Update on Ukraine....Why Peace in Ukraine is Dangerous to NATO
*Patrick Henningsen explains why Peace in Ukraine is Dangerous to NATO* Today "Texas" is reporting that there was heavy shelling in Donetsk overnight. I hate to say it, but it's probably true that the Kiev junta is shelling that particular area heavily because soldier, videographer and war journalist "Texas" has become a burr under their saddle. *He's the West's worst nightmare*--a volunteer soldier from one of the fascist oligarch occupied nations "*gone over to the other side*" and fighting back. The Junta (and its puppeteer, the US State Department) is no doubt saying, as we us... more »
The Summer of Our Discontent
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders represent two sides of the same coin. Both men have tapped into a deep anger — a discontent — in the public mood. Little seems to be going right. America appears in decline under a disengaged president.... The post The Summer of Our Discontent appeared first on The Stream.
Displaced by Dams: The Plight of Indigenous People in Malaysia
*Video - *Here's the truth behind the resettlement of indigenous people in Malaysia for the construction of three mega dams. The post Displaced by Dams: The Plight of Indigenous People in Malaysia appeared first on Waking Times.
John Oliver tackles a subject that can be critical to the future health of society: sex education
*Johnny Stanton's story*: *"For me it all started when I went bowling with Judy today. I should have known something was different as soon as she got a strike. She's usually such a rotten bowler."* *by Ken* What Judy revealed, as Johnny bowled on in that resurrected nugget of Sex Education Past, was that "got her first period today!" Well, no wonder she was suddenly transformed into the Terror of the Lanes. If young Johnny looks familiar, by the way, he's not, as I thought fleetingly, a young Sylvester Stallone. *It's somebody much better!* *Yes, it's Breaking Bad's and Better Ca... more »
‘Bloggers are harming MPs,’ says MP. Diddums?
Four days after the introduction of its new law clamping down on internet speech, the government’s new Harmful Digital Communications Act is being let loose to chill political speech Irony on irony here. Because the speech attacked is that of chief youth supporter of NZ First Curwen Ares Rolinson, an advocate of a bigger more aggressive state, who is being accused of “harmful” speech by his party’s recently-ousted deputy leader. The bloggers, says the poor dear, are harming the MPs. And before you say “diddums,” realise that this is precisely the speech the Act is intended to an... more »
The further failure of phony credit creation
The mainstream view on economic growth is that it is based on credit, great gobs of it, created out of thin air by trading banks on the back of very scanty reserves and lent out under the control and at the behest of the central bank. Created credit creates growth, they say. The Austrian view is that economic progress is based on progress in creating and accumulating capital. That created credit is counterfeit capital. That growth created by counterfeit capital is illusory, is malinvestment. That it leads to bubbles (borrowing to buy inflating assets, assets inflating further, ind... more »
GcMAF, Nagalase and the Immune System
Activist Post August 16, 2015 [image: GcMAF-Cancer-Therapy] By Catherine J. Frompovich This blog will be short and to the point, since the important information is to be heard in the link that discusses the researcher’s theory as to why some very prominent doctors have left the planet recently. Doctors Jeff Bradstreet and Nicholas Gonzalez apparently were on to the biochemistry of what was causing autism and many chronic diseases. Their research apparently had zeroed in on a specific set of proteins and enzymes that can cause the human immune system to malfunction. Dr. Bradstreet... more »
The Slow-Motion Financial Suicide of the Roman Empire
The Bailout State Is as Old as Rome *Guest post by Larry Reed* More than 2,000 years before America’s bailouts and entitlement programs, the ancient Romans experimented with similar schemes. The Roman government rescued failing institutions, cancelled personal debts, and spent huge sums on welfare programs. The result wasn’t pretty. Roman politicians picked winners and losers, generally favouring the politically well connected — a practice that’s central to the welfare state of modern times, too. As numerous writers have noted, these expensive rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul efforts were ... more »
64 more papers retracted for fake reviews, this time from Springer journals
This is officially becoming a trend: Springer is pulling another 64 articles from 10 journals after finding evidence of faked peer reviews, bringing the total number of retractions from the phenomenon north of 230. Given that there have been about 1,500 papers retracted overall since 2012, when we first reported on the phenomenon, faked reviews have been […] The post 64 more papers retracted for fake reviews, this time from Springer journals appeared first on Retraction Watch.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Employment Statistics - CES (National): "Payroll employment rises by 215,000 in July; unemployment rate unchanged at 5.3% 08/07/2015; Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 215,000 in July, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.3 percent. Job gains occurred in retail trade, health care, professional and technical services, and financial activities." How then is it possible for worldwide mass layoffs to be carried out at the same time? Answer: The U.S. Government is lying and will continue to lie until the dollar finally crashes, whereupon the deceived poor will be horribly poorer while the informed filthy rich will find themselves even richer.
------------------------------ Bankruptcy and Economic Stagnation: Mass Layoffs Worldwide as Corporate Mergers near New Record By Andre Damon Theme: Global Economy Global Research, August 16, 2015 World Socialist Web Site 15 August 2015 *Major transnational corporations, including Kraft, Motorola, Lenovo, Tyson and HTC have announced mass layoffs in recent days amid a boom in mergers and acquisitions, which are on track to hit a record this year.* Processed foods... more »
Bangkok Blast: Who the Liars Say Did It, Says it All
*August 18, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - In the wake of the recent Bangkok bombing, the BBC in its report, "Bangkok bomb: Deadly blast rocks Thailand capital," manages to write paragraph after paragraph without so much as mentioning once ousted dictator Thaksin Shinawatra's name, nor mentioning the abhorrent violence carried out by his political front in an increasingly desperate bid to cling to power before ultimately being ousted in 2014. The BBC was exposed amid Thailand's 2013-2014 anti-Shinawatra protests during which it regularly spun or covered up violence carried out by S... more »
Overshooting on Student Debt
Student debt and escalating college costs are a serious problem that presidential candidates must address. And Hillary Clinton’s solution, proposed last week, does include useful elements. For example, she advocates an income-based loan repayment program — in other words, to... The post Overshooting on Student Debt appeared first on The Stream.
Catholic Pediatrician Fired for Refusing to Violate Her Beliefs Settles Case
The American Center for Law and Justice is pleased to announce the settlement of the case of Doris Fernandes vs. The City of Philadelphia, et al. Dr. Fernandes, a Catholic pediatrician who objected to participating in certain reproductive health services, particularly contraception, emergency... The post Catholic Pediatrician Fired for Refusing to Violate Her Beliefs Settles Case appeared first on The Stream.
Progress and poverty
*“Have not the great merchants, great manufacturers, great inventors, done more for the world than preachers and philanthropists? Can there be any doubt that cheapening the cost of necessaries and conveniences of life is the most powerful agent of civilisation and progress?”* ~ Charles Elliot Perkins, (railroad magnate, 1840-1907) What’s the relationship between economic progress and poverty? Simple: the first demolishes the second. All of human history is a history of abject poverty. And then began an industrial revolution that has taken two-hundred years to almost sweep the ... more »
Memorandum for the Director: Estimate of the Situation in the Pacific and Recommendations for Action by the United States. (1940) by Arthur H. McCollum
McCollum memorandum *Memorandum for the Director: Estimate of the Situation in the Pacific and Recommendations for Action by the United States.* (1940) *by Arthur H. McCollum* 0p-16-F-2 ONI 7 October 1940 *Memorandum for the Director* *Subject:* Estimate of the Situation in the Pacific and Recommendations for Action by the United States. 1. The United States today finds herself confronted by a hostile Germany and Italy in Europe and by an equally hostile Japan in the Orient. Russia, the great land link between these two groups of hostile powers, is at present neutral, but in a... more »
*New Orleans, region much better prepared to evacuate after hard lessons of 8-29-05 ~John Simerman, N.O. Advocate *
A Memo From the Boss
Dear Amazonians: There was a hit piece that came out this weekend in the *NY Times*, entitled Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace." So when I came in today on my yacht and helicopter, off my private elevator and got to my office, I wished to be the first to officially respond to this unabashed hit piece in this interoffice memo. First off, this is not the Amazon I've been leading from Day One since 1994 and the execrable business and management practices detailed in the *New York Times* never once victimized me or my senior executive staff. And if I... more »
Musical Interlude: Afshin, "Prayer of Change"
Afshin, "Prayer of Change" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75SGQ65QhaU
"A Look to the Heavens"
“M83 is one of the closest and brightest spiral galaxies on the sky. Visible with binoculars in the constellation of Hydra, majestic spiral arms have prompted its nickname as the Southern Pinwheel. Although discovered 250 years ago, only much later was it appreciated that M83 was not a nearby gas cloud, but a barred spiral galaxy much like our own Milky Way Galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* M83, pictured above by the Hubble Space Telescope in a recently released image, is a prominent member of a group of galaxies that includes Centaurus A and NGC 5253, all of which lie about 15 ... more »
Edward Abbey, "Benedicto"
“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. May your rivers flow without end, meandering through pastoral valleys tinkling with bells, past temples and castles and poets' towers into a dark primeval forest where tigers belch and monkeys howl, through miasmal and mysterious swamps and down into a desert of red rock, blue mesas, domes and pinnacles and grottos of endless stone, and down again into a deep vast ancient unknown chasm where bars of sunlight blaze on profiled cliffs, where d...more »
Bizarrely, Trump Still Claims He's Going To Win The Hispanic Vote
Trump's call to freeze *legal* immigration into the U.S. doesn't get mentioned much in the "news." But that's part of the hateful garbage that he and the KKK senator, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, came up with as Trump's official policy on immigration. It certainly is thrilling, the racist scum among us. Ann Coulter was so excited this morning that she was in a tweeting frenzy of Trump adulation: And keep in mind that what Trump says he wants to do is forcibly round up and deport 11 million immigrants, a population about the size of Ohio or Georgia, more than the entire po... more »
No, Half of British Youths Aren’t “Bisexual”
A survey by YouGov in Great Britain recently announced that “1 in 2 young people say they are not 100 percent heterosexual.” This headline betrays an enormous confusion in our culture’s understanding of human nature, and the language we use to refer to ourselves. The... The post No, Half of British Youths Aren’t “Bisexual” appeared first on The Stream.
Chet Raymo, “A Universal We?”
*“A Universal We?”* by Chet Raymo “I have a few words to say about Oxford anthropologist Harvey Whitehouse, and his thoughts on ritual as "the glue that holds social groups together." I was drawing on a story in “Nature.” He is quoted further: "Emotionally intense rituals have bound us together and pitted us against our enemies throughout the history of our species. It was only when nomadic foragers began to settle down did we discover the possibilities for establishing much larger societies based on frequently repeated creeds and rituals." The big question, according to Whitehous... more »
Rumi, "The Guest House"
"The Guest House" "This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond." ~ Rumi
"As Far As We Can Discern..."
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." - C. G. Jung Moody Blues, “Candle of Life” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=062qph0IqYE
The problems with the Mises Institute
Let me take a moment to give you a brief public notice. Since I regularly recommend that readers head to the Mises Institute for rational writing in economics, I need to also let you know that I have serious reservations about their non-economic writing. That is to say that when the economists of the Mises Institute write about economics, using the insights of the Austrian tradition of economics, there are few better – as last year’s much-needed Bailout Reader should demonstrate. When the Institute’s economists write outside their field however, they are universally awful. Specif... more »
How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse
*Heather Callaghan* - This is how the act of watching TV destroys your brain. The post How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse appeared first on Waking Times.
Quotes for the Day: On the general benefit from private ownership of the means of production
“ *If that which one buys with formal purchase is one’s own, If usage confers title to things, as the lawyers maintain; Then the farm that feeds you is yours; and the farmer, when he cultivates the field which soon gives you grain, feels you are his master. You pay your money: you get in return grapes, chickens, eggs, a jar of wine.” - *Horace,* 2. Epistol., 2, 158-163 *[quoted in L. von Mises, *Socialism*] Opposition to inequality takes many forms. Opposition to property rights is one. But what if I told you that in a division-of-labour society, the benefits of property owne... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
ANALYSIS: Trump’s Immigration Plan Is a Mixed Bag
The post ANALYSIS: Trump’s Immigration Plan Is a Mixed Bag appeared first on The Stream.
The Green Death
*"This fellow requires a swift kick to the backside, would you care to administer it, Jeremy..?"* *- The Secretary of State for Ecology,* *First Thorpe Cabinet* *"I am the BOSS!* *I am all around you. * *Exactly. I am the computer!"* *- The BOSS* *"Will new technologies alter the tendency of the world system to grow and collapse? * *Let us assume, however, that the technological optimists are correct and that nuclear energy will solve the resource problems of the world. * *Let us also assume a reduction in pollution generation all sources by a factor of four, starting in 1975. * ... more »
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: Monsanto's Silence Is Deafening
RINF, Global Research, Countercurrents In his book ‘Altered Genes,Twisted Truths’, US public interest attorney Steven Druker exposed the fraudulent practices and deceptions that led to the commercialisation of GM food and crops in the US. Not long after the book’s release, he wrote an open letter to the Royal Society in Britain calling on it to acknowledge and correct the misleading and exaggerated statements that it has used to actively promote GMOs and in effect convey false impressions and the other to Monsanto. He followed this up by delivering a challenge to Monsanto’s headqua... more »
Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Share Long, Entangled Friendship
WASHINGTON (AP) — Over the past quarter century or so, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joe Biden have collaborated and competed, shared more than a dozen staffers, fought each other for a presidential nomination and then served together in the Cabinet... The post Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Share Long, Entangled Friendship appeared first on The Stream.
AUDIO: Economic and Religious Liberty with Dr. Samuel Gregg
The Acton Institute’s Director of Research Samuel Gregg made an appearance over the weekend on the Real Clear Radio Hour with Bill Frezza to discuss the relationship between economic and religious liberty, and the role that a Christian worldview plays... The post AUDIO: Economic and Religious Liberty with Dr. Samuel Gregg appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Iran’s Aggressive Actions Reveal What’s Next
When dealing with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism, hope is not a policy. Now that Tehran stands ready to benefit from a gift of $150 billion and the gutting of a vital arms... The post ANALYSIS: Iran’s Aggressive Actions Reveal What’s Next appeared first on The Stream.
Baader-Meinhof Baader-Meinhof is the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information– often an unfamiliar word or name– and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly. when you hear a word or name which you just learned the previous day, and it feels like more than a mere coincidence If you hear something about Baader-Meinhof within a few days of reading this, that would be experiencing "baader-meinhof" "what the hell i just heard that yesterday this is that baader meinhof shit" . Innocence of Muslims BUSTED - WHOAMI !!!!!! ........ more »
Alice Embree : METRO EVENT | Documentary film about ‘The Rag,’ Austin’s pioneering underground newspaper, to screen in September
The showing will be followed by an open meeting to start planning a 2016 Rag reunion and celebration. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | August 17, 2015 Event: “The Rag: Austin Underground Press 1966-1977″ What: Film showing and … finish reading Alice Embree : *METRO EVENT* | Documentary film about ‘The Rag,’ Austin’s pioneering underground newspaper, to screen in September
August 17: The Irving press is actually getting worse....
A few years ago, I would have thought it impossible. But the Irving press has actually become noticeably worse over the last six months, so much worse that, as a newspaper for the general public, it's insulting. And I can't help noticing the decline seems to correspond with the rise of an Irving to VP of the press. I would dearly like to have a chat with some of his journalism professors. This is so bad I really wonder how he ever got through journalism school. For a time, I taught reporters for the very, very bad newspapers of Hong Kong.. But they were never as bad as what I da... more »
The College Disadvantage for the Disadvantaged
Those who seek to rationalize the bare-knuckled kind of apartheid schooling found in the corporate charter reform schools like KIPP often point to the test prep chain gangs' laser focus on getting black and brown children into and through college. If these kids get to college, the thought disorder goes, then all the dehumanizing treatment and abuse of disadvantaged minority children by charter operators must be worth the price. Even so, we have known for years that black and brown college graduates have less opportunity compared to their white counterparts. A new study now sh... more »
Other GOP Candidates Should Take the Immigration Issue Away from Trump
Don’t read this column if you think that concern over immigration is confined to haters and racists. On the other hand, if you are devoted to Donald Trump as the principled leader America needs, go click somewhere else — here’s... The post Other GOP Candidates Should Take the Immigration Issue Away from Trump appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Mixed Bag of Good Sense and Protectionism
On Sunday, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released his long-awaited detailed immigration plan. Many, including this author, have criticized Trump for his lack of details and his vagaries on key issues including immigration. Those criticisms are now obsolete –... The post ANALYSIS: Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Mixed Bag of Good Sense and Protectionism appeared first on The Stream.
An Amazonian’s Response to ‘Inside Amazon’ Article
As I woke up ready to start the weekend (without the slightest inclination to work, I might add – much more on this later), I glanced at my iPhone to appease my Facebook addiction and see what my friends were up... The post An Amazonian’s Response to ‘Inside Amazon’ Article appeared first on The Stream.
Fukushima Update August 18, 2015
Fukushima this morning: Unit 3's emissions seem to have created a halo: Visible emissions have been constant from units 1 and 3 but I've not seen anything unusual over the last few days.
Veterans Prevented From Entering Legion Hall While Harper Meets With Small Handful of 'Friendly' Vets .. Shame !!
*A group of Canadian military veterans said they were denied access to a Stephen Harper event held at a legion in New Brunswick Monday morning.* *Fabian Henry of the organization Marijuana for Trauma said that he and six other veterans heard Sunday night that Conservative leader Harper and Veterans Affairs Minister Erin O'Toole were coming to the No. 4 Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion in Fredericton.* *His organization has four branches across the country. It is run by veterans aiming to help vets with post-traumatic stress disorder ease their pain with marijuana treatment.* ... more »
Rona Fairhead: "All is for the best in the best of all possible BBC worlds (except for the cuts)"
*The Independent *today contains a lengthy piece by the Head of the BBC Trust, Rona Fairhead. It needs saying, for starters, that it easily surpasses any other recent piece by a senior BBC figure for sheer self-serving complacency. Read it and be staggered! As it's rather a long piece, here are a selection of quotes from it which will give you a very good sense of what it says: The UK has built something special in the BBC. That’s what our audience surveys tell us. It is a very British institution with an enduring mission which countries around the world respect and would love ... more »
Slinging mud
“You know what their goal is. They can bring Israel to the point where white South Africa was 25 years ago. Y’know, the subject of a boycott, which gathers momentum and which isolates. Do you think they could succeed?” Is what Kevin Connolly asked Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely in July. Does Kevin Connolly believe that life for Israeli Arabs in Israel is presently the same as for blacks in ‘white South Africa’ of 25 years ago, and does he imagine, if BDS were to “succeed” it would bring about some kind of justice? Perhaps he thinks Palestinians who live under Ham... more »
Mike Huckabee Cites James Robison’s Story in Defending Children of Rape
Gov. Mike Huckabee defended children of rape, and reiterated his consistent pro-life stance, on CNN recently. He argued that children of rape victims do not deserve capital punishment for their fathers’ crimes, and cited the global humanitarian work of Rev.... The post Mike Huckabee Cites James Robison’s Story in Defending Children of Rape appeared first on The Stream.
Is Nigel Wright to Harper what Chuck Colson was to Nixon?
From here: *So it was striking to see Nigel Wright, as a witness at the Mike Duffy trial, cite the Bible as his motivation for writing a $90,000 cheque for Mr. Duffy without telling his boss Stephen Harper. * *As quoted in Bloomberg, Wright said: "I was doing a good deed, and this is sort of Matthew 6. ... You should do these things quietly and not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." * *Citing the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew reflects Wright's reported devout Christianity, but it was a newsworthy statement in itself to the biblically illiterate repor... more »
Stephen Harper on campaign trail
My Photoshop program is not working properly any more. I did following picture. Tried to improve it but just does not work. I hope it conveys the message. *Harper giving a speech.*
How Great is the Threat to Religious Freedom, Really?
In The Decline — and Fall? — of Religious Freedom in America, Bruce Abramson writes that religious liberty is “under threat” from “an increasingly hostile and energized secular culture” that rejects “classical American liberalism.” In fact, the scope of the... The post How Great is the Threat to Religious Freedom, Really? appeared first on The Stream.
Sean Hannity Defends Donald Trump from Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity responded to Glenn Beck on Sunday after Beck questioned why conservative commentators like Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh and Hannity support GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. “These are smart people. What am I missing?” Beck asked in... The post Sean Hannity Defends Donald Trump from Glenn Beck appeared first on The Stream.
It's Not About Trump-- It's About His Supporters
We keep getting told not to demean Trump because if you do, you'll be demeaning his supporters. Yeah, so? Isn't that the point? No one with an ability to exercise a modicum of critical thought would take Trump seriously for two seconds. Every word out of his mouth is a lie or is so twisted that its relationship to reality is approximately equivalent to the reality on reality TV-- mixed with the prescription drugs that inhabit the tiny brains of the people who drool over Trump's simple-minded nonsense. Watching him in New Hampshire yesterday (see the video above) almost had me fe... more »
Midday Musical Interlude: Mike Oldfield, “Music of the Spheres” (Full Album)
Mike Oldfield, “Music of the Spheres” (Full Album) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neJ9qViszVs
“I Know How to Live… I Don’t Know How to Die”
*“I Know How to Live… I Don’t Know How to Die”* by Bill Bonner TIVOLI, New York – “I’ve never done this before…” The woman on the bed was almost a skeleton. The flesh had already gone from her. What was left was an 86-year-old empty tube – shriveled, bent, used up. “I know how to live,” she said. “I don’t know how to die. I don’t know what I’m supposed to think or what I’m supposed to do.” “Don’t worry about it,” we advised. “It’ll come naturally. Do you need anything?” “Need anything? I need nothing at all. Absolutely nothing. I’m dying. And I have everything I need to do it.” “H... more »
10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
*Meme - *Pumpkin seeds are a great way to add protein, iron, zinc and especially magnesium to your diet, which can have some amazing health benefits. The post 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds appeared first on Waking Times.
Inequality 27, ADR Institute forum on poverty and growth
Last Wednesday, July 12, the Albert Del Rosario (ADR) Institute held a forum on "Poverty, inequality and inclusive growth" in Makati. I was one of three reactors to the discussion and presentation by Dr. Epictetus "Lingling" Patalinghug of the UP College of Law. The other two were Dr. Vic Paqueo of PIDS and Mr. Ferdie Diaz of ECOP. F.Hayek, among other thinkers who have written about the subject, provided the philosophical basis about the necessity of inequality and why things can be done more efficiently if there is diversity and spontaneity, not forced equality, among people. ... more »
Oscillating Prague tourism trends
After weeks of sunny, tropical, and extremely dry weather, Czechia entered a very wet, consistently rainy half-week (or more) today, something that I call the "socialist weather" because I believe that this is what the weather was like (almost) throughout the early 1980s. Grey uniform socialist junk. The temperatures are 20 °C lower than two days ago. I needed to go to Prague. Even though the rain is something basically pleasant for me, tourist destinations look profoundly non-photogenic when the weather sucks. I believe that it was raining bad when I went to the New York City for... more »
In the Trenches of Battlefield Earth
*Zen Gardner* - Ever wonder why you feel so all alone during this crucial time in history? The post In the Trenches of Battlefield Earth appeared first on Waking Times .
Justin Trudeau ad
I have made a small change to the Trudeau ad. I made many efforts for the change and it will not work. So this video is the best I could do. Are Conservatives messing with my computer? My computer has crashed quite a few times in the last few days.
The Economy: "True Believers"
*"True Believers"* by James Howard Kunstler "There is a special species of idiot at large in the financial media space who believe absolutely in the desperate and tragic public relations bullshit that this society churns out to convince itself that the techno-industrial high life can continue indefinitely, despite the mandates of reality — in particular, the fairy tales about oil: we’re cruising to energy independence… the shale oil “miracle” will keep us driving to WalMart forever… our wells doth overflow as if this were Saudi America… don’t worry, be happy! Such a true believer ... more »
Supplemental: Jonathan Alter kicks off a new feature!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2015Donald Trump isn’t “The Donald:”* Over the weekend, we decided we’d introduce a new running feature this week. It would concern an annoying aspect of the press corps’ coverage of Candidate Trump. Examples of the widespread practice can’t really be searched for. We knew we’d have to wait until someone triggered our new feature through their silly, formulaic work. This morning, the honors went to Jonathan Alter! We’re sorry, but it’s way past time for major scribes to drop this lazy piddle: ALTER (8/17/15): *Trump disgusts me and I’m sure he disgusts Clinton.... more »
Why Sri Lanka?
The 6pm BBC Radio 4 news had a piece about an upcoming Sri Lankan election. That's odd I thought, but then the Muslim angle was explained and the reason for airing the news was clear. The BBC's obsession with matters Muslim is quite incredible.
Is This Creepy UNICEF Commercial a Teaser for ET Disclosure?
*Jennifer Sodini* - This unusual TV Commercial by UNICEF appears to have a double meaning. The post Is This Creepy UNICEF Commercial a Teaser for ET Disclosure? appeared first on Waking Times.
Donald Trump says Vaccines cause Autism???? He's Toast!
*BIG Pharma Vaccine Laboratory* *Today it was revealed that Donald Trump has come out (actually he came out with this statement in 2007 as copied below) with a statement linking early childhood vaccinations with autism! I've been preparing a post on the controversies surrounding mass vaccinations...with a focus on why quite a few doctors have died or gone missing who were doing research into a toxic substance, nagalase, being present in MMR vaccinations. Since this breaking news is connected with the information I was preparing, I'm going to post it all at once...with my commen... more »
“I Know How to Live… I Don’t Know How to Die”
*“I Know How to Live… I Don’t Know How to Die”* by Bill Bonner TIVOLI, New York – “I’ve never done this before…” The woman on the bed was almost a skeleton. The flesh had already gone from her. What was left was an 86-year-old empty tube – shriveled, bent, used up. “I know how to live,” she said. “I don’t know how to die. I don’t know what I’m supposed to think or what I’m supposed to do.” “Don’t worry about it,” we advised. “It’ll come naturally. Do you need anything?” “Need anything? I need nothing at all. Absolutely nothing. I’m dying. And I have everything I need to do it.” “H... more »
Hey Christians, Say Goodbye To Religious Freedom
Just in case you need a refresher: Back in 2012, a baker in the Denver suburb of Lakewood was asked by a gay couple to make them a wedding cake—two years before gay marriage was even legalized in Colorado. The... The post Hey Christians, Say Goodbye To Religious Freedom appeared first on The Stream.
Here’s an Idea: Try Listening to Police Officers During Stops
Sandra Bland’s tragic death revived questions about racial profiling, police conduct and civil rights in America. We’ll never know all the facts about that incident, but I know a little about what Ms. Bland and countless other Americans have experienced.... The post Here’s an Idea: Try Listening to Police Officers During Stops appeared first on The Stream.
New Data Suggests Loose Euthanasia Laws Really are a Slippery Slope to a Culture of Death
“Of all the arguments against voluntary euthanasia, the most influential is the ‘slippery slope’: once we allow doctors to kill patients, we will not be able to limit the killing to those who want to die. There is no evidence... The post New Data Suggests Loose Euthanasia Laws Really are a Slippery Slope to a Culture of Death appeared first on The Stream.
The People Have The Power-- To Dream, To Vote
Labour's Jeremy Corbyn is drawing huge crowds across the U.K., just the way Bernie Sanders is here in the U.S.-- and for similar reasons. Both progressives are battling a distrusted and failed political Establishment and championing the concept of power to the people-- the polar opposite of what Trump is championing: power to the strong man who will look out for you (one of the roots of fascism). Corbyn's popularity is going through the roof. Friday people started voting in the Labour contest for Party Leader and, much to the chagrin of New Labour and the party's impotent, failed ... more »
The Philpott-Head Complex
The Liars of 9/11 : Inside The Twin Towers - Plane Impact Survivor Stanley Praimnath from Spike EP on Vimeo. The North Tower (WTC1) was struck at 8.46am. The South Tower (WTC2) was struck at 9.03am. I contend that it is neither feasible be nor even perhaps physically possible to make the the journey via elevator and emergency stairs from around Floor 72 to the main WTC lobby, back up Floor 72 under emergency evacuation conditions in less than 17 minutes. *This man is a liar.* *"To read A.N. Wilson’s article on Philpott you would think that the murders were state sponsored. *... more »
Israel plans a Provocation to Justify Invading Syria- Ground Invasion, that is!
*IDF troops prepare for possible incursion into Syria* * I’m going to highlight & repeat, where necessary, for clarification purposes, exactly what Israel's evil plan is!* *The IDF has already prepared plans to attack Syria *in light of a recent military assessment that Iran has opened a new front against Israel on the Golan Heights. *Military exercises in the area over the last two weeks have focused primarily on a scenario of offensive operations inside Syrian territory in response to possible action from the Syrian border *such as the infiltration of dozens of terrorists armed... more »
The Economy: "Why Everyone Is So Nervous About What China Does Next, In One Chart"
*"Why Everyone Is So Nervous About What* * China Does Next, In One Chart"* by Tyler Durden Whether the motive behind China's stunning August 11 devaluation announcement was to get one step closer to the SDR basket by promoting a market-based FX regime demanded by the IMF, to further ease financial conditions in China, to boost exports, or merely to telegraph to the Fed that with the US preparing to hike rates China will no longer be pegged to the USD, is unclear, but one thing that is certain is just how much everyone (if not this website) was shocked by the PBOC announcement. Gold...more »
"TARA first came to notice in the late sixties when the group issued a statement in the press claiming to be 'the hard core of Protestant resistance', and it is thought that the organization was set up as a counter to the civil disturbance associated with the NICRA [Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association] marches. The name TARA is derived from the place where the ancient high kings of Ireland were crowned and is, therefore, an unusual choice of title for a Loyalist paramilitary group. Operating from its HQ at Clifton Street Orange Hall, Belfast, as The Orange Discussion Group... more »
Heyoka – Harnessing the Power of Infinite Mask Wearing
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - Heyoka-energy is the epitome of expiation, and the cure for an over-reaching, aggrandized, and unsustainable human world. The post Heyoka – Harnessing the Power of Infinite Mask Wearing appeared first on Waking Times.
Politics: "It's About Angry Voters? Damn Right It Is."
*"It's About Angry Voters? Damn Right It Is."* by Karl Denninger "Bloomberg is once again showing it's contempt for real people... *"*Everybody seems to think voters are furious this year. The angry voter has been blamed (if that’s the word) for everything from the insurgent candidacies of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to the possible emergence of a third-party presidential candidate in 2016. And although some thoughtful dissenters wonder whether Americans are quite as enraged as the news media insist, the tale of the angry voter seems unlikely to fade any time soon. The tale? "... more »
Jim Callaghan, MI5 and the Police View of History
*"Oh, Harold's just a Walter Mitty..." * *- Prime Minister Jim Callaghan, * *as quoted by Tony Benn on SIS malfeasance* *"It can be shown that both Wilson and Heath are under Soviet control through Dick Vagaukas(?) and Lord Rothchild... * *Callaghan could be a good choice because of his role as Police Federation representative, but he also has 'financial skeletons' relating to Welsh banking matters in his cupboard. Roy Jenkins is the unknown quantity but his 'liberal' policies at the Home Officer have not helped his cause with the establishment - he is also very close to Wilson an... more »
Are We Prepared for the Middle East’s Next Battleground?
For the past year, the attention of policymakers and pundits following the Middle East has been absorbed with the twin problems of Iran’s nuclear program and the Islamic State. At the same time, however, another threat emanating from the region... The post Are We Prepared for the Middle East’s Next Battleground? appeared first on The Stream.
Most Non-Religious Americans Condone Polyamory, New Survey Finds
One? Two? Three? Four? Tell me that you love me more…by filling out this survey. Pop singer Feist’s 2007 hit single/iPod jingle was not in fact a cunning attempt to gauge how many sexual partners Americans consider to be morally acceptable. But it is a great song to... The post Most Non-Religious Americans Condone Polyamory, New Survey Finds appeared first on The Stream.
Minimum Wage Offensive Could Lead to Robot-Powered Restaurants
Crowded. That’s how Ed Rensi remembers what life was like working at McDonald’s in 1966. There were about double the number of people working in the store — 70 or 80, as opposed to the 30 or 40 there today... The post Minimum Wage Offensive Could Lead to Robot-Powered Restaurants appeared first on The Stream.
It is the Americans' intention to cut off China's access to their present African oil markets, cut off their current main source of supply from Iran, encourage them to go North and provoke a nuclear war with Russia. That's what this explosion in China could well be about - that's being reported as an explosion at a petroleum refinery. *"The Sino-Soviet split was one of the key events of the Cold War, equal in importance to the construction of the Berlin Wall, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Second Vietnam War, and Sino-American rapprochement. The split helped to determine the framew... more »
It’s a Myth that Financial Markets have been Deregulated in Past Century
Why do I write so much about the myth that financial market deregulation caused the financial crisis? Because that false narrative has spread so far and wide. Even some folks who are otherwise friendly to free markets have bought into... The post It’s a Myth that Financial Markets have been Deregulated in Past Century appeared first on The Stream.
High School Girl Sues for Right to Start Pro-Life Club
A Nevada girl who says her high school forbid her from starting a pro-life club is fighting back. Angelique Clark says she wanted to start a pro-life group on her school’s campus but was denied by the administration because abortion was controversial,... The post High School Girl Sues for Right to Start Pro-Life Club appeared first on The Stream.
The Great Taboo
"Everyone will agree that Nazis *don't deserve* Human Rights; whether or not these people *are* Nazis.... is not asked anymore..." * - Germar Rudolf* El Gran Tabu - the revisionist film that DESTROYED a film festival! from David Cole/Stein on Vimeo. * See the intro by David Cole here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-DCHPeuS5c * Subscribe to David's Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/WeAreTheRPA * Read Bradley Smith's description of the festival fracas here: http://codoh.com/library/document/627 * Buy David Cole's book here: http://www.countercontempt.com/archives... more »
I have one simple question for all of those trained seals who stand behind Steve Harper at his secret, controlled campaign rallies ....
*... and that question is:* *W T F ???*
Opting for Trials Post-Conflict? Why the Structure of Losers Matters
This post was written with Lindsay Heger, who is Associate Director, One Earth Future Foundation. We’ve seen the rise of judicial means to bring human rights violators to trial in recent decades, both regionally and globally. Most famously, the International Criminal Court, was established after the Rome Treaty was ratified in 2002 in order to […]
Living IR: Lessons from Manuela Picq’s arrest and detention
Over the weekend news came from Ecuador that Dr Manuela Picq of Universidad San Francisco de Quito, had been beaten and arrested while participating in a legal protest over indigenous rights as a journalist. Initially hospitalised as a result of injuries sustained at the hands of police, she was informed that her visa had been […]
Video: The Most Important Question About Abortion
Is abortion right, or is it wrong? It’s the big question that’s lost in a societal debate that’s mostly focused on legality. But, really, whether it’s right or wrong is the most important question about abortion. This is... The post Video: The Most Important Question About Abortion appeared first on The Stream.
Bob Woodward: Clinton Emails ‘Reminds Me of the Nixon Tapes’
Veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward on Monday compared the email controversy engulfing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to the downfall of President Richard Nixon. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Woodward, who through his reporting helped break open the Watergate scandal,... The post Bob Woodward: Clinton Emails ‘Reminds Me of the Nixon Tapes’ appeared first on The Stream.
Running shoe paper pulled for failing to disclose author’s industry ties
Not so fast — a paper that showed wearing Vibram FiveFingers (resembling foot gloves) “may help reduce running-related injuries” has been removed after the editors realized the first author is on Vibram’s advisory board. Managing editor Noelle A. Boughanmi told us there’s no retraction here — the journal is just fixing the paper to address the relationship […] The post Running shoe paper pulled for failing to disclose author’s industry ties appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Why the “Chemtrail Conspiracy” Is Real
*Sayer Ji* - So many call it a soncpiracy theory, but here's why this is no theory. The post Why the “Chemtrail Conspiracy” Is Real appeared first on Waking Times.
GOP Hopefuls Split on Sending Ground Troops to Fight ISIS
ATLANTA (AP) — Republican presidential candidates are split on whether the U.S. should send ground troops to the Middle East to combat Islamic State forces. And most of those who would commit troops offer few details on their plans. “I... The post GOP Hopefuls Split on Sending Ground Troops to Fight ISIS appeared first on The Stream.
Donald Trump Reports for Jury Duty
NEW YORK (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took a break Monday from courting voters to go to court as a potential juror. Trump shook hands and fist-bumped bystanders as he reported for jury duty at a Manhattan court,... The post Donald Trump Reports for Jury Duty appeared first on The Stream.
Hillary Clinton to Testify about Benghazi on Oct. 22
South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said Sunday that Hillary Clinton will indeed testify Oct. 22 about her activities as secretary of state at the time of the Benghazi attacks but suggested that her demand for a one-time appearance will result... The post Hillary Clinton to Testify about Benghazi on Oct. 22 appeared first on The Stream.
*EPA’s gross negligence at Gold King* *Fear-mongering, pollution standards and negligence rules don’t apply when EPA is at fault* Paul Driessen On August 5, an Environmental Restoration company crew, supervised by US Environmental Protection Agency officials, used an excavator to dig away tons of rock and debris that were blocking the entrance portal of Colorado’s Gold King Mine, which had been largely abandoned since 1923. Water had been seeping into the mine and out of its portal for decades, and the officials knew (or could and should have known) the water was acidi... more »
Mixed Bag In Iraq’s Anbar Op As Islamic State Counterattacks In Baiji
In Anbar Iraq’s forces had mixed news on their progress, while in Salahaddin’s Baiji district the Islamic State (IS) struck back during the second week of August 2015. IS’s on going car bomb campaign also continued with a sharp increase in those types of attacks compared to the previous week. That resulted in a jump in casualties. From August 8-14, 2015 Musings On Iraq counted 132 security incidents. That was a drop from 154 the week before. Baghdad had the most attacks with 48, Anbar and Ninewa had 18 each, Salahaddin had 17, Diyala 11, Babil 10, Kirkuk 9, and Karbala 1. The rea... more »
PRETENDERS: In this case, featuring Martha Raddatz!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2015Part 1—It happens every four years:* Every four years, they renew their pretending. Yesterday, the pretending featured Martha Raddatz. She was filling in for George Stephanopoulos as host of This Week, a high-profile, Sunday morning production of ABC “News.” Where was the pretending most obvious during yesterday’s broadcast? For our money, Raddatz’s performance was stiking at various junctures. But the pretending lacked any disguise when she strolled the Iowa State Fair with a well-known presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump. It was an Iowa three-step: ... more »
Election News Round-Up
I started this post more than a week ago (I think). Was too busy to get to it until now. So what the fuck. I won't have all that effort and shit go down the drain. NDP candidate for Toronto-Centre, Linda McQuaig says that to respond to the global warming crisis, some of the Tar Sands oil will have to stay in the ground. stephen harper responds with a barrage of laughable bullshit, including the canard that the NDP will "wreck the economy." Once again; in return for kissing the oil industry's ass for decade after decade, the people of Alberta enjoy no provincial sales tax. (If the ri... more »
Large Explosion Rocks Central Bangkok, at Least 16 Killed
BANGKOK (AP) — A bomb exploded Monday evening at a popular shrine in the heart of Bangkok, an area frequented by thousands of tourists, office workers and shoppers, killing at least 16 people and injuring dozens of others, officials said.... The post Large Explosion Rocks Central Bangkok, at Least 16 Killed appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Trump’s Defective Economics
The candidate is promoting currency devaluation — he should ask Argentina and Brazil how that worked out. To hear Donald Trump tell it, China is run by a cabal of geniuses who outsmarted the U.S. last week by cutting the... The post ANALYSIS: Trump’s Defective Economics appeared first on The Stream.
US Savagery Visited Upon Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Now Visits Bangkok
US ambassador's appointment portended deadly attack. *August 17, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - A deadly blast tore through downtown Bangkok on Monday evening as people rushed home from work. Over 15 are reported dead, and over 80 injured, many seriously - missing limbs or sustaining life-threatening injuries. The bombing is the latest in a string of attacks carried out by US-backed, ousted dictator Thaksin Shinawatra and his violent political front, United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) or simply the "red shirts." In addition to violent street mobs, Shinawatra ha... more »
Trouble with data proves toxic for a pair of toxicology papers
A pair of papers about the risks of titanium dioxide nanoparticles that share many of the same authors has been retracted from a toxicology journal following an investigation at Soochow University in China. Particle and Fibre Toxicology is retracting the papers for problems with the statistical methods and missing data, as well as for sharing figures. […] The post Trouble with data proves toxic for a pair of toxicology papers appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Hillary refuses to "get down in the mud"...
*pigs everywhere rejoice.* Trey Gowdy puts a point on it: *More:* Bunkerville: *Hillary’s IT company: ‘Highly likely’ a full backup of device exists* Reaganite Republican: *It's Not Just Hillary's Shredded Credibility or Tanking Poll #s... She's Ultimately Doomed Because Obama Hates Her Too* Always On Watch: *Hillary Clinton's Private Server *
Clumsy clot
At ITBB we sometimes have to return to the topic of Matthew Price. Why? Not because we don’t enjoy listening to that grating timbre that early in the morning, and not because he suddenly popped up on the Today programme and put his feet on the table without reassuring us (me) that he was not there full time, but only on holiday duty. I must’ve missed the announcement. It was probably made on Twitter. No. We return to the topic of Matthew Price because he’s apt to let it all hang out. Pro-immigration, anti-Israel, left-wing and all the rest of it. It’s not confined to Twitter, ev... more »
Vatican Museums Launches ‘Art Lovers Platform’ App
The Vatican Museums have launched a fundraising app–said to be an ‘exciting platform for art lovers’–which can be downloaded for free from the App Store. In a press release, the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums announced ‘Patrum,’ targeted... The post Vatican Museums Launches ‘Art Lovers Platform’ App appeared first on The Stream.
Commentariat Central
(*Updated below) Per reader request, here is one my semi-regular *New York Times* comment dumps. Please feel free to also post your own, *Times* or not, on any topic within or without reason. Paul Krugman, *Bungling Beijing's Stock Markets*, Aug. 14: China's leaders swing more toward Ayn Rand than Karl Marx, that's for sure. Whether the state runs the "markets" or the markets run the state is moot. Losses are socialized, profits are privatized. Struggling people become the victims and scapegoats. Wealth disparity widens to epic proportions. The center cannot hold. Surely it is ... more »
If Planned Parenthood Loses Government Funding, Here’s a Map of Health Clinics That Could Take Its Place
Two leading pro-life organizations released a map today intended to showcase the thousands of community health care clinics that could step in for Planned Parenthood if it were to lose federal funding. The map adds to a heated conversation about... The post If Planned Parenthood Loses Government Funding, Here’s a Map of Health Clinics That Could Take Its Place appeared first on The Stream.
Yogurt Teething Pops
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TeethingTruths #CollectiveBias With my first daughter, I could never see what the fuss was about with teething. She would go to bed one night, happy as could be and wake up with a new tooth. We had a few teething toys laying around, but she honestly never needed much of anything to get through teething and I was lulled into a false sense of what a teething baby was like. When my second daughter was six-months-old she started screaming for days on end, she had a runny nose and a s... more »
*Brad Pitt: 'I feel fantastic' about Make It Right ~Doug MacCash *
*Sorry, Clinton And Sanders, There's No Such Thing As Free College* "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." - Ayn Rand Candidates for the Democratic Party's nomination for president, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, have both promised that if elected, they would put forth legislation that would dramatically reduce tuition and student debt for public universities in one form or another. This opportunity is a lie in itself. In order for the federal government to pay for all these students, it would be necessary for more tax ... more »
Their World Is Changing
Harper Conservatives used to suffer from galloping certitude. They believed that they were paragons of virtue. Michael Harris writes: Conservatives like to think they occupy the moral high-ground. There is the greenhorn Trudeau, the ideologically obsessed Mulcair, and somewhere on Mount Olympus, taking it all in with august superiority, are the transcendent Harper Conservatives. But now, thanks in large part to the Duffy trial, the Conservatives now reside in the basement apartment of Canadian politics, exposed for their lying, cheating, and stunning abuses of power. And in any le... more »
Transpicuous News: China Nuked? and Chemical explosions EVERYWHERE
Well my friends, I tried. Last night Biggi, from CCN, and I tried to get Transpicuous News out live at it's usual time to no avail. My internet was so bad that I kept falling offline every few minutes. The game plan was then to record TN this morning (when I usually have decent internet) and release it on CCN later tonight..... .... yea that didn't work out so well. I am hoping the have enough internet tonight to get on The One People's Roundtable Discussion, but even that might not be in the cards, lol. Here's the thing, it's high tourist season here in this area of Morocco, a... more »
Anti-vaccine activists being targeted by big pharma hit squad
[image: Natural Health 365] Posted by: Allison Reed, staff writer in Vaccine Dangers August 17, 2015 (NaturalHealth365) Mandatory vaccination bills have dominated news headlines – especially in California, where SB277 was recently signed into law, stripping parents of their rights to opt children out of the mandatory immunizations required to attend school. Anti-vaccine activists have not been silent on their opposition to the bill and their belief that big pharma profit margins are the driving force behind the bill – not concern for public health and safety. After all, drug compani... more »
Let’s Pray for Michael Sam
As widely reported last week, Michael Sam, heralded last year as the first openly gay player to be drafted into the NFL, has stepped away from professional football for now, citing concerns about his “mental health.” At the time of... The post Let’s Pray for Michael Sam appeared first on The Stream.
Number of Planned Parenthood Clinics Supplying Fetal Tissue Still Unclear
One month after the first video targeting Planned Parenthood was released, it’s still unclear exactly how many of the group’s hundreds of clinics supply aborted fetal organs for medical research. Planned Parenthood said this week that clinics in only three... The post Number of Planned Parenthood Clinics Supplying Fetal Tissue Still Unclear appeared first on The Stream.
Syrian Government Kills Civilians in Civil War as U.N. Warns of Humanitarian Crisis
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — The United Nations humanitarian chief said Monday he is “horrified” by the attacks on civilians that are taking place in Syria, warning that the protracted conflict not only “severely affects” the lives of millions of people... The post Syrian Government Kills Civilians in Civil War as U.N. Warns of Humanitarian Crisis appeared first on The Stream.
Republicans Say They are Happier with Their Marriages
W. Bradford Wilcox, a sociologist, has written two recent papers noting that children in conservative parts of the country are more likely to grow up with both parents than in liberal ones. In both articles, he challenged the view that... The post Republicans Say They are Happier with Their Marriages appeared first on The Stream.
Iran’s Ayatollah Says Nuke Deal Isn’t Done Deal, Warns That U.S. Will Have No Influence
Iran will remain closed to U.S. influence and continue to oppose U.S. policies in the Middle East after its nuclear deal with big powers, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday, noting either country can still block the accord.... The post Iran’s Ayatollah Says Nuke Deal Isn’t Done Deal, Warns That U.S. Will Have No Influence appeared first on The Stream.
Boxing Out Biden
EDGARTOWN, Mass. – As Joe Biden considers a possible run for president, the donors he’d need to be viable appear to be ruling him out. Not all 400 people who gathered at a waterfront estate here on Sunday have been... The post Boxing Out Biden appeared first on The Stream.
Indonesian Plane Debris Seen; Carried 54 People, Gov’t Cash
JAYAPURA, Indonesia (AP) — A passenger plane with 54 people on board that crashed in the mountains of eastern Indonesia was carrying nearly half a million dollars in government cash for poor families to help offset a spike in fuel... The post Indonesian Plane Debris Seen; Carried 54 People, Gov’t Cash appeared first on The Stream.
Sen. Sessions: Trump’s America-First Immigration Plan ‘Exactly’ What American Needs
The Senate’s leading proponent of enforcing and toughening immigration laws said late Sunday that Donald Trump’s immigration outline, his first major position white paper, is “exactly the plan America needs.” In a strong endorsement of Trump’s bid to close the... The post Sen. Sessions: Trump’s America-First Immigration Plan ‘Exactly’ What American Needs appeared first on The Stream.
Watching the Tides Roll Away At Jeju Navy Base Gate
I was awake earlier than I wanted to be this morning. I made myself breakfast in the 4th floor kitchen here at the Catholic Center in Gangjeong village. Since I arrived after dark last night I don't know my way around that well yet so I went walking and exploring for awhile. The tangerines that Jeju is famous for are now young and will be harvested in the late fall. The trees are all around the village as are the plants with hot red peppers and the green bean plants. Knowing that we had to be at the Navy base gate by 11:00 am for the daily Catholic mass I wanted to make a sig... more »
Man Charged in Stabbing Death of Morgan Freeman’s Step-Granddaughter
NEW YORK (AP) — Police have arrested a 30-year-old man in connection with the fatal stabbing of actor Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter on a Manhattan street. Lamar Davenport, of New York City, was charged with second-degree murder on Monday, a day... The post Man Charged in Stabbing Death of Morgan Freeman’s Step-Granddaughter appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: The White House Takes the Low Road In Selling the Iran Deal
Rather than coast to victory on the congressional math while applying some well-placed political pressure behind the scenes, the Obama administration and its allies have waged a scorched-earth campaign against anyone who dares to question the wisdom of the deal.... The post ANALYSIS: The White House Takes the Low Road In Selling the Iran Deal appeared first on The Stream.
Economic News , Data And Views ( August 17 , 2015 ) .... Greece Updates ( Domestic and International politics touching on Greece debt crisis , economic items of note , Senior Bank debt plunges post bailout agreement , debt relief trial balloons set afloat ) .... Broader Europe In Focus ( Germany , EZ/EU international trade data , EZ politics regarding Greece Bailout Agreement ) ....... Asia In Focus ( Japan , China , Currency turbulence in focus today ! )
Evening wrap.... Greece... *Keep Talking Greece* @keeptalkingGR 56m56 minutes ago German "Fraport" gets 14 regional airports in #Greece for 1.23 billion euro total for 40+10 years. FrPo main stakeholder Fed St of Essen *Theodora Oikonomides* @IrateGreek 1h1 hour ago Why Tsipras might gamble on snap elections https://shar.es/1tDSsA Great, down-to-earth analysis by @NickMalkoutzis #Greece *zerohedge* @zerohedge 1h1 hour ago "Avoid ALL Contact" With Rain, American Embassy In Beijing Warns http://www. zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-1 7/avoid-all-contact-rain-american... more »
Military Photo of the Day: August 17, 2015
A U.S. Air Force combat rescue officer scans the perimeter while participating in an exercise on June 25, 2015, in Norfolk, England. Thank you to Senior Airman Victoria Taylor for capturing this image! The post Military Photo of the Day: August 17, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
Who is the West's Lead MH17 Investigator?
*August 17, 2015* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - As tensions once again build in eastern Ukraine where a fragile ceasefire appears to be on the brink of collapsing and the deadly contest of wills between East and West begins anew, the West's prize propaganda story, downed Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has again taken center stage. As part of a much wider campaign to demonize Russia and justify further encroachment east, attempts to cement the narrative that Russia was responsible for the incident before long-awaited investigations present their findings is well underway. While Russia has... more »
Labour's Angela Eagle showing that political hypocrisy that almost defines the Labour Party
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI_r8ZeVH4M&sns=em Angela Eagle who's standing for Labour Deputy Leader...
“Auckland - A Tranquil City”
Made by Siyamalan, "A tranquil city" is a compilation of thousands of images he shot around Auckland from May to September last year. *I tried to set most of the sequences during the golden hour to utilise the fading natural light for maximum dynamic range. Most memorable experience in making this short movie was shooting Auckland fog. I wasn't lucky at the beginning. Whenever I see a fog forecast, I would set an early morning alarm to check if the forecast is still the same. After several visits, I finally managed to find the right moment :)* Know what I thought when I watched ... more »
Toronto Family Found Housing 150 Alligators and Crocodiles
The founder of a Canadian zoo had a hard time believing owners of a Toronto home were living with 150 large alligators and crocodiles until he discovered it wasn’t just another reptilian urban myth. Bry Loyst of the Indian River... The post Toronto Family Found Housing 150 Alligators and Crocodiles appeared first on The Stream.
Airbnb Horror Story Points to Need for Precautions
Early in the evening of July 4, Micaela Giles’s mobile phone started sounding alerts, and a series of messages straight out of a horror movie began scrolling down her screen. Her 19-year-old son told her that his Airbnb host in... The post Airbnb Horror Story Points to Need for Precautions appeared first on The Stream.
Urban Gadabout: Exploring Calvary Cemetery and the L train -- plus fall schedules from the NY Transit Museum and MAS
*First Calvary Cemetery occupies a commanding position on the Queens side of the borough's western border with Brooklyn. (Click to enlarge.*)* Mitch Waxman will be leading a Calvary walking tour on Saturday, August 22, 11am to (approx.) 1pm.* *by Ken* Awhile back Mitch Waxman devoted a *Newtown Pentacle* post to Queens's First Calvary Cemetery ("ordinary interpretation," August 5), when he called it "my favorite place in Queens." That post has taken such root in my head that I was delighted when he mentioned during his recent walking tour of Newtown Creek's Dutch Kills tributary t... more »
Best of the weekend
You don’t have to know much about the world’s most libertarian sport to enjoy this weekend’s best marks, moves, mistakes and goals. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
“While government power can increase monetary volume, it cannot enhance monetary value.”
Over the weekend I was recommended a great wee monograph by former Friedman collaborator George Gilder, which makes, as the title says, a *21st Century Case for Gold.* Frankly, the case as Gilder makes it is frustratingly shallow (a gee-whiz mishmash of the ancient labour theory of value and up-to-the-minute cybernetics), but his criticism of the monetarist mainstream who have delivered us monetary mayhem is dead on: [image: image]This essay explains why monetary policy has not prevented the greatest recession since 1930 and is contributing even today to starving the real economy... more »
Paid for by U.S. & NATO
The ugly results of the US-NATO war project inside Ukraine..... particularly watch the 14 minute mark
RIP Julian, You Did Your Part (H80thBDSS!) The Economy: (3 Million Jobs Lost!) "U.S. Wages Have Fallen EVERY Quarter of the 'Recovery'" (Fukushima Burning) Who Will Say They're Sorry? (Is It Finally Gonna Be Al?)
Realistically, this election might be the last opportunity to elect a climate president — a true leader on this issue, a leader with heft. . . . We need President Gore, and it’s almost mandatory. Julian Bond, a US civil rights activist and longtime chair of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), has died aged 75. . . . As a Morehouse College student, Bond
*'Bringing Back The Home': Jon Cleary Celebrates The Soul Of New Orleans ~NPR*
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This is the mess that is left when a star explodes. The Crab Nebula, the result of a supernova seen in 1054 AD, is filled with mysterious filaments. The filaments are not only tremendously complex, but appear to have less mass than expelled in the original supernova and a higher speed than expected from a free explosion. *Click image for larger size.* The featured image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, is presented in three colors chosen for scientific interest. The Crab Nebula spans about 10 light-years. In the nebula's very center lies a pulsar: a neutron star as massive as ... more »
Gordon Brown and Power
Has Gordon Brown reached down from heaven and, like the vengeful Presbyterian God, smited Jeremy Corbyn with his great clunking fist? Well, no. The much-trailed *Power with a Purpose* speech wasn't the knock out some were hoping for, as if a talk could derail the Jeremy juggernaut anyway. Instead we had a thoughtful, nuanced and lengthy tour of the policy and ethics of the Labour Party. He asked the questions about what Labour is, its purpose, its direction of travel. In a way, it was less an attack on Corbyn - though one can easily be found in the historical vistas Gordon directs ... more »
Earthcycles live at Crow Fair!
Govinda of Earthcycles with Centerpole are live at the Crow Fair today, Sunday, until midnight! Govinda said they have a renovated RV made into a radio station! Listen now: http://www.crowvoices.blogspot.com/ . Photos by Govinda, live from the Crow Fair in Montana!
Chet Raymo, “A New ‘Creation” Oratorio”
*“A New ‘Creation” Oratorio”* by Chet Raymo "Two centuries have elapsed since Joseph Haydn composed his magnificent "The Creation" oratorio.** *In all that time, no other musician has given us a better evocation of how the universe began. The famous C-major fortissimo chord of Haydn's oratorio- the glorious sunburst of sound that comes in response to the whispered words, "And there was light"- is an apt evocation of the modern astronomer's Big Bang. Still, we have learned a lot since Herschel's time about the universe's beginning and probable end. Maybe it's time for a musical upda... more »
ANALYSIS: Hit New Rap Movie Whitewashes Anti-Asian Hate
My Instagram and Facebook feeds have been filled with unwitting apologists for racism against Korean-American small-business owners. Heckuva job, Hollywood! Here’s how the poison is spreading. A savvy marketing team at Universal/Comcast Corp. developed a web toy that allows social... The post ANALYSIS: Hit New Rap Movie Whitewashes Anti-Asian Hate appeared first on The Stream.
How Keynes Almost Prevented the Keynesian Revolution
*Guest post by Mark Tovey* [image: Mises Daily Aug 15 2015]October 30, 1929. A brisk autumn’s day in Manhattan. The Savoy-Plaza Hotel’s thirty-three stories cast a long shadow over Central Park. At the base of the hotel a financier lies freshly fallen, motionless, while his last breath, wrenched from the lungs by force of impact, is now a red mist of gore in the air. Sirens and uniforms. The suicide spot quickly becomes crowded by spectators, who form a vision-impairing ring-fence of backs, much to the annoyance of elbow-throwers at the periphery. Winston Churchill stands at his ... more »
RIP Julian Bond, A Personal Hero
Saturday night, Julian Bond, one of my personal heroes, passed away. I didn't realize he was 75; I always assumed he was my age, maybe a year or two older. I first met him in 1966, and I'm going to tell you about that in a minute. In more recent years we've both been on the board of People for the American Way, where he has continued to inspire me. He's inspired a lot of people. In fact, this morning Eric Holder tweeted "Julian Bond-- activist, icon. A great man who made the gains of the next generation possible and the nation better. We owe him much." From his days as the co-foun... more »
CENSORED NEWS: IEN: Youth call for DC civil disobedience to stop ...
CENSORED NEWS: IEN: Youth call for DC civil disobedience to stop ...: The Indigenous Environmental Network • PO Box 485 • Bemidji, MN 56619 http://www.ienearth.org/ ... more »
CENSORED NEWS: Dine' Protesters Chase John McCain off Navajo Nati...
CENSORED NEWS: Dine' Protesters Chase John McCain off Navajo Nati...: By Nihigaal bee Iina Censored News Scroll down for video 'Chasing McCain off Navajo Nation' Diné taking act... more »
[image: Progressive Bloggers] *COVERUP !!!* There is NO other way to describe it.
"Optimist, Pessimist, Realist..."
"An optimist thinks that this is the best possible world. A pessimist fears that this is true." - Ashleigh Brilliant
Midday Musical Interlude: Karunesh, “Endless Skies”
Karunesh, “Endless Skies” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hae1MQuk6B8
Netherlands, US & Germany withdrawing Turkey based Patriot Missile Batteries
Also! Woe, woe woe for the transgender Turks - Standard Demonization via Identity Politics brought to us all by the CBC- Canadian Brainwashing Corporation. Payed for with Canadian taxpayer dollars Look at the bottom of this post for the identity politics spin. *First, pick your link for Patriot Missile news or peruse them all* *Link & Link & Link* Germany, the United States and the Netherlands all deployed Patriots in early 2013 after Turkey asked its fellow NATO partners for help in protecting its territory amid an escalating civil war in Syria. The Dutch ended their missio... more »
Dine' Protesters Chase John McCain off Navajo Nation
Below: Click arrow to watch video! . Dine': No more allowing state or federal politicians and the corporations they represent entrance into our homelands By Nihigaal bee Iina Censored News August 14, 2015 Diné taking action in Window Rock to address John McCain's ecocidal and genocidal policies. This morning at the Navajo Nation Museum, members of various
"There's a wideness in God's mercy/like the wideness of the sea"
Well, the controversial *Songs of Praise *from the illegal migrant encampment in Calais was broadcast tonight, and I suspect viewing figures will have been well up. The two items ran as described in the previous post. In the first we heard from some of the migrants and from Giles Fraser (so, yes, he was on after all). Giles described the migrants as being his brothers and sisters but avoided making any explicitly political points. In the second items we heard from Christian volunteers from England and France who had come to help the migrants. In fairness to presenter Sally Magn... more »
ABC News: “Highly Likely” a Backup Server Exists with Hillary Clinton’s Emails
The post ABC News: “Highly Likely” a Backup Server Exists with Hillary Clinton’s Emails appeared first on The Stream.
After reading Mike Whitney's analysis, I'm convinced that he has a correct view of Syria today and the two ways it can possibly turn out: Washington and NATO's next war or Vladimir Putin's plan for peace. Below, Paul Craig Roberts wonders if Washington may have "killed so many Muslims and destroyed so many countries and institutions that there is nothing left to organize against the Islamist Revolution?"
------------------------------ *The Islamist Revolution * ------------------------------ August 16, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter This is an interesting analysis by Mike Whitney: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/08/14/is-putin-planning-to-sell-out-assad/ One question is: Can the Islamist Revolution unleashed by Washington be contained? Or have Washington and its NATO vassals killed so many Muslims and destroyed so many countries and institutions that there is nothing left to organize ag... more »
August 16: The family tree of Naziism
This is a topic easily misunderstood because we are taught to misunderstand it. So let's start gently... I have spent much of my life learning how to hate. I was taught that Germans were, by nature, hateful and evil. Japanese were even worse. Comic books regularly featured evil-looking Germans and Japanese confronted by tall, handsome and undoubtedly church-going Canadians. (Italians got off lightly in this, even though my elementary school had hundreds of Italian kids whose parents were fascist. I guess nobody took the Italians seriously.) Then, suddenly, the evil ones weren't ev...
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