President Obama has signed an executive order giving the U.S. government the ability to conduct "behavioural experiments" on U.S. citizens.
10:24pm MDST
Musical Interlude: Michael Franti: "Hey World (Don't Give Up)"
Michael Franti: "Hey World (Don't Give Up)" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01FE9cPXE3M
Musical Interlude: Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1-4u9W-bns&html5=1
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation Pegasus and you can find this expanse of Milky Way stars and distant galaxies. Centered on NGC 7814, the pretty field of view would almost be covered by a full moon. NGC 7814 is sometimes called the Little Sombrero for its resemblance to the brighter more famous M104, the Sombrero Galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* Both Sombrero and Little Sombrero are spiral galaxies seen edge-on, and both have extensive central bulges cut by a thinner disk with dust lanes in silhouette. In fact, NGC 7814 is some 40 million light-year... more »
"A Few Questions to Ask"
*"A Few Questions to Ask"* By Eric Peters "Debating the merits of a particular government policy or proposal with authoritarian-minded political opponents is pointless– if you’re hoping to persuade, at any rate. Far better to ask them a few apparently simple questions– and force them to confront the disquieting answers about the authoritarian nature of the political and social system they support. For instance, you might ask what their view of slavery is. Is it morally wrong to own another human being? Probably, they will say it is wrong. Now ask: What does it mean to be a slave? ... more »
“What Is Synchronicity?”
*“What Is Synchronicity?”* by Zen Gardner "First of all, the mystical synchronicity mechanism *just is*. It’s a manifestation of the great conscious Universal Truth that underlies and drives everything with or without our conscious recognition of it. To me it distills down to neophyte mankind uncovering clearly connecting events that supersede our mental understandings. And when we do it serves as an inspiration and continual wake up call. To the ancients this was natural. Here’s some interesting quotes from “The Art of Being Present”: "Synchronicity – the unexpected merging of two... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Vienna, Wien, Austria. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Denise Levertov, "Variation On A Theme By Rilke"
*"Variation On A Theme By Rilke"* ("The Book of Hours, Book I, Poem 1, Stanza 1") "A certain day became a presence to me; there it was, confronting me- a sky, air, light: a being. And before it started to descend from the height of noon, it leaned over and struck my shoulder as if with the flat of a sword, granting me honor and a task. The day's blow rang out, metallic- or it was I, a bell awakened, and what I heard was my whole self saying and singing what it knew: I can." ~ Denise Levertov
Tom Guild Is Running In Oklahoma Based On The Issues That People Care About-- Will It Work?
Have Oklahoma City voters had enough of congressional mad dogs like Clyde Russell? Imagine a candidate's platform making this promise: "If elected, I promise to never vote to shut the government down!" As odd as it seems, it makes sense in the context of the infantile and nihilistic Republican response to not getting their way. And that quote is from Tom Guild, the progressive Democrat running for the Oklahoma City-based congressional seat held by reactionary government shut-down advocate Steve Russell. Or, as Guild put it: My erstwhile opponent, freshman Tea Partier Rep. Clyde "St... more »
US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter In Europe As Global Crisis Mount
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his wife, Stephanie, arrive in Madrid, Oct. 4, 2015. Carter is on a five-day trip to Spain, Italy, Belgium and the United Kingdom, where he will visit troops, meet with defense counterparts and attend the NATO Defense Ministerial Conference. DoD photo by U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Clydell Kinchen *AFP:* *Pentagon chief arrives in Europe amid Syrian, Afghan crises* Madrid (AFP) - US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter arrived in Madrid on Sunday, beginning a European tour amid alarm over Russian bombardments in Syria and the refugee crisis sparked by... more »
What A War Would Look Like Between Russia And The U.S.
*Andrew Tilghman and Oriana Pawlyk, Military Times:* *U.S. vs. Russia: What a war would look like between the world's most fearsome militaries * *Vladimir Putin's brazen moves in Syria and Ukraine raise new questions about America's contingency plans.* Early on the morning of Sept. 30, a Russian three-star general approached the American embassy in Baghdad, walked past a wall of well-armed Marines, to deliver face-to-face a diplomatic demarche to the United States. His statement was blunt: The Russia military would begin air strikes in neighboring Syria within the hour — and th... more »
U.S. And Russia Cannot Even Agree On Who is A Terrorist
*James Rosen, McClatchy News:* *Even with translators, U.S. and Russia can’t agree on definition of terrorism* WASHINGTON: While they confer about “de-conflicting” their bombing raids in Syria, U.S. and Russian military officials also might want to discuss what the word “terrorist” means. That would be an easier discussion for the Russians, who began conducting airstrikes Wednesday, than the Americans, who’ve been bombing Syria for more than a year. For Russian President Vladimir Putin and his generals, the definition of “terrorist,” when it comes to the increasingly turbulent Sy... more »
Why The Taliban Will Retake Afghanistan
Afghan staff react inside a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) hospital after an air strike in the city of Kunduz, Afghanistan in this October 3, 2015 MSF handout photo. REUTERS/Medecins Sans Frontieres/Handout via Reuters OP-FOR: *Whither Afghanistan?* The ever-vigilant, thoughtful commentator and stalwart Op-For loyalist George W ’64 sent in two articles on Afghanistan for consideration. The first is here, “Why Afghanistan is going to fall…” This is one of the first paragraphs: *After covering the invasion of Afghanistan, former NPR journalist Sarah Chayes decided to stay in the cou... more »
Role of a defence lawyer
The role of a defence lawyer is widely misunderstood but it's important to understand if you are ever in trouble and need a lawyer. A defence lawyer's job is to get the best possible result for the accused consistent with the directions of the accused and legal ethics. That means that a defence lawyer has to be completely loyal to the client - there can be no other interests represented but the client. And it also means the defence lawyer must follow the lawful directions of the client. So if the client says "I will not plead guilty" the lawyer must follow that instruction even if t... more »
Are U.S. Priorities Misplaced?
*WNU Editor:* As the world burns is this the priority in Washington? .... *Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, in Dueling Speeches, Focus on Transgender Rights* (NYT). Sighhh ... These news stories are being played all around the world .... and take it from what I am hearing .... the rest of the world thinks the U.S. has lost its mind.
Fall TV Watch: Tonight the new season can be said to be truly underway
*I haven't watched this official season preview of Season 5 of Homeland, which launches tonight, for fear of of spoilers. I started watching one of the series of preview clips CBS has posted in advance of tonight's Season 7 premiere of The Good Wife, and within about three seconds star Julianna Margulies had revealed more than I wanted to know before watching the show.* *by Ken* However bleak the new TV season becomes, it doesn't seem to crap up Sunday night. Tonight we have the season premieres of both *The Good Wife* and *Homeland*, and it's a good bet that, however I finally dec... more »
Chet Raymo, “Asymptote”
*“Asymptote”* by Chet Raymo “My pal Brian Doyle had another of his terrific essays in the Notre Dame Magazine, recounting a moment back in 1974 when, as an ND undergraduate, he bumped into the famed Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. "I read some of your stories the other day and they were pretty good," said the smug young Doyle, and added that he had in mind becoming a writer himself. The unflappably courteous Borges responded with a few words of advice: "Get as close to the truth as you can." Thanks, BD, for passing on the great man's words, although at this point in my life I ... more »
Oregon shooting: The root cause
The step-sister of Oregon’s mass-murderer said the shooting didn’t make sense. “All he ever did was put everyone before himself, he wanted everyone to be happy,” she told KCBS-TV. This is key to understanding the crime’s root cause, suggests Dr Michael Hurd: “All he ever did was put everyone before himself, he wanted everyone to be happy,” she told KCBS-TV. [The murderer]’s step-sister (like most people) thinks self-sacrifice is a virtue. But when you have no rational concern for your own interests, you don’t have much of a life, you possess no self-esteem, and you have nothi... more »
Pope Francis: A conversation or a Lecture?
Paul Dreissen, writing at Town Hall.com A Conversation … or a Lecture? We must “enter into dialogue with all people about our common home,” Pope Francis recently told the US Congress, frequently quoting from his *Laudato Si*encyclical. “We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge … and its human roots concern and affect us all.” I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, the pontiff seems more interested in a lecture than a conversation on climate change, energy and economic development, and improving the lives of Earth’s poorest families. The pope’s... more »
"No Logical Chain..."
“Man thought and still thinks in images. But now our images have hardly and any emotional value. We always want a "conclusion," an end, we always want to come, in our mental processes, to a decision, a finality, a full stop. This gives us a sense of satisfaction. All our mental consciousness is a movement onwards, a movement in stages, like our sentences, and every full-stop is a milestone that marks our "progress" and our arrival somewhere. On and on we go, for the mental consciousness. Whereas of course there is no goal. Consciousness is an end in itself. We torture ourselves get... more »
Made from oil
Just a small fraction of the many things you probably take for granted … Here’s just a partial list, 144 from over 6000 everyday products, that you probably didn’t know were made from oil … [Pic by *Calgary Herald*] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Doctors Without Borders Denies Reports That The Taliban Were Present In Their Hospital At Kunduz
*Reuters*: *Medical aid group denies Taliban were firing from Afghan hospital hit by air strike* Medical aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres denied that Taliban fighters were firing from its hospital at Afghan and NATO forces before a suspected U.S. air strike killed at least 19 people in a battle to oust the Islamist insurgents from an Afghan city. Fighting raged around the northern provincial capital of Kunduz for a seventh day as government forces backed by American air power seek to drive out Taliban militants who seized the city almost a week ago. Decomposing bodies littered ... more »
Reports That Afghan And Coalition Forces Have Retaken The City Of Kunduz Appear To Be Premature
*Al Jazeera*: *Taliban claims to recapture Afghan city of Kunduz* Armed group says it is in control of strategic city after it was briefly taken by government forces backed by US. The Taliban has reportedly regained control of the northern city of Kunduz, after days of intense fighting against Afghan troops backed by US air strikes, Al Jazeera has learnt. Earlier on Sunday, government forces, which have been trying to take control of the city, said they had made gains, but those appear to have been shortlived. Al Jazeera's Qais Azimy, reporting from Puli Khumri just south of Kund... more »
Turkish Defense Radar Locked on Russian Fighter in Syria ??
*The first casualty of war is truth.* *McClatchy * ISTANBUL *A Russian warplane on a bombing run in Syria flew within five miles of the Turkish border and may have crossed into Turkey’s air space, Turkish and U.S. officials said Sunday.* Within 5 miles of the border? May have crossed into Turkey's airspace? Said unnamed officials? *The incident raises new concerns that Russia’s armed intervention in Syria could spill over to neighboring countries, lead to an unintended military confrontation and trigger an even bigger regional conflict. * Russia's intervention could spill over in... more »
David Evan’s discovery will change climate change debate
Miranda Devine in Perth Now: Miranda Devine: Perth electrical engineer’s discovery will change climate change debate Jo Nova and David Evans Source: Australian Climate MadnessCO2 is not driving the climate A MATHEMATICAL discovery by Perth-based electrical engineer Dr David Evans may change everything about the climate debate, on the eve of the UN climate change conference in Paris next month. A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which unde... more »
No, Sweden Doesn't Have it Figured Out (with Johan Norberg)
*Guest post: Tom Woods interviews Johan Norberg* *[image: image]Bernie Sanders,” Tom Woods writes, “United States senator from Vermont and self-described socialist, has surprised everyone with the vigour of his 2016 presidential campaign, both in terms of size of his crowds and the strength of his fundraising. “His message, on the other hand, is garden-variety leftism, particularly in economics, where he speaks as if the private sector can be ceaselessly burdened with no ill effects on anyone, except a bunch of greedy fat cats who deserve what they get.” One of the gard... more »
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
*Written by Grant G* First Justin Trudeau pummeled Patrick Brazeau and now he`s Ko`d Stephen Harper in the late rounds.. Watch this Trudeau campaign rally video(linked directly below), witness a powerful performance by Canada`s next Prime Minister....(Make sure to watch the last 10 minutes) http://www.liberal.ca/real-change-now-rally-livestream/ I wrote several years ago in a Straight Goods`s post titled (Justin the Thunderbolt Trudeau) that Justin Trudeau would be Canada`s next Prime Minister... Check out this poll, pay special attention to the riding rich Ontario numbers..... more »
A Look At How Syria Became A Destroyed State
*(Click on Image to Expand)* *Armin Rosen, Business Insider:* *Here's how Syria became hell on earth* In 2010, Syria was ranked 111 out of 169 countries on the Human Development Index, just behind South Africa. But there's more to the life of a country than the maintenance of a solidly lower middle-income economic baseline. There's more to it than even peace and stability. Since 1970, dictator Hafez al-Assad and his son and successor, Bashar al-Assad, have turned Syria into one of the world's most thorough police states. *WNU Editor:* I am one of those who never thought that the ... more »
It’s A Whole New War Now
*Sputnik*: *‘It’s a Whole New War Now’: Western Powers to Have Strategy Shift in Syria* Russia’s participation in the fight against ISIL in Syria could bring some major changes in the balance of power in the Middle East, Semyon Bagdasarov, the director of the Center for the Middle East and Central Asian Studies, told Radio Sputnik. On Wednesday, Russia launched airstrikes on ISIL targets in Syria following a request from President Bashar Assad. The Syrian government is fighting a number of opposition forces and radical Islamist militant organizations. Bagdasarov thinks the ongoin... more »
England’s options
[image: image] After England’s embarrassing exit from their own Rugby World Cup tournament even before the knockout stages have started – did we mention they’ve had their worst tournament in a history of bad tournaments – “a catastrophe for country and RWC” says the hyperbolic UK press – the Telegraph suggests teams England supporters could get behind now their own sub-standard team has been dumped. Because, frankly, all the other options are going to give a fan much more fun. Prospects include the French, who’ve had to endure Croydon; the Japanese, whose joyous giant-killing has... more »
US, Canada, and Humanitarian Flights for Syria’s Refugees
The video above is the YouTube presentation of my remarks this week at University of Toronto’s Davey Forum, whose theme this year was “Is Canada Doing Enough to Promote Human Rights?” I attended at the kind invitation of Duck blogger Wendy Wong and her colleagues Lou Pauly and Rod Haddow, and my remarks followed those […]
Oct. 4: a pot-pourri
To understand what the fighting in Syria is all about, check the sites below. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2014/01/16/the-great-game-and-the-cia-shaped-the-modern-middle-east https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1949_Syrian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat http://www.csmonitor.com/World/terrorism-security/2011/0418/Cables-reveal-covert-US-support-for-Syria-s-opposition To see the whole article these came from, go to the site below. And for those who think these stories are just anti-American propaganda, just note where they come from. The Christian Science Monitor, for example, is not a ... more »
Posture: A Gateway to Self Awareness
*Amy L. Lansky* - Most people in the modern world tend to have poor posture. The post Posture: A Gateway to Self Awareness appeared first on Waking Times .
‘The Soldier of Marathon Announcing the Victory,’ by Jean-Pierre Cortot
[image: 5531_1134311232211_1060216879_30323582_8045715_n]You all know the story, or should do. This is Cortot’s evocative depiction of the moment when the soldier, Pheidippides, arrives in Athens having ‘run his last race’—bearing the news as he expires that Greece has triumphed over the invading Persian army. Browning immortalised the story in verse. [image: Cortot] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Once Again Sacramento Democrats Want To Send Their Most Corrupt Member To Congress
Corrupt legislators Isadore Hall and Henry Perea from the juice committee joined lobbyist Dennis Loper at Churchill Downs for the Kentucky Derby. Who picked up the tab? A few years ago Democrats in the California state legislature, the Sacramento Democratic establishment and the state's labor bosses were incredibly eager to get rid of the worst state senator among them, corrupt conservative San Diego Democrat Juan Vargas. So they backed his bid for an open congressional seat! Let him become Washington's problem! Former Congressman Bob Filmer-- who had beaten Vargas in three primarie... more »
Oregon College Shooter Showed Little Sympathy in Calculated Killings
[image: Umpqua Community College-900] ROSEBURG, Ore. (AP) -- The gunman had already shot several students at close range when he stood inches from Lacey Scroggins and demanded she stand up. It was only the fourth day of community college for the 18-year-old aspiring surgeon.... more »
Canadian PM Harper Says Marijuana ‘Infinitely Worse’ Than Tobacco
The debate over making the use of marijuana legal in Canada has become one of key issues in the countrys federal election Liberal leader Justin Trudeau has vowed to legalize marijuana if elected while the Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper has challenged his opponent’s pro-legalization stance by claiming marijuana is “infinitely worse” than tobacco. “Tobacco is a product that does a lot of damage. Marijuana is infinitely worse and it’s something that we do not want to encourage,” Harper said RT reports: Trying to explain why he was so bothered by marijuana, given that tobacc... more »
Preserving the Tribal Culture of ‘God’s Multi-Colored People’ of the Amazon
*Andrea Davis* - The call of the Amazon led me to this tribe who need our help in preserving their land and culture. The post Preserving the Tribal Culture of ‘God’s Multi-Colored People’ of the Amazon appeared first on Waking Times.
*Gameday preview: Cowboys at Saints ~Nick Underhill, N.O. Advocate * *Fish tracking, oyster sustainability part of research at new UNO center ~N.O. Advocate*
Manchester: Tens Of Thousands Protest UK Government’s Policies
Mass protests took place in Manchester as the Tories got ready to hold their party conference. Police said 60,000 took part in the march close to Manchester Central, where the conference is being held. People took to the streets to demonstrate about a several issues ranging from David Cameron’s austerity measures to his plans to bomb Syria. RT reports: Amongst the protesters’ main gripes has been austerity measures introduced by the Tory Party, which has seen cuts in public services and a fall in living standards. RT’s Eisa Ali, who is reporting from the center of Manchester mentio... more »
"How to Spy the 9/11 Lie"
*"How to Spy the 9/11 Lie"* by Kevin Ryan "A recent book written by veteran CIA officers describes how deception can be identified by simple observational techniques. In "Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception", authors Philip Houston, Michael Floyd, and Susan Carnicero outline a number of verbal and visual behavioral clues that are demonstrated by people who lie in response to questioning. These proven techniques for recognizing deception can be easily applied to see that U.S. leaders have lied repeatedly about the attacks of 9/11. The authors make cle... more »
Assad: A Russia, Syria, Iran, And Iraq Failure Will Result In The Destruction Of The Middle East
© REUTERS/ SANA/Handout via Reuters *Deutsche Welle:* Assad applauds Russian, Iranian support for Syrian government Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said Russia's airstrikes against targets in Syria are vital for stability in the Middle East. The embattled leader decried international meddling in Syria's political leadership. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Sunday that the success of Russia's military intervention in his country's civil war was vital for the entire region. "The alliance among Russia, Syria, Iraq and Iran must succeed or else the whole region will be des... more »
Stephen Colbert Proves the Slippery Slope is Real
[image: Stephen Colbert Slippery Slope Screen Grab - 900] Last week, TV host Stephen Colbert took aim at those who oppose same-sex "marriage" and believe that it will open the door to all kinds of other "marital" arrangements. To the delight of his TV audience, and utilizing his comedic... more »
Jeers and Loathing in Manchester
If war is politics by other, more violent means; then surely politics is war via the demonstration, the megaphone, the occupation, the ballot box, and occasional argy-bargy between rival parties and factions. Hence politics and violence go hand in hand. It has become institutionalised and routinised in Western liberal democracies, but the association - as much as our (establishment) culture pretends otherwise - is there and can bubble its way to the surface. Yet it is sporadic and comes in two directions. There are individuals and/or political groups looking for rucks on demonstrat... more »
Quote of the Day: On Europe’s alleged no-go zones
*“I had an opportunity today to travel at length to several banlieues (suburbs) around Paris, including Sarcelles, Val d'Oise, and Seine Saint Denis. This comes on the heels of having visited over the years the predominantly immigrant (and Muslim) areas of Brussels, Copenhagen, Malmö, Berlin, and Athens. “A couple of observations: “For a visiting American, these areas are very mild, even dull. We who know the Bronx and Detroit expect urban hell in Europe too, but there things look fine. The immigrant areas are hardly beautiful, but buildings are intact, greenery abound... more »
Craig Venter - The Genius of Charles Darwin: The Uncut Interviews - Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science Source: Youtube Uploaded on Jun 30, 2009 Richard Dawkins interviews Craig Venter for "The Genius of Charles Darwin", the Channel 4 UK TV program which won British Broadcasting Awards' "Best Documentary Series" of 2008. Craig Venter founded The Institute for Genomic Research and has been credited with being instrumental in mapping the human genome. His team published the first complete genome of an individual human - Venter's own DNA sequence. Buy t... more »
Pentagon: No Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Syria's Rebels
© TASS *TASS*: *Pentagon says no US handover of MANPADS to Syria opposition* The Washington Post newspaper has reported that at least two anti-governmental groups in Syria backed by the US have asked the US administration to provide them with MANPADS WASHINGTON, October 4. /TASS/. The United States has not supplied man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS) to any groups of Syria’s opposition, a Department of Defense official has said. "We have not provided MANPADS," the official has told TASS commenting on media reports that Syria’s anti-government groups have asked Washington to... more »
Russia vs. The NATO Arab Legion (ISIL)
*"Russia has consistently opposed terrorism in all its forms. Today, we provide military-technical assistance to Iraq, Syria and other regional countries fighting terrorist groups. * *We think it’s a big mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian authorities and government forces who valiantly fight terrorists on the ground.* *We should finally admit that President Assad’s government forces and the Kurdish militia are the only forces really fighting terrorists in Syria. Yes, we are aware of all the problems and conflicts in the region, but we definitely have to consider the a... more »
How unreliable is wind?
Someone on The Energy Collective suggested that 24/7/365 facilities like data centers could run on "renewable energy" (meaning unreliable wind and solar) by taking the first pick of power from a wind farm or other facility and letting others take the surplus. Specifically, he said this: The wind farm that HP is drawing from is 300 MW. If they get first dibs on generation,it's not out of the
Satire: “Americans Opposed to Being Shot Seek Representation in Washington”
*“Americans Opposed to Being Shot Seek Representation in Washington”* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – “Americans who are opposed to being shot, a constituency that has historically failed to find representation in Washington, are making a new effort to make its controversial ideas heard in the nation’s capital. “When you bring up the idea of not wanting to be shot with members of Congress, there’s always been pushback,” Carol Foyler, founder of the lobbying group Americans Opposed to Being Shot, said. “Their reaction has been, basically, ‘Not being shot: who’s go...more »
Christians Take To Social Media With #IAmAChristian
[image: Ben-Carson_I Am a Christian_cropped 900 pix] Last week, a shooter went into the "gun-free" Umpqua Community College and took the lives of nine, wounding many more. This shooter singled out Christians, killing them if they professed their faith. In response, Dr. Ben Carson took to social... more »
More Police Refusing to Name Shooters for Fear of Copycats
[image: Killer] The sheriff detailed how a shooter armed with several guns walked into a Thursday morning writing class at a rural Oregon community college and killed nine people. He described how investigators found still more weapons at the man’s home. But... more »
CHART: The Truth about Gun Ownership in America Isn’t What Liberals Think
[image: firearm gun violence] Get the facts. The truth? The number of guns in the United States has increased by 62% since 1994 but gun violence has decreased by 49% since 1993: Continue reading *“CHART: The Truth about Gun Ownership in America Isn’t What Liberals Think”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Zero Hedge: Doctors Without Borders Accuses White House of Lying About Bombing
"Doctors Accuse White House Of Lying To Justify 'Collateral Damage' In Kabul Hospital Bombing," Zero Hedge, October 4, 2015: Available: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-10-04/doctors-accuse-white-house-lying-justify-collateral-damage-kabul-hospital-bombing
Documentation of Ongoing Atmospheric Emissions from Fukushima Daiichi in 2015
The excellent, Asia-Pacific Journal, has a a great article on the Fukushima Daiichi disaster that addresses ongoing atmospheric emissions from the plant using radiation monitoring data from Japan: The Human Consequences of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accidents The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 38, No. 2, September 28, 2015 Eiichiro Ochiai http://japanfocus.org/-Eiichiro-Ochiai/4382/article.html Are radioactive materials still leaking out into the atmosphere as well? No obvious phenomena, such as explosions, have been observed since March 2011, though sudde...more »
Russia 'Intensifying' Airstrikes in Syria
*CNN*: *Russia intensifying Syria airstrikes* (CNN)Russia is intensifying its airstrikes in Syria, which it says have "considerably reduced" the combat potential of militants. The Russian air force began strikes in Syria on Wednesday. In the past 24 hours, it has carried out 20 flights targeting 10 ISIS positions in Idlib province, the Russian Defense Ministry announced in a statement Sunday. Since 2011, Syria has been torn apart by a brutal civil war that has seen the rise of extremist groups including ISIS. Moscow supports the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and says it is t... more »
15 Quotes on Enlightened Business Practices from Steve Jobs’ Guru
*Kyle McMillan* - The only book that Steve Jobs ever downloaded to his iPad was by his main guru. The post 15 Quotes on Enlightened Business Practices from Steve Jobs’ Guru appeared first on Waking Times.
Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live...
*speaks volumes about the American public.* When did it become de rigueur for candidates running for president to make themselves into buffoons on Saturday Night Live, a show that ceased being funny decades ago? Is this what the American public demands? Does this make Hillary, a one woman crime spree, seem likable? According to the Daily Mail, after appearing in the comedy sketch, Clinton reappeared one last time to introduce Miley Cyrus, who was hosting and singing on the show. Miley Cyrus? Let me make sure I understand this properly. A woman with aspirations to the presidency... more »
Egypt Supports Russia's Military Intervention In Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (R) inspect guards of honour during their visit to the Black Sea Fleet’s guards missile cruiser Moskva in the sea port of Sochi. (AFP/Alexei Druzhinin) *Reuters:* *Egypt says Russia's intervention in Syria will counter terrorism* Russia's intervention in Syria will curtail the spread of terrorism and help deal a fatal blow to Islamic State in the war-torn country, Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on Saturday. Russia launched air strikes in Syria on Wednesday in its biggest Middle East inte... more »
Sunday Classics snapshots: They don't make organists like Virgil Fox anymore
*Virgil Fox at the console of RiversideChurch's grand Aeolian-Skinner organ* *by Ken* Somehow I wound up with at least two and maybe three copies of a CD reissue in the "RCA Living Stereo" series: the album of *Encores* recorded January 27-30, 1958, on the grand Aeolian-Skinner organ of Manhattan's Riverside Church by that master showman of the organ Virgil Fox (1912-1980). When one of those copies, still sealed, suddenly popped out in the open, it got me to thinking. While most of the selections would be sneered into oblivion by today's musical intelligentsia, I had a feeling it... more »
Turkey Issues Its Demands To Stop The Migration Crisis
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan *Wall Street Journal:* *Europe Needs Turkey’s Help on Migrants* *President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to discuss his country’s role in alleviating Europe’s burden—and what it would get in return.* Turkey has become one of the keys to solving Europe’s migrant crisis, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan—who arrives in Brussels on Monday for talks with top European politicians on the issue—knows it. But the options for getting the Turkish leader to help stem the flows of people through his country are few and complicated. Added to th... more »
Michael Witney on Putin in Syria
It's a bit too much "Rah-rah Putin" for my tastes, but, as such, it serves as a useful antidote to the sickening, murderous hypocrisy of US political and media elites of all stripes, when they talk about Syria. But while the Obama administration is frantically searching for a strategy, Putin’s air-squadrons are unleashing holy hell on the sociopaths, the head-choppers and the other assorted vipers that comprise the Islamic State. And Mr. Putin is getting plenty of help too, particularly from the crack-troops in the Iranian Quds forces and from the ferocious militia that defeated t... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 4th, 2015
[image: rant-jpeg-b] Sunday, and again time for my rant and my way of pissing off my favorite fans over in JIDF/Hasbara lunacy land.. Well, it does appear that I have gotten over my latest bout of illness and I surely do not wish what I came down with last week on anyone... Laid up for several days with a massive sinus infection and trying my best to basically sleep it off.... And yes, I kept pumping Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Oil of Oregano into my body to help speed recuperation....I appears I am finally back up to nearly 100% and there definitely is so much to talk about.... F... more »
Some Victims Are More Equal Than Others
A Tale of Two Presidential Condolences. *In the coming days, we’ll learn about the victims -- young men and women who were studying and learning and working hard, their eyes set on the future, their dreams on what they could make of their lives. And America will wrap everyone who’s grieving with our prayers and our love.** But as I said just a few months ago, and I said a few months before that, and I said each time we see one of these mass shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough. It’s not enough. It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should fee... more »
Government Chart of Gun Murders - A Complete Lie! Real Statistics from FBI. Real Truth through real charts on gun violence/murders.
I am seeing this chart about how guns have been used in murders of more people than anything else in the world in the U.S., including Terrorism. (7 Terrorism murders??? I will get to that little fact and have something to say about it, later in this article). This is a chart Motherjones is using on their site: There is a problem with the chart and mind you this is the same chart CNN and
Cameron Jamaican trip: Slavery reparations sidelined, but jail to be built
http://www.rt.com/op-edge/317236-uk-jamaica-slavery-cameron/ *Cameron Jamaican trip: Slavery reparations sidelined, but jail to be built* John Wight John Wight has written for newspapers and websites across the world, including the Independent, Morning Star, Huffington Post, Counterpunch, London Progressive Journal, and Foreign Policy Journal. He is also a regular commentator on RT and BBC Radio. He wrote a memoir of the five years he spent in Hollywood, where he worked in the movie industry prior to becoming a full time and activist and organizer with the US antiwar movement post... more »
Turkey Condemns Russia's Military Involvement In Syria
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan meets with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in Moscow on Sept. 23. (Photo: Cihan) *AFP*: *Russia making 'grave mistake' in Syria: Turkey's Erdogan * Istanbul (AFP) - Russia's bombing campaign in Syria is a "grave mistake" and its support for the regime will be judged by history, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned on Sunday. "The steps Russia is taking and the bombing campaign in Syria are quite unacceptable to Turkey," Erdogan told reporters at Istanbul airport before leaving for a visit to France. "(...) Unfortunately, Russia is m... more »
Joyce Bateman - Strike Two
Incumbent Winnipeg South Centre Con MP Joyce Bateman got pilloried this week for reading out a list of Liberals she deemed insufficiently pro-Israel at an all-candidates meeting hosted by B'nai Brith. Her booed list included Omar Alghabra, Borys Wrzesnewskyj, and retired Canadian Forces lieutenant-general Andrew Leslie. Winnipeg Free Press columnist and event moderator Don Lett described what he called her "enemies of Israel list" as "creepy". But really why wouldn't she play the anti-Semitism card again? This is her second campaign running with it : "Three years ago, the Conserva... more »
A Look At The Weapons That Russia Has Brought To Syria
*New York Times*: *As Russia Returns to Middle East, a Look at Some of Its Weapons* MOSCOW — In just a few days of engagement, the small military force Russia has deployed to its new base in Syria has scored outsized political and diplomatic gains. For its first combat mission in the Middle East since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Russian defense ministry said it had sent about 50 aircraft and about 2,000 marines to the base, along with support and logistics gear. Here is a look at some of the military assets Russia has on the scene. *More News On The Weapons That Russia H... more »
Look who Edward Stourton got to meet!
Having been somewhat out of action in the past couple of weeks or so, I've missed out on my weekly ramblings about Radio 4's *Sunday, *where I complain about what Edward Stourton said to the bishop (*"David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, that's a lovely pair of creamy buns you've got there, but am I right in thinking that you believe the government's benefit changes to be wrong in principle as well as being harmful in practice?"*). Last week's edition was a particularly odd one for me to have missed, given that I've long said, with some evidence to back it up (if I say so myself), t... more »
Is Russia a Paper Tiger?
Jeff Stacey has a new piece at Foreign Affairs that is basically a re-skinned version of his post at the Duck of Minerva. It should come as little surprise that I don’t find either piece particularly persuasive. Overall, I agree with Jeff’s basic assessment of Russian moves as destabilizing. In Syria, where Moscow seeks to save the Assad regime, Russian intervention […]
Let us all conduct a little experiment about Pre-K education
David Kirp has an op-ed on the mixed outcomes of universal Pre-K programs. “Money doesn’t guarantee good outcomes, but it helps,” they say. Even as more 4-year-olds attend pre-K, many states are delivering it on the cheap. While Boston spends $10,000 for each preschooler, in 2014 the average expenditure, nationwide, was $4,125. That’s $1,000 less […]
Spain: Military Aviator Recalls UFO Sighting Over Menorca
*Source: Menorca (online newspaper)Date: Sunday October 4 2015* *Spain: Military Aviator Recalls UFO Sighting Over Menorca* Rubén P. Atienza | MENORCA A military flier says he pursued the object involved in the Manises Incident right to the island. The retired air force officer described in detail his pursuit of unidentified objects while aboard a Mirage fighter - a chase that led him to Menorca. The unknown object incident that occurred on 11 November 1979 and popularly known as the Manises Incident is probably Spain's most famous UFO case. The mystery even reached the halls of... more »
The Demonization of Christianity
[image: A girl prays during a vigil in Roseburg, Oregon on October 1, 2015, for ten people killed and seven others wounded in a shooting at a community college in the western US state of Oregon. The 26-year-old gunman, identified by US media as Chris Harper Mercer, was killed following a shootout with police.] When a white supremacist murdered black parishioners in Charleston, SC, there was national outrage leading to the banning of the Confederate Flag and a fresh discussion of race relations in America. But when Christians are targeted and murdered on a... more »
EPA Chief Warns Global Warming Means More Hurricane Joaquins, but Data Shows No Uptick in Tropical Storms over Past 100 Years
[image: gina mccarthy climate change__1438863810_70.119.142.63] Hurricane Joaquin is only the beginning of a future filled with extreme weather, according to EPA Chief Gina McCarthy. She warned that global warming will only make storms more intense and cause more damage to people's property. Climate change can... more »
Unprecedented: Israel Bars Palestinians from Jerusalem’s Old City Following Stabbing Attacks
[image: Israeli Palestinian Conflict] JERUSALEM (AP) -- In an unprecedented measure, Israeli police barred Palestinians from Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday in response to stabbing attacks that killed two Israelis and wounded three others, as Israel’s prime minister vowed a “harsh offensive” to counter... more »
The U.S. Program To Train Foreign Military Forces Is A Complete Failure (With A Few Exceptions)
U.S. Soldiers with 4th Iraqi Army Division Stabilized Transition Team's security element teach the Iraqi Intelligence Surveillance Recon branch proper procedures when clearing a room in the ISR compound in Tikrit, Iraq, June 10, 2010. DOD *Eric Schmitt and Tim Arango, New York Times*: *Billions From U.S. Fail to Sustain Foreign Forces* WASHINGTON — With alarming frequency in recent years, thousands of American-trained security forces in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia have collapsed, stalled or defected, calling into question the effectiveness of the tens of billions ... more »
The Washington - Moscow Hotline Is Being Ignored
Charles Fitzgerald watches as an Airman operates the hotline teletype in the early 1960s. Army.mil *Bryan Bender, Politico: **The hotline to Moscow goes cold* Deep inside the Pentagon, in the National Military Command Center, is the so-called red phone that has connected the U.S. and Russian high commands since after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. First a teletype, then a fax, and now a secure email and chat link, the emergency hotline was designed to prevent nuclear Armageddon. It is still tested regularly but seldom used — and not during the Ukraine or Syria crises, according... more »
New Blogs September/October 2015
October is here, and it's time for a new left blog round up. 1. Angry of the North (Labour) (Twitter) 2. Brigid Jones's Diary (Labour) (Twitter) 3. James Snell (Unaligned) (Twitter) 4. Labour First (Labour) (Twitter) 5. Leaders of the Opposition (Labour) (Twitter) 6. Left Gleaning (Labour) (Twitter) 7. Left-Wing Vibez (Labour) (Twitter) 8. Mike Knell (Unaligned) 9. On The Ground (Labour) (Twitter) 10. Mark Fiddaman (Unaligned/Spoof) 11. Political Sift (Labour) (Twitter) 12. Selfie Made Woman (Labour) (Twitter) 13. Simon Mair (Labour) (Twitter) 14. The Leveller (Unaligned) (Twitter) 15. Tho... more »
Weekend reads, part 2: Criminalizing scientific fraud; Nobel Prize folly; boosting impact factor
There were so many items to choose from this week for Weekend Reads — probably because it was Peer Review Week — that we decided to split them into two posts. Here’s part 2: If Volkswagen can be criminally charged, why can’t scientists who commit fraud? asks Richard Smith, a member of the board of […] The post Weekend reads, part 2: Criminalizing scientific fraud; Nobel Prize folly; boosting impact factor appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Special Report - Greece ( October 4 , 2015 ) - Updates Of note ( List of 48 Prior Actions , that must be completed in the next two weeks for Greece to get the next dollop of Bailout Funds from the Troika , set for EWG approval Monday ; apart from these 48 prior actions , there will be further measures / steps / prior actions galore for Greece ; Will Shipowners bolt Greece if major tax hikes imposed against the Industry - what will the Greece economy look like in that eventuality ? Political items of note - domestic politics ; economic data of note ; Refugee crisis concerns and developments ; Odds & Ends ! )
Greece....... *Keep Talking Greece* @keeptalkingGR 9m 9 minutes ago List of 48 Prior Actions #Greece needs to implement asap to get €2bn (PART I) http://bit.ly/1jHp2SH *Keep Talking Greece* @keeptalkingGR 9m 9 minutes ago List of 48 Prior Actions #Greece needs to implement asap to get €2bn (PART II) http://bit.ly/1jHp2SI *i Luxembourg News* @iLuxembourgNews 10m 10 minutes ago *Greece* likely to meet deadline for bank money release: euro zone officials http://trove.com/me/content/7on 0B?utm_campaign=hosted&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=sns&ts=1443961...more »
Military Drone Market Continues To Grow
A US drone aircraft lands at Afghanistan's Jalalabad Airport on October 2, 2015. Phys.org *AFP*: *Military drone market to hit $10 billion by 2024* The market for military drones is expected to almost double by 2024 to beyond $10 billion (8.9 billion euros), according to a report published Friday by specialist defense publication IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review. “The global defense and security market for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will expand at 5.5 percent per year over this decade, from the current figure of $6.4 billion,” according to the analysis. “Unmanned systems are he... more »
Catastrophic, Historic Flooding in Carolinas Prompts Water Rescues, Hurricane Joaquin Rolls toward Bermuda
[image: East Coast flooding Hurricane Joaquin] Relentless onshore winds and unprecedented rainfall are leading to a double whammy of freshwater and oceanwater flooding for several states on the U.S. East Coast, despite the fact that all of those states are well west of Hurricane Joaquin as it... Continue reading *“Catastrophic, Historic Flooding in Carolinas Prompts Water Rescues, Hurricane Joaquin Rolls toward Bermuda”* at *weather.com*.
Pope Affirms Marriage is Forever at Start of Synod Gathering 270 Bishops from around the World
[image: Pope Francis - 900] VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis opened a divisive meeting of the world’s bishops on family issues Sunday by forcefully asserting that marriage is an indissoluble bond between man and woman. But he said the church doesn’t judge and must...more »
Biden: No Question Transgender People Can Serve in Military
[image: Vice President Biden and Defense Secretary Ash Carter] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden says there is no longer any question that transgender people can serve in the U.S. military. Biden is giving a keynote address to a prominent LGBT rights group, the Human Rights Campaign. He... more »
Is Israel Supporting Russia's Military Intervention In Syria?
*Reuters*: *Netanyahu says Israel's relationship with Russia is good* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel wants to avoid an adversarial relationship with Moscow and is unsure how Russia's recent military intervention in Syria will affect the situation there. Netanyahu, in an interview recorded for broadcast on Sunday on "CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS," did not join the United States and other NATO nations in criticizing Russia's taking military action in Syria. Russia has said it is only targeting Islamic State militants, but other countries in... more »
Unforeseen Consequences-- The Benghazi Committee, A Disaster For The GOP?
The ridiculous House Benghazi committee may not have derailed Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, but it may well have wrecked Chuck Schumer's plans to win with his patsy, Patrick Murphy, in Florida, and it may yet derail Kevin McCarthy's bid for the speakership. Rachel Maddow was ahead of everyone on the story about McCarthy's unfitness for office. But now that he blabbed the truth about the true purpose of the Benghazi committee, it looks like his "solid" bid to replace John Boehner as Speaker isn't quite so solid any longer. In fact, it may be unravelling, and *not* just b... more »
More 'Sunday Masochism Live'
Both Sue and I have said uncomplimentary things about BBC One's *Sunday Morning Live*. Under the title *Sunday Masochism Live*, Sue described a classic edition from June this year, punctuated with comments like "Chaos ensues. All hell breaks loose" and "Shouting ensues. All hell breaks loose again": First we have the permanently startled looking Sian Williams who’s supposed to keep order. The guests inflicted upon her by the BBC speed-dial department don’t make matters easy. They tend to favour verbally incontinent Muslims like Ajmal Masroor, who can’t bear to listen to anyone ... more »
When teachers call students “bank robbers” and “murderers.”
Let us all be clear on this. When teachers disparage students to their faces, call them “evil,” “bank robbers,” “murderers,” and then lament how behavior is out of control, perhaps you suggest that this attitude is not the best strategy. I can attest to the fact that teachers in high-poverty schools must dig very deep […]
*Oxford: where free speech goes to die* *A student magazine called No Offence has been banned for being offensive* No Offence – founded by Oxford student Jacob Williams and Oxford local Lulie Tanett – is a magazine recently set up to ‘promote debate and publicise ideas people are afraid to express’. According to Williams, it grew out of a Facebook group called Open Oxford – a ‘non-partisan Facebook discussion group’, which claims to welcome all viewpoints and encourage vigorous discussion. Receiving a ‘Red’ rating in spiked’s Free Speech University Rankings, Oxford has repeatedly... more »
Is A Major War Between Russia And The West Inevitable?
*Noah Rothman, Commentary:* *A Prelude To War* World War I didn’t begin in Europe. It started in Africa. By the time the shooting erupted in 1914, in fact, a retrospective analysis of the conditions that led to war had lent credence to the conclusion that a great clash was almost inevitable. Germany’s perceived “encirclement” and that resurgent nation’s belief that they had been unfairly cut off from their share of colonial possessions in Africa led Berlin to embrace bellicosity. Germany forcefully protested France’s subjugation of a Moroccan rebellion and subsequent occupation of ... more »
Bahamas Search Finds Container that May Be from Missing Cargo Ship
[image: Hurricane Joaquin Bahamas] The Latest: Container found that may be from missing ship NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) -- The latest on the search for a cargo ship missing off the coast of Bahamas (all times local): 3 p.m. An Air Force base in south Mississippi... more »
Obama Rejects Candidates’ Ideas for Solving Crisis in Syria, Including Hillary’s
[image: Vladimir_Putin_and_Barack_Obama_(2015-09-29)_07] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is accusing White House hopefuls of concocting “half-baked” ideas for solving the crisis in Syria, appearing to even dismiss his former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s call for a no-fly zone before later... more »
*Now it's hamburgers that cause global warming* For the first time in history, every major country except for India has announced new plans to curb carbon emissions, in an effort to fight climate change. This includes China and the United States, the world's two filthiest polluters. With the pledges offered so far — what amounts to the biggest world reduction of carbon emissions ever — we're still on track for the world to heat up by more than 6 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century, according to a new analysis released this week by Climate Interactive, a Washington-based ... more »
MENA Report ( October 4 , 2015 ) - Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( Lead Story -- Russia continues its Airstrikes against not just ISIS , but also additional Groups defined as "Terrorist Groups " in Syria - campaign set to last 3- months -- additional battlefield and political items touching upon Syria ; Iraq continues to fight its grinding internal war - battlefield updates for various Regions in Iraq , as well as political development ) ....... Libya Updates ( Political developments related to Dialogue Process , Battlefield developments across the country ) ...... Yemen In Focus ( Political developments and battlefield updates )
Links...... *US Kurdish Allies Welcome Russian Airstrikes* *Despair as Iraq Cuts Off Wages in ISIS Cities* *White House Calls for Probe Into Yemen Civilian Deaths* *US Airstrike Kills 19 Afghan Hospital Staff, 37 Hurt* *Afghan Military, Police Trade Blame as Taliban Holds Kunduz* *Obama Rules Out Cooperation With Russia on Syria Strikes* *Putin Ally: Russian Strikes in Syria to Last 3-4 Months* *UN Mulls Assad-Led Syrian 'Transition' Period* *Leading Iraqi Cleric Urges Wider War Against ISIS* 89 Killed in Iraq as Bombers Strike Near Baghdad Shrine US Tri... more »
Russian Planes Strike ISIS, Other Islamists
[image: Airstrike Against ISIS-900] DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -- Russian warplanes have attacked the Islamic State group and other insurgents in central and northern Syria with a wave of new airstrikes, Syrian and Russian military officials said Saturday as an activist group said Russia’s air... more »
Celebrating 2,000 Posts
What a milestone. It's taken just shy of three years to reach, but got there we have. Another *thousand posts* have appeared on this here blog since November 2012. It's only been possible because I have no life whatsoever. To mark the occasion, I've singled out the ten most-read posts of the last 1,000. In reverse order, they are: 10. The UK's Top 50 Worst Political Blogs 2013 9. The Meaning of Conchita Wurst 8. Sexism and Abuse of Power in the SWP 7. Is There Bias on BBC *Question Time*? 5. Dogging and *Dogging Tales* 4. Top 100 Tweeting Bloggers 2012 3. Martin Smith Resigns from ... more »
Trump Defends 2nd Amendment Following Oregon Shootings, Praises Vigilante Film Death Wish
[image: gun - 900] FRANKLIN, Tenn. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday channeled 1970s action star Charles Bronson in defending Second Amendment rights in the aftermath of the shooting at an Oregon community college that left nine dead. Trump said in... more »
Doctors Without Borders Leaves Afghan City after Airstrike
[image: us airstrike_Islamic State] KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- International medical charity Doctors Without Borders said on Sunday it has withdrawn from the northern Afghan city of Kunduz after a deadly airstrike destroyed its hospital, killing 19 people. The humanitarian crisis in the city, which... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #100 The Alternate Chronology Theory of the Russian Mathematician Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, Timeline Manipulation,Andrew Basiago and Barack Obama's, Trip to Mars
Vote, Vote, Vote - Vote ABC
*Are you Registered to Vote?* By this time you should have received your Voter Information Card telling you where your polling station is located, if you have not received one then either you are not on the list *or you information on that list is incorrect* and you should *call or visit your local Election Canada office* and get your information added or corrected. If you did receive a card then check it out and make sure that the name and address *matches that on your personal identification, in particular the address.*If it does not contact EC and get the electors list corrected... more »
Latest Show
Len Yannielli, a retired biology teacher, is interviewed by Bruce Gagnon on "This Issue" about his new book "The Shares -- A Story of Revolutionary War History in a Connecticut Community," where Len in more recent times organized a campaign to preserve a sensitive tract of land. In addition, they discuss climate change and other sensitive issues.
Wales To Ban Genetically Modified Crops
Wales now joins 15 other EU Countries with a total ban on genetically modified crops. Rebecca Evans, the Welsh Deputy Minister for Farming and Food announced that she intends to take advantage of new EU rules allowing countries to opt out of growing EU-authorised GM crops. She says the move will allow Wales to protect its organic food sector. Welcomed by Friends of the Earth Cymru, the move will now go to the biotech companies themselves to be removed from their plans. Sustainable Pulse reports: The Minister said she is requesting that the EU excludes Wales from the European consent ...more »
Survivor: Oregon College Gunman Spared ‘Lucky One’ to Give Police Message
[image: Hannah Miles, center, is reunited with her sister Hailey Miles, left, and father Gary Miles, right, after a shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015.] ROSEBURG, Ore. (AP) -- The 26-year-old killer who gunned down classmates at an Oregon college spared a student and gave the “lucky one” something to deliver to authorities, according to the mother of a student who witnessed the rampage. Others... more »
Hillary Clinton Promotes Gay Rights as a Main Pillar of 2016 Bid
[image: White_House_gay marriage_same sex marriage] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday delivered the strongest speech in support of gay rights in the 2016 presidential race on Saturday, promising that ending discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people would be a central pillar of... more »
Faithful Priest Denounced by Gay Vatican Official Responds
[image: vatican museum] Exclusive Toronto Catholic Witness translation of an interview granted to the Polish newspaper, wPolityce.pl. the original may be read here. Fr. Oko gained fame for his writings on “homoheresy”. His essay, “With the Pope against the Homoheresy”, may be... Continue reading *“Faithful Priest Denounced by Gay Vatican Official Responds”* at *torontocatholicwitness.blogspot.ca*.
How Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary Clinton
[image: Hillary Clinton2 - 400] Illegal immigrants -- along with other noncitizens without the right to vote--may pick the 2016 presidential winner. Thanks to the unique math undergirding the Electoral College, the mere presence of 11-12 million illegal immigrants and other noncitizens here legally may... Continue reading *“How Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary Clinton”* at *politico.com*.
Israel Has Suddenly Claimed To Have Uncovered “First Suspected ISIS Cell”
Coinciding with Russia’s bombing campaign against ISIS, Israel claims to have suddenly “uncovered” the “first suspected ISIS cell” in Israel. This comes well over one year since the ISIS ‘crisis’ began, during which time ISIS has never attacked Israel. Bernie Suarez via Activist post reports: Unfortunately for Israel it’s well known throughout the world that not only is Israel one of the primary players behind ISIS but that ISIS will show up anywhere in the world, except Israel. ISIS has not even once attacked Israel as it has with other countries like Iraq and Syria, both which hap... more »
Kunduz Hospital bombing and Shifting political alliances.
THIS is the Shifting of the Tide!! I believe that a year from now, we will look back and see this week as the definitive marker that shows us the radical shift in the political alliances and the turning of the Tides against the American Empire. The Air Strike by the US, against a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, has struck a never before seen chord in the International Community. Never before have we witnessed this type of response to what in reality is commonplace: ie, the US bombing (whether "by accident" or on purpose) of a Civilian building in the war zones of Afghanistan, Ira... more »
It's About Labour, Not Captial
http://www.amazon.co.uk/ We've been told that this election is about growing the economy. But all of the parties are still focused on capital, not labour. Murray Dobbins writes: Just three weeks before the federal election comes a report from Morgan Stanley that should remind everyone that the election is still about the economy. The message of the paper is as unambiguous as it is surprising: the era of cheap labour is over. It all has to do with demographics, which are changing, and public policy, which is not. For thirty years, we...more »
Video – CNN: US And ISIS Working Together In Syria
The US and ISIS are working together in Syria according to this report from CNN? Did CNN accidentally tell the truth? Youtube video by World News
Paul Craig Roberts' introduction: "In his guest column Eric Zuesse reports that Washington’s world exploitation is encountering opposition. An Iraqi parliamentarian tells Washington “to give up its hypocrisy.” France’s Secretary of State for Foreign Trade rejects Washington’s Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership as a device for placing US corporations in control of France and outside of the reach of the laws of France. TTIP, the minister correctly declares, eliminates the sovereignty of the participating countries." http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-western-alliance-is-crumbling-eu-is-abandoning-u-s-on-overthrowing-assad/5479566
------------------------------ The Western Alliance Is Crumbling: EU Is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad Obama Cannot Defeat Assad without EU’s Help. EU Also Rejects Obama’s TTIP & TISA Demands. Obama’s Presidential ‘Legacy’ Heads to Failure By Eric Zuesse Region: Europe, Middle East & North Africa, USA Global Research, October 03, 2015 Theme: US NATO War Agenda *Europe is being overrun by refugees from American bombing camp... more »
Harald Haarman - The Balkans Civilisation - Tartaria Tablets 8,000 years old!
"If this is true, the Mesapotamians can no longer he heralded as the Cradle of Society," paraphrasing Haral Haarman, linguist and researcher who has found a lost civilisation in the Balkans i.e. Romania, with script and writing and clay tablets many thousands of years before the Sumerians even thought in such terms. The Lost World Of Old Europe : The Danube Civilization - The First Writing - 5500 B.C #neolithic- Tartaria Tablets - Romania -Read more : www.neokoolt.com Posted by Old Europe on Saturday, 28 February 2015 This points to another regular Free Planet contention that 'm... more »
The real reason the top 1 percent pay a vast share of income tax is the rest of us do not get enough income to chip in more! Do not be grateful to them for their taxes, get them to pay us more wages!
Writing in the Daily Telegraph in 2013, Boris Johnson said in a piece titled "We should be humbly thanking the super-rich, not bashing them": "Now, the top 0.1 per cent – about 29,000 people – pay an amazing 14.1 per cent of all taxes." Boris’ figure seems to come from a Freedom of Information (FOI) response from HMRC [which we have looked for but can’t find it where it is supposed to be
Russia Sending Arms To The Kurds Battling The Islamic State
*Rudaw: Lavrov*: *Russia sending arms to KRG via Baghdad* UNITED NATIONS - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday his country has been coordinating with the Kurdish forces battling Islamic State militants in Iraq and has been sending arms to them through the central government in Baghdad. Lavrov said a joint information center has been set up in Baghdad for cooperation between regional countries taking part in the war against ISIS, as the Islamic State is known. “Military representatives from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Russia and the Kurdish government are with this info... more »
Talking about 'faking it'... BBC education reporter Hannah Richardson has a piece on the BBC website based on an alarming (or alarmist) survey from the National Union of Teachers: More than 50% of teachers in England 'plan to quit in next two years' The most immediately striking thing about the article though is its prominent use of an emotive, staged stock image: The use of such an image gives the piece a bit of a propagandist feel, don't you think? Still, at least they didn't use one of the other versions of this image that's also doing the rounds on the internet:
Military Photo of the Day: October 4, 2015
[image: Airman Comes Home-900] A U.S. Air Force airman embraces his wife after returning from deployment on Sept. 15, 2015, at Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas. Welcome home, hero!
Trash Talk From President Obama
*Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico:* *Obama’s trash talk* *In a freewheeling news conference, the president smacks down Putin, Congress and gun control opponents* It’s not just the fourth quarter. It’s trash talk time. President Barack Obama’s never done a good job hiding his disdain for the people he doesn’t like—a long list that includes reporters, Republicans, pretty much every member of Congress, the foreign leaders he considers petty and childish (Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyanu most of all). Everyone would see things his way, he tends to project, if only they were a littl... more »
Hillary Clinton And President Obama Split On Syria
*New York Times*:* Syria Exposes Split Between Obama and Clinton* WASHINGTON — For four years, they sat together in the Situation Room, the ultimate team of rivals confronting the world’s thorniest problems, mostly on the same page, sometimes decidedly not, but generally presenting a united front to the outside world. Now, with the administration’s approach to Syria seemingly in tatters, the differences between President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have opened a fresh wedge between the two, with Mrs. Clinton arguing for a more robust approach and Mr.... more »
(How Militarily Incompetent Is US Really?) SPECTRE=TRUMP (Why Job Reports Are Balderdash/Labor Force Lowest in 40 Years - Unless That's the Goal) Bernie Sanders Can't Save US Alone (Wells-Fargo Takes Credit, Brags About It and Turns a Profit While Hiding Millions Paid in Settlement for Guilty Pleas)
After hearing, finally, about the resignation of the incredibly incompetent mis-educator Arne Duncan from the U.S. "Fuckup Education" Department, I now am having to entertain the idea that a whole group of fuckups took over the "progressive" label in politics in order to confuse the voters after they had promised their funders that they would never "ever" do anything in the least progressive.
Musical Interlude: Dan Fogelberg, “Nether Lands”
Dan Fogelberg, “Nether Lands” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePrQFaB50w0&html5=1
"A Look to the Heavens"
"This rugged road through the dark Atacama Desert seems to lead skyward toward the bright stars and glowing nebulae of the southern Milky Way. If you follow the road you will get to Cerro Armazones peak in Chile, future construction site for the 40-meter class European Extremely Large Telescope. The scene is dominated by the reddish glow of the Great Carina Nebula, one of our galaxy's largest star forming regions. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, the remarkable skyscape is not a composite of varying exposures or a photomontage. Far from sources of light pollution, the landscap... more »
Chet Raymo, “Nature”
*“Nature”* by Chet Raymo "I've been pondering what nature might teach us, and why we should want to know it. First of all, I am a big believer that nature is our only reliable teacher. I have little confidence in pure reason as an avenue to truth, and no confidence in revelation. The entire enterprise of science is based on the idea that the final arbiter of truth is a close interrogation of nature. That is to say, empirical truth is the only reliable truth. Of course, the interrogation of nature includes an examination of our own thoughts and dreams, but we have to be cautious abo... more »
The Poet: Robert Bly, "The Resemblance Between Your Life and a Dog"
*"The Resemblance Between Your Life and a Dog"* "I never intended to have this life, believe me - It just happened. You know how dogs turn up At a farm, and they wag but can't explain. It's good if you can accept your life - you'll notice Your face has become deranged trying to adjust To it. Your face thought your life would look Like your bedroom mirror when you were ten. That was a clear river touched by mountain wind. Even your parents can't believe how much you've changed. Sparrows in winter, if you've ever held one, all feathers, Burst out of your hand with a fiery glee. You see th... more »
Syrian Al-Qaeda Groups Vow To Repeat History By Evoking The Soviet Defeat In Afghanistan
Smoke rises after airstrikes carried out by the Russian air force on what Russia says was a bomb factory in Maarat al-Numan, south of Idlib Photo: Reuters *The Telegraph:* *Al-Qaeda fighters evoke Afghan jihad as they promise to turn Syria into graveyard for Russian invaders* Rebels warn that Russian air strikes risk pushing moderates into arms of more powerful extremist groups Russia’s decision to wade into Syria’s messy war risks pushing more militants into the arms of the country’s powerful al-Qaeda group, according to rebels. Jabhat al-Nusra, a Syrian al-Qaeda group that has ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Green River, Utah, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"The Otters Of The Universe"
“We are game-playing, fun-having creatures, we are the otters of the universe. We cannot die, we cannot hurt ourselves any more than illusions on the screen can be hurt. But we can believe we’re hurt, in whatever agonizing detail we want. We can believe we’re victims, killed and killing, shuddered around by good luck and bad luck.” “Many lifetimes?” I asked. “How many movies have you seen?” “Oh.” “Films about living on this planet, about living on other planets; anything that’s got space and time is all movie and all illusion,” he said. “But for a while we can learn a huge amount and... more »
"All Man Can Do..."
“All man can do is lose one life, but also keep in mind that all we have is one life, so that the longest life and the shortest life amount to the same thing. Our only loss is the passing minute which is every man's equal possession for he cannot lose what is already passed nor what he does not possess in the future. Only the present can be lost for this is all that is man's. Also remember that the cycles of the world exhibit the same recurring pattern, so it makes no difference how long you watch them repeat.” - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
TIME mag. on global warming (3)
Another collection of "be worried, be very worried" headlines by TIME magazine, from the web. And these, dated May 27, 2014 and October 01, 2015. Large scale famine? Hehehe, old alarmism claim. Here are actual data and why such alarmist claims are plain alarmism. The truth is that global food production keeps rising, food prices on average are becoming more affordable, there is greater food security in the planet than before. It is not possible to have a rising global population if there are frequent huge food riots in many countries -- something that exists only in the minds ... more »
Rightwing Nuthouse: “5 Right-Wing Idiocies This Week
*“5 Right-Wing Idiocies This Week*: *O'Reilly's Dangerous Gun Violence Delusion”* By Janet Allon “The week began with an attempted massacre of Planned Parenthood in Congress and ended with another horrific mass shooting in Oregon. Conservatives grilled the head of the organization that provides healthcare to poor women as if she were a criminal, and then threw up their hands saying nothing can be done about gun violence. Poor healthcare and random gun deaths are just the price you pay for freedom, they say. Or as Jeb Bush so brilliantly articulated: "Stuff happens." Here are five l... more »
"The Truth..."
“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” - Flannery O’Connor
"Public-Land Fracking Rule Blocked"
From The Wall Street Journal October 1, 2015, p. A4 by Amy Harder: "A federal judge in Wyoming on Wednesday blocked Interior Department rules setting stricter standards for hydraulic fracturing on public lands..." The judge said the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management lacked the authority to issue the new standards. The article noted that another federal judge blocked a new rule that would have protected more bodies of water and wetlands. Here is some information about fracking's environmental effects from my current book project, Dispossession: Liberalism's Crisis: ... more »
Weekend meditation: In human interactions, there are forces more powerful even than yoga, feng shui, and Irish dancing
*Can there really be a force more powerful than Irish dancing?* *by Ken* The pen is mightier than the sword, we've been told, and it's a theory, at least. No doubt there have been time when it has been true. There are fewer claims, you'll note, for the superior might of the sword of such weapons as handguns, automatic rifles, conventional bombs, and thermonuclear devices. You'd think more attention would have been paid to what we might call the Hierarchy of Forces. So as a weekend thought provocation, I thought I would throw out a couple of choice contributions to the literature I'... more »
Will The Russian Military Make A Difference In Syria?
*Andrew Roth and Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Washington Post:* *Russia’s military is unlikely to turn the tide in Syria’s war* MOSCOW — Russia has triumphantly plunged into Syria’s four-year-old civil war with an expanding campaign of airstrikes. But the official euphoria here masks a nagging question: What can a limited deployment of Russian air power actually accomplish? In the short term, Russia’s military will provide desperately needed air support and boost the morale of Syria’s battered army. The Syrian military will likely go on the offensive against moderate and Islamist rebel gr... more »
More Pictures And Videos Of The Russian Airbase In Syria
*RT:* *Russian airbase in Syria: RT checks out everyday life at Latakia airfield* In just a couple of months a neglected airfield in Latakia, Syria, became the strategic center of Russia’s military operation against Islamic State. RT got chance to see firsthand everyday life at the Khmeimim airbase – from sauna trucks to mobile bakeries. The airstrip is capable of accepting super-jumbo Antonov An-124 Ruslan and Tupolev Tu-76 transport aircrafts, and has bays for more than 50 military aircrafts: Sukhoi Su-24M bombers, Sukhoi Su-25 ground-support fighters, cutting-edge Sukhoi Su-34... more »
U.K. Special Forces Kill 200 Taliban Fighters In the Battle For Kunduz
*Daily Mail:** UK special forces kill 200 Taliban insurgents during close quarters battle in Northern Afghanistan * * Commandos from the Special Boat Squadron are operating in Kunduz * It is the largest action by British troops in Afghanistan for twelve months * The battle to remove the Taliban from Kunduz was still ongoing last night * During the fighting, US aircraft are believed to have bombed a hospital British Special Forces have been involved in a series of close-quarter battles against the Taliban in northern Afghanistan, killing up to 200 insurgents. The Mail on Sunday h... more »
U.S. To Adopt A Tougher Stance Against China In The South China Sea
*Foreign Policy:* *In South China Sea, a Tougher U.S. Stance* *Rejecting China’s "Great Wall of Sand," the U.S. Navy will patrol near man-made islands constructed by Beijing.* The United States is poised to send naval ships and aircraft to the South China Sea in a challenge to Beijing’s territorial claims to its rapidly-built artificial islands, U.S. officials told Foreign Policy. The move toward a somewhat more muscular stance follows talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington last month, which fell far short of a breakthrough over ho... more »
Bernie's And Hillary's College Affordability Plans Are VERY Different
Richard Eskow compared the very different college aid proposals by Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Let's begin by acknowledging that none of the Republican candidates recognize any need for helping with growing college debt and that the Republican Party's generic college aid proposal is, basically, "Don't get sick and if you do, die quickly." Their proposal can be neatly summed up in this week's heartless destruction of the Perkins Loan reauthorization bill. The program, which provided colleges with matching funds to provide low-interest loans to students with exceptional fina... more »
Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Sept 26 to Oct 3, 2015"
*"Your Radiation This Week, Sept 26 to Oct 3, 2015"* *33 Cities Over 1,000 CPM In The US* By Bob Nichols "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus (San Francisco) October 3, 2015 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it. *All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, **Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. **Uncounted radiation, if added, makes ... more »
The Last 'James Bond' Spectre Movie Trailer Is Outstanding
*WNU Editor: *The previous 'James Bond' Spectre movie trailer. Yes .... I am a fan.
Oct.3: An apology
Yesterday's blog was an important one - if depressingly so. But I did something wrong, and couldn't retrieve it. And I just don't have the heart to write it all over again. I should mention, though, that the commentaries by Norbert Cunningham, Justin Ryan, and Alec Bruce in yesterday's paper were superb. There was also an excellent column by student columnist Mhairi Agnew on C4. It's about school, and the value of extracurricular activities in helping students to discover their interests and to expand their thinking. That's very true. When I taught high school, I looked after the d... more »
“I don't know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'well, if I'd known better I'd have done better,' that's all. So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.' If we all hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror ... more »
“Fukushima: The World’s Never Seen Anything Like This”
*“Fukushima: The World’s Never Seen Anything Like This”* by Robert Hunziker “The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No. 2 nuclear reactor fuel is missing from the core containment vessel. Where did it go? Nobody knows. Not only that but the “learning curve” for a nuclear meltdown is as fresh as the event itself because “the world has never seen anything like this,” never. Utilizing cosmic ray muon radiography with nuclear emulsion, researchers from Nagoya University peered inside the reactors at Fukushima. The nuclear fuel in reactor core No. 5 was clearly visible via the muon p... more »
This Chess Game Describes The Wars In The Middle East Today
Ortadoğu'da olanın özeti Ortadoğu'da yaşananları anlatan ilginç çizgi film... Posted by Ertem Şener on Thursday, August 20, 2015
Sunday Quote of the Day: Religion & philosophy
*“* *Philosophy is the science that studies the fundamental aspects of the nature of existence. The task of philosophy is to provide man with a comprehensive view of life. This view serves as a base, a frame of reference, for all his actions, mental or physical, psychological or existential. This view tells him the nature of the universe with which he has to deal (metaphysics); the means by which he is to deal with it, i.e., the means of acquiring knowledge (epistemology); the standards by which he is to choose his goals and values, in regard to his own life and character (ethics)... more »
A Look At Past And Present Military Programs That Cost Untold Billions Of Dollars
Hitler's Atlantic Wall - $200 Billion *Ranker: **The Biggest Military Wastes of Money* The staggering amount of money available to the US Armed Forces has resulted in wasteful military spending on a grand scale and some of the worst military spending in history. As technology changes and improves, new designs in tanks, planes, weapons, and vehicles have to be developed - all of which cost huge amounts. But the military is plagued by bureaucratic inefficiency, redundancy, procurement issues, changing priorities, and a process that simply takes too long. As a result, the last 30 ye... more »
The Tories' Trade Union Turn
As audacious tank-parking goes, the Conservatives' announcement that they're (re)launching their own trade union movement is right up there. It has certainly raised eyebrows across the political spectrum. There will be activists across the spectrum who looked up and saw question marks materialise above their heads. Haven't the Tories proven themselves *consistently* anti-trade union? Aren't they about to saddle the labour movement with the most restrictive strike laws of any advanced Western nation? And do they not fulminate at the thought of workers banding together to improve the... more »
Faking it
Even *The Guardian/Observer *is sticking the boot into the BBC tonight... *BBC footage of lightning over erupting volcano was stirring, dramatic – and fake* The BBC has admitted that footage of a volcanic eruption screened as part of its natural history blockbuster series, Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise, was faked. The scene, purporting to depict a single volcano in eruption, was actually created by splicing together eruptions from two separate volcanoes. One eruption took place in 2011, the other in 2015. The admission is likely to trigger a new row over the use of digital t... more »
Ontario, Canada Health "Officials" RAID raw milk farm but leave empty handed
*Because all supporters stuck together!!* Here in fascist/corporatist Canada it's more of the same. Yah, it's a tyranny here. What are you all going to do about it? A big first step would be to acknowledge the* reality!* Stop believing in the lies. And then withdraw your support of this corrupt system. *CTV* Michael Schmidt said about 20 officials from Ontario's ministries of agriculture, natural resources and finance, as well as local police, arrived at his farm in Durham, Ont., at 10:30 a.m. Officials started removing equipment and computers when members of the collective show... more »
Are We On The Verge of Developing Geophysical And Genetic Weapons?
*Sputnik*: *Weapons That Could Change Geophysical Landscape, Human DNA to Appear Soon* Future wars will have much more devastating weapons than airstrikes, tanks and even nuclear weapons. Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations warned about new threats, including geophysical and genetic weapons that could pose threats to Russia’s well-being in the future. Future weapons will be based on energy, electromagnetic, radiological, geophysical and genetic principles. There will also be special information weapons to change people's perception, completely changing their mind, the Minist... more »
No, Not Everyone Running For Office In Arkansas In An NRA Shill-- And Not All Dems There Are In The Tank For Hillary
Robbie Wilson, Arkansas progressive running for Congress As we mentioned Tuesday, Arkansas isn't going to be an easy place for Democrats to rebuild. The Democratic Party has lost touch with what it means to be progressive, and they hold only 36 of the 100 seats in the state House and only 14 of 35 seats in the state Senate. The governor and lieutenant governor are both extreme right-wing Republicans, as are both U.S. senators and all four congressmen. But there are plenty of good progressives in the state, and many have been inspired by Bernie Sanders' grassroots movement. We focused... more »
How Much Do Colleges Boost Graduate Earnings?
[image: 02STEWARTjp-articleLarge] Students, parents and educators increasingly obsessed with college rankings have a new tool: the Obama administration's College Scorecard. The new database focuses on a college's graduation rate, graduates' median earnings 10 years after graduation and the percentage of students paying... Continue reading *“How Much Do Colleges Boost Graduate Earnings?”* at *realclearmarkets.com*.
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