The most popular stories in your feedly today
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Army veteran Chris Mintz is the Oregon shooting hero we should be talking about
Chris Mintz, a 30-year-old Army veteran, was in his fourth day of a new
semester at Umpqua Community College when shots rang out in a nearby
classroom on Thursday morning.
In the minutes that followed, a lone gunman killed nine people in the
attack in Roseburg, Oregon, before dying in a gunfire exchange with
But details have emerged that Mintz risked his own life to stop the
killer. Family
Today is the last day of Google as you know it
Google as you know it is about to change forever... ish.
The Internet giant announced Friday that it expects to transition its
stock from "Google Inc" to "Alphabet" at the end of the business day,
marking the official start of the next era of Google as part of a larger
holding company
The company first announced in August that it would create a new parent
company called Alphabe
Urban Barns
I wonder what that power bill is each month? Via: The National: Related: Meanwhile in Japan
The Corbett Report
Interview 1094 – James Corbett on Truther Talk Radio
Corbett joins April and Virstyne on Truther Talk Radio to discuss the
founding of The Corbett Report, the latest at Fukushima, the nature of
money, the Federal Reserve conspiracy, the solution to the "sovereign"
debt crises, the global warming fraud and much more.
The EnvironmentaList
A Thousand Turtles
Notes on a Blanding’s turtle reintroduction project in the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge
Follow the Money
The fossil fuels divestment movement is making big strides But individual investors have little way of knowing what they own.
World Biodiversity Hotspot Worth Much More than a Nickel
Trio of mining proposals threatens Klamath-Siskiyou region
Trapped Mountain Lions Plot Daring Escape From LA
Network of wildlife corridors planned to ease big cats’ genetic bottleneck
Is the BBC biased?
An aside
Keeping on catching up...Lefties on Twitter weren't happy, it's fair to
say, with Andrew Marr last Sunday.What especially roused them was Andy
replying to former Ed Miliband spin-doctress Ayesha Hazarika after she
quipped that bacon and pigs are bad for any political leader and said,
"Thank goodness Jeremy is a vegetarian!"Andrew Marr's off-the-cuff
response was:That's his strongest card
"A derisory nine quips"
Did you read David Waywell's criticism of Have I Got News For You at
the Spectator? He's exasperated at the programme for feeling like "an
insular establishment talking among themselves".Maybe that's true, but
reading it I was somewhat taken aback by the following passage: On the
night after David Cameron won the recent election, HIGNFY spent most of
the show mocking Labour. Twenty-eight
Oregon and the oddness of the BBC
Having taken the day off work today, I've been following the reporting
of the latest gun massacre in the United States as it unfolded.I read
the Times, Telegraph and Mail's reporting of the story this morning and,
as they kept updating their stories, found out all sorts of claims
about the killer, often conflicting - his pro-IRA postings, his use of
neo-Nazi symbols, his Obama-like mixed-race back
Any Question Time
While I've been away...Rod Liddle in The Spectator and his "old mucker"
at the BBC, media consultant Chris Birkett, writing in The
Telegraph, have both been reflecting on that perennial BBC-bias-related
old chestnut: the apparent left-wing character of most BBC studio
audiences on Question Time and Any Questions - and what that says about
BBC bias.Labour-supporting Rod doesn't blame the
@ the chalk face
Teachers will give inches that quickly add up to miles.
Few things in any given teacher’s career will make the ceding of ground
more obvious than new administration. We’ve had three principals in as
many years. Our school has struggled mightily all three of those years.
Each new regime promises to turn the screws on us teachers by adding new
meetings or initiatives, most of […]
#DCPS as an all-charter district?
This, according to the Washington Post. I say no, absolutely no. In
many cases, charter schools are operated by for-profit entities with
boards and shareholders. By law, the rights of shareholders are
protected. But in the process of ensuring adequate profits on
investments, they are forgetting that they are providing education and
not the manufacture of […]
Count Day is coming.
In our District, we are encouraging all students to be present and
accounted for on a specific day because they will literally be counted.
As I overheard someone say, “This is how we get paid.” Someone will come
in and count all of our students to ensure we’ve enrolled all who we
said we enrolled […]
On teacher diversity from the Washington Post, and my take #sunchat
I wrote my doctoral dissertation on the lack of diversity in the
teacher workforce, paying close attention to the root causes and
potential solutions. It’s complicated because, of the roughly 50
teachers I interviewed and the hundreds of articles and books I read on
the topic, teachers want to be good teachers. They don’t want […]
The Rules of Exposition
The Pause Between Words
The TV advertisement shows big bold print:NEXIUMLEVELPROTECTIONI'm
thinking it's an ad for Nexium, so they want me to think of "nexium
level" as "high level" or "strongest" or "best" or something like that.
That's fine, that's what an advertisement is supposed to do.But -- words
still on-screen -- the announcer's voice comes over, repeating those
words. &quo
More stories
Mark as read
A Closer Look: Jody Paterson
Walking in Managua: Pedestrian tips from the front line
My walk to work is quite a bit longer this time in Managua, about an
hour each way. It gives me more time to reflect on all the ways I could
be killed in traffic. Managua certainly doesn’t have the craziest
traffic I’ve ever had to walk through; I have, after all, lived to tell
the tale of crossing the streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. But
fresh from a summer wandering along the coddled
Early intervention changes everything for children with disabilities, health challenges
Tytan Beckford's family had to make the horrific decisionto ampute part
of Tytan's feet when he was born withoutfibula in his legs. Gotta
admit, it was kind of fun being back in reporter mode this summer as my
partner Paul and I worked up a four-page newspaper supplement for
Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island. The stories of
families of children with disabilities can be hard to
Poor, or just unequal?
It’s a typical Saturday afternoon at the flashy Metro Centro mall in
Managua, Nicaragua, and the joint is jumping. As I watch a young barista
crank out $4 iced cappuccinos at the Casa de Café kiosk, I find myself
reflecting yet again on the mysterious phrase “developing country.” To
those who don’t know this part of the world, the phrase suggests poverty
and deprivation - chicken buses spilling
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Mark as read
A Different Perspective
Ramey Memo Update
The best case of provenance that I have ever seen is the Ramey Memo. We
have a picture of Ramey holding the document, we have been able to
interview the photographer, and we know the date on which it was taken
because we have not only a dated document that was transmitted with the
picture, but it appeared in newspapers around the country the next day.
The only point of dispute is what the memo act
The Size of the Debris Field
Since I posted the article that suggested that Bessie Brazel’s
testimony might be in error and that it was contradicted by that given
by so many others, we have been all over the board. Nearly everyone was
selecting that data which tended to support their position and ignore
everything else. So, I thought I would take some of those points and
provide the data available about them. I realize that s
New UFO Documentary including Commentary on the Roswell Slides
This last summer I participated in a UFO documentary via Skype that
dealt with some of the latest issues in the field, including what had
happened with the Roswell Slides. We discussed the fallout from that and
how it will affect UFO research in the future. The film will premiere
at London’s West End on September 24 and I mention this in case some of
our colleagues in England wish to see it. For
Bessie Brazel Schreiber and the Roswell Crash
The skeptics believe they have a slam dunk on the Roswell, coming at us
with information that simply is not proven as we look at it. Much of it
is single witness that we are accused of not mentioning and often
contradicts that given by many others. One of the best examples of this
is the testimony provided by Bessie Brazel, who seems to have been a
very nice woman but who stood nearly alone in her
A Very Public Sociologist
On John McDonnell's Shadow Chancellor's Speech
There is a tendency by lobby hacks to treat John McDonnell and Jeremy
Corbyn as Austen-authored debutantes facing their first showing in
Society. Not yet worldly wise, they require deft chaperoning to sidestep
the depredations of the rakish and dastardly Mr Osborne. Their present
situation demands careful schooling to avoid unknowing breaches of
etiquette, such as not rendering the wealthy-but-dis
A Note on Jeremy Corbyn's Conference Speech
The tradition in recent years is for the shadow chancellor and the
leader's speech to be taken as a piece. The former deals with the
technical fiddly bits of economic policy, while the latter is about the
wider vision. Cometh the new politics and the old set up remains.
Yesterday John McDonnell gave a strong speech setting out clearly and
unambiguously Labour's line of travel. Speaking as a scepti
Crash Bandicoot for the PlayStation
There was a time where new systems needed a whole stable of video game
characters to give them that edge over the rivals. In the fourth
generation (16-bit) era of games consoles, Nintendo and Sega came out on
top partly because each had established a following for their big guns.
Nintendo had Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and a range of more minor
exclusives to hand. Sega retaliated with Sonic the Hedgeh
Quarter Three Local By-Election Results 2015
PartyNumber of CandidatesTotal Vote%+/- Q2Average/contest+/-
Q2+/-SeatsConservative59 26,443 22.1% -13.6% 448 -1,050
+2Labour56 36,884 30.9% -1.1% 659 -684 -1LibDem44 11,498
9.6% +0.6% 261 -323 +4UKIP48 7,578 6.3% -3.0% 158
-438 -2Green39 6,297 5.3% +0.3% 161 -257
-2SNP*13 24,649 20.6%+17.4% 1,896 -2,170 +1PC** 5 1,616 1.4%
A Way to Live
In-between times
The Cowboy kindly escorted me on a fourth journey to the place of my
parents' ashes, which is near this stone. I placed an offering of leaves
from nearby shrubbery on the stone and bowed three times, then cried a
little.It was much more difficult to get up there than previous years.
The hikes I had done to prepare me for this were insufficient. On the
other hand, we had all day, and my kind compan
Another batch of apple butter
Normally I have done these annual videos in November or even January;
this year the garden grew old in August and is dying of old age on the
first day of fall.Things are not as they should be, and if we are honest
with ourselves we know this. 2015 will clearly be the hottest year in
the record (meaning since 1880) for Stony Run, for Oregon, for the
Northwest, and for the world.More about that here
A job which it does very well
Our hops vines grow along the west side of the house, with the intent
that they add shade during the hot summer. The west side is the creek
side, so the foundation is at its tallest here, adding sufficient height
to lean fourteen foot poles and train the vines on them.When it's time
to harvest the blossoms, I cut off the vines about thigh high, pull the
poles away from the house, harvest the flowe
September in the kitchen
This is about apple rings. First, I must apologize for the little
camera; it is much the same model as others I have had, but cannot
handle ambient indoor lighting as well. But I think you will get the
idea.I use a Victorio corer-peeler. Left to myself I would leave the
peels on, but others have expressed interest in doing without them.
These are fairly large Honeycrisp apples, from our next to la
When Does She Become He?
When Does She Become He? | LGBT PERSPECTIVES MagazinePithy, concise
summary of the science of sex and gender. Highly recommended for all
medical professionals, and as an educational resource for lay people
Certified Christian Counselors and Post Modernism - Toads included
From The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Membership
CovenantGod’s goodness allows that secular psychology may provide
accurate research and make observations that are helpful in
understanding counseling issues. Because unbelievers suppress the truth
of God in unrighteousness the efforts of secular psychology at
interpreting these observations lead to misunderstanding. Because their
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Mark as read
Adrienne's Corner
Donald Trump interview with Don Lemon on CNN...
"we're resonating with the people."Did CNN do better than Fox? Hmmmmmmmmm...
Hillary: "I am a real person"...
this is disturbing on so many levels.Jail colored jump suitFlapping
handsBobbing shouldersSteroid bloated face Cackling "laughter"Hillary on
Face the Nation, Sept. 20, 2015It's only 39 seconds. You can handle
it. It's not often we get to witness a train wreck.
CNN Debate...
I heard a rumor.Yes I did.I heard through a very dependable rumor mill
that Ted Cruz attended the "debate."Anyone else hear that?
Adventures with Kurt and Lori
SUP, Surfing, Spanish Classes and a Visit from Lisa!
OK, I admit, my blog updates have been pathetically few and far
between. Going to try and do better with them. It truly makes no sense
that when I worked 80 hours a week I kept up better with this blog than
I do now not working at all. Pura Vida!Sooooo, my friend, Lisa, came
to visit over Labor Day for the second year in a row, this time without
her hubby as he did not have the vacation time.
Obama: Russia action in Syria is 'recipe for disaster'
US president warns Russia that its bombing campaign will suck Moscow into a quagmire that will be hard to get out of.
Obama says US becoming 'numb' to mass shootings
Authorities say dead suspect had more than a dozen firearms, including six recovered from the crime scene.
Russia accused of striking civilian targets in Syria
Activists say warplanes are targeting civilians in areas under control of Western-backed rebels, a claim Russia denies.
Is Israel at risk of becoming an "apartheid" state?
We speak to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and ask a former KGB general about Russia's air strikes in Syria.
Allen L Roland's Weblog
Band Of Brothers ( Hwh ) #18 / Defeating Military Racism Through Love And Forgiveness
Six Pacific Islanders and combat veterans with PTSD as well
as victims of military racism and prejudice face their deepest fears
(the fears of their hearts) in Healing The Wounded Heart (Band of
Brothers) Workshop # 18. Through the power of love, gratefulness and
forgiveness they all discover not only their true authentic self but
awaken their closed and wounded hearts in the process: Al
Rip / Yogi Berra, 1925-2015
Since I grew up in Boston, in the 1940's and 1950's as a firm
Yankee hater and a rabid Red Sox fan ~ Yogi Berra was always the enemy
along with Joe DiMaggio, Whitey Ford and countless other Yankee greats
that broke my young heart every baseball season ~ but Yogi was in a
class by himself. In some strange way, I felt Yogi did not belong in
lofty Yankee pin stripes and his gentle soul and h
Quotes For Those Who Dare To Live Their Dreams
Living my dream as a high altitude interceptorHaving the
courage to live my dreams started with becoming a Navy supersonic
carrier pilot and then eventually surrendering to love, facing my
deepest fears and falling through a black hole of despair and
unworthiness to a place of timeless love, joy, intention, purpose as
well as the growing awareness of a great truth, the Unified Field
Dust Has Not Settled On 9/11
Marcy Borders buried in toxic dust on Sept. 11, 2001
/ Credit Stan Honda/Agence France-Presse ~ Getty Images It's been 14
years since 9/11 but the dust has not yet settled on this auspicious
event nor has it left the pages of the infamous and discredited official
9/11 Report. The 9/11 Dust Lady Marcy Borders just died from stomach
cancer and complications which could be traced
Ollie|OL|RANTILIA Troll: Who is [my friend] [name redacted at Ollie's
request before publishing -AK][9/29/15, 6:11:52 PM] DENICE: [9/28/2015
2:28:34 PM] Ollie|OL|RANTILIA Troll: TY Dea
Surf's up
Akin to ocean waves, this recent energetic pulse is a huge force. It
will not be stopped. It has been building far off from the expanse of
the cosmos. It brings things with it, washes over whatever it touches,
and carries things out with it. AND IT TOUCHES EVERYTHING.Like a
steamroller, it sort of rolls over the landscape to make it all equal.
What we’ll have then is a starting point.This wil
Creation & Manifestation: Life Physics Group The Internal
Psychophysiologic Algorithm For The Manifest Production Observership Of
The Light-Encoding Of A Reality Matrix Essay 3
Essay ThreeAnd then there is the “formula” that leads our single degree
of freedom overunity sink biomind, using a hologramic process, to
produce a “thing” (or 4-spacetime quantum object) out of no-thing (or
its quantum potential templaic conformation). This formula is an
algorithm or, as we described in a previous essay, “a certain sort of
formal process that can be counted on logically to yield
Creation & Manifestation: Life Physics Group Manifest Production Observation (Mpo) Essay 1
Essay OneFew people realize that their conscious mind only processes
about 15 bits of information per second of linear time. However, in
vertical time, the unconscious mind (i.e., the integrated
cortico-enteric nervous system plus the enteromyofascial complex) is
processing approximately 70-80 million bits of information. In normal
consciousness, humans are aware of only an infinitesimal amount of
Angola 3 News
Albert Woodfox's Hearing Today in Louisiana State Court: Amnesty Intl. USA Statement and more
Featured below, reprinted in full is a statement released by Amnesty
International USA following Albert Woodfox's hearing this morning in
Louisiana State Court.September 21, 2015: Amnesty International USA
Statement on Latest Albert Woodfox DevelopmentsToday, Judge William G.
Carmichael of Louisiana's 20th Judicial District Court held a hearing to
lay the groundwork for a possible third trial of
A3 Newsletter: Albert Takes First Steps Towards Retrial in State Court on 9/21 in St. Francisville
A3 Newsletter: A Third Chance for Justice in State Court - The Critical
Importance of Setting the Right Evidentiary and Procedural Scene for a
Fair RetrialThough it is an incredibly unusual, and often confusing
situation, the legal reality is that Albert is fighting for permanent,
unconditional release concurrently on two separate legal tracks - one in
federal and the other in state court. As we
Albert Woodfox's Sept. 2 Oral Arguments
IN THE NEWS: NOLA Times Picayune II Shreveport Times This morning,
Amnesty International USA released the following statement, reprinted in
full.Please check back here for more updates later in the day. See also
our Facebook and Twitter pages.Amnesty International USA Statement on
Ongoing Incarceration of Albert WoodfoxToday, the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans heard
C3: Nuclear Command, Control, Cooperation
Earlier this year Bruce Blair kindly loaned us a copy of an important
body of work in the field, C3: Nuclear Command, Control, Cooperation, by
Valery E. Yarynich. We digitized it (thanks to two graduate research
assistants) and have put the book in its entirety up on Scribd. It’s
even OCR’ed!
The book is available here. [Updated] For a bit of background on Valery
Yarynich, start with this article
The Jinkouhe Gaseous Diffusion Plant is hot!
Much to my dismay, I find that I’m still catching up on reading from
the summer. In August, Hui Zhang published a new report on China’s
uranium enrichment capacity, and he makes a wonderful identification of a
new civilian centrifuge facility associated with Plant 814 in Sichuan
province. While on the subject of Plant 814, this report’s publication
gives me the perfect opportunity to say a few wo
Stanislav Petrov
Stanislav Petrov’s story is about to be featured in a new movie, The Man
Who Saved the World. This title suggests more than the usual artistic
license, but if license weren’t granted when dealing with the
Apocalypse, then where would the film industry be? My own choice for the
hero’s mantle would be Vasili Arkhipov, whose veto prevented the launch
of a nuclear weapon on board a Soviet sub being d
The New Isolationism
The Washington-based Republican Party has reverted to isolationist
tendencies that are harmful to U.S. national security. This variant of
isolationism is very different than the kind the Grand Old Party
practiced during the years between the First and Second World War, but
it has the same practical effect of distancing the United States from
its international partners. Back in the 1920s and 1930s
Progressive Movie Theater: Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11"
..By MARC McDONALDAfter a haitus, we're back in action. And today,
we're unveiling a new regular series on this blog.Welcome to the first
edition of Progressive Movie Theater, a series in which we take a look
at notable progressive/left-leaning cinema.Our film today is Michael
Moore's 2004 documentary film Fahrenheit 9/11. After more than a decade,
the film still is an effective indictment of the
Blood & Treasure
what football hooligan twitter may tell us about Putin in Syria
Yes, it's been a while and I've gone all 'Slate Pitch' as they say.
Anyway, here goes.
I've been following football hooligan twitter for a while now, mainly
because of the way that the lads sometimes venture from their comfort
zone of beer, fighting and casualwear into politics. It's not that much
of a surprise, of course. Football ultras have participated in every
uprising since 2011, often contr
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