Sunday, October 04, 2015

The Australian Climate Skeptics Blog

English: Australian Annual Land Temperature An...English: Australian Annual Land Temperature Anomalies 1910 to 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mascot of the Australian Skeptics.Mascot of the Australian Skeptics. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Christmas in the Pallasades - 'Keep o...English: Christmas in the Pallasades - 'Keep out of the Bear Enclosure' The Copenhagen Conference on 'Climate Change' opened this week. It is to be hoped that agreement can be reached on reducing CO2 emissions before global warming leads to a melting of the polar icecap and the demise of the polar bear. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
( Kindly note reported numbers of polar bears...are up...though they are the very devil to get to participate in a census )
English: Climate chart for Perth, Western Aust...English: Climate chart for Perth, Western Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The Un-official logo of the climate s...English: The Un-official logo of the climate sceptics. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A climate map of Australia.English: A climate map of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Pope Francis: A conversation or a Lecture?

Paul Dreissen, writing at Town A Conversation … or a Lecture? We must “enter into dialogue with all people about our common home,” Pope Francis recently told the US Congress, frequently quoting from his *Laudato Si*encyclical. “We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge … and its human roots concern and affect us all.” I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, the pontiff seems more interested in a lecture than a conversation on climate change, energy and economic development, and improving the lives of Earth’s poorest families. The pope’s... more »

David Evan’s discovery will change climate change debate

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 hours ago
Miranda Devine in Perth Now: Miranda Devine: Perth electrical engineer’s discovery will change climate change debate Jo Nova and David Evans Source: Australian Climate MadnessCO2 is not driving the climate A MATHEMATICAL discovery by Perth-based electrical engineer Dr David Evans may change everything about the climate debate, on the eve of the UN climate change conference in Paris next month. A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which unde... more »

AGW Hoax now propped up by Australia's Major Parties; Don't let them sign @ COP21.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 days ago
Below there is an invitation that was sent to all MPs. It shows plans for climate change briefings and meetings in Canberra, co hosted by Greg Hunt (Liberal), Mark Butler (Labor) and Larissa Waters (Greens). There is a bipartisan movement between the three parties to move forward with plans to sign the UN Climate Change Agreement in Paris in December. They're all in this together. The speakers at this meeting are all warmists, e.g. David (24 lies in 3 minutes) Karoly and others. There is no balance from people like Bob Carter or Ian Plimer. Of course there isn't - the truth is inco... more »

AGW disproved again. Alarmism is a sham.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 days ago
* Anthony Cox* I have written before about two absolutely fatal contradictions to alarmism. The first is that CO2 and temperature are not correlated. Beenstock et al 1 and 2clearly show that CO2 and temperature are not (causally) correlated, that CO2 will only have a temporary effect on temperature if its rate of increase is sufficient and even this temporary effect is problematic since it is clear that CO2 follows temperature and often they move in different directions. The second is that humans are not responsible for the increase in atmospheric CO2. Knoor, Gloor and Essenhigh s... more »

Liar, Liar, Vestments on Fire! Climate Change Advocates lies

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 days ago
International Climate Science Executive Director TOM HARRIS has written a piece titled: Lying to Boost the Climate Scare Business leaders were thrilled that Pope Francis so strongly supported capitalism in his speech before the joint session of Congress on September 24. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the CEO of one of America’s largest corporations said, “By proclaiming business ‘a noble vocation’ and encouraging the ‘harnessing of the spirit of enterprise,’ Francis showed he is one of us!” Independents also were ecstatic that the Pope supported their cause — the abolition o... more »

Pope, UN sabotaging development goals with climate mitigation focus

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 week ago
OTTAWA, Sept. 25, 2015 /CNW/ - "By promoting the unfounded idea that humanity controls Earth's climate, Pope Francis and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are sabotaging many of the most important goals of today's UN Sustainable Development Summit," said Tom Harris, Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC). "As described in yesterday's ICSC news release, "Pope on wrong side of history on climate change," (click here to view), efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 'stop global warming' cause unintended consequences that c... more »

Global warming policies are the real threat to the world's most vulnerable people

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 week ago
Global warming policies are the real threat to the world's most vulnerable people Pope on wrong side of history on climate change Press Release From: Tom Harris, Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC). Palm oil: Future biofuel or ecological disaster? OTTAWA, Sept. 24, 2015 /CNW/ - Rather than simply follow the United Nations on climate change, Pope Francis must consider whether U.N. climate policies are doing more harm than good. Based on a theoretical hypothesis about climate change, the Pope is unwittingly supporting a move... more »


Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 week ago
Here is *NZ Climate Truth Newsletter No 344* Cheers Vincent Gray *Guest Writer Kerry Brown, ESQ, St. Petersburg.* *The USA is completely powerless to decrease global CO2 emissions. In fact there will be significant increases in global emissions regardless of what onerous regulations we put in place. Why you ask?* 1. China now consumes 45% of the world’s coal. (See, NY Times 8/16/14 editorial). 2. China’s CO2 output has grown to 2x that of the US. It will increase as China is projected to double *its *output by 2040.(Huffington Post 12/5&15, 2014 citing the US Gov’... more »

Goldman Sachs, the AGW hoax and the World.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 weeks ago
Source: "our" ABCAs previously posted on this blog, Christopher Monckton warned that the UN IPCC and the Alarmists would try to unseat then PM Tony Abbott: .....Australia we can’t do anything about because Tony Abbott is in office until after the December 2015 conference. So that means you all have to guard Tony Abbott’s back. Because the *Turnbull faction, in conjunction with the UN*, will be doing their absolute level best to remove your elected Prime Minister from office before the end of his term and , in particular, before the end of 2015, so that they can get 100% wall-to-w... more »

Prime Minister Turnbull's path to his goal

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 weeks ago
*1976 –* Despite his leftist ideology, Turnbull shows a willingness to join whatever political party he thinks he can use as a vehicle for his agenda. He tells radio broadcaster David Dale that he wants to be Prime Minister by age 40. Dale asks “For which party?”, and Turnbull responds “It doesn’t matter“. In 1982, the left-liberal former Prime Minister Billy McMahon retired from his federal seat of *Lowe.* He endorsed Turnbull to replace him, but Turnbull decided not to contest the marginal seat. Then, in 1983, Turnbull ran for *Liberal* preselection in the very safe *Liberal* st... more »

Human CO2 is a tiny percentage of CO2 emissions. Sks wrong again.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 weeks ago
Another debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #33 "Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions"The natural cycle adds and removes CO2 to keep a balance; humans add extra CO2 without removing any. Debunking of all 178 will be found on this page - SS "Myths" debunked. SS's Explanation: Before the industrial revolution, the CO2 content in the air remained quite steady for thousands of years. Natural CO2 is not static, however. It is generated by natural processes, and absorbed by others. Did SS check? Or just create their own histo... more »

Japan Utilities Burn Record Coal; China's Use increases rapidly

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 weeks ago
AS the global price of coal falls, coal becomes more attractive. From BloombergBusiness (LINK) Japan’s regional power utilities burned the most coal on record in August, flouting calls from the nation’s environmental minister to rein in use to control greenhouse gas emissions. The nation’s 10 power utilities used 5.82 million metric tons of coal in August, the Federation of Electric Power Cos. reported Friday. That’s the most in monthly usage since the group started compiling data in April 1972. While total power generation and purchases fell 0.9 percent, liquefied natural gas u... more »

Farmer Fred meets Allan Savory.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 weeks ago
*Another Issue of "Carbon Sense” prepared for The Carbon Sense Coalition by * *Viv Forbes and volunteer helpers. * *To subscribe click:* *12 Sept 2015* *Farmer Fred meets Allan Savory * People send me things; lots of things - compliments, abuse, information and advice. One correspondent is “Coochie” a wannabee grass-farmer who lives in town but reads all the latest stuff on managing grazing animals. He reads things like “Mother Earth” and “Stockman Grass Farmer”. Coochie recently rebuked me. “Please tell Farmer Fred that grazing animals are ... more »

No global warming for 18 years 8 months!

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 weeks ago
Climate Depot reports: *Special To Climate Depot* *The Pause lengthens yet again* *A new record Pause length: no warming for 18 years 8 months* *By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley* One-third of Man’s entire influence on climate since the Industrial Revolution has occurred since January 1997. Yet for 224 months since then there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). With this month’s RSS (Remote Sensing Systems) temperature record, the Pause sets a new record at 18 years 8 months. Read More at Climate Depot

When is Climate Change Science not a science?

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 weeks ago
Last year, ABC's Landline (3/2014) presented a program titled The Fruits of Labour about an amazing man called Bob Brinsmead and his vision to create an agri-tourism adventure - *Tropical Fruit World.* ABC's Landline *BOB BRINSMEAD*: We bought it primarily as a nice place to live. This was a great place to raise a family. We just loved avocados. The whole family, we were, like, addicted to avocados. And there weren't many around, but there were a few trees on this property from the old (government) experimental farm. It wasn't long before we had about 3,000 avocado trees. But then, ... more »

The Lancet Commissions: Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 weeks ago
The Lancet Commissions Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health (L) Dr Wes Allen and his publisher Bob Brinsmead Critiqued by *Dr D Weston Allen* MBBS, FRACGP, Grad Dip Phys Med INTRODUCTION: *The 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change*, comprising 45 international multidisciplinary academics (29 PhD’s and one MD) headed by Nick Watts (MA), released its freely available report online on 23 June. Its laudable intention (stated on page 1) was “to map out the impacts of climate change, and the necessary policy responses, in order to ensure t... more »

Scepticism and burden of Proof

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 weeks ago
Don Aitken on his blog has a thought provoking piece titled: Am I a sceptic? I think so. Describing his scepticism, Don says: What is it to be sceptical about something? My own meaning is that where I am not sure about something I think is important, and can’t reasonably be sure, I am sceptical about claims. That doesn’t mean I think it’s wrong, whatever it is; it is simply that I am not in a position to make a proper judgment. Some other person or organisation may be sure, but that is no real help to me. I need to make up my own mind about it, and for the moment I can’t. Therefo... more »

More Climate Alarmism Refuted

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 weeks ago
Source: TallblokeMODERN SCIENCE REFUTES GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM John Hinderaker writing for Power Line: (bold added) It isn’t quite true to say that the science is settled–climate science is in its infancy, and we have only a poor understanding of the Earth’s climate. Just about every proposition is controversial. *But we are very close to being able to say that, as to global warming alarmism, the debate is over and the alarmists have lost. *(I mean, of course, the scientific debate, not the political one, which never had much to do with science in the first place.) Read More: Powe... more »

Britain's solar boom over

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 weeks ago
Peter Dominiczak, Political Editor of the UK Telegraph, writes Britain's solar boom is over after ministers announced they would offer virtually no subsidies for people to install panels on their homes. In a surprise move, ministers on Thursday said that they plan to slash the amount of money given to families who put solar panels on their homes. Under the new proposals, the amount paid to homeowners under the “feed-in tariff” from next year will fall by nearly 90 per cent. Experts said that it will lower the payments to households by around £192 (AU$ 412) a year. Solar subsidi... more »

UN IPCC -an alarmist organisation

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 weeks ago
Mad Men of Climate Alarmism Cartoons by JoshAnother debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #34 IPCC is alarmist Numerous papers have documented how IPCC predictions are more likely to underestimate the climate response. *UNSkeptical UNScience* (SS) says Climate scientist Roy Spencer made this statement: "Unquestionably, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was formed to build the scientific case for *humanity being the primary cause of global warming*. Such a goal is fundamentally unscientific, as it is ho... more »

Increasing CO2 has little to no heating effect

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 weeks ago
The Shrill at work.Another debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #30 "Increasing CO2 has little to no effect"The strong CO2 effect has been observed by many different measurements. Why the Shrill via people like *UNSkeptical UNScience* (SS) imagine that human's emissions of carbon dioxide have anything to do with the climate is an exercise in hubristic nonsense, which seems to be the Shrill and the Green's greatest talent. NZCSC write in *CLIMATE TRUTH SNIPPETS* Why is it that mostly chemists seem to understand the behaviou... more »

The true cost of wind energy is higher than most cost estimates calculate

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 weeks ago
A report prepared for the Institute of Political Economy at UTAH State University titled THE TRUE COST OF ENERGY: WIND POWER WHAT IS THE TRUE COST OF ENERGY? This report explores the true cost of producing electricity from wind power. Rather than creating a new cost estimate, we analyze the findings of prominent cost studies by experts in the energy field. Each study includes different factors in its estimate of the cost of wind power. We break down each of these factors and explain the significance of each. These factors include: capital costs, operation and maintenance costs, ... more »

Politicians, Scientists use ambiguous, non scientific, non-evidence based, terminology. ALP may have a fraudulent ideology.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 weeks ago
In an email to *Federal MP Mark Butler, *Shadow Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water, *Dr Judy Ryan* and her associate Marjorie Curtis question MP Butler following a Canberra Community Forum. We recently had the pleasure of hearing you speak at the Canberra Community Forum. The title for the Forum was “We Need Action on Climate Change”. In the interests of scientific integrity, honesty and transparency we will call it “Human Caused CO2 Global Warming” (HCCO2GW) in this public letter. The reason we feel we can do this is because you conceded that it should be de... more »

Denmark is scaling back its green ambitions

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
(Source: Getty) Clara Guilborg writing for Business Site City AM reports that Denmark is scaling back its green ambitions: Denmark is scaling back its green ambitions, after the country’s government said the previous target was “too expensive for businesses”. In a goal set by the country’s previous government, Denmark had promised to reduce its carbon emissions at least 40 per cent by 2020, against 1990 levels. This is proving too expensive though, so the northern European country is now settling for a 37 per cent reduction instead. No global warming for ~20 years; perhaps they ... more »

‘Global Warming’ is All About Anti-Capitalist Polemics, And Has Nothing to Do, Really, With Science

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
In February this year, this blog posted the admission of the UNFCCC Chief, Christian Figueres: Our aim is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. Of course the Main Stream Media, promoters of the hoax - the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW), failed to report this. Today it had been confirmed by Leftist Author Naomi Klein. It is about the Communist Revolution. As Heartland's blog Somewhat Reasonable reports: Liberal writer Naomi Klein’s *magnum opus *on the environment,*This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, *is a *m... more »


Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Brendon Pearson, Chief Executive of the Minerals Council of Australia announced the details of a report undertaken by economic consultancy Principal Economics The report found that Australia’s renewable energy sector received subsidies (including the Renewable Energy Target, feed in tariffs and other green policy costs) worth $2.8 billion in 2013-14. On an output basis, these renewable subsidies translated into almost $412 per megawatt hour (MWh) for solar technologies, $42 per MWh for wind and $18 per MWh for all other renewable sources (including hydro). By comparison coal fired ... more »

High elevation boreal forests are expected to recede upslope, yet recent empirical studies present conflicting findings.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
A recent full peer reviewed paper published in *Global Climate Biology* shows once again the Alarmists are wrong. Montane forest ecotones moved downslope in northeastern US in spite of warming between 1984 and 2011 1. Jane R. Foster 2. and 3. Anthony W. D'Amato DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13046 Abstract (bold added) Source Ecotones are transition zones that form, in forests, where distinct forest types meet across a climatic gradient. In mountains, ecotones are compressed and act as potential harbingers of species shifts that accompany climate change... more »

Arctic ice melt is a natural cycle.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Another debunking of one of SS (*UNSkeptical UNScience)*'s- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #29 "Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle"Thick arctic sea ice is undergoing a rapid retreat.. SS expand on this: Chipping away at the hoax Arctic sea ice has aptly been termed a "canary in the global warming coal mine," a sensitive indicator of climate change; because of its importance as a diagnostic of global warming Debunking of all 178 will be found on this page - SS "Myths" debunked. *Anthony Cox* debunks another SS "myth." *Arctic ice melt is a natural cycle*. Ir sur... more »

There IS NO correlation between CO2 and temperature; Another SS "Myth" debuked

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Another debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #46 "There's no correlation between CO2 and temperature"There is long-term correlation between CO2 and global temperature; other effects are short-term. Debunking of all 178 will be found on this page - SS "Myths" debunked. Although SS says: "There is long-term correlation between CO2 and global temperature," implying that man's CO2 emissions are causing the falsified CAGW hypothesis, *J**oanne Nova* has graphed the Vostok Ice Core data which show that Carbon dioxide levels *fol... more »

Arctic Sea Ice has recovered: Debunking UNSkeptical UNScience

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Another debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #44 Debunking of all 178 will be found on this page - SS "Myths" debunked. "Arctic sea ice has recovered"Thick arctic sea ice is in rapid retreat. Anthony Cox debunks Another Falsity from the BS (Bad Science) from the SS. *Arctic sea ice HAS recovered*. Figure 7:20 Link It has. The IPCC in Far, Figure 7.20, page 224 (see above), shows the low point for Arctic sea ice was in 1974 which was before the weather satellites began in 1979 (Figure 7.20 here). The Arctic had much ... more »

Renewables in NSW produce 0.0% of all electricity generated - Prof Ian Plimer

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Plants need CO2 for foodProfessor Ian Plimer has written a piece on Catallaxy Files under the above heading. In his usual inimitable style, Ian asks: .....can someone show me from basic science and mathematics that the human emissions (3% total) of plant food (CO2) drive climate change yet the 97% of natural emissions of CO2 do not. This has never been done and I’m still waiting for the proof. It’s easy to show that human emissions of CO2 don’t drive climate change and there are many scientific arguments to show that the total atmospheric CO2 does not drive climate change. *Bill*, ... more »

Arctic Ice Melt IS a natural cycle

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Another debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #29 "Arctic ice melt is a natural cycle"Thick arctic sea ice is undergoing a rapid retreat. SS say that Satellite measurements of Arctic sea ice extent reveal a rapid decline over the past 30 years, particularly at the end of each year's annual melt season. The downward trend and the increasing difference between seasons are in keeping with predictions of the effects of global warming and show this graph from NSIDC: SS Graph ends in 2009 *with an upturn* As Steve Goddard twe... more »

Record Plateau length: no warming for 18 years 7 months

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Source *Christopher Monckton of Brenchley *writes: For 223 months, since January 1997, there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). This month’s RSS temperature shows the Pause setting a new record at 18 years 7 months. It is becoming ever more likely that the temperature increase that usually accompanies an el Niño will begin to shorten the Pause somewhat, just in time for the Paris climate summit, though a subsequent La Niña would be likely to bring about a resumption and perhaps even a lengthening of the Pause. The UAH data show no warming for 18 years 5 months. Key f... more »

Warming has stopped - Global Temperature firmly stuck.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Pierre Gosselin on his site NoTricksZone has a new post: July Data Rolls In…Consensus Of Datasets Agree: Warming Has Stopped… Global Temperature Firmly Stuck! Pierre links to a German site:wobleibtdieglobaleerderwärmung (where’s the global warming – WBDGE) who report in their *Global Summary July 2015* *The negative trend of global satellite temperature (TLT) of UAH since 1998 is also reflected in July 2015, a T-deviation of 0.18 K continued. The moderate solar activity declines further, the end of May there were even two almost spotless days on the near * *side of the sun.* *Gl... more »

Two Economists' views on Wind Power

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
SourceGary Johns received a Bachelor of Economics and a M.A. from Monash University. Ross McKitrick is professor of economics at the University of Guelph, Canada. Both have opinion pieces re Wind Power. Gary's was in the Australian. It was a follow up to the opposition leader's pre-election promise to have Australia create 50% of our energy using renewables by 2030 Wind farms use fossil fuels for construction and operation *Bill Shorten should have asked a couple of questions before committing Australia to a 50 per cent renewable target. Can you build a wind turbine, or start a win... more »

Two debates about "Climate Change."

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Don Aitken, in answering a remark that "*unless the sceptical minority came up with their own theory about how and why climate changes they would never be taken seriously*." My answer to that is that we sceptics are not asking for anything. The alarmists want to severely contract the West's economies with their calls to kill man's emissions of carbon dioxide. Don's reply was: doesn’t need one’s own theory in order to see weaknesses in another. If they are there, you can point out weaknesses in any theory — you don’t have to argue from the position of a rival theory. ... more »

‘Climate Anger': Last Refuge of the Alarmists

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 month ago
Robert L. Bradley Jr writing for Forbes has a piece titled: ‘Climate Anger': Last Refuge of the AlarmistsRobert begins: For purveyors of climate alarm, emotional displays of intolerance are increasingly crowding out reasoned argument. But remember the adage, “hate hurts the hater more than the hated.” It struck home to this blogger because I have recently been subject to displays of intolerance with a reverse claim of creating "hate-posts against some of the famous people that (sic) promote global warming info." This was on a FaceBook group called hypocritically "*Climate Change - ... more »

The Global Warming Hoax and the Facts

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Katoomba NSW: SourceFollow the money Global Warming Alarmists Run Into Brick Wall Of Facts Follow the money? Yep, because this article is on Rick Manning writes Global warming alarmists must be shaking their heads in disbelief. Just when they felt they had the stars aligned to push their anti-capitalism/free enterprise agenda on the international stage and claim the power that they crave, the climate and scientists have begun to turn against them. Sydney, Australia, has snow for the first time since 1836. To put this in perspective: in 1836, Andrew Jackson was presid... more »

Skeptical Science authors photoshopped themselves in SS costumes.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
The *UN*Skeptical *UN*Science (SS) correspondents liked to photoshop their images as members of the other SS (*Schutzstaffel)* There is a picture of John Cook in a SS Uniform which was taken from *UN* Skeptical *UN*Science (SS)'s old pages. It WAS available at (Wayback Machine) - and the page was Unfortunately, even the Wayback Machine can be got at and now THAT image has been eradicated: *The ... more »

Dear PM Abbott: Don't sign Paris Treaty

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott, prior to the last election, described the man-made global warming (CAGW) alarm as "crap." (Link) Now, as recorded by a press release from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (LINK) he has down an amazing about turn “*The Abbott government has committed Australia to joining the next big global climate pact."* Image: Steve Hunter via Jo NovaSurely he should realise how foolish he will look for this apparent turn around in position. He was voted into office when the previous Rudd/Gillard/Rudd Government was vote... more »

Medieval Warm Period WAS warmer despite what the Shrill say

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Source: RPT Another debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #27 "Medieval Warm Period was warmer"Globally averaged temperature now is higher than global temperature in medieval times. *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's explanation: evidence suggests that the Medieval Warm Period may have been warmer than today in many parts of the globe such as in the North Atlantic. This warming thereby allowed Vikings to travel further north than had been previously possible because of reductions in sea ice and land ice in the Arctic. However, ... more »

Global Warming to Global Cooling - A Paradigm Change

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Fred Singer, writing for American Thinker has a piece under the banner: A Paradigm Change: Re-directing public concern from Global Warming to Global Cooling He begins: I want to change public concern from Global (GW) to Global Cooling (GC). Presented here are three arguments in favor of such a drastic shift -- which involves also a drastic shift in current policies, such as mitigation of the greenhouse (GH) gas carbon dioxide. Now, as there is NO empirical evidence that (man's emissions of) carbon dioxide are causing GW, the first leg is already established. My main argument re... more »

Humans aren't the main cause of Global Warming; SS debunked AGAIN.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Source Another debunking of two of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's- so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #45 and #139 "There's no empirical evidence"There are multiple lines of direct observations that humans are causing global warming. SS says: There is empirical evidence that the rising temperatures are being caused by the increased CO2. *There’s no empirical evidence to support AGW*. True. For 2 main reasons. Temperature and CO2 are not correlated; example the modern era. From 1959. 20thC. 1659. Longer. Secondly there is growing evidence CO2 increase is not caused by human... more »

Sea level rise is decelerating: another SS "Myth" Debunked.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Cartoons by JoshAnother debunking of one of *UNSkeptical UNScience* -SS's so-called "Myths." This time debunking their #25. "Sea level rise is exaggerated"A variety of different measurements find steadily rising sea levels over the past century. *Anthony Cox* answers: *Sea level rise is exaggerated*. Plenty of papers show this is the case. Houston and Dean is as good as any. ABSTRACT (bold added) HOUSTON, J.R. and DEAN, R.G., 2011. Sea-level acceleration based on U.S. tide gauges and extensions of previous global-gauge analyses. Journal of Coastal Research, 27(3), 409–417. Wes... more »

Crook Cook's Identity Fraud

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Michael Spencer Graphic Cartoonist and professional scrawler *UN*Skeptical *UN*Science - SS's John Cook has been fraudulently using Luboš Motl's identity. Luboš Motl is a Czech theoretical physicist by training who was an assistant Professor at Harvard University from 2004 to 2007. His scientific publications are focused on string theory. Luboš writes a blog called The Reference Frame (TRF). On TRF, Luboš writes of John Cook: John Cook is the founder of one of the world's most famous "Sky Is Falling" websites about global warming, SkepticalScience.COM. The name of the web wants to ... more »

SS Myth: Models can Hindcast. NO - they cannot - Massive Fail!

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Another in our series debunking *UN*Skeptical UNScience's so-called Myths of Global Warming. This post debunks their "Myth" No 6. "Models are unreliable"Models successfully reproduce temperatures since 1900 globally, by land, in the air and the ocean. And their explanation: Climate models have to be tested to find out if they work. We can’t wait for 30 years to see if a model is any good or not; models are tested against the past, against what we know happened. If a model can correctly predict trends from a starting point somewhere in the past, we could expect it to predict with re... more »

John Cook and his UQ Delusions

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Self-confessed cartoonist and professional scrawler John Cook has come up with more tripe. One can only hope that he doesn't use any of this in his course at Uni of Qld's Denial 101X. The course is titled "Making sense of climate denial." Does *anyone* deny climate? The 5 telltale techniques of climate change denialClimate has always changed. Would anyone deny climate change? An examination of his 5 "Telltale Techniques. 1. Fake experts This is Headed Fake Experts but is really about the *fake 97% consensus*. Of course, Scientific Consensus is an oxymoron. Cook leaps into fiction ... more »

Al Gore sings Al Jolson

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Al Gore Sings Jolson: I’ve been hoaxing you a long time I never thought so fooled you’d be, Yet I made you feel the warming was real Billionaire I wanna be. The tills are ringing now, it’s boom time Send all your money to me I made you feel, the warming was real Billionaire I wanna be. *Chorus* Money - - how I love ya, how I love ya My wads of money. I’ll scare the world to be among the rich with I-P-C-C-Even Though my money’s growing for me Plateauing heat goes down so now let me Tell folks that heat will increase more and more As I spruik¶ about that carbon war. *Jolson sings Swan... more »

Tom Harris: "McCarthy’s ‘moral’ programs not the solution to pollution."

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
ICSC Executive Director *Tom Harris* replies to an opinion piece by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Gina McCarthy. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Gina McCarthy wrote that we have a “moral obligation to prevent climate impacts that threaten God’s creation, especially for those most vulnerable.” (“Obama officials: Power plant rule part of a ‘moral obligation,’” July 13.) But we also have a moral obligation to use our God-given brains to think rationally about the issue. It is clearly irrational for McCarthy to focus most of her agency’s climate-related progra... more »

Idiots not Speaking Sense

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
This blog keeps being derided by a site that falsely calls itself UnoISpiksense. (*UNISS)* *UNISS idiots avoiding REAL science* That site (*UNISS**) *pushes LIES: From ((*UNISS)* Tag Archives: Geoff Brown. Denier contradictions – CSP contradictory beyond belief. We challenge the shrill - at that time we had a letter from the IPCC admitting that they had no evidence that man's CO2 emissions were causing runaway global warming (CAGW). The *UNISS *from the above Screen Shot seemed to challenge Correlation proves Causation; Correlation is not evidence of causation; and (driving t... more »

Global Warming is not the most serious issue facing the world today.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
*More Skeptical Science (SS) "myth" Rebuttals by* *Anthony Cox* From SS - BS (Bad Science) Myth No 13 "Climate sensitivity is low"Net positive feedback is confirmed by many different lines of evidence. Anthony says: *Climate sensitivity is low*. (See Myth items 101 and 145.) Climate sensitivity (CS) is defined by the shrill (eg the alarmists, the warm-mongers) as the temperature increase to a doubling of CO2 (2XCO2) from its level of 280 parts per million (PPM) in about 1890 before Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) allegedly began. The IPCC reckons there are 2 parts to CS ... more »

Stealing from the Biosphere.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
*Another Issue of "Carbon Sense” prepared for The Carbon Sense Coalition by Viv Forbes and volunteer helpers. * ** *18 July 2015* Not very "green energy." *Green Energy Steals from the Biosphere* Earth has only three significant sources of energy. *First is geothermal energy* from Earth’s molten core and decaying radioactive minerals in Earth’s crust. This energy moves continents, powers volcanoes and its heat migrates towards the crust, warming the lithosphere and the deep oceans. It can be harvested successfully in favourable locations, and radioactive mineral... more »

In the 70s, Global Temps were going down and an Ice Age was predicted

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
*UN*Skeptical *UN*Science (SS) and their amazingly incorrect list of "myths." Here we debunk No 11. "Ice age predicted in the 70s"The vast majority of climate papers in the 1970s predicted warming. SS adds in their link: In the thirty years leading up to the 1970s, available temperature recordings *suggested* that there was a cooling trend. Who are they trying to fool? Of course temperatures were cooling. They were cooling then as they are cooling now. Here are the data from mid 50s to the mid 70s from GISS, NCDC and HadCRUT4. All three show a *definite* cooling. (Graphs from P... more »

Condoms for Sea Otters: More Warmist Idiocy!

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Sea Otter: Source Feelgrafix The Shrill are ramping up the rhetoric as COP21 Paris nears. To scare people not taking day to day notice of the details, they sometimes create alarms that will really spook people, like the debunked mass extinction of species. They try to pick a species that looks cute to the populace. That's why they settled on the polar bear. Not what you would think if you were being attacked by a Polar Bear. (Grim photo below from But don't worry, the cute Polar Bear population is increasing. So the shrill looked a... more »

The entire consensus position fails critical examination

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Jeffrey Bada is a self-described "*Distinguished"* Research Professor of Marine Chemistry and a "*Distinguished"* Professor of Marine Chemistry, Emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego. I know quite a few Professors, but do not know even one who describes himself as *distinguished*. He has written a piece (*distinguished piece?*) in the Lakeland Times entitled: *Global warming and climate change: What science tells us.* Are "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" one and the same? AND What is Science really trying to tell ... more »

The Doomsayers are the Real Dodos.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Source: YidwithLid More Skeptical Science (SS) "myth" Rebuttals by *Anthony Cox* From SS - BS (Bad Science) Myth No 8 "Animals and plants can adapt" Global warming will cause mass extinctions of species that cannot adapt on short time scales. Anthony writes that it is Not happening linking to internationally recognised expert David Stockwell's piece in Quadrant: A Theory Ready for Extinction The lesson of the ‘climategate’ emails, the ‘hockeystick wars’, and the recent ‘pause’ is that the IPCC reports have a tendency to be self-serving. Blind faith in the IPCC projections shows sub... more »

Skeptical Science disingenuous re the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Cartoons by Josh *Anthony Cox* debunks another of *UN*Skeptical *UN*Science's supposed climate change myths. No.63. "Greenhouse effect has been falsified"The greenhouse effect is standard physics and confirmed by observations. and they follow with: Some climate change skeptics dispute the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’, which keeps the surface temperature of the Earth approximately 33 degrees C warmer than it would be if there were no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In other words, without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be largely uninhabitable. Anthony writes: *Green... more »

Neptune IS Warming

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
*UN*Skeptical *UN*Science in their list of supposed climate change myths, have at #81 81"Neptune is warming"And the sun is cooling. *Anthony Cox* writes: The major TSI datasets all agree there has been a large fall since 2003, in terms of 11 year smoothing (which is obviously required to remove the sunspot cycle and reveal the underlying trend). The SORCE/TIM reconstruction shows the fall starting in 1994. The “composite TSI” is that used by David to drive the model, averaging Lean 2000 (to the end of 2008), PMOD, and ACRIM (from the start of 1992). Source Jo Nova *Neptune is wa... more »

Pluto IS warming.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Another rebuttal of Sketical Science and their false science about Global Warming. Their myth number 92: "Pluto is warming"And the sun has been recently cooling. - Pluto: the warming exhibited by Pluto is not really understood. Pluto’s seasons are the least understood of all: its existence has only been known for a third of its 248 -year orbit, and it has never been visited by a space probe. The ‘evidence’ for climate change consists of just two observations made in 1988 and 2002. That’s equivalent to observing the Earth’s weather for just three weeks out of the ye... more »

Positive Impacts of warming - Not what SS propogandises.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Another in our series of exposing the flawed science of cartoonist Cook's flawed *UN*Skeptical *UN*Science (SS) and the so-called Global Warming & Climate Change Myths Facts In third place on the lists, SS claims "Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health and environment far outweigh any positives." "It's not bad"Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives. This clown runs a program at University of Queensland advertised "Making Sense of Climate Science Denial" and he gets this (and 178 other so-called myths) w... more »

It's the Sun! SS "myth" turns out to be fact.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
Another in our series of exposing the flawed science of cartoonist Cook's flawed *UN*Skeptical *UN*Science (SS) and the so-called Global Warming & Climate Change Myths FactsIn second place on the lists, SS claims that the Sun and Climate (presumably they mean temperature) have been going in opposite directions: It's the sun" In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions *Professor Bob Carter* writes (LINK) *The sun’s output varies in several ways on many time scales (including the 11-, 22 and 80-year solar cycles), with concomitant ... more »

Temperature Record is Unreliable.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 2 months ago
UnSkeptical Unscience in a post headed *Global Warming & Climate Change * *Myths *has No. 7 "Temp record is unreliable"The warming trend is the same in rural and urban areas, measured by thermometers and satellites. Rebuttal by Anthony Cox *Temp record is unreliable*. Completely. Satellites vs ground for 17 years with CO2 increasing. How can you say with certainty temperature is reliable given the opposite measurement from satellite and ground? The Australian BOM’s temperature record is problematic as Jennifer Marohasy, David Stockwell, Bill Johnston, Ken Stewart, Jo Nova and ... more »

Oh, Glorious White masts

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Dear rhymeafterrhyme has done it again This time on wind farms swirling in green Green mist blinds the pollies Their ignorance seen So contact your member Send MPs a note Say in December We want a no vote Oh Glorious White Masts! *© Will Scribe 2015* Oh glorious white masts! Out of subsidies wrought, From a left wing agenda So skilfully taught, By politicians on a mission To change the world, Our judgement being clouded As the green mist swirled. [image: Will Scribe Wind Turbine 02] Oh glorious white masts! May each turbine blade Keep reminding us all Of the vast amounts paid To have... more »

Halal in Australia. Is defamation Halal certified?

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Anthony Cox The defamation case currently being conducted by a prominent Islamic halal certifier, El Mouelhy, against Kirralie Smith who runs Halal Choices, and other members of the Q Society, has reached an interesting point. El Mouelhy is no stranger to the court room and has litigated on halal matters before which if nothing else gave an indication of how much money is involved in the halal certification process which world-wide is astounding. El Mouelhy alleged Smith had described him as *reasonably suspected of providing financial support to terrorist organisations* and as ... more »

SS's Myth Creator John Cook

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Skeptical Science (SS) is a disinformation site which more correctly should be labelled *UN*Skeptical *UN*Science. It is run by a cartoonist John Cook who likes to dress in SS costume. The image above was on the SS site but has since been removed. One of his cartoons here (link) And Popular Science's "The Truth about Skeptical Science" tells us: A link from the Skeptical Science "About" page originally went to his cartoonist page, "John Cook: A *cartoonist* working from home in Brisbane, Australia" John Cook A cartoonist working from home in Brisbane, Australi... more »

CO2, whether man-made or not, does not 'drive' the climate system.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Author of the seminal book on climate: "*Physics of the Atmosphere & Climate,*" Professor Murry Salby is without doubt one of the best Climate Scientists on the planet. In a lecture in London on the 17th March, 2015, he reveals new work which shows that; 1. The climate sensitivity is below 0.2c - confirmed by 3 independent methods. 2. Most of the observed increase in atmospheric CO2 is not anthropogenic. 3. CO2 movements and concentrations are largely determined by nature, not man; consequently, any cuts we make to our CO2 emissions will not have the desired effec... more »

Forecasting the Future

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
NZCLIMATE TRUTH NEWSLETTER NO 344 by IPCC Expert Reviewer *Dr Vincent Gray* JUNE 24th 2015 THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM AND THE CLIMATE CHANGE SUPERSCAM My latest book with the above title is now available free on the website of that name at However, if you try to put the title in Google you will be told it is forbidden. So you had better read it now before they have found a way to suppress it altogether. If you have any trouble I am happy to supply a draft copy by Email one Chapter at a time, or by dropbox. The book is cur... more »

Global warming causing hot dogs to slip out of buns

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
For a long time there has been a list of "Things Caused by Global Warming." (link) The lists keeps growing and, as the December Paris UNFCCC Cop21 approaches, you can be sure of the Shrill adding a few more doozies to supplement the list. Some crazy additions have been - early marriage: "CLIMATE change has been blamed for increasing social problems such as early marriages, a report has stated." - Cataracts: people around the world are in greater danger of losing their vision because of climate change. - Old Women become Prostitutes: The effects of climate change ha... more »

Green Climate Fraud

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Douglas Casey, a classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University, has been quoted as saying: *Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. (link)* The supposed aim of the shrill in pushing the catastrophic climate change (CAGW) hoax is to transfer money from rich countries to poor countries via the Green Climate Fund: The Fund will contribute to *the achievement of the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)*. In the context of sustainable development, t... more »

Pope's Encyclical is an Immense Pile of Filth

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Alex Epstein wrote the book, *The Moral case for Fossil Fuels*, reviewed HERE. Ezra Levant was pleased to be able to interview him for at this year's IdeaCity in Toronto. Epstein is with the Center for Intellectual Progress, where he works to get the facts out about the oil and gas industry. He and Ezra talk about the Pope's environmental encyclical. Epstein says that if the pope from 300 years ago could see our world today, he'd say it was actually cleaner and healthier than his own era. Epstein quotes a tweet by the pope: *The Earth, our home, is beginning to ... more »

Vale Alan Caruba

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
We have just received some sad news. Alan Caruba, creator of a blog called *Warning Signs*, passed away on June 15th. He was in his 77th year. He was active until the end, his last column being published on "*Warning Signs*" on June 11. Alan graciously let us re-published many of his columns regarding the man-made climate change hoax on this blog. He often said that we were making him famous down-under. After one republished column, he wrote: *I can barely read the news out of Australia whose leaders are taking your nation in the most disastrous directions, typical of the liberal d... more »

The Pope and the Poor.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
The World awaits as Pope Francis and his advisers draw up their official Vatican statement on climate change and the environment – expected out this week. Meanwhile Time reports that Italian Magazine *L’Espresso* leaked Pope Francis’ hotly anticipated encyclical on climate change on its website on Monday, breaking an embargo on the document set for Thursday. (link) The 192-page document is Pope Francis’ first major teaching letter on climate change and its effects on the planet’s poor. Hailed by some as the “pope of the poor,” Francis’ linkage of environmental and economic issues... more »

Scared Witless : Larry Bell

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Amazon says: Forbes and Newsmax columnist Larry Bell exposes powerful players and agendas behind political-science premised climate alarmism. Written for the layperson by an internationally distinguished expert on space and other extreme environments, he deftly deflates overheated myths and deliberate distortions with cool-headed facts, perceptive analysis and humor. Some Extracts: About 438 million years ago, atmospheric CO2 dropped from 4,500ppm to 3,000 ppm, yet according to fossil records, world temperatures shot rapidly back up to an average 72ºF (22ºC). So, regardless whethe... more »

Sea Surface Temperature warmer in South China Sea during RWP and MWP

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
A Paper published in *Earth-Science Reviews *shows that both the Roman Warm Period (RWP) and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) warmed the Sea Surface temperature (SST) in the northern South China Seas. The shrill Alarmists maintain that the MWP was purely a Northern European Phenomenon, eg *UN*Skeptikal *UN*Science: (link) "Medieval Warm Period was warmer"Globally averaged temperature now is higher than global temperature in medieval times. While the Medieval Warm Period saw unusually warm temperatures in some regions, *globally the planet was cooler than current conditions.* *Oh, Real... more »

Climate Pause Plateau

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
After careful consideration this website has made the following policy decision. (Our Inspiration - Climate Change Predictions.) Given the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence in favour of the 18 year hiatus in global warming, the 18 Plus Years plateau in the warming of our planet, this website will no longer give coverage of the views of *climate pause deniers.* This announcement will remain in place for a few days. Future articles will examine whether *climate pause denialism* should be regarded as a form of psychological pathology. …………………………………………………………

Pope Ponders Paganism.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
*Another Issue of "Carbon Sense” prepared for The Carbon Sense Coalition by * *Viv Forbes * *and volunteer helpers. Please help us by spreading this around.* *To subscribe click: *** ** *10 June 2015* Not since the rule of Emperor Constantine, during the Roman Warm Era, have pagan gods been tolerated in Rome. Source: Steve Hunter Cartoons Before Constantine, Romans worshipped 12 main gods including Apollo (the Sun), Diana (the Moon), Flora (the plants), Uranus (the sky), Ceres (the crops), Gaia (the Earth) and of course Bacchus ... more »

UNSkeptical UNScience's Manufactured Myths.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
Cartoonist Cook: SSThe Cartoonist and PhD student (in cognitive psychology) John Cook runs a site misleadingly called Skeptical Science *(SS)*. We prefer to call it *UNSkeptical **UN**Science*. It lacks both elements - *Scepticism and Science*. Cook and his conniving cronies have posted a page of, what they call: *Global Warming and Climate Change Myths* Continuing in Cook's Comical Credentials the page is a catastrophe of chaotic confusion and contrived conclusions. Let's examine a few of the flawed feeble failed fallouts. *UNSkeptical **UN**Science:* "Climate's changed bef... more »

APS members and the Climate Change Statement

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 3 months ago
The shrill alarmists claim that all the scientific bodies agree with the AGW hoax. This is known, in logic, as an appeal to authority. When is appeal to authority abused: 1. Is the cited authority really an expert in the appropriate field?2. Is this the kind of question that an expert can settle? The scientific bodies are basically unions, their members are the experts in the field. Most of these "scientific unions" have issued statements without consulting their members. As an example the American Physical Society (APS), issued a statement in 2007 that began: Emissions of greenh... more »

Claim that 97% of scientists support climate alarm cannot be supported

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Claim that 97% of scientists support climate alarm cannot be supported This study design may simply be a circular argument In my column I pointed out that people who invoke the 97 per cent consensus often leave vague what is actually being agreed upon. John Cook does this too: Note that his wording is consistent with a range of interpretations, including that greenhouse gases definitely cause only…

Citizens’ Climate Lobby founder must rein in overaggressive volunteers

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
*By Tom Harris* *republished from Augusta Free Press* In my December 29, 2014 Augusta Free Press article, “Taming the climate debate”, I wrote about the importance of working to establish a social climate in which “leaders in science, engineering, economics, and public policy” can “contribute to the [climate change] debate without fear of retribution.” At stake are trillions of dollars, countless jobs, the security of our energy supply, and, if people like Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) founder and president, Marshall Saunders, are right, the fate of the global environment itself. So,... more »

Science: Sceptical Scientists or Scientific Deniers - UPDATED

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
The following exchange was aired on the May 25 edition of PBS’s *Charlie Rose* show: Do we have too many *scientific deniers* in our country? NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So if the people understand what science is and how it works and why it works, then you can vote intelligently on issues that involve scientific principles- CHARLIE ROSE: And things like climate change. TYSON: -on issues. And then you can know who is not telling the truth and who is, you can analyze it. ROSE: Okay but my question is - are we, I mean do we have too many *scientific deniers* in our country or do we give... more »


Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
*NZCLIMATE TRUTH NEWSLETTER* *NO 343* *MAY 24th 2015by IPCC Expert Reviewer Dr Vincent Gray* *THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT* The history of *the greenhouse effect* is given in Chapter 5 of my book at The term arose when Fourier misinterpreted the heating in de Saussure's Hot Box (a miniature greenhouse) as caused by reflection of internal infrared rays by the glass top. He believed that the earth was heated by the ether but not by the sun. He thought all the heat from the sun was immediately lost by infra red. He needed some extra ... more »

Saturday's News: Good for Realists; Bad for Alarmists.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Much news around that confirms the AGW scare is just that: an empty scare. Some of the stories: From ex-NASA scientist Roy Spencer: New Satellite Upper Troposphere Product: Still No Tropical “Hotspot” One of the most vivid predictions of global warming theory is a “hotspot” in the tropical upper troposphere, where increased tropical convection responding to warming sea surface temperatures (SSTs) is supposed to cause enhanced warming in the upper troposphere. The trouble is that radiosonde (weather ballons) and satellites have failed to show evidence of a hotspot forming in recent... more »

COP21 - India and China hold out.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Australia's Foreign Minister, Ms Julie Bishop has an "Extravagant solution to a non-existent problem" reports that Foreign Minister Bishop announced that she will waste Australian Taxpayer's Money. AUSTRALIA will contribute $200 million to a global fund to help poorer nations tackle climate change. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has announced the funding for the Green Climate Fund at the UN climate summit in Lima on Wednesday. The money will come out of the foreign aid budget. The fund will help developing countries to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions ... more »

Submission to the Third party certification of food Enquiry

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Submission by *Anthony Cox* Halal means what is permissible under Sharia which is Islamic law. It does not just apply to foods and beverages but every aspect of life. If something is halal it is part of Islam. Making things, foods, actions etc halal means they become part of Islam. Halal is the process by which Islam replaces the social, economic, political and legal structure of a host society. Other ways Islam subsumes the host society are through the building of Mosques and visible symbols such as the burqa. There are over 370 mosques in Australia which, per capita, is more tha... more »

Vale John Harborne

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
*Anthony Cox* I met John about 10 years ago. We shared a common scepticism of man-made global warming. John came from a solid science background. One of his 2 degrees was a BSc and he was a qualified metallurgist. They don’t make metallurgists anymore and if John was typical when they did make them they made them well. One of his articles on the myth of clean coal was published at On Line Opinion. It’s excellent and I referred to it often. After a distinguished career at BHP’s steel wire plant he continued his extensive network which included being affiliated with the Institution ... more »

Shrill Alarmists DENY Debunking of Consensus

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
As COP21 in Paris approaches the *shrill* alarmists are losing the argument. - Global Warming has Plateaued for ~20 years; - Ice Caps are growing; - Sea Ice Is Growing; - Polar Bear Numbers are Increasing; - CO2 is greening the Planet; - Animal Methane Emissions are NOT a problem; - Sea level rise has slowed; - Hurricane activity is down; - Coral Reefs are NOT disappearing. As COP21 approaches, the *Shrill* are getting shriller. But wait! Aren't we all gonna fry? Wasn't last year hyped up as the hottest year ever? No, this has been debunked so many times, ... more »

Another pre-COP21 Attack by the Shrill

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
As we approach Paris COP21 in December, the Alarmists have a problem. The Public are deserting the ranks of the true believers. The planet hasn't warmed for around 20 years. As Marine Biologist Walter Stark wrote last year: (Link Quadrant On Line) Be scared, the experts tell us, be very scared. Well there is certainly cause for concern, but not about those "rising" temperatures, which refuse to confirm researchers' computer models. A far bigger worry is the corruption that has turned 'science' into a synonym for shameless, cynical careerism. So that the delegates to COP21 have so... more »

Since 1990 Satellites show World not warming as much as the models say.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
The scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville are known throughout the environmental community as being skeptical that climate change (or global warming) will have a catastrophic effect on the earth. The crux of the matter is that their research, using satellite data to measure temperatures in the atmosphere, disagrees with climate models they say that overstates the earth's warming. (link) What John Christy and Roy Spencer (who then worked for NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center just down the street from UAH) announced at that press conference on March 29, 1990, was ... more »

The "97% Consensus" Debunked yet again.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Ross by Josh.Professor Ross McKitrick who, with Steve McIntyre exposed the fraudulent MBH98 Hockey Stick, has written a piece for the Financial Post under the headline: The con in consensus: Climate change consensus among the misinformed is not worth much *Not only is there no 97 per cent consensus among climate scientists; many misunderstand core issues* As we head toward Paris COP21 in December, we can be sure that most of the delegates are among the misinformed. Ross writes: One of the most powerful rhetorical weapons being deployed is the claim that 97 per cent of the world’s s... more »

Pointless attempts to pick the "Tipping Point."

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
This year the Shrill Alarmists made a frightful forecast: The world should take note that the climate summit in Paris later this year (COP21) may be the last effective opportunity to negotiate arrangements to keep human-induced warming below 2ºC and aim to stay well below 2ºC for safety...... Political leaders of all UN member states have a special responsibility to agree at COP21 to a bold climate agreement that confines global warming to a limit safe for humanity. Funny. The planet has survived greater temperatures than this. See graph from New Scientist - above. But wait! T... more »

UN using climate change as a tool not an issue

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Climate Models vs Observations.Maurice Newman, who is the chairman of the Australian PM's Business Advisory Council, in a column for the Australian has written that the United Nations is using Climate Change as a tool and not an issue. It’s a well-kept secret, but 95 per cent of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO2 emissions and catastrophic global warming *have been found*, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis,* to be in error*. Mr Newman then details some outlandish predictions by the Shrill. After, he continues: What’s more, the Intergovern... more »

IPCC - Only human caused "Climate Change."

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
The UNFCCC defined climate Change: (link - UNFCCC) *Term definition:* "Climate change" means a change of climate which is *attributed directly or indirectly to human activity* that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods So, from the beginning of the "climate science" movement, "Climate Change" only meant Human Caused Climate Change ( or anthropogenic Global Warming- AGW.) How did this come about? Paul Ehrlich's book *The Population Bomb* led the Club Of Rome's senior member M... more »

Lomborg and the Alarmists.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Anthony Cox The disgraceful treatment of Bjørn Lomborg by the University of Western Australia (UWA)once again reveals what sort of people alarmists are. They are tribalised, censorious, intolerant and a threat to this nation’s economy and future prosperity. The vast amounts of money wasted on AGW and the RET will continue to drain public resources. The RET is simply money down the drain. Every dollar spent on the wretched renewables is just a straight impost on the cost of power. No fossil energy source has ever closed down because wind or solar could supply the same reliable power... more »

Deniers and Shills

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
As the flawed "science" of the alarmists gets exposed and the public become more aware of the AGW hoax, they lose interest and concern about man-made climate change. Although the AGW hypothesis has been falsified multiple times, some of the alarmists are becoming more shrill. These "Shrills" used many ad hominem attacks and some erroneous terms to describe the realist side of the debate. Two of the most erroneous of these are *Shill *and *Denier*. *Shill* is defined by Wikipedia: A *shill,* also called a *plant* or a *stooge,* is a person who publicly helps a person or organizatio... more »

Climate Scientist on: "The Manufactured 97% Consensus"

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Climate Scientist Prof Judith Curry gives testimony on the state of the science of climate change before the House committee on the 15th April, 2015. This video from 1000frolly of Judith Curry contains of highlights of that testimony, including: - Concerned that the Climate Change Problem and its solution have been vastly oversimplified; - the central issue is extent to which the recent and future warmings is cased by human caused GHG emissions vs natural climate variability; - recent data calls into question whether humans are the dominant cause; - reduced esti... more »

Global Temperatures Plateau now 18 years and 5 months

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Every time the GWP (Global Warming Plateau) is mentioned, the shrill alarmists try to deny that the plateau exists. For example, ABC's Environment reported Michael Mann of the fraudulent "Hockey Stick" saying: "There certainly has not been a hiatus in global warming — global warming hasn't stopped, even though you still hear those contrarian talking points." Why, if the plateau didn't exist, would the Shrill need to come up with 66 different excuses to explain the cause of the temperature plateau? 66 excuses for the 18-26 year 'pause' in global warming (Hockey Shtick)... more »

After the Global Warming Plateau, will temperatures go UP or DOWN?

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Chriss W Street, writing for doesn't start off with "It's the Sun, Stupid," but does start with: The sun is known to be the main driver of all weather and climate. And, although that *political* body, the InterGOVERNMENTAL Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) cannot investigate the Sun as a contributor to Climate Change (They are restricted to looking at man's influence on the climate) recently even a deluded supporter of the alarmist's position asked me: However did you find out that the Sun contributes energy to the thermal budget of the Earth? (Grammar, punctuation etc ... more »

Alarmists: Today is tipping point day - NOT!

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 4 months ago
Source On Saturday 5th May, 2007 Alarmist Environmental Correspondent David Adam wrote for the Guardian: Governments are running out of time to address climate change and to avoid the worst effects of rising temperatures, an influential UN panel warned yesterday. .......... But there could be as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more. Mr Adam explained that the warning came in a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the previous day. David Miliband, UK environment secretary, said: The IPCC has confi... more »

Earth Day Predictions

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
You cannot reason with the mutated brains of the political activists pushing the falsified global warming hypothesis. Even so, fifteen years ago tried to introduce some reason into the argument. It was 30 years since the first *unreasonable* Earth Day. Earth Day, Then and Now Thirty Years ago, 20 million Americans participated in the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Fifth Avenue in New York City was closed to automobiles as 100,000 people joined in concerts, lectures, and street theater. More than 2,000 colleges and universities across America paused their anti-war pr... more »

Green Energy and Job Losses

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
SourceHow many times do the alarmist side of the debate say: Green Energy Creates Jobs. A Google search; "renewable energy creates jobs" found more than 7 million links. This blog has previously cited the study by Dr. Gabriel Alvarez from King Juan Carlos University: You compare the created jobs with the jobs that have not been created because you pulled resources away from the rest of the economy you find out that for every job you were creating at least 2.2 jobs were not created or were destroyed by this policy. (back-up link) One green job means a loss of 2.2 jobs in other secto... more »

Global Warming has plateaued. Ask your children.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
Before we start, let's get one thing clear. Climate Change is natural. Climate has been changing since time immemorial. When the planet was warming, we were warned of man-made global warming (AGW). However, whether for reasons of attempted confusion or deliberate deception or brevity, the alarmists morphed (man made) global warming into just plain Global Warming. When the warming plateaued, it was hard to pin a case on warming so the terminology moved on to climate change. Now, I have been called a Climate Change Denier. I do NOT deny that climate changes. I do not even deny that ... more »

Clover Moore - Climate Scientist or Agenda 21 Promoter?

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney, has written an opinion piece published by the Huffington Post. (link) Previously, this Mayor bought 10 Nissan Leafs (Leaves?) - a so-called "green" car. (LINK) Are these cars really Green? Bjørn Lomborg wrote: (link) Consumers remain wary of the cars' limited range, higher price and the logistics of battery-charging. But for those who do own an electric car, at least there is the consolation that it's truly green, right? Not really. ...sure, electric cars don't emit carbon-dioxide on the road. But the energy used for their manufa... more »

The Vultures of Alarmism

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
*Anthony Cox* The recent East-Coast storm was a bad one. These storms are not common but neither are they rare. There was one in 2007 which grounded the Pasha Bulker, another in 1974 which grounded the Sygna and the biggest of them all in 1955 which basically drowned the lower Hunter Valley. This storm featured 135K/h wind gusts and wave heights of 14.9 meters. During the Sygna storm wave heights reached 17 meters and wind gusts up to 165k/h. Rainfall was much heavier during the 1955 stormand there was much greater loss of life and extent of damage. So there is no trend or discerni... more »

Global Warming More Moderate Than IPCC Worst-Case Models

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
Duke’s Nicholas School is a School of the Environment - not Environmental Sciences, or Environmental Studies, but *the* Environment. We strive for a new paradigm, one that views and attempts to understand the earth and the environment including humans as an integrated whole. (link) A Press release from Duke Environment. Global Warming More Moderate Than Worst-Case Models *DURHAM, N.C. *– A new study based on 1,000 years of temperature records suggests global warming is not progressing as fast as it would under the most severe emissions scenarios outlined by the Intergovernmental P... more »

Anzac Day: Centenary of Anzac Celebrations

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
In most ceremonies of remembrance there is a reading of an appropriate poem. One traditional recitation on Anzac Day is the Ode. The Ode comes from For the Fallen, a poem by the English poet and writer Laurence Binyon and was published in London in the Winnowing Fan; Poems of the Great War in 1914. The verse, which became the League Ode, was already used in association with commemoration services in Australia in 1921. *"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; * *Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. * *At the going down of the sun and in the morning * *We wi... more »

Pants -on-Fire David Karoly - 24 lies in 3 minutes - UPDATE

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
Previously this blog has written of IPCC Lead author David Karoly and his dissemination of deceiving disinformation. (LINK) David is revisited in this post. In fact, David Karoly deserves the “Pants-On-Fire” award of the day. He wants to aim for a *zero*….*carbon*…..*society*that is 100% free of carbon by 2050. Does he mean no diamonds, no graphite? As the human body is around 20% carbon, does he also mean no body…er or nobody? We will interpret David’s reference to carbon and suggest he actually means carbon dioxide (CO2). Not very scientific to be loose with your terminology, ... more »

Too Many Wild Cards in the Climate Game

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
*Too Many Wild Cards in the Climate Game* *Another Issue of "Carbon Sense” prepared for The Carbon Sense Coalition * *by Viv Forbes and volunteer helpers.* Climate alarmists claim incessantly that all bad weather is caused by man’s use of hydro-carbon fuels - oil, gas and coal. They insist that man-made carbon dioxide is the trump card in the climate game. Their computerised models of doom assume ever-rising levels of carbon dioxide which will trump all natural climate controllers. Unfortunately for their credibility, since at least the year 2000 global temperatures have trended l... more »

James Lovelock "Don't Call Me a Green"

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
The darling of the environmental movement, James Lovelock, has turned on the Greens, saying "*Don't call me a Green*". Some other common sense quotes from Lovelock: - "Environmentalists appall me" - "Fracking is a damn good idea" - "Windmills and Solar Panels .... are just Silly things to do" - "We should have kept to Nuclear" The Interviewer asks: *Do you think we should give up trying to save the Planet?* Lovelock: *Exactly!*


Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
*NZCLIMATE TRUTH NEWSLETTER* *NO 341* *APRIL 18th 2015* *IPCC Expert Reviewer Dr VINCENT GRAY* *MY LETTER TO SIR PETER GLUCKMAN* Dear Folks, I have just sent this letter to Sir Peter Gluckman, the Chief Scientific Adviser to the New Zealand Government. Dear Sir Peter I would like to comment on the speech *Trusting the Scientist* published at a summary of which you delivered to the recent seminar *Scientists Speak Out* organised by the New Zealand Association of Scientists. You begin with the following statement: *It is... more »

An Honest Climate Scientist: Hans von Storch.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
Anthony Cox In an interview with Spiegelonline, Hans von Storch says: Der Spiegel *So far, no one has been able to provide a compelling answer to why climate change seems to be taking a break. We're facing a puzzle. Recent CO2 emissions have actually risen even more steeply than we feared. As a result, according to most climate models, we should have seen temperatures rise by around 0.25 degrees Celsius (0.45 degrees Fahrenheit) over the past 10 years.)* *That hasn't happened. In fact, the increase over the last 15 years was just 0.06 degrees Celsius (0.11 degrees Fahrenheit) -- ... more »

2015 US Tornado Season Is Much Quieter Than Normal

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
2015 Tornado Season Is Much Quieter Than Normal Story posted on our new blog: Australian Climate Sceptics. [ ] Please Note: All future posts will be on our new blog. Please adjust your links to:Australian Climate Sceptics

There is no rational, scientific basis for Alarmists' call for AGW action.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
As part of a reply to a fatuous column "What Evidence Would Persuade You That Man-Made Climate Change Is Real?" Christopher Monckton wrote (LINK - WUWT): The answer: a rational, scientific case rooted in established theory and data would convince me that manmade climate change is a problem. That it is real is not in doubt, for every creature that breathes out emits CO2 and thus affects the climate. The true scientific question, then, is not the fatuous question whether “*Man-Made Climate Change Is Real*” but how much global warming our sins of emission may cause, and whether that ... more »

Another Brick removed from the AGW Wall

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
Pink Floyd sang: *We don't need no educationWe don't need no thought controlNo dark sarcasm in the classroomTeachers leave them kids aloneHey! teachers! leave the kids alone!All in all you're just another brick in the wall.All in all you're just another brick in the wall.* West Virginia has turned away from thought control, removed dark sarcasm from the classroom and allowed the students to debate (man made) global warming. As reported by CFACT (link) The West Virginia Board of Education voted yesterday to put an end to months of controversy and open up teaching standards ... more »

Monckton: No Global Warming for 18 years and 4 months

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
Climate Depot reports: *Global temperature update: no warming for 18 years 4 months* *By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley* Since December 1996 there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). This month’s RSS temperature – so far unaffected by the most persistent el Niño conditions of the present rather attenuated cycle – shows a new record length for the ever-Greater Pause: 18 years 4 months – and counting. This result rather surprises me. I’d expected even a weak el Niño to have more effect that this, but it is always possible that the temperature increase that usually accompanie... more »

Freeman Dyson: "The whole earth is growing greener as a result of carbon dioxide."

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 months ago
In an interview with the Vancouver Sun, Princeton University’s preeminent physicist Freeman Dyson says, “as measured from space, the whole earth is growing greener as a result of carbon dioxide, so it’s increasing agricultural yields, it’s increasing the forests and it’s increasing growth in the biological world and that’s more important and more certain than the effects on climate.” When first asked whether man-made climate change existed, Professor Dyson answered that it did exist, but the real question is how much and is it good or bad. It is probably much less than is generally... more »

Ted Cruz: I don’t believe in climate change because I ‘follow the science’

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
One-on-one Interview with Ted Cruz Ted Cruz: You mention global warming: I’m a big believer that we should follow the science and follow the evidence. If you look at global warming alarmists; they don’t like to look at the actual facts and the data. The satellite data demonstrate that there has been no significant warming whatsoever for 17 years. Now that’s a real problem for the global warming alarmists because all of the computer models on which this whole issue was based predicted significant warming and yet the satellite data show it ain’t happening. Interview interjects ... more »

Differences between Real Science and Man Made Global Warming Science

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
Mike Herman writes (LINK) Note: Mike uses MMGW, we have substituted AGW There are at least a dozen differences between man-made global warming (AGW) and real science. While science follows a defined scientific method, AGW uses political campaign tools like polls, demonizing opposition, scare tactics, deception, and propaganda. 1. Real science says "Question everything". AGW says "Questioning AGW is reckless because it threatens the planet." 2. Real science never ends, but is an ongoing cycle of testing and correction. AGW tries to break that cycle by claiming "the debat... more »

Ocean Acidification

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
*Patrick Moore*, writing for The Frontier Centre for Public Policy: Ocean Acidification Will not Kill Coral Reefs and Shellfish Image: NOAA When the slight global warming that occurred between 1970 and 2000 came to a virtual standstill, the doomsayers adopted “climate change” which apparently means that all extreme weather events are caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO²). Cold, hot, wet, dry, wind, snow, and large hailstones are attributed to humanity’s profligate use of fossil fuels. But the pause in global warming kept on and became embarrassing around 2005. Something ... more »

Dr Tim Ball debates Canadian Green Elizabeth May -UPDATED

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
Dr Tim Ball, author of "*The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science*" in which he exposed the malicious misuse of climate science as it was distorted by dishonest brokers to advance the political aspirations of the progressive left, debates Canadian Green Party Leader Elizabeth May. Myth of Doubt: Elizabeth used the phrase *Myth of Doubt*several times to which Tim replied: That is not appropriate in this instance because science is about skepticism and what myself and others are trying to do is to be skeptical scientists. We don’t just accept as given what government scientists ... more »

Exporting Australia's control of Environmental Policies to the United Nations

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
*Graham Williamson*SourceControl of Australia’s environmental policies, including climate change, AG21 and sustainability is increasingly being exported to foreign countries, especially through the UN. Since this is all part of globalisation however, control of other policies, even including our human rights, is also being exported to the UN. This exporting of control typically occurs gradually and involves various stages. Firstly, our government, on our behalf, signs various international treaties or agreements, which the instigators always rush to say are ‘soft law’ and ‘non-bind... more »

Kingsman: the most subversive anti-AGW movie

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
*Anthony Cox* Some movies are unintentionally anti-AGW because they are so pretentious like *Atavar* or just plain stupid like *Noah.* Some are subtle and sly in their critique of AGW like *Interstellar*, a great movie or *Captain America*: *The Winter Soldier* another great piece of cinema. But there is nothing subtle or sly about *Kingsman: The Secret Service*; this movie presents in Technicolour the awful nature of alarmists; they are elitist, narcissistic and misanthropic. And riddled in hypocrisy. The villain is Valentine, played by Samuel Jackson. Valentine is another tech b... more »

Fingerprints of the Sun on Asia-Australia Summer Monsoon Rainfalls during the Little Ice Age

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
A new paper has been published in *Nature Geoscience* entitled ‘Dynamics of the intertropical convergence zone over the western Pacific during the Little Ice Age ’ by Hong Yan of the Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences and an international team of co-authors from the Alfred Wegener Institute (Wei Wei), Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Willie Soon), Institute of Earth Environment (Zhisheng An, Weijian Zhou and Yuhong Wang), University of Hong Kong (Zhonghui Liu) and Institute of Public Affairs (Robert M. Carter). The results of the research indica... more »

Cartoonist Cook's UNSkeptical UNScience

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
Image: Washington TimesThis blog has written before about the paid disinformation site [*UNSkeptical UNScience*] run by UNSkeptical cartoonist John Cook. For example, under the heading: EUREKA award Cooked Up? A few items from that post: Cook Advanced Climate Change Knowledge? He debunked lies and misinformation about climate change science? Czech Physicist Luboš Motl has a different spin: John Cook will receive lots of money for climate propaganda This guy has no clue about the climate science or atmospheric physics but he has gained some notoriety for his mass production of ta... more »

Swiss Voters overwhelmingly reject Carbon Dioxide Tax.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
Absurd and expensive! Energy tax -*NO!* SourceBill Shorten intends to bring back the economy-crippling tax on vital-to-life carbon dioxide if he becomes Prime Minister at the next Australian Federal Election. BILL Shorten has staked his prime ministerial ambitions on a pledge to resurrect carbon pricing, just hours after the unpopular carbon tax was finally put to the sword. “The tax you voted to get rid of is finally gone,’’ Mr Abbott said. But the Labor leader said Mr Abbott had made Australia the first country in the world to reverse action on climate change. (LINK) Next time ... more »

Wind turbines reported to cause annoyance, sleep disturbance, and other health-related impacts.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
*Industrial Wind Turbines and Health: * *Wind Turbines Can Harm Humans if too close to Residents* A summary of some of the peer reviewed articles and conference papers, abstracts and other citations, regarding impairment of health in general and relating to industrial wind turbines Compiled by Carmen Krogh, BScPharm December 20143 *PEER REVIEWED* Ambrose, Stephen E.; Rand, Robert W.; and Krogh, Carmen M. E. Wind Turbine Acoustic Investigation: Infrasound and Low-Frequency Noise A Case Study DOI: 10.1177/0270467612455734*Bulletin of Science Technology & Society* published onl...more »


Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
NZCLIMATE TRUTH NEWSLETTER NO 340 by IPCC Expert Reviewer *Dr Vincent GRAY* MARCH 4th 2015 GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG The Environmentalist religious dogma that *humans are destroying the earth* has spawned many scams. Its most ambitious project, veritably *a **Superscam* has been the claim that the climate is controlled by human emissions of so-called greenhouse gases. These cause *global warming* which will ultimately destroy us unless we cease using fossil fuels. The *Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change* (IPCC) was set up in 1988 in order to supply scientific evidence to support... more »

“You will be burnt to a crisp and die.”

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
Heading for The 21st session of the UNFCCC Conference in December 2015, in Paris, the Alarmists desire that this be the time that they at last get their World Governance agreement. Countries give up their sovereignty to the United Nations. As Lord Christopher Monckton warned us (LINK): Sir David King of the Climate Change Task Force and chief scientistic adviser to the UK Government, when asked whether all the nations of the world were now, in principle, ready to sign their people’s rights away in such a treaty. Yes, but there are two standouts. One is Canada. But don’t worry ab... more »

Peer Review Paper: Is it incompetence or deliberately deceptive?

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
SourceA new paper published in *Geophysical Research Letters *shows astonishingly large errors that can only be due to incompetence or due to deliberate deception. There are large calculation errors of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere in climate models. On the Incident Solar Radiation in CMIP5 ModelsLinjiong, Minghua, Qing, Yimin doi: 10.1002/2015GL063239Abstract Annual incident solar radiation at the top of atmosphere (TOA) should be independent of longitudes. However, in many Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) models, we find that the incident radi... more »

Alarmists scrambling for 'More Disasters' pre Paris COP21

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
Some recent items in the blogosphere: Satellite Temperatures Decline In February *Paul Homewood - NotalotofPeopleKnowThat * We were told a few months ago that it would only be a matter of time before the satellite datasets caught up with the surface ones, and confirmed that global temperatures had reached a record high. Well, we’re still waiting! Both UAH and RSS have recorded drops in temperature in February, and 12-month averages remain well below previous highs. Motorist discovers his £5,000 car frozen solid in a block of ice Record Cold and Snow Destroy Global Warming Cla... more »

The Absurd Alarm re (man-made) Climate Change

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 months ago
An Interview on FOX News begins with a quote from Dr Richard Lindzen in the Wall Street Journal 4 March 2015: Individuals and organisations highly vested in disaster scenarios have relentlessly attacked scientists and others who don not share their beliefs. The attacks have taken a threatening turn. When asked about VP Joe Biden's outburst: ‘Denying climate change is like denying gravity,’ Dr Lindzen replied: ‘He’s absolutely right. Climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years and on all time scales. Some quotes (H/t Climate Depot) These guys think saying climate changes, s... more »

Peer review: Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have little to no impact on Earth's surface temperature.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
A paper by Marie-Michèle Ouellet-Bernier, Anne de Vernal, Claude HillaireMarcel and Matthias Moros published in the Journal *The Holocene* (link - pdf) contains the following: Medieval warming (~1000–800 cal. yr BP) From ~1000 to ~800 cal. yrBP, summer SSTs increased to about 10°C, which is much higher than the present day summer SST of ~4.4°C ± 1.24°C at the coring site (NODC, 2001). The Abstract: Map of the study area. A star indicates the location of core MSM343300. EGC: East Greenland Current; WGC: West Greenland Current; IC: Irminger Current; LC: Labrador Current.Micropaleonto... more »

Big Money from -! from Climate Scam.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
How Fossil Fuels have Greened the Planet. Jim Karlock runs a blog called Sustainable Oregon. We constantly hear from the Alarmists the supposed money from the fossil fuel lobby going to the sceptic or realist organisations. I can tell you that the Australian Climate Sceptics have not received a brass razoo from BigOil. (Mind you, we are open to any DONATIONS. See at the top of this page: We are a shoe-string operation. Unfortunately no *BigOil* funding!* Help expose the hoax.* Donations: Westpac BSB 035612, Account No. 239469 Back to my mate, Jim Karlock. I cannot guarantee it, but ... more »

Big Conmen's Big Challenge. Prove CO2 is guilty.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Dan Zegart: Climate InvestigationsDan Zegert describes himself on his own homepage: Dan Zegart is a veteran writer with a comprehensive range of non-fiction experience, from investigative journalism to first-person memoir. He has written a piece for The Nation. They describe him as "a freelance investigative journalist." (For *Mr Zegart's unrevealed bias* -see bottom of post) Big Carbon’s Big Liability Environmental groups have warned directors of fossil fuel companies that they may be held personally liable for misleading the public about climate change. Mr Zegart says that th... more »

Homogenising the America's Cup (and temperature data) (BOM or BUM?)

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
One of the longest held sporting records was the run of the New York Yacht Club defending the America's Cup. 132 years of successful defence of the cup. The trophy was originally awarded in 1851 by the Royal Yacht Squadron for a race around the Isle of Wight in England, which was won by the schooner *America*. (wiki) In 1983, after a seven race series, the yacht Australia ll won 4:3 against the American Yacht Liberty. Australia went berserk. People who had never even been on board a yacht celebrated with old salts who were covered with barnacles. Australia's rascally Prime Minist... more »

Climate Revolt Spreads.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
*Another Issue of "Carbon Sense” prepared for The Carbon Sense Coalition by Viv Forbes and volunteer helpers. * *TO DOWNLOAD THIS NEWSLETTER WITH ALL IMAGES INTACT, * *Click THE FOLLOWING LINK:* ** *Strange Allies in the War on Carbon Fuels.* What great cause could unite Prince Charles, President Obama, the Pope, the Arab Oil sheiks, the United Nations, the European Union, the Russians, the Chinese, Pacific Island Nations, most undeveloped countries, the glitterati of Hollywood, left-wing politicians, unre...more »

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Source Two Climate Scientists have (re) exposed the Myth of the 97% - false belief—constantly repeated—that almost all scientists agree about global warming. (link) Joe and Roy, wrote that John Kerry said: "*Ninety-seven percent of the world's scientists tell us this is urgent."* *Anyone who quotes this "97%" idiocy opens themselves up to personal ridicule*. The papers that have been rebutted include: an essay by Naomi Oreskes Ms. Oreskes's definition of consensus covered "man-made" but left out "dangerous"—and scores of articles by prominent scientists such as Richard Lindze... more »

National Geographic doesn't understand the Scientific Method

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
An Article in the March Issue of the National Geographic with the words by *Joel Achenbach *under the heading Why Do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science? Source: Joanne NovaAfter some anecdotes about flouridisation, Mr Achenbach proceeds: We live in an age when all manner of scientific knowledge—from the safety of fluoride and vaccines to the reality of climate change—faces organized and often furious opposition. Empowered by their own sources of information and their own interpretations of research, doubters have declared war on the consensus of experts. Some more stuff re GMOs ... more »

Junk maps from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
A new video showing how the climate data maps you see from the BoM website are riddled with silly errors. All you need is Primary school maths to see and understand the major QA fail. This failure could jeopardise strategic planning for businesses and farmers and graziers.

IPCC Chief Pachauri in Sex Scandal

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
*Pachauri launching his soft porn novel* “She removed her gown, slipped off her nightie and slid under the quilt on his bed… Sanjay put his arms around her and kissed her, first with quick caresses and then the kisses becoming longer and more passionate. “May slipped his clothes off one by one, removing her lips from his for no more than a second or two. Remember a few years back, Al Gore had an Inconvenient Time when he was investigated for sex offences. (link) According to a 73-page "Confidential Special Report" made public by authorities Wednesday, the "licensed massage therapist... more »

Massaging Cyclone Marcia Data. Category 5? or only 3?

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
*Dr Jennifer Marohasy* *Keeping You in the Loop* I was very concerned when I heard late last Thursday that a category 5 cyclone was heading straight for Yeppoon in central Queensland. I have a house there, on a ridge just two streets from Lammermoor Beach. Category 5 cyclones have wind speeds in excess of 200 km/h, with strongest gusts exceeding 279 km/h. They typically leave a trail of absolute destruction. As it turned out, tropical cyclone Marcia made landfall further north, just after passing over Middle Percy Island. My house is still standing, the bananas in the fron... more »

US Editorial Cartoon of the Week

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Extreme cold in the United States has generated headlines like - 120-year-old record low broken in D.C., one of many today and in the past week; - Snowmageddon: 17 amazing photos of record-breaking US snow and, from the second link, photos like: Niagara Falls partly frozenNow we see the Editorial Cartoon of the Week. Source H/t ken schlichte

The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide. Well, what the heck does that mean? To this burnt out old Rock and Roller it means that the worst warming has been done and that warming was done long, long ago. Look at this graph prepared by David Archibald: SourceFor WUWT, David wrote : The greenhouse gasses keep the Earth 30°C warmer than it would otherwise be without them in the atmosphere, so instead of the average surface temperature being -15°C, it is 15°C. Carbon dioxide contributes 10% of the effect so that is 3°C. The pre-industrial level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 28... more »

Lord Monckton and the push to get rid of PM Abbott

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Sir David King, Chemist Climate Change Task Force The Climate Change Task Force describes itself as ‘a *synergy of climate experts, world leaders, nobel peace laureates, and shapers of opinion – helping create the political will to address climate change.* Sir David King, Chemist, is on the Climate Change Task Force. He is chief scientistic adviser to the UK Government. The following Youtube was recorded during Lord Monckton's visit to Australia in September-October 2014. An extract from Lord Monckton's presentation: David King was asked whether all the nations of the world were no... more »

What the MEDIA isn't telling you about the Man Made Climate Change Scam

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
What everyone should know about the Climate Change debate. Intended for those that have some knowledge but want to know more in order to make an informed opinion. This is a good video illustrating why the debate isn't over and explains what you have to lose. H/t Climate Depot

"Facts" vs Factoids and "Massaged" Data

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
The Washington Times editorial of Mon February 16: Mischief with factoids Global warming fanatics manipulate the facts to rescue a scam Facts are facts, as any reputable scientist would tell you, and if someone tries to change them, like changing a pair of soiled pants, they risk embarrassing exposure. The global warming hysteria is premised on “facts” showing the earth is warming, but these “facts” have been repeatedly exposed as “factoids,” the playful invented word of novelist Norman Mailer, to describe something that is presented as fact, sounds like it could be a fact, but is ac... more »

The lesson of Fukushima — Nuclear energy is safe

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Dr Kelvin Kemm is the CEO of Nuclear Africa, a nuclear project management company based in Pretoria, South Africa. He is a member of the International Board of Advisors of CFACT. Dr. Kemm received the prestigious Lifetime Achievers Award of the Naional Science and Technology Forum of South Africa. This blog has published his previous piece for C-FACT: There was no Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Fukushima in 2011 (Image: CRYPTOME) Dr Kemm has written a follow up piece for C-FACT under the heading: The lesson of Fukushima — Nuclear energy is safe He begins by saying that we often read and ... more »

Australian ABC Researcher fails Research UPDATED

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
ABC Researcher Wendy Carlisle has been making faulty statements and lies on a Facebook thread. Australian Climate Sceptics have exposed MS Carlisle's faulty research before: In a Guest Post by Elizebeth Flowers, we reported several of her statements: "*Ms Carlisle went to considerable pains to seek to denigrate Fred Singer**" *and* "**Ms Carlisle erroneously criticised Lord Monckton’s claims re the IPCC’s sea level rise projections.*" Elizebeth closed her post with: (LINK) *Are we not right to assume that such derogatory inaccuracies should not be permitted in ABC reporting and t... more »

Wind Turbine collapsed scattering debris over a wide area

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
At the beginning of the year, the Mirror reported: A massive turbine at a windfarm has inexplicably crashed to the ground. People living close to the site in Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland, reported hearing increasingly large noises during Friday afternoon culminating in a large bang. One local said it sounded like a bomb exploding. Catastrophic: The turbine is shattered and twisted after it collapsed in high winds A spokesman for DW Consultancy Limited - a firm which develops windfarm projects in Ireland - said it wouldn't comment on what has happened until a statement is release... more »

Why the West is losing the War against Islam.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
*Anthony Cox* I have written about the myth of the moderate Muslim. Despite this the West, its political leaders, its media and academics persist in apologising for Islam. In this writer’s opinion Islam is an invading force which has a parasitic effect on its non-Muslim host, eroding the values and society of the host from within by implacably opposing and destroying those values and replacing them with Sharia, the values of Islam. For Islam, there are only two types of people in the world, Muslims and non-Muslims. Regardless of whatever internecine warfare and conflict occurs wi... more »

One Bad Apple: Al Gore on Apple Board

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
One bad apple: The full form of this proverb is 'one bad apple spoils the barrel', meaning that a bad person, policy, etc, can ruin everything around it. Al Gore is on the Apple Board. Tom Cook took over as CEO following the death of co-founder Steve Jobs. Al Gore seems to have infected the board of Apple with the worm of the falsified CAGW hypothesis. Norman Rogers, for American Thinker, writes: Maybe the problem is that Cook spends too much time talking to Al Gore, the high priest of global warming nonsense. Al Gore is on Apple’s board of directors. Cook’s public statements make ... more »

Scare the Heck out of the Population to create global bureaucracies

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
*Charlie Daniels is a legendary American singer, song writer, guitarist, and fiddler famous for his contributions to country and southern rock music. Daniels has been active as a singer since the early 1950s. He was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry on January 24, 2008.* Charlie has written a piece for 'Global Warming' is a Scare Tactic Predicated on a Lie Some Extracts: - I do not deny that the earth warms and cools, but that is a natural occurrence that has taken place since the earth was created and will continue as long as the world exists. - Now the na... more »

UNFCCC Chief: Our aim is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
*AP* U.N. Climate Chief: We're 'Intentionally' Transforming The World Economy *Truth Revolt* The United Nation’s top climate change official Christiana Figueres announced this week that the group is actively working to "intentionally transform" the world's economic development model, a task she called the "most difficult" one the group has ever undertaken. "This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history," UNFCCC Executive Secretary Figueres stated at... more »

Alarmists' Oily BigOil LIE! "THEM" not us!

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Image: Wikipedia This blog has previously written of BigOil's support for the Alarmists: - The BIG LIE: Sceptics Funded by Big Oil -no, the Alarmists are; - Funds from BigOil! Who's shady now? - Sceptics Lavish funding by Big Oil Exposed as lie. It doesn't matter how many times this lie is exposed, the Alarmists keep repeating it. And there is good reason why they keep repeating the lie: - As Lenin said: *A lie told often enough becomes the truth*. - And Goebbels: *A lie repeated a thousand times becomes a truth.* Pierre Gosselin of NoTricksZone has exposed the latest ... more »

Are heatwaves in Australia becoming more frequent, hotter or lasting longer?

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
*By: Geoffrey H Sherrington * *Scientist * The hypothesis tested.We test this hypothesis: *Heatwaves in Australia are becoming more frequent, hotter and are lasting longerbecause of climate change.* (The claim was made in a Climate Council report of Jan 2014. From other publications, it seems to be perceived wisdom among authorities from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, who help to guide national policy.) Here, we examine the daily maximum temperatures of 5 State capitals, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Hobart. These were chosen because many people live ... more »

Climate Scientists' Major Fail.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Prof. Stewart William Franks, Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Tasmania holds a BSc(Hons) in Environmental Science and a PhD, both from Lancaster University (UK). Since 2013, Stewart has been the Foundation Chair of Environmental Engineering at the University of Tasmania. He has written a piece in the IPA's *Climate Change: The Facts 2014*. He exposes the flaws in some of the "climate science". For Instance: What dismays me the most is that the worst examples of speculative claims often come from the scientists themselves. Commentators from the Bureau of M... more »

Climate Predictions from the Dunces Corner

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 months ago
Tony Thomas, writing for Quadrant Magazine: Anyone can be a prophet of doom: Pick a spot on the globe, any spot, and state with oracular authority that it will suffer most from runaway climate change. Tim Flannery fancied Perth, for example, which has yet to become his predicted ghost town, but he has plenty of company in the dunce's corner. Tony writes that public concern for the supposed catastrophic warming of the planet has been falling for years. He notes that "* even on the CSIRO’s figures, Aussies rank climate fourteenth out of sixteen concerns overall, and we rate it only ... more »

"Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get."

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 8 months ago
Mark Twain was a skilled wordsmith. Before the science of Climatology was ever thought of, Twain once said: "Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get." Dr Mark Twain in his gown (scarlet with grey sleeves and facings) for his, awarded by Oxford University*Mark Twain*, was an American author and humorist. His wit and satire, in prose and in speech, earned praise from critics and peers, and he was a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty. Twain was fascinated with science and scientific inquiry. He developed a close and lasting frie... more »

Climate of Freedom

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 8 months ago
*Climate of Freedom: Press Release* Source: Indiegogo – *Climate of Freedom – Be a part of the only change that truly needs to happen.* Climate change has been one of the most controversial topics over the last two decades. Al Gore’s *An Inconvenient Truth* told us that we were destroying our world with catastrophic manmade climate change. The documentary set records and won awards, including a Nobel Prize for Gore. Since the film’s production, Gore has continued his mantra of doom. Yet, in spite of all the noise, there still hasn’t been any g... more »

Corals can benefit from Climate Change Effects

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 8 months ago
From Taxing Air (Carter et al) is there such a thing as ocean acidification, and should we worry about it? No, the oceans have always been alkaline and will remain so, despite any minor decrease in alkalinity caused by the absorbtion of extra carbon dioxide Having noted that, an ocean becoming less alkaline is known as ocean acidification, even if that ocean will never turn to acid. Phys.Org reports on a new paper published late last year in the journal *Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.* *Researchers from Northeastern University's Marine Science Center ... more »

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