Normally I wouldn't go camera crazy with Grackles, much less blog about them. They're fairly common here during the summer months and really, I've seen so many that I tend not to notice them, opting instead for my waxwings, a colourful warbler or a busy woodpecker. They tend to blend in to the background. What I have found impressive the past few days though, is the sheer number that are showing up in my yard lately. At one point earlier this week there were perhaps 30 at any one time, which is by the most of any single species that have graced my yard at any one time. One... more »
Musical Interlude: Jonn Serrie, “And The Stars Go With You” (Full Album)
Jonn Serrie, “And The Stars Go With You” (Full Album) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIFeceB-S9k
Kumpulan Desain Kamar Tidur Hotel Terbaru 2015
Kumpulan Desain Kamar Tidur Hotel Terbaru 2015 - Kamar tidur hotel merupakan sebuah kamar yang memiliki konsep seperti kamar tidur hotel yang memiliki tingkat kenyamanan dan kerapian yang tinggi. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama konsep desain kamar hotel, dibuat dengan semaksimal mungkin untuk membuat para pengunjung nyaman dan bertah di dalam hotel tersebut. Nah untuk anda yang ingin merasakan
Burning Man
Self-Immolations in Tibet Last Updated: October 30, 2012, 14:00 EST Tsewang Kyab Lhamo Tseten Tsepo Tenzin Dorje Rinchen Dhondup Lhamo Kyab Tamdin Dorje Sangay Gyatso Gudrub Yangdang Lobsang Damchoe Lobsang Kelsang Lungtok Tashi Chopa Dolkar Tso Lobsang Tsultrim Losang Lozin Tsewang Dorjee Dickyi Choezom Ngawang Norphel Tenzin Khedup Tamdin Thar Rikyo Dargye Dorje Tseten Choepak Kyap Sonam Chimey Palden Tenpa Darjey Lobsang Sherab Sonam Dargye Lobsang Tsultrim Jamyang Palden Gepey Dorjee Rinchen Tsering Kyi Nangdrol Damchoe Sangpo Lobsang Gyatso Tenzin Choedron Sonam Rabyang Rinzin Dorj... more »
Runner beans
Observe and interact -- after you have pulled up the vines, watch and then harvest when about 80% of the pods have turned brown; otherwise many will split and spill before you get there. Store in a sunny window where rain cannot get to them until all turn brown; provide air circulation. Catch and store energy -- The beans have made nutrients for you and saved seed for next year; the vines are chopped and dropped for sheet composting. Obtain a yield -- Runners are not our most prolific crop in the garden but they are attractive to us and to pollinators, especially the hummingbirds,... more »
Dutch Christian Couple Honored for Exceptional Holocaust-Era Bravery
[image: garden of the righteous among the nations - 400] Dutch Christian Zionists who died as a result of their unrelenting efforts to save Jews from the Holocaust were recognized by Israel as Righteous among the Nations. A medal attesting to the distinction, conferred by the Jewish state through the... more »
KIPP Administrators Sitting Atop Kindergarten and 1st Grade Children
I talked with a 28th former KIPP teacher last evening to hear her story, and she was as eloquent and upset as any of the rest. Mandy spent a year in a West Coast KIPP, which was in its first year of applying KIPP's punishing penal-style pedagogy to segregated kindergarteners and first graders (60 percent Latino and 40 percent African-American). Until a month ago, Mandy thought she would be returning to this KIPP school that she had learned to dread, but she landed a teaching job in a public school in July. Mandy is now dealing with what she describes as PTSD-like symptoms, and... more »
Pie (and Google) Watch: DWT commenters, have you had to solve the deadly Google Pie Perplex? Sorry, that's Google, not us!
*by Ken* Usually when I want to add a comment to a post, since I'm already logged into the Blogspot software it knows who I am, and even addresses me by name, or at least the name it knows me by, but even so it asks me to prove that I'm not a robot. Usually I think I can bypass this, which is helpful if I'm not feeling confident about proving my non-roboticity, but when it was just your old-style "captcha," where you just type in a few letters or numbers -- the only problem being that, as we all know, the numbers and letters are frequently stylized into illegibility. Suddenly tod... more »
Liberal Double Standards and Planned Parenthood
[image: 1planned] Liberals are famous for shaming conservatives for their past associations with questionable characters, while they exempt themselves from the same standards. What a shocker! Every other week, a liberal Twitter troll cites a Republican politician’s innocent appearance at some long-forgotten... more »
World’s Oldest Message in a Bottle Ever Found Finally Washes up After 108 Years
[image: Marianne Winkler - 400] The world's oldest message in a bottle to ever be found is believed to have been recovered – after 108 years at sea. Marianne Winkler, a retired postal worker, was on holiday when she spotted the unusual bottle floating by the... more »
Yes, Pander to Trump on Immigration
[image: Donald Trump Phoenix] Donald Trump’s rise in the polls is inextricably linked to the issue of immigration. He probably wouldn’t have achieved liftoff without it, and now that his campaign has entered a new phase of semi-attempted seriousness, it is fitting that an... more »
Scientists and the Roswell Slides
Since we have been repeatedly given the “facts” of the mummy as established by Richard Doble and are told that no other scientists, anthropologists or archaeologists would go on the record, I thought it time to challenge this bit of misrepresentation. As I have noted, when we are told that no American anthropologists would go on the record, it might mean that none would go on the record based solely on examination of the slides. They wanted additional information and I don’t see that as an unreasonable request. In fact, it sounds just like the question a scientist would ask when pre... more »
Uplift Families- an online resource guide for families
*“The family is the cornerstone of our society. More than any other force it shapes the attitude, the hopes, the ambitions, and the values of the child. And when the family collapses it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale the community itself is crippled.”* There have been many times as a parent that I have wished kids came with a manual. Times I have questions about bullying or other topics and I didn't know who to ask. Uplift Families is trying to become that manual. Putting together resources from all over the internet so you only have to ... more »
The Battle for UK's Labour Party
Jeremy Corbyn was rank outsider in the Labour leadership contest but in the last few weeks Corybnmania has swept across the country and pushed him into poll position. The corporate elites inside Labour are attempting to rig the election against Jeremy Corbyn by “purging” genuine supporters on spurious grounds, one of the party’s former MPs has suggested. See more on this story *here* Just goes to show that the corporate water carriers don't really believe in democracy. When a guy like Corbyn tries to return his party to its roots and draws back disaffected voters the fat cats try... more »
More Than Meets the Eye in Korea
There are lots of people coming and going each day in Gangjeongvillage. The numbers change quickly. Not only are there people blocking the Navy base construction gate but there is always a Catholic mass being held just across the street in the make shift church. Yesterday a big bus pulled up soon after we arrived and two-thirds of the passengers stepped across the street to join the mass and the rest came to help block the gate. (The Catholic Church here is unlike any I've seen before. Many give Fr. Mun and Jeju Bishop Kang most of the credit for the daily presence of priests a... more »
Business 360-27, FDIs in South and East Asia
* This is my article in *Business 360 *magazine in Kathmandu, Nepal, August 2015. --------- *Foreign direct investments in South and East Asia* Foreign investments are among the key ingredients for developing countries to hasten their growth and development. Two prominent proof of this are small territories, small population, but big economies Hong Kong and Singapore. They started as very poor economies in the 1950s and 60s respectively and their openness to global trade and investments very early have allowed them to maximize the financial, technological and managerial resources t... more »
Bangkok Blast: Confronting the West's "Pundit Investigation"
*August 22, 2105* (Tony Cartalucci - ATN) - The investigation continues into a powerful bomb that tore through downtown Bangkok Monday, killing 20 and injuring over 100 more. The attack was timed as the current government reshuffled top positions, the new national charter prepared to move forward, and ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra faced the loss of his police rank. The investigation faces many technical challenges but as the government, police, and military attempt to carry it out, the Western media has attempted to "take over" and begin its own investigation, carried ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Why does the Sombrero Galaxy look like a hat? Reasons include the Sombrero's unusually large and extended central bulge of stars, and dark prominent dust lanes that appear in a disk that we see nearly edge-on. Billions of old stars cause the diffuse glow of the extended central bulge. *Click image for larger size.* Close inspection of the bulge in the above photograph shows many points of light that are actually globular clusters. M104's spectacular dust rings harbor many younger and brighter stars, and show intricate details astronomers don't yet fully understand. The very center o... more »
Chet Raymo, “Strange”
*“Strange”* by Chet Raymo “In a review in the “New York Times” Book Review, Daniel Handler writes: “And strange? Well, let's get this straight: All great books are strange. Every lasting work of literature since the very weird "Beowulf" has been strange, not only because it grapples with the strangeness around us, but also because the effect of originality is startling, making even the oldest books feel like brand new stories.” Strange: Out-of-the-ordinary, unusual, curious. "The strangeness around us," says Handler. There is a paradox here. What could be less strange than the wo... more »
The Only Time..."
"Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got." - Art Buchwald "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way." - Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities"
Watch Live: Donald Trump in Mobile, Alabama
due to start shortly. *Livestream is streaming right now. * *Washington Post - where are you?? * *There you are. Thanks... *
The Economy: “This Is A ‘Crash’"?
*“This Is A ‘Crash’"?* by Karl Denninger "There are plenty of people claiming that this week's action constitutes a market "crash." What? No, this is a modest and reasonably-contained decline. So far, anyway. That doesn't mean we can't get a crash, but -400 points on the DOW, from a 17,000 level, does not even constitute a 3% move. If you're crying over this then (1) you have no business being in the market since you're innumerate and (2) *you're in for a hell of a shock."* - http://market-ticker.org/ ◆ *"The Collapse Has Already Begun:* * 'Currencies Are Crashing Hard, Recessions A... more »
Planned Parenthood Two Minute Trailer: New video shows StemExpress CEO joking about shipping ‘intact’ aborted babies...
*are we going to be ready for the full length video?* I'm still trying to recover from the last one. From Life Site News: (JillStanek) - This afternoon *Los Angeles District Court Judge Joanne O’Donnell* lifted a temporary restraining order that had been placed against *The Center for Medical Progress* after fetal tissue procurement company *StemExpress* filed a lawsuit to try to block the release of any video involving its executives. That said, according to *ABC News*, “StemExpress was expected to seek a stay from an appeals court.” Within hours after the TRO was lifted, CMP p... more »
British Columbia and LNG`s Last Gas(P)....A Straight Goods Special
*Written by Grant G* A fool and their money soon part ways..... Seems to me that every time devastating news on the world LNG front rears its head out comes a British Columbia made LNG spin story, yesterday was no different, articles and newscasts came out blazing, ...The proponent,...Steelhead LNG Steelhead`s proposal, a floating LNG operation near Mill Bay on Vancouver Island and a $30 billion dollar LNG liquefaction plant in Port Alberni.. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/Floating+plant+proposed+Saanich+Inlet/11305428/story.html This proposal will never happen, neve... more »
Mistrial Declared in Trial of White Officer Accused of Shooting Unarmed Black Man
[image: Police shootings protests Charlotte - 400] After four days of deliberations, a mistrial was declared Friday when the jury was unable to resolve an 8-4 deadlock leaning for acquittal in the case of Randall "Wes" Kerrick, a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police officer accused of killing an unarmed man... more »
Editor's Note
For those who may not know .... I have been travelling for the past week and a half. I am doing a presentation tomorrow (nothing exciting .... just a presentation on my views of the world) and will be travelling back home this Sunday. Blogging will be light from now until Monday morning when I am back in the comfort of my home and in my man-cave/office. :)
*Memorial in Music: Songs of the Storm, Flood, & Recovery ~NOLA DEFENDER*
Jeremy Corbyn's Proposed Iraq War Apology
It is the moral thing to apologise for the calamity a previous Labour leader visited upon Iraq, but should Jeremy Corbyn win and formally make penance for this awful, unnecessary war; it's the politically sensible thing to do as well. Still, some party members might think this is water that flowed beneath the bridge long ago. It has been over *12 years* since Tony Blair made the ill-fated decision to invade Iraq. And as for the political salience of the matter, wasn't that settled in 2005 when Labour were returned with an outright majority? If that wasn't enough, one of Ed Miliband... more »
US Military in South Korea on ‘Enhanced Status’ Amid Pyongyang Threats
[image: Kim Jong Un - 400] U.S. military members stationed in South Korea are on a heightened state of alert known as "enhanced status" amid flaring tensions on the peninsula and threats of war from Pyongyang. Earlier Friday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared his... more »
DCCC Up To Their Old, Failed Tricks In IL-08
The other day, a Member of Congress asked me if there's ever been a good DCCC chairman. My memory doesn't stretch all the way back to 1868, although the first chairman, James Rood Doolittle (WI), was a Democrat and then a Republican and then a Democrat again. He was a fanatic opponent of the 15th Amendment, which granted citizenship-- and the right to vote-- to the freed slaves after the Civil War. He did such a terrible job as DCCC chair that they operated without one for the next decade. The congressman who turned the DCCC into an arm of Wall Street and Big Business was Tony Coe... more »
Crushed: Dow Enters Correction Territory After Biggest Selloff in Four Years
[image: Dow - 400] Wall Street plunged for a second-straight day, forcing all three major U.S. averages to give up their 2015 gains and causing the Dow to easily enter correction territory. The Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 530 points, or 3.11% to 16462.... more »
Tiny House Built Out of Mushrooms? There’s More To It Than You’d Expect
*Video - *Did you know that you can construct a tiny house using mushrooms? It is not really what you might initially envision. The post Tiny House Built Out of Mushrooms? There’s More To It Than You’d Expect appeared first on Waking Times.
#BringBackOurGirls, Feminist Solidarity & Intervention – Part Two
My first post on the Duck focused on the emergence of the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag and campaign, pointing also to the ease with which hashtags can get appropriated and campaigns derailed. Yesterday, #BringBackOurGirls Nigeria (@BBOG_Nigeria on twitter) started a one week campaign to mark 500 days since the abduction. Given the continuation of the campaign, in […]
Glacier Media, and more bad news for the future of newspapers
It’s a bad sign when even newspaper companies no longer like the business. Glacier Media’s latest quarterly report, released last week, suggested the corporation has pretty much given up on a long-term future for its 30 newspapers across B.C. Vancouver-based Glacier had been seen as a newspaper company (to the detriment of its share price). But it also has information services aimed at more specialized markets - real estate, agriculture, energy and mining, for example. And that, management says, is where the corporation’s future lies. Newspapers are in decline. The company’s plan is t... more »
Cartoon: ‘Civilian Purposes’
[image: Ramirez-Iran - 900]
The Daily "Near You?"
Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Nothing Permanent..."
"There is nothing permanent except change." - Heraclitus
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet- On Talking"
"You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts; And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime. And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered. For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly. There are those among you who seek the talkative through fear of being alone. The silence of aloneness reveals to their eyes their naked selves and they would escape. And there are those who talk, and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth wh... more »
"5 Tips For Handling Stress"
*"5 Tips For Handling Stress"* by AARP "Are you stressed? Who isn't? At one time or another, we're bound to feel stress from work, family, finances, social situations, or illness. It might be acute, short-term stress which comes from being stuck in a traffic jam or your boss confronting you at work. Or it could be chronic, long-term stress, the kind that comes from being in an unhappy marriage or taking care of a sick family member for a long time. At times, some stress is motivating, like when it helps you win a competition or meet a deadline. But we mostly think of stress as a ne... more »
"How It Really Is"
*LOL! But look on the bright side! For lawyers, business is very good...*
Off-Duty U.S. Marines Subdue Heavily Armed Gunman On Paris-Bound Train
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com *Daily Mail:* *Unarmed US Marines foil suspected terrorist attack onboard high-speed train between Amsterdam and Paris after they take down Kalashnikov-wielding Moroccan gunman known to intelligence services* * A suspected Moroccan terrorist opened fire with a Kalashnikov on board a high speed train in northern France * Eyewitnesses said two U.S. Marines on the train disarmed the 26-year-old gunman and pinned him to the ground * The man was armed with a Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle and was carrying at least 300 round of ammunition * Fren... more »
White House: Islamic State's Second-In-Command Killed In Iraq By US Airstrike
*CNN:* *U.S.: ISIS No.2 killed in U.S. drone strike in Iraq* (CNN)The No. 2 figure in ISIS, Haji Mutazz, was killed in an August 18 drone strike near Mosul, Iraq, a spokesman for the U.S. National Security Council announced Friday. Ned Price confirmed what several U.S. officials told CNN earlier, and added that Mutazz was traveling in a car with a Islamic State media operative named Abu Abdullah when the vehicle was hit. Price said in a written statement Mutazz was in charge of ISIS operations in Iraq and was a key military planner. The U.S. also believes Mutazz was prominently i... more »
What happened to our promise to not make future generations pay for the debt we created?
Chris finds out from his professor chum... SOURCE GUARDIAN: Soaring student rents push college accommodation to brink of crisis Between 2010 and 2013, rents rose 25%, according to the student housing charity Unipol. This compared with rises in the wider rental market over the same period of 13%, according to Homelet. The latest Unipol data, to be published in November, is expected to show
Judge Frees Center for Medical Progress to Release StemExpress Videos
[image: justice - 900] LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A Los Angeles judge has refused to block the release of an anti-abortion group’s secretly recorded videos of discussions with a company that provides fetal tissue for research. But how soon the videos might be released... more »
The Economy: "A Visit to the Most Expensive House in America"
*"A Visit to the Most Expensive House in America"** by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE, Maryland – "Today, a first-hand account of a visit to America’s most expensive private house… and what it tells us about our nation’s fictitious economy. But first, a headline from Bloomberg yesterday: "S&P 500 Erases Gain for Year as Global Growth Concerns Intensify." The Dow fell 358 points – a 2% drop. The Nikkei and the Shanghai Composite fell, too (and tumbled badly again this morning). Gold climbed to a six-and-a-half-week high. What puzzles us is not why stocks are going down but why anyone thought... more »
Our Evolution Depends the Decimation of Church and State
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - Evolution will happen, even though neither the church nor the state want change. The post Our Evolution Depends the Decimation of Church and State appeared first on Waking Times.
We must retake the language, narrative, and message of quality public education.
[image: 12c1d-405314_10150964217256875_1167865476_n]Corporate Education Reformers and their ilk have usurped the positive language of education. Positive public perception is key to successfully getting across our message. If we are against things people perceive of as positive then we lose. We must regain control of the narrative. We must take back the message. https://dcgmentor.wordpress.com/2015/08/21/we-must-take-back-the-narrative-language-of-education/
*Click on photo to enlarge* *I have always thought that Jimmy Carter is not only one of our greatest presidents but is also the perfect example of James Kavanaugh's quote and book ~ There are men too gentle to live among wolves. Carter is an extremely intelligent, gentle and deeply religious man who tried to do his best and live among the global elite and Wall Street wolves but they never trusted his sincerity and eventually brought him down and replaced him with a cartoon image of Republican leadership and deceit, Ronald Reagan who initiated our gradual decent to gl... more »
A Tangled Web
https://twitter.com/russellbarth That's what you get, Shakespeare wrote, when first you practice to deceive. One lie follows another. That's certainly what happened in the Prime Minister's Office. Michael Harris writes: It is becoming increasingly obvious that NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair had it right: the CPC code of conduct is not taken from the Bible or some list of sacrosanct conservative principles. It’s taken from the Criminal Code. Canada has returned to the Mulroney era, when everything was okay unless it was illegal — notwithst... more »
Nick Robinson v the cybernats (Part 54)
Today's big 'stooshie' on Twitter (regarding BBC bias) concerned the sudden flaring-up again of the deep, historic enmity between Nick Robinson and the cybernats. If you recall, Nick Robinson had asked Alex Salmond a question at a press conference during the referendum debate which didn't go down very well with either Mr Salmond or his supporters (to put it mildly). Some pro-independence supporters 'went their dinger' so much that they swarmed around the BBC's Glasgow HQ demanding Nick Robinson's 'heid' on a platter. Speaking at the Edinburgh International Book Festival this week,... more »
U.S. Marines ‘Take Down’ Gunman on Paris-Bound Train
[image: Paris Trains-400] A gunman has shot and wounded three people on a high-speed train travelling from Amsterdam to Paris before being overpowered by passengers and arrested by police. The shooting happened at around 6pm as the Thalys train was travelling near Arras... more »
‘Loose Tweets Destroy Fleets,’ Air Force Advisory Warns
[image: loose tweets - 400] A new twist on an old military slogan is offering up a serious message to armed service members in the information age, revealing heightened concern about targeting by social media-savvy groups like ISIS. "Loose tweets destroy fleets" is the phrase... more »
Pro-lifers Organize ‘National Day of Protest’ Countering Planned Parenthood’s ‘Day of Action’ All Across the Country
[image: Pro-lifers To Hold Protest v. Planned Parenthood's 'Day of Action' Across the Country] Fed up with the ghastly undercover videos being released by the Center for Medical Progress, revealing how Planned Parenthood sells fetal body parts, pro-lifers are planning a “National Day of Protest” at roughly 650 Planned Parenthoods around the country tomorrow, August 22. At the... more »
A Look At the Weapons That North Korea Will Use If War Breaks Out
(KCNA/Reuters) *Harry J. Kazianis, National Interest*: *Revealed: North Korea's 5 Most Lethal Weapons of War* Tensions are certainly rising in Asia--especially on the Korean peninsula--and the world is watching to see what could happen next. North Korea, for lack of a better term, is one hell of a hot mess. And its one that if South Korea and its ally the United States ever had to go to war with would create all sorts of problems. From a leader who has more in common with the fictional Dr. Evil than any other normal head of state to rants about going to war against the United S... more »
Global Oil Price Continues To Collapse (And Some Countries Are Getting Crushed By It)
*Nick Cunningham, Fiscal Times/OilPrice.com:* *5 Countries Getting Crushed by Low Oil Prices* Persistently low oil prices have already inflicted economic pain on oil-producing countries. But with crude sticking near six-year lows, the risk of political turmoil is starting to rise. There are several countries in which the risks are the greatest – Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, and Venezuela – and RBC Capital Markets has labeled them the “Fragile Five.” Iraq, facing instability from the ongoing fight with ISIS, has seen its problems compounded by the fall in oil prices, causing its... more »
The jokes on them. Or us.
Last night's *Newsnight *began with the Labour leadership contest. *Newsnight *viewers have been treated to many such features in recent weeks. Out of the last seven editions of Newsnight *six* of them (yes, 6/7) have focused on the subject of Labour leadership contest (this Wednesday's edition was the exception to the rule). Last night's programme focused on the issue of entryism (again). It included a report from new *Newsnight *reporter James Clayton (featuring anti-Corbyn Labour MP Neil Coyle), and then a double- interview with non-Corbyn-supporting Labour MP Ben Bradshaw and... more »
Satire: "Voters Who Favor Border Wall Cannot Identify Border on Map"
*"Voters Who Favor Border Wall Cannot Identify Border on Map"* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Amid the growing debate over building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, a new poll shows that voters who strongly favor building such a wall cannot successfully identify the border on a map. Additionally, the more enthusiastic voters are about building a wall, the less likely they are to know where the border is actually situated, the poll finds. Voters who could not correctly identify the U.S.-Mexico border provided no fewer than fifteen alternative locations for it. N... more »
Snow Crash Snowcraft defeated rules governing worlds of simple sustainable neighbourhoods
Addison Elsa Westinghouse Tesla opened the door but not for anyone no more screens using knats employed than during the hole use of nets during the tse tse war In her house she had everything stuff that money do not buy Titanium allies for widow shades freindly halos of ceramic balls capable of entertianing a 50 cal for three minutes Anyone attacking Addison pad would face a very lethal field of fire full of feints distractions and for the dumbest attackers of all red herrings armed with 50 cal Bigger threats were a real drain on the system but sometimes everyo... more »
Fascists Forward March (Greece Leads Way Followed by NC and Red States Governments) There Are No Coincidences
If you're very well read at all, you saw this coming decades ago when the right wing of the Republican Party made decisions to put all its efforts into winning local political offices, including school board and part-time state legislator jobs. The efforts have picked up considerably. Children are often the chief victims of these policies. In Kansas, a mass teacher exodus has left more than
August 21: the news that isn't in the Irving press.
The account below, from aljazeera, is the first news story I have seen that makes Black discontent in the U.S. fully understandable. Racism, despite superficial changes, is as powerful in the U.S. as it always has been - and it has been a very powerful force since the earliest days of settlement. Even in Canada it is far more common than we like to think it is. Canada has its own and largely untold story of savage racism and slavery toward Blacks and native peoples. And the racism in Canada still exists - though Canadians have always preferred to ignore it. I learned a great deal ... more »
Little Sisters Get Temporary Relief While High Court Mulls Case
[image: Little Sisters of the Poor - 400] The Little Sisters of the Poor have received temporary protection from the federal contraception mandate until the Supreme Court decides whether or not it will hear their case. On Aug. 21, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the...more »
Fed model: low yields justify higher P/E
Without any rational reasons, the markets have been conquered by a wave of hysteria. I guess that about 50% of the assets of the TRF readers as a group are held in the form of stocks (that's the percentage for Americans above $1 million) so as a community, we feel it. What will the stocks do in the near term, medium term, and long term? Should the central banks' policies be adjusted in some minor or radical way to create a better economic system in the U.S., in European countries, or in the world? The recent days of insanely huge drops of the stock market have been blamed on the *u... more »
The Democratic Party Sets Its Debate Schedule
*by Gaius Publius* This may be old news (as in, not yesterday) but I've seen almost no mention of it, so I wanted to help publicize one craggy corner of the jockeying within the party for the right to name its nominee. Remember, the voters don't have the largest say in who will be any party's nominee. The party does. This electoral season, the Democratic party, nominally led by DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has decided to hold six presidential debates during the primary season. Here's the list of dates according to CNN, which will host the first debate (my occasional emphas... more »
Friday Post - Cast your ballot but hang on to your wallet
Thought about doing a small straw vote on the candidates here but it's become a real circus. Here was some possibilities: However after further review as they say in football we find that there's far more than the 17 plus on the republican side or 5 democrats running as attested to by a Guardian article (sheesh you have to go overseas to find out what's going on over here). Interesting to note that according to a Guardian article there are 585 registered candidates for U.S. president in 2016, including Sydneys Voluptuous Buttocks (independent), President Emperor Caesar (Democ... more »
Growing Tensions On the Colombia - Venezuela Border
*Bloomberg*: *Venezuela Calls for Colombia Border Crackdown After Attack* President Nicolas Maduro said he would work with Colombia’s government to normalize conditions at their shared border after Venezuelan soldiers were injured by alleged Colombian smugglers yesterday. “We’re victims and we need to take extraordinary measures to fight these circumstances,” Maduro said, blaming the porous border for an increase in drug and gasoline smuggling and an “exodus” of migrants from Colombia he said are fleeing poverty in the neighboring country. Maduro ordered the closure of Venezuela’s... more »
Pakistan Launches Ground Offensive Against Militants
*Reuters*: *Ground battles flare as Pakistan pushes new offensive against militants* Pakistani troops pushed deeper into militant-held areas in the North Waziristan region on Friday, launching a ground offensive against the Pakistani Taliban and other Islamist fighters in their last strongholds near the Afghan border. Since May, the military has stepped up operations in the deeply forested ravines of the Shawal valley, which straddles the regions of North and South Waziristan along the frontier with Afghanistan, and is dotted with militant bases. Pakistani troops began pushing de... more »
U.S. Denies Reports That Military Aid Is About To Be Suspended For Pakistan
Image Credit: Flickr/ U.S. Department of State *VOA*: *US: No Decision on Blocking Military Aid to Pakistan* ISLAMABAD — The Obama administration says it has not yet made a decision to block the next military aid disbursement to Pakistan, amid media reports the payment is being withheld due to lack of progress in fighting the Haqqani network. “No decision has been made regarding certification requirements,” according to Pentagon spokesman Major Roger Cabiness. Pakistani media had reported Thursday that the administration had decided not to certify to Congress that the Pakistani mi... more »
Pakistan Now Openly Showing Their 'Support' For the Afghan Taliban
Man believed to be Akhtar Mansoor is seen in undated photo. CBS *Reuters*: *Afghanistan seethes at Taliban meetings it says held in Pakistan* Aug 21 The new leader of the Taliban has met influential clerics seeking to heal a rift after the death of founder Mullah Omar, in the latest gathering to anger the Afghan government, which accuses Pakistan of allowing militants to meet on its territory. Several key Taliban commanders pledged allegiance to Mullah Akhtar Mansour after his swift appointment to lead the armed Islamist movement in July, but other senior figures, including Omar's... more »
Supplemental: Rachel and Chris edit Candidate Bush!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2015The statements we liberals can’t hear:* Your Daily Howler just keeps banging out those results! Last night, the PBS NewsHour skipped the pork chops and served a bit of chopped beef. We refer to its middling discussion of “birthright citizenship,” termination of which is one part of Candidate Trump’s immigration plan. In our view, the discussion wasn’t entirely great. We were somewhat puzzled by this Q-and-A: IFILL (8/20/15): *Professor Sherry, is this a uniquely American idea, that if you’re born here, you’re a citizen here?* SHERRY: *It’s almost uniquely... more »
harper's Grim Legacy
I don't want to be premature of course. Vote splitting. Election fraud. Attack ads. They all might still do their part and allow harper to push another "victory" out of his anus. But, what with the recession, the complete failure of his insane "energy super-power" delusion, and his personal unpopularity combined with the steady drip-drip-drip of the Duffy scandal, it seems that the odds are in favour of harper's defeat. In light of this, it's time to reflect upon his legacy. What did he teach us about ourselves? Not much that is good I'm afraid. We have a rotten political culture... more »
Initial Tests: ISIS Used Mustard Gas in Iraq Attack
[image: A militant.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Preliminary tests show traces of the chemical agent sulfur mustard on mortars that Islamic State militants used to attack Kurdish forces in Iraq, a senior U.S. military officer said Friday. U.S. Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, chief of... more »
Democratic Blues: President Obama Has Hurt His Party
[image: Obama Waves-400] As historians begin to assess Barack Obama's record as president, there's at least one legacy he'll leave that will indeed be historic--but not in the way he would have hoped. Even as Democrats look favorably ahead to the presidential landscape... more »
‘Slime of the Devil’ Spiders Blanket Argentina Towns
[image: spiders] Floods in Argentina have brought an unusual phenomenon to rural areas as blankets of spiders have wrapped themselves around the landscape in sprawling, dense webs. Although they might look like floating clouds or wisps of smoke from afar, the nets...more »
Former Wake Forest grad student fudged data for drug study
A former graduate student at Wake Forest School of Medicine “presented falsified and/or fabricated data” in a government-funded drug study, according to findings released by the U.S. Office of Research Integrity earlier today. The report was released in the wake of an investigation conducted by the university and the ORI. Investigators found that although Brandi Blaylock […] The post Former Wake Forest grad student fudged data for drug study appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Snow Crash Snowcraft defeated rules governing worlds of simple sustainable neighbourhoods
Addison Elsa Westinghouse Tesla opened the door but not for anyone no more screens using knats employed than during the hole use of nets during the tse tse war In her house she had everything stuff that money do not buy Titanium ceramic widow shades with a halo of ceramic balls that can resist a 50 cal for three minutes Anyone attacking Addison pad would face a very lethal field of fire full of feints distractions and for the dumbest attackers of all red herrings armed with 50 cal Addison like everyone lived off the grid with a Tesla battery and a Steve J... more »
Everyone Is Rushing To Do Business With Iran
*Washington Post:* *These European leaders and businesses are rushing to do deals with Iran* BRUSSELS – Congress is still deciding whether to approve the landmark nuclear deal with Iran, but European political and business leaders aren't waiting for the outcome. Germany got in on the action first, with a government jet touching down at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Airport just five days after the deal was signed. Since then, a representative from every major European power has visited or announced plans to do so, and smaller countries like Poland are scrambling to get a cut. It’s a mea... more »
"Canaries continue to drop like flies." - Mark St. Cyr
Spector - All The Sad Young Men
https://youtu.be/KQlMvtMI-II Someone's got a Joy Division CD!
Kissinger: ‘Breaking Russia Has Become an Objective’ for U.S.
[image: Henry Kissinger-400] Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has hit out at American and European Ukraine policy, saying it ignores Russia's relationship with its neighbor, and has called for cooperation between the White House and the Kremlin on the issue. "Breaking... more »
Here’s Why Many Reporters Won’t Cover Planned Parenthood Videos
[image: PP Awards - 400] Earlier this week, a seventh video detailing Planned Parenthood's gruesome organ-trafficking operation was released. In it, a former procurement technician who worked with the organization described how Planned Parenthood harvested a brain from a baby boy whose heart was still... more »
How Friendship Fights Depression
[image: Facebook depression - iStock_000025515624_medium] There's an idea out there that you can "catch" depression, that it's contagious. (One self-help book unequivocally declares in its title that Depression Is Contagious.) Some research supports this idea--one study found that depressive symptoms tended to appear in clusters... more »
BWorld 16, Growth, capitalism and inequality
* This is my article yesterday in BusinessWorld Weekender. --------- *Growth, capitalism and inequality* *“Improving the position of the poorest by giving them what we took from the wealthy, would temporarily quicken the closing-up of the ranks, it would, before long, slow down the movement of the whole and in the long-run hold back those in the rear. All obstacles to the rise of some are, in the long run, obstacles to the rise of all… To prevent progress at the top would soon prevent it all the way down.”* *-- Friedrich Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (1960), Chap. 3, “The Commo... more »
Israel Launches More Air-strikes Against Targets In Syria
*New York Times*:* Israel Launches 2nd Round of Airstrikes in Syria* RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Israeli military launched a second round of airstrikes in Syria on Friday morning, killing all of the passengers traveling in a vehicle and intensifying the most serious conflict in the area in months. The Israeli military said it was pursuing militants who had fired at Israeli-controlled areas on Thursday, saying in a statement that the air force had “targeted part of the terror cell responsible for the rocket fire at northern Israel on Thursday” but providing no further information. S... more »
Islamic State Continue To Destroy Christian Sites In Syria
*Wall Street Journal:* *Islamic State Destroys Assyrian Christian Monastery in Syria* Latest casualty in militant group’s campaign against idolatry BEIRUT—Islamic State destroyed an ancient Assyrian Christian monastery in the strategic Syrian town of Qaryatain, an Assyrian news agency and a monitoring group said Friday, the latest in a string of attacks on individuals and historic sites the militant group considers offensive to Islam. Islamic State’s media office distributed photos depicting the bulldozing of the site on social media platforms. The razing of the monastery closel... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter: Turkey Is Not Doing Enough To Fight The Islamic State
(Photo: Glenn Fawcett/Office of the Secretary of Defense) *Voice of America*:* Pentagon Chief: Turkey Must Do More to Fight IS* Turkey, which has agreed to join the U.S.-led airstrikes against the Islamic State group, needs to do more to fight the militants and control its own borders, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Thursday. Islamic State fighters and equipment have been able to cross into Iraq and Syria from Turkey. "We need them also as a neighbor to this conflict zone, as a longtime NATO ally and a responsible member of the anti-ISIL coalition to control ... the long b... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter: Pentagon To Investigate Ashley Madison Profiles Tied To Military Email Accounts
*CNN:* *Ash Carter: Military 'looking into' members' Ashley Madison use* Washington (CNN)Defense Secretary Ash Carter says the military is "looking into" service members' use of the website Ashley Madison after more than 15,000 government-connected email accounts were included in the personal details published by hackers. "Of course it's an issue because conduct is very important," Carter said at a Thursday afternoon news conference. "We expect good conduct on the part of our people," he said, adding that "the services are looking into it and as well they should be -- absolutely."... more »
Black Magic Rules the World – Not Politicians, Bankers or the Military
*Makia Freeman* - Who, and what really controls this planet? The post Black Magic Rules the World – Not Politicians, Bankers or the Military appeared first on Waking Times.
This is What Bad Parenting Looks Like
[image: Parenting-400] Several times in the past week a friend has shared this video on Facebook. The video plays three different scenarios involving teenage and pre-teen girls who were lured into meeting, in person and alone, a stranger they first encountered online.... more »
Progressive Groups Ask Obama to End Bush-Era Religious Protection
[image: Obama2 - 400] 130 civil rights and religious organizations, unions, and other progressive groups sent a letter to President Obama urging that he direct the Justice Department to reverse a Bush-era legal opinion about the scope of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The... more »
American Boxer meets Putin, requests Russian Passport
US boxer Roy Jones Jr. asks for Russian passport over cup of tea with Putin in Crimea US Boxer Roy Jones Jr and Vladimir Putin Folks, this is what I've said in earlier posts...One of the biggest concerns the criminal oligarchy that took over the US in a bloody (over 3,000 innocents killed) coup on 9/11 has... is the *flow of Americans to Russia. * Americans, particularly young males...are moving there (Russia and Ukraine) to work, live and fight for Novovossia. How do I know this? From snatches that I read in the M$M. The M$M doesn't dare report on this *directly* but when you rea... more »
The Economy: "The Impossible Co-Bubbles: Stocks and Bonds"
*"The Impossible Co-Bubbles: Stocks and Bonds"* by Jeff Nielson "In the past readers have been alerted to numerous impossible trends in our markets and economies, all manufactured by the Western banking crime syndicate. Here are just a few of those highlights (low-lights?) *a)* It is impossible for Western bond prices to be at all-time highs. Western nations have never been less-solvent (i.e. obviously bankrupt). The less-solvent the debtor, the higher the rate of interest the debtor is (supposed to be) forced to pay, and bond prices and interest rates are precisely inverse to ea... more »
The Euthanasia Debate: Peter Singer vs. Archbishop Fisher
[image: Sydney-town-hall - 400] Marketed simply as "The Euthanasia Debate: Singer vs. Fisher" the event at the Sydney Town Hall last week was described by one journalist as an event where: "arguments flew in both directions but rarely met". It was a respectful exchange... more »
FDA to Hold Public Meeting on Antibiotic Overuse in Farm Animals
[image: FDA - 400] For decades, livestock farmers inadvertently encouraged the development of drug-resistant bacteria by providing a continuous stream of medically unnecessary antibiotics to their cows, pigs, and chickens -- primarily to end up with bigger animals -- while the Food and Drug... more »
Ted Cruz’s Plan to Win the Anti-Establishment Vote
[image: Ted Cruz-400] Cruz, who pulled in more money than any GOP candidate except for Jeb Bush so far, has spent the summer building out his staff and endorsement lists across the country, particularly in the South. He just spent seven days touring... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter: Pentagon Looking For A U.S. Mainland Site To Send Gitmo Detainees
*USA Today*: *Defense secretary: We're looking at U.S. sites for Gitmo detainees* WASHINGTON — Pentagon teams are examining sites in the United States to move terror detainees currently held at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Thursday. The first two sites are the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and the naval brig at Charleston, S.C., Carter said. "That does not mean those sites will be chosen," Carter said. The teams will look elsewhere for potential sites in the United States, Carter said, but he did not identify them. There ... more »
U.S. Troops Are Being Mobilized In South Korea
*WNU Editor*: The Telegraph is carrying the story that U.S. forces have been put on "full alert" in South Korea .... *US troops mobilise in South Korea as Kim Jong-un declares 'quasi-state of war': live *(The Telegraph). What is worrisome is that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has given a 5 p.m. Saturday deadline for the broadcasts to stop, and if not he has promised military action .... *Tensions rising as Kim sets a deadline *(Korea JoongAng Daily). I have yet to read any reports of new U.S. deployments (specifically aircraft) to the region, or a heightened level of preparednes... more »
Heinz Ain’t Tomato-y Enough to be Ketchup in Israel
[image: CHICAGO, IL - MARCH 25: In this photo illustration, Heinz Tomato Ketchup is shown on March 25, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. Kraft Foods Group Inc. said it will merge with H.J. Heinz Co. to form the third largest food and beverage company in North America with revenue of about $28 billion. (Photo Illustration by Scott Olson/Getty Images)] Israel's Health Ministry recently ruled that the Heinz brand product does not contain enough "tomato solids" to be labeled as ketchup in Israeli stores. It will now be relegated to the title "tomato seasoning," Ynet reported. The ruling was the... more »
Want to Learn How to Evangelize? Look to the Moonies
[image: Preacher] That street preacher may not convert you -- but your best friend will. Perhaps contrary to popular opinion, people rarely actually convert based on rhetoric or arguments. Social science hints that social networks, more than persuasive pastors or even good... more »
Amazing WWII Photographs You’ve Never Seen Before
*Photo*: Through his eyes: Brigadier General Charles D Palmer (right) receives the Legion of Merit from Lieutenant General Alexander M Patch. The below pictures were taken by Palmer during his time in Europe during WWII *Daily Mail:* *Lifeless bodies, bombed out cities and weary men: The horrors of World War II revealed in never-before-seen pictures of the Western Front taken by four-star general* A four-star general's personal photos of the battlefields of France and Germany from World War II are being published for the first time, shedding new light on the bloodshed and violence... more »
This Is The Place Where Chinese Leaders Go To Plot Strategy On How To Dominate The World
Chinese President Xi Jinping, front center, and other Chinese leaders attend the opening meeting on Thursday of the third session of the National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. PHOTO: XINHUA *Brendon Hong, Daily Beast*: *The Secretive Beach Retreat Where China Leaders Plot World Domination* Welcome to the beach resort where the Chinese Communist Party’s major players convene each year to set the country’s geopolitical and domestic agendas. HONG KONG — Have you ever wondered how China’s stone-faced, dead-eyed leaders set their policies? How much debat... more »
PRETENDERS: No journalism need apply!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2015Part 5—Today on Morning Joe:* Regarding the press corps’ many pretenders, let’s give credit where due. At this point, on Morning Joe, they don’t even *bother* pretending! This morning, the embarrassing program’s first ten minutes provided a case in point. Perhaps for strategic reasons, the videotape the program has posted starts in midstream, in mid-sentence. Mika is discussing an “it” for which no antecedent exists. Still and all, you can get a sense of the oddness from the first chunk of the truncated tape. As usual, Mika has (1) made up her mind and (2... more »
American Churches and the Iran Nuclear Deal
[image: Catholic Churches - 400] Most church groups and prominent religious voices speaking to the Iran nuclear deal are supportive. Most notable among them is the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops. In April, Bishop Oscar Cantu of Las Cruces, who leads the U.S. Catholic bishops’... more »
Kim Jong Un to North Korean Troops: ‘Prepare for Battle’
[image: NKOREA-SKOREA-MILITARY-ANNIVERSARY] PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Friday declared his frontline troops in a “quasi-state of war” and ordered them to prepare for battle a day after the most serious confrontation between the rivals in... more »
Tinder Mercenaries
[image: Tinder-400] Not too long ago, a college professor told me that the dating app Tinder was popular on his Christian campus. Students used it to set up casual sex dates. Not just a few students, he said; most of them. He... more »
Poll: Most Republicans Think ‘The Donald’ will be GOP Nominee
[image: Donald Trump - 400] Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has captured the public's attention for better or worse, and his bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, once seen as a pipe dream, is now a topic of serious discussion. So for the near... more »
We’re All Sadists Now
[image: Marquis de Sade-400] An article on campus sexual mores by Rod Dreher this week drove me to reflect on who is the most influential thinker of our present age. Thirty years ago as an undergraduate in England, I would have argued that it... more »
Overcoming ‘Anti-Foreign Bias’ in Trade, Immigration
[image: Immigration-400] Many conservatives exhibit a peculiar tendency to be pro-liberty when it comes to business, trade, and wages, but protectionist when it comes to the economic effects of immigration. It's an odd disconnect, and yet, as we've begun to see with figures... more »
North Korea Puts Army on 'Quasi State of War
This sounds very scary because if there is a war between North and South Korea it will spread if countries like U.S. and Russia get involved.
Animal Rights Activist Beaten with Duck in Spain
[image: Duck-400] An animal rights activist was beaten with a duck by a Spanish woman defending one of the country’s most bizarre and controversial festival traditions. The man was whacked with the bird while he filmed the annual “duck chase” in the... more »
Acupuncture Very Effective at Treating Hypertension & Blood Pressure
*April McCarthy* - This alternative treatment is highly effective at controlling high blood pressure. The post Acupuncture Very Effective at Treating Hypertension & Blood Pressure appeared first on Waking Times.
Passenger Tasered after Carry-On Dispute
[image: commercial plane__1436617495_70.119.142.63] A passenger on a budget airline was tasered and removed from the flight Thursday after he became abusive following a dispute about his luggage, police said. Witnesses aboard the easyJet flight said the man got into an argument with airline... more »
The Train: When is Art Worth Dying for?
[image: The Train - 400] The Train was re-released earlier this year in a new DVD edition from Kino Lorber; it is also available via Amazon Instant and other services. Recent news that two men in Poland claimed to have found a legendary Nazi cargo train... The post *The Train*: When is Art Worth Dying for? appeared first on The Stream.
Is Eritrea the North Korea of Africa?
[image: Eritrea-400] Is Eritrea guilty of crimes against humanity? The question evidently matters to the UN Human Rights Council, which last month extended for another year the mandate of its Commission of Inquiry (COI) on human rights in the Horn of Africa... The post Is Eritrea the North Korea of Africa? appeared first on The Stream.
Jeremy Hardy is left wing!
The BBC admit here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34014449 that Jeremy Hardy is left wing. 'A left-wing comedian has said he was told by the Labour party that he could not vote in its leadership election. Jeremy Hardy said he paid £3 to become a Labour member in order to become eligible to vote, but that he has supported other parties in the past.' Will they admit the same is true of Mark Steel? And which comedians they use on panel are also left wing, and which are right wing?
Shot to smithereens
Further to a couple of earlier posts.... David Keighley at *The Conservative Woman *has rightly described Rona Fairhead's complacent *Independent *piece as a "protectionist pro-BBC polemic" which essentially proclaims "that the Corporation is damned near perfect": The core message is that the splendiferous, fabulous, marvellous BBC knows what the public wants and is delivering it in spades. Auntie might be a tad bureaucratic and may need a slightly different form of governance, but hey!....anyone who does not believe it is the pinnacle of national achievement is deluded, unpatrio... more »
ANALYSIS: The Latest Climate Kerfuffle
[image: global warming - 400] Are political considerations superseding scientific ones at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration? When confronted with an obviously broken weather station that was reading way too hot, they replaced the faulty sensor -- but refused to adjust the bad readings... The post ANALYSIS: The Latest Climate Kerfuffle appeared first on The Stream .
Rearguard election
Harper wanted a long campaign to spend his warchest. Great. All other things being equal, that would have helped him in his offensive attack-attack-attack approach to elections. Now, barely a few weeks in, events at the Duffy trial have turned that strategy on its head. It's a defensive action they are fighting now. The opposition parties scarcely matter because Duffy has nothing to do with them.
Jimmy Carter Tells World His Cancer Has Spread To His Brain- NBC
Former President Jimmy Carter is one of the great men and courageous man. Best wishes for him and his family.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Still Tolerates Ugly Homophobia Inside Her "Big Tent"... Blue Dog Dan Lipinski
It isn't just Republicans who embrace anti-gay fanaticism-- Lipinski and Wasserman Schultz In theory a "big tent" political party is just fine-- and the Democratic big tent is way better than the ever-shrinking ideological GOP pup tent. But you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. I'm sure if some vile DINO started espousing enslaving blacks or putting Jews in concentration camps, even Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz would want to kick them out of the big tent. But what about horrible Blue Dog Dan Lipinski, a creepy-crawly pseudo-Democrat from the southwest Chicago Bu... more »
Dozens of Clinton Emails Were Classified from the Start, U.S. Rules Suggest
[image: CHICAGO, IL - MAY 20: Democratic presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets with parents and child care workers at the Center for New Horizons on May 20, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. Clinton arrived in Chicago after campaigning Monday and Tuesday in Iowa. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)] For months, the U.S. State Department has stood behind its former boss Hillary Clinton as she has repeatedly said she did not send or receive classified information on her unsecured, private email account, a practice the government forbids. While the... more »
China and Greece Concerns Combine to Roil Global Markets
[image: global market stock market__1440162168_70.119.142.63] LONDON (AP) -- Stock markets around the world suffered further big declines Friday amid concerns over the Chinese economy and renewed uncertainty over Greece following the decision by Alexis Tsipras to resign as prime minister. Investors have been gripped by... The post China and Greece Concerns Combine to Roil Global Markets appeared first on The Stream.
John Piper: Join a Protest Against Planned Parenthood on August 22
[image: full_planned-parenthood-invitation-explanation-indignation__1440163123_70.119.142.63] I am writing with an urgent invitation, a personal explanation, and renewed indignation. First, the invitation. I invite you to join us this Saturday morning, August 22, at one of the three hundred protest gatherings at Planned Parenthood sites across... The post John Piper: Join a Protest Against Planned Parenthood on August 22 appeared first on The Stream.
S&P Launches Catholic Values Index
[image: Markets Open After A Day Of Major Gains] The S&P Dow Jones Indices has launched a Catholic Values Index that excludes certain types of companies whose work is not aligned with the Responsible Investment Guidelines of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Organizations in the abortion, contraception, or military production... The post S&P Launches Catholic Values Index appeared first on The Stream.
Investigation digs up data falsification in two papers on roundworm stress
An investigation at the University of Florida has led to the retraction of a pair of papers on the stress responses of Caenorhabditis elegans in Molecular and Cellular Biology. One paper has been retracted, and one “partially” retracted, as the main conclusion was “not compromised.” According to the retraction notes, the investigation found the data were “falsified” by […] The post Investigation digs up data falsification in two papers on roundworm stress appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Israel Launches 2nd Round of Attacks on Syria While Blaming Iran
Israel. Israel. Israel. Anything to cause mayhem and death. All the while pushing your own agenda. Israel was spinning " blame Iran" for the rockets their Islamic buddies surely fired into occupied Syria, while striking nothing. *From the NYT's: * *Israel blamed Iran for the rocket fire on Thursday, and it sought to use the exchange, the most serious in the area in months, as further evidence that the United States Congress should reject the nuclear deal reached last month between world powers and Iran.* Cause Israel never wants peace. Peace does not serve Israeli interests. Afte... more »
Stonewalled: Feds Hide Fiscal Details about Vast Operation to Resettle Illegal Alien Minors
[image: illegal immigration sign__1440158324_70.119.142.63] Illegal aliens who show up at the border have been resettled all across United States of America instead of being detained and deported, as Donald Trump recently called for in his new immigration plan. According to data from the Justice... The post Stonewalled: Feds Hide Fiscal Details about Vast Operation to Resettle Illegal Alien Minors appeared first on The Stream.
The Debate over Birthright Citizenship, Explained in 90 Seconds
[image: immigration birthright citizenship__1440156885_70.119.142.63] Over the last week, a new debate has been brewing over birthright citizenship, an issue that has been discussed by the 2016 Republican presidential field and elevated during the dispute over illegal immigration. Birthright citizenship is the legal right for... The post The Debate over Birthright Citizenship, Explained in 90 Seconds appeared first on The Stream.
SERVERGATE: Hillary Clinton’s Ever Changing Story
[image: SERVERGATE: Hillary's Everchanging Story] It seems every day there is a new development in the burgeoning scandal that is Servergate, so here’s what’s happened since our original piece. The number of classified emails discovered that Hillary Clinton wrote using her personal email account has grown to 60,... The post SERVERGATE: Hillary Clinton’s Ever Changing Story appeared first on The Stream.
Judge Says Hillary Clinton’s Private Emails Violated Policy
[image: 150820_hillary_clinton_court_ap_1160_1160x629__1440157548_70.119.142.63] A federal judge has added fresh fuel to the incendiary controversy over Hillary Clinton's email, asserting during a hearing Thursday that she violated government policy by storing official messages on a private server when she worked as secretary of state.... The post Judge Says Hillary Clinton’s Private Emails Violated Policy appeared first on The Stream.
He Walks By Arguing Couple And Sees the Fear in Her Eyes. That’s When He Offers to Buy Bus Tickets
[image: Malyk__1440160061_70.119.142.63] Seventeen-year-old Malyk Bonnet says he doesn't think of himself as a hero. But the woman who owes her life to his courage and good judgment would probably disagree. As CBC News reports, Bonnet was on his way home from work... The post He Walks By Arguing Couple And Sees the Fear in Her Eyes. That’s When He Offers to Buy Bus Tickets appeared first on The Stream.
Harper's PMO Lawyer Spills The Beans At Duffy Trial - Harper Ignored Legal Advice And Named Senators Who Did Not Qualify - The Stinky Senate Scandal Started At That Moment
*"Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s closest aides developed a secret plan in February 2013 to protect Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and other Conservative senators from questions about their eligibility to represent specific provinces in the upper chamber, according to documents tabled in Duffy’s criminal trial Thursday.* *Harper, however, worried that delving into Senate residency rules would open a can of worms, and insisted that owning property in a province was a sufficient qualification for senators to hold their seats.* *"Had I known we were going down this road, I would have shu... more »
Navajos in Sanders victims of uranium spill, new testing shows
Navajos relocated from Black Mesa to clear the way for Peabody's coal mining are now among the victims of the Church Rock uranium spill which flowed down the Puerco SANDERS RESIDENTS DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR URANIUM CONTAMINATION IN LOCAL WATER SOURCES By Tonya Baloo Censored News SANDERS, Ariz. -- Following a systematic sampling of over 114 well sites in Nahata Dziil Chapter and
On Abortion and Sex selection
*River valley in eastern Taiwan.* Was trolling Google scholar and this caught my eye: from this 2008 paper on using abortion as a sex selection device after the laws were relaxed in 1985-6 period: Using an individual level dataset constructed from birth and death registries for all individuals born in Taiwan during 1982-89, *we find that the legalization of abortion significantly increased the fraction of males born.* The effect comes entirely from third and higher-parity births and children born to mothers over the age of 28. For those groups, abortion increased the fraction of m... more »
Words of Gratitude from Pam Bickell
*Source:Notes Along The Path Blog*
ANALYSIS: Prospect Of Real Immigration Debate Infuriates NYT Editorial Board
[image: Donald Trump__1440156370_70.119.142.63] The New York Times editorial board slammed Donald Trump for challenging the Washington consensus on immigration Thursday, clearly fuming at the thought of a debate they believe is settled. "It has long been a hard job to keep the highly combustible... The post ANALYSIS: Prospect Of Real Immigration Debate Infuriates *NYT* Editorial Board appeared first on The Stream.
Carter to Get Radiation, New Immune Therapy for Skin Cancer
[image: Jimmy carter__1440155263_70.119.142.63] It was found in his liver and then in his brain, but very well may have started in his skin. Former President Jimmy Carter revealed Thursday that he has melanoma, a serious form of cancer. Carter, who will turn 91... The post Carter to Get Radiation, New Immune Therapy for Skin Cancer appeared first on The Stream.
Greek Prime Minister Out, Paving Way for Snap Election
[image: prime minister] Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras resigned on Thursday, hoping to strengthen his hold on power in snap elections after seven months in office in which he fought Greece’s creditors for a better bailout deal but had to cave in. Tsipras submitted... The post Greek Prime Minister Out, Paving Way for Snap Election appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Why Bernie Sanders is Wrong About Everything
[image: Bernie Sanders - 400] Senator Bernie Sanders recently published an op-ed in the Huffington Post where he makes numerous claims about the economy. In typical leftist political theater, his narratives are either grossly misrepresented or outright lies, nor does he include a single citation for... The post ANALYSIS: Why Bernie Sanders is Wrong About Everything appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: How Do You Solve a Problem like Bruce Jenner?
[image: Jenner2-998x625] An aging man makes a last grab at the brass ring of glamour once earned, now dissipated. Razzle-dazzle aside, it is a melancholy spectacle. Caitlyn Jenner himself is more an object of compassion than of interest. What is interesting, and... The post ANALYSIS: How Do You Solve a Problem like Bruce Jenner? appeared first on The Stream.
An Unlikely Sentence
"Blanchard, Mankiw, and Romer are all in the Wu-Tang Clan." From Dietz Vollrath, an economics professor at the University of Houston, in his Hip-Hop History of Macro.
*The Flood Files: The Arkansas Army National Guard And The 'Shoot To Kill' Order ~WWNO*
State Dept. Declined to Investigate Hack Exposing Clinton Emails in 2013
[image: 1060x600-0367c38343923e791e9b9f3b780ef79a__1440153603_70.119.142.63] State Department officials did nothing to protect Hillary Clinton’s emails after a high-profile breach that exposed her personal email address in 2013. A Romanian hacker named Marcel Lazar Lehel hacked into an account belonging to Sidney Blumenthal, an informal Clinton... The post State Dept. Declined to Investigate Hack Exposing Clinton Emails in 2013 appeared first on The Stream.
Boy Hit by Football Pass: ‘When You Get Back to Iowa, I’ll be Ready for You, Rubio’
[image: Rubio failed pass - 400] Oh snap. GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio is being tossed a new challenge -- not by Donald Trump, Scott Walker, or Jeb Bush -- but by 4-year old Brody Dill, the "Iowa kid" who he accidentally beaned in the head with a... The post Boy Hit by Football Pass: ‘When You Get Back to Iowa, I’ll be Ready for You, Rubio’ appeared first on The Stream.
Baltimore Cop Who Shot Suspect in Groin Charged with Attempted Murder
[image: baltimore] The bail is set for a 14-year-veteran of the Baltimore City Police Department charged with first- and second-degree attempted murder after he shot a burglary suspect in the groin at close range. WJZ Investigator Mike Hellgren reports that bail is... The post Baltimore Cop Who Shot Suspect in Groin Charged with Attempted Murder appeared first on The Stream.
Army Kicking Out Decorated Green Beret Who Stood Up for Afghan Rape Victim
[image: Sergeant Matland - 400] The U.S. Army is kicking out a decorated Green Beret after an 11-year Special Forces career, after he got in trouble for shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy and beating up his mother when she reported... The post Army Kicking Out Decorated Green Beret Who Stood Up for Afghan Rape Victim appeared first on The Stream.
Economic News , Data & Views ( August 21 , 2015 ) Greece Updates ( Tsipras Resignation Sets Stage For Snap Elections - Domestic politics in focus , Market reactions , International reactions , Economic data , Additional items of interest ) ...... Broader Europe Updates ( Ukraine , Italy , UK , Spain , Russia in focus ) ..... Asia Updates ( Emerging markets generally , China , currencies and commodities crush items of note )
Evening tweets..... Overview..... *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 4h 4 hours ago Stocks post worst week of 2015 after China data. Dax drops 7.8% as Germany biggest China loser http://reut.rs/1Nqkz2V [image: Embedded image permalink] Emerging markets chaos..... *Edward Harrison* @edwardnh 4h4 hours ago Russian Rouble is down 20% in August (and we still have another 6 days of trading left) *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 3h3 hours ago #Argentina crisis seems to deepen. Black market Peso rate drops to lowest level since 2014. [image: Embed... more »
U.S. Navy Started LRASM Anti-Ship Missile Integration Tests on F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
[image: A Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) integrated on F/A-18E/F Super Hornet]The U.S. Navy began initial integration testing of its Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) onto the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Aug. 12 at Patuxent River’s Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 facility. The program’s flight test team conducted missile load and fit checks using a mass simulator vehicle, designed to emulate LRASM, in preparation for the first phase of airworthiness testing with the F/A-18 E/F scheduled to begin later this month. “These initial fit checks will familiarize the test team ... more »
F-35A Fires 25mm Gun at Full Capacity
An F-35A fired 181 rounds from its four-barrel, 25 mm Gatling gun during a ground test at Edwards Air Force Base, California, earlier this month. The gun is embedded in the F-35A’s left wing and will provide pilots with the ability to strafe air-to-ground or air-to-air targets. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Integrated Test Force aims to complete ground testing this month and start airborne gun testing in the fall. Read more
USAF’s 91st missile wing launches unarmed LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBM
[image: LGM-30 Minuteman III ICBM]The US Air Force's (USAF) 91st missile wing has successfully completed an operational test launch of an unarmed LGM-30G Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile. Performed at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, the Minot AFB team launched the ICBM with the collaboration of 576th Flight Test Squadron and 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg AFB. The 91st MW Task Force commander lieutenant colonel Eric Thompson said: "Launching an ICBM under operational conditions is a whole team effort, and that's what we bring out here to replicate the scenarios... more »
China Releases Video Footage of Drone Missile Test
The Chinese military has released video footage of one of its home-made drones conducting a live-fire missile test. The footage shows the drone firing 8 different kinds of weapons at various targets. Testing itself took place last month in northern Inner Mongolia. Read more
North Korea poised to fire missiles: Seoul
[image: Scud SRBM]North Korea is poised to fire short-range missiles on either side of its territory, Yonhap News Agency cited an official as saying on Friday. Joint reconnaissance military assets of South Korea and the US detected the moves of North Korean mobile rocket launchers, mounted with Scud and Rodong missiles, reported Xinhua. The short-range Scud missiles were detected in North Korea, while the medium-range Rodong missiles were found moving in the western region. Read more
ANALYSIS: Denver’s Despicable Disregard for the First Amendment
[image: First Amendment] If you want to sell chicken sandwiches as the Denver Airport you need to check your First Amendment rights at the gate. That seems to be the message sent by the Denver City Council to Chick-fil-A, a fast-food chain that... The post ANALYSIS: Denver’s Despicable Disregard for the First Amendment appeared first on The Stream.
TAI delivers first batch of T129 ATAK helicopters to Turkish Army
[image: T129 ATAK]Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has delivered the first batch of T129 attack and tactical reconnaissance helicopter (ATAK) to the Turkish Armed Forces. With the latest delivery, the company has supplied nine T129 helicopters to Turkish military since April 2014. Ordered under an early-entry urgent requirement, the A-model types are anticipated to be converted into B-models, Flightglobal reported. Read more
After Mi-35 Deal, Pakistan Could Be Eyeing Russian Yak-130 Trainers
[image: Yak-130 Mitten]Pakistan could be showing an interest in the Yak-130 trainer of Russia after concluding a deal to purchase four Mi-17 Hind helicopters. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) does not have a modern combat trainer though it operates advanced aircraft such as the American F-16, and the Pakistani-Chinese JF-17. Industry sources told defenseworld.net that Pakistan Air Force officials have been talking to executives from Rosoboronexport and Irkut, the maker of the Yak-130 in various arms trade shows, though no definite intention to buy has been received. Read more
Argentina’s Air Force To Be Left Without Jet Fighters
[image: AT-63 PAMPA]By the end of November 2015, Argentina’s Air Force will retire its fleet of Mirage fighters, according to the local web portal El Eco; the nation’s air defense will then be mostly entrusted to domestically-produced FMA IA-63 Pampa training and combat aircraft. The announcement of the cancellation of the last fighter flight was made on August 13, 2015 during the celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the Argentine Air Force’s Tandil Airbase, the home base of the country’s 6th Aviation Brigade, which is equipped with Mirage fighters. “According to our Commander Ma... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 8/21/2015”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 8/21/2015”* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com “Hillary Clinton’s email troubles keep getting worse. It is reported that national security laws were broken by Clinton and at least two of her staff. More that 300 of her emails have now been deemed classified and allegedly mishandled. Clinton turned over her server to the FBI and says she doesn’t know who wiped it clean. It is also reported that two of Clinton’s top aides have disregarded a federal judge’s order to make sworn statements that all government documents in their possession have been turned over. Every... more »
This cool infographic shows all weapons carried by Russia's next generation fighter
[image: PAK-FA T-50 Armament graphic]Not only does the Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA feature stunning maneuverability. As this interesting infographic shows, the fifth generation stealth multi-role combat plane will carry a wide variety of weapons, including air-to-air, air-to-surface and anti-ship missiles. Among those that the PAK FA will be able to carry (internally or externally – hence “stealthy” or not), there are: the Izdelie 810, a derivative of the R-37M designed to kill High Value Targets and AWACS at a distance of 400 km; the K-77M air-to-air missile fitted with an AESA seeker; the... more »
Essay: Understanding Japan’s Shifting Defense Policy
[image: E-2D Advanced Hawkeye]The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has proposed major changes in Japan’s defense policy, with strong implications for the United States and U.S. armed forces in the Pacific. The changes, designed to shift Japan away from an isolated, pacifistic defense posture to a more dynamic one based on bilateral and even multilateral relationships, are controversial but not uncommon to most nations. Politically, Abe’s security agenda is designed to get Japan more involved in the world, and more capable of being a partner operating with the United States.... more »
Navy plans at-sea testing of F-35C in October
[image: F-35C Lightning II]The US Navy is planning at-sea testing of the carrier variant joint strike fighter in the first few weeks of October aboard the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower, according to several sources. The upcoming sea trials will mark the second phase of developmental testing for the Lockheed Martin-made F-35C. During the test period, the team will evaluate the aircraft’s ability to launch and recover from the carrier, and its performance in suboptimal conditions and during night operations. Read more
Russia's Admiral Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier is Back in Service!
[image: RFS Admiral Kuznetsov CV]The Russian Navy's only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, undergoing three months of refit and repair work at a floating dock in Russia's northwest region of Murmansk, is getting set to head back to its Northern Fleet base, Navy spokesman and Captain 2nd Rank Andrei Luzik told Russian media on Thursday. Undergoing repairs at the 82nd Shipyard in Roslyakovo, Murmansk region since May, the flagship of the Russian Navy is now set to return to its home port in Severomorsk, outside the port city of Murmansk. "Logistical support forces of the Northe... more »
Philippine Navy Weaponizes Helicopters to Deploy on Frigates
[image: AW109 Helicopter]The Philippine Navy is preparing to deploy weaponized versions of its AgustaWestland AW109 helicopter on board its Pilar-class frigates, the Navy's director of public affairs said Wednesday. According to Commander Lued Lincuna, the frigates had previously embarked non-weaponized versions of the helicopter for testing, qualification, and crew familiarization, IHS Jane's reported. The Navy has three non-weaponized AW109s – delivered in December 2013 – and commissioned two weaponized versions earlier this month. Read more
How does one get a job at an 'innovative long-distance teledildonics company'?
Finally a sensible use for an Apple Watch... http://mashable.com/2015/08/20/apple-watch-vibrator
This is the U.S. Navy's most secretive submarine
[image: USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23)]No, the U.S. Navy is probably not using a multi-billion dollar submarine to listen in on your phone calls and emails on behalf of the National Security Agency. But it could. A long line of secretive Navy spy submarines, most recently a nuclear-powered behemoth named USS Jimmy Carter, have for decades infiltrated remote waters to gather intelligence on rival states' militaries, insurgents, and terrorists on behalf of the NSA and other agencies using a range of sophisticated devices, including special equipment for tapping undersea communications cabl... more »
Contract issued for maintenance, upgrade to Navy submarine
[image: USS Columbus (SSN-762)]Planning to support the maintenance and modernization of the U.S. Navy submarine USS Columbus is to be performed by Newport News Shipbuilding. The work will be conducted under a contract worth $57.8 million but if all award options are exercised the value could be as much as $288 million, according to Huntington Ingalls Industries, parent company of Newport News Shipbuilding. "Modernization and maintenance of our nation's submarines is vital to the readiness of our Navy partner," said Jim Hughes, Newport News Shipbuilding's vice president, submarines ... more »
Russia’s Got a Mysterious New Submarine
[image: Project 667BDRM Delfin-class (NATO reporting name: Delta-IV)]On August 11 at the port of Severodvinsk in northern Russia, a huge and imposing black shape emerged from a dry-dock, observed by ranks of uniformed dignitaries. The Russian navy’s latest submarine is 574 feet long, displaces no fewer than 18,000 tons of water and packs two nuclear reactors. Named Moscow, she’s actually a refurbished, 1980s-vintage ballistic-missile sub that once prowled underneath the Arctic ice, cradling nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles, awaiting Armageddon. Today, as best as any outside observ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: August 21, 2015
[image: Mine Clearing-900] U.S. Army engineers with the Arkansas National Guard fire a mine clearing line charge during a training exercise on Aug. 16, 2015, at Fort Irwin, Calif. Thank you to Spc. Ashley Marble for taking this photograph! The post Military Photo of the Day: August 21, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
Step 2 MEGA giveaway!
The kids are heading back to school and fall is just around the corner. With the arrival of Fall comes the arrival of a whole new lineup of amazing products from Step2, and the lineup this Fall does not disappoint! From a new Hotwheels Race Car Bed, to 4 fabulous new kitchen sets, to a brand new fun house that integrates balls -- you'll find all of those items and more in stores this fall! *To celebrate these amazing new toys, I've teamed up with a few other bloggers to offer an AMAZING giveaway! One lucky person is going to win any 3 (winner's choice) of these new products! * Let's... more »
Immigration Excuses
[image: immigrant at border fence_900] One of the most lame excuses for doing nothing is that we can’t do everything. Such excuses have been repeated endlessly, even by some conservatives, when it comes to illegal immigration. We can’t deport millions of illegal immigrants already living... The post Immigration Excuses appeared first on The Stream.
Peter Schramm: ‘You Americans Invented Freedom’
[image: Peter Schramm w George Bush- 900 000] Peter Schramm has died. I knew it was coming. He’d been struggling with cancer. But it felt particularly poignant given that I was in Europe, a place Peter had little patience for. It was an attitude he inherited from his... The post Peter Schramm: ‘You Americans Invented Freedom’ appeared first on The Stream.
North Korea Orders Troops On War Footing
*Reuters*: *North Korea orders troops on war footing after exchange of fire with South* North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered his troops onto a war footing from 5 p.m on Friday after Pyongyang issued an ultimatum to Seoul to halt anti-North propaganda broadcasts by Saturday afternoon or face military action. Tension on the divided peninsula escalated on Thursday when North Korea fired shells into South Korea to protest against the loudspeaker broadcasts from the Korean border. The South responded with its own artillery barrage. Both sides said there were no casualties or damage... more »
The Conditions for Rebellion are Growing
In this episode of Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges sits down with founder of the People’s Organization for Progress Larry Hamm to dissect periods of American resistance, and explain how shifts in political climate have and will shape new modes of community organizing.
How Many Chinese Spies Are There In The U.S.?
*CNN*: *U.S. officials: Chinese secret agents in U.S. spikes* Washington (CNN)The number of Chinese government secret agents in the U.S. has spiked in the last several months and is now in the double digits, according to U.S. officials. The agents are from the Ministry of Public Security, China's security service. U.S. officials charged Wednesday that the increase suggests China lacks concern for U.S. laws. It would also not be surprising if there are Chinese law enforcement agents on the ground of whom the U.S. is not aware, officials said. The agents enter the U.S. on tourist a... more »
Two Women Have Passed The U.S. Army Ranger Course
*FOX News*: *Two women make Army Ranger history* The first two women to pass the Army's notoriously difficult Ranger School impressed male classmates left in their dust during road marches and proved their mettle as teammates by helping carry heavy weapons when others were too fatigued to lift another ounce. Capt. Kristen Griest, 26, of Orange, Connecticut, and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver, 25, of Copperas Cove, Texas, will become the first women to wear the Army's coveted Ranger tab when they graduate alongside 94 male soldiers Friday at Fort Benning. "They can serve by my side anytime b... more »
A Look At How The Russian Military Plans To Fight Future Wars
© Sputnik/ Valeriy Melnikov *Dmitry Gorenburg, National Interest*: *This Is How the Russian Military Plans to Fight Future Wars* Russia is actively seeking out areas of relative strength to compensate for its military’s overall weakness. Given the amount of attention paid over the last year to the capabilities of the Russian military, it is worth considering how the evolving character of warfare over the next 10-20 years is likely to affect Russia’s military capabilities when compared to leading Western states. The trend toward greater automation, including the use of remote contr... more »
The Poet: Wilfrid Scalen Blunt, “A Dream of Good”
*“A Dream of Good”* “To do some little good before I die; To wake some echoes to a loftier theme; To spend my life’s last store of industry On thoughts less vain than Youth's discordant dream; To endow the world's grief with some counter-scheme Of logical hope which through all time should lighten The burden of men's sorrow and redeem Their faces’ paleness from the tears that whiten; To take my place in the world's brotherhood As one prepared to suffer all its fate; To do and be undone for sake of good, And conquer rage by giving love for hate; That were a noble dream, and so to cease, Sc... more »
Planned Parenthood Recognizes 16 Media Journalists with Awards Amid Aborted Baby Organ Trafficking Videos
[image: GettyImages-151301180-640x640__1440122254_70.119.142.63] Planned Parenthood celebrated Tuesday night as the nation's largest abortion provider recognized 16 journalists by bestowing upon them the coveted "Maggie Awards for Media Excellence," named after the organization's founder and eugenicist Margaret Sanger. The awards event comes in the midst... The post Planned Parenthood Recognizes 16 Media Journalists with Awards Amid Aborted Baby Organ Trafficking Videos appeared first on The Stream.
Clinton Spins, Trump Shouts and We Throw Up Our Hands
[image: SALT LAKE CITY - OCTOBER 25: Former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) speaks at a rally for the Utah Democratic party October 25, 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Several Utah Democrats express surprised that Hillary came to Utah to speak ten day before the national elections, since Utah is considered a heavily Republican state. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)] As the dog days of summer wind down, it's fun, at least in a self-flagellating way, to look back at the political antics of the past month. Yes, you may complain, but you also have to admi... more »
DOD #TaiwanFail
According to the US DoD, Taiwan has no navy. This chart from this report being passed around Twitter as a "good" chart. Nope. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
"NOAA: July hottest month on record, and 2015 could be hottest year"
Like it or not, global warming keeps punching us in the face. Here is more data regarding how hot it has been this year worldwide by way of a CNN report: If you felt the heat this past July, you are hardly alone. July saw the highest average temperatures since record-keeping began -- globally, not just in the United States -- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Thursday. Globally, the first seven months of the year also had all-time highs. The latest global temperature data make it likely that *2015 will be the hottest year on record*, the agency said. N... more »
Duffy Days: Perrin, Harper
Well, if I were a lawyer and my client ignored my advice and did his/her own thing...well, don't come crying to me when it goes pear shaped, pal. "I was immediately taken aback by the prime minister's decision that if you simply owned $4,000 of real property, that made you a resident," said Benjamin Perrin, testifying at the Mike Duffy trial in Ottawa. Ouch. No PM's holiday card for Perrin,
Biomedical Doctor Reveals Shocking ‘Suspicion’ Surrounding the Harvesting of Aborted Baby Organs
[image: Dr. Theresa Deisher__1440120506_70.119.142.63] A biomedical doctor who specializes in adult stem cell research revealed earlier this week that she has long suspected that some aborted fetuses are still alive when their hearts are harvested. Dr. Theresa Deisher, founder of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute and AVM Biotechnology, made the... The post Biomedical Doctor Reveals Shocking ‘Suspicion’ Surrounding the Harvesting of Aborted Baby Organs appeared first on The Stream.
The Immigration Swamp
[image: border patrol - 900] “This was not a subject that was on anybody’s mind until I brought it up at my announcement.” -- Donald Trump, on immigration, Republican debate, Aug. 6 WASHINGTON -- Not on anyone’s mind? For years, immigration has been the... The post The Immigration Swamp appeared first on The Stream.
VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Spox Stumbles and Stammers over Deleted Emails
[image: Hillary Clinton Spokesperson Jennifer Palmieri__1440121772_70.119.142.63] The Clinton campaign is still groping for two sentences to put together to explain why Hillary's email server was wiped clean. Campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri appeared on CNN moments ago to try again to come up with an answer. Instead,... The post VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Spox Stumbles and Stammers over Deleted Emails appeared first on The Stream.
Planned Parenthood Facebook Users Slam Couple Seeking to Adopt
[image: danandrachel] Liberal priorities are so freaking screwed up. One of the things that absolutely do not understand about proponents of abortion (other than how they can in good conscience support the systemic murder of unborn children) is how hostile they are... The post Planned Parenthood Facebook Users Slam Couple Seeking to Adopt appeared first on The Stream.
*George W. Bush, Bill Clinton to mark Katrina anniversary in New Orleans ~Jeff Adelson, N.O. Advocate *
It's bad enough that racist whitefolk lie about "Black Lives Matter" -- but to drag MLK Jr. into their lies?
*Seriously, "Minister Mike" Hucksterbee imagines himself as a custodian of the teachings of "the moral leader of our nation," as he's described aptly in the clip above, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.? Friggin' unbelievable.* *by Ken* I can't be the only one who has been taken aback by the widespread frenzy with which race-baiting whitefolk have responded to the Black Lives Matter phenomenon. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised, but for cripes' sake, it's a frenzy that is 100 percent without foundation, and while surely scads of people have pointed this out, the race-baiting whitefolk... more »
Cartoon: ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’
[image: Ramirez - 082015 - weekend at bernie's] The post Cartoon: ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ appeared first on The Stream.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 20, 2015
Nuclear Test. Sonicbomb *Mark S. Bell, Washington Post*: *Okay, so what if Iran does get nuclear weapons?* The recent Iranian nuclear deal is a historic agreement that could significantly delay, and perhaps prevent, Iran from getting nuclear weapons. But what if the deal fails? Either Iran or a future U.S. administration could ultimately walk away from this deal. What could Iran do with nuclear weapons if it were to acquire them? Pundits and scholars have tended toward extremes in answering this question. Optimists argue that nuclear weapons are not much use for anything other th... more »
World News Briefs -- August 20, 2015
*SKY News*: *North And South Korea 'Trade Artillery Fire'* Reports say Pyongyang fired a shell at a South Korean border town, which prompted Seoul to respond with artillery fire. North Korea has fired a shell across the border into South Korea, prompting Seoul to respond with artillery fire, according to reports. The North is believed to have been aiming at a loudspeaker in a border town that has been blaring anti-Pyongyang broadcasts recently, South Korean media said. In response, South Korea fired tens of 155mm artillery rounds at the location where the shell came from, the cou... more »
Friday Morning Ramble–18.08.15
[image: image] *Auckland's "unbelievably friendly folk" were found to be some of the most "polite and accommodating" in the world. One reader was "invited by strangers to the Chinese Lantern Festival on a hill overlooking the city"; another local recommended taking "the ferry to the north shore Devonport suburb for the perfect combination of funky and shabby chic." Overall, most agreed that there were "absolutely wonderful people everywhere!" (And check out the ranking for Queenstown!)* Planners who can’t plan—a whole office full of them. *Independent Panel Slams Christchurch ... more »
Musical Interlude: David Arkenstone, “Heart of Spring”
David Arkenstone, “Heart of Spring” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE72jT8Q3TI
"The World You Desired..."
“In the name of the best within you, do not sacrifice this world to those who are its worst. In the name of the values that keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title. Do not lose your knowledge that man's proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads. Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish... more »
Guest Post: Steve Zeltzer of Voices Against Privatizing Public Education report on Broad Foundation and colocation protests, and the support Rafe Esquith rally
*“The effect on education, of course, is obvious. It means that the concentrated power of the business classes will determine educational as well as other policies. That’s why you’re getting charter schools, cutting back of funding for state colleges, the corporatization of the universities. I mean, it’s across the board.” — Professor Noam Chomsky* [image: Voices Against Privatizing Public Education report on Broad Foundation and colocation protests, and the support Rafe Esquith rally] Voices Against Privatizing Public Education member Steve Zeltzer sent in the following reports o... more »
Israeli Agents Fire "Missiles" From Syria Back Into Israel, And Now Israel Is Attacking Syria!
I could see this a mile away.... I just read an interesting report (link here) where it appears that the psychotic Israelis are at it again in their quest to start another war with one of their neighbors... And of course the primary target for their want for destruction is none other than Syria.... Of course earlier today comes reports that Israel was "attacked" by "rockets" fired from Syria back into Israel.... And as usual these "rockets" hit absolutely NOTHING and absolutely no "military targets" in northern Israel.... To me this is so laughable that gullible and stupid people... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"A jewel of the southern sky, the Great Carina Nebula, also known as NGC 3372, spans over 300 light-years, one of our galaxy's largest star forming regions. Like the smaller, more northerly Great Orion Nebula, the Carina Nebula is easily visible to the unaided eye, though at a distance of 7,500 light-years it is some 5 times farther away. *Click image for larger size.* This gorgeous telescopic portrait reveals remarkable details of the region's glowing filaments of interstellar gas and obscuring cosmic dust clouds. Wider than the Full Moon in angular size, the field of view stretche... more »
Chet Raymo, “Things In Themselves, Myself Being Myself”
*“Things In Themselves, Myself Being Myself”* by Chet Raymo “One of the consistent themes of this blog has been the search for "the thing itself," that is, a knowledge of reality that is not mediated by accidents of history, culture, religion, politics, or personal foibles and prejudices. Impossible, of course. We are always to some extent prisoners of our limited perceptual apparatus and the hard and soft wiring of our brains. Nevertheless, "the thing itself" remains the elusive Holy Grail of human knowing. Science is the most effective instrument we have yet devised to minimize ... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Morning Poem"
*"Morning Poem"* "Every morning the world is created. Under the orange sticks of the sun the heaped ashes of the night turn into leaves again and fasten themselves to the high branches- and the ponds appear like black cloth on which are painted islands of summer lilies. If it is your nature to be happy you will swim away along the soft trails for hours, your imagination alighting everywhere. And if your spirit carries within it the thorn that is heavier than lead- if it's all you can do to keep on trudging- there is still somewhere deep within you a beast shouting that the earth is ... more »
Cop ‘Roid Rage: Are Steroids Behind the Worst Police Abuses?
*David J. Krajicek* - Are steroids to blame for so much police brutality? The post Cop ‘Roid Rage: Are Steroids Behind the Worst Police Abuses? appeared first on Waking Times.
Setting Science Free
*Video - *Here's Part 1 of a talk by Rupert Sheldrake at the conference ELECTRIC UNIVERSE 2013: The Tipping Point, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The post Setting Science Free appeared first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 20, 2015
President Park Geun-hye receives a briefing on North Korea shelling the South during a meeting of the National Security Council at Cheong Wa Dae, Thursday. Yonhap *Bruce Klingner, Daily Signal:* *There’s Rising Potential for a Tactical Military Clash on the Korean Peninsula* The greatest likelihood for military conflict on the Korean Peninsula is not from a full-scale North Korean invasion, but from a series of escalatory responses to a tactical-level skirmish. This is particularly true if an event occurs during already heightened tensions, as currently exists. Today’s inter-Kore... more »
Do you remember who you are?
What is being considered now is this concept of ascension, which, by all reports, is just more of what you are right now. In that arena, it can be called *expansion*. (Thank you KK!) You aren’t going anywhere. No one is higher up or going up. Everyone is expanding in their authenticity, right where they are. Your authentic self is love. You may be 16 or 66, blue eyed or black haired, tall or short, Plieadian or Lemurian and it doesn’t matter. Not now. Oh, it *looks *like it matters and each attribute will color your process. But that’s only cosmetic. Within – it’s all love –... more »
Trump-- It Can't Happen Here... Can It?
Before we get into today's little history lesson, let's take a minute to look at the brand new CNN poll and the brand new PPP poll (just for North Carolina). CNN polled Hillary against each Republican; she's ahead of them all. Registered voters only: *•* Hillary 52%- Jeb! 43% *•* Hillary 51%- Trump 45% *•* Hillary 52%- Walker 46% *•* Hillary 53%- Fiorina 43% They didn't bother with head-to-heads for third-tier candidates like Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Rand Paul, etc., and perhaps the PPP polling helps to explain why. Trump has all the momentum in N... more »
‘Defeating IS takes priority over Assad’ in new Syria plan
Wonder if this news had anything to do with Israel’s move on Syria. Make no mistake, Israel did attack Syria, yet again! *France24* For the first time in two years, Western powers opposed to Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad managed to agree at the UN with Russia, a longtime supporter of the regime in Damascus, by focusing on a common enemy: the Islamic State group. The UN Security Council (UNSC)’s statement on Syria released on August 17 was hailed as a breakthrough by Western diplomats, who praised the world body for speaking with a united voice on the war-torn country. The UN’s most...more »
IDF Claims Largest Retaliation YET- "Retaliation" is the LIE/Desired attack is Truth
*I've updated today's earlier post several time- So, time for a new one* *Ynet News * In refrence to todays retaliatory strikes the IDF officer said, "We attacked several kilometers into Syria, 5 or 6 sites with multiple targets within each site. Our attacks are much more severe this time around, in order to send a message and underlie the severity of this incident." "We still do not have intelligence confirmations regarding Syrian casualties from the strikes," he concluded *SANA* A Military source said on Thursday that at 6.30 P.M. an Israeli hostile helicopter launched sever... more »
“Fog: Coming Out of a Haze”
*“Fog: Coming Out of a Haze”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “We can all fall into a fog once in while, but know it will soon lift and the sun will shine upon you again. When we feel muddled and unfocused, unsure of which way to turn, we say we are in a fog. Similar to when we are in a fog in nature, we may feel like we can’t see where we’re going or where we’ve come from, and we’re afraid if we move too quickly we might run into something hidden in the mists that seem to surround us. Being in a fog necessarily slows us down by limiting our visibility. The best choice may be to pul... more »
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Grays, Thurrock, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
"Except for totally impulsive or psychotic behavior, every human decision comes down to the choice between two alternatives." - Jeff Duntemann
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