Venice Beach, Calif. 'Idle No More' at CENSORED NEWS - 39 seconds ago
Thanks for sharing with Censored News! Jan. 22, 2013
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)
Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 8 minutes ago

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)! If this is your first visit,
please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges
we've taken on so far.
There's a lot of great information in this post and I encourage you to read
through it ... however, if you don't have the time right now, you might
find the following quick links helpful:
- The #CTWW Gang
- The Honor Society
- My Final Thoughts on Our Last Challenge
- This Week's Challenge
Our first challenge of the year was one of my favorites ... organizing.
There's something very liberating abo... more »
Can the view from NYC's famous Cloisters museum be preserved in accord with donor John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s wishes?
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 9 minutes ago

*This is the view of New Jersey's Palisades -- across the Hudson River from
what is now Manhattan's Fort Tryon Park -- which John D. Rockefeller Jr.
thought he was preserving for all time when he bought it and donated it to
the Palisades Interstate Park Commission in the 1930s.*
*by Ken*
Folks who have the good sense to be on tour leader extraordinaire Justin
Ferate's mailing list got an e-mail yesterday from Justin recalling a point
he made to those of us who had the good sense to be with him on a recent
tour of the Cloisters, the medieval wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
b... more »
The Four Year Expectation
skrashen at Schools Matter - 12 minutes ago
Sent to the Miami Herald, January 22, 2013
To the editor:
The US Department of Education’s announcement that the nation’s high school
graduation rate is the highest since 1976, but more than a fifth of
students are still failing to get their diploma in four years, (“Study:
High school grad rate highest since '76,” Jan 21) sends the message that
those who take longer than four years to finish high school are somehow
Graduating in more than four years often requires perseverance and
determination. Many students need to work after school, and a longer stay
in high school m... more »
The Connecticut Elementary School Shooting: Sandy Hook - Americans Try To Make Sense
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 25 minutes ago
Honestly, I have wanted to stop putting up any more articles about the
Sandy Hook massacre, but all of the comments, and the actions by those who
I had trusted for years but no longer trust in this, the real truth
movement, warrants my further attention.... I am still looking at this as
a criminal operation and yes, I am a "Conspiracy Theorist" if you like and
even a "tin foil hatter" to others as well, and damn proud of it!
I want to present a fabulous article from a fellow truth seeker, Incogman,
who writes the blog: Incogman: Sick Of All The BS!, at,
entitled: ... more »
Lonely Deaths In South Korea: "Modernity" and Capitalism worth it?
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 28 minutes ago
The good, the bad and the uncertain
Jody Paterson at A Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 49 minutes ago
Somebody posted the following comment under my recent blog about job
insecurity in Honduras. I wanted to repost it here because the writer does
make the very valid point that there's much about Honduran employment
practices that I don't know.
And I will indeed talk to my CASM co-workers more on this subject, as
suggested in the comment. I hadn't intended to disparage the organization's
employment practices in my post - I just wanted to make the point out that
even when you land a pretty good job here, you still have no job security.
I do know that my co-workers don't like going into ... more »
From Bunni...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 hour ago
Watch out for your fingers,uncouth alert! The Great Amusing Bunni
Needs Help I can't imagine a world without Bunni...
Mohawk Nation News 'Who Owes Who? Indian Trust Funds' at CENSORED NEWS - 1 hour ago
Mohawk Nation News
MNN. Jan. 22, 2013. All the money to run the Corporation of Canada
comes from interest on the Indian Trust Fund. This revenue comes from
exploitation of our land and resources.
In 1907 Canada declared us as non-persons so they
This country is in deep doo...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 hour ago
*and anyone who hasn't seen the light needs to be paying closer attention.*
Who is Obama? A nobody! A low class sock-puppet, anti-intellectual, who
does the bidding of his masters. His prime concern is his next delivery of
"blow" and his next "hook-up" with whatever guy has caught his eye.
I said it in the previous post and I'll say it again:
*For the first time I'm truly frightened for this country. *
Read (and then re-read) his inauguration speech. It's chilling.
Tritium and Nuclear Power Plants: "Blowdown" Worsens Contamination
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 hour ago
Majia here: A friend - Sickputer - recently sent me this excerpt from the
World Nuclear Society's discussion of how cooling works at nuclear power
I will include an initial discussion of how cooling works and then provide
the excerpt I want to focus on, which concerns the "bleeding" known as
"blowdown" necessary for plants like Palo Verde nuclear power plant in
The inevitable but never mentioned effect of blowdown is that more tritium
and other radioisotopes contaminates the local environment.
http://ww... more »
Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 hour ago

*Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual
Heaven set up a specific time, based on the movements of physicality and
the divine precession of this solar system. This sacred point is quite near
and very shortly a great moment is to happen! Then this glorious living
sphere will witness a grand miracle and Heaven's sacred Light will dance
across her and transform all!
7 Eb, 0 Yax, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! Your world is still caught in an in-between
reality-state as Heaven prepares to signal the much-awaited green light. ... more »
Science Literacy Quiz
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 2 hours ago
Darcy Cowan at Sci Blogs has a 28 question science literacy test.
Unfortunately, too many of the questions confuse statistics for science*,
so it’s more about statistical literacy than it is about science, but it’s
still worth a few of your precious minutes.
For what it’s worth, I got 25 out of 28.
[Hat tip Kiwiblog]
* a reliance on induction by enumeration, without reference to causality,
about which mere statistics is blind.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Why Growth Is Our False God
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 2 hours ago

All of our politicians, without exception, cling to the alchemy that
prescribes growth offers the solution to our every problem. Taxes too
high? Grow the economy. Population aging too much? Grow the population,
open the doors to immigration. Not reaping enough benefit out of the Tar
Sands? Double, no triple production.
We've been growing our economic success for generations, many
generations. Bigger is better. Until it's not and that's the point we
crossed into several years back. Globally it was reached in the late 70's
when mankind grew to four billion strong. E... more »
Q: Why did the hunter name a sled dog Frost?
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 2 hours ago
A: Because Frost bites!
Obama's Inaugural Speech Was About Ordinary American Families, Not About Republican Politicians In DC
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

Far right congressmen like Steve King (R-IA) found President Obama
The GOP just doesn't get it. The President fired up the country with an
inspiring Inaugural speech filled with hope and promise-- what South Dakota
Republican lunkhead John Thune disapprovingly referred to as "30,000-foot
stuff." Thune will never understand the kind of speech President Obama
gave; that's why he's a Republican. This was a speech for the American
people, not for grubby Republican politicians who immediately went into
victim mode, whining that Obama didn't offer them any reconciliation. What ... more »
Graph of the Day: Land surface temperature anomalies for Australia, 1 January - 8 January 2013
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 3 hours ago
[image: Land surface temperature (LST) anomalies for Australia, 1 January -
8 January 2013. LST anomalies are not absolute temperatures; instead, they
show how much temperatures were above or below the average. The darkest
reds show areas that were as much as 15°C (27°F) above the norm. NASA Earth
Observatory image by Jesse Allen, using data from the Land Processes
Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC)]
By Michael Carlowicz
23 January 2013
(NASA Earth Observatory) – January 2013 brought record-setting heat to
Australia; not just for days, but for weeks. Temperatures regularly... more »
Obama Assumes Role of Optimist In 2nd Inaugural Speech, But His Actions Are Inviting Tragedy
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 3 hours ago
In his Second Inaugural Address, President Barack Hussein bin Obama made
little room for his foreign policy agenda in his second term, leaving
almost everything to the imagination.
Obama alluded to the Arab Spring, saying that his administration will help
new democratic governments find their footing as they battle against
extremism and economic collapse. But he totally ignored the
Israeli-Palestinian crisis, frozen U.S.-Iran relations, and the Asia pivot,
which are three major preoccupations of current U.S. foreign policy. And
this was not by accident.
President Obama's team is tr... more »
"A Strange Game..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
- Joshua, "War Games"
"There is a word, a concept, in Zen Buddhism that doesn't quite translate
perfectly into the English language: Mu. Mu is the response given by a Zen
monk to a question that cannot be meaningfully answered. It suggest that
the question's premises are not real, that there is a state of emptiness
that lies beyond yes and no, that the asker should unask the question -
indeed, that anyone who would ask such a question in the first place might
well to question his entire perspective on life.
Though the w... more »
"They Wrote In The Old Days..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
“They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for ones
country. But in modern war there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your
dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason. No catalogue of horrors
ever kept men from war. Before the war you always think that it's not you
that dies. But you will die, brother, if you go to it long enough.”
- Ernest Hemingway, "Notes on the Next War"
Cholera in Soleil in 2012
John Carroll at Dying in Haiti - 4 hours ago
Haiti: More from Dr. Carroll
— John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) January 23, 2013
Repulsive creepy pro-abortion video...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 4 hours ago
*touts the anniversary of Roe v Wade.*
I don't think I've seen anything quite this awful - ever. For a black man
to champion abortion when the majority of abortions are performed on black
women makes it even more despicable.
I am becoming increasingly frightened of the path this country is on.
H/T Jammie Wearing Fool
Alan Waldman : 'Croupier' is an Excellent, Moody English Thriller
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 4 hours ago
film and TV
treasures you may have missed:
The best film of 2000 introduced super-talented Clive Owen to America.
By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / January 22, 2013
[In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films
and TV series that readers may have missed, including TV dramas,
mysteries, and comedies from Canada, England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Most are
"Kill Anything That Moves: How Did the Gates of Hell Open in Vietnam?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*"Kill Anything That Moves: *
*How Did the Gates of Hell Open in Vietnam?"*
Seeing the sickening reality of the Vietnam war, 50 years late.
by Jonathan Schell
"For half a century we have been arguing about "the Vietnam War." Is it
possible that we didn't know what we were talking about? After all that has
been written (some 30,000 books and counting), it scarcely seems possible,
but such, it turns out, has literally been the case.
Now, in "Kill Anything That Moves", Nick Turse has for the first time put
together a comprehensive picture, written with mastery and dignity, of what ... more »
Your opportunity to do something . . .
Edstock at The Galloping Beaver - 4 hours ago
THE CRTC. According to David J. Climenhaga's article on the Rabble
site, "With no market for hate and right-wing drivel, Sun News comes cap
in hand for public subsidy".
That's right, it looks like HateTV is going broke, and they're looking
for a handout, to keep up the spew. Click on the Rabble link to find out
why you need to click on the CRTC link; essentially, Stevie's weasels
Ron Jacobs : Vietnam Was Not a 'Mistake'
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 5 hours ago
Kerry, who parted ways with the VVAW, has served well in the halls of
empire. Here he salutes the delegates at the Democratic Convention in
Boston, 2004. Photo by Stephen Savoia / AP.
It was not a mistake:
Vietnam and U.S. policyKerry considered the U.S. policy in Vietnam a
mistake. Much of the antiwar movement saw it as standard operating
procedure. Obviously, each understanding
The Shoddy Methodology of Value-Added Research
John Thompson at Schools Matter - 6 hours ago
The timing of R. Barker Bausell’s “Probing the Science of Value-Added
Evaluations” could not have been better. Writing on the heels of the Gates
Foundation’s Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) final report, Bausell, a
biostatistics professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, critiques
the science methodology of value-added research. While not mentioning the
MET specifically, his commentary explains why the Gates methodology fails
to measure up.
Bausell does not argue the pros and cons of value-added teacher
evaluations, but he explains what it would take for research to ad... more »
The Uses and Abuses of Social Media
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
*Guest post by Jeffrey Tucker from **Laissez Faire Books** *
That headline above probably seems strange coming from me. I've been a
champion of social media, and my book *A Beautiful Anarchy* has a chapter
on each of the most popular social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Skype, Google+, and so on.
These tools have connected people as never before, and given people the
power to manage their own lives and careers in ways that were not possible
in the past. These sites have made us less dependent on institutions like
government and workplace bosses and liberated million... more »
Catch of the Day
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 6 hours ago
To former Ambassaror Christopher Hill, who wrote a nice, concise column
about the broken executive branch nomination and confirmation process (viaWonk Wire).
The key point here is that there are two ways in which the process is
broken, and they really aren't all that closely related. The one we've all
been talking about a lot, what with Senate reform in the works, is the
difficulty nominations have had on the floor of the Senate. Holds,
successful partisan filibusters sustained over cloture votes, and
slow-walking filibusters that can't beat cloture but chew up too much time
-- they... more »
Does Economic Inequality Really Do That Much Damage to The Nation?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago

Last night in this time slot we looked briefly at how American plutocrats--
and their servants in politics and the media-- think it's only natural that
we raise the retirement age and the Medicare eligibility age. Well, of
course! How little empathy this self-entitled masters of the universe have
for ordinary people! I should have included a little discussion of Joseph
Stigliz's OpEd in Saturday's *NY Times*, Inequality Is Holding Back The
Recovery. It's so frustrating that Obama keeps picking Wall Street shills
to oversee fiscal and economic policies rather than people like Stigli... more »
Young Haitian Doctor
John Carroll at Dying in Haiti - 7 hours ago
Pediatric Clinic in Cite Soleil, January 22, 2012
(Photo by John Carroll)
Yesterday I spoke with a young Haitian doctor.
He is a tall handsome dark skinned guy who has a gentle smile. He just
graduated from one of the medical schools here in Port-au-Prince and is
doing his year of Social Service for the Haitian government.
He is from Port-au-Prince and had an expensive Littmann stethoscope wrapped
around his neck. It was not the usual flimsy nursing stethoscope that is
ubiquitous here. I would say he is from the "middle class" of Haitian
He is spending this year in an "und... more »
DOWN TO THE DOCTOR’S: Kill them all, let Gareth sort them out
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 7 hours ago
[image: _McGrath001]*Libertarianz** leader Dr Richard McGrath hosts another
weekly clinic on idiots and others in the news.*
In typical heavy-handed fashion, and in a stunning display of sheer
ignorance of property rights—and of human enjoyment of our feline
friends—economic dunderhead and Kiwisaver failure Gareth Bloody Morgan has
suggested what I can only call a "final solution" to the feline problem.
Because, he reckons, cats are "natural born killers" causing problems for
native birds, there should, he says, be a “national cull” of domestic cats.
All of them.
Cats are “ser... more »
Ecology etc...
Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 8 hours ago
A fascinating article in today’s Grauniad, where a variant strategy of Iron
Fertilisation as a coping/mitigating tactic in the fight against climate
change is under discussion. This particular idea is also simple, by adding
silicate dust to the ocean you encourage photosynthetic plankton to bloom,
drawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere/ocean system and locking it
under the ocean floor, as the plants eventually die.
The silicate dust idea has advantages over iron fertilisation. Firstly
there’s a lot more silica around than iron. If you’re outdoors you’re
standing on some of it a... more »
Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 8 hours ago
*N.O. to break ground on new juvenile jail, justice complex ~Danny
Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 8 hours ago
Smith died in the immediate because her prison guards failed to quickly
intervene despite clear evidence that a medical emergency was was
taking place before their eyes. Robert Dziekanski died after being
tasered by the RCMP at YVR who then, astoundingly, failed to check for
vital signs and administer first aid when he became non-responsive.
Shidane Arone was tortured to death by Canadian
"When Trees Die, People Die" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"When Trees Die, People Die"*
The curious connection between an invasive beetle that has destroyed over
100 million trees, and subsequent heart disease and pneumonia in the human
populations nearby.
By Lindsay Abrams
"The blight was first detected in June 2002, when the trees in Canton,
Michigan, got sick. The culprit, the emerald ash borer, had arrived from
overseas, and it rapidly spread - a literal bug - across state and national
lines to Ohio, Minnesota, Ontario. It popped up in more distant, seemingly
random locations as infested trees were unwittingly shipped beyond the
... more »
David Attenborough, scum
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
Every now and then, the veneer of environmentalism slips to reveal the
malevolence beneath the green and cuddly surface. You can see it in the
list of revealing, anti-human quotes from prominent mainstream
environmentalists I assembled a few years back in the midst of a discussion
about a new environmental ethic putting humans first.
To that stark and comprehensive list of anti-human vermin expressing their
wish that you and I would die, you can now add David Attenborough, who
smugly declares humans are a plague on the earth that need to be controlled
by limiting population grow... more »
Anon at aangirfan - 8 hours ago

*Photo by Bert Hardy*
Why does one child succeed in life, and another one 'fail'?
In* How Children Succeed*, *Paul Tough* writes that what matters most is
character skills.
These are skills such as self confidence, optimism, perseverance,
curiosity, conscientiousness, and self-control.
In other words, emotional intelligence, as taught by good parents, good
mentors and good private schools, is what matters.
Both rich children and poor children can lack emotional intelligence.
"Suniya Luthar, a psychologist at Columbia University found significant
psychological problems at the hi... more »
“Zero Dark Thirty” Debate Needs an Interrogation
Jeffrey Stacey at Duck of Minerva - 8 hours ago
Anyone who did not see “Zero Dark Thirty” on its opening night was smart,
as it was mayhem in theaters everywhere. The film shot to #1 at the box
office overnight and is there still, for the plain and simple reason that
it’s a must see (no spoiler alert here because we all know at
Continue reading
It's Tuesday...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 9 hours ago
*what's going on.*
Always On Watch: *Video: Slaves of Dubai*
Capitalist Preservation: *CBO: Electric Vehicle Subsidies to Cost $7.5
Billion With Little Benefit. Anyone really surprised?*
Sentry Journal: *Liberty needs more doers and fewer watchers*
Political Clown Parade: * A Great Civilization Is Singing Itself To Sleep*
Camp of the Saints: *‘To Protect And To Serve’…Whom?*
Conservative's on Fire Asylum Watch: *Conservatives on Fire has Evolved!*
A story that links Barack Obama and Beyonce but the BBC aren't interested.... Why not?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 9 hours ago
The BBC seem oddly uninterested in the news that Beyonce did not sing live
at President Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony yesterday. I wonder why?
The last mention of Beyonce on the BBC news website comes on this page :
'...while singer Beyonce performed the Star Spangled Banner.'
'Performed' - an interesting choice of words by the pro-Obama BBC.
Texas Lone Star College Shooting: At Least Two Injured During "Shoot Out", Other Gunmen Possibly at Large
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago

At least two people have been wounded after gunfire erupted at a college
campus in Texas.
A law enforcement official says authorities have at least one person in
custody in connection to the Lone Star College campus shooting in north
Houston, and local authorities think there could potentially be a second
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised
to discuss an ongoing case. The official says multiple injuries have been
US media reports have indicated the suspect in custody is also wounded, and
may have been in a shootout with a... more »
Chinese workers revolt over 2-minute toilet breaks
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Hundreds of Chinese factory workers angry about strictly timed bathroom
breaks and fines for starting work late held their Japanese and Chinese
managers hostage for a day and a half before police broke up the strike.
About 1,000 workers at Shanghai Shinmei Electric Company held the 10
Japanese nationals and eight Chinese managers inside the factory in
Shanghai starting Friday morning until 11.50 p.m. Saturday, said a
statement from the parent company, Shinmei Electric Co., released Monday.
It said the managers were released uninjured after 300 police officers were
called to the fact... more »
Contaminated Ecstasy Deaths: 2 Arrested
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Two people have been arrested as police investigate the deaths of three men
suspected of taking contaminated drugs.
Greater Manchester Police said the men, aged 33 and 34 were being
questioned on suspicion of supplying a controlled drug.
4.2 Magnitude Earthquake FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 19:05:53 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 10:05:53 AM at epicenter
52.792°N, 169.302°W
27.6 km (17.2 miles)
34 km (21 miles) WSW (241°) from Nikolski, AK
Lone Star College: Multiple People Shot
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
A shooting on the campus of Lone Star College in Houston, Texas, this
afternoon caused the school to call for a lockdown and then to evacuate it
students while police searched for suspects.
The college said today that shots were fired on the campus and at least two
people were shot. Two individuals with multiple gunshot wounds are in
serious condition at Ben Taub Hospital, according to authorities.
Police are searching for a man about 6-foot-2 wearing an Atlanta Falcons
Emergency reponders are currently on campus. more »
Shots Fired At Lone Star College Texas
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
At least two people have been wounded after gunfire erupted at a college
campus in Texas.
Emergency personnel responded to reports of several shots being fired at a
Lone Star College campus in north Houston.
A spokesman for the college system, Jed Young, says a shelter-in-place
order was issued amid reports of a shooter on campus.
A Bit More on Peaceful Transitions and Democracy
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 9 hours ago
Some commenters to my post (and, separately, Kevin Drum) point outed out
yesterday that the US string of consecutive peaceful democratic transitions
that Dylan Matthews posted on overlooks the case of 1861.
Yup, 1861 is a breakdown. No question about it. On the other hand...they do
manage to have an elections during the civil war -- and I'm hardly an
expert on the period so correct me if I'm wrong, as far as I know there's
no doubt that Lincoln would have given up the presidency had he lost in
1864. And once the war is over, the system endures.
So it's a major, serious, breakdown, ... more »
Paint It Black: FBI keeps Americans in dark about GPS tracking
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
'West Bank & Gaza stalemate playing into hands of Netanyahu's hardline govt'
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
EnviroCan's Blunt Warning
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 9 hours ago

*The Tundra is Burning* Over the past 65-years, Canada's average winter
temperature has increased 3.2 degrees Celsius.
*This reaffirms what many suspected. Canada is getting hotter faster than
ever before and at a faster rate than almost any other country. Rain, snow,
sleet and hail storms are becoming more erratic. What were once considered
exceptional weather patterns – the kind researchers reject to avoid skewing
their data – are becoming common.*
*“We’ve had an awful lot of those ‘exceptionals,’” said Robert Tremblay,
research director at the Insurance Bureau of Canada. *
*“Wha... more »
Gay 'kissing protest' at Russian parliament descends into violence
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Greek motorway is brought to a devastating halt after a 28-car pile-up kills one
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Texas, Lone Star College Shooting: Suspect Detained....Possible other suspects
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Officials in Houston, Texas say that several people have been shot at a
local community college.
Police are on the scene of a Texas community college where shots were fired
shortly after 12 this afternoon.
Authorities have detained at least one person and are searching for
possible other suspects after at least one gunman opened fire at Lone Star
College's North Harris campus Tuesday afternoon.
4.7 Magnitude Earthquake OFFSHORE NAYARIT, MEXICO - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 18:29:57 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 11:29:57 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
20.979°N, 106.108°W
56.3 km (35.0 miles)
84 km (52 miles) WNW of Bucerias, Mexico
Lone Star College Campus Being evacuated
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
SHOTS have been fired at Lone Star College in Houston, Texas, according to
a campus spokeswoman.
At least two people have reportedly been shot but few other details are
available at this stage.
Television footage showed people lying on the ground and at least one
person being loaded into an ambulance on the campus of Lone Star College
near Houston.
The college posted a warning to students on its Facebook page to "SHELTER
CAMPUS."' more »
Lone Star College in Houston, Texas, Campus is in locked down
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Lone Star College Shooting: at least 3 People Shot, 2nd Suspect on the Loose
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas -- At least three people, including the suspected
gunman, have been shot at Lone Star Community College in North Harris
County, according to Precinct 4 deputy constables.
Dozens of law enforcement officers are searching for a second suspect on
the loose. They are searching a wooded area north of the campus.
Rebels Bomb Syrian town of Salimiyah killing at least 42 people
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Suspected Islamist gunmen kill 18 in northeast Nigeria
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Suspected Islamist gunmen fired on residents of a market town in northeast
Nigeria, killing 18 in one of their deadliest attacks for several weeks, a
local government official said on Tuesday.
The attack late on Monday apparently targeted local hunters in Damboa who
sell bush meat from animals such as monkeys and pigs, which strict Muslims
are forbidden to eat, the local government leader told journalists.
Not planning full Syria evacuation: Russia
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Russia said on Tuesday it had started evacuating scores of citizens who
wanted to leave Syria but denied the move was the start of a mass exodus.
Two senior diplomats played down the significance of decision, announced on
Monday, to send aircraft to bring Russians home almost two years after the
start of the revolt against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad.
"We are not talking about a full evacuation ... It is not planned that
everyone will leave," Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Denisov said,
according to state-run news agency Itar-Tass. more »
Adele Stan and the spirit of loathing!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*Taking it right to the limit:* Wow! By the time we finished reading Adele
Stan, she almost had *us* despising Obama.
We’ll almost surely return to her piece at some point later this week. In
the meantime, it's a fascinating piece of reading. In our view, it's a
testimonial to the prehistoric longing to loathe all the others.
Stan seems quite sure that the others are bad. Prehumans and those who came
along later have always felt sure of this judgment. "Beloved Community"
Stan's ass!
Final note: This is Stan at 51 percent. Imagine the piece she could ha... more »
Forfeiture or fine?
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 10 hours ago
*R. v. Dwyer*, 2013 ONCA 34 deals with forfeiture of proceeds of crime and
fines in lieu thereof.
Section 462.37 of the Criminal Code provides for the forfeiture of the
proceeds of crime where an offender is convicted of a designated offence.
Fraud over $5,000 is a designated offence: s. 462.3(1). Section 462.37 also
provides for a fine in lieu of forfeiture pursuant to subsection (3) if the
court is satisfied that a forfeiture order should be made in respect of any
property but that property or any part of it cannot be made subject to an
order. Subsection (4) requires the court t... more »
Arms Race Update - India Warns Kashmiris to Prepare for Nuclear War
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 10 hours ago

Indian officials are warning residents in their part of Kashmir to dig bomb
shelters and gather a two week supply of food and water in preparation for
a possible nuclear exchange.
*The notice, published Monday by the Kashmir police in the Greater Kashmir
newspaper, advised people to build toilet-equipped basements large enough
to house the entire family for two weeks. If there is no basement,
residents should construct bunkers in their front yards, the notice advised.
*The shelters should be stocked with candles, battery-operated lights and
radios and nonperishable food and wate... more »
The Universe (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
“Believe me, I know all about it. I know the stress. I know the
frustration. I know the temptations of time and space. We worked this out
ahead of time. They're part of the plan. We knew this stuff might happen.
Actually, you insisted they be triggered whenever you were ready to begin
thinking thoughts you've never thought before. New thinking is always the
“Good on you,”
The Universe
“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”
Sacramento-area home values to rise nearly 12% this year, Zillow predicts
Rich Rifkin at Lexicon Daily - 10 hours ago
Most recessions, including the Great Recession of 2008-09, are primarily
the result of excess inventory. Once too much product builds up and
overwhelms demand, production comes to a halt. Workers are laid off. Demand
drops further. Prices start to fall. And you are in a vicious cycle of
Most recessions conclude when the excess inventory in an economy has been
absorbed. At that point, supply and demand are more-less in line. But
employment will not pick up in earnest until supply is over-absorbed,
meaning there is more demand for product than supply. When that happens, ... more »
Thomas McKelvey Cleaver : We Are Made for this Moment
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 10 hours ago
Obama delivers second Inaugural address at the West Front of the
Capitol, January 21, 2013. Photo by J. Scott Applewhite / AP.
Self-evident truths:
We are made for this moment
By Thomas McKelvey Cleaver / The Rag Blog / January 22, 2013
"For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they
have never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from God,
Walker (WI:ALEC) - Lies in Anti-Choice Proclamation for Jan 22, 2013
2old2care at Because I Can - 10 hours ago

Making the rounds today is the fact that Scottie Walker signed a
proclamation on January 7th that no one knew about – no one except the
right wing extremists that Walker was pandering to.
The proclamation isn’t publicized on the governor’s webpageas a
– but the right-wing extremists who received the proclamation it are very
proud of it.
Wisconsin Right to Life released a press statement late last Friday afternoon
stating, “The original copy of the Protect Life Day Proclamation was sent
to Wisconsin Right to Life by the Governor’s office and now hangs in the
Wisconsin... more »
BBC misleading headline / text
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
*Google revenues hit by tablets*
1 hour ago
The world's biggest search engine is expected to report record profits for
the last three months of the year.
Syrian rebels clash with Kurds in northeast: activists
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
At least 56 people have been killed in a week of fighting in northeast
Syria between anti-government rebels and members of the long-oppressed
Kurdish minority who have seized on the civil war to try to secure
self-rule, activists said on Tuesday.
The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which collates
reports on Syria's violence from local activists, said on Tuesday that the
anti-Damascus rebels were using tanks and mortars on Tuesday against
Kurdish forces.
'NO! Gold Mercury Mine' in Alaska Protest Jan. 22, 2013 at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Paula Ayunerak and Cecilia Tucker of the Yukon-Kuskokwim
Delta region of Alaska clean fresh-caught
salmon at their fish camp.
Photo courtesy of Gunnar Ebbesson
TODAY! Alaska 'NO!' to Barrick and Nova Gold's Donlin Gold Mercury Mine
Alert: No Donlin Gold Mercury Mine in Alaska
mega mecury "gold" mine with a list of problems financed by
Barrick Gold and Nova
4.6 Magnitude Earthquake TARAPACA, CHILE - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 17:07:17 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 02:07:17 PM at epicenter
20.083°S, 69.344°W
86.1 km (53.5 miles)
84 km (52 miles) ENE (77°) from Iquique, Chile
Thieves Cut Hole In Side Of Bank To Rob ATM
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Enterprising thieves have cut a hole in the side of a West Midlands bank
and made off with tens of thousands of pounds.
The thieves got inside the branch of Lloyds TSB on Hagley Road West,
Warley, and raided its cash machine.
They cut a hole in the masonry just big enough for one person to squeeze
through, covering their activities from view with a tarpaulin, West
Midlands Police said.
Will the Democrats Fix the U.S. Senate Today?
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 10 hours ago
There's a window that is open today that will be closed tomorrow and, by
the time it closes, we'll know if the Democratic majority in the U.S.
Senate has the courage to fix what's broken.
*When the Senate returns on Tuesday, it will still technically be in the
first legislative day of the session, which means only a simple majority is
necessary to change the rules for the rest of the session. *
*With the support of 51 senators, the rules could be changed to require a
“talking filibuster,” forcing those objecting to a bill to stand and
explain their reasons, at length. The current pr... more »
Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 10 hours ago
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Rolls-Royce To Cut Nearly 400 Jobs
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Aerospace firm Rolls-Royce will shed nearly 400 jobs at one of its plants,
a union has said.
The company is consulting on shedding the jobs at the Ansty plant near
Coventry in the Midlands, according to trade union Unite.
Rolls-Royce would neither confirm nor deny the story to Sky News.
4.0 Magnitude Earthquake WESTERN XIZANG - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 15:49:24 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 11:49:24 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
34.138°N, 80.179°E
47 km (29.2 miles)
94 km (58 miles) NNE of Rutog, China
Blue America Welcomes Senator Toi Hutchinson (D-IL)
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
We all often talk about how crucial it is that our political leaders have
some kind of inbuilt empathy system for the ordinary working families whose
interests they're supposed to be serving. The alternative, as we've seen,
is a kind of self-absorbed Ayn Rand Republicanism or, closer to home, the
Blue Dogs and New Dems. That's why Blue America is so vigilant about
congressional races wherever and whenever they happen. And the next
congressional race coming up is for the seat Jesse Jackson, Jr. resigned
from, IL-02, with a primary on February 26 and a general election April 9.
The ... more »
Molino de viento en el campo junto a un pequeño río
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 11 hours ago

[image: Molino de viento en el campo junto a un pequeño río]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de molinos de viento*
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Riquísimo pastel con frutas frescas del huerto
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 11 hours ago

[image: Riquísimo pastel con frutas frescas del huerto]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de pasteles*
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Shun US 'tiger' and Japanese 'wolf', Chinese colonel warns as he states, "World would hail another nuclear strike on Japan"
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Senior Colonel Liu Mingfu, of the National Defence University, blamed
America’s ‘‘orchestration’’ and Japan’s ‘‘militarism’’ for rising tensions
over disputed islands known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China.
‘‘America is the global tiger and Japan is Asia’s wolf and both are now
madly biting China,’’ Colonel Liu said. ‘‘Of all the animals, Chinese
people hate the wolf the most.’’
China was a peaceful nation but it would fight to the death if seriously
attacked, he said.
Both sides and the US have in recent days traded strident warnings over
alleged terri... more »
Al Qaeda bomb plot gangs were handed £30million in legal aid to fund their defence
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Two gangs of Al Qaeda terrorists who plotted to inflict mass murder on the
British public shared more than £30million in legal aid, it emerged last
Figures released by the Ministry of Justice show the astonishing sums being
paid out by taxpayers to fund defence in criminal cases.
Recipients of huge amounts include the July 21 bombers, a group of Islamist
fanatics behind the 2006 airline liquid bomb plot and a string of fraud
Ricas fresas decoradas con flores para disfrutar
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 11 hours ago

[image: Ricas fresas decoradas con flores para disfrutar]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de fresas*
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Emboldened Mischief-Makers, Part Four
Storm at Schools Matter - 11 hours ago
And lastly, Part Four of "Emboldened Mischief-Makers."
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
It may be hard to believe but I started all of this (the first shall be the
last) because I wanted to share a little bit of mischief from a student's
pen who attended the Dixwell Preparatory School in Cambridge, MA,
graduating in 1855. (The student is 16-years-old.)
"What is your favorite virtue? Do you select it, because you delight to
practice it, or because you think you need it, or because you have seen it
beautifully exemplified in a Friend?"
(No scantron question this!)
"H... more »
Paisaje de los sueños rodeado de caminos y plantas
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago

[image: Paisaje de los sueños rodeado de caminos y plantas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de paisajes*
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David Attenborough - Humans are plague on Earth
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Humans are a plague on the Earth that need to be controlled by limiting
population growth, according to Sir David Attenborough.
The television presenter said that humans are threatening their own
existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources.
He said the only way to save the planet from famine and species extinction
is to limit human population growth.
“We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50
years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow
food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our populatio... more »
Dr Death': Five young people die and nine more are in hospital after 'taking ecstasy tablet known as Dr Death'
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Jordan Chambers, 19, died at the Royal Oldham Hospital in Greater
Manchester on Sunday. He had been taken there after complaining of being
unwell. The next day police were alerted by staff at Wigan Infirmary after
the death of Gareth Ashton, 28, who had been admitted after complaining of
similar symptoms. Jordan Chambers, 19, pictured, and Gareth Ashton, 28,
died in the Greater Manchester area after complaining of similar symptoms.
Police say they cannot rule out the deaths are linked to three others. It
is believed several other people have been admitted to hospital suffering
from... more »
Pequeños romanticos en un día nublado
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago

[image: Pequeños romanticos en un día nublado]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de niños*
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Sarkozy's plans 'to dodge new 75% French tax rate by moving to London with wife Carla and setting up £1bn private equity fund'
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Sarkozy is preparing to move to London to set up a billion pounds
plus investment fund, it was claimed today.
If the move goes ahead, the controversial Frenchman will become the
to escape a potential top tax rate of 75 per cent in his home country.
Inau-gyration Speech Parsing, Cont.
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 12 hours ago
I will now continue where I left off yesterday in my "instanalysis" of
President Obama's inaugural address.
*We understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our
time. We must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government,
revamp our tax code, reform our schools, and empower our citizens with the
skills they need to work harder, learn more, and reach higher. But while
the means will change, our purpose endures: a nation that rewards the
effort and determination of every single American. That is what this moment
requires. That is what will give real me... more »
'Build a bunker and stockpile food': Officials warn people in Kashmir to prepare for nuclear war
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Residents in Kashmir read a notice in a newspaper telling people how to
prepare for a nuclear war
People in the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir have been told to build
bomb-proof basements and gather food and water for a possible nuclear war.
A series of deadly skirmishes along the cease-fire line in recent weeks has
heightened tensions between India and Pakistan - both of which have nuclear
However officials will not confirm why they are now ordering people in the
region to pack two-weeks' worth of essentials. more »
French gas cloud causes stink across the South East
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The Lubrizol plant shut down production and executives hoped to have the
leaked plugged by the end of the day Photo: AFP
Residents in parts of Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire awoke to the
sulphurous smell of rotten eggs prompting dozens of calls to emergency
The accidental discharge of mercaptan from a factory in Rouen has caused
headaches, nausea and a political panic in France.
By this morning the pungent cloud had arrived on English shores and was
even drifting as far north as south east London. more »
Linda ciudad junto al agua llena de luces
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago

[image: Linda ciudad junto al agua llena de luces]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de ciudades*
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Huevos de pascua decorados con muchos colores
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago

[image: Huevos de pascua decorados con muchos colores]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de huevos de pascua*
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A Timely Poll
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours ago

*The Guardian* is running a poll today, asking readers:
*George Orwell's fiction and non-fiction warned of the dangers of
totalitarianism, surveillance and the distortion of language. Was he right,
broadly speaking, about the dystopian way society was heading?*
What do you think? Vote here.* *
Emboldened Mischief-Makers, Part Three
Storm at Schools Matter - 12 hours ago
Part Three of "Emboldened Mischief-Makers"
Part One
Part Two
Concerning "the why" of Creationism and such.
The two primary "books" for Lincoln, nearly committed to memory, The Bible
and Shakespeare. So too, primarily, for Melville.
If one is to "suffer" the discipline of only a few books then they'd better
be good ones! They'd better foster imagination, creativity, and linguistic
virtuosity. I wonder if one gets that in the "informational text" heavy
"common core"?
Concerning the spate of states proposing to legislate educators "to create
an environment that encourages student... more »
Hermoso caballo trotando en los pastizales bajo el cielo azul
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago

[image: Hermoso caballo trotando por los pastizales]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de caballos*
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Removed Full Body Airport Scanners Being Redeployed By Military, Law Enforcement
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 12 hours ago
* *Removed Full Body Airport Scanners Being Redeployed By Military, Law
*Image of a monitor on a Secure 1000 full body scanner by Rapiscan, a
predecessor to the company's Secure 1000SP scanner, about 250 versions of
which the TSA is to remove from airports by June 2013, following Rapiscan's
failure to install privacy software on time.*
CARL FRANZEN JANUARY 21, 2013, 1:30 PM 4286
Many of the controversial full-body airport security scanner... more »
Cascada entre el bosque lleno de arboles verdes y grandes
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago

[image: Cascada entre el bosque]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de cascadas*
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They Call It "The Point of No Return" Study
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours ago

Greenpeace has come up with a roster of planned oil, gas and coal projectsthat it calls "carbon bombs."
Prepared by the consultancy firm EcoFys, the study lists 14-major projects
that will increase global greenhouse gas emissions by a
civilization-wrecking 20%. That's where the "point of no return" part
comes in.
*The largest contributors will be China's five north-western provinces,
which aim to increase coal production by 620m tonnes by 2015, generating an
additional 1.4bn tonnes of greenhouse gases a year.*
*Australia's burgeoning coal export industry, already the largest in ... more »
Despite fears of 'mission creep,' Canada to deepen role in Mali
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The Canadian government will extend the tour of the heavy-lift transport
plane shuttling equipment from France to Mali for a military mission.
Initially, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered the massive C-17 plane for
a one-week mission. But France has asked Canada and other nations to
provide more air-transport help, including assistance to carry a West
African force of 3,300 into Mali.
Cameron's Europe speech will gun for workers' rights – they must be defended
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
A principal target for the prime minister in his speech on Europe will be
to wrench the UK away from the social and employment policies of the EU.
Millions of people in Britain will suffer if he is successful. He must not
The Conservative party has never liked the European Union social dimension.
New Labour signed up to the social chapter, but it was subsequently
lukewarm about it. But it did enact new EU-based laws on agency workers'
and consultation rights.
Bonita postal de corazones para el 14 de febrero
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago

[image: Bonita postal de corazones para el 14 de febrero]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de postales*
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Canaries in Coal Mines
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
Erratic bat behavior at Great Smoky park may be linked to lethal
by Darryl Fears. The Washington Post[Excerpted]
Large groups of bats in the nation’s most popular national park appear
be stricken with white-nose syndrome, a deadly fungus that’s wiping out a
variety of bat species up and down the East Coast, a possible extinction
event, some biologists say......At la... more »
Emboldened Mischief-Makers, Part Two
Storm at Schools Matter - 12 hours ago
Part Two of "Emboldened Mischief-Makers" (Here is *Part One.)*
*Concerning those "advocating" "Academic Freedom" via state legislatures
across the country, that is to say, concerning those pushing "freedom" in
legalese devised to create the opportunity for the dissemination of
ideologies via a process that codifies action into law.
Here is an example of the way legislative "mischief" is made. It is
important to note that this is indeed the very meat and effect of the
process we hold so much stock in--that is to say, the system of
representative government in which we profess to be... more »
Republicans - On How to Steal Elections - No Moral Compass
2old2care at Because I Can - 12 hours ago
Oh………..moderate Republicans must be sooooooooo proud of their party.
What would Lincoln have thought about this?
And these folks are supposed to be the ultra-moral, bible thumping “Thou
Shalt Not Steal” people.
That’s what happens when corporate American takes over your party – you
start acting like an immoral corporation
Don’t ciminals go to jail for this – oh no, it’s just computer activists
that go to jail.
And the RWNJ’s are pissing and moaning about getting their gun rights
M... more »
Germany, France to present joint euro reform proposals
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The leaders of Germany and France promised to put forward common proposals
to deepen Europe's economic and monetary union by May, as they put on a
show of unity on the 50th anniversary of the pact that sealed their
post-war reconciliation.
Angela Merkel, a conservative, and Francois Hollande, a socialist, have had
an uneasy relationship since the French president swept into office eight
months ago vowing to reverse German-backed austerity policies aimed at
shoring up the euro.
U.S. begins transporting French troops, equipment to Mali
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The United States has started transporting French soldiers and equipment to
Mali as part of its logistical aid to French forces fighting Islamist
militants in the north of the country, a U.S. official said on Tuesday.
Paris has launched a military campaign against Islamist fighters in Mali at
the request of the Malian government, amid fears the vast desert country
could become a launchpad for international attacks.
"We have started air lifting French army personnel and equipment to Bamako
from Istres," said Benjamin Benson, a spokesman for U.S. Africa Command
http://www.... more »
Man Vs. Gods: Designs Big and Small, and Whose Will Likely Win Out In The End
Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 12 hours ago
The Real-Science site has a post entitled "Politicians on Opposite Sides of
Reality", which deals with the same idea as the old story of the blind men
and the elephant (remember, each man only felt a different portion of the
elephant, so none of them could agree upon what it was they were
encountering). I respond here, from a slightly higher perspective:
*Self-love (which the author bemoans as the overweening vice of mankind) is
not a vice per se, because it is just a very small step away from the
greater realization that it took a God to make such a wonderful being as
man--unless y... more »
Very Hungry Caterpillar Kids Birthday Party
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 12 hours ago

This cute birthday party was my twin nephew's first birthday. It was the
perfect combination of whimsy and fun. Perfect for a first birthday.
The invitations. The invitations were pom-pom caterpillars in baby food
jars. The actual information for the party was on a circle of paper glued
to the top.
The decorations. A large caterpillar hung form the ceiling made of blow
up beach balls and hand traced paper food was on the walls.
The smash cakes. Since this was a first birthday, the twins each had
their own apple smash cake to eat.
The cake for everyone else. A cake pop cat... more »
Listen to the American Holocaust...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*God help us, indeed.*
H/T Les Femmes
The Swiss turn on the super-rich
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
In February 2008, Thomas Minder, a Swiss businessman whose family-owned
company is best known for its old-fashioned herbal toothpaste, attacked his
banker, UBS Chairman Marcel Ospel, as if he were a form of stubborn plaque.
At a shareholders' meeting in Basel, he stormed the podium as Ospel
addressed the crowd. Ospel's bodyguards grappled with Minder and wrestled
him away before he could land his symbolic blow — he was trying to hand the
embattled head of Switzerland's largest bank a bound copy of Swiss company
law, which codifies corporate temperance.
"Gentlemen, you are responsibl... more »
Tuesday Morning Linkage Club
PM at Duck of Minerva - 13 hours ago
Like sausage, you don’t want to see links being made. Inauguration: Josh
Marshall sums it up. [Talking Points Memo] On Facebook I called the
president’s second inaugural the most radical address ever and I stand by
that. Kevin Drum argues it was also partisan. [Mother Jones] Nickel book
reviews: The Victory Lab, Sasha Issenberg. So
Continue reading
What’s happening in the Prince George’s schools!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*Do the editors know or care:* Here’s the good news:
On Sunday morning, the Washington Post published a full editorial about the
state of the public schools in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
Prince George’s is one of the nation’s largest public school districts. It
serves a majority black student population in a large suburban county
outside DC.
In theory, it’s good that the editors would pay attention to the Prince
George’s schools. But do the editors actually know what’s happening in that
school system?
We're puzzled by the editors' logic. This ... more »
5.3 Magnitude Earthquake HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 15:09:22 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 07:39:22 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
36.330°N, 68.830°E
45.6 km (28.3 miles)
24 km (14 miles) NNE of Baghlan, Afghanistan
Russia lifts nationals out of Syria as Moscow, Iran arm Assad for major armored push
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago

The Russian emergency ministry said Monday, Jan. 21 that it is sending two
planes to Beirut to evacuate 100 Russians from Syria - the first such
effort since the uprising against Bashar Assad began in March 2011. Moscow
also announced contingency plans to lift 30,000 Russian nationals from the
embattled country.
This evacuation of Russian nationals starting Tuesday was decided after the
Syrian high command received orders from President Assad to organize mobile
armored strike groups with massive fire power for a big push to run the
rebel forces out of the towns, villages and areas... more »
Prince Harry has 'mental problem': Taliban (Wait a minute, did they just say something we can all agree with?)
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Britain's Prince Harry, who compared shooting insurgents in Afghanistan to
playing video games, "has probably developed a mental problem", the Taliban
said Tuesday.
"There are 49 countries with their powerful military failing in the fight
against the mujahideen, and now this prince comes and compares this war
with his games, PlayStation or whatever he calls it," Taliban spokesman
Zabiullah Mujahid told AFP.
*Matt's thoughts:*
Sadly, the "Prince" isn't the only one guilty of killing
Arabs/Muslims/Asians (and... more »
UFO By Washington Monument
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago
*UFO By Washington Monument*
Access to 5D Grids has been Expanded…
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago

* *Access to 5D Grids has been Expanded…*
22 JAN 2013
Access to 5D grids has been expanded to allow more Gaia earth personnel to
connect to instructions from Galactic Source. Telepathic communications
from Source, via 5D pathways, is now available to an expanded base of
humanity. This eases restrictions on upward movement for Gaia and permits
accelerated evolution on all levels, 3D, 4D, 5D.
Road Trip Recap
Southern Man at Southern Man - 13 hours ago
Drove more or less straight through, occasionally cat-napping at rest
stops. Added four new states to the geocaching list: Tennessee, Virginia,
West Virginia, and Maryland. The most frustrating part of the trip was a
side jaunt into southeast West Virginia (for no other reason than to
geocache) where both phone services (T-Mobile on the phone, AT&T on the
iPad) went dark in the mountains and that meant no phone, no maps, and no
geocaching services: five hours in W-VA and only one geocache found, and
that was at the welcome center at the border. But the mountains on Saturday
morning ... more »
Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 13 hours ago
*Sean Payton reinstated as Head Coach!*
* It’s a fine, fine day for a reunion ~moosedenied*
*Vitt says ‘I can forgive, I’m not going to forget’ as Payton is reinstated
~Who Dat Warriors*
Australia bull is blackened survivor from Chadwick Downs’ death valley – ‘Welcome to the killing fields’
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 13 hours ago
[image: Miracle bull Red Valentino survived the Coonabarabran bushfire, 21
January 2013. He has burns over 40 per cent of his body after the
Coonabarabran bushfire, which killed more than 100 cows and calves at
Chadwick Downs Artificial Breeding Centre. Photo: Jacky Ghossein]
By Tim Barlass
21 January 2013
(Sydney Morning Herald) – Red Valentino, through the miracle of artificial
insemination, has thousands of his progeny in South Africa, North America,
Nicaragua, Colombia, Paraguay … and beyond.
Described as one of the most genetically influential bulls of his breed,
Red Valent... more »
Emboldened Mischief-Makers, Part One
Storm at Schools Matter - 13 hours ago
Part One
There is a post today in Slate about "Creationism" in Colorado--that is,
the Colorado legislature is proposing a bill which will
direct teachers to create an environment that encourages students to
intelligently and respectfully explore scientific questions and learn about
scientific evidence related to biological and chemical evolution, global
warming, and human cloning.
The author of this post, an astronomer and writer, says
The antiscience bill HB 13-1089 is one of the Orwellian-named “Academic
Freedom” thrusts by creationists, where legislators claim they just want
te... more »
Every Blade of Grass
gail zawacki at Wit's End - 14 hours ago

I received another email from the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, this
time an invitation to an exhibit of photographs by Richard Speedy,
celebrating the Pine Barrens. It was illustrated with the picture at the
top. Enhancing the color of natural scenery seems to be a photographic
craze lately, and I began to wonder if it is a deliberate effort, or at
least an unconscious attempt, to disguise the fact that everything in
reality looks more and more, horrible and dead.
The Pine Barrens is a perfect example of the widespread delusion that
environmental “regulation” has been a suc... more »
Canberra heading for January heat record as storms spark fire fears
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: A storm brewing in the south of the Australian Capital Territory,
21 January 2013. Canberra was on track to exceed the January average for
maximum temperatures, which ws 28 degrees. Photo: Graham Tidy]
By Stephanie Anderson
22 January 2013
Canberra is sweltering through what could be its hottest January on record,
according to the Bureau of Meteorology.
After hitting a record high of 42 degrees last week, the month’s average
could be pushed into the record books, meteorologist Rebecca Kamitakahara
“We are on track to exceed our January average for maximum temperatur... more »
Fashion watch: Will we the people ever be spared!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*Robin Givhan, on the scene:* The analysts groaned when they clicked to the
Washington Post’s web site this morning.
Quickly, their groans turned into wails. Robin Givhan was being featured by
the Post on-line!
Gack! On the Post’s front page, the featured article bore this headline:
“Obama’s speech heralds a bolder leadership style.” In the piece, Dan Balz
offers his views on yesterday’s address.
So far, so OK! But right next to the Balz analysis piece, this was the
other featured piece—and it appeared with a large color photo. Headline:
“How the first ... more »
President Obama’s inauguration speech gives climate goals center stage – ‘Failure to do so would betray our children and future generations’
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: President Obama speaks during his second Inaugural Address, 21
January 2013. Mr. Obama made addressing climate change the most prominent
policy vow of his second Inaugural Address, setting in motion what
Democrats say will be a deliberately paced but aggressive campaign built
around the use of his executive powers to sidestep Congressional
opposition. Chang W. Lee / The New York Times]
21 January 2013
WASHINGTON (The New York Times) – President Obama made addressing climate
change the most prominent policy vow of his second Inaug... more »
U.S. Navy ship ignored warning before ramming protected coral reef – Minesweeper abandoned, taking on water – Phillipine anger grows
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: A photo released on 20 January 2013 by the Armed Forces of the
Philippines Western Command (AFP-WESCOM) shows the U.S. Navy ship USS
Guardian remaining stuck in the vicinity of the Tubbataha Reef, western
Philippines, 19 January 2013. Photo: AFP-WESCOM via]
By Craig Brown
21 January 2013
(Common Dreams) – The US Navy minesweeper that smashed into the World
Heritage-listed coral reef off the Philippines coast last week ignored
warnings to avoid the area, according to a Philippine government official.
The comments from the superintendent of Tubbataha Marine... more »
INAUGURATE THIS: Trying to get from here to there!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*Part 1—In search of “we the people:”* Did President Obama “make a forceful
argument for a progressive agenda” in his Inaugural Address?
That’s what it says in today’s hard-copy New York Times, in one of the
headlines atop the featured editorial. In the body of the piece, the
editors describe Obama’s call for “collective action:”
NEW YORK TIMES EDITORIAL (1/22/13): *He argued eloquently for a progressive
view of government, founded on history and his own deep conviction that
American prosperity and the preservation of freedom depend on collective
action.... more »
Ich wünsche dir Zeit von (m)einem Engel
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 14 hours ago
Ich wünsche dir Zeit
*Ich wünsche dir nicht alle möglichen Gaben.
Ich wünsche dir nur, was die meisten nicht haben:
Ich wünsche dir Zeit, dich zu freun und zu lachen,
und wenn du sie nützt, kannst du etwas draus machen.
Ich wünsche dir Zeit für dein Tun und dein Denken,
nicht nur für dich selbst, sondern auch zum Verschenken.
Ich wünsche dir Zeit – nicht zum Hasten und Rennen,
sondern die Zeit zum Zufriedenseinkönnen.
Ich wünsche dir Zeit – nicht nur so zum Vertreiben.
Ich wünsche, sie möge dir übrig bleiben
als Zeit für das Staunen und Zeit für Vertraun,
anstatt nach der Zeit auf der U... more »
IOM Issues Report on Safety of the Child Vaccine Schedule: When Will the Real Science Begin?
Barbara Loe Fisher at Vaccine Awakening - 14 hours ago
Posted on 1/16/2013
*by Barbara Loe Fisher*
Yesterday, the Institute of Medicine issued a report *The Childhood
Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence
and Future Studies.* The report was based on a 12-month evaluation by an
IOM committee of the scientific evidence supporting the federally
recommended child vaccine schedule. The Committee made recommendations
about the feasibility of conducting research to evaluate the health
outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children and those following an
alternative vaccine schedule.
*Good News and Bad ... more »
Frauds against lawyers and paralegals continue
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 14 hours ago
I received the below email today.
For someone who is familiar with current scams this is a very obvious lead
in to a fraud whereby a lawyer or paralegal is tricked into paying out
monies on a fake settlement cheque that bounces after to money is paid out.
If you are a lawyer or paralegal and get a proposal like this (which in the
surface is perfectly proper) investigate and make sure you are dealing with
a real person. And never ever pay out settlement monies until the initial
cheque (even if apparently certified) has fully cleared:
Dear Morton James Cooper
Please do you handle... more »
CON hogs at the trough! (deBeauxOs) at DAMMIT JANET! - 15 hours ago
[image: pigs at the trough]
It comes as no surprise that the Harper government is dispensing corporate
welfare, in generous acts of CON cronyism, with taxpayers' money.
If there's money to be made by accompanying PMSHithead to China, shouldn't
these profitable private companies PAY their own way and cover their own
business expenses?
*The Conservative government covered expenses for some of the country’s top
executives as they accompanied the prime minister around China a year ago,
a move business leaders and officials defend as a good investment.*
* *The trip signalled a chang... more »
Boehner Whispered A Message When No One Was Looking
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
As you can see in the video above, while President Obama was being
inaugurated 4 years ago, Republican leaders were plotting against the
country to make him look bad so he would be easier to defeat 4 years
That worked out badly for them. Yesterday, in the middle of the
ceremonies for President Obama's second term, Boehner timed a news
dumpthat would otherwise have made headlines, headlines Republicans are
split over. Later today most Republicans in the House will vote with the
Democrats to raise the debt limit. That shouldn't be a big deal-- it's
routi... more »
Mali: why western intervention is destined to fail
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours ago
Britain is on standby and the US is already transporting French troops into
Mali. But a new paper says the west is "betting on the wrong horse" by
intervening in the region.
Now well over a decade after the beginning of the so-called war on terror,
yet again, another western nation is leading a military intervention
against Islamist paramilitaries based in a largely ungoverned region of a
state in the Global South, write Anna Alissa Hitzemann and Ben Zala for the
Oxford Research Group.
The hostage situation in Algeria that developed late last week is just the
latest in a series of ... more »
John Pope Kills Two In Philippine Court
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours ago
A Canadian man has shot dead two men and injured another while appearing in
a Philippine courtroom charged with illegal possession of firearms,
according to police.
John Pope, 66, pulled out a gun and fired at the complainant and
prosecuting lawyer in his case minutes before the hearing began in Cebu
Pope quickly fled the court and was shot in the arm by police after
ignoring orders to surrender, said regional police director Marcelo Garbo.
Jordan Chambers Ecstasy Death: Police Warning After Third Death
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours ago
Detective Chief Inspector Howard Millington from Wigan CID, talking about
the men who died in Greater Manchester, said: "We are very concerned at how
these deaths of two apparently fit young men have occurred.
"It is possible that they are linked and this is something we are exploring
as part of the investigation.
"Our main concern is that there may be a contaminated quantity of illegal
drugs and if this goes unchecked it could result in further deaths.
"If you are suffering adverse effects after taking one of these tablets I
would advise you to go to hospital for a check up.
http... more »
5.0 Magnitude Earthquake EASTERN SEA OF JAPAN - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 13:29:23 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 10:29:23 PM at epicenter
44.529°N, 140.920°E
230.6 km (143.3 miles)
73 km (45 miles) SSW of Rishiri Town, Japan
4.5 Magnitude Earthquake NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 12:54:04 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 09:54:04 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
39.665°N, 142.945°E
33 km (20.5 miles)
84 km (52 miles) E of Miyako, Japan
The Last Honourable Man
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago

Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page will soon be out of a job. His term
will end in March -- and he will not be reappointed. The job he holds was a
Conservative idea. But Stephen Harper and Company will be glad to see him
go. The reason is simple. Every time he does his job, he highlights the
fact that Harper and Company are engaged in system-wide fraud:
The impact of the new PBO was evident after Page's first major report
estimating the cost to Canada's purse of the decision to commit troops to
Afghanistan — an operation Ottawa refused to price.
He went on to disagree with h... more »
FTV Again
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago
Having a fun time in southern Taiwan with FTV and host Michella Jade Weng
making some travel shows. Today we headed up to the mountains of Pingtung
to visit some of the local aboriginal villages, including Dewen in the
mountains above Sandimen. The drive up was a sphincter-clenching nightmare
of poor road surfaces and long sheer drops on a steep temporary road, since
the main road is under repair. The views were unparalleled however. Dewen
is working to develop tourism promotion. They have nature walks and trails,
and local teachers show how snares for large mammals and birds are se... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 15 hours ago
Happy Birthday to John Hurt, 73.
And some good stuff:
1. A few basic facts about the US in Afghanistan, from Paul Waldman.
2. Voteview on the ideological placement of US presidents. Worth looking
at, but I'm far from convinced that what it's tapping into really measures
something we're very interested in.
3. Arizona, (perhaps) making trouble again with the presidential nomination
calendar. Josh Putnam has it, of course.
4. Sarah Binder looks ahead to the 113th.
5. While John Sides says that partisanship is what works.
6. And Joe Sheehan on Lance Armstrong -- and Greg Maddux, Fr... more »
Syria freezes assets of Hariri, Saqr. Following up on those arrest warrants?
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 15 hours ago
Just a quick but interesting news tidbit today
BEIRUT: Syria’s Finance Ministry has frozen the assets of Former Prime
Minister Saad Hariri and Future Movement MP Oqab Saqr, Syrian media
reported this week.
Quoting a statement issued by the ministry, the media said the state "has
frozen liquid and non-liquid assets for Saadeddine Hariri, Lebanon's former
prime minister ... and Oqab Saqr."
The statement added that the ministry also undertook such measures against
the spokesperson of the Free Syrian Army Louay al-Meqdad.
The three are accused “of funding terrorist acts in various areas ... more »
EU states get blessing for financial trading tax
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours ago
Germany, France and nine other euro zone countries got a go-ahead on
Tuesday to implement a tax on trading, despite the reservations of
financial centers such as London and Luxembourg that are worried it could
drive business out of Europe.
EU finance ministers gave their approval at a meeting in Brussels, allowing
11 states to pursue a financial transactions tax. The 11 are: Germany,
France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia
and Slovenia.
Everybody Can Be Great, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 15 hours ago
Video from KarmaTube
"Everybody can be great because everybody can serve... You only need a
heart full of grace." On 4 February 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. preached
"The Drum Major Instinct" (adapted from the 1952 homily of the same name by
well-known, liberal, white Methodist preacher J. Wallace Hamilton) from the
pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. This short video
excerpts the portion of the speech where King urges his congregation to
greatness through service and love.
Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter:
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Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 15 hours ago
*A Super Bowl Mismatch: Goodell and New Orleans ~NYT*
*New Orleans Welcomes The Super Bowl With A “Roger Goodell Being Eaten By A
Giant Vagina” Float ~DEADSPIN*
Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 16 hours ago
*BP Oil Spill Conference Under Way in New Orleans ~WWNO*
*Natural gas boom brings $50 Billion to Louisiana*
*Lafourche Parish levee report notes local lessons ~Amy Wold *
*‘T-Rex’ tests sinkhole*
*Donated machine building wetlands* *How to wear a fedora ~Goorin Bros* *Yes
Way: McNulty Says Mariza is Opening January 24 ~Eater New Orleans*
*Los Lobos and Papa Mali *
*Rider Alert: 2013 Mardi Gras Parades and Superbowl Detours *
Suicide attacks kill 17 in Baghdad
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago
Three blasts, including a suicide bomber attack near an army base, killed
least 17 people across Baghdad on Tuesday, the latest violence as Shi'ite
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki faces increasing pressure from a political
The most deadly explosions took place in Taji, 20 km (12 miles) north of
Baghdad, where a suicide bomber driving a car packed with explosives
detonated his bomb near an army base, killing at least seven people and
wounding 24.
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake WESTERN IRAN - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 11:12:22 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 02:42:22 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
33.366°N, 48.525°E
49.8 km (30.9 miles)
21 km (13 miles) SE (129°) from Khorramabad, Iran
4.7 Magnitude Earthquake KYRGYZSTAN - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 10:43:11 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 04:43:11 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
39.477°N, 73.042°E
56.6 km (35.2 miles)
32 km (19 miles) SSW of Sary-Tash, Kyrgyzstan
4.4 Magnitude Earthquake ATACAMA, CHILE - 22nd January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 10:24:23 UTC
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 07:24:23 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
25.469°S, 68.824°W
99.9 km (62.1 miles)
156 km (96 miles) WNW of Antofagasta de la Sierra, Argentina
Contaminated Ecstasy: Police Warning After Third Death
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago
Police in northwest England are warning drug users that a possible
contaminated batch of ecstasy tablets could be on the streets.
It comes after two men died in Greater Manchester and another collapsed and
died in Liverpool.
Up to six other people were admitted to hospital with symptoms including
shaking, shivering and complaints of a fever.
Why the GOP Occupied Texas II
Len Hart at The Existentialist Cowboy - 16 hours ago

*by Len Hart, The Exisentialist Cowboy*
Though Texas is now thought of as a 'red' state, it was not always so. From
January 15, 1874 to January 16, 1979 every Texas governor was Democratic.
Moreover, most of them could be described as 'progressive Democrats'.
This topic has come up as Texas is now thought of as GOP occupied
territory, i.e, a 'red' state. If this is, indeed, the case, the GOP had
best be kind to Texas. A cursory survey of the red-blue map of the U.S.
indicates that Texas is the only state among GOP/red states to have
electoral votes in two digits. As a result, Texas... more »
"Tough Choices"
Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 16 hours ago
Pinched from Tom Powdrill:
From Tony Judt's *Ill Fares The Land*:
When imposing welfare cuts on the poor... legislators in the US and UK
alike have taken a singular pride in the 'hard choices' they have had to
The poor vote in much smaller numbers than anyone else. So there is little
political risk in penalising them: just how 'hard' are such choices? These
days we take pride in being tough enough to inflict pain on others. If an
older usage were still in force, whereby being tough consisted of enduring
pain rather than imposing it on others, we should perhaps think twice
be... more »
The penalty for drug smuggling in Indonesia
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 17 hours ago

The media is full of shock at the death sentence for Briton Lindsay
Sandiford for bringing drugs into Bali, Indonesia. There may well be
mitigating factors but as I remember from travelling in that part of the
world many years ago, the penalties are not exactly kept secret when you
reach the airport or other port...
'Netanyahu is not Israel, majority wants two-state solution'
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
Keiser Report: Threshold of Tyranny Passed (E396, ft. Alex Jones)
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
China criticizing US remarks over disputed islands in East China Sea
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
U.S. Navy minesweeper crashes onto underwater Coral Reef (but shouldn't its state-of-the-art sonar have seen it coming?)
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
She is one of the most finely-tuned and sophisticated pieces of technology
in the US Navy, designed to hunt down and destroy even the best-hidden of
enemy sea mines.
But apparently the USS Guardian isn't quite so efficient at spotting coral
reefs, as it proved while minesweeping in the Sulu Sea, 400 miles southwest
of Manila, in the Philippines.
The state-of-the-art minesweeper crashed onto the Tubbataha Reef, a World
Heritage Site, during a training run on Thursday where it has become
stubbornly wedged. more »
Cold snap causes chaos as Midwest shivers in -50F temperatures, 12-year-old girl dies in Ohio crash and New England braces for snow
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
coldest air of the winter so far is tearing through the Midwest and is
now on its way to New England.
Fast moving 'Alberta clipper' systems usually begin in the lee of the
Canadian Rockies, then move swiftly across the northern U.S.
This one, christened Winter Storm Jove, has brought icy weather and
ferocious winds to the Midwest, caused multiple car accidents in Ohio
is now threatening to bring a foot of snow to New England.
Deanna Stires's Body Found by Hunter in Woods
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
The last time Florida teen Deanna Stires was seen alive was on New
Ending weeks of searching, Stires' body was discovered Friday when a
stumbled across her remains in the woods east of Otter Creek.
Stires, 18, from Hernando County was reported missing shortly after New
Year's Day but until now no clues to her whereabouts had been found,
Denise Moloney with the Hernando County Sheriff's Office.
Liam Byrne inconsistent
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 18 hours ago
'Liam Byrne, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said the figures
underlined the need for a benefits cap. But he said the fact that the
highest claimants were in London showed the need for different caps in
different parts of the country.'
But no to regional pay for public sector workers?
Benefits families could pay off £1m mortgage - Telegraph
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 18 hours ago
TweetDeck: Twitter Bosses Sent Closure Letter
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
Sky News has obtained a letter sent to one of Twitter's UK companies by the
business regulator, giving it written warning of impending closure.
Cardiff-based Companies House sent the letter to the two American directors
of TweetDeck, at their registered London address.
The letter, dated January 22, stated: "The Registrar of Companies gives
notice that, unless cause is shown to the contrary, at the expiration of 3
months from the above date the name of TweetDeck Ltd will be struck off the
register and the company will be dissolved." more »
Still Trust Osborne?: Public Sector Net Borrowing Up By £600m
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
Public sector net borrowing has risen to £15.4bn in December - £600m higher
than in the same month in 2011.
The Office for National Statistics' data, which excludes financial
interventions like bank bailouts, were slightly higher than the £15.2bn
expected by economists - putting the UK's AAA rating under pressure.
"Again, as we've seen all the way through this age of austerity, the one
thing that has really been growing in line with GDP has been public sector
spending, and that appears to be continuing.
Police lieutenant Hans Walters Suspected of 'murdering wife and son before setting his house on fire and committing suicide'
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours ago
A Las Vegas police lieutenant is believed to have murdered his wife and
young son this morning before setting his house on fire and committing
suicide, police revealed.
Hans Walters, a 20-year veteran of the department, stepped outside his
burning house with a handgun and confronted officers before walking back
inside and killing himself, according to reports.
A neighbor heard Walters yell, 'I did not do this,' to the armed officers
who were closing in on his home in Boulder City, Nevada, 20 miles outside
Las Vegas. more »
SuspiciousObservers and messing-up Earth' data (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 18 hours ago
*His YouTube-channel has* intriguing contents. He (still) prefers to go
"SuspiciousObservers" reports about important planetary news, and that's
just a notch or so different from what you'll read in the New York Times or
see on RT. With daily "3 minutes" updates he has nearly 60.000 followers
and 9 million views! Earth is "in" these days...
*BUT...*! I don't like so much a possible "hidden" agenda from "hidden"
people. That's my opinion ánd suspicion. Look at *Dr. Keith Strong's channel
* here and you'll see what I mean. He believes in g... more »
Inside the dark and dangerous sewer homes made by vagrants in the drainage tunnels beneath the glitz of Las Vegas
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
Beneath the gaudy, blinding lights of Sin City, where the famous Las Vegsa
Strip never goes dark, untold number of homeless people have taken of
residence in the sewer tunnels, where the sun never shines.
Las Vegas attracts high-rollings gamblers, big spending tourists and the
biggest names in music and Hollywood - but it also has the highest
foreclosure rate in the nation and fourth-highest rate of homelessness.
Russia to outlaw 'homosexual propaganda' and ban public events that promote gay rights
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
A public kiss between two men could be defined as illegal 'homosexual
propaganda' and bring a fine of up to £10,000 if a bill that comes up for a
first vote this month becomes law in Russia.
The legislation being pushed by the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church
would make it illegal to tell minors information that is defined as
‘propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism.’
It includes a ban on holding public events that promote gay rights. more »
Uncovered, the 'toxic' gene hiding in GM crops: Revelation throws new doubt over safety of foods
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
A virus gene that could be poisonous to humans has been missed when GM
crops have been assessed for safety.
GM crops such as corn and soya, which are being grown around the world
both human and farm animal consumption, include the gene.
A new study by the EU's official food watchdog, the European Food Safety
Authority(EFSA), has revealed that the international approval process
GM crops failed to identify the gene.
Fierce Competition is Fair Competition
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 19 hours ago

"Fair competition" is a nice and neutral term that many sectors in society
can identify with. People love competition, the way they like Manny
Pacquiao competes with some of the world's great boxers on the ring, or the
country's Azkals soccer team competes with great soccer players in Asia.
But people normally do not like to hear "fierce competition" even if that's
the reality in sports and the same reality in many products that are
internationally traded like mobile phones, laptops, flat tv and cars. For
me, fierce competition is fair competition, the same way that free trade
is ... more »
SAS and spy planes set for Mali as Britain offer more support in battle against 'terrorist scourge' of Al Qaeda
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
Britain is to send spy planes, unmanned drones and special forces to Mali
to ‘find and dismantle’ the Al Qaeda network behind the slaughter in
In an escalation of the UK’s support for French forces fighting the
militants in the African country, David Cameron said he would commit
‘intelligence and counter terrorism assets’.
The Prime Minister said the UK must ‘act with an iron resolve’ to tackle
what he called a ‘generational struggle’ against the ‘scourge of terrorism’
after the Algerian attack. more »
More people now want to STAY in the EU, reveals shock poll ahead of Cameron's Big Speech on Wednesday
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago

More people would vote to stay in the European Union than exit for the
first time since David Cameron became Prime Minister.
Downing Street today announced Mr Cameron will deliver his long-awaited
much-trailed speech on Britain’s’ EU membership on Wednesday. He is
expected to promise a referendum on severing ties with Brussels.
*Who Voted in this Poll? will notice from the thousands of
comments, you will find it difficult to find ... more »
Poland president says no euro entry decision before 2015 ballots
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
Poland should not decide whether to adopt the euro until after elections in
2015, President Bronislaw Komorowski said, signaling the country's current
government should not set a deadline for membership.
Poland, which joined the European Union in 2004, is obliged to adopt the
euro at some point in the future.
Dangerous imbalances persist in euro zone
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
The euro zone crisis is entering a new, treacherous phase for governments,
which can only cross their fingers that slow-burn reforms will pay off
before voters get fed up with austerity and high unemployment.
On the face of it, 2013 should be a much less traumatic year than 2012 for
the 17-nation single-currency area.
Evidence of narcolepsy link to swine flu shot
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
Image: Emelie Olsson falls asleep as he watches television in her apartment
in Stockholm, January 17, 2013. Emelie is one of around 800 children in
Sweden and elsewhere in Europe who developed narcolepsy, an incurable sleep
disorder, after being immunised in 2009 with the Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu
vaccine made by British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline. Picture taken January
17, 2013.
Credit: Reuters/Ints Kalnins
Emelie is plagued by hallucinations and nightmares. When she wakes up,
she's often paralyzed, unable to breathe properly or call for help. During
the day she can barely stay awak... more »
Shun US 'tiger' and Japanese 'wolf', Chinese colonel warns
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
A Chinese military officer has raised the spectre of nuclear weapons and
warned Australia not to side with the United States and Japan as a
territorial dispute in the East China Sea continues to escalate.
Senior Colonel Liu Mingfu, of the National Defence University, blamed
America’s ‘‘orchestration’’ and Japan’s ‘‘militarism’’ for rising tensions
over disputed islands known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China.
‘‘America is the global tiger and Japan is Asia’s wolf and both are now
madly biting China,’’ Colonel Liu said. ‘‘Of all the animals, Chinese
people hate the wolf... more »
Terror in North Africa: are Westerners pulling the strings?
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
Canada is investigating an allegation by the Algerian Prime Minister that
one of its citizens co-ordinated the terror raid at the Saharan gas plant
in which dozens of hostages were killed.
Westerners, including a man with blond hair and blue eyes, are believed to
have been among the Islamist militants who launched last week’s attack on
the Tigantourine complex near Algeria’s border with Libya.
A French jihadist, previously unknown to authorities, and two Canadians are
suspected to have been involved in the hostage-taking, and reports also
claim that a man with a Western accent was a... more »
Canadian Man opens fire in Philippine court building, killing 2
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
A man believed to be a Canadian citizen opened fire in a court building in
the Philippines on Tuesday, killing two people and wounding himself and one
other person, authorities said.
The incident is likely to add to the debate over stricter controls on
firearms in the country, which has been rattled by a series of recent
The latest incident took place Tuesday morning at a building that houses
trial courts in the city of Cebu, according to a statement by the
Philippine Supreme Court.
Facing a criminal case in the courts, the gunman shot the complainant in
the case, who w... more »
Lupe Fiasco booted off stage after anti-Obama rant at inauguration bash
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
LUPE Fiasco has reportedly been escorted off stage after making
comments at an inauguration party Sunday night.
The Grammy-nominated rapper was headlining the event in Washington D.C,
his performance was cut short.
Attendees at the venue reported that Fiasco, well known for his
political comments, launched into a 30-minute anti-war rant, directed
partly President Barack Obama.
UN to sanction N. Korea space agency: diplomat
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
The UN Security Council will order sanctions against North Korea's space
agency in a resolution to be passed this week condemning the secretive
state's ballistic launch, a diplomat said.
The resolution, which also targets other government entities and
individuals linked to North Korea's nuclear weapons program, could be
passed by the 15-member council as early as tomorrow.
Defeat in German regional elections dents poll hopes of Merkel and heir
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
From outside Germany, Angela Merkel has long looked invincible. She has
come to symbolise Germany's political scene as Margaret Thatcher once did
But on Monday morning she saw her centre-right coalition narrowly ousted by
the opposition centre-left in a regional election that shifts the balance
of power in Germany and could have profound implications for her chances of
re-election in September.
Man Charged in Deaths of 3 Kurds in Paris
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
A man who had served as an occasional driver for a prominent Kurdish
separatist was charged Monday with killing her and two other Kurdish
activists in a Paris office almost two weeks ago.
The Paris prosecutor’s office gave the driver’s name as Omer Guney, 30, and
said he had been born in Turkey. It said that he was under investigation
over whether he had carried out the killings as part of a terrorist group,
and that he was likely to be detained pending trial.
Russia to evacuate citizens from Syria
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
Giving only the barest details, the Russian emergency situations ministry
said it was responding to a request from the country’s leaders.
The evacuees are likely to include staff from the embassy in Damascus,
where fighting between government forces and the rebels was yesterday
reported half a mile from the old city. Others are likely to be staff from
Russian companies that have a presence in Syria.
Rising prices for basic commodities and fuel shortages have made life
harder for residents of the capital. Though power cuts have become
frequent, the entire city of 2.5 million was with... more »
Gamma-ray burst 'hit Earth in 8th Century'
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago
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