Tuesday, January 22, 2013

22 January - My Yahoo!

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TODAY - January 22, 2013

Nordic Cochrane Centre comments on Independent UK Panel on Breast Cancer Screening

 Whilst they say  the report is a step in the right direction they point out several gross errors in the Panel’s conclusions.

Experts** Fear Collapse of Global Civilisation

Global collapse of human civilisation seems likely, write Ehrlich and his partner Anne Ehrlich in the prestigious science journal, Proceedings of the Royal Society.
This collapse will take the form of a “…gradual breakdown because famines, epidemics and resource shortages cause a disintegration of central control within nations, in concert with disruptions of trade and conflicts over increasingly scarce necessities”

There are some ?

Mexico Tearing Its Hair Out** Over Mercury

A 2012 study, “Patterns of Global Seafood Mercury Concentrations and their Relationship with Human Health,” conducted by David Evers, Madeline Turnquist and David Bucks, all researchers at the BRI, indicates that the highest mercury concentrations are found in the Gulfs of California and Mexico, on the border with the United States.

Somebody must be competing for the 'stupid headlines' title **

Syrian Refugees Face Storms With Cardboard

China’s Rising Soybean Consumption Reshaping Western Agriculture

Abandoning Nuclear Weapons – Lessons from South Africa


"the moral authority to develop its own nuclear electricity industry
without attracting international suspicion, as has most recently been
the case with Iran."
I wouldn't think the Iranian case as anything less than an explicit example of how the Third Pillar of the NPT securing civilian use of nuclear power is completely disregarded. Ditto Iraq ( which was destroyed using a meme of WMD threat despite IAEA inspections ). And then there is North Korea...which evidently decided - since it is still at war - that the NPT had to be sidelined due to breach of the treaties into which it entered to facilitate peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Financial Crimes Cost Developing World At Least a Trillion Dollars

Illicit financial outflows cost developing countries a total of 859 billion dollars in 2010, the latest year for which trade and other data compiled mainly by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank is available.

That sum was approximately 10 times the roughly 88 billion dollars provided to developing countries in official development assistance (ODA) that same year.

 No Basic Services for Oil Country

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