Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Environmental Activism ( Bias )

ShabanoYanomami.jpg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Search results for water and environment at bottom

Portrait of a young Choctaw woman her body tur...
Portrait of a young Choctaw woman her body turned to the left, her head turned back to the front, and her gaze directed toward the viewer. She wears a pair of earrings and an off-the-shoulder garment made of animal skin. Her long dark hair is parted in the middle and falls down over her back, Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 in. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Canadian journalist/activist Naomi Klein
Canadian journalist/activist Naomi Klein (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

QUELLING DISSENT: : How The Big Greens Contain & Dissolve Resistance 
Society & Culture (tags: violencepoliticsgovernmentculturecrimedishonestyethicspolicerightsdeathactivists ) 
 John - 5 days ago -

The incessant pursuit of the luxuries of modernity has reduced the earth and Indigenous peoples worldwide to being viewed as commodities that exist simply to provide "resources" for civil society.

Groundwork for Praxis [GFP] seeks to challenge the academic world which is held up as the primary site for higher education and works to foreground self determination for Native, Black and other migrant/diasporic/settler communities of color. As a collective we aim to build critical connections such as those between ongoing colonization and genocide of Native and Black communities, and how this relates to police violence, border imperialism, mass incarceration, militarism, and other violent forms of white supremacy and hetero-patriarchy that target non-white communities today.
Groundwork for Praxis examines the nuanced ways that larger structures and forces work together to reinforce institutionalized forms of oppression, which in turn ensure the continued commodification and destruction of the earth. This is part of a cyclic process– that in itself is a self-replicating system/structure– in which all of these systems of oppression inform and sustain one another.

Naomi Klein Disagrees with James Hansen on Nuclear Power - YouTube"

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Blogger opit said...

The worst part of 'nuclear power' is not foreseeable risks...but sabotaged designs.
Part V: From the United States Offering Iran Uranium Enrichment Technology to Suggestions for Creating Catastrophic Industrial Failure
Fukushima was part of a series of reactors funded by the World Bank. Both GE design engineers and construction contractor engineers quit over concerns for the storage of 'spent' fuel in an earthquake zone. US reactor designs are those for nuclear submarines. Siting - even and especially in the USA - is insane except if as designed destruction and catastrophe.
The crazy part is that climate change is inevitable - and natural. The IPCC can flog global carbon tax ( taxing the use of fire ! ) administrated by itself as much as it likes - and pay scientists to do research where results are fudged and parameters do not include reasonable possibilities or allow for limitations in both data and knowledge of process - for instance a recent article in Science Digest noted that CO 2 does not break down merely under photosynthesis - and a warmer world is associated with increased plant growth and more of that activity - but actually breaks down without intervention in the upper atmosphere.
Fraud is a proven result of such activity.
But the real stupidity is this : they want to represent that they can reliably predict the future - scientifically. :) Whatever happened to falsification ?
October 8, 2014 at 9:37 PM

The Last Gasp of Climate Change Liberals

"some of the groups backing the march are little more than corporate fronts." We need to highlight the fact that the United Nations has sold out to corporate interests. 
The fossil fuel industry and corporations, from ExxonMobil to Koch Industries, underwrite political campaigns and author our legislation. They have stacked the courts with their judges and the airwaves with their apologists. They fund our scientific research and have effectively silenced dissidents. This corporate reach extends to the United Nations. Companies set up exhibition halls at U.N. climate summits promoting various corporate schemes to profit from the climate crisis, from “clean” coal and biofuel to nuclear power and carbon trading. Those who attempt to offer a counter narrative, especially after the disruptions at the climate summit in Copenhagen in 2009, are swiftly silenced by U.N. security. 


Former Thatcher adviser documents fraud by global body

Lord Monckton on what happened when he took the floor at COP18 ... This year'sclimate conference in Qatar – though in the public eye 

An Honest Climate Debate
More than 50 Australian academics have signed a letter urging the university to cancel the speech on the basis that Lord Monckton ”stands for the kind of ignorance and superstition that universities have a duty to counter”.
Minchin: What first made you suspect the “climate change” research of recent decades was skewed?
Monckton: The CEO of a boutique finance house in the City of London asked me to have a look at “global warming” because his analysts could not decide whether it was real or not. I first realized something was wrong when I wanted to find out how to convert radiative forcings in Watts per square meter to temperature in Kelvin, but not once in 1,000 pages did the IPCC’s 2001 science assessment report reveal the existence of the Stefan-Boltzmann radiative-transfer equation, without which one cannot even begin the calculation. So obscurantist was the IPCC’s methodology for determining climate sensitivity that it took me two years to research the underlying equations, some of which I had to derive for myself. A scientific establishment that was confident of its results would have explained the matter clearly and concisely.
Do not dare disagree with us!

BAGHDAD — The Islamic State militants who have rampaged across northern Iraq are increasingly using water as a weapon, cutting off supplies to villages resisting their rule and pressing to expand their control over the country’s water infrastructure.

The threat from the jihadists is so critical that U.S. forces are bombing the militants close to both the Mosul and Haditha dams — Iraq’s largest — on a near-daily basis. But the radical Islamists continue to menace both facilities, clashing on Tuesday with Iraqi troops near the Haditha dam.

The Sunni militants want to seize the dams to bolster their claim they are building an actual state. They have already taken over large swaths of Iraq and Syria, and, as part of their latest offensive, have been besieging the Syrian town of Kobani in an effort to secure another piece of the country’s border with Turkey. The U.S.-led coalition on Tuesday escalated its airstrikes around Kobane, blunting the assailants’ offensive.

Read more ....

My* Comment: Water and electricity is the lifeblood for any community .... the Islamic State is learning that lesson to their benefit.

* War News

My original posts on water as a weapon of war were at My Opera - so disregard links to that discontinued utility.


Sydney Morning Herald
The peak body for wind and solar power has defended a plan to exempt the aluminium industry from the federal renewable energy target, saying it would come at only a trivial cost to consumers. The Clean Energy Council (CEC) believes that by offering up ...
After repealing the country's carbon tax, investments dived 70% this year as the government decides whether to also eliminate or scale back the Renewable Energy Target (RET). Year-to-date, just $238 million has been invested in seven projects, the ...
Midwest Energy News
Despite strong public support for renewableenergy expansion in Michigan, three state lawmakers have introduced legislation that would repeal Michigan's 10 percentrenewable energy standard. State Rep. Tom McMillin, a Republican from suburbs north of ...
Chicago Tribune
SANTIAGO, Chile — With the sunniest desert on Earth, a windswept coast and limited fossil fuel supplies, northern Chile has become the world's top market for renewable energy. The government of President Michelle Bachelet has approved 76 solar and ...
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The Crimson While
For 75 minutes every Monday and Wednesday, Ellen Spears, an assistant professor of American studies at The University of Alabama, instructs students on a new perspective on Southern history: itsecology. The course, cross-listed in the departments of ...
Ecology Global Network
Conservation International, (CI) a non-profit that operates around the world working on topics related to ecosystems, biodiversity and human well-being recently launched the “Nature is Speaking” campaign, a series of videos featuring the voices of ...
Patheos (blog)
Healing this rift is possible only through a profound shift in our collective consciousness. This constellation of ideas can be called “Deep Ecology”. This is the fifth in a 6-part series about some of “branches” of Deep Ecology. This essay was ...
Santa Cruz Sentinel
The plan is in collaboration with EcologyAction, which will host a six-hour workshop at the school Oct. 11. The free workshop begins with a information session and ends with working on the school's lawn itself. The workshop, called "Losing Your Lawn ...
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Washington Post
BAGHDAD — The Islamic State militants who have rampaged across northern Iraq are increasingly using water as a weapon, cutting off supplies to villages that resist their rule and pressing to expand their control over the country's water infrastructure.
KSAT San Antonio
CARRIZO SPRINGS - A major water main break, which left parts of Dimmit County and the city of Carrizo Springs without water has been repaired according to city officials. The ruptured line affected as many as 10,000 people.
Los Angeles Times
Countering its image as the state's waterwaster, Southern California rallied during the summer and dramatically cut its water use, new state numbers show. The State WaterResources Control Board on Tuesday announced that Californians sharply cut their ...
There are essentially two elements—calcium and magnesium—in very specific proportions that make the water in the New York metro area unique. Fortunately, the ratio of those two ingredients to other minerals also happen to be ideal for baking ...
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