
The People's Voice
Many believe that project blue beam is a program developed by NASA to simulate a fake UFO event or the second coming of Christ.
Many believe that project blue beam is a program developed by NASA to simulate a fake UFO event or the second coming of Christ.
Democracy Now!
"The CIA and Allen Dulles told Eisenhower after the Guatemala coup, 'Oh, it was a clean coup. You know, hardly anyone died.' But the fact is, tens of thousands of people died in the killing fields of Guatemala as a result of that coup, and that violence continues today." - David Talbot
"The CIA and Allen Dulles told Eisenhower after the Guatemala coup, 'Oh, it was a clean coup. You know, hardly anyone died.' But the fact is, tens of thousands of people died in the killing fields of Guatemala as a result of that coup, and that violence continues today." - David Talbot
The People's Voice
A new book claims that former CIA director Allen Dulles ordered JFK’s assassination because he was a ‘threat to national security’
A new book claims that former CIA director Allen Dulles ordered JFK’s assassination because he was a ‘threat to national security’
The People's Voice
Richard Branson claims that he has been shown a report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) that calls on governments worldwide to end the “war on drugs” and to decriminalise the use and possession of all illegal substances.
Richard Branson claims that he has been shown a report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) that calls on governments worldwide to end the “war on drugs” and to decriminalise the use and possession of all illegal substances.
The People's Voice
U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter said last week that the U.S. would “take all necessary steps to deter Russia’s malign and destabilizing influence, coercion and aggression”.
U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter said last week that the U.S. would “take all necessary steps to deter Russia’s malign and destabilizing influence, coercion and aggression”.
( Will take all steps to maligne Russia. Fixed That. )
Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization)
Garikai Chengu: October 20, marks the four-year anniversary of the US-backed assassination of Libya’s former leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and the decline into chaos of one of Africa’s greatest nations. In 1967 Colonel Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa; by the time he was assassinated, he had transformed Libya into Africa’s richest nation. Prior to the US-led bombing campaign in 2011, Libya had the highest Human Development Index, the lowest infant mortality and the highest life expectancy in all of Africa.
Garikai Chengu: October 20, marks the four-year anniversary of the US-backed assassination of Libya’s former leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and the decline into chaos of one of Africa’s greatest nations. In 1967 Colonel Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa; by the time he was assassinated, he had transformed Libya into Africa’s richest nation. Prior to the US-led bombing campaign in 2011, Libya had the highest Human Development Index, the lowest infant mortality and the highest life expectancy in all of Africa.

Unify's photo.
4 hrs
Organic Consumers Association
Big Ag wants the world to believe industrial farming is the key to feeding the world. But there is no global food shortage. What we have is a crisis of overproduction, and a failure of distribution. Read more:http://orgcns.org/15d7eax
Big Ag wants the world to believe industrial farming is the key to feeding the world. But there is no global food shortage. What we have is a crisis of overproduction, and a failure of distribution. Read more:http://orgcns.org/15d7eax
The People's Voice
A study from the 1990’s concluded that children who were vaccinated were more likely to suffer from various illness and chronic conditions
NATO and its allies have launched one of the biggest military drills in recent history in the central Mediterranean.
"The Mississippi Supreme Court, back in 1995, declared that the quality of representation for poor defendants 'goes to the very heart of how we as a civilized society assure equal justice to rich and poor alike.' Unfortunately, 20 years later, some counties in Mississippi are spending less than $2 per capita on indigent defense. To make matters worse for poor defendants, there is no state oversight of this patchwork system. Circuit court judges are the highest legal officers in the counties, and the only check on their judgement is the ballot box."
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