Jurist - Legal Research
Germany court rules for Motorola in Microsoft ...[JURIST] The Mannheim Regional Court in Germany ruled for Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of Google, against Microsoft [corporate websites] on Friday. This was the fourth decision [FOSS Patents report] in a suit between Motorola and Microsoft to be issued this year, all of which were countersuit ...
UN: proposed Ukraine gay propaganda ban violat ...[JURIST] The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) [official website] on Friday condemned [press release] a draft law [bill 8711 materials, in Ukrainian] that would ban pro-gay "propaganda" in Ukraine. The OHCHR said that the bill would be open to abuse and that it violates ...
UK court allows Kenya ex-prisoners to sue for ...[JURIST] The Queen's Bench Division [official website] on the High Court of England and Wales ruled Friday that three elderly Kenyans can sue the British government for torture they suffered while in detention under the British Colonial Administration in the 1950s. Judge Richard McCombe ruled th ...
UK court approves extradition of terror suspec ...[JURIST] The High Court of England and Wales on Friday approved the extradition of five terror suspects to the US. The court's decision comes a week after the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) [official website] gave its final approval of the extradition, which it had initially approved [JUR ...
Australia High Court upholds tobacco plain-pac ...[JURIST] The High Court of Australia [official website] on Friday published its reasons [text, PDF] for dismissing a lawsuit brought by several large international tobacco companies challenging the labeling requirements of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 (TPP Act) [materials]. The court ori ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
A New Life for Chris ChristieThe political and psychological aftermath of weight-loss surgery -- the skinny from a journalist who's been there
Will Nuclear Watchdog Report Change U.S. Polic ...The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran may still be working toward a bomb
Obama to Issue 'Wikileaks Order'After the leak of classified State Department cables, the president will direct federal agencies on sharing information
Why U.S. Presidents Lecture the UNAmerican leaders consistently hector the global body, challenging it to live up to its charter
Obama's Lonely Middle GroundThe president and Congress just haven't gotten along. In tonight's speech, he'll face a tough political calculus yet again.
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Expose the BNP
Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterday’s Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that “Liberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.” The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parents’ finances as we ...
Ode Magazine
Sonic boonA search for the healing power of sound I’m lying in A bed that’s as hard as nails with a series of strings along the sides and two gongs above my head. It’s known as a gong bath, and Gwen de Jong, a practitioner of sound healing at Spirit Connection in Amsterdam ...
The secret’s in the sauceWhat my father’s recipe for pasta marinara says about the future of capitalism As the daughter of a Neapolitan, I grew up eating pasta with marinara sauce. My father didn’t always make it from scratch, but he did so often enough for me to follow his recipe through memories. Fr ...
Clean water, clean energyIn the prosperous West, we generally only get worked up about clean water and electricity when the bill arrives in the mail, and we discover that once again, we’ve been showering too long and leaving the lights on too often. But in many parts of the world, people can only dream ...
Blocking CO2 to beat malariaMosquitoes are so difficult to elude because they pursue us via the CO2 exhaled in our breath. That’s annoying when we’re relaxing outside on a summer evening, but it’s devastating for the 200 to 300 million people who contract malaria annually. More than 1 millio ...
A winter’s taleCelebrating the return of the bald eagle In the Iowa winter, as the poet Robert Hass wrote, “a farmer’s dreams are narrow,” and autumn can inspire me with a kind of dread as I work in the garden that will soon be buried under snow. But this coming winter, as the ...
OpEd News
Train derails, explodes outside Baltimore, Mar ...Roughly 1,000 people in the US die in train accidents every year, while train derailments resulting in chemical spills take place nearly every two weeks. The growing frequency of such incidents points not only to the acutely advanced decay and increasingly hazardous state of US infrastructure, b ...
Attorney General Holder under investigation on ...Responding to NBC's investigation on the Rosen case, a statement provided by the DOJ acknowledged that the search warrant application was approved "at the highest levels" of the agency, including "discussions" with Holder himself. Even more noteworthy, that affidavit also labeled Rosen as a "pos ...
NPR's "Weakened Edition" -- and What We Can Do ...This is simply an expression of the "kinder and gentler" form of totalitarianism where anything that challenges the authority of the corporate state (i.e., the coercive power of government in the service of big money) is simply ignored, and therefore dies from marginalization. Yes, totalitariani ...
Congress Still Puts Out for Wall StreetNot content with having swindled tens of millions of Americans out of their homes and life savings, the very bankers who caused the biggest economic catastrophe since the Great Depression are now subverting government regulations designed to prevent comparable disasters in the future.
Interview Transcript: Ellen Brown; Public Bank ...talking publican banking, about derivatives, bail-ins, glass Steagall, Iceland, bankruptcy and the many ways the middle class is being screwed
How European power companies skirt their own e ...Sasha Lyutse, Policy Analyst, New York When European Union leaders mandated that 20% of Europe's energy should come from "renewable" sources, do you think they envisioned an industry where many millions of tons of trees harvested from U.S. forests w ...
FERC Chairman's Resignation Leaves Big Clean E ...Allison Clements, Senior Attorney, Project for Sustainable FERC Energy Policy, New York This post was co-authored by my colleague John Moore. Late yesterday the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Jon Wellinghoff, announced ...
Advances in Renewables; Extreme Heat increases ...Grace Gill, Program Assistant, CMI/India/Climate Center, New York May 21– 28th, 2013 India Green News is a selection of news highlights about environmental and energy issues in India Climate & Energy US' First Solar eyes 25% market shar ...
Wake-up call: new evidence that fracking is a ...Ann Alexander, Senior Attorney, Chicago We’ve been saying it till we’re blue in the face: fracking is not only already legal in Illinois but has now started up. And we’ve just confirmed new evidence of this fracki ...
Country's Largest Electricity Market Holds Pow ...John Moore, Senior Attorney – The Sustainable FERC Project, Chicago Last Friday, PJM announced the results of its electricity power supply auction for the period June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. It’s a mixed bag for clean energy supporters. The g ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
Taking Nominations SeriouslyI have more on Obama’s forthcoming trio of appointments to the D.C. Circuit. While it’s likely that at least 2 and very possibly 3 of the nominees will be rejected, it was still worth doing: The public is not the only potential audience, though. One effect of egregious Republican obs ...
A Bad Morality and a Bad PhilosophyThis is fascinating stuff, as much for the blood and gore of Age of Sail naval warfare as for the legal complications associated with impressed Americans in the War of 1812: At Plymouth we heard some vague rumors of a declaration of war against America. More than this, we could not learn, since ...
John Fund is a Mere Letter Away from Being a L ...Via alicublog… I think John Fund might be trollin’ when he says “The thesis of both his book and op-ed are simple. All too often the difference between left and right in what should be “polite circles” is quite sharply drawn. Conservatives think liberals have bad ideas and libe ...
American Freedom is OverThe beacon of freedom burns a bit dimmer this morning: Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. In a video posted on her website and on Yo ...
Incompetent of the DayEric Wedge.
Desert Research Institute
Tribute to Dorothy S. GallagherToday the entire DRI family is saddened to learn of the passing of our dear friend and long-time supporter Regent Dorothy S. Gallagher.
Farnaz Hosseinpour, May 2013 Featured DRI Grad ...Meet Farnaz Hosseinpour, a Ph.D. student working on climate modeling and simulation in DRI’s Atmospheric Sciences division. She’s using an ensemble of NASA satellite datasets to explore relationships between interactive-aerosol forcing and planetary-scale climatic responses.
DRI scientists help reconstruct 2,000-year-lon ...In a new study, published this week in Nature GeoScience, DRI hydro-geologists and atmospheric scientists, led by Joe McConnell, Ph.D., analyze past climate variability using ice cores from West Antarctica.
DRI and GreenPower sponsor Nevada’s first Indo ...On April 24th, a myriad of business vendors, farmers, investors and industry professionals on the forefront of solving water resource concerns in Southern Nevada, will gather in Downtown Las Vegas to discuss improving local food production and boosting the state’s food supply in the desert throu ...
KC King, Apr. 2013 Featured DRI Graduate StudentMeet Kristen "KC" King, a Ph.D. student in the atmospheric sciences program. She is a part of the EPSCoR Climate Change project, on the climate modeling team, and interested in climate models’ ability to correctly forecast teleconnections seen in the western U.S. in temperature and precipitatio ...
Earth Techling
Hovertrax Electric Vehicle Lets You Lean Your ...The all-electric Hovertrax is a two-wheeled personal mobility platform which lets you move in different directions by simply leaning your body.
Perfecting Wood By Curing ItCured wood products from Accoya and Kebony turn wood into a nearly ideal building material.
Big Solar, California Desert County Make PeaceUtility-scale solar developers and Riverside County, eyed as a key site for projects, agree on a reduced annual power-production fee (or is it a tax?)
Where Are The Women In The Clean Energy Field?Women are under-represented in wind and the other renewable energy industries.
Low-Cost Moladi System Builds Sturdy African V ...South Africa's Moladi concrete system can construct an affordable, one-story home using mostly local materials and unskilled labor, sometimes in as little as a single day.
National Law Journal | U.S.
Fired KPMG Partner Pleads in Insider-Trading S ...A former senior partner at KPMG LLP in Los Angeles pleaded guilty on Wednesday to securities fraud related to an insider-trading scheme in which he fed information worth more than $1 million to a golfing buddy, federal prosecutors announced.
Comcast Didn't Discriminate Against Tennis ChannelA federal appeals court in Washington on Tuesday sided with Comcast in a dispute with federal regulators over the cable company's refusal to more widely distribute The Tennis Channel.
Where Would Liability Fall in Boston Bombings?A panel discussion hosted by Edwards Wildman Palmer agreed that government agencies probably won't face much liability from those physically or fiscally harmed by the Boston Marathon bombings. But the race sponsors could prove vulnerable depending on the terms of their insurance policies.
Justices Side with Prisoners in Pair of 5-4 De ...The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday broke a recent string of unanimous decisions by dividing 5-4 in two prisoners' cases. Is it an inkling of what is to come when June arrives?
Quattrone Financing Criminal Justice Research ...The University of Pennsylvania Law School is launching a center dedicated to policy and research of the U.S. criminal justice system, with the help of a $15 million donation from investment banker Frank Quattrone and his wife Denise Foderaro.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
DEP Accountability…Too Late?This video with Jude Stiles giving testimony of what her family has dealt with since 2010 at a hearing for the Pennsylvania DEP accountability standards. Her husband is now deceased and she and her children are very sick due to the contamination of there well water from gas drilling. At one poin ...
Everything’s a Mess and No One’s R ...I received a link to this article from my mother who lives near the Tioga County/Potter County line and keeps tabs on that area for me. Both she and some local friends have been monitoring the smaller creeks in that area for a while now…thank you! So the article found here talks about one ...
State Impact PAI’ve posted links to the State Impact PA site before but wanted to remind folks that there is a great resource here and even though the gas industries have slowed down for now there is still a lot of good journalism work being done by Chris Amico, Danny DeBelius, Scott Detrow and Matt Stil ...
Worried about Water in Blossburg, PABlossburg, PA had a scare the other day of high mercury levels in their water supply. Update info says new tests show the levels are now reading appropriately but folks living in the borough of Blossburg should avoid drinking the water or washing their dishes in it. You can read more details abo ...
Community Workshop in Tioga County on Environm ...The Clean Air Council and Penn Environment, state-wide environmental groups, will give an educational workshop in Tioga County for residents of north-central Pennsylvania on Saturday, March 24, 1-4 PM. The training will be held at the W.M. Tokishi Training Center, NYPUM Drive, Wellsboro, PA 1690 ...
News Blaze
Twin Arrows Navajo Resort and Casino Adds Cult ...While touring the property, Christina Kwan, United States World Boxing Champion, the first boxing champion to cash in on the World Series of Poker, along with myself, Vinny Perozzi her trainer and other media, had a chance to experience the culture
Everest Records Set as Nepal Celebrates 60th A ...Nepal celebrates the diamond anniversary of the first ascent of Mount Everest. Many summiteers and record holders will attend, but not the first men to reach the top, Tenzing Norgay died in 1986 and Edmund Hillary died in 2008.
Major Economic Returns for Investing in Women' ...A new World Bank report released at Women Deliver 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, demonstrates that investing in women's reproductive health is smart economics.
US and Russia Collaborating to Stop The Bloods ...According to Secretary Kerry, both parties talked through a number of issues, sort of when the conference might take place.
Abbas Slams Accusation of PA Incitement PA Chairman Abbas at the World Economic Forum in Jordan. 'We strive to spread the culture of peace among our people.'
environment 360
Growth in Electricity Availability Must Double ...The rate of expansion of access to electricity will have to double over the next 17 years if the world's population is to achieve 100 percent access to modern energy, a new report says. While about 1.7 billion people became connected to electricity sources worldwide between 1990 and 2010, that i ...
Interview: Pollan Explores Links Between Biodi ...In his new book, Cooked, author Michael Pollan once again delves into issues relating to the connections Photo by Fran Collin Michael Pollan between the environment and what we eat, and, more broadly, to humanity’s relationship to the natural world. Taking control of cooking, he argues, m ...
Majority of Earth’s Population Faces Water Sho ...A conference of 500 of the world’s leading water scientists issued a stark declaration at the end of a four-day meeting in Germany, warning that within two generations a majority of the people on the planet will face problems obtaining ample supplies of clean water. At the meeting, “Water in the ...
China Poised to Launch Much-Anticipated Carbon ...China has revealed details of a carbon cap-and-trade pilot project that will be launched next month, a much-anticipated market attempt to rein in carbon dioxide emissions by the world’s biggest emitter. The first phase of the program, which will be implemented in the southern city of Shenzhen, w ...
Research on Microbes Points To New Tools for C ...Improvements in DNA technology now make it possible for biologists to identify every living organism in and around a species. Scientists say this could have profound implications for everything from protecting amphibians from a deadly fungus to reintroducing species into the wild. BY RICHARD C ...
Red Ice Creations
World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption ...A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes, too. In ...
We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Co ...What’s the number one reason we riot? The plausible, justifiable motivations of trampled-upon humanfolk to fight back are many—poverty, oppression, disenfranchisement, etc—but the big one is more primal than any of the above. It’s hunger, plain and simple. If there’s a single factor that reliabl ...
Xbox One: Constantly Listening To ConversationsWith the announcement of Microsoft’s next generation gaming console, the Xbox One, it has emerged that the new system carries a device that will be constantly listening’ to gamer’s conversations. During a PR move designed to make the Xbox One appear more attractive, Microsoft’s hardware program ...
The New World Order is UnimpeachableSinclair Lewis once wrote that if fascism ever comes to the United States it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a cross. Lewis might have been describing our contemporary “political Christians,” the mostly evangelicals who believe that Washington has a manifest destiny to make the ...
Big Earthquakes Create Global-Scale GPS ErrorsThirteen years of supersized earthquakes, such as today’s (May 24) magnitude-8.3 in Russia, have contaminated GPS sites around the world, a new study finds. The Global Positioning System is a network of satellites and ground stations that provide location information anywhere on Earth. Except fo ...
Not My Tribe
Prince Harry displays British hypocracy to une ...Want to know where you can find Prince Harry on his war cheerleading US tour? Half of it is in Colorado. On Friday he’ll be at a UK Consul-General’s reception at the private Sanctuary Golf Course in Sedalia. Between Denver and Castle Rock, that’s the Castle Pines exit off of I- ...
Mother Jones was not a Democrat!Mother Jones Magazine sent me an email the other morning, subject: “BREAKING”, first line: “URGENT” so I opened it wondering if it was possibly about more than asking for money, how silly of me. Apparently, Stephen Colbert’s sister stands a chance to beat Republican ...
My impatience with not so anti frackersI’d tell you I’ve had it up to here with moderate turncoats, but of late I’ve resolved to keep them well underfoot. Take the local fight against FRACKING. We’ve built a pretty determined group of fractivists in Colorado Springs, with healthy allies statewide, and i ...
Israel attacks Syria! Surely Syria will be acc ...It’s the pretext Israel uses whenever it strikes Gaza or Lebanon or European cafes or US ships: the right to defend itself. In fact the right to do it preemptively is how Israel justifies bombing Iran or assassinating Iranian scientists. So where do the rights of others begin? Has not Syri ...
Colorado Springs gay pride festival 2013 moves ...Haven’t we seen this countless times before: a nonprofit buys bigger britches forgetting that there was a reason it wore tight pink shorts, esthetics being the governing factor in neither case. Local Pride organizers may tell you they needed a larger park, but for what? The world’s l ...
Debunking the Debunkers
Upcoming Interview on 9/11 Free Fall, 5/30/2013This Thursday I will be featured on the No Lies Radio program "9/11 Free Fall" for the second time to discuss my recent paper published at scientificmethod911.org. Tune in this Thursday at 10:00 EST for a thorough discussion of why other steel-framed structure collapses are totally unjustified c ...
Why Was a Sunday Times Report on US Government ...In a recent book Classified Woman, Sibel Edmonds, a former translator for the FBI, describes how the Pentagon, CIA and State Department maintained intimate ties to al-Qaeda militants as late as 2001. Her memoir, Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story, published last year, charged senior gover ...
Can we please quit with the "hoax" theories?!Over the past few months I've seen a disturbing rise in "hoax" theories. Ever since Sandy Hook, and the viral videos claiming that to be a hoax, every major event - the Boston bombings, the recent attack in London etc. - has attracted similar hoax theories. These theories are not helping our c ...
Remembering WW1 in the name of peace not warStop the War bulletin | May 2013 no.2 | stopwar.org.uk Remember World War 1 in the name of peace not war A letter in today's Guardian (http://bit.ly/14v45Oh) launches a campaign to oppose David Cameron's plans for commemorations of World War 1 in 2014 that stress 'our national spirit'. Among ...
Film — American Drone, Operation Paul Revere Related: Drones protest gains local and national support 7 March 2013 Drone Strikes To Kill U.S. Citizens on American Soil Legal Status Limits on Obama's Flying Killer Robots? Michael Isikoff To Rachel Maddow: Obama Has 'More Elastic' Concept Of Imminent Threats
- What’s in That Big Mac? MUCH More Than You Think
- How Did This Smoothie Get So Pink?
- What Does Memorial Day Mean to You?
- How Did This Smoothie Get So Pink?
- On Coleslaw, Health Claims, and Portion Size
How to Do It Yourself: DIY SEO CampaignPeople who are just beginning to focus on their website or blog may or may not know that they should make their content live up to the standards of search engine optimization or SEO. Making content SEO rich is the one of the most effective strategies for boosting the number of visitations on you ...
Twitter Step by StepTwitter management can be a daunting task. There are a lot of articles telling you the do's and don'ts of Twitter, however it can still be difficult to pin down exactly what you should be doing each day step by step. If you are having a hard time getting organized and keeping up with everything ...
SEO Tips For Your Blog and BusinessWhen was the last time you thought about your site beyond adding content? It is probably time to take a look at how things are organized. When you started the site you had certain goals, ideas and experiences, now as time has passed it is a good idea to take another look at those goals [...]
How To Choose KeywordsEvery day millions of searches are performed on the internet and all of those search terms are saved and provided to us to peruse at our discretion. Unfortunately, on the other hand, there are millions of searches performed every day on the internet and ALL that data is saved and provided to us ...
Why Social Media Isn’t Working For YouSo you took the first step and signed yourself up for some social media sites and started marketing yourself and now you're waiting for the traffic to start rolling in. You've done your research about social media marketing and everyone tells you to find followers, engage them and turn them into ...
Survival International
Amazon Indian to climb Ben NevisNixiwaka Yawanawá is set to be the first Amazon Indian to climb Ben Nevis.© Survival InternationalNixiwaka Yawanawá, a 26-year-old Yawanawá Indian from Brazil, is set to be the first Amazon Indian to climb Ben Nevis – the highest point in the British Isles. Nixiwaka will be available for ...
Bushmen face imminent eviction for 'wildlife c ...A Bushman community in southern Botswana is facing imminent eviction from their land for a 'wildlife corridor'.© SurvivalSurvival International has received disturbing reports about an imminent eviction of several hundred Bushmen in southern Botswana to make way for a ‘wildlife c ...
Thousands join travel boycott of India's Andam ...Survival's call to stop tourists traveling through the Jarawa's land has been backed by thousands.© Ariberto De Blasoni/SurvivalJust weeks after Survival launched a tourism boycott of India’s Andaman Islands to stop the degrading ‘human safaris’ to the Jarawa tribe, t ...
Celebrities back Earth's most threatened tribeInternationally renowned fashion designer Vivienne Westwood has called on Brazil to save Earth's most threatened tribe. (Image can only be used in connection with Survival International's Awá campaign)© Vivienne WestwoodOne year after Oscar winning actor Colin Firth launched Survival I ...
Awá woman’s death highlights government neglectAjrua Awá's death is a huge loss to her community© D Pugliese/ SurvivalAn Awá woman has died of an easily treatable disease, despite the Brazilian government receiving funds from a mining company for the tribe’s care. Ajrua Awá was 40 years of age and the mother of five children, the young ...
Greg Palast
My Father's Victory in the PacificBy Greg Palast In 1995, in Chicago, veterans of Silver Post No. 282 celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their victory over Japan, marching around a catering hall wearing their old service caps, pins, ribbons and medals. My father sat at his table, silent. He did not wear his medals. He had gi ...
My Big Fat Greek MinisterBy Greg Palast for Vice Magazine It wasn't too difficult picking out the Fat Bastard in the crowd of Russian models, craven moochers and media mavens. Besides, Fat Bastard and I were both desperate for coffee and heading for the same empty urn. (We'd both signed on for Kazakhstan's annual Eurasi ...
"Now that the SOB is Dead..." A Novel Idea: As ...By Greg Palast for Vice Magazine "Now that the sonovabitch is dead, why is the US still angry with us?" "Us", in this conversation, are the Taliban. The SOB in question is Osama bin Laden. The Taliban's frustration was relayed to me by Yahya Maroofi, Counsellor to Afghanistan's President Hamid K ...
Palast reports from KazakhstanFBI Spiked Chech ...By Greg Palast from Vice.com UK [Astana, Kazakhstan] Following the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, I received documents marked "SECRET" from the files of the FBI's Washington field office. The information in those files will make you sick. [Click through to get a free download of the fi ...
Billionaire Bankster Penny PritzkerBreaks into ...By Greg Palast You made fun of me when I suggested that President Barack Obama would nominate a confessed bank scammer, a loan-sharking mortgage predator, to his cabinet. But thar she blows! Today, Obama has named Penny Pritzker Secretary of Commerce. As the President says, It's a milestone: ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
How can I reuse or recycle a wooden shoe rack?There was a neighbourhood “give and take” event near me at the weekend – people took along their unwanted items and took home anything other people had donated that took their fancy — all for free. It was mostly small things – crockery, household knick-knacks and bo ...
How can I reuse or recycle old glass blocks/gl ...We’ve had an email from Whitney, asking about reuse/recycling ideas for glass blocks (or glass bricks, as they’re also known): We just bought a house and making a lot of renovations. We removed some glass blocks from an old bathroom window and I want to reuse them for something. I lo ...
How can I “reuse” fresh eggs that ...(Hi! Sorry to regular readers for the stupidly long break in posting – I’ve been reading all the comments as usual as they come in, just not posting any new content myself due to a combination of busy-ness, illness and laziness. I’m hoping to get back to regular scheduled blogg ...
How can I reuse or recycle toilet seats?Apologies for the break in blogging – I’ve been super busy with other things over the last month. And in my absence, Recycle This had its sixth birthday! Happy Birthday website! :D Anyway, moving on: we’ve had an email from Stephanie about toilet seats: I just came into about 2 ...
How can I reuse or recycle empty bottled gas/p ...Lyndon has emailed to ask about reusing – or recycling – propane gas canisters (the ones for heating, barbecues or patio heaters etc): Trying to tidy up the yard at work, what can I do with some old gas bottles? If there is a company name on the bottles (like Calor Gas, Flo Gas or [...]
Age of Autism
RFK Jr., Nazi Death Camps and the Battle For O ...By Dan Olmsted Each of us will have our highlights from last weekend's extraordinary Autism One gathering in Chicago, but for me it was Bobby Kennedy Jr. saying, "To my mind this is like the Nazi death camps." "This" is...
Dachel Media Update: Adults Facing AutismBy Anne Dachel May 26, 2013, UK Scotsman: Autism: Unlocking a generation May 24, 2013, WDTV, Bridgeport, WV: Autism: What Adults on the Spectrum are Facing UK Scotsman "Dr Martha Herbert of Harvard Medical School, an acknowledged autism expert and...
Autism One and Nicholas Glenski: Recovering Fr ...By Teresa Conrick In 2012 at Autism One, I met Nicholas Glenski, a young man who said he hoped to "go the distance" and one day, cure himself of autism. He was so enthusiastic and inspired by so many speakers...
Cool Sevenly T-Shirts Help Fund Medical Treatm ...Here's a great way to look good while doing a whole lot of good. Sevenly, the funky T shirt company that funds causes has teamed up with Generation Rescue to raise money for treatment grants for families. Hop over to...
Appeal to Chicago Autism Community Alex Spourd ...Please contact Info@AutismMediaChannel.com if you are in the Chicago area and can help Alex escape this nightmare.
Global BDS Movement
G4S loses its contract with the European Parli ...Campaigners had raised concerns about the role the company plays in equipping Israeli prisons in which Palestinian political prisoners are held in violation of international law
Palestinian civil society and human rights org ...Marking Palestinian Prisoners Day, Palestinian organisations call for action against G4S, supplier to Israeli prisons at which political prisoners are detained
BDS roundup: Los Angeles activists urge city t ...In this week’s BDS roundup from the Electronic Intifada, LA activists, international campaign urges Yves Béhar, university students in Pennsylvania protest, boycott activists, and more
Why Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Should ...The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has been a significant instrument in the campaign to tear down Israel's democratic facade
Scottish govt. helps Israeli company deal with BDSDocuments obtained by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign show how a subsidiary of an Israeli company operating in Britain turned successfully for help from the Scottish Government
Farm Wars
Ban GMOs Worldwide or become Genetically Engin ...How would you someday like to wake up to find that the dinner you ate the night before made you sterile, or dosed you with a medicine for a relatively unknown, rare disease, or caused a life-threatening reaction because of a drug that made its way across a field and into your organic corn? How w ...
Victory for raw milk in Vernon Hershberger trial!Hershberger said he was pleased with the acquittals, and that now he can return to his farm in Loganville and continue to run his food store without a retail license because it's a members-only buying club. "I can continue to feed my community," he said.
Seeds Of Death – Full MovieMarch Against Monsanto Special! Gary Null releases his movie "Seeds Of Death" for free viewing for a limited time in honor of the march on May 25.
“Doomsday Seed Vault” in the ArcticThis is a must-read article to understand how genetic engineering started and where it is going. Pay special attention to the section titled "GMO as a weapon of biowarfare?"
Food Myth Busters: Do we really need industria ...Learn why the "industrial agriculture is needed to feed the world" hype marketed by Monsanto is full of manure.
new geography
Addressing Housing Affordability Using Coopera ...Our country is six years into the Great Recession, the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression. It’s been replete with reports of home foreclosures, collapsing commuter towns, and young people struggling to become home owners. The term “generation rent” is often ...
Driving Trends in ContextThere are grains of reality, misreporting and exaggeration in the press treatment of a report on driving trends by USPIRG. The report generated the usual press reports suggesting that the millennial generation (ages 16 to 35) is driving less, moving to urban cores, and that with a decline in ...
Southern California Economy Not Keeping UpOne of Orange County's top executives asked me over lunch recently why Southern California has not seen anything like the kind of tech boom now sweeping large parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. In many ways, it is just one indication of how this region – once seen as the cutting edge o ...
Texas Suburbs Lead Population GrowthThe US Census Bureau has reported that eight of the fifteen 2011-2012 fastest-growing municipalities with at least 50,000 population were in Texas. Three of them were in the Austin metropolitan area. San Marcos, south of Austin, grew the fastest in the nation at 4.9 percent. Cedar Park, locat ...
The Cities Winning The Battle For Information JobsThe information industry has long been a darling of the media — no surprise since the media constitutes a major part of this economic sector, which includes publishing, software, entertainment and data processing. Yet until the last few years, it has been a sector in overall decline, wit ...
Water for Leah's FarmLeah lives in Ngawene village on the outskirts of Maua town with her two children – a daughter (25) and a son (18). Leah, pictured second from the right with ECLOF and Water.org staff, is a secondary level graduate and also holds an accountancy technician certificate. Leah is 50 years old, marri ...
Celebrities endorse the toilet strikeRichard Branson, Olivia Wilde and Bono join Water.org Co-founder Matt Damon to protest lack of access to safe water and adequate sanitation for 2.5 billion people
Three Mothers, Three StoriesThe dignity and strength of women around the world is astounding - in celebration of Mother's Day, watch this video and hear the inspiring stories of three mothers who broke the cycle of poverty, and found a path to water.
Breathing Easier in IndiaIn Tamil Nadu, community residents are often dependent on remote and unsafe connections for drinking water. Even when a public water tap is nearby, long lines can take up precious time that could be better spent on income generating opportunities.
A Toilet Brings HonorMrs. Annakka Ujinikoppa and her sisters wanted to find a way to help their mother-in-law gain closer access to a toilet. They were finding the cost too high but then they discovered a WaterCredit loan.
Google Acquires Wind Power Firm Makani PowerVia: PCMag: Google is known for putting its resources into some novel technologies like self-driving cars and wearable computing devices. Now, the Web giant is moving into yet another field—wind power. After previously investing in the company, Google has agreed to acquire Alameda, Calif.-based ...
40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Econo ...I didn’t know about #38: One Million U.S. Students Homeless, New Data Show: For the first time in history, public schools reported more than one million homeless children and youth, according to data released today by the U.S. Department of Education. The 1,065,794 homeless students enroll ...
High School Teacher Disciplined for Reminding ...Via: Daily Herald: A Batavia High School teacher’s fans are rallying to support him as he faces possible discipline for advising students of their Constitutional rights before taking a school survey on their behavior. They’ve been collecting signatures on an online petition, passing ...
U.S. Weapons System Designs Compromised by Chi ...Related, From Australia: ASIO Blueprints Stolen in Major Cyber Attack on Canberra HQ: Classified blueprints of the new ASIO headquarters in Canberra have been stolen in a cyber hit believed to have been mounted by hackers in China. The ABC’s Four Corners program has discovered the plans we ...
Henry van der Heyden: “Don’t ever ...Via: New Zealand Herald: Former Fonterra chairman Sir Henry van der Heyden has apologised to “China and its people and Government ” for warning New Zealand businesses not to trust the Chinese. Van der Heyden broke at lunchtime from his final board meeting as a Fonterra director to is ...
The Economic Collapse
Basel III: How The Bank For International Sett ...A new set of regulations that most people have never even heard of that was developed by an immensely powerful central banking organization that most people do not even know exists is going to have a dramatic effect on the global financial system over the next several years. The new set of regu ...
The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To ...The financial system of the third largest economy on the planet is starting to come apart at the seams, and the ripple effects are going to be felt all over the globe. Nobody knew exactly when the Japanese financial system was going to begin to implode, but pretty much everyone knew that a day ...
40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Econo ...If you know someone that actually believes that the U.S. economy is in good shape, just show them the statistics in this article. When you step back and look at the long-term trends, it is undeniable what is happening to us. We are in the midst of a horrifying economic decline that is the resu ...
The Colorado River, The High Plains Aquifer An ...What is life going to look like as our precious water resources become increasingly strained and the western half of the United States becomes bone dry? Scientists tell us that the 20th century was the wettest century in the western half of the country in 1000 years, and now things appear to be ...
Will It Be Inflation Or Delfation? The Answer ...Is the coming financial collapse going to be inflationary or deflationary? Are we headed for rampant inflation or crippling deflation? This is a subject that is hotly debated by economists all over the country. Some insist that the wild money printing that the Federal Reserve is doing combine ...
Soil erosion control and combat of desertifica ...On May 28th, 2013 Edgardo Manda published a very nice photo on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=619939021350364&set=a.113590298651908.18709.100000028142002&type=1&theater¬if_t=like Lining of Kennon Road in Kenya to limit erosion (Photo Edgardo Manda) It shows ...
Mongolia takes the lead : Willows and poplars ...Read at : http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_international/588739.html Planting anti-desertification trees In a field in the vicinity of the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator, employees of Korean Air, along with local Mongolians and students, plant poplar and willow trees, May 22. Global wa ...
Seeds to save our food heritage (YES!)Read at : http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/how-cooperatives-are-driving-the-new-economy/why-the-most-powerful-thing-in-the-world-is-a-seed?utm_source=wkly20130405&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mrQuillen Why the Most Powerful Thing in the World Is a Seed “The Seed Underground” is a love ...
Setting up a Drylands and Desert Restoration H ...COST Action ES1104 ‘Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification: Setting up a Drylands and Desert Restoration Hub’ Please find attached a flyer announcing funding opportunities for the next training school which will take place in Italy in September … Continue readin ...
Spineless nopales (Opuntia ficus-indica var. i ...Read at : Google Alerts – Opuntia ficus-indica http://www.foodandnutritionresearch.net/index.php/fnr/article/view/19106 Intake of dehydrated nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) improves bone mineral density and calciuria in adult Mexican women María de los Angeles Aguilera-Barreiro, José Alberto ...
News Blaze
Twin Arrows Navajo Resort and Casino Adds Cult ...While touring the property, Christina Kwan, United States World Boxing Champion, the first boxing champion to cash in on the World Series of Poker, along with myself, Vinny Perozzi her trainer and other media, had a chance to experience the culture
Everest Records Set as Nepal Celebrates 60th A ...Nepal celebrates the diamond anniversary of the first ascent of Mount Everest. Many summiteers and record holders will attend, but not the first men to reach the top, Tenzing Norgay died in 1986 and Edmund Hillary died in 2008.
Major Economic Returns for Investing in Women' ...A new World Bank report released at Women Deliver 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, demonstrates that investing in women's reproductive health is smart economics.
US and Russia Collaborating to Stop The Bloods ...According to Secretary Kerry, both parties talked through a number of issues, sort of when the conference might take place.
Abbas Slams Accusation of PA Incitement PA Chairman Abbas at the World Economic Forum in Jordan. 'We strive to spread the culture of peace among our people.'
China's top paper says EU solar probe "be ...BEIJING (Reuters) - China's top newspaper condemned a plan by the European Union to levy hefty duties on its solar panel exports on Wednesday as "bean counting" being driven by EU bodies as a selfish way of pushing their own agendas. The European Commission, the EU's executive, accuses China ...
World's 100 best beaches May 29, 2013 -- Updated 0515 GMT (1315 HKT) 25. Sun Island Beach, Maldives 24. Egremni Beach, Greece 23. Crane Beach, Barbados 22. Boulders Beach, Cape Town 21. Juara Beach, Tioman Island, Malaysia 20. Rarotonga, Cook Islands 19. Maya Bay, Ko Phi Phi, Thailand 18. Gardner Bay, Espanola Islan ...
Summer rolls help squeeze veggies into th ...When it comes to packing a picnic basket, sandwiches are almost always the stars of the menu. And why not? They are easy to eat with your hands, pack well and are versatile enough to keep everyone happy. And for the rest of the meal, we tend to lean toward yet more finger food — chips, cooki ...
A lot can happen in Varanasi too Banarsis are enjoying the holiday season by travelling around the globe. But those who have stayed back in the city are making the most of the vacations Gaana aaye ya na aaye My friends and me hold karaoke sessions on a regular basis at each other's place in the evening. At...
Agriculture gets new lease of life The government is hoping that the new loan it received recently from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Ifad) will boost the agricultural sectors share of GDP earnings, currently only contributing 3.2% of the countrys total income. The $3 million loan, which is expected to ...
Alex in Wonderland
Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
Afghan Elections Rigged on Video? (Video)Yes, people videotaped it and Al Jazeera broke the story.
Fuckin’ Oil, Where Did It Went?With 90% of up to 4.4 million barrels of oil 'unaccounted for', it's now... still unaccounted for.
U.S. Troops ‘Killing for Sport’ in Afghanistan ...Taped interrogations of four soldiers charged in theatrically slaying numerous Afghan civilians were obtained by CNN and ABC. CNN's report includes the soldiers' rampant drug abuse and a before unreported case of staging the murder of an Afghan civilian.
MY Daily Apple
Car smoking ban proposed by MSPAn MSP opens a consultation on his proposals for ban on smoking in vehicles in Scotland when children are present. (Source: BBC News | Health | UK Edition)
Clash Over Who Is Allowed to Whiten Your SmileAn Alabama lawsuit argues that a law declaring teeth whitening the exclusive province of dental professionals is unconstitutional. (Source: NYT Health)
Promotion of Physical Activity for Children an ...The American Heart Association recognizes the importance of physically active lifestyles to the health and well-being of children and adults with congenital heart defects. Counseling of patients with congenital heart defects should emphasize the importance of daily physical activity and decreasi ...
Efficacy of the CCR5 Antagonist Maraviroc in R ...Background— CCR5 plays an important role in atherosclerosis and ischemic cardiovascular diseases, as well as in HIV replication and diffusion. HIV infection is characterized by a high burden of cardiovascular diseases, particularly in subjects exposed to ritonavir-boosted protease inhibit ...
Op-Ed Contributor: Geoengineering: Our Last Ho ...We should not try to play God with the planet.
Common Dreams
'Free Amina!': Repressive Treatment of Women T ...In a bid to show support for an 18-year-old woman jailed in Tunisia, three members of the European-based feminist-activist group FEMEN staged a dramatic topless protest outside the central courthouse in Tunis on Wednesday calling for the release of the activist known as Amina Tyler. ...
Despite Ongoing Protest, Obama Resumes Drone A ...Pakistan says that US drone strikes on its territory are illegal and have led to many civilian deaths. (Photo: Reuters)Despite repeated and recent warnings that such attacks are destabilizing and an affront to its territorial sovereignty, reports indicate the US military executed a pair of drone ...
- Child Malnutrition Costs Global Economy Billio ...
'Hactivist' Faces 10 Years in Fed Prison for S ...Jeremy Hammond will now face up to 10 years in federal prison after pleading guilty Tuesday for hacking the shadowy intelligence company Stratfor and eight additional hacks of law enforcement and defense contractor websites. read more
Train Derailment, Loud Explosion in Baltimore ...Photo: NBC Nightly News/via Twitter A cargo train derailed in the Baltimore area on Tuesday afternoon after colliding with a tractor trailer, sparking a loud explosion felt miles away, and sending plumes of smoke into the air from a fire set to burn into the night. ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
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Energy Collective
Ernest Moniz on Natural Gas and “Forgotten Ren ...Moniz sees natural gas not as a permanent fixture in the U.S. energy landscape but merely as a temporary “bridge” to a globally competitive, low carbon future that is well within our grasp.
EU Tariffs on China Solar Panels Loom as Talks ...The tariffs will average 47.6 percent and will affect 100-plus Chinese manufacturers found by an EC investigation to have been involved in dumping solar products at market-breaking low prices in the European Union.
EU Biofuels and Indirect Land Use Change In the Environment Council, there are very divergent views concerning the Indirect Land Use Change proposal, especially regarding the level at which Europe will oblige suppliers to include biofuels in the fuel mix.
Massachusetts Solar Energy Installations More ...Recently released Massacusetts Clean Energy Center data shows that residential solar installations have more than quadrupled between 2010 and 2012 in the state.
Define "Significant" Cleantech Investment and ...We're a long way away from implementing solutions at the magnitude necessary to significantly change the trajectory of our global climate crisis. Significant new technology advancements will be necessary to get there.
Green House - USA Today
Climate change affects each U.S. state, Web to ...How badly is climate change affecting your state? A new Web tool allows users to see how vulnerable their area has been to drought, flooding and heat extremes as well as the health problems that go along with them.
What's in your child's car seat? Study finds t ...What's a parent to do? You buy a car seat to keep your child safe but then find out, as a new study reports, that 60% of these products contain dangerous chemicals. The good news: some seats were found to be almost toxic-free.
U.S. cities require buildings to disclose ener ...Worried that the apartment you like could be an energy hog? Help is on the way as U.S. states and cities begin this year to require that commercial buildings measure and disclose their energy use.
Study: Climate change imperils Himalayan glaciers Two of three Himalayan glaciers -- both in humid areas of eastern Nepal -- could disappear if present climate change patterns continue, a study predicts.
Environmentalists cheer Obama's fuel economy hikePresident Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who had pressed for such action.
Prior Art
With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
The Monsanto RevolutionBy Timothy V. Gatto The protests against the Monsanto Protection Act were not covered by the corporately run news media in the United States. This treacherous act itself has not been discussed by the majority of people and the information about what it really means to us is being hidden by thos ...
Radical Remaking of the Economy is Taking RootBy Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers It is time for the economy to work for the people, not the elites; it is time for economic democracy. As the school year ends, college students are coming home to a paucity of summer jobs and young adults are graduating into an economy with 27% underemploym ...
Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargoby Stephen Lendman On May 27, the so-called one-year EU arms embargo on Syria's opposition ended. Officially it does so on June 1. EU nations agreed to end what never existed. Since Washington's war on Syria began in early 2011, arms flowed freely. Western-enlisted death squads get them. ...
Obama: America's Second Teflon President?by Stephen Lendman New poll numbers show recent scandals haven't hurt his approval rating. According to a CNN/ORC International survey, 53% of Americans approve his job as president. Another 45% disapprove. Throughout much of his tenure, he hovered around 50%. According to Gallup, h ...
Peace Process Pretenseby Stephen Lendman Peace process initiatives were stillborn from inception. Decades of futility define them. Palestinians genuinely want peace. They deserve it and much more. Israeli leaders pretend they care. Doing so conceals their dark agenda. They deplore peaceful conflict resolution ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
A solution to Toronto's $2.5 billion public tr ...A new report by CCPA-Ontario economist Hugh Mackenzie lays out a range of revenue generating options that could readily fund plans to expand public transit in the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton. Mackenzie assesses all of the funding options currently on the table, weighs the pros and cons of ...
Temporary Foreign Workers in CanadaThe Canadian Foundation for Labour Rights has a new e-bulletin with some interesting updates. Given the interest lately in temporary foreign workers and their impact on Canada's labout market, Ken Georgetti's update, Migrant workers account for most new jobs: CLC is particularly relevant. ...
New video from our Budget Forum featuring Kevi ...On April 25th, the CCPA hosted a forum on the changing nature of federal budgets, featuring former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page. As the keynote speaker, Mr. Page delivered a captivating talk about his time as Canada’s first PBO, and we are grateful to him for sharing his experience wi ...
Is wealth too powerful in Canada?Thursday evening at the Canadian War Museum, in a debate presented by the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and moderated by historian Jack Granatstein, CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan and economist William Watson debated the motion, “Wealth has too much power in Canada.” Read Armine's argumen ...
Inequality is accelerating"Inequality is accelerating – and with it, the fragility of our economy." The latest column by Frances Russell, Tax cuts a race to the bottom, connects the dots between worsening income inequality in Canada, the insatiable political drive for more tax cuts, and the diminishing role of gover ...
World Wide Hippies
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Oil may be seeping from Deepwater Horizon siteDec. 13, 2012 CBS News has learned that BP is set to embark Thursday on the fifth day of a little-known subsea mission under Coast Guard supervision to look for any new oil leaking from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The BP oil rig exploded in 2010, killing 11 workers and sending a total estima ...
Fracking Our Farms, Frankenfish, and Our Lunch ...Feb. 21, 2013 ESSAY OF THE WEEK Fracking Our Farms: A Tale of Five Farming Families Their names are Carol, Steve & Jackie, Susan, Marilyn & Robert, and Christine. They share a bond. Two bonds, actually: They all own, or owned, farms. And those farms, along with their own health and the h ...
Crisis Maven
The End Game or: How the Dupes were Duped or: ...The Euro was probably the most hyped-in currency the world may have ever known. That fact alone should have been reason for suspicion. In this article we contrast some of the eulogies heaped on the Euro back in around 2001/2002 when it was introduced as a tangible currency with these past weeks& ...
The End Game or: How the Dupes were Duped or: ...The Euro was probably the most hyped-in currency the world may have ever known. That fact alone should have been reason for suspicion. In this article we contrast some of the eulogies heaped on the Euro back in around 2001/2002 when it was introduced as a tangible currency with these past weeks& ...
Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
Archaeology, the Internet and NeutrinosOr: Space and the Universe are a Palimpsest . Most recently Israeli archaeologists unearthed a crusader’s inscription believed to be around 800 years old and, which is why it makes headlines, written in Arabic. For those who have followed archaelogical progress over several decades (and re ...
Capital Flow Analysis
Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted ...
Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the curren ...
Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
Energy Collective
Ernest Moniz on Natural Gas and “Forgotten Ren ...Moniz sees natural gas not as a permanent fixture in the U.S. energy landscape but merely as a temporary “bridge” to a globally competitive, low carbon future that is well within our grasp.
EU Tariffs on China Solar Panels Loom as Talks ...The tariffs will average 47.6 percent and will affect 100-plus Chinese manufacturers found by an EC investigation to have been involved in dumping solar products at market-breaking low prices in the European Union.
EU Biofuels and Indirect Land Use Change In the Environment Council, there are very divergent views concerning the Indirect Land Use Change proposal, especially regarding the level at which Europe will oblige suppliers to include biofuels in the fuel mix.
Massachusetts Solar Energy Installations More ...Recently released Massacusetts Clean Energy Center data shows that residential solar installations have more than quadrupled between 2010 and 2012 in the state.
Define "Significant" Cleantech Investment and ...We're a long way away from implementing solutions at the magnitude necessary to significantly change the trajectory of our global climate crisis. Significant new technology advancements will be necessary to get there.
EU Times
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Stonecipher News
- WPMU Dev - The WordPress Experts!
Stay Value Neutral When Counseling ClientsFrom Chris Stonecipher's http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifFactoidz page: It is important to be value neutral wihttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifth clients to avoid harm by mixing your own values and beliefs with clients that is potentially damaging to th ...
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Video Games and Teen Violence CorrelationsWith the rising increase in teen violence, much research has been directed to determine if video games, violent television shows and other electronic media is directly related. Gentile, D.A. & Anderson C.A (2003) has done extensive research in which supports the theory that video games lead to v ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
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Recent Scholarship: Investing in America's FutureDrawing on recent patent quality metrics, my article appearing in the Stanford Technology Law Review brings balance to the heated rhetoric surrounding the smart phone patent wars, explaining why the best evidence available shows that these disputes are not about low quality software patents or a ...
WHO calls Middle Eastern virus, MERS, threat t ..."Making deals between scientists because they want to take out IP and be the first to publish in scientific journals, we cannot allow that. No intellectual property should stand in the way of you protecting your people," Chan said during her speech on Monday. The Dutch researchers said that they ...
How to Escape a Submerged CarThe bridge collapse on Interstate 5 in Washington State is a wake-up call: Don't wait to learn how to escape a sinking car....The good news is that you can escape a sinking vehicle. But you've got to be quick. According to The University of Manitoba's Gordon Geisbrecht, who trains law enforcemen ...
Secure Boot isn't the only problem facing Linu ...One of the requirements for Windows 8 certified hardware is that it must complete firmware initialisation within a specific amount of time, something that Microsoft refer to as "Fast Boot". Meeting these requirements effectively makes it impossible to initialise USB, and it's likely that certain ...
Microsoft applies for patent on TV achievementsTwo examples given include doling out achievements for watching a single event like the Super Bowl, or for watching an entire series of a single show. "Additionally, by tying the awards and achievements to particular items of video or advertising content, viewers may be encouraged to increase t ...
Empty newsfeed.
Politics in the Zeros
Woo-hoo. Wall Street margin debt now at all-ti ...It’s bubblicious! What could possible go wrong with record amounts of margin debt and a zooming up stock market? Surely this time really will be different and the bubble won’t explode. April’s margin debt in America now stands at an all-time record of $384 billion. Forget the s ...
- Arizona cactus flowers bloom
Arizona water battle pits feds against the sta ...Environmentalists and the BLM are filing suit to block a housing development of 6,900 homes in a major Arizona water battle, saying federal water rights trump those of the state and developers. Hoo boy, this one has it all; Feds vs. the state, enviros vs. developers, private water rights vs. fed ...
Tom Mix was a bad ass. SeriouslyTom Mix was the early Western megastar and the role model that future Hollywood cowboys were based on. Prior to being a movie star he’d been a real cowboy and also served as a US Marshal. As you can see from the list of his injuries, he was shot several times by bandits and rustlers. [...]
EV company Better Place closes downElectric vehicle manufacturer Better Place made cars with swappable batteries. Drive into a Better Place outlet and they’d swap your battery in minutes, just like filling up with gas. But their cars were expensive and so were the swapping facilities. Their concept got traction in small cou ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
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Just World News
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Good Charities Dirty MoneyIt’s a sad day in New Zealand when we have to rely on charity to feed children at school and provide shoes and raincoats because their families don’t have enough to live on. I agree with Brian Rudman’s column today where he connects the dots between yesterday’s announcement to allocate $2 millio ...
Good news for our oceanThanks to consumer pressure, Sealords announced today its canned tuna will soon be FAD-free. That means that Sealords has agreed to stop using fish aggregation devices (FADs), a method of fishing that also can kill other wildlife such as turtles and sharks. This is good news for our oceans. Big ...
Dole backs down on banana’sGreat to see Dole will be backing down on it’s rather questionable “ethical” banana labels. We have at least one very happy MP. Well done Oxfam. Just to be clear the banana’s in question are the ones with the green label that say’s ethical choice not All Good Bananas.
Kiwi Bid Launch – speechesWe launched the Kiwi Bid – our campaign to stop risky deep sea drilling off our coasts – at Auckland’s famous Piha beach with the help of NZ ocean sports legends Mischa Davis and Rob Hamill. What’s it all about? We bring you some snippets from the speeches…
Individual responsibility vs structural respon ...Last week I attended the launch of the Salvation Army report ‘More than Churches, Rugby and Festivals.’ The author is clearly nervous not to feed into an impression that things are worse for Pasifika people or that their needs should have priority. The report attempts to avoid the deficit thinki ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
Economics and Armchair PsychologyOver millennia, numerous enterprises have sought the status of science. Few have succeeded because they have failed to discover anything that stood up to scrutiny as knowledge. Today the great fraudulent science is economics. Economic models are based on mere beliefs, many of which can never ...
"Legalized Injustice": The US Judicial System ...America is a failed state. Americans have not formed a more perfect union, established justice, insured domestic tranquility, provided for the common defense, promoted the general welfare, or secured the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Domestically, by every measure, Ame ...
Capitalism as Disease: Spreading Governmental ...In general, we are a mean spirited and spiteful people. The meanness that has afflicted America is responsible for its domestic violence and the violence Americans inflict internationally. The germ that carries this affliction is the predominant political economy fostered. Capitalism is an e ...
The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over ...A real new world order has emergedthe world's downtrodden against the West and its puppet, surrogate colonial governments. These non-state but similarly minded actors will determine the course of future world history. There is now a new world order that the West cannot control, that military ...
Violence: The American Way of LifeThe United States of America was conceived and nurtured by violence. Americans not only engage in violence, they are entertained by it. Killing takes place in America at an average of 87 times each day. Going to war in Afghanistan is less dangerous than living in Chicago. The Romans went to ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
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Survival - tribal peoples
Amazon Indian to climb Ben NevisNixiwaka Yawanawá is set to be the first Amazon Indian to climb Ben Nevis.© Survival InternationalNixiwaka Yawanawá, a 26-year-old Yawanawá Indian from Brazil, is set to be the first Amazon Indian to climb Ben Nevis – the highest point in the British Isles. Nixiwaka will be available for ...
Bushmen face imminent eviction for 'wildlife c ...A Bushman community in southern Botswana is facing imminent eviction from their land for a 'wildlife corridor'.© SurvivalSurvival International has received disturbing reports about an imminent eviction of several hundred Bushmen in southern Botswana to make way for a ‘wildlife c ...
Thousands join travel boycott of India's Andam ...Survival's call to stop tourists traveling through the Jarawa's land has been backed by thousands.© Ariberto De Blasoni/SurvivalJust weeks after Survival launched a tourism boycott of India’s Andaman Islands to stop the degrading ‘human safaris’ to the Jarawa tribe, t ...
Celebrities back Earth's most threatened tribeInternationally renowned fashion designer Vivienne Westwood has called on Brazil to save Earth's most threatened tribe. (Image can only be used in connection with Survival International's Awá campaign)© Vivienne WestwoodOne year after Oscar winning actor Colin Firth launched Survival I ...
Awá woman’s death highlights government neglectAjrua Awá's death is a huge loss to her community© D Pugliese/ SurvivalAn Awá woman has died of an easily treatable disease, despite the Brazilian government receiving funds from a mining company for the tribe’s care. Ajrua Awá was 40 years of age and the mother of five children, the young ...
Montreal Gazette
Editorial: Searching for a saviour as our next ...A host of qualities has been suggested for what would make an ideal mayor for Montreal, but with time running short for candidates to emerge, Montrealers might have to settle for someone less than ideal.
Opinion: Attacks on Christians in Egypt are pa ...What was originally dubbed as the Arab Spring has evolved into a series of deadly seasons, especially for the indigenous Christians of the Middle East.
Editorial: Truth and reconciliation - from pas ...Many non-aboriginal Canadians remain all too ignorant of the shameful history of Canada’s residential schools, whose damaging legacy continues to be felt in aboriginal communities across the country.
Editorial: In fighting terror, vigilance takes ...The RCMP announcement Monday that it has thwarted a terror plot targeting train travel near Toronto highlights not only the value of diligent police work, but also the value of human intelligence sources in foiling such plots.
Editorial: Common sense prevails in Lachine Ho ...Health Minister Réjean Hébert has accepted the view of people in the community who saw in the transfer an upgrade of their health services, not a threat.
Food World Order
#Video: Despite FDA Approval, Many Distrustful ...from youtube.com/cnn: New York Times investigative reporter Michael Moore says there are, as yet, no studies linking GMO to health problems.
GM Salmon, Genetic Engineering of Farm Animals ...from NaturalSociety.com: By summer of 2013, US governing bodies, or, the alphabet soup of corruption (USDA, FDA, etc.) are expected to grant permission for scientists to roll out genetically modified salmon and allow for genetic engineering in farm animals for human consumption. The ...
#MarchAgainstMonsanto: The Grassroots Uprising from The Corbett Report and GRTV.ca: Monsanto is a company feared and reviled by the public in equal measure. But whatever cases Monsanto has lost in the court of public opinion it has made up for in the courts of justice thanks to its revolving door with the upper reaches of Washington. N ...
Top 10 reasons to join the March Against Monsa ...from NaturalNews.com: The global March Against Monsanto happens tomorrow! Nearly three hundred cities will host what's sure to be hundreds of thousands of protesters and activists around the globe who are taking a stand against Monsanto and GMOs. YOU can join in the activities, too! Che ...
Study Finds Frogs And Other Amphibians Declini ...from foxnews.com: A new study has determined for the first time just how quickly frogs and other amphibians are disappearing around the United States, and the news is not good. The U.S. Geological Study says populations of frogs, salamanders and toads have been vanishing from occupied sites at a ...
The Bait of Christian Fundamentalism in Africasource: Huffington Post, 8/24/2011 Michael Mungai Co-founder, Dagoretti 4 Kids I grew up in the hovels of Dagoretti, an impoverished suburb in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Raised by an unemployed single mother, my two siblings and I would take turns missing school to babysit our ...
Puttur: Four Arrested for Forcing Religious Co ...source: Daijiworld, Aug 29, 2011 Puttur, Aug 29: Four persons, reportedly belonging to a Christian sect, were handed over to the police by the residents of Boodujal of Nedle village near Uppinangady on Sunday August 28. The locals, including some dalits, accused K J Kunhimonu (30) from Mun ...
Andhra Pradesh: Church priest rapes minor girl ...source: India today, July 1, 2011 A Christian priest has been arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl and setting her ablaze in his house at Nadendla village of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh.
The changing face of the churchsource: Deccan chronicle, July 13, 2011 Its a well-documented fact that people adopt aspects of other cultures around them. The churches in Andhra Pradesh are following this custom and Indianising some of practices. At St Andrews Orthodox Church, West Marredpally, a Dwaja Stambam has been ...
Pastors wife accuses him of sexual abuse of mi ...source: Bangalore Mirror, June 17, 2011 In her police complaint, Priyalatha has charged Shantaraju, pastor of Bethel Church and Bethel Student Centre, with having sex with young girls and getting them to abort S Shyam Prasad
Whole Truth Coalition
Vox Populi, Methods of ManipulationCOTO Report and Megan ‘Verb’ Kargher are proud to present Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation. It has become increasingly evident that large portions of the planet are descending with alarming speed into Orwellian police states. What is the New World Order and what are their plans fo ...
The Big Awakening Conference 2011Click here for more information …
Lawfull Rebellion - Roger Hayes challenges Liv ...“Wirral Council is taking Roger Hayes to Birkenhead county court for non-payment of council tax. Mr Hayes, chairman of The British Constitution Group, claims the council tax is illegal and imposed without his consent. His stand has won support from all over the country, and demonstrators t ...
COTO Report This Ain’t Oz an Interview w ...COTO Report and Megan Kargher are pleased to bring you a special two day interview with Freeman of freemantv, the freeman perspective and the free zone http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv… http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot… http://freemantv.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O ...
The Economic Collapse
Basel III: How The Bank For International Sett ...A new set of regulations that most people have never even heard of that was developed by an immensely powerful central banking organization that most people do not even know exists is going to have a dramatic effect on the global financial system over the next several years. The new set of regu ...
The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To ...The financial system of the third largest economy on the planet is starting to come apart at the seams, and the ripple effects are going to be felt all over the globe. Nobody knew exactly when the Japanese financial system was going to begin to implode, but pretty much everyone knew that a day ...
40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Econo ...If you know someone that actually believes that the U.S. economy is in good shape, just show them the statistics in this article. When you step back and look at the long-term trends, it is undeniable what is happening to us. We are in the midst of a horrifying economic decline that is the resu ...
The Colorado River, The High Plains Aquifer An ...What is life going to look like as our precious water resources become increasingly strained and the western half of the United States becomes bone dry? Scientists tell us that the 20th century was the wettest century in the western half of the country in 1000 years, and now things appear to be ...
Will It Be Inflation Or Delfation? The Answer ...Is the coming financial collapse going to be inflationary or deflationary? Are we headed for rampant inflation or crippling deflation? This is a subject that is hotly debated by economists all over the country. Some insist that the wild money printing that the Federal Reserve is doing combine ...
Do We Need a Steady State Economy? One Politic ...An interview with a refreshingly astute politician: Andrew Weaver, climate scientist and first Green member of British Columbia's legislature.
What Kind of Example Is Canada Setting?A look at Canada, a nation with such potential to be a sustainability leader, reveals a tragedy of wasted potential.
Moronic Oxymorons in the Age of Climate ChangeFour hundred parts per million... it's hard to fathom. Now more than ever we have to be wary of the "solutions" offered by the fossil fuel companies.
Supply Shock: The JourneyWriting a book can be a harrowing voyage, especially if you're paddling upstream against the flood-stage current of conventional economic thinking.
Environmental Ignorance Is Economic BlissEconomics departments are churning out graduates who are not getting the whole story on their discipline's environmental failures.
The Talking Clock
Every end is a new beginning...Just remember that death is not the end... So, whilst The Talking Clock is - for now at least - mothballed, the many friends and regular readers who are "awake" might want to join me in my little sidestep venture: http://conspiracywatch.blogspot.co.uk/ Blogrolls need to be added and the ...
Okay Captain Ranty... this blogger resigns fro ...On the day that the BEST blogger in the blogosphere - Captain Ranty - has posted to announce 'end of transmission' (though not for the first time)... ...having mulled over what Captain Ranty has to say, rather than replying to the above linked blogpost in comments or via 140 characters on Twi ...
European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment D ...Here are the highlights of the European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) Bill, Second Reading debate which took place in the House of Commons yesterday. Bill Cash MP Plainly, the implosion in Europe does affect us, and this failed attempt to put a sticking plaster on an increasi ...
Nothing Tutu Hide, Nothing Tutu Fear, Mr. BliarArchbishop Desmond Tutu is all over the world's media for boldly coming out in public with a call for George W. Bush and Tony Blair to stand trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague for war crimes over the invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Part of Tutu's thinking ...
The People's Memorial: 15th Anniversary Tribut ...As is now a yearly thing for this blog, a few images of the tributes left at Kensington Palace for the fifteenth anniversary of Diana's death. Those of our readers who come here as fellow Diana admirers are more than welcome to save the images - links back greatly appreciated. Click on the th ...
Facing South
Apologies and AppleIn 2010, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas retracted his apology to BP for the Obama administration's effort to get compensation for those affected by the Gulf oil disaster. Will Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky have to do the same with his call for the Senate to apologize to Apple for criticizing the company' ...
NC renewable energy law survives attack from t ...The failure of legislation to repeal the state's groundbreaking renewable energy program is a setback for conservative ideologues, but the lawmaker who led the repeal initiative says he hopes to continue the effort using new tactics. read more
A prolonged stay: The reason behind the slow p ...Amid a shortage of drugs used for executions, some states are searching for new suppliers and different drugs. Others -- including Arkansas, Georgia and Tennessee -- have amended public records laws to keep the names of suppliers and manufacturers of alternative drugs secret. read more
INSTITUTE INDEX: Growing protests over North C ...Over 150 people have been arrested so far in nonviolent protests against the N.C. legislature's far-right agenda, and even bigger actions are planned next month. read more
NC gets warning from WV on ending judicial pub ...With its trailblazing public financing program for judicial elections targeted for elimination by Republican state leaders, North Carolina got a visit this week from two prominent West Virginia conservatives who made a case for why such programs benefit a state's people and economy. read more
Search for new executive director of Center on ...Karen Greenberg, executive director of NYU Law’s Center on Law and Security (CLS), announced she is leaving to pursue other career opportunities. Greenberg’s tenure as executive director began with the founding of the Center in 2003. Under her stewardship, CLS … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsToday’s Terrorism News post will be the last one for the summer. Along with the staff here at the Center on Law and Security, and with particular thanks to The Soufan Group for its generous support and to Carolyn O’Hara … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group At Radicalization Hearing, Rep. King Says al Shabab Poses Threat Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) held a third congressional hearing on Islamic radicalization in the United States Wednesday, this one focused on the threat of … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Four Indicted for Drug Trafficking to Benefit Terrorism Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed indictments Tuesday against four men they say conspired to sell drugs and buy weapons for Hezbollah and the Taliban in … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group In Arkansas, Man Accused of Killing Soldier Strikes Plea Deal A man on trial for shooting two U.S. soldiers, one of whom was killed, outside of a military recruiting station in 2009 reached a … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
Investigators seek trigger for Texas blastA huge cloud of ammonia vented from the fertiliser plant in West, Texas, is one theory for what caused last week's fatal explosion
Deeper, sharper, smarter news from New ScientistShort Sharp Science is no longer being updated, but our in-depth coverage of the latest breaking science and technology news will be getting even better
Today on New Scientist: 18 April 2013All the latest stories on newscientist.com: evolution by flower power, Texas blast, robot builders for architects' dreams, and more
Bionic hands enter the app agePowered thumbs that can be switched between preset grips at the tap of an app could make prosthetic hands more usable for their wearers
Today on New Scientist: 17 April 2013The latest stories on newscientist.com: Wikipedian woes, oldest human skin, bespoke organ transplants, when a black hole is born, and more
Tech Drive In
US Military Academies using Ubuntu for Trainin ...According to The Washington Post, U.S. service academies are ramping up efforts to groom a new breed of cyberspace warriors to confront increasing threats to the nation's military and civilian computer networks which control almost everything these days. And guess what, they are being trained ...
EasyShutdown: Lets you Schedule Shutdowns in U ...Shutdown command works just fine, but if you want a GUI to schedule system shutdown in Ubuntu, EasyShutdown is the answer. It was a very basic app made to do just that one thing, scheduling shutdowns in Ubuntu. And it is nicely integrated with Unity launcher as well. Easy Shutdo ...
Ubuntu 13.10 will be called "Saucy Salamander" ...Ubuntu 13.04 has already been up and running with a number of very cosmetic changes. And we've been covering every detail of the release over the past 6 months. Now it's time for another major Ubuntu release cycle. In typical Canonical fashion, the next Ubuntu (Ubuntu 13.10 ie.) will have a qu ...
Left 4 Dead 2 beta Coming to Linux Next Week!Long before the official arrival of Steam for Linux client, we had a report revealing Valve's ambitious plans which also included a Linux port of their popular title Left 4 Dead 2 aka L4D2 (further read: 20 most exciting Linux games for 2012). Rumor-mills can all rest now. Valve has offic ...
Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 with GNOME 3.6 ReleasedAs far as I am concerned, this is a very important release. Ubuntu GNOME (previously called Ubuntu GNOME Remix) has one of the best implementations of GNOME Shell desktop. And as we've already seen in our earlier Ubuntu GNOME review, if you want the best of Ubuntu and pure GNOME in a single pa ...
Case About Bird Flu
NEW WEBSITE HAS GONE LIVE @ www.janeburgermeis ...Check out my new webiste under http://www.janeburgermeister.de. As Chancellor Angela Merkel warns a rerun of the Nazi rise to power in Germany can only be stopped by people of courage and conscience., I will be reporting on the fight for freedom and democracy from the German capital. http://www. ...
NEW WEBSITE HAS GONE LIVE @ www.janeburgermeis ...Check out my new webiste under http://www.janeburgermeister.de. As Chancellor Angela Merkel warns a rerun of the Nazi rise to power in Germany can only be stopped by people of courage and conscience., I will be reporting on the fight for freedom and democracy from the German capital. http://www. ...
COMING NEXT WEEK: MY NEW WEBSITE FROM BERLIN, ...Check out this blog for details of my new website due to go live next week. In addition to writing new books, I also hope to do regular reports from Berlin, Germany, where I have taken up residence after leaving Austria this summer. The capital of Europe’s most powerful economy, the decisi ...
COMING NEXT WEEK: MY NEW WEBSITE FROM BERLIN, ...Check out this blog for details of my new website due to go live next week. In addition to writing new books, I also hope to do regular reports from Berlin, Germany, where I have taken up residence after leaving Austria this summer. The capital of Europe’s most powerful economy, the decisi ...
AUSTRIANS VOTE BY TWO THIRDS FOR DRAFT ARMY IN ...*Austrians vote overwhelmingly to keep conscription in historic referendum and triumph for direct democracy *Mainstream media propaganda machine suffers death blow as new style of political campaign emerges *Politicians use internet to connect with grass roots, bypass corporate media *Austria ...
Invisible Opportunity
JCPenney Forced To Deny Tea Kettle Looks Like ...Jim Edwards | May 28, 2013, 2:56 PM JCPenney has officially denied that a tea kettle being advertised on a billboard on the 405 Interstate near Culver City, Calif., is intended to represent Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator during World War II. The notion that the kettle looked a bit like the ...
Activist Post: Why Do Kids Vitamins Contain As ...Sayer Ji Activist Post The #1 Children’s Vitamin Brand in the US contains ingredients that most parents would never intentionally expose their children to, so why aren’t more opting for healthier alternatives? Kids vitamins are supposed to be healthy, right? Well then, what’s g ...
Facebook wages censorship war against moms of ...by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) When Facebook suspended the account of a mom of two autistic children who held anti-GMO signs at the recent rally, it became national news. Drudge Report linked to our Natural News story which documented Facebook censoring multiple accounts for shar ...
Medicines kill 18,000 in France yearlyMediator pill is believed to have killed hundreds of people in France. The side effects from prescribed medication is responsible for at least 18,000 deaths each year in France, and the number is more than road accidents and suicides combined. Bernard Begaud — an expert witness at the trial of f ...
The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes ...What is the White House hiding about the demise of a boy they say they didn’t target but admit to blowing up? Conor Friedersdorf Last week, President Obama declassified the fact that four American citizens have been killed in U.S. drone strikes “to facilitate transparency and ...
Veterans Today
Western Aggression brings Russian Fleet back t ...- Will the Russian Fleet with it's S-400 missile defences and the ground based S-300s going into Syria block Israeli pre-emptive attacks, or act as a trip wire for them?
The Diplomatic Double Standards of Agent HagueUK foreign Secretary William Hague continues to surpass himself.
The Arabs: From the Barracks to the MosqueThe “mosque” and religious establishment in the Arab world was hardly on the side of people advocating and speaking up for their rights to freedom, for decent jobs, for education, for social services, for freedom from arbitrary and midnight arrests and torture, and for the most part were part of ...
Ultra-Orthodox Conscription EnforcedJewish Legalism is not my cup of tea; I favor coffee. Yet, from time to time, it is useful to remember the unjust fastidiousness of legalism.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – May ...Veterans are naturally drawn to communities. We’re closer than brothers and sisters in the military, and we’re more than a family in combat.
electric politics
A Real World Sanity TestIt would be stupid for China and Japan to again go to war. Stupid, but not impossible. Both claim a small set of islets in the East China Sea — about seven square kilometers of rock — called the Diaoyu by China and the Senkaku by Japan. Recently Japan, which has possession, fiddled w ...
(Re) Discovering Democracy'The internet is anti-democratic.' 'The computer never should have been invented.' 'The solution is for government to subsidize the news.' No, wait, that's all wrong... The fact is, if you want to learn something about the convergence of the media, the internet, and democracy, you should forget ...
Cyprus in CrisisCyprus really didn't have a choice about acceding to the Troika's demands: the costs of a precipitous, unplanned flight from the Eurozone were too great. Now, having signed up for indefinite indentured servitude, the Cypriots should take advantage of a small amount of breathing room to plan for ...
Going To TehranNobody has been more correct about Iran than Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett. Their latest, Going To Tehran (Metropolitan Books, 2013), lays out the logic of successful U.S. engagement. Also the perils of failure. I may be slightly more neutral than the Leveretts as I think that absent a diploma ...
Political MemoriesWhat we forget about our political history is perhaps a better indicator of who we are, or what we are, than what we remember. In some cases, moreover, forgetting can be catastrophic. The Congo, for example, cannot address its colonial past and consequently — though I admit this is arguabl ...
PR News
Listening is key to employee engagement, says ...NEW YORK: Companies succeeding at internal communications have established listening models to stay in tune with employees, according to a study from KRC Research and the Institute for Public Relations.
Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation hire ...ALEXANDRIA, VA: The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation has hired Ogilvy Public Relations as AOR to help increase the amount of people who fish for fun around the country.
Edelman names Fields GM in UAEABU DHABI: Edelman has hired Jane Fields as GM of its United Arab Emirates operations.
Porter appoints Ovseyevitz to lead Latin AmericaNEW YORK: Porter Novelli has promoted Karen Ovseyevitz to president of Latin America, effective June 1.
Jostens, PsyBar tap Maccabee for PR supportMINNEAPOLIS: Jostens, a national producer of yearbooks, class rings, diplomas, and championship sports team memorabilia, has hired Maccabee for PR and social media marketing.
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- The Navy, Marines don’t have to furlough civil ...
- Condi had her doubts about the surge; Whither ...
- Carter in Asia; The Navy fights alcohol abuse; ...
- Steve Hadley at FP: “I should have asked that ...
- Allen speaks about the day the Afghanistan cam ...
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
Bike MonthVelofest Edmonton League and Organization (VELO) 1 Jun 2013 (All day) - 30 Jun 2013 (All day) June is Bike Month in Edmonton. Check out the Bikeology website for events throughout t ...
EcoLiving TourEcoLiving Events 8 Jun 2013 - 09:00 - 15:00 From the EcoLiving website: This is a great opportunity for home buyers to see the technology installed and working; ask questions a ...
Update on the Alberta Energy RegulatorAlberta Environmental Network 1 Jun 2013 - 10:00 - 12:00 In December 2012, the Government of Alberta passed the Responsible Energy Development Act which creates a single regulator f ...
Call for Comments: Proposed Ambient Air Qualit ...Organization: Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development Initiative: Alberta Ambient Air Quality Ob ...
Call for Comments: Proposed Ambient Air Qualit ...Organization: Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development Initiative: Alberta Ambient Air Quality Ob ...
Mediterranean Dialogue: NATO Forges New Milita ...North Atlantic Treaty Organization May 29, 2013 Algerian high-level delegation visits NATO to discuss NATO-Algeria Cooperation Algerian delegation at NATO headquarters last November On 30 and 31 January, an Algerian delegation from the Follow-up Committee for the Mediterranean Dialogue, includin ...
Georges Duhamel: The demon of war had imprison ...==== Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Georges Duhamel: Selections on war ==== Georges Duhamel From The Heart’s Domain (La Possession du monde) (1919) Translated by Eleanor Stimson Brooks It is repugnant to the spirit to admit that anything can be a blessing which ...
Afghanistan: Germany To Prolong First Post-Wor ...http://www.stripes.com/news/germans-prep-for-post-2014-role-in-afghanistan-1.222524 Stars and Stripes May 28, 2013 Germans prep for post-2014 role in Afghanistan By Alex Pena ==== As of now, it’s likely that the Germans will be the second largest supplier of troops to the mission in Afghanistan ...
Afghanistan: Germany To Prolong First Post-Wor ...http://www.stripes.com/news/germans-prep-for-post-2014-role-in-afghanistan-1.222524 Stars and Stripes May 28, 2013 Germans prep for post-2014 role in Afghanistan By Alex Pena ==== As of now, it’s likely that the Germans will be the second largest supplier of troops to the mission in Afghanistan ...
NATO Renews Partnership Invitation To Libyan L ...North Atlantic Treaty Organization May 27, 2013 Libyan Prime Minister visits NATO NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told Libya’s Prime Minister Ali Zeidan on Monday (27 May 2013) that the Alliance was proud of the role NATO played to protect the Libyan people…Stressing NATO’s ex ...
Before It's News
Empty newsfeed.
Intel Hub
Eric Holder: Four Americans Killed by US DronesJG Vibes | The Obama administration finally admits that their drone program has targeted US citizens.The post Eric Holder: Four Americans Killed by US Drones appeared first on Intellihub.com.
Department of Homeland Security Teaching Kids ...Cassius Methyl | Public schools in cooperation with the department of homeland security are now teaching kids safety measures, and advising that they seek relief in FEMA camps in a time of crisis. But are these post disaster relief camps, or military internment camps? The post Department of ...
JFK Assassination Controversy Erupts at Huffin ...author | An interesting controversy over the JFK assassination has erupted at the Huffington Post.The post JFK Assassination Controversy Erupts at Huffington Post appeared first on Intellihub.com.
Salt Lake City Cop Rips Out My Insulin PumpCop Block | Long story short, the supervisor showed up and made the cop give me back my pump. The ambulance showed up and I went with them because I was then bleeding where the port is.The post Salt Lake City Cop Rips Out My Insulin Pump appeared first on Intellihub.com.
Researchers Discover that the Tulasi Plant Can ...Andrew Puhanic | An exciting and new water treatment breakthrough has been announced that will now make the removal of fluoride from the drinking water supplies of the world’s poorest people more affordable than ever.The post Researchers Discover that the Tulasi Plant Can Be Used To Remove ...
Paralysed Prisoner Still Not Released From Prison25 May 2013 by Alliance for Kurdish Rights Ramazan Özalp, a Kurdish political prisoner in Antep Prison in Turkey, became paralysed due to the tumor in his brain. Despite this and having undergone 3 medical operations, Özalp has still not been released from prison, DIHA (Dicle News Agency) repor ...
Paralysed Prisoner Still Not Released From Prison25 May 2013 by Alliance for Kurdish Rights Ramazan Özalp, a Kurdish political prisoner in Antep Prison in Turkey, became paralysed due to the tumor in his brain. Despite this and having undergone 3 medical operations, Özalp has still not been released from prison, DIHA (Dicle News Agency) repor ...
Turkish prison authorities beat Kurdish politi ...24 May 2013 by Alliance for Kurdish RightsTaylan Çintay, a Kurdish political prisoner suffering from cancer, was hospitalized one day after his medical operation. He started bleeding as he was beaten at the entrance of the prison and was taken to the emergency room. The prison authorities launch ...
Turkish prison authorities beat Kurdish politi ...24 May 2013 by Alliance for Kurdish RightsTaylan Çintay, a Kurdish political prisoner suffering from cancer, was hospitalized one day after his medical operation. He started bleeding as he was beaten at the entrance of the prison and was taken to the emergency room. The prison authorities launch ...
“The mighty Chhattisgarh falters, once a ...Monday, May 27, 2013 | Place: New Delhi | Agency: DNA by Manan Kumar One lakh (100,000) men of state police, 40,000 paramilitary fighters and 11 IAF copters fail to make a difference on ground. [Photo: Securitymen inspect the site of ambush on Sunday. 27 people were killed and over 30 ...
Ken O'Keefe
Egyptian Blockade of Gaza, Israeli Trade for W ...This is simply amazing, the border that Israel controls 100%, the border between Jordan and the West Bank, is now open for the very first time... for TRADE! Yet, the border controlled by the 'Muslim Brotherhood', the border between Gaza and Egypt, remains virtually closed to trade.
Ken O’Keefe in Tehran – “Ira ...It is time to stop being chumps, it is time to actually give some meaning to the word patriot. It is especially time for those in the police, military and government who took an oath to uphold the Constitution to honor that commitment. Are you a person of honor? Or are you a fraudster? A coward?
Words from an Honest, Intelligent & Compassion ...Words from an honest, intelligent and compassionate Jew... words from a respected brother with a hugely important message that should be heeded by every single Jew on this planet.
Press TV’s News Analysis – Israel ...In this program I get to respond directly to one of Israels countless prostitutes of propaganda in the mainstream media, Daniel Pipes.
Trade Not Aid Update – November 6, 2012 – ...Today was the final hearing for the case against the Trade Not Aid hijackers Cate (Catherine) Myles (aka Soraya Fitzgerald) and Sammi Coulthard (aka Saja Rana & Maitreyi Atmaja). It cost over £600 in court fees, money that should have gone directly into the cause. It took countless hours o ...
Life is change and change is lifeAnd here is proof: The Courant's parent company, Tribune, is backing away from maintaining this particular blog format -- Movable Type -- in favor of another blog platform, one that is unworkable here. Namely, the new format allows blog comments to go online unapproved, and -- I say th ...
Maybe CEO salaries need a Buffett rule"Peer benchmarking" helps move compensation for CEOs ever higher. Perhaps one of the high-dollar bosses should take a page from Warren Buffett, who in August suggested in a New York Times essay that the rich don't carry their weight in taxes. Meanwhile, Buffett, himself, has refined his earlier ...
De-pinkifying breast cancerThere's a growing movement that seeks to turn the pink ribbon upside down. You can read more here. Flickr photo
Why the occupation?You can see more Mother Jones charts here. You can read about Hartford's budding Occupation here, with a planning meeting set for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at Bushnell Park, and again at 5 p.m.
Cleansing after Yom KippurYom Kippur starts at sundown on Friday and here's one man's take on it. Flickr photo
Associated Content
Military Responds to Oklahoma TornadoThe Oklahoma National Guard, joined by Air Force personnel, are on location in Moore, OK, following an EF4 tornado that struck the community yesterday. At least 250 Army and Air National Guard soldiers and airmen have been dispatched.Contributor: Charles Simmins Published: May 21, 2013
Watching Tornadoes and Severe Weather Go Right ...Not everyone here in Oklahoma is sitting outside in a lawn chair, or chasing tornadoes in their cars, some of us are trying to be prepared, calm children, and be safe.Contributor: M.D. Weems Published: May 20, 2013
Super Cell Tornados Tearing Through OklahomaSuper cell tornadoes have been carving paths of destruction throughout Oklahoma since Sunday afternoon.Contributor: Marie Lowe Published: May 20, 2013
Congress Wants the Abrams, but the Army Says ' ...There’s a reason that there’s a huge bloated Pentagon budget, and it really doesn’t involve the Pentagon. It’s about Congress and the private sector pushing for products the government doesn’t want or need.Contributor: John A. Tures Published: Apr 29, 2013
The Red Line Crossed, Obama Now Must Step Up i ...According to Politico, the Obama administration has acknowledged that Syria has crossed “the red line” it said it must not cross and has dropped sarin gas on its own people. The bluff having been called, the White House is mulling what to do next.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Apr 26, 2013
Popsci - Science
Who Was H.M.? Inside The Mind Of The Amnesiac ...A botched lobotomy left 27-year-old Henry Molaison unable to form new memories. This is how Molaison's personal tragedy became science’s gain. My friend’s father was a neurosurgeon. As a child, I had no idea what a neurosurgeon did. Years later, when I was a graduate student in the Department of ...
Soyuz Crew Sets Record For Fastest Trip To Int ...How'd they do it? The crew of Expedition 36 aboard the Soyuz TMA-09M set a record for the fastest trip ever to the International Space Station. From launch to docking, the trip took 5 hours and 39 minutes. That’s six minutes faster than the previous Soyuz that used the new “fast track” four-or ...
Scientists Discover Massive Methane-Based Ecos ...It's only the third cold seep discovered off the U.S. Atlantic Coast, and it could help researchers understand how life exists in harsh environments, including potentially on other planets. Scientists on a research mission sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Nationa ...
Big Pic: Countdown To A Soyuz Rocket LaunchThis pictorial tidbit from our friends at NASA shows a Soyuz rocket awaiting launch at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The plane in the front of the rocket is a wind vane. Three astronauts from NASA, the European Space Agency and Roscosmos, the Russian Federal Space Agency, are scheduled ...
Where People Screw Up The National Anthem [Inf ...You've probably seen at least one of the recordings, or, Lord forbid, actually been at a game, where a singer botches the words to the National Anthem. Whoops! Embarrassing. But also interesting! Where, exactly, are these singers messing up? Deadspin took a look, scouring YouTube to find the ve ...
Veterans Today
Western Aggression brings Russian Fleet back t ...- Will the Russian Fleet with it's S-400 missile defences and the ground based S-300s going into Syria block Israeli pre-emptive attacks, or act as a trip wire for them?
The Diplomatic Double Standards of Agent HagueUK foreign Secretary William Hague continues to surpass himself.
The Arabs: From the Barracks to the MosqueThe “mosque” and religious establishment in the Arab world was hardly on the side of people advocating and speaking up for their rights to freedom, for decent jobs, for education, for social services, for freedom from arbitrary and midnight arrests and torture, and for the most part were part of ...
Ultra-Orthodox Conscription EnforcedJewish Legalism is not my cup of tea; I favor coffee. Yet, from time to time, it is useful to remember the unjust fastidiousness of legalism.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – May ...Veterans are naturally drawn to communities. We’re closer than brothers and sisters in the military, and we’re more than a family in combat.
War is Business
State Lawmaker Accused Of Diverting Contract M ...Startling allegations against a conservative Oregon legislator who also runs a hot-zone aviation business and a military training range.
“Surveillance Inc.”: Profit Makes ...Sell moral responsibility Sell moral responsibility • Read more at The Atlantic
2011 Not So Bad For U.S. Defense Contractors, ...Buy downturn insurance Buy downturn insurance • Read more at Govpro
Americans In Afghanistan Likely Causing More C ...Even the most cash-strapped, podunk county prosecutor's office would be embarrassed by these numbers. Three audits completed. Two bribery convictions. Three million bribes a day.
Obama To Sidestep Rules In Bahrain Arms Deal ( ...Sell formalities Sell formalities • Read more at Foreign Policy
Hudson's Weather & Climate
Disruptive snow possible at the weekendHASH(0x4ff5288)
In the big freeze - but for how long?HASH(0x474e1d8)
Outlook for the rest of MayHASH(0x5bc6710)
Widespread heavy rain on its wayHASH(0x4812858)
Fleeting taste of summer about to endHASH(0x5f91a40)
Internat'l Political Economy
Econo-Champions League: All Germany, No SpainYesterday evening the de facto Queen of Europe, Angela Merkel, sat in the VIP section of London's Wembley Stadium as two German teams--perennial European giants Bayern Munich and upstarts Borussia Dortmund--contested the Champions League final. That Bayern Munich finally succeeded in its third a ...
Language Games: Should French Unis Teach in En ...I have long been fascinated with the France's Academie Francaise, a body intended to guard the French language from the barbarisms of other, uncouth languages. The erstwhile linguistic barbarians have changed over the centuries: whereas the Academic Francaise was developed as a bulwark to Spanis ...
Geopolitics of Eurovision: Echoes of YugoslaviaFormerly known as the Cold War Studies programme, LSE IDEAS has always been focused on post-1989 events in that part of Europe. As out founders keep saying, understanding the Cold War is key to understanding the current era of globalization. I need not remind anyone that the wars there were espe ...
Liberation Theology, Leonardo Boff & 'Fixing' ...What is the difference between a socially active priest and one who dabbles in leftist politics? The dividing line was much clearer during the Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI eras when the latter was strictly verboten and priests were discouraged from engaging directly--especially in electora ...
Divorces of (Real-Estate) Convenience in ChinaTo paraphrase Steely Dan, this is not your Haitian but your Hainan divorce. Recent regulations in China intended to tamp down real-estate speculation have had an unintended consequence of separating happily married couples to take advantage of better tax benefits accruing to single persons: Long ...
Economic Collapse Blog
Basel III: How The Bank For International Sett ...A new set of regulations that most people have never even heard of that was developed by an immensely powerful central banking organization that most people do not even know exists is going to have a dramatic effect on the global financial system over the next several years. The new set of regu ...
The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To ...The financial system of the third largest economy on the planet is starting to come apart at the seams, and the ripple effects are going to be felt all over the globe. Nobody knew exactly when the Japanese financial system was going to begin to implode, but pretty much everyone knew that a day ...
40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Econo ...If you know someone that actually believes that the U.S. economy is in good shape, just show them the statistics in this article. When you step back and look at the long-term trends, it is undeniable what is happening to us. We are in the midst of a horrifying economic decline that is the resu ...
The Colorado River, The High Plains Aquifer An ...What is life going to look like as our precious water resources become increasingly strained and the western half of the United States becomes bone dry? Scientists tell us that the 20th century was the wettest century in the western half of the country in 1000 years, and now things appear to be ...
Will It Be Inflation Or Delfation? The Answer ...Is the coming financial collapse going to be inflationary or deflationary? Are we headed for rampant inflation or crippling deflation? This is a subject that is hotly debated by economists all over the country. Some insist that the wild money printing that the Federal Reserve is doing combine ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
Empty newsfeed.
E U Times
Empty newsfeed.
Voiceless Victim
How many Cardinals will return from Rome?In Australia on Friday, Cardinal “Big George” Pell luxuriously draped his massive frame up the pointy end of a plane, heading for Rome and the preliminary rounds of the title fight known as the papal conclave. There he will duck and weave and sucker punch with the best of them before ...
Rat in the Vat Gives Up Funny HatOut of the blue, the world’s most powerful paedophile protector has announced he is handing over the keys to the best room in the Vatican. This sudden and unexpected break with six centuries of tradition, where aged and often senile Popes usually only release their maniacal grasp on absolu ...
Child Rape, Truth and PoliticsRegular readers will know Voiceless Victim was chosen to represent victims at a morning tea with the Australian Prime Minster, Julia Gillard, at her gorgeous official Sydney residence, Kirribilli House, the day after the announcement of the terms of reference for our long awaited Royal Commissio ...
George “Marie Antoinette” Pell tel ...Like the opulently robed 18th Century Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, who reportedly dismissed her starving peasants’ need for bread with the stunningly insensitive quip, “let them eat cake”, the opulently robed Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney, George Pell, yesterday dismisse ...
Voiceless Victim Invited to Tea with the Prime ...Who would have imagined as little as twelve months ago, that Australian victims would be about to start work on their submissions to the Royal Commission into institutional child sex abuse we were told so many times would never happen. And that we would be generally pretty happy with its newly a ...
WL Central
2013-05-14 Statement of Lisa L Williams on Bra ..."News reports yesterday indicated that Bradley Manning, widely known to be gay, had been selected to be one of the Grand Marshals of the annual San Francisco gay pride parade, named by the LGBT Pride Celebration Committee", wrote Glenn Greenwald. "When the predictable backlash instantly ensued, ...
2013-05-10 Request for Credentials - United St ...Subject: Request for Credentials - United States vs. Pfc. Bradley E. Manning's Court Martial (UNCLASSIFIED) From: "USARMY Ft McNair mdw Mailbox Mediadesk OMB" Date: Fri, May 10, 2013 10:27 pm To: Undisclosed recipients:; Priority: Normal Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Media Advi ...
2013-05-10 Assange Speech for Global Exchange ...Thank you for this honor. I am very happy to be sharing it with Noam Chomsky whose generosity and strength of character I have felt personally. Noam, you are the sea--relentless and enduring. You have crashed wave after wave of understanding into towering cliffs of lies, eroding them at their ba ...
2013-05-02 LGBT leaders champion WikiLeaks sol ...Bradley Manning Support Network www.bradleymanning.org ( http://www.bradleymanning.org/ ) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nathan Fuller, 516-578-2628 ( tel:516-578-2628 ) press@bradleymanning.org LGBT leaders champion WikiLeaks soldier after SF Pride controversy Last Wednesday, it was publicly ...
2013-04-30 Article 39(a) Pre-trial Hearing Sch ...Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE NEWS RELEASE The U.S. Army Military District of Washington Guardians of the Nation's Capital FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 13-14 DATE: April 30, 2013 Article 39(a) Pre-trial Hearing Scheduled for United States vs. Pfc. Bradley E. Manning WASHINGTON - An arti ...
U N News
Countries must build on successes of decoloniz ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today encouraged Caribbean countries to build on the successes of decolonization, in remarks to a United Nations-sponsored regional seminar in Quito, Ecuador.
Colombia: Ban welcomes agreement between gover ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the announcement that the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) have reached an agreement on rural development.
Walters T.T. Samah: Evolving role of a UNV reb ...After a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on 12 January 2010, United Nations Volunteer Walters Tohnji Tikum Samah was one of the first from the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to visit its epicenter, Léogâne, some 25 km west of the capital, Port-au-Prince.
UN human rights office urges trial to be decid ...The United Nations human rights office today said it was "concerned" about the legal rights of Guatemalans after a high court overturned the 80 year prison sentence against former military leader, Efrain Ríos Montt.
UN human rights expert welcomes shift in Presi ...An independent United Nations human rights expert has welcomed what he said was a ground-breaking speech by President Barack Obama in which the United States leader laid out principles governing the use of counter-terrorism measures such as targeted killings.
Conspiracy Reality TV
Evidence of Missile Attack on West, TX Fertili ...Why blow up a fertilizer plant in the middle of nowhere? Makes no sense, right? Well actually is does considering that the West Fertilizer plant in Waco Texas was becoming a big issue for the Monsanto Corporation.
Boston Marathon Bombing Predicted in Family Gu ...The fact that police were engaged in a bomb drill before the event, yet after the bombing, came out and said there was no drill whatsoever.
Scientists Lose Funding for Speaking the Truth ...Global Research is posting several points of view with regard to Global Warming with a view to fostering analysis, discussion and scientific dialogue. For further details see our Dossier on Climate Change (M.Ch., March 31, 2013) This article was originally published by Global Research in April 2 ...
Fusion Centers Full of Rogue Law Enforcement S ...Now we have the United States Senate saying the complaints are true. These are rogue law enforcement people serving no good, just becoming spies.
September 11, 2001 – A Danish Point of V ...And after 15-20 minutes they turned towards New York, turned off their transponder, and nobody did anything. It was if they were deliberately permitted to go astray, without any authoritative interference.
Rewilding Institute
One Vision of Ecological JusticeBy David Skrbina On present estimates, we humans share the Earth with some 8 million other animal species, and some 1 million plant species. Yet we Homo sapiens—a single species—dominate the ecological basis of this planet. We use, by some accounts, about 40% of the global “net primary product ...
Settlement Reached In Wolf Legal FightConservationists help craft balanced plan; includes stronger legal standards, improved livestock husbandry, greater public accountability. Salem, Oregon – After seventeen months of grueling negotiations, conservationists, Governor John Kitzhaber, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODF ...
Sea Shepherd Launches Operation Reef Defense C ...Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is proud to announce the launch of Operation Reef Defense, a global campaign to end the destruction of coral reefs and the many threats they face worldwide. Coral reefs represent some of the planet’s most biologically diverse ecosystems providing critical habita ...
Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – The 1964 ...In order to assure that an increasing population, accompanied by expanding settlement and growing mechanization, does not occupy and modify all areas within the United States and its possessions, leaving no lands designated for preservation and protection in their natural condition, it is hereby ...
The “New Conservation’s” Surrender to Developmentby Brian Miller, Michael E. Soulé, and John Terborgh Abstract When a functioning ecological system is perturbed by human activity, processes are distorted and species diversity often declines. Research has shown that loss of species diversity decreases productivity, resilience (stability), effic ...
Asia Sentinel
The China factor in Global Rice• (http://twitter.com/share) Polluted crop may push up sales to Beijing
Indonesia Squeezes Freedom of Expression• (http://twitter.com/share) Post-Suharto reforms were dramatic but there is still a long way to go
Delhi's Tango with Tokyo• (http://twitter.com/share) Manmohan Singh goes looking for friends
Malaysia Continues Under a Cloud? (http://twitter.com/share) National elections on May 5 haven't cooled political and racial tensions
Healthy Women is Smart Economics: Report? (http://twitter.com/share) World Bank says investment in women's reproductive health is crucial
We Know the Lies
Elected Back Stabbers... See Who Is 'Paid Off' ...Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter. As long as they help Monsanto slide its icy tentacles into the food chain, there’s a financial 'tip' available. ~ List read more
List Of Monsanto Free Seed CompaniesThe following is a list of Monsanto Free Seed Companies. If the government will not stand up for our rights, then it is time to make a statement on our own. read more
Gun Owners... Manuals For Nearly EVERY Firearm ...An amazing list of manuals for nearly EVERY firearm on the plant! ~ List - Free Downloads read more
Boy Scouts Of America Are Officially FinishedThe Boy Scouts of America threw open its ranks Thursday to gay Scouts but not gay Scout leaders - a fiercely contested compromise that some warned could fracture the organization and lead to mass defections of members and donors. ~ JD Longstreet read more
'Spontaneous' Combustion: Can Bodies Burn From ...Can bodies burn from the inside out? When human beings are discovered burned to a crisp alone in their otherwise unscathed homes amidst no evidence of mayhem -- no telltale blowtorches, cigarettes or Butane -- rumors swirl: of mysteries and miracles in which bodies inexplicably burst into fl ...
A New GOP Provocation: House Reactionaries Def ...Webster G. Tarpley Ph.D. TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio May 25, 2013 [download audio]
Make Helicopter Ben Bernanke Help Finance Your ...Webster G. Tarpley on The Jeff Rense Program rense.com May 22, 2013 [download audio]
Fed Up with Wall Street Looting and Fed Lawles ...Webster G. Tarpley Ph.D. The Webster Tarpley Program – UnboundRadio.com May 21, 2013 [download audio]
Challenge to Rand Paul and Tea Party: If Your ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. Coast to Coast AM with George Noory May 21, 2013 [download audio]
TARPLEY ON GEORGE NOORY’S COAST TO COAST ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net May 20, 2013 For a radio station near you or to listen online please check: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/
Modern Survivalism
Is Your State A Police State?Have you ever wondered where your state ranks with regard to the total number of police, or police density compared to other states? Is your state a police state? Here is the data, map, and chart which illustrates the police density across the country… All politics aside, one might ...
Memorial Day HonorsToday, Memorial Day, Americans gather at cemeteries, memorials, monuments, and at parades nationwide to honor fallen military service members. Thank you to all the Vets and to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives… Regardless of your opinion of ‘why’ or ...
Are Tornadoes More Deadly Today?Many people believe that tornadoes are getting worse and/or more deadly than they have been before. Since we so often hear about severe weather, storms, and tornadoes in the news, one cannot help but wonder if things are getting worse. Here is some perspective regarding deadly tornadoes… & ...
Major Disasters Rank By State (The Best And Worst)Since 1953, 60 years of data reveal that there have been 2,115 “Major Disaster Declarations” in the United States according to government statistics listed by FEMA. You may be surprised to discover the list of states that rank higher than the rest with regard to number of disasters o ...
A Govt Database “No One Has Ever Seen Be ...Maxine Waters, a U.S. Representative [D] for California’s 43rd congressional district, has revealed a nugget of information during an interview with Roland Martin… …in which she confirms that President Obama has established a database “on every individual;” in essen ...
Fast Company
The World’s Loveliest Advertisement For DeathThis award-winning ad for a Japanese funeral home casts the inevitable in a whole new light (and tons of pigments). There are times when design needs to be understated, when it needs to recede into the background. Spaces where the proportions of a room, a wall treatment, or a tacky chandel ...
Mapping How Cities Smell, Block By BlockSight is just the most obvious way to navigate a city. Your nose is also constantly being stimulated. What do you know about your city’s "smellscape"? We map most aspects of cities these days, but some senses are better catered to than others. We have a lot of visual documentation (s ...
Space Selfies: How To Get Your Mugshot Taken I ...Two new privately funded space telescopes will let schools and universities perform space imaging on the cheap. Self-portraits in outer space (yes, they exist) are just the beginning of the new space telescope race. Both Planetary Resources and the International Lunar Observatory Associati ...
Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg Talks Targeting ...Speaking at the AllThingsD event, Sandberg wouldn't be drawn on M&A matters, but did say she liked Google's Glass device. Just as Tim Cook faced tricky questions from the stage and the audience at the D11 event yesterday, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg took questions in the hot seat toda ...
“Ikea In Swedish” Is Here To Tell You Exactly ...A website solves the mystery of frequently unpronounceable Ikea products. Although Ikea purports to protect its customers from belligerent garden gnomes, one thing the Swedish furniture retailer can’t seem to save them from is mispronunciation-related embarrassment. Luckily, that pro ...
New Texts Out Now: Mark Fathi Massoud, Law's F ...Mark Fathi Massoud, Law's Fragile State: Colonial, Authoritarian, and Humanitarian Legacies in Sudan. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book? Mark Fathi Massoud (MFM): I wrote this book to investigate the nature of the l ...
New Texts Out Now: Ayca Cubukcu, The Responsib ...Ayça Çubukçu, “The Responsibility to Protect: Libya and the Problem of Transnational Solidarity,” Humanitarianism and Responsibility, special issue of Journal of Human Rights 12 (2013). Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this article? Ayça Çubukçu (AÇ): This article originated in a piece I wr ...
Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (May 29)[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to ...
Constantinople and Smyrna in the Diasporan Arm ...[Part One of this article can be found here.] Constantinople in Diasporan Armenian Films While artistic production in the Armenian diaspora has been nowhere near as abundant as it had been in Constantinople during the final decades of the Ottoman Empire, generations of diasporan Armenian artis ...
DARS Media Roundup (May 28)[This is a bi-weekly roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Resistance and Subversion in the Arab world and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the DARS Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in eac ...
Why a Media Shield Law Isn't Enough to Save Jo ...Matthew Cooper / NationalJournal.com: Why a Media Shield Law Isn't Enough to Save Journalists — The only way journalists will be protected is if prosecutors stop being so quick to go after them. — I'm all for a shield law to protect journalists and their sour ...
As protesters gather in Midtown, Koch brothers ...Joe Pompeo / Capital New York: As protesters gather in Midtown, Koch brothers call Tribune bid ‘media speculation,’ tout union record — Protesters will gather in Midtown today to try to fend off the sale of a newspaper chain to conservative activists. — ...
Citizen Wanes - The Bay Citizen brand winks ou ...John Mecklin / Columbia Journalism Review: Citizen Wanes — The Bay Citizen brand winks out—and leaves behind a lesson about nonprofit governance — Way back in the distant mists of mid-2010, The Bay Citizen, a San Francisco experiment in nonprofit civic ...
Amazon moving ahead with five original TV seri ...Alistair Barr / Reuters: Amazon moving ahead with five original TV series — Amazon.com Inc said on Wednesday that it will make five original TV series, having used viewer feedback to pick the shows out of a group of 14 pilots filmed by the world's largest Internet retailer ear ...
TuneIn raises $25 million, nabs new CFO from G ...Janko Roettgers / GigaOM: TuneIn raises $25 million, nabs new CFO from Google to monetize radio streaming — Palo Alto, California-based TuneIn has raised a new $25 million round of funding, and it plans to put that money to good use. TuneIn CEO John Donham told me Tuesda ...
Chemtrail News
CHEMTRAIL AND UFO SIGHTING, PORIRUA, NZ ...I suspected it of being a Chemtrail and therefore pulled out the video camera to film it. Many planes went by during the shooting, more than any other time I have ... https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.com/.../chemtrail-and-ufo-...
Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-en ...Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-engineering 'chemtrails' www.naturalnews.com/033691_chemtrails_Maui.html
10 mile long chemtrail 1 Videoprobably longer. denver,co 9/23/11 Author: Boondox681 Keywords: denver ten mile long chemtrail Added: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:33:25. vodpod.com/watch/15460352-10-mile-long-chemtrail-1
ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic ...Headlines ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic Terrorism'! ... Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health · Heavy ... www.davidicke.com/.../53899-chemtrail-pilot-admits-to-dome...
Chemtrail Rainbow - YouTubeChemtrails caused rainbow....no rain. ... I have several (which I think are ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcOyMeW0xpU
World News - Top Stories
China's top paper says EU solar probe "be ...BEIJING (Reuters) - China's top newspaper condemned a plan by the European Union to levy hefty duties on its solar panel exports on Wednesday as "bean counting" being driven by EU bodies as a selfish way of pushing their own agendas. The European Commission, the EU's executive, accuses China ...
World's 100 best beaches May 29, 2013 -- Updated 0515 GMT (1315 HKT) 25. Sun Island Beach, Maldives 24. Egremni Beach, Greece 23. Crane Beach, Barbados 22. Boulders Beach, Cape Town 21. Juara Beach, Tioman Island, Malaysia 20. Rarotonga, Cook Islands 19. Maya Bay, Ko Phi Phi, Thailand 18. Gardner Bay, Espanola Islan ...
Summer rolls help squeeze veggies into th ...When it comes to packing a picnic basket, sandwiches are almost always the stars of the menu. And why not? They are easy to eat with your hands, pack well and are versatile enough to keep everyone happy. And for the rest of the meal, we tend to lean toward yet more finger food — chips, cooki ...
A lot can happen in Varanasi too Banarsis are enjoying the holiday season by travelling around the globe. But those who have stayed back in the city are making the most of the vacations Gaana aaye ya na aaye My friends and me hold karaoke sessions on a regular basis at each other's place in the evening. At...
Agriculture gets new lease of life The government is hoping that the new loan it received recently from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Ifad) will boost the agricultural sectors share of GDP earnings, currently only contributing 3.2% of the countrys total income. The $3 million loan, which is expected to ...
no frakking consensus
Young Greens Say the Darndest ThingsStudents in the fossil fuel divestment movement employ venom and vitriol, but little persuasive argument.
The Divestment DreamworldThe campus fossil-fuel divestment campaign may be stylish, but it's short on substance.
They Call This Higher Education?Civilized debate appears to be an endangered species.
The Royal Society Gets RadicalWhen the word "radical" is used four times in two sentences, something is amiss.
Recent Press ReleasesPress releases e-mailed to this blog tell a strange tale.
Anna's News
Now it's 4D film: The high-tech cinemas which ...Hollywood is converting blockbuster films into 4-D because cinemagoers are shunning pricey multi-dimensional 3-D versionsBut the experience has left some fans feeling sick, damp and pummeled after watching movies like Kung Fu Panda 2 and the latest ...... Submitted by Anna Smith to Science & ...
10 Best British Open PerformancesRory McIlroy's Tiger-esque performance at Congressional has many golf fans wondering what the 22-year-old has in store for Royal St. George's, one of the most difficult courses in the Open Championship rotation. Past winners Walter Hagen, Sandy Lyle and.. Submitted by Anna Smith to World ...
Tiny snails survive digestion by birdsSnails are able to survive intact after being eaten by birds, according to scientists.Japanese white-eyes on the island of Hahajima, Japan feast on tiny land snails. Submitted by Anna Smith to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
National Parks at Risk: PhotosNational parks represent our country's last stronghold of wilderness. But the large majority of parks are suffering, too.Ninety-five percent of parks assessed in a recent study have lost key species that once helped define them. Meanwhile, 91 percent .... Submitted by Anna Smith to Animals &nbs ...
Suicide rates in Europe 'linked' to financial ...The financial crisis "almost certainly" led to an increase in suicides across Europe, health experts say.The analysis by US and UK researchers found a rise in suicides was recorded among working age people from 2007 to 2009 in nine of the 10 nations...... Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Well ...
Medical Marijuana
5/24/13 - Top Pro & Con Quotes:Should tablets ...tablets-textbooks.procon.org - Top Pro & Con Quotes:Should tablets replace textbooks in K-12 schools?- Read pro and con arguments from former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Julius Genachowski (pro), Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tuft ...
5/22/13 - UPDATED: Same-Sex Marriage Timeline ...gaymarriage.procon.org – UPDATED: Same-Sex Marriage Timeline 1970-2013 – Gay marriage became legal in New Zealand on Apr. 19, 2013, in Uruguay on May 3, 2013, and, most recently, in France on May 18, 2013. 14 countries now permit same-sex couples to marry.
5/21/13 - Vermont becomes the 4th US state to ...euthanasia.procon.org - Vermont becomes the 4th US state to allow physician-assisted suicide - Governor Peter Schumlin signed the bill into law on May 20, 2013, the first time physician-assisted suicide has been made legal in the United States via the legislative process.
5/17/13 - Economic Impact of Golfgolf.procon.org - Economic Impact of Golf: State by State - See the number of golf facilities in 31 states, along with the economic output, jobs, and wage income created by golf. California has the highest total economic output from golf, totaling $15.1 billion per year.
5/15/13 - Illegal Immigration Around the World ...immigration.procon.org - Illegal Immigration Around the World: 13 Countries Compared to the United States – While the United States had 2.7% - 3.9% of its population living in the country illegally between 2000 - 2010, 13 other countries we reviewed had illegal immigration rates averagin ...
Truth About Our World
NotificationThis blogs entries have been moved to http://worldtruthtoday.wordpress.com/ I will no longer post anything here, although site will remain open for a while. Thanks Grace
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
Mother of toilet pipe baby could not afford ab ...The mother of a Chinese newborn flushed down the toilet says she was abandoned after a one night stand.
McGuire willing to step down while slur invest ...The Australian television presenter is willing to step down while a racial slur he made is investigated.
UK informs UN chief of chemical attacks in SyriaBritain has written to UN Secretary-General about more suspected chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government.
Arrest made following Disneyland dry ice blastAn employee has been arrested after a dry-ice "bomb" exploded at the theme park.
Vincent and Bruno tie the knot, a first in FranceVincent Aubin and Bruno Boileau exchanged vows in Montpellier today.
environment 360
Growth in Electricity Availability Must Double ...The rate of expansion of access to electricity will have to double over the next 17 years if the world's population is to achieve 100 percent access to modern energy, a new report says. While about 1.7 billion people became connected to electricity sources worldwide between 1990 and 2010, that i ...
Interview: Pollan Explores Links Between Biodi ...In his new book, Cooked, author Michael Pollan once again delves into issues relating to the connections Photo by Fran Collin Michael Pollan between the environment and what we eat, and, more broadly, to humanity’s relationship to the natural world. Taking control of cooking, he argues, m ...
Majority of Earth’s Population Faces Water Sho ...A conference of 500 of the world’s leading water scientists issued a stark declaration at the end of a four-day meeting in Germany, warning that within two generations a majority of the people on the planet will face problems obtaining ample supplies of clean water. At the meeting, “Water in the ...
China Poised to Launch Much-Anticipated Carbon ...China has revealed details of a carbon cap-and-trade pilot project that will be launched next month, a much-anticipated market attempt to rein in carbon dioxide emissions by the world’s biggest emitter. The first phase of the program, which will be implemented in the southern city of Shenzhen, w ...
Research on Microbes Points To New Tools for C ...Improvements in DNA technology now make it possible for biologists to identify every living organism in and around a species. Scientists say this could have profound implications for everything from protecting amphibians from a deadly fungus to reintroducing species into the wild. BY RICHARD C ...
State of the Beach - BeachapediaTags: beach surf zone water quality erosion response ...
Suffer the Children | Psychology Todayundefined Tags: children psychology ADHD_label
Lies My Country Told MeTags: lies propaganda government expose psyops online radio
Tar Sands WatchTags: water pollution ecosystem genocide woodlands
Agriculture Defense CoalitionTags: agriculture food-poisoning
Empty newsfeed.
Daily Beast
Back to School at ChloéClaire Waight Keller debuts a collection inspired by “night buses, independent spirit, and bare legs."
Kenzo Livens Up ParisWith a collection inspired by ancient temples in India and Nepal.
Comme Des Garçon's "Infinity of Tailoring"And, in one look, Big Bird gone couture.
Céline Gets Cozy for FallDesigner Phoebe Philo presented a cool collection of wooly outerwear and unexpected proportions.
BREAKING: Queen To HospitalAides tell the Royalist she will likely be in hospital for two days
Netanyahu’s Facebook Page Replete With Racism, ...Bibi Netanyahu published today an execrable screed denouncing the Syrian people as blood-swilling heathen. It is beyond offensive.
York Mosque Counters EDL Protest with Tea, Bis ...Demonstrators who had gathered to protest at Islamic centre accept invitation to take refreshments and open a dialogue.
Grimsby Islamic Centre Set Ablaze by Suspected ...Coincidence?: A day after the EDL demonstrated in the town's center the local mosque was torched.
Anti-Muslim March Held in UK Over KillingFar-right protesters made their way through central London as a wave of anti-Islamic sweeps through Britain.
One Region in Myanmar Limits Births of MuslimsAuthorities in the state of Rakhine have imposed a two-child limit for Muslim Rohingya families.
Energy News
- U.S. senator reveals “truly shocking” informat ...
- TV: “Unbelievable”… Officials made ‘spoof’ vid ...
- Seaweed causes shut down of multiple nuclear r ...
- Source: “Very interesting” mystery black subst ...
- Accident in Japan releases ‘exotic soup’ of ra ...
Japan Times
Abe, Singh ink statement on nuclear dealIndian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Tokyo counterpart, Shinzo Abe, sign a joint statement to promote talks to conclude a peaceful nuclear power cooperation ...
Miura returns home after setting Everest recordAlpinist Yuichiro Miura, 80, returns to Tokyo after becoming the oldest person to scale Mount Everest.
‘Fast fashion’ of South Korea, Singapore arrivesIn the competitive Japanese "fast fashion" market, two new Asian brands have recently come in to challenge domestic and Western rivals. South Korea-based Mixxo and Singapore's ...
Troussier urges Japan to clinch World Cup spot ...Former national team manager Philippe Troussier has warned Japan not to sit back and play for the single point it needs to secure a place ...
China biggest rival as Japan seeks to tap Afri ...When the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami led to three core meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, an atomic calamity that effectively ...
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins House, Blog Destroyed Sandy ...Alexander Higgins House, Blog Destroyed By Sandy Flooding When I was 16 my “foster” parents through me out on the streets in the middle of the Blizzard of ’96 and I spent the next 8 years battling homelessness. I worked … Continue reading →
Disaster: Massive Traffic Jams As 11 FT Hawaii ...Hawaii residents a stuck massive in an hour long traffic jams trying to flee an 11 foot Tsunami is less than 30 minutes from hitting the shore.
ALERT: Update 11 FT Tsunami Heading Toward Haw ...A live Weather channel alert warns that a 7 foot Tsunami is heading directly toward Hawaii following a major 7.7 earthquake off the coast of Canada earlier.
Seattle Police Given Approval To Deploy NDAA S ...The FAA has given Seattle police approval to start using NDAA surveillance drones for law enforcement spy operations on American citizens.
Sandy Worst Storm In 100 Years: East Coast Awa ...A massive storm is expected to hit the East Coast during the days leading up to Halloween, which meteorologists anticipate will cost up to $5 billion in damages.
Macleans - Central
The QP Clip: Mulcair’s prosecution continues...
Arrested Development’s elephant in the roomJessica Allen on what's shaping up to be Hollywood's new standard of beauty
Whatever happened to the Backbench Spring?It would be nice to think the House could help sort out the Duffy-Wright affair
Robert Fowler and the RansomA letter from the leadership of al-Qaeda’s North Africa branch to its erstwhile employee,...
Is the government planning to audit my iPod use?And if not, what exactly is Jim Flaherty talking about?
Making It Count - CCPA
Any jokes in it? Cultural exception and state ...France and Québec have sealed alliances in the past to defend the principle of cultural exception. It essentially aims at limiting the effects of globalization within the cultural industry, already under anglo-saxon domination. State funding of the film industry has sparked a number of debates w ...
On the Abuse of Language: “Modernizing” Labour ...The government of Saskatchewan is currently undertaking a controversial overhaul of the province’s labour legislation into the mammoth omnibus Bill 85. But those that might be concerned about the rather rash decision to overturn 107 years of labour legislation in the period of a few months ...
New mining royalties: much ado about nothingOn Monday, the Parti québécois government announced a new mining royalty regime. Its hybrid proposal combines aspects from two types of royalty systems: profit based and ad valorem royalties. In this blog post, we will demystify these ways of calculating royalties in order to best analyze the go ...
Dude, where’s my job?The real unemployment rate for Canadians over 25 was 8.8% in April. Not great, for sure, but slightly better than it was in 2009. For youth 15-24, it was up from last April – to 20.9% – so more than 1 in 5 youth are looking for work and can’t find it. In Ontario, it’s [.. ...
Polozogistics: Nine Thoughts About the Choice ...1. He’s Number Two: Stephen Poloz was widely acknowledged in economic and political circles as the second-best choice for the top job at the Bank of Canada. So the surprise was not that he was chosen. The surprise was, Why Not Tiff Macklem? Will someone please find out and tell the ...
Has Israel groveller David Miliband changed hi ...Stuart Littlewood is surprised at the invitation by a pro-Palestinian medical charity to former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband - a proven groveller to Israel - to speak at its annual fundraising gala.
IMPORTANT: OUR WEBSITE IS CHANGINGRedress Information & Analysis is moving to www.redressonline.com. From now on we will publish new articles on www.redressonline.com only and, in the meantime, we will transfer important long-shef-life articles from our old website to the new one.
What might Netanyahu do if Romney's defeat bec ...Alan Hart examines whether Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is mad enough to order an attack on Iran in what remains of Obama’s first term without the president’s blessing and American participation.
Israel's Salafi foot soldiers in the wake of a ...Nureddin Sabir argues that Israel must bear responsibility for creating the climate that gave rise to the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims". But it is Israel's Salafi and Wahhabi foot soldiers behind the violent protests across the Arab and Muslim worlds who may eventually bring Arabs and M ...
Anti-Islam film: free speech or inciting to riot?Lawrence Davidson argues that outage against the anti-Muhammad film "Innocence of Muslims" "has exposed the deep vein of anger against the United States that runs through the Muslim world", but doubts that American leaders would have the courage and foresight to re-examine the policies and behav ...
Revolutionary Politics
Empty newsfeed.
Escalating Water Strains In Fracking Regions“It’s bad enough that Western farmers and ranchers are reeling from a three-year-old drought and record heat waves. Now they’re feeling the heat from the goliath energy industry – over water. From Texas to Colorado, hydraulic fracturing energy production is using larger amounts of water. S ...
Private suppliers cashing in on acute water sh ...“The hill station might have attracted a record number of visitors this year. But the summer is harsher this time in the town as an acute drinking water problem has left the residents in many areas at the mercy of private water suppliers and a few streams in low-lying areas, which too have ...
Syrian hackers try to attack Haifa’s wat ...“Syrian Web activists loyal to the regime of President Bashar Assad launched a failed cyber attack on Haifa’s water supply system, a senior scientist and Web expert revealed on Saturday. Prof. Yitzhak Ben-Yisrael, chairman of the National Council for Research and Development, said that mem ...
Desalination“The City of Santa Cruz and the Soquel Creek Water District are planning jointly to construct a seawater desalination plant. The construction cost is estimated to be over $100 million dollars. Ratepayers in the City of Santa Cruz will be on the hook to pay 60% of that cost. Water rates wil ...
World on course to run out of water, warns Ban ...“Ban Ki-moon has warned the world is on course to run out of freshwater unless greater efforts are made to improve water security. Speaking on the UN’s International Day of Biological Diversity, Ban said there was a “mutually reinforcing” relationship between biodiversity ...
D. Kucinich
The NDAA: More War Abroad and More Austerity H ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today spoke on the House floor in strong opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). See video here. “In this discussion over the NDAA, we arrive at a moment where we meet the moral consequences of our nation’s choices over the past decade. W ...
Kucinich: NO to #CatFoodChristmasCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today strongly objected to a proposal to cut Social Security benefits. The White House suggested a reduction in Social Security to cut costs as part of the so-called “fiscal cliff” negotiations. The proposal called the “Chained Consumer Price Index” would ...
Kucinich: Report on Benghazi Not the Full StoryCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today took to the House floor to remind colleagues that while a supposedly independent investigation faulted the State Department for security failures in Benghazi, Libya it was the Administration that took us to war and created the chaos in Libya. See video h ...
Kucinich: Diplomacy Over ProvocationCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement regarding H.R. 3783, Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act of 2012. “In the developing relationship between Iran and the United States, there are many important issues to be addressed. We should address them throu ...
Kucinich Calls for Organized Approach to Peace:Washington D.C. (December 17, 2012) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today took to the House floor to call for an “organized, structured approach” to peace in the wake of the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. On Friday, Congressman Kucinich offered words of condolences to the familie ...
Authentically Wired
say Hello to HEMP…say Hello to HEMP … Hemp Farming Seriously Begins 05-27-2013 • arclein In April, Kentucky passed a measure to legalize industrial hemp production, over the objections of local law enforcement who said it would turn the state’s residents into a bunch of stoners. Kentucky farme ...
how long do we allow this…Child Protective Services cannot get adequate funding from our State Legislators… not surprising when they are busy supporting and cavorting with lobbyists and campaign contributor$ all the while presumably looking after OUR interests… Filed under: Blogroll
poll results can very easily be manipulated…as long as you are fully aware like Mark Twain noted … figures don’t lie, but liars figure … poll results can very easily be manipulated … but believe it if you determine for yourself by independent research or just believe because you’re too damn lazy to do your own research… Poll: 54 p ...
John need to ascertain the number of bullets n ...…Arizona’s premier war monger … “dishonest” John McCain needed to secure the count of the number of bullets and “boy-toys” his compadres in America’s military-industrial-corporate-congressional-complex will need for their next war… Filed under: Blogroll
Another "white-out"…and like a good ostrich you thought it was simple cloud overcast the result of “mother-nature” … guess again… Another "white-out" over Arizona skies Donna Hancock …http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Article/135319-2013-05-27-another-white-out-over-arizona-skies.htm?From=N ...
Popular Technology
97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Paper ...The paper, Cook et al. (2013) 'Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature' searched the Web of Science for the phrases "global warming" and "global climate change" then categorizing these results to their alleged level of endorsement of AGW. These res ...
13,950 Meaningless Search ResultsIn the never ending quest for alarmists to one up their incompetent friends they continue to seek out new ways to demonstrate their own computer illiteracy. Enter James Powell who in a meaningless analysis is apparently ignorant that the 'Web of Science' database does not have a "peer-reviewed ...
The 1970's Global Cooling AlarmismDuring the 1970s the media promoted global cooling alarmism with dire threats of a new ice age. Extreme weather events were hyped as signs of the coming apocalypse and man-made pollution was blamed as the cause. Environmental extremists called for everything from outlawing the internal combusti ...
Skeptical Science: From Al Gore to Al JazeeraIn March of 2012, the climate alarmist website Skeptical Science had their forums "hacked" and the contents posted online. In a forum thread titled, "From Al Gore to Al Jazeera" John Cook proudly posted, "Al Jazeera want to feature SkS as the Site of the Week... Am sending them some info and pi ...
Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund: Please Donate!Hurricane Sandy ravaged the New Jersey coast and while it may not be in the news anymore, many people are still suffering. Flooding damage to the barrier islands was severe and FEMA is not providing anywhere near the funds people need to repair their homes or replace their cars. Popular Technol ...
Monga Bay ( Articles )
New global network bridges gap for primate con ...Drawing from her personal experience as a primate educator and the challenges she saw others facing, Amy Clanin envisioned a network that would advance the field of primate conservation education by addressing three needs of educators: connections, resources, and services. It was this vision tha ...
A Tale of Two Elephants: celebrating the lives ...On March 21st, the organization Save the Elephants posted on their Facebook page that two African elephants had been poached inside a nearby reserve: "Sad news from the north of Kenya. Usually the national reserves are safe havens for elephants, and they know it. But in the last two weeks two of ...
All the world's rarest birds in one book: phot ...The World's Rarest Birds is an extraordinary bird book. 590 different bird species are classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered, with many species only existing in captivity. A new book, The World's Rarest Birds, catalogs all of these species. Each species is shown with remarkable color ...
Conservation without supervision: Peruvian com ...When we think of conservation areas, many of us think of iconic National Parks overseen by uniformed government employees or wilderness areas purchased and run from afar by big-donor organizations like The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, WWF, or Conservation International. But ...
What if companies actually had to compensate s ...The environment is a public good. We all share and depend on clean water, a stable atmosphere, and abundant biodiversity for survival, not to mention health and societal well-being. But under our current global economy, industries can often destroy and pollute the environment—degrading pub ...
Science - NZ Herald
Bryan Walker: Threat of expanded mining too gr ...Climate scientist Jim Salinger's grim picture of where we are headed if carbon dioxide levels continue to rise shows up the New Zealand Government's wish to intensify the exploration and extraction of our fossil fuels as an abandonment...
Bomb tests help work on cold caseData from nuclear bomb testing helped New Zealand scientists pinpoint the age of a skeleton found in Australia, leading to a decades-old cold case being reopened.The University of Waikato's radiocarbon dating laboratory helped to...
Blood-based plastic a green bonusMaking plastic out of dead animals might seem slightly gruesome but it could turn out to be a real money-spinner for one Kiwi start-up.Hamilton-based Aduro Biopolymers has devised a method for making bio-plastic out of blood meal,...
Chris de Freitas: Science proves alarmist glob ...Several aspects of Jim Salinger's op-ed "Climate hurtling towards a hothouse Earth" (Herald 24/5/13) are quite misleading.It is true most climate scientists would agree that rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to fossil...
Asteroid to pass by close enough for detailed scanAnother giant space rock is set to sail by the Earth just a few months after our last close encounter - but an expert says asteroid armageddon isn't something we need to worry about any time soon.What are termed Near Earth Objects,...
The Bovine
Vernon Herschberger’s court victory repo ...Unlike the recent worldwide March on Monsanto, Vernon Herschberger’s recent court triumph is getting ink in the mainstream media. Here’s an excerpt from a story in the Wall Street Journal, of all places: “Raw-milk proponents celebrated a Wisconsin farmer’s acquittal ̷ ...
“March against Monsanto” in Toront ...Robert Bright reports on the Toronto March against Monsanto: SPECIAL TO THE BOVINE: On a chilly, but sunny Saturday afternoon in Toronto, I made my way down to St. James Park on King Street East between Jarvis and Church Streets. … Continue reading →
Three out of four not guilty for Vernon Hersch ...From Rick Barrett, in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Baraboo — Dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger was acquitted on three of four criminal charges early Saturday morning in a trial that’s drawn national attention from supporters of the raw, unpasteurized milk movement. Jurors in … Continue re ...
Baraboo raw milk trial calls to mind George Or ...From Daniel McAdams, writing for the Ron Paul Institute blog: “The trial of Vernon Hershberger for the crime of selling healthy, unprocessed milk to informed and willing customers is sadly a damning commentary on the times in which we currently live. This … Continue reading →
From the Vernon Herschberger trial still going ...From David E. Gumpert on the Complete Patient blog: “Defense testimony from one of Vernon Hershberger’s buying club members since 2004, Joseph Plasterer, as to how he came to seek out the farm’s food. Plasterer: “We were looking for some … Continue reading →
Mish's Global Economic Trends
Spain Records Largest First Quarter Deficit in ...Spain keeps digging a bigger and bigger hole as the latest economic reports show. In spite of massive tax hikes, overall revenue is down 5.3% YoY Tax collections are down 6.7% YoY VAT collection is down 9.9% in spite of a September increase in the VAT rate Non-interest expenses are up ...
Book Supporting Euro Exit Becomes Instant Best ...In an interesting development in the battle to see which country is bright enough to exit the euro first, a book urging a return to the Escudo (the prior Portuguese currency) became an instant a bestseller in Portugal. The Wall Street Journal reports Idea of Euro Exit Finds Currency in Port ...
Speculative Gold Bets at 5-Year Low; Metal Wil ...Sentiment is never a perfect timing instrument.Yet, with Hedge Fund Bets on Gold at Five-Year Low I am comfortable stating the gold bull market is not over. Hedge funds are the least bullish on gold in more than five years as speculation about the pace of money printing by central banks wh ...
Evolution of Spanish Public Debt and Pension P ...Inquiring minds may be interested in a chart of Spanish public debt over time to see how the policies of Spain and the Troika are working out in practice. Evolution of Spanish Public Debt Over Time I picked that chart up from estrategiastendencias. My stab at a translation ...
Dutch Defined Benefit Pension Plans, Second La ...Things are getting rather interesting in the Netherlands as low interest rates have increased pension deficit liabilities. Unlike the US and other parts of Europe where deficits are ignored, Dutch law requires 105% funding and the plans fell from 152% funded in 2007 to 102% funded today. T ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 29, 2013Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
Reyhanli-Gate: The Cover Up & Changing Story o ...Did the Rift between the Turkey’s AKP Government & Imam Fethullah Gülen’s Cult Lead to the Death of 52 Turkish Citizens? By Peter Edel Reyhanli, a town in the Turkish province of Hatay near the Syrian border, was hit last month by a double bomb attack – 52 dead victims, a sad record. S ...
Obama: Defending the IndefensibleObama Reflects the Worst of Rogue Leadership His doublespeak duplicity reflects the last refuge of a scoundrel. He’s the worst in recent memory. Perhaps the worst ever. Forked tongue rhetoric can’t disguise it. Throughout his tenure, he governed lawlessly. He’s done so at home ...
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 28, 2013Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
The EyeOpener Report- The AP Spying Story: Wha ...In recent weeks we have been told to focus on a series of scandals which, we are told, are rocking the Obama Administration. Has the media finally found outrage over the Obama regime’s use of drone strikes to kill scores of innocent women and children in countries that are not even at war ...
bloody crossroads
Is Obama a Fraud?The debt deal is yet another sign that hope and change has been a fiction from the start: Like many, I was extremely hopeful when Obama won in 2008. And like many I’ve become totally disillusioned with the president and … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesGood politifact piece on how Social Security functions and its solvency How the state is revoking our civil liberties by imprisoning people, in some cases for up to 15 years, for recording police brutality with smart phones Economist Dean Baker … Continue reading →
The Tyranny of American HealthcareFor those who read this on Splice, be sure to re-read the unedited version… Why are we trying to prop up a broken system?: Do you realize how badly you’re being screwed by the health insurance corporations? Let me give … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
Opportunity Ripe for Shipping Boom Along Arcti ...Shipping along the Arctic northern sea route is set to grow more than 30-fold over the next eight years and could account for a quarter of the cargo traffic between Europe and Asia by 2030, experts say.
Diamond Offshore Orders New $755 Million Semi, ...Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. (NYSE: DO) signed an agreement today with Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. to build a new Moss CS60E design, harsh environment semisubmersible drilling rig. The 10,000’ dynamically positioned rig [...]
Cecon Puts EMAS AMC’s Newly Acquired Lewek Cen ...EMAS AMC, the subsea services division of EMAS, announced today that its pipelay vessel, the Lewek Centurion has been contracted by Cecon in the North Sea for some 60km of pipeline installation [...]
Newly-Built Hopper Dredger “Jean Ango” Deliver ...The hopper dredger “Jean Ango” has been handed over to its owner, Dragages-Ports. The 1,500 m3 dredger was designed and built in Spain by Astilleros de Murueta, using Damen dredging [...]
Farstad Accepts Delivery of the PSV Far StarlingFarstad has just accepted delivery of the platform supply vessel Far Starling (STX PSV08 CD), recently built at Vard Vung Tau shipyard in Vietnam. A long-term facility has been drawn [...]
Press TV
‘Syria has no preconditions for talks’Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem says Damascus has no preconditions for taking part in peace talks that are set to be held in Geneva in June.
‘IAEA fully monitors Iran N-activities’Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) monitors all the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy activities.
‘More defence cuts could undermine UK’British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has said further defence cuts could undermine the country’s military capability, adding that he wants an “adult conversation” with Chancellor George Osborn over the issue.
Bahrainis hold fresh anti-regime demo Bahraini demonstrators have staged a fresh anti-regime protest rally in the capital Manama despite the ongoing heavy-handed crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy protesters in the Persian Gulf kingdom.
‘All options on table about Syria’The US government says all options remain on the table about Syria including the idea of enforcing a no-fly zone over the Arab nation.
Asia–Pacific Analysis: Rain harvesting can ave ...To ensure South-East Asia's growing population has enough water to drink, we need to collect more rain, says Crispin Maslog.
Parasite-resistant maize developed by Kenyan s ...A Kenyan researcher is hoping that the deadly cereal parasite Striga weed will be stopped in its tracks by two new maize varieties.
Disaster risk reduction science urged to show ...Scientists must do more to show policymakers how research can help to minimise the risk of disasters, says areport.
Traditional knowledge 'can enable precision fa ...Farmers in developing countries could replicate costly high-tech precision farming techniques with traditional knowledge, an expert suggests.
Twitter could offer fast and cheap earthquake ...An earthquake-reporting system analyses tweets for keywords such as "shaking" and then emails a rapid warning, a paper reports.
Congressional Budget Office Director's Blog
The United States is Experiencing the Longest ...The rate of unemployment in the United States has exceeded 8 percent since February 2009, making the past three years the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. CBO projects that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The share of ...
Models Used by the Military Services to Develo ...The military services—the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps—use modeling techniques to inform parts of their annual budget requests. As directed by the Congress in the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act, today’s CBO study provides information on the models used ...
Treatment of PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury b ...More than 2 million service members have deployed in support of overseas contingency operations (OCO) in Iraq and Afghanistan since October 2001. Two combat-related conditions that affect some OCO veterans and that have generated widespread concern among policymakers are post-traumatic stress di ...
Presentation to the National Economists ClubYesterday I spoke to the National Economists Club on our recently released Budget and Economic Outlook. My remarks reiterated much of what I said in several of last week’s blog posts: CBO Releases the Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022 Fundamental Fiscal Challenge How ...
Federal Budget Deficit Totaled $349 Billion fo ...The federal government accumulated a budget deficit of $349 billion for the first four months of fiscal year 2012, CBO estimates in its latest Monthly Budget Review, $70 billion less than the shortfall recorded for the same period last year. Without shifts in the timing of certain payments, howe ...
Naked Scientists - News
Why can't penguins fly?The ability to fly is an adaptive trait in birds, but at least five lineages of seabirds have lost this skill over time. It was previously thought that as many flightless birds live in areas with few...
Printing a 3D windpipeTwenty month old Kaiba Gionfriddo was born with, Tracheobronchomalacia, a condition which affects the trachea, the long tube which connects our larynx (or voicebox) and our lungs. The role of this st...
Quickfire Science: Oklahoma TornadoTragedy struck Oklahoma this week, when a massive tornado at least a mile wide ripped through the town of Moore, leaving at least 24 people dead. Here's your Quickfire Science on these destructive for...
Cockroaches Lose Their Sweet ToothIn just 30 years cockroaches have evolved the ability to detect and avoid the traps commonly used to deal with them! Since the 1980s, the mainstay of cockroach control has been lures loaded with an ...
Scratching an Itch in MedicineA key part of the neurological signalling system that conveys itching sensations has been unravelled by US scientists, paving the way for the development of more effective treatments for eczema and ...
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