Weekend meditation: In human interactions, there are forces more powerful even than yoga, feng shui, and Irish dancing
*Can there really be a force more powerful than Irish dancing?* *by Ken* The pen is mightier than the sword, we've been told, and it's a theory, at least. No doubt there have been time when it has been true. There are fewer claims, you'll note, for the superior might of the sword of such weapons as handguns, automatic rifles, conventional bombs, and thermonuclear devices. You'd think more attention would have been paid to what we might call the Hierarchy of Forces. So as a weekend thought provocation, I thought I would throw out a couple of choice contributions to the literature I'... more »
Will The Russian Military Make A Difference In Syria?
*Andrew Roth and Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Washington Post:* *Russia’s military is unlikely to turn the tide in Syria’s war* MOSCOW — Russia has triumphantly plunged into Syria’s four-year-old civil war with an expanding campaign of airstrikes. But the official euphoria here masks a nagging question: What can a limited deployment of Russian air power actually accomplish? In the short term, Russia’s military will provide desperately needed air support and boost the morale of Syria’s battered army. The Syrian military will likely go on the offensive against moderate and Islamist rebel gr... more »
More Pictures And Videos Of The Russian Airbase In Syria
*RT:* *Russian airbase in Syria: RT checks out everyday life at Latakia airfield* In just a couple of months a neglected airfield in Latakia, Syria, became the strategic center of Russia’s military operation against Islamic State. RT got chance to see firsthand everyday life at the Khmeimim airbase – from sauna trucks to mobile bakeries. The airstrip is capable of accepting super-jumbo Antonov An-124 Ruslan and Tupolev Tu-76 transport aircrafts, and has bays for more than 50 military aircrafts: Sukhoi Su-24M bombers, Sukhoi Su-25 ground-support fighters, cutting-edge Sukhoi Su-34... more »
U.K. Special Forces Kill 200 Taliban Fighters In the Battle For Kunduz
*Daily Mail:** UK special forces kill 200 Taliban insurgents during close quarters battle in Northern Afghanistan * * Commandos from the Special Boat Squadron are operating in Kunduz * It is the largest action by British troops in Afghanistan for twelve months * The battle to remove the Taliban from Kunduz was still ongoing last night * During the fighting, US aircraft are believed to have bombed a hospital British Special Forces have been involved in a series of close-quarter battles against the Taliban in northern Afghanistan, killing up to 200 insurgents. The Mail on Sunday h... more »
U.S. To Adopt A Tougher Stance Against China In The South China Sea
*Foreign Policy:* *In South China Sea, a Tougher U.S. Stance* *Rejecting China’s "Great Wall of Sand," the U.S. Navy will patrol near man-made islands constructed by Beijing.* The United States is poised to send naval ships and aircraft to the South China Sea in a challenge to Beijing’s territorial claims to its rapidly-built artificial islands, U.S. officials told Foreign Policy. The move toward a somewhat more muscular stance follows talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington last month, which fell far short of a breakthrough over ho... more »
Bernie's And Hillary's College Affordability Plans Are VERY Different
Richard Eskow compared the very different college aid proposals by Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Let's begin by acknowledging that none of the Republican candidates recognize any need for helping with growing college debt and that the Republican Party's generic college aid proposal is, basically, "Don't get sick and if you do, die quickly." Their proposal can be neatly summed up in this week's heartless destruction of the Perkins Loan reauthorization bill. The program, which provided colleges with matching funds to provide low-interest loans to students with exceptional fina... more »
Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Sept 26 to Oct 3, 2015"
*"Your Radiation This Week, Sept 26 to Oct 3, 2015"* *33 Cities Over 1,000 CPM In The US* By Bob Nichols "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus (San Francisco) October 3, 2015 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it. *All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, **Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. **Uncounted radiation, if added, makes ... more »
The Last 'James Bond' Spectre Movie Trailer Is Outstanding
*WNU Editor: *The previous 'James Bond' Spectre movie trailer. Yes .... I am a fan.
Oct.3: An apology
Yesterday's blog was an important one - if depressingly so. But I did something wrong, and couldn't retrieve it. And I just don't have the heart to write it all over again. I should mention, though, that the commentaries by Norbert Cunningham, Justin Ryan, and Alec Bruce in yesterday's paper were superb. There was also an excellent column by student columnist Mhairi Agnew on C4. It's about school, and the value of extracurricular activities in helping students to discover their interests and to expand their thinking. That's very true. When I taught high school, I looked after the d... more »
“I don't know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'well, if I'd known better I'd have done better,' that's all. So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.' If we all hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror ... more »
“Fukushima: The World’s Never Seen Anything Like This”
*“Fukushima: The World’s Never Seen Anything Like This”* by Robert Hunziker “The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No. 2 nuclear reactor fuel is missing from the core containment vessel. Where did it go? Nobody knows. Not only that but the “learning curve” for a nuclear meltdown is as fresh as the event itself because “the world has never seen anything like this,” never. Utilizing cosmic ray muon radiography with nuclear emulsion, researchers from Nagoya University peered inside the reactors at Fukushima. The nuclear fuel in reactor core No. 5 was clearly visible via the muon p... more »
This Chess Game Describes The Wars In The Middle East Today
Ortadoğu'da olanın özeti Ortadoğu'da yaşananları anlatan ilginç çizgi film... Posted by Ertem Şener on Thursday, August 20, 2015
Sunday Quote of the Day: Religion & philosophy
*“* *Philosophy is the science that studies the fundamental aspects of the nature of existence. The task of philosophy is to provide man with a comprehensive view of life. This view serves as a base, a frame of reference, for all his actions, mental or physical, psychological or existential. This view tells him the nature of the universe with which he has to deal (metaphysics); the means by which he is to deal with it, i.e., the means of acquiring knowledge (epistemology); the standards by which he is to choose his goals and values, in regard to his own life and character (ethics)... more »
A Look At Past And Present Military Programs That Cost Untold Billions Of Dollars
Hitler's Atlantic Wall - $200 Billion *Ranker: **The Biggest Military Wastes of Money* The staggering amount of money available to the US Armed Forces has resulted in wasteful military spending on a grand scale and some of the worst military spending in history. As technology changes and improves, new designs in tanks, planes, weapons, and vehicles have to be developed - all of which cost huge amounts. But the military is plagued by bureaucratic inefficiency, redundancy, procurement issues, changing priorities, and a process that simply takes too long. As a result, the last 30 ye... more »
The Tories' Trade Union Turn
As audacious tank-parking goes, the Conservatives' announcement that they're (re)launching their own trade union movement is right up there. It has certainly raised eyebrows across the political spectrum. There will activists across the spectrum who looked up and saw question marks materialise above their heads. Haven't the Tories proven themselves *consistently* anti-trade union? Aren't they about to saddle the labour movement with the most restrictive strike laws of any advanced Western nation? And do they not fulminate at the thought of workers banding together to improve their ... more »
Faking it
Even *The Guardian/Observer *is sticking the boot into the BBC tonight... *BBC footage of lightning over erupting volcano was stirring, dramatic – and fake* The BBC has admitted that footage of a volcanic eruption screened as part of its natural history blockbuster series, Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise, was faked. The scene, purporting to depict a single volcano in eruption, was actually created by splicing together eruptions from two separate volcanoes. One eruption took place in 2011, the other in 2015. The admission is likely to trigger a new row over the use of digital t... more »
Ontario, Canada Health "Officials" RAID raw milk farm but leave empty handed
*Because all supporters stuck together!!* Here in fascist/corporatist Canada it's more of the same. Yah, it's a tyranny here. What are you all going to do about it? A big first step would be to acknowledge the* reality!* Stop believing in the lies. And then withdraw your support of this corrupt system. *CTV* Michael Schmidt said about 20 officials from Ontario's ministries of agriculture, natural resources and finance, as well as local police, arrived at his farm in Durham, Ont., at 10:30 a.m. Officials started removing equipment and computers when members of the collective show... more »
Are We On The Verge of Developing Geophysical And Genetic Weapons?
*Sputnik*: *Weapons That Could Change Geophysical Landscape, Human DNA to Appear Soon* Future wars will have much more devastating weapons than airstrikes, tanks and even nuclear weapons. Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations warned about new threats, including geophysical and genetic weapons that could pose threats to Russia’s well-being in the future. Future weapons will be based on energy, electromagnetic, radiological, geophysical and genetic principles. There will also be special information weapons to change people's perception, completely changing their mind, the Minist... more »
No, Not Everyone Running For Office In Arkansas In An NRA Shill-- And Not All Dems There Are In The Tank For Hillary
Robbie Wilson, Arkansas progressive running for Congress As we mentioned Tuesday, Arkansas isn't going to be an easy place for Democrats to rebuild. The Democratic Party has lost touch with what it means to be progressive, and they hold only 36 of the 100 seats in the state House and only 14 of 35 seats in the state Senate. The governor and lieutenant governor are both extreme right-wing Republicans, as are both U.S. senators and all four congressmen. But there are plenty of good progressives in the state, and many have been inspired by Bernie Sanders' grassroots movement. We focused... more »
How Much Do Colleges Boost Graduate Earnings?
[image: 02STEWARTjp-articleLarge] Students, parents and educators increasingly obsessed with college rankings have a new tool: the Obama administration's College Scorecard. The new database focuses on a college's graduation rate, graduates' median earnings 10 years after graduation and the percentage of students paying... Continue reading *“How Much Do Colleges Boost Graduate Earnings?”* at *realclearmarkets.com*.
Government to introduce rules to stop 'political' boycotts per BBC News
The boycotts are of Israel, not North Korea, Saudi Arabia or any other despotic state. Always Israel, is it because it is the only Jewish majority state? With Jeremy Corbyn leading the Labour Party and an institutionally anti Israel BBC, the Conservatives are on shaky ground here. More here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34433313
European Leaders Meet To Discuss Ukraine. Tanks Withdrawn From The Front Lines
General view of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko who sit at the table across from Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande during a summit on Ukraine at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, October 2, 2015. © Etienne Laurent / Reuters *Deutsche Welle*: *Ukraine's pro-Russian rebels say tanks withdrawn* Rebels have announced they have moved a column of tanks away from the front line in east Ukraine. Both the pro-Kremlin forces and the Ukrainian army agreed to withdraw tanks and light weapons after Paris talks. Th... more »
Oregon Shooting: Another FALSE FLAG HOAX
The government either has knowledge of, or is participating in these FALSE FLAG HOAXES. The agenda is not necessarily gun control IMO. I think it's more so to just keep the population occupied with terror and distractions so we look to the government for SAFETY instead of focusing on: half our taxes go to the Pentagon, banksters and corporations and wealthy families foreign (in particular Israel) and domestic run our government and own all our politicians, elections are rigged on electronic voting machines, tens-of-millions of Americans don't have health care and half of bankruptci... more »
On Cue: "US backed "rebels" make an appeal for....Anti-Aircraft Missiles!
*As predicted in the earlier post! No crystal ball required. * US will indirectly confront Russian military via KurdIShIS and other rogues. *The current and former officials also expressed concern that the Russian strikes would prompt rebel groups to intensify their efforts to acquire antiaircraft weaponry, including -surface-to-air missiles — munitions the United States has worked to keep out of Syria for fear that they would be seized by al-Qaeda or the Islamic State.* *Translation: The US and company will supply Kurds, ISIS and other thugs with anti aircraft weapons- they’ll simpl... more »
Trump on Hannity - Full Interview...
* "this country is going insane." * "People are unhappy. People are disgusted. People are tired." Really? Well, poke me with a stick and call me done. Please do not take my constant posting of Trump interviews as a sign of support. I may or may not support or even like The Donald. Time will tell. The fact is, we're not hearing too much from the other candidates, and many we're hearing from, in my opinion, are non-starters. I don't have time to waste listening to Huckabee, Kasich, Christie, Santorum, or Jindal. I'm not saying any of these people are not qualified, or don't ... more »
Vatican Official Declares He’s “Gay,” Is Fired
[image: St. Peter's at night] The Vatican has fired a priest with several influential positions in the Church after he publicly announced that he was homosexual and had a “partner.” Msgr. Krzysztof Charamsa, who has worked at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since 2003,... more »
Eli Broad and the Clintons: Update of the Update
By Ken Derstine @ Defend Public Education! October 3, 2015 On October 1st, the LA Times printed an article by journalist Evan Halper that went into the opposition in teachers unions to union leaders endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president. "Some teachers resisting union endorsement of Hillary Rodham Clinton for president" At its end, this LA Times article cites the website Defend Public Education! as one of the sources of the discontent with Hillary Clinton, but it distorts what is stated in the Update to a previous LA Times article on the website. In that article, previ... more »
Russia Can Now Spy And Track The F-22 Over Syria
*War is Boring*: *Russia Can Now Spy on the F-22 Over Syria* The Kremlin can test how its warplanes track the stealth jet's radar emissions. Russia may be using its air campaign in Syria as an opportunity to gather intelligence on U.S. forces and gain operational experience on their latest hardware. Gathering information on the U.S. Air Force’s stealthy fifth-generation F-22 Raptor air superiority fighter is of particular interest to the Russian military. Nonetheless, the Russian expeditionary force largely follows traditional Soviet doctrine and consists of a mix of combat aircr... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
My interview with Craig Whiteside was cited in RAND’s “The Islamic State We Knew” by Howard Shatz and Erin-Elizabeth Johnson. I was also cited in "The British War Movie America Needs" by T.S. Allen in War On The Rocks, and "A Smart Bomb In Every Garage? Driverless Cars and the Future of Terrorist Attacks" by Jeffrey Lewis for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.
The Facts about Pope’s Meeting with Kim Davis
[image: Pope Francis and Kim Davis - 900] Big news this week as "progressives" worldwide learned, to their utter shock and mournful consternation, that the pope is Catholic. Rumors are they will next examine wild bears, the woods and certain mysteries therein. On Wednesday the Vatican confirmed what... more »
Hollywood Salaries Revealed: Who Makes What on The Lot And on Location
[image: on_set_salaries_illo] “People in this business are always looking at other people and comparing,” says a top Hollywood attorney. “I always have clients calling me and saying, ‘Am I being paid enough? Should I be paid more?’ ” Luckily for all, there’s... Continue reading *“Hollywood Salaries Revealed: Who Makes What on The Lot And on Location”* at *hollywoodreporter.com*.
Michigan Farmer Finds Woolly Mammoth Remains
[image: woolly mammoth] LIMA TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) -- A Michigan farmer has made a mammoth find while digging in a field. The Ann Arbor News reports the bones of a woolly mammoth were found by James Bristle in Washtenaw County’s Lima Township. Bristle says he and a friend were... Continue reading *“Michigan Farmer Finds Woolly Mammoth Remains”* at *usnews.com*.
With The Syrian Crisis Exploding, What Should President Obama Do?
*Real Clear Politics:* *Col. Jack Jacobs Syria Advice For Obama: "Shut Up," "We Don't Even Have A Strategy"* CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera asks retired Col. and NBC analyst Jack Jacobs about the Obama administration's Syria policy this morning. What should Obama do? "Shut up is the first thing to do," Jacobs said. “We’re not doing anything whatsoever … The most outrageous thing imaginable was the secretary of defense … his criticism of Putin was that Putin was not professional, that the way Russia’s been doin g [bombing] is not professional. I mean, if the worst thing that y...more »
A Photo Gallery Report From Inside The Syrian al-Hamim Military Air Base (Where The Russians Are Stationed)
*WNU Editor: *An incredible collection of pictures from within the Russian airbase in Syria. Click on each image to enlarge the picture. Hat Tip to Eric Palmer for these links. #Syria: Photo report from inside the al-Hamim military air base (where the Russians are stationed) near #Latakia. pic.twitter.com/tAKTbSflpa — Sakir Khader (@sakirkhader) October 2, 2015 Part 2: Photo report from inside the al-Hamim military air base (where the #Russia|ns are stationed) near #Latakia. pic.twitter.com/N9WkXCLz2W — Sakir Khader (@sakirkhader) October 2, 2015 Part 3: Photo report from inside ... more »
Satire: “Jeb Bush Declares War on Stuff”
*“Jeb Bush Declares War on Stuff”* by Andy Borowitz DES MOINES (The Borowitz Report)— “Hoping to stem the fallout from his comment in the aftermath of the Oregon rampage that “stuff happens,” former Florida governor Jeb Bush said today that as President he would declare an ambitious “war on stuff.” “Make no mistake: I will not sit idly by when stuff happens if there’s stuff we can do about that stuff,” Bush told supporters in Iowa. “In a Bush Administration there will be a zero-tolerance policy on stuff.” Pressed for specifics, Bush said that, in addition to preventing stuff from h... more »
Supplemental: Candidates Biden, Clinton, Gore/Bush!
*SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015The corps’ “authenticity” games:* Brendan Nyhan got his start in the old Spinsanity days. Today, Nyhan is an assistant professor of government at Dartmouth. As a sign of total respect, we’ll omit his honorific in the remarks which follow. In a recent post for the New York Times, Nyhan examines the concept of “authenticity” as it’s applied to White House candidates by the mainstream press corps. And good God, is that concept ever applied to candidates! Today, we’re constantly told that Candidate Clinton isn’t “authentic,” but the highly subjective and ne... more »
Just Bend Me Over an Oil Barrel and Call Me Your Bitch
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari) (Crosspost on Daily Kos here, with a survey.) Because we are so fucked. If my conservative and more moderate readers have any stubborn dingleberry doubts that the Republican Party is actively hastening the end of Mankind or at least the United States, consider the case of Kevin McCarthy. When Eric Cantor took over as House Majority leader just after the Teabagger revolt of 2010 that handed the lower chamber back to the Republicans, no one batted an eye. And even though many had questioned, "Who the hell's Steny... more »
Bless Me, Father
*By Jay - Ottawa* *The following chapter is from a story (fiction) with 9/11 as its backdrop. A group of priests from the New York City diocese is holding its monthly breakfast meeting at "Ribbons," a fancy restaurant located on the top two floors of the North Tower.* BLESS ME, FATHER A few dozen priests from the archdiocese had reserved a windowless private dining room on the lower level for a prayer breakfast. They were the canon lawyers of the diocese who had assembled to learn more about the sins of liberation theology. By now the Eggs Benedict had been disappeared, the ... more »
Patrick Murphy And His Parents Failed To Persuade Hillary To Endorse Him
We've been writing about how right-wing fake Democrat Patrick Murphy (FL) was one of only seven Democrats-- all corrupt conservatives from the Blue Dogs and/or New Dems-- to vote for the establishment of the Republican Party's Get Hillary Committee, which started out as a Benghazi committee and is now being used as a committee to promote a GOP-manufactured e-mail "scandal," led by Republican pinhead Trey Gowdy of South Carolina. Although it has now been confirmed by bumbling imbecile Kevin McCarthy, every other Democrat knew that that's all the Benghazi committee ever was meant to ... more »
US will indirectly confront Russian military via KurdIShIS and other rogues.
*WaPo * *“President Obama has decided not to directly confront Russia over its new air offensive in Syria, believing that President Vladimir Putin will soon find himself in a Syrian “quagmire,” but he has approved a new escalation of U.S. efforts against the Islamic State” * * Translation- Proxy war to create the quagmire* *Obama engages in neurolinguistic programming* *“Obama laid out the U.S. response to Russia’s actions during a meeting with senior aides Thursday evening. Details were firmed up in a meeting Friday morning among national security principals at the White House,... more »
"Too Much Sanity..."
“Too much sanity may be madness, and the maddest of all... to see life as it is and not as it should be.” - Miguel de Cervantes
Russia's Air Campaign Continues Over Syria
*Deutsche Welle:* *Russia launches airstrikes in Syria for fourth day running* Russian warplanes have conducted more air raids in Syria, which it says are targeting strongholds of "IS." But several countries allege that Moscow's actions are also killing civilians and moderate rebels. Russia's air campaign in Syria entered a fourth day on Saturday, with warplanes launching a number of attacks on positions of "Islamic State," including the IS stronghold of Raqqa, according to Russian news agencies and a Britain-based group monitoring Syria's civil war. Russian news agencies cited a... more »
Rejecting Fear
For someone who's always taken a keen interest in politics, I known I've been remarkably silent during this election campaign. Yes, there have been a few times where I've felt compelled to write something, usually out of outright frustration and yes, even anger. I've held back though mainly because commenting on social media about something while angry usually isn't a very smart idea (as a few federal party candidates have by now discovered) and let's face it....my voice is only one of several during this campaign. I do have to say that I find it interesting how certain parties t... more »
*Joaquin Still Gripping Bahamas; #NotJoaquin Dousing Carolinas, Virginia ~Bob Henson and Jeff Masters, Weather Underground* *Cruisin' The Coast participants begin arriving ~Sun Herald *
Bless Me, Father
*By Jay - Ottawa* The following chapter is from a story (fiction) with 9/11 as its backdrop. A group of priests from the New York City diocese are holding their monthly breakfast meeting at "Ribbons," a fancy restaurant located on the two top floors of the North Tower. *** A few dozen priests from the archdiocese had reserved a windowless private dining room on the lower level for a prayer breakfast. They were the canon lawyers of the diocese who had assembled to learn more about the sins of liberation theology. By now the eggs benedict had been disappeared, the whis... more »
28 Americans Among Those On Cargo Ship Missing in Hurricane Joaquin
[image: Cargo ship in dock] The Coast Guard says it is searching for a cargo ship with 33 people on board — including 28 Americans — that has gone missing near the Bahamas after it was caught in Hurricane Joaquin. The U.S.-flagged El Faro, which... Continue reading *“28 Americans Among Those On Cargo Ship Missing in Hurricane Joaquin”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
Obama, Cameron Condemn Russian Airstrikes in Syria
[image: _85887317_russia_reuters] The prime minister said Russian forces were not discriminating between Islamic State militants and others fighting the Syrian president. Earlier, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said Russia’s “unguided” bombing in Syria led to civilian deaths. Russia said its aircraft had hit... Continue reading *“Obama, Cameron Condemn Russian Airstrikes in Syria”* at *bbc.com*.
In the glory days of the welfare state, Conservatives offered programs to people and promised that a pro-business party would run them more effectively than any other party. Ignorant yahoos couldn't get near the reins of power. And, as voters, they were not pandered to. Since the 1960's however, it was felt (by elites) that democracy was getting out of hand. It was put forward that the welfare state was sinking under its own weight. So, no more public welfare programs. With the demise of the Soviet Union, coinciding with the propaganda campaign against the "excesses" of the welfare s... more »
"Islamic Extremism": The History of Wahhabism & The Saudi Royal Family
With everything going on and on going, in the Middle East, the main questions for most people are: "WTF?!" and "How the hell did we get here?" and "Who is working with whom and why?". One of the most important pieces of the puzzle of perceived Middle Eastern "Politics" that people need to comprehend is the HISTORY of HOW and WHO and WHY this was all set up to begin with. Right now, there is a Major push by western governments - ie: the US, Canada, UK and NATO Nations- to demonize the Islamic religion and drive a wedge of hatred between "Christians" and "Muslims". The Governments ... more »
A very 'BBC' debate
Last night's *The World Tonight *on BBC Radio 4 began with the sentencing of "a 15 year old *[Muslim] *boy from Blackburn" for plotting a terrorist attack in Australia. Presenter Razia Iqbal's coverage opened with a clip from the lawyer for the defendant's family, defending the boy's family. (They say lots of nice things and knew nothing, apparently.) She then spoke to a Muslim criminologist from Birmingham City University, Imran Awan (whose self-described "expertise" is in "Islamophobia"). Razia's line of questioning focused on the length of the sentence, her voice projecting ... more »
What to do when a colleague refers to students as bank robbers and murderers?
If you don’t know, I’m a white guy teaching Kindergarten in a school that is 100% Black and 100% free-meals. I am one of three white persons on a staff of roughly 30 that, other than the three, is all Black and majority women. A colleague, who is a person of color, has recently shown such […]
Pentagon Weighs Using Force to Protect U.S.-Backed Syria Rebels Targeted by Russia
[image: syrian rebels] Senior U.S. military leaders and defense officials are debating whether military force should be used to protect Washington-backed Syrian rebels who have come under attack by Russian airstrikes in recent days. The Associated Press reported early Friday that the question... Continue reading *“Pentagon Weighs Using Force to Protect U.S.-Backed Syria Rebels Targeted by Russia”* at *foxnews.com*.
A Look At What the Fall Of Kunduz Will Mean For Afghanistan's Future
*Deutsche Welle: **Why Kabul struggled to retake Kunduz* Three days after losing Kunduz, Afghan forces say they have retaken much of the provincial capital. DW examines the role played by foreign troops in the fighting, and how the Taliban managed to temporarily hold the city. Afghan officials said government troops pushed overnight into Kunduz and managed to retake much of the strategically important northern city, including its center. A joint army and police operation was launched late Wednesday, with ground forces moving from the Kunduz airport. Although the insurgents have be... more »
Doctors Without Borders’ Afghan Clinic Bombed, 16 Dead, Including 3 Children
[image: In this photograph taken on May 21, 2015, shows an Afghan child receiving treatment at a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) hospital in the northern city of Kunduz, after being wounded in a fight between the Taliban and Afghan security forces.] KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- The latest developments from Afghanistan, where the international charity Doctors Without Borders says that nine local staffers were killed when its clinic came under “sustained bombing” as government and international forces continue to battle Taliban fighters... more »
Who Had The Worst Week in Washington? The Secret Service.
[image: Secret Service] Just when you thought the Secret Service couldn't possibly do anything to further harm its already badly damaged reputation, the agency goes and proves you wrong. The latest entry in this Keystone Cops saga came Wednesday, when The Washington Post... Continue reading *“Who Had The Worst Week in Washington? The Secret Service.”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
The departure of Arne Duncan is irrelevant; the appointment of John King is irrelevant
The most important thing that teachers must remember is that they have the power, not middle managers or secretaries of education. Despite mandates, there are countless ways individual classroom teachers can subvert the status quo and teach precisely how they want to teach. As a white male with a PhD, I recognize that I am […]
U.S. Chief Middle East Buddy Saudi Arabia: Executioners Wanted
Meet the new head of the United Nations panel on Human Rights: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abby Martin takes us inside the brutal reality of this police-state monarchy, and tells the untold people's history of resistance to it. With a major, catastrophic war in Yemen and looming high-profile executions of activists, The Empire Files exposes true nature of the U.S.-Saudi love affair.
Chris Mercer "Media saying White Supremacist" Truth is Half Black, but not one single picture of his black mom taken.
The government and media has to stay by their 'created' dialog about Chris Mercer. In fact there must be an unsaid pact to keep that narrative going. Why, do I say that. There are many pictures of Chris Mercer's white father but not one picture of his mother on the internet. Why is that? Because she is black. The media headlines are "White Supremacist" leanings for the reason Chris Mercer
The Great Grace Deception and ‘Swagging Towards Jesus’
[image: Justin Bieber] In response to Justin Bieber's latest profession of faith in Jesus, Candace Cameron Bure on The View said, "I think it's important to remember that when someone says they're a Christian it doesn't mean they're perfect. They are just a... more »
Metaphysics is needed, should face competition, too
Days ago, I discussed Lawrence Krauss' tirade slinging mud at the concept of a theory of everything. I have also mentioned another text in the same issue of the e-magazine, Life Is a Braid In Spacetime, by Mad Max Tegmark, but I think that it's even more vacuous than his well-known texts about the Mathematical Universe. His text is equivalent to: There is a spacetime. Something is mathematical about it. Sometimes it's the future, sometimes it's the past. If one is a bird, he can look from a bird's perspective. If he is a frog, he may have a frog's perspective. If it won't be rain... more »
Over 50 Killed In Suspected U.S. Air Strike On Afghan Hospital
*Washington Post:* *Possible U.S. airstrike hits Doctors Without Borders hospital; at least 9 dead* KABUL – U.S. forces may have mistakenly bombed a hospital in northern Afghanistan on Saturday, killing at least nine people in an incident that will likely raise new questions about the scope of American involvement in the country’s 14-year war. In a statement, Doctors Without Borders said an airstrike “partially destroyed” their trauma hospital in Kunduz, where the Afghan military has been trying to drive Taliban fighters from the city. The airstrike killed at least nine Doctors W... more »
Vatican Fires Gay Priest on Eve of Synod
[image: Vatican service] VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The Vatican on Saturday fired a monsignor who came out as gay on the eve of a big meeting of the world’s bishops to discuss church outreach to gays, divorcees and more traditional Catholic families. Monsignor... more »
GOP Battle for New House Speaker Heats Up
[image: John Boehner] WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republican turmoil is boiling over as leadership elections approach, with dissatisfied lawmakers casting about for new choices and a surprise longshot challenger emerging in the speaker’s race. The upheaval reflects a caucus ever more divided in... more »
Weekend reads, part 1: Editor slams PubPeer; scientific fraud pays off
The week at Retraction Watch featured yet another case of fake peer review, and a court sentence for a Danish researcher found to have committed fraud. Here’s what was happening elsewhere (stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow): “I suggest that many authors do not respond simply because they fail to see any real value in […] The post Weekend reads, part 1: Editor slams PubPeer; scientific fraud pays off appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Economic News , Data & Views ( October 3 , 2015 ) ...... Refugee Crisis Updates ( Looming onset of winter could turn transit state Greece into an unplanned for winter destination - has any pro-active planning occurred for this possibility ? And as the Syria War takes media focus away from the refugee crisis , the refugees continue to stream into Europe - expecting Turkey , Lebanon and Jordan to do more to assist Europe during this global displacement movement is likely to fall on deaf and financially incapable ears ) ........ Greece Updates ( Impacted by the Refugee Crisis and treated akin to a Refugee amidst the EZ - MOU herculean tasks and trial lay ahead for the Greece Gov't to obtain bailout euros and alleged debt relief , political updates both domestic and international touching on Greece ) .... Broader Europe in focus ( Germany celebrates 25th Anniversary of its Reunification , Brexit for UK ? Europe a case of " haves and have nots " economically , Lagarde interview by Huff Po , Catalonia in focus , ECB flailing but will do more of the same QE , Merkel sinking in popularity due to Refugee situation ? )
Refugee Crisis Updates ..... *The Economist* @TheEconomist 9m 9 minutes ago Turkey's Erdogan has already rejected a €1bn EU offer in aid for refugees. Why? http://econ.st/1LnKYOZ [image: Embedded image permalink] *Nick Malkoutzis* @NickMalkoutzis 2h 2 hours ago Refugee crisis puts Athens on the brink. Must read by @Suavlos http:// dw.com/p/1GhYW via @dwnews #refugees #*refugeecrisis* #Greece *Valentina Pop* @valentinapop Oct 2 Erdogan meets Tusk, Juncker&Schulz Monday, as EU tries to convince Turkey to do more on #refugeecrisis http://on.wsj.com/1LWp3x2 ... more »
The Ugly Canadian
http://buckdogpolitics.blogspot.ca/ Give Tom Mulcair credit. He stuck to his guns last night on the question of niqabs. A native son, he is well aware of the xenophobic streak that runs through Quebec society -- and which is occasionally fanned by people like Maurice Duplessis, Lucien Bouchard, Gilles Duceppe and Stephen Harper. Mr. Harper -- in all his hypocritical arrogance -- presents himself as a liberator of women. Justin Trudeau, however, pointed out that there are "more men in your caucus who oppose abortion than there are women in ...more »
U.S. Senators Blast The Cost Overruns For America's Newest Aircraft Carrier
Pre-Commissioning Unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) transits the James River during the ship’s launch and transit to Newport News Shipyard pier three for the final stages of construction and testing. The Ford was christened Nov. 9, 2013, and is currently under construction at Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipyard (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Aidan P. Campbell/Released) *DoD Buzz: **McCain: Ford-Class Overruns May Mean Fewer Supercarriers* The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday blasted the U.S. Navy’s Ford-class air... more »
Can A Chinese Sub Sink A U.S. Aircraft Carrier?
Photo: Via Sinodefence.com *David Axe, War Is Boring:* *Chinese Subs Finally Get a Shot at American Carriers* *A lot has changed in two decades* In 1995 and 1996, Taiwanese politicians signaled greater support for declaring their island country officially independent of China. Beijing’s response was swift, forceful … and ultimately an embarrassment to China. The Chinese army fired several missiles toward small, Taiwanese-held islands. That’s when the United States intervened in a big way, sending two entire aircraft carrier battle groups into the waters around Taiwan — and even ... more »
Hillary Doesn't Blame Her Bankster Buddies For The 2008 Financial Meltdown (And A Little History Of Repealing Glass-Steagall)
I'm not sure how much money Hillary is raking in from Wall Street these days, but every report I've read indicates that the amounts are absolutely massive and that crooked players like Citibank are funding her campaign significantly. Before the campaign she had taken in $34,935,233 from the finance sector, the third highest of any member of Congress in history. In her 2006 Senate reelection bid, her top three contributors were Citigroup ($236,610), Goldman Sachs ($205,670) and MetLife ($156,060), and also in the Top 10 were Morgan Stanley ($123,560), JPMorgan Chase ($122,715) and ... more »
A Photo Tour in Celebration of Yosemite National Park’s 125th Anniversary
[image: Yosemite Valley 1st Sketch Thoms Ayres 1855.Yosemite NP - 900] Yosemite National Park was first established in October of 1890. Although Yellowstone was the first official National Park, this magnificent land in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains was the first in the U.S. to be set aside specifically for preservation and public use.... more »
Bush, Clinton Clash over Gun Control in Wake of Oregon College Shooting
[image: gun control protest] GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) -- Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush and other Republicans declared their opposition to stiffer gun laws Friday in the aftermath of the Oregon college mass shooting, while Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called for a national movement to... more »
*American Colleges Pay Agents to Woo Foreigners, Despite Fraud Risk* Like many U.S. colleges, Wichita State University wants more foreign students but isn’t a brand name abroad. So the school, whose mascot is a muscle-bound wheat bundle, in late 2013 started paying agents to recruit in places like China and India. The independent agents assemble candidates’ documents and urge them to apply to the Kansas school, which pays the agents $1,000 to $1,600 per enrolled student. Overseas applications “shot up precipitously,” says Vince Altum, Wichita State’s executive director for intern... more »
*Stored solar power in Spain -- at huge expense* *Part of the reason Spain's Greenie schemes sent their government broke -- and caused it to renege on many of their subsidy promises. Just the first stage (there have been 3 stages) of the plant cost around €300 million (US$380 million) to build and it has big maintenance costs as well. Even after the big initial cost it still requires a subsidy to keep it going. And it uses up vast amounts of water for cooling -- which is not good in a desert region, where most such plants are located -- JR* On a barren, sun-baked plateau in sout... more »
Does Telepathy Conflict With Science? Many are Starting to Think Not
*Chris Carter *- Leading skeptical psychologist admits that the evidence for telepathy is so good that “by the standards of any other area of science, [telepathy] is proven." The post Does Telepathy Conflict With Science? Many are Starting to Think Not appeared first on Waking Times.
Satellite Images Reveal China Building Its First Aircraft Carrier
Airbus Defence and Space imagery shows an overview of Dalian shipyard in China. Source: CNES 2015, Distribution Airbus DS / 2015 IHS *IHS Jane's 360:* *China may be building first indigenous carrier* *Key Points* * An unidentified hull in an advanced state of construction at Dalian shipyard could be China's first indigenous aircraft carrier * While a conclusive identification of the hull as an aircraft carrier cannot be made until work is observed on the upper decks and potential flight deck, the slow pace of assembly and outline suggests a military hull under construction * Satell... more »
Obama: No More Temporary Spending Bills, Budget Deal Needed
[image: President Barack Obama United Nations] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama said Friday he won’t sign another temporary government funding bill after the current one expires Dec. 11, insisting that congressional Republicans and Democrats work out a long-term budget deal with the White House. Obama... more »
Oregon College Shooter was Enrolled at College He Attacked
[image: Oregon gunman] A heavily armed gunman who shot to death an English professor and eight others in an Oregon community college classroom was identified on Friday as a student in the class who previously had been turned away from a private firearms training... Continue reading *“Oregon College Shooter was Enrolled at College He Attacked”* at *irishtimes.com*.
Vladimir Putin is ‘a Gangster and Thug’, Says U.S. Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio
[image: Marco Rubio] Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio escalated his rhetoric against Vladimir Putin on Friday, vowing if elected to the White House to "isolate Russia diplomatically" and impose a series of new sanctions on Moscow. The Florida senator has taken an aggressive tact... Continue reading *“Vladimir Putin is ‘a Gangster and Thug’, Says U.S. Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio”* at *theguardian.com*.
Hurricane Joaquin Update: Carolinas Face Life-Threatening, Potentially Historic Flash Flooding
[image: Hurricane Joaquin flash flooding] Relentless onshore winds and potentially unprecedented rainfall will lead to a double whammy of freshwater and oceanwater flooding over the next several days for many states on the U.S. East Coast, despite the fact that all of those states will be... Continue reading *“Hurricane Joaquin Update: Carolinas Face Life-Threatening, Potentially Historic Flash Flooding”* at *weather.com*.
Poll: Jeb Falls to 4%
[image: Jeb Bush_400] The latest Pew poll shows that Jeb Bush has fallen to 4 percent in the Republican field. Donald Trump leads the field with 25 percent; Ben Carson is at 16 percent. Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio are tied for third... Continue reading *“Poll: Jeb Falls to 4%”* at *weeklystandard.com*.
Editing out the IRA
And talking about DB... He's also spotted a unusual edit to one of the BBC's main articles about the Oregon shootings: As Newssniffer shows, Version 3 of the article read: In Version 4, this had changed to: Why did they do that?
"Yes, NOW it is"
I see that our esteemed colleague DB raised the point about the BBC downplaying of the 'attacking Christians' angle in the Oregon killings with senior BBC editor, Mark Frankel. Here's their Twitter exchange:
Steely Dan Contest Ends With The Weekend
Sunday is the last day of our Blue America giveaway for the rare and collectible RIAA-certified Steely Dan platinum award. We want very much to make sure that when Donna Edwards leaves her House seat-- MD-04, primarily DC suburbs in Prince George's County-- for the Senate, her successor is another committed and capable progressive. That's why we're trying to help state legislator Joseline Peña-Melnyk raise the funds she needs to compete against a bevy of corporate careerist political hacks-- from conservative Derrick Davis and Donna-antagonist Glenn Ivey to failed gubernatorial ca... more »
Is The Chinese Military About To Transform Itself?
*Image Credit: REUTERS/Damir Sagol* *John Costello, The Diplomat*: *Could China Be About to Transform Its Military?* There has been talk of radical reform of decades. Finally, it looks like it might happen. The PLA is long overdue for a complete overhaul. We’ve been saying it for years, and so has the PLA. Leading China military scholars of today all agree. The PLA is an outdated, unwieldy force that belies a growing technical prowess. I am not the first to note the PLA’s glaring issues vis-à-vis fighting and winning wars; Dennis Blasko has already made many excellent points in h... more »
Time for a new incentives estimate!
It's been over four years since I last published an estimate of U.S. state and local government subsidies in *Investment Incentives and the Global Competition for Capital*, and the data there represented the situation circa 2005. So I think it's time to begin a new estimate, don't you? We have a great place to begin*. *As you may recall, in December 2012 Louise Story of the *New York Times* published a series of articles, "The United States of Subsidies," which was accompanied by two searchable databases, one of individual deals and one on subsidy programs. The latter was far more c... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "By telling the truth at a time of universal deceit, Putin committed a revolutionary act. Referring to the slaughter, destruction, and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa, and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist forces that have been unleashed, Putin asked Washington: 'Do you realize what you have done?'"
------------------------------ *Putin Calls Out Washington — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ October 2, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Putin Calls Out Washington Paul Craig Roberts * “We can no longer tolerate the state of affairs in the world.” President Vladimir Putin* Last Wednesday (28 Sept 2015) the world saw the difference between Russia and Washington. Putin’s approach is truth-based; Obama’s is vain boasts and lies, and Obama is running out of lies. By tell... more »
A Look At Russia's Version Of The A-10
Su-25 Frogfoot *Dave Majumdar, National Interest:* *Russia Has Its Own 'A-10' Warthog in Syria: Enter the Su-25 Frogfoot* While top-of-the-line Sukhoi Su-30SM Flanker-H fighters and Su-34 Fullback bombers have captured the lion’s share of attention, the single most effective Russian aircraft deployed to Syria is the venerable Su-25 Frogfoot. The Russian air force has deployed a dozen of the slow, low-altitude flying tanks to its base in Latakia. But it’s not clear which version of the jet Russia has sent to Syria, however it’s probable that these are the latest Su-25SM version of ... more »
A Look At Why The U.S. Military Cannot Win Wars
*Mark Thompson, Time*: *Why the U.S. Military Isn’t Winning* Half-hearted campaigns don’t change much on the ground In June 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria swept through Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, and drove out the Iraqi forces that the U.S. had spent $20 billion training and equipping. Last May, they did much the same in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar Province. This week, the Taliban—the Islamic fundamentalists running Afghanistan who sheltered Osama bin Laden as his lieutenants plotted the 9/11 attacks—retook the northern Afghan city of Kunduz afte... more »
Iran Poses No Military Threat According to U.S. Intelligence So Why the Nuke Brandishing? (Secrets Revealed About Why They’re Shouting from the Rooftops About Junk Bond Dangers – $2.2 Trillion Too Late)
Lots of fake gasps from the worldclass fakers? The world rejoices at the signing of the latest nuclear treaty as the U.S. and its allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia feign horrification. The one candidate with some foreign policy experience, Lindsey Graham, describes the deal as "a death sentence for the state of Israel," which will certainly come as a surprise to Israeli intelligence and
Military Photo of the Day: October 3, 2015
[image: Paratroopers-900] U.S. Army paratroopers conduct an airborne training operation at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska on Sept. 24, 2015. Thanks to Alejandro Pena for capturing this stunning image!
A Tale Of Two Men And Two Different Visions: Corbyn And Kissinger
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Deadly Russian Weapon System Equipped With Thermobaric Warheads Spotted In Ukraine
A Russian "TOS-1 Buratino" multiple rocket launcher fires during the "Russia Arms Expo 2013" 9th international exhibition of arms, military equipment and ammunition, in the Urals city of Nizhny Tagil, September 25, 2013. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin *Reuters*:* Deadly Russian rocket system spotted in Ukraine for first time* International monitors say they have spotted a new kind of Russian weapons system in rebel-held Ukraine this week, possible evidence of Moscow's continued interest in Ukraine even as it focuses on Syria. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, whic... more »
Afghanistan Redux? Turkey To Play Role of Pakistan In Deranged U.S.-Saudi Plot To Humiliate Russia In Syria
*There's a twist. This time, Putin is Rambo.* *An excerpt from, "'Shut out': Turkey finds itself 'in a very difficult position' with the Russian moves in Syria" by Natasha Bertrand, Business Insider, October 2, 2015: * *Turkey's plans for a safe zone may be scuttled for now, but Ankara will most likely compensate by doubling down on its support for anti-Assad rebel groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al Sham as the situation escalates.* "Ankara would be extremely concerned if the Russians took their campaign into Aleppo, because it opens up the possibility of another massive ... more »
Iraq Cuts-Off Pensions And Wages To Islamic State Controlled Regions
A sign by the Islamic State is seen in the city of Mosul. Reuters *Reuters:* *Iraq has cut off wages in ISIS-held cities, which could tighten the militants' grip* ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - The Iraqi government's decision to choke off funding for Islamic State by cutting off all wages and pensions in cities controlled by the group has plunged people into hardship and could help the insurgents tighten their grip, officials and residents say. For a year after Islamic State fighters swept through a third of Iraq, Baghdad continued to pay pensions and salaries of state employees inside t... more »
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