians Who Run The North Carolina GOP

I'm in the middle of buying a Tesla. My neighbor swears by his and, to me,
it seems like the car least likely to pollute the planet. I have solar
energy in my house so it won't even cost me anything to charge up the
battery a few times a week. But, I couldn't just walk into a dealership and
buy one. I had to do the whole process online. Works for me... but I don't
live in North Carolina. I'll come back to that in a second.
The big news about Tesla this week was two-fold; first, many auto magazines
are calling it the best care ever.
The new all-electric Tesla S sedan is not just ... more »
Obamacare, it's lowering costs

There was some article going around a week or so ago where one of the big
health insurers was claiming rates would rise by something like 384%
because of Obamacare. Which unsurprisingly turns out to be pure bullcrap.
The news out of California, our biggest state with some 7.1 million
uninsured residents, is rates are going to be significantly lower than even
neutral observers had predicted.
I couldn't access the original New Republic piece. Apparently you need to
be a subscriber now to read it, but Ed Kilgore has a good summary:
Based on the premiums that insurers have submitted f... more »
Face first into the culture

We spent a lot of time talking about culture in the Cuso International
training we took in Canada before moving to Honduras last year. The course
facilitators cautioned us repeatedly that real cultural differences go much
deeper than the clothing styles, language, food and general habits of a
country that a foreigner first notices.
They were right. It’s the “soft culture” stuff you have to watch out for –
the things you tend not to see until they trip you up.
For instance, I now recognize that I’m much too direct in my interactions
with people here. I give people a quick hello and t... more »
RT: 'Environmental genocide' Native Americans quit talks over Keystone XL pipeline
‘Environmental genocide’: Native Americans quit talks over Keystone XL pipeline
People opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline gather in prayer in Fullerton, Nebraska (AFP Photo / Guillaume Mayer)
Leaders from 11 Native American tribes stormed out of
a meeting with US federal officials in Rapid City, South Dakota, to
i2: Innovative Innovators! (UPDATES)
ANNOUNCEMENT AND UPDATES i2: Innovative Innovators* FAQs What is i2? i2 is
a venture designed to recruit and train educators without any experience or
expertise in innovation, entrepreneurship, or cagebusting to serve as
consultants for innovators, entrepreneurs, and cagebusters. Who will i2
serve? Innovators stuck in an innovation rut. Entrepreneurs (and
Edupreneurs) trapped inside the […]
Hermann Hesse - Seasons of the Soul
*"The Seasons of the Soul: The Poetic Guidance and Spiritual Wisdom of
Hermann Hesse."* Translated by Ludwig Max Fischer. Foreword by Andrew
Video Title: Hermann Hesse - Seasons of the Soul. Source: YouTube Channel
HesseSeasons. Uploaded on February 13, 2012.·
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Sally Bercow at the High Court
Was I alone not surprised by today's verdict at the high court? No.
Britain's libel laws are notoriously wide and all-encompassing. You could
be forgiven for thinking that elasticity is not entirely accidental, seeing
as our courts are places where tremendous sums can be won or lost. Then
there's the small matter of libel law firms making a killing from the
wealthy people who engage their services too. But of course, it wouldn't be
the done thing to suggest that there may be a link between the two
*innocent face*.
Anyway, there's a couple of quick points I want to make about this. ... more »
The new gym class in PA, 112 questions? Really?
A bubble test for gym. Stay classy. But I have to mention the following. I
am actually a former ACE-certified personal trainer. I know this stuff. And
these are pretty terrible questions about weight training. Leg press is a
compound exercise that also works out the hamstrings. Weight training
rarely uses the push-pull concept anymore. […]
Toddler Testing
Ed. Dept. Launches Competition for Kindergarten Entry Assessments
“Kindergarten-entry assessments are designed to measure a child’s
“essential domains of school readiness,” which include language and
literacy development, cognition and general early knowledge, readiness to
learn, physical well-being, and social and emotional development.” @the
chalkface is developing the “NON essential domains of school readiness”
kindergarten entry […]
Explaining John McCain
Jonathan Chait considers John McCain's career, on the occasion of McCain's
recent Tea Party bashing and immigration bipartisanship, and concludes that
it's all about national security:
The basic way to understand McCain is that neoconservative foreign policy
is his ideological core. Everything else about his ideology can shift
radically depending on his ambitions, circumstances, and whom he’s most
angry with at any given moment. He favored immigration reform under George
W. Bush, abandoned it to refashion himself as a “build the dang fence”
border hawk, and, in the wake of last Nove... more »
Three cheers for the wisdom of Kevin Drum!
*FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2013*
*And three cheers for Victoria Nuland:* We’re very glad to see Kevin Drum
adopt this posture regarding Victoria Nuland:
DRUM: (5/24/13): Rice, of course, has already been attacked by Republicans
about as viciously and shamelessly as any State Department lieutenant in
recent memory. But it's worth keeping in mind that there is a difference
between the two women. In the Benghazi affair, Rice did nothing wrong, but
she also did nothing especially noteworthy. *Nuland, as near as I can tell,
actually did yeoman work. The first draft of the CIA talking points was
s... more »
Arizona police stalking activists: Chilling effect on human rights
Report author Beau Hodai: Chilling effects of US police spying
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
TUCSON – While violent crime soared in southern Arizona and the
economy was collapsing, police were spending enormous amounts of time
and money to spy on human rights activists, primarily by stalking them
on Facebook and placing an undercover police officer in Occupy
Fascism the Founding Fathers Never Imagined

The Founding Fathers could have prevented America’s spiral into corporate
fascism, but they likely never imagined Americans would sit idly by and
allow their elected representatives to cede the government to corporations. From
* I pledge allegiance to the flag*
* of the fascist states of america*
* and to the plutocracy for which it stands*
* one nation controlled by corporations*
* with no representation for me. *
If you do not really know what fascism is – don't guess at it, you better
educate yourself – cause it is here folks – if you think you liv... more »
THE REFUSAL TO FIGHT: Finally, Rachel tries to fight!
*FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2013*
*Part 4—Creates an embarrassing mess:* For eight solid months, the career
liberal world let Susan Rice twist in the wind—and through her, Barack
All manner of bullroar concerning Benghazi was pimped all over the nation.
But on The One True Liberal Channel, the children said nothing. Except for
Brother Hayes, who initially fell for the con!
Before we’re done, we’ll speculate about the reasons behind this refusal to
fight. But last Wednesday evening, May 15, in the 9 PM hour, Rachel Maddow
finally tried to fight back against the Benghazi bullroar.
When ... more »
It's Time to Rein In the Prime Minister's Office
If Stephen Harper wants to operate a quasi-criminal enterprise on the
public dime then he has to take full responsibility for it.
The Prime Minister's Office is his and his alone. He decides who works
there and he decides what they do or don't do. It is funded from the
public purse but is accountable to no one save the prime minister.
The Harper PMO is not only unaccountable, it's opaque. What goes on in
there goes on behind closed doors. There is no transparency whatsoever at
least until something leaks out or erupts. In other words, it's perfectly
designed for corruption. I... more »
Who really owns the money in your savings account?...
*hint: it's not you.*
I know this is a holiday weekend and readership will be low - as it should
be. Spending time with family and friends is important. If you are lucky
enough to have three days off, spend a wee bit of that time reading a few
of the articles I've linked, and discussing your future with your family.
As with everything you read, do your own research and "trust but verify."
In our household we believe in being prepared. No - we don't have a
gazillion years of food put away and haven't built a bunker. We *do* have
a nice pantry and if we are snowed in or the elect... more »
Mysterious Contaminant Shuts Down N.H. Wells
Rachel Rindfleisch at Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, Land Pollution & Hazardous Waste locations - 2 days ago
By: Nathan Lamb
A New Hampshire town is seeking relief from a mysterious contaminant that
has shut down local wells for more than a year, according to this story
from the Eagle Tribune.
The Town of Atkinson is eying a $3 million plan to extend water service to
a cluster of 34 homes that have been without drinking water since 2011.
The wells are contaminated with 1,4-Diozane, a probable carcinogen that can
also cause liver and kidney damage. According to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), 1,4-Diozane is a synthetic industrial chemical
that can quickly migrate through soil a... more »
Woolwich Beheading: A False Flag to usher in Internet Policing?

The terrorist UK government has announced plans to rush through
legislation destroying all internet privacy and allowing for the permanent
storing of every email, skype conversation, internet search, web browse,
blog posting etc. According to the lying parasites in Westminster, the
Communications Data Bill is the only safe-guard we have against 'terrorism'
and had it been in place this week, the soldier murdered in Woolwich would
still be alive. This is absolute, complete and utter, bullshit.
Everyone who saw the 'news' reports of the beheading in Woolwich was
rightly alarmed and... more »
Anishinabe Terrance Nelson: White privilege and tabloid journalism
Anishinabe Terrance Nelson: White privilege and tabloid journalism
By Terrance Nelson
First Nation Roseau River Anishinabe
May 24, 2013
Terrance Nelson's response to article 'Beyond the Pale,' by Charlotte Allen, in Weekly Standard:
Charlotte, your Geography is wrong. The Gateway pipeline is not in
Alaska, it is
Wherein Pope Francis wins me over
As I've said before, I'm not an atheist. Neither am I particularly
religious though I did suffer from Catholic envy when I was young and I
collect Catholic religious items now. Because they're beautiful. However,
I've never had any great love for the Pope. In fact I found the whole
concept of the papacy somewhat insulting. So I'm surprised to find myself
liking Pope Francis so much. He doesn't talk or behave like the others
before him, at least in my lifetime.
This homily he gave on the theme culture of encounter is the foundation of
peace rather knocked me out. I mean when have yo... more »
Judicial officers properly judge their own conduct
R. v. S.M., 2013 ONCA 333 holds there is no difficulty with judicial
officers judging their own conduct:
[23] As noted, the applicant submits that this court should take into
consideration that the trial judge was assessing her own conduct. I do not
see the relevance of this point. There are many occasions on which judges
must assess their own conduct, such as the appropriateness of particular
jury instructions and rulings on mistrial applications for reasonable
apprehension of bias. In such circumstances, it is assumed that judges
execute their functions in a judicious and... more »
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