Monday, October 26, 2015

26 Oct - Blogs I'm Following

11:05pm MDST

Thorne Dreyer : RAG RADIO PODCASTS | Deepa Iyer, Carmen Tafolla & Gregg Barrios, Margaret Randall, Michael Hurd, Ed Sanders, Atash, Jim Hightower, Richard Zelade

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 20 minutes ago
We discuss racial justice post-9/11 and African-American history in Texas, get the lowdown on Labor Day, visit with a beatnik legend, learn about Austin in the Jazz Age, and listen to classy world music and world class poetry. Interviews by … finish reading Thorne Dreyer : *RAG RADIO PODCASTS* | Deepa Iyer, Carmen Tafolla & Gregg Barrios, Margaret Randall, Michael Hurd, Ed Sanders, Atash, Jim Hightower, Richard Zelade

Hillary: It’s the Sexism, Stupid

Rich Lowry at The Stream - 28 minutes ago
[image: LAS VEGAS, NV - OCTOBER 13: Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) (L) and Hillary Clinton walk on the stage at the end of a presidential debate sponsored by CNN and Facebook at Wynn Las Vegas on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Five Democratic presidential candidates are participating in the party's first presidential debate.] It was inevitable that Bernie Sanders would be accused of sexism sooner or later. His day came over the weekend. At the signature Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Iowa, Hillary Clinton hit the Vermont senator for saying in the f... more »

What Do Big Donors Expect From The Legalistic Bribes They Pay Politicians?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
The other day I was nosing around the Open Secrets website to see who was giving what to which candidates and their various SuperPACs. It's been widely reported that Hillary has taken in $97,763,283 in total-- most of it ($77,471,604) for his own campaign committee and another for her SuperPACs ($20,291,679). The biggest amounts of money came from these entities: Corning? $209,100. What's that all about, I wondered. They're not Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley. Why is so much Hillary money coming from this one firm in a very Republican part of upstate New York? (While New York st... more »

Goodbye Middle Class? (51% of American Workers Make Less Than $30K/Year)  The In-Crowd Forgets What the Great Depression Yielded  (Bernie Doesn't)  Ordinary Americans Pay More in Taxes Than Wealthy (No Matter What Propaganda You Heard)

Exclusive: Elevated CO2 Levels Directly Affect Human Cognition Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars a YearBy Michael Snyder, Washington's Blog24 October 15e just got more evidence that the middle class in America is dying. According to brand new numbers that were just released by the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all

Politician: “I Prevented The CERN LHC From Destroying Mankind”

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 2 hours ago
An ex-Labour politician, Simon Parkes, has claimed “psychopathic” world leaders, known as the “illuminati”, were planning on using CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to open up a vortex allowing them to take control over the human population. Mr Parkes, told an audience at a UFO convention in a strange country manor house (which had mysterious paintings hung on its walls), that he foiled the sinister plot by the illuminati just a few weeks ago in August, and thus saved mankind from destruction. The former politician said that the LHC is using alien technology from another planet to ... more »

US Send Warships Towards China As Tension Reaches Boiling Point

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 2 hours ago
The US navy are sending one of their warships towards China to challenge them on their territorial claims over artificial islands built by China in the South China Sea. The USS Lassen destroyer will be sent to Subi and the Mischief reefs in the Spratly archipelago. The Guardian reports: The ship would probably be accompanied by a US navy P-8A surveillance plane, and possibly P-3 surveillance plane, which have been conducting regular surveillance missions in the region, the official said on Monday. The patrol will mark the most serious US challenge yet to the 12-nautical-mile territ... more »

Shocking Video Of Cop Manhandling Female Student In Classroom

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 2 hours ago
A shocking video has emerged of a cop attacking a peaceful female student in a classroom in South Carolina. The footage emerged on Monday, which shows a male school resource officer at Spring Valley High School grabbing the female student by the neck and throwing her to the ground whilst she was seated at her desk. Vice News reports: The full video of the Spring Valley High School Police Officer brutally assaulting a peaceful student. — Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 26, 2015 Columbia’s Richmond School District Two issued a statement that said officials ... more »

US: Russia May Cut Undersea Communication Cables Causing Blackout

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 2 hours ago
The Pentagon are claiming that Russia’s growing naval activities risk cutting undersea communication cables, which could cause massive chaos across America for government and members of the public alike. The commander of the Navy’s submarine fleet, Adm. Frederick J. Roegge, has said “I’m worried every day about what the Russians may be doing,” in regards to Russia cutting undersea cables. reports: Cmdr. William Marks, a Navy spokesman in Washington, said: “It would be a concern to hear any country was tampering with communication cables; however, due to the classified n... more »

Musical Interlude: Pink Floyd, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
Pink Floyd, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
"The glare of Alpha Centauri, one of the brightest stars in planet Earth's night sky, floods the left side of this southern skyscape. A mere 4.3 light-years distant, Alpha Centauri actually consists of two component stars similar in size to the Sun, locked in a mutual orbit. Much smaller and cooler, a third member of the same star system, Proxima Centauri, lies outside this field of view. * Click image for larger size.* Still, the telescopic scene does reveal often overlooked denizens of the Milky Way's crowded galactic plane that lie beyond the glare of Alpha Centauri, including a ... more »

"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When we view the lives of others and think they have it easy, we are not seeing the whole of their life or the story they are presenting. Our lives are an exercise in facing challenges. We dream the grandest of dreams as youngsters only to discover that we must cultivate copious inner strength and determination in order to meet our goals. Our hard work does not always yield the results we expect. And it is when we find ourselves frustrated by the trials we face or unable to meet our own expectations that we... more »

Chet Raymo, “A Universal We?” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*“A Universal We?”* by Chet Raymo “I have a few words to say about Oxford anthropologist Harvey Whitehouse, and his thoughts on ritual as "the glue that holds social groups together." I was drawing on a story in the 24 January, 2013 issue of “Nature.” He is quoted further: "Emotionally intense rituals have bound us together and pitted us against our enemies throughout the history of our species. It was only when nomadic foragers began to settle down did we discover the possibilities for establishing much larger societies based on frequently repeated creeds and rituals." The big q... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.

"In Search Of Messiahs" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*"In Search Of Messiahs"* by David Grayling "Friends, the image above symbolizes most of the human race. In it, we have one person on a stage addressing hundreds of thousands of persons. They hang upon his every word as if he possessed all knowledge, had all the answers, will change their lives, lift them out of mediocrity, take them to the Promised Land. They applaud, shout, stamp their feet in adoration. For ten thousand years humans have been doing exactly the same thing: blindly following this person or that: a king, a czar, a religious guru, a pope, an emperor, a president. It... more »

"A Son Meets His Father' (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*"A Son Meets His Father"* by Jason Burnett "Late last year, while resting in my hotel room on a business trip to India, I saw my father being interviewed on CNN International; this was the first time I had seen him or heard his voice in 27 years. The coincidence intrigued me enough to attempt to contact him and after I returned to the States, I spent the next few days trying various combinations of e-mail addresses until I finally hit upon the right one, and received a response. Before I knew it, we had set a date in February to meet. I was about to find myself face to face with a ... more »

U.S. Navy To Send A Guided-Missile Destroyer Within 12 Miles Of Chinese Islands In The South China Sea

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Reuters*: *U.S. Navy to send destroyer within 12 miles of Chinese islands* The U.S. Navy plans to send a guided-missile destroyer within 12 nautical miles of artificial islands built by China in the South China Sea, in the start of a series of challenges to China's territorial claims in one of the world's busiest sea lanes. A U.S. defense official said the patrol by the USS Lassen would occur early on Tuesday local time near Subi and Mischief reefs in the Spratly archipelago, features that were formerly submerged at high tide before China began a massive dredging project to turn ... more »

"A Father Meets His Son" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*"A Father Meets His Son"* by John S. Burnett "There was a water-stained photograph, faded from years of tropical heat, of my 10-year-old son and me as we walked away down the pier toward my sailboat. I had my arm around his shoulders and his arm was around my waist; there was a lot of love in that picture. Permanently framed in the boat, the photo captured that sad moment — the last time I was to see my son for 27 years. I met him again in a crowded hotel lobby in New York City. We had agreed to meet, to test the waters. A son was now ready to find out who his father was, a father w... more »

New Life On Earth Discovered That Lives Off Of Pure Energy

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 2 hours ago
A new type of bacteria unlike any other living thing on Earth has been discovered by scientists, and it lives on pure energy alone. The electric bacteria live on electricity in the form of electrons harvested from rocks and metals, and biologists are enticing these lifeforms out of rocks and marine mud by tempting them with electrical juice. reports: Experiments growing bacteria on battery electrodes demonstrate that these novel, mind-boggling forms of life are essentially eating and excreting electricity. That should not come as a complete surprise, says Kenneth N... more »

Who Owns Your Genes? Are They a Cure?

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 3 hours ago
*Jon Rappoport* - Genes. High-level, high-flying, high-minded, high-tech answers for the problems we face. The post Who Owns Your Genes? Are They a Cure? appeared first on Waking Times.

The “skin-deep trappings” of politic salvation

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 3 hours ago
For those who don’t understand folk who seek salvation in politics, read and despair at Chris Trotter’s love letter to an empty man, posted at Chris’s blog this morning and in *The Press *last week. It begins: *IT’S ONE OF THOSE PICTURES that freeze-frames a political leader in the making. Half-turned from the enthusiastic crowd of Prince Edward Islanders he is addressing, Justin Trudeau’s upraised arm acknowledges something beyond the image’s point of reference. A pale sunlight lightly gilds the palm of his outstretched hand and highlights the features of his face. Taken in 2013... more »

Here Comes Another Round of Easy Money

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 3 hours ago
*Guest post by the **Casey Daily Dispatch* China’s central bank is cutting interest rates again. On Friday, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), China’s central bank, cut its key one-year lending rate from 4.6% to 4.35%. The PBOC also cut its one-year deposit rate from 1.75% to a record low of 1.50%. As you can see in the chart below, China’s central bank has now cut rates six times since last November. The People’s Bank of China hopes low rates will boost China’s economy [how? somehow], which grew at its slowest annual pace in twenty-five years last year. To make matters worse, ... more »

Dangerous characters, these

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 3 hours ago
Those bloody dangerous immigrants … coming to our country with their dangerous ways … they’re going to take over … FYI, these are among the people who built America, as photographed passing through Ellis Island. And unlike Europe today, they passed through by the *millions*. Quipped Robert Tracinski, “Clearly some dangerous characters. Shoulda kept 'em out.” [image: image] [image: image] [image: image] [image: image] Clearly a bad lot who would ruin a country. Don’t you think their eyes are all too close together? Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for... more »

Malcolm Roberts: Holding my university and its staff accountable

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 hours ago
Guest Post by *Malcolm Roberts* Restoring science Holding my University and it's staff accountable Summary of complaints Summary of Empirical Evidence on climate Malcolm Roberts' qualifications This page aims to help restore integrity and objectivity to science and to the rule of law. Objectivity is vital. Without it, we invite the powerful to rule using physical force, financial and industrial might, emotional intimidation, propaganda, lies, corrupt politics, ... History shows that science's objectivity is essential for freedom, efficiency, prosperity, progress and fairness. ... more »

Congresswoman Hits it Out of the Park

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 3 hours ago
Tulsi Gabbard - a Democrat from Hawaii and member of the Armed Services Committee - demonstrates great knowledge and courage to go against the grain in the US as she explains the Syria situation. She points the finger at the US who is arming ISIS. Nice to finally see some politician in Washington telling the truth for once.

Trump Is The Perfect Candidate For What The Republicans Have Turned Their Base Into-- Serves Them Right

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
So polling still isn't indicating the anti-Trump rout the Republican Establishment is working towards, at least not yet. The latest polling, from CBS has Trump and Carson tied in Iowa and way ahead of the senators and governors the Establishment would like to run. Texas neo-fascist Ted Cruz is as 12%, Rubio is at 9% and Jeb is struggling along at 6%. Everyone else is eating dust-- from Lindsey Graham's consistent 0% and Chris Christie's 1%, all the way up the field to Kasich's 2% and Rand Paul's 3%. But in New Hampshire and South Carolina, Trump is still leagues ahead of the rest o... more »

A Russian - Taliban Alliance?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
Photo: AFP/Getty *Daily Beast:** A Taliban-Russia Team-Up Against ISIS?* The Taliban are quietly opening dialogues with the former Soviet states on Afghanistan’s border, and with Moscow. KABUL — The Taliban are not as lonely as they once were. The pariahs who protected Osama bin Laden and quickly collapsed when the U.S. counter-attacked after September 11, 2001, have been developing contacts with neighboring states and even with Russia, driven out of Afghanistan in 1989. There’s nothing simple about this picture, and, interestingly, it appears partly tied to Russian efforts to op... more »

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago

Pete Hoekstra On His New Book, "Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya"

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 4 hours ago
*An excerpt from, "Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya" The Heritage Foundation:* In his new book, *Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya*, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra offers a thorough analysis of how a disastrous foreign policy led to Libya becoming a failed state on the shores of the Mediterranean. Now serving as the Shillman Senior Fellow with the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Hoekstra details how America’s tragic intervention in the North African country turned an island of relative stability into a nexus of radica... more »

The Cracks Are Showing

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 4 hours ago It didn't take long for cracks to show in the Harper party. The divisions are essentially three. Michael Harris writes: There are three factions left in the rudderless ghost ship that is the CPC – the lineal descendants of the Reform Party, led by Jason Kenney; the angry and so far leaderless Ontario Conservatives who got shellacked by Team Trudeau in their former strongholds in Toronto; and the vestiges of the old progressive conservatives hanging aroun... more »

Would The World Be A Better Place If Saddam And Kadhafi Were Still In Power?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*CNN*:* Trump: World would be '100%' better with Hussein, Gadhafi in power* (CNN)Donald Trump believes the world would be much better off if ruthless dictators like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power. "100%," Trump replied when asked that question in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired Sunday on "State of the Union." Trump said he believes Iraq and Libya, the respective countries of the since-deceased dictators, would be less fractured and promote a more stable Middle East if the two had not been forcefully pushed out of power. Hussein fell from powe... more »

Iraq, Rome and the Synod of Persecuted Christians

CruxNow at The Stream - 4 hours ago
[image: Iraqi Christian Children - 400] During the past month, the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the family has been the dominant Catholic story in the world. The gathering of 270 prelates in Rome drew massive coverage and commentary, with many styling it as almost a... Continue reading *“Iraq, Rome and the Synod of Persecuted Christians”* at **.

Study: Football Doesn’t Affect Voting Patterns After All

Malcolm Ritter at The Stream - 4 hours ago
[image: Football Stadium - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- As another election season heats up, researchers are engaged in a battle of their own over voter behavior: Can it really be swayed by whether the local college football team just won or lost? Five years... more »

Minimum Wage v. Immigration: The Left’s Contradiction

Powerline/JOHN HINDERAKER at The Stream - 4 hours ago
[image: immigration - 400] An astute reader points out this piece by the ever-clueless Bob Reich in the Huffington Post. Reich, defending a $15 minimum wage, concedes that imposing such a minimum would cause jobs to be lost, but argues that "such jobs [i.e., jobs that... Continue reading *“Minimum Wage v. Immigration: The Left’s Contradiction”* at **.

Meat and cancer

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 4 hours ago
*INDEPENDENT (UK): Processed meat and cancer link: … Evidence has been building for decades and is supported by a wealth of careful research* Yes, might be time to put down those paleo diets and move away from the more carnivorous sections of your supermarket. So, um, who else now wants a copy of one my favourite books then? - *NB:* Read the entire meant-and-cancer study at *The Lancet*: “Carcinogenicity of consumption of red and processed meat.” And do note the caveats. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at i... more »

CSOs and State 23, Financial education and Pidro Sing

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 4 hours ago
To accumulate wealth and assets, to have sufficient resources for investments in the future, one must have savings, right? Yes, and to have sufficient savings, we must use the habit and formula, Income - Spending = Savings, right? Wrong. It should be: Income - Savings = Spending This is among the most important messages that my friend, Peter "Pidro" Sing, imparted to the accountants, auditors and other staff of my sister's auditing firm last June 03, 2015. He gave a lecture on Personal Financial Education as part of the firm's education and training series for its staff, and some 30... more »

Disproving the Anthropogenic climate change lie.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 hours ago
*Terence Cardwell * There is no disagreement about climate change. It has existed since the first day the earth was created. The weather changes every day, sometime good, sometimes bad. The only disagreement is that the weather is influence by the carbon dioxide generated by man, and the answer is an emphatic NO. Since 1979 the climate alarmists, sponsored largely by the U.N. , have tried to convince us otherwise with ‘models’, predictions, future graphs, fear tactics, deliberate distortions of the truth and endless deliberate lies. These are some of them; - 1. Melting of ... more »


Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 5 hours ago

New Drugs That May Be A Cure For Baldness

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 5 hours ago
Scientists at Columbia University have identified new drugs that could potentially be a cure for baldness. Experiments on mice have achieved rapid and robust hair growth, using drugs known as JAK inhibitors, that stop hair follicles falling into a resting state. The Economic Times of India reports: The drugs inhibit a family of enzymes inside hair follicles that are suspended in a resting state, restoring hair growth, researchers said. In experiments with mouse and human hair follicles, Angela M Christiano from Columbia University Medical Center and colleagues found that drugs that ... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 26, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*Frontline:* *Inside the Assad Regime’s Surreal “Summer in Syria” Campaign* By any measure, the past several months in Syria have been especially devastating. The world has watched as thousands of Syrians fled the fighting between President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and rebel forces. Meanwhile, despite U.S. airstrikes, ISIS seized even more territory across the country, even razing the ancient city of Palmyra. But as FRONTLINE’s Martin Smith found when he journeyed inside government-controlled areas of Syria late this past summer, the regime and its allies were working hard to put... more »

Indulging Transgender Fantasies Makes Them Worse

The Federalist at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: transgender] From the time I was nine, my father decided he was a woman. He became "Becky." Sort of. The truth is no amount of hormones or cosmetic surgery could change my dad into a female. Of course, not even a... Continue reading *“Indulging Transgender Fantasies Makes Them Worse”* at **.

Pentagon Weighing Deeper US Involvement in Iraq

The Hill at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: military - 400] Top leaders at the Pentagon are considering a range of options to bolster the military campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), including embedding some U.S. troops with Iraqi forces, according to two U.S. officials. U.S. military... Continue reading *“Pentagon Weighing Deeper US Involvement in Iraq”* at **.

World News Briefs -- October 26, 2015 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*AFP:* *Nearly 280 dead as powerful quake jolts Afghanistan, Pakistan* Nearly 280 people were killed Monday when a powerful 7.5-magnitude earthquake centred in the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan ripped across South Asia, toppling buildings, triggering stampedes and knocking out communication lines. The full scale of the disaster and human toll was unclear when night fell over the remote and rugged terrain as authorities in Pakistan and Afghanistan rushed to mount rescue efforts. In the most horrifying tragedy to emerge so far from the quake, 12 young Afghan girls were crushe... more »

Paul Craig Roberts On How The West Was Lost By Kiss-Ass Presstitutes

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury in the Reagan White House. In this article he describes the downfall of the Western civilized enlightenment and the role of the prostitute western press (presstitutes) in it. Sputnik News reports: Presstitutes at Their Work The Western media has only two tools. One is the outrageous lie. This overused tool no longer works, except on dumbshit Americans. The pinpoint accuracy of the Russian cruise missiles and air attacks has the Pentagon shaking in its boots. But according to the Western presstitutes the Russia... more »

Pro-Life, Anti-Immigration Party Wins Landslide in Poland Election

BBC News at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: Poland elections] Poland’s opposition Law and Justice party -- conservative and Eurosceptic -- has won parliamentary elections. The party is expected to have enough seats to govern alone -- something unprecedented in 26 years. Exit polls suggest it got 39% of the vote. Its... Continue reading *“Pro-Life, Anti-Immigration Party Wins Landslide in Poland Election”* at **.

Geopolitics: “It's On: Obama Sends Destroyer To Chinese Islands, China Vows Military Response” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*“It's On: Obama Sends Destroyer To Chinese Islands,* * China Vows Military Response”* by Tyler Durdin "For anyone who might still be somehow unaware, the US is currently in a superpower staring match with both Russia and China. The conflict in Syria has put Moscow back on the geopolitical map (so to speak), creating an enormous amount of tension with Washington whose regional allies have been left to look on in horror as Russian airstrikes and an Iranian ground incursion dash hopes of ousting President Bashar al-Assad. Meanwhile, in The South China Sea, Beijing has built 3,000 acre... more »

Final Days of Peace Walk Video

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 6 hours ago
Video by Regis Tremblay on the final days of peace walk along Maine's coastline.....

A Case for Having Some Doctrines Affecting Smartphone Use in Pews

Terry Mattingly's On Religion at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: smartphone - 400] It’s a typical Mass in an American parish in which the kneelers contain a mix of teens, single adults, young families and church stalwarts with gray hair. Near the end of a sermon about family life, during this hypothetical Mass,... Continue reading *“A Case for Having Some Doctrines Affecting Smartphone Use in Pews”* at **.

Scientists Discover How to ‘Turn Off’ Pain: Threshold Can be Raised by Altering Chemistry in the Brain

Daily Mail at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: pain receptors - 400] Patients can be made more resistant to pain by altering the structure of their brains, scientists believe. New research has raised the possibility of creating more effective treatments for people who suffer from chronic pain -- which could be as simple... Continue reading *“Scientists Discover How to ‘Turn Off’ Pain: Threshold Can be Raised by Altering Chemistry in the Brain”* at **.

The Terrible Pain of Letting Go of The Donald

American Thinker at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump Rally Dallas - 400] The problem with letting go of Donald Trump has nothing to do with how much his supporters love the man -- because he isn't very lovable. It isn't because they are all that impressed with his career as a successful builder.... Continue reading *“The Terrible Pain of Letting Go of The Donald”* at **.

Probably an Under-Estimate of Exposure

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 6 hours ago
*The Mainichi* reported on a survey of Self-Defense workers' radiation exposure from the Fukushima disaster recovery and rescue operations. After the excerpt from the *Mainichi*, I will post some material from my 2013 book, Fukushima and the Privatization of Risk. “Over 1,000 workers around Fukushima plant exposed to radiation above 1 millisievert,” The Mainichi, October 27, 2015. "The survey covered about 2,800 members of the Self-Defense Forces who worked within a 20-kilometer radius of the Fukus... more »

Productivity Commission dumps on land-owners

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 7 hours ago
Governments pass laws to fix the unintended consequences of their previous laws. Today’s new law is tomorrow’s set of unintended consequences. NZ’s severely hampered housing market has been so skewed, so *hampered* by decades of previous laws that have stripped property rights from land-owners, made building slower and more expensive, and given gobs of counterfeit capital to borrowers with which to buy existing houses that the median price of a house in Auckland is now rapidly heading towards ten times Aucklanders’ median income. So along comes the Productivity Commission last wee... more »

Oct. 26: A very pleasant surprise.

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 7 hours ago
No, it's not the headline story “Whoopi Goldberg praises Moncton firefighters after tour bus blaze”. (She thanked the firefighters – which was certainly a nice thing to do. But that's surely not the most important thing that happened in provincial news yesterday.) Nor is another page 1 flash, “Opportunities NB CEO promises to track use of public money”. If he promised he would NOT track the use of public money, then that would be a story. But tracking it is what he was hired to do. This is in a class with “New bus driver promises to drive bus”. What makes that page worth reading i... more »

From Peace Walk to Next Protest: The Work Continues

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 7 hours ago
*Japanese peace activists protesting the US deployment of Aegis destroyers (outfitted with provocative 'missile defense' systems onboard) aimed at confronting China. A similar destroyer will be 'Christened' in Bath next Saturday.**Kittery police outside the gates of the Navy shipyard last Saturday spent most of their time taking photos. The military security team was on the phone during the entire rally likely reporting every move we made back to HQ. One seacoast local newspaper alarmingly reported that the police had to be called when we arrived at the Kittery shipyard but then ac... more »

US Torture: Testimony to Inter-American Human Rights Commission 2015 at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
Graphic photos of US torture "Transparency is not accountability" Testimony before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington, Oct. 23, 2015 US Rendition, Detention and Interrogation The US torture involved 54 countries. The US Senate report does not include those who were rendered to foreign countries. Poland was among those countries allowing US torture to

Pentagon Preparing Options That Would Result With U.S. Soldiers On The Ground Battling The Islamic State

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
An American military trainer instructs an Iraqi soldier at the Taji base complex on January 7, 2015 (AFP Photo/Ahmad al-Rubaye) *The Hill:** Pentagon weighing deeper US involvement in Iraq* Top leaders at the Pentagon are considering a range of options to bolster the military campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), including embedding some U.S. troops with Iraqi forces, according to two U.S. officials. U.S. military commanders have forwarded several options to the Defense Department in the last several weeks, the officials told The Hill, as part of a mounting ... more »

Courage Campaign Exposes The Rot In California's Democratic Party

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
Nanette Barragán and HUD Secretary Julián Castro talking about bringing federal resources to California The other day I heard KPCC interviewing California's new Assembly Speaker, Anthony Rendon. He sounded *great*, especially on the environment. *KPCC:* Please tell us about your district. It’s strung together by the 710 Freeway. There's a refinery and an aircraft parts manufacturer not far from your office. *Rendon:* We still have one of the few steel plants left. In addition to the manufacturing presence that we have here, we are also bisected by the 710, the 105 and the 91 freew... more »

Russia Say They Do Not Kill Civilians In Syria

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia absolutely does not kill civilians in Syria, despite the false rumours from Human Rights Watch about the actions of the Russian Air Force. reports: According to Peskov, the report from the organization was another hoax. The Russian military, he added, do not bomb terrorists if they hide in residential quarters. The report by Human Rights Watch stated with reference to eyewitnesses that on October 15, Russian airplanes killed 59 civilians, including 33 children and the commander of a local opposition gro... more »

P. Diddy Says Voting Is A Scam, System Is Rigged

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
Rapper P. Diddy (formerly known as Puff Daddy) who was once a figurehead for the “Vote or Die” movement, has recently come out and admitted that voting is a scam and the system is rigged. During a Q&A at Revolt’s music conference, P. Diddy was asked about the upcoming elections, and his answer was unexpected. reports: Diddy told the audience: “See the things [sic] that’s tricky about politics is there’s so much bullshit with it. We started Vote or Die and… and from the community we’re in, we’re not with hearing too much of the bullshit. So that’s why we get disenfra... more »

Netanyahu Considers Deporting 80,000 Palestinians

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that he is considering cancelling the residency status of over 80,000 Palestinians living in East Jerusalem. In a cabinet meeting, Netanyahu raised the point saying, “There is no enforcement there, no law. We need to examine the possibility of cancelling their residency. There needs to be a discussion about it.” reports: The prime minister also raised the need to examine how law enforcement and security can be improved in these neighborhoods through the deployment of extra police and army units. The neighborhoods in qu... more »

Gross! Human DNA Found In Hot Dogs

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
A very disturbing additive has been found in hot dogs by a company that uses genomic analysis technology to derive the contents of food. They found a small percentage of hot dogs contain human DNA. reports: Clear Food chalks up the find in 2 percent of the 345 hot dogs and sausages tested to hygienic issues. Overall, the company said it found that 14.4 percent of hot dogs were problematic in some way. Other major problems found were substitutions or unexpected ingredients such as meats not found on the labels, an absence of ingredients advertised or, in some cases, meat ... more »

Study Proves That GMO Soy Stunts Kids Growth

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
A new study has proven that animals who were fed on GMO soy that had been treated with Monsanto’s herbicide ‘Roundup’ had kids who’s growth was significantly stunted. Pregnant goats who were fed with genetically engineered soybeans had offspring who were shorter and who grow more slowly according to a new Italian study (Tudisco et al., 2015). reports: Publishing in the journal of Small Ruminant Research, the researchers were testing the results of supplementing the feed of female goats with Roundup Ready GE soybeans. Roundup Ready soybeans are engineered to resis... more »

Judge Throws Wikimedia’s NSA Lawsuit Out

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
A federal judge dismissed an anti-surveillance lawsuit brought by Wikimedia about the National Security Agency (NSA) on Friday. In a 30-page ruling, US District Judge T.S. Ellis III said that Wikimedia could not prove that they had been surveilled. reports: Judge Elliss found that there is no way to definitively know if Wikimedia, which publishes Wikipedia, one of the largest sites on the Internet, is being watched. As he wrote in his memorandum opinion: Plaintiffs’ argument is unpersuasive, as the statistical analysis on which the argument rests is incomplete and rid... more »

Meet The Woman Who Can Smell Parkinson’s Disease – Doctors Amazed

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
Doctors have been left baffled and amazed at the ability of a woman who is able to smell Parkinson’s disease on people who actively have the disease or who are about to get it. Joy Milne says she can smell things that other people can’t, and first realised her unique ability at sniffing out diseases when she realised her husband’s scent began to change. reports: Six years later, Les was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 45. Milne didn’t realize there was any connection between Les’ musky odor and his diagnosis until she attended a charity Parkinson’s event and... more »

Note On Tax Credits and Constitutional Crisis

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 8 hours ago
It takes a special kind of stupid to turn discontent over an ill-thought and mean-spirited policy into a crisis that rocks the foundations of the Mother of all Parliaments. Such is the blindness of George Osborne's overrated "genius" that the Tories have plunged themselves into a serious political crisis. They have threatened all kind of hell fire and damnation in the event the House of Lords votes to kill or delay their cuts to tax credits. They should "think very carefully" about their position, says Dave. Ken Clarke has urged the Lords not to abuse their position, and even cuddly... more »

White House, GOP Strike Two-Year Budget Deal

The Hill at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Copies of U.S. President Barack Obama's Fiscal Year 2015 Budget sit on a table at the Senate Budget Committee room in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, March 4, 2014. Obama's budget will propose tax cuts for low-income families, a retirement savings plan and ask Congress to make permanent certain tax breaks to offset the cost of higher education. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg] Senior White House officials and congressional leaders are nearing a deal to raise the debt limit and set the federal budget for the next two years, say sources familiar with the talks. The ag... more »

A Warning to Shepherds Who Mislead Sheep

Michael Brown at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: church congregation] Some of the strongest warnings in the Bible are directed to leaders -- the prophets and priests and pastors and teachers -- who mislead God's people into sinful conduct and destructive beliefs by their example or their doctrine. Be very... more »

New Poll: Trump Has a HUGE Iowa Problem

The Pulse 2016 at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump in Iowa] The latest CBS News/YouGov poll has Trump and Carson tied at 27 points each. But if you dig deeper, it becomes clear Trump has a huge and growing Iowa problem. When Iowa GOP voters were asked if they would be... Continue reading *“New Poll: Trump Has a HUGE Iowa Problem”* at **.

Snags In The Iran Nuclear Deal Continue To Appear

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
A new Iranian precision-guided ballistic missile is launched during testing at an undisclosed location. *Armin Rosen, Business Insider:* *The Iran Deal just hit a huge snag* One of the biggest mysteries of the Iran nuclear deal has been solved — but the answer may complicate the efforts of the US and its allies to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. On the same day that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed between Iran and a US-led group of six countries, Iran reached a "roadmap" agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that woul... more »

More Emails From CIA Director Leaked

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
More documents from the CIA Director’s private email account have been leaked by WikiLeaks, giving insight into the world of government contracting. Emails dating from 2008 in John Brennan’s inbox account for a time when Brennan ran a private intelligence and analysis company, The Analysis Corp (TAC). reports: WikiLeaks notes that in 2008, Brennan donated to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, which hired TAC as a security adviser. One of the documents in Monday’s release is an October 2008 dossier on Supervisory Special Agent Donovan J. Leighton, listed as “Federal Bureau ... more »

Navy Chaplain Cleared of ‘Intolerance’ Charges after Sharing Biblical View on Sexuality

FoxNews at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Navy Chaplain - 400] A Navy chaplain whose “biblical viewpoints” on marriage and sexuality landed him in hot water has been exonerated and will be allowed to keep his post. A married gay sailor had complained when Navy Chaplain Wes Modder, responding to the... Continue reading *“Navy Chaplain Cleared of ‘Intolerance’ Charges after Sharing Biblical View on Sexuality”* at **.

Is Russia Struggling To Hit Targets In Syria?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
A frame grab taken from footage from a camera under a plane, released by Russia's Defence Ministry October 22, 2015, shows military jets of the Russian air force during a sortie at an unknown location in Syria. REUTERS/MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS *Reuters*: *Before Syria, Russia struggled to land air strikes on target* In the courtyard of an apartment building in the town of Gori in ex-Soviet Georgia is a clue to whether Russia's air strikes on targets in Syria are as accurate as the Kremlin would like the rest of the world to believe. Fashione... more »

If Planned Parenthood Isn’t in the Abortion Business, Then McDonald’s Isn’t in the Burger Business

John Murdock at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: McDonalds Salad Ad - 900] Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist was rightly screaming at her television as she watched CNN's bewildering report assailing the Center for Medical Progress for its use of stock footage background images, a standard practice in journalism. Living blissfully without cable,... more »

An Open Letter to Donald Trump Supporters

John Zmirak at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump_900] I get why you're excited about Donald Trump. Like you, I find the prevailing political culture in Washington almost hopelessly corrupt, and I'm outraged at how the Republican establishment keeps trying to push through immigration amnesty without real border security. Like... more »

Supplemental: Ugly episode gets a lot worse!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2015Nothing like that ever happened, Biden finally says:* Last night, on 60 Minutes, Norah O’Donnell interviewed Vice President Biden about his decision not to run for president. At this point, there’s little apparent reason to believe the things Biden says. But at one point, a remarkable exchange occurred. O’Donnell asked about the melodramatic “deathbed” story which got its start in an unsourced, highly novelistic column by Maureen Dowd. In the story, Biden’s dying son, with his last few nouns, begs Biden to try to keep the Clintons out of the White House. T... more »

David Cameron Urged: Act Now to Stop Middle East Christian Genocide

Breitbart at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: save-the-christians-of-middle-east] David Cameron is under pressure to officially recognize the mass slaughter of Christians in the Middle East as "genocide". A letter written by Lord Alton of Liverpool and Baroness Cox has called on the British Prime Minister to "urgently consider" the plight of Christian asylum seekers and... Continue reading *“David Cameron Urged: Act Now to Stop Middle East Christian Genocide”* at **.

Trump: World Would be ‘100 Percent’ Better with Saddam, Gadhafi in Power

Breitbart at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump8 - 400] GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump told CNN's Jake Tapper on the Sunday broadcast of State of the Union that the world would be "100 percent" better if former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and former Libya prime minister Moammar Gadhafi were still... Continue reading *“Trump: World Would be ‘100 Percent’ Better with Saddam, Gadhafi in Power”* at **.

The Economy: “Crime Doesn't Pay (In Iceland)” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“Crime Doesn't Pay (In Iceland)”* by Karl Denninger “I was born in the wrong part of the world... In a move that would make many capitalists’ head explode if it ever happened here, Iceland just sentenced their 26th banker to prison for their part in the 2008 financial collapse. In two separate Icelandic Supreme Court and Reykjavik District Court rulings, five top bankers from Landsbankinn and Kaupping — the two largest banks in the country — were found guilty of market manipulation, embezzlement, and breach of fiduciary duties. Most of those convicted have been sentenced to priso... more »

Censored in Indian country: Why we don't stay home at CENSORED NEWS - 9 hours ago
Censored in Indian country: Why we don't stay home By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo Ecuadorian women testify by Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Watching the film trailer for '43' is a chilling reminder of why we do this, why we keep going without pay, why we do the work, spend the time, spend the money, take the risks. It is why we, the unpaid journalists, don't stay home.

The Gaza Slaughter

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 9 hours ago
In this episode of Days of Revolt, host Chris Hedges discusses Israeli military policy in the Gaza Strip with author and journalist Max Blumenthal. Together they recount Palestinian testimonies about Israeli military aggression during Operation Protective Edge as described in Blumenthal’s latest book, and detail the brutal tactics used by the Israeli state in attempt to suppress Palestinian resistance.

Iraqi Bishop: Christians Give Up Hope of Returning Home Soon

Aid to the Church in Need at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: ACN] More than a year after having fled and been driven out by the terrorist militia "Islamic State (ISIS)," Christians in Iraq no longer harbor the hope that they will be able to return to their homes anytime soon. This is... Continue reading *“Iraqi Bishop: Christians Give Up Hope of Returning Home Soon”* at **.

Is Russia's Navy Enforcing A 'No-Fly Zone' In Syria Against The Israeli Air Force?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) SOFREP *Business Insider: SOFREP*: *It looks like Russian warships may be shutting out Israel's Air Force access to Syria* The Israeli Air Force has an impressive reputation. As a son of an IAF veteran, I grew up hearing their stories and watching runways. I was told tales of daring dogfights against the Egyptian spitfires in the early days, or the overwhelming casualties the IAF caused to the Egyptian Air Force during the Six-Day War (’67)—a total of 452 Arab aircraft were destroyed, 49 of which were aerial victories. Over the years, the IAF has beco... more »

Syrian War News Updates -- October 26, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*VOA:* *Rebel Defiance, Relief as Assad Forces Get Bogged Down* GAZIANTEP, TURKEY - At early light they come, the Russian warplanes – mostly just silver flashes in the sky, sometimes roaringly close – unleashing "dumb" munitions and guided missiles depending on the target, scorching the countryside south of Aleppo. They are followed by mechanized units of the Syrian army backed by Iranian-trained Shi'ite fighters mainly from Iraq, but some Afghans, too, who will be rewarded with Iranian passports when their enlistment finishes, if they survive. In the flat countryside the regime ... more »

Al Qaeda Supporter Identified as the Son of Hollywood Director

Variety at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: Son of Hollywood vet] An Al Qaeda supporter named Abu Basir Al-Britani, who appears in an online video, is actually the son of Hollywood vet Patrick Kinney, who served as assistant director on such films as "Braveheart," "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" and... Continue reading *“Al Qaeda Supporter Identified as the Son of Hollywood Director”* at **.

Mohawk Nation News 'BBC = BIG BAD COMPANY' at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Posted on October 26, 2015 BBC = Big Bad Company Please post & distribute. nia:wen. MNN. 26, 2015. The majority believe the official story about 911, that 17 hijackers flew the two planes into the buildings. The official story is the steel columns melted from the burning jet fuel. Steel melts at 2800 degrees F. Jet fuel maximum burning

Sacred Oak Flat: Apache youth Naelyn Pike video by Christine Prat at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
. Photo by Christine Prat Oak Flat: interview de Naelyn Pike, 17 septembre 2015 from Christine Prat on Vimeo. Video interview with Apache youth Naelyn Pike, 17, at Oak Flat by Christine Prat, English with French subtitles Censored News Naelyn Pike, 16 ans, Apache San Carlos, petite-fille de Wendsler Nosie, explique en quoi Oak Flat est sacré et d'importance vitale pour les

Aaron Schnautz : METRO | ‘The Challenger’ is a newspaper published by Austin’s homeless

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 10 hours ago
Since they have no office, staff meetings are held under a giant oak tree in front of City Hall. By Aaron Schnautz | The Rag Blog | October 26, 2015 AUSTIN — At the corner of Guadalupe and Cesar Chavez … finish reading Aaron Schnautz : *METRO* | ‘The Challenger’ is a newspaper published by Austin’s homeless

Americans who get their news from the "mainstream media" i.e., the propaganda arm of our lying government, are being tricked into demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin. However after you play the video below and note the collection of Hollywood stars cheering his singing of "Bluberry Hill" maybe you will finally begin to understand that the insane neocons that control our government are actually hyping their claimed need for a nuclear war against Russia (forced by Putin?; give me a break!). Such a war would kill the whole human race! Wake up America before it's too late!

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 11 hours ago
------------------------------ Russia’s President Vladimir Putin Sings “Blueberry Hill” for Children’s Cancer Research You’ve just gotta love what some politicians are willing to do for a good cause. Take Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, for example. When the cause was a benefit concert for children’s cancer research in St. Petersburg, he picked up the microphone and sang the Louis Armstrong version of “Blueberry Hill” . . . in English! When the show’s emcee asked him to sing, he didn’t want to at first, but she finally talked him into it. Th... more »

What Is Climate? Is It Changing?

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 11 hours ago
By Paul Homewood A thought provoking piece from Ron Clutz: Thanks Arnd for another provocative comment. EXXON, as many others, deserve no regret when „charged with all kinds of misdoing with respect to climate science“. EXXON’s fault is not strongly opposing a meaningless language with regard what ‘climate’ is.Full Comment […]

Who Belled the Cat?

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 11 hours ago
*Who Belled the Cat?* Some commentators are saying that there's been a "sea change" in the geopolitical world ever since Russia started to fight the US/Israel/Saudi mercenary proxy terrorist army (ISIS) in Syria. Not only has the legitimate political leadership in Syria been slowly gaining in strength and reclamation of stolen territory and resources...but there's been a lessening of bullying and bellicosity in the Middle East in general. Even the United States has stepped it up a notch in ability to stand up to "Wag the Dog' Israel, by cutting off aid in an effort to force Israel ... more »

Donald Trump Faces Voters in Today Show Town Hall

NBC News at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: Trump on Today Show-400] Donald Trump brought his brash, unapologetic presidential campaign to New Hampshire on Monday for a “pancakes and politics” town hall meeting with voters, hosted by TODAY’s Matt Lauer. Continue reading *“Donald Trump Faces Voters in Today Show Town Hall”* at **.

Kurds: Their Lobby and it's K Street Allies

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 11 hours ago
*K Street - "K Street" has become a metonym for Washington's lobbying industry"* *Kurds and their K Street allies* For those who insist on promoting the concept of the* poor beleaguered kurds* without differentiation. Alongside the other falsehood regarding* kurdish militias being allies of Syria or of a unified Syria?* *They aren't.* The multi ton US weapons airdrop directly to YPG should have made clear just where their loyalty lies. The connected Kurds. The Kurdish elites. They have their own agenda. In Syria. And Turkey. *Flashback *:Kurdish/Israeli Ties: Lobbying, Expansion and... more »

Saturday in Bath

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 11 hours ago
*Please note:* Due to changes to the BIW Aegis destroyer ‘christening’ schedule on Saturday, Oct 31 we have changed the times of our planned protest. We will now gather at 9:00 am and finish by noon. We learned today that Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will be one of the speakers at the BIW protest rally on Saturday.

Argentina's Presidential Election Headed For A Second Round

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*The Guardian*: *Argentina's presidential election headed for second round after no clear winner* *Preliminary results put ruling coalition’s Daniel Scioli and opposition candidate, Mauricio Macri, neck and neck* Argentina’s voters set the stage for a bruising presidential run-off next month after a surprise first round on Sunday in which Daniel Scioli – the candidate of the ruling Peronist coalition – was denied an outright victory. The centre-left candidate, who was endorsed by outgoing president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who is constitutionally barred from seeking a third... more »

Football Coach to Sue School District for Banning Him from Praying

Casey Harper at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Joe Kennedy Praying Coach - 900] The Washington state football coach who has been threatened for praying after his games announced Monday that he will file legal action against the school district. The Christian legal group the Liberty Institute, which is representing Coach Joe Kennedy, told... Continue reading *“Football Coach to Sue School District for Banning Him from Praying”* at **.

Operation Jersey Cares Sends Support to Combat Troops

Fox News at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: jersey care - 400] Continue reading *“Operation Jersey Cares Sends Support to Combat Troops”* at **.

Wall Street Has A Batch Of Very Unsavory Favorite Candidates

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
Bill Maher has told people that this Alan Grayson response to GOP hacks Nicolle Wallace and P.J. O'Rourke is the only instance of his *Real Time* audience ever giving one of his guests a standing ovation. And now there's a pretty good song based on it! Not a song, though, that the Senator from Wall Street, Chuck Schumer ($23,059,037), is likely to play at the next fundraising event he or one of his allies throws for Wall Street's pick for the open Florida senate seat, Patrick Murphy ($2,260,848). What are those number amounts next to their names? It's the amount of legalized bribe... more »

William Engdahl- Genies & Genocide: Syria, Israel, Russia and Much Oil

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
Below is a very interesting article from William Engdahl. Absolutely worth the time to read it! Before we get to the *3rd post of the day*, be sure to read the two previous & pertinent postings. *From Earlier:* - *#1-* *Keeping the Open Seas Open: Green Lighting US Navy "Freedom of Navigation Operations" In South China Seas* - - - *#2- **Kurds: Their Lobby and it's K Street Allies* *#3-** Genies and Genocide: Syria, Israel, Russia and Much Oil* - Mr Engdahl isn't kidding when he says "much oil". This is about Syria's Golan Heights. Stolen by Israel. And a mother lode... more »

Poland Elects A Decisively Anti-Migrant Party To Power

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*BBC:* *Poland elections: Conservatives secure decisive win* Poland's opposition Law and Justice party - conservative and Eurosceptic - has won parliamentary elections. The party is expected to have enough seats to govern alone - something unprecedented in 26 years. Exit polls suggest it got 39% of the vote. Its leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski claimed victory, and the outgoing Prime Minister, Ewa Kopacz of the centrist Civic Platform, admitted defeat. Law and Justice (PiS) has strong support in poorer, rural areas. If the numbers suggested by the exit poll are confirmed, it will be the ... more »

Shock-Waves In Guatemala's Presidential Election

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Washington Post:* *The ‘Donald Trump of Guatemala’ was just elected president* A pop culture icon just beat a former first lady to become president. This is not a flash-forward to November 2016. It's what happened in Guatemala's presidential election over the weekend. Jimmy Morales is a 46-year-old former comedian and, as of Sunday evening, Guatemala's president-elect. He has never held political office, and yet he got 67.4 percent of the vote in a runoff with former first lady Sandra Torres, whose ex-husband, Alvaro Colom, was president of the country from 2008 to 2012. Torres,... more »

Tea Party Targeting Accusations Persist for IRS after Justice Ends Probe

The Washington Times at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 05: Former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner exercises her Fifth Amendment right not to speak about the IRS targeting investigation before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee during a hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building March 5, 2014 in Washington, DC. Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) adjuourned after Lerner refused to answer questions about the investigation. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)] The IRS is still holding up the nonprofit applications of tea party groups, including one that has been waiting nearly si... more »

Missing Millions? Report Questions How States Spent ObamaCare Funds

Fox News at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: 102315_fox_ocare] The federal government awarded over $5 billion to help states set up ObamaCare exchanges, with the vast majority - $4.6 billion - going to 16 states and Washington, D.C. But, according to a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, much... Continue reading *“Missing Millions? Report Questions How States Spent ObamaCare Funds”* at **.

Hillary Clinton Claims GOP Wants Veterans Affairs Department to Fail

Breitbart at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Hillary Clinton7 - 400] On Friday, Hillary Clinton, denying reality once again, claimed that the Veterans Affairs scandals plaguing the Department of Veterans Affairs have been blown out of proportion by Republicans who want the department to fail. Clinton, appearing on the Rachel Maddow... Continue reading *“Hillary Clinton Claims GOP Wants Veterans Affairs Department to Fail”* at **.

Safety Concerns Prompt Border Patrol to Pull Out of College Job Fair Amid Protests

Fox News at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: borderpetition3] The Border Patrol is looking for a few good men and women -- but not angry confrontation, and that concern is what prompted the agency to back out of a college job fair. Accusing the federal agency charged with protecting U.S.... Continue reading *“Safety Concerns Prompt Border Patrol to Pull Out of College Job Fair Amid Protests”* at **.

Bush Family Gathers to ‘Rescue’ Jeb

Politico at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Bush Family2 - 400] This closed-door summit for Jeb Bush's richest donors was meant to be a pep rally, a reunion for loyalists eager to celebrate the family legacy with two former presidents. But as George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush draw supporters... Continue reading *“Bush Family Gathers to ‘Rescue’ Jeb”* at **.

China, Japan, South Korea To Hold Their First Summit In Years

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Wall Street Journal*: *Uncertainty Clouds Trilateral Asian Summit* *Details over meeting between the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea are in flux days before its start, hinting at tensions.* Days before the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea are set to gather in Seoul, uncertainty over the details of their meetings hint at persistent diplomatic strains between the countries. All three nations agree that some events will take place, but exactly between whom and about what still wasn’t settled on Monday. China’s government said on Monday that its premier, Li Keqiang, wi... more »

EU Migration Crisis -- October 26, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *On the march to western Europe: Shocking pictures show thousands of determined men, women and children trudging across the Balkans as politicians warn EU could collapse in weeks * * Battling howling winds, driving rain and icy temperatures, thousands of migrants today marched into Slovenia * Photographed from above, the refugees formed a single column as they crossed into the country from Croatia * It comes as Slovenia's Prime Minister warns the EU will break up if leaders cannot agree on how to deal with crisis Battling strong winds, driving rain, mud and freezing t... more »

Screen Legend Maureen O’Hara Dies At The Age Of 95

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
Maureen O’Hara, the red haired Irish movie star who starred in classics such as ‘How Green Was My Valley’, ‘Jamaica Inn’, ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’, ‘The Foxes of Harrow’, ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ and ‘The Black Swan’ passed away in her sleep on Saturday surrounded by loving family members and the soundtrack to her favorite movie, “The Quiet Man.” She was 95. CNBC reports: O’Hara died in her sleep at her home in Boise, Idaho, said Johnny Nicoletti, her longtime manager. “She passed peacefully surrounded by her loving family as they celebrated her life listening to music from her ... more »

Russian Ships Are Too Close To Global Cable Networks Warns The Pentagon

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
American and allied military commanders and intelligence officials raise their concerns as more Russian ships and submarines are spotted near vital underwater cables that carry 95% of global internet communications. The Pentagon is worried that if the cables are cut the whole decision making process for war and business will be disrupted. Some officials believe that the global lines of communication could be cut by the Russians in a time of conflict with the West. The Department of Homeland Security considers the landing areas of the undersea cables coming into the U.S. at the top of...more »

Cochrane on Economic Growth

Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 13 hours ago
John describes his agenda for the next president.

Democrats Love to see Hillary as a Martyr, Even if She’s on the Hot Seat for Her Own Bad Decisions

Debra Saunders at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 22: Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi October 22, 2015 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The committee held a hearing to continue its investigation on the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on the evening of September 11, 2012.] Thursday’s House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing delivered what oversight hearings so often do. One party was on the offensive; the other ... more »

P53 researcher submitted paper “without permission from his co-authors”

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 13 hours ago
One issue that we see pretty regularly is a paper submitted by one author without the permission of the others. That’s what’s happened with “p53-induced Rap2B positively regulates migration in cells exposed to glucose deprivation,” published in July by Molecular Carcinogenesis. The paper looks at a protein called p53, well-known to regulate cell growth and, when […] The post P53 researcher submitted paper “without permission from his co-authors” appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Disney Gallery Wall

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 13 hours ago
We are Disney fanatics in our house. Earlier this year we took our girls to Disneyland and absolutely had the time of our lives. They ask if we can go back almost every day. It is easily our favorite vacation we have ever had the opportunity to take. When we came back from Disney, we had all of these pictures and pieces of memorabilia that I absolutely loved and didn't just want to toss in a scrapbook somewhere, so we created this fun Disney wall. The best part of this wall is that you can make it as affordable as you want. The drawings from the Animator's Academy in California Ad... more »

The War of Words – Evidence of the Awakening

Waking Times at Waking Times - 13 hours ago
*Zen Gardner *- The informational war we’re waging is causing a profound shift in consciousness. The post The War of Words – Evidence of the Awakening appeared first on Waking Times.

EMANATIONS FROM SALEM VILLAGE: Chuck Todd keeps accusation alive!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2015Part 1—The alleged contradiction which isn't:* In this morning’s New York Times, Stacey Schiff is interviewed about her new book, The Witches: Salem, 1692. (Partial disclosure: Needless to say, Cousin Elizabeth was on the scene. Fuller disclosure below.) “More than 320 years after the panic subsided, scholars and historians have continued to dig into the archives in hopes of discovering what caused the mass paranoia,” Alexandra Alter writes in her Times report. (Partial disclosure: Alter’s father, Jonathan Alter, has played a largely passive role in our o... more »

Parents Of Brain Tumour Girl Warned By School Over ‘Unauthorised Absences’

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
The parents of a five year old girl have been warned by her school over her “unauthorised absences” – despite the fact she has a rare and incurable cancer. Leah Gillon, known as Lilly, was diagnosed with an ependymoma tumour four years ago and has undergone pioneering proton therapy in America as well as surgery to remove the tumour at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. She attended just 67 per cent of classes at Warren Farm Primary School in Kingstanding, because as her parents claim, due to her illness Lilly underwent two surgeries and has had scores of critical hospital appointments... more »

Someone Sued DuPont for Poisoning the Drinking Water… and Won

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 13 hours ago
*Christina Sarich* - The same chemical used to make Teflon has been poisoning this community for decades, and finally someone stood up to DuPont. The post Someone Sued DuPont for Poisoning the Drinking Water… and Won appeared first on Waking Times.

World Health Organization: Processed Meats Pose Cancer Risk Similar to Cigarettes

AP at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Processed Meat-900] PARIS (AP) -- The World Health Organization’s cancer agency says that processed meats such as ham and sausage can lead to colon and other cancers, and red meat is probably cancer-causing as well. Researchers from the WHO’s International Agency for... more »

World News Briefs -- October 26, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*BBC*: *Deadly earthquake rocks Afghanistan, India and Pakistan* A powerful earthquake has struck northern Afghanistan, with tremors felt in Pakistan and northern India. At least 51 people are said to have been killed in Pakistan, with 19 deaths reported in Afghanistan. The magnitude 7.5 quake was centred in the mountainous Hindu Kush region, 75km (46 miles) south of Faizabad, the US Geological Survey reported. Buildings were evacuated in the capitals of all three countries and communications disrupted in many areas. *MIDDLE EAST* Rebel defiance, relief as *Assad forces get bogg... more »

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 26, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Image: Flickr/U.S. Air Force *Robert Farley, National Interest:* *The Real Threat to America's Military (And It's Not China, Russia or Iran)* *"We can reallocate resources within services, or allocate resources away from the military, but we cannot reallocate resources across services."* What should replace the Air Force? Perhaps we’re getting ahead of ourselves. In Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, I argued that America should disband the United States Air Force and disperse its assets across the remaining three services. I won’t recap that argument ... more »

From the Great Wall to the Great Collider

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 14 hours ago
I received a copy of this beautiful book by Shing-Tung Yau and Steve Nadis that has increased my excitement about the possible future 100-kilometer \(100\TeV\) Great Collider of China. Be ready for a 200-page book whose pages' area is greater than most books. Lots of the pages show photographs of physicists, experimental devices and facilities, and similar things. The name "Great Collider" has been coined by David Gross, along with the analogies with the Chinese representative among the Wonders of the World. His ancestors helped to build the Wailing Wall which is smaller but simila... more »

UK Tax Authority To Scrap Business Records Checks

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 14 hours ago
According to the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT), Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is to scrap its Business Records Checks program. Tax News reports: Business Records Checks are a compliance procedure used by HMRC to confirm that a business is keeping information on its income and expenses in sufficient details to produce an accurate tax return. According to Andrew Gotch, Chairman of the CIOT’s Owner Managed Business Sub-Committee, the scheme has not been a cost-effective way of achieving the desired result. “Despite efforts by HMRC to identify businesses at ‘high risk’ of h...more »

One People's Roundtable- Oct 19th Video

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 14 hours ago
Here is the video of last weeks On Peoples Roundtable Discussion from Oct 19th, 2015. Please Join Lisa Harrison and I tonight for this weeks Roundtable discussion, LIVE Broadcast on CCN at 11pm London/Morocco time.... and due to the stupid "daylightsavings" bullshit- that will be at 7pm Eastern Join us in the Chat room during the show at: CCN Watch live:

Cyclonic Inflation

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 14 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Following on from the controversy over Hurricane Patricia, Jennifer Marohasy tells a similar story about tropical cyclone Marcia, which hit Australia last February: I was concerned when I heard late last Thursday that a category 5 cyclone was heading straight for Yeppoon in central Queensland. I have a house there, […]

Transgenderism: An Endless Quest for ‘the Real Me’

MercatorNet at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Trans rights sign] MercatorNet: Nowadays Facebook allows people to choose amongst 50 or so genders. What's the problem with allowing people to be fluid in their sexuality? Gerard van den Aardweg: The gender rage is a modern mythology of a low intellectual level... more »

Another Semi-Retirement

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 14 hours ago
One time I posted that I wasn't going to blog as actively or about anything as much and people thought I was quitting cold turkey. Apologies for that confusion. Another time I was just reflecting on how I didn't give much of a fuck about anything anymore and people not only thought I was going to stop blogging, but that I might be contemplating suicide! Big-time apologies for that confusion. This time, since the fall of harper, I often don't feel like saying much of anything. Or, if I do, it will be to write under my own name and maybe get paid for it. Who knows? Tomorrow it just ... more »

Keeping the Open Seas Open: Green Lighting US Navy "Freedom of Navigation Operations" In South China Seas

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 14 hours ago
Keeping the Open Seas Open- American Interest Posted in full for information and discussion purposes- Fair Use. Reports are percolating that the Obama Administration has finally given the Navy a green light to conduct some sort of freedom of navigation exercise, somewhere near the archipelago of instant islands Beijing is constructing in the South China Sea, sometime in the near future. As in the case of the very public debates it had with itself over surging troops to Afghanistan, supporting autocracy or democracy in Egypt, enforcing the President’s red-line warning in Syria, and ... more »

Iraq’s Kurdish Political Crisis, An Interview With Pasewan’s Kamal Chomani

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 14 hours ago
Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is currently facing a growing political and economic crisis. Protests started there at the end of the summer over public employees not being paid, and then Regional President Massoud Barzani refused to step down from office when his term expired in August. These two issues converged in October in a series of violent demonstrations which resulted in Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) offices being sacked and burned, crowds being dispersed by force, and the KDP unilaterally declaring the Gorran (Change) Party expelled from the government in w... more »

Dr. Ben Carson on Abortion...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 15 hours ago
*sums it up nicely.*

Why Aren’t More GOP-Led States Defunding Planned Parenthood?

Kate Scanlon at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Defund Planned Parenthood rally] Few states have defunded Planned Parenthood in the wake of a series of damaging undercover videos, even though Republicans -- who tend to be pro-life -- control the governorship and legislature in more than 20 states. Since the release over... more »

How Big Government and Big Business Stick It to Small U.S. Business

New Geography/Joel Katkin at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Main_Street_America_Russell,_Kansas_4892205842] From the inception of the Soviet Union, transformation was built, quite consciously, on eliminating those forces that could impede radical change. In many ways, the true enemy was not the large foreign capitalists (some of whom were welcomed from abroad to aid... Continue reading *“How Big Government and Big Business Stick It to Small U.S. Business”* at **.

WHO, Meat?

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 15 hours ago
How can you tell that you live in an oligarchy, where money and profits trump human health and well-being? When the consolidated corporate media frames a new report showing that red and processed meats cause cancer around how mad and sad these findings make the meat industry feel. Not about how each 50-gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases your chance of colorectal cancer by 18%. As far as they're concerned, this is not only about how eating certain foods might make *you* sick and dead, but about how shockingly un-American the report by the World Health Organization t... more »

How Law Schools are Scamming Students and Taxpayers, with Help from Uncle Sam

The New York Times at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: 25sun1-blog427] In 2013, the median LSAT score of students admitted to Florida Coastal School of Law was in the bottom quarter of all test-takers nationwide. According to the test's administrators, students with scores this low are unlikely to ever pass the... Continue reading *“How Law Schools are Scamming Students and Taxpayers, with Help from Uncle Sam”* at **.

University investigating duplicated images in retracted paper

Ross Keith at Retraction Watch - 15 hours ago
The authors of a Cell Metabolism paper are pulling it after discovering blot images that “appear more than once in independent and unrelated experiments.” Just how the duplication occurred in the 2009 paper — about transcription of mitochondrial DNA — remains a mystery, the authors note: …the reasons for the errors are still under investigation… Meanwhile, […] The post University investigating duplicated images in retracted paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Gratitude Is Medicine

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 15 hours ago
*Fill up your prescription.....*

Powerful Earthquake Strikes Afghanistan And Pakistan

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*Al Jazeera:* *Massive earthquake shakes South Asia* Dozens reported dead in Afghanistan and Pakistan as powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake rocks South Asia. A powerful 7.5-magnitude earthquake has struck in northern Afghanistan and has been felt in a large area from northern India to Pakistan with scores of people killed across the region. The US Geological Survey put the epicentre of Monday’s quake near Jarm in Afghanistan's northeast, 250km from the capital Kabul and at a depth of 213km. The total death toll stood at about 111 with at least 85 people killed in Pakistan and at ... more »

Mess Awaits as Paul Ryan Prepares to Ascend to House Speaker

ERICA WERNER at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Paul Ryan - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The honeymoon might be over before it even begins for House Speaker-in-waiting Paul Ryan when he is elevated to the top job this week. The Wisconsin Republican, on track to prevail in secret-ballot GOP elections Wednesday and in... Continue reading *“Mess Awaits as Paul Ryan Prepares to Ascend to House Speaker”* at **.

Ben Carson Calls for Overturning Roe, Compares Abortion to Slavery

The New York Times at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Ben Carson_NYT] The Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Sunday that he believed that abortion should be outlawed even in cases of rape and incest, comparing the procedure with slavery. "I would not be in favor of killing a baby because the... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Calls for Overturning Roe, Compares Abortion to Slavery”* at **.

Oklahoma State Parade Crash: Driver Charged with Murder

JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Parade crash__1445773217_173.71.16.53] STILLWATER, Okla. (AP) -- A 25-year-old woman accused of driving a car into a crowd of people at an Oklahoma State University homecoming parade over the weekend, killing four people and injuring dozens of others, is set to make her... more »

Mother of Killed Palestinian Terrorist Pulls Out Knife in Interview

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 15 hours ago Partner in peace?

Is Stealth Worth Spending $1,000,000,000,000

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
F-35 and F-22. Photo from Military Photos And Photoshops *Dave Majumdar, National Interest*: *The U.S. Military's $1,000,000,000,000 Question: Is Stealth Worth It?* Is the added cost of buying and operating a stealth fighter worth it? The answers will vary depending on who you ask—and it depends on if one believes stealth is a baseline requirement to survive over a future battlefield or not. The U.S. Air Force has publicly embraced stealth as the end all and be all, while the U.S. Navy has taken a more skeptical approach. While Air Force officials publicly pronounce that the F-35 ... more »

There Are Plenty Of Differences Between Bernie's Record And Hillary's

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
A few days ago, Hillary-- disgracefully, tried implying that Bernie is not just a gun-nut but a sexist trying to silence her to boot. I wonder which p.r. firm came up with that line. It's a natch for her though. Even one of her most outspoken, dedicated backers, Hilary Rosen, who had been tweeting earlier that Bernie looked like a madman, was exasperatied by how the Clintons lie and twist reality for their own political purposes, a reason so many Americans distrust them-- regardless of how horrid their Republican opponents are: And for people who weren't there... we have The Goo... more »

Trump: World Would Be A Better Place With Saddam & Gaddafi Still In Power

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 16 hours ago
Presidential candidate Donald Trump said that if Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still in power, the world would have been a better place, because what came instead is much worse. Both Middle East strongmen committed atrocities against their own people but now the situation with human rights in Iraq and Libya is “worse than ever,” Trump told CNN. Saddam, the former Iraqi president, was toppled in the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq and was executed in 2006. Colonel Gaddafi who ruled Libya for four decades was ousted and slain in October 2011 amid a violent NATO-backed uprising.... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*‘Liberal academics let censorship happen’* The demand for equality that emerges on college campuses today is primarily underpinned by two things: identity politics and a perception of individuals as suffering from trauma. Students have become attached to the particular trauma they identify with; they see it as a badge of honour and any perceived slight becomes a threat to their sense of who they are.’ More than a decade after the publication of his book, Restoring Free Speech and Liberty on Campus, Professor Donald Downs is not positive about the state of academic freedom. ‘Thing... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago
*American Academy of Pediatrics links global warming to the health of children* *Totally crooked and unbalanced Warmist boilerplate below. No mention that winter is the big killer so a warm climate should be healthier overall. So they ignore the elephant in the room* Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement that links climate change with the health of children, urging pediatricians and politicians to work together to solve this crisis and protect children from climate-related threats including natural disasters, heat stress, lower air quality,... more »

Is the New World Order Dying? Part 2

urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 16 hours ago
Activist Post October 24, 2015 [image: NWO_falling] By Bernie Suarez In 2014 I wrote about how the new world order plans sustained quite a few noticeable and uncomfortable setbacks, enough for anyone paying attention to take notice and wonder if 2015 would be worse for the global elite. Well it’s not quite the end of 2015 (as of the time of this article) and already there are signs all around us that the Western cabal’s new world order plans could be slowly dying. Some people would consider this overly optimistic. My response to that is to point out that the journey to human free... more »

Turkey's President Erdogan Vows To Make Sure That The Kurds Do Not Seize Northern Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Photo: DHA) *Reuters*: *Erdogan says Turkey won't let Kurds 'seize' northern Syria* Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused Kurdish groups on Saturday of trying to grab control of northern Syria, saying Ankara would not allow this to happen. In a speech in southeast Turkey, Erdogan also blasted Russia's President Vladimir Putin for hosting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad earlier this week, in comments that were his most critical yet towards his Russian counterpart. On northern Syria, Erdogan denounced the merging of the Syrian town of Tel Abyad l... more »

Is The U.S. Air Force Conceding That The A-10 Will Beat The F-35 In Close Air Support?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
The F-35, left, and the A-10 will be compared in close-air support head-to-head, military officials say. (Photos by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force) *Dan Grazier, War Is Boring*: *The U.S. Air Force Knows the A-10 Will Beat the F-35* *Officials downplay planned fly-off between warplanes.* Several weeks ago, the Project on Government Oversight announced its cautious optimism upon learning the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation planned to conduct a close air support fly-off between the proven A-10 and the yet-to-be proved F-35. The cautious aspect of that optimism has bee... more »

Women Have Suffered More under Obama Policies

The Orange County Register at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Woman Covering Ears] Now that Hillary Clinton has, by default, sewn up the Democratic nomination, expect Democrats to play the gender card for all it's worth. Hillary recently lashed out at the GOP field for holding "extreme views about women, we expect from... Continue reading *“Women Have Suffered More under Obama Policies”* at **.

Bush Super PAC Focuses Staff on Early Voting States in Bid to Stay in GOP Race

THOMAS BEAUMONT & JULIE BYKOWICZ at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Jeb Bush] HOUSTON (AP) -- The outside political group supporting Jeb Bush’s bid for president with tens of millions of dollars in television advertising is considering placing organizing staff in Iowa and New Hampshire, a move that would follow the decision of... more »

Ben Carson Says Colleges with ‘Extreme Political Bias’ Need to Be Monitored, Defunded

The Christian Post at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: bencarson] Ben Carson, the new Republican frontrunner in the Iowa caucuses race, said in a media interview that the Department of Education should monitor, and if necessary, defund, institutions of higher education with “extreme political bias.” Glenn Beck of The Blaze... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Says Colleges with ‘Extreme Political Bias’ Need to Be Monitored, Defunded”* at **.

Blair Accused Of Passing The Buck After Feeble ‘Apology’ For Iraq War

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 17 hours ago
Tony Blair has been accused of passing the buck in a ‘cynical spin operation’ after offering a feeble half-apology for the Iraq War. The SNP leader in Westminster Angus Robertson said: ‘Nobody will be fooled by Tony Blair’s weasel words. His comments are plainly the start of a cynical spin operation ahead of the expected timetable announcement for publication of the Chilcot report. Bereaved army families are furious with the former prime minister who said he was sorry…. for the mistakes of other people. War criminal Blair said he was sorry for ‘some of the mistakes in planning’ and ... more »

French Rabbi of "Peace" Synagogue Stabbed by Muslim Terrorist Shouting "Allahu Akbar" per Frontpage Mag

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 17 hours ago
Some news that you won't see reported on the institutionally anti Israel BBC. 'Rabbi Yehuda Malul Rabbi of the Bar Yochai shull in Marseille, tells Behadrey Haredim what had happened: "This is the rabbi of the synagogue Menuchat Shalom (Peaceful Rest) in the city center and one of the shul members, who were on their way to synagogue for shachris (morning prayers). Passing through downtown, they were attacked by a young man of Arab appearance". "The young man shouted "Yahud (Jew), Allah Akbar' and attacked the rabbi with his fists while shouting 'Itbah al-Yahud' (Slaughter the Je... more »

Strong Earthquake in Afghanistan Shakes Region, Scores Killed

Lynne O'Donell & Munir Amed at The Stream - 18 hours ago
[image: Afghan men remove debris after a powerful earthquake hit Kabul on October 26, 2015. A powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake killed at least 74 people as it rocked parts of south Asia, including 12 Afghan girls crushed in a stampede as they fled their collapsing school. Hundreds more were injured as as the quake shook a swathe of the subcontinent, sending thousands of frightened people rushing into the streets in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.] KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- A strong earthquake in northern Afghanistan shook buildings from Kabul to Delhi, cut power and communications... more »

What is a Missionary?

Oswald Chambers at The Stream - 18 hours ago
[image: Missionary and Bible] OSWALD CHAMBERS -- A missionary is someone sent by Jesus Christ just as He was sent by God. The great controlling factor is not the needs of people, but the command of Jesus. The source of our inspiration in our... more »

WTF: Unidentified Space Object Due To Hit Earth In Less Than A month

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 18 hours ago
A large, unidentified space object with the abbreviated name of “WTF” is heading for a direct impact with our planet in just under a month. Researchers say it is sheer coincidence that the newly discovered space junk has been officially named WT1190F. Scientists who spotted the mysterious space debris say they cannot be certain what it is until it crashes into Earth. They say that WTF is up to two metres wide and might be hollow, suggesting it is of artificial origin. B. Bolin, R. Jedicke, M. Micheli A piece of space junk on a collision course with Earth appears as a blurry speck in... more »

International Conference on Taiwan Maritime Landscapes from Neolithic to Early Modern Times Nov 17-18

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 18 hours ago
[image: FTV_Aug_2014_25] *Taiwan as seen from Green Island* Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica Centre de recherche sur les civilisations d’Asie orientale (CRCAO, EPHE-CNRS) *International Conference on* *Taiwan Maritime Landscapes* *from Neolithic to Early Modern Times:* *Cross-Regional Perspectives* Conference Program below ---- 17-18 November 2015 Salle Claude Lévi-Strauss CRCAO / Institut des hautes études chinoises Collège de France 52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, Paris 5ème Organized by Paola CALANCA, EFEO (French School of Asi... more »

Economic News , Data & Views ( October 26 , 2015 ) ..... Refugee Crisis Updates ....... Swiss Bank Hottinger Bank Has Bankruptcy Proceedings Initiated ...... German IFO Data Released Today - October IFO Confidence Index Beats Estimates / Expectations Above Forecasts ... Spain Elections And Economic items Of The Day ..... Greece Updates Of The Day .......Polish Election Items ..... Portugal Election Reflection...... Asia In Focus - China Items , Market Re-risking After China Cuts RRR And Interest Rates !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 18 hours ago
Europe....... *The Spain Report* ‏@thespainreport 11m 11 minutes ago El Mundo front page: "Catalan parliament accepts independence process is underway". [image: Embedded image permalink] *Yannis Koutsomitis* ‏@YanniKouts 27m 27 minutes ago #Portugal | 1/2 Talks btwn Socialists, Left Bloc & Communists continue. Pending issues include % of min wage increase, taxation, labor law. *Yannis Koutsomitis* ‏@YanniKouts 25m 25 minutes ago 2/2 It is understood that issues of NATO & euro membership will not be raised. Focus will be on reversing austerity. Deal expected... more »

EXCLUSIVE: Abortion Industry’s Oversight Loophole Could Become Its Noose

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 19 hours ago
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 28: Anti-abortion activists hold a rally opposing federal funding for Planned Parenthood in front of the U.S. Capitol July 28, 2015 in Washington, DC.] Through a Freedom of Information Act request, The Stream recently obtained records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing they had conducted no oversight of Planned Parenthood’s fetal body parts harvesting since 2007. Now, The Stream has learned that... more »

7.5 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Afghanistan, Pakistan & India

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 19 hours ago
At least 100 people have died after a powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan and Pakistan Tremors were also felt in northern India and Tajikistan. The US Geological Survey said the quake had a 7.5 magnitude, with the epicentre in the province of Badakhshan, which borders Tajikistan and China, in the Hindu Kush mountain range in Afghanistan’s far north. It said the quake occurred at a depth of 130 miles (210km). The magnitude was initially put at 7.7 but later downgraded to 7.5 An aftershock measured at 4.8 magnitude struck shortly afterwards. Pakistani officials have c... more »

The Wicked Witch of Washington Defended NATO's Wrecking of Libya Last Week

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 19 hours ago
*An excerpt from, "Clinton owns the war in Libya" by David Harsanyi, The Detroit New**s, October 25, 2015:* Libya is in chaos. It’s a festering pit of radicalism, anarchy and death, epitomizing everything that can go wrong when Western intervention has no clear long-term purpose. And a woman who believes she should be president of the United States — ostensibly on the strength of her decision-making abilities as secretary of state — believes that what’s going on in Libya is a success. . . . But it was much more. She reiterated that she was the chief architect of the war in Libya. C... more »

The Two Hundred and Eighth Weekly "No Shit Sherlock" Award

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
'Germany's security and intelligence agencies expressed alarm over the influx of refugees and migrants who harbor radical Islamic views and hatred of Jews, according to a Sunday report in Welt am Sonntag. According to a security document obtained by the paper and read by top-level agency personnel, "We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples as well as a different societal and legal understanding." The newspaper wrote that security sources warn that "the integration of hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants Germany is ... more »

Obama Fuels the Flames of the Anti-cop Movement

The New York Post at The Stream - 19 hours ago
[image: nypd-protest1] At a White House discussion about improving the relationship between police departments and black Americans, President Obama declared that "the moment is here." He meant a chance for big change, and that's the problem. The change he and his allies... Continue reading *“Obama Fuels the Flames of the Anti-cop Movement”* at **.

Fallen Leaves That Jewel the Ground

gail zawacki at Wit's End - 20 hours ago
October 29, 2010This fall, there have been just enough bright colors to serve as a cruel reminder that I will never again see a sight as deliriously sublime as the pond in Peapack when I saw it, in 2010. October 25, 2015Five years since then (less four days) and the inexorable, accelerating decline of trees presents us with ever more fading of the former glory that was autumn. Even leaves on the brightest maples are damaged, pale ghosts of what should be flaming scarlet. I can find a few bright areas, but right next to a spray of fiery leaves on the same tree are too many shriveled, ... more »

U.S. Intelligence Raising Concerns That Russian Subs And Spy Ships Are Operating Near Undersea Cables

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
A map of undersea cables. (TeleGeography) *New York Times:* *Russian Ships Near Data Cables Are Too Close for U.S. Comfort* WASHINGTON — Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those lines in times of tension or conflict. The issue goes beyond old worries during the Cold War that the Russians would tap into the cables — a task American intelligence agencies als... more »

Is Russia's Weaponry Overrated?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
Technicians at Syria's Hmeimim airport where Russian aircraft are deployed. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novosti *Basem Shabb, Al Bawaba*: *Are Russia’s weapons overrated?* Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. And so it goes for Russia’s imperial overture in Syria. The shock of Russia’s deploying air power has lifted the morale of the Syrian regime and its allies, proclaiming a new era of Russian dominance. But their euphoria will be short-lived. A closer examination reveals that the Russian lack of numbers and firepower does not substantiate the grandiose political expectation... more »

As Confederate Flags Fall, Columbus Statues Stand Tall

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
I am no fan of the reconstructing of history as a reflection of present day values. Particularly the slave trade. That was going to happen with or without Columbus. There was already a ready market back home in Spain to say nothing about North Africa. Columbus merely kicked open the door. As it was the slave trade was the first ready money available on contact and this repeated all over the Atlantic seaboard up until the end of the trade itself. It does beg a very important question. We have been taught that the Indian populations collapsed because of endemic diseases swee... more »

Donald Trump: The only Presidential Candidate to Tell the Truth about Vaccines

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
We have all been vaccinated but not aggressively as has been the recent practice. It shouts both risk and cause for the recent thirty percent jump in autism over the past two years. What is more, a thirty percent jump is not a statistical anomaly but a bullet to the brain. We have a problem and it is a huge problem. That the CDC is not screaming is astonishing in itself considering how they screamed for a non existent flue epidemic a while back. That was based of slight statistical evidence if any at all. Trump is handling it the best way possible. Claim the counter argum... more »

Koch Brothers Freak out in Response to Rolling Stone Expose

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
How curious. I have always thought that the best way to handle negative press is to largely ignore it, but still sending out a press release of denial however it can be coached. The Koch history screams of a sad sense of entitlement that was never cured and such wealth that paying lawyers to derail opponents is merely chump change. It is as close to absolute power as you can have in the USA. The results are obviously the same. Sadly, they could do so much better. And visibly underwriting a mass of politicians is not smart either. That is best done quietly. ... more »

What led America to Becoming a World Power?

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
The massive lesson was that industrial war is an awfully bad idea and hugely uneconomic. It turns out that dashing of to shoot up sand or jungle is now just as terrible. After all, any business which consists of dropping thousands of dollars on someone is sure to eventually fail. That is today's definition of war. The Europeans had to learn that lesson and the USA keeps forgetting it. As this delightful item makes so clear, that is exactly why the USA emerged as the only true super power. Everyone else destroyed their own treasure to pay for destroying someone else's treasu... more »

Now Is The Time To Speak Up About Vaccine Injuries

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 21 hours ago
*Do it for the dear little ones and their families who have suffered from the consequences of vaccine induced injuries. Don't allow this to happen to the ones's that you love.* *Note: *If you have difficulty reading the text on the photos just click on each individually to enlarge and make clearer. For more information: *Rage Against The Vaccines Group Facebook*

Ryan Won't Be The First Hypocrite Elected Speaker-- Just The Most Right-Wing One

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 22 hours ago
Paul Ryan-- of Ryan budget infamy-- is going to be Speaker. Don't listen to any of the Beltway-generated silly talk about him being "moderate" or "mainstream." The Freedom Caucus gentlemen don't like him because he's a grotesquely corrupt Establishment hack, not because he isn't right-wing enough. As chairman of the Budget Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee, Ryan has been raising bucketfuls of cash from Wall Street banksters and their K Street lobbyists. Since coming to Congress in 1999 Ryan has taken $5,420,978 in legalized bribes from the Financial Sector. Last cyc... more »

Military Photo of the Day: October 26, 2015

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 22 hours ago
[image: Tank Fires Missile-900] A U.S. Army soldier fires a missile during a training exercise at Fort Irwin in California on Oct. 17, 2015. Thanks to Spc. Taria Clayton for taking this amazing photograph!

Afghanistan is Now Asking Russia For Military Aid

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani in Kabul on Oct. 1. His government has asked Moscow to donate military supplies. PHOTO: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS Wall Street Journal: *Afghanistan Looks to Russia for Military Hardware* *Kremlin’s more-assertive foreign policy raises potential for clash with U.S.* Afghanistan, battered by worsening security, is reaching out to an old ally and patron—Russia—just as the Kremlin is seeking to reassert its position as a heavyweight on the world stage. President Ashraf Ghani has asked Moscow for artillery, small arms and Mi-35 helicopter gunships for hi... more »

Tony Blair Apology Was Actually An Apology On 'Wrong' Intelligence And Iraq War Mistakes

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*CNN*: *Tony Blair says he's sorry for Iraq War 'mistakes,' but not for ousting Saddam* (CNN)Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he's sorry for "mistakes" made in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, but he doesn't regret bringing down dictator Saddam Hussein. "I can say that I apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong because, even though he had used chemical weapons extensively against his own people, against others, the program in the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought," Blair said in an exclusive interview... more »

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Serenity” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Liquid Mind, “Serenity” -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“What's happening to this spiral galaxy? Just a few hundred million years ago, NGC 2936, the upper of the two large galaxies shown, was likely a normal spiral galaxy- spinning, creating stars- and minding its own business. But then it got too close to the massive elliptical galaxy NGC 2937 below and took a dive. Dubbed the Porpoise Galaxy for its iconic shape, NGC 2936 is not only being deflected but also being distorted by the close gravitational interaction. A burst of young blue stars forms the nose of the porpoise toward the left of the upper galaxy, while the center of the spir... more »

The Battle For Aleppo Is Going To Be Long And Costly

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Smoke rises after what activists said was shelling by the forces of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Old Aleppo's Kadi Askar area, Syria, Aug. 1, 2015. (photo by REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail) *Mona Alami, Al-Monitor:* *What the Aleppo offensive hides* The much-touted attack on Aleppo launched on Oct. 16 has been dovetailed by regime advances in the southern rural areas of Syria. Yet the takeover of the largest Syrian city may prove to be a long and costly battle that President Bashar al-Assad’s regime cannot afford, despite Russian air support. In addition, it may not be the regim... more »

Chet Raymo, “Singing Beside Me In The Wilderness” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Singing Beside Me In The Wilderness”* by Chet Raymo “In one of those infuriating lapses that go with being a certain age, we could not remember the other evening the name of the poet who wrote "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou..." After scraping the tip of my tongue for a few minutes, I turned to the computer (Google is my browser's home page) and by typing "jug thou" brought Omar Khayyam back into consciousness. (Another click and I could have had the entire Rubaiyat.) And so it is that the Googlized internet arrives just in time to compensate for our withering brain ce... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Barkerville, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.

"Curiosity..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Curiosity killed the cat, but where human beings are concerned, the only thing a healthy curiosity can kill is ignorance." - Harry Lorayne

"A Persian Proverb" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"He who knows not and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him." - Persian Proverb Even better, trust in yourself, learn, ponder, consider all things, and decide for yourself what Truth is... - CP

"Just Once..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"But because truly being here is so much; because everything here apparently needs us, this fleeting world, which in some strange way keeps calling to us. Us, the most fleeting of all. Once for each thing. Just once; no more. And we too, just once. And never again. But to have been this once, completely, even if only once: to have been at one with the earth, seems beyond undoing." - Rainer Maria Rilke

More Evidence the Commodity Bust is Leading to a Recession

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
In my opinion the problem is too much hot money serving Wall Street,European banks, and other powerful institutional investors, leading to global bubbles - such as the bubble, the housing bubble, the student loan bubble, and most of all, the commodities bubble. The commodities bubble is so diverse and globalized that consequences are hard to predict beyond severe bankruptcies in extractive industries, widespread and large bank losses, and wide spread economic contraction. These arguments are developed in my new book, Dispossession: Liberalism's Crisis that I've been postin...more »

Iraq Has Authorized Russia To Strike Islamic State Targets Inside The Country

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
A senior official said Russia will be conducting airstrikes against Daesh convoys inside Iraq. (Russian state media) *Al Bawaba*: *Iraq authorizes Russian airstrikes against Daesh* The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh (ISIS) convoys coming from Syria, a senior Iraqi official said. The authorization for Russia to target Daesh inside Iraq comes amid security coordination between Iraq, Russia, Iran and Syria. Hakem al-Zamli, chief of the Iraqi parliament’s security and defense committee, told Anadolu Agency on Friday that the measure contributed to weakening Daesh b... more »

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

"Happiness" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Happiness"* "You can't eat happiness You can't buy it. You can't wear it. You can't drive it, or drink it, or sell it, or steal it. You can't lock it away. You can't negotiate for it. You can't win it, you can't marry it, you can't inherit it, you can't cheat it. You can't smoke it, or inject it, or rent it or borrow it. You can't campaign for it or beg for it, or talk other people into giving you theirs. You can live happiness. You can create it. You can be it. You can give it to others. You can enjoy it. You can share it. You can claim it. You can have as much as you wish. You can en... more »

The Poet: Maya Angelou, "When Great Trees Fall" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"When Great Trees Fall"* "When great trees fall, rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker down in tall grasses, and even elephants lumber after safety. When great trees fall in forests, small things recoil into silence, their senses eroded beyond fear. When great souls die, the air around us becomes light, rare, sterile. We breathe, briefly. Our eyes, briefly, see with a hurtful clarity. Our memory, suddenly sharpened, examines, gnaws on kind words unsaid, promised walks never taken. Great souls die and our reality, bound to them, takes leave of us. Our souls, dependent upon their... more »

U.S. And Saudi Arabia Agree To Bolster Support For The Syrian Opposition

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Telegraph*: *US and Saudis vow to step up war on Assad in defiance of Russia* Two countries agreed to increase support to Syria's moderate opposition while seeking a political resolution of the four-year conflict The United States and Saudi Arabia have dramatically responded to Russian air-strikes in support of the Assad regime by agreeing to boost their own military and diplomatic support for the Syrian rebels. John Kerry, the US secretary of state, the King Salman of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh for talks over the weekend. Despite Russian leaders saying they had extracted promis... more »

Two Members of the House Freedom Caucus Explain Why a Majority of the Group Supports Paul Ryan for House Speaker

Kate Scanlon at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 21: U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) (C) leaves after a House Republican Conference meeting October 21, 2015 at the Capitol in Washington, DC. Rep. Ryan said he is open to running for Speaker of the House if the GOP will unify behind him.] On Sunday, two members of the House Freedom Caucus explained the group's majority support for Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to become the next House speaker. The Daily Signal previously reported that the Freedom Caucus lacked the number of votes required to... more »

In Defense of a Family Man

Opportunity Lives at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Paul Ryan family] After weeks of uncertainty following the announcement of the resignation of Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), it seems that things have finally settled for the House Republican Conference. Despite spending nearly a month forcefully rejecting the pleas of his colleagues... Continue reading *“In Defense of a Family Man”* at **.

Russian Presence Near Undersea Cables Concerns US Officials

The New York Times at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Submarine] WASHINGTON -- Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those... Continue reading *“Russian Presence Near Undersea Cables Concerns US Officials”* at **.

What America’s Immigrants Looked Like When They Arrived on Ellis Island

The Washington Post at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Slovakian women. Portraits from Ellis Island, Augustus Sherman.] We hear so often that America is “a nation of immigrants” or a “cultural mixing pot” that the phrase has become kind of a tired cliche. But actually seeing that history is a different story. The fascinating photographs below -- of people in... Continue reading *“What America’s Immigrants Looked Like When They Arrived on Ellis Island”* at **.

Mike Klonsky : Obama’s choice for Education Secretary worse than Arne Duncan!

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
John King’s top-down imposition of corporate-style reform policies has led to a revolt among parents and teachers in New York. By Mike Klonsky | The Rag Blog | October 26, 2015 “Throughout his term in New York, John King was … finish reading Mike Klonsky : Obama’s choice for Education Secretary worse than Arne Duncan!

Trump Questions Carson’s Seventh-day Adventist Faith

The Washington Post at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Trump in Jacksonville Florida] October 25, 2015 2:55 PM EDT – At a rally in Jacksonville, Fla., Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump contrasted his own religion with that of Ben Carson’s saying, "I'm Presbyterian. Boy, that's down the middle of the road, folks, in... Continue reading *“Trump Questions Carson’s Seventh-day Adventist Faith”* at **.

Is Russia And The U.S. Now Coordinating Military Operations Against The Islamic State In Syria?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Frame grab shows airstrikes carried out by Russian air force near Raqqa. (File photo: Reuters) *Express:* *Airstrike BLITZ deals huge blow to ISIS as oil field and supply routes are OBLITERATED* A HUGE airstrike blitz in the heart of Islamic State territory has destroyed one of the terror group's main sources of income. The terrorists' oil field in eastern Syria - part of a half a billion dollar crude industry for the group - was obliterated in a day of bombing conducted by both Russia and the US-led coalition. US operations officer Major Michael Filanowski told reporters in Baghd... more »

Russia's Military Campaign In Syria -- News Updates October 25, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*USA Today*:* Harsh conditions are foiling Russian jets in Syria* WASHINGTON – Russian warplanes sent to Syria to back the regime of Bashar Assad are breaking down at a rapid rate that appears to be affecting their ability to strike targets, according to a senior Defense official. Nearly one-third of Russian attack planes and half of its transport aircraft are grounded at any time as the harsh, desert conditions take a toll on equipment and crews, said the official who was not authorized to speak publicly about sensitive intelligence matters. The Russians appear to be having diffi... more »

Planning A Nice Little Vacation In Egypt? Slow Down

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
18 years ago I finally got to fulfill a childhood dream-- visiting Egypt. We planned to spend about a week in Cairo and a couple weeks roaming the country (including a Nile cruise to Aswan). Although it didn't seem so at the moment, some real misfortune for everyone else turned into a break for me and Roland. Just as we were leaving L.A. in November a bunch of religionist fanatics slaughtered a busload of tourists from Switzerland, Japan and the U.K. It was really a spectacular horror show with scimitar-wielding terrorists chasing unarmed tourists around the Temple of Hatshepsut a... more »

(Political) life within a narrative

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
In my Saturday post on the toxicity of a life of ironic posturing, I talked about the modern hipster who “goes with the flow” regardless of where it’s headed; declares that “perception is reality” without realising that amounts to saying “nothing is real anyway”; and affirms that ideals are things “you’ll grow out of” while not noticing that without them they have become grown-ups who neither know what they are doing nor care.* It’s like they live their whole life within the “narrative” they’ve created in their head Even while I was posting that, such a man of our postmodern age... more »

We Need to Have a Talk About Mr. Fusion...

Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago
Yes. THIS one, this we have to a serious conversation about this one here, all by itself. An extra 30 years of global subservience to the global petrochemical hydrocarbon cartel, paying though the nose for internal combustion, for NO REASON, when we could have had free or almost free energy this whole time, now that we know for ABSOLUTE CERTAIN that Cold Fusion is real, Cold Fusion works, and that it ALWAYS WORKED, right out of the box back in 1989, back when Fleischman and Ponds got drummed out of science and run out of the United States on a r

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