Friday, May 10, 2013

10 May - My Feedly!

Carbon Dioxide SequestrationCarbon Dioxide Sequestration (Photo credit: PNNL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
English: This figure shows the variations in c...English: This figure shows the variations in concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere during the last 300 thousand years. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Cycle between autotrophs and heterotr...English: Cycle between autotrophs and heterotrophs. Autotrophs can use carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water to form oxygen and complex organic compounds, mainly through the process of photosynthesis. All organisms can use such compounds to again form CO 2 and water through cellular respiration. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Air - sea exchange of carbon dioxideAir - sea exchange of carbon dioxide (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
238/365 [Treehugger]238/365 [Treehugger] (Photo credit: Jiuck)

Today 136 featured articles


Guatemalan ex-ruler found guilty of genocide
Efrain Rios Montt sentenced to 80 years in prison over massacres of Ixil Maya Indians in the 1980s.
Climate hits 400ppm of CO2 for first time in 3 million years
It is a sign of our rapidly changing world -- both technologically and atmospherically -- that we can get daily updates on the growing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere via Twitter.
Three male fish, the last of their kind, must find a mate or else go extinct
If you happen to know of any female fish of the Mangarahara cichlid variety, the London Zoo would very much like to introduce her to a couple of extremely


Why Israel Can't Be Part of Obama's Calculus on Syria
AP Photo/Ariel Schalit From Tel Aviv, so the usual map sites say, you could drive to Damascus in three hours and 20 minutes, if only there were no borders, barbed wire or war in the way. From vacation cottages in the Upper Galilee, where city people go to find some quiet, you can look across the Jordan to the ridge that barely blocks a view of the Syrian capital. Just past the horizon, impossib
No, Syria Is Not Iraq
AP Photo/Ariel Schalit For those advocating greater intervention in Syria by the United States, the memory of Iraq has turned into a real inconvenience.  “Iraq is not Syria,” proclaimed the headline of New York Times editor Bill Keller’s op-ed on Monday, by way of arguing for greater U.S. involvement in Syria’s ongoing civil war. Because of Iraq, Keller wrote, “in Syria, I fear prudence has bec
Top of the Morning: USA to Boost Syrian Relief Efforts
Top stories from DAWNS Digest US to Boost Aid for Syrian Relief Expect the announcement today. “The Obama administration is providing $100 million in new Syria aid, U.S. officials said Wednesday, but the money is for humanitarian purposes only and not linked to any decision on arming Syrian rebels. The announcement will be made by Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday in Rome, where his diplo

The EnvironmentaList 26 unread articles  //  actions

Climate Milestone is a Moment of Symbolic Significance on Road of Idiocy
The only way forward is back: to retrace our steps and seek to return atmospheric concentrations to around 350ppm
A Race To Save A Continent
A British couple is running the length of South America for its wilderness and wildlife
Feds Postpone Drilling Lease Auctions of California Public Lands
BLM cites budget, staff constraints, anti-fracking activists say lawsuits forced agency decision
If We Could Fix Climate Change With a Flick of a Switch, Will It be More Palatable to Conservatives?
Geoengineering might get more conservatives to believe in global warming – and I’m not sure that’s a good thing
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The Corbett Report 27 unread articles  //  actions

Interview 659 – Bill Conroy on the House of Death Scandal
Bill Conroy of joins us to discuss the House of Death scandal, in which an ICE informant participated in a series of torture and murder incidents in Juarez, Mexico in the last decade. We discuss how the story was broken and how it was then covered up by ICE, the US Attorney overseeing the case, and others, and how ICE tried to intimidate Conroy into giving up his sources on the case.
Interview 658 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Welcome back to – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Story #1: Unprovoked Attack On Syria – Israel Commits Egregious International Crime 19-Hour Internet Outage In Syria Ends Israel Granted Oil Rights in Syria to
Okinawa: A Pawn in the China-US-Japan Imperialist Game
Japan’s ownership of an entire archipelago in the East China Sea may be up for review – not by Tokyo, but by Beijing. The Okinawa Islands chain is home to sprawling US military bases, and tens of thousands of American troops. The People’s Daily – considered a mouthpiece of China’s Communist party – all but laid claim to the archipelago in an article written by academics. Japan quickly hit back, de
Syria Bombed, Hill Jailed, Zero Dark CIA
Welcome back to – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Story #1: Unprovoked Attack On Syria – Israel Commits Egregious International Crime 19-Hour Internet Outage In Syria Ends Israel Granted Oil Rights in Syria to M
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Syria Comment 8 unread articles  //  actions

New report on the Muslim Brotherhood
by Aron Lund for Syria Comment The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which has a great Syria resource site, just released my new paper on the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. They’re also about to release a second report by Raphaël Lefèvre, a French scholar who recently published a well-received book on the Syrian Ikhwan, called Ashes of Hama. Keep your eyes open for that – I’ve had a look at
Major salafi faction criticizes Jabhat al-Nosra
by Aron Lund for Syria Comment The Islamic Ahrar al-Sham Movement, which is the leading faction of the Syrian Islamic Front (SIF) and probably the biggest salafi group in Syria, has issued a statement about Jabhat al-Nosra’s recent declaration of allegiance to al-Qaida’s Ayman al-Zawahiri. The Ahrar al-Sham statement is available in Arabic on Aaron Zelin’s Jihadology, always the go-to place for so
Should the US Intervene? And Listener Responses – Positive and Negative
This hour, On Point: NPR – the U.S. and the red line. Should the US intervene? Guests Anne Barnard, Middle East reporter for the New York Times. (@abarnardnyt) Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Blogs at “Syria Comment.” (@joshua_landis) Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center and a fellow at the Saban Center for Mi
Oil Wars—Nusra’s Expanding Reach—Syrian Taliban
By Matthew Barber and the Syria Video team This long post contains the following sections: The Defectors Defect Will EU Oil Purchases Finance al-Qaida? Al-Musareb: Al-Nusra Punishes a Village Regime-Style Syrian Taliban The Opposition’s Ambivalent Response to al-Nusra’s Affiliation with al-Qaida (and the Plan to Introduce an Alternative Islamic Law in Syria) Jabhat al-Nusra is Now an Iraq-to-Leba
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INFRASTRUCTURIST 3 unread articles  //  actions

Five Reasons Electric Cars Will Have Trouble Catching On
With the Chevy Volt and the Nissan Leaf set to hit the streets very soon, and the Ford Focus Electric now scheduled to appear late next year, many people are asking whether Americans are ready to embrace electric cars. Some clearly are: GE already declared its intention to buy 25,000 EVs(including 12,000 Volts). But many believe the masses won’t be moving [...]
How Often Is the Gas Tax Raised? Most Americans Have No Clue
The federal gas tax. It needs to be raised. We’ve hammered this point home enough. Our infrastructure needs help, and that help involves money, and that money has to come from somewhere. Politicians know this. But they won’t touch the gas tax with a ten-foot pole. Why not? Because come election time, no one wants to [...]
Public Private Partnerships: Another One Bites The Dust
Lots of people point to the $2.2 trillion shortfall in infrastructure investment in this country, and suggest that privatization of public assets is the best way to deal with the situation. So, for example, this might mean leasing a highway to a group of investors and giving them the right to charge tolls. The rationale is pretty [...]
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Phronesisaical 4 unread articles  //  actions

Syria’s chemical weapons pose a decade-long problem for the world
That's the title of another op-ed from me and Aaron Stein at the Globe and Mail.
Bits and Pieces - April 29, 2013
Too much stuff happening.Jared Bernstein is collecting news stories about the damage being done by the sequester. Here's this week's collection.Why didn't 2,400 tons of ammonium nitrate at West plant raise concerns?The blunt logic of Russian power.Forgiveness and reconciliation need to factor into many more international situations.Richard Haass: How to build a second American century.
Bits and Pieces - April 28, 2013
Bush and the West explosion: the untold story of deregulating chemical plantsCharlie Stross changes his mind on nuclear disarmament.What we need to know about Syrian chemical weapons (by me)
Bits and Pieces - April 17, 2013
This is pretty interesting. Global Military Spending Falls For First Time Since 1998. Except in the United States. Check out this chart showing relative spending by country.Every war must end.
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Climate Realists 1 unread article  //  actions Site Announcement
Article Tags: none Dear Climate Realists It is with regret that due to recent changes in my personal life I will not have the time available to update this site until sometime in the future. I have made provisions to keep the site running so you can read the 10,000+ articles I hope the name "Climate Realists" remains a prominent irritation to supporters of AGW and that it is used by you wise
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Obsolete 20 unread articles  //  actions

The real Fergie.
Arseblog: The very best things that Ferguson brought to the football world were borne out of his undoubted will to win, but they were completely and utterly at odds with ours and our desires as Arsenal fans. For all his talent as a manager he was rude, boorish, ignorant and incredibly, incredibly annoying. He was a hypocrite, what was good for his team was means for vociferous, spittle-flecked com
Probation policies exchanged.
If the constituent parts of the coalition seem determined to do one over on their enemies within purely out of spite just at the moment, for which see the Tory backbench attempt to get a vote on the EU referendum next week, designed to make things even more difficult for poor old Dave, as well as Clegg doing the equivalent of poking his finger into the eye of Liz Truss over her beloved childcare p
The cavalcade of idiocy rolls on.
If there's one day a year when it's impossible not to be proud to be British, it has to be on the state opening of parliament.  No other democracy can lay claim to such an awe-inspiring spectacle: the grandeur, the opulence, the incomprehensible and the entirely risible.  We might be behind most other countries when it comes to small things like having a democratically elected second chamber, but
Cameron: a hostage to fortune.
Although it feels like aeons ago, it was only back in January that David Cameron delivered his Bloomberg speech, pledging an in/out referendum on EU membership should his party win the next election. At the time it must have seemed a good idea, and initially it looked like it had had its desired effect: his restive backbenchers cheered him to the rafters, it seemed to have trapped Labour, and sure
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Politicol News 36 unread articles  //  actions

Reshma Survives 17 Days in Bangladesh Factory Collapse that Killed 1,000 Workers
A woman Reshma Begum survived 17 days after being rescued from the Bangladesh clothing factory building collapse at the Rama Plaza, over 900 people have died in an unsafe, unregulated sweat shop country.
Gaming Twitter with Fake Accounts and Followers
The Great Twitter Fake Account Problem for marketing political candidates for 2014, have brands already been damaged by the Twitter War of Fake Accounts, Trolls, invasion of privacy?
Fugelsang On Rush Limbaugh Ratings Drop
John Fugelsang rips hate talk show host Rush Limbaugh for declining ratings, makes an appeal to radio ad buyers, is Rush worth his salary at 40 million/year?
Jody Arias Found Guilty of First Degree Murder
The Jody Arias trial -found Guilty of first degree murder in Arizona murder case
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America needs a leader larger than the office President
by Mark Vogl:    Barrack Obama is the epitome of the head of a large civil service, his entire legitemacy rests in government. We need much more than that.
Gazing into THE CHASM
by John Cornillon:    A general overview of how the economic divide affects our nation and society - mentioning the NRA, and the origins of capitalist theory.
Neocon Champ Senator Marco Rubio on Immigration
by Kevin C. Caffrey:    Senator Rubio has walked away from his Tea Party roots in order to win the favor of the Republican Establishment and the Neoconservatives
Don't Drink the Social Security cut Kool-Aid
by Russell G. Davis:    Richard Wiseman's book "Paranormality" shows us in a chapter on Mind Control how insidious Obama's betrayal on cutting Social Security is!
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In These Times 38 unread articles  //  actions

The Military’s 40-Year Experiment
Few probably recall the name Dwight Elliott Stone. But even if his name has faded from the national memory, the man remains historically significant. That's because on June 30, 1973, the 24-year-old plumber's apprentice became the last American forced into the armed services before the military draft expired.    Though next month's 40-year anniversary of the end of conscription w
Whose Budget? Their Budget.
This is the third installment of “Direct Democracy in Chicago's 5th Ward,” a 5-part series following the participatory voting process in the 5th ward. This series is supported by a grant from the Local Reporting Initiative of the Chicago Community Trust. Read the first and second parts of the series here and here. “I’ve been around here forever,” says Candace White, standing outside of Gar
FCC: Fronting For Corporations?
President Obama nominated Tom Wheeler the next chair of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and Grant Seiffert, the president of the Telecommunications Industry Association enthused: “He has the proven ability to transcend a broad range of industry perspectives to reach balanced outcomes.” Indeed. Wheeler, 67, is the former head of—and chief lobbyist for—both the National Cable Televi
A New Era for Worker Ownership, 5 Years in the Making
Today, in a revamped Campbell’s Soup building in an industrial and residential section of southwest Chicago, the New Era Windows Cooperative will celebrate the grand opening of its new factory. Becoming a worker-owned cooperative is the latest chapter in the saga of the workers of Republic Windows and Doors, who gained the nation’s attention by occupying their factory—twice—and became a symbol
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red 29 unread articles  //  actions

Another World
  Filed under: Animal Matters, Cineman, Eros, Eternal Recurrence, Into The Light, La Musica, Sunday Services, Variations In B-Flat, What's Good
Can You
Filed under: La Musica
Reality Theatre
This week we were asked to endure the dog and pony show in a clown car known as “Benghazi.” “Benghazi” is single-word shorthand for the most recent of innumerable attempts by members of the Confederate States of America to once and for all Get the black man, the black man who has committed the unpardonable sin of occupying the White House. Though this week’s was hardly the first “Benghazi” “hearin
Just Another Sunday, Here At The Manor
Filed under: Animal Matters, Cineman, Sunday Services
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WWF - Latest News 19 unread articles  //  actions

At least 26 elephants massacred in World Heritage site
Yaoundé, Cameroon - At least 26 elephants were massacred in the Dzanga Bai World Heritage Site in the Central African Republic, after 17 individuals armed with Kalashnikov rifles on Monday entered this unique elephant habitat, known locally as the "village of elephants".WWF sources on Thursday said they had counted at least 26 elephant carcasses in and around the Bai, a large clearing wh
Alert: Poachers enter unique elephant habitat
Poachers have entered one of Africa's most unique elephant habitats on Monday, threatening to cause one of the biggest elephant massacres in the region since poachers killed at least 300 elephants for their ivory in Cameroon's Bouba N'Djida National Park in February 2012.According to WWF sources, a group of 17 armed individuals on Monday entered the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park and headed for the Dz
Alert: Poachers enter unique elephant habitat
Poachers have entered one of Africa's most unique elephant habitats on Monday, threatening to cause one of the biggest elephant massacres in the region since poachers killed at least 300 elephants for their ivory in Cameroon's Bouba N'Djida National Park in February 2012.According to WWF sources, a group of 17 armed individuals on Monday entered the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park and headed for the Dz
Prekretnica klimatskih promena zahteva prelaz na obnovljive izvore energije
Potreba da se izvrši prelazak na čiste i održive izvore energije će se pojačati kada nivoi ugljendioksida (CO2) u atmosferi u sledećih nekoliko dana dostignu 400 delova po milionu (parts per milion – ppm) po prvi put u istoriji čovečanstva. Naučnici iz Mauna Loa Opservatorije u Havajima treba da objave kada nivoi ugljendioksida dostignu 400 delova po milionu, što će označiti kritičnu tačku na putu
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Centauri Dreams 20 unread articles  //  actions

The Growth of Interstellar Organizations
The British Interplanetary Society was founded way back in 1933, and included such luminaries as Arthur C. Clarke and Val Cleaver among its early membership. The Institute for Interstellar Studies (I4IS), also based in London, was founded in 2012 and is not, to the best of my knowledge, yet incorporated. Between the two dates and mostly emerging in the first decade of the 21st Century are a number
To Ride the Solar Wind
What we hope to learn from early experiments with the electric sail is whether keeping a steady electric potential on long tethers will give us enough interaction with the solar wind to make for viable propulsion. ESTCube-1, launched earlier this week, is a step in that direction. Even though it uses but a single 10-meter wire, its rotation rate should change once the tether is fully extended and
Enter the Electric Sail
Some years back at the Aosta interstellar conference I had the pleasure of being on a bus making its way at night through the Italian alps with Pekka Janhunen sitting immediately in front of me. Janhunen (Finnish Meteorological Institute) is the developer of the electric sail concept soon to be tested by the ESTCube-1 satellite, which launched last night aboard a Vega rocket from the Kourou spacep
Update on Starship Century Symposium
We had a successful launch last night of the ESTCube-1 satellite from Kourou, about which more tomorrow when I’ll be talking about electric sails and their uses both interplanetary and interstellar. But this morning, with the Starship Century Symposium rapidly approaching, I wanted to run this overview, which corrects and updates several things in the post I published a couple of weeks ago. Seats
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They gave us a republic... - Front Page 18 unread articles  //  actions

Benghazi Another Right Wing Proxy Fight
By @TedFrier It's hard to remember now but there was a time when conservatism offered a vital and exciting alternative to the larger, lazy and all-too complacent liberal consensus. At least that is how it seemed to me back when I was a college student in the 1970s and the school newspaper's token conservative columnist. Back then, there was no Rush Limbaugh or Fox News to equate the Fairness Doctr
Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D): Q and A - Immigration town hall in Kansas City - May 4, 2013
Previously: Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D): Immigration town hall in Kansas City - May 4, 2013 (May 5, 2013) Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D): Immigration town hall in Kansas City - May 4, 2013 (May 5, 2013) Representative Luis V. Gutierrez (D) at Representative Emanuel Cleaver's (D) immigration town hall on the campus of MCC-Penn Valley in Kansas City on May 4, 2013. Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D) spons
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D): Immigration town hall in Kansas City - May 4, 2013
"....And when I say courage, uh, what the point he was trying to make is, look, uh, we're moving too slow. We're moving too slow. And there's no such thing as it takes time. The people who say it takes time are the people who's rights are not in question...." Previously: Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D): Immigration town hall in Kansas City - May 4, 2013 (May 5, 2013) Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D)
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Obsidian Wings 11 unread articles  //  actions

Ha ha Heritage open Friday thread
by liberal japonicus Don't get me wrong, I like the word heritage. If you haven't noticed, I'm someone who often dwells in the past, and the whole idea of finding out stuff about the past, be it digging up ancient mysteries, contemplating the enamel on dinosaurs' teeth, or reading about the last member of a vanished Indian tribe, makes a firm believer in Faulkner's turn of phra
Transfer Pricing
A month ago a commentor asked about the practice known in the tax community (and more broadly) as "transfer pricing" and reigning in some of its effects.   As background, "transfer pricing" generally (very generally) refers to how to account for transactions between related entities for tax purposes.  That is, if wholly owned subsidiary A sells a product to wholly owned subsidi
Terrorism as Performance
by Doctor Science Steve Almond, writing in The New Republic, said:I refuse to beat my chest over a grief that belongs to others, or shout about how terrorists messed with the wrong city. I find no virtue in braying over the capture of a teenager whose toxic grievances, and misguided loyalties, led to such senseless ruin. It is sad, all of it. The greater sadness for me is that America feels incre
The instinct for cuteness
by Doctor Science Yesterday's birding walk was good, but nothing unusual in the way of bird life. What made it one for the record books was the single cutest thing I've ever seen in nature: four Red Fox kits playing together. They must have been out of the den for a couple of weeks because they're no longer dark, pretty much like the ones in this video:   Direct YouTube link And let me tell you,
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Pesticide Action Network 12 unread articles  //  actions

Moms shouldn't have to work this hard
I'm looking forward to Sunday morning. Breakfast in bed, flowers and chocolate — plus sweet, handmade cards from kids who often don't take the time to say thanks. What's not to like? But I also like the fact that Mother's Day was actually founded to celebrate moms taking action to protect their children and communities. And it's in that spirit that I'd like to honor all the
Industry shenanigans delay action on paraquat
This week in Geneva, officials from countries around the world met to consider adding the herbicide paraquat to an international treaty on trade of toxic chemicals. Though there was widespread support for the move, two countries — Guatemala and India — managed to get the decision postponed for another two years. Guatemala is a major exporter of paraquat formulations, and blatantly broke the rules
Global WIN! Agroecology to replace endosulfan.
I have wonderful news to share. Delegates to the Stockholm Convention meeting in Geneva just agreed that the best alternative to the hazardous pesticide endosulfan is agroecology. This is a huge step that PAN and our allies have long pushed for. The Stockholm Convention listed endosulfan for global phase out back in 2011. The pesticides officially suggested as alternatives were mostly hazardous as
Europe steps up for bees. EPA, your turn!
In a historic vote on Monday, the European Union (EU) passed a continent-wide restriction on the use of bee-harming pesticides. Despite immense pressure from the pesticide industry, a majority of EU countries sided with bees. Here in the U.S., policymakers have yet to step up. And with beekeepers in this country reporting record-breaking bee losses this year — up to 40% or more — action to protect
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Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center 11 unread articles  //  actions

Co-Author of New Immigration Study Says Latinos not as Intelligent
Editor’s Note: On Friday, May 10, the Heritage Foundation, which earlier distanced itself from the controversial views of its senior policy analyst Jason Richwine, said Richwine had resigned from the foundation, according to Politico. Jason Richwine, a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, is attracting attention because of a recently released anti-immigration study that is garnering [..
Man Slain After Firing on Ohio Police Carried Extremist Books
Authorities in Ohio say they aren’t sure what motivated a 42-year-old man to jump out of his car during a traffic stop in March and suddenly fire 37 rounds at two police officers. What seems clear, however, is the case is yet another example of the danger posed to unsuspecting officers who confront individuals steeped [...]
Reported Minnesota Militia Member Arrested in Terror Plot
A 24-year-old Minnesota man with ties to an antigovernment militia group is under arrest for what now appears to be a plot to bomb a local police department. Buford “Bucky” Rogers, of Montevideo, Minn., only has been charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm, but other federal charges – and possibly other arrests [...]
Religious Right Hurls False Accusations at SPLC
They just can’t stop lying. They claim to represent Christianity and the celestial love for mankind that Christ embodied, but when it comes to whomever they regard as their enemies here on planet Earth, the crudest of libels will do. The latest example of the religious right’s endless series of falsifications, slanders and baseless demonizations came [...]
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Craig Murray 28 unread articles  //  actions

A computer virus is sending out emails from me – don’t open if you get one. I am puzzled how this happened, as I have not received or opened any suspicious emails today or visited any dubious websites. I have Norton on fully and it automatically both updated and scanned last night. As soon as I started getting back a rash of auto-replies, I started scan again and it has immediately detecting and
Fat Cat Culture
The Guardian today published a photo of a bit of derelict yard where kids had been playing, as evidence that because of cuts the local council – Blackburn – could not afford a proper playground. The reason Blackburn council cannot afford a proper playground is nothing to do with cuts. It is because. like most local governments in this country, it blows far too much money on the excellent lifestyl
Alex Ferguson
Alex Ferguson is fit to be mentioned in the same sentence as Jock Stein. That is most of what needs to be said on his retirement. Except to remind that fool Abramovic that Ferguson won nothing for his first four seasons at Old Trafford. I recall in 1990, at the end of Ferguson’s third season in charge, Manchester United just escaped relegation and there were Manchester United fans clamouring for
Lawson: The Banker’s Poison is Out
It is the bankers who pay the rat Lawson who want London as an offshore money-laundering centre outside the EU. This is what Lawson said about the EU today: “Economic disadvantages are much greater than the advantages. In particular – it is not the only thing, but in particular – the attempt to overregulate and to cut down to size the financial services sector, banking and financial services inc
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ArmsControlWonk 11 unread articles  //  actions

ROK 123 Extension
Over at our Proliferation Prevention Program blog, you can see what my boss and I wrote regarding “The Dog That Didn’t Bark: Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation at the US-ROK May 2013 Presidential Summit.” The first result of the decision to delay for most in my former line of work is likely to be relief.  But two years is not that far away.  And in terms of difficulty, may not be enough time to agree on
Anon O’Moose on Missile Defense
One of our more engaged commentators sent along the following open letter to Representative Michael Turner (R-OH), commenting on some of the more interesting statements in his latest letter to the President Barack Obama.  He chose the nom de plume Anon O’Moose. An Open Letter to Mr Turner, a Representative from Ohio As an American taxpayer with engineering expertise in and historic experience with
FYRP: The Price of Doing Business
After a brief (SAT-induced) hiatus, it has returned! Washington Examiner | Congressmen Doug Lamborn and Trent Franks give us their views on President Obama’s missile defense plans. Space-based interceptors are still needed, they say. How much that would cost?  And how practical that would be? Lobe Log | Usha Sahay discusses the differences between Iran and North Korea.  With roads like these, how
Shyam Saran on India’s Nuclear Deterrent
Update | May 7. Here is the full text of the speech. On April 24th, the Chairman of India’s National Security Advisory Board, Shyam Saran, delivered an important address in New Delhi affirming the credibility of India’s nuclear deterrent. Mr. Saran has over two decades of close engagement on strategic matters, including time spent as Foreign Secretary and Special Envoy dealing with the US-India ci
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(title unknown) 13 unread articles  //  actions

2 Black Men vs 1 Black Woman
The significance of Barack Obama and Eric Holder placing Assata Shakur on the FBI “Most Wanted Terroist List”, with the likes of Al Qaeda’s number two leader Ayman al-Zawahiri (I guess now number one since Bin Ladin’s death), the ONLY (black) female on this list, is and will be lost on most African-Americans. These two “Black” men are sending a signal to their “White” masters that they not only re
“Mrs. Gbagbo indictment long overdue” ‏by Nkwazi Mhango
News that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Simone Gbagbo (63), the wife of former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo, charged with committing crimes against humanity is a welcome. Mrs. Gbagbo and her husband were dug out of the bunker by UN and French forces who assaulted their residence in April 2011 after a five month standoff that left the country paralyzed
“Anarchy and Hegemony” by Robert D. Kaplan 3 (title unknown) / by asabagna / 13d
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