Northrop Grumman Will Build America's Next Long-Range Bomber
*Reuters: **U.S. picks Northrop Grumman to build next long-range bomber* Northrop Grumman Corp, maker of the stealth B-2 bomber, beat out a Boeing Co and Lockheed Martin Corp team to develop and build a next-generation long-range strike bomber, the U.S. Defense Department said on Tuesday. The announcement ended months of anticipation and marked the biggest contract award by the Pentagon in over a decade, a deal analysts have said could be valued at up to $80 billion if the U.S. Air Force buys all 100 stealth bombers now planned. But Boeing told employees late Tuesday it would "rig... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth”
Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Akb1t37T4E
Vacation Rental Sites Could Go Belly-Up If Forced To Pay Like The Rest Of Us
*by Denise Sullivan* It hasn't been a great month in public relations for the so-called "sharing economy," at least here at the industry's ground zero, not-so-affectionately known as San Francisco 2.0. Here, even regular citizens-- and not even particularly politicized ones-- are starting to get hip to what unfettered capitalism and unregulated business looks like in their town now that the umpteenth Uber driver was accused of threatening a female passenger with sexual violence, followed by Airbnb's appallingly tone-deaf ad campaign calling out public works and employees. The hom... more »
Canada To Drop The F-35 Purchase. Will Restart The Competition For A New Fighter Jet
F-35. Lockheed Martin photo *Reuters:* *Canada Liberals to start fighter competition afresh* Oct 26 Canada's incoming Liberal government intends to completely restart the competition for fighter jets to replace its aging CF-18s, rather than relying on the proposals already made under the outgoing Conservatives, a Liberal source said on Monday. He said the Liberals, who declared during their successful election campaign that they would not buy Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 stealth fighters, would put out a new "request for proposals," with a redesigned list of what the new planes wil... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Have you ever seen the Pleiades star cluster? Even if you have, you probably have never seen it like this: all dusty. Perhaps the most famous star cluster on the sky, the bright stars of the Pleiades can be seen without binoculars from even the depths of a light-polluted city. With a long exposure from a dark location, though, the dust cloud surrounding the Pleiades star cluster becomes very evident. *Click image for larger size.* The above exposure took about 30 hours and covers a sky area several times the size of the full moon. Also known as the Seven Sisters and M45, the Pleia... more »
"We Learn..."
“We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.” - Samuel Smiles
Chet Raymo, “Shaving Close”
*“Shaving Close”* by Chet Raymo "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life," wrote Thoreau famously in Walden. The trick, of course, is knowing what is essential. What was essential for Thoreau- the pond, the bean patch, the sounds of night- might not be essential for, say, the ballerina, or the contemplative monk, or the doctor in Darfur. It is what Thoreau said next that unites them all: "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life... more »
The Poet: Langston Hughes, "Mother To Son"
*"Mother To Son"* by Langston Hughes "Well, son, I'll tell you: Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor— Bare. But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on, And reachin' landin's, And turnin' corners, And sometimes goin' in the dark Where there ain't been no light. So, boy, don't you turn back. Don't you set down on the steps. 'Cause you finds it's kinder hard. Don't you fall now— For I'se still goin', honey, I'se still climbin', And life for me ain't been no crystal stair."
MENA Report ( October 27-28 , 2015 ) - Iraq / Syria Regional War - Battlefield updates - US going to put boots on the ground in Iraq , political updates ...... Saudi Arabia Updates - Yemen involvement takes deadly turn as MFS Hospital bombed , Saudis talk with Russia on resolving Syria conflict , Saudi domestic terror rising - sectarianism on the rise at home ...... Libya " Ball of Confusion " continues - Questions on who shot-down Helicopter with key official onboard from Tripoli Government , Dialogue Talks occurring this week ? How likely , with everything else going on - good luck with that ?
Links...... *Saudi Airstrikes Destroy MSF Hospital in Yemen* *US Officials Asked About Hospital Days Before Bombing It* *US to Launch Ground Action in Iraq, Syria* *Turkey 'Repeatedly Opened Fire' on Kurd Fighters in Northern Syria* Iraq Executes Prisoners; 120 Killed Across Country Murdered Iraq Trade Ministry Official Was About to Expose Corruption: Officials Germany Mulls 'Specific Strengths' to Offer Iraq in Fight Against ISIS Al-Qaeda Commander Explains How the Group Is Using ISIS to Make Itself Look 'Moderate' Russia Says Flew 164 ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
*Click image for larger size.* Linton, N. Dakota, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
“Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Unravelling Of The Iran Nuclear Deal
*Brett Stephens, WSJ*: *Iran’s Indecent Proposal* *Khamenei haggles over the price of American surrender.* The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—better known as the Iran nuclear deal—was officially adopted Sunday, Oct. 18. That’s nine days ago. It’s already a dead letter. Not that you would have noticed by reading the news or tuning in to State Department or White House briefings. It’s too embarrassing to an administration that has invested all of its diplomatic capital in the deal. Also, too inconvenient to the commodity investors, second-tier banks, European multinationals and ... more »
"If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire—then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems. You will live longer." ~ Sigmund Wollman, quoted by Robert Fulghum, "Uh-Oh", 1991 "For thirty years now, in times of stress and strain, when something has me backed against the wall and I'm ready to do something really stupid with my anger, a sorrowful face appears in my mind and asks... "Problem or inconvenience?" I think of this as the Wollman Test of... more »
7 Reasons You Won’t Start Studying Until It’s Too Late, and What to Do About It
[image: studying - 400] For most of us, the experience of studying for an exam can be captured in one word: panic. You've got 18 hours, exhausted, and sitting there staring at an equations sheet full of gibberish. Whyyy? Why didn't I start earlier?... Continue reading *“7 Reasons You Won’t Start Studying Until It’s Too Late, and What to Do About It”* at *lifehack.org*.
UN: Syria 'Largest Displacement Crisis in Modern Times'
*Video Title: UN: Syria 'Largest Displacement Crisis in Modern Times.' Source: AP. Date Published: October 27, 2015. Description:* The United Nations is estimating that 13.5 million people in Syria are now in need of humanitarian assistance and some form of protection _ including more than six million children. (Oct. 27).
Survey: Not many EnZedders care about rugby.
[image: image] *Frame from survey by Uni of Auckland Stupidity Department* Today’s story about rugby is that not many EnZedders care about rugby. Turns out that at least one sociologist cares little for accuracy. *[image: _Quote5]Associate Professor Toni Bruce, from the Faculty of Education and Social Work, **is conducting a survey on people’s experiences of and attitudes towards the Rugby World Cup* *, based on similar surveys in 2007 and 2011. The sport sociologist, who is a rugby fan, says the results so far in 2015 reveal a group of New Zealanders, which she calls “the ... more »
While the Old System Crashes a New One is Being Built
*Phillip J. Watt* - As the powers that be fight to keep a failing system alive, a new one is growing up in its place. The post While the Old System Crashes a New One is Being Built appeared first on Waking Times.
The Declining Russian Defense Budget
Russia's 2016 budget marks the first time since 2011 that military spending will not drastically increase year-on-year. Denis Grishkin / Vedomosti *Moscow Times*: *Russian Military Spending to Increase by Less Than 1% Next Year* Russia's defense spending is set to increase by a modest 0.8 percent next year, falling far short of the estimated 10 percent annual budget increases required over the next five years to hit equipment modernization targets mandated by President Vladimir Putin. Russian military expenditure has been rising since 2011, when the government launched a massive 2... more »
Maureen O’Hara Said Secret to Her Longevity was Saying a ‘Hail Mary’ Every Night
[image: Maureen-O-Hara-classic_cropped_compressed] After seeing "Miracle on 34th Street" and "The Quiet Man" umpteen times in my life, it was an honor meeting Maureen O'Hara twice in the last 20 years. Continue reading *“Maureen O’Hara Said Secret to Her Longevity was Saying a ‘Hail Mary’ Every Night”* at *patheos.com*.
Liberal Pharisees in the Catholic Church
[image: liberal pharisees] Conservative Catholicism -- the Catholicism that developed as a protective bulwark against progressive distortions at the Second Vatican Council -- has largely been a resounding success over the past 40 years. But last year it was delivered a sobering blow... Continue reading *“Liberal Pharisees in the Catholic Church”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Dodged Another Bullet-- Budget Deal Doesn't Really Suck!
Boehner's revenge on the GOP's far right fringe? Yesterday afternoon brought word that Obama and Boehner had come close to reaching a deal to raise the debt limit until March 2017 and bust sequestration spending limits by $112 billion, split evenly between defense and domestic spending. It lets Ryan off the hook and will let the right-wing loons all vent on Boehner as he packs up his gold clubs and heads back to Ohio-- and it also guarantees that there will be no threat of another Republican government shut down between now and the 2016 election. [ *UPDATE:* And here's the bill, all r... more »
New lyrics for our national anthem. To make it a little bit harder for new governments to lie
Fee, Chris and KJ have the answer... SOURCE Channel 4FactCheck: the tax credit crunch explained The Treasury is proposing cutting the income thresholds for tax credits – that’s the amount of money you can earn before your tax credits begin to be withdrawn. If a new piece of legislation is passed, people will start seeing their Working Tax Credit reduced after they earn £3,850 instead of £
Ukrainians Go To The Polls In Local Elections. Exit Polls Reveal Widespread Dissatisfaction And An East-West Split
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his wife, Marina, vote in local elections ini Kyiv on October 25. Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast: *They’re Brawling at the Polls in Ukraine* *A large segment of the country couldn’t participate, and other parts didn’t dare. But for all the uproar, a faint scent of peace is in the air.* It was better, at least, than fighting in a war. The balloting in Ukraine’s local elections on Sunday was messy and sometimes violent. Candidates and voters lost their tempers, smashed each other’s faces, fractured digits and twisted arms at polling sites in Melit... more »
"Memory, Meanings, Moments and Madness: Wanderers In No Man's Land"
"Memory, Meanings, Moments and Madness: Wanderers In No Man's Land" by Chris Floyd "Zachary Mason's remarkable novel, "The Lost Books of the Odyssey," is based on a grain of fact. Before the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey were crystallized and canonized in the books of Homer sometime in the 8th century B.C., various (and often conflicting) tales of the Trojan War and its heroes had floated around in various forms for hundreds of years. Some of these variants survive in fragments of other ancient works, like ghostly echoes of alternative universes. Mason's intriguing fictional c... more »
America Is Losing Its Allies In The Middle East
Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad enter a hall during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow. (REUTERS/ALEXEI DRUZHININ/RIA NOVOSTI/KREMLIN) *Eli Lake & Josh Rogin, Bloomberg*: *U.S. Is Driving Mideast Allies Toward Putin* America’s traditional Middle East allies, having run out of patience with President Barack Obama's policy in Syria, are now reaching out to a resurgent Russia -- even though it is bolstering the very dictator so many of them have pushed to leave power. Some in Washington see the new ties as a threat to U.S. interests, esp... more »
Fukushima is Extra Pixilated this Morning
and what is that sticking out from unit 1? Unit 4 Cam View also looks bad: I'm not sure what is above unit 3 in the cropped screenshot below either:
Praying Football Coach Gets Reinforcements: Congressional Prayer Caucus Leaders Intervene
[image: Coach Kennedy - 900] Congress has intervened in a Washington school district dispute where a football coach who was forbidden from praying midfield after games has filed suit against the district, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The Congressional Prayer Caucus Chairmen sent a... more »
I was a Republican like my parents until the election of John Kennedy whereupon I became a Democrat. Add to that the fact that a movie actor was elected as the 40th President of the United States offended me. Now I have given in to Paul Craig Roberts pointing out that Ronald Reagan was perhaps the only sitting president to prevent a war rather than start one. Moreover, as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Policy under Reagan, PCR played an important role in ending the hyper-inflation that Jimmy Carter was unable to contain. So PCR is my hero and now Jimmy Carter is his! And in his column below, PCR cites myriad evidence -- "which will never emerge from Fox 'News" -- that "Washington is using ISIS in an illegal attempt to overthrow an elected government that will not submit to being a Washington puppet." PCR further points out that Washington's covert efforts to topple the Syrian government is a war crime and that "President Putin has said that Russia will not stand for any more war crimes from Washington in areas of the world that affect Russian national interests."
------------------------------ *Bring Back Jimmy Carter! — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ October 27, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *Bring Back Jimmy Carter!* Paul Craig Roberts Caught with its pants down in Syria, the US government is making a fool of itself. By attempting to mischaracterize Russia’s actions against ISIS in Syria, Washington has admitted that the terrorists from outside Syria, who are attempting to overthrow the elected government of Syria, are “our... more »
I’d like to have a beer at Wendy’s
One of the few times I’ve enjoyed going into McDonalds was in Belgium. I enjoyed it because I got to order a beer off the menu. It wasn’t a great beer, but it was a beer. And it came on the tray with whatever else it was I ordered. If I didn’t want their beer I could have red or white wine or, from memory, some kind of vodka-based thing. This is how they do things in Europe. It felt right. It felt civilised. Christchurch deputy-mayor Vicky Buck however is a very uncivilised kind of a woman. Vicky Buck would rather not have them done that way in Christchurch. *She thought it wa... more »
The Economy: “The Latest (and Dumbest) Central Bank Fraud”
*“The Latest (and Dumbest) Central Bank Fraud”* by Bill Bonner WATERFORD, Ireland – “You go for a nice picnic on the slopes of Vesuvius… You spread out your tablecloth. You open your picnic hamper. You prepare for a relaxing afternoon in the warm October sun. And then someone comes running down the mountain, warning that the volcano is going to blow up. You pack up your sausages and put a cork in the wine bottle… and rush to the car and drive away. Better to be safe than sorry. And then? Nothing happens. Most of the time, you can safely ignore the nervous nellies and prophetic Cass... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 27, 2015
*Peter Grier, CSM:* *US warship in South China Sea: What's at stake?* The US often uses its warships in freedom-of-navigation exercises. This patrol was public, and meant to be so, in a way that such moves usually aren't. The passage of a United States Navy destroyer near one of China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea may mark the reemergence of traditional geopolitical tensions in a region long preoccupied with domestic economic concerns. In other words, this is about much more than a warship far from home sailing within a few miles of a bunch of rocks. *Commentaries,... more »
The Best Gifts for Someone on Bed Rest
I once had a friend who told me I was so lucky to be on bed rest with my pregnancy. Lucky? It was literally one of the hardest things I have ever done. Not only do you have to turn over control to everyone else in your life from everything like helping your children get dressed and pick up their rooms to dinner. The most frustrating part? The boredom. I have never been so bored in my life. I use to crave normal things like shopping for shoes with my daughter or even going on a walk. If you are looking to make a mom who is on bed rest's life a little easier here are some gift ideas ... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #105 Galactic Trash Disposal
[10/27/15, 8:57:14 PM] Terran: AK: This is a random thought on my part, but how does the SA dispose of waste items, broken tech, worn out clothes, etc? Is there a reverse replicator for trash? [10/27/15, 11:46:42 PM] *DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN YOU MIGHT CALL IT A DEREPLICATOR OR A DISREPLICATOR. IT IS KNOWN TO US AS A VACUUM-BOX DEVICE IN WHICH ITEMS CAN BE "RECYCLED" INTO AETHER. IN LOVEJOY. END.* [10/27/15, 11:52:27 PM] Terran: Do you extract energy from that process or it just makes stuff vanish? [10/27/15, 11:53:01 PM] Terran: Trash is a huge issue on Earth. [10/27/15, 11:53:52... more »
New Allies in Northern Syria don't share US goals? McClatchy Obfuscates
*Keep in mind that claims of ‘unintended consequences/implications’ are subterfuge, plain and simple as you read this McClatchy article:* *Full Definition of SUBTERFUGE1: deception by artifice or strategem in order to conceal, escape, or evade2: a deceptive device or stratagem * Get ready to wring your hands and fret*:* *"New allies in northern Syria don’t seem to share U.S. goals"* How something 'seems' is often different from reality! *First*: the new allies aren’t new. The US has been working alongside the Kurds for many years. *Second*: The Kurds certainly do share US/Israel... more »
Dear Andrew Lloyd Webber
Dear Andrew, *Re: Tax Credits Vote in the House of Lords* Never a fan, so this ain't going to pull lines punning your substantial contributions to musical theatre. Instead, I've avoided them and and baked in a healthy dollop of fury and disgust. That is because you sir, with your 650 millions, power to make and break careers, and alchemical capacity to transmute box office manure into gold, are among the lowest of the low. You epitomise everything that is small-minded, rotten, and hypocritical about the establishment you serve. Not because of who you are, but because you're prepar... more »
The Curious Case of Azerbaijan and Its Jew-Loving Muslims
[image: Jewish shtetl - 400] In April, the Kantor Center in Tel Aviv released a report highlighting that 2014 was one of the worst years for anti-Semitism in the last decade. This coincided with Israel's war in Gaza against Hamas. Many of the anti-Semitic incidents... Continue reading *“The Curious Case of Azerbaijan and Its Jew-Loving Muslims”* at *forward.com*.
Reuters National Online Poll of Likely Voters: Carson 33, Trump, 26, Rubio 10, Cruz 8
[image: Republican presidential hopefuls, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (L) smiles as real estate magnate Donald Trump speaks after they arrived on stage for the Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California on September 16, 2015. Republican presidential candidates collectively turned their sights on frontrunner Donald Trump at the party's second debate, taking aim at his lack of political experience and his sometimes abrasive style.] I know what you're going to say. It's an online poll. The sample is small, just 277 Republican ... more »
Millionaire Composer Flew From New York To Vote Austerity For The Poor
Musicals millionaire composer, Andrew Lloyd Webber, flew in from New York for the opening night of his eternally running musical, Cats. The successful producer wasted no time in also attending a House of Lords’ voting session. The Tory life peer unsuccessfully voted in favour of the government’s plan to cut tax credits for the nation’s poor. The mega rich impresario is reported to have flown nearly 3,500 miles to help out his fellow Tory peers impose austerity on Britain’s hard working poor families and to diminish the value of the Upper House. The International Business Times repor... more »
Chinese company to buy Texas oil fields in $1.3 billion deal
Texas Permian Basin http://money.cnn.com/2015/10/26/news/companies/china-texas-oilfields/index.html *Chinese company to buy Texas oil fields in $1.3 billion deal* By Sophia Yan @sophia_yan Boone Pickens: Goldman way off on $20 oil A Chinese investment firm is shelling out $1.3 billion to buy giant oil fields in Texas, reflecting growing interest from China in U.S. energy resources. Yantai Xinchao will acquire oil assets in the* western Texas Permian Basin* that are currently owned by *Tall City Exploration *and* Plymouth Petroleum*. The deal is part of a larger transaction betwe... more »
Dangers of mid trial R 21 motion
Holgate v. Sheehan Estate, 2015 ONCA 717: [28] The issues raised by the appellants – albeit unsuccessfully – demonstrate the challenges and potential pitfalls involved when a r. 21 motion is entertained by a trial judge. [29] In this case, the trial judge's initiative in inviting a mid-trial r. 21 motion was clearly designed to narrow the issues and streamline the trial. These objectives are commendable. Unfortunately, however, the initiative produced the opposite result. The mid-trial motion resulted in a bifurcated trial, created the possibility for two appeals to... more »
General Motors To Recall 1.4 Million Cars That Are A Fire Hazard
General Motors is recalling cars for the third time in eight years, after failing to resolve an oil leak issue that leads to engine fires breaking out. The Daily Mail reports: The recall, which covers 1.4 million vehicles dating to the 1997 model year, is needed because repairs from the first two didn’t work. More than 1,300 cars caught fire after they were fixed by dealers, the company said. In the previous recalls in 2008 and 2009, GM told owners to park the cars outside until repairs can be made since most of the fires happened shortly after drivers turned off the engines. A spok... more »
Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Can’t Find a Doctor to Perform Abortions
[image: Empty Gynecological Table - 900] A Wisconsin Planned Parenthood is suspending abortions, apparently because it cannot find a doctor willing to do the job. The Planned Parenthood Appleton North Health Center told a local ABC News affiliate the clinic stopped providing abortions Oct. 14, and will not resume the procedures... more »
Jeb Bush Proposes Overhaul of Social Security, Medicare
[image: Jeb Bush speaking at CPAC 2015 in Washington, DC.] MIAMI (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is proposing significant changes to Social Security and Medicare to keep the costly federal entitlement programs on solid financial footing. Bush outlined his proposals on the website Medium.com on Tuesday, the day... more »
Freedom Caucus Member Mark Meadows: I Call on All Candidates for Speaker to Oppose This Terrible Budget Deal
[image: Paul Ryan2 - 406] That's the same Mark Meadows, of course, who ushered Boehner towards the exit by threatening to bring a motion to vacate the chair for precisely this sort of budgetary sellout. Your move, Paul Ryan. For weeks, behind closed doors the... Continue reading *“Freedom Caucus Member Mark Meadows: I Call on All Candidates for Speaker to Oppose This Terrible Budget Deal”* at *hotair.com* .
The Failure of the Family Widens America’s Economic and Cultural Divides
[image: family - 400] There is no longer a common American living experience. There is no longer even the possibility of consensus around the proper role of government in American lives. The decline of the family is altering American life so profoundly that the... Continue reading *“The Failure of the Family Widens America’s Economic and Cultural Divides”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Oct. 27: School days....
My first year of teaching was grade 7. As I entered the room on that first day, what I saw was six rows of desks, six perfectly straight rows with the teacher's desk in the place of authority at the front of the room. As the students came in, I helped them arrange their desks in any way they liked - circles of friends, small groups of two or three…. Then the principal came in to see how I was doing. “Oh, no, Mr. Decarie. They must be in rows. Six rows. And rows so straight that when I look at the head of a child in front, I shouldn't be able to see the other heads at all.” Well, of... more »
Ramey Memo and Victims of the Wreck
We have been privileged to learn the importance of the Ramey memo based not on the research currently underway but on the opinion that there is no alien visitation so that there is nothing in the memo to lead in that direction. We’re told that even if it says, “Victims of the wreck,” as many UFO researchers suggest, it doesn’t mean that what fell was alien. It seems that we should just give up because we all know there is no alien visitation and continued attempts to read the memo are a waste of time. Can the Ramey memo clarify this situation? Actually, yes. There are some things w... more »
World News Briefs -- October 27, 2015 (Evening Edition)
Reuters: *U.S. to intensify fight against Islamic State militants: Pentagon chief* The U.S. military will intensify air strikes and may carry out more direct ground attacks as it steps up efforts against Islamic State militants following a failed bid to train Syrian rebels, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told lawmakers on Tuesday. Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee just days after a U.S. soldier was killed participating in a Kurdish-led mission to rescue Islamic State hostages, Carter indicated that similar missions were likely in the future as U.S. forces adapt to the... more »
White House At Odds Over Saudi Air-Strikes In Yemen. War Crimes Allegations Are Now Being Raised
*Politico:* Obama officials at odds over Saudi airstrikes As civilian casualties mount in Yemen, some worry the U.S. is abetting war crimes. Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes in Yemen, conducted with U.S. assistance, are alleged to have killed at least 1,500 civilians, dividing members of the Obama administration over whether the U.S. risks being accused of abetting war crimes in a bombing campaign that could ultimately strengthen Islamist militants. the opposing sides in Yemen, one of the clearest examples of the intensifying Saudi-Iran proxy war in the Middle East. But even as reports ... more »
House Introduces Resolution to Impeach IRS Commissioner
[image: IRS Commissioner - 400] WASHINGTON--Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and 18 members of the Committee introduced a resolution to begin proceedings in the U.S. House of Representatives to impeach Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen. In introducing... Continue reading *“House Introduces Resolution to Impeach IRS Commissioner”* at *oversight.house.gov*.
Planned Parenthood Video 11: The Perfect Partial Birth Abortion — ‘Something to Strive For’
[image: Video 11] Those of you repulsed by the latest sting video showing a couple of abortionists gushing about the wonders of partial birth abortions -- well, you just don't get it. In a world where Glamour's Woman of the Year is a... more »
Ancient Greek Treasure Found Inside Mycenaean Warrior’s Tomb
Archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati have unearthed a huge hoard of Greek treasure next to the skeleton of an ancient warrior. The warrior has lain undisturbed for over 3,500 years in a tomb on the site of the Palace of Nestor, according to an announcement by the Greek culture ministry on Monday who added that the treasure is “the most important to have been discovered in 65 years” in continental Greece. Art Daily reports: The wooden coffin of the unknown soldier — evidently a person of some importance — was found on the site of the Mycenaean-era Palace of Nestor on Gree... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'EUGENICS'
. http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2015/10/27/eugenics/ --
Amish Man Challenges Photo ID Requirement To Purchase Firearms
An Amish man from Pennsylvania is suing the US government because he says the photographic identification he needs in order to buy a gun, violates his rights. Andrew Hertzler filed a suit on Friday in the US Middle District Court claiming that the photo ID requirement violates both the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and his constitutional right to bear arms. Sky News reports: In a case uniting two of America’s most potent cultural issues, guns and religion, Andrew Hertzler argues his faith has been “substantially burdened” by the rule that he must have a photo of himself taken. ... more »
Ted Strickland Spent A Lot Of Time In Congress Voting WITH Rob Portman And Against Sherrod Brown
Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland has been very careful to not do any debates with his progressive Democratic opponent, P.G. Sittenfeld. Watching the video of the two of them above, a very rare instance of them sharing a podium-- at a Hamilton County Democratic Party fundraiser Strickland couldn't worm his way out of-- it's pretty easy to understand why Strickland is so scared to debate Sittenfeld. Will He be too scared to debate Rob Portman too? Of course with those two, they agree on so much, what would they debate anyway? Sittenfeld's energy and youth-- and his skill as a sp... more »
Nickey Hager: Ugly man, ugly invasion of his property
I’m surprised it’s taken so long for this story to become a thing. In searching for the source of the data used in his book *Dirty Politics*, the police enlisted the aid of Hager’s bank, Westpac, who happily handed over to them all his private banking information including over 10 months of his banking transactions from all of his accounts. This was all handed over without a warrant. *The revelation Westpac handed over author Nicky Hager's bank records to the police - without so much as a by-your-leave from the courts - should send a shiver down the spine. It ought, too, t... more »
FBI, Justice Dept to Investigate Video Showing SC Deputy Tossing Student to Floor
[image: SC deputy - 900] COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- The Justice Department opened a civil rights investigation Tuesday after a deputy flipped a student backward in her desk and tossed her across the floor for refusing to leave her math class. Federal help was... more »
Mike Davis : Billionaires and super-storms
Hurricane Patricia come ashore at Cuixmala where English robber-baron Sir James Goldsmith built his Xanadu, La Loma, as a refuge from the apocalypse. By Mike Davis | The Rag Blog | October 26, 2015 Mike Davis wrote this as Hurricane … finish reading Mike Davis : Billionaires and super-storms
King Salman Phones Putin To Discuss Syria And Palestine
Leaders of Russia and Saudi Arabia exchanged views on Monday to resolve the conflict in Syria and Palestine. Middle East Online reports: Russian President Vladimir Putin held phone talks Monday with King Salman of Saudi Arabia focused on seeking a solution to the Syria crisis, the Kremlin said. The call was a Saudi initiative, the Kremlin said in statement. The two exchanged views on “all the questions associated with resolving the Syrian crisis, including four-way talks,” between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his US, Turkish and Saudi counterparts, it said. The four fo... more »
Interview with Chiitaanibah Johnson, Navajo/Maidu
Interview with Sacramento State student Chiitaanibah Johnson, Navajo/Maidu by Francisco Dominguez and Dan Bacher Tuesday Oct 27th, 2015 11:43 AM Note: This interview was done in the spirit of indigenous people working together and supporting our youth, in accordance with traditional native cultural values. - Francisco Dominguez, Tarahumara. Photo below: Chiitaanibah Johnson speaks at
Inventor Releases Open Source Plans that Will Usher in the Maker Culture
*Dylan Charles* - This amazing project is helping to usher in a new type of collaborative global culture. The post Inventor Releases Open Source Plans that Will Usher in the Maker Culture appeared first on Waking Times.
Arizona, Louisiana Move in Different Directions With Common Core
[image: Kids in Class Classroom Education - 900] NOTE: The Common Core is a set of “college-and career-ready standards” in English and Math, optional for adoption by states. As of today, 42 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core for their school systems. However,... more »
Yemen War News Updates -- October 27, 2015
Twitter / @msf_yemen *WSJ:* *Airstrikes Hit Clinic in Yemen, Aid Group Says* *Clinic run by Doctors Without Borders struck at least twice, the charity says* DUBAI—At least two airstrikes hit a clinic run by Doctors Without Borders in northern Yemen, wounding two people and severely damaging the facility, the medical group said Tuesday, as concern grows among United Nations officials and rights groups about escalating civilian casualties in the seven-month war. Hassan Boucenine, who oversees the charity’s projects in Yemen, didn’t say who was responsible for the airstrikes late Mo... more »
Even More Proof That ISIS Is A Complete Fraud! ISIS Getting MORE Supply Drops From America
I for one am sick and tired of the constant media lies that constantly try to ram into everyone's brains the false hood that ISIS is still the main 'threat' to the entire world, and must "be stopped at all cost"... The American government has long been using their fraud creation "ISIS" to continue to promote their equally fraudulent "war on terror" and it is so amazing that most people still do not get it and actually believe that "terrorist" group is somehow real..... With Russia's intervention into Syria over the last month, "ISIS" is now on the run... That CIA/Mossad fraud group ... more »
Taste researcher falsified data in two papers: ORI
A federal report has found that a former University of Maryland postdoc “falsified and/or fabricated” data in two papers about taste receptors. The Office of Research Integrity report found that Maartje C.P. Geraedts manipulated bar graphs in the papers to “produce the desired result.” Both have been retracted. Geraedts left academia in 2014, and is now a science writer. We reported on […] The post Taste researcher falsified data in two papers: ORI appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Shadow-Censorship on Social Media Sparks New Concerns for Open-Internet Advocates
[image: shadow-censorship] The future of information suppression may be much harder to detect -- and thus enormously more difficult to counteract. The digital censors of tomorrow will not require intimidation or force; instead, they can exploit the dark art of “shadow-censorship.” Shadow-censorship... Continue reading *“Shadow-Censorship on Social Media Sparks New Concerns for Open-Internet Advocates”* at *reason.com*.
More proof that eating sugar is bad for your health
Many studies in the past 10 years have shown how eating less sugar will lead to weight loss in people who are obese. This Forbes story regards new research by Dr. Robert Lustig of UCSF: A new (study) in the journal *Obesity* goes a little further by trying to tease apart the difference between cutting out sugar and losing weight. It argues that sugar isn’t bad because it makes you gain weight. It’s bad because it brings about other, more sinister changes to the body – metabolic changes that are distinct from weight. ...“This study definitively shows that sugar is metabolically har... more »
The Rag Blog : METRO EVENT | Remi Kanazi, Palestinian-American poet and human rights activist
Event: A Night with Remi Kanazi What: Poetry and conversation Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: ART 1.102 in the School of Art, UT-Austin Address: San Jacinto and 23rd Street, Austin 78712 Admission: Free and open to … finish reading The Rag Blog : *METRO EVENT* | Remi Kanazi, Palestinian-American poet and human rights activist
U.S. Invites Iran To the Next Round Of Syria Talks
*WNU Editor:* This is a major shift in U.S. policy .... *US Officials: Iran Invited to Next Round of Syria Talks* (AP). This is also going to upset America's Arab allies Saudi Arabia, Gulf states, etc.. *More News On Iran's Involvement In Syria* Iran invited to next round of Syria talks - US officials -- Belfast Telegraph Russia invites Iran to join talks on Syria -- Washington Examiner With Washington's blessing: Iran to take part in Syria talks -- Arutz Sheva Iran’s Syria Aid Deepens as It Jockeys for Role in Talks -- Bloomberg Iran official: More Iranian military advisers sent to ... more »
The Honeymoon With Justin Trudeau Is Over: Justin Trudeau Shows WHO His Masters Are By Proclaiming He Has "Israel's Back"!
**First a quick note: I have indeed been busy the last few days taking care of my better half due to her bout of "Shingles".... I am trying to post material here when I can, so please bear with me over the next while...* Yes, the Canadian people spoke last week Monday loud and clear that this once proud nation was due for a change and that the policies of fear mongering had to change for Canada to progress forward... It was indeed a massive "swing to the center- left" as Canadians threw out the dictator Stephen Harper and his Conservative party cronies... The Liberal Party, under ... more »
The World’s Best Waterfalls — and How to See Them
[image: waterfall - 400] In short, a major waterfall is likely to be the center-point of any holiday journey. The joy is that while you can travel to Zimbabwe or Zambia to see Victoria Falls for yourself, you can also find epic alternatives on... Continue reading *“The World’s Best Waterfalls — and How to See Them”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
UN Votes 191-2 To Condemn U.S. Blockade Against Cuba
An overwhelming UN vote says that the United States blockade of Cuba needs to end. The UN General Assembly voted 191-2 to condemn the US embargo of Cuba, with only the US and Israel opposing. This was the first vote on a resolution since U.S. and Cuba reestablished diplomatic ties, yet Washington voted against. Primera vez que nadie se abstiene en votación para terminar Embargo a Cuba. pic.twitter.com/bIaXrNnAIT — Juan Carlos Mendoza (@jcmendozagarcia) October 27, 2015 Miami Herald Reports: In its statement, the United States said that it couldn’t support the resolution because it f...more »
Collusion by Feds Uncovered on Navajo Coal Plant Deal
MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2015 CONTACTS: · Nicole Horseherder, To' Nizhoni Ani, nhorseherder@gmail.com · Jihan Gearon, Black Mesa Water Coalition, jihan.gearon@gmail.com · Mallory Kindsfather, DU Environmental Law Clinic, mkindsfather17@law.du.edu Illegal government collusion and secrecy uncovered in EPA and Dept. of Interior deal on air
Pentagon Finalizes Report Detailing Facilities to House Gitmo Detainees in America
[image: The entrance to Camp 1 in Guantanamo Bay's Camp Delta. The base's detention camps are numbered based on the order in which they were built, not their order of precedence or level of security.] Pentagon officials are finishing up a report regarding which facilities in the United States seem suitable to house Guantanamo Bay detainees. Now that the Pentagon has finished surveying the two facilities in Colorado, Federal Correctional Complex in Florence and the... more »
Paul Ryan Promises Not to Touch Immigration as Speaker, Unless …
[image: Paul Ryan - 900-1] Rep. Paul Ryan has given his word he will not bring immigration-reform bills to the House floor as speaker while Barack Obama is president, unless they're supported by a majority of the Republican conference. The pledge is a bid to... more »
Top U.S. General: If Russia Starts Bombing Islamic State Targets In Iraq The U.S. Will Rethink Its Iraq Presence
*Defense One*: *Dunford: US Will Rethink Its Iraq Presence If Russia Goes In* *Russia’s actions in the Middle East have U.S. lawmakers launching heated questions at top Pentagon officials. The answers so far have been less than reassuring. * If Russian aircraft start bombing ISIS targets in Iraq, the U.S. military will rethink its presence there, the Pentagon’s top military officer told lawmakers Tuesday. “I tried to explain to [Iraqi leaders] that our continued support really would be problematic were they to invite the Russians in to conduct strikes,” Chairman of the Joint Chi... more »
Turkey Escalates Its War Against The Islamic State
*Daily Beast: **The ISIS War Inside Turkey Is Escalating* *A ferocious firefight in the Turkish city of Diyarbakir, coming in the wake of the Ankara massacre, shows the government is turning its wrath on ISIS. But is it too late?* ISTANBUL — Heavily armed police in eastern Turkey have clashed with members of the so-called Islamic State in a fierce gun battle that lasted several hours and killed nine people, the deadliest encounter between security forces of the NATO ally and the jihadists so far. The shootout Monday in Diyarbakir, one of Turkey’s biggest cities, came two weeks af... more »
James McEnteer : Wall-to-wall deja voodoo
Walls can’t stop ideas. A wall itself is an idea, or rather, an admission that the builder of the wall has run out of ideas. By James McEnteer | The Rag Blog | October 27, 2015 QUITO, Ecuador — From … finish reading James McEnteer : Wall-to-wall deja voodoo
MV Leviathan II "Crashed"?
*Whale-watching boat MV Leviathan II* On *Sunday, October 25, 2015 *there was a tragedy in the water off Canada's Pacific Coast near the small seaside town of Tofino, BC. A whale-watching boat, the *MV Leviathan II*, apparently capsized, killing five whale-watching tourists from the UK. There's one passenger still missing. The rest of the 21 passengers and crew were rescued by the First Nations rescue personnel operating out of Tofino...assisted by other volunteers from the community. First reports from the CBC say the Boat "crashed". This would lead one to believe that the boat ... more »
The Reply To Dr Pinto Which The EDP Refuse To Publish
By Paul Homewood https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2015/10/22/climate-change-biggest-threat-to-public-health-says-nutty-doctor/ Readers will recall the article in Eastern Daily Press last week by Dr Hayley Pinto, in which she claimed that climate change is the biggest threat to public health – more than drugs, smoking and obesity. Her feature was so woefully poor that I asked the Editor of […]
Supplemental: Amazing days at the New York Times!
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015Terrible, horrible work:* We did a dumb thing a week ago. We accepted an offer to upgrade to the free new exciting Windows 10, or whatever it is. As part of the package, we're having problems creating and posting documents. For that reason, let's keep this post brief. It's very, very hard to grasp how bad the work of the New York Times routinely is. We're thinking of two offerings from today's Times. First, we refer to the public editor's assessment of the Dowd/Biden/Chozick/Baquet/Sullivan rolling embarrassment tour. Also, we refer to a news report whic... more »
Turkish Army Strikes Kurdish Forces In Syria For The First Time
*New York Times*: *Turkey Confirms Strikes Against Kurdish Militias in Syria* ISTANBUL — Turkey has confirmed that it struck positions in Syria held by Kurdish militias that over the last year have become the most important allies within Syria of the American-led coalition fighting the Islamic State. The confirmation of the strikes, which the Kurds said took place over the weekend, adds a new level of complexity to the United States’ struggle to put together a coherent strategy to fight the Islamic State in Syria. It also increases tensions between the United States and Turkey, w... more »
Russia Confirms First Reported Death Of A Serving Russian Soldier In Syria
*Photo: *Vaidim Kostenko. Facebook *IBTimes*: *Vadim Kostenko death: First Russian soldier to die in Syria committed suicide, parents cry false* Vaidim Kostenko, a 19-year-old who was with the 906th Close Air Support Regiment, has been identified as the first Russian soldier to have died in Syria, a Russian blogger has claimed. Russia has said that the death of its soldier was a suicide, the parents of the deceased but have disputed the claim. The Russian defence ministry in a statement said that the soldier hung himself to death, following a rift with his girlfriend, Russian News... more »
Top U.S. General: Iran Has 1,000 Troops In Iraq. Less Than 2,000 in Syria
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman USMC General Joseph Dunford, Jr. looks at his notes before testifying at a Senate Armed Forces Committee hearing on 'United States Strategy in the Middle East' in Washington October 27, 2015. REUTERS/GARY CAMERON *Reuters:* *Iran has over 1,000 troops in Iraq, less than 2,000 in Syria: U.S. general* Washington believes there are fewer than 2,000 Iranian troops in Syria helping the forces of President Bashar al-Assad and more than 1,000 in Iraq supporting the Baghdad government, the top U.S. military officer said on Tuesday. Marine Corps General Jose... more »
The Martian Was Our Can-Do Culture 50 Years Ago
[image: The Martian - 400] "The Martian" is superficially about space travel, but it is really about time travel. The plot may focus on characters leaving Earth to explore the red planet, but the strange world the movie depicts is really our own world just... Continue reading *“The Martian Was Our Can-Do Culture 50 Years Ago”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Archaeologists Discover ‘One of the Most Magnificent Displays of Prehistoric Wealth’ in 3,500-Year-Old Warrior Tomb
[image: Sharon Stocker Tomb Jewelry - 400] A team of international researchers excavating a site in Greece thought they were digging on a Bronze-Age house, but when they discovered a skeleton, they knew it was a grave. And not just an ordinary grave. Senior research associate Shari... Continue reading *“Archaeologists Discover ‘One of the Most Magnificent Displays of Prehistoric Wealth’ in 3,500-Year-Old Warrior Tomb”* at *theblaze.com*.
Feds Investigate Hobby Lobby Owners Over Alleged Illicit Importation of Artifacts
[image: Hobby Lobby - 400] The owners of Hobby Lobby, a popular craft store chain, have reportedly been the subjects of a years-long federal investigation into alleged illicit importation of artifacts from Iraq, according to a Daily Beast report. Citing an unnamed law enforcement official,... Continue reading *“Feds Investigate Hobby Lobby Owners Over Alleged Illicit Importation of Artifacts”* at *theblaze.com*.
Lords Stands Up For The Poor On Tax Credit Cuts In The UK
The House of Lords voted to impose a pause on tax credit cuts and to evaluate the impact on the poor. The peers voted to delay the cuts and compensate the affected recipients in full. They voted 307 to 277 in favour of delaying the cuts, and by 289 to 272 to evaluate and redress the financial impact on those affected. The BBC reports: George Osborne said he would heed the outcome of the vote, but said it raised “constitutional issues”. The chancellor criticised “unelected Labour and Lib Dem lords” for defying the will of the elected House of Commons, but said he would set out how th... more »
Light emission from the dipole's matrix elements
*Why a certain seemingly abstract formula is rudimentary and essential* A participant at a popular talk about light that I gave one month ago has found a difficult comment somewhere in my slides that has scared her and she used it as an example to argue that my talk was too hard. (Perhaps a good reason not to send such documents to random people.) It was something like: For most photons emitted around us, the probability that light is emitted by the transition from the atomic level \(\ket {E_1}\) to the level \(\ket{E_0}\) is proportional to the squared matrix element of the electri... more »
Climate Change Will Kill All The Hedgehogs!
By Paul Homewood http://www.lincolnshireecho.co.uk/Hedgehogs-extinct-years-warns-Lincolnshire-expert/story-28055046-detail/story.html And yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s because of climate change! The only trouble is that someone did not the memo! From the Lincolnshire Echo: Climate change and the increasing destruction of habitats could lead to the extinction of hedgehogs within a decade, experts have warned. Figures […]
Trouble For The Republican Party On Its Far Right Flank
*There's a crackpot version of this video courtesy of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)* This isn't the kind of video meant to give right-wing ideologues a warm, fuzzy feeling. It's scary to think about what does though. *Morning Joe* may be ground zero in the non-Fox corporate media world's anti-Hillary jihad, but their Mark Halperin pointed out in a Bloomberg column yesterday that there are even more deranged Hillary-phobes than the ones he spends his mornings with. "A virulent strain of Clinton Derangement Syndrome," he wrote, "which scientists and Republicans thought had been wiped out at... more »
RT Crew Reports From The Frontline Town Near Damascus (Video)
*WNU Editor:* The RT video report* is here*. This is urban combat in every-way.
Mosques around the World Incite the Slaughter of Jews
[image: A Palestinian woman from the so-called Murabitat group raises a copy of the Koran, Islam's holy book, during a protest against Jewish groups visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque compound and against preventing them from entering the shrine on September 20, 2015 in Jerusalem's Old City. Israeli police said 39 Palestinians were arrested in the West Bank and annexed East Jerusalem in the last two days, as tensions are going on over the flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City.] Why would a Jordanian father proudly post a video interview with his tiny little daughter as ... more »
How Comcast Wants to Meter the Internet
[image: Comcast - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- This year marked a turning point for Comcast, the cable giant: It now has more Internet than TV customers. And it’s trying out how to charge you for the amount of data you use, much the... more »
Russian Media Not Impressed With U.S. Promises To 'Ramp-Up' The War Against The Islamic State
Russian service personnel at Khmeimim air base in Syria © Dmitry Vinogradov / RIA Novosti *Sputnik:* *Washington Tries to Impress Iraq to Prevent Baghdad From Turning to Moscow* The Russian-led counterterrorism operation in Syria is so successful that it is "unnerving" Washington, CCTV reported. As a result, last week US leadership decided to act so as to prevent Iraq from fostering ties with Moscow. The Chinese media outlet believes that the operation to free hostages in Northern Iraq followed this new logic. Last Thursday, US and Kurdish forces managed to free 70 people from a ... more »
Bone researcher manipulated data in JAMA study, says investigation
A bone researcher manipulated data in a 2011 JAMA study about an inexpensive treatment for osteoporosis. That’s the conclusion of an investigation at the researcher’s former workplace, the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, the Toronto Star reports. The study — led and manipulated by Sophie Jamal — followed 243 women over two years, as they applied nitroglycerin ointment once […] The post Bone researcher manipulated data in JAMA study, says investigation appeared first on Retraction Watch.
U.S. Defense Secretary: The U.S. War Against The Islamic State Will Intensify. Recommends U.S. Ground Forces To Be Deployed
United States Secretary of Defense Ash Carter (L) and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman USMC General Joseph Dunford, Jr. (R) chat before testifying at a Senate Armed Forces Committee hearing on 'United States Strategy in the Middle East' in Washington October 27, 2015. REUTERS/GARY CAMERON *NBC News:* *Sec. Carter: U.S. to Begin 'Direct Action on the Ground' in Iraq, Syria* Defense Secretary Ash Carter today revealed that the U.S. will openly begin "direct action on the ground" against ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria. In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services committee on Tuesda... more »
Efforts Were Made to Cover Up Causes of Flight MH17 Disaster in Ukraine, Report States
*[image: An emergency services worker photographs debris from the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on July 18, 2014 in Grabovka, Ukraine. (Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)]* . Providing so called rebels with an anti aircraft missile is hardly a surprise even if it was done through the back door. Then using it required only one trigger happy fool. assuming any of this was planned beggars the imagination. Let us call it what it truly was. It was an avoidable lapse in discipline that could almost be characterized as an accident just like when your four year old turns on t... more »
This Company Gave Away a Drug That Just Won the Nobel Prize and Helped Millions
When your customers are unemployable, drastic steps must be taken. That it also works is also wonderful. Yet this is also a reminder that the comercial drug protocol has terrible flaws that needs fresh thinking to eliminate. Recall that every drug will leave patent inside of twenty years. Yet the best drugs already exist and are well understood. Thus we see the present pattern of chasing receding advantages with more and more money. True healing also simply does not require much in the way of drug interventions. *This Company Gave Away a Drug That Just Won the Nobel Pr... more »
Flight of Li Ka-shing Signals the Beginning of China’s Economic Meltdown
Thirty five years ago, Li Ka-shing was seen as the first serious money coming in and his lead brought all of Hong Kong in to jump start the Chinese economy. this cannot be underestimated. For the same reason all that money is following him out. So present events come as scant surprise. I too knew enough to notice his exit and its implied import. In the end, this liquidation will be absorbed and China will continue its restructuring albeit at a more common pace no longer fueled by rapidly expanding fiat currency.. *Flight of Li Ka-shing Signals the Beginning of China’s Eco... more »
The Final Leaked TPP Text Is All That We Feared?
An agreement facilitating the exploitation of the public at large without meaningful input or even accommodation is always of concern. That we can surely do better demands that this agreement is sent back for a proper round of negotiations with all stakeholders. That appears promising. Otherwise, i fail to see why this is been called a free trade agreement. Most of that looks like a red herring. Otherwise intellectual property has become the primary source of wealth and protecting it matters. That usually takes large capital to do properly. Once we have a few years experi... more »
Iowans: Trump’s Attack on Carson’s Faith Will Fail
[image: Ben Carson and Donald Trump-900] DES MOINES -- Iowa Republicans say Donald Trump's sneak attack on Ben Carson's religion won't work. "It will fail miserably," said Mike Demastus, a pastor at Fort Des Moines Church of Christ. "For Donald Trump, as a name-only Presbyterian, to... more »
BIW Protest News Release
*The new Navy base on Jeju Island, South Korea that will host US warships including the Aegis destroyers made in Bath, Maine* *Peace Delegation to Attempt to Enter BIW 'Christening' Ceremony to Deliver Letter to Elected Officials* *October 31 in Bath* *For Immediate Release* Representatives from various peace groups will attempt to enter the scheduled BIW ‘Christening’ ceremony of a new Aegis destroyer on Saturday, October 31 with a letter addressed to Maine’s elected officials who will be present at the event to give their ‘blessings’ to another expensive and destabilizing warsh... more »
BIW Protest News Release
* Artist rendition of the new Navy base on Jeju Island, South Korea that will host US warships including the Aegis destroyers made in Bath, Maine* *Peace Delegation to Attempt to Enter BIW 'Christening' Ceremony to Deliver Letter to Elected Officials* *October 31 in Bath* *For Immediate Release* Representatives from various peace groups will attempt to enter the scheduled BIW ‘Christening’ ceremony of a new Aegis destroyer on Saturday, October 31 with a letter addressed to Maine’s elected officials who will be present at the event to give their ‘blessings’ to another expensive and... more »
World News Briefs -- October 27, 2015
*BBC*: *China says US warship's Spratly islands passage 'illegal'* Chinese officials have condemned a US ship's passage near disputed islands in the South China Sea as "illegal". The guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen breached the 12-nautical mile zone China claims around Subi and Mischief reefs in the Spratly archipelago. The freedom of navigation operation is a serious challenge to China's claims over the artificial islands. Its foreign ministry said the ship had been warned and characterised the act as a "threat to China's sovereignty". *MIDDLE EAST* Iran has over 1,000 troo... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 27, 2015
The US Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen sails in the Pacific Ocean in a November 2009 photo provided by the U.S. Navy. *VOA*:* US Navy Sends Destroyer to Challenge China Sea Claim* BANGKOK—A U.S. guided-missile destroyer passed within 22 kilometers (12 nautical miles) of a reef in the South China Sea occupied and claimed by China, drawing quick protests Tuesday from Beijing. The mission was completed without incident, a U.S. military source said. China reported it monitored and followed the USS Lassen, and said it warned the American vessel to leave Chinese waters around th... more »
Planned Parenthood TX Abortion Apprentice Taught Partial-Birth Abortion to "Strive For" Intact Heads...
*what the hell happened to this young woman to make her so evil?* She actually says, "I have so much respect for development" when referring to the bodies of aborted babies. Perhaps a hundred thousand dollars or more spent on an education so she can spend her time aborting babies? *The videos in order:* There are some other videos not listed here which are mainly discussions with various PP doctors. You can access them at *The Center for Medical Progress YouTube channel.* Planned Parenthood: Selling Baby Parts...More Ghoulish Planned Parenthood Video Released... Planned Par...more »
Thousands of Drug War Prisoners Are Going Home Early Thanks to Years of Organizing
*Victoria Law* - With the help of concerned organizations, now there's hope for drug war prisoners who have been wrongfully incarcerated. The post Thousands of Drug War Prisoners Are Going Home Early Thanks to Years of Organizing appeared first on Waking Times.
20,000 Israelis Sue Facebook Over Posts Inciting Violence
Thousands of Israelis have taken legal action against Facebook alleging that the social media giant has failed to monitor and delete posts on Palestinian accounts that incite hatred towards Jews. Around 20,000 Israelis joined the civil lawsuit, which was filed on Sunday in the Supreme Court for the State of New York, seeking an injunction that would require Facebook to block and immediately remove all pages, groups and posts containing incitement to murder Jews A reaction from Facebook is pending. RT reports: The suit alleges that Facebook has a “legal and moral obligation” to sanit... more »
IS Militants Tie Captives to Palmyra Columns, Blow Them up
[image: Columns in Palmyra - 900] BEIRUT (AP) -- The Islamic State group killed three of its captives in Syria’s ancient city of Palmyra by tying them to Roman-era columns at the site, then blowing the structures up with explosives, activists said Tuesday. The Palmyra explosions... more »
Why Donald Trump Could Win the Republican Nomination
[image: Donald Trump9 - 400] In ways large and small, with policy and with personality, billionaire Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is forcing his party’s establishment to confront the vast divide between party leaders and the voters who, according to nearly every poll for months, have... Continue reading *“Why Donald Trump Could Win the Republican Nomination”* at *bloomberg.com*.
New Planned Parenthood Video Shows Doctor Admitting to Partial-Birth Abortions
[image: PP_grasping_hands_bright] The latest undercover Planned Parenthood video from the Center for Medical Progress shows Dr. Amna Dermish, the abortion provider for Planned Parenthood in Austin, TX, describing a partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term fetuses. Dermish was trained by Planned... more »
Defense Secretary Outlines Changes in Fight Against ISIS
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 27: Defense Secretary Ashton Carter (L) and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford Jr. testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee about the U.S. military strategy in the Middle East in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill October 27, 2015 in Washington, DC. Carter testified about changes in the strategy that will continue to support Iraqi forces and pro-Western forces in Syria in the fight against ISIS and the Assad regime.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Tuesday the Obama administration is prepa... more »
Fukushima Update: “The Pacific Is In Terminal Decline. The Fukushima Legacy Is Terrifying!”
*“The Pacific Is In Terminal Decline. The Fukushima Legacy Is Terrifying!”* by Zen Gardner “Dana Durnford, oceanic research expert, talks with Richie Allen about the hidden cataclysm that is being unleashed by the continued Fukushima disaster fallout.” - http://www.zengardner.com/
Commentariat Central
(Part of a continuing series of *New York Times* comments by yours truly, with some added commentary in this post to make the fun even funner.) Charles Blow, *Hillary Clinton Wins Again* Blow makes his centrist political preferences and *Times* group-think perfectly clear with his second column in a row canonizing Hillary Clinton. The fact that his other gig is on CNN (the Beltway group-think/ terror channel) explains it all. Here's a sample from his latest ode to the Empress-in-Waiting: *She is far from flawless, but she is no slouch or dummy. She is sharp and tough and resilie... more »
A Massive Budget Agreement Has Been Reached In The U.S.
The U.S. Capitol Building is pictured in Washington, February 27, 2013. REUTERS/Jason Reed *Reuters*: *White House, Congress reach tentative budget deal* The White House and congressional leaders reached a two-year budget deal overnight that would lift mandatory sequestration cuts on both defense and domestic spending and raise the federal debt ceiling, averting a fiscal standoff as the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives prepares for new leadership. A White House official said on Tuesday the compromise deal would protect Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries from cu... more »
Strong Sales Lift US Home Prices 5.1 Percent in August
[image: Housing Numbers - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Solid sales pushed up U.S. home prices at a steady pace in August from a year earlier, a sign that the housing market is improving despite a slowdown in the overall economy. The Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller 20-city... more »
Is Ben Carson’s Campaign for Real?
[image: Ben Carson2 - 400] Ben Carson is such an unconventional candidate, it’s hard to tell sometimes if he’s running a real presidential campaign. The renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, a quasi-celebrity since retiring from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, at times adds to that impression with... Continue reading *“Is Ben Carson’s Campaign for Real?”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Orders for U.S. Durable Goods Down 1.2 Percent in September
[image: ship_container_goods] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Orders for long-lasting manufactured goods fell in September, with a key category that tracks business investment plans declining for a second straight month. Orders for durable goods dropped 1.2 percent September, the Commerce Department said Tuesday. That... more »
Schools Closed for 2nd Day Amid Manhunt in Rural Kentucky
[image: Floyd Ray Cook] LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- A rural Kentucky school district canceled classes for a second straight day Tuesday as authorities searched for a fugitive accused of shooting at law officers in two states. Cumberland County schools Superintendent Kirk Biggerstaff said he... more »
Poll: Big Majority of Americans Say to Use Default, Shutdown Threats to Cut Spending
[image: Economic Poll - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- A divided public thinks it’s worth shutting the government or halting its ability to borrow to pay bills unless President Barack Obama consents to spending cuts, an Associated Press-GfK poll has found. Predictably, Democratic and Republican loyalists... more »
Former Lebanese PM Seeks To Free Saudi Prince Arrested In Beirut
A former Lebanese prime minister is seeking to issue a diplomatic passport for the Saudi prince who was arrested for smuggling two tons of amphetamines in Beirut, according to Lebanese media. Saad Hariri, who is also the leader of the al-Mustaqbal movement and has close ties with Saudi Arabia, has been in contact with the Lebanese premier Fouad Seniore at the Saudi embassy in Beirut requesting help to release Saudi prince Abdel Mohsen Bin Walid Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The Prince and four others were arrested and taken in for questioning by airport security after huge amounts of Capta... more »
EMANATIONS FROM SALEM VILLAGE: Marco Rubio spots the lie!
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015* *Part 2--As CNN looks on:* Did Hillary Clinton tell any lies in the days after Benghazi? We've never seen evidence of that, though we've seen endless accusations. It's a bit like the 9-year-old children in Salem Village who saw neighbors turn into cats. Back in September 2012, it was John McCain who first cast himself in the role of the 9-year-old children. Appearing on Face the Nation, he misstated what Ambassador Susan Rice had just said about the attack on Benghazi. Bob Schieffer also seemed to be roughly nine. He quickly accepted Schoolchild McCain'... more »
Racist Police Brutality Goes to School
Racist tough guy, Ben Fields, in action on South Carolina:
Baiji & Refinery Retaken As Iraq Forces Push Into Northern Salahaddin
Iraq’s joint forces won a major victory during the third week of October 2015 retaking the town of Baiji, which had been contested for over a year. Not only that, but they continued to push north towards Shirqat district and into southern Kirkuk’s Hawija, which are both Islamic State strongholds. On the other hand, the Anbar offensive continued to churn through many of the same areas, while IS also picked up its attacks in Diyala. There were 142 security incidents in Iraq reported in the press from October 15-21, 2015. Baghdad had the most attacks with 50, followed by 28 in Anba... more »
A China twist: why are malls closing if consumption is rising?
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/26/us-china-retail-idUSKCN0SJ0XD20151026 Markets | Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:23am EDT *A China twist: why are malls closing if consumption is rising?* SHANGHAI/HONG KONG | BY PETE SWEENEY AND JESSICA MACY YU left4 of 4right A woman rides an escalator at a shopping mall in Beijing, China, September 23, 2015. REUTERS/KIM KYUNG-HOON l The Di Mei shopping center in downtown Shanghai is a surprisingly depressing place to shop. The underground mall is located in one of the most shopping-mad cities in China, and yet it is run down and starved of customers. ... more »
China's Military Is Built On Cloned Weapons
Images have emerged of what appears to be an intact AH-64D Apache helicopter, one of America's most successful and deadliest assault weapons, in China. Daily Mail *USNI News:* *China’s Military Built with Cloned Weapons* Historically, China has been a great innovator contributing inventions such as gunpowder, paper and the compass to human advancement. However, China has earned an international reputation in recent decades as being the home of a prolific copycat culture. The Chinese have become proficient at cloning products ranging from designer handbags and the latest smartphone... more »
Israel Launches Airstrikes On Central & Southern Gaza Strip
Israel have carried out airstrikes on areas in the south and center of the besieged Gaza Strip. The strikes started on Monday evening following reports of an alleged rocket attack from Gaza on southern Israel earlier on in the day. No group has taken responsibility for the initial rocket fire and no injuries have been reported Press TV reports: “A rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip at southern Israel and landed in an open area,” the Israeli army said in a statement, adding that its fighter jets later pounded two alleged sites of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in the s... more »
That reminds me - another Palestinian mother
Yesterday's post reminded me of some video that I have posted previously. It's of another Palestinian mother, this time one whose young son had a heart complaint and was treated free of charge in an Israeli hospital. Watch the whole video, see how she is amazed by the generosity of the Jewish people bringing presents and giving to all patients whether Jewish or Muslim but also... Please explain how Israel can make peace with people who can have their child treated in an Israeli hospital but also say that: "Death is natural for us, we're not afraid to die" "It's a religious thing. ... more »
Regarding The Patrizia Law Case Posted at I-UV.COM
By American Kabuki A number of people have asked me about this article at: http://i-uv.com/italian-court-rules-for-oppt-filings-with-the-issuance-of-a-security-deposit-of-100-million-abroad-temporarily-placed-at-a-bank-in-basel https://www.facebook.com/patrizia.pace.750 *Patrizia Doris Pace* of Milano is a known entity in Italy. We have watched her work for quite some time and those she works with. The case is indeed real, if a bit "late" on the part of the courts and systems. Nothing gets this far in the systems without them wanting it get this far, yet the window for this oppo... more »
Will Supreme Court Hear Little Sisters’ Case? High Court Review Likely
[image: Supreme Court-400] Little Sisters’ Challenge The Becket Fund also represents the Little Sisters of the Poor, a congregation of women religious who serve the elderly poor in more than 30 countries. On Oct. 13, the Becket Fund filed a brief with the... Continue reading *“Will Supreme Court Hear Little Sisters’ Case? High Court Review Likely”* at *ncregister.com*.
Carson Overtakes Trump in First National Poll
[image: Ben Carson and Donald Trump] For the first time in a national poll, Ben Carson has overtaken Donald Trump, leading the Manhattan businessman in the CBS News/New York Times survey of Republican primary voters out Tuesday. Carson earned 26 percent, while Trump grabbed 22 percent,... Continue reading *“Carson Overtakes Trump in First National Poll”* at *politico.com*.
Nobody Watching as Feds Fund $429M of ‘Noble Intentions’
[image: HUD city street] Nobody in government is watching how an obscure Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) anti-poverty program spends millions of tax dollars each year, which may explain how the lavish compensation paid by one beneficiary to its top executives went... more »
What are Your Pronouns?
[image: pronouns - 419] Friends, I have a piece in the current National Review on the curious and contentious matter of pronouns. I thought I would "blow it out" here in Impromptus -- expand it. Let's get going. In 2003, I was moderating a... Continue reading *“What are Your Pronouns?”* at *nationalreview.com*.
China Reacts With Anger On The U.S. Naval Destroyer's Route In The South China Sea
*Washington Post:* *China says U.S. naval destroyer sailing close to Chinese-built island damages peace and stability* BEIJING — China denounced what it called an illegal, dangerous and provocative act by the United States Tuesday, after a U.S. warship sailed within 12 nautical miles of an artificial island built by China in the South China Sea. China said it had monitored, followed and warned the USS Lassen as it passed close to the Subi reef in the Spratly archipelago. But a U.S. defense official said the mission had been completed on Tuesday “without incident.” The U.S action... more »
*Developer Sean Cummings plans 260 apartments, retail space in Bywater with hopes of boosting population ~Richard Thompson, N.O. Advocate *
Author with three retractions objects to mega-correction following investigation
We’ve uncovered a “mega-correction“ for a 2010 paper in Development, posted as the result of an investigation into the first author which has already led to three retractions. Last year, the Utrecht University investigation into Pankaj Dhonukshe found “manipulation in some form” in four papers, and concluded that he committed a “violation of academic integrity.” The investigation […] The post Author with three retractions objects to mega-correction following investigation appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Has President Obama Run Out Of Patience With China?
This informal dinner meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping and their close advisers on Sept. 24 was a catalyst for a harder White House line on Beijing's territorial claims. © Xinhua/Kyodo *Hiroyuki Akita, Nikkei Asian Review*:* Obama runs out of patience with Beijing* WASHINGTON -- Chinese President Xi Jinping's refusal to back down over his country's island-building campaign in disputed waters has hardened U.S. President Barack Obama's attitude toward Beijing. Broadly speaking, world leaders can be grouped into two categories. The first incl... more »
Washington Times has no Google in its office
*A lonely fishing spot. I once wanted to do a whole post of fishing pictures but decided not to, since fishing is the second most boring thing in the world. * The Washington Times published an official editorial on Taiwan obviously written by someone with little expertise. It's rife with errors: Eric Chu, a onetime accounting professor and the new nominee, will face Democratic Progressive Party candidate Tsai Ing-wen, *who proposes formal independence for Taiwan* instead of the current ambiguous de facto autonomy. Dr. Tsai's position is quite clear: "status quo" not independence. S... more »
Russian Report: Extremists Make Over $350 Billion Annually
Afghanistan has surpassed a record high of opium production, according to the 2014 report of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Infographics by TASS *TASS:* *Extremists make over $350 billion annually from drug production — Russia's drug control* *The Russian official named Islamic State, Jundullah and the Balochistan Liberation Army as examples of such extremist groups* MOSCOW, October 26. /TASS/. The annual proceeds of extremist groups from the production of drugs amounts to more than $350 billion, Director of the Russian Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) Viktor Ivanov said at t... more »
NATO's European Members Cannot Match Russia In The Sky
© Flickr/ poter.simon *Sputnik:* *Brookings Institution: None of NATO’s Members Could Match Russia in the Sky* The Russian Air Force in Syria left many Western military experts surprised, as they didn’t expect that Russia had the capacity to carry out military operations with such efficiency, the Washington-based Brookings Institution said. In the past, many experts called the Russian military weak, especially when it came to air and naval forces. But the Russian airstrikes in Syria have proved them wrong. The assessments of the Russian military were inaccurate, as often Western ... more »
Saudi Prince Detained At Beirut Airport For Drug Smuggling
Lebanese security forces are interrogating a Saudi prince on charges of drug smuggling after they retrieved a huge amount of narcotics from his private plane. Lebanese TV station Al Mayadeen said that 40 packages of drugs, weighing 2 tons in total, were confiscated. Prince Abdel Mohsen Bin Walid Bin Abdulaziz and four others were arrested and taken in for questioning by airport security for attempting to smuggle around two tons of Captagon pills and cocaine. Captagon is an amphetamine-based drug that ISIS have been using to stay alert in battle. The first photo of the drugs sized in... more »
We Can Also Surrender It
http://dedicatedfaith.org/ Stephen Harper should not be allowed to go gently into that good night. At least not until we figure out how he got away with it. Crawford Killian writes that Harper's sojourn in power was one long ego trip: Now, as the dust settles on the election, we should consider a new possibility: Harper did what he did for no reason except to show he could do it. It's been one long ego trip. Live and learn. Absent-mindedly, we watched him ascend to power, until he actually staged a hostile takeover of the Progressiv... more »
Wednesday Short Shorts
*Ad for a candidate for the New Power Party.* Well, Taiwan called for a peaceful resolution of the South China Sea disputes as the US sailed a destroyer uneventfully through international waters China is attempting to occupy. Since Ma Ying-jeou is every bit the Chinese expansionist that Xi Jin-ping is, his idea of "peaceful resolution" is the same as Xi's: nobody contests China's territorial grab. The US has the right idea but it is years too late on this -- it should have done this right away when China began expanding there. The US response instead was indecisive and dilatory. Th... more »
Rubio Hates The Senate? Why Not Resign And Just Run For President Full Time?
In 2000 Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman ran simultaneously for Vice President and for his Senate seat. It sent a couple of bad messages, first that he didn't have faith in the Gore-Lieberman ticket winning and, second, that his decisions revolved around one thing: about Joe Lieberman. I kind of admired Florida Senator Marco Rubio for deciding to *not* for his Senate seat and just run for president-- unlike Rand Paul, whose term is also expiring but who has chosen to-- at least for now-- run for both seats simultaneously. The other senators running-- Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders and ... more »
Gaia Portal: Patterns of freedom come to the fore
*Sorry for the delay on this one. We were up camping in the woods around a big camp fire... funny this says "fires are ignited"... LOL!!! -AK* *Patterns of freedom come to the fore * by ÉirePort Fires are ignited. Patterns of freedom come to the fore. Higher Consciousness fully awakens in all of Gaia inhabitants. Grievances are addressed and transformed. Gaia metamorphosis nears completion. ÉirePort | October 24, 2015 at 07:27 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-vO
*Children Are Not Creatures of the State: New Hampshire Edition* Politicians across the country like to claim that they’re all in favor of local control of education—until parents and their locally elected officials actually start trying to exercise it. The small New Hampshire town of Croydon is a case in point. Like many small towns in New Hampshire, Croydon does not have public schools to serve all grade levels so it contracts with education providers in neighboring towns. At issue now is the Croydon School Board’s decision to allow five elementary students to attend the neighb... more »
*Elevated CO2 Levels Directly Affect Human Cognition, New Harvard Study Shows (?)* *Just the first part of a new article from the professional Warmists at "Think Progress" below. In my usual pesky way, I went straight back to the first journal article cited below. I append that Abstract. What the academic authors did was to take a 600ppm level of CO2 as the normal indoor level of CO2 and compare it with much higher levels, starting with 1,000 ppm. On their measure of decision making, they found reduced performance at the 1,000 ppm level. So this finding is completely... more »
62 House Republicans Join Democrats to Clear Path for Vote Reviving Export-Import Bank
[image: Democrats House Senate] The House of Representatives moved one step closer to bringing the Export-Import Bank back from the dead Monday after 62 Republicans teamed up with 184 House Democrats to force a vote to reauthorize the embattled agency. Despite opposition from the... more »
The Federal Reserve Meets Today, Not Likely to Raise Rates
[image: Federal_Reserve] The Federal Reserve kicks off its two-day meeting on interest rates Tuesday. It’s more a case of the message policymakers convey than what they do, with the cost of borrowing forecast to stay at a record low. Put simply, there’s... Continue reading *“The Federal Reserve Meets Today, Not Likely to Raise Rates”* at *bloomberg.com*.
China Warns U.S. Navy after Ship Sails by Chinese-Built Island
[image: USS Lassen South China Sea] BEIJING (AP) -- A U.S. Navy warship sailed past one of China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea on Tuesday, in a challenge to Chinese sovereignty claims that drew an angry protest from Beijing, which said the move damaged...more »
Amish Man Sues to Buy Firearm without Photo ID in Gun Rights, Religious Freedom Lawsuit
[image: Amish man wants gun] Lately, Americans have argued both about their right to bear arms and whether the free exercise of religion allows businesses and state officials to claim exemptions from requirements that conflict with their religious beliefs. It's not everyday, however, that the two issues,... Continue reading *“Amish Man Sues to Buy Firearm without Photo ID in Gun Rights, Religious Freedom Lawsuit”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Hillary Escapes Again, with Help from the Media
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 22: Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton takes her seat prior to testifying before the House Select Committee on Benghazi October 22, 2015 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The committee held a hearing to continue its investigation on the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on the evening of September 11, 2012.] A special House committee investigating the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012 that killed Amb... more »
Zionist TV Commercial shows Demons beheading 'Sheeple'
[image: R$E] R$E *Oct 26, 2015* Scion TV Commercial / Anti-Christian Propaganda featuring demons coming up from under the earth through the manhole, wolves in sheep's clothing, red car to represent the beast or red horse of the apocalypse, beheading of the sheep.
China’s Climate Plan
By Paul Homewood We all know that China has promised to peak their CO2 emissions by 2030, but they have failed to say at what level. Instead they pledged to reduce CO2 emissions per unit of GDP. And the reason is very simple, they do not want to restrict their economic growth by being […]
China banks come back for more capital as bad loans pile up
Vehicles drive on the Guomao Bridge through Beijing's central business district, June 11, 2015. REUTERS/Jason Lee http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/10/25/uk-china-banks-idUKKCN0SJ0YH20151025?utm_source=applenews *China banks come back for more capital as bad loans pile up* BEIJING/HONG KONG | BY MATTHEW MILLER AND UMESH DESAI Mounting bad loans are running down Chinese banks' capital buffers, forcing them to turn to investors for fresh funds despite raising a record amount last year. Commercial banks are issuing expensive preference shares as well as convertible and perpetual bonds ... more »
An interesting claim re The Balen Report from Kais aka @revthe banker on Twitter
Yes this Twitter anti-Israel individual claims to know the Balen Report's summary. Oddly he refuses to tell me what it said. So either he is one of the few people to have read the Balen Report or he's a liar, which do you think?
Hurricane Patricia Aftermath
By Paul Homewood Now that the dust has settled, I thought I would take a look at the aftermath of Hurricane Patricia. I have scoured the Mexican press, as I suspect they are a good deal more reliable than the hyped nonsense our own media feeds us. This is what the Mexico News […]
Tomato Hamburger Macaroni Soup
Cold weather is finally upon us. Tis the season of boots, scarves and my absolute favorite...soups. We make soups of all kind during the winter from the simple to the complex. This Tomato Hamburger Macaroni Soup is easy to make and I love that the noddles soak up all of the flavor. You will need: - 1 lb of hamburger - 2 T. Olive Oil - 1/2 a onion, diced - 2 carrots, thinly sliced - 2 stalks of celery, thinly sliced - 4 c. beef broth - 2 cans crushed tomatoes - salt - pepper - 1 lb of elbows, cooked according to package directions Brown the hamburg... more »
Death Toll Reaches 311 in Quake-Hit Pakistani, Afghan Areas
[image: Afghanistan earthquake] PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) -- Rescuers were struggling to reach quake-stricken regions in Pakistan and Afghanistan on Tuesday as officials said the combined death toll from the previous day’s earthquake rose to 311. According to Afghan and Pakistani officials, 237 people... more »
Chile: The Constitución Ambulance "Time Slip" (1983)
[From the files of Chilean UFO researcher *Liliana Núñez Orellana*] *Chile: The Constitución Ambulance “Time Slip” (1983)* *By Marino Magallanes Mar* *Sighting in: 7th Region of the MauleLocality: Road from Constitución to San JavierDate: March 28, 1983 – 0400 hoursWitnesses: Mr. Aquiles González, driver of the Constitución Hospital ambulanceParamedic: Ms. Rosita CancinoAssistant: Mr. Miguel Yáñez* *A Journey from Constitución to Talca With a Seriously Ill Male Patient*: In the vicinity of the road known as Piedra del Baño, a UFO appeared from the south, looking at first like ... more »
Saudi-Led Airstrikes Hits MSF Hospital In Yemen
A Yemeni hospital run by the medical aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) has been hit by Saudi-led air strikes. An “MSF facility in Saada, Yemen was hit by several airstrikes last night with patients and staff inside the facility,” the group tweeted. .@MSF facility in #Saada#Yemen was hit by several airstrikes last night with patients & staff inside the facility. pic.twitter.com/MicfUT571V — أطباء بلا حدود-اليمن (@msf_yemen) October 27, 2015 The Haidan Health Center was the only hospital operating in Haidan, a town that’s seen heavy attacks by the coalition... more »
The Tech Elite’s Quest to Reinvent School in Its Own Image
[image: all-school-khanacademy-1024x768] SALMAN KHAN SITS at the head of a conference table, surrounded by about a dozen children, talking about Hitler. It's late June, nine months into the first year at Khan Lab School, Khan's educational R&D lab in Mountain View. At... Continue reading *“The Tech Elite’s Quest to Reinvent School in Its Own Image”* at *wired.com*.
The Universe
"If it weren't for your challenges how would you ever know that there are things you still misunderstand? You wouldn't. Bless them. Embrace them. Give thanks. Oh sure, I could just tell you. Ha... ha... haha.... hahahaaaa... ehee... OOHHAAHAAA... HEEEEHEEE... WHOOOOOHA!!! That was a good one! Get real." Tallyho, ho, ho - The Universe "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" - www.tut.com
China Furious After US Warship Sails Near Disputed Islands
China has slammed the United States for ignoring repeated warnings and allowing a US navy warship to sail close to artificial islands created by Beijing in the South China Sea. They said the actions of the USS Lassen were a provocation which could “damage peace and stability in the region.” Chinese authorities monitored and followed the US warship as it “illegally” entered the waters near the disputed Spratly islands. A foreign ministry statement stressed that the passage of the American destroyer was made “despite repeated warnings” from Beijing. Al Jazeera reports: The warship sai... more »
Don't ignore vocational education
Don't ignore vocational education Published in the South China Morning Post, October 28, 2015 as “need good plumbers and philosophers” Paul Yip is concerned about the over-emphasis on examinations and preparation for the university in Hong Kong schools, and the lack of emphasis on vocational education ("Poverty rate has fallen, but has quality of life risen in HK?" October 24). The same unfortunate trend exists in the United States. Former US Secretary of Heath, Education and Welfare John Gardner warned us of the consequences of this policy: "The society which scorns excel... more »
Hillary 2.0 and Benghazi: Same Song, Different Verse Two Decades Later
[image: Hillary Clinton 90s to Now - 900] Many people may share Senator Bernie Sanders’ complaint that he was tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton’s e-mails. But the controversy is about issues far bigger than e-mails. One issue is the utter disaster created by the Obama administration’s foreign... more »
Parts of London have higher TB rates than Iraq or Rwanda per BBC News
The BBC report that parts of London now have a rate of tuberculosis infection higher than Rwanda or Iraq. The BBC report is keen to persuade is not to blame this on immigration: 'The rate of infection among UK-born Londoners has risen, while among the non-UK-born it has fallen - and the report said it would be wrong to assume TB was a disease of migrants.' Of course rates are not measures of absolute numbers and that last section isn't saying what the BBC wants you to think that it is. The BBC want you to think that line says that it would be wrong to assume TB was a disease cause... more »
Can An Enemy Combatant With An AK-47 Persevere In A Fire Fight Against U.S. Soldiers?
© Sputnik/ Vitaliy Ankov *Sputnik:* *'Anyone With AK-47' Can Overmatch US Soldier in Fire Fight* Few countries on the planet could hope to dominate the US in tank, air or naval warfare but US soldiers would be easily outgunned in a fire fight, military analyst Jim Schatz wrote in his article for National Defense. "Yet every bad actor with an AK-47 takes on US and NATO ground forces in a small arms fight. We are no longer suitably armed to prevent it," he wrote. "The current US Army small arms development and acquisition system is dysfunctional and virtually unworkable, even for tho... more »
Russia's "Bombing" of Syrian Hospitals: The Incredible Expanding Lie
*October 27, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - In any war, collateral damage is inevitable. And no matter how careful Russia attempts to be, one cannot avoid eventually killing innocent civilians. That is why it is so important to make sure any war fought is justified to begin with - so that when a tragic mistake is made it is not compounded by the fact that the war within which it took place shouldn't have been fought in the first place. *Image: While the US and Russia agree on little regarding Syria, what they do agree on is that Al Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State are running ... more »
Cyclone Patricia: another alarmist lie.
*Anthony Cox writes* The headlines said it all: At 200 MPH, Hurricane Patricia Is Now the Strongest Tropical Cyclone Ever Recorded The hysteria was endless. Naturally the ABC got involved: The ABC image clearly shows a bit of rain and medium wind gusts as Patricia hits the West tourist coast of Mexico. I have been out surfing in worse conditions than this. At the same time as this allegedly monster cyclone Patricia was wreaking havoc on Mexico a real high category cyclone was wandering around the Pacific further out to sea. Cyclone Olaf was a genuine category 4 cyclone. But Ola... more »
Military Photo of the Day: October 27, 2015
[image: Soldiers in Slovenia-900] U.S. Army paratroopers fire mortars during a training exercise in Postonja, Slovenia, on Oct. 19, 2015. Thanks to Visual Information Specialist Paolo Bovo for capturing this image!
Are The U.S. And China At A 'Tipping Point' In Their Relationship?
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with U.S. President Barack Obama in St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 6, 2013. (Xinhua file photo) *Ryan Pickrell, National Interest*: *The Tipping Point: Has the U.S.-China Relationship Passed the Point of No Return?* *The geopolitical power struggle between China and the United States will almost certainly be decided in the South China Sea.* Conflict between a rising power and an established power is not inevitable as most realist scholars suggest. However, in every relationship, there is a tipping point or a point of no return, and China and th... more »
What An Air War Against China Would Look Like
The Chinese air force is estimated to have 180 fourth-generation fighters at bases close to the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, as opposed to 20 for Japan. The islands could be a flash point for a future military conflict between the two nations. | CFP/GETTY/KYODO *David Axe, War Is Boring:* *Why a Chinese blitzkrieg would seriously mess up the U.S. Air Force* In 2017, immediately defeating a surge of Chinese warplanes attacking Taiwan will require around 2,200 combat-ready U.S. fighter jets — a full two-thirds of all fighters in the American inventory. That's the main conc... more »
U.S. Naval Vessel Has Just Sailed Within 12 Nautical Miles Of A Chinese Reclaimed Island
*CNN:* *U.S. warship sails close to Chinese artificial island in South China Sea* Washington (CNN)The United States sent a warship very close to one of China's artificial islands in the South China Sea on Tuesday, a potential challenge to Beijing's territorial claims in the contested waters. A U.S. defense official told CNN that the destroyer USS Lassen "conducted a transit" within 12 nautical miles of Subi Reef in the Spratly Islands on Tuesday morning local time. The operation put the ship within an area that would be considered Chinese sovereign territory if the U.S. recognize... more »
China And The U.S. Agree To Behave Civilly To Avoid 'Aerial Incidents'
A Chinese fighter jet during an allegedly "dangerous" intercept of a US surveillance plane in August 2014. Image Credit: U.S. Navy Photo/Released *The Diplomat*: *US-China Military Agreements Dodge Deep Differences* *Hailed as “groundbreaking,” the new rules fail to address fundamental differences.* The new U.S.-China agreed rules for military air-to-air encounters are being hailed in some quarters as “ground-breaking” and a “milestone.” But like their 2014 agreement on safe military encounters at sea, this “annex” does not address the fundamental differences that give rise to thes... more »
Subsidies Gone With The Wind....NOT!
In July this year, then PM Tony Abbott ordered the $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation not to finance new wind power projects. However new PM Turnbull has different ideas: Under Turnbull the CEFC has been transferred to the environment department and the government has apparently dropped plans to hobble its mandate by banning investments in wind farms and small scale solar and has suggested it plays an important role in its climate plans. (Link) Previously, in Parliament, Alby Schultz had revealed some home truths about Wind Power: (link) RECs are being issued fraudule... more »
Thorne Dreyer : RAG RADIO PODCASTS | Deepa Iyer, Carmen Tafolla & Gregg Barrios, Margaret Randall, Michael Hurd, Ed Sanders, Atash, Jim Hightower, Richard Zelade
We discuss racial justice post-9/11 and African-American history in Texas, get the lowdown on Labor Day, visit with a beatnik legend, learn about Austin in the Jazz Age, and listen to classy world music and world class poetry. Interviews by … finish reading Thorne Dreyer : *RAG RADIO PODCASTS* | Deepa Iyer, Carmen Tafolla & Gregg Barrios, Margaret Randall, Michael Hurd, Ed Sanders, Atash, Jim Hightower, Richard Zelade
Hillary: It’s the Sexism, Stupid
[image: LAS VEGAS, NV - OCTOBER 13: Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) (L) and Hillary Clinton walk on the stage at the end of a presidential debate sponsored by CNN and Facebook at Wynn Las Vegas on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Five Democratic presidential candidates are participating in the party's first presidential debate.] It was inevitable that Bernie Sanders would be accused of sexism sooner or later. His day came over the weekend. At the signature Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Iowa, Hillary Clinton hit the Vermont senator for saying in the f... more »
What Do Big Donors Expect From The Legalistic Bribes They Pay Politicians?
The other day I was nosing around the Open Secrets website to see who was giving what to which candidates and their various SuperPACs. It's been widely reported that Hillary has taken in $97,763,283 in total-- most of it ($77,471,604) for his own campaign committee and the rest for her SuperPACs ($20,291,679). The biggest amounts of money came from these entities: Corning? $209,100. What's that all about, I wondered. They're not Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley. Why is so much Hillary money coming from this one firm in a very Republican part of upstate New York? (While New York s... more »
Goodbye Middle Class? (51% of American Workers Make Less Than $30K/Year) The In-Crowd Forgets What the Great Depression Yielded (Bernie Doesn't) Ordinary Americans Pay More in Taxes Than Wealthy (No Matter What Propaganda You Heard)
Exclusive: Elevated CO2 Levels Directly Affect Human Cognition Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars a YearBy Michael Snyder, Washington's Blog24 October 15e just got more evidence that the middle class in America is dying. According to brand new numbers that were just released by the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all
Politician: “I Prevented The CERN LHC From Destroying Mankind”
An ex-Labour politician, Simon Parkes, has claimed “psychopathic” world leaders, known as the “illuminati”, were planning on using CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to open up a vortex allowing them to take control over the human population. Mr Parkes, told an audience at a UFO convention in a strange country manor house (which had mysterious paintings hung on its walls), that he foiled the sinister plot by the illuminati just a few weeks ago in August, and thus saved mankind from destruction. The former politician said that the LHC is using alien technology from another planet to ... more »
US Send Warships Towards China As Tension Reaches Boiling Point
The US navy are sending one of their warships towards China to challenge them on their territorial claims over artificial islands built by China in the South China Sea. The USS Lassen destroyer will be sent to Subi and the Mischief reefs in the Spratly archipelago. The Guardian reports: The ship would probably be accompanied by a US navy P-8A surveillance plane, and possibly P-3 surveillance plane, which have been conducting regular surveillance missions in the region, the official said on Monday. The patrol will mark the most serious US challenge yet to the 12-nautical-mile territ... more »
Shocking Video Of Cop Manhandling Female Student In Classroom
A shocking video has emerged of a cop attacking a peaceful female student in a classroom in South Carolina. The footage emerged on Monday, which shows a male school resource officer at Spring Valley High School grabbing the female student by the neck and throwing her to the ground whilst she was seated at her desk. Vice News reports: The full video of the Spring Valley High School Police Officer brutally assaulting a peaceful student. pic.twitter.com/oHIS8GrtSS — Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 26, 2015 Columbia’s Richmond School District Two issued a statement that said officials ... more »
US: Russia May Cut Undersea Communication Cables Causing Blackout
The Pentagon are claiming that Russia’s growing naval activities risk cutting undersea communication cables, which could cause massive chaos across America for government and members of the public alike. The commander of the Navy’s submarine fleet, Adm. Frederick J. Roegge, has said “I’m worried every day about what the Russians may be doing,” in regards to Russia cutting undersea cables. Nytimes.com reports: Cmdr. William Marks, a Navy spokesman in Washington, said: “It would be a concern to hear any country was tampering with communication cables; however, due to the classified n... more »
Musical Interlude: Pink Floyd, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”
Pink Floyd, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SqFPNTBnv8
"A Look to the Heavens"
"The glare of Alpha Centauri, one of the brightest stars in planet Earth's night sky, floods the left side of this southern skyscape. A mere 4.3 light-years distant, Alpha Centauri actually consists of two component stars similar in size to the Sun, locked in a mutual orbit. Much smaller and cooler, a third member of the same star system, Proxima Centauri, lies outside this field of view. * Click image for larger size.* Still, the telescopic scene does reveal often overlooked denizens of the Milky Way's crowded galactic plane that lie beyond the glare of Alpha Centauri, including a ... more »
"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy"
*"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When we view the lives of others and think they have it easy, we are not seeing the whole of their life or the story they are presenting. Our lives are an exercise in facing challenges. We dream the grandest of dreams as youngsters only to discover that we must cultivate copious inner strength and determination in order to meet our goals. Our hard work does not always yield the results we expect. And it is when we find ourselves frustrated by the trials we face or unable to meet our own expectations that we... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Universal We?”
*“A Universal We?”* by Chet Raymo “I have a few words to say about Oxford anthropologist Harvey Whitehouse, and his thoughts on ritual as "the glue that holds social groups together." I was drawing on a story in the 24 January, 2013 issue of “Nature.” He is quoted further: "Emotionally intense rituals have bound us together and pitted us against our enemies throughout the history of our species. It was only when nomadic foragers began to settle down did we discover the possibilities for establishing much larger societies based on frequently repeated creeds and rituals." The big q... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
"In Search Of Messiahs"
*"In Search Of Messiahs"* by David Grayling "Friends, the image above symbolizes most of the human race. In it, we have one person on a stage addressing hundreds of thousands of persons. They hang upon his every word as if he possessed all knowledge, had all the answers, will change their lives, lift them out of mediocrity, take them to the Promised Land. They applaud, shout, stamp their feet in adoration. For ten thousand years humans have been doing exactly the same thing: blindly following this person or that: a king, a czar, a religious guru, a pope, an emperor, a president. It... more »
"A Son Meets His Father'
*"A Son Meets His Father"* by Jason Burnett "Late last year, while resting in my hotel room on a business trip to India, I saw my father being interviewed on CNN International; this was the first time I had seen him or heard his voice in 27 years. The coincidence intrigued me enough to attempt to contact him and after I returned to the States, I spent the next few days trying various combinations of e-mail addresses until I finally hit upon the right one, and received a response. Before I knew it, we had set a date in February to meet. I was about to find myself face to face with a ... more »
U.S. Navy To Send A Guided-Missile Destroyer Within 12 Miles Of Chinese Islands In The South China Sea
*Reuters*: *U.S. Navy to send destroyer within 12 miles of Chinese islands* The U.S. Navy plans to send a guided-missile destroyer within 12 nautical miles of artificial islands built by China in the South China Sea, in the start of a series of challenges to China's territorial claims in one of the world's busiest sea lanes. A U.S. defense official said the patrol by the USS Lassen would occur early on Tuesday local time near Subi and Mischief reefs in the Spratly archipelago, features that were formerly submerged at high tide before China began a massive dredging project to turn ... more »
"A Father Meets His Son"
*"A Father Meets His Son"* by John S. Burnett "There was a water-stained photograph, faded from years of tropical heat, of my 10-year-old son and me as we walked away down the pier toward my sailboat. I had my arm around his shoulders and his arm was around my waist; there was a lot of love in that picture. Permanently framed in the boat, the photo captured that sad moment — the last time I was to see my son for 27 years. I met him again in a crowded hotel lobby in New York City. We had agreed to meet, to test the waters. A son was now ready to find out who his father was, a father w... more »
New Life On Earth Discovered That Lives Off Of Pure Energy
A new type of bacteria unlike any other living thing on Earth has been discovered by scientists, and it lives on pure energy alone. The electric bacteria live on electricity in the form of electrons harvested from rocks and metals, and biologists are enticing these lifeforms out of rocks and marine mud by tempting them with electrical juice. Newscientist.com reports: Experiments growing bacteria on battery electrodes demonstrate that these novel, mind-boggling forms of life are essentially eating and excreting electricity. That should not come as a complete surprise, says Kenneth N... more »
Who Owns Your Genes? Are They a Cure?
*Jon Rappoport* - Genes. High-level, high-flying, high-minded, high-tech answers for the problems we face. The post Who Owns Your Genes? Are They a Cure? appeared first on Waking Times.
The “skin-deep trappings” of politic salvation
For those who don’t understand folk who seek salvation in politics, read and despair at Chris Trotter’s love letter to an empty man, posted at Chris’s blog this morning and in *The Press *last week. It begins: *IT’S ONE OF THOSE PICTURES that freeze-frames a political leader in the making. Half-turned from the enthusiastic crowd of Prince Edward Islanders he is addressing, Justin Trudeau’s upraised arm acknowledges something beyond the image’s point of reference. A pale sunlight lightly gilds the palm of his outstretched hand and highlights the features of his face. Taken in 2013... more »
Here Comes Another Round of Easy Money
*Guest post by the **Casey Daily Dispatch* China’s central bank is cutting interest rates again. On Friday, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), China’s central bank, cut its key one-year lending rate from 4.6% to 4.35%. The PBOC also cut its one-year deposit rate from 1.75% to a record low of 1.50%. As you can see in the chart below, China’s central bank has now cut rates six times since last November. The People’s Bank of China hopes low rates will boost China’s economy [how? somehow], which grew at its slowest annual pace in twenty-five years last year. To make matters worse, ... more »
Dangerous characters, these
Those bloody dangerous immigrants … coming to our country with their dangerous ways … they’re going to take over … FYI, these are among the people who built America, as photographed passing through Ellis Island. And unlike Europe today, they passed through by the *millions*. Quipped Robert Tracinski, “Clearly some dangerous characters. Shoulda kept 'em out.” [image: image] [image: image] [image: image] [image: image] Clearly a bad lot who would ruin a country. Don’t you think their eyes are all too close together? Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for... more »
Malcolm Roberts: Holding my university and its staff accountable
Guest Post by *Malcolm Roberts* Restoring science Holding my University and it's staff accountable Summary of complaints Summary of Empirical Evidence on climate Malcolm Roberts' qualifications This page aims to help restore integrity and objectivity to science and to the rule of law. Objectivity is vital. Without it, we invite the powerful to rule using physical force, financial and industrial might, emotional intimidation, propaganda, lies, corrupt politics, ... History shows that science's objectivity is essential for freedom, efficiency, prosperity, progress and fairness.... more »
Congresswoman Hits it Out of the Park
Tulsi Gabbard - a Democrat from Hawaii and member of the Armed Services Committee - demonstrates great knowledge and courage to go against the grain in the US as she explains the Syria situation. She points the finger at the US who is arming ISIS. Nice to finally see some politician in Washington telling the truth for once.
Trump Is The Perfect Candidate For What The Republicans Have Turned Their Base Into-- Serves Them Right
So polling still isn't indicating the anti-Trump rout the Republican Establishment is working towards, at least not yet. The latest polling, from CBS has Trump and Carson tied in Iowa and way ahead of the senators and governors the Establishment would like to run. Texas neo-fascist Ted Cruz is as 12%, Rubio is at 9% and Jeb is struggling along at 6%. Everyone else is eating dust-- from Lindsey Graham's consistent 0% and Chris Christie's 1%, all the way up the field to Kasich's 2% and Rand Paul's 3%. But in New Hampshire and South Carolina, Trump is still leagues ahead of the rest o... more »
A Russian - Taliban Alliance?
Photo: AFP/Getty *Daily Beast:** A Taliban-Russia Team-Up Against ISIS?* The Taliban are quietly opening dialogues with the former Soviet states on Afghanistan’s border, and with Moscow. KABUL — The Taliban are not as lonely as they once were. The pariahs who protected Osama bin Laden and quickly collapsed when the U.S. counter-attacked after September 11, 2001, have been developing contacts with neighboring states and even with Russia, driven out of Afghanistan in 1989. There’s nothing simple about this picture, and, interestingly, it appears partly tied to Russian efforts to op... more »
Pete Hoekstra On His New Book, "Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya"
*An excerpt from, "Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya" The Heritage Foundation:* In his new book, *Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya*, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra offers a thorough analysis of how a disastrous foreign policy led to Libya becoming a failed state on the shores of the Mediterranean. Now serving as the Shillman Senior Fellow with the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Hoekstra details how America’s tragic intervention in the North African country turned an island of relative stability into a nexus of radica... more »
The Cracks Are Showing
http://blogs.rosemont78.org/ It didn't take long for cracks to show in the Harper party. The divisions are essentially three. Michael Harris writes: There are three factions left in the rudderless ghost ship that is the CPC – the lineal descendants of the Reform Party, led by Jason Kenney; the angry and so far leaderless Ontario Conservatives who got shellacked by Team Trudeau in their former strongholds in Toronto; and the vestiges of the old progressive conservatives hanging aroun... more »
Would The World Be A Better Place If Saddam And Kadhafi Were Still In Power?
*CNN*:* Trump: World would be '100%' better with Hussein, Gadhafi in power* (CNN)Donald Trump believes the world would be much better off if ruthless dictators like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power. "100%," Trump replied when asked that question in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired Sunday on "State of the Union." Trump said he believes Iraq and Libya, the respective countries of the since-deceased dictators, would be less fractured and promote a more stable Middle East if the two had not been forcefully pushed out of power. Hussein fell from powe... more »
Iraq, Rome and the Synod of Persecuted Christians
[image: Iraqi Christian Children - 400] During the past month, the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the family has been the dominant Catholic story in the world. The gathering of 270 prelates in Rome drew massive coverage and commentary, with many styling it as almost a... Continue reading *“Iraq, Rome and the Synod of Persecuted Christians”* at *cruxnow.com*.
Study: Football Doesn’t Affect Voting Patterns After All
[image: Football Stadium - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- As another election season heats up, researchers are engaged in a battle of their own over voter behavior: Can it really be swayed by whether the local college football team just won or lost? Five years... more »
Minimum Wage v. Immigration: The Left’s Contradiction
[image: immigration - 400] An astute reader points out this piece by the ever-clueless Bob Reich in the Huffington Post. Reich, defending a $15 minimum wage, concedes that imposing such a minimum would cause jobs to be lost, but argues that "such jobs [i.e., jobs that... Continue reading *“Minimum Wage v. Immigration: The Left’s Contradiction”* at *powerlineblog.com*.
Meat and cancer
*INDEPENDENT (UK): Processed meat and cancer link: … Evidence has been building for decades and is supported by a wealth of careful research* Yes, might be time to put down those paleo diets and move away from the more carnivorous sections of your supermarket. So, um, who else now wants a copy of one my favourite books then? - *NB:* Read the entire meant-and-cancer study at *The Lancet*: “Carcinogenicity of consumption of red and processed meat.” And do note the caveats. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at i... more »
CSOs and State 23, Financial education and Pidro Sing
To accumulate wealth and assets, to have sufficient resources for investments in the future, one must have savings, right? Yes, and to have sufficient savings, we must use the habit and formula, Income - Spending = Savings, right? Wrong. It should be: Income - Savings = Spending This is among the most important messages that my friend, Peter "Pidro" Sing, imparted to the accountants, auditors and other staff of my sister's auditing firm last June 03, 2015. He gave a lecture on Personal Financial Education as part of the firm's education and training series for its staff, and some 30... more »
Disproving the Anthropogenic climate change lie.
*Terence Cardwell * There is no disagreement about climate change. It has existed since the first day the earth was created. The weather changes every day, sometime good, sometimes bad. The only disagreement is that the weather is influence by the carbon dioxide generated by man, and the answer is an emphatic NO. Since 1979 the climate alarmists, sponsored largely by the U.N. , have tried to convince us otherwise with ‘models’, predictions, future graphs, fear tactics, deliberate distortions of the truth and endless deliberate lies. These are some of them; - 1. Melting of ... more »
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