Tuesday, August 11, 2015

11 August - Blogs I'm Following

Goldberg and Peter Beinart engaged in a discus...Goldberg and Peter Beinart engaged in a discussion on Bloggingheads.tv. Jonah Goldberg and Peter Beinart on Bloggingheads.tv (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Photo of Sen. Bernie Sanders overseei...English: Photo of Sen. Bernie Sanders overseeing the signing of a labor agreement between the Coalition of Immokolee Workers and Burger King Holdings, parent of Burger King Restaurants (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Spirit and Warfare

10:04pm MDST

GOP’s Trump Problem Will Fade, but Democrats’ Bernie Sanders Troubles are Just Beginning

Jonah Goldberg at The Stream - 3 minutes ago
“We are trying to be reasonable,” an organizer for Bernie Sanders’ Seattle rally said. The black female protesters who stormed the stage became enraged. “We aren’t reasonable!” they shouted back. “If you do not listen to [us], your event will... The post GOP’s Trump Problem Will Fade, but Democrats’ Bernie Sanders Troubles are Just Beginning appeared first on The Stream.

Surprise Surprise: Post-"Revolution" Libyan Government Is Viewed As Worse Than Former Gaddafi Regime

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 37 minutes ago
*The handiwork of the next president of the United States.* Whoever believes that elected politicians better serve the people than benevolent dictators should take a long look at present day Libya and Iraq. At least Gaddafi and Saddam provided their nations with the basics of life like electricity, clean water, security, and other public services. The incompetent and corrupt political crop who replaced them, who tout their legitimacy via the scam called the democratic process, can't even manage the basics. *An excerpt from, "Qaddafi Supporters Re-emerge in a Disillusioned Libya" b... more »

Hillary Clinton Relents, Gives Up Her Personal Email Server

Al Perrotta at The Stream - 39 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton relented Tuesday to months of demands she relinquish the personal email server she used while secretary of state, directing the device be given to the Justice Department. The decision advances the investigation into the... The post Hillary Clinton Relents, Gives Up Her Personal Email Server appeared first on The Stream.

Iranian and Russian Warships Team Up for War Drills

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 1 hour ago
Iranian and Russian warships on Tuesday staged a series of war drills in the waters near northern Iran, in another joint show of force meant to display the two nations’ control of nearby waterways. An Iranian destroyer and team of Russian... The post Iranian and Russian Warships Team Up for War Drills appeared first on The Stream.

MENA Report - August 11 , 2015 ..... Iraq/ Syria Regional War & Turkey Intervention in Focus ....... ISIS , Af- Pak , Iran Items of Note...... Yemen Regional Proxy War .... Libya in focus....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 2 hours ago
Links.... *Anti-Iran Lobby Chief Steps Down, Supports Deal* *Marxist Group Attacks US Consulate in Istanbul* *ISIS Claims Central Iraq Bombings That Killed 58* *Afghan President Slams Pakistan as Bombings Continue* Bombers Target Diyala; 221 Killed, 162 Wounded in Iraq Iraqi Deputy PM Resigns, Faces Corruption Investigation Mazen Darwish, Prominent Syria Human Rights Activist, Freed After Three Years Anti-Houthi Fighters Seize Districts in Central Yemen Yemen War Escalates Yemen's Hospitals Overhelmed by War-Wounded, Says Doctors Without Borders Tweets..... more »

Maybe NYS prison staff who went nuts on inmates trying to track escaped murderers should have tortured themselves

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 hours ago
NYT caption: *A group of corrections officers leaving work at the Clinton Correction Facility, a week after the escape.* Night had fallen at the Clinton Correctional Facility in far northern New York when the prison guards came for Patrick Alexander. They handcuffed him and took him into a broom closet for questioning. Then, Mr. Alexander said in an interview last week, the beatings began. As the three guards, who wore no name badges, punched him and slammed his head against the wall, he said they shouted questions: “Where are they going? What did you hear? How much are they paying... more »

World on Fire: The Obama National Security Legacy

Amelia Hamilton at The Stream - 2 hours ago
The post World on Fire: The Obama National Security Legacy appeared first on The Stream.

Is Donald Trump Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Republican?

Al Perrotta at The Stream - 2 hours ago
Planned Parenthood gained an unlikely new booster on Tuesday morning:Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. The billionaire told Chris Cuomo on CNN’s New Day that he opposes federal funding going to Planned Parenthood to pay for abortions, but that he’s okay with... The post Is Donald Trump Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Republican? appeared first on The Stream.

Recording of Earlier MLK ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech Discovered

Al Perrotta at The Stream - 2 hours ago
It had been rumored for decades that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. first gave his “I Have A Dream” speech in North Carolina months before the iconic delivery during a march on Washington D.C. 52 years ago. On Tuesday, it... The post Recording of Earlier MLK ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech Discovered appeared first on The Stream.

St. Louis County Chief Regains Control of Ferguson Protests

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 2 hours ago
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — As another protest on Ferguson’s beleaguered West Florissant Avenue began to turn rowdy, Jon Belmar was among the first to confront protesters. Wearing neither a helmet nor a shield, the St. Louis County police chief strode... The post St. Louis County Chief Regains Control of Ferguson Protests appeared first on The Stream.

Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains VP & Medical Director Savita Ginde Discusses Contract Details, Aborted Body Parts Pricing, and How to Not “Get Caught”

urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 3 hours ago
[image: The Center for Medical Progress] The Center for Medical Progress DENVER, July 30--New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains’ Vice President and Medical Director, Dr. Savita Ginde, negotiating a fetal body parts deal, agreeing multiple times to illicit pricing per body part harvested, and suggesting ways to avoid legal consequences. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) is a wealthy, multi-state Planned Parenthood affiliate that does over 10,000 abortions per year. PPRM has a contract to supply aborted fetal tissue to Colorado Stat... more »

The classic political theories of socialism, capitalism, and anarchism are unrealizable

Denis Rancourt at Activist Teacher - 3 hours ago
By Denis G. Rancourt Three brilliant political theories on how to optimally organize and maintain society's economic and power structures were described by Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and anarchists such as Michael Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin, which are, respectively: Communism (or socialism) [see... The Communist Manifesto] Capitalism (not the present beast by the same name) [see... The Wealth of

Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, “Remember When It Rained”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
Josh Groban, “Remember When It Rained” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3bEU70R1Yo

Prosecutor Working in DA’s Office Investigating Planned Parenthood Also Serves on Abortion Provider’s Board of Directors

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 3 hours ago
A prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney’s office that is investigating the Houston-area Planned Parenthood has disclosed that she sits on the board of directors for the organization. District Attorney Devon Anderson said in a statement that her employee,... The post Prosecutor Working in DA’s Office Investigating Planned Parenthood Also Serves on Abortion Provider’s Board of Directors appeared first on The Stream.

If Harper Is Re-Elected, He Pledges Another $27,000,000 To Fight Cannibas Grow Ops ..

leftdog at Buckdog - 3 hours ago
*“We just think that’s the wrong direction for society and I don’t think that’s the way most Canadians want to deal with this particular problem.”* *The tough-on-drugs message is one the Conservatives have been using for months to drive a wedge between Harper and his opponents — most particularly the Liberals and leader Justin Trudeau.* *On Monday, Harper told party faithful the opposition parties want to legalize marijuana and prostitution, and make it easier to have supervised injection sites — all of which Harper said his party opposed.* *The Conservatives promised Tuesday that, i... more »

Is China Already At War Against The U.S.?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
Soldiers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 1st Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division prepare for a demonstration, Beijing, China, July 12, 2011 (DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley). *Steven Metz, World Politics Review*: *Has China’s War With America Already Begun?* One of the hottest reads among Washington national security experts this summer is not the latest White House policy document or a big report from an influential think tank, but a novel by two of the national security community’s own: Peter Singer and August Cole. Their book, “... more »

The Economy: "The Invisible Force That Imprisons Us All"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*"The Invisible Force That Imprisons Us All"* by Bill Bonner TIVOLI, New York – "Today... we delve into that invisible force that now controls every aspect of our lives – technology. Is it making us richer? Or poorer? But first... markets continued rockin’ and rollin’ yesterday. China’s Shanghai Composite soared 5%, to a two-week high, after the Chinese government pulled out all the stops to send stocks skyward. It even pulled out a few stops we never heard of before. These include allowing investors to use their homes – many of which are bought with borrowed money – as collateral... more »

Satire: “Trump: I Would Attack ISIS on Twitter”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*“Trump: I Would Attack ISIS on Twitter”* by Andy Borowitz NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)— “In an effort to boost his foreign-policy credentials, the billionaire Donald Trump on Tuesday said that, if he were elected President, he would defeat ISIS with “brutal and relentless” attacks on Twitter. “Under President Obama, ISIS has been able to maraud and rampage with impunity,” Trump told Fox News. “When I’m in the White House, the leaders of ISIS are going to bear the brunt of the most vicious tweets the world has ever known.” The real-estate mogul said that, as President, he would s... more »

Is the US/Turkey "Safe Zone" the April Glaspie Handshake?

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 4 hours ago
*Last night's post: **Surprise Announcement? Al Nusra Will Not Fight to Make an ISIS Free Zone-ended with this view expressed by myself:* *"The US led alliance is not going to direct the battle according to Turkish priorities. **NATO has already sold Turkey down the river. It's a bit early yet to figure out what the US is up to in this situation- **However, directing this battle according to Turkish priorities is not the US/NATO/Israeli goal"* *As mentioned July 29/15* *: NATO Bows Out on Turkey. Turkey and Article 4* *NATO bowing out on Turkey certainly can't be lost on the Turki... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 11, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Mark Gilbert, Bloomberg:* *China Escalates the Currency Wars* China's shock move to trigger the biggest one-day decline in its currency for more than 20 years is evidence that the currency wars are still live. It's also a timely reminder that the Federal Reserve's seeming determination to raise interest rates next month risks propelling the dollar even higher, to the dismay of U.S. companies already struggling to maintain exports. Here's what Fed officials will see when they get to their desks this morning and check out what's been happening in the currency markets while they we... more »


Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 5 hours ago
[image: Don't let nonsense go by without a fight.] [Hat tip Anoop Verma] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)

World News Briefs -- August 11, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*Wall Street Journal*: *China’s Devaluation of Yuan Jolts Global Markets* *Greece and its creditors agree terms for a third bailout, but some details remain unresolved* China’s devaluation of its currency jolted global markets Tuesday, hitting stocks and commodities and boosting government bonds. The S&P 500 was down 23 points, or 1.1% in early afternoon trading, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 228 points, or 1.3%. The pan-European Stoxx Europe 600 index closed 1.6% lower. Oil and metals prices also fell sharply, while demand for haven assets pushed down bond yiel... more »

Musical Interlude: Joe Bonamassa, "Driving Towards The Daylight"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
Joe Bonamassa, "Driving Towards The Daylight" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTG-bCMG05E

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
“In the 1920s, examining photographic plates from the Mt. Wilson Observatory's 100 inch telescope, Edwin Hubble determined the distance to the Andromeda Nebula, decisively demonstrating the existence of other galaxies far beyond the Milky Way. His notations are evident on the historic plate image inset at the lower right, shown in context with ground based and Hubble Space Telescope images of the region made nearly 90 years later. By intercomparing different plates, Hubble searched for novae, stars which underwent a sudden increase in brightness. He found several on this plate and m... more »

The Poet: William Ernest Henley, “Invictus”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*“Invictus”* “Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” - William Ernest Henley


noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” - Dr. Seuss

“50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*“50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind”* by Marc Chernoff "These questions have no right or wrong answers, because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer. 1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? 3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? 4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? 5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? 6. If happiness was the national currency, what k... more »

"What Is the 'Avoidance of Suffering'?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"What Is the 'Avoidance of Suffering'?"* by Carolyn Baker "There is no coming to consciousness without pain." - Carl Jung "In the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, Sigmund Freud cultivated a very dark perception of humanity as he assessed the baser instincts largely repressed in the human unconscious. His pupil, who became the famous Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, acknowledged the dark side of humanity which drove Freud to utter despair but unlike Freud, Jung came to believe that the dark side was a necessary ally in transforming human consciousness. He spent decades ... more »

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Thanks for stopping by.

Chet Raymo, "Seven Rules for Believing"; "The 4 Rules of Rational Thinking"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"Seven Rules for Believing"* by Chet Raymo "I was reading again recently Richard Dawkins' letter to his daughter Juliet on her tenth birthday, urging her to avoid tradition, authority and revelation as reasons for believing. Ask for evidence, he writes - evidence that is at least potentially available to all. Good advice, and I wouldn't mind passing on Dawkins' letter to my own children or grandchildren. But there is further advice I would add. Previously I proposed here Four Rules of Rational Thinking, and had some savvy comments by readers. Let me now propose Seven Rules of Beli... more »

“Brace For Impact”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*“Brace For Impact”* by Frank and Fern “Been paying attention to the news lately? Well, you know all the problems in Greece are solved. The Chinese markets are all doing great. Our unemployment problem here in the United States just about doesn't exist. You know those precious metals we talk about all the time? Gold and silver? They're going through the ceiling. The European economy is going great guns. Our economy here in the United States has set record highs this year. And that pesky Middle Eastern war? Everybody has just kissed and made up. Life is grand and we're all back on ... more »

The Lies About HAARP Shutdown Prove True

WTStaff at Waking Times - 5 hours ago
*Video - *After more than two years of false reports and disinformation regarding HAARP shutdown, HAARP is back in the news. The post The Lies About HAARP Shutdown Prove True appeared first on Waking Times.

The Christian Purge has Begun: Chaplains Banned from Preaching that Homosexuality is a Sin

Todd Starnes at The Stream - 5 hours ago
It wasn’t so much a choice as it was a demand. Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice... The post The Christian Purge has Begun: Chaplains Banned from Preaching that Homosexuality is a Sin appeared first on The Stream.

Schumer’s Betrayal

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago
*by Danny Goldberg* My father, Victor Goldberg, was in the 195th Field Artillery Battalion during World War II, landing on Utah Beach nine days after D-Day. Like other members of his unit he was given Battle stars for being in five bloody battles against the Nazis in Normandy. Later he was among those American troops who liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany. For the last several years before he passed away my Dad and I would watch the political TV shows every Sunday and talk about the issues of the week. He would have been deeply saddened by the announcement this... more »

Ball Lightning Videos

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 6 hours ago
Over at Rich Reynolds *UFO Conjectures*, he posts a link to a ball lightning video. The lightning display is interesting and if you blink, you miss the ball lightning which certainly resembles what some have reported as a UFO. It is the second video which is much more impressive with a compilation of ball lightning videos. It can be seen here: https://youtu.be/lavcOYUGnfQ I suppose you could claim that some of these videos are of something other than ball lightning, but I find this explanation satisfactory. As I noted long ago with a posting about fireball and meteor videos, these s... more »

The Many Medicinal Properties of Food

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 6 hours ago
*Dr. Mercola* - Food is powerful preventatie and recuperative medicine. The post The Many Medicinal Properties of Food appeared first on Waking Times.

Post-World War II Historiography

Spike EP at News Spike - 6 hours ago
Zionism Was Not Popular with American Jews Prior to June 1967 and There Was No Mention of Shoah from Spike EP on Vimeo. "I SOMETIMES think," writes Norman G. Finkelstein, whose parents survived the Warsaw ghetto and the concentration camps, "that American Jewry 'discovering' the Nazi Holocaust was worse than its having been forgotten. True, my parents brooded in private; the suffering they endured was not publicly validated. But wasn't that better than the current crass exploitation of Jewish martyrdom?" That is the first bombshell in Finkelstein's acrimonious new book, in which ... more »

New Article Presenting Framework for Identifying Ethical Aspects in Health Technology Assessment

noreply@blogger.com (Christian Munthe) at Philosophical Comment - 6 hours ago
I'm happy to announce the publication of a new article, available for free download and reading online, that presents a novel framework for systematic identification of ethical aspects in so-called Health Technology Assessment (HTA). This is the organised and systematiced discipline of assessing the evidence for the value of new treatments and methods for health care purposes (pharmaceuticals, new procedures, technical tools, diagnostic tests, and so on). The idea of having ethical issues integrated into such assessment has been seriously discussed for about ten years, and I have t... more »

ISIS Takes It to the Taliban in Afghanistan

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 6 hours ago
Islamic State fighters recently forced a group of blindfolded Taliban supporters to kneel unwittingly over buried devices set to blow them to bits, upping the ante in the battle between the two forces for Afghanistan. Recent news confirming Taliban leader Mullah Omar’s death two years... The post ISIS Takes It to the Taliban in Afghanistan appeared first on The Stream.

Protest against Eli Broad's charter putsch by Voices Against Privatizing Public Education

Robert D. Skeels * rdsathene at Schools Matter - 6 hours ago
*The activists comprising Voices Against Privatizing Public Education, whose efforts were recently highlighted on Professor Diane Ravitch's blog, are holding a rally/protest in front of the Broad Foundation's headquarters. This is in response to Broad and his fellow reactionaries' announcement of plans to privatize more than half the Los Angeles Unified School District within the next few years. Given the money these plutocrats have dumped into their profitable privatization projects, the Broad/Walton threat to eliminate public education is a clear and present danger. Join the ral... more »

TFA Applications Down Again

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 6 hours ago
Chart and video from HuffPo:

“The Robie House, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Prairie Style Masterpiece”

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
[image: image] Written and produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust in 2012 as part of SC Johnson’s *At Home With Frank Lloyd Wright* gallery, this short film celebrates Wright’s Prairie style masterpiece, the Frederick C. Robie House: Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)

Uh Oh: Trump Down Nine Points After Debate in New Rasmussen National Poll

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 6 hours ago
I’m not telling you these polls are correct, just like I didn’t tell you yesterday that that bombshell Morning Consult survey showing Trump rising to 32 percent after the debate was correct. We’re tracking all of the polls this week... The post Uh Oh: Trump Down Nine Points After Debate in New Rasmussen National Poll appeared first on The Stream.

"With road repairs on California's to do list, local officials push for new funds"

Rich Rifkin at Lexicon Daily - 6 hours ago
It took Gov. Brown a year and a half to finally take my advice to him seriously. But despite the delay, this week Jerry called a special session of the California legislature to address the crisis of road maintenance in our state and at the local level. Here is the LA Times story: In preparation for a special legislative session on transportation, state lawmakers have proposed various tax and fee hikes to help produce $6 billion a year to pay for highway and bridge maintenance. On Monday, local government officials, along with allies in labor and business, outlined a plan by whi... more »

U.S. Quietly Shelving Its $500 Million Syrian Rebel Army

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
Goran Tomasevic/Reuters *Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast*:* U.S. Shelves Its $500M Syrian Rebel Army* The Obama administration has itself a new proxy force to fight ISIS—but not the rebel army it’s committed half a billion dollars to assemble. The Obama administration is still publicly counting on a $500 million rebel army to beat ISIS in Syria. But privately, the Pentagon brass long ago moved past its own proxy force, The Daily Beast has learned. They’ve found another group to fight the self-proclaimed Islamic State instead. In recent weeks, the handful of fighters in the administra... more »

Tourist Playground Meets Hectic Refugee Camp on Greek Island

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 7 hours ago
KOS, Greece (AP) — On this sunny Greek island accustomed to dealing with nothing more than a summer influx of tourists, authorities are struggling to handle a far different human tide: tens of thousands of migrants arriving in crammed rubber... The post Tourist Playground Meets Hectic Refugee Camp on Greek Island appeared first on The Stream.

Why Empathy Matters

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Zen Gardner* - It’s not easy to stay sensitive in such a cruel, desensitized world but it’s imperative we do. The post Why Empathy Matters appeared first on Waking Times.

August 11: Blah!

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 7 hours ago
The Irving press has actually become worse in the ten or so years I've lived here. But I have never been able to determine the cause. Is it a deliberate attempt to keep the public in ignorance of what's happening? Is it a stunningly low quality of editorial staff? Is it cheapness on the part of the owner? It is, I suspect, all of these. As well, the newspapers do nothing to help with the problems facing this province. There is, for example, a very high rate of functional illiteracy in this province. Just one item each day designed for the functionally illiterate could be useful. Si... more »

Paul Craig Roberts: "Last Friday’s employment report was a continuation of a long string of bad news spun into good news. The media repeats two numbers as if they mean something — the monthly payroll jobs gains and the unemployment rate — and ignores the numbers that show the continuing multi-year decline in employment opportunities while the economy is allegedly recovering." In the standards of Reagan's time, the present day unemployment rate would be reported as 23% ...close to that of the Great Depression.

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 7 hours ago
------------------------------ *The US Economy Continues Its Collapse — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ August 10, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *The US Economy Continues Its Collapse* Paul Craig Roberts Do you remember when real reporters existed? Those were the days before the Clinton regime concentrated the media into a few hands and turned the media into a Ministry of Propaganda, a tool of Big Brother. The false reality in which Americans live extends into economi... more »

Shame on McCain! Protest Thursday Save Oak Flat!

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
Join us to protest John McCain's giveaway of Oak Flat to Rio Tinto this Thursday! What: Shame On McCain ProtestWhen: 9:30am – 11:00am, Thursday, August 13, 2015 Where: 88 E. Broadway Blvd, in front of TEP Headquarters where one of three "private town halls" will take place. Senator John McCain has so much to be ashamed of: giving away sacred Apache Land at Oak Flat, sponsoring Senate Bill

The Lies About The Malaysian Flight MH17 False Flag Operation Continue: Lying Media Now Claims "Russian Missile Parts" Found At Ukrainian Crash Site!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 7 hours ago
OK, quite honestly I had hoped by this time, considering the misinformation put out by the liars in our own governments and of course the Jew spew media, that most people would have figured it out that Malaysian flight MH17 was the long missing flight MH370, that was shot out of the sky over Ukraine in a massive false flag operation conducted by the United States and Ukraine for the sole purpose of vilifying the Russian Federation.... To this day, now over a year after that false flag operation, we still have many out there promoting the lie that "Russia did it", and right now I want... more »

Memphis Supt. Gets Big Raise As Retired Teachers Get Big Cut

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 7 hours ago
Even with dwindling enrollment and budget shortfalls due to corporate charter fund drain, the Shelby County School Board recently voted 6-3 to give Dorsey Hopson a $15,000 bonus, even though Hopson's salary of $269,000 is more than the Tennessee governor is paid. Meanwhile, Memphis retired teachers just found out in a letter mailed out that Hopson' office has decided, with no Board vote (cowardly bastards), to make teachers pay between $1,000 and $3,000 per year more for health insurance. Retired teachers under the age of 65 received a letter over the weekend informing them that t... more »

In A Sign That The Syrian Military Is Stretched, Army Units Have Been Ordered To Retreat From A Key Region

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*Image*: BBC *Reuters*: *To avoid losses, Syrian army retreats in key region: army source* A Syrian military source said on Tuesday the army had retreated to new defensive lines in a region of vital strategic importance to President Bashar al-Assad, seeking to avoid losses at the hands of advancing rebels. The insurgent advance into the Sahl al-Ghab plain in northwestern Syria has brought rebels including the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front to the eastern edge of mountains that form the historical heartland of Assad's Alawite people. The rapid advance so close to an area of such impo... more »

Some Questions for Jeremy Corbyn

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 7 hours ago
Unless the accuracy of the polls are seriously awry, in just over a month's time we could be welcoming Jeremy Corbyn to the office of the Leader of the Labour Party. Who a couple of months ago thought that possible? Yet despite what some say - Barry Sheerman and Alastair Campbell are the latest to weigh in with counter-productive interventions - Corbynmania *isn't* driven by infiltration. If there are Greens and Trots signing up they're a) swamped and b) tailing, not leading, a mass movement. Nor are Jeremy fans thick. They're sick of what they see as valueless politics, believe the... more »

This is How to Create True Freedom for Humanity

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Phillip J. Watt* - If true freedom is our goal, then there is much work to do. The post This is How to Create True Freedom for Humanity appeared first on Waking Times.

David Albright: Congress' Favorite Fear-Monger

Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 8 hours ago
This just in! David Albright of the Washington-based propaganda factory Institute for Science and International Security is making predictions about Iran's nuclear program again. After years and years of his utter nonsense, how can anyone take this guy and his ridiculous analysis seriously? Here's a quick trip - just using his own reports, not his endless appearances spouting disingenuous

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer Faces Opposition From Liberal Democrats For His Rejection Of President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Washington Times:* *Chuck Schumer divides Democrats with opposition to Obama’s Iran nuclear deal * As a strategist who has delighted in trying to divide the Republican Party, Sen. Charles E. Schumer now finds himself a divisive figure in the Democratic Party over his opposition to the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran. Progressive groups are circulating online petitions denouncing the New York Democrat as a “warmonger,” pledging to withhold campaign donations to Mr. Schumer and any other Democratic lawmakers who vote against the accord, and threatening to derail Mr. ... more »

In An Open Letter Three Dozen Retired U.S. Generals And Admirals Back The Iran Nuclear Deal

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks on Tuesday during a Reuters Newsmaker event in New York on the nuclear agreement with Iran. (Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters) *Washington Post*:* Retired generals and admirals back Iran nuclear deal* Three dozen retired generals and admirals Tuesday released an open letter supporting the Iran nuclear deal and urging Congress to do the same. Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should t... more »

U.S. Military Leaders Believe They Were Misled By Turkey When they Agreed To Coordinate Military Operations Against The Islamic State

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com *Business Insider:* *US military official: 'We were outraged' when Turkey pulled a fast one right after the anti-ISIS deal* An American military source told Fox News that US military leaders were "outraged" when Turkey began launching airstrikes against the Kurdish PKK in northern Iraq just hours after striking a deal with the US opposing the Islamic State, the militant group also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh. A Turkish officer entered the allied headquarters in the air war against ISIS and "announced that the strike would begin in 10 min... more »

Sue Lawley, Mrs Thatcher and the BBC

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
(h/t DAD) BBC Radio 4 broadcast a programme last night called Britain in a Box*. *It was presented by former BBC head of light entertainment Paul Jackson and looked back at the history of BBC One's *Nationwide*. The closing section focused on one of the BBC's most famous*/*infamous moments (one of which the BBC seems to be especially proud): the encounter between teacher Diana Gould and then-PM Margaret Thatcher on *Nationwide *in May 1983 (during the election). As you'll doubtless recall, this feisty encounter delighted many on the Left at the time, as Mrs Gould was seen to be... more »

Turkey - Kurd War Intensifies

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Reuters:* *Turkish air strikes hit 17 Kurdish militant targets, military says* The Turkish military ratcheted up pressure on Kurdish militants with a fresh round of air strikes in the southeast of the country on Tuesday as the insurgents claimed responsibility for the bombing of a police station in Istanbul. Warplanes pounded 17 targets in the province of Hakkari on Monday and Tuesday, the military said, part of a renewed crackdown on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has waged a three-decade insurgency for Kurdish autonomy. NATO member Turkey started what it cal... more »

Refugees Riot On The Island Of Kos

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Europe's migrant crisis boils over: Kos police break up refugee protest with batons and fire extinguishers after 1,500 migrants stage sit-in at football stadium chanting 'we want to eat' * * Migrants started pushing and shoving in a queue during a registration procedure at a stadium of Kos town * There were only a handful of police officers left to control a crowd of approximately 1,500 jostling migrants * Officers used were left trying to impose order on the crowd by hitting the fighting migrants with their batons * When that didn't work the police resorted to blast... more »

Study: Pro-Life Messaging Moves Women, Hispanics, Millennials to Republican Party

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 8 hours ago
Democratic-leaning women, Hispanics and Millennials were most likely to shift their vote to the Republican Party after listening to anti-abortion ads, according to the results of a study reported in Campaigns & Elections. Democratic-leaning women shifted 10 percentage points away... The post Study: Pro-Life Messaging Moves Women, Hispanics, Millennials to Republican Party appeared first on The Stream.

Report: Islamic State Bombers In UK Ready To Attack

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*SKY News*: *Exclusive: IS Bombers In UK Ready To Attack* *By posing online as two individuals committed to jihad, Sky News gains a disturbing new insight into the extremists' tactics.* Islamic State is now focused on urging British would-be recruits to carry out "lone wolf" attacks in the UK instead of travelling to fight in Syria, Sky News has learned. Fictional characters created online by Sky with an undercover freelance journalist were sent terror guidebooks by senior jihadists in Syria - including advice on raising funds and making weapons. And we were told IS already has a... more »

World News Briefs -- August 11, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
A U.S.-led coalition aircraft flying over Kobanii, as seen from near the Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 15, 2014. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach *FOX News*: *Coalition forces launch 30 strikes against ISIS* The U.S.-led coalition fighting ISIS launched 30 airstrikes against the terror group's targets in Iraq and Syria on Monday, the U.S. military said. The Combined Joint Task Force conducted 20 airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq and 10 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria, the task fo... more »

Lois Lerner’s IRS Granted Only ONE Conservative Group Non-Profit Status in Three Years

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 8 hours ago
Lois Lerner’s political beliefs led to tea party and conservative groups receiving disparate and unfair treatment when applying for non-profit status, according to a detailed report compiled by the Senate Finance Committee. Because of Lerner’s bias, only one conservative political advocacy organization... The post Lois Lerner’s IRS Granted Only ONE Conservative Group Non-Profit Status in Three Years appeared first on The Stream.

The Danger of Depicting The War In Syria In Black And White, Good vs. Evil Terms

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 9 hours ago
*"The Assad regime, frankly, is the root of all evil here." - U.S. Department of State's Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner.* This is a very ignorant, dangerous, and counter-productive statement from a high-level U.S. government official. And it has been largely ignored in the mainatream media. If this type of dualistic and moralistic thinking is what inspires the U.S government's policy towards Syria then there really is no end in sight. The decision to get rid of the Assad regime at all costs, even if it means supporting much worse actors like ISIS in the process, will be regretted. ... more »

The Haitian Play

Spike EP at News Spike - 9 hours ago
The Haitian Play : Orson Welles' Macbeth (1936) from Spike EP on Vimeo. Film Notes “Voodoo Macbeth” Excerpt from We Work Again (1937) Production Company: U.S. Works Progress Administration. Transfer Note: Copied from a 35mm positive preprint preserved by the National Archives and Records Administration. Running Time: 4 minutes. Featured in Treasures from American Film Archives: Encore Edition. It had long been assumed that no sound or moving images survived from Orson Welles’s legendary “Voodoo Macbeth,” the Federal Theatre Project’s 1936 Harlem stage production of Shakespeare’s ... more »

Cue the triumphal chorus: Amnesty International passes policy supporting decriminalization of sex work

Jody Paterson at A Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 9 hours ago
This is an amazing day for the sex workers' rights movement with the news that Amnesty International has approved its draft policy supporting decriminalization of adult sex work. "What will it all mean?" asked one of my friends. I admit to not being sure what it will change in the immediate future. But as a symbol, it's significant when the world's most recognized human rights organization acknowledges that criminalizing sex work violates the rights (and threatens the lives) of sex workers. I've had the good fortune of getting to know a lot of sex workers over the last ... more »

Hidden American History, Delusional Leaders and the Kali Yuga

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 9 hours ago
*V. Susan Ferguson* - True believers are truly dangerous... The post Hidden American History, Delusional Leaders and the Kali Yuga appeared first on Waking Times.

Why are Radioactive Emissions Increasing at Fukushima Daiichi?

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 9 hours ago
Fukushima Daiichi continues to contaminate the atmosphere with radionuclides. TEPCO acknowledged in July of 2012 that units 1 through 4 at the plant were emitting approximately 10,000,000 Bq per hour.[i] It appears as if emission levels have increased since 2012. According to documents interpreted by Fukushima Diary, TEPCO asserted May 25, 2015 that ongoing emissions were estimated at a rate of 2,336,000,000 Bq per hour of noble gas and 960,000 Bq per hour of of Cs-134/137.[ii] Fukushima Diary pointed out that Reactor 3 emissions increased over 2014. Reactor 4’s emissions were r...more »

Eighth retraction published for former physiology researcher

Ross Keith at Retraction Watch - 9 hours ago
A lung cancer paper in the International Journal of Cancer has been retracted because of “serious errors related to image duplication.” This marks the eighth retraction for first author, ShouWei Han. The decision was made by the journal’s editor-in-chief, the publisher Wiley and co-author Jesse Roman (a co-author on Han’s other retracted papers). According to the notice, […] The post Eighth retraction published for former physiology researcher appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Jessica Ernst Is All of Us

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 9 hours ago
*Jessica Ernst Is All of Us* Written by Robin Mathews, Aug. 2015 She is fighting the system – fighting the Alberta government as well as big Oil and Gas in Alberta who are closely cooperating with the dishonest federal Conservative government. She is fighting the Alberta Regulator (whose head was, formerly, a top officer in Encana Corporation and president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers). She is fighting Encana Corporation, (not to mention the conventional press and media of Canada) - about the pollution of her own property and water supply and what everyon... more »

Responses to the President’s Arguments for the Nuclear Deal

Dennis Prager at The Stream - 9 hours ago
At American University last week, President Barack Obama gave a vigorous defense of the Iran nuclear agreement. In the belief that every student who was present — indeed, all Americans — should hear the other side, here are responses to... The post Responses to the President’s Arguments for the Nuclear Deal appeared first on The Stream.

Broken Homes Are Overloading Social Services

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 9 hours ago
In summer 2015, the nation celebrated as same-sex marriage reached all 50 states. The last strongholds of bigotry and hatred were finally overcome. The laws preventing gay couples from pursuing the full manifestation of love and family were no more.... The post Broken Homes Are Overloading Social Services appeared first on The Stream.

Tennis and Civic Striving in the Nation’s Capital

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 9 hours ago
Washington, D.C.,’s Rock Creek Park Tennis Center — site of the week-long Citi Open tournament that wrapped up Sunday — is more formally known as the William H.G. Fitzgerald Center after its major benefactor, a living monument to success and... The post Tennis and Civic Striving in the Nation’s Capital appeared first on The Stream.

Scandinavia Isn’t A Socialist Paradise

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 9 hours ago
Many leftists hail Scandinavia as a socialist haven that demonstrates the inferiority of capitalism. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently declared that the United States ought to emulate Scandinavian countries because they provide education and healthcare “for free.” There are many... The post Scandinavia Isn’t A Socialist Paradise appeared first on The Stream .

The Hidden Hand

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 9 hours ago
click here to watch The Hidden Hand

The Rats Are Beginning To Flee Steve Harper's Sinking Ship ....

leftdog at Buckdog - 10 hours ago
'Harper The Great and Powerful' looking ever more like the cowardly lion By Michael Harris Okay, even the Kool Aid drinkers have to be gagging on the gag order. It is all beginning to unravel like a cheap suit. Look no further than John Robson, former champion Kool Aid drinker of the Conservative Party who drove more wooden stakes through the heart of Karl Marx and Ed Broadbent than Barry Goldwater. I have crossed swords with Robson many times but never once doubted his intellectual honesty. And that honesty is what *compelled him to write a column in the National Post advising the... more »

Can Wall Street Take Over The Congressional Democrats?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 10 hours ago
Wall Street may be pumping for the GOP-- they certainly contribute significantly more to Republican candidates ($135,086,268 in 2014) than to Democratic ones ($85,022,832 in 2014)-- but they work hard to find corruptible legislators on both sides of the aisle willing to carry their water. And Wall Street infiltration into the Democratic Party, after succeeding at taking over the entire GOP), is as mind-boggling as it is toxic. Wall Street's legalistic bribes to Members of Congress are very targeted, and on the Democratic side of the aisle they go in a very big way to New Dems, a... more »

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 11, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
Wikipedia *The Guardian:* *Chinese hack of US national security details revealed days after Russian hack* Government sources tell NBC News that Chinese attack targeted personal emails of ‘all top national security’ officials just days after Pentagon hack The ongoing saga of successful foreign hack attacks on government databases continued Monday with news of another break-in allegedly perpetrated by China. Just days after the reported spear-phishing attack on the Pentagon’s joint staff email system, which exposed some 4,000 civilian and military employees and is believed to have... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
“The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre- the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such m... more »

“How The Global Media Corps and Their Advertisers Manipulate the News”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“How The Global Media Corps and Their Advertisers Manipulate the News”* by Waking Times "Here’s proof that information broadcast in the mainstream news is filtered by global media corporations keenly attuned to their advertisers. These corporations do not care about the truth or your right to know the truth. They only care about advertising dollars and putting on a show. This is a story of FOX NEWS reporters Steve Wilson and Jane Akre. They uncovered that most of the Milk in the USA, and across some parts of the world, is unfit to drink due to Monsanto Corporation’s POSILAC®, which ...more »

“The Collapsing US Economy”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“The Collapsing US Economy”* by Paul Craig Roberts "Ring-a-round the rosie, A pocket full of posies, Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down." - Nursery Rhyme "Do you remember when real reporters existed? Those were the days before the Clinton regime concentrated the media into a few hands and turned the media into a Ministry of Propaganda, a tool of Big Brother. The false reality in which Americans live extends into economic life.Last Friday’s employment report was a continuation of a long string of bad news spun into good news. The media repeats two numbers as if they mean something—the ... more »

"Intellectual Prostitutes"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 a week for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for things, and if any of you would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper... more »

Are you in a rut?...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
*and struggling to climb out?* This may help. My "break" is not turning out to be much of a break. And why is that? Frank, the man half of Frank and Fern has this to say: Hi Everybody, Frank here. Been paying attention to the news lately? Well, you know all the problems in Greece are solved. The Chinese markets are all doing great. Our unemployment problem here in the United States just about doesn't exist. You know those precious metals we talk about all the time? Gold and silver? They're going through the ceiling. The European economy is going great guns. Our economy here in t... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 10 hours ago
*New Orleans' future depends on coastal restoration, but where's the money? ~Mark Schleifstein* *Details continue to emerge about the New Orleans flooding during Katrina ~Levees.org* *Clash on Neutral Ground: Bicycles face Alien Culture ~Wayne Curtis, The American Scholar*

IN DEPTH: The Coddling of the American Mind

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 10 hours ago
Something strange is happening at America’s colleges and universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense. Last December, Jeannie Suk wrote... The post IN DEPTH: The Coddling of the American Mind appeared first on The Stream.

Story of My Life: How Narrative Creates Personality

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 10 hours ago
In Paul Murray’s novel Skippy Dies, there’s a point where the main character, Howard, has an existential crisis.“‘It’s just not how I expected my life would be,'” he says. “‘What did you expect?’” a friend responds. “Howard ponders this. ‘I... The post Story of My Life: How Narrative Creates Personality appeared first on The Stream.

Officials Deny Dirty Water Made Rowers Sick in Rio

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 10 hours ago
There is no clear evidence that rowers who fell ill after competing in Rio de Janeiro at the weekend were infected by abnormal levels of viruses or bacteria in the water, U.S. and international sailing officials said on Monday. The... The post Officials Deny Dirty Water Made Rowers Sick in Rio appeared first on The Stream.

Christian Institutions Garnering Support in ObamaCare Challenge

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 10 hours ago
Three Christian universities gained allies Monday in their battle against ObamaCare. Among their supporters: 16 state governments. Those states, along with a handful of other religious rights organizations, filed friend-of-the-court briefs to the Supreme Court supporting Houston Baptist University, East... The post Christian Institutions Garnering Support in ObamaCare Challenge appeared first on The Stream.

The Fox Debate Questions: Real Journalism, Fair and Balanced

Debra Saunders at The Stream - 10 hours ago
“Conservatives Furious at Fox, Say Trump Wasn’t Treated Fairly,” read the Newsmax headline Friday. Talk-radio show host Mark Levin told Breitbart News it was “outrageous” that moderator Megyn Kelly questioned Donald Trump about his coarse language — “fat pigs, dogs,... The post The Fox Debate Questions: Real Journalism, Fair and Balanced appeared first on The Stream.

French Students Involved in Gruesome Breaking Bad Murder

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 10 hours ago
The body of a 23-year-old French art history student has been found decomposing in acid at her Toulouse apartment in what prosecutors have said was part of a murder plot inspired by the US TV series Breaking Bad. Three French... The post French Students Involved in Gruesome *Breaking Bad* Murder appeared first on The Stream.

Music is Medicine and More Effective Than Drugs at Managing Pain

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 10 hours ago
*Joe Battaglia* - Music is among those lifestyle choices that may reduce stress, protect against disease, and manage pain. The post Music is Medicine and More Effective Than Drugs at Managing Pain appeared first on Waking Times.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about HFCS

WTStaff at Waking Times - 10 hours ago
*Infographic - *Health researchers have implicated HFCS with a variety of health problems. See their claims and the response of the Corn Refiners Association. The post Everything You Always Wanted to Know about HFCS appeared first on Waking Times.

Musings On Iraq In The News

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 11 hours ago
I wrote “Iraq’s Big Gamble” for the Daily Beast about Prime Minister Haider Abadi’s new reform initiative. On August 9, Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider Abadi caught Iraq by surprise when he outlined a new reform program. This included cutting the number of top officials and bodyguards and dismissing the current vice presidents and deputy premiers, ending the ethno-sectarian quota system when choosing government posts, and setting up a special committee to investigate corruption. These were meant to address some of the structural issues that have plagued the Iraqi government since it... more »

White House Blocks Pentagon Report on Russian Treaty Breach

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 11 hours ago
The White House is blocking the release of a Pentagon report on Russia’s violation of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee, disclosed the existence of the Pentagon assessment... The post White House Blocks Pentagon Report on Russian Treaty Breach appeared first on The Stream.

Actress Melissa Gilbert Running for Congress in Michigan

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 11 hours ago
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Former Little House on the Prairie star Melissa Gilbert announced her candidacy for a Michigan congressional seat on Monday, saying “fresh voices” are needed to help improve the economy for people who have fallen behind. The... The post Actress Melissa Gilbert Running for Congress in Michigan appeared first on The Stream.

Report: U.S. Began Secret Nuclear Talks With Iran In 2011

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (2nd L), U.S. Under Secretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman (2nd R) and staff watch a tablet in Lausanne as U.S. President Barack Obama makes a state address on the status of the Iran nuclear program talks, April 2, 2015. REUTERS/Brendan Smialowski/Pool *NPR: **How Obama Misled Us about the Concessions He Was Making to Iran* If what senior Iranian officials are saying is true, the Obama administration’s duplicity in explaining its nuclear negotiations with Iran is even more staggering than we realized. In a new report, MEMRI (the Middle E... more »

Catastrophe worse than global warming: the Universe is dying

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 11 hours ago
*How a childish formulation penetrates to almost all media* If you open Google News Science right now, you won't have any doubt what is the most important event in science today: the Universe is dying! (The #2 story is probably worse: the tadpoles everywhere on Earth are dying, too.) It's official. Astronomers confirm it. A galaxy survey confirms. The universe is dying or slowly dying and so on. Virtually identical titles may be found in the USA Today, CBS News, The Week Magazine, Forbes, RedOrbit, the International Business Times, and 200 other news outlets. I am convinced that ... more »

Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism -- Letters in legal brief

Denis Rancourt at Activist Teacher - 11 hours ago
Ontario lawyer ED CORRIGAN was sued for defamation in relation to criticisms of Israel and Zionism. THESE 2005-2011 LETTERS (LINK) (PDF) were written in Ed's support. The 160-page collection has 80 letters, including from noted academics and lawyers from around the world. The claim was abandoned.


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Left-leaning Scottish commentator Gerry Hassan isn't impressed with the *Daily Express *- and neither is prominent BBC Scotland reporter Douglas Fraser: Douglas seems to provide yet another example of how a BBC's less-than-impartial comments on Twitter seem to echo that BBC reporter's own 'official' reporting. Here's something I wrote earlier (in March this year), in the wake of a survey showing that - in complete contrast to Scottish *political *opinion - Scottish *public* opinion is scarcely less hostile to mass immigration than English public opinion: Does Douglas hang his o... more »

Jerry Brown Bans the Word ‘Alien’ From California Labor Law

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 11 hours ago
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law Monday that bans the word “alien” from the state’s labor laws. SB 432, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), removes the term “alien,” previously defined as “any person who is not a... The post Jerry Brown Bans the Word ‘Alien’ From California Labor Law appeared first on The Stream.

Iraq Government Moves Forward On Reforms

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*BBC:* *Iraq reforms: Parliament backs PM Haider al-Abadi's plan* The Iraqi parliament has unanimously approved reforms aimed at stamping out corruption, reducing government waste and easing sectarian tensions. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's programme was pushed through without debate, according to parliamentary speaker Salim al-Juburi. Under the plan, Mr Abadi will cut spending and eliminate senior posts. It follows recent anti-government protests over an unreliable electricity supply amid a major heatwave. *WNU Editor*: This is a classic case of "too little and too late". *Mo... more »

ANALYSIS: Why Hillary Clinton’s College-Tuition Reform Plan Won’t Help Students

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 11 hours ago
It’s pretty obvious when you think about it. Tuition costs have only really skyrocketed to insane levels since the federal government first started ramping up loans and grants in the 1970s. Students and parents think they have government aid to... The post ANALYSIS: Why Hillary Clinton’s College-Tuition Reform Plan Won’t Help Students appeared first on The Stream.

ANALYSIS: Gravity Payments’ Voluntary Minimum Wage May Be a Bad Idea, but It’s Not Socialism

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 11 hours ago
Dan Price, the CEO of Gravity Payments, took a $930,000 pay cut to raise the minimum salary of his employees to $70,000. The plan was announced in April 2015, and set to be completed over the course of three years.... The post ANALYSIS: Gravity Payments’ Voluntary Minimum Wage May Be a Bad Idea, but It’s Not Socialism appeared first on The Stream.

Investigators Discover BUK Missile Parts At MH17 Ukraine Crash Site

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*BBC:* *MH17: Ukraine crash site 'yields Russian missile parts'* Fragments of a suspected Russian missile system have been found at the Flight MH17 crash site in Ukraine, investigators in the Netherlands say. They say the parts, possibly from a Buk surface-to-air system, are "of particular interest" and could help show who was behind the crash. But they say they have not proved their "causal connection" with the crash. MH17 crashed on land held by Russian-backed rebels in July 2014, killing all 298 on board. It had 283 passengers on board, including 80 children, and 15 crew member... more »

Feel the Bern

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 12 hours ago
This, as Bernie Sanders might say, was pheNOMenal, not to mention specTACuluh. The candidate who all the experts say doesn't have a chance has been drawing in Obama-size (circa 2008) crowds. The clip above is from last night's Los Angeles rally, which attracted an overflow audience of nearly 30,000 people. Meanwhile, Fox News now finds itself in the position of having to grovel to Donald Trump after failing to bring him down in last week's debate. His fans were actually threatening to boycott the propaganda wing of the Republican Party. Something is happening here. And whatever... more »

Hopi's Owl and Panther Project for Refugee Children Celebrates 20th Anniversary

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
The Hopi Foundation's Owl and Panther Project for refugee children of torture, violence and displacement, includes children and youths from Iraq, Bhutan, Nepal, Somalia, Ethiopia, and the Congo By Brenda Norrell Censored News The Hopi Foundation's Owl and Panther Program is celebrating its 20th Anniversary, with a second showing of the artwork and sharing of poetry of refugee

Former President of U.S. Jimmy Carter's views on Israel

LeDaro at LeDaro - 12 hours ago
Anyone who criticizes Israel is labelled anti-semantic right away. The video below is about Jimmy Carter's views on Israel and is worth watching. Jewish British MP Gerald Kaufman's statement on Israel. Some folks will label them anti-semantic right away. I believe Israel has the right to exist and so do Palestinians. Two state resolution is the right one but Israel refuses to accept that resolution.

“Gap in the proof” deletes math paper

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
The author of a paper on the properties of a vector space is retracting it from The Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society after a “false application” of a theorem led to a “gap in the proof.” Here’s the abstract of “On a Weakly Uniformly Rotund Dual of a Banach Space,” in full: Every Banach space with separable […] The post “Gap in the proof” deletes math paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Jeremy Corbyn 'looks forward to the day when the inevitable asteroid slams into the earth and wipes them out thus giving nature the opportunity to start again.'

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
What a charmer Jeremy Corbyn is/was. Back in 2003 he signed an Early Day Motion, as below: 'PIGEON BOMBS Session: 2003-04 Date tabled: 21.05.2004 Primary sponsor: Banks, Tony Sponsors: That this House is appalled, but barely surprised, at the revelations in M15 files regarding the bizarre and inhumane proposals to use pigeons as flying bombs; recognises the important and live-saving role of carrier pigeons in two world wars and wonders at the lack of gratitude towards these gentle creatures; and believes that humans represent the most obscene, perverted, cruel, uncivilised and leth... more »

ISIS Reportedly Planning Attack on V-J Day Celebrations in London

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 12 hours ago
British police and intelligence services are working to unravel a reported plot by ISIS terrorists to detonate a pressure-cooker bomb at V-J Day commemoration ceremonies in London this weekend. Sky News reported early Tuesday that it had learned of the... The post ISIS Reportedly Planning Attack on V-J Day Celebrations in London appeared first on The Stream.

Satanic Forces trying to prevent Putin from speaking at UN next month

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 12 hours ago
*Russia's right to Speak at UN being attacked by stealth* Well, folks it wasn't 24 hours since the announcement that Putin plans to address the UN General Assembly next month in New York City, when the BBC (Biggest and Best Calumny) fired its first defensive volley of lies--in order to prevent Putin from coming to the US and *speaking directly* to Americans and the world. The BBC (and all the other lying, lockstep, corporati*$*t media) have printed the outrageous lie that Russian military bomb parts were found in the MH17 wreckage. Most informed citizens know what many witnesses in... more »


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago
Citing the *Guardian,* the BBC's Sydney correspondent Jon Donnison asks his Twitter followers a question: His BBC colleague Matt McGrath provides 'the correct answer' in a newly-published BBC website piece: That "Err, not really" sets the tone for much of the rest of Matt's piece. Reporting and opinion frolic side by side thoughout, so much that it might be better described as an 'editorial' than a 'report'.

Russian economy, Putin and cheap oil

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 13 hours ago
Among the big international economics/business news today is the drastic economic contraction of Russian economy, by -4.6% in 2nd quarter 2015. The economy already contracted by -2.2% in the 1st quarter of this year. This chart is from Bloomberg, August 11, 2015. Main reasons for the huge economic contraction -- low oil prices, economic sanctions by the West against Russia on Vladimir Putin's militaristic adventures in Ukraine, rapid exchange rate (rouble) depreciation, among others. Compared to the contraction in 2009 though, the last quarter's decline looked "mild." This chart i... more »

The world's most trusted news organisation?

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 13 hours ago
You may of heard of the killings and stabbings in an Ikea store in Sweden yesterday. The BBC News website reported that story throughout the course of yesterday evening. Their article about it, however, has now dropped off both the Home and World pages of the BBC website and can only be found on the Europe page (some way down the page), as if it's yesterday's news: Considering that the BBC likes to be thought of as the world's most trusted news organisation, wouldn't you have expected the corporation to keep its huge number of readers informed of any significant developments in t... more »

ZEROHEDGE: Stop Financializing The Human Experience

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago
*Love you Dani! ♥ -AK* http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-11/stop-financializing-human-experience *Stop Financializing The Human Experience* Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/11/2015 09:26 -0400 Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, In this financialized hall of mirrors, narcissism replaces identity and the authentic self is rendered incoherent. *Correspondent Dani Arnold-McKinney (of Removing the Shackles) was kind enough to identify three bits of advice* from my recent conversation with *Max Keiser *on Summer Solutions (25:45): (9:20 min: "We've been brainwashed... more »

Why We Must Defend Life, Even in the Hard Cases

James Robison at The Stream - 13 hours ago
I have no doubt that the horrific Planned Parenthood videos released by the Center for Medical Progress caused the abortion issue to be front and center in last week’s GOP presidential debates. Most of the media don’t want to talk... The post Why We Must Defend Life, Even in the Hard Cases appeared first on The Stream.

ANALYSIS: Jeb’s Misleading Talk on Common Core

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 13 hours ago
When Common Core supporter Jeb Bush and Common Core opponent Marco Rubio faced off during last week’s Republican presidential debate, they barely seemed to disagree. After moderator Bret Baier posed a question on the clash between Common Core advocates, on... The post ANALYSIS: Jeb’s Misleading Talk on Common Core appeared first on The Stream.

What These Veterans Are Doing to Protect Children in Chicago

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 13 hours ago
Veterans are leaving one combat zone for another. Leave No Veteran Behind is a Chicago-based organization that relieves the burden of student debt on veterans in exchange for their dedication to community service. Veterans enrolled in the program are given... The post What These Veterans Are Doing to Protect Children in Chicago appeared first on The Stream.

Cameroon Military Releases 72 People Illegally Held; Children Islamic Recruits

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 13 hours ago
YAOUNDE, Cameroon (AP) – Cameroon’s military has freed 72 people, including children, held illegally in the north for periods ranging from eight months to four years, an official said Tuesday. Police detained Mallam Danlatti, the owner of the camp in... The post Cameroon Military Releases 72 People Illegally Held; Children Islamic Recruits appeared first on The Stream.

Pentagon Report On Russian Missile Treaty Violation Is Being Blocked

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
The medium-range RSD-10 Pioneer (SS-20) missile system (RIA Novosti / Anton Denisov) / RIA Novosti *Washington Free Beacon:* *White House Blocks Pentagon Report on Russian Treaty Breach* *House chairman urges fast U.S. response to Moscow’s INF missile breach.* The White House is blocking the release of a Pentagon risk assessment of Russia’s violation of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, according to a senior House leader. Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee, disclosed the existence of the Pentagon assessment last mo... more »

The Kidz Come Out....

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago
Purported UFO Mothership over Australia from Facebook *UPDATE: Sphere Alliance Reply:* *WE WAIT WITH JOY FOR A REAL IMAGE TO BE DISPLAYED. THIS IS NOT A SHIP, BUT A REFLECTION of A LAMP IN A WINDOW. WE ARE HERE. WE ARE LOVE, WE ARE JOY, BUT THE CLOAK/VEIL DOES NOT PERMIT US TO SHOW YOU THIS JUST YET IN THIS MOMENT OF NOW. SHORTLY AS WE ARE ALL ONE! WITH JOY, WE END. * *AK: Addnedum, the veil of consciousness is down, the key was released, but there are some issues with the magnetic fields coming into sync with the other densities. This is the reason for the many electrical storms... more »

Another 'War in Space May Be Closer Than We Think' Story

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Photo:* Anti-satellite missile tests, like this one conducted by the U.S. Navy in February 2008, are part of a worrisome march toward military conflict in outer space. U.S. Navy *Lee Billings, Scientific American*: *War in Space May Be Closer Than Ever* China, Russia and the U.S. are developing and testing controversial new capabilities to wage war in space despite their denial of such work. The world’s most worrisome military flashpoint is arguably not in the Strait of Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, Iran, Israel, Kashmir or Ukraine. In fact, it cannot be located on any map of Eart... more »

No Consensus (or Too Many Chiefs)

Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 14 hours ago
Bob Tisdale has a post (also posted on the wuwt site) showing "no consensus on Earth's top-of-atmosphere energy imbalance" among the models touted by climate scientists. These kinds of critical analysis are pretty dense (detailed), especially for laypersons, and I have much better, simpler evidence to offer, so I responded: *Consensus climate science is so bad, it should come as no surprise to learn that a much simpler (and definitive) indictment of it can be made, just from the figure 1 above (Trenberth’s “global earth energy budget”). Concerning that figure, I wrote back in Octobe... more »

It's Tuesday-- And Trump Is Still Kicking The GOP Establishment's Ass

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 14 hours ago
As we explained yesterday, Murdoch demanded Ailes kill off Trump's candidacy. So far, it doesn't seem to have worked. Even Trump's ugly sexism and misogyny haven't taken much of a toll-- at least not among Republicans, who are, after all, *Republicans*. Donald Trump continued to defy the laws of political gravity on Monday as a Reuters/Ipsos poll found the real estate mogul holding onto a wide lead among Republicans in the U.S. presidential race despite an acerbic debate and a feud with a female television anchor that have bolstered charges of sexism. Trump led the party's 17-str... more »

Republicans Splinter over Planned Parenthood Defund Strategy

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 14 hours ago
The fate of a spending bill required to keep the government running remains uncertain as Republicans enter the August recess divided over tactics to strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood. A handful of conservative lawmakers have threatened to reject the... The post Republicans Splinter over Planned Parenthood Defund Strategy appeared first on The Stream.

Paul G. Allen Expedition Recovers The HMS Hood Bell

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Daily Mail:** Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen leads expedition aboard his luxury yacht to recover the bell of legendary British warship HMS Hood 74-years after she was sunk in the mid-Atlantic* * Bell of HMS Hood finally been recovered from depths of the North Atlantic * Follows expedition led by billionaire Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen * Bell will now be shown at National Museum of Royal Navy in Portsmouth The bell of HMS Hood has finally been recovered from the depths of the North Atlantic and will be put on public display following a successful expedition led by ... more »

You are who you choose to be....

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 14 hours ago

Letter from Greece

Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 14 hours ago
Who's been advising Greece?

F-16 Crashes In Southern Germany. Pilot Ejects Safely

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Smoke is visible in the distance where a U.S. F-16 crashed Tuesday in Germany's Bavaria region. *CNN:* *U.S. F-16 crashes in Germany; pilot safe* CNN)A pilot ejected from a U.S. F-16 before it crashed Tuesday morning in a forested area in Germany's Bavaria region, the U.S. Air Force said. The pilot was safe, though it wasn't immediately clear if there were any injuries, the Air Force said. The plane had taken off from the U.S. Air Force's Spangdahlem Air Base in western Germany, more than 140 kilometers (about 90 miles) west of Frankfurt. Details about what caused the crash weren... more »

In The Currency Wars China is Playing To Dominate

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Reuters*: China devalues yuan after poor economic data China devalued its currency on Tuesday after a run of poor economic data, a move it billed as a free-market reform but which some suspect could be the beginning of a longer-term slide in the exchange rate. The central bank set its official guidance rate down nearly 2 percent to 6.2298 yuan per dollar - its lowest point in almost three years - in what it said was a change in methodology to make it more responsive to market forces. It was the biggest one-day fall since a massive devaluation in 1994 when China aligned its offic... more »

Navajo President: EPA will be accountable for toxic river spill

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
President Russell Begaye and Jonathan Nez hiking up to the Gold King Mine where the initial reported release from U.S. EPA was 1 million gallons and was confirmed yesterday, that number is over 3 million gallons and may never be known the actual amount of release. President Begaye announces U.S. EPA will be  accountable for toxic spill Statement by Navajo President Russell Begaye

Sheep study pulled for issues with “the validity of data” and “attribution of authorship”

Ross Keith at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
The Veterinary Journal has retracted a 2014 paper that found that sheep eat more when their food is supplemented with urea (yes, the same compound found in urine). The notice was published after a “complaint which raised serious concerns.” Here’s more from the notice: This article has been retracted at the request of the Editor-in-Chief […] The post Sheep study pulled for issues with “the validity of data” and “attribution of authorship” appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Russia - Saudi Arabia Talks Fail To Agree On The Fate Of Syria's Assad

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Reuters*: *Russia, Saudis fail in talks to agree on fate of Syria's Assad* Russia and Saudi Arabia failed in talks on Tuesday to overcome their differences on the fate of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a central dispute in Syria's civil war that shows no sign of abating despite renewed diplomacy. Russia is pushing for a coalition to fight Islamic State insurgents -- who have seized swathes of northern and eastern Syria -- that would involve Assad, a longtime ally of Moscow. But, speaking after talks in Moscow, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir reiterated Riyadh's stance th... more »

Cornell dean says ISIS welcome on campus in undercover video per New York Post

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 14 hours ago
Read this article http://nypost.com/2015/03/24/cornell-dean-says-isis-welcome-on-campus-in-undercover-video/ and then wonder if he'd have been happy to have an Israeli government representative come to his campus and give a lecture.


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 14 hours ago
*A Matter of Black Lives: Mitch Landrieu, the mayor of New Orleans, is on a crusade to stop the killing. ~The Atlantic* *Cooking for a Cause: Q&A with Chef Jamie Simpson ~Andrew Amelinckx, Modern Farmer* *Why $53M Wasn’t Enough to Scale Good Eggs ~Danielle Gould, Food Tech Connect*

Can Thel U.S. Win A War In Space?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying the third Mobile User Objective System satellite for the U.S. Navy lifts off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, January 20, 2015 U.S. Navy *David Axe, Reuters:* *When it comes to war in space, U.S. has the edge* Quietly and without most people noticing, the world’s leading space powers — the United States, China and Russia — have been deploying new and more sophisticated weaponry in space. Earth’s orbit is looking more and more like the planet’s surface — heavily armed and primed for war. A growing number of “inspection” satellit... more »

Back to School Clothing Shopping Tips

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago
*“I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for** OshKosh B’Gosh**. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”* Back to School is really here. The aisles of my favorite stores are full of pencils and glue sticks just waiting for us to buy them. For me, the school supplies part is the easy part, the teacher always sends a list, but the clothing is trickier. How do I know how much they need? How do I make sure I get a good deal? These are my tried and true tips I have followed since I was in school myself. 1. Go through your ... more »

VA Computer System Excludes 35,000 Combat Veterans From Receiving Care, Nearly Half Have Lost Free Care

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 15 hours ago
An error in the Department of Veterans Affairs computer system is responsible for over 35,000 combat veterans being placed in limbo on a health care enrollment list. The VA system requires veterans to complete a questionnaire detailing household income in order to be considered... The post VA Computer System Excludes 35,000 Combat Veterans From Receiving Care, Nearly Half Have Lost Free Care appeared first on The Stream.


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
*The Daily Caller Presents: The Third Annual College Stupidity Awards* As the summer of 2015 winds down, it’s once again time to celebrate the stupidest and most outrageous events that occurred on campus during the last academic year with The Daily Caller’s Third Annual College Stupidity Awards. For the 2014-15 version of cringe-worthy political correctness run amok, outrageous suffocation of free speech and ridiculous, fascist buffoonery on the part of bureaucrats, just keep scrolling. It’s all here as TheDC looks back on the academic year that was. In April at the University of... more »

Clinton Calls NH Planned Parenthood Defunding Vote ‘Appalling’, Despite Saying Videos Are ‘Disturbing’

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 15 hours ago
EXETER, N.H. —Hillary Clinton on Monday took special aim at the “three men” on New Hampshire’s Executive Council who voted last week to defund Planned Parenthood in the Granite State. “I want to add my voice to all those who... The post Clinton Calls NH Planned Parenthood Defunding Vote ‘Appalling’, Despite Saying Videos Are ‘Disturbing’ appeared first on The Stream.


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 15 hours ago
*Another attack on refrigeration and airconditioning* *Banning CFCs because of their alleged effect on the Ozone hole meant that other more difficult-to-use chemicals had to be used in refrigeration, bumping up costs. One of the alternatives was HFCs. Now the nutters want that banned too. There are of course still other approved alternatives -- such as propane -- but again converting to them will bump up the costs of refrigeration and air conditioning. And here's a thing: The remaining approved alternatives are derivatives of fossil fuels! Horror! How long before they ... more »

Utah Climate Defenders Shut Down Tar Sands Mine

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 15 hours ago
Warriors uniting to defend Sacred Water by halting the expansion of tar sands in so-called "utah".Direct Autonomous Media The Unitah county sherrif's department gropes at a protester on a tripod, after refusing to comply with their request for a female officer. The boys club laughed at their request and proceeded to terrorize the land defender on film. Photo: Direct Autonomous Media

Mohawk Nation News 'Kahnawake's Joke Norton'

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 15 hours ago
KAHNAWAKE’S JOKE NORTON Posted on August 10, 2015 Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Aug. 10, 2015. After meeting with Donald Trump, Joe “One-armed-Bandit” Norton, of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. told us, “Everything’s got to change”. He lost two referenda to put his casino in our community. The Donald and Joe decided to put it in the St. Lawrence River off Kahnawake. Joe

Greece Agrees on Broad Terms of New Bailout Package; Leftists Oppose Reforms

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 15 hours ago
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece has agreed on the broad terms of a new three-year bailout package with international creditors, with only a few details left to iron out, the finance minister said Tuesday. Euclid Tsakalotos sounded upbeat about the... The post Greece Agrees on Broad Terms of New Bailout Package; Leftists Oppose Reforms appeared first on The Stream.

Jeb Worked with Bloomberg amid $50 Million Anti-Coal Campaign

Jonathan Witt at The Stream - 15 hours ago
Presidential candidate and former Gov. Jeb Bush got into some hot water recently over his past work with a foundation run by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for its funding of Planned Parenthood. What went unnoticed, however, was that... The post Jeb Worked with Bloomberg amid $50 Million Anti-Coal Campaign appeared first on The Stream.

4th Night of Ferguson Protests Brings Confrontation, Arrests

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 15 hours ago
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Police arrested nearly two dozen people in Ferguson during a protest that stretched into early Tuesday marking the anniversary of the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, although there was no repeat of the violence that... The post 4th Night of Ferguson Protests Brings Confrontation, Arrests appeared first on The Stream.

Megyn Kelly Says She Won’t Be Cowed by Donald Trump

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 15 hours ago
Megyn Kelly opened her Fox News program on Monday night by addressing the uproar over Donald J. Trump’s personal attacks on her, her first comments since he made a remark that many interpreted as a reference to her menstrual cycle.... The post Megyn Kelly Says She Won’t Be Cowed by Donald Trump appeared first on The Stream.

Jeb Bush Links Clinton to Rise of Islamic State

Anika Smith at The Stream - 15 hours ago
BURBANK, California (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush will step up his criticism of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her tenure as secretary of state on Tuesday, arguing in a speech on foreign policy the Democratic front-runner shares in the... The post Jeb Bush Links Clinton to Rise of Islamic State appeared first on The Stream.

China Rattles Markets with Yuan Devaluation

Jonathan Witt at The Stream - 15 hours ago
China devalued the yuan by the most in two decades, a move that rippled through global markets as policy makers stepped up efforts to support exporters and boost the role of market pricing in Asia’s largest economy. The central bank... The post China Rattles Markets with Yuan Devaluation appeared first on The Stream.

Mississippians Charged with Trying to Join Islamic State

Anika Smith at The Stream - 15 hours ago
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A federal court hearing was scheduled to continue Tuesday for two Mississippi residents arrested on charges that they were trying to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State militant group. Criminal charges filed Saturday say... The post Mississippians Charged with Trying to Join Islamic State appeared first on The Stream.

GAIA PORTAL: Galactic channels now open for all to see their true connections

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 15 hours ago
*Galactic channels now open for all to see their true connections* by ÉirePort Galactic channels now open for all to see their true connections. Established paradigms perceive only lack, and thus such prevails for them. Fallacious energetics cannot stand. Artemists create as artisans flourish. Harbors of protection for all interests now open. ÉirePort | August 11, 2015 at 09:58 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-vg

Zarif: 'Karine A Was an Israeli False Flag' per The Weekly Standard

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 16 hours ago
He does claim that here http://m.weeklystandard.com/blogs/zarif-karine-was-israeli-false-flag_1005174.html but also: 'Zarif is warning that maybe Israel will try to frame Iran again—maybe by building a secret nuclear facility under an Iranian mountain, or something equally devious' Are there no limits to what Islamists will accuse Israel of?

Perry Stops Paying South Carolina 2016 Campaign Staff

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has stopped paying his 2016 presidential campaign’s staff in the key early primary state of South Carolina, amid flagging polling numbers and sluggish fundraising. Spokesman Lucy Nashed said late Monday that... The post Perry Stops Paying South Carolina 2016 Campaign Staff appeared first on The Stream.

Dark Money: Group Backing Hillary Clinton Gets $1M from Untraceable Donors

Jonathan Witt at The Stream - 16 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton told a cheering crowd at her largest rally so far that “the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money” must be stopped. Two weeks later, the main super PAC backing her bid for the Democratic presidential... The post Dark Money: Group Backing Hillary Clinton Gets $1M from Untraceable Donors appeared first on The Stream.

Bernie Sanders Adapts Message in Los Angeles to Favor ‘Black Lives Matter’

Anika Smith at The Stream - 16 hours ago
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders vowed that he would fight harder than any other presidential candidate to end institutional racism in front of a packed Los Angeles arena, two days after Black Lives Matter protesters derailed... The post Bernie Sanders Adapts Message in Los Angeles to Favor ‘Black Lives Matter’ appeared first on The Stream.

Doing It For Their Country

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago
Stephen Harper may be defeated in the upcoming election because the economy has tanked. But, Ralph Surette writes, there are other reasons -- better reasons -- to send him packing: This is not an election like any other. What's at stake is nothing less than the integrity of Canada's most fundamental features -- the justice system, the electoral system, the public service, the tax system and Parliament itself -- all of which Harper has relentlessly assaulted and would complete the job of reducing to his personal playthings if only enough people could be kept deep enough in the dark... more »

Listen To Your Own Voice

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 16 hours ago
*Listen to your own voice, to your own Soul. Too many people listen to the noise of the world instead of to their Selves.*

Trump’s Momentum Keeps Rolling

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 16 hours ago
Donald Trump is riding several strong post-debate polls into a full schedule of campaign stops this week as he seeks to solidify his lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Trump will campaign this week in Michigan, New... The post Trump’s Momentum Keeps Rolling appeared first on The Stream.

Toxic Spill CAUSED BY THE EPA Contaminates The Water Supply Of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE

urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 16 hours ago
*Depopulation & Agenda21 At Work, Right In Our Face . . This Is Very Serious & Criminal* *RT* Toxic sludge in contaminated river reaches New Mexico, communities have 90-day water supply Published time: 9 Aug, 2015 09:07Edited time: 10 Aug, 2015 10:20 Get short URL [image: © Ruptly] © Ruptly / Ruptly 6.2K1K1 Toxic waste, including arsenic and lead, which seeped into a river in southwest Colorado, has now crossed the state border into New Mexico. More than 550 gallons per minute are entering the water flow system according to the Environmental Protection Agency, which caused t... more »

Autism Rates Explode In Asia After Introducing Western Vaccines

urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 17 hours ago
[image: Your News Wire] Posted on July 3, 2015 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Health *Western pharmaceutical companies have been opening up in Asia in the last few years introducing vaccination programs , and unsurprisingly autism rates have soared. * Thanhniennews.com reports: Saigon Tiep Thi newspaper Wednesday quoted a study from the National Hospital of Pediatrics as saying that the number of children diagnosed with autism at the Hanoi-based hospital’s Physiotherapy Department in 2007 was 50 times higher than in 2000 Korea is another country where autism rates have risen since th... more »

Show racism the red card

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 17 hours ago
A black supply teacher was stabbed by a 14 year old pupil. It was a racially-motivated attack. The boy boasted of this on social media. Vincent Uzomah The BBC reported the incident, politely describing the perpetrator merely as a 14 year old boy; they described the victim as black. Sky was more forthcoming. We now knew that this was not just a story about any old racist pupil, but a ‘Bangladeshi background’ pupil of Pakistani heritage. The BBC decided to tackle the story on the Today programme. ( 0:2:10) They addressed it as a ‘racism in the classroom’ story, not as a ‘racism within ... more »

Economic News , Data and Views ( August 11 , 2015 ) -- Special Greece Report - Third Bailout Talks Updates ( Government spokesman Theodoros Mihopoulos said in a tweet that “negotiations have been completed. There are some details left.” - what the Institutions think exactly , what details are left to be cleared , what Germany and other hardliners believe or think - not presently known but perhaps by the end of the week ! ) ........ China Devaluation of yuan a surprise move - move of 1.86 percent , the largest move in many years . Reactions and analysis of the move ......

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
Evening wrap.... Greece..... *Holger Zschaepitz* ‏@Schuldensuehner 3h 3 hours ago HFE: 3yr €86bn deal lends #*Greece* more money than it has to roll over during its term. Indebtedness will rise as a result of this program. *Yannis Koutsomitis* ‏@YanniKouts 6h 6 hours ago #*EU*'s Financial Committee officials were informed on #*Greece* agrmnt @ conf call; reacted 'positively': EU officials. New conf call tomorrow. Katerina Sokou and 1 other retweeted *Yannis Koutsomitis* ‏@YanniKouts 8h8 hours ago #*Greece* PM Tsipras and #Germany Chancellor Merkel hold teleph... more »

Russian Defense Ministry to Sign Major Contract for Purchase of Su-35 Jets

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 18 hours ago
[image: Su-35 Flanker-E]According to the Vedomosti newspaper citing defense and industry sources, the contract may amount to 100 billion rubles ($1.6 billion at current exchange rate). Earlier this year, Russian media reported that the Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer, a subsidiary of UAC, was planning on transferring 14 Su-35S fighter jets to the Russian Defense Ministry this year. According to military expert Konstantin Makienko cited by Vedomosti, this deal will be the largest one for the Russian Air Force since 2012, when it signed contracts for the delivery of 92 Su-34 bombers and ... more »

Japan’s F-2 Marks 8th Platform to Fly with Lockheed Martin Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 18 hours ago
[image: Mistubishi F-2]Lockheed Martin received a direct commercial sale contract through Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to integrate the Sniper® Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) onto the Japan Air Self-Defense Force’s (JASDF) F-2 aircraft. This initial contract, awarded in 2014, includes a Sniper pod, spares and support equipment for integration. The F-2 is the eighth aircraft platform to be equipped with Sniper ATP, joining variants of the F-15, F-16, F-18, A-10, B-1, B-52 and Harrier. “Sniper ATP’s proven performance and low life cycle cost will provide necessary support to the JASDF m... more »

August 10: A day to remember.

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 19 hours ago
Certainly, I shall never forget it. And it often comes to mind as I write these blogs. It was a day in October of 1962. I was a teacher at Malcolm Campbell High School in Montreal. As I went to school that day, I felt my heart tightening. The steps to the school were packed with students waiting for the bell to ring. And as I walked through them, we were all there together, but each of us quite alone. And quite frightened. Then a girl's voice broke the silence with a wail of despair, "but we haven't even had a chance to get married yet." It seemed comic in that terrible moment. But... more »

Whiteman AFB B-2 bombers deploy to Guam

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: B-2 Spirit]Three B-2 bombers and approximately 225 Airmen from Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, deployed to Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, Aug. 7 to conduct familiarization training activities in the Pacific region. This training deployment demonstrates continuing U.S. commitment to regular, global strategic bomber operations throughout the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. Air Force Global Strike Command continues to routinely deploy bombers to Andersen, providing commanders from Pacific Air Forces and U.S. Pacific Command a global strike capability and extended deterrence agai... more »

Long-range early warning system in Heilongjiang revealed

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: Long-range phased array warning system]Photos of China's long-range phased array warning system with a similar appearance to the US PAVE PAWS have been revealed by the Guancha Syndicate, a political website based in Shanghai, on Aug. 7. The photos taken last May indicate that China has the capability to develop its own version of a long-range warning radar like the United States and Russia. Established at an unknown space monitoring station in Heilongjiang province in the country's northeast, the long-range radar system is able to detect targets 5,500 kilometers away. It c... more »

Poland To Convert Su-22 Fitter Airfield To Drone-only Base

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
Miroslawiec Military Air Base Poland is converting its Su-22 Fitter attack plane airfield (base) to a UAV-only base. The air base will be henceforth referred as the 12th Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Base and expected to begin operation starting January 2016, The Aviationist reported today. Mirosławiec airfield, a base currently hosting Polish Su-22 Fitter attack planes, has been chosen to become a UAV base. Read more

The Pinker Stinker And The One Bioethicist That Really Should Get Out of the Way

noreply@blogger.com (Christian Munthe) at Philosophical Comment - 19 hours ago
Back from summer holidays, I was greeted by what has seemingly been the big news in bioethics this and the last month: Steven Pinker's article in the Boston Globe, where he tells the field of bioethics and bioethicists to "get out of the way" and stop debating new technologies, such as the CRISP/Cas9 "genome editing", which I commented on earlier this year – seemingly because Steven Pinker himself has already done all of the bioethics needed doing on this and related subjects (apparently by saying that these technologies will become very good, albeit we don't know much about them y... more »

Russia Reportedly Developing a Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Project 22350 (Lider) class DDG]A report from a Russian state-run news agency this week is saying the country’s future aircraft carrier will be equipped with a nuclear reactor. “The project of a future Russian aircraft carrier, or as it is sometimes referred to as naval aircraft carrying complex, is in the design phase. Research conducted by the Nevskoye Design Bureau indicates that the sole way of meeting the Navy’s requirements, such as power generation, sea endurance and voyage range is to equip the ship with a nuclear power plant,” a spokesperson with the United Shipbuil... more »

Japan Requests $1.5B Lockheed Aegis Combat System, Equipment Sale

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Atago class DDG]The State Department has cleared Japan’s planned $1.5 billion procurement of Lockheed Martin-built MK 7 Aegis combat systems and associated equipment for guided missile destroyers through the U.S.’ foreign military sales program. Japan wants two sets of the Aegis defense weapon platform, underwater surveillance and communication technology and cooperate engagement capability as well as equipment, spares and vendor services within six to seven years, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Friday. The country would use the weapons on its DDG 7 and DDG 8 g... more »

Tony Bennett

Spike EP at News Spike - 20 hours ago
* "I'm just going into the kitchen to listen to some Tony Bennett records.* " ― Michael Corleone When interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show on 29 September 2011, Bennett stated that in hindsight, he believed Amy: *"was in trouble at that time because she had a couple of engagements that she didn't keep up. But what people didn't realize at that time, that she really knew, and in fact I didn't even know it when we were making the record, and now looking at the whole thing; she knew that she was in a lot of trouble; that she wasn't going to live. * *And it wasn't drugs. I... more »

How Pathetic Our Leaders Have Proven to Be   (Why Donald Trump May be the Best Thing Going)  Ralph Knows Best!

"The Sad Truth About the State of the Financial System Today" The US Economy Continues Its Collapse Just a further reminder of where we landed after we allowed the rich to talk us into not taxing them equably. Just desserts? How much better off the world would be had Bill Clinton decided, like Jimmy Carter, to redeem himself by devoting the rest of his life to good works. Good work Number

Navy launches new frigate Gwangju, 6th in next-generation fleet project

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Gwangju frigate]The Navy said Tuesday it has launched a new guided missile frigate named Gwangju as it continues to churn out next-generation warships to retire older vessels. The new frigate is the sixth addition to the fleet as part of the Navy's project to build 20 next-generation vessels by 2020. The new series will replace the Navy's aging frigates and patrol combat corvettes, the Navy said in a statement. Read more

Denmark's status in Nato threatened: top official

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: HDMS Iver Huitfeldt (F361)]General Knud Bartels, Denmark’s former defence minister and the recently-replaced chairman of the Nato Military Committee, warned new Defence Minister Carl Holst that Denmark’s relevance in Nato is threatened by holes in the defence budget and “a growing discrepancy between [Denmark’s] ambition level and [its] ability to contribute” to the military alliance. Berlingske newspaper obtained and published a two-page letter sent by Bartels just before he ended his term at the head of the Military Committee in June. In the letter, Bartels expressed conc... more »

5 ways the Russian military is falling apart

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: RFS Admiral Kuznetsov]Russia has been saber-rattling so hard that cracks are forming in the blade and the hilt seems to be falling off. The military has been embarrassed by a number of of high-profile failures and missteps in the past few years. To be clear, the Russians aren’t helpless and certain units are deadly. They have a large nuclear arsenal, some of the world’s quietest submarines, and an impressive new tank. But here are six reasons Russian military planners can’t be sleeping easy. Read more

EdgeTech imaging sonar used for arctic research

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: EdgeTech 2200 sonar]U.S. Navy submarine research experts needed imaging sonar systems to help evaluate the performance of nuclear-powered submarines operating in the arctic. They found their solution from EdgeTech in West Wareham, Mass. Officials of the Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center in San Diego announced plans last week to buy two model 2200 modular side-scan sonar systems on a sole-source basis from EdgeTech. The value of the upcoming contract has yet to be negotiated. The EdgeTech model 2200 is a compact and configurable sonar system for manned subm... more »

New U.S. Navy Submarines and Surface Ships to have Advanced DMR Radios built by General Dynamics

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: General Dynamics Digital Modular Radio (DMR)]The U.S. Navy has ordered 56 AN/USC-61(C) Digital Modular Radios (DMRs) and related equipment from General Dynamics. The newly built DMR radios will be capable of using the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) waveform, the digital dial tone needed to make voice calls to the U.S. Department of Defense’s next generation, narrowband MUOS satellite communications system. The four-channel radios form the foundation of the Navy’s network communications aboard submarines, surface ships and on-shore locations. This order, valued at ove... more »

Military Photo of the Day: August 11, 2015

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 21 hours ago
An M1A1 Abrams battle tank crew fires its main gun on Aug. 4, 2015, during an exercise at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif. Thank you to Lance Cpl. Julio McGraw for capturing this image! The post Military Photo of the Day: August 11, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.

Why It May Be Time To Stop Drinking Milk For Good

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
I personally drink very little milk generally but do enjoy plenty of fermented milk. As it turns out that happens to be an excellent choice. The knowledge problem is the continuing recycling of dietary 'truths' put out by capitalized food suppliers who have generally been seriously liberal with any science available and often even stooping to pure scientific fraud. This has created a situation in which everything must be challenged again and again. We are fortunately or unfortunately living through this process. We have all made mistakes in our choices because of industry bark... more »

Blood, Manipulation and Lies: Press Freedom in Mexico

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
The problem in Mexico is the police itself. They effectively promote endemic violence through their own actions and example. The numbers merely confirm all this. What bothers me most is the simple lack of desire to correct this. Worse we are seeing the rise of a similar mentality in parts of the USA. Good policing is hardly an impossibility. It has been done well enough in much of Latin America so it is not a cultural issue. What i find in Mexico is a sheer lack of real will to reform anything. They have never lacked opportunity either. Help has always been available for... more »

The Balance of Power in the Middle East Just Changed

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
I sort of missed this first blush also but it is important. Nothing really matters except that Iran is plugged into normal trade and that all parties are talking continuously. That was also true for Cuba. It then becomes increasingly difficult to sustain real conflict. We will now see the rapid emergence of Iran as an economic force in the region who can plausibly be acting to end hot conflict. Put simply if outright conflict happens to be impossible., it is easy to send money to any hothead who will shoot at your opponent. Yet those same hotheads are never true friends at ... more »

Material With New Record Melting Point Predicted

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This is very intriguing. I do not know just how far this can be pushed, but a coating of this alloy on top of a graphene lattice allowing heat to be quickly drawn away could allow extreme penetration. The real d8ifficulty will be actual heat disposal to offset hotspots. All difficult problems. However we can now contemplate possibilities. It may also permit advanced metallurgy as well. * Material with new record melting point predicted* *By Eric Mack - July 27, 2015 * *Computer simulations predict a combination of hafnium, nitrogen and carbon will have the hig... more »

Warren Buffett buys a factory in Pilsen and elsewhere for $37.2 billion

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours ago
Warren Buffett is a rich guy who has made lots of money. At the end, it seems to me that he's buying rather conventional companies he considers undervalued. Sometimes he's "strongly right" and the profit from the growth of these undervalued companies is usually capable of overcompensating the losses from the bets where he was wrong. Years ago, I didn't quite realize the proximity. But now I believe that if I were doing similar business as Buffett, with similar amounts of money, I may pick a similar approach, too. *Rolls-Royce Trent 500, the competition-less engine optimized for Ai... more »

Court of Appeal may overrule itself albeit rarely

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 22 hours ago
Fernandes v. Araujo, 2015 ONCA 571: [45] As an intermediate court of appeal, we are ordinarily bound to follow our past decisions, even decisions with which we disagree. It is important that we do so. Our common law legal tradition rests upon the idea that we will adhere to what we decided in the past. As expressed by the Latin phrase *stare decisis*, we stand by things that have been decided. The rule of precedent provides certainly, consistency, clarity and stability in the law. It fosters the orderly and efficient resolution of disputes and allows parties to obtain reliab... more »

Paco Nula, “El Paso”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago
Paco Nula, “El Paso” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm2xh1xmaaY

A Debatable ‘Debate’

Thomas Sowell at The Stream - 23 hours ago
The so-called “debates,” among too many Republicans to have a debate, are yet another painful sign of how much words and ideas have degenerated in our times. No one expects these televised sound bites and “gotcha” questions to be anything... The post A Debatable ‘Debate’ appeared first on The Stream.

Academia isn’t Baseball

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 23 hours ago
This is a guest post by both Nexon and Patrick Thaddeus Jackson. Standard disclaimers apply. Cullen Hendrix’s guest post is a must read for anyone interested in citation metrics and international-relations scholarship. Among other things, Hendrix provides critical benchmark data for those interested in assessing performance using Google Scholar. We love the post, but we worry […]

Debating Covert Intervention and the Democratic Peace

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 23 hours ago
One reason that Patrick I stepped down as a permanent contributors to the Duck of Minerva was to develop ISQ Online as a forum for intellectual exchange surrounding International Studies Quarterly pieces. I think readers of the Duck will find the exchanges there interesting, and so I’ll be using (abusing?) my ‘standing guest’ privileges to call […]

Marilyn Katz : Don’t dunk that cookie!

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 23 hours ago
As Nabisco ships 600 jobs out of Chicago to Mexico, maybe it’s time to give up Oreos. By Marilyn Katz | The Rag Blog | August 11, 2015 CHICAGO — I may have to give up one of my longest-standing … finish reading Marilyn Katz : Don’t dunk that cookie!

Establishment Must Quit Obsessing Over Trump

David Limbaugh at The Stream - 1 day ago
It’s time that the sophisticated analysts who pride themselves in their ability to discern nuance realized that Donald Trump’s popularity and his defenders are more nuanced than most people imagine. Because Trump is outrageous compared with the usual presidential candidate,... The post Establishment Must Quit Obsessing Over Trump appeared first on The Stream.

Fox Debate: Unfair and Unbalanced?

Cal Thomas at The Stream - 1 day ago
Twenty-four million people tuned in to watch the first primetime debate among 10 Republican presidential candidates. What were they expecting, a love-in? Some conservative critics dumped on Fox News with a vitriol usually reserved for liberal media. David Brody of... The post Fox Debate: Unfair and Unbalanced? appeared first on The Stream.

Clear Daytime TBS Screenshots Indicate New Structures

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
I finally was able to capture a clear, daytime screenshot from the TBS cam. Lots of new construction evident. Are those new tanks up front? I also have a good screenshot of unit 4 taken a moment after the one above (Aug 11 6:24 AM) Did the crane collapse?

Like Puppets On A String

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Pakistan is siding with the Taliban over Afghanistan. Turkey is siding with ISIS over Kurdistan. Both NATO allies are making huge geopolitical mistakes as well as errors in moral judgment. The Taliban and ISIS are passing phenomenons, while Afghanistan and Kurdistan are geopolitical and demographic realities that can't be wished away.* Erdogan has chosen ISIS over the Kurds. It always turns out bad when racism or religious sectarianism drive your country's foreign policy rather than geostrategic reasons. It's not a smart bet to side with a hate-driven terrorist group filled with i... more »

Musical Interlude: The Moody Blues, “Gypsy”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
The Moody Blues, “Gypsy” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWuwUhSis1U

The Himalayan Supplement so Nutrient Rich it’s Known as the ‘Nectar of God’

Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Anna Hunt* - From the cracks in between the rocks of the Himalayas oozes a tar-like substance called Shilajit. The post The Himalayan Supplement so Nutrient Rich it’s Known as the ‘Nectar of God’ appeared first on Waking Times.

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“To the eye, this cosmic composition nicely balances the Bubble Nebula at the lower right with open star cluster M52. The pair would be lopsided on other scales, though. Embedded in a complex of interstellar dust and gas and blown by the winds from a single, massive O-type star, the Bubble Nebula, also known as NGC 7635, is a mere 10 light-years wide. * Click image for larger size.* On the other hand, M52 is a rich open cluster of around a thousand stars. The cluster is about 25 light-years across. Seen toward the northern boundary of Cassiopeia, distance estimates for the Bubble Neb... more »

"If The Earth Were Only A Few Feet In Diameter..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"If the earth were only a few feet in diameter, floating a few feet above a field somewhere, people would come from everywhere to marvel at it. People would walk around it marveling at its big pools of water, its little pools, and the water flowing between the pools. People would marvel at the bumps on it, and the holes in it, and they would marvel at the very thin layer of gas surrounding it and the water suspended in the gas. The people would marvel at all the creatures walking around the surface of the ball and at the creatures in the water. The people would declare it sacred bec... more »

Google folds itself into a new "entity" called "Alphabet" -- in search of new ways to suck?

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*A sneak peek at the planned logo for "Alphabet," the"collection of companies" Google has folded itself into* *"Google now touches nearly every aspect of Internet connected life thanks to its search engine, e-mail service, YouTube and Android smartphone operating system. But it's also turned its eye away from those core products to try and answer the larger questions about what technology can do for society at large."* -- *Hayley Tsukayama,* Washington Post *consumer-technologywriter, in* "Google becomes part of a new company, Alphabet" *by Ken* Time for a quick question, Hayley... more »

Will Russia's Sukhoi T-50 Be A Tough Adversary For Both The F-22 And F-35 (Updated)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *WNU Editor*: late last night I posted a story asking the question .... *Can The U.S. Air Force's F-35 Defeat Russia's New Jet Fighter?* Surprise .... surprise .... others are now asking the same question .... *The Russian Sukhoi T-50 is going to be a tough adversary for both the F-22 and F-35*. (Aviationist).

The Poet: Linda Pastan, "What We Want"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"What We Want" * "What we want is never simple. We move among the things we thought we wanted: a face, a room, an open book and these things bear our names- now they want us. But what we want appears in dreams, wearing disguises. We fall past, holding out our arms and in the morning our arms ache. We don't remember the dream, but the dream remembers us. It is there all day as an animal is there under the table, as the stars are there even in full sun." ~ Linda Pastan, "Carnival Evening"

California’s Progressive Policies Drive More into Poverty

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 1 day ago
Across the nation, progressives increasingly look at California as a model state. This tendency has increased as climate change has emerged as the Democratic Party’s driving issue. To them, California’s recovery from a very tough recession is proof positive that... The post California’s Progressive Policies Drive More into Poverty appeared first on The Stream.

Saudi Arabia Wants To Buy Weapons From Russia

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) attends a meeting with Saudi Defence Minister Prince Mohammad Bin Salman at the Konstantin (Konstantinovsky) Palace in St. Petersburg. Grigory Dukor / Reuters *IBTimes*: *Saudi Arabia And Russia Military Teaming Up? Riyadh Wants Russian Weapons After Years Of Buying From The Pentagon* Saudi Arabia is looking to scale back its reliance on U.S. weapons and could turn to Russia as an alternative supplier, according to a Monday report from the Interfax news agency. However, the sheer scale of Riyadh’s defense relationship with the U.S. means that su... more »

New Reality Show ‘So You Think You Can Preach’

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 1 day ago
Hundreds of lay preachers seeking a spot in the limelight are now lining up to appear on a new reality show billed, “So You Think You Can Preach” for a chance to win $25,000, a new car and a lifetime... The post New Reality Show ‘So You Think You Can Preach’ appeared first on The Stream.

Iraq Vets Organize To Oppose The Iranian Nuclear Deal

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Josh Rogin, Bloomberg:* *Iraq Vets Take On Obama Over Iran Deal* A group of Iraq war veterans is launching a million-dollar effort to oppose President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, trying to counter the president's argument that those who are against the deal are in favor of war. Obama has said recently that there are only two camps: those who support the deal versus those who would prefer a bloody and costly war like the conflict in Iraq. The new ad campaign complicates that, asserting that the deal itself will lead to more war. And the voices putting forth that case do not pr... more »

KIPP Shirts For Sale, Unused

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 1 day ago
Somebody got smart (click image to enlarge).

Tó Bei Nihi Dziil 'Water is our Power' Teach-in

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Image by Julius Badoni . Contact: Colleen Cooley, ccooley22@gmail.com Janene Yazzie, neneyazzie@gmail.com Tó Bei Nihi Dziil (Water is Our Power) A People's Teach-in Addressing: Community Empowerment, Our Homelands, Water Security, and Sovereignty Window Rock, AZ - On August 13, 2015 from 10 am – 3 pm at St. Michaels Chapter, we invite our communities to come together for

Donald the Whiner

Rich Lowry at The Stream - 1 day ago
Donald Trump is given to superlatives, so let’s do him the honor of pronouncing him the most fabulous whiner in all of American politics. By Trump’s own account, he’s the baddest, smartest thing going, except if you ask him a... The post Donald the Whiner appeared first on The Stream.

David McReynolds : The Republican debate and the raw ego of Donald Trump

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
The most glaring problem was how little this group understands the world in which we now live. By David McReynolds | The Rag Blog | August 10, 2015 NEW YORK — My assumption is that most of you watched the … finish reading David McReynolds : The Republican debate and the raw ego of Donald Trump

Seattle Weighs New ‘Violence’ Tax on Gun Owners

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 1 day ago
The Seattle City Council is expected to cast a final vote Monday on legislation that adds new taxes and regulations on firearms and ammunition sold in the city. The legislation, which passed unanimously Wednesday by the Education and Governance Committee, would... The post Seattle Weighs New ‘Violence’ Tax on Gun Owners appeared first on The Stream.

“Shopping for groceries becomes an increasingly dangerous activity.”

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
Young folk who’ve never seen socialism up close, and Martyn Bradbury, should be keeping their eyes on Venezuela – the world’s fifth-largest oil producer, a once-prosperous country that has and is being turned to ruin by socialism. Latest news from the hell-hole: “shopping for groceries becomes an increasingly dangerous activity.” *It’s the law of the jungle in Venezuela, as shopping for groceries becomes an increasingly dangerous activity. As the shortage crisis worsens, more and more angry mobs are raiding the nation’s supermarkets, looting whatever basic goods they can find… ... more »

Surprise Announcement? Al Nusra Will Not Fight to Make an ISIS Free Zone

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*What?! A surprise announcement. I don't think so. Nice spin, though.* *Here's the news:* *1. Al-Nusra has a strong foothold against ISIS in northern Aleppo province, but, has announced "surprise withdrawal"* *2. **Al Qaeda in Syria leaves area where Turkey seeks buffer* *3. Nusra announces surprise withdrawal from frontline against ISIS* * It said the decision was being taken to avoid cooperating with a US-Turkish plan to create an IS-free zone in northern Aleppo province, along the Turkish border.* * Al-Nusra is a key opponent of IS in the northern province of Aleppo along w... more »

Baby Maker

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

Produce no waste

risa bear at A Way to Live - 1 day ago
Here is one of twelve collages on The Permaculture Principles and how they might be applied, especially in the maritime Pacific Northwest. Concepts from David Holmgren's *Essence of Permaculture.* *Six.* "Produce no waste." 1. Gather barn bedding, leaves, grass clippings, kitchen wastes, aged humanure, woodlot waste -- anything that is compostable, does not pass along disease, undesirable chemicals or plastic. 2. Heap and turn, or bin and worm. There are good texts on ways to do so. Keep under cover in rainy weather to prevent leaching out. 3. Distribute. Make enough to feed all... more »

Entering The Angelic Realms

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Soren Dreier* - Maybe we badly need to co-work with the angelic realm once again. The post Entering The Angelic Realms appeared first on Waking Times.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 10, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks on a nuclear deal with Iran at American University in Washington August 5, 2015. Obama told U.S. Jewish leaders it was likely rockets would fall on Tel Aviv if the nuclear deal was blocked and military action ensued, one of them said on Wednesday. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *Max Fisher, VOX:* *Obama opens up on Iran* What he's learned about war, Republicans, and his own foreign policy Toward the end of our meeting with President Obama, one of us asked whether the Iran nuclear deal might change the future of that country's poisonously anti-A... more »

World News Briefs -- August 10, 2015 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Reuters:* *Islamic State claims Iraq car bombs that kill nearly 60* At least 58 people were killed and more than 100 wounded on Monday in two blasts in eastern Iraq claimed by Islamic State in a province once considered mostly free of them. In January Iraqi officials declared victory over the insurgents in Diyala province, which borders Iran, after security forces and Shi'ite paramilitaries drove them out of towns and villages there. But the militants have remained active. An explosion at a market in Huwaidar, about 4 km (2.5 miles) north of the provincial capital of Baquba, kill... more »

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