Russia, Germany, And France Seek A New Ceasefire In Ukraine
*Reuters:* *Hollande, Merkel, Putin back bid for new Ukraine ceasefire* The leaders of France, Germany and Russia backed a new ceasefire in eastern Ukraine in a three-way phone call on Saturday, but offered contrasting views of why February's peace deal is in trouble. Daily clashes between the two forces killing civilians, Ukrainian soldiers and separatists, have undermined the deal struck in the Belarus capital Minsk. Both sides have blamed the other for the violations. In separate statements, France's Francois Hollande and Germany's Angela Merkel said the three leaders backed ef... more »
Palin Does Trump-- And She Speaks For All The Paranoid Racist Misanthropes Of America
Part of the reason Trump has shot to the top of the polls-- and has increased his standing while elite journalists and pundits consistently predicted he would implode-- is because media consumers can't get enough of him. He's an outspoken TV celebrity who can get away with saying outrageous things and making up his own facts-- the way Reagan used to do-- and the media covers him as if he were an OJ Simpson car chase. He's great for ratings. It might not compute in my own world-- I never slow down to stare at a highway accident-- but I know that people with sad, shallow lives get ... more »
Can Hillary Clinton, as First Grandmother, Light Partisan Fire?
[image: Hillary Clinton Holds Press Conference Over Email Controversy] When Hillary Clinton lost to Barack Obama in 2008, the idea of scoring a first for women was trumped by the appeal of electing the first black president. She was a senator then and didn’t want to emphasize the differences... more »
Why Lower Oil Prices Are Not Impacting Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during an opening ceremony of the MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, Russia, August 25, 2015. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov *John Lloyd, Reuters:* *Why $40 oil is killing Iraq, Venezuela and others, but not Russia* It’s not the economy, stupid. At least it isn’t where hearts are warmed by the fiercer flame of nationalism, rather than rising living standards. Oil prices as low as $40 a barrel are separating the oil haves from the oil have-nots. The oil producers happily rode a wave of high oil prices ... more »
Russian President Putin Will Be Visiting The U.S. In September
Russian President Vladimir Putin. Denis Abramov / Vedomosti *Moscow Times:* *Putin Plans to Attend UN General Assembly For First Time in 10 Years* Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to attend the United Nations 70th General Assembly in New York city in September, according to an order outlining the members of the Russian delegation. The document was signed by Putin and published on the government's legal information portal Friday. The visit to New York will be Putin's first in the last 10 years. He will be joined by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the General Assemb... more »
Is President Obama's Iran Nuclear Treaty Comparable To President Bush And 'His Iraq Surge'?
President Bush is seen here in 2008 with Democrat candidate Barack Obama. The Telegraph *James F. Jeffrey, Washington Post:* *The Iran nuclear deal is President Obama’s Iraq troop surge* *George W. Bush's foreign policy gamble might help predict the fate of Obama's* The drama is breathtaking. A decisive president makes a crucial decision on the Middle East issue that defines his tenure, a decision that could transform not just the specific situation but regional security. Yet he has just lost both houses of Congress, opinion polls on the decision are heading south, lawmakers are ... more »
Musical Interlude: Eagles, “The Last Resort”
Eagles, “The Last Resort” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdx6oyBOVj0
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Hurtling through a cosmic dust cloud some 400 light-years away, the lovely Pleiades or Seven Sisters star cluster is well-known for its striking blue reflection nebulae. In the dusty sky toward the constellation Taurus and the Orion Arm of our Milky Way Galaxy, this remarkable image shows the famous star cluster at the upper left. *Click image for larger size.* But lesser known dusty nebulae lie along the region's fertile molecular cloud, within the 10 degree wide field, including the bird-like visage of LBN 777 near center. Small bluish reflection nebula VdB 27 at the lower right ... more »
"Making Your Best Guess..."
*"Making Your Best Guess"* by Arthur Silber “We are not gods, and we are not omniscient. We cannot foretell the future with certainty. Most often, cultural and political changes are terribly complex. It can be notoriously difficult to predict exactly where a trend will take us, and we can be mistaken. We do the best we can: if we wish to address certain issues seriously, we study history, and we read everything that might shed light on our concerns. We consult what the best thinkers of our time and of earlier times have said and written. We challenge everyone's assumptions, includi... more »
"Premonitions: Yes, We Do Have A Sixth Sense”
* "Premonitions: Yes, We Do Have A Sixth Sense”* By Sarah Chalmers "On Friday, October 21, 1966, a mountain of coal waste, perched above the Welsh mining village of Aberfan, broke loose and came flowing down uncontrollably. Destabilized by recent rains, a river of black coal sludge, water and boulders bore down on Aberfan. It steamrollered over a tiny cottage halfway down the slope, thundered through Pantglas Junior School, obliterated a further 20 houses - then finally came to rest. A total of 144 people, including many children, were crushed or suffocated to death in one of Brita... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Roswell, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
Chet Raymo, “Wooing The World”
*“Wooing The World”* by Chet Raymo “...Thisby knows so little of the world as yet: the bit she can see through the chink in the wall has made her heart beat faster in its cage...” "A few lines from a poem of Linda Gregerson. Never mind the context; the image is arresting. Beautiful Thisbe is confined by her parents' to her high-walled house in Babylon, with only a crack in the wall through which to communicate with her forbidden lover. And, of course- as so many parents discover- the restriction makes her passion all the more intense. We look out at the universe through a metaphor... more »
"10 Steps to Making Change Easier: Smoothing Transitions" by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
*"10 Steps to Making Change Easier: Smoothing Transitions"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Change doesn't have to be hard, here are 10 steps to help make it easier: *1.* Begin by making small changes or break up large-scale changes into more manageable increments. This can make you feel better about handling the changes you are about to make while making you more comfortable with change in general. *2.* Mentally link changes to established daily rituals. This can make changes like taking on a new habit, starting a new job, or adapting to a new home happen much more smoothly. For e...more »
"The Way You Carry It..."
"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." - Lena Horne
"8 Ways You Don't Realize Stress Is Ruining Your Health"
*"8 Ways You Don't Realize Stress Is Ruining Your Health"* Researchers are finding more reasons than ever to chill out. By Larry Schwartz "We live in a hyped-up, caffeinated, digitized, 24/7, corporations-are-people kind of world. Along with the miracles of computers, smartphones and unfettered capitalism comes — surprise!—non-stop stress. On average, working professionals are connected to their jobs 72 hours a week. And science is discovering that along with non-stop stress comes disease. As human beings evolved, our reactions to stressful situations, the so-called fight-or-flight... more »
Fasten your seatbelts, buckos -- it's going to be a banner election season for the madly whirling Candidate Shuffle
*I just love this headline, which shows us that the Candidate Shuffle season is in full whirl. You can see the full article below.* *by Ken* It's hardly a new-for-2016, the Candidate Shuffle. One of the reasons God created political "handlers" is to help candidates figure out what potential voters want to hear them say. It's a pretty astonishing thing at the presidential level, where you figure the parties are trotting out their most seasoned and mature candidates, who will be standing on their history of principle and accomplishment. But sometimes a candidate might want to know ... more »
Black Lives Matter is not doing anyone any good
When a gunman assassinates a police officer for no gainful reason--not even to get away--there is likely some sort of psychiatric issue at play. Nonetheless, the murder of a white cop in Texas, Harris County Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth, allegedly by a black man, Shannon Miles, suggests to me that the current atmosphere of race-based hatred being inflamed by the so-called Black Lives Matter movement is pushing psychotics to act. I got the exact same feeling a couple of days ago when a crazy, paranoid reporter, who had been fired from several TV stations for incompetence, decide... more »
Guest Post: An Analysis of How Philadelphia School Partnership Has Implemented Its Mission
by Coleman Poses *A retired social science researcher for the City of Philadelphia and a researcher and activist with the Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools.* Philadelphia School Partnership can trace its origin back to 2010, as a nonprofit organization with a mission to “create and expand great schools in Philadelphia.” To accomplish this mission, it had planned to collect and distribute 100 million dollars to successful Archdiocesan, charter, and district schools for their incubation, startup, expansion, and turnaround endeavors. This mission coincided with the launching o... more »
Thought for a Sunday morning …
[image: Embedded image permalink] RELATED POST: - Religion and the Verdict of History – Stephen Hicks, EVERY JOE [Pic by Sixxtopia] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
"In The End..."
“Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope. Sometimes we cry with everything except tears. In the end that’s all we have - to hold on tight until dawn.” - Gregory David Roberts, "Shantaram"
Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Aug 22 to Aug 29, 2015"
*"Your Radiation This Week, Aug 22 to Aug 29, 2015"* By Bob Nichols "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus (San Francisco) August 29, 2015 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it. *Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. 50 CPM is an alert level.* *Partial Counts are noted. Uncounted radiation makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous.* *RADIATION CPM* *•* TIMES NORMAL BACKGROUND LEVEL *•* C... more »
This week's Questions and Answers on Neoliberal Corporate Education Reform
*“Our rulers don’t just want exclusive control over the governance and finances of our schools, they want to control both what is taught and by whom.” — Robert D. Skeels* [image: This week's Questions and Answers on Neoliberal Corporate Education Reform] On the average week I answer a few inquiries regarding various education issues. This week I received two that I felt deserved publishing. The first was addressed to a group of us on facebook, the second was a private email. In both cases the identity of others is removed in order to protect them. Question One Anyone ever hear ... more »
Is Turkey Heading to Partition? American Enterprise Institute
*Well, well, well*. So let’s see I’ve been prognosticating the destabilization/destruction of Turkey for how long now? I had dropped hints through out the blog on many an occasion. But then finally in November 2014 I started solidifying my theory *Flashback nearly 10 months ago:* *Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey* *Followed immediately by:* *Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey * After that two post kick off there have been numerous other posts delving deeper into and expanding a bit more on the subject of Kurd/ISIS symbiosis leadin... more »
World Championships: American Ashton Eaton Breaks World Record for Decathlon Gold
[image: world record - 900] BEIJING (AP) -- This was going to hurt. No way around it for Ashton Eaton. To get where the American decathlete wanted to go, he had to endure just a little more pain, dig just a little deeper. So Eaton... more »
Jerry Seinfeld, Illegal Lemonade Stands and the Matthew 18 Model
[image: jerry seinfeld] Comedian Jerry Seinfeld has spoken out against the suffocating nature of political correctness on university campuses across the nation. Now he has something else to complain about. On Tuesday, in his ritzy East Hampton neighborhood, members of his family were targeted... more »
Six Amazing Sights from the International Space Station (Don’t Miss #5)
[image: ISS - 400] Imagine seeing the lights of cities spreading around the Nile Delta and then in less than an hour gazing down on Mount Everest. The astronauts on the International Space Station(ISS) are among the lucky few who will have this humbling,... more »
STUDY: One Nap Per Day Could Save Your Life
[image: nap] It is the news that nap aficionados have been waiting for. A mid-day snooze doesn't just have the power to revive - it could reduce blood pressure and prevent a future heart attack. Research involving almost 400 middle-aged men and... more »
Apples enow
In the improved air I am back at work and beginning apple cidering a few weeks early as the apples are ready. Using multiple varieties creates a more complex flavor and your constituency will prefer the results. I grind ours with a dedicated electric shredder (it's not good for much else) into a bucket and then pour the pulp (about five buckets full) in a clean cloth sack (a large pillowcase will do) and suspend the sack (I use a four block rope pulley and a tree branch) over a suitable container. It's cleaner than it looks, but wash everything before and after and be vigilant. ... more »
Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned
*by Oren Jacobson* Last January I had the opportunity to travel to Pittsburgh, a city that is a model for American reinvention, and lead a weekend-long training with a group of young progressives. The weekend was the kickoff to a fellowship program designed to prepare emerging leaders to be a force for positive change in the community. As part of the program we run each year we start the process with self-exploration. We ask our fellows to explore their own strengths, weaknesses, skills, passions, and values in an effort to the craft their own vision for their future. It’s the fi... more »
1938 - The Gathering Storm
In the course of the night we stood on the terrace of the Berghof with Hitler and marveled at a rare natural spectacle. Northern lights of unusual intensity threw red light on the legend-haunted Untersberg across the valley, while the sky above shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow. The last act of the Gotterdammerung could not have been more effectively staged. The same red light bathed our faces and our hands. The display produced a curiously pensive mood among us. Abruptly turning to one of his military adjutants, Hitler said: “Looks like a great deal of blood. This time w... more »
Four Thought
One of the clearest demonstrations of where BBC Radio 4 is coming from came from that remarkable *three-and-a-half-year* run of episodes of Friday night's *A Point of View, *where (despite lots and lots of passing political opinions - quite a lot of them strongly left-wing ones) *not one* speaker spoke from a right-of-centre perspective until Roger Scruton came along. My quip at the time was that *A Point of View* graphically demonstrated BBC Radio's own point of view - not that it was really a quip, more a statement of fact. The other BBC Radio 4 regular that invites such quip... more »
Militarization of Jeju Island
I made it home at 2:00 am this morning after the very long journey from Narita airport in Japan. The flight from Narita (on my 2nd try) was two hours late getting off the ground so I missed my connecting flight from San Francisco to Boston. Luckily I found a seat on another Boston flight and got to the gate just as they were boarding the plane. Needless to say I am worn out. Since getting home I heard that the Korean Air Force flight demonstration team made a second run at Gangjeong village yesterday. It appears that those flights were part of the so-called "Jeju Sky Love Festi... more »
Refugee Crises
It is shameful and appalling. The CIA and the House of Saud (together with the IMF, and other international institutions) foment wars and economic disasters in the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, ... and now, add global warming to the mix. Millions of refugees are created. And the wealthiest countries in the world lock them out. Between five and ten migrant children have been killed since February after the United States deported them back to Honduras, a morgue director told the Los Angeles Times. Lawmakers have yet to come up with best practices to de... more »
Sheriff Links ‘National Rhetoric’ to Killing of Deputy in Houston
[image: Deputy Goforth - 400] In an emotional press conference, Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman said Deputy Darren Goforth was targeted simply because of his uniform. He went on to say that, at this time, the motive appears to be “absolute madness.” His remarks echoed...more »
Bio Accumulation
Here is a research abstract on bioaccumulation in orcas modeled by scientists at Simon Fraser University. I strongly recommend viewing the presentation, which is in poster format at the link: Juan Jose Alava and ; Frank Gobas. A Marine Food Web Bioaccumulation model for Cesium 137 in the Pacific Northwest,” Conference for Society for Environmental Toxciology & Chemistry (SETAC); 2014 Nov 9 – Nov 13; Vancouver, Canada. Available https:// www.researchgate.net/publication/268982476_A_Marine_Food_Web_Bioaccumulation_model_for_Cesium_137_in_the_Pacific_Northwest *ABSTRACT BODY: The Fu... more »
CON Vetting Gone Wrong: Meet Hater Toyin Dada
Oh dear, it seems the CONs didn't do a very good job of vetting Etobicoke North candidate Toyin Dada. Conservative Party candidate for Etobicoke-North, Toyin Dada, appears to have hidden or not disclosed two important parts of her past: (1) her participation with a homophobic Christian group in their protest at Toronto’s Gay Pride parade; & (2) her history of anti-abortion militancy, including protesting at abortion clinics. She's involved with a gang called Christ's Forgiveness Ministries, that, according to CRA, gets government money. And look! DJ! gets a link for finding her fe... more »
Political Correctness Puts Science Fiction on Trial
[image: science fiction] John C. Wright did not win a Hugo Award this year. He lost to "No Award." Wright was up for five Hugos in three categories. The Hugo is one of the major awards given to science fiction literature, and Wright... more »
Oklahoma High Court Says Ten Commandments Must Be Removed
[image: Ten Commandments__1440857250_70.119.142.63] OKLAHOMA CITY -- The Oklahoma Supreme Court Thursday ordered a County judge to implement a ruling that said a Ten Commandments monument on the state Capitol grounds is unconstitutional and must be removed. The state's highest court issued a mandate... more »
A Saturday night smorgasbord (Part 2)
And on we go... ***** I have to say that James O'Brien *isn't* growing on me as a *Newsnight * presenter. I don't appear to be alone. In recent days I've seen his interview style described (on Twitter) as varying between "patronizing questions and leading questions" and his "modus operandi" in general being characterised as "abuse, smearing and pretending he is some kind of genius". Others have been less kind. An example of JO'B's use of leading questions could be seen with his interview on Thursday's *Newsnight *with John Dalhuisen of Amnesty International on the migrant cris... more »
Usain Bolt Knocked Over By Cameraman On Segway After Winning World Championship 200m Gold - Mama Mia
August 29:Be patient. The major part of this comes...
....after a brief bit about how ghastly the local newspaper is. If you really, really care that the New Brunswick legislature will be offering a new beer to visiting dignataries, that plastic surgery is popular in N.B., or that the town of Sackvile has cancelled its big hat party in celebration of the Queen, then section A news will be your cup of tea. The only time I've come across such limp news was yesterday, listening to Moncton radio station 94.5. The news consisted, as I remember, of two items – somebody got sent to jail for something, and somebody didn't go to jail. Private ... more »
Ben Carson: What Happened to Blacks during Slavery is Why I am Pro-Life on Abortion Today
[image: Ben Carson Responds to Report He Used Aborted Fetal Tissue in 1992 Research] On August 23rd, presidential hopeful and former pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson did an interview with CNN's "State of the Union" and said he became pro-life after thinking about how Blacks were treated during slavery. He explained, "I began to think... more »
Secular Press Wrong: Pope Did Not Endorse ‘Gay Penguin’ Book
[image: Penguin family] In responding to the author's letter, the Vatican Secretariat of State did not intend in any way to support "behavior and teachings which are not in accordance with the Gospel," and using the Vatican response to imply otherwise "is completely... more »
38 Girls, Young Women Killed in Swaziland Crash, Says Group
[image: Swaziland girls reed dance ceremony__1440857842_70.119.142.63] JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- At least 38 girls and young women were killed in a crash while traveling to a famous traditional festival in Swaziland, a rights group said on Saturday. About 20 others were injured when the truck they were... more »
Irradiated Food Sounds Like a Terrible Thing. It’s Actually Really Good.
The pleasant surprise is seeing Huffington step up on this one. There are thousands of radiation bands available and they are entirely precise. Our problem has been that we chose to use one name for a whole range of prospects and that has turned out to be stupid. Today we are learning now to use coherent radiation as well and that promises excellent results.. The point this is the magic bullet provided we do not turn over control to someone trying to protect an inappropriate protocol. We need this technology and we will get it but not before we wade through mountains of ignor... more »
Toxic Cyanide Pollution From Extracting Gold Is Widespread in China
[image: A Chinese staff shows off a gold bullion with a design of the rat in Beijing 17 December 2007. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)] What i find astonishing is the lack of regulatory oversight here. It is totally in everyone's self interest. Yet here we are with fools playing at been fools. What i find even more nauseating is that this chemical is easily neutralized to been harmless with the addition of a simple reagent. The only problem is that it produces a purple dye which is harmless but obviously unsightly in a river. So here we are creating mess after mess year after year. S... more »
3-D Glass Printer
This is a really good beginning that makes me finally bullish on 3D print technology. From this we leap quickly into metglas and this produces an array of characteristics otherwise difficult to manufacture. It is taking years to advance these technologies ,but that is prehaps inevitable. We are certainly getting there. Sooner that later we must peroduce a real star ship and we need all of this.. . *New 3-D Glass Printer Is a Lot Like What They Did 4,000 Years Ago* *By Jonathan Zhou, Epoch Times | August 23, 2015* *Last Updated: August 24, 2015 8:40 am* * http://www.theepocht... more »
Old Friend or Lookalike? How Your Brain Knows
[image: "You see a familiar face and say to yourself, 'I think I've seen that face.' But is this someone I met five years ago, maybe with thinner hair or different glasses—or is it someone else entirely?" asks James J. Knierim. "That's one of the biggest problems our memory system has to solve." (FadilahPH/CC BY-SA 2.0)] A little more progress on this problem. It is a simple problem to define and thus an excellent road toward understanding the workings of the mind. Add in that all face types number around 500 and you have real potential for rational organization. The truth remai... more »
BWorld 17, More on the Philippine electricity market
* This is my article in BusinessWorld Weekender last Friday. ----------- *THIS is a continuation of an earlier discussion, “The Philippine electricity market: Monopoly and competition” (Weekender, August 14).* As noted in that article, Carlos Jericho L. Petilla had issued, before he resigned as energy secretary last June, DoE Circular No. DC2015-06-0008, “Mandating All Distribution Utilities to Undergo Competitive Selection Process (CSP) in Securing Power Supply Agreements (PSA).” That order aims to address, among other things, the suspicion of “sweetheart deals” between some big el... more »
A Saturday night smorgasbord (Part 1)
Having spent much of the past fortnight away from the world of blogging, it's time for a post (or two) that randomly gathers together most of the stuff I *would* have posted if I'd had the time - or at least as much of it as I can remember. So here goes.... I read a comment somewhere alleging that the BBC's reporting of the 'living wage' had undergone a 180 degree turnaround since George Osborne made it government policy in his summer Budget. Before then (and over many years), the complaint went, reports on the BBC about the 'living wage' were very strongly skewed *towards *the... more »
Does Trump REALLY Want To Make The Rich Pay Their Fair Share Of Taxes?
Jimmy Kimmel picked up on the fact that-- with the exception of Jeff Sessions' (KKK-AL) immigration plan-- Trump hasn't given the morons backing him for the GOP nomination any specifics about anything. Everything he does will be the greatest or fabulous-- from the wall he plans to build to the replacement for Obamacare he plans to wave his magic wand and bring into being, to everyone he hires to work for him, like Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter. That's the genesis of the video above. Not exactly a revered figure among the Trumpists, former Republican Majority Leader-- and former con... more »
CNN is Locking Out a Strong GOP Primary Candidate. But Is It Just Protecting Hillary?
[image: image67-770x330__1440859901_70.119.142.63] After her performance in the "Happy Hour" debate on Fox News, Republican Carly Fiorina's profile rose from obscurity to top-ten prominence overnight. However, that's not enough to satisfy CNN. The rules for the September 16th Republican debate hosted by CNN... more »
Harper's election platform
He will keep his promise. What more public wants? !!
Iran Wants To Have Its Own 'Foreign legion'
*Iranwire, Daily Beast:* *Iran’s Surprising New Foreign Legion* *Want to become an Iranian citizen? A new law is about to make that a whole lot easier—but you’re going to have to fight for it—literally.* *One of the foremost critiques of U.S. President Obama’s Iran deal is that the promise of more than $100 billion in sanctions relief will invigorate the Islamic Republic with funds to continue its covert wars throughout the Middle East. Even the president noted at a recent White House press conference Iran’s “support for terrorism” and “its use of proxies to destabilize parts ... more »
F-35 vs. A-10 In Close Air Support Match-up (Who is Better?)
*Photo:* Air Force *Investors.com*: *F-35 vs. A-10 Matchup Isn't 'Silly' After All* A matchup between Lockheed Martin's (NYSE:LMT) F-35 vs. the older A-10 Warthog isn't so "silly" after all. The Pentagon's Office of Operational Test and Evaluation said late Thursday that it would run tests to evaluate how the F-35 stacks up in close-air support vs. the A-10, according to Defense News. The tests will use the latest upgrade of the 3F software for the F-35 and take place in 2018. Lockheed shares fell 0.9% to 203.61 in late-afternoon trade in the stock market today. The announcement ... more »
The difference between a right wing and a left wing politician
Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn were walking down the street when they came across a homeless person. Boris gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his office tomorrow to see about a job. He then took £20 out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. Jeremy Corbyn was impressed, so when they came across another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the local job centre. He then reached into Boris's pocket and got out £20. He took £15 for administrative fees and gave the homeless pers... more »
Turkish Jets Have Conducted Air-strikes For The First Time With Coalition Forces Against Islamic State Targets
*VOA*:* Turkish Jets Join US-led Coalition with Airstrikes Against IS* Turkish fighter jets have carried out their first airstrikes as part of the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State group in Syria, a Foreign Ministry statement said Saturday. The aircraft began attacking IS targets late Friday across the border in Syria that were deemed to be threats to Turkey. After months of delay, Turkey agreed last month to take on a more active role in the fight against Islamic State extremists. Turkish jets used smart bombs to attack IS positions in Syria, without crossing into Syri... more »
UK's Battle for Labour Leadership
Jeremy Corbyn calls himself a democratic socialist and he is vying to lead Britain’s Labor Party. Some polls and a growing grass roots campaign suggest he is very much in the running. Seen as a moral savior by legions of supporters, he is deemed as a dangerous political joke by his opponents. Suddenly, British politics is interesting again.
The pleasant Cretaceous life
*When the insanity of one climate fearmonger trumps the others* When you look at a 2009 blog post about geology, you may quickly figure out what the life was like in Cretaceous (German: K for Kreide, Czech: křída, meaning chalk), the geological period belonging to mesozoic era ("second mountains" in the outdated Czech terminology I was still taught: doesn't "ancient mountains", "first, second, third, fourth mountains" sound easier to remember?). *The Powderville Rocks [Prachovské skály], fun sandstone rocks in the Bohemian Paradise, the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. A 1977 song by Iv... more »
The Planned Parenthood Videos: Complete News and Commentary
[image: Planned-Parenthood - 900] Here is a list of The Stream‘s coverage of the Planned Parenthood scandal, divided into the news stories we’ve published and commentary by our editors and others. The news is divided into several categories for ease of use. The stories...more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
“How Is the War Against The Islamic State Going? 10 Expert Opinions” was listed on Intelwire by J.M. Berger who was one of the contributors to the article, and a shortened version with just the comments of Dr. Michael Knights and Aaron Zelin was posted on the Washington Institute for Near East Policy website. My piece on the presidency crisis in the KRG was reprinted in eKurd.
Even Frank Luntz is Now Saying that Trump May be Unstoppable
In a troubling sign for the Republican party establishment, even their longtime pollster Frank Luntz has been forced to admit that insurgent candidate Donald Trump may now be unstoppable. Luntz, who ran afoul of Trump with his obviously rigged focus group right after the big Fox News debate and was blasted as a “low class slob” by the Donald, has conducted another focus group study and the results are stunning. The people who were involved indicated that their support for Trump marked a total rejection of a political establishment that has finally taken a dump on them one time too ... more »
Better Late than Never: Subway Takes Down Jared’s Pants Dance Game
Still reeling from the total shock of having their longtime national frontman exposed as a child molesting pervert, Subway was caught with their pants down over an online game that in light of recent events was grossly inappropriate. The sandwich chain’s website was as of Wednesday morning still featuring the child’s game “Jared’s Pants Dance” even as the game's namesake, Jared Fogle was in court pleading guilty to charges of having sex with a minor and possession of child pornography. Mr. Fogle’s fall from the lofty status of being the smiling face of the global fast food giant to... more »
Fearing a Repeat of 2008 Fiasco Team Hillary Looks to Chop Off Biden’s Balls
If you listened to the Clinton political machine back in early 2008, the queen in waiting was as invincible as the 18-0 New England Patriots who only had to beat the upstart New York Giants in the Super Bowl to make history. The heavily favored Patriots choked, going down 17-14 to a wild-card team in one of the greatest upsets ever. Just a little more than four months after the Pats collapsed, Hillary Clinton conceded the Democratic party nomination to a young hustler from Chicago named Barack Obama. It was a crushing humiliation to an anal retentive narcissist who was hellbent on... more »
Whoops: Super PAC’s Iowa Mass Mailing Flyer Has Jeb! With One Black Hand
Establishment golden boy John Ellis Bush aka “Jeb!” has had a rough go of it so far in the early going of the GOP primary season. The family brand name has been trumped by the Donald and the former Florida governor has been struggling to gain traction in the polls. One big problem with Dubya’s younger brother is that he doesn’t have any of his notorious sibling’s personality and that has contributed to lackluster performances in the debates and on the stump that have alarmed donors. Mr. Bush has been cranking up his condemnations of Donald Trump as of late – primarily lame Frank L... more »
The Growing China - Iran Alliance
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani (L) shakes hands with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping before the opening ceremony of the fourth Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit in Shanghai May 21, 2014. *Daniele Ermito, Global Risk Insight:* *Strengthening partnership between China and Iran* The reintegration of Iran in the world economy represents a critical opportunity for the strengthening of strategic ties between the Islamic Republic and the People’s Republic of China. Iran represents a vital partner for Beijing’s growing demand of energy an... more »
University of Tennessee Tells Staff And Students to Stop Using ‘He’ And ‘She’ – And Switch to ‘Xe’, ‘Zir’ And ‘Xyr’ Instead
[image: University of Tennessee__1440859362_70.119.142.63] The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘him’ and ‘her’ – and to start referring to one another with terms like ‘xe’, ‘zir’ and ‘xyr’ instead. The Knoxville branch of... more »
Freemasonry and Pirates
THE MYSTERY OF MITHRA by Harry Kenison M.M. The Scottish Rite's *New Age Magazine* April 1961 [image: piratesdance]"MITHRAISM is of significant importance to Masons, for this early mystery religion contains much that is symbolic of Masonry, and it is quite possible that Mithraism has been a contributing factor to several facets of Masonic wisdom Mithra, the angel of god or heavenly light, as he was known in both the Vedas of India and old Persian documents, was also a war-like and conquering deity. He was special guardian of the "Great Kings," whom they involved prior to battle and... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #76 Question from Oliver about Galactic Tattoos
-----Original Message----- From: Oliver Troll To: Denise Sent: Sat, Aug 29, 2015 6:53 am Subject: Tattoos... Dear SA, I've got an urge for some tattoos, not sure what this is about did not have any good motives until now the key being one? Is it common with tattoos among us in other multiverses? End Transmission ♡♡♡ OL|/RANTILIA From: Denice Date: 29 augusti 2015 14:48:31 CEST To: oliver Subject: Re: Tattoos... *DEAR ONE/RANTILIA. WE DO INDEED HAVE IMPRINTS. THESE ARE SIMILAR TO YOUR TATTOOS, BUT ARE NOT ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH PAINFUL PIERCING OF THE SKIN REPEATEDLY WITH NEEDL... more »
Big Surprise: Jeb! Wants More Power for NSA Stasi
Now that Rand Paul is imploding there are no prospective Republican nominees who will take his place to defend the Constitution and reign in Emperor Obama’s out of control NSA Stasi. On the contrary, there will be many candidates who will now resort to using the fear of terror to double down on the surveillance state powers that rose from the ruins of the World Trade Center only to be exploited and turned into a highly lucrative boom industry. While Marco Rubio has already called for making the USA PATRIOT Act permanent – before it was replaced by the tepid crock of piss Freedom A... more »
Goverment and Media Terrorists Strike Again With A Staged False Flag Hoax: The "Live" Shooting Of Virginia Reporter
The government & media terrorists perpetrate another hoax on us, surreal interviews on the network terrorists' "news" channels where supposed victims' supposed loved ones are immediately on TV the same day bizarrely and unemotionally calling for gun control instead of personal grieving out of the spotlight of "news" cameras. Notice the bullet items that are hit in my FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA such as: MANIFESTO surfaces, reference of other FALSE FLAGS, and many other items: If you keep buying believing this BULLSHIT, then you DESERVE to have your GUNS and LIBERTIES taken awa... more »
Another WAPO Columnist Flames Trump: This Time as the American Putin
The ongoing war between the entrenched Washington establishment and unruly outsider Donald Trump continues to rage unabated. With Trump leading the polls and rolling forward with a full head of steam, the cadre of lackeys and lickspittles that do the dirty work for the Beltway elite have been as busy as the proverbial one-armed paperhangers. One of the most prolific chop shops of all is the Washington Post editorial department which has been working overtime to churn out their anti-Donald propaganda on a daily basis. The editorial staff has been engaged in the old ‘throw as much sh... more »
Why Mo Farah pulled off the triple-double
This week's *Dead Ringers *was a bit of a dud (no offence), but this bit made me laugh: *Gabby Logan*: Mo, a win in your next race could make you the first athlete in history to achieve a triple-double. What's your secret? *Mo Farah*: Well, I've always kept it under my hat but as you asked nicely, miss, I'm happy to reveal my secret to success: I move my legs really fast. *Gabby Logan*: Right, but surely it can't *just* be that? *Mo Farah*: Well, of course, obviously I don't *just *move my legs really fast. That would be silly. I also make sure my feet are really fast as wel... more »
Clerk Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Intervene in Marriage Case
[image: certificate of marriage Biblical marriage__1440854460_70.119.142.63] FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- Two months after it legalized gay marriage nationwide, the U.S. Supreme Court is being asked by a Kentucky county clerk for permission to keep denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who... more »
White Supremacist Takes the Stand in Jewish Site Shootings
[image: Frazier Glenn Cross Miller Jewish Site Shooting Suspect__1440853457_70.119.142.63] OLATHE, Kan. (AP) -- A white supremacist charged with killing three people at Jewish sites in suburban Kansas City spent more than two hours Friday telling jurors how he planned the attacks and is sorry he didn’t kill more people.... more »
Deputy Fatally Shot from behind at Houston Gas Station
[image: AP_Darren Goforth Houston Deputy__1440855471_70.119.142.63] HOUSTON (AP) -- A sheriff’s deputy in uniform was fatally shot multiple times from behind while filling up his patrol car at a suburban Houston gas station and a manhunt for the suspect continued Saturday morning, according to authorities. Deputy... more »
China Has Shifted From Building Islands In The South China Sea To Building Deep Sea Ports And Military Airstrips
Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea in this file still image from video taken by a P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft provided by the United States Navy May 21, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS *The Diplomat*: *A Military Game of Chicken in the South China Sea?* The South China Sea problem has been militarized and internationalized: what now? Despite China’s protestations against discussing the issue, the South China Sea was front and center at this month’s meetings between the Association of ... more »
NSA's Phone Data Collection Is 'Not Illegal' According To The U.S. Appeals Court
*Wall Street Journal:* *Appeals Court Reverses Judge’s Order Against NSA Phone Surveillance* Case sent back to lower court for further hearings between privacy advocates, government lawyers. WASHINGTON—A federal appeals court Friday reversed a judge’s order to stop the National Security Agency from collecting phone records, setting the stage for further legal battles between privacy advocates and government lawyers. The three-judge panel’s ruling comes after Congress has already passed legislation ending the government’s collection of bulk phone records. That program will be rep... more »
Love on the March
[image: Woman Freedom on Beach- 900 000] On one August Saturday morning, people were gathering outside Planned Parenthood clinics across the country. They were protesting the dehumanization on display in recent undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress that exposed the abortion industry for what it... more »
Madonna’s Stripper Nuns Don’t Tell Us Anything
[image: stripper pole] I honestly wouldn't recognize Madonna's singing and am not sure I've ever heard any of her songs, but I’ve learned a lot about her over the years just from reading the news. She must be very good at what she... more »
Weekend reads: Ghost authors proliferate; science goes to the movies; pricey grant fraud
The week at Retraction Watch featured the results of a massive replication study, yet another retraction for Diederik Stapel, and a messy situation at PLOS. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Who ya gonna cite, to paraphrase Ray Parker, Jr.? A survey found that a third of papers in biology, physics, and the social sciences had […] The post Weekend reads: Ghost authors proliferate; science goes to the movies; pricey grant fraud appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Thai Police Make Arrest Over Bangkok Bombing
*BBC:* *Bangkok bomb: Thai police arrest man over Erawan blast* Police in Bangkok say they have arrested a man in connection with a bomb that killed 20 people in the Thai capital nearly two weeks ago. The man, a foreigner, was arrested in Nong Jok on the outskirts of Bangkok, a police spokesman said. Bomb-making materials were found at the apartment along with 10 passports, said the spokesman, Prawut Thavornsiri. The bomb tore through the crowded Erawan Shrine on 17 August injuring more than 100, mostly tourists. Police found bomb making materials such as detonators and a metal p...more »
Ravens not an Xmen
Raven's not an Xmen but to the trained eye she has a lot of things going that way especially because she exudes power and influcne and has so much energy your going to get a shock from her chair an hour afte she has departed Halle Berry got nothing on the Raven cause even Xmen get weary from the years of conflict and a new generation keeps up the hot bridge to the future saving all men by turning their heads in the right dircection not one directection Raven's special power seems to be breaking hearts and she is not even trying its just the cirmcumstance that follows her around
Boeing's New Laser Can Shoot Down Incoming Artillery Rounds, Low-Flying Aircraft And Drones
*Daily Mail:* *Watch Boeing test radical new 'silent strike' laser weapon small enough to fit in a suitcase but powerful enough to blast a drone out of the air* * Compact Laser Weapon System can track and attack moving aerial targets * Can shoot down incoming artillery rounds, low-flying aircraft and drones * Tests showed laser burning holes in front fairing of moving drone Boeing has revealed a radical new laser weapon small enough to fit into a suitcase - but poweful enough to blast a drone out of the sky. The company's new Compact Laser Weapon System (LWS) breaks down into four ... more »
Which Republicans In Congress Will Be The First To Endorse Trump?
Every endorsement for Trump is a loss for Tailgunner Ted Cruz Thursday night we looked at how racist Republicans in Congress could help legitimize Trump by echoing his Know-Nothing immigration platform, generally ugly positions they have been espousing for years anyway. We focused on one of the worst of the worst: Santa Clarita/Antelope Valley/Simi Valley reactionary Steve Knight. But yesterday *Roll Call* went straight for the Old Confederacy, at least for the most part, when looking for the 5 most likely Republican congressionals to endorse Trump's candidacy . First and foremost,... more »
DOJ Official: ISIS Propaganda Is ‘Seeping Into Our Communities’
[image: ISIS-Fighter-e1436363945230__1440850016_70.119.142.63] After the sentencing of a Virginia man for ISIS-related crimes Friday, a Department of Justice official gave a disturbing diagnosis of ISIS' influence in the U.S, saying the terrorist group's influence is "seeping into our communities." "ISIL continues to use social media... more »
Return of the Guilds: Study Finds Overly Strict Licensing Requirements Cost Millions of Jobs Nationwide
[image: economic mobility] The Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) recently released an important and timely report on occupational licensing. The recommendations of “Occupational Licensing: A Framework for Policymakers,” fit nicely with two growing realizations about jobs in the middle of the skill and... more »
The Unreasonableness of Secular Public Reason
[image: constitution american flag__1440851615_70.119.142.63] When voters and legislators act on religiously informed moral convictions in making the law, it may entail a blending of religion and politics that is disquieting to the secular liberal mind, but it closes no gap in the "separation of... more »
*Saints' Drew Brees walks home with fans after practice ~Mike Triplett, ESPN*
Greece Special Report ( August 29 , 2015 ) ...... IMF disappointingly states debt relief does not involve debt cancellation - focus will be on extending maturities / lowering interest rates and more grace periods- blah ....... Saturday morning political update for Sept 20th snap Elections , additional polling data ...... Sad / tragic Refugee updates......
Morning tweets...... Greece ..... [image: Embedded image permalink] [image: Embedded image permalink] *Kathimerini English *@ekathimerini 56s 57 seconds ago Communist party head slams Popular Unity http://dlvr.it/C0bnSJ [image: Embedded image permalink] Terrormonitor.org and 3 others follow *Safriat Yussuff* @saymamaa 7m 7 minutes ago On #GreeceCrisis, #Greek former PM Alexis #Tsipras says no going back, # *Greece* will work to ensure a better future. [image: Embedded image permalink] *Frederik Ducrozet* @fwred 5m 5 minu... more »
*Advanced Placement Framework Is Pure Anti-American Propaganda* It is a sorry state of affairs that American public education is not much more than propaganda. The Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH) curriculum and testing has made recent news for its abandonment of facts that support America’s exceptionalism. Leftists laughably pass it off as education to “redirect the course away from rote memorization of facts and toward historical thinking skills.” But such revisionism of our nation’s past is dangerous for its future. Only after public outcry did the College Board “revise”... more »
Yeltsin, La Kosher Nostra and the Golden Horde
*"I will do these Frenchmen all the harm I can."* *- Napoleon Bonaparte* Mother Letizia [Bonaparte] never learned French; she went around [Paris] saying "*Longo mai*" in her Corsican dialect. *"Longo mai" *meant, *"let's hope it lasts". * In case it didn't Napoleon built up a stash of 500 million gold francs under the Tuileries. *- Tarpley* " Many of the tycoons who made it to the Forbes [500] list were outraged by the very fact of the publication, Russian media reported. 'The appearance in such ratings can make a businessman a target for the law-enforcement agencies.' " ... more »
*UK: End of the solar panel boom as subsidies slashed by Tories* Ministers moved to slash massive subsidies for solar panels yesterday, amid signs the Government’s enthusiasm for green energy is waning. In a surprise move, Energy Secretary Amber Rudd announced a consultation aimed at cutting the subsidies by almost 90 per cent. If implemented, such a step would remove virtually all incentive for home owners to install the panels and could mean the end of Britain’s solar power boom. In recent weeks, ministers have tightened planning restrictions and reduced subsidies for wind far... more »
Esoteric Symbolism and Hidden Meaning Uncovered in the Matrix Film
*Jay Dyer* - The Matrix operates on multiple levels, from the conspiratorial/geo-political, to the psychological, to the metaphysical. The post Esoteric Symbolism and Hidden Meaning Uncovered in the Matrix Film appeared first on Waking Times.
A Perfect Example of Opportunistic Advertising
*Video - *Accused of selling food that makes the planet sick, McDonald's continues to use all types of opportunistic advertising to attempt to make people believe that they care about the welfare of communities. The post A Perfect Example of Opportunistic Advertising appeared first on Waking Times.
Hillary Clinton’s Watchdog Had Something No Other Secretary Of State Ever Had
[image: Hillary Clinton - 900] One congressional leader is saying there could be a big problem with the group that was tasked with holding Hillary Clinton accountable during her time as secretary of state. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Chair of Council... more »
Democratic Challengers Launch Attacks against Clinton, Party Leadership
[image: Martin O'Malley__1440847605_70.119.142.63] MINNEAPOLIS -- Hillary Rodham Clinton sought to cement her standing as the rightful leader of the Democratic Party here Friday, but two of her challengers launched a fierce counterattack against her and a party establishment they see as trying to... more »
The Pope is Coming to America
[image: pope] When Pope Francis visits the United States in September it will be first time Jorge Bergoglio will visit these shores. But on the return flight from Latin America last month, the pope already gave some insight into themes he is... more »
Obama’s NLRB Just Redefined the Word ‘Employer’ and It Will Likely Cost Jobs
[image: NLRB sign__1440846979_70.119.142.63] You can rightly complain about the things which go on inside the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department or the EPA and all of the headline grabbing controversies which erupt from them. None of them, however, may be... more »
Deaf Twin Babies Hear Parents’ Voices Well for the First Time
[image: twins - 400] SEAL BEACH, Calif. -- A set of identical twins from Santa Ana born with serious hearing loss was given the chance to listen to their parents’ voices for the first time on Wednesday. Eyewitness News captured the moments as audiologists fitted... more »
Mars Isolation Experiment Begins in Hawaii
[image: mars] Six people shut themselves inside a dome for a year in Hawaii, in the longest US isolation experiment aimed at helping NASA prepare for a pioneering journey to Mars. The crew includes a French astrobiologist, a German physicist and four... more »
Mexico: UFOs Reported to the North of Mérida
*Source: SIPSE and Planeta UFODate: 08.27.2015* *Mexico: UFOs Reported to the North of Merida* **Residents of Francisco de Montejo and Cordemex claim having seen UFOs** By Jorge Moreno/ Milenio Novedades MERIDA – As a result of having published a report last week involving three sightings in the state’s coastal region, I received two phone calls from people in the city of Merida who saw what they believed to be UFOs in the Cordemex and Francisco de Montejo districts, both located to the north. These are the reports from Mr. Mario Cetina Alcántara and Rebeca Martínez Pérez, who do ... more »
New "SIM" City to be built at "the Cross" New Mexico?
Interesting.... I remember when this project was first announced in 2012... then cancelled, then brought back to life, sorta, in 2014..... And now again, Pegasus Holdings is talking about building their "SIM City", with plans to start construction in the next three months.... in Las Cruces, New Mexico. ... Can you say perfect film stage for just about any natural disaster, terrorist attack, false flag or "war"? *New $1.4 billion city is being built in the desert* http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-ideas/new-14-billion-city-is-being-built-in-the-desert/story-fnjpja3r-12275028787... more »
A Fundamental Realignment
www.youtube.com Justin Trudeau, Tom Walkom writes, has done the country a favour. For the last two decades, the word "deficit" has been synonymous with "doom." But the two words are not synonyms. And now is the time to run a deficit: But economists of all political stripes agree that if government is ever going to spend money on things like bridges and sewers, now is the time to do it. First the spending is needed. Torontonians found that out last winter when the bitter cold caused ancient water pipes around the city to fracture... more »
Asia Morning Report ( August 29 , 2015 ) - A quick look at China events , Japan items of note and broader Asia - Bangkok blast suspect arrested - believed to be a turkish national !
Morning tweets..... China ..... *EMerging Equity* @EM_Equity 1m 1 minute ago China Bank Lending Cap Scrapped by Top Legislature, Xinhua Says http:// bloom.bg/1KsEzQA *George Chen* @george_chen 9m 9 minutes ago BREAKING: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang hosted cabinet meeting to discuss "changes in international financial situation" [image: Embedded image permalink] *George Chen* @george_chen 6m 6 minutes ago Chinese Premier: Recent global market volatility adds new pressure on Chinese economy, adds new impact on Chinese financial markets, exports *George Ch... more »
Even by the usual biased standards of *Dateline London *today's discussion of the migrant crisis was extraordinarily one-sided. If you want to watch four people mounting their high horses, saying exactly the same thing and then vigorously nodding in agreement with each other, then this edition is definitely for you. Part of the problem was the usual *Dateline* problem - that the chosen panellists all came from a particular political position. There was Yasmin Alibhai Brown of *The Independent *(who, famously, *never *dismounts from her high horse), Rachel Shabi of *The Guardian ... more »
Kentucky Clerk Asks Supreme Court to Intervene in Marriage License Case
[image: 1supremecourtrainbow900] FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- Two months after it legalized gay marriage nationwide, the U.S. Supreme Court is being asked by a Kentucky county clerk for permission to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis objects to... more »
Spain: The Mysterious UFOs that Intrigued Robledo de Chavela in the '80s
*Source: ABC (Newspaper) Madrid, SpainDate: 08.26.2015* *Spain: The Mysterious UFOs that Intrigued Robledo de Chavela in the '80s* This isn't the first time that Madrid has been described as a setting for UFO sightings. Its mountain range even forms part of the Ruta Extraterrestre Area Norte (Northern Area ET Highway), a sort of map of the municipalities of which seem to be prone to "close encounters of the third kind." In a previous installment we recalled the El Atazar Reservoir as one such site, now we shall do the same with Robledo de Chavela, which collected a number of eye... more »
Leonard's new Asian American GF
*Fellowship, related fact:* Since the spring, The Big Bang Theory Scholarship Endowment ($4 million from Chuck Lorre etc.) has been financially helping UCLA science students. It's fair because Chuck Lorre has surely earned millions of dollars by emulating them. ;-) The nineth season of The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) will begin on Monday, September 21st. Be sure that not every sitcom remains popular after 8 seasons. According to a Nielsen Admosphere's survey, TBBT is the most popular TV serial of the Czech men. For men, the top answers were the following: 1. The Big Bang Theory, 10... more »
Live at Black Hills Unity Concert
Govinda of Earthcycles is live at the Unity Concert in the Black Hills. The Crow Voices mobile radio station of Center Pole is broadcasting Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 28 -- 30, 2015. Listen to shows live and restreaming of performers beginning on Friday night. Three days of performers, including Frank Valn, Ulali and Keith Secola. Rally for the protection of the land, water and air.
Russia and Egypt signed no deal on Alligator combat helicopters — arms exporter
[image: Ka-52 Alligator (NATO: Hokum-A)]Russia and Egypt did not sign a contract to supply Russian Kamov Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopters at the MAKS-2015 International Air Show, the director-general of the Rosoboronexport agency dealing with exports and imports of defense-related products told TASS on Friday. "There was nothing of the kind, at least at this exhibition," Anatoly Isaikin said answering a question on the issue. A military-diplomatic source earlier told TASS that Egypt had ordered Russian Ka-52 combat helicopters, without providing further details. Read more
Airbus Helicopters to demo Tiger combat aircraft in Poland
[image: Airbus Tiger helicopter]Airbus Helicopters reports its Tiger aircraft will perform a flight demonstration in Poland prior to the start next week's MSPO defense exhibition. The Tiger HAD chosen for the demonstration is from the French Army, which has used Tigers in operations in Afghanistan and the Sahel. "With its flat and narrow silhouette, the Tiger HAD's advantages include low detectability, low vulnerability, high survivability, high agility and maneuverability making it the attack helicopter best adapted to both symmetric and asymmetric battlefields with unique capabili... more »
Iran to buy Russian fighter-jets
[image: Su-30SM Flanker-C]Iran's VP who has recently left Moscow has told the local media about undergoing talks on buying Russian fighter-jets. Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari has told Russian media that Iranian Defense Minister and Russian military officials are discussing the Tehran's purchase of two kinds of Russian-made military aircraft. Sattari also stated that Iran is examining civilian passenger craft the Sukhoi Superjet 100 and Iranian airliners are likely to buy the plane dependent on the price offered by the Russians. Read more
Poland to Overhaul Six Bulgarian MiG-29 Fighter Jets by end-2016
[image: Bulgarian Air Force Mig-29 Fulcrum]Six Bulgarian Air Force MiG-29 fighter jets will have their engines overhauled in Poland, according to an intergovernmental letter of intent signed in Sofia on Friday. Poland’s state-owned Miltary Aviation Works WZL 2, 4 will carry out the repair and upgrade of the engines of three MiG-29s by the middle of next year and a further three by end-2016, according to the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence. No financial details of the preliminary deal were disclosed. Read more
4 US stealth F-22 Raptors are on their way Germany
[image: F-22 Raptor]Four F-22A Raptor stealth jets will arrive at Spangdahlem air base later on Friday to start a deployment in Europe in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve. The aircraft, belonging to 325th Fighter Wing, from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, and using the radio call sign "Tabor 11," are accompanied by two air spares and supported by several tankers along the way, according to the information posted by some very well informed users on Scramble forum. As happened to the first A-10 Theater Security Package in May, Spangdahlem will be the first stop for the US Raptor... more »
DARPA’s next-gen drones will launch and land on other airplanes. While they’re moving
[image: Gremlin drones]The Pentagon says it's going to bring together the best minds in aerospace design this fall to help build a fleet of small, robotic airplanes. These won't be your ordinary unmanned drones, though. Instead, the idea is to launch a veritable swarm of these tiny planes from the back of a much bigger plane. That's right: The military wants to turn large C-130 cargo planes into makeshift aircraft carriers. Read more
RoboCon : Skippy vs Lenny
"What happens," asked the Ottawa Citizen, "when a “Pierre Poutine”-style robo-caller, like the automated system that sent Guelph voters to the wrong polls in 2011, meets a robo-responder like Lenny?" "Every minute Pierre Poilievre's telemarketer spent with our recording was time she wasn't bothering someone at dinner." And we thank you for that, Alberta software developer Mango The telemarketer calling here on behalf of the re-election campaign of Pierre Poilievre, champion of the Fair Elections Act, told "Lenny" she was from "Campaign Support". Guelph-based "Campaign Support" m... more »
"Get Corbyn!"
Last night's *Newsnight *was yet another Labour leadership special. This one was based around a couple of focus groups, gathered by one of the BBC's pollsters-of-choice - Ipsos MORI's Ben Page. Both groups consisted of former Labour voters from a couple of marginal constituencies (both of which went to the Conservatives in the general election). Some hadn't voted Labour since the Blair years, and most expressed warm views about Tony Blair. Neither group seemed overly impressed by any of the candidates to begin with, though Yvette Cooper eventually won them round. Alongside Andy... more »
A Pony's In There Too? (Well, All Righty!) Brownie Still Good Jobbing It! (New Orleans Much Whiter and Richer By Careful Design) Occupy Peace? You Never Know
The Solutions Project Click it! After all, these are important people, so they deserve to be treated with respect, right? Wrong. Professor Paul Krugman gives us a compliment. About time! If people consistently make logically incoherent, ignorant arguments, the duty of a commentator is to say just that - not to mislead readers by pretending that these people are serious and making sense.
The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is back in action
[image: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69)]The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) is back. The 38-year-old aircraft carrier was spotted cruising down the Elizabeth River on Friday morning after spending nearly two years at Norfolk Naval Shipyard for a scheduled docking planned incremental availability (DPIA). In a message from posted to the ship’s Facebook page, the ship’s Commanding Officer, Captain Steve Koehler said officers, chiefs and enlisted crew members have all moved their belongings back on board. Read more
2 Indian Naval Warships INS Betwa & INS Beas dock at Iranian port
[image: INS Betwa (F 39)]In a bid to strengthen bilateral ties with Iran, two Indian Naval Warships - INS Betwa and INS Beas - today sailed into the Bandar-e-Abbas port and will hold joint sea exercises. The visit comes days after an Indian warship anchored at Israel's Haifa port. During their five-day stay in Iran, the ships will hold various interactions with their Iranian Navy counterparts and joint exercises at sea. Read more
Look out, China! America is getting new ship-killing missiles
[image: Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM)]The U.S. Navy has begun testing a new, radar-evading, air-launched anti-ship missile — a big step forward in the sailing branch's march toward a more lethal fleet. In the next few years, the Navy could add three new ship-killing weapons to its warplanes and surface ships, augmenting existing Harpoon missiles that began entering service in 1977 and today are badly outclassed by Chinese- and Russian-made designs. On Aug. 12, Navy testers at Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland began experimenting with an inert missile body modeled o... more »
Boeing Lands $1.5 Billion Deal to Supply P-8s to US, Australia
[image: P-8A Poseidon]Boeing Co., the world’s largest aerospace company, landed a $1.5 billion contract to supply P-8 Poseidon aircraft to the U.S. and Australia. The deal, announced Thursday evening by the Pentagon, calls for delivering 13 more of the maritime surveillance aircraft, including the first four for the Australian military and another nine for the U.S. Navy. That will bring the Navy’s fleet total to 62, of which Boeing has delivered 28 to date, according to a press release from Boeing. Read more
Spain accused of 'provocation' after letting Russian submarine refuel off Gibraltar
The Spanish government has been accused of further provocative behaviour over the contested British territory of Gibraltar after it allowed a Russian submarine to refuel at one of its ports just 19 miles from the Rock. Security sources now fear that the state-of-the-art Novorossiysk, which passed through the English Channel last week, may now operate from a Russian naval base on the annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, The Independent can reveal. Conservative backbenchers and defence experts have been quick to condemn the three-day visit by the Russian hunter-killer submarine to ... more »
Labour doesn't need to be more Conservative to be economically competent. The Tories do. A closer look at the data shows the Tories don't actually do what they say they are doing.
Far from being divisive, Jeremy Corbyn has been a startlingly unifying figure. Corbyn has successfully alloyed, if not allied, the political Left and Right. The Guardian, the Daily Mail, Neil Kinnock, a horde of sniggering Tory infiltrators and many more have all been whiskered into a frothy Anti-Corbyn smoothie. They have combined into a symphony of predictions of disaster, some in hope and
Election PH 16, The Presidentiables and the Iglesia militants
Members of the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) who are militant and shameless enough to create more traffic in Edsa -- yes, they gloat, they brag that they have created more traffic in the busiest road in the whole country -- in pursuit of their political opposition to DOJ Secretary Leila de Lima, are still there. This church group is known for their bloc voting during elections. From Municipal and City Mayors and Vice Mayors, Councilors, to Provincial Governors and Vice Governors, Board members, to Congressmen and Senators, and to President and Vice President. There is big money involve... more »
What story will be heading the news agenda today?
The contrasting news priorities of the UK's three main broadcaster websites are interesting this morning. Sky News leads with the latest family seemingly heading out to Syria... ...as does ITV News (wonder if their choice of the phrase "be heading" was an intentional pun on some ITN wag's part? Unlikely!). The BBC, surprisingly, *isn't *leading with the departing family, relegating that story into fourth place. Less surprisingly, the BBC thinks a News Corp story about Rebekah Brooks's possible return is the second most important story in the world. (Memo to BBC: It isn't).
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Terbaru di 2016
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Produk HP Samsung Galaxy Note 5 merupakan salah satu produk Smartphone Samsung Android Terbaru yg dibuat dan diproduksi dg khualitas yg sangat bagus untuk dijual di Pasar Indonesia karena produk - produk HP Samsung Galaxy Note Terbaru sangat laku dan mempunyai nilai jual yg sangat tinggi di Indonesia. Hal tersebut dikarenakan karna para pelanggan yg ada di
Who In The Pentagon Is Responsible For Picking Islamic State Targets?
*Washington Free Beacon:** Pentagon Not Targeting Islamic State Training Camps* No airstrikes against 60 camps producing 1,000 fighters monthly. The Pentagon has not conducted airstrikes against an estimated 60 Islamic State (IS) training camps that are supplying thousands of fighters each month to the terror group, according to defense and intelligence officials. The camps are spread throughout Islamic State-controlled areas of Iraq and Syria and are off limits in the U.S.-led international bombing campaign because of concerns about collateral damage, said officials familiar with... more »
Joe Biden's Son Blames "Russian Intelligence Agents" For His Ashley Madison Profile
*Zero Hedge:* *Joe Biden's Son Blames "Russian Agents" For Ashley Madison Profile* Last night we heard the best 'excuse' yet if you are caught with an Ashley Madison account, from Dan Loeb - "due diligence." Today, not to be outdone by a married hedge fund manager, Vice-President Joe Biden's son "Hunter" has unleashed his own set of excuses for member ship of the extramarital affairs website, as Breitbart reports - Biden thinks international agents, possibly Russian, who objected to his board membership with a Ukrainian gas company set up a fake account to discredit him. However, ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: August 29, 2015
[image: Urban Warfare Training-900] U.S. Army soldiers conduct training operations in urban terrain at Fort Pickett in Virginia on Aug. 20, 2015. Thanks to Sgt. Sean Brady for taking this magnificent photo!
Venezuela Extends Border Closures With Colombia
*BBC:* *Venezuela extends border closures with Colombia* Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has extended border closures with Colombia to another six towns in the western state of Tachira. Mr Maduro also announced the deployment of an extra 3,000 troops in the area, which he says has been infiltrated by Colombian paramilitaries and gangs. The main crossings were closed a week ago after Venezuelan soldiers were injured in a shootout with smugglers. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos criticised Mr Maduro's unilateral move. More than 1,000 Colombians have been deported and abo... more »
Is _Harperman_ to Stevie what _Pussy Riot_ was to Vlad?
Perhaps a living saint like Jean Vanier could genuinely feel a modicum of compassion for the venal and malevolent crew that is toiling to keep the Harper regime in power. I do not. In fact, I'm genuinely thrilled to gloat about the latest Harper government shit to hit the fan. *An Ottawa federal scientist is being investigated for breaching the public service’s ethics code for writing and performing a highly political protest song to get rid of the Harper government.* *Tony Turner, a scientist in habitat planning at Environment Canada, was recently sent home on leave with pay whi... more »
Friday Post - Migrants and bankers
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” Migrants - The current situation is bad because rather than deal with the situation in an organized manner, creating processing centers and spreading that population out across multiple countries, migrants are crammed into camps with poor conditions and treated like criminals. Their only offense is wanting a little safety and maybe a shot at a better life. Rewind to the days of... more »
Friday Night
I spent much of the summer in the hospital getting stem cell transplants so that the cancer I was treated for since November-- now in remission-- doesn't come back. I still have peripheral neuropathy, but I'm feeling a lot better overall now, and my doctor at City of Hope seems astounded how rapidly I'm recuperating from the intense treatments. Brutalism's music (above) was part of my get-well therapy. I'd blast their songs, especially "Friday Night," in the hospital and the nurses would come in and dance. What more could anyone want? Well... after a while I started wanting my ha... more »
The Bureau of Labor Statistics claims that 215,000 jobs were created in July and that the unemployment rate is 5.3 percent. This is far from true. If counting those who have given up finding a job, the unemployment rate would be 23 percent! One would think that investment advisors would know this. But, no, many of them expected the stock and bond markets to rise this last two weeks because of the BLS lies. Now they are puzzled. Yesterday's big drop was partially undone at the last minute, encouraging them to believe that today it would keep on rising. But no, the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq struggled all afternoon to avoid a rout. And finally Bloomberg and other financial outfits began to wonder if "Moms and Pops" might be bailing out. But not THIS Pop! By the end of the day, seven of my nine picks were in strongly in the green (e.g., +4.91%), one 0.0%, and the only one in red was only -0.24%. The Dow was red all day long, as much as -0.35% but magicaly reduced itself to -0.07% in the last fiew seconds.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ *by* Oliver Renick ------------------------------ August 27, 2015 — 9:00 PM MST Retail Investors Pull Out Billions in Wild Week Original w/ Video Here ------------------------------ - Credit Suisse report shows - First back-to-back months of simultaneous outflows since 2008 Mom and pop are running for the hills. Since July, American households -- which account for almost all mutual fund investors -- have pulled money both from mutual funds that inv... more »
Hp Oppo Neo 5, Smartphone Os Android Kitkat
Hp Oppo Neo 5, Smartphone Os Android Kitkat - Untuk anda yang saat ini sedang mencari smartphone kelas menengah dengan spesifikasi yang mumpuni namun memiliki harga yang terjangkau. Smartphone oppo terbaru yang akan kami bahas dikesempatan ini bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan smartphone anda. Smartphone terbaru oppo yang akan kami bahas dikesempatan ini yaitu oppo neo 5, untuk lebih jelasnya lagi
U.S. State Department Unimpressed That 195 Retired Generals And Admirals Oppose The Iran Nuclear Deal
*Washington Examiner*:* State laughs off 195 retired brass opposing Iran deal* State Department Spokesperson John Kirby on Wednesday laughed off a letter from 195 retired admirals and generals opposing the Iran nuclear agreement, and dodged questions about why letters of support for the deal being touted by the government should be believed when they have far fewer signatures on them than the letters opposing it. The Obama administration had hyped a letter from three dozen retired admirals and generals in support of the deal, only to be trumped by a letter sent to Congress on Wed... more »
Musical Interlude: Edward Elgar, “Nimrod”
Edward Elgar, “Nimrod” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhnMd1Jl7SA
The U.S. Congress Does Not Have Enough Votes To Block President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal
*Eli Lake & Josh Rogin, Bloomberg: *Congressional Fight on Iran Deal Is All But Over Opponents of the Iran nuclear deal in Congress admit they can no longer kill the accord. Their focus now is making sure there will be a vote on the agreement at all, and salvaging some political benefit from their well-funded bid to stop it. Lawmakers, Congressional staffers and lobbyists opposed to the deal reached in Vienna last month tell us they are now fighting to get more than 60 votes in the Senate for a resolution of disapproval to avoid a filibuster by Democrats supporting President Barac... more »
Harga Kamera Nikon D5200 Review Lengkap 2016
Harga Kamera Nikon D5200 Review Lengkap 2016 - kali ini kami akan mencoba menginformasikan kepada anda sebuah info mengenai kamera, yang mana info kamera dari kami ini adalah kamera nikon D5200. untuk anda yang kiranya memiliki hobi fotografi, maka anda akan sangat cocok menggunakan kamera nikon yang satu ini. karena kamera ini telah dilengkapi dengan sejumlah fitur yang sangat canggih yang mampu
Church and State 2, Iglesia rally in Edsa
Below are my random thoughts about the ongoing occupation of EDSA -- the busiest road in the Philippines -- by members of the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) religious grooup. -------- Government, go back to your main function -- enforce the rule of law, end mob rule and rule of men. Stay out from too much welfarism. Government is often too busy with endless welfarism and populism, placating the irresponsible and opportunist sectors of society, that it becomes less efficient, there is government failure, in quick justice administration, protecting private property, protecting lives from bu... more »
Islamic State Publishes Its 'Death List'
*Nigash, Daily Beast:* *ISIS Publishes ‘Death Lists’ for Families to Read* *Thousands of people have gone missing in Mosul, Iraq since the Islamic State took over. Now their families are learning if they are in fact dead.* DOHUK, Iraq — His heart began beating rapidly and he was short of breath. He’d just seen something on Facebook, a page specializing in news and information from Mosul, his hometown until the so-called Islamic State conquered it in June last year. The young man, whom we’ll call Hassan to protect the anonymity of his family, spent two days in one of Mosul's prison... more »
Unite the Left and Banish the Degenerates
If I were a leftist opinion maker of any importance it would be a top priority of mine to address the relative disparity between the soundness of the left's policies and the practical impact of our political activity. It seems to me that one thing we have to do is unite under a platform that is at least amenable to the various strands of progressive thought and then investigate strategies to make our collective will felt. After all, why is it that WE have to be a position of reacting to initiatives implemented by a buffoon such as this? You all remember this clown right? He said he ... more »
Nuclear Madness
Fukushima Daiichi has looked a bit more stable the last week, which is good news because there were far too many emission events late spring and early summer: I can still see the heat emissions on the cams, especially near unit 3, but visible steam emissions from unit 1 are down. Meanwhile, the NRC considers raising allowable radiation exposure levels: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/06/23/2015-15441/linear-no-threshold-model-and-standards-for-protection-against-radiation Anonymous comments can be submitted here: http://www.regulations.gov/#!submitComment;D=NRC-2015... more »
The War Against The Islamic State Is Going To Last A Very Long Time
Reuters *Dan De Luce, Foreign Policy:* *Is the U.S. Ready for an Endless War Against the Islamic State?* *Top generals predict the fight against ISIS will last more than a decade. It’s not a message the White House or Congress wants to hear.* Looking out over rows of young American soldiers sitting in a dusty hall in Baghdad, the U.S. military’s top-ranking officer had a few questions for the troops. Had they deployed to Iraq before, Gen. Martin Dempsey asked. Out of about 200 soldiers in the hall, three-quarters raised their hands. “How many of you think you’ll serve a tour in I... more »
Will it matter to the anti-Planned Parenthood witch hunters that the frame job is even crookeder than we knew?
*It turns out that the "original" versions of the Planned Parenthood sting videos are already tampered with. What a surprise!* *by Ken* The good news is that Planned Parenthood is fighting back against the crusade of lies being waged against it. The bad news is that the anti-Planned Parenthood witch hunters are the kind of people who not only don't care about but actively despise the truth when it comes in conflict with their ideological psychoses. And right now the right-wing sociopaths see an opportunity to destroy their enemy. Why should the truth matter to them more here than ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 28, 2015
The viral image of Burhan and other militants (via Social Media) *Fahad Shah, The Diplomat*: *Kashmir's Young Rebels* With their backs against the wall, Kashmir’s desperate youth have started taking up arms against the Indian government. Sixty-nine years ago, the partition of British India gave birth to two new countries: India and Pakistan. Over the years both countries have evolved to be stable, but their contention with each other hasn’t pacified. The two nuclear-armed rivals have fought three wars over Kashmir – a mountainous territory divided between India, Pakistan, and China... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Beautiful Nebula discovered between the Balance [Libra] & the Serpent [Serpens]..." begins the description of the 5th entry in 18th century astronomer Charles Messier's famous catalog of nebulae and star clusters. Though it appeared to Messier to be fuzzy and round and without stars, Messier 5 (M5) is now known to be a globular star cluster, 100,000 stars or more, bound by gravity and packed into a region around 165 light-years in diameter. It lies some 25,000 light-years away. Roaming the halo of our galaxy, globular star clusters are ancient members of the Milky Way. *Click image... more »
The Poet: Octavio Paz, "Brotherhood"
*"Brotherhood"* "I am a man: little do I last and the night is enormous. But I look up: the stars write. Unknowing I understand: I too am written, and at this very moment someone spells me out." - Octavio Paz
Chet Raymo, “Out Of The Silence”
*“Out Of The Silence”* by Chet Raymo "A few words about Douglas Christe's “The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Notes for a Contemplative Ecology”, the title of which is drawn from the 4th-century monastic writer Evagrius of Pontus: "When the mind has put off the old self and shall put on the one born of grace, then it will see its own state in the time of prayer resembling sapphire or the color of heaven." It is a beautiful image, although I am not at all sure what it means. We are separated from Evagrius by centuries, by a Scientific Revolution, by the Enlightenment. I am not suggestin... more »
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