Wednesday, October 07, 2015

7 Oct - Blogs I'm Following

English: US President Richard Nixon and Chines...English: US President Richard Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai toast, February 25, 1972 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

10:26pm MDST

5 Reasons Monsanto Is Crashing And Burning

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 18 minutes ago
*Eric Blair* - Monsanto has a long-term problem for that can’t be fixed with cost-savings measures. The post 5 Reasons Monsanto Is Crashing And Burning appeared first on Waking Times.

The ‘New’ Hillary

Cal Thomas at The Stream - 25 minutes ago
[image: Hillary Clinton - 900] Hillary Clinton is borrowing from Richard Nixon, a man she worked to impeach while a staff member of the House Judiciary Committee in the early 1970s. Like Nixon, whose handlers successfully fooled a majority of voters by trotting out a...more »

The Nuts-- Why We Need Real Gun Control

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 25 minutes ago
The 32 year old Florida U.S. Senate candidate who sacrificed the goat to the god of the wilderness are drank the blood was neither Tea Party Republican Ron DeSantis nor corrupt New Dem Patrick Murphy. It was a batshit-crazy Augustus Sol Invictus, a Libertarian. And he's also recruiting neo-Nazis to help him start another civil war. Libertarian Party Florida Chairman, Adrian Wyllie: "He is the absolute exact opposite of a Libertarian. He's a self-proclaimed fascist. He's promoting a second civil war. It's absolute insanity. We must explain to people this is the opposite of Libertar... more »

Bethune the terrosit this election

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 28 minutes ago
Calling Dr Bethune Canada needs you though you are long dead fighting a war that today would be called a terrorist barbaque with you on the menu especially during an election looking back in history we can see how totally wrong that would be for Canada let alone China Cause you were there man on the scene telling Mao Tse Sung what it means to live the Canadian dream and you correctly idendified thats our place in the world not bombing people who we think are not on our side Side this side that who knowns who really cares could be your neighbour could be a stranger you will never know unt... more »

Who’s Living Whom? Bacterial Cells vs. Human Cells in the Body

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 hour ago
*Makia Freeman* - We're finally understanding how critical bacteria is to good physical and mental health. The post Who’s Living Whom? Bacterial Cells vs. Human Cells in the Body appeared first on Waking Times.

Margaret Randall : VERSE | Tango

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 hour ago
Thumbs dance a graceful tango as right moves left and left right across keys in deliberate journey. I look at the pianist’s feet upon the pedals, automatic underpinning, cellular memory. I observe the energy rising from his center through perpendicular … finish reading Margaret Randall : *VERSE* | Tango

The Economy: Greg Hunter, “V, the Guerrilla Economist-You Cannot Stop This Financial Collapse” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
“V, the Guerrilla Economist-You Cannot Stop This Financial Collapse” -

Pro-Life Sellout Renee Ellmers Campaigning Hard to be on New Panel Investigating Planned Parenthood

Lifenews at The Stream - 1 hour ago
[image: Renee Ellers] For a short time earlier this year, Congresswoman Renee Ellmers was public enemy number one of the pro-life movement. Congressional leaders had planned for weeks to bring up a bill to ban abortions after 20-weeks on the anniversary of Roe... Continue reading *“Pro-Life Sellout Renee Ellmers Campaigning Hard to be on New Panel Investigating Planned Parenthood”* at **.

Hillary Now Opposes TTP Trade Agreement She Herself Negotiated

The Federalist at The Stream - 1 hour ago
[image: Hillary v Hillary - 400] Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told CNN today that she opposes a global trade deal she helped negotiate as Secretary of State. Clinton's opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is all the more striking since she listed its negotiation... Continue reading *“Hillary Now Opposes TTP Trade Agreement She Herself Negotiated”* at **.

South Carolina-LSU Game Moved Due to Severe Flooding

Jeffrey Collins at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: South Carolina vs. LSU-900] COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- South Carolina is moving its home game against LSU to Baton Rouge because of massive flooding around the university. The time for Saturday’s game at LSU has not been announced. South Carolina officials wanted to keep... more »

California’s New Assisted Suicide Law Will Hurt the Poor

Katrina Trinko at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: Karner - 900] "My concern is for people who don't have resources, who don't have a choice." "You read about Oregon denying someone a lung transplant, but, 'Here, you can you have these pills.'" "That's my fear about what this would become." That's... more »

Confirmation that Assisted Suicide Increases Other Suicides

Evolution News/Wesley J. Smith at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: Assisted Suicide Pills Poison - 400] I have long suspected that pushing suicide in some situations would increase suicides in others. For example, Oregon has the second highest suicide rate in the country — and that doesn’t include its assisted suicides. Between 1999 and 2010, the... Continue reading *“Confirmation that Assisted Suicide Increases Other Suicides”* at **.

Women Now Likelier than Men to Finish College

U.S. Census Bureau at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: women college] In 1940, under 5 percent of the U.S. population held a bachelor's degree. Men, at 5.5 percent, were more likely than women at 3.8 percent, to have a college education. Although the 1.7 percentage point gap may appear small, it... Continue reading *“Women Now Likelier than Men to Finish College”* at **.

John Kasich: “God Bless” Illegal Immigrants at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: Kasich-Getty-640x480] Illegal immigrants are "a critical part of our society" and should be provided a route to amnesty, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich tells a coalition of Hispanic company executives. "For those that are here that have been law abiding, God bless... Continue reading *“John Kasich: “God Bless” Illegal Immigrants”* at **.

Brit University Bans Speakers from Censorship Conference

The Blaze at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: censorship] In a bizarre twist of irony, two reporters have been barred from a British university's upcoming debate on modern feminism and free speech. The University of Manchester's Students' Union said in a statement that Breitbart editor Milo Yiannapoulos and Guardian journalist... Continue reading *“Brit University Bans Speakers from Censorship Conference”* at **.

Chaput: Family Synod Must Speak to Global Church, Not Just West

Rosie Scammell at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: Pope Francis shakes hands with Archbishop Charles Chaput as he arrives on the Independence Mall to deliver remarks on the theme "We Hold These Truths," a quote from the Declaration of Independence, in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, on September 26 2015. Photo courtesy of REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *Editors: This photo may only be republished with RNS-CHAPUT-SYNOD, originally transmitted on Oct. 7, 2015.] VATICAN CITY (RNS) Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput on Wednesday (Oct. 7) reflected on the debate underway at the Vatican's synod on the family, stating bishop... more »

The U.S. And Russia Almost Got Into War 7 Times

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
Photo: US Navy Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Bryan Niegel *We Are The Mighty*:* 7 Times the U.S. Almost Stumbled Into War with Russia* In light of current events in places like the Ukraine and Syria, the risk of America and Russia fighting a proxy war or even a real war is growing. Here are seven other times when U.S. troops lined up opposite Russian troops: *1. Russian and Americans shot each other in Korea* In the Korean War, U.S. pilots were officially flying against Chinese and Korean pilots, but they knew Soviets were in the mix. In 1952, the number of Soviet person... more »

Elaine J. Cohen : METRO | The new American ‘internment camps’: A bad idea that doesn’t go away

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 2 hours ago
‘Family detention’ is just a euphemism for ‘prisons incarcerating immigrant women and children.’ By Elaine J. Cohen | The Rag Blog | October 7, 2015 AUSTIN — According to my well-worn Webster’s, a euphemism is “the substitution of an agreeable … finish reading Elaine J. Cohen : *METRO* | The new American ‘internment camps’: A bad idea that doesn’t go away

Underpaid? This App Wants to Make it Easier for Employers to Poach You

Fast Company at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: WageSpot Screen Grab - 400] The taboo against discussing wages has been weakened by sites like Glassdoor, which allow employees to anonymously report their salaries, and some argue that salary transparency could be the key to ending the gender pay gap. Now, a new app called Wagespot plots... Continue reading *“Underpaid? This App Wants to Make it Easier for Employers to Poach You”* at **.

Ben Carson is the Worst Person in the World

jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 3 hours ago
...for saying he won't attend the funerals of the UCC shooting victims but that he may attend the next round of funerals the next time a lone wacko shoots up a school. Oh, and if that isn't enough, Carson's also doubling down and actually blaming the victims for their own deaths and that he'd be manlier in the face of death. Piyush "Bobby" Jindal is a close second for blaming the shooter's father and not the gun nut mother who stockpiled weapons later used by her son because she a'feared Obummer was gonna steal her arsenal. These honorary white supremacist assholes are... more »

"There are a number of people who will never forgive [Barack Obama] for being half-black" (the late Stanley Hoffmann)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
*Plus some thoughts on Zbig Brzezinski, Henry the K,* *the brothers Kennedy, and some fellow Frenchies* *Harvard Prof. Stanley Hoffmann speaking on European-American relations at the Salzburg Global Seminar in 1984* *by Ken* The New York Review of Books is remembering a frequent contributor, the late Stanley Hoffmann, longtime professor of international relations at Harvard. who died on September 13, with online publication of a "conversation" drawn from a never-published December 2011 interview with Michal Matlak ("a PhD student in the Department of Political and Social Sciences ... more »

Russian President Putin Celebrates His 63rd Birthday

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
© Alexei Nikolsky/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS *TASS:* *Putin plays hockey in Sochi on his 63rd birthday* SOCHI, October 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who turned 63 on Wednesday, joined Russian and Soviet ice hockey legends in the opening match of the fifth season of the Night Hockey League. Putin joined a team of hockey stars Pavel Bure, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alexey Kasatonov, Valery Kamensky, Alexander Mogilny and others. They clashed with an NHL team reinforced on the rink by top officials and including Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, Tatar... more »

Torture as Evidence-Based Policy Making? Race, War and Science

Megan MacKenzie at Duck of Minerva - 3 hours ago
This is a guest post by Alison Howell, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Rutgers Newark With the recent APA decision to prohibit their members from participating in enhanced interrogation, and the demise of the human terrain program earlier this year, the optimistic amongst us might be tempted to believe that the academy is once […]

MENA Report - ( October 7-8 , 2015 ) .......... Refugee Crisis ......... Iraq / Syria Regional War In Focus ( Russia involvement complicates dynamics in Syria and presents potential additional complications for Iraq - as well as Turkey / Jordan & Lebanon ) ..... Yemen Regional Proxy War ( Rolling along - civilian death meat grinder hasn't changed , prospects for resolution off into the horizon ) ...... Libya In Paralysis And In Focus ( Dialogue Process Cliff-hanger continues and HoR and GNC still haven't come together - optimistic comments from Leon notwithstanding )

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
Links..... *US General: Hospital Was 'Mistakenly Struck'* *Commander Urges US to Slow Afghan Drawdown* *Russia Seeks US Military Talks on Syria Strikes* *ISIS Kills 22, Including 15 Soldiers, In Yemen Attacks* 49 Killed in Iraq; Militants Execute Deserters Russia Says Militants in Syria Are Moving Armor Close to Mosques Russia Denies Reports of Airstrikes at Syria's Palmyra Russia Denies Reports of Airstrikes at Syria's Palmyra Russia Is Not and Will Not Launch Infantry Operations in Syria, Says Senior Lawmaker Tweets...... Refugee Crisis .... ... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 7, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Scott Peterson, CSM*: *Russian strikes changing landscape of Syria battlefield, anti-Assad rebels say* *Russia says cruise missiles launched from the Caspian Sea Wednesday were aimed at Islamic State sites, but anti-Assad rebels say they, not jihadists, are Moscow's primary target.* GAZIANTEP, TURKEY — Russia stepped up its military strikes against anti-regime rebels in Syria Wednesday, launching 26 cruise missiles from ships in the Caspian Sea some 900 miles away as part of its bid to reshape the battlefield to favor President Bashar al-Assad. The week-long series of Russian ai... more »

World News Briefs -- October 7, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Russia launches CRUISE MISSILES 'at ISIS' from warships 900 miles away as Syrian ground troops begin major offensive supported by Putin's bombers* * Four warships based in Caspian Sea launched 26 strikes on 11 ISIS targets * Russian defence minister insists the missiles did not hit any civilian areas * Comes as Assad's troops pushed into two provinces backed by jet strikes * ISIS does not hold any territory in the areas where the fighting is underway * U.S. NATO chief praises Russia's 'impressive' military presence in Syria Russian warships joined the conflict in Sy... more »

Bernard Buffet

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 4 hours ago

Darwin's Heretic: Did the Co-Founder of Evolution Embrace Intelligent Design?

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 4 hours ago
*"Alfred Russel Wallace: A Rediscovered Life" by Michael A Flannery (2011).* *Title: Darwin's Heretic: Did the Co-Founder of Evolution Embrace Intelligent Design? Source: Alfred Wallace. Date Published: November 6, 2011. Description*: One of the most renowned biologists of the nineteenth century, Alfred Russel Wallace shares credit with Charles Darwin for developing the theory of evolution by natural selection. Yet one part of Wallace's remarkable life and career has been completely ignored: His embrace of intelligent design. "Darwin's Heretic" is a 21-minute documentary that expl... more »

The art of power

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 4 hours ago
[image: ChoiShineshot1jin] As Daryl Kerrigan sagely observed in *The Castle*, power pylons are a reminder of man’s ability to generate electricity. What he didn’t go on to wonder about is why they have to be so bloody ugly. In Iceland however they’re not, Choi+Shine Architects explaining that their unique designs “transform mundane electrical pylons into statues on the Icelandic landscape.” *Making only minor alterations to well established steel-framed tower design, we have created a series of towers that are powerful, solemn and variable. These iconic pylon-figures will become ... more »

Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Above the Clouds” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
Kevin Kern, “Above the Clouds” -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
“Far beyond the local group of galaxies lies NGC 3621, some 22 million light-years away. Found in the multi-headed southern constellation Hydra, the winding spiral arms of this gorgeous island universe are loaded with luminous young star clusters and dark dust lanes. Still, for earthbound astronomers NGC 3621 is not just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy. Some of its brighter stars have been used as standard candles to establish important estimates of extragalactic distances and the scale of the Universe. *Click image for larger size.* This beautiful image of NGC 3621 traces the ... more »

The Poet: James Baldwin, “Amen” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*“Amen”* “No, I don’t feel death coming. I feel death going: having thrown up his hands, for the moment. I feel like I know him better than I did. Those arms held me, for a while, and, when we meet again, there will be that secret knowledge between us.” - James Baldwin

Read the Testimony that Could Put Planned Parenthood on its Heels

Casey Harper at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: Abortion Planned Parenthood protestors] One particular testimony in a congressional hearing Thursday on Planned Parenthood's abortion practices could put the organization on its heels, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show. The testimony will come from Sue Thayer, who worked as a... more »

(Canadian) Quote of the Day:

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 5 hours ago
“ *What would cutting Canada’s emissions in half really look like? Which schoolbuses and fire trucks would Mulcair say we shouldn’t use any more? Which farms will be shut down? Which factories? (Has Mulcair he told his union friends about that last part? “Mulcair’s plan will cripple our country without changing the world’s temperature one degree. Because as the UN IPCC itself admits, even if every country in the world obeyed the Kyoto Protocol, including China, it would not change the temperature of the world by 1/100th of one degree, even after 100 years. “These cap and ... more »

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
“These three bright nebulae are often featured in telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius and the crowded starfields of the central Milky Way. In fact, 18th century cosmic tourist Charles Messier cataloged two of them; M8, the large nebula left of center, and colorful M20 on the right. The third, NGC 6559, is above M8, separated from the larger nebula by a dark dust lane. All three are stellar nurseries about five thousand light-years or so distant. * Click image for larger size.* The expansive M8, over a hundred light-years across, is also known as the Lagoon Nebula. M20... more »

Chet Raymo, "Seeing" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"Seeing"* by Chet Raymo "There was a moment yesterday evening when the elements conspired to evoke these few lines, spoken by Macbeth: "Light thickens, And the crow makes wing to the rooky woods, Good things of day begin to droop and drowse." The fading light. The crows gliding down the fields to the trees in Ballybeg: "Light thickens, And the crow makes wing to the rooky woods, Good things of day begin to droop and drowse." It's all there, in those few lines- the mysterious power of poetry to infuse the world with meaning, to anoint the world... more »

"A Pueblo Indian Prayer" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go. Hold on to my hand, even if someday I'll be gone away from you." ~ A Pueblo Indian Prayer

"Don't You Think?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we've destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don't you think that we might see each other once or twice?" - Richard Bach, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet, on Death" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"On Death"* "You would know the secret of death. But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life? The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light. If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life. For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. Your fear o... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
Victoria, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

Paulo Coelho, "The Good Fight" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"The Good Fight" by Paulo Coelho "In 1986, I went for the first and only time on the pilgrimage known as the Way to Santiago, an experience I described in my first book. We had just finished walking up a small hill, a village appeared on the horizon, and it was then that my guide, whom I shall call Petrus (although that was not his name), said to me: "We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body. Many times in our lives we see our dreams shattered and our desires frustrated, but we have to continue dreaming. If we don’t, our... more »

Health: “Pull The Plug On Stress” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
“Pull The Plug On Stress” by Dr. Joseph Mercola "If you are like most people these days, you are plugged into everything from the time you get up in the morning to the moment you unplug the light and drift off- hopefully- into blissful sleep. But is this constant saturation of activity and overbooking taking a toll on your health and happiness? One of the most common problems among busy people, is that they feel fatigued, anxious or depressed. Most of them share a common underlying problem: adrenal burnout. Adrenal Burnout: Adrenal burnout is the result of living with a constantly ... more »

House Approves Special Panel to Probe Planned Parenthood

Alan Fram at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: United_States_Capitol_Dome_and_Flag[1] - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Republican-led House voted Wednesday to create a special panel to investigate Planned Parenthood and its procurement of fetal tissue as the GOP continued pressing an issue that has galvanized conservatives since secret videos surfaced this summer.... more »

Dave's Speech: It's Just Words

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 5 hours ago
Some journalists are incredibly gullible. On the basis of his rhetoric, Dan Hodges tweeted "Could someone on the Left tell me which part of David Cameron's speech I'm meant to disagree with." How about Dave's outright porkie concerning Jeremy Corbyn's comments on the assassination of Osama Bin Laden? Seeing as Dan's less a journo and more a well remunerated "opinion former", what does a proper one think? Will Jane Merrick of the *Indy on Sunday* writes "Labour's gigantic problem: why did I, from a Liverpool comp, who voted for Blair & never voted Tory, agree nearly every word of PM... more »

"Hope..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"Hope gives us the courage to confront our circumstances and the capacity to surmount them." - Jerome Groopman

Satire: “Ben Carson: Pompeii Victims Should Have Outrun Lava” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*“Ben Carson: Pompeii Victims Should Have Outrun Lava”* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Citizens of the Roman town of Pompeii who were victims of Mt. Vesuvius’s eruption in 79 A.D. could have survived if they had “just outrun the lava,” the neurosurgeon Ben Carson told Fox News on Wednesday. “Most of the plaster casts we have of Pompeii victims show them basically just lying down and whatnot,” he said. “If I had been in Pompeii and I heard Mt. Vesuvius erupting, you can bet I would have made a run for it.” He said another option open to residents of Pompeii would...more »

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago

Some 'Deep Background' on Syria

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 6 hours ago
In Al Jazeera’s latest *Head to Head* episode, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Michael Flynn confirms to Mehdi Hasan that not only had he studied the DIA memo predicting the West’s backing of an Islamic State in Syria when it came across his desk in 2012, but even asserts that the White House’s sponsoring of radical jihadists (that would emerge as ISIL and Nusra) against the Syrian regime was “a willful decision.”

Why do so many people fear freedom and free enterprise? (Part 1)

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
*The unhinged opposition to increasing free trade might make you ask the question “Why do so many people fear freedom and free enterprise?” * *Fortunately, guest poster Nick Sorrentino asks and answers the question for you . . .* [image: Voltaire] Since I write about capitalism and crony capitalism and government and business every day, I have the opportunity to read quite a lot about these subjects from various perspectives. I read libertarians, and conservatives, and liberals, and progressives, and just about anyone else who is interesting. I read the comments at my Against Cro... more »

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 7, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*New York Times*: *Russia Fires Cruise Missiles in Syria as Assad Begins a Ground Attack* BEIRUT, Lebanon — Russia and Syria unleashed a coordinated assault by land, air and sea on Wednesday, seeking to reverse recent gains by rebel groups that were beginning to encroach on his last bastion of power. Moscow said it had fired 26 cruise missiles on Syrian targets from naval vessels in the Caspian Sea, 900 miles away, though it was not immediately clear whether they hit targets in the area of the ground offensive. The ground assault, and airstrikes, seemed to focus on an area of nort... more »

Just my opinion . . .

Edstock at The Galloping Beaver - 6 hours ago
For some reason, Chris Alexander and Kellie Leitch remind me of the mutants in the Midwich Cuckoos . . .

The Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Planned Parenthood

The Gospel Coalition at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: PRC van - 400] The ark saved Noah. Moses found refuge in a basket. The Israelites escaped by blood on the doorframes. Rahab's security came from a scarlet cord tied on her window. Each of these individuals faced a coming torrent of destruction. In the... Continue reading *“The Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Planned Parenthood”* at **.

Rubio's 19th Century Vision For America Isn't Going Anywhere

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago
*New York*'s Gabriel Sherman, writhing about what Team Clinton has in store for Biden: "The research effort started about a month ago and is being conducted by operatives at Correct the Record, the pro-Hillary superpac founded by David Brock, which is coordinating with the Clinton campaign. According to the source, the research has turned up material on Biden’s ties to Wall Street; his reluctance to support the raid that killed Osma bin Laden; and his role in the Anita Hill saga as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee." But with the Clinton opposition research team putting a... more »

Shall we dance?

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 7 hours ago

Reid Technique implicitly approved

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 7 hours ago
Under the Reid Technique police interrogate accused and, among other things, seek to minimize the actions they are supposed to have done in order to convince the accused to confess. Step 2 of the technique provides: "Try to shift the blame away from the suspect to some other person or set of circumstances that prompted the suspect to commit the crime. That is, develop themes containing reasons that will justify or excuse the crime. Themes may be developed or changed to find one to which the accused is most responsive." The Reid Technique is problematic even to the extent of causi... more »

Oct.7: The worst ever.....

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 7 hours ago
It's bad enough that the newspaper - which is laughingly described as a breakfast newspaper - hasn't arrived before 11 a.m. for almost a year. It's even bad enough that it hasn't arrived at all today - and it's now 2 p.m. Worse, this is the most vapid copy of the Moncton Times and Transcript I have ever seen. (I finally bought a copy from a news stand.) And I've seen some real stinkers. The Oland saga is front page, again. Also front page news is the gripping tale of a new club to open at the Moncton Library. It will feature colouring books for adults. B4 has a fast-breaking st... more »

Bombshell Admission: HHS Tells The Stream: We’ve Conducted ZERO Oversight of Planned Parenthood Since 2007

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 7 hours ago
[image: US HHS - 900] The Stream has uncovered alarming information about Planned Parenthood after submitting a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The request was spurred by a series of undercover videos suggesting that Planned Parenthood... more »

The Latest: Search for Missing Crew to End Wednesday Evening

AP at The Stream - 7 hours ago
[image: Coast Guard with Helicopter - 900] JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) --The Coast Guard says its search will end Wednesday evening for 33 missing crew members from a U.S. cargo ship that sank last week during Hurricane Joaquin. Officials said during an afternoon news conference that the Coast... more »

Explainer: What You Should Know About the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Accord

Acton Institute/Joe Carter at The Stream - 7 hours ago
[image: TPP - 400] What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Five years in the making, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement between the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore and New Zealand. The twelve countries in this... Continue reading *“Explainer: What You Should Know About the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Accord”* at **.

Jane Kelsey struggles to find things to object to #tpp #tppa

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 7 hours ago
If this is all Jane Kelsey can find to damn the just-signed Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement as “toxic,” (her word, meant seriously) then one wonders what she normally takes as poison: *Who gave the Prime Minister and Trade Minister the right to sacrifice our rights to regulate foreign investment, to decide our own copyright laws, to set up new SOEs, and whatever else they have agreed to in this secret deal and present it to us as a fait accompli?* That “damning” paragraph (my word, meant very unseriously) comes as the culmination of two-thousand of her words calling for the “... more »

Important Health News: The Truth About The Komer Foundation And October's Breast Cancer Awareness Campaigns

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 7 hours ago
Yes, this is indeed the month of October, and everywhere across North America this month we are told to "give generously" to organizations that supposedly use the money collected for Breast Cancer awareness and treatment, and of course to "wear pink" for support of women who are battling Breast Cancer.... At my work for example there have been many people going around collecting and asking for my support and to "give generously"..... I figure that with all the hype going on, I would again get the real truth out about this "Breast Cancer awareness month" and about Cancer itself fo... more »

Israel Discovers Huge Oil Deposit In Golan Heights

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Israeli oil prospectors have found a huge oil deposit in the occupied Golan Heights, according to Israeli media. The oil discovery has the potential to make Israel energy self-sufficient for decades according to the Jewish Press…. Enough, in fact, to potentially make Israel self-sufficient for many years to come, according to Afek Oil and Gas chief geologist Dr. Yuval Bartov, who spoke on Wednesday to Israel’s Channel 2 TV news. Afek is a subsidiary of Genie Energy, a U.S. firm. However, the Israeli presence in the area is in dispute.The Golan Heights, which is internationally recog... more »

Matt Drudge: Independent News Is About To Be Killed

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Matt Drudge, author of The Drudge Report, has said that the foundation of the free internet is under severe threat from new copyright laws which will impact severely on independent and alternative news websites. Drudge says he was given insider information about the plans to shut-down alternative media sites by a Supreme Court Justice, saying, “It’s over for me.” reports: During an appearance on the Alex Jones Show, Drudge asserted that copyright laws which prevent websites from even linking to news stories were being advanced. “I had a Supreme Court Justice tell ... more »

The CIA Admit: We Killed JFK

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
A top-secret CIA report written in 2013 has revealed that the head of the CIA at the time of JFK’s death, John McCone, hid information from the Warren Commission (set-up to investigate Kennedy’s assassination) that implicated the CIA in being responsible for the former presidents death. The report says that McCone was part of a cover-up at the CIA which falsely accused Lee Harvey Oswald for President Kennedy’s assassination in order to take the heat off the spy agency. reports: The most important information that McCone withheld from the commission in its 1964 investig... more »

End Of Monsanto? As Profits Drop Thousands Of Employees Are Fired

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Monsanto are facing their biggest crisis yet, as over 2,600 jobs are to be cut amid a major decline in the corporations profits over the last year. Over 12% of Monsanto’s workforce will be axed, as the company reported a loss of 19 cents of its share price in the fiscal fourth quarter, and anticipate a further decline through 2016. reports: Like DuPont Co. and Glencore Plc, Monsanto, the world’s largest seed maker, is taking steps to combat the effects of a commodity slump that reduced farmer incomes for two straight years. Moves to trim expenses include re-prioritizi... more »

ISIS Insider Reveals Deadly Nerve Gas Has Been Smuggled Into Europe

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
ISIS may have smuggled deadly nerve gas into Europe on boats willed with refugees, an insider has claimed. The chemical agent Sarin is capable of causing painful death within minutes, and is completely undetectable by conventional means of testing due to the fact it has no taste, smell or colour. reports: It was used most recently in an attack during the Syrian civil war, with up to 1,800 people killed. The shocking claim was made by Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, Colonel Gaddafi’s cousin. It is the latest in a string of warnings that the terror group has taken advantage of the... more »

Assassinated Author Predicted Rise In School Shootings In 1991 Book

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
William [Bill] Cooper, author of conspiracy best-seller Behold a Pale Horse, predicted that there would be an agenda to ban guns in America via staged school shootings. Bill Cooper predicted this long before anybody else in 1991, in chapter twelve of the book. In the book William Milton Cooper says that governments will manufacture and use any catastrophic event in order to further the global agenda in destroying America’s sovereignty, by confiscating guns owned by citizens. He further states that there will be a definite rise in school shootings, which will be used to justify stric... more »

Scientists Finally Prove That Life After Death Exists

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Scientists have finally proven what mystics, religions, and spiritual writings have said for years – that there is life after death after-all. In the largest ever medical study conducted into near-death and out-of-body experiences, scientists have recorded that consciousness exists after the body completely shuts down, or dies. reports: But scientists at the University of Southampton have spent four years examining more than 2,000 people who suffered cardiac arrests at 15 hospitals in the UK, US and Austria. And they found that nearly 40 per cent of people who surviv... more »

Iran’s Supreme Leader Bans Further Talks With U.S.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has ordered a ban on any further negotiations between Iran and the U.S. just months after the two countries reached an historic nuclear deal. The ban contradicts Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, who maintains he is ‘open’ to continued discussions with the U.S. on the war in Syria. Vice News reports: The ruler made the announcement Wednesday in a meeting with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy, according to his website. He warned those gathered that “The enemies are trying to change [our] officials’ calculations and ... more »

Fukushima Webcam Update

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 7 hours ago
Up until today, the webcam views have looked rather uneventful for the last week. However, today there is a definite divergence between the views on TEPCO cams 1 and 4. The Futaba cam view has the flashing light operative that I construe is a warning light. TEPCO cam one is very clear and the cranes have been moved over to the right corner: In contrast, TEPCO cam 4 view has heavy atmospheric conditions that resemble rain but there is no rain visible on the Futaba cam or TEPCO cam 1. Additionally, there are quite a few green distortion marks in TEPCO cam 4: I don't think the ... more »

Supplemental: Key points concerning Biden-told-Dowd!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 7 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2015A fascinating episode:* Friend, are you intrigued by the way the mainstream “press corps” scripts our White House campaigns? If so, you’re in luck! Yesterday’s claim that “Biden-told-Dowd” is a hundred-year opportunity to see the nation’s pundits in action discussing the work of their guild. Last night, we thought E. J. Dionne was worst-in-show as various cable pundits discussed the meaning of the affair. That said, Jonathan Alter wasn’t far behind. Joan Walsh, newly released from Salon, turned in the top cable performance. Chris Matthews offered the... more »

‘Dirty… Don’t Seem to Care': The Yelp Reviews of Planned Parenthood

The Federalist/Mollie Hemingway at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Planned Parenthood6 - 400] Check out these stories shared by Planned Parenthood patients on Yelp, a popular online customer review application, that won't be disseminated by Planned Parenthood's powerful public relations operation. These stories come from just a tiny handful of the 700 clinics... Continue reading *“‘Dirty… Don’t Seem to Care': The Yelp Reviews of Planned Parenthood”* at **.

Donald Trump Plots his Second Act

The Washington Post at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump7 - 400] After a summer of dominating the Republican presidential campaign, Donald Trump is moving into a new and uncertain phase that the billionaire businessman acknowledges will be more challenging than any project he has ever undertaken -- even as he views... Continue reading *“Donald Trump Plots his Second Act”* at **.

U.S. Experts: Russia Is Sending Messages With Its Cruise Missile Strike On Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Defense News:* *Experts: Russian navy missile strikes were 'bravado* Russia's move Wednesday to hit Syrian targets from more than 1,000 miles away using ship-based, long-range cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea was a dramatic display of military power designed to taunt the U.S., experts say. "This was specifically done to show bravado ... it's chest thumping," said Christopher Harmer, a retired Navy officer and senior naval analyst at the Institute for the Study of War in Washington. The Russians announced 26 missile strikes on Syrian rebels using a first-of-its-kind act of po... more »

What Will Be President Obama's 'War Legacy'?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
President Obama. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza *The Hill:* *Obama’s war legacy in the balance* Afghanistan is returning to the forefront of U.S. politics, presenting President Obama with a legacy-defining question that could roil the Democratic and Republican races to succeed him. A U.S. airstrike ordered by Afghan forces that inadvertently killed 22 people at a Doctors Without Borders hospital this weekend has amplified concerns that security forces are not ready to stand on their own two feet. The turmoil in Afghanistan is presenting Obama with a painful choice: to go ... more »

Researchers Grow ‘Mini Human Brain’ In A Lab

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
Researchers at Ohio State University have grown the world’s first mini human brain in a petri dish. The brain ‘organoids’, which are 2 millimeters long, are pieces of human tissue grown in petri dishes from skin cells. They may help researchers to test drugs and eventually cure some of the most devestating diseases of our time. reports: In addition to Parkinson’s disease, autism and Alzheimer’s disease, they could also lead to unlocking the mysteries of schizophrenia, epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder. Millions of people suffer from all ... more »

How Dominant Parents Affect Kids’ Self-Worth

ScienceDaily at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Parenting - 400] The study of English and Indian families living in Britain is the first to assess the impact on a child’s wellbeing of the household power structures that exist within different cultures. Psychologists interviewed 125 English and Indian families living in... Continue reading *“How Dominant Parents Affect Kids’ Self-Worth”* at **.

UN Human Rights Committee: Right to Life is ‘Right to Abortion’

Alliance Defending Freedom at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: baby in womb - 400] GENEVA - Draft guidance from the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding a treaty guaranteeing "the inherent right to life" of "every human being" shows that the committee will not affirm the right to life of the unborn and will instead provide express... Continue reading *“UN Human Rights Committee: Right to Life is ‘Right to Abortion’”* at **.

President Obama Calls 'Doctors Without Borders' To Apologize For The U.S. Attack On Their Hospital In Afghanistan

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*NBC*: *Obama Calls Doctors Without Borders to Apologize for Hospital Airstrike* President Obama called the Doctors Without Borders chief and the president of Afghanistan to apologize for the airstrike on a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday. The president spoke by telephone with Doctors Without Borders International President Dr. Joanne Liu, to apologize and express his condolences for the organization's staff and patients who were killed and injured when a U.S. military airstrike mistakenly struck a field hospital in Kunduz, ... more »

Citing Growing Worries On The Deteriorating Situation In Afghanistan, Russia Beefs Up its Military Presence In Neighbouring Tajikistan

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
Tajikistani President Emomali Rakhmon (left), Russian President Vladimir Putin (right)© Mikhail Metsel/TASS *ITAR-TASS*:* Putin and Rakhmon concerned over situation in Afghanistan* According to Kremlin spokesman, the Russian presence in Tajikistan is intended to ensure stability and security in this really volatile region SOCHI, October 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Tajikistani President Emomali Rakhmon are concerned over the situation in Afghanistan, but boosting Russian military presence in Tajikistan is out of the question, Russian presidential press secretary ... more »

Russia's Cruise Missile Strikes In Syria Crossed Over Iran And Iraq

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*WNU Editor:* From the BBC .... *Russian missiles 'hit IS in Syria from Caspian Sea'* (BBC). For these missile strikes to occur .... these cruise missiles had to cross Iran and Iraq. And for these cruise missiles crossing Iran and Iraq .... both governments had to give their permission. This action alone is showing how close Russia - Iran - Iraq are now working together in battling the Islamic State and against the enemies of Syrian President Assad. This is a major news story in itself, and I will be posting more on it later tonight and/or tomorrow.

Christian Persecution, Not Guns, is the Real Story at Oregon College

PJ Media at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Christian - 400] Last Thursday, a lone gunman at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, took the lives of nine people. The shooter targeted Christians for death and left non-Christians merely wounded, reports say. Despite this clear anti-Christian bias, President Obama used the... Continue reading *“Christian Persecution, Not Guns, is the Real Story at Oregon College”* at **.

Political Charlatans Succeed by Diverting Attention from their Own Incompetence

Thomas Sowell at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Card Shark Magic - 900] For part one of this series, see here. One of the secrets of successful magicians on stage is directing the audience’s attention to something that is attractive or distracting, but irrelevant to what is actually being done. That is also... more »

NASA About To Make An’Amazing’ Announcement About Pluto

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
According to to one of the space agency’s senior scientists, Nasa is set to make an ‘amazing’ announcement about Pluto. It’s just been one major discovery after another for NASA this year and they are about to reveal yet another “amazing” discovery on Thursday The latest images of Pluto captured by the New Horizons probe have shed new light on something scientists have been trying to work out for years…..but senior planetary scientist Dr Alan Stern was told by NASA not to say anything before the official announcement. Senior planetary scientist Dr Alan Stern The Independent reports... more »

Urologist makes what he calls “clarifications” to multiple articles

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 9 hours ago
We have discovered several errata for a New York City urologist, including in one paper that previously inspired one of our favorite headlines. The latest development is pretty straightforward: Ashutosh K. Tewari has issued errata to multiple papers in two journals that note changes to some data points. But the backstory has some twists and turns, so you may need […] The post Urologist makes what he calls “clarifications” to multiple articles appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Sen. Cruz Questions Sierra Club President Aaron Mair on Climate Change...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
*your must-see video of the day.* No, really. You have got to see libtard ignorance on full display in order to understand what we are dealing with. Where in hell did the Sierra Club find this useful idiot? He can't answer half of the questions without conferring with the guy sitting behind him. Notice at about 8:00, Senator Coons (Dem. Delaware), in an effort to shoot down Cruz, refers to the "broadly representative and qualified group of folks brought together here to talk about over- regulation and its impact on minority communities." He essentially accuses of Cruz of veering... more »

The Great & Fake Oath

Spike EP at News Spike - 10 hours ago
Great & Fake Oath *I (name), now in the presence of Almighty God the Father, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Blessed St. John the Baptist, the saints, sacred host of Heaven, to you my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, in the pontification of Paul IV and continued to the present, do, by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that His Holiness the Pope is Christ's vice-Regent and the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth, and that by virtu... more »

Congress Can Get New Set of Planned Parenthood Undercover Videos

Casey Harper at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: Planned Parenthood sit-in protest_900] The man who filmed the undercover videos that have sparked a congressional investigation into allegations that Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue was cleared by a judge Tuesday to hand over the rest of his undercover abortion videos to Congress. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman... more »

Trio Wins Nobel Prize for Mapping How Cells Fix DNA Damage

Karl Ritter & Malin Rising at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: The portraits of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 (L-R) Sweden's Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich of US and Turkish-American Aziz Sancar are displayed on a screen during a press conference on October 7, 2015 at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm.] STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Three scientists from Sweden, the U.S. and Turkey won the Nobel Prize in chemistry on Wednesday for showing how cells repair damaged DNA -- work that has inspired the development of new cancer treatments. Swedish scientist Tomas... more »

Spokesman: Iraqi Kurdish Fighters Exposed to Mustard Gas

BRAM JANSSEN at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: 1kurds] IRBIL, Iraq (AP) -- Several Iraqi Kurdish troops tested positive for mustard gas after battles this summer with the Islamic State group in northern Iraq, a spokesman for the paramilitary group said Wednesday. Blood samples from the Kurdish peshmerga fighters... more »

Britain First

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago
In the line of duty I watched another BBC 3 programme in the series about Racist Britain. This episode starred what appeared to be a two-man operation called Britain First. At first glance it looked more EDL than EDL and more BNP than BNP, but maybe that impression was misleading. The Union Jacks and the sinister white crosses they brandished at rallies didn’t help. It wasn’t a good look, that’s for sure. Many of the crowd that turned up at their marches and rallies sported a variety of shaven headed fashions and looked about 14 years old. Jayda and Paul were masters of social me... more »


How Did ISIS Get So Many Toyota Trucks Ask US Officials

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 10 hours ago
An investigation has been launched into how so many Toyota vehicles have ended up in the hands of ISIS. The US treasury is asking Toyota why so many of their pick-up trucks and SUVs are being driven around by ISIS as seen in their propaganda videos. Toyota issued a statement to explain that this is part of a wider probe into terrorist supply chains and capital flow. The company also says it does not know how its trucks ended up in ISIS hands in such a quantity, and is supporting the inquiry. ABC news reports: Toyota says it does not know how ISIS obtained the vehicles and is “support... more »

Extreme Rainfall Trends In Holland

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 10 hours ago
By Paul Homewood I have taken a look at extreme daily rainfall in the UK in a number of posts recently, for instance here. However, one of the longest running meteorological records is at De Bilt in Holland, and KNMI have daily rainfall data in their archive which dates back to 1906. […]

Carly Fiorina Q+A: ‘Whom Shall I Fear?’

Christianity Today at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: Carly Fiorina 5 - 400] Ever since Carly Fiorina's forceful criticism of Planned Parenthood during CNN's Republican debate, Americans have been paying more attention to the former Hewlett-Packard CEO. Fiorina saw her numbers rise in the polls over the past three weeks, as media continue to parse... Continue reading *“Carly Fiorina Q+A: ‘Whom Shall I Fear?’”* at **.

World Ending Today? The eBibleFellowship Thinks So

The Washington Post at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: blood moon - 400] The leader of a small group outside Philadelphia has predicted that the world will be annihilated today. "It'll be gone forever. Annihilated," founder of eBibleFellowship Chris McCann told the Guardian, basing his prediction on his biblical readings. In 2011, Harold Camping, president of the... Continue reading *“World Ending Today? The eBibleFellowship Thinks So”* at **.

Did Obama Just Doom Joe Biden's Candidacy?

Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
*by Gaius Publius* Recently, in writing about the newly-opened TPP issue — yes, it's about to be finalized, initialed and voted on — I said that three of the four major candidates had known positions. Trump and Sanders are strongly opposed (or so Trump says), and Biden is reportedly in favor. Clinton, the last candidate to declare her position, is going to be forced to make her views known soon, since she has tied her delay to the fact that the final text is unavailable. That's about to change. In this piece, I want to look at Biden more closely. The evidence I had seen for Biden... more »

The Decline and Fall of Ufology

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 11 hours ago
I think that the high point in Ufology was July 1997 when the fiftieth anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash was celebrated. I think that the low point, probably the lowest since June 1947 and Arnold’s sighting was May 5, 2015 when the fiasco of the Not Roswell Slides was presented to the world. This is underscored with many of the UFO documentaries that now populate the cable channel landscape. The one that I’m thinking of, which I mentioned in another post that will probably annoy most of MUFON and the people in Kingman, Arizona, dealt partially with the Kingman, Arizona, crash, t... more »

Lie on Sky

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Yesterday, Sky News was sending periodic reports from Jerusalem. They interviewed a female journalist from JPost to discuss the recent escalating violence and the outbreak of stabbings and shootings in the Old City. My understanding of the bizarre status quo with regard to Temple Mount / al-Aqsa is that Jews are allowed to visit the *compound* but are *prohibited *from praying there. (They do not wish to go into the mosque) Rabbi Yehuda Glick is part of a movement that campaigns for the ‘no-pray’ restriction to be lifted; last year he was shot and seriously injured. The Israeli g... more »

Iran’s Ayatollah Bans Direct Talks With US

FOX News at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: Ayatollah - 462] Iran’s top leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei banned direct talks with the U.S. on Wednesday because of what he described as “countless harm” to Iran’s interests. Addressing elite Guard commanders in Tehran on Wednesday, Khamenei said that after direct bilateral negotiations,... Continue reading *“Iran’s Ayatollah Bans Direct Talks With US”* at **.

NFL Ponders Regular Season Games in Mexico, Canada, Germany

BARRY WILNER at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: NFL Football Game-900] NEW YORK (AP) -- NFL owners approved more international games through 2025 on Wednesday, including ones in places other than England. An agreement to stage games in the United Kingdom through 2016 not only was extended, but other nations will... more »

The Economy: “Parasitic Derivatives - One Quadrillion Dollars: Too Big to Understand” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*“Parasitic Derivatives - One Quadrillion Dollars: Too Big to Understand”* By David Hague “I recently returned from two weeks of ‘high level’ meetings with a group of Bankers [this is code for two weeks of subsidized debauchery with bankers] in Rome. As I sat at my desk, I was hoping to motivate myself to pursue a more chaste and pure existence. Unfortunately the Polar Vortex experienced by North America drained me of my good intentions. The bone chilling cold once again had me reaching for my trusty bottle of Jack Daniels for warmth and inspiration. My time in Rome had not been com... more »

The Economy: "The Derivatives Market: Bets, Bookies, and Fraud" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*"The Derivatives Market: Bets, Bookies, and Fraud"* by Jeff Nielson "No one “understands” derivatives. How many times have readers heard that thought expressed (please round-off to the nearest thousand)? Why does no one understand derivatives? For many; the answer to that question is that they have simply been thinking too hard. For others, the answer is that they don’t “think”, at all. Derivatives are bets. This is not a metaphor, or analogy, or generalization. Derivatives are bets. Period. That’s all they ever were. That’s all they ever can be. This can be easily illustrated by si... more »

OUR OWN TEAM’S STUFF KEEPS HAPPENING TOO: Our team has produced this movie before!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2015Part 3—It’s a low-quality film:* On its face, it should have been easy to make an obvious point. Jeb Bush had offered a weak, selective response in the wake of the Oregon shootings. He seemed to say there’s *nothing* the federal government could do in response to these repeated mass killings. Lacking any other ideas, he ended up responding to the moderator’s suggestion that we should pray more often. The candidate’s response was selective, soft, weak, “can’t do.” Beyond that, it had the look of a classic surrender to a big interest group. We’d even be... more »

Cochrane withdraws review on zinc for colds for data concerns

Ross Keith at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
The Cochrane Library has withdrawn a 2013 systematic review on zinc’s ability to fight the common cold. Cochrane often marks reviews “withdrawn” once new evidence emerges that renders them out of date — but in this case, the review was flagged while the editors investigate issues “regarding the calculation and analysis of data.” Here’s the notice. […] The post Cochrane withdraws review on zinc for colds for data concerns appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Maine Peace Walk Daily Schedule

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
*Sacred Gureombi coastline on Jeju Island, South Korea before it was blasted to build the Navy base that will port Aegis destroyers made in Bath, Maine. The peace walk will be connecting all these dots.* - *Day 1 (Ellsworth) Friday, October 9 -* Ellsworth Unitarian Church (121 Bucksport Rd) Evening potluck and kick-off program at 6:00 pm. Homestays needed. Host: Starr Gilmartin 667-2421 - *Day 2 (Orland) Saturday, October 10 - *Potluck supper 6:00 pm and program at H.O.M.E (90 School House Rd.) Sleep at H.O.M.E. Host: Starr Gilmartin 667-2421 or Law... more »

Vladimir Putin – Agent of the Awakening?

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 12 hours ago
*Zen Gardner* - What role is Vladamir Putin playing in the global awakening? The post Vladimir Putin – Agent of the Awakening? appeared first on Waking Times.

Russian Warships Launch Missiles Against ISIS From Caspian Sea

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that four Russian warships have fired 26 missiles at ISIS in Syria from the Caspian sea. RT reports: The missile attacks came from Russia’s fleet in the Caspian Sea, which borders Russia, Iran and three other littoral countries. The precision weapons hit all intended targets. The attacks required cooperation from Iran and Iraq, as the missiles had to travel through their airspace to reach Syria. The Russian Defense Ministry said it had worked with its partners to plan the flight path so that the missiles traveled only over desolate a... more »

What’s Missing in the Lives of School Shooters? Too Often, a Father

Carolyn Moynihan at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: School Shooters Gun Violence - 900] Another mass shooting, another round of handwringing in the United States about gun control and adolescent mental health. Christopher Harper-Mercer, the 26-year-old who took the lives of nine people at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, and wounded several others before... more »

Pentagon: US Not Cooperating with Russia against ISIS

LOLITA C. BALDOR at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Map of Syria] ROME (AP) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Wednesday the U.S.-led coalition has not agreed to cooperate with Russia in the fight against the Islamic State and no collaboration is possible as long as Moscow continues to strike other... more »

Navy SEAL Who Killed bin Laden Responds to ISIS Threat

Fox News at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Robert O'Neill-400] The home address of Rob O’Neill, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden, has been published and shared by ISIS extremists on social media. A British ISIS sympathizer, posting anonymously, shared the details in a text file, calling O’Neill the... Continue reading *“Navy SEAL Who Killed bin Laden Responds to ISIS Threat”* at **.

Hillary’s Campaigning is Starting to Generate Some Friction with Her Old Boss

LISA LERER & KATHLEEN HENNESSEY at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Photo taken November 18, 2011. President Barack Obama announces that he will send then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Burma.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama seemed to call Hillary Rodham Clinton’s idea of a no-fly zone in Syria “half-baked.” Clinton described the president’s immigration strategy as “harsh and aggressive.” And as Obama tries to rally Democrats around the chief... more »

From Every Hill and Mole Hill

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 13 hours ago
Most assuredly, Stephen Harper has been listening to Lynton Crosby -- who has a long record of calling forth bigots. Jeff Sallot writes: A Federal Court of Appeal ruling Monday cleared the way for Ishaq to obtain her citizenship papers in time to vote on Oct. 19. You wouldn’t blame her if she doesn’t vote Conservative. Harper isn’t worried about losing votes in the Muslim community, of course. Instead, he’s appealing to the prejudices of a small slice of the Canadian population who can be riled up by irrational fear. Harper made a cynical political calculation to elevate the niqa... more »

More Space Week Events

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 13 hours ago
Felice Cohen-Joppa writes from Arizona: As workers arrived, five Tucson peace activists held signs early this morning outside the Raytheon missile factory during Keep Space for Peace Week. The Raytheon Peacemakers group demonstrates there monthly against war and those who profit from it. Star Wars "kill vehicles”, surveillance drones, weapons for armed drones, cruise missiles, Mavericks, AMRAAMs, microwave crowd control beams, cluster bomb and much more are manufactured here. No Weapons in Space or on Earth! Our newest Global Network board member JV Prabhakar really organized... more »

Russia Launches Cruise Missiles At The Islamic State From The Caspian Sea

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*Sputnik*: *Russian Warships in Caspian Sea Launch Attack on ISIL in Syria* Russian warships have launched a total of 26 cruise missiles at Islamic State facilities, destroying all targets. Russian warships have attacked Islamic State targets in Syria, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday during a meeting with President Putin. *“Besides using aviation to destroy militants, this morning ships from the Caspian Flotilla were brought in, four destroyers launched 26 Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles at 11 targets,” Shoigu told Putin in a meeting televised by Rossiya-1.... more »

Pediatrician Admits ADHD is ‘Made Up,’ Prescribes Meds Anyway

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 13 hours ago
*Christina Sarich* - "We’ve decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment. So we have to modify the kid.” The post Pediatrician Admits ADHD is ‘Made Up,’ Prescribes Meds Anyway appeared first on Waking Times.

Backed By Russian Airstrikes Syrian Troops Launch Ground Offensive

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
Syrian troops have launched a major ground offensive in Central Syria backed by Russian airstrikes. Russia also strikes ISIS from warships in the Caspian Sea for first time The Defense Ministry have published a video (below) of its warships firing cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea to hit the positions of Islamic State militants in Syria. The Guardian reports: Russian warships fired missiles into Syria from the Caspian Sea – more than 900 miles away – for the first time. Defence minister Sergei Shoigu said four warships launched 26 rockets at Islamic State targets. Syrian activist... more »

Glitch: Hillary Server Data May Still Be in the ‘Cloud'; IT Firm Agrees to Give Data to FBI

The State at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Hillary Clinton4 - 400] Hillary Clinton hired a Connecticut company to back up her emails, and due to a technical glitch some may still reside on one of the firm's "cloud" storage sites, a Republican Senate committee chairman revealed. The disclosures, in a letter Monday... Continue reading *“Glitch: Hillary Server Data May Still Be in the ‘Cloud'; IT Firm Agrees to Give Data to FBI”* at **.

Matt Drudge: Facebook and Twitter are ‘Internet ghettos’...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*couldn't agree more.* *“I don’t know why they’ve been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos, these Facebooks, these Tweets, these Instagrams,” Drudge said on The Alex Jones Show. “This is ghetto, this is corporate; they’re taking your energy and you’re getting nothing in return.” **Matt Drudge* *source * The word that comes to mind when contemplating Facebook is "imprudent." People announce to every thief within 50 miles of their home when they will be on vacation. Young girls post pictures with bulging cleavage and pouty fish lips and wonder why their dates... more »

ACLU Sues Catholic Health Organization for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Kate Scanlon at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: March for Life Pro-Life Rally] The American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan have announced that they have filed a federal lawsuit against Trinity Health Corporation, a Catholic health organization, for refusing to perform abortions. A spokesperson for Trinity Health... more »

China Starts Dumping U.S. Government Debt

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Wall Street Journal:* *Once the Biggest Buyer, China Starts Dumping U.S. Government Debt* *Shift in Treasury holdings is latest symptom of emerging-market slowdown hitting global economy.* Central banks around the world are selling U.S. government bonds at the fastest pace on record, the most dramatic shift in the $12.8 trillion Treasury market since the financial crisis. Sales by China, Russia, Brazil and Taiwan are the latest sign of an emerging-markets slowdown that is threatening to spill over into the U.S. economy. Previously, all four were large purchasers of U.S. debt. ... more »

Breaking News!!! U.S. Will Not Cooperate Militarily With Russia On Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts *Reuters: *U.S. says won't cooperate militarily with Russia in Syria ROME (Reuters) - The United States will not cooperate militarily with Russia in Syria because Moscow's strategy is "tragically flawed", U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Wednesday in his strongest comments yet on the issue. However, the United States is willing to hold basic, technical discussions with the Russians to try to secure pilot safety. "We are not prepared to cooperate in a strategy which as we explained is flawed, tragically flawed on R... more »

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Stuck in meetings this morning. Military and Intelligence News Briefs and World News Briefs will be posted later today (17:00 EST).

Lowest Reported Attacks and Casualties In Iraq Sep 2015 Due To Eid Holiday

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 14 hours ago
September had the lowest recorded number of attacks and casualties in Iraq of the year. The cause was the Eid holiday, which occurred at the end of the month. The government deployed extra forces to the streets that definitely reduced violence in major cities. The main reason for the drop however was the fact that many of Iraq’s papers went on holiday for almost a week and therefore there was a huge drop in reporting on the fighting. In September there were 573 security incidents. That passed the previous low in 2015 of 578 in May. Baghdad was the most violent with 228 attacks, f... more »

We Have A Winner!!

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 14 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Last week the Met Office news blog featured a new study investigating possible changes in tropical rainfall. I took the opportunity to point out that global cooling in the 1960’s and 70’s brought widespread drought. Which brought this reply! Evidently Hubert Lamb must have been […]

One People's Roundtable Discussion- Video Oct 5th

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 14 hours ago

U.S. Attempts to Control the Global Economy

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
A must watch on global trade issues - the geo-political war.

Heroism in Oregon: Real Men in the Age of Counterfeits

Owen Strachan at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Christopher Mintz Oregon Hero Vet - 900] The world collectively gaped -- again -- at the news of one young man's heroics in the midst of a public shooting. On October 1, 2015, Christopher Mintz, a student at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, threw himself into... more »

AP Investigation: Nuclear Smugglers Sought Extremist Buyers

DESMOND BUTLER & VADIM GHIRDA at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: smuggling] CHISINAU, Moldova (AP) -- Over the pulsating beat at an exclusive nightclub, the arms smuggler made his pitch to a client: 2.5 million euros for enough radioactive cesium to contaminate several city blocks. It was earlier this year, and the... more »

Pope Francis Writing ‘Between the Lines’

The Catholic Thing/Hadley Arkes at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Turin, Italy - June 21, 2015: Pope Francis greets the crowd from Pope Mobile during his visit to the Holy Shroud in Turin] My late professor, Leo Strauss, alerted us to an often overlooked dimension of political life when he wrote of "persecution and the art of writing" -- the art of "writing between the lines." Many of the grand works in political philosophy... Continue reading *“Pope Francis Writing ‘Between the Lines’”* at **.

Journal bans authors of duplicated asthma paper

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
A common ailment known as duplication has taken down a paper about a common fungus and asthma. Aspergillus spores are often ubiquitous yet harmless, but can irritate people whose lungs aren’t in top working order. Duplication, on the other hand, is more universally deadly. The editors of The Pan African Medical Journal told us that, in addition to the retraction, there […] The post Journal bans authors of duplicated asthma paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Nuclear Smugglers Caught Tried To Sell Radioactive Materials To The Islamic State

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*BBC*: *Nuclear smuggling deals 'thwarted' in Moldova* Moldovan police working with the FBI are reported to have stopped four attempts by smugglers to sell nuclear material to extremists in the Middle East over the past five years. The most recent case was in February when undercover agents were offered a large amount of radioactive caesium, the Associated Press reports. Investigators say much of the material is believed to come from Russia. They say some gangs have alleged links to Russia's intelligence services. Police and judicial authorities in Moldova shared information with ... more »

Iran's Supreme Leader Bans Any Negotiations With The U.S.

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks live on television after casting his ballot in the Iranian presidential election in Tehran June 12, 2009. REUTERS/CAREN FIROUZ/FILES *Reuters:** Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States* Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday banned any further negotiations between Iran and the United States, putting the brakes on moderates hoping to end Iran's isolation after reaching a nuclear deal with world powers in July. Khamenei, the highest authority in the Islamic Republic, already said last month... more »

Israeli PM Netanyahu Cancels Trip To Germany Due To Deteriating Security Situation

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, speaking at an IDF base in the West Bank. Reuters *Haaretz:* *Netanyahu Cancels German-Israeli Summit Due to Security Situation* Berlin summit to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic ties cancelled, no new date has been yet. Due to the security situation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancelled a summit between the Israeli and German governments that was meant to mark 50 years of diplomatic ties. The summit was set to take place in Berlin on Thursday. According to a senior official in Jerusalem, Netanyahu conveyed a message to Chancel... more »

South Carolina Deserves Help-- Despite Lindsey Graham, Trey Gowdy And The Rest Of The Political Yahoos

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
When you hear someone mentioning Lindsey Graham's hypocrisy, you immediately think it's about his sordid existence as a furtive, dishonest closet case. After all, even the local papers have been laughing at his pretense for years. And even though Graham is, in essence, one thing above all else-- a self-loathing, closeted homosexual whose fear of exposure motivates everything else in his miserable life-- it's different kind of hypocrisy we're looking at in Graham this week, a more typically Republican type of hypocrisy. Although Hurricane Joaquin missed South Carolina, it spawned a... more »

The Church Owes Kim Davis an Apology

Austin Ruse at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Rosary metal with beads_compressed] It's possible that the Vatican and Kim Davis are both right in their understanding of what happened between her and the Pope at the Vatican embassy in Washington DC. But the subsequent treatment of Ms. Davis was still unjust. The... more »

Russian Fighter Jets Are Intercepting U.S. Predator Drones Over Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
Reuters *FOX News*:* EXCLUSIVE: Russian jets intercept US predator drones over Syria, officials say* Russian fighter jets have intercepted U.S. predator drones on at least three separate occasions high above Syria since the start of Russia’s air campaign last week, according to two U.S. officials briefed on this latest intelligence from the region. The Russians have not attempted to shoot down any of the U.S. drones, but instead have flown intercept tracks, a doctrinal term meaning the Russians flew close enough to make their presence felt, according to one official. “The first t... more »

Fighting Erupts in Central Syria Amid Russian Airstrikes

AP at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Protestors outside the Russian embassy in London are against the Russian airstrikes in Syria.] BEIRUT (AP) -- Syrian troops backed by Russian airstrikes battled insurgents in central Syria on Wednesday in the first major ground fighting since Moscow began launching air raids on militants last week, activists said. The fighting comes as the Russian... more »

Women Suicide Bombers Kill 15 in Mosque at Government Estate

ADAMU ADAMU & HARUNA UMAR at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: A victim of a suicide bomb attack lies on a bed hospital in a state hospital, after four suicide bombers blew themselves up in the city of Maiduguri, northeast Nigeria, on October 2, 2015, killing at least 10 people and injuring 39 others. Boko Haram Islamists have increasingly used suicide bombers to target civilians, including in Maiduguri, where on September 20 at least 117 people were killed in a wave of attacks.] DAMATURU, Nigeria (AP) -- Two women suicide bombers killed 15 people, including themselves, early Wednesday in northeast Nigeria at a mosque in the compound of ... more »

Pope Francis is Playing with House Money in Betting on the 2015 Synod

Crux/John L. Allen Jr. at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Synod-Pope-Listening] ROME -- In the abstract, Pope Francis might have reason to be a bit nervous that his much-ballyhooed Synod of Bishops on the family, an Oct. 4-25 summit he's been touting as a potentially defining moment of his papacy for... Continue reading *“Pope Francis is Playing with House Money in Betting on the 2015 Synod”* at **.

Our Lady of the Rosary

Amelia Hamilton at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Bernardo Cavallino - La Visione di San Domenico (1640) - 900] Today, Catholics celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary. In 1573, St Pius V established this feast in gratitude for the victory of Christians over the Turks at Lepanto, when Christians prayed the Rosary that they would be victorious over Islam. Perhaps... more »

Iraq May Ask Russia Launch Airstrikes Against The Islamic State

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*NBC/Reuters*:* Iraq May Request Russian Airstrikes Against ISIS: Official* BAGHDAD — Iraq may request Russian airstrikes against ISIS on its soil soon and wants Moscow to have a bigger role than the United States in the war against the militant group, the head of parliament's defense and security committee said on Wednesday. "We might be forced to ask Russia to launch airstrikes in Iraq soon," Hakim al-Zamili told Reuters. "I think the upcoming few days or weeks Iraq will be forced to ask Russia to launch air strikes and that depends on their success in Syria." Iraq's government... more »

Syrian Rebels Are Now Facing Coordinated Russian Air Strikes And Syrian Army Ground Attacks

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*Reuters/VICE*: *Syrian Rebels Face Coordinated Ground Attacks and Russian Airstrikes* Russian airstrikes have destroyed the main weapons depots of a US-trained rebel group in Syria, their commander said on Wednesday, and the aerial assault was backed by ground attacks by Syrian army and allied militia on insurgent positions, according to a monitor. Moscow's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also told President Vladimir Putin during a televised meeting today that four Russian warships in the Caspian Sea had launched 26 rockets at Islamic State (IS) targets in Syria. Meanwhile, acros...more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
*The 1-in-5 Rape Statistic That Could Be True* *One in 5 accusations are false* It is simply anecdotal evidence, notes commentary writer Ashe Schow, who has written story after story about the sexual assault witch-hunts happening on college campuses. However, two studies of sexual assault, one at Harvard University and the other at the University of Miami, call into question the oft-repeated claim that one female student in five on college campuses is the victim of sexual assault. At Harvard, 33 students told officials they were raped in 2014, only 0.15% of the campus of 21,000.... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 15 hours ago
*Global warming can alter shape of the planet, as melting glaciers erode the land (?)* *Howzat for a big and dramatic heading? The article is however almost entirely speculation. It is allegedly based on a recent research report about glacier-caused erosion but what did the research report actually find? I quote: "We find that basin-averaged erosion rates vary by three orders of magnitude over this latitudinal transect"That's it! All the rest is speculation. Jo Nova also had some laughs at these drama queens. See her comments at the link below* Climate change is causing... more »

Clashes Between Police & Anti Austerity Protesters In Brussels

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 16 hours ago
Water cannon has been deployed in Brussels as anti-austerity protesters ‘clash with police’ Happening right now in Brussels. Clashes between the police and protesters — Lucas Melgaço (@lucas_melgaco) October 7, 2015 Thousands have taken to the streets of the capital of Belgium to protest measures recently introduced by the government. According to reports, some protesters were throwing stones and burning waste at the police who then responded with a water cannon. — G. Dos Santos (@Gauvain_D_Santo)... more »

Does Conservative Chaffetz Have a Shot at Beating Establishment Figure McCarthy for Speaker?

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: Does Conservative Jason Chaffetz Have a Shot at Beating Establishment Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker?] With John Boehner’s stunning announcement that he would be stepping down as Speaker of the House and resigning from Congress, three Congressmen have stepped forward to replace him. There is Kevin McCarthy, the House majority leader, who is considered the... more »

U.S. Government Deports Fewest Immigrants in Nearly a Decade

ALICIA A. CALDWELL at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: ICE ERO officers deporting a man wanted for two murders in Mexico.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration deported fewer immigrants over the past 12 months than at any time since 2006, according to internal figures obtained by The Associated Press, as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Obama’s deportation policies... more »

Dosed Chemtrails: Have you had your Lithium Today?

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 16 hours ago
I reported on "Lithium dosing" experiments back in March 2015 on Transpicuous News- and I said that this is NOTICE. And here we are 6 months later with reports of Lithium being used in Chemtrails- not just in Oregon either..... I can guarantee that this new chemtrail cocktail is being use all over the place. Interestingly enough, the two original articles that I used in the TN report I can no longer access: Scientists suggest government should add psych meds to public drinking water more »

Breaking! 4 Russian Warships Launch Strikes against ISIS from Caspian Sea

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 16 hours ago
*RT* *Looking for input here readers, please. * Four Russian Navy warships have fired a total of 26 missiles at the position of the terrorist group Islamic State in Syria, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced. The missiles were fired from the Caspian Sea. *“Four missile ships launched 26 cruise missiles at 11 targets. According to objective control data, all the targets were destroyed. No civilian objects sustained damage,”* Shoigu said. The missiles flew some 1,500 km before reaching their targets, prob(v)ing their efficiency. RT: flight path of missiles The missi... more »

McCarthy’s Pledge to Conservatives: ‘I’m Not John Boehner’

ERICA WERNER at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: Kevin McCarthy] WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is promising conservative GOP lawmakers “I’m not John Boehner” as he seeks their support to replace Boehner as speaker. McCarthy and his two Republican rivals for the speaker’s job took turns meeting... more »

Thousands of Drug Inmates Approved for Early Prison Release

ERIC TUCKER at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: prison bars] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Drug criminals once described by prosecutors as unrepentant repeat offenders are among those poised to benefit from new sentencing guidelines that are shrinking punishments for thousands of federal prisoners, according to an Associated Press review of court... more »

Round 2: Downstream South Carolina Towns Brace for Flooding

BRUCE SMITH at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: South Carolina flooding] GEORGETOWN, S.C. (AP) -- Along South Carolina’s coast, residents were preparing for a second round of flooding as rivers swollen from days of devastating rains make their way toward the Atlantic. Residents near a dam in Richland County were told... more »

Indoor At Home Workout

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 16 hours ago
I don't have time to hit the gym every day. Working out is really important to both me and my husband, but since we both work and have two littles at home, finding making time to hit the gym never seems to happen. It isn't such a big deal in the summer — we throw the kids in the stroller and go for a run — but we live in a place with a long, cold winter. It is dark by the time we are ready for a workout and we have been looking for something we could do at home. We have tried Pilates, Tae Bo and other workout videos, but while we liked them, they just weren't what we were looking ... more »

Cameron: Child Benefit Docked For Parents Who Fail To Pay Truancy Fines

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 16 hours ago
Measures announced by David Cameron will see parents of children who play truant having their child benefit docked if they fail to pay fines. The Prime Minister said he was determined to “tackle the harm truancy does to a child’s chances in life”. At the moment if parents fail to pay the £60 penalty in England it is doubled to £120 after 21 days and they face prosecution if it has still not been paid after 28. But 40% still fail to pay and many do not end up in court as councils tend not to take legal action. Yahoo news reports The child benefit plans, unveiled at the Conservative P... more »

Iraq May Also Request Russian Airstrikes Against ISIS

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 16 hours ago
The chairman of Iraq’s parliamentary defense committee said that Baghdad wants Russia to have a bigger role in the anti-terrorism campaign in Iraq itself and might soon officially request Russian airstrikes on its soil. The Iraqi Prime Minister also said that his government would welcome Russian warplanes in Iraq. RT reports: “We might be forced to ask Russia to launch airstrikes in Iraq soon. I think in the upcoming few days or weeks Iraq will be forced to ask Russia to launch airstrikes and that depends on their success in Syria,” said Hakim al-Zamili, Reuters reported. “We are se... more »

BBC Consultation

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 17 hours ago
By Paul Homewood At the moment the UK Government is running a public consultation on the future of the BBC. An outfit called 38 Degrees has organised its own survey, which then feeds automatically into the Government’s one. According to Wiki, 38 Degrees is an independent British not-for-profit political-activism organisation that […]

Do Not Be Muzzled.

Rural at Democracy Under Fire - 17 hours ago
Do not be muzzled Oct 19th, get out and have your say on who you wish to represent you in parliament, bearing in mind that many of the promises are just that and may either be a long time coming or reduced or eliminated once in power. Particularly should the winning party get a majority! I believe that the best indication of future behaviour is past behaviour hence *my listing of the Conservatives attacks upon our democracy*over the past 10 years. Another indication is more subtle and that is how open and accountable (remember that phrase) those vieing for power have been. In that ... more »

'La Belle Heaulmiere' by Rodin

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 17 hours ago
Now, this piece will confound a few of you: *La Belle Heaulmiere* by Rodin, also known as 'She who was once the Helmet-Makers Beautiful Wife,' or 'The Old Courtesan.' You might see this work by Rodin and ask, “WTF?” "Why the ugliness?” “Who would want to look at that old crone?" In answer, let me quote the words of two masters. *An artist can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl she used to be. A great artist can look at an old woman, portray her exactly as she is... and force the viewer to... more »

U.S. $500 Million Syrian Training Program Aided Terrorists Says US senator

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 17 hours ago
US senator, Chris Murphy, has slammed Washingtons $500-million program to train “moderate” rebels in Syria. He says the money should go to aid refugees instead. Speaking to Russian media, Murphy said his “concern” that the program could aid terrorists turned out to be true. Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, told Sputnik news: “My concern from the beginning was that we were going to end up unwittingly aiding and abetting terrorist groups like al-Qaeda” RT reports: The senator has been repeatedly calling for the suspension of the US train-and-equip program in Syria that the chamber... more »

($2.1 Trillion Admittedly Offshore)  Source of Terrorism Revealed  (Russia Supplies Weapons to Kurds Fighting ISIS)  Why Post Office Privatization Matters  (Clinging Grimly to Power - EU at War with Greeks?)  Watching Guatemala with a Vengeance

BREAKING!Fortune 500 Companies Stash $2.1 Trillion Offshore as US Taxpayers Foot the BillNew study highlights the repeated failure by U.S. lawmakers to crack down on tax avoidance schemes The Source of Terrorism Revealed – Is Anyone in Congress Paying Attention? If the U.S. body politic were susceptible to teachable moments, this would seem to be a prime one. Russia starts bombing Syria and

Elena Katsyura - fine china and flowers - and lemon

Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 18 hours ago
as a creative individual or artist or writer or 'whatever it is I'm doing on this still-cooling rock orbiting this variable i.e. lethal to our existence, star', I still reall can't really say that I've *FOUND MY MUSE*. You can't imagine how happy I was to stumble blindly across the muse-heavy art of Elena Katsyura from Chelyabinsk, Russia. These paintings are tiny (6" by 6") and intimate and so nostalgic and delicious and quaint and gimme gimme gimme. If I was a dedicated investor in 'real art', I'd snap up the whole catalogue of Elena's pure work. I'd do it today, no bull.

UPDATED BREAKING: Hung isn't giving up without a fight + Polls + KMT Congress

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 19 hours ago
[image: DSC08313] *An old temple in Tunghsiao* *BREAKING:* KMT approves Party Congress on issue of getting rid of Hung. English report As so many predicted, KMT Presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu is not going to let herself be ousted without a fight. The TT reports: “I am sorry to have let news reports in the past two days worry my supporters. All of a sudden, what started off as a groundless rumor has become a serious issue. This is all because of my insufficient campaigning efforts,” Hung told an impromptu press conference held at KMT headquarters yesterday afternoon. .... St... more »

To Criticize Someone.....As Defined by Brother Bhaktananda

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 20 hours ago
*Source:Notes Along There Path Blog*

Syrian Rebels Repeat Their Request To The U.S. To Supply Them With Surface-To-Air Missiles

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
The strikes were carried out against targets in the strategic western province of Homs, though the U.S., which was given an hour’s notice of the attacks by Moscow, said that the sites hit were not in areas held by ISIS. Source: Reuters *Russia Beyond The Headlines:* *Syrian rebels ask U.S. for arms to defend against Russian strikes* Representatives of “moderate” rebel groups in Syria opposed to the regime of Bashar al-Assad have asked the U.S. to supply them with surface-to-air missiles to counter Russian air strikes, American media have reported. Russian observers say this is unl... more »

Military Photo of the Day: October 7, 2015

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 21 hours ago
[image: Firing Line-900] Ellsworth Honor Guardsmen practice live-firing party movements at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota. The firing party ceremonial tradition dates back to the Civil War and consists of firing three rounds to symbolize the removal of fallen soldiers from... more »

Syria, Microsoft, Norway and kids, VW solutions, Czechs in Lebanon

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours ago
There are tons of ongoing events outside physics that are happening and that would normally be discussed in separate blog posts. Let me reduce the number of blog posts where these heavily unphysical topics appear and consolidate my comments. *Russians in Syria* My most recent entry about Syria was posted hours before the Russian lawmakers okayed an operation in Syria – which was followed by the ongoing airstrikes that started just several more hours later. The bombing videos remind me of what we were watching in the early 1990s when Bush 41 was showing Saddam that the occupation of... more »

More Doubts re AGW Science as COP21 approaches

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 22 hours ago
Australia's PM Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop are keen to sign onto the UN's Green Climate Fund. Even under PM Abbott, Bishop announced she would waste $200M on the fund. (link) The Federal Government has announced it will contribute $200 million to an international fund designed to help developing nations tackle climate change. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced the funding at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru. As COP21 approaches, more evidence not to sign is being exposed. Reported in the Journal: *Environmental Science and Te... more »

Is President Obama Trying To Avoid A Showdown in Syria?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
*Micahel Crowley, Politico:* *Obama avoids a showdown in Syria* Administration officials game out options to respond to Putin's provocations, but Obama exercises "strategic patience." As Vladimir Putin takes increasingly provocative actions against U.S. interests in Syria, President Barack Obama is tuning out calls from Republicans and foreign policy heavyweights to punish the Russian president through military or economic measures. They include a call from Jimmy Carter's former national security adviser to "disarm" Russian assets in Syria if Putin doesn't change his behavior, Re... more »

At one stage, I had time for hobbies..

Zoe Brain at A.E.Brain - 22 hours ago
Contemporaries - built late 1915, in service January 1916.The Zeppelin-Stacken R.IV serial R.12/15, and the Nieuport... Posted by Zoe Ellen Brain on Monday, 18 May 2015

U.S. And Russia Try To Agree To Coordinate Air Operations Over Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Washington Post*: *Russia offers to reopen, broaden military talks with the U.S. over Syria* ROME — Russia and the United States tentatively agreed Tuesday to resume talks on how to prevent conflicts between their warplanes in the skies over Syria, even as concerns mounted about the potential for a broader confrontation in the Middle East between the two powers. After days of complaints from U.S. and NATO officials about a lack of cooperation and risky maneuvers by Russian warplanes, Russia’s Defense Ministry offered to hold another round of discussions with the Pentagon on avoi... more »

Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt” -

Who Is Supplying The Islamic State With New Toyoto Trucks?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
ISIS militants race through Raqqa in a propaganda training film released online in September 2014 *ABC News:* *US Officials Ask How ISIS Got So Many Toyota Trucks* U.S. counter-terror officials have asked Toyota, the world’s second largest auto maker, to help them determine how ISIS has managed to acquire the large number of Toyota pick-up trucks and SUVs seen prominently in the terror group’s propaganda videos in Iraq, Syria and Libya, ABC News has learned. Toyota says it does not know how ISIS obtained the vehicles and is “supporting” the inquiry led by the Terror Financing unit... more »

Why Obama Prefers Politicizing to Actual Politics

Jonah Goldberg at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: NEW ORLEANS, LA - AUGUST 27: U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during an event to mark the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina on August 27, 2015 in New Orleans, Louisiana. President Obama spoke at the Andrew P. Sanchez & Copelin-Byrd Multi-Service Center located in the Lower 9th Ward, a largely African-American neighborhood that was one of the hardest hit by the storm. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)] President Obama was right. He was right when, just a few hours after the horrible shooting in Oregon, he decried the fact that such slaughters have become “routine.” He w... more »

Comedy Watch: An evening with Jerry Lewis

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*Jerry Lewis talks about prepping The King of Comedy (1981) with Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro in this excerpt from an October 2000 Archive of American Television interview.* *by Ken* So after the introductions to the introduction were over, the introducer -- who would also be the evening's moderator -- stepped to the podium tonight at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, and promptly got a standing ovation. Because the introducer-moderator was Martin Scorsese. Now I'm crotchety about today's routinized standing O's, where it seems you can get one just for drawing brea... more »

Reimaging the Meaning of Marriage

Jim Tonkowich at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Marriage of Christ and Church] A day or so after Judge Vaugh Walker struck down California's marriage amendment in 2010, I was interviewed on Logo TV, the LGBT network. We covered the typical arguments for marriage between one man and one woman cordially, respectfully and... more »

Top U.S. General In Afghanistan: 'We Need A New Afghan Plan'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*CNN*: *U.S. Gen.: We need new Afghanistan plan* Washington (CNN)The top commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan said Tuesday that he needs to adjust troop level recommendations to respond to the growing strength of ISIS and al Qaeda. Gen. John Campbell told the Senate Armed Services committee he has presented options for revising President Barack Obama's plan for slashing the U.S. troop presence after 2016 from its current level of about 9,800 to an embassy-based security force of 1,000. "Based on conditions on the ground, I do believe we have to provide our senior leadership [w... more »

Insights on teacher evaluation in DC

SPJ at @ THE CHALKFACE - 1 day ago
I know at some point I’ve mentioned DC’s teacher evaluation system, IMPACT. As always, there is a lot being written and researched on the subject, including this recent call from the Network for Public Education to assist with a research project. Cool beans. I’m not going to add any redundant critique about IMPACT and, more […]

Will You Allow Yourself To Be Forced Into Voting For The Lesser Of Two Evils Next Year?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
[*Click to enlarge.*] Last week the Pew Research Center released a fascinating survey of voters that doesn't just inform us that Republicans' favorite *and* most hated candidate is Donald Trump. This one gets down into what makes voters tick. For example, 60% of Democrats say they are more likely to vote for a candidate willing to compromise with Republicans and 14% say that they are less likely to vote for a candidate willing to compromise. On the other hand, significantly fewer Republicans want their political leaders to compromise with Democrats. 41% say they would be more likel... more »

Top U.S. General In Afghanistan: Hospital Air Strike Was A Mistake

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Guardian:* *Doctors Without Borders airstrike: US alters story for fourth time in four days* Commander of war in Afghanistan tells Senate panel that US forces had called in airstrike at Afghan request – ‘an admission of a war crime’ says MSF chief US special operations forces – not their Afghan allies – called in the deadly airstrike on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, the US commander has conceded. Shortly before General John Campbell, the commander of the US and Nato war in Afghanistan, testified to a Senate panel, the president of Doctors Without Borders –... more »

Ole Dammegard exposes Norway shooting - the world's biggest-ever "lone nut" false flag

Kevin Barrett at blog - 1 day ago
*Broadcast here October 7th**,** 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT).* *For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast - and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air - become a subscriber today!* Ole DammegardGuest *Ole Dammegard* exposes the 2011 massacre in Norway. The world's biggest and most... more »

Poland strengthening their coal mining industry.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 day ago
Ewa Kopacz (Source) As the World heads toward the COP21 Gabfest and its side show, the Sustainable Innovation Forum (SIF) 2015, Poland's PM Ewa Kopacz says she does not consider nuclear energy a priority and is instead focused on strengthening the coal mining industry. (LINK) Ewa Kopacz's comments indicated a U-turn from earlier government plans to add nuclear energy to Poland's mix in the coming years. Kopacz said Monday that Poland's energy security is based on coal. The country has rich deposits of the fossil fuel and the government is currently taking steps to preserve coal min... more »


Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Title: Belgium: NATO's Stoltenberg urges Russia to "de-conflict" in Syria. Source: Ruptly TV. Date Published: October 6, 2015. *

The 10 commandments of cults vs. religions and why Islam is a cult.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 day ago
Cult-like Islam is flourishing1) CULT: Single, unquestioned leader who makes all the rules, with no accountability to peers, a presbytery, a chapter, or co-leaders. *Prophet is sole authority and makes all the rules, because god speaks only to him.* 2) CULT: Cohabitation. Members often live in a group or commune, often with the leader. *Cult has grown too big, but this was certainly the case when it was starting.* 3) CULT: Isolation. Members are often not allowed to interact/socialize with outsiders, and frequently are required to separate from their friends and families. *Mus... more »

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“This big, bright, beautiful spiral galaxy is Messier 64, often called the Black Eye Galaxy or the Sleeping Beauty Galaxy for its heavy-lidded appearance in telescopic views. M64 is about 17 million light-years distant in the otherwise well-groomed northern constellation Coma Berenices. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, the Red Eye Galaxy might also be an appropriate moniker in this colorful composition. The enormous dust clouds obscuring the near-side of M64's central region are laced with the telltale reddish glow of hydrogen associated with star forming regions. But they are... more »

Rebels Regions Of Ukraine Agree To Delay Elections Until Next Year

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Wall Street Journal:* *Russia-Backed Rebels in Ukraine to Delay Disputed Elections* *Move welcomed by Moscow and Kiev as step towards implementing February’s peace plan.* KIEV, Ukraine—Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine said on Tuesday they would postpone the disputed elections that were threatening to derail peace talks. The move was immediately welcomed by Moscow and Kiev as another step toward implementing a peace plan signed in February in Minsk, Belarus. While a cease-fire has largely held in the region for a month, both sides have balked at political concessions... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 6, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Bloomberg editorial*: *Preventing Friendly Fire From the Sky* As the Pentagon investigates the airstrike that killed 22 civilians at an Afghan hospital last weekend, it's crucial that authorities be as transparent as possible -- not only about what the pilots and spotters on the ground did, but also about the rules they're required to follow. The aerial attack on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz came from an AC-130 gunship. The AC-130, a transport plane outfitted with fearsome cannons on its wings, has traditionally not been subject to the strict "collateral damage ... more »

Converts Ask Synod on the Family to Maintain Church Teaching

Stream staff at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Letter Signature - 900] Over 100 converts to the Catholic Church signed an open letter to the bishops at the Synod on the Family asking them to maintain Catholic teaching, especially on the question of divorce and remarriage. An Open Letter to the Synod... more »

12 Quotes from Citizen Carly

Amelia Hamilton at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Screengrab] The new documentary Citizen Carly, released by the group Carly for America, has hit the internet. The behind-the-scenes look at GOP presidential contender Carly Fiorina offers a short overview of her life, work and faith. Here are 12 quotes from Fiorina in... more »

How Student Loan Debt Is Turning Us Into Serfs

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Joshua Krause* - Our society is already populated by millions of people working menial jobs while burdened with absurd debts that will keep them ‘tied down’ for the rest of their lives. The post How Student Loan Debt Is Turning Us Into Serfs appeared first on Waking Times.

Economics for Real People: Trade Policy in NZ’s recent history

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
*With the finalisation of a TPP deal yesterday, could this week’s discussion hosted by our friends at the Auckland Uni Economics Group be any more topical? (And remember, you’re all invited whether students or economists … or even, most especially, if not).* *Seminar: Does New Zealand Economics Have a Useful Past?* Looking at the role that economic thought has had on the economic development of New Zealand, and focussing mainly on trade policy over the period from 1920s to the early 1980s, the newly-appointed editor of the *History of Economics Review* Dr. Geoffrey Brooke wil... more »

Chet Raymo, “That Cottage Of Darkness” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“That Cottage Of Darkness”* by Chet Raymo “In many ways my mother's funeral was a joyous occasion- a time to celebrate her life, to celebrate family. A time, too, to think about death. She was the last of her generation, and died in hope of heaven. I am the oldest of the next generation, agnostics mostly. That puts me on the leading edge- of oblivion. Well, let's not get morbid. With a little luck, my twilight years will be golden, and every one of those years is a gift of science. I am past the age of my father's death, and well past the age that my grandfathers died. A century ... more »

World News Briefs -- October 6, 2015 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*BBC*: *Syria conflict: Russia violation of Turkish airspace 'no accident'* Russia's violation of Turkish airspace over the weekend "does not look like an accident", Nato has said. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Russia had not provided "any real explanation" of the violation, which "lasted for a long time." Russia says Saturday's incursion was brief and due to bad weather. It is examining claims of another violation. Turkey's army also says an unidentified fighter jet locked its radar on to eight of its jets on Monday. *MIDDLE EAST* Turkey 'cannot endure'* Russian viola... more »

The Poet: Oliver Wendell Holmes, “Departed Days” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Departed Days”* "Yes, dear departed, cherished days, Could Memory's hand restore Your morning light, your evening rays, From Time's gray urn once more, Then might this restless heart be still, This straining eye might close, And Hope her fainting pinions fold, While the fair phantoms rose. But, like a child in ocean's arms, We strive against the stream, Each moment farther from the shore Where life's young fountains gleam; Each moment fainter wave the fields, And wider rolls the sea; The mist grows dark, - the sun goes down, - Day breaks, - and where are we?” - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Waiting for rain

risa bear at A Way to Live - 1 day ago
All of us are waiting for rain. A friend's well has gone dry and we are being careful of our water from ours. Here is a tiny fall garden consisting of a few marigolds and beet greens. On the night of the full moon, I stepped out and looked for the eclipse. The moon was rising already almost at totality, so it took me time to locate it. I dutifully snapped at it with the little cheap camera, and got no result (such as it was) until late in the show: But it was certainly a show worth watching. I felt thousands of years old, or even millions, witnessing this. There was a similar ec... more »

Do moderate ketone levels from low carb protect against symptomatic hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes? A relevant case study.

George Henderson at The High-fat Hep C Diet - 1 day ago
Before many can know something,* one* must know it. - Dr Stockmann, in Ibsen's An Enemy of the People. One of the benefits of a very low carbohydrate diet for type 1 diabetes is a much lower rate of hypoglycemic episodes, because of the need for less insulin, lower insulin doses and longer acting insulin overall (a greater proportion of the insulin used is basal dose). This is predicted by the laws of small numbers. It is also reported anecdotally that hypoglycemia, when it does occur by the meter, is often non-symptomatic. The milder symptoms aren't easily ignored, and severe hy... more »

Britain First and Cynicism

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 1 day ago
A documentary about Britain's First virtual fascist group, Britain First? Why ever not. With UKIP commanding four million votes at the general election, the press stuffed with xenophobic bullshit as per, and the woman who would lead the Tories pitching herself as *Nigel Farage's successor*, a little package shedding light on a tiny and utterly marginal fascist group isn't likely to create much harm. My bad. Of course, Britain First aren't a fascist group. Nor are they racist. As deputy fuhrer Jayda Fransen put it in *We Want Our Country Back*, the final programme in BBC Three's 'Ra... more »

Freaks 1932 Highlights

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

Central England Temperature Summer Trends

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 1 day ago
By Paul Homewood Further to my recent on post on UK summer temperature trends, Xmetman has produced a graph of CET summer means right back to 1659. (Click on the link for a better image). The recent uptick followed by a drop off is evident. What is astonishing […]

Bindi Irwin’s Emotional Dancing with the Stars Tribute to Her Father Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin

FOX News at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Steve Irwin and Bindi - 400] It was “Most Memorable Year” week on “Dancing With the Stars,” which brought up emotional memories for one of the competition's front-runners, Bindi Irwin. The 17-year-old chose 2006, the year her father, Australia's legendary “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, died. “It's

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