11:45pm MDST
*Terence Newton* - A sounding rocket test leaves vapor trails in the skies
130 miles above sea level.
The post NASA Takes Chemtrail Spraying Program to Outer Space appeared
first on Waking Times.
Author Claims Origins Of Christianity Were Founded On Cannibalism
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 18 minutes ago
A new book entitled, The Babylonian Origins of the Christian Religion,
claims that one of the central sacraments of the Christian faith involves
disturbing acts of cannibalism that has its roots traced back to ancient
Babylon. Worldnewsdailyreport.com reports: In his controversial book,
entitled The Babylonian Origins of the Christian Religion, Professor
Eppstein claims that the acts of drinking wine and eating bread,
symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ, are actually inspired by
a ritual in honor of the Babylonian goddess of the Underworld, Ereshkigal.
This ritual, called th... more »
Russia To Turkey: There’s A New Sheriff In Town And It’s Not USA
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 18 minutes ago
As Russian air strikes against ISIS military targets increase in Syria,
Turkey are claiming that the radar used by the Russian aircraft have locked
onto Turkish jets in a maneuver designed to intimidate. Independent.co.uk
reports: The Turkish military said that eight Turkish F-16 fighters
patrolling the Turkish Syrian border had been threatened by a Mig-29 and
later by an anti-aircraft missile system. In both cases the threat
consisted only of Russian use of radar for a limited period, but the Nato
Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that Russian actions were “very
serious – ev... more »
Netanyahu Promises “War Against Palestinian Children”
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 18 minutes ago
As tensions mount between the West Bank and East Jerusalem Israeli Prime
Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has promised a “harsh offensive” against
Palestinian children. Salon.com reports: While grave violations against
Palestinian children by Israeli forces are a cornerstone of Israel’s
seemingly permanent military occupation of the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, recent policy changes combined with systemic
impunity will inevitably amplify an already dire situation for Palestinian
children. Recently the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, promised
a “h... more »
Propaganda: The West Officially Blame Russia For MH17 Crash
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 18 minutes ago
A Dutch report has been released on the crash of Malaysian airlines flight
MH17 which the media is using to blame Russia for shooting down the flight
by firing a BUK ‘warhead’ missile at it. Activistpost.com reports: The
report itself — despite headlines like NBC’s “Malaysia Airlines MH17 Was
Shot Down by BUK ‘Warhead’: Investigators” or New York Daily News’ “MH17
plane was downed by Russian-made missile, instantly killing many of 298 on
board: report” — does not even conclusively say it was a Russian Buk
warhead that brought the plane down. The missile, according to Dutch Safety
B... more »
Russia Successfully Destroys Most Of ISIS’ Military Ammunition
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 18 minutes ago
Russia have claimed that ISIS have lost nearly all of their military
ammunition, heavy vehicles and equipment due to Russian airstrikes. Rt.com
reports: Sukhoi Su-24M and Su-34 bombers, together with Su-25SM ground
support aircrafts targeted Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) sites in
the provinces of Raqqah, Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Aleppo, according to the
ministry. The jets hit command posts, ammunition and armament depots,
military vehicles, plants producing explosives, field camps and bases.
#SYRIA Russian air strikes resulted in elimination of the most part of
#ISIS ammun... more »
CIA Torture Victims Sue Spy Agency Over Torture Program
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 18 minutes ago
Survivors of the CIA torture program are suing the agency it’s
controversial and illegal torture of prisoners, which was put in place in
the post-9/11 era. The Guardian reports: In an extraordinary step,
psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen now face a federal lawsuit
for their role in convincing the CIA to subject terror suspects to mock
drowning, painful bodily contortions, sleep and dietary deprivation and
other methods long rejected by much of the world as torture. In practice,
CIA torture meant disappearances, mock executions, anal penetration
performed under cover of ... more »
Nazi Gun Control: Three Words that Go Together
John Zmirak at The Stream - 44 minutes ago

[image: Jewish militia1]
Ben Carson is in the crosshairs for his candid, principled comments on gun
control -- which included a statement that the Nazis could have been
resisted more effectively had Europe’s Jews not been disarmed by their own
governments before the Nazis... more »
In A Sign Of Growing Iraqi Frustration With The U.S., Iraq's Military Is Now Working With Russia, Iran, And Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 44 minutes ago

Militant Islamist fighters hold the flag of Islamic State (IS) while taking
part in a military parade along the streets of northern Raqqa province in
this June 30, 2014 file photo. REUTERS/STRINGER
*Reuters*: *Iraq using info from new intelligence center to bomb Islamic
State: official*
Iraq has begun bombing Islamic State insurgents with help from a new
intelligence center with staff from Russia, Iran and Syria, a senior
parliamentary figure said on Tuesday about cooperation seen as a threat to
U.S. interests in the region.
The center has been operational for about a week, and it... more »
Easy Costumes to Make
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 51 minutes ago

Halloween is on its way and kids are deciding what they want to wear for
the big day, but what about you? Are you going to dress up for work, for
that one Halloween party or even just to take your kids trick-or-treating?
Here are some easy costumes you can pull together with what you have!
No Sew Jedi Costume
Easy Katniss Costume
Last Minute Costumes by Rae Gun Ramblings
Junk Food Junkie
Here are three more easy to pull together costumes too!
What are you going to be for Halloween this year?
[image: post signature]
Horrific Declassified Video Shows US Testing Of Chemical Weapons
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 53 minutes ago
A newly declassified video has surfaced that discusses the U.S. Navy’s
development and testing of biological and chemical weapons. The video
titled “Naval Concepts of Chemical and Biological Warfare,” includes
footage showing two large-scale tests in California and Carolina. Vice.com
reports: The video’s narrator does not say what specific chemicals were
used in the tests but notes that they are stand-ins for biological weapons.
From the video’s narrator: “Navy delivery and dispersion of the agents
started with tests made in 1950. A rather crude spraying system was
installed on a m... more »
Is Nuclear Waste Contributing to Warming Oceans?
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 hour ago

Enenews has posted a map plotting location of radioactive water off of
North American coast.
The cesium-137 level is "low," reportedly peaking at 5 becquerels per
meter3, but where there is cesium there is likely to be other
such as strontium-90s.
5 becquerels per meter3 of cesium-137 is about 5 times more cesium than
existed prior to Fukushima.
Is the w... more »
A Look At Who Is Russia Targeting In Syria, And Who Is The U.S. Targeting (Map Of Air Strikes)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago

*Washington Post:* *Mapped: Russian vs. U.S. airstrikes in Syria*
Since Russia’s air campaign began in Syria, its strikes have been relegated
primarily to territory held by groups other than the Islamic State,
including moderate opposition fighters and Syria’s al-Qaeda
affiliate—Jabhat al-Nusra, according to recently released data compiled by
the Institute of the Study of War.
The Russian strikes, which have mostly been clustered in the western part
of the country, have been mostly in tandem with a Syrian ground offensive
that has pushed into opposition-held territory with infantr... more »
A Very Different Lou Reed From The Guy I Knew
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago

A couple of days ago a book came in the mail. Before I retired from Warner
Bros, books used to come in the mail all the time. They don't any longer. I
opened it and it was *The Life Of Lou Reed-- Notes From The Velvet
Underground* by Howard Sounes. Never heard of him. Never heard of the book.
But before I put it aside I noticed there was a note. Oh, I *had* heard of
him. It was a note scrawled on a memo sheet thanking me for the interview.
Ah... yes, the British author who had done the biography of Charles
Bukowski and then one I never read by had heard all about, *Down the
Highwa... more »
How Conservative Twitter Saw the Democrat Debate
Amelia Hamilton at The Stream - 2 hours ago

[image: twitter - pixabay]
Tonight, the 5 candidates vying for the Democratic Party nomination went
head to head in their first debate. Here's what conservative Twitter had to
say. First, Sheryl Crow sang the national anthem, and it was...not great.
it's like she trained... more »
U.S. TOW Missiles Are Becoming A 'Game-Changer' On The Syrian Battlefield
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Fiscal Times*: *Here’s the U.S. Missile That’s Altering the Battlefield in
A U.S.-manufactured antitank missile has taken on new prominence in Syria’s
years-long civil war.
While the Obama administration has officially maintained it won’t provide
heavy weapons like the Raytheon-produced BGM-71 TOW missile to rebels
battling the Assad regime, a CIA-led effort has supplied the system to
opposition groups for more than a year now.
The weapon has had such a devastating impact on the Assad regime’s ground
forces that Russia has allegedly focused its airstrikes in the country o... more »
Aiding ISIS
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 3 hours ago
The evidence is growing that the US and its other allies (Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Turkey, UK, Jordan and Israel) are in fact supplying ISIS with
weapons and other equipment - including those now famous white Toyota
I'm sure ISIS is laughing and saying, "Thanks American taxpayers for
equipping us. How are your pot holes in the roads back home?"
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 3 hours ago
*Humane Society seeks funds to care for more than 40 animals seized in
Bogalusa ~WDSU*
Facebook paid just £4,327 tax on UK revenues of £105m
Hari at Ripped-off Britons - 3 hours ago
Fee and KJ get a tour of one of the global tech giants...
SOURCE GUARDIAN: Facebook paid £4,327
corporation tax despite £35m staff bonuses
Facebook made an accounting loss of £28.5m in Britain in
2014, after paying out more than £35m to its 362 staff in a share bonus scheme,
according to the unit’s latest published accounts. Operating at a loss meant
that Facebook was able to pay less than
A Rift In The White House On How To 'Handle' Russia
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago

*Politico*: *Rift in Obama administration over Putin*
The president’s reluctance to respond assertively is signaling U.S.
weakness and indecision, some officials say.
Vladimir Putin’s intervention in Syria is creating new rifts inside an
exhausted and in some cases demoralized Obama national security team, where
officials pushing for bolder action see the president as stubbornly
unwilling to assume new risk as he nears his final year in office.
Current and former Obama officials say the president’s reluctance to
respond more assertively against Putin is signaling U.S. weak... more »
Day 5 - Fog & Rain in Rockland
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 4 hours ago
The fog was thick when we left Camden this morning for the nine mile walk
to Rockland. After the first three miles the rain started and by about
mile six it began to come down much harder. We took a short break at a
park along the water - we couldn't see anything though because of the fog.
We decided to skip our lunch and pressed on into the revitalized downtown
of Rockland stopping at a book cafe for a hot cup of caffeine. The owner
of the joint told us we could have any dessert for free as a reward for our
Because we pushed into Rockland sooner than expected the Unit... more »
10 years of blogging
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 4 hours ago

Today is exactly the 10th year that I have started blogging. I created this
blog on *October 14, 2005*, and this was my first post.
Fun with Big Government
Government -- to govern, to referee.
Also, to collect fees, to regulate, to intervene.
Yeah, we can attach various definitions and connotations about government.
But there are 3 things which are 100% present in all governments:
politicians, bureaucrats, and taxes. Politicians are elected; bureaucrats
are appointed and hired; and taxes feed them both.
So the bigger the government, ie, the plentier the politicians and
bureaucrats, t... more »
Can Making An Issue Of Renewable Energy Work For Progressives... In Oklahoma?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago

Tom Guild (OK-05)
With the renewable energy sector already creating far more jobs-- and far
better jobs-- than fossil fuel extraction, its difficult to understand why
Republicans are so hysterically opposed to the thriving new industry.
Difficult until you look at the Big Oil & Gas payroll for Congress. Last
year alone, Big Oil and Gas rewarded their Republican congressional allies
with $26,850,111 in legalistic bribes. (That was just one election cycle.)
They also gave their Democratic allies $4,524,072. The industry's most
subservient shills in the House from Oklahoma did especiall... more »
Russian President Putin: U.S. And Some Of Its Partners Have 'Mush For Brains'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*AFP*: *Putin slams US on Syria, says partners have 'mush for brains'*
Moscow (AFP) - President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday slammed Washington for
refusing to share intelligence with Russia on Syria, accusing it of muddled
"I believe some of our partners simply have mush for brains," Putin said,
expressing some of his strongest criticism yet of Washington's handling of
the Syrian crisis.
Late last month Moscow launched a bombing campaign in Syria, saying it
needed to target Islamic State jihadists before they cross into Russia,
which has a large Muslim population.
*More ... more »
The "Morgellons" Umbrella: What it is or isn't
urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 5 hours ago

*A potentially very useful article from:*
[image: Removing The Shackles]
*First off, I am NOT a doctor, or a nurse. I do not have any degrees from
medical schools or universities. I worked as a medic in SE Asia, and in
the Canadian Military (for a very short time- I got out of there FAST!),
and have been using essential oils, herbs and natural clays and essences to
heal and treat infections etc... for over 20 years. I have been
researching these things for over two decades and constantly updating my
personal database of knowledge on a daily basis. What I am writing here is
my ... more »
Is Turkey The Next Middle Eastern Country To Be Gripped By War?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*David A. Andelman, USA Today:* *Will Turkey crack next in crumbling Middle
East? Column*
Growing Islamic State pressure on a key NATO ally poisons already toxic
security situation.
Is Turkey next? The world should be very worried about how that question is
answered. The twin bomb blasts in Ankara this past weekend — the deadliest
incidents in the modern history of that NATO member and American ally —
have all the hallmarks of Islamic State. And by expanding into Turkey,
ISIL’s efforts to re-create the ancient Islamic Caliphate would be a
dramatic uptick in the stakes and scope o... more »
Where to watch CNN Democrat Debate Live...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 5 hours ago
you don't have cable.*
If it wasn't for Doug, over at the *Daley Gator*, I'd
never get to see
anything - and I thank him.
Here's some links he put up for live streaming.
I've got the last one up right now, and it's a very good
picture with no
U.S. Patriot Missile Batteries Have Left Turkey
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago

© REUTERS/ Osman Orsal
*Defense News:* *US Begins Removing Patriot Missiles from Turkey*
ANKARA, Turkey — The United States has started pulling its Patriot missiles
stationed on Turkish soil, Turkish officials said.
"We do not think this is the best time to withdraw these batteries," said
one senior Turkish diplomat. "This is a delicate time for our border with
On Oct. 3 and 4, Russian warplanes twice violated Turkish airspace during
Moscow's bombing campaign in Syria aimed at bolstering the regime of Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad. Then on Oct. 7, the Turkish military s... more »
Fox Poll: Carson Crowds Trump, Thumps Hillary; Cruz Edges into Third
Fox News at The Stream - 5 hours ago

[image: Ben Carson Speaking - 400]
Ben Carson is giving Donald Trump a run for his money, according to the
latest Fox News national poll. Support for Carson in the race for the
Republican nomination has nearly doubled in the last two months, he is
Continue reading *“Fox Poll: Carson Crowds Trump, Thumps Hillary; Cruz
Edges into Third”* at *foxnews.com*.
Wilmore, KY Asked to Remove Cross from Water Tower by Freedom From Religion Foundation
CitizenGo at The Stream - 5 hours ago

[image: watertower - 417]
A small town in rural Kentucky is now the center of a nation-wide
controversy about public religious expression. The Wilmore city water tower
stands above the campus of Asbury University, a private Christian college.
On top of the water tower...
Continue reading *“Wilmore, KY Asked to Remove Cross from Water Tower by
Freedom From Religion Foundation”* at *citizengo.org*.
Sorry for yesterday.
Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 6 hours ago
My apologies for yesterday. Very foolishly, I wrote the thing on my blog
site instead of doing it in Word, first. Then, at the end of several hours
of writing, I accidentally hit delete and lost the whole thing.
Then I went to my room to cry.
So today, we'll look at the Irving press just briefly – then on to broader
Yesterday's Irving press, by the way, had only one item worth reading – it
was by Alec Bruce, and it was superb. You can read about the same topic
(the province's economic benefits from its universities) on today's A10.
Today, there are excellent commentaries by ... more »
Party or Constituency? The Accountability of Labour MPs
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 6 hours ago
I can't say I'd heard of Mike Gapes, the Labour MP for Ilford South, until
the summer brouhaha that was the Labour leadership contest. But that's
okay, I bet he hasn't the foggiest who I am either. Since September, Mike
has made a name for himself as someone unrepentant about his politics,
which are decidedly on the right of the party. Though to be fair it's not
because Mike has deliberately courted controversy or is positioning himself
to lead a Neo-Kendallite counter-insurgency from the back benches. For
whatever reason, the trollish wing of keyboard Corbynism have taken
objectio... more »
Putin Puts Netanyahu On Notice About His Air Support For ISIS In Syria
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 6 hours ago
*If only the President of the United States was brave enough to give
Netanyahu such a warning. . . he would be crowned king of the world
Israel absolutely has legitimate national interests, and it should take
every precaution to defend itself from the chaos in Syria, but when you go
out of your way to make trouble in your neighbourhood by supporting
terrorist groups like ISIS who enslave minorities, rape women, and
brainwash children to be God's soldiers at age five then, sorry, but you're
asking for it at that point. The same goes for Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
and ... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Liquid Mind IV: Unity" (Full Album)
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
Liquid Mind, "Liquid Mind IV: Unity" (Full Album)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXYu7k-O4iw
Musical Interlude: Nickelback, “If Everyone Cared”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
Nickelback, “If Everyone Cared”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IUSZyjiYuY&ob=av3e
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
"The southern Milky Way appears spectacular in this composite image taken
from Mangaia, the most southerly of the Cook Islands. Few sources of light
pollution exist here, home to only 500 people.
*Click image for larger size.*
The two bright stars at the Milky Way’s center are Alpha (left) and Beta
Centauri. They point to Crux the Southern Cross. Near the horizon, two of
the satellite galaxies of our Milky Way, the Small (left) and Large
Magellanic Clouds are easy to spot."
- http://www.astronomy.com/
Pallas Athena and Her Spear-Shakers
Spike EP at News Spike - 6 hours ago

*Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,*
*In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;*
* Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;*
* But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door—*
*Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door—*
* Perched, and sat, and nothing more.*
*Man, you should've seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe...*
*Excerpts from Alfred Dodd's Book "The Martyrdom of Francis Bacon" pp.
30-35 Chapter II*
" Pallas Athena was the Goddess of Wisdom and was sup... more »
Man behind Undercover Videos: Planned Parenthood’s Change in Tissue Donation Policy ‘Admission of Guilt’
Kelsey Harkness at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: Planned Parenthood protesters defund__1438346469_70.119.142.63]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America announced today it would no longer
accept reimbursements for tissue donated to researchers from aborted
babies. The policy change comes in wake of ongoing attacks against the
organization that were triggered by a string of... more »
Running the Numbers : Hitler's (NS)DAP Membership Card
Spike EP at News Spike - 6 hours ago

*"No one knows better than you yourself, my Führer, that you were never the
seventh member of the party, but at best the seventh member of the
committee, which I asked you to join as recruitment director. *
*And a few years ago I had to complain to a party office that your first
proper membership card of the DAP, bearing the signatures of Schüssler and
myself, was falsified, with the number 555 being erased and number 7
entered. "*
*Anton Drexler, *
*Founding Member : Thule Society,*
*Co-founder, Chairman : Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), January 5th 1919 -
February 24th 1920*
*C... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 13, 2015
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Steven Cook, Council on Foreign Relations:* *Turkey. At War. With Itself.*
In his famous and much-criticized 1993 Foreign Affairs article, “The Clash
of Civilizations,” the late Samuel Huntington described Turkey as a “torn
country.” For Huntington there is an irreconcilable difference between the
Western-style political institutions of the Republic of Turkey and the
Islamic cultural and civilizational foundations of Turkish society. It was
a controversial assertion in a controversial article, though Turkey’s
current prime minister (and political scientist), Ahmet Davutoglu, made ... more »
"Sometime In Your Life..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
"Sometime in your life, hope that you might see one starved man, the look
on his face when the bread finally arrives. Hope that you might have baked
it or bought or even kneaded it yourself. For that look on his face, for
your meeting his eyes across a piece of bread, you might be willing to lose
a lot, or suffer a lot, or die a little, even."
~ Daniel Berrigan
Chet Raymo, "Hanging On"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*"Hanging On"*
by Chet Raymo
"I change the desktop image on my laptop every now and then, generally when
I come across a new image I like. In the last year or so you'll remember
that I wrote about Caravaggio's "The Rest on the Flight Into Egypt" and
Vermeer's "The Milkmaid." Live with an image for a while and it's
inevitable that you learn something from it. Here is the painting I've had
as my desktop in recent weeks, Winslow Homer's "Snap the Whip", 1872, one
of America's sentimental favorites.
A simpler, more innocent time. Boys at recess, barefoot in the grass.
Hand-me-down clo... more »
"A Matter of Priorities: Letting Go of the Little Stuff"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*"A Matter of Priorities:*
* Letting Go of the Little Stuff"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"When we stop worrying about unimportant matters, we can devote so much
more of ourselves to what is truly important. We experience numerous
disappointments each and every day. Our expectations go unmet, our plans
are blocked by circumstance, our wishes go unfulfilled, and we discover
that our lives are subject to a myriad of forces beyond our conscious
control. In some cases, our response is powerful because we must invest
ourselves and our resources to overcome genuine hardship. In others... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
Sandia Park, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
“14 Signs of Psychological and Emotional Manipulation”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*“14 Signs of Psychological and Emotional Manipulation”*
by Preston Ni M.S.B.A.
“Psychological manipulation can be defined as the exercise of undue
influence through mental distortion and emotional exploitation, with the
intention to seize power, control, benefits and/or privileges at the
victim’s expense. It is important to distinguish healthy social influence
from psychological manipulation. Healthy social influence occurs between
most people, and is part of the give and take of constructive
relationships. In psychological manipulation, one person is used for the
benefit of anot... more »
The modern censors
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 7 hours ago

[image: Embedded image permalink]
There was a time when the left held marches to demand free speech, while
the right (especially the religious right) was banning, stifling and
propping up the Censor’s Office.
Now, not so much. Right around the western world, offend the
easily-offended–all-too easy to inadvertently do, as many victims of the
Twitterati and the campus cops here and elsewhere have discovered--and
you’ll find the marchers coming to get you, your job, and your family.
As everyone knows, there’s a long list of things you probably shouldn’t say
at dinner parties. Now, ... more »
Shrill Scientists dishonoured SCIENCE now Shrill Lawmen are dishonouring LAW.
Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 7 hours ago

Source: Ice Age NowThere has been much scuttlebutt recently about taking
sceptics - usually using the pejorative term "denier" - to court; eg
Use anti-mafia law to prosecute ‘climate deniers’
The stupidity shown by their use of the term "*climate denier"* or *"climate
change denier"*is that surely no-one could deny climate; and we sceptics
known that climate has always changed.
Today, Donna Laframboise, in a piece titled
The Courts & the Climate
she lists some "other voices have joined the discussion about climate
change and the proper role of the courts,"
- marquee *Sunday Tel... more »
World News Briefs -- October 13, 2015
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*CNN:* *MH17: Ukraine had reason to close airspace before crash,
investigators say*
(CNN)Ukrainian authorities had "sufficient reason" to close the airspace
over conflict-stricken eastern Ukraine before the downing of Malaysia
Airlines Flight 17, according to the findings of a Dutch investigation into
the crash.
The Boeing 777 was heading from Amsterdam to Malaysia when it was shot down
on July 17, 2014, over Ukrainian territory controlled by pro-Russian
separatists. All 298 people aboard the aircraft died in the crash.
US draws a line on protecting* CIA-backed reb... more »
House Unmoved by Planned Parenthood’s Reversal on Fetal Tissue Payments
Rachel Stoltzfoos at The Stream - 7 hours ago

[image: Jason Chaffetz - 900]
Republicans heading up the House investigation into Planned Parenthood's
dealings in aborted fetuses said Tuesday the non-profit's sudden decision
to stop accepting payment for the fetuses will not stop the probe. Rep.
Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and... more »
Washington Post Reporter Convicted in Iran, Reigniting Republican Criticisms of Nuclear Deal
Natalie Johnson at The Stream - 7 hours ago

[image: Jason Rezaian]
Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian was convicted in Iran on
espionage charges after being detained in Tehran for more than a year,
Iranian media reported Sunday. The verdict sparked immediate backlash from
U.S. lawmakers, reviving GOP-led charges against President Barack Obama's
signature... more »
The Poet: Paul Laurence Dunbar, “We Wear The Mask”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*“We Wear The Mask”*
“We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,-
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.
Why should the world be overwise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.
We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!”
- Paul Laurence Dunbar
Albuquerque Frontera NorteSur: Indigenous Peoples Day
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
October 13, 2015
Frontera NorteSur Feature
Welcome to Indigenous Peoples Day, 'Burque Style
The people came from many patches of Turtle Island. There were
Comanches, Apaches, Pueblo, Dine (Navajo), and members of many more
nations. Hundreds strong the people marched, some attired in
traditional dress and pounding drums. As the sounds of flute rose above
the din of early evening
A noble Nobel for the man who told us poverty is finally being conquered [updated]
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
And the Nobel Prize in Economics* this year goes to Angus Deaton, the
author of *The Great Escape,* “which focuses on how modernity
revolutionised standards for consumption.”
Peter Klein “can’t help poking a little fun at the economics profession”
for its recent prizes:
*You may have heard the joke that economists used to win the Nobel prize
for explaining to the general public something that previously only
economists understood, but now they win it for explaining to their fellow
economists something that the general public has always known,
e.g.:Politicians care about themselv... more »
Melvyn Maxwell Smith House, by Frank Lloyd Wright (1949)
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago

Melvyn Maxwell Smith House (1949) in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
(pic by Rachel Fründt and the Frank Lloyd Wright Appreciation Society)
As one commentator said, “A million times better than today's cold clinical
grey house and garden design.”
[image: melvyn-maxwell-smith-house-191]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Stonehenge Builders Lived In Well Organised Communities & Ate Well
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
Archaeologists at University of York and researchers at the University of
Sheffield have revealed insights into the eating habits of Stonehenge
builders at Durrington Walls, (next to Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England)
during the 25th century BC. Durrington Walls is a Late Neolithic monument
and settlement site, thought to be the residence for the builders of nearby
Stonehenge. Study of artifacts found at the site reveals well organised
communities linked together around the land who shared common goals and
feasted on animal products while working and celebrating as free people,
nearl... more »
Deer hunter
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
I have boundless sympathy for the father who accidentally shot his son
because he thought he was a deer. But I have little sympathy for his
lawyer, who seems to have run a mumbo-jumbo defence to have him discharged
with conviction. Hunters need to recognise their mind can trick them, the
lawyer argued. So it wasn’t the father’s fault.
Nothing will bring the son back. But I must confess that I have trouble
reconciling the lawyer’s statements on radio this morning with, frankly,
basic reality.
*The police summary said [the hunter] had seen movement in the bush that he
believe... more »
Mohawk Nation News 100 MONKEYS
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours ago
Noam Chomsky and the Denial of Jewish Power
Spike EP at News Spike - 8 hours ago

*"Jewish power, as I see it, is the capacity to silence criticism of Jewish
power. *
*In that regard, AIPAC and the Jewish Lobby are not ‘Jewish power,’ they
are symptoms of Jewish power. *
*The institutional attempt to silence any debate about Jewish power is
provided by the Jewish Left and the so called Jewish anti Zionist network
(JVP, Mondowiess, Chomsky, Blumenthal, etc.). *
*It is the Jewish Left that attempts to set the boundaries of the
discussion and dictates what can and cannot be said. "*
*- Gilad Atzmon, ex-Jew*
Chomsky Slaps Israel Lobby Theory as ‘Marginal Irrele... more »
A Viewer’s Guide to the Democratic Presidential Debate
LAURIE KELLMAN at The Stream - 8 hours ago

[image: Donkey American Flag Democrat]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Five Democrats vying to be President Barack Obama’s
successor meet Tuesday night for their first televised debate of the 2016
election, a confrontation between one of the best-known women on the planet
and four men seeking to... more »
The ‘Islamic Inquisition’ and the Blasphemy Police
Gatestone Institute at The Stream - 8 hours ago

[image: newspaper - 400]
Ten years ago, one of the editors of a Danish newspaper called
Jyllands-Posten had heard that that no cartoonist in Denmark would depict
Islam’s prophet for a set of children’s books on the major world religions.
Did such self-censorship really...
Continue reading *“The ‘Islamic Inquisition’ and the Blasphemy Police”* at
If Favorites Fall, Watch These Dark-Horse Candidates for House Speaker
National Review at The Stream - 8 hours ago

[image: McCarthy Roskam Blackburn - 400]
Increasingly, House Republicans who think that Ryan won't run and that
Webster can't win are turning to other members who are respected and could
win the votes of 218 GOP members. That number represents a majority of the
House, and...
Continue reading *“If Favorites Fall, Watch These Dark-Horse Candidates for
House Speaker”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Clinton and Fiorina: A Tale of Two (Political) Women
Hot Air/Jazz Shaw at The Stream - 8 hours ago

[image: FIORINA and Clinton - 400]
Depending on your perspective, Hillary Clinton either has a lot of work to
do in tonight's Democrat debate or basically none at all. There's an
argument to be made for the latter with much to recommend it because this
Continue reading *“Clinton and Fiorina: A Tale of Two (Political) Women”*
at *hotair.com*.
Bitter In-Fighting Has Turned The GOP Into A Stalinist Nightmare-- And The Response From Mainstream Republicans Has Been Like Refusing To Get Chemotherapy Because You Want Your Body To Unite With Your Cancerous Tumor
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago

There are few substantive issues that I would find much agreement on with
mainstream conservatives like Charlie Dent (R-PA), Chris Gibson (R-NY), Bob
Dold (R-IL), Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Richard Hanna
(R-NY), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) or Rodney
Frelinghuysen (R-NJ). My heart goes out to them, though. But none of these
congressmen are crackpots, nihilists, infants, sociopaths or anarchists who want
to make the country ungovernable if they can't get their way. David Brat
(R-VA) is. If you missed Brat arguing with Charlie Dent on *Meet the Pr... more »
Has Turkey's Policy Lax Policy Towards Jihadists In Syria Result In This Weekend Terror Bomb Attack In Ankara?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Eli Lake & Josh Rogin, Bloomberg:** Turkey Angers the Jihadists It Once
With Turkish authorities now singling out the Islamic State as the chief
suspect in this weekend's terrorist attack in Ankara, many media outlets
have turned their anger toward the government. Did Ankara invite this
attack with a lax policy toward jihadists in Syria?
For years the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan allowed fighters, money
and guns to flow into Syria, to the jihadists fighting the regime of Bashar
al-Assad. That began to change over the summer. U.S. military officials
tell us that ... more »
"I Might Agree..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
"We are all ONE, say the gurus. Aye, I might agree- but one WHAT?"
- Edward Abbey
Geopolitics: "The U.S. Government Supplied ISIS’ Iconic Pickup Trucks"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"The U.S. Government Supplied ISIS’ Iconic Pickup Trucks"*
by George Washington
"U.S. counter-terror officials have launched an investigation into how ISIS
got so many of those identical Toyota pickup trucks which they use in their
convoys. They don’t have to look very far. The Spectator reported last year:
"The Toyota Hilux is light, fast, maneuvrable and all but indestructible
(‘bomb-proof’ might not, in this instance, be a happy usage). The weapons
experts "Jane’s" claimed for the Hilux a similar significance to the
longbows of Agincourt or the Huey choppers of Nam. A US Army R... more »
“ALPR: Automatic License Plate Recognition: What You Need to Know About This Speed Camera Technology”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*“ALPR: Automatic License Plate Recognition: *
*What You Need to Know About This Speed Camera Technology”*
“Get ready for a smarter speed camera. Corridor averaging uses multiple
Automatic License Plate Recognition, or ALPR, cameras posted at multiple
points along the road. Your license plate is captured and recorded again
and again as you drive past more cameras, each taking a picture with a time
stamp. With some simple distance and time math, an average speed is
computed, and possibly a ticket sent to your home address. These cameras
have already been in use in parts of th... more »
The Economy: "The Fed Broke the Market… Now It Owns It…"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"The Fed Broke the Market… Now It Owns It…"*
by Bill Bonner
PARIS – "Not much action in world markets yesterday. The Dow was up 48
points. Almost everything else ended in the red. Today, another look at the
absurdity of central planning. But first…
We visited Athens on Monday and then headed back to Paris, joining an
Oxford Club group for dinner at one of the best restaurants in Paris – Le
Jules Verne in the Eiffel Tower. Our Mediterranean cruise last week, aboard
the Crystal Serenity, took us to gawk at the great monuments of classical
Greek civilization – the Acropolis in Athen... more »
Much of preclinical research into one cancer drug is flawed, says report
Alison McCook at Retraction Watch - 8 hours ago
A review of preclinical research of a now widely used cancer drug suggests
the studies contain multiple methodology flaws and overestimate the
benefits of the drug. Specifically, the researchers found that most studies
didn’t randomize treatments, didn’t blind investigators to which animals
were receiving the drug, and tested tumors in only one animal model, which
limits the […]
The post Much of preclinical research into one cancer drug is flawed, says
report appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Is Now The Time For America To Abandon Afghanistan?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

US Army soldier Norma Gonzales reads a magazine next to fellow soldiers
while waiting to be ferried by a helicopter to different US military bases
in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan. © REUTERS/ Erik De Castro/Files
*Ted Galen Carpenter, National Interest:* *Time for America to Abandon
“Continuing to backstop such inept clients with U.S. troops merely wastes
American lives”.
Experts and pundits were stunned last week when Taliban forces overran most
of the northern Afghan city of Kunduz. Although government troops appear to
have retaken portions of the city, they were ... more »
Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Clinics Will Be Fined under New California Law if They Refuse to Give Abortion Info to Women
TheBlaze at The Stream - 9 hours ago

[image: pregnancy test - 400]
Two non-profit crisis pregnancy centers have filed lawsuits in an effort to
halt a new California law that will require licensed clinics to provide
women with information about abortions -- a provision that is set to take
effect in January....
Continue reading *“Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Clinics Will Be Fined under
New California Law if They Refuse to Give Abortion Info to Women”* at
Woman Sues 12-Year Old Nephew for Accidentally Knocking Her Down … When He was Eight
Amelia Hamilton at The Stream - 9 hours ago

[image: Child business man - 900]
Imagine, if you will, that you're just arriving at your nephew's 8th
birthday party. Your nephew is a good kid who you describe as “very loving,
sensitive." He just received his first two-wheeler, is probably full of
sugar, and is... more »
Columbus, Ohio is full of good kids!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2015Why can’t the public be told:* A few weeks back,
we noted that Baltimore is full of good, decent kids.
So is Columbus, Ohio! You can see that in the photograph which accompanies this
New York Times news report.
We thought the report was pretty fuzzy, but it looks like we won’t be
finding time to discuss it. But that photograph—taken in Ms. James’
seventh-grade English class at Berwick Alternative K-8—pretty well settles
one basic fact:
Columbus, Ohio is full of great kids! Why can’t the public be told?
Is The Pentagon Lying About Afghanistan?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

Image: Wikimedia/U.S. Army Photo
*New York Times editorial*: *Is the Pentagon Telling the Truth About
New data from the United Nations on the military advances by a resurgent
Taliban is alarming for what it says about the deteriorating security
situation in Afghanistan — and what it suggests about the American
military’s honesty about what is happening there.
The fall of Kunduz two weeks ago was a startling sign of how the Taliban
has reasserted itself, wresting a northern city from the control of the
NATO-trained Afghan Security Forces, who are not doing a great job... more »
British Grandfather Faces 350 Lashes For Making Wine In Saudi Arabia
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
A 74 year old British grandfather has been sentenced to 350 lashes for
making wine in Saudi Arabia. There are fears that the punishment could kill
Karl Andree, who has already spent a year in a notorious prison in the
strict Islamic kingdom. Mr Andree’s 35 year old son Simon, has accused the
government of putting his father’s case at the ‘bottom of the pecking
order’ to protect Middle East business interests, but today the Prime
Minister promised to personally intervene in the case and write to Saudi
rulers to ask for clemency. The Mail Online report: The Prime Minister’s
official s... more »
Afghanistan War News Updates -- October 13, 2015
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

© REUTERS/ Stringer
*FOX News*: *Al Qaeda hubs dismantled in one of the largest US-Afghan raids
ever, officials say*
U.S. and Afghan forces dismantled Al Qaeda networks and killed militants in
a series of coordinated air and ground raids in southern Afghanistan,
military officials announced Tuesday.
“This is one of the largest joint ground-assault operations we have ever
conducted in Afghanistan,” according to Brig. Gen. Wilson Shoffner. The
U.S. spokesperson in Afghanistan said more than 200 Afghan and U.S.
servicemembers cleared two sites, including an Al Qaeda training camp.
O... more »
Supplemental: Mika [HEART] her darling Trump!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 10 hours ago
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2015One of her strangest outings:* We’ve had this
reaction before as we’ve watched the first half hour of Morning Joe:
If you didn’t assume it couldn’t be true, you’d really think that Mika and
Joe must be on the Trump payroll—that their daily TV program must be some
sort of closeted infomercial.
We thought Mika was especially strange today. But that thought has occurred
to us in the past, so naked is this program’s pro-Trump, anti-Clinton
Consider this ten-minute tape from this morning’s program, in which Mika
becomes annoyed with “the likes of... more »
Migrants to Germany Sue Asylum Center for Not Giving Them Money Fast Enough
Breitbart at The Stream - 10 hours ago

[image: migrant crisis2 - 400]
Twenty migrants have sued the Berlin State Office for Health and Social
Affairs because they had to wait more than a week to register their asylum
cases and receive welfare handouts. They are demanding instant payment.
Germany is struggling to cope...
Continue reading *“Migrants to Germany Sue Asylum Center for Not Giving
Them Money Fast Enough”* at *breitbart.com*.
CawRANT Events #13
greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 10 hours ago

*CawRANT Events #13*
Fall has set in on the wet coast....the coho are running in the nearby
salmon stream. The stream has been readied for them by a weekend of heavy
rain. Indoor time due to rains is a good time to reflect on the past
summer's events and time to *RANT*.
*Before I get started though, I want to take time to remember *Kenny, of Kenny's
Side Show who passed away a year ago last September 18th. I still miss his
calm wisdom and acceptance of other bloggers. Most of the hits to my blog
still come from his...a testament to his impact on the "truthosphere"...as
I sometime... more »
See the Sketches J.R.R. Tolkien Used to Build Middle Earth
Wired at The Stream - 10 hours ago

[image: Lord of the Rings]
How did J.R.R. Tolkien create The Lord of the Rings? The simple answer is
that he wrote it. He sat down in a chair in 1937 and spent more than a
dozen years working on what remains a masterwork of fantasy...
Continue reading *“See the Sketches J.R.R. Tolkien Used to Build Middle
Earth”* at *wired.com*.
Donald Trump to Host Saturday Night Live
AP at The Stream - 10 hours ago

[image: Donald Trump smiling - 900]
NEW YORK (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has agreed
to host Saturday Night Live next month. NBC said its former Celebrity
Apprentice host will be the headliner of the Nov. 7 show. It’s the second
time he has... more »
Israeli Military Forces Fire Back At Syrian Army Posts After Shells Land On Golan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

A picture taken from the hill village of Buqaata in the Israeli-annexed
Syrian Golan Heights shows flames and smoke ascending from alleged shelling
by Syrian government forces on Islamic State group's positions near the
Syrian village of Jubata al-Khashab on October 6, 2015. (AFP PHOTO / JALAA
*Times of Israel*: *IDF hits Syrian army posts after shells land on Golan*
3 mortar shells explode on Israeli Golan in apparent spillover from
fighting within Syria; no injuries reported.
The IDF fired artillery and anti-tank rockets at two Syrian military posts
in the central Golan H... more »
Red Pill, Blue Pill.....
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 11 hours ago

From Randy Maugins, of Off Planet Radio:
Will US Arms Sent To Syrian Opposition Fall Into Terrorists’ Hands?
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 11 hours ago
The Russian Foreign Ministry has little doubt that weapons and ammunition
supplied by the US to the so-called “moderate Syrian opposition” will end
up in terrorists’ hands. In an interview with NTV Foreign Minister Sergey
Lavrov said “I want to be honest, we barely have any doubt that at least a
considerable part of these weapons will fall into the terrorists’ hands” A
US military spokesman had said they had airdropped 50 tons of munitions to
Syrian rebels. RT reports: Lavrov pointed out that American society and the
Congress are also getting anxious about the Washington’s previous ... more »
White House Blames Congress For The Failure Of U.S. Policy In Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Congressional leaders in the Oval
Office of the White House in Washington to discuss his plan to combat
Islamic State militants operating in Iraq and Syria September 9, 2014.
REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
*Washington Times:* *White House disowning its failed Syrian plan; points
finger at Congress*
The Obama administration is distancing itself from one of the biggest
failures in the war on terrorism: the collapse of its $590 million program
to train and equip Syrian opposition forces to fight the Islamic State’s
terrorist army.
Defense Undersecretar... more »
U.S. Military: Now is the Time for Iraqis to Retake Ramadi
ROBERT BURNS at The Stream - 11 hours ago

[image: Training Iraqi soldiers]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- After months of preliminary skirmishes and hundreds of
U.S. airstrikes, conditions are now right for Iraq to launch a decisive
assault on Ramadi and reclaim the provincial capital from Islamic State
fighters, a U.S. military official said... more »
Banana Republicans?
Cal Thomas at The Stream - 11 hours ago

[image: U.S. House Republican Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) (C) speaks as
(L-R) Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and
Virginia Brown-Waite (R-FL) listen during a news briefing on Capitol Hill
February 12, 2009 in Washington, DC. House Republicans voiced their
oppositions to the economic stimulus package.]
When Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) walked into a Capitol Hill conference
room to meet with his Republican colleagues last Thursday, he seemed a
certain bet to be elected the next speaker of the House of Representatives.
Subsequent reports revealed McCarthy... more »
The Waking Nightmare of Sleep Paralysis
The Guardian at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: Sleep paralysis drawing]
But it's the hallucinatory aspect of sleep paralysis that is its most
petrifying feature. As a boy, I would experience a frightening sound,
somewhere between white noise and insect buzzing, while feeling a dark
presence in the room. Sometimes I'd...
Continue reading *“The Waking Nightmare of Sleep Paralysis”* at
South Carolina Head Coach Steve Spurrier Resigns
PETE IACOBELLI at The Stream - 11 hours ago

[image: Steve Spurrier-900]
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Steve Spurrier said Tuesday that he made the
decision to resign as South Carolina’s head coach because the team was
heading in the wrong direction. “We’ve slipped. It’s my fault. I’m the head
coach,” he told... more »
Woman Who Grilled Trump Worked as Bush Volunteer
CNN at The Stream - 11 hours ago

[image: Trump and Bush-400]
A young woman who confronted Donald Trump on Monday with a question about
his respect for women is tied to the campaign for one of his opponents in
the Republican primary race: Jeb Bush. “Maybe I’m wrong, maybe you can...
Continue reading *“Woman Who Grilled Trump Worked as Bush Volunteer”* at
Celibate Mothers Push Forward the Sexual Revolution
Michael Cook at The Stream - 11 hours ago

[image: Single Mother - 900]
One of Steven Spielberg's films about childhood, technology and wonder,
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence(, is set in a not-too-distant future when
global warming has drastically reduced the human population. Lifelike
robots called Mecha are supplying more and more human needs, even... more »
How To Avoid World War Three While Confronting Russia Over Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

US President Barack Obama(C) toasts with Russian President Vladimir
Putin(L) during a luncheon hosted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on
Sept. 28, 2015 at the UN in New York. © AFP
*Josh Cohen, Reuters:* *How to respond to Russia in Syria while avoiding
World War Three*
As Syrian rebels face an onslaught of Russian bombs ordered by Russian
President Vladimir Putin, back in Washington President Barack Obama faces
incoming volleys himself.
Critics claim Obama’s lack of response to Putin’s bombing campaign makes
Obama looks “weak” in comparison. Others argue that American “credib... more »
U.S. - Russian Jets Continue To Fly Just Miles Apart Over Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*The Hill:* *US, Russian aircraft just miles apart in Syrian airspace*
U.S. and Russian aircraft came within "miles" of one another in the
airspace over Syria on Saturday, the spokesman for the U.S. military
campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) said Tuesday.
"A couple of Russian aircraft came within visual recognition distance of a
couple of coalition aircraft," Army Col. Steve Warren said at a Pentagon
"Visual identification took place, all pilots conducted themselves
appropriately, and everyone went about their business," he said.
Warren said ... more »
On the streets of Israel today - Warning very graphic violence
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 11 hours ago
Palestinian rams his car into pedestrians and then attacks the wounded with
an axe.
I wonder if Jeremy Corbyn will condemn this behaviour or not.
Syrian Army Releases Video Footage Of Military Operations
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
Form *YouTube*: The Syrian Army released footage of their troops during the
operations in the rural areas outside of Latakia, Aleppo and Salma on
Monday, against suspected Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants.
A Journalistic Failure: How the Kevin McCarthy Rumors Spread
Fox News/Howard Kurtz at The Stream - 12 hours ago

[image: Kevin McCarthy - 400]
What happened to Kevin McCarthy is disgraceful. I'm not talking about the
congressman feeling pressured into withdrawing from the speaker's
race--that's politics. Even as a majority leader with a big edge, he didn't
feel he could unite the fractious Republican...
Continue reading *“A Journalistic Failure: How the Kevin McCarthy Rumors
Spread”* at *foxnews.com*.
Russia Using Cluster Bombs In Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Daily Mail: Incredible footage of Russians pounding Syrian rebels with
'cluster bombs' lighting up the sky with hundreds of explosions
* The video showed dozens of glowing red objects fired into the sky in Idlib
* 'Bombs' caused hundreds of small, violent explosions when they landed
* Human Rights Watch claimed to have evidence of Russian cluster bombs used
in Aleppo
* Fears of an 'all-out proxy war' between Russia, which is targeting
Assad's enemies, and US which air-dropped 50 tonnes of weapons for rebels
Dramatic footage claims to show Russian cluster bombs exploding over Syrian
... more »
Syrian Rebels Pour Men And Missiles Into Frontlines
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

Rebel fighters carry their weapons as they head toward their positions in
the town of Kafr Nabudah, in Hama province, Syria, on which forces loyal to
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad are carrying out offensives to take
control of the town, October 11, 2015. REUTERS/AMMAR ABDULLAH
*Reuters:* *Syrian rebels fortify frontline with anti-tank missiles*
Syrian insurgents are deploying extensive supplies of anti-tank missiles
provided by their foreign backers to counter ground attacks by the Syrian
army and its allies, backed by heavy Russian air strikes, rebel commanders
said on Tuesday... more »
A Look At How China's Military Build-up Threatens The U.S.
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Clay Dillow, special to CNBC:* *How China's military buildup threatens the
As China continues to pour billions into its massive military buildup, a
pressing concern is its territorial ambitions in the South China Sea.
Within the next two weeks the Pentagon is expected to send U.S. Navy
warships to the area that will steam past China's artificial South China
Sea islands in the first direct challenge to China's claims in the region.
The stakes are high, and the U.S. naval action could drive them higher
still. Trillions in global seaborne trade transit the South China Sea each
... more »
Chinese Military Official: There Are 209 Islands In The South China Sea Where China Can Build Installations
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

Chinese dredging vessels said to be reclaiming land around Fiery Cross Reef
in the disputed Spratly Islands, in a May 21, 2015 photo. The Philippines
is backing a U.S. plan to test China's disputed claims in the South China
Sea. Reuters
*Inquisitr:* *South China Sea Offers 209 More Land Features China Can Build
On In 18 Months*
On Saturday, October 10, 2015, Newsweek reported that a senior Chinese
military official requesting anonymity, disclosed what China is capable of
in the South China Sea. She made the following assertion.
“There are 209 land features still unoccupied in the ... more »
The Goose That Lays The Golden Egg: Mining, Capitalism And Gandhi, A Catalyst For Agriculture And Rural Development In India?
Colin Todhunter at 2760 (Twenty Seven Sixty) - 12 hours ago

Global Research, RINF, Countercurrents, CounterPunch
Indian agriculture is in crisis. Indian farmers are in crisis. These crises
are human made. Over 300,000 farmers have committed suicide in India during
the past 18 years. Most of these are due to farmer indebtedness resulting
from economic liberalisation, expensive inputs and the production of cash
crops for export. In Punjab, the original ‘poster boy’ of the green
revolution, there are falling water tables and cancer rates have increased
markedly. Indian soils are being severely depleted due to
chemical-intensive farming, and no... more »
Army Leader Raises Specter of Drafting Women
Washington Examiner at The Stream - 12 hours ago

[image: Female Marine-400]
Integrating women into combat will eventually force lawmakers to have an
“emotional discussion and debate” about whether women should also be part
of the draft, the Army secretary said Monday. John McHugh said it’s still
too early to discuss whether...
Continue reading *“Army Leader Raises Specter of Drafting Women”* at
Taliban Defeated in Key Northern Afghanistan City
RAHIM FAIEZ at The Stream - 12 hours ago

[image: Map of Afghanistan]
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- The Taliban said Tuesday they are withdrawing
from Kunduz, a strategic northern city that briefly fell to the insurgents
last month, as an Afghan official said life there is returning to normal.
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid... more »
Not the Onion, I Swear
Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago

*Correction: We're not eating money. We're feeding it to the wealthy in
exchange for nothing at all. Time to stop? (source)*
*by Gaius Publius*
It's not over yet — in the largest sense — but thinking like this sure
moves the climate car closer to the no-return part of the cliff. The
governor of Alaska wants to drill more oil to pay for ... wait for it ...
the damage caused by climate change.
The BBC (h/t John Irving):
*Alaska mulls extra oil drilling to cope with climate change*
*Expanding the search for oil is necessary to pay for the damage caused by
climate change, the Governo... more »
U.S. Tells Asian Allies That The U.S. Navy Will Patrol Near South China Sea Islands Claimed By China
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

Artificial islands, like this one planned by China, are causing alarm
around the South China Sea (Financial Review).
*New York Times*: *U.S. Tells Asian Allies That Navy Will Patrol Near
Islands in South China Sea*
BEIJING — The United States has been briefing its allies in Asia on plans
to conduct naval patrols near artificial islands built by China in the
disputed South China Sea, a move that could escalate tensions with Beijing
after President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Washington, American and Asian
officials have said.
The “freedom of navigation” patrols, which would come w... more »
World News Briefs -- October 13, 2015
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago

A frame grab taken from footage released by Russia's Defence Ministry
October 9, 2015, shows a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber dropping a bomb in
*Reuters:** Turkey warns U.S., Russia against backing Kurdish militia in
Turkey has warned the United States and Russia it will not tolerate Kurdish
territorial gains by Kurdish militia close to its frontiers in
north-western Syria, two senior officials said.
"This is clear cut for us and there is no joking about it," one official
said of t... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 13, 2015
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago

© Sputnik. Dmitriy Vinogradov
*Defense News:* *Mideast Conflict Reaching New Levels of Complexity*
WASHINGTON — The war in Syria and Iraq has become an “unbelievably complex”
tangled mess of competing terrorist organizations, a senior
counterterrorism official said during a brief at the Association of the US
Army’s annual meeting Monday.
The Defense Intelligence Agency’s senior expert combatting terrorism,
Patrick Prior, told an audience that it is growing increasingly difficult
to map the relationships among the players in Syria and Iraq: Three major
terrorist organizations — al-... more »
Cuba Developed a $1 Lung Cancer Vaccine but We Can’t Have It
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 13 hours ago

It is not stated here, but this vaccine should work with all other similar
At the same time, converting cancer generally into a chronic condition is a
vast leap forward and plausibly allows the whole cancer industry to evolve
into the same pattern we now have for AIDs. A friend has presently has
survived over fifteen years and will succumb to old age. He had entered
terminal decline when the cocktail approach emerged. It really was a
deathbed repreive.
In the meantime this drug needs to get into circulation as soon as
possible. The Drug Industry is also overdue fo... more »
The Startling Near-Death Experience of Author Anita Moorjani
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 13 hours ago
[image: The startling near-death experience of author Anita Moorjani]
This story is exceptional and do read the book. The body had died and then
for all intents and purposes, the spirit body resurrected the body and went
to work at quickly healing all damage faster than any thought possible.
What has become exceptionally clear is that the spirit world has decided to
bring back a large number of witnesses to inform us of how the afterlife
works. This mass of direct evidence that is mostly undeniable unless you
are mentally frozen is powerful and sufficient to provide ample necess... more »
The Left Really Hates Ben Carson
Dennis Prager at The Stream - 13 hours ago

[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 09: Republican presidential candidate Dr.
Ben Carson addresses the National Press Club Newsmakers Luncheon October 9,
2015 in Washington, DC. Carson was at the press club to promote his new
book, 'A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our
Constitutional Liberties,' and did not shy away from leveling criticism at
members of the news media.]
The invective against Dr. Ben Carson coming from the left is extraordinary,
even for the left. Now that Carson, one of the pre-eminent brain surgeons
in America, has become a viable candidate fo... more »
The ‘Gun Control’ Farce
Thomas Sowell at The Stream - 13 hours ago

[image: Gun Free Zone - 900]
President Obama’s intrusion into the mourning community of Roseburg,
Oregon, in order to promote his political crusade for stronger gun control
laws, is part of a pattern of his using various other sites of shooting
rampages in the past to... more »
Islamic State casualties and scenarios
Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 13 hours ago
Watch is reporting that coalition air strikes have killed 20 000 ISIS
members, which means an unknown but likely high number of wounded. I
don't think IS battlefield medicine is of a NATO standard, meaning that
many of the killed would likely have survived in other circumstances.
Still, 20 000 is a lot. To put in perspective, it's nearly half of the
more than 50 000 US troops killed in
Is less publishing linked to more plagiarism?
Alison Abritis at Retraction Watch - 13 hours ago
Countries that publish less science appear to “borrow” more language from
others than other, more scientifically prolific countries, according to a
new small study. Using a novel approach of comparing a country’s total
citations against its total published papers (CPP), the authors categorized
80 retractions from journals in general and internal medicine. This is a […]
The post Is less publishing linked to more plagiarism? appeared first on Retraction
Marine Food Chain Collapse Predicted For The Oceans
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
According to Australian researchers rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
together with global warming is leading to increased acidity of the oceans
and the predicted collapse of the marine food chain from the top down. The
decrease in the bio diversity of marine life will have consequences for the
big fish to the little fish and ultimately humanity who depends on the
fruits of the sea. Raw Story reports: The first-of-its-kind global analysis
of marine responses to climate change forecasts a grim future for fish.
Marine ecologists from the University of Adelaide reviewed more than ... more »
Chinese Female Cabin Crew Found Stuffed In Luggage Compartments
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
Images of female cabin crew inside the overhead luggage compartments of a
Chinese airline have caused a stir online. The cabin crew were forced into
lockers by security staff after completing 30 to 50 hours of service as
part of an “industry ritual”. The photos appeared on WeChat and went viral
on social media. The BBC reports: Kunming Airlines has issued a statement
saying it was investigating the matter. The company said the incident
occurred after the crew had completed their duties and that the safety of
the flight was not affected. Kunming Airlines The airline added that it had ... more »
Lost Aussie Hunter Survives 6 Days Without Water In The Outback
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
An Aussie hunter who managed to get lost in the Great Victoria Desert in
Western Australia was found lying under the shade of a tree surviving on a
diet of black ants. Australian police have reported the man to be showing
signs of a positive recovery after his 6 day ordeal without food and water
in the vast red desert. CNN reports: Reginald Foggerdy, 62, had embarked on
a hunting trip last week with his brother in the Great Victoria Desert in
Western Australia. He went missing Wednesday after setting off to hunt
animals in the dry, sandy wilderness, wearing only a t-shirt, shorts and... more »
ISIS Threatens to Execute 180 Assyrian Christians
The Christian Post at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: An Assyrian woman attends a mass in solidarity with the Assyrians
abducted by Islamic State fighters in Syria earlier this week, inside
Ibrahim al-Khalil church in Jaramana, eastern damascus March 1, 2015.
Militants in northeast Syria are now estimated to have abducted at least
220 Assyrian Christians this week, a group monitoring the war reported.]
The Islamic State terror group claims it will be executing 180 Assyrian
Christians who were kidnapped in mass raids in February, after negotiators
failed to meet the jihadists’ high asking price to free the hostages. ARA
News repo... more »
Letter To Mark Carney
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 14 hours ago

Alex Henney has written to Mark Carney, in response to the latter’s
speech at Lloyds last week: Mr. Mark Carney Governor The Bank of
England 1 Threadneadle Street London EC2R 8AH.
Adaptation.reporting@bankofengland.co.uk Dear Mr. Carney, I regret to say
that you have many factual errors in your speech to Lloyds. It […]
CNN's Hit Piece on Trump Backfires...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 14 hours ago

*according to The Last Refuge which was linked on Drudge.*
From: The The Last Refuge:
During an appearance at a Jon Huntsman “No Labels” event, a female audience
member named *Lauren Batchelder* played the role of a female antagonist
toward candidate Donald Trump.
However, Ms. Batchelder is not just an average audience member. *She’s a
paid political operative of the GOP and a paid staff member of Team Jeb
[image: NH 6]
Within minutes of her scripted performance at the event, the producers of
CNN were quickly editing soundbites and framing a narrative. That story
was p... more »
Dutch Safety Board Reports MH17 Shot Down With Soviet BUK Missile
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 14 hours ago
The Dutch Safety Board has released its report on flight MH17- See Video
below. It reports a BUK surface-to-air missile was used with a 9N314M
warhead to down the Malaysian plane over Eastern Ukraine on July 17 last
year. All 298 including 80 children, and 15 crew members were killed. The
Boeing 777 was flying over a war zone containing the type of arms necessary
to strike the plane. Ukrainian aviation regulators were aware of the
dangers to civil aviation aircraft and yet kept the airspace open till
after the fatal shoot down. RT reports: “In the months before the crash, at
least 1... more »
Planned Parenthood Announces They’ll Stop Taking Money for Baby Body Parts
Anika Smith at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: Planned Parenthood Federation President Cecile Richards testifies
before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Capitol
Hill in Washington, Sept. 29.]
The Wall Street Journal has breaking news on Planned Parenthood this
morning: Planned Parenthood Federation of America said it is immediately
stopping taking reimbursements for procuring fetal tissue for medical
research, an attempt to tamp down controversy that has led... more »
Inside the Clinton Campaign’s Email Scandal Turmoil
Politico at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: Hillary Clinton Still Won’t Answer on Keystone: I’ll Tell You When
I Become President]
Halfway through her long and humbling summer, Hillary Clinton ran into an
old friend who wanted to know how she was bearing up under the pressure of
near-daily revelations about the use of her private email server during her
Continue reading *“Inside the Clinton Campaign’s Email Scandal Turmoil”* at
Hollywood Can’t Handle the Truth
Rich Lowry at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: Truth Trailer Screenshot - 900]
There are many things that real people do to become the subject of
sympathetic movies. Make a flawless emergency landing in the Hudson River
with a disabled passenger jet full of passengers. Survive a devastating
storm atop Mount Everest. Become... more »
Cardinal Pell Responds to Reports of Synod Letter
Catholic News Agency at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: Cardinal - 400]
Vatican City, Oct 12, 2015 / 01:39 pm (CNA/EWTN News) -- The text of a
letter allegedly written by 13 cardinals to Pope Francis is inaccurate,
said Cardinal George Pell, prefect of the Vatican’s Secretariat for the
Economy, adding that the...
Continue reading *“Cardinal Pell Responds to Reports of Synod Letter”* at
Three Israelis killed in Jerusalem attacks per BBC News
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 14 hours ago
The BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-34513753 on the
latest Islamist terrorist attacks on Jews in Jerusalem includes the line
'The militant Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which dominates the Gaza
Strip, praised the "heroic operations in Jerusalem and greets the heroes
who carried them out".'
That's the 'friends' of Jeremy Corbyn speaking again. Will Jeremy Corbyn
condemn Hamas or even comment on what's happening in Jerusalem, or is that
unlikely as he apparently couldn't even bring himself to say the word
Israel at the Labour Party Friends of Isr... more »
The Pentagon Wants A Drone That Disintegrates In Sunlight
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago

The drone must be able to travel 93 miles (150km) and able to drop a
package weighing less than three lbs ( 1.4kg) onto a target measuring no
more than 33 feet (10metres). A diagram of a landing zone is shown
*Daily Mail*: *The 'vampire' drone that disappears in sunlight: Pentagon
calls for design that drops payloads at night, before vanishing without a
* Icarus program is named after boy in Greek myth who flew close to the sun
* Aims to develop drones capable of carrying a small payload that 'vanish
within four hours of payload delivery or within 30 minutes of ...twilight'
*... more »
More Space Week
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 15 hours ago

*Odisha, India*
*New Haven, CT**Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea *
Casualties Go Back Up In Iraq After Eid Holiday
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 15 hours ago
With the end of the Eid holidays and Iraqi papers back at work there was an
expected increase in casualties in the country although the number of
reported attacks remained low. As usual, most of the fighting was
concentrated in Anbar and Salahaddin, plus there were a number of mass
casualty car bombs as the Islamic State continued with its bombing
There were only 105 reported security incidents in Iraq from October 1-7,
2015. That was the lowest number counted for any full week of the year,
surpassing the previous low of 108 recorded May 22-28. Baghdad had the most
att... more »
Playoff Homeplate Umps Miss 10% of Their Calls
FiveThirtyEight at The Stream - 15 hours ago

[image: Homeplate ump]
But although this year's playoffs have contained a couple of poorly called
games, it's not quite time to kill the umpires yet. Their overall
strike-zone accuracy this postseason has not been significantly lower than
what it was in the regular...
Continue reading *“Playoff Homeplate Umps Miss 10% of Their Calls”* at
SWEET DEMON ALABAMA: “Inconvenient facts are ignored!”
bob somerby at the daily howler - 15 hours ago
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2015Part 2—Alabama’s 28 counties:* In this morning’s
New York Times, David Brooks bashes the pseudo-conservative world’s
revolution of the saints.
This ongoing, sputtering revolution features “elected leaders of
jaw-dropping incompetence,” Brooks incomparably says. He lists the values
and practices which took hold when these saints came to power:
“Political identity became a sort of ethnic identity,” Brooks writes. Also
this: “Compromise is corruption. Inconvenient facts are ignored.”
Inconvenient facts are ignored! We thought of our own tribe’s most recent
... more »
Violence Between Israelis And Palestinians Escalates
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*NYT*: *4 Attacks by Palestinians Leave 3 Dead in Israel*
JERUSALEM — Four attacks by Palestinians in Jerusalem and a city 40 miles
away killed three Israeli Jews and wounded at least a dozen others in two
hours on Tuesday morning, the police said, the most intense eruption so far
in two weeks of escalating violence that has alarmed Israel and flummoxed
its security forces.
The Israeli authorities said two assailants boarded a public bus in
Jerusalem and shot and stabbed riders, killing two men. The third Israeli
fatality occurred in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Jerusalem, wh... more »
Dutch Report: Buk Missile Downed MH17 In Ukraine
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*CNN:* *MH17 crash: Warhead from eastern Ukraine brought down plane*
(CNN)A missile warhead that exploded outside the cockpit brought down
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine, a Dutch report released Tuesday
The Boeing 777 was heading from Amsterdam to Malaysia when it was shot down
on July 17, 2014, over Ukrainian territory controlled by pro-Russian
separatists. All 298 people aboard the aircraft died in the July 2014 crash.
The Dutch Safety Board has lead an international investigation into the
crash, at the request of Ukraine, which remains locked in conflict with
... more »
Syrian Rebels Fire Rockets At Russia's Embassy In Damascus
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*VOA:* *Rocket Attack Hits Russian Embassy in Syria*
PENTAGON—Insurgents fired rockets at Russia's embassy in Damascus in what
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called an act or terror meant to
intimidate those who support the fight against Islamic State militants.
The two rockets struck the embassy compound Tuesday as hundreds of people
rallied outside in support of Russia's two week-old military campaign in
There was no immediate report of casualties.
*WNU Editor*: Russia better get use to now be targeted .... *Al-Qaeda in
Syria calls for revenge attacks on Russia* ... more »
Amnesty International Accuses Kurds Of Human Rights Abuses Against Arabs
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*VOA*: *Syrian Kurds Accused of Human Rights Abuses Against Arabs*
Kurdish forces in northern Syria, one of the few armed groups in the
multi-layered civil war trusted by the U.S.-led coalition to battle Islamic
State extremists, are said to have carried out forced displacement of Arabs
and Turkmen and mass house demolitions of villages in territory they have
Amnesty International says the Popular Protection Units, the YPG, an
offshoot of Turkey’s outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, the PKK, razed
entire villages captured from Islamic State forces in retaliation either
f... more »
Turkey Opposes U.S. And Russia Backing Of Kurdish Militias In Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*Reuters:* *Turkey warns U.S., Russia against backing Kurdish militia in
Turkey has warned the United States and Russia it will not tolerate Kurdish
territorial gains by Kurdish militia close to its frontiers in
north-western Syria, two senior officials said.
"This is clear cut for us and there is no joking about it," one official
said of the possibility of Syrian Kurdish militia crossing the Euphrates to
extend control along Turkish borders from Iraq's Kurdistan region towards
the Mediterranean coast.
Turkey fears advances by Kurdish YPG militia, backed by its PYD politic... more »
Elsevier retracting nine papers for fake peer review
Ivan Oransky at Retraction Watch - 16 hours ago
The fake peer review retraction count continues to mount. Elsevier is
retracting nine papers from five journals because fake email addresses for
reviewers were provided during submission of the original
manuscripts. According to a statement from the publisher: Nine papers are
being retracted from five Elsevier journals due to manipulation of the
peer-review process that led […]
The post Elsevier retracting nine papers for fake peer review appeared
first on Retraction Watch.
The Ferengi Ambassador endorses the TPP
Steve at GlobaLove Think Tank - 16 hours ago

Free Trade is a great economic idea. In practise it has become a race to
the bottom. Now with the TPP it has become a clever way for the MAN to use
lawsuits to eliminate even basic protections or power of governments to
regulate business. It should be called the Ferengi .Trade Mistake.mistake
Angus Deaton vs naive aid programs
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 16 hours ago
Angus Deaton became the 6th Princeton-affiliated scholar to have won the
memorial Nobel prize in economics. He received one megadollar for his work
on poverty and inequality. I wasn't too actively aware of this Gentleman
and his work but he seems pretty interesting.
He has apparently done lots of the difficult microscopic work in collecting
and interpreting the local household data in India and other poor
countries. But he's had some disagreement with Bill Gates which finally
made me interested in the question what Deaton actually thinks about
poverty, aid programs, and other thing... more »
People are stupid. But right-wingers are disgraceful
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 16 hours ago

People are stupid. And I'm people. And gawd nose that the recent exhibition
of partisan hackery and overall cluelessness among certain Liberals,
Disaffected Liberals and Disaffected Dippers that I've been writing about
of late is also stupid.
But the Conservatives and their right-wing base manage to trump even that.
To a right-wing doofus, physical assaults on Muslim women happening at
exactly the same time as the Conservative Party whipping-up hysteria about
Muslim terrorists and Muslim barbarians and Muslims hiding because well who
knows what they're hiding .... to a right-wing ... more »
‘Safe Spaces’ Exist Because Universities Treat Secular Ideas as Sacred
Catholic Herald at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: Oxford skyline 2]
The main cause of this declining tolerance in academia was laid out
recently by the 'Heterodox Academy', a new campaign by about 20 academics
in the US aimed at increasing political diversity in universities (among
those involved are Steven Pinker and...
Continue reading *“‘Safe Spaces’ Exist Because Universities Treat Secular
Ideas as Sacred”* at *catholicherald.co.uk*.
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*A cure found in Boston for the black/white gap in educational achievement:
*With help from very long hours, an "academically rigorous" curriculum,
"ordered, structured classrooms", "high behavioral expectations for
students" and Statewide dumbed-down standards. In other words, a heavy
dose of old-fashioned conservative teaching methods got the kids up to the
undemanding standards of the Massachusetts syllabus.I felt however that the
story below was still implausibly rosy. So I did some digging. I was
particularly interested to find out how breaches of ... more »
Another Greenie Living In Dreamworld!
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 16 hours ago

Paul Homewood
The world has a better chance of saving itself from catastrophic
warming now than at any time over the past two decades, according to the
scientist behind some of the most alarming predictions ever made for the
planet’s future. Johan Rockström shocked environmentalists in 2009 when
Team Hillary Thinks It Has A Stake To Drive Through Bernie's Heart (Tonight)-- But, As Usual, They're Wrong
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago

If the Democratic primary is decided on issues and if those issues are
traditional bread and butter issues, Bernie Sanders will be the next
nominee. Obviously, the Clinton Machine is doing everything it can to make
sure the primary is not decided along those lines. Hillary's
opportunistically-modified Wall Street agenda can't effectively compete--
at least not among Democrats-- with the decades of genuine, authentic
populism that have shaped Bernie's platform. Her attack against his
credibility is two-pronged: foreign policy (her supposed strong suit) and
gun safety, where she cl... more »
US Airdrops Weapons to Kurdish Militias in Northern Syria: Kurds & War Crimes!
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 16 hours ago
Miami Herald
In a major boost for forces fighting Islamic State extremists in Syria but *likely
to stir controversy with NATO ally Turkey, the United States on Monday
began airdropping pallets of weapons and ammunition to a Syrian Kurdish
militia *and allied Arab forces in northern Syria.
*The US arming Kurds to "fight" the US/Israel/NATO proxy of ISIS- War
*“They started dropping the arms in Rojava early this morning,*” said Polat
Can, the spokesman for the Democratic Union Party (PYD),* the Kurdish
political party whose armed wing, with the help of U.S. bombing,* has... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 17 hours ago
*The ghostly machine of the Warmist imagination*
*Because they don't listen to anybody else but themselves, Leftists have no
clue why conservatives say and do what they do. They can only attribute
conservative opposition to their febrile dreams as due to evil
conspiracies. So Shelly Whitehouse below invokes a "Vast right-wing
conspiracy" to explain criticism of global warming theory. No Leftist has
however produced evidence of such a conspiracy. All they can do is to see
evil in the occasional funding of climate skeptics, quite ignoring the huge
funding of climate alarmists. ... more »
It's No Wonder
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 17 hours ago

I have suggested on several occasions that the ghost which lurks in Stephen
Harper's closet is Richard Nixon. But Marie Marguerite Sabongui, writing in *The
Guardian*, suggests that the ghost which haunts Harperland is of more
recent vintage -- George W. Bush. She makes a compelling case. The
parallels between Harper and W. are striking:
Under Bush, the White House denied the existence of man-made climate change
and gutted the ability of the US Environmental Protection Agency to go
after polluters. Under... more »
Clinton, Sanders Rivalry in Spotlight as Democrats Debate Tonight
Julie Pace at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: Bernie%20Sanders__1444738611_75.187.64.92]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton says she always expected tough
competition in the Democratic presidential primary. It’s likely she didn’t
expect it would come from Bernie Sanders, the rumpled independent senator
from Vermont and a self-described democratic socialist calling... more »
2 Firefighters Die Saving 2 Other Lives in Kansas City Blaze
AP at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: Firefighter%20burning%20building__1444737633_75.187.64.92]
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Two firefighters who saved two residents from a
burning apartment building in Kansas City were killed when the structure
collapsed around them just minutes later, authorities said. Fire Chief Paul
Berardi said two other firefighters... more »
One Swan Does Not Make A Winter!! (GEDDIT!!)
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 17 hours ago

Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public
From the Telegraph: Britain is facing its longest winter in 50 years
after the earliest-ever arrival of a Siberian swan which traditionally
heralds the start of the season. Each year around 300 Bewick’s swans
migrate 2,500 miles from Arctic Russia to escape the approaching cold
Why Truth is Always New
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 17 hours ago
*Christina Sarich* - It takes an open mind – a mind willing to see things
in a brand new way – in order for these discoveries to take place.
The post Why Truth is Always New appeared first on Waking Times.
Shells Hit Russian Embassy In Damascus During Pro Russia Rally
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 17 hours ago
At least two shells exploded outside the Russian embassy in Damascus during
a pro-Russia rally. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the
shelling an act of terror. A Local journalist reporting from the scene in
Damascus, told RT hundreds of people gathered in front of the embassy on
Tuesday, thanking the Russian Air Force for its support of the Syrian Army
in its battle against terrorism across the country. According to Ibrahim,
about half an hour after the rally started, one of the shells fell about
200 meters from the location of the peaceful demonstration. The BBC
re... more »
Hope Fades on Obama’s Vow to Bring Troops Home before Presidency Ends
The Washington Post at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: Obama%20military__1444736137_75.187.64.92]
In meeting after meeting this spring and summer, President Obama insisted
that the last American troops in Afghanistan would return home by the end
of his presidency, definitively ending the longest war in American history.
Obama and his closest foreign...
Continue reading *“Hope Fades on Obama’s Vow to Bring Troops Home before
Presidency Ends”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
AP Exclusive: Clinton Server’s Software Had Hacking Risk
JACK GILLUM & STEPHEN BRAUN at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: Hillary%20Clinton%20Iowa%20Fair__1444735434_75.187.64.92]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The private email server running in Hillary Rodham
Clinton’s home basement when she was secretary of state was connected to
the Internet in ways that made it more vulnerable to hackers, according to
data and documents reviewed... more »
Dutch Investigators Say Russian-Made Buk Missile Downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
USA Today at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: 635802815174973668-MALAYSIA-17-MEMORIAL__1444736734_75.187.64.92]
The Dutch Safety Board has concluded that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17,
which crashed over Ukraine in July 2014, broke up after it was was hit by a
Russian-made Buk missile fired from eastern Ukraine. Dutch Safety Board
(DSB) chairman Tjibbe Joustra briefed reporters Tuesday on...
Continue reading *“Dutch Investigators Say Russian-Made Buk Missile Downed
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17”* at *usatoday.com*.
Chinese Censors Are Giving North Korea a P.R. Makeover
Foreign Policy at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: Participants wave flowers during a mass military parade in
Pyongyang on October 10, 2015. North Korea was marking the 70th anniversary
of its ruling Workers' Party. AFP PHOTO / Ed Jones (Photo credit should
read ED JONES/AFP/Getty Images)]
The years since Kim the third came to power have been particularly rocky
for North Korea's relations with China. In May 2012, North Koreans
kidnapped and held for ransom 29 Chinese fishermen, stoking popular anger;
in February 2013, Pyongyang reportedly...
Continue reading *“Chinese Censors Are Giving North Korea a P.R. Makeover”*
at *fore... more »
How Cargo Ships Got Huge and Transformed the World Economy
Vox at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: container ship]
The MSC Oscar, launched earlier this month, has the greatest capacity of
any container ship on the planet. It can carry over 19,200 20-foot shipping
containers. That’s enough space for 117 million pairs of sneakers. But it
probably won’t hold...
Continue reading *“How Cargo Ships Got Huge and Transformed the World
Economy”* at *vox.com*.
US Air-Drops Tons Of Weapons To Syria Rebel Groups
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 17 hours ago
A US military spokesman said that the United States has air-dropped fifty
tons of weapons to militants fighting in Syria. C-17s, accompanied by
fighter escort aircraft, dropped small arms ammunition and other items like
hand grenades in northern Syria to a coalition of Syrian rebels groups
‘vetted by the US’ and known as the Syrian Arab Coalition. “The aircraft
delivery included small arms ammunition to resupply counter-ISIL ground
forces so that they can continue operations against ISIL,” a US Central
Command spokesman said in a statement on Monday. Press TV reports: A US
officia... more »
The Incredible Effects of Cannabis On Weight Loss and Metabolism
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 18 hours ago
*Marco Torres* - Research into the positive benefits of Cannabis shows how
it fights obesity and improves athletic performance.
The post The Incredible Effects of Cannabis On Weight Loss and Metabolism
appeared first on Waking Times.
The 25 Days of Christ Advent Calendar Giveaway
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 18 hours ago

I love Christmas. I am all about the traditions of Christmas. The tree, the
lights, I love it all. It wasn't until my daughter started to get a little
older that I began to worry that she was seeing the tree, the lights, the
candy canes and not seeing Christ. We have always read the Luke 2 on
Christmas Eve and participated in several live nativities but I was afraid
she was still seeing Santa as the theme for Christmas.
Last year, my best friend Lorene, wrote about post about a Christ Centered
Christmas Advent for Children. She has stumbled onto these gorgeous advent
kits from 25 D... more »
If He Stays: Canada's Sovereign Demise
Rural at Democracy Under Fire - 18 hours ago
*A guest post by Pamela Mac Neil*
There is really only one question that Harper and his gang has in this
election. How can we win? Sounds innocent enough, after all, all of the
leaders and their parties want to win but it is different with Harper. He
will say anything no matter how repugnant, he will do anything, no matter
how ugly or corrupt, he will tell any lie, no matter how blatant, he will
fake any emotion that he thinks will make him seem genuine, he will trash
anyone who he thinks gets in his way and he will promote any issue no
matter how vile, that he thinks his base will... more »
What Should Christian Conservatives Do Next?
Maggie Gallagher at The Stream - 18 hours ago

[image: Supreme Court]
Since Obergefell, many people have asked me: What next? What do we do? Some
suggest we retreat from politics, because (and they are right about this)
politics is not enough. But politics is not the opposite of culture, it
is... more »
More Palestinian Attacks on Israelis Escalate Violence in Jerusalem
ARON HELLER at The Stream - 18 hours ago

[image: Palestinian%20protestors__1444734285_75.187.64.92]
JERUSALEM (AP) -- A pair of Palestinian men boarded a bus in Jerusalem and
began shooting and stabbing passengers, while another assailant rammed a
car into a bus station before stabbing bystanders, in near-simultaneous
attacks Tuesday that escalated a monthlong... more »
Iraqi Forces Seize US-Supplied Anti-Armor Missiles From ISIS
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 18 hours ago
Iraqi forces have reportedly discovered anti-armor missiles, along with
other US-made military hardware and ammunition, in positions and trenches
that were captured from ISIS during operations in the Fallujah region. Fars
News Agency reports: The Iraqi forces found a huge volume of advanced
TOW-II missiles from the Takfiri terrorists in al-Karama city of Fallujah.
The missiles were brand new and the ISIL had transferred them to Fallujah
to use them against the Iraqi army’s armored units. Iraqi officials have on
different occasions blasted the US and its allies for supplying the ISIL... more »
IEA: Southeast Asia’s Fossil Fuel Boom To Last For Decades
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 18 hours ago

Paul Homewood
While western politicians posture, Southeast Asia plan to expand their
economies,all on the back of fossil fuels, according to this latest
from the IEA. The energy landscape in Southeast Asia continues to
as rising demand, constrained domestic production and energy security
concerns lead to a […]
Unarmed Jews Defeat Mass Murder: Revolts at The Extermination Camps
The Washington Post at The Stream - 18 hours ago

[image: barbed wire]
Sometimes the only way to stop mass killers is to fight. That was the
strategy attempted by the Jewish prisoners on October 14, 1943, at the
Sobibor extermination camp in Poland. Despite pleas from Jewish
organizations, the Allies never bombed...
Continue reading *“Unarmed Jews Defeat Mass Murder: Revolts at The
Extermination Camps”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Julie Rhodes - wildlife artist - pencil drawings
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 20 hours ago

we've all done it, we've all taken a pencil and doodled in a book or on a
scrap of paper, maybe while on the phone or travelling on a train or out in
the countryside somewhere...
But few of us have ever done pencil drawings to the level of expertise of
Julie Rhodes, an artist from North Cornwall - seriously, these are just
GAIA PORTAL: Estuaries of Light prolong controls
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 21 hours ago
*Estuaries of Light prolong controls*
by ÉirePort
Estuaries of Light prolong controls.
Lasting silence comes with the new flows.
Fortifications come with the silence.
Actuaries list the culprits.
ÉirePort | October 13, 2015 at 07:17 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Quantum character of gravity doesn't need to be "tested"
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours ago

In one form or another, the content of this text has repeatedly appeared on
this blog, especially in the 2012 blog post titled Why "semiclassical
gravity" isn't self-consistent, but a blog post on a pseudoscientific blog,
A newly proposed table-top experiment might be able to demonstrate that
gravity is quantized,
has convinced me to write this new comment, anyway. The purpose of her
tirade and the preprint
Optomechanical test of the Schrödinger-Newton equation
by Großardt and 3 co-authors is to test the idea that much of the world
obeys the principles of quantum mechanics but grav... more »
Military Photo of the Day: October 13, 2015
Tom Sileo at The Stream - 22 hours ago

[image: Fighter Jet at Sunrise-900]
An F-15 Eagle sits on the flightline before an early morning training
mission on Sept. 17, 2015, at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Thanks to
Senior Master Sgt. Beth Holliker for getting up early to capture this
beautiful image!
No, GMOs Didn't Create India's Farmer Suicide Problem, But
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago
In the end it turns out to be partly true but the alternative is a
superior protocol. Small rain supplied farmers should not switch to these
industrial ag. seeds at all as it exposes them to the bollworm and
financial volatility.
Suicide as usual is driven by financial distress.
Yet it turns out more complex than even that and is a good reminder that
all changes will have secondary effects that may not be good.
*No, GMOs Didn't Create India's Farmer Suicide Problem, But…*
*—By Tom Philpott*
*Wed Sep. 30, 2015 6:00*
*An Indian cotton field, ready for the harvest Tukaram Karv... more »
Cancer, Coverups and Contamination: The Real Cost of Nuclear Energy
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago

The fact remains that the nuclear industry is hopelessly problematic and
this is made worse, if anything through the excessive over engineering
insisted upon by regulators hoping that will solve the problem..
At the end of the day the fuel must be contained and just as certain, it
must also be opened in order to do anything. This has never been a fool
proof-able problem. Hard costs alone make the technology a loser and
empirical costs properly accounted would shut the industry down forever.
Better though we no longer need this industry at all and we can abandon it
all. I h... more »
5 Sure-Fire Ways to Beat the Flu by Valerie Burke, MSN
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 23 hours ago

Flu Bug
5 Sure-Fire Ways to Beat the Flu
by Valerie Burke, MSN
Green Med Info 9 October 2015
*With flu season rapidly approaching, recommendations for preventatives are
everywhere but many are not backed up by science. Can you guess the top
five? (Hint: vaccination is not one of them!)*
With flu season rapidly approaching, many are looking to vaccination as a
"preventive" approach. Those who abstain are often accused of being
uneducated or even socially irresponsible, but nothing could be further
from the truth. Vaccination cannot replace natural immunity. Vaccines
derail your ... more »
Energy 44, Position paper on DOE circular re mandatory CSP by DUs of their PSAs
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 23 hours ago

The Department of Energy (DOE) conducted a public forum last week, October
06 at Intercon Hotel in Makati, for players and stakeholders in Luzon re
its Circular mandating all distribution utilities (DUs) to undergo
mandatory, obligatory competitive selection process (CSP) in securing their
power supply agreements (PSA).
The grand ballroom was overflowing with so many participants, from
Luzon-based electric cooperatives and distribution utilities (DUs), power
generation companies, NGOs and government agencies. DOE served buffet lunch
at 12, program started at past 1pm.
This circu... more »
Chinese Drones For The Iraqi Military
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Alert 5*: *Iraq unveils its Chinese-made CH-4 UAV*
The presence of Chinese-made CH-4 unmanned aerial vehicle in Iraq was
revealed when Defense Minister Khaled al-Obaidi paid a visit to Ubaydah Bin
Al Jarrah Air Base.
*WNU editor*: You can see the Chinese technician watching the console at
the 1:55 mark in the above video.
Did U.S. Intelligence Mess Up Again?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Shane Harris, Daily Beast*: *Washington’s Civil War over Russia Intel*
Politicians in Washington are pointing their fingers at spies for making
them look silly on Russia and Syria. Did our spies mess up again?
As Russia continues airstrikes in Syria, a fight is brewing between members
of Congress and U.S. intelligence agencies over what lawmakers were told
about the Russian military operations, and when.
The House Intelligence Committee, which oversees the CIA and other spy
agencies responsible for tracking the Russian military buildup in Syria, is
“looking at possible problems in... more »
It's Time To Revamp Florida's Unemployment System
Donna Ballman at Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home - 1 day ago
In an excellent piece by Marcia Heroux-Pounds of the Sun-Sentinel, the
severe deficiencies of Florida's unemployment system are exposed. Bottom
line is that our lovely governor and his friends in the legislature have
made it almost impossible for people who have lost their jobs to collect
unemployment. If they do collect, they are put through hell, and then the
government tries to screw them out of their money by demanding it back.
As a taxpayer, I have to ask: why are we allowing our state government to
torture people who have lost their jobs? We have a ridiculously low maximum
wee... more »
President Obama Will Not Be Able To Fulfil His Promise To Bring All U.S. Troops Home From Afghanistan And Iraq
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
President Bush is seen here in 2008 with Democrat candidate Barack Obama. The
*Washington Post:* *Hope fades on Obama’s vow to bring troops home before
presidency ends*
In meeting after meeting this spring and summer, President Obama insisted
that the last American troops in Afghanistan would return home by the end
of his presidency, definitively ending the longest war in American history.
Obama and his closest foreign policy advisers laid out the reasons for his
military commanders. Keeping as many as 10,000 troops in Afghanistan
indefinitely at a cost of as much as $10... more »
What Would Be The 'Cost' If Iraq Gives Permission To The Russian Military To Launch Bombing Raids Against ISIS Targets In Iraq?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*Stratfor:* *The Cost of an Expanded Russian Campaign*
• Russia's current position in Syria as well as its naval assets in the
Caspian Sea and long-range bombers in southern Russia would accommodate
operations against the Islamic State in Iraq, but it could strike more
effectively and more frequently using bases in Iraq itself.
• Setting up bases in Iraq would cost Russia more money, time and effort
and could antagonize the United States.
• Through its operations in Syria, Russia is testing its capability to
conduct air campaigns. It is a first for post-Soviet Russia a... more »
Kumpulan Daftar Harga Iphone Terbaru November 2015
D'lumberz Jakz at Yaya Blog's - 1 day ago
Daftar Harga Iphone Terbaru November 2015 | mungkin anda sudah tidak
asing lagi dengan hp Iphone, Iphone ini adalah salah satu hp yang laris
dipasaran,walaupun handphone ini memiliki OS yang sangat berbeda dengan
handphone yang laris sekarang ini , namun sudah bisa dibuktikan kalau
iphone ini bisa bertahan sampai sekarang sehingga bisa membuat para
pelanggannya setia menggunakan
Roy's IN! (Time to Sign Up to Elect Roy N.C. Gov. & Get Rid of 'Thugs in General Assembly) Realizing the 5 Great American Hypocrisies
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 1 day ago
I just got this email from one of my best friends in government, Roy
Cooper, Attorney General, who has thrown his hat into the ring for Governor
of North Carolina. P.S. He's everybody in North Carolina's best friend (not
just mine). Consider his competition. Cirze,I wanted you to hear this
first: I'm running to be your next governor. It’s time for North Carolina
to work for everyone, not
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Ruined The First Debate Already-- They Should Fire Her Before She Ruins The Rest
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Thank God-- a debate without Trump! Finally! Watching every word from every
candidate being geared to pleasing or provoking Trump-- based on each one
of these nothings' strategies for dealing with him plurality of primary
voters-- has been sickening and demeaning of the democratic process. (Not
that he hasn't stuck his nose into the Democrats' debate. He took a hand in
setting silly expectations for Hillary to choke on and was widely quoted in
the media saying "a lot of people will turn off after a little while."
After all, without the Trumpish freak show, why would 23 or 24 millio... more »
Daily Fantasy Sports and Cheating Allegations: a Quick Q&A
Kimberley Pierceall at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: iPhone-900]
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Cheating allegations rocked the daily fantasy sports
industry this week and as scrutiny mounts, a largely self-aimed spotlight
has grown blindingly bright on DraftKings and FanDuel, which have flooded
televisions, phones and computers with advertisements promising... more »
Columbus Day In America: Happy Zarco Day! Christopher Columbus Was Indeed A Jew!
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
Yes, it is indeed "Columbus Day" in America, and Americans strangely still
celebrate this day in honour of the man that is still very falsely claimed
to be the "discoverer" of America.. Few people still do not understand that
all of the Americas were known to the old world long before Columbus set
foot on a remote island in the Bahamas Islands group back in 1492..... The
Vikings for example had explored much of North America centuries before
that fateful day....
Yes, our so called "history books" are filled will bullshit and lies about
"Columbus" and his 'discovery' of America and t... more »
The US Is Failing In Syria. But They Are Indeed Trying Yet Another Regime Change In The Middle East... This Time In Iran Itself!
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
The American attempts to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad government and
destroy Syria itself is turning out to be a dismal failure... Yes, with the
Russian Federation now fully committed to save Syria and end the US/Israeli
fraud "terrorist" group called ISIS once and for all, the Americans and the
psychos in Israel have reached a roadblock in their attempts to turn the
entire Middle East upside down and to allow the psychos in Israel attain
their "Greater Israel" project...
But all is not as it seems, for the Americans and Israelis are indeed
continuing their sick wars in the Middle ... more »
Prediction: For whom the bell tolls?
Jarrod Hayes at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
The idea of prediction in the study of international relations has been a
persistent thought in my head for some time. Ostensibly, in our (mostly)
non-experimental discipline, prediction represents the preeminent
demonstration of a theory’s veracity. Of course, this perspective derives
from simplistic conceptions of science as practiced in the natural sciences
and as a […]
If Everything Is So Amazing, Why’s Nobody Happy? Lessons from Plato and Louis CK
Virginia Quarterly Review at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: plato]
I often start the school year teaching Plato's Republic to first-year
students at the University of Virginia. We then go on to read Homer, the
New Testament, and Confucius and Buddha and Shakespeare. But as we move
through the class...
Continue reading *“If Everything Is So Amazing, Why’s Nobody Happy? Lessons
from Plato and Louis CK”* at *vqronline.org*.
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*National competition aims to help communities impacted by natural
disasters ~WDSU*
*Louisiana man, imprisoned for 50 years for killing a deputy, is at center
of Supreme Court hearing on youth sentencing ~Katy Reckdahl, The Lens*
800 Million People Are Facing Hunger
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Guardian: **Conflict drives 'unacceptable' figure of 795 million
people facing hunger*
Despite progress, global annual index says one in four children are
affected by stunting, with Central African Republic ranked worst for levels
of hunger
Levels of hunger in the developing world have fallen by nearly one third
since the turn of the century but an “unacceptably high” number of people
still do not have enough food to eat, largely because of the spread of
armed conflicts, this year’s global hunger index has warned.
There are 27% fewer hungry people in the world today than at ... more »
Day 4 - Acupuncture in Camden
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

We began our day at the UCC Church in Belfast this morning and headed
toward Camden. The minister from the church walked with us the eight miles
to our beautiful lunch spot at Lincolnville Beach. The weather was
spectacular (some Mainers are beginning to like climate change which has
extended our summer weather into October).
What an amazing group we have - today 22 folks - some have left the walk
and been replaced by others. Veterans for Peace national board member
Tarak Kauff (Woodstock, New York) and former national board member Nate
Goldshlag (Boston) joined us tonight in ... more »
Chuck Schumer's Florida Mess: Patrick Murphy, Trumpist
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Chuck Schumer recruited the worst possible Florida candidate to run for the
open Marco Rubio Senate seat. Schumer likes him because he's an
empty-headed conservative who will do whatever he's told (by Schumer) and
because he has wealthy (Republican) parents who will spend massively. But
he has to win a Democratic primary first and his Republican voting record
in the House-- like 7 votes for the Keystone XL Pipeline and his interest
in "compromising" away Social Security and Medicare benefits for the
elderly, not to mention his vote to establish the Benghazi anti-Hillary
witch hunt... more »
Sunni World Deeply Divided On The Russian Military Campaign In Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*Sputnik:* *Sunni World Deeply Divided Amid Russian Campaign Against ISIL
in Syria*
Russia's campaign in Syria aimed at assisting Damascus in tackling
extremists has reportedly caused a rift in the Arab world.
Arab states are divided on how to react to Russia's military engagement in
Syria. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are opposed to any involvement, which
could help Bashar al-Assad retain power, while Egypt, Jordan and the United
Arab Emirates are quite optimistic that Moscow will help fight extremist
forces in Syria, Defense News reported.
Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri... more »
Musical Interlude: "Solfeggio 528 and 417 Hz, Boost Positive and Creative Energy"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Solfeggio 528 and 417 Hz, Boost Positive and Creative Energy"*
"Vibration is everything. And every vibration has its own frequency. By
exposing the mind and body to the Solfeggio frequencies, you can easily
achieve a greater sense of balance and deep healing. The Solfeggio
frequencies align you with the rhythms and tones that form the basis of the
If you're interested in solfeggio frequencies like we are, then this is an
absolute MUST listen! This extremely powerful track is created with
Solfeggio 417hz and 528hz layered upon each other mixed smoothly with a
deep encha... more »
Musical Interlude: George Harrison, “What Is Life?”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
George Harrison, “What Is Life?”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XFfUt7HQWM
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Is the night sky darkest in the direction opposite the Sun? No. In fact, a
rarely discernable faint glow known as the gegenschein (German for "counter
glow") can be seen 180 degrees around from the Sun in an extremely dark
sky. The gegenschein is sunlight back-scattered off small interplanetary
dust particles. These dust particles are millimeter sized splinters from
asteroids and orbit in the ecliptic plane of the planets.
*Click image for larger size.*
Pictured above from last year is one of the more spectacular pictures of
the gegenschein yet taken. Here a deep exposure of an extr... more »
"Why Are You Waiting?
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make,
who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?"
~ Stephen Levine
Chet Raymo, “The Time For The Tellable”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* “The Time For The Tellable”*
by Chet Raymo
“When I first set foot on the plank bridge over Queset Brook fifty-one
years ago, I saw a kingfisher. I haven't seen one since. But I've seen
pretty much everything else. The bridge is an emperor's loge, the catbird's
seat. If I stand there for five minutes something wonderful is sure to
appear. A box turtle. A monarch butterfly. A fleet of whirligigs. The
orange flash of an oriole. And there, oh there, among the water lilies
where the brook splays into the pond, a heron, watching with its glittering
Fifty-one years and the day is ... more »
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!
No sense have they of ills to come, nor care beyond today.”
- Thomas Gray
Paulo Coelho, “Things As They Are”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Things As They Are”*
by Paulo Coelho
“Of course things don’t always happen they way we wish they would. There
are moments in which we feel we are seeking something that is not meant for
us, knocking on doors that don’t open, waiting for miracles that don’t
manifest themselves. Fortunately that is the way things are – if everything
went the way we wanted, soon we would no longer have anything to write
about, nothing to guide our daily thoughts. This script serves our dreams
as nourishment, but to our battles as energy. And as it always happens with
the warriors that spend all thei... more »
Qing period irrigation systems
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago

From Beyond Technology: Japanese Colonial Mapping of Water Estates in
Taiwan 1901-1921 (Wu & Lay, 2015, link)
In traditional Taiwanese society, irrigation systems, including canals and
ponds, were created as private property and shared by different
communities. Usually, individuals or groups of landlords provided the
capital for building such irrigation facilities (Chang, 1983; Chen, 2009;
Tsai, 1999). These landlords were titled as canal owners, who owned the
irrigation facilities and water. By signing contracts, they transferred the
rights of water accessibility to farmers, who b... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Keauhou, Hawaii, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Mexico's Missing 43 Remembered in Paris Oct 10, 2015
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Photos by Christine Prat
The 35th Indigenous Peoples Day!
The President and vice-President of CSIS, American Indian Solidarity Committee, join Mexican women to pay tribute.
"There is Only Now, Fresh and Unfixed"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"There is Only Now, Fresh and Unfixed"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Being present lets us experience each moment in our lives in a way that
cannot be fully lived through memory or fantasy. It can be easy for us to
walk through the world and our lives without really being present. While
dwelling on the past and living for the future are common pastimes, it is
physically impossible to live anywhere but the present moment. We cannot
step out our front door and take a left turn to May of last year, any more
than we can take a right turn to December 2010. Nevertheless, we can easily... more »
"The Reflection Of Ourselves..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly
themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in
loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness
to ourselves, then we do not love *them*: we only love the reflection of
ourselves we find in them.”
- Thomas Merton
The Siege of Philadelphia Public Schools | Update
phila.ken at Schools Matter - 1 day ago

By Ken Derstine @ Defend Public Education!
October 11, 2015
*This post is an update to the post:**The Siege of Philadelphia Public
Schools | Defend Public Education!*
*August 29, 2015*
*Philadelphia public school Superintendent William Hite with some of his
management team. *
On September 15, 2015 the Philadelphia Public School Notebook published an
interview with Philadelphia School Superintendent William Hite. In the
interview, the interviewer stated, “Some people seem convinced that you are
here to privatize and that has been your task.” Hite replied,
“That’s kind of silly,... more »
UN Special Envoy To Syria Warns That The Country May End Up Being Partitioned
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, addresses a
news conference on the latest developments in Syria at the United Nations
European headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 12, 2015.
*VOA:* *UN Official: Partition of Syria Possible if No Improvement*
GENEVA - A senior United Nations official warns the partition of Syria is
possible if the situation in the conflict-ridden country continues to
deteriorate or is left in its current chaotic state.
Staffan de Mistura said he considers the possible partition of Syria as one
of the worst-case scenarios, and he said... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 12, 2015
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Police in Diyarbakir, Turkey, on October 11 use tear gas and a water cannon
to disperse people marching to protest the double suicide bombing in Ankara
that killed dozens. The violent summer in Turkey reflects an elite’s greed
for power and willingness to treat civilians as dispensable, the author
*Alpaslan Ozerdem, Newsweek/Conversation:* *The Ankara Bombs: How Erdogan
Stands to Gain*
It had already been a deadly summer of political instability in Turkey. And
now this. Another bloody massacre—this time at the hand of twin bomb
attacks on a peace rally... more »
Hubble Telescope Discovers Mysterious Undulating Objects In Space
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Astronomers at the Paris Observatory studying photos taken by the Hubble
Telescope and ESO’s Very Large Telescope have found strange wave-like
structures, 32 light years away from Earth near a Red Dwarf in the
Microscope constellation. Sputnik News reports: A team of astronomers led
by Anthony Boccaletti has been searching the gas-and-dust disc of a young
star AU Microscopii for any signs of clumpy or warped features, as such
signs might give away the location of possible planets. AU Mic is located
in the Microscope constellation, 32 light years away from Earth. It is a
small dim st... more »
Corbymania and Momentum
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 1 day ago
Not being totally on the ball, I missed last week's announcement that
supporters of Jeremy's successful leadership bid had declared their own
organisation: Momentum. And now I'm over my curmudgeonly curmudgeonness,
I'm going to take this opportunity to welcome it as a good thing.
It can go some way to addressing the "problem" of the Corbyn surge. This
isn't a problem in terms of numbers, or that plenty of MPs are worried they
may face deselection (IMO, reselection should be a matter of course), but
one of harnessing the new found enthusiasm *and* integrating the masses of
new memb... more »
Mixed feelings
sue at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago
This is Orla Geurin’s report, and the topic of BBC Watch’s recent post. Orla
gives the Palestinian side of the story.
But not all of it.
Shafi Halabi, the killer’s father is grief-stricken but unapologetic, Orla
tells us. He says he feels pride and sorrow. As Hadar says, it’s a
sympathetic portrait. Here’s the bit that the BBC didn’t feature, from
“I speak while I am blessing my son on his martyrdom death and I am proud
that he died to defend the women of Palestine. He avenged the women
carrying out Ribat (religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic)... more »
Think Reports of How ISIS Treats Women Are Too Awful to Be True? Think Again
Verily Magazine at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: ISIS - 400]
I have always been interested in the Middle East, specifically the Syrian
conflict. In early summer 2014, as part of my master's dissertation, I went
to Lebanon to work with the United Nations. I was still there when the
Continue reading *“Think Reports of How ISIS Treats Women Are Too Awful to
Be True? Think Again”* at *verilymag.com*.
How Europe’s Leftist Elite Drove the Rise of the Far Right
The American Interest at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Islamic, Muslim]
Elections, governmental maneuvering, and a fistful of polls released this
weekend all showed the far-right on the rise in Europe. In Vienna, the
Freedom Party (whom Charles Hawley profiled in these pages last month) won
a third of the vote for Mayor, almost toppling 70...
Continue reading *“How Europe’s Leftist Elite Drove the Rise of the Far
Right”* at *the-american-interest.com*.
Texas Congressman Joins Speaker Race
The Blaze at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Flores]
Texas Republican Rep. Bill Flores officially announced his candidacy to
replace outgoing House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) Monday, his
spokesperson confirmed to The Blaze Monday afternoon. Andre Castro, Flores'
communications director, confirmed the GOP lawmaker's planned candidacy in
an email...
Continue reading *“Texas Congressman Joins Speaker Race”* at *theblaze.com*.
World News Briefs -- October 12, 2015 (Evening edition)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Reuters:* *Islamic State is prime suspect in Turkey bombing, as protests
Turkey's government said on Monday Islamic State was the prime suspect in
suicide bombings that killed at least 97 people in Ankara, but opponents
vented anger at President Tayyip Erdogan at funerals, universities and
The father of three men wounded in the blasts told Reuters one of his sons
had described seeing one of the bombers carrying a bag on his back and one
in his hand, and called out "stop" before the bomb detonated.
Pentagon airdrops ammunition to groups *fightin... more »
The Economy: “US $18 TRILLION Debt Being Dumped; Economic Endgame?”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“US $18 TRILLION Debt Being Dumped; Economic Endgame?”*
by Carl Herman
"Elliott Wave International’s 3-minute video documents US debt securities
being sold by other nations’ governments (and here). This is in context of
the historically ever-increasing US federal government’s $18 trillion debt.
US “leadership” chose to somehow “freeze” their debt for the last 200 days,
a seeming impossibility, with “debt ceiling” again addressed in Congress as
ongoing theatrics.
Demonocracy’s 2-minute video to visualize the unimaginable magnitude of not
millions or billions, but trillions of dolla... more »
"No grades in higher education now!" -- The academic freedom case of Denis Rancourt inspires leading education research
Denis Rancourt at Activist Teacher - 1 day ago
is the revolution any closer?
By Denis G. Rancourt
Author and social scientist Stuart Tannock has recently published a
historical and critical overview of the practice of grading in
education, in which he concludes [1]:
"This article uses the example of assessment to argue that if the
public university is to perform the role of fostering critical,
independent and
Monthly Extreme Rainfall Trends In England & Wales
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 1 day ago

By Paul Homewood There’s lots of good stuff on the KNMI Climate
Explorer to use. (KNMI is the Dutch Met Office). I found one section
which uses the regional England & Wales Precipitation Series. The Met
Office publish the data, but KNMI actually offer a tool to analyse and
graph it. These […]
Ben Carson: Welfare Perpetuates Poverty, Buys Votes
Connor D. Wolf at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Ben Carson2 - 900]
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson used a Sunday campaign stop in
Georgia to accuse politicians of using poverty to bolster their voting
constituencies. In his eyes, open-ended welfare has not only perpetuated
poverty, its sustained a loyal voting bloc for certain politicians. "False
compassion... more »
U.S. Air Force Airdrops Military Supplies To Syrian Rebels
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Rebel fighters carry their weapons as they take positions in the town of
Kafr Nabudah, in Hama province, Syria, on which forces loyal to Syria's
President Bashar al-Assad are carrying out offensives to take control of
the town, October 11, 2015. Reuters/Ammar Abdullah
*FOX News*: *US military airdrops 50 tons of ammo for Syrian fighters,
after training mission ends*
The U.S. military airdropped 50 tons of small arms ammo and grenades in
northern Syria on Sunday, a senior defense official told Fox News,
representing the Pentagon's shift from training rebel fighters to equipping
the... more »
ISIS Inspired Terror Attack Foiled In Moscow
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Guardian: **Russian police foil 'terror attack' on Moscow after making
arrests in city*
A group of people said to be planning an attack on Moscow have been taken
into custody, anti-terrorism forces said, and 4kg of explosives seized
Russian authorities claimed to have foiled a major terrorist plot on
Monday, allegedly planned by men trained at Islamic State camps in Syria
and aimed at Moscow’s busy public transport system.
Information about the alleged terrorists remained murky on Monday evening.
An official statement from the FSB said only that a raid had taken place on
an ... more »
UK Police Abandon Stakeout Of Julian Assange At The Ecuadorian Embassy
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
British police waiting outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to arrest
Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange over sex charges have withdrawn from the
area. After 3 years and £12 million the Metropolitan Police have stopped
their observation of the embassy doorway in case the notorious truth
leaker should decide to step out and face British, Swedish and American
justice. Assange’s arrest warrant is still valid. Prensa Latina reports:
British police removed the permanent presence at the Embassy of Ecuador in
this capital, where Australian Julian Assange takes refuge, but it stated ”
it... more »
The Republicans Have Something To Offer Even Worse Than Boehner-Cantor-McCarthy-Ryan
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*Paul Ryan Dodging the Liberty Caucus Whack-A-Mole Mallet *
I could be wrong but I'm guessing Rachel Maddow never met Kevin McCarthy in
person. But it only took her 15 minutes to figure out that he was a dope
incapable of even filling John Boehner's tiny slippers let alone shoes of
legendary Speakers like Henry Clay, Sam Rayburn, Tip O'Neill, or Nancy
Pelosi. Maddow was the first to point out, at least in the national media,
what an unaccomplished cloddish doofus McCarthy is. Even before McCarthy's
speakership was sabotaged by the extremists in the Liberty Caucus and
before one of hi... more »
Obama Says He Was ‘Skeptical’ About Syria Rebel Project From The Start
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Obama has said that the failed $500 million program to set up a proxy army
in Syria was a test… During an interview the US president said that he had
doubts about the project from the start. He also said that he ruled out
sending US troops to Syria. “I’ve been skeptical from the get-go about the
notion that we were going to effectively create this proxy army inside of
Syria.” he told ’60 Minutes. “My goal has been to try to test the
proposition, can we be able to train and equip a moderate opposition that’s
willing to fight ISIL?” RT reports: Broadcast Sunday night,
Obama’s intervie... more »
GM Pig Organs Could Soon Be Used For Human Transplantation
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Scientists at Harvard university have used a gene modifying technique
called ‘Crispr’ to make replacement human organs from pigs. Pig DNA will be
modified to the extent that the host human will accept the donated pig’s
organ without complications. Prof George Church of Harvard University is
finding a way to bypass the human immune system to accept the donated pig’s
organ and put an end to the age old problem of insufficient human donors
needed for organ replacements and longer life. The pigs will be genetically
re-engineered to grow human acceptable organs. In some way the method cou... more »
Serbian Artist Paints Austere Icon of the Holy Martyrs of Libya
Anika Smith at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Holy_Martyrs_of_Libya_icon]
Serbian Orthodox artist Nikola Saric has painted an icon of the 21 men
martyred by ISIS on the beach at Sirtre, Libya, in February this year. It
works as an icon should, showing both the seen and unseen realities. Here
the Christians... more »
Will There Be A No-Fly Zone Over Syria?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Tim Eaton, BBC/Chatham House*:* Should there be a no-fly zone over Syria?*
US Secretary of State John Kerry last week reportedly instructed his staff
to revisit plans for the establishment of a no-fly zone over Syria.
Influential figures such as former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have long supported the
establishment of a no-fly zone, but the White House has been reticent.
Mr Kerry's comments now revive one of the longest-running policy debates of
the Syrian civil war, and also one of the most opaque.
*Update:* Obama up against... more »
Zimbabwe Will Not Be Prosecuting Cecil The Lion’s Killer
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Zimbabwe’s environment minister said that the US dentist who killed Cecil
the Lion will not be prosecuted because he had permission to hunt and his
“papers were in order” The minister added that Walter Palmer, who sparked
international fury after killing Cecil the Lion, would be allowed to return
to Zimbabwe but as a tourist, not as a hunter. RT reports:
Muchinguru-Kashiri, who had previously called on Palmer to be extradited
and face prosecution, said the country will now review how it issues
hunting licenses. The news drew criticism from the Zimbabwe Conservation
Task Force, which... more »
Time to ask a Question
Sophia Love at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago

Being immersed in my own process creates a challenge – to first of all be
willing to peek out and engage at all, and second to find something
worthwhile to discuss?
Because more than anything else, this current focus is on self. With a
magnifying lens pinned squarely on my heart – a variety of images appear.
They morph and shift and re-form into situations and people and obstacles –
each carrying the same lesson plan.
What is clear here is that not only are we born alone, and do we die alone,
but we expand alone. Enlightenment is not accomplished via title or
specific process ... more »
“Bang, You’re Dead”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Bang, You’re Dead”*
by James Howard Kunstler
“Apropos of the recent Roseburg, Oregon, school massacre that left nine
dead, President Obama said, “we’re going to have to come together and stop
these things from happening.” That’s an understandable sentiment, and the
president has to say something, after all. But within the context of how
life is lived in this country these days, we’re not going to stop these
things from happening.
And what is that context? A nation physically arranged on-the-ground to
produce maximum loneliness, arranged economically to produce maximum
anxiety, a... more »
Saudi Arabia Warns Russia That Its Actions In Syria Will Have 'Dangerous Consequences'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Reuters*:* Saudis tell Russia its actions in Syria will have 'dangerous
DUBAI (Reuters) - Moscow's military intervention in Syria will have
"dangerous consequences", escalating sectarian war there and inspiring
militants from around the world to join in, senior Saudi Arabian officials
told Russia's leaders on Sunday, a Saudi source said.
The message, twinned with a pledge of support for moderate foes of Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad, Russia's ally, signals Saudi suspicions about
Moscow's motives in entering a 4-1/2 year war in which some 250,000 people
have bee... more »
President Evo Morales acknowledges Peltier as defender of his people and Mother Earth, calls for his freedom
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
12 October 2015
Contact: Peter Clark, Co-Director, International Leonard Peltier
Defense Committee, (505) 217-3612 or contact@whoisleonardpeltier.info
President Evo Morales acknowledges Leonard Peltier as defender of his
people and Mother Earth, calls for his freedom
Today, at the World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and Defense of
Life, President Evo
Mold gold cape - Celtic Welsh Legacy - Egyptian Lingua-franca?
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 1 day ago

Why on Earth would Free Planet want to suggest that a bronze-age shoulder
decoration called the Mold Gold Cape that was found in Wales should have *ANYTHING
TO DO WITH* Ancient Egyptian Burial Practices?
*The Mold Cape is a solid sheet-gold object dating from about 1900–1600 BC
in the European Bronze Age. It was found at Mold in Flintshire, Wales, in
1833. The cape is thought to have formed part of a ceremonial dress,
perhaps with religious connections. It is housed at the British Museum in
London.* [source WIKI]
Wales is so out of place, geographically from north Africa i.e. E... more »
How J.R.R. Tolkien Helped to Lead C.S. Lewis to Faith
Eric Metaxas at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Tolkien-Lewis - 900]
Until I was an adult who had found faith and this world of meaning, I knew
very little about C. S. Lewis. He was the Oxford don who turned from
atheism to belief in God because late one night in... more »
Top Judges Want To Make It Illegal To Question Climate Change
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
An international, semi-secret, conference of top judges was reportedly held
last month in Britain, to propose plans to make it illegal for anyone to
question the scientific evidence for man-made global warming. Senior judges
and lawyers from around the world attended the three-day conference on
“Climate Change and the Law” which was held at London’s Supreme Court, yet
the event did not appear to be worthy enough to making headline news
Christopher Brooker Via the Telegraph reports: It was funded, inter alia,
by the Supreme Court itself, the UK government and the United Nations
Envi... more »
2.6 Billion Pounds of Monsanto’s Roundup Sprayed on US Farmland in 20 Years
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Alex Pietrowski* - A disturbing look at just how much of this toxic poison
is already contaminating our environment.
The post 2.6 Billion Pounds of Monsanto’s Roundup Sprayed on US Farmland in
20 Years appeared first on Waking Times.
Why Two-Thirds of Widely Touted Behavioral Sciences Studies Are Rubbish
The Weekly Standard/Andrew Ferguson at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Clown_with_surveys_behavioral_science]
On this August morning Science magazine had published a scandalous article.
The subject was the practice of behavioral psychology. Behavioral
psychology is a wellspring of modern journalism. It is the source for most
of those thrilling studies that keep reporters...
Continue reading *“Why Two-Thirds of Widely Touted Behavioral Sciences
Studies Are Rubbish”* at *weeklystandard.com*.
A Look At Who Is Who In The Syrian War
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*The Guardian*: *Who backs whom in the Syrian conflict*
Russia’s intervention has made the complex pattern of alliances and
enmities in Syria still more intricate. The Assad regime and its local
opponents are backed to differing degrees and in different configurations
by military powers from near and far
*WNU Editor:* The Guardian post leaves out a few countries (i.e. France,
etc.) .... but it is still a good breakdown.
Syria Rebels Plan To Hit Back At Russia With Double Agents And Suicide Bombers
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Hosam Katan/Reuters
*Daily Beast:* *Syria Rebels Plan Suicide Attacks on Russians*
*The Homs Liberation Movement, a Free Syrian Army faction close to al
Qaeda, plans to infiltrate the Syrian military to find where the Russians
are—and blow them up.*
After more than a week of Russian aerial attacks, Syrian rebels plan to hit
back with double agents and suicide bombers.
“First, we will endure the violent aerial bombardment, then move to weaken
Russia by all means available, such as recruiting agents in the ranks of
the regime to provide us with the movements of the Russians and the ... more »
Russia Escalates Air-Strikes In Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*New York Times:* *Russia Doubles Number of Daily Airstrikes in Syria, and
Rebels Intensify Their Attacks*
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Russian warplanes are carrying out more airstrikes in
support of Syrian government ground troops as rebels are firing more
American antitank weapons, deepening the impression that a proxy war
between the United States and Russia is joining the list of interlocking
conflicts in Syria.
Russia doubled the number of its airstrikes over the weekend to more than
60 a day, Russian state news media said, helping government troops take two
villages on Monday.
Video... more »
Supplemental: Top pundits can’t hear a certain complaint!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015Pundits suffer MHL—Mandated Hearing Loss:*
Yesterday morning, Mark Halperin made a striking statement about the press
coverage of Candidate Clinton.
Halperin was appearing on ABC’s This Week. He made a striking remark about
the press corps’ attitudes.
Halperin spoke out, but how strange! Guest host Martha Raddatz didn’t seem
to hear what he said:
HALPERIN (10/11/15): [Clinton] comes into this with some positives, some
momentum. Her Saturday Night Live appearance was very good. And Kevin
McCarthy did more to help her presidential campaign than James Carvi... more »
Russian Airstrikes Hit 53 ISIS Targets In Last 24 Hours
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
55 sorties have been carried out by the Russian air force over the last 24
hours. The airstrikes hit 53 ISIS targets in four Syrian provinces and
destroyed seven command points, six training camps, six arms depots and a
stronghold near the village of Salma. The Russian Defense Ministry’s
spokesman, Igor Konashenkov said that Sukhoi Su-24M and Su-34 bombers,
together with Su-25SM ground support aircraft, bombed ISIS positions in the
provinces of Idlib, Latakia, Homs and Hama. RT reports: Russian aircraft
have also attacked 24 of the terrorists’ fortified strongpoints, along with
weap... more »
Suggestions for @politico on education reporting #commoncore
SPJ at @ THE CHALKFACE - 1 day ago
Talk to teachers. For this piece on the common core, I don’t think you did.
A principal, sure. Speaking of which, here’s an interesting tidbit from one
of the principals: Jayne Ellspermann, the principal at West Port High
School in Ocala, Fla., said teachers in her school are already seeing an
improvement in the writing […]
It's not Indigenous People's Day...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago

*no matter what some people declare.*
From Weasel Zippers: *At Least U.S. Nine Cities Now Celebrate “Indigenous
People’s Day” In Place Of Columbus Day…*
Why am I not surprised to see St. Paul, MN on the list?
Word is that Elizabeth Warren is ecstatic over the move.
First off, the Indians were *probably invaders from Asia. * They didn't
just spring fully formed from the mud of Iowa.
When did this revisionist history start its long seep into the minds of
*Some comments from WZ:*
They made war, they held slaves, they ran other tribes off their lands.
They were just like... more »
Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 1 day ago

FOR THOSE THAT CELEBRATE THIS DAY: Here is my contribution to this
day...Even if we commemorate it as Indigenous Peoples' Day, we should be
cognizant that the horrific violence that Columbus brought with him
continues to this very day. This is not hyperbole and solely about the
past. Please watch and if you agree, please share and feel free to comment:
This is also a reminder that if you trace your heritage to the arrival of 3
ships... something is seriously wrong...
Fresh Revelations of a Leftist Witch Hunt Show Former GOP Congressman Renzi Deserves a New Trial
Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Former Congressman Renzi Deserves a New Trial]
In an incredible new development in the criminal case of imprisoned former
Congressman Richard Renzi, Federal District Court Judge David Bury has
agreed to hold an evidentiary hearing on October 26th in Tucson to look
into FBI corruption and consider... more »
US Airdrops Tons & Tons of Munitions into Northern Syria- For the “good” terrorists
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
Yup, the US is, as expected, upping the ante. And who is getting the arms? *Arab
and Kurdish militias.* *Recall me enlightening readers to the fact that the
Kurdish militias had bad intentions?* Too many wanted to believe them
heroes, actually fighting ISIS. They aren't heroes. And they aren't
fighting ISIS. I've explained the symbiosis between the two groups on a
number of occasions and had for the most part discounted news that the
Kurds wanted rapprochement with Russia. I couldn't see it happening, not
at this time. And likely not at all.
Considering the multiple posts I've wri... more »
Slave Trafficking, TPP & the 2016 Presidential Contest
Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*This could be someone you know and love (source). How aggressively should
your presidential candidate work to prevent it?*
*by Gaius Publius*
As many readers know, I'm a fan of what the game of Go calls a "strong
move" — very aggressive play when the position is favorable. The position
against TPP, the argument against, is beyond favorable, and the position
against Malaysia, one of the world's worst participants in the traffic in
slaves, is unassailable. In addition, for the 2016 race, progressives have
three candidates who have announced their opposition.
In this presidential se... more »
MH370? ‘Plane Of Skeletons’ Found On Remote Island In The Philippines
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Authorities in Malaysia are investigating claims that a plane wreckage
found on an island in the Philippines could be from missing flight MH370. A
teenager living on the remote Sugbay island, in the far south of the
Philippines, was hunting for birds in the jungle and claims he stumbled on
a wreckage “full of skeletons” and a Malaysian flag. The Star reports:
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said Sunday that
police were seeking the assistance from the Filipino authorities to
validate the report, which was lodged by a 46-year-old man on behalf of his
relative who ... more »
EU Foreign Policy Chief: Russia's Military Action In Syria Is A 'Game-Changer'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Voice of America:* *EU: Russian Action in Syria a 'Game-changer'*
European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Monday that
Russia's military action in Syria is a "game-changer" that has "some very
worrying elements."
Mogherini told reporters ahead of a meeting of EU foreign ministers in
Luxembourg that actions taken against Islamic State militants have to
clearly be carried out against the group and other terrorists defined by
the United Nations.
Russia has faced Western criticism that its air campaign in Syria is
targeting opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, ... more »
A Look At Current U.S. Troop Numbers In Afghanistan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

U.S. Army
*CNN:* *Yes, the U.S. still has troops in Afghanistan. Graphics tell the
(CNN)So, you thought the U.S. military pulled out of Afghanistan?
After all, that's what President Barack Obama indicated in December when he
declared combat in the longest U.S. war was now history.
In fact, about 9,800 U.S. troops provide training and support in
Afghanistan. They are to remain until the end of the year -- a change from
the Obama administration's initial plan to reduce the number to 5,500. A
military withdrawal is set be completed by end of the 2016.
*WNU Editor*: My predict... more »
Recommended NYT Article: Myth of Autistic Shooter
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
Great article debunking idea that people with autism or
Asperger's Syndrome
are more likely to act violently:
The Myth of the ‘Autistic Shooter’
[excerpted] The wish to hurt others is tied not to autism but to
psychopathy, which manifests in a deficiency or absence of empathy and
remorse. Some autistic people may not recognize why they cause distress;
psychopaths don’t care that they cause distress.
Autistic ... more »
NASA Takes Chemtrail Spraying Program to Outer Space
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
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