Mcboomsauce Chris Gober's photo.
Real Coastal Warriors shared ForestEthics's photo.
BREAKING: Shell just cancelled their 80,000-barrel-a-day Carmon Creek oilsands project in Alberta.
Dick Rowan's photo.

The Anti-Media shared a link.
'Well-meaning people worry about it, while others use it as an argument against helping the poor. Some scholars have even written about it. And it has had a huge impact on public policy, justifying cutbacks in welfare programs. But last week, a director of the Poverty Action Lab at MIT, Abhijit Banerjee, released a paper with three colleagues that suggested it just wasn’t so. People actually benefit from the support of welfare and rebound.
After carefully assessing the effects of seven cash-transfer programs in Mexico, Morocco, Honduras, Nicaragua, the Philippines and Indonesia, the researchers found “no systematic evidence that cash transfer programs discourage work.” (See Eduardo Porter in The New York Times.)'
Michael Davino's post.
Debtors’ prisons are outlawed in the United States. Across the country, the ACLU is part of a movement suing cities that are ignoring the Constitution.…/court-by-court-lawyers-fight-pract…
ACLU Nationwide
Unconstitutional debt collection practices have had a devastating impact on people of color in the #Atlanta area.
Read Kevin's story:…/profit-companies-are-helping-put-peo

s to educate voters about issues. Unfortunately, he was asked on live TV from the floor of the Tillis victory celebration about how Carolina Rising "spent a whole lot of money to get this man elected" and he responded, "$4.7 million. We did it." Carolina Rising is not an outlier, but a new group that is already making its mark on the 2016 elections. Groups like these will continue to play a larger role in shaping our elections until the IRS and FEC decide that enough is enough, and enforce the law.
ACLU Nationwide
It is now clearly established that the First Amendment protects people who express themselves by spending millions of dollars. How can it fail to protect people who express themselves by asking for one dollar?
Organic Gardener Magazine'sphoto.
Steve Reichert's photo.
I'm becoming sick and tired of the media saying Bernie is "attacking" Hillary when all he's doing is pointing out differences between them -- and doing so in a civil and thoughtful way. He's not questioning her character or raising the issue of her emails when she was Secretary of State (in fact, he said in the last debate that those emails shouldn't even be at issue), or pointing to some nefarious act she might have done in her past, or anything else that merits the verb "attack." He is respectful and polite. Unlike Donald Trump and many of the other Republicans now engaged in mud-wrestling their primary opponents, Bernie is trying to help voters distinguish between himself and Hillary Clinton. I think that is the responsible thing for a candidate to do.
What do you think?
The People's Voice shared a link.
Moscow have said they do not intend to back-down, despite misgivings by the U.S. and the West, until the job is done.
The Pentagon are claiming that Russia’s growing naval activities risk cutting undersea communication cables, which could cause massive chaos across America for government and members of the public alike.
China has slammed the United States for ignoring repeated warnings and allowing a US navy warship to sail close to the disputed Spratly islands.
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