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Scoop - NZ
Printing Large, Plastic Solar CellsScientists have produced the largest flexible, plastic solar cells in Australia – ten times the size of what they were previously able to – thanks to a new solar cell printer that has been installed at the Australian science agency, CSIRO. The printer has allowed researchers from the Victorian ...
Woolwich: Unanswered QuestionsThe police only turned up twenty minutes after the event. ( Armed Police are stationed less than 1 mile away from the incident at Plumstead police Station. Lewisham Police Station is less than 3 miles away and is lauded as The largest in Western Europe…) Crazed killers don’t usually hand around ...
The Rendition ProjectOur Rendition Flights Database has been compiled in collaboration with Reprieve, and represents the world's largest set of public flight data relating to those aircraft suspected of involvement in the global network of renditions, secret detention and torture. The interactive here has been produ ...
International Crisis Group Vs VenezuelaThe International Crisis Group (ICG) sells itself as "working to prevent conflict worldwide" but there is one country where their mission looks more like promoting rather than preventing conflict. Exhibit A is their report on Venezuela, released on Friday. There is a lot wrong with this repo ...
Social housing staff diagnosing suicide riskOne member of staff working for Helena Homes reported entering the home of an older tenant living in sheltered housing to discover he had hanged himself on the back of the bathroom door. “We do have some of the very most deprived people in the whole country. These people have more or less jus ...
Independent - London
Syrian rebels turn on their political leadersSyrian rebel groups have strongly criticised their political leadership outside Syria, saying it has no real connection to the rebellion and calling for half of its members to be drawn from fighters inside the country.Related StoriesSyrian rebels urge European Union to send them weaponsSyrian re ...
Chinese army to conduct 'digital' war games fo ...The people's Liberation Army is planning to conduct its first “digital” technology military war games next month, part of its efforts to adjust to “informationalised war”, the Xinhua news agency has reported.Related StoriesMother of newborn 'Baby No. 59' found trapped in Chinese sewer pipe is t ...
France's first gay marriage: Sinatra plays as ...The mayor hailed the “historic moment” that two French people of the same sex were united in marriage.Related StoriesFirst gay couple to wed in France amid tight security after controversial new legislation sparked violent protestsRichard Nieuwenhuizen death: Teenagers on trial in shocking case ...
Trial begins of eight accused in killing of Du ...Seven Dutch teenagers and an adult man accused of kicking a football linesman to death at a junior league match have gone on trial in the Netherlands.Related StoriesFirst gay couple to wed in France amid tight security after controversial new legislation sparked violent protestsRichard Nieuwenh ...
Radio host reignites Aussie rules racism rowIn 1993, an Aboriginal Australian rules footballer, Nicky Winmar, lifted his jersey and pointed proudly at his black skin, in defiance of a spectator who was racially abusing him - an action captured in a photograph that seemed to mark a watershed in Australia's tolerance of racism.Related Stor ...
Rogue Government.com
UK Energy bills ‘to double in five years’ as ...Energy bills are likely to double within five years as the Government drives a move to green power and building nuclear power stations, it is claimed.
Blackwater’s New Director: Bill Clinton’s Law ...Blackwater’s rebranding continues at a torrid pace. Danger Room has learned the latest Washington greybeard hired to spruce up the image of the world’s most infamous private security firm is Jack Quinn, a top Washington lobbyist and former White House counsel to President Bill Clinton.
Government asks Jewish groups to join in anti ...For the first time, the federal government is expanding its community-based anti-terrorism campaign to a religious group — the Jewish community, victims of past attacks in the U.S.
Analyst: Even Dollar Stores Struggling In ‘Ob ...More stores across the U.S. that offer deeply-discounted products are seeing their sales decline after years of growth amid America’s “Great Recession” — and one analyst said on Monday it’s another sign of even deeper downturn.
Hackers claim they exposed Booz Allen Hamilto ...Hackers flying the AntiSec banner claimed today that they compromised a server at consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton and have released internal data, including about 90,000 military e-mail addresses.
Innovation Canada
Safety havenIf Canadian postal workers were to design the perfect winter boot, it would help them avoid slipping on icy walkways, stop them from missing their truck brakes while driving and keep them from getting their crampon spikes stuck in wooden porches.If the hearing impaired were looking for a hearing ...
Small tools, big impactCancer, heart disease and stroke are leading causes of death among Canadians. As a medical doctor, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and a Canada Research Chair in Bioengineering and Biophotonics, Victor Yang has a unique perspective on these deadly diseases. Based at ...
Innovative, naturallyFor the first time this past winter, the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) launched the Emerging Science Journalists Award (ESJA). The award was created to support Canada’s talented young science writers. Below is one of the winning entries by Roslyn Dakin, doctoral candidate in the Departm ...
A very gourd ideaIt’s been known for years that plants can take up and store trace amounts of hazardous metals like nickel, arsenic and cadmium from contaminated soil in a process called phytoremediation. Until recently, however, scientists assumed that plants weren’t capable of taking up a class of toxic chemic ...
Johne’s happensTrudging through a dairy farm to collect manure samples isn’t exactly glamorous work, but the odorous task is starting to have a big impact on the health of dairy cattle in Atlantic Canada — and it will save the dairy industry millions of dollars each year. Technicians at the University of Princ ...
Signs of the times
River ice jam causes major flooding in Alaska ...The National Guard has helped evacuate residents from a small community in Alaska's interior where a river ice jam caused major flooding, washing out roads and submerging homes and other buildings. State officials estimate several hundred people have left the town of Galena, which remained mostl ...
Advanced biological computer developedUsing only biomolecules (such as DNA and enzymes), scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed and constructed an advanced biological transducer, a computing machine capable of manipulating genetic codes, and using the output as new input for subsequent computations. ...
Deadly antiviral resistant flu appears in ChinaChinese researchers reported the first ever clinically documented case of resistance to the antiviral medication Tamiflu in patients infected with the H7N9 bird flu. In the case of 14 patients admitted to the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center in April, treatment with antiviral medications ...
Gold, currency debasement and the fall of the ...Have you seen what the gold price is doing? It's tanking almost as dramatically as the green energy investments, that's what. Though, of course, for rather different reasons. The latest downward move has been prompted, at least in part, by Cyprus selling off its gold to meet its debt obligation ...
From Laos to Yemen to Pakistan: Jeremy Scahill ...Jeremy Scahill and author Noam Chomsky recently sat down together at Harvard University to discuss Scahill's groundbreaking new book, Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield. Sponsored by the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard Kennedy School and the ACLU of Massachusetts.
The Galloping Beaver
Stevie's Tar Baby . . .THE BEAVER LAKE CREE JUDGMENT: The Most Important Tar Sands Case You’ve Never Heard Of. That's what Carol Linnitt at DESMOG CANADA contends. Do click on the link for more. Sure they’re bad for the environment, for human health, and for wildlife, but we rarely stop to wonder if the ...
The art of truth . . .THE CHRONICLE HERALD has a fine cartoonist in Bruce MacKinnon, who has fine advice for Duffy. Kudos to the man, made my day.
Corporate psychopaths . . .MONSANTO CAN BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. So contends GMO, a site devoted to "Raising awareness about the risks of genetically modified food (GMOs)", with an article, "Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen". Monsanto has been dangerous for a long, long time, since 1901. The company moved into the food area wit ...
Pox perspective . . .OUR WELTANSCHAUUNG: how much of it has been shaped because somebody creative had a dose? You know, the gift-that-keeps-on-giving, aka syphilis, aka "The French Disease"? Creative types, like Schubert, Schumann, Baudelaire, Maupassant, Flaubert, Van Gogh, Nietzsche, Wilde and Joyce and their cro ...
That $90,000 cheque . . .WE SHOULD BE This could cause more damage than all of the Stevie gaffes to date, because it won't play in the beer parlors aka "sports bars", where the politically unaware and ignorant hang out. These people are unsophisticated, and things like Global Warming and the Tar Sands pipelines ...
Media Matters for America
REPORT: Cable News Gives Housing Price Surge L ...Housing prices in March rose at the highest annual level since April 2006, a sign of positive economic development that went largely underreported by cable news networks.Housing Prices Surge Housing Prices Rise Above 10 Percent In March. According to the Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller index ...
Fox News Gets Its Flawed Holder Perjury Invest ...Fox News contributors pushed flawed claims that Attorney General Eric Holder committed perjury while testifying before Congress because Holder's comments on Justice Department examinations of reporter communications records as part of leak investigations supposedly conflict with Holder sign ...
REPORT: As Pain From Spending Cuts Grows, Medi ...Media coverage of the automatic spending cuts commonly known as sequestration has tapered off since the policies went into effect on March 1. This drop in coverage comes as more Americans report having personally felt the effects of the cuts.More Americans Report Being Personally Affected By Spe ...
"I'm Not A Lawyer, But ...": Right-Wing Media ...Right-wing media figures argued that Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner waived her Fifth Amendment rights at a congressional hearing by declaring her innocence before invoking those rights. By contrast, legal experts say Lerner's statement did not negate her constitutional protections ...
Collapsing Bridges, Collapsing Spending, And N ...In the face of repeated infrastructure related disasters, Fox News host Neil Cavuto has continued to dismiss calls for an increase in infrastructure spending, claiming that spending on infrastructure is high enough. In reality, infrastructure spending has plummeted in recent years.A Bridge ...
Global Research.ca
Israel Channels Weapons and Military Aid to Al ...‘If they (the Western Leaders) were concerned and sincerely committed to the peace process, they would immediately cease supporting a terrorist organization which is linked to al-Qaeda and which is involved in atrocities and killings in Syria.” Press TV has…
“Beat the Propaganda” Challenge! 15 Cents a Da ...Ever wonder why all news sound the same in the mainstream media? A quick look at media ownership answers that question and leaves no doubt on the necessity of independent media: “In 1983, the men and women who headed the…
“Battle of the Bees”: EU High Cour ...In Sept. 2011, the European Union’s top court paved the way for farmers and beekeepers to recoup losses when their crops or honey become genetically contaminated from neighboring GM fields. The European Court of Justice ruled that all food products…
Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attac ...The idea that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks has been an article of faith for public officials and the mainstream media. Calling it an “article of faith” points to two features of this idea. On the…
“The Wipeout”: The Attempt to Dest ...“What is finished is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every individual in it. It’s the individual that’s finished. It’s the single, solitary human being that’s finished. It’s every single one of…
TPM Cafe
Message to world government: Don't govern the ...You could think of the Aspen IDEA report published today as a letter to the head of the International Telecommunications Union, Hamadoun Touré, suggesting that he should reconsider his intent to put the "light touch" of government on the Internet's operations. M. Touré will be running a majo ...
Obama and Romney on Foreign Policy - Drawing t ...The political battle lines are being drawn for the general election debate over foreign policy and national security, and you can't do much better than my fellow Democracy Arsenal blogger Michael Cohen for a guide. One key theme of Michael's latest column for ForeignPolicy.com is what a differen ...
Will Yale's Alumni Save Liberal Education?Hoping to head off alumni resistance to the brand-new "Yale-National University of Singapore" college that the Yale Corporation has created somewhat stealthily in collaboration with the government of that authoritarian city-state, Association of Yale Alumni chairman Michael Madison has inadvert ...
Neocons Celebrate: We Got MJ Rosenberg, We'll ...The right-wing "pro-Israel" lobby has taken off its mask. In the wake of my departure from Media Matters, it is in a celebratory mood. In one article and column after another, the Israel-is-always-right types cannot contain their feeling of triumph. There are dozens of these articles. Here i ...
- Presented By:
Institute for Middle East Understanding
Palestinian workers say daily journey to Israe ...Around 4,000 Palestinian workers from the Hebron district face an arduous journey everyday as they try to cross into Israel via the Tarqumiya checkpoint. The luckiest workers can make i ...
The Courage to be Dangerous (Ismail Khalidi, ...I am a playwright primarily, but also an actor and poet. I am currently co-editing an anthology of Palestinian plays. My work often explores Palestinian identity and history. . . As a P ...
Hany Abu-Assad's "Omar" awarded at Cannes fest ..."Omar," the new feature film by Palestinian director Hany Abu-Assad (Paradise Now), was honored at the prestigious Cannes International Film Festival last weekend. The film, which uses ...
Israel's tax policies suffocate Palestinian Je ...Jerusalem has historically been the economic, political and cultural center of life for the entire Palestinian population. But after decades languishing under destructive Israeli polic ...
Israeli military vehicles, bulldozers enter Ga ...Israeli military vehicles escorted bulldozers into a border area in central Gaza on Wednesday, locals said. Seven bulldozers flanked by four military vehicles crossed into a border area ...
Water - AlterNet
Native American Communities From New York Laun ...Since New York was dubbed the "Empire State," Native American territory has been ransacked by ecological exploitation. Five years ago, Hickory Edwards was called to the water. A citizen of the Onondaga Nation, whose territory just south of Syracuse is the heart of the Haudenosaunee C ...
U.S. Groundwater Consumption AcceleratingThe depletion of aquifers has many negative consequences, including land subsidence, reduced well yields, and diminished spring and stream flows. RESTON, Virginia, May 23, 2013 (ENS) – Aquifers across the United States are being drawn down at an increasing pace, finds a new study releas ...
Keep the Arctic Cold: Why the Rush to Drill Al ...A leading international voice on arctic conservation addresses President Obama’s strategy for tapping America’s northern frontier. I wrote a letter to the editor as a follow up to the generous review “In the Beautiful,Threatened North” by Ian Frazier in ...
Keep the Arctic Cold: Why the Rush to Drill Mu ...A leading international voice on issues of arctic conservation shares some important updates about the future of drilling in the Arctic and President Obama’s recent announcement. I wrote a letter to the editor as a follow up to the generous review “In the Beautiful,Threat ...
How Our National Parks Are Threatened by FrackingA booming and unregulated energy industry is quietly but quickly encroaching on some of our most cherished national parks with gas and oil drilling fields. When I was a teenager, a friend and I cruised across the U.S., touring our national parks. What I remember most from that 1977 trip is rol ...
Public Citizen in Texas
A win for democracy at Austin City Council meetingThe democratic governance of Austin Energy has been preserved thanks to all the citizens who have turned out and did so again last night. It was a late night at City Hall yesterday. By the time many of us testified it was after midnight, but our efforts and those of our partners — the SEED […]
Austin City Council Heard Its CitizensOur basic premise that governance by an elected body is more accountable is proving true. Over the past couple months, many Austinites have expressed their concerns to City Council about a proposed ordinance that would establish an un-elected board to govern Austin Energy. Before citizens got i ...
Wayne Smith’s Pants are on FireAccording to PolitiFact Texas, State Representative Wayne Smith’s pants are on fire. PolitiFact Texas recently analyzed a statement regarding global climate change by Mr. Smith, a Republican from Baytown. During floor discussion of his greenhouse gas permitting bill, HB 788, he said, R ...
Keystone begins the destruction of Julia Trigg ...Excerpted from Julia Trigg Crawford’s facebook page. Crews from TransCanada/Michels/Universal Field Services and others I don’t recognize started arriving yesterday in preparation for the destruction on our place. Within hours of their arrival the pasture inside “their” fenced in are ...
Are lax Texas regulations creating the new gho ...The Calhoun County Port is located an hour southeast of Victoria, Texas, and across the bay from Port Lavaca, in Point Comfort. In March, I took a trip to this port city and was astonished by some of the issues I found there. The port has submitted materials to TCEQ for operating a bulk material ...
Unexplained Mysteries
Ancient frozen plants revived in labScientists have succeeded in reviving plants frozen during a miniature ice age centuries ago. Known as the 'Little Ice Age', the period of climatic co...
'Goblin' killer on the run in ZimbabweTwo elderly women were poisoned after being accused of using goblins to harm local children. The bizarre series of events took place in the village of...
Endangered whale used for Japan dog treatsCampaigners have revealed that a rare species of Icelandic whale is being used in Japanese dog treats. A Tokyo-based company has generated concern amo...
Exorcist calls for rules to be relaxedFather Gabriele Amorth claims to have personally rid the world of more than 160,000 demons. Head of the International Association of Exorcists, Father...
Dolphins recognized as non-human personsIndia has moved to classify dolphins as non-human persons whose rights and liberties must be respected. The change is a major victory for animal welfa...
Defending Seeds - The Via Campesina's 20-Year ...indiagmprotest.jpg "A seed is miraculous. A seed has life – you sow one and you reap hundreds.” – Nandini Jairam, La Vía Campesina member, IndiaSeeds have been a key issue of concern for the Via Campesina since its inception in 1993. As an ...
Debunking the Myths of GMOs, GRAIN Reportunorca_protest_3.jpg The stories of industrial agriculture as the only solution to end hunger re-emerge here and then, like weeds. At least, as biological indicators of soil quality and fertility, weeds are telling us the truth. The myth th ...
Seed Sovereignty in Haiti, What is it Good For?haiti_women_seeds.jpg Absolutely everything!read more
Report Exposes the History and Reach of MonsantoIn the news lately for asserting its [extended] patent rights and squelching attempts to label genetically modified foods, the mention of the word ‘Monsanto’ likely conjures up images of family farmers being sued, Agent Orange, the notorious rBGH growth hormone for cows, the suspected carcinogen ...
The Fight Against Monsanto Continuesmpp_seeds_burning.jpg On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of agro-chemical giant Monsanto and against small farmers on a seed patent case. This is just another example of the attacks faced by small farmers around the world. Our ...
Majority Face Water Shortages ‘Within Two Gene ...(Guardian) The majority of the 9 billion people on Earth will live with severe pressure on fresh water within the space of two generations as climate change, pollution and over-use of resources take their toll, 500 ...
Struggling Great Lakes Region Pinning Economic ...(AP) A century ago, the seven-story brick building a few blocks from downtown was a factory -- a symbol of an era when Milwaukee and other cities ringing the Great Lakes were industrial powerhouses churning out steel, automobiles and a ...
Water Managers from Seven Western States to Di ...(AP) Top water decision-makers from seven Western states plan to join conservation groups and Indian tribes in San Diego on Tuesday to begin hammering out rules for squeezing every useable drop from the overtaxed Colorado River. ...
Rail Picks Up Steam as a Way to Move Crude(Houston Chronicle) SAN ANTONIO — The surge in North American oil production has prompted energy companies to invest heavily in a 19th-century technology: rail. Companies including Valero Energy Corp., Tesoro Corp. and NuStar Energy al ...
New Energy Secretary a Shift From Chu(The Hill) New Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is taking a less aggressive tack with Congress than his predecessor Steven Chu. Moniz has pitched energy efficiency to Congress and the public in his first days on the job, highlighting an ...
Simon Property ups sustainability tech to lure ...The world's largest real estate firm is running pilot tests of a solar-powered EV station and plastic waste compressor.
Kroger to power distribution center with spoil ...The chain's grocery stores no longer will send food waste to landfills; instead, biogas generated by the waste will help power a distribution center.
AT&T and EDF join forces to develop Water Scor ...The tool gives facilities a score for their water management efforts by shedding light on water use and prioritizing opportunities for conservation.
Why companies should care about the human righ ...Water pricing, the business value of water and the human right to water are all issues that businesses face, especially in developing nations.
Plasticity Forum: Adidas and others find gold ...Faced with a tide of post-consumer plastic trash, organizations are thinking up innovative ways to profitably harness this potentially vast revenue stream.
Duly Noted
Ethiopia and Eritrea: An elusive peace on the ...Ethiopia and Eritrea are still at each others’ throats. The two neighbours fought hammer and tongs in sun-baked trenches during a two-year war over a decade ago, before a peace deal ended their World War I-style conflict in 2000. Furious veRed Sea, UNrbal battles, however, have continued to this ...
A Mafia in FATA: Haqqanis and DronesA new report about the Haqqani network's business interests raises questions about the anti-drones narrative in Pakistan
Are African governments suppressing art?The dust is finally settling on the storm that was kicked off in South Africa by a controversial painting of President Jacob Zuma with his genitals exposed.
Greek debt – remember the goatsGreece's creditors have essentially let it off the hook by overwhelmingly agreeing to take a 74 percent loss. So what better time to remember one of the first times Athens got in trouble with paying its debts.
Greeks on the streetGreeks smashing windows and setting fire to shops and banks in a fury of opposition to yet more austerity is gripping, but not unique. There are underlying elements than make such uprisings more common in Greece than elsewhere.
Booman Tribune
So Long, Bachmann The New York Times is reporting that Michele Bachmann will not seek reelection next year. In her congressional race last year, Mrs. Bachmann won re-election by just 4,200 votes out of 356,000 votes cast, beating the hotelier Jim Graves, who was greatly outspent. Mr. Graves recently announced ...
Know What You Are Getting Into Thomas Erdbrink reports in the New York Times on Iranian presidential candidate Saeed Jalili. Mr. Jalili is a hardliner who is close to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He has been the chief nuclear negotiator for Iran. A veteran who lost a leg in the Iraq-Iran war, he campaigns under the banner of "th ...
I Agree With PincusI don't feel comfortable being in such agreement with Walter Pincus. Mr. Pincus has developed exceptional connections and sources within the Intellligence Community during his career as a reporter, and I have often thought that he was too beholden to his sources. Yet, he really has been one of ...
A Bunch of Maroons It's hard not to laugh at Texas. I mean, look at their governor! What a moron that man is. To think that Texas will let 1.5 million residents go without access to health care just to spite the president is just humorous. So what if it costs the state's hospitals seven billion dollars? Who's ...
Long Time in the WorksThe New York Times takes a look at the president's change of approach on counterterrorism. I would have more to say about it but my MacBook Air decided to die today and all I have to work with is an old iPad. I can't really write with this keyboard. Suffice to say that the president has bee ...
Environmental Graffiti
10 Coolest Links of the WeekWhether you're into Barbies, Star Wars or helicopters, you'll love this week's round-up... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
The Growing Interest of Organic Food in NepalJournalist Stephen Bailey reports from Nepal on why fertilizers and pesticides are blighting the Himalayan country – and why organic farming might offer a solution. This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
10 Incredible Cryptids that Attack from the AirFrom the depths of the Javan jungle to the towns of the Northeastern United States – mysterious winged creatures can be found in local legends all over the world. This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
10 Coolest Links of the WeekHuman constructions can take many awe-inspiring forms – from kids’ playgrounds to university clock towers. These and other fascinating titbits... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
From Monstrous Tyrant to Preacher Man: The Con ...He sacrificed humans, trained children to kill, and slaughtered tens of thousands of people; but now General Butt Naked says he has found God and wants forgiveness. This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
Who Could Have Imagined That President Obama W ...At least he doesn't enjoy taking out terrorists like Bush did.
Afghanistan: Is It Really the End Game?There is no reason to continue the bloodshed in Afghanistan, which all the parties recognize will not alter the final outcome a whit.
Is the Drone Program Contracting -- or Expanding?To President Obama, drones are the answer to his foreign-policy prayers.
Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pie ...From mission creep to missileers asleep at the wheel.
The City and the CityCentral Europe has become an Apartheid region where Roma and non-Roma inhabit increasingly separate and decidedly unequal worlds.
Al Jazeera
Blast near Red Cross office in JalalabadAfghan guard killed in blast at the gate of humanitarian charity's compound in eastern city, official says.
Syria and Hezbollah bolster forces in QusayrAssad's elite forces and fighters from Lebanese Shia group sent to battle rebels in strategic city, activists say.
Top Pakistan Taliban leader 'killed by drone'Wali-ur-Rehman, who was poised to succeed Hakimullah Mehsud, targeted by US drone in North Waziristan, officials say.
Sectarian violence erupts in MyanmarCurfew declared in town in Shan state following destruction of Muslim orphanage and mosque in latest outbreak of unrest.
French arrest suspect in soldier's stabbingMinister says man accused of carrying out attack on a French soldier in a Paris neighbourhood was known to police.
Green Inc. - NYT
Follow Our Environmental CoverageWhere to find continuing coverage of the environment at The Times.
An AddendumSome longtime contributors to the Green blog will now be posting to the Caucus and Bits blogs instead, and they can be followed on Twitter.
A Blog’s AdieuThe New York Times is discontinuing the Green blog but plans to press on with aggressive energy and environment coverage.
Q and A: The Angry EconomistBecause of its natural gas boom, the United States is ahead of Europe in fixing climate change, the Oxford economist Dieter Helm argues.
A Snapshot of Drilling on a Park’s MarginsA photographer seeks to drive home the proximity of fracking to Glacier National Park.
Dot Earth News
The Case for a Profit Motive in Conserving the ...A capitalist turned conservationist defends the idea that environmental care can be good for business.
Where Will They Go When There’s No More ...A fresh musical take on the persistent tussle between war and peace -- and the human cost of conflict.
Old Batteries Crossing Borders Leave a Toxic L ...A proposal for cleaning up lead contamination from small car-battery recyclers in poor countries.
Science Group Criticizes Politicians for Globa ...A nonprofit group representing scientists dings officials at both ends of the political spectrum for global warming distortions.
Dot Chat: From Energy Campaigners to Solar Fin ...An online conversation with a young energy activist turned solar entrepreneur.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
Drupal 8 & Drupalcon 2013, Open Source content ...So North America's Drupalcon 2013 is happening in Portland this week - a lot of people are bringing the A-Game. I got out to the 2011 & 2012 Drupalcons in Chicago & Denver, but can't this year. Regardless here are a bunch of links I quickly slammed together about what's cropping up in th ...
Make Great Hack Cartel: CyberWar Afloat!! DIB ..."10 providers serve 80 percent of the market. We have classified relationships with a good number of them." -- US Rep Mike Rogers, reminding us how the government creates cartel structures [source Reuters] One of the more interesting news elements concerns how the federal goverment is going to ...
Cubic NUWAIX: Spoiler Alert! Uncompetitive Bid ...HOW TO CUBIC YR APOCALYPTIC SKRILLO FLOW? uncompetitive bidding :) source- CBRNE Exercise / CMAP Support Services - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities J&A6.302-1_-_J3PBCS5990.pdf - Dec 7 2012 Quick post about how much money you can make simulating the apocalypse for the new Home ...
Pentagon domestic operations switches from "pu ...This is an incredibly short period of time, he said, and it forces a change in the relationship between DOD and other agencies. The old paradigm was to have civil partners “pull assistance” from DOD, while now DOD will actually push assistance where it is needed. Defense.gov News Article: Offic ...
2013: Boston, paper gold, Obama signs Stock Ac ...Hang tight folks, it looks like we are on the cusp of another 'burst of change' on a few fronts. You should probably double the watts going to your news radar for at least 10-14 days, if you possibly can. And all those cheesy "financial systems" are getting Extra Discontinuous as they usually do ...
Daily Censored
- Israel Threatens Russia
- Obama’s Anti-Populist Agenda
- Obama Speech: What is new? What is the same?
- Obama: America’s Second Teflon President?
- Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo
AlterNet's Breaking News
Women may “evolve” out of menopause, says scie ...According to Dr. Aarathi Prasad, menopause is an artifact from a time when resources were scarce and it was common for women to die young. But today, she says, when life expectancy can stretch into the 100s and resources are plentiful for many women living in advanced economies, menopause is no ...
Why are Democrats so averse to conflict?I’ve never been in a real-deal, legit fight. I’ve seen a few, but I’ve never been in one myself. The ones I was witness to didn’t look particularly enjoyable, though, so it’s not like I look back regretfully on all those times I could’ve punched someone ...
World’s richest 8 percent earns half the plane ...The lead research economist at the World Bank, Branko Milanovic, will be reporting soon, in the journal Global Policy, the first calculation of global income-inequality, and he has found that the top 8% of global earners are drawing 50% of all of this planet's income. He notes: "Global in ...
Child stars Mara Wilson and Dylan Sprouse spea ...Though the names are different, former child stars are once again dominating the news cycle; plus ça change. The former-Disney-girls-gone-wild milieu of "Spring Breakers" earlier in the season, Justin Bieber's ongoing decompensation in the public eye, and the sad legal saga of Amanda Bynes ...
US fines Total $398 mn over bribes in IranFrench oil group Total's logo is seen in Paris on November 23, 2012. French oil giant Total was fined $398.2 million Wednesday to resolve charges it bribed officials in Iran to secure oil and gas concessions, US authorities announced.French oil giant Total agreed Wednesday to pay US authoritie ...
Institute for Policy Studies
The City and the CityCentral Europe has become an Apartheid region where Roma and non-Roma inhabit increasingly separate and decidedly unequal worlds.
Take Syria Seriously--And Stay OutWhy start another body count in a Middle East conflict with no direct relationship to U.S. security?
Yugoslavia: When a Country Actually Is Wiped O ...For many the decomposition of Yugoslavia into its constituent republics in the early 1990s was anything but smooth.
This Week in OtherWords: May 22, 2013Martha Burk weighs in on the military's lackluster efforts to stop sexual assaults within the ranks.
Syria: The Threats, the Claims, the Costs, the ...What the civil war in Syria and the Arab Spring have exposed is that the massive political and social transformation and real regime change underway is led by the people themselves, largely without military force and certainly with no role for the United States. U.S. military involvement serves ...
News you may have missed #838 (analysis edition)Delisle spy case barely caused ripples between Canada and Russia. Don't believe the hype on Chinese cyberespionage. US Predator drone program quietly shifted from CIA to DoD.
Chinese hackers ‘stole blueprints’ of Au ...Chinese government hackers allegedly stole the master blueprints and other highly classified technical information relating to the new headquarters of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization.
Canada spy agency refused to notify Mounties a ...Canada’s main counterintelligence agency opted to keep secret from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police vital information about a Canadian naval officer who spied for Russia.
WWII files reveal bizarre case of British cros ...A set of World War II-era British Foreign Office documents detail a highly unusual incident of a senior British spy, who was arrested in Spain for cross-dressing
Russia expelled ex-US embassy official who reb ...Russian authorities expelled a former American diplomat living in Moscow earlier in May, less than two months after he allegedly rebuffed an offer to spy on the United States for Russia.
War is a Crime.org
FIVE ACTIVISTS ARRESTED AT VOLK FIELD CALLING ...From Joy First CAMP DOUGLAS, WI – Five nonviolent activists attempted to deliver an indictment for war crimes to Volk Field Commander Colonel Dave Romuald. They walked peacefully onto the base with the indictment in hand, and asked for a meeting with Colonel Romauld. Instead of a meeting, th ...
Manning and the Media: panel discussion, June ...When: June 2, 2013 – 5:00-7:00 PM ET Where: All Soul’s Church, 1500 Harvard Street NW, Washington DC, 20009 (Directions) How has WikiLeaks changed and influenced journalism thus far? How will Bradley Manning’s trial affect the way the press functions in the U.S.? Pen ...
Thanking Bradley ManningBy Kathy Kelly A few evenings ago, as the sky began to darken here in Kabul, Afghanistan, a small group of the Afghan Peace Volunteers, (APVs), gathered for an informal presentation about WikiLeaks, its chief editor Julian Assange, and its most prominent contributor, Bradley Manning. Basir Bita, ...
How to tell the TSA how to do its job – and ma ...If you’re afraid a TSA agent might bungle your screening when you fly somewhere this summer, maybe you should do what John Klapproth did when he was traveling from Seattle to Anchorage recently. Read the rest at TSA News.
Lifting the Fake EU Arms EmbargoLifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo by Stephen Lendman On May 27, the so-called one-year EU arms embargo on Syria's opposition ended. Officially it does so on June 1. EU nations agreed to end what never existed. Since Washington's war on Syria began in early 2011, arms f ...
Grist - News
The age-old battle of goats versus tortoisesby Sarah Laskow. Before reading further in this post, ask yourself a question (and answer honestly): Which do you care about more, guiltless (if hungry) goats or the Galápagos Islands' giant tortoises? If you answered goats, this post will make you sad. Here was the ...
Watch an orca chase a shark out of the waterby Sarah Laskow. Orcas might be charismatic movie stars, but they are also killer whales. A family of beachgoers in New Zealand caught on film an orca fighting with a few sharks. One shark was so eager to get away from the whale that it beached itself in the shallow water. (That's t ...
What environmental policy could we expect from ...by Jess Zimmerman. Stephen Colbert has officially thrown his hat in the ring for definitely possibly considering a run for president. He's already out-polling Jon Huntsman! So what kind of environmental policy platform could we expect from a President Colbert? Well, for starters, no ...
Don’t believe the hype about the ‘ ...by Christopher Mims. Some chemists came up with a really clever way to observe the intermediate stage of an atmospheric chemical reaction, and then some PR flack got a hold of it and suddenly science has invented a brand-new molecule that will solve all our climate change woes! As usual, t ...
Congressional staffers will stop betting on wi ...by Jess Zimmerman. We here at Grist mock a lot of people. But we don't always manage to mock some sense into them. Which is why we're pretty psyched about the response to Sarah Laskow's feature story revealing that congressional staffers were making deadly wildfires into a fun ...
Rafe's Radar
Gesture control coming to Windows 8 computersPointGrab brings its TV remote-control system to the gesture-friendly Windows 8 user interface. Originally posted at ...
First Thunderbird, now Sparrow? We need e-mail ...CNET's Rafe Needleman hopes Google's acquisition of Sparrow doesn't spell the end of competition among desktop e-mai ...
Groupiter makes workflow as simple as DropboxTiny two-person startup brings conversations about shared files up to date. Originally posted at Bootstrap ...
Highlight 1.2: Is it less creepy or are we jus ...New version of people discovery app adds social engineering tweaks. Originally posted at Bootstrap ...
Zaarly Anywhere takes projects from blogs to r ...New service lets consumers see a project or product on a Web site and then find someone to make them a custom versio ...
Camera Obscura
- No title
Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
Web Exclusive: Julian Assange on Fighting the ...In this 40-minute web exclusive interview, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks discusses his more than 300 days in the Ecuadorean embassy, the U.S. Justice Department spying on journalists, the future of WikiLeaks and Visa's financial blockade on WikiLeaks. Watch our recent interview with Assange ab ...
Part 2: Alice Walker on Activism, Gay Marriage ...We continue our conversation with author, poet and activist Alice Walker about her new books and play an excerpt of a new documentary about another world-renowned author, activist and scholar: Angela Davis. Walker also discusses the meaning of the subtitle to "The Cushion in the Road: Meditatio ...
Video: Jeremy Scahill & Noam Chomsky on Secret ...Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill and author Noam Chomsky recently sat down together at Harvard University to discuss Scahill’s groundbreaking new book, "Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield." Amy Goodman hosted the discussion, which was sponsored by the Carr Center for Human Rights Pol ...
Another Memorial Day in This Endless WarBy Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan In a remarkable but little-noticed oversight hearing last week, the Senate Armed Services Committee looked at “The Law of Armed Conflict, the Use of Military Force, and the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force.” The 2001 AUMF is the act passed by ...
Obama Admin. Admits for First Time It Killed F ...The United States has formally confirmed for the first time that it killed four American citizens in Yemen and Pakistan, “outside of areas of active hostilities." The acknowledgement came in a letter from Attorney General Eric Holder. In a letter dated May 22, 2013 Holder wrote to Congress ...
Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations“There is a crack, a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in” ~Leonard Cohen By Catherine Austin Fitts When it comes to understanding the governance of planet earth, my favorite expression is “I don’t know.” That’s because an uncertain map i ...
Macro Analytics – w/ Catherine Austin Fi ...Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Wall Street insider and Assistant Secretary in the Bush I administration. Her background gave her a clear grasp of the covert economy which exists today. Through nearly 11 years of litigation with the US Government (as the real life character that Will Smith pl ...
Dark Journalist: Catherine Austin Fitts – ...By Dark Journalist Join Dark Journalist for part 2 of a penetrating interview with financial and political expert Catherine Austin Fitts. Listen to interesting topics like the financial coup, black budget, corporate media manipulation and the ‘Breakaway Civilization.’ Related Watchin ...
And How Will the Fed Defend the Bond Market?Related Reading: Federal Reserve Weighed Slowing Its Pace of Bond Purchases
Watch out Watford: Here Comes the Secretive Bi ...By James Cusick Whether it’s the shape-shifting group of reptilian descendants from the constellation Draco who control humanity, or the shadowy cabal of powerful financiers and politicians who covertly run all governments, conspiracy theorists are once again preparing for their annual jamboree ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more »
Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri L ...
Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
A Floating Mangrove Forest Puts Down Roots in ...Artists, designers, filmmakers, and writers often imagine what a post-apocalyptic world will look like, and we think this wrecked ship offers a hopeful clue. Originally built in 1911, the SS Ayrfield had many functions before it was decommissioned in the 1970s.
Dominican Sisters House of Formation in San Ra ...During the planning stage, the Dominican sisters studied the Earth Charter, an international document outlining the principles needed to create a just and environmentally sustainable world in the 21st century. Large portions of the Earth Charter are devoted
Snøhetta-Designed SFMOMA Expansion Breaks Grou ...The 235,000-square-foot expansion will include seven stories devoted to new art exhibition and programming spaces. But those experiences won't be limited to paying customers; about 15,000 square feet of the new museum will be open to the public, free of
World’s Largest Wave Farm to be Built off the ...Wave power is sometimes considered the less exciting cousin of wind and solar power; it came to the game later than either one and even the largest wave farm often generates less power than most small wind farms do. But that is starting to change as Scotland
Walmart Fined $81 Million for Dumping Hazardou ...Image via Shutterstock Walmart suffered another public relations blow this week when they admitted to dumping toxic hazardous waste materials throughout California and in Missouri. The retail giant will pay an $81 million fine as part of a plea agreement
Pogue's Posts
The E-Book Piracy Debate, RevisitedA publisher's decision to remove copy protection from its e-books revives a debate over whether such features hurt or help revenue -- and not just for books.
Genius in Helsinki!A technological surprise on a layover in Finland.
A Journey to the World of European TechSome travel notes from Europe, where an American discovers a different technological world.
Typing, Made EasyThe BlackBerry Q10 has the classic BlackBerry design: half-height screen above, physical keyboard below.
The HTC One Deserves Its Place in the SpotlightHTC should grab the headlines with its newest phone, the One — the most beautiful Android phone you've ever seen.
The Progressive Realist
For the Record, I Completely Disagree with Our ...I've just seen a post on our Global channel by two retired generals, one American and one Israeli, that purports to ask and answer important questions about a preemptive strike by either the U.S. or Israel on Iranian nuclear facilities. Here's how it looks on our site: read more
Top of the Morning: Yet Another Attack on Poli ...Top stories from DAWNS Digest Yet Another Attack on Polio Workers in Pakistan Gunmen attacked a pair of polio vaccine workers in northwest Pakistan, killing one and wounding the other. “Officials say the women came under attack Tuesday in a village near the northwestern city of Peshawar. The Wo ...
Win Wars Not BattlesIf there is one strategic weakness or Achilles' heel in U.S. geostrategic thinking, it is a fixation with winning battles and not winning wars. The North Vietnamese famously crowed, "America won every battle and lost the war." In Afghanistan and Iraq four decades later, the same crit ...
Proliferation Security Initiative: Ten Years OnIn Warsaw, the WMD interdiction initiative is getting a second look, and hopefully a second wind. (Image Source: Singapore Customs Authority) May 31st marks the 10th anniversary of the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), a non-binding international effort to stop the trafficking of weapo ...
Ten Whats with…Michael A. LeviMichael Levi is the David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Director of the CFR Program on Energy Security and Climate Change. Michael is the author of the new book The Power Surge: Energy, Opportunity, and the Battle for Ame ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
Shorting the D.C. CircuitFlickr/Cliff At least since the Reagan administration, Republicans have taken judicial nominations, especially to the federal circuit courts, much more seriously than Democrats have. As a result, Republican presidents have gotten relatively more nominees confirmed, and their nominees h ...
Children of the Great CollapseAP Photo/Kin Cheung Here’s a piece of good news of which you might not be aware: The U.S. safety net performed a lot better than you thought during the recent downturn, which was the deepest since the Depression. Thanks to expansions to the Child Tax Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credi ...
Ringside Seat: McCain Does SyriaOn a spring day six years ago, John McCain and some other members of Congress took a stroll through a Baghdad market, showing Americans how stable and secure life in Iraq had become. Noting that he left his helmet (though not his flak jacket) back in the Humvee, McCain waxed rhapsodic to report ...
But Austerity Works So Well!AP Photo/Michael Sohn, pool A familiar tale: In a small country on the Mediterranean rim, the government chooses to solve an economic crisis by enacting an austerity budget. Regressive taxes will rise. Aid to families will be cut. Less will be left of the welfare state built decades ag ...
Republicans Looking Sheepish On Obama Court No ...One of the biggest criticisms activist liberals have had of the Obama administration is that they have not moved aggressively to put their stamp on the federal judiciary. While there has certainly been Republican obstruction of Obama nominees, in many cases the administration hasn't even bother ...
Environment _ National Geographic
Freed From a Glacier's Hold, Ancient Moss Grow ...How does ancient moss begin to grow again? Once a glacier's ice retreated, all it took was air and sunlight.
Monterey Shale Shakes Up California's Energy F ...In the valley that once lured gold seekers, oil prospectors are converging on the Monterey shale—a sharp new twist in California's path to cleaner energy.
Improved Models Predict Active 2013 Hurricane ...NOAA expects up to 20 named tropical storms, which could yield as many as six major hurricanes, as it utilizes new technology to improve forecasting.
Carnivorous Plant Keeps House With AntsDiving ants keep nutritious fly larvae from escaping carnivorous pitcher plants.
Tesla Motors' Success Gives Electric Car Marke ...Amid a decimated field of E.V. startups, Tesla Motors is riding high. But can its feats help take electric cars mainstream?
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
Don't Turn Your Back on the Bankers for Even a ...The ink on the legislation is still drying and, already, the mortgage mill industry is trying to gut the little things that might help to hold them accountable for their bit part in the complete economic collapse of this nation: Dodd-Frank requires that lenders retain five percent of every loan ...
Sarah Palin: Mayor of New Milford?Is this a parody or real life? You decide. Citizens of New Milford: I want you to know that I'm on the job 24/7. Twenty four hours a week, seven months a year. But even with this strict time commitment, I can't be expected to keep up with everything going on in this vast metropolis. That's why ...
Much like the "conservative" GOP...The conservative Blue Dogs acted as Bush's domestic poodles, helping to move a dangerous right wing agenda. They were owned by the right wing and corporations and there is no big surprise why more than half of the Blue Dog caucus (28 of 54 members) were slaughtered in the 2010 elections. So f ...
Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb DumbsSober up, Dems. You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez. You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp! And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. Y ...
The People Have Spoken. And Their Message Is ...So. What the heck happened last night? The GOP picked up 60 seats in the House, effectively reversing their losses there from 2006 and 2008, and returning control of that body to them. The GOP picked up some 6 seats in the Senate, but the Democratic Party retains control there. The GOP picked u ...
SPL Center
Engineer at Elite Army Weapons Lab Tied to Rac ...A young research engineer at the U.S. Army’s elite chemical and biological research laboratory in Maryland has close ties to two racist groups espousing white nationalist views, one of which has called for a homeland for white people. John Stortstrom, a mechanical engineer who works for the Army ...
SC Governor Names White Nationalist to Reelect ...South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is the daughter of Indian immigrants and just the third person of color to be elected governor of a Southern state. So, one might think she would want nothing to do with racists and anti-immigrant extremists. Not so, apparently. In anticipation of her 2014 re-elec ...
NPI ‘Think Tank’ is Latest Racist Outfit to Mo ...Yet another organization with a white supremacist agenda — this one packaged as a “white nationalist think tank” — has moved its operations to northwestern Montana, leaving Georgia to join a rag-tag collection of some of the country’s leading racists and extremists. The National Policy Institute ...
Veteran Skinhead Forms New Racist Club, Peddle ...Some skinhead organizers, well, it seems, just can’t stop organizing the next generation of racist clubs, claiming they’ve now found the right formula. Take the case of Brien James, a tattoo shop owner from Indiana. A household name in some racist circles, James has been organizing or attempting ...
Once Again, White Nationalists Sully Immigrati ...Opponents of immigration reform legislation have been trying to steer clear of white nationalists lately, hoping to keep their opposition to citizenship for undocumented Latino immigrants free from the taint of racism. But they just can’t seem to run fast enough. Last week, a major Heritage Foun ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
“Save Our News” Coalition To Protest Potential ...Today, a coalition of local and national groups will deliver petition signatures from individuals opposed to the takeover of the Tribune papers by the climate-denying Koch brothers due to their continued investment to mislead the public to benefit their self-interests. Nationally, the coalition ...
Minnesota Court of Appeals Denies Challenge to ...The Minnesota Court of Appeals today denied a challenge, brought by two conservation groups, to hunting and trapping of wolves in the state.read more
Minnesota Court of Appeals Denies Challenge to ...The Minnesota Court of Appeals today denied a challenge, brought by two conservation groups, to hunting and trapping of wolves in the state.read more
New Campaign Chops Down Growing Trend of Burni ...Southern forests are being burned for electricity, and a new campaign announced today aims to put an end to it. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Dogwood Alliance have launched “Our Forests Aren’t Fuel” to raise awareness of an alarming and rapidly-growing practi ...
New Campaign Chops Down Growing Trend of Burni ...Southern forests are being burned for electricity, and a new campaign announced today aims to put an end to it. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Dogwood Alliance have launched “Our Forests Aren’t Fuel” to raise awareness of an alarming and rapidly-growing practi ...
Common Dreams-Views
Radical Kleptocrats Anxious to Stop Disclosure ...Jim Hightower Perhaps I've been too harsh on congressional Republicans.Congressman Scott Garrett (R-NJ) I had assumed that their vitriolic attacks on even the meekest of proposals to restrict the tsunami of secret corporate cash slammin ...
Move Over, God, the Biotech Companies Are HereVandana Shiva Technologies are tools for doing or making things. They are a means to transform what nature has given into food, clothing, shelter, means of mobility, means of communication. Technology is a means to an end; it is not an end ...
Doubting Obama’s Resolve to Do RightRay McGovern An article in the Washington Post on July 6, 2010, reported me standing before the White House, announcing a new epithet for President Barack Obama: “Wuss – a person who will not stand up for what he knows is right. ...
Afghanistan: Is It Really the End Game?Conn Hallinan "Gunmen in Pakistan on Monday set ablaze five trucks carrying NATO equipment out of Afghanistan as the international military alliance winds down it combat mission there, officials said."—Agence-France Presse, ...
More Than One Bad AppleHarold Meyerson The open secret of many global corporations’ success — and occasionally, downfall — is to fall between the cracks. Apple, which is based in Cupertino, Calif., created an Irish subsidiary with no employees, ...
Water Privatization
White Rock Residents to Review Opportunities f ...WHITE ROCK, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - May 29, 2013) - Who should be accountable for our water? A public forum beginning 7PM, Monday, June 3 rd at White Rock's First United Church will provide some answers as the City of White Rock explores opportunities for public operation of its dri ...
Fort Worth Floats Idea of Privatizing Water Se ...The city of Fort Worth has appointed a task force to see whether the city might save money by putting some of its water services in public-private partnerships. Experts say a number of issues could arise if such partnerships are instituted.
3 Baciwa officials push for comprehensive auditBACOLOD City Water District (Baciwa) Chairman of the Board Lawrence Villanueva and Directors Lorendo Dilag and Marichi Ramos explained the need to go into a public-private partnership as the non revenue water (NRW) of the district has reached P2.4 billion since 2003 up to 2012.
Bacolod water utility union blasts officials f ...The workers' union of the Bacolod City Water District slammed directors of the public utility for approving a proposal from Maynilad Water Services, Inc. and Israeli firm Miya they said would eventually lead to the firmâs privatization.
Kerala Govt. draws sharp criticism over water ...Thiruvananthapuram, May 27 (ANI): Leaders belonging to the Left Democratic Front staged a protest here on Monday against the water privatization proposal of the Kerala Government.
Syria peace talks in doubt over 'credible nego ...War in Syria threatens to escalate as diplomats struggle to find consensus among key playersInternational officials and diplomats seeking to organise the make-or-break Syria peace talks in Geneva next month have not yet been able to persuade senior representatives from either side of the civil w ...
Syria civil war spinning out of control, says ...• Syrian National Coalition asks EU to send arms quickly • US criticises Moscow over anti-aircraft missiles • Future of Golan UN mission in doubt after EU decision • Live coverage of all developments throughout the dayPaul OwenTom McCarthy
US drone strike reportedly kills Pakistani Tal ...Pakistani officials report at least four people, including Taliban deputy Wali ur-Rehman, killed in North Waziristan regionJust days after Barack Obama announced new restrictions on the use of drones, one of the CIA's unmanned aircraft reportedly killed the deputy leader of the Pakistani Taliban ...
France celebrates first gay marriage amid tigh ...Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau become first same-sex couple to marry in FranceAt 5.30pm in the southern French city of Montpellier, which describes itself as France's most gay-friendly place, Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau became the first same-sex couple to marry in France after months of div ...
April Jones jury to resume deliberations in mu ...Jury considering verdict for defendant Mark Bridger told by judge to take as long as they needThe jury hearing the trial of the man charged with the abduction and murder of April Jones will resume its deliberations on Thursday after being instructed by the judge to conduct a "dispassionate revie ...
100th Tibetan self-immolation reported in a pr ...An account released on Wednesday of an ethnic Tibetan man in western China lighting himself on fire earlier this month, calling for the long life of the Dalai Lama before…Click to Continue »
Agencies warn Congress not to use humanitarian ...Humanitarian groups are lobbying hard against a proposal by several U.S. senators that would turn over the delivery of millions of dollars in U.S. aid to a Syrian opposition council…Click to Continue »
Democrats offer long-shot bill to meet Obama&# ...Democrats in Congress wasted no time in taking up President Barack Obama?s challenge Tuesday night that lawmakers take a "market-based" approach to addressing climate change, even if their effort has…Click to Continue »
Panetta: Congress hurting itself and U.S. imag ...The world is nervously watching a dysfunctional Congress and wondering ?whether or not we can rise to the challenges? that face the United States, outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta…Click to Continue »
GOP’s complaints about looming spending ...Republicans forced the budget crisis that helped create the pending across-the-board cuts in the first place. And Republicans provided crucial votes for the 2011 deal that ended that impasse, an…Click to Continue »
Afghanistan Sun
Pakistans Taliban denies death of its deputy c ...PESHAWAR // A suspected US drone strike killed the No 2 commander of the Pakistani Taliban yesterday, Pakistani intelligence officials said, although the militant group denied he was killed. If confirmed, the death of Waliur Rehman would be a blow to the militant group responsible for hundreds ...
Afghan security rescues 7 Red Cross staffersSmoke rises from the International Red Cross building after a gun battle between security forces and an insurgent, in Jalalabad east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, May 29, 2013. A senior Afghan official said security forces rescued seven foreigners working for the International Red Cross on W ...
Deadly attack on Red Cross office in Afghanist ...A Red Cross (ICRC) office in the eastern city of Jalalabad was attacked Wednesday, prompting a swift rescue operation led by Afghan Special Forces, ...
Britain prepared to release Afghan detaineesAfghan detainees wait to be released during a ceremony to hand over Bagram prison to the Afghanistan government at Bagram Prison facilities on March 25, 2012. (Massoud Hossaini/AFP/Getty ...
Pakistan Talibans second-in-command reported k ...Pakistani demonstrators shout anti-US slogans during a protest in Multan in January 2013, against the drone attacks in Pakistan's tribal areas. The Pakistan Taliban's second-in-command, Wali-ur-Rehman, was reportedly killed in a drone strike on May 29, 2013. (AFP/AFP/Getty ...
ConsequencesI do keep saying that futurism isn’t about making predictions, don’t I? Well, that’s because I really believe it. Prediction — in the sense of declaring with great certainty that [x] will come to happen — is a waste of time, because you have no way of accurately det ...
The (contested) street, finding new uses for t ...From a photo-essay/collection thingybob at The Atlantic: Syrian rebel fighters and their homebrew military hardware. There are lots of shots of chaps lathing mortar shells, as well as crude hand-welded onagers made from shelving and rebar; that’s your continuity verification, a through-lin ...
Science fiction and science, part II: smashing ...So, last week saw me take the train down to London in order to give a presentation on science fiction narratives as strategic planning tools to the Strategic Special Interest Group of the British Academy of Management. (That’s neither a topic or audience I’d have ever expected to add ...
Science fiction and science, part I: you’re do ...*blows dust off microphone* I’ve been absent from here for a while because I’ve been working on other things, but those things are very much related to Futurismic as a project, both in terms of what it has been, and what it will be. More on that later, though. I want to get things ba ...
Hope for a Global Spring?Perhaps it’s because of the economy is beginning – finally – to pick up in the US. Perhaps it is because I’m sick to death of bad election-year politics, so I’m looking at anything else that comes along of interest. Maybe it’s even because I wrote about creative destruction the last time I did a ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
Securities and Exchange Commission Whistleblow ...The SEC Office of the Whistleblower post Notices of Covered Action where a final judgement or order, by itself or together with other prior judgments or orders in the same action issued after July 21, 2010, results in monetary sanctions exceeding $1 million. Subject to the Final ...
Bard Whistleblower Awarded $10.1 MillionC.R. Bard Inc., a medical device company based in New Jersey, has agreed to pay the United States $48.26 million to resolve claims that it knowingly caused false claims to be submitted to the Medicare. The claim alleged that the company paid off doctors and hospitals to induce them to prescribe ...
Bill to Extend Whistleblower Protections to Of ...On Apr 18, 2013, Rep. George Miller (D-CA) introduced bill to extend whistleblower protections to offshore oil and gas workers. Currently there is no federal law that protects oil and gas workers if they are retaliated against after they blow the whistle on workplace health and safety viola ...
Senate Democrats put off vote on Labor Nominee ...On April 24, Senate Democrats delayed a confirmation vote on Labor Secretary nominee Thomas Perez. Committee Chairman Tom Harkin of Iowa was concerned that Republicans would use a threatened separate hearing as a forum to attack Perez in his absence. Read more. Senate Republicans have crit ...
NWC Files Another Brief Urging the MSPB to Ret ...On April 12, 2013, the National Whistleblower Center filed an Amicus Curiae brief with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), in the case of King v. Department of the Air Force. At issue is whether the provision of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (“WPEA” ...
Internet Association Hits Back At RIAA's Desir ...On Friday, we wrote about how the RIAA has already started pitching the terrible idea that we should do away with the important DMCA safe harbors, which make sure that liability for infringement is properly applied to those actually infringing, rather than tools and services. The RIAA, however, ...
Reports Of Xbox One's Handling Of Used Games M ...We recently discussed the somewhat mishandled release announcement for Microsoft's new gaming machine, the Xbox One. While a big part of the problem was a lack of firm answers to gamers' questions, it's clear that something is going to change in how the new Xbox handles used games. The rumors va ...
The Aftermath Of Napster: Letting Incumbents V ...Last fall, law professor Michael Carrier came out with a really wonderful paper, called Copyright and Innovation: The Untold Story. He interviewed dozens of people involved in the internet world and the music world, to look at what the impact was of the legal case against Napster, leading to th ...
How Long Before A Patent Kills A Hundred Milli ...Recent news that Angelina Jolie underwent a preventive double mastectomy because of her elevated risk of developing breast cancer has drawn attention to the Myriad Genetics case currently before the US Supreme Court, and to the whole area of gene patents. Myriad's monopoly has allowed it to set ...
Two Judges Told DOJ It Had To Disclose Spying ...This probably won't come as a surprise, but as people dig deeper into the DOJ's surveillance of reporter James Rosen, now it's come out that the DOJ worked extra hard to avoid having to tell Rosen they were spying on him by bouncing around from judge to judge until they found one who said okay. ...
Revealed Government Documents Show Vaccine Inj ...In December 2012, five hundred children were locked into their school, threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine. Government documents reveal more of the story...
Announcing New Transparency Bill to Disclose V ...A new bill gained enough votes in committee to go to the state legislative floor allowing greater transparency in the disclosure of vaccine ingredients.
Urgent Press Release: NY Assembly Voting to Gi ...On Monday, May 6, a new bill is to be brought to the New York State Assembly floor which will allow licensed physicians to administer preventative medical care for sexually transmitted diseases, including vaccines to minors without their parent’s permission.
Scientists Developing New Autism Vaccine Ignor ...A new autism vaccine targets gut bacteria. Many parents would say this is ignoring the true cause of autism: vaccines.
Government Funded Phone App Tracks “Vaccine Re ...The government is funding research to develop a phone application for tracking vaccine refusers. Are you sure there isn’t a hidden agenda?
Things You Might Have MissedI did a bunch of blog reading last weekend, which means you are about to get link bombed. Sorry. So pissed that the Ríos Montt verdict was thrown out. Silly me for having a little bit of hope for the injustice system. You have probably been following the protests outside the DOJ. Best part ̵ ...
Things You Might Have MissedThis Christian kids video is …they are like children of the corn, but scary. I sincerely hope that some of these kids are someday horrified that they did this. Great response to people who claim sex work entrenches gender inequality. A pediatrician with a child porn collection. Ok. That ...
The Problem With GiftedI’ve been catching up on some of my blog reading and came across this report about how Latino children are underrepresented in New York City public school gifted programs. Data obtained by The Wall Street Journal shows that Latino children are dramatically underrepresented in the program, ...
Things You Might Have MissedWell, hello there. I took a lovely break from reading the news (see pic). But I suppose it is time to start figuring out what is going on in the world and whatnot. Feel free to share any interesting things in the comments. Did you know that The World Is Marching Towards Anarchy? Of course, [...]
In Memoriam to My YouthHappy birthday to me. As today I am forty years old. How the fuck did that happen? To distract myself from thinking about careening down that hill, I decided I should try to come up with a list of good things about being forty. Feel free to chime in with more – but only if you [...]
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
The LaRouche Show, May 25, 2013Report from Australia: Glass-Steagall Now, or the British Crown's Famine
Only Nuclear Can Solve the World’s Energy DemandsBy Prof. Dr. Henri Safa Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 24, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 21
Austria: Arming the Syrian Opposition Is IllegalReprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 24, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 21
Reaction to Glass-Steagall Breakthrough: Bewar ...By Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 24, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 21
New Book Attacks Deadly Austerity, But with Bl ...By Paul Gallagher Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 24, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 21
War in Context
The war in Syria and the threat to the Middle EastPatrick Cockburn writes: The Syrian civil war is spreading. This, not well-publicised advances or withdrawals on the battlefield, is the most important new development. Political leaders in the region see the dangers more intensely than the rest of the world. ‘Neither the opposition nor the regi ...
Video: Stalemate in Aleppo(This video appeared at GlobalPost last month, but it’s still worth watching.)
Daniel Klaidman’s loyal service to the Obama a ...Alex Pareene writes: Eric Holder feels bad. The attorney general of the United States has been criticized quite a bit since basically the day he was announced as Obama’s pick for the job, but lately that criticism has come from liberals, who are upset with the Justice Department for excessive sn ...
How Obama’s speech provided little clarity on ...Micah Zenko writes: There were a series of pre- and post-speech leaks to influential national security reporters which suggested that Obama would limit drone targets. Two hours before the speech there was also an embargoed conference call with three anonymous administration officials (you can pr ...
Why it won’t be the end of the world if Iran g ...Alireza Nader writes: It’s as clear as day that the Islamic Republic pursues goals in the Middle East that put it on a collision course with the United States. Iran is opposed to Israel as a Jewish state, for instance, and competes for regional influence with the conservative Gulf Arab mon ...
Watts Up With That?
Modeling sea ice lossFrom Wiley Study explores atmospheric impact of declining Arctic sea ice There is growing recognition that reductions in Arctic sea ice levels will influence patterns of atmospheric circulation both within and beyond the Arctic. New research in the International Journal … Continue reading ...
Peer review falls for recycled manuscriptsMargaret writes in tips and notes: More about the failure of peer review— or more precisely its inconsistency in producing reliable assessments of the value of the submitted article http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=6577844 Abstract A growing interest i ...
Obama was right–‘the rise of the o ...From his June 4, 2008 speech on winning the Democratic primaries: “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.” Here’s the proof: Ten year running mean sea level rise … Continue reading →
Another electric car company goes belly upJERUSALEM (AP) — It was an audacious idea that came to symbolize Israel’s self-described status as “Start-Up Nation,” a company that believed it could replace most gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles and reduce the world’s reliance on oil — and … Continue r ...
Australian scientists take 6 degrees of global ...From the University of Melbourne Scientists narrow global warming range Australian scientists have narrowed the predicted range of global warming through groundbreaking new research. Scientists from the University of Melbourne and Victoria University have generated what they say are more reliabl ...
Why do people share food photos? [Slideshow]Jared Keller's essay for Aeon Magazine on the significance of "food porn" photos that have become popular on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites got me thinking about my Instagram food photos and why I shared them.
Biking can be cool...until you're a teen girlResearch from PhD candidate at Portland State University uncovers an anecdotal truth. It ain't cool to walk or bike if you are an adolescent girl. Now to find out why.
Tiny, repurposed "Hobbitat" homes are now avai ...Not sure if you really want to live in a tiny house? This tiny home builder is making these cabins from salvaged materials, which visitors can test out at an eco-retreat in Maryland.
Simple and creamy white bean dip with lemon ze ...Perfect for quick lunches, healthy snacks, and as an appetizer at parties and picnics.
'Dwarf' foxes, saved from extinction, make an ...While they may be a bit smaller than your average house cat, what these 'dwarf' Island foxes lack in stature, they make up for in resilience.
New Tools to Hunt New VirusesA new flu, H7N9, has killed 36 people since it was first found in China two months ago. A new virus from the SARS family has killed 22 people since it was found on the Arabian Peninsula last summer. In past years, this might have been occasion for panic. Yet chicken and pork sales have […]
First drug to improve heart failure mortality ...CoQ10 is the first medication to improve survival in chronic heart failure since ACE inhibitors and beta blockers more than a decade ago and should be added to standard heart failure therapy. Lisbon, 25 May 2013: Coenzyme Q10 decreases all cause mortality by half, according to the results of a m ...
Reducing caloric intake delays nerve cell lossActivating an enzyme known to play a role in the anti-aging benefits of calorie restriction delays the loss of brain cells and preserves cognitive function in mice, according to a study published in the May 22 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience. The findings could one day guide researchers to ...
Viruses in the gut protect from infection“Mucus is everywhere,” says microbiologist Jeremy Barr. Almost every animal uses it to make a barrier that protects tissues that are exposed to the environment, such as the gut or lungs. Now, Barr and a team of researchers have discovered that mucus is also the key to an ancient partnership betw ...
Human embryonic stem cells created from adult ...Scientists have used the cloning technique that led to Dolly the sheep to turn human skin into embryonic stem cells – which can make any tissue in the body. The US team overcame technical problems that had frustrated researchers for more than a decade to create batches of the bodys master cells ...
Earth Guardians: Tip of the indoctrination iceberg. In addition to discovering that only slightly more than half had found full-time jobs, Roska and Arum found that student “lack of awareness of current events … was startling.” Thirty-two percent reported “that they read a newspaper only monthly or never.”
Bastardi: Tornadoes linked to the cold decadal ...Right now we’re seeing the same kind of major events on a regional scale that occurred the last time the Pacific Ocean shifted its temperature phase from warm to cold when the Atlantic was in a warm phase, and globally, the Earth’s temps have fallen about 0.05° C in the last four years.
17 year cicadas outraged to find temperatures ...It may be mating time, but this cicada is not happy.
Tornadoes are natural. Exploiting them is not.Does anyone actually believe that the Oklahoma tornado would never have developed, or would have caused less harm, if we had a carbon tax in place?
The Prince of climate fools?Prince Charles’s deeply felt positions on energy are likely to be even less comfortable for a suffering U.K. public in the years ahead. America’s NASA announced in 2008 that the Pacific had entered its cool phase, which implies moderately cooler global temperatures until roughly 2030 at least. Q ...
Ria Novosti Online News
Russia Ready to Help Rearm Finnish Army – Defe ...
Russia Ready to Help Rearm Finnish Army – Defe ...Russia is ready to expand military contacts with Finland and to help the country modernize its armed forces, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.
Russia Strengthens Ties With Latin America, Ca ...
Russia Strengthens Ties With Latin America, Ca ...The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and Russia said Wednesday that they were working to establish a means of continuous dialogue “to discuss and synchronize positions on international issues.”
Moscow Court Upholds Pussy Riot VerdictOlga Yegorova, the presiding judge in Moscow City Court, has upheld the verdict handed down to members of the feminist punk group Pussy Riot, sentenced to two years in prison for their controversial stunt in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, a statement on the court’s website says. &nbs ...
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
Russian Scientists Discover Blood-Squirting Ma ...Scientists from the Siberian region of Yakutia have discovered the frozen remains of a mammoth with some blood and flesh still intact, despite thousands of years in sub-zero temperatures, the scholars said at a press conference Wednesday.
International Space Station
Air Force Telecoms Satellite Launches in US
Air Force Telecoms Satellite Launches in USA Delta IV rocket successfully launched a Wideband Global SATCOM 5 satellite from Cape Canaveral on 20:27 EDT (4:27 Moscow time) Friday, media reported.
Russian Spacecraft Manufacturer to Make 4 Laun ...
Pruning Shears
Vanessa Elisha - Don't Go EPA few months ago I heard “Blur” by Vanessa Elisha and enjoyed it right away, so I sent her a quick fan email and got on her mailing list. This morning she let me know her new EP Don’t Go is available for free download. I’ve also got her permission to host “Blur ...
James Rosen, irresponsible journalism and untr ...Earlier this week I had a brief and unproductive Twitter exchange with Libby Spencer over leaks, whistleblowers and journalists. It was prompted by this from BooMan:We need to get our heads around the distinction between a whistleblower, who observes criminal or unethical behavior by government ...
Washington press corps catches up to 2002, dis ...We’ve had three big stories this week, each showing how the right plays the scandal game better than the left. Of the three, one is a non-scandal (Benghazi), one is a minor scandal with the potential to turn into more (IRS),1 and one is an honest-to-God scandal right now (AP). Republican ...
Washington press corps catches up to 2002, dis ...We’ve had three big stories this week, each showing how the right plays the scandal game better than the left. Of the three, one is a non-scandal (Benghazi), one is a minor scandal with the potential to turn into more (IRS),1 and one is an honest-to-God scandal right now (AP). Republican ...
Activism in the spaces in betweenIt can be difficult to write about activism in an open-ended effort like the one against fracking. It isn’t like a campaign where everything is geared toward election day, at which point everyone will know who won and who lost. It’s different even from an issue like the Keystone XL ...
Organic Consumers.org
Nine Dangerous Food and Farming Practices Bann ...Many Americans believe the US is at the forefront of technology and advancements to protect its citizens' health. But, time and again we're seeing that Americans are actually less healthy than their peers overseas.Click here to read this article
Many Front Groups Are Created to Dominate Code ...If you think it's tough sorting truth from industry propaganda and lies, get ready for even tougher times ahead. More than 50 front groups, working on behalf of food and biotechnology trade groups―Monsanto being the most prominent―have formed a new coalition called Alliance to Feed the Future.Cl ...
The Monsanto 71 - Sellout Senators Shame Thems ...The U.S. Senate recently had an opportunity to vote on a farm bill amendment that would have supported the rights of states to mandate GMO labeling laws. The amendment, S.AMDT.965, was introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders with the aim "...to permit States to require that any food, beverage, or othe ...
USDA's Watchdog Reveals "Egregious" Hog Slaugh ...The Internal Revenue Service isn't the only federal bureaucracy to be recently taken to task by its Office of the Inspector General. Amid considerably less fanfare in early May, the US Department of Agriculture's OIG issued a report damning the department's oversight of pork slaughterhouses and ...
How I Got Hooked on Weeds-and Why You Should, ...When I moved to a small organic farm in 2004, I quickly got hooked on weeds (note plural). First, there would be salads of chickweed-a grassy-tasting plant that popped up just after the ground thawed in spring. Next, from the marshy banks of a creek, tender, peppery watercress would sprout. Soon ...
Center for a Livable Future
Maryland senators turn backs on the hungryI was saddened and disappointed by the failure of U.S. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin to do the right thing for our at-risk neighbors and friends.
CLF Week in Links: Food Stamps, Tornadoes, Ars ...Regarding the tornadoes in Oklahoma, for once, climate change is not the clear culprit.
Sustainable Diets, Fisheries, and AquacultureSeafood is probably the clearest example of an aspect of our diet where recommendations do not match resources.
Reflections from Workshop on Sustainable DietsEnvironment and nutrition, ecology and health. They’re all connected. And getting people to talk seriously about those connections is an urgent priority.
Farm Bill—Getting CloserWe take a quick look at where the Senate and House versions of the Farm Bill are, and what they may hold for public health.
Investigate - Breaking News
Antarctic ice melting scare cancelled – climat ...Antarctic ice melting scare cancelled – climate science study. Antarctic ice melting scare cancelled – climate science study
Climate change consensus study backfires on re ...Climate change consensus study backfires on researchers. Climate change consensus study backfires on researchers
Panicking NZ climate scientists go for the doc ...Panicking NZ climate scientists go for the doctor – predict nearly half-metre sea level rise PER DECADE!. Panicking NZ climate scientists go for the doctor – predict nearly half-metre sea level rise PER DECADE!
New climate change study shows Antarctic melt ...New climate change study shows Antarctic melt is ‘normal’, may not be human-caused. New climate change study shows Antarctic melt is ‘normal’, may not be human-caused
Another fisk of Ken Perrott – the climate deni ...Another fisk of Ken Perrott – the climate denier gift that keeps on giving. Another fisk of Ken Perrott – the climate denier gift that keeps on giving
My Care2 Picks
Health effects of BPs Gulf oil & Corexit disas ...Louisiana physician Dr. Michael Robichaux approached GAP in summer 2011, requesting assistance to document ravaging health effects appearing to be caused by the spill and the extensive application of Corexit. Submitted by John Farnham to Health & Wellness | Note-it! |&nb ...
ProPublicaPage of investigative journalists as it appears on Rebel Mouse. We're a non-profit, independent newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Can Tornadoes Be Prevented By Stealing Taxpaye ...President Obamas Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures Submitted by John Farnham to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
How America's National Security Apparatus -- i ...A new report is an eye-opening look into how the U.S. counter-terror apparatus was used to track the Occupy movement. Submitted by Wild Thang to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Alaska Tribal Coalition fights chemical disper ...The words of an Alaskan tribal elder, We watched our family and friends die, represent the feelings of many about the use of chemical dispersants in their waters. Submitted by John Farnham to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
aboriginalpressaboriginalpress [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Excellent Service to Solve Your Fluid Mechanics<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Home insurance and the dilemma of replacement ...When it’s time to renew your home insurance policy, make the time to go over the details. Understanding the nuances in the fine print can save you money. It is up to you to decide if money today is... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Sushi - Trend and TraditionToday sushi is associated with a global trend as well as a Japanese food tradition. Not all countries’ traditional dishes are welcomed that eagerly by the rest of the world, like lutefisk from Norway... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
How Online Learning Has Introduced MBA CoursesFew decades back we hardly thought of distance learning evolving as a major schooling practice. With the advent of distance education students were surprised at the numerous opportunities they were... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
Ban GMOs Worldwide or become Genetically Engin ...How would you someday like to wake up to find that the dinner you ate the night before made you sterile, or dosed you with a medicine for a relatively unknown, rare disease, or caused a life-threatening reaction because of a drug that made its way across a field and into your organic corn? How w ...
Victory for raw milk in Vernon Hershberger trial!Hershberger said he was pleased with the acquittals, and that now he can return to his farm in Loganville and continue to run his food store without a retail license because it's a members-only buying club. "I can continue to feed my community," he said.
Seeds Of Death – Full MovieMarch Against Monsanto Special! Gary Null releases his movie "Seeds Of Death" for free viewing for a limited time in honor of the march on May 25.
“Doomsday Seed Vault” in the ArcticThis is a must-read article to understand how genetic engineering started and where it is going. Pay special attention to the section titled "GMO as a weapon of biowarfare?"
Food Myth Busters: Do we really need industria ...Learn why the "industrial agriculture is needed to feed the world" hype marketed by Monsanto is full of manure.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
Chinese firm in $4.7bn takeover of US pork gia ...ShareThisMega barf alert *and* gag me with a chainsaw: Chinese firm in $4.7bn takeover of US pork giant Smithfield Foods --There have been recent reports of contamination of the Chinese meat supply from a bird-flu outbreak. Shuanghui, also known as Shineway, is China's largest pork producer an ...
Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee, an Independe ...ShareThisRhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee, an Independent, to switch to Democratic party --The party change will be Chafee's second: He was elected to the Senate as a Republican and to the governorship as an Independent. 29 May 2013 Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee will switch to the Democrati ...
Bachmann Says She Won't Seek House Re-Election ...ShareThisBachmann Says She Won't Seek House Re-Election in 2014 29 May 2013 U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann, a former Republican presidential hopeful and an exponent of the anti-tax Tea Party movement, said she won't run for re-election and may consider future opportunities in politics. ...
George Zimmerman's relevant pastShareThisGeorge Zimmerman's relevant past 28 May 2013 Thanks to Florida's incredible sunshine laws, we know a few relevant things about [alleged Trayvon Martin murderer, George] Zimmerman. In July 2005, he was arrested for "resisting officer with violence." The neighborhood watch volunteer who w ...
Mirror of EDL donors addresses leakShareThisMirror of EDL donors addresses leak --Addresses of People who have donated to the English Defence League 27 May 2013 @EDL & BNP; its not over yet, this was just the starter, the main course is yet to come... secure your sites, give me a challenge, this was way too easy. Greets to: L ...
Daily Loaf
5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. St ...
D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
VRM: The Confidential Case-files of GlaxoSmit ...The Vaccine Industry measures human life in terms of the percentages of profits to be gained. They achieve this end by routinely skewing preliminary vaccine trial data; subsequently burying or denying reports of vaccine-derived neurological trauma & neuro-developmental disorders affil ...
VRM: Mandatory Vaccinations – How They ...The modern healthcare system, like any powerful corporation, is designed to favor those who acquiesce with their rules & regulations; likewise to weed out & alienate those who do not fall into line with the rest of the “herd”. The entire cesspool of Western Allopathic Medicine, fueled by ...
VRM: The A,B,C’s of Respiratory HealthTypically those living in the West are annually starved of the life-giving UVA Ultra-violet light rays (which manifest as the steroid hormone Vitamin D3) throughout the entire duration of Winter & early Spring. As a result the Lymphocytes in their lungs cannot process Vitamin C & E, whic ...
VRM: Weaponized Polio & The African Green Monk ...According to a groundbreaking, controversial report, released in 1961 in the wake of the Salk & Sabin Polio vaccine debacle, Medical researchers identified that ‘all primary monkey kidney may contain one or more latent viruses whose characteristic cytopathology becomes evident when such tiss ...
VRM: World Health Organization Mafia – L ...‘The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and ...
B.C. Preppers Network
You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set. A cute little luxur ...
Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditi ...
Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal fo ...
Michael Yon
Security Risks for Kachin IDPs and Refugees25 May 2013 Kachin State, Burma IN THIS REPORT: • Summary of the major security threats for Kachin IDPs and refugees • Raw field reports from Kachin Rangers describing recent military clashes and Burma Army troop movements Security Threats In Kachin Stat ...
Letter by General Odierno on Sexual Assault an ...18 May 2013 Over the last twelve years of war, our Army has demonstrated exceptional competence, courage, and resiliency in adapting to the demands of war and accomplishing the mission. Today, however, the Army is failing in its efforts to combat sexual assault and sexual harassment.  ...
Petition | President Obama: Close Detention Fa ...07 May 2013 Petitioning President Obama President Obama: Close Detention Facility at Guantanamo Bay Written By: Morris Davis I served 25 years in the US Air Force, I was the Chief Prosecutor for the Terrorism Trials at Guantanamo Bay for more than two years, and now I need your help. I pe ...
Webview : Crisis At Guantanamo - May 1007 May 2013 From: Center on National Security at Forham Law Crisis at Guantanamo: Will the Prison Ever Close? Join Carol Rosenberg, David H. Remes, Dr. Gerald E. Thomson, and Karen Greenberg for a discussion about current conditions at Guantanamo and the feasibility of closing down the pr ...
Important 60 Minutes Piece for TBI patients06 May 2013 Veterans and their families need to watch this. Thank you to the numerous vets who sent the link. I just sent a thanks to David Martin at 60 Minutes. Mr. Arnold Fisher deserves a standing ovation and eternal gratitude for his efforts and inspiration. http://www.cbsnews.com/video ...
The Killing Train
Eleven things India must change in Kashmirhttp://kafila.org/2013/05/28/eleven-things-india-must-do-in-kashmir-justin-podur/ read more
Evicting the Gandhians: An Interview with Hima ...[First published at http://kafila.org/2013/05/03/evicting-the-gandhians-justin-podur-interviews-himanshu-kumar/] read more
The Bastar Land Grab: An Interview with Sudha ...[First published in Kafila: http://kafila.org/2013/04/20/the-bastar-land-grab-an-interview-with-sudha-bharadwaj/] This intervew with SUDHA BHARADWAJ of Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha was conducted by JUSTIN PODUR in Raipur on 5 March 2013 JP: As a lawyer and an activist, how do you see the relationsh ...
To break a siege: A review of Nirmalangshu Muk ...[First published at kafila.org] http://kafila.org/2013/04/03/to-break-a-siege-justin-podur/#more-17722 This is a review by JUSTIN PODUR of Nirmalangshu Mukherji’s book Maoists in India: Tribals Under Siege (Pluto Press 2012) read more
Folklore. Normal Life. KABUL - Marjan, may he rest in peace, was a lion and is the most famous resident of Kabul Zoo. Born in 1976, he was brought to Kabul just before the Soviet invasion. He survived those years, killed a man who snuck into his cage, was blinded by grenades thrown by the man's brother (the brother wa ...
Why do people share food photos? [Slideshow]Jared Keller's essay for Aeon Magazine on the significance of "food porn" photos that have become popular on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites got me thinking about my Instagram food photos and why I shared them.
Biking can be cool...until you're a teen girlResearch from PhD candidate at Portland State University uncovers an anecdotal truth. It ain't cool to walk or bike if you are an adolescent girl. Now to find out why.
Tiny, repurposed "Hobbitat" homes are now avai ...Not sure if you really want to live in a tiny house? This tiny home builder is making these cabins from salvaged materials, which visitors can test out at an eco-retreat in Maryland.
Simple and creamy white bean dip with lemon ze ...Perfect for quick lunches, healthy snacks, and as an appetizer at parties and picnics.
'Dwarf' foxes, saved from extinction, make an ...While they may be a bit smaller than your average house cat, what these 'dwarf' Island foxes lack in stature, they make up for in resilience.
Democratic Voice of Burma
Mob targets reporters during Lashio riotsTwo freelance reporters covering the ongoing violence in Shan state’s Lashio for DVB were injured and had their SIM cards stolen after being assaulted by rioters on Wednesday
Displaced Kachin keep wary eye on peace talksAs the Kachin Independence Organisation and the government sit down for talks this week, refugees living in displacement camps in northern Burma are hoping the two sides will address their concerns
Shan state officials object to establishment o ...Shan state’s regional government late last week slammed the establishment of an inter-faith organisation in Taunggyi
Riots erupt in LashioRiots erupt in Lashio
Religious riots erupt in Shan stateHouses and mosques were set ablaze by mobs in a town in eastern Burma after a Buddhist woman was allegedly "torched" by a Muslim man, said authorities on Tuesday
Telegraph - Climate Change
Hay Festival 2013: global warming is 'fairly f ...Stern report author says global warming has remained stable but 'could accelerate again soon'.
Higher temperatures could lead to 20 per cent ...Deaths in Manhattan could jump by as much as 20 per cent in the 2020s and 90 per cent by the 2080s as a result of global warming, a study has found.
Prince Charles puts heat on ministers over cli ...The Prince of Wales, who has warned about irreversible damage caused by global warming, holds private meeting with the Energy Secretary and climate change minister.
Just like Britain, only sunnierRelentless rain, snow in spring and another summer in doubt - it's no wonder that we hanker after a life abroad. Christopher Middleton picks out 10 destinations where weather refugees will feel at home
Scientific 'consensus' that humans to blame fo ...A review of 12,000 scientific papers has found the consensus among scientists that humans are to blame for climate change is "overwhelming" and the dissenting view was held by less than two per cent of scientists.
ReDress News
Has Israel groveller David Miliband changed hi ...Stuart Littlewood is surprised at the invitation by a pro-Palestinian medical charity to former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband - a proven groveller to Israel - to speak at its annual fundraising gala.
IMPORTANT: OUR WEBSITE IS CHANGINGRedress Information & Analysis is moving to www.redressonline.com. From now on we will publish new articles on www.redressonline.com only and, in the meantime, we will transfer important long-shef-life articles from our old website to the new one.
What might Netanyahu do if Romney's defeat bec ...Alan Hart examines whether Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is mad enough to order an attack on Iran in what remains of Obama’s first term without the president’s blessing and American participation.
Israel's Salafi foot soldiers in the wake of a ...Nureddin Sabir argues that Israel must bear responsibility for creating the climate that gave rise to the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims". But it is Israel's Salafi and Wahhabi foot soldiers behind the violent protests across the Arab and Muslim worlds who may eventually bring Arabs and M ...
Anti-Islam film: free speech or inciting to riot?Lawrence Davidson argues that outage against the anti-Muhammad film "Innocence of Muslims" "has exposed the deep vein of anger against the United States that runs through the Muslim world", but doubts that American leaders would have the courage and foresight to re-examine the policies and behav ...
Amazon Rainforest
Peru police clashes with illegal gold miners: ...Thousands of illegal gold miners battled police for control of a regional capital in the Amazon basin on Wednesday and at least three people were killed by gunfire. Outnumbered riot police fired tear gas against miners who wielded clubs and rocks and tried to seize strategic facilities in Puert ...
Brazil to Dilma: Fulfill campaign promise!The Forest Code is dwindling, and with it the Brazilian forests. Soon to be voted in the House, the text that distorts the country’s main environmental law was the target of a demonstration today in Brasilia, which brought together social movements and environmental groups, asking the Pr ...
European energy corporation plans to flood Rai ...Spanish energy cooperation Endesa (subsidiary enterprise of the Italian Enel cooperation) is builiding a giant hydro-electric power plant next to the River Magdalena, Colombia- The construction work has started today- the protest camps of the local farmers and fishermen have been evacuated by fo ...
Plastic eating Fungi discovered in Amazon Rain ...The group of students, part of Yale’s annual Rainforest Expedition and Laboratory with molecular biochemistry professor Scott Strobel, ventured to the jungles of Ecuador. The mission was to allow “students to experience the scientific inquiry process in a comprehensive and creative way. ...
Justice for 8year girl burned alive by loggers ...Loggers in Brazil captured an eight-year-old girl from one of the Amazon’s last uncontacted tribes and burned her alive as part of a ‘campaign’ to force the indigenous population from its land! Sign Petition and share: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/813/288/541/ The ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 29, 2013Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
Reyhanli-Gate: The Cover Up & Changing Story o ...Did the Rift between the Turkey’s AKP Government & Imam Fethullah Gülen’s Cult Lead to the Death of 52 Turkish Citizens? By Peter Edel Reyhanli, a town in the Turkish province of Hatay near the Syrian border, was hit last month by a double bomb attack – 52 dead victims, a sad record. S ...
Obama: Defending the IndefensibleObama Reflects the Worst of Rogue Leadership His doublespeak duplicity reflects the last refuge of a scoundrel. He’s the worst in recent memory. Perhaps the worst ever. Forked tongue rhetoric can’t disguise it. Throughout his tenure, he governed lawlessly. He’s done so at home ...
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 28, 2013Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
The EyeOpener Report- The AP Spying Story: Wha ...In recent weeks we have been told to focus on a series of scandals which, we are told, are rocking the Obama Administration. Has the media finally found outrage over the Obama regime’s use of drone strikes to kill scores of innocent women and children in countries that are not even at war ...
Afro Spear
Sunday Inspirations: Ballerina Michaela DePrinceMichaela DePrince was orphaned in war-torn Sierra Leone at the age of three. She fulfilled a childhood dream when she recently played …Continue reading »
- sat’day riddymz
The New African PhotographyThis six part documentary series is presented by the Aljazeera program Artscape. It profiles six African photographers and their vision …Continue reading »
“Will Zuma survive his son’s ploy?” ...Recent security scandal and flaw in South Africa exposed President Jacob Zuma’s weak spot. It’s reported that an Indian plane …Continue reading »
“Where is the Black Church?” by De ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 Problems infecting and affecting the black community must be addressed in a serious and sincere …Continue reading »
Tikun Olam
Israel as Adelson’s Venetian Casino FantasyThis entire article along with accompanying picture has to be seen and read to be believed: At a luncheon here Tuesday, Mr. Adelson brought his two worlds together. He was crowned an honorary citizen of Jerusalem by the city’s mayor. And he flew in entertainers from his $2.4 billion Venetian res ...
Israeli-Australian Intelligence Relationship i ...The Mossad is mad, hellaciously mad. As a result, Israel’s already strained intelligence relationship with Australia going back to 2010, is thoroughly in tatters. Where to start with the story? When the Mossad mounted its fatal operation to assassinate Mahmoud al-Mabouh, it used cloned p ...
Netanyahu’s Facebook Page Replete With Racism, ...Bibi Netanyahu is the son of a noted Jewish historian. But unfortunately, neither the lessons nor substance of Jewish history has rubbed off on him (the son). He published today an execrable screed denouncing the Syrian people as blood-swilling heathen. It is beyond offensive. But the racism ...
Bob Woodward: Up to Five More U.S. Citizens Ki ...Part of the Obama administration’s lead-up to his major address yesterday was a series of leaks that indicated he intended to pursue a new direction in U.S. counter-terror policy. One of these leaks was a confession of sorts that America has killed four U.S. citizens in the Middle East si ...
Obama Reins in War on Terror, Drone WarfareIt’s hard to be categorically optimistic about anything Barack Obama says since he’s let so many down so much. But his statements about drone strikes and the war on terror, while not everything one would wish, were a vast improvement over U.S. policy for the past five years in which ...
If Americans Knew
NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again o ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner ...
Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
Impressions of Israeli Executions in the West BankMuch planning had gone into our family vacation in Israel-Palestine. We could spare only the last two weeks of 2009, and so had developed an uncompromising itinerary for each day, allowing a mere half-day to recover from jet lag from our trip from California. After devoting most of the first wee ...
Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist . ...In your recent column in the New York Times, "Ten for the Next Ten," you wrote: "I'll place my hopes on the possibility -- however remote at the moment -- that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their G ...
Noam Chomsky and the pro-Israel lobby: Fourtee ...Noam Chomsky has been called the US leading intellectual by pundits and even some sectors of the mass media. He has a large audience throughout the world especially in academic circles, in large part because of his vocal criticism of US foreign policy and many of the injustices resulting from t ...
David J. Gregory
Donation will give you ACCESS TO PRIVATE AREA!http://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/06/16/donation-will-give-you-access-to-private-area/ As our private area grows with more and more data, it becomes more and more desirable. A donation will give you access to this area where not only will you ...
BIG NEWS Obama Threatens VETO CISPABig news. President Obama is threatening to veto CISPA, the bill that could give the government and big companies limitless powers to spy on us online. The President has folded on a lot of things in the past, but finally, yes finally, there is hope, the tide maybe changing, from the GOP Corporat ...
The Eye On Citrus Showhttp://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/the-eye-on-citrus-show/ Our latest radio show is up, talking about the GOP Forum held in Crystal River this past Saturday, Jan 14, 2010. The two non-fiction books relating the dark and illegal deeds of t ...
Jesse Ventura, 63 Documents the Government Doe ...http://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/jesse-ventura-63-documents-the-government-does-not-want-you-to-read/ EyeOnCitrus.com is proud to announce that Jesse Ventura, newest book, 63 Documents The Government Doesn’t Want you to read, is availab ...
What side are you on?As a Thanksgiving deadline nears for action by the powerful congressional committee on deficit reduction, Bernie sounded an alarm over reports that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid may be cut. "The American people have been very clear. They understand how important Social Security, Med ...
Unsuitable Blog
The Unsuitablog ArchiveThe Unsuitablog contains a huge range of posts from simple criticism to investigation to downright in-your-face sabotage. It also has heaps of advice on how to recognise and expose greenwash and the entire series of Monthly Undermining Tasks which helped the book Underminers become a reality. To ...
The Unsuitablog: Winding Down and Winding UpFour years, and it feels like it. It would take a book to tell the story of The Unsuitablog: all the work that has gone into it; the sleepless nights wondering whether a stunt would come off or what the repercussions of an exposure would be; the arm-aching pixel manipulation in creating the hund ...
You’re Not Taking “Radical” ...On Monday 5th December, 2011, Bill McKibben, author and figurehead-leader of 350.org wrote the following in the Daily Kos: You think OWS is radical? You think 350.org was radical for helping organize mass civil disobedience in DC in August against the Keystone Pipeline? We’re not radical. Radica ...
Strikes vs Royal WeddingsThere is going to be a strike in Britain on Wednesday. The UK Government are condemning it. This is starting to appear all over Facebook: When the government decide we can have a day off for the royal wedding it doesn’t damage the economy, but when the workers decide to strike for a day it ...
WWF Denies Palm Oil is the Problem, then Count ...It seems there is no depth to which the corporate world’s own favourite NGO, WWF, will not sink. An article in this week’s Guardian was happy to give WWF some free publicity, implying that the group actually give a stuff about the wildlife they were apparently set up to protect (or s ...
Subalternate Reality
Forget The Wealthy. How Do We Tax The Lucky?A few weeks ago, the Washington Post ran a lengthy, above-the-fold piece looking into what impact capital gains tax rates were having on wealth inequality in America. “Most of the richest Americans pay lower overall tax rates than middle-class Americans do,” the reporters noted, adding that duri ...
Muslim-Baiters Don’t Want To Be Treated ...Over the weekend, I posted the following message on Twitter: “When a Muslim commits terror, every Muslim in the world somehow shares responsibility. When it’s a white Christian, he’s always a lone wolf.” I wasn’t commenting on the tendency of commentators to use different words to de ...
Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
“I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg – one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq – has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement that’s taken over the streets of Egypt. “I support democratization, but,” he cautions, “the democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
Idea Lab | Technology
Join the Zeega Makers Challenge for 'The Makin ...In 24 hours, Zeegas -- a new form of interactive media -- will be installed on four projection screens at San Francisco's renowned Museum of Modern Art. This showcase is part of "The Making Of..." -- a collaboration between award-winning NPR producers the Kitchen Sisters, KQED, AIR's Localore, ...
OpenStreetMap Conference to Advance the World' ...Hundreds of users, contributors, and mappers are converging next month in San Francisco to discuss OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world often called the "Wikipedia of maps." More than 1 million people have signed up to contribute to OpenStreetMap, making it the world's largest o ...
The Crowd and the Mob: Opportunities, Cautions ...Recent events in Boston highlight both the potential and hazards of ever-present cameras. In the hours following the April 15 bombing, law enforcement agencies called upon commercial businesses and the public to submit relevant footage from surveillance cameras and mobile devices. While the tsun ...
Want an Affordable Infrared Camera? Give to Pu ...This post was co-written by Public Lab organizer Don Blair. Public Lab is pleased to announce the launch of our fourth Kickstarter today, "Infragram: the Infrared Photography Project." The idea for the Infragram was originally conceptualized during the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico ...
Pop Up Archive Makes Audio Searchable, Findabl ...After an insane and memorable week at SXSW Interactive in Austin in March, we came away with our work cut out for us: improving Pop Up Archive so that it's a reliable place to make all kinds of audio searchable, findable and reusable. Thanks in no small part to the brilliant development team at ...
Cutting Edge News
The Race for EVs - Research Project Uses Alcho ...With a novel energy storage technique, researchers of the Berlin Technical University will improve the driving range of electrically driven cars: They use ethanol - but instead of filling it into the tank, they plan to build an ethanol-based fuel cell.Fuel cells are not new as an energy source i ...
Broken Government - Democrat-Heavy IRS Will Al ...If you take a group of Democrats who are also unionized government employees, and put them in charge of policing political speech, it doesn't matter how professional and well-intentioned they are. The result will be much like the debacle in the Cincinnati office of the IRS.The IRS's targeting of ...
Destination Mars - Mars One Gets 80,000 Willin ...When the call went out Mars One might have expected a few dozen people would be willing to accept a suicide mission to a dead planet. Instead, they were overwhelmed with more than 80,000 applicants including at least a dozen from the Middle East. From this region three are from Israel, six from ...
The Battle for Syria - Syria Crisis Deepens Wi ...It has been a tough couple of days for the Syria conflict, with announcements on arms for the rebels and the government, and more delays in the U.S.-Russian effort to convene a peace conference. Britain and France won a significant victory at a meeting of European Union foreign minist ...
The Way We Are - Oklahomans Have Long Traditio ...The people of the plains state of Oklahoma have shown determination in facing disasters, both natural and human. One week ago, a powerful tornado tore through Moore, an Oklahoma City suburb, killing more than 20 people. But as area residents are living up to what has come to be known as th ...
High Country News
No thanks, EstoniaEstonia can keep its Stone Age, oil-shale technology, along with its air pollution.
Alaska’s populist, Sarah Palin-era oil tax get ...The Alaska Legislature cut the industry’s taxes to boost declining production in the North Slope. But the rollbacks don’t seem likely to have the desired effect.
Could an Alaska mining project jeopardize Eart ...Scientists studying eagles on the Chilkat River near Haines worry that nearby mineral exploration may threaten a chum salmon run the migrating raptors rely on, possibly with cross-continent consequences.
HaywiredHow the huge and fragile network of wires intertwined into our very existence may determine whether we can kick our carbon habit.
Sippings of memory: a review of "100 Tricks Ev ..."100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do," Kim Stafford’s memoir of his brother’s suicide, is more heartwarming than depressing
The Speech Obama Should Give On Keystone XL B ...Bill Henderson writes a speech for Obama
The Downwinders : Fracking Ourselves To Deat ...Now, a new generation of downwinders is getting sick as an emerging industry pushes the next wonder technology -- in this case, high-volume hydraulic fracturing. Whether they live in Texas, Colorado, or Pennsylvania, their symptoms are the same: rashes, nosebleeds, severe headaches, difficulty b ...
Boston, Brazil And Islam: Irrational Rhetoric, ...The official purpose of Hagel’s recent visit to Israel was to finalize US arms sales to Israel and other countries which total about $10 billion. Knowing how such weapons have been used in the past, one can hardly appreciate the ‘sarcasm’ in Eric Rush’s tweet of wanting to ‘kill them all.’ Per t ...
From Lidice To Deir Yassin: The Unbearable Sha ...The villages, Lidice in former Czechoslovakia and Deir Yassin in Palestine are harrowing examples of ethnic cleansing and collective punishment perpetrated on the innocent by Nazis and Israelis respectively. Significantly, on moral grounds, they serve to demonstrate that profound human lessons o ...
Postcard From The End Of America : San Jose B ...Each of my visit to San Jose is a kind of homecoming, for my father, brother and, uh, absolutely composed, considerate and non-screaming stepmother are still here, and have lived here for decades. Though I have no sentimental attachment to this place, I also don't hate it. Personal crap can be t ...
Contagious Love Experiment
Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young p ...
Yid With Lid
Fed. Govt. Off The Bestiality Kick? Spent $1.3 ...On one hand studying online sexual pursuits is a not the job of the federal government, but on the other hand after learning that taxpayers are paying $384,949 To Study Duck Penis' and $880,000 To Study SNAIL SEX!?!? it's a relief to know there is somebody in Washington who doesn't ...
SCANDALPALOOZA: New Letters Implicate Higher-u ...Listen closely. Do you hear that? It's the drip...drip...drip of information slowly but surely coming out about the IRS and other Obama Scandals. The latest information comes from Jay Sekulow of Chief Counsel of the ACLJ, (American Center for Law and Justice) . The ACLJ is filing a law ...
Atmospheric Scientist "We've Reached A Troubli ...The latest Issue of New Scientist has an interview with Atmospheric Scientist Ralf Keeling. Keeling is asked about recent readings made at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii which recorded a carbon dioxide concentration of 400 parts per million for the first time. It's a psychol ...
Love Story Continued: Christie, Obama and the ...Where do I begin To tell the story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love he brings to me Where do I start -The Theme From Love Story It is too cute a story to pass-up. Yesterday Pr ...
MUST WATCH VIDEO: O'Reilly Confronts Juan Will ...If you missed tonight's O'Reilly factor you missed a classic Bill O'Reilly/Juan Williams Dual (Juan was outmatched). Williams is clinging to his contention that it is perfectly fine that Eric Holder is investigating Eric Holder's Department of Justice conduct in the investigation of leaks ...
Wind Watch
State finds Fairhaven turbines in violation of ...FAIRHAVEN — Fairhaven’s two industrial-sized wind turbines are in violation of Massachusetts noise regulations, according to preliminary results of a sound study conducted by the state Department of Environmental Protection. The announcement at a meeting Tuesday night prompted opponents to ...
Wind power’s grip on Augusta weakening a ...They came from the townships and plantations of Concord, Lexington, Highland, Carrying Place and Pleasant Ridge. They set out for the statehouse in Augusta from the five sparsely populated backcountry communities set between the Kennebec and Carrabassett rivers, from a wooded intervale etched by ...
Residents question why wind developer wrote to ...ANTRIM — A handful of residents remain angry that the town’s Select Board voted to appeal a state decision that denied a proposed wind farm, but what really struck the wrong chord with those residents was learning that the town motion submitted to the Site Evaluation Committee was authored by an ...
Marshall County first to ban wind farmsIt’s believed that Marshall County today became the first county in Indiana to ban commercial wind farms within its borders. “It’s just our wildest dreams realized,” said Marabeth Levett, a supporter of the ban. “Marshall County is very densely populated compared to Benton, and White County wher ...
Another wind project may threaten condorsThe Bureau of Land Management has just released the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for an Arizona wind project near the mouth of the Grand Canyon. It may pose a threat to the canyon’s population of reintroduced California condors. BP Wind Energy’s proposed Mohave County W ...
Tippers News
Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher C. to Environment | Note- ...
About Us,,,You may want to lisent...interesting!Interesting Information that you may find interesting With Love... Evelyn (: Submitted by Evelyn J. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
The Freeman
Human Trafficking: The Other Good Reason to Re ...Restrictive immigration policies have long been associated with a variety of economic problems. These include the diminished availability of foreign talent, the inability of businesses to fill low-skilled agricultural and service jobs typically scorned by legal residents, and reduced access to t ...
Methodological IndividualismI am just now rereading Ludwig von Mises’s magnum opus, Human Action. What a joy it is to get reacquainted with this masterful work and to use it as a benchmark to gauge my own intellectual odyssey since first reading it more than 40 years ago. Early on the reader encounters the term “methodolo ...
The Virtue of Market InefficiencyMarkets are often rightly characterized as extraordinary problem solvers. Under the right rules of the game (including private property, free exchange, and the rule of law) people following their own self-interests can coordinate their plans with one another more or less successfully, generating ...
The Entrepreneurial SpiritDorothy Whipple’s almost entirely forgotten novel High Wages is one of the most compelling stories of personal initiative and entrepreneurship that I have read. Left alone in the world with only fifty-two pounds in a savings account, Jane Carter decides to look for work. By chance, she arrives i ...
Austrian Economics: Ahead of its Time?So I’m a closet futurist. Being one, I sometimes find myself checking out sites like Transhumanity.net. I recently came across an article there that does a pretty good job of unpacking the difference between 20th century science and 21st century science. One of the things I noticed about 2 ...
Teaching Online Journalism
Your syllabus as a blog: How to do itFor about three years, I have been using WordPress.com (a free blogging site) to create a syllabus for each one of my courses. I first tried it in 2007, and now I’m totally sold on the practice. (See two examples: graduate course; undergrad course.) One of the best features for students: ...
Teaching Web video: Everything you need to kno ...In non-TV news organizations today, we see mostly one of two choices for video (or both of these): iPhone (more than any other phone or small device) DSLR (various models) All the smaller video cams seem to have fallen out of favor. Only TV and feature-length documentary makers use high-end ...
Code for journalism students: PresentationsIn the semester now ending, I taught a course in coding for journalism students. You can see the detailed course schedule online. Here are all the PowerPoints I showed in that class. You can view them on SlideShare or download them there. Beginning jQuery – Part 1 – Part 2 Intro ...
Top 10 posts this monthThese are the most-viewed posts on this blog in the past 30 days: 10 examples of bespoke article design and scrolling goodness 10 Rules for Visual Storytelling Advice to journalism students: Forget grad school! Recording phone interviews: A solution that works Get started with Web coding. ...
Journalism curriculum, and the hands-in-the-ai ...It’s hard work making sure a journalism curriculum remains relevant. Here are “four essential components to the new curriculum for teaching news and communication,” according to Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute and co-author of The Elements of ...
Facing South
Apologies and AppleIn 2010, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas retracted his apology to BP for the Obama administration's effort to get compensation for those affected by the Gulf oil disaster. Will Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky have to do the same with his call for the Senate to apologize to Apple for criticizing the company' ...
NC renewable energy law survives attack from t ...The failure of legislation to repeal the state's groundbreaking renewable energy program is a setback for conservative ideologues, but the lawmaker who led the repeal initiative says he hopes to continue the effort using new tactics. read more
A prolonged stay: The reason behind the slow p ...Amid a shortage of drugs used for executions, some states are searching for new suppliers and different drugs. Others -- including Arkansas, Georgia and Tennessee -- have amended public records laws to keep the names of suppliers and manufacturers of alternative drugs secret. read more
INSTITUTE INDEX: Growing protests over North C ...Over 150 people have been arrested so far in nonviolent protests against the N.C. legislature's far-right agenda, and even bigger actions are planned next month. read more
NC gets warning from WV on ending judicial pub ...With its trailblazing public financing program for judicial elections targeted for elimination by Republican state leaders, North Carolina got a visit this week from two prominent West Virginia conservatives who made a case for why such programs benefit a state's people and economy. read more
Worldpress - Africa
DR Congo's Silent OrdealBrutal violence continues to ravage the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the massacres get very little coverage in Western media.
DR Congo's Silent OrdealBrutal violence continues to ravage the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the massacres get very little coverage in Western media.
U.S. Upgrades Its Relationship with AfricaThe Obama administration has unveiled a new strategy that intends to shift the focus of its relationship with Africa from aid to sustainable development.
U.S. Upgrades Its Relationship with AfricaThe Obama administration has unveiled a new strategy that intends to shift the focus of its relationship with Africa from aid to sustainable development.
Cheers for Hollande in AfricaMany Africans were excited to see French President Nicolas Sarkozy voted out of office, hopeful that François Hollande will better represent their interests.
Telegraph UK - oil
The oil fields of SyriaAl-Qaeda's Syrian wing is helping to finance its activities by selling the product of oilfields that once helped to prop up the regime of Bashar al-Assad
Oil price manipulation 'could have driven up f ...Families could have been paying too much for food and household goods if companies are found to have fixed the oil price, the Government says.
Price fixing: Is slick trading pushing up the ...As the EU launches an investigation into claims of price fixing by oil companies, Harry Wallop examines the factors that affect the cost of our petrol at the pumps
Graphic: how crude oil price-fixing could have ...A rise in the price of crude often coincides with a rise in the price of petrol at the pump.
Independence referendum 'affecting oil investm ...The independence referendum is affecting the investment plans of more than a third of North Sea oil and gas companies, according to a benchmark survey.
Ian Welsh
Ethics 101, Part 3: Forseeable ConsequencesSince we’re on basic ethics, let’s take another basic ethical principle. It is impossible to have a good society if you do not punish and reward people for the forseeable consequences of their actions. Let us take the most simple: in a war people die, they are injured, many rapes ar ...
Ethics 101, Part 3: Forseeable ConsequencesSince we’re on basic ethics, let’s take another basic ethical principle. It is impossible to have a good society if you do not punish and reward people for the forseeable consequences of their actions. Let us take the most simple: in a war people die, they are injured, many rapes ar ...
Ethical DegradationWe make distinctions between crimes, even the same crimes. Unintentional killing is ranked lower than intentional killing, and pre-meditated (planned) killing is ranked higher than crimes of passion (finding your husband in bed with another woman and killing him.) We also make distinctions betw ...
Ethical DegradationWe make distinctions between crimes, even the same crimes. Unintentional killing is ranked lower than intentional killing, and pre-meditated (planned) killing is ranked higher than crimes of passion (finding your husband in bed with another woman and killing him.) We also make distinctions betw ...
The Moral Calculus of the Woolwich MurderSo, a man killed a soldier in Woolwich London by hacking his head off. That’s bad. But on the scale of bad, immoral things, it ranks very low. The murderer took the time to kill someone in the military. He did not target civilians. This makes him superior, morally, to the Boston bombers. ...
Media Consortium
- The Newsonomics of membership » Nieman Journal ...
- Giussani
- MediaShift . PubCamp Examines New Models, Phil ...
- New Voices: What Works
- The Media Consortium » The Big Thaw
Reality Asserts Itself
Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become ...
PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will c ...
China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and worl ...
Open Your Eyes News
PNG death penalty condemned as ‘barbaric ...ABC – Amnesty International says Papua New Guinea’s move to revive the death penalty is “barbaric” and will not deter violent crime. After a spate of horrific murders and gang-rapes, PNG’s parliament yesterday voted to make murder, aggravated rape, robbery, treason ...
Global markets rally as European, Japanese cen ...ABC – Wall Street snapped its longest losing streak of the year overnight after European and Japanese central banks pledged to continue their stimulus programs and data showed further signs of a pick-up in the US economy. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 0.69 per cent to close at a r ...
German companies avoid billions in taxesDW – According to calculations by a think tank, German companies here massively avoid corporate taxes. But unlike Google and Apple, they exploit loopholes in German tax laws rather than transfer profits to tax safe havens. German businesses avoided paying corporate taxes to the tune of 92 ...
Internet Freedom Under Attack – Cuba to ...DW – Cuba’s communist government has presented a plan to expand public Internet access on the Caribbean island nation. But private Internet access in Cuban homes will remain unavailable. According to a government resolution published in the Official Gazette on Tuesday, authorities pl ...
Avatars ease voices for schizophrenia patientsBBC- Use of an avatar can help treat patients with schizophrenia who hear voices, a UK study suggests. The trial, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, focused on patients who had not responded to medication. Using customised computer software, the patients created avatars to match the ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
Endangered sea turtles in harm's way in Gulf o ...Federal scientists for the first time have mapped the migration patterns and feeding grounds of Kemp’s ridley sea turtle in the Gulf of Mexico, and the study reveals that the favored feeding sites for the endangered turtles overlap with the most-damaged areas of the gulf.
Cattle grazing can promote cheatgrass dominanc ...Ranchers often argue that cattle grazing is the best way to combat cheatgrass, an aggressive invader that has taken over vast areas of the Great Basin, destroying the native sagebrush ecosystem and fueling huge wildfires.
What do we spend to preserve nature? $40 billionSome say that you can’t put a price on precious natural resources. As of this week, you can.
Feds to study oil exploration's effects on mar ...Two federal agencies on Friday announced a major review of how seismic testing for oil and gas deposits affects marine mammals and fish in deep waters off the Gulf of Mexico.
U.S. to protect endangered loggerhead sea turt ...The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has two months to identify suitable in-water nesting and migratory habitat for endangered loggerhead sea turtles, according to a legal settlement filed this week.
‘Operation Yewtree is a juggernaut, out ...When Barbara Hewson made stinging criticisms on spiked about the post-Savile witch hunt, there was a media storm. Now, she responds.
A history of powerful ideasA fascinating new exhibition reveals that propaganda is only as bad or as good as the ideas it propagates.
EDL: overdosing on the oxygen of publicityLeft-wing fantasists who think fascism is making a comeback are unwittingly helping to bolster the knackered EDL.
Woolwich: we have to talk about the bystandersThere’s no more avoiding it: we must discuss the chilling fact that people casually watched and photographed the aftermath of a brutal murder.
The real roots of homegrown terrorismBlaming shadowy Islamist groomers for ‘radicalising’ young Muslims ignores problems closer to home.
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
Reinstate Teacher Who Supported Trayvon Martin ...arget: Superintendent Jacqueline Cassell Goal: To reinstate Brooke Harris, an eighth grade teacher who was fired after supporting a fundraiser benefitting Trayvon Martins family. The Trayvon Martin case has already caused a storm of controversy, Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World &n ...
"Ive Been Duped" - Reflections on Israel and P ...Do you know the frustration you feel when you believed in something strongly and then you realize that the information that made you believe was from a source with an agenda to deceive? Submitted by Ken D. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
What people will do for beauty: 8 Grossest Spa ...uh..the title says it all :) Submitted by Vicky P. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
White House sees more pain for Iran as it clea ...Aggressive war is illegal, immoral against nations that are no threat, is nonbelligerent & it is insane! Call your Reps. Tell your friends, rouse up the good folk in your church,mosque and synagouge. We must stop this exported violence or we are screwed. Submitted by michael hall to World &nbs ...
Iran Bashing, Terrorism, and Who Chose the Cho ...Dedicated to the long-suffering Palestinians and Iranians who have been sidelined by the United Nations in favour of the Nuclear Apartheid State of Zionist Israel in the most blatant exercise in International Double Standards that our world has ever known Submitted by Ken D. to World |&nb ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
Bangladesh Hits 1 Million Solar Home SystemsA few months back Nancy Wimmer told us about Bangladesh’s solar success read more
Abu Dhabi solar plant key to energy securityShams 1 uses 258,048 parabolic mirrors to collect sunlight and concentrate it onto oil that flows through a tubing at the center of the curved mirrors. This heated oil makes its way into a h ...
Social Bankability, Solar Crowdfunders, & Emer ...If we are going to avoid the worst impacts of climate change we need disruptive innovations that fundamentally alter the broken systems that continue to build out inequitable, fossil fueled so ...
New crowdsourcing platform gives hope to small ...Less than 24 hours after launching its online marketplace, Mosaic raised $313,000 to power read more
“Black hole for light” drastically improves ef ...Researchers at Princeton University led by electrical engineer Stephen Chou, have developed what is being called a “nanostructure sandwich” to trap light and improve the efficiency of organic solar cells by 175%. A layer of metal mesh ...
Empty newsfeed.
Megafonen: We don't start no firesSweden.jpg Swedish community activist group Megafonen responds to criticisms which have been levelled at it by the press for not condemning rioters. ...
Sweden: Open letter to a nation on firegft4110.jpg As Stockholm continues to be rocked by nights of riots triggered by police attempts to cover up their killing of a 68 year old man in his home in the neglected Stockholm suburb of Husby, m ...
The legacy of the dead - the Savar collapse, p ...Sister_Shefali_learns_of_sisters_corpse.jpg The site of the Dhaka factory collapse is now cleared; new concessions and reforms are announced. Some further reflections... 1127 cor ...
Calling for South London anti-fascist response ...edl_woolwich_700-600x250.jpg With the far-right announcing protests in Woolwich, South London Anti-Fascists call for 'community defence groups' to respond to the fascist threat. ...
Letter of anarchist Alexey Sutuga from prison ...It is late, but I still want to congratulate all the comrades and friends with May Day and the Day of Liberation of the world from the Nazi threat in the memorable days of 1945. The symbolism of the holidays for me is still an important part of those ideas ...
Free Range International
The Last PostThis will be the last post I write for the FRI blog. If this is the first time you have seen this blog stop reading this right now and go back to October 2011 in the archives section because those are some of the best posts I ever wrote about Afghanistan. Or go to the [...]
How Do You Mend A Broken Heart?Our little posse made it out of Afghanistan without any dramas. My brother Tim left with me because The Bot had made it perfectly clear that his IED hit from the year before had made him completely unstable and a big pain in his ass. We went to London again and both my brother and [...]
Vision QuestEditors note: Be sure to start this series from the beginning (Dalton Thomas Comes Home) so it makes sense. We will try to get more posts up sooner than we have been lately but Dalton is, to be honest, not doing as well as we hoped . Baba Tim is also banged up again and [...]
Band On The RunEditors Note: It is important for first time readers to start this story from the beginning. This is a (mostly) fictional account by my brother, Dalton Thomas Lynch, who is using the pen as therapy as he adjusts to living a normal life back in the states. Any donations received by the FRI bl ...
Dead Man WalkingDalton continues to heal himself using creative writing as his vehicle for change. Any donations our loyal readers are able to spare for this cracking tale will go directly to Dalton. For the record, I (Baba T) did not say “Vet or Ventilate” and insist it was “If we can’ ...
The Story Behind the Story
Mormon Transhumanism – (AKA Iron Man IV)Hats off once again to Texe Marrs. His latest book, “ROBOT ALCHEMY” is simply a must-read. You can order it by clicking here: http://www.texemarrs.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=catalog&Product_Code=bbtm_robot_alchemy Without a doubt, the anti-Ch ...
Mormon Transhumanism – (AKA Iron Man IV)Hats off once again to Texe Marrs. His latest book, “ROBOT ALCHEMY” is simply a must-read. You can order it by clicking here: http://www.texemarrs.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=catalog&Product_Code=bbtm_robot_alchemy Without a doubt, the anti-Christian ...
Why Does JESUS CHRIST Need to Hire an Anti-Chr ...Imagine Jesus Christ walking the dusty streets of Judea in 30 A.D. Imagine Him teaching often in parable – but sometimes in very plain directness. Imagine Him telling the religious “authorities” (the High Priests) the TRUTH – that they are the literal seed of “th ...
Why Does JESUS CHRIST Need to Hire an Anti-Chr ...Imagine Jesus Christ walking the dusty streets of Judea in 30 A.D. Imagine Him teaching often in parable – but sometimes in very plain directness. Imagine Him telling the religious “authorities” (the High Priests) the TRUTH – that they are the literal seed of “th ...
Well Done Piece by Pastor Chuck Baldwin“There Is A Conspiracy” by Chuck Baldwin, May 9, 2013 “There Is A Conspiracy” By Chuck Baldwin May 9, 2013 This column is archived here. The title of today’s column, “There Is A Conspiracy,” is a direct quote from Ezekiel 22:25. In this passage, God instructed Ezekiel to blow the w ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
Life in a carbon neutral world…There’s a great Story from the New York Times / International Herald and Tribune about a 28 year old product designer from Luxembourg attempting to live a carbon neutral life in Barcelona, Spain. Her story is at certainly inspiring, although sometimes uncomfortable to read about… who ...
BPA, Phthalates, Toxic Plastic Bottles, Sippy ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
Green Spring Cleaning!Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
Food Miles – how far your food travels & ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
Getting real about energy production & reductionHere’s a great video from a Cambridge University Physicist David Mackay. He’s discussing practical ways of measuring domestic power consumption, ways of producing energy, and he debate about replacing traditional fossil fuels based methods of producing electricity with more sensible ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
Tom Mulcair, Leader of the OppositionPeter Mansbridge sits down with the Leader of the Opposition Tom Mulcair to discuss the major political issues facing Canada today and what Mr. Mulcair's party, the NDP, would do differently in Ottawa.
Father Thomas RosicaPeter Mansbridge sits down with Father Thomas Rosica to discuss the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the process of electing a new Pope.
Patrick Chan, Canadian figure skater (Feb 9, 2013Peter Mansbridge sits down with Canadian figure skater Patrick Chan as he prepares for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia.
Mark Burnett, television producer (Feb 2, 2013)Peter talks about television, fame and chasing the American Dream with the king of reality TV.
Chris Hadfield, astronaut (Jan 26, 2013)Peter talks to the Canadian Astronaut from his current home in space aboard the International Space Station.
Scotts Contracting
Join My Winged Friends-Plastic RecyclingEven the Birds are Doing It-Are You While attempting to Lead by Example encouraging Plastic Recycling for the StLouis area. I’ve received a little help from the neighborhood winged friends in recycling the plastic from the community. While cleaning up the yard from the extreme storms that ...
Gunman meant to shoot the Girl not the GuyWhen writing articles and posts about #Construction ,#energyefficiency , and #homerepairservice the words and sentences I use seem to automatically jump from my fingers and onto the screen. I’ve found that when I’m writing about this sort of #GunViolenceTragedy that hit so close ...
Gun Violence-wrong place at the wrong timeGun Violence hitting close to Home-StLouis North Side This past weekend while sitting on a front porch talking with family and friends in the North Side of StLouis one of my Green Teams Members Son was hit by a stray bullet that nicked his Spine. The 22-year-old is in critical condition and is i ...
Gun Violence-wrong place at the wrong timeGun Violence hitting close to Home-StLouis North Side This past weekend while sitting on a front porch talking with family and friends in the North Side of StLouis one of my Green Teams Members Son was hit by a stray bullet that nicked his Spine. The 22-year-old is in critical condition and is i ...
Energy Star Window InstallationIn between the raindrops last week we took a little time away from the Stage2 on the Benton Project and installed these energy star windows by Wilke at the Saloon.Scotty Shady Jacks Energy Star 4 Window Installation Photos, Build Notes, Presentation Scotts Contracting – Removing Old Single ...
The View From Abroad
Empty newsfeed.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
The Dying Sahara: Jeremy Keenan's Latest Book ...To beef up the U.S. military presence in Africa to provide security for oil and natural-gas sources, the U.S. needed to either amplify the terrorist threat to the region or fabricate one.
Who Could Have Imagined That President Obama W ...At least he doesn't enjoy taking out terrorists like Bush did.
Afghanistan: Is It Really the End Game?There is no reason to continue the bloodshed in Afghanistan, which all the parties recognize will not alter the final outcome a whit.
Is the Drone Program Contracting -- or Expanding?To President Obama, drones are the answer to his foreign-policy prayers.
Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pie ...From mission creep to missileers asleep at the wheel.
Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
Iranian dissident and French lawmakers urge ne ...French lawmakers invited the head of a previously shunned Iranian dissident group to parliament on Wednesday, aiming to help it gain credibility as a viable opposition to Tehran's government. read more
زهر مار ایرانی برای نجات سربازان آمریکاییدر راهنمای پزشکی فرماندهی مرکزی نیروهای آمریکا در افغانستان تاکید شده است که پادزهر تولید شده در انستیتو رازی تهران، بهترین دارو برای مقابله با نیش مارهای کبرا و انواع دیگر مارهای سمی و خطرناک آسیای میانه است که در افغانستان به فراوانی وجود دارند.
نسرین ستوده اعتصاب غذای خود را شکسته گزارش رسیده به کلمه، متعاقب دیدار رضا خندان همسر این زندانی سیاسی و گروهی از فعالان زنان با برخی از نمایندگان و پیگیری های محمدرضا تابش و ابوترابی فرد و مذاکره آنها با رییس مجلس و قوه قضاییه و با برداشتن محدودیت های قضایی از مهراوه خندان، دختر نسرین ستوده، وی به اعتصاب غذای خود پایان داد.read more
Iran’s Claim of Drone Capture Is Denied by U.S.read more
Significant Changes Made to Parchin High Explo ...The latest image from DigitalGlobe clearly showing the new blue roofing of the two major buildings, new equipment and materials and the rows of earth piles. Numerous cars present at the site suggest a considerable level of activity at the site.
Most Revolutionary Act
Let Them Eat Crickets(With apologies to Marie Antoinette – a very special post for readers who have lost their pensions or unemployment benefits or who are looking at having their hours, wages or Social Security benefits reduced. Some simple cricket recipes below. Please note in preparing cricket flour, ...
The Pope is Onto SomethingMonetary Reform 101 "Somewhere in our history we took a wrong turn and today we are reaping the consequences. If we don't step back to evaluate the root causes of the rolling economic crises, our civilization is in danger of collapse." - Clive Menzies As a follow-up to the Pope’ ...
Interview with Syrian President AssadA highly illuminating interview (for Argentinian TV) in which Assad argues that the Syrian people should decide who rules Syria in internationally monitored elections scheduled for 2014. They would be conducted according to constitutional reforms enacted in 2011-2012 that limit the power ...
Pissarro and Angelina's MastectomyThe Bather by Pissarro Guest post by Jerry Fresia (A response to my post “The Company That Owns Angelina Jolie’s Breast Cancer Gene”) There’s an old joke from grade school that I still remember. It’s rather dumb, but the punch line turns on a thought that has re ...
Is Obama Losing the Covert War in Syria?It appears the Obama administration and their Turkish, Saudi and Qatari allies are losing the covert war in Syria. If so, this explains why the President and US and British media are once again trying to ramp up momentum for military intervention against the Assad regime. The following vi ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
Republic Windows Workers Seen in 'Capitalism: ...Grand Opening of Worker-Owned Window Factory Former Republic Window and Door Union Workers Launch New Era Windows Cooperative Press Contact: Leah Fried, United Electrical Workers (UE) 773-550-3022, leahfried@gmail.com Brendan Martin, The Working World 646-286-0846, ...
Michigan Families to Rally for Sensible Gun La ...CONTACT: Linda K. Brundage, Moms Demand Action MidMichigan/Lansing Chapter; (517) 337-3024 or Momsdemandaction.mimidlansing@gmail.com Kim Russell, National Director of Communications, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America; (917) 226-4420 or krussell@momsdemandaction.org ADVISO ...
Roger Ebert and 'Roger & Me'Excerpted from Here Comes Trouble: Stories From My Life by Michael Moore I had shown a cut of [Roger & Me] to three film festival selection committees — Telluride, Toronto, and New York. They all liked it and accepted it to be shown at each of their festivals in September 1989. I h ...
'Roger' makes its point with humorRoger Ebert, Chicago Sun Times September 5, 1989 When Flint, Mich., was named by Money magazine in 1988 (it bounced from No. 300 to No. 299 in the latest poll) as the worst place in America to live, some of the local citizens were so upset they held a rally and burned the magazine. But not lo ...
Talking Points for Gun Violence Conversations ...*Murder has been around since Cain and Abel. We will never eliminate all murder, but we can DRASTICALLY reduce it (as they have in almost every other First World democracy) by passing some very simple laws: An assault weapons ban, a ban on high-capacity ammo magazines, background checks on every ...
IRS also targeted marijuana establishmentsIt's not just tea partiers. IRS has also systematically involved itself in the federal War on Drugs
Report: Gay-friendly countries tend to be happ ...The world's 10 happiest countries each have laws in support of gay equality, according to a new report
Rallies in 12 U.S. cities protest Koch Tribune ...Activists fear Koch takeover of papers would give conservative billionaires powerful platform
First gay wedding in France to take place amid ...Violence continues in the wake of the landmark gay marriage law, so extra police will be present at the nuptials
Must-see morning clip: Russian daredevil sets ...Valery Rozov jumped from 7,220 metres above sea level
SMB News
Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,91 ...
Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
Who Loses from Rising Natural Gas Prices?Natural gas is an important feedstock for the chemicals and fertilizer industries, so higher prices could pressure those sectors. Oil companies with significant chemical operations could also see this business segment take a hit, but based on ExxonMobil’s (NYSE: XOM) advocacy of liquified natura ...
Who Wins from Rising Natural Gas Prices?Given their heavy investments in natural gas, ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips, along with Chesapeake, stand to benefit from the recovery in natural gas prices, writes Robert Rapier.
Estimate for Williston Basin Oil Resources is ...Last week the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provided an update of oil and gas resources in the Bakken region. This was their first update since a 2008 report that estimated mean undiscovered volumes of 3.65 billion barrels of oil and 1.85 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
The Key to Running the World on Solar and Wind ...Perhaps the biggest shortcoming of solar and wind power is their intermittency. In locations like Hawaii, where I live, wind and solar power are already competitive on price. My fossil-fuel supplied electricity typically costs above 40 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind and solar power can compete ...
Test Your International Oil IQIn last week’s column, we examined some oil production trivia involving US states. This week, we look at some international oil trivia covering the 5-year period 2007-2011, as well as some individual trivia from 2012. In this case, the data sources are the 2012 BP Statistical Review of Wor ...
Discovery Educator Network
The Teacher's Guides To Technology And Learnin ...Tags: technology, learning, guides, twitter, flipped classroom, Google Glassby: John Evans
New Study Uncovers What Teens Actually Share O ...Tags: PEW, study, teens, share, social mediaby: John Evans
Kleinspiration: Tons of Classroom Examples Usi ...Comments:"Augmented reality allows someone to add another layer to an existing image. For example, imagine holding your phone over a poster on the wall as if you were going to take a photo of that poster, and then instantly a video starts playing to offer you additional information about that p ...
Everything Teachers Need to Know about Google ...Tags: google, spreadsheets, google spreadsheetsby: Carolyn Rains
10 iPad competitors for school tech budgets | ...Comments:"There's no denying that the iPad is the dominant tablet in the lucrative education market right now. Technology, however, is an ever-evolving beast--a field where all it sometimes takes to dethrone the king is the right platform, device or combination thereof at the right time. Could ...
Rodale News
Where to Buy the Best FishWhere to buy the best fish? That's a tough question, given the complicated nature of sourcing seafood. Recent reports show seafood fraud is a major problem, in that people aren't always getting what they pay for. An even greater concern involves the fact that we're fishing our oceans dry, damag ...
Recipes from My Home Kitchen: Clam ChowderExcerpt from Recipes from My Home Kitchen: Asian and American Comfort Food by Christine Ha,, winner of Master Chef Season 3 on Fox: I first had clam chowder about a decade ago while sitting on a bench on the touristy Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. It came in a sourdough bread bowl and was ...
The Heart Killer Still Hiding in Your FoodBy now, you probably know man-made fats, particularly hidden trans fats, aren't good for you. Although many companies have made the move to lower or completely remove the artificial trans fats from their food formulations, a new study from Harvard and Center for Science in the Public Interest ( ...
The New Blood Pressure TriggerThere's no question that a poor diet and lack of exercise trigger cardiovascular chaos. But those aren't the only causes of high blood pressure and other ticker trouble. Researchers from New York University's Langone Medical Center, the University of Washington, and the Penn State School of Med ...
Smart Ways to Stop a Dog BiteDog bites aren't always the result of an encounter with a vicious, nasty attack dog. In fact, even the smallest, most docile dog can snap when stress hits. "In a high-stress environment, they may bite out of defensive nature," explains Victoria Wells, senior manager of behavior and training at ...
big think
Hey Psycho Sports Parents, It's Time for an In ...Sports is the number one activity for American children. More than music, more than band, more than religious activities, team sports is the number one activity. And yet it’s an incredibly high source of stress. I went to Florida and watched a youth soccer tournament with ten-year-ol ...
When Altruism Defies Evolutionary LogicThere’s this story that we humans are only altruistic, and that animals are only altruistic either toward kin with whom they share genes or toward individuals who will pay them back one way or another. This doesn’t explain a lot about human altruism. For example, people will c ...
610 - Would Smell As Sweet: Geo-popularity of ...Maybe you've never heard of Emmaland or Sophialand, but if you're reading this in the United States, there's a better than 90% chance that you live in either one of these two curious nations. The former is made up of the 31 states where 'Emma' was the most popular baby name for girls in ...
Do You Know Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses? ...How do you assess your own skills and how do you plan to improve them? This may be one of the most difficult questions to answer about your life and your career. That is because "most people simply haven't done enough focused work on this topic," writes Robert Kaplan in his new book, What You're ...
Assumptions and AtheismLast week was a big one for assumptions. There was Wolf Blitzer asking an Oklahoma tornado survivor if she was thankful that the Lord spared her life. Then that brief, awkward moment when Rebecca Vitsmun looked down at her baby, cracked a half-smile, and replied ‘I’m actually an atheist ... Rea ...
Information Liberation
High School Teacher Faces Discipline for Infor ...A high school social studies teacher in Batavia, Illinois, faces disciplinary action for informing students of their Fifth Amendment rights in connection with a survey asking about illegal drug use. The survey, ostensibly aimed at assessing the needs...
School Safety Officer Caught on Camera Pushing ...A member of the security staff at a Chicago school was caught on camera this week pushing a female student down a flight of stairs and then punching her in the face. Students at Dunbar Vocational Career Academy watched in amazement with cellpho...
Generation WhyI probably loathe the American compulsory education system more than anyone I've ever met. I despise it on deeply personal level, on an ethical level, and from an efficacy standpoint. I despise the people involved; the administrators, the so-called t...
Controversial Tweeter reveals DUI checkpoint l ...SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - As Memorial Day weekend gets underway, law enforcement is out in full force to crack down on drunk driving. But SDSU grad Sennett Devermont, better known as "MrCheckpoint," is also working overtime, publicizing through soci...
Testing the "Lulz Liberator," a $25 3D-printed ...This handgun was printed with a $1,725 Lulzbot 3D printer and fired for the first time above. One plastic barrel survived eight shots, and another barrel was swapped in for the ninth, before nightfall cut short further testing....
Be Responsible - Be Free!
Libertarianism And Gun LawThis post will be briefer than I had originally intended, and for a couple of reasons. First, I haven’t put up any threads for a while, and I feel as though I need a break from work today, so here … Continue reading →
Of Human Dregs And Piano LegsEveryone else seems to be talking about sex this week, so I’ll devote a dedicated post to a topic raised by Luton Ian on the last thread. I’m going to try to avoid sniggering here about New Zealand and the … Continue reading →
Bushfire UpdateG’day everyone, Sorry I haven’t had much time for blogging lately; getting the property and my business back to normal has occupied all of my calendar for the last couple of months. Farmerbraun asked me earlier today to put up some … Continue reading →
Abandoning All PretenceBehold your future. Coming soon to a banking system near you. Last weekend’s announcement by Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades that, as a precondition of the acceptance of a €10 billion EU bailout, his country would impose an immediate “tax” of up … Continue reading &# ...
Abandoning All PretenceBehold your future. Coming soon to a banking system near you. Last weekend’s announcement by Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades that, as a precondition of the acceptance of a €10 billion EU bailout, his country would impose an immediate “tax” of up … Continue reading &# ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
Translating teenage gruntsLinguistics of adolescent phonetics If you don’t get it, then I just have one thing to say and it’s: “A voiced alveolar stop and breathy-voiced low-back unrounded vowel, with advanced tongue root” – duuuuh… (That latter words is described by James Harbeck in h ...
Deceived wisdom about pruney fingersI discuss the myths about why our fingers go “pruney” in the bath or swimming pool in my book Deceived Wisdom, the truth seems to lie in the work of Mark Changizi. In this cartoon, we see the explanation and get to hear his theory in his own words. Deceived wisdom about pruney finger ...
SIDS, cot death absolute risksThe tabloids were screaming at new parents this week desperately yelling at them not to share a bed with their newborn because it could be lethal, causing sudden infant death syndrome, or cot death. The research said so. SIDS is tragic, of course, but a little composure, please. As NHS Choices e ...
A design for lifeAs the average age of the population goes up with people surviving many years more than their allegorical three score years and ten, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of senile dementia will rise too. Many people can suffer symptoms for many years and yet live independen ...
How did feathers evolve?Carl Zimmer offered some insights at TED-Ed into how dinosaurs got their plumage and evolved into the flying birds, excellent birds, we see today. This is witty animation plucks up the courage to fill in the gaps. On an entirely unrelated note, I wrote a song about flight, which you can hear on ...
RFF Library
Tornadoes and Thunderstorms: The 2012 and 2013 ...Insurance Information Institute http://www.iii.org/facts_statistics/tornadoes-and-thunderstorms.html The devastating tornadoes which hit Oklahoma this May bring to the mind a powerful string of tornadoes that hit Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Georgia and 13 other states in 1999. Those tornadoes resul ...
Effects of a Carbon Tax on the Economy and the ...US Congressional Budget Office http://www.cbo.gov/publication/44223 Lawmakers could increase federal revenues and encourage reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by establishing a carbon tax, which would either tax those emissions directly or tax fuels that release CO2 when they are bu ...
Smart Steps to Establish a Responsible Program ...The Wilderness Society http://wilderness.org/resource/blueprint-responsible-renewable-energy-program-public-lands …Before 2009, there had been no organized effort to leverage the abundant wind, solar, and geothermal renewable energy resources on public lands to power the economy and to sup ...
The State of NatureRoyal Society for the Protection of Birds http://www.rspb.org.uk/ourwork/science/stateofnature/index.aspx Scientists working side-by-side from 25 wildlife organisations have compiled a stock take of our native species – the first of its kind in the UK. The report reveals that 60% of the species ...
New Dynamics of the U.S. Natural Gas MarketBipartisan Policy Center http://bit.ly/10f94iw [Oil and Gas Journal article by Nick Snow] US natural gas prices are unlikely to rise markedly under a variety of scenarios, including those with increased demand across multiple sectors, a study by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Energy Project staf ...
Scientific American - News
New FEMA Flood Maps Needed But Funding Is SlashedAs the United States grows warmer and extreme weather more common , the federal government's flood insurance maps are becoming increasingly important. [More]
Ultrashort Laser Pulses Squeezed Out of GrapheneGraphene, hailed as one of the thinnest, strongest and most conductive materials ever found, seems to have bagged one more amazing property. Experiments suggest that it can be used to create ultrashort laser pulses of any color, owing to an ability to absorb light over a broad range of wavelengt ...
Net Loss: How We Continually Forget What the O ...From The Perfect Protein: The Fish Lover's Guide to Saving the Oceans and Feeding the World , by Andy Sharpless and Suzannah Evans. Rodale Books. Copyright © 2013, by Oceana. [More]
Is Global Warming Cooler than Expected?LONDON – Several leading authorities on climate change have given a guarded welcome to research suggesting the Earth may warm more slowly than scientists had expected. [More]
Girls Who Are Sexually Abused More Likely to S ...Many studies have confirmed the link between childhood sexual abuse and substance-related problems in adulthood. But a new investigation finds that being raped or molested at a young age also makes young girls far more likely to start drinking or doing drugs during their preteen years. [More] ...
First Truths
The Anarchist LineageInteresting passage from Samuel Clark's Living Without Domination: The Possibility of an Anarchist Utopia. I would wonder what the anarchists I know think of the various lists referenced here: This account of anarchism as a permanent human tendency has been attacked by a number of authors. ...
"Crisis of the State"From Simon Clark's Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State: However this structural crisis was not the result of the changing functional requirements of changes in the labour process, but of the tendency for capital accumulation to take the form of the overaccumulation and uneven d ...
"Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature"Interesting and thought-provoking passage from Samuel Hollander's Economics and Ideology: Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature (1979): It was Marx's position, as we have mentioned, that while the labor writers of the 1820s drew upon Ricardo's value theory to reach their conclusion regarding ...
"Integrated Geographies"From Anthony Ince's Whither Anarchist Geography?:It has been said that anarchism combines a socialist critique of liberalism and a liberal critique of socialism. Its refusal to focus merely on "economics" or "freedom" or "culture," and so on, means that anarchism is inherently multifaceted and a ...
Colbert on AtheistsI enjoyed this passage from Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!): AtheistsThese No-goodnik no-Godniks are growing in numbers and power in America. It makes me wonder how a God could exist Who'd allow people to piss me off so much.Luckily, a recent survey published in the American Soc ...
Media Co-Op
Idle No More Takes Root in AotearoaMāori activist Marama Davidson on self-determination and solidarity AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND—Poetry readings, public discussions and direct actions have breathed new life into Idl ...
On the loss of the National Aboriginal Health ...A 20-min interview on the work NAHO had been doing and what it will mean now that the organization has been closed due to a federal government 2012 budget funding cut deci ...
Book Review: Everything Is So PoliticalEverything is so Political Published by Roseway Paperback ISBN: 9781552665497 Paperback Price: $19.95 CAD Pages: 200 Everything Is So Political, 'a collection of short fiction by Canadian writers', has changed my outlook on Canad ...
The Conservatives's War on Science: A long, un ...This article was originally posted on the Confessions of a Science Librarian blog on ScienceBlogs, by John Dupuis. The original headlines was "The Canadian War on Science: A long, unexaggerated, devastating chronological indictme ...
Action needed to stop ‘climate deniers’ from ...By Nick Fillmore The global warming deniers are at it again, and it is high time that the environmental movement in Canada and the United States launched an organized campaign to expose these scientific community charlatans. The mainstream business media, which bows to corporate interests in bot ...
David Seaton's News Links
Israel: the fiddler fiddles while the roof burnsDavid Seaton's News Links Samson pulls down the temple (in Gaza, no less) Henry Kissinger famously wished that the Bible had been written in Uganda...Israel has never been richer, safer, more culturally productive or more dynamic. Terrorism is on the wane. Yet the occupation grinds on next d ...
My European Union RantDavid Seaton's News Links Now it is the European Union itself that is in danger, mainly but not entirely because of the economic crisis inherited from Wall Street abuses. (...) A new Europe-wide report by correspondents of the Paris newspaper Le Figaro reveals mounti ...
The military sexual abuse scandalDavid Seaton's News LinksIt would seem to me that the current, quite justified uproar about sexual violence in the US armed forces sheds a very bright light on the cognitive dissonance produced by America's view of itself as a democratic, enlightened and inclusive society that serves as a model ...
The First of May... mayday, maydayDavid Seaton's News Links May Day - Margaret Scott"Don't waste any time in mourning. Organize..." Joe Hill The first of May, commemorating bloody labor unrest in Chicago, is celebrated all over the world as the universal holiday of labor... except in the USA of course.The same USA where "red", t ...
Hats off, It's Ella Fitzgerald's birthdayThe greatest singer of the Great American Song Book was born on the 25th of April 1917 With Count Basie Gershwin by God One Note Samba ... Delirium
MoJo - Kevin Drum
Benghazi and the Video: Where the Talking Poin ...Are you tired of Benghazi! Me too. But today, Bob Somerby points me toward an intriguing little tidbit that I either missed or never knew about. As you know, one of the key criticisms coming from Republicans is that Susan Rice, in her Sunday show appearances after the Benghazi attacks, wron ...
How the Rich Got Richer, Global Comparisons Ed ...Dylan Matthews highlights a fascinating little chart today. Roughly speaking, it plots two things for 18 different countries: (a) how much the rich have gotten richer over the past 50 years, and (b) how much tax rates on the rich have gone down during the same period. Guess what? It turns out ...
Help! Who Wrote the Greatest Congressional Fun ...In a post about the role of money in politics, Jonathan Bernstein tosses in this aside: It's absolutely ridiculous for Members of Congress to have built for themselves an expectation that they should spend four hours a day raising money. (By the way: we have good reporting that such ...
A Smarter Approach to SmartA few years ago I wrote a blog post complaining about the increasingly widespread use of the word "smart" within the blogosphere. Every article that someone admired was praised as a "smart piece" or "smart pushback." People were all "smart critics." It was becoming one of those words that gets ...
Obamacare is More Popular Than CNN ThinksFrom CNN: A majority of Americans still oppose the nation's new health care measure, three years after it became law, according to a new survey. According to the poll, 43% of the public says it supports the health care law....Fifty-four percent of those questioned say they oppose the ...
Insanity Report
IC 396: Comic Book NerdsKriss talks about losing his fight The Fallon Fox/Transgender Fighter issue revisited Kriss, Phenom & Kev have the worst idea ever: Bringing “Faggot” back Xbox One Comic book nerds are ruining comic book movies What Fox needs to do to fix its X-Men movies Sony & Marvel migh ...
IC 395: Fuck This ShitKev is fed up Work sucks Running people who do good for others into the ground Kriss – sugar – alcohol = Asshole Kriss Marvel Studios being cheap with Avengers payouts Nerds are hypocrites Charles Ramsey is awesome The transgender issue Walkout music for Kriss Share with your friends:
IC 394: Fuck Your ReligionRod from ‘The Black Guy Who Tips’ joins us Stereotyping tall people Fuck your religion Who decides which interpretation is correct? MPAA ratings for porn Torturing people works Gun control 30 comic book movies worse than Iron Man 2 Share with your friends:
IC 393: Fuck NewarkUFC 159 Live The Best Chinese Food Fuck Newark Why you don’t serve hard liquor at UFC events Cities aren’t that fun Mount Rushmore = Greatest ‘Fuck You’ example of White Privilege Upcoming movies: Iron Man 3, Man of Steel Thor 2 trailer Remembering bad childhood TV shows ...
IC 392: Manly ShitGood Sci-Fi The problem with Defiance Patt Oswalt’s awesome idea for Star Wars Episode VII White weddings are awesome Gender Roles can be fine Doing manly shit Some people deserve to die Pulling guns for chicken Share with your friends:
Simple Climate
The well-qualified amateur who threw the spotl ...75 years ago Guy Callendar revealed calculations and temperature measurements linking rising 20th century temperatures to burning fossil fuels, helping to lay the foundations for understanding the global warming that is still ongoing today.
Ocean heat puts pressure on poorest fisheriesThe first evidence that climate change has affected fishing catches, revealed by William Cheung from the University of British Columbia and his team, shows tropical countries are set to be hardest hit.
Arctic mission recovers record of surprising w ...The longest continuous Arctic land sediment core shows that the last time CO2 levels reached current levels, over 2.6 million years ago, North-East Russia was taken was 8°C warmer.
Google search basis undermines sunspot-winter ...A recent study linking cold winters in Europe to sunspots has updated bad science reaching back to the 19th century for the internet age, reveal Geert Jan van Oldenborgh from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and his colleagues, helped by an unholy alliance between Roger Pielke Sr a ...
Google search basis undermines sunspot-winter ...A recent study linking cold winters in Europe to sunspots has updated bad science reaching back to the 19th century for the internet age, reveal Geert Jan van Oldenborgh from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and his colleagues, helped by an unholy alliance between Roger Pielke Sr a ...
e!Science News
Women donate less to charity than men in some ...Given the chance, women are more likely than men to opt out of a request to give a charitable donation, a group of economists have found. read more
African-Americans experience longer delays bet ...Among men with prostate cancer, African Americans experience longer treatment delays after being diagnosed than Caucasians. That is the finding of an analysis published early online in Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society. The study suggests that efforts are needed to r ...
Cold climate wind energy showing huge potentialWind energy capacity is growing rapidly in the cold climates of the world. According to the latest forecasts, between 45 and 50 gigawatts of wind energy will be built in cold climates by 2017, which would mean an increase of as much as 72 per cent since the end of 2012 and investments amounting ...
Rare species perform unique roles, even in div ...A new study, published 28 May in the open access journal PLOS Biology, has revealed the potential importance of rare species in the functioning of highly diverse ecosystems. Using data from three very different ecosystems -- coral reefs, tropical forests and alpine meadows -- a team of researche ...
Dealing with 'crap' to improve water qualityTo better understand how bacteria impact the environment a former University of California, Riverside graduate student spent nearly a year building a system that replicates a human colon, septic tank and groundwater and "fed" the colon three times a day during weeklong experiments to s ...
Citizen Army Lobbies Congress for Clean AirAmbassadors from every state arrive en masse to buttonhole congress reps The grassroots campaign involved ambassadors from every state, plus D.C. and Puerto Rico. ...
Defending Arizona's "Ribbon of Life"Lawsuit seeks to protect San Pedro River from huge development The upper reaches of the San Pedro River. (Melanie Kay / Earthjustice) Earthjustice has w ...
Advocates From 50 States Call for Health StandardsMore than 100 clean air and water advocates gather in D.C. When our elected officials continue standing in the way of clean air and water—it’s time t ...
Drillers Make a Play for Thompson DivideRichly forested lands in W. Colorado could become industrial zone The Thompson Divide is clearly a keystone of the region, the state and the West. (EcoFlight) ...
Raw Sewage and a Raw Deal in Rochelle, GAWhen the town's toilets flush, guess what ends up in African-American yards Nine residents of Rochelle, GA are suing their city government for discharging the city's raw sewage onto th ...
Brave New Climate
Green Junk – In praise of wasteThis post has two purposes. First, for those who don’t follow my Twitter feed (hey, why don’t you?), I’d like to highlight some terrific work from Geoff Russell and Ben Heard that has hit the ‘net over the past few weeks. These are all ‘must reads’ – wit ...
100 Per Cent Renewables Study Needs a MakeoverGuest Post by Martin Nicholson. Martin studied mathematics, engineering and electrical sciences at Cambridge University in the UK and graduated with a Masters degree in 1974. He published a peer-reviewed book on low-carbon energy systems in 2012: The Power Makers’ Challenge: and the need for Fis ...
Can household solar photovoltaics provide a pr ...Guest Post by Graham Palmer. Graham is an industrial engineer and energy commenter from Melbourne. For another BNC post featuring his work, see Does energy efficiency reduce emissions and peak demand? Click the above image to download the PDF (full version is free – Open Access) With decli ...
Counting the hidden costs of energyBy Martin Nicholson and Barry Brook. This article was first published on The Conversation. A response was then published on Business Spectator. It is worth reading both pieces, and the comments that followed them (for instance, Martin’s reply). A recent Bloomberg press release got wide cov ...
81,000 truckers for solar!Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. He has published a book on diet and science, CSIRO Perfidy. What’s a solar atlas? The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) recently released its World Solar Atlas report reckoning th ...
Indigenist Opinion
Mortgage Repayment Calculator and Extra Mortga ...On the average, the typical mortgage can last from 15 to 30 years. Most of the repayments made for these mortgages go to the interest of the loan. It will only be after a couple of years before the payments actually affect the principal amount of the loan. If you’re looking for a quicker way to ...
Thinking About a Loan? Try a Reverse Mortgage ...Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) remain popular with seniors interested in making the most of their home equity during retirement. While many of the requirements necessary to qualify for an HECM are clear, others are somewhat hazy. Seniors who are interested in these loans often wonder i ...
Advantages of Tankless Water HeatersHow typically did you are taking a shower and also the water began to run cold before you were finished? do not you hate that? With a standard warmer this is often invariably a haul. And if another person needs to use predicament when you, simply forget it! shopping for a warmer with a humble pl ...
REAL ESTATE MARKET CALIFORNIACalifornia real estate market trends, while having their own changes periodically, tide, remain more in sync with the current market across the nation and many people might not even think to buy a house now given the real estate market and the state of california things to buy. California real ...
LONDON PROPERTY AGENCIESIf you are thinking of buying property in London is important to use all the resources available to you. Check out every Estate Agent in London as well as the local press for private property advertising. A search for "Estate Agents London" or "Agent Real London" on Google or MSN should prov ...
Republicans are a Disease
Pay More Taxes So Apple Doesn’t Pay AnyMan, the testimony today about Apple’s offshoring of their entities to not pay taxes makes me want to puke. They take their income through an Irish corporation, with a part ownership from an entity in the British Virgin Islands so they don’t even have to pay taxes there. Billions upo ...
Republicanism Is A DiseaseYou didn’t hear it here first. “So Republicanism is a disease” from Daily Kos. - So Republicanism is a disease -
Fuck You Bill O’RileyHey Bill, suck my dick. Cut spending, cut spending, cut spending is all you rich bastards say. To hell with the poor, the elderly, and the struggling. Just cut services. Let them starve, or die from working themselves to death for an ever smaller paycheck. Billo spewed “It’s almost l ...
Will Texas And Arizona Be Blue In 2016?According to a study done by The Center For American Progress - Study - between now and the 2016 elections 185,000 white voters will become eligible to vote in Texas, and 900,000 Latinos will also become eligible. Man, that is a lot of new Democrats in Texas. No wonder the Republicans are crappi ...
Woodward Trying To Make NiceBob Woodward will be remembered for two things. Watergate, and not reporting the identity of the Valerie Plame leakers before the 2004 election when he knew who they were. I am assuming “they” told Woodward who the leakers (traitors) were because they knew ‘ol Bob was a Bush su ...
Appalachia Rising
Residents Bring Dirty Water from Mountaintop R ...Dozens of Appalachians and their allies bring hundreds of gallons of toxic water from their homes to EPA offices in Washington, D.C. WASHINGTON D.C.– Citizens from across the country have travelled to the nation’s capitol to urge an end to … Continue reading →
We’re Bringing Toxic Water to the EPA &# ...Folks have begun arriving in Washington DC for a week of meetings with the Obama Administration and lawmakers asking for protections for Appalachian water. We have brought over 100 gallons of toxic water from Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky with … Continue reading →
Video: EPA Action May 8th!Join us in DC on May 8th, 2013 Join Appalachia Rising in D.C on May 8, 2013! from Zein Nakhoda on Vimeo. Please share this powerful video made by Zein Nakhoda for our EPA ACtion on Wednesday, May 8th at … Continue reading →
May 8th: Day of ActionDear friends of Appalachia: Will you join us in Washington DC on Wednesday May 8th to tell the EPA that millions of people across the country stand with Appalachia? Please meet us at the EPA Headquarters at 9am, and be … Continue reading →
More Actions in Atlanta!Actions at EPA Region 4 offices at Atlanta!
Amped Status
‘Another World Is Happening’ ̵ ...Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, interviews David DeGraw about the birth and evolution of Occupy Wall Street on its one year anniversary: "This is about empowering a new generation to be leaders, to be engaged.... We have millions of people engaged in creating change that were not engaged an ...
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Anonymous 99 #OpES ...Cross-posted from MoneyOutPack.org, June 14, 2012 Here's a little Occupy history for you... Today, June 14th, Flag Day, marks the one year anniversary of A99 #OpESR. On this day last year, Anonymous and the 99% Movement launched a collaborative effort in Zuccotti Park, and 22 other locatio ...
As the 99% Movement Evolves, It’s Time t ...By David DeGraw “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” – Bob Dylan For those of us in the 99% Movement who started organizing Occupy in the spring of 2011, Flag Day June 14th marks the one-year anniversary since we first gathered in Zuccotti Park and 22 other loc ...
The Evolution of the ButterflyRenowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton narrates the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly over a milieu of imagery in "The Evolution of the Butterfly". The film combines first hand footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement with stylized portraits of the recent eco ...
After Being Beaten and Arrested Several Times, ...This is Daniel Murphy @ Union Square on March 22nd:
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