3-year-old recalls past life as a snake
A young boy in Thailand can allegedly recall specific details of his previous life as a serpent. In an apparent case of animal reincarnation, a young ...
He ain't afraid of no 'Ghostbusters': Bill Murray is officially in
Forget the "mass hysteria" of dogs and cats living togetherBill Murray is going to appear in Paul Feig's reboot of Ghostbusters. The beloved actor and star of the original films has been against — or seemed to be against (Murray's a weird cat) — the idea of another chapter in the series for almost as long as the possibility of a new Ghostbusters has been discussed. But with a seemingly s
Web’s Random Numbers Are Too Weak, Researchers Warn
Low entropy. Via: BBC: The data scrambling systems used by millions of web servers could be much weaker than they ought to be, say researchers. A study found shortcomings in the generation of the random numbers used to scramble or encrypt data. The hard-to-guess numbers are vital to many security measures that prevent data theft. […]
'Human woman' turns up in Mars rover image
Eagle-eyed anomaly hunters have spotted something that looks like a human figure on the surface of Mars. It was only last week that a photograph emerg...
Interview 1071 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-06-26%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: things heat up in Syria as Turkey expands its war on the Kurds; scientists warn against editing DNA in wildlife; and Idaho's anti-whistleblower ag-gag law is ruled unconstitutional.
Interview 1070 – Christoph Germann on the Kyrgyzstan-US Rift
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-08-05%20Christoph%20Germann.mp3"][/audio]James welcomes back to the program Christoph Germann of the New Great Game Round-up to discuss Kyrgyzstan's recent decision to cancel a two decade old US cooperation treaty. We talk about the ostensible reason for this rift and what might really be behind it, as well as the ramifications of this ca
Carrizo Plain National Monument is ‘One of the Best Kept Secrets in California’
The remote monument protects the single largest native grasslands in the state
Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute
California Parks are urging campers to clean up after themselves, in a novel effort to protect the endangered marbled murrelet
“Hope Is the Thing with Feathers”
Western burrowing owls have found sanctuary on the grounds of a California prison, providing inspiration for the women inside.
Warning: Industry Spin Likely Bad For Your Health and the Environment
Big food and ag companies are spending hundreds of millions to manipulate the public conversation about food
IS THE BBC BIASED? // actions
Oh, and for all of you who recall David Cameron's complaint that the BBC should be re-named 'the British Broadcasting Cuts Corporation' and who might also remember all those complaints that the BBC was strenuously anti-unionist during the Troubles (the 'Blood Orange' period, as Peter Simple used to put it)......Shaun Ley (anticipating today's The World This Weekend on this morning's Broadcasting H
And relax...
It's a funny thing, but I actually feel that we here at your favourite blog, Is the BBC biased?......the ultra-hip bad girl of BBC bias blogs which, with sharp stilettos, loud lipstick, a burqa and an AK-47, well and truly out-Corbyns Jeremy Corbyn, Tarantino-style, all the time when it comes to coolness - both in reaching the masses and blowing the heads off Beeboids......that, as I was saying,,
The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
Among today's #bbcbias Twitter complaints (bypassing all the cybernats and Corbynites) was this one:Evidently increasingly suffering from Twittercoholism, I felt the urgent need to find out why this particular Broadcasting House feature was considered "sensational", "pathetic" and "sick" by this particular apoplectic Twitter user and why, in his opinion, #r4bh "s
Ban the bomb!
This morning's Sunday Morning Live began with the legacy of the atomic bombs over Japan in 1945. Its first question was, "Do nuclear weapons keep us safe?"Sometimes you do have to laugh (really you do), because the opening report took us to Westminster Cathedral to, in Sian Williams's words, "hear" some "views" - all of which opposed the UK's retention of nuclear weap
Structure and focus
Bryan Garner's LawProse Lesson #214:Lawyers’ biggest failing as writers.What’s the most pervasive flaw among legal writers? It’s the tendency to begin writing before fully understanding the message to be conveyed. Lawyers often don’t think through what they want to say until they’re already writing—and they therefore meander, backtrack, and even restart. Unless they spend a great deal of time rewr
Tom Carey Doubles Down on the Roswell Slides
Like so many others, I had thought we were done with the Roswell Slides. It seemed that the reading of the placard, the discovery of the documentation that supported all of that, and the retreat of some of the experts would be enough to kill it. It seemed as if we had all the answers, documented to a level that is rarely achieved in UFO research… and it appears that I would be wrong because there
Jason Kellahin and his Roswell Tale
(Blogger’s note: Since this has come up, I thought I’d republish, with appropriate updates, the article from my The Roswell Encyclopediaabout this. If I wasn’t the first to interview Jason Kellahin, I was in the first five and I’ll bet that I was the first to interview him in his home. I did notice one thing as we walked through his house. There was a copy of The Roswell Incident on his desk, as w
The Hoover Memo Again
(Blogger's Note: In the last couple of days I have received a number inquiries about the Hoover Memo and how it relates to Roswell or UFO crashes. Although this was posted in 2011, I thought the easiest course of action was to reprint it with a couple of updates. This is the best information and the best interpretation of the memo and is based, not only on the handwritten note, but a typewritten c
Conversations and the Search for Bridey Murphy
(Blogger’s Note: This is a short segment from my book, Conversations. I’m reprinting it here because it struck me that the attack on the Bridey Murphy story resembled some of the attacks on UFO reports. As you read this, you’ll see that those opposed to the idea that Ruth Simmons was the reincarnation of Murphy. What I mean is that some of the opponents of the idea, who believed they know the ulti
Jeremy Corbyn, Stalinism, and the Cold War Boilerplate
As if proof were needed that stupidity isn't the sole preserve of the right, along comes Jonathan Jones with a new angle in the anti-Corbyn effort. His target is the slight whiff of Marxism surrounding Jeremy's campaign. Because - gasp - the 's' word is getting more traction these days, it's time we "have to face up to what was done in the name of an extreme version of socialism in the 20th c
Tory Decadence and the Trade Unions
This blog has had occasion to comment on the decadence and stupidity of our Tory party friends. This isn't an ad hom attack, it's a properly social scientific concept - honest. Its chief manifestation is the pursuit of policies detrimental to the interests of British business as a whole - and sometimes harmful to its own base in the most regressive, backward, and socially useless sections of capit
Short Notes On the Cruddas Report
It's been picked over already, but there are a couple of points that need picking up on re: the Jon Cruddas inquiry into why Labour lost. For him, the findings confirm that anti-austerity politics is spurned by the majority of those asked - the subtext being, of course, that Jeremy Corbyn's course will sail the Labour ship into very choppy waters. This drew a response from Team Jez, arguing that J
Understanding China's Stock Market Collapse
It's not very often I mention my (very much) erstwhile comrades of Weekly Worker fame, but they are going through something of a purple patch at the moment. Firstly, their call for Marxists to join the Labour Party attracted mainstream attention and proved a useful foil for some on Labour's right who've forgotten to counter politics with politics. And then there is this:In recent weeks, the Chines
A WAY TO LIVE // actions
Use and value renewable resources and services
Here is one of twelve collages on The Permaculture Principles and how they might be applied, especially in the maritime Pacific Northwest. Concepts from David Holmgren's Essence of Permaculture.Five. "Use and value renewable resources and services"My first thought when contemplating this principle was the adage: "reduce, renew, reuse, repurpose, recycle." And you do see some of
Apply self-regulation and accept feedback
Four."Apply self-regulation and accept feedback."Efficient or resilient systems require noting and correcting inefficient or non-resilient practices.My old anarcho-syndicalist labor cooperative, The Hoedads, ran on Robert's Rules of Order, but also appended to the end of each meeting a session borrowed from Communist Party committee work, known as "Crit-Self-Crit." We would eac
Obtain a yield
Three."Obtain a yield"This principle is quoted a lot in the context of PDCs, or Permaculture Design Certification courses. In short, pay the teacher something. I'm not against that (I support it), but until more designs actually provide the landowners with a living rather than just expensive landscaping, the twelve Permaculture principles will make slow headway in a world that is running
Catch and store energy
Our budget at Stony Run Farm hasn't been up to what often comes to mind with this principle, which is a set of solar panels. But we do in fact catch and store energy. 1. A 3X50' bed of potatoes stores a lot of solar energy in the form of a wheelbarrow full of spuds. We eat about two thirds over the winter and then plant the rest the following spring. Rotating beds seems to help reduce the risks as
How politically correct culture promotes racism, and on the crucial role of collaborators in hierarchical oppression
The continuing interview about my book... highlighting another theme in the book.
The individual must be incapacitated -- video interview with Denis Rancourt
Julia Tourianski interviewed me about my book. This is a short summary statement captured at the end of the long interview. Brave The World also put out this meme on Twitter, which features a quote from my book:
The Magic Mirror: Seeing the Virtues of Infanticide from a Progressive Viewpoint...
by John Harris.The progressive mentality needs to preserve abortion as a signal achievement–and even a basic sacrament–because it “reorients” the participant’s consciousness toward the Movement. I had to turn off Rush Limbaugh a couple of weeks ago (the last day of July, I believe it was) when a caller from California began to explain to El Rushbo the difference between liberals and conservatives
Erick Erickson trumped Trump from RedState Gathering...
and has invited Megyn Kelly in his place. He's blathering something about "decency" and says he doesn't want his daughters around someone like Donald Trump. He obviously thinks he's doing his manly duty by dissing Trump who dissed Megyn. Really, Erick?Be sure and show your daughters Ms Kelly's GQ photo spread, because nothing says "class" and "decorum" like posing in
Fox News Morphs into The National Enquirer...
or - what in hell did I watch last night?If you watched the "debate", no further explanation needed.Megyn Kelly, sporting a ratty weave (grow up, Megyn!), and fake eyelashes thick enough to make one wonder how she kept her lids in an upright and locked position, giggled and snarked her way through the entire show. Chris Wallace, who at 67 years old has hair the color of black shoe polis
Braking: Breaking my break for the 5th Planned Parenthood undercover video...
I am unable at this time to comment.The horror is too great.
Alawites rally after 'Assad's cousin killed officer'
Suleiman al-Assad reportedly kills Syrian officer in road rage sparking protests in regime stronghold of Latakia.
Pakistan stumbles upon its 'biggest' child sex scandal
Shock and anger as police discovers 400 video recordings of more than 280 children being forced to have sex in Punjab.
West Bank arson attack: 'My heart is burned'
Palestinians gather to remember Saad Dawabsheh, the latest victim of a suspected Israeli settler attack in Duma.
Ferguson: Race and justice in the US
Fault Lines returns to Ferguson to investigate why black communities feel targeted by law enforcement.
Band Of Brothers (Hwh) #17 / Healing Wounded Hearts Through The Power Of Gratefulness
Four combat veterans with PTSD face their deepest fears (the fears of their hearts) in Healing The Wounded Heart (Band of Brothers) Workshop # 17 ~ and through the power of gratefulness discover not only their true authentic self but awaken their closed hearts in the process: Allen L Roland, PhD“What happens when people open their hearts ~ They get better.” ~ Haruki Murakami, Norwegian W
Hiroshima Remembered / Face Of Evil Unleashed
Nuclear War, brought to you and celebrated by fear driven neocon idiots and corporate media J. Robert Oppenheimer was appointed technical director of the Manhattan Project in 1942. Under his guidance, the creation of the first atomic bomb occurred within three years which set in motion the development of a military weapon to eventually a weapon of potential mass genocide with Edward Teller's H
America Deserves Donald Trump
The Donald in full attitude I used to think that America had achieved the pinnacle of H.L.Mencken's famous quote about the eventual election of a moron with the disputed election of George W Bush but that was just a rung above the possibility of a President Trump. Donald Trump represents the last desperate hope of an American electorate who have been left out of the political process and have
Nixon Was A Frightened Felon ~ Victim Of His Own Paranoia And A Prelude To Our Own.
Click on to enlarge Nixon in the cross-hairs in 1974Look at his eyes and you see the frightened look of a paranoid and insecure man who knows that his own tapes and fear based decisions have revealed in no uncertain terms that the game is up ~ his presidency is over. Tim Weiner’s remarkable new book, One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon was recently reviewed by Tom Eng
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #86The Frequency Modulators Are NOW Unplugged
Frequency Modulaters is the Sphere Alliance term for those who interfere with the frequencies of humans (state of consciousness) and interdimensional communications -AK[8/9/15, 11:30:10 PM] IN JOY, WE HEAR YOU. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC ADJUSTMENTS THROUGH THE 3d 'STORMS' are continuously REQUIRED now to CLEAR the INTEREFERENCE FROM THE FORMER FREQUENCY MODULATORS THAT ARE RUNNING ON EMPTY. THE PLUG HAS
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #67RARE EARTHand Off World Trade in Scarce Minerals from RARE EARTH
A tidbit of information emerged from a personal information question from Shawn, a surprise piece of information about the subject of 4 versions of Earth came up. I inquired further about RARE EARTH and if there was a connection to RARE EARTH elements and RARE EARTH minerals, the most familiar of which are the very strong magnets produced by China, and the rare earths that go into cell phones.
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #66What's playin' NOW - the Ping-back...
This is playing inside my ears... giving me chills!Love and JOY! Denice
ANGOLA 3 NEWS // actions
Photos of new Albert Woodfox mural in New Orleans by artist B-Mike w/ Amnesty Intl. USA
Featured below are photos of the new Albert Woodfox mural in New Orleans, Louisiana, painted by artist Brandan "B-Mike" Odums in conjunction with Amnesty International USA. The photos below are taken by Amnesty USA and the A3 Coalition. Read the July 3 NOLA Times Picayune article to learn more about the mural and to view more photos.This first photo is of Michael Mable, brother of Albert
Space Code of Conduct Mugged in New York
The European Union’s International Code of Conduct for responsible space-faring nations got mugged on the Lower East Side during the week of July 27th. The crime, which went unreported, occurred at the United Nations. The ringleaders were Russia and China, who lined up support from Brazil, India, and South Africa (the BRICS), as well as the Non-Aligned Movement. Critics of the EU’s handiwork got w
When Leaders Follow Insurgents
How much has the Republican Party on Capitol Hill lost its equilibrium? Just hear the histrionics about the Iran deal — a deal which has the unanimous support of the UN Security Council and every U.S. ally and friend around the world save one: the Government of Israel. A deal that prevents Iran from producing nuclear weapons for 10-15 years and perhaps much longer. And a deal that has no support a
DOD Law of War Manual and Nukes
The Defense Department released a Law of War Manual in June that says some interesting things about how the United States views legal questions about the use of nuclear weapon. Legal perspectives are terribly important in the United States. I observe that the United States tends to think about nuclear weapons in a far more legalistic manner than other states, whether friend or foe. I was in one m
Congress and the Iran Deal: Money for Nothing, Votes for Free
A “free” vote on Capitol Hill is one without negative consequences. Republicans and Democrats can line up with party activists and showboat without risk because they will be unsuccessful. Hard decisions can be sidestepped and political posturing is easy when negative consequences are blocked by the U.S. Constitution’s separation of powers. Republicans have proven to the party faithful their since
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG // actions
Louisiana Shooting: Cut/Paste My FALSE FLAG SHOOTER FORMULA To See If It's A FALSE FLAG
Here's my FALSE FLAG SHOOTER FORMULA:– "news" immediately refers to shooter as a "LONE NUT GUNMAN" or "LONE WOLF"– had some/all of these: confederate flag, nazi flag, 9/11 t-shirt, rightwinger/white supremacist/skinhead/etc…– there will be a "hero" story, where someone saved some lives during the shooting– the FBI either had prior contact with the shooter, o
U.S.A. FALSE FLAG NATION: Chattanooga Shooting Looks Like A FALSE FLAG
If you believe this Chattanooga bullshit, I have this car over here to sell you...................Whenever there's a big shooting by especially a "racist", "anti semite", or "muslim", before anything, the first question we must ask and debate is whether it's a government false flag hoax or not. THEN go onto other issues such as the confederate flag, gun control, radic
The Big Secret: REPUBLICANS Took Down The Confederate Flag In South Carolina
The media, and especially rightwing media (FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc...), is telling us "the liberals" took down the Confederate flag in South Carolina. The big secret, if you actually count the votes in the South Carolina House, Senate, and the executive, is that more Republicans than Democrats voted to bring down the Confederate flag. Yes, it was the Republican HAT-TRICK: Hou
BUCKDOG // actions
If Re-Elected The Conservatives Will Pass Law To Restrict Canadians From Travel To ' Hot Spots' ... Big Brother is alive and well in the brain of Stephen Harper !!
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper said today if re-elected he will introduce legislation that will make it a criminal offence for Canadians to travel to parts of the world under the control of extremist groups. "A re-elected Conservative government will designate travel to places that are ground zero for terrorist activity a criminal offence," Harper said Sunday during a campaign stop i
Attending A Harper Election Rally IS An Exercise In Authoritarian Control - So goes the nation under his watch!
Members of the public who attend Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s campaign events are being required to agree to a gag order before they can walk through the door, iPolitics has learned. While attendance is by invitation only, and attendees are vetted by the Conservative Party before receiving a ticket, those who want to attend a campaign event in person are also being asked to agree to a number of
The Dumbest Statement During Leader's Debate Came From ... Stephen Harper LOL
“Well, first of all, I certainly did not name all of the senators in trouble.” PM Stephen HarperNo sir, you did not. Just all the high profile Conservative Party fundraisers .. lol :)
Stephen Harper Thinks You Should Be Excited At The Prospect of Electing Him After A Three Month Election Campaign!! #FAIL
During a campaign stop in North York, Prime Minister Stephen Harper asked the crowd if they were excited about the election campaign. His question was met with a smattering of applause.Video courtesy Global News
Special Greece Report ( August 9 , 2015 ) - Updates on Third Bailout Talks ( EU Officials to review progress , Finland may pass on participation of Third Bailout for Greece , Left Platform comment and other political commentary related to 3rd B.O Talks ) , Debt Divide - and not just for Greece , Refugee / Migrant situation in focus , IMF item of note , Odd & Ends
Tweets....Greece....World Travel Pics ✈ @worldtravelgems 4m4 minutes agoThe village of Oia in Santorini, Greece Karen Walker @KarenWalker5888 3m3 minutes agoEU officials to review progress in Greek bailout talks http://cue.li/n4nq1 Pieter Cleppe @pietercleppe 6m6 minutes agoFinnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini: Finland could stay out of a planned third bailout deal for Greece https://nz.news.
MENA Report - August 8 - 9 , 2015 - Iraq / Syria Regional war Updates ..... Yemen Proxy War Updates ..... Iran in focus .... Libya updates ..... AF- Pak item of note !
Links....Taliban Bombings Pound Afghan Capital, 40 DieSchumer's Opposition Not Likely to Kill Iran DealPentagon Downplays Failed Syrian Rebel TrainingIAEA Won't Give US Congress Confidential Docs on Iran DealIsraeli DM Slams Iran Deal, Talks Up Killing ScientistsAfter Iran Deal, New Interest in Engaging Syrian GovtISIS Captures 230 Civilians in Central Syria After Taking Town109 Killed in Iraq as
Economic News , Data & Views ( August 8 , 2015 ) - Ukraine Creditor Talks for debt restructuring head into a decisive phase with Talks set for San Francisco on August 12 , 2015 ...... Greece in Focus - Creditor Talks moving along - possible deal next week , Economic impacts for ongoing financial crisis , Refugee crisis increasing in intensity for Greece ..... Italy - the next crisis flash point after Greece ? Linda Yueh and Holger Zschaepitz explain why .....
Tweets.....United for Ukraine @UnitedforUkr Jul 30US Ambassador to #Ukraine @GeoffPyatt shares photos of "Donbas roadsides" from trip to Kramatorsk & Slovyansk Ian56 @Ian56789 1h1 hour ago#Ukraine's massive economic collapse - down nearly 30% from 2014 For comparison Greece is down 26% since 2008 Ian56 @Ian56789 2h2 hours agoUkraine's economy is in free fall, Q1 GDP got slashed
Economic News , Data & Views ( August 7 , 2015 ) - Greece Updates ( Sanction his tourism from Russia , Creditor Talks status , Economic Data , Refugee situation , additional items of note ) ..... Broader Europe in focus - focus on economies ( Data splash - Germany , UK , Ukraine , Spain , Portugal , Russia in focus ) .... China and Emerging Markets in focus ( Economic data , stock markets and their Regulators in focus , Commodities crush still on main stage )
Overview......zerohedge @zerohedge 8m8 minutes agoFrontrunning: August 7 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-07/frontrunning-august-7 …zerohedge @zerohedge 50m50 minutes agoWith All Eyes On Payrolls US Futures Tread Water; China Rises As Copper Crashes To New 6 Year Low http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-07/all-eyes-payrolls-us-futures-tread-water-china-rises-copper-crashes-new-6-year-low
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