Colombia's FARC Guerilla Movement Suspends Military Training
*BBC:* *Colombian Farc rebels to halt military training* The leader of Colombia's largest rebel group, Farc has announced a halt to the rebels' military training. The rebel leader, known as Timochenko, tweeted on Wednesday that he had ordered military courses be suspended. He told Farc's "military structure" to dedicate itself to "political and cultural training" instead. The order came a week after rebel negotiators and the Colombian government struck a key deal at talks on how to end the 51-year-conflict. *WNU Editor: *The secrets are also coming out .... *Colombia Rebels Abort... more »
Chakras, Energy Flow and Essential Oils
*Anna Hunt* - Find out how you can use essential oils to stimulate the 7 chakras. The post Chakras, Energy Flow and Essential Oils appeared first on Waking Times.
Speech Of Pure Evil: Insane Nut Netanyahu's "Speech" To UN General Assembly, October 1st, 2015.. My Take
I have already posted the speeches by that criminal that calls himself US President, Barry Soetoro, and the follow up speech from two days ago from Russian President Vladimir Putin, to the UN General Assemby... I also did my best at assessing each section of the speeches and interjecting some truths in the entire transcripts..... Just yesterday I received several comments and emails asking me to take a look at the so called "speech" by that ultra psychotic criminal murderer that calls himself Prime Minister of the criminal state of Israel to the UN General Assembly that day, and I f... more »
On CNN; "Problem with Russia in Syria. An Accidental Skirmish With The US LED ISIS Coalition"
Read what it says "U.S. Led ISIS Coalition"! On CNN's Broadcast, Daniel Drezner from The Washington Post, said that the problem with Russia in Syria is a possible accidental skirmish with the U.S. LED ISIS Coalition! All the media has already been mentioning how Russia is bombing their CIA "moderate" rebels of Al Qaeda. Of course they use the word 'rebel' instead of 'terrorist'. Which is
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Soft Focus”
Liquid Mind, “Soft Focus” - https://www.youtube.com/
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Very faint but also very large on planet Earth's sky, a giant Squid Nebula cataloged as Ou4, and Sh2-129 also known as the Flying Bat Nebula, are both caught in this scene toward the royal constellation Cepheus. Composed with a total of 20 hours of broadband and narrowband data, the telescopic field of view is almost 4 degrees or 8 Full Moons across. *Click image for larger size.* Discovered in 2011 by French astro-imager Nicolas Outters, the Squid Nebula's alluring bipolar shape is distinguished here by the telltale blue-green emission from doubly ionized oxygen atoms. Though appar... more »
“The Nature Of The Universe: Why Are We Here? Why Were We Born?”
*“The Nature Of The Universe: * *Why Are We Here? Why Were We Born?”* by MeaningsOfLife “My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we *can *suppose… I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of, by any philosophy.” - J. B. S. Haldane "The dimensions and the nature of the Universe overcome our understanding. The earth is an insignificant blue dot in the Milky Way, and our sun just one among billions of other suns of a small galaxy, which is just one among hundreds of billions of g... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Gainesville, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
President Obama Warns Russia That It Is Heading For A 'Quagmire' In Syria
*CNN*: *Obama: Russia heading for 'quagmire' in Syria* Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama said Friday that he was willing to work with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on moving Syria away from civil war, but only if that plan includes removing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power. In the absence of that, he warned that Russia's air campaign against Syria would only lead to further bloodshed for the war-torn country and bog down Moscow. Russia, he predicted during a White House press conference, would get stuck in a "quagmire," adding, "It just won't work, and they'r...more »
Operation Teapot Atomic Explosions (Video)
*RT:* *Previously unseen footage of US 1955 nuke tests in Nevada (HD VIDEO)* Six decades after the events, a series of unreleased videos has seen the light of day: four atomic explosions carried out by the United States in 1955, as part of Operation Teapot. The operation was a series of fourteen nuclear test explosions carried out at the Nevada Test Site early that year, designed to further develop tactics for ground forces and improve America’s nuclear arsenal. Teapot was sanctioned by President Dwight Eisenhower in August 1954. *WNU Editor*: For more info on these tests, see the... more »
"The Second Amendment is a gun-control amendment" (Adam Gopnik)
*Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens* *"The right the Court announces [in Heller] was not 'enshrined' in the Second Amendment by the Framers; it is the product of today's law-changing decision.… Until today, it has been understood that legislatures may regulate the civilian use and misuse of firearms so long as they do not interfere with the preservation of a well-regulated militia. The Court's announcement of a new constitutional right to own and use firearms for private purposes upsets that settled understanding."* *-- from Justice John Paul Stevens's dissent in D.C. v... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Threads'
Threads from Peski TV on Vimeo. From *Wikipedia:* Threads is a 1984 BAFTA award-winning British television drama, produced jointly by the BBC, Nine Network and Western-World Television Inc. Written by Barry Hines and directed by Mick Jackson, it is a docudrama account of nuclear war and its effects on the city of Sheffield in Northern England. The primary plot centres on two families, the working-class Kemps and the middle-class Becketts, as a confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union erupts and escalates. As the United Kingdom prepares for war, the members of ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 2, 2015
*Max Hastings, Daily Mail:* *Why the West MUST do business with Putin: Yes, the Russian leader's a thug who's run rings round Europe and America. But MAX HASTINGS controversially argues we can't beat ISIS without him* Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is the architect of repression at home, sponsor of the mass-murdering President Assad of Syria abroad. He provided rebels in Ukraine with the missiles that 14 months ago murdered 298 innocent people aboard Malaysian airlines Flight MH17. Yet this week, Putin received a respectful hearing for a keynote speech at the United Nations. H... more »
"Wishful Thinking"
*An excerpt from, "UK policy in Syria hampered by 'wishful thinking'" by Mark Urban, BBC, October 2, 2015: * UK policy in Syria has been hampered by "wishful thinking", says a former top military adviser in the Middle East. Lt Gen Sir Simon Mayall said the UK had underestimated the staying power of President Bashar al-Assad. In an interview with BBC Newsnight, he painted a picture of a UK being in a strategic muddle over Syria and described Russia's intervention as "hugely significant". . . . Lt Gen Mayall spent much of his career in the Arab world - including as deputy commanding ... more »
School District Fights ACLU, Vows to Keep Saying ‘God Bless You’
[image: God Bless You - 900] The American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana has launched a full-scale assault on Airline High School after the principal wrote the words, "May God Bless You All" in a message posted on the school's website. "The Future Starts Today -- May...more »
Names of the 9 Murdered in Oregon Shooting Released
[image: A girl prays during a vigil in Roseburg, Oregon on October 1, 2015, for ten people killed and seven others wounded in a shooting at a community college in the western US state of Oregon. The 26-year-old gunman, identified by US media as Chris Harper Mercer, was killed following a shootout with police.] PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- The nine people killed after a gunman opened fire on an Oregon community college campus Thursday took different paths to the small rural college, ranging from teens starting college for the first time to adults who... more »
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Schools Kerry: ‘You Have to Fight Terror’
[image: Netanyahu - Kerry - 900] A day after his powerful address to the United Nations General Assembly, and the murder of an Israeli settlement couple by Palestinian gunmen, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a stern word for the Palestinian Authority. And for Secretary of State... more »
Obama Rejects Russian Approach to Ending Syrian War
[image: NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 28: Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and U.S. President Barack Obama walk out for a photo-op before the start of a bilateral meeting at the United Nations headquarters September 28, 2015 in New York City. Putin and Obama are in New York City to attend the 70th anniversary general assembly meetings.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama on Friday vehemently rejected Russia’s military actions in Syria as self-defeating and dismissed the idea that Moscow was strengthening its hand in the region. He vowed not to let the conflict become a U.S.-Rus... more »
Syrian Archbishop Rips US Support for Islamic Rebels
[image: Syrian archbishop - 400] A Syrian bishop has reacted strongly to Senator John McCain's claim that Russian planes are bombing US-backed rebel forces, saying that McCain's statement is "a blatant admission" of American involvement with Islamic militants. Speaking to the Fides news service, Archbishop... Continue reading *“Syrian Archbishop Rips US Support for Islamic Rebels”* at *catholicculture.org*.
The Pope’s Visit: ‘Simple Messages’ Often the Most Important
[image: Gesu School Dancing - 900] Pope Francis came and went, and our headlines remained the same. Congress missed an opportunity to make progress in our intractable abortion debate. Oregon families mourned loved ones killed in another shooting. We yell about laws to address all these... more »
Chet Raymo, "Lessons"
*"Lessons"* by Chet Raymo "There is a four-line poem by Yeats, called "Gratitude to the Unknown Instructors": "What they undertook to do They brought to pass; All things hang like a drop of dew Upon a blade of grass." Like so many of the short poems of Yeats, it is hard to know what the poet had in mind, who exactly were the unknown instructors, and if unknown how could they instruct. But as I opened my volume of "The Poems" this morning, at random, as in the old days people opened the Bible and pointed a finger at a random passage seeking advice or instruction, this is the poem th... more »
The Poet: Linda Pastan, “What We Want”
*“What We Want”* “What we want is never simple. We move among the things we thought we wanted: a face, a room, an open book and these things bear our names- now they want us. But what we want appears in dreams, wearing disguises. We fall past, holding out our arms and in the morning our arms ache. We don't remember the dream, but the dream remembers us. It is there all day as an animal is there under the table, as the stars are there even in full sun.” - Linda Pastan
World News Briefs -- October 2, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*AFP: **Obama: Russia action in Syria is 'recipe for disaster'* Washington (AFP) - US President Barack Obama warned Friday that Russia's military engagement in Syria in support of strongman Bashar al-Assad is a "recipe for disaster," though Washington could still work with Moscow on reducing tensions. Russian President Vladimir Putin "doesn't distinguish between ISIL and a moderate Sunni opposition that wants to see Mr Assad go," Obama told reporters, referring to the Islamic State group. "From their perspective. they're all terrorists, and that's a recipe for disaster." *MIDDLE ... more »
In Newark Only a Corporate Relay Grad Degree Will Get You a Raise
The CorpEd teacher contract that Weingarten and Christie helped to put together has expired, even though it remains in effect. I found this interesting detail in a piece at Huffington Post: One major reason the union hasn't asked to start negotiations, he [union president, John Abeigon] said, is that the parties are waiting on an arbitrator's ruling on several grievances dealing with the old contract, including on retroactive pay for teachers who retired in 2012 and pay raises for getting advanced degrees. He said that teachers are getting the bumps only if they get new masters or ... more »
This is How WW III Could Start
This is Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) who is a leading fascist in Washington - one of many. His harsh words in this Senate speech indicates the kind of dangerous and provocative talk coming out of Congress these days. (It's not just Republicans talking like this. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has called for establishing a no-fly zone in Syria "to stop the carnage on the ground and strikes from the sky, to somehow clarify the situation, to try to stop the flow of refugees". Clinton also noted that "Putin is playing a very dangerous and cynical game. He definitely does ever... more »
Has Russia's Putin Been Successful In Creating A No-Fly Zone Over Syria?
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) Backed by Putin: This satellite image shows 16 warplanes at a government airbase near the coastal city of Latakia, backing claims of Moscow support made by the Syrian military officials *Josh Rogin, Washington Times:* *Putin Has His Own No-Fly Zone in Syria* After years of debating a U.S.-led no-fly zone inside Syria to protect rebels and civilians, Vladimir Putin has established his own no-fly zone in a matter of days -- to protect his new base there. In the U.S. there is an increasing bipartisan call for the U.S. to move toward some form of a no-fly... more »
Report: Pentagon Is Weighing The Use Of Force To Protect U.S. Backed Syrian Rebels From Russian Air Strikes
Stringer/Reuters *Dan Lamonthe, Washington Post:* *Will the Pentagon defend U.S.-backed rebels against Russian airstrikes? It won’t say* After a second day of Russian airstrikes in Syria on Thursday, a question still hangs in the air: Will the United States defend rebel groups in Syria against Moscow’s military? The issue drew attention after Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said on CNN that he could “absolutely confirm” that Russian airstrikes hit Western-backed groups such as the Free Syrian Army. He said they have been “armed and tra... more »
*New Orleans Saints: Could the ball finally be bouncing their way?~Jake White, WhoDat Dish*
An aside
Keeping on catching up... Lefties on Twitter weren't happy, it's fair to say, with Andrew Marr last Sunday. What especially roused them was Andy replying to former Ed Miliband spin-doctress Ayesha Hazarika after she quipped that bacon and pigs are bad for any political leader and said, "Thank goodness Jeremy is a vegetarian!" Andrew Marr's off-the-cuff response was: That's his strongest card! Many a Corbynista on Twitter found that disrespectful to their Leader and resorted to the #bbcbias hashtag.
Supplemental: Worms and the next GOP debate!
*FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015Percentages can be hard:* Wednesday night, we got the word while watching the Maddow Show. The next GOP debate, on October 28, will be run by CNBC. According to Rachel Maddow, here’s what Republican hopefuls will have to do to qualify for the main event: MADDOW (9/30/15): They’re only looking at polls from NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN and Bloomberg...*Anybody who averages 2 1/2 percent or more in all of the polls taken during that time period will get into the real debate.* They'll get into the real prime time event which will start at 8 that night. If you ave... more »
Money And Guns... And The Politics Of Wall Street And The NRA
We've talked a lot here about how Wall Street banksters are spitting angrily about the relatively weak and avoidable rules and regulations that have come down in recent years to prevent their companies from ripping off consumers with alacrity. They *really* hate Elizabeth Warren, and they have powerful allies in Congress-- dependable bought-and-paid-for allies-- to keep her and the handful of like-minded Democratic reformers in check. Warren, though, is a force of nature, and so the Wall Streeters want ever more shills to counterbalance her. They weren't shy in telling the DSCC t... more »
Pepe Escobar: A Syria/Berliner Ensemble- US will not cooperate on terror fight
*Excerpt from Asia Times* *I've omitted the first third of the article. * Russian jets fired 20 sorties and hit eight IS targets in Syria earlier this week*The “dreaming collective”* So many fabulous discussions at the HKW. How Germany “invented” adolescence – from Goethe’s *Werther* and Wagner’s *Siegfried* to 1960s California counterculture (echoes of the Lizard King: Die young, stay pretty, leave a beautiful corpse.) And the inevitable eternal recurrence of that tragic angel — Walter Benjamin, who conceptualized the “dreaming collective”; bourgeois culture from which history is... more »
The Economy: “Are You Prepared for ‘Financial Prohibition’?”
*“Are You Prepared for ‘Financial Prohibition’?”* by Bill Bonner ROME – "What are we doing in Rome? We’ll tell you Monday. That will give us time to figure it out… In the meantime, remember: Cash is king. It’s one of the best-performing major asset classes this year. It’s also – by far – the safest. Even billionaire investor Carl Icahn is now urging investors to get into cash. Cash will someday disappoint us. But probably not today… or tomorrow. *The War on Cash: *But the authorities don’t like cash… As we’ve been warning Bill Bonner Letter readers, the feds have a bitter animosit... more »
Sorrows of Empire
Coleen Rowley interviewed at a Des Moines, Iowa Air Guard Drone piloting base protest. When Coleen Rowley was an FBI agent in Minneapolis, her office got a lead just three weeks before 9-11: A known Islamic extremist named Zacarias Moussaoui had paid $8000 in cash for lessons to fly a Boeing 747. Rowley's team arrested him and wanted a warrant to search his laptop computer but Rowley's superiors at FBI headquarters said "no." After 9/11, when it became clear that more could have been done, Rowley wrote FBI Director Robert Mueller a letter pointing out that "no one will ever know" ... more »
11 Untouchable Truths About Consciousness and Being Human
*Sofia Adamson* - As conscius beings, we all arise from and return to the same source. The post 11 Untouchable Truths About Consciousness and Being Human appeared first on Waking Times.
"A derisory nine quips"
Did you read David Waywell's criticism of *Have I Got News For You *at the * Spectator*? He's exasperated at the programme for feeling like "an insular establishment talking among themselves". Maybe that's true, but reading it I was somewhat taken aback by the following passage: On the night after David Cameron won the recent election, HIGNFY spent most of the show mocking Labour. Twenty-eight jokes were at Labour’s expense. Twenty-three were about the Lib Dems. Seven about UKIP. About the Conservatives, the party in power and surely the proper target for satire, a derisory nine... more »
Oregon "Shooting" False Flag.
So much info..... so much ridiculousness.... and ohhhhh so predictable. Here are two screen shots that I nabbed yesterday First two: Why is the Google Search I did Yesterday October 1, about 6 hours after the so called "shooting", showing news links about the shooting dated September 30th? It's the pacific time zone..... the "shooting" happened at 1038 Pacific daylight time.... there are NO time zones ANYWHERE that would still be in Sept 30th at that time of day. ZERO< Above is a screen shot of a few notes that I took while looking through the news stories about this false f... more »
The Catholic Church Won’t Change Its Mind about Marriage at the Upcoming Synod on the Family
[image: VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - OCTOBER 06: Pope Francis chats with cardinals as he arrives at the Synod Hall for the Synod on the themes of family on October 6, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Pope Francis addressed the Fathers of the Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Monday, as they began their first full day of sessions exploring the pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization.] A media version of reading the tea leaves fills television, radio and the social networks as people declare what Pope Francis did or did not do when he met with Kim Da... more »
A Conversation with J. I. Packer: Cultivating Awe and Knowing Christ
[image: J I packer] Listen in to J.I. Packer and Mark Jones discuss some helpful Christian practices that they believe have been forgotten today. Also, learn more about Mark Jones’ new book Knowing Christ, which is available now at banneroftruth.org. Continue reading *“A Conversation with J. I. Packer: Cultivating Awe and Knowing Christ”* at *vimeo.com*.
Hillary Doesn't Blame Her Bankster Buddies For The 2008 Financial Meltdown (And A Little History Of Repealing Glass-Steagall)
I'm not sure how much money Hillary is raking in from Wall Street these days, but every report I've read indicates the amounts are absolutely massive and that crooked players like Citibank are significantly funding her campaign. Before the campaign she had taken in $34,935,233 from the Finance Sector, the 3rd highest of any Member of Congress in history. In her 2006 Senate reelection bid, her 3 top contributors were Citigroup ($236,610), Goldman Sachs ($205,670) and MetLife ($156,060) and also in the Top 10 were Morgan Stanley ($123,560), JPMorgan Chase ($122,715), and Credit Suis... more »
Dorothy Day: Saint or Crank?
[image: Dorothy Day] One of the four Americans Pope Francis held up as an example during his speech before Congress was Catholic poverty activist Dorothy Day (1897-1980). While Day herself once scornfully said, "Don't trivialize me by trying to make me a saint,"... more »
A Look At The Risks And Unintended Consequences From The Russian Military Campaign In Syria
War of words: News of the Russian strikes against the jihadists came as ISIS militants posted a tweet warning 'Death to Putin: We are coming #soon' with an image of Moscow's St Basil's Cathedral in flames (above) *Julian Borger, The Guardian:* *Russia in Syria: what damage will it do?* The risks and unintended consequences for the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, will grow greatly as time passes Sending troops and military hardware into the middle of another country’s civil war to prop up a ruthless and despised dictator rarely turns out well for anyone, and all the signs suggest... more »
A Graphical Look At The Syrian Conflict
*WNU Editor:* These graphs are from *The Daily Mail.* A graphic showing who is fighting who in the Middle East and why. The conflict has become so complex that arch enemies are finding their interests have aligned, presenting diplomatic and military conundrums Russia finally started blitzing Islamic State targets late last night and today, killing at least 12 jihadists after facing criticism from the West for attacking moderate rebels, many of whom are by the U.S.-led coalition Russia has been accused of only targeting areas controlled by U.S.-backed rebels and not the Islamic State... more »
U.S. Assessment On Russia's Military Campaign In Syria: A 'Strategic Blunder'
*Elise Labott, CNN*: *U.S. assessment on Russia in Syria: A 'strategic blunder'* There is no ambiguity now about Russia's current tactics in Syria -- they are seeking to take over the airspace in the region and be the agenda-setting force on the ground, several senior administration officials told CNN. "Yesterday's demarche to the U.S. by Russian officials in Baghdad was clear in its intent," one senior administration official said. "Make sure you don't have anyone around ISIS targets and get out of the air." And while U.S. officials have no plans to cede Russia any ground, they ... more »
Oregon Shooter Linked to Man Praising Islamic Terrorism
[image: Chris Harper Mercer - ALi Ensani 900] Who was Chris Harper Mercer, the man suspected of carrying out Thursday’s murderous rampage at Umpqua Community College in Oregon? Breitbart this morning is providing one piece of the puzzle with a story headlined: “Oregon Shooter Linked to Man Praising Islamic... more »
‘Hero’ Umpqua Community College Student Chris Mintz Speaks After Being Shot 7 Times
[image: Chris Mintz2 - 400] The student and Army veteran who witnesses say charged the shooter at a community college in Oregon is alert and awake at the hospital as he recovers. Chris Mintz, 30, was shot seven times during the Thursday rampage, but he... Continue reading *“‘Hero’ Umpqua Community College Student Chris Mintz Speaks After Being Shot 7 Times”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
A Newly Discovered Ocean Cooling Process Implies the Climate is More Stable than We Knew
[image: Phytoplankton - 900] A new paper about how certain chemicals produced in the ocean might cause more atmospheric cooling than was previously believed is causing a sensation, with some asserting there is much less urgency to do something about global warming. Another source hopefully... more »
Where is our collective action on campus gun violence?
By now the academy is well aware of the latest mass shooting that occurred yesterday at Umpqua Community College in Oregon and claimed ten lives as of reporting this morning. While my social media has exploded with outrage by colleagues, professors, and academics that fear for their safety and the safety of their students, the […]
Winnemem Wintu Chief Leads Sacred Water Rally
Photo: Chief Caleen Sisk speaks in front of the Crystal Geyser plant, not yet in operation, in Mount Shasta City. 800_caleen_sisk_speaks_.jpgoriginal image ( 5184x3456) Winnemem Wintu Chief Leads 'Water Every Drop Is Sacred' Rally and March by Dan Bacher Censored News Small cascades of cold, pristine water rush out of the hillside at Big Springs, the headwaters of the Sacramento
Oregon School Shooting Is A Fraud: RedsilverJ Video Shows Clear Evidence Of Another Fake Shooting, And Other Evidence Of The Fraud
OK, just the other day the Jew spew news turned from its attacks on Russia for the Russian Federation taking action against the American fraud known as "ISIS" to turn its attention to a brand spanking new "shooting" in Oregon..... I was alerted to this "shooting" yesterday morning and indeed have been following all the reports coming from the liars in our media, and of course from reports coming through the alternative media as well... From the very beginning of this latest "shooting" I smelled a rat, and lo and behold after looking over so much data, I am firmly believing this to be... more »
Olivier Blanchard
A profile (though I doubt the headline applies to readers of this blog).
One Reader's Confirmation
The following e-mail I just received, and my response, may be of interest to readers here: After buying your books over a year and a half ago, it seems the only conclusion I can make is that you are correct. I maintained some doubt (perhaps unreasonably) until I found where you noted the ENP on the ground in the Great Mapping and located a sphere rotation script on the web to check the points, but having done so I can only conclude that the Great Mapping is a projection of the (rotated) celestial sphere onto the Earth sphere. I had already concluded that I couldn't really justify do... more »
Video Footage Shows The Moment That A Rocket Hits A Building While Rescue Workers Are Evacuating Children
*Daily Mail:* *Shocking moment footage shows rocket hitting bombed building in Syria while rescue workers try to evacuate terrified children* * Footage taken by the Syrian Civil Defence Group shows the sudden blast * Volunteers had rushed to the building after it was initially hit in the strikes * It is not known who carried out the strikes that hit the building in Douma * Meanwhile, Russia said at least 12 Islamic State fanatics had been killed This is the horrifying moment humanitarian workers attempting to rescue children from a bombed building in Syria were caught up in an expl... more »
Russia TV Gives A First Look At The Russian Airbase In Latakia Involved In Russia's Air Campaign In Syria (VIDEO)
*WNU Editor*: This video is more for the Russian audience .... to build up support for Moscow's air campaign (which is low according to polls), and to reassure allies.
Oregon and the oddness of the BBC
Having taken the day off work today, I've been following the reporting of the latest gun massacre in the United States as it unfolded. I read the *Times*, *Telegraph *and *Mail*'s reporting of the story this morning and, as they kept updating their stories, found out all sorts of (often conflicting) claims about the killer - his pro-IRA leanings, his use of neo-Nazi symbols, his Obama-like mixed-race background, his anti-religious rants, his singling out of Christians during his massacre, his 'conservative Republican' sympathies, his British roots... I also kept my eye on the BBC ... more »
The Day Christians were Martyred on American Soil
[image: A girl prays during a vigil in Roseburg, Oregon on October 1, 2015, for ten people killed and seven others wounded in a shooting at a community college in the western US state of Oregon. The 26-year-old gunman, identified by US media as Chris Harper Mercer, was killed following a shootout with police.] Life or death was determined by the answer to a single question: are you a Christian? That was the question asked by an anti-Christian gunman who stormed into a classroom at Oregon's Umpqua Community College. Eyewitnesses say the shooter targeted... more »
More Evidence We've Reached a "Peak Water" Tipping Point in California
*March in Yosemite, four years running (source; click to enlarge)* *by Gaius Publius* It may be a see-saw course, but it's riding an uphill train. A bit ago I wrote, regarding climate and tipping points: The concept of "tipping point" — a change beyond which there's no turning back — comes up a lot in climate discussions. An obvious tipping point involves polar ice. If the earth keeps warming — both in the atmosphere and in the ocean — at some point a full and permanent melt of Arctic and Antarctic ice is inevitable. Permanent ice first started forming in the Antarctic about 35 mi... more »
Bernie Rising
One of the media and Democratic establishments' favorite reasons for why Bernie Sanders cannot possibly win the party's nomination is because he lacks African-American support. Ever since there has been a Clintonland, there has been the ironclad conventional wisdom that Black voters just* l-o-o-o-ve* Bill and Hill. It was only the emergence of Barack Obama that temporarily redirected the love away from them. That this has largely been a myth of their own making is evidenced by a brand new poll showing Hillary's support among Black voters in a virtual free-fall, while Bernie's numb... more »
"The Mind of Mr. Putin"
*"The Mind of Mr. Putin"* by Patrick J. Buchanan “Do you realize now what you have done?” So Vladimir Putin in his U.N. address summarized his indictment of a U.S. foreign policy that has produced a series of disasters in the Middle East that we did not need the Russian leader to describe for us. Fourteen years after we invaded Afghanistan, Afghan troops are once again fighting Taliban forces for control of Kunduz. Only 10,000 U.S. troops still in that ravaged country prevent the Taliban’s triumphal return to power. A dozen years after George W. Bush invaded Iraq, ISIS occupies its... more »
Oregon Shooter ‘into Occult, Wiccan’
[image: Three Books of Occult Philosophy-Book III-Page 440 - 400] The Oregon gunman who lined up his victims and asked specifically which ones were Christians before shooting them execution style had a special interest in "magick" and "spiritualism" and had joined a dating website called "Spiritual Passion." On the site, Christopher... Continue reading *“Oregon Shooter ‘into Occult, Wiccan’”* at *wnd.com*.
Russia's Air Campaign In Syria: News Updates -- October 2, 2015
*Washington Post:* *Russian warplanes strike deep inside Islamic State’s heartland* BEIRUT — Russian warplanes have struck targets deep inside the Islamic State’s heartland province of Raqqa for the first time, Russia’s Defense Ministry said Friday. The strikes were carried out against an Islamic State training camp and a command post near the city of Raqqa, expanding the scope of a three-day old air campaign that had previously focused on attacking rebel groups opposed to the rule of President Bashar al-Assad. Defense Ministry official spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said t... more »
Any Question Time
While I've been away (in Morecambe)... Rod Liddle in *The Spectator *and his "old mucker" at the BBC, media consultant Chris Birkett, writing in *The Telegraph*, have both been reflecting on that perennial BBC-bias-related old chestnut: the apparent left-wing character of most BBC studio audiences on *Question Time *and *Any Questions - *and what that says about BBC bias. Labour-supporting Rod doesn't blame the BBC in this case. He puts it down to middle-class 'liberals' (i.e. left-wingers) not being able to shut up and, thus, dominating proceedings. Chris, similarly, doesn't bl... more »
*FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015Part 5—We tell the truth every nine years:* On September 14, 2015, Matt Yglesias told a remarkable story: “The formative experience of my political life was the 2000 presidential campaign, in which the media mercilessly persecuted Al Gore over a series of trivial exaggerations and now-forgotten pseudo-scandals...” As best we can tell, Yglesias had waited fifteen years to describe this formative experience. Still, his brief account of the coverage of Candidate Gore was perfectly accurate—and it alleged astounding journalistic misconduct. Nine years earlier,... more »
*Professional development often addresses different approaches to pedagogy. High school teachers have unique needs in this area as they prepare their students for the academic and life challenges that lie ahead. An approach to consider is one that offers individualized experiential learning. Students can use what they’ve learned in the classroom as they enhance life skills to prepare to transition into the “real world.” Veteran educator David Greene explains more about this idea and one group that is creating that kind of learning experience for high school seniors.* by David Greene ... more »
Obama’s Education Secretary to Step Down
[image: Obama and Duncan-900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Education Secretary Arne Duncan, one of the longest-serving members of President Barack Obama’s Cabinet, will step down in December, officials said Friday. In an email to his staff, Duncan said he’s returning to Chicago to live with... more »
Jeb Bush: Redskins Team Name Is Not Offensive
[image: Washington Redskins-900] MIAMI (AP) -- Delving into a decades-long controversy, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said the name of the Washington Redskins football team is not offensive to Native Americans. “It’s a sport, for crying out loud. It’s a football team. I’m missing... more »
Redskins’ Alfred Morris Spends Pregame with Ushers, Security Guards
[image: Alfred Morris - 400] A bit more than two hours before Washington's last home game, Alfred Morris emerged from the stadium tunnel and ambled down the home team's sideline. FedEx Field was calm and quiet then. A few players and staffers from the Redskins... Continue reading *“Redskins’ Alfred Morris Spends Pregame with Ushers, Security Guards”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
"You Can’t Separate Empire, the State, Financialization and Crony Capitalism: It’s One Indivisible System"
*"You Can’t Separate Empire, the State, Financialization and Crony Capitalism: * *It’s One Indivisible System"* by Charles Hugh Smith "Disagreement is part of discourse, and pursuing differing views of the best way forward is the heart of democracy. Disagreement is abundant, democracy is scarce, despite claims to the contrary. If you think you can surgically extract Empire from the American System, force the State to serve the working/middle classes, end the stripmining of financialization, limit crony capitalism/regulatory capture and get Big Money out of politics–go ahead and do s... more »
The Afghan War By The Numbers
*Vocativ:* *The War In Afghanistan: By The Numbers* *Nearly $1 trillion, 14 years and tens of thousands of deaths later, the Taliban still threatens the country* The Taliban’s latest land grab in Afghanistan this week may lead to more, not less U.S. involvement and spending. The group seized the strategic city of Kunduz in northern Afghanistan on Monday, and since then the Afghan security forces have struggled to take it back. The Taliban’s territorial advances of late have been so alarming that experts now believe the Taliban could have control of 50 percent of the country. This... more »
The Afghan Army Is Losing Its Best Soldiers
Afghan soldiers stand in formation in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan, November of 2008. Photo by John Scott Rafoss of the United States of America. Wikipedia *Kevin Sieff, Washington Post:* *The bravest man I met in Afghanistan has died. Here’s what he taught me.* During weeks like this one, when it seems the gains of the last 14 years are severely under threat in Afghanistan, I think of Afghan Colonel Mohammad Daowood. For almost two years, I watched Daowood and his men fight insurgents in some of the country’s most dangerous places. They lacked weapons and helicopters and even medical ... more »
Pope Francis Brought and Then Broke Down Barriers for Jews
[image: Francis in Philadelphia] But before the music, families from different parts of the world spoke of their efforts to cope with great difficulties -- persecution, illness, immigration, death. Their speeches were long. Long enough to become painful to listen to. I found myself... Continue reading *“Pope Francis Brought and Then Broke Down Barriers for Jews”* at *forward.com*.
Ben Carson on Syrian Refugees Inside United States: “No”
[image: Ben Carson__1438347310_70.119.142.63] DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said the U.S. should bar refugees from war-torn Syria because they are “infiltrated with Jihadists,” who seek to harm America. The comments come as Carson has taken an increasingly aggressive... more »
Nashville Charters' Mind-Boggling Appeal for Expansion
In August the Nashville Metro School Board voted down further "no excuses" charter expansion. School board members based their votes on 1) the dehumanizing and brutal regimen of the total compliance charters that is ostensibly aimed to improve student "character," 2) the siphoning of money by charters that will not be available to fund instructional programs and facility improvements for children in existing public schools, and 3) the fact that Nashville Metro does not have a plan that analyzes the need for charters or the long-term repercussions of sending hundreds of millions of s... more »
Publisher bans authors for apparent plagiarism
Three authors have been banned from journals published by IGM Publication, including the Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. The ban — a relatively infrequent occurrence in publishing — comes after the publisher removed a 2014 article that seems to have merely changed the title and authors of a 2013 article from another journal. When […] The post Publisher bans authors for apparent plagiarism appeared first on Retraction Watch.
After Being Routed By The Taliban In Kunduz, The Afghan Army And Police Are Blaming Each Other
Afghan security forces sit on top of a vehicle as they patrol outside of Kunduz city, in this October 1, 2015 file photo. REUTERS/HAMID SHALIZI/FILES *Reuters:* *After Kunduz rout, Afghan army and police blame each other* Hungry and exhausted after being routed by Taliban fighters in the northern city of Kunduz, Afghanistan's army and police force are blaming each other for the shambolic surrender of the provincial capital. The lack of coordination between the key pillars of Afghan security forces contributed to a humiliating loss, which, though largely reversed three days later, l... more »
The Taliban Are Still Holding Out Against Afghan Forces In Kunduz
*Reuters:* *Taliban hold out in northern Afghan city, district in northeast falls* Taliban fighters were holding out against Afghan troops in Kunduz on Friday, a day after government forces recaptured most of the northern city that had fallen to the militants in their biggest victory of a 14-year insurgency. In Jalalabad in the east of the country, a U.S. military transport plane crashed at an airfield just after midnight, killing all 11 people on board, the U.S. military said. The Taliban said it had shot down the aircraft, but the U.S. military, which still has several thousan... more »
Japan on Way Down Slippery Slope of Fascism
Japan is heading fast down the slippery slope of fascism: 1. In 2014 a new state secrets law went into effect that criminalizes revelations of state secrets even if the information disclosed has not formally been designated as a state secret 2. LDP's Abe is pushed to eliminate social science and humanities programs from Japanese universities by cutting funding, thereby eliminating academic professionals whose job it is to study social dynamics. Presumably this move makes society less reflexive and more easily controlled. 3. LDP has pushed to revise history, including denying the en... more »
Commodities Bubble Deflating....
Yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported: Sarah Kent and Alex MacDonald, "Glencore Investors Zero In On Unit," The Wall Street Journal, C1: "Glencore PLC's large trading division has moved into investors' cross hairs amid concerns that the $18 billion in short-term loans it uses to buy, sell, and ship goods is riskier than the company says" The problem is that oil producers' debt is going to deflate oil traders' house of cards. One strategy deployed by traders that may come into play is rehypothecation: DEFINITION of 'Rehypothecation' Rehypothecation Definition | Investopedi... more »
How to Land a Plane By Leaving It
[image: fighter in field] On February 2, 1970, a local sheriff in Montana arrived on the scene of an accident. But this wasn't a run-of-the-mill car crash. First of all, the accident occurred in a frozen-over wheat field, leaving a trail of melted snow... Continue reading *“How to Land a Plane By Leaving It”* at *nowiknow.com*.
Evangelicals Speak Up for Animals
[image: Man and Dog Silhouette - 900] Barrett Duke didn't grow up with pets and never gave the welfare of animals any serious thought. Then he met Rusty -- the golden retriever who stole his heart. Duke discovered what most animal lovers know: that Rusty was more than...more »
"Was that the last time you slept with an older woman?"
James Corden car poolswith Rod Stewart - "God bless you, Rod Stewart"
World News Briefs -- October 2, 2015
*Reuters*: *U.S., allies demand Russia halt Syria strikes outside IS areas* Russia bombed Syria for a third day on Friday, mainly hitting areas held by rival insurgent groups rather than the Islamic State fighters it said it was targeting and drawing an increasingly angry response from the West. The U.S.-led coalition that is waging its own air war against Islamic State called on the Russians to halt strikes on targets other than Islamic State. "We call on the Russian Federation to immediately cease its attacks on the Syrian opposition and civilians and to focus its efforts on figh... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 2, 2015
*Sputnik:** Russian Military Will Determine Length of Operations in Syria* Statements that Russia’s special operations in Syria would last three to four months were taken out of context, but the operations will have a time limit that the Russian military will determine, the head of the lower house of parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee said Friday. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Earlier, Europa 1 cited Alexei Pushkov as saying the Russian operations would last three or four months. *“My words were taken out of context as I wanted to say that the American military operation in Syria has bee... more »
Oregon Gunman Idolized IRA and Nazis, Despised Organized Religion
[image: Oregon Gunman - 400] Chris Harper-Mercer, the gunman who went on Thursday's rampage at an Oregon college, idolized the Nazis and the IRA, despised organized religion -- and talked of how killing could bring a person fame. "I have noticed that so many... Continue reading *“Oregon Gunman Idolized IRA and Nazis, Despised Organized Religion”* at *nypost.com*.
Britain Seeks NFL Franchise in London within 5 Years
[image: Dan Marino NFL London] LONDON (AP) -- Britain’s treasury chief hopes the NFL will put a permanent franchise in London within five years. Chancellor George Osborne pushed his case for establishing an NFL team in London during a meeting Friday with owners, executives and former... more »
Vatican Steps Back but Still Supports Kim Davis, Very Carefully
[image: Kim Davis - 400] The Pope's spokesman is trying to put some distance between Francis and the controversy surrounding his Washington, D.C. meeting with Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis. In a statement issued in Rome, Jesuit Federico Lombardi said, "The Pope did not enter... Continue reading *“Vatican Steps Back but Still Supports Kim Davis, Very Carefully”* at *breitbart.com*.
Syria at U.N. Summit as Russian Bombing Raises Tensions
[image: This Is How Much Cash Iran Is Spending To Keep Assad Alive] UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Syria’s foreign minister is to address the summit of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly on Friday as Russia’s decision to start bombing targets in the war-torn nation adds another layer of tensions to the... more »
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force
[image: unemployment - 400] The number of Americans not in the labor force exceeded 94 million for the second time in a row last month hitting a new record high, according to new government data released Friday morning. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports... Continue reading *“Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force”* at *breitbart.com*.
Oh Victoria!!!
I had to smile at this comment at *Biased BBC *- especially as the commenter's description of BBC *Business Live*'s Aaron Heslehurst is both spot-on and funny: AsISeeIt October 2, 2015 at 9:21 am “So, what does the Chairman of the Bank of England know about climate change?” “Perhaps he’s going for his next job” Sometimes, occasionally, a glimmer of off-message truth and insight breaks through on the BBC airwaves. BBC Business Live’s hyper-active male presenter Aaron Haslehurst (think Robert Peston’s peculiar intonation plus a bit of Aussie fast spin) breaks rule number one this mor... more »
Hero Army Veteran Charged Toward Oregon Gunman
[image: Chris Mintz-400] Heroes and survivors are emerging from Thursday’s mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon that killed 10, including the gunman, and critically injured seven others, reports CBS News correspondent Mireya Villareal. According to his family, Chris Mintz didn’t run... Continue reading *“Hero Army Veteran Charged Toward Oregon Gunman”* at *cbsnews.com*.
Time to Knock the Supremes Down a Peg or Three
[image: Supreme Court - 400] Besides doing something about certain lawless decisions made by our black-robed masters, something must also be done about how we came to such a place where they can cast their gaze across the fruited plain and whatever catches their fancy becomes... Continue reading *“Time to Knock the Supremes Down a Peg or Three”* at *crisismagazine.com*.
The End of Scandinavia’s Socialist Dream?
[image: Denmark street] The tableau of want has become common enough in vast swaths of the postrecession West: An unwashed teenager lies on the steps of a church, sleeping. A woman nearby beseeches passersby for a few coins. Across the street, a clutch... Continue reading *“The End of Scandinavia’s Socialist Dream?”* at *ozy.com*.
Only a little spark
The Today Programme this morning (17 mins to 8) brought us Kevin Connolly’s report from Jerusalem about the shooting of an Israeli couple, by Palestinians. The couple were in their car with their four children when a Palestinian car drew up and shot at them, killing both parents. This was the first I’d heard of it, and I wondered what impression Kevin Connolly intended to give. I’ve listened again, and I still perceive that the reporting we’re getting from Kevin Connolly is ‘news from the Palestinian point of view’. If you like, it’s events seen through the Palestinian prism. Con... more »
How America’s Source of Immigrants Has Changed, 1850 – 2013
[image: Welcome Arrivals Etching 77- 400] Continue reading *“How America’s Source of Immigrants Has Changed, 1850 – 2013”* at *pewhispanic.org*.
East Coast Braces for More Heavy Rain, Approaching Hurricane
[image: Hurricane Joaquin storm tracking NOAA] SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) -- With already-saturated soils and flooded roads, East Coast states were bracing for another day of dreary and possibly dangerous weather Friday as forecasters predicted more downpours and a possible added punch from powerful Hurricane Joaquin. Two... more »
Hillary Clinton Calls for No-Fly Zone in Syria
[image: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens during a forum on substance abuse, Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015, in Boston. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)] In an apparent break with the Obama White House, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for the creation of a no-fly zone inside Syria Thursday, the day after Russian warplanes started bombing rebels fighting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. "I... Continue reading *“Hillary Clinton Calls for No-Fly Zone in Syria”* at *msnbc.com*.
Putin, Ukrainian President to Talk in Paris
[image: Vladimir Putin] PARIS (AP) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin is meeting the leaders of Ukraine, France and Germany on Friday in a revived European push to bring peace to eastern Ukraine. The long-awaited summit in Paris on Friday is being overshadowed by international... more »
Obama Pulls John Kerry from Audience of Netanyahu’s UN Speech
[image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks as he chairs the weekly cabinet meeting at his Jerusalem office on February 1, 2015. AFP PHOTO / POOL / GALI TIBBON] In another slap in the face for Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama pulled Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Ambassador Samantha Power out of the General Assembly during Netanyahu's powerful address. A large number of... Continue reading *“Obama Pulls John Kerry from Audience of Netanyahu’s UN Speech”* at *americanthinker.com*.
Getting Ready for the Peace Walk
Maine artist Russell Wray made this banner for our upcoming peace walk down the coast of our state. He will hang it on the side of the bus we will use as the 'blister vehicle' as we head south on US Hwy 1 from Ellsworth to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Russell really captured the theme of our walk perfectly in this incredible work of art. He's also made a fiberglass dolphin that will sit on top of the bus. Actually he made it years ago for a walk across America and he pulled the dolphin, that he calls Maka, on a cart the whole way. He's redesigned Maka to sit on top of the bus an... more »
Economy Or Security: That Is The Question
http://www.ctvnews.ca/ Stephen Harper tried to boil this election down to two issues: economy and security. The economy plank hasn't worked so well for him, given the problems in the oil patch. So now he's emphasizing security -- and railing about niqabs. Michael Harris writes: According to senior sources in the Liberal campaign, this is nothing short of a life-and-death struggle. If the focus remains on the economy, Team Trudeau thinks it can win. Why wouldn’t they? Here’s the snapshot after a decade of Harper: a recession (his ... more »
Author objects to retraction for not “faithfully represented” immunology figures
All but one of the authors of a study about the immune response to H. pylori have agreed to a retraction in The Journal of Immunology, due to two of the paper’s figures not being “faithfully represented.” Authors of the 2006 paper said they were unable to provide the original unedited scans “due to inadequate archiving dating back almost […] The post Author objects to retraction for not “faithfully represented” immunology figures appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Economic News , Data & Views ( October 2 , 2015 ) - HUGE MISSES - Non Farm Payroll and Unemployment Data From The US ( NFP - 142 K vs an expected 201K for September , Aug revised from 173k down to 136 K ! ! ) ...... Europe Updates ( VW news of the day , EZ data - Aug PMI released and deflation is the word , Country Specific data - Spain , Russia ) ...... Asia & E.M News & Data In Focus ( Brazil , Hong Kong , Japan , China , South Korea )
Evening wrap.... US.... *fred walton* @fredwalton216 1h 1 hour ago ECONOMIST: The Fed is never going to raise rates http://read.bi/1WBqLXO via @*themoneygame* @*minefornothing* *The Daily Beast* @thedailybeast 3h 3 hours ago The Carolinas will get as much as 15 inches of rain from hurricane Joaquin http://thebea.st/1JKeCXe [image: Embedded image permalink] *fred walton* @fredwalton216 4h 4 hours agoPhiladelphia, PA fred walton Retweeted EM Equity At 95.5 BN , Total Return Fund approximately one third of its peak for Assets in the Fund. fred walt... more »
5 Minute Diaper Clutch
I stop carrying a dedicated diaper bag when my little ones are about a year old. It means back to my favorite cute purses and more freedom, but it also means digging around in my purse every time I need a diaper or wipes. My grandma bought me a diaper clutch with my first baby, but I stopped using it almost immediately, it was so snug on the diapers that it was a pain to get them in and out. I have always wanted another one and finally I decided to just make myself one. This one is the perfect size for me, but you can always trim it down it you want it a little more snug. For this c... more »
US Hiring Slows in September Amid Slower Global Growth
[image: Job Market Hiring Rate] WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. hiring slowed sharply in September, and job gains for July and August were lower than previously thought, a sour note for a labor market that had been steadily improving. The Labor Department says employers added just... more »
House Passes Bill Blocking Iran Signing Bonus until Terror Victims Get Paid
[image: President Iran Hassan Rouhani] The House passed a bill Thursday to prevent the lifting of sanctions on Iran before the country pays American victims of terrorism billions of dollars in damages. The Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act passed 251-173, and would require Iran... more »
Kevin McCarthy-- Unfit To Be A Congressman, Let Alone Speaker Of The House
Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Majority Leader of the House-- still on track, if just barely, to replace John Boehner as speaker-- pissed off everyone by admitting that the purpose of the Benghazi committee was to give hyper-partisan Republicans an opportunity to smear Hillary Clinton and bring down her poll numbers. Only a complete moron didn't know that from the day the committee was proposed, but it still isn't something you're supposed to say out loud, even on Fox News. So now Democrats, from Harry Reid in the Senate to Adam Schiff in the House (and Tammy Duckworth in between)... more »
Friday Post - Your services are no longer needed
Heads will roll While the good news fairies of Wall Street would have you believe that everything is just hunky dory the truth is it's not. In order to make bottom lines look better and keep stock shares high companies have resorted to buy backs, asset sell offs and finally layoffs. The guise of the latter being the company is restructuring in order to meet global demand or some such other BS explanation. That's become very easy to do given the lack of ethics and the new corporate vulture capitalism. Also quite easy given the rise of investment groups who could care less about a pr... more »
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 45 Seconds Of Silence
*Huffington Post:* *Netanyahu Glares At UN Members For 45 Seconds To Protest Iran Deal* *"Utter silence. Deafening silence."* Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave U.N. leaders the silent treatment during his speech on Thursday to protest the Iran nuclear deal. Lashing out at the U.N. General Assembly, which gathered in New York this week for its annual meeting, Netanyahu gave the body a stern glare for full 45 seconds. *WNU Editor:* During Israeli PM Netanyahu's speech the U.S. ambassador to the UN and and US Sec. fo State John Kerry *were no shows*. But the U.S. deleg... more »
The Goal of Muslim Immigration According to Muhammad's Teachings
A fascinating article, do read it all... http://chersonandmolschky.com/2013/10/02/goalofmuslimimmigration/ but beware mentioning it on the BBC, where every immigrant, especially the Muslim ones is a peace loving professional just aching to integrate. 'Migration cannot be ended as long as there is kufr (unbelief) or as long as there is an enemy that resists" [2] Later Muhammad developed this idea, saying: "Migration will continue until the sun rises from the West. Hijrah would not be stopped until repentance is cut off, and repentance will not be cut off until the sun rises fr... more »
Michael Foster, the man who heckled Jeremy Corbyn for not being able to utter the word Israel at the Labour Party Friends of Israel event on BBC Daily Politics
https://youtu.be/hgL-bd9Bgiw There are some obvious conclusions to draw here about Jeremy Corbyn but the institutionally anti Israel BBC will not do so.
Father of Oregon Shooting Victim Says Gunman Singled Out Christians
[image: Dad of Oregon College Shooting Victim] ROSEBURG, Ore. — The gunman who opened fire at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College singled out Christians, according to the father of a wounded student. Before going into spinal surgery, Anastasia Boylan told her father and brother the gunman entered her... Continue reading *“Father of Oregon Shooting Victim Says Gunman Singled Out Christians”* at *q13fox.com*.
Uncle Sam Spent $125 Billion Last Year Making Mistaken Payments
[image: government contract__1441458921_70.119.142.63] "Improper" Medicaid, Medicare, and Earned Income Tax Credit disbursements made up 75 percent of all erroneous federal payments in fiscal year 2014, and were the main driver behind a nearly $19 billion increase in improper payments -- from $105.8 billion... more »
This Is What The World Looks Like When The U.S. Retreats
A member of the CIA helps evacuees up a ladder onto an Air America helicopter on the roof of 22 Gia Long Street April 29, 1975, shortly before Saigon fell to advancing North Vietnamese troops. Wikipedia *Wall Street Journal:* *What U.S. Retreat Looks Like* Syria reveals the chaos of a world without American leadership. A friend of ours quipped amid the Iraq debate of 2003 that the only thing Europeans dislike more than U.S. leadership is a world without it. Well, we are now living in such a world, and the result is the disorder and rising tide of war in the Middle East that even th... more »
Iran's Supreme Leader Calls For A Stronger Iranian Military
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks live on television after casting his ballot in the Iranian presidential election in Tehran June 12, 2009. REUTERS/Caren Firouz/Files *Reuters*: Khamenei calls for stronger Iranian military to deter enemies DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's supreme leader called on the armed forces on Thursday to increase their capabilities in order to protect the Islamic Republic's influence in the Middle East and deter would-be attackers. "The armed forces must urgently increase their readiness, so that the enemy dare not think of attacking," Supreme Lead... more »
State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K from Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple
[image: Aaron and Melissa Klein Oregon Bakers_900] The agency that ordered Aaron and Melissa Klein to pay $135,000 in damages for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex couple began the legal process last week to seize the money the Oregon bakers are refusing to pay.... more »
A Charlie Brown Christmas Stamp Goes on Sale
[image: charlie brown] (RNS) It's time to start thinking about sending holiday cards. Today U.S. Postal Service released A Charlie Brown Christmas stamps in celebration of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the classic TV special, according to a USPS statement. The cartoon, based on... Continue reading *“A Charlie Brown Christmas Stamp Goes on Sale”* at *usatoday.com*.
How to Overcome Planned Parenthood’s Wall of Lies
[image: Certificate of Death - 900] Selma Cohen is not dead. Who is Selma Cohen and why is this news? Due to a computer error, Medicaid declared Mrs. Cohen deceased. Here's what happened: Cohen said she came to the Medicaid office in Crown Heights, Brooklyn where...more »
Christian Refugees in Germany Persecuted By Muslim Refugees
[image: Christian refugees] Barnabas has been alerting governments and the Western public to this for months. Christians escaping Islamic State (IS) jihadists in Iraq and Syria seldom go to the main refugee camps in neighbouring countries because they are marginalised, abused, and at... Continue reading *“Christian Refugees in Germany Persecuted By Muslim Refugees”* at *barnabasfund.org*.
Pelosi: Whether An Unborn Child Is A Human Has ‘No Basis’ in Policy
[image: Nancy Pelosi_400] House Minority Leader Representative Rep. Nancy Pelosi refused to answer a question on whether an unborn child is a human being and stated such a question has "no basis" in public policy on Thursday. Pelosi responded to a question on whether... Continue reading *“Pelosi: Whether An Unborn Child Is A Human Has ‘No Basis’ in Policy”* at *breitbart.com*.
*Weekend's fall festivals take place in actual autumn weather ~WWL* *Second line Sunday: Family Ties Social Aid and Pleasure Club ~Big Red Cotton, Gambit * *Studying New Orleans to improve disaster planning ~Phys.org* *Founding New Orleans, The Vagabond City ~Laine Kaplan-Levinson, WWNO * *Inhofe Opening Statement for Hearing on the Corps of Engineers’ Role in WOTUS*
Mexico: Video of UFOs Over Morelia, Michoacán
Our friend and colleague *Arq. Claudio Mora* of Mexico's *La Esfera Azul *is sharing two recordings of unidentified flying objects (UFOS) with eyewitness accounts. These sightings took place between the months of July and August 2015 over Morelia, the capital city of the Mexican state of Michoacán. Footage of the red UFO - the first one in the video clip - is from August 2015, recorded by Manuel Rivera Oviedo. The second UFO was recorded "moments after the recordings followed by the eyewitness accounts" in the direction of the Morelos Stadium. The original video is credited to Geo... more »
Mining 45, Presentation at UP Diliman
Last September 22,2015 evening, I was one of two speakers in a symposium, "OPEN MINEded ka ba?" organized by the University of the Philippines (UP) Mining Engineering Society (UP Miners) and co-sponsored by about 10 other student organizations in UP. Venue was the College of Science Auditorium, UP Diliman, Quezon City. The other speaker was Engr. Gabriel "Gab" Pamintuan Jr., an alumni and part-time faculty member of Mining Engineering in UP, with an MS in Petroleum Engineering in a US university, and currently pursuing a PhD in nuclear engineering. Including those who come and go... more »
Incoming CME's and CERN activity
This is an excellent report by BP Earthwatch- from Sept 30th. NOTE: 7 HOURS of solar footage has been CUT from the feed!!!! The feed was cut just after I posted the Sept 30th Update about CERN, and the editing of solar information. NOTE on the above video "Solar Impact"- we went through huge internet outages yesterday for about 2 -3 hours in the Evening- around 1800-2100 London/Morocco time. Below is the high frequency absorption map at 1311 UTC, which is 1411 London/Morocco time- we were directly in the Red zone..... yet mysteriously the internet outages happened. No... more »
Short Stories
[image: Family Storytelling] DUDLEY HALL -- The mother was distraught. She had grown up in a large family who enjoyed meal times together. She remembered the happy bonding time around the table as each family member eventually told stories about their daily experiences.... more »
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap, Up 10/2/2015"
*"Weekly News Wrap, Up 10/2/2015"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "The Middle East is spiraling into chaos and war at an alarming rate. It went from a war of words between President Obama and President Putin at the UN on Monday to the Russians bombing targets in Syria just a few days later. The Russians say they are fighting terrorism, and the U.S. says Russia is propping up the Syrian government, and it is bombing the CIA backed so-called moderate rebels. Russia has sent the world’s biggest nuclear armed submarine to the coast of Syria. It reportedly holds some 200 nuclear warhea... more »
9 Promotional Songs by Grover The Peace Man
*Click on the link below to hear Grover's music:* *https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/8-inm*
These Are The Weapons That The Islamic State Will Use Against Russia
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Alex Beltyukov *Robert Farley, National Interest*: *5 ISIS Weapons of War Russia Should Fear in Syria* ISIS has the potential to hurt Russia in a way that it could never hurt the United States... Reports out of Syria indicate that Russian fighter-bombers have begun airstrikes on rebel positions. However, the extent of Russian commitment remains unclear. At the very least, we can expect that the troops and aircraft will forcefully protect Russian installations in the region. At the maximum, Russia may fight to preserve the Assad regime, and restore its con... more »
Yet another Pepe Escobar make on the Syria story: "Russian President Vladimir Putin's message at the UN General Assembly was stark; either sovereign states get together in a broad coalition against all forms of terror, and the principle of statehood is respected as enshrined in the UN charter -- or there will be chaos.
------------------------------ *OpEdNews Op Eds 9/29/2015 at 18:39:27* Checkmate*By Pepe Escobar (about the author)* Permalink (Page 1 of 2 pages) Related Topic(s): Assad; Chaos; Iran; Neocons; Obama; Political; Putin; Syria *View Ratings* opednews.com Headlined to H2 9/29/15 Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin (image by theglobalpanorama) License DMCARussian President Vladimir Putin's message at the UN General Assembly was stark; either sovereign states get together in a broad coalition against all forms of terror, and the principle of statehood is res... more »
Will Jeremy Corbyn criticise a representative of his 'friends' Hamas for this?
IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) tweeted at 9:36 PM on Thu, Oct 01, 2015: Hamas spokesperson Husam Badran refers to the killing of parents in front of their 4 children as "heroic operation" https://t.co/P7Z5CNaesd (https://twitter.com/IDFSpokesperson/status/649684293468315648) Will Jeremy Corbyn criticise the representative of his 'friends' in Hamas? Or more likely will he just show his inability to criticise terrorists or say the word Israel?
Jeremy Corbyn is a bear! "Will Self, Matthew Parris on Jeremy Corbyn and Labour" on YouTube
The End Of One Of My Favourite Blogs
*WNU Editor:* One of my favourite blogs closed up shop yesterday .... *Naval Open Source INTelligence.* I have been reading it for years, and while I know that everything does not last forever .... it a sad moment when something that you like does. Take care Kobus, may your journey be a good one. As for this blog .... as long as I am healthy I will keep on posting. I do it not for fame for fortune .... I do it to feed my need as an info/intel junkie who wants to know what is happening out there .... and to share it with those who have the same interests as mine ... and once in a w... more »
Free Planet - Re-Wilded gallery of Manimals - your choice corporate slave
*EARTH IS TRANSFORMING, tonight.* The seven.five.billion people of Free Planet are given a stark choice to select any animal form in which to plant their Human Soul. Remember, this is only done because no other solution will save humanity in its current incarnation on this delicate homeworld. Which creation or Re-Wilded would you choose to live out the years of your natural human life span? Land dweller, air dweller, sea dweller, underground dweller, grazer or hunter; the choice is yours fellow Free Planeter. Free Planet vs War World is *on like Donkey Kong* *NB:* me, I'd cho... more »
Rhetorical Entrapment and Syria: Let’s Not Do Dumb Stuff
I’m on team Dan on the question of not freaking out over Syria. I don’t think Jeff’s assessment on this blog reflects the reality which is one of Russian weakness, nor am I convinced, per Seth’s conjecture, that the Obama administration had some master plan to lure the Russians in to Syria. Russia’s moves in to […]
Russia, Russia Burning Bright? (Spoiler: Not So Much)
The Russian Federation covers more territory than any other country. It has a large nuclear arsenal, skilled weapons designers, and the world’s fourth largest military budget—after the United States, China, and Saudi Arabia. But it maintains that budget—which comes it at roughly 12% of US military expenditures—by spending a larger percentage of its GDP on […]
Military Photo of the Day: October 2, 2015
[image: Marines Drill-900] U.S. Marines sharpen their weapons handling skills aboard the USS Rushmore, which is deployed at sea. Thank you to these brave Marines and their families for sacrificing so much for our country!
BBC News revert to type on reporting about Jerusalem
This BBC report on two Israeli Jews murdered by Palestinians http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-34417930 has reverted to the BBC's preferred lie about Jerusalem: 'Tensions have been particularly high in recent weeks over the long-running issue of access to the al-Aqsa mosque compound in East Jerusalem. Al-Aqsa is one of Islam's holiest sites and is in the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif site also revered by Jews.' The Temple Mount site is the holiest site in Judaism as the BBC started to acknowledge recently after pressure from me and others. It's odd that they have reverte... more »
New Combat Patch For U.S. Troops Fighting The Islamic State Looks Like The Islamic State Patch
*Zero Hedge:* *New Patch for U.S. Troops Fighting ISIS… Looks Like ISIS Logo* Believe it or not, American soldiers fighting against ISIS in Syria and Iraq will actually be wearing the emblem of ISIS – the infamous crossed-swords logo. Well, almost. Controversy has stirred because many think the patch looks too much like our boys are fighting for the enemy… just another sign of confusion about the counterproductive Obama-led war against the notorious and shamefully exploitative jihadist army. The Military Times noted that: *“A combat patch worn by U.S. soldiers who served in Iraq... more »
Revolutionary Act of Truth Telling? (Trump's Latest Con) NC House Stomps on Local Control of Fracking (The New Nakba (Catastrophe)) Warlord Politics Rules US (135 Secret Wars?) JFK Propaganda Hires Two Gullible Hollywood Types to Proselytize It (Again, the New York Times Has No Shame) The Grifter Cruz
BREAKING!The Revolutionary Act Of Telling The TruthJohn PilgerJohn Pilger, speaking at the launch in London of The WikiLeaks Files, with an introduction by Julian Assange.These are dark times, in which the propaganda of deceit touches all our lives. It is as if political reality has been privatised and illusion legitimised. The information age is a media age. We have politics by media;
US Upstaged at UN General Assembly - Who's to Blame?
*October 2, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The UN General Assembly this year celebrated its 70th anniversary which is why more leaders than usual attended and participated. While the speeches were typical and mostly irrelevant for people already well-informed about world events, there was one particular point to note that made this gathering more telling than most. It wasn't a point that could be discerned by simply watching the speeches play out on the floor of the General Assembly hall, but rather revealed itself in the reaction to the speeches by American policymakers online. ... more »
A Nobel Peace Prize For U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry And Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif?
Accolade: Barack Obama accepts the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo December 2009 *Washington Free Beacon: **Nobel Prize Rumors Put Focus On Kerry-Iran Coziness* Secretary of state’s legacy increasingly linked to Iranian regime fortunes. Growing speculation that John Kerry will receive a Nobel Peace Prize for finalizing the Iranian nuclear deal is generating renewed criticism of his close relationship with the Iranian foreign minister, Javad Zarif, a key public face for the theocratic regime who is rumored to be a probable co-recipient with Kerry. Rumors have been circulating for months ... more »
U.S. Transport Plane Crashes In Afghanistan Killing 12
*Washington Post*: *6 U.S. troops among 11 killed in Afghanistan plane crash* At least 11 people, including six U.S. service members, died overnight when a cargo plane crashed while taking off from an airfield in eastern Afghanistan, the U.S. military said Thursday. The Air Force C-130J, a large turboprop plane used for cargo and transport flights, crashed as it left the airfield in Jalalabad early Friday local time, shortly after midnight, the U.S. Air Forces Central Command said in a statement. Five civilian contractors working with the U.S. and allied military mission in Afgh... more »
Putin Cutting Obama down to Size
[image: Putin Half Smirk - 900] If the humiliation of the Obama administration continues at this rate, by this time next week you should expect to see Secretary of State John Kerry on all fours at the United Nations, getting paddled by the Russian foreign minister... more »
What is Fraud?
Fraud is an offence under the Criminal Code - basically a fraud involves tricking someone out of something of value. A fraud differs from a theft in the element of trickery - if I grab your wallet it is theft but if I trick you into handing me your wallet, say in return for a fake airline ticket, that is fraud. Canadian courts have held that fraud consists of two distinct elements: - A prohibited act of deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means. In the absence of deceit or falsehood, the courts will look objectively for a "dishonest act"; and - A deprivation caused b... more »
Planned Parenthood Can’t Handle the Truth
[image: Cecile Richards Planned Parenthood - 900] The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s questioning of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards exposes the depravity and dishonesty of her organization. Richards and her colleagues act like cornered criminal defendants whose only defense is to dissemble and counterattack their...more »
Obama’s Faux Sophistication
[image: President Obama - 900] If you reside on the political right, you've probably experienced the subtle condescension that occasionally erupts from a "sophisticated" sort who realizes you're not on their side of the aisle. The left, in the eyes of many, is the correct...more »
Maybe the best reason to spread word of Nancy Reagan's first home is that she doesn't seem to like people knowing
*Justin's caption: "Though this modest 2-story frame house with yellow siding at 149-14 Roosevelt Avenue, between 149th Street and 149th Place, remains unmarked by a plaque or medallion of any kind, this is the home where former First Lady Nancy Reagan spent the first two years of her life."* *by Ken* The other day I promised to return to what sounds like a fairly routine question: Where was Nancy Reagan born? What makes the question rather more interesting is that it seems to be a touchy subject for Mrs. Reagan, and suggests in turn that Mrs. R has a relationship to reality remin... more »
The U.S. Prepares For A Nuclear Attack
*CNS News:** HHS Boosting Nation's Stockpile of Burn Treatments in Case of Nuclear Attack* "The detonation of an improvised nuclear device would produce intense heat, resulting in many patients with severe burns," says a September 30 news release from the Department of Health and Human Services. The announcement says HHS has contracted for the development of "four novel products to treat severe thermal burns." The products will boost the number of treatment options in case of disaster, and they'll also be used in "routine" burn care situations. The four treatments -- one commercia... more »
Carving Up the Middle East
In this first episode of a two-part series for his TeleSUR show “Days of Revolt,” Chris Hedges and Sabah Alnasseri, Associate Professor of Middle East Politics at York University, trace the roots of Islamic State to their origins and explore comparisons to the 20th-century genesis of Israel. Hedges begins by pointing out how the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, responsible for “carving up the Middle East and turning countries into protectorates,” has only been changed twice—once with the Israeli independence and now with Islamic State. As Hedges put it, the tactics used to redraw t... more »
The War In Afghanistan Has So Far Cost $33,000 Per Afghan Citizen
Afghan local police (ALP) sit at the back of a truck near a frontline during a battle with the Taliban at Qalay- i-zal district, in Kunduz province, Afghanistan August 1, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer *Peter Apps, Reuters*: *The war in Afghanistan has so far cost $33,000 per citizen. And will not end well.* Fourteen years old this month, the West’s war in Afghanistan had all but vanished from the headlines. Even before the fall of Kunduz this week, however — the first provincial capital to be taken by the Taliban in more than a decade — it was clear that all was not going well. Last week... more »
Kumpulan Desain Kamar Rumah Minimalis Terbaru 2016
Kumpulan Desain Kamar Rumah Minimalis Terbaru 2016 | untuk anda yang baru memiliki kamar di rumah baru atau baru berencana membuat rumah baru dan ingin membuat kamar tidur yang modern di rumah anda, anda bisa melihat beberapa referensi yang akan kami berikan dibawah ini, dengan menggunakan kamar yang nyaman untuk keluarga anda, pasti tidur anda akan pulas dan juga nyenyak, karena kamar yang
Musical Interlude: Michael Jackson, “Earth Song”
Michael Jackson, “Earth Song” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Almost every object in the below photograph is a galaxy. The Coma Cluster of Galaxies pictured above is one of the densest clusters known - it contains thousands of galaxies. Each of these galaxies houses billions of stars - just as our own Milky Way Galaxy does. Although nearby when compared to most other clusters, light from the Coma Cluster still takes hundreds of millions of years to reach us. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, the Coma Cluster is so big it takes light millions of years just to go from one side to the other! Most galaxies in Coma and other clusters are ell... more »
The Oregon Shooting at Umpqua College. Here are some immediate red flag questions
A Chris Mercer, 26 has been identified as the shooter at the Oregon Umpqua Community College I have some questions about this already. I don't think the media will lead with the fact the Oregon shooter was a "Black Lives Matter" supporter. He was out to kill whites and Christians. It does not fit their profiling they want, unlike how they unearthed a picture of the church shooter with a
Interesting Interview on Syria
Srđa Trifković is a Serbian-American writer on international affairs and foreign affairs editor for the magazine Chronicles. I know this is all very confusing to most people - especially when the media in the west is so full of lies and distortion. It's hard to figure out what is true and what is not about Syria. I highly recommend reading this timely article on the Syria situation by journalist Robert Parry *here*
Syrian Rebels Are Now Predicting A Longer War
Bombers: Video footage emerged that claims to show Russian jets targeting areas in Hama Province in Syria which are controlled by moderate rebel groups supported by the U.S.-led coalition and not ISIS *Reuters:* *Syrian rebel says Russia air raids mean longer war, seeks anti-aircraft missiles* A prominent Syrian rebel leader said on Thursday that Russian air strikes in support of President Bashar al-Assad meant the war would go on longer, fuel extremism, and draw more foreign fighters to Syria. Bashar al-Zoubi, who heads one of the largest rebel groups in southern Syria, called on... more »
What Is The Message That Russia Is Sending To the World With Its Air-Strikes In Syria
Image: kremlin.ru *Nikolas K. Gvosdev, National Interest*: *Moscow's War in the Air: Russia Sends a Message in Syria* For better or worse there is no questioning that right now, the Kremlin has taken control of the narrative when it comes to Syria. The start of Russian airstrikes in Syria—two days after Vladimir Putin listened to Barack Obama's UN General Assembly speech, which warned against Russian action in defense of the Bashar al-Assad regime (and then had such warnings reinforced in their one-on-one meeting)—is the Kremlin's answer to the questions that have been posed about... more »
Sanders Campaign Needs More Punk Rockers To Join The Chorus of Musical Support
photo of Alice Bag and Frightwig by Eric Goodfield by Denise Sullivan The rock 'n' roll choice for president is clear, according to the Artists and Cultural Leaders for Bernie Sanders. Politically conscious, engaged, and enlightened performers whether from folk roots like Bonnie Raitt or Jackson Browne, or edgier stock like Wayne Kramer, Jello Biafra, and Margaret Cho, comprise the diverse list of performers. Meshell Ndegeocello, Lucinda Williams, David Crosby, John Densmore, and Serj Tankian (System of a Down) have also signed on to support Sanders. Of course music people traditi... more »
Obama is despicable...w/Update...
*touting gun control before the victims of the Umpqua shooting have even cooled off.* Three times the number of victims are slaughtered by his "brothers" and "sons" in Chicago, Baltimore, and St. Louis every single weekend, and he has nothing to say about that. And when they're not slaughtering each other, they're slaughtering white people and white cops. “There’s been another mass shooting in America,” the president said at the outset of his remarks. “This time at a community college in Oregon.” “In the coming days we will learn about the victims. The young men and women who wer... more »
6 U.S. Troops Among 11 Killed in Afghanistan Plane Crash
[image: C-130 in Afghanistan-900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Eleven people, including six U.S. service members, were killed early Friday when a U.S. Air Force C-130J transport plane crashed in Afghanistan. The plane crashed at Jalalabad Airfield in eastern Afghanistan at about midnight local time. A... more »
Endless War $pending
*U.S. Military Budgets 1948-2015* - Obama FY2010-15 $663.4 billion per year - Bush Jr FY2002-09* $634.9 " - Clinton FY1994-2001 $418.0 " (This was the period after the Soviet Union fell apart thus the lower Pentagon budgets) - Bush Sr FY1990-93 $513.4 " - Reagan FY1982-89 $565.0 " - Carter FY1978-81 $428.1 " - Ford FY1976-77 $406.7 " - Nixon FY1970-75 $441.7 " - Johnson FY1965-69 $527.3 " ... more »
And the Hypocritical, Self-Righteous Asshole Award Goes To ....
THE MOUND OF SOUND!!!! TAKE A BOW!!!! I've been going to MoS's blog fairly regularly since I posted this about him. I used to go because I admired his thinking, but now I've gone to look in the same sort of morbid way that people slow down to look at car accidents. I want to see how he'll disgrace himself with each new post about Mulcair and the NDP. Believe me, there have been several occasions when I was tempted to comment, either over there or here, but I restrained myself. Out of respect for past work I suppose. That latest post of his about Mulcair isn't even the worst, but it... more »
Oct. 1: How bigoted are Canadians?
Canada has a long, long tradition of bigotry. Those on the wrong end of it, like the early Irish immigrants, were been denied decent jobs and pushed into slums. Others, like Ukrainians and Japanese, were pushed into prison camps in whole families and all their property confiscated and sold. Blacks had to live in separate communities, were denied jobs and held in poverty. Chinese were confined in slums called 'Chinatowns'. Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany weren't allowed into Canada, not even after the war. And now it's the turn of Muslims. It is perfectly legal in Canada for a ... more »
A2/AD Bubble, Syria and the Bigger Strategic Picture.
I stumbled across a rather large and interesting article posted at, new to me, site called *FoxTrot Alpha *The excerpted information seems to be a compliment to my previous post *Russia building an A2/AD Bubble over Syria/Levant* *Looking for some input from the more military minded persons...* *“On a larger scale, Russia’s overall strategy in the region is becoming clearer. With an reinvigorated relationship with Iran and a strengthening one with Iran’s good friend Iraq, Russia could soon wield some form of control over the northern Middle East, ranging from the Mediterranean t... more »
More Details On How The U.S. Were Informed That Russia Was Beginning Air Strikes In Syria
Extraordinary. A 3 star Russian general went to US embassy in Baghdad this am, saying bombing starts in 1 hour, clear #Syria airspace — Jon Sopel (@BBCJonSopel) September 30, 2015 *The Telegraph:* *Russian general tells US diplomats: 'We launch Syria air strikes in one hour. Stay out of the way'* *Vladimir Putin orders airforce into action over Syria in first Russian war in Middle East since end of Soviet Union - giving US diplomats one hour's notice.* Russian generals are not regular visitors to the US Embassy in Baghdad. Once, this newly built complex near the Tigris was the de... more »
Obama’s Syria Debacle
[image: Vladimir Putin - 900] “Russia hits Assad’s foes, angering U.S.” -- Headline, Wall Street Journal, Oct. 1 WASHINGTON -- If it had the wit, the Obama administration would be not angered, but appropriately humiliated. President Obama has, once again, been totally outmaneuvered by Vladimir Putin.... more »
When Dad is the Devil
[image: Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler] The bride, Edda, was 20, glamorous and well connected. The groom came from a prominent family. Their wedding was Italy’s social event of the year in 1930. If the occasion was marred in any way, it was through the inability... more »
Women in Combat: What Repealing the Combat Exclusion Means for Our Military
[image: Jude Eden All Out Uniform - 900] This week was the deadline for the leaders of the armed services to issue their recommendation for opening all combat units to women, though these have not yet been made public and the major media have hardly mentioned it. Repealing the combat ban... more »
New York City Council Honors Convicted Soviet Spy Ethel Rosenberg
[image: Rosenbergs - 400] The New York City Council this week honored convicted spy Ethel Rosenberg for “demonstrating great bravery” during a 1935 strike against the National New York Packing and Supply Co., the New York Post reports. Rosenberg, along with her husband, Julius, and brother... Continue reading *“New York City Council Honors Convicted Soviet Spy Ethel Rosenberg”* at *newsmax.com*.
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 1st October)
Government abandons plans designed to counter corporate wrongdoing In a surprise U-turn, the Justice Minister, Andrew Selous, said the Government was no longer considering creating a new criminal offence as “there was little evidence of corporate economic wrongdoing going unpunished.” The Conservatives had pledged in their manifesto to strengthen powers to curb corporate misbehaviour,
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 1, 2015
*Alex Thomson, Channel 4:* *Syria: why this is not the start of World War Three* So the Russians and Americans are now bombing Syria, and the Russians are bombing the very rebels the US gives military aid to, and that’s a proxy war, and it’s knife-edge, and it could cause a Third World War, and…and…and… Whoah! Calm down. Pour yourself a large mug of something warm and soothing. Deep breaths. Now have a look at this. Your five-point guide to what the Russians are doing and why Third World Wars and proxy wars are as fanciful in Syria as they were in Ukraine.. *Commentaries, Analys... more »
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