Latest news and stories from BleepingComputer.com
Employees Said Kaspersky Faked Malware To Harm Rivals
SOURCE: Exclusive: Russian antivirus firm faked malware to harm rivals - Ex-employees   QUOTE aAugust 14, 2015 -
John McAfee Arrested
John McAfee arrested on DUI, gun charges in Henderson County | WBBJTV West Tennessee's News ChannelAugust 5, 2015 -
CTB-Locker ransomware being pushed by fake Windows 10 Update emails
With the highly publicized release of Microsoft's Windows 10 on July 29th, scammers and malwareAugust 3, 2015
USA Partisan
Freedom And Central Planning Can Never Coexist
By Brandon Smith The average person is a statist, whether he realizes it or not. It is important that9 hrs ago -
Couple terrorized by series of false child-abuse accusations by CPS worker
Police State USA ELIZABETHTOWN, KY — A young couple had their lives turned upside-down when a CPSAugust 17, 2015 -
Total racket: Drug companies redefine patient ‘qualification’ for statin
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association continues the trendAugust 16, 2015
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom
John Rubino – Bad Numbers Getting Worse, and What The “Dumb” Money Is Doing
from FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com : John Rubino observes that the global recovery meme got another series27 mins ago -
GUEST POST: Silver Squelchers TWENTY TWO & Their Interesting Associates
[ Note : #22 in the incredible Silver Squelchers research series is 130 pages, essentially an entire book41 mins ago
Black Agenda Report
Black Agenda Radio for Week of August 17, 2015
Black Liberation Movement Haiti election Black People Should ‘Police’ Themselves The Milwaukee chapter of20 hrs ago -
#BlackLivesMatter and the Democrats: How Disruption Can Lead to
Black Liberation Movement by BAR executive editor Glen Ford The #Black Lives Matter organization mayAugust 12, 2015 -
How To Hold Prominent Movement Figures Accountable – With A Private Phone
by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon I've been asked why I didn't pick up the phone to talkAugust 12, 2015
Climate Resistance
Brian Cox’s Weird Science
Brian Cox — of wide-eyed BBC science spectaculars fame — is lauded as one of science’sJune 16, 2015 -
What Do Psychologists Have to Say About Climate Change?
One of the least-explored but most revealing things about the climate change debate (such as it is) is theJune 9, 2015 -
The Apollo Lords – Shooting for the Stars? Or the Foot?
The climate debate has seen much history dragged into the present, to be served up again as hollowJune 4, 2015
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Ma Bell Lies Betrays Customers
The line between government and private business is often fuzzy, but for AT&T it seems almost invisible17 hrs ago -
Agenda for a Freer and More Prosperous America
There is little that happens in society in general and the market economy in particular that most on the17 hrs ago -
The Seamless Web of Liberty
Many people think the Internal Revenue Service was violating civil liberties when it harassed tea party17 hrs ago
AboveTopSecret.com Top Topics
10,000 year old giants of the Sahara (65 flags)
Not still alive, but the Kiffians of the Sahara dating back some 10,000 years ago were a very tall peopleMay 27, 2015 -
Restricted until 2063 (39 flags)
the author leaks a supposedly official document from the National Archives restricting access to anMay 27, 2015 -
I found out False Flags are done with Tranced Individuals (38 flags)
You know what CIA and NSA do -other than spying - they read news all day. Open source information gatheringMay 27, 2015
Accuracy In Academia
Relocation of Jefferson Davis Statue at University of Texas is Put on Hold
A legal challenge temporarily halts the removal of the Confederate president’s statue from a featured1 hr ago -
Missouri Grad Students Lose Health Insurance Subsidies: Thanks, ObamaCare!
The University of Missouri can no longer afford health insurance subsidies for graduate students because of5 hrs ago -
Sorority Recruitment Video Taken Down after People Offended by It
Political correctness is running rampant. Let college students be college students, right? The College Fix7 hrs ago
Al Jazeera English
China says thousands arrested for online crime
Amid growing crackdown on public dissent, security ministry says 15,000 people held after six-month special24 mins ago -
Sri Lanka's PM defeats ex-president in elections
Ruling party wins parliamentary polls, dashing former president Mahinda Rajapaksa's hopes of becoming28 mins ago -
Sri Lanka's new political path
Former president Mahinda Rajapaksa has failed to make a comeback after his defeat in the general elections.33 mins ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
8 Palestinians Kidnapped across West Bank
Israeli forces, overnight Monday, abducted eight Palestinians from across the occupied West Bank, according1 hr ago -
Free Muhammad Allan and all Palestinian Prisoners! Statement by NYC SJP
The following prisoner solidarity statement was issued on 18 August by New York City Students for1 hr ago -
PA, Iran discuss appointment of ambassador to Palestine
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Palestinian Authority and Iran have discussed the possibility of1 hr ago
Animal Emotions
Yellowstone Kills Blaze, a Bear Who Attacked Off-Trail Hiker
Blaze, a grizzly bear who tragically killed an off-trail hiker in Yellowstone National Park, wasAugust 13, 2015 -
Grief: Cross-Cultural, Cross-Species, and Personal Views
A recent BBC Forum called "Grief" offers a very thoughtful and easy to understand discussion ofAugust 13, 2015 -
Compassionate Conservation Meets Cecil the Slain Lion
A recent meeting on the growing field of compassionate conservation helped to define the field, and muchAugust 9, 2015
RSS Feed
Iran’s Inflexibility on Enrichment a Barrier to Progress on Nuclear Deal
By Daryl G. Kimball Officials involved in the high-stakes negotiations aimed at reaching a comprehensiveSeptember 27, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert, September 25
By the research staff of the Arms Control Association. To get this P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks AlertSeptember 25, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Talks Are Complicated Enough Without Partisan Senate
By Kelsey Davenport U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad ZarifSeptember 22, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Climate Council: junk science leads to record levels of alarmism
The Climate Council is nothing more than an alarmism generating machine. Every year the level of hysteriaFebruary 7, 2015 -
Coalition infighting will see return to bad old days of Labor – including a
The Coalition seems to have a healthy self-destruct instinct which it must have inherited from theFebruary 5, 2015 -
Journalist feels the wrath of climate jihadists
‘In a few years, self-defence is going to be made a valid defence for patricide, so Rose’sFebruary 1, 2015
BBC News - Home
Migrant numbers at EU borders surge
The number of migrants at the EU's borders reaches a monthly record of 107,500, as a sharp surge in4 hrs ago -
CCTV 'shows Bangkok bomb suspect'
Video footage emerges showing a man leaving a backpack inside the Bangkok shrine where a bomb exploded on27 mins ago -
'Female Viagra' gets US approval
The US Food and Drug Administration approves a libido-enhancing drug for women that has been dubbed "30 mins ago
BBC News - England
Care home owner force-fed residents
An owner of a care home is found guilty of force-feeding elderly residents and failing to seek immediate5 hrs ago -
Battle of Britain anniversary marked
Aircraft including Hurricanes and Spitfires fly in formation to mark 75 years since the Battle of Britain hrs ago -
Crash leaves bus on garden wall
A bus crashes into the front of a row of houses in south-east London, leaving the single-decker perched on13 hrs ago
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
Janner: Is Sub Judice Still a “Thing”?
A Canute-like warning from the Crown Prosecution Service, from the end of June : The Director of PublicAugust 15, 2015 -
Ted Heath: Allegations and Conspiracy Theories
From Simon Jenkins in the Guardian : That’s it then. Sir Edward Heath was a paedophile. It has beenAugust 7, 2015 -
Nadine Dorries, Tim Ireland and the High Court: Some Notes on the Outcome
While the many lies of Nadine Dorries have been travelling half-way around the world in recent months, theAugust 1, 2015
Beyond Meds
Non-medication ways to relieve depression: online course CE/CME available
ERICKSONIAN HYPNOSIS IN THE TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION *Treating Depression Hypnotically and StrategicallyAugust 17, 2015 -
Engage in one another’s differences in a way that is redemptive…
"I want there to be a place in the world where people can engage in one another’s differences in a wayAugust 16, 2015 -
Managing a meltdown
by Elaine Mansfield -- My heart sank and my belly knotted. I felt like a helpless child. I scolded myselfAugust 14, 2015
Biased BBC
A Champion For Global Justice?
The BBC broadcast a lecture by Katy Long. Who is Katy Long? She is an academic whose speciality2 mins ago -
The fall of Camilla Batmanghelidjh has distressed the BBC and I see they ran the following “news7 hrs ago -
I thought that this was a strange item on the BBC earlier today. “Large supermarkets are becoming a7 hrs ago
BlackListed News
The US Will Maintain Control of the World’s Internet (For Now)
The US Commerce Department has announced it would keep its hold on the global internet domain system for at19 hrs ago -
Flea’s Bees: Red Hot Chili Peppers Bassist Starts Bee Sanctuary in His
Bassist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Flea, known for his activism, has become a professional beekeeper in19 hrs ago -
32 Cops, Fired 600 Bullets into 1 Car Full of Hostages, Killing a Hostage
Discharging a firearm in circumstances that endanger innocent persons or hostages, is prohibited by police19 hrs ago
Brave The World
Death of Free Speech, PC Culture, & How the State Makes Us Sick: The Denis
Denis G. Rancourt is the author of over 100 scientific articles, a physics prof of 20+ years, aAugust 5, 2015 -
Anarchy Is Order
The Anarchist Manifesto by individualist anarchist philosopher Anselm Bellegarrigue is an overlooked gem.August 4, 2015 -
Libertarian Party of Canada Platform
"My platform is simple: the ability to own a firearm runs parallel with freedom."July 8, 2015
Blog: Posts
Regional Tensions to Spark Submarine Manufacturing Boom in Asia-Pacific
Body: By Stew Magnuson Asia-Pacific navies are expected to surpass European nations on submarine spending10 hrs ago -
Army Reserve Pursuing Partnerships with Silicon Valley (UPDATED)
Body: By Yasmin Tadjdeh In April, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced a new initiative to encourage theAugust 13, 2015 -
Uncertainty Surrounds the Cost of New Bomber
Body: By Jon Harper Northrop Grumman hints at new long-range strike bomber design in Super BowlAugust 14, 2015
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Wal-Mart, materials shares drag Wall St. lower
(Reuters) - U.S. stocks fell on Tuesday, with the S&P 500 trading in its tightest daily range in nearly3 hrs ago -
Exclusive: Most of Buick's future U.S. cars may come from overseas
Most Buick vehicles sold in the United States after 2016 could be imported from China and Europe, according2 hrs ago -
Wal-Mart profit misses estimates; cuts outlook as pharmacy margins bite
The results showed how a move to lift wages and other costs have kept Wal-Mart from taking full advantage5 hrs ago
COTO Report
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook
Originally posted on COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS : This is the definitive and most informative documentary onDecember 5, 2014 -
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
Critical Praise for Torture Documentary
Following up on my last post updating information about distribution of my film, REFUGE: Caring forAugust 11, 2015 -
Catching up
I’m Back… It’s been quite a while since my last posts – I hope that some of you out there have beenAugust 4, 2015 -
Passings: 2014-2015
Helen Bamber: “I vowed never to be a bystander…” Historically, throughout much of the world, torture hasApril 2, 2015
Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
House Budget Committee Plan Cuts Pell Grants Deeply, Reducing Access to
The House Budget Committee budget plan calls for large cuts in Pell Grants, which help more than 8 millionMarch 24, 2015 -
Eliminating Estate Tax on Inherited Wealth Would Increase Deficits and
The House Ways and Means Committee is scheduled to consider a bill this week to repeal the federal estateMarch 24, 2015 -
Obama Budget Restores Housing Vouchers
Thanks to funding Congress provided in 2014 and 2015, state and local housing agencies are beginning toMarch 23, 2015
CBS News Investigative Journalist Explains How Mainstream Media Brainwashes
Did you know that only a handful of corporations, 6 to be exact, control over 90 percent of the mediaAugust 17, 2015 -
New Russian Film Shows Kiev, West Guilty Of MH 17
MH17 documentary ‘No one deserves to die that way’July 23, 2015 -
“Tempête du Sud”: Al-Nosra jette l’éponge !!!
IRIB- En plus du fiasco infligé à leur bataille, «Tempête du Sud», laquelle devait, en principeJune 30, 2015
Coyote Blog
We're Number 181!
Apparently Alexa ranks Coyoteblog 181 among "Conservative" and center-right news and opinionAugust 16, 2015 -
Memo to Vox: You Know How This Prosperity Was Achieved? We Let it Happen.
Vox shares what is perhaps the greatest achievement in human history, the continuing disappearance ofAugust 14, 2015 -
Wherein I Try to Be Fair to Yelp
I need to try to be fair to Yelp. A reader sends me some second-hand comments from an ex-employee at Yelp:August 14, 2015
Crikey » COLUMNS
Tips and rumours: Parliamentary sing-a-long
A tipster discovered an Oasis in Parliament House last night, and by that we mean not a water source in a20 hrs ago -
Tips and rumours: exclusives can get in the bin
Exclusive watch. Here at Crikey we enjoy monitoring the liberal use of the “exclusive” tag at20 hrs ago -
Tips and rumours
Exclusive watch ... redundancy toll at Toll ... Tony Smith's scatalogical nickname ...20 hrs ago
Dandelion Salad
Larry Hamm: The Long Distance Revolutionary, interviewed by Chris Hedges
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges TheRealNews on Aug 18, 2015 In this episode of Days of Revolt, Hedges1 hr ago -
“To Leave Error Unrefuted is to Encourage Intellectual Immorality”: A
by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D. Writer, Dandelion Salad Originally published on imperialismandthethirdworld August9 hrs ago -
Is Doomed Dollar Really Behind Obama’s Iran Warning? by Finian Cunningham
by Finian Cunningham Writer, Dandelion Salad East Africa Crossposted from RT August 16, 2015 US PresidentAugust 16, 2015
Diary of a Heartland Radical
The Cost-Cutting Approach to Higher Education (reposted)
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:urlAugust 10, 2015 -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEAugust 7, 2015
A New Kind of Eternal Life: The Growing Christian Transhumanism Movement
Via Outerplaces.com Transhumanism, the movement which aims to use science fiction-esque methods such as17 mins ago -
Does ‘Divine Hiddenness’ Belong to Theists or to Atheists?
Josh Cowan Photography (CC BY-NC 2.0) J. L. Shellenberg writes at OUPblog: Theistic literature is full1 hr ago -
Patent Issued For Space Elevator
An elevator to space has long been dreamed of, but now a Canadian company has been granted a patent for2 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
UK increases drone missions in Syria
The MoD has released new data on UK drone operations in Iraq and Syria to Drone Wars in response to aAugust 12, 2015 -
UK operations in Iraq/Syria: New reporting methods means less transparency
Days before the parliamentary recess Defence Secretary Michael Fallon slipped out a written statement on UKAugust 12, 2015 -
Campaigners seek to overturn injunction against protests at Israeli-owned
UPDATE – Weds 22 July High Court rules to lift ban on protests at Israeli drone factory TheJuly 21, 2015
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
UGA collaboration discovers toxic chemical in birds outside of Superfund
Researchers at the University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory have found that a2 hrs ago -
'Fishing expedition' nets nearly tenfold increase in number of
Using a specially designed computational tool as a lure, scientists have netted the genomic sequences ofAugust 14, 2015 -
Alert to biologists: Ribosomes can translate the 'untranslated region&#
In what appears to be an unexpected challenge to a long-accepted fact of biology, Johns Hopkins researchersAugust 14, 2015
RSS Feed
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Fabius Maximus website
The facts behind the scary new UN population forecast & those doomster
Summary: A new paper by scientists, using computer models to forecast a dark future — this time about14 hrs ago -
The hidden but important IPCC foundation for Obama’s Clean Power Plan
Summary: The internet overflows with commentary about climate change, much by scientists. Yet all this talkAugust 17, 2015 -
Stratfor describes the effects of sanctions on Russia (hegemon at work)
Summary: Our outrage about Russia’s meddling in Eastern Ukraine is the smoke. Sanctions on Russia areAugust 16, 2015
Whistleblower Protection Blog
FBI Crime Lab’s Flawed Hair Analyses Featured on Fault Lines
Did you know that you can take two strands of hair from your own head and they may not match? Yet the FBI3 hrs ago -
May 2015 False Claims Act Settlements, Part 2
The Department of Justice announced settlements in the following False Claims Act lawsuits: Government11 hrs ago -
SEC Says Employees Protected For Internal Whistleblowing
On August 4, 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued an interpretive rule to dispelAugust 14, 2015
Friends of Syria
Turkey YouTube Ban: Full Transcript of Leaked Syria ‘War’ Conversation
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ban of YouTube occurred after a conversation wasAugust 15, 2015 -
News magazine claims Turkish intel delivered 60 prisoners to join ISIL
Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (MİT) has allegedly escorted 60 foreign fighters across the borderAugust 15, 2015 -
A hastily planned visit to Syrian protests had long-term consequences
Robert Ford’s trip to Hama in July 2011 was a seminal moment in Syria policy But there had been virtuallyAugust 15, 2015
Rosie O'Donnell Says Missing Teen Daughter "Has Been Found and Is
chelsea has been found and is safe in police custody - thank u all for the help and light #missingchildren59 mins ago -
Philly Police Department Cobbles Together Insane Saved by the Bell Tribute
The Philadelphia Police Department had an ambitious idea for an anti-weed PSA—recreate the old Saved by the1 hr ago -
Deadspin This Woman Does Not Like Us Making Fun Of The Texans | Gizmodo
Deadspin This Woman Does Not Like Us Making Fun Of The Texans | Gizmodo Stop Refrigerating Your Butter |1 hr ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
RSS Feed
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The Intercept
Undercover Police Have Regularly Spied On Black Lives Matter Activists in
Documents obtained by The Intercept confirm that undercover police officers attended numerous Black Lives2 hrs ago -
“You’ve Got to Cozy Up”: More Politicians Admitting That Money Controls
Three weeks ago I posted a collection of quotes from politicians acknowledging the obvious reality that2 hrs ago -
Top Jeb Bush Adviser Vin Weber Signs On to Lobby for Anti-Gay Uganda
A top adviser to the Jeb Bush campaign has signed on to lobby for Uganda’s virulently anti-gay3 hrs ago
In These Times
The Real War on Families: Why the U.S. Needs Paid Leave Now
Leigh Benrahou began laying plans to have a second child almost as soon as she had her first, a daughter13 hrs ago -
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: The U.S. Military Is in Africa—But What Is It Doing
The United States military is a global force, with bases spanning six continents and dozens of countriesAugust 17, 2015 -
Gov. Walker Gets Off ‘Scot-Free’ For Alleged Campaign Finance Violations
The Wisconsin Supreme Court put a nail in the coffin of the Badger State’s campaign finance laws onAugust 17, 2015
Indigenous Action Media
Diné Confront John McCain in Action to Protect Water and Sacred Sites
(Video published with permission. Credit: Marley Shebala) Window Rock, AZ — On August 14, 2015 dozensAugust 16, 2015 -
Morning Star Institute to Hold 13th Annual National Prayer Day for Sacred
JUNE 19-24 SET FOR 2015 NATIONAL SACRED PLACES PRAYER DAYS Editor’s note: Indigenous Action MediaJune 18, 2015 -
Power Lines Feature Film Trailer
Power Lines is a politically charged coming of age story about a young Diné (Navajo) poet who runs away andMay 14, 2015
Inter Press Service
Humanitarian Response in Afghanistan Falters in the Face of Intensifying
This little boy, an Afghan refugee, eats a piece of candy outside his family’s makeshift tent. Credit7 mins ago -
Iran Deal a ‘Net-Plus’ for Nuclear Non-Proliferation Worldwide
By S. Chandra WASHINGTON, Aug 18 2015 (IPS) As the U.S. Congress prepares to vote next month on the2 hrs ago -
Kudos for Bolivia’s Success in Reducing Coca Cultivation
Bolivian President Evo Morales (right) shakes hands with UNODC Representative Antonino De Leo at the launch2 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Visible Origami | The Truth Within and the Lies Without.
Dog Poet Transmitting……. Dogs Stray Bar Cartoon If you don’t control your thoughtsAugust 17, 2015 -
Visible Origami | The Empire of Heaven and the Buddha of LSD
How deep is the sea? How high is the sky? How boundless the world of that tear in your eye? Somewhere, IAugust 14, 2015 -
Reflections in a Petri Dish | The Zio Cons Relentless Perversion of the
Today we address a subject that has been a hot button issue for some time. No doubt this will offend someAugust 14, 2015
RSS Feed
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RSS Feed
Humanitarian Disaster and Genocide in Sirte
Behind Da’esh in Libya is the Hypocrisy of Rival Governments that Bow to the West Sirte | سرت NCHRL :August 13, 2015 -
Venezuela : The Communal Levels of the Economic War
By José Roberto Duque Mision Verdad This is a politicized country and especially people who don’t live hereAugust 10, 2015 -
Ferguson : State of Emergency
Ryan J. Reilly and Julia Craven St. Louis County declared a state of emergency for Ferguson on Monday dueAugust 9, 2015
‘Ancient Beauty’
All things Viking and Scandinavia are hot in 2015, with Detroit and Cuba on deck for 2016, that according8 hrs ago -
L’Art de Brand
De Brand, at NY NOW, is one of the really good chocolate companies in America. Photograph: Stephen WiseAugust 17, 2015 -
Summer NY Now
NY NOW: the Market for Home & Lifestyle is underway and runs through Aug, 19 at the Javits Center. WeAugust 15, 2015
Master Resource
Brattle Group: Statism for Electricity (chairman Peter Fox-Penner makes his
“The two greatest enemies of free enterprise in the United States … have been, on the one hand, my fellow17 hrs ago -
Refrack Resourceship: Why the Carbon-based Energy Era Is Still Young
“[T]hough the oil-market crash has put the nation’s energy boom on hold, some oil-technologyAugust 17, 2015 -
Bald and Golden Eagles Victorious: Court Invalidates 30-Year “Eagle Take
“The Obama administration crafted the [court invalidated] rule to offer wind farms a legal path toAugust 13, 2015
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Media Push Back Against Trump's 'Troubling' Immigration Plan
Conservative media outlets are praising Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's15 hrs ago -
Fox Pushes 3 Debunked Myths To Scandalize Hillary Clinton's Use of
Fox News' Fox and Friends pushed three debunked myths to scandalize16 hrs ago -
As Conservative Media Trash Iran Deal, Nuclear Experts And Former Military
A growing consensus of nuclear and national security experts are endorsing the Obama administration's18 hrs ago
New Content on CO2 Science
Crop Breeding for High Production, Water Use Efficiency & Albedo
It's a good way to confront mankind's growing need for food and the water needed to produce itSeptember 2, 2014 -
Biospheric Productivity (Global: The Recent Past) -- Summary
Since 1980 the Earth has weathered three of the warmest decades in the instrumental temperature record, aSeptember 2, 2014 -
Catastrophic Floods of Dartmoor, South West England
Are they few and far-between? ... or are they growing ever more frequent ... and ferocious?September 2, 2014
Chung wants to clean FIFA; accuses Blatter-Platini of father-son relation
Honorary FIFA vice president Chung Mong-Joon says he will clean the sport of8 hrs ago -
Chemical blast in Tianjin halts work at auto and farm equipment plants
Toyota and John Deere have said they will halt work at plants near China's port13 hrs ago -
Former Petrobras top official sentenced to 12 years in prison
A Brazilian judge sentenced Nestor Cervero, former international chief of state-run14 hrs ago
NME News
Thurston Moore streams new album 'The Best Day' – listen
The album will be released on October 20October 13, 2014 -
More tickets released for Damon Albarn at the Royal Albert Hall – on sale
The shows will take place on November 15 and 16October 13, 2014 -
Foo Fighters to premiere new track 'Something From Nothing' on
The track is the first from forthcoming album 'Sonic Highways'October 13, 2014
Nature News Blog - Posts
Contamination created controversial ‘acid-induced’ stem cells
Stem cells that were claimed to be created simply by exposing ordinary cells to stress were probablyDecember 28, 2014 -
US to lift ban on blood donations from gay men
The US Food and Drug Administration has announced plans to end a lifetime ban on blood donation for men whoDecember 24, 2014 -
Gates Foundation announces world’s strongest policy on open access research
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the world’s strongest policy in support of openNovember 21, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Grain Belt Express hits dead end with Missouri Public Service Commission
Another setback for a wind energy project proposed to go through Ralls County has developers evaluating38 mins ago -
Wind farm advocate Simon Chapman sorry for false allegations #AUS
Public health professor and wind farm advocate Simon Chapman has published a long apology to industrial1 hr ago -
Turbine fight comes to a head #ENG
Campaigners fighting plans for two wind turbines close to ancient woodland in a South Yorkshire village are2 hrs ago
Future of national sovereignty in Europe
The system where each country is sovereign, i.e. recognises no authority which can completely rule it (andAugust 17, 2015 -
Naples, the Mafia and the garbage
For years the garbage problem of Naples has not been solved. Now the European Court has interfered and hasAugust 16, 2015 -
Liberland- a Utopia in Europe
In a controversial border region between Croatia and Serbia the Czech Vít Jedlička has founded in AprilAugust 13, 2015
New Web Order
Securing Blockchain.info Users with Tor and SSL
Over the past couple of weeks there has been a marked increase in the number of man-in-the-middle (MITMDecember 3, 2014 -
FBI seizes fake Tor hosted Jihad funding website as part of Operation
As part of Operation Onymous the FBI seized some 276 Tor hidden services , many of which were clone or scamNovember 17, 2014 -
Large Number of Tor Hidden Sites Seized by the FBI in Operation Onymous
This post is the first in a series dealing with the takedown of Silk Road 2.0 and Operation Onymous . TheNovember 17, 2014
News For You
Obama's Iran deal may well survive in US Congress
Associated Press -
Judge Nap: 'Gut Feeling Is Hillary Will Be Charged Over Private Emails'
Fox News Insider q -
Iran Skeptics Have A New Bargaining Chip
Huffington Post q -
Report: Hillary's Email Server Was Kept in a Bathroom Closet in Denver
Fox News Insider q
Big Picture News, Informed Analysis
See You in September (And a Few Words About the Pope)
New material won't be added to this blog until Autumn. You are invited to explore the six-years-worthJune 21, 2015 -
The Future Isn’t Ours to Dictate
It is not the business of today's politicians to decide which energy sources will be used 85 years fromJune 9, 2015 -
Will Rajendra Pachauri Be Held Accountable by Green Activists?
The environmental movement routinely demands accountability from third parties. When will it acknowledgeMay 29, 2015
Online Cancer Blog
Top 5 Skin Cancer Myths Busted
Skin cancer is a cancer that arises from the skin and this happens due to the growth of abnormal cellsJuly 28, 2015 -
Caring and Supporting a Friend with Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the breast cells. Causes include genetics, age, obesityJuly 15, 2015 -
Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Childhood Cancer Survivor
June 24, 2015
"Some folk won’t even use the term ‘Internet’ any more. It harks back
“Some folk won’t even use the term ‘Internet’ any more. It harks back to the image of a global village of2 hrs ago -
"What makes these tools noteworthy is that the hands that held them
“What makes these tools noteworthy is that the hands that held them weren’t human.” - BBC - Earth7 hrs ago -
"Word went around among the staff that there must have been something
“Word went around among the staff that there must have been something peculiar about the great bombAugust 6, 2015
The PPJ Gazette
Voices Carry for Animals # 56
Join us this evening August 18, 2015 at 7:00 pm CST! 5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST 	 hrs ago -
Corporate Sociopaths Out of Minnesota!
Duty to Warn Polluting Mining Corporations like PolyMet and Glencore Meet the Definition of Sociopath Gary21 hrs ago -
Welcome to Hotel California:
Chuck Frank ____________________________________________________ The age of persecution is now uponAugust 16, 2015
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Clinton tells Black Lives Matter activists to change policies, not hearts
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a sometimes tense private meeting last week with49 mins ago -
Senate Democrats stake out both sides of Iran deal
By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Robert Menendez blasted the U.S.-led international nuclear2 hrs ago -
No decision made on U.S. commercial flights to Cuba: State Dept
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No decisions have been taken for resuming commercial air travel to Cuba, the State5 hrs ago
The Pump Handle
US uninsurance rate keeps dropping, especially in medicaid expansion states
The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics has published an early release of findings on USAugust 17, 2015 -
Occupational Health News Roundup
A Republican-led plan to ban unions at the Internal Revenue Service could leave agency workers withoutAugust 13, 2015 -
Protecting kids is another reason that OSHA regulations are important
“It’s just like the paper we read in class.” That was the email message I received last week from a formerAugust 12, 2015
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Psychiatry: erase the unique individual
Psychiatry: erase the unique individual by Jon Rappoport August 17, 2015 (To read about Jon’s20 hrs ago -
Zen is: never meeting expectations
Zen is: never meeting expectations Exit From The Matrix by Jon Rappoport August 16, 2015 One thingAugust 16, 2015 -
Exit From The Matrix: triumph over the empire
Exit From The Matrix: triumph over the empire by Jon Rappoport August 14, 2015 Exit From The MatrixAugust 14, 2015
Signs of the Times
The seamless web of liberty
Many people think the Internal Revenue Service was violating civil liberties when it harassed tea party50 mins ago -
Cui bono: Who benefits from the Bangkok bombing?
The Guy in the Yellow T-shirt — long shorts, unruly black hair, thick dark glasses — arrived at the Erawan1 hr ago -
British MOD killed volunteer subjects with sarin gas, released potentially
Potentially lethal biological agents were unleashed on an unsuspecting British public and chemical warfare2 hrs ago
Stuff.co.nz - Dominion Post
Shots fired at police in central North Island
An application was made for a man, being hunted by police, to be returned to jail before Wednesday morning&4 mins ago -
Eerie Aurora Australis light show captured at Himatangi Beach
A visiting photographer has captured a stunning and rare photo of Aurora Australis from Himatangi Beach.15 hrs ago -
Editorial: Arrogance will not win Trans Pacific Partnership debate for Key
OPINION: The Government is starting to look rattled over opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership19 hrs ago
RSS Feed
Captured Jihadi Tells How He Joined ISIS From Turkey
ANF – Sedat Sur ISIS fighter Mahmut Gazitatar who joined the jihadist organization from AdıyamanAugust 13, 2015 -
Syria in the Last 24 Hours
Army clampdown continues, terrorists suffer more losses 14 August، 2015 Provinces, SANA The clampdown onAugust 13, 2015 -
الحوثيون يستعيدون السيطرة على مديرية الرضمة في محافظة إب
أفاد مصدر محلي في محافظة إب وسط اليمن لوكالة ” سبوتنيك ” أن المسلحين الحوثيون وقوات مساندة لهمAugust 12, 2015
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Joint letter in defence of Bangladeshi bloggers
Here’s a joint letter in defence of Bangladeshi Bloggers. You can see updated signatories here . To1 hr ago -
The terrible truth about Planned Parenthood
From Funny or Die , we have a video where people recount their experiences with going to Planned Parenthood1 hr ago -
Mass protests in Iraq: ‘Neither Shia nor Sunni, but secularism’
The protests, which started in several cities in southern Iraq last week, quickly spread to the rest of8 hrs ago
Top News - MIT Technology Review
Innovators Under 35 | 2015
Our 15th annual celebration of people who are driving the next generation of technological breakthroughs.19 hrs ago -
Brain Control
Ed Boyden is learning how to alter behavior by using light to turn neurons on and off. The equipment in EdOctober 27, 2010 -
Trading Shares in Milliseconds
Today’s stock market has become a world of automated transactions executed at lightning speed. This highDecember 20, 2009
Project Censored
The Present State of Capitalism
This week’s program offers two perspectives on global capitalism and permanent war. SociologistAugust 16, 2015 -
GMO labeling, California’s Proposition 13, and the Pentagon Budget
Peter Phillips and guest co-host Laura Wells spend the hour in conversation with author Peter MatthewsAugust 12, 2015 -
Abby Martin
As the annual National Whistleblower Summit concluded in Washington D.C. this week, host Mickey Huff spentAugust 2, 2015
Pando latest articles
Gawker claims former interns are too late to sue over pay, lawyers ask for
In new legal filings, Gawker claims only one intern filed in time, but they signed away their right to sue.August 17, 2015 -
Lessons from the startup graveyard
According to CB Insights, at least thirty-four startups have died in 2015. It’s a sadAugust 17, 2015 -
Disruption or human lives? Amazon story shows we'll soon have to pick a
Once upon this weekend, the New York Times published a story about Amazon that was reallyAugust 17, 2015
new site, northwestplants.net …
I now have close to 250 species of North West Australian plant species, including photographs, up on my new18 hrs ago -
dire threats, exaggerations … and climate
[…] Making dire predictions is what environmental groups do for a living, and it’s a competitive18 hrs ago -
Paris-ites hottest ever …
Just in time for the Paris COP, and the anniversary of Climategate, the cold hits hard: PeruAugust 15, 2015
National Review Online - Planet Gore
Cloudy days for solar thermal
This past weekend’s Wall Street Journal has some unsurprising news about solar-thermal technology. ExcerptsJune 15, 2015 -
Detroit Auto Show: The (Niche) Future of Electrics
Detroit – The Detroit Auto Show showcased more green cars than ever this January, even as American demandJanuary 27, 2015 -
Detroit Show: Musk warns of auto-induced warming crisis as city shivers
Detroit – Outside the North American International Auto Show this month, temperatures were a bone-chillingJanuary 26, 2015
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
Why the UK Belongs in Europe
A referendum on the UK’s membership in the EU may be less than a year away. At issue is not just the7 hrs ago -
A Balance-Sheet Approach to Fiscal Policy
Current fiscal-policy debates are based on flawed thinking about debt. It is time to stop focusing on9 hrs ago -
India’s Deadly Cities
China and India face similar challenges in managing rapidly growing urban populations. But variations in10 hrs ago
Science and technology
Tiny balls of fire
MOST scientific discoveries are the result of deliberate experiment. A few, though, occur by chance. OneAugust 13, 2015 -
Tentacles that think
ALMOST all intelligent creatures, be they parrots, sharks or human beings, are vertebrates. This isAugust 12, 2015 -
Quit stalling
DESPITE two catastrophic air crashes (the disappearance of MH370 over the Indian ocean, and the shootingAugust 15, 2015
Raw Story
‘Female Viagra’ gets approval from Food and Drug Administration
Washington (AFP) – US regulators on Tuesday approved the first drug designed to boost women’s40 mins ago -
Ex-security guard accused of making meth inside federal laboratory
A former security officer at a federal laboratory in Maryland was charged on Tuesday with trying to make1 hr ago -
NY prison investigated after mentally-ill prisoner dies following beating
New York state law enforcement officials on Tuesday said there is an active investigation into the death of1 hr ago
The Science of Doom
Renewables IV – Wind, Forecast Horizon & Backups
For some countries – cold, windy ones like England – wind power appears to offer the bestAugust 10, 2015 -
Renewables III – US Grid Operators’ Opinions
In Part I we had a brief look at the question of intermittency – renewable energy is mostly notAugust 6, 2015 -
Renewables II – Solar and Free Lunches
There are lots of studies of the energy and GHG input into production of solar panels. I’ve read someAugust 3, 2015
20 Surprising Photos of the Kardashians Before Their Popularity Exploded
Believe it or not, there was a time before the Kardashian-Jenner clan were famous; and as these surprising4 hrs ago -
The 20 Most Controversial TV Episodes of All Time
How did they get away with that? Well, actually, sometimes they didn’t. Here are 20 TV episodes that left6 hrs ago -
20 Crazy Head-Object Face Swaps You Need to See Now
These faces replaced with inanimate objects give the face-swap craze new legs – as well as new bodies, on13 hrs ago
US DoS’s recognition of Uzbek rights advocate makes Bishkek so unhappy that
In early March 2011, the U.S. Department of State awarded then-Kyrgyz President Roza Otunbayeva with theAugust 11, 2015 -
An Exile in Ukraine Recalls Fleeing his Native Kyrgyzstan
In March 2014, as Russia’s “little green men” were quietly seizing the CrimeanAugust 5, 2015 -
The Islamic Renaissance Party’s downfall and its consequences for
Tajikistan is the sole Central Asian country to have legalized a faith-based political party, the IslamicJuly 8, 2015
My secret hoarding shame: I lived with my trash. It was time to throw it
That’s how it begins. With grocery bags. Grocery bags, and the unexpected buzz of the doorbell one48 mins ago -
The destructive lie of American zoos: How we’ve blinded ourselves to the
Stepping onto the remote Martillo Island in Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego, my first impression was that the49 mins ago -
K-pop: Holding up a fast, fizzy funhouse mirror to American cultural
KCon is to Korean pop culture what ComicCon is to the Marvel Universe: a public lovefest for a subculture49 mins ago
Science Blog
Regenerating nerve tissue in spinal cord injuries
Researchers at Rush University Medical Center are exploring a new therapy using stem cells to treat3 hrs ago -
Scientists Discover Atomic-resolution Details of Brain Signaling
Scientists have revealed never-before-seen details of how our brain sends rapid-fire messages3 hrs ago -
Major Innovation in Molecular Imaging Delivers Spatial and Spectral Info
Using physical chemistry methods to look at biology at the nanoscale, a Lawrence Berkeley National3 hrs ago
RSS Feed
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Seeing the Forest
Bernie Sanders Proposes To Boost Worker-Ownership Of Companies
Businesses are run for a profit that goes into the pockets of the business’ “investors.”6 hrs ago -
Support My Work Without Spending A Dime
If you would like to support the work I do, here is a way to do that without spending a dime. Click hereAugust 17, 2015 -
Windows 10 Doesn’t Work
Here are my experiences with Windows 10 so far. 1) After a few days it started saying it wasn’tAugust 17, 2015
The Slog.
Pay-off line there has to be risible excuse of the Century to Date. You read it here first. Drinks are on9 hrs ago -
OPINION: Turning points, and the serendipity of events
The confluence of coincidence “Events dear boy, events” was how Harold Macmillan replied toAugust 17, 2015 -
The chess genius of General Wang When it comes to ‘rates’ generally – interest onAugust 17, 2015
Question of the Day
Suggested by Shaker particolored: "What is your superhero name and what are your powers?"48 mins ago -
Good Grief: Jeb Bush Is a Disaster
It seems as though perhaps Jeb Bush's strategery skills have been misunderestimated: Republican1 hr ago -
Good News
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan has been hired by the White House as its outreach and recruitment director for2 hrs ago
Socio-Economics History Blog
Shanghai Stocks Close Down Over 6% on Economy Fears
Shanghai stocks close down over 6% on economy fears by AFP/rw, via http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news14 hrs ago -
The Guns of “Late” August. Stop Thermonuclear WW3!
Emphasis mine: The Guns of “Late” August by https://larouchepac.com/ The first half of August18 hrs ago -
ISIS Document Reportedly Discovered by Think Tank Calls for End of The
Muslim fundamentalism, radicalism, terrorism … are founded, created, supported, owned, controlled19 hrs ago
Sunwarrior News
Watercress: The Leafy Green You’ve Gotta Try
This healthy vegetable is particularly tasty in the Watercress Summer Salad recipe we’re ready to share9 hrs ago -
Warm up with a Vegan Pho Recipe
You won’t miss any flavor with this vegan pho recipe as it’s full of nutrition and savor.9 hrs ago -
7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Sea Vegetables!
You’re familiar with the use of sea vegetables (read: seaweed) in sushi and nori rolls, but you really9 hrs ago
Technology - Google News
Google Introduces Router With Ease-of-Use Features - New York Times
Wall Street Journal Google Introduces Router With Ease-of-Use Features New York Times Google has made a Wi-16 mins ago -
To inspire software and hardware developers, Intel gets bold and very weird
CNET To inspire software and hardware developers, Intel gets bold and very weird CNET At its annual32 mins ago -
Hackers dump data from cheating website Ashley Madison online: reports
Reuters Hackers dump data from cheating website Ashley Madison online: reports Reuters TORONTO Hackers have18 mins ago
Things I grab, motley collection
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Photos From the Ruins
Originally posted on TIME : One scene shared by all of the 20th century’s bloodiest conflicts might haveAugust 9, 2015 -
What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them – ©[nytimes.com] by @davidkirp
FOR decades, policy makers have treated poverty as a sign of helplessness and ineptitude. The worse offAugust 8, 2015 -
How Gulf Countries Can Ignite Their Startup Revolution
Originally posted on TechCrunch : [tc_contributor_byline slug=”vineet-c-nambiar”] There is hardly aAugust 9, 2015
This Can't Be Happening!
The Senate Wants to Make Internet Companies and Providers Spies
The most draconian information-gathering law yet!August 13, 2015

How Scott Walker plans to replace Obamacare
The Republican presidential hopeful offers tax credits to help pay for private health insurance.
'We're not intimidated' »
Top Documentary Films
El Chapo: CEO of Crime
Recent headlines have touted yet another prison escape by notorious11 hrs ago -
A Day in the Life of a Dictator
A probing documentary of great imagination and scope, A Day in theAugust 14, 2015
The Total Collapse
Obama Declaration Of “Security Emergency” Halts Internet Service To
A strategic communiqué issued earlier today by the Military Counterintelligence Directorate (MCD) of theAugust 7, 2015 -
Putin Orders “Massive Response” After Alien Space Fleet Spotted Over Japan
The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is confirming in a new report today that President Putin has utilized hisAugust 6, 2015 -
Obama Warns Putin “Israel Is Next” After Historic Iran Nuke Agreement
A stunning report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) states thatJuly 16, 2015
RSS Feed
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The Truth is Where?
Leon Brittan Videoed at Paedo Orgy.
By Dave Knight 22nd June 2014. Find Article & Video Here:- Former Thatcher Home SecretaryJanuary 22, 2015 -
BBC retrospective on the Iraq War.
By Craig Murray 21st January 2015. Find Article Here:- The BBC led their 10 O’clock News today withJanuary 22, 2015
RSS Feed
This feed from ukcolumn.org couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.
Universe Today
Indian Mars Orbiter Shoots Spectacular New Images of Sheer Canyon and
This view over the Ophir Chasma canyon on the Martian surface was taken by the Mars Colour Camera aboardAugust 17, 2015 -
Spectacular Celestial Fireworks Commemorate Perihelion Passage of Rosetta’s
Sequence of OSIRIS narrow-angle camera images from 12 August 2015, just a few hours before the cometAugust 16, 2015 -
Ride Along with New Horizons on its Pluto Flyby
On July 14, 2015, after nine and a half years journeying across the Solar System, NASA’s NewAugust 14, 2015
Veterans Today
Veterans court provides help for post-service problems - Veterans Today
Robert Brummel’s troubles began even before he left the Army in 2010. Then things went downhill when he2 hrs ago -
VT Custom Guns, August 18, 2015 - Veterans Today
Guns for tons of gun fun with guns...pure poetry3 hrs ago -
Syria army in final drive for full control over Zabadani - Veterans Today
Jim W. Dean - The Western and Gulf terrorist coalition never expected that Syria could stand up to an4 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
No, Bernanke … Defense Spending Does NOT Help the Economy!
Image courtesy of Steve Hess Debunking a Myth Preface: Many Americans – including influential5 hrs ago -
Is the New U.S. ‘Law of War Manual’ Actually ‘Hitlerian’?
Eric Zuesse The Obama U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has quietly issued its important Law of War5 hrs ago -
Crimes Against Humanity: .01% poverty-murder over 400 million people since
“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic9 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
Andy Worthington
War Is Over, Set Us Free, Say Guantánamo Prisoners; Judge Says No
I wrote the following article for the “ Close Guantánamo ” website, which I established in January 2012August 7, 2015 -
Photos: Jeremy Corbyn at CND’s Hiroshima Day 70th Anniversary Ceremony in
See my photos of the Hiroshima Day 70th Anniversary Ceremony in London on Flickr here! YesterdayAugust 7, 2015 -
Tariq Ba Odah, Hunger Strikes, and Why the Obama Administration Must Stop
In June, I wrote an article, “ Skeletal, 75-Pound Guantánamo Hunger Striker Tariq Ba Odah SeeksAugust 5, 2015
World Science
Massacres may have riled Europe at dawn of farming
A roughly 7,000-year-old mass grave reveals murder, mutilation and mayhem and is not the first such3 hrs ago -
Apes may be closer to speaking than many scientists think
A study reports on the simple but unusual vocal abilities of Koko, a gorilla who has lived amongAugust 14, 2015 -
Study: cat competition has rocked dog family for ages
A study finds that cat-dog rivalry has been deadly for millions of years, with dogs, especiallyAugust 12, 2015
Fuel Fix
Offshore oil auction draws low interest
Just five oil and gas companies submitted sealed bids for western Gulf of Mexico acreage, ahead of3 hrs ago -
Clinton: Arctic drilling not worth the ‘risk’
One day after the Obama administration authorized Shell to drill deeper below the Arctic Ocean, Hillary4 hrs ago -
Swift Energy risks NYSE delisting
Swift, which focuses on exploration and production in Texas and Louisiana, has struggled financially for a4 hrs ago
IEA.org.uk - Blog feed
Zelo Street
Dan Hodges Opposes Himself
And still the Labour leadership contest goes on, with the full array of pundits and pollsters trying8 hrs ago -
Fake Sheikh Shoots The Murdoch Fox
The press has begun to catch up with Zelo Street : after this blog revealed last month that the Court of14 hrs ago -
Don’t Menshn Songs Of Praise
After the BBC screened the edition of Songs Of Praise featuring footage shot in a Calais refugee camp, andAugust 17, 2015
Precision health care in China to use 3D printing technology
China is among the countries that has applied 3D printing technology to precision health care, drawing6 hrs ago -
RMB devaluation's boost to China's exports may be limited
China unexpectedly announced a devaluation of its currency last week, and the renminbi depreciated by 4.6%6 hrs ago -
Blasts reveal poor regulation of Tianjin's hazardous chemical trade
Last week's deadly explosions in Tianjin have exposed the poor supervision of the highly lucrative6 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Clinton tells Black Lives Matter activists to change policies, not hearts
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a sometimes tense private meeting last week with1 hr ago -
Senate Democrats stake out both sides of Iran deal
By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Robert Menendez blasted the U.S.-led international nuclear2 hrs ago -
No decision made on U.S. commercial flights to Cuba: State Dept
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No decisions have been taken for resuming commercial air travel to Cuba, the State5 hrs ago
Politics : NPR
U.S. Army Sergeant: 'Excited,' 'Intrigued,' By Women
NPR's Audie Cornish talks to Sgt. Janiece Marquez, who worked alongside Green Berets in Afghanistan2 hrs ago -
Two Women Become The First To Complete U.S. Army Ranger Course
The first women have completed the tough and grueling Army Ranger training course. But it's still3 hrs ago -
Hungary Builds Controversial Border Fence To Disrupt Flow Of Migrants
A controversial border fence to keep out migrants who travel to Hungary through Serbia will be finished by3 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Wal-Mart, materials shares drag Wall St. lower
(Reuters) - U.S. stocks fell on Tuesday, with the S&P 500 trading in its tightest daily range in nearly3 hrs ago -
Exclusive: Most of Buick's future U.S. cars may come from overseas
Most Buick vehicles sold in the United States after 2016 could be imported from China and Europe, according2 hrs ago -
Wal-Mart profit misses estimates; cuts outlook as pharmacy margins bite
The results showed how a move to lift wages and other costs have kept Wal-Mart from taking full advantage5 hrs ago
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