"Police: Tenn. theater attack suspect had been committed 4 times"
There was yet another violent incident today at a movie theater. Not surprisingly, the offender, who was shot and killed, was mentally ill: (CNN)The man who was killed Wednesday by Nashville police after he allegedly went after moviegoers with a hatchet and pepper spray had been committed to a mental institution four times, police spokesman Don Aaron told reporters. Vincente David Montano was committed twice in 2004 and twice in 2007, said Aaron, citing officials in Rutherford County. Montano had been arrested Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in 2004 in a case of assault and resisting arrest... more »
Ted Heath
*Heath OUT.* *Colin Wallace (second from right) in the company of PM Ted Heath * *Kincora Childrens Home, **1972* October Surprise 1974: A Very British Coup - An Oral History by Tony Benn (Part 1 of 2) from Spike EP on Vimeo. " *Few people in this country understand the enormous political power wielded by our security services. Officers of MI5 and MI6 swear their absolute, personal allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, which they feel elevates them above elected government, according them the power to do whatever they like. These men have always been hostile to Labour politicians... more »
Movie Watch: "See It Big! 70mm" at the Museum of the Moving Image. Plus an Urban Gadabout note: "I Remember NY"
*Coney Island (this Sunday, August 9) is one of two neighborhoods tour leader Joe Svehlak will be revisiting this month in his Municipal Art Society series I Remember New York. Also coming up is Downtown Brooklyn (Sunday, August 30). See below.* *by Ken* As I mentioned recently, I wiped out most of a day of potential Jane Jacobs Weekend walks to catch a 70mm screening of Robert Wise's 1965 film version of *The Sound of Music*, which as it happened I had never seen in any form, at the Museum of the Moving Image. These days, as digital projection takes over for theatrical showing ev... more »
MENA Report - Around the horn in the Middle East and North Africa - Iraq / Syria Regional War .... Yemen Regional Proxy War..... ISIS - Al Qaeda Watch ...... Iran situation .... Libya Clusterfark ! !
Links.... *Al-Qaeda Whittles Down US-Trained Syria Rebels* *Foreign Ground Troops Join Yemen War* *ISIS or al-Qaeda? US Officials Split Over Top Terror Threat* *ISIS or al-Qaeda? US Officials Split Over Top Terror Threat* 37 Killed Across Iraq as Yazidis Search for Their Missing UN Says Majority of Health Programs Suspended in Iraq UK to Extend Tornado Strikes in Iraq Syria Approaching De Facto Partition Amid Assad Military Setbacks Syria Foreign Minister in Tehran for Talks With Iran, Russia PKK Attacks Turkey's Halted Shah Deniz Gas Pipeline US Energy Secretary: if I Were... more »
Has Cancer Been Completely Misunderstood?
*Sayer Ji* - Cancer is a symptom, not a disease The post Has Cancer Been Completely Misunderstood? appeared first on Waking Times.
Remote Viewing Revelations From the US Military to the British MoD
*Louis Proud* - Evidence shows how interested government is in ESP and remote viewing methodolgy. The post Remote Viewing Revelations From the US Military to the British MoD appeared first on Waking Times.
Another Take on Social Media and How It Affects Intimacy
*Video -* Is social media really all that bad? Is there a way to share the info you want and need without destroying your soul? The post Another Take on Social Media and How It Affects Intimacy appeared first on Waking Times.
Severe Crackdown in China on Church Crosses Draws Backlash
LOWER DAFEI VILLAGE, China — About a dozen Catholics wept and sang hymns outside their church as a man climbed to the top of the building and sliced off its steel cross with a cutting torch. It toppled with a... The post Severe Crackdown in China on Church Crosses Draws Backlash appeared first on The Stream.
harper GTA campaign stop
So, sniveling stephen "the coward" harper was in the GTA on a campaign stop, and the laughable psychopath was in a combative mood! Conservative Leader Stephen Harper rolled into the Toronto region on Monday with a sharpened attack on his political rivals, charging that NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair's ideology and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's inexperience would put Canada's economy and security at risk. They were the same themes with which he launched his campaign on Sunday, but Harper a day later was stepping up his criticism of the Liberals and New Democrats as he levelled broads... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Are the nearest galaxies distributed randomly? A plot of over one million of the brightest "extended sources" detected by the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) shows that they are not. The vast majority of these infrared extended sources are galaxies. *Click image for larger size.* Visible above is an incredible tapestry of structure that provides limits on how the universe formed and evolved. Many galaxies are gravitationally bound together to form clusters, which themselves are loosely bound into superclusters, which in turn are sometimes seen to align over even larger scale struc... more »
Chet Raymo, “Into The Pool”
*“Into The Pool”* by Chet Raymo “Let's start with a bit of late-Victorian soft porn, “Hylas and the Nymphs”, painted in 1896 by the Pre-Raphaelite John William Waterhouse. (Click to enlarge.) Hylas is one of the Argonauts, sailing with Jason in quest of the Golden Fleece. While the ship is stopped at an island, he goes in search of fresh water. As he stoops to fill his jug at a woodland spring he encounters a bevy of naiads, who fall madly in love with the heartbreakingly handsome youth. They invite him into the pool- and he is never heard from again. Did he find with those immort... more »
"Quiet Desperation..."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things." ~ Henry David Thoreau
The Daily "Near You?"
Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
"Crabs in a Bucket"
"*Crabs in a Bucket"* by Sarah Robinson "When I was a little girl, I lived very close (and hour and fifteen minutes) to the Florida panhandle beaches. Which meant we spent a TON of time there. Early evening was one of my favorite times to walk the beach with my mom and my older brothers. We were all clean and fed and slightly sun weary but still desperate to be outside. So, we would grab flashlights, dip nets and a bucket and search the ocean’s edge for crabs. We would catch a bucket full in an evening and drag them back home where my mom or my grandmother would cook them up into s... more »
"The Decline of Critical Thinking"
*"The Decline of Critical Thinking"* by Lawrence Davidson "In 2008 Rick Shenkman, the Editor-in-Chief of the History News Network, published a book entitled "Just How Stupid Are We? Facing the Truth about the American Voter" (Basic Books). In it he demonstrated, among other things, that most Americans were: (1) ignorant about major international events, (2) knew little about how their own government runs and who runs it, (3) were nonetheless willing to accept government positions and policies even though a moderate amount of critical thought suggested they were bad for the country... more »
"The Fear of Appearing Dumb: Intelligence Speaks for Itself"
*"The Fear of Appearing Dumb: Intelligence Speaks for Itself"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Living in fear of sounding intelligent can rob your friends of knowing the real you.The universal need to be accepted by others can be a barrier that prevents us from being ourselves around them. When we fear that the people we encounter will perceive us as inept or unintelligent, we frequently try to flaunt our grasp of large words or clever witticisms or our professional expertise in an effort to convince them that we are smart and capable. The reasons for feeling this way can be many, a... more »
FrankenMarket Unfurls? (Rall Rage - Ted Rall Fired for Telling the Truth) U.S. Is Oligarchy (Economic Hit Men Revealed) Wall Street Is So Corrupt That It Reeks When It Walks (Private Companies Run U.S. Drone Warfare) Liquidity As Weapon of Coercion Brings Greek Coup (Conspiracy Theory Redux) No Inflation in US.? (Dream On!)
Are you watching the economic news in China? The U.S.? Closely? Remember: These are not "dumb" guys (about their interests). Only mute to us. - - - - - - - FrankenMarket unfurls? “Here’s where we are in the larger story. World economies can’t grow anymore, at least not like they used to. We are not going to see 3, 4 or 5 percent real growth. The pie is no longer expanding like it used
Jason Kellahin and his Roswell Tale
(Blogger’s note: Since this has come up, I thought I’d republish, with appropriate updates, the article from my *The Roswell Encyclopedia*about this. If I wasn’t the first to interview Jason Kellahin, I was in the first five and I’ll bet that I was the first to interview him in his home. I did notice one thing as we walked through his house. There was a copy of *The Roswell Incident* on his desk, as well as a number of newspaper articles about the Roswell crash that he referred to periodically. Clearly he had been reviewing that material before I had arrived and just as clearly that ... more »
What Is Being Achieved In Yemen?
*Source of photo: Reuters.* An excerpt from, *"The Cruel And Aimless War On Yemen"* by b, Moon of Alabama, August 3, 2015: The situation for the people in Yemen is catastrophic. Doctors Without Borders, which has experience from many war zones, says it is the worst conflict they ever worked in. The theocratic family dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, with U.S. support, is relentlessly bombing the country and blockading it from all urgently needed supply for the people. The declared aim of the war is to reinstate the Saudi/U.S. selected President Hadi. But no one in Yemen wants Hadi bac... more »
Bellwether State of New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood
The New Hampshire executive council ended Wednesday state funding of Planned Parenthood, the latest move to defund the organization in the wake of graphic undercover videos accusing the organization of profiting from fetal-tissue sales. A majority of the state executive... The post Bellwether State of New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
Albertans React Angrily To Harper's Attack On The New Notley NDP Administration !!
*#HarperBlamesAlbertans Takes Off After Harper Calls Alberta NDP Government A 'Disaster'* *Stephen Harper took an online lashing from Albertans after making a dig at the province’s NDP government this week.* *During a campaign stop in Laval, Que., the Conservative leader addressed an audience in French and criticized the Alberta government's decision to delay the release of its provincial budget until October.* *“We have an experiment like this going on in Alberta right now,” Harper said.* *“The Alberta government, the new NDP government, in their first action they are incapable ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 5, 2015
*The Guardian:* *Obama accuses Iran deal opponents of luring Congress toward Middle East war* US president warns against heeding the ‘drumbeat of war’ ahead of congressional vote, saying the Iran deal’s dissenters also argued for the war in Iraq Barack Obama turned his opposition to the Iraq war into a trump card against critics of the Iran nuclear deal on Wednesday, in a speech that accused “armchair” warmongers in Washington of luring Congress toward another military conflict in the Middle East. *MIDDLE EAST* Obama defends Iran nuclear deal *as U.S. diplomacy over war*. Penta... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 5, 2015
*Bloomberg:* *Turkey’s Incirlik Base to Become Hub Against Islamic State* The U.S. has begun deploying manned and unmanned aircraft at Incirlik Air Base, which will soon play a prominent role in the fight against Islamic State, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday. Turkey will also open other bases for operations against the jihadist group, Cavusoglu told state-run TRT television during a visit to Malaysia. The U.K., France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan may also act against the militants from Turkey, he said. “Incirlik will soon play an effective role in t... more »
In Greece, Reliance on Public Funds Is the Central Problem
*Guest post by Justin Murray* Greece is and will remain a hot topic. Much of the discussion paints either the image that Greeks are lazy good-for-nothings forever fated to debt disaster, or that Greece is only a debt-restructuring away from a stable economic situation. [image: image]Without understanding how Greece got into this problem in the first place however, and without identifying the root cause of an over-indebted society, any plan or solution has a high probability of failure. To crack into this root cause, I had to develop an entirely new metric called “implied public ... more »
Quote of the Day: Too much liberty?
*“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those attending too small a degree of it.”* -Thomas Jefferson Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Trump CAN Indeed Win The Republican Nomination... And Bernie Can Beat Trump In The General
Tuesday was the first time I actually came to grips with how the sheer, colossal stupidity and ugliness of the Republican primary base is likely to nominate-- despite the Kochs and Adelsons and despite the Party Establishment-- Trump for the president. Yes, it's not just freaky and funny; it's also very real. In his column in *The Hill* this morning, Markos Moulitsas seems to be trying to tell Beltway purveyors of conventional wisdom (i.e., journalists) that they've covered Trump inadequately and misleadingly from the start. The key fact is that the collective lizard brain of the ... more »
An Excerpt From President Obama's Speech On The P5+1-Iran Nuclear Deal At American University + Shah of Iran on Nuclear Weapons
*Who is afraid of peace?* *An excerpt from President Obama's speech at American University on the P5+1-Iran nuclear deal on August 5, 2015, The Washington Post:* I raise this recent history because now more than ever, we need clear thinking in our foreign policy, and I raise this history because it bears directly on how we respond to the Iranian nuclear program. That program has been around for decades, dating back to the Shah's efforts, with U.S. support, in the 1960s and '70s to develop nuclear power. The theocracy that overthrew the Shah accelerated the program after the Iran-Ir... more »
The Economy: "Love Thy Neighbor– but Only if He Gives You a Campaign Contribution"
"*Love Thy Neighbor–* * but Only if He Gives You a Campaign Contribution" * by Bill Bonner PARIS – "We’re watching three things in a desultory kind of way – U.S. stocks, Chinese stocks, and gold. None moved significantly yesterday. So, we return to the Great Zombie War. Let’s preface today’s comments by saying that we never know exactly what is going on. Nobody does. All we can do is open our eyes and look… from one side, then from the other… through the glass darkly, and then clearly… with malice toward none and a wry smile on our face. *Zombies and “Half-Zombies”: *That said… th... more »
August 5: The news in brief....
.... ...the American Empire is falling. Its governments, prodded by the billionaires who really operate them, have all but drowned in a series of unwinnable wars in order to maintain their imperial control. But it's not enough. The U.S. has called in its colonies (Britain, Canada, France, Saudi Arabia et al) to save it - just as Britain called in its colonies to fight its wars for it in 1914 and 1939. But the wars are still unwinnable.That means the U.S. billionaires will have to sign up even more patriots from their colonies to keep them rich by killing Russian and Chinese billion... more »
*Fontainebleau State Park Waterfront Cabins to Reopen ~Curbed NOLA* *Hurricane Katrina is Coming…Back ~Jan Ramsey, offBeat* *Good Eggs, an online farmers market, pulls the plug in New Orleans ~Ian McNulty, N.O. Advocate *
Investment Liberalization 2, G7 and East Asia economies
Mobility of investments and capital across islands, countries and continents is part of human nature. A country or island for instance with plenty of beautiful white sand beaches will naturally attract investors who will put up modern resorts and hotels, that will attract more visitors from other countries, giving lots of jobs and other business opportunities to the locals and new migrants. The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released in late June 2015 its World Investment Report (WIR) 2015. The annex tables of that report are found here. My sister's auditing firm p... more »
Christy Clark and the BC Liberal Government Sold Out British Columbia to a Probable/Potentially Corrupt Criminal Prime Minister Najib Razak
*Written by Grant G* What is it with the BC Liberal Government and the doing business with what appears to be corrupt criminals all involved with the LNG racket?.. The only two projects that are possibly going forward, Woodfibre LNG and Petronas`s PNW LNG....Woodfibre LNG is a proposed project owned by an Indonesian criminal, a environmental criminal and tax evader...(Below picture is Christy Clark with the criminal Sukanto Tanoto) The first part of this Straight Goods article highlights some of Sukanto Tanoto`s vicious crimes, further down in this posting is breaking, shocking... more »
Study: Iran Nuclear Deal Could Increase 'Terror-Linked Military Spending By Nearly $5B
*Washington Times*: *Iran nuke deal could increase terror-linked military spending by nearly $5B: study* A new study estimates that Iran’s military spending could increase by $4.8 billion under the new nuclear deal, including a 50 percent budget increase for its terror-linked paramilitary force. According to the study by the American Action Forum, the deal would generate roughly $140 billion in funds for Iran due to sanctions relief and unfreezing of assets. Iran reports spending about 3.4 percent of its budget on defense and about 65 percent of its defense budget on its Islamic... more »
President Obama: Some Unfrozen Iran Cash Will Fund Terror And The Military
*AFP:* *Obama admits some unfrozen Iran cash will fund terror* Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama acknowledged Wednesday that Iran might use cash coming its way under sanctions relief to fund "terrorist organizations" but argued this is preferable to allowing it to develop nuclear arms. "The truth is, that Iran has always found a way to fund these efforts," Obama said, in a speech to defend the Iran nuclear deal. *Update:* Obama Admits Iran Will Likely Use Sanctions Relief Money To Fund Military, Terrorism -- Daily Caller *WNU Editor*: President Obama admits a lot of thing...more »
Giuliani Calls Iran Deal a ‘Recipe for War’
The post Giuliani Calls Iran Deal a ‘Recipe for War’ appeared first on The Stream.
President Obama Defends His Iranian Nuclear Deal: 'Rejecting Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Vote For War'
*Reuters*: *Obama defends Iran nuclear deal as U.S. diplomacy over war* President Barack Obama defended the Iran nuclear deal on Wednesday against a furious lobbying effort by political opponents and Israel and said abandoning the agreement would open up the prospect of war. Invoking the Cold War peacemaking initiatives of former Presidents John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, Obama said that if the U.S. Congress blocked the deal it would accelerate Tehran’s path to a bomb and severely damage America’s credibility. Obama said that "alternatives to military actions will have been exhaus...more »
Gene Drive Breakthrough: Caution Urged over Editing DNA in Wildlife
Caution is being urged when it comes to the topic of editing DNA in wildlife. Rapid alteration of gene pools could fight disease and harm ecosystems. On July 30, the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) held... The post Gene Drive Breakthrough: Caution Urged over Editing DNA in Wildlife appeared first on The Stream.
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #66What's playin' NOW - the Ping-back...
This is playing inside my ears... giving me chills! Love and JOY! Denice
Standing in the Face of Insanity
*Zen Gardner* - If we operate in love, in all its forms, we’re doing our part. But don’t just sit back and take it. The post Standing in the Face of Insanity appeared first on Waking Times.
Man Wielding Hatchet, Pellet Gun Shot Dead in Tennessee Theater
ANTIOCH, Tenn. (AP) — A man with “significant” psychological issues who was armed with a hatchet and pellet gun unleashed a volley of pepper spray at audience members inside a movie theater Wednesday before being fired at by a police... The post Man Wielding Hatchet, Pellet Gun Shot Dead in Tennessee Theater appeared first on The Stream.
StemExpress Sees Astronomical Growth With Planned Parenthood Partnership. Coincidence?
We have now seen five undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress. Each has taken us a little further down the rabbit hole to new depths of the depravity of the abortion culture in America. Planned Parenthood, the falsely-labeled... The post StemExpress Sees Astronomical Growth With Planned Parenthood Partnership. Coincidence? appeared first on The Stream.
Supplemental: Todd blurts the latest unsourced tale!
*WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2015He says the Clintons told:* Do you remember when Amy Chozick issued this unsourced groaner? CHOZICK AND HABERMAN (4/111/5): [E]ven as Mrs. Clinton attempts to set aside her celebrity and offer herself as a fighter for ordinary voters, her finance team and the outside groups supporting her candidacy have started collecting checks *in what is expected to be a $2.5 billion effort, dwarfing the vast majority of her would-be rivals in both parties.* Had Candidate Clinton’s finance team, and the outside groups supporting her candidacy, started collecting money?... more »
DCCC Finds Another Race To Screw Up And Doom To Republican Dominance, In Illinois-- And Enlists A Republican In Arizona
Although the PVI of IL-12 is even, Obama won this district in the southwest corner of Illinois (across the Mississippi from St. Louis) twice-- 55-44% against McCain and 50-48% against Romney. When longtime conservaDem Jerry Costello finally retired in 2012, Obama's draw at the polls helped another DINO type, Bill Enyart, hold the seat for the Democrats. Enyart was always just a placeholder for Jerry Costello Jr., and he botched up his job badly, losing to Republican Mike Bost 106,435 (52.7%) to 84,136 (41.6%) two years later. 60,000 voters who had pulled lever for Enyart in 2012 di... more »
Alan Johnson's Amnesia
Where does political radicalism come from? There are many, but I would humbly suggest one of them is being blocked from participating in/being integrated into established political processes. And that brings us onto the minor farrago over Alan Johnson's polemic against the "madness" of a Labour leadership contest dominated by Jeremy Corbyn. Alan is particularly concerned about the comments of CWU General Secretary, Dave Ward, who at the weekend likened Blairism to a "virus" in the Labour Party. While he might find such language "drivel", there's little sign he was similarly concern... more »
CURMUDGUCATION: Hillary's Teacher PAC: Unions and reformers CAN agree on a lot. Hillary will show leadership and bring both sides together for our kids. http://t.co/41YlnV3Aec ... more »
Rog Lucido's New Book Now Available
*Returning Sanity to the Classroom-Eliminating the Testing Mania* available at online bookstores and *here.*
The People’s History of Slavery and Racism in 11 Minutes
*Video* - This is a must see video about the present dilemma this nation faces with racism and an unresolved past. The post The People’s History of Slavery and Racism in 11 Minutes appeared first on Waking Times.
What Most Doctors Won’t Tell You About Cholesterol
*Dr. Ben Kim* - Cholesterol meds are big business, but do we need them? The post What Most Doctors Won’t Tell You About Cholesterol appeared first on Waking Times.
Malaysian Prime Minister: Wing Fragment is from Missing Plane
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia’s prime minister says experts in France have determined that a barnacle-encrusted airplane wing fragment came from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared more than a year ago with 239 people aboard. Prime Minister Najib... The post Malaysian Prime Minister: Wing Fragment is from Missing Plane appeared first on The Stream.
One Voice - The Departure of "Poser" If you click on the image above, you'll be taken to Soundcloud and a recording of what came through 2 days ago. It is 15 minutes long. With the publishing of this, it has now been noted. There is nothing in our way but ourselves. We are the ones we've been waiting for. With absolute love, ~Sophia If you would like to receive my newsletter, sign up here! This week we'll be talking to a "smallish being".
Gearing Yourself Up For the Academic Job Market: Before You Go on the Market
In our last installment, I indicated that this edition of Gearing Yourself Up would include a discussion of how to put together your job market packet. I think I jumped-the-gun a bit, however. Before putting together your packet, before trying to log on to APSA and navigate eJobs, before telling your family/friends that you are […]
Obama: Killing Humans and Harvesting Organs (in Africa) is an Atrocity That Must End
President Barack Obama told a group of young African leaders on Monday that harvesting organs from humans that are killed as part of an African ritual was “craziness” and a “cruel” tradition that needed to stop. He warned of dehumanizing... The post Obama: Killing Humans and Harvesting Organs (in Africa) is an Atrocity That Must End appeared first on The Stream.
Obama Defends Iran Nuke Deal, Attacks Critics
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama launched a blistering denunciation of opposition to his Iran deal Wednesday, arguing that none of the criticism stands up to scrutiny and warning that if Congress blocks the accord it will put the U.S.... The post Obama Defends Iran Nuke Deal, Attacks Critics appeared first on The Stream.
After Publicly Criticizing Trump, Murdoch Makes Peace
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch reportedly spoke on the phone with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to CNN, after rumors swirled that Murdoch’s wishes to have Fox News cover Trump’s campaign less caused internal disagreements at the network. The phone... The post After Publicly Criticizing Trump, Murdoch Makes Peace appeared first on The Stream.
Islamic State Group Threatens to Kill Croatian Hostage in Egypt
CAIRO (AP) — A video purportedly released by the Islamic State group threatens to kill a Croatian hostage if Egyptian authorities do not release “Muslim women” held in prison within 48 hours. The video, circulated Wednesday on social media by... The post Islamic State Group Threatens to Kill Croatian Hostage in Egypt appeared first on The Stream.
Cutting to the chase?
The other thing to be said about Monday night's *Newsnight *is that James Clayton's report on the failed asylum seeker from the Gambia focused on a woman who *Newsnight *had made a central figure in one of its news reports a couple of years ago. (I remember seeing that). And now she's here in the UK. And *Newsnight *went for a catch-up. The woman in question had been the village 'cutter' - i.e. a practitioner of Female Genital Mutilation - in Gambia. Her family claims she was forced to carry it out. She claims she fled here to escape doing so. The British authorities have rejected... more »
8 Reasons Why We Won’t Push College on Our Kids
*Mary Hickcox* - There might be other great ways to spend 4-8 of the best years of their lives. The post 8 Reasons Why We Won’t Push College on Our Kids appeared first on Waking Times.
Eight and Nine Year Olds in Police Shackles at School
One of the local Fox commentators near Covington, KY noted that shackling an 8 and 9 year olds is ridiculous. Rather, she mused, the police should have used handcuffs in front so that they would more comfortable. The crime: ADHD.
Daftar Harga Motor Honda Terbaru Agustus 2015 Lengkap
Daftar Harga Motor Honda – Industri otomotif di Indonesia konsisten berkembang jadi industri produktif, dgn jumlahnya vendor otomotif yg ga ada henti-hentinya launcing motor terupdate tiap-tiap tahunnya. Honda yakni salah satunya, perusahaan asal Jepang tersebut benar-benar menguasai industri motor di Indonesia. Biarpun persaingan industri motor terbilang amat sangat sengit, tetapi
Video Foto Profil Biodata Chelsea Islan Terbaru dan Terlengkap
Profil Biodata Chelsea Islan Tentang Video yg Beredar di Sosial Media. Artis cantik yang sedang bergelut di dunia sinetron ini lagi ternama mengenai Video yang sedang melepas busananya. Video ini juga sudah beredar di situs fasilitas sosial. Isu yang sedang beredar video tersebut mirip sekali bersama seleb elegan adalah Chelsea Islan. Menurut Menejernya video yang mirip Chelsea itu belum
The End of Rising Living Standards?
If you are worried about your children’s financial prospects, get in line. Just 1 in 8 Americans believe the next generation will be more financially secure than they are, and only 1 in 5 think they will have a better... The post The End of Rising Living Standards? appeared first on The Stream.
Copper Miner's Disgrace: Insult to Apache Ancestors
By Sandra Rambler San Carlos Apache Censored News
Forget something, Chris?
Well, I* might* take the Alan Yentob angle on the Camilla story a bit further after all!... Like Sue, I'm not overly bothered that Kids' Company trustee and BBC Creative Director Alan Yentob rang *Newsnight *in an attempt (it seems) to get them to soften their initial report *or* that he accompanied Camilla (off his own bat) to the *Today *studio the following day to stiffen her sinews (to to speak). Yes, it's hardly 'impartial' behaviour from a BBC boss, but it's not a hanging offence in my book - *if *the BBC registered his concerns but carried on regardless (as the BBC insist... more »
Editor's Note
Stuck in meetings this morning. *Military and Intelligence News Briefs* and *World News Briefs* will be posted later this afternoon.
A Look At North Korea's 'Stealth Plane'
A vintage Antonov An-2 in Poland. (Bjoern Schwarz/Flickr CC BY 2.0) *Smithsonian:* *North Korea's Military Still Uses Stealth Planes From the 1940s* The An-2 can hover and fly backwards Details are still emerging about a July 15 plane crash thought to be that of a North Korean military aircraft, as reported by UPI's Elizabeth Shim. But there's another mystery afoot — the plane itself, which is rumored to be an Antonov An-2. Why is North Korea still flying a Soviet aircraft that dates from the 1940s, anyway? In fact, the An-2 has been part of North Korea's arsenal for a while — it'... more »
Make your smartphone "hologram"
A proper hologram – as invented by Dennis Gábor – uses the interference of light waves, depends on the exact knowledge of the wavelength, and completely rearranges the information about the 3D image into an unreadable interference pattern. A mathematically similar rearrangement of the higher-dimensional information into an interference pattern is exploited by Nature in quantum gravity – which is why we talk about the holographic principle that governs all consistent quantum theories of gravity (at least in some backgrounds). For a while, I tended to believe that Microsoft Hololens... more »
23 YEARS LATER: Chozick and Stelter and bombshells oh my!
*WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2015Part 3—The latest fine pseudo-report:* Judged by *journalistic* standards, the New York Times’ Amy Chozick is a genuine mess. This Sunday, in a front-page report, she created the latest excitement with her latest journalistic fail. That said, this is how Chozick plays the game. In fairness, it’s how political “reporting” *typically* works at the New York Times. Last Sunday, Chozick used the “reporting” of Maureen Dowd to create the famous newspaper’s latest front-page debacle. And how strange: As this was occurring on page A1, public editor Margaret Sull... more »
Daftar Harga HP ASUS ZENFONE 5 A501CG Terbaru 2015
Daftar Harga HP ASUS ZENFONE 5 A501CG Terbaru 2015 - Kali ini kami Android21 bakal mengupas berkenaan HARGA ASUS ZENFONE 5 A501CG yg mana cita-cita kami, ini dapat menambah berita & menolong kamu sebelum membeli android tipe ASUS ZENFONE 5 A501CG.& didalamnya kami pula bakal memberikan info penambahan sekitar android ASUS ZENFONE 5 A501CG kategori ini. HARGA & Perincian ASUS ZENFONE 5 A501CG
Turkey Agrees To Go To War With Islamic State Or Does It?
July 2015 marked a dramatic change for the Turkish government when it agreed to join the U.S. led coalition against the Islamic State (IS). For the last few years Ankara had ignored IS seeing the government of Bashar al-Assad as the real threat to the region. Advances by the Kurdish rebels in Syria and a desire to re-align with the Americans led to the reversal in strategy. Turkey is using this to its own advantage however as it is more interested in punishing the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), and helping Islamist rebels in Syria than fighting IS. On July 24, 2016 Turkey agree... more »
“Are Your Smart Devices Spying on You?”
*“Are Your Smart Devices Spying on You?”* By Glynis Sweeny ‘Smart devices have become the latest target in an anti-electronic backlash that has swept the nation in recent years. Spurred by conspiracy theorists, dubious YouTube videos and social media, the public is being led to think smart devices are akin to artificial intelligence spying on our personal lives. While there may be some concerns about electronics that capture or share consumer data, we are far from a digital Orwellian nightmare. Let’s look at the facts behind three maligned “smart” devices. *1. Smart televisions.* ... more »
Contoh Koleksi Foto Design Rumah Eropa Klasik Mutakhir
Design Rumah Eropa Klasik Mutakhir – Sekarang Ini rumah bergaya Eropa memang disangkut pautkan pada suatu desain rumah yang besar dan mewah. Tetapi khusus untuk rumah minimalis, jika anda benar dalam mendekorasinya, dapat sangat bagus apabila anda berencana ingin menciptakan desain rumah minimalis bersama tema rumah-rumah trendi di Eropa. Namun taukah anda seandainya rumah bergaya Eropa
Cartoon: ‘Obama Unhitches Coal Train’
The post Cartoon: ‘Obama Unhitches Coal Train’ appeared first on The Stream.
Cecil the Lion’s Killer a Good Man, Says Zimbabwe Hunter
Theo Bronkhorst made the remarks after his trial for failing to prevent an illegal hunt was postponed. He said the case was “crazy” and the permits to kill Cecil the lion outside Hwange National Park had been obtained. The killing... The post Cecil the Lion’s Killer a Good Man, Says Zimbabwe Hunter appeared first on The Stream.
What’s an expert?
Yesterday’s post Confidence and Gender in International Relations got me thinking. The post draws on the excellent survey data from the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) project at William and Mary’s Institute for the Theory & Practice of International Relations and notes that in the snap polls conducted by the project over the last year, […]
Shots Fired Near Camp Shelby for 2nd Consecutive Day
AUGUSTA, Miss. (AP) — Investigators are questioning a person of interest after shots were reportedly fired a second consecutive day near a military facility in southern Mississippi, officials said Wednesday. There were no reported injuries. About 8 a.m. Wednesday, soldiers... The post Shots Fired Near Camp Shelby for 2nd Consecutive Day appeared first on The Stream.
Kerry on Iran Deal: Ayatollah Will Never Trust Us Again If We Back Out Now
Secretary of State John Kerry said in an interview published Wednesday that if Congress rejects an international deal with Tehran, it risks “screwing” Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. “The ayatollah constantly believed that we are untrustworthy, that you can’t... The post Kerry on Iran Deal: Ayatollah Will Never Trust Us Again If We Back Out Now appeared first on The Stream.
Images “may not be trustworthy”: Aluminum sheets paper folds into retraction
Following questions “about the integrity of the microscopy images,” Materials Science and Engineering: A has retracted a paper on the properties of sheets of aluminum under strain. The images in question show sheets after a few rounds of a process called “constrained groove pressing,” which smushes sheets between two grooved plates, and then between two flat plates, to […] The post Images “may not be trustworthy”: Aluminum sheets paper folds into retraction appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Bring back Congress!
Monday's *Today*, shortly after that cataclysmic interview with Norman Smith, featured a report from India, overwhelmingly critical of the right-wing Modi government for its treatment of minorities, especially Muslims. (The BBC reporter *did* speak to a BJP minister, for balance, but, in a shrill voice, ostentatiously interrupted him - presumably in order to show him to be 'a bad man'). Other blogs have also covered this (*Biased BBC* here and here), making some serious charges that India is being unfairly focused upon (with, I think, some justification) - though they failed to ... more »
Turkey Says It Is Ready To Launch A 'Comprehensive Battle' Against The Islamic State
A Turkish Air Force A400M tactical transport aircraft is parked at Incirlik airbase in the southern city of Adana, Turkey, July 24, 2015. REUTERS/MURAD SEZER *Wall Street Journal*: *Turkey Says It is Prepared to Join U.S. in ‘Comprehensive Struggle’ Against Islamic State* Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says U.S. warplanes have begun to arrive at Turkish bases ISTANBUL—Turkey said Wednesday it is preparing to join the U.S. in a more substantive military effort against Islamic State as the U.S. stepped up armed drone flights over northwestern Syria. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavus... more »
Kate Braun : Lammas is a fire festival of harvest and prosperity
Be prepared to feel more energized than normal despite the summer’s heat. By Kate Braun | The Rag Blog | July 31, 2015 “Bonnie was the Lammas Moon…” Lammas is a fire festival of harvest and prosperity celebrating the First … finish reading Kate Braun : Lammas is a fire festival of harvest and prosperity
GOP Leadership May Look to Keep Planned Parenthood Out of Spending Fight
As conservative lawmakers look to the fall spending negotiations to defund Planned Parenthood, Republican leaders may dash their hopes by arguing it can’t be done effectively in a government funding bill, at least in the short term, as they work... The post GOP Leadership May Look to Keep Planned Parenthood Out of Spending Fight appeared first on The Stream.
What’s True and What’s False in Obama’s Latest Global Warming Claims
There is so much hyperbole surrounding the topic of global warming that it is becoming nearly impossible to distinguish among points that are true, points that might be true or false, and points that are simply false. So let us take... The post What’s True and What’s False in Obama’s Latest Global Warming Claims appeared first on The Stream.
Two Airmen Killed During Parachute Training Identified
The two special operations airmen who died after a parachute training incident Monday were identified as Tech Sgt. Timothy A. Officer Jr. and Tech Sgt. Marty B. Bettelyoun. Both men died of injuries sustained during military freefall training at Eglin... The post Two Airmen Killed During Parachute Training Identified appeared first on The Stream.
What to Do About Drug Use at Music Festivals?
After two drug-related deaths on the opening night of Hard Summer music festival at the Fairplex in Pomona this weekend, festival organizers, city officials and dance music fans continue to debate the best ways to prevent such tragedies. As major festivals... The post What to Do About Drug Use at Music Festivals? appeared first on The Stream.
China, U.S., And ASEAN Countries Clash Over The South China Sea Boundary Dispute
*VOA:* *China Says It Has Stopped Land Reclamation in South China Sea* KUALA LUMPUR — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced Wednesday Beijing has halted land reclamation in the South China Sea, but other regional leaders voiced concerns China was simply moving to a new phase on the disputed islands: construction of outposts. Wang, who made his remarks on the sidelines of meetings involving the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), also called on countries in the region to speed up talks on how claimant states should conduct themselves in the disputed water... more »
UN Report: Afghanistan Civilian Casualties Hits New High In 2015
*The Guardian:* *Afghanistan: sharp rise in women and children casualties in first half of 2015* UN reveals 1,591 civilians killed and 3,329 wounded as war enters its 14th year, as fighting in residential areas and greater role of militias contribute to increase The war in Afghanistan is killing or wounding increasing numbers of civilians, with women and children showing the sharpest rise in casualties as it enters its 14th year, according to new figures from the UN. “Afghan civilians have suffered far too long from this destructive conflict. The devastating consequences of this ... more »
Stephen Harper Caught In A Lie About The Alberta New Democrats !
*“The first action is they’re unable to present a budget, they’ve risen the taxes – it’s a disaster, it’s a disaster, honestly, it’s been rejected by the populations,”* Prime Minister Stephen Harper - August 4, 2015 *(lying about the Alberta New Democrats on Day 71 of their new administration)* *"In this ThinkHQ testing of the wind, 59% provincially still approve of the premier’s performance.* *In Calgary it’s 56% and in Edmonton it’s a whopping 74%.* Calgary Sun - August 4, 2015 Calgary SUN
Not so 'Exclusive' after all
Monday night's *Newsnight *(the 3rd August edition) was full of itself. It tackled three topics: a scandal involving a former Tory leader, a scandal involving a former Tory prime minister, and the migrant crisis as viewed through the eyes of a failed asylum seeker. *[Ed - put it that way and it sounds like 'left-wing bias' all the way! Craig - Yeah, I know. That's why I put it that way. And who the heck is ' Ed' anyway? Ed - I thought I was you. Craig - Er...**]* Particularly striking, however, was the programme's keenness to blow bugles about itself at several stages: The Seriou... more »
Game On: How Each Candidate Can Win First GOP Debate
The names are finally known. The 10 participants in the first official Republican debate of the 2016 presidential race were announced Tuesday evening after much speculation as to who would claim the final spot on stage. In the end, Ohio... The post Game On: How Each Candidate Can Win First GOP Debate appeared first on The Stream.
Jeb Embraces The Republican War On Women
To be fair, none of the Republican presidential hopefuls have good planks on support for American families. Their misogyny is showing. And so is their fear that Trump will continue sucking up all the oxygen in the room with his bizarre right-wing pronouncements. Jeb strategy has been careening back and forth between trying to play the role of the vaguely mainstream adult in the room and trying, quite inauthentically, to get to the right of Trump. Yesterday at the Southern Baptist Convention confab he was dismissive of all the money spent on women's health issues, not on the Plann... more »
Inspirational leader or cult figure?
The hanging and flogging brigade have always had it in for Camila Batmanghelidjh. Apart from the fact that she symbolizes their revulsion at the thought of hugging a hoodie, what particularly infuriates them is her get-up. There is something unsettling about her style. Defiant but with conformist touches, like wearing grim specs instead of goggles-gawn-mad like Iris Apfel’s. Stripey wristlets are eye-catching, but they must be a damn nuisance when washing up. goggles-gawn-mad not practical for doing the dishes Below. Camila looking relatively conventional, trying not to alarm Prin... more »
TCU Student Punished for Criticizing Islam, Baltimore Riots
All it took was 140 characters for Texas Christian University to suspend a conservative student who posted a series of social networking posts that insulted the Islamic State, the Baltimore rioters and Mexicans. TCU banned Harry Vincent from most campus... The post TCU Student Punished for Criticizing Islam, Baltimore Riots appeared first on The Stream.
Israeli Rights Group Sues to Block Release of Iranian Funds
JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israel-based rights group has launched a lawsuit, seeking to block the release of $100 billion in frozen Iranian assets in the United States following the U.S.-led nuclear deal with Tehran. The Shurat HaDin Law Center says... The post Israeli Rights Group Sues to Block Release of Iranian Funds appeared first on The Stream.
UK Charges Radical Islamic Cleric Anjem Choudary with ‘Inviting Support’ of Islamic State
Radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary has been detained and charged with inviting support for the Islamic State, U.K. prosecutors announced Wednesday. Choudary, 48, is one of two men charged under the Terrorism Act 2000 Wednesday and is accused of “inviting support”... The post UK Charges Radical Islamic Cleric Anjem Choudary with ‘Inviting Support’ of Islamic State appeared first on The Stream.
Water Rises Dangerously in Flood-Hit Myanmar’s Delta; U.S. to Help
Residents of Myanmar’s low-lying delta region were bracing on Wednesday as flood waters from the north of the country began to flow into the area, pushing river levels dangerously high. More than 250,000 people have been affected and 69 killed... The post Water Rises Dangerously in Flood-Hit Myanmar’s Delta; U.S. to Help appeared first on The Stream.
What is the Point of...Richard Black?
Oh dear, a lot of people at *The Guardian *aren't happy with the BBC today. Why? Because Quentin Letts asked *What is the Point of...the Met Office?* from a sceptical position on Radio 4 this morning. Various climate change "contrarians" (including MPs Graham Slinger and Peter Lilley) were featured. Met Office people were challenged. Quentin even described the Met Office's stance on climate change as "not uncontroversial" (or, as the BBC would put it, "controversial"!) The author of the *Guardian *article, headlined *What’s the point of BBC guidelines when it comes to climate ch... more »
It's all an absolutely huge disaster (says Norman Smith)
Norman Smith (and friend) There's an absolutely colossal, planet-sized mound of BBC-related stuff to catch up on at the moment. Let's start with Norman Smith though... Alan at *Biased BBC* has already tackled Norman Smith's absolutely staggering contribution to Monday morning's *Today *programme, so I won't dwell on it too much - except to note Alan's employment of a word I once loved using in connection with Norman: "hyperbole"... ...and to quote (for the record) exactly what Norman said: It also does open up the danger of landlords thinking, "Crikey! I've got to go through all... more »
U.S. Trade Gap Widens 7 Percent in June as Imports Jump
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. trade deficit increased in June as solid consumer spending pulled in more imports, while the strong dollar restrained exports. The Commerce Department said Wednesday the trade gap jumped 7 percent to $43.8 billion in June,... The post U.S. Trade Gap Widens 7 Percent in June as Imports Jump appeared first on The Stream.
Teen Who Stopped a Man From Jumping Off a Bridge Received an Incredible Thank You
This photograph of Jamie Harrington, a teenager from Ballymun, Ireland, was posted on the Humans of Dublin Facebook page earlier this week. The photo was accompanied by Harrington’s account of an encounter with a man sitting on the ledge of... The post Teen Who Stopped a Man From Jumping Off a Bridge Received an Incredible Thank You appeared first on The Stream.
Investigation triggers retraction for biochem paper
A paper has been retracted from PLOS Biology for duplicating lanes and incorporating others that “came from an unrelated experiment that had already been published.” According to the retraction notice, first author Laura Cerchia says that the mistakes came “as a consequence of incorrect incorporation of representative blots.” Cerchia — along with her supervisor, study author Vittorio de Franciscis — “apologizes for […] The post Investigation triggers retraction for biochem paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.
What Is Next For The That Afghan - Taliban Peace Talks?
*Muhammad Akbar Notezai, The Diplomat:* *What Next for the Afghanistan Peace Talks?* The Taliban leadership issue appears to have derailed the process. The admission by the Taliban that its leader Mullah Mohammed Omar had in fact died two years ago has appeared to derail nascent talks between the group and the government of Afghanistan. The confusion that has been on display over the past week or so has also exposed some serious rifts within the Taliban, with a hardline faction clearly opposed to any peace negotiations with Kabul. The new leader, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour has... more »
Japan Expresses Concerns Over Reports of U.S. Spying
*VOA*: *Japan Expresses 'Serious Concern' Over US Spying Reports* Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has expressed his "serious concern" over allegations the United States spied on senior Japanese government and business officials. Prime Minister Abe also called for an investigation into the matter during a phone call with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, according to Japan's top government spokesman, Yoshihide Suga. "If it is true these Japanese individuals were targeted, it could shake the relationship of trust in our alliance and I would have to express serious concerns," Suga qu... more »
*Will 'Opportunity Scholarships' Be To Public Education What Uber Is To Taxis?* The North Carolina Supreme Court caused quite a stir last week when they ruled 4-3 in favor of 'Opportunity Scholarships' which will provide $4200 for qualified students to attend a private school of their choice. The intense opposition from supporters of the status quo in public education made you wonder: "Are 'Opportunity Scholarships' the 'Uber' of our education system?" Think about it. Public education has long been a monopoly protected by government fiat much like the practically-antiquated 'meda... more »
Turkey: Opposition HDP Party Leader in Brussels Meeting PKK Representatives
*The plot thickens:* I've previously discussed HDP party in the context of this party being an "Identity Politics" party. Completely divisive in their agenda. Until today, I had no idea of just how divisive this party is and worse, is planning to be. *Stealing an AKP win? HDP = Divisive Identity Politics- NGO's counting ballots* "In yesterday's post regarding the destabilization of Turkey, I mistakenly identified the HDP party as Kurdish. Which in of itself makes it an identity politics group, but, it turns out* the HDP isn't just about the Kurdish 'identity'- It's a party that shel... more »
A Perfect -- And Predictable -- Storm
For years, Andrew Nikiforuk has warned that building an economy based on bitumen is monstrous folly. Now the folly has come home to roost. Nikiforuk reminded his readers about what the Canadian historian Harold Innis had written about resource traps: Innis, our greatest historian, said that Canada had a resource addiction problem: it got hooked on the raw export of trees and rocks to global empires and then went on a mining binge, only to awake with no memory of the destruction and no markets. Whether the resource was furs or lumber or asbestos, the story always ended the same... more »
*Tell a big enough lie often enough...* *Folksy assertions and an obvious lie from Obama below. How can renewable power be cheaper when you have to back it up with other plant for the times when the wind doesn't blow and the sun is not out? Roughly doubling the capital costs of generation has got to push up prices. Saying anything else is a Goebbels performance* "No challenge poses a greater threat to our future and future generations than a changing climate," President Obama said Monday in a speech announcing his plan to achieve a 32-percent reduction in carbon dioxide emiss... more »
FBI: Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado and Wyoming
DENVER (CBS4) – An alert has been issued by the FBI to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming involving U.S. military families and concerns about who may be watching them. The alert says Middle Eastern men are approaching... The post FBI: Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado and Wyoming appeared first on The Stream.
Jeb Bush Says He ‘Misspoke’ about Women’s Health Being Overfunded
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says he “misspoke” on Tuesday when he questioned the level of federal funding for women’s health services. “With regards to women’s health funding broadly, I misspoke, as there are countless community health centers, rural clinics,... The post Jeb Bush Says He ‘Misspoke’ about Women’s Health Being Overfunded appeared first on The Stream.
Portrait, by Hironori Kawabata
[image: Portrait by Hiro Kawabata #contemporaryfigurativeart #sculpture #art] Artist Michael Newberry calls this bust by Hironori Kawabata a “beautifully soulful portrait.” And a wonderfully strong presence it is. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Two US Special Ops Airmen Killed Killed During Parachute Training In Florida
Tech. Sgt. Marty Bettelyoun (L) and Tech. Sgt. Timothy Officer Jr (R). Photos via Air Force Special Operations Command. FOX News *Daily Mail:* *Two US special ops airmen killed in free-fall training in Florida* * Two men were killed during a freefall exercise at the Eglin Air Force Base * The accident happened on Monday and the incident is under investigation * Sergeant Marty Battelyoun, 35, was a 15-year veteran of the Air Force * Sgt Timothy Officer, 32, served 14 years and had two Bronze Star medals Air Force officials have released the names of two special operations airmen ki... more »
Quantum Whole Body Health Scanners
The Science Behind BioResonance Scanning™ - Dr. David Jernigan, Hansa Center for Optimum Health Dr. Jernigan of Hansa Center for Optimum Health presents an in-depth discussion on the science behind BioResonance Scanning *[ The following information is just from a website that sells and supports one of these types of scanners . . I do not own one of these devices (yet) and do not endorse any particular company or product ]* *______________________________________________________* [image: QMRA Whole Body Health Scanner] *Hi-Tech Diagnostic Scanner Targets Health Problems At The C...more »
China Wants Hypersonic Weapons
*VOA:* *China Testing 'Hypersonic' Weapons* Four times in the past 18 months, China has carried out hypersonic weapons tests. Hypersonic weapon delivery vehicles can travel at speeds of more than five times the speed of sound. China says its most recent test flight was on June 9th. The tests are a sign of the country’s continuing efforts to make highly developed weapons. The hypersonic missile delivery vehicles are able to transport nuclear weapons. But China said the tests are, in its words, “purely scientific and (are) not targeted at any country.” The United States, Russia and... more »
Chinese Body Clock Shows When Each Organ Is At Its Peak Energy
*Meme - *This Chinese Body Clock shows the cyclical flow of energy through the human body and how our Qi moves in two hour intervals through the various organ systems. The post Chinese Body Clock Shows When Each Organ Is At Its Peak Energy appeared first on Waking Times.
Two Mango Salsas- Sweet and Smooth
We love mangoes in this house. My husband always orders Mango Italian Ice for dessert when we are out and about and the kids and I eat dried mangoes like they are going out of style. Mangoes have such a fresh and tropical taste to them that they brighten up any dish they are added to. We love to eat Mexican food and create our own salsas and it wasn't too long until our love for Mangoes and Mexican food combined to create these amazing salsas. I love them both and in fact, we often make both at the same time for some variety. *Mango Salsa - Pico de Gallo Style* 1 mango, peeled and... more »
Half of Blacks Say Police Have Treated Them Unfairly
WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of blacks in the United States — more than 3 out of 5 — say they or a family member have personal experience with being treated unfairly by the police, and their race is the... The post Half of Blacks Say Police Have Treated Them Unfairly appeared first on The Stream.
FBI Looking into the Security of Hillary Clinton’s Private E-mail Setup
The FBI has begun looking into the security of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail setup, contacting in the past week a Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the unusual system, according to two government officials. Also last week, the FBI contacted... The post FBI Looking into the Security of Hillary Clinton’s Private E-mail Setup appeared first on The Stream.
Pope: Church Should Show Mercy to Catholics Who Remarry
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis declared on Wednesday that divorced Catholics who remarry, as well as their children, deserve better treatment from the church, warning pastors against treating these couples as if they were excommunicated. Catholic teaching considers divorced... The post Pope: Church Should Show Mercy to Catholics Who Remarry appeared first on The Stream.
Powerful Profile of a Flu Vaccine Victim
from DoUseeWhatEyec 43% of Americans Risked Their Brain Health for Flu Shots - Did You? [image: Mercola.com] *By Dr. Mercola * November 24, 2011 About 43 percent of the U.S. population opted to get a flu shot last season, a trend that has unfortunately been steadily increasing in the last several years. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 8 million more people received the flu shot in 2010, which CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden told *Fox News**i* "is the most people who have ever been vaccinated in this country." Most likely, this is a di... more »
Economic News , Data And Views ( August 5 , 2015 ) ...... Broader Europe In Focus ( Italy , Spain , UK , Refugee / Migrant Issues , Ukraine debt crisis , Russia , Issues confronting Europe in General ) ...... Greece Updates - A Broad Array ( Creditors status - allegedly moving along , Domestic and International politics touching on Greece Bailout , Banks crash for the third straight day , Economic Items / strikes / Greek business news ) .... China in focus - always fascinating ( Stock Market related news , business news , policy items of the day , Regulator items of the day , odds & ends ! )
Evening Tweets... *fred walton* @fredwalton216 49s 50 seconds ago fred walton retweeted SoberLook.com Definitely something to keep an eye on this Fall.... fred walton added, *SoberLook.com* @SoberLook Post: "Beijing may question the yuan peg as the Fed prepares for liftoff" - http://soberlook.com/2015/08/beijing-may-question-yuan-peg-as-fed.html … 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. *George Chen* @george_chen 49s50 seconds ago Remember: 3600 points is "policy bottom" where Gov funds bought up stocks to rescue market. If lower than that, Gov... more »
Crews Report Some Progress against Huge California Wildfire
MIDDLETOWN, Calif. (AP) — Firefighters are reporting some progress against a Northern California wildfire that has charred more than 100 square miles of terrain, destroying buildings, threatening many others and sending thousands of residents fleeing. As firefighters and equipment from... The post Crews Report Some Progress against Huge California Wildfire appeared first on The Stream.
Guess the Percentage of High Schoolers Who Voted to Save a Human Stranger over a Beloved Pet
The uproar over the killing of a lion named Cecil in Zimbabwe by an American dentist, Dr. Walter Palmer, is further proof that secular society inevitably produces moral confusion. In saying that, I do not in any way defend the... The post Guess the Percentage of High Schoolers Who Voted to Save a Human Stranger over a Beloved Pet appeared first on The Stream.
No Friend to Lions: Grieving the Victims of Zimbabwe Dictator Robert Mugabe
More than 200,000 people have signed a petition asking the White House to cooperate with efforts to “extradite Walter Palmer” — the Minneapolis-area dentist who killed Cecil the lion — “promptly at the Zimbabwe government’s request.” According to reports, Palmer... The post No Friend to Lions: Grieving the Victims of Zimbabwe Dictator Robert Mugabe appeared first on The Stream.
Donate: Eday Voter Suppression documentary
Eday in Canada: Voter Suppression documentary needs your support for release in time for this election. Please donate now.Remember Michael Sona, Robocalls, Elections Canada, and the Fair Elections Act? Make those chickens come home to roost for those who might try to rig Election 2015.
Why is the State Department Protecting Countries Involved in Human Trafficking?
There are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In fact, there are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history, with an estimated 21 million... The post Why is the State Department Protecting Countries Involved in Human Trafficking? appeared first on The Stream.
An Uber Economy Lesson For Government: Innovation Will Drive Us Forward
As the United States moves past the Great Recession, job growth, underemployment and the labor participation rate continue to hold our country back. How have we overcome these obstacles in the past? Innovation. And it continues to be our best... The post An Uber Economy Lesson For Government: Innovation Will Drive Us Forward appeared first on The Stream.
More Than Two-Thirds of Obamacare Enrollees Unsatisfied with Coverage
Obamacare has offered insurance to millions of people, but they’re unhappy with the coverage they’re getting and are particularly upset about the costs, according to a survey released Monday that suggests the health care law continues to struggle to win... The post More Than Two-Thirds of Obamacare Enrollees Unsatisfied with Coverage appeared first on The Stream.
Spiritual cause and effect: Why 3,500 abortions a day is putting America on the path of Biblical-scale destruction
Tuesday, August 04, 2015 by Mike Adams *(NaturalNews) *Almost everyone believes in some form of spiritual cause and effect. In the realm of New Age belief, it's called "karma," and your actions are believed to be recorded in the "Akashic records" for which you are one day held to account. In traditional religious belief, it's called "judgment from God," and it involves death and destruction being rained down upon those societies that have deviated from the Biblical tenants calling for protection of life. Following physical death, every individual is judged by God for their acti... more »
Russia Stakes New Claim to Expanse in the Arctic, Including the North Pole
MOSCOW — Russia formally staked a claim on Tuesday to a vast area of the Arctic Ocean, including the North Pole. If the United Nations committee that arbitrates sea boundaries accepts Russia’s claim, the waters will be subject to Moscow’s... The post Russia Stakes New Claim to Expanse in the Arctic, Including the North Pole appeared first on The Stream.
Zombie Nino is deluded about hidden variables
Sean Carroll has unsurprisingly endorsed an offensively idiotic Socratic dialogue Hidden Variables: Just a Little Shy?, a guest blog by an unknown postdoc Anton Garrett at an obscure Telescoper website. The text is a discussion between - Neo, a caricature of a modern (therefore "Neo") physicist working in a practical discipline relying on quantum mechanics (perhaps particle physics) - Nino, an intellectual who died in 1900 but was recently resurrected as a zombie. It is very difficult to resurrect a person who died 115 years ago and you should ask: Why? Why so much work... more »
Israel completes CH-53 upgrade work
[image: Israeli CH-53 Sea Stallion (Yas'ur)]Israel has completed an upgrade programme covering its air force fleet of Sikorsky CH-53 heavy-lift rotorcraft. Launched in 2006, the enhancement work is designed to the keep the “Yasur” helicopters flying until 2025. Modifications include the addition of new mission systems and avionics, as well protection and treatment of the airframe. Read more
Iraqi EC635 Stand Alone Weapon System, Ingwe contract concluded
[image: Iraqi EC635]The Iraqi Army Air Corps’ EC635 light helicopters are now armed with machineguns, cannons, rockets and Ingwe missiles provided by South Africa and Airbus Helicopters. Iraq ordered 24 EC635s in 2009, with the first two being delivered in June 2011. The Iraqi Army has used its EC635s to combat Islamic State militants. Earlier this year footage emerged of the helicopters attacking Islamic State soft skinned vehicles using rockets and .50 calibre machineguns. defenceWeb has learnt that the contract for Ingwe anti-tank missiles for the helicopters was recently conclu... more »
Britain extends service of Tornado fighter bomber in Iraq until 2017
[image: RAF Tornado GR4]Britain is extending by a more than a year the service of the GR4 Tornado fighter bomber in operations against Islamic State militants in Iraq. British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon made the announcement during a visit to Baghdad Tuesday. The BBC quoted Fallon as saying Squadron 12, based in Cyprus and made up of eight Tornados that were due to be retired last March, will continue in its current role until March 2017. Read more
Pentagon Requests Funding To Accelerate Harrier Data Link Upgrades
[image: AV-8B Harrier]The Pentagon has asked for an additional $7.5 million in the current fiscal year for the Marine Corps to get started on installing the Link 16 communication system on its fleet of Boeing AV-8B Harriers. In a reprogramming request to Congress, the Defense Department wrote that “funding is required to begin Link 16 Tactical Datalink integration into the AV-8B aircraft for relevancy, safety improvements, and interoperability. Connection to the Link 16 network is vital to the ability of AV-8B aircraft to operate within command and control structures and operation... more »
Concept of a nuclear-armed F-35C divides opinion
[image: F-35C Lightning II]The US government may currently have no plans to carry nuclear weapons on the F-35C, the carrier-based variant of Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter, but some in Washington are keen to revive the concept. They see as attractive the concept of carrier-based nuclear deterrence operations, particularly with an eye towards a 2017 review of the country's nuclear posture and planned initial operational capability of the naval fighter jet in 2018. Thomas Karako of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies says it might not be the current policy to d... more »
Culdrose Merlin Working Around The Clock In The Mediterranean
[image: Merlin Mark 2 Helicopter from 814 NAS]A Merlin from 814 Naval Air Squadron is guided down on to the flight deck of Italy’s flagship for the first time as part of the international migrant mission in the Mediterranean. The 814 NAS crew, normally based at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose near Helston in Cornwall, flew on to the Aircraft Carrier ITS Cavour, visiting the Italian ship in the middle of the Mediterranean to receive the latest updates on the ongoing migrant problem in North Africa. Working alongside other European countries, the specially-equipped Merlin Mk 2 is on... more »
Video: New sub Navy's 'most lethal warship'
Your browser does not support the video tag. It's 7,800 tons, 337 feet and $2 billion worth of steel and stealth, with war-fighting controls that look like a big arcade video game. That new-boat smell may have worn off a bit during sea trials, but the man in charge was pumped with pride as the U.S. Navy's newest submarine joined the fleet in a commissioning ceremony at Norfolk Naval Station on Saturday. "The shiniest and coolest thing I've ever seen in my military career," Cmdr. Daniel Caldwell, a 22-year Navy veteran and the first captain of the USS John Warner, told CNN. "It's g... more »
More Books, Better Libraries Can Fight 'Summer Loss'
Published in Education Week, Aug 5, 2015. Vol. 34, Issue 37, Page 24 To the Editor: In their recent Commentary, Bolgen Vargas and Sandra A. Parker argue that a longer school day will better prepare students for high-tech jobs and prevent summer learning loss. Summer loss is mostly concentrated in students living in poverty. Studies going back to 1975 consistently show that the major cause of summer loss in literacy among students living in poverty is a lack of access to reading material. The most obvious solution is to invest in public libraries filled with books and other kinds of... more »
NAVSEA: Cutting Weight on Littoral Combat Ship ASW Mission Package Not a New Problem
[image: LCS Anti-Submarine Warfare Package]The Navy’s quest to cut weight from the planned Littoral Combat Ship anti-submarine warfare (ASW) mission package is neither the result of weight gain in the planned systems nor a new requirement of the program, Naval Sea Systems Command told USNI News. The need to reduce at least 15 percent of the weight of the systems is born instead of the service’s decision to use proven systems and always has long held plans to mount a weight reduction. The statement follows the July 20 award of about $600,000 in contracts — split evenly between Advanc... more »
One of world's most advanced submarines arrives in Subic
[image: USS Chicago (SSN 721)]The Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Chicago (SSN 721) arrived at Subic Bay on Tuesday as part of its deployment in the Western Pacific. The vist of the Chicago, carrying 170 sailors, to the Philippines is among its many missions to show its latest capabilities. Chicago is the first fast-attack submarine to be built with a vertical launch system, allows the United States Navy to maintain a constant forward presence. Read more
Military Photo of the Day: August 5, 2015
A U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon flies toward the mountains of Afghanistan after taking off from Bagram Air Field on July 28, 2015. Today and every day, we pray for the brave U.S. service members stationed around the world,... The post Military Photo of the Day: August 5, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
Checkmate, Capitalists!
In two centuries we have learned a great deal about managing an effective economy and this item argues a comparison between ideal socialism and ideal capitalism. As neither has turned out to be possible or even plausible it is an empty exercise. What has turned out to be possible and plausible is a form of regulated capitalism combined with a monetary system in which a significant portion of expenditures are used to provide a secure financial base for all citizens. Otherwise you are arguing for a discount economy in which a moments weakness will destroy the individual. We s... more »
That Physicist in Omaha Is Still Working on a Warp Drive in His Garage
Pay attention. There is ample evidence that all this is possible and plausible and the only thing holding us back is a viable theory. Of course we lack a viabletheory for electricity also but let us not say that too loud. Most important here is that he is making progress on the lab banch were it can be eyeballed. This is way better than random reports produced accidentally. I have ample reports in hand now that pretty well suggest that folks in our near future will be using time travel to come back to our time for collecting data at least. That demands a stable worm ho... more »
Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Sun’s Magnetic Field 230% Stronger
This is highly significant and perhaps is confirmation of the recent conjecture regarding two levels of subsurface fluid flow in the sun. At least that is a creditable starting point and may well provide enough potential magnitude to provide the observations. The other aspects reported may be an artifact of not having enough data and that needs to be presumed for now. In fact it should be just that. The significant anomaly is the suns magnetic field provided we have even that right.. . *Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Sun’s Magnetic Field 230% Stronger* ... more »
A Western Book of the Dead — A Soul Traveler's Guide to Death, Dying, and the Other Side
An interesting conjecture. Might the Egyptian Book of the Dead be derived directly from the Atlantean Book of the Dead and be important for just that reason? Here we are discovering the potential depth of direct communication between departed enlightened spirits and those open to it who are living. What is described is far more than i expected and we get introduced to another realm of the afterlife that also remains benign while appearing to deep in matter and an image of our idea of Hell. I remark that each culture appears to sculpt its own imagined afterlife and they are so... more »
Sailing on a Sea of Dreams - A Digital Collage by Reenee Cummins
*A lttle about Reenee and what she does:* *The Universe is awash with concepts and images waiting to inspire.* The universe is populated by simple, repeating, related structures at casually small scales. Collectively these structures are known as fractals. Some wonder if, because they are so closely related and repeating, if they are a sign that the entire universe in intelligent. The “all is mind” of the Hermetic philosophy If so, are these patterns a way for the universe to try to communicate with us? Because I ponder the idea of communication with the Universe, I collage ... more »
In other words... From Tube strike set to go ahead in night service row per BBC News
This BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-33773658 includes this piece of analysis from the BBC's transport expert... 'The relatively new team at London Underground is experienced in business but not in the railways, and I get the impression that there has been a bit of a culture clash over the way both sides are used to doing deals.' In other words the London Underground team are used to dealing with reasonable people who haven't got the weapon of stopping the Capital from working properly as a tool to use in negotiations. The sooner we have legislation in pla... more »
Putin Tells Erdogan To Go To Hell; Obama Tells Assad And The Kurds To Pack Their Bags Because His ISIS Friends Are Coming Over And Staying
*The Syria Soap Opera continues. . . * *Webster G. Tarpley: Putin Issues Ultimatum to Turkey: Stop Supporting ISIS Terrorists or Face Break in Diplomatic Relations.* *An excerpt from, "Russian president to Turkish ambassador: "tell your dictator President he can go to hell along with his ISIS terrorists, I will make Syria a 'Big Stalingrad' for him!" AWD News, August 3, 2015:* The Moscow Times-- The Russian president Vladimir Putin broke the ACCEPTEDdiplomatic protocols and has personally summoned the Turkish ambassador to Moscow, Mr Ümit Yardim, and warned him that the Russian Fe... more »
The ISIS $$$$ Game
The resurgence of a 'new enemy' in the Middle East has led to a boom in the military contractor industry, especially for companies such as Lockheed Martin and AM General, which have been making profits selling weapons and vehicles. There is growing evidence that the US, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan and Turkey created ISIS in order to take down Syria and to further destabilize the region thus keeping the US public afraid and the weapons industry in the money game. Recently ISIS fighters have been sent to Ukraine to join the Kiev puppet regime's forces in their daily attacks ... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning"
Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning" Liquid Mind ® is the name used by Los Angeles composer and producer Chuck Wild of the best-selling Liquid Mind relaxation music albums. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp3BuiupOrc&feature=related
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is truly a majestic island universe some 200,000 light-years across. Located a mere 60 million light-years away toward the chemical constellation Fornax, NGC 1365 is a dominant member of the well-studied Fornax galaxy cluster. *Click image for larger size.* This impressively sharp color image shows intense star forming regions at the ends of the bar and along the spiral arms, and details of dust lanes cutting across the galaxy's bright core. At the core lies a supermassive black hole. Astronomers think NGC 1365's prominent bar plays a crucial role in ... more »
"The More I See Of Man..."
"The more I see of Man, the more I like dogs." - Madame de Stael
Montessori Assistant’s Course: Book now!
Parent of young children? Working with young children? Then listen up, the AMI Montessori Assistant’s Course is *for you.* [image: image]The Association Montessori Internationale (*AMI*) was set up by Dr Montessori herself. AMI graduates deliver what has been called Montessori’s Montessori, based on training grounded in a thorough understanding of Montessori principles and child development. The AMI Montessori Assistant’s (Birth to Three) Certificate Course [pdf] is to help interested adults become able assistants in a Montessori environment. It includes the philosophy needed to ... more »
Daytime View of Daiichi Indicates Work Underway
What is this below on unit 1? Is it a reflection? I've never seen it before: The view from the TBS cam is also strange as there appears to be new construction in the foreground of the common spent fuel building below, adjacent to unit 2. I wish I could post a comparative shot but am limited to 2 or 3:
This Is The U.S. Navy's 'Most Lethal Warship'
*CNN:* *New sub Navy's 'most lethal warship'* NORFOLK, Virginia (CNN)It's 7,800 tons, 337 feet and $2 billion worth of steel and stealth, with war-fighting controls that look like a big arcade video game. That new-boat smell may have worn off a bit during sea trials, but the man in charge was pumped with pride as the U.S. Navy's newest submarine joined the fleet in a commissioning ceremony at Norfolk Naval Station on Saturday. "The shiniest and coolest thing I've ever seen in my military career," Cmdr. Daniel Caldwell, a 22-year Navy veteran and the first captain of the USS John ... more »
Another British Invasion
When music fans think of “the British Invasion” they are referring to ’60s bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Britain today, however, faces a different type of invasion. Thousands of migrants, most from North Africa and the Middle... The post Another British Invasion appeared first on The Stream.
Defunding Planned Parenthood Will Never Be Enough: Roe Must Go
The latest gruesome video, released Tuesday, features the largest abortion facility in the Western Hemisphere, Planned Parenthood of Houston, Texas. The abortionists at this facility say they do as many as 50 late-term abortions every month. They talk rather flatly... The post Defunding Planned Parenthood Will Never Be Enough: *Roe* Must Go appeared first on The Stream.
FBI Investigating Hillary Clinton's Private Email Security Account
© Kevin Lamarque / Reuters *Washington Post:* *FBI looking into the security of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail setup* The FBI has begun looking into the security of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail setup, contacting in the past week a Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the unusual system, according to two government officials. Also last week, the FBI contacted Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, with questions about the security of a thumb drive in his possession that contains copies of work e-mails Clinton sent during her time as secretary of state. The FBI’... more »
FBI Alert Issued To All Law Enforcement In Colorado And Wyoming On Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families
*CBS: **FBI: Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado & Wyoming* DENVER (CBS4) – An alert has been issued by the FBI to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming involving U.S. military families and concerns about who may be watching them. The alert says Middle Eastern men are approaching families of U.S. military members at their homes in Colorado and Wyoming. It mentions Greeley and Cheyenne, Wyoming as the specific areas. In one case last May the wife of a military member was approached in front of her home by two Middle Eastern males. The ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Chimps And Cosmologists”
*“Chimps And Cosmologists”* by Chet Raymo “Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and president of the Royal Society in Britain, caused something of a flap by suggesting that humans may never be able to understand the universe. "Some aspects of reality may elude us simply because they're beyond human brains, just as surely as Einstein's ideas would baffle a chimpanzee," he said. Einstein used existing mathematics to develop general relativity, describing how gravity controls the universe on the largest scale. Dirac also used "off-the-shelf" mathematics when devising quantum theory, whi... more »
Crowfoot, "What Is Life"
"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." - Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior and orator, 1830-1890
"A Few Questions to Ask"
*"A Few Questions to Ask"* By Eric Peters "Debating the merits of a particular government policy or proposal with authoritarian-minded political opponents is pointless– if you’re hoping to persuade, at any rate. Far better to ask them a few apparently simple questions– and force them to confront the disquieting answers about the authoritarian nature of the political and social system they support. For instance, you might ask what their view of slavery is. Is it morally wrong to own another human being? Probably, they will say it is wrong. Now ask: What does it mean to be a slave? ... more »
The Poet: Robert Louis Stevenson, "Give Us Courage"
*"Give Us Courage"* "Give us courage, gaiety and the quiet mind. Spare us to our friends, soften to us our enemies. Bless us, if it may be, in all our innocent endeavors. If it may not, give us the strength to encounter that which is to come, that we be brave in peril, constant in tribulation, temperate in wrath, and in all changes of fortune and down to the gates of death, loyal and loving to one another." - Robert Louis Stevenson
The Daily "Near You?"
Anderson, Indiana, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Two Ways To Be Fooled..."
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." — Søren Kierkegaard
“Life's Crossroads: How To Thrive in Times of Change”
*“Life's Crossroads: * *How To Thrive in Times of Change”* by Linda Durnell “Life's crossroads create opportunity for us to choose between different options, and when we see someone embracing the moment when choices are decided upon, it can be awe-inspiring. A crossroads is about change. Choices must be made - not just when things are not working out as we had planned, but also during positive moments when we must choose to continue the course or veer off into something new. When we experience an ending in a marriage, a change in careers, political upheavals, the end of childrearin... more »
"There Is A Theory..."
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened." - Douglas Adams
Acknowledging the Reality of What Happens at Planned Parenthood
The GOP-controlled Congress is taking up the cause, once again, of defunding Planned Parenthood. This latest effort comes in response to macabre hidden-camera videos shot by the Center for Medical Progress of staff at Planned Parenthood talking about the grisly... The post Acknowledging the Reality of What Happens at Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
Fox News Announces GOP Debate Line-Up; Kasich In, Perry Out, The Donald is Center Stage
Fox News announced Tuesday evening which 10 candidates have qualified to appear in Thursday night’s prime time debate. Donald Trump, as expected, is center stage as the candidate who is polling the highest. At the other end of the stage, Ohio... The post Fox News Announces GOP Debate Line-Up; Kasich In, Perry Out, The Donald is Center Stage appeared first on The Stream.
Walter E. Williams - Common Sense
What do you mean, you don’t know Walter Williams?! Better fix that now with a glance at his highlights reel. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Who Is More Dangerous .... Al Qaeda Or The Islamic State?
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) The Telegraph *New York Times*: *ISIS or Al Qaeda? American Officials Split Over Top Terror Threat* WASHINGTON — The Obama administration’s top intelligence, counterterrorism and law enforcement officials are divided over which terrorist group poses the biggest threat to the American homeland, the Islamic State or Al Qaeda and its affiliates. The split reflects a rising concern that the Islamic State poses a more immediate danger because of its unprecedented social media campaign, using sophisticated online messaging to inspire followers to launch att... more »
National Security Watch: Can America's military preparedness survive the retirement of the man who won us the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
*Ooh, let's play dress-up!* *During a July 2013 visit to Parwan, Afghanistan, that's our Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), second from the right (with the pistol strapped around his leg), dressed up as an Air Force colonel, and Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), dressed up as an adult human being with a functioning brain. With talent like this, it's small wonder that we won that war -- and the one in Iraq too, where Senator-Colonel (or is it Colonel-Senator?) Graham also "served."* *"Since leaving active duty in 1989 and joining the Air Force Reserve, Mr. Graham, a Republican from South Carolina w... more »
Marae architecture: Traditional does not meant traditionalism
This is going to create a kerfuffle with traditionalists. [image: image] A non-traditional marae – “a contemporary marae with solar lighting and large glass panels to be built overlooking the lake and mountain at Tarawera. The marae will be the first rebuilt in the area since the 1886 Mt Tarawera eruption, which obliterated the land, marae and many members of the Tuhourangi tribe.” *The building is contemporary and modern but still had "traditional marae elements." "All the elements of a wharenui are there, they are just expressed differently. There hasn't been a marae out h... more »
The Truth About Vaccines: Leaked Pentagon Video Shows Vaccines Designed To "Modify Behaviour"
I am so disgusted each and every time I see or hear about ANYONE that is gullible enough to go out and take a "vaccination" shot into their bodies.... I spent countless winters up here in Canada watching gullible and very stupidly idiotic individuals line up at the local pharmacy believing the bull crap that they must be "vaccinated" against Influenza.... I would do my best in trying to take some of these individuals aside as much as possible and ask them to do some reading about the truths about vaccinations before they would line up like dumbed down sheep and allow the criminals t... more »
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