Sailing on a wave of racism: A nautical taleWhen a pleasant cruise on the Sea of Galilee turns into a display of potentially deadly racism, life does not becomes even more complicated for an Israeli tour guide. It was a gorgeous day to be on the water, and the water itself was gorgeous. The Sea of Galilee, stroked by springtime winds, ove ...
WATCH: Activists call to free conscientious ob ...On May 21, 2013, dozens of people held a solidarity demonstration with conscientious objector Natan Blanc, in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. Blanc is serving his tenth prison term for refusing to be drafted into the Israeli army. This is an all time record of number of consecutive pr ...
- Announcing the launch of ‘+972: This Wee ...
Soldiers beat family members, damage home whil ...Israeli soldiers beat and dragged Abed Al-Rahem Awad down the stairs of his home, pepper sprayed his sisters and threw several stun grenades through the family’s windows. Earlier this year, the family lost Abed al-Rahem’s younger brother, who was shot in the back at close range afte ...
John Kerry’s Kodak moment at the Dead SeaJohn Kerry: Hey, Abu! Abu! Over here! Come here a sec! Abu Mazen: What? Kerry: Come here a sec, we wanna take a pic. Abu Mazen: For what? Shimon Peres: Just do it. Kerry: Whaddya mean ‘for what’? Cuz we’re here! All three of us! Abu Mazen: So? Peres: Just do it. Kerry: Come on! [...]
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
New appointment to the Great Barrier Reef Mari ...Federal Environment Minister, Tony Burke, today announced the appointment of Margie McKenzie as a member of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
World Indigenous Network takes to the internat ...The international network of Indigenous and local community land and sea managers will become an official part of the United Nations after the Australian Government handed its management to the Equator Initiative.
Traditional owners lead collaborative marine m ...The Australian government today welcomed the decision by Yolngu Traditional Owners from north-east Arnhem Land to dedicate an additional area of culturally significant sea country in Northern Territory and Commonwealth waters as part of the Dhimurru Indigenous Protected Area.
World Indigenous Network Conference to tackle ...More than 1,200 delegates from over 50 countries are attending the four day World Indigenous Network conference in Darwin, which starts on Sunday 26 May 2013.
Indigenous Rangers of the world visit AustraliaIndigenous Rangers from Mexico, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa and New Zealand have arrived in Australia to participate in World Indigenous Network exchanges with rangers from communities across Australia.
Matt Weidner Blog
Gulf Coast Legal’s Foreclosure Warrior, ...Indigents facing foreclosure in Sarasota Bradenton had a fierce warrior on their side….until just a few days ago when a new corporate install came in and fired her. The defense of her firing is no defense at all….more proof of a Kafka-esque corporatism that has invaded all areas of r ...
George Packer’s The Unwinding- When Will ...From Salon: When I got the angriest, while reading the book, was when you were talking about the foreclosure courts in Tampa. We encounter a lawyer who’s advocating for people who were in danger of losing their homes. He discovered that the banks’ cases fell apart if he put upRead the Rest...
MUST READ! GEORGE PACKER’S NEW BOOK- The ...“The Unwinding” is complex and intelligent, but these qualities are coalescent rather than explicit. And the narrative space of the book is highly pressurized. The chapters are short. The sentences shoot forward. The descriptors come quick and sharp and loaded for bear. The perspective jumps fro ...
OUTRAGE! Have Foreclosure Court Judges Been Gi ...This is the second report in a week. Did these threats really occur? This of course should be investigated. Can we imagine a Authoritarian world where the Central Bureau announced a directive: INCREASE YOUR CONVICTION OUTPUT OR YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED But this very specific threat is what is be ...
Foreclosure Courts in a Time Of Lawlessness- & ...We live in a time of open corporate warfare on consumers. And in Florida, that warfare is an especially aggressive form. In Florida, consumers are hit from every single direction, with a legislature that hands out sweetheart deals to favored political supporters. They don’t call them bri ...
abelard - news
sane humans live in a dynamic world, not a wor ...abelard uses an article on current UK finance management to illustrate a more sane/intelligent approach to the world.
update: stage 19 cancelled, stage 20 changed | ...Thanks to global warming disturbing the Jet Stream and so European weather, the Giro has had a major planning shake-up.
For Socialism and Peace: the Labour Party's Pr ...Documenting the constant drive of the British Labour Party for a centralised Socialist state, and for disarmament and appeasement. Labour Party pamphlets and speeches tracing this drive are a major ingredient of this page.
a distinguishing mark of socialism - shortsigh ...Example: encouraging immigration without preparing sufficient housing and other services is shortsighted.
are they possibly related? we should be told | ...The way the head is held, the pose of the face - are there more similarities that just these?
The Parallel Parliament
Empty newsfeed.
Vaccine Awakening
Desperate Times for Vaccine Risk Denialism posted May 14, 2013 by Barbara Loe Fisher These are desperate times for those denying vaccine risks. We know it because we are witnessing so many acts of desperation being committed by doctors determined to shut down the public conversation about vaccination and health. Vaccine r ...
Women, Vaccines & Bodily Integrity Posted 1/24/2013 By Barbara Loe Fisher 2013 was only a few days old when I saw a photo of 61-year old Ethel Hoover, a veteran hospital nurse, who had only missed 4 or 5 days of work in 22 years, she was fired from her job for declining to get a flu shot. Defending Freedom of Consc ...
IOM Issues Report on Safety of the Child Vacci ...Posted on 1/16/2013 by Barbara Loe Fisher Yesterday, the Institute of Medicine issued a report The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence and Future Studies. The report was based on a 12-month evaluation by an IOM committee of the scientific evid ...
Under Attack, NVIC Helps Americans Stand Up & ...Posted: 11/20/2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher In 2013, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) enters our fourth decade of preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the legal right to make voluntary vaccination decisions in America.[1] Each year du ...
Influenza Deaths: The Hype vs. The Evidence Posted: 10/3/2012 By Barbara Loe FisherIt's that time of the year again when drug companies, doctors, government officials and media conduct a national advertising campaign to sell flu shots to every American.1, 2, 3 You can't pass by a pharmacy,4enter a supermarket,5 ...
2020 Science
The science of VidCon – Connecting with Scienc ...Where I cover science at this year’s VidCon YouTube convention, take a look at science and engineering more broadly on YouTube, and suggest that for next year’s VidCon the organizers should bring together some of the leading science projects on YouTube with grass-roots science-advoca ...
Frying your brains on information overload: Ol ...Living online is changing our brains – at least according to Baroness Greenfield in an interview posted today by New Scientist. Leaving aside questions over the extent to which Greenfield’s concerns are driven by misapprehension or plausibility, the interview put me in mind of a rath ...
Would You Lick Jam Off An Old Man’s Foot? and ...Would You Lick Jam Off An Old Man’s Foot Or Drink Toilet Water For An Hour? Can you explain how gravitons can escape a black hole? Or do you have a good answer to the question “why are people annoying?” This is just a sampling of some of the more entertaining and challenging questio ...
What was worrying us about nanotechnology safe ...In 2004, the first International Symposium on Occupational Health Implications of Nanomaterials was held in Buxton in the UK. Seven years later, I’m preparing for a discussion panel at the fifth meeting in this very successful community-led series (being held this week in Boston MA), and ...
Want to know about teens and social media from ...If you are a teen who uses YouTube (or know of one – maybe even your own teenager), please think seriously about posting a response to this video: (You can also watch it directly on YouTube here). Over on the Risk Science Blog, I’ve just posted a piece about Baroness Susan Greenfield ...
Reader Supported News
Empty newsfeed.
War Resisters League
Tipping Towards Iraq’s Squares: An Inter ...[Originally published on January 22nd, 2013 on Jadaliyya.] by Ali Issa The Iraqi state releasing 335 detainees this past week? Prime Minster Nouri al-Maliki bussing in a few hundred paid “supporters” to rally? What gives? Signs point to the wave … Continue reading →
U.S. Tear Gas Still on the Streets of Egypt: H ...Earlier last week, Egyptians poured out onto the streets across Egypt to protest President Morsi’s dictatorial decree overriding the power of the courts, attempting to keep a heavily Muslim Brotherhood-influenced constitutional assembly in tact, and granting himself seemingly unchecked authority ...
منظمة مقوامة الحروب الامريكية تمنح للقيادية ال ...للنشر الفوري 11-26-2012 للاتصال: ali@warresisters.org علي عيسى – في نيو يورك 718-310-9968 اسماء محمد – في سويس, مصر012-680-9980 منظمة مقوامة الحروب الامريكية تمنح للقيادية العمالية, اسماء محمد محمد, التي قالت لا للغاز المسيل للدموع, جائزة سلام كان رفضها لتمرير … Continue reading →
Egyptian Revolutionary Labor Leader, Asma Moha ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 26th, 2012 Contact: Ali Issa, 718.310.9968, ali@warresisters .org, New York City, U.S.A. Asma Mohammed, 012-680-9980 – Suez, Egypt Egyptian Revolutionary Labor Leader, Asma Mohammed, Who Said No to Tear Gas, to be honored with War Resisters … Continue ...
Celebrations, Resistance, and Usby Matt Meyer This week, a project six years in the making – and which many of us hope will have a significant positive impact on US movements for social change – finally shot off the presses. We Have Not … Continue reading →
Center for a Livable Future
Maryland senators turn backs on the hungryI was saddened and disappointed by the failure of U.S. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin to do the right thing for our at-risk neighbors and friends.
CLF Week in Links: Food Stamps, Tornadoes, Ars ...Regarding the tornadoes in Oklahoma, for once, climate change is not the clear culprit.
Sustainable Diets, Fisheries, and AquacultureSeafood is probably the clearest example of an aspect of our diet where recommendations do not match resources.
Reflections from Workshop on Sustainable DietsEnvironment and nutrition, ecology and health. They’re all connected. And getting people to talk seriously about those connections is an urgent priority.
Farm Bill—Getting CloserWe take a quick look at where the Senate and House versions of the Farm Bill are, and what they may hold for public health.
k2p blog
A glass half full…..Nothing is ever half-empty without also being half-full.
Language is a means to an end – not an e ...It is only for a "dead" language - no longer subject to change by usage - where the vocabulary and grammar are fixed and sterile.
How “Retrospective Prediction” worksThis is how "Retrospective Prediction" works. I missed a plane today. I had predicted that I would arrive 30 minutes before check-in closed. But I was wrong. I arrived 37 minutes after check-in had closed. My prediction model was just not good enough. I now applied "Retrospection" to my "Pred ...
Merrie EnglandBut it is May and it is England and there shall be rain.
Carbon dioxide concentration was at 500+ ppm a ...It could be that GS Callendar's 1957 paper about Global warming cherry picked supportive data points and ignored inconvenient data. It would seem that carbon dioxide atmospheric concentraions had reached levels of 500 ppm already in 1860.
Left Foot Forward
The New Bus for London is an expensive vanity ...The New Bus for London is an expensive vanity project which the next Mayor will abandon as an outdated and polluting waste of money.
Cameron’s friends in big business hold b ...Despite public support and the medical evidence that plain packaging would save lives, David Cameron has put the interest of his chums in big business above British public health.
A tale of two approaches to austerityNew data and projections from the OECD starkly portrays the differing approaches to austerity in the US and UK. The red line shows the US, the blue line shows the UK.
Britain one of only four EU states which saw e ...The UK was one of just four EU states that saw an increase in carbon emissions between 2011 and 2012, according to a new report.
The Sun plays down its own poll because it sho ...The Sun today is playing down its own poll in favour of one conducted by The Independent - because the results of its own poll were too favourable to Labour.
Ann Taylor Figures Out How My Order Went On Fr ...You may remember last week, when reader Patty wrote to us about having her friend’s credit card data somehow on her Ann Taylor Loft online ordering account. Since then, Patty heard back from someone at Ann Taylor, and while we don’t have the specifics of how her order went through on ...
Consumer Reports: $1,500 Ultra HD TV Is Just a ...With many Ultra HD (or 4K) TVs ranging in price anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000, early adopters who want that level of visual definition without going bankrupt may be tempted to buy Seiki’s 50″ Ultra HD for around $1,500. But our TV-testing siblings at Consumer Reports say you’ ...
North Carolina Drivers Could Face Additional F ...Driving the verdant, rolling hills of North Carolina could become just a bit more expensive for drivers in that state who use hybrid or electric cars. State legislators have proposed a bill in the Senate that would charge those drivers additional fees of $50 and $100, respectively, for registeri ...
Dish Network Will Never Believe That I’m ...James’ roommate moved in, had Dish Network service for a while, and then moved out. The roommate canceled service before moving away. Or so he thought. Despite what James tells Dish and their collection agencies, then what his ex-roomie tells Dish and their collection agencies, they contin ...
Whether This JCPenney Tea Kettle Looks Like Hi ...The Internet has been hopping, buzzing and otherwise jibber-jabbering in the last few days over a tea kettle that showed up on a JCPenney billboard in Culver City, Calif. But whether or not the thing actually looks like Adolf Hitler (see the wave of hair in the handle, the moustache — ther ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
GAP Stands Against Obama's 'Sensitive' Jobs Ru ...Bloomberg: Watchdog Groups Decry Obama Limits on Whistleblowers Public interest groups including GAP are fighting against a proposed rule from the Obama administration that would make it easier to fire federal whistleblowers. The draft rule, published in the Federal Register yesterday, allows ...
Proposed Rule Could Void Civil Service System ...Today, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) criticized rules proposed by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that could rebrand virtually any federal government position as national security "sensitive," and therefore outside the civil ...
Big Coverage of Gulf Report, Binney, MacLean: ...Tampa Bay Times: Divers Say They Still Suffer Ailments from 2010 BP Oil Spill Reports from divers involved in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon cleanup detail the ongoing effects that the disaster has had on their health, as well as the health of cleanup workers and gulf participants. This article, s ...
GAP Praises Long-Overdue Overhaul of Military ...Today, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) praised the Military Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2013 ("MWPEA"), legislation introduced by Senators Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.). The legislation was proposed earlier today in response to the ongoing problem of conti ...
High-Profile Group Wants Transparent Manning T ...HuffingtonPost: Prominent Journalists to File Suit to Lift Veil of Secrecy Over Trial of War Crime Whistleblower In an effort to increase transparency in the trial of military whistleblower Bradley Manning, a group of high profile journalists and activists has filed a lawsuit in a civilian fed ...
UK Progressive
The Boston Marathon Bombers and the Theory of ...by Tina Dupuy My working theory—you could call it a philosophy, or a freestanding reason of how the world works—is what I call the Theory of Relative Laziness. It goes like this: Never attribute anything to conspiracy, coordination or planning when laziness could explain it. Call it Occam’s Armc ...
Six Claims on Detainee Torture, Skeweredby Christie Thompson ProPublica Among the news that ended up being buried in the events last week: A nonpartisan think tank, the Constitution Project, released a scathing, 577-page report on the U.S.’s treatment, and torture, of detainees in the aftermath of 9/11. The investigation began in 2009 ...
Illegal Abortion and ‘The Way of the World’by Tina Dupuy The Women’s Medical Society in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, run by Dr. Kermit Gosnell was one of the few places in the state to provide late-term abortions. From witness accounts the clinic smelled of cat urine. There was a free-roaming, flea-infested feline that reportedly def ...
The Dis-Uniting of America (2): Social Issues ...by Robert Reich My first reaction on hearing of the Senate’s failure to get 60 votes for even modest measures to regulate the flow of guns into the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, such as background checks supported by 90 percent of Americans, was to be furious at the spinelessness of t ...
Boston Strong!by Janet Landry-Borden On March 5, 1770 three men were killed on the streets of Boston in what came to be known as the Boston Massacre. Two more died later from their injuries, and several more were wounded. It took five years for the British to begin to feel the tremors of the outrage of that [...]
Markets in everything: Cash-only family medici ...Carpe Diem
David Boaz: The Public School Monopoly
Thomas Sowell vs Statist on Private Education
Nearly 40 percent of mothers are now the famil ...The Washington Post
Porn stars have difficulty getting loans and o ...The Daily Beast
Who’s a conspiracy theorist then Paul Sy ...Paul Syvret seems to be hoping no one will notice that he doesn’t even try to respond to arguments about wind turbines. His technique to avoid debate is to decree that some other people were wrong once on a different topic. They used a rapid fire technique called a Gish Gallop, so therefo ...
Banks and trading houses bought two-thirds of ...During the northern winter, there were more speculators in the carbon market than genuine players. Those bankers must be very concerned about the environment. Speculators main buyers in EU carbon auctions -report 17 May 2013 LONDON, May 17 (Reuters Point Carbon) – Banks and trading houses bought ...
Unthreaded WeekSorry about that spot of maintenance. Out of my hands… back up now. Rating: 8.2/10 (10 votes cast) Rating: 8.2/10 (10 votes cast)
Domino makes carbon-free cane-sugar. It’ ...And you thought advertising or certificates couldn’t get more stupid. Thanks to Christopher Essex for spotting this gem: http://www.dominosugar.com/carbonfree/ You’ll have to click to go to the Domino site to see the helpful man tell you that “This is Big”. They probably ...
Tony Jones lets Bill McKibben get away with ba ...Here are the questions Tony Jones could have asked if only he or his billion-dollar organization had the time to use the Internet. Is he a journalist or an activist pretending to be one? And how much does Jones get paid by the taxpayer for allowing McKibben a free pass to say things that are eas ...
ReNew America
Obamacare, the Supremes, Dickens, and the bumb ...(Wes Vernon, RA analyst) - No less a power than the highest court in the land has stumbled into the ultimate definition of Obamacare, and in the process has finally exposed the decades-long downslide of the political class's standards for honesty. It is up to us to try to reverse that...
From preserving liberty to destroying it(Alan Keyes) - When the U.S. Supreme Court announced its Obamacare decision, many conservatives professed to be shocked, even stunned, to hear that G.W. Bush appointee John Roberts wrote the decision in which he and the Supreme Court's anti-constitutional leftists upheld the individual mandate p ...
Building the free-market case against big business(Timothy P. Carney) - The most dangerous enemies of capitalism today are capitalists. This is becoming clearer every day to people committed to free markets. The conservative and libertarian grassroots came to deeply distrust big business after the Wall Street bailouts and Obama's stimulus and h ...
New hope for life worldwide(Janice Shaw Crouse) - During discouraging times, pro-lifers remind themselves that William Wilberforce worked for two decades before he began to change hearts and minds and end 19th-century slavery in Great Britain. In efforts lasting twice as long, pro-life activists are just now beginning to ...
Formal complaint seeks disbarment of Eric Hold ...(Daily Caller) - Attorney General Eric Holder could lose his license to practice law in the District of Columbia, or face some other penalty from the D.C. Bar, now that he has been found in criminal and civil contempt of Congress...
Truth Offering
Empty newsfeed.
2012 Blog
Governments Should Be Supply BottlenecksOf the many major concerns I have with a general lack of preparedness in society, two stand out that can be jointly fixed: Lack of government preparedness – especially in the more major scenarios like the next Carrington Event Just in time delivery to stores and supermarkets, as well as j ...
Salt and SurvivalismForget what they tell you about salt being bad for you – the jury is still out. And that’s only regarding too much salt. In ancient times salt was a valuable commodity! Ever wonder why? There are many good reasons for storing salt in your prepping supplies: Preserve meat – whe ...
Some Worrisome Virus UpdatesFlu Professor Hualan Chen, director of China’s National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory at Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, deliberately mixed the H5N1 bird-flu virus, which is highly lethal but not easily transmitted between people, with a 2009 strain of H1N1 flu virus, which is very ...
Wish List? Axe Multi-ToolThere are a lot of choices when it comes to multi-tools. They are almost always small, like a Swiss army knife. But there’s another way of achieving similar results – store all the little tools inside one big tool, like an axe: Mo-Tools Wood Inlay Axe On the big side we have an axe, ...
15% Chance of X-Flares TodayUsually NOAA forecasters tells us that the odds of an X-flare (the highest category of solar flares) is less than 1%, even at what is supposedly the peak of the solar cycle. Today they say 15%, and 40% chance of a lesser M-Flare, due to a very large sunspot pointing at us. Read more at SpaceWea ...
Facing South
Apologies and AppleIn 2010, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas retracted his apology to BP for the Obama administration's effort to get compensation for those affected by the Gulf oil disaster. Will Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky have to do the same with his call for the Senate to apologize to Apple for criticizing the company' ...
NC renewable energy law survives attack from t ...The failure of legislation to repeal the state's groundbreaking renewable energy program is a setback for conservative ideologues, but the lawmaker who led the repeal initiative says he hopes to continue the effort using new tactics. read more
A prolonged stay: The reason behind the slow p ...Amid a shortage of drugs used for executions, some states are searching for new suppliers and different drugs. Others -- including Arkansas, Georgia and Tennessee -- have amended public records laws to keep the names of suppliers and manufacturers of alternative drugs secret. read more
INSTITUTE INDEX: Growing protests over North C ...Over 150 people have been arrested so far in nonviolent protests against the N.C. legislature's far-right agenda, and even bigger actions are planned next month. read more
NC gets warning from WV on ending judicial pub ...With its trailblazing public financing program for judicial elections targeted for elimination by Republican state leaders, North Carolina got a visit this week from two prominent West Virginia conservatives who made a case for why such programs benefit a state's people and economy. read more
One News Page
Apple to launch new versions of MacBook Pro an ...It seems that Apple is already working to release new improved version of the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro by June 2013. Reported by Firstpost 1 hour ago
Kerala cops ask Facebook to remove fake photo ...N Vinayakumaran Nair, assistant commissioner of police, who heads the Hi-Tech Crime Enquiry Cell, said a probe had begun following a complaint from the parents of the woman whose picture was misused. Reported by Firstpost 1 hour ago
Singapore court charges 4 Indians with compatr ...According to local media reports, they were drinking in Jurong Lake Park on the western industrial region of Singapore on New Year's Day Reported by DNA 1 hour ago
Sajid Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez spotted ho ...The couple who has refrained from making any statements about their relationship so far finally decided to come out in the openAt the premiere of Marathi film Balak Palak held by Riteish Deshumukh last evening, his good friend Sajid Khan arrived arm-in-arm with girlfriend Jacqueline Fernandez, . ...
Name anti-rape law after daughter: Delhi victi ...Asking the Centre to make amendments in law to name the proposed new anti-rape law after his daughter, father of the Delhi gang-rape victim on Thursday said it will be an honour to the girl and respect public sentiments. Reported by Rediff.com 1 hour ago
Global Research TV
- Weight of Chains: Preview of New Film on Break ...
- A Nation Divided: The Balkanization of Syria
- Korean Crossroads: US Action 'Prelude to Globa ...
- Mali and the Second Scramble for Africa
- Canadian Activists Vow to Arrest George W. Bus ...
Daily Tech
Tablet Shipments Expected to Outpace Notebooks ...8-inch and under tablets expected to be huge this year
Audi Has No Plans to Sell All Electric R8 E-Tr ...Audi says R8 e-tron isn't viable
Drone Strikes Mostly Transferred from CIA to DoDLawmakers are divided on whether transfer will improve reliability
Chinese Hackers Score F-35, Black Hawk Chopper ...F-35, Aegis, PATRIOT Missile, Littoral vessel, Blackhawk chopper, and THAAD are among the compromised programs
Google's Eric Schmidt: UK Should Change Tax Sy ...He said Google pays exactly what it's supposed to pay
Oriental Review
Syrian Rebels Losing Big in QusayrEvents in Syria are overtaking the plans of the Western powers and Gulf oils states to oust the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. An outright victory by the Syrian Army against rebels in a nearly concluded battle close to the Syria-Lebanon border could be a major turning point in t ...
Nobel Prize Laureate: Peace Is Possible In SyriaMrs. Mairead Maguire, the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and currently a spokesperson for Mussalaha International Reconciliation Movement, has kindly submitted ORIENTAL REVIEW a special Report, based on her visit to Lebanon and Syria in May 2013. The Report is published by OR in full. Report an ...
Internal and External Dynamics of Syrian CrisisA wave of dissatisfaction with the incumbent regimes has spread in a number of North African and Middle Eastern Muslim countries. Some have been hard-hit by this wave, some have survived it, and some are still burning under the fire unleashed not merely by people’s discontentment, but also by th ...
The Syrian PendulumThe situation surrounding Syria is like a pendulum; first it swings in the direction of a major war, then suddenly a peaceful resolution glimmers. Observers barely have a chance to evaluate the new tendency before the pendulum starts to swing in the opposite direction again. The amplitude of its ...
Qatar Is Funding International TerrorismA recent statement by Syria’s Information Minister that Qatar is violating all of the UN Security Council’s resolutions on fighting terrorism is being silenced in the West. The United States and its allies are keeping silent because Doha is providing funding to carry out their plans. Nor is ther ...
A Campaign to End Violence Against Women on Fa ...In case you missed it, last week a coalition of women’s groups posted an open letter to Facebook asking the company to stop the proliferation of content that promotes violence against women on its site and to consider it hate speech. Led by Women, Action & the Media, the Everyday Sexism Pro ...
Frame a Funky Appliqued Fox[Editor's Note: I love Heat n' Bond. I have used this stuff to make jewelry, adorn onesies and in the very near future I will be using it to whip up some fabric scrap applique art. I'm totally smitten with this fox. Blogger Susan from Sugar Beans has a super easy to follow tutorial on her blog a ...
Frame a Funky Appliqued Fox[Editor's Note: I love Heat n' Bond. I have used this stuff to make jewelry, adorn onesies and in the very near future I will be using it to whip up some fabric scrap applique art. I'm totally smitten with this fox. Blogger Susan from Sugar Beans has a super easy to follow tutorial on her blog a ...
The Voice Top 8: Now We're Cutting Good People!It's The Voice Top 8, and now it's going to start to get painful. I pretty much like everyone who is left, and even those whose albums I wouldn't run out and by (because, silly me...no one makes albums anymore!) are still artists I can respect for their vocal chops and potential. Courtesy NBC ...
The Voice Top 8: Now We're Cutting Good People!It's The Voice Top 8, and now it's going to start to get painful. I pretty much like everyone who is left, and even those whose albums I wouldn't run out and by (because, silly me...no one makes albums anymore!) are still artists I can respect for their vocal chops and potential. Courtesy NBC ...
Health Freedom Alliance
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to High Risk of Pr ...A prospective study led by researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has found that low serum vitamin D levels in the months preceding diagnosis may predict a high risk of ... Related posts:Reduced vitamin D levels associated with obesity An ...
Kiwi Orange Coconut Flu Busting SmoothieThere’s little that tastes better than a fresh fruit smoothie in the morning. They do wonders for the immune system and if you pack them with the right ingredients, they can supercharge your ability to not ... Related posts:Turmeric Among Natural Cures for Sinus Infection Acco ...
Regular Aspirin Use Linked to Increased Risk o ...Regular aspirin use appears to be associated with an increased risk of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a leading cause of blindness in older people, and it appears to be independent of a ... Related posts:Reduced vitamin D levels associated with obe ...
Cleaning products ‘linked to adult asthm ...People who work with cleaning products risk developing asthma, believe UK experts who have explored the link. Their study of more than 7,000 people suggests exposure to bleach and other chemicals is a factor in one ... Related posts:Eating Meat and Dairy Products Linked to Earl ...
Farmers Join Hundreds to Protest Outside Monsa ...Protestors Near White House Also Call on President Obama to Halt Approval of Genetically Modified Crops and GMO Salmon Until Long Term Safety Tests Are Completed Nearly 300 family farmers, activists, and members of Food Democracy ... Related posts:Organic Farmers vs. Monsanto: ...
Live News Wire
Best Xbox Games on 360With all the hype in advertising for video games today, it is hard to know how the games features really hold up to the fancy phrases and images in the ads. That’s why you need the experience of an unbiased, expert who is a fellow consumer like you! I’ll give you the best of the [...]
Pick Six Lotto and Mega Millions Are New Jerse ...New Jersey Lottery offers many terminal-based games for the residents of the state to play (Terminal-based games are the ones you buy from the lottery machine where the numbers are drawn, as opposed to instant scratch games where you know immediately if you’re a winner). But with all the g ...
2 Best Options to Download New Games For PSPIt is beyond understandable for avid gamers to want to download new games for PSP. This is especially true when you are one of the many lucky gamers who own the latest Sony PlayStation Portable. A great thing about this video game console is the fact that you do not really have to purchase games ...
5 Best Upcoming Games of 20132013 looks set to become one of the biggest year in gaming history with some big name titles already announced for the first half of the year. Below is a list of some of the best upcoming games of 2013: 1. The Last of Us: Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us is the most anticipated [...]
How to Find the Best Hunting Games OnlineLine up the hairline and click the mouse button to shoot at the prey. A sound of despair escapes your lips as the hunted runs away to freedom as you miss the target. Well, there is no need to worry since more targets will be presented to you. By the time you have missed the [...]
Coal Tattoo
Judge allows Patriot to reject contract, benefitsThe breaking news is out that a U.S. bankruptcy judge has ruled in favor of Patriot Coal’s motion to reject its contract with the United Mine Workers union and to alter its retiree health-care plant. You can read the 102-page decision from Judge Kathy A. Surratt-States here. This is the &# ...
Busy day: Patriot Coal, power plants and the PSCToday promises to be a busy one for coal-related news. Thousands of Patriot Coal miners and retirees are anxiously awaiting the decision from U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Kathy A. Surratt-States on Patriot’s efforts to throw out the terms of its contract with the United Mine Workers and modify it ...
AG Morrisey’s rule of law and the future ...Gazette photo by Kenny Kemp If you missed the news Friday afternoon, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey announced that he and Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin had filed a “friend of the court” brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take in a case that challenges the federal Environ ...
Friday roundup, May 24, 2013Coal bound for South Korea via a West Coast port passes through a loading terminal at Cloud Peak Energy’s Spring Creek mine near Decker, Mont., on April 4, 2013. (AP Photo/Matthew Brown) Over at the State Journal, Pam Kasey this week provided an up-close look at the progress Arch Coal In ...
Rep. McKinley brings the climate deniers to townRep. David McKinley has been pretty clear about where he stands on climate change and the need to do anything about it. The West Virginia Republican most recently said, in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address earlier this year: The President’s focus on climate change is ...
Daniel Miessler
On Light vs. Dark CoffeeMany are confused about the various coffee roast levels. What does it mean that something is light vs. dark roast? Which has more caffeine? What do experts prefer? Here are some answers: Lighter roasts maintain more of the natural flavor of the bean, i.e. a soil/planty type of taste Lighter roas ...
Amazon Rainforest DeforestationRelated Posts:Existing Bookstores Should Become Front-ends for AmazonAmazon Buys GoodreadsBertrand Russell’s Essay: What I BelieveBooks After Amazon | Boston ReviewStored XSS on AmazonTwo (Hot) Gifts You Can Give AnyoneSilk Road | An Online Amazon for DrugsSome Site TweakingThe Coffee Trin ...
What Can America Learn From Denmark?In the U.S. Senate today, my right-wing colleagues talk a lot about "freedom" and limiting the size of government. Here’s what they really mean.They want ordinary Americans to have the freedom NOT to have health care in a country where 45,000 of our people who die each year because ...
Ali A. Rizvi on Atheism and IslamophobiaOverall, "new atheists" think of religion the same way. It is considered sacred and untouchable now like white supremacy and patriarchy were less than a century ago. The consequences for speaking out against it are often as dire as they were for those who spoke out against white or male ...
The Four Stages of CompetenceUnconscious Incompetence – When you don’t know how bad you are, don’t know what you don’t know, and potentially think you’re actually good Conscious Incompetence – When you know you’re bad at it, know you don’t know much about it, and are willing t ...
Why we need dissenting voices to ruin the stat ...Thatcher has been given a state ceremonial funeral. Our ruling class want to show the world how much she was loved and respected. They desperately don’t want any dissenting voices ruining the show. Fitwatch truly hopes that they do not get their wish. Thatcher was a prime architect of repressive ...
PLO block hits the streets at SussexThe following report is from PLO block, operational at Sussex university on Monday... A large banner and a small group of people (it can work well with just 3 people) is all you need for PLO blocking. PLO block turned out for the Sussex National Demo against Privatization. Although the group hav ...
Vauxhall Squat RaidsThese pictures were taken during the eviction of squats in Vauxhall tonight. The eviction was resisted, and it took a reported eight and a half hours to finally clear squatters from the building and the roof. From what we have been told, the buildings are being torn down for redevelopment. There ...
New Years Eve Prisoner Solidarity DemoDoes exactly what it says on the tin. Lets be honest, this year has been a disheartening one. State and security forces have repositioned themselves with guns towards us (quite literally, in some cases) and scored significant victories against the dissenting population. Next year looks set to be ...
Plain clothes cop at Fridays demoCops turning up to demos in plain clothes seems to be a regular occurence these days. These pics were taken at the Fight for Sites demo on Friday. Although he appears to have forgotten his uniform, the man pictured is Constable Mark Stoddart. A number of cops in plain clothes have been pictured ...
Worldwide Hippies
Empty newsfeed.
reference frame
Heuristic ideas about bounded prime gapsWhy Yitang Zhang's proof is probably far less fundamental than the claim Yitang Zhang worked at Subway before he would land a mathematics job. And when he did, he wasn't publishing almost anything for years before he would offer a proof of something rather important weeks ago. That turned t ...
Smoluchowski, Milanković: birthdaysTwo Slavic, Austrian-Hungarian physicists were introduced to the sunlight on May 28th. Marian Smoluchowski was born as a Pole in Austria in 1872; Milutin Milanković was born as a Serb in (then) Croatia, Kingdom of Hungary, in 1879. Smoluchowski was a statistical physicist; Milanković was a ...
Anticommunist uprising in Pilsen: 60 years agoOne of the numerous historical events that strengthen my pride in my hometown of Pilsen was the 1953 Uprising which was the first credible post-war anticommunist uprising in the Soviet bloc and the only violent anticommunist rebellion in the history of the communist Czechoslovakia (1948-1989). ...
Global warming is here to stayKevin Trenberth wrote the following text: Global warming is here to stay, whichever way you look at it So it must be a spherical global warming! Before I will mention every sentence of Trenberth's musings, let me offer you a quiz. Click the image above to zoom in. You see a g ...
Eric Weinstein's invisible theory of nothingOn Friday, I received an irritated message from Mel B. who had read articles in the Guardian claiming that Eric Weinstein found a theory of everything or something close: Roll over Einstein: meet Weinstein (by Alok Jha) Eric Weinstein may have found the answer to physics' biggest problems (b ...
Tatumba 2.0
Rob Ford allies say video must come out to cle ...Two of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s closest allies on council say that only the emergence of an alleged drug video can help dissipate the controversy that has enveloped his office for nearly two weeks. CBC | Top Stories News I fund CBC with my tax dollars so now they fund me. Related p ...
Ladies and Gentlemen, The President Of the Uni ...He’s a hero to tens of millions of Americans who have an almost cult-like belief in his demagogic super natural abilities to spread peace to the world, heal the sick and bring equality to the masses. The mere mention of his faults elicits anger and outrage among his followers. Suggest that ...
BRICS Development Bank to Compete with the Wor ...[Ed. note: This is the BRICS Development Fund that Jim Willie has been discussing and that was discussed in the UNBOUND interview dated 5/26/2013] from The Times of India: SGTreport – The Corporate Propaganda Antidote – Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom earn money watching ...
Mulcair says he’ll hold PM’s ‘feet to the fire ...NDP Leader Tom Mulcair continued with pointed questions for the prime minister Wednesday after news that Senator Mike Duffy’s expense claims problems are more widespread than first revealed in a Senate report. CBC | Top Stories News I fund CBC with my tax dollars so now they fund me. ...
The New Xbox One Will be a “Monitoring Device ...by VC, Vigilant Citizen: I remember when video games were about getting Mario to save the princess and, when you were done, the console would leave you the hell alone. The new Xbox one apparently wants to put an end to those days by turning the beloved game console into a 24/7 surveillance devic ...
Truth About Our World
NotificationThis blogs entries have been moved to http://worldtruthtoday.wordpress.com/ I will no longer post anything here, although site will remain open for a while. Thanks Grace
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
Can't Stop the Big MoHealthy spending and productivity add up to some good stock buys, says S&P's Kenneth Shea. Plus: His formula for a diversified portfolio
Higher Gas Tax? Smart MoveRaising it to 50 cents or $1 per gallon would push conservation and send a signal to America's enemies. It's the surest way to cut oil dependence
Grading Back-to-School StocksSome outfits that gain from families' spending may make dicey buys. But equity pros reveal those investments with strong potential
No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
American Clean Energy Agenda: Let’s Move Beyon ...
Is Lysol’s New Crusade Against Germs “Healthin ...
Fracking Harms Won’t Respect Town Boundaries
We Need Safe Cosmetics Reform Now!
FDA Action on Tanning Beds
Quick Hits
More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
Food costs at record levels, likely to go higherMANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said moto ...
Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia UprisingsWellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- Far from Weiner and a hostile debate crowd, Qu ...
- Shunning Squadron, Brooklyn Democratic Party b ...
- Plans for a pretty new Penn Station
- As protesters gather in Midtown, Koch brothers ...
- Weiner opposes a Quinn-backed garbage station ...
Views & News from Norway
Politician indicted for rapeA politician for the Sandnes chapter of the conservative Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, Frp) has been indicted following charges that he raped a 20-year-old man at his home in the west coast city south of Stavanger. The politician denies having had any physical contact with the plaintiff. T ...
LO seeks to block Croatian workersThe Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) wants to restrict Croatian immigrants from coming to work in Norway, in a bid to prevent social dumping. The labour market in Norway continues to predict growth, and demand for more workers is still high, but anti-EU forces also want to keep out w ...
Executive pay ‘low’ in NorwayStatoil Chief Executive Helge Lund is among top business leaders in Norway who regularly catch criticism over their compensation packages. Multi-million-kroner salaries aren’t popular among the egalitarian-minded Norwegians, but new figures confirm that executive pay in Norway is modest, e ...
Flood damage claims pour inThe cost of last week’s severe flooding in southern Norway is likely to hit a quarter-billion kroner (USD 43 million), as insurance firms tally up the damage. In northern Norway, meanwhile, more floods were expected as temperatures hit record highs. It was warmer in some parts of the Arcti ...
Rejected refugee sues stateA refugee from Afghanistan who was denied asylum in Norway and sent back to his homeland was suing the Norwegian government in an Oslo court this week, because he was arrested and tortured upon his return. The Norwegian authorities had claimed he’d be safe back in Afghanistan and had no ne ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
How Plants Repel Insects – an Observation of M ...I will always remember this day, as my first day actually witnessing a practical understanding of the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization and the Trophobiosis Theory of Francis Chaboussou. Before sharing with you my experience, I would like to introduce myself and where I stand at the time o ...
Surfing the Waves of ChangeI loved Geoff’s surfing video. As a response, this might interest you — it’s an animation exploring the idea of community resilience using the metaphor of a surfer.
A Manifesto for Rewilding the WorldA mass restoration of ecosystems offers us hope where there was little hope before. by George Monbiot Until modern humans arrived, every continent except Antarctica possessed a megafauna. In the Americas, alongside mastodons, mammoths, four-tusked and spiral-tusked elephants, there was a beaver ...
Reading the Landscape – Surfing and Permacultu ...Geoff Lawton talks about how surfing lends itself to permaculture design. Photos © Craig Mackintosh
Chinampas 2.0 – an Elegant Technology From the ...Chinampas in Tenochtitlan My name is Rodrigo Lañado and I’m known as “El Hombre de Maiz” (the maize man) and I represent Hombres de Maiz, which is a project I developed after dropping out from college in 2010 to dedicate myself entirely to my biggest passion — pe ...
Birthday bash.It’s my birthday in May, there’s going to be a party and it’ll follow the same procedure as every year. An intermittent BBQ throughout the afternoon and evening, followed by a bonfire after it gets dark. The buildup is happening; wooden pallets are arriving and being stacked up ...
Working together.You’re moving through hostile territory, so you stick close to each other. The boss is a real leader man, and he’s as good as they come, brave as a fighting Rhode Island Red rooster, liked and held in high respect by his men, which is why he’s right up front, doing the leadersh ...
Some thoughts about policy for the aftermath o ...Charles Mackay wrote in his book, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds – “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” The book may have been written in ...
The big green killing machine: They sit with G ...It was a hellishly hot African day. Mac stood behind the young Danish girl, who sat at a table in the open air. He’d rigged a tarpaulin shade over them to give some relief from the midday sun. They’d never quite worked Mac out. What he didn’t appear to have in terms of any obvi ...
It’s an ill wind.This is a guest post by one of our regular commenters, Graeme No.3 —-<0>— Electricity is available to many people at the touch of a button, so more people live in greater comfort and security than ever before in mankind’s time on earth. Without electricity life is very basic ...
Journalists' Toolkit
JavaScript Console in ChromeFor testing things quickly in JavaScript, open the JavaScript Console in the Google Chrome browser. View menu > Developer > JavaScript Console. You’ll see the console at the bottom of the current page. The console gives you a command line so you can test short pieces of code to see ...
Typography for the WebIn your CSS, you can specify typefaces (font families) to be used for the headings, paragraphs, etc., in your HTML. However, what you see on your computer is not always going to be the same thing your audience sees. Why? Because different people have different fonts installed on their individual ...
Good tutorial sites for HTML, HTML5, CSS, jQueryThere are a zillion sites out there offering free tutorials, but many are pure junk. So here are a few that I recommend, in no particular order: Codecademy: Web Fundamentals Codecademy: HTML Fundamentals HTML5 Please (not actually a tutorial, but very helpful) Nettuts+: The Best Way to Learn Jav ...
Baby Steps in Data JournalismThis is a Tumblr blog that I started in early April 2012: Baby Steps in Data Journalism Its purpose is to collect links and other useful information related to learning about data journalism. To go directly to something you might be searching for, try these links: How I installed Python (April 2 ...
The best video export optionsHow do you choose the best settings for exporting your video, after you have edited it? I remember how confusing this was for me when I started working with Web video several years ago. With the slower computers we had back then, I would wait for what seemed like forever while exporting a small ...
Justice Roars - Louisiana
Statement From the Original Big 7 Social Aid a ...Reprinted from the Original Big 7 facebook page: The Original Big 7 Social Aid and Pleasure Club community is deeply saddened by the foolish violence that took place during our annual Mother’s Day’s Parade today. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of the victims of this tragedy and their fami ...
Tulane University to Host Notorious White Supr ...Tulane University is sponsoring an event featuring notorious racist David Horowitz this Wednesday. Horowitz is a nationally-known right wing extremist who denies that racism exists, calling institutional racism a "fantasy of the left." He has also said that the fact that Oprah Winfrey– ...
Activist Profile: Marie Aubrey of VOTE-NOLA This profile is republished from our friends at VOTE-NOLA: How did you get involve with VOTE? In June of 2012 I was listening to the WBOK morning show and Norris Henderson was on the radio talking about how to get prisoners released, and it was interesting to me. I remembere ...
14-Year-Old New Orleans Youth Held in Israeli JailAccording to an article in today's Haaretz newspaper, a 14-year-old youth with roots in New Orleans is currently being held by the Israeli military. The paper says the child was accused of "throwing rocks." The case highlights Israel's system of military detention for Palestinian minors, which h ...
World Social Forum Highlights Shock Doctrine i ...An earlier version of this article appeared at truthout.org: An estimated 50,000 people from 5,000 organizations in 127 countries spanning five continents participated in the World Social Forum in Tunisia over the past week. By choosing to come together in Tunis, this year’s Forum evoked the sp ...
Gyrovague's Raves
Verbs, nouns, grammarVex, Hex, Smash, Smooch Constance Hale I wanted really to understand the relationship between nouns and verbs. Another question that I had: Why do linguists look so scathingly at grammarians? And why do grammarians look so scathingly at the history of English? Why is there a divide? And why is t ...
V. BushVannevar Bush This has not been a scientist’s war; it has been a war in which all have had a part. The scientists, burying their old professional competition in the demand of a common cause, have shared greatly and learned much. It has been exhilarating to work in effective partnership. No ...
The Killing of the Liberal ArtsJOSEPH EPSTEIN In a loose definition, the “liberal arts” denote college study anchored in preponderantly Western literature, philosophy, and history, with science, mathematics, and foreign languages playing a substantial, though less central, role; in more recent times, the social science subjec ...
Tyrants and ArtCulture thrives on conflict and antagonism, not social harmony – a point made rather memorably by a certain Harry Lime, says philosopher John Gray. "In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vin ...
Barthes in ChinaAdrian Versteegh “It will be necessary to start off with the major fact,” writes Roland Barthes in Travels in China, “the absolute uniformity of clothes.” That this should count as a “major fact”—partway through a journal that opens with a gripe about freshly stained trousers—ought to provide so ...
In Verbena | Royal Society
How can UK research do even better?At the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on Tuesday UK research was set a challenge: MIT spins out...
Feed grass to cows! It’s cheaper and more sust ...On Tuesday I was at Portcullis House as the Labour party outlined its new vision for post-2015 development. The event...
How can we increase our resilience?As I realised I was the only woman on board an aeroplane full of Chelsea fans, travelling to the...
Sustainable Intensification: We all agreed, di ...Last week the Royal Society held a PolicyLab meeting titled ‘Sustainable Intensification: the future of farming in Europe?’. In...
‘Sustainable Intensification: the future of fa ...Guest blog contribution from Professor Janet Dwyer, Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire. Janet Dwyer is a...
NAU Resistance
End of Nations: Canada, the US and the “Securi ...Regardless of whether this particular agreement bears fruit for those seeking to bring the two countries into a closer union, or whether it is just another waypoint on the road of a much longer and more detailed process, the very real concerns about the erosion of national sovereignty implicit i ...
Goodbye Kyoto, Make Way For The North American ..."On Tuesday December 13th the Minister of the Environment Peter Kent announced that Canada is removing itself from the Kyoto Protocol. Kent is pushing for a more unified agreement that would unite all nation's on a global scale."
The Pretext For A North American Homeland Secu ..."Any deal which gives the Department of Homeland Security more personal information poses a serious risk to privacy rights"
Welcome To Fortress North America! NAU-Phase OneWe knew that there was nothing “new” at all to be found in this "new border vision"
Paving The Way For A North American UnionBy: Press For Truth (http://www.pressfortruth.ca) Release Date: 11/9/11 The agenda for a North American Union is underway and a new security perimeter deal will blur the lines at the border and further erode the sovereignty of Canadians and Americans. On November 13th Stephen Harper, Barack Ob ...
Gaea Times
Now, hairbrush that reads your mindWASHINGTON - Who says hairbrush can only be used to comb locks? Scientists have made a hairbrush like device that would be able to monitor mental activity. One of the main techniques for measuring and monitoring mental activity, called functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), can often b ...
Man U?s bemused Fergie tells shifty Roo to res ...LONDON - Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has told key striker Wayne Rooney that he must respect the club and its traditions if he wants to stay on. Commenting on reports that suggest that the star player wants to leave Manchester United for another club - either Manchester City or ...
Google Street Viewers spot ?God? floating over ...SYDNEY - Google Street View has spotted a god-like figure floating midair above a lake in Quarten, Switzerland. Although the image, discovered by the Gawker blog, is apparently the result of some sort of light distortion or lens flare, blogger Max Read has questioned whether it might have more ...
Dogs reduce stress in autistic children: StudyWASHINGTON - Dogs-apart from being man’s best friend-have a special role to play in the lives of children with special needs. A new study by the Universite de Montreal has suggested that specifically trained service dogs can help reduce the anxiety and enhance the socialization skills of ...
How sex hormones influence right heart functionWASHINGTON - A new study has revealed human sex hormones influence the structure and function of the right ventricle (RV) of the heart. The researchers found that in women receiving hormone therapy, higher estrogen levels were associated with higher RV ejection fraction and lower RV end-systol ...
TruthNews Australia
Anatomy of a terrorist attack: the Boston Mara ...Remains of the pressure cooker bomb believed to been packed with ball bearings Today's show focusses on the recent terrorist bombing at the Boston Marathon. Our aim is to understand the underlying "message" behind this attack, and to deconstruct the MSM propaganda which seeks to portray this a ...
Introducing Nicole Bijlsma: building biologist ...Today it is my pleasure to welcome to the show Nicole Bijlsma, a best selling author with extensive knowledge on many health issues related to the toxic effects of ordinary things found in your home. Nicole joins us in the 2nd hour of today's show. Nicole's website provides information on th ...
Full body scanners now in full operation at Sy ...In today's show we re-visit the thorny issue of full body scanners and what they signal for your rights, your privacy, your health and human freedom generally. Full body scanners (millimitre wave) are now in operation at all international airports in Australia. The devices deployed in Australi ...
An unprecedented assault on media freedom In today's show we are joined by Josh Jackson to discuss highly controversial media reforms proposed by the Minister for Communications, Stephen Conroy. We also take a look at the implications of the Cyprian crisis for internatinal banking, and the alternate non-centralised currency bitcoin. ...
Live show with current news and some callers - ...In today's show we take calls from TNRA listeners, as well as covering news and current topics of interest, including reflections on the death of Hugo Chavez. Related links What happens when you refuse a search in Parramatta
Oceana CEO Andy Sharpless's New Book, The Perf ...The Perfect Protein Trailer from Oceana on Vimeo. We're thrilled to announce that today is the launch of Oceana CEO Andy Sharpless's new book, The Perfect Protein! As the CEO of Oceana, Andy is dedicated to the protection of our world’s oceans. Over the years, however, he realized that the work ...
Washington Passes Legislation to Fight Seafood ...Washington state is working to ensure that seafood consumers don't fall for a bait-and-switch Earlier this week, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee signed into law House Bill 1200 (HB 1200), which will begin to tackle seafood fraud throughout the state. Seafood fraud switches out the fish ...
Happy World Turtle Day!Happy World Turtle Day! While World Turtle Day celebrates turtles that roam both the land and the sea, as well as tortoises, we at Oceana would especially like to recognize the magnificent species of sea turtles that roam throughout the world’s oceans. The seven species classified as sea turt ...
Oceana CEO Andy Sharpless Discusses His New Bo ...Nine billion of us are estimated to be on the planet by 2050, and the demand for food will increase by 70 percent above today’s levels. If land and fresh water are already under strain, how in the world are we going to feed a population that grows by 220,000 mouths every day? Well, the ocean con ...
Disabled Killer Whale Survives with Help from ...This young killer whale may lack two of its fins, but it doesn’t lack a compassionate support pod. Photo: Rainer Schimpf/Barcroft Media, courtesy of The Daily Mail In one of those incredible-but-true stories that makes you want to give the oceans a giant hug, a disabled killer whale missing t ...
Civilian Military Intelligence Group
Empty newsfeed.
Taylor Marsh
Queer Talk: Michele Bachmann, “Outlandish” Com ...Think Progress has a list of “The 8 Most Outlandish Moments Of Michele Bachmann’s Time In Congress,” which includes comments on the gays and lesbians, and no doubt encompassed the bisexual and transgender folks, too. Annie-Rose Strasser’s collection of outlandish moments runs the gamut, from Bac ...
Eric Holder’s National Media Apology TourIF ANYONE needs rebranding it’s Attorney General Eric Holder, but the Obama administration’s relationship to the national media will remain fragile after the Administration’s overbearing assaults on the First Amendment. This is also meant to get the stink away from the White Ho ...
Pew Reports Rise of “Breadwinner Moms”WHEN comparing the 1968 reality of mothers to today’s, it’s now a proven fact that it’s a brave new economic world for women, with breadwinner moms now rising in numbers. Pew reports that women make up 47% of the U.S. labor force today and that the “employment rate of mar ...
Michele Bachmann Won’t Run in 2014IT’S A wrap, as Rep. Michele Bachmann calls it a congressional career. Congress just inched one itsy, bitsy, very small step forward on the sanity meter with Michele Bachmann’s retirement. One of Mrs. Bachmann’s female Facebook followers left this missive: I’d like to see ...
Limbaugh: Obama and Christie, “Master-Servant”It’s a master-servant relationship. That’s exactly the kind of bipartisanship that the Drive-By Media wants. Master-servant. That’s “bipartisan” That’s what’s going on here. (interruption) Master-SERVANT. Master-STAFF. Don’t take it any further tha ...
Hudson New York
The U.S. Helps Reconstruct the Ottoman EmpireSince the mid-1990s the United States has intervened militarily in several internal armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East: bombing Serbs and Serbia in support of Izetbegovic's Moslem Regime in Bosnia in 1995, bombing Serbs and Serbia in support
The "Moderates" of WoolwichNone of the responses to the Woolwich murder of a soldier, by two Islamists who tried to cut off his head, was revelatory, except for a set of seemingly moderate and sincere statements from British Muslim groups. While journalists such as Glenn Greenwald
Palestinians: Kerry Trying to Bribe Us to "Sel ...U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to bribe the Palestinians by offering them economic projects in return for political concessions, Palestinian Authority officials claim. The claim was made in response to Kerry's plan for peace in the Middle
The Fear of Causing OffenseDrummer Lee Rigby, 25 years old, was walking down a street in South London, heading back to his barracks, when the two men drove a car into him. Drummer Rigby, who had done tours of duty in Afghanistan, was pinned down by the two men. They then attempted
Israel Should Be Poor; Palestine, RichLast week, before meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry pronounced Israel's prosperity an impediment to "peace" with the Palestinians. "I think there is an opportunity [for peace], but for many reasons it's not
Urban Survival
Housing: Up, But No SurpriseJust out from Case Shiller/S&P we have the new Housing data to report. “Data through March 2013, released today by S&P Dow Jones Indices for its S&P/Case-Shiller1 Home Price Indices, the leading measure of U.S. home prices, showed that … Continue reading →
Reader Note/Climate ChangeReader Note: Our report this morning will be posted in two pieces: This first posting a bit ahead of our usual time and then a second posting about 8:15 A Central with the S&P Housing report for the month, if … Continue reading →
Coping: Do the MathSince many people (sadly) do not yet subscribe to Peoplenomics, we still feel some compulsion now and then to share our cynical (yet fact-based) outlooks publicly. Since that is often unpopular, particularly within the greedy-bastards community, we are often … Continue reading →
America: In MemoriamWhile many Americans are taking a day off, a lot of us in the working class stiffs are mindlessly back on the treadmill this morning when we should be sleeping in: Fire, police, medical types, retail addiction facilitators, the military, … Continue reading →
Coping: Monday at the WuJoMy, what holiday would be complete without some marvelous WuJo reports to share? Enter reader Paul: “A couple for your WuJo files.. Just today I visited a local town to meet my wife for lunch. I parked in … Continue reading →
Trends & Forecasts
Largest Money Laundering Scam In U.S. History ...Authorities in the US and seven other countries... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://financearmageddon.blogspot.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
End Times News! Transhumanism; GMO Cloned Babi ..."Breaking Bible Prophecy News for... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://financearmageddon.blogspot.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Alex Jones ~ I Rode My Horse To Work Rant! To train soldiers to kill, the soldiers are first... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://financearmageddon.blogspot.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Mike Rivero : Time to Buy Physical Gold Now ~ ...What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://financearmageddon.blogspot.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
World War 3 Has Already Begun World War 3 Has Already Begun today Israel... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://financearmageddon.blogspot.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Radical Chic
BODY HOSTAGEA gun wasn’t held to my head. No, this was a threat that was entirely different. It was 9a.m. I had just finished a grueling maths class and I was dreading going for the next lecture. Exams were coming up and there was a lot I needed to learn. While I struggled to gather my [...]
MURDER BY MEDICINE 5: Short Term Advantages vs ...Most of us never really stop to consider the long term effects of some of the drugs we take. We are eager to attain short term relief without taking into account the many effects these drugs may have further down the line. Aspirin is one of the most popular drugs in the world, with over [...]
WOULD MEN HAVE LESS SEX IF THEY WERE CAPABLE O ...Men are without a doubt the most promiscuous of the two sexes. Women can go significant periods of time without needing to experience sexual relief; and episodes such as periods, giving birth and menopause play a role in limiting or changing their desire to do so in any case. Men really don̵ ...
MURDER BY MEDIA 13: Addiction To RecognitionIt’s always good advice to be told to question every desire, because its easy to forget that deceiving ones self is the easiest form of deception. The media has helped to create a world where recognition has become a not so subtle addiction that we feed on and hunger for everytime we are s ...
IS A MARRIAGE FOR LOVE TOO UNREALISTIC?Love has come to be the proud and somewhat reluctant owner of many definitions; one of which likens it to a ‘fairytale’. In today’s world the reality is that there are quite a number of other things to think about before love is even considered. After all, love doesn’t pu ...
NRDC Switchboard
Wake-up call: new evidence that fracking is a ...Ann Alexander, Senior Attorney, Chicago We’ve been saying it till we’re blue in the face: fracking is not only already legal in Illinois but has now started up. And we’ve just confirmed new evidence of this fracki ...
Country's Largest Electricity Market Holds Pow ...John Moore, Senior Attorney – The Sustainable FERC Project, Chicago Last Friday, PJM announced the results of its electricity power supply auction for the period June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. It’s a mixed bag for clean energy supporters. The g ...
India's Next Big Energy Source: Energy-Efficie ...Peter Lehner, Executive Director, New York City Tata Consultancy Services, one of India’s biggest IT firms, recently built a five-million-square-foot campus for 24,000 employees outside the southern city of Chennai. Its competitor, Infosys, is ...
Exclude Navy Sonar and End Mass StrandingsGiulia C.S. Good Stefani, Project Attorney, Marine Mammal and Southern California Ecosystems Projects, Santa Monica The U.S. Navy plans its sonar training exercises as if killing dolphins and whales was inevitable. A recent correspondence in N ...
A Five-Part Strategy to Cap and Cut China's Co ...Alvin Lin, China Climate and Energy Policy Director, Beijing It is hard to miss the staggering statistics when it comes to coal in China, which now consumes nearly as much coal as the rest of the world combined. Unrestricted growth in coal consumpti ...
Injustice Everywhere
National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 8 reports of police misconduct tracked for Thursday, March 7, 2013: Mcallen, Texas: A federal grand jury indicted three more law enforcement officers on drug conspiracy charges. The indictment charges them with conspiring to possess with intent … Continue reading →Nation ...
CBS News: Bad Cops on the JobMore here.CBS News: Bad Cops on the Job is a post from PoliceMisconduct.net
ACLU Looks into Militarization Trend in Police ...From Huffington Post: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has launched a nationwide campaign to assess police militarization in the United States. Starting Wednesday, ACLU affiliates in 23 states are sending open records requests to hundreds of state and local … Continue reading U ...
National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 13 reports of police misconduct tracked for Tuesday, March 5, 2013: Update: Denver, Colorado: A police officer has been sentenced to eight years in prison for sexual assault and kidnapping. He was in uniform when he came … Continue reading →National Police Misconduct New ...
Worst of the Month – February 2013This month it is the story from California where totally innocent people were shot by police during the manhunt for Christopher Dorner. There is no greater responsibility for a police officer than his/her use of deadly force. If they get … Continue reading →Worst of ...
Total Collapse
Russia Ready For War, Orders Thousands Of Troo ...As has been expected since President Putin on 17 May ordered Russian military forces to “immediately move” from Local War to Regional War operational status and to be “fully prepared” to expand to Large-Scale War should either the US or EU enter into the Syrian Civil War, the Ministry of Foreign ...
Israeli DM Threatens to Attack Russian ShipsIsrael’s long-standing habit of making bellicose threats in the face of neighbors potentially acquiring defensive weapons has reached a new level today, with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon threatening to attack Russian ships in the Mediterranean if they attempt to deliver anti-aircraft weapons t ...
Russian Warplanes Go on 24-Hour Duty in Snap A ...MiG-31 Foxhound interceptors are going on round-the-clock duty in northern Russia as part of a snap combat readiness check of the nation’s aerospace defense capabilities, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. The fighters, “in conjunction with A-50 airborne warning and control system aircraft ...
Scotland: Every Child to Have “State Guardian” ...Dystopian Plan Would See Government Social Worker Assigned To Spy On Every Family! Every child in Scotland is to be assigned a “state minder” from birth under draconian new proposals that would enable the government to spy on families under the justification of preventing “child abuse”. Writing ...
New Study Links GMO Food To LeukemiaA groundbreaking new study published in the current issue of the Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases reveals the potential “leukemogenic” properties of the Bt toxin biopesticides engineered into the vast majority of GMO food crops already within the US food supply. La ...
Daily Dose
TNW’s Daily Dose: Facebook design tests, ...In today’s Daily Dose, Facebook design tests in New Zealand, porn blocking in China and Google Books for India. You can catch The Daily Dose every Monday through Friday right... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: Google Calendar, Insta ...In today’s Daily Dose, a new Google search test, Instacart keeps up the yuppie pressure, and North Korea gets tinted. You can catch The Daily Dose every Monday through Friday... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: Google+ Sign-In, Angry ...In today’s Daily Dose: Google+ Sign-In, The Flixies, music making money and Rovio’s Angry Birds Toons. You can catch The Daily Dose every Monday through Friday right here on The... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: Mobile World Congress ...Mobile World Congress is in full swing in Barcelona. Listen to today’s Daily Dose for a roundup of news from the first 24 hours of the event. Check our full... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: Google Glass details, ...In today’s Daily Dose: Google Glass pricing and availability, North Korea’s 3G plans and tech words in the dictionary and more. You can catch The Daily Dose every Monday through... Keep reading →
Beyond Zero Emissions
National Food Plan blind to biggest threat: cl ...This week’s National Food Plan ignores the serious threat to agriculture posed by climate change. Yet research shows that an expanded Carbon Farming Initiative could have major benefits in combating climate change. Andrew Longmire, research fellow with Beyond Zero Emissions, said, “The Feder ...
Announcing the 5x4 Hayes Lane projectBeyond Zero Emissions is proud to be an official Project Supporter of the 5x4 Hayes Lane Project. The goal of the development is to be a super energy efficient and zero carbon dwelling in the heart of the City of Melbourne. The team are looking to transform an under-used laneway into a demon ...
Solar campaigner diesJoy Baluch the mayor of South Australia's Port Augusta, who campaigned for solar energy for her city has died but not before South Australia's take-up of rooftop solar has risen to double the national average. Transcript (ABC TV Lateline) TONY JONES, PRESENTER: Joy Baluch, the legendary mayor ...
Solar warrior, Port Augusta mayor Joy Baluch d ...By Sophie Vorrath Port Augusta’s long-serving mayor, Nancy Joy Baluch AM, died in hospital on Tuesday night, after a long battle with cancer. Baluch, who would have turned 80 on Wednesday, was mayor of the South Australian city for 29 years over three separate terms – a large part of which sh ...
100% renewable energy advocates validated by n ...The authors of Australia’s first significant study into providing 100% renewable energy have welcomed the new report from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), which has found that it is technically feasible and affordable to run the National Electricity Market with 100% renewable energy ...
Monga Bay ( News )
Kenya getting tough on poachers: increases fin ...The Kenyan parliament has approved emergency measures to tackle the on-going poaching crisis: last week Kenyan MPs approved higher penalties for poachers including fines up to $120,000 and 15 years in jail. The new penalties come into place just as Kenya Wildlife Service's (KWS) is pursuing a ga ...
Featured video: a glimpse into the life of Cam ...The Cambodian Government’s Forestry Administration has recently teamed up with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in order to peer into the daily lives of the country’s Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus). Through the use of camera traps, the organizations caught an intimate glimp ...
Whales teach each other new feeding behaviorHumpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), popularly known for their majestic and alluring underwater mating songs and acrobatic breaches, have shown that they can adapt to changing prey variability by passing on new hunting techniques to each other. According to new findings in the journal Scien ...
Two new arachnids discovered in Brazilian cave ...Scientists have discovered two new species of short-tailed whipscorpions (in the order Schizomida) in limestone caves in Brazil, according to a new paper published in PLoS ONE. The new species—dubbed Rowlandius ubajara and Rowlandius potiguara—add new knowledge to a group of arachnid ...
Local economy ruined by pesticide pollution in ...On 15 April more than 100 fishermen demonstrated in the streets of Fort de France, the main town on Martinique, in the French West Indies. In January they barricaded the port until the government in Paris allocated €2m ($2.6m) in aid, which they are still waiting for. The contamination cau ...
Sierra Express
The dilemma of Sierra Leone’s Trade and Indust ...Thursday May 23rd 2013 was not a pleasant day for the Minister of Trade and Industry, Alhaji Usman Boie Kamara (in photo). Reports say he was about to board a flight to Vienna, Austria, when he was informed that traders, especially those along the Goderich Street and Kissy Road axis had gone ber ...
ICC stretched to its limits in AfricaCongolese rebel Bosco Ntaganda is the latest African to appear before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Mr. Ntaganda faces several counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity including the rape, murder, sexual slavery and recruitment of children in the North Kivu province ...
Saudi Hajj Minister Receives Moijue KaikaiSaudi Arabia’s Minister of Pilgrimage, Dr. Bandar bin Mohammed Hajjar yesterday received Sierra Leone’s Minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs, Honourable Moijueh Kaikai and team at the Hajj Ministry in down town Jeddah. The minister was accompanied by a team comprising o ...
Africa’s greatest assets are its young peopleInterview with Ahmad Alhendawi, UN youth envoy Ahmad Alhendawi was appointed in January as the UN Secretary-General’s envoy on youth who will be the voice of young people all over the world. In his Five-Year Agenda, the Secretary-General recognized “working with and for women and young people” a ...
Natural resources can fuel Africa’s economic t ...Marrakesh, 27 May 2013 –Africa’s agricultural, mining and energy resources could boost the continent’s economic growth and pave the way for a breakthrough in human development, according to the African Economic Outlook 2013, released here today. The report is produced annually by the African Dev ...
Dairy Industry - NZ Herald
Fonterra's payout won't lead to higher milk pr ...Fonterra's sharply higher milk price forecast for 2013/14 will not translate into higher prices for the consumer, chief executive Theo Spierings said today.The farmer's cooperative forecast a $7.00 per kg of milksolids milk price...
Fonterra payout could give economy $2b boostThe economy will get a $2 billion boost if Fonterra's forecast farmgate milk price of $7.00 per kg of milksolids holds true for the 2013/14 season, economists said.At that level, the milk price would be a $1.20 per kg, or 20.7 per...
Dairy company fined $40k for underfeeding animalsA company that ran a large Taupo dairy farm has been fined $40,000 in a major animal cruelty case.Earlier this month farm management company MilkPride Ltd pleaded guilty to underfeeding almost 400 cows.During the Rotorua District...
Fran O'Sullivan: More professionalism needed w ...Fonterra directors would have been startled to wake up yesterday to the Herald's front-page photo of Sir Henry van der Heyden emblazoned with "Don't ever trust them" - Ex-Fonterra head on China business.Fonterra's fortunes have...
Fonterra lifts forecast payoutFonterra has announced this morning that its opening forecast farmgate milk price has been set at $7.00 per kg of milk solids for the 2013/14 season - up $1.20 on the current season - but that dairy commodity prices appear to have...
Hit & Run | Reason
Scotland Mulls Banning Glass Containers from A ...Here’s your daily reminder that as Nanny-Statish America is, it often can’t hold a candle to what’s going on in Europe. In Scotland, the government wants to control what materials adults drink alcohol out of. Actually, they want to expand control over what materials adults drink out ...
Philadelphia Police Commissioner Asks For Fede ...Philadelphia’s police commissioner, Charles Ramsey, is reportedly asking the Department of Justice to review the use of deadly force by his officers. The news comes just weeks after Philly.com launched an “occasional series” examining police shootings with a story revealing Phila ...
Rand Paul Fights for Iowa, Silicon ValleyRobert Costa at National Review revisits Iowa, famously a Ron Paul state (yes, Ron Paul did win the Iowa caucus, in the only way that matters--delegate votes) and finds it is unsurprisingly a place where Rand Paul is also a player. Costa focuses on the chair of the state party, A. ...
Vid: Who Decides How You Die? Inside Montana's ...You may have the right to control your own life, but what about your own death? This is a question facing several states across the U.S., including, most recently, Vermont and Montana. While physician aid-in-dying, or assisted suicide, has been legal in Oregon for almost ...
Liberal Law Professor Says Eric Holder Should ...Writing in USA Today, liberal George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley argues that Eric Holder has committed misdeeds “that should be fatal for any attorney general” and deserves to be fired: Recently, Attorney General Eric Holder appeared before the House Judici ...
Mercury Rising
Anti-Choice “Family Policy InstituteR ...Laurel Ramseyer brings us this news about the sickening anti-family, anti-female actions of a self-styled “pro-family” group’s leader in Washington state: In a blog post erroneously titled “WA Law Helps Conceal Rape of 12-Year Old”, Mr. Backholm wrote last week that: In a ...
The Iraq War is not overJohn Pilger, The Guardian: The dust in Iraq rolls down the long roads that are the desert’s fingers. It gets in your eyes and nose and throat; it swirls in markets and school playgrounds, consuming children kicking a ball; and it carries, according to Dr Jawad Al-Ali, “the seeds of o ...
- Honor those who served with care for their wou ...
- A picture is worth a thousand words
ALEC, Asbestos, And Lung DiseaseThe late Bruce Vento, longtime congressman of Minnesota’s Fourth District, is a legend in Saint Paul, and for all the right reasons. He was a friend of the people and the environment, and the Vento Trail that accesses downtown Saint Paul is named for him. So when Susan Vento, his wife, wri ...
Reality Sandwich
Neurons to Nirvana: A Talk with the Filmmakersread more
RS Gnosis FilesSince Reality Sandwich's launch in 2007, we've compiled a stunning wealth of quality essays that have graced the front page as featured articles. Presently, there are so many essays that have stood the test of time. It would take a dedicated reader months to absorb it all, and due to ...
Placeboing with PsychedelicsWhen we consider the so-called "placebo effect," we should realize that it is not something mysterious that merely happens on its own. It is something we do with our minds that effects our bodies. To be more accurate: we placebo. To placebo is a verb. Our minds plus our bodies do t ...
Imagine Reality Sandwich 2.0 We want to let the Reality Sandwich community know what we intend to do with the money raised through our Kickstarter campaign. We're envisioning a next phase for Reality Sandwich that will enable us to serve the community better and support the growth of the new consciousness movement. ...
Sexual Revolutionread more
Fresh Water “More Precious Than Gold” in Bangl ...Fahima Begum rises each morning at dawn and walks two kilometres to a small pond, the nearest source of fresh water. On her way she passes the rusty old hand-pumped tube well that used to supply water to her village in Bangladesh’s arid Barind region until the water table here dropped out of rea ...
Stressed Ecosystems Leaving Humanity High and DryEveryone knows water is life. Far too few understand the role of trees, plants and other living things in ensuring we have clean, fresh water. This dangerous ignorance results in destruction of wetlands that once cleaned water and prevented destructive and costly flooding, scientists and activis ...
Caribbean Farming Gets Its Roots WetAs Caribbean communities grapple with the entwined challenges of climate change and food security, modern technologies offer hope that the region’s stagnating agricultural sector can be made more profitable. For the past six years, the University of Central Florida (UCF) has teamed up with ...
Migratory “Flyways” Decimated by H ...Migratory birds, which play an important role in the complex web of life known as ecosystem services, are under threat as never before, with some species facing extinction within the next decade. Ahead of the International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22, focused this year on water resour ...
Protecting Niger’s Desert Salt PansThe Bilma community has mined the salt pans in the massive Ténéré desert region in northern Niger for centuries. But the threat of the ever-encroaching desert has become a real concern as locals here struggle to cope with a decline in salt prices. “If we don’t protect this site, salt mining will ...
Blogging Canadians
Chair of Toronto Catholic School Board Tries t ...Just when you thought you’d seen it all in the Catholic school system, they find a way to further disgust you. The Toronto trustees are preparing to vote on a motion tomorrow to replace the government-mandated Gay-Straight Alliances with the Archdiocese’s Catholic alternative called ...
Detroit’s amazing urban farms help build communityWhen I ran for the Presidency of the McMaster Student Union, one of the platform points I was most passionate about was one concerning the creation…
Akaash Maharaj: A Witness to Triumphs and TerrorsMy article in the Huffington Post: Recently, work took me to Istanbul to meet with the Syrian resistance. We discussed options for the international community to help bring an end to the Syrian war, by destroying the financial networks that enable the Assad regime to purchase weapons and fina ...
During the 2011 Federal Election Senator Walli ...The following email was sent by Senator Pam Wallin to Postmedia News on April 15, 2011: I am in Saskatchewan supporting our MP’s who are seeking re-election. The NDP opposes the existence of the Senate so any comments or criticism they might have must be looked at in that light. They would ...
'DuffyGate' now expands to include political i ..."You know people at the CRTC, This is an important decision on Sun Media. They (CRTC) have to play with the team and support Sun Media’s request.” CTV .Sen. Mike Duffy attempted to influence the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission’s upcoming decision involving the ...
Press TV - Middle East
‘Syria has no preconditions for talks’Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem says Damascus has no preconditions for taking part in peace talks that are set to be held in Geneva in June.
Bahrainis hold fresh anti-regime demo Bahraini demonstrators have staged a fresh anti-regime protest rally in the capital Manama despite the ongoing heavy-handed crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy protesters in the Persian Gulf kingdom.
‘All options on table about Syria’The US government says all options remain on the table about Syria including the idea of enforcing a no-fly zone over the Arab nation.
Syria hits trucks smuggling oil to TurkeySyrian troops have destroyed several trucks smuggling crude oil into neighboring Turkey, state media say.
3 Iraqi policemen killed in attack At least three Iraqi policemen have been killed after unknown gunmen attacked a police outpost near the country’s border with Syria.
CUNY SPS Community Blog
- #SPSGRAD2013
- CUNY SPS Online Bachelor’s Degree Studen ...
Who is Tanya Fields?About a month ago I received an email from the faculty at SPS inviting me to join a few of my fellow students to attend a dinner in the city. The dinner was organized to give this year’s commencement speaker, Ms. Tanya Fields an opportunity to meet with the students she will be talking to in [&# ...
- Canadian Lynx
Davos in the Desert“Davos in the Desert” by Wendy Williams was originally published on Getting Smart. The Education Innovation Summit (#EISummit) conference this week in Arizona is a large and seamlessly orchestrated event, but one of my favorite presentations so far was not actually on the agenda. The keynote sp ...
Dissident Voice
The March of Capital: From Chicago to DhakaOn a Friday evening, as a summer twilight falls across Manhattan, you can see the slow but steady streams of consumers filing in and out of Hennes & Maurtiz (H&M). Perhaps a healthy number of them have heard the story of the European retailer’s hazy association with the tragedies in Bang ...
Canada’s History of Gunboat DiplomacyPeople seldom think of Canadian foreign policy when the term “gunboat diplomacy” is used, but they should. It is not just the USA, Great Britain, France or other better-known imperial powers that use military force as a “diplomatic” tool. For example, Postmedia recently revealed that a Canadian ...
Memorial “Daze”: Nightmares of EmpireHitler’s German army invaded and occupied Poland. Many soldiers were killed. The Japanese invaded and occupied Nanking and Shanghai. They had many soldiers killed. The same for the British when they occupied India and Palestine. The local populations did not wish to be occupied by foreigners, e ...
Radical Remaking of the Economy is Taking RootIt is time for the economy to work for the people, not the elites; it is time for economic democracy. As the school year ends, college students are coming home to a paucity of summer jobs and young adults are graduating into an economy with 27% underemployment and unemployment for them.This gene ...
Seven Reasons Why the Labor Movement Has StalledA self-described “McGovern Democrat” whom I shall call “Fay” told me that, alas, she could no longer support organized labor because, in her own, stunning words, “unions have become too powerful.” A UCLA honors grad and longtime political activist, Fay is probably the most “left-wing” person I’v ...
Nick Turse
"By the time Casey Myers died at the Texas Dep ...“By the time Casey Myers died at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s McConnell Unit,...
nickturse:A Turkish riot policeman uses tear ...nickturse: A Turkish riot policeman uses tear gas as people protest against the destruction of trees in a park brought about by a pedestrian project, in Taksim Square in central Istanbul May 28, 2013. REUTERS/Osman Orsal (via Editor’s choice | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters)
planetbillard:Peshawar, Pakistanplanetbillard: Peshawar, Pakistan
40th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, M ...40th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, Manhattan. (September 08, 1938)
"Names bestow meaning. When it comes to war, a ...“Names bestow meaning. When it comes to war, a name attached to a date can shape our...
IPS - Inter Press Services
The Bitter Taste of Liberia’s Palm Oil PlantationsSackie Qwemie works for Equatorial Palm Oil, the company that took his land in northwestern Liberia. He has been working on the EPO plantation for three years because the land that he once farmed was given away in a lease to the concession company based in Grand Bassa County, one of this West Af ...
Child Malnutrition Costs Global Economy Billio ...In addition to the serious health problems it causes, child malnutrition is costing the global economy tens of billions of dollars a year by depriving its victims of the ability to learn basic skills, according to a new report released Tuesday by Save the Children (STC). Based on a multi-year st ...
Africa “Net Creditor” to Rest of World, New Da ...Over the past three decades, Africa has functioned as a “net creditor” to the rest of the world, the result of a cumulative outflow of nearly a trillion and a half dollars from the continent. The new data, to be formally released Wednesday by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Global Financ ...
Cuba to Open Public Internet Outlets – at 4.50 ...Cuba will continue to prioritise public Internet access over connectivity in private homes, as indicated by a government announcement Tuesday that 118 new public cyber salons would open nationwide as of early June. The new Internet outlets were reportedly made possible by the “full functioning” ...
Rescuing “Misfit” Vegetables – and Other ...Cooking with vegetables that are perfectly healthy but do not meet the appearance standards of supermarkets is one of many ways to reduce the alarming rates of food waste.
My AntiWar
- Iraq Bloodshed Continues: 49 Killed, 102 Wounded
- For S. Korean Police, a Primer on Americans in ...
- ‘10 Weeks of Hell’ for Somalis in ...
- French Arrest Suspect in Soldier’s Stabbing
- Buddhist Mobs Attack Muslim Homes for Second D ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
The Self-Defeating Dynamics of American Hegemo ...Summary: Our experience in the U.S. government—running from roughly the period of the first Gulf War in the early 1990s until March 2003, just before the invasion of Iraq, when we left our positions at the White House on the National Security Council staff—effectively spanned the high-water m ...
Former Canadian ambassador to Iran: Canadian F ...Summary: John Mundy, the last Canadian ambassador to Iran, writes that the Canadian Foreign Minister Baird's hawkish position on Iran has prevented real solutions from being considered, and notes that Iran had already accepted many of the demands placed on its nuclear program source: Iran ...
Print What Message New US Sanctions Are Meant ...Summary: The United States House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Relations passed a bill on May 22, 2013, which has paved the way for the US President Barak Obama to enforce new sanctions against all companies conducting transactions with Iran regardless of the type of their transact ...
On Ambassador Sherman’s Testimony on IranSummary: The Congressmen were told that Iran is “isolated”. In reality, Iran maintains full diplomatic relations with some 100 states. Iran’s Foreign Minister is received courteously almost everywhere in Asia and Europe apart from the UK and Israel. Just this week Iran assumed the chair of th ...
“Iran and American Foreign Policy: Where Did t ...Summary: Earlier this week, the Technology and Culture Forum at MIT sponsored an event, “Iran and American Foreign Policy: Where Did the US Go Wrong?”, featuring Noam Chomsky and the two of us. The event was moderated by Prof. Ali Banuazizi of Boston College. source: Going to Tehranread more
The Daily Galaxy
Disappearance of the Earliest Manifestation of ...The widespread disappearance of stromatolites, the earliest visible manifestation of life on Earth, may have been driven by single-celled organisms called foraminifera. Stromatolites (“layered rocks”) are structures made of calcium carbonate and shaped by the actions o ...
New Fossil Discovery Shows The Antarctic Iceca ...The Antarctic continental ice cap came into existence during the Oligocene epoch, some 33.6 million years ago, according to data from an international expedition led by the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences (IACT)—a Spanish National Research Council-University of Granad ...
Galaxy M87 --Orbited by 12,000 Globular Cluste ...The black hole at the center of the super giant elliptical galaxy M87 in cluster Virgo fifty million light-years away is the most massive black hole for which a precise mass has been measured -6.6 billion solar masses. Orbiting the galaxy is an abnormally large populatio ...
Observable Light in the Universe --Blazars Off ...If all the light emitted by all galaxies in the observable universe at all wavelengths during all of cosmic history were known, it would clue astronomers about the entire history of galaxy formation and evolution, and provide insights to key aspects of the expansion hist ...
The 'Daily Galaxy' Followers Soar Above 270,000!Join the 270,000 Daily Galaxy fans around the world who follow us via their Twitter page. Our followers include many of the planet's leading astronomers and scientists, astronauts, space observatories, news organizations, universities and governmental space organizations ...
Natural News
Feds raid Liberty Reserve and indict founders ...If there's one thing monopolists hate, it's competition. That's probably why the U.S. government shut down Liberty Reserve yesterday, charging seven men with laundering $6 billion for over one million clients. Calling Liberty Reserve a "bank of choice for criminals,...
Hungary torches 500 hectares of GM corn to era ...When it comes to protecting the public from GMOs, Hungary knows how to get the job done: set fire to the fields growing GM corn! Although environmentalists might at first argue about the ramifications of burning so much organic matter right out in the open, the deeper...
Five essential elements of natural self-confidenceSelf-confidence comes naturally when certain elements in your psyche line up. Self-confidence is not something you have to try for. It is a result. How do you produce the desired result? Check out the following five elements of natural self-confidence:1. Know...
Mindfulness proven as effective at treating de ...People who suffer from symptoms of depression have yet another way to deal with it that does not involve taking dangerous antidepressant drugs. A new study published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry has found that practicing mindfulness, a meditative routine...
Protect your heart with CoQ10 and vitamin B6: ...If you're looking for ways to improve the health of your heart, don't overlook the dramatic impact of two simple nutrients: vitamin B6 and CoQ10. In a controlled study published in the journal Nutrition Research in October 2012, researchers from Chung Shan Medical...
Threat Level
Anonymous Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Pleads Gui ...At a time when the word "hacktivist" is routinely used to describe random brigands and petty vandals, Jeremy Hammond stands out as the real deal. Today, the 28-year-old Chicagoan pleaded guilty to conspiring in the keystone attack of the short-lived ...
Child-Porn Suspect Ordered to Decrypt Datafederal magistrate is reversing course and ordering a Wisconsin man suspected of possessing child pornography to decrypt hard drives the authorities seized from his residence. Decryption orders are rare, but are likely to become more commonplace as the public ...
Liberty Reserve Founder Indicted on $6 Billion ...The founder of digital currency system Liberty Reserve has been indicted in the United States along with six other people in a $6 billion money-laundering scheme, according to documents unsealed today.
Holder Signed Off on Warrant Identifying Fox N ...Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on the controversial warrant application that the Justice Department used to obtain the personal emails of a Fox News reporter.
Holder Should Demand Feds Get a Warrant to Rea ...Attorney General Eric Holder is on record the Department of Justice supports legislation that generally would require the government to get a probable-cause warrant to read your e-mail. That we're having this discussion is because federal law, dating to the ...
PERRspectives : Blog
Catholic Hospital Mergers Put Women's Health a ...Since the overwhelming Republican triumph in the 2010 elections, conservative majorities in states across the nation have implemented draconian new abortion restrictions at a dizzying pace that shows no signs of letting up. So-called "human life" amendments, punitive clinic regulations, "person ...
McCain Meets with Rebels Inside SyriaWhile Americans marked this Memorial Day by honoring the fallen of the nation's wars, Republican Senator John McCain was inside Syria making the case for the next one. As reported in the Daily Beast, McCain slipped across the Turkish border to meet with Syrian rebels. As Josh Rogin detailed, M ...
Red States Rejecting Obamacare Medicaid Expans ...From the beginning, the defining irony of the never-ending debate over Obamacare is this: health care is worst in those states where Republicans poll best. The map of the states with the worst health care systems largely mirrors GOP strongholds in the Electoral College. Red state residents are ...
Apple Launches iRomneyOn Monday, Congressional investigators revealed that Apple has side-stepped billions of dollars in U.S taxes "through a web of subsidiaries so complex it spanned continents and went beyond anything most experts had ever seen." Nevertheless, Tuesday's hearing before the Senate Permanent Subcommi ...
Fox and Furious Friends Wanted DOJ to Prosecut ...Throughout the tenure of George W. Bush, many of us to the left of center warned that unchecked presidential power was putting Americans' civil liberties in jeopardy. Now with the revelations that the Obama Justice Department seized AP phone records in one leak case and monitored a reporter's c ...
Blackspot News Feed
THREE PANELS OPEN: Eric Grissom & David HalvorsonEric & David have a free download of the zero issue of their comic PLANET GIGANTIC here.
“Central Park Five”: New Film On How Police Ab ...An explosive new documentary looks at a case once referred to as "the crime of the century”: the Central Park Five. Many people have heard about the case -- but far too few know that innocent men were imprisoned as a result. The film tells the story of how five black and Latino teenagers were ar ...
Former GOP Strategist Kevin Phillips on the Ro ...With the Republican Party in a state of turmoil following Mitt Romney's loss three weeks ago, we begin today's show with a guest who was once one of the most influential Republican strategists. In 1969 Kevin Phillips wrote the groundbreaking book, "The Emerging Republican Majority." Newsweek des ...
Headlines for November 28, 2012Egypt: More than 200,000 Fill Tahrir Square in Biggest Protest Against Morsi, At Least 34 Dead in Syrian Car Bomb Blasts, Shiite Worshipers Among At Least 30 Killed in Iraq Explosions, Report: M23 Rebels Preparing to Leave Goma After Initially Defying Deadline, Bangladeshi Factory Managers Arres ...
Palestine Activism in the UKAcross Britain growing numbers of people are acting in solidarity with Palestinians
Consortium News
- ’42′ and 44
- Doubting Obama’s Resolve to Do Right
- Hezbollah’s Risky Syrian Gambit
- Source of Anti-Government Extremism
- Rethinking the Genesis Message
Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds ...
News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
Top 33 Electric Vehicle Stories Of 2013 (So Far)We’re trying to get more electric vehicle (EV) stories going here on Planetsave. To catch readers up, below are 33 of the top EV stories of 2013 so far. To keep an eye on upcoming (or older) EV stories, bookmark and scroll through our EV category from time to time. It’s pretty hard t ...
Obama’s Fracking Frenzy: Caving In To Industry ...On May 16, the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued new draft rules for fracking (“natural” gas drilling)* on public lands. By most accounts, it represents a wholesale sell-out of public health, safety, and climate concerns, in favor of the interests of the natural gas and oil i ...
Top 22 Bike Stories Of 2013 (So Far)We’re trying to get more bike stories going here on Planetsave. To catch readers up, below are 22 of the top bike stories of 2013 so far. For more bicycling stories, check out our bicycling archives. 1. Bike Commuting Is Skyrocketing, Especially In Bike-Friendly Communities. Bicycling is o ...
Ant Species Cooperates With Pitcher Plant For ...New light has been shed on the strange mutualistic relationship that exists between a species of Bornean insect-eating pitcher plant and a species of ant that is found living only on them, thanks to new research from University of Cambridge and the University Brunei Darussalam. The ant species & ...
Monsanto GMO March — March Against Monsanto Dr ...Over 2 million people participated in Saturday’s March Against Monsanto protest, according to protest organizers — marking the protest as a great success. The organizers have reported that protests were held in over 52 countries, and 436 cities — a truly global protest, reflect ...
Water Quality - WordPress
*50 Gallon Per Day 6-Stage Home Reverse Osmosi ...You can buy *50 Gallon Per Day 6-Stage Home Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System with Ultraviolet D
What about your water?Some weeks ago, we decided to make some water tests, to see how water can influence the cup. For the
Heavy Rains + Aging Sewers Threaten Water QualityThis is what happens when it rains in Atlanta: Heavy rain leads to major sewer spill in Decatur 51,0
Parachute Creek spill: Day 60Absorbent booms on Parachute Creek [COGCC photo]Weekend news and updates Benzene fluctuates in Parac
Division of Water re-issues industrial stormwa ...The Kentucky Division of Water (DOW) has re-issued the Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination Syst
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
The Delicious Irony of Morris Greenberg’s AIG ...by Michael Hudson Featured Writer Dandelion Salad michael-hudson.com January 12, 2013 Image by codep
Michael Hudson: 2013 – the stage is setwith Michael Hudson Featured Writer Dandelion Salad michael-hudson.com January 11, 2013 Image by jim
The Age of the Siege: Sanctions Are An Act Of ...Image by LividFiction via Flickr by Felicity Arbuthnot Featured Writer Dandelion Salad London, Engla
Gareth Porter: Afghan war, dead weight around ...with Gareth Porter Featured Writer Dandelion Salad January 12, 2013 Image by Dandelion Salad via Fli
America's Indefinitely Detained + Close GITMO ...with Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk January 11, 2013 Ima
Axis of Logic
Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash? ..."The American people are being disenfranchised, disinherited, and enslaved." The PBS Documentary "The Warning" proves the Illuminati bankers deliberately sabotaged the financial system before 2008. This was not the first time nor will it be the last."Economic c ...
CIA directing arms shipments to Syria’s “rebel ...22 June 2012 CIA agents have been deployed to Turkey to organize the arming of the so-called rebels in Syria seeking the overthrow of the government of President Bashar al-Assad, the New York Times reported Thursday. The report, citing information provided by senior US officials as well a ...
UNASUR Foreign Ministers in Paraguay to Discus ...Río de Janeiro, June 21 (Prensa Latina) Foreign ministres from member countries of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) are scheduled to leave today for Paraguay to discuss the situation in that country in the wake of decisión by the Chamber of Deputies to open an impeachment against Pre ...
The Right Wing Move to Impeach Paraguay's Pres ...Editor's Note: Does this sound familiar to anyone? It was 3 years ago this month that democratically-elected President Zelaya was thrown out of office by a coup in Honduras backed by the US State Department. In January, 2010 we published Mike Whitney's article, In South America, left-wing presid ...
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks from E ...22 June 2012 Australian and US governments “playing word games” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spoke out today from the Ecuadorian embassy in London about the escalating assault on his democratic rights and why he had been compelled to seek political asylum in Ecuador. Interviewed b ...
They Gave Us a Republic
The Right Expects, Demands ConformityBy @TedFrier Imitation being the highest form of flattery, Chris Matthews provides an example of a tactic used more than 50 years ago to promote group solidarity that is still being used by right wing "movement" conservatives today to keep their followers in line. In his worshipful new biography ...
So, Who's Responsible for the "Culture of Inti ...By @TedFrier There is a flip side to the "culture of intimidation" Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell accuses President Obama of creating when, as McConnell baselessly alleges, federal agencies controlled by Obama single out for "targeting" right wing groups like the Tea Party for inordina ...
"High Crimes and Misdemeanors" -- Who Needs 'Em?By @BGinKC If you think they are just manufacturing outrage to placate their base, you're kidding yourself. The base will not be placated until they get a vote on Articles of Impeachment. And faced with a lack of actual high crimes and misdemeanors, they are just making shit up. Now comes Rand P ...
Obama *is* pretty dastardly, but is he Mark Ma ...By @BginKC
GOP: Party of CrybabiesBy @TedFrier The GOP is a "party of crybabies." Or so says Jonathan Bernstein in today's Salon, reprieving one of my biggest pet peeves, which is the presumption by conservatives that freedom of speech entails the freedom from criticism for one's opinions - no matter how absurd or obscene those ...
Care 2
Guatemala's Jaguars: Capturing Phantoms in PhotosThe Wildlife Conservation Society has released a photograph of a male jaguar taken by a remote camera trap in Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve. Activated by motion or heat differentials, camera traps "capture" pictures of secretive and elusive animals Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat |&n ...
A black leopard in broad daylightThe future of Thailand's second largest cat depends on the protection of the forests where they live Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Reinstate Fishing Ban on Overfished Coral Reef ...Reinstate the fishing ban on Biscayne National Parks coral reefs Submitted by Cher C. to Green Lifestyle | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Native American Activism: Environmental issues ...A dynamic environmental activism movement pioneered by highly engaged youth from native communities is spreading across North America Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Petition | Tell @Sainsburys and @Waitrose: No ...We are concerned that you sell Bellaverde® broccoli. This is a flagship Monsanto food product. Monsanto is the worlds largest GMO company and has been voted "The Worst Company of 2011" by Natural Society. Submitted by Elderberry C. to Health & Wellness | Note-it! |  ...
Smirking Chimp
- Get Apocalyptic: Why Radical is the New Normal
- A Vision for Social Security
- Dead Kennedys
- The Death of Nutrition
- Unpleasant Truths
Paul Krugman
The Neverending Irish Success StorySet to recover, year after year after year.
A Brief, Useless Note On Being BashedComes with the job.
Taxing the RichIt's a good thing.
Procyclical Policy for GermanyStrange arguments against fiscal expansion.
Portuguese Memories (Trivial and Personal)Memories of the Ford administration.
No Quarter
John McCain’s Imbecility on SyriaAre we to conclude that John McCain, by virtue of his age, is experiencing some form of Dementia or other brain disorder? I ask in light of his latest misadventure in the Middle East. Seems that the Arizona Senator: paid a surprise visit to Syria on Monday and spoke with rebel leaders allied wit ...
Larry Doyle’s Sense on the IRSOur old friend, Larry Doyle, who has made his mark as the author of Sense on Cents, is out with a new post that merits your attention. He hones in on one of the IRS Commissioners, Doug Shulman, who apparently is suffering from early onset Prefrontal Lobe Dementia. How else to account for his ina ...
Does the CIA Have Its Head Up its Ass on Benghazi?Eli Lake at the Daily Beast put up an interesting piece today that, if correct, reveals total incompetence on the part of CIA analysts. Again, to be clear, if this report is accurate it is damning. According to Lake, who is reporting on the results of Wednesday’s closed hearing before the ...
Unfolding the Benghazi Mystery with Sergeant S ...The failure of the Obama Administration to respond effectively and decisively to the attack on US diplomats and intelligence officers last September in Benghazi continues to dog the President, and rightly so. Why did the White House decide to not seek the guidance of the Counterterrorism Securit ...
Barack, The Clueless, ObamaWhen you lose Jon Stewart, it is a sign that the Obama ship is sinking: What a worthless, ignorant moron we have for a President. Obama does not have time to read briefing papers. He has no time to be briefed by his staff. Nope. He has to wait for MSNBC to broadcast what his [...]
ConsequencesI do keep saying that futurism isn’t about making predictions, don’t I? Well, that’s because I really believe it. Prediction — in the sense of declaring with great certainty that [x] will come to happen — is a waste of time, because you have no way of accurately det ...
The (contested) street, finding new uses for t ...From a photo-essay/collection thingybob at The Atlantic: Syrian rebel fighters and their homebrew military hardware. There are lots of shots of chaps lathing mortar shells, as well as crude hand-welded onagers made from shelving and rebar; that’s your continuity verification, a through-lin ...
Science fiction and science, part II: smashing ...So, last week saw me take the train down to London in order to give a presentation on science fiction narratives as strategic planning tools to the Strategic Special Interest Group of the British Academy of Management. (That’s neither a topic or audience I’d have ever expected to add ...
Science fiction and science, part I: you’re do ...*blows dust off microphone* I’ve been absent from here for a while because I’ve been working on other things, but those things are very much related to Futurismic as a project, both in terms of what it has been, and what it will be. More on that later, though. I want to get things ba ...
Hope for a Global Spring?Perhaps it’s because of the economy is beginning – finally – to pick up in the US. Perhaps it is because I’m sick to death of bad election-year politics, so I’m looking at anything else that comes along of interest. Maybe it’s even because I wrote about creative destruction the last time I did a ...
Mountaintop Removal
A better life beyond mountaintop removal and c ...A better life beyond mountaintop removal and coal? The Courier-Journal (blog) A few weeks ago, I visited Eastern Kentucky to see firsthand sites relevant to some of today's environmental controversies. Among those controversies, of course, is coal and the way it's often mined. I'm fr ...
Arrest made in mountaintop removal protest nea ...WCYB Arrest made in mountaintop removal protest near Alpha headquaters TriCities.com They were protesting Alpha's use of mountaintop removal mining and coal slurry impoundments. Members of activist groups Mountain Justice and Radical Action for Mountain Peoples' Survival participated. Fi ...
Mountaintop removal protestors arrested in dow ...WBIR-TV Mountaintop removal protestors arrested in downtown Knoxville WBIR-TV The three used logging chains and bicycle locks to lock themselves together, and the teen wore a large mask that depicted an investment banker. They said the move was in protest of UBS's funding of projects that in ...
Local group wants GRU to stop buying mountaint ...Local group wants GRU to stop buying mountaintop-removal coal The Independent Florida Alligator After more than two years of local and national advocacy, the Gainesville Loves Mountains organization has taken the next step in an attempt to end Gainesville Regional Utilities' purchase of moun ...
Enviros Sue To Block Tenn. Mountaintop-Removal ...Enviros Sue To Block Tenn. Mountaintop-Removal Projects Law360 (subscription) Law360, New York (May 17, 2013, 2:44 PM ET) -- Environmental groups including the Sierra Club sued the U.S. Interior Department in Tennessee federal court on Thursday, claiming the agency approved two mountaintop-remov ...
James Carville on Michele Bachmann: 'Sad day' ...Kevin Robillard / Politico: James Carville on Michele Bachmann: ‘Sad day’ — Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville predicted on Wednesday that Republicans throughout the country would be “relieved” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) has decided to re ...
Fire Eric Holder: Column (Jonathan Turley/USA ...Jonathan Turley / USA Today: Fire Eric Holder: Column — Top lawyer doesn't have credibility to investigate anyone, let alone himself. — Recently, Attorney General Eric Holder appeared before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about the administ ...
China to Seek More Equal Footing With U.S. in ...Jane Perlez / New York Times: China to Seek More Equal Footing With U.S. in Talks — BEIJING — China's new president, Xi Jinping, took a hands-on approach on Monday while meeting with President Obama's national security adviser to prepare the agenda for the California sum ...
Curious IRS Timing (Wall Street Journal)Wall Street Journal: Curious IRS Timing — Did the tax agency also target groups that support Israel? — The IRS has admitted targeting groups that wanted to speak on issues during the 2012 election season. But did the agency also target tax-exempt groups ...
U.S. drone kills Pakistan Taliban number 2: se ...Jibran Ahmad / Reuters: U.S. drone kills Pakistan Taliban number 2: security officials — (Reuters) - A U.S. drone strike killed the number two of the Pakistan Taliban in the North Waziristan region on Wednesday, three security officials said, in what would be a major blow in t ...
Energy & Environment News
Advertising: FEMA Promotes Its Wireless Emerge ...The agency is releasing radio, television and digital ads to educate the public about the system, which began two years ago.
Solar Industry Anxious Over Defective PanelsWhen defects are discovered, confidentiality agreements keep the manufacturer’s identity secret, making accountability difficult.
Wal-Mart Is Fined $82 Million Over Mishandling ...Wal-Mart pleaded guilty to seven counts related to the improper discarding of hazardous wastes in California and Missouri.
China Divides European Union in Fight Over TariffsWith Chinese and European Union trade officials trying to stare each other down in the world’s largest anti-dumping and anti-subsidy case, Germany has weighed in on China’s side.
Dot Earth Blog: The Case for a Profit Motive i ...A capitalist turned conservationist defends the idea that environmental care can be good for business.
5+ quakes - 7 days
M 5.0, near the east coast of Honshu, JapanTuesday, May 28, 2013 19:24:25 UTC Wednesday, May 29, 2013 04:24:25 AM at epicenterDepth: 35.80 km (22.25 mi)
M 5.3, near the east coast of the Kamchatka Pe ...Tuesday, May 28, 2013 16:25:32 UTC Wednesday, May 29, 2013 05:25:32 AM at epicenterDepth: 65.10 km (40.45 mi)
M 5.0, Fiji regionTuesday, May 28, 2013 08:45:53 UTC Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:45:53 PM at epicenterDepth: 408.40 km (253.77 mi)
M 5.4, Georgia (Sak'art'velo)Tuesday, May 28, 2013 00:09:54 UTC Tuesday, May 28, 2013 05:09:54 AM at epicenterDepth: 9.80 km (6.09 mi)
M 5.3, off the east coast of the Kamchatka Pen ...Monday, May 27, 2013 20:22:00 UTC Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:22:00 AM at epicenterDepth: 13.20 km (8.20 mi)
China Dialogue
邻避运动:ߑ ...“邻避运动”是中国近期环境运动的典型形态。唐昊认为:不同利益群体环境权的不&# ...
如何推动碳৮ ...推广碳捕集与封存技术需要中国政府将气候政策提到最重要的议程之一,像重视节能 ...
中国政府应ࡃ ...曾在中国环保部工作的环境经济学家胡涛认为,应将企业在海外的投资项目纳入国内 ...
气候变化或߳ ...中国、中东及非洲的气候变化可能导致蝗灾频发,农作物歉收沙漠蝗繁殖速度快,能 ...
世界为何坐෇ ...除非我们可以给出一个在政治上富有吸引力的低碳经济方案,否则没有人会为了别人 ...
AlterNet Top Stories
Noam Chomsky: The Kind of Anarchism I Believe ...Anarchism "assumes that the burden of proof for anyone in a position of power and authority lies on them," explains Chomsky. The following is the adapted text of an interview that first appeared in Modern Success magazine.So many things have been written about, and discussed by, Pro ...
Obama Vows to Ratchet Down the War on Terror - ...Obama acknowledged the harm done to America’s principles and image -- but many details of his plans remain fuzzy. In his speech at the National Defense University on Thursday, President Obama made one of the most sensible, realistic, thorough and truthful statements about terr ...
The Lure of Oil and the Drug War: Why Washingt ...The U.S. is turning its sights to West Africa, where the Obama administration is building up a vast array of military resources. With the winding down of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Washington is turning its sights elsewhere. Quietly, the Obama administration is building up a ...
Inside the Historic Genocide Trial of a Guatem ...The conviction of Rios Montt was the first time a former head of state was found guilty of genocide in a national court--until the verdict was overturned. On May 10, 2013, history was made in Guatemala. For the first time ever, a former head of state was found guilty of genocide in a national ...
Beware of Economic Nonsense Trotted Out by Pro ...Forbes Magazine deployed its small army of corporate defenders and apologists in the multi-billion dollar fight to keep effective tax rates low for global corporations. Forbes Magazinelikes to call itself a “capitalist tool,” and routinely offers tool-like justifications for w ...
Threat Level
Anonymous Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Pleads Gui ...At a time when the word "hacktivist" is routinely used to describe random brigands and petty vandals, Jeremy Hammond stands out as the real deal. Today, the 28-year-old Chicagoan pleaded guilty to conspiring in the keystone attack of the short-lived ...
Child-Porn Suspect Ordered to Decrypt Datafederal magistrate is reversing course and ordering a Wisconsin man suspected of possessing child pornography to decrypt hard drives the authorities seized from his residence. Decryption orders are rare, but are likely to become more commonplace as the public ...
Liberty Reserve Founder Indicted on $6 Billion ...The founder of digital currency system Liberty Reserve has been indicted in the United States along with six other people in a $6 billion money-laundering scheme, according to documents unsealed today.
Holder Signed Off on Warrant Identifying Fox N ...Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on the controversial warrant application that the Justice Department used to obtain the personal emails of a Fox News reporter.
Holder Should Demand Feds Get a Warrant to Rea ...Attorney General Eric Holder is on record the Department of Justice supports legislation that generally would require the government to get a probable-cause warrant to read your e-mail. That we're having this discussion is because federal law, dating to the ...
Equality Trust
UK Drug Policy Commission Report published todayThe UK’s approach to drug policy appears simplistic in several ways. Seeing all drug use as invariably problematic can reduce the cost-effectiveness of policy. Equally, drug problems need to be seen and addressed within their wider social and economic context; entrenched drug problems appear to ...
The Spirit Level Documentary FilmWe're delighted to introduce The Spirit Level Documentary - a forthcoming film based on the best-selling book, which will show why a more equal society is better for us all. Find out more...
Act Local = Reduce the GapFind out more about our new campaign: Act Local = Reduce the Gap
We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. Introductions—Dr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer Movement—Katie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchi ...
PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Shah ...
An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
Another Raw Milk Campylobacter OutbreakThe Pennsylvania Departments of Agriculture and Health today advised consumers to discard raw milk produced by The Family Cow in Chambersburg, Franklin County, because of potential bacterial contamination. Agriculture and... Continue Reading
Public Health Gone StupidLast week the Brazos County Health Department appropriately announced that the source of the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak that sickened 10, putting two young brothers in a Houston hospital with... Continue Reading
Something to Remember on Memorial DayA man fought for our country in World War II and earned a Purple Heart, and then he died 57 years later after eating a Listeria-tainted cantaloupe grown here in... Continue Reading
Why Retailer CEOs are the Biggest Part of Food ...Food Safety and the CEO – Keys to Bottom Line Success Foodborne illness has, of course, been around as long as there has been food. But the identification and diagnosis... Continue Reading
New Vegas Firefly Opens after Salmonella OutbreakWith nearly 150 Firefly Salmonella victims as clients, it did not take long for one of the locals to send a picture of the new location. Questions that I plan... Continue Reading
First Drive: 2013 Nissan Leaf [w/video]Filed under: Hatchback, Nissan, First Drives, ElectricIf It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It Look at the 2013 Nissan Leaf - even one parked next to a 2012 model - and you'll be hard-pressed to spot the differences. Changes and updates have been made, but you have to know the details to tell. It ...
Video: Tesla Model S has secret menu that show ...Filed under: Sedan, Performance, Videos, Tesla, Electric, Luxury The Telsa Model S may have won just about every automotive award it could last year, but that doesn't mean it's a perfect vehicle. Far from it. Drivers have been asking when the already high-tech vehicle will get somewhat normal ...
Shanghai: Detroit Electric, Geely announce str ...Filed under: Shanghai Motor Show, Electric, MISC The revived Detroit Electric company will be partnering with China's Geely, but the mission is not to cooperate on bringing the all-electric Tesla Roadster-like SP:01 to market. Instead, Detroit Electric and Geely will co-develop more normal p ...
First Drive: 2013 Fiat 500eFiled under: Hatchback, First Drives, Electric, FiatCinquecento's Electrifying One-Price Strategy Is A Gas America's electric vehicle segment is getting crowded, but sales remain tiny compared to the overall market. Listening to EV pitchmen, a key phrase heard over and over is "no comprom ...
New York: 2014 Subaru XV Crosstrek Hybrid fina ...Filed under: New York Auto Show, Hybrid, Crossover, Subaru For a company that does a pretty great job of tying its vehicles to the environment - or, better said, to people who like to actually get out into the environment - Subaru hasn't exactly been a leader in green vehicle production. In f ...
Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
Airbnb 101: Using Social Media's Hottest "Plac ...Why stay in dull places? Airbnb has hundreds of cool, alternative homes away from home.
Adobe Welcomes GUNNAR Optiks to the Swag StoreGUNNAR Optiks, after a successful test run, will be a featured product in the Adobe Swag Store in their San Jose facility.
Microsoft and Facebook Partnership? Still No F ...Microsoft and Facebook have entered a partnership for Bing being the search provider of Facebook. But, still we don't have an official Facebook app for Windows 8.
SAP Launches MOOC Style Online CoursewareSoftware giant SAP release a MOOC style online learning platform.
Use of Social Media for Internal Communication ...Social intranets are one of the fastest growing trends in enterprise computing. This is reflected in the results from a new study into social media usage in internal communications.
Time - Top Stories
Viewpoint: Rethinking 'Bad Parents'Viewpoint: Rethinking 'Bad Parents'
Happy 60th, Top of Everest: Now, About That Ga ...Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay first climbed Mt. Everest six decades ago. The feat is more common now, but it has come with major environmental detriment.
Surprise: Health Costs Rise When Patients Get ...Decision-sharing leads to better care but bigger bills
China's Toilet-Pipe Baby Fuels Online Wrath an ...Online vigilantes hound transgressors in a nation where formal justice is often slow and hard to come by
Australia Is the World's Happiest CountryAustralian residents are the most satisfied with their lives
Invisible Opportunity
JCPenney Forced To Deny Tea Kettle Looks Like ...Jim Edwards | May 28, 2013, 2:56 PM JCPenney has officially denied that a tea kettle being advertised on a billboard on the 405 Interstate near Culver City, Calif., is intended to represent Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator during World War II. The notion that the kettle looked a bit like the ...
Activist Post: Why Do Kids Vitamins Contain As ...Sayer Ji Activist Post The #1 Children’s Vitamin Brand in the US contains ingredients that most parents would never intentionally expose their children to, so why aren’t more opting for healthier alternatives? Kids vitamins are supposed to be healthy, right? Well then, what’s g ...
Facebook wages censorship war against moms of ...by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) When Facebook suspended the account of a mom of two autistic children who held anti-GMO signs at the recent rally, it became national news. Drudge Report linked to our Natural News story which documented Facebook censoring multiple accounts for shar ...
Medicines kill 18,000 in France yearlyMediator pill is believed to have killed hundreds of people in France. The side effects from prescribed medication is responsible for at least 18,000 deaths each year in France, and the number is more than road accidents and suicides combined. Bernard Begaud — an expert witness at the trial of f ...
The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes ...What is the White House hiding about the demise of a boy they say they didn’t target but admit to blowing up? Conor Friedersdorf Last week, President Obama declassified the fact that four American citizens have been killed in U.S. drone strikes “to facilitate transparency and ...
Global Insights
Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
Twilight Earth
Cartoon caption contestTake a look at the cartoon below and enter your caption idea in the comment section (more ifo on prize, etc. below the cartoon). Eligible captions will be those posted on my site, Elephant Journal, Wend Magazine, PlanetSave, Eco-Snobbery Sucks, Ecolutionist, Ecopolitology, and Twilight Earth. Wi ...
Exposed: Why the GOP wants to eliminate Clean ...Whether we can believe this see-through-elephant-trunk footage or not, the possibility that elephants have a triple fitration system within their trunks has to have some credence. Otherwise, why on earth would leading Republicans try to make it easier for big polluters to further pollute the air ...
Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoo ...
Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon]US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Government’s Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: ...
BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leaked!Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable ...
Fabius Maximus
A second try at describing The First Step to r ...Summary: The first post in this series reviewed my posts about the state of the American Republic, asking why it has deteriorated far faster than I expected — or considered possible. This post attempts a diagnosis, and points to a path perhaps leading to a cure. A series about America Conf ...
How can we better honor our vets on Memorial Day?Summary: Some thoughts about Memorial Day about ways we can honor the sacrifices made by our veterans, past and present. After 150 years of frequent wars, perhaps we need to up our game as the total of dead increases. Origin of the Memorial Day holiday The Grand Army of the Republic was a frater ...
Confession about a failed forecastSummary: Time to check the score for the FM website. 2,400 posts, 4.1 million pageviews, 28 thousands comments. Many forecasts, mostly accurate. One very important forecast that was very wrong. . Content Forecasts about many things A diagnosis of America For More Information The second part of t ...
Update about one of the seldom-discussed trend ...Summary: One of the great stories of 21st century looks to be the conflict between nations using conventional military methods (2GW and 3GW), and forces using 4GW. So far the latter are winning almost every time. America’s inability to adapt to this new world, part of our larger #FailureTo ...
Learning to see beyond the American PravdaSummary: Here we discuss a powerful article about a serious weakness of America — our broken observation-orientation-decision-action loop. Specifically, our ability to orient our present in term of our history, a broken mechanism because of our amnesia and gullibility. We need not be like ...
WIRED Magazine | Science
Rogue Queens, Sex-Changing Fish, and Rain-Maki ...The word 'unnatural' is often used to describe what's considered weird or unusual. But is anything weirder than nature? Biology abounds with creatures that change shape, change sex, change locations and in some cases cause other creatures to do these ...
Squishy Hydrogel Fingers Bend in Response to LightShining a laser at a graphene-based hydrogel causes the material to bend and flex as if it has joints, a response creepily demonstrated when the shape-shifting material is molded into the shape of a hand.
Wired Space Photo of the Day: Giant Space Jell ...This image was obtained with the wide-field view of the Mosaic camera on the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. HFG1 is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It was produced by a binary star system ...
Wired Space Photo of the Day: Colorful Mars CraterThis image covers a well-preserved (relatively young) impact crater about 5 kilometers (3 miles) wide. The enhanced-color sample shows that the north-facing slope (on the south side of the crater) has a blue-green color but the south-facing slope has a ...
Wired Space Photo of the Day: Beautiful Ring N ...In this composite image, visible-light observations by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope are combined with infrared data from the ground-based Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona to assemble a dramatic view of the well-known Ring Nebula.
WW3: Israel Threatens to Strike Russian Arms S ...In this breaking Middle East and World War 3 watch, Israel quickly issued a thinly veiled warning that it would bomb the Russian S-300s if they were deployed in Syria as such a move would bring the advanced guided missiles within range of civilian and military planes in Israeli air space
Why The Next War With China Could Go Very Badl ...Most Americans assume that the U.S. military is so vastly superior to everyone else that no other nation would ever dream of fighting a full-scale war against us. Unfortunately, that assumption is dead wrong. In recent years, the once mammoth technological gap between the U.S. military and the ...
Monsanto Cucumbers Cause Genital Baldness – Im ...A six-month study by AgriSearch, an on-campus research arm of Dalhousie University, has shown that genetically modified (GM) cucumbers grown under license to Monsanto Inc. result in serious side effects including total groin hair loss and chafing in "sensitive areas", leading to the immediate an ...
‘The enemy is everywhere’: Former MI5 head cal ...The former head of MI5 Dame Stella Rimington has called for British people to inform security services if they suspect their neighbours maybe extremists. Dame Stella, who supports the Government’s controversial ‘snoopers’ charter’, said people need to be more alert because it is impossible fo ...
Corporate Media Blackout of Anti-Monsanto Prot ...Over the weekend thousands of anti-Monsanto activists marched down the streets of major cities throughout the country. Dozens of websites covered the protests and posted video online yet the corporate controlled media apparently didn’t feel like it was important enough as they essentially conduc ...
Andy Worthington
For My Guantánamo Work, I’ve Been Short- ...I’m delighted to report that, in recognition of my work on Guantánamo and the “war on terror” over the last seven years (including being the lead writer on the sections of a report on secret detention for the United Nations in 2010 dealing with US secret detention since 9/11, a ...
Why We at “Close Guantánamo” Have ...I wrote the following article for the “Close Guantánamo” website, which I established in January 2012 with US attorney Tom Wilner. Please join us — just an email address is required to be counted amongst those opposed to the ongoing existence of Guantánamo, and to receive updates of our activiti ...
On Guantánamo, the Three Steps Obama Needs to ...Late on Friday evening, RT published an article I had been commissioned to write for them, entitled, “In Guantánamo, fine words are no substitute for freedom.” In it, I examined in detail the parts of President Obama’s national security speech on Thursday that dealt with the p ...
Obama on Guantánamo: Yemeni Ban Lifted, Prison ...Today, at the National Defense University at Fort McNair, President Obama delivered a major speech on national security issues. I leave it to some of my esteemed colleagues to analyze everything apart from the final section of the speech, in which the President spoke about “the detention o ...
As Guantánamo Prisoners Send Pleas to Presiden ...As President Obama prepares to make a major speech on national security issues at the National Defense University — including his plans for Guantánamo, where a prison-wide hunger strike has been raging for over three months — the London-based legal action charity Reprieve, whose lawy ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
The DOJ's escalating criminalization of speechMuslims continue to be targeted for prosecution for expressing political views the government dislikes
Facts and myths in the WikiLeaks/Guardian sagaA series of accidental events led to the publication of 251,000 diplomatic cables in unredacted form
Top CIA official: Obama "changed virtually not ...A new Frontline from PBS features a "revelation" that is anything but, though it offers an important added detail
Celebrating the fall of a dictatorReports about thankful citizens are being used to justify a pro-war argument -- but we've seen this before
A tweet that explains everythingThe nation's watchdog news outlets deploy to cover a Wednesday vs. Thursday scheduling conflict
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
Translating teenage gruntsLinguistics of adolescent phonetics If you don’t get it, then I just have one thing to say and it’s: “A voiced alveolar stop and breathy-voiced low-back unrounded vowel, with advanced tongue root” – duuuuh… (That latter words is described by James Harbeck in h ...
Deceived wisdom about pruney fingersI discuss the myths about why our fingers go “pruney” in the bath or swimming pool in my book Deceived Wisdom, the truth seems to lie in the work of Mark Changizi. In this cartoon, we see the explanation and get to hear his theory in his own words. Deceived wisdom about pruney finger ...
SIDS, cot death absolute risksThe tabloids were screaming at new parents this week desperately yelling at them not to share a bed with their newborn because it could be lethal, causing sudden infant death syndrome, or cot death. The research said so. SIDS is tragic, of course, but a little composure, please. As NHS Choices e ...
A design for lifeAs the average age of the population goes up with people surviving many years more than their allegorical three score years and ten, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of senile dementia will rise too. Many people can suffer symptoms for many years and yet live independen ...
How did feathers evolve?Carl Zimmer offered some insights at TED-Ed into how dinosaurs got their plumage and evolved into the flying birds, excellent birds, we see today. This is witty animation plucks up the courage to fill in the gaps. On an entirely unrelated note, I wrote a song about flight, which you can hear on ...
Common Dreams -News
'Free Amina!': Repressive Treatment of Women T ...In a bid to show support for an 18-year-old woman jailed in Tunisia, three members of the European-based feminist-activist group FEMEN staged a dramatic topless protest outside the central courthouse in Tunis on Wednesday calling for the release of the activist known as Amina Tyler. ...
Despite Ongoing Protest, Obama Resumes Drone A ...Pakistan says that US drone strikes on its territory are illegal and have led to many civilian deaths. (Photo: Reuters)Despite repeated and recent warnings that such attacks are destabilizing and an affront to its territorial sovereignty, reports indicate the US military executed a pair of drone ...
- Child Malnutrition Costs Global Economy Billio ...
'Hactivist' Faces 10 Years in Fed Prison for S ...Jeremy Hammond will now face up to 10 years in federal prison after pleading guilty Tuesday for hacking the shadowy intelligence company Stratfor and eight additional hacks of law enforcement and defense contractor websites. read more
Train Derailment, Loud Explosion in Baltimore ...Photo: NBC Nightly News/via Twitter A cargo train derailed in the Baltimore area on Tuesday afternoon after colliding with a tractor trailer, sparking a loud explosion felt miles away, and sending plumes of smoke into the air from a fire set to burn into the night. ...
Use a Safety Pin to Eliminate Static ElectrictyWhen static electricity builds up on your clothes, weblog WonderHowTo suggests attaching a safety pin to your skirt or slacks to divert the charge.Read more...
Do You Take a Lunch Break?For many, lunch is an opportunity to slow down and take a mental break from the day. For some, it's a chance to get even more work done. And for still others, it's an important time for catching with your favorite web sites. Do you stop for lunch?Read more...
Cloudii Manages Multiple Cloud Storage Service ...Android: If you're like me, you hoard whatever cloud storage you can get. Cloudii makes it simple to manage all of your different storage options in one place.Read more...
How Can I Get Started with Home Automation?Dear Lifehacker, I want to set up some basic home automation tasks but I've never done anything like this before. How do I get started? For that matter, what kind of things can I do and how much should I reasonably expect to pay?Read more...
Grab 1Password for Half Off for a Limited TimeOS X/iOS: 1Password, one of Lifehacker readers' favorite password managers, is now 50% off for Mac and iPhone/iPad users. If you've been tempted by this elegant and robust password manager but put off by the high price, now it might be worth another look.Read more...
Water Wars
Supervisors fear Delta water grabFrank Ruhstaller and Steve Bestolarides are rallying the troops as California’s perennial water wars heat up.
Anthony Westbury: Could Port St. Lucie land bu ...St. Lucie County is fighting Port St. Lucie's bid to annex its new land at McCarty Ranch.
Skullduggery In The Water Pipes: Newspaper Con ...Almost everyone in the United States has a stake in California's water wars. That's because the state grows most of the fresh fruits and vegetables the rest of us eat. But in recent years farmers haven't been able to get the water they need to grow their crops. The water system is in ...
Nisswa parks kick off summerNISSWA - The Nisswa Parks Department announced a Summer Kick-off Party from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 1 at Nisswa Park. The event will feature Water Wars and the St. Christopher youth group will serve food.
Water Wars: Ga. avoids reservoir limits in new ...A water plan passed by the U.S. Senate will not limit Georgia's water use from two federal reservoirs, a restriction sought by lawmakers in Alabama and Florida. The Senate voted 83-14 on Wednesday
WordPress | Economics
The New #1 Tourist Destination in the World? I ...The New #1 Tourist Destination in the World? It’s Bangkok But New York still earns the most mo
President Aquino: Charter Change Not Needed Fo ...Why, Mr. President? I’ve heard many statements against raising foreign equity ownership for mo
Cattle rustling in New Delhi - Gardiner Harris“Cattle rustling, called “lifting” here, is a growing scourge in New Delhi, as inc
Know your logical fallaciesLogicalFallaciesInfographic_A1
kwdu8rb1kwdu8rb1 Acne Scars Natural Treatment | Hemorrhoid MiracleBleeding Stool Cure Acne Scars Remedi
Electronic Intifada
Brooklyn College battle reveals hidden agenda ...Max Blumenthal New York City 12 February 2013 Why are J Street leaders afraid to debate Palestinians advocating a boycott of Israel?
Biased new study skirts around racism in Israe ...Nurit Peled-Elhanan 12 February 2013 Western academics get offended when Palestinians use terms like “colonialism.”
"I was determined to live with dignity," says ...Rami Almeghari Rafah 11 February 2013 Prisoner’s daughter recalls pain of not having her father around on her wedding day.
Defying surveillance, Gaza farmers demand boyc ...Eva Bartlett Gaza Strip 11 February 2013 Protests against Israeli goods take place close to the Gaza-Israel boundary.
"Gaza is a Bantustan": author Samah Sabawi int ...Joe Catron Gaza City 10 February 2013 Playwright and political analyst visits Gaza after 17-year absence.
The Wonk Room
Saudi Writer Urges Twitter Followers To Molest ...A writer in Saudi Arabia prompted his readers to sexually harass women in newly integrated public places, unleashing a war of words in the digital sphere over the country’s views towards women. Abdullah Mohamed al-Dawood, author of several self-help books published in Arabic, took to Twitt ...
Did Conservatives Only Support The Boy Scouts ...Since the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) voted last week to allow gay Scouts to participate in the organization, conservative groups like the National Organization for Marriage, have warned that churches will abandon the organization, leading to its demise. Nearly a week later, it seems now that th ...
As Baby Boomers Age, There’s A Health Care Cri ...As the Baby Boomer generation begins to enter their senior years — the first Baby Boomers to hit 65 years old passed that milestone in 2011 — analysts are warning that the impending demographic shift could put a serious drain on the nation’s health resources. Seniors already te ...
Social Security, And Four Other Things The GOP ...Alaska Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Miller is a throwback to the extravagant youth of the Tea Party. He embodies the era when conservative Republicans, drunk with the opportunity to bludgeon Democrats with a weak economy, turned off their filters and began proudly touting their most radi ...
100,000 People Torrented Netflix’s Fourth Seas ...I’ll have more on Netflix’s fourth season of Arrested Development later in the day or tomorrow, but The Hollywood Reporter brings the news that the new episodes had been pirated 100,000 times during the first 24 hours the show was available to the service’s users: Within 24 hou ...
thwap's schoolyard
If They've Got Nothing to Hide ...... then why are they acting like complete fucking assholes??? It's so obvious.
Ford Nation and Obamabots"Ford Nation" (the amorphous group of ignorant yahoos who believe that taxation is evil and that public services they like should be free and who therefore like ignorant yahoo Rob Ford) stands fairly firm at 25% of the Toronto electorate. This is even after their hero is accused of having been v ...
UnemployableAt one point in his extended temper tantrum on his wingnut radio program, Councillor Doug Ford disparaged his council colleagues: Coun. Ford suggested that most of his fellow councillors would be unemployable if they weren't in the positions they were at City Hall. "Do you know something, Rob? ...
Just One LifeSometimes, in some amoral struggle between two cynical nation-states, an eloquent person can say how seeing how one life was cruelly snuffed-out by the other nation-state was what made them choose the other nation-state. The valid idea is that one human life unnecessarily snuffed-out is a crime ...
This Day In The Debasement of Canadian DemocracyOur top story: A federal judge ruled yesterday that fraud definitely occurred in the six riding elections where the results were challenged citizens supported by the Council of Canadians. The judge also ruled that the fraud and voter suppression was almost definitely carried out with the harperc ...
Science Express
Pollution from Asia Circles Globe at Stratosph ...(PhysOrg.com) -- The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additiona ...
After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
Lizard moms choose the right genes for the rig ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Two Dartmouth biologists have found that brown anole lizards make an interesting choice when deciding which males should father their offspring. The females of this species mate with several males, then produce more sons with sperm from large fathers, and more daughters with spe ...
More than One: Long-Reigning Microbe Controlli ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Marine scientists long believed that a microbe called Trichodesmium, a member of a group called the cyanobacteria, reigned over the ocean's nitrogen budget.
End Homelessness | Change.org
Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe an ...
Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 100 ...
LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
Think carefully about the push for dronesThe Hill Times talks to Steve Staples and others about the Harper government's plan to acquire armed drones for Canada.
Fighters and Arctic sovereigntyErnie Regehr debunks the claim that fighter aircraft such as the F-35 have any significant contribution to make to Canadian security and sovereignty in the North.
Do you have a Peace Mom?How did your Peace Mom make a difference in your life, and in your community? Let us know, and send her an eCard for Mother's Day!
Missile-defence radar at Goose Bay?The Department of National Defence is looking for ways to contribute to the U.S. missile defence system and may try to revive a proposal to build a radar at Goose Bay.
How to spend the defence budgetOn April 15, we asked Ceasefire.ca supporters how they would better spend the money wasted on weapons and war.
Kevin Trudeau Show
Stressed? Clenching your fist may be beneficial…When I’m feeling stressed I head outside for a stroll and get some fresh air, but if you’re one of the many people who grab a stress-relieving ball and clench your fists, you’ll be thrilled to hear it may actually be beneficial – and not just for the stress! It is believed the movements activate ...
The Kevin Trudeau Show: 4-13-13Today, Kevin explains how the government is secretly taking money from you and what could be done to prevent inflation from getting any higher! Self Help: KT on Tour Get Your Omega-3’s Protect Your Bank Account Get Rid of Diabetes Weight Loss Cure Video: The Youth of America Health: Carmel Color ...
The Kevin Trudeau Show: 4-20-13Today, Kevin explains how natural supplements, like honey and apple cider vinegar, can improve your health and even reverse the aging process. Self Help: Make Food Allergies Vanish Get Rid of Depression Give Your Support Health: Leading Experts Rethinking Food Allergy Causes New Blood Tests Spot ...
The Kevin Trudeau Show: 4-27-13Today, Kevin reveals exactly how he would fix America if he were elected to office. Find out which programs he would cut, what he would make legal and illegal, what he would expose, and what laws he would demand! Self Help: Give Kevin Your Vote of Support! Don’t Worry About The How Everything Ke ...
The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-4-13Today, Kevin reveals the truth behind mind manipulation within the music industry and two ways to counteract it. Self Help: No More Fluoride Free Audiobook Download Cell Phone Protection Natural Cures Grass Fed Beef Financial Independence Health: High Doses of Vitamin D Prevent Cancer Cell Phone ...
Armies of Liberation
Hadi appoints new SCEROn Monday Yemen’s interim president Mansour Abdo Hadi named several judges to the Supreme Commission on Elections and Referendum (SCER). The SCER is responsible for the technical aspects of elections and has a pivotal role in maintaining or subverting the integrity of electi ...
High risk US embassy in Yemen gets Marine rein ...High risk US embassy in Yemen gets Marine reinforcements as protests continue by Jane Novak An elite Marine rapid response team arrived in Yemen’s capital to protect the US embassy there which remains vulnerable and in disrepair following a mob attack this week. Protests against a video clip dee ...
State Department ends Yemen arms embargoWithout much fanfare or explanation, the US State Department revised its defense export policy on Yemen and will now consider applications for licenses to export lethal defense articles to Yemen. The July 3, 2012 Federal Register notice updates the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (I ...
Yemen’s Al-Qaeda booby traps southern ci ...Several children were among 25 people killed by land mines planted as al Qaeda fled Yemen’s southern province of Abyan, the Yemen Executive Mine Action Center (YEMAC) said on Sunday. Reporting to Abyan’s governor, the YEMAC said it had cleared or exploded over 2100 shells and mines since June 13 ...
Yemen’s al Qaeda threatens to execute 73 hostagesAl Qaeda in Yemen threatened to execute 73 captured Yemeni soldiers unless the terror group’s imprisoned comrades are released. “Executing prisoners is a serious violation of the laws of war and a war crime,” Human Rights Watch said in a statement today. “It is also a war crime to use detainees ...
Dark Politricks
US Fed Police Seized, Then Continued Operation ...Dark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comUS Fed Police Seized, Then Continued Operation of Child Porn Site By Veterans TodayWednesday, May 29th, 2013 US federal police seized, then continued operation of child pornography site The FBI seal (file photo) & ...
US federal police seized, then continued opera ...Dark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comUS federal police seized, then continued operation of child pornography site By Veterans TodayWednesday, May 29th, 2013 US federal police seized, then continued operation of child pornography site The FBI seal (file phot ...
Red State SocialismDark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comBefore leaving DC for their Memorial Day “District Work Period,” the Senate began consideration of a $955 billion renewal of federal agricultural programs. These programs distort the marketplace by providing ...
The March of Capital: From Chicago to DhakaDark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comDissident Voice Article dissidentvoice.orgBy Jason Hirthler On a Friday evening, as a summer twilight falls across Manhattan, you can see the slow but steady streams of consumers filing in and out of Hennes & Maurtiz ...
EU Continues with US-Led Sanctions against Syr ...Dark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comEU Continues with US-Led Sanctions against Syrians as It Scraps Arms Embargo By Franklin LambWednesday, May 29th, 2013 EU Continues with US-Led Sanctions against Syrians as It Scraps Arms Embargo — Franklin Lamb Be ...
Dandelion Salad
Noam Chomsky: Wrecking Nature For Short-Term P ...Dandelion Salad with Noam Chomsky docdissent May 8, 2013 Recorded May 7 2013 in Denver, Colorado at an event organized by community radio station KGNU (http://kgnu.org). Noted social critic Noam Chomsky talks about the willful and reckless destruction of the environment by the US and other Weste ...
From Iraq, A Tragic Reminder to Prosecute the ...Dandelion Salad by John Pilger http://johnpilger.com/ 27 May 2013 The dust in Iraq rolls down the long roads that are the desert’s fingers. It gets in your eyes and nose and throat; it swirls in markets and school playgrounds, consuming children kicking a ball; and it carries, according to ...
Helen Caldicott: Chernobyl: The Biggest Cover- ...Dandelion Salad linktv May 23, 2013 “Going naked” is how the insurance industry describes not having insurance. And when it comes to the worst hazards of nuclear power — America is going naked. Correspondent Miles Benson investigates why the US nuclear power industry is underin ...
Honoring Mercenaries for the U.S. Corporate St ...by Ed Ciaccio Writer, Dandelion Salad May 23, 2013 Where have all the soldiers gone? Long time passing Where have all the soldiers gone? Long time ago Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where Have All the Flowers G ...
Top 10 Western ‘Hits’ on Syria by Finian Cunni ...by Finian Cunningham Writer, Dandelion Salad East Africa Crossposted from PressTV May 26, 2013 Listening to Western “governments” – otherwise known as criminal regimes led by war criminals – pontificating and pronouncing on Syria is like riding a rollercoaster of hilarity, absurdity ...
Your New Reality
No titleOnly A Few Weeks Ago, Rupert Murdoch Was Still King Of The World A glimpse at life before the hacking scandal, from the UK Independent : It was only a few weeks ago that Rupert, his son James, daughter Elisabeth and Rebekah Brooks were the talk of the town; hailed as the king-makers to the pol ...
No titleJulian Assange, 2012: They've ranked him amongst war criminals....for exposing war criminals.
No titleThis man's brain comprehends in a fraction of a second what is about to happen, and orders his body into what looks like a superhuman sprint to get out of the way. The flight mechanism kicks in so fast the conscious mind, distracted by thoughts of work, home, leisure and love, plays no role in t ...
No titleTupac Rises Well, fuck me.... From even a few dozen rows back, reportedly, the hologram of Tupac was utterly believable. How long before a Michael Jackson hologram culled from his greatest live performances is touring the world's stadiums? I've been waiting decades to see holographic tech ...
No titleHypnotic, grin-making. A house filled with interactive reproductions of classic art, coming soon: Starry Night (interactive animation) from Petros Vrellis on Vimeo.
Wired - Science
Rogue Queens, Sex-Changing Fish, and Rain-Maki ...The word 'unnatural' is often used to describe what's considered weird or unusual. But is anything weirder than nature? Biology abounds with creatures that change shape, change sex, change locations and in some cases cause other creatures to do these ...
Squishy Hydrogel Fingers Bend in Response to LightShining a laser at a graphene-based hydrogel causes the material to bend and flex as if it has joints, a response creepily demonstrated when the shape-shifting material is molded into the shape of a hand.
Wired Space Photo of the Day: Giant Space Jell ...This image was obtained with the wide-field view of the Mosaic camera on the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. HFG1 is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It was produced by a binary star system ...
Wired Space Photo of the Day: Colorful Mars CraterThis image covers a well-preserved (relatively young) impact crater about 5 kilometers (3 miles) wide. The enhanced-color sample shows that the north-facing slope (on the south side of the crater) has a blue-green color but the south-facing slope has a ...
Wired Space Photo of the Day: Beautiful Ring N ...In this composite image, visible-light observations by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope are combined with infrared data from the ground-based Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona to assemble a dramatic view of the well-known Ring Nebula.
Israeli Occupation Archive
Middlebury students stage Israeli checkpoint t ...The performance, developed by students as part of a course on Theater and Social Change and members of the organization Justice for Palestine, was broken up by campus public safety. “This is not... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Jonathan Cook: Domestic fissures in Israel wil ...“You know why Israel’s leaders can’t make peace?” a Palestinian friend asked recently. “Because if the conflict ever ended, Israeli Jews would start tearing out each other’s throats.” But any... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
Australia’s Libs to cut funding for anti-Israe ...Australia's coalition government would block all federal funds to individuals and institutions who speak out in favour of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its ...
EU failing its Israel standards on conditions ...A major new report has found that the European Union has failed to fulfil its own commitments to ensure Israel improves living conditions for Palestinians. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA w ...
Sarah Lazare: Nerds, jocks and conscientious o ...In a society where graduates fresh out of high school are required to participate directly in military occupation at an early age, saying no can be a way of showing another path is possible, and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
China Unveils Yi Long UAVChina has unveiled for the first time its Yi Long unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) local media reported on Wednesday, which its makers claim is far cheaper than its Israeli and American analogs at less than $1 million.
- Airshow China 2012
Iraq Denies US Pressure Over Russia Arms DealIraq denied on Tuesday that its decision to suspend a $4.2-billion arms deal with Russia had been taken after consultations with the United States.
Military Academy Relocation Put on IceRussian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has put on hold the relocation of a medical academy from central St. Petersburg, Public Chamber member Alexander Kanshin said on Tuesday.
Georgia Ex-Minister Faces Torture ChargesGeorgia’s former defense and interior minister Bacho Akhalaya has been charged with false imprisonment and torture, Chief Prosecutor Archil Kbilashvili said on Tuesday.
Empty newsfeed.
Natural Health News
The Evolution of Bird Flu and the Race to Keep UpBird Flu, or H5N1, doesn't spread easily among humans, but its capability of mutating has scientists worrying whether it could mutate enough to cause a human pandemic. The controversy is especially heated since it was announced that a group of researchers had figured out how to manipulate the vi ...
2009 Swine Flu Outbreak Was 15 Times Deadlier: ...A new study based on computer statistical models shows that the swine flu of 2009 killed 284,500 people, or 15 times more than health officials originally estimated.
NY Law Gives Women More Information about Mamm ...A New York state law that has yet to be signed by the governor would mandate that women be given information on their breast density.
Common Diabetes Drugs Associated with Increase ...A new analysis introduced to the most recent meeting of the Endocrine Society shows that three widely used drugs for diabetes are associated with an increased risk of death.
Study Says More Vitamin D = Less LbsIf you're a woman over age 65 and you're deficient in vitamin D, research shows that you're probably more likely not only to weigh more, but to gain more weight.
Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks mor ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “ ...
What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Re ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
Schools call for a “balanced teaching of globa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
Law of the Sea Symposium: Is there a major rol ...by Yoshinobu Takei by Yoshinobu Takei [Dr Yoshinobu Takei is a Research Associate at the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law, University of Kiel] Cross-posted at SHARES Blog. First of all, I wish to thank Opinio Juris and SHARES for inviting me to participate in this highly inter ...
Guest Post: Recapping the CWC Review Conferenc ...by Onur Güven [Onur Güven is a researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague in the areas of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation law.] The Third Review Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention, taking place recently in The Hague from April 8-19, was a ...
Weekday News Wrap: Wednesday, May 29, 2013by Jessica Dorsey by Jessica Dorsey The US launched its first drone strike in Pakistan since May 11th elections in which drone strikes were a major issue of contention, with many expressing dissatisfaction and condemnation of the US program. Near a shipwreck in the South China Sea, tensions ar ...
Second Annual Junior Faculty Forum Today and T ...by An Hertogen by An Hertogen Today and tomorrow, the Annual Junior Faculty Forum for International Law hosts its second event at the University of Nottingham. The Forum is convened by Professors Dino Kritsiotis (Nottingham), Anne Orford (Melbourne) and JHH Weiler (NYU) and its program is here.
Rebels in Syria Threaten Genocide Against the Shiaby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Bloomberg reports very disturbing statements made by a spokesperson for the Free Syrian Army: Communities inhabited by Shiite Muslims and President Bashar al-Assad’s Alawite minority will be “wiped off the map” if the strategic city of Al-Qusair in centr ...
Public News Service
AZ Students Ready for Summer, but are Parents ...AZ Students Ready for Summer, but are Parents Prepared? PHOENIX - Children across the state are starting their summer vacation. For the younger ones, that means a transition into a new child-care or camp program or attending day care for the first time. To make that change go smoothly, said Chi ...
Treating Poverty Like an IllnessTreating Poverty Like an Illness PHOENIX, Ariz. - A Detroit-based social service agency is working on a pilot program to bring its unusual approach to dealing with poverty to Arizona and the rest of the nation. Matrix Social Services has created what it calls "Transition to Success," which treat ...
Lawsuit Seeks to Eliminate Arsenic in Animal FeedLawsuit Seeks to Eliminate Arsenic in Animal Feed PHOENIX – The Food and Drug Administration is facing a lawsuit because it continues to allow arsenic in animal feed given to chickens, turkeys and hogs. The suit was filed on behalf of a handful of advocacy groups, including the Institute ...
AZ Advocates Call Senate Immigration Bill a Go ...AZ Advocates Call Senate Immigration Bill a Good First Step PHOENIX, Ariz. - Arizona immigrant advocates are calling the comprehensive immigration bill adopted by a U.S. Senate committee on Tuesday night "a good first step." However, the 22-member coalition said a lot more work must be done to c ...
High Stakes for Children in Immigration ReformHigh Stakes for Children in Immigration Reform PHOENIX - An immigration reform package that got U.S. Senate committee approval on a bipartisan vote Tuesday night includes unprecedented protections for the children of immigrants. Wendy Cervantes, vice president for immigration and child rights p ...
Center for Food Safety
Center for Food Safety Denounces Dangerous “Bi ...Center calls rider “corporate welfare” for Monsanto and other biotech companies The Center for Food Safety (CFS) condemns the inclusion of a dangerous corporate earmark, the “biotech rider,” in the Continuing Resolution (CR) passed today on the Senate floor. The rider undermines the federal cou ...
Top grocery stores: We won’t sell genetically ...Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Whole Foods, Marsh among stores that will reject GE fish A coalition of consumer, health, food safety and fishing groups today launched the “Campaign for Genetically Engineered (GE)-Free Seafood” by announcing that several major grocery retailers representing more than 2,000 ...
New Publication: Food Safety Review on Genetic ...The Center for Food Safety has just released a new short Food Safety Review report, Genetically Engineered Salmon: The Next Generation of Industrial Aquaculture. Download your copy today! Filed under: Aquaculture, GE Food
New Infographic Shows Nutritional Differences ...What’s the nutritional difference between AquAdvantage genetically engineered (GE) salmon and non-GE salmon? Check out our new “Nutrition Facts” infographic to find out! Download a printable version and use them to talk to your local restaurants and seafood sellers. Filed under: GE Food
New Publication: Food Safety Review on Genetic ...The Center for Food Safety has just released a new short Food Safety Review report, Genetically Engineered Salmon: The Next Generation of Industrial Aquaculture. Download your copy today! Filed under: Aquaculture, GE Food
Angry Indian Op-Eds
Mortgage Repayment Calculator and Extra Mortga ...On the average, the typical mortgage can last from 15 to 30 years. Most of the repayments made for these mortgages go to the interest of the loan. It will only be after a couple of years before the payments actually affect the principal amount of the loan. If you’re looking for a quicker way to ...
Thinking About a Loan? Try a Reverse Mortgage ...Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) remain popular with seniors interested in making the most of their home equity during retirement. While many of the requirements necessary to qualify for an HECM are clear, others are somewhat hazy. Seniors who are interested in these loans often wonder i ...
Advantages of Tankless Water HeatersHow typically did you are taking a shower and also the water began to run cold before you were finished? do not you hate that? With a standard warmer this is often invariably a haul. And if another person needs to use predicament when you, simply forget it! shopping for a warmer with a humble pl ...
REAL ESTATE MARKET CALIFORNIACalifornia real estate market trends, while having their own changes periodically, tide, remain more in sync with the current market across the nation and many people might not even think to buy a house now given the real estate market and the state of california things to buy. California real ...
LONDON PROPERTY AGENCIESIf you are thinking of buying property in London is important to use all the resources available to you. Check out every Estate Agent in London as well as the local press for private property advertising. A search for "Estate Agents London" or "Agent Real London" on Google or MSN should prov ...
Medicine for Bleak MorningsThink of the sky A strong wind carries out the dark ominous clouds, the draperies of fog, and the haze. Think of a spring Tinkling out of virgin rock, a clear fountain of water shoots up, dances down steep slopes, and meeting others becomes a roaring waterfall. Its spray and sound wash out the m ...
At my work desk remembering the good times at ...aaronernestoortizlopez posted a photo:
Reduce Entropy: Create New OrderThe following is a brief meditation with echoes of Genesis 1 and the Big Bang. It came to me when thinking about the current US strategy against in the “war on terror” and North Korea. We can fight chaos, but chaos will beat us down with the full force of mathematics and of the entir ...
Amanda Palmer, Bravo!I admire how brave Amanda Palmer is. I haven’t heard her music, but I have a strong feeling that the ways she conducts her finances will be the way of the future for most musicians. Related posts: Monster Mask – Pomplamoose Pomplamoose is a collaboration between Jack Conte and Natal ...
Escape your demons and make art now!Often I am frustrated by my feeble attempts at art. My music is good, but perhaps, not grammy worthy. I look in envy on musicians with more pluck than I building successful carrers on easily performed songs, plus the sheer daring of getting on a stage and performing them. In their place I would ...
Green Times
Kangaroo cullLast week, members of animal welfare groups protested against kangaroo cull! ''A recent survey of 600 Canberrans by Territory and Municipal Services found 79 per cent were supportive of kangaroo culling under some circumstances and 70 per cent were supportive of culling for conservation of smal ...
Environmental News 01/06/2012Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss Storms hit ahead of sunny long weekend The last day of autumn may have stolen winter’s thunder with a wet storm hitting the city yesterday afternoon. Dark skies covered the metropolitan area and much of the South West from mid-afternoon, with rain an ...
Green Capital AustraliaToday is Green Capital Day in Australia. Do you know something about that? Well, Green capital was established in 2002 by The Total Environment Center (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t rct=j q=the%20total%20environment%20center source=web cd=1 ved=0CF4QFjAA url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tec.org.au%2F ei=G ...
Environmental News 31/05/2012Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss Premier's park hunting backdown the price of power sale National parks in NSW will be opened up to recreational hunters as part of a deal between the Shooters and Fishers Party and the government to ensure passage of its electricity privatisation bill ...
Giraffe: A delicate animal that requires speci ...Last week, The Age website (http://www.theage.com.au/environment/conservation/giraffes-die-of-shock-after-zoo-rampage-20120515-1ynlq.html) published an article about 2 Giraffes' death from stress after a zoo rampage in Poland. Here you have an extract from this moving article: « Giraffes are ex ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
Antarctic ice melting scare cancelled – climat ...HASH(0x45760d0)
Climate change consensus study backfires on re ...HASH(0x4420500)
Panicking NZ climate scientists go for the doc ...HASH(0x5275c38)
New climate change study shows Antarctic melt ...HASH(0x4007210)
Another fisk of Ken Perrott – the climate deni ...HASH(0x4577138)
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
Just One More Unremarkable ArrestA friend wrote to us about a young ill Palestinian mother who was recently arrested in the West Bank, and their efforts to free her. This is the kind of ocurrence that happens routinely, yet is rarely covered in the press. Physicians for Human Rights-Israel documented in 2008 how these kinds of ...
Today in JayyousA picture of tear gas being shot by the Israeli army on unarmed protesters in the Palestinian village of Jayyous, who are holding Friday demonstrations to protest their land being taken by Israel. Photo by Mohammed Othman. You can follow what’s happening in Jayyous here.
Israeli Voters Upset with Bibi – But wil ...Over the past couple of months, there seems to have developed growing disconnect between most of Israel’s political analysts – and the actual dynamics of the campaign for Israel’s general elections, which will take place in only 3 days. In October when the election was announc ...
Israeli Elections: Labor party leader pays ste ...As events in Egypt, Syria and Palestine heat up… …The nation-state in the middle of all this, Israel, has had its own share of high political drama. True, instead of blood, only tears and virtual ink were shed there. But as usual in Israel-Palestine, it makes for a good story. Earlie ...
Gaza Ceasefire: Giving Thanks to President ObamaThere is a ceasefire in Gaza. It remains to be seen if and when the promise to open Gaza to normal civilian movement, laconically stated in the ceasefire agreement, will be fulfilled. On Friday, less than 48 hours after its enactment, the first bad sign appeared. In at least two locations near t ...
Politics in the Zeros
Woo-hoo. Wall Street margin debt now at all-ti ...It’s bubblicious! What could possible go wrong with record amounts of margin debt and a zooming up stock market? Surely this time really will be different and the bubble won’t explode. April’s margin debt in America now stands at an all-time record of $384 billion. Forget the s ...
- Arizona cactus flowers bloom
Arizona water battle pits feds against the sta ...Environmentalists and the BLM are filing suit to block a housing development of 6,900 homes in a major Arizona water battle, saying federal water rights trump those of the state and developers. Hoo boy, this one has it all; Feds vs. the state, enviros vs. developers, private water rights vs. fed ...
Tom Mix was a bad ass. SeriouslyTom Mix was the early Western megastar and the role model that future Hollywood cowboys were based on. Prior to being a movie star he’d been a real cowboy and also served as a US Marshal. As you can see from the list of his injuries, he was shot several times by bandits and rustlers. [...]
EV company Better Place closes downElectric vehicle manufacturer Better Place made cars with swappable batteries. Drive into a Better Place outlet and they’d swap your battery in minutes, just like filling up with gas. But their cars were expensive and so were the swapping facilities. Their concept got traction in small cou ...
Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan sha ...
“Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of Israeli government spokespeople. Here ...
New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. No ...
Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers an ...
Deadline Live
Hard Work and Savings or Financial ThieveryI work hard for a living. I’ve worked hard all my life. I think most of us have. When I’ve had work, I’ve done my best to become the best at the job I’ve done. When I haven’t had work, I’ve done my best to keep busy and tried to make the most of my [...]
- Man Appointed To Chair Canada’s Security ...
China anger over girl ‘handcuffed’ ...Two Chinese officials have been suspended after being accused of handcuffing and parading a 13-year-old girl down a street for spilling a drink on a government car, state media say. The officials – a Communist Party chief and a police officer – reportedly forced the teenager to walk ...
2 American Embassy Officials Are Shot in Venez ...LIMA, Peru — Two staff members of the American Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela, were shot and wounded at a strip club there early Tuesday, according to officials. The two men are members of the support staff in the office of the defense attaché, according to a State Department official who asked n ...
Texas Bans Drone Surveillance: Legislation pen ...A conference committee report for a proposal that criminalizes the use of drones for surveillance and permits Texans to document the activities of law enforcement personnel was adopted by both the Texas House and Senate late Sunday. House Bill 912 carries more than 40 exemptions, including one t ...
The Air Vent
AnswersSo all you skeptics want answers to how much warming we should expect from adding CO2 to the atmosphere? An interesting new study has been released which matches quite closely to Nic Lewis’s work. The difference is that 14 of the authors are lead-coordinating lead authors of the pending ...
Guess John Cook’s Title — ContestJohn Cook (of the inaccurately named Skeptical Science blog) sent me a link to a new survey. The survey has been discussed around the internet for the last couple of days because John was involved in the last Lewandowsky paper which combined poor methodology with libelous remarks directed at th ...
Dana’s PlanetSkeptical Science has another silly post up which attempts to pick at the edges of Nic Lewis’s climate sensitivity paper. They titled the critique “Climate Sensitivity Single Study Syndrome, Nic Lewis Edition” We all know that Skeptical Science is filled with those who are ce ...
Dana’s PlanetSkeptical Science has another silly post up which attempts to pick at the edges of Nic Lewis’s climate sensitivity paper. They titled the critique “Climate Sensitivity Single Study Syndrome, Nic Lewis Edition” We all know that Skeptical Science is filled with those who are ce ...
The State of Paleoclimate UnderstandingIn the huge amount of justified complaints made here about what I think of paleo-reconstructions, one detail is probably lost in the chaff. I really wish I knew what historic temperatures were. You can’t read that much paleoclimate information and not want to know. Steve McIntyre clearl ...
Focal Point
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summ ...
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the ...
Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the . ...
Inside Facebook
‘Fan Page Verification’ scam goes after Facebo ...A new scam going around Facebook recently begins with a message to page owners about a new “Fan Page Verification Program.” From there, users are prompted to share their Facebook email and password, which is part...
Facebook platform industry news: Adobe, Adotom ...Adobe Adobe, a Facebook Strategic Preferred Marketing Developer, today announced that it has hired the team behind creative design firm Ideacodes. The San Francisco-based startup had specialized in design and user experience for websites, web apps and...
Facebook tests new ways to encourage users to ...Facebook is testing new sidebar modules to prompt users to share the movies they have seen. With the latest Timeline redesign Facebook has given users an About page with sections for movies, music, books and more. Instead of...
6 years since Facebook Platform launch, compan ...Today marks the six-year anniversary of the Facebook Platform, something that has been defining for Facebook as a company and already influenced a number of industries. Now, Facebook is making its next big moves for the...
Facebook careers: Instagram PR, Gifts partner ...Facebook added 31 new positions to its careers page this week, including a number of openings on the research, recruiting, business operations, global marketing and sales teams. Instagram seems to be looking for its first international employee: a...
National Geographic | Environment
Freed From a Glacier's Hold, Ancient Moss Grow ...How does ancient moss begin to grow again? Once a glacier's ice retreated, all it took was air and sunlight.
Monterey Shale Shakes Up California's Energy F ...In the valley that once lured gold seekers, oil prospectors are converging on the Monterey shale—a sharp new twist in California's path to cleaner energy.
Improved Models Predict Active 2013 Hurricane ...NOAA expects up to 20 named tropical storms, which could yield as many as six major hurricanes, as it utilizes new technology to improve forecasting.
Carnivorous Plant Keeps House With AntsDiving ants keep nutritious fly larvae from escaping carnivorous pitcher plants.
Tesla Motors' Success Gives Electric Car Marke ...Amid a decimated field of E.V. startups, Tesla Motors is riding high. But can its feats help take electric cars mainstream?
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