"Bread" for thought re the current Canadian government and the proposed upcoming election
‘Bread and circuses’ (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is metonymic for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the generation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace, as an offered ‘palliative.’ Its originator, Juvenal, used the phrase to decry the selfishness of common people and their neglect of wider concerns. The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the commoner.
~ The Romans gave birth to the term over 2000 years ago according to Wikipedia:
Conservatives will replace the election list with version ,,thats why they wanted total control of polling stations in ridings the won.
Stephen Harper Has Betrayed Canada
On Monday I'll personally be going to my local EC office to have them confirm that the info on my card isn't bogus. If you do plan to vote you should do the same.
Part six of ISIS in America: A leading Islamic scholar in the US, Professor Qadhi argues that the government’s approach ignores the root causes of why a young Muslim might start down a path to radicalization.
Did you know, the US-led 'war on terror' has killed at least 1.5 million, mostly innocent Muslims in the Middle East. In recent years, the US government has been openly and actively funding, training and arming al-qaeda and other terror groups in the region. The same groups that the US government claimed attacked America on 9/11.
The New York Times
In his first comments since Russia began airstrikes on Syrian targets, President Barack Obama said that Moscow’s actions were made “not out of strength but out of weakness,” and predicted they would lead only to a “quagmire.”
In his first comments since Russia began airstrikes on Syrian targets, President Barack Obama said that Moscow’s actions were made “not out of strength but out of weakness,” and predicted they would lead only to a “quagmire.”
‘While the West has clearly failed to deal with the mounting humanitarian crisis in Syria, Russians have become so concerned about the spread of ISIS and the potential for radicalization within their own country that they have decided they have no other option but to intervene.’ (Op-Edge)
‘While the West has clearly failed to deal with the mounting humanitarian crisis in Syria, Russians have become so concerned about the spread of ISIS and the potential for radicalization within their own country that they have decided they have no other option but to intervene.’ (Op-Edge)
RT shared In the NOW's video.
The People's Voice
The US is debating whether military force should be used against Russia to protect U.S. backed Syrian rebels who have allegedly come under attack by Russian airstrikes
The US is debating whether military force should be used against Russia to protect U.S. backed Syrian rebels who have allegedly come under attack by Russian airstrikes
The People's Voice
Jeremy Hunt’s cuts mean the NHS will be forced to deny hearing aids to deaf people
Jeremy Hunt’s cuts mean the NHS will be forced to deny hearing aids to deaf people
Alabama's Republican-controlled legislature is making it harder and harder for minorities and low-income people to get the type of photo ID that they will need in order to vote in the next elections.
Alabama's Republican-controlled legislature is making it harder and harder for minorities and low-income people to get the type of photo ID that they will need in order to vote in the next elections.
Many for-profit companies are turning HUGE profits by supporting the prison industrial complex... http://bit.ly/1GokxkH
Many for-profit companies are turning HUGE profits by supporting the prison industrial complex... http://bit.ly/1GokxkH
The Cornucopia Institute
Illegal Power Grab Greasing the Skids for “Organic” Factory Farming and Potentially Contaminated/Fraudulent Imports. Take Action:http://www.cornucopia.org/…/sign-the-proxy-letter-remove-c…/
#USDA#organic #food #ag #organicfood #takeaction
Illegal Power Grab Greasing the Skids for “Organic” Factory Farming and Potentially Contaminated/Fraudulent Imports. Take Action:http://www.cornucopia.org/…/sign-the-proxy-letter-remove-c…/
Sierra Club
Victory! Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced updated safeguards that will control the amount of toxic heavy metal pollution coal-fired power plants can dump into our waterways. This is great news for anyone who wants to swim in clean rivers, eat healthy fish, and drink clean water!
Learn more --> thkpr.gs/3707481
If you’re still a little confused about who Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is, that makes sense – network TV news has largely ignored the Democratic presidential candidate from Vermont.
Last night after my book talk in Cambridge, I joined my uncle and cousin for dinner at the Charles Hotel just off Harvard Square, where it so happened that Goldman Sachs was courting Harvard students. It’s the time of year when Wall Street treks to Cambridge to lure bright young things with the promise of big bucks, cachet, and power. Unfortunately, many Harvard students (as well as other Ivy Leaguers) succumb – hoping to become part of the new American oligarchy.
One reason the big banks are so powerful is they continue to dump big money into presidential campaigns. According today's Bloomberg Politics (see below), Citigroup has been Hillary Clinton’s No. 1 contributor during her political career, and Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan are among the top 10 donors to her current presidential run. Which may have something to do with her reluctance to advocate busting up the biggest banks – even though they’ve gone from having 25 percent of the nation’s banking assets in 2007, just before the crash, to 44 percent now. If they were too big to fail in 2008, they’re far too big now. Government regulators say they’ve failed to show how they can be effectively wound down in the next banking crisis without another bailout.
If our economy and our democracy are to remain safe, the biggest Wall Street banks must be broken up. Bernie and Elizabeth Warren are pushing for this. Hopefully Hillary will see the light as well.
What do you think?
#Texas: Where Voter Suppression Meets Toxic Gun Culture!
This is a perfect example of the inconsistency of Unconstitutional Voter ID laws. REGISTER TO VOTE: bit.ly/attn-vote
LIKE our pages Brave New Films & The Real NRA for more like this.
Brave New Films with Alan Dawson
#Texas: Where Voter Suppression Meets Toxic Gun Culture!
This is a perfect example of the inconsistency of Unconstitutional Voter ID laws. REGISTER TO VOTE: bit.ly/attn-vote
LIKE our page Brave New Films for more like this.
We always say that we don't want to go back to the 1950s as far as reproductive rights are concerned. But...
Planned Parenthood Action
A second court ruling in Arkansas brings another victory in the fight to protect access to reproductive care there! Yesterday's ruling blocks the Arkansas governor's illegal efforts to bar Medicaid patients from Planned Parenthood.
Now, Planned Parenthood’s three patient co-plaintiffs can continue to access birth control, cancer screenings and other care for while the case goes on. #StandWithPP
A second court ruling in Arkansas brings another victory in the fight to protect access to reproductive care there! Yesterday's ruling blocks the Arkansas governor's illegal efforts to bar Medicaid patients from Planned Parenthood.
Now, Planned Parenthood’s three patient co-plaintiffs can continue to access birth control, cancer screenings and other care for while the case goes on. #StandWithPP
Robert Reich's video.
Robert Reich
Connect the dots and you'll see the war on the poor and working families -- and why.
Robert Reich
Connect the dots and you'll see the war on the poor and working families -- and why.
The People's Voice
A new report shows disturbing evidence that a significant spike in paralysis has occurred worldwide as a direct result of children taking the oral polio vaccine
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