Is the USDA Suppressing Science...On Monsanto's Behalf? Likely. USDA scientists told watchdog group, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), that managers order employees not to publish data and even rewrite and retract some scientific papers, while indefinitely delaying the approval of others. Scientists producing work that could cause regulatory headaches for the agrichemical industry faced disciplinary actions and lengthy, intimidating investigations.
"Scientists who are submitting works on neonicotinoids or the long-term effects of GMO crops, trigger corporate complaints back through the chain of command, and finally find that their careers are in jeopardy," said PEER executive director Jeff Ruch.
GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson and 2 others
THE ORGANIC EFFECT: What happens when a family that usually doesn’t eat organic food suddenly starts? An independent study conducted by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute documents what happens when one eats organic. The study tested the urine of a Swedish family of five before and after overhauling their kitchen, which originally featured little organic food. “It cost more than conventional food,” said Anette, who, with her husband, Mats, has three young children, “and we’re a big family.” Regardless of the higher cost, after completing the study, the family made the commitment to change their diet.
The Swedish Environmental Research Institute wanted to know more about what happens in the body when switching from conventional to organic food. The result was so interesting that they made a film to share with the masses to inspire more people to eat organic – they think it's good for both people and the environment. WE AGREE.
WATCH THE VIDEO and learn more: https://www.coop.se/organiceffect
The House of Representatives passed HR1599 (The DARK Act). If this bill ends up passing the Senate, it would outlaw States' Rights to enact mandatory GMO labeling and would prohibit mandatory GMO labeling at the federal level. HR1599 would overturn the will of the people of Vermont and strike down their mandatory GMO labeling law. The DARK Act doesn't stop there. It would overturn GMO crop cultivation bans passed at the county level such as those in Jackson & Josephine Counties, Oregon, and in many counties in Northern California. It would allow GMOs to be labeled "natural" and allow some GMOs to be labeled as Non-GMO. And to further deceive the American People, it would eventually do away with the independent nonprofit Non-GMO Project Verified label in favor of a corrupted USDA non-GMO label.
STOP THE DARK ACT IN THE SENATE. CALL & EMAIL your Senator and tell them to only support a mandatory GMO labeling bill. Tell them to reject any legislation that resembles HR1599. Find your Senator here:https://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/51225/getLocal.jsp
How did your House Rep vote? Find out here:https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/114-2015/h462
HB1599 is anything but safe or accurate. And corporations like Kellogg's, a member of the GMA, are in full support of the DARK Act.
Kellogg's said on Tuesday it was aiming to stop using artificial colors and flavors in its cereal and snack brands by the end of 2018. The world's biggest breakfast cereal maker is the latest in a string of U.S. food companies to bow to growing pressure to remove synthetic ingredients from products due to health concerns. We don't think that goes far enough, Kellogg's. Pesticide-laden GMOs are artificial and don't belong in our food, especially children's food!
Through independent lab tests, we've found GMOs and glyphosate in popular Kellogg's products.
READ our Froot Loops cereal report: http://www.gmofreeusa.org/food-test…/…/kelloggs-froot-loops/
READ our most recent Kashi GoLean Original cereal report:http://www.gmofreeusa.org/food-tes…/…/kashi-golean-original/
TELL Kellogg's to dump the GMOs and get Non-GMO Project verified:http://www.thepetitionsite.com/…/kelloggs-remove-gmos-from…/
Let them know why you're not buying it. Post on their FB pages:
DONATE to our food testing program, Operation: Label GMOs. We will continue testing processed foods to bring consumers the information they need to make informed food choices and provide the transparency they so deserve: https://salsa4.salsalabs.com/…/sal…/donation/common/public/…
#BoycottKelloggs #BoycottKashi #CorporateDeception #Kelloggs #Kashi#GoLean #Cheezits #SpecialK #Carrs #BearNaked #MorningstarFarms#Gardenburger #Mothers #Yogos #FruitySnacks #Pringles #keebler#girlscoutcookies #GMO #Roundup #glyphosate #pesticides #weedkiller#carcinogen #cancer #boycottgmos #labelgmos #bangmos#gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa
Health risks from GMO foods and glyphosate based herbicides: A must-watch presentation about the dangers of GMOs and Glyphosate/Roundup by Molecular Biologist, Dr. Michael Antoniou. Dr. Antoniou lays out a clear and logical case why you should be concerned about GMOs and pesticides. The video is 38 minutes and well worth the watch. Pass it along to your friends and family who need a basic in-depth primer on GMOs.
Dr Michael Antoniou, Molecular Geneticist, London: ‘MADGE Talks: Sources and mechanisms of health...
DuPont, one of the Big 6 agrichemical eco-terrorists alongside Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer and BASF, has been sued for knowingly poisoning the drinking water of West Virginia's residents for 50 years. These disgusting corporate criminals need to be jailed for murder. Watch the interview with Mike Papantonio on Abby Martin's Breaking The Set.
Abby Martin interviews with co-host of Ring of Fire radio, Mike Papantonio, about a federal lawsuit filed against the Dupont Corporation over the company’s p...
Free movie night! THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MONSANTO (109 Minutes, 2008) is a must-watch documentary. Originally released in French as Le Monde Selon Monsanto, the film is based on Marie-Monique Robin’s three-year long investigation into the corporate practices around the world of the United States agrichemical giant, Monsanto. The World According to Monsanto is also a book written by Marie-Monique Robin, winner of the Rachel Carson Prize, which has been translated into many languages.
Monsanto was recently sued by the City of Spokane, WA, and the City of San Diego, CA, for knowingly selling products they knew were dangerous to human health and the environment. They have also recently been caught and fined for not reporting hundreds of uncontrolled releases of toxic chemicals at their Soda Springs, Idaho plant. The World Health Organization recently designated glyphosate, the main ingredient of their world-polluting herbicide Roundup, as a "probable carcinogen." And independent peer-reviewed scientific studies continue to roll out, implicating glyphosate and Roundup in a long laundry list of health and environmental ills.
Let’s keep spreading the information and waking the world up to the insidious business practices of the corporation called Monsanto, and how it is that their questionable GMOs and toxic pesticides pervade our food system and environment - the truth is that nobody wants GMOs. And Monsanto should be put out of business.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Idaho #AgGag Law Struck Down as Unconstitutional: A U.S. District Court has struck down Idaho’s “ag-gag” law as an unconstitutional attempt by the agriculture industry to silence journalists, animal advocates, and whistleblowers who expose cruel farming practices. “…the State fails to provide a legitimate explanation for why agricultural production facilities deserve more protection from these crimes than other private businesses,” Judge Winmill writes. “…Protecting the private interests of a powerful industry, which produces the public’s food supply, against public scrutiny is not a legitimate government interest...food production is not a private matter.” It affects all of us. And all consumers have the right to know what is being done in their name.
Idaho's "ag-gag" law has been struck down as an unconstitutional attempt by corporations to silence their critics who expose animal cruelty.
GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson
Idaho #AgGag Law Struck Down as Unconstitutional: A U.S. District Court has struck down Idaho’s “ag-gag” law as an unconstitutional attempt by the agriculture industry to silence journalists, animal advocates, and whistleblowers who expose cruel farming practices. “…the State fails to provide a legitimate explanation for why agricultural production facilities deserve more protection from these crimes than other private businesses,” Judge Winmill writes. “…Protecting the private interests of a powerful industry, which produces the public’s food supply, against public scrutiny is not a legitimate government interest...food production is not a private matter.” It affects all of us. And all consumers have the right to know what is being done in their name.
Idaho's "ag-gag" law has been struck down as an unconstitutional attempt by corporations to silence their critics who expose animal cruelty.
A homeless shelter in Atlanta is teaching organic, responsible farming to the homeless while growing healthy, organic food for shelter residents. “It is important to share and train residents in green technology that we are involved in because poor and homeless people are being left out of the green development that we see burgeoning in our community,” Anita Beaty, executive director of Metro Atlanta Task Force, told Atlanta Progressive News. Organic food for all. This is what Food Justice looks like. BAN Roundup. BAN GMOs.
ROUNDUP: KILLS MORE THAN ROOTS. Professor Christopher Portier, one of the co-authors of the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) recent report which determined Glyphosate’s status as a probable carcinogen, reiterated the IARC’s conclusions, and said: “Glyphosate is definitely genotoxic. There is no doubt in my mind.”
...See More
Scientist Tyrone Hayes was hired by Syngenta to prove their atrazine herbicide was safe. Hayes found quite the opposite. Syngenta didn't like the results as his studies showed atrazine to be toxic to frogs. They tried to pay him to manipulate the data. He refused. The agrichemical giant didn't like that, so they spent over a decade trying to destroy his career. People thought Hayes was paranoid when he told them that Syngenta was stalking and threatening him. Now, secret comp...
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The Alarming Truths About GMOs. Great 5 minute video to educate. Label GMOs. BOYCOTT GMOs. BAN GMOs.
http://gmo.mercola.com/?x_cid=youtube Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are detrimental to your overall health. Discover why these genetically modified f...
GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson and Linda Wiewiora
Monsanto's Dirty Dozen: The company's Top 12 most awful products created. In case you missed it, the World Health Organization declared Monsanto's flagship herbicide to be a probable human carcinogen based on their IARC review of published scientific studies which have found that it causes cancer in laboratory animals as well as establishing a link to Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Monsanto sells over $5 billion worth of Roundup a year. More blood on their hands.
LINK to the IARC Report: http://www.gmofreeusa.org/…/2015_03_TheLancetOncology_Carci…
GMO SCIENCE – over 1,800 STUDIES & RESEARCH with harmful effects: http://www.gmofreeusa.org/…/gmo-science-research/gmo-scien…/
After strong protests by a broad coalition of NGOs, British company Oxitec has withdrawn its application to release genetically engineered olive flies in Spain. “We would like to congratulate the farmers and environmentalists in Spain on this important and successful outcome. Nevertheless, we have to assume that this will not remain the last attempt at releasing such organisms. The next generation of genetically engineered organisms is already in the laboratories,” says Christoph Then of Testbiotech. “Looking at scientific publications it is easy to believe there will soon be a surge in the release of organisms that cannot be controlled.” Meanwhile, back in the USA, the FDA is contemplating the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in the Florida Keys and the USDA allowed genetically engineered moths to be released in New York State without any public notice. PLANET AT RISK.
More than 2 out of 5 American honeybee colonies died in the past year, and surprisingly the worst die-off was in the summer, according to a U.S. federal survey. A Bayer representative said the losses were "not unusual." What's not unusual is for a company that profits from selling chemicals that are killing bees to make such a ridiculous comment.
GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson
100,000 German Beekeepers Call for GMO Crop Cultivation Ban: The German
Beekeepers Association (DIB), which represents almost 100,000 beekeepers,
is urging Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt to implement a Germany-wide
ban on cultivation. Bees fly up to eight kilometres in search of food, the DIB said
, so a juxtaposition of GM crop cultivation zones and GMO-free zones within
Germany would be "environmentally and agriculturally unacceptable".
“Bees know no borders,"
the DIB added.
The German beekeepers understand one of the issues. There is no such
thing as co-existence. GMO crops will inevitably contaminate non-GMO
and organic crops. BAN GMOs.
GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson
100,000 German Beekeepers Call for GMO Crop Cultivation Ban: The German
Beekeepers Association (DIB), which represents almost 100,000 beekeepers,
is urging Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt to implement a Germany-wide
ban on cultivation. Bees fly up to eight kilometres in search of food, the DIB said
, so a juxtaposition of GM crop cultivation zones and GMO-free zones within
Germany would be "environmentally and agriculturally unacceptable".
“Bees know no borders,"
The German beekeepers understand one of the issues. There is no such
thing as co-existence. GMO crops will inevitably contaminate non-GMO
and organic crops. BAN GMOs.
GMO Golden Rice Paper Retracted After Judge Rules for Journal: The paper was finally retracted after a Massachusetts judge ruled in favor of the journal, despite the first author's attempt to block the retraction. A key paper that's been widely cited to justify the use of GM 'Golden rice' to boost vitamin A nutrition has been withdrawn due to ethical breaches, with no proof of consent by parents of the children taking part in trials. But that's not the only objection. A further objection raised to the scientific work is that the children were fed on a diet rich in fat and protein - both of which would artificially raise the absorption of the beta-carotene, which is fat soluble. Given that Golden rice is promoted as a means to raise the standard of nutrition among poor and malnourished children, a diet so rich in meat, fat, protein and vegetables is unrealistic and thus uninformative as far as the enhanced nutrition of the 'target group' is concerned. Anyone eating so rich a diet as that given to the child subjects would be at little danger of suffering from vitamin A deficiency in the first place, since spinach, along with other green vegetables, is a good source of the necessary nutrients.
GMO experimentation without consent. Bunk science designed to produce desired results. Sound familiar?
READ MORE: http://gmwatch.org/news/archive/2014/15536
GMO Golden Rice Paper Retracted After Judge Rules for Journal: The paper was finally retracted after a Massachusetts judge ruled in favor of the journal, despite the first author's attempt to block the retraction. A key paper that's been widely cited to justify the use of GM 'Golden rice' to boost vitamin A nutrition has been withdrawn due to ethical breaches, with no proof of consent by parents of the children taking part in trials. But that's not the only objection. A further objection raised to the scientific work is that the children were fed on a diet rich in fat and protein - both of which would artificially raise the absorption of the beta-carotene, which is fat soluble. Given that Golden rice is promoted as a means to raise the standard of nutrition among poor and malnourished children, a diet so rich in meat, fat, protein and vegetables is unrealistic and thus uninformative as far as the enhanced nutrition of the 'target group' is concerned. Anyone eating so rich a diet as that given to the child subjects would be at little danger of suffering from vitamin A deficiency in the first place, since spinach, along with other green vegetables, is a good source of the necessary nutrients.
GMO experimentation without consent. Bunk science designed to produce desired results. Sound familiar?
READ MORE: http://gmwatch.org/news/archive/2014/15536
BOYCOTT SIMPLOT GMO POTATOES! GMO Potatoes hit grocery store shelves. "White Russet" potatoes which say "Reduced bruising and fewer black spots" were found in a grocery store in New Orleans. Developed by Simplot, the package includes the url of the Simplot website. Unlabeled. Not needed. Not proven safe.
Post on Simplot's FB page and let them know what you think of their GMO potatoes: https://www.facebook.com/jrsimplotcompany
Livestream coverage from Waikiki: #AlohaAina March ~ Love the Land! Thousands are about to March on Hawai'i... You won't find a place with more heart, more spirit and more passion. With much love and admiration to all of our Hawaii warriors heart emoticon
Watch H. Doug Matsuoka's Ku Kia‘i Mauna News on Livestream.com. A livestream page to collect live video relating to the Mauna and the Mauna Protectors
GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson
23 hrs ·
The public is welcome to attend any of the six Informational Town Hall Meetings which will be held by McDivitt Law Firm over the next week (Salinas, KS 8/11; Columbia, MO 8/12; Keokuk, IA 8/13; Dubuque, IA 8/14; Ames, IA 8/15; Kearney, NE 8/16; Fort Morgan, CO 8/17). If you have been exposed to glyphosate based herbicides and have health problems as a result of the exposure, please attend the meeting in your area. Thank you for helping us get the word out. It's time to hold agrichemical companies accountable. Please visit www.McDivittLaw.comor call 855-832-5954 for more information.
Glyphosate Carcinogenicity Report Published in Full by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer. The report is clearly written and provides a useful document in support of individuals and groups campaigning against glyphosate herbicide spraying. The report concluded that glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, is a Class 2A Carcinogen. It causes cancer in animals and probably causes cancer in people, too. Glyphosate has no p...
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Glyphosate Carcinogenicity Report Published in Full by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer. The report is clearly written and provides a useful document in support of individuals and groups campaigning against glyphosate herbicide spraying. The report concluded that glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, is a Class 2A Carcinogen. It causes cancer in animals and probably causes cancer in people, too. Glyphosate has no p...
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$25,000 is no small matter, and this graphic is much too kind. Do you agree? The truth comes out about Kevin Folta, biotech industry shill, in an investigation being conducted by US Right to Know. Folta has gone to great lengths to bat off suggestions that he gets any money from Monsanto, emphasizing that he is an independent scientist working in a public institution and funded from public sources. “I'm paid by the citizens of my state to help them understand science. I'm a shill for science and the land grant university mission,” he commented on one site. On another, when the question of whether he got money from the biotech industry came up, he emphasized how open he is about his funding: “Hey guys, you know you could just reach out and ask… always glad to talk about such things. My research has been funded 100% by public sources, except for a small amount we get for strawberry research... No Monsanto.” Later he elaborates: “Alas, no research money from Monsanto, never any personal compensation for any talks." That posting was made this year – after the Monsanto funding is now known to have been awarded. "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." -Albert Einstein. Looks like the University of Florida has some house cleaning to do! GAME OVER.
MONSANTO IS NOT HAPPY: Retail outlets across Europe are taking glyphosate – the main ingredient of Monsanto’s Roundup – off their shelves after declaration from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. German retail giant REWE announced that it will complete its withdrawal of glyphosate products from its 350 gardening outlets by September this year, at the latest. The Coop, with nearly
While in North America, Home Depot and Lowe’s are hoping their customers aren’t paying attention. Let them know that you’re paying attention. If you shop at either store, TELL THEM TO REMOVE ROUNDUP & GLYPHOSATE PRODUCTS from their shelves the next time you're there.
BREAKING: Scotland to Ban GMO Crop Cultivation. Richard Lochhead said the Scottish government was not prepared to "gamble" with the future of Scotland's £14bn food and drink sector. "There is no evidence of significant demand for GM products by Scottish consumers and I am concerned that allowing GM crops to be grown in Scotland would damage our clean and green brand, thereby gambling with the future of our £14bn food and drink sector. Scottish food and drink is valued at home...
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GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson
City of Kamloops in British Columbia, Canada voted 5-4 to ban the residential use of cosmetic pesticides. This decision follows a movement to ban cosmetic pesticides completely throughout the Province, and along with news that pesticide sale trends throughout the city are down. The City of Kamloops joins over thirty other cities in BC that have considered or passed private cosmetic pesticide use restrictions in the absence of a province-wide ban.
City of Kamloops in British Columbia, Canada voted 5-4 to ban the residential use of cosmetic pesticides. This decision follows a movement to ban cosmetic pesticides completely throughout the Province, and along with news that pesticide sale trends throughout the city are down. The City of Kamloops joins over thirty other cities in BC that have considered or passed private cosmetic pesticide use restrictions in the absence of a province-wide ban.
GMO Free USA with Alan Dawson
Because of GMO agriculture, pesticide use in Brazil grew by more than 162% from 2000 to 2012, according to the latest report by the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (ABRASCO), making the country the number one consumer of pesticides in the world. "When GMO products were launched, advertisements said the use of agrochemicals would be reduced because they would be resistant to plagues, while what we've verified was quite the opposite. Not only are we using more [pesti...
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Because of GMO agriculture, pesticide use in Brazil grew by more than 162% from 2000 to 2012, according to the latest report by the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (ABRASCO), making the country the number one consumer of pesticides in the world. "When GMO products were launched, advertisements said the use of agrochemicals would be reduced because they would be resistant to plagues, while what we've verified was quite the opposite. Not only are we using more [pesti...
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11 hrs ·
Despite a near million dollar effort by Syngenta to defeat citizen-initiated ballot Measure 17-58 in May of 2014, voters approved the GMO cultivation ban 58% to 42%. The ban goes into effect on September 4, 2015, and any GMO growers must harvest or destroy those crops by that date or face penalties. County Counsel Wally Hicks said last week that his office is fine-tuning the notice in preparation for publication in the Daily Courier. Syngenta had GMO sugar beet operations in the county but has since moved out.
Goodbye, Syngenta. Hello, GMO Free Josephine County!
In case you missed it: Monsanto makes claims that glyphosate is harmless to humans. A lawsuit based on false advertising is active in LA. Learn more:http://www.examiner.com/…/monsanto-sued-los-angeles-county-…#stopmonsanto #glyphosate #food #GMOs #goorganic
MYTH: GMO corn reduces insecticide use. TRUTH: GMO corn has resulted in an increase in insecticide use. When calculating the total insecticide use per acre, one must consider all insecticides used, including neonicotinoid insecticides on treated seeds. The USDA conveniently forgets to consider treated seeds and only looks at how much is sprayed. Monsanto and the USDA: Misleading the public. Lie after lie.
Sadly, farmers have no say - most major companies do not even offer unt...
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NEW STUDY: Sub-lethal doses of glyphosate impair honeybee navigation, contributing to colony collapse. Exposure to levels of glyphosate that are comparable to those found in agricultural settings – and that are too low to kill bees outright – adversely affect their ability to find their way back to their hives. It's not just neonics that are killing the bees frown emoticon . BAN GLYPHOSATE.
Mint Press News with Alan Dawson and 2 others
America's logic on terrorism: when we do it, it's okay.
Subscribe to Mint Press News -> http://bit.ly/1AygqFx
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USDA Admits Exterminating Birds, Crops, and Bees(wearechange.org)
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