Shipwreck of The King Philip that went down around 1878, Sanderlings and Moon jellyfish. The picture was taken at Ocean Beach, San Francisco (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Collection of Geotagged: Taiwan Pool (Photo credit: .CK) |
English: King Philip [ship] (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Iraq Protests Explained - Hawazen
Iraq Protests Explained - Hawazen, Source: 108morris108.
Two calls for papers
*Handing out parking fees in Kaohsiung.*
H-Asia passed these around, one on Taiwan in Dynamic Transition, the other
on the Kennedy period and East Asia, click on read more:
The Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Alberta will host
the inaugural Alberta International Conference on Taiwan Studies (AICTS) in
Edmonton, Alberta from May 24-26, 2013. The theme of this interdisciplinary
conference is "Taiwan in Dynamic Transition."
The organizers seek papers concerning the following topics: Constitutional
reform, rule of law, and party politics; cross-strait relations a... more »
Friday Baseball Post
I said last week I had nothing particular to say about Stan Musial, but
that's not quite true; I just wanted to wait a week out of respect. But now
that I've done that, it's time to consider how his passing affects...the
All-Time All-Alive Team and the All-Time All-Dead Team. Hey, I've done the
All-Alives before, but I'll start from scratch this time; I didn't look
back at the old post until I was done.
I'll start with the All-Dead Team. Talk about a hard OF to crack! We'll
certainly carry five OFers on the 25-man roster, and I'd think that the
selections have been easy: Williams st... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"What powers are being wielded in the Wizard Nebula? Gravitation strong
enough to form stars, and stellar winds and radiations powerful enough to
create and dissolve towers of gas. Located only 8,000 light years away, the
Wizard nebula, pictured below, surrounds developing open star cluster NGC
*Click image for larger size.*
Visually, the interplay of stars, gas, and dust has created a shape that
appears to some like a fictional medieval sorcerer. The active star forming
region spans 100 about light years, making it appear larger than the
angular extent of the Moon. The ... more »
Sunday Classics preview: "I still see her looking sadly at my white mane" -- King Philip in "Don Carlos"
*Ferruccio Furlanetto as King Philip in his study
in Don Carlos at the Met*
*Io la rivedo ancor, contemplar triste in volto
il mio crin bianco il dì che qui di Francia venne.
No, amor per me non ha, amor per me non ha.*
I still see her again, contemplating with a sad look
my white mane the day that she came here from France.
No, she doesn't love me, she doesn't love me.
*Jerome Hines (bs), King Philip II; Orchestra of the Teatro Colón (Buenos
Aires), Fernando Previtali, cond. Live performance, Sept. 2, 1962*
*Ferruccio Furlanetto (bs), King Philip II; Metropolitan Opera Orchestra,
J... more »
Paulo Coelho, "Do You Feel Useful?"
*"Do You Feel Useful?"*
by Paulo Coelho
"Ask a flower in the field: ‘Do you feel useful? After all, you do nothing
but produce the same flowers over and over?’ And the flower will answer: ‘I
am beautiful, and beauty is my reason for living.’
Ask the river: ‘Do you feel useful, given that all you do is to keep
flowing in the same direction?’ And the river will answer: ‘I’m not trying
to be useful, I’m trying to be a river.’
Nothing in this world is useless in the eyes of God. Not a leaf from a
tree falls, not a hair from your head, not even an insect dies because it
was of... more »
US ends cell phone unlocking reprieve
Americans will have to get permission to unlock their Smartphone from
Saturday. *In October 2012, a change was made to the US Digital Millennium
Copyright Act that provisionally allowed owners to unlock their smart
phones without the need to ask their network beforehand. *Previous to the
change, owners were classically charged a fee when they asked their
operator to unlock a telephone. Alternatively, users could buy unlocked
versions of smart phones from manufacturers, but these handsets were
typically more expensive than those locked to one network.
Many online services have sp... more »
Journey of Nishiyuu: Into the Harsh Wind
Journey of Nishiyuu walked 22km today in harsh wind but with determination.
Podcast No. 19: Interview with Daniel Drezner
The nineteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Daniel Drezner of Tufts
University. Professor Drezner ruminates on, among other things his
intellectual and educational background, his experiences as an academic
blogger. As was the case with last week’s episode, this podcast is a bit
more “bare bones” than usual. I didn’t put in introductory remarks; I have
Continue reading
Zapatistas Marcos IV 'The Pains from Below'
Friday, January 25, 2013
Them and Us Part 4: The Pains from Below by Subcomandante Marcos
IV.- The Pains From Below
January 2013.
How many times have the cops stopped us on the street for the crime
of "having a suspicious face" or a mohawk, and then after a beating and
extortion they let us go?
"Repression and Criminalizatoin," Anarchist Black
This is What RWNJ's Really Sound Like
Boy if this conversation doesn't epitomize what is happening in the US
right now.
Force yourself to watch the whole interview with Peterson*
You will have to force yourself - Peterson is obnoxious
ALEC High Risk Free-Market Experiment - FAILS AGAIN!!!
*The first rule of human experimentation*
*ALEC free-market philosophy in education FAILS again.*
*Replacing public education with for-profit schools - FAILS again.*
The school children in Pennsylvania were the human subjects of this ALEC
experimentation - the ALEC legislators of Pennsylvania are complicit in
this experiment on American children - an experiment that harmed a
vulnerable population - Pennsylvania's children.
(My emphasis)
Results in Pennsylvania ShowCharter Schools Fail Their Own Hype
- Jon Queally, staff writer
The nationwide push for privatization of ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Greenwood, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
“The Club of Liberals, Transhumanism, Depopulation”
*“The Club of Liberals, Transhumanism, Depopulation”*
by Jon Rappoport
“By liberals, I simply mean those people who accept big government as a
given, regardless of their political affiliation. And yes, at certain key
levels, they are a club. They come from major media, large corporations,
banks, the military, well-funded foundations, investment houses, do-good
non-profits, legal and medical societies, academic factories, think tanks,
and of course the huge pool of government employees. For them, big, bigger,
and biggest government is a rock-bottom assumption that requires no
... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Interpol to Investigate Trust Fund Fraud'
MNN: INTERPOL to Investigate Trust Fund Fraud
Posted on January 25, 2013
Mohawk Nation News
MNN: JUNE 25, 2013. Following Iceland’s lead, we launched a
INTERPOL investigation into the fraud and theft of our Indian Trust
Fund. Iceland successfully jailed the bankers, eliminated
“Molecular Moods”
*“Molecular Moods” *
By Françoise Tibika
“Close your eyes and imagine your body, immersed in a huge network of
traveling information. Imagine your five senses- sight, hearing, smell,
taste, and touch- interfering with the information crossing this network.
And imagine your brain as a device that sorts them and translates some of
them in a language you know: colors, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures.
So far this sounds quite easy to imagine. But does this translation signed
by your brain end there? Do you receive information other than colors,
shapes, sounds, tastes, smells... more »
Can VA's Senate GOP terrorists get away with perhaps the most corrupt power grab since the Confederate secession?

*Virginia House of Delegates Speaker William J. Howell is the man on the
spot now, as grown-up state Republicans try to figure out how to deal with
the mess created by the party's terrorist faction in the Senate.*
*by Ken*
I've been trying to write a piece like this most of the week -- a piece
about the astonishing, flagrantly illegal and even more flagrantly indecent
power grab by the 20 senators who make up the Republican half of the
Virginia State Senate's 20-20 split.
That 20-20 Senate split, you'll recall, has put Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling in
the position of tie-breaker, a role h... more »
News of Note: Job Piracy, Tax Havens, Filibuster Reform
A lot has happened during my busy first week of classes, so I want to flag
a couple of the most important pieces of news from the week.
1. Good Jobs First has a blockbuster report on relocation subsidies. I
will have a full post on this report as soon as I have time to digest it.
2. Tax Justice Network's January Taxcast is out, with reports on Dell in
Spain, an EU threat to blacklist Switzerland, and a look at "Google
Hear it here.
3. Filibuster reform was less than hoped. Recall how overrepresented rural
states are in the Senate in the first place. Here are Ezra Kle... more »
How SNC-Lavalin Used Some Of The Corporate Tax Cut That Harper And The Conservatives Gave Them ....

*"In the sworn statement unsealed by a Quebec court Friday, former
officials with the Montreal-based company (SNC-Lavalin) are accused of
paying the son of the dictator Moammar Gadhafi $160 million in kickbacks to
obtain major contracts in Libya, some of which police say paid for luxury
CTV News
GOP judges rule in favor of Republican wish list
Ignoring precedent, mitigating circumstance and even common sense, in a
breathtaking display of judicial hackery, GOP appointees ruled in favor of
GOP obstructionism:
The three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
said Obama did not have the power to make three recess appointments to the
National Labor Relations Board because the Senate was officially in session
- and not in recess - at the time. If the decision stands, it could
invalidate hundreds of board decisions made over the past year. [...]
The three-judge panel, all appointed by Republican presiden... more »
The Identity of Drake Bailey?
This guy is a Vietnam Veteran????? Hahahaha......
Drake Bailey's Linked-In Profile by
The Black Panther Party’s Living Legacy --Touring Oakland and Berkeley with Billy X Jennings (part one)

*(Watch the full-screen, high definition format here.)*
*The Black Panther Party’s Living Legacy*
* *
*--Touring Oakland and Berkeley with Billy X Jennings*
* *
*(Part One)*
*By Angola 3 News*
This month, over twenty students enrolled in the “Dismantling Racism” class
offered by St. Catherine University in Minnesotatraveled to the San
Francisco Bay Area. The class focused primarily on California’s prisons and
what anti-prison activists are doing to challenge the human rights
violations and racism endemic to California’s infamous prison system.
Last week, the class was taken arou... more »
Singapore Film Company Looks for Haunted Places in Taiwan and Elsewhere
January 25, 2013
Seeking input on relationship between famous hauntings and Asian culture
and history for documentary
From; Christopher Laursen , (continue by clicking READ MORE)
Singapore-based InFocus Asia is producing a documentary television series
that sounds quite promising; they are looking at locations that are reputed
to be haunted, and putting them into social, cultural and historical
context. Perhaps there are some colleagues who would like to offer input.
all the best,
Christopher Laursen
PhD candidate
University of British Columbi... more »
The Connecticut Elementary School Shooting: Sandy Hook Fully Exposed Part II
It definitely does appear that I can not get away from the Sandy Hook
operation, and my own, and others in what I do call the real truth
movement, assertions that it was indeed a criminal operation for the
ultimate goal of disarming America.... Therefore again, I will be covering
more information right here that again calls into question the so called
"official report" on this operation.....
A while back, I presented a great video that summarized the entire Sandy
Hook Shooting exposure to that point... It contains the important video:
"Sandy Hook Fully Exposed", and I have the link... more »
Sufjan Stevens - All For Myself
Sufjan Stevens - All For Myself. Video made by "tigerinajar."
A couple of interview Links
*Blossom of a sensitive plant.*
Michael Richardson interviewed several people on a recent trip to Taiwan,
- Interview with Jerome Keating on the subject of Chen Shui-bian and his
unfair trial.
- Judge Hong Yin-hua interview on why trial of Chen Shui-bian was unfair.
Meanwhile, my post from last month: Free Chen Shui-bian? Think about it...
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est... more »
Navajos and Appalachians protest Peabody Coal, protesters arrested
Fern Benally, Dine' from Black Mesa
By Derek Minnow Bloom, Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Zach Chasnoff, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment
Censored News
Fern Benally, Navajo, center. St Louis Post Dispatch photo.
MO — About one hundred protesters gathered in downtown St. Louis
today outside of the Peabody Coal corporate headquarters. St. Louis
"The Vanishing Days..."
“The sunset on which we gaze is a sunrise on the other side of the world,
and the vanishing days can take from us nothing that may not be restored
by some day yet unborn.”
- E.C. Hall
Mr. Obaaama, Save America From This Extremist Fearmonger
Alex interrupts a crew meeting with his latest toy, a bubble gun. At the
sight of this weapon, the crew transforms into a group of jibbering
ninnies. While this dark satire appears silly on the surface it is
incredibly frightening that it is based on real events that have recently
taken place. See the link below and you will realize the joke is on us as
we let nanny state take over.
See: *School Will Not Back Down Over Five-Year-Old Girl’s Bubble Gun
“Terroristic Threat”*
“From Wounded Knee to Idle No More”
*“From Wounded Knee to Idle No More”*
by Ron Jacobs
“The American Indian Movement’s (AIM) best known and most controversial
protest began in February 1973 in Wounded Knee, South Dakota, a small town
on the Pine Ridge reservation. Wounded Knee Two began as a conflict within
the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) tribe between the supporters of the tribal
Chairman Richard Wilson and other tribal members who considered him to be a
corrupt puppet of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Like many other such
conflicts, it had simmered for a while. In 1973, the disagreements between
the two segme... more »
Two years ago it was a record-snowfall around here, so WTF is with the
blatant agenda-pushing?
Snow brings good news for N.H. skiing, snowmobiling
*You were saying, Glob?*
Climate change threatens ski industry
As global temperatures continue to rise — nine of the 10 warmest years on
record have occurred since 2000 — the threat of a milder climate looms over
the ski industry.
Antarctic warming greater than expected
Global Warming Snow Job
*It started in the fall*:
"Scientists struggled for an explanation other than a simple lack of rain."
**That's what a drought is, duh.*
"A new normal of intense rain, historic floods, and record heat waves"
**Beware any time you see new normal in the paper. *
"The issue had been virtually absent in the presidential campaign until
Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast."
**Yup, and then **climate-change** chit-chat began.*
2012 among 10 hottest years
**It must be the heat generating by my anger. *
Ice sheets melting at poles faster than before
*Actually, they are not, but.... *
... more »
Hey, Conservative Hacks: An Opportunity
Thinking about two of today's major stories, the court decision to
eliminate the recess appointment power and the plot to rig the electoral
It strikes me that there's a major unexploited market out there in Crazy
Land: an argument for why only the House of Representatives, and not the
president or the Senate, is really a legitimate democratic institution.
It's really not even that hard to make, although it needs to dive far off
the deep end when you get to the part about consequences (which presumably
entail everyone having to do whatever it is the House wants). After all... more »
Piers Morgan... I Have Some Questions To Ask You!
One person who I find absolutely revolting in the Mainstream media these
days is Piers Morgan, a British nationalist who appears on the Jewish
controlled CNN talmud-vision network. His attacks on those who question
the "official record" of the Sandy Hook operation, are bad enough.. But his
recent fraudulent and laughable show with another shill, Alex Jones, was a
disgusting display of total lunacy! This man has been a strong advocate of
the repeal of the second Amendment of the US Constitution and the right of
every American citizen to bear arms for their own defense against an ev... more »
Syria: No sign Assad will be overthrown says France
*France said on Thursday there were no signs that Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad is about to be overthrown, something Paris has been saying for
months was just over the horizon*
France, a former colonial ruler of Syria, has been one of the most vocal
backers of the rebels trying to topple Mr. al-Assad and was* the first to
recognize the opposition coalition.*
“Things are not moving. The solution that we had hoped for, and by that I
mean the fall of Bashar and the arrival of the [opposition] coalition to
power, has not happened,” says Laurent Fabius
Mr. Fabius told RFI radio i... more »
*It started in the fall*:
"Scientists struggled for an explanation other than a simple lack of rain."
**That's what a drought is, duh.*
"A new normal of intense rain, historic floods, and record heat waves"
**Beware any time you see new normal in the paper. *
"The issue had been virtually absent in the presidential campaign until
Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast."
**Yup, and then **climate-change** chit-chat began.*
2012 among 10 hottest years
**It must be the heat generating by my anger. *
Ice sheets melting at poles faster than before
*Actually, they are not, but.... *
... more »
Paedophile who groomed victim on Facebook claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with 13-year-old girl' | Mail Online
Hmm where did he get those ideas?
' He was educated in a madrassa and 'had little experience of women'
Said he had been taught 'women are no more worthy than a lollipop
has been dropped on the ground'
Read more:'
John Friend's Realist Report For Monday, January 21st, 2013
With all the hectic work that I have been doing over the last few days, I
have had to let this blog slide a bit, and unable to keep up with what has
really been happening around the world... Now that I have most of that
cleared up, I can finally do some catching up.....
I did miss John Friend's ( Realist Report
Show on Truth Militia Radio ( for last Monday, January
21st, due to family needs... At least now I have been able to listen to it
in the archives.... John had Jim Conduit as his guest to discuss World War
II history, espe... more »
To the Fates (Friedrich Hölderlin)
To the Fates (Friedrich Hölderlin). YouTube Video Description - [Channel:
Gottfried Leibniz]:
This poem was published by Hölderlin in 1799.
"Grant me only one summer, you mighty ones!
And one autumn for ripened song,
So that my heart, sated with the sweet
Music, may then die more willingly!
The soul that in life did not receive
Its divine due does not rest even below in Orcus;
But if I once accomplish the sacred thing that
My heart is set on—the poem—
Welcome, then, O silence of the world of shades!
I am satisfied even if my lyre Does not accompany me below; once
I lived like gods,... more »
David Mamet: Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm (Perhaps the greatest pro-gun article ever written in the history of mankind, and hence, a must-read)
Karl Marx summed up Communism as “from each according to his ability, to
each according to his needs.” This is a good, pithy saying, which, in
practice, has succeeded in bringing, upon those under its sway, misery,
poverty, rape, torture, slavery, and death.
‘In announcing his gun control proposals, President Obama said that he was
not restricting Second Amendment rights, but allowing other constitutional
rights to flourish.’
For the saying implies but does not name the effective agency of its
supposed utopia. The agency is called “The State,” and the motto, fleshed
out, for the be... more »
First Nation Terrance Nelson: Rail Blockades and the Future
Blockade Jan. 16, 2013
By Terrance Nelson
Roseau River Ojibway
Censored News
Jan. 25, 2013
Jim Edmond,
As legal counsel for CN, you were involved in the undertakings that took
place in 2007. There was absolutely no need for a train blockade in
2013 in Treaty One territory if the federal Conservative Government of
Canada had honored the
*Is this footage really unseen?*
Some may have seen it, but due to general media blackouts of European
military excursions into Africa (as well as American ones), it was
downplayed and in many cases simply not shown. The only reason we even know
about this happening is because someone in the crowd filmed it with their
*What are we seeing?*
You are seeing French troops, perhaps even Foreign Legion, fire upon
unarmed civilian protestors, massacring many. You can tell they're French
from two signs: first, the trademark turreted armoured vehicle the French
use, which looks lik... more »
*Is this footage really unseen?*
Some may have seen it, but due to general media blackouts of European
military excursions into Africa (as well as American ones), it was
downplayed and in many cases simply not shown. The only reason we even know
about this happening is because someone in the crowd filmed it with their
*What are we seeing?*
You are seeing French troops, perhaps even Foreign Legion, fire upon
unarmed civilian protestors, massacring many. You can tell they're French
from two signs: first, the trademark turreted armoured vehicle the French
use, which looks lik... more »
Rigging the Electoral College -- Get It Right
I was going to let this go, but I just saw Andrew Gelman's post about what
a terrible idea electoral-votes-by-congressional-district would be, and
that makes the third one (here's one of the others; I've lost the other
one) I've seen that gets this wrong in the last 24 hours.
Hey, everyone writing about this: the Republican plan isn't
electoral-votes-by-congressional-district. It's electoral votes by
congressional district *in the states where it would help Republicans* (see,
for example, here). In fact, it's probably better to just say that their
plan is that electoral votes in eve... more »
Democratic Efforts In Texas Won't Make Up For The GOP's Plans For A Sweeping Effort To Steal The Electoral College

Were you giggling Wednesday when he said "If I was president...?" It's not
a laughing matter
One of Blue America's biggest victories in the 2012 cycle was seeing Beto
O'Rourke oust corrupt, conservative Democratic barnacle Silvestre Reyes in
the Democratic primary in Texas and then go on to win a landslide (65.5%)
victory in November to become a new congressman from El Paso. There are 5
Democratic freshmen from Texas this year. Besides Beto's big win, Charlie
Gonzalez retired and was replaced by New Dem Joaquin Castro, another
landslide (64%); Blue Dog Pete Gallego edged Republican i... more »
Is a 'Left UKIP' Possible?
One of the welcome outcomes of the SWP's self-immolation has been a
resumption of strategic debate among the 'inside' and 'outside' left. Andy
Newman has written about a socialist campaign for Labour victory, Owen
Jones has discussed a new movement of the left, and this in turn has
spurred responses from Alex Snowden and the inimitable Luke Akehurst.
One of the things to come out of the exchange of polemic on is the idea of
a 'left UKIP'. This isn't literally a left wing europhobic organisation,
but rather a small left populist party outside Labour that could pose just
enough of a ... more »

With one more shift left to go before I head "into the field" at work, I
had to take part of my morning off to outfit myself. A tool belt is
something I've never worn before....ever. The closest I've ever come to
having anything like this around my waist was the web belt I wore with my
combats back when I was in the Reserves. So I wasn't sure how I'd make out
but in the end I didn't do too badly.
10" crescent wrench. Check. 16 oz hammer. Check. Tape measure. Check.
Level. Check.
The only challenging part was trying the thing on and making sure I could
get all my tools I wa... more »
Race watch: Now they’ve even got Kevin Drum!
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2013*
*Why can’t our favorite simply come out and say whatever he’s saying:* Now
they’ve even got Kevin Drum, sanest guy on the planet or even on the
In this post, Drum discusses the ludicrous complaint from Virginia—the
complaint about smaller communities in the state getting outvoted by larger
communities. Refusing to say what he has on his mind, Kevin instead offers
DRUM (1/25/13): Ah, yes. All of Virginia's "more densely populated areas"
are outvoting them. *I wonder who they could possibly be talking about?
That's a real chin scratcher.... more »
What's it called when you lend money to a bison?
OOPTHs Again
In the past we have talked about Out of Place Artifacts or as I like to
call them, Out of Place Things aka OOPTHs (and no, I didn’t invent either
term, that honor goes to Ivan T. Sanderson, I believe). Now we have a
report, from Russia, that a piece of a gear has been pulled from a lump of
coal that is dated at 300 million years… before the dinosaurs were around
and before much of anything was around, to have made it.
This story, which comes from the far reaches of Russia, near the borders of
China and North Korea, features a man named Dmitry who was throwing coal
into his furnace... more »
Muslim Brotherhood Is Failing In Egypt (Videos)
Anti-Morsi Egyptians celebrate 2013 in anger. Source: Al Qarra English.
Neverending Protest: Egypt marks 2 yrs of revolution with fresh clashes.
Source: RT.
Egyptian opposition calls for anniversary protests. Source: Al Qatar.
Wave of protests hit Egypt. Source: Telegraph.
West's fears over Syria Islamists mount as coalition flounders....Bit late for that, isn't it?
Western concern over the growing strength of jihadist rebels in Syria is
mounting, hindering aid to the moderate Syrian National Coalition
opposition and possibly pushing it into the arms of religiously
conservative backers, diplomatic sources said.
The widely recognised coalition has failed to gain traction on the ground
in Syria since being formed in November, its credibility undermined by its
failure to secure arms and cash in the battle to oust Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad.
4.9 Magnitude Earthquake JUJUY, ARGENTINA - 25th January 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 19:53:29 UTC
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 04:53:29 PM at epicenter
24.172°S, 65.315°W
43.6 km (27.1 miles)
49 km (31 miles) E (91°) from San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
5.0 Magnitude Earthquake KURIL ISLANDS - 25th January 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 19:43:04 UTC
Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 06:43:04 AM at epicenter
49.770°N, 155.585°E
72.5 km (45.1 miles)
108 km (67 miles) SSW (201°) from Severo-Kuril'sk, Kuril Islands, Russia
Hölderlin's Metaphysics (Lecture) By Edward Kanterian
*Hyperion's Song Of Destiny* by Hölderlin
Holy spirits, you walk up there
in the light, on soft earth.
Shining god-like breezes
touch upon you gently,
as a woman's fingers
play music on holy strings.
Like sleeping infants the gods
breathe without any plan;
the spirit flourishes continually
in them, chastely kept,
as in a small bud,
and their holy eyes
look out in still
eternal clearness.
A place to rest
isn't given to us.
Suffering humans
decline and blindly fall
from one hour to the next,
like water thrown
from cliff to cliff,
year after year,
down into the Unkn... more »
The Economy: "The Marginal Rule of Wicksteed"
*"The Marginal Rule of Wicksteed"*
by Jeffrey Tucker
"Finally, my obsession comes to an end. For a full week, I’ve thought about
not much else besides the economic concept of “marginal utility.” It has
consumed me completely. I’ve come to realize how much it pervades my
thinking about virtually everything. I first heard about the notion in
college, but one book revived the whole topic for me. It is Philip
Wicksteed’s "The Common Sense of Political Economy." It’s a book that makes
economic logic real in our lives.
"The Common Sense of Political Economy" is an excellent example ... more »
Casey Anthony gets off on two more charges
A Florida appellate court on Friday set aside two of the four convictions
Casey Anthony faced for lying to detectives during the investigation into
her missing 2-year-old daughter.
Judges on the 5th District Court of Appeals agreed with Anthony's attorneys
that two of the charges constituted double jeopardy, or being convicted
more than once for the same crime.
"We cannot conclude that the Legislature intended to authorize separate
punishment for each false statement made during a single interview," the
judges said in their ruling. more »
Obama recess appointments unconstitutional
In a case freighted with major constitutional implications, a federal
appeals court on Friday overturned President Obama’s controversial recess
appointments from last year, ruling he abused his powers and acted when the
Senate was not actually in a recess.
The three-judge panel’s ruling is a major blow to Mr. Obama. The judges
ruled that the appointments he made to the National Labor Relations Board
are illegal, and the board no longer has a quorum to operate.
But the ruling has even broader constitutional significance, with the
judges arguing that the president’s recess appointment... more »
What is it with some LibDem MPs?
Today David Ward, here giving a car crash interview on Sky following his
comments from earlier today
David Ward's political career should be toast, but will Nick Clegg have the
cajones to take action?
Yesterday a previous LibDem Baroness Jenny Tonge, attacking Zionism
"It will not go on forever, it will not go on forever and Israel will lose
its support, then they will reap what they have sown,"
The Liberal Democrats, the true nasty party.
Virginia watch: Looks like the season of the putsch!
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2013*
*How will the Post react:* In this morning’s Washington Post, Nia-Malika
Henderson reports on the wave of electoral scams being planned by the GOP
in certain states.
How absurd are these proposals? This absurd:
Last year, Obama won the state of Virginia with 51 percent of the vote.
Romney got 47 percent. As a result, Obama won Virginia’s 13 electoral votes.
Under the new rules being proposed for Virginia, Obama would have received
only four of the state’s electoral votes. Despite *losing* the state’s
popular vote by a solid margin, Romney would have gott... more »
Friday Afternoon Linkage — Miscellaneous
Thomas Ricks continues his rant on the dismissal of CENTCOM Commander
General James Mattis. Ricks’ earlier takes here. Some Teaparty folks think
Mattis’ dismissal is part of Obama’s longer-term intent to kill Americans.
Maybe, but at least we know the moon landing wasn’t faked. But, really,
while Mattis may be a popular and effective leader
Continue reading
$6.6 Trillion Retirement Savings Shortfall Shows 401(k)'s No Replacement for Pensions
Last week the *Washington Post* ran a story on the weaknesses of 401(k)
retirement accounts, focusing on the the fact that 1/4 of Americans with
401(k)'s have used them to meet current income needs. Among people in their
forties, the share rises to 1/3, an astounding figure considering how
close this group is to retirement. In the wake of the Great Recession and
continuing job market problems, it is perhaps not surprising that 28% of
401(k) account holders presently have loans against their accounts.
As the *Post* delicately puts it,
Many employers have embraced 401(k) and other de... more »
Chilling animated map shows brutal Arctic air invasion sweeping across America as country faces MORE snow today
A chilling animation has revealed the path of the Arctic air that brutally
invaded the United States this week, as frost continues to bite at every
corner of the country.
The animation, made with weather data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction,
reveals how freezing temperatures barreled deep into the South early this
week - before retreating and returning again.
It comes as millions across the country continue to battle snow and ice,
with more snow storms expected on Friday before some let up this weekend.
http... more »
Gawker writer Travis Okulski says cold weather is 'worse than the Holocaust'
A Gawker writer is being slammed by critics today after comparing the East
Coast cold snap to the Holocaust.
Travis Okulski, senior writer for Gawker Media's car blog Jalopnik, had
been tweeting complaints about the cold weather Thursday when he compared
the brutal slaughter of 6 million people to the bitter cold weather.
Napolitano warns of 'imminent threat' of a 'cyber 9/11'
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned on Thursday that a
major cyber attack is a looming threat and could have the same sort of
impact as last year's Superstorm Sandy, which knocked out electricity in a
large swathe of the Northeast.
Napolitano said a 'cyber 9/11' could happen 'imminently' and that critical
infrastructure - including water, electricity and gas - was very vulnerable
to such a strike.
'We shouldn't wait until there is a 9/11 in the cyber world. There are
things we can and should be doing right now that, if not prevent, would
mitigate the extent of dama... more »
Marking your cards: The DNA gun that can invisibly tag criminals for weeks after a riot
It may look more like a high tech water pistol or something out of a sci-fi
film than the latest weapon in the fight against crime.
But an innovative new tagging system using a gun and DNA pellets could make
it easier for police to mark the cards of even the most volatile criminal.
Unlike a taser or gun that fires real bullets, the weapon won't hurt a
suspect or render them incapacitated so that officers can pounce.
Schools and businesses among potential list of Western targets in Benghazi, warn European officials
Schools catering for the children of British and other foreign workers in
the Libyan city of Benghazi are among the potential targets of terrorists
and kidnap gangs, European officials have warned.
All Britons are being urged by the Foreign Office to leave the city after
it became aware of the 'specific and imminent threat', just days after the
deadly hostage crisis in the neighbouring country of Algeria.
European officials, who did not want to be named, said that schools,
businesses and offices of non-governmental organisations were among the
potential targets.
http://www.dailymai... more »
Washington's Moral Bankruptcy: Banksters & Torturers Are Good, Truth-Tellers Are Bad
"We live now in an era where normal values have been displaced. The good is
called bad, the bad - good." - Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist,
writer, and human rights activist. (30 August 1958 – 7 October 2006).
Excerpts from, *"CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou, Sentenced to 30 Months in
Jail, Wears Conviction as ‘Badge of Honor’"* by Kevin Gosztola:
Quotes by John Kiriakou:
I don’t think I am overstating this when I say I feel like we’re entering a
second McCarthy era where the Justice Department uses the law as a fist or
as a hammer not just to try and convict people but t... more »
The invisible border
I have had the unfortunate experience of debating Middle East matters on
Twitter with someone today. His twitter handle is @kjfella1.
Here's how the conversation went:
Unfortunately at this point I think my Palestinian supporting genius
blocked me as my reply doesn't appear on his timeline. Here is is though:
Somehow I don't think @kjfella1 is interested in facts.
Here's kjfella1's Twitter bio:
Palestinian American,I write, direct, and am a stand up comic =0 part owner
of street wear brand Wealthy Division it varies ·
Well the 'comic' part seems to fi... more »
Extremely high levels of radioactive cesium found in fish near Fukushima nuclear plant
[image: Nuclide analysis results from fish and shellfish within 20km radius
of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, 18 January 2013. The 'murasoi'
spotbelly rockfish had 254,000 Bq/kg of radioactive cesium; the jacopever
had 110,000 Bq/kg; greenling had 40,000 Bq/kg of cesium. Another spotbelly
rockfish had 140,000 Bq/kg cesium. Graphic: TEPCO via]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera
21 January 2013
The statement is not really true that the radiation level inside the harbor
right at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant is no different than those
outside, further away from the p... more »
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake MONTENEGRO - 25th January 2013
Magnitude ML 4.3
Date time 2013-01-25 18:52:26.0 UTC
Location 43.26 N ; 18.83 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 26 km NE Gacko, Montenegro
Hunt for Nazis after WW2 was deliberately scuppered by France, South America and West Germany, claims author
One that got away: The 'perverted Angel of Auschwitz' Dr Josef Mengele,
(left) was able to flee to South America while former comrades Rudolf Hoess
(centre) Josef Kramer (right) were hanged for war crimes
A new book about Nazis on the run after WW2 shows how governments around
the world torpedoed efforts to hunt down the worst of the Holocaust
murderers for decades out of 'vested interests'.
'Nazi Hunt: South America's Dictatorships and the Avenging of Nazi Crimes,'
by German historian Daniel Stahl, calls the half-hearted efforts of postwar
governments a 'coalition of the unwilling... more »
Lib Dem MP David Ward could be kicked out of party after suggesting 'the Jews' had not learned the lessons of the Holocaust
A Liberal Democrat MP faces expulsion from the party for saying ‘the
had not learned from the murder of six million in the Holocaust, in
treatment of the Palestinian people.
David Ward, MP for Bradford East, wrote on his own website that he was
‘saddened’ that they ‘could within a few years of liberation from the
camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians…on a daily basis.’
Happy Robbie Burns Day

If you're connected to that ancient and noble tribe, it's a very happy
Robbie Burns Day to you. The Ploughman Poet was born on this day in
in Alloway, Aryshire, Scotland.
Burns had a hard and brief life, dying at just 37. Here's a fine and
fitting tribute to Burns from Wiki:
*He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement, and after his
he became a great source of inspiration to the founders of both
socialism, and a cultural icon in Scotland and among the Scottish
Diasporaaround the world. Celebration of his life and work became almost
a national ch... more »
Immigrant who was part of gang that lured schoolgirls into a house for sex cannot be deported because he is a member of 'persecuted tribe'
An immigrant who was locked up for four years after he had unprotected sex
with a 13-year-old girl cannot be deported because he is member of a
'persecuted' African tribe, it was disclosed today.
Jumaa Kater Saleh, 24, who arrived in the UK in November 2004 hidden in a
lorry, was convicted of two charges of sexual activity with a female under
16 in May 2008.
After serving his sentence, Saleh was recommended for deportation and
detained under the 2007 Borders Act pending moves to send him back to Sudan
because of the seriousness of his criminal offences. more »
Queensland hit by flash flooding
Floodwaters have cut off several towns along the state’s coast and more
than 70 roads including the state's major highways are impassable.
There have also been several dramatic rescues.
In one incident, a rescuer was swept away after dragging a 14-year-old boy
to safety from raging floodwaters in the Queensland city of Rockhampton.
Al-Shabab Twitter Account Apparently Suspended
A Twitter account used by Somali insurgent group Al-Shabab has apparently
been suspended, days after the group used the page to boast about killing a
French hostage and showed graphic photos of a dead French soldier.
Although Twitter has not confirmed it shut down the account, a message on
the Twitter page used by al-Shabab in English said "the profile you are
trying to view has been suspended."
Recess Appointment Power? Gone, Says DC Circuit
Big, big news in recess appointments today: if an appeals court gets its
way, they no longer exist.
The DC Circuit was asked to decide whether Barack Obama's recess
appointments to the NLRB were kosher, given the extraordinary circumstances
surrounding them: that the Senate was on a "recess" that was broken up
every few days with pro forma sessions. The questions expected to be
answered were: how long does a recess have to be? And: who decides?
Well. Forget about all that. Instead, the court, with David Sentelle
writing (excerpts from Philip Klein, who covered this really nicely on ... more »
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHEAST OF SHIKOKU, JAPAN - 25th January 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 17:46:18 UTC
Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 02:46:18 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
29.379°N, 132.197°E
9.7 km (6.0 miles)
189 km (117 miles) SE of Nishinoomote, Japan
Teachers and CCSS: To Implement or To Resist?
At the *Teaching Now* blog (*Education Week*), a recent debate among Larry
Ferlazzo, Stephen Krashen, David Cohen, and Paul Thomas has prompted the
"Should Teachers Resist the Common Core?"
In a series of blog posts as well as comments on those posts, Ferlazzo and
Cohen have offered skepticism about CCSS, but maintain implementation of
CCSS and the high-stakes tests to follow are inevitable, and thus the
realistic and practical response from teachers must be how to implement
CCSS well.
Krashen and Thomas will not concede implementation of CCSS is inevitable,
and have called ... more »
On Expressing the Nightmare: Paul Celan and Norman Manea
Norman Manea (born July 19, 1936) is a Jewish Romanian writer and author of
short fiction, novels, and essays about the Holocaust, daily life in a
communist state, and exile. He lives in the United States, where he is the
Francis Flournoy Professor of European Culture and writer in residence at
Bard College.
Manea's most acclaimed book, *The Hooligan’s Return* (2003), is an original
novelistic memoir, encompassing a period of almost 80 years, from the
pre-war period, through the Second World War, the communist and
post-communist years to the present.
Meant... more »
CKNW`s Question of the Day
UPDATED AT BOTTOM__11:23 am...
CKNW`s question of the day...The results at 10:00 am...are..
If a provincial election was held today who would you vote for
I guarantee you readers that as soon as the BC Liberal public affairs
department gets wind of this poll question the numbers will turn around 180
My early guess is the numbers by 3:00pm today will be BC Liberals 65% to to wager?
UP... more »
5 Ways Publishing's Changed in the Last Decade

For anyone who's written anything more ambitious than a 52 year-old
barfly's phone number on a cocktail napkin at last call or a Facebook
update dedicated to how they drank too many Sex on the Beaches last night
at the local dive bar and "who the fuck were those swarthy guys stealing my
kidneys, OMFG, you mean that 52 y/o barfly's in cahoots with them? Is her
phone number even real?! Why didn't they cut out my fucking heart, too,
while they were at it?", publishing's undergone some serious-ass changes in
the last decade.
From the rise of POD (Poverty on Demand), publishin... more »
Jane Austen, Magic and Chocolate Pots (a book review)

What happens when you mix Jane Austen and a little bit of the wizard world?
You get Sorcery and Cecelia. Sorcery and Cecelia by Patricia Wrede and
Caroline Stevermer is about two cousins,Cecelia is left behind in the
country while Kate, gets to experience her season in London. It starts out
as any period piece, but you soon get the idea that there might be a little
bit more to their version of England, including wizards, spells and
enchanted chocolate pots.
The book is written as a series of letters back and forth, which is how
the book was actually written, a series of letters ... more »
Perrito en el buzón adornado con rosas

[image: Perrito en el buzón adornado con rosas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de perritos*
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Swine flu infected 1 in 5, death rate low, study shows.....But it sure was a fantastic Cash Spinner!
At least one in five people worldwide were infected with swine flu during
the first year of the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic, an international research
group said on Friday, but the death rate was just 0.02 percent.
The results echo other studies that found children were hit harder by the
H1N1 strain, which swept around the world, than they are by regular
seasonal flu outbreaks and that people over 65 were less vulnerable.
Libya 'astonishment' at UK call for Britons to evacuate
Libyan officials expressed their "astonishment" after Britons and all other
westerners were told to leave the city of Benghazi due to fears of an
"imminent" terror threat in the wake of the Algerian hostage siege.
Libya said Friday it has yet to be informed by any Western country of their
intention to evacuate citizens after several states issued security alerts
for their citizens to leave the second city of Benghazi.
"There has been no formal notice to us from any other country of its
intention to evacuate its citizens from the city of Benghazi," an interior
ministry source was quo... more »
US Pulls Out of Civil Society Group With Russia
The U.S. pulled out of a joint working group on civil society with Russia
that had been a key element of the Obama Administration's "reset" policy
with Moscow, protesting what it called the Kremlin's deepening crackdown on
The move, though mainly symbolic, is the latest sign of a deepening chill
in relations between Moscow and Washington that has taken hold since
Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency last year. While both sides
insist publicly they want to continue cooperation, officials and analysts
say Washington is likely to turn its focus away from an increasingly
... more »
Kim Jong Eun surgery rumors force open a sliver of daylight with China
North Korea’s official news agency has taken the unusual step of publicly
rebuking a rumor about young leader Kim Jong Eun, and has chastised China,
its sponsor and only real ally, in the process. The vitriolic report
insists that the 30-year-old Kim absolutely, positively did not receive
plastic surgery to look more like his deceased grandfather, Kim Il Sung.
Such rumors have been around for years, but just as rumors. So why condemn
them now, at the risk of just lending them greater legitimacy?
Since taking control of the country, Kim Jong Eun has aggressively
cultivated an image i... more »
Unicornios formados con las olas del mar

[image: Unicornios formados con las olas del mar con una hada y una sirena]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de unicornios*
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Whose Side Will Teabaggers Be On If Neel Kashkari Challenges Darrell Issa In The GOP Primary?
In 2008, Obama narrowly beat McCain in California's 49th congressional
district, Darrell Issa's San Diego/Orange County seat. This year Romney won
52.4 to 45.7%. Although the San Diego part of the district, which is the
biggest part, is trending Democratic, the Orange County part-- which now
goes all the way up past San Clemente to Laguna Niguel, Ladera Ranch and
Dana Point-- is still rabidly Republican. Issa beat Jerry Tetalman in the
Orange County areas 66-34% but only took 56% in the San Diego section.
Overall, Issa probably feels pretty safe. He won 139,127 (59%) to 97,454
(4... more »
Kate Upton again - a Rule 5 Friday post

Kate Upton at a swimwear show - Egotastic has more...
Mozambique floods hit power exports, displace 70,000 – ‘There used to be only a few crocodiles in the Limpopo River. Now there are a lot.’
[image: A mother and her two boys walk through floodwaters in Mozambique,
Africa, January 2013. Photo: Tom Stoddart /]
25 January 2013 (SAPA-AFP) – Floods in southern Mozambique have displaced
up to 70 000 people and cut power exports to energy-hungry neighbour South
Africa in half, officials said yesterday. The south and centre of the
country have been placed on red alert after experiencing the heaviest
rainfall since devastating floods killed some 800 people in 2000.
In some places current water levels are higher than they were during that
disaster. As the Limpopo R... more »
Civil contempt rarely appropriate in family law matters
Hefkey v. Hefkey, 2013 ONCA 44 holds:
[3] Moreover, in our view, the civil contempt remedy should not
have been sought in the circumstances revealed by the record. The civil
contempt remedy is one of last resort. It should not be sought or granted
in family law cases where, as here, other adequate remedies are available
to the allegedly aggrieved party. The courts have repeatedly stressed that
great caution must be exercised when considering contempt motions in family
law proceedings. Contempt findings in such cases should be made only
sparingly and, as we have said, ... more »
Regalos y rosas para el 14 de febrero

[image: Regalos y rosas para el 14 de febrero]
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Happy Robbie Burns Day

It was on this day, February 25th, in the year 1759 that Scotland's
favourite son, the Ploughman Poet, Robbie Burns was born in Alloway,
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Here's a lovely and fitting tribute to the other Bard from Wiki:
*He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement, and after his
he became a great source of inspiration to the founders of both
socialism, and a cultural icon in Scotland and among the Scottish
Diasporaaround the world. Celebration of his life and work became almost
a national charismatic
cult during the 19th and 20th centuries, and h... more »
INAUGURATE THIS: Are we a people or are we just tribes!
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2013*
*Part 4—We name-call, the other tribe wins:* Do “we the people” really
believe the various things in Obama's address? (See THE DAILY HOWLER,
And not only that:
If we the people believe all those things, why have we the liberals had so
much trouble getting legislation passed? Why do prospects for Feinstein’s
gun bill look shaky, to cite one example?
Answers: Actually, very large portions of we the people *don’t* believe the
various things Obama listed in his address. Nor do they the people pay much
attention to us the liberals.
Can you complete... more »
Zorro de las praderas dormidito sobre las rocas

[image: Zorro de las praderas dormidito sobre las rocas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de zorros*
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Vancouver's Dirty, Filthy Secret

Most people don't know that Metro Vancouver, thanks to its Fraser Port
Authority, is poised to become the biggest coal exporter in North America.
The Port Authority is now approving a large expansion of tenants, Neptune
Terminals' and Fraser Surrey Docks' coal installations. It has ignored the
appeals of local mayors, NGOs, the BC Lung Association, environmental
groups and the public to delay approval to permit public consultation and a
proper assessment of the environmental impacts of the coal terminals.
Harper could intervene. The Port Authority is under federal mandate. It
... more »
Turn on the Light

It is up to us now to become free.
Yesterday I identified fear, took note and contemplated what it means. It
did not occur while being chased by a wild beast. It occurred in my
automobile, on a quiet street, early morning, just outside a school. The
sun was shining. The sky was blue. I was warm and dry and driving well
within the posted speed limit. Then I spotted a police car. It was parked
off to the side. In my gut a bloop of panic erupted and cascaded up to my
brain where it registered; *fear*.
This was a “school zone” and it is swarming with speed traps. I do... more »
Pato mandarin a orillas de la isla buscando su comida

[image: Pato mandarin a orillas de la isla buscando su comida]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de patos*
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Russia parliament backs "gay propaganda" ban
Russia's parliament backed a draft law on Friday banning "homosexual
propaganda", in what critics see as an attempt to shore up support for
President Vladimir Putin in the country's largely conservative society.
Only one deputy in the State Duma lower house voted against the bill, but
passions spilled over outside the chamber, where 20 people were detained
after scuffles between Russian Orthodox Christians and gay activists who
staged a "kiss-in" protest.
Before Mursi visit, Germany condemns comments that hurt peace
Germany has condemned all comments at odds with the goal of Middle East
peace ahead of a visit by Egypt's president, whose vitriolic remarks
against Jews and Zionists in 2010 when he was a Muslim Brotherhood leader
have stirred outrage.
The utterances by Mohamed Mursi, who became Egypt's first freely elected
leader in July of last year, were first reported by the New York Times
earlier this month. Widely seen as anti-Semitic, the comments were
condemned by the United States.
Next week Mursi is due to visit Germany, whose Nazi past and strong support
of Israel make it highly sensiti... more »
Italy: Earthquake hits near Bologna
An earthquake has shaken parts of northern Italy, forcing some residents
onto the streets.
The magnitude-4.8 quake struck at a depth of 15.5km (9.6 miles) 35km north
of the city of Lucca, officials said.
The tremor was felt as far away as Milan and Florence, Italian media say.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
Mujer fuego acompañada de su mascota fiel
[image: Mujer fuego acompañada de su mascota fiel]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de mujeres*
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Libro abierto en un maravilloso paisaje con flores

[image: Libro abierto en un maravilloso paisaje con flores]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de paisajes*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Stop Imperialism – Episode 56
Algeria, Mali, Syria, Iran, and more.
*January 25, 2013* ( Eric Draitser's Stop Imperialism
website has been redone, and all of his work can be found on For listeners that had bookmarked, they should change over to the new url.
In this week's episode:
*1. Algeria
*[image: Algeria]Algeria defends tough response to hostage crisis as toll
Insight: Mystery Canadian coordinated Algeria gas field attack, premier says
Al Qaeda branch’s image soars after hostage drama in Algeria
The Algeria powder kegSegment Start: 0... more »
Egypt Protests: Some 100 Injured In Clashes
Some 100 people have been injured in clashes betwen police and protesters
in Egypt on the second anniversary of the revolution.
Police fired tear gas to disperse thousands of opponents of President
Mohamed Morsi, gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square.
States’ crime rates show scant linkage to gun laws
President Obama has called for stricter federal gun laws to combat recent
shooting rampages, but a review of recent state laws by The Washington
Times shows no discernible correlation between stricter rules and lower
gun-crime rates in the states.
States that ranked high in terms of making records available to the
National Instant Criminal Background Check System also tended to have
tighter gun laws — but their gun-crime rates ranged widely. The same was
true for states that ranked poorly on disclosure and were deemed to have
much less stringent gun-possession laws.
For example, Ne... more »
Gatito triste pensando en su novia

[image: Gatito triste pensando en su novia]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de gatitos*
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Enamorados festejando el día de San Valentín

[image: Enamorados festejando el día de San Valentín]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de enamorados*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Religion, Chinese government drive global elephant slaughter – ‘No one has ever talked about the role of religion in driving today’s ivory trade’
[image: Elephant in Kenya, 2007. Photo: Rhett A. Butler /]
By Rhett A. Butler
24 January 2013
( – By some estimates, more than 30,000 elephants were
slaughtered across the savannas and forests of Africa and Asia for the
ivory trade during 2012. The carnage represents as much as 4 percent of the
world's elephant population. Accordingly, some conservationists are warning
that elephants face imminent extinction in some of their range countries.
While the plight of elephants is increasingly visible due to media
coverage, less widely understood is the role re... more »
Another RAF Plane Takes Off For Mali
An RAF Sentinel intelligence plane has taken off for Mali as part of an
operation to fight al Qaeda militants in the country.
North Korea threatens ‘declaration of war’ over U.N. sanctions

North Korea threatened to take “strong physical countermeasures” Friday if
South Korea takes part in enforcing United Nations sanctions, which it
called a “declaration of war.”
The United Nations Security Council resolution approved unanimously on
Tuesday condemns North Korea for launching a rocket in December.
“Sanctions mean war and a declaration of war against us,” the Committee for
Peaceful Unification of the Fatherland said in a statement carried by North
Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency.
Read more: more »
Obama recess appointments unconstitutional, court

A federal appeals court has overturned President Obama’s controversial
recess appointments from last year, arguing he abused his powers and acted
when the Senate was not actually in a recess.
The three-judge panel’s ruling is a major blow to Mr. Obama. The judges
ruled that the appointments Mr. Obama made to the National Labor Relations
Board are illegal, and the board no longer has a quorum to operate.
But the ruling has even broader constitutional significance, with the
judges arguing that the president’s recess appointment powers don’t apply
to “intrasession” appointments — tho... more »
El rey león pintado de muchos colores y muy bien peinado
[image: El rey león pintado de muchos colores y muy bien peinado]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de leones*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
5.0 Magnitude Earthquake NORTHERN ITALY - 25th January 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 14:48:18 UTC
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 03:48:18 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
44.280°N, 10.527°E
4.8 km (3.0 miles) (poorly constrained)
3 km (1 miles) WSW of Frassinoro, Italy

Real or acting?
Why did Adam Lanza reportedly die before the day of the Sandy Hook
[image: Medical Assistance - Horn of Africa]
Why was Anders Breivik in Liberia, and then, living very close to a
forces base?
Osama bin Laden, the famous crypto-Jew, said that the world was
*divided*into those who were with Islam and those who were with the
In other words, the 'powers-that-be' don't want us to know that
Moslems and Jews all have the same God, and, that most Moslems,
and Jews actually want a peaceful life.
the SSD... more »
Measuring progress one pair of shoes at a time

It will soon be a year since I began doing projects at the Angelitos
Felices children's home here in Copan. The needs are so vast for children
in Honduras that at times it's difficult to gauge whether anything you do
is having any impact, but at least I can take in the completed capital
projects at Angelitos on days like that and think, yeah, that's a little
This photo from one of my first visits to Angelitos
serves to remind me that the walls are now repainted,
the filthy concrete floor is now nice, bright ceramic,
and little Jesus has new clothes and shoes that fit
The kids h... more »
Abacus Illustrates Lack of Accountability for Criminals Responsible for Financial Crisis
Perhaps the most glaring example of deliberate financial fraud by an
informed elite group can be found in the example of Abacus, created by
Goldman Sachs employee Fabrice Tourre and the hedge fund Paulson & Co. in
2007 default.[i] Abacus consisted of synthetic collateralized debt
obligations selected and packaged by Tourre and Paulson that Goldman sold
to its clients, while assuring them that the underlying mortgages were
unlikely to default. Meanwhile, Paulson & Co shorted or bet against Abacus
by purchasing credit default swaps from the Royal Bank of Scotland, which
incurred a ... more »
And Successive Federal Governments Threw Money at Corrupt Indian Chiefs, why exactly???

So, it dawned on me this morning, that the "Awesome Canadians" believe
that there's no racism in Canada against the First Nations. I mean, sure,
we used to kidnap them and forced our religion and culture on them, while
denying them their own, and some of the residential schools were full of
sexual sadists and pretty much all of the residential schools were in such
deplorable, unsanitary condition that sometimes more than half the children
died of tuberculosis, whereupon their bodies were dumped in mass graves,
... but that's all water under the bridge. Forgive and forget, the "Awes... more »
Both Sides, Now
By Capt. Fogg
No, this isn't about Joni Mitchell and I'm not going to talk about bows and
flows of angel hair, just about stunning hypocrisy. How many ice cream
castles have been built upon the idea that a fertilized human egg cell is a
human being possessed of human rights? It would be hypocritical enow that
those rights are allowed by Church doctrine to foetuses when they have been
so often denied to adults by religious authorities, but that's not what
this is about. It's about, as I said, hypocrisy; about arguing both sides
when needed to avoid guilt, or at least to avoid pro... more »
Typhoon Bopha decimated coral reefs in the Philippines – ‘It is incredible to see the damages’
[image: Three weeks after Typhoon Bopha: all of the Acropora coral species
are dead and covered in algae and sediment. Photo: ESI via]
By Jeremy Hance
24 January 2013 ( – When Typhoon Bopha, also known as Pablo,
ran ashore on Mindanao, it was the largest tropical storm ever to hit the
Philippine island. In its wake, the massive superstorm left over 1,000
people dead and 6.2 million affected, with officials saying illegal logging
and mining worsened the scale of the disaster. However, the Category 5
typhoon also left a trail of destruction that has been les... more »
Lab created H5N1 pandemic research hits the restart button
*Should H5N1 become the next pandemic flu virus consider yourself warned in
This genetically modified monstrosity created in a lab has been covered at
the blog on at least two previous occasions
*Deadly H5N1 created in lab*
*US requests nixing details of bird flu *
If you are unfamiliar you may want to read those for some background. If
familiar read as a refresher.
*What is the latest news on this flu virus?*
Scientists to resume work with* lab-bred bird flu *
International scientists who last year halted controversial research with
the deadly bird flu say they are resum... more »
Singapore crane ships to extract USS Guardian from coral reef
[image: This handout photo taken on 17 January 2013 and released on 18
January 2013 by the Philippine Western Command (WESCOM) shows an aerial
shot of the US Navy minesweeper USS Guardian after it ran aground on the
Tubbataha Reef in the western Philippine island of Palawan. The US Navy
minesweeper ran aground in a protected marine sanctuary in the Philippines,
the US embassy in Manila said on 17 January 2013. Photo: AFP / WESCOM]
MANILA, Philippines, 25 January 2013 ( – Two crane ships
from Singapore are arriving before the end of the month to extract the *USS
Gua... more »
Antediluviana: Chronicles of Worlds Before This One

*Antediluviana: Chronicles of Worlds Before This One*
*By Scott Corrales © 2013*
Pride comes before a fall. This seems to hold true, at least, for the
explanations given in human myth and fiction for the collapse of all the
civilizations that came before us: The urge to build a tower to reach
heaven ended in the linguistic sundering and scattering of humankind; in
some traditions, the gods became fearful of human prowess and initiative,
and took pre-emptive measure to keep or species at bay, destroying their
own creation by fire and flood. What more poignant ending than ... more »
Unmarried couples not entitled to support in Quebec
Quebec v A 2013 SCC 5 upholds Quebec law excluding unmarried couples from
support obligations. The decision is complex but rests largely on s 1 of
the Charter. A summary follows:
1. Do arts. 401 to 430, 432, 433, 448 to 484 and 585 of the Civil Code of
Québec, S.Q. 1991, c. 64, infringe s. 15(1) of the Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms?
Answers: McLachlin C.J. and Deschamps, Abella, Cromwell and Karakatsanis
JJ. would answer yes. LeBel, Fish, Rothstein and Moldaver JJ. would answer
2. If so, is the infringement a reasonable limit prescribed by law that can
be demonstr... more »
The "She Asked For It" Defense Strikes Again
In another example of why women hesitate to bring sexual harassment claims,
a judge has ordered twenty two women who are bringing a sexual harassment
claim to turn over their cell phones and social networking passwords to
attorneys for their former employers. The judge will allow these attorneys
to examine their chats, text messages, tweets, private messages, pictures,
posts and emails.
The former employer claims that they need the information to explore
whether the women used the words they claim offended them, their romantic
lives, and other information to determine whether they w... more »
*New Orleans Saints Head Coach Sean Payton Says Get Down! Get Back Up Again!
*The New Orleans Pelicans unveil the team’s new logo*
*IG's office: Fraud schemes worth $10M ended*
*Planning and Urban Studies ~University of New Orleans*
*Crew works on project for sinkhole vent system *
*Flood gates could mitigate flooding along Vermilion*
*Why Is The Government In The Flood Insurance Business?*
*Sorry, New Orleans: The Super Bowl Won’t Bring A Major Boost To Your
*Judge orders New Orleans to scale back Super Bowl 'clean zone' in weeks
leading up*
*Drivers prepare for major... more »
Leading The Lemmings

It's disappointing to listen to the federal Liberals these days. With the
exception of Joyce Murray and Martin Cauchon, they're all saying the same
thing. Their chorus confirms that they have learned nothing over the last
decade. They insist on being Harper-lite.
Michael Ignatieff tried that and it didn't work out well. Stephane Dion had
a radical program. But he was a poor salesman -- particularly in English
Canada. Their candidates this time around are more fluent in both
languages. But their policies are thread bare. Paul Adams wrote earlier
this week:
Forget the market crisi... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Ed Goodson, 65. Not, strictly speaking, a great
ballplayer, but one of my childhood heroes thanks to his time with the
Phoenix Giants. Actually, 1300+ PAs is fairly amazing for a corner
infielder with a lifetime 84 OPS+.
To the good stuff, mostly more filibustering:
1. Sarah Binder on the Senate reform plan; in case you missed it, Greg
Koger on the Senate reform plan.
2. Should activists be proud of what they did on Senate reform? Chris
Bowers makes the case.
3. More: David Waldman on the filibuster fight.
4. David Dayen on Senate reform.
5. Andrew Sprung argue... more »
Samsung Total strikes Iran oil deal, lured by cheap fuel - sources
South Korea's Samsung Total Petrochemicals Co has revived a contract to buy
Iranian oil after a year's hiatus, as thin margins in plastics make the
cheap fuel from Iran hard to resist, people familiar with the deal said on
Stringent U.S. and European sanctions aimed at reducing Iran's oil income
and forcing Tehran to curb its nuclear program have made shipping and
paying for the oil hard, halving the Islamic Republic's crude exports.
The deal is a rare example of a buyer returning to the market for Iranian
oil despite the obstacles arising from sanctions and efforts by Weste... more »
Happy Australia Day
Something for my Australian visitors - Do you like Dick? This advert was
banned in Australia for it's content and innuendo - really? Australia Day
is 26 January.
Toi Hutchinson: "I Am Nervous When Democrats Talk About A Grand Deficit Bargain That Would Slash Medicare And Social Security"
Over the past couple of weeks we've been making the case for electing
Illinois state Senator Toi Hutchinson to Congress. Tuesday, the senator
made the case for herself at a live chat at Crooks and Liars. I think her
responses-- and the responses she made to Nicole Sandler's questions on her
radio show Monday-- are indicative of what we're looking for in
representatives of working families. She isn't going to be another
out-of-touch rich person fighting for the rights of banksters to rip off
consumers or for the one percent to not have to pay their fair share of
taxes. Judge for y... more »
Jake Evans Murder Confession: Teen Copies Halloween Film
A Texas teenager has confessed to police that he shot his mother and sister
after repeatedly watching a horror film about a boy who kills without
Newly released evidence in the case includes a four-page document
handwritten by Jake Evans.
In it he calmly explained how he planned to kill several members of his
family last October - inspired by the 2007 remake of the horror classic
The GOP - Forced Labor Camp

GOPer seeks to force pregnant rape victims to carry full term so the fetus
can be used as “evidence” at trial
January 24, 2013
By Anomaly
Republican legislator Cathryn Brown in New Mexico is seeking to force
pregnant rape victims to carry the pregnancy to term, claiming the fetus
could be used as “evidence” at trial. The bill states, ”Tampering with
evidence consists of destroying, changing, hiding, placing or fabricating
any physical evidence with intent to prevent the apprehension, prosecution
or conviction of any person or to throw suspicion of the commission of a
crime upon an... more »
A "Taker" Dies - Republicans Rejoice
Every day I wonder what the Republicans really – really want to happen to
the people that they label as “takers”. Because, basically if you take
away the services that these people need – they die.
So I guess the triumph, from a Republican point of view is when “takers”
Republicans have lost their moral compass – with their only focus being on
Maybe – just maybe, it is OUR moral obligation to constantly publicly
challenge this Republican disregard for their fellow citizens. If WE do
not challenge the words and images Republicans put out to the press - WE ... more »
U.S. researchers tracking flu through Twitter
Researchers and computer scientists at Johns Hopkins University have
devised a way to track cases of influenza across the United States using
the microblogging site Twitter.
Twitter is full of tweets about the flu, which has been severe and reached
epidemic proportions this year, but it has been difficult to separate
tweets about the flu from actual cases.
"We wanted to separate hype about the flu from messages from people who
truly become ill," said Mark Dredze, an assistant research professor in
Johns Hopkins' department of computer science, who monitors public health
trends by l... more »
US hit by A new strain of stomach bug, spreading around globe
NEW YORK (AP) - A new strain of stomach bug sweeping the globe is taking
over in the U.S., health officials say.
Since September, more than 140 outbreaks in the U.S. have been caused by
the new Sydney strain of norovirus. It may not be unusually dangerous; some
scientists don't think it is. But it is different, and many people might
not be able to fight off its gut-wrenching effects.
Clearly, it's having an impact. The new strain is making people sick in
Japan, Western Europe, and other parts of the world. It was first
identified last year in Australia and called the Sydney strain.
... more »
Fed's Holdings of U.S. Gov't Debt Hits Record $1,696,691,000,000 -- Up 257%!

In data released Thursday afternoon, the Federal Reserve revealed that its
holdings of U.S. government debt had increased to an all-time record of
$1,696,691,000,000 as of the close of business on Wednesday.
The Fed's holdings of U.S. government debt have increased by 257 percent
since President Barack Obama was first inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, and
the Fed is currently the single largest holder of U.S. government debt.
Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein's gun control
bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials and
others will be exempt.
"Mrs. Feinstein's measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and
sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide
action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and
retired law enforcement personnel," the Washington Times reports.
Algeria Siege: Norwegians Confirmed Dead
Two Norwegian oil workers have been confirmed dead after the al Qaeda
hostage crisis in Algeria last week.
Norwegian oil firm Statoil confirmed the deaths following the siege at the
Amenas gas plant.
UK GDP: Questions for Mr Osborne in Davos go Unanswered
I asked George Osborne three questions this morning, minutes after the
latest GDP figures came out. He only answered one of them.
He admitted that the figures weren't good. You could say his general tone
came under the heading of "disappointed, but not surprised".
Mali crisis: US admits Failing to train local troops in "values, ethics and a military ethos"
The US military commander in Africa says the Pentagon made mistakes in its
training of Malian troops now trying to oust Islamists from the north.
Gen Carter Ham of United States Africa Command (Africom) said its forces
had failed to train Malian troops on "values, ethics and a military ethos".
He was speaking after reports of abuses by Mali government troops taking
part in the French-led counter-offensive.
Death Valley USA Dreamlapse
22 January 2013
Egypt: Protests Begin In Cairo On Anniversary
Protests have started in Cairo's Tahrir Square on the second anniversary of
the revolution that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak and brought in an
Islamist government.
Despite President Mohamed Morsi calling for calm, protesters have been
making their way to the city's main square to demonstrate, with some
throwing missiles.
Barry McCarney Jailed for 25 Years
A man has been ordered to serve at least 25 years for murdering the
15-month-old daughter of his former partner.
Barry McCarney, 33, of Co Tyrone, was found guilty last month of Millie
Martin's murder in Enniskillen in 2009.
Nile Ranger Arrested For Rape
Newcastle United striker Nile Ranger has been arrested on suspicion of
rape, sources said.
The 21-year-old Premier League footballer was held by Northumbria Police
following an allegation made by a woman that she was attacked at a hotel in
Jesmond, Newcastle between Wednesday and Thursday.
5.1 Magnitude Earthquake WESTERN IRAN - 25th January 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 12:11:24 UTC
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 03:41:24 PM at epicenter
31.763°N, 50.946°E
10 km (6.2 miles)
124 km (77 miles) SW (214°) from Esfahan, Iran
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake RUSSIA-XINJIANG BORDER REGION - 25th January 2013
Magnitude mb 4.3
Date time 2013-01-25 10:33:38.9 UTC
Location 49.77 N ; 87.47 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 62 km S Aktash
4.1 Magnitude Earthquake ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE - 25th January 2013
Magnitude ML 4.1
Date time 2013-01-25 10:28:17.0 UTC
Location 23.09 S ; 67.35 W
Depth 245 km
Distances 176 km SE Calama, Chile
Calendula Plant Benefits: Grow Your Own Medicine by Elizabeth Renter

Source of picture:
Plant Benefits: Grow Your Own Medicine
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 24 January 2013
*Calendula officinalis is a plant most often used to brighten up a garden
or flower bed. It’s a popular choice because it’s pretty and is super easy
to grow. But, what many people don’t know is that their pretty
garden-addition is a valuable herbal remedy.*
Calendula, also known as “pot marigolds” are usually a bright golden color.
It is often mistaken for “common marigold” or Mexican marigold, which are
ve... more »
Oh no... This is going to be fun!
The delightful Transport for London have just informed me that my life is
going to be he'll for a month from January 28.
'From Monday 28 January, Shepherd's Bush Green will be closed westbound
between Holland Park Roundabout and Rockley Road for about a month. This is
due to gas main replacement works being carried out by North London Gas
Westbound traffic will be diverted via the A3220, A40, Savoy Circus, Old
Oak Road, Askew Road and Goldhawk Road. Serious congestion is likely in the
area, particularly during the evening peak hours. Some local buses will be
diverted or... more »
The Perfect Coconut and Parsley Chicken!
*The Perfect Coconut and Parsley Chicken!*
This past week I have been writing an article on the benefits of eating
natural animal fats. It really got me in the mood for some cream. But in
order to keep this recipe Limited Eater friendly I went for some coconut
milk instead. This dish is rich and satisfying, that provides the stomach
with a happy and satisfied feeling. It is a quick and easy way to make your
day into something special!
Serves 2
- 3 chicken breasts, cubes
- a large handful of fresh parsley, chopped
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp paprika
- 2 tsp dried thyme
- 1 tsp groun... more »
Large banks seen dodging EU financial tax bullet
A financial trading tax (FTT) planned by a group of euro zone nations could
leave major banks, its main target, relatively unscathed while less nimble
smaller trading houses, pension funds and asset managers bear the brunt.
Germany, France and nine other countries are pushing ahead with the tax on
trades in stocks, bonds and derivatives, keen to show voters they can claw
back some of the taxpayers’ money used to bail out banks during the
2007-2009 financial crisis.
However, bankers and finance industry experts are sceptical about a tax
that will not be imposed even in all 17 euro ... more »
A study, funded by the European Commission says NHS drug decisions 'flawed'
The Government’s drugs watchdog has hit back at criticism by European
researchers over the system it utilises to recommend which medicines should
be funded for NHS use.
A study, funded by the European Commission, said the system applied by the
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was flawed and
should be scrapped.
NICE, however, responded by saying the measure it uses for assessing the
value of new drug treatments in England and Wales – quality-adjusted life
years (QALY) - was the best available at present and branded the study
http://www.healthc... more »
*Clarke v R*, 2012 CMAC 3 has a useful review of the law regarding
[39] Several basic principles inform my decision on this ground of appeal.
[40] First, witnesses are not "presumed to tell the truth". A trier of fact
must assess the evidence of each witness, in light of the totality of the
evidence adduced in the proceedings, unaided by any presumption, except
perhaps the presumption of innocence: R. v Thain, 2009 ONCA 223, 243 CCC
(3d) 230, at para 32.
[41] Second, a trier of fact is under no obligation to accept the evidence
of any witness simply because it ... more »
Nehemiah Griego 'killed family, went to church' ......Another Mass Shooting connected to a Drill?
* Note: there was a drill going on that same day?, regarding a scenario of
mass shooting in a church...... Drills where also conducted in the area and
exact date of the following events: *
* 9/11 *
Statement made by FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney to Dan Rather on Wednesday,
September 12th, 2001. In this interview, Kenney states that FEMA was
deployed to New York on Monday night, September 10th, to be ready to go
into action on Tuesday morning, September 11th.
** On September 11, 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command
(NORAD) was involved in an ongoing operation which invol... more »
Arctic blast hits eastern U.S.
Aiman Youssef can't catch a break with the weather.
First, Superstorm Sandy leveled his home and devastated most of his
neighborhood in the New York City borough of Staten Island. Now, an arctic
blast that forecasters warn can have deadly consequences is gripping the
A gas-powered heater and a tent was the only defense Youssef had late
Thursday from the biting cold as he handed out jackets and sweaters at a
makeshift supply depot he established to help his Midland Beach neighbors
who, in some cases, are still struggling to get the power back on. more »
David Cox Killed On School Run
A father has been killed during a family school run after the car he was
driving veered into a river - moments before the same thing happened to his
David Cox, 42, was driving his 11-year-old daughter to school along a
bridle path near to the Monsail Trail, north of the A6, when the Toyota
Aygo plunged into the River Wye.
His wife was driving their nine-year-old son in another car behind him
which also slewed into the water.
Cantor Fitzgerald CEO: Watch 'dopey' U.S. go off fiscal cliff
The world thought the U.S. fiscal cliff deadline was December 31, but "the
fiscal cliff is (still) coming", says Richard Lutnick, CEO of global
financial services firm Cantor Fitzgerald.
"You're going to watch the U.S. do crazy, crazy things this year," said
Lutnick to CNN's Richard Quest at the World Economic Forum in Davos,
Why U.S. should rethink North Africa plan
As theater, Hillary Clinton's congressional testimony on the September
attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi did not disappoint. The
secretary of state was prepared. She was poised. And she was fiery.
Clinton likely regrets her exasperated response to persistent questions by
Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who repeated the charge that the Obama
administration had misled Americans over whether there was a protest on the
night of the Benghazi attack, as reports first indicated. She exploded:
"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it
because of a... more »
Opinion: U.S getting Egypt wrong
Protests planned around Egypt -- particularly in Cairo's Tahrir Square --
on the second anniversary of the January 25 revolution are expected to be
an explosion of dissent, revealing the deep divisions in the country
between President Mohamed Morsy and the Egyptian people.
Opposition to Morsy's authoritarianism is broader than the world
recognizes. In making accommodations for Morsy's government, the United
States is -- once again -- out of step with the Egyptian people.
Revealed: North Korea's upgraded nuke test site
Satellite imagery of a North Korean nuclear test site identifies what could
be key installations that would likely play a prominent role if Kim Jong Un
orders a test, which the government threatened to do on Thursday.
The analysis of the Pung-gye-Ri Nuclear Test site by U.S.-Korea Institute
at Johns Hopkins University’s 38 North blog shows recently completed
structures essential to an underground nuclear weapons test.
One is believed to be a command and control bunker. Another photo shows
what appears to be a radio relay system that zigzags through a valley,
which the 38North analy... more »
Afghan Bomber Targets NATO Convoy
Afghan officials say a suicide car bomber has killed five civilians and
wounded at least 15 people in the eastern province of Kapisa.
The attack took place at a marketplace in the Taqab district.
Police say the bomber targeted a convoy of NATO supply trucks but failed to
hit them.
Syria Intelligence Officers Killed by Car Bomb, Observatory Says
At least eight members of Syrian military intelligence were killed by a car
bomb near an army building in the southern town of Sa’sa, the Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights said.
The attack late yesterday was carried out by the Al-Nusra Front, an
Islamist group that has fought as part of the rebel movement seeking to
overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, the U.K.-based Observatory, which
supports the opposition, said in an e-mailed statement today.
UN expert investigates US drone attacks, targeted killings that involve civilian casualties
A U.N. expert on Thursday launched a special investigation into drone
warfare and targeted killings, which the United States relies on as a
front-line weapon in its global war against al-Qaida.
One of the three countries requesting the investigation was Pakistan, which
officially opposes the use of U.S. drones on its territory as an
infringement on its sovereignty but is believed to have tacitly approved
some strikes in the past. Pakistani officials say the drone strikes kill
many innocent civilians, which the U.S. has rejected. more »
Nick Clegg: our capital spending cuts have hurt the economy
The Deputy Prime Minister conceded that cuts in capital spending made by
the Coalition in 2010 had hampered economic growth. The Coalition must do
more to put money into building projects and other infrastructure work, he
Ministers have now "realised" that they should have been doing more to
boost such spending, he added.
Violence flares on anniversary of Egypt uprising
CAIRO - Hundreds of youths clashed with Egyptian police in Tahrir Square on
Friday in a violent start to the second anniversary of the uprising that
toppled Hosni Mubarak and led to the election of an Islamist president who
is now the focus of protester rage.
Opponents of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood
allies are expected to mass in Tahrir Square later on Friday to revive the
demands of a revolution that they say has been betrayed by the Islamists.
3.2 Magnitude Earthquake SAN JUAN ISLANDS REGION, WASHINGTON - 25th January 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 09:11:56 UTC
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 01:11:56 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
48.435°N, 122.555°W
22.8 km (14.2 miles)
7 km (4 miles) NW (319°) from La Conner, WA
UK GDP Falls By 0.3% In Last Quarter....putting the UK on track for a triple-dip recession
The UK GDP has fallen by 0.3% in the fourth quarter, according to the
Office for National Statistics.
North Korea threatens war with South over UN sanctions
North Korea threatened to attack rival South Korea if Seoul joined a new
round of tightened U.N. sanctions, as Washington unveiled more of its own
economic restrictions following Pyongyang's rocket launch last month.
In a third straight day of fiery rhetoric, the North directed its verbal
onslaught at its neighbor on Friday, saying: "'Sanctions' mean a war and a
declaration of war against us."
Progressive Music Classics. "Everything That Rises Must Converge" by Shriekback
The late, great Bill Hicks once lamented the decline of intellectualism in
the U.S. This dumbing-down of America, he noted, started around the time
Ronald Reagan was first elected. Hicks also savaged the pop music of the
Reagan era and the increasing tendency of music stars to sell out to the
highest corporate bidder (i.e. Madonna shilling for Pepsi, George Michael
shilling for Coke).
*"What kind of Reagan wet dream do we live in today?"* Hicks once asked, in
slamming the gutless, money-grubbing pop stars who sold out in the 1980s.
One wonders what Hicks wou... more »
4.1 Magnitude Earthquake EASTERN TEXAS - 25th January 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 07:01:19 UTC
Friday, January 25, 2013 at 01:01:19 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
31.913°N, 94.426°W
5 km (3.1 miles)
3 km (1 miles) WNW of Timpson, Texas
Big By-election in Taichung Area...not really
*A K-town street.*
By-election in Taichung District 2 looks to be an easy KMT win though the
DPP is pushing hard for votes..... the Taipei Times reports:
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) appears to be hoping that a conflict
between Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) candidate Yen Kuan-hen (顏寬恆) and
President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) could help it win tomorrow’s legislative
by-election in Greater Taichung’s second electoral district.
Wait...what is the conflict the DPP hopes to exploit?
“Ma, who is the KMT’s chairman, has not campaigned for Yen, and Yen has not
used the KMT’s logo dur... more »
A good argument for arming householders
Of course in the UK, the householder would be arrested for possession of a
weapon and the criminal would sue the householder for concussion caused by
hitting his head on the floor.
Thanks to Theo Spark for the spot.
Weinberg's evolving views on quantum mechanics
*Cool anniversary:* CERN discovered the W-boson (UA1 experiment) exactly 30
years ago, two months after their first W candidate; there was a press
conference. Via Joseph S.
A pulsar with a button periodically switched by ET aliens in between two
regimes, to broadcast a binary message to us, was found. This answers the
question "Where are they?" The new question is "What are they talking
about?" Via The Register.
*Lectures on Quantum Mechanics* by one of the world's most achieved living
physicists may be grabbed from the bookshelves; click at the amazo... more »
Musical Interlude: Bruce Springsteen, “My Hometown”
Bruce Springsteen, “My Hometown”

According to 'DeepThroat 2' Obama has battled severe depression and has
been on anti-depressant meds.
Wayne Madsen Reports Obama Depressed & Schizophrenic - October 2010
Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) once suggested that Obama also suffers from
paranoia and schizophrenia.
Meltdown of Team Obama. 2010. White House in Crisis
Madsen referred to "the involuntary sudden departures of the White House
chief of staff and national security adviser..."
*Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy chats with Chicago Mayor Rahm
"President Obama... is detached from his duties... more »
Giant Tobacco Plants That Stay Young Forever

We do not need unlimited amounts of tobacco, but potatoes will certainly
do. There we can go to a year round tropical growing season and pump out a
full weight every two months or an easy two fold in productivity. Globally
doubling the productivity of root crops appears feasible.
Followers of my blog also know that all practical tropical soils are
actually available for agriculture through the application of biochar
methods. Thus we are a long way from running out of food as the present
abundance should make clear. The days of relying on the family garden are
long gone j... more »
The Third Eye

Skip the cannabis and learn to do meditation. The objective of meditation
is to experience the white light and it is not uncommon at all which is why
devotees come back and stick with it. It takes time and effort to achieve
though I would suggest that children often are able to do it much easier.
Drug use allows meddling without guidance and perhaps acceleration of some
aspects of the experience but no development of both discipline and
correctly developed neuronal synapses which take time and effort. It is far
better to keep working at it with a master who can aide and gu... more »
Another Signal Bigfoot Encounter

We are seeing more outright encounters in which the Sasquatch and the
witness actually live on overlapping and outright repetitive interactions
take place. It appears that the creature is becoming comfortable with our
presence although still wary. Again no one has done the obvious and
established gift exchange with a bushel of apples.
Because this creature is a human hybrid communication is plausible. Thus
trade is plausible. From that it will be possible to establish a common
language and continuing interaction through first contact and actual
We need t... more »
Study Confirms no Smoking after Forty Almost as Good as Total Abstinance

This is welcome news of course for the many who have dabbled. It also is
expected but now confirmed. After all the indications are that smoking is a
cumulative disease and toxicity is also better handled by the young, it is
most likely that the negative effects will strike in the aging smoker as is
It is also observed that several years of abstinence appears good enough
to allow the full recovery of the body although that is moot if a cancer
has been established.
The point of all this is that it is obviously stupid to smoke at all and
it is doubly stupid to ... more »
Made in Russia 'The Holocaust' - Carlos Whitlock Porter
*"The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews
form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic
political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of
Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German
people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their
entirety." *
*- Robert Faurisson*
*"The author finds no evidence that any of the facilities normally alleged
to be execution gas chambers were ever used as such and find, further, that
because of the design and fabrication of thes... more »
In late 2012, 'The Independent' posted this article online:
*'Max Clifford denies covering up Alan Clark's underage sex scandal'* / *found here*
"The former government minister Alan Clark had sex with children, according
to the publicity agent Max Clifford.
"In a secretly filmed, three-minute interview posted on the internet last
night, the publicist said that the Tory MP and diarist had 'interfered'
with two 14-year-old girls.
"But he added, during a discussion of his success in suppressing scandals,
that the story had never... more »
It's a hard knock life - Austin Powers - classic
An insane trip down memory lane with Doctor Foster.
Went to Gloucester, in a shower of rain.
He fell in a puddle, right up to his middle.
And never went there, again.
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.25.13”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.25.13”*
By Greg Hunter’s
"Debt and guns are really the only two topics in Washington D.C. this week.
The House of Representatives passed a bill that will suspend the debt
ceiling until mid-May. It has a cute little clause called “No Budget No
Pay,” but I think that’s just a side show gimmick. The real deal is the
Republicans are throwing a political hot potato over to Harry Reid and the
Democrats in the Senate. They are basically saying okay, your turn to come
up with a budget, the debt ceiling is off the table for now. I also think
there a... more »
Jennifer Bigham deemed insane when she drowned her daughter, 3, in 2010 is free because doctors say she's regained her sanity
mother who was deemed insane after drowning her three-year-old daughter
in the bathtub has been allowed to walk free from jail just three years
later - because doctors say she regained her sanity.
Jennifer Bigham, from Modesto, California, admitted killing the toddler
2010 and was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.
After doctors ruled she is now sane, Bigham has been allowed to walk
and was released from jail on Tuesday.
Three European countries urge their people to get out of Benghazi after 'imminent and specific' terror threat - but U.S. only 'advises' against traveling there
The State Department has only 'advised' Americans against traveling to the
Libyan city of Benghazi even after Britain, Germany and the Netherlands
today urged their citizens to immediately leave the in response to what was
described as an imminent threat against Westerners.
The U.S. pointed to a travel advisory issued earlier this month and did not
strengthen its warning even after the European countries issued statements
variously describing the threat as specific and imminent but none gave
details as to its exact nature.
Today sources within the British department linked an al-Qai... more »
Arctic sea-smoke breaks over Portland at dawn after temperatures as low as -36F sweep U.S. (and Chicago's incredible freezing fire is STILL burning two days later)
A barge motors through arctic sea-smoke on its way out of Portland Harbor
where the temperature at sunrise on Thursday was around minus 5 (pictured
left). A fire, which started on Tuesday, continued to blaze in Chicago
after 48 hours as crews' equipment froze in their hands (right). A deep
arctic freeze has caused parts of the Midwest to the Northeast to see a
fourth day of glacial temperatures which fell as low as -36F.
Mary Kay Beckman sues for $10m after man she met on the site tried to kill her with a butcher's knife and stomped on her head when she dumped him after eight days
Mary Kay Beckman, of Nevada (bottom right and left, after she was
attacked), wants to push to post a disclaimer about the risks
after she was nearly stabbed and stomped to death by Wade Ridley (top
right), who became angry that she had broken up with him. Ridley, 54,
went on to murder another woman whom he also met on the dating site in
2011. The convicted killer committed suicide in prison while serving a
70-year sentence.
Human rights? He isn't even human: Family's outrage as notorious killer bidding for freedom is granted anonymity by judge
family whose lives were wrecked by one of Britain’s most notorious
killers last night condemned the human rights ruling which cloaks his
for freedom in secrecy.
The man – whose own lawyer described his crimes as ‘horrific and
horrendous’ – has begun a taxpayer-funded court action demanding he be
released from prison.
Normally such a case would be heard in open court, but the order means
identity cannot be revealed.
Barclays bankers including former boss Bob Diamond lose High Court bid to remain anonymous over alleged involvement in Libor-fixing scandal
judge yesterday named the Barclays bosses who tried to keep their
identities secret in a landmark case linked to the rate-fixing scandal.
Former chief executives Bob Diamond and John Varley, current investment
bank boss Rich Ricci and ‘casino banker’ Jerry del Missier were among
trying to keep their involvement in the case under wraps.
Premier’s fireside chat: No fire, few facts, and no there there
Alberta Premier Alison Redford earnestly explains the “Bitumen Bubble” to
TV viewers last night. Is that really a radio on the credenza? Below: Ms.
Redford fades to Tory blue. When Alberta Premier Alison Redford’s $55,000
fireside chat wrapped up after eight thoroughly unsatisfactory minutes last
night, Albertans didn’t know anything substantive they hadn’t already known
... more »
Brussels threatens energy fine of £250,000 per day after Britain fails to follow rules on trading

faces a massive fine of £250,000 a day for failing to abide by the
letter of EU rules on energy trading.
A day after David Cameron promised the single market was his 'driving
ambition' in Europe, Brussels officials claimed the UK had broken its
competition rules.
Burger King's 'cover-up' over horse meat scandal: As chain dumps millions of 'unaffected' patties, Labour warns of cancer-causing drug found in UK abattoirs
Burger King has been accused of covering up its involvement in the horse
meat scandal.
Last week, when details of the illegal contamination of burgers emerged,
the chain insisted that its products were not involved and so would not
However, it has now admitted that it secretly removed thousands of
from sale over the weekend as a precautionary measure.
HEP: the bias favors women
In the Time Magazine, when Jeffrey Kluger wrote about Ms Fabiola Gianotti,
the spokesman of ATLAS at the LHC, as the runner-up for their "Person of
the Year", he wrote, among other things:
Physics is a male-dominated field, and the assumption is that a woman has
to overcome hurdles and face down biases that men don’t.
But that just isn’t so. Women in physics are familiar with this
misconception and acknowledge it mostly with jokes.
This is absolutely accurate in most cases. Pretty much all competent women
in high-energy physics whom I met acknowledge that this "myth about extra
hu... more »
Officials flee San Bernardino amid bankruptcy
Top budget officials in crisis-hit San Bernardino, California, are quitting
the city at a crucial juncture in its quest to seek bankruptcy protection.
A rush to the doors in San Bernardino city hall threatens the city's
ability to qualify for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection by robbing it of the
people with the experience to answer questions from the court and
creditors. If those questions are not answered, the judge could deny
bankruptcy protection, experts say.
San Bernardino's interim city manager Andrea Travis-Miller has quit and
will start a new job on February 19.
http://www.r... more »
Greek riot police break up striking subway workers' sit-in
Greek riot police stormed a subway train depot in Athens early on Friday to
disperse striking subway staff who defied a government order to return to
work for a ninth consecutive day, a police official said.
Scuffles broke out when police forced their way through a metal gate
shortly after 4 a.m. (0200 GMT) and detained at least 10 workers, the
official said on condition of anonymity. One woman was taken to hospital
with light injuries, he added.
The escalating standoff has turned into the latest test for Greece's
fragile coalition as it faces down the unions to implement austerity ... more »
Twitter ordered to identify anti-Semitic tweeters in France
A French court on Thursday ordered Twitter Inc to help identify the authors
of anti-Semitic posts or face fines of 1,000 euros ($1,300) per day, as the
social network firm comes under renewed pressure to combat racist and
extremist messages.
The order, requested by a Jewish student union and rights groups, concerned
anti-Semitic material but could open the floodgates to legal pursuit of
Twitter users who post a wide range of messages deemed illegal or offensive.
Pakistani security agencies are holding at least 700 people indefinitely without trial in connection with the "war on terror"
Over 700 being held without trial: AG
Islamabad: Pakistani security agencies are holding at least 700 people
indefinitely without trial in connection with the "war on terror", the
country's top law officer informed the Supreme Court Thursday. Attorney
General Irfan Qadir made the disclosure before a three-judge bench, led by
CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry, hearing the case of seven men detained without
charges by intelligence agencies since May 2010.
SC begins probe into graft officer's death
Islamabad: Pakistan Supreme Court Thursday launched a probe into the
mysterious death of Kamran Fais... more »
No. 2 Leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen Is Killed
Said Ali al-Shihri, the second-ranking operative in Al Qaeda’s branch in
Yemen, died recently from wounds he received during a “counterterrorism
operation” late last year, Yemen’s government announced Thursday.
Mr. Shihri, who fled Saudi Arabia in 2008 after taking part in a Saudi
government rehabilitation program for jihadis, was a principal figure in
engineering the rise of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula over the past
five years.
UN inquiry into US drone strikes prompts cautious optimism
A newly-announced UN inquiry into the rise of drone strikes and targeted
killings around the world has drawn measured optimism and concerns from
national security experts and the international human rights community.
Ben Emmerson QC, the UN special rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human
rights, announced on Thursday that he will head an inquiry examining the
impact of drone strikes on civilian populations in five countries:
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, the Palestinian territories and Somalia.
Witness details killings by Malian forces as human rights group charges dozens of deaths
Malian soldiers killed people accused of ties to radical Islamists at a bus
stop around the time the French-led military intervention began, a witness
told The Associated Press on Wednesday, detailing how the soldiers shot the
victims and then threw their bodies into nearby wells.
The account from the witness, who insisted on anonymity for fear of
reprisals, came the same day that a French human rights group accused
Malian forces of dozens of “summary executions” and other abuses as they
confront Islamic extremists.
“They gathered all the people who didn’t have national identity car... more »
Palestinians say they may have no choice but to take Israel to Hague court
The Palestinians declared Wednesday that they will have no choice but to
complain about Israel to the International Criminal Court if the Jewish
state proceeds with plans to build housing on land the Palestinians want
for a future state.
Speaking to reporters after a meeting of the U.N. Security Council on the
Middle East, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said his government's
decision will largely depend on what the Israelis do with the so-called
"E1" area outside the Arab suburbs of East Jerusalem. more »
Rise of superbugs threatens antibiotic crisis
An extraordinary scene plays out in hospitals across Britain that is a
harbinger of crisis ahead. Patients brought in for routine operations pick
up infections that until recent times seemed trivial. Now they can be
killers. Even the most modern, and powerful, antibiotics can no longer save
The story of the superbug MRSA raised awareness of the growing uselessness
of antibiotics, but that has been brought largely under control through
better hygiene, at least in the UK.
The rise of other lethal drug-resistant organisms, including salmonella,
TB, and E coli, continues, and the... more »
March for Life 2013

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